INHOUD - Bouwkunde
INHOUD - Bouwkunde
B NIEUWS 1 #01 5 SEPTEMBER 2011 PERIODIEK VAN DE FACULTEIT BOUWKUNDE | TU DELFT INHOUD R, NEW YEA NEW ! B NIEUWS 2/3 Nieuws Archiprix winner starts office Envisioning architecture Hyperbody’s new toys Column: Karin Laglas 4 Upcoming So, you are an urbanist?! A full week on urban issues 5 Upcoming OV terminals van de toekomst Expo ’Station Centraal’ op Bouwkunde 6/7 Interview En/Exergy Andy van den Dobbelsteen talks about the upcoming Energy & Space Conference and research into energy loops. 8/9 Project Vertical Cities Asia 10/11 Research Innovative method for urban delta developments 12/13 BK in Focus Docenten en medewerkers op een voetstuk Herijking B Nieuws renewed 14 Forum Column: Marcello Opinie: BK in the picture! 15 Streets of BK City Hoe ga/zou jij de langstudeerboete ontlopen? 16 Agenda Spotlight: stoelencollectie geëxposeerd in Kampen 10/11 HAN MEYER ON PLANS FOR THE DUTCH DELTA: “IN FACT A LOT OF PUBLIC MONEY AND ENERGY IS BEING WASTED BY THESE PLANNING ACTIVITIES.” 2 NIEUWS KORT NIEUWS Architecture chair exhibition in Kampen City Museum B NIEUWS 01 5 SEPTEMBER 2011 RIX, ARCHIP NHEIM, GUGGE RK. NEW YO On display in the Kampen City Museum until 11 September is the exhibition ‘Hoe zit dat?’, a selection from the chair collection of the Faculty of Architecture. Based on four themes (lines, planes, volumes and plaiting), the exhibition shows how the seemingly simple assignment of designing a chair inspired different designers. Delft Innovation Award 2011 The Delft Innovation Award 2011 is a competition for ‘the best inventions of Delft University of Technology’. Engineers and scientists from all faculties can participate in this competition. Take the chance of winning a €20.000 valorization bonus or the special DEMO award! Hand in your contribution before Friday 23rd of September 2011. New Print shop in BK City From 1 September on, BK City has a new print shop: CopieSjop. In the new Copie-Sjop you can find everything you need regarding print work. CopieSjop BK City has special rates for all TU Delft students. On presentation of a so-called Reproticket these special student rates will hold in the Copie-Sjop office in the city centre of Delft as well. Go to Copie-Sjop BK City for more information on rates, opening hours and the Reproticket. TU Delft offers you good laptop deal! TU Delft’s annual laptop project offers students a great deal. Choose between the competitively priced first-rate high-end HP laptop (€963) and the basic version (€588), both of which come with additional three-year on-campus support. This offer is available to students and staff of TU Delft and lasts until 1 February 2012. ARCHIPRIX WINNER STARTS OFFICE LAST JUNE WAS ANNOUNCED THAT FORMER BOUWKUNDE STUDENT SIMONE PIZZAGALLI WON THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHIPRIX 2011 FOR HIS GRADUATION PROJECT 'SPACES, POETICS & VOIDS'. B NIEUWS VISITED HIM IN ROTTERDAM WHERE HE RECENTLY STARTED HIS OWN OFFICE, CALLED MENABÓ ARCHITECTURE. ROTTERDAM — When I entered unit 122 in an office building in Rotterdam North, which now houses all kind of young starting creative companies, I immediately walked right into two enormous models of the prizewinning project. We sat down at the desk in Pizzagallis office space and he told me he just came back from his vacation to Peru, where his wife is from. She also finished her Master in architecture in Delft and now joins Simone in the young architectural firm. Simone Pizzagalli (28) was born in Italy and finished his bachelor's degree in Milan, where he met the girl that became his wife and whom he just got his first child with. In the end of 2007 Pizzagalli graduated in the Border Conditions studio of Marc Schoonderbeek, at the TU Delft faculty of Architecture. His project was nominated for the Dutch Archiprix 2009, which he won. The Border Conditions studio seems to do well in the Archiprix competitions. Negar Sanaan Bensi, received a honourable mention for her graduation project in Havana. As Pizzagalli had won the national prize, his project was immediately nominated for the international Archiprix 2011. Which he won as well! other prizewinning graduation projects was the one by the Dutch Gijs Adriaansens, who studied in Eindhoven. “It's kind of funny, because now, four and a half years after my graduation, I'm still giving interviews about this project”, explains Pizzagalli to me. Though, while telling about a single project once and forever could get kind of boring, he admits he is still enjoying all the benefits that come with it. Preceding to the award ceremony in New York, he was invited in a workshop to think about the the future of Manhattan, just like all of the selected graduates for the international Archiprix were. “That was really a great experience!”, he says excited. Besides, he is still engaged with themes he already started to explore in the project, like the relation between spoken or written language and architectural language. His office is even named after an Italian literature magazine of the sixties, called 'Il Menabò'. At this moment, he is thinking about starting a research project that one day maybe will to lead to an architectural theory book as well. “I DECIDED TO JUST DO IT” Yung Ho Chang, the chairman of this years jury and former Dean of the Architecture Department of MIT, announced the winners in a ceremony held in the Guggenheim museum, New York. Together with 7 other prizewinners from all over the world, his project for a prison in London got selected out of a total of 300 projects from 70 different countries. One of the Although it may sound like Pizzagallis carreer is advancing smoothly he has to admit that starting your own office in these times is not always easy. “Well, the uncertainty about getting assignments makes it kind of tough. Though, somehow I decided to just do it, and for now it is working”. With these words in mind I left the building suddenly looking forward to start with my own graduation project. (FvdZ) For more info: NIEUWS 3 ENVISIONING ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURAL PRESENTATIONS ARE IMPORTANT TO BOTH STUDENTS AND PROFESSIONALS ALIKE. AND WHILE MOST OF US ARE HAPPY WITH A FEW GOOD RENDERS OR A PHOTOSHOPPED PHOTOGRAPH OF A MODEL, YOU CAN GO FURTHER... BK CITY — Since 1993, The European Architectural Envisioning Association (EAEA) has been set up by a large number of European architecture schools to analyse the ways in which architects present their work. “The focus of the first EAEA conferences lay primarily on design simulation. Gradually, the emphasis shifted to other visualisation approaches, including digital modelling,” says Jack Breen, Associate Professor and head of Form and Modelling studies at our faculty and one of the organisers of the 10th EAEA conference, which will take place at our faculty from 14 to 16 September 2011. The theme of the conference is 'composition, perception, repre- sentation, education'. Breen explains: “Themes of the 2011 meeting include the essential, reciprocal nature of design composition and perception, particularly how architectural concepts can be captured, communicated and understood through representation. As a consequence, a connection is made with the academic environment, considering the impact and opportunities of the conceptions and instruments of envisioning in academia; in education as well as in theory and research.” And while the semester is just starting, and many students and staff couldn't possibly take four full days out of their schedule, there are still ways to attend the conference (partially, that is). The three keyonote speeches, Professor Michiel Riedijk (TU Delft), Emeritus Professor Francis D. K. Ching (Seattle) and Professor Ralf Weber (TU Dresden) will be open to all students and staff free of charge. In addition, all of the papers and keynotes will be made available in a publication called ‘Envisioning Architecture’ that can be purchased at the beginning of the conference. (PS) 10th EAEA Conference 14, 15, 16 September 2011 Keynote lectures everyday at 17:45 Lecture Room A HYPERBODY’S NEW TOYS AS BOUWKUNDE’S PERHAPS MOST ADVANCED STUDIO IN RESPECT TO FABRICATION, HYPERBODY HAS PURCHASED TWO INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS TO TAKE THEIR FABRICATION PROWESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL. DELFT/ROTTERDAM — The robots are more than just new tools: they represent a step further in Hyperbody’s philosophy. “They enhance the designerproduct relationship into the extreme,” says researcher Chris Kievid. PhD candidate Jelle Feringa adds: “During education, the students get far too little exposure to fabrication, so in the end their fantastic ideas remain just that: ideas.” As the acquired robots have the ability to produce full-scale building products, they should fill this gap, as well as enable students to view the design process in a different light. Feringa: “The architectural model is promoted from a representational model to a platonic original. The relation from model to fabrication has become absolute: the model has lost its abstraction.” This approach goes further than full-scale prototyping, a common practice in architectural design. Kievid: “These machines can be used during the entire design process. By using computer codes as input for the robots, buildings and building products can be conceived, developed and built. All kinds of structural, climatic and other considerations can be taken into account, in the very beginning of the design process, in fabrication and in use. There is a continuous dialogue between the designer and the product.” The Hyperbody group has much in store for the two robots. Besides from being utilized in Hyperbody’s Master education, the robots will fabricate the architectural components that make up the 150 m2 roof of the iWeb pavilion, in front of the former Faculty of Architecture site. Kievid: “This roof is specifi- WORKSHOPS Hyperbody is organizing a number of workshops, open to students, that involve robotic fabrication. On November 21st – 25th Wes McGee ( and Dave Pigram (supermanoeuvre. com), focus on hotwire cutting. On a later date, Gregory Epps ( and Daniel Piker (spacesymmetrystructure. will host a workshop on facade design by means of sheet metal folding. A robot in action. The tool heads are interchangeable. cally designed to allow continuous integration with all sort of experiments related to sustainability or climate research.” Later on, these robots will also aid in building a 300 m2 Robotics Architecture Lab at the Science Centre Delft. The ambitious goal for this building is that a collection of robots will design, fabricate and assemble it. “Working in tandem, the robots can make all the building components we need. In this way, we can take control of every single element, from the overall plan down to the smallest detail,” says Kievid. For now, the robots will be located at the RDM Campus in Rotterdam. Kievid: “We do find it very particular that, after an exhaustive research of several options, there’s no place for them on the TU Delft campus. But that’s another debate.” (MS) COLUMN Trots in Singapore Vertical City Asia voerde mij begin juli – nog voor de vakantie - naar Singapore. Naar de National University aldaar (de NUS). Onze faculteit doet mee aan een vijf jaar durende samenwerking tussen tien vooraanstaande ontwerpfaculteiten; vijf uit de ‘westerse wereld’ en vijf uit de ‘oosterse wereld’. Centraal staat de opgave om op een locatie van 1 km2 ergens in Azië voor 100.000 mensen een plek te ontwerpen om te leven. Dat is een vrij heftige opgave overigens: ongeveer drie keer zo dicht als New York! Inventiviteit, creativiteit en precisie zijn dus noodzakelijk. Elke faculteit organiseert een ontwerpstudio voor deze opgave en selecteert daaruit twee teams die naar Singapore worden afgevaardigd om hun ontwerp te presenteren aan een internationale vakjury. Naast dat dit een fantastische inhoudelijke opgave is, biedt het studenten aan het eind van hun opleiding natuurlijk een geweldige ervaring. Heel erg dicht bij de praktijk van ontwerpcompetities en daarmee een mooie oefening voor die zelfde praktijk. Opgenomen worden in een boek en een reizende tentoonstelling, je meten met internationale vakgenoten, kans op een (geld)prijs en ook nog een bezoek aan Singapore! Ikzelf werd vooral getriggerd door de mogelijkheid om te zien hoe onze studententeams zouden presteren ten opzichte van de teams van de andere opleidingen; de ETH bijvoorbeeld, Berkeley, Tongji, Tokyo en de NUS zelf. Een prachtige peer-benchmark. En wat doorstonden we die goed! Beide teams hadden een goed opgebouwde analyse, duidelijke, overtuigende ontwerpvoorstellen en een krachtige presentatie. Veel beter dan veel van de anderen. Geweldig om dat te zien! Wat was ik trots! De jury honoreerde een van onze teams met een mooie tweede plaats en liet – off the record – weten ook bijzonder onder de indruk te zijn van het werk van het andere team. Gemeten aan deze benchmark mogen we – zonder zelfingenomen te worden natuurlijk - echt trots zijn op onze opleiding. Maar eerlijk is eerlijk, we werden geen eerste. Wie wel? ETH! Overtuigend. Ook voor mij. Dat is dus de Peer-to-beat. Volgend jaar dan maar? Karin Laglas Decaan Bouwkunde TU Delft Op pagina 8 en 9 van deze B Nieuws lees je meer over de Bouwkunde teams en hun ontwerpen voor Vertical City Asia. 4 UPCOMING B NIEUWS 01 SEPTEMBER 2011 OV TERMINALS VAN DE TOEKOMST DEZE MAAND WORDT EEN UNIEKE TENTOONSTELLING GEORGANISEERD IN DE OOSTSERRE VAN BOUWKUNDE. OP INITIATIEF VAN BK-STUDENTEN FRANS BOCHANEN, TIMO CARDOL EN RODERICK TROMPERT WORDEN MAQUETTES EN TEKENINGEN VAN TIEN GROTE STATIONS IN VERBOUWING GEËXPOSEERD, ACHT UIT NEDERLAND EN TWEE UIT BELGIË. maquettefoto Rotterdam Centraal - Team CS (Benthem Crouwel Architekten, West 8 Urban Design & Landscape Architecture, Meyer & Van Schooten Architecten) DOOR MARCELLO SOELEMAN “Eigenlijk is het gek dat er op Bouwkunde zo weinig aandacht is geweest voor deze projecten. Je loopt er immers bijna dagelijks langs en de omvang van de projecten, zowel van de stationsgebouwen zelf als van de hele infrastructuur eromheen, is echt gigantisch.” Roderick Trompert laat verschillende afbeeldingen zien waaruit dit blijkt: op foto’s van studiemaquettes van architectenbureau Benthem Crouwel, renderings van de ontwerpen en artikelen die in verschillende media zijn verschenen, zijn mensen niet meer dan stipjes. De stations voor de expositie zijn geselecteerd om hun formaat en impact op het spoorwegennetwerk. Trompert: “Als eerste kozen we de stations die aansluiting hebben op de Hogesnelheidslijn. Daar zijn later stations aan toegevoegd die zich qua reizigersaantallen met de HSL-stations kunnen meten en die momenteel in verbouwing zijn.” Timo Cardol: “Op de tentoonstelling willen we niet alleen fancy renders en gelikte presentatiemaquettes laten zien, maar we willen ook weergeven hoe de ontwerpen tot stand zijn gekomen. Daarom worden ook maquettes van voorlopige ontwerpen tentoongesteld. Ook willen we een wand vullen met een overzicht van verschillende publicaties die de afgelopen tien jaar zijn verschenen over de projecten. Deze nadruk op het realisatieproces moet de tentoonstelling interessanter maken voor bouwkundestudenten.” Zo komt ook bovendrijven hoe moeizaam en gecompliceerd het kan zijn om projecten van deze omvang te realiseren. “Er zijn natuurlijk ontzettend veel partijen betrokken, onder andere NS, maquettefoto Amsterdam Centraal - Benthem Crouwel Architekten De tentoongestelde stations: - Amsterdam Bijlmer - Amsterdam Centraal - Antwerpen Centraal - Arnhem - Breda - Delft - Den Haag Centraal - Liège Guillemins (Luik) - Rotterdam Centraal - Utrecht Centraal exploded view station Utrecht Centraal - Benthem Crouwel Architekten ProRail, bouwbedrijven, gemeentes en in sommige gevallen ook de provincie en zelfs het Rijk. Dit resulteert vaker wel dan niet in vertragingen en moeilijkheden rondom de financiering en logistiek. Partijen gaan weg of komen erbij, projecten worden gecancelled of er is een financiële crisis waardoor minder geld beschikbaar is. En tijdens de hele operatie moeten de stations blijven functioneren,” aldus Cardol. “We willen dus ook zeker de maatschappelijke discussie rondom deze projecten aanstippen. Gelukkig waren alle partijen enthousiast om mee te werken met onze tentoonstelling.” Behalve de tentoonstelling organiseert het drietal ook een symposium, waar onder meer architecten Koen van Velsen en Jan Benthem een korte lezing geven over hun betrokkenheid bij de projecten. Het symposium dient als discussieplatform, waar de verschillende partijen hun zegje kunnen doen maar waar ook het publiek de ruimte krijgt om vragen te stellen en discussiepunten aan te dragen. Om dit te bereiken komen tijdens het debat verschillende stellingen aan bod. “De stellingen zijn te vinden op de website, zodat men zich goed kan voorbereiden,” aldus Cardol. Wat het drietal vooral wil benadrukken, is dat studenteninitiatieven nog altijd mogelijk zijn op Bouwkunde. Trompert: “Niet ieder symposium of tentoonstelling hoeft te worden opgezet door een leerstoel. Wel is het door alle reorganisaties en bezuinigingen een stuk moeilijker geworden iets op Bouwkunde te organiseren. Hopelijk kunnen we met deze tentoonstelling laten zien dat je als student met een goed idee en voldoende doorzettingsvermogen nog altijd kans hebt om een studenteninitiatief op de faculteit te doen slagen.” MEER INFORMATIE De tentoonstelling ’Station Centraal’ is te zien van 19 t/m 30 september in de Oostserre, Faculteit Bouwkunde TU Delft. Het symposium wordt gehouden op 21 september. Programma symposium: 13:15 Rob van der Bijl Auteur ’Station Centraal’ 13:30 Koen van Velsen Spoorbouwmeester 14:15 Jan Benthem Architect Benthem Crouwel 15:15 Wim Gideonse Manager ProRail 15:35 Paul Rutte Directeur ontwikkelbedrijf NS 15:55 Frits Verhees Hoofd marketing Strukton 16:15 Jiska van Veen Projectleider Mijksenaar Voor meer informatie en de stellingen van het debat, zie UPCOMING 5 SO, YOU ARE AN URBANIST?! BY FLORIS VAN DER ZEE IT HAS BEEN A WHILE, BUT THIS YEAR THE ‘URBANISM WEEK‘ WILL MAKE ITS COMEBACK AT THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE, TU DELFT. AT THE END OF THIS MONTH, A FULL WEEK WILL BE FILLED WITH INSPIRING WORKSHOPS, LECTURES AND DISCUSSIONS ON THE ACTUAL AIM OF THE DISCIPLINE AT THIS MOMENT. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL KEY FIGURES IN THE FIELD OF URBANISM, ARCHITECTURE AND PHILOSOPHY, WILL VISIT THE FACULTY 26-30 SEPTEMBER TO ATTEND. “Professionals will share their experiences with students and students could reflect on the current urban debate from their point of view.” Jorick adds: “Next to lectures and workshops by designers and planners like Alfredo Brillembourg (Urban-Think Tank) and Adriaan Geuze (West 8), we hope and think that the lectures by amongst others Maarten Hajer, Director ‘Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving’, and René Boomkens, Professor social and cultural philosophy at the University of Groningen, could provide a significant contribution to a more complete understanding of the full spectrum that Urbanism is.” Do you want to know all about the state of today’s urbanism and its future. Register now at and attend! Urbanism Week Program Monday 26 SEPT - Berlage Room Pictures of all lecturers. Above: A. Geuze, A. Dhooghe, A. Brillembourg, B. Hocks, C. Zevenbergen, M. Hajer, M. Appenzeller. Underneath: E. Soja, K. de Boo, H. Ovink, E. Pasveer, R. Boomkens, T. Broekmans. This year’s ‘Urbanism Week’, formally known as ‘Stedenbouwweek’ is organized by Polis|Platform for Urbanism. The study association for Master students in Urbanism at the TU Delft, almost didn’t survive the devastating fire at the former faculty building in 2008. Fortunately, a new board was installed last academic year, which has been quite busy ever since. And, with the comeback of the ‘Urbanism week’ this year Polis is back on track again. The last ‘Urbanism week’ already dates back to 2006, but this year’s program will be even more extensive than it has ever been before. As a reward of this achievement, “the coordinators of the MSc 1 Urbanism program decided to make the full ‘Urbanism Week’ program even part of the compulsory schedule for the students”, explains Polis’ chairman Noor Scheltema excitally. But of course other students, as well as professionals, are very welcome. The somewhat provocative title for the event, ‘So, you are an Urbanist?!’, should trigger participants to question themselves what the value and significance of urbanism is today and what it can, or maybe should, offer. “This theme was chosen very deliberately”, states Jorick Beijer, the program coordinator and chairman of the organising committee. “We would really like to start a discussion about the most fundamental aspects of the discipline again. This hasn’t been done for a while and we really think this is the right moment to open up the debate again”, Jorick emphasizes. Municipal spatial planning and urban design departments have closed in almost all municipalities across the Dutch country in past decades. Only the largest cities still have such departments, but their influence has declined last years as well. This affected not only single developments within cities, but also the development of a city as a whole, while the Dutch planning and urban design tradition used to be world famous. Besides, as a consequence of the economical and financial crises, urban design offices find themselves having difficulties in getting enough assignments, just like architectural firms. While undoubtedly, there are still big tasks in the cities and the urban environment, both in the Netherlands as well as elsewhere. A new approach seems to be required and therefore the role of the urbanist needs to be (re)defined first. The ‘Urbanism Week’ is not meant for students only, but for professionals as well. “This could really work both ways”, says Noor. 13.30 – 14.00 Registration 14.00 – 15.45 Workshop ‘Negotiated Design‘ - ‘Urban Criminality‘ 15.45 – 16.00 Introduction by Polis 16.00 – 16.45 Lecture by Alexander D‘Hooghe, Associate professor Architectural Urbanism at MIT - ‘On the architecture of urbanism’ 16.45 – 17.30 Lecture by Boris Hocks, Partner of POSAD ‘On winning design competitions’ 17.30 - 18.00 Discussion Tuesday 27 SEPT - Berlage Room 13.30 – 14.00 Registration, Berlage Room 14.00 – 15.45 Workshop ‘Networking‘ - ‘Branding for Development‘ - ‘Client of the Future‘ 16.00 – 16.45 Lecture by Erik Pasveer, Chief Urbanism The Hague ‘On designing the city’ 16.45 – 17.30 Lecture by Koen de Boo, Partner of Plein06 ‘On the independent urbanist’ 17.30 - 18.00 Discussion Wednesday 28 SEPT - Berlage Room 13.30 – 14.00 Registration, Berlage Room 14.00 – 15.45 Workshop ‘Young Starters‘ - ‘Realities‘ 16.00 – 16.45 Lecture by Tess Broekmans, Partner of Urhahn Urban Design - ‘On the spontaneous city’ 16.45 – 17.30 Lecture by Chris Zevenbergen, Director of Business Development at Dura Vermeer - ‘On building the future’ 17.30 - 18.00 Discussion Thursday 29 SEPT - Oostserre 12.30 – 13.30 Registration 13.30 – 14.00 Opening at Orange Hall, by Henk Ovink, Director for National Spatial Planning 14.00 – 14.45 Lecture by Markus Appenzeller, Director International Projects of KCAP - ‘On the edge of architecture’ 14.45 – 15.30 Lecture by Hubert Habib, Director of Grontmij the Netherlands - ‘On engineering the habitat’ 16.00 – 16.45 Lecture by Alfredo Brillembourg, Partner of UrbanThink Thank and professor ETH Zurich - ‘On the global change’ 16.45 – 17.30 Debate ‘Crisis and beyond, the continious state of change‘ Friday 30 SEPT - Oostserre 12.30 – 13.30 Registration 13.30 – 14.00 Lecture by Maurits de Hoog, Chairman of Urbanism TU Delft 14.00 – 14.45 Lecture by Edward Soja, Distinguished Professor of Urban Planning at UCLA - ‘On the spatiality of human life’ 14.45 – 15.30h Lecture by Maarten Hajer, Director of ‘Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving’ - ‘On the meaning of policy’ 16.00 – 16.45 Lecture by Adriaan Geuze, Director of West 8 and professor GSD Harvard - ‘On recreating urban space’ 16.45 – 17.30 Debate ’Society & Space: rediscovering the human form‘ 17.30 – 18.00 Final Lecture by Renée Boomkens, Professor social and cultural philosophy at RUG - ‘On the urban society’ 6 INTERVIEW B NIEUWS 01 5 SEPTEMBER 2011 EN/EXERGY HOW WOULD OUR CITIES AND REGIONS LOOK LIKE IF THEY MAXIMIZED THEIR ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONNECTED ENERGY STREAMS? THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING TECHNOLOGY AT TU DELFT, TOGETHER WITH UNIVERSITIES IN GRONINGEN, WAGENINGEN, TNO (NETHERLANDS ORGANIZATION FOR APPLIED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH) AND HOGESCHOOL ZUYD INVESTIGATED THIS PROPOSAL DURING A FIVE-YEAR PROJECT CALLED SREX (SYNERGIE TUSSEN REGIONALE PLANNING EN EXERGIE - SYNERGY BETWEEN REGIONAL PLANNING AND EXERGY). PROFESSOR OF CLIMATE DESIGN AND SUSTAINABILITY AT OUR FACULTY AND COORDINATOR OF SREX, ANDY VAN DEN DOBBELSTEEN, MAKES AN APPEALING CASE FOR MORE CONNECTED AND INTERDEPENDENT CITIES, WHICH, IF WE ARE TO BELIEVE HIM, MIGHT NOT BE A FANTASTIC SPECULATION BUT A FEASIBLE WAY INTO A MORE SUSTAINABLE FUTURE IN THE NETHERLANDS. BY PETER SMSIEK The SREX initiative started five years ago with TU Delft, the universities of Groningen and Wageningen, as well as other institutions. How did it all start? It was initiated by all participating parties, but mainly by the three universities, Wageningen, Groningen and Delft. SenterNovem [a governement agency which stimulated research in sustainability, energy and climate - ed.], now called AgentschapNL, had a call for proposals of research on energy and the built environment. We submitted our proposal, which connects the exergy principle to spatial planning, because that was still an unsurveyed area of research. In 2006 we were awarded the research. Each university had one or two PhD students that were appointed to carry out the research and TNO acted as an external advisor. Our faculty has one PhD student, Leo Gommans, doing our portion of the research. I am his supervisor and he is finishing his thesis right now. He was researching the technical aspects of the energy systems and services. The research from the other two universities focused on energy landscapes and cities as energy system. The whole process was initially led by Groningen, but it switched to us before the research was half-way done. TU Delft was asked to take over, and I was appointed the coordinator. You mentioned exergy, which is somewhat different than energy. You talk about this issue quite often in your lectures, but could you give us a quick explanation again. Exergy is a part of energy. Energy is everything, and as we know from thermodynamics, energy is never lost. But as the Second Law of Thermodynamics states: all processes lead to a greater state of entropy [disorder- ed]. This means that something else diminishes while entropy increases. This is exergy. Exergy is the part of energy by means of which you can perform work, so it’s actually the quality part of energy, whereas entropy is the waste. Together they make up the total energy. What we try to do in this research is to translate this principle of energy quality into a spatial arrangement of cities and functions within a region. If you want to reduce the demand for energy in a region, you also have to think about how to lose the smallest amount of exergy in the system. This means that the waste energy of one function, for example a power plant, could be used in an industry that requires hot water of a couple of hundred degrees (steam temperatures). Consequently the waste energy from that can be used in horticulture, for example. And finally, the heat we need in modern housing does not need to exceed 25 or 30 degrees Celcius. Nowadays we use gas temperatures of 1500 degrees to heat up our houses, so there is an enormous unused potential. All of this means that you would have to organize regions differently. Now we are used to the CIAM logic of separating functions. This was needed in the past because industry was polluting and unpleasant. But nowadays with cleaner industries and private lives mixing with working lives, we have to mix functions again, which would enable us to exchange energy between them. If you think about a smart combination of energy demand and supply in a region, you would have to organize spatial functions differently. In some cases it would mean that new residential areas would have to be connected to horticulture or industry, or the other way around. If you have an already existing residential area, you could implant a function that could provide this area with its waste heat. The system would become much more exergetically efficient. We were trying to figure out what this means to the spatial planner, the policy makers and the provinces. How did the different bodies, each working on a more specialized area, work together as a unit? Naturally we had many meetings, but the most intense way in which we collaborated was through case studies. We had two case studies, one in Limburg, a former mining region in the south of the Netherlands, and one in southeast Drenthe. Both are quite specific and very different. We developed our method during the Limburg case study, and we applied this method together with scenario thinking, to the southeast Drenthe case, to discover the possibilities there. Throughout these cases, the collaboration between the PhD candidates and the researchers was very strong and coherent. We also held various workshops with stakeholders from these different regions and the upcoming conference is basically a presentation of the outcome of the collaboration with involved regions. You mentioned that both of the case studies were quite specific? Could you elaborate on this? Furthermore, can the same principles be applied more generally to other regions? It wouldn’t be applicable everywhere, but the Limburg case is most interesting to other former mining regions of Europe. The underground there is different from the lower parts of the Netherlands. There are mining corridors underneath, sometimes hundreds of metres below the ground, and the temperatures there are actually higher than on the surface. These remainders of the mining industry could be used for energy storage or energy exchange. In Delft, for example, we have better potential for heat and cold storage in aquifers, which is not the case in Limburg. Another interesting feature of Limburg is that despite being quite densely populated, the region has an open centre, the Heuvelland, which has a lot of agriculture and a potential for biomass energy, whereas the more urbanized edges have different energy needs and usable 7 techniques, but a new approach to energy streams that are already in place but are not used effectively. It’s about being smarter with what is there already. Will there be any publications coming from this congress? The SREX work packages either lead to a research report or a PhD thesis. We are also working on a book, which we will present at the upcoming conference. The book itself is aimed primarily at the market: the planners and designers, politicians, managers and provincial officials. Has there been already some interest from either the governmental bodies or the market? SREX: Energy Vision for the city of Emmen, southeast Drenthe waste heat from the industry in the region. Southeast Drenthe is a peat area that has largely been exploited already, but there is a lot of potential for biomass, whereas the large open areas lend themselves to horticulture and wind energy. The urbanization is more spread-out, so it needs a different approach than the Limburg case. What would also have been an interesting case-study is the Rotterdam metropolitan area, which is densely populated and heavily industrialized. But that was too much for SREX project, so we are doing this in different projects now. You mentioned that there could be a technical solution to maximize the energy in our energy flows, but how would that work in an urban environment where the functions change more often? Cities change, but not within 50 years. What I see more as a dynamic part is the fact that buildings change, they become renovated and refurbished and therefore more energy efficient. So the energy demand and the production of waste heat changes as you become more efficient. The system needs to be robust enough to work in the current situations, but remain flexible in the future. Therefore, buildings should connect to heat and cold storage, energy storage and back-up systems. In Rotterdam, the typical back-up system is the city-wide heat grid. The connection to heat grid is mandatory for new buildings, but nowadays, you can easily build buildings that do not need the 90 degrees waste heat from the industry and it would be much better to use this heat in the older parts of the city. The idea of cascading energy also came from the SREX project. We could cascade energy from one neighborhood to another. It’s the same idea as with water. You start with high quality drinking water, which you pollute a little bit by showering, which you can then use to flush the toilet. The same applies to energy. In cities, not all neighborhoods were constructed in the same era; so one neighborhood has better insulated buildings than an older one. If you take heat of 100 degrees, you can use this in an old neighborhood with uninsulated buildings, then you can take their waste heat of 70 degrees and divert it to another neighborhood, until you end up with rest heat of around 30 degrees which you can use in the modern homes before you put it back into the system. That would be more economically feasible. So it is possible to connect and integrate the exergy principle with other sustainable approaches, such as wind power, biomass and heat and cold exchange? The SREX method is not something specifically new in its steps, but it is the combination of various methods and approaches that is new. When we start with a region, we would first analyze its energy characteristics, such as energy supply and demand, the naturally available energy potential, such as sun, wind, underground and biomass and so on. And we would look at a desirable future within a set of scenarios, from a very protective regionalism to a very capitalistdriven internationalism. All of these could be translated into a sustainable solution, but these will look completely different. We would then select the most robust solution and try to build an energy vision for that region, using the different technologies that are currently available or under development. It’s not necessarily introducing new In Drenthe, the province is very keen on promoting sustainable development and after we did our case study there, several municipalities approached us to help them conduct similar studies for them on the municipal level. An indirect effect is that simultaneously with the SREX project, we were working on the Energy Potential Mapping which became helpful to SREX and was in demand with many municipalities and provinces. In that respect what came out of SREX is now applied in Rotterdam and Amsterdam. Although they did not copy the SREX method directly, the main ideas and the line of thinking that came out of our research are now applied on different scale levels, but I expect even more interest to come after the congress and publications. INFO The National Congress on Energy and Space will take place 22 September. The congress will include keynote speakers prof. Serge Salat (France), Emeritus professor of physics Jo Hermans (Leiden), Professor of Landscape Architecture Dirk Sijmons (Delft), and Professor of Aerospace Engineering and chairwoman of Delft Energy Initiative Hester Bijl. Morning programme will be conducted in English, while the afternoon portion, in which the organizers wish to include politicians and public managers, will take place in Dutch. For more information, as well as reservations go to Students can registed for free. 8 PROJECT VERTICAL CITIES ASIA BY BART VAN LAKWIJK, HERMAN PEL AND JASPER NIJVELDT THE VERTICAL CITIES ASIA COMPETITION ENCOURAGES STUDENTS FROM 10 UNIVERSITIES FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD TO DEVELOP NEW IDEAS AND THEORIES IN URBAN GROWTH AND ARCHITECTURAL FORM RELATED TO DENSITY, LIVABILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY SPECIFIC TO THE RAPID AND EXPONENTIAL GROWTH OF URBANISM IN ASIA. THIS YEARS' COMPETITION DEALT WITH THE THEME OF 'FRESH AIR' AND WAS PROJECTED ON THE CITY OF CHENGDU, CHINA. IN THIS COMPETITION, THE ENTRY OF TU DELFT CALLED 'THE WALL", DESIGNED BY BART VAN LAKWIJK, HERMAN PEL AND JASPER NIJVELDT ENDED IN SECOND PLACE. The Chinese cities grew enormously in the last decades, spreading almost to infinity. Almost a billion people will live in Chinese cities by 2025. If one would project the estimated population growth in Chengdu in the same space-consuming manner as the last decade, the urban area would almost need to double, resulting in urban sprawl and traffic congestion. An increase in air pollution will be inevitable, while the air pollution in Chengdu is already 2.5 times higher than the guidelines set up by the World Health Organization. As a part of the competition, The Wall offers an integral plan with a series of parallel strategies that have the potential to tackle Chengdu’s bad air quality. Firstly, the new design proposes to stop the urban sprawl by densifying the current city edge; a new urban ‘wall’ around the city. This ‘wall’ preserves the precious rural land and makes the transition between landscape and the city manifest, while research by McKinsey also shows that concentrated growth increases overall productivity and efficiency of the urban system. Big openings and vistas make sure that the ‘wall’ feels porous and open. The Wall does not only give opportunity to further densify the city, but can also function as a framework for applying new ideas to provide the city with fresh air. The main polluters are transport and industry. They will be clustered in an integral system of the existing transport and industry and with the new wall, polluters can be tackled and air quality will increase. Connecting the existing metro-system with The Wall, while the distances within The Wall can be covered just by walking, the dependency on the car will be decreased and thus the emissions caused by traffic will be decreased as well. This new transport-system is the backbone of The Wall and will also give room to public facilities. One dense clustered system of industries in The Wall where sharing energy, waste, heat, and CO2 capture is made possible, will be the second contributor to improve air quality. In this way, the fresh air will be provided by not just adding technologies to buildings and transport, but mainly by the development of a new urban model and architectural tools while The Wall still gives room to accommodate the projected population growth. Finally, The Wall offers such a generic solution that its main concept can be applied to other rapidly growing Asian cities. Studio website: B NIEUWS 01 5 SEPTEMBER 2011 9 TUTOR Concept Generic systems of transport and industry Impression of The Wall The backbone of The Wall gives room to public facilities Generic systems of transport and Indsutry applied to the Chengdu Vertical Cities Asia The studio was divided in three groups, but the initial research was centrally coordinated and, using the examples of design books of the OMA office, very broad and amazingly fast. External input came from invited lecturers: staff of TUD, practitioners and students from other studios. All of this was doubly needed because of the very limited information offered by the competition brief. The three projects can be characterized as a series increasing in urbanistic content and scale of applicability. One shows a compact geometrical urban project of very high density, almost an object, leaving as much as possible of the site open for agricultural use. The second creates an all-encompassing idea of agricultural production, partially integrated high up in the air in a high density urban superstructure also limiting the built-up area as much a possible, and tying the farmland into the urban development by way of a continuous ‘path’ all around the city as an experimental zone for new and localized ways of food production. The third project, ‘The Wall’, that won second prize in Singapore, creates a new urban edge condition for the city of Chendu, that is seen as applicable to all major Chinese cities. ‘The Wall’ is a zone of 500 meters wide with different degrees of high densities, reacting to local conditions of landscape and climate. The presentation is compact but impressively complete and the images are relevant and strong. It did not stress the existing villages on the location and probably for this reason lost to the ETHproject that does acknowledge and integrate those and was rewarded first prize. Generally speaking, the European entries were by far the most serious in their analysis and the winning schemes integrated this knowledge in their designs; the Chinese entries were more superficial and of the type of mega structures on a truly enormous and thus not very realistic scale. The American entries focused on imagery and thus were not taken very seriously either. It will be interesting to see if this generally felt criticism, shared by many of the Deans and teachers of the schools present, will result in different approaches in the following years. Prof. Henco Bekkering 10 RESEARCH B NIEUWS 01 5 SEPTEMBER 2011 INNOVATIVE METHOD FOR URBAN DELTA DEVELOPMENTS BY FLORIS VAN DER ZEE BEING ONE OF THE MOST COMPLEX REGIONS IN NORTH WEST EUROPE, THE DUTCH DELTA REGION IS THE ARENA OF ALMOST ALL CONTEMPORARY PLANNING ISSUES. RANGING FROM ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER SAFETY ISSUES TO BALANCED ECONOMICAL DEVELOPMENT IN RELATION TO THE ECOLOGICAL QUALITIES AND, LAST BUT NOT LEAST, STILL GUARANTEEING THE INHABITANTS GOOD LIVING AND WORKING CONDITIONS. DUE TO THE AMOUNT OF STAKEHOLDERS AND DIFFERENT PARTIES INVOLVED IN THE AREA, GOVERNANCE ISSUES FORM A COMPLICATING FACTOR AS WELL. THIS HAS LED TO A TREMENDOUS IMPASSE TODAY IN WHICH NO-ONE REALLY KNOWS WHAT IS BEST TO DO NOR HOW TO ACHIEVE IT. WHILE THE AREA WAS ONCE FAMOUS FOR ITS DELTA WORKS BEING BUILT WITH GREAT CONSENSUS AND SPIRIT. THIS HAS RESULTED IN THE IDEA THAT ONLY A COLLABORATION OF PARTIES IN DIFFERENT FIELDS OF INTEREST COULD PROVIDE SATISFYING SOLUTIONS. TU DELFT, ERASMUS UNIVERSITY ROTTERDAM AND WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY DECIDED TO COOPERATE IN A CONSORTIUM WITH A LARGE NUMBER OF DUTCH COMPANIES AND RESEARCH INSTITUTES. THEY HAVE STARTED AN EXTENSIVE INVESTIGATION IN DEVELOPING A SUITABLE PLANNING AND DESIGN METHOD FOR THE SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE DUTCH DELTA IN SPECIFIC AND DELTA REGIONS IN GENERAL. Satellite image of the Dutch delta region. Just recently the media provided us an insight in one of the problematic issues in the Dutch delta region: the ongoing struggles about what to do with the Hedwigepolder, at the Dutch-Belgium border. Parliamentary State Secretary Bleeker announced an alternative proposal for restoration of the natural environment - instead of flooding the polder - that is necessary due to the deepening of the Westerschelde. Newspapers were full of articles about the Belgians being totally upset with this idea, since this did not comply with earlier agreements. “This shows one of the greatest difficulties in today's design and planning environment, maybe in general, but definitely for this region”, says TU Delft urban design professor Han Meyer, who is leading the IPOD research project. IPOD is the Dutch abbreviation for 'Integral Planning and Design in the Delta'. “These past years a lot of different plans at all scales have been made, but almost none of them have been executed. So you could say that in fact a lot of public money and energy is being wasted by these planning activities.” In order to change this situation, the idea behind this research project is to set up another kind of planning process, through which a more transparent and balanced manner of decision-making can be developed and above all, where design and planning can play a fruitful role in the public debate and decisionmaking. All the aspects that play a role in the spatial development of delta regions need to be carefully considered in such a planning process. Globally, delta regions are dealing with similar circumstances, but all under their own specific conditions. In general, deltas are the areas with the most explosive and large-scale developments in both urbanization and industrialization, while they are increasingly vulnerable for flooding. Furthermore these areas are the most fertile parts of land, while at the same time, the pressure on the environment and eco-systems has been increased by flood-defence systems and processes of urbanization and industrialization. New methods of planning and design urgently need to be developed for such areas. Aerial photo of harbour area Europoort, Rotterdam, and its surroundings. Urban Flood Management Possible future situation for Stadswerven, Dordrecht. 11 The Dutch delta In 2008 the Dutch government launched a new program for the Dutch delta region - considering the entire Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt delta, between Rotterdam and Antwerp - which has to lead to some definite decisions about the future of the region in 2014. The Delta Program is dealing with all subjects related to the issues in the region. Although due to the enormous complexity of the problems, there are still difficulties within this national program. Therefore the initiative to start up this scientific research project was a welcome gesture for the Delta Program. The Dutch delta has developed over centuries, especially in the last century, into a worldwide known example for water control management. “A lot of money has been spent and revolutionary hydraulic constructions have been realized. People from all over the world still come to The Netherlands to visit the Delta Works. But looking back now, concepts of safety did definitely predominate over other themes”, explains Meyer. “From there, the urbanization and industrialization processes were developed, the agriculture was being intensified and large areas of the delta were developed into recreational areas.” On the other hand Meyer describes that these developments also have negative consequences, for example: the damage done to the natural environment and the loss of its ecological qualities. The awareness of these negative effects and the notion of climate change has recently evolved a new consciousness in the way of thinking about developments in this region. research and factual knowledge. With the help of digital geo-information systems, new measurement and registration technologies are able to precisely monitor current situations, like demographic changes, waterlevel fluctuations and numerous other changes. Possible consequences of future interventions can be simulated as well, while by the use of design, new potentials and desirable scenarios can be explored and rendered. Using design in an innovative way, through which possibilities can be tested, has to lead to a situation in which design can be used as a tool in decision-making processes and for developing opinions, instead of design as a fixed result. The TU Delft department of Urbanism is at the core of this research field. The last group is concentrated around Erasmus University. A renewal of the planning process also questions in which role governance related issues can contribute to this process. At this moment two extreme views define the scope of the current debate.The first is based on the idea that the public authorities and particularly the national government, should intervene as little as possible. In this case a format has to be found in which all involved stakeholders in the plan area should be able to participate optimaly. At the diametrical opposite the idea of the return of a central role of the state is positioned. These three notions regarding knowledge and research, the role of design and governance-models, but above all the relation between these three aspects, are at this moment still quite undeveloped. “The essence of this research project is to develop a planning and design method for this. We are not going to state what should happen in the delta, but the research will show and test how the three aspects can become connected and interrelated. And this is what we will offer the Delta Program as a form of knowledge development about how to set up a plan process in order to actually be able to execute projects.” describes Meyer, “THIS SHOWS ONE OF THE GREATEST DIFFICULTIES IN TODAY’S DESIGN AND PLANNING ENVIRONMENT” Next to the complex spatial, ecological and demographic conditions in the region, the complicated administrative circumstances make it even worse in terms of governance to achieve anything. The fact that two countries, four provinces, numerous municipalities and several Water Authorities are involved, besides all kind of associations, industries, farmers, fishing-men etc., makes it an almost impossible assignment to find any consensus. Still, the consortium behind the IPOD project is convinced that in the near future alternative ways of working in these complex circumstances are imaginable. The IPOD project One of the reasons there are so many problems related to understanding the complexity in delta regions, relates to processes of specialism and sectoralisation that took place over the twentieth century. Although this process seems to have reached its limits now. “We believe the only way to deal with such a concurrence of complex issues, is to look at it not as a series of autonomous problems, but as one coherent problem field. And we are not used to that anymore. One organization knows all about nature, another about safety and a third about port developments. At this moment there is very little experience in and knowledge about the coherence and interrelation between all those aspects”, emphasizes professor Meyer when he explains why the different universities and organizations are involved in the consortium of the research project. The recognition of the need to work together and the willingness to do so, has led to this project. The IPOD research project aims to develop planning and design methods for urbanized delta regions, that can contribute to a balance of interventions in urban, economical and ecological development, water prevention, fresh water conservation, tourism and recreation. The essence of the method will be achieving a new relation between knowledge development, design research and how to create social support, or in other words between survey, plan and governance. Meyer likes to clarify that the members of the consortium are organized in what he calls three different 'blood groups'. Each of the involved universities forms the center of a blood group. The first group, centred around Wageningen university, is related to the role and content of The whole research project consists of several parts, but two of them are the most important. The first one is a retrospective research in the specific characteristics of the Dutch delta and the conditions and effects of interventions in the past. The second is an international comparative research in order to translate the developed method for the Dutch delta into a generic one for delta regions worldwide. Since there are already good contacts with universities in New Orleans and in Vietnam, the Mississippi delta and the Mekong delta, among others, will be used for this research. The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has assigned a subsidy to the research consortium. The NWO also leads the steering committee of the research itself. Furthermore this committee contains delegates from three out of the nine subprograms of the Delta Program: Southwestern delta, Rijnmond-Drechtsteden and Urbanization & Reconstruction. Remarkable is the participation of the Dutch World Wide Fund for Nature (WNF) and the Port of Rotterdam (Havenbedrijf Rotterdam) in the steering committee. This shows the willingness of a large group of various organizations to collaborate in the future development of the delta. And since the research project takes place in the scope of the national Delta Program, its results will be expected at the end of 2013 in the form of an advice to the Delta chief commissioner in order to make make sure the right decisions for the Dutch delta can be made in 2014. For more information on this subject visit IPOD research project The consortium working on the IPOD research project exists out of three Dutch universities (TU Delft, Erasmus University & University Wageningen), Deltares, Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, H+N+S Landschapsarchitecten, MUST Stedebouw, DHV, HKV, KMNI and GeoNovum. 12 BK IN FOCUS B NIEUWS 01 5 SEPTEMBER 2011 DOCENTEN EN MEDEWERKERS OP EEN VOETSTUK DOOR MARCELLO SOELEMAN EIND VORIG COLLEGEJAAR HEEFT STYLOS DE VERKIEZING ‘DOCENT VAN HET JAAR’ OPGEZET. OP 17 JUNI VAN DIT JAAR WERDEN PRIJZEN IN DE CATEGORIEËN BESTE ONTWERPDOCENT, BESTE COLLEGEDOCENT, BESTE DOCENT ALGEMEEN EN BESTE MEDEWERKER, UITGEREIKT. DE WINNAARS BESTE ONTWERPDOCENT Eelco Dekker Motivatie: “Hij is duidelijk, geduldig en laat de student zelf nadenken” ED: “Dit is een leuke opsteker: blijkbaar doe ik iets goed. Deze prijs sterkt mij in de manier waarop ik lesgeef en motiveert me om door te gaan.” BESTE COLLEGEDOCENT Gerrie Hobbelman Motivatie: “Weet mechanica behapbaar te maken voor elke student en heeft veel geduld” GH: “Ik herken me wel in deze motivatie. Natuurlijk ben ik erg blij met de waardering voor de moeite die ik doe om goed les te geven.” BESTE DOCENT ALGEMEEN Engbert van der Zaag Motivatie: “Begrijpt waar je vast loopt met ontwerpen en denkt met je mee” EvdZ: “In het ontwerpvlak waar ik me begeef, op de grens tussen architectuur en bouwtechnologie, is motiveren en stimuleren van studenten erg belangrijk. Detailleren is niet alleen maar saai. Het geeft veel voldoening als de waardering voor mijn manier van lesgeven, dat ik met veel plezier doe, op zo’n manier terugkomt.” BESTE MEDEWERKER Genry Contreiras Beter bekend als de zingende schoonmaker luistert Contreiras de dagen op met zoete Bachata liederen. Als motivatie om de verkiezing te organiseren zegt de onderwijscommissie van Stylos: “Met de informatie van zowel student als faculteit doet de onderwijscommissie zijn best een verbetering te leveren waar nodig aan het onderwijs. Hierbij worden ook docenten betrokken, (...) dit om zowel docent als student betrokken te laten raken bij het neerzetten van goed onderwijs en ook om de kwaliteiten van docenten meer onder de aandacht te brengen.” De studievereniging zette aan het einde van het vorige collegejaar een prijsvraag op om dit doel te dienen. Iedereen betrokken bij de faculteit kon per categorie iemand aandragen die volgens hem of haar de titel waardig was. Ook moest een motivatie worden opgegeven, erg belangrijk volgens winnaar ‘beste docent algemeen’, Engbert van der Zaag: “Door deze motivaties kan een profiel van iemand worden opgebouwd. Zo’n profiel kan vervolgens helpen om je eigen methoden en lessen te verbeteren: om een stapje voorwaarts te maken.” Van de vier winnaars wordt uiteindelijk één naar voren geschoven als de inzending van Bouwkunde voor de verkiezing ‘Beste docent van de TU Delft’. De winnaar van vorig jaar, docent statica, trillingen en dynamica & stabiliteit van Luchtvaart- en Ruimtevaarttechniek Akke Suiker, ontving 7000 euro aan prijzengeld waarvan 5000 euro bedoeld is voor verbetering van het onderwijs. Winnaar in de categorie ‘beste collegedocent’, docent mechanica Gerrie Hobbelman, heeft al een idee wat hij met het prijzengeld zou willen doen: “Op dit moment ben ik bezig met een project waarin de stof van mijn vak via een Wikipedia-opzet op het internet komt. Dat is al aardig op weg, maar extra middelen zijn natuurlijk altijd welkom.” De verkiezing van de ‘Beste docent van de TU Delft’ zal eind september plaatsvinden. De precieze procedure en data rond de uitreiking is tijdens dit schrijven nog niet bekend. Kijk ook op BK IN FOCUS 13 HERIJKING: VOORTGANG DOOR STUURGROEP HERIJKING College van Bestuur akkoord met implementatieplan Bouwkunde In juni van dit jaar heeft de faculteit haar implementatieplan voor de facultaire herijking ingediend bij het College van Bestuur TU Delft. Het College van Bestuur (CvB) heeft op 12 juli ingestemd met de voorgestelde maatregelen. Het CvB constateert dat het plan sense of urgency heeft en breed gedragen wordt. De herijkingsmaatregelen betreffen: beëindigen van een aantal leerstoelen; omvormen van Media Studies, Hyperbody, DSD en IHAAU; verplaatsen van OTB, RMIT, DSD en Handtekenen; opheffen van Publicatiebu reau en herinrichten van 100%Research; een aantal onderwijsmaatregelen. Alle betrokken medewerkers zijn voor de zomer al door hun leidinggevende geïnformeerd. Uitwerking herijkingsmaatregelen in reorganisatieplannen Door herijkingsmaatregelen zullen sommige functies veranderen in omvang of verdwijnen. Wanneer dat gevolgen heeft voor individuele medewerkers van de faculteit, worden de maatregelen uitgewerkt in reorganisatieplannen. Om de rechten van medewerkers te beschermen gelden voor reorganisaties strenge procedures waar strak de hand aan wordt gehouden. De faculteit heeft voor Media Studies al een concept reorganisatieplan gereed en aan het College van Bestuur voorgelegd. Na dit eerste plan zullen er de komende maanden nog tien grotere en kleinere reorganisatieplannen volgen. Stuurgroep herijking Bouwkunde De uitwerking van de herijkingsmaatregelen tot reorganisatie- plannen vindt plaats onder verantwoordelijkheid van de decaan, bijgestaan door de facultaire Stuurgroep Herijking. De Stuurgroep Herijking bestaat uit: Karin Laglas (decaan Bouwkunde), Hans Wamelink (voorzitter afdeling Real Estate & Housing), Dick van Gameren (voorzitter afdeling Architectuur), Herman Schoffelen (secretaris Bouwkunde), Helga van der Kolk (manager Finance & Control Bouwkunde) en Gerda Steenstra (manager HR Bouwkunde). Petra van Wijk is secretaris van de stuurgroep. Taskforce reorganisatie Bouwkunde Herman Schoffelen en Gerda Steenstra vormen samen de taskforce reorganisatie Bouwkunde. Zij zijn verantwoordelijk voor de zorgvuldige gang van zaken bij alle reorganisaties. Vragen Heeft u naar aanleiding van dit bericht, het implementatieplan of ‘verhalen uit de wandelgangen’ vragen, aarzel niet en neem contact op met: Herijkingsvragen over uw organisatie-eenheid: uw direct leidinggevende (afdelingsvoorzitter en/of manager dienst). Herijkingsvragen over uw persoonlijke situatie: uw HR-adviseur Herijkingsvragen over uw rechtspositie: de Onderdeelcommissie Bouwkunde of uw vakbond [email protected] Alle vragen aan de taskforce reorganisatie Bouwkunde: Herman Schoffelen (015 2786807) / [email protected] Gerda Steenstra (0152785587) / [email protected] Algemene informatie: B NIEUWS RENEWED EVEN THE BEST THINGS NEED TO CHNAGE AND ADAPT TO ITS TIME. B NIEUWS HAS BEEN AROUND SINCE THE 1960S (IN SOME SHAPE OR FORM) AND HAS SEEN MANY DRASTIC CHANGES THROUGH THE YEARS. BY PETER SMISEK The last major change was in Spring 2010 when B Nieuws adopted its current format, and went from a monthly publication to a three-weekly newsletter. Now, we have taken a step back to four weeks, but have decided to compensate our readers with more in-depth content. As you may notice, the black and white project page has become a full-color centrefold (which means you can now hang it up as a poster, if you like it) and we have gained some extra pages in which we hope to illustrate to our readers the different types of research that are being conducted at the faculty, ranging form the technical to theoretic (in this issue, we have devoted the research spread to Urbanism and their research of urban delta developments). Furthermore, we are now able to provide more in-depth information about various goings on at the faculty simply by having more space to do so. Still, we are determined to provide our readers with the opportunity to voice their opinions (FORUM is waiting for your contributions), provide them with the opinions of their fellow “bouwko's” (Streets of BK), and bitesized announcements (pages 2 and 3). In addition, we will have three (out of four!) new editors starting from the next issue and we are confident they will be able to make the slighly new B Nieuws a great success. If you have any ideas, comments, suggestions, don't hesitate to send us an email, or simply drop by our office. Or become our friend on Facebook... 14 FORUM COLUMN Peace (?) Are things settling down? The housing bubble has popped (well, almost), the financial crisis is over, the British riots have calmed, Khadaffi is nearly caught, Norway is slowly recovering from Breivik’s disgusting acts, no more football players are being transferred. Students no longer protest and resign themselves to the government’s measures, even employees accept their fate and subject themselves to the Herijking Act, bouwko’s start the pattern of education, presentations, tests, and then more of the same. It’s almost boring. Surely, by the time you read this, some global catastrophy will have occured, or at least hit the news. But right now, there is no big thing that keeps us all tied to the telly and keeps our lips flapping. Or so it seems. Brimming under the surface, there is much rightful criticism on the way things are going, both within the faculty and outside it. Because rather silently, much more things are being changed than you might be aware of. The faculty for instance has become much, much more strict with accepting enrollment in face of the ‘harde knip‘ (requiring you to finish the entire Bachelor before starting a Master). This has resulted in quite a few cases in which students only need to pass one exam, yet can’t continue studying, effectively being denied education for six months. Moreover, student grants for the Master from the government are cancelled and replaced by loans. And last but not least, measures taken as a consequence of the infamous Herijking are nothing to scoff at. The relative peace in the public debate right now is only an illusion. Just like a pressure cooker, things just have got to blow sooner or later. Well it better, silence is not always a virtue... Marcello (former) editor B NIEUWS 01 MAAND 2011 @ Deep-rooted sentiments? Interesting views? Use forum as your discussion platform! Send your articles and letters to [email protected]. Texts may be edited for length or clarity. BK in the Picture! This summer we all took notice of the riots in the streets of London and other major British cities. Some were totally astonished when confronted with the violence on the opposite side of the North Sea. Others probably see in these events what they expected to happen one day or another. TU Delft faculty of Architecture professor ‘Design as Politics’ Wouter Vanstiphout wrote an article on the occurrence of the circumstances and what the riots may mean for the future of the British cities. It's definitely an interesting article and worth reading, so if you didn't, please do so! Vanstiphouts article, 'Back to normal', was written for architectural online journal Build Design and it was noticed by Dave Hill of the British newspaper The Guardian. He published parts of it on his personal Guardian blog and he added some comments: to put it in a more 'British' framework, as is stated on the wordpress page of Design as Politics. Furthermore, an interview with Vanstiphout by Kieran Long appeared in Londons Evening Standard. It wasn't until I read the article by Wouter Vanstiphout that I realized, this is actually one of the few times that the opinion of someone related to this faculty is ventilated at large in a public platform, in this case even an international one. Probably one of the last times national and international media paid considerable attention to our faculty, was when the former faculty building burned down. Of course in the architectural world, maybe sometimes even in the scientific world, our faculty or some professors, research and even student work will be mentioned, but in the actual public debate in the media this faculty plays a rather marginal role. Maybe this isn't really a big problem and maybe I'm a bit exaggerating. If so, then please tell me, but I think that if you would like to play a relevant role in and for society as a university, it would be good that people outside the specific architectural and scientific communities know and hear about you as well. This doesn't have to be forced, not at all, but a little more attention outside the scope of the university and the architectural world [or the worlds of real estate, building technology or urbanism] wouldn't be a bad thing, don't you think? And it shouldn't be too hard either. In today's world, with all kinds of new and social media, it doesn't have to be such a problem, I believe. And the weird thing is, others in our fields of profession, but outside our faculty, do know how to gain some publicity, take part in public debate or even try to start new ones. Just think of the recently published article in the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant (20-08-'11) with West 8 front man Adriaan Geuze. Again, he used this opportunity for his personal longstanding call to warn us for the consequences of the urbanization processes in the Randstad that lead, according to him, to the disappearance of his so beloved Dutch landscapes. This is a pressing national issue many people in our faculty know much about. Or another example: the plea by OMA's Reinier de Graaf, on the website of CNN, to form a permanent political body to deal with international climate stability. He did so after AMO, OMA's research-based think tank, had launched their 'Energy Report' in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), explaining how the world's energy needs could be met without using fossil fuels. This is a global issue the researchers of our faculty are interested in as well. Social, environmental and economical issues are in a way always related to spatial problems. These interrelations will get even more obvious, as well as complex, due to the fact that more and more people will be living in urbanized areas. This fact, together with the idea that architects always behave, pretend and believe that their profession is very much involved in society, should make clear that our faculty of Architecture should make its voice heard. At least a bit more... And I know, 'architectural research' is a term that is often called into question, as was also stated in the evaluation report on the research being done at the faculty over the period 2003-2009. The research assessment committee explained: “This is partly due to the position taken by architects in the past, which has often been counterproductive. It also has to do with the lack of support from other fields in showing that architectural research, given certain parameters, is a viable and necessary form of research worthy of national support.” But really, the first ones who have to show this is true, are we ourselves. And we can! A lot of socially relevant research and debates are taking place here. Just take a look at this B Nieuws. One can read articles about the Urbanism Week, the National Congress on Energy and Spatial planning, and the research program on delta regions in collaboration with the universities of Wageningen and Rotterdam, but led by the Urbanism department of this faculty. All those things are interesting for others too. The only thing is, we have to make them aware of it! If I haven't been clear so far: I would like to argue that, in order to reach that desired situation, we – all working and studying in this building – should try to contribute to this goal. As a first act of my personal contribution, I would like to take initiative in starting up a group that, since the Architectural Annual doesn't exist anymore, is willing to look into the possibilities of making a yearbook of all interesting events and relevant research at this faculty, again. So, if you are interested in helping me, please send an email to [email protected] Floris van der Zee student and B Nieuws editor, article written independently. Wouter Vanstiphouts' article on the British riots is available via STREETS OF BK CITY 15 VANAF VOLGEND JAAR BETAALT IEDERE STUDENT DIE LANGER DAN 6 JAAR OVER ZIJN DIPLOMA DOET EEN BOETE VAN 3000 EURO. WE HEBBEN STUDENTEN IN DE GANGEN VAN BK CITY GEVRAAGD NAAR HUN MENING OVER DIT ONDERWERP: HOE GA/ZOU JIJ DE LANGSTUDEERBOETE ONTLOPEN? Bart van Lakwijk, MSc4 TALL Ik ben nu aan het afstuderen, dus ik hoop de boete sowieso te ontlopen. Als ik straks in januari afgestudeerd ben, heeft het me in totaal 6,5 jaar gekost. Dat is niet bepaald op schema, maar ook niet met een te grote uitloop. Ik heb deeltijd bestuur gedaan, een commissie bij Stylos en ik zat een half jaar in het buitenland. In principe dingen die uitloop kunnen veroorzaken. Je moet gewoon af en toe pieken en hard doorwerken. Steffan Karger, EWI, MSc3 Ik heb lang over mijn bachelor gedaan, maar sinds ik met mijn master ben begonnen loopt alles op rolletjes. Ik ga nu afstuderen, dus dat is binnen de tijd. Ik ben ook actief bij een studentenvereninging, een studievereninging en een sportvereininging, dus ik heb absoluut genoten van mijn studietijd. Als is straks afgestudeerd ben, dan heb ik er bijna acht jaar over gedaan, inclusief bestuursjaar bij een vereniging. COLOFON B Nieuws is a four-weekly periodical of the Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft. Faculty of Architecture, BK City, Delft University of Technology Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Delft room BG.Midden.140 Julie Wolsak, MSc4 Design as Politics Al is de boete niet van toepassing op mij, ik vind zo'n boete niet dramatisch. Je hebt redelijk de tijd om je studie af te maken, en in veel andere landen moet je sowieso 3000 a 4000 euro per jaar betalen om te studeren. Dus we hebben al geluk hier. Karst Kortekaas, MSc2 Solar Decathlon (Architectuur) Normaal gesproken zou ik externe activiteiten zoals een stage tijdens mijn studie doen, maar nu zou ik dat na mijn studie doen, zodat ik de eis zou halen. Maar ik denk dat als je deze dingen juist tegelijk doet, je een betere koppeling maakt tussen praktijk en studie. Het is minder goed voor de persoonlijke ontwikkeling als die twee gescheiden zijn. 0031 (0) 6 347 443 25 [email protected] Editorial Board Daphne Bakker Anne de Haij Manon Schotman Ivan Thung Floris van der Zee Marcello Soeleman Peter Smisek Cover illustration Exploded view station Utrecht Centraal, Benthem Crouwel Architecten Contributors Karin Laglas Henco Bekkering Bart van Lakwijk Ryan Kaal, BSc5 Nu denk ik er nog niet over na, omdat ik bijna nominaal loop. Dus ik hoef me nog geen zorgen te maken over de langstudeerboete. Ik heb een vrij normaal studentenleven, met vereinigingen en dergelijke. Ik heb wel al mijn projecten in een keer gehaald, dat is dan een voorldeel. Ik denk dat de meeste studenten daarom vertraaging oplopen. Herman Wolthoff, BSc6 Ik ga mijn vijfde jaar in, dus ik moet mijn bachelor gewoon halen in juli. Met het extra jaartje dat we hebben gekregen moet het wel lukken. Ik had wat opstartproblemen met huisvesting in Delft en nu ben ik er gewoon ingegroeid, dus de master binnen de tijd halen moet wel lukken. Ik heb er wel dingen naast gedaan, maar ik denk niet dat dat op mijn studie effect heeft gehad; het is eerder aanpassen aan Bouwkunde en Delft dat tijd kost. Miriam Thijs, afgestudeerd Ik heb er geen last van, maar als ik er last van zou krijgen, zou ik er voor zorgen dat ik alternatieven had. Bijvoorbeeld afstuderen in het buitenland kan soms goedkoper zijn. In Vlaanderen bijvoorbeeld, en Duitsland kan ook. Maar ik zou me ook meer houden aan bepaalde studiepatronen. Herman Pel Jasper Nijveldt Stuurgroep Herijking Editorial Advice Board Ania Molenda Robert Nottrot Pierijn van der Putt Marcello Soeleman Linda de Vos Remmelt Oosterhuis, MSc3, Delta Interventions (Urbanism) Ik doe er negen jaar over en ik ga straks afstuderen, dus ik ontloop de boete. Ik loop deels achter door allerlei extracurriculaire activiteiten, maar deels ook door luiheid of weining motivatie. De boete is een negatieve prikkel, maar ik heb in mijn negen jaar heel veel dingen gedaan. Ik heb wel degelijk iets aan mijn extra tijd gehad en ik vraag me af of mensen die binnen vijf jaar afstuderen iets anders dan de studie kennen. Print Drukkerij Tan Heck, Delft The editorial board has the right to shorten and edit articles, or to refuse articles Next deadline that have an insinuating, Wednesday 21 Septmeber, discriminatory or vindicatory B Nieuws 02, October 2011 character, or contain Illustrations only in *.tif, unnecessary coarse language. *.eps or *.jpg format, The editorial board informs min 300 dpi the author(s) concerning the Unsolicited articles can have a reason for its deciscion, maximum of 500 words, directly after is has been made. announcements 50 words. AGENDA B NIEUWS 01 SEPTEMBER 2011 WEEK 37 Lecture WEEK 36 Opening Opening collegejaar 2011-2012 05.09.2011 Anno 2011 wordt er veel van studenten verwacht. De lat ligt behoorlijk hoog. Collegevoorzitter Dirk Jan van den Berg zal in zijn openingswoord vertellen hoe de universiteit in deze tijden het beste uit zichzelf haalt. Aula / TU Delft / 15:30 / gratis / RSVP Lecture Jo Noero 08.09.2011 In de eerste Architects Talk van het nieuwe seizoen geeft de Zuid Afrikaanse architect Jo Noero van het in Kaapstad gevestigde bureau Noero Wolff Architects een lezing over zijn ontwerppraktijk. NAi / Rotterdam / 20:00 / €3 (studenten) / RSVP Open day Peter Veenstra (LOLA Architecten) 13.09.2011 Eric-Jan Pleijster, Cees van der Veeken en Peter Veenstra studeerden in 2003 en 2005 (Veenstra) aan de universiteit van Wageningen af als landschapsarchitecten. In 2006 richtten zij samen hun in Rotterdam gevestigde bureau LOLA landscape architects op, dat naar eigen zeggen ‘progressieve landschapsarchitectuur’ voorstaat. ARCAM / Amsterdam Lecture Prof. Michiel Riedijk 14.09.2011 Professor Michiel Riedijk will talk about the connection with design practice and ‘composition - perception - representation - education‘: the theme of the EAEA conference. His lecture is entitled ‘At Work 2011, composition and craft in the work of Neutelings Riedijk Architects’. Lecture Room A / BK City / 17:45 / free Open Monumentendag 2011 Lecture 10.09.2011 Tijdens de nationale Open Monumentendag onthult een delegatie van de internationale Europa Nostra prijs een plaquette op de gevel van BK City. Bouwkunde krijgt deze plaquette omdat zij in 2011 de Europa Nostra prijs in de categorie ‘Conservation’ won. BK City / 10:00 - 16:00 / gratis 15.09.2011 Emeritus Professor Francis D.K. Ching (Seattle) and author will address the opportunities of the architectural drawing. His lecture will be entitled ‘Drawing: observing, imagining, communicating’. Lecture Room A / BK City / 17:45 / free Open day 24 uur cultuur 10.09.2011 - 11.09.2011 Tijdens ‘24 uur cultuur’, de opening van het culturele seizoen in Rotterdam, organiseert het NAi verschillende activiteiten NAi / Rotterdam / 17:00 (zaterdag) - 17:00 (zondag) / gratis SPOT ! T LIGH Prof. Francis D.K. Ching 01_Kop Kleur Lecture Zwart 02_Kop Prof. dr. Ralf Weber 03_DATUM 15.09.2011 04_Plat Professor 05_Info dr. Ralf Weber from the TU Dresden, Germany, will 06_Web present a state-of-the-art overview of architectural 01_Kop aestheticsKleur research entitled: 02_Kop ‘Aesthetics,Zwart Science andArchitec03_DATUM ture’. 04_Plat Room A / BK City / Lecture 05_Info 17:45 / free 06_Web WEEK 38 Debate Nieuw licht op ruimtelijke ontwikkeleing 20.09.2011 Debat naar aanleiding van het verschijnen van het boek ‘Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling in Drievoud’, onder redactie van Jan Goedman, Wil Zonneveld en Wim Heiko Houtsma NAi / Rotterdam / 20:00 / gratis / RSVP Symposium Station Centraal Week Urbanism Week: So You Are an Urbanist? 26.09.2011 - 30.09.2011 What are you as an urbanist? From 26 to 30 September 2011 the youngest and more experienced generation of urbanists come together and learn from each other at the Urbanism week at the faculty of Architecture TU Delft. BK City / € 15 (studenten) 21.09.2011 Een symposium over de huidige metamorfose van de grootste stations in Nederland en België. Het symposium maakt tevens deel uit van een tentoonstelling over stationsarchitectuur die van 19 t/m 30 september 2011 in BK City is te zien. Oostserre / BK City / 13:30 17:30 / gratis PhD defense Congress PhD defense Nationaal Congres Energie en Ruimte 22.09.2011 De komende veertig jaar is een transitie nodig van eindige, fossiele naar oneindige duurzame energiebronnen. Dit kan niet zonder meer in het huidige ruimtelijke systeem en vraagt om een aanpassing van ruimtelijke planning. Duurzame energiebronnen komen in verschillende kwaliteiten voor en zijn meer gebonden aan hun locatie. Daarom is het voor een duurzame ontwikkeling van de gebouwde omgeving, op alle schaalniveaus, van belang om energie integraal mee te nemen in de ruimtelijke planning. Zaal A / BK City / 9:00 - 18:00 / RSVP Expositie Stoelencollectie TU Delft Tot 11 september is in het Stedelijk Museum Kampen de expositie 'Hoe zit dat?' te zien, een selectie uit de stoelencollectie van de faculteit Bouwkunde van de Technische Universiteit Delft. Aan de hand van vier thema's (lijnen, vlakken, volumes en vlechtwerk) laat deze expositie zien hoe een ogenschijnlijk eenvoudige opgave WEEK 39 P. Krabbendam 26.09.2011 Dhr. Ir. P. Krabbendam – bouwkundig ingenieur – promoveert met zijn thesis ‘Betrokkenheid: Onderzoek naar de situationele en instrumentele kwaliteiten in de gebouwde omgeving’. Aula / TU Delft / 10:00 G.J.B. Bruyn 26.09.2011 Dhr. Ir. G.J.B. Bruyns – bouwkundig ingenieur – promoveert met zijn thesis ‘Urban Dispositif: An Atlas of Spatial Mechanisms and the Contemporary Urban Landscape’. Aula / TU Delft / 15:00 Farewell C. van Weeren 30.09.2011 Op vrijdag 30 september neemt C. Van Weeren afscheid als hoogleraar Ontwerpen van Draagconstructies bij de afdeling Building Technology van de faculteit Bouwkunde TU Delft. Aula / TU Delft / 15:00 TENTOONSTELLINGEN Station Centraal als het ontwerpen van een stoel verschillende ontwerpers inspireert. Stedelijk Museum Kampen / tot en met 11 septmeber / Oostserre / BK City 19.09.2011 - 30.09.2011 Testify! NAi / Rotteradam tot en met 13/11/2100 Futuro - Utopie in Constructie Boijmans van Beuningen / Rotterdam / tot en met 9 oktober
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