Lifestyle - Clayton School District


Lifestyle - Clayton School District
clayton high school
CHS turns 100
Established in 1909, Clayton High School celebrates its
centennial this year. Over the course of a century, CHS
has integrated, moved locations, and maintained a record
of scholastic and athletic excellence. A look back.
page 12
1 Mark Twain Circle
Volume 80, Issue 1
September 24, 2008
Clayton, MO 63105
Wired for success
From SMART Boards to Senteo clickers to an
upgraded computer lab, technology spending
around the school is allowing teachers to structure
class time more effectively.
room by the end of this year,” Fogarty said. “SMART Boards
have been our goal, as well as the district’s goal, and depends
on the teacher’s needs. The goal is not cut-and-dry and it’s not
The SMART Board, a helpful tool to teachers at Clayton like the set is mandated. It’s just a goal that the district has and
who deal with graphics and simulations, along with other what we are recommending as part of an ideal 21st century
technological perks that the district offers, are vital to a well- classroom.”
Instructional Technologist David Hoffman adds that the
rounded teacher such as Gabe De La Paz. Since he recently had
a SMART Board installed in his classroom along with a set of set comes from the building budget. The benefit of this goal
Senteo “clickers” from the science department last year, De La is that all rooms would be equipped for multimedia equipped
regardless of the subject which would help in terms of teachers
Paz rarely writes on whiteboards anymore.
The Senteo clickers can send data about the students’ re- who have to teach in multiple rooms in a regular school day.
Departments like the math department have also made
sponses to questions and can compile the data to anonymously
contributions through the personal incentive funds which are
show the results to the class.
“You’re more likely to get an honest answer from them,” De given to all tenured teachers. Each tenured teacher gets $600
La Paz said. “A lot of the time with the whole ‘raise your hand a year to spend on professional development or items for the
thing,’ kids don’t participate because they’re afraid to be wrong, classroom.
The technological devices that are on the system’s network,
but this will allow me to see who knows what. I keep it anonymous in the classroom but I can actually keep track of who such as desktops and laptops are funded by the district as well.
answers what. You can actually export that to a spreadsheet Desktops are on a five-year replacement cycle and teacher lapand take some data and be more in tune with what students tops are on a four-year replacement cycle.
“Four years is probably pushing it, but I’d rather them reunderstand in class.”
The clickers allow De La Paz to do true-false, yes-no ques- place it every four years than not at all,” De La Paz said, “If
your laptop has a problem, it’s not like
tions and multiple choice questions. In
they’re going to leave you without a laptop.
conjunction with the SMART Board, the
You won’t be left totally stranded. I think
whiteboard has almost become completely
there’s a lot the district has to do in terms
“If someone is absent it’s easier for me to
Clayton has one of of budget and I just live with what they give
get them the notes, and it’s easier to show
the best public school
Chief Information Officer Devin Davis
things to the whole class with the SMART
agrees that CHS teachers and students have
Board,” De La Paz said. “The clickers are
access to an wide array of technology.
definitely becoming more integrated, and
ratios in the state. We
“Clayton has one of the best public
I’m probably better with the clickers since
school computer-to-student ratios in the
the kids still tell me what to do with the
also have more internet
state,” Davis said. “We also have more interSMART Board.”
bandwidth per student net bandwidth per student than any other
De La Paz said that he likes having a
School District in the state of Missouri. We
SMART Board in the room.
than any other School are always looking for opportunities to give
“I started using the clickers before I had
a SMART Board, and they’re considerably
District in the state of teachers and students more and better technical tools to use in the classroom. A good
clunkier to use when you don’t have a data
example is Google Apps which will give all
projector,” De La Paz said.
students 6-12 and teachers email accounts,
The problem is, there is a hefty learnDevin Davis
online access to documents and file share.”
ing curve in learning to using the SMART
Chief Information Officer
Google Apps will also supplement the
MS Office package and increase the effec“Because of the different dimensions of
tiveness of communication. The point of
the SMART Board,” De La Paz said, “you
the Apps is to allow easier sharing of inforhave to learn to reconfigure all the stuff
mation and ideas.
you’ve been doing for years. There’s a learnAccording to Davis, the 2008 - 2009 Operations and Capiing curve both in how you use the machine and how to use it
well to convey concepts. The SMART Board is a powerful asset tal budget that does not include salaries or debt payments for,
is $771,000. Of that, $450,000 is used for hardware replaceused to supplement the teaching of the curriculum.”
De La Paz is just one of many teachers who continue to ment and $146,000 is used for software license fees. Though
he thinks this a reasonable amount, he says the district could
benefit from the district’s spending on technology.
Cathleen Fogarty, District Coordinator and Instructional always use more technicians.
From terms of technological proficiency, the entire district
Technologist, said that the SMART Board and projector sets
is improving.
found throughout the building costs roughly $ 2400.
“The use of technology by teachers over the last three years
The maintenance system at CHS helps save $500 to $2000
per installation. The maintenance crew expertly wires the has increased dramatically and continues to increase exponenbuilding’s infrastructure. Until they are all mounted, SMART tially,” Davis said. “A lot of the credit has to be given to the
Boards in classrooms that are on stands have to be constantly building Instructional Technologists who are constantly working with teachers and looking for new ways to integrate techrealigned and waste valuable time.
“We are definitely going to have projectors in every class- nology in the classroom.” 
Prices rise at the
pump, again
Ken Zheng
Chelsea Embree
TOP: Honors Physics teacher Gabe De La
Paz uses the SMART Board during his
Cross country starts
off at a great pace
Teachers raise money,
awareness in MS 150
Hamlet 2 hysterical
China censorship
Festivals promote
freshman class. The SMART Board has
made the whiteboard almost obsolete in
his class. BELOW RIGHT: Senteo clickers
allow De La Paz to supplement his curriculum with increased student interaction
during class. Students can answer ques-
Taquera Walker
tions anonymously on the clickers, allowing De La Paz to more easily see how the
students are understanding the material.
ABOVE RIGHT: New iMacs in the computer
lab are faster and hold more data than the
computers they replaced.
Aaron Praiss
Clayton feels squeeze of tightening economy
Nicholas Andriole
Many consumers are more aware
than ever that an undesirable economic
climate can pose prominent challenges to
individuals and businesses alike. School
districts are not immune to the problems
of our financial system in the midst of a
credit crisis, rising energy costs, and the
national currency value at historic lows.
Declining home values have been a
concern for many communities, particularly those in coastal states. Home values
are important since school districts receive the majority of their funding from
local property tax assessments. However,
District officials believe Clayton is in a
better position.
“We are fortunate that property values in Clayton have been pretty stable,”
Chief Financial Officer Mark Stockwell
The Blueprint for Tomorrow project
is a multi-million dollar master facilities
plan aimed at modernizing and modifying facilities to better serve the needs of
the district. The project was officially
launched in the fourth quarter of 2007
and has since conducted various town
hall meetings to identify facility needs
and project goals.
Rising construction costs appear to
be a concern for the Blueprint for Tomorrow project.
“We’re all feeling the impact of the
rising cost of construction,” Stockwell
Sonja Peterman
said. “Regarding the impact on the Blueprint for Tomorrow plans, the architect’s
cost estimator is currently pricing out
several identified ideas and projects for
consideration and possible inclusion in
the final facility master plan. These higher costs will likely limit the number and
type of projects that make the cut.”
In addition to rising construction
costs, the district facilities department
must cope with rising utility costs in
eight buildings throughout the city limits. Recently, utility providers have filed
for rate increases. Ameren UE which
provides electrical service to district facilities has filed for a rate increase of 12.1
percent to take effect in the fourth quarter of 2008.
“Higher utility costs impact the
entire maintenance budget,” said Tim
Wonish, head of the district’s facility services. “This requires us to make choices
and prioritize the district’s needs based
on necessity.”
Given rising utility costs for facilities, a component of the district facilities
project includes replacing aging building
equipment with more modern and efficient machinery. Several possible ‘green’
features are being considered as well.
“The architect conducting the Blueprint for Tomorrow process has been
directed to incorporate infrastructure
improvements related to replacement of
inefficient HVAC equipment, lighting,
and windows,” Stockwell said. “Incorporating the principles of sustainable or
‘green’ design is one of the goals of the
facility master plan.”
Many area school districts have been
troubled by unprecedented fuel costs
associated with operating buses. Since
Clayton does not provide transportation
for its resident students, the pinch of rising fuel costs has not been felt quite yet.
“As small district that is not required
to provide transportation to and from
school, the high fuel costs have impacted us to a much smaller degree than a
geographically larger district,” Stockwell
said “We have essentially absorbed the
increased costs for field trips within our
current budget allocations.”
Changes in the economic environment are becoming increasingly visible
to students. Recently, Chartwells’, the
operator of food services for the district
has cut its hours of operation during
breakfast service in response to an increase in food costs.
By modernizing facilities, cutting
costs and increasing efficiency, the district hopes to account for rising costs
and prevailing economic conditions. 
2 News
6 InDepth
8 Sports
12 Interest
14 Lifestyle
22 Forum
24 InFocus
September 24, 2008
Vice presidential nominees differ in experience, policies
Jonathan Shumway
Staff Writer
If there has been a surprise in the presidential
campaign in the past few weeks, what would
most likely come first to people’s minds
is Republican nominee John McCain’s
choice of a running mate: Alaska
Governor Sarah Palin. Barack
Obama’s choice of Sen. Joe Biden
seems tame by comparison.
Now supporters of both parties are wondering how the vice
presidential candidates will affect
the outcome of the election in
Palin has been the center of
attention in the weeks following
her announcement, as potential
voters try to find out more about
her, her qualifications, and her
record. Critics cite Palin’s experience as a small-town mayor and
two-year stint as governor as too
limited and claim that it negates
McCain’s attack against Obama’s
lack of experience.
Palin’s defenders hope that she will
appeal to women voters, many of whom
who were upset about Hilary Clinton not
getting the presidential nomination.
“[The Republicans] were playing the
gender card,” senior Caitlin Bladt said.
“[They hope to be] more strategic in
the election.”
“I hope that women voters understand Palin is
not as liberal as Hilary
Clinton,” Clayton High
School Librarian Betsy
Wilson said.
Though Palin may not be Hillary, she could bring the white
working-class women voters that gave Hillary their dedicated
support a women in the White House. According to the New
Republic, there are “Eighteen million cracks, and one crackpot.” The “eighteen million cracks,” refers to the number of
woman votes that Hillary had during the primaries that could
go in either direction.
It is not for sure at this point the degree of difference that
Palin could make with her appeal to white working-class
women; most analysts, however, think it will make a difference.
“It was expected for someone [the vice
presidential nominee] more popular, but
he chose someone who has never been
on national stage,” junior Chi Zeng
said. “It shows McCain’s maverick
ability. It also shows that McCain
is trying to show that can take undertake ambitious moves, for the
betterment of the country.”
Some people, such as Zeng,
think the decision of having Palin as McCain’s running mate
showed McCain’s flexibility. This
could be true since Palin was
never considered to be a possible running mate for McCain.
Most people would consider
the talk about Biden as more
positive in comparison to Palin
in this election.
“[Biden is] a safe pick because
of his Senate experience,” Freshman
Ben Colagiavonni. Biden has served
as a senator for 35 years, which is even
longer than the 25 years that McCain
has spent in Washington. Many think
that Biden was a good choice for Obama,
since Obama has served for only two
years in the Senate. He
seems to fill in the experience that some
pundits say Obama
Dee Luo
“He [Obama] is not
experienced enough to be president,” Zeng said. “When one
adds Biden, it brings the experience needed for the Democratic
“Biden is very knowledgeable, and has the ability to know
the system,” Wilson said. It is possible that Biden has experience that in many ways is essential to the Democratic cam-
Though Biden has received mainly good publicity, one
thing that has concerned voters is that as late as June, Biden
said that Obama didn’t have enough experience to be President, even saying he would rather be a running mate for McCain than Obama.
While some dismiss this as nothing more than campaign
rhetoric while Biden was running against Obama, others have expressed concern that Biden’s opinion changed very rapidly since Biden still
held grudges towards Obama, even after ending
his campaign.
Besides the running mates, one
of the biggest issues that will be
discussed in this election is the
Of the economic issue,
the ‘energy crisis,’ is a big
of a future economy. It is
place where much investment
and growth can be made, creating potential jobs and energy
independence. For Wes Sine,
a professor of Organizational
Behavior at Cornell University,
Obama and Biden’s energy plan
is a “new energy focus” while
McCain and Palin’s energy plan
has an “old focus,” on fossil fuel
energies. As both campaigns have
largely concentrated on ‘energy independence,’ their energy plans have been
made more distinct.
The McCain/Palin campaign has
largely shown its interest in investment in fossil fuels. Palin has
shown a lot of interest in
development of more fossil fuels. Though this may
be controversial since her
husband works for British
Petroleum, Palin may bring experience about energy that no
one else has. Critics say this implies a vested interest in oil companies, which isn’t necessarily the desire of most voters.
According to Robert Coleman, a team leader for Pipe Renewal in Alaska for British Petroleum and Alaskan resident,
Palin’s plan is a $40 billion dollar investment in a pipeline for
oil and natural gas connecting the North Slope to the lower
48 states.
“[The plan is] a state perspective to develop a state’s resources since 80 percent of tax revenue [in Alaska] comes from
loyalties paid by oil companies,” Coleman said.
Coleman has reservations about this plan.
“We will never be able to drill out of energy independence
since there is not enough state resources,” Coleman said.
“[There aren’t] enough resources for energy independence.” Even so, the pipeline could economically could create
jobs and lessen energy demand from
foreign countries.
Obama and Biden have
pledged a 150 billion dollar investment in alternative and renewable energies.
“Wind and solar power
bring a larger distribution of
wealth,” Sine said.
This may be true because
if homeowners were able to
bring in renewable energy,
which is increasingly happening. It could bring money to
homeowners who are helping
to provide energy for the powergrid.
Coleman said he thinks Obama’s
plan may be ambitious, but doubts it
is achievable.
“He has no energy plan; he is dreaming,” Coleman said. “It is energy
that will help out, but
wouldn’t make that much
of a difference.”
One thing is certain
for most analysts: this
will be a close election.
Dee Luo The advantages and disadvantages of each running mate and what they bring to the
campaign is not completely understood.
“We’re at a crossroads for the nation’s history,” Bladt said.
Hopefully the best candidate is picked out of the two, the one
who will make the most positive change for the U.S. As Caitlin
Bladt said, “every vote counts,” so get out there and vote. 
Reflections on conflict
Despite U.S. support, the Russia-Georgia dispute
proves to be two-sided.
Gabrielle Lachtrup
Staff Writer
On the morning of Aug 8, 2008,
President Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia
launched a military offense on Tskhinvali, capital of the Republic of South
South Ossetia is a separatist state that
has claimed semi-sovereignty from Georgia since the beginning of the GeorgianOssetian conflict in 1989. Its sovereignty
has since been recognized by several nations since the conflict’s end three years
Saakashvili’s actions prompted a
heavy retaliation on the part of Russia,
who claimed it violated the terms of a
ceasefire agreement between the two
states in 1992.
According to Russian news reports,
nearly 2,000 South Ossetians were killed
in the shelling from the Georgian military. Additionally, the reports also stated
that over 10 Russian peacekeepers were
killed when Georgian troops crossed the
security zone into the city itself.
In response, the Russian government ordered troops to enter Georgia
via South Ossetia, later sinking a missile boat off the coastline in response to
an action off the Black Sea by Georgian
forces. A second military offensive was
then launched in the separatist province
of Abkhazia.
Conflicts between Georgia and Russia over the sovereignty of both Abkhazia
and South Ossetia have occurred since
Georgia’s secession from from the Soviet
Union in 1990.
“I think it was almost like a natural
process; that after wartime all republics
should have their independence,” Slava
Solomatov, a professor of earth and planetary sciences at Washington University,
said. Solomatov was born in the Russian
city of Solchi, about 100 miles from the
Georgian border.
Soon after Georgia declared its independence, both South Ossetia and
the province of Abkhazia claimed semisovereignty, as well.
“After the Cold War, when the Soviet
Union broke up, many people supported
Georgia’s autonomy and right to make
decisions,” history teacher Paul Hoelscher said. “In terms of Ossetia, on the
one hand, I think they had right to their
independence, and I think the question
is how to allow people to voice their own
“[I see politics] as a chess game between two different governments,” Solomatov said. “I think he [Saakashvili] is
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probably the most of insane of players.
What kind of person would create such
a provocation? It ended up being a poor
move for everybody.”
“He certainly has the ear of the Western media. Most United States citizens
only have his side of the story,” Hoelscher said. “There have been reports of
Georgia denying rights and freedoms to
the people of South Ossetia, and I don’t
believe he’s given much voice to their
concerns—or at least not to the Western
By Aug. 9, both the European Union
and the United States expressed their
desire for the conflict’s speedy resolution
and offered to provide a joint delegation
to aid in negotiating a ceasefire.
However, Russia refused to consider
withdrawing until all Georgian troops
had withdrawn from South Ossetia and
the government had signed a pact renouncing the use of force on either Abkhazia or South Ossetia. Finally, on Aug
13, all Georgian troops had retreated past
the security zone back into Georgia.
Conflicts, however, continued for
over a week, with the Russian government capturing 21 Georgian troops on
Aug 19 near Poti, a Georgian sea port.
On the same day, both sides conducted
an exchange of war prisoners.
Shashank Bengali/MCT
People wave U.S. and Georgian flags in Batumi, Georgia, as they watch the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Dallas deliver humanitarian aid,
Wednesday, August 27, 2008.
The United States executive branch
has since taken a strong pro-Georgian
stance on the conflict. On Aug 16, President Bush made a statement warning the
Russian government that both Abkhazia
and South Ossetia belong to Georgia.
“There is no room for debate on this
matter,” Bush said.
“Russian aggression must not go unanswered,” Vice President Dick Cheney
said on Aug 10. “Its continuation would
have serious consequences for its relations with the United States, as well as
with the broader international community.”
“The Russians would say that they
defended these people and helped the
reclaim sovereignty,” said Hoelscher.
Saakashvili has repeatedly expressed
his desire to join NATO, and, eventual-
ly, the European Union, seeing the move
as providing greater stability for Georgia
as a nation.
“If Saakashvili wanted join NATO, I
think it would be most counterproductive,” Solomatov said. “He has not been
reliable partner to either Russia or the
United States. It is up to NATO, but
I think their chances have now significantly dropped.” 
September 24, 2008
September 24, 2008
Enrollment rises with more freshmen, new students
An increase in scheduling difficulties strains the counseling department, but overall
CHS takes fluctuating enrollment numbers in stride.
Mary Blackwell
If it seems like the halls of CHS are swarming, the Commons packed, and classrooms filled, this observation is somewhat valid. CHS has experienced an increase in enrollment of
freshmen and new students compared to recent years.
The average freshmen class has traditionally been about 200
students, and this year is 233. In addition to more freshmen,
55 new students enrolled this year; two of the 55 are returning
“We always have a fair number of students come in, usually at the freshman level,” CHS counseling department chair
Carolyn Blair said. “This year we had a pretty even surge at all
levels, except seniors. Which was not normal, especially at the
upper levels.”
Despite the unexpected number of new students, fluctuation of numbers is not a new problem in education, and the
district can predict and prepare for the issues that go along with
increase of students.
“Two years ago, in 2007, we had a very large senior class
graduate and we had a small eighth to ninth grade class coming in so we went down about 50 to 60 kids,” Principal Louise
Losos said. “But we also knew the reverse was going to happen
the next year. Last year a very small senior class graduated and
a very large freshman class came in. But we knew that.”
In order to prepare, the district had to make some adjustments.
“If there’s a situation where we need to increase staffing we
have done so,” Losos said. “Like we added a freshman physics
section at the very beginning of the year. So the district has
always been very good about providing us additional staffing if
we can show that there is need for it.”
New student junior Anjuli Dharna transferred from MICDS
and hasn’t found the number of students to be an issue.
“The class sizes; they’re maybe one or two people bigger, but
pretty much it’s the same,” Dharna said.
One problem the district had, before the school year started, was a shortage of desks.
“There had to have been desks that disappeared on us,” Losos said. “We were short desks but my best guess is that last
Staff Photo
Students gather in congested math hallway in between periods. While some of the halls get crowded at certain times of the day, CHS is
coping well with a slightly increased enrollment .
year they culled a bunch of desks. We bought a classroom set.
It was frustrating because we knew these students were coming
The start of the school year was met with more scheduling
problems and changes than usual.
“I had two third period classes,” Dharna said. “It was
messed up. I changed my schedule like three times since school
The increase in scheduling difficulties correlates with the
number of new students because new students have to register with counselors. Also, freshmen usually need to edit their
schedules more often than upperclassmen.
The counselors expect the normal chaos of scheduling at
the beginning of the year because CHS offers so many singletons, or classes that are only offered one period. But some of
the other issues were unexpected.
“Over the summer we learned that the state required a record of every minute of a student’s day,” Blair said. “If a student
had a free period we had to create a class called open campus,
even for the half of a lab period.”
In addition, problems with Power School last year continued into the start of this year, causing counselors to have limited time to complete schedules.
“It was sort of like the perfect storm with the master scheduling not being finished, and the state requirements, lots of new
students requiring registration, and lots of placement changes
from several departments,” Blair said. “It was a combination of
all those things happening at the same time.”
The start of next year should go more smoothly as the high
school adjusts to its current numbers and enrollment holds
steady at approximately 850 students.
“One of the things that drew me to Clayton initially was its
size,” Losos said. “I liked that it is a small high school. I think
that one of the hallmarks of CHS is the relationship that we
build with teachers. Every student knows a larger percentage of
the entire student body.”
CHS is not likely to become overcrowded because although
public schools are required to take all students who live in the
area, CHS does control the number of tuition students that
transfer. 
Staff Photo
NHS Officer Rebecca Katz, Class of 2006, lights a candle during the 2005 NHS Induction Ceremony. The honor society, which is steeped in
tradition, is making some major changes this year, including having both a fall and a spring induction.
Grady said. “However the new criteria has been established in
the fall.”
CHS was one of the few schools that allowed students to be
The secret society of CHS scholars may be a little different eligible with a GPA below 3.7.
this year.
“We changed [the GPA] because as we were looking at othAccording to sponsor Emily Grady, the National Honors er schools and their criteria and their GPAs were higher than
Society will be going through some changes this year in order ours, also, the official regulations state that the GPA should be
to accommodate both prospective junior and senior members. higher than 3.5, “ Grady said. “ During the discussion among
“We used to have one nomination period and ceremony sponsors we reviewed the standards and realized that CHS was
per year,” Grady said. “Now, students can now enter in junior out of sync; we were below the national standard and needed
or senior year, so they can be SEEN for eligibility in both the to pull up to that.”
fall and the spring, Because of this, there will be two induction
Though it may frustrate some that the GPA required has
been raised, there are some positive aspects to the new system.
Now entering second year of being an NHS sponsor, Grady, For starters, this does not make NHS any more exclusive. Also,
an NHS alumnus, observes students’ grades, character—both colleges will view students’ activities in NHS more respectivein and out of the classroom—and their acts of community ser- ly.
vice to decide who’s eligible.
“Because when the students apply to college, an assump“For academic traits, I believe that one must engage in tion will be made that they have GPA of 3.7 or higher and
learning, enchanted by what happens in the
once colleges see that it’s lower, the colleges
classroom, and not focused on just getting
won’t have the same respect they have for othgood grades but open to embracing ideas
ers,” Grady said. “Besides, CHS has too many
while accepting the challenges required to
kids in there.”
I look for people who
achieve,” Grady said.
Some current members may not have the
The junior invitations have been moved are proud to be where
GPA needed to be eligible; however, the questo 2009 in order for the teachers to be able
tion of current members being kicked out for
they are, being the
to know the students better.
not continuing to obtain the approved GPA is
“However that’s no good for seniors be- way they are and who
unknown because there is no monitoring of
cause they need this to look good for their
early decisions college application so they are able to set stanThough NHS is known for being the “secan be eligible earlier,” Grady said.
society of CHS”, the organization is trying
dards for others.
The NHS sponsors look for leadership
to break out and participate more in commu
Emily Grady
in not just clubs, but outside of school as
nity service.
“We’re trying to make less of an honor
“I look for people who are proud to be
society and more of an active community,”
where they are, being the way they are and
Grady said. “That way, we can show that bewho are able to set standards for others,”
ing an NHS member is not just a title, but a
Grady said.
responsibility; this way it enhances the role of being a member
One prominent change in the organization is the accept- of NHS.”
able GPA. In order to meet the NHS criteria, a student would
The process of choosing reduced the number of eligible aphave to achieve a 3.5 GPA; now students cannot be eligible plicants, but not by much. Sponsors encourage students to not
unless they maintain a 3.7 GPA.
worry about meeting the criteria, but just to work hard and
“We published this information a year and a half ago,” enjoy learning. 
Ijeoma Onyema
Mixed classes build community
Jocelyn Lee
Staff Reporter
There are four freshmen, 10
sophomores, and three juniors in the
second period Art I - Design Studio
class. At the same time, several more
classes with a similar range of students
are taking place throughout the CHS
building. However, do classes like
these always have positive results?
Classes with mixed grade levels
have been taking place at CHS for
years partly because of the options
given to students about when they
can fulfill their credit for graduation.
Many of the art and language classes,
extracurricular activities, and some
core classes have more than one grade
level in them.
Art teacher Russell Vanecek currently teaches four classes with mixed
grade levels and only one class of exclusively senior students. He enjoys
his classes with wide age ranges and
believes that the learning environment is enhanced when there are different grade levels in a classroom.
“The mixture of ages and skills
adds to the classes in a very positive
way,” Vanecek said. “Students are
more cooperative and can learn new
things. Also, when you have a diverse
classroom, you have a situation more
like the regular world.”
Some students agree, but their
outlooks are slightly different. Freshman Emma Vierod has three classes
with at least two grade levels in each
of them. Vierod believes that although up gaining.
it can sometimes be a more construc“There’s equal benefit for older
tive learning environment with different and younger kids because the rookies
grade levels, there are downsides.
eventually become veterans,” Stricker
“When you’re with your grade it’s said. “But the older students do have
more of a homey environment, and to step it up.”
when you’re with older students it’s a
Although older students will take
little more intimidating,” Vierod said. on the majority of the responsibil“I think I learn better when I’m with ity in class, freshmen one year will
my grade, because the
return the next
teacher knows what
year ready to take
pace you work at.”
on the extra load
With added grade
of responsibillevels comes added tenity. This is more
It’s a chance for peosion between older and
likely to be true
younger students.
in classes that reple to get to know
“I wouldn’t say there
quire a great deal
each other, which
are any more conflicts,
of collaboration,
but when you’re with
such as Broadcast
builds community..
upper classmen you get
ProducChristine Stricker
the feeling that they
don’t want to talk to
So are mixed
you sometimes,” Vierod
grade level classes
better or worse
The age difference
than single grade
in classes also affects the
classes? Vanecek
way these classrooms
believes they both
function and the way students work with have positive, but different results. Of
each other.
his class of only senior students, there
“It changes the environment,” jour- is a more comfortable environment
nalism teacher Christine Stricker said. and that the seniors are all on the
“There’s a rookie-veteran hierarchy same page.
which can be a good thing, because the
Whether or not mixed grade
younger kids will work at a higher level. levels improve the learning environHowever, I wish there was less of an ini- ment, Stricker agrees that there are
tiation mentality.”
definitely other benefits.
When it comes to which students
“It’s a chance for people to get to
benefit more from classes with combined know each other, which builds comgrade levels, it seems that everyone ends munity,” Stricker said. 
NHS plans two ceremonies
Meng Wang
Karen Hales-Mecham’ s English Language Learner class is one of the many classes in the school that combines various grade
September 24 , 2008
Rising gas prices a challenge for businesses, consumers
Sneha Viswanathan
After recent drops in costs, gas prices
are once again climbing, as the possibility of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike destroying southern oil refineries adds to speculations that they could soon skyrocket.
Despite the worrisome economics of oil
and gas prices, people in St. Louis have
recognized and found solutions to the
problem it presents to their daily lives.
Gas prices have had the greatest impact on small businesses in the area. Steve
Pupillo, the owner of Superior Lawn and
Home Care, a lawn care business based
in Florissant that caters to several customers in Clayton, said that the cost of
gas has had a big impact on his profit
“Gas prices are affecting me in many
ways, I have less income coming into the
house,” Pupillo said. “My income is less
because I’m spending more money on
gasoline to trim grass and bushes, etc,
which makes me raise my prices to offset the difference between the high gas
prices and my prices. I need to raise my
prices to cover the costs, so that I have
the same income as I did last year.”
Pupillo also said that he has taken
other measures to prevent raising some
of his fees.
“I have a second car which has better gas mileage than my truck does, so
I’m able to use that car to go on to give
quotes for landscaping and other things
and do different errands for the business
Helen Wiley
instead of using my truck, which uses
more gas,” Pupillo said. “I don’t use my
truck as much as I have in years before,
but I use the car more often do errands
and short runs. When I have my equipment with me I have to use the truck,
because the car isn’t equipped to haul all
that equipment around.”
Pupillo also sees a direct link between
rising gas prices and rising food prices.
“Gas prices not only affect me, but
it’s definitely affecting farmers too, be-
cause of the cost of transportation to
bring goods back to St. Louis. When the
gas prices go up, it raises the produce
prices too,” Pupillo said.
Other people in St. Louis have
foreseen the rising costs of gas and the
environmental costs of using gasoline.
Although the rising costs didn’t have a
direct effect on them, they have adopted
more fuel-efficient habits.
“My husband and I tried to conserve
gas before the high gas prices, so it hasn’t
affected us very much,” English teacher
Jennifer Sellenriek said. “My husband
carpools to work so he only drives one
week out of the month. On the weekends we usually leave one car parked,
and we walk to the grocery store as much
as we can, and the library and post office;
we live close to all of those things.”
Some students at CHS who drive between school and other activities feel the
unexpected effects of gas prices.
“It [less driving] becomes incompatible with everything that I need to do
and it’s just really inconvenient, so I’m
more dependent on my mother,” junior
Anjuli Dharna said.
While gas prices are affecting the bus
systems of some schools, they haven’t
had any effect on Clayton School District buses.
By conserving fuel and finding new
methods of transportation, people are
gradually moving away from their dependence on gasoline and the need to
pay more for it. 
Math department welcomes four new teachers
Bianca Vannucci
one hour of math learning center, and two classes of Intermediate Algebra, finds CHS “wonderful, calming, welcoming
This year four new teachers were added to the math depart- and caring.” Glenn then said, “I do this job because I love stument, a very unusual event.
dents.” She points to Nagel, who was once her student. “She’s
Jane Glenn, Alexandra Nagel, Jonathan Crane and Angela my success story.”
Caracciolo come from a variety of differNagel, Glenn’s former student, agrees
ent backgrounds, but three of them already
that CHS is “energizing.” She also said it is
knew each other before coming to work at
“fast-paced in a relaxed way.” Nagel is teachEveryone, from the ing Trigonometry and Discrete Math, a class
The math department seems to be copIntegrated Math 1 and a class of Algebra
custodians to the head of
ing well with getting so many new teachers
II. This is her first teaching job.
at once. Each new teacher has been assigned
Crane, an ex-computer consultant with
principal, have made
a “buddy” teacher to answer any question
two engineering degrees has his own opinion
us feel like they are of CHS, remarking that so far it has been
he or she might have. Janet Crewes, a teaching coach from central office, meets with
here to help us and “very fattening” with the math department
the new teachers once a month and they’ve
having an over abundance of doughnuts,
have welcomed us to cookies and cake from a variety of sources.
been getting some help also from the “technology people,” as Glenn calls them.
Crane, who hates Mac computers and loves
the ‘Clayton family.’
“Everyone, from the custodians to the
jokes, teaches Integrated Math II and III and
Jane Glenn
head principal, have made us feel like they
Informal Algebra II.
are here to help us and have welcomed us to
Caracciolo, also an addition to CHS this
Math teacher
the ‘Clayton family,’” Glenn, a former IRS
year is teaching Integrated I, Integrated I
tax auditor, said.
Support and Geometry. Caracciolo comes
Math teacher Barb Dobbert, who has
from Ohio and graduated from the Univerworked at CHS for 15 years, thinks the department is doing sity of Dayton.
very well with the new additions.
She moved to St. Louis four years ago. “I’m enjoying CHS,”
“These are very strong teachers both in their way of teach- she said, she then added, “I’m excited about working with a
ing and their mathematical concepts,” Dobbert said. “Everyone group of students and teachers who have such a passion for
in the department is helping the new teachers acclimate to the education.”
culture of Clayton and the curriculum. It is taking a lot of time
Despite their disagreements on how to best describe CHS,
because there are so many new teachers, but it’s worth it.”
everything is running smoothly so far. The veteran math teachGlenn, who is teaching two classes of Honors Geometry, ers are filling the new ones in and so far it is all adding up. 
show choir
Street law class teaches
more than constitution
Katie Lefton
After a hiatus of many
years, an all-girls show
choir will join the
regular Show Choir at
CHS events.
Caitlin Kropp
On a typical Wednesday morning at
7:45 a.m. the music wing is empty and
quiet, the air undisturbed. Suddenly, a
sound breaks the silence, a sound that
hasn’t been heard in CHS for a very long
time: the sound of a Women’s Show
Choir practicing.
For at least 15 years, CHS has hosted
a Show Choir, comprised of boys and
girls, who perform show tunes together.
Being a member of regular choir is a requirement in order to join Show Choir,
and due to the lack of boys in regular
choir, there aren’t many in Show Choir.
To compensate for this, only a limited
number of girls can be taken on. This has
been a well-kept tradition over the years,
and one that choir director Alice Fasman
recently decided to expand upon.
“There are many qualified women
for Mixed Show Choir but not enough
openings,” Fasman said. “I thought if
would be fun to see if there would be
enough women to make a Women’s
Show Choir.”
The idea of a Women’s Show Choir
has certainly gone over well with the
Tom Maxin
Andrew Dowd
Senior Rebeccah Singer demonstrates a dance move to members of show choir. New this
year, the Show Choir has a dedicated girls chorus.
members of the choir. It gives the girls
more time to practice singing, as well as
meet with friends.
“I like singing, and I wanted to sing
more then just once a day in Choir
Class,” freshman Georgina Kluser in the
Women’s Show Choir said.
The girls in Women’s Show Choir
meet every Wednesday and Friday at
7:30 a.m. to practice. Musically, the
women will sing a wide range of songs.
“We are going to sing some songs
from musicals, as well as pop and jazz,”
Fasman said, “and we’re going to add a
little choreography if we can.”
It sounds ambitious, but Fasman
seems to be an old pro at this. She’s been
directing the Show Choir for seven years,
and even had a Women’s Show Choir
when she first arrived at CHS. As for the
girls, Women’s Show Choir isn’t all about
“We typically warm up vocally and
then sing through a couple of songs
while learning the notes,” Fasman said.
“We work on style and tone production
as well.”
Finally, Fasman has extended an open
invitation to anyone who would like to
join Women’s Show Choir.
“If anyone is interested in singing
with us,” said Fasman, “they should
come see me!”
Backing her up is Kluser, who encourages anyone with a passion for singing to join.
“Girls who like to sing should think
about joining Women’s Show Choir,”
Kluser said, “because it’s really fun and
doesn’t matter what grade you’re in.” 
Street Law: the new American Government. This class, taught by history
teacher Mark Bayles, is the third option
for a government credit.
Other classes for this credit are
American Government and AP US Government and Politics.
Senior Olivia Hayes is enrolled in the
street law class, as a substitute for American Government.
“I really enjoy the class as an alternative to American government,” Hayes
“It teaches the legal side of government,” Bayles said. “The constitution
part is still nuts and bolts, the checks
and balances, but we have things like
case law.”
The class teaches family law and civil
law. The constitution is a part of government class that is required to be in the
class by Missouri law.
“Some examples of family law would
be marriage and divorce,” Bayles said.
“Criminal law is criminal law, and case
studies are what they say”
Street law also touches on a juvenile
law and a little criminal law as well. Stu-
dents study cases including constitutional landmark cases, roots of western law
and local laws.
“To study case law we study the Supreme Court and case results, but we
work backwards to understand it better.”
To pass street law, students must pass
both exams given over the semester.
“AP history is, of course, the hardest,
but street law is still a challenge,” Bayles
Bayles wanted the students to know
that this does not mean that American
government is an easy class. All classes
junior year are challenging.
“It’s a great class for people with
specific interests,” Bayles said. “I would
recommend it for any student interested
in law.”
Street law is offered sixth hour for
juniors and seniors only. Students seem
to be enjoying the class, so it will stick
around for a few more years.
“I think [Street law] is more focused
on the legal system than simply on the
constitution. The course allows me to
link our topics to court cases and how
they changed the constitution today.”
Hayes said. 
Club News
Black Student Union:
BSU was organized to replace 4As, which was an organization for African American
girls. BSU is a coed organization and open to all students.
The organization was created
to service the needs and interests of Black students here
at CHS. BSU sponsors the
Spring Talent Show as a scholarship fundraiser. The Talent
Show will be April 3, 2009. In
addition, in the spring, BSU
hopes to sponsor a college tour
of several historically Black
The organization meets on
Wednesdays, after school, in
the Greyhound room. Science
teacher Mike Sankey, history
teacher Donna Rogers-Beard,
college counselor Caroline
Blair and history department
assistant Byron Lee are the faculty sponsors.
Peers Protecting Peers:
Mission: Peers Protecting
Peers will promote responsible
decisions among peers by setting positive examples and raising safety awareness.
The club meets during
lunch periods in the Activities
Office and has some of the best
food. New members are always welcome. Our meetings
are in the announcements and
on flyers around the school.
Contact a sponsor and get on
our e-mail list.
In the past our goals have
centered around seat belt
safety and eliminating underage drinking. Activities have
included creating safety messages at school dances, PSAs
and video announcements, a
film for Clayton’s Town Hall
on Underage Drinking, and
student run assemblies as well
as working at the Arts Fair. The
club won the St. Louis County
Battle of the Belt for having the
most students wearing their
seat belts as they left school.
This year’s activities will
be decided by our members
and supported by our sponsors Anne Wilding and Erik
Amnesty International
The club focuses on letterwriting and special projects to
promote human rights globally.
It meets every Wednesday any
time before school in Room
110A within the Learning
Center to write letters, and the
2nd and 4th Wed. mornings
each month to plan actions.
Past successes include benefit
concerts, special speaker and
panel assemblies, teach-ins, war
memorials, and Human Rights
Day recognitions, on issues in
Tibet, Iraq-Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Jena, Louisiana.
Model United Nations
Students in this club research, strategize, and compete
in multi-school St. Louis Area
Model UN network. Each
student represents a different country, drafts a one-page
resolution on a given set of issues, and debates and votes on
the most interesting proposals
at the 2-3 all-day conferences
with the collaborating schools.
The club meets biweekly as
the conferences approach, usually there is one in fall, one in
winter, and sometimes one in
spring in Room 110A within
the Learning Center.
Opera Club
This club attends and appreciates live, broadcast, and
DVD performances of opera.
Listen to the announcements about when this group
will meet in Room 110A within the Learning Center.
September 24, 2008
A trip down
memory lane
Three alumni remember
their times at Clayton
High School.
This year, CHS celebrates its one hundredth anniversary, honoring the
teachers, students, and Clayton community that have contributed to a
My fondest memories
were of my friends
and I at ‘the dump’the hangout right
across the street from
the school.
century of excellence.
CHS celebrates
100 years of
Alumni grateful
for time at CHS
Fontasha Powell
Leah Eby
This year in Clayton history marks the one hundredth anniversary of CHS. In 1909, Clayton High School was introduced and soon became a prominent school in the St. Louis
area. The next year, the first graduating class marched across
the stage to receive their diplomas as the Class of 1910.
Throughout the past one hundred years, CHS has transformed from a small school in suburbia into a bustling center
of academic, extracurricular, and social leadership. CHS consistently ranks among the top schools in both Missouri and the
United States, and Principal Louise Losos said she believes that
the history of Clayton excellence is due to the combination of
great teachers, great parents, and a supportive community.
“I feel honored to be a part of the legacy of Clayton High
School,” Losos said.
Assistant Principal Dan Gutchewsky agrees with Losos and
believes that being a part of the Clayton community and the
outstanding excellence of CHS is something to aspire to.
“I’m very proud to say I’m associated with the high school,”
Gutchewsky said. “When I came to Clayton it was almost
surprising to me because everybody you meet – from the custodians to the superintendents to the teachers to the kids – everybody is pretty amazing, and I enjoy working with everyone.
It’s cool to be part of a team where everybody is very good at
what they do.”
Though centennial celebrations to honor CHS and the
school’s legacy of academic and social excellence have not yet
been finalized, district members are anticipating numerous activities and events aimed to glorify the past one hundred years
of Clayton excellence.
Chris Tennill, Director of Communications for the School
District of Clayton, has been spearheading the campaign for
the centennial celebrations and said that the district has decided to stretch the anniversary celebrations over two years in
order to commemorate both the one hundredth year of CHS
and the one hundredth graduating class. Gutchewsky added
that this fall, the school district will begin advertising the coming festivities.
“We’re marking this homecoming as a kickoff of two years
of celebrations,” Gutchewsky said. “We’ll have various celebrations continuing through the graduating class of next year.”
Though Tennill insisted that centennial celebration plans
are merely rough ideas at this point, he said that a Clayton Hall
of Fame, including an introductory gala and annual inductions, was one proposal that would bring back many alumni
and respectfully honor the past one hundred years of CHS.
Though many in the Clayton community are excitedly
anticipating the proposed centennial celebrations, Tennill believes that the prestige of CHS is enough of a reward for one
hundred years of excellence.
“Whether or not there’s a celebration going on, people are
always interested in being a part of the district,” Tennill said.
“It’s a pretty neat thing, and the centennial celebration is just
the icing on the cake.” 
Photos clockwise from left: James
P. David, poses with his 1936 varsity
football squad. A group of CHS band
members pose outside of the old high
school on Maryland. Members of the
class of 1916 listen attentively in a
class room. A group of girls from the
class of 1944 pose outside the Dump,
a popular lunch hangout for students.
The beginning of a race showing Gay
With the CHS celebrating its hundredth anniversary this school
year, ninety-nine previous CHS classes are out in the real world
and feel prepared for their future. Not only do many CHS alumni
have fond memories of their times at CHS, but they also feel that
the energetic, supportive environment of the high school positively
impacted their futures.
“I have no doubt that Clayton High School prepares its graduates and affords them every opportunity to excel once they move
beyond its walls,” said a CHS graduate of 1993. “I was never more
sure of my education. The scope of my knowledge and the depth
of my abilities far surpassed that of my classmates in college. Never
once during my college years did I work as hard nor was I challenged as much as I was at Clayton.”
Judith Aronson was the first CHS graduate elected to the school
board in the 1960s. Not only did she believe that the high school
taught her, but she also believed it to be magical.
“It was Camelot,” said Aronson. “It was a district full of average
geniuses and everyone believed in the magic of education.”
Alumnus Steven Westbrook, class of 1998, not only appreciates
Clayton for the academic preparation that it provided, but also enjoyed the relaxed social environment that was maintained.
“I loved the environment at Clayton because it was so laid back,”
Westbrook said. “When I was there, for the most part, everyone was
friends with everyone. It was like a big school full of friends.”
Clare Harding Sanford, class of 1952, attended CHS during
World War II. She thinks that despite the panicked atmosphere in
the country during these times, the district remained joyous.
“Even though our parents had suffered from the Depression and
our elementary school days were seared by WWII, it seems like a remarkably happy, innocent time,” said Sanford in the 1950s. “Even
now, we are grounded in an optimistic sense of our own worth and
a conviction that events in our lives, even the most dire, can be
woven into a positive world view. Our teachers taught us a lot more
than reading, writing and arithmetic.”
A graduate of 1944 said that he thought that Clayton High was
always technologically forward and innovative in its teaching methods.
“I have always felt that the Clayton School system during the
years I attended was the most progressive,” a graduate from the class
of 1944 said. “I became even more aware of this as I grew older and
read of ‘innovations’ in other schools which I had enjoyed in my
school years.”
Lastly, CHS alumni find that they incorporate teachings from
the high school into their everyday lives. Jere I. Hochman, class of
1970, not only loved the teachings of Clayton High School but also
followed their patterns.
“We were so fortunate to have had the best [teachers],” Hochman said. “They knew us, they cared about us, and they taught us
well. And I find that I plan and teach from their modeling.” 
Courtesy of Joan Waldman
“When you walked
in the front door you
could go back outside
to an open area where
your commons are
Sherry Eisenberg
Class of 1974
CHS earned a spot
A new track made of
Durasport was installed
at Gay Field that cost
approximately a quarter
of a million dollars.
Clayton agreed to adopt
participate in a voluntary
interdistrict transfer
Courtesy of Sherry Eisenberg
The previous CHS library was much smaller than it is today.
Board of Education voted
unanimously to prohibit
smoking at the high
school, except in places
designated for smoking.
The Missouri Division of
Public Schools awarded
CHS a AAA rating, the
highest rating available.
homecoming parade. Teachers and students dine in the old cafeteria that was remodeled in 1998 to create the math wing.
after 1954.
moved from Maryland
Ave. to 1 Mark Twain
Circle. The district also
began mandatory
desegregation of schools.
Joan Waldman
Class of 1945
1954. Students walk to class through the CHS quad before the Commons was built. Cheerleaders and students prep for the
The completion of the new school
On Feb. 10, the Clayton
“We used to go to
Pevely fountain and
bring our lunches to
eat there. I met my
boyfriend, now my
husband, there.”
Photos clockwise from left: Bystanders watch the ground breaking of the site for Clayton High School’s new location in
Field in its near infancy in the 1930s.
Clayton High School
Courtesy of Betty Oberman
Senior Managing Editor
Senior Managing Editor
Clayton High School was
Betty Oberman
Class of 1948
Construction of the
Center of Clayton, the
Commons, the math
wing, and the music wing
was completed.
on a list of twenty six
exemplary public high
schools in the nation.
The CLAMO Newspaper
was renamed The Globe
after the globe statue was
installed at the school
The construction of
Centene Stadium at Gay
Field was completed.
The School District of
Clayton became wired to
the internet.
Photos courtesy of the School District of Clayton
school . pro . leisure
September 24, 2008
Soccer hounds ‘Do work’ in hope of a winning season
Fontasha Powell
Senior Managing Editor
Although the boys soccer team started their season 0-5, they last few games
have really turned it around, bringing
their current record 2-5. Although the
hounds lost 12 seniors from the district
winning team that advanced to state last
year, senior captain
David Schlessman said that the team
is learning to deal with the losses.
“Losing the graduating players is
something that we have to deal with,”
Schlessman said. “This year we don’t have
our talent concentrated in a few power
players, but rather, dispersed throughout
the team.”
Sophomore Josh Goldstein, the
team’s sweeper, agreed with Schlessman.
“This year, because we lost 12 seniors, our team is a lot younger and we
don’t have as much experience in tough
games,” Goldstein said. “Without Parker
[Rawdon] and Scott [Belsky] setting up
goals, we’ve had to work harder and find
new ways to score goals.”
Schlessman thinks that despite the
loss of last year’s tremendous talent, this
year’s team has a considerable amount of
younger talent and everyone is working
together to achieve success.
“This year, everyone has stepped up,”
Schlessman said. “The current sophomores who were freshmen last year have
grown in size and talent and stepped up
as ball
handlers. Even though we only have
a few returning seniors from last year’s
varsity team, everyone is making a difference.”
Charlie Harned is part of the young
talent that the soccer hounds have
gained. Harned, a wing midfielder is one
of the two freshmen on varsity and also
is working hard, despite some obstacles.
“Being on varsity is sometimes sort
of a challenge and I have to carry the
water around,” Harned said. “Everyone
else is more advanced and more mature,
stronger and more skilled. But we have
manage to keep up.”
Izzy Fratt
Defensive player and Co-Captain David Schlessman makes a run up the line during a game against Ritenour in mid September. The Hounds lost 1-0 because of a penalty kick due to
a questionable foul commited by sweeper Josh Goldstein in the first half. This game marked their fifth loss of the season. However, the Hounds managed to win the two subsequent
Harned and Goldstein believe that
the team’s strong senior leadership helps
make up for this year’s younger roster.
“I admire and respect David Schlessman and Matt Reznick,” Goldstein said.
“Last year they weren’t big leaders, but
this year they’ve really stepped it up and
they’re both captains. They play good defense with me and are good leaders.”
Harned agreed.
“I respect Matt Reznick and David
Schlessman because they don’t mess
around,” Harned said. “They’re vocal on
the field and they tell us where we need
to be. When we need someone to step
up, they always step it up.”
Despite the current losing record, the
team has been working hard to turn that
“Our record doesn’t reflect how we
play,” Goldstein said. “We got off on a
slow start, being 0-5, but we’ve really focused and worked hard, and since then
we’ve been 2-0.”
Schlessman agreed with Goldstein.
“Especially this year, because of
MSSHA rules, we had to start pre-season
a week late,” Schlessman said. “We’ve
put in a lot of conditioning so that we
can play an 80 minute game. We’ve also
been building team spirit and unity. We
do that just by running together and
working together. We support each other because we’re working hard and give
each other a shoulder to lean on.”
Although still early in the season, the
team has had a series of highs and lows.
Harned thinks that losing to McCluer
was the lowest point of the season so far.
“Losing to McCluer 1-0 was a big
disappointment,” Harned said. “We had
a bunch of scoring opportunities but we
couldn’t finish.”
For Goldstein, the lowest point of
the season was losing to Ritenour. In the
Ritenour game, the hounds lost 1-0 because of a penalty kick that was given for
a questionable foul that was called in the
first half.
“Our fifth loss to Ritenour was a disappointment because we were already
0-4, then we lost another game,” Gold-
stein said.
Regardless of disappointments, the
hounds have had season highs. Harned
thinks that the high of the season so far
was beating Webster.
“Winning against Webster was great
because it was the first win of the season,” Harned said. “We played really
strong defense and scored a really great
Goldstein is looking forward to the
Ladue game in addition to districts.
“I’m looking forward to playing Ladue and seeing how we do in districts,”
Goldstein said. “Ladue is always a big
rivalry and districts will be fun because
we’re a young team that wants to have
fun and we don’t have very much to
Schlessman agreed with Goldstein.
He thinks that the record is not the priority, but rather executing good soccer at
“We’re not worried about our record,” Schlessman said. “When districts
come around, the record really won’t
matter, so we’re focusing all of our efforts
on districts.”
Harned is also looking forward to
districts and doesn’t believe that the success of last year’s team will negatively affect how districts go this year.
“I don’t think that there is an unfair
expectation for us to win districts this
year because last year’s team did, but I
do think there’s a good chance for us to
win,” Harned said. “We aren’t the best
team that Clayton’s ever had, but we
work hard and play good soccer.”
Schlessman was in agreement with
both Goldstein and Harned. Not only
does he hope to win districts but he also
fairly optimistic that the team is capable
of doing so.
“I hope to go as least as far as we did
last year and win districts because I think
we can,” Schlessman said. “Any given
team can win on any day and I think we
can take this program as far as we want
it to. As a senior it would be great to go
farther than we did last year, and that’s
what I’m aiming for. Go Hounds.” 
Greyhound football striving for intense, successful season
Evan Green
The Clayton Greyhound football
team hit the ground running this year
with a big 47-22 win over the visiting
Lutheran North Crusaders. The season
started with a bang as the score was 2014 in favor Clayton with seven minutes
into the quarter.
The game was exactly how the
Hounds wanted to start the season as
they came out in the third quarter strong
to take the lead for good and put the
game away.
“We still need to improve our intensity and our focus at times,” junior wide
receiver Devonte Bell said.
Bell had four catches for 131 yards
and a touchdown in the game as he made
his varsity football debut. As well, senior
wide receiver Alex Hill picked up from
where he left off last year, having seven
receptions for 120 yards and an amazing
three touchdown catches.
But the biggest headline of the game
was not the amazing receiving stats, but
the stats that the player throwing those
receivers put up.
Senior quarterback Adam Banks
started the season on an exceptional
note, as he completed 14 of his 17 pass
attempts for 273 yards and no interceptions. What is more amazing is that
Banks threw for four touchdowns (therefore he had more touchdown passes than
incompletions) and rushed for two more
for a total of six touchdowns in roughly
three quarters of work.
“I’ve really been working on my decision making, but being able to look
people off is another key to any success I
have on the field,” Banks said.
After the Lutheran North game, the
football Hounds went on the road to St.
Francis Borgia to take on the Knights.
While that game did not go as planned
for the Hounds (losing 27-7), the team
still took several positives out of the experience.
“We learned that we just need to
continue to get better day in and day out
at practice as it relates to each individual
player,” varsity head coach Sam Horrell
Nothing in the game went particularly well for the team after the first drive
in which Banks found Bell for a 77-yard
touchdown pass. While the field was
wet, which detracted from the team’s
good speed, the Hounds don’t wish to
make excuses for the loss.
“The field conditions weren’t ideal,
but we still shouldn’t have made some
the mistakes that we did,” senior safety
and captain Hal Lewis said.
In the Hounds’ third game, they faced
the misplaced Ladue Rams at home for
the second year in a row. Because the
Rams’ football field is being renovated,
they are having their home games at Gay
Field, which was still essentially a home
game for the Hounds.
In the game, the team stumbled out
of the gate, falling behind 14-0 in the
first quarter before eventually righting
the ship. The team cut the lead in half
with 41 seconds remaining in the second
quarter on a four-yard pass from Banks
to senior running back Lamar Cotton.
Banks finished the game 10 for 22
for 150 yards and a touchdown with no
interceptions yet again.
In the second half, the Hounds came
out of the gate strong as they took control of the game, tying the score with
three seconds left in the third quarter on
a Banks 36-yard touchdown run.
“I worked on improving my speed
over the summer and it really came in
handy there,” Banks said.
With the defense essentially shutting
down the Ram offense, the Hounds began to win the battle of field possession
before finally capitalizing two minutes
into the final quarter of play. Banks gave
the Hounds the lead on a 30-yard scamper that ignited the crowd into a frenzy.
The rest of the game, the defense held
the Rams, finishing off the victory.
On the defensive side of the ball,
Lewis led the team with 12 total tackles,
Jessica Shen
The CHS Varsity Football Hounds faced rivals the Ladue Rams on Sept. 12. Photos clockwise from left: The Hounds complete a play against Ladue. The Hounds face off against the
Ladue Rams. Teammates watch as the CHS Hounds tie up the game in the third quarter. Banks prepares to throw a pass down the field.
while Cotton contributed 10 solo tackles and junior linebacker Graham Gold
added eight tackles.
The Hounds feel that they really
gained valuable knowledge from the
“That game taught us that we need to
play the whole game with the intensity
we came out with in the second half,”
Banks said.
Horrell believes that the Hounds
2008 Varsity Boys’ Soccer Schedule
Sept. 27 - 12 p.m. vs. Chaminade - Homecoming game
Oct. 3 - 7 p.m. @ EH Lyle
Oct. 10 - 7 p.m. vs. Affton
Oct. 18 - 12 p.m. @ U-City
Oct. 25 - 2 p.m. @ Normandy
Oct. 30 - 7 p.m. vs. Jennings
should take several positives from the
“Our character, perseverance and
ability to never give up and keep working together played a big key to the victory,” Horrell said.
Looking to the future, the Hounds
are at Berkeley on Sept. 20, before returning home for the big Homecoming
game against the Chaminade Red Devils.
“We are already focusing on the next
game, and really trying to take the season
one game at a time and not get ahead of
ourselves,” Banks said.
As for the rest of the season, some
Hounds have set personal goals for
“I would really just like to catch six
or seven touchdown passes,” Bell said.
In the bigger picture, however, the
team set goals for everyone before the
season started.
“We want to win our conference and
district titles,” Banks said.
All of that and more are expected of
a team so filled with talent, and thus far,
they appear to be lead by players with
the right mentality. And that is the type
of mentality that builds up to bigger and
bigger achievements, such achievements
that the Hounds are striving for this season. 
2008 Varsity Football Schedule
Oct. 2 - 4:15 p.m. @ Lutheran North
Oct. 3 - 4:15 p.m. @ Westminster
Oct. 6 - 4:15 p.m. vs. Parkway North
Oct. 7 - 5:30 p.m. @ Affton
Oct. 13 - 4:15 p.m. @ U-City
Oct. 15 - 6 p.m. @ Kirkwood
September 24 , 2008
Down for the count: Sports injuries deplete rosters
Tom Evashwick
Turf Tales
Down for the Count
Every day, thousands of people enjoy
the “Snap, Crackle, Pop” of Rice Krispie
In any given sports season, hundreds
of teenagers hear that same sound, and
then it is the dread that hits their stomachs. All around the world, teams ranging from local little leagues to the New
England Patriots suffer from the gap left
by injured players. CHS sports teams are
no exception. About three athletes are
injured for every one thousand that participate in any kind of team activity.
Boys’ football comes in with the
highest rate of injury – about five of
one thousand high school athletes are
injured, followed by boys’ soccer at 2.5
injuries per thousand exposures. Because
they are statistically the two most risky
sports, it is no surprise that they are the
two Clayton teams that have been affected the most.
The injury bug seems to have hurt
the boys’ soccer team more than football,
On the varsity soccer team, 10 out
the 27 players have missed practices or
games due to injuries. Midfielders Colton Smith (senior) and Josh Few (junior)
have more significant injuries and will be
out for the entire season.
“[The injuries] shortened our bench
of available players,” varsity head coach
Trainer Carrie Sickmann attends to sophomore soccer player Josh Goldstein’s ankle during
Matt Balossi said.
Balossi cites the loss of a week dur- the Hounds’ game against Ritenour. Goldstein was injured making a slide tackle that
ing the preseason as a major cause of the resulted in him receiving a red card.
“Our fitness just isn’t what it should players for long periods of time. Juniors regain his starting job. Stamp believes
be,” Balossi said.
Claude Keaton, Nick Van Almsick, and that he will make a full recovery and still
Because of the lack of fitness and senior Ben Stamp are all athletes who be a major part of the team this season.
the list of active playwere returning to a
“I think I’ll be fine once I get the
ers shrinking, Balossi
starting position or little cast off,” Stamp said.
said the preparation for There is occasionally
in contention for one
Stamp missed about a month of the
games has been focused
before getting hurt. season, and cannot play until he has 14
more on fitness than in someone who gets
Varsity head coach days of practices according to MSHSAA
the past.
Sam Horrell said regulations. This rule is in place for all
knocked in the knee,
Junior forward Casey
the injuries hurt the school-sponsored sports to try to prevent
Lawlor was on that in- but we play through it, team, but the game injuries and for the athlete to have amjured list. He sprained
plan hasn’t been ple opportunity to get into shape. Even
his ankle multiple times we’re
altered to accom- some professional sports have begun to
in the first game of the
modate for the hurt institute measure to further ensure the
Izzy Fratt
season. Lawlor missed a
safety of their players.
few weeks, but has since
“Everyone on the
In professional football, the “horse
returned. Due to his inteam is more than ca- collar” tackle has been outlawed since
jury, he now has to wear
pable of stepping in Dallas Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens
a brace for the upcoming weeks. Howev- at any time,” Horrell said.
broken his leg being tackled in such a
er, he admits that while he can now play,
Ben Stamp, a senior tight end, has way. A horse collar tackle is when the
the effects will be felt for a while.
recently returned from injury. Stamp ball carrier is dragged down by the “col“Playing with the injury could hin- broke his finger diving for a ball during lar” of his pads from behind, and a numder my ability,” Lawlor said.
ber of injuries have occurred from such
While the varsity football team hasn’t
“Drew Hall (the tight end while tackles.
been affected in the same ways as the soc- Stamp was out) is doing a great job,”
This season, college football is also
cer team, they have lost some important Stamp said, but Stamp fully intends to implementing the same rule as the pros,
Evan Green
for CHS
Izzy Fratt
New districts, new problems
Kevin Matheny
have a huge impact on the success of our
teams in the postseason,” Athletic DirecThis year, the districts have changed, tor Bob Bone said. “It’s nearly impossomewhat for the worse. A district is the sible to keep everyone happy.”
An example of the possible fallacy is
group of teams that any given team goes
on to play in the first round of the post- the soccer Hounds’ new district. Clayseason before going to the state playoffs. ton’s district includes class two powerA team may or may not play all the teams houses Westminster, MICDS and Priory,
in its district during the regular season teams that have had great success historibut once the season ends, the district cally and recently. If the soccer Hounds
playoffs start. The winner of each dis- would have stayed in the same district,
trict goes on to play in the state tourna- they would have a new addition of St.
ment, a huge honor in itself. Among the Mary’s, giving the old district three comteams with realigned districts are boys’ petitive teams in Affton, Lutheran South
and St. Mary’s, leading varsity head socvarsity soccer and girls’ varsity tennis.
The Missouri State High School Ath- cer coach Matt Balossi to have a different
letic Association (MSHSAA), the gov- take on the matter.
“In either district we would have
erning body for all Missouri high school
sports, is the sole entity responsible for three strong teams to compete with,”
Balossi said. “In terms of our level
district assignments.
of competition in the postDistricts are changed
season, not much has
every two years by
MSHSAA, no exVarsity tennis
ceptions. This
has changes this
system allows
year also. Rival
the state to
and strong comcompenpetitor
sate for the
Burroughs has
moved out of
changes in
high school
district and Nersports.
inx has moved in.
The criteria
With MICDS also
for the district
entering the district,
the tennis Hounds have
stated by MSHSAA,
a tougher district than last
are geographic proximyear.
ity and approximate nu“Although districts have
merical balance. This means
changed,” varsity tennis player
that MSHSAA tries to put
Katherine Greenberg said, “We’re
teams in districts together
not sure if it will have effects on
that are close to each other
Ali Sehizadeh
our run at state. We’re going to
and have comparable enrollhave to take what we get and play
ment numbers. Enrollments
change quickly, so MSHSAA compen- our best.”
The only way a district can be changed
sates by changing the districts accordis if the school perceives a mistake in its
ingly every two years.
One criterion that MSHSAA doesn’t location based on the other schools in its
consider is past success, but this is some- district. MSHSAA reviews and makes
thing every school cares about. Districts changes accordingly. Overall individual
greatly affect the outcome of Clayton schools have little power, making schools
adjust and take the changes in stride.
teams in the postseason.
“We have no control and we have to
“The fallacy is that the state controls
who goes where, and district assignments take what we get,” Bone said. 
but in high school football, the tackle is
still legal. Horrell said that there have
been no such rule changes in the high
school game in the recent years.
A few years ago, a new soccer rule
was implemented to try to prevent injury. The slide tackle from behind now
warrants at least a yellow card, but more
commonly a red card, which immediately expels the player for the rest of the
game and the next game as well, not to
mention that the team must then finish the game with one less player on the
The girls’ field hockey team has mostly avoided the injury plague. Junior Izzy
Fratt has been one of the few to miss any
time at all, but has fully recovered from a
minor knee injury.
“There is occasionally someone who
gets knocked in the knee, but we play
through it, we’re tough,” Fratt said. 
Clayton High School. The
school with such high academic
and athletic standards. The school
where merely getting B’s is considered below average. The long and
rich tradition is one that continues to go on, from generation to
As the 100th school year has
begun, it feels only proper to go
through the many ways that CHS
has excelled throughout the past
century. Whether that is the
TEAMS competitors that annually places first nationally or the
mock trial team that seemingly
always goes to state.
Or the debate team that always excels in several categories
at the state competition. Not to
mention the recent DECA and
Math Club successes. Or even the
many, many national awards that
our very own Globe newspaper
has won. The very same Globe
that is in the National Newspaper Hall of Fame, a great honor
for any high school newspaper,
and a strong list of other awards
that have been won and cherished
by each generation of students,
achievements that need to be continued.
The rich tradition traditions
hail from Clayton’s profound excellence in so many sports.
From our gridiron dominance
to our recent soccer district title,
and to our tennis and newfound
softball superiority, to our basketball court dominance, to our
recent state title game run in lacrosse, and even onto the baseball
diamond, Clayton has truly become an all-around great school
to play for. And what student will
ever forget the state championship
win in the 2004 state football title
The giant rush that an athlete feels as they slip into the jersey with their schools name on
it is one that cannot be put into
words. For it is finally a jersey to
play for the name on the front and
not on the back.
Clayton High School is much
different than most.
We are proud of our sports
teams, proud of our open campus
policy, proud of having the highest
test scores of all public schools in
the state, proud of our outstanding showings on AP tests, proud
of our sports rivalries and chants,
and especially proud of our longstanding traditions.
Those traditions range from
the Bonfire to the C-L-A chant;
from the Penny War to decorating
the commons; from reading the
Globe in the commons to watching GNN every Friday; from the
Impact Soccer tournament to the
Dodgeball Tournament; from
Powderpuff football the weekend
before Homecoming to the Arts
Fair every spring; and knowing
that come the end of May, there
will always be a senior prank.
These are all built in traditions in
CHS history, 100 years of history.
As we enter this century mark
at Clayton High, remember our
traditions, keep these special traditions going, because in a world
of change after high school, these
are the little things that will make
you long for your days back at
CHS, the days that go by much
too fast as we as high school students are often reminded.
So go to the Bonfire, shout as
loud as you can at sporting events,
and remember to always strive
to make CHS proud, in any way
So, as the great Ron Burgundy
would say, “Stay classy CHS.” 
September 24, 2008
Hard work pays off
for varsity Hounds
Evan Green
Adam Banks’ entire football career has led to this season. The senior
quarterback has made sure that it will
be a memorable one already. Banks
has started for the varsity team since
he was a sophomore and his experience
has helped him to be in the position he
is in now. That position is to make a
deep run into the playoffs as the starting quarterback. Banks led the season
off for the Hounds with a bang. In passing for four touchdowns and running for
two more, Banks led the team to a 47-22
victory over the visiting Lutheran North
Crusaders. In the game, Banks was 1417 for 273 yards, not to mention the
zero interceptions, a trend Banks wants
to continue. In the Hounds’ first three
games, Banks has not thrown a single interception. This is something that Banks
has been striving to improve.
“I still feel that I need to better my
decision making in terms of knowing
when to throw the ball away instead of
trying to force it,” Banks said.
In the Hounds’ second win, Banks
lit up the Ladue defense on the ground,
rushing for 147 yards on 15 carries.
While the passing game was not as it
usually was, Banks made the offense
work for the Hounds, rushing for two
touchdowns and throwing for another
to lead the team to a comeback win over
the rival Rams.
With the team down 14-0, Banks
slowly but surely took over the game,
leading the Hounds to the 21-14 win.
While the victory was definitely a team
effort, Banks played a crucial part in
making sure that the senior class did not
go out on a low note in the rivalry.
Over the off-season, Banks made
great improvements in his game.
“I ran with Coach [Barry] Ford and
lifted with Coach [Sam] Horrell,” Banks
His work ethic has helped him get to
another level with his game, and several
colleges are now scouting Banks as part
of the reward.
“Some Division III schools are looking at me, as well as Yale and Penn,”
Banks said.
Playing college football is what most
high school athletes that take the field
every Friday night dream of, but for
Banks, this has always been a goal.
Banks is 29-56 for 550 yards (a 117.2
passer rating through three games), as
well as six touchdown passes and no interceptions. He believes this is because of
parts of his game that he has bettered.
“I’ve improved my speed and my
footwork for this season,” Banks said.
Banks’ speed has indeed been on display on Friday nights thus far this season. The senior quarterback has rushed
for 230 yards and four touchdowns on
just 28 carries.
With the team off to a great start,
Banks still has goals for the rest of the
“I still want to make first team allconference and to throw for 2,000
yards,” Banks said.
With the way that the season has
gone so far, those goals may not be so
far out of reach for the third year starter
as he continues to lead the Hounds to
gridiron glory. 
Athlete of the Month
Adam Banks
Any time you have a player that works
as hard and puts in as much time as
Adam does to be successful, he is only
going to get better. He has matured
and grown as all athletes do from their
junior to senior year.
The varsity cross country Hounds with Coach Kurtis Werner break before their race at the Forest Park Cross Country Festival.
X country team trying to find its stride
Christian Thomas
Jessica Shen
Seniors Krishna Vemulapalli and Dylan Cockson race in the St.
Charles Invitational at McNair Park.
31 of 63 for 565
Quarterback Rating:
6 TD, 0 INT
Rushing Touchdowns:
--Coach Sam Horrell
Jessica Shen
With the new fall sports season underway, many cross
country runners, along with their coaches, are enthusiastic
about the team’s potential this year.
“Overall, I think we have a good team on the girls’ side,”
senior co-captain Katie Poplawski said.
Some new assistant coaches are rounding out the help available to the Hounds.
“Coach [Kurtis] Werner provides the discipline, Coach
[Erin] Sucher provides a lot of running know-how, while
Coach [Mike] Nelke provides moral support,” sophomore Jack
Hodapp said.
This is Hodapp’s second season on the cross country team.
Poplawski’s expectations for the team are very high.
“I am looking for the girls to improve upon last year’s season,” Poplawski said.
Sucher sees several potential bright spots on the team.
“ I think our best shots at having state contenders are freshman Nicole Indovino and junior Simone Bernstein for the girls
and senior Krishna Vemulapalli, Lewis Koppman and Dylan
Cockson for the boys,” Sucher said. This is Sucher’s first year as
assistant coach for the running Hounds.
“The guys are capable of a big season as well,” Hodapp said.
“I personally worked hard during the off-season. My goal for
the season is to run a race in under 20 minutes this year.”
According to the Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA), a cross country race lasts 5000 meters or
roughly just over three miles.
After their first two meets on Sept. 5 and Sept. 13, the
Hounds are optimistic about the rest of the season.
“It was a great chance to see where we compare among
other schools,” Hodapp said. “We did well, however, we still
need to improve”
“As coaches we are pleased with the effort put forth by the
entire team,” Nelke said.
This is Nelke’s second year on the cross-country coaching
“It is good to see the runners with so much dedication to
be able to come to practice everyday after school. As a coach, I
know the running is very challenging; however, soon the hard
work will pay off.”
The Hounds view the races as preparation for district rac-
“I can’t wait for districts,” Hodapp said. “It will be good
competition and I think we can really do well.”
The Hounds will head into districts with competition from
teams like Affton, Bishop DuBourg, Central Visual & Performing Arts, Gateway, Lutheran South, Miller Career Academy, Soldan, University City, and Vashon.
Shaw Park will host two cross country meets in the next
month: the Suburban East meet on Oct. 14 and the Clayton
Invitational on Oct. 24.
“We hope we will see a lot of support for the team during
both those events,” Sucher said. 
September 24 , 2008
Girls’ varsity field hockey
strives for stronger season
A hardworking team and dedicated
coaches bond to make season successful.
Maddy McMahon
to an injury, she shares her love of field hockey with the lady
“She’s really energetic and is really good at pushing us indiAlthough it lost its first 3 games to John Burroughs School,
University City High School, and Parkway, as well as the Gate- vidually and as a team to become more cohesive,” Wack said.
Dooley is enthusiastic about working with her colleague
way Classic tournament, Clayton High School’s varsity field
this season.
hockey team is ready to put together a strong season.
“She’s awesome,” Dooley said, “She has a lot of bright ideas,
Despite a rough start, the team is optimistic.
“It can only get better,” co-captain and senior Kate Whee- she’s very serious about field hockey, and has brought us to a
new level.”
lock said.
Together, the coaches create a positive environment for the
“The season has been good,” senior Chelsea Flood said,
“We played Burroughs Sept. 4. They won 2-1, but we went out team at practices, urging the members to improve.
“The practices are pretty quick-paced,” Pierce said, “They’re
playing hard. We didn’t win the tournament, but we learned a
fun but focused.”
lot about the team and how everyone plays together.”
“They make a great team together,” sophomore Lily Gage
Although John Burroughs School has a very good team,
the lady Hounds’ game against them has been one of the best said.
The coaches connect with their team on an intimate level as
so far.
“JBS is a great team,” junior Izzy Fratt said, “and it showed well, helping to make the team a community.
“Lizzy and Mary are very easy to relate to and talk to,” Fratt
us that we have the ability to play at a higher level as individusaid.
als and as a team.”
The team members have high hopes for both themselves as
The team is comprised mainly of sophomores, with only 5
well as the entire team.
juniors and 5 seniors playing on the varsity level this year.
“I want to enjoy my last season playing field hockey and
“We lost a lot of seniors last year so this is a very young
take advantage of every opportunity of the
team,” junior Emily Wack said.
field that I am given,” Miller said.
Despite the interesting range in ages on
Fratt has particularly ambitious goals for
the varsity team, there’s a lot of potential.
the team overall.
“Our team has a lot of potential and I “Our team has a lot of
“My goal for the team is to be number 1
believe that once we start getting used to potential and I believe
in the public school district,” Fratt said, “and
playing with one another we will do really
that once we start getalways to get further than we did in districts
well,” senior Claire Miller said.
last year.”
Head Coach Lizzy Dooley echoes Millting used to playing
Co-captain Wheelock notes that the
er’s belief.
team has already made progress in bonding
“We definitely have a young team. It’s with one another we
as a unit.
going to take a while to develop cohesive“This year especially, nobody was really
ness. We have a lot of strong players, but will do really well.”
good friends with each other before the seawe need to learn to play together,” Dooley Claire Miller
son,” Wheelock said, “There’s less natural talsaid.
ent, but we work harder than ever before.”
The team members make personal
Most of all, the lady Hounds want some
connections over the course of the season
that help them work as a team during the
Dooley believes it can boost the team’s spirits after a rough
“The best thing about being on the team is that we really start to the season. Also, since the previous games were away,
come together throughout the season,” said co-captain and se- the team could simply be in need of some home games to turn
the tide.
nior Courtney Pierce.
“I’m hoping in the next couple of weeks, when we have
The team’s confidence in their ability to do well stems from
their coaches. The head coach, Lizzy Dooley, played for Clay- home games, we’ll benefit from a home field advantage. Having fans at the home games will be crucial,” Dooley said.
ton when she was a student.
Like every year, the team is a mixture of different personali“[Dooley] has been with the program for a while, so we
ties and strengths.
have all been with her before,” junior Caroline Stamp said.
Because of the uniqueness of the team this season, the varDooley lends her experience to the team, while the new
assistant coach, Mary Henry, is new to the team. Henry is a sity team wants to give its all this year.
“It will never be the same team playing all together again,”
senior at St. Louis University, where she played on the Division I team. Although she is not playing at the moment due Flood said. 
Julia Reilly
Varsity team member Anna Krane and fellow varsity team member Kate Wheelock
battle it out with a Burroughs player. The
Lady Hounds lost 2-1.
Varsity team member Anna Krane takes
the ball away from a Burroughs player.
Upcoming Home Varsity Field Hockey Games
Oct. 1
Oct. 3
Oct. 15
Parkway North
Julia Reilly
Athlete of the Month
Katherine Greenberg
From the Coach:
The pursuit of
“One of the reasons for
Katherine’s success is she
plays year round. She
takes individual lessons, which allows her to
compete with top players
from private schools
throughout the area.”
--Coach Susie Luten
• Couture Gowns
• VP, Fleur Di Lis
and Debutante
• Exceptional Care
and Service
“The best kept secret
in town!”
By the Numbers:
#1 on team for past three
TheEnchanted Bride
Went to state as freshman
and sophomore, where
she played doubles with
Drew Lefkowith
calendar·comics · hodge-podge
September 24, 2008
The Interest page is a new venture for the Globe staff this year. It focuses on
funny and interesting bits of pop culture. If you have any item you think is
worthy, drop us an email at [email protected] or come see us in the
cottage. Photos, funnies, and favorite songs and websites are all welcome.
Environment Tip of the Month: Vespas is a nonpartisan website that gives both the
pros and the cons to most controversial issues. So if you are
torn on an important topic, such
as the presidential election or
Israeli-Palestinian relations, just
mosey on over to this website
and it will give you the 411.
Vespas are fun and environmentally safe way to zoom
around town! $50 worth of
gas will earn you 900 miles
on these cute mopeds. Developed in Italy these scooters
have swept the nation and
are becoming more popular
as gas prices skyrocket. So
if you want to save a little
money next time at the gas
station, invest some now in a
You Don’t Know Me
Ben Folds featuring
Regina Spektor
Cigarettes & Chocolate Milk
Rufus Wainwright
You can’t put your arms around
a memory
Johnny Thunders
Hands are Shaking
Sundie Lerche
Bang Bang
Bad French Translations
France’s foreign minister admits that a bad French translation
is prolonging the conflict between Georgia and Russia. Russia
thought it said that security was needed for South Ossetia and
Abkhazia and in English it was said that security was needed in
the regions. Small difference on a language test, huge in real life.
Russia kept troops “in” Georgia for security purposes. Move over
French, you are no longer the lingua franca.
Sarah Horn’s
Line of Infamy
Britney Spears
It was supposed to be the
comeback of the year. And
there was hype, hype, hype, and
more hype...and then a big old
dud. And then she wins her first
Moonmen for “Piece of Me”.
It was all so meticulously and
thoughtfully planned, we wonder how on earth it went so terribly wrong. We are sure that her
comeback will happen...eventually.
He attacks Noel Gallagher of Oasis randomly at Canada’s
V Festival causing serious bruising to his ribs and hips. Then
they have to postpone their tours in London, Ontario and New
York. At least it will give Oasis a new thing to cry about.
Dinosaurs are “lizards of Satan”, we are invading Iraq because of God’s will and we can see Russia from Alaska. Right...can someone please get
this woman’s mental health checked out?
All photos from MCT
John McCain
Daniel Sullivan
Sarah Palin
There was Bob Dole referring to
himself in the third person and I was
convinced that it was the most obnoxious political saying ever. And then
McCain comes along with the ever so
common “my friends” remark. You are
not FDR and no you cannot get away
with saying it 11 times in a speech. And
more importantly, no I am NOT your
arts · features · forum
Going the Distance
This month, several CHS teachers rode the MS 150,
raising money and awareness for multiple sclerosis
page 14
September 24, 2008
Adventures Abroad
Photo courtesy of Jacobs Family
Clayton family travels to Peru on medical mission
Maddy Bullard
Staff Reporter
TOP: Elle and Isabella Jacobs stand atop Machu Picchu, famous
ruins located in Peru. RIGHT: Maria, a 14-month-old girl, that the
Jacobs family worked with during their trip.
For the Jacobs family, a 2008 summer vacation wasn’t
just your average get-away-from-it-all stay at a plush resort in
some distant hotspot. This year was of quite a different nature. Sophomore Elle Jacobs, freshman Isabella Jacobs, and
their parents went on a trip to Cajamarca, Peru, to work on a
medical mission.
When they arrived, the group received a special welcome
from the residents of Cajamarca.
“When we were going up the mountain in a bus, we didn’t
know where we were because it was dark out, and everyone
was asleep,” Jacobs said. “When we got there this big city appeared out of nowhere. We had police escorts all the way up
to the hotel. When we got there, they [had a parade planned],
they gave us candy, and they set off fireworks. They were all
standing up there, shouting, ‘Woohoo! They’re all here!’ It
was really funny.”
The welcome was, in fact, well deserved. The Jacobses had
quite a travel agenda. Just to get to Cajamarca, they took three
airplane flights and an eight-hour bus ride. By the end of their
trip, they had taken many more. However, Jacobs maintains
that the long trek was definitely worth the effort.
“It was really fun, because the culture is a lot different, and
I was with all my friends,” Jacobs said.
Although the mission was mainly centered around medical
volunteers, other opportunities were available for the rest of
the Jacobs family.
“The first week, during the medical mission, my mom, my
sister, and I worked in an orphanage while my dad worked on
people’s hearts,” Jacobs said.
Elle, Isabella and their mom enjoyed working in the orphanage in Cajamarca.
“Mainly the people that I met were in the orphanage,” Jacobs said. “I thought all the girls would be shy and stuff, but…
when you go there, they all run up to the door, and they give
you kisses. They take your hand and they show you around.
They’re all friendly.” However, Elle did notice the poverty and
poor standard of living while in the city.
“When I was in the orphanage, they had such a little amount
of what we had. I know a lot of stuff that they would’ve had if
they had been that age in America,” Jacobs said.
Isabella also noticed the poverty, and recognized how lucky
she was to have so many things in America.
“It helped me see how different countries like Peru are and
showed me how thankful we should be to have all that we
have,” freshman Isabella Jacobs said.
However, Elle also noted that Cajamarca was fairly technologically sophisticated.
“They had internet, TV, all that stuff,” Elle Jacobs said.
“There wasn’t as much of it, because it was older versions of
The orphanage that the sisters worked in housed children
up to age 18. When they turned 18, they had to move out of
the orphanage and find homes. Some of these young people
didn’t have enough money to support themselves.
“Well, a lot of them end up being prostitutes, because they
have no way to get money,” Elle Jacobs said. “But they are
educated, so some of them do go to college.”
Isabella had a hard time leaving the orphanage because of
the many connections she made with the girls there.
“My least favorite part was when we had to leave Cajamarca
because leaving the orphans was one of the hardest things I
have ever done,” Isabella Jacobs said.
Elle Jacobs enjoyed the mission, and encourages others to
participate in volunteer work.
“If you like working with kids, then work in the orphanage,
or, if you’re a medical person, then you’d work in the hospital,”
Elle Jacobs said. “And also, some of the kids…did medical
stuff. And you can also work [as a] dentist.”
Overall, the family enjoyed their trip so much that they
hope to return to the mission two years from now. The medical
mission, however, was not the only adventure the Jacobs experienced this summer. They also went sightseeing around Peru.
First, they flew from Cajamarca to Cusco. The city of Cusco,
located in the mountains of Peru, was at a very high elevation.
“It was really high elevation so they had oxygen bars,” Elle
Jacobs said. “We got out of the plane, and we had to walk
down to get our luggage, and there was this lady and she had
this thing that you put over your face, and you breathe into it.
It was pure oxygen. It was kind of funny, but…it freshened
The next stop for the Jacobses was Machu Picchu, which
they traveled to by train. Then they hiked Machu Picchu.
Machu Picchu, widely considered one of the most beautiful
structures in the world, is a five square-mile city built atop a
mountain by the ancient Incas. Widely believed to have been
of religious or spiritual use to the Incas, the site of Machu Picchu attracts large numbers of tourists each year.
“My favorite part of the trip was going to the top of Machu
Picchu,” Isabella Jacobs said. “I felt like I was on top of the
However, the Jacobses will not be returning to Machu Picchu on their next trip to Peru.
“It was really pretty and everything,” Elle Jacobs said.
“But…we hiked that mountain and it was deadly. We were so
tired the next day we didn’t want to go back.”
They have another unusual destination in mind for their
next venture.
“We’re going to go to the Galapagos next time,” Elle Jacobs
said. 
Israel trips change global views
Katherine Greenberg
Staff Reporter
For many, the thought of Israel brings up images of suicide
bombings and scared people that fear their neighboring countries. This image is something very different for the Clayton
students that have visited Israel and want to go.
Israel has been a place that has been visited very often by
Clayton High School students. Dave Denlow, a senior, is now
spending four months in Israel after spending time in Israel
this summer.
“I am having the time of my life,” Denlow said.
Another Clayton student, Jacob Goldsmith, echoes this
idea. Goldsmith went to Israel this summer for five weeks
through USY, United Synagogue Youth.
“I would highly recommend a trip to Israel, regardless of
what religion you are,” Goldsmith said. “It’s an amazing experience for any person.”
There are many ways for people to go to Israel. For Jewish
people many temples offer trips. Birthright is an organization
that sends Jewish students to Israel after they graduate high
“I am really excited to do the birthright program,” sophomore Eve Root said. “I have heard really good things about it
and I can’t wait until I am old enough to go.”
Birthright offers trips to Israel for Jewish people ages 18
to 26. The trips are offered in a variety of dates for different
lengths of time.
“I am definitely interested in doing Birthright,” sophomore,
Emily Rosen said. “It definitely helps that it’s free.”
Israel brings a different attraction not only because of the
beautiful landscape but also because of the rich heritage and its
importance in the current issues in the world.
“I think that it is important for everyone to visit Israel not
only because it is such a beautiful country but because it is
so important in the world,” Goldsmith said. “It really helped
shape my opinions on what is happening in the Middle East.”
While in Israel, Denlow has not seen any harm.
“I realize that though there will always be people with malicious intent here, there are more good citizens than bad.” Denlow said. “It seems to me that the “trouble” of Israel’s disputes
with its neighboring countries is nothing more than a worry to
foreigners, and truly isn’t something that’s a constant worry of
most Israelis.”
After going on a summer trip to Israel for only 10 days
Denlow decided that he wanted to spend even more time in
He decided to return to Israel for four more months
through a different organization.
“So far, I have yet again met some of the most amazing people, and become very close to many of them.” Denlow said.
Jewish people are taught that Israel is the homeland and
that going to Israel and seeing all of the sites that have been
revered for so long is like going home. “The Old City has to be
my favorite part, because when Jews pray in America, we turn
David Denlow
David Denlow with a Jewish group visiting one of the many sites throughout Israel. After a summer trip lasting just 10 days, Denlow
decided to spend four months in Israel in order to meet new people and learn more about his Jewish heritage and culture.
towards the east… to our temple,” Denlow said.
The temple is no longer standing, but the outer wall remains
intact in the Old City. It is known throughout the world as the
“Western Wall,” the “Kotel” to the natives.
“It is the Kotel that gets me emotional every time I approach it and touch it,” Denlow said, “because I know that that
wall represents everything my religion stands for.”
The most powerful experience for Denlow is being at the
Kotel during Shabbat.
“Everything around the country is quiet and almost abandoned… and yet, the wall is crowded with so many Jews praying,” Denlow said. “I believe my spiritual side has come out in
my two adventures in Israel, and I am still eager to experience
more.” 
arts & features
September 24, 2008
A cause worth riding for
CHS teachers ride in the MS 150 to raise money
going towards the cure of multiple sclerosis.
Payton Sciarratta
While most teachers and other staff members spend their
weekends relaxing and grading papers, some have been waking
up at 5 a.m. to ride their bikes.
“I began riding my bike in May, and I was planning on riding just as a way to stay fit,” school librarian Lauran DeRigne
After she began riding, DeRigne heard about a bike ride
in September to raise money for multiple sclerosis. After she
talked to other people about the bike ride, they decided to
form a team which consisted of five of the staff members at
Clayton High School; DeRigne, technology specialist David
Hoffman, library assistant Mary Stamborski and math teachers
Kurt Kleinburg and Katelyn Eustis.
“It was more motivating because it was for charity, rather
than just doing it for myself for training and exercise,” DeRigne said.
To get ready for the ride, the staff members rode their bikes
for two and a half months, 26 miles a day, several days a week.
“I know my limitations enough to know I could never do
75 miles two days in a row. When I found out there was a
40/40 option, the MS 80 sounded doable,” Stamborski said.
As a team, the five staff members raised $1,304 to go towards finding a cure for multiple sclerosis.
“I’m very thankful to the generous CHS staff. They helped
us raise more than $ 1,300 for MS,” Hoffman said.
DeRigne may have only began riding to become fit, but by
the end of the summer she was motivated to ride in the MS
Bike Tour because Stamborski’s sister was diagnosed with MS
about six years ago.
“My sister was diagnosed with MS about six years ago and
it is something I always wanted to do,” Stamborski said. “Out
of the blue in early summer, Lauran DeRigne mentioned that
she was interested in riding in it and despite the fact that I
hadn’t ridden a bike further than a couple of miles in years, I
joined up.”
The MS Bike Tour took place on Sept. 6-7 in Columbia,
Missouri. It takes place every year and lasts two days. Although
it only lasts two days, training may take up much of the riders’
Stamborski told the Globe, “First, as with any goal, make
a commitment first. After that, the best advice came from my
younger sister who rode in the MS 150 in Wisconsin last year:
make sure you have a good bike and practice, practice, practice
those hills.”
These participants all said that they would definitely participate in this event again.
“It was very well organized, more than I expected it to be,”
Hoffman said. “There was a staggered start so the route was not
crowded. Every ten miles or so there were rest stations set up
with plenty of Gatorade and food for the participants.”
This bike ride helps raise money for people who struggle
with multiple sclerosis. MS is a chronic disease of the central
nervous system. Some of the symptoms people usually have
when dealing with MS are blurred vision, loss of balance, poor
coordination, slurred speech, problems with memory, as well as
several other symptoms.
About 2.5 million people worldwide are living with MS.
400,000 of them are Americans. Also, about 200 people are diagnosed with MS a week. More than twice as many women get
it as men, and it is usually developed between age 25 and 30.
“I’m hoping we’ll do it again and get more teachers, and
maybe even some students involved,” Hoffman said.
The MS Bike Tour was a huge success, and it has raised
hundreds of thousands of dollars this year alone. To finish off
the year of 2008, the founders are hoping to raise $2.6 million.
For those not as motivated as DeRigne, Hoffman or Stamborski, who don’t want to wake up at 5 a.m. to ride their bikes,
there are still ways they can help. The founders of this bike
ride not only host a bike ride, but also a walk. This walk is also
two days long, but the participants walk 30-50 miles over the
weekend. For those who don’t feel like walking or riding, they
can donate money, and that way people can still be helping
the cause.
For more information about MS or participating in one of
these activities visit 
Photos by Payton Sciarratta
From top to botom: Riders ascending a long hill as part of the race. The riders accepting medals after finishing. The finish line banner.
Vodicka refreshed after leave
Art teacher Christina Vodicka returns to
CHS after a one-year stay in California.
Noah Eby
Deborah Rice enjoys new teaching environment
Meredith Redick
Page Editor
Back when CHS physics teacher
Deborah Rice was learning to be a
math teacher, women rarely advanced
to the level of teaching calculus or
other upper-level math courses.
“They never let me teach any of
the upper level classes; that was for
the men,” Rice said. “I wanted to
teach the good students, and I saw a
Rice shifted from math to the
study of physics, a long road that
eventually led her to Clayton High
School in her second post-retirement
“Math is the language of physics,”
Rice said. “I was able to function well
in physics because of a good math
Her experience serves her well for
teaching math-based physics to freshmen at CHS.
Clayton’s freshman class is so large
that a supplementary freshman physics class was required.
“Clayton is doing the right thing
by making class size small,” Rice said.
“[Science Department Chair] Mike
Howe said it was unacceptable to have
freshman physics classes over 20.”
Rice enjoys teaching first-hour physics.
“Teaching another class eases me
into not teaching. It’s the best of both
worlds: I still get to see the kids, but I
get to engage in my hobbies. I garden, I
do watercolor, I go to yoga class, I walk
my dog.”
Among Rice’s other interests are scuba-diving, traveling, and spending time
in the country.
“We have a house in the country, and
I like to go floating on the river,” Rice
said. “I don’t hunt or fish, but I do bird
Rice is teaching physics in the same
department as her husband, CHS physics teacher Rex Rice, for the first time.
“We’ve never taught with each other
before, although we’ve presented lots of
workshops for physics teachers together,” Mr. Rice said. “I think we’re probably both better teachers because we can
have conversations related to teaching
The couple met at a 1988 physics
“In 1988, Mr. Rice came to
UMSL, and he was a Woodrow Wilson master teacher in physics, and I
took his workshop,” Mrs. Rice said.
“I was his favorite student. He moved
to St. Louis to marry me.”
Although the Rices never planned
on teaching at the same school, the
situation has posed few challenges.
“We actually talked about teaching at the same school as something
we wanted to avoid because you have
to keep your personal and your professional life separate,” Mr. Rice said.
“But we don’t see each other all the
time, so it’s not a problem.”
Mrs. Rice has enjoyed getting to
know the rest of the physics department.
“I think the freshman physics
teachers make an excellent learning community,” Mrs. Rice said. “If
someone comes up with ideas, they
share it. I’m just a part of a really wellorganized learning machine.”
Mr. Rice hopes the teaching situation works out next year.
“She is the best physics teacher I
know,” Mr. Rice said. “She’s a really
positive addition to our faculty.” 
Puhan Zhao
Deborah Rice began teaching at CHS this year due to the incoming freshman class size. She teaches first hour in room 214.
After taking a one-year leave of absence, Christina Vodicka has returned
to CHS refreshed and eager to resume
Vodicka, a Photography and Art in
Society teacher, says she left CHS following the 2006-2007 school year because she heard opportunity knocking.
“My partner was awarded a Post-doctoral Fellowship at Stanford, so I decided
to take advantage of the opportunity to
live in California for a year,” Vodicka
The process of working out the terms
of her leave with the school district was
simple. Vodicka met with Sharmon
Wilkinson, Director of Human Resources for the School District of Clayton, and took it from there.
Andrew Dowd
“I had to write a letter to the Board of
Education telling them my plan,” Vod- Vodicka loves what she does and is glad to be getting back to work. After taking a
icka said. “[Wilkinson] took the letter to one-year leave of absence, Vodicka has returned to CHS.
[the Board of Education] for Board apFrom Palo Alto, where she lived and it’s important to stop and take a
proval and we hired someone to take my
during her year off, Vodicka says she breath once in a while,” Vodicka said.
job for a year.”
At the beginning of her leave, Vod- was a 40-minute drive away from the “I think, though, that it also really rebeach, the city, and freshed me as a teacher.”
icka’s father became
the mountains. Still,
ill. She had already
Vodicka is not the only person who
she says the primary has noticed herself change. Russell Vanmoved to California,
purpose of her leave ecek, a fellow art teacher at CHS, also
so she returned to St.
of absence was not to says that he thinks Vodicka’s leave of abLouis to help care for
It’s easy to get caught
have fun and vacation, sence had a positive affect on her.
him. Sadly, Vodicka’s
up in things and it’s
but was instead to fofather passed away
“I think she came back with a recus on her artwork.
in November. In this
interest in art,” Vanecek said.
important to stop and
“My main goal for
sense, she says that
Vanecek also said that he is glad to
the year was to con- have Vodicka back. He and Vodicka have
the timing of her taktake a breath once
centrate on my studio worked together for a long time and
ing leave couldn’t have
in a while. I think,
work,” Vodicka said. Vanecek says that she is an important asbeen better.
“I had a small studio set to the art department in the way she
“Without the time
though, that it also
building in my back teaches.
off I would not have
really refreshed me as
yard and also took a
been able to be with
“I think there’s a way in which she
couple of classes.”
him, so I was very
gets students to analyze their work,”
a teacher.
Vodicka said that Vanecek said.
grateful for that,”
taking a year off was
Vodicka said.
Vodicka said she looks forward to the
Christina Vodicka
deciIn January, Vod2008-2009
school session, for she knows
Art Teacher
sion, and that it rein- it will be a good year. As for whether she
icka returned to Califorced balance in her is glad to be back, Vodicka said she most
fornia where she did
life. Also, she said it definitely is.
a myriad of things.
changed her as a perShe spent time in San
“I [am] excited to be back to work
Francisco and explored the Bay Area in son and as an art teacher.
and that’s definitely a good thing—that I
“It’s easy to get caught up in things love what I do.” 
September 24 , 2008
“No Excuses” policy
The new “No Excuses” policy will try to
force students to remember the basics of
writing mechanics and grammar.
Apoorva Sharma
Staff reporter
First class to use textbook
given option to retake final
Dawn Androphy
Staff Reporter
Clayton honors courses tend to be stressful for the students
who partake in them. Finals have a propensity to be a major
contributor to this build-up of stress as students worry about
the grade that they will receive on the test that reviews all the
material covered during the semester.
Last year, however, was exceptional in that a retake for the
Honors Algebra/Trigonometry final was offered to students for
the first time in department history.
Principal Louise Losos and math department chair David
Kohmetscher made a collaborative decision to offer the retake
over the summer in two different sessions. Overall, a total of
33 students elected to retake the final over their summer vacation.
“We had a lot of kids concerned about their grades,” Kohmetscher said, “and, more importantly, they were worried
that they would not have the prerequisite knowledge to succeed in the next grade.”
Junior Danny Steinberg was one of the many students who
took advantage of the retake offered last summer.
Steinberg explained the concerns of the students.
“The class was much harder than it could have been. There
was a new textbook and teachers who had taught the class before were not familiar with it,” Steinberg said.
Kohmetscher seemed to agree with Steinberg.
“It was a perfect storm,” Kohmetscher said, “I don’t see it
happening again this year.”
Offering the review course before the final also appears to
have improved both the students’ grades and their overall understanding of the material.
“My grade on the final retake was better than my first grade
on the first final,” Steinberg said.
Junior Simone Bernstein also improved her score on the
final when she elected to take a review course and try again.
“The review course that I took before the retake really
helped me understand the material better, “ Bernstein said, “It
also helped me to feel better prepared for my class this year,
Nichole Burton
Dee Blassie works at her computer, checking student’s grades on PowerSchool. With this new precautionary system and the Student
Support Team, it is now very difficult for students to fail at CHS.
Precautionary system to prevent
students from failing at CHS
Jeremy Bleeke
According to principal Louise Losos, it will soon be very difficult to fail
at CHS.
“We’re trying to move toward a
system that has automatic processes in
place, so that when A happens, B occurs,
when C happens then D occurs,” Losos
said. “Part of that is to make sure that
every kid gets caught—so that someone
doesn’t slip by.”
Over the past year, the Student Support Team (SST), a group of teachers,
administrators, counselors and support
staff, has met to develop a new plan to
address the needs of struggling students.
The initiative, spearheaded by Learning Center Director Dee Blassie and
counselor Alice Morrison, is designed
to systemize the processes used to help
“All of the individual teachers work
very hard with interventions, and setting
students up for success, but there wasn’t
really communication,” Blassie said.
“Maybe the student was having a difficult time in math, and all of a sudden
that same student was struggling in English, but the teachers were just working
on their own in how to get that child up
to the higher speed. So we came into it
with the idea that if we have one person
in charge of the interventions, to find
out what’s going on, there would be a lot
more communication.”
That one person is Blassie, who will
be in charge of assembling a “data warehouse” for each student requiring additional help.
She is already beginning to collect
information. Under the new proposal,
every student with a GPA below a 2.0,
and any student with an F, will receive an
action plan and will be channeled into
the system.
The first five weeks spent in class is a
time of identification, contact, and plan-
ning. During this period teachers iden- a student who received at least one or
tify and meet with failing students, con- more D or F—and I think that’s too
tact their parents, and write a “Teacher high,” Losos said.
Action Plan” that identifies 1-3 clear
Morrison says that, if necessary, there
steps for the student to take to increase are many steps which can be taken to
academic performance. A copy of that get students performing at an acceptable
plan is given to Blassie, who coordinates level.
between different teachers and subjects.
“We might shift a learning center
“Everybody knows what everyone from history to math,” Morrison said.
else is doing—what intervention worked, “We might drop a class, an elective class,
and what didn’t,” Blassie said. “We’re or even a core class, and add more suplearning from each other. Everybody port. We might have before school or
has different styles—teaching styles and after school help with teachers. A manlearning styles—so
datory stay-after physnow we’re all colics lab.”
Morrison stresses
At the end of the
that the new plan is
Teachers here support
five week period, asnot meant to pick up
sessment of the stuslack for teachers who
students naturally.
dent is performed.
haven’t done enough
They’ve always had
If academic progress
to ensure success. It is
is being made then
simply a way to bring
plans for kids who are
the plan remains in
together all the teachers
failing, but now it’s
effect, with contincollective efforts in the
ued monitoring. If,
written and it’s system- most efficient manner
however, no progpossible.
ress has been made,
“Teachers here sup
students natuAlice Morrison
goes to the next
rally,” Morrison said.
“They do this because
“The Student
that’s who they are—
they’re professionals,
meets, a case manthey’re at the top of
ager is assigned, which is probably an- their game. They’ve always had plans for
other teacher, and they write another kids who are failing, but now it’s written
plan which maybe uses higher level in- and it’s systemized.”
terventions,” Losos said. “It could also be
Blassie is confident that this new
a place where we say ‘you know what, we level of organization combined with the
know you love baseball, but if we don’t existing amount of teacher enthusiasm
get these grades up you might not be will allow students to achieve.
able to play baseball. That’s where free
“I’m excited, because it’s working,”
periods can be taken away, so that we Blassie said. “And in just a short span
start to take away a few privileges.”
of time, I know it’s working. We have
Losos says that the plan is necessary everybody involved—the parents are
due to what she believes is an unaccept- involved, the teachers are involved, the
able number of D’s and F’s on student students are involved—we’re a family, we
report cards.
have a problem and we’re going to figure
“Roughly a quarter of each class has out what it is.” 
The 2008-2009 school year brings a policy to pose strict
guidelines for polished work to Clayton High School.
Called the “No Excuses” Policy, this new rule allows teachers to simply hand back a piece of polished writing if it does
not conform to certain criteria. These guidelines include proper
capitalization, proper spelling of common words, proper punctuation and various other basic rules.
If a piece of writing is lacking in these areas, the student
gets a zero until they fix the mistakes and resubmit the paper.
Simply put, the policy has the same effect as not having the
assignment when it is due.
English Department Chair John Ryan explained the goals
of this policy.
“With the policy we are hoping to eliminate from student
writing the kinds of errors that students should know better
than to make,” Ryan said. “Once students graduate and go on
to college and the work world, continuing to make the errors
on the ‘No Excuses’ list might make them look less educated
or simply sloppy in their writing. Those perceptions can affect their class performance or even job performance, career
advancement, etc. We think a Clayton High School diploma
also means a student has reached a minimum standard for writing mechanics and grammar.”
Jim Lockhart, the Literary Curriculum Coordinator, agrees
with Ryan. He broke down the purpose of the policy into three This “No Excuses” poster now hangs on the walls of many CHS
parts: to “(a) make students more conscious of basic grammar classrooms in attempt to hold students to certain writing stanand usage conventions, (b) reinforce the material that students dards. Wydown Middle School had implemented a similar policy
have already been taught.
several years ago.
There is nothing on the No Excuses list that students were
This new standard has gotten mixed responses. Some peonot taught between grades K-8 and (c) hold students accountable for work that has been edited for fundamental mistakes in ple, such as freshman Jack Elliot, agree with it for the most
grammar and usage.”
“I think it’s a good idea,” Elliot said. “I
Lockhart believes that this policy will
just don’t think it’s fair to expect that everyprove to be helpful to teachers as well
one should be perfect on every little detail of
“Teachers have responded enthusiastically With the policy we are hoping
every assignment.”
to the policy,” Lockhart said.
Not everyone agrees with Elliot. Some
Even though some teachers may have liked to eliminate from student
think that it was completely unnecessary.
the idea, not all of them think that it has made writing the kinds of errors that
“The ‘No Excuses’ Policy is explicitly
a difference yet. Sheri Steininger, who teaches
obvious,” freshman Scott Floerke said. “PutHonors English 1 as well as Advanced Com- students should know better
ting punctuation at the ends of sentences
position 1 and 2, doesn’t think the “No Exthan to make. We think a Clayand capitalizing beginnings of sentences is
cuses” policy helps her at the moment.
a given.”
“It’s pretty basic, and people are already ton High School diploma also
Freshman Karl Behnke not only thought
doing this,” Steininger said. “It’s pretty much
means a student has reached
it was unnecessary, but was actually letting
fourth grade level.”
some students get better grades than they
However, she knows that this policy is go- a minimum for writing medeserve.
ing to gradually evolve.
“It’s stupid,” Behnke said. “People should
“It’s laughable, its minimal, but it’s going chanics and grammar.
just get the grade they would have gotten,
John Ryan
to expand,” Steininger said.
and not get a second chance.”
According to Steininger, the “No Excuses”
English Dept.Chair
Some students did not even know of the
policy will soon grow to actually start havexistence of this policy. However, Lockhart
ing an impact on both students and teachers.
explained why.
Even so, the need for the policy is still ques“We have only begun implementing the
“Honestly, I used to do this before this came into effect,” list this year, so we have not had an opportunity to ‘debrief ’ our
Steininger said. “I just handed the paper back if it was slop- use of the list,” Lockhart said.
This policy is very new to CHS, so the department does not
Teachers are not the only people that are affected by this know how it will work.
As Ryan put it: “I guess we’ll see how it plays out this year.”
policy. The student body of CHS will now need to start double
checking its work.
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Nicole Burton
Sophomore Erin Knadler flips through her math textbook.
Honors Pre-Calculus.”
Because most of the problems last year’s math students
faced are now irrelevant, the math department does not plan to
not make any dramatic changes.
“We’re not doing anything terribly different this year,” Kohmetscher said.
With a new year starting, the textbook that students used
last year is being used again. Since Kohmetscher is planning on
remaining at Clayton, this year’s students will not have a new
textbook or a replaced teacher.
With all of the differences from last year eliminated, a retake on the final does not appear to be in the forecast for this
year’s Honors Algebra/Trigonometry students. 
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September 24, 2008
Action, comedy spark blockbuster summer movies
Schuyler Longmore
Most moviegoers consider summer the best season for movies because of excellent high budget action blowouts and the
funniest of new comedies. This summer was no exception with
some chart-breaking releases.
“The Dark Knight” passed “Star Wars” by earning $471
million on Aug. 18 making it the second highest grossing movie of all time (with inflation taken into account).
“Heath Ledger made the Dark Knight awesome, and I liked
how different this Batman movie was from most other superhero movies,” junior Nate Townsend said about the newest in
the Batman series of movies.
Ledger’s final and most profound role as the joker in the
epic “Dark Knight” sequel to the Batman series of movies represents everything that a summer blockbuster can offer. But
what are the details that make a summer movie such a hit?
Triumphant summer action movies are high budget, packed
with action, and over the top in all aspects. But, “Indiana Jones
and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” was high budget and
highly action filled, without being the sensation that “Wanted”
and “Iron Man” were. Townsend observed some flaws in “The
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.”
“The Indiana Jones movie was terrible,” Townsend said.
“Everything was too unreal, and the plot was all over the
The better half of summer action flicks incorporated excellent acting jobs, which helped carry the high budget action
scenes to the successful level that received praise from critics
and viewers alike. Heath Ledger made “The Dark Knight” exceptional. And other excellent rolls came from Robert Downey
Jr. in “Iron Man” and a seductive assassin played by Angelina
Jolie in “Wanted.”
Not all summer hits are action adventures; comedies also
attract hefty crowds.
“Summer comedies are fun, and fun to see with your
friends,” senior Amber Fisher said.
Comedies possess a different recipe for success. Both
Townsend and Fisher mentioned “Pineapple Express” as a
comedy favorite. Originality, funny characters, and memorable
jokes stand out as important aspects of a comedy sensation.
“Tropic Thunder”, “Pineapple Express”, “Step Brothers”,
and a surprising all ages favorite, “Wall-E”, helped secure the
top comedy spots for the summer.
“I had to see ‘Wall-E’ when I was away with family this
summer and the movie actually made me laugh,” Townsend
said about a surprise favorite of his.
“Wall-E” was child friendly. but the funny characters appealed to a wide audience. The Judd Apatow-produced “Pineapple Express” was funny because of its excellent use of the comedic duo—Seth Rogen along with a well-acted dealer/friend
played by James Franco.
“Seth Rogen is one of my favorite actors right now,” Fisher
“Step Brothers” also incorporated the popular comedy duo
of Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly to make it a vulgar, but funny, comedy this summer.
With an excellent range of original and unique comedy
hits, this past summer was hardly dull. Hollywood churned
out some excellent films this summer, pleasing all sorts of viewers with all sorts of different tastes. Only nine more months
until we get to see what there is to offer all over again. Long
live summer movies! 
Top right: Christian Bale stars as Batman in Warner Bros. Pictures’
and Legendary Pictures’ action drama, “The Dark Knight.”
Bottom near right: Wall-E’s pet roach, his only companion on a
wasted Earth, lives in a Twinkie, loves to give tickles, survives
innumerable squishings and waits patiently for WALL-E to return
from outer space.
Bottom far right: Harrison Ford, left and Shia LaBoeuf co-star
in Paramount Pictures’ thrill-adventure “Indiana Jones and the
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.”
‘Hamlet 2’ farce
hilarious, fun
Hannah Callahan
First of all, I liked this movie. The
combination of Steve Coogan’s comical
performance, and a screwball plot made
“Hamlet 2” hilarious. I laughed outloud,
something I seldom do during modern
comedies, at this ridiculous parody
about a subject I know well, high school
“Hamlet 2,” directed by Andrew
Fleming, satirizes the inspirational teacher genre that we can only hope has been
euthanized by this film. I always have
hated those movies, and people who feel
inspired by the teacher who was able to
reach seemingly unreachable students.
They are difficult for me to watch without rolling my eyes at the teacher’s never
ending saccharine lines. There are times
to watch serious films, and then, there
are times for movies like “Hamlet 2.”
Dana Marschz (Steve Coogan), a
character with an almost unpronounceable name (which was a joke throughout
the film), is an untalented actor whose
enthusiasm carries him to the lofty acting heights of herpes commercials and to
unpaid volunteer drama teaching at West
Mesa High school in Tucson, Arizona.
At the beginning of this film, only
two students are in Coogan’s drama class:
Rand (Skylar Astin), a sexually confused
teacher’s pet, and Epiphany (Phoebe
Strole), a Christian goody-goody, both
who act in Coogan’s genre of high school
plays, reconfigured Hollywood movies.
However, after an asbestos leak in
other classrooms, Coogan’s class is filled
up with gang-bangers who at first have no
respect for his dramatic teaching methods. His favored teaching tactics from
films such as
Minds” only
result in an
beatdown by
a student, and
an acid trip
after students
spike his peach
As in “Mr.
Opus,” one
of his favorite
Coogan faces
cancellation of the
arts department. However, Richard
Dreyfus did
not respond
by writing a
play featuring
a time-traveling Hamlet, Jesus, and Hilary Clinton.
Laughs are generated most by the
obstacles the drama department faces to
produce their show, Hamlet 2, and by
the improbable end result. Coogan’s portrayal of a bizarre, cross-dressing drama
teacher intermittently inspires laughter,
and leaves sounds of catchy irreverent
tunes in your head long after the film
has ended.
I wish the drama department at CHS
was as vivacious as West Mesa High
School’s, but it would invariably result in
arrest and students being expelled. Now
that’s comedy! 
Paramount Pictures/MCT
Diet soda addiction taking over life
Maddie Harned
Senior Editor
They litter my bedroom floor, creating a clunky tin can maze. They make it
nearly impossible to walk for more than
a few small steps at a time.
For the most part my windowsills
are enveloped in cans. I have a serious
Dr. Pepper addiction.
Routinely I ambush my trash bin
with the past week’s soda cans. Then
and only then do I realize the severity
of my problem. I throw away can after
can, literally disposing of enough tin to
construct at least a dozen Wizard of Oz
style tin man costumes.
My obsession with Dr. Pepper began
years ago. At the dinner table I would
beg and plead my parents to allow me
to drink soda, not the healthier option
of milk. The crisp, slightly tangy, yet relentlessly refreshing flavor of Dr. Pepper
matched with the shimmering can enthralled my senses from childhood on.
Presently, I can easily go through
three cans of Dr. Pepper in a single day
– a fact I am not particularly proud of.
Such a strong dependence on the
soft drink has made me question why
exactly does this particular drink, merely
a mixture of sugars and water, has such
a strong grip on my life. There simply
must be something more to Dr. Pepper
than meets the eye.
In essence, the soft drink represents
a changing global economy, where
western style capitalism reigns
supreme. Dr. Pepper is sold
all over the world, and often
the company sponsors major
international movie releases.
Perhaps I am only a pawn in
the marketing scheme Dr. Pepper has created.
However, I like to think of Dr.
Pepper more as a benevolent, sincere doctor and less as a scheming
medical malice.
To further my soda self-discovery
I look inside the Dr. Pepper. Carbonated water, caramel color, aspartame,
phosphoric acid and most importantly,
caffeine, are the main ingredients in Dr.
Alone, the ingredients have little
meaning to me. In fact, I have absolutely
no idea what exactly is aspartame, or
what composes phosphoric acid. Nonetheless, when those vital components are
combined sheer culinary genius occurs.
Possibly, what I can learn from Dr.
Pepper is that united, individual elements can become stronger. If I were offered some caramel coloring for refreshment, I would most definitely
decline. However, mixed with
the other ingredients of Dr.
Pepper suddenly the caramel coloring takes on a
new delicious meaning.
What once was only
a mundane soda can,
of little significance to
me other than for its
drinking value, Dr.
Pepper has taken on
another implication.
Essentially, it represents
my journey to find self
through the day-to-day interactions with
vastly different people who come in and
out of my life.
Even now, I have a can to the right
of the keyboard. I take a sip; refreshed
I realize that, indeed, the doctor has arrived. 
September 24 , 2008
Lollapalooza electrifies crowds, enlivens Chicago
Caroline Stamp
Imagine pushing your way through
crowds, seeing over 40 bands in one
weekend, and being at an outdoor concert with over 150,000 people? That is
Lollapalooza is a three-day music
festival in Grant Park Chicago. There is
music and festivities all day long.
“The days were really long,” junior
Shelby Sternberg said. “Just think about
getting up at 8 a.m., then standing all
day, then crashing around 1 a.m. and
doing that for three days. But it was
worth it.”
There are seven stages, including a
kids stage and a DJ tent, set up throughout Grant Park.
“There are a bunch of musicians
playing on multiple stages throughout
the park all day and at night there are
one or two big headliners,” junior Emily
Wack said.
“A bunch” may be an understatement. At the 2008 Lollapalooza festival
139 artists, bands, and DJs performed
over three days.
The headliners this year were Radiohead, Kanye West, Rage Against the Machine, Nine Inch Nails, and Wilco. Lollapalooza usually has five headliners, but
that is just topping the extensive list.
“I think people should see a variety of
concerts and not just the famous ones,”
Wack said. “They are all amazing.”
Some of the lesser- known bands
this year were What Make Milwaukee
Famous, The Ting Tings, The National,
Tally Hall, Bang Camaro, and MGMT.
But with so many bands playing, try-
Caroline Stamp
At left:
Crowds surround the stage for a concert at
Lollapalooza 2008 in Grant Park, Chicago
during the three-day festival of music.
The Chicago skyline provides a dramatic
ing to chose which ones to see was be a
tough decision.
“Grant Park is bigger than you think,
and I learned the hard way that if you
decide to try to run from one stage and
one end to the another stage at a different end to see two bands playing at the
same time you will end up missing the
majority of both shows and wiping yourself out,” Wack said.
Even with tons of bands to see, everybody has a favorite show that stuck out
and was more fun than the others.
“The National was really great and we
Caroline Stamp
A member of Manchester Orchestra
performs. Manchester Orchestra was one
of the 139 artists featured in the three day
concert series.
were really close to the stage so it was exciting,” Wack said. “Also Flogging Molly
was so much fun because it was a great
atmosphere and everybody in the crowd
was singing along and doing Irish jigs.”
Besides the performances at Lollapalooza, but the atmosphere of being
outside in Chicago makes the experience
that much better.
“Kanye West was the last concert,
and he was amazing,” senior Chelsea
Flood said. “It wasn’t just his performance, it was having everyone all together, not caring how you act. Everyone
was in sync just listening and singing to
the music.”
Lollapalooza wasn’t all fun and games.
There were a few things that weren’t too
“The bathrooms were kind of dirty,
but that was to be expected. Also waiting
in line for water was annoying,” Wack
said. “My biggest complaint was that
one of the singers, Uffie, was late to her
show so that threw our schedule off.”
Lines were a big complaint about lollapalooza. There are lines for the bathroom, autographs, food, and even to get
into the festival.
“Once we were in the festival it was
all worth it, because it was like we were
in another world,” Sternberg said. “There
were people everywhere and you could
always hear music. You could go from
watching an amazing concert to dancing
in the DJ tent to napping in the middle
of Grant Park. You were on your own
agenda and no one cared what you did.”
Lollapalooza starts at 11 a.m. and
goes to 11 p.m for three days.
“It’s just fun hanging around with
your friends and experiencing Chicago
at its best with great new music,” Flood
Everybody who went had their own
favorite experiences, from the concerts
to the park itself and to the people.
“The best part was probably the whole
experience,” Sternberg said. “The concerts wouldn’t have been as cool without
the location, the location wouldn’t have
been as cool without the people, and the
people wouldn’t have been as cool without the new things to try.”
Lollapalooza 2009 is on Aug. 7-9.
Three-day passes start at $175. 
Last book in ’Twilight’ series
creates strong female figure
Taylor Stone
The books in the "Gossip Girl" series were among the most challenged books of the year. The series is now a TV show, starring Blake
Lively, right.
Popular TV series titillates, causes controversy
Jessica Lefton
It’s Monday night, and I’m waiting on the edge of my seat
for my weekly dose of fashion, music, sex, lies and scandal.
That’s right, it’s time for “Gossip Girl”.
The CW show began airing last year, and has since developed a rabid fan base among teens, with over two million viewers last year (not counting the huge number of online viewers).
Based on the book series by Cecily Von Ziegesar, “Gossip Girl”
follows the lives of New York’s elite teens as they party, shop,
date and behave badly.
Season two of “Gossip Girl” begins a few months after
where the first season left off. Summer is ending, and couples
are in disarray. Blair is still angry over Chuck’s disappearing act
at the end of season one, Serena just can’t get over her lonely
boy, and Nate is having a little too much fun with an older
woman. Season two promises to have just as much, if not more
scandal as season one.
“The show has very suggestive sexual themes,” senior Krishna Vemulapalli said. “There’s sex almost every episode, and if
not there is definitely innuendo. Kids really aren’t old enough
to watch it, but I am.”
While Vemulapalli watches the show, he says he would
never watch with parents or younger siblings.
This is one of the core concerns about the show; parents
don’t like it. With “content so racy it would make Harry Potter
blush,” (according to the Early Show), parents aren’t exactly
thrilled over their kids’ new favorite show.
“Rather than reinforcing positive values that parents are
trying to instill in their children, this program very often is
undermining these positive values,” said the Parents Television
Council’s director of communications Melissa Henson in a
press conference over the summer.
Henson was not a fan of the series’ summer ad campaign
featuring the PTC’s quote, calling “Gossip Girl” “mind-blowingly inappropriate” on top of a picture of Blair and Nate lying
together suggestively.
The “Gossip Girl” ad campaign has raised quite a few questions about the suggestive content of the show. Featuring either
quotes such as the one above, or the acronym “OMFG,” parents are left to wonder whether this show is, in fact, too racy
for their kids.
But good or bad, “Gossip Girl” is undeniably addictive.
“I started watching ‘Gossip Girl’ from the very beginning,”
said junior Melissa Kopp, who is also a fan of the book series.
“I love how the show does not relate to the books whatsoever. I
don’t know what’s coming, and I’m always surprised.”
And despite all the extravagance, it seems the show is relatable as well.
“The way they portray high school is really true—especially
the ‘elite group’,” senior Michele Shultz said. “[And with Serena], she’s trying to change. Stuff like that happens when you
move; you get a chance to start over.”
With the new idea of new beginnings in mind, I leave you
to watch season two of my new favorite show. XOXO 
When fans of the enormously popular books of the “Twilight” saga excitedly gush about the plot, the following sentence is often heard. “It’s about vampires…well, it’s better than
it sounds.”
“Breaking Dawn” the fourth and last book in Stephenie
Meyer’s beloved saga was greeted with anticipation by its avid
fans, usually teenage girls. These crazed readers flocked bookstores such as Borders, which offered midnight release parties,
the second the book was released.
They were dressed from head to toe in vampire costumes,
powdered skin and all, and sported “Team Edward” and “Team
Jacob” T-shirt in support for their favorite male characters. Arguably, these books are the new Harry Potter.
MTV even picked up “Twilight”, the first in the series, to
be a major motion picture. It is set to be open for the hoards of
fans’ viewing pleasures on Nov. 12.
But what actually distinguishes these books, particularly
“Breaking Dawn”, from other teen literature?
“Breaking Dawn” continues the compelling story where
it left off from its predecessors “Twilight”, “New Moon” and
“Eclipse”. After the success of the first three books (each is still
active on best sellers lists), the fourth’s road to publishing was
already paved with gold. However, despite the almost obscenely
obvious amount of money the book would (and did) gain, the
question of whether it would live up to the deified standards of
the first three novels remained in question.
In the previous books, there was an ongoing discussion between Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, the lovers of the novels,
about the question of Bella’s mortality. More than anything,
Bella wanted Edward to turn her into a vampire, so that she
could be with him for all eternity. Edward, however, being traditional (if that is the appropriate term for this novel) wanted
to marry Bella first, so that they could further solidify their
commitment and devotion. Bella, agreed, and in this novel we
finally saw the ceremony actually take place.
All was fine and dandy for a while, Bella and Edward married happily and even notorious enemies, vampire Edward and
werewolf Jacob Black, attempted to play nice. The plot really
thickens when, towards the end of their long honeymoon on
Edward’s vampire mother’s island, Bella discovers that she is
pregnant. Her plans to attend college for a semester or two are
shot, and the couple rushed back home, to Carlisle, Edward’s
vampire father and doctor.
The pregnancy is discovered to be fatal to Bella, as the infant would be half human, half vampire. It is predicted as a
destructive, blood-thirsting monster whose size would prompt
broken ribs and the probable death of Bella.
The book unfolds in the mental and emotional torture of
Edward in watching his beloved slowly die, as Bella refused to
allow an abortion. Surprisingly, Jacob Black is vital to the plot,
and Meyer even allows him full narration for a large chunk of
the book. His voice is almost refreshing after Bella’s constant
worrying and sometimes exhaustingly feminine tone.
The baby, however, somehow is able to be born with the re-
sult of Bella being perfectly fine…if perfectly fine means being
turned into a vampire, much to Jacob’s utter horror. A major
part of the book is the conflict between Bella’s new abilities as
a vampire, and her increasingly complicated role as a mother
and protector, of a baby that is deemed to be a threat to society
by authoritative vampires.
Overall, Meyer’s style is remarkably comparable to that of
her other books. Her descriptions and almost fluid dialogue
evokes emotions in the reader- love, fear, and suspense. Perhaps in this book most of all; Meyer reveals a true dark side
to her story, with tones of sacrifice, death, and mental suffering. If the books before were regarded as sappy teen literature,
they certainly should not be now. With one foot in fantasy,
and the other in raw human emotions, Meyer truly portrays
a sense of beauty in a plot seems to be terribly painful to its
characters. Being 754 pages long, it would be hard to present
any story without portraying it as slow to progress. However,
Jacob’s point of view added variety and more voice to the story,
which contributed to the compelling power of Meyer’s carefully constructed plot.
Themes such as endless, undying love were present in each
of the novels, but in this novel most of all. For instance, when
Bella is changed into an immortal creature, she and Edward are
equals and, no longer overpowered by Edward, Bella emerges
as a strong female figure.
This in itself is the key message of the novel. It’s not about
Edward and Bella’s struggles in marriage, parenthood, and new
beginnings, but of Bella’s emergence as a confident individual.
What teenage girl wouldn’t want to read about that? 
Fashion trends provide new options for fall
September 24, 2008
With cold weather
just around the corner,
designers are rethinking
the norm for fashion
this autumn.
This season, 1920s are making a
comeback. A perfect dress with a distinct
flapper influence is this Silence & Noise
Multi-tier Racer back Dress, $58 Urban
Outfitters (left).
Grace Cohen
Two big trends are bright leggings and
motorcycle jackets for this coming season.
Shiny Nylon Tricot Legging, $34 American
Apparel (above). Silence and Noise Morocycle Jacket, $128 Urban Outfitters.
Mustard yellow is a big color for the fall.
Silence & Noise Open Cardigan, $42 Urban
One big trend right now is eco-friendly clothing. Organic tee shirts (above) are especially popular. Sustainable
Edition Unisex Organic Fine Jersey short sleeve T-shirt, $18 American Apparel.
You open your closet door and there’s nothing to wear.
You’re bored to tears of sun dresses and flip flops, but don’t
despair it’s time to put them away because fall is here and so are
exciting new fashion trends.
Just like the deep colors of the changing leaves, rich colors
are in, especially purples and yellows.
“Mustard yellow seamlessly transitions from summer to fall
and even winter,” designer Michael Kors said to The Canadian
Press, “It’s that right pop of autumnal color to announce the
beginning of the new season - but it’s upbeat, doesn’t make you
miss summer and looks great with a bit of leftover suntan.”
As the weather cools down, skirts are no longer an option,
unless you wear tights. But make sure they’re not just any old
tights, but brightly colored ones with patterns. They’re a great
way to keep your legs warm and make a statement.
Feminine details such as ruffles, lace and bows are also very
in this season. A blouse with ruffles is a great way to bring a
feminine touch to any outfit.
Mad for plaid may just be the biggest trend this fall. Plaid is
no longer just for preppy school uniforms, but a way to bring
a splash of pattern to any outfit. But be careful not to overdo
it. Keep plaid pieces to one per outfit. Or just accessorize and
wear it on a headband.
Leather rocker style attire is also a good way to make a
fashionable impression. This includes anything from a leather
jacket to accessories with metal inspiration.
Make a statement with rhinestones. They can be a great way
to make an outfit shine. However, as Clayton boutique owner
Jessica Young warns, one must be cautious because too much
sparkle can be a bad thing.
“Avoid denim that is overdone with the rhinestones,” Young
said. “A little embellishment on the pockets is great.”
Trends are also returning from past decades, such as the 80’s
Members Only jacket.
“Members Only jackets are back,” Young said. “They revamped the design with a modern edge. Celebrities love
According to CHS alum Hannah Kurland, who now works
in Marketing for Estee Lauder, another era that is coming back
is the roaring 20’s. Yes, the flapper dress is back.
“Anything flapper. Tiered dresses, pearls, cropped hair, red
lips,” Kurland said.
Going green is now for your clothes, too.
“A major trend in all fields is going green, and I think suede
fringe and funky stones go with a more earthy/natural look,”
said Kurland.
So be bored no more. Enjoy the new fashion fall has to
offer. 
Find your perfect pair from more than 20 brands
of premium denim for men and women.
Free alterations
on more than 20 lines of premium denim
159 Carondelet Plaza, Clayton, MO 63105 | 314.721.9022 |
Bright red lipstick and tiered dresses fit
perfectly with the flapper style that is
fashionable this fall. Rouge Volupte Silky
Sensual Radiant Lipstick SPF 15, $34
Sephora (above).
Students search for affordable
fashions at alternative locations
Caroline Kennard
Every teenager dreams of having a huge closet with everything they like, usually expensive designer things. The thing is,
most can’t afford that. So, how do you get the most fashionable
clothes for less?
“I shop at Target and Gap,” senior Caitlin Bladt said. “I go
to Urban Outfitters when I have a lot of money to spend but
mostly Gap.”
Other students said their favorite stores are Urban Outfitters, H&M, Forever 21, and Heritage. The cheapest pair of
high calf boots at Urban Outfitters is $78 and the most expensive ones being $428. Lets face it, who has the money to buy
clothes when a pair of boots can swap out your entire savings
for the year?
“Forever 21 has some pretty cute clothes that aren’t expensive,” freshman Jocelyn Cooper said.
A pair of high calf boots at Forever 21 is $30. Forever 21
has reasonably priced clothing, causal shirts from $5 to $25.
Most of their sale items are under $15.
Bladt says she’s gotten all of her dance dresses for the past
two years at Forever 21.
Target, Gap, H&M, Express and Heritage are other stores
with amazing prices. Don’t say no to a jacket just because it’s
from Target! These stores follow the trends of the latest fashion.
Yes, it might not be that $400 L.A.M.B. jacket you wanted but
it looks a lot like it!
“I sew some of my clothing,” freshman Fatimah Austin
said. “This summer I made this really cute tube dress.”
Sewing your own clothing can give you many advantages
in the fashion world. You can pick what design you are going
to make and with what fabric and other add-ons. When it’s
completed, it’s a one-of-a-kind.
In stores, a designer skirt, costing $300, may only come in
blue but you want a skirt with the same style only in pink. You
can mimic the design and then make it for about $220 less!
There are some disadvantages to sewing like the need of a
sewing machine and a few lessons. If you’d really like to design
and make your own clothes, there is a class called Wardrobe
that can help you start your fashion career.
If you must have, say, a pair of designer sunglasses, look for
sales. Department stores like Nordstrom have anniversary sales
where you can get designer bags for a lot cheaper. Yes, they
won’t be 15 dollars but they could be $200 cheaper.
Have you ever found the perfect dress but there was a big
old bow right on your butt area? On sale for $30 from $120
but there’s that cursed bow stuck to the back of the dress? Cut
it off! Modifying cheap clothes is another great way to save
“Sometimes, I will cut something if I don’t like the fit of it,”
freshman Margaret Mulligan said.
If you ruin the bottom of your jeans somehow, cut the bot-
Among the best of stores to shop for when in search for a good
deal is H&M, which features this luxurious sweater for only
toms off! Turn your old pair of jeans into a new pair of shorts.
“My advice for other teens would be for them to try stores
that you never go in to,” Austin said. “They may have something in there that is really cute. Also, check the sale prices
because you can always find something that is really cute for
a great price.”
“Don’t get stuck on name brands,” Bladt said. “Get your
stuff from everywhere.”
You can find the hottest items that Valentino, Dior and
Channel have out at regular places like Target and Gap. Just
because it’s Dior doesn’t mean that its fashionable and just because it’s from Target doesn’t mean it’s horrible. 
September 24 , 2008
hen does a parent’s involvement cross from
being caring to stiflingly uncomfortable?
Almost all teenagers have accused
their parents of being nosey or overinvolved, whether it is with their academics of their social life.
But when does parents’ involvement actually put their child
at a disadvantage?
According to math teacher Michael Rust, parents begin
with good intentions.
“ I think parents become over involved because they want
to protect their children,” Rust said.
School counselor Alice Morrison thinks that there is a line
between being involved to an extent that teenagers feel supported and to an extent where students feel overwhelmed.
Grades are what are often associated with much stress and concern to parents.
The parents who “helicopter” around grades can often be
involved in other aspects of their children’s lives.
Rust believes that parents want their children to be successful beyond CHS.
Some believe that the intervention of a parent can help pre-
Martha Burke
vent their children from making mistakes. Morrison does not
fully agree with that.
“When can you be taken seriously when people are always
intervening to save you?” Morrison said.
English teacher Jim Lockhart agrees with Morrison; he believes that there are lines that parents cross that cause students
Tuition considered good deal
to feel that their privacy is being threatened.
“The line crosses when the parent doesn’t let the kid have an
appropriate level of independence for their grade age,” Lockhart said.
Students have different opinions about the distinction between caring, and over involvement.
Xiowhen Zhang
Freshman Freddy Barnes says that parents overestimate
their power. To comply, freshman Thalia Sass believes that the
line is crossed when a parent tries to tagalong when with their
child’s friends while freshman Taylor Gold says that the line is
crossed when parents tries to force their children into extracurricular activities like sports.
“A parent moves from being a concerned involved parent
to a “helicopter parent” when they start swooping in and rescuing their children form every difficult situation,” Rust said. “It
is important for young adults to have the opportunity to learn
from their mistakes.”
The cushion some students may get from their parents may
eventually hurt them more than the initial fall would have.
Once the parent’s influence dims out from the child’s life (typically beginning in college) a “crash” period will occur, when no
one is there to help.
So what’s the solution? Each individual parent and child
must find his or her point where caring crosses into over-involvement.
“Teenagers know their own mind and know right from
wrong, and sometimes must make their own decisions,” Morrison said. 
An increasing number of students choose to pay tuition to
attend CHS because they think it is worth the money.
Colleen Layton
Sophomore Ikshu Neithalath and
Junior Erica Blustein are two of the approximate 817 students currently enrolled at Clayton High School. They
are also two of the 40 students currently
paying tuition to attend CHS.
For one reason or another, these 40
students weren’t happy with their designated area schools. Left with a difficult decision to make, they could have
remained in their respective school
districts. The other option available,
which they all chose, was to pay tuition
to attend another public school of their
choice or a private school.
“My parents and I didn’t feel that
University City would provide academic
challenges and the curriculum and faculty didn’t seem as developed as Clayton’s,”
Neithalath said, a fifth year tuition student. “The Clayton community
seemed to be more
academically oriented.”
Some students wanting
to attend a
do it
and environmental reasons as
well as academic purposes.
“Originally my parents and I decided
to apply to a private school, but we decided it was too expensive and not right
for me,” Blustein said. “We heard great
things about Clayton and decided to pay
Principal Louise Losos knows that
this decision is not an uncommon one.
In fact, many families prefer CHS to local private schools.
“A lot of times, we have more offer-
ings than a private school, especially academically and we have diversity, which a
lot of parents like,” Losos said.
Still others decide on the tuition
program if they are currently upperclassmen, have been attending CHS for
many years and want to graduate with
their class, even if they have to move to a
different district.
After the choice has been made to
attend Clayton, many potential and incoming tuition students find it hard to
adjust into a class that has been together
for such a long time, usually since kindergarten. The class size makes a difference too. Tuition students often come
from smaller or private schools and when
coming to Clayton, although it is generally considered to be a small district,
find that the increase in
class size was
than expected. At
the other end of the spectrum,
the class sizes can seem small and unusual to someone coming from a larger
“It was hard at first because my graduating class went from having 20 kids
into one with 200,” Bluestein said. “All
the kids knew each other, but I was welcomed in and it wasn’t an issue.”
The largest problem that faces prospective tuition payers are not the social
plights that often go hand in hand when
enrolling in a new school, but the tuition
itself. The tuition is currently $13,900,
which is higher than the cost of several
private schools in the St. Louis area, including Nerinx Hall High School and
Westminster Christian Academy.
“I think tuition in this case is too
high and the system of different schools
for different regions is socially unjust,”
Neithalath said. “The education cycle
makes the wealth gap even greater.”
That isn’t to say that Neithalath
doesn’t like CHS. On the contrary, he
has enjoyed his time.
“I’m glad I did it,” Neithalath said.
“Families with more than one kid might
find it easier to move to Clayton. But in
a case like mine with one family member, it is the better option.”
who chose the program generally find
that it is worth the
cost, it is precisely
the cost that is
from attending
“I recommend it to
kids whose
schools aren’t
the best,”
said. “It is expensive and limits those kids
who want to come here.”
For those families who are interested
or know of someone who is interested in
applying to enroll as a tuition student in
the Clayton schools, there are applications available in the communications
“It is for families who are not eligible
to send students to CHS,” Losos said.
“They can apply and pay to send their
There are still many enrollment opportunities available but when spots start
to fill up, there will be a lottery system
and those with siblings at the school or
grandparents living in the area are given
first priority.
Julia Reilly
College counselor Chat Leonard’s office is decadent with college paraphernalia. A myriad of former CHS students are now attending
several of the colleges seen on her walls.
Counselors help relieve college stress
Chelsea Cousins
Imagine walking into the counseling office on any given
day and see the counselors struggling to manage five different
tasks at once. Throughout CHS, college counselors Carolyn
Blair and Chat Leonard are seen walking around the building with both unfamiliar and familiar faces. These are the faces
of deans, students, and other college counselors from other
school districts as well; however, their jobs entail much more
than handling tours.
It is obviously clear that the college counselors work extremely hard to help students proceed; Blair says that both she
and Leonard are on several boards and committees, and have
up to five and six meetings per week.
As college counselors, Blair and Leonard meet with seniors
and their parents, as well as having the responsibility of planning college fairs. Every spring, the ‘Four School Fair’ is open
to students looking at particular schools. This year, word is that
the fair may be held here at CHS.
Also, counselors are subject to attend different fairs and
presentations on the various schools that come into St. Louis
from out of state and other countries.
In determining different college preferences, seniors are beginning to receive their letters of recommendation and an idea
of where they will end up within the next four years.
“I love watching the students’ hopes and dreams come to
life and helping them actually reach that dream.” Blair said.
Along with the college process, seniors are faced with many
decisions, but have a important element to keep in mind is that
they aren’t alone because the college counselors are here to help
them with their decision.
“Being a college counselor is one of the most rewarding
jobs,” Leonard said. “You get to know the students holistically
and it’s just an overall opportunity to get to know the students
on an academic level as well as a personal level.”
Here at CHS, the college process serves as a puzzle that is
completed by the student’s relationships with the counselors.
Why is this important? Beginning spring of their junior
year, students will have the chance to sit one-on-one with either Blair or Leonard to discuss possible recommendations that
best suit them.
“Although this process is distasteful in this country, the outcomes are rewarding. 90 percent of seniors leave CHS happy.”
Blair said.
Leonard describes the college process in three phases. First,
students enter into the ‘search phase,’ in which students gather
as much information as possible on particular schools of interest. Next, they enter the ‘application phase,’ where students
submit their applications and finally there’s the most important
of the three, the ‘decision phase’. This technique is all about
the process of elimination and being aware of what options are
available to students.
“It is a stressful process but as college counselors we try to
alleviate that stress.” Blair said.
Building a relationship with the counselors while going
through the stages of the college process ensures seniors that
by knowing that there are other authority figures that care just
as much as they do about their education, and that fact often
gives them that boost they need to succeed.
“Choosing a college is one of the most important decisions
that a student will ever have to make and it is so rewarding to
be recognized as a part of that decision.” Leonard said. 
September 24, 2008
Local shelters provide comfort,
care for neglected animals
Three St. Louis animal shelters take in abused, unwanted and
abandoned animals, seeking adoptive homes for thousands of pets.
Preeti Viswanathan
Plenty of pet stores offer pets to purchase, and it is often
difficult to resist the pleading gaze of a puppy or a small calico
kitten in need of a loving home. When considering getting a
pet, adopting animals from animal shelters could be a better
option, especially since the St. Louis area has several shelters.
The Stray Rescue of St. Louis (SR) is one of the local organizations devoted to finding and rescuing stray animals and
providing them with medical care until they find foster homes.
Many of the cats and dogs that Stray Rescue temporarily nurtures were abandoned early in their lives.
“We rescue cats and dogs who have been dumped on the
city streets to live on their own or who have been born on the
street,” said Kelly Brinkman, Director of Development at Stray
Rescue of St. Louis.
According to Brinkman, SR usually rescues more dogs than
cats since it is more difficult for dogs to survive on their own
because they lack the instincts to do so.
“Cats have instincts to live outside on their own but for
dogs, these instincts have been bred out of them so they can
only survive on substances such as garbage, road kill, and
grass,” Brinkman said. “The dogs are rescued from very dangerous areas of town, from junkyards, from the woods and from
abandoned homes and gang neighborhoods.”
The Stray Rescue typically adopts out about 1200 dogs and
cats annually.
The Animal Protective Association (APA) of Missouri, another animal shelter, takes in about 4000 cats and dogs each
year. According to Becky Krueger, Director of Education at
APA, smallest dogs are more frequently adopted, while adult
animals usually stay at the shelter for about four months before
being adopted. Though there is no set period of time that the
animals stay at the shelter, animals that have been with the
shelter for more than six months have a lower adoption fee.
“Small dogs, like Chihuahuas and Maltese poodles, are
adopted the quickest probably because smaller dogs fit more
easily into peoples’ lifestyles – they don’t necessarily need a big
yard or big house for a small dog,” Krueger said. “It is much
harder for us to find homes for big dogs and adult cats.”
She also said the APA has some dogs and cats that people
can no longer keep.
“People think they want a puppy or kitten because they
are cute, but they don’t realize how hard it is to train a young
animal,” Krueger said. “So we have a lot of ‘teenage’ cats and
dogs brought to us – these are animals that are between one
and two years old.” New animals in the shelter are given medical examinations,
including flea and tick preventive vaccines, and are tested for
heartworms and leukemia before being put in adoption rooms.
The cats tend to interact more with one another than the dogs
“The dogs are in separate dog runs so they don’t really interact much with each other,” Krueger said. “If a cat likes other
cats, he or she can go into one of our ‘cat condos’ to socialize
with others while waiting for a new home. We have volunteers
come to play with the animals on a regular basis and take the
dogs outside to play.”
Another unique animal shelter is the Clowder House Foundation for cats. Many of the cats that come to the Clowder
House come there because their owners passed away or live in
nursing homes.
“We are unlike any other shelter in the area,” Diane Hurwitz, President of Clowder House Foundation, said. “We actually are a sanctuary, or as we like to call it, a cat retirement
The cats get lifetime care with an entrance fee. Usually,
however, only the rescue cats are available for adoption unless
the previous owner allows it.
“These [rescue] kitties are rescued by board members and
come from various situations such as living in a nearby vacant building, and some have actually wandered in on their
own via our side door,” Hurwitz said. “The rescue kittens are
given all necessary medical care and socialization, and then
are available for adoption.”
Similar to the other two shelters, kittens at Clowder
House are adopted more frequently than older cats because potential owners want to raise them from an early
age. They also don’t have to get accustomed to the older cats’
personalities and health problems.
In many ways, the cats are treated like human children; as
part of their lives in Clowder House, they have social activity
and bonding time. Their recreation includes playing with toys,
listening to music, and watching television.
Sonja Peterman
“We are primarily a no-cage facility, so most of the cats
are allowed to roam their areas,” Hurwitz said. “There is a lot
of cat furniture and toys available, and we keep music on for
the cats 24 hours a day. We also have a T.V. that is often on
in the kitchen for those cats who prefer to watch and hear
Additionally, the Clowder House Foundation is building
an outdoor playground for them.
“Once construction is finished, we will also have an enclosed area outside which the cats will be able to enjoy in better weather - we affectionately refer to it as ‘little cat country’
in honor of the zoo,” Hurwitz said. 
Simone Bernstein
Howe said. “Students follow a variety of therapists, nurses, and
physicians throughout the two months.”
Every student has the opportunity to explore a specialized
area of interest where they can observe and gain a deeper understanding of the medical field. Senior Tianxin Ku chose to
work with chemotherapy specialists. After exploring different
fields, Ku realized that other jobs would better suit her interests. Some students had the privilege of working with respiratory therapists, and were able to experience all areas of the
“Based on my personalized experiences, I am now interested
in becoming a neurosurgeon,” Ku said. “Through this program
I observed a few surgeries, and learned a lot of general information about the roles of technicians, nurses, and doctors.”
This year Howe wants to spend additional time promoting and advertising the BJC program, so more students will
sign up in the future. Some freshman and sophomore students
already have an interest in signing up for the program in the
next few years.
“I would be very interested in participating in this program
as a junior or senior if I was given more information,” freshman
Jonathan Knohl said.
Many students who complete this program pursue additional studies in a health care field. Irvin even gives recommendations for students attending colleges. She advises students
to explore all career paths through shadow programs like BJC
“The sooner students learn and explore careers, the better
position he/she is in to work with counselor to ensure the right
course load,” Irvin said.
All students interested in participating in this summer
course should talk with Howe, who is willing to help students
find opportunities to get involved during the school year. 
Students explore medical careers
Andrew Dowd
Sophomore Grace Brumley works the counter at Paciugo, a gelato shop. Grace was among the many CHS students who went to work
this summer, earning valuable knowledge in addition to a paycheck.
Summer jobs ring in cash, experience
Justin Elliot
In the current economy, the price
of almost everything around students
is skyrocketing, from college to new
clothes to gas. Some students found
jobs this summer to make ends meet
for their increasing expenditures.
Although a full force of eager and
willing teenagers was ready to find
jobs at the beginning of the summer,
the failing job market struck them
According to a survey from the
Center for Labor Market Studies at
Northeastern University released earlier this summer, the national teen
employment level is the lowest it’s
been in 60 years.
“I applied to eleven places when
I was looking for a job, and I took
the only one that replied” senior Katie Poplawski said. “And I think it is
even harder to find one now.”
With a lagging economy, overqualified college graduates, immigrants and laid-off adults are taking
positions that were once filled by
“The only applicants I see getting
jobs are people with prior work experience,” senior Krishna Vemulapalli said.
“I even got my lifeguard certification this
summer and I still couldn’t get a job, the
only work I found was on the side landscaping.”
Although Vemulapalli did make some
money, it was nowhere near the amount
he was expecting to make.
“I really wanted to find a steady job
for the summer, but I was only able to
help my mom in her office every once
in a while,” sophomore Sarah O’Brien
Although it was hard to get jobs this
summer, many students’ persistence paid
off and they landed a job. These students
at the end of the summer were able to
walk away with much more than a paycheck from their jobs.
“Not only did I gain a lot of new
friends, but I also got a whole new
perspective of people who don’t have a
choice if they work or not, and a true
respect for people that work ‘behind the
counter’,” Poplawski said about her work
experience at Bread Co. in downtown
Poplawski’s job entailed manning
the register, but she occasionally helped
make sandwiches or run the bakery.
Above all, Poplawski has learned to
“Work hard, but have fun while doing
Like Poplawski, many student
workers expect their work experience
will help them in the future.
Vemulapalli still is searching for a
job for the school year.
“Hopefully having a job in high
school will help me get jobs in college
or later in life,” he said.
O’Brien’s job entailed a lot of busy
work such as filling and labeling. But
her interface with fellow workers and
clients helped her build formal communication skills.
“The things I learned working at my
mom’s will help me with any job I have
in the future, and will hopefully make
me a better candidate for future jobs,”
O’Brien said.
Even though working at her Mom’s
office was not her first choice, Sarah’s
thoughts afterwards were positive.
“Although it was a lot of work, it
was definitely a good experience, and
maybe I had a little fun too,” she said.
To find listings for teen jobs, students should check out the Y.E.S.
webpage on the Clayton High School
website. 
Operating rooms, emergencies and hospital rounds became part of a summer routine for a few CHS students. This
past summer, while many students were vacationing, unwinding and relaxing, a handful were observing an actual surgery in
an operating room. For 60 hours in June and July, students had
the ability to explore different medical fields. This summer a
few CHS students shadowed professionals in the medical field
at Barnes-Jewish Hospital (BJC). Shadowing has numerous
benefits for all students.
Shadowing provides the ultimate hands-on classroom. No
desks and limited lectures add intrigue and appeal to this classroom without walls. Homework includes writing in a journal
and answering questions. This CHS summer school program
was available for all juniors and seniors who have an interest in
pursuing a career in the medical field.
“Job shadowing provides a meaningful match between a
high school student and a health-care professional for a one-day
experience,” said Jennifer Irvin, School-Community Health
Educator for BJC. “The student is on a fact-finding mission in
pursuit of learning more about the opportunities available in
the health care field. Often this visit reinforces their interest or
eliminates this as a career choice.”This program provides many
students with a new and unique experience.
“Through this program I learned to appreciate all who work
in the medical field,” senior Krishna Vemulapalli said.
From January to July 2008, about 2400 students in the
metropolitan St. Louis area participated in this mentoring
program. Mike Howe, the Science Department Chair at CHS,
helps CHS students coordinate their schedules with BJC.
“Through this program students get a chance to explore
various medical fields and earn a half unit of elective credit,”
Nina Oberman
Mike Howe talks with senior Krishna Vemulapalli about his experience shadowing doctors this summer. Howe coordinates the program
for CHS students, giving them the oppurtunity to explore various fields of health care.
September 24 , 2008
District strives to become
environmentally friendly
Laura Bleeke
more than 50 percent of the paper it uses. The school is trying
to show students that it is not hard to recycle and that it makes
Global warming has quickly become a rising topic of con- a big difference.
versation in the country. People have started to make drastic
Recycling bins have been placed around the school, remindchanges to their lifestyle, such as cutting down on the amount ing students that they have the opportunity to recycle.
of gas they spend, reducing the amount of water they use in
Many CHS students are within walking or biking distance
their showers and recycling any products they can.
from the school. Many also live near each other, making carThe Green Club, formed in 2006, is workpooling an easy, yet environmentally friendly
ing to spread awareness about environmental
way to come to school.
issues and make the school a greener place.
Bike paths will be added to Wydown
The environmental
In the past the Green Club has done work
Boulevard next year, and engineers are conboth inside and out of the school commu- movement happens
sidering putting bike lanes on Forsyth Bounity.
levard as well.
“They worked with Earth Day last year,” with the individual
“Having a bike path would certainly
said Nathan Peck, AP Chemistry teacher and people making these
help,” Losos said. “I think it’s as much as
cosponsor of the Green Club. “Two years
getting the kids to change their attitudes toago they did something with the Art Fair in choices. As the Green
wards it. It’s hard to convince a 17-year-old
terms of recycling, and they went around as a
with access to a car that they ought to bike
Club, you can’t really
group, collecting stuff and just making sure it
to school.”
got recycled.”
tell people what to do.
Although it would be difficult to get a
Through these outside school projects,
student to come to school everyday via bike,
students have been able to show the commu- This is a student initiafoot or public transportation, it might not
nity that they care about the environment. tive, and we’ve tried to
be out of the question to have a carbon-free
They have also been working on a project in
day. Students would be challenged to come
it that way.
the school.
to school without leaving any kind of carbon
“Within the school community, the projfootprint behind.
Nathan Peck
ect they were working on last year the most
“I would love to see the Green Club proAP Chemistry teacher
was with the lighting,” Peck said. “And changmote a “car-free day”, where they encouring all the switches around in the building so
age the entire school community to come
that they would have automatic shut-off and
to school by biking or walking,” Losos said.
save electricity.”
“Just to raise awareness.”
The Green Club is not the only group looking for a way to
Peck believes that student enthusiasm must remain the primake the lights turn off automatically in our school district.
mary motivator for change within the school.
“I think there are plans district wide to move in that direc“The environmental movement happens with individual
tion, which they really should,” Principal Louise Losos said.
people making these choices,” Peck said. “As the Green Club,
According to Energy Information Administration, a gov- you can’t really tell people what to do. This is a student initiaernment website about energy, the United States is recycling tive, and we’ve tried to keep it that way.” 
Jessica Shen
Senior attains perfection on ACT
Nina Oberman
material to learn for the ACT. However, he did check out one
library book: “The Real ACT.”
To most students, it’s a remote fantasy. It lent its name to
“Why would I waste my money on ACT books?” he
a 2004 Hollywood Blockbuster. According to, only joked.
about 1 in 3,300 test-takers will achieve it. And this year, SeOn the day of the test, his guidelines are more extensive.
nior Mack Su accomplished the near unfathomable feat.
First, he recommends listening to classical music.
The Perfect Score.
“I listened to rap music on my way to the practice SAT.
But Mack doesn’t like to brag. A surprise
What a mistake. That was unfortunate.” The
even for him, he’s only told his friends and
theory is plausible, he thinks. Rappers tend
family that he scored a 36 on the ACT.
not to employ proper grammar. Such an in“No one goes in expecting to get a 36,” No one goes in exfluence so soon before the test could have
Mack said unassumingly. “I thought I was
been negative. And he didn’t do as well as he
going to retake it, but after I got my score pecting to get a 36. I
would have liked.
back, I was like ‘dang, I don’t need to take
thought I was going to
that again.’”
Secondly, he pointed as his digital
Still, Mack realizes his “perfect” score retake it, but after I got
watch—nerdy, but pragmatic. Mack does
doesn’t guarantee everything. Colleges don’t
all of his problems at once, and reserves the
automatically accept high scorers on standard- my score back, I was
last five minutes to bubble them in. Timing
ized tests. Like everyone else, he still worries. like ‘dang, I don’t need
himself is essential.
“Dude, I don’t even know what to do for
Lastly, he advises to be thorough.
college,” he agonized. “My top three schools to
“I don’t skim the reading sections, I read
take that again..
each have like a 10 percent acceptance rate.
it all through,” he said. “That’s the pimpin’
Mack Su
Combined that’s still only like…a 30 percent
way to do it.”
chance of getting in!”
Evidently Mack’s image of a pimp is a
Nice math, Mack.
little more intelligent than that of today’s
Meanwhile, he’s just trying to enjoy senior
year while it lasts. The presumption that his
Although he recognizes the rarity of his
test score would require an abandonment of his social life per- accomplishment, he is confident that others can do the same.
plexes even a genius.
“It was a challenging test, but it’s not impossible,” he said.
“I don’t know why people would think that someone who “It’s not like people don’t know the stuff, they just make stupid
got a 36 on the ACT would have no life,” he said. “It just mistakes.”
doesn’t take that much time commitment.”
So Mack truly believes he’s the lucky one. The one who
Like the rest of us, Mack says he ends up on Facebook most didn’t slip up. Taught by his dad at a young age, he learned
of the time. His homepage, however, is MSN.
math from “some sketchy Chinese textbooks.” Soon, he’ll
“That site is amazing. They’ve got everything you need— choose his career path. Will it be Science? Business? Before he
sports, news, human interest. I’m a human! I’m interested!” decides, he wants to make the most of the world at hand.
Even a perfect-scorer is easily distracted.
“You know what would be awesome?” he fantasized. “To
Mack’s best prep tip: go to school. As long as you take all just go to the South and stand in a cotton field. That would
of the challenging courses, he thinks there’s definitely no new be amazing.” 
Mack Su works on various calculators, the tools of the trade that helped him prepare for the ACT.
Facts about the ACT Unique underclassman offer
Is that an increase or decrease from 2007?
It is a decrease from
21.2 in 2007.
What is the source of the 2008 ACT national
What proportion of 2008 graduates who took
the ACT scored 36?
The scores of all ACTtested 2008 high
school graduates
(more than 1.4 million
About 1 in 3,300
What subject areas do the ACT questions
English, math, reading, science, and writing (optional)
How many questions are asked?
English: 75
Math: 60
Reading: 40
Science: 40
Total: 215
How long does the test take?
English: 45 minutes
Math: 60 minutes
Reading: 35 minutes
Science: 35 minutes
promises acting experience
only nine actors may be cast. The casting could be difficult,
though, because of predominantly male character base and the
With the drama season just kicking off, incoming freshmen need for two sets of twins.
“What we’ll do is cast two people who look very alike, dress
and inexperienced sophomores may be looking for a way to get
them very similarly, and ask the audience to suspend their disinvolved with the Drama Guild.
Clayton has instituted a new performance this year—the belief,” Drury said. “It’s actually funnier if they look different.
freshman/sophomore play. This production is exactly what It allows the people in the audience to know things the people
it sounds like, a play put on entirely by underclassmen ac- onstage don’t.”
As far as the abundance of male characters, Drury had antors. This year, Ted Drury, drama teacher Kelly Ryan’s student
teacher, is directing the production of Shakespeare’s Comedy other solution already worked out.
“I’ll probably have to do a lot of gender
of Errors.
switching,” he said. “One of the Antipholis’
The play itself is a comedy based mostly
on mistaken identity.
I think it’s a good thing may even be a girl if I find the right actors.
”Despite any concerns, the underclassmen
The plot is centered around a set of twin
arrived at the audition ready to try out.
brothers, each with the same name, and each for freshmen who
There seemed to be a good mix of students
unaware that he has a twin brother. Each
want to test the wafrom all the grades. News of the audition
twin, Antipholus, has a servant called Drotime must have gotten out. One hopeful
mio. The Dromios are, consequently, also a ters. I would like to see
freshman actor there summed up the feelings
set of twins, also unaware of their brother.
of her fellows.
The four all end up in Ephesus, where one of what the department
“I have talked to a few people,” freshman
the Antipholus’s lives with his wife.
Rosalind Cuneo said, “It seems like most
The drama department as a whole seems
John Holland
people just want to see what they get into.”
rather excited about this opportunity.
The main roles have all gone to the
“Well, usually it’s hard for freshmen and
sophomore veteran actors, with Ian Miller
sophomores to get involved,” Drury said.
and John Holland as the twin Antipholuses,
“The fall play will cast juniors and seniors.
Ruthie Polinsky as one of the Dromios, and
We want freshmen and sophomores who
Sarah McAffee as Adriana, the native Antipholus’s wife. Each
don’t have that experience to get that experience.”
Drury also said he was worried about the underclassmen of these thespians has acted in productions both at Wydown
turn out at auditions, which were held on Sept 8, especially and CHS, creating a web of experience for the incoming freshwith students’ possible perception of Shakespeare’s work as old man actors to learn from.
Comedy of Errors is set to run one night only on Oct 25,
or stuffy.
“They think it’s all heavy stuff, but even the tragedies are the same weekend as the Halloween Dance. John Holland,
sophomore and Drama Guild member, seems to personify the
funny,” Drury said. “They all have comedy in them.”
general attitude of the Guild.
Nick Oliveri, Drama Guild Co-President, agreed.
“I think it’s a good thing for freshmen who want to test the
“I think that not a lot of people know about it,” Oliveri
said. “I think freshmen may not come out to do it because waters,” Holland said. “I would like to see what the departthey’ve never heard of Clayton doing a freshman/sophomore ment can do.” 
play before.”
As the shortest Shakespearian play written and a relatively
small cast, the script is a good choice for the inexperienced underclassmen, being both manageable and entertaining. There
October 24, Black Box Theater
are thirteen characters in the play, but, according to Drury,
Kara Kratcha
What was the national average ACT composite score for 2008?
Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors
opinion . personal . staff-ed . letters
Lowering the drinking age
Should the drinking age be lowered to 18? hordes of idiotic masses by chugging vodka in
That resolution is perhaps among the stupid- a pathetic attempt to “have fun.”
est proposals that I have ever encountered.
Some might argue that countries like
Why shouldn’t the drinking age be lowered? France and China don’t have strict drinking
Well let’s make use of this nifty little tool ages and as a result don’t have problems with
called logical reasoning and employ these fun drunk driving and binge drinking. Sadly,
little facts that define truth, called statistics.
these cultures view and handle alcohol in a
Bottom line: alcohol makes peocompletely different manner that that
ple do stupid things.
of the United States.
Teens and young adults, especialIn our culture, drinking is not
ly under the age of 21, are the most
limited to a glass of wine with a fine
susceptible to doing stupid things
dinner, but rather it is glorified in the
when drinking. According to stats, 70 percent media and portrayed as something necessary
of college students admit to having engaged to have a good time. As long as we have rapin sexual activity primarily as a result to being pers bragging about the amounts of Patron
under the influence of alcohol. Additionally, they consume, and Fergie celebrating the fact
90 percent of all campus rapes have involved that Grey Goose “got ya girl feelin’ loose,” the
the use of alcohol, with either the victim or American way concerning alcohol will remain
the assailant. Yep, alcohol sure does sound like dishonorable and tainted. Thus, while lower
fun, doesn’t it? It leads to all kinds of enjoy- drinking ages might function well in other
able, amusing activities such as RAPE and countries, it will not work in the United States
careless, rash SEX.
because our culture is so different from those
In addition, the drinking age
of the rest of the world.
shouldn’t be lowered because our
Although young adults
brains are adversely affected by
under the age of 21 will
alcohol usage. It doesn’t matter
continue to drink, the govhow much you drink, or how
ernment should not accomoften you do it, every sip of almodate their ill-thought
cohol that you take impacts your
actions by lowering the
brain for a lifetime. It is proven
drinking age. The United
by scientific research that alcohol
States was founded upon
affects the young adult brain difpuritanical value to “seFontasha Powell the
ferently than it affects an adult
cure the blessings of liberty
brain. Drinking in the adolescent
for ourselves and posterity”.
brain causes memory impairment and the loss
Because alcohol hurts the mental and
of ability to perform complex tasks.
physical well being of our underage citiAs statistics verify, ONE NIGHT of heavy zens, lowering the drinking age would be
drinking can impair your ability to think ab- a contradiction to our founding fathers and
stractly for 30 WHOLE DAYS. I don’t know subsequently declare the intentions of our
about you, but my brain can barely process sacred constitution null and void.
the loads of equations and history facts that
If the U.S. were to lower the drinking age,
have to be crammed in daily. I certainly don’t we would be promoting rash decisions with
need alcohol to make me unintelligent.
harsh consequences, prolonged brain dysfuncThe world is already sufficiently full of tion and corrupt culture. This is why I stand
stupid people. It really isn’t necessary for un- firmly resolved that the United States governderage teens in country to contribute to the ment should keep the drinking age at 21. 
Over the past weeks, the question of low- standing that alcohol can be consumed reering the drinking age has reached new levels sponsibly with one’s family.
of credibility. 129 colleges, including Colgate,
They understand that it doesn’t have to be
Dartmouth, Duke, Johns Hopkins,
an illict act.
Middlebury, Tufts, and Smith have
Lowering the drinking will send
signed onto the Amethyst Initiative, pean important message to students
titioning congress to lower the drinking
on college campuses. It will send the
age to 18.
message that the students are trusted
The administrators who have signed on to behave responsibly. Although this will not
to the petition recognize one very impor- eliminate binge drinking entirely, it will minitant truth--that a dangerous culture of binge mize the type of drinking which is performed
drinking has developed on college campuses as an act of rebellion.
throughout the country. Lowering the drinkLowering the drinking age will also allow
ing age will attack this problem at its roots.
colleges to more easily educate its students
In America, when you turn 18, you gain body about responsible drinking.
many of the legal rights of an adult. In the
As opposed to the “alcohol=death” atwords of David Joyce, President
titude taken by so many middle
of Ripon College and Amethyst
and high school health programs,
Petition signatory, “It is ludicrous
colleges can talk openly about
we can send young men
how to be a responsible consumer
and women to war, but
of alcohol.
they can’t legally drink
I acknowledge that there are
a beer. They can
valid arguments as to why people
vote for our next
must be 21 before they can purpresident,
chase alcohol. Since the brain is
they can’t legally
developing during the teenage
drink a glass of Jeremy Bleeke years, inundating it with high
levels of alcohol is destructive.
That being said, I believe that
double standard fuels the answer to this problem is with a comproan attitude of rebellion mise. Lowering the drinking age to 19 would
and frustration with keep alcohol out of high schools and would
the system, and causes still send the message that people of age can
students to drink to the be trusted to make proper decisions.
point of excess.
I believe that clear-minded people would
see the restriction to 19 years as an attempt
America’s puritanical to prevent high school freshman with senior
heritage has caused a friends from easily being able to throw keggers
social stigma to arise every weekend.
Whatever the solution, it is obvious that the
In many European current system is broken. If all were well, 129
countries drinking college administrators wouldn’t be demandsocially is part of a ing change. To use the words of Oglethorpe
child’s upbringing. President Lawrence Schall, “The sign of either
Children grow up stupidity or stubbornness is to keep doing the
with the under- same thing in the face of failure.” 
Sarah Palin waves to the crowd at the Republican Convention.
Palin is John McCain’s running-mate in the heated 2008 election.
Palin raises doubts
Ellie Bullard
Senior Editor
I’m worried. Sarah Palin may end up vice president—or
even president—of the United States.
Here are just 10 reasons why I’m worried about America’s
latest vice president nomination
Sarah Palin had trouble saying whether
or not she agreed with the Bush doctrine—
partially because she didn’t know what it was.
When it was explained to her, she agreed with
Ali Sehizadeh
Bribery in schools prompts controversy
iPods, designer clothes, $5 cups of coffee. It seems that our now not only determine whether you get into college but also
generation is obsessed with buying the latest thing, addicted to whether you can pay for it.
the instant gratification of consumerism. So, while it may be
How about younger, elementary- or middle-school stusad, it should not come as a huge surprise that some students dents, who are relatively unaffected by the stresses of college
disdain school, considering it an obligatory waste of time that and a competitive atmosphere? Well, if cash becomes a child’s
requires as much work as a job but does not pay.
primary reason to achieve, schools may well lose
It is obviously important for students to suctheir leverage when he or she is old enough to
ceed in school, allowing them to get better jobs
earn her own.
and be more productive in society, and some
Also, consider the poor kid who studies for
school districts around the country are experihours and gets a worse grade than the smart kid
menting with programs that provide incentives for good grades who dozes in class and aces the test. The less-naturally-talented
and good test scores.
student now not only has to face the fact that he got a C while
While this idea might seem like an effective way to encour- the other one got a B, but he also receives no acknowledgement
age otherwise unmotivated students to work hard, compensat- of his strong effort, while the other student gets rewarded for
ing kids for doing well in school is not in students’ best interest, nothing more than being intelligent.
nor is it a viable option in the long term.
Although it is true that natural ability plays a large part in a
Certainly, dangling a cash carrot in front of students’ noses person’s opportunities in life, a good work ethic is also essential.
would prompt many of them to work harder, but will it not also Paying students for getting good grades facilitates a premature
dramatically increase the temptation to cheat, esconnection between intelligence and financial
Agree 100%
pecially in the situations in which students are
stability instead of promoting the constructive
rewarded for standardized test performance? It
idea that one can become quite successful reis also conceivable, and in fact quite likely, that
gardless of his or her present circumstances.
0% Disagree
some students, facing the opportunity to get
While we do not need to worry about today’s
money for high grades, would choose to take
youth forgetting the value of money, we should
easier classes that they know they can do well in (and cash in be concerned about more of them losing sight of the true
on) rather than challenging themselves with tougher classes.
worth and purpose of education. School is about empowering
The offer of a monetary reward for high performance would individuals so that they may become knowledgeable, producalso increase the already ever-present stress in high school. Tests tive members of society. It is important that school fosters in
Staff Editorial
Tim Smith
students a love of learning or, short of that, at least the ability
to be internally satisfied by a job well done. If cash becomes
a major influence in how hard a student works, you can say
goodbye to any true appreciation of education.
The money that would be used in a cash incentive program,
which would be distributed largely to students who are already
motivated and successful in school, would be better used on
improving facilities that benefit everyone (perhaps remodeling
decades-old science laboratories, for example) or on support
for struggling students. We should be working to close the gap
between successful and unsuccessful students, not widening it
by wedging in cash. 
Trip to Sarajevo enlightens, surprises
As I boarded the plane to leave St. Louis this summer, an
unusual news story flashed across the television screen. Radovan Karadzic, infamous Serb leader, had been arrested after 13
years on the run. Though I knew little about his life, I realized
that Karadzic was responsible for heinous crimes committed
against civilians in the country that I would soon visit: Bosnia
When I was a newborn, unaware of Bosnia’s existence, the
capital Sarajevo endured a four-year-long siege—the longest in
the history of modern warfare. Serb forces targeted Muslims,
Croats, and non-nationalist Serbs, killing an estimated 12,000
and wounding over 50,000. At the age of 16, I returned with
my parents to the city they had lived in long before its devastation.
On the Watson
Fellowship, my
dad investigated
non-governmental environmental organizations in the former Yugoslavia.
My mom spent
time studying
the language there.
The Sarajevo
they returned to,
however, was
unlike the one
they left.
Driving into
the Stari Grad,
or Old City, we Nina Oberman passed a modern
complex. Shells
had demolished
portions, creating hollow stone crevices where people once lived.
Many still do live in certain sections of the building, their
laundry hanging to dry on crumbling cement balconies. Along
the Miljacka River, buildings that once graced the city were
boarded up, their ornate architecture scarred by shell-shots.
My dad had looked forward to showing me the exact spot
where Gavrilo Princip stood when he assassinated Archduke
Franz Ferdinand, triggering the beginning of WWI. But the
brass footprints once secured on the sidewalk had disappeared.
Later, we discovered the reason. Princip, a national hero prior
to Yugoslavia’s early 1990s’ disintegration into warring factions, was a Serbian nationalist. Many Bosnians now consider
him a criminal terrorist.
To see this crossroads of culture undergo such separatist
September 24, 2008
MCT Campus
Nina Oberman
The damaged National Library of Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia-Herzgovina.
hatred was heartrending. But to see the beginnings of healing was inspirational. For a long time, Sarajevo was hailed for
its religious diversity. Within a few blocks of each other lie a
mosque, a synagogue, a Roman Catholic and a Serbian Orthodox church. Today, the prayer calls sounding from the minarets
have replaced the noise of sniper fire.
Through conversations with my dad’s many old friends,
I began to understand how people cope with such a history.
One, who is now the protocol officer for the U.S. Embassy, left
Sarajevo during the siege. Her husband stayed in the city. Since
then, they have not spoken with each other about their experi-
ences. There is a tacit desire to move forward.
My Dad also sought out his old landlady, and found her in
her neighbor’s house, gathered around a table drinking coffee
with her friends. We were quickly welcomed by a yell through
the window, hugged affectionately, and prepared drinks.
Though my dad knew only one woman in the room, the entire
group’s warmth, hospitality and enthusiasm was uplifting.
One boy, who shared my brother’s exact birthday, expressed
hope in his country’s economy. He was confident in his ability
to find a job; secure in his own future.
Most people in Sarajevo don’t have much. But they have
their friends. Walking the streets, I noticed a vast difference
in our cultures. In America, a main street’s attractions are its
fashion stores, its advertisements, its corporate towers. While
all exist in Sarajevo, they aren’t the highlight. Instead, what
characterizes the main walk are the carpet bazaars, the coffee
shops, and, most importantly, the places of worship.
Buyer speculation is the U.S.’s biggest economic fear. We
are so worried about things. Our standard of living is measured
by our possessions—not our relationships, faith or education.
I’ve grown up with the underlying message that I can never
have enough. Back-to-school shopping. The iPod 3G. HDTV.
For most people in Bosnia, these things are considered luxurious indulgences. But just how happy do they make us?
In a city whose history is still engraved on the side of buildings, the people are truly aware. The wounds of the siege are
deep and quite visceral. But their immediacy has instilled
within Sarajevans a gratitude for life that few Americans have.
Their hospitality, trust and openness are on a different plane
than ours.
Unfortunately, tensions are still high. One man we talked
to said he couldn’t stand Serbs—any Serb. But perhaps with
Karadzic’s trial, the region is moving a little more towards justice, and approaching forgiveness.
Meanwhile, Sarajevans experience a wealth that is immeasurable by any western standards. I was named partly for the
Ninas my Dad encountered in Yugoslavia: women, he said,
who were bright, caring and full of life. Though I may never
know them, in Sarajevo I understood their spirit. I hope I can
live as they did—not for the things, but for the people. 
The Globe is a public forum. As such, we welcome the voices of all. We accept letters to the editor provided they are signed; under
very few circumstances will we publish an anonymous letter. Due to space constraints, we reserve the right to edit submitted material.
Palin has had problems telling the truth—
she’s claimed that she didn’t support the
building of the Gravina Island Bridge (also
known as the Bridge to Nowhere, a project
costing tax payers 320 million dollars), although there is proof of her support for the
Palin has blatantly blended the line between religion and government. She implied
that America had the God-given right to be
in Iraq, and instructed an audience to pray
for a gas pipeline in Alaska. She has referred
to dinosaurs as “lizards of Satan”.
A lifelong member of the NRA, Palin is a
die-hard supporter of the right to bear arms.
She supports the termination of the ban on
handguns in Washington D.C.
Palin has had a total of seven and one half
years of experience as an elected official. Six of
those years were spent by Palin as a mayor of
the small town of Wasilla, population about
7,000. The United States total population is
roughly 300 million.
Palin filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District
Court in response to the decision to list the
polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Two thirds of the world’s
polar bears are predicted to vanish in the next
50 years as a result of global warming, according to scientists from a U.S. Geological
Survey. Palin also supports drilling Alaskan
reserves for gas and oil—she was a member of
the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.
Palin has named one of her five children
Track, and one of the others Trig. Ouch.
Although I’m not completely sure why
McCain chose Palin as his running mate, I’m
pretty sure it had something to do with Palin
being a woman. Palin is going to get votes for
being attractive and female, regardless of her
stance on the issues.
In her first term as mayor of Wasilla, Palin
fired her Police Chief for disagreeing with her
stance on guns; in the ensuing lawsuit, the
firing was justified, as a mayor can fire an employee for most any reason.
Her favorite food is moose stew.
Of course, people have questioned Barack Obama’s lack of
experience as well, and the line between religion and government has been thoroughly blended by other government officials. These reasons may also be positive depending on your
political views. I, however, am truly worried for the future of
the U.S. if Palin becomes vice president. In response to her
nomination as vice president, I must say “thanks, but no
thanks.” 
September 24 , 2008
Tour guides impress
This month I have good news and
bad news. The bad news is that this is a
column about college. The good news,
however, is that I won’t be whining about
standardized tests, lamenting affirmative
action, or agonizing over The Winning
College Essay.
Instead, this is a column dedicated to
those unsung heroes of higher education,
those tireless servants of the burgeoning
college-bound. These 500 words celebrate some of my favorite
people on Earth—campus
tour guides.
This past summer, my
family and I travelled to
the east coast for what I
have fondly dubbed the
“wishful thinking” college
tour. Amid the torrent
of propaganda that I encountered on this journey,
I was able to discern one
tangible truth. I learned
that monitoring the personality of the tour guide is
the surest way to gauge the personality
of the college.
Of the schools we visited, three stand
out in my mind. Their campuses were
beautiful, their academics were stunning,
and their student life was promising, but
they shared something else, something
deeper, something profound—at each of
these schools the tour guides were completely unforgettable.
Let’s start in New York. Although
University of Chicago still reigns as
Nerdiest Campus in America (it is, after
all “where fun comes to die”), there is
no doubt that Columbia appreciates its
geeks. A tradition of academic intensity
is ingrained in the collective conscience
of the university. Needless to say, I had
high expectations for the guide.
He delivered big time. Our guy
was an engineering major who enjoyed
hanging out in the Art and Architecture library, and playing “Core” Frisbee
(where book names are recited with each
throw). He had nerditude out the pocket
On to Vermont. When we visited
Middlebury it was raining, so we had an
“indoor walking tour.” Somehow, our
“guide” made it interesting.
It’s difficult to describe her. As a
jumping-off point I would imagine the
female version of an extremely
ADHD Ken Jennings. She
was like a twitching, hyperactive volcano, apt to erupt
at any moment and spew
info ranging from studies
abroad in Berlin to Muggle
Quidditch (which Middlebury students founded). She
represented the college’s idiosyncrasy well.
Although the Nerd and
the Volcano were certainly
memorable, the representative from the final school—
Dartmouth—was, hands down, my
It was immediately evident that no
“Office of Admissions” was going to
tie this girl down. She had clearly gone
rogue. She declared her disdain for
“pointless books,” and expounded on the
numerous English classes which required
limited reading. She told us that microwaves were forbidden from dorms, but
that she and all her friends had one. She
praised the police escort service as “really
helpful if you’re tired and don’t want to
walk back to your dorm.”
Most of all she provided a breath of
fresh air—an example of liberation from
the constraints of prepared speeches and
tidy statistics so often force-fed at these
sessions. She was preaching her own gospel.
And that’s what college is about. 
Freshman overcomes fears
Towering giants seeking new blood
A week passed. The only obstacle that
to spill. Horribly pale zombies roaming I faced was a couple of minor schedule
the halls. Teachers that decapitate stu- changes. I couldn’t believe it. There was
dents with meter-sticks before devouring more homework than middle school. The
their brains. Sound familiar? No, those stakes were higher, but I felt as if I could
weren’t plots of Stephen King novels; open my eyes that had been closed, to
they were my delusional fears of high avoid witnessing an anticipated disaster.
school life.
I feel like the cartoon
During the summer, I
rabbit that shuts its eyes
imagined what CHS would
when about to be eaten by
be like. I would ask myself
a snake, only to discover,
in terror: What if I get an
upon opening his eyes, that
‘F’? What if I can’t fit in a
an anvil fell on the vicious
Colleges like students
The bunny is now free
to play a sport, right? How
with all of his other forest
come I don’t know this!? Oh Micah Goodman friends in the lush meadman, oh man, oh man.
ows of Fairy Tale Land.This
But seriously, I was pretpretty much sums up what
ty anxious about high school. I was really the beginning of the year has been like.
afraid of being overwhelmed.
I’ve been able to do most of the exSo, with my heart ready to cave in tracurricular activities that I planned on,
and create a black hole for my whole have an extended amount of freedom
body to be sucked into, I marched into and found that the food choices at CHS
CHS with visibly false confidence, and are much better than those at Wydown.
went to my first hour class. Then my sec- Not only that, but I’m actually finding
ond. And third. And on and on until that my classes this year are much more
the day was over.
engaging and thought provoking than
It wasn’t until I was relaxed in my bed my classes in previous years.
listening to music that it hit me. There
Now I march into CHS with genuweren’t any vicious seniors, no sleep- ine confidence. I know which classes I
deprived students simply going through have friends with, my digestive system
the motions of being scholarly and even has gotten used to my lunch hour, and
my teachers were nice. “This can’t be,” I I have yet to receive an ‘F.’ It seems as if
thought to myself. “It was just the first high school is nothing like I thought it
day. Everything’s better on the first day.” would be like, which is wonderful. 
2008-2009 Staff
Jeremy Bleeke
Senior Managing Editors
Leah Eby
Sarah Horn
Ugochi Onyema
Fontasha Powell
Aaron Praiss
Nicholas Andriole
Simone Bernstein
Mary Blackwell
Evan Green
Madeline McMahon
Hannah Novack
Nina Oberman
Ijeoma Onyema
Meredith Redick
Taylor Stone
Preeti Viswanathan
Sneha Viswanathan
Kaize (Ken) Zheng
Senior Editors
Ellie Bullard
Maddie Harned
Chief Copy Editor
Carol Iskiwitch
MCT Campus
Athletes and performers fill the stadium during the Closing Ceremony of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad in Beijing, China.
Censorship hurts China’s image
It goes without saying that the
Olympics are billed as the converging
of countries, focused on a couple weeks
of fun and games. They are supposed
to be completely apolitical- but how
could they be? Every time, politics seem
to worm their way into the games. The
truth is there is no way to escape, even
for the short amount of time that the
Olympics last. And having made multiple headlines recently, the fact that the
host of the 2008 Summer Olympics was
China, nettled many. For most, it was a
chance to see how China would tackle
this latest mission.
Yes, politics were all over the games
this year. We watched as China began to
rise to the challenge. It seemed to focus
on the image, from large issues such as
stopping industrial activity in Beijing in
order to clear the smog, to petty things,
such as removing dog meat from restaurant menus so as to keep from offending
tourists. It was China’s chance to shine,
and it was doing everything it could to
ensure things went right.
And everything did- on the large
scale. The Opening Ceremonies were
notably spectacular, the world agreed.
But in the midst of all the glitz, small
things began to grow and China could
not stop its true nature from showing
through from time to time.
When The Art of Peace Foundation
released an album mix, Songs For Tibet,
which contained works by artists such as
Sting, Moby, and Garbage, plus a short
speech by the Dalai Lama, it was setting
the stage for something interesting. Not
only did it release this album on iTunes,
and thus the worldwide web, they released it a mere few days before the
Olympics began (no coincidence, obviously). They offered the album as a free
download to the athletes participating.
Athletes were also urged to wear iPods
(with the album uploaded) as a form of
protest and a sign of freedom.
Not surprisingly, soon after this, Chi- takes away diversity, censors without
nese users found they could no longer abandon and people (foreign or not)
access the iTunes store. This occurred af- that oppose its decisions simply vanish.
ter the Foundation released a statement Anything that it deems unacceptable is
announcing that more than an estimated simply kept quiet, therefore effectively
40 athletes had taken up its offer and reducing the Chinese citizens to helpless
had downloaded the said album. Much pawns.
speculation ensued, and the source of
A statement issued by the governthe ban, it was agreed, was indeed Songs ment in response to Songs For Tibet deFor Tibet- probably, for China, uncom- clared that “angry netizens”, indignant at
fortably pro-Tibet.
the album, wanted to boycott the parIn the right light, it could even be ticipating artists and Apple products by
referred to as propaganda. And after all, association.
no such thing could ever be allowed by
“Angry netizens”? Or angry governthe censor-happy government to circu- ment? Or both? We may never officially
late throughout China freely.
know. In its quest to become
After a great many protests
great, the government has apand media speculations,
parently decided that its own
China re-opened iTunes, but
people are not to be trusted
kept the offending album
to actually have opinions. Incensored.
stead, the government acts as
Are we surprised by all of
a representative of the entire
this? Not really; after all, the
country, attempting to hide
“Great Firewall of China,” as
its authoritarian rule beneath
it has come to be called, has Jackie Leong the “voices” of its citizens who
long been a tool the Chinese
meanwhile are kept in the
government uses to simply
dark, oblivious.
erase what it does not want its citizens
So here we have the dilemma that
to know.
China itself is unable to see: the governThis is nothing new to the rest of ment fails to realize that embracing its
the world, but perhaps we realize that peoples’ opinions would actually make it
though China is exceedingly careful a better country. By not giving itself a
when it comes to appearances, in the true voice it is slowly becoming weaker
end, they are simply appearances. No from a stagnation of ideas. To the Chiamount of extravagance can cover up nese government ideas and opinions are
China’s true nature.
threats. China could be much improved,
Ironically, the Chinese government’s could grow, if it truly had a culture. It
attempts at making itself look better in could go far, seeing as some estimate
the eyes of the world just made it look about one in five people on Earth live in
worse. Or rather, just made it appear just China. As it is, it is simply a large piece
as it truly is, ugly bones exposed and no of land that supplies cheap labor. There
sugarcoated ceremonials necessary.
is no vitality.
But if we as outsiders can see through
So the funny thing is, China just
the façade, the real issue here, then, is locked itself into a downward spiral of
the citizens themselves. They see only fear, paranoia and the infamous, but
what their government wants them to true self-fulfilling prophecy. No amount
see, because of the illusion that is spun of glitz, media, fireworks, or Bird’s Nests
over their eyes. The Chinese government can save China. 
Search for pet proves frustrating
Man’s best friend is his dog. I beg to
Unlike the perfect Lassies of this
world, the dogs my family has been
through have defined the words crazy
and deranged. Picture the gleaming fangs
and non-stop barking that used to live
in my backyard.
Or, imagine the
howl of a burritoshaped
simply wanting
attention. This is
the kind of pet
my family tends
to get.
Since birth,
I have watched
three dogs come
and go through
my front door.
Each time, my
family jokes that
the next dog will
be better than the last.
Charlie, our first dog, passed away
when I was much younger. However, he
was not your normal dog at heart. I think
he suffered from old age, as he managed
to eat almost everything in sight, including my brother’s failed attempts at potty
training. I’m surprised he didn’t die of
Sandy, our second dog was a mutt.
When my dad and brother went to pick
Sandy up from the Humane Society,
they thought they were getting an adorable, pip-squeak dog that would never
do any harm or damage to this world. It
turns out Sandy was no pip-squeak.
As the years passed, we began to discover that Sandy was not only part yellow Labrador and German shepherd,
but that he was
likely part wild
dingo. Sandy apparently
from a vicious
line of wild dogs
from the outback
of Australia.
Just our luck,
isn’t it.
Sandy grew
to be a well-built
dog, with a taste
for anything besides his own dog
it was two pounds of hamburger meat,
many pairs of socks or even a calculator, Sandy managed to devour and then
vomit almost everything we owned.
Even during one of my birthday parties,
Sandy was able to eat almost half of my
cake in one bite.
There was nothing stopping Sandy’s
taste buds from finding every living and
non-living thing on this planet. Towards
the end of his life, we even bought a
warning sign to hang on our backyard
l Perspec tiv
A a r o n P r a is s
fence, afraid that kids would try to pet
him on their way home from school and
lose a hand.
But, Sandy wasn’t as vicious as he may
sound. Though he was wired incorrectly,
there was still a sense of compassion and
love between him and us. As a matter
of fact, Sandy shared a close friendship
with Bill, a close family friend. Sandy
epitomized the Jekyll and Hyde persona,
sometimes ready to devour and sometimes ready to play.
The day Sandy passed away was a day
of grief, but also a sigh of relief in our
family, as we could now invite friends
over without worrying about anyone’s
However, within one month, we were
already attempting to find another dog.
This time, we worked so hard to find the
perfect dog. We read books, went online and researched until we decided that
a mixed breed dog would be the ideal
choice for our family. We decided to get
a puggle, a pug and beagle mix, named
A pug and beagle mix should be cute
and cuddly. For most people though,
Pablo looks like a barracuda that ran head
first into a wall. Within one year, he has
gotten overweight and his body is out of
proportion. He also needs braces, as his
under bite sometimes confuses people
into thinking he’s baring his teeth.
Unlike Sandy though, Pablo wouldn’t
hurt a fly; he is just slow.
Art and Graphics Director
Abigail Eisenberg
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Tom Maxim
Sonja Petermann
Ali Sehizadeh
Tim Smith
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Xiaowen Zhang
William Schedl
Chi Zeng
Nancy Freeman
Photo courtesy of Zach Praiss
Pablo, the Praiss puggle, may look cuddly, but his eating habits defy logic.
He is now past his puppy days, yet
still thinks it is fun to eat the stuffing inside of his bed. Pablo has an unnatural
obsession with a dog up the street and he
eats other dog’s poop. Pablo doesn’t go
on walks, he takes a dead sprint around
the block while I unsuccessfully manage
to hold onto his leash and then peters
out, barely able to walk back around the
No matter how much we try, my
family is cursed in finding a suitable
pet. Whether the dog wants to eat me or
simply eat its own bed, I have discovered
that there is no use in trying to find an-
other perfect pet.
Despite their flaws, however, these
three dogs did at one point in time provide a sense of companionship to my
family and me. Even though he has the
IQ of a peanut, Pablo is still loyal to me
late at night while I eat a midnight snack.
Seeing his face when we come home
from vacation just proves the incredible
sense of love and faith he has in us.
We may be cursed in finding that
perfect pet, but in the end, I laugh to
myself as I peer out my window, watching my burrito-shaped dog rip apart his
bed and eat the fluffy inside. 
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Winner of MIPA All-Missouri, Quill
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Hall of Fame Member
September 24, 2008
“My favorite part of
the Japanese Festival
was the booths. They
had a lot of different
things from Japan for
super cheap. I spent
a ridiculous amount
of money. One other
part that was cool
was this guy called
the “Candy Man” who
did a little show at
the entrance where
he made intricate
figures out of wax.
There was also amazing food like udon
noodles, sushi, and
really yummy snow
cones, which aren’t
Japanese but were
still tasty.”
-Nichole Burton
Children from a Webster Japanese language school sing Japanese songs to audiences at the Japanese Festival. The annual Japanese Festival took place at the Missouri Botanical Garden over Labor Day weekend.
Jecoliah Wang plays violin with the children from the Japanese school.
photos by Nichole Burton
Belly dancers perform at the Festival of Nations. The festival takes place downtown.
The International
Institute of St.
Louis’ annual
Festival of Nations
and the St. Louis
Japanese Festival are
two local cultural
celebrations out of
a myriad that occur
A member of the Japanese choir plays a traditional Japanese instrument as the choir sings.
“The Festival of Nations is
a great way to experience
other cultures. The food
is awesome and there’s a
huge variety because of
all the different countries
that have booths, where
they also sell items such
as clothing and instruments.”
-Taylor Obata
A woman plays a Japanese drum in a demonstration at the Japanese Festival.
A woman in the Turkish booth at the Festival of Nations creates a marble-like painting.