SUDS in the Netherlands North Sea Skills Integration and New Technologies Hamburg, 10 November 2009 Floris Boogaard (TU Delft/Tauw) ir. F.C. (Floris) Boogaard, (020) 606 32 50/06-51 55 68 26 e-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] content • Dutch situation (storm) water management • SUDS in the Netherlands by two examples: Wadi (‘integrated’) Lamellar separator (‘new’) • Research and challenges Dutch water management: water level Growth and urban density 1900 1970 2005 Current situation: 70% combined sewer systems Disconnecting: • Less sewer overflows • Optimizing sewage plants • harvesting rainwater • Improving surface water quality • … Improving surface water quality? Guidelines for storm water purification category? Industrial/commercial/residential areas Purification method needed? SUDS? Research what is the Dutch storm water quality? Database storm water database content: ca 7500 measurements Over 200 locations in the Netherlands with different type of catch area. More then 100 location abroad (European) SUDS in holland WB 21 categorie afkoppelmethode Specificatie techniek of product Benutting Kleinschalige benutting benuttingsinstallatie - regenton, bergingszak - regenwaterbenuttingsinstallaties Vasthouden Vegetatiedak daktuinen - mos-, sedum-, grasdak - uitgebreide berging op daken Vasthouden/ Bergen Infiltratie Wadi’s, bermfiltratie bovengronds “ Doorlatende verharding - maaiveldprofilering - halfverharding, doorlatende verharding (waterpasserende stenen, nokkeninfiltratie) doorgroeibare verharding (grastegels) - IT: beton en kunststof - grindkoffers - kratten, honingraad, krukjes, bollen Infiltratie Infiltratieriolen, Infiltratiesleuf ondergronds (percolatie) Infiltratieunits, infiltratieput/zakputten Diepinfiltratie - gesloten, open leidingen (goten) Afvoer Afvoer direct Directe afvoer naar en oppervlaktewater - (verbeterd-) gescheiden stelsel Zuiveren Filtratie Kleinschalige decentrale filters - Bladvang, buisfilter (cycloon,..) - Filterkolken, zandvangputten, Filtratie, adsorptie Adsorptie Bodempassage - zoals wadi, vaak met extra bindingsstoffen Adsorbens textielen - zeoliet, actief kool, lava, kokoskorrels humus - 3DWater Sorb-X Bezinking Centrale filters Lamellenafscheiders (ondergronds) Bezinkbakken, bezinkvijvers (bovengronds) - “ slibvangputten, olieafscheiders facet/hydrasep, 3D - betonnen bakken, damwanden, natuurvriendelijke oever survey What are the main (top 5) criteria? 1. Pressure on public space; 2. Cost (construction and maintenance); 3. Removal efficiency; 4. Maintenance; 5. Knowledge in organization …. Good examples are not hard to find… Learning from dysfunctional SUDS ? How will it look like in 5-40 years? Learning from dysfunctional SUDS Learning from dysfunctional SUDS Two examples The history of SUDS in Holland Wadi (integrated) Lamellar separator (new) Example 1: Enschede, Ruwenbos Blue wadi Red wadi Green wadi implementation of the wadi-system development 1992 time Two examples The history of SUDS in Holland Wadi (integrated) ‘takes up a lot of space lets find innovative alternatives for dense populated urban areas’ Lamellar separator (‘new’) example 2: The lamellar separator Lamellenfilters:ontwerp “Compact basin, high removal efficiency on suspended solids” 12 november 20091 November 2007 19 example 2: implementation lamellar separator development 2000 2005 2009 time research development Second generation Laboratory tests TU Delft inspections First generation Learning from implementation 2000 2009 time Lamellar testing at TU Delft Results: achievements of the separators Learning from dysfunctional SUDS: ‘clogging’ 12 november 20091 November 2007 24 Learning from dysfunctional SUDS: clogging communication: ‘confronting’ sales-departments and actors Improvement first generation seperators • maintenance • pre treatment • sediment traps Communication: learning on the job Continue research development third generation communication 3 monitoring sites Research documents Second generation Laboratory tests TU Delft inspections First generation Learning from implementation 2000 2009 time Research documents Conclusions In Holland SUDS are widely used Lots of research is done however, the implementation of innovative SUDS can move to fast. SUDS can be improved by: • Research on main criteria by Lab testing inspections • Learning from good and bad examples (SKINT) • Communication (all actors) • International knowledge exchange (SKINT) Questions / discussion Communication and results SKINT diverse Sediment load: hard to predict Learning from disfunctional SUDS: the real thing ? Visual research on 20 sites… Ter vergelijking: lamellen in Delft bij 10l/s Development in time ontwikkeling third generation Laboratory tests TU Delft 3 monitoring sites second generation inspections First generation Leren van implementatie 1999 2009 time List of countries and dependencies by population density How to deal with stormwater? The quality aspect of SUDS ‘Storm water is considered to be clean so no treatment is needed for purification’ Present situation and problems Changing views on the changing climate and ambitions of the water framework will demand a multidisciplinary approach within the spatial planning process, especially in dense populated urban areas such as Holland and other European countries. (SKINT, 2008) Soil gully geotextile storage drain