Optimisation of extremely low energy residential buildings
Optimisation of extremely low energy residential buildings
KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN FACULTEIT INGENIEURSWETENSCHAPPEN DEPARTEMENT BURGERLIJKE BOUWKUNDE AFDELING BOUWFYSICA Kasteelpark Arenberg 40 B-3001 Leuven OPTIMISATION OF EXTREMELY LOW ENERGY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS Promotor: Proefschrift voorgedragen tot Prof.dr.ir. H. Hens het behalen van het doctoraat in de ingenieurswetenschappen door Griet VERBEECK Mei 2007 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN FACULTEIT INGENIEURSWETENSCHAPPEN DEPARTEMENT BURGERLIJKE BOUWKUNDE AFDELING BOUWFYSICA Kasteelpark Arenberg 40 B-3001 Leuven OPTIMISATION OF EXTREMELY LOW ENERGY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS Examencommissie: Proefschrift voorgedragen tot Prof. Dr. Ir. A. Bultheel, voorzitter het behalen van het doctoraat Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Hens, promotor in de ingenieurswetenschappen Prof. Dr. Ir. W. D’haeseleer Prof. Dr. S. Proost door Prof. Dr. Ir. D. Roose Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Hauser Griet VERBEECK Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Zmeureanu UDC 502.55:697.12:728.1 Mei 2007 © Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen Kasteelpark Arenberg, B-3001 Leuven Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden vermenigvuldigd en/of openbaar gemaakt door middel van druk, fotokopie, microfilm, elektronisch of op welke andere wijze ook zonder voorafgaandelijke schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever. All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means without written permission from the publisher. Wettelijk depot D/2007/7515/35 ISBN 978-90-5682-801-1 VOORWOORD Bij het begin van mijn doctoraat, was ik moeder van een zoontje dat bijna naar de peuterklas mocht. Nu, vier jaar later, kan die zoon al lezen en rekenen en ben ik twee dochtertjes én een doctoraat rijker. Het is een boeiende, maar ook zware tijd geweest. Soms waren de kinderen een welkome afwisseling tijdens het doctoreren, soms was het onderzoek een welkome afwisseling tijdens de zorg voor kroost en huishouden. Even een berekening opstarten tussen het geven van een vieruurtje en het vervangen van een vuile luier, Monte Carlo simulaties laten lopen met een slapende dochter op schoot, wetenschappelijke literatuur lezen in afwachting dat de schoolbel gaat, nog even een machine was insteken tijdens het wachten op rekenresultaten, kleine kindjes die vol bewondering kijken naar kleurige grafiekjes die automatisch veranderen op het computerscherm, … Zoals de dochter van professor en onderzoekster Christine Van Broeckhoven het ooit verwoordde in Titaantjes op Radio 1: “in de voormiddag deed mijn moeder aan onderzoek en op de middag dweilde ze nog snel even de keukenvloer, om dan weer terug te keren naar haar labo.” Zonder mij wetenschappelijk met haar te willen meten, ging er toch een golf van herkenning door mij heen. Toch stond ik er zeker niet alleen voor. Mijn ‘nieuwe man’ Stijn is, ondanks zijn eigen hectische job, altijd een ongelooflijke steun geweest, zowel moreel als in de zorg voor ons gezin. Mijn schoonmoeder heeft ontelbare keren de rit Herk-de-Stad – Holsbeek gemaakt om zieke kinderen op te vangen of kinderen van school te halen, zodat ik nog enkele uurtjes langer kon werken. Ook mijn ouders hebben vaak hun drukke agenda opzij gezet om in te springen voor noodgevallen. Naast deze praktische en morele steun was er uiteraard ook de wetenschappelijke ondersteuning van mijn promotor professor Hens. Van bij mijn start op het Laboratorium Bouwfysica in 1991 heeft hij getracht mij te overtuigen om te doctoreren. Maar door mijn zeer brede interesses en de nood aan directe maatschappelijke relevantie in mijn werk, heeft het meer dan 10 jaar geduurd alvorens ik een onderwerp vond dat mij voldoende boeide om er vier jaar van mijn leven aan te spenderen. In al die jaren heb ik echter zeer veel opgestoken van professor Hens over energie, comfort en duurzaamheid in gebouwen. Bovendien heeft hij mij steeds veel vrijheid en zelfstandigheid gelaten bij het uitvoeren van mijn onderzoek. Iets wat ik altijd erg heb gewaardeerd. Ook was er de financiële ondersteuning van het IWT via het GBOU-project dat mij de mogelijkheid gaf om vier jaar aan mijn onderzoek te besteden. i Ik heb in al die jaren op het Labo Bouwfysica veel collega’s zien komen en gaan en met verschillende van hen een bureau gedeeld. Steeds opnieuw waren het leuke, boeiende en warme contacten. Een speciaal woordje van dank voor Staf, waarmee ik zowel professioneel als familiaal vaak op dezelfde golflengte zat, voor mijn ‘jonge’ collega’s Jeroen, Veerle en Leen die zeer aangename en enthousiaste co-researchers waren in het GBOU-project en voor de ploeg die mij ‘logistiek’ ondersteunde: Patricia die altijd met de glimlach hielp bij mijn computer-onkunde, Wim die elke morgen heerlijke koffie maakte, Paul die zijn jarenlange loopervaring deelde met mij als beginnende loopster en Beatrice en Greet die ieder op hun beurt mijn eindeloze reeks contracten hielpen in orde maken. Voor mij is het een mooie tijd geweest. Veel dank hiervoor. Ik zal jullie missen. Januari 2007 ii ABSTRACT The objective of the research is to establish a methodology to optimise the combinations of passive (building envelope) and active (installations) measures that lead to (extremely) low energy and low pollution residential buildings. Energy consumption and energy savings, environmental impact and costs are considered simultaneously without neglecting the boundary conditions for thermal comfort and indoor air quality and the legal requirements for the energy performance of buildings. The methodology combines advanced evolutionary multi-objective optimisation techniques, life cycle inventory and cost-benefit assessment and is applied to buildings as a whole. Starting from non insulated reference dwellings, the optimisation process is executed in two steps. Firstly, the net energy demand is minimised by optimisation of the building envelope. In the second step, the focus is shifted towards the most effective installation techniques to meet the very low energy demand. The methodology has been used to derive cost-effective energy saving investments in new and retrofitted buildings for the Brussels urban context and to develop concepts for extremely low energy and low pollution dwellings for the Flemish Region. Also the economical optimal combination of energy saving measures and a hierarchy of energy saving investments have been derived. Keywords: energy consumption, costs, emissions, residential buildings, evolutionary multiobjective optimisation, life cycle assessment iii KORTE INHOUD Doel van het onderzoek is het ontwikkelen van een methodologie die de optimale combinaties van passieve (gebouwschil) en actieve (installaties) maatregelen bepaalt voor (extreem) lage energie- en pollutiewoningen. Zowel energieverbruik, energiebesparing als milieu-impact en kosten worden in rekening gebracht binnen de randvoorwaarden voor thermisch comfort, binnenluchtkwaliteit en wettelijke vereisten voor de energieprestatie van gebouwen. De optimalisatiemethodologie combineert geavanceerde evolutionaire multiobjectieve optimalisatietechnieken, levenscyclusanalyse en kosten-batenanalyse en past dit toe op het niveau van gebouwen als geheel. Vertrekkend van niet geïsoleerde referentiewoningen verloopt het optimalisatieproces in twee fasen. Eerst wordt de netto energievraag geminimaliseerd door optimalisatie van de gebouwschil. In een tweede fase worden dan de meest optimale installatietechnieken gezocht die aan deze zeer lage energievraag kunnen voldoen. De ontwikkelde methodologie is gebruikt om de rendabiliteit van energiebesparende investeringen in nieuwe en bestaande Brusselse gebouwen te evalueren en om optimale concepten voor extreem lage energie- en pollutiewoningen te ontwikkelen voor Vlaanderen. Ook is met deze methodologie de economisch meest optimale combinatie van bouwkundige en installatietechnische maatregelen afgeleid, alsook een logische hiërarchie van energiebesparende investeringen. Trefwoorden: energieverbruik, kosten, emissies, woningen, evolutionaire multi-objectieve optimalisatie, levenscyclusanalyse iv CONTENTS VOORWOORD.........................................................................................................................i ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................iii KORTE INHOUD....................................................................................................................iv CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................v LIST OF ACRONYMS AND SYMBOLS ................................................................................ix INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................1 PART ONE: LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................................3 CHAPTER 1. Evolutionary multi objective optimisation...........................................3 1.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................3 1.2 Multi-variable optimisation .......................................................................................5 1.2.1. Representation and population........................................................................5 1.2.2. Evaluation function and fitness assignment.....................................................6 1.2.3. Genetic operators ............................................................................................7 1.2.4. Convergence of a genetic algorithm ..............................................................10 1.3 Multi-objective optimisation ...................................................................................13 1.3.1 Search and decision making..........................................................................13 1.3.2 Concept of Pareto optimality..........................................................................14 1.3.3 Pareto-based fitness assignment and selection ............................................16 1.4 Constraint handling................................................................................................17 1.4.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................17 1.4.2 Penalty functions ...........................................................................................18 1.5 Building-related case studies in the literature ........................................................19 1.6 Conclusions ...........................................................................................................19 CHAPTER 2. Life cycle analysis ...............................................................................23 2.1 History and background.........................................................................................23 2.2 Methods for environmental assessment ................................................................23 2.2.1 Life cycle analysis..........................................................................................24 2.2.2 Process-chain analysis ..................................................................................25 2.2.3 Input-output analysis......................................................................................26 2.2.4 Life cycle costing ...........................................................................................26 2.2.5 Product-related environmental assessment tools ..........................................27 2.2.6 Building-related environmental assessment tools .........................................28 2.3 LCA methodology ..................................................................................................29 2.3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................29 2.3.2 Framework.....................................................................................................30 2.3.3 Inventory analysis ..........................................................................................32 2.3.4 Impact assessment........................................................................................34 2.3.5 Interpretation..................................................................................................36 2.3.6 Conclusions ...................................................................................................36 2.4 Information sources for LCA ..................................................................................36 v Organisations and networks ..........................................................................36 2.4.1 2.4.2 Data and databases.......................................................................................37 2.5 LCA and the building sector ..................................................................................42 2.5.1 General ..........................................................................................................42 2.5.2 From material to building ...............................................................................44 2.6 Conclusions ...........................................................................................................46 CHAPTER 3. Cost assessment .................................................................................47 3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................47 3.2 Cost-benefit analysis .............................................................................................48 3.2.1. General ..........................................................................................................48 3.2.2. Total and net present value ...........................................................................49 3.2.3. Discount rate and price evolution ..................................................................52 3.3 Rebound effect ......................................................................................................54 3.3.1. General ..........................................................................................................54 3.3.2. Rebound effect applied to energy saving measures in buildings...................55 3.4 Decision making on energy saving investments....................................................57 3.4.1. Objective........................................................................................................57 3.4.2. Facts and figures on energy related behaviour in Flanders...........................58 3.4.3. Decision making models................................................................................59 3.5 Conclusions ...........................................................................................................63 PART TWO: GLOBAL METHODOLOGY ............................................................................65 CHAPTER 4. Model for optimisation ........................................................................65 4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................65 4.2 Genetic algorithm and coupling with Pareto concept.............................................65 4.2.1. Object and parameters for optimisation.........................................................65 4.2.2. Representation and boundary conditions ......................................................66 4.2.3. Cost functions, fitness functions and penalty functions .................................68 4.2.4. Genetic operators ..........................................................................................71 4.2.5. Outline of the programme ..............................................................................71 4.3 Validation and evaluation of the optimisation programme .....................................73 4.3.1. Validation with steady state energy simulation programme (EPB) ................73 4.3.2. Control of the evolution of the Pareto front ....................................................76 4.3.3. Conclusions on the optimisation programme.................................................77 CHAPTER 5. Model for life cycle inventory .............................................................79 5.1 Introduction............................................................................................................79 5.2 Goal and scope of the LCI .....................................................................................79 5.2.1. Goal of the LCI...............................................................................................79 5.2.2. Scope of the LCI ............................................................................................80 5.3 Life cycle inventory data ........................................................................................81 5.3.1. Comparison of databases..............................................................................81 5.3.2. ecoinvent2000 database (Frischknecht and Jungbluth 2003) .......................83 5.3.3. Extraction of data from ecoinvent2000 ..........................................................87 5.4 Life cycle inventory model for buildings .................................................................90 5.4.1. Material and product models .........................................................................90 5.4.2. Transport model.............................................................................................91 5.4.3. Building model ...............................................................................................92 5.5 Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis .......................................................................96 5.5.1. Sensitivity analysis for the transport model ...................................................96 5.5.2. Contribution analysis for the building model ..................................................98 5.5.3. Perturbation analysis for the building model ................................................100 5.5.4. Uncertainty analysis with Monte Carlo simulations......................................102 vi 5.5.5. Conclusions on the sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the LCI model...112 CHAPTER 6. Model for economic evaluation ........................................................113 6.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................113 6.2 Economic evaluation criteria................................................................................113 6.2.1. Description of the criteria .............................................................................113 6.2.2. Criteria for optimisation................................................................................117 6.3 Cost database .....................................................................................................120 6.3.1. Cost data for the building envelope .............................................................120 6.3.2. Cost data for components of the installation................................................120 6.3.3. Energy prices and price evolution................................................................120 6.4 Calculation models ..............................................................................................121 6.4.1. Building components ...................................................................................121 6.4.2. Components of the installation ....................................................................122 6.4.3. Integration of secondary cost effects ...........................................................122 6.5 Discussion of different assumptions ....................................................................123 6.5.1. Uncertainty on cost data ..............................................................................123 6.5.2. Uncertainty on energy price evolutions........................................................123 6.5.3. Impact of the utilisation period .....................................................................124 6.5.4. Integration of rebound effect........................................................................125 6.5.5. Integration of the residual value...................................................................128 PART THREE: APPLICATIONS ........................................................................................135 CHAPTER 7. BIM-project .........................................................................................135 7.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................135 7.2 Implementation of energy saving measures ........................................................136 7.2.1. Reference buildings .....................................................................................136 7.2.2. Measures on the building envelope .............................................................137 7.2.3. System-related measures............................................................................139 7.2.4. Building simulation programme ...................................................................143 7.3 Life cycle inventory ..............................................................................................144 7.4 Cost assumptions ................................................................................................144 7.5 Results.................................................................................................................144 7.5.1. Energy saving measures on the building envelope .....................................144 7.5.2. Energy saving measures on the overall building .........................................148 7.5.3. Extra embodied energy due to energy saving measures ............................151 7.6 Discussion ...........................................................................................................152 7.6.1. Impact of the scenarios with varying economic parameters ........................152 7.6.2. New construction versus retrofit ..................................................................154 7.6.3. Position of alternative technologies against optimal solutions .....................156 7.7 Conclusions .........................................................................................................158 CHAPTER 8. EL²EP-project .....................................................................................161 8.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................161 8.2 Implementation of energy saving measures ........................................................162 8.2.1. Reference buildings .....................................................................................162 8.2.2. Measures on the building envelope .............................................................162 8.2.3. System-related measures............................................................................164 8.2.4. Building simulation programme ...................................................................164 8.2.5. Boundary conditions ....................................................................................165 8.3 Life cycle inventory ..............................................................................................165 8.4 Cost assessment .................................................................................................165 8.5 Optimisation.........................................................................................................166 8.6 Results.................................................................................................................166 vii 8.6.1. Optimisation of the building envelope measures .........................................166 8.6.2. Globally optimised concepts for extremely low energy dwellings ................173 8.6.3. Embodied energy versus energy savings ....................................................174 8.7 Discussion ...........................................................................................................175 8.7.1. Strengths and weaknesses of the optimisation model.................................176 8.7.2. Impact of the constructional type .................................................................177 8.7.3. Impact of the compactness..........................................................................179 8.7.4. Impact of energy carrier and heat production system..................................181 8.7.5. Constructional cost versus installation cost .................................................184 8.7.6. Impact of price evolutions and discount rate ...............................................186 8.7.7. Position of extremely low energy dwellings to the economic optimum ........190 8.7.8. Position of existing concepts for extremely low energy dwellings ...............192 8.8 Conclusions .........................................................................................................198 CHAPTER 9. 9.1 9.2 CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER RESEARCH ..................................201 Main results and conclusions ..............................................................................201 Perspectives for future research..........................................................................205 SAMENVATTING................................................................................................................207 ANNEX A: Relation between research database and ecoinvent database ..................225 ANNEX B: Extracted flows from the ecoinvent database..............................................230 ANNEX C: Models for life cycle inventory of building products...................................232 ANNEX D: Assumptions for the transport model...........................................................236 ANNEX E: Structure of the cost database ......................................................................240 ANNEX F: Reference buildings of the BIM- project .......................................................241 ANNEX G: Reference buildings of the EL²EP- project...................................................248 ANNEX H: Details on zero energy houses ......................................................................259 REFERENCES....................................................................................................................261 CURRICULUM VITAE ........................................................................................................271 viii LIST OF ACRONYMS AND SYMBOLS BIM Brussels Institute for the Management of the Environment CED Cumulative energy demand CHP Cogeneration of heat and power CV Coefficient of variance EEC End energy consumption EL²EP Extremely low energy and low pollution EPB Energy Performance of Buildings (in Dutch) EPBD European Performance of Buildings Directive EPBT Energy payback time EPS Expanded polystyrene GA Genetic algorithms GWP Global warming potential INV Initial investment IOA Input-output analysis IRR Internal rate of return LCA Life cycle analysis or assessment LCC Life cycle costing LCI Life cycle inventory LCIA Life cycle impact assessment MC Monte Carlo MW Mineral wool NBN Norme Belge – Belgische Norm NHD Net heat demand NMVOC Non-methane volatile organic compounds NPV Net present value NRE Non renewable embodied energy PCA Process-chain analysis PE Primary energy consumption PUR Polyurethane PV Photovoltaic RER Europe TPV Total present value TRNSYS Transient Systems Simulation Program U Heat transmission coefficient [W/m²K] WFC Wood frame construction WTE Weighted temperature exceedings XPS Extruded polystyrene ix INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Background The main driving force of this research is the need for sustainable development in the residential sector in order to reduce the use of natural resources, the emission of greenhouse gasses and the depletion of fossil fuels supplies. The term 'sustainability' has been defined in many ways yet, but nowadays the definition of the UN Brundland commission Report of 1987 (WCED 1987) is the most commonly used. In that formulation, sustainable development is coined as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs“. From this definition, it is clear that sustainable development can only be accomplished if many conditions are fulfilled. This certainly counts for the building sector, where the design, construction, utilisation and demolition of buildings have an enormous environmental impact. In Flanders, building utilisation is responsible for 30% of the annual end use of energy (Van Steertegem 2001). For other developed countries, similar percentages are found. Energy use usually means pollution due to emission of CO2, NOx, SO2 , dust a.o. In the residential sector in Flanders only, 13.2 megatons of CO2 are emitted yearly due to energy use, including the emissions from the electricity production for residential use (Van Steertegem 2001). In the existing building stock, around 240 kWh/m²a of end energy is used for heating, domestic hot water, electrical appliances and lighting. The main part is dedicated to heating (ca. 180 kWh/m²a). Since the nineties, legislative initiatives have been taken to improve the energy efficiency in the residential sector (Flemish Insulation and Ventilation Decree in 1991), but with very poor results as shown in SENVIVV (1998). This insulation standard, if observed, would have reduced the final energy use for heating to 120 kWh/m²a. Buildings that meet the minimum requirements of the energy performance regulation (EPB 2005), brought into effect since January 2006, only do slightly better. Strengthening of these requirements is expected for the near future, but this regulation is mainly limited to new buildings. Many national and international initiatives have been launched up to now to improve energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings (EPBD 2002, IEA-ECBCS, EU Frame Programmes,…). One of the current trends is to strongly focus on the integration of renewable energy sources in buildings, often implemented through demonstration projects or architectural competitions (EU-projects: CEPHEUS, SYNPACK, EU competition: INSOLPLAN,...). However, the basic arguments for choosing one or another technology often lack scientific foundation or they are only valid in a limited context. For instance, the interactions between systems or the second order effects of energy saving measures, which 1 can have a non-negligible impact on the environmental performance of the building as a whole, are often not taken into account. What is lacking in the current trends is an underlying global methodology that allows, on a scientific basis, the development of residential buildings that are globally optimised from the point of view of energy, costs and ecology. The development and implementation of this methodology is the subject of this work. The basic principle is a well-founded evaluation of the environmental impact during the whole life cycle of the building and its installations, through coupling of life cycle assessment and cost-benefit evaluation with advanced optimisation techniques. This has resulted in the establishment of an economical optimal combination of energy saving measures and a hierarchy of energy saving investments and in an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of concepts for extremely low energy buildings. Aim and methodology The objective of this research has been a methodology to optimise building concepts for energy, costs and emissions. This has been done in the frame of a research project for the Flemish government (IWT-GBOU 020212), but it has already been applied and will be applied in the future, within other policy supporting studies on the economic viability of energy saving measures in buildings. The optimisation process mainly consists of two subsequent steps: The first step focuses on the optimisation of the net energy demand through optimisation of energy saving measures on the building envelope. In the second step, the focus is shifted towards the most appropriate technologies to meet this very low energy demand in an optimal way. This includes systems for distribution, emission, production, control and storage of heat and systems for local electricity production. Questions to be answered are: What are the most optimal combinations of passive (building envelope) and active (installations) components that lead to (extremely) low energy dwellings? What is the lower limit that can be achieved in an economic, energetic and ecological useful way, taking into account the large number of parameters and uncertainties that play a role in the life cycle of a building? The methodology, here presented, aims at answering these questions. However, as for all research, also this research has its limits. Much attention has been paid to energy, costs and emissions, but aspects, such as water use, urban planning, mobility, waste treatment, land use, etc. have not been taken into account. Consumer choices and occupants’ behaviour have a large impact on building construction and building use and have therefore been incorporated to some extent. However, it only covers a fraction of the complexity of real life behaviour of consumers. So, this work intends to be a small piece of the puzzle of 2 INTRODUCTION sustainable buildings, but, to finally end up with a sustainable building stock, there still is a long way to go. Outline of the work The first part of this dissertation contains an extensive literature review on the three main pillars of the developed methodology, being evolutionary multi-objective optimisation (chapter 1), life cycle assessment (chapter 2) and cost evaluation (chapter 3). Each chapter starts with background information, followed by a general state of the art and definitions to finally end with an analysis of the application of the considered technique within the context of the building sector. Part two contains the body of this research and presents the developed methodology in three chapters. Chapter 4 explains the model for optimisation, with a description of the different assumptions for the developed genetic algorithm and the way the Pareto concept is integrated in order to optimise for multiple objectives simultaneously. The outline of the optimisation programme is presented, together with a validation and evaluation of the programme. In chapter 5, the model for life cycle inventory is presented. Firstly, the goal and scope of the life cycle inventory is described, followed by a presentation of the life cycle inventory database. Finally, the life cycle inventory model for buildings is explained and evaluated by an uncertainty analysis. Chapter 6 presents the model for cost assessment. Firstly, the cost evaluation criteria are described, followed by a presentation of the cost database and the calculation models for building components, installation components and the integration of second order effects. Finally, several assumptions are discussed, such as the uncertainty on cost data and energy price evolutions and the impact of the utilisation period, the rebound effect and the residual value of energy saving buildings. In part three, the developed methodology is applied to two projects. In chapter 7, the BIMproject is described. This project has been executed by order of the Brussels Institute for the Management of the Environment (BIM) and is an application of the methodology to the Brussels building stock. In this project, a hierarchy of energy saving measures is derived and the economic viability of energy saving investments for new and retrofitted buildings is determined. Chapter 8 presents the main results of the IWT-GBOU-EL²EP-project, in the frame of which the methodology has been developed. The focus in this chapter is put on concepts for extremely low energy houses and the comparison with existing concepts, such as passive houses and zero energy houses. Finally, in chapter 9, conclusions are drawn and paths for further research are presented. 3 EVOLUTIONARY MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMISATION PART ONE: LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTER 1. 1.1 Evolutionary multi objective optimisation Introduction Due to the complexity of real-world problems, almost every engineering domain is confronted with optimisation problems in which a large number of parameters, variables, objectives and constraints are involved. When solving such a problem, the best solution among others is searched in the space of all feasible solutions, called the search space. Each feasible solution can be marked by its value or fitness for the problem. The better a solution fits for a problem, the higher will be its fitness. Looking for the best solution is then equal to looking for a minimum or maximum in the search space. However, the search can be very complicated and time-consuming (Obitko 1998). Several search and optimisation techniques dealing with multiple variables and objectives are presented in the literature. Van Veldhuizen (1999) classifies them into three categories: enumerative, deterministic and stochastic. The enumerative strategies are the simplest, as they evaluate each possible solution. This is only practicable in small search spaces. As search spaces become large, these techniques are inefficient and even infeasible. Deterministic strategies attempt to limit the search space by incorporating problem domain knowledge in the search process, thus trying to find acceptable solutions in acceptable time. Hill-climbing and greedy algorithms are examples of this type of strategies (Van Veldhuizen 1999). Many engineering problems, however, are non-linear, cannot be expressed through analytical functions and have to deal with the discontinuity and non separability of variables and constraints. The optimisation of extremely low energy dwellings is an example of such a complex optimisation problem: - The energy consumption of dwellings can roughly be estimated through a simple analytical function such as the degree-days method, but these methods are very simplified steady state models. They do not allow the incorporation of multizonal temperature profiles, ventilation scenarios or solar shading. Neither can the transient response of the building and its installations on ventilation and solar insolation or the evaluation of summer comfort be taken into account. Therefore, dynamic building simulation programmes are needed that are able to simulate the behaviour of the building and its installations on one hour or smaller time steps. - The majority of the variables that determine the energy performance of buildings, such as insulation thicknesses, glazing types and window frames, boilers, radiators, 3 CHAPTER 1 solar collectors, PV-modules, etc. are discontinuous, as their magnitude, dimensions or thermal quality depends on what is available on the market. - Furthermore, several variables are not acting independently from each other or may influence the final result in two opposite directions: e.g. by increasing the glass area in a façade, both the solar gains and the heat losses will increase, but which impact will dominate, will depend on many parameters, such as the magnitude of the glass area, the U-value of both the windows and the opaque part of the façade, the g-value of the glazing, the presence and characteristics of solar shading, the thermal capacity of the room, the time constant of thermostatic valves, if present, etc. These are all aspects that are difficult to incorporate in deterministic optimisation techniques. - Finally, most classical optimisation techniques aim at finding the single optimal solution for the optimisation problem. This approach implicitly includes a priori weighting of the objectives by the decision maker. Without further specifications on weighting factors, a weighting factor of 1 for all objectives is assumed. To evaluate other weighting factors, more optimisation runs are needed within these techniques. However, the determination of the trade off between the different objectives (energy, emissions and costs) is exactly one of the main points of interest within the search for optimised extremely low energy dwellings, as it creates the opportunity to postpone the decision process and adapt the weighting factors after the optimisation process according to the interest and preference of the decision maker. This is further explained in section 1.3. As enumerative and deterministic strategies are not really suitable for such optimisation problems, stochastic search and optimisation strategies are developed as alternative approaches. They require a function that assigns fitness to possible solutions and a coding mechanism that translates between the problem domain and the algorithm domain. They generally provide good solutions to a wide range of optimisation problems, although most cannot guarantee the optimal solution (Van Veldhuizen 1999). Examples are simulated annealing, Monte Carlo methods and evolutionary computation. Evolutionary computation is a generic term for stochastic search methods that is founded in the 70s and for which the interest has been growing rapidly in the last decade. They are adaptive optimisation methods, inspired by the genetic processes of biological organisms. Over many generations, natural populations evolve according to the principles of natural selection and 'survival of the fittest'. By mimicking this process, evolutionary computation is able to evolve solutions to real world problems (Beasley et al. 1993). A comparative study of the suitability of all kinds of optimisation techniques never has been within the scope of the research. Rather was one of the goals the evaluation of the 4 EVOLUTIONARY MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMISATION opportunities of evolutionary computation for building related optimisation problems as up to now the application within this domain is quite limited. Further details on the application of this optimisation technique for building related issues are given in section 1.5, but first the concept of evolutionary optimisation techniques, more specifically of genetic algorithms, the technique applied within this research, is presented and discussed in the next sections. 1.2 Multi-variable optimisation One of the techniques embodied by evolutionary computation is the optimisation method of genetic algorithms (GA). The term has been introduced by J.H. Holland in the 70s (Holland 1975). In the last few years, the growing interest on this technique is reflected in an increasing amount of software and literature devoted to this subject (Coello 1996). Generally, an optimisation run corresponds to a search through the space of possible solutions. To avoid that the optimisation process ends at local optima, such a search requires a balance between exploiting the best solutions and exploring the search space (Michalewicz 1999). Hill climbing is an example of an optimisation technique that exploits the best solution for possible improvement, but without exploring the search space. Random search is a typical example of an optimisation technique that explores the search space, but ignores the exploitations of promising regions in the space. Genetic algorithms are a class of search methods that balance between exploration of the search space for new, interesting genetic material and exploitation of the genetic information of the best solutions (Michalewicz 1999). The next section describes more in detail the basic concepts and terminology of multivariable optimisation by genetic algorithms. It is mainly limited to a description of what genetic algorithms are, how they can be implemented and how they perform. Further explanation on why genetic algorithms work as they work (cfr. Schema theorem and Building Blocks Hypothesis) is beyond the scope of this research, but is clearly explained in chapter 3 of Michalewicz (1999). 1.2.1. Representation and population Genetic algorithms use a vocabulary borrowed from natural genetics. A possible solution to a multi-variable optimisation problem is called an individual. It needs to be encoded to be used in the genetic optimisation process. This encoded representation is called a chromosome or a string. Each chromosome is made of units or genes, arranged linearly. Each gene is located at a certain place in the chromosome and represents one variable or parameter of the individual. All genes together form a chromosome that represents unequivocally a possible solution of the problem. Applied to a building, a gene could represent one aspect of 5 CHAPTER 1 the building, such as construction type, insulation thickness, glazing type, etc. All genes together form the chromosome and should unequivocally determine the building. The algorithm starts from a random set of individuals, forming the initial population. The number of individuals in a population is called the population size. For a building optimisation problem, this initial population could consist of a randomly created set of variants, e.g. 100 variants of the same building of which each variant contains a randomly chosen glazing type, a randomly chosen insulation thickness in the roof, a randomly chosen heating installation, etc. Solutions from a population are selected to create a new and normally improved population. To achieve this, solutions that act as parents, are selected according to their fitness. This means the more suitable a solution is for the problem, the higher its probability to be selected for reproduction (Obitko 1998, Dasgupta et al. 1997). If the building optimisation problem would concern minimisation of the energy consumption, the fitness of each variant of the building would depend on its energy consumption. Therefore, the energy consumption of each variant within the population should be calculated and the lower the energy consumption of a variant, the higher the probability that this variant would be selected as ‘parent’ to create new variants. This application to buildings is only an example to illustrate the technique of genetic algorithms. The real assumptions adopted within this research are explained in detail in chapter 4. 1.2.2. Evaluation function and fitness assignment In order to determine their suitability for the problem, all individuals in a population need to be evaluated. This requires both an evaluation or objective function and a fitness function. The objective function is part of the problem domain and defines the condition for optimality. Applied to buildings, this evaluation tool could range from a simple analytical function (e.g. for calculating the U-value of a wall) to a complete simulation programme (e.g. for calculating the primary energy consumption of a whole building). The fitness function is part of the algorithm domain and measures how well a particular solution satisfies the condition set by the objective function (Van Veldhuizen 1999). Based on the results of the evaluation, the fitness function assigns a corresponding value to each chromosome, thus rating them in terms of their fitness for the problem, taking into account the other individuals in the population (Michalewicz 1999, Fonseca 1995). There are essentially two types of fitness assignment strategies: scaling and ranking (Fonseca 1995). For scaling, fitness is computed as a function of the evaluation results, ensuring nonnegative fitness for all individuals and giving the best individual in the population a controlled advantage over the others. Ranking is performed by sorting the individuals in the population according to the evaluation results and consequently assigning fitness values to individuals 6 EVOLUTIONARY MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMISATION according to their position or rank in the population. Applied to minimisation of the energy consumption of a building, the lower the energy consumption of a variant, the higher will be its fitness. With scaling, this fitness will be inversely proportional to the difference between the energy consumption of this variant and the lowest energy consumption within the population. With ranking, on the contrary, all variants within the population will be sorted according to their energy consumption and the fitness will be assigned based on their rank in the population, independently of the magnitude of their energy consumption or of the difference with the best variant. Scaling is a more traditional approach, but with scaling, an individual that is much stronger than the others, may be assigned a very large fitness and through selection rapidly dominate the population. Ranking, on the contrary, eliminates any sensitivity to the scale in which the problem is formulated. Since the best individual in the population is always assigned the same fitness, would-be super individuals can never reproduce excessively (Fonseca 1995). Choosing the appropriate fitness assignment strategy is important, as the fitness values form the main basis for the genetic operators that establish the actual genetic optimisation process. 1.2.3. Genetic operators Just as in nature, genetic operators operate on the solutions of an existing population trying to generate a new population with offspring that have higher fitness than their parents (Van Veldhuizen 1999). The major operators are selection, mutation, recombination and reinsertion. Many variations on these basic operators are described in the literature (Fonseca 1995, Coello 1996, Michalewicz 1999, Zitzler 1999). Here, the main principles and the most important variants of the operators are presented. Selection Selection is the process of choosing individuals from the old population to participate as parents in the creation of offspring for the new population. The selection occurs proportionally to the fitness of the individuals in the old population and is usually performed stochastically (Fonseca 1995). The most frequently applied selection methods are stochastic universal sampling (Baker 1987), roulette wheel selection (Goldberg 1989) and tournament selection (Hancock 1994). In tournament selection, some number of individuals (usually two) competes for selection. This competition or tournament is repeated population-size number of times (Michalewicz 1999). Roulette wheel selection and stochastic universal sampling can both easily be visualised by a spinning roulette wheel with slots proportional in width to the fitness of the individuals in the population (see figures 1.1 and 1.2 by Fonseca (1995)). 7 CHAPTER 1 Figure 1.1: roulette wheel selection (Fonseca 1995) Figure 1.2: stochastic universal sampling (Fonseca 1995) In roulette wheel selection, a sequence of independent selection trials is performed and in each trial, one individual is selected, with the probability for selection remaining constant for each individual and equal to its normalised fitness. In stochastic universal sampling, only one trial is performed, but with multiple, equally spaced pointers. When selecting a single individual, roulette wheel selection and stochastic universal sampling are equivalent. When selecting multiple individuals, however, stochastic universal sampling guarantees a more robust selection procedure. Selection on its own can never improve the population. It would only produce more of the same. To change and improve the genetic material of the population, modifications on the genetic material of the selected parents are necessary. Two main categories of modificatory genetic operators can be defined: mutation and recombination. Figure 1.3 illustrates the process of recombination and mutation for two string chromosomes that might represent two variants of the same building. Mutation Mutation causes a change in an individual chromosome according to some probabilistic rule. Usually, only one element or a small part of the chromosome is changed, causing offspring that inherit most of the genetic information of the parent (Fonseca 1995). Recombination Recombination causes the exchange of genetic information between two or more individuals. This process creates offspring that inherit genetic material of multiple individuals. Mutation and recombination are both genetic operators that behave according to probabilistic rules, but they have a distinguished role each in the process of exploitation and exploration of the search space. By recombining individuals, the available genetic information in the old 8 EVOLUTIONARY MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMISATION population is further exploited in the new population. This means that knowledge found at previously visited points is used to help find better points (Beasley 1993). This way, recombination of the genetic material of two or more parents into a single individual can significantly accelerate the search process (Fonseca 1995). Recombination is usually performed with high probability. Mutation, on the other hand, creates offspring with new genetic material, thus exploring new and unknown areas in the search space. To avoid that mutation would reduce the genetic evolution process to a random search process, mutation is usually performed with a low probability. The implementation and performance of recombination and mutation strongly depends on the type of problem. A great deal of research has been put into identifying the best genetic operators for different classes of problems (Fonseca 1995). For individuals that are represented by string chromosomes, a typical recombination operator is single-point crossover. Hereby two individuals exchange a part of their chromosomes to create offspring. The crossover point is selected at random. Other commonly used recombination operators are double-point crossover or uniform crossover, in which two or several uniformly distributed crossover points are selected at random. Figure 1.3: Example of the process of recombination and mutation for two string chromosomes that might represent two variants of the same building (Verbeeck 2003) 9 CHAPTER 1 1.2.4. Convergence of a genetic algorithm Any efficient optimisation algorithm must find a trade-off between exploration and exploitation of the search space. Holland (1975) showed that genetic algorithms combine exploration and exploitation both at the same time in an optimal way. However, this is only theoretically true. In practice, there are inevitably problems because some simplifying assumptions of Holland (1975) are not always satisfied (Beasley 1993): The population size is never infinite The fitness function does not always accurately reflect the feasibility of a solution for the problem There can be a significant interaction between elements in a chromosome Population diversity Because the population size is never infinite in practice, it is important to control the diversity in the population over the optimisation process. Due to the finiteness of the population size, the performance of a genetic algorithm will always be subject to stochastic errors. Just as in nature, this can cause genetic drift, thus creating a premature loss of diversity in the population resulting in the convergence to a sub-optimal solution (Booker 1987). Genetic drift also means that even without any selective pressure (i.e. all chromosomes in a population have the same fitness) the algorithm will still converge to a certain solution, simply because of the accumulation of stochastic errors (Beasley 1993). The smaller the population, the more vulnerable it is to selection errors and genetic drift. The population size can be extended, but this has an impact on the computational cost. Higher mutation rates can prevent genetic drift to a certain extent, but if the mutation rate is too high, the search becomes purely random. Different alternatives are presented in the literature to reduce the risk for genetic drift: introduction of random immigrants (Grefenstette 1992), crowding (Goldberg 1989), fitness sharing (Goldberg and Richardson 1987), mating restriction (Deb and Goldberg 1989). In the technique of fitness sharing, which is the most frequently used, the fitness of similar individuals is reduced as they have to share the same resources with each other. Individuals that are different from each other retain their original fitness. As a consequence of fitness sharing, the replication of already abundant individuals is discouraged and the population will cluster around different local optima in the search space. Such clusters are called niches and represent favourable regions in the search space (Fonseca 1995). A consequence of a population subdivided in niches is that recombination from individuals in such different groups often creates unfit offspring outside the favourable regions. To avoid this, a mating restriction scheme can be added to the genetic algorithm. The main difficulty, however, of both fitness sharing and mating restriction is to decide how similar individuals should be to begin to decrease each other’s fitness. A measure of distance 10 EVOLUTIONARY MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMISATION between individuals must be defined, but this needs assumptions on the location and probable number of local optima in the search space and these are generally unknown (Deb and Goldberg 1989). Feasible and infeasible solutions In genetic algorithms and more generally in all evolutionary computation methods, the fitness function serves as the only link between the problem domain and the algorithm domain. The fitness function rates individuals in the population: better individuals have better chances for survival and reproduction. It is therefore essential to define an evaluation function that characterises the problem in a perfect way and to couple it with an appropriate fitness function that rates the solutions. The problem of how evaluating individuals in the population is far from trivial. The search space as well as each population contains feasible and infeasible solutions, but at the end of the optimisation process, a feasible optimum should be found. Therefore, finding a proper evaluation measure for feasible and infeasible solutions is of great importance, as it directly influences the success or failure of the algorithm (Michalewicz 1999). If constraints have to be taken into account when optimising an objective, defining a good evaluation function and fitness function is even more important, as the constraints will increase the number of infeasible solutions. Many important questions can be addressed: how to compare feasible solutions? What to do with infeasible solutions: eliminate them, repair them to feasible solutions or penalise them? Several heuristic methods to handle constraints emerge from the literature, most of them quite recently. Michalewicz (1999) discusses these methods in a more systematic way. For most optimisation problems that have an objective to optimise without extra constraints, the evaluation function for feasible solutions is given. In the case of problems where the objective is combined with constraints, infeasible solutions can be treated by reducing their fitness by adding a penalty or a cost for repairing. Another possibility is to use different weights for the fitness of feasible and infeasible solutions to scale their relative importance. Both methods, however, allow infeasible individuals to be ‘better’ (with a higher fitness) than feasible individuals, thus possibly resulting in convergence to an infeasible solution. An additional weakness is their problem dependence. Selecting the appropriate penalty or the weights might be as difficult as solving the original problem. Nevertheless, Michalewicz and Xiao (1995) and Powell and Skolnick (1993) reported good results with this kind of methods under the assumption that any feasible solution was better than any infeasible one. Establishing a relationship between the fitness functions for feasible and infeasible solutions is one of the most challenging problems to resolve while applying a genetic algorithm to a particular problem (Michalewicz 1999). Several methods of constraint handling are further presented and discussed in section 1.4 on multi-objective optimisation. 11 CHAPTER 1 Establishing a chromosome Traditionally, genetic algorithms work with binary strings. Also the theoretical foundations of genetic algorithms, being the Schema Theorem and the Building Blocks Hypothesis, rely on binary string representation. In the binary implementation, each element of a chromosome is coded using the same number of bits. However, the binary representation has some drawbacks when applied to multidimensional, high-precision numerical problems as it can create extremely large search spaces in which genetic algorithms perform poorly (Michalewicz 1999). To move the genetic algorithm closer to the problem space, real-coded or floating point representation is used more frequently lately. Such a move forces, but also allows, the genetic operators to be more problem-specific by utilising specific characteristics of the real space. For instance, two points close to each other in real-value representation space are probably also close to each other in the problem space (e.g. a building with 10cm roof insulation and the same building with 11cm roof insulation will have very similar energy consumption, if all other parameters are the same), which is not generally true in a binary representation (Michalewicz 1999). Real-value representation creates much room for creativity when mapping from problem domain to algorithm domain, but careful consideration is necessary as improper representations may have detrimental effects on the performance of the genetic algorithm. Although there are little heuristics for representation and there is no unique combination guaranteeing good performance, choosing wisely may well result in more effective and efficient implementations (Van Veldhuizen 1999). One of the few, but important rules, is to choose a representation with little or no interaction between the elements of the chromosome. Epistasis or strong interaction between elements of a chromosome creates a situation in which the contribution to fitness of one element depends on the values of other elements. This has a strong impact on the formation of building blocks. Without going into details, the role of building blocks in genetic algorithms can be compared with the function of simple blocks of wood that a child uses to create fortresses (Goldberg 1989). With a high degree of interaction, building blocks cannot be formed and consequently, the problem will be deceptive (Michalewicz 1999). Detailed explanation on the Schema theorem and the Building Block Hypothesis can be found in chapter 3 of Michalewicz (1999). The above sections have been concentrating on the techniques for optimising problems with a large number of variables and parameters. Special attention was given to genetic algorithms. However, most engineering problems involve not only a large number of variables and parameters, but also require the simultaneous optimisation of multiple and often competing objectives, thus resulting in a multi-objective non-linear optimisation problem. In the following sections, different aspects of multi-objective optimisation are presented and current approaches for search and decision making are discussed. 12 EVOLUTIONARY MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMISATION 1.3 Multi-objective optimisation In single-objective optimisation problems, one optimal solution can be defined. Multiobjective optimisation, on the contrary, mostly leads to a set of alternative solutions representing the optimal trade-off between the different objectives. The following sections present two key concepts of multi-objective optimisation: the processes of search and decision making and the concept of Pareto optimality and its opportunities for multi-objective optimisation. 1.3.1 Search and decision making In multi-objective optimisation, two distinct processes can be identified, being the search process and the decision making process (Zitzler 1999). The search process refers to the difficulties of exploring large and complex search spaces for which exact optimisation methods are unsuitable. Decision making refers to the analysis of the optimal set of solutions with the aim of finally selecting the best compromise solution (Zitzler 1999, Van Veldhuizen 1999). In single-objective optimisation problems, the search process unequivocally leads to the single optimal solution, thus making the decision making process of selecting the most suitable solution redundant. In multi-objective optimisation problems, however, search and decision making are distinguished processes. Depending on how these processes are combined, a classification of multi-objective optimisation methods can be established (Zitzler 1999): Decision making before search Search before decision making Decision making during search Decision making before search In the first method, the multiple objectives are combined into one single objective. This way, preference information from the decision maker is implicitly included in the search process. The advantage of this method lies in the fact that the classical single-objective optimisation methods can be applied without modifications. On the other hand, it also requires profound domain knowledge which is usually not available (Zitzler 1999). The weighted sum approach is a typical example of decision making before search. With this technique, multiple objectives are aggregated into a single objective by summing the different objectives according to a different weight. However, the outcome might strongly depend on the selected weights. 13 CHAPTER 1 Search before decision making Search before decision making overcomes this drawback, as before and during optimisation, no preference information is incorporated in the search process. The result is a set of optimal solutions from which the decision maker makes the final choice. However, this method has the disadvantage that, by excluding the incorporation of preference information during search, the complexity of the search space cannot be reduced. Another problem of this method might be the visualisation and presentation of the set of optimal solutions for more than three objectives (Zitzler 1999, Pohlheim 1999). Decision making during search When decision making and search are interacting during the optimisation, preference information is incorporated in the search process. Each optimisation step results in a set of alternative trade-offs, on the basis of which the decision maker can incorporate further preference information or guide the search. By integrating search and decision making in the optimisation process, the advantages of both are united. Analysing the literature on multi-objective optimisation highlights the popularity of the method of search before decision making (Van Veldhuizen 1999). In real-world problems, it seems reasonable that decision makers are tended to first perform a search for possible solutions. Making a decision after search is probably less expensive in the long run than making decisions without the additional knowledge gained through initial or interactive search (Van Veldhuizen 1999). A key concept for decision making is the concept of Pareto optimality. This concept is presented in the next section. 1.3.2 Concept of Pareto optimality While genetic algorithms are very well suited for dealing with the optimisation of multiple variables, the concept of Pareto optimality is very useful when simultaneously optimising multiple objectives (Fonseca et al. 1995, Coello 1999, Gens 2001). A Pareto-based approach treats all objectives equally during optimisation and tries to deduce the optimal trade off between the objectives by determining the non-dominated solutions. This way, Pareto-based concepts are often part of ‘search before decision making’ methods. In single-objective optimisation, one objective function is to be optimised (minimised or maximised) and the set of feasible solutions is totally ordered according to the objective function: if a and b are two feasible solutions for the objective function f, either f(a) ≥ f(b) or f(a) ≤ (f(b). The goal is to find the solution (or solutions) that give(s) the minimum or maximum value of f. 14 EVOLUTIONARY MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMISATION When several objectives are involved, however, the set of feasible solutions is not totally ordered, but partially ordered (Pareto 1896, Zitzler 1999). This is illustrated in figure 1.4 for a maximisation problem for two objectives f1 (e.g. energy savings) and f2 (e.g. cost savings). Solution B is better than solution C as it provides higher energy savings at higher cost savings. Solution C performs better than solution D, as despite equal cost savings, C achieves higher energy savings than D. However, when comparing B and E, neither can be said superior. Although solution E saves more money, it provides lower energy savings than solution B. In the terminology of Pareto optimality, solution B dominates solutions C and D, whereas solution E is indifferent to B. Solution A on the other hand is not dominated by any other solution and thus called non-dominated or Pareto-optimal. Figure 1.4: Illustrative example of Pareto optimality in the objective space (left) and the relations between solutions (right) (Zitzler 1999) Generally, a solution for a multi-objective optimisation problem is called non-dominated or Pareto optimal, if there is no other feasible solution that improves one objective without causing simultaneously deterioration in at least one other objective. In contrast to singleobjective optimisation, where there is a single optimal solution, the final goal of multiobjective optimisation is to find the set of Pareto-optimal solutions, being the set of optimal trade-offs. Illustrated in figure 1.4 on the left hand side, the final goal of the optimisation process is to find as many solutions as possible that lie on the dotted line, being the Paretooptimal front. None of the solutions on this front can be considered as better than the others, unless preference information is included (Zitzler 1999). For two objectives, as in figure 1.4, the set of optimal trade-offs results in a curve of non-dominated solutions (Pareto-curve), for three objectives in a surface of non-dominated solutions (Pareto-surface). Pareto optimisation for more than three objectives is possible, but visualisation is not evident (Pohlheim 1999). 15 CHAPTER 1 Traditional single-objective approaches, such as the weighting method, are capable of generating the Pareto-optimal set. By aggregating the different objectives with different weights into a single objective and systematically varying the weights, the Pareto-optimal set can be established. However, this approach requires several optimisation runs to achieve a set of solutions that approximates the Pareto-optimal set (Zitzler 1999). As these runs are performed independently from each other, synergies can usually not be exploited. In the last few years, the interest in the integration of the Pareto concept in evolutionary optimisation techniques has been growing rapidly, as these techniques can generate multiple alternative trade-offs in a single optimisation run. This growing interest is reflected in an increasing amount of software and literature devoted to this subject. Of particular interest is the EMOO website on Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation, which aims at collecting most publications on the subject in a publicly accessible database (http://www.lania.mx/~ccoello/EMOO/). 1.3.3 Pareto-based fitness assignment and selection Genetic algorithms have the potential of finding multiple Pareto-optimal solutions in a single optimisation run, but for many complex applications, it is not evident to generate the entire set of Pareto-optimal solutions. Therefore, the optimisation goal may be reformulated as to find a non-dominated front that is as close as possible to the Pareto-optimal front with solutions that are well distributed and with a maximised spread of the solutions such that for each objective a wide range of values should be covered by the non-dominated solutions (Zitzler 1999). General techniques to control population diversity and common methods for selection and fitness assignment are discussed earlier. In order to guide the search towards the Pareto-optimal set, the concept of Pareto optimality should be incorporated in the selection and fitness assignment. The idea of calculating an individual’s fitness on the basis of Pareto dominance was first suggested by Goldberg (1989). He presented an iterative ranking procedure that has been taken up and modified by numerous researchers, resulting in several Pareto-based fitness assignment schemes (Fonseca and Fleming 1993, Horn, Nafpliotis and Goldberg 1994). Generally, a solution is given a rank depending on the number of solutions by which it is dominated and fitness is assigned by interpolating from the best to the worst rank, eventually followed by averaging between individuals with the same rank. This fitness is the basis for selection. Fonseca and Fleming (1993) apply stochastic universal sampling, whereas Horn, Nafpliotis and Goldberg (1994) apply tournament selection. Both combine the Pareto ranking with fitness sharing and niche techniques in order to spread the population along the Pareto optimal trade-off surface. Fonseca and Fleming (1995) noted that, when many competing 16 EVOLUTIONARY MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMISATION objectives are involved, pure Pareto-based evolutionary algorithms might perform badly due to the large dimensionality and the size of the Pareto trade-off surface. Nevertheless, Paretobased techniques appear to be quite popular in combination with evolutionary algorithms and well performing for two or three objectives (Zitzler 1999). 1.4 Constraint handling 1.4.1 Introduction When solving real-world optimisation problems, there are not only the objectives to be optimised, but also constraints to be satisfied. The presence of constraints significantly affects the performance of any optimisation algorithm (Michalewicz 1996). Due to the constraints, the search space as well as each population contains feasible and infeasible solutions. At the end of the optimisation process, however, a feasible optimum should be found. Smith and Coit (1995) discuss the main characteristics of constraints, being the number of constraints in a problem, their metric, criticality and difficulty. The number of constraints can vary as in some multi-objective problems, objectives are reformulated as constraints or vice versa. Anyhow, the difficulty of satisfying constraints will generally increase with the number of constraints. The metric is an aspect used to assess the violation of the constraint as a distance to satisfaction. It can be continuous or discrete. The criticality is related to the satisfaction of a constraint in absolute terms. Depending on whether the criticality is hard or rather soft, small violations will or will not be accepted for the final solution if the solution is superior to others for all other objectives and constraints (Smith and Coit 1995). Finally, the difficulty can be characterised by the size of the feasible region compared to the whole search space. Although the difficulty to satisfy a constraint is hard to assess a priori, an estimation can be made in two ways: by testing how easily a solution that violates the constraint can be changed into a solution that does not violate the constraint or by determining the probability of violating the constraint during search (Smith and Coit 1995). Several methods for handling constraints in multi-objective optimisation problems are reported in the literature (Richardson et al. 1989, Smith and Coit 1995). The general way of dealing with constraints is by penalising infeasible solutions. Other techniques that are applied in genetic algorithms are more or less problem-dependent. The use of special genetic operators or encoders that maintain the feasibility of the solutions is possible in a few cases. In other cases, infeasible solutions can be repaired into feasible ones. Repair mechanisms can be efficient and effective, if infeasible solutions can easily be modified into feasible solutions without much change of the structure of the parent solutions (Smith and 17 CHAPTER 1 Coit 1995). However, some repair mechanisms introduce systematic bias into the search. Another method of handling constraints is by rejection of infeasible solutions (‘death penalty’). This is only efficient if constraint violations occur relatively infrequently during evolution. Constraints can also be treated as extra objectives. This might affect the performance of the evolutionary algorithm, as convergence can become problematic if too many competing objectives are involved. Michalewicz discusses several constraint handling techniques more in detail in Michalewicz et al. (1996) and Michalewicz (1999). In view of the methodology developed in this research, only the technique of penalty functions is further discussed. 1.4.2 Penalty functions Penalising infeasible solutions is the most common approach in genetic algorithms. The technique consists mainly of reducing the fitness of the infeasible solution by adding a penalty to the fitness value. The major question is then how to design the penalty function. Several researchers studied on rules for the design of penalty functions, resulting in some hypotheses. Richardson et al. (1989) state that: “penalties which are a function of the distance from feasibility are better performers than those which are merely functions of the number of violated constraints, for a problem having few constraints, and few full solutions, penalties which are solely functions of the number of violated constraints are not likely to find solutions, good penalty functions can be constructed from two quantities: the expected completion cost (i.e. expected cost to repair the solution into a feasible one) and the maximum completion cost” and Siedlecki and Sklanski (1989) state that: “the genetic algorithm with a variable penalty coefficient outperforms the fixed penalty factor algorithm” Smith and Coit (1995) give a detailed overview of the state of the art of penalty functions for genetic algorithms. The simplest method is to apply a constant penalty to the solutions that violate constraints in any way. A variation for multiple constraints can consist of adding a metric, based on the number of violated constraints. A more sophisticated and more effective penalty is to apply a distance metric for each constraint and to add a penalty that depends on the distance to feasibility. However, in some problems it might be necessary for a good performance of the search process that exploration of the infeasible region is allowed, yet still requiring the final solution to be feasible. This is possible if a dynamic term is incorporated in the penalty function that increases the severity of the penalty for a given violation as the 18 EVOLUTIONARY MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMISATION search progresses. This way, highly infeasible solutions are allowed and can be exploited early in the search, while the search still moves towards the feasible region when the evolution progresses. Although incorporating both the distance to feasibility and the length of the search into the penalty function has been proven to be generally effective, some authors propose further improvements by making the penalty function adaptive to the success or failure of the search. Aim of adaptive penalty functions is to guide the search towards attractive regions or away from unattractive regions, based on what has already been observed. Smith and Coit (1995) finally present future research directions for penalty functions, being the development of completely adaptive penalty functions and the combination of multiple constraints into one appropriate penalty function. 1.5 Building-related case studies in the literature Up to now, the application of evolutionary multi-objective optimisation techniques for buildingrelated issues is quite limited. Most applications concern the optimisation of installation components. Asiedu et al. (2000) used genetic algorithms for the design of a HVAC duct system, Wang and Jin (2000) developed an optimal control system for VAV (variable air volume) air-conditioning systems based on genetic algorithms, Chow et al. (2002) did the same for an absorption chiller system, Fleming and Purshouse (2002) give a survey of how evolutionary algorithms are applied to adaptive control systems, whereas Kalogirou (2004) used genetic algorithms in combination with neural networks to optimise solar systems. The use of evolutionary algorithms to develop low energy building concepts or to evaluate energy consumption in buildings has been even more limited. Coley and Schukat (2002) combined genetic algorithms and thermal simulation to identify low energy building designs, Ozturk et al. (2004(1), 2004(2)) used genetic algorithms to estimate future projections of energy use in the residential-commercial building sector in Turkey, whereas Wang et al. (2005(1), 2005(2)) applied multi-objective genetic algorithms for green building design optimisation. However, there still is great potential for the combination of evolutionary algorithms and multi-objective optimisation techniques, in view of the large number of parameters, variables and objectives that interfere in the search for optimised sustainable building concepts. 1.6 Conclusions In general, the literature on evolutionary multi-objective optimisation methods can be subdivided in two main domains: the literature that focuses on specific theoretical aspects of evolutionary algorithms (Booker 1987, Coello 1996, 2000 and 2002, Deb and Goldberg 1989, 19 CHAPTER 1 Fonseca and Fleming 1993 and 1995, Grefenstette 1992, Goldberg and Richardson 1987, Hancock 1994, Horn et al 1994, Michalewicz 1996 and 1999, Smith and Coit 1995, Van Veldhuizen 1998 and 1999, …) and the literature that reports on the application of evolutionary algorithms to a specific real world optimisation problem (Asiedu et al 2000, Coley and Schukat 2002, Erickson et al 2002, Fleming and Purshouse 2002, Lotov 2001, Ozturk et al 2004(1) and 2004(2), Vrugt et al 2003, Wang and Jin 2000, Wang et al 2005(1) and 2005(2), Wright et al 2002, …). In the first group, evolutionary algorithms are themselves the main goal of research and most emphasis is put on the improvement of their performance, intending to create algorithms that perform well for a wide range of optimisation problems. In the latter, the technique of evolutionary algorithms is mainly a tool to solve a specific real world problem. This way, existing algorithms are modified and adapted to the particular problem by adding problem-specific knowledge to the algorithm. They generally have no intention of creating an algorithm that is applicable to more than one particular problem. Such non-standard algorithms enjoy a significant popularity in the evolutionary computation community. Very often, these methods, extended by the problem-specific knowledge, outperform other classical evolutionary methods as well as other standard techniques (Michalewicz 1999). Neither of the evolutionary techniques seems to be perfect or robust across the whole range of real-world problems. Only the whole family of evolutionary algorithms has this property of robustness. But the main key to successful applications lies in heuristic methods that are mixed skillfully with evolutionary techniques (Michalewicz 1999). The research reported in this dissertation belongs to the last group, as genetic algorithms have not been the main subject of the research, but have been used as a tool for optimisation of extremely low energy buildings. In this view, a rather pragmatic strategy has been applied: 1. The standard technique of genetic algorithms has been adopted as a starting point. 2. A problem-specific representation has been chosen that easily could be used for both the genetic process and the calculation of energy consumption, life cycle inventory and costs. 3. The parameters for the genetic operators have been analysed through a parameter study in order to determine the most appropriate ones for the problem: population size, generation gap, cross rate, crossover type, mutation rate, …. 4. The Pareto-concept has been adopted to deal with the multiple objectives of the problem, by application of fitness assignment through ranking based on a Paretoscore. It is inspired by the approaches presented in the literature, but with the attempt to find a good balance between the performance of the genetic algorithm and the 20 EVOLUTIONARY MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMISATION complexity of the fitness assignment process. This way, a simple Pareto-based fitness ranking scheme is applied without fitness sharing or mating restriction, as this scheme proved to perform well for the particular problem. 5. Constraints are incorporated through a penalty function, thus creating a final ranking score that is the sum of the Pareto-score and a penalty, if one or more constraints are violated. Tests have been executed to determine the magnitude of the penalty and the proportion between penalty and violation for this specific problem. The strategy that is schematically presented here will be further explained and assumptions will be justified in chapter 4. 21 LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS CHAPTER 2. 2.1 Life cycle analysis History and background Together with the awakening environmental consciousness and the first reports on the exhaustibility of our natural resources (Meadows et al. 1972), industrial products and materials became the subject of environmental assessment. The first interest in life cycle aspects of products and materials arose in the late sixties and early seventies and focused mainly on consumption of energy and raw materials and to some extent, waste disposal. The first multicriteria study was done by H. Teastley in 1969 for Coca Cola with the objectives to choose between glass or plastic for product bottling, between internal or external bottle production and between recycling or one-way for the chosen bottle. Contrary to all expectations, the study revealed the plastic bottle as the best choice. With these first results, the first discussions appeared on the validity of product comparisons (Ecobalance 2006). In the late seventies and the eighties, more initiatives arose, such as the foundation in 1979 of SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) starting from the need for a forum for interdisciplinary communication on environmental issues, and EMPA starting in Switzerland with research on life cycle aspects of packaging materials (Astrup Jensen et al. 1997). From the early nineties on, the environmental impact of products and materials became a more common interest and the domain of life cycle analysis and environmental impact assessment grew rapidly. This was reflected in the foundation of industrial and scientific LCA networks, such as SPOLD, LCANET, CHAINET, … and in the rise of international LCA-oriented journals, such as the International Journal of LCA, Journal of Cleaner Production, and Waste Management & Research with a rapidly increasing number of publications on all kinds of LCA studies (Astrup Jensen et al. 1997). This chapter first gives a short overview of several methods for environmental assessment. Then, it focuses specifically to the methodology of life cycle analysis. In section 2.3, the LCA methodology in general is explained, whereas section 2.4 discusses the important issue of information sources for LCA. Finally in section 2.5, the focus is narrowed towards LCA and the building sector. Strengths, weaknesses and challenges of the LCA methodology for buildings are discussed there. 2.2 Methods for environmental assessment The history of life cycle analysis clearly shows the important role played by the industry in the development of LCA. Since the early nineties, a number of research programmes has been conducted, most of them as an initiative of industrial federations or societies. Astrup Jensen 23 CHAPTER 2 et al. (1997) give a non exhaustive overview of research programmes in Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Germany and the US. These programmes resulted in a range of environmental tools to assist product developers and other decision makers with the assessment of environmental impacts from products and processes. Some of these tools have continuously being updated and are widely applied nowadays, such as the Eco-Indicator (NL) (Pré 2007). Most of these methods are based on some kind of life cycle assessment, ranging from a conceptual life cycle thinking over simplified LCA using generic data and focusing on the most important environmental aspects, to detailed, but expensive and time-consuming LCA. Anyhow, methods for environmental assessment most often focus on product development, very few on whole systems, such as a building. The sections below give a short description of most common environmental assessment approaches. 2.2.1 Life cycle analysis Life cycle analysis or life cycle assessment (LCA) is a term that covers a wide range of life cycle assessment approaches, mostly based on the International Standard ISO 14000 series that provide a consensus framework for LCA. However, since a detailed LCA is expensive and time-consuming, it is judged not to correspond always to the possible benefits of the results for some applications. These limitations are particularly acute within contexts where a rapid decision is required or where a rough first overview of the system’s impacts is needed (Rebitzer et al. 2004). Therefore, in many applications, simplified LCA’s and LCA thinking (also called streamlined LCA) are employed. The LCA framework, as presented in the ISO 14040 Standard, will be discussed in detail further on, but here some short definitions are given in order to have a reference for comparison with the other simplified approaches presented below. Life cycle inventory After defining the goal and scope of a life cycle study, thus determining the system boundaries, life cycle inventory or LCI is the first step in the life cycle assessment process. It is a methodology for estimating the consumption of resources and the quantities of waste flows and emissions caused by or attributable to a product’s life cycle (Rebitzer et al. 2004). A product or product system is typically composed of unit processes, each representing one or more activities, such as production processes, transport or retail. For each unit process, data are gathered on the input of natural resources and on the output of emissions, waste flows and other environmental exchanges (Rebitzer et al. 2004). All unit processes are linked through intermediate product flows, thus creating a model for the product system. Outcome of the LCI is an inventory of all input flows, being the natural resources required for the 24 LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS product system, and all output flows, being the emissions and waste generated by the product system. Life cycle impact assessment In a next step, different input and/or output flows are weighted and combined into environmental indicators. These indicators are used in the life cycle impact assessment to evaluate a product’s life cycle for a number of impact categories, such as climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion, tropospheric ozone creation (smog), eutrophication, acidification, toxicological stress on human health and ecosystems, the depletion of resources, water use, land use, noise and others (Rebitzer et al. 2004). Advantage of indicators is the ease of use and the apparent simplicity of the results for interpretation. However, as for all weighting and aggregation issues, the choice of the different weighting factors is crucial to provide reliable results, as thoughtless weighting may strongly distort the comparison between product alternatives. Life cycle interpretation Life cycle interpretation is an essential step in the life cycle assessment process, but can occur at every stage. When comparing two product alternatives, an interpretation purely based on LCI can be conclusive, but in some cases, a practitioner may also want to compare across impact categories. The latter however, creates the need for information on the priority of impact categories. Resolving such issues clearly demands extra information, not only from natural sciences, but even more from social science and economics (Rebitzer et al. 2004). 2.2.2 Process-chain analysis Process-chain analysis (PCA) is at first view strongly comparable with life cycle inventory. However, as in a traditional LCA the inventory analysis is the most time-consuming phase, the approach of PCA attempts to simplify the process-oriented modelling (Rebitzer et al. 2004). Where LCI mostly considers a wide range of input and output flows based on detail process information, PCA mainly focuses on energy and greenhouse gas emissions, using generic data for different materials. Starting from a product, PCA converts the product into its composing materials and associates the materials with the corresponding amounts of energy used and GHG emissions emitted during all underlying production steps (Voorspools et al. 2000). In a final step, the energy and emissions related to the production from materials into the final product are added. To reduce the time for process modelling, PCA’s are based on average data for all basic composing materials, such as steel, glass, plastics, concrete,…. This way, however, this method neglects the fact that one basic material can result from 25 CHAPTER 2 different production processes, with different input and output flows depending on the final destination of the material (Voorspools et al. 2000). Therefore, the strength of the approach is at the same time one of its weaknesses. Another drawback is that processes, such as engineering and services, cannot be expressed as an amount of material used and thus, are not taken into account. 2.2.3 Input-output analysis While process chain analysis decomposes a product or system into its composing materials, the input/output analysis (IOA) converts a product into its economic components. Each component is attributed to an economic sector (metallurgy, electrotechnics, chemistry, services, …). For each economic sector an average product is calculated and characterised by an amount of energy needed and GHGs emitted (Voorspools et al. 2000). Every input can also be expressed easily as a monetary value. The life cycle of a product is then interpreted as a sequence of economic activities, each characterised by an amount of energy and emissions. Sector-related cost and energy input data are based on the national economic input/output tables and the national energy balance. In contrast to process-chain analysis, input/output analysis can take all processes into account that can be linked to an economic sector and thus, does not exclude processes such as engineering and services. Nevertheless, the main weakness of the IO approach is the use of an average product as a characterisation of a whole sector. Furthermore, the number of economic sectors is very limited (64 in Belgium, not all relevant for each product), thus, risking to have components that can be attributed to more than one sector. Due to the characteristics of the input/output approach and the large uncertainties on the energy and cost data, this method may be useful for a first evaluation of the orders of magnitude of the environmental impact and economic cost of certain products, but might be too rough for detailed comparison of system alternatives. Voorspools et al. (2000) combined a PCA and an IOA to calculate the energy content and indirect greenhouse gas emissions embedded in ‘emission-free’ power plants, such as nuclear plants, hydro power plants, fotovoltaic systems, etc. 2.2.4 Life cycle costing Although originally life cycle costing or LCC was not developed in an environmental context, there is quite some ambiguity about the concept in relation to environmental issues. Therefore, LCC is briefly discussed here. While the aim of LCA is to assess the total environmental impact throughout the life cycle of a product or a system, LCA does not consider economic or societal aspects. Life cycle costing, on the other hand, originally was a 26 LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS type of investment calculus used to rank different investment alternatives (Gluch and Baumann 2004), but it has evolved towards a technique for comparative cost assessments over a specific period of time. It takes into account all relevant economic factors, both in terms of initial capital costs and future operational costs and is specifically developed for building-related contexts (TG4 2003). However, the expansion of the system boundaries to include the product’s lifetime does not mean automatically that all environmental costs are included. From the early nineties on, modified environmental accounting tools have been developed, attempting to include environmental impacts as costs into the corporate accounting systems (Gluch and Baumann 2004). Life cycle costing and other economic assessment tools are discussed in detail in chapter 3. 2.2.5 Product-related environmental assessment tools Historically, environmental assessment of products and materials originated from the production industry, thus resulting in several environmental assessment tools for sustainable product development. Scope of this dissertation is the sustainability of low energy buildings as a whole. However, products and materials as such also contribute to this overall sustainability. Therefore, in an attempt to give a more complete overview of the current environmental assessment tools, one of the most important product-related environmental strategies is briefly presented here, namely Ecodesign or Design for Environment (DfE). In the literature, both terms appear next to each other, but they are in fact two names for one concept. DfE is mostly used in USA and Canada, Ecodesign mostly in Europe. Ecodesign (Duflou and De Wulf 2006) Ecodesign is an application that uses LCA in the process of product development. Aim of all ecodesign strategies is to reduce the environmental impact of products, not only during the production stage, but also during the utilisation stage and the end-of-life stage. The assessment of the environmental impact from cradle to grave is done by LCA. For the production phase, the main strategies for ecodesign consist of (1) choosing production processes with a lower environmental impact, (2) using materials with a lower environmental impact and (3) reduction of material use, also called ‘dematerialisation of the design’. For the utilisation phase, the main strategies consist of (1) minimising the environmental impact of the logistics by reducing volume, weight, transport distances and/or packaging materials, (2) extension of the lifetime of the product and (3) optimisation of the efficiency (energy, emissions, maintenance,…) during utilisation. Care must be taken, however, with the secondary effects of some decisions due to the mutual dependency of some product 27 CHAPTER 2 characteristics. For instance, in case of a refrigerator, the extension of the lifetime might have a negative impact on the energy efficiency, as the thermal quality of the insulation degrades in time. Furthermore, life extension prevents renewal of the refrigerator stock, whereby the newest generation usually consumes considerably less energy. To reduce the environmental impact of the end phase, ecodesign focuses on product design that allows (1) reuse of the product or its components or (2) recycling through selective dismantling of the product, through destructive separation or through regeneration of the raw materials. 2.2.6 Building-related environmental assessment tools LCA is an important tool for evaluating the environmental impact of products or product systems, as it allows quantification of the global environmental impact. Traditionally, LCA is mostly concerned with components and product design and hardly considers large systems, such as buildings, as a whole. However, in the literature and in building practice, several environmental assessment tools can be found, ranging from simple checklists over building rating schemes to detailed LCA modelling tools. Anon. (2001(1)), Anon. (2001(2)) and REGENER (1997) give an extensive overview of a large number of building related life cycle assessment tools. Some are limited to material and product level, others consider building parts or buildings as a whole. For some, the use is limited to one or two countries, others are used worldwide by hundreds of multinationals, consultants, research institutes and universities. It is beyond the scope of this research to discuss and evaluate all these tools. One particular research activity on building-related life cycle analysis is reported here, as it appears to be the main basis for the overviews of Anon. (2001(1)) and REGENER (1997): the IEA Annex 31 on ‘Assessing the Energy-Related Environmental Impacts of Buildings’. IEA Annex 31 Annex 31 was executed in the period of 1996-1999. It examined how tools and assessment methods could be developed and used to improve the energy-related impact of buildings on interior, local and global environments. The research executed in the project was not limited to the analysis of existing assessment tools, but also contained an in-depth analysis of different aspects of environmental impact of buildings. It considered the environmental loads, effects and impacts, as well as how to influence the decision-making process for environmental issues or how to assess the adaptability of buildings. All reports are freely available on www.annex31.org . 28 LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS As appears clearly from the IEA Annex 31 research, buildings have specific properties in comparison with ‘traditional’ industrial products (very long lifetime, large impact of the utilisation phase, one-of-a-kind character, …), and thus, application of LCA to buildings requires specific attention. An in-depth discussion of these specific requirements and how particular case studies from the literature on the environmental impact of buildings dealt with it is presented in section 2.5, after a more detailed description of the LCA methodology and of the availability and quality of LCA information. 2.3 LCA methodology 2.3.1 Introduction The rapidly growing interest in sustainable product development in the nineties was accompanied by a growing need for methods and tools to quantify and compare the environmental impacts of products. At the same time, there was a need for standardisation in order to create a common framework for LCA studies by which LCA results from different studies could be compared and interpreted in a standardised way. This resulted in the development of the International Standards of the ISO 14000 series which are nowadays accepted as a consensus framework for LCA: - International Standard ISO 14040 (1997) on principles and framework - International Standard ISO 14041 (1998) on goal and scope definition and inventory analysis - International Standard ISO 14042 (2000) on life cycle impact assessment - International Standard ISO 14043(2000) on life cycle interpretation Every product or system has a life, starting with the design of the product, followed by resource extraction, production, use and finally end-of-life activities. All processes in a product’s or system’s life result in environmental impacts due to resource consumption, emissions into the natural environment and other environmental exchanges. In LCA, the design phase is usually excluded, since this phase itself is often assumed not to contribute significantly to the environmental impact of the product. However, the design strongly predetermines the behaviour of the production in the subsequent phases, and thus, decisions taken in this phase might have a significant impact on the generation of environmental loads in the other life cycle stages (Rebitzer et al. 2004). Therefore, if LCA is used for the improvement of the sustainability of products, it should be carried out as early in the design process as possible. The same can be applied to the design or improvement of a process within the life cycle of a product. 29 CHAPTER 2 The sections below present the key features of an LCA as defined in the ISO 14000 standards. As these standards are developed as a general framework and applied in a first place to industrial products, they will be reported as such below. But as the ISO 14040 (1997) mentions: ‘There is no single method for conducting LCA studies. Organisations should have flexibility to implement LCA practically as established in this International Standard, based upon the specific application and the requirements of the user.’ Therefore, further on, the requirements and consequences of applying this framework to the environmental impact of buildings are discussed. 2.3.2 Framework The ISO Standards on life cycle assessment originated from the ‘Code of Practice’ developed by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). This code originally distinguished four methodological components within LCA: goal and scope definition, life cycle inventory analysis, life cycle impact assessment and life cycle improvement assessment. In ISO 14040 (1997), life cycle improvement assessment is no longer regarded as a phase on its own, but rather as having an influence throughout the whole LCA methodology. In addition, life cycle interpretation has been introduced. This phase interacts with all other phases in the LCA procedure, as illustrated in figure 2.1. The International Standard recognises that LCA is still at an early stage of development. Some phases, such as impact assessment, are still in relative infancy. Therefore, it is important that the results of LCA be interpreted and applied appropriately (ISO 14040 1997). Life cycle assessment framework Goal and scope definition Direct applications: - Inventory analysis Interpretation Impact assessment Figure 2.1: Phases of an LCA (ISO 14040 1997) 30 - Product development and improvement Strategic planning Public policy making Marketing Other LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS Goal and scope The first step in an LCA is defining the goal and scope of the LCA study. They provide a description of the product system to be analysed. The goal definition focuses on the intended application, the reason why the study is performed and the intended audience, whereas the scope definition describes the system, or systems in case of comparative studies, in terms of system boundaries, functional unit, allocation procedures, data requirements, assumptions and limitations (ISO 14040 1997). The functional unit is the essential basis for comparing goods and services. Usually, the functional unit is not just a quantity of material, but more a service that the product system(s) should provide (Rebitzer et al. 2004). The scope definition may require modifications during the LCA process to meet the original goal. Even the goal definition may be revised due to unexpected limitations or constraints. This way, an LCA study must be considered as an iterative technique (ISO 14041 1998). As said earlier, the functional unit is a quantitative description of the service that the investigated system should provide. In this sense, when comparing product system alternatives, care must be taken to avoid choosing a too narrow product perspective. This could result in differences in the functions that the alternatives should provide. This can be avoided by choosing a broader function-based perspective, based on the needs fulfilled by the products rather than on the physical products themselves (e.g. ‘lighting’ or ‘cooling of food’ instead of ‘lamps’ or ‘refrigerators’) (Rebitzer et al. 2004). Applied to buildings, care must be taken to not limit the functional unit to a building material or building component, but to consider the overall performance of the building as a whole (functionality, thermal, acoustical and visual comfort, safety, etc.) according to the IEA Annex 32 performance matrix for buildings (Hendriks and Hens 2000). System boundaries and product system modelling After defining the functional unit, the product system has to be modelled before an inventory of environmental exchanges of the functional unit can be established. The model of the product system is typically a static simulation model, composed of unit processes, each representing one or more activities. The system boundaries define which unit processes will be included in the system(s) to be modelled. For each unit process, data are recorded on the input of natural resources, the emissions, waste flows and other environmental exchanges. The exchanges are typically assumed to be linearly related to one of the product flows of the unit process. All unit processes are linked through intermediate product flows, what makes the typical process system model linear with respect to the quantity of function it provides (Rebitzer et al. 2004). In practice, lack of time, data or resources will necessarily lead to decisions on which unit processes will be modelled and to which level of detail these processes will be studied. 31 CHAPTER 2 Obviously, processes should be included that are deemed to contribute significantly to the studied product and its function. In the same way, decisions need to be made on the inputs from the environment and releases to the environment to be evaluated and the level of detail of this evaluation (ISO 14041 1998). The choices and assumptions made during system modelling, especially with respect to the system boundaries and what processes and releases to include, are often decisive for the results of an LCA study, although it is difficult to deduce the exact influence of the choices made on the results (Rebitzer et al. 2004). As for goal and scope definition, also the system boundaries may need modification or refinement during the LCA process on the basis of results of preliminary work (ISO 14041 1998). In principle, all life cycle stages should be incorporated from extraction to manufacturing over distribution and transportation to utilisation and maintenance and, finally, disposal of wastes and products and recovery of used products. If not, this should clearly and explicitly be mentioned in the description of the system boundaries. 2.3.3 Inventory analysis Data collection Life cycle inventory is a methodology for estimating the consumption of resources and the quantities of waste flows and emissions caused by or attributable to a product’s life cycle. This means that for each process of the product system, a data set is needed. This way, the inventory process itself is mainly concerned with data collection and calculation procedures. However, consumption of resources as well as generation of waste and emissions occurs at multiple sites and regions of the world, at different times and over different time periods and as different fractions of the total consumption or emission at any one site (Rebitzer et al. 2004). This makes data collection and compilation often the most work- and time-consuming steps in an LCA. Requirements for data quality and data collection for LCI are discussed further in the section on information sources. Allocation In general, life cycle inventory analysis relies on being able to link different unit processes to each other by simple material or energy flows. However, in practice, very few industrial processes yield a single product. In fact, most processes yield more than one product and at the same time, they recycle intermediate or discarded products as raw materials (ISO 14041 1998). This raises the question how flows should be partitioned and distributed among the multiple products. This has been one of the most controversial issues in the development of LCA. The ISO 14041 (1998) proposes a stepwise procedure: 32 LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS 1. In the first place, allocation should be avoided, wherever possible, by dividing the unit process in one or more sub processes or by expanding the product system to include the additional functions. 2. Where allocation cannot be avoided, partitioning of inputs and outputs should reflect the underlying physical relationships. 3. Where physical relationships alone cannot serve as a basis for allocation, the allocation should be based on other relationships between products and functions, e.g. in proportion to the economic value of the products. These allocation principles also apply to reuse and recycling. However, additional elaboration is required, because reuse and recycling may imply that flows associated with processes for extraction and processing of raw materials on the one hand, and final disposal of waste on the other hand, are to be shared by more than one product system. Besides, reuse and recycling may change the inherent properties of materials. Furthermore, care should be taken in defining the system boundaries concerning recovery processes. Figure 2.2 outlines some conceptual procedures as proposed in ISO 14041 (1998). Distinction is made between the technical description of the product system and the allocation procedure for recycling. Technical description of a product system Material from a product system is recycled in the same production system Allocation procedure for recycling Closed loop Closed loop Material from a product system is recycled in a different production system Material is recycled without changes to inherent properties Open loop Open loop Material is recycled with changes to inherent properties Figure 2.2: Distinction between technical description of a product system and allocation procedures for recycling (ISO 14041 1998) The Technical Report ISO/TR 14049: 2000E provides examples of application of allocation procedures both for multiple output issues and recycling issues. 33 CHAPTER 2 2.3.4 Impact assessment Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) is a methodology that provides the factors for calculating indicators of the potential impact contributions from wastes, emissions and resource use, attributable to a product system. LCIA, as described in the ISO 14042 (2000), consists of both mandatory and optional elements. Mandatory is (Pennington et al. 2004): 1. Selection of the impact categories of interest, the indicators for each category and the underlying models 2. Classification, being assignment of the inventory data from the LCI to the chosen impact categories 3. Characterisation through calculation of impact category indicators using characterisation factors Optional elements are (Pennington et al. 2004): 4. Normalisation: calculation of the indicator results relative to reference values 5. Grouping and/or weighting of the results 6. Data quality analysis: this analysis is in fact mandatory in comparative assertions according to ISO 14042 (2000), but up to now it receives little attention in current practice Selection of impact categories Indicators express the contributions from waste, emissions and resource use in terms of impact categories. Impact categories include climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion, acidification, aquatic and terrestrial eutrophication, human toxicological effects, ecotoxicological effects, photo-oxidant formation (smog), biotic and abiotic resources, land use and other physical interventions such as odour and noise. Characterisation Indicators for each impact category can be calculated from the inventory data of the product system using generic characterisation factors resulting from characterisation models. As emission inventory data are expressed in terms of mass (e.g. kg) released in the environment per functional unit, the characterisation factors linearly express the contribution to an impact category of a unit mass (1 kg) of an emission to the environment. The scope of this research is mainly limited to life cycle inventory. The only impact category implemented is climate change and the characterisation factor used is the Global Warming Potential. The relative contributions of different gases to climate change are commonly compared in terms of carbon dioxide equivalents using Global Warming Potentials (GWPs). Three different units are generally used: GWP20, GWP100 and GWP500. A gas with a GWP100 34 LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS of 20 implies that 1 kg of this gas has the same cumulative climate change effect as 20 kg of carbon dioxide during a 100 year time period (Pennington et al. 2004). For the different impact categories, different characterisation models can be considered for the determination of characterisation factors. In principle, a characterisation model should be chosen by an LCA practitioner when executing an LCIA. However, in practice, this choice is mostly considered implicitly by choosing directly characterisation factors. Further discussion on the key issues for modelling, normalisation, grouping and weighting in LCIA can be found in Pennington et al. (2004), together with an overview of available models for common impact categories. This is not further discussed here, as it is beyond the scope of this research. Table 2.1: Global warming potentials (GWP) given in kg CO2 eq./kg gas (Astrup Jensen et al. 1997) 35 CHAPTER 2 2.3.5 Interpretation As illustrated in figure 2.1, life cycle interpretation is an essential step in the life cycle assessment process, but interacts with every stage. Related to goal and scope definition, the interpretation of preliminary results may lead to modifications of the definitions of goal, scope and/ or system boundaries. Analysis of purely LCI results can be conclusive, as a few data in a life cycle inventory can often dominate, making the results readily interpretable. However, an LCA practitioner may also want to compare across impact categories to set priorities or to resolve trade-offs between product alternatives. To some extent, this can be achieved using natural science approaches, but limitations remain, as this optional step demands expert judgment, analysis from different viewpoints and optional application of socioeconomic techniques. Techniques of normalisation, grouping and/or weighting may be helpful in the process of interpretation (Pennington et al. 2004): 2.3.6 Conclusions LCA is a tool for comparing goods and services in an environmental context and for identifying opportunities for improvement of the environmental impact. The International Standard recognises that LCA is still at an early stage of development, especially the impact assessment process. As with any form of impact assessment tool, the science behind LCIA is continually evolving. Current research includes improving the modelling of environmental mechanisms, identification of appropriate temporal and spatial differentiation, quantification of the overall uncertainties and further development of the techniques for comparison across impact categories (Pennington et al. 2004). Furthermore, as most standards, these ISO standards remain quite theoretically and do not provide detailed methodological guidance. Rebitzer et al. (2004) and Pennington et al. (2004) give an in-depth review of the different ISO life cycle assessment standards. Further comprehensive and detailed guidelines can be found in Consoli et al. (1993), Guinée et al. (2002), Hauschild and Wenzel (1998), Wenzel et al. (1997) and others. 2.4 Information sources for LCA 2.4.1 Organisations and networks Together with the growing interest in life cycle assessment and preceding the development of the ISO LCA standards, several LCA-related organisations and networks arose from the need for interdisciplinary communication among environmental scientists and others interested in environmental issues. With its foundation in 1979, the Society of Environmental 36 LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is one of the oldest and its network covers nearly the whole world. Because of its multidisciplinary approach, the scope of science of SETAC is often broader in concept and application than that of other LCA-related societies (SETAC 2006). Another organisation that played an important role in the development of LCA is SPOLD, the Society for the Promotion of Life Cycle Assessment Development, funded in 1992 as an organisation of industries interested in accelerating the development of LCA as an accepted management tool for restructuring company policies towards sustainable development. Its most important achievement is the development of the SPOLD format for life cycle inventory data, which has meanwhile found wide acceptance. Further detail is given in the section below. SPOLD closely co-operated with other organisations, such as SETAC-Europe, on data availability, data quality and data formats. Since 2002, part of its work is continued under the auspices of UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme). Important European networks for LCA were LCANET (March 1996 - June 1997) and later CHAINET (December 1997 - December 1999). They both were concerted actions in the EU Environment and Climate Programme. The main objectives of LCANET were to be a platform for discussion on LCA research among European research institutes, companies and the European Commission. In the meantime, there was an immense supply of tools and concepts providing environmental information, but most developments of tools took place independently from each other and often without communication with the demand side for environmental information. Therefore, CHAINET as the successor of LCANET, attempted to link the different communities concerned with LCA and to establish a toolbox with guidelines for linking demands for environmental information with supply of environmental information. 2.4.2 Data and databases Data collection, data quality and data structure When executing a life cycle inventory, apart from the modelling of the product system, a large number of data sets is needed covering all processes of the product system. These data sets are each a compilation of inputs and outputs related to the function or product generated by the process they belong to. Collection of data is often the most time- and workconsuming step in LCA. However, most product systems contain process types that are common to nearly all studies, such as energy supply, transport, waste treatment services and production of commodity chemicals and materials. Because of the global markets, many of these processes are even similar or identical (Rebitzer et al. 2004). Other processes have a more local, regional or national character. Both, if data are to be collected specifically for a given project or for the purpose of creating a database, a number of difficulties may arise: 37 CHAPTER 2 most LCA practitioners have little or no previous knowledge of all the processes for which data are collected, methodological choices have an impact on the data e.g. the partitioning of overall inputs and outputs between different functions if a process is providing more than one product or function, measurement points may be lacking, etc. At the same time, in the nineties, the LCA community realised that not only data, but also data documentation is crucial. Data documentation or description of data quality is important to understand the reliability of the study results and to properly interpret the outcome of the study. Important parameters for data quality are (ISO 14041 1998): - Time-related coverage: the age of data and the length of time over which data are collected - Geographical coverage: the geographical areas for which the data for unit processes are valid (local, regional, national, continental, global) - Technological coverage: the technology mix on the basis of which data are collected (weighted average of the actual process mix, best available technology, worst operating unit,…) Additionally, also the level of detail is important for the data quality. This is related to parameters of precision, completeness, representativeness, consistency and reproducibility (ISO 14041 1998). Up to the nineties, meta-information on temporal, geographical or technical validity of LCI data was rarely provided. SPOLD initiated the development of a data documentation format which facilitates extensive documentation of LCI data for processes and services (Weidema 1999). Parallel, the SPINE data reporting and exchange format was developed. SPINE (Sustainable Product Information Network for the Environment) is a data model and a database format for LCA that has been developed within the Swedish competence centre CPM (Centre for Environmental Assessment of Product and Material System) (Carlson and Tillman 1998). In 2001, ISO published a technical specification on data documentation format for life cycle inventory data (Rebitzer et al. 2004). More details on the structure of the format and the specifications of the meta-information can be found in ISO 14048 (2001). Two database systems (ecoinvent and SPINE, discussed in the section below) try to follow these specifications. Also a recent US national LCI database (NREL 2002) aims at ISO 14048 compliance (Rebitzer et al. 2004). Uncertainty and variability The existence of uncertainties and variations in the LCI data are a difficulty for LCA, as they represent a limitation for clear interpretation of the LCA results. There are different sources of uncertainty and variability. Variability is understood as inherent variations in the real world, 38 LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS while uncertainty mainly results from inaccurate measurements, lack of data, model assumptions, etc. (Sonneman et al. 2003). Huijbregts (1998) gives a short classification of uncertainty and variability: - Parameter uncertainty due to imprecise measurements, incomplete or outdated measurements or simply lack of measurement data - Model uncertainty for the model describing the product system and its unit processes. Care must be taken when performing a parameter uncertainty analysis, as large model uncertainties might distort the results of the uncertainty analysis. - Uncertainties due to choices, inherent to LCA, such as the choice of the functional unit or the allocation procedure - Spatial variability due to the variations of processes in the real world, depending on their location - Temporal variability due to variations in time, occurring frequently for emissions and technical process characteristics - Variability between sources and objects due to inherent differences in inputs and emissions of comparable processes in a product system Up to now, reports on uncertainty analysis or studies on the influence of data quality to the final results are rare to find. Illustrative for this gap is the fact that the IEA Annex 31 report on sensitivity and uncertainty is the shortest of all, only containing 4 pages with rather general information (Annex31 2004). In the literature, mostly discussions on the dimensions of uncertainty analysis in LCA (Norris ND, NREL-LCI, Heijungs 1996), proposals for approaches for partial domains of the uncertainty problem of LCI and LCA (von Bahr and Steen 2004) or proposals for quality assessment for LCA (van den Berg et al. 1999) are found. Sonneman et al. (2003) gives a short overview of the existing methods that have been proposed during recent years. Distinction can be made between qualitative and quantitative assessment. Qualitative assessment attempts to describe the data by means of a characterisation of their quality, whereas quantitative assessment aims at quantifying all the inherent uncertainties and variations in an LCA. The limitation of the latter, however, lies in the fact that it is hardly possible to analyse all types of uncertainty. In the methods presented by Sonneman et al. (2003), distinction is made between methods applicable for uncertainty analysis of life cycle inventories and methods applicable to uncertainties of LCA. Sonneman et al. (2003) and Maurice et al. (2000) both report on case studies where a combination of qualitative assessment by use of data quality indicators and quantitative assessment by use of stochastic models (Monte Carlo) is applied to the life cycle inventory of two types of electricity production plants. The qualitative assessment is used to determine the most 39 CHAPTER 2 relevant factors in the LCI data. A sensitivity analysis then, by means of a Monte Carlo simulation, shows which parameters have most impact on the final results. Important in this context is also the work of Heijungs et al. that present five numerical approaches, elaborated to support the life cycle interpretation phase (Heijungs and Kleijn 2000, Heijungs et al. 2005). The methods proposed are: - contribution analysis - perturbation analysis - uncertainty analysis - comparative analysis - discernibility analysis. They are implemented in the educational free software tool Chain Management by Life Cycle Assessment (CMLCA) and used for an analysis of the often-used ecoinvent’96 database (Heijungs et al. 2005). As some of these approaches are applied to assess the quality of the results from this PhD research, a short definition of all five approaches is given here. Indepth discussion of the methods and the results for the ecoinvent’96 database can be found in Heijungs et al. (2005): - A contribution analysis decomposes the aggregated results of an inventory analysis in a way that for each inventory item of a system, the contribution of the different unit processes for this inventory item can be traced back. - A perturbation analysis identifies the sensitive parameters, being the input parameters of which a small change induces a large change in the selected results. The factor that couples a small change in input to a change in output is referred to as the multiplier. Multipliers larger than 1 or smaller than -1 indicate sensitive parameters, while multipliers close to 0 indicate insensitive parameters. The advantage of a perturbation analysis is that it allows the researcher to study inherent sensitivities, even for variables for which no uncertainty indication is known. - An uncertainty analysis aims at a systematic study of the propagation of input uncertainties into output uncertainties. There are two basic ways of running an uncertainty analysis: by random sampling, such as a Monte Carlo simulation, and by analytical formulas for error propagation. Apart from Heijungs et al. (2005), also Maurice et al. (2000) applied both methods in a case study. - A comparative analysis is nothing more than a systematic and simultaneously established list of the LCA results for different product alternatives. - A discernibility analysis combines a comparative analysis and an uncertainty analysis. It is based on comparing product alternatives for a large number of Monte Carlo runs. 40 LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS In the research here reported, the LCI results are analysed and interpreted by means of a contribution analysis, a perturbation analysis and an uncertainty analysis based on Monte Carlo simulations. Further details can be found in chapter 5. Databases for LCI When considering databases for LCA, distinction can be made between public database initiatives (free or commercially available) and industry database initiatives (Rebitzer et al. 2004). Over the years, several publicly funded initiatives for developing databases of LCI data have been undertaken. Many of these databases provide data on the level of life cycle inventory results for commonly used goods and services. Some databases, such as the Swedish SPINE and the Swiss “Ökoinventare von Energiesystemen” and its successor ecoinvent2000 (Frischknecht and Rebitzer 2005) also offer data per technological process (Rebitzer et al. 2004). In addition, several national-level database development activities in Japan, USA, Canada, Germany, Australia as well as some international coordination projects are going on. At the same time, many industry sectors provide data to be used in LCAs. Parallel with the increasing interest for LCA applications, the demand for high quality, transparent and consistent LCA data rises as well. Only a few publicly available LCI databases fulfil these criteria, although not all up to date (Frischknecht and Rebitzer 2005). In the literature and on the internet, several overviews of existing databases can be found (Anon. 2001(2), Astrup Jensen et al. 1997, Doka 2004, REGENER 1997, Sidoroff 2004, SimaPro 2006, UWME 2006). One of the most detailed, complete and coherent public databases at the moment is the ecoinvent2000 database, developed by the Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories. The database accommodates more than 2500 background processes often required in LCA case studies. As most data in ecoinvent2000 are representative for Europe, this database is selected as the main information source for LCI data within this PhD research. A short description of the ecoinvent2000 database is given here, based on Frischknecht and Rebitzer (2005). Ecoinvent2000 database In the last decade, several different LCA databases have been developed in Switzerland within the ETH Zürich and other Swiss Federal institutions. Firstly, the ‘Ökoinventare von Energiesystemen’ was established in 1996 by ETH Zürich and PSI. It was a life cycle inventory database including data on current energy supply systems, transport and waste treatment services, and material supply. In Switzerland at the same time, EMPA built up experience in compiling LCI's for building materials, components and construction, as well as consumer goods such as detergents, paper, information technologies and packaging. Under the lead of EMPA and several other Swiss LCA-institutes, the Swiss Centre for Life Cycle 41 CHAPTER 2 Inventories was founded and the project ecoinvent2000 launched. This resulted in a harmonised, revised and updated Swiss national LCI database. The database comprises LCI data from the energy, transport, building materials, chemicals, paper and pulp, waste treatment and agricultural sectors. The data reflect the production and supply situation in the year 2000, based on the Swiss and European demand patterns. The major applicability is in the European context, but selected data sets, mainly on oil or natural gas production, have a broader international application. The database contains LCI data as well as results for impact categories based on several commonly used life cycle impact assessment methods, such as Eco-Indicator’99 (Goedkoop and Spriensma 1999(1), 1999(2)), IMPACT 2002+ (IMPACT 2000+), Ecological Scarcity (Brand et al. 1998) or the CML characterisation scheme 2001 (Guinée et al. 2002). Uncertainty information is available for unit process data as well as for LCI results. The database is easily accessible via the internet. The data exchange format is evolved from the SPOLD data exchange format and corresponds to the international technical specification ISO/TS 14048. With the help of the EcoSpold free software, inventory data can easily be uploaded in EXCEL. Several commercially available LCA software tools, such as Emis, PEMS, Regis, SimaPro, TEAM and Umberto, are tailored for implementation of ecoinvent data. More details on the structure of the database, the data quality and the calculation routines implemented in the ecoinvent database system can be found in section 5.3, in Frischknecht and Rebitzer (2005) and on the ecoinvent website (www.ecoinvent.ch). 2.5 LCA and the building sector 2.5.1 General In LCA, products are modelled as a system in order to assess its material and energy balance (Chevalier and Le Téno 1996). The traditional LCA methodology, however, has historically grown from the packaging industry and the chemical sector and has mainly been developed and used for the assessment of industrial products. This makes the application in totally differently structured sectors, such as the building sector, not evident at all. Firstly, the end products of the building sector, being buildings and constructions, are neither bulk material nor serial products. This way, the results from an LCA study of a particular building cannot be extrapolated as such to another building and the one-of-a-kind character of buildings makes comparisons difficult (REGENER 1997). Furthermore, some basic and often implicit hypotheses of the LCA methodology do not cope with the characteristics of products of the building sector. One of the basic assumptions made in an LCA is time stability, meaning that the product system is considered as a time 42 LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS stable system. This implies that when a product reaches the end of its service life, the LCA assumes that the resulting waste will be treated as it used to be at the beginning of its service life (Chevalier and Le Téno 1996). Due to the very long lifetime of building products (mostly more than 25 years) and buildings (80 years and more), hypotheses on processes of the end phase such as waste treatment and recycling procedures, will result in highly uncertain and even unrealistic results. At the same time, before reaching its end of life, most buildings have been undergoing several refurbishments or renovations often resulting in thorough modifications of the building. As for each single building, multiple and very different refurbishment scenarios can be outlined, inclusion of refurbishment and of the end phase in the global LCA of buildings will inevitably be based on highly uncertain assumptions, resulting once again in highly uncertain results. Extension of the system boundaries to the whole lifetime of the building can therefore be considered as debatable. Another specific property of buildings is the impact of the utilisation phase that is in general much larger than the impact of the other phases, especially when considering energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, the energy use is highly dependent on correct workmanship, on correct maintenance and operation of the building and on the behaviour of the occupants of the building. Therefore, assumptions on these aspects should be clearly documented, as they might have a large impact of the final LCI and LCA results. Figure 2.3: Process-phase model for buildings (REGENER 1997) 43 CHAPTER 2 The process-phase model proposed in REGENER (1997) illustrates the complexity of the structure of an LCI for buildings (figure 2.3). In this context, Erlandsson and Borg (2003) propose sequential life cycle thinking for buildings, thus treating the different phases separately in a life cycle inventory. Depending on the actual boundary conditions, it is then possible to add up the sufficient life cycle phases, corresponding to the goal and scope definition (Erlandsson and Borg 2003). 2.5.2 From material to building Probably because of the complexity of the course of life of a building, researchers in the past often opted for building materials, building products or building components as subject for LCA research, also in comparative studies. In the literature, a large number of reports on case studies on the environmental impact of building materials and products (Börjesson and Gustavsson 2000, Chevalier and Le Téno 1996, Jönsson 2000, Lenzen and Treloar 2002, Venkatarama and Jagadish 2003) or building components (Chevalier et al. 2002, Citherlet et al. 2000, Erlandsson et al. 1997, Fossdal 1996, Weir and Muneer 1998) can be found. However, by limiting the functional unit of LCA to a building material or building component, a number of functions or boundary conditions, that should be provided by buildings, such as thermal comfort in winter and summer, indoor air quality, etc., cannot be taken into account. This way, decisions based on isolated LCA for materials or components might lead to unexpected secondary effects when the materials or components are applied in buildings without taking into account their interaction with other components and their impact on the performance of the building as a whole. This does not imply that it is not possible to improve materials and components. On the contrary, existing LCA techniques apply as well to the production of building materials as to any kind of other material (REGENER 1997). Recently, research has been executed on the application and adaptation of the LCA framework to buildings as a whole, especially within the EU-REGENER project and the IEA Annex 31. In analogy with the proposal of Erlandsson and Borg (2003) to treat the different life cycle phases separately, the EU REGENER project has established a basic framework composed of partial models for the different phases and processes (REGENER 1997). Sensitivity studies from the REGENER project showed the importance of a good design, but also of appropriate occupants’ behaviour in order to achieve good environmental performance (Peuportier et al. 1997). The developed methodology is also applied to the comparative evaluation of single family houses in France, being the present construction standard in France, a solar house and a wood framed house (Peuportier 2001). On several aspects overlapping with the EU REGENER project due to collaboration, is the earlier discussed research executed in the IEA Annex 31 on Energy-Related Environmental 44 LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS Impact of Buildings. Aim of Annex 31 was not so much the development of an LCA methodology for buildings, but more to provide information on how to improve the energyrelated environmental impact of buildings. This way, Annex 31 was more an application of the developed methods, as it focused on how assessment tools and methods might improve the energy related impact of buildings (Hobday 2005). In the literature, more reports can be found on LCA studies of particular buildings in Sweden (Adalberth 1997(1), Adalberth 1997(2), Erlandsson and Borg 2003, Thormark 2002), Germany (Binz et al. 2000), USA (Blanchard and Reppe 1998, Scheuer et al. 2003) and Australia and New Zealand (Anon. 2001(1), Anon. 2001(2), Mithraratne and Vale 2004). Due to the one-of-a-kind character of these buildings and the building tradition that may quite differ from country to country, it is not evident to draw general conclusions from these case studies. Nevertheless, in analogy to the results of the REGENER project and to earlier research on the energy performance of buildings, all case studies emphasise the importance of the operational phase, when comparing the environmental impact of the different life cycle phases of a building. Scheuer et al. (2003) reports that the operational phase of a new university building in Michigan accounted for 83% of the inventoried environmental burdens. He concludes that the optimisation of the energy performance during the utilisation phase of the building still should be the primary emphasis for design, until it is evident that there is a significant shift in distribution of life cycle burdens. Same conclusion was drawn in Adalberth (1997(2)) where the analysis of three dwellings, built in 1991 and 1992 with an energy use for space heating and ventilation between 64 and 83 kWh/(m² floor area,a), revealed that 85% of the total energy use was required during the utilisation phase. Similar conclusions are found in Peuportier (2001) and Blanchard and Reppe (1998). High performance or very low energy houses might show significantly lower contributions of the operational phase. Thormark (2002) reports on the most energy efficient apartment housing in Sweden (in 2002, overall energy needed for operation estimated at 45 kWh/m²a), having an embodied energy accounting for 45% of the total energy need over a life span of 50 years. By paying attention to the recycling potential, however, 35 to 40% of the embodied energy could be recovered through recycling. Another quite general conclusion is the significant contribution of materials and products with a high replacement rate such as finishes, appliances, furniture, carpets, etc. Not only the relatively short life of these products (Mithraratne and Vale 2004), but also the fact that several of these products are found to have high material production energy intensities (Scheuer et al. 2003) are responsible for the considerable contribution to the impact of the operational phase. These materials and products, however, are not taken into account in this research. 45 CHAPTER 2 2.6 Conclusions Due to the growing environmental awareness, life cycle assessment has become an indispensable part of sustainable development. However, the uncertainty still remains high. As the overall methodology focuses on energy, emissions and cost, only primary energy use, GWP and emissions of CO2, NOx, SOx, NMVOC’s and particles will be taken into account. Since the life span of a building exceeds the utilisation period of one generation, resulting in large uncertainties on modifications and destination of the building, the adopted time scale within this research is the utilisation phase by one generation plus the phases upstream (extraction, production, transport, construction). No assumptions will be made on the end phase. However, in contrast to much research, the functional unit will not be limited to building materials or building components, but buildings as a whole will be considered in order to take into account the overall performance of the buildings and to be sure that buildings with a same level of performance are compared. 46 COST ASSESSMENT CHAPTER 3. 3.1 Cost assessment Introduction An important principle in cost assessment is that the definition of a cost depends on who the decision maker is (Proost and Van Regemorter 2000). If the decision maker is a household, only the cost that is effectively encountered by the household is relevant. This cost includes taxes, market prices and subsidies (Proost and Van Regemorter 2000). It corresponds to the micro-economic approach, as it only considers the economic behaviour of a small economic entity, here a household. If the decision maker is a government, the macro-economic approach should be adopted, that takes into account the transfers of money and changes in industrial production, unemployment, price levels, inflation, etc. on the level of the (supra) national economy. Thus, the impact of the decision on the society as a whole should be considered. When assessing the economic impact of energy saving measures in buildings, both the micro- and macro-economic approach can be adopted, and they are strongly related. In a macro-economic analysis, the focus is put on the costs and benefits of an energy policy trying to enhance investments in energy saving measures, taking into account the expected and unexpected transfers and changes for the economy as a whole that are induced by this policy. Such an energy policy normally includes both regulatory and voluntary policy instruments (Lee and Yik 2004). One of the recent regulatory instruments for buildings in Flanders is the Flemish Energy Performance Regulation, an implementation of the European Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). It is a mandatory code to control the primary energy use in dwellings and utility buildings (EPB 2005). This is combined with voluntary incentives, such as tax reduction for roof insulation, high performance glazing, replacement of old boilers, a.o. and subsidies from local communities and distribution network operators for insulation measures, replacement of single glazing, installation of solar collectors, a.o. For the evaluation of the cost-efficiency of such a policy, a wide range of costs and benefits need to be considered. There is not only the private cost for the consumer, being the investment cost and the financial savings, which has an impact on his purchasing power. There are also the tax losses for the government, from the direct tax reduction for the investments to the indirect tax reduction due to lower energy consumption in the enhanced buildings. Besides of that, externalities related to the environment have to be incorporated, not only the costs for restoration, control and prevention of environmental effects of buildings, but also the reduction of these costs due to the energy saving measures. Furthermore, changes in industrial production, unemployment and price levels in the building sector are highly probable to be induced by this policy and should therefore taken into account. This makes 47 CHAPTER 3 the macro-economic evaluation of energy saving measures in buildings very complex. Several studies have been executed to evaluate the macro-economic impact of measures to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, on a general level (Sanne 2000, Proost and Van Regemorter 2000, Bossier et al. 2002, Moons 2003, Rousseau and Proost 2004) and specifically for the building sector (Jakob 2006), the transport sector (Proost et al. 2002, Knockaert and Proost 2005), the forestry sector (Garcia-Quijano et al. 2005) etc. Nevertheless, when it comes to energy saving investments in buildings, the private building owner is the final decision maker. In his decision making process, he will not incorporate items, such as changes in social costs or tax redistribution. He will only try to trade off the initial investments and the financial savings resulting from the energy saving measures and relate them to the financial breathing space at the moment the investments need to be made. Therefore within the context of this research, the choice has been made for a cost-benefit analysis on a micro-economic scale, in order to evaluate the real financial cost for the building owner over the period he uses the building. The technique and assumptions of a cost-benefit analysis as well as references from the literature are described in the next section. Section 3.3 focuses on the rebound effect, a well-known behavioural phenomenon by which enhanced energy efficiency is countered with adaptation in behaviour and spending patterns, resulting in lower energy savings than theoretically estimated. In the last section of this chapter, some theories about decision making on energy saving measures are discussed in order to give a start in answering the question why in practice, only a few private building owners effectively decide to invest in energy saving measures, despite of all incentives and economic viability. 3.2 Cost-benefit analysis 3.2.1. General Cost-benefit analysis is a technique developed to evaluate investments related to projects. It can be applied to any decision that involves a reallocation of resources and helps decision makers to choose among several alternative projects (Moons 2003). Generally, cost-benefit analysis does not only consider the real financial costs of the projects, but is also applied to evaluate impacts other than financial costs, by valuating these impacts in monetary terms. So, in order to complete a full cost-benefit analysis, six steps need to be considered (Moons 2003): 1. definition of the project and the relevant population; 2. identification of the relevant impacts; 3. valuation of relevant costs and benefits in monetary terms; 48 COST ASSESSMENT 4. aggregation of benefits and costs over time by discounting; 5. comparison of total discounted benefits with total discounted costs, to produce the net present value (NPV); 6. sensitivity analysis on important parameters such as discount rate, project life span and cost and benefit estimates. Depending on the extent of impacts that are incorporated in the analysis, cost-benefit analysis can serve as an alternative for other environmental decision-making tools, such as multi-criteria analysis or environmental impact analysis (LCA). However, the technique of cost-benefit analysis can also be applied in a narrower context as a purely financial evaluation tool for energy saving measures done by an individual consumer, without considering their environmental impact. In this research, the environmental impact is already assessed through a detailed life cycle inventory. There is no need for further valuation of environmental impacts in monetary terms. But there still remains the need for an economic evaluation of the energy saving measures. Therefore, a costbenefit analysis is applied on the level of the private building owner, not as a single decisioncriterion, but incorporated as the economic objective in a multi-objective life cycle optimisation. 3.2.2. Total and net present value One of the important issues in a cost-benefit analysis is the discounting of costs and benefits. Discounting reflects the time value of money, meaning that expenses and savings in the future are not valuated as high as present values (Tommerup and Svendsen 2006). The time value of money, expressed as a discount rate, depends on inflation, cost of capital, investment opportunities and personal consumption preferences (Gluch and Baumann 2004). Being ‘a’ the discount rate, the present value PV of a future expense FV at year n from now can be calculated as follows: PV = FV (1 + a ) n [3.1] Equation [3.1] shows clearly that with a discount rate of 0%, the present value equals the future value, meaning that timing does not matter. With a discount rate > 0%, the higher the discount rate, the more importance is given to what happens in the near-present and the less importance to what happens in the distant future (Gluch and Baumann 2004). By discounting, incoming and outgoing payments from different times become comparable and can be aggregated into a total present value or a net present value. In this research, a total 49 CHAPTER 3 present value (TPV) considers all present and future costs as absolute values, whereas a net present value (NPV) considers costs and benefits relative to a reference case. Assuming that investments in energy saving measures in buildings occur at present and also in the future due to replacements, and that these investments result in annual energy cost savings that are constant during the lifetime or until larger refurbishment is necessary, the total present value (in €) and the net present value (in €) can be calculated as follows: TPV = I 0 + ∑ I j (1 + rI ) j j = x, y, z ⎡ NPV = − ⎢ I 0 + ⎢⎣ ∑ (1 + a) j j = x, y , z n +∑ I j (1 + rI ) j (1 + a ) j i =1 n K E (1 + rE ) i K M (1 + rM ) i + − R0 ∑ (1 + a) i (1 + a) i i =1 n +∑ i =1 K M (1 + rM ) i ⎤ n ∆K E (1 + rE ) i + R0 ⎥+∑ (1 + a) i ⎥⎦ i =1 (1 + a ) i [3.2] [3.3] with: I0 Ij KE ∆KE KM n R0 rI rE rM a the initial investment [€] the investment for replacement j at time x, y or z [€] annual energy cost [€] annual energy cost saving according to a reference case [€] annual maintenance cost [€] considered time period for evaluation [year] residual value of the building at time n change of the investment cost above inflation change of energy cost above inflation change of maintenance cost above inflation discount rate or real interest rate, corrected for inflation Other related financial methods to assess energy-saving measures concern the internal rate of return, the simple payback time and the dynamic payback time. - The internal rate of return (IRR) is strongly related to the concept of net present value, as it is defined as the discount rate that results in a net present value of zero. It is the real interest rate for which the investment will turn out viable within the considered period. If the assumed discount rate is higher than the internal rate of return, this means that from an economic point of view it is more interesting to invest differently, as the expected return from the investment will be higher. The IRR is calculated iteratively from equation [3.3], with NPV=0 and a=IRR. However, care must be taken with the IRR, as it does not take into account the amount of capital that is used. 50 COST ASSESSMENT - The simple payback time (SPBT in years) is based on the initial investment cost and the annual energy cost savings. It is calculated without taking into account inflation or discounting of costs and savings: SPBT = I0 ∆K E [3.4] Although the SPBT neglects the time value of money, it is a fairly good tool for comparing different energy-saving measures with a short lifespan (less than 5 years), but it is less well suited as a basis for decisions that have consequences running 50 to 100 years into the future (Tommerup and Svendsen 2006). - To counter this drawback, the dynamic payback time (DPBT in years) is defined, similar to the simple payback time, but taking into account discounting of the benefits. The DPBT can be calculated from the following equation: DPBT ∑ t =0 ∆K E = I0 (1 + a ) t [3.5] In the literature, several reports are found in which the total or net present value is used to assess the cost-effectiveness of energy-saving measures in buildings. Tommerup and Svendsen (2006) used the net present value to assess the potential for energy savings in the Danish residential building stock, whereas Jakob (2006) applied it to the Swiss residential sector. Verbeeck and Hens (2002, 2005) calculated the trade off between the TPV and the primary energy consumption over a period of 30 years for energy saving measures in retrofitted dwellings in the Flemish Region of Belgium and deduced from the results a logical hierarchy for energy saving investments. De Coninck and Verbeeck (2005) did a similar study for both dwellings and office buildings in the Brussels Capital Region of Belgium. Not only the total and net present value were calculated, but also the internal rate of return and the simple and dynamic payback time, for both new built and retrofitted buildings. Results of this study are discussed more in detail in chapter 7 of this dissertation. Alanne et al. (2006) applied the technique of net present value to analyse the financial viability of cogeneration in single-family dwellings in two locations in Canada. Most studies included a sensitivity analysis with respect to at least energy prices and discount rate (Verbeeck and Hens 2002, De Coninck and Verbeeck 2005, Alanne et al. 2006, Tommerup and Svendsen 2006). 51 CHAPTER 3 A concept that is strongly related to cost discounting, but is specifically applied within the building sector, is the concept of life cycle costing (LCC). LCC is defined in ISO 15686 (2000) (on service life planning of buildings and construction assets) as ‘the total cost of a building or its parts throughout its life, including the costs of planning, design, acquisition, operations, maintenance and disposal, less any residual value. [It] is a technique which enables comparative cost assessments to be made over a specified period of time, taking into account all relevant economic factors both in terms of initial capital cost and future operational costs. In particular, it is an economic assessment considering all projected relevant cost flows over a period of analysis expressed in monetary value.’ It is, however, a somewhat confusing term, as within the literature, this term is used for two distinguished approaches. Wang et al. (2005) applied life cycle costing as defined above, thus summing the initial construction cost and the discounted annual operating cost for a building with a 40-year life expectancy. Gluch and Baumann (2004) on the other hand, analyse the usefulness of the life cycle costing approach as a tool for environmental decision-making, by attempting to include also environmental impacts as costs into the life cycle cost. A comparable approach to integrate economic costs and environmental impact assessment is found in the report of Task Group 4 (TG4 2003) of the Working Group Sustainable Construction of the EU Commission. This way, the approach of Gluch and Baumann (2004) and TG4 (2003) approximates more to the broad definition of cost-benefit analysis as defined in Moons (2003), whereas the approach of Wang et al. (2005) is a narrower interpretation of cost-benefit analysis that comes closer to the approach adopted in this research. 3.2.3. Discount rate and price evolution An important aspect of discounting costs is the choice of the discount rate, as it has a large impact on the final result (Moons 2003). The discount rate expresses the point of view of society and, in case of energy saving investments in buildings, it determines whether money should be invested in buildings rather than in other economical sectors. When considering the case of the private builder or building owner who wants to invest money in energy saving measures, two scenarios may occur: 1) The private building owner has the money available. By investing it in energy saving measures, he will loose part of his purchasing power and will not be able to invest it alternatively, thus being deprived of a direct investment return. So, the discount rate 52 COST ASSESSMENT to be applied is the expected real interest rate, being the expected nominal interest rate minus the expected inflation rate. However, the energy saving measures will result in an annual lower energy cost, thus partly increasing his purchasing power and his capital for investment. So the investment can be considered as cost-effective over a certain period, if the discounted savings equal at least the deprivation of purchasing power and direct investment return over that period. 2) The private building owner has to borrow the money for the investments. In this case, the discount rate to be applied is the real interest rate of the loan. The investment is cost-effective, if the discounted savings cover at least the overall cost of the loan, being the capital plus interests minus eventual fiscal tax reduction. As generally the difference between the interest rate on risk-free investments, such as government bonds, and the interest rate on loans is low, the same interest rate can be adopted for both cases. However, long term projections on interest rate, inflation rate and energy prices are connected with huge uncertainties (Tommerup and Svendsen 2006). Therefore, sensitivity analyses are indispensable in order to investigate the impact of the assumptions for real interest rate and energy prices on the final results. Tommerup and Svendsen (2006) calculated the energy saving potential for the Danish building stock over a period of 30 years and considered two levels for the real interest rate: a real interest rate of 2.5% and of 0%. The latter is by them called ‘a sustainable level’, because of the importance that is given to the future energy savings. For the energy prices, two scenarios were considered: one corresponding to the present Danish energy prices (0.08 €/kWh) and one corresponding to double the price. Jakob (2006) applied for the Swiss context over a period of 30 years a real interest rate of 3.5% for private building owners and 5% for institutional investors. For the energy price, only one fixed price of 0.055 CHF/kWh (0.036 €/kWh) was assumed, but two scenarios for price increase due to a CO2 tax were considered: a CO2 tax of 100 CHF/t CO2 (66 €/t CO2) and one of 210 CHF/t CO2 (139 €/t CO2). For the viability analysis of a cogeneration system, Alanne et al. (2006) adopted the current energy prices from Ottawa and Vancouver as reference prices and a change of 15%, based on the evolution of the energy price in 2002. This assumption was estimated by Alanne et al. (2005) as rather conservative, compared to the long term price evolution. Real interest rates of 3% and 10% were considered. For the payback period, both short (5 and 10 years) and longer (15 and 20 years) periods were considered. Individual consumers mostly prefer relatively short payback time, whereas longer payback times need to be considered when introducing new, sustainable energy technologies (Alanne et al. 2005). Verbeeck and Hens (2002, 2005) assumed an utilisation phase of 30 years, a net discount rate of 5% and an annual net 53 CHAPTER 3 increase of the energy prices of 2%. Despite the high uncertainty of these assumptions, the trends that were found did not change significantly when other assumptions on the discount rate and price changes were used. In the study for the Brussels Capital Region, De Coninck and Verbeeck (2005) considered three different discount rates, depending on the type of investor: a discount rate of 4.5% was adopted for individual investors, 4% for the public sector and 6.5% for professional real estate investors. For the energy prices, the current energy prices were adopted, together with three scenarios for the evolution of the energy prices: a low (0%), medium (± 2%) and high (3-4%) scenario, with differentiation between oil, gas and electricity prices. The utilisation period to evaluate the investments was set at 40 years. As a remark it should be mentioned that fiscal cost depreciation of building investments is not considered within the context of this research. An individual consumer cannot deduct the cost of the investment and enjoy tax benefit, in contrast to companies who can depreciate the cost of an asset over its useful life. Since all cost assumptions are made from the point of view of the private builder or building owner, depreciation of investments does not need to be taken into account. Furthermore, no subsidies or fiscal reduction for energy saving measures is taken into account. This is important for the interpretation of results, as due to subsidies or fiscal incentives, energy saving investment that are not economically viable (negative NPV for a discount rate of 4%) from the point of view of society, might turn out to be economically viable for the private builder (equivalent to a positive NPV for a discount rate of 2%), whereas from the point of view of society, it would have been better to invest this money elsewhere. 3.3 Rebound effect 3.3.1. General During the last decades, considerable effort has been expended by engineers and economists to identify technically feasible and economically efficient opportunities to save energy in the industry, transport sector and households (Ramesohl 1999). However, the benefits of these opportunities often evoke a behavioural response by the consumers that results in lower energy savings than should be expected by a purely engineering approach. The financial profit from energy savings essentially can be considered as equivalent to a reduction of the price for energy services (Berkhout et al. 2000). A price reduction has not only a direct price effect, but also indirect effects. Assuming a profit maximising consumer buying e.g. a more energy efficient car, the direct price effect will lead to more use of the transport services by the car (more kilometres), since the use of the car per km costs less. 54 COST ASSESSMENT So, part of the energy conservation due to the improved technology will vanish. In addition, the reduced energy bill enlarges the purchasing power of the consumer, thus leading to more expenditure on other commodities, among which also commodities that require energy use (Berkhout et al. 2000). There might even be a third effect, on a macro level, as the shift of spending patterns of households and companies can lead to a shift in sales patterns of the production sector (Birol and Keppler 2000). All these effects have consequences for the energy demand and are denoted as the rebound effect. In the literature, the magnitude of this effect is strongly under debate. While some argue that it should be small in most cases, others suggest that it could even exceed the initial energy reduction, the so-called backfire effect (Jaccard and Bataille 2000). As the controversy over the rebound effect appeared everywhere, the scientific journal ‘Energy Policy’ dedicated a special issue to the rebound effect (Energy Policy 2000). The question was not whether such an effect exists, but rather how much the effect appears, how rapidly, in which sectors and in what manifestations (Schipper 2000). A detailed presentation and discussion of all scientific opinions on the rebound effect is beyond the scope of this research, but can be found in Energy Policy (2000). In the next section, one of the effects of rebound, the direct price effect due to energy saving measures in buildings, such as insulation and high efficient heating systems, is discussed more in detail. 3.3.2. Rebound effect applied to energy saving measures in buildings Systems for heating and domestic hot water production, fittings for lighting and electrical domestic appliances, they all need energy to deliver their energy services, being thermal comfort, visual comfort, hot water, etc. Domestic energy services, such as thermal comfort, however, are in many ways different from other goods and services, as they are not available as such on the ordinary supply/demand market (Cuijpers 1996). Moreover, the building occupant is not only consumer of energy services, but also producer, as in case of thermal comfort e.g., he combines the input of energy with choices for heating systems, insulation, etc. to produce comfort. This makes the price of these energy services endogenous and varying from household to household. Depending on the choices for energy carrier, heating system, insulation thickness, etc., the price of an additional unit of comfort, the so-called shadow cost of comfort, will differ amongst dwellings and amongst households (Verdonck and Hens 1998). The more efficiently energy is transformed into the demanded energy service, the lower the shadow cost of comfort. However, with a profit maximising consumer, this reduced energy bill due to improved efficiency will result in a higher demand of energy services, in the same way an energy price reduction would do. So, application of energy saving measures in buildings can be expected to boost the demand for thermal comfort, 55 CHAPTER 3 resulting in lower energy conservation than theoretically expected. This is shown in figure 3.1 (Haas and Biermayr 2000), where the initial situation (E0, S0) represents the comfort level S0 and energy consumption E0 in a badly insulated dwelling (efficiency η0). When improving the energy performance of the building to an efficiency level η1, the theoretical energy consumption will be E1th. However, due to the energy cost reduction, the profit or comfort maximising consumer will increase its comfort level up to S1, resulting in a actual higher energy consumption E1pr than theoretically calculated. This way, the actual savings will be lower than the calculated ones, but the comfort level will be higher than in the initial case. This illustrates the rebound effect of energy saving measures in buildings. Figure 3.1 Relationship between energy consumption, efficiency improvement, comfort levels and the rebound effect (Haas and Biermayr 2000) In the literature, several reports on the rebound effect in energy efficient buildings can be found, both theoretical analyses and reports on empirical evidence. Cuijpers (1996) developed a micro-economic behavioural model to calculate the rebound effect of an improved insulation level for buildings and applied it to an estimation of residential heat demand and heat production, based on statistical data for Belgian household expenses. This resulted in an estimation for the rebound effect of 31%. Verdonck (1999) adopted the same behavioural model to analyse the difference in energy use between electrically heated and gas or fuel heated dwellings and the impact of improved insulation on it. The reference case for both types of dwellings was an insulation level K70 (Umean≈ 0.70 W/m²K). Based on empirical data for energy consumption and calculations of the shadow costs for comfort, the rebound effect appeared to be very limited for dwellings on gas or fuel, whereas for electrically heated dwellings, a rebound effect of 30% was found. This difference could be 56 COST ASSESSMENT explained from the difference in demand curve between the electrically heated dwellings and the dwellings heated with gas or fuel. Due to the already high comfort level in the reference case of the latter, an energy price reduction or an improvement of the energy efficiency only has a minor effect on the demand for comfort or economically spoken, we are operating in the inelastic part of the demand curve. In case of the electrically heated dwellings, the much higher electricity price effectively curbs the energy consumption, resulting in a lower comfort level. Therefore, a price reduction or an improvement of the efficiency will effectively result in a higher comfort level, with a higher energy use than theoretically expected. Haas and Biermayr (2000) analysed the rebound effect for space heating in Austria. Different approaches were applied on empirical data, all providing evidence of a rebound effect between 20 and 30%. Milne and Boardman (2000) reported on the effect of energy efficiency improvements in low-income houses in Great Britain. They found that about 30% of the benefit was taken as a temperature increase and the rest as an energy saving. Greening et al. (2000) provide a review from the literature on empirical evidence for the size of the rebound effect in buildings, concluding that 10 to 30% of the energy consumption savings is taken back by price effects, substitution or income effects. That the largest rebound effect can be expected when retrofitting old energy-devouring houses is also stated in Greening et al. (2000). They dedicate, however, part of the size of the rebound effect to the underlying assumptions regarding consumer behaviour. Many conclusions on energy conservation are based on theoretical calculations of the energy consumption before and after installation of energy saving measures, assuming the same behaviour or the same comfort level in both cases. This leads, however, most of the time to an overestimation of the energy consumption before improvement as most of these dwellings originally have very low thermal comfort. Henly et al. (1988) dedicate 25% of the rebound effect to lack of proper benchmarking. 3.4 Decision making on energy saving investments 3.4.1. Objective A cost-benefit analysis as described above is considered an interesting economic tool to support the decision-making process on investments, such as investments in energy saving measures in buildings. Witness hereof is the large amount of papers in the literature that report results from a cost-benefit analysis of energy saving measures in buildings (Verbeeck and Hens 2002, Gluch and Baumann 2004, Wang et al. 2005, Alanne et al. 2005, Verbeeck and Hens 2005, Jakob 2006, Tommerup and Svendsen 2006,…). However, as the literature on the rebound effect already shows, the evaluation of the potential of energy saving measures cannot just rely on a purely engineering-economics approach. The every day 57 CHAPTER 3 practice of Flemish building owners and occupants reveals a lack of interest and actions in energy conservation (Enquête 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005) and non-compliance with existing regulations (SENVIVV 1998). So, there are other conditions and driving forces beside cost minimisation that determine the real up-take and implementation of energy efficient technologies and practices by the building users. Although the process of decision making, final choice making and effective implementation of energy saving measures is in fact beyond the scope of this research, this section has the intention to frame the research more broadly in order to show that what is done here can only be considered as a first step, i.e. a deduction of important boundary conditions for the development of (extremely) low energy dwellings on an engineering basis. In order to communicate these results to individual building users and implement them in an energy policy in the most effective way, this assessment should be enlarged by a coupling with investigations of behavioural aspects of the uptake of energy efficiency measures. This way, this section tends to give an onset to that coupling by first presenting some facts and figures on energy related behaviour of Flemish households, followed by some of the –sometimes conflicting- theories and approaches found in the literature on this subject. 3.4.2. Facts and figures on energy related behaviour in Flanders Several studies on the knowledge, attitude, actions and intentions of Flemish households concerning their own energy consumption reveal poor results when focusing on the implementation of knowledge and attitude into real energy saving behaviour and actions. The SENVIVV study (1998) analysed the compliance of new built dwellings with the regulation on thermal insulation and ventilation, introduced in 1992. The analysis of a sample of 200 dwellings built after September 1993 revealed that the average insulation level was K70 (Umean ≈ 0.70 W/m²K) or higher, thus not complying at all with the legal upper limit K55 (Umean ≈ 0.55 W/m²K). One of the conclusions was that the number of buildings with a better insulation quality increases when more severe requirements are imposed, but that on the average, no improvement can be notified. Energy surveys in 1998, 2001, 2003 and 2005, commissioned by the Flemish government, were executed with a varying sample of 1000 Flemish households in order to sound them about their attitude, knowledge, actions and intentions related to their own energy consumption and the energy policy of the Flemish government (Enquête 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005). Although 93% of the surveyed Flemish people describe energy conservation as ‘important’ to ‘very important’, only 60% perceives themselves as economically acting with regard to energy. Mentioned reasons to act economically are mainly of financial kind, whereas the most important reasons for not acting economically are laziness and lack of 58 COST ASSESSMENT consciousness (‘I hardly bear it in mind’). Other mentioned reasons are fear of loosing comfort, high investment costs, lack of information, limitedness of energy costs, disbelief of the effective impact of the measures... The subsequent surveys show that the knowledge about energy saving measures and the Flemish energy policy has been increasing slightly over the years. However, when investigating the actual behaviour and actions, the surveys also reveal that the increased knowledge and positive attitude rather rarely are turned into real economical behaviour and energy saving actions. Furthermore, the energy consumption of the households still increases, mainly dedicated by the households to an increase of the number of electrical appliances per household. The Flemish building occupant/owner declares himself willing to reduce his energy consumption, as long as it does not demand too much effort of any kind (time, money, paperwork …). Asked for their intentions related to energy saving measures in the near future, the purchase of energy efficient appliances, low energy light bulbs and low flow showerheads appears to be the most popular measures. Investments in building-related energy saving measures are less popular. These facts and figures show that, despite the promotional campaigns of the Flemish government, the regulations on insulation level and since January 2006, on the overall energy performance of buildings, and despite the financial incentives through subsidies and tax reduction, energy conservation still is not a real issue for the majority of the Flemish households. 3.4.3. Decision making models The failure of the current energy policies, not only in Belgium, but also in other countries (Hinchy et al. 1991, Clinch and Healey 2000, Dewick and Miozzo 2002, van Rooijen and van Wees 2006,) inspires scientists from a wide range of research domains to investigate and declare the reasons for this failure and to propose ways to improve the efficiency of energy policy measures. Most scientists start from the conclusion that traditionally, economic behaviour is represented by a notion of decision making based on neoclassic economic theory. From this perspective, energy related behaviour is perceived as an economic optimisation (mostly cost minimisation) undertaken by the economic agent (Ramesohl 1999). This optimisation takes place in a market environment, and is considered being a function of input variables which are exogenously given, such as energy prices, technology costs, legal constraints, etc. Most scientists realise and accept the limits of this neoclassic theory, but the ways to adapt this theory differ quite strongly. A first direction of thought dedicates the deviation from real life economic behaviour to reasons of market barriers and imperfections, such as distorted energy prices, incomplete information, legal dis-incentives, etc. (Rousseau and Proost 2004). Others argue that the incomplete exploitation of apparently cost effective energy saving opportunities can be 59 CHAPTER 3 explained by hidden costs and risk factors that are not sufficiently considered. Ramesohl (1999) gives an overview of papers that subscribe to these viewpoints. A theory that is linked to this direction of thought is the modern economic theory of investment under uncertainty, to which Dixit and Pindyck (1994) are major contributors (Hubbard 1994). They argue that the failures of the neoclassic economic theory can be explained by the fact that it neglects three important characteristics of investment decisions: the partial or complete irreversibility of most investments, the uncertainty over the future benefits from the investment and the leeway the decision maker has for timing his investment. The interaction of these three characteristics has important implications that are not taken into account in the traditional theory of investment. Traditional courses in corporate finance and capital budgeting strongly rely on the basic principle of positive net present value as measure for a good investment. However, a firm or a person with an opportunity to invest, might hold an option, in analogy with the options on the financial market, and wait for better information. When a person decides for an irreversible investment, he kills his option and gives up the possibility of waiting for new information that might influence the desirability or timing of the investment. This way, this lost option value is an opportunity cost that should be included in the cost of the investment (Dixit and Pindyck 1994). This opportunity cost can be large and is highly sensitive to the uncertainty of the future outcome of the investment. Applied to energy saving investments in buildings, the characteristics of irreversibility of the investment, uncertainty over future benefits and ability to delay the decision are certainly valid and might explain the hesitation of building owners to invest in energy efficiency, even when solutions with positive net present value are presented. In case of renovation, the ability of delaying the investment decision will have an even larger impact than for new buildings. A second direction of thought is developed within the domain of behavioural economics. They attempt to increase the explanatory power of economics by providing it with psychological foundations. Camerer and Loewenstein (2002) give an overview of past, present and future directions within behavioural economics. The discussed papers do not reject the neoclassical theory of utility maximisation, equilibrium and efficiency, but modify some of the assumptions in the standard theory in order to result in greater psychological realism. Examples are loss-aversion, framing, fairness and willingness to pay (Kahneman and Tversky 2000): - Loss-aversion is the disparity between the strong aversion to losses relative to a reference and the weaker desire to gains of equivalent magnitude. Or with other words, a loss of X€ is more aversive than a gain of X€ is attractive. Loss-aversion is considered more realistic than the standard continuous, concave, utility function over wealth. It is related to the typical behaviour of risk seeking when considering losses 60 COST ASSESSMENT (rejecting a sure loss in favour of a gamble with higher or equal expected losses) and risk aversion when considering gains (preferring a sure gain over a gamble with higher or equal expected gains). Figure 3.2 presents a qualitative view of both the standard value function (dashed line) and the value function representing behaviour of loss-aversion, risk seeking in losses and risk aversion in gains (straight line). value losses gains Figure 3.2 Risk aversion in gains (concave curve), risk seeking in losses (convex curve) and loss aversion (curve is steeper for losses than for gains) (Kahneman and Tversky 2000) Application of these behavioural patterns on energy savings in buildings could partly explain why building users are difficult to persuade for investments in energy saving measures, even if they are cost-effective on the long term. The investment itself can be considered as a high loss with a certainty of 100%, resulting in very small gains of which the magnitude remains uncertain as the annual effective savings on energy cost will highly depend on the real effectiveness of the measures and on the evolution of the energy prices. From the point of view of loss aversion, risk aversion in gains and risk seeking in losses, this situation is less attractive than the case where no energy saving investments are made. In the latter, the building users prefer to keep their money (rejecting a sure high loss) and pay higher annual energy costs, since these energy costs are perceived as only small losses compared to the investment and as costs distributed over the years. Furthermore, building owners probably prefer to gamble that the energy prices will not increase as already predicted for years by ‘environmental pessimists’, thus gambling for lower future losses than the high certain loss related to the investment. Besides, the money that is not invested in energy saving measures can be invested in risk-free investments with a fixed rate of return, thus resulting in a sure, but maybe lower gain than the expected gains from energy savings. 61 CHAPTER 3 - Framing intends to counter the principle of invariance in rational choice. Invariance requires that two versions of a choice problem that are recognised as equivalent when shown together, should elicit the same preference even when shown separately. Kahneman and Tversky (2000), however, state that the preferential outcome of a choice problem may depend on the framing or the description of the problem. An outcome can e.g. be described as a gain or loss relative to a reference or as absolute asset incorporating the initial wealth. Applied to energy saving investments in buildings, it can be expected that presenting the cost-effectiveness of an investment as a maximised net present value (solution with the highest gains compared to the losses) will be more convincing than presenting the same solution as a solution with minimised total present value (both the initial situation and the improved situation are described only in terms of costs or losses, not in terms of gains). - Other concepts considered to evaluate behavioural response on environmental policy measures are the concepts of fairness and willingness to pay. Without going too much into detail, both fairness and willingness to pay are described within behavioural economics as concepts that tend to influence the acceptability of economic outcomes of a policy, especially when the economic actor experiences uncertainty due to insufficient knowledge of some aspects surrounding the policy (Jorgensen et al. 2006). Psychological and sociological studies mainly use interviews and diaries to evaluate fairness and willingness to pay in naturally occurring situations within households, whereas economic studies frequently use manipulated experimental situations or constructed scenarios (Banfi et al. 2006). Both directions within behavioural economics, however, tend to conclude that the judgment of fairness and the willingness to pay may strongly depend on the framing of a choice problem, whether the choice is valuated as a loss or as a gain (Kahnemann and Tversky 2000, Antonides and Kroft 2005). Finally, a third direction of thought is developed within the domain of sociology and mainly focuses on concepts such as learning processes and motivational strategies to enhance the energy-consciousness and to increase the adoption of energy-saving technology. A study on the determinants for energy consumption of households (STEM 2004), commissioned by the Flemish government, tried to improve the insights in the driving forces of households concerning their energy-related behaviour. Through the combination of a theoretical behavioural model, in depth discussions with five different socio-cultural and sociodemographic focus groups and panel discussions with experts, the study tried to reveal the underlying driving forces for energy-related behaviour. Aim of the study was to provide the 62 COST ASSESSMENT policy makers with well-founded guidelines in order to realise more effective energy-related campaigns, policy measures and energy services. Most of the proposals from this study are situated in the domain of cognitive-motivational strategies, such as incorporation of energyconscious behaviour in television programmes, information adapted to the individual, use of social networks for the promotion of energy-conscious behaviour, etc. aiming at a policy approach that is differentiated for the different socio-cultural and socio-demographic focus groups. Other examples are found in the literature. Darby (2006) presents the findings of a survey of residents of an English village that had won an energy-conscious village competition to illustrate how individual and social learning can contribute to increase awareness and actions related to energy conservation. Vermeulen and Hovens (2006) developed a conceptual framework that integrates different partial explanations for the diffusion of energy-saving innovations in industry and the built environment. One of their conclusions was that for the Dutch context, the adoption of mature innovations is mainly based on routine procedures, whereas the adoption of young innovations is more based on project-specific considerations. These differences should be taken into account when designing energy policy measures. 3.5 Conclusions Cost-assessment is an essential part of the evaluation of energy saving measures in buildings. Within the micro-economic approach, adopted in this research, a cost-benefit analysis is the most appropriate economic evaluation tool. However, care must be taken when interpreting the results from such cost-benefit analysis, as phenomena, such as the rebound effect, may strongly influence the effective cost savings. Furthermore, the building concepts and boundary conditions determined in this research can only be considered as a first step. For the implementation of these results in energy policy and the adoption of the concepts in real life, further research needs to be done, as the adopted economic evaluation tool cannot be considered as the ultimate determinant in the decision-making process, but only as rough model for the complex real life behaviour of consumers. 63 MODEL FOR OPTIMISATION PART TWO: GLOBAL METHODOLOGY CHAPTER 4. 4.1 Model for optimisation Introduction The main goal of this research is to create a global methodology for developing extremely low energy and pollution dwellings. The methodology consists of three main pillars, each of them presented in the following chapters. The first pillar is represented by the optimisation strategy. As discussed in chapter 1, multiobjective optimisation with genetic algorithms has mainly been applied as the tool for optimisation of extremely low energy buildings, rather than being the main subject of the research. The developed optimisation strategy has schematically been presented at the end of chapter 1 and will be explained in detail in this chapter. The two other pillars consist of the development of a life cycle inventory model and of a cost evaluation model data for buildings as a whole. The life cycle inventory model is presented in chapter 5, the cost evaluation model in chapter 6. The models for energy simulation of buildings that are adopted within this research depend on the application and are presented in part three. 4.2 Genetic algorithm and coupling with Pareto concept 4.2.1. Object and parameters for optimisation The objects for optimisation are residential buildings. As the methodology is developed for the Belgian building practice, representative reference dwellings are designed following the statistical average of the Belgian residential sector (Verbeeck and Hens 2002). For these dwellings, the geometry is fixed for the non insulated version. This way, the configuration and dimensions of the rooms inside are not objects for optimisation. Only the glass area per room can vary in order to include the impact on the net heat demand and on summer comfort. Depending on the application of the methodology, different reference buildings are designed. Description of the buildings can be found in chapters 7 and 8 where the application of the methodology in two different projects is presented. The parameters for optimisation are related to the energy saving measures. For all projects, these measures are applied to both the building envelope and the heating system, but the optimisation is performed in two steps. In the first step, only envelope-related energy saving measures are considered, such as better insulation, better glazing, glass area, sun shading, air tightness and natural ventilation scenarios. In the second step, installation related 65 CHAPTER 4 variables are optimised in order to meet the needs of the optimised building concepts from the first step. The variables for the second phase concern space heating systems, ventilation systems, systems for domestic hot water and renewable energy systems. The methodology could be adapted easily to optimise all energy saving measures simultaneously, but this option is not applied for several reasons. Firstly, the computational time for energy simulations strongly differs between simulations of the building envelope and simulation of installations systems, especially when dynamic building simulations are performed. A one-hour time step is a common time step for calculating the annual net heat demand of a building, resulting in short computational time (< 1 minute per simulation run). However, to incorporate the dynamic response of installation systems, much smaller time steps are needed, 5 minutes or less, resulting in large computational time for calculations of the total annual energy consumption (> 5 hours per simulation run). Secondly, the dimensions of the installation depend on the thermal quality of the building and should be determined separately for each building variant. This is very time-consuming and not feasible to integrate in the optimisation process. However, the most important reason for splitting the optimisation in two steps lies in the difference in life span between the building envelope and the installation components. After all, the building envelope can be considered as the hardware of the building, due to its long life span in comparison with most components of the heating system. The heating system then corresponds to the midware of the building. Because of the long lasting impact of envelope-related decisions on the energy performance and on the dimensions of the heating system, it is preferable to first optimise the building envelope, i.e. minimise the net heat demand in a cost-effective and ecologically optimal way. Subsequently, the most appropriate heating systems for this low net heat demand can be identified. This way, the logical hierarchy of energy saving measures that has already been deduced in earlier work, is respected (Verbeeck and Hens 2005). This hierarchy is presented and discussed in detail in chapters 7 and 8. 4.2.2. Representation and boundary conditions For the optimisation process, the standard technique of genetic algorithms is adopted as a starting point. A problem-specific representation is established that suits as input for both the genetic process and the calculation of energy consumption, life cycle inventory and costs. Each potential building design is represented unequivocally as a set of parameters, joined together in a string of values. This string characterises the chromosome, in which each value represents one variable. In combination with the fixed geometry per reference building, the chromosome defines unequivocally and completely the building design. For the first optimisation step, the chromosome contains minimum 14 genes and maximum 66 MODEL FOR OPTIMISATION (18+2*number of windows) genes, depending whether flat and/or sloped roofs and/or attic roofs are present and whether the glass area varies. The chromosome of a terraced house with partly a flat roof and partly a sloped roof, with an unheated attic and 12 windows contains 42 genes and may appear as follows: number 1 2 Sloped roof pitches 3 4 value 17 0 19 Flat roof Element Window area 1 17 18 89365 Window area 2 19 20 0 35287 3 … … 1 … Attic roof Façade Window characteristics Floor 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 0 25 1 1 Window area 11 37 38 20276 8 2 Window area 12 39 40 0 60379 65 11 3 2 89 Air tightness 41 Summer ventilation 42 2 1 0 For roofs, (attic) floors and façade, the first gene indicates the insulation thickness in cm, the second gene the insulation material, the third gene for the façade reflects the constructional type, not only of the façade (cavity wall, outer insulation or wood frame façade), but also of the whole building (massive inner walls and floors or complete wood frame construction). For the window characteristics, the first gene reflects the glass type, the second the frame type, the third the type of glass spacer, the fourth the type of sun shading and the fifth the degree of opacity of the sun shading. In case the glass area varies, the first gene per window area indicates the amount of variation in cm² and the second gene whether the variation is an increase or decrease of the glass area. All gene values can vary randomly between predetermined minimum and maximum values. For the elements of insulation material, glass type, frame type, type of spacer, type of sun shading, air tightness and ventilation scenario, the element is related to a list of possible choices and each value corresponds to one particular choice. Similarly, the chromosome for the installation is designed to define the installation systems unequivocally. For the installation, a chromosome with 10 genes is established: Heating Energy Pro- Element carrier duction number 1 value 2 Solar collector PV system Emis- Venti- Hot Surface Surface Control sion lation water Present [m²] Present [m²] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 3 2 3 0 6 1 10 For most genes of the installation chromosome, the gene value represents one particular choice from a predefined list. The provided choices in the different lists may vary from project 67 CHAPTER 4 to project: e.g. in the project presented in chapter 7, central and local heating systems are considered, whereas in the project presented in chapter 8, only central heating systems are available in the predefined list. 4.2.3. Cost functions, fitness functions and penalty functions Cost functions The fitness of a building solution is evaluated through its performance for an energy criterion, an economic criterion and an ecological criterion and for the constraints. Depending on the application or the application step, different evaluation criteria may serve as cost function. The energy criterion is always calculated with a building simulation programme, steady state (EPB) or dynamic (TRNSYS). The net heat demand is selected as energy criterion for cases where no assumptions are made yet on the installation system (this is the case in the first optimisation step of the project of chapter 8). For other cases, the overall primary energy consumption over the utilisation phase of the building and its installations is set as energy criterion in order to compare systems with different energy carrier on an equivalent basis. The economic criterion is a financial cost, calculated with a cost database, based on the amount of material used. Secondary costs for foundations or windows due to e.g. large insulation thicknesses can be incorporated by adapting the amount of material used. Result may be the initial investment cost, the total or net present value over the utilisation phase of the building, the static payback time,… The ecological criterion relies on a life cycle inventory of the building and is calculated with a life cycle inventory database, based on the amount of material used. It is possible to calculate the energy content, non renewable embodied energy, global warming potential or emissions, such as CO2, SO2, NOx, etc. for the building as a whole or for the extra energy saving measures compared to a reference. The constraints incorporated in the optimisation process concern the insulation level and the summer comfort: - the maximum insulation level is set at K45 (Umean = 0.45 W/m²K), the legal insulation standard in Flanders since January 1st 2006 (EPB Besluit 2005) - the limit of summer comfort is set at 130 weighted temperature exceeding hours (WTE-hours) per room, calculated according to the Dutch method of weighted temperature exceeding hours to assess summer comfort in office buildings (ISSO/SBR 1994). Applied to dwellings, this method assumes a comfort temperature of ca. 27°C in summer and assesses summer comfort by weighting the exceeding of this comfort temperature per hour with a weighting factor that is proportional to the exceeding. If the limit of 130 WTE-hours is respected per room, it can be expected 68 MODEL FOR OPTIMISATION that the comfort level in each room remains within the zone of acceptable comfort, according to the comfort theory of Fanger (1972). Constraints, such as indoor air quality, winter comfort and visual comfort, are integrated independently from the optimisation, by always designing the ventilation system according to the ruling ventilation standard NBN D50-001 (1991), by imposing temperature profiles per room to be satisfied and by respecting a minimum glass area per room proportional to the floor area. Constraints for maximum U-values or inhomogeneity of the insulation level are not incorporated in the optimisation process, but controlled after the optimisation process in order to limit the complexity of the penalty functions (see next section). Fitness functions and penalty functions Before running the programme, the particular energy, economic and ecological criteria need to be specified. In a first evaluation step, the criteria are calculated for all chromosomes of the population, together with the constraints. Both the results for the criteria and the constraints serve as input for the fitness function to calculate the ranking of the chromosomes in the population. Since the quality of a solution should be reflected by its ranking, fitness assignment is applied through ranking based on a Pareto-score. It is inspired by the approaches presented in the literature, but with the attempt to find a good balance between the performance of the genetic algorithm and the complexity of the fitness assignment process. This way, a simple Pareto-based fitness ranking scheme is applied without fitness sharing or mating restriction, as this scheme performed well for the particular problem. Constraints, such as summer comfort and the insulation standard, are handled through a penalty function. Different penalty functions have been tested on standard GA test functions (Gens 2001) in order to identify answers to the following questions: - Concerning the Pareto score: Should the population be subdivided in two subpopulations (meeting ↔ not meeting the constraints) before calculating the Pareto score? - Concerning the penalty: Should the penalty be proportional to the exceeding of the maximum value and should there be a limit to the magnitude of the penalty? The empirical tests established the following conclusions, in good agreement with results from the literature (Richardson et al. 1989, Siedlecki and Sklanski 1989): - Dividing the population in subpopulations of ‘good’ (meeting the constraints) and ‘bad’ (not meeting the constraints) chromosomes is preferable, else 69 CHAPTER 4 o there is a risk that only ‘bad’ chromosomes have the best ranking before penalisation and in this case, no non dominated solutions will be produced after penalisation o after penalisation, there risks to be no distinction between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ chromosomes, while the constraints are important conditions to be satisfied. - The severity of the penalty should be proportional to the distance to feasibility in order to create a final ranking that reflects in the best way the quality of the solution. - The magnitude of the penalty should be in proportion with the range of Pareto scores in order to avoid that after recomposing the two subpopulations, the range of ranking scores is too extended and causes disturbance of the stochastic selection process. So the following final score is established: Final score = Pareto score (per subpopulation) + penalty_c1 + penalty_c2 [4.1] The fitness assignment occurs by the following algorithm: 1. Firstly, the population is divided in two subpopulations: one with chromosomes that satisfy the conditions set by the constraints and one with chromosomes who do not. 2. For each solution in the subpopulations, the Pareto score is calculated for the 3 objectives (energy, costs and ecology) and equals the number of variants in the subpopulation that dominate the solution. Non-dominated solutions have score 0. 3. In the subpopulation of ‘bad’ chromosomes, the violation of the constraints is incorporated through a penalty function. For each constraint that is violated, a penalty is added, proportional to the distance to feasibility for the constraint: - For the insulation level, the penalty equals the violation, i.e. the difference between the real insulation level and the maximum allowed insulation level K45. As the insulation level of non insulated buildings lies around K150-K200 and the maximum Pareto score equals the size of the subpopulation, the penalty has the same order of magnitude as the Pareto score and no further adaptation is necessary. penalty_c1 = max [0,(Kreal – 45)] - [4.2] The constraint for summer comfort is treated in the same way, but with adaptation of the order of magnitude, since very high numbers of WTE-hours can be established in case of unacceptable summer comfort. As the temperature exceeding is weighted proportional to its exceeding, results up to 10,000 WTE- 70 MODEL FOR OPTIMISATION hours and more are possible. Therefore, the difference between the real number of WTE-hours and the limit of 130 WTE-hours is divided by 100 to achieve a penalty with the same order of magnitude as penalty_c1 and as the Pareto score. penalty_c2 = max [0,(WTEreal – 130)/100] [4.3] 4. In a last step the subpopulations are recomposed into one population and fitness values are assigned to the entire population by linear ranking of the final scores, achieved through equation [4.1]. These fitness values ensure the basis for the genetic process of selection, recombination, mutation and reinsertion. 4.2.4. Genetic operators In order to compose the genetic algorithm, several genetic operators have to be defined, such as population size, selection method, recombination type, etc. The parameters to be determined for some of these operators are analysed through a parameter study in order to define the most appropriate for the problem: population size, generation gap, crossrate, crossover type, mutation rate, …. The selection method applied in the methodology is the stochastic universal sampling method with the possibility for a generation gap. The most optimal percentage for the generation gap is derived from the parameter analysis. For the crossover operator, the single-point crossover is selected. For mutation, the discrete mutation operator of the GA Toolbox is applied (GA Toolbox 1994). This includes the definition of BaseVec, a vector that defines the basis for the individual elements of the chromosome in order to avoid the creation of illegal chromosomes after mutation. Since it is infeasible due to the nature of the optimisation problem to define an error margin, a maximum number of generations is established as stop criterion. Details of the parameter analysis are presented in section 4.3 on validation. 4.2.5. Outline of the programme The programme for the global methodology, including the genetic algorithm programme is written in MATLAB. Advantage of MATLAB is the easy coupling with other programmes, such as building simulation programmes or spreadsheet programmes with databases for costs and life cycle inventory. The genetic algorithm programme relies on the ‘Genetic Algorithm Toolbox for MATLAB ®’. This GA toolbox, containing basic operators for genetic algorithms has been developed at the Department of Automatic Control and Systems 71 CHAPTER 4 Engineering of The University of Sheffield, UK. The toolbox has been written with the support of a UK SERC grant and the final version (v1.2) has been completed in 1994. The GA Toolbox is freely available for download (GA Toolbox 1994). Figure 4.1 shows the scheme of the programme for the overall methodology Figure 4.1: Outline of the programme for the global methodology 72 MODEL FOR OPTIMISATION 4.3 Validation and evaluation of the optimisation programme 4.3.1. Validation with steady state energy simulation programme (EPB) Results for validation In earlier work on energy saving renovation of residential buildings (Verbeeck and Hens 2002), all possible combinations of energy saving measures with insulation and glazing have been calculated for 5 different dwellings (around 4000 combinations per dwelling). Calculations have been executed with the steady state Energy Performance for Buildings (EPB) programme and the results have then been sorted in EXCEL to obtain the most optimal solution per dwelling. To validate the developed GA-optimisation methodology, the methodology has been applied to the same 5 dwellings considering the same energy saving measures and using the building simulation programme, cost and life cycle inventory database from that earlier work. The advantage of validating with these results is the short calculation time of the EPB programme (1 sec per building variant) and the fact that the optimal solution to be found per dwelling is known a priori. The validation has shown that the developed GA-optimisation programme leads for each of the 5 dwellings to the same optimum as found in the earlier work. Parameter analysis For one of the 5 dwellings, a parameter analysis has been executed with the total present value over 30 years as the cost function. Several parameters have been analysed stepwise. When considering a subsequent parameter, the value for the previous parameter has been selected based on the results of the parameter analysis. The following parameters have been studied with a preliminary version of the methodology: - Population size: 20, 50, 80 and 100 individuals - Generation gap: 0%, 5%,10%, 15% and 20% (in case of a generation gap of x%, the x% best solutions are transferred to the next generation without alterations) - Crossover rate: 90%, 85%, 80% and 70% (chance for recombination after selection of 2 parents) - Crossover type: single-point (xovsp: parent-chromosomes are cut at 1 point for crossover), double-point (xovdp: parent-chromosomes are cut at 2 points for crossover) - Mutation rate: 10%, 15% and 20% (chance for mutation of an offspring after recombination) The stop criterion is set at a maximum of 50 generations. For each parameter variation, 10 runs of the programme have been performed, recording each time the result for the optimum 73 CHAPTER 4 and the number of generations necessary to achieve the optimum. Based on the 10 runs, an average run and a best run have been derived, as well as the percentage of runs that resulted in the correct optimum and the average number of generations needed to achieve the best result. Table 4.1 presents the results of the parameter analysis and the settings for the distinguished parameters. Due to the simplicity of the optimisation problem, the optimum (cost of 26,540.90€) has been found in all 10 runs. With a population of at least 80 individuals and a generation gap of at least 5%, the optimum was achieved in 100% of all runs. In a next step, the number of generations needed to achieve the optimum has been analysed as well as the number of calculation times. The differences are very small, but the best or fastest result has been achieved with a population size of 80, double-point crossover with a cross rate of 70%, a mutation rate of 10% and a generation gap of 20%. The validation and parameter analysis has been performed with a preliminary version of the optimisation methodology that differs on several aspects from the final version. The first difference lies in the building simulation programme that is used. In the preliminary version, the steady state EPB programme has been used, whereas in the final version, the dynamic building simulation programme TRNSYS has been applied that allows a more detailed simulation of installation components. Also the databases for costs and life cycle inventory are more elaborated in the final version than in the preliminary one. As in the final version more parameters and variables are taken into account than in the preliminary one, the number of genes in a chromosome is higher: from 14 genes in the preliminary to 42 genes in the final version. The most important difference, however, is the number of objectives to be optimised. The preliminary version is a single-objective optimisation methodology, as it considers only one objective to be optimised, here the total present value. The final version, on the contrary, is a multi-objective optimisation methodology, as it optimises simultaneously multiple objectives by using the concept of Pareto ranking. However, the basic structure of the chromosome and of the global optimisation programme has not been modified, when evolving from the preliminary to the final version. Therefore, most decisions on the genetic operators in the final version rely on the above parameter analysis. The performance of the concept of Pareto ranking is evaluated separately through an analysis of the evolution of the Pareto front based on TRNSYS calculations. Results are discussed in the next section. 74 MODEL FOR OPTIMISATION Parameter analysis Value Value Value % runs # generations # calculation (cost function = total parameter average best run that needed to times achieve achieve minimum minimum present value) Population size run 20 26,569.3 26,540.9 50% 33.0 19500 50 26,549.0 26,540.9 90% 30.0 48750 80 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 21.5 78000 100 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 20.6 97500 0% 26,578.3 26,540.9 20% 5% 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 21.5 78000 10% 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 18.4 76000 15% 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 18.4 74000 20% 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 19.6 72000 90% 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 85% 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 20.1 72000 80% 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 20.0 72000 70% 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 20.4 72000 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 22.7 72000 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 18.7 72000 10% 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 16.6 74000 15% 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 23.5 74000 20% 26,540.9 26,540.9 100% 27.2 74000 Ggap = 5% crossrate = 90% (xovsp) mut = 10% # gen = 50 Generation gap 80000 Popsize = 80 crossrate = 90% (xovsp) mut = 10% # gen = 50 Crossrate 72000 Popsize = 80 Ggap = 20% Mut = 10% # gen = 50 Crossover type Same as previous xovdp 70% xovdp 80% Mutation rate Pop size = 80 Ggap = 15% Crossrate = 80% (xovdp) #gen = 50 Table 4.1: Parameter analysis for the GA optimisation programme 75 CHAPTER 4 4.3.2. Control of the evolution of the Pareto front During the optimisation process, Pareto optima are determined within each generation and stored in a Pareto archive. At the end of the process, all optima in the archive are mutually compared to retain only the globally non dominated solutions. To control the evolution of the Pareto front, the optimisation process of the semi-detached house with cavity wall of the EL²EP-project (see chapter 8) has been analysed. The chromosome of this house contains 40 genes, the population size is fixed to 100 chromosomes and an evolution process of 60 generations is assumed. Figure 4.2 presents the number of Pareto optima within each generation and the number of Pareto optima per generation that stand the final assessment. Evolving from one generation to another, the genetic process slowly improves the solutions of the population. This results not only in an increasing number of Pareto optima within one generation, but more importantly in the development of an increasing number of globally optimal solutions. This effect is clearly noticeable from the 20th generation on. The optimisation run finally resulted in some 90 different Pareto optimal solutions for the semidetached house with cavity wall, containing solutions with an insulation level between K17 and K45 (Umean = 0.20 to 0.52 W/m²K) and WTE-hours between 0 and 127. The same analysis has been executed for the other four buildings from the EL²EP-project with similar results for the evolution of the Pareto front. Pareto optima over optimisation process number of Pareto-optima 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 58 55 52 49 46 43 40 37 34 31 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 1 0 generations within 1 generation over total optimisation process Figure 4.2: Semi-detached house with cavity wall of the EL²EP-project: evolution of the Pareto optima over the optimisation process: optima within 1 generation (grey bars) and optima over the whole optimisation process (black bars) 76 MODEL FOR OPTIMISATION 4.3.3. Conclusions on the optimisation programme Through the optimisation process, a group of Pareto optima is obtained that represents particular versions of the building concept, optimised for the three predefined objectives (energy, costs and emissions). As a consequence of the concept of Pareto optima, this series of optima contains building variants that perform averagely for the 3 objectives, but also variants that perform well for one objective, but less for the other two. For further decision making on the different optimal building variants, preferences need to be defined for the different objectives. Also an in-depth analysis of the final solutions is necessary to filter possibly infeasible solutions because of illogical combinations of energy saving measures (e.g. 2 cm roof insulation combined with 30cm façade insulation). Further discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the programme is presented in chapter 8, based on the results of the EL²EP-project. 77 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY CHAPTER 5. 5.1 Model for life cycle inventory Introduction As explained earlier, the global methodology is a tool to develop extremely low energy buildings that are optimised over their life cycle for criteria on energy, cost and ecology. Therefore, energy and emission data from all life cycle phases need to be incorporated in the optimisation process. This requires the establishment of a life cycle inventory (LCI) database and a life cycle inventory model that can be integrated in the optimisation model. This chapter first outlines the goal and scope of the LCI executed in this research, followed by a discussion of some aspects of the applied inventory data. Subsequently, the partial inventory models as well as the overall building inventory model are presented. Finally, this chapter concludes with a discussion on the results of an uncertainty and sensitivity analysis on the inventory model. 5.2 Goal and scope of the LCI 5.2.1. Goal of the LCI Primarily, the goal of the LCI is to establish a LCI database that can be incorporated in the optimisation process. Therefore, an inventory of energy flows and emissions for all phases in the life cycle of the building is executed. Furthermore, apart from providing input data, one of the underlying goals of the LCI is to analyse also the relation between the energy savings realised with extremely low energy building concepts and the embodied energy needed for the creation of these concepts. After all, the creation of extremely low energy buildings demands an extra input of materials and products in comparison with common buildings. However, the balance between embodied energy and energy savings should always remain positive over the life cycle of the building. Otherwise, the final goal of developing sustainable buildings would be overshot. The life cycle analysis is mainly limited to an inventory of energy flows and emissions. No impact indicators are calculated, except for the global warming potential. The energy flows from all phases and the corresponding emissions can be easily summed up to create energyrelated and ecology-related optimisation criteria, such as the total primary energy consumption and the total global warming potential. 79 CHAPTER 5 5.2.2. Scope of the LCI Functional unit As the optimisation process aims at developing building concepts that are globally optimised and at the same time satisfy the boundary conditions for thermal comfort, visual comfort, indoor air quality, etc., according to the overall performance matrix of IEA Annex 32 (Hendriks and Hens 2000), the LCI does not focus on materials or building components, but considers the building as a whole. For the same reason, the functional unit for the LCI is not limited to the energy saving measures only, but contains the whole building. Each reference dwelling can be considered as a different functional unit that has to yield a comfortable living environment in winter and summer for a family of one to four persons. As explained earlier, the geometry of the dwellings is fixed, except for the glass area. Since for each dwelling, the non insulated version is defined as the reference situation, it is possible to assess the impact of the energy saving measures from the overall LCI point of view. The same way, also the impact of constructional options, such as massive versus wood frame construction, that go beyond energy saving options, can be analysed through the life cycle analysis. The collection of inventory data is also very suitable for comparing the impact of the different life cycle phases on energy consumption and emissions. System boundaries As explained in section 2.5, some of the basic assumptions of traditional LCI do not cope with the characteristics of buildings. Due to the very long lifetime of buildings (80 years and more), hypotheses on processes of the end phase, such as waste treatment and recycling procedures, might result in highly uncertain and even unrealistic results. At the same time, before reaching its end of life, most buildings undergo several refurbishments or renovations often resulting in thorough modifications of the building. Therefore, this research does not concentrate on the whole life span of the building, but considers only the impact of one generation. This results in the scenario that the building is designed and constructed and then, used and maintained by one generation during 30 to 40 years. No assumptions are made on the destination of the building after passing to the next generation. The building may directly be demolished and replaced by a new building, or it may undergo one or more small or thorough refurbishments before reaching its end of life. Thus, the phases of extraction, production, transport, utilisation and replacement are taken into account, whereas the end phase of the building is not considered. 80 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY 5.3 Life cycle inventory data 5.3.1. Comparison of databases In the search for qualitative and representative input data for the LCI of Belgian buildings, some existing databases have been compared, such as the freely available databases GEMIS (Germany GEMIS 4.14 2002) and LISA (Australia LISA 3.0 2000) and the commercial databases ECOINVENT (Switzerland 2003) and SPINE (Sweden SPINE@CPM 2000). From the commercial databases, all data documentation is freely available, but the inventory data themselves are protected by a commercial license. Already at first glance, large differences between the databases appear. Each database is set up following its own methodology, using its own units, incorporating more or less processes and revealing more or less details on the evaluation of a certain material or product. Also the number of materials and in- and outflows strongly differs between the databases. Table 5.1 presents a short comparison between the largest available databases ECOINVENT (ecoinvent v1.0 version 2003), GEMIS (GEMIS 4.14 version 2002) and LISA (LISA 3.0 version 2000) with relation to the available data. The difference in degree of detail between the databases is clear. When further comparing the databases in detail with relation to their data for the same building materials, also a large variation between the data of the different databases appears. This might be caused by differences in scope and system boundaries, processes to be in- or excluded, applied calculation methods, etc. Anyhow, extraction of partial data from the databases to mutually compare them appeared to be very difficult. Therefore, considering the scope of this research, the choice has been made to apply only one database in order to have consistent data for all materials. Since the ecoinvent2000 database is the most extensive and most complete database at the moment, with representative data for Western Europe, including Belgium, and is frequently updated, this database has been selected as the basis for all LCI data within this research. 81 CHAPTER 5 ECOINVENT GEMIS LISA ≠ units x kWh/kg x GJ x Details per energy carrier x x Air polluters total Air polluters detailed Overall global warming potential Details per greenhouse gas kg x x x x g/kg x x x x Resources Waste Land use Water use Heat waste x x x x x x x x Extraction Production Transport Waste treatment x x x x Energy consumption Total Pollution ton x x x Others x Processes included Data for building materials Metals Plastics Concrete, mortar, sand, gravel Limestone, lime, gypsum Bricks, roof tiles Mineral wool Insulation foams Glass Wood and derived products Finishing materials Data for composed components Insulation measures Heat pump, solar collectors, PVcells Domestic appliances x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Others Heat production x Electricity production net x x Electricity production renewable x x Combined heat and power x Table 5.1: Comparison between ecoinvent v1.0, GEMIS 4.14 and LISA 3.0 82 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY 5.3.2. ecoinvent2000 database (Frischknecht and Jungbluth 2003) General The ecoinvent database is a large network-based database, consisting of a central database, local databases, calculation routines, the data exchange format EcoSpold, software for translation between MS EXCEL and XML and administration and query tools. The central database contains LCI data on energy systems, transport systems, waste treatment systems, chemicals, building materials, etc. as well as LCIA methods, such as the Swiss Ecological Scarcity 1997, Eco-indicator 99 or the CML characterisation scheme 2001. The database is accessible via the internet. In order to achieve the intended harmonisation of over 2500 datasets in the database, quality guidelines for the investigation of life cycle inventories have been set up to be followed by the institutes and analysts involved in the ecoinvent project. The ecoinvent studies follow the LCA method according to the ISO standards on LCA (ISO 14040 – 14048). The focus is on the compilation of life cycle inventories, predominantly for basic commodities, but the data also contain impact assessment results, according to already developed LCIA methods. No new methods have been developed, except for the cumulative energy demand (see 5.3.3) and no particular LCIA method is favoured. Scope of ecoinvent2000 The selection of products and services to be analysed in ecoinvent mainly relies on the market and consumption situation in Switzerland in the year 2000. But, since the Swiss economy is closely linked to the surrounding countries, a lot of processes are also described for the situation in Europe (RER). For production processes that take place outside Europe, but with an important role for the European market (mainly extraction of mineral and energy resources), the reference year 2000 was applied, if ever possible. The processes included in ecoinvent represent in most cases the average of then used technology. Emissions from the past (infrastructure construction), the present (e.g. heating) and the future (e.g. disposal options) are all included in the inventory analysis without temporal boundaries. Emissions that occur over large time frames of more than 100 years are assigned to specific subcategories. Modelling principles in ecoinvent2000 As far as possible, the ecoinvent database contains data on a unit process level that are neither vertically nor horizontally aggregated. Average data for a country or region are calculated with the available data from different suppliers if they use comparable processes. The analyses of technical processes are based on pure environmental process chain analysis. Economic input-output analyses are only used in exceptional cases. 83 CHAPTER 5 If data availability is poor, stoichiometric balances are used to determine the raw materials demand. If no information about the amount of a release or the exact substance emitted is available, an educated guess is made based on plausibility considerations. In cases where such an assumption dominated the LCA result, further investigations have been carried out within the ecoinvent project. Products and services are distinguished on a level of economic regions within which such a distinction is meaningful. For cement for instance, a national distinction is useful and meaningful, since cement is hardly traded across national borders. For globally traded products such as aluminium, a distinction on the level of continental economies is sufficient, because these commodities can hardly be traced back on a national or regional level. Transport happens nearly between any two process steps of a product system. They are investigated for the real market situation as far as possible. Inputs and outputs required for the means of production and the infrastructure of a production process are recorded separately, but ecoinvent recommends using always inventory data including the infrastructure to avoid the use of data sets that are substantially incomplete. When a process requires an energy carrier for process or space heating, distinction is made in ecoinvent between the case that operational emissions and efficiencies are known and the case that only the amount of energy and the kind of energy carrier is know. In the latter, generic boiler datasets are used. Waste treatment is considered in ecoinvent as part of the technical system and therefore modelled like all other technical processes. If information about the treatment of specific wastes is not known, generic treatment processes are applied. For uncontaminated building materials the following default disposal scenarios are considered appropriate: - all solid burnable wastes are considered as disposal in municipal solid waste incineration - all bulk metals are considered to be recycled. Allocation and recycling rules in ecoinvent2000 Multi-output processes are omnipresent in LCA product systems. In ecoinvent, multi-output unit processes are entered into the database before allocation. Additionally, the allocation factors applied are defined on the multi-output process level. The database then creates single output processes by combining both. By-products of a production process that are used in a subsequent process (re- or down-cycling) are not reported in the list of inputs and outputs of the first process, but are allocated to the subsequent process. 84 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY Uncertainty in ecoinvent2000 Within the LCI of a unit process, the amounts of inputs and outputs are described in ecoinvent with single figures (mean values). This quantitative description includes uncertainty, because the mean values are uncertain. Only uncertainty due to variability and stochastic error can be expressed in quantitative terms on the level of individual inputs and outputs of a unit process. This type of uncertainty has been treated consistently and in a quantified way within the ecoinvent project, mostly applying a lognormal uncertainty distribution. However, quite often the uncertainty cannot be derived from the available information, since there is only one source of information providing only a mean value, without any information on the uncertainty of this value. In this case, a simplified standard procedure is applied in ecoinvent, including a qualitative assessment based on a pedigree matrix in which basic uncertainty factors are used, based on expert judgments. This is shown in the last column of table 5.3, where each number in these strings stands for a qualitative uncertainty factor. Outlook of LCI data in ecoinvent2000 Ecoinvent provides inventory data and impact assessment data per unit process. For the unit process, e.g., ‘brick, at plant’, the database provides all elementary flows involved in the production of 1kg brick, taking into account all processes from extraction up to the point that the brick is ready for distribution from the production plant. The elementary flows are identified in the database by a flow name, its unit, a category and a subcategory. Categories describe the different environmental compartments ‘air’, ‘water’, ‘soil’ and ‘resource’. Subcategories further distinguish sub compartments which may be relevant for the subsequent impact assessment step. The categories ‘air’, ‘water’ and ‘soil’ describe the receiving compartment and are used for pollutant emissions, whereas the category ‘resource’ is used for all kinds of resource consumption. In addition, the database provides per unit process a list of impact indicators, identified by an indicator name, its unit, a location, a category and a subcategory. The location indicates the country or region (Europe or global) that will be affected by the impact. Categories describe the impact assessment method that is applied (IPCC, Eco-indicator 99,…), whereas subcategories further define the kind of impact (human health, ecosystem quality, resources,…). Apart from the inventory data, meta-information is provided on the processes included, the origin of the raw data, comments on assumptions made, etc. Also an uncertainty assessment is available per unit process, although only for a limited part of the elementary flows in the life cycle inventory. Tables 5.2 to 5.4 present the outlook of the inventory data, the impact indicators and the uncertainty assessment for 1kg brick, at plant. As the data are protected by a license, only 85 CHAPTER 5 fictitious values are given. Due to the extent of the inventory (986 elementary flows, 60 impact indicators and 59 uncertainty values for brick), the lists are only partially presented. Input Output Name Category Sub-Category Unit Location InfrastructureProcess Unit brick, at plant RER 0 kg resource in ground kg 3.00E-11 resource soil in air industrial kg kg 8.17E-10 4 Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore, in ground Carbon dioxide, in air Heat waste 2.36E-11 4 Heat waste soil unspecified kg 1.08E-10 4 Carbon dioxide, fossil air kg 6.46E-09 kg 1.85E-10 4 4 low population density lower 4 Carbon dioxide, fossil air stratosphere + upper troposphere 4 Carbon dioxide, fossil air unspecified kg 3.41E-08 4 Ammonium, ion water river kg 6.48E-08 4 Antimony water ground- kg 7.24E-10 Table 5.2: Brick, at plant: partial list of inventory data (fictitious values) (ecoinvent2000) Name Location InfrastructureProcess Unit Location InfrastructureProcess Unit lubricating oil, at plant brick, at plant Uncertainty Type Standard Deviation 95% General Comment RER 0 kg (5,5,3,3,1, 5); (5,5,3,3,1, 5); (3,5,5,1,3, 5); (1,2,3,1,1, RER 0 kg 0.000381 1 2.34 clay, at mine CH 0 kg 0.00541 1 1.64 mine, clay CH 1 unit 8.58E-07 1 1.64 limestone, crushed, for mill CH 0 kg 0.000542 1 1.89 UCTE 0 kWh 0.0166 1 2.34 (5,5,3,3,1, 5); RER 0 kg 1.64E-05 1 2.34 (4,2,3,1,1, 5); electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE, at grid sheet rolling, chromium steel 3); Table 5.3: Brick, at plant: partial list of uncertainty values (fictitious values) (ecoinvent2000) 86 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY Name Location Category GWP 100a GLO IPCC 2001 GWP 20a GLO IPCC 2001 GWP 500a GLO IPCC 2001 non-renewable energy resources, fossil non-renewable energy resources, nuclear renewable energy resources, biomass renewable energy resources, wind, solar, geothermal renewable energy resources, water Total Total acidification & eutrophication Ecotoxicity GLO GLO GLO GLO GLO RER RER RER RER cumulative energy demand cumulative energy demand cumulative energy demand cumulative energy demand Sub-Category Unit Location InfrastructureProcess Unit climate kg change CO2-Eq climate kg change CO2-Eq climate kg change CO2-Eq brick, at plant RER 0 kg 2.23 2.29 2.21 fossil MJ-Eq 23.2 nuclear MJ-Eq 2.15 biomass MJ-Eq 0.349 wind, solar, geothermal MJ-Eq 0.0741 cumulative energy demand IMPACT 2002+ water MJ-Eq 0.333 human health points 0.000245 IMPACT 2002+ eco-indicator 99, (E,E) eco-indicator 99, (E,E) resources ecosystem quality ecosystem quality points 0.000171 points 0.00466 points 0.00543 Table 5.4: Brick, at plant: partial list of impact indicators (fictitious values) (ecoinvent2000) 5.3.3. Extraction of data from ecoinvent2000 Collection of LCI data Not all 2500 process datasets from the ecoinvent database are of interest for this research that concentrates on buildings. Therefore, only building related process datasets have been extracted. Annex A presents the database of building materials, building products and building systems that have been applied within this research and for which LCI data are gathered. For each of these commodities, the ecoinvent datasets are specified on which the LCI data of this research are based: 47 datasets have been extracted to calculate the LCI of 54 building related commodities. The same way, not all elementary flows have been considered, but a selection is made among the elementary flows to be included in the research database. The elementary flows have been limited to energy resources, heat waste and emissions of CO2, NOx, SOx, non methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) and particulates. The impact indicators have been limited to the cumulative energy demand and the global warming potential for a time frame of 20, 100 and 500 years. The extracted flows are presented in detail in Annex B. 87 CHAPTER 5 Input data for the optimisation process One of the main goals of the life cycle analysis in this research is firstly, to calculate the embodied energy of extremely low energy buildings and subsequently, analyse the relation between the embodied energy and the energy consumption during utilisation phase. However, when investigating the elementary flows for a certain unit process, ecoinvent does not present the embodied energy as such. Several energy related input and output flows are available, but an in-depth analysis was necessary to distinguish them from each other. Distinction must also be made between renewable and non-renewable energy carriers, as in fact, only the non renewable embodied energy is of importance in the comparison with the energy consumption of non renewable energy during utilisation. The following energy related flows can be identified in ecoinvent2000 (Frischknecht and Jungbluth 2003): - Energy resources: non-renewable energy resources like oil and gas are inventoried with their weight and volume, respectively. Renewable energy resources like wind, solar and hydro power are recorded with the direct energy input from nature in MJ that has been used in the process, namely kinetic energy of the air for wind power, potential energy of the water for hydroelectric power, the radiation energy from the sun that meets the technical device for solar energy and the upper heating value of the extracted biomass (wood, crops, etc.). - Waste heat: waste heat released from processes is recorded, but no distinction is made between waste heat emissions from renewable and non renewable sources. Waste heat is determined as equal to the gross calorific value of fossil energy carriers and biomass and the energy content of electricity. However, in order not to count the waste heat of renewable energy sources in the overall waste heat balance, the energy uptake by these systems is subtracted, taking into account an average conversion coefficient. - Cumulative energy demand: CED is an impact assessment method developed in the frame of the ecoinvent project. It accounts for the energy resources at the point of extraction (even if they are not used energetically). Frischknecht and Jungbluth (2003) classify the cumulative waste heat balance as the best measure to estimate the actual use of non renewable energy carriers and to obtain a realistic picture of the energy consumption at the different stages of a life cycle. Therefore, the waste heat emissions from all categories and subcategories need to be summed up. As said above, in order to not account for the waste heat from renewable energy resources, such as wind, hydro or solar plants, the uptake of kinetic, potential or radiation energy by these systems is subtracted from the total waste heat balance, using average efficiencies. For biomass, the gross calorific value is subtracted. However, Frischknecht and Jungbluth (2003) admit that ‘it 88 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY may be said that waste heat emissions are not fully consistently modelled throughout the ecoinvent data’. A revised approach is still under discussion within the ecoinvent team. In order to define the total embodied energy of a material or product as the sum of the non renewable energy, used in all processes upstream to the utilisation phase, the total waste heat balance has been taken as the starting point to calculate the total embodied non renewable energy. However, distinction needs to be made between renewable and non renewable materials. - For a non renewable material, such as plastic, the waste heat can be partially dedicated to energy use of non renewable energy resources and partially to energy use of renewable energy resources. The non renewable energy resources are mostly released as waste heat during the extraction and transport of raw materials and the production of the material. In case of plastics, they also partially establish the energy content of the material. So, when calculating the waste heat balance by subtracting the uptake of energy from renewable energy systems from the total released waste heat, the result directly equals the consumption of non renewable energy resources for production of the material, including the processes upstream of the production. Non renewable embodied energy of a non renewable material: Non renewable energy resources ≡ energy use in processes + energy content of material Renewable energy resources ≡ energy use in processes → Non renewable embodied energy = total waste heat – renewable energy - Also for a renewable material, such as wood, the waste heat is partially dedicated to energy use of non renewable energy resources and partially to renewable energy resources. However, part of the renewable energy resource represents the energy content of the material (biomass). When then calculating the waste heat balance by subtracting the uptake of energy from renewable energy systems from the total released waste heat, the waste heat balance will be negative, because the energy content of the material has not been used until that stage, but is already counted within the waste heat balance. So, to calculate the embodied non renewable energy correctly, the energy content of the material has to be added to the total waste heat balance. 89 CHAPTER 5 Non renewable embodied energy of a renewable material: Non renewable energy resource ≡ energy use in processes Renewable energy resources ≡ energy content of material (biomass) + energy use in processes → Non renewable embodied energy = total waste heat – renewable energy + biomass The non renewable embodied energy, linked to the processes upstream of the utilisation phase, is incorporated in the optimisation process in the energy related criterion, by adding it to the non renewable primary energy consumption of the utilisation phase. For the ecological criterion, the GWP100 is selected. At the same time, several additional elementary flows are calculated during the optimisation process. These flows do not interfere with the optimisation, but serve as extra information for the final decision making process: - The total energy content - Total waste heat balance for processes upstream of the utilisation phase - Total NOx, SOx and NMVOC emissions and particulates < 2.5µm, each of them summed up for regions with high population density, low population density, lower stratosphere and upper troposphere (i.e. due to air traffic) and the unspecified part 5.4 Life cycle inventory model for buildings 5.4.1. Material and product models Several materials in the research database, such as brick, concrete, plywood, rock wool, etc., correspond directly to materials defined in the ecoinvent database and thus, the inventory data could directly be imported from ecoinvent into the research database. This also appears from the list in Annex A that describes the relations between the research database and ecoinvent. For other commodities, such as hard or soft timberwood, window frames, sun shading or installation components, a material or product model needed to be developed and inventory data from different ecoinvent datasets needed to be combined. The different product models with the assumptions made on the contribution of the different materials are described in Annex C. 90 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY 5.4.2. Transport model Assumptions All materials or products are assumed to be stored at the production plant. For the transport model of constructional materials, distinction is made between transport from production plant to distribution or assemblage centre (step 1) and from there to the construction site (step 2). For the transport model of installation components, step 1 always assumes transport of the composing materials to the assemblage site, whereas step 2 reflects transport of the finished goods to the construction site. For each transport step, assumptions are made per material or product on: - transport distance: transport distances are estimated based on assumptions on the location of production and/or distribution or assemblage site, in Belgium, in a neighbouring country, elsewhere in Europe or outside Europe. The transport model only considers one-way distances, assuming the vehicle is always occupied for nonrelated transport on the way back. - transport vehicle: ecoinvent contains inventory data for different transport vehicles. Elementary flows are expressed in MJ/tkm or kg/tkm, being the flow released or resource consumed when transferring 1 ton of goods over a distance of 1 km. Data are extracted for transport by: - o a transoceanic freight ship o European average goods transport by rail o European average lorry of 32 tons o European average lorry of 16 tons o European average van of < 3.5 tons transport weight: for each material or product the specific weight is defined in ton per unit, being m³ (e.g. brick), m² (e.g. sun shading) or m (e.g. window frames). Based on the assumptions for transport weight, transport distance and type of vehicle, the overall energy consumption, GWP or emissions due to transport can be calculated as follows (e.g. for GWP): GWP _ tot tr ,matX = (GWPtr , ship * Dtr , ship + GWPtr ,train * Dtr ,train + GWPtr ,lorry 32t * Dtr ,lorry 32t + GWPtr ,lorry16t * Dtr ,lorry16t + GWPtr ,van * Dtr ,van ) * weight matX / unit with: GWP_tottr,matX GWPtr,… Dtr,… Weight matX/unit [5.1] total GWP for transport of material X [tons/unit] GWP for transport per ship, train, lorry or van [tons/tkm] distance for transport of material X per ship, train, lorry or van [km] weight per unit (m³, m² or m) for material X [tons/unit] 91 CHAPTER 5 Assumptions per material or product on transport distances, transport vehicles and transport weight are presented in detail in Annex D. Establishing final transport input data In order to investigate the impact of the assumptions about transport vehicle and distance on the final LCI results and to incorporate the uncertainties into the final transport model, some alternative transport scenarios have been developed and corresponding LCI results calculated: - - Transport from production to distribution: o Alternative scenario 1: all transport by rail o Alternative scenario 2: all transport by 32t lorry Transport from distribution to construction site: o Alternative scenario 3: all transport by 32t lorry o Alternative scenario 4: all transport by 16t lorry o Alternative scenario 5: all transport by van Based on the original assumptions and the alternatives, average transport energy consumption and average transport emissions are calculated per commodity. These average values serve as final input data for the transport model in the optimisation process. Results of the sensitivity analysis on the transport model as well as the impact of the different phases within the whole life cycle are presented in section 5.5. 5.4.3. Building model The energy consumption and emissions related to the building are calculated for the different subsequent phases, as shown in figure 5.1. 92 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY Figure 5.1: Scheme of the model for life cycle inventory of buildings A straightforward calculation algorithm has been developed to calculate the life cycle inventory data for a whole building: 1. Basic matrices are composed, containing data on embodied energy, embodied emissions, transport energy and transport emissions for all basic constructional materials and installation related materials: o MAT: matrix with the relation between materials from research database and datasets from ecoinvent o ECO: matrix with extracted data sets from ecoinvent with waste heat, energy content, non renewable energy demand, GWP100a, NOx, SOx, NMVOC and particulates < 2.5µm per material o DISTANCE: matrix with distances and transport vehicle per material from research database o TRANSPORT: matrix with extracted data sets from ecoinvent with waste heat, energy content, non renewable energy demand, GWP100a, NOx, SOx, NMVOC and particulates < 2.5µm per transport vehicle o WEIGHT: matrix with specific weight per material from research database o ECOinst: matrix with extracted data sets from ecoinvent for materials and processes used in the production of installation components 93 CHAPTER 5 o MATinst: matrix with the relation between installation components in the research database and datasets for composing materials and processes from ecoinvent. For several installation components, such as boilers or heat pumps, the amount of composing material is a function of the power (e.g. boiler) or of the power0.666 (e.g. heat pump, based on Berghmans and Duprez (1997)) as follows: Component of X kW = amountmatA*X+constmatA+amountmatB*X+constmaB+… or Component of Y kW = amountmatC*Y0.666+constmatC +… Therefore, the MATinst matrix consists of 3 submatrices: 1 submatrix with data as a function of the power per the installation component [in kW], 1 with data as a function of the power0.666 [in kW] and 1 with constant data per installation component. o DISTprod: matrix with distances and transport vehicle for each material used in the production of installation components o DISTsite: matrix with distances and transport vehicle per installation component from the research database o TRANSPinst: matrix with extracted data sets from ecoinvent with waste heat, energy content, non renewable energy demand, GWP100a, NOx, SOx, NMVOC and particulates < 2.5µm per transport vehicle o WEIGHTinst: matrix with the weight used per composing material in the production of installation components (7 columns) and with the total weight per installation component (8th column). Similar to the MATinst matrix, also the WEIGHTinst matrix consists of 3 submatrices with data as a function of the power, as a function of the power0.666 and with constant data. 2. With the basic matrices, a MATERIAL matrix is calculated containing the global data for production and transport of each construction material in the research database MATERIAL = MAT * ECO + DISTANCE * TRANSPORT * WEIGHT [5.2] The same way, an INSTALLATION matrix is calculated containing the global data for production and transport of each installation component in the research database. Similar to the MATinst matrix and the WEIGHTinst matrix, the INSTALLATION matrix consists of 3 submatrices. Each INSTALLATION submatrix is calculated as follows: 94 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY INSTALLATION _ 1 = LCIinst _ 1 + TRANSinst _ 1 with LCIinst _ 1 = MATinst _ 1 * ECOinst TRANSinst _ 1 = TRANSPROD _ 1 + TRANSSITE _ 1 with TRANSPROD _ 1 = WEIGHTinst _ 1(1 : 7) * DISTprod * TRANSinst [5.3] TRANSSITE _ 1 = WEIGHTinst _ 1(8) * DISTsite * TRANSinst 3. For each building variant, the applied volume, area or length per constructional material is calculated and stored in a VOLUME matrix. The installation power is determined based on the insulation level; lengths of heating pipes and ventilation pipes and the number of radiators depend on the type of reference building. Different volume matrices are calculated for different utilisation periods, taking into account replacements of certain materials and products, based on assumptions of life span for each material, product or installation component. 4. Based on the MATERIAL and the VOLUME matrix and the information on the installation, the waste heat, energy content, non renewable energy demand, GWP100a, NOx, SOx, NMVOC and particulates < 2.5µm, coupled to production and transport, are calculated for the whole building variant, including both constructional materials and installation components. 5. For each building variant, the annual net heat demand, annual end energy consumption, annual primary energy consumption and annual GWP are calculated with a steady state or dynamic building simulation programme. 6. The primary energy consumption and GWP is calculated for the utilisation phase, assuming use of the building by one generation during 30 or 40 years. In order to analyse the impact of the utilisation phase, these values are calculated also for 60 or 90 years. The extra replacements during these time periods are taken into account. 7. In a final step, the non renewable energy consumption as well as the GWP is summed up for production, transport and utilisation. These values are applied as energy related criterion and ecological criterion in the optimisation process. 8. Up to now no assumptions have been made on the destination of the building and its composing materials after passing from one generation to the next. Despite the straightforwardness of the building model and the inventory algorithm, the uncertainty is quite high, since all matrices of the building model contain data based on more or less uncertain assumptions. Therefore, a sensitivity and uncertainty analysis has been performed on the partial models and on the life cycle building inventory model as a whole. Methodology and results are discussed in the section below. 95 CHAPTER 5 5.5 Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis 5.5.1. Sensitivity analysis for the transport model As explained in section 5.4.2, the impact of the assumptions on transport vehicle and distance is investigated by comparing the results for the original assumptions with those for some alternative transport scenarios. All three transport aspects (vehicle, distance and weight) have a well-defined impact. However, when combining them, their mutual interaction may neutralise or emphasise their combined impact: - Transport vehicle: the smaller the vehicle, the larger its environmental impact per tkm. Long distance transport by 32t lorry consumes 16 times more non renewable energy and releases 20 times more NMVOCs and particulates than by ship, whereas short distance transport by van consumes 8 times more energy and releases 8-10 times more NMVOCs and particulates than by 32t lorry. Only for NOx and SOx, the differences are smaller between the different vehicles. - Transport distance: the smaller the distance, the smaller the environmental impact of the transport (less kilometres) - Transport weight: the smaller the material weight, the smaller its environmental impact during the transport phase (less tons) Table 5.5 presents the results for the original assumptions and for the alternative scenarios for some commonly used building materials. In case of wood, originally most transport was assumed to be intercontinental (large distances) by ship (step 1). When modifying the transport vehicle to train or 32t lorry, the environmental impact per tkm increases and this effect is even more emphasised due to the large distances. Therefore, for wood the average of all scenarios corresponds to an increase of more than 100% for softwood and more than 200% for hardwood in comparison with the original assumptions, not only for the non renewable energy consumption (NRE), but also for the GWP. The increase of NOx emissions is slightly lower (80% for softwood, 125% for hardwood), whereas the increase of SOx is only 9%. This is caused by differences in energy carrier between the different transport vehicles. In case of bricks, transport was originally assumed by 32t lorry to the distribution site (step 1) and by 16t lorry to the construction site (step 2) and all transport taking place within Belgium. Modifying the transport mostly decreases the impact per tkm, except for transport by van. However, due to the small transport distances, the final result is only slightly affected by the assumptions on transport vehicle. In comparison with the original assumptions, the average of all scenarios produces an increase of 5-7% for non renewable energy consumption and 96 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY GWP. The emission of NOx is even lower than in the original scenario. Only the emission of SOx is for the average of all scenarios 15% higher than originally. Original scenario Alternative Alternative scenarios scenarios for step 1 for step 2 By train By By By lorry lorry lorry 32t 32t 16t Increase By Mean compared value to original van Hardwood NRE [MJ/m³] GWP [kg/m³] SOx *10-4 [kg/m³] NOx *10-4 [kg/m³] 1087 3892 13366 1037 1087 1361 3638 +235% 76 227 902 73 76 94 242 +216% 7.8 6.3 13 7.8 7.8 8.2 8.5 +9% 9.5 12 78 9.3 9.5 10 21 +125% 564 313 564 456 564 1150 602 +7% 38 20 38 31 38 75 40 +5% 5.5 3.6 5.5 4.5 5.5 13 6.3 +15% 3.1 1.4 3.1 2.7 3.1 4.8 3.0 -3% Brick NRE [MJ/m³] GWP [kg/m³] SOx *10-5 [kg/m³] NOx *10-4 [kg/m³] Table 5.5: Comparison of the original scenario and alternative scenarios for transport vehicle for hardwood and brick In general, it can be concluded that for most commodities the average of all scenarios results in an increase of the environmental impact in comparison with the original assumptions. Only for materials or products that are assumed to be transported by van to the construction site, the average value is lower than the original. Because of the very large variations in transport of building related products, both to the distribution site as to the construction site, the average values for energy consumption and emissions are assumed to be acceptable for integration in the optimisation process. 97 CHAPTER 5 5.5.2. Contribution analysis for the building model According to Heijungs et al. (2005), a contribution analysis decomposes the aggregated results of an inventory analysis in a way that the contribution of the different unit processes, materials or phases to the overall inventory results can be traced back. In order to compare the contribution of the utilisation phase with the contribution of the phases upstream, figure 5.2 presents the embodied energy as a function of the primary energy consumption for building use over 30 years for the architectural house, one of the buildings optimised in the EL²EP-project (more details on the dwelling see chapter 8, plans see Annex G). The points on the right hand side in figure 5.2 represent the non-insulated reference version of this dwelling, where the clouds of points on the left hand side represent all kinds of more or less energy saving variants of this dwelling. The reference values clearly show that the building structure, including the massive part of the building envelope represents the largest part of the embodied energy (over 400 GJ), whereas the embodied energy of the installations is negligible. When increasing the energy performance of the building, the embodied energy of both the building envelope and the installations increases, but in general, more for the envelope than for the installations. Building variants with a primary energy consumption over 30 years of more than 1000 GJ can be realised with a limited increase of the embodied energy. Only extremely low energy buildings with a primary energy consumption of ca. 500 GJ have a total embodied energy higher than the energy use of the utilisation phase. However, the sum of both remains small. Furthermore, when comparing the embodied energy with the energy savings they realise (figure 5.3), it is clear that in most cases the embodied energy represents less than 10% of the primary energy savings over 30 years. The cloud on the right hand side of figure 5.3 represents variants with outer insulation, in the middle with cavity wall and on the left hand side with wood frame construction. Remarkably, the embodied energy for the three constructional types is comparable. The primary energy savings strongly differ, but this is caused by the difference in reference situation (8cm of mineral wool for wood frame construction versus no insulation for the other construction types). 98 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY Embodied energy vs energy consumption Architectural house, utilisation period of 30 years Embodied energy [GJ] 900 800 total 700 construction+envelope 600 installations 500 reference 400 ref construction+envelope 300 ref installations 200 100 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Primary energy consumption during use phase [GJ] Figure 5.2: Architectural house of the EL²EP-project, utilisation period of 30 years: embodied energy vs. primary energy consumption for building use during 30 years for different variants. The dark grey cloud represents the embodied energy for all kinds of installations, the light grey cloud the embodied energy for all kinds of energy saving variants of the building structure and envelope, whereas the black cloud is the sum of both. The dots on the right hand side are the values for the non insulated reference case with a cavity wall. Embodied energy vs energy savings Architectural house, utilisation period of 30 years 1400 Embodied energy [GJ] 1300 cavity wall 1200 outer insulation 1100 wood frame construction 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Primary energy savings during utilisation phase [GJ] Figure 5.3: Architectural house of the EL²EP-project, utilisation period of 30 years: embodied energy vs. primary energy savings, compared to the non insulated reference during 30 years. The clouds represent the overall embodied energy per constructional variant, whereas the dotted line represents the 10% limit. The black cloud are variants with outer insulation, the dark grey cloud with a cavity wall and the light grey cloud with wood frame construction. 99 CHAPTER 5 These results lead to the important conclusion that considerations on the embodied energy of extremely low energy houses can be an interesting issue for future research, but that in the first place, effort should be paid to the reduction of the energy consumption during the utilisation phase, as this phase still has the largest potential for improvement. 5.5.3. Perturbation analysis for the building model According to Heijungs et al. (2005), a perturbation analysis identifies the sensitive parameters, being the input parameters of which a small change induces a large change in the selected results. The factor that couples a small change in input to a change in output is referred to as the multiplier. Multipliers larger than 1 or smaller than -1 indicate sensitive parameters; whereas multipliers close to 0 indicate insensitive parameters. The advantage of a perturbation analysis is that it allows studying inherent sensitivities, even for variables for which no uncertainty indication is known. Perturbations of 1% of each value successively have been induced in the basic matrices MAT, ECO, DISTANCE, TRANSPORT, WEIGHT, MATinst, ECOinst, DISTprod, DISTsite, TRANSPinst and WEIGHTinst. Firstly, the impact on the MATERIAL matrix and on the INSTALLATION matrix has been analysed and subsequently the impact on the overall life cycle inventory results of a whole building. Impact on the basic matrices As could be expected from the linearity of the building model, the perturbation of a single parameter has generally little impact on the overall result. Only for some materials in the ECO and WEIGHT matrices, the multiplier is larger than 1, meaning that a perturbation of 1% of one of the input data creates an impact on the output larger than 1%. Table 5.6 shows the materials from the ECO matrix for which the multiplier is larger than 1, as well as the magnitude of the impact and the material and category that are sensitive for perturbation. However, the impact remains small, as only for two cases the impact is larger than 2% and the maximum value is 4.4%. Table 5.7 presents the results for perturbation of the WEIGHT matrix. Also here the impact remains small, with variations less than 1.3% after perturbations of 1%. 100 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY ECO matrix: Impact > 1% after perturbation of 1% ECO Sawn timber, hardwood, planed, kiln dried, at plant Sawn timber, hardwood, planed, kiln dried, at plant Sawn timber, hardwood, planed, kiln dried, at plant Sawn timber, softwood, planed, kiln dried, at plant Plywood, outdoor use, at plant Polyurethane, rigid foam, at plant MATERIAL Impact Heat, waste balance GWP 100a Hardwood 1.1% 1.1% Wooden window frame Wood-PUR-wood window frame 1.5% 1.2% Softwood Plywood Wood-PUR-wood window frame 1.1% 1.2% 4.4% 1.1% 2.2% Table 5.6: Results from the perturbation analysis of the ECO matrix, each time for an input perturbation of 1% WEIGHT matrix: Impact > 1% after perturbation of 1% Specific MATERIAL weight unit Hardwood Softwood Plywood Wooden window frame Wood-PUR-wood window frame 700 700 600 4.97 6.22 kg/m³ kg/m³ kg/m³ kg/m kg/m Impact Heat, waste balance GWP 100a 1.1% 1.1% 1.2% 1.1% 1.1% 1.05% 1.05% 1.3% Table 5.7: Results from the perturbation analysis of the WEIGHT matrix, each time for an input perturbation of 1% Apparently, most impact is realised through perturbation of data related to wood or wood derivatives, such as plywood and wooden window frames. Furthermore, the sensitive categories are the waste heat balance and the global warming potential. These are exactly the categories for which wood acts differently from other building materials. As explained in section 5.3.3, the waste heat balance for renewable materials, such as wood, is negative, as the energy content of the material (biomass) has not been used at the stage of production, but is already counted within the waste heat balance. Also the global warming potential of wood is negative in contrast to other materials due to the uptake of CO2 emissions during the growth phase of the trees. For the wood-PUR-wood window frame, the combination of wood and PUR results in a positive waste heat balance and a slightly negative global warming potential. Through the presence of the negative LCI data from the wood, the perturbation of the positive PUR waste heat balance data is emphasised, resulting in a larger variation than 1%. For all other categories and materials, all LCI data are positive and thus, the impact of a perturbation of 1% remains 1% or less. This phenomenon is also reflected in the results of the perturbation of the data from the installation related matrices. Since no renewable materials are applied for the production of installation components, no sensitive parameters have been found. For every perturbation, 101 CHAPTER 5 the multiplier is 1 or less. The largest impact has been found for normal concrete, applied for floor heating, where a perturbation of 1% for one of the LCI input data for concrete results in an increase of 1% for the output value for floor heating. Impact on the life cycle inventory results of the whole building To analyse the impact of perturbations on the life cycle inventory results of the whole building, perturbations of 1% have been induced successively for all data in the VOLUME matrices of 9 building variants. As could be expected from the perturbation analysis of the basic matrices, the impact on the overall building results is very limited. For building variants with wood frame construction, the largest impact is found for plywood, where a perturbation of 1% for input data for plywood results in an increase of 0.9% of the overall results. For massive building variants, the largest impact is found for concrete, where a perturbation of 1% for input data for concrete results in an increase of 0.9% of the overall results. So, it can be concluded from the perturbation analysis that, due to the structure of the building LCI model, none of the parameters is sensitive for perturbation and thus, no inherent sensitivities exist. However, in practice, uncertainties exist for all data and by propagation the uncertainty on the final result may become large. This is analysed in the next section through an uncertainty analysis with Monte Carlo simulation. 5.5.4. Uncertainty analysis with Monte Carlo simulations According to Heijungs et al. (2005), an uncertainty analysis aims at a systematic study of the propagation of input uncertainties into output uncertainties. There are two basic ways of running an uncertainty analysis: by random sampling, such as a Monte Carlo simulation, and by analytical formulas for error propagation. As for most input data very little and often only qualitative uncertainty information is available, the Monte Carlo simulation technique has been selected. Methodology For most input data only one value is known with no quantitative information on the uncertainty in terms of standard deviation. The known value is therefore assumed to be the mean value. A normal distribution has been assumed for the input data. Several scenarios have been selected for the coefficients of variance (= standard deviation/mean value), thus providing assumptions for the standard deviation and for the width of the distribution curve of the input data. In a first step, the same variance coefficient has been selected for all input data and the coefficients of variance for the output data have been calculated through 1000 Monte Carlo 102 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY simulation runs. An uncertainty analysis has been made for variance coefficients of 5%, 20%, 50% and 100%. In a second step, the variance coefficient has been set at 5% for all input matrices, except for one matrix for which the coefficient of variance has been set at 30%. Again, the coefficients of variance for the output data have been calculated through 1000 Monte Carlo simulation runs. Firstly, the different scenarios have been executed and analysed for the constructional model, thus only incorporating the matrices that contribute to the MATERIAL matrix (see eq. [5.2]). Subsequently, the same analysis has been executed for the installation model, thus only incorporating the matrices from the INSTALLATION matrix (see eq. [5.3]). Finally, the propagation of input uncertainties has been analysed for the whole building model, by combining the results of the previous two steps. Results for the constructional model Figures 5.4 and 5.5 present the coefficients of variance (CV) for the final result as a function of the variance coefficient for the data of the input matrices. In this analysis, the CV remains constant for all submatrices. Results are presented for the non renewable embodied energy (NRE) and for the global warming potential (GWP). The figures give the average CV and the min-max error bars for nine variants of the terraced house, one of the buildings optimised within the EL²EP-project, presented in chapter 8. The nine variants consist of three variants with cavity wall, three with massive walls and three with wood frame construction. As the variants with wood frame construction (WFC) appeared to have a large impact on the average value and on the maximum value, especially for the global warming potential, distinction is made between the average including the wood frame variants (black diamonds) and the average excluding them (grey triangles). The solid line indicates where the CV of the output equals the CV of the input data. Considering the non renewable embodied energy (figure 5.4), all dwelling variants have a coefficient of variance for the output that is lower than the coefficients of variance for the input data. Even the maximum error bars remain below the solid line. Even with standard deviations up to 100% for the input data, the final result has a standard deviation of 70-85%. This means that the propagation of errors is limited and that the errors of the different input data neutralise each other somehow. Considering the global warming potential (figure 5.5), similar results are found for the massive variants. With coefficients of variance up to 100% for the input data, the final result has a coefficient of variance of around 100%. Only for the variants with wood frame construction, the errors of the different input data are propagated more intensively, resulting in a CV for the final result that is 1.5 to 2.5 times higher than the CV of the input data. Cause 103 CHAPTER 5 of this larger sensitivity to errors is the fact that the global warming potential for wood and wood derived products is always negative, whereas the GWP for all other materials is always positive. Uncertainty analysis via Monte Carlo simulations: NON RENEWABLE EMBODIED ENERGY (NRE) coefficient of variance for final result NRE 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 incl WFC 0.2 excl WFC 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 coefficient of variance for submatrices 1.2 Figure 5.4: The coefficients of variance for the non renewable embodied energy of envelope measures as a function of the coefficient of variance of the input data: average value, including (black diamonds) and excluding (grey triangles) wood frame variants (WFC). Uncertainty analysis via Monte Carlo simulations: GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL (GWP) coefficient of variance for final result GWP 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 incl WFC excl WFC 0.5 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 coefficient of variance for submatrices 1.2 Figure 5.5: The coefficients of variance for the global warming potential of envelope measures as a function of the coefficient of variance of the input data: average value, including (black diamonds) and excluding (grey triangles) wood frame variants (WFC). 104 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY Figures 5.6 and 5.7 present the coefficients of variance (CV) for the final result when increasing the CV for one submatrix. In this analysis, the CV is set at 5% for all submatrices, except for the submatrix mentioned in the x-as that has a CV of 30%. Results are again presented for the non renewable embodied energy and for the global warming potential. Considering the non renewable embodied energy (figure 5.6), the impact of a larger CV for the different submatrices on the final result appears to be limited. The uncertainty on submatrices related to transport has the least impact, with a CV for the final result of 5%. The uncertainty for input data of material volume and specific weight has the highest impact. However, as figure 5.6 shows, a CV of 30% on the input data for material volume or specific weight results in a CV of only 10% for the final result. Similar to the results from figure 5.4, no distinction can be found between massive and lightweight construction, resulting in small min-max error bars for all submatrices and all variants. Uncertainty analysis via Monte Carlo simulations: NON RENEWABLE EMBODIED ENERGY (NRE) coefficient of variance for final result NRE 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 incl WFC 0.05 excl WFC 0.00 ECO mat distance weight ECO trans submatrices volume Figure 5.6: The coefficients of variance for the non renewable embodied energy of energy measures when the coefficient of variance of one input matrix is set at 30%. The CV of the other submatrices remains 5%: average value, including (black diamonds) and excluding (grey triangles) wood frame variants (WFC). However, when considering the global warming potential (figure 5.7), the higher sensitivity for error propagation for wood frame constructions reappears. As can be seen in figure 5.7, increasing the CV of a submatrix related to material properties (ECOINVENT data for materials, specific weight or material volume used in the building) results in the highest CV 105 CHAPTER 5 for the overall GWP (CV = 10 to 32%). For massive constructions, the sensitivity is much lower, with a CV for the overall GWP of 10 to 15%. Uncertainty analysis via Monte Carlo simulations: GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL (GWP) coefficient of variance for final result GWP 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 incl WFC excl WFC 0.05 0.00 ECO mat distance weight ECO trans volume submatrices Figure 5.7: The coefficients of variance for the global warming potential of energy measures when the coefficient of variance of one input matrix is set at 30%. The CV of the other submatrices remains 5%: average value, including (black diamonds) and excluding (grey triangles) wood frame variants (WFC). Results for the installation model The same analysis has been executed for the installation model. Results are presented in figures 5.8 to 5.11. Similar conclusions can be drawn as for the building model. The propagation of errors throughout the installation model is limited. Even with a coefficient of variance of 100% for all submatrices, the coefficient of variance for the final result remains between 82 and 141%. As in the installation model the input data for both the non renewable embodied energy and the global warming potential are positive, the results obtained for both objectives are comparable. When analysing the impact of each submatrix separately, errors on input data related to material properties (ECOINVENT data for composing materials and MAT matrix defining the amount of material used for a certain installation component) have the highest impact. Errors on the VOLUME matrix refers in the installation model to the uncertainty on length of pipes, ventilation tubes and the needed power for the heating system. Their impact of the overall CV is limited as can be seen in figure 5.10 and 5.11. Errors on transport related input data 106 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY (transport distance, transport weight and transport vehicle) only have a minor impact on the overall uncertainty. Uncertainty analysis via MC simulations: NON RENEWABLE EMBODIED ENERGY (NRE) coefficient of variance for final result NRE 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 coefficient of variance for submatrices Figure 5.8: The coefficients of variance for the non renewable embodied energy of installation measures as a function of the coefficient of variance of the input data: average value Uncertainty analysis via MC simulations: GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL (GWP) coefficient of variance for final result GWP 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 coefficient of variance for submatrices Figure 5.9: The coefficients of variance for the global warming potential of installation measures as a function of the coefficient of variance of the input data: average value 107 CHAPTER 5 Uncertainty analysis via MC simulations: NON RENEWABLE EMBODIED ENERGY (NRE) coefficient of variance for final result NRE 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 ECOinst MATinst distance WEIGHTinst ECO trans VOLUME submatrices Figure 5.10: The coefficients of variance for the non renewable embodied energy of installation measures when the coefficient of variance of one input matrix is set at 30%. The CV of the other submatrices remains 5%: average value Uncertainty analysis via MC simulations: GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL (GWP) coefficient of variance for final result GWP 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 ECOinst MATinst distance WEIGHTinst ECO trans VOLUME submatrices Figure 5.11: The coefficients of variance for the global warming potential of installation measures when the coefficient of variance of one input matrix is set at 30%. The CV of the other submatrices remains 5%: average value 108 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY Results for the whole building model The non renewable embodied energy for the whole building is the sum of the constructional related NRE and the installation related NRE. The same is valid for the global warming potential. For the uncertainty analysis of the whole building model, the overall mean value and the overall standard deviation are calculated for the combinations of each constructional variant with each installation variant. When combining one constructional variant with one installation variant, the mean NRE and the standard deviation on the mean NRE are calculated in the following way: NRE dwelling = NRE constr + NRE instal stdev dwelling = stdev 2 constr + stdev 2 instal [5.4] The same approach has been applied for the uncertainty analysis of the overall global warming potential. This approach assumes that the standard deviation of the constructional part is independent from the standard deviation of the installation part. This is not totally correct, as the input data for the transport vehicles and for some of the materials are the same for both models. However, in the analysis of both models, the same coefficients of variance are considered for the transport matrix and for the ECO matrix. When combining the results for both models into results for the whole building model, only results with the same assumptions for the CV are combined. This means that for the Monte Carlo simulations of both models maybe not the exact same input data for transport are used, but surely the same normal distribution is applied with the same mean value and the same standard deviation. As Monte Carlo simulations of the whole building model appeared to be very time consuming, this approach is assumed to be accurate enough. Comparing figure 5.12 with figure 5.4 reveals the large similarity of both figures. This can be explained by the fact that the NRE related to the constructional part of the building is more than 10 times higher than the NRE related to the installations. The constructional model thus has the highest impact on the overall result. The same phenomenon appears in the overall result for the global warming potential (figure 5.13 vs. figure 5.5). Depending on the combination of constructional variant and installation variant, the constructional components have a contribution to the overall GWP that is 9 to 20 times higher than the contribution of the installation. Due to this large impact of the constructional part of the model, the difference between massive and wood frame constructions reappears in the uncertainty analysis of the overall GWP. However, because of the addition of positive GWP related to the installation, the difference between the results including and excluding wood frame constructions for the 109 CHAPTER 5 overall building model (figure 5.13) is smaller than in the case that only the constructional model is analysed (figure 5.5). Uncertainty analysis via MC simulations: NON RENEWABLE EMBODIED ENERGY (NRE) coefficient of variance for final result NRE 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 incl WFC excl WFC 0.2 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 coefficient of variance for submatrices Figure 5.12: The coefficients of variance for the non renewable embodied energy of the whole building as a function of the coefficient of variance of the input data: average value, including (black diamonds) and excluding (grey triangles) wood frame variants (WFC). Uncertainty analysis via MC simulations: GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL (GWP) coefficient of variance for final result GWP 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 incl WFC excl WFC 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 coefficient of variance for submatrices Figure 5.13: The coefficients of variance for the global warming potential of the whole building as a function of the coefficient of variance of the input data: average value, including (black diamonds) and excluding (grey triangles) wood frame variants (WFC). 110 MODEL FOR LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY Uncertainty analysis via MC simulations: NON RENEWABLE EMBODIED ENERGY (NRE) coefficient of variance for final result NRE 0.35 0.30 0.25 incl WFC excl WFC 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 ECO mat MAT distance WEIGHT ECO trans VOLUME submatrices Figure 5.14: The coefficients of variance for the non renewable embodied energy of the whole building when the coefficient of variance of one input matrix is set at 30%. The CV of the other submatrices remains 5%: average value, including (black diamonds) and excluding (grey triangles) wood frame variants (WFC). Uncertainty analysis via MC simulations: GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL (GWP) coefficient of variance for final result GWP 0.35 incl WFC excl WFC 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 ECO mat MAT distance WEIGHT ECO trans VOLUME submatrices Figure 5.15: The coefficients of variance for the global warming potential of the whole building when the coefficient of variance of one input matrix is set at 30%. The CV of the other submatrices remains 5%: average value, including (black diamonds) and excluding (grey triangles) wood frame variants (WFC). 111 CHAPTER 5 Similarly, in the analysis of the contribution of each submatrix separately to the overall uncertainty, the same phenomena reappear as explained above. Considering the non renewable embodied energy, none of the submatrices has a dominant impact on the uncertainty of the overall result. There is only a slightly higher impact of the submatrices related to composing materials than of the submatrices related to transport (figure 5.14). The submatrix MATinst has the lowest impact, because this matrix only intervenes in the installation model (eq. [5.3]). Considering the global warming potential, the higher sensitivity for error propagation for wood frame constructions reappears (figure 5.15). Submatrices related to material properties (ECOINVENT data for materials, specific weight or material volume used in the building) result in the highest CV for the overall GWP, however, less pronounced than in figure 5.7 due to the addition of positive GWP values for the installation components. 5.5.5. Conclusions on the sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the LCI model Due to the lack of detailed information on the uncertainty of the inventory data, the sensitivity of the inventory model for errors and error propagation has been analysed trough a perturbation analysis as well as an uncertainty analysis by MC simulations. Both studies show that the sensitivity for errors and the propagation of errors is limited and that the errors of the different input data neutralise each other somehow. Errors on input data related to material properties have the highest impact, whereas errors on transport related input data (transport distance, transport weight and transport vehicle) only have a minor impact on the overall uncertainty. Of more importance, however, are the results from the contribution analysis. They showed the relative small importance of the embodied energy of a building compared to the energy consumption during the utilisation phase. This is even more valid when comparing the embodied energy of energy saving measures with the energy savings they realise. In most cases, the embodied energy represents less than 10% of the primary energy savings over 30 years. Only extremely low energy buildings with a primary energy consumption of ca. 500 GJ might have a total embodied energy higher than the energy use of the utilisation phase. However, the sum of both remains small and the energy savings realised with these dwellings are large, compared to the energy consumption of average dwellings. Remarkably, the embodied energy for both massive and light weight buildings is comparable. All these results lead to the important conclusion that considerations on the embodied energy of extremely low energy houses can be an interesting issue for future research, but that in the first place, effort should be paid to the reduction of the energy consumption during the utilisation phase, as this phase still has the largest potential for improvement. 112 MODEL FOR ECONOMIC EVALUATION CHAPTER 6. Model for economic evaluation 6.1 Introduction The global methodology for developing extremely low energy and pollution dwellings consists of three main pillars: energy, cost and ecology. To evaluate the economic impact of the building concepts from the point of view of a private building owner, a cost database and a cost evaluation model is required that can be integrated in the optimisation model. This chapter first outlines the different economic evaluation criteria used in this research, followed by a discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of these criteria. Subsequently, the cost database is presented together with the cost models for building components and installation components, including the secondary cost effects due to the large insulation thicknesses. Finally, this chapter is concluded with a discussion on the impact of several aspects on the final results, such as the uncertainty of cost data, energy price evolutions and life span and the importance of the rebound effect and of the residual value of low energy dwellings. 6.2 Economic evaluation criteria 6.2.1. Description of the criteria In the cost evaluation module, a large number of economic criteria is calculated and stored. This creates not only opportunities for an in depth analysis of the results e.g. to compare the contribution of constructional measures versus installation measures to the overall cost, or to compare total costs versus extra costs, etc. It also provides a basis to evaluate the different economic evaluation criteria and to determine the best criterion to be incorporated into the optimisation process. The following criteria are calculated for each building variant: - Total initial investment cost for components of the building envelope: this contains the cost for the whole building, being the costs for foundation, roofs, floors, inner and outer walls, insulation, windows and doors, solar shadings and ventilation grids. It excludes all costs for heating systems, domestic hot water systems and mechanical ventilation systems (fans and pipes). The initial investment cost includes material costs, installation costs and VAT (21% for new built dwellings, 6% for renovation). - Extra initial investment cost for components of the building envelope, compared to the reference: as the reference mostly is a non insulated version of the building with single or standard double glazing (U = 2.9W/m²K), the extra cost comprises mainly the cost for insulation and for thermally better performing windows. Depending on whether the reference building is assumed to be newly built or renovated, the extra cost for windows only contains the surplus for thermally better performing glazing and 113 CHAPTER 6 window frames compared to the reference situation (new buildings) or it represents the whole cost for better performing glazing and window frames plus the costs for removing the old windows (renovation). - Investments for replacement of components of the building envelope before discounting: the total replacement cost will highly depend on the considered utilisation period of the building (30, 40, 60, 90,… years) and the assumed life span per component (more than 90 years for all constructional elements, 20 years for double glazing and ventilation grids, 10 years for sun shading). - Total initial investment cost for installation components: this contains the cost for heating systems, domestic hot water systems and mechanical ventilation systems (fans and pipes), including material costs, installation costs and VAT. - Extra initial investment cost for installation components, compared to the reference: similar to the case of components of the building envelope, the extra cost depends on whether the reference building is assumed to be newly built or renovated. In the first case, the extra cost is only the surplus for the better performing installation compared to the reference, whereas in the case of renovation, the extra cost contains the overall cost for the systems plus the costs for removal of the old system. In case of a well insulated new building, the extra cost for the heating system might be negative, as the dimensions of the different components of the system mostly decrease in comparison with the reference. This is further explained in section 6.4 on the calculation models. - Investments for replacement of installation components before discounting: the total replacement cost will highly depend on the considered utilisation period of the building (30, 40, 60, 90,… years) and the assumed life span per component (20-25 years for heat production systems, 40 years for emission and distribution components, 5-10 years for pumps, ventilators and control systems). - Annual energy cost for fossil fuels: depending on the application, the final annual energy consumption for space heating and domestic hot water production is calculated with a steady-state or dynamic building simulation programme. With this consumption in MJ/year or kWh/year and the assumptions on energy cost per energy carrier, the annual energy cost for fossil fuels can be calculated. The assumptions on energy cost are presented in section 6.3.3. - Annual energy cost for electricity: as the optimisation process only focuses on the building and its equipment for heating, domestic hot water and ventilation, the electricity consumption is only related to the systems for heating, domestic hot water and ventilation. Electricity might be the main energy carrier for heating or domestic hot water production, or it might be used as auxiliary energy for the electrical 114 MODEL FOR ECONOMIC EVALUATION components of the installation. In both cases, the annual electricity consumption can be calculated with a steady-state or dynamic building simulation programme. In case a local electricity production unit is present, such as photovoltaic modules or a CHP system, a grid-coupled system is assumed and the produced electricity is subtracted from the consumed electricity on an annual basis. With this final electricity consumption in kWh/year and the assumptions on electricity cost per kWh, the annual energy cost for electricity can be calculated. - Total annual energy cost: being the sum of the annual energy cost for fossil fuels and the annual energy cost for electricity - Annual energy cost savings related to consumption of fossil fuels, compared to the reference: the cost savings are calculated as the difference between the annual energy costs of the reference case and the annual energy costs of the improved case. - Annual energy cost savings related to electricity consumption, compared to the reference: the cost savings are calculated as the difference between the annual electricity costs of the reference case and the annual electricity costs of the improved case. - Total annual energy cost savings: being the sum of the annual energy cost savings for fossil fuels and the annual energy cost savings for electricity. For the improved case, there might be a shift in energy carrier or the systems might have a much higher auxiliary electricity consumption, compared to the reference. Therefore, comparisons should be made on the total annual energy cost or cost savings, in order to include all secondary cost effects of improved systems. - Annual maintenance costs: these costs only consider maintenance costs for the heating systems and the mechanical ventilation system. This way, maintenance differences between different systems can be incorporated into the cost evaluation. Maintenance costs for the building as such are not included. - Total present value: with the initial investment costs, the costs for replacement and the annual energy and maintenance costs, the total present value can be calculated based on assumptions for utilisation period, discount rate and price evolutions, according to equation [6.1] TPV = I 0 + ∑ j = x, y , z I j (1 + rI ) j (1 + a) j n +∑ i =1 n K E (1 + rE ) i K M (1 + rM ) i + − R0 ∑ (1 + a) i (1 + a) i i =1 [6.1] with: I0 Ij the initial investment [€] the investment for replacement j at time x, y or z [€] 115 CHAPTER 6 KE KM n R0 rI rE rM a - annual energy cost [€] annual maintenance cost [€] considered utilisation phase [year] discounted residual value of the building at time n change of the investment cost above inflation change of energy cost above inflation change of maintenance cost above inflation discount rate or real interest rate, corrected for inflation Net present value: with the extra initial investment costs, the extra costs for replacement and maintenance and the annual energy cost savings, the net present value can be calculated based on assumptions for utilisation phase, discount rate and price evolutions, according to equation [6.2] ⎡ NPV = − ⎢ EI 0 + ⎢⎣ ∑ j = x, y, z EI j (1 + rI ) j (1 + a ) j n +∑ i =1 ∆K M (1 + rM ) i ⎤ n ∆K E (1 + rE ) i + R0 [6.2] ⎥+∑ i (1 + a ) i ⎥⎦ i =1 (1 + a ) with: EI0 the extra initial investment compared to a reference case [€] EIj the extra investment for replacement j at time x, y or z compared to a reference case [€] ∆KE annual energy cost saving compared to a reference case [€] ∆KM annual extra maintenance cost compared to a reference case [€] n considered time period for evaluation [year] R0 residual value of the building at time n rI change of the investment cost above inflation rE change of energy cost above inflation rM change of maintenance cost above inflation a discount rate or real interest rate, corrected for inflation The role and importance of the residual value in the cost evaluation is subject to debate. It is therefore discussed as a separate item in section 6.5.5. - Simple pay back time: (SPBT in years) is calculated based on the initial investment cost and the annual energy cost savings, without taking into account inflation or discounting of costs and savings: SPBT = - I0 ∆K E [6.3] Dynamic pay back time: (DPBT in years) is calculated, similar to the simple pay back time, but taking into account inflation and discounting of the annual energy cost savings. The DPBT can be calculated from the following equation: 116 MODEL FOR ECONOMIC EVALUATION DPBT ∑ t =0 - ∆K E = I0 (1 + a ) t [6.4] The internal rate of return (IRR:) is calculated iteratively from equation [6.2], with NPV=0 and a=IRR. - Total discounted cost per saved kWh primary energy: is calculated by dividing the difference in total present value between the reference case and the improved case by the difference in primary energy between both cases. - Total discounted cost per avoided ton CO2: for each energy carrier, the CO2 emissions coupled to the energy consumption are calculated based on the values in table 6.1. The emissions from electricity production depend on the location. Therefore, two slightly different values are used in the projects, described in chapter 7 and 8. The dependence of the CO2 emissions from electricity production on time (day time versus night time and weekends) is not taken into account here. Fuel Natural gas Electricity [kg/kWh] [kg/kWh] [kg/kWh] 0.264 0.192 0.310* 0.296** Table 6.1: CO2 emissions for the different energy carriers * : based on information from Electrabel (Verbeeck and Hens 2002) ** : based on the Energy Balance 2002 of the Brussels Capital Region (ICEDD 2004) By comparing the CO2 emissions of the reference case and the improved case, the total discounted cost per avoided ton CO2 can be calculated by dividing the difference in total present value by the difference in CO2 emissions between both cases. 6.2.2. Criteria for optimisation Although the cost evaluation module calculates and stores a large number of economic criteria, only one cost criterion can be incorporated in the optimisation process. As explained in chapter 4, the optimisation is always performed in two steps. In the first step, only energy saving measures related to the building envelope are considered, whereas in the second step, installation related variables are optimised. As in the first step only the net heat demand is calculated and no assumptions are made on the heating system, there is in this phase not enough information available to calculate the annual energy cost. Therefore, only the initial investment cost can serve as cost criterion in 117 CHAPTER 6 this phase. In the second phase then, the heating system is defined and so, the annual energy consumption and the annual energy cost can be calculated. However, there still remains the choice between the total cost of the buildings and the extra cost compared to the reference as the most appropriate economic optimisation parameter. When considering the total cost of the building, comparison of the costs for the building envelope, the systems and the energy costs shows the very large impact of the building envelope on the overall cost, although only part of these costs has an impact on the energy consumption. A large part is fixed costs for foundation, roof construction, inner walls, etc. This clearly appears from figure 6.1 that presents the total present value for two variants for the building envelope of the terraced house of the EL²EP-project: a very energy conserving variant with Umean = 0.22 W/m²K (U0.2) and less energy conserving variant with Umean = 0.54 W/m²K (U0.5). Each of these two building versions is combined with some 130 different combinations of heating system, thus resulting in a cloud of values per variant. For each combination of building envelope and heating system, the total present value over a period of 30 years is given, together with the division in TPV for the building envelope (BUI), TPV for the heating systems (SYS) and TPV for the energy cost (ENER). This figure shows that for all cases, the discounted costs for the building envelope (initial costs and cost for replacements) represent 80 to 90% of the overall total present value, whereas costs for heating systems and energy costs only represents each 5 to 10% of the total present value. TPV vs total primary energy consumption terraced house, utilisation phase of 30 years, low energy price scenario total present value [€] 300000 U0.5 TPV30 U0.5 BUI U0.5 SYS U0.5 ENER 250000 200000 150000 100000 U0.2 TPV30 U0.2 BUI U0.2 SYS 50000 U0.2 ENER 0 800 1300 1800 2300 2800 primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 6.1: Terraced house, utilisation period of 30 years, low energy price scenario: total present value versus total primary energy consumption for two variants of the building envelope: U0.5 = 0.54 W/m²K (in grey); U0.2 = 0.22 W/m²K (in black); BUI = TPV for the building envelope, SYS = TPV for the installation system, ENER = TPV for the energy costs 118 MODEL FOR ECONOMIC EVALUATION Extra cost vs primary energy savings terraced house, utilisation phase of 30 years, low energy price scenario extra discounted cost [€] 150000 U0.5 SUM 100000 U0.5 BUI U0.5 SYS U0.5 ENER 50000 0 800 1300 1800 2300 U0.2 SUM 2800 U0.2 BUI U0.2 SYS -50000 U0.2 ENER -100000 primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 6.2: Terraced house, utilisation period of 30 years, low energy price scenario: extra discounted cost versus total primary energy consumption for two variants of the building envelope: U0.5 = 0.54 W/m²K (grey); U0.2 = 0.22 W/m²K (black); BUI = extra cost for the building envelope, SYS = extra cost for the installation system, ENER = energy cost savings, SUM= sum of all When presenting the results for the same combinations as extra costs compared to the reference (figure 6.2), the difference between both variants is much larger, especially concerning the extra costs for the building envelope. For the most energy conserving variant (U0.2), the extra cost for the building envelope is three times higher than that for the less energy conserving variant (U0.5). For the latter, the extra costs for the building envelope and for the heating system are of the same magnitude. Figure 6.2 also shows that for both building envelope variants, the energy cost savings (ENER) are of the same magnitude. For both cases, the type of heating system also has a large impact on the energy cost saving. Comparing the optimisation process for TPV as a criterion and NPV as a criterion, however, shows that both produce the same results. Anyhow, as will be seen in chapter 8, the total present value has been chosen as optimisation criterion, but for the interpretation of the results, the focus is put on the net present value, as only solutions with a positive net present value can be considered economically viable. 119 CHAPTER 6 6.3 Cost database 6.3.1. Cost data for the building envelope The construction of a cost database has been started already in earlier work on energy saving measures in buildings (Verbeeck and Hens 2002). This database contained cost data for materials that improve the thermal quality of the building envelope, such as insulation materials and thermally better performing glazing types and window frames. Depending on the building material, costs are expressed as a function of volume (insulation), area (glazing) or length (window frames). These costs are updated and extended with cost data for all kinds of materials applied in the building envelope, such as bricks, concrete blocks, concrete for floors and flat roofs, tiles, finishing materials, ventilation grids, solar shading devices, wood frame constructions for floors and sloped roofs, etc. The extended data are mainly based on cost data provided by building contractors that were found willing to make a price offer for the reference buildings of the EL²EP-project. The price offers comprised the working hour cost. With these data, a cost database has been created that gave the possibility to calculate the overall construction cost of a building with massive walls, cavity walls or wood frame construction. The database has been structured in a way that the costs for replacement of components could easily be extracted as separate data. Annex E presents part of the cost database as an example of the structure. Obviously, these cost data will need to be kept up to date, if used in future work. 6.3.2. Cost data for components of the installation The cost data for components of the installation are also based on up to date (from 2005) price information for boilers, radiators, convectors, floor heating systems, storage tanks, fans, pipes, etc. However, as the insulation level of a building directly affects the needed power and the dimensions of the heating system, the cost needs to be expressed as a function of the insulation level. The approach that is adopted is further explained in section 6.4.2. 6.3.3. Energy prices and price evolution The assumptions for the energy prices are based on private consumer prices. For electricity and natural gas, the adopted prices come from the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs; for fuel, the adopted price comes from Informazout, the Belgian umbrella organisation of fuel distributors, and is valid for a purchase of more than 2000 litres of fuel. As the studies, presented in part three are executed at different times, the adopted energy prices differ. For the BIM-project in chapter 7, the average prices for 2004 are applied, whereas for the EL²EP- 120 MODEL FOR ECONOMIC EVALUATION project in chapter 8, the prices of May 2006 are applied. Table 6.2 presents the energy prices for both projects. The prices for electricity and gas include taxes for transport, distribution, energy taxes and federal taxes. In the BIM-project, only the proportional term is taken into account, whereas in the EL²EP-project, also the fixed term for gas and electricity is taken into account. Energy prices Natural gas Fuel Tarif B for heating BIM-PROJECT: average prices for 2004 Proportional 3.36 3.77 term [c€/kWh] EL²EP-PROJECT: prices of May 2006 Proportional 4.64 5.77 term [c€/kWh] Electricity Twofold Twofold Exclusive day price night price night price 16.56 8.35 - 18.33 9.64 7.91 Fixed term 103.46 40.40 17.73 [€/year] Table 6.2: Energy prices for natural gas, fuel and electricity for the BIM-project (chapter 7) and the EL²EP-project (chapter 8) Scenarios for energy Low Medium High % per year % per year % per year Natural gas 0% 2.1% 4.3% Fuel 0% 1.9% 3.2% Electricity 0% 2.1% 4.3% price evolution Table 6.3: Three scenarios for energy price evolution for natural gas, fuel and electricity Within the BIM-project and the EL²EP-projects, three different scenarios are used for the price evolution of gas, fuel and electricity: a low, medium and high scenario. The values for the medium and high scenario are based on the EU POLES scenarios from 2000 until 2030 for gas and fuel (EU 2004). The values are presented in table 6.3. However, only the growth factors of the EU POLES scenarios are adopted, not the starting values. 6.4 Calculation models 6.4.1. Building components For each building variant, the applied volume, area or length per constructional material is calculated and stored in a VOLUME matrix. Different volume matrices are calculated for 121 CHAPTER 6 different utilisation periods, taking into account replacement of materials and products based on the assumptions of life span for each material or product. These volume matrices are the same as used within the life cycle inventory model. 6.4.2. Components of the installation As the dimensions of the heating system strongly depend on the insulation level and on the type of building, a detailed dimensioning of the heating system for each building variant according to the ruling standards would be necessary. As this approach is infeasible within an optimisation method, cost curves have been determined for each reference building that express the cost of the heating system as a function of the insulation level. These cost curves are based on a detailed analysis of 7 insulation levels per reference building (Hens 2005). For each of these levels, the needed power is calculated and the heating system is designed according to NBN EN 12831 (2003). Analysis of the price information from producers of boilers and radiators already revealed that the price of components of the installation strongly depend on their maximum power level (Verbeeck and Hens 2002). So with the results of the detailed dimensioning of the heating system for different insulation levels and the price information of the installation components, cost curves have been determined that express the investment cost for the different components as a function of the insulation level. These cost curves could easily be integrated in the cost module. The overdimensioning of heating systems, as occurs permanently in practice, is not taken into account in these curves. 6.4.3. Integration of secondary cost effects Application of large insulation thicknesses does not only affect the investment cost through the direct cost of the insulation, but also leads to secondary costs effects. Due to the large insulation thickness, the overall thickness of the wall increases significantly, thus leading to necessary adaptations in the construction in comparison with a traditional dwelling. The thickness of the foundation has to increase to be able to bear the wall, the coupling between roof and wall has to be adapted as well as the coupling between window and wall. The large insulation thickness also results in more material use at the corners and asks for adapted solutions to fix the insulation material and to avoid thermal bridges. The extra material use for the foundation and the walls is integrated in the cost database. The extra cost to avoid thermal bridges appeared to be negligible in comparison to the overall building cost. Details on the approach are beyond the scope of this research, but can be found in Van Londersele and Janssens (2007). 122 MODEL FOR ECONOMIC EVALUATION 6.5 Discussion of different assumptions 6.5.1. Uncertainty on cost data The uncertainty on cost data is quite high in the building sector. Architects use basic prices when estimating the overall cost of a building project, but the final cost will strongly depend on the building contractor who effectively executes the job. Prices can be twice as high differing from one contractor to another. In the attempt to integrate realistic price information, the cost database is based on price offers from building contractors. However, only very few contractors were found willing to present a price offer. Moreover, none of them was familiar with the application of large insulation thicknesses, wood frame construction or a high level of air tightness. Furthermore at this moment, most extremely low energy dwellings are built with a large contribution of the building owner in the construction process, e.g. for the installation of the large packs of insulation or for sealing all air leakages to realise the needed high level of air tightness. This practice cannot be integrated in a general cost database. The prices in this research are based on real prices for traditional building practice, but with a high probability for a deviation between calculated costs and real construction costs. Nevertheless, the uncertainty analysis of the life cycle inventory model can serve as an indication for the uncertainty on the cost data, as both the inventory and the costs are based on a similar methodology, being the multiplication of volume data with inventory or cost data. The uncertainty analysis of the life cycle inventory model showed that due to the linearity of the model, the propagation of errors is limited and overestimation of certain parameters partly compensates underestimation of others. This can also be assumed for the cost model. Furthermore, the calculated costs should not be considered as exact values, but more as an indication of the cost differences between different levels of energy performance of buildings. This way, although it can be expected that the real cost of the buildings will be higher than the estimated cost, the estimations can be considered acceptable to compare different building concepts and to determine tendencies and priorities for extremely low energy dwellings. 6.5.2. Uncertainty on energy price evolutions The uncertainty on the evolution of the energy prices may be considered as even higher than the uncertainty on the cost data. Energy prices always strongly depended on evolutions on global constraints, such as national and international energy policies, geopolitics, relations between nations and the global economic evolution. This will not change in the future, surely not in view of the pending environmental treats, the evolution in fossil stocks, etc. (D’haeseleer 2006). The only way to deal with this uncertainty is by taking into account 123 CHAPTER 6 different scenarios for the energy price evolution and to analyse the robustness of the results for the scenarios. Of importance are the tendencies and priorities that can be derived and their dependency on the energy price scenarios. This will be discussed in detail on the basis of the results of the BIM-project (chapter 7) and the EL²EP-project (chapter 8). 6.5.3. Impact of the utilisation period Within this research, the choice has been made not to consider the whole lifecycle of the buildings, but to adopt an utilisation period that corresponds more or less to the time one generation occupies the building. As explained in section 2.5 and 5.2.2, this choice is based on the assumption that building owners are not willing to invest in measures that are only economically viable on a longer term than their period of ownership of the house. This period of ownership is estimated at 30 to 40 years. For the BIM-project, an utilisation period of 40 years, for the EL²EP-project, an utilisation period of 30 years is adopted. However, in the EL²EP-project, all calculations of primary energy consumption, global warming potential and total and net present value are executed also for 60 and 90 years, especially to analyse the impact of the utilisation period on the final results. Figure 6.3 presents the results for the optimal solutions for the terraced house of the EL²EPproject, considering an utilisation period of 30, 60 and 90 years. The difference in utilisation period has an impact on the net present value through the energy costs and the costs for replacements. The results are valid for the low energy price scenario (+0%, see table 6.3) and a discount rate of 4%. Only the solutions with a positive net present value over the considered periods are presented. A first conclusion is that almost the same variants appear as economically viable, regardless of the considered utilisation period. In fact, the results for one variant have the same annual energy cost, but different net present value and thus are lying in one vertical line. Obviously, the net present value increases with the considered period as more years of energy cost savings can be incorporated and these energy cost savings outweigh the extra replacement costs during a period of 60 or 90 years. There are just a few extra variants that only become viable when the utilisation period is extended, but these variants have only very small net present value, even after 60 and 90 years. Furthermore, as can be seen in the figure, due to the discounting, the near future has a larger impact on the net present value than the far future. This explains the limited difference in net present value between the results for 60 and 90 years. The most important conclusion, however, is that the hierarchy of energy saving measures does not change with the considered utilisation period. What is the best solution over 30 years remains the best solution, even for 60 to 90 years. A detailed discussion on this 124 MODEL FOR ECONOMIC EVALUATION hierarchy, including the dependency on the energy price scenario will be hold in chapter 7 and 8, based on the results of the BIM-project and the EL²EP-project. Impact of the utilisation period Terraced dwelling, low energy price scenario 14000 net present value [€] 12000 10000 8000 6000 optima 30 years optima 60 years 4000 2000 optima 90 years 0 200 400 600 800 1000 annual energy cost [€] Figure 6.3: Terraced house, low energy price scenario: impact of the utilisation period on the optimal solutions: net present value and annual energy cost are given for the optimal solutions for an utilisation period of 30, 60 and 90 years 6.5.4. Integration of rebound effect There is no doubt about the existence of a rebound effect when improving the energy performance of a building. As has been explained in section 3.3.2, empirical evidence clearly shows that part of the improvement does not contribute to energy savings but is used to improve the originally low comfort level. This effect is not incorporated as such in the global methodology and thus not taken into account in the main results of the projects presented in chapter 7 and 8. Main reason for not taking it into account is that all buildings are evaluated for the same overall performance, according to IEA Annex 32 (Hendriks and Hens 2000). This means that one of the key assumptions in the assessment of (extremely) low energy dwellings is that a minimum comfort level should be satisfied. Therefore, in order to compare dwellings on a correct basis from the point of view of energy, emissions and cost, a prerequisite is that all dwellings at least have an acceptable indoor climate. This is implemented by imposing temperature profiles per room to be satisfied during the heating season, by controlling and limiting the risk for summer overheating and by always designing the ventilation system according to the ruling standard NBN D50 001 (1991). This way, all building variants are compared on an equivalent basis. However, it is obvious that these 125 CHAPTER 6 assumptions do not cope with reality and that they lead to an overestimation of the energy consumption, especially for energy-devouring dwellings where the occupant normally reduces his comfort level in order to limit his energy bill. Therefore, in order to frame the results in a more realistic context, the impact of the comfort level on the energy consumption is briefly discussed here. The net heat demand (NHD) and the end energy consumption (EEC) of the terraced house of the EL²EP-project are calculated for different comfort levels and different energy saving variants. Table 6.4 presents the comfort levels for which the net heat demand and end energy consumption are calculated. For the living room and the kitchen, the maximum set temperature is valid in the morning and the evening during the week and during the whole day in the weekend, whereas the minimum set temperature is valid during the night. For the bathroom, the maximum set temperature is only valid during 2 hours in the morning and 3 to 4 hours in the evening. For the sleeping rooms, the maximum set temperature is only valid from 16h to 21h. In case of a minimum and maximum set temperature for the hall, the same heating schedule is followed as for the living room. Living room + kitchen Bathroom Sleeping rooms Hall Comfort level 0 20°C / 12°C 22°C / 12°C - - Comfort level 1 20°C / 15°C 22°C / 12°C - - Comfort level 2 20°C / 12°C 24°C / 12°C - - Comfort level 3 21°C / 15°C 22°C / 12°C - - Comfort level 4 21°C / 15°C 24°C / 12°C - - Comfort level 5 21°C / 15°C 24°C / 18°C 15°C 15°C Comfort level 6 21°C / 15°C 24°C / 18°C 18°C / 15°C 18°C / 15°C Comfort level 7 21°C / 15°C 24°C / 20°C 20°C / 15°C 21°C / 15°C Comfort level EL²EP 21°C / 15°C 24°C / 21°C 20°C / 15°C 21°C / 15°C Table 6.4: Terraced house of the EL²EP-project: different comfort levels applied to different energy saving variants in order to calculate the rebound effect The different comfort levels are applied to different energy saving variants. Firstly, variants are derived by improving the mean U-value of the building stepwise from Umean = 2.0 W/m²K to Umean = 0.34 W/m²K without changing the glass area. Secondly, variants are simulated with an improved U-value and a different glass area, resulting in an overall mean U-value between 0.19 and 0.54 W/m²K. The net heat demand is calculated for all comfort levels and all building variants with TRNSYS, a dynamic building simulation programme. The end energy consumption is calculated from the net heat demand, assuming an overall efficiency 126 MODEL FOR ECONOMIC EVALUATION of 70% for the heating system of the non insulated reference case, an efficiency of 80% for improved variants with Umean > 0.5 W/m²K and 85% for variants with Umean < 0.5 W/m²K. Results are presented in figure 6.4. In the theoretical case with the highest comfort level for all variants (comfort level EL²EP), the end energy consumption is 110,700 MJ/year for the non insulated variant (Umean = 2.0 W/m²K, black square) and 25,160 MJ/year for the best performing case (Umean = 0.19 W/m²K, cross most at the left hand side). Thus, according to these theoretical assumptions, the improvement should result in a reduction of the energy consumption with 77%. However, every day practice shows that in non insulated dwellings, a very comfort level (comfort level 0) is a more realistic assumption, as for higher comfort levels the energy cost would be perceived too high. This results in an energy consumption of 59,900 MJ/year for the terraced house (black triangle), thus representing only 54% of the theoretical energy consumption (black square). According to these assumptions, the energy conservation of the best insulated variant is only 58%. Assuming that the energy cost for the non insulated building with comfort level 0 (black triangle) is acceptable for the building owner, it can be expected that initially improvement of the energy performance of the building, will not result in any energy conservation, but only in an improvement of the comfort level to the highest level. This appears in figure 6.4 from the fact that the energy consumption for a building with Umean = 1.06 W/m²K (grey square at Umean= 1.06W/m²K) remain identical (ca. 60,000 MJ/a) to the energy consumption of the non insulated building with low comfort level (black triangle). Since for variants with Umean between 1.0 and 2.0 W/m²K, the energy consumption at high comfort level (grey squares) is higher than the energy consumption of the non insulated variant at low comfort level (black triangle), it is highly probable that the improvement of the building envelope does not lead to energy conservation, but only to improvement of the comfort level, with a comfort level in between the lowest and the highest. Only in case of larger improvements of the building envelope, with Umean < 1.0 W/m²K, real energy savings can be expected, but these savings will be in any case much lower than theoretically assumed. Furthermore, in case also the glass area is changed (grey crosses) in comparison with the non insulated case, it is even possible to have well insulated building variants that still have the same end energy consumption as the non insulated case, obviously with a much better comfort level than for the reference. This can be seen in figure 6.4, by comparing the black triangle (non insulated, low comfort) with the grey cross with Umean ≈ 0.55 W/m²K (well insulated, high comfort, but also higher glass area than the non-insulated case): they both have an energy consumption of ca. 60,000 MJ/a. Nevertheless, an improvement of the heating efficiency can dampen the rebound effect somewhat, as the same comfort level can be realised with a higher efficiency and thus, with a lower energy consumption. 127 CHAPTER 6 It can be concluded that it is highly probable that the energy savings, theoretically predicted in the projects in part three will overestimate the real savings. This will have an impact on the economic viability of measures of which the net present value is only slightly positive, but it cannot be expected to have a large impact on the hierarchy of potentially energy saving measures. Impact comfort level on energy consumption End energy consumption [MJ/a] Terraced dwelling 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 mean U-value [W/m²K] non-insulated, low comfort level non-insulated, high comfort level variants with low comfort level variants with high comfort level high comfort level and variation glass area Figure 6.4: Terraced house: impact of the comfort level and the glass area on the end energy consumption, given as a function of the mean U-value 6.5.5. Integration of the residual value In earlier work (Verbeeck and Hens 2002), the total present value has been calculated, without taking into account the residual value of the building at the end of the considered period. Also in the literature, very little information is found on the integration of the residual value of buildings in the cost assessment of energy saving investments. Tommerup and Svendsen (2006) are one of the few authors who discuss the residual value of energy saving investments in private buildings. They use the technique of linear depreciation over the expected lifetime of the measures. Banfi et al. (2006) developed a model to evaluate the consumers’ willingness to pay for energy saving measures in buildings, but they did not incorporate any choice parameter related to the residual value. However, there are several trends that are likely to result in higher valuation of energy saving measures in buildings in the future, maybe leading to an economically interesting residual 128 MODEL FOR ECONOMIC EVALUATION value in case the dwelling is sold. One issue is the introduction of the energy certificate, planned for 2009. From that time on, every building that is sold or rented has to dispose of an official certificate that labels the primary energy consumption of that building under standard conditions. This way, the energy consumption will be clearly presented as one of the assessment criteria in contrast to the situation of today where most individuals who are looking for a house, do not consider energy consumption as an assessment criterion. Another issue is the slowly increasing interest in (extremely) low energy houses, such as passive houses. These concepts increase the building cost significantly, especially the cost for the building envelope, but have very low energy consumption during the utilisation phase. Most of these buildings are still young and occupied by their first building owners, but it can be expected that in case these buildings are sold, the original building owners will present this low energy consumption as one of the main qualities of the building and incorporate it in the demand price. So, although integration of the residual value of energy saving measures is not yet common practice, two different approaches have been tested here in order to analyse its magnitude. In a first approach, the surplus value of a well insulated dwelling is estimated with a simple calculation module that is freely available on the website of KBC, one of the main Belgian banks (KBC 2003). Based on some simple questions on condition, location and dimensions of the building, the module estimates the value of the building. The needed input concerns information on land price, dimensions of the parcel, location (rural or urban), constructional characteristics (including insulation, window frames and glazing), finishes (including heating system), dimensions of the rooms, construction year, renovations and wear and tear. To estimate the land price, a separate module is provided. For the input of insulation, window frames and glazing, the following choices can be made: - Insulation: none / not everywhere / everywhere - Window frames: simple (softwood, grey aluminium) / medium (pvc, aluminium, meranti) / luxurious (hardwood, enamelled aluminium, pvc with metal skeleton) - Glazing: single glazing / double glazing, medium price / double glazing, high price Obviously, these categories are unable to characterise the thermal quality of the building. Figure 6.4 shows the input sheet for the constructional characteristics of the calculation module. 129 CHAPTER 6 Figure 6.4: Input sheet for the constructional characteristics of the building valuation module of the bank KBC (KBC 2003) To analyse the approach of this calculation module, four existing dwellings have been tested for all combinations of insulation, window frames and glazing. This revealed the methodology of the module. The total estimated value of a dwelling strongly depends on the construction year and the location. Based on the estimated value of the reference case of a dwelling (no insulation, single glazing and simple window frames) and the estimated surplus value of the improved variants of the same building, it appears that the calculation module employs a basic amount that is 0.7 - 0.8% of the total value of the dwelling. The condition of insulation, window frames and glazing can be valued with a score (bad = 0; better = 1; good = 2). The estimated surplus value of the energy saving measures appears to be always an exact multiple of this basic amount, with the multiple being more or less equal to (valuation score+1). Table 6.5 gives some details of the tested dwellings and the results of the analysis. For these buildings, the surplus value varies from 2,500€ to 16,800€, mainly depending on the age of the building and the number of measures. Applying this approach to the buildings of the EL²EP project and assuming a building age of 30 years, the surplus value will be 13,000 to 14,000€ depending on the location. This value can be interpreted as the 130 MODEL FOR ECONOMIC EVALUATION discounted value. Compared to the overall total present value, having an order of magnitude of 200,000€ and more (figure 6.1 section 6.2.2) this residual value is quite limited. So, it can be expected that according to this approach, the incorporation of the residual value will not have a significant impact on the economic objective in the optimisation process. Dwelling 1 Dwelling 2 Dwelling 3 Dwelling 4 Terraced Detached Terraced urban Antwerp Rural Limburg urban Fl-Brabant 1905 1967 1995 1974 Basic amount [€] 832.30 1,950.12 2,394.88 1,836.10 % of total value of the dwelling (non insulated) 0.73% 0.82% 0.85% 0.82% GENERAL INFORMATION Type of building Location Year of construction Semidetached rural Fl-Brabant SURPLUS VALUE compared to the NON INSULATED SITUATION insulation window frames glazing score Surplus value [€] (= number x basic amount) None Medium Double medium 2 2,496.90 (3xba) 3,900.23 (2xba) 7,184.63 (3xba) 5,508.30 (3xba) None Luxury Double high 4 4,993.80 (6xba) 9,750.57 (5xba) 11,974.40 (5xba) 9,180.50 (5xba) Overall Medium Double medium 4 4,161.50 (5xba) 7,800.45 (4xba) 11,974.40 (5xba) 9,180.50 (5xba) Overall Luxury Double high 6 6,658.40 (8xba) 13,650.79 (7xba) 16,764.26 (7xba) 13,062.54 (7xba) Table 6.5: Details of the dwellings, tested with the KBC building valuation module and results of the valuation of energy saving measures In a second approach, the residual value for energy saving measures is calculated based on linear depreciation of the investment cost over the expected lifetime of the measure. Two situations are possible: - the expected lifetime of the measure is longer than the assumed utilisation period. This is the case for insulation. - the expected lifetime of the measure is shorter than the assumed utilisation period. This is the case for glazing, pumps, fans, heat production systems, storage tanks, control systems, solar collectors and photovoltaic modules. For each of these elements, one or more replacements are considered within the assumed utilisation period, depending on the assumed lifetime. 131 CHAPTER 6 With UP as the assumed utilisation period, LT the assumed lifetime for a certain measure and CM the investment cost of the measure, the undiscounted residual value can be calculated as follows: If LT > UP → RV = (1 − UP )CM LT If (n.LT ) < UP and (n + 1).LT > UP → RV = (1 − [6.5] UP )CM (n + 1) LT [6.6] The discounted residual value R0 in equation [6.1] and [6.2] can then be calculated as follows: R0 = RV (1 + a )UP [6.7] Figure 6.5 gives the discounted residual value (discount rate = 4%) as a function of the annual net heat demand for different versions of two buildings of the EL²EP-project. Only investments for insulation, glazing and a natural ventilation system are taken into account in these results. As the figure shows, the residual value strongly depends on the net heat demand, especially for low energy houses with a net heat demand < 60MJ/m³a. Incorporating the production system for heating increases the residual value with 270 to 360€. Even the incorporation of alternative energy systems, such as a solar collector and PV modules, has a limited impact on the residual value: ca. 1,200€ for a solar collector and ca. 1,400€ for PV modules when assuming a lifetime of 25 years for both systems. With this approach, discounted residual values are obtained within the range from 2,000 to 16,000€, the latter for an extremely low energy dwelling with 4m² solar collectors and 1kWpeak PV modules. 132 MODEL FOR ECONOMIC EVALUATION Residual value discounted over 30 years, a=4% discounted residual value [€] 16000 14000 terraced detached 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 50 100 Net heat demand (MJ/m³a) 150 Figure 6.6: Discounted residual value for the terraced (black) and detached (grey) reference house of the EL²EP-project as a function of the net heat demand This approach produces results with the same order of magnitude as the estimation module of KBC bank, even for extremely low energy dwellings. In contrast to the KBC calculation module, this approach offers a more differentiated residual value depending on the effective investment cost of the energy saving measures. Weakness of this model is that location is not taken into account. However, in comparison with the total present value, both approaches produce residual values that are a factor 10 smaller than the total present value of the building envelope. Anyhow, the impact on the economic objective in the optimisation process will be limited. The residual value is therefore not taken into account in the optimisation process. Which approach will approximate most to the reality of the market of energy conserving buildings will strongly depend on the future evolution of the energy prices and of the energy policy, such as the way the energy certificate will be introduced. 133 BIM-PROJECT PART THREE: APPLICATIONS CHAPTER 7. 7.1 BIM-project Introduction In the Brussels Capital Region, the most urban Region in Belgium, the energy consumption in buildings represents 71% of the total regional energy consumption (ICED 2004). Additionally, the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive obliges the member states to implement a calculation methodology for the integrated energy performance of buildings by 2006 at the latest (EPBD 2002). In this context, the government of the Brussels Capital Region by means of the Brussels Institute for the Management of the Environment (BIM), ordered a technical-economical study on the cost-effectiveness of energy saving investments in buildings. Aim of the study was to determine the most feasible energy saving measures, considering the current technologies and their costs. These results should then serve as scientific basis for the requirements to be set in the Brussels energy performance regulation for new and retrofitted buildings. The project has been executed in 2005 in collaboration with the engineering office 3E (www.3e.be). The Division of Building Physics was responsible for the residential sector, whereas 3E was responsible for the nonresidential sector. Within the project, the methodology, developed in this doctoral research, has been applied to trade off costs and energy savings of current energy saving technologies, also taking into account the embodied energy. As no optimisation was needed in this project, the methodology has been applied without the optimisation module. Details on the implemented energy saving measures are described in the section below. All building simulations have been executed with the calculation procedure of the Energy Performance Regulation of the Flemish Region, further called the EPB (EPB Besluit Bijlage I en II 2005). The outline of this calculation procedure is briefly presented below. The assumptions on life cycle inventory and costs for this project are presented in section 7.3 and 7.4. In the last sections, the results are summarised and discussed. Although the developed methodology is used for both the residential and non-residential buildings, only the application to the residential sector is presented in this chapter, as only this part has been executed as part of this doctoral research. In order to keep the extent of this PhD dissertation under control, only the most important assumptions and results are presented. Further details and results can be found in Verbeeck and De Coninck (2005). 135 CHAPTER 7 7.2 Implementation of energy saving measures 7.2.1. Reference buildings In order to obtain representative results for the Brussels Capital Region, four reference buildings are selected based on a statistical analysis of the Brussels residential sector. Because of the almost strictly urban character of the Brussels Capital Region, the reference buildings are restricted to terraced houses and apartment buildings, thus representing 90% of the Brussels building stock. For the terraced houses, two dwellings are selected: an old mansion for the retrofit case and a modern terraced dwelling as a new construction. For the apartment buildings, distinction is made between a small apartment building of 4 flats and a large apartment building of 20 flats. The same lay out is used for both new construction and retrofit. This selection results in 6 different reference cases: three for new construction and three for retrofit. Table 6.1 presents the reference situation of the dwellings and the apartment buildings. Annex F gives the plans and façades of the reference buildings. Reference buildings Apartment buildings BIM-project small large modern (new) mansion (retrofit) 1945-1970 1945-1970 - before 1945 Heated floor area building flat 436m² 109m² 1804m² 89m² 173m² 220m² Heated volume building flat 1220m³ 305m³ 5054m³ 249m³ 514m³ 747m³ Heat loss area building flat 549m² 56m² 2164m² 39m² 228m² 324m² Compactness building flat 2.2 5. 5 2.3 6.4 2.3 2.3 Insulation level (Umean W/m²K) retrofit new construction K151 (U=2.1) K71 (U=1.0) K150 (U=2.2) K72 (U=1.0) Cavity wall Non insulated Cavity wall 2.5cm insulation Cavity wall Non insulated Cavity wall 2.5cm insulation Construction period Façade retrofit new construction 136 Terraced dwellings K118 (U=1.7) K69 (U=0.98) Massive wall Non insulated Cavity wall 2cm insulation BIM-PROJECT Glazing + frames retrofit new construction Single Wood Double Wood flat non insulated flat new construction 5cm insulation Roof retrofit Single Aluminium w.o. thermal break. Double Double Aluminium Aluminium with with thermal thermal break break Single Wood flat non insulated sloped flat 5cm insulation 5cm insulation sloped + flat non insulated Heating Radiators Radiators retrofit Natural gas new construction Natural gas Natural gas and fuel Natural gas emission Radiators Radiators Energy carrier Natural gas and fuel Natural gas Heating boiler Standard Standard collective per flat new construction High efficiency High efficiency High efficiency collective per flat retrofit Control system Hot water production Standard Central, room thermostat Central, room thermostat Central, room thermostat Central, room thermostat On boiler On boiler On boiler On boiler Table 7.1: Reference situation for the reference buildings of the BIM-project 7.2.2. Measures on the building envelope Insulation In a first step, the impact of insulation, glazing, sun shading and air tightness is analysed. Insulation measures are taken for the roofs, façade and floor. For each building type, the insulation thickness in each envelope component varies from zero to a maximum. Thicknesses rise from zero to the maximum in 2.5 cm steps for the floor and façade and 5 cm steps for the roofs. Table 7.2 gives the maximum applied insulation thickness and the applied insulation material per envelope component. 137 CHAPTER 7 Insulation min thickness [cm] max thickness [cm] step [cm] material λ [W/mK] Flat roof 0 20 5 XPS 0.031 Sloped roof and/or attic floor 0 20 5 MW 0.044 Façade 0 10 2.5 MW 0.044 Floor 0 10 2.5 PUR 0.021 Table 7.2: details on the insulation measures of the BIM-project Glazing and window frames Apart from the insulation, the impact of thermally better performing glazing and window frames is analysed. Tables 7.3 and 7.4 present the different types of glazing and window frames with their thermal characteristics: for the glazing types, the U-value and the g-value, being the direct and indirect solar heat gain coefficient and for the window frames, the Uvalue. Aluminium window frames without thermal break are only considered as part of a reference situation for retrofit. They are not considered for new buildings. Glazing U-value [W/m²K] g-value (solar factor) [-] 5.7 0.76 3 0.72 Low e double glazing, air filled 1.8 0.61 Low e double glazing, argon filled 1.3 0.61 1 0.61 0.6 0.50 Single Standard double Low e double glazing, krypton filled Low e triple glazing, argon or krypton filled Table 7.3: Properties of the glazing types, applied in the BIM-project Window frames U-value [W/m²K] Wood 1.8 Aluminium without thermal break 5.9 Aluminium with thermal break 2.4 PVC with 2 chambers 2.2 Highly insulating window frame 0.65 Table 7.4: Properties of the window frames In order to control the summer comfort, the impact of glass area and sun shading is analysed for some of the combinations of insulation and glazing. For this analysis, the glass area 138 BIM-PROJECT varies between a minimum and a maximum value, and is combined with manually operating outer sun shading. The method for assessing the summer comfort is explained in the section on the building simulation programme. Air tightness Also the air tightness of the building is incorporated as a parameter in the first step of the analysis. The level of air tightness is expressed through the n50-value, being the number of times per hour the air volume is refreshed by uncontrolled infiltration of outdoor air when creating a pressure difference of 50 Pa between indoor and outdoor. For the first step, only two levels of air tightness are considered: - the case where no attention is paid to the air tightness: the default value of the building simulation programme has been taken, which depends on the compactness C of the building: - n50 = 10.5/C +1.5 [1/h] the level of air tightness when a designed natural ventilation system is planned: n50 = 3 [1/h] In the second step, also lower levels of air tightness are considered, in combination with mechanical ventilation systems. 7.2.3. System-related measures In the second step, the measures on the building envelope are combined with system-related measures. A large number of system variables are taken into account, mainly based on the options available in the building simulation procedure used. Distinction is made between systems for the dwellings and systems for the apartment buildings. Dwellings Space heating The space heating system in a dwelling can be a local or a central heating system with different energy carriers. For the local system, gas stoves, direct electric heaters and electric accumulation heaters are available. For the central heating system there is a choice between high efficiency or condensing boilers which run on natural gas or fuel, or an electrically driven heat pump. The heat is assumed to be emitted by high temperature radiators with or without a rear radiation shield, convectors, low temperature radiators or floor heating. The room temperature can be controlled by a thermostat or thermostatic valves. The exit temperature of the water in the boiler can be fixed or variable. 139 CHAPTER 7 Hot water production Seven possibilities are considered for the hot water production: (1) a direct water heater on electricity (2) a direct water heater on gas with a pilot-light (3) a direct water heater on gas without a pilot-light (4) a storage tank heated by gas (5) a storage tank heated by electricity (6) a storage tank connected to the heating boiler (7) a storage tank connected to the heat pump Each space heating system is combined with different systems for hot water production, as long as the combination is realistic. This way, no space heating on fuel or electricity is combined with a hot water system on natural gas, as this combination is highly unrealistic. However, space heating with natural gas or fuel can be combined with hot water production on electricity. In case of direct water heaters, two heaters are assumed: one in the bathroom and one in the kitchen. The same assumption is made in case of an electrically heated storage tank. In case of a storage tank on gas, on the boiler or on a heat pump, only one tank per dwelling is assumed. These assumptions do not affect the production efficiency, but have an impact on the distribution losses as shorter pipe lengths can be assumed in case of two separate hot water systems. Concerning the distribution losses, the building simulation programme distinguishes between pipes lying inside and outside the heated volume. However, pipe insulation can only be considered within the programme for circulation pipes in which the hot water is continuously circulating. Such system is normally only applied in apartment buildings with a central hot water production system. So no pipe insulation is considered for the terraced dwellings, but most pipes lie inside the heated volume and in that case, 100% recovery of the distribution losses is assumed. Solar collectors Each hot water system can be combined with a solar collector. Per dwelling only one system is considered, being a system with a collector area of 4m², placed on the south-oriented sloped roof, as both dwellings are north-south oriented. For the mansion, the roof slope is 34°, for the terraced house, the slope is 37°. 140 BIM-PROJECT Ventilation In the first step, a natural ventilation system is assumed, whereas in the second step four extra ventilation systems are simulated with the appropriate level of air tightness. Each ventilation system is combined with each system for space heating and hot water production. This way, synergy of different measures can be taken into account. Basic assumptions for the ventilation systems are a good design and installation of the system. Current, energy saving technologies are selected, however, without selecting always the most energy saving option. This assumption is adopted to create realistic energy savings and to avoid overestimation of the savings on ventilation losses. For all ventilation systems, the ventilation flows are calculated per dwelling according to the ruling ventilation standards (NBN D50-001 1991). The following ventilation systems are considered: - natural ventilation with self regulating grids - mechanical extraction ventilation with natural supply through self regulating grids and extraction with a DC ventilator; level of air tightness n50 = 3/h - mechanical supply and extraction, with a DC ventilator and without heat recovery; level of air tightness n50 = 1/h - mechanical supply and extraction, with a DC ventilator, a level of air tightness n50 = 1/h and with a heat recovery unit with 70% recovery efficiency Photovoltaic systems Each combination of space heating, hot water production and ventilation system can be combined with a photovoltaic module. In the building simulation programme EPB, different PV-systems can be selected: - integrated in the roof or free standing - with a central transformer or with an AC module per panel - 4 types of PV-cells: mono crystalline, poly crystalline, amorphous with 1 or 2 junctions Per dwelling, only one system is considered, being 10m² poly crystalline PV-cells with a central transformer, integrated in the south-oriented sloped roof, as both terraced dwellings are north-south oriented. This is the most commonly applied PV-system in Belgium. The produced electricity is taken into account in the total primary energy consumption. 141 CHAPTER 7 Apartment buildings The system-related variants for the apartment buildings are mainly the same as for the dwellings, except for some differences that are presented below. Space heating For the small apartment building, there is the option between individual heating (a boiler per flat) and collective heating (a boiler per apartment building). For the large apartment building, only a collective heating system is considered, as the flats are too small to install a boiler per flat. The option for floor heating is not considered for the apartment buildings, as it is at the same time unrealistic and difficult to implement in the EPB software. For the apartment buildings, an extra option for space heating is considered, being cogeneration of heat and power (CHP, gas engine type), in combination with radiators or convectors and controlled by thermostatic valves. In case of CHP, the option of PV-cells is no longer considered, as the gas engine itself produces electricity. The produced electricity is taken into account in the total primary energy consumption. Hot water production In case of CHP, the option for hot water production with CHP is included. The combination with solar collectors is only considered for a centralised hot water production system. The collector system is installed on a frame on the flat roof, according to the ideal orientation (south) and slope (34°). The collector area is 12m² for the small apartment building and 40m² for the large building. Ventilation For the ventilation systems, the same systems as well as the same assumptions have been made as for the dwellings. However, in case of mechanical supply and extraction, a collective system is assumed. Photovoltaic systems As for the dwellings, each combination of space heating, hot water production and ventilation system can be combined with a photovoltaic module, except in case of CHP. Per apartment building, only one collective system is considered, being poly crystalline PV-cells with a central transformer, mounted on a freestanding frame on the flat roof, south oriented with a slope of 34°. For the small building 30m² is assumed, for the large building 60m². 142 BIM-PROJECT 7.2.4. Building simulation programme The energy consumption has been simulated with the calculation procedure for the Flemish Energy Performance Regulation EPB (EPB Besluit Bijlage I en II 2005), as at the time of the project, no calculation procedure for the Brussels Capital Region was available yet. The procedure is mainly based on the EN ISO 13790 (2004). Firstly, both the net heat demand and the gross heat demand, which includes the system efficiency for distribution, emission and control of the heat, are calculated as well as the end energy consumption for space heating and hot water production. In the latter, not only the production efficiency and the energy consumption of pumps and fans, but also the contribution of solar collectors is taken into account. The above procedure also calculates the primary energy consumption by firstly adding the fuel or gas consumption to the primary energy used for electricity production for the Belgian plant mix, and then subtracting the primary energy equivalent to the electricity production of PV-panels or CHP, if present. The climate data are monthly average values for the Test Reference Year of Brussels, Belgium. The EPB does not take into account the electricity consumption for household and lighting, as it is considered to be too dependent of the occupants’ behaviour. In the cool Belgian climate, summer overheating can be avoided in residential buildings by a good building design. Therefore, the EPB evaluates the risk for overheating and thus, the risk that an active cooling system will be installed. In case the risk for overheating exceeds a certain threshold, a penalisation is incorporated in the energy consumption by assuming a fictitious cooling load proportional to the violation of the threshold. In case the risk for overheating exceeds a maximum value, the design is no longer accepted and needs to be adapted. Concerning the performance of renewable energy systems, the EPB contains modules to calculate the energy contribution of solar collectors and PV-panels. Solar collectors can be applied for only sanitary hot water or for both space heating and sanitary hot water. Default performance characteristics for the collector are incorporated in the EPB. They are mainly those of a standard flat plate collector in the Belgian climate. The parameters which remain to be specified are the orientation, the slope and the collector area. At the time of the project, the calculation procedure of the Flemish EPB was already available, however, without the official EPB-software. Therefore, the EPB calculation procedure has been incorporated in a Visual Basic software package that has been developed at the Division of Building Physics. 143 CHAPTER 7 7.3 Life cycle inventory The life cycle inventory was of minor importance for the customer within the BIM-project. However, it is added as extra information to the results to counter remarks on the fact that the embodied energy of energy saving measures might be too high compared to the energy savings they realise. For this project, only the extra embodied energy is calculated, being the energy needed for the production of the energy saving measures. The energy payback time (EPBT) is calculated by dividing the extra embodied energy of the energy saving measures by the annual primary energy savings realised with the measures. 7.4 Cost assumptions The economic evaluation criteria are described in section 6.2. The cost-benefit analysis of the BIM-project does not consider the total building cost, but only the costs for the energy saving measures. For the first step, only the total investment cost for the energy saving measures on the building envelope are considered, as well as the extra investment cost compared to the reference case. For the second step, also the investment cost for heating and ventilation systems are taken into account as well as the energy prices and price evolution. This way, not only the total and net present value are calculated for the different combinations of energy saving measures, but also the static and dynamic payback time and the internal rate of return. The assumptions on the energy prices are presented in section 6.3.3. The utilisation period is assumed to be 40 years. As said before, this is not considered to be the life span of the building, but the period the building is used by one generation. For measures with a life span shorter than 40 years, re-investment is considered at the same cost as the initial investment. No assumptions are made on what happens with the building after 40 years. No secondary costs are assumed in the BIM-project, as the maximum assumed insulation thicknesses remain feasible within the traditional building practice. Neither is the rebound effect taken into account. 7.5 Results 7.5.1. Energy saving measures on the building envelope Figure 7.1 presents the extra investment cost and the annual primary energy consumption for all combinations of energy saving measures on the envelope of the new terraced dwelling (in grey). The large black dot at the right represents the reference case. The black squares are the Pareto optima, representing the trade-off between investment cost and primary energy consumption. These combinations realise certain annual primary energy consumption 144 BIM-PROJECT at a minimal extra investment. Combinations that are not on the trade-off curve, might have the same primary energy consumption, but at higher extra investment cost. Three separate clouds of solutions can be distinguished. The lower cloud represents all combinations of insulation, glazing and air tightness, combined with the cheapest window frames. The middle cloud gives the variants with the expensive highly insulating window frames, whereas the upper cloud represents the variants with both the very expensive low e triple glazing and the highly insulating window frames. New terraced dwelling: measures on the building envelope 18000 16000 extra investment [€] 14000 all results Pareto optima reference 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 10000 -2000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 22000 24000 26000 annual primary energy consumption [kWh/a] Figure 7.1: New terraced dwelling: extra investment cost vs. annual primary energy consumption for all combinations of energy saving measures on the building envelope Figure 7.1 shows that some solutions perform energetically better than the reference case, but at a lower investment cost (a negative extra investment cost). These are variants with PVC window frames. These frames are cheaper, but perform thermally better than the wooden window frames of the reference case. However, in practice the choice for the material for window frames is mainly determined by cost and esthetical considerations, more than by considerations on energy performance. Figure 7.2 shows the extra investment per m² heated floor area as a function of the annual energy savings. The solutions of the trade-off curve are presented as dark grey squares. In addition, some solutions with extra insulation thickness are shown (light grey squares). Finally, in black at the left hand side, variants are presented in which one single measure is applied to the maximum value, while all other parameters have their reference value. So, ‘SR’ represents the variant with maximum insulation (20cm) in the sloped roof pitches only, 145 CHAPTER 7 whereas for the façade, floor, windows and air tightness, the reference values are maintained. ‘FA’ represents the variant with maximum insulation in the façade, ‘FL’ maximum insulation in the floor, ‘AF’, in the attic floor, ‘n50’ the best air tightness and ‘window’ the variant with the best glazing and window frames. These results show that applying one single measure has a limited impact on the energy savings, whereas the synergy of measures can realise large energy savings, even at a limited extra investment cost. New terraced dweling: measures on the building envelope extra investment/m² heated floor area [€/m²] 120 100 80 60 40 Pareto optima reference 20 FL n50 AFFA window SR 0 0 2000 4000 extra insulation 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 -20 annual primary energy savings [kWh/a] Figure 7.2: New terraced dwelling: extra investment cost per m² heated floor area vs. annual primary energy savings for all optimal combinations of energy saving measures on the building envelope For the new terraced dwelling, up to 5000 kWh or 20% of the annual primary energy consumption can be saved at a negative or very low extra investment cost by applying a somewhat higher insulation thickness in roof, façade or attic floor than in the reference case and combining it with well performing PVC window frames. By these limited measures the legal insulation standard K45 (Umean = 0.63 W/m²K) can be reached at a limited extra cost. More than 9000 kWh or 38% of the annual primary energy consumption can be saved at an extra investment cost of less than 20€ /m² heated floor area. This can be realised with a combination of 15-20cm insulation in the sloped roof pitches and on the attic floor, 6-8cm insulation in the façade, 2.5cm in the floor and low e double glazing with a U-value of 1-1.3 W/m²K. This combination represents an overall Umean of 0.4 W/m²K. Comparison of the upper dark grey dots and the light grey dots show that extra insulation realises higher energy savings at a lower cost than the very expensive low e triple glazing and highly insulating window frames, as applied in passive houses. However, this should be 146 BIM-PROJECT nuanced. In extremely well insulated dwellings, the summer comfort becomes a crucial focus and reduction of the glass area and application of outer sun shading is most often indispensable. This secondary effect of high insulation thicknesses complicates the analysis of the investment cost. The impact of glass area in extremely low energy dwellings will be discussed in chapter 8 on the EL²EP-project. Figures 7.3 and 7.4 present the extra investment per m² heated floor area as a function of the annual primary energy savings per m² heated floor area for new construction (fig.7.3) and retrofit (fig.7.4). These figures show that if the results for the different building types are presented per m² heated floor area, similar results are achieved for all buildings. This means that similar energy savings can be realised at similar extra investment cost for all buildings. Only when sun shading is needed to control the summer comfort, the investment cost clearly increases. Obviously, as comparison of figure 7.3 and 7.4 shows, higher energy savings can be realised in old energy devouring buildings, but this asks for higher investment costs. The variants of figure 7.3 and 7.4 are also the variants for which all installation variants have been simulated. More details on the energy saving measures, the overall Umean-value and the results for extra investment cost and annual primary energy savings for all variants can be found in Verbeeck and De Coninck (2005). New construction extra investment/m² heated floor area 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -20 annual primary energy saving/m² heated floor area [kWh/m²] large apartment small apartment terraced house Figure 7.3: Extra investment cost per m² heated floor area as a function of the annual primary energy savings per m² heated floor area for all new reference buildings of the BIMproject 147 CHAPTER 7 Retrofit investment/m² heated floor area 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 annual primary energy savings/m² heated floor area [kWh/m²] flat large gas flat large fuel flat small mansion gas mansion fuel Figure 7.4: Extra investment cost per m² heated floor area as a function of the annual primary energy savings per m² heated floor area for all retrofitted reference buildings of the BIM-project 7.5.2. Energy saving measures on the overall building For the assessment of the impact of energy saving measures on the whole building, the concept of Pareto-front or trade-off curve is adopted, as described in section 1.3.2. By comparing the results for two criteria (mostly an energy- and a cost-criterion), the optimal trade-off curve can be determined. However, this curve might depend on the adopted assessment criteria. What the optimal trade-off curve consists of and the dependence on the assessment criteria is analysed in this section. Therefore, the results are firstly analysed from the point of view of extra investment cost (figure 7.5) and then, from the point of view of total present value (figure 7.6). For reason of readability, the analysis is limited to results of the new terraced house and the results are presented as graphs. Unless specified otherwise, all graphs are valid for the middle energy price scenario (+2.1%). Discussion of the results with relation to the impact of price evolutions, new construction versus retrofit, etc. is presented in section 7.6. More results and figures for all reference buildings can be found in Verbeeck and De Coninck (2005). Extra investment versus total primary energy consumption Firstly, the results are analysed from the point of view of extra investment cost. Figure 7.5 presents therefore all results for the new terraced house for the criteria ‘extra investment 148 BIM-PROJECT cost’ and ‘total primary energy consumption over 40 years’ in light grey. The trade-off curve for these criteria, representing the optimal variants from the point of view of extra investment cost, is given in dark grey (PE-INV). The black triangle represents the reference case. Obviously, the results on the right hand side of the reference case are of no interest, as they result in higher energy consumption. These results represent variants with low thermal quality combined with electrical heaters. From the point of view of primary energy consumption, these combinations perform worse than the reference case with a gas boiler. The optimal solutions with lower energy consumption represent in the order of decreasing energy consumption and increasing extra investment cost: 1. increase of the thermal quality of the building up to Umean = 0.5 W/m²K in combination with a high efficiency boiler (PE ≈ 2000 GJ); 2. additionally better air tightness and application of a condensing instead of a high efficiency boiler (PE ≈ 1600 GJ); 3. application of extra energy saving, but expensive measures, such as a solar collector, heat pump, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery or higher thermal quality (Umean = 0.4 W/m²K) (PE ≈ 1000 -1500 GJ); 4. the ultimate step to achieve primary energy consumption < 1000 GJ is by combining two or more extra, expensive measures, such as a heat pump with a solar collector or a heat pump with highly insulating glazing and window frames. New terraced dwelling: extra investment vs. total primary energy consumption 60000 Extra investment [€] 50000 All results Reference PE-INV 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 -10000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 7.5: New terraced dwelling: trade-off curve for extra investment cost (INV) and total primary energy consumption (PE) over 40 years (in dark grey); the black triangle is the reference situation 149 CHAPTER 7 Total present value versus total primary energy consumption When the same results are analysed from the point of view of total present value, a different trade-off curve appears. This can be seen in figure 7.6, that contains the same variants, but now presented for the criteria ‘total present value’ and ‘total primary energy consumption over 40 years’. The trade-off curve is given in black (PE-TPV). By way of comparison, also the variants from the trade-off curve of figure 7.5 are given in dark grey. This figure shows that in contrast to the extra investment cost, that reaches a minimum at 5500 GJ, the total present value reaches a minimum around 2000 GJ for the new terraced dwelling. This optimum represents a variant with an overall Umean = 0.5 W/m²K (15cm insulation in the roof and attic floor, 6cm in the façade, Uglass = 1 W/m²K, Uframe = 2.2 W/m²K), a high efficiency boiler with variable water temperature and radiators designed for high temperature and domestic hot water production with a direct water heater on gas without pilot-light. With this solution, the primary energy consumption will decrease with nearly 40% compared to the reference with at the same time, a decrease of the total present value of 19%. Further decrease of the primary energy consumption is possible, but at higher total present value than the minimum. A decrease up to 1500 GJ is possible at lower TPV than the reference. For solutions with primary energy consumption < 1500 GJ, the TPV will be even higher than the reference case. New terraced dwelling: total present value vs. total primary energy consumption 140000 Total present value [€] 120000 100000 80000 60000 All results Reference PE-INV PE-TPV 40000 20000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 7.6: New terraced dwelling: these are the same variants as in figure 7.5, but now presented for total present value (TPV) and total primary energy consumption (PE) over 40 years. The trade-off curve from the point of view of TPV is given in black, the trade-off curve from the point of view of extra investment cost in dark grey. The black triangle represents the reference case. 150 BIM-PROJECT Comparison of both cost criteria, extra investment cost and TPV, clearly shows that, both at short and at long term, the total present value is the best basis for selection of energy saving measures as the solution with minimum TPV represents the economically most viable solution. Furthermore, in case there is interest to realise higher energy savings than the economic optimum, the trade-off curve of TPV and total primary energy consumption gives the hierarchy of most cost effective energy saving measures. 7.5.3. Extra embodied energy due to energy saving measures The Energy Payback Time (EPBT) is defined as the proportion of the embodied energy for energy saving measures to the annual energy savings they realise. Figure 7.7 presents the EPBT for the optimal measures for the building envelope for the new and retrofitted terraced dwelling, whereas figure 7.8 gives the EPBT for the optimal combinations of envelope- and installation-related energy saving measures. Terraced dwellings: measures on the envelope 120000 extra embodied energy [MJ] new dwelling old mansion EPBT=1 year 100000 EPBT=1.5 year 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 annual primary energy saving [MJ/a] Figure 7.7: The extra embodied energy of energy saving measures on the building envelope as a function of the annual primary energy savings for the new terraced house (black) and the old mansion (grey). The straight lines represent the energy payback time (EPBT) of 1 year (dotted line) and 1.5 year (full line) 151 CHAPTER 7 Terraced dwellings: measures on envelope and installation 180000 new dwelling old mansion EPBT=1 year EPBT=1.5 year Extra embodied energy [MJ] 160000 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 Annual primary energy saving [MJ/a] Figure 7.8: The extra embodied energy of energy saving measures on the whole building as a function of the annual primary energy savings for the new terraced house (black) and the old mansion (grey). The straight lines represent the energy payback time (EPBT) of 1 year (dotted line) and 1.5 year (full line) Both figures show that the EPBT for all studied cases is less than 1.5 year. This means that the energy, needed for production of the energy saving measures, is regained in less than 1.5 year by the energy savings realised by these measures. In case of retrofit, the EPBT is in most cases even less than 1 year, due to the much higher energy savings. This is obvious as the first centimetres of insulation, already present in new dwellings, are the most effective. Only for highly extended measures, such as the combination of large insulation thicknesses with a heat pump and a solar collector, the EPBT is 1.5 year or more. Similar results have been found for the apartment buildings. 7.6 Discussion 7.6.1. Impact of the scenarios with varying economic parameters Scenarios for the discount rate and the energy price evolution mainly have an impact on the total present value. The extra investment cost only depends on the discount rate for the reinvestment costs, not for the initial investment cost, whereas the primary energy consumption is completely independent of the varying economic parameters within the assumptions of the methodology. Therefore, the impact of the scenarios is discussed in this section on the basis of trade-off curves for primary energy consumption and total present value. 152 BIM-PROJECT Discount rate and VAT On demand of the customer of the BIM project, 3 scenarios have been considered for the discount rate for energy saving measures in the residential sector: - 4% for the public sector, 21% VAT for investments in new construction - 4.5% for private builders, 21% VAT for investments in new construction - 6.5% for building contractors, 0% VAT for investments in new construction New terraced dwelling: impact of discount rate 120000 Total present value [€] 100000 rate=4% rate=4.5% rate=6.5% 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 7.9: New terraced house: impact of the discount rate on the trade-off curve between total present value and total primary energy consumption: three scenarios for the discount rate are considered As figure 7.9 shows, the different scenarios for the discount rate and VAT result in a vertical shift of the total present value, but the optimal solutions that correspond to these values remain identical. The higher the discount rate and the lower the VAT, the lower is the investment cost and the total present value. The energy cost is not affected by these scenarios, as regardless of the builder (public, private or professional) all residential buildings are assumed to be occupied by households. Energy price evolutions Comparison of the three scenarios for energy price evolution shows that the impact of the energy price decreases with decreasing primary energy consumption (figure 7.10, interest rate = 4.5%). This is obvious as the contribution of the energy costs to the total present value decreases with decreasing energy consumption. 153 CHAPTER 7 More important, however, is the conclusion that the economic optimum (minimal TPV) as well as the hierarchy of most cost effective energy saving measures is almost independent of the evolution of the energy price and remains the same as described in section 7.5.2. Only the system for domestic hot water production slightly differs at the lowest energy price scenario: the extra point at the right represents a direct heater on gas with pilot-light. In case of higher energy prices, more extremely energy saving combinations will become viable. However, for extremely low energy buildings the initial investment cost is so high that the energy cost becomes of minor importance for the total present value as for these buildings the initial investment cost strongly overweighs the discounted energy cost over the utilisation period. This will further be discussed in chapter 8. New terraced dwelling: impact of energy price scenarios 120000 Total present value [€] 100000 PE-TPV energy + 0% PE-TPV energy + 2.1% PE-TPV energy + 4.3% 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 7.10: New terraced house: impact of the energy price scenarios on the trade-off curve between total present value and total primary energy consumption: three scenarios for the evolution of the energy price are considered. The discount rate = 4.5% 7.6.2. New construction versus retrofit To compare the results for new construction and renovation, the results for the apartment buildings are analysed, because for these buildings, both new construction and renovation are considered for the same geometry. Figure 7.11 presents the results for the trade-off of total present value and total primary energy consumption for new construction (dark grey) and renovation (light grey) of the small apartment building. 154 BIM-PROJECT Obviously, the reference situation strongly differs between new construction and renovation. In case of the small apartment building, the primary energy consumption for the old building is twice as high as for the new building. The optimal solutions, however, are almost identical for both cases. To reduce the primary energy consumption to the range of 4000 - 6000 GJ, the combination of extensive insulation (Umean = 0.3 W/m²K) with a collective high efficiency or condensing boiler (PE > 5000 GJ) or with individual high efficiency boilers (PE < 4800 GJ) is most recommended and this is valid for both new construction and renovation. Small apartment building: new construction vs. renovation 300000 Total present value [€] 250000 200000 150000 100000 Ref new construction Ref renovation new construction renovation 50000 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 Total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 7.11: Small apartment building: comparison of the trade-off curve between total present value and total primary energy consumption for the case of new construction (dark grey) and the retrofit case (light grey). The reference situations for both cases are given in black. For the retrofit case, also solutions with PE ≈ 2000 GJ are achieved. These results represent variants with a heat pump, but without insulation of the circulation pipes. This choice can be argued for retrofit because of the difficulty of installing the pipe insulation, but this is not restrained as an option for new construction. However, of more importance is the feasibility and cost of installing a heat pump, which, in case of retrofitting an apartment building, is highly uncertain. So these results should be treated with caution. A general drawback of retrofit is that unexpected situations might occur, resulting in a more uncertain investment cost than in new construction. But, on the other hand, most energy saving measures in case of retrofit can be applied independently from each other and even spread in time, if wanted. This approach is an advantage of retrofit that is more difficult to apply in case of new construction. 155 CHAPTER 7 7.6.3. Position of alternative technologies against optimal solutions Production systems for domestic hot water In nearly all optimal solutions, the domestic hot water system consists of a direct heater on gas without pilot-light. In order to analyse the impact of the domestic hot water system on the overall energy consumption and cost, figure 7.12 presents for some variants of the new terraced dwelling the results for all domestic hot water systems and compares them with the optimal solutions on the trade-off curve (dark grey triangles). All other parameters remain constant. As a reference the whole trade off curve is given (light grey crosses). Firstly, the difference between direct heaters with and without pilot-light is very small. The other systems combine higher energy consumption with higher TPV. The worst results are achieved with systems with storage tank due to the higher heat losses. However, in practice, the choice for one system or the other will mainly be determined by considerations on investment cost, available space and comfort of use. Production systems for domestic hot water PE-TPV direct gas - pilot light direct gas + pilot light direct electricity storage tank gas storage tank electricity 120000 Total present value [€] 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 7.12: New terraced house: position of the different production systems for domestic hot water to the trade-off curve for total present value and total primary energy consumption. The direct water heater on gas without pilot light is part of all the optimal solutions. Furthermore results for two other types of direct water heater and two systems with storage tank are shown. In figure 7.12 no combinations with solar collectors are considered. The impact of solar collectors is analysed separately in figure 7.13 that presents the trade-off curve for the new terraced dwelling with and without solar collectors. The grey triangles represent the trade-off curve for all solutions without solar collector, whereas the black dots represent the trade-off for all solutions with solar collector. From this figure, it appears that solar collectors form part 156 BIM-PROJECT of the optimal solutions, but only after application of measures such as insulation and better performing heating system. They do contribute to lower energy consumption, but with a significant impact on the total present value, resulting in a higher TPV than the reference case. They should be considered as the ‘cherry on the cake’ for those who are willing to invest more in energy saving measures than what is economically viable. Position of solar collectors 120000 Total present value [€] 100000 optima - solar collectors optima + solar collectors reference 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 7.13: New terraced house: position of solar collectors within the optimal solutions of the trade-off curve for total present value and total primary energy consumption. Solutions without solar collector are given in grey, solutions with solar collector in black. The reference situation for the new terraced house is given as a black triangle. Photovoltaic systems Since PV-systems are building-independent, without impact on the energy consumption for space heating or domestic hot water, the contribution of PV-systems can be calculated separately from the building simulation and subtracted from the final energy consumption. Figure 7.14 presents the trade-off curve for all variants with and without taking into account PV-systems. The black blocks represent the trade-off curve for all solutions without PVsystem, whereas the grey triangles represent the trade-off curve for all solutions with PVsystems. Between 1600 and 2000 GJ only solutions without PV are present. These solutions are all well insulated variants (Umean = 0.5 W/m²K) with a high efficiency or condensing boiler. From 1600 GJ downwards, both curves diverge, with the lowest energy consumption for variants with a PV-system. In fact, the grey curve contains exactly the same variants as the black curve, but then combined with a PV-system. By analogy with the solar collectors, it appears that also PV-systems form part of the optimal solutions, but only after application of 157 CHAPTER 7 measures such as insulation and better performing heating system. They do contribute to lower energy consumption, but with a TPV that is higher than for the reference case. New terraced dwelling: impact of PV-systems 120000 Total present value [€] 100000 Reference optima - PV optima + PV 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 7.14: New terraced house: impact of PV-systems on the trade-off curve for total present value and total primary energy consumption. Optimal solutions without PV-systems are given in black, optimal solutions when PV-systems are also taken into account are given in grey. The reference situation for the new terraced house is given as black triangle. 7.7 Conclusions The insulation standard introduced in Flanders in 1992, set an upper limit for the insulation level of K55, corresponding to an overall Umean = 0.75-0.8 W/m²K for the reference buildings of the BIM-project. Since January 1st 2006, this insulation standard is strengthened up to K45, corresponding to an overall Umean = 0.6-0.7 W/m²K for the Brussels reference buildings. However, the SENVIVV study (1998) showed that in practice the average insulation level of new buildings in Flanders is K70 or higher, thus not complying at all with the legal standard. The same results were assumed to be found in the Brussels Region. Therefore, the K70 insulation level was the starting point for the new reference buildings of the BIM-project, corresponding to an overall Umean = 1.0 W/m²K for these buildings. The analysis of all combinations of envelope- and installation-related energy saving measures shows that the economic optimum corresponds to an insulation level K25-K30 (Umean = 0.35-0.5 W/m²K for the Brussels reference buildings), thus much lower than the legal standard K45. The largest insulation thickness is applied in the roof (15-20cm), but also in 158 BIM-PROJECT the façade (with 6-10cm) and in the floor (up to 10cm) higher thicknesses than usual can be applied within the economic optimum, in combination with low emission glazing with a Uvalue ≈ 1.0 W/m²K and a window frame with a U-value ≈ 2.0 W/m²K. For the heating systems, a high efficiency boiler with variable water temperature combined with radiators is sufficient. To complete this economic optimal solution, the insulation level and heating system should be accompanied with a good air tightness of the building envelope and a well designed natural ventilation system. All these measures result in an energy performance level of ± E60, according to the Flemish EPB (EPB Besluit Bijlage I en II 2005). This is much lower than the current legal requirement of E100. In case lower primary energy consumption needs to be reached, the application of a condensing boiler or a heat pump is the next step to take. A heat pump performs better than a condensing boiler, but is much more expensive. Further steps to increase the energy performance of the building are possible by means of a balanced ventilation system with heat recovery, a solar collector for domestic hot water or a grid-coupled photovoltaic system. These measures improve the energy performance of the building, but at a high price, far beyond the economic optimum. Two remarks need to be added on these final steps: - To effectively limit the ventilation losses by means of a mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery, not only a good air tightness of the building envelope and the ventilation pipes is indispensable, but also an adaptation of the occupants’ behaviour. Sleeping in winter with open windows is no longer an option. For some occupants, this system is a bridge too far. - If there is the motivation, but not yet the budget to install a solar system, the installation can be postponed, as both a PV-system and a solar collector can easily be installed afterwards. In a nutshell, the most logical hierarchy for energy saving measures in dwellings is: 1. Invest in a good insulation level with good air tightness and a well designed natural ventilation system. The economical optimal insulation level K25-K30 (Umean ≈ 0.3-0.4 W/m²K) lies, at least in Belgium, far beneath the legal insulation requirement K45 (Umean ≈ 0.6-0.7 W/m²K). 2. Select a well performing heating system, at least a high efficiency or condensing boiler. If the budget is available, a heat pump is a good alternative: better performing, but at a higher price. 3. Finally, if for any reason, further steps to decrease the energy consumption are wanted and the budget is available, there are the options for a balanced ventilation system with heat recovery and/or a solar driven system (solar collector or PV-system). However, one must realise that, although these 159 CHAPTER 7 measures improve the energy performance, they are not cost effective and far beyond the economic optimum. This guideline is valid for both new construction and renovation. Some insulation measures, such as insulation of the façade or the floor, are less easy to implement in case of retrofit or at much higher price than for new construction. So the economic viable insulation level will normally be somewhat higher for retrofit than for new buildings, but the hierarchy of measures remains identical and is independent of energy price evolutions and discount rate. 160 EL²EP-PROJECT CHAPTER 8. 8.1 EL²EP-project Introduction The EL²EP-project is a research project funded by the Flemish government through IWT, the Institute for the Promotion of Innovation by Science and Technology in Flanders (www.iwt.be). The basic objective of the project was the development of extremely low energy and low pollution dwellings, in short “el²ep-dwellings”, by tracing out the best passive (building envelope) and active (installations) energy saving measures based upon life cycle optimisation of costs, energy and emissions. Similar to the BIM-project, energy saving measures are applied to the building envelope and the heating system in two steps. In a first step, the impact of insulation, glazing, sun shading and air tightness is analysed, whereas in the second step, the measures on the building envelope are combined with system-related measures. However, different from the BIMproject and crucial for the EL²EP-project is the optimisation process that is included. Where in the BIM-project all possible combinations have been calculated in order to analyse the cost-effectiveness of different combinations of measures, the aim in the EL²EP-project is to develop extremely low energy dwellings that are optimised for costs, energy and emissions. The optimisation is performed in two steps. Firstly, the net energy demand is reduced to a minimum by optimising the energy saving measures on the building envelope. In the second step, the focus is shifted towards the most appropriate technologies to meet this very low energy demand in an optimal way. The EL²EP-project has been executed from January 2002 till December 2006 in a collaboration of several research divisions from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and the Universiteit Gent. Due to the extent of the project, the research was subdivided in subtasks, executed by different researchers. The global methodology, explained in this PhD dissertation, was the core task of the project in which the outcome of the other subtasks had to be integrated. However, it is not feasible within the extent of this dissertation to present and discuss all assumptions and results of all subtasks of the EL²EP-project. Therefore, the main focus of this chapter will be put on the presentation and discussion of the final outcome of the EL²EP-project, being the final concepts for optimised extremely low energy dwellings and their position to the economic optimal solutions. The evolutionary multi-objective optimisation process is an important component within the EL²EP-project that has not been applied within the BIM-project. The model itself has already been explained in chapter 4, but in this chapter attention will be paid to the strengths and weaknesses of the optimisation methodology for this project. 161 CHAPTER 8 Finally the concepts developed within the project will be compared with existing concepts for extremely low energy dwellings, such as passive houses and zero energy houses. 8.2 Implementation of energy saving measures The approach adopted within the EL²EP-project is strongly similar to what is already explained for the BIM-project, especially for implementing the energy saving measures. Therefore, the assumptions will be presented in brief, with an emphasis on what differs from the BIM-project. 8.2.1. Reference buildings In order to obtain representative results for the Belgian building practice, a number of dwellings are designed following the statistical average of the Belgian residential sector (Verbeeck and Hens 2002). The sociological reference is a family of four persons living in a middle class house with three bedrooms and a total floor area of 140-175m². To include the compactness, being the proportion of the heated volume to the heat loss area, five typologies are defined, resulting in five different dwellings: - a terraced house - a semi-detached house - two detached houses: one with a simple square plan and one ‘architectural’ dwelling with a fragmented plan - an apartment flat With the compactness varying from 0.85m for the architectural dwelling to 4.17m for the flat and a constant heated air volume of ca. 470 m³ for all dwellings, the heat loss area varies over the dwellings from 105m² to 560m². The non insulated version of the selected dwellings is defined as the reference situation. Although the glass area is one of the variables in this project, the reference version has a fixed average ratio of glass to floor area per type of room, being 24.5% for the living room, 18% for the kitchen, 17% for the office, 12% for the bedrooms and 7% for the bathroom. Annex G gives the plans, sections and façades of the selected buildings. 8.2.2. Measures on the building envelope Similar to the BIM-project, firstly the impact of insulation, glazing, sun shading and air tightness is analysed. Insulation measures are applied to the roof, façade and floor. 162 EL²EP-PROJECT However, differently from the BIM-project, the insulation material is not fixed per envelope component and insulation thicknesses can vary in steps of 1cm and up to larger thicknesses. Table 8.1 gives the maximum insulation thickness and the applicable insulation materials per envelope component. In contrast to the BIM-project, where per dwelling only one constructional type has been considered, the EL²EP-project includes thermal capacity as a parameter by incorporating three construction types per selected dwelling: - a building type with cavity wall and massive inner walls and floors - a building type with a brick façade with external insulation and with massive inner walls and floors - a complete lightweight wood frame construction Envelope component Maximum thickness [cm] Applicable materials* Flat roof 30 MW, PUR, CG Sloped roof pitches 40 MW, PUR, EPS,XPS, CF Attic floor 40 MW, PUR, EPS, XPS Cavity wall or external insulation 30 MW, PUR, EPS, XPS Wood frame construction 30 MW, CF 15 MW, PUR, EPS, XPS Façade Floor * : MW=mineral wool, PUR=polyurethane, CG=cellular glass, EPS=expanded polystyrene, XPS=extruded polystyrene, CF=cellulose fibre Table 8.1: Details on the insulation measures of the EL²EP-project: maximum thickness and applicable materials per envelope component The glazing types are selected from the window library of PREBID, the building description interface of the building simulation programme TRNSYS. It contains 66 different glazing types with a U-value varying from 2.8 W/m²K to 0.4 W/m²K and a g-value, being the direct and indirect solar heat gain coefficient, varying from 0.76 to 0.21. For calculating the edge correction of the U-value of the glazing, 5 spacer types are available in PREBID. A choice list of 14 window frames is composed, based on WTCB (1999) and Passivhaus (2000) that contains window frames of wood, PUR, PVC and/or aluminium with a U-value varying from 6 W/m²K to 0.65 W/m²K, including frames that meet the passive house standard. The glass area can vary per window between a minimum and a maximum value. Minimum and maximum are defined per room, depending on the minimum requirement for light intensity and the constructional limitations of the façade. To affect summer comfort, there is a possibility to add a movable internal or external shading device with an opaque fraction (1-τ) of 0 to 100%. If the option of shading is selected, it is applied to all windows with a south to 163 CHAPTER 8 west orientation and controlled by the indoor temperature in each room. Four levels of air tightness are considered, being the average n50 of new built dwellings (SENVIVV 1998), n50 = 3/h (applying for designed natural ventilation systems), n50 = 1/h (standard for mechanical ventilation systems) or n50 = 0.6/h (passive house standard). Finally, four ventilation scenarios are considered to analyse the impact of extra summer or night ventilation as an additional measure to control summer comfort. 8.2.3. System-related measures After the optimisation process of the building envelope, the measures on the building envelope are combined with system-related measures. This includes systems for distribution, emission, production and storage of heat, systems for local electricity production and control systems. The measures are nearly the same as in the BIM-project. However, in contrast to the BIM-project, no local space heating systems are considered, but more attention is paid to new technologies, such as different types of heat pumps (air-to-water and ground-to-water), different systems for cogeneration of heat and power (CHP, both Stirling motor and gas engine), different levels of efficiency of heat recovery in mechanical ventilation systems and better performing control systems. In order to simulate passive house concepts, the combination of a mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery and integrated electrical heater is also incorporated into the list. 8.2.4. Building simulation programme All energy simulations are executed with TRNSYS, a transient systems simulation programme with a modular structure (TRNSYS 2005). In this programme, the user has to specify the components that constitute the system and the way in which they are connected. The TRNSYS library includes many of the components commonly found in thermal and electrical energy systems, as well as routines to handle weather input data or other timedependent boundary conditions. The modular nature of TRNSYS gives the programme large flexibility, and facilitates the addition of mathematical models that are not included in the standard TRNSYS library. TRNSYS has become reference software for researchers and engineers in the field of low energy buildings, HVAC systems, renewable energy systems, etc.. The input data for ventilation and infiltration are calculated with COMIS (2003). This multi-zone infiltration and ventilation simulation model predicts the airflows in and through the building, taking into account both internal and external boundary conditions. COMIS can easily be coupled to TRNSYS. 164 EL²EP-PROJECT 8.2.5. Boundary conditions In contrast to the energy performance calculation procedure EPB that uses default values for occupancy, internal gains, one single indoor set temperature for the whole dwelling and monthly average weather data for Brussels, these boundary conditions need to be specified as input data in TRNSYS. For the internal gains, six household scenarios have been specified: from a household with a single, working person over a household of two persons to a family of two parents and two children, of which one adult stays at home. These scenarios describe the occupancy and use of lighting and electrical appliances in each room for each hour of a week- or weekend-day and thus determine the internal gains and the set temperature for each room. The weather data are hourly average data for the Test Reference Year of Brussels, Belgium. The risk for summer overheating is evaluated with the method of weighted temperature exceeding hours (WTE-hours) according to ISSO/SBR (1994). This Dutch method, developed for the assessment of summer comfort in office buildings, is adapted for dwellings, based on Maeyens (2001). The limit for summer comfort is set at 130 WTE-hours per room. This limit is incorporated as a constraint in the optimisation process, together with the maximum insulation level of K45, as explained in section 4.2.3. 8.3 Life cycle inventory The life cycle inventory of the EL²EP-project is more extended than in the BIM-project. Description of the assumptions can be found in chapter 5. In contrast to the BIM-project, where an utilisation period of 40 years is adopted, within the EL²EP-project, an utilisation period of 30 years is considered. In addition, the primary energy consumption, global warming potential and net present value are also calculated for an utilisation period of 60 and 90 years, especially to analyse the impact of the utilisation period on the final results. The impact on the net present value has been discussed already in section 6.5.3. The impact on the life cycle inventory will be discussed in this chapter. However, in none of the cases, the life cycle inventory takes into account thorough refurbishment or demolition of the building. 8.4 Cost assessment Most assumptions for the cost assessment in the EL²EP-project have already been explained in chapter 6. As mentioned in section 6.2.2, the total present value has been chosen as economic optimisation criterion, but for the interpretation of the results, the focus is put on the net present value, as only solutions with a positive net present value, compared to the reference situation, can be considered economically viable. The impact of energy price 165 CHAPTER 8 scenarios and discount rate is already briefly discussed for the BIM-project, but will be discussed further for the extremely low energy dwellings. The rebound effect, as discussed in section 6.5.4, is not incorporated as such in the methodology and thus not taken into account in the main results of the EL²EP-project. The main reason for not considering the rebound effect, is that a constant comfort level is assumed for all simulated building variants in order to compare building concepts on an equivalent basis. In reality, however, this comfort level will not be achieved in badly insulated dwellings and therefore, the energy savings might be overestimated in this theoretical approach. A more thorough discussion can be found in section 6.5.4. 8.5 Optimisation An important part of the EL²EP-project that was not applied within the BIM-project, is the optimisation process. Where in the BIM-project, all possible combinations have been calculated with the Flemish EPB in order to analyse the cost-effectiveness of different combinations of measures, the EL²EP-project aims at the development of optimised low energy building concepts. The evolutionary multi-objective optimisation model that is applied in the EL²EP-project has already been explained in chapter 4 and summarised in the scheme in figure 4.1. In section 8.6, the strengths and weaknesses of the optimisation methodology are discussed. 8.6 Results 8.6.1. Optimisation of the building envelope measures In the EL²EP-project, the assessment and optimisation criteria are energy consumption, ecological impact and costs. As in the first phase of the project, only measures on the building envelope are considered and systems are not included yet, primary energy consumption cannot be calculated. In order to assess the energy-related impact of the measures, the annual net energy demand for heating and the embodied non renewable energy of the whole building are selected as energy criteria. Initially, this resulted in four optimisation objectives, namely net heat demand, embodied energy, embodied global warming potential and investment cost. However, the first simulations showed such a strong linear correlation between the embodied energy and the embodied global warming potential that the latter would have very little impact as extra objective on the optimisation process. Therefore, only three objectives were finally maintained for the optimisation process, with the extra advantage of an easier visualisation and interpretation of the results. 166 EL²EP-PROJECT Results Table 8.2 shows the values for net energy demand, non renewable embodied energy and investment cost for the reference situation of all five dwellings. Distinction is made between a reference version with a non insulated cavity wall, a massive brick wall as used for external insulation systems and a wood frame structure. For the latter, 8 cm of mineral wool is included, as this construction type is never used without insulation. Obviously, this results in a lower net energy demand for the reference situation in case of a wood frame structure. For the apartment building, not the whole building is considered, but only a centred flat. This allows a comparison of all selected buildings based on compactness. For the flat, no wood frame construction is considered, as this is highly unusual in the Belgian building practice. Remarkable is the very high net energy demand for the architectural house. This is caused by the very fragmented plan and thus the much higher heat loss area in comparison with the other dwellings. Net energy Non renewable Investment demand embodied cost [MJ/(m³a)] energy [€/m²] [MJ/m³] Terraced house Cavity wall Massive wall 184 215 560 565 740 710 Wood frame construction 136 600 740 Cavity wall Massive wall 269 305 710 690 690 665 Wood frame construction 220 730 720 Cavity wall Massive wall 252 309 810 780 780 730 Wood frame construction 175 915 810 Cavity wall Massive wall 585 662 930 890 730 670 Wood frame construction 435 1160 700 128 144 480 485 620 610 Semi-detached house Detached house Architectural house Apartment flat (centre) Cavity wall Massive wall Table 8.2: Reference situation for the five selected building types of the EL²EP-project 167 CHAPTER 8 Terraced Semi- Detached Archi- Flat house detached house tectural (centre) house Number of optimal house 44 147 214 133 68 K14-40 K12-40 K11-43 K12-40 K6-35 0.19-0.54 0.14-0.46 0.12-0.46 0.12-0.40 0.15-0.83 25-56 16-52 24-58 24-39 17-33 20% 16% 17% 17% 12% Without heat recovery 50-100 50-170 40-120 30-300 30-60 70% recovery of ventilation 20-70 25-75 20-80 20-140 < 20 630-900 770-1100 900-1400 1000-1500 430-550 ±10% ±10% ±10% ±10% ±10% 25-90 30-100 30-120 50-150 50-60 ±10-30% ±10-30% ±10-30% ±10-30% ±10-30% 800-1100 720-1120 780-1240 800-1200 600-770 solutions Insulation level Umean [W/m²K] Glass area [m²] Average % of floor area Net energy demand [MJ/m³a] Non renewable embodied energy [MJ/m³] Embodied GWP [kg/m³] Investment cost [€/m²floor area] Table 8.3: Results for the optimisation of the building envelope of all selected building types of the EL²EP-project Table 8.3 presents the results for the optimisation of the building envelope for the five selected buildings. Firstly, the number of optimal solutions found with the optimisation process is shown. Then, per result, the range is given in which the optimal solutions lie. For the net heat demand, two results are presented for the following reason. For the development of extremely low energy concepts, heat recovery of ventilation losses is indispensable to minimise the net heat demand. However, a heat recovery unit is needed then and this is only implemented in the optimisation process of the second phase. In order to incorporate already the impact of heat recovery in the net heat demand, two results are given: the net heat demand without recovery of ventilation losses which will be used for concepts without heat recovery, and the net heat demand, assuming a heat recovery efficiency of 70%. Units with higher recovery efficiencies (up to 90-95%) are available on the market, but by considering an efficiency of 70%, imperfect execution or functioning of the system is taken into account. As can be noticed from table 8.3, the heat recovery of ventilation losses has a significant impact on the net heat demand. 168 EL²EP-PROJECT Table 8.3 shows that the optimisation process results in equivalent solutions for all five dwellings for the aspects of insulation level and net energy demand. It also appears that the embodied energy and the embodied global warming potential are positively affected by the compactness. The more compact the dwelling, the lower the embodied energy and the embodied global warming potential. Net energy demand versus summer comfort In order to investigate if lower net energy demand than found by the optimisation process, can be realised by increasing the solar gains, an in-depth analysis of the distribution of gains and losses is performed for the terraced dwelling. Solutions are created with maximum insulation thicknesses for all envelope components, glazing with a U-value of 0.4 W/m²K, window frames with a U-value of 0.65 W/m²K and an air tightness n50 of 0.6/h in order to minimise the heat losses. No heat recovery of ventilation losses is taken into account here. To investigate the effect of the solar gains, the glass area is varied between the minimum and maximum values, from 21m² to 82m². Movable external sun shading with an opaque fraction of 90% and extra summer and night ventilation is applied for all variants. The internal gains remain constant. Figure 8.1 shows the distribution of the gains and losses and the total net energy demand as a function of the glass area for the case of the terraced house with a cavity wall. By increasing the glass area, both the heat gains and the heat losses increase. Initially, the heat gains dominate and the net energy demand as a (positive) sum of gains and losses decreases. From a glass area of ca. 45m² on however, the decrease fades out and the net energy demand remains constant at ca. 50 MJ/m³a. By further increasing the glass area, the effect on the net energy demand becomes negligible, whereas the summer comfort quickly deteriorates due to the solar gains. As external sun shading and extra ventilation is already applied for all variants, there remain no passive measures to improve the summer comfort. This way, the solid black dots, from a glass area of ca. 60m² on in figure 8.1 represent the solutions that no longer fulfil the requirement for summer comfort. Only active cooling could improve the summer comfort for the variants with large glass area, but this option is a priori excluded for (extremely) low energy buildings. As the results show, the magnitude of the glass area should be applied thoughtfully in concepts for extremely low energy dwellings and the effect on the summer comfort should always be controlled by building simulations in order to avoid installation of an energy devouring cooling system afterwards. The only way for further decreasing the net energy demand is by heat recovery of the ventilation losses, as already shown in table 8.3. 169 CHAPTER 8 Impact of glass area Terraced house, cavity wall losses / gains [MJ/(m³a)] 200 150 100 50 0 -50 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 -100 -150 -200 glass area [m²] losses gains net heat demand no summer comfort Figure 8.1: Terraced house with cavity wall: effect of the glass area on net heat demand and summer comfort. The heat losses (dark grey), heat gains (light grey) and total net heat demand (crosses) are given as a function of the glass area. From a glass area of 60m², good summer comfort can no longer be achieved with passive measures (outer shading and/or extra ventilation) (solid black dots). Impact of the constructional type Initially, the thermal capacity was set as one of the variables for optimisation. This way, massive and light weight construction variants were mutually compared. However, based on the original assumptions, wood frame constructions were favoured for two of three objectives, namely embodied energy and investment costs and therefore, obviously, most of the optimal solutions comprised lightweight constructions. However, in Belgium, where the majority of the dwellings is built with cavity walls and brick production forms an essential part of the industrial activity, it is highly unrealistic and from the point of view of the building sector not opportune, to promote a total shift of the building sector towards only wood frame constructions. Therefore, after some adaptations, finally, the thermal capacity was no longer one of the variables for optimisation, but the optimisation process is executed separately for each of the construction types. This created the possibility to deduce optimised low energy concepts for each of the construction types. Figures 8.2 to 8.4 present the optimisation results from phase 1 for the three constructional types for the terraced dwelling. 170 EL²EP-PROJECT Net energy savings - extra non renew. embod. energy Terraced house extra non renewable embodied energy [GJ] 160 cavity 140 outer insulation wood frame 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Net energy savings [MJ/m³a] 120 140 160 Figure 8.2: Terraced house: optimal solutions for three constructional types, cavity wall (black dots), massive wall with outer insulation (grey triangles) and wood frame construction (grey squares): extra non renewable embodied energy versus net energy savings Net energy savings - extra investment cost Terraced house 60000 extra investment cost [€] cavity outer insulation wood frame 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Net energy savings [MJ/m³a] Figure 8.3: Terraced house: optimal solutions for three constructional types, cavity wall (black dots), massive wall with outer insulation (grey triangles) and wood frame construction (grey squares): extra investment cost versus net energy savings 171 CHAPTER 8 Extra investment cost - extra non renewable embodied energy Terraced house extra non renewable embodied energy [GJ] 160 140 cavity outer insulation 120 wood frame 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 extra investment cost [€] Figure 8.4 Terraced house: optimal solutions for three constructional types, cavity wall (black dots), massive wall with outer insulation (grey triangles) and wood frame construction (grey squares): extra non renewable embodied energy versus extra investment cost Each figure provides the results for two of the three objectives relative to the reference situation. All grey open circles represent the results for all solutions calculated during the optimisation process, with each circle corresponding to one combination of insulation, glazing, glass area, sun shading, ventilation and air tightness. The solid black and solid grey dots show the overall optimal solutions for the three constructional types. Obviously, the highest net energy savings are realised with a wall with external insulation, as for this type the initial net energy demand was highest (figure 8.2). For the same reason, lower savings are realised with the wood frame structure, as the first centimetres of insulation, already present in the reference situation, are the most effective. This also explains the lower extra embodied non renewable energy for the solutions with a lightweight structure. The ranges of extra investment cost, however, are similar for the three construction types (figures 8.3 and 8.4). All the optimal solutions from phase 1 form the starting point for phase 2, as only to these optimised constructional concepts, different installations are applied in search for the most optimal combinations. This results in a number of globally optimised concepts for low to extremely low energy dwellings. 172 EL²EP-PROJECT 8.6.2. Globally optimised concepts for extremely low energy dwellings Figures 8.5 and 8.6 present the optimal solutions for the terraced dwelling. In figure 8.5 the net present value is given as a function of the total primary energy consumption over the utilisation period, whereas in figure 8.6, the x-axis represents the annual energy cost. The results are valid for an utilisation period of 30 years, a low energy price scenario and a discount rate of 4%. In the analysis of all results (grey squares), distinction has been made between all optima resulting from the optimisation process (all black squares) and the optima with a positive net present value compared to the reference case (solid black squares). The assumptions on the energy price scenarios are presented in section 6.3.3. Some optimal solutions in figures 8.5 and 8.6 seem to be suboptimal as there exist solutions with higher NPV for the same total primary energy consumption. They are nevertheless part of the Pareto front. This misleading visual effect is caused by the fact that the optimisation process considers three objectives (total present value, total primary energy consumption and global warming potential), whereas the figure only shows two objectives. The actual Pareto front or trade-off curve is a 3D surface and the Pareto optima in figures 8.5 and 8.6 (open and solid black squares) are in fact a 2D projection of that 3D Pareto front. This projection does not coincide completely with the 2D trade-off curve of net present value and total primary energy consumption. This explains why some optimal results in figures 8.5 and 8.6 lie below the 2D trade-off curve. Net present value vs. total primary energy consumption Terraced dwelling, low energy price scenario 20000 net present value [€] 0 -20000 -40000 all results optima optima NPV30>0 -60000 -80000 -100000 800 1300 1800 2300 2800 total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 8.5: Terraced house, utilisation period of 30 years, low energy price scenario, discount rate = 4%: the net present value over 30 years (NPV30) is given as a function of the total primary energy consumption over 30 years. All results are presented in grey, whereas the trade-off curve is given in black. The solid black dots have a NPV30 >0. 173 CHAPTER 8 Obviously the optima with a positive net present value are of most interest, as they are economically viable, even in the improbable case that the energy prices remain constant. The results represent the same hierarchy of energy saving measures as achieved from the BIM-project and summarised in section 7.7. As can be seen from figure 8.6, energy saving viable concepts can be realised for the terraced house with an energy cost ranging from 400 to 700€ per year. Similar results have been found for the other building types, but to limit the extent of this dissertation, not all results for all five buildings are presented here. What the economic viable concepts are, in which manner extremely low energy houses can be realised and for which energy price scenario these concepts become viable, will be discussed in section 8.7, illustrated with graphs for different building types. All details and results for all five buildings can be found in Verbeeck et al. (2007). Net present value vs. annual energy cost Terraced dwelling, low energy price scenario 20000 net present value [€] 0 -20000 -40000 -60000 all results optima -80000 optima NPV30>0 -100000 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 annual energy cost [€] Figure 8.6: Terraced house, utilisation period of 30 years, low energy price scenario, discount rate = 4%: the net present value over 30 years (NPV30) is given as a function of the annual energy cost. All results are presented in grey, whereas the trade-off curve is given in black. The solid black dots have a NPV30 >0. 8.6.3. Embodied energy versus energy savings Figure 8.7 presents the energy payback time for energy saving measures on the building envelope and the installations of the semi-detached house. The optima are valid for an utilisation period of 30 years and contain solutions for all three constructional types (massive and light weight). Similar to the results of the BIM-project, these results show that even for 174 EL²EP-PROJECT extremely low energy dwellings, the energy payback time remains less than 2 years. It can be concluded from these results that the embodied energy of the energy saving measures should not be a reason of great concern, regardless of the applied insulation materials or installation systems. Energy Payback Time Semi-detached house, measures on building envelope and installations extra embodied energy [GJ] 350 300 EPBT = 1 year EPBT = 2 years 250 all results optima 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 annual primary energy savings [GJ] Figure 8.7: Semi-detached house, utilisation period of 30 years: the extra embodied energy for energy saving measures on both the building envelope and installations is given as a function of the annual primary energy savings. All results are presented in grey, whereas the results of the trade-off for NPV and total primary energy consumption are given in black. 8.7 Discussion Firstly, the strengths and weaknesses of the optimisation model are discussed. Secondly, the impact of several aspects, such as constructional type, compactness, energy carrier and heat production system are discussed. Then, several cost-related aspects are discussed, such as impact of the constructional cost versus installation cost and the impact of price evolutions. Finally, the extremely low energy dwellings that result from the EL²EP-project, are compared to the economic optimum and to existing concepts for extremely low energy dwellings, such as passive houses and zero energy houses. 175 CHAPTER 8 8.7.1. Strengths and weaknesses of the optimisation model The multi-objective optimisation programme proved to be very useful in the search for optimised (extremely) low energy dwellings. For a good balance between computational time and approximation of the ideal Pareto front, the population size was set at 100 chromosomes and the number of generations at 60. This resulted for all five building types in a wide spread of Pareto optima. However, starting from these results, an in depth analysis and fine tuning still is necessary in order to end up with all realistic building concepts. Therefore, some adaptations and extra calculations need to be performed. Firstly, the U-values of all envelope components need to be analysed. Despite the boundary condition for the overall insulation level, this constraint does not guarantee that the U-value per envelope component does not exceed the maximum value set in the EPB standard as presented in table 8.4. If the U-value of an envelope component is too high, the insulation thickness must be increased in order to fulfil the requirement. Building component Maximum U-value [W/m²K] Façade 0.6 Roof 0.4 Window Overall 2.5 Glass 1.6 Floor above cellars 0.4 Floor slab on the ground 0.4 Wall/floor between flats 1.0 Common wall 1.0 Table 8.4: Maximum U-value per envelope component according to the Flemish EPB (EPB 2005) Secondly, the homogeneity of the insulation level of the building envelope needs to be analysed. As the optimisation process does not compare the insulation thicknesses of the different envelope components, some results might have very inhomogeneous thicknesses, e.g. 2 cm roof insulation and 20 cm façade insulation or windows that combine an Uglass of 0.7 W/m²K with an Uframe of 3.6 W/m²K. These variants need to be adapted to more homogeneous combinations and recalculated. Theoretically, both the maximum U-value and the homogeneity could have been incorporated as extra constraints in the optimisation process. However, this would have 176 EL²EP-PROJECT significantly increased the complexity of the penalty functions and therefore, the above control procedure has been selected. In addition, some extra variants can be constructed by implementing the maximum insulation thickness for each envelope component and the best performing window characteristics on the optimal variants that result from the optimisation process. Finally, for those variants that violate the boundary condition for summer comfort, extra measures such as outer sun shading and/or night ventilation can be included, if not yet present, and a new evaluation of the summer comfort can be performed. After this procedure of control and extension of the draft Pareto front, new simulations need to be performed for all adapted variants and these results form the basis to determine the final Pareto front. This way, the evolutionary multi-objective optimisation process is a useful tool to development (extremely) low energy dwellings, but final control of the results is indispensable to avoid the presence of unrealistic building concepts within the final optimal solutions. 8.7.2. Impact of the constructional type Figure 8.8 presents the results for the semi-detached dwelling. The optimal solutions are determined after ordering the results by constructional type. The highest net present value can be realised with a construction with outer insulation, whereas the lowest energy consumption is achieved with a wood frame construction. The variants with a cavity wall lie in between. This also appears from figures 8.9 and 8.10 for which the sorting by constructional type is executed after determining the optimal solutions. To illustrate the effect of projecting the 3D optimisation results in 2D graphs, figure 8.9 presents the optimal variants for the objectives net present value – total primary energy consumption, whereas figure 8.10 presents the same optimal variants for the objectives net present value – global warming potential. From these figures it is clear that, although the variants with wood frame construction achieve lower net present values than the variants with outer insulation, they perform better for the global warming potential. The variants with cavity wall lie both for net present value and global warming potential in between and therefore they disappear from the optimal solutions when the optimisation process is executed for all constructional types together (figure 8.9 versus figure 8.8). 177 CHAPTER 8 Pareto optima per constructional type Semi-detached house, utilisation period = 30 years, high energy scenario 80000 net present value [€] 60000 40000 20000 0 -20000 -40000 optima cavity wall -60000 optima outer insulation -80000 optima wood frame construction -100000 800 1300 1800 2300 2800 3300 3800 total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 8.8: Semi-detached house, utilisation period of 30 years, high energy price scenario: Pareto optima are determined after sorting the results by constructional type: optimal variants with cavity wall (black dots), optimal variants with massive wall with outer insulation (grey triangles) and optimal variants with wood frame construction (grey squares) Pareto optima ordered by constructional type Semi-detached house, utilisation period = 30 years, high energy scenario 80000 net present value [€] 60000 40000 20000 0 -20000 optima cavity wall -40000 optima outer insulation -60000 optima wood frame construction -80000 800 1300 1800 2300 2800 3300 3800 total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 8.9: Semi-detached house, utilisation period of 30 years, high energy price scenario: Pareto optima are determined for all results together and then sorted by constructional type: optimal variants with cavity wall (black dots), optimal variants with massive wall with outer insulation (grey triangles) and optimal variants with wood frame construction (light grey squares) 178 EL²EP-PROJECT Pareto optima ordered by constructional type Semi-detached house, utilisation period = 30 years, high energy scenario 80000 net present value [€] 60000 40000 20000 0 -20000 optima cavity wall -40000 optima outer insulation -60000 optima wood frame construction -80000 40 60 80 100 120 total global warming potential [ton] 140 Figure 8.10: Semi-detached house, utilisation period of 30 years, high energy price scenario: Pareto optima are determined for all results together and then sorted by constructional type: optimal variants with cavity wall (black dots), optimal variants with massive wall with outer insulation (grey triangles) and optimal variants with wood frame construction (light grey squarse) 8.7.3. Impact of the compactness The compactness C is the proportion of the heated air volume in m³ to the total heat loss area in m² and is expressed in m. Figure 8.11 presents the trade-off curve for the total present value, expressed in €/m² heat loss area, and the total primary energy consumption, expressed in MJ/m² heat loss area, for all five building types. The compactness per building type is mentioned in the legend of the figure. With the compactness varying from 0.85 to 4.17m and a constant heated air volume of ca. 470m³ for all dwellings, the heat loss area varies over the dwellings between 105m² and 560m². Table 8.2 in section 8.6.1 showed that in the non-insulated reference situation, the net heat demand per m³ heated volume is more than four times higher for the less compact (architectural) house than for the most compact one (flat). Because of the large heat loss area of the less compact house, it is obvious that this house has the highest energy saving potential. This explains why in figure 8.11 the architectural house performs best. It also leads to the conclusion that, if energy saving measures beyond the legal standard are indispensable for new common dwellings, they are even more indispensable for modern architecture with a fragmented plan. In practice this means that, where K25-30 (Umean = 0.3-0.4W/m²K) is the economic optimal insulation 179 CHAPTER 8 standard for houses with a compactness of 1.5-2, for houses with a low compactness the economic optimum lies at K20 (Umean = 0.4W/m²K). This way, the lack of compactness should be compensated by more severe insulation measures and thus, similar energy consumption at similar total present value could be achieved for all building types. This is shown in figure 8.12, where the energy consumption and TPV are given in absolute values and not per m² heat loss area, as in figure 8.11. Impact of compactness utilisation period = 30 years, low energy price scenario Total present value/m² heat loss area [€/m²] 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 flat C=4.17m 600 terraced C=2.04m semi-detached C=1.49m detached C=1.22m architectural C=0.85m 400 200 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Total primary energy consumption/m² heat loss area [MJ/m²] Figure 8.11: All dwellings, utilisation period of 30 years, low energy price scenario: trade-off for TPV/m² heat loss area and total primary energy consumption per m² heat loss area. C is the compactness, being the proportion of heated air volume and heat loss area. As the heated air volume of all these dwellings is almost the same, this figure shows that dwellings with a low compactness have the highest energy saving potential, due to their large heat loss area. As figure 8.12 shows, similar consumption levels are realised at similar TPV for all building types. Only in case of the flat, much lower energy consumption can be realised at much lower TPV due to the very high compactness. Both figures lead to the conclusion that less compact houses have the highest energy saving potential, due to their very bad performance if not insulated, whereas in absolute terms, when applying a certain combination of energy saving measures, highly compact dwellings will perform better energetically at lower TPV, because of their very small heat loss area. 180 EL²EP-PROJECT Impact of compactness utilisation period = 30 years, low energy price scenario Total present value [€] 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 flat C=4.17m 100000 terraced C=2.04m semi-detached C=1.49m detached C=1.22m 50000 architectural C=0.85m 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 8.12: All dwellings, utilisation period of 30 years, low energy price scenario: trade-off for total present value and total primary energy consumption. Similar energy consumption levels can be realised for all building types at similar TPV. Only for the flat, much lower energy consumption can be realised at much lower TPV due to the very small heat loss area. 8.7.4. Impact of energy carrier and heat production system Energy carrier To analyse the position of the different energy carriers in the optimal solutions, a similar analysis has been executed as for the constructional types. Firstly, all results are ordered by energy carrier and then, the optimal solutions are determined. This is presented for the detached house in figure 8.13. This figure shows that, if for any reason, one energy carrier is more preferred than the other, it is always possible to realise a concept that performs equally to concepts with other energy carriers, as for all energy carriers, comparable levels of energy consumption can be realised at comparable levels of NPV. However, if there is no preference for any energy carrier and the intention is to realise concepts e.g. with highest NPV or lowest energy consumption, this figure also shows that the highest NPV is achieved with systems on natural gas or fuel, whereas heat pumps on electricity realise the lowest energy consumption. 181 CHAPTER 8 Pareto optima per energy carrier Detached house, utilisation period = 30 years, low energy price scenario 60000 net present value [€] 40000 20000 0 -20000 -40000 optima gas -60000 optima fuel optima electricity -80000 -100000 1000 1500 2000 total primary energy consumption [GJ] 2500 Figure 8.13: Detached house, utilisation period = 30 years, low energy price scenario: firstly, all results are sorted by energy carrier and then, Pareto optima are determined: optimal variants with natural gas (dark grey squares), optimal variants with fuel (light grey squares) and optimal variants with electricity (black triangles). Pareto optima for all results, ordered by energy carrier 60000 Detached house, utilisation period = 30 years, low energy price scenario net present value [€] 40000 20000 0 -20000 -40000 -60000 optima gas optima fuel optima electricity -80000 -100000 1000 1500 2000 total primary energy consumption [GJ] 2500 Figure 8.14: Detached house, utilisation period = 30 years, low energy price scenario: firstly, Pareto optima are determined for all results and then, the optima are sorted by energy carrier: optimal variants with natural gas (dark grey squares), optimal variants with fuel (light grey squares) and optimal variants with electricity (black triangles). 182 EL²EP-PROJECT This also appears from figure 8.14 for which firstly, the optimal solutions are determined and then afterwards, the optima are sorted by energy carrier. In the range of the economic optimum, fossil fuels give the best results, whereas for extremely low energy houses, electricity appears to be the most appropriate energy carrier. The heat production systems that are represented by these optima, are discussed in the next section. Heat production system To analyse the position of the different heat production systems, the optimal solutions of figure 8.14 are sorted by heat production system. This is presented in figure 8.15. This figure shows a clear hierarchy of heat production systems when considering the net present value versus the total primary energy consumption. Pareto optima for all results, ordered by heat production Detached house, utilisation period = 30 years, low energy price scenario 60000 net present value [€] 40000 20000 0 -20000 high efficiency boiler -40000 condensing boiler -60000 -80000 -100000 1000 air-water heat pump soil-water heat pump cogeneration heat and power 1500 2000 total primary energy consumption [GJ] 2500 Figure 8.15: Detached house, utilisation period = 30 years, low energy price scenario: firstly, Pareto optima are determined for all results and then, sorted by heat production system: high efficiency boilers (open triangles), condensing boilers (dark grey squares), air-to-water heat pumps (light grey solid triangles), soil-to-water heat pumps (open dots) and cogeneration of heat and power (black squares). The economic optimum is achieved with high efficiency boilers (open triangles). With a condensing boiler (dark grey squares) lower energy consumption can be realised, but at lower NPV than with a high efficiency boiler. The cheapest type of heat pumps (air-to-water, light grey triangles) results in equal to lower energy consumption than with condensing boilers, but in most cases also the NPV is lower and even can become negative. For the lowest energy consumption ranges, the better performing, but more expensive soil-to-water 183 CHAPTER 8 heat pump (open circles) is more appropriate, but mostly not economically viable. Very few variants with a CHP-system (black squares) are part of the optimal solutions. For these variants, the cheapest, but still expensive, version of a CHP-system is applied, being a condensing boiler with an integrated Stirling motor. Although the results appear to be comparable to the results with a soil-to-water heat pump, these results should be interpreted with care, as up to now, the uncertainty on the performance and on the cost is higher for CHP than for heat pumps. It can be expected that more reliable values will become available in the future. 8.7.5. Constructional cost versus installation cost Analysis of the evolution of the total present value shows that, compared to the non-insulated reference situation, firstly the TPV decreases with decreasing total primary energy consumption up to a minimum and then increases with further decreasing total primary energy consumption. As explained in equation [6.1], the total present value mainly consists of the initial investment cost, the discounted replacement cost and the discounted energy cost. The investment cost contains the cost for the construction and the building envelope as well as for the installation. These costs are assumed to be independent of the energy price scenario. In reality, of course, investment costs will evolve with the energy cost evolution, but this is not taken into account here. To analyse the contribution of the different cost components to the total present value as a function of the energy consumption, figure 8.16 presents the total present value (black solid diamonds), the discounted constructional cost (open grey diamonds), the discounted installation cost (light grey solid squares) and the discounted energy cost (grey crosses). The results are valid for the terraced house for an utilisation period of 30 years, a discount rate of 4% and a low energy price scenario. The figure shows the large contribution of the cost for the building structure and envelope to the TPV. The discounted constructional cost starts at 133,000 € for the non insulated version and increases up to nearly 220,000€ for the most energy saving variants. In figure 8.16, levels of constant constructional cost can be observed. This is caused by the fact that the first optimisation step results in a certain number of optimised concepts for the building envelope. Only to these concepts, all kinds of installation types are applied in the second optimisation step. Obviously, the total primary energy consumption of a building does not only depend on the building envelope, but also on the installation type that is added. This explains why the same cost for structure and envelope can be observed at different levels of primary energy consumption. The discounted installation cost starts at 26,000€ for the non-insulated reference situation and almost doubles when evolving to the most energy saving variants. However, the contribution to the 184 EL²EP-PROJECT TPV is much smaller than for the constructional cost and furthermore, for energy consumption levels in between, even lower costs than 26,000€ are possible. Obviously, the discounted energy cost decreases with decreasing energy consumption, but this cost is very small compared to the costs for the whole building. Constructional cost, installation cost and energy cost Present value over 30 years [€] Terraced house, utilisation period = 30 years, low energy price scenario 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 800 1300 1800 2300 Total primary energy consumption [GJ] total present value discounted installation cost 2800 discounted constructional + envelope cost discounted energy cost Figure 8.16: Terraced house, utilisation period of 30 years, low energy price scenario: the total present value is given as a function of the total primary energy consumption over 30 years for all combinations of energy saving measures on the building envelope and the installations (solid black diamonds)) as well as the contribution to the present value of the construction and building envelope cost (open grey diamonds), the installation cost (light grey solid squares) and the energy cost. All costs are discounted for a discount rate of 4%. Figure 8.16 presents the overall cost for the building, whereas a large part of the building cost consists of a fixed cost for the building structure, mostly independent of the insulation level. To analyse the impact of the energy saving measures only, figure 8.17 presents the extra initial investment cost for the building envelope and the installation, compared to the non-insulated version of the terraced house as a function of the annual energy cost. In the non-insulated situation, the terraced house has an annual primary energy consumption of ca. 114,000 MJ, corresponding to an annual energy cost of ca. 1,600€. A decrease of the annual energy cost with 50% can be realised with a total extra initial investment cost of ca. 8,000 to 9,000 €, by combining energy saving measures on the building envelope for an extra cost of ca. 12,000€, with a well-performing, but smaller and thus, cheaper heating system (3,000 to 4,000€ less than the reference case). As figure 8.17 shows, further decrease of the annual energy cost is possible, but finally leads to an exponential increase of the extra initial investment cost. An annual energy cost of less than 300€ requires for the terraced house at 185 CHAPTER 8 least an extra initial investment cost of 60,000€ for the energy saving measures in the building envelope and 20,000€ for the installation, compared to the non-insulated version. Extra initial investment cost for energy saving measures Terraced house, utilisation period = 30 years Extra initial investment cost [€] 90000 80000 70000 total extra cost extra cost envelope 60000 extra cost installations 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 -10000200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Annual energy cost [€/year] Figure 8.17: Terraced house, utilisation period of 30 years: the total extra initial investment cost is given as a function of the annual energy cost for all combinations of energy saving measures (black solid diamonds) as well as the contribution of the extra initial investment cost for energy saving measures on the building envelope (open grey diamonds) and on the installation (light grey crosses). The annual energy cost of the reference situation is ca. 1,600€. 8.7.6. Impact of price evolutions and discount rate Energy price scenarios Figure 8.18 presents the optimal solutions for the architectural house for an utilisation period of 30 years. Similar to the outcome of the BIM-project, it appears from these results that almost the same optimal combinations are found for all three energy price scenarios. The only difference is that some solutions that are not economically viable for low energy prices, become viable when the energy price increases significantly. The hierarchy of measures, however, does not depend on the price scenario. The fact that for some levels of energy consumption more than one optimum is presented per energy price scenario can be explained by the optimisation for three objectives. E.g. for the lowest energy consumption in figure 8.18, the points for the high energy price scenario (light grey) represent a solution with outer insulation (lowest NPV) and a solution with wood frame construction (highest NPV). However, as the solution with wood frame construction has a much lower GWP, both solutions can be part of the same 3D Pareto surface, that is projected in 2D in figure 8.18. Furthermore, for the highest energy price scenario, the 186 EL²EP-PROJECT difference in energy price evolution can be observed in the optimal solutions, especially for higher energy consumption levels. Some combinations with fuel that are not restrained for lower energy prices, form part of the optimal solutions, as the assumed price increase for fuel (3.2%) is lower than the assumed price increase for gas and electricity (4.3%). This explains the scatter of results for the highest energy price scenario at higher energy consumption levels (> 1600 GJ for the architectural house). As the architectural house is extremely energy-devouring in the reference situation due to its large heat loss area, compared to its heated volume, most of the optimal solutions appear to be economic viable, even for the improbable scenario that the energy prices remain constant. The impact of the compactness is further analysed in the next section. Impact of energy price scenarios Architectural house, utilisation period = 30 years, discount rate = 4% 200000 Net present value [€] optima low price scenario 150000 optima middle price scenario optima high price scenario 100000 50000 0 -50000 1000 1200 1400 1600 Total primary energy consumption [GJ] 1800 Figure 8.18: Architectural house, utilisation period of 30 years: Net present value vs. total primary energy consumption is presented for the optimal solutions per energy price scenario (low, middle, high). The optimal combinations appear to be almost independently from the energy price scenario. Only the net present value increases with increasing energy prices. Discount rate All results presented elsewhere in chapter 8 have been calculated for a discount rate of 4%, as this is assumed to be a realistic estimation of the real interest rate. However, in order to control the robustness of the results with relation to the assumptions, different scenarios for the discount rate are analysed: 2%, 4% and 8%. The larger the discount rate, the less importance is given to expenses in the far future. This way, a large discount rate can be applied to simulate the fact that most consumers are mostly concerned about the initial investment cost and estimate the energy cost of less importance. On the other hand, a low discount rate of 2% could simulate the economic effect of subsidies and fiscal corrections, 187 CHAPTER 8 experienced by the private consumer, meanwhile from the society point of view, a discount rate of 4% might be a more realistic assumption. For clarity’s sake, subsidies and fiscal depreciation have not been taken into account in this project. However, there could be the case in reality that through subsidies and fiscal corrections, certain energy saving investments might appear economically viable for the private consumer, meanwhile from the point of view of society, they are not the best economic choice. Therefore, it is important to analyse the impact of the discount rate on the economic viability of solutions and to control the robustness of the results regarding the assumptions for discount rate. Figure 8.19 presents the optimal solutions for the terraced house for a discount rate of 2%, 4% and 8%. For variants with average insulation level, the energy cost still has a significant impact on the net present value, whereas for extremely low energy houses, the initial investment cost dominates the net present value. This is reflected by the fact that for variants with total primary energy consumption more than 1000GJ, the net present value diverges for the different discount rates. Figure 8.19 also shows that with higher discount rate, fewer variants are economically viable and the curve of optima becomes flatter in the range of higher energy consumption. These phenomena are intensified in case of combination of high energy prices and high discount rates (figure 8.20). For extremely low energy houses however, the discount rate has a much lower impact. Impact of discount rate Terraced house, utilisation period = 30 years, low energy price scenario Net present value over 30 years [€] 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 -10000500 -20000 -30000 -40000 1000 1500 2000 2500 a = 2% a = 4% a = 8% -50000 Total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 8.19: Terraced house, utilisation period of 30 years, low energy price scenario: The optimal solutions are presented per discount rate scenario (a=2%, a=4%, a=8%). The optimal combinations appear to be almost independently from the discount rate scenario. Only the net present value decreases with increasing discount rate with a flattening curve in the range of higher energy consumption. 188 EL²EP-PROJECT Impact of discount rate Terraced house, utilisation period = 30 years, high energy price scenario Net present value over 30 years [€] 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 -10000500 1000 1500 2000 2500 -20000 a = 2% -30000 a = 4% -40000 a = 8% -50000 Total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 8.20: Terraced house, utilisation period of 30 years, high energy price scenario: The optimal solutions are presented per discount rate scenario (a=2%, a=4%, a=8%). The optimal combinations appear to be almost independently from the discount rate scenario. The shift in net present value is even more intensified than for the low energy price scenario. Impact of material cost evolution Terraced house, utilisation period = 30 years, low energy price scenario, Net present value over 30 years [€] 20000 10000 0 -10000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 -20000 -30000 -40000 -50000 inv = 0% inv = 2% inv = 4% -60000 -70000 Total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 8.21: Terraced house, utilisation period of 30 years, low energy price scenario, discount rate = 4%: The optimal solutions are presented per material cost scenario (annual increase of 0%, 2% and 4% above inflation). The highest impact is found for the most energy saving variants. However, the optimal combinations appear to be almost independently from the material cost scenario. 189 CHAPTER 8 Material cost evolution All results presented elsewhere in chapter 8 are calculated for an increase of the (re)investment cost of 0% (above inflation). This means that rI in equation [6.1] is set to 0. However, due to changing economical situations or increasing energy prices, higher investment costs might be possible. Therefore, different scenarios have been analysed. Figure 8.21 presents the optimal solutions for the terraced house for an annual price increase for (re)investment costs with 0%, 2% and 4%. As could be expected, higher material cost will have the largest impact on extremely low energy houses, as here the investment costs are highest. However, the impact is much smaller than the impact of the energy price evolution or the discount rate. Conclusions for the cost scenarios For the calculation of total present value and net present value, assumptions need to be made on discount rate, energy price evolution and material cost evolution. These assumptions have an impact on the economic viability of energy saving variants. However, of greater importance are the following conclusions: - The economic optimum is not only independent of these cost scenarios, it also remains economically viable for all analysed cases. - Also the hierarchy of energy saving measures, as concluded from the BIM-project and further extended in section 8.7.8, is independent of these scenarios. Obviously, the economic viability of some measures, such as the application of heat pumps or mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, will depend on the cost scenarios, but in contrast to what sometimes is commonly assumed, there is no shift at all in this hierarchy. So, generally, it can be concluded that both the economic optimum and the hierarchy of energy saving measures are very robust for the assumptions made. 8.7.7. Position of extremely low energy dwellings to the economic optimum From the analysis of the results for the five building types of the EL²EP-project, a similar economic optimal combination of energy saving measures can be deduced as for the BIMproject. The economic optimum is very robust and consists of: - an insulation level K25-27 for most common houses (Umean ≈ 0.3-0.35W/m²K for compactness of 1.5-2). Only for houses with a very fragmented plan (compactness < 1), the economically optimal insulation level decreases, down to K20 (Umean ≈ 0.2W/m²K) 190 EL²EP-PROJECT - combined with a high efficiency or condensing boiler on gas or fuel, variable water temperature, high temperature radiators and a natural ventilation system. The energy performance can further be improved by means of a mechanical ventilation system with a good performing heat recovery unit (here an overall performance of 70% is assumed) or an air-to-water heat pump. The seasonal performance factor (SPF) of an air-towater heat pump is less than the SPF of a soil-to-water heat pump, but the investment cost is much lower. Therefore, the air-to-water heat pump turns out to be economically viable more quickly than the soil-to-water heat pump. For most dwellings, these measures are just below the limit of economic viability. Further decreasing the energy consumption is possible by implementing a better insulation level (K15-20), by combining this very good insulation level with a heat pump and with mechanical ventilation with heat recovery or even by combining it with a CHP-system. This leads to very low total primary energy consumption and annual energy costs, but these solutions are far beyond the economic optimum for most dwellings. Only for houses with a very low compactness, which are very energy-devouring in a badly insulated version, these extended combinations of energy saving measures turn out to be economic viable at higher energy price evolutions. Table 8.5 presents a summary of the results of the global optimisation of all five building types. For each result and each building type, the range in which the optimal solutions lie, is given. Cost results are valid for the low energy price scenario and a discount rate of 4%. Most values are expressed per m³ heated air volume (energy related values) or per m² heated floor area (cost related values). Terraced Semi- Detached Archi- Flat, house detached house tectural centre house house Number of optima 79 138 125 36 35 econ. viable 16 48 62 15 17 K15 → K27 K13 → K34 K13 → K40 K13 → K20 K9 → K38 0.2 → 0.37 0.15 → 0.4 0.14 → 0.43 0.13 → 0.20 0.15 → 0.69 15 - 90 15 - 90 25 - 100 30 - 55 < 40 2000 - 4500 2240 - 4650 2230 - 5330 2500 - 3700 1300 - 2500 Insulation level Umean [W/m²K] Net energy demand [MJ/m³a] Total primary energy consumption over 30 years [MJ/m³] 191 CHAPTER 8 Total GWP over 30 years [kg/m³] 90 - 330 100 - 290 95 -330 120 - 230 100 - 190 40 - 500 80 - 800 3 - 840 100 - 720 50 - 340 300 - 880 300 - 900 300 - 1000 300 - 650 130 - 510 1100 - 1300 1000 -1600 1000 - 1700 1000 - 1500 800 - 1050 -260 → 60 -360 → 300 -500 → 200 -200 → 400 -160 → 70 9 → 50 3 → 57 -4 → 62 2 → 23 -3 → 35 Extra investment cost [€/m² floor area] Annual energy cost [€] Total present value over 30 years, low energy scenario [€/m²] Net present value over 30 years, low energy scenario [€/m²] Static payback time [years] Table 8.5: Results for the global optimisation of all five dwellings of the EL²EP-project: only results from the trade-off curve of total present value and total primary energy consumption over an utilisation period of 30 years and low energy price scenario are presented here. Some values are expressed per m³ heated air volume, some per m² floor area. For each result, the range of values is given. 8.7.8. Position of existing concepts for extremely low energy dwellings Passive houses The concept of a passive house was developed in the late eighties by Adamson at Lund University, Sweden and Feist, founder of the Passivhaus Institut, Germany (Feist 2006). It stands for a building concept in which a comfortable indoor climate can be maintained without active heating and cooling systems. For the European context, prerequisite is an annual heating requirement less than 15kWh/m² floor area and a total annual primary energy consumption of less than 120 kWh/m² floor area for heating, domestic hot water and household electricity. The latter requirement is set to avoid that the extremely low heating demand would be achieved by an increase of energy use for other purposes, such as domestic appliances (www.passivhouse.com). Basic features to realise a passive house are a good compactness and extremely high insulation level (average U-value for the opaque elements < 0.15W/m²K and an overall U-value for windows < 0.8W/m²K), a very air tight building envelope (n50 < 0.6/h), a conscious use of the southern orientation, glass area and sun shading in order to have a passive use of solar energy without creating an overheating 192 EL²EP-PROJECT problem in summer, a mechanical ventilation system with a highly performing heat recovery unit (efficiency > 80%), preheating of the fresh ventilation air by underground ducts, domestic hot water production by alternative systems such as solar collectors or heat pumps and use of energy saving domestic electrical appliances. Within the EL²EP-project a measuring campaign was set-up in two Belgian passive houses to evaluate both the energy consumption and the indoor climate in winter and summer conditions. Presentation and discussion of these results can be found in De Meulenaer et al. (2005(1)) and (2005(2)). In order to evaluate the position of the passive house concept to the economic optimum and the building concepts developed within the EL²EP-project, the passive house standard is applied to one reference dwelling, being the terraced house as it is the building with the highest compactness. The evaluation is executed only for the heating requirement. Therefore, only variants with a maximum insulation thickness and passive house windows are selected that have a comfortable indoor climate in winter and summer and an annual end energy consumption for heating less than 15kWh/m² floor area. Furthermore, the traditional heating system with boiler or heat pump and radiators or floor heating is replaced by an electrical heating system in the mechanical ventilation system. This is simulated by assuming a production efficiency of 100% and an overall efficiency of 90% for emission, distribution and control. For the heat recovery efficiency, two scenarios are considered: an efficiency of 90% and one of 70%, the latter because due to imperfect installation and sealing of the recovery unit, the real performance can be much lower than what is mentioned in the product information. Figure 8.22 and 8.23 compare the optimal solutions from the EL²EP-project (dark grey squares) with the passive house variants for the low and high energy price scenarios for net present value and total primary energy consumption. Both variants with 70% heat recovery (light grey squares) and 90% heat recovery (black triangles) are presented. The importance of the heat recovery efficiency clearly appears from both figures. As the heat losses by conduction and infiltration are very low due to the very high insulation level and very high air tightness, the overall heat losses are mainly determined by the ventilation losses. Heat recovery units with 90% efficiency are on the market, but excellent workmanship is crucial to really achieve this high efficiency in practice. Control of the air tightness of the ventilation system after execution by means of a duct blaster or pressure test is therefore indispensable in order to detect the unwanted leakages. It also appears from the figures that with the PH variants with 90% heat recovery the lowest total primary energy consumption (for heating) can be achieved, between 800 and 900 GJ over 30 years for the terraced house. This is even lower than what is achieved with the EL²EP-optima. 193 CHAPTER 8 Position of passive house concepts Terraced house, utilisation period = 30 years, low energy price scenario net present value [€] 40000 20000 0 -20000 -40000 all optima of EL²EP PH 70% heat recovery -60000 PH 90% heat recovery -80000 800 1300 1800 2300 2800 total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 8.22: Terraced dwelling, utilisation period of 30 years, low energy price scenario: All optimal solutions from EL²EP-project are given for net present value vs. total primary energy consumption (dark grey) as well as the passive house variants with a heat recovery efficiency of 70% (light grey) and 90% (black). Position of passive house concepts net present value [€] 40000 Terraced house, utilisation period = 30 years, high energy price scenario 20000 0 -20000 all optima of EL²EP PH 70% heat recovery -40000 PH 90% heat recovery -60000 -80000 800 1300 1800 2300 2800 total primary energy consumption [GJ] Figure 8.23: Terraced dwelling, utilisation period of 30 years, high energy price scenario: All optimal solutions from EL²EP-project are given for net present value vs. total primary energy consumption (dark grey) as well as the passive house variants with a heat recovery efficiency of 70% (light grey) and 90% (black). 194 EL²EP-PROJECT However, most variants are not economically viable for none of the energy price scenarios. From the 33 variants, only 2 have a positive net present value over 30 years in case of a discount rate of 4% and the high energy price scenario. Only at higher energy prices and/or lower discount rates, more PH-variants will become economically viable. They demand an total investment cost of 160,000 to 165,000€ for the wood frame structure and the building envelope and 12,000€ for the installation. This represents an extra investment cost of 35,000 to 40,000€ for the building envelope compared to the reference. The installation cost however, lies 4,600€ lower than the installation of the reference case. Compared to the economically optimal solution (20,000€ extra for the building envelope and minus 2,0004,000€ for the installation), the investment cost for the passive houses is much higher, but it results in much lower energy consumption: 870-900 GJ for the passive houses versus 1500 GJ for the economic optimum. For the EL²EP-optima with lowest energy consumption, the extra cost for the building envelope is with 25,000 to 30,000€ somewhat lower than the PHvariants, but through the application of heat pumps or CHP in combination with a mechanical ventilation system, the installation cost lies 12,000 to 15,000€ higher than the reference and 16,600 to 19,600€ higher than the PH-variants. As in PH-concepts, a heating element is integrated in the ventilation system, a large cost reduction can be realised with at the same time, large energy savings. However, by combining ventilation and heating in one system, the control of the indoor air temperature becomes more difficult as the air flows needed for ventilation differ from the air flows needed for heating. This could also be concluded from the measurements in 2004 in the passive house near Ghent, Belgium. With an end energy consumption for heating less than 9 kWh/m²a and a total primary energy consumption less than 30 kWh/m²a, this is an extremely energy efficient dwelling. However, the indoor climate remains a weak point. In winter, the temperature in the living room is rather low (average of 19°C), whereas in summer, the temperature is rather high (average of 24°C). In the sleeping rooms on the contrary, rather high temperatures were measured. Even in winter the average temperature is above 20°C. Furthermore due to very low air flows, the relative humidity is high (average of 51% and average vapour difference between indoor and outdoor of 600Pa) (De Meulenaer et al. 2005(1)). The future challenge for passive houses therefore should be to combine the extremely low energy consumption with a good indoor comfort in winter and summer. Zero Energy houses A more extreme concept of energy saving house is the zero energy house. Generally, a zero energy house represents a building concept in which the energy consumption of the house is completely covered by own energy production, at least on annual basis. The latter, ‘on 195 CHAPTER 8 annual basis’, is an important prerequisite and distinguishes this concept from an energy autarkic house for which the energy production needs to cover the energy consumption at every moment. In contrast to an energy autarkic house, a zero energy house is coupled to the electricity grid and delivers the produced electricity to the grid at moments of overproduction to take it back at moments of underproduction. The outcome of a zero energy house can slightly differ if the zero balance is defined on the level of end energy consumption, primary energy consumption or energy cost. However, in case of only electrical energy consumption with forward and backward counting electricity counter, the three definitions lead to the same result. As a final step within the EL²EP-project, zero energy houses are created. Starting point are the passive house variants of the terraced dwelling. The simulations for section 8.7.1 deliver the annual end energy consumption for heating, ranging from 1425 kWh/a to 1611 kWh/a. As the energy production also has to cover the energy consumption for hot water, lighting and electrical appliances, some scenarios are applied for domestic hot water and electricity consumption for households. Hens and Verdonck (1997) developed calculation modules for domestic hot water and electricity consumption based on measurements in situ. The calculation modules consider the magnitude of the building and of the households and the presence of different appliances. They also contain business as usual scenarios as well as energy saving scenarios that take into account the use of energy efficient appliances, low energy light bulbs, low flow showerheads, hotfill washing machines and dishwashers, etc. With these modules, the annual energy consumption for domestic hot water, lighting and electrical appliances is calculated for the different scenarios. In addition, also the extra investment cost for the energy efficient scenarios is calculated based on consumer prices of January 2007 (Vandenborre 2007). Depending on the scenarios, the energy consumption for domestic hot water, lighting and electrical appliances ranges from 3900 to 9500 kWh/a. For the energy production, both thermal solar collectors and photovoltaic modules are considered. For the contribution of thermal solar collectors, calculations are done for collector areas of 4m² up to 20m², based on the calculation module of the Flemish EPB. For the contribution of photovoltaic modules, the PV-calculation module of the EL²EP-project is applied (Vermeyen 2007). This calculation module contains data on 169 different PV-cells and 176 different invertors. Starting point for this module is the roof surface, including the exact location of roof windows. Based on these data, the module calculates the available roof area and determines a list of 25 best PV-types to cover the roof in the most optimal way, taking into account both the dimensions and the performance of the cells. In a next step, the most appropriate invertor is determined. Finally, the annual electricity production is calculated for the Test Reference Year of Uccle, Belgium, taking into account all boundary conditions. In addition, the investment cost is calculated with and without subsidies, as well 196 EL²EP-PROJECT as the green certificates, the electricity cost saving (based on 0.15€/kWh) and the net present value over the life span of the PV modules (25 years). Also the embodied energy for PV-modules and invertor is calculated. The calculation module gives the opportunity to determine the energy production and consumption per hour, including or excluding the presence of a battery. This way, also energy autarkic houses can be simulated. Table 8.6 presents the building variants with the best results, being a combination of 30-31m² PV-modules and 4-8m² thermal solar collectors. Electricity consumption Electricity Solar PV- Extra NPV30 NPV25 [kWh/a] Produc- collec- system invest- building solar tion tor ment systems cost Heating Hot House water -hold [kWh/a] [m²] [m²] [€] [€] [€] 1 1427 984 1943 4868 4 30 44558.12 -20412.74 -1014.97 2 1427 494 2876 4868 8 30 48124.62 -20412.74 -6943.97 3 1449 620 2876 5065 6 31 42074.00 -18867.06 -4325.00 4 1463 620 2876 5065 6 31 42074.00 -42613.60 -4325.00 5 1467 620 2876 5065 6 31 42074.00 -53898.58 -4325.00 6 1478 620 2876 5065 6 31 42074.00 -11390.64 -4325.00 7 1480 620 2876 5065 6 31 42074.00 -5303.42 -4325.00 8 1525 620 2876 5065 6 31 42074.00 -30764.86 -4325.00 9 1527 620 2876 5065 6 31 42074.00 -25067.20 -4325.00 10 1528 620 2876 5065 6 31 42074.00 -40629.16 -4325.00 11 1529 620 2876 5065 6 31 42074.00 -35122.30 -4325.00 12 1548 620 2876 5065 6 31 42074.00 -11759.32 -4325.00 13 1551 620 2876 5065 6 31 42074.00 -5672.42 -4325.00 Table 8.6: Results for the zero energy variants of the terraced dwelling of the EL²EP-project: Electricity consumption and production on annual basis are given, together with the needed surface for solar collectors and PV-modules. The extra investment cost for the energy producing systems is given (excl.building!), as well as the net present value over 30 years for the building and the net present value over 25 years of the solar systems. The overall investment cost for the building, installations and energy systems is given in Annex H. The last three columns give information on the investment cost and net present value. The extra investment cost represents the cost for the solar collectors, PV-modules and the extra cost for more energy efficient appliances. The cost for the building is not included in the extra investment cost. The last but one column gives the net present value over 30 years for the 197 CHAPTER 8 building as PH-concept, whereas the last column gives the net present value of the solar systems over their lifespan (25 years). NPV30 is calculated taking into account that all energy consumption is covered by the solar systems. All values are valid for the high energy price scenario and a discount rate of 4%. More details are presented in Annex H. For the variants from row 2 to 13, the south oriented roof surface of the terraced house (sloped roof + small flat roof) is just not large enough to integrate 2 roof windows, 30-31m² of PV-modules and 6-8m² of solar collectors. A small part of the energy producing systems needs to be installed on an extra surface, e.g. on a terrace or in the garden. Only in case of very energy efficient electrical appliances, (hardly on the market yet), resulting in an electricity consumption < 2000kWh/a for lighting, cooking and electrical appliances, the south oriented roof surface of the terraced house is large enough to integrate the roof windows and PV-modules on the sloped roof and 4m² of thermal solar collectors on the small flat roof, thus covering the total electricity consumption of 4350 to 4460 kWh/a by an annual production of 4463 kWh. This scenario is represented in the first row of table 8.6. The building variant is the same as in row 2. Some passive house building variants could come to energy breakeven by combining 30-32m² PV-modules with 12-14m² thermal solar collectors, but for these solutions even more extra surface is needed. With the embodied energy of 30m² PVmodules estimated at 220GJ (Vermeyen 2007) and the PH-building concept representing ca. 440GJ embodied energy, the PV-modules are responsible for one third of the overall embodied energy. It is clear that none of the zero energy houses that are analysed here, are economically viable within the assumptions for energy prices and discount rate. Only in case of even higher energy prices and/or lower discount rates, some of the variants might become costeffective. However, the largest barrier is the extremely high investment cost of these houses, being with the current prices, 70,000 to 90,000€ extra compared to the reference case of the terraced house and 35,000 to 50,000€ extra compared to the passive house concept. 8.8 Conclusions Firstly, the EL²EP-project results in the same economic optimum and the same logical hierarchy of energy saving measures as found in the BIM-project. Best results can be achieved with compact houses, but in case of modern architecture with fragmented plan, the lack of compactness should be compensated by more extensive insulation measures. For this kind of houses it is important to realise that, because of their large heat loss area, even very elaborate energy saving measures are economically viable. In contrast to what is sometimes assumed, there is no reason for great concern about the embodied energy of the energy saving measures. The embodied energy strongly increases 198 EL²EP-PROJECT with increasing insulation level, but at the same time large energy savings are realised during the utilisation phase of the building. Regardless of the insulation materials and installation systems, applied in extremely low energy dwellings, the total embodied energy of the energy saving measures represents less than 10% of the total primary energy saved by these measures and the energy payback time is for all case less than 2 years. This means that reducing the energy consumption during the utilisation phase still should remain the first concern. Also concepts for extremely low energy dwellings have been determined and compared with existing concepts, but none of them appear to be economically viable for the current energy prices or discount rates. Only in case of much higher energy prices, some of these concepts will become cost-effective over 30 years. However, the largest barrier for all these concepts is the extremely high investment cost. Without financial support or incentives, these concepts will be limited to a minor part of consumers with a high environmental consciousness that is willing to invest such a large budget in an extremely energy saving house. 199 CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER RESEARCH CHAPTER 9. CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER RESEARCH Since the oil crisis of the early seventies, energy consumption in buildings is a hot item. During the years, the interest slowly shifted from reduction of energy consumption during the utilisation phase towards the overall sustainability of buildings over their lifetime, not at the least challenged by the problem of climate change. Many research initiatives have been launched to improve energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings. However, all this research is only useful, if at the end, it results in effective changes in the environmental performance of the building stock. This demands large changes on all levels of society. However, up to now, no one has the right answer how to effectively induce them. Also this work shows only a glimpse of the complexity of sustainable development, but hopefully, it is one small step further towards a more sustainable world. Therefore, in this last chapter, the main achievements are presented together with perspectives for future research. 9.1 Main results and conclusions Subject of the research project here presented was the development and implementation of a global methodology to develop and evaluate on a scientific basis, residential buildings that are globally optimised from the point of view of energy, ecology and costs. The application of the methodology resulted in concepts and guidelines for globally optimised buildings. Developed global optimisation methodology Basic principle for the developed methodology is a well-founded evaluation of the environmental impact and financial cost during the whole life cycle of the building and its installations. The methodology consists of three pillars, closely linked to each other: (1) the multi-objective optimisation strategy that combines the technique of genetic algorithms with the concept of Pareto optimality, (2) a life cycle inventory model for buildings as a whole and (3) a cost assessment model that evaluates the economic impact of the building concepts from the point of view of the private building owner. The global optimisation methodology is developed in the frame of the GBOU-EL²EP-project, a research project funded by the Flemish government that aimed at the development of extremely low energy and low pollution dwellings through life cycle optimisation. It also proved its usefulness for the BIMproject, a technical-economical study on the cost-effectiveness of energy saving investments in buildings in the Brussels Capital Region. Normally, the methodology will be applied again in the near future, in a project commissioned by the Flemish Energy Agency VEA on the 201 CHAPTER 9 economic viability of strengthening the legal requirements set by the Energy Performance Regulation for buildings EPB. Several conclusions could be drawn from the application of the developed methodology in the EL²EP- and BIM-project. Life cycle inventory of buildings and embodied energy A straightforward calculation algorithm has been developed to calculate the life cycle inventory of a whole building. However, despite the straightforwardness, the uncertainty is quite high, since all data are based on more or less uncertain assumptions. Therefore, a perturbation analysis and an uncertainty analysis by Monte Carlo simulations have been performed on the inventory model. Both studies showed that the sensitivity for errors and the propagation of errors is limited and that the errors of the different input data neutralise each other somehow. Of more importance, however, are the results from the contribution analysis of the life cycle inventory. They showed the relative small importance of the embodied energy of a building, compared to the energy consumption during the utilisation phase. This is even more valid when comparing the embodied energy of energy saving measures with the energy savings they realise. In most cases, the embodied energy represents less than 10% of the primary energy savings over 30 years. Only extremely low energy buildings might have a total embodied energy higher than the energy use of the utilisation phase. However, the sum of both remains small and the energy savings realised with these dwellings are large, compared to the energy consumption of average dwellings. A remarkable conclusion from the life cycle inventory is also that the embodied energy for both massive and light weight buildings is comparable. All these results lead to the conclusion that considerations on the embodied energy of extremely low energy houses can be an interesting issue for future research, but that in the first place, effort should be paid to the reduction of the energy consumption during the utilisation phase, as this phase still has the largest potential for improvement. Economic optimum and hierarchy of energy saving measures In both the EL²EP-project and the BIM-project, the methodology has been applied to a number of buildings that are representative for the Belgian building stock. The parameters for optimisation were related to energy saving measures, both for the building envelope and the heating system. The optimisation itself has been performed in two steps. In the first step, only envelope-related energy saving measures have been considered, such as insulation, better glazing, glass area, sun shading, air tightness and natural ventilation scenarios. In the second step, the measures on the building envelope have been combined with system202 CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER RESEARCH related measures. This included systems for distribution, emission, production and storage of heat, systems for local electricity production and control systems. From the optimisation and analysis of the combinations of envelope-related and installationrelated energy saving measures, an economic optimum could be deduced that appeared to be very robust for the assumptions on energy prices, discount rate and utilisation period. It consists of: - an insulation level K25-30 for most common houses (Umean ≈ 0.3-0.4 W/m²K for compactness of 1.5-2). Only for houses with a very fragmented plan (compactness < 1), the economically optimal insulation level decreases, down to K20 (Umean ≈ 0.2 W/m²K); - combined with a high efficiency or condensing boiler on gas or fuel, variable water temperature, high temperature radiators and a natural ventilation system. The energy performance can further be improved by means of a mechanical ventilation system with a good performing heat recovery unit or an air-to-water heat pump. The seasonal performance factor (SPF) of an air-to-water heat pump is less than that of a soil-towater heat pump, but the investment cost is much lower. Therefore, the air-to-water heat pump turns out to be economically viable more quickly than the soil-to-water heat pump. For most dwellings, these measures are just at the limit of economic viability. Further decreasing the energy consumption is possible by implementing a better insulation level (K15-20), by combining this very good insulation level with a heat pump and with mechanical ventilation with heat recovery or even by combining it with a CHP-system or a solar driven system. This leads to very low total primary energy consumption and annual energy costs, but these solutions are far beyond the economic optimum for most dwellings. Only for houses with a very low compactness, which are very energy-devouring in a badly insulated version, these extended combinations of energy saving measures showed to be economically viable at higher energy price evolutions. In a nutshell, the most logical hierarchy for energy saving measures in dwellings is then: 1. Invest in a good insulation level with good air tightness and a well designed ventilation system. The economic optimal insulation level K25-K30 (Umean ≈ 0.30.4 W/m²K for compactness of 1.5-2) lies, at least in Belgium, far beneath the legal insulation requirement K45 (Umean ≈ 0.5-0.6 W/m²K). 2. Select a well performing heating system, at least a high efficiency boiler or condensing boiler. If the budget is available, a heat pump is a good alternative: better performing, but at a higher price. 203 CHAPTER 9 3. Finally, if for any reason, further steps to decrease the energy consumption are wanted and the budget is available, there are the options for limiting the ventilation losses through a balanced ventilation system with heat recovery and/or installing a solar driven system (solar collector or PV-system). However, one must realise that, although these measures improve the energy performance, they are far beyond the economic optimum and mostly beyond economic viability. This guideline is valid for both new construction and renovation. Some insulation measures, such as insulation of the façade or the floor, are less easy to implement in case of retrofit or at much higher price than for new construction. So, the economic viable insulation level will normally be somewhat higher for retrofit than for new buildings, but the hierarchy of measures remains identical and is independent of energy price evolutions and discount rate. For the calculations, assumptions had to be made on discount rate, energy price evolution and material cost evolution and these assumptions have an impact on the economic viability. However, the results appeared to be very robust for the assumptions. The economic optimal combination of energy saving measures is not only independent of the cost scenarios, it also remains economically viable for all analysed cases. Furthermore, the hierarchy of energy saving measures is independent of these cost scenarios. Obviously, the economic viability of some measures, such as the application of heat pumps or mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, will depend on the cost scenarios, but in contrast to what sometimes is assumed, there is no shift at all in this hierarchy. Extremely low energy dwellings Finally, extremely low energy and low pollution building concepts have been developed. By combining a very high insulation level (Umean ≈ 0.13-0.2) with a heat pump and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery or even with solar collectors, a PV-system or a CHP-system, extremely low energy consumptions can be realised. This was not only proven by the simulations, but also by in situ measurements on passive houses. However, up to now, these building concepts can not be realised in an economically viable way for the present energy prices and discount rates. Only in case of much higher energy prices, some will become cost-effective over 30 years. Furthermore, in situ measurements show that, despite the very low energy consumption, the comfort level of these dwellings still needs to be improved. However, the largest barrier for all these concepts is the extremely high investment cost. Without financial support or incentives, they will be limited to a minor part of consumers with a high environmental consciousness that is willing to invest such a large budget in an extremely low energy house. 204 CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER RESEARCH 9.2 Perspectives for future research This work has only been a small step in the large search for sustainable buildings and it certainly is not the last one. Several paths for further research can be proposed: - The EL²EP-project focused on rather common heating systems that are mainly developed for averaged levels of energy consumption. None of these systems is well adapted to extremely low energy houses. In passive houses, heating is provided by incorporating the heating system into the ventilation system, but in situ measurements show that here, thermal comfort remains a weak point. Therefore, one path for further research could be an in depth search for more appropriate, well performing systems that not only have a very low energy consumption, but also are capable of guaranteeing good thermal comfort and indoor air quality all over the year. - A second direction of research is inspired by the report of the Federal Planning Bureau on the climate policy after 2012 (Devogelaer et al. 2006). Several scenarios for emission reduction for 2020 and 2050 are analysed. However, the proposed scenarios for the residential sector appear to be at best theoretical reduction potentials, but certainly not technical and even less economical reduction potentials. The work in this PhD research on the energy saving potential for dwellings could serve as a more reliable input for a macro-economic study of the technical and economical emission reduction potential in the residential sector. - Further research could also focus on the minimisation of the embodied energy of extremely low energy dwellings. Up to now, the energy saving potential in buildings is extremely high and effort should first go to increase the effective energy performance of buildings during their utilisation phase. However, at a very long term, it might be thinkable that only extremely low energy dwellings will be constructed. To be prepared for that moment, the focus could shift towards the development of buildings that combine low embodied energy with extremely well energy performance during use of the building. 205 SAMENVATTING SAMENVATTING Inleiding Sinds de oliecrisis van begin jaren zeventig is energiegebruik in gebouwen steeds meer een aandachtspunt geworden. Door de problematiek van de klimaatsverandering is deze aandacht vanaf de jaren negentig bovendien stilaan verschoven naar globale duurzaamheid van gebouwen over hun volledige levensduur. Een van de huidige trends betreft de ontwikkeling van extreem lage energiewoningen, gaande van passiefhuizen met een dusdanig lage netto energiebehoefte dat een traditioneel verwarmingssysteem niet meer nodig is, over nulenergiewoningen waarin het energiegebruik op jaarbasis volledig wordt gedekt door de energieproductie, tot energie-autarke woningen die losgekoppeld zijn van elk extern toevoernet en volledig instaan voor hun eigen energiebehoefte. Deze concepten worden soms als dé ultieme duurzame gebouwen beschouwd, maar, in tegenstelling tot traditionele gebouwen, vragen ze zeer veel technologie, met een veel hogere ingebouwde energie en pollutie, een hoger gebruik van grondstoffen en een veel hogere investeringskost tot gevolg. En, hoewel deze gebouwen zeer weinig energie gebruiken tijdens de gebruiksfase, wordt zelden of nooit aangetoond dat de globale balans van energie, emissies en kosten over hun levenscyclus positief is. Een belangrijke methode voor de beoordeling van globale milieu-impact is levenscyclusanalyse (LCA). Echter, meestal wordt LCA toegepast op materialen en componenten, terwijl grotere gehelen, zoals gebouwen, zelden voorwerp zijn van een gedetailleerde LCA. Ook wordt LCA vooral toegepast voor kwantificatie van in- en uitstromen, maar zelden voor het optimaliseren van beslissingsprocessen. Bovendien is optimalisatie van een gebouw als geheel een zeer complex probleem door het grote aantal parameters en variabelen, de niet-lineaire relaties en tweedeorde effecten. Evolutionaire optimalisatietechnieken, zoals Genetische Algoritmes (GA), worden steeds vaker toegepast omwille van hun potentieel voor dergelijke complexe problemen. Zij halen hun inspiratie bij de genetische processen van biologische organismen, die over de generaties heen evolueren volgens de principes van natuurlijke selectie en ‘survival of the fittest’. Door dit proces te imiteren zijn zij in staat oplossingen te ontwikkelen voor reële problemen. Hun toepassing voor gebouw-gerelateerde problemen is echter nog zeldzaam. In dit onderzoek wordt getracht een methodologie op te stellen die toelaat gebouwconcepten te ontwikkelen en te evalueren vanuit het oogpunt energie, ecologie en kosten. Basisprincipe is een wetenschappelijk gefundeerde evaluatie van de milieu-impact en kosten over de hele levensduur van een gebouw en zijn installaties, door koppeling van LCA en kostenbatenanalyse met geavanceerde optimalisatietechnieken. 207 Literatuurstudie De methodologie is opgebouwd uit drie sterk gekoppelde pijlers: (1) de multi-objectieve optimalisatietechniek die genetische algoritmes combineert met het Pareto-concept, (2) het model voor levenscyclusinventarisatie van een gebouw als geheel en (3) de kostenbatenanalyse. Multi-objective optimalisatie Genetische algoritmes Door de complexiteit van vele hedendaagse problemen, wordt bijna elk ingenieursdomein geconfronteerd met optimalisatieproblemen waarin een groot aantal parameters, variabelen, objectieven en randvoorwaarden betrokken zijn. Zo ook het probleem van optimalisatie van extreem lage energiewoningen. Het is nooit de bedoeling geweest om een vergelijkende studie te maken van alle mogelijke optimalisatietechnieken, wel om de mogelijkheden van evolutionaire optimalisatietechnieken, en in het bijzonder van genetische algoritmes, te testen voor gebouw-gerelateerde optimalisatieproblemen, aangezien deze technieken nog zelden zijn toegepast binnen dit domein. Deze techniek laat toe om een meer gerichte zoektocht te maken in het geheel van mogelijke oplossingen. In tegenstelling tot andere optimalisatietechnieken rekent een genetisch algoritme niet met 1 oplossing, maar met een set van mogelijke oplossingen. Gevolg hiervan is dat een optimalisatierun niet resulteert in 1 optimale oplossing, maar in een groep van optimale of suboptimale oplossingen. De techniek is geïnspireerd op de evolutieleer van Darwin en werkt grosso modo volgens het principe van ‘survival of the fittest’. De ‘fittest’ is in de context van dit onderzoek al naargelang het uitgangspunt, de woning met het laagste energieverbruik, de laagste pollutie en/of de laagste kostprijs. Het principe bestaat erin dat van een referentiewoning door variatie van de parameters (isolatie, beglazing, luchtdichtheid,…) verschillende varianten gemaakt worden. Een groep van varianten samen vertegenwoordigt 1 populatie. Elke variant uit de populatie wordt beoordeeld op zijn prestaties qua energieverbruik, pollutie en kostprijs. Uit deze populatie worden telkens, twee per twee, varianten gekozen die door onderlinge combinatie en mutatie nieuwe varianten van de referentiewoning voortbrengen. De kans dat een variant gekozen wordt voor ‘voortplanting’ hangt rechtstreeks af van hoe goed hij presteert (cfr. survival of the fittest). Op deze manier evolueert men in principe na verschillende ‘generaties’ naar de meest optimale oplossingen. Concept van Pareto-optimaliteit Naast optimalisatie van meerdere variabelen wordt ook geoptimaliseerd voor meerdere objectieven (energie, pollutie en kosten) en wordt rekening gehouden met bijkomende 208 SAMENVATTING randvoorwaarden, zoals het zomercomfort, de binnenluchtkwaliteit, etc. Van cruciaal belang is hiervoor het beslissingsproces. Er zijn verschillende mogelijkheden: - Beslissing vóór optimalisatie: hierbij weegt men de verschillende objectieven ten opzichte van elkaar en herleidt men de meerdere objectieven tot een gewogen som alvorens te optimaliseren. Voordeel is dat nog slechts voor 1 objectief (de gewogen som) moet geoptimaliseerd worden; nadeel is dat voldoende achtergrondkennis nodig is voor de weging. Bovendien zijn de gevonden oplossingen enkel optimaal voor de gekozen wegingsfactoren. - Beslissing na optimalisatie: hierbij wordt elk objectief als gelijkwaardig behandeld tijdens de optimalisatie en wordt de wisselwerking tussen de objectieven bepaald door de niet-gedomineerde oplossingen te zoeken (= het Pareto-front). Een oplossing is niet-gedomineerd als er geen andere oplossing is binnen de set van oplossingen die gelijk of beter presteert in één objectief zonder slechter te presteren in het andere objectief. Deze aanpak is gekozen binnen dit onderzoek. De literatuur over evolutionaire multi-objectieve optimalisatiemethodes omvat twee domeinen: artikels waarin de algoritmes zelf het belangrijkste onderzoeksobject zijn (Coello 1996, 2000 and 2002, Deb en Goldberg 1989, Fonseca en Fleming 1993 en 1995, Hancock 1994, Horn et al 1994, Michalewicz 1996 en 1999, Smith en Coit 1995, Van Veldhuizen 1998 en 1999,…) en artikels over een toepassing van de techniek op een specifiek optimalisatieprobleem (Asiedu et al 2000, Erickson et al 2002, Fleming en Purshouse 2002, Lotov 2001, Ozturk et al 2004(1) and 2004(2), Wang et al 2005(1) and 2005(2),…). Het onderzoek dat hier wordt voorgesteld, behoort tot deze laatste groep. Tot hier toe is deze techniek nog maar weinig toegepast in gebouw-gerelateerde domeinen. Meestal betreft het optimalisatie van componenten van installaties (Asiedu et al. 2000, Wang en Jin 2000, Fleming en Purshouse 2002,…). Sporadisch is het al toegepast voor de optimalisatie van het energiegebruik in gebouwen als geheel (Coley en Schukat 2002, Ozturk et al. 2004(1), 2004(2), Wang et al. 2005(1), 2005(2)). Levenscyclusanalyse Algemeen Sinds begin jaren 70 zijn door een groeiend milieubewustzijn verschillende methodes ontwikkeld voor de beoordeling van de milieu-impact van materialen en producten. In deze evolutie heeft de industrie een grote rol gespeeld, maar dit heeft ook een impact gehad op de methodes en onderzoeksonderwerpen zelf: de focus ligt meestal op productontwikkeling en veel minder op grotere gehelen, zoals gebouwen. 209 De meeste methodes zijn gebaseerd op een vorm van levenscyclusanalyse (LCA), zoals die sinds eind jaren 90 is vastgelegd in de ISO 14000 reeks. Deze normen bepalen slechts het kader voor LCA. Een belangrijke eerste stap in LCA is het definiëren van doel en omvang van de studie, omdat dit de systeemgrenzen van het bestudeerde product in tijd en ruimte vastlegt. De volgende stap is een levenscyclusinventarisatie (LCI). Hierbij wordt een model voor het product opgesteld dat het product opsplitst in deelprocessen, onderling gekoppeld door productstromen. Eindresultaat van een LCI is een inventaris van alle inkomende en uitgaande stromen horende bij het product. In een volgende stap worden de verschillende stromen gewogen en gecombineerd tot milieu-indicatoren, die toelaten de levenscyclus van het product te beoordelen voor een aantal impactcategorieën, zoals klimaatsverandering, ozonaantasting, verzuring, menselijke gezondheid, etc. Voordeel van deze indicatoren is hun gebruiksvriendelijkheid en de schijnbare eenvoud voor interpretatie. Maar, zoals bij elke toepassing van wegingsfactoren, kan het resultaat sterk afhankelijk zijn van de gemaakte aannames. Een laatste essentiële stap in LCA die interfereert met elke voorgaande, is de levenscyclusinterpretatie. Verschillende bestaande methodes voor beoordeling van milieu-impact zijn gebaseerd op dit LCA-kaderwerk, maar variëren in graad van complexiteit en detail voor de gebruikte data, processen en milieu-aspecten. Voorbeelden zijn procesketenanalyse en input-outputanalyse. Een belangrijk aspect bij levenscyclusinventarisatie is de beschikbaarheid en kwaliteit van de data voor input- en outputstromen. Verschillende inspanningen zijn al gedaan op het vlak van verzamelen en documenteren van data. Echter, studies over onzekerheidsanalyses of over de invloed van de datakwaliteit op de eindresultaten zijn zeer zeldzaam in de literatuur. Heijungs et al. (2005) bespreekt vijf numerieke methodes om de interpretatie van de LCIresultaten te ondersteunen. De eerste drie, een contributie-, een perturbatie- en een onderzekerheidsanalyse, zijn toegepast op de resultaten van dit onderzoek. Omwille van de coherentie in methodologie en datastructuur, is voor dit onderzoek enkel gebruik gemaakt van de commerciële LCA databank ecoinvent2000, ontwikkeld door een groep van Zwitserse onderzoeksinstellingen (www.ecoinvent.ch). Deze databank bevat gegevens voor meer dan 2500 processen die representatief zijn voor de Europese context. LCA van gebouwen In de literatuur en in de bouwpraktijk zijn verschillende methodes voorhanden om de milieuimpact van gebouwen te beoordelen, gaande van checklists over labels tot gedetailleerde LCA modellen. IEA-Annex 31 (www.annex31.org) heeft eind jaren 90 een analyse gemaakt van de bestaande methodes voor gebouwen en van de verschillende aspecten van milieuimpact van gebouwen. Hieruit bleek dat de toepassing van LCA op gebouwen niet zo evident is. Ten eerste zijn gebouwen, in tegenstelling tot veel industriële producten, geen 210 SAMENVATTING serieproducten. Dit maakt de extrapolatie van een LCA-studie op 1 gebouw niet vanzelfsprekend en bemoeilijkt ook de vergelijking van verschillende gebouwen. Bovendien stroken sommige aannames binnen LCA niet met de karakteristieken van een gebouw, zoals de aanname van tijdsstabiliteit die impliceert dat als een product zijn levenseinde bereikt, het afval behandeld wordt op dezelfde wijze als het bij het begin van zijn leven gebruikelijk was. Voor gebouwen met een levensduur van 80 jaar en meer is dit een zeer onrealistische aanname. Bovendien ondergaan de meeste gebouwen tijdens hun levensduur meerdere renovaties die kunnen leiden tot grondige aanpassingen aan het gebouw. Bijgevolg leidt het inrekenen van de volledige levensduur van een gebouw, inclusief de renovaties en de eindfase, tot zeer grote onzekerheden. Bijkomend heeft de gebruiksfase van een gebouw een dermate hoge impact, zeker voor energiegebruik en emissies, dat algemeen aanvaard wordt om voor gebouwen de verschillende fases (productie-transport-constructie-gebruikafbraak) afzonderlijk te bekijken of ze te groeperen in ingebouwde impact (als gevolg van productie-transport-constructie) en impact tijdens de gebruiksfase. Een laatste belangrijk aspect bij gebouwen is de functionele eenheid waarvan de milieuimpact wordt bepaald. In de literatuur is een groot aantal gevallenstudies te vinden over de milieu-impact van bouwmaterialen of –componenten (Börjesson en Gustavsson 2000, Erlandsson et al. 1997, Jönsson 2000, Weir en Muneer 1998). Echter, door de functionele eenheid te beperken tot een materiaal of een component, kunnen een aantal randvoorwaarden waaraan een gebouw zou moeten voldoen (thermisch comfort, binnenluchtkwaliteit, etc.) of interacties tussen componenten en hun impact op de prestaties van het gebouw niet in rekening gebracht worden. Daarom zijn in dit onderzoek gebouwen als geheel geanalyseerd zodat de globale prestatie van het gebouw kan beoordeeld worden en enkel gebouwen met eenzelfde prestatieniveau vergeleken worden. Kosten-batenanalyse Algemeen Kosten-batenanalyse is een techniek die algemeen wordt toegepast om de wenselijkheid van investeringen te beoordelen. Globaal gezien kan een kosten-batenanalyse verder gaan dan enkel het inrekenen van de reële financiële kosten van een project en kan het ook andere effecten, zoals milieueffecten, monetariseren en inrekenen. In dit onderzoek echter, wordt de meer strikte benadering van kosten-batenanalyse toegepast, enkel voor de financiële evaluatie van energiebesparende investeringen door een individuele gebruiker. De milieuimpact is immers al meegerekend via de levenscyclusinventarisatie. Deze kostenbatenanalyse wordt niet als enige beslissingscriterium gebruikt, maar wordt als economisch objectief opgenomen in de multi-objectieve levenscyclusoptimalisatie. 211 Financiële beoordelingscriteria Belangrijk voor een kosten-batenanalyse is het verdisconteren van alle kosten en baten. Toegepast op gebouwen, veronderstelt dit initiële investeringen in het gebouw en vervangingsinvesteringen na een bepaalde tijd die samen leiden tot een bepaalde jaarlijkse energiekost die constant wordt verondersteld in de tijd zolang geen grondige renovaties worden toegepast. De totale actuele kost en de netto contante waarde kunnen als volgt berekend worden, waarbij de totale actuele kosten alle huidige en toekomstige kosten als absolute waarden neemt, en de netto contante waarde de kosten en baten ten opzichte van een referentie bekijkt: TAK = I 0 + ∑ I j (1 + rI ) j j = x, y, z ⎡ NCW = − ⎢ I 0 + ⎢⎣ (1 + a) j ∑ j = x, y , z n K E (1 + rE ) i K M (1 + rM ) i − R0 +∑ +∑ (1 + a) i (1 + a) i i =1 i =1 n I j (1 + rI ) j (1 + a ) j [S.1] K M (1 + rM ) i ⎤ n ∆K E (1 + rE ) i + R0 +∑ ⎥+∑ (1 + a ) i ⎥⎦ i =1 (1 + a ) i i =1 n [S.2] met: I0 Ij KE ∆KE KM n R0 rI rE rM a Andere de initiële investering [€] de vervangingsinvestering j op tijdstip time x, y of z [€] jaarlijkse energiekost [€] jaarlijkse energiekostbesparing vergeleken met de referentie [€] jaarlijkse onderhoudskost [€] beschouwde tijdsperiode voor evaluatie [jaar] restwaarde van het gebouw op tijdstip n verandering van de investeringskost bovenop inflatie verandering van de energiekost bovenop inflatie verandering van de onderhoudskost bovenop inflatie discontovoet of reële intrestvoet, gecorrigeerd voor inflatie gerelateerde financiële methodes om energiebesparende investeringen te beoordelen, zijn de ‘internal rate of return’ die wordt gedefinieerd als de discontovoet waarbij de netto contante waarde 0 is, de statische terugverdientijd (STVT) die bepaald wordt uit de verhouding van initiële investeringskost en de jaarlijkse energiebesparing zonder rekening te houden met actualisatie, en de dynamische terugverdientijd die de besparing op de energiekost wel verdisconteert. De STVT wordt vooral gebruikt voor vergelijking van maatregelen met een korte levensduur (< 5jaar), maar is minder geschikt als beslissingsbasis voor maatregelen met een lange levensduur. Een belangrijk aspect is de keuze van de discontovoet. Het drukt het standpunt van de maatschappij uit en bepaalt, in het geval van energiebesparende investeringen in gebouwen, 212 SAMENVATTING of rendabel is geld in deze maatregelen te investeren dan wel beter in andere economische sectoren. Algemeen wordt de intrestvoet voor risicovrije investeringen als een goede maat gezien voor de discontovoet, maar omwille van de grote onzekerheden over langetermijnprojecties voor de intrestvoet, de evolutie van de inflatie en van de energieprijzen is een gevoeligheidsanalyse noodzakelijk voor het beoordelen van de impact van aannames voor discontovoet en energieprijzen op de uiteindelijke resultaten. Rebound effect en beslissingsmodellen voor energiebesparende maatregelen Gedurende de laatste jaren is veel inspanning geleverd door wetenschappers om technisch haalbare en economisch rendabele energiebesparende maatregelen te bepalen. Toch blijkt uit de praktijk dat het niet zo eenvoudig is om mensen aan te zetten tot energiebesparende investeringen. Bovendien blijken de energiebesparende effecten van deze investeringen in praktijk vaak veel lager dan theoretisch voorspeld. Oorzaak van dit laatste is het reboundeffect dat ertoe leidt dat een deel van de energiebesparing wordt omgezet in een hoger comfortniveau en dat consumenten het bespaarde geld besteden aan andere goederen, die op zich ook energie verbruiken. Het bestaan van dit effect wordt algemeen aanvaard. Echter is er in de literatuur geen eensgezindheid over de grootte van het effect (Energy Policy 2000). Voor woningverwarming wordt het meestal begroot op een reductie van 10 tot 30% van de theoretisch voorspelde energiebesparing. Het reboundeffect wordt kort besproken aan de hand van enkele resultaten, maar is niet ingerekend in de methodologie. Bijkomend worden kort een aantal beslissingsmodellen uit de literatuur gepresenteerd die trachten een verklaring te geven voor het falen van het energiebeleid (Dixit en Pindyck 1994, Kahneman en Tversky 2000, STEM 2004). Deze worden niet verder uitgewerkt, maar trachten vooral de resultaten uit dit onderzoek in een bredere context te plaatsen. Methodologie Multi-objectieve optimalisatie Referentiewoningen Doel is woningen te optimaliseren. Om representatieve resultaten voor België te krijgen, worden een aantal referentiewoningen ontworpen volgens het statistische gemiddelde van het Belgische woningenpark waarbij de geometrie wordt vastgelegd voor de niet geïsoleerde toestand (zie Annex F en G). Enkel de glasoppervlakte kan variëren. Energiebesparende maatregelen De parameters voor optimalisatie betreffen energiebesparende maatregelen voor zowel de gebouwschil als de installaties, maar het optimalisatieproces is opgesplitst in twee stappen. 213 In een eerst stap worden enkel maatregelen op de gebouwschil beschouwd, zoals isolatie, betere beglazing, glasoppervlakte, zonwering, luchtdichtheid en scenario’s voor natuurlijke ventilatie. Isolatie wordt voorzien in de daken, op de zoldervloer, in de gevels en onder de vloeren en de isolatiedikte per schildeel kan variëren tussen 0cm en een maximale dikte (3040cm, afhankelijk van het schildeel). Ook kunnen verschillende isolatiematerialen worden toegepast. Voor de beglazing is er keuze tussen verschillende glastypes met een U-waarde tussen 2.8 W/m²K en 0.4 W/m²K en een g-waarde (directe en indirecte zonnewinsten) tussen 0.76 en 0.21. Voor de raamprofielen is er keuze tussen profielen van hout, PUR, PVC en/of aluminium met een U-waarde tussen 6 W/m²K en 0.65 W/m²K. De glasoppervlakte kan variëren tussen een minimum en een maximum waarde, afhankelijk van de minimale vereisten voor daglichttoetreding en de constructieve beperkingen van de gevel. Om het zomercomfort te kunnen beïnvloeden is er de mogelijkheid om interne of externe beweegbare zonwering te voorzien. Vier luchtdichtheidsniveau’s worden beschouwd, van de gemiddelde n50 voor nieuwbouw (SENVIVV 1998) over n 50 = 3/h en n50 = 1/h tot de passiefhuisstandaard n50 = 0.6/h. Bijkomend zijn vier natuurlijke ventilatiescenario’s toegevoegd om het effect van extra zomer- of nachtventilatie mee te nemen voor de beheersing van het zomercomfort. In de tweede optimalisatiestap worden de maatregelen voor de gebouwschil gecombineerd met installatietechnische maatregelen voor distributie, afgifte, controle, productie en opslag van warmte en systemen voor lokale elektriciteitsproductie. Hierbij worden zowel hoogrendements- en condensatieketels beschouwd, als warmtepompen en warmtekrachtkoppeling. De watertemperatuur kan constant zijn of afhankelijk van de buitentemperatuur en zowel regeling met kamerthermostaat als met thermostatische kranen worden beschouwd. Naast het natuurlijke ventilatiesysteem uit de 1ste stap worden in de 2de stap ook ventilatiesystemen met mechanische afvoer en volledig mechanische balansventilatie met of zonder warmteterugwinning beschouwd. Ook toepassing van zonnecollectoren en fotovoltaische systemen wordt in sommige gevallen meegenomen in de optimalisatie. De methodologie zou eenvoudig kunnen worden toegepast voor gelijktijdige optimalisatie van alle energiebesparende maatregelen, maar deze optie is niet weerhouden. Belangrijkste reden is het verschil in levensduur tussen de gebouwschil en de installaties. Door de langdurige impact van ingrepen op de gebouwschil op het energiegebruik, wordt verkozen om eerst de gebouwschil te optimaliseren (minimale warmtevraag) en dan pas de meest geschikte installaties te zoeken die aan deze vraag kunnen voldoen. Deze aanpak is geïnspireerd op vroeger werk (Verbeeck en Hens 2005) waaruit al een logische hiërarchie van energiebesparende maatregelen is afgeleid. 214 SAMENVATTING Genetisch algoritme Voor de optimalisatietechniek is geopteerd voor een combinatie van genetische algoritmes met het Pareto-concept. Voor het genetisch algoritme is een chromosoom opgesteld dat, in combinatie met de vaste geometrie die is aangenomen per gebouw, in staat is elke mogelijke gebouwvariant volledig en ondubbelzinnig te definiëren. Het chromosoom voor een rijwoning met deels plat, deels hellend dak, een niet verwarmde zolder en 12 ramen ziet er als volgt uit: Elementnummer Plat Hellend Zolderdak dak vloer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Elementwaarde 17 0 25 1 1 65 11 3 2 89 19 3 18 Gevels 0 Vloer 8 2 Raamkarakteristieken 40 Luchtdichtheid 41 Zomerventilatie 42 0 2 1 Raam 1 Raam 2 … Raam 11 Raam 12 17 18 19 20 … 37 38 39 89365 0 35287 1 … 20276 0 60379 Elk element in het chromosoom staat voor een bepaalde eigenschap: isolatiedikte, isolatiemateriaal, bouwtype (massief of houtskeletbouw), glastype, raamprofieltype, type zonwering, etc. Per raam wordt de variatie van de oppervlakte gegeven in cm² en of het een toe- of een afname is. Alle waarden in het chromosoom kunnen random variëren tussen voorgedefinieerde minimum en maximum waarden. Idem voor het chromosoom voor de installatie. Verwarming Zonnecollectoren PV systemen Energie- Pro- Con- Af- Venti- Warm Aan- Opp Aan- Opp Element drager ductie trole gifte latie water wezig [m²] wezig [m²] nummer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 waarde 2 1 1 3 2 3 0 6 1 10 Genetische operatoren Met deze chromosomen wordt een populatie samengesteld van bv. 100 random gegenereerde varianten van eenzelfde gebouw. Op deze populatie wordt het genetische proces van selectie, recombinatie en mutatie van chromosomen toegepast om zo een nieuwe populatie te creëren. De kans dat een variant wordt geselecteerd voor voortplanting wordt statistisch bepaald en is afhankelijk van zijn fitheid. Voor het bepalen van de juiste waarden voor de genetische operatoren (populatiegrootte, recombinatiegraad, mutatiegraad, generatiekloof, etc.) is een parameterstudie gedaan. 215 Kostfuncties, fitheidsfuncties en straffuncties Energieprestatie, ecologische impact en financiële impact zijn de kostfuncties voor dit onderzoek en bepalen mee de fitheid van een gebouwvariant. De energieprestatie wordt berekend via een gebouwsimulatieprogramma (EPB of TRNSYS), de ecologische impact via het levensinventarismodel en de financiële impact via een kosten-batenanalyse. Randvoorwaarden voor binnenluchtkwaliteit, wintercomfort en daglichttoetreding zijn zo geïntegreerd dat elke gebouwvariant er aan voldoet, onafhankelijk van de optimalisatie. Randvoorwaarden die wel worden beoordeeld tijdens het optimalisatieproces zijn het isolatiepeil (maximum K45) en het zomercomfort (maximum 130 GTO-uren volgens ISSO/SBR (1994)). De fitheid van een variant in een populatie wordt berekend via een fitheidsfunctie die de prestaties van de variant voor energie, emissies en kosten vertaalt naar een Pareto-score. Deze score is gelijk aan het aantal varianten dat deze variant domineert. Een variant is niet-gedomineerd als er geen andere oplossing is binnen de populatie die gelijk of beter presteert in één objectief zonder slechter te presteren in het andere objectief. Niet-gedomineerde varianten hebben score 0. De randvoorwaarden voor isolatiepeil en zomercomfort worden geëvalueerd via een straffunctie. Als 1 of meerdere randvoorwaarden niet voldaan zijn, wordt een strafwaarde toegevoegd aan de Pareto score, evenredig met de overschrijding van de randvoorwaarden. Verschillende tests zijn uitgevoerd om de meest geschikte straffuncties voor dit onderzoek af te leiden. Levenscyclusinventaris Doel en reikwijdte Hoofddoel van de levenscyclusinventaris is het opstellen van een LCI databank voor bouwmaterialen en –componenten en het ontwikkelen van een LCI-model voor gebouwen als geheel dat kan geïntegreerd worden in het optimalisatieproces. Maar deze LCI geeft ook de mogelijkheid om de energiebesparingen bij extreem lage energiewoningen te vergelijken met de ingebouwde energie, nodig om deze concepten te creëren. Deze balans moet altijd positief blijven over de levenscyclus van het gebouw. De LCA is beperkt tot een inventaris van energiestromen en emissies. De enige impactindicator die wordt berekend, is de global warming potential. Energiestromen en emissies van de verschillende fasen kunnen worden opgeteld en vormen zo het energie- en pollutiecriterium voor de optimalisatie. Als functionele eenheid worden in dit onderzoek gebouwen als geheel geanalyseerd zodat de globale prestatie van de gebouwen kan beoordeeld worden en enkel gebouwen met eenzelfde prestatieniveau vergeleken worden. Ook wordt niet de volledige levensduur van het gebouw in rekening gebracht, maar enkel de impact van 1 generatie (30 – 40 jaar). Dit betekent dat de fasen van extractie, productie, transport, gebruik en vervangingen worden ingerekend, maar niet de eindfase van het gebouw. 216 SAMENVATTING Input data en inventarismodellen Alle LCI data komen uit de ecoinvent2000 databank (Frischknecht 2003). Hierbij zijn 47 datasets voor bouwgerelateerde processen uit de databank gebruikt om de LCI van 54 gebouwgerelateerde goederen te berekenen. De in- en outputstromen zijn beperkt tot energie, afvalwarmte, CO2, NOx, SOx emissies, niet metaan VOC’s en partikels, de impactindicatoren tot de global warming potential over een periode van 20, 100 en 500 jaar. Voor elke fase zijn rekenmodellen ontwikkeld. Voor de exploitatie en productiefase voorziet ecoinvent de meeste input. Sommige materialen (baksteen, rotswool,…) zijn als dusdanig aanwezig in ecoinvent, voor andere producten (raamprofielen, installatiecomponenten,…) moet een productmodel opgesteld worden. Voor de transportfase is onderscheid gemaakt tussen transport van bouwmaterialen en installatiecomponenten. Voor bouwmaterialen wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen transport van de productieplaats naar een verdeelcentrum (stap 1) en van daar naar de werf (stap 2). Voor installatiecomponenten houdt de 1e stap altijd in dat samenstellende materialen worden getransporteerd naar de assemblageplaats, terwijl in de 2e stap afgewerkte producten naar de werf worden vervoerd. Voor elke transportstap zijn aannames gemaakt per materiaal of product over afstand, voertuig en gewicht. Op basis van deze aannames is het energiegebruik en zijn de emissies als gevolg van transport berekend. De data uit deze twee fasen worden in een algoritme gebruikt om de LCI data voor een gebouw als geheel te berekenen. Hierbij wordt per gebouwvariant voor elk gebruikt materiaal of product het totale volume, oppervlakte of lengte berekend, inclusief de vervangingen die gebeuren over de beschouwde periode. Op die manier wordt de totale niet hernieuwbare energie, GWP100a, NOx, SOx, NMVOC en partikels < 2.5µm gekoppeld aan de productie- en transportfase van het gebouw als geheel berekend. Voor de gebruiksfase wordt per gebouwvariant het jaarlijks primair energieverbruik en de jaarlijkse GWP berekend met een stationair of dynamisch gebouwsimulatieprogramma (EPB of TRNSYS) en dit jaarlijks verbruik wordt omgerekend naar een verbruik en GWP over 30 of 40 jaar. In een laatste stap wordt de niet hernieuwbare energie en GWP voor alle fasen opgeteld. Er worden geen aannames gemaakt over de bestemming van het gebouw na deze eerste generatie. Onzekerheids- en bijdrage-analyse Ondanks de eenvoud van het LCI-model is de onzekerheid groot, omdat alle matrices meer of minder onzekere data bevatten. Daarom is een onzekerheids- en gevoeligheidsanalyse uitgevoerd op het LCI-model. Beide studies tonen aan dat de gevoeligheid voor en de voortplanting van fouten beperkt is en dat de fouten op de verschillende inputdata elkaar kunnen neutralizeren. Vergelijking van ingebouwde energie en energie tijdens de gebruiksfase leidt tot de belangrijke conclusie dat de ingebouwde energie een relatief kleine 217 rol speelt in vergelijking met het energiegebruik tijdens de gebruiksfase, zelfs bij extreem lage energiewoningen. De gebruiksfase moet daarom ook in de toekomst de absolute voorrang krijgen. Kosten-batenanalyse Kostcriteria Om het financiële aspect van de gebouwconcepten te evalueren vanuit het standpunt van de bouwheer, is een kostenberekeningmodule geïntegreerd in het optimalisatiemodel. In deze module wordt een groot aantal financiële criteria berekend en opgeslagen die kunnen worden gebruikt voor een grondige analyse van de resultaten: initiële investeringskosten, investeringskosten voor vervangingen, jaarlijkse onderhoudskosten, jaarlijkse energiekosten voor fossiele brandstoffen en electriciteit (geen huishoudelijk verbruik) en TAK en NCW voor verschillende aannames van gebruiksperiode, discontovoet en prijsevoluties. Voor de netto contante waarde dient de niet geïsoleerde variant van de gebouwen als referentie. Toch kan slechts 1 kostcriterium meegenomen worden in het optimalisatieproces. In de eerste optimalisatiestap, waar enkel de gebouwschil wordt bekeken en de installatie nog niet gekend is, wordt de investeringskost als kostcriterium gekozen; in de tweede optimalisatiestap wordt de TAK als kostcriterium gekozen. De evaluatie van de resultaten gebeurt aan de hand van de NCW, omdat enkel varianten met een positieve NCW economisch rendabel zijn over de beschouwde periode. Kostdatabank De kostdatabank is samengesteld op basis van reële prijzen, inclusief werkuren en BTW. Omdat de grootte van een installatie sterk afhankelijk is van de thermische kwaliteit van het gebouw, zijn voor installatiecomponenten ook kostencurves opgesteld die de kost van een verwarmings-component of –systeem uitdrukken als een functie van het isolatiepeil (Hens 2005). De aannames voor energieprijzen zijn gebaseerd op consumentenprijzen. De prijzen voor elektriciteit en gas komen van het Federaal Ministerie voor Economische Zaken en zijn inclusief taksen voor transport en distributie, energietaksen en federale taksen. De prijzen voor stookolie komen van Informazout en zijn geldig voor een aankoop van minstens 2000l. Voor de evolutie van de energieprijzen, zijn drie scenario’s aangenomen, gebaseerd op de EU POLES scenario’s voor 2000-2030 voor gas en stookolie (EU 2004): laag scenario (+0%), midden scenario (+ 1.9% voor stookolie, +2.1% voor gas en elektriciteit), hoog scenario (+3.2% voor stookolie, +4.3% voor gas en elektriciteit) 218 SAMENVATTING Opbouw van het optimalisatieprogramma Het programma voor de globale methodologie is geschreven in MATLAB, omdat dit een makkelijke koppeling met andere programma’s toelaat. Het programma is gevalideerd aan de hand van resultaten uit vroeger werk (Verbeeck and Hens 2002). Figuur S.1 geeft de schematische opbouw van het programma. Figuur S.1: Schematische opbouw van de globale methodologie 219 Resultaten De ontwikkelde methodologie is toegepast in twee projecten: het BIM-project, een technischeconomische studie van de rendabiliteit van energiebesparende investeringen voor de context van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest (De Coninck en Verbeeck 2005) en het EL²EP-project, een studie gefinancierd door het IWT, waarin via levenscyclusoptimalisatie van energie, emissies en kosten concepten voor extreem lage energie- en pollutiewoningen zijn ontwikkeld (Verbeeck et al. 2007). De resultaten in deze samenvatting zijn grotendeels beperkt tot het EL²EP-project. Globaal geoptimaliseerde concepten Figuur S.2 geeft de optimale oplossingen die volgen uit de tweede optimalisatiestap, voor de rijwoning van het EL²EP-project. Natuurlijk zijn vooral oplossingen met positieve NCW van belang, omdat zij economisch rendabel zijn, zelfs in het onwaarschijnlijke geval dat de energieprijzen constant blijven. Tabel S.1 geeft een overzicht van de resultaten voor alle vijf woningen die in het EL²EP-project geoptimaliseerd zijn. Voor elk aspect wordt de range gegeven waarbinnen de geoptimaliseerde concepten vallen. Energie-gerelateerde waarden zijn meestal gegeven per m³ verwarmd volume, kost-gerelateerde waarden per m² verwarmd vloeroppervlakte. Netto contante waarde vs. totaal primair energiegebruik Rijwoning, laag energieprijsscenario netto contante waarde [€] 20000 0 -20000 -40000 -60000 alle resultaten optima -80000 optima NCW30>0 -100000 800 1300 1800 2300 2800 totaal primair energiegebruik [GJ] Figure S.2: Rijwoning, gebruiksperiode van 30 jaar, laag energieprijsscenario,discontovoet = 4%: de NCW over 30 jaar (NCW30) is gegeven in functie van het totaal primair energiegebruik over 30 jaar. Alle resultaten worden in het grijs weergegeven en de trade-off curve in het zwart. De volle zwarte punten hebben een NCW30 >0. 220 SAMENVATTING Rijwoning Hoekwoning Villa Bungalow Flat, midden Aantal optima 79 138 125 36 35 16 48 62 15 17 Isolatiepeil K15 → K27 K13 → K34 K13 → K40 K13 → K20 K9 → K38 Ugem [W/m²K] 0.2 → 0.37 0.15 → 0.4 0.14 → 0.43 0.13 → 0.20 0.15 → 0.69 15 - 90 15 - 90 25 - 100 30 - 55 < 40 2000 - 4500 2240 - 4650 2230 - 5330 2500 - 3700 1300 - 2500 90 - 330 100 - 290 95 - 330 120 - 230 100 - 190 40 - 500 80 - 800 3 - 840 100 - 720 50 - 340 300 - 880 300 - 900 300 - 1000 300 - 650 130 - 510 1100 - 1300 1000 -1600 1000 - 1700 1000 - 1500 800 - 1050 -260 → 60 -360 → 300 -500 → 200 -200 → 400 -160 → 70 9 → 50 3 → 57 -4 → 62 2 → 23 -3 → 35 Econ. rendabel Netto energiebehoeften [MJ/m³a] Totaal primair energiegebruik over 30 jaar [MJ/m³] Totale GWP over 30 jaar [kg/m³] Extra investeringskost [€/m²] Jaarlijkse energiekost [€] TAK over 30 jaar, laag energieprijsscenario [€/m²] NCW over 30 jaar, laag energieprijsscenario [€/m²] Statische terugverdientijd [jaren] Tabel S.1: Resultaten voor de globale optimalisatie van de vijf woningen uit het EL²EPproject: enkel resultaten van de trade-off voor TAK en totaal primair energiegebruik over 30 jaar, geldig voor het lage energiescenario en een discontovoet van 4% zijn weergegeven 221 Discussie Economisch optimum en hiërarchie van energiebesparende maatregelen Uit de resultaten kan een economisch optimale combinatie van energiebesparende maatregelen worden afgeleid. Dit economische optimum is gelijk voor alle woningen en bestaat uit: - Een economisch optimaal isolatiepeil K25-27 voor de meeste woningen (Ugem ≈ 0.30.4W/m²K voor een compactheid van 1.5-2). Enkel voor zeer weinig compacte woningen (compactheid < 1), ligt het economisch optimaal isolatiepeil lager, bij K20 (Ugem ≈ 0.2W/m²K), - + een hoogrendements- of condensatieketel op gas of stookolie, radiatoren ontworpen op hoge temperatuur, maar werkend op een variabele watertemperatuur, en een goed ontworpen natuurlijk ventilatiesysteem met aandacht voor luchtdichtheid - Dit komt overeen met een energieprestatieniveau E57 ± 6 voor de meeste huizen, berekend volgens de Vlaamse EPB. - In vergelijking met de niet geïsoleerde referentie betekent dit een afname in jaarlijks primair energiegebruik met 66% ± 6%; in vergelijking met de E100 eis, een afname met 43% ± 6%. Verder kan uit de resultaten een logische hiërarchie van energiebesparende investeringen worden afgeleid: Vertrekkend van het economische optimum kan de energieprestatie verder verbeterd worden door toepassing van een mechanische balansventilatie met warmteterugwinning of een lucht/water warmtepomp. Deze warmtepomp heeft een iets lagere SPF dan een grond/water warmtepomp, maar is ook veel goedkoper. Voor de meeste woningen zitten deze maatregelen nog net op de grens van wat economisch rendabel is. Het energiegebruik kan nog verder gereduceerd worden door een nog beter isolatiepeil (K15-20), gecombineerd met een mechanische balansventilatie met warmteterugwinning of zelfs met een micro-WKK of systemen op zonenergie, zoals zonnecollectoren of PV-systemen. Dit leidt tot zeer lage energiekosten, maar deze oplossingen liggen ver onder wat economisch rendabel is. Belangrijk is dat zowel het economische optimum als de hiërarchie van energiebesparende maatregelen onafhankelijk is van de geanalyseerde kostprijsscenario’s voor energie, materiaalkost en discontovoet (2%, 4%, 8%). 222 SAMENVATTING Concepten voor extreem lage energiewoningen Op basis van de hiërarchie van energiebesparende maatregelen kunnen woningen met extreem laag energiegebruik worden gerealiseerd. Gelijkaardige verbruiken worden ook in de praktijk al gerealiseerd met concepten zoals passiefhuizen en nulenergiewoningen. Echter, analyse van deze woningen toont aan dat quasi geen enkele variant economisch rendabel is voor de aangenomen energieprijsscenario’s. Enkel bij veel hogere energieprijzen en/of lagere discontovoeten, zullen extreem lage energiewoningen rendabel worden. Echter, de grootste hindernis voor dit type woningen is de zeer hoge investeringskost. Passiefhuizen vragen een extra investering van 30.000 – 35.000€ t.o.v. niet geïsoleerde woningen en ca. 16.000-18.000€ t.o.v. het economisch optimum. Dit resulteert wel in een veel lager verbruik: ca. 900GJ over 30 jaar t.o.v. ca. 1500GJ voor het economische optimum. Uit in situ metingen in passiefhuizen blijkt echter dat in praktijk het thermische comfort en de binnenluchtkwaliteit in deze woningen nog niet optimaal is. Besluiten De ontwikkelde optimalisatiemethodologie bleek een interessant middel om de economisch meest rendabele combinatie van energiebesparende maatregelen af te leiden, evenals een hiërarchie van energiebesparende investeringen. Analyse van de kostprijsscenario’s toonde bovendien aan dat zowel het economische optimum als de hiërarchie van maatregelen onafhankelijk is van deze scenario’s. Ook zijn concepten voor extreem lage energiewoningen afgeleid, maar geen van hen bleek economisch rendabel voor de geanalyseerde scenario’s. Bovendien is de zeer hoge investeringskost een groot nadeel van deze woningen. Zonder financiële steun zullen deze concepten beperkt blijven tot een kleine minderheid van zeer milieubewuste bouwheren die bereid zijn deze investering te doen. Als laatste kan besloten worden dat de ingebouwde energie van energiebesparende maatregelen geen reden tot bekommernis is. De ingebouwde energie neemt sterk toe met het isolatieniveau, maar tegelijk leidt het tot zeer hoge energiebesparingen tijdens de gebruiksfase. Ongeacht de materialen en systemen die worden toegepast, blijkt de ingebouwde energie te worden terugverdiend in minder dan 2 jaar. 223 ANNEX A ANNEX A: Relation between research database and ecoinvent database Table A.1 presents the constructional materials and products of the research database and the related data and process sets from the ecoinvent database. Table A.2 contains the same information for the installation components. Material in PhD Datasets from ecoinvent2000 database valid in zone Reinforcing steel Reinforcing steel, at plant RER Roof tiles Roof tile, at plant RER Bricks Brick, at plant RER Ceramic tiles Ceramic tiles, at regional storage CH Mortar bed Cement mortar CH Plaster mixing CH Concrete blocks Concrete block, at plant DE Floor slab Concrete normal, at plant CH Inner plasterwork Stucco CH Plaster mixing CH Stucco CH Plaster mixing CH Gypsum board Gypsum plaster board, at plant CH Bitumen Bitumen sealing, at plant RER Air barrier (PE-foil) Fleece, polyethylene, at plant RER Underlay Fleece, polyethylene, at plant RER Hard timberwood Sawn timber, hardwood, planed, kiln dried, at plant RER Preservative treatment, sawn timber, pressure vessel RER Wood preservative, organic salt, Cr-free, at plant RER Sawn timber, softwood, planed, kiln dried, at plant RER Preservative treatment, sawn timber, pressure vessel RER Wood preservative, organic salt, Cr-free, at plant RER Plywood Plywood, outdoor use, at plant RER OSB Oriented strand board, at plant RER Mineral wool Rock wool, packed, at plant CH Polyurethane Polyurethane, rigid foam, at plant RER Expanded polystyrene Polystyrene foam slab, at plant RER Extruded polystyrene Polystyrene, general purpose, GPPS, at plant RER Extrusion, film RER Cellulose fibre Cellulose fibre, inclusive blowing in, at plant CH Foam glass Foam glass, at plant CH Outer plaster Soft timberwood 225 Uncoated glass Flat glass, uncoated, at plant RER Coated glass Flat glass, coated, at plant RER Aluminium Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant RER Sheet rolling aluminium RER Chromium steel 18/18, at plant RER Sheet rolling chromium steel RER Synthetic rubber, at plant, including extrusion profiles RER Stainless steel Butyl (EPDM) for window sealings Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant RER Section bar, extrusion, aluminium RER Electricity, medium voltage, at grid BE Heat, heavy fuel oil at industrial furnace, 1MW RER PVC, at regional storage RER Injection moulding RER Steel, low alloyed, at plant RER Section bar, rolling, steel RER Electricity, medium voltage, at grid BE Sawn timber, hardwood, planed, kiln dried, at plant RER Preservative treatment, sawn timber, pressure vessel RER Wood preservative, organic salt, Cr-free, at plant RER Electricity, medium voltage, at grid BE Polyurethane, rigid foam, at plant RER Injection moulding RER Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant RER Section bar, extrusion, aluminium RER Electricity, medium voltage, at grid BE Alu-PUR-wood window Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant RER frame Section bar, extrusion, aluminium RER Polyurethane, rigid foam, at plant RER Injection moulding RER Sawn timber, hardwood, planed, kiln dried, at plant RER Preservative treatment, sawn timber, pressure vessel RER Wood preservative, organic salt, Cr-free, at plant RER Electricity, medium voltage, at grid BE Heat, heavy fuel oil at industrial furnace, 1MW RER Wood-PUR-wood Sawn timber, hardwood, planed, kiln dried, at plant RER window frame Preservative treatment, sawn timber, pressure vessel RER Wood preservative, organic salt, Cr-free, at plant RER Polyurethane, rigid foam, at plant RER Injection moulding RER Aluminium window frame PVC window frame Wooden window frame PUR window frame 226 ANNEX A Electricity, medium voltage, at grid BE Inner sunshading Glass fibre, at plant RER (textile + fixation) PVC, at regional storage RER Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant RER Sheet rolling aluminium RER Outer sunshading Glass fibre, at plant RER (textile + fixation) PVC, at regional storage RER Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant RER Sheet rolling aluminium RER Table A.1 Installation component Datasets from ecoinvent2000 in PhD database valid in zone Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant RER Sheet rolling aluminium RER Steel, low-alloyed, at plant RER Sheet rolling steel RER Chromium steel 18/18, at plant RER Sheet rolling chromium steel RER Copper, at regional storage RER Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant RER Sheet rolling aluminium RER Steel, low-alloyed, at plant RER Sheet rolling steel RER Chromium steel 18/18, at plant RER Sheet rolling chromium steel RER Copper, at regional storage RER Electrical Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant RER accumulation heating Sheet rolling aluminium RER Steel, low-alloyed, at plant RER Sheet rolling steel RER Chromium steel 18/18, at plant RER Sheet rolling chromium steel RER Copper, at regional storage RER High efficiency boiler Steel, low-alloyed, at plant RER fuel Sheet rolling steel RER High efficiency boiler Steel, low-alloyed, at plant RER natural gas Sheet rolling steel RER Condensing boiler Steel, low-alloyed, at plant RER Sheet rolling steel RER Gas stove Direct electrical heater 227 Heat pump Direct water heater Storage tank Water pipes Radiator Floor heating Solar collector, storage tank Ventilation pipes Ventilator Heat recovery unit Table A.2 228 incl. Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant RER Sheet rolling aluminium RER Steel, low-alloyed, at plant RER Sheet rolling steel RER Copper, at regional storage RER Polypropylene, granulate, at plant RER Extrusion, plastic pipes RER Chromium steel 18/18, at plant RER Sheet rolling chromium steel RER Chromium steel 18/18, at plant RER Sheet rolling chromium steel RER Section bar, extrusion, aluminium RER Steel, low-alloyed, at plant RER Copper, at regional storage RER Polypropylene, granulate, at plant RER Extrusion, plastic pipes RER Polyethylene, HDPE, granulate, at plant RER Steel, low-alloyed, at plant RER Sheet rolling steel RER Concrete normal, at plant RER Polypropylene, granulate, at plant RER Extrusion, plastic pipes RER Polyethylene, HDPE, granulate, at plant RER Chromium steel 18/18, at plant RER Sheet rolling chromium steel RER Section bar, rolling steel RER Copper, at regional storage RER Rock wool, at plant RER Flat glass, coated, at plant RER Chromium steel 18/18, at plant RER Sheet rolling chromium steel RER Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant RER Sheet rolling aluminium RER Steel, low-alloyed, at plant RER Sheet rolling steel RER Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant RER Sheet rolling aluminium RER Polypropylene, granulate, at plant RER Polystyrene, high impact, HIPS, at plant RER ANNEX A For combined heat and power generation and photovoltaic modules, all LCI data are provided by the co-research groups of the GBOU-EL²EP-project (CHP by KUL-TME, PV by KUL-ELECTA). References for these data can be found in Verbeeck et al. (2007). 229 ANNEX B: Extracted flows from the ecoinvent database Table B.1 shows the elementary flows that are extracted for each dataset from ecoinvent into the research database. The bold figures in italic are calculated within the research database and exported into the optimisation algorithm, not to interfere in the optimisation, but to serve as extra information input. Extracted flows from ecoinvent database Elementary flow or impact category Subcategory units Cumulative energy demand non-renewable total MJ/kg fossil nuclear MJ/kg renewable total biomass wind, solar, geothermal water MJ/kg total Heat, waste balance total Heat, waste total In air In soil In water Energy resource high population density MJ/kg low population density MJ/kg low population density, long term MJ/kg lower stratosphere + upper troposhere MJ/kg unspecified MJ/kg industrial MJ/kg unspecified MJ/kg ground-, long-term MJ/kg river MJ/kg unspecified MJ/kg gross caloric value,in biomass MJ/kg kinetic, flow, in wind MJ/kg potential, stock, in barrage water MJ/kg solar MJ/kg total GWP 20a kg/kg GWP 100a kg/kg GWP 500a kg/kg CO2 total kg/kg NOX total kg/kg SOX total kg/kg 230 ANNEX B NMVOC total kg/kg Particulates, < 2.5 µm total kg/kg kg/kg CO2, in air, resource CO2, biogenic CO2, fossil NOX SOX NMVOC, unspecified origin Particulates, > 2.5 µm, and < 10µm Particulates, > 10 µm Particulates, < 2.5 µm high population density kg/kg low population density kg/kg lower stratosphere + upper troposphere kg/kg unspecified kg/kg high population density kg/kg low population density kg/kg lower stratosphere + upper troposphere kg/kg unspecified kg/kg high population density kg/kg low population density kg/kg lower stratosphere + upper troposphere kg/kg unspecified kg/kg high population density kg/kg low population density kg/kg lower stratosphere + upper troposphere kg/kg unspecified kg/kg high population density kg/kg low population density kg/kg lower stratosphere + upper troposphere kg/kg unspecified kg/kg high population density kg/kg low population density kg/kg lower stratosphere + upper troposphere kg/kg unspecified kg/kg high population density kg/kg low population density kg/kg lower stratosphere + upper troposphere kg/kg unspecified kg/kg high population density kg/kg low population density kg/kg lower stratosphere + upper troposphere kg/kg unspecified kg/kg PROCESSES INCLUDED Table B.1 231 ANNEX C: Models for life cycle inventory of building products Unit Composing materials model Material Mortar bed 1 kg Inner plasterwork 1 kg Outer plaster Hard timberwood Soft timberwood Extruded 1 kg 1 m³ 1 m³ 1 kg polystyrene Aluminium 1 kg Stainless steel Aluminium window 1 kg 1m frame PVC window frame Wooden window 1m 1m frame PUR window frame Alu-PUR-wood window frame 232 Product 1m 1m Cement mortar 0.67 kg Plaster mixing 1 unit Stucco 0.67 kg Plaster mixing 1 unit Stucco 0.67 kg Plaster mixing 1 unit Sawn timber, hardwood, planed, kiln dried, at plant 1 m³ Preservative treatment, sawn timber, pressure vessel 1 unit Wood preservative, organic salt, Cr-free, at plant 4 kg Sawn timber, softwood, planed, kiln dried, at plant 1 m³ Preservative treatment, sawn timber, pressure vessel 1 unit Wood preservative, organic salt, Cr-free, at plant 4 kg Polystyrene, general purpose, GPPS, at plant 1.02 kg Extrusion, film 1.02 units Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant 1 kg Sheet rolling aluminium 1 unit Chromium steel 18/18, at plant 1 kg Sheet rolling chromium steel 1 unit Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant 3.1 kg Section bar, extrusion, aluminium 3.1 units Electricity, medium voltage, at grid 2.53 kWh Heat, heavy fuel oil at industrial furnace, 1MW 13.46 MJ PVC, at regional storage 4.18 kg Injection moulding 4.18 units Steel, low alloyed, at plant 1.79 kg Section bar, rolling, steel 1.79 units Electricity, medium voltage, at grid 0.48 kWh Sawn timber, hardwood, planed, kiln dried, at plant -3 7.1 10 m³ Preservative treatment, sawn timber, pressure vessel 7.1 10-3 unit Wood preservative, organic salt, Cr-free, at plant -3 28.4 10 kg Electricity, medium voltage, at grid 2.4 kWh Polyurethane, rigid foam, at plant 1.48 kg Injection moulding 1.48 units Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant 1.03 kg Section bar, extrusion, aluminium 1.03 units Electricity, medium voltage, at grid 0.48 kWh Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant 1.55 kg Section bar, extrusion, aluminium 1.55 units ANNEX C Wood-PUR-wood 1m window frame Inner sunshading 1 m² (textile + fixation) Outer sunshading 1 m² (textile + fixation) Polyurethane, rigid foam, at plant 0.74 kg Injection moulding 0.74 units Sawn timber, hardwood, planed, kiln dried, at plant -3 3.55 10 m³ Preservative treatment, sawn timber, pressure vessel -3 3.55 10 unit Wood preservative, organic salt, Cr-free, at plant -3 14.2 10 kg Electricity, medium voltage, at grid 2.7 kWh Heat, heavy fuel oil at industrial furnace, 1MW 6.73 MJ Sawn timber, hardwood, planed, kiln dried, at plant -3 7.1 10 m³ Preservative treatment, sawn timber, pressure vessel -3 7.1 10 unit Wood preservative, organic salt, Cr-free, at plant -3 28.4 10 kg Polyurethane, rigid foam, at plant 0.74 kg Injection moulding 0.74 units Electricity, medium voltage, at grid 2.4 kWh Glass fibre, at plant 0.22 kg PVC, at regional storage 0.30 kg Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant 0.3 kg Sheet rolling aluminium 0.3 units Glass fibre, at plant 0.26 kg PVC, at regional storage 0.36 kg Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant 0.5 kg Sheet rolling aluminium 0.5 units Table C.1 unit Product model Composing materials Installation Per kW component Gas stove Per kW 1 unit Aluminium, production mix, cast of x kW alloy at plant Per unit 0.666 0.11kg 0.05 kg Sheet rolling aluminium 0.11units 0.05units Steel, low-alloyed, at plant 4.97 kg 2.48 kg Sheet rolling steel 4.97units 2.48units Chromium steel 18/18, at plant 0.25 kg 0.13 kg Sheet rolling chromium steel 0.25units 0.13units Copper, at regional storage 0.022kg 0.01 kg 0.11kg 0.05 kg Sheet rolling aluminium 0.11units 0.05units Steel, low-alloyed, at plant 4.97 kg 2.48 kg Sheet rolling steel 4.97units 2.48units Chromium steel 18/18, at plant 0.25 kg 0.13 kg Sheet rolling chromium steel 0.25units 0.13units Copper, at regional storage 0.022kg 0.01 kg 0.11kg 0.05 kg Direct electrical 1 unit Aluminium, production mix, cast heater of x kW alloy at plant Electrical 1 unit Aluminium, production mix, cast accumulation of x kW alloy at plant 233 heating Sheet rolling aluminium 0.11units 0.05units Steel, low-alloyed, at plant 4.97 kg 2.48 kg Sheet rolling steel 4.97units 2.48units Chromium steel 18/18, at plant 0.25 kg 0.13 kg Sheet rolling chromium steel 0.25units 0.13units Copper, at regional storage 0.022kg 0.01 kg High efficiency 1 unit Steel, low-alloyed, at plant 4.95 kg 67.27 kg boiler fuel, incl of x kW Sheet rolling steel 4.95units 67.27units High efficiency 1 unit Steel, low-alloyed, at plant 1.05 kg 28.5 kg boiler natural of x kW Sheet rolling steel 1.05units 28.5units Condensing 1 unit Steel, low-alloyed, at plant 1.05 kg 30 kg boiler of x kW Sheet rolling steel 1.05units 30 units Heat pump, incl 1 unit Aluminium, production mix, cast pipes of x kW alloy at plant tank gas Direct water 1 unit heater Storage tank Water pipes 1 unit 1m 6.5 kg Sheet rolling aluminium 6.5units Steel, low-alloyed, at plant 52 kg Sheet rolling steel 52units Copper, at regional storage 6.5 kg Polypropylene, granulate, at plant 24 kg Extrusion, plastic pipes 24units Chromium steel 18/18, at plant 23.3 kg Sheet rolling chromium steel 23.3units Chromium steel 18/18, at plant 35 kg Sheet rolling chromium steel 35units Section bar, extrusion, aluminium 0.68units Steel, low-alloyed, at plant 0.68 kg Copper, at regional storage 0.37 kg Polypropylene, granulate, at plant 0.02 kg Extrusion, plastic pipes 0.04units Polyethylene, HDPE, granulate, at 0.02 kg plant Radiator HT Radiator LT Floor heating 1 unit Steel, low-alloyed, at plant 18.1 kg -2.6 kg of x kW Sheet rolling steel 18.1units -2.6units 1 unit Steel, low-alloyed, at plant 36.3 kg -5.13 kg of x kW Sheet rolling steel 36.3units -5.13units 1 unit Concrete normal, at plant 1600 kg of x kW Polypropylene, granulate, at plant 5.5 kg Extrusion, plastic pipes 11units Polyethylene, HDPE, granulate, at 5.5 kg plant Solar collector, incl. storage 234 1 m² Aluminium, production mix, cast alloy at plant 3.43 kg ANNEX C tank Ventilation 1m pipes Ventilation fan 1 unit for dwelling Heat recovery unit Sheet rolling aluminium 3.43units Section bar, extrusion aluminium 3.43units Chromium steel 18/18, at plant 6.85 kg Sheet rolling chromium steel 13.99units Section bar, rolling steel 0.44units Copper, at regional storage 7.59 kg Rock wool, at plant 4.03 kg Flat glass, coated, at plant 20.16 kg Chromium steel 18/18, at plant 3.67 kg Sheet rolling chromium steel 3.67units Aluminium, production mix, cast 1 kg alloy at plant 1 unit Sheet rolling aluminium 1unit Steel, low-alloyed, at plant 15 kg Sheet rolling steel 15units Polypropylene, granulate, at plant 2 kg Aluminium, production mix, cast 1.5 kg alloy at plant Sheet rolling aluminium 1.5units Polypropylene, granulate, at plant 16.75 kg Polystyrene, high impact, HIPS, at 16.75 kg plant Table C.2 235 ANNEX D: Assumptions for the transport model Table D.1 presents per commodity the assumed transport distances and transport vehicles from production site to distribution site. Only one-way distances are considered, as the transport vehicle is assumed to be used for non-related transport on the way back. Table D.2 presents the distances and vehicles for the transport from distribution site to construction site. Table D.3 and D.4 provides the same data for the installation components. However, step 1 (table D.3) concerns transport of the composing materials from their production site to the assemblage site, whereas step 2 concerns transport of the installation components from the assemblage site to the construction site (table D.4). Constructional building products Step 1: from production site to distribution site Location production Transport vehicle distribution Commodity ship train distance distance 32t distance [km] [km] [km] 200 100 EU B Roof tiles B B 100 Brick B B 100 Ceramic tiles I B 700 100 EU B 100 100 Concrete blocks B B 200 Concrete B B 100 EU B B B Bitumen EU B 600 100 Air barrier EU B 200 100 Underlay EU B 200 100 Hard timberwood GLO B 8000 100 Soft timberwood Scandin B 2000 100 Plywood EU B 200 50 OSB EU B 200 50 Mineral wool NL B 200 Polyurethane B B 100 Expanded PS B B 100 Extruded PS D B 400 Cellulose fibre D B 400 Reinforcing steel Mortar Stucco Gypsum board 236 100 100 100 ANNEX D Foam glass B B 100 Uncoated glass B B 100 100 Coated glass B B 100 100 Aluminium EU B 200 100 Stainless steel EU B 200 100 Butyl (EPDM) EU B 200 100 Alu window frame B B 200 PVC window frame B B 200 Wooden window frame B B 200 PUR window frame B B 375 D D 320 window frame D D 250 Inner sunshading B B 100 Outer sunshading B B 100 Alu-PUR-wood window frame Wood-PUR-wood Table D.1 Constructional building products Step 2: from distribution site to construction site Location distribution Transport vehicle construction Commodity 32t 16t distance distance van distance [km] [km] [km] Reinforcing steel B B 30 Roof tiles B B 30 Brick B B 30 Ceramic tiles B B 30 Mortar B B 30 Concrete blocks B B 30 Concrete B B 30 Stucco B B 30 Gypsum board B B 30 Bitumen B B 30 Air barrier B B 30 Underlay B B 30 Hard timberwood B B 30 Soft timberwood B B 30 Plywood B B 30 237 OSB B B 30 Mineral wool B B 30 Polyurethane B B 30 Expanded PS B B 30 Extruded PS B B 30 Cellulose fibre D B 30 Foam glass B B 30 Uncoated glass B B 30 Coated glass B B 30 Aluminium B B 30 Stainless steel B B 30 Butyl (EPDM) B B 30 Alu window frame B B 30 PVC window frame B B 30 Wooden window frame B B 30 PUR window frame B B 30 D B 30 window frame D B 30 Inner sunshading B B 30 Outer sunshading B B 30 Alu-PUR-wood window frame Wood-PUR-wood Table D.2 Installation components Step 1: from production site to assemblage site Transport vehicle ship distance train distance 32t distance Basic material [km] [km] [km] Aluminium, cast alloy 150 150 100 Steel, low-alloyed 150 150 100 Chromium steel 18/18 150 150 100 Copper 150 150 100 Polypropylene, granulate 100 100 100 Polyethylene, HDPE, granulate 100 100 100 Polystyrene, high impact, HIPS 100 100 100 200 Rock wool Coated glass Concrete, normal Table D.3 238 100 100 100 ANNEX D Installation components Step 2: from assemblage site to construction site Transport vehicle 32t distance 16t distance van distance [km] [km] [km] Gas stove 0 30 15 Direct electrical heater 0 30 15 Electrical accumulation heating 0 30 15 High efficiency boiler (fuel) 0 30 15 High efficiency boiler (natural gas) 0 30 15 Condensing boiler 0 30 15 Heat pump 0 30 15 Combined heat and power 0 50 Direct water heater 0 30 15 Storage tank for domestic hot water 0 30 15 Water pipes 0 30 15 HT radiator 0 30 15 LT radiator 0 30 15 Floor heating 0 30 15 Solar collector 0 50 PV-cells 0 50 Ventilation grids 0 30 15 Ventilation pipes 0 30 15 Ventilation fan 0 30 15 Heat recovery unit 0 30 15 Commodity Table D.4 239 ANNEX E: Structure of the cost database Table F.1 presents part of the cost database. Prices are given per constructional variant (cavity wall, massive wall or wood frame) and per unit (m³, m², m or part). Opdrachtgever : Onderwerp: Laboratorium Bouwfysica Faculteit Toegepaste Wetenschappen Kasteelpark 51, 3001 Heverlee (Leuven) tel 016/321347 f Prijsofferte: Marktonderzoek van volgens Samenvattende opmeting kostprijzen ahv meetstaat van SO 97 (a) van de Vlaamse referentiewoningen Huisvestingsmaatschappij (VHM) RIJWONING KLEURCODES Variant 1: Spouwmuur Artikel 1 Beknopte aanduiding van de werken en prestaties Isolatiepakket (verschillende materialen, verschillende Variant 1 en 2 : Zware binnenconstructie Hoeveelheid berekend EENH. Eenheidsprijs door de in cijfers ontwerper inschrijver Gedeeltelijke som (afgerond op de cent) ONDERBOUW 10 GRONDWERKEN ONDERBOUW 10.12 10.21 10.31 12 voorafgaande afgraving terrein - verwijderen teelaarde bouwputten - gewone bouwputten sleuven - funderingszolen FUNDERINGEN OP STAAL 12.11 14 funderingszolen - stortklaar beton / ongewapend METSELWERK ONDERBOUW 14.13 14.23 38.50 98.33 17.06 m³ m³ m³ 17.93 11.95 17.93 690.31 € 1,175.08 € 305.96 € 5.69 m³ 119.50 679.72 € 5.50 7.99 3.53 53.06 1.00 m³ m³ 14.44 14.63 15 funderingsmuren - betonblokken / hol dragende keldermuren - betonblokken / hol 29 cm dragende keldermuren - betonblokken / hol 19 cm waterdichting - noppenbanen verluchtingselementen - keldergatroosters VLOERLAGEN ONDERBOUW m² st 250.95 427.87 427.87 19.42 89.63 1,379.82 3,417.72 1,509.49 1,030.50 89.63 15.11 15.21 15.41 16 zuiverheidslagen - stortklaar beton / ongewapend draagvloeren op volle grond - stortklaar beton / gewapend vochtwerende lagen - folies / PE THERMISCHE ISOLATIE ONDERBOUW 3.07 11.26 61.41 m³ m³ m² 113.53 157.74 1.79 348.58 € 1,775.70 € 109.92 € 16.21 16.22 isolatieplaten ondergrondse wanden - polyurethaan (PUR) isolatieplaten ondergrondse wanden - polystyreen / geëxtru 11.06 0.00 m² m² 17.69 14.94 195.56 € 0.00 € 30.92 7.02 278.28 m³ m³ m² 311.30 311.30 4.75 9,625.22 € 2,184.87 € 1,321.81 € 3.22 35.77 m³ m² 370.45 4.75 1,192.67 € 169.92 € 2 BOVENBOUW 20 OPGAAND METSELWERK 20.12 20.22 20.34 21 binnenspouwblad - baksteen / geperforeerd dragende binnenmuren - baksteen / geperforeerd supplementen - voegen / zichtbaar metselwerk NIET DRAGEND METSELWERK 21.12 21.33 22 scheidingswanden - baksteen / geperforeerd supplementen - voegen zichtbaar metselwerk MUURISOLATIE BOVENBOUW 22.11 spouwisolatie / thermisch - minerale wol (MW) minerale wol (MW) dikte XX cm 0.00 m² 11.95 0.00 m³ 0.00 € 0.00 m² 239.00 12.38 0.00 m³ m² 247.60 15.54 0.00 € 0.00 310.80 15.56 0.00 € 311.20 39.32 31.31 7,179.38 € 0.00 € 1,093.35 € 22.12 spouwisolatie / thermisch - polystyreen / geëxtrudeerd (XP polystyreen / geëxtrudeerd (XPS) dikte XX cm 22.13 spouwisolatie / thermisch - polyurethaan (PUR) polyurethaan (PUR) dikte XX cm 0.00 m³ 22.13 spouwisolatie / thermisch - geëxpandeerd polystyreen (EPS geëxpandeerd polystyreen (EPS) dikte XX cm 76.90 m² 23.07 m³ 22.31 22.32 drukvaste isolatie - cellulair glas (CG) drukvaste isolatie - cellenbetonblokken 0.00 34.92 m m 240 € € € € € ANNEX F ANNEX F: Reference buildings of the BIM- project Terraced house, new construction 3.10m 4.15m Keuken Badk 2.70m Slaapkamer 1 Eetkamer 2.40m Berging 9.00m 1.50m 9.00m Stookplaats 4.10m 1.50m Wc 3.80m 2.40m 4.10m 4.15m Slaapkamer 2 Living 7.00m 7.00m Gelijkvloers 1e verdiep Berging 2.10m Slaapkamer 3 3.30m 9.00m 2.40m 4.10m 3.30m Bureau 7.00m 2e verdiep Dwarsdoorsnede 241 Achtergevel Voorgevel Mansion, retrofit 3.40m Keuken 4.70m Badk 1.80m Stookplaats Eetkamer 4.40m 13.00m 4.10m Living Kelderverdiep 7.00m 242 Gelijkvloers ANNEX F 4.60m 1.80m 4.30m Slaapkamer 3 Slaapkamer 1 9.20m 4.00m Slaapkamer 2 Bureau Berging Berging 1e verdiep 2e verdiep Dwarsdoorsnede 243 Voorgevel Achtergevel Small apartment building, new construction and retrofit 3.30m 2.00m 4.00m Slaapkamer 1 Badk + wc Slaapkamer 2 3.40m 4.50m 12.00m Berging/ stookpl Hall 1.50m 4.60m 4.30m Living Eetkamer Keuken 6.40m 3.00m 10.00m 244 ANNEX F Voorgevel Achtergevel 245 Large apartment building, new construction and retrofit 4.90m 1.80m Slaapkamer 1 Slaapkamer 1 Badk Badk 2.90m Badk 2.90m 3.30m Hall Slaapkamer 1 Slaapkamer 1 4.00m Badk 0.50m Hall Hall Hall 2.00m Wc Wc Wc Wc 3.55m 14.00m 1.80m Eetkamer Eetkamer Eetkamer Eetkamer 4.80m 6.80m 1.90m 4.70m Living Keuken Keuken Living Keuken Living 7.00m Voorgevel 246 Keuken Living ANNEX F Achtergevel Zijgevel 247 ANNEX G: Reference buildings of the EL²EP- project ‘Architectural’ dwelling (detached dwelling with fragmented plan) A gelijkvloers N 1 2 10 4 9 5 3 A' gevelsteen (9cm) luchtspouw (3 cm) isolatie (6 cm) metselwerk (14 cm) pleister (1 cm) roofing (0.5 cm) drukvaste isolatie (6cm) membraam (-) hellingsbeton (6cm) draagvloer (15 cm) pleister (1cm) kiezels (3 cm) roofing (0.5 cm) drukvaste isolatie (6cm) membraam (-) hellingsbeton (6cm) draagvloer (15 cm) lattenwerk (2cm) houtafwerking (2cm) vloerbedekking (1cm) plaatsingsproduct (1 cm) dekvloer op basis van cement (7 cm) membraam (-) drukvaste isolatie (4 cm) membraam (-) draagvloer (15 cm) tegels (1 cm) plaastinfsproduct (1 cm) hellingsbeton (6cm) membraam (-) draagvloer (15 cm) Snede AA' 248 6 7 ANNEX G Aanzicht Noorden Aanzicht Zuiden Aanzicht Westen Aanzicht Oosten 249 Detached dwelling with a simple square plan B A 1 2 8 10 3 9 B' A' gelijkvloers B A N 6 5 7 4 10 B' eerste verdieping 250 ANNEX G B A 13 B' A' kelder 11 12 vloerbedekking (1cm) plaatsingsproduct (1 cm) dekvloer op basis van cement (7 cm) membraam (-) draagvloer (15 cm) pleister (1 cm) vloerbedekking (1cm) plaatsingsproduct (1 cm) dekvloer op basis van cement (7 cm) membraam (-) drukvaste isolatie (4 cm) membraam (-) draagvloer (15 cm) gevelsteen (9cm) luchtspouw (3 cm) isolatie (6 cm) metselwerk (14 cm) pleister (1 cm) Cellenglas bitumen (-) betonblokken (29 cm) betonnen draagvloer (20cm) (=AFP) Doorsnede BB' Doorsnede AA' 251 Noordzijde Zuidzijde 252 Westzijde Oostzijde ANNEX G Semi-detached house A A' 13 kelder 2 1 10 A 3 A' 9 gelijkvloers N 6 A 4 7 10 A' 5 eerste verdieping 253 en nn pa en ) n tte (1cm nla ne erk (-) ) n w pa ten ak cm lat derd (23 on lken ba ) cm (5 11 gevelsteen (9cm) luchtspouw (3 cm) isolatie (6 cm) metselwerk (14 cm) pleister (1 cm) vloerbedekking (1cm) plaatsingsproduct (1 cm) dekvloer op basis van cement (7 cm) membraam (-) draagvloer (15 cm) pleister (1 cm) vloerbedekking (1cm) plaatsingsproduct (1 cm) dekvloer op basis van cement (7 cm) membraam (-) drukvaste isolatie (4 cm) membraam (-) draagvloer (15 cm) Snede AA' Zuidzijde 254 Cellenglas ANNEX G Oostzijde Westzijde 255 Terraced house Noordzijde Zuidzijde B A B A 2 1 3 13 B' kelder 256 10 A' B' gelijkvloers A' ANNEX G B A B 9 6 4 A 8 10 10 5 B' 7 A' B' eerste verdieping A' tweede verdieping ) cm (4 ) en cm n n (1 pa rk en we en tten latt la en k + cm) ) n a n pa derd (2 3 (1cm on lken on rt ba ska gip 11 11 dekvloer op basis van cement (6 cm) membraam (-) drukvaste isolatie (6 cm) membraam (-) draagvloer (15 cm) vloerbedekking (1cm) plaatsingsproduct (1 cm) dekvloer op basis van cement (7 cm) membraam (-) draagvloer (15 cm) pleister (1 cm) gevelsteen (9cm) luchtspouw (3 cm) isolatie (6 cm) metselwerk (14 cm) pleister (1 cm) roofing (0.5 cm) drukvaste isolatie (6cm) membraam (-) hellingsbeton (6cm) draagvloer (15 cm) pleister (1cm) Cellenglas Doorsnede AA' vloerbedekking (1cm) plaatsingsproduct (1 cm) dekvloer op basis van cement (7 cm) membraam (-) drukvaste isolatie (4 cm) membraam (-) draagvloer (15 cm) Cellenglas Doorsnede BB' 257 Apartment flat 5 7 6 10 4 3 9 2 258 1 WFC WFC WFC WFC CAV OUT CAV OUT CAV OUT CAV OUT 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0.19 0.19 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.17 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.19 [W/m²K] Umean 14 14 16 16 15 15 13 13 17 16 15 14 14 level K Insulation 26 26 47 47 40 40 26 26 47 40 26 26 26 [m²] Aglass 1551 1548 1529 1528 1527 1525 1480 1478 1467 1463 1449 1427 1427 Heating 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 494 984 2876 2876 2876 2876 2876 2876 2876 2876 2876 2876 2876 2876 1943 Household 5047 5044 5024 5023 5022 5021 4975 4974 4963 4958 4944 4797 4354 consumption Total 160,220 164,330 179,810 182,280 172,620 176,050 159,850 163,960 185,060 177,410 160,960 162,500 162,500 Building envelope 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Installations [€] [kWh/m²a] Hot water Investment cost Electricity consumption + -5,672.42 -11,759.32 -35,122.30 -40,629.16 -25,067.20 -30,764.86 -5,303.42 -11,390.64 -53,898.58 -42,613.60 -18,867.06 -20,412.74 -20,412.74 installations Building [€] NPV30 Legend: WFC=wood frame construction; CAV=cavity wall; OUT=massive wall with outer insulation * Umean is including windows; U-value of the glazing is 0.6W/m²K, U-value of the window frames is 0.65W/m²K; all south oriented windows have outer sun shading WFC 1 Type * Building Table H.1 presents more extensive details on the zero energy houses from table 8.6. ANNEX H: Details on zero energy houses ANNEX H 4868 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 5065 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 4 10,330 10,330 10,330 10,330 10,330 10,330 10,330 10,330 10,330 10,330 10,330 13,300 7,370 [€] [m²] 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 30 [m²] Area 1 - 16.8 - Suntechnics - STM 210 F 1 - 16.8 - Suntechnics - STM 210 F 1 - 16.8 - Suntechnics - STM 210 F 1 - 16.8 - Suntechnics - STM 210 F 1 - 16.8 - Suntechnics - STM 210 F 1 - 16.8 - Suntechnics - STM 210 F 1 - 16.8 - Suntechnics - STM 210 F 1 - 16.8 - Suntechnics - STM 210 F 1 - 16.8 - Suntechnics - STM 210 F 1 - 16.8 - Suntechnics - STM 210 F 1 - 16.8 - Suntechnics - STM 210 F 1 - 16.8 - Suntechnics - STM 210 F 1 - 16.8 - Suntechnics - STM 210 F PV-type Invertor-type 4.60 - 94.4 - Kaco - PVI 4000i 4.60 - 94.4 - Kaco - PVI 4000i 4.60 - 94.4 - Kaco - PVI 4000i 4.60 - 94.4 - Kaco - PVI 4000i 4.60 - 94.4 - Kaco - PVI 4000i 4.60 - 94.4 - Kaco - PVI 4000i 4.60 - 94.4 - Kaco - PVI 4000i 4.60 - 94.4 - Kaco - PVI 4000i 4.60 - 94.4 - Kaco - PVI 4000i 4.60 - 94.4 - Kaco - PVI 4000i 4.60 - 94.4 - Kaco - PVI 4000i 4.60 - 94.4 - Kaco - PVI 4000i 4.60 - 94.4 - Kaco - PVI 4000i PV-modules Legend: * GCC = net present value of the future green current certificates over 20 years ** electricity = net present value of the produced electricity over 25 years 4868 1 Invest Area collectors production [kWh/m²a] Solar Electricity 33,945 33,945 33,945 33,945 33,945 33,945 33,945 33,945 33,945 33,945 33,945 37,031 37,031 [€] Invest ** 42,897.00 42,897.00 42,897.00 42,897.00 42,897.00 42,897.00 42,897.00 42,897.00 42,897.00 42,897.00 42,897.00 41,181.00 41,181.00 Electricity GCC* + -4,325.00 -4,325.00 -4,325.00 -4,325.00 -4,325.00 -4,325.00 -4,325.00 -4,325.00 -4,325.00 -4,325.00 -4,325.00 -6,943.97 -1,014.97 solar systems Overall NPV25 for Net present value over 25 years REFERENCES REFERENCES Adalberth K., 1997(1), Energy use during the life cycle of buildings: a method, Building and Environment 32 (1997) n° 4, 317-320 Adalberth K., 1997(2), Energy use during the life cycle of single-unit dwellings: examples, Building and Environment 32 (1997) n°4, 321-329 Alanne K., Saari A., Ismet Ugursal V., Good J., 2006, The financial viability of an SOFC cogeneration system in single-family dwellings, Journal of Power Sources 158 (2006) 403-416 Annex31 2004, Sensitivity and Uncertainty, Background report of IEA Annex 31 on Energy-Related Environmental Impact of Buildings, CMHC on behalf of IEA ECBCS, Canada Anon. 2001(1), Greening the building life cycle. 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Impact of energy efficiency measures on the CO2emissions in the residential sector, a large scale analysis, Energy and Buildings, 33, 275-281 Verbeeck G., Hens H. 2005 Energy savings in retrofitted dwellings: economically viable? Energy and Buildings (37) 2005, 747-754 Verbeeck G., Hens H., 2007 Life cycle optimization of extremely low energy dwellings, Journal of Building Physics (paper accepted) In proceedings of international congresses: Verbeeck G., 1996, Radiative and Conductive Heat Transfer through Transparent Insulation Material and the Effect on the λ-value, Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries and the IEA Annex 24 Closing Seminar, 9-11 september ‘96, Innopoli, Espoo, Finland Hens H., Verbeeck G., 1997, Performance assessment of TIM-envelopes, CLIMA 2000, 30 August - 2 September 1997, Brussels, Belgium Verbeeck G., Hens H., 1997, Case study on the thermal comfort in a series of stores. CLIMA 2000, 30 August - 2 September 1997, Brussels, Belgium Hens H., Verbeeck G., Verdonck B., 1998, Impact of Energy Efficiency Measures on the CO2 Emissions in the Residential Sector, a Large Scale Analysis, Proceedings of the Epic'98 Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Buildings Rabenseifer R., Verbeeck G., Hens H., , 1999, The implementation of the EN 832 into national standards, 10th International Symposium for Buildings Physics and Buildings Climatology, 27-29 September 1999, Dresden, Germany Verbeeck G., Hens H., Hendrickx C., Ramaekers B., 1999, A collective heating system with solar collectors for hot water production: a case study of 29 social houses in Belgium, Second EDF Research Workshops, 28 October 1999, Clamart, France Hens H., Verbeeck G., 2001, Heating efficiency, the great unknown, 7th World Congress Clima, 15-18 September 2001 Hens H., Verbeeck G., Verdonck B., 2001, Energy consumption in the residential sector: a database analysis, 7th World Congress Clima, 15-18 September 2001 Hens H., Verbeeck G., Verdonck B., 2001, Energy use for household: can it be modelled?, Proceedings of the Clima 2000 Conference, Napoli, 15-18 September, 2001 Hens H., Verbeeck G., Stijnen L., Tomasetig B., 2002. Energy consumption in a low energy estate, confronting measurements with overall data and predictions, Proceedings of the 11th Bauklimatisches Symposium, Dresden, 26-30 September 272 CURRICULUM VITAE Hens H., Ali Mohamed F., Verbeeck G., 2002, Using Energy Life Cycle Costs as an Instrument for Optimisation, Proceedings of the Sustainable Building 2002 Conference, Oslo, Norway, September 23-25 Hens H., Ali Mohamed F., Verbeeck G., 2002, Hydronic Radiator Heating with thermostatic valves: Improves Thermal Comfort or Upgrades Efficiency?, Proceedings of the EPIC 2002 AIVC Conference, Lyon, France, October, 23-26 Hens H., Verbeeck G., 2002 Lage energie gebouwen: ontwerp en uitvoering, European Green Cities Network, EGCN Conference and Training, 1-2 October 2002 Van der Veken J., Saelens D., Verbeeck G., Hens H., 2004, Comparison of steady-state and dynamic building energy simulation programs, Proceedings of the Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings IX International Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, December 5-10, 2004 De Meulenaer V., Verbeeck G., Van der Veken J., Hens H., 2005, Performance assessment of passive houses based on extensive measuring, Proceedings of 7th Nordic Building Physics Symposium, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 13-15, 2005 De Meulenaer V., Van der Veken J., Verbeeck G., Hens H., 2005, Comparison of measurements and simulations of a passive house, Proceedings of the 9th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, August 15-18, 2005 Verbeeck G., Hens H., 2006, Development of extremely low energy dwellings through life cycle optimisation, In 3th International Conference on Research in Building Physics, Montreal Canada, August 27-31, 2006. Hens H., De Meulenaer V., Van der Veken J., Verbeeck G., 2007, Balanced ventilation with heat recovery: does it really enhance energy efficiency? In Proceedings of the 12th Symposium for Building Physics, Dresden March 29th to 31st 2007 Verbeeck G., Hens H., 2007, Life cycle optimization of extremely low energy buildings, CLIMA2007, Helsinki, Finland, June 10-14, 2007 (paper accepted) Verbeeck G., Hens H., 2007, Life cycle inventory of extremely low energy dwellings, PLEA2007, Singapore, Novembre 2007 (abstract in review) 273