FALL 2014 - St. Joseph High School


FALL 2014 - St. Joseph High School
FA L L 2 014
Class of 2018 &
2014 Scholarship Gala
Alumni News
Annual Report
Mass Intentions
Athletic Highlights
Young Alumni Spotlight
Welcome back to a new
school year!
William J Fitzgerald Ph.D., M.Div.
[email protected]
Kenneth A Mayo
kmayo@ sjcadets.org
Executive Director for Advancement
Rebecca M Santoli
[email protected]
Director of Alumni Affairs
Michele Gomez Krasznai ’89
[email protected]
Director of Strategic Marketing &
Dana Krysynski Christos
[email protected]
Peapod Design
Vic Eng
Mathematics Department Teacher
Lisa DeTullio Russell ’82
Will Gallagher ’15
St Joseph High School Media Arts
imagine most readers of this Communiqué
are still excited about the successful revival
of the Prep-St Joe’s game. It was a wonderful
fall afternoon on campus, over 3,000 fans filled
the back yard, and Coach DellaVecchia had the
Cadets leading all the way.
We were excited to be able to bring it to you
via the Great American Rivalries national TV
coverage. The campus was sparkling and the
alumni and soon to be alumni colored the fall
day with maroon and gold. Just prior to this
game, the Alumni Council put a new spin on
the Sr. Catherine Fanning Awards by hosting
the Scholarship Gala honoring two strong
supporters of Catholic education—our new
Bishop, The Most Reverend Frank Caggiano;
and William H Pitt Foundation’s Trustee,
Warner DePuy. The entertaining evening
focused not so much on the Privilege as it
did on the Responsibility: responsibility for
making St Joseph High available to as wide
a cast of students as we can catch. The new
emphasis netted over $60,000, the most
ever for this Alumni event.
And as I look over the list of colleges where
our June graduates are attending, I see an
ever broader and stronger St Joe family
spreading—from Boston to San Diego to
Baton Rogue to Portland. This last class
of 198 students won for themselves over
n addition to the usual thorough scrubbing and sanitizing of
the building, we completed many improvements to the physical
plant this past summer: the lobby bathrooms were remodeled
and updated, room 306 was retrofitted to function as a Natural
Sciences and Biology Lab, and the tennis courts were refurbished.
The summer was especially notable for
the inception of our Summer Institute;
a program of classes, workshops and
camps spanning the spectra of Academic
Enrichment, Arts and Athletics.
Of course, the Institute ensured that there
were very few days without students on
campus and that’s good; I know they help
keep me young!
As far as the school year is concerned, we
added several accomplished faculty members
who dove into the year head-long. We expect
great things from them, and they are delivering.
We are also pleased to be offering AP Physics
in-house, and AP Psychology and Computer
Science via distance learning. In addition, we
will be expanding our Debate Club’s
competitions and introducing a Robotics Club.
$20,000,000 in renewable grants and aid.
All the Ivies, Little Ivies, Catholic Ivies, and
all the athletic and academic powerhouses
(five were accepted to Notre Dame; three
to Boston College), and then to all the more
practical minded non-Ivies—we have St Joe
grads walking the quads everywhere.
We are very proud, and very fortunate.
We know we build off a strong and firm
foundation of faith, family, and friends.
Enjoy your time with these few pages.
I hope they bring you some special
memories of your good days here on
Huntington Turnpike. If you get a chance,
stop by and say hello.
Meanwhile, we keep you in our prayers daily.
Pax et bonum,
On the technology front, our iPad initiative
rollout went as smoothly as could be
expected. Of course, as with any new
venture, all the bumps in the road happened
within a span of two weeks which might have
given some the impression that the program
wasn’t going well. In reality the glitches were
truly minor and the driving is now smooth.
I look forward to a fulfilling year as we partner
with our students and families to provide the
best well-rounded education possible.
Please keep me in your prayers, as I do you.
Ken Mayo, Principal
The Class of 2018: Solidified
in SJ Pride
By Betsy Sorrentino ’76, Freshman Transition Coordinator
reshman Home Room
109 succinctly captured
the spirit of Orientation
Day with a contest-winning
photo that was captioned:
“Blown Away by SJ!”
It was the first of many opportunities for the
newest members of our community to shine.
Although some admitted to feeling first-day
jitters, most added that it took only a few
short days before they felt at home.
Freshman Hannah Brown commented,
“Having the building to ourselves on the first
two days was really helpful. I met a classmate
who has since become a good friend.” While
dancing at the Freshman Social, cheering
at the Fall Pep Rally, and accepting their
blessed Bibles, the Class of 2018 proved its
spirit, enthusiasm, and dedication to our
community. Amazingly, the 185 newest cadets
travel from nineteen surrounding towns and
4 countries. However, as the Class of 2018,
they will walk together for the next four years,
sharing their unique gifts and talents with our
community. Get ready to be” blown away!”
SJ Summer Institute Rocks!
he SJ Summer Institute Program offered during summer
break at St Joe’s was a tremendous success. Nineteen middle
school students put down their sunscreen and picked up their
binders in preparation for the SJ Summer Enrichment program. The
session operated under the direction of Mr Martin Dempsey, Dean
of Students and Mr Kevin Butler, Assistant Principal for Athletics.
Laone and Mrs Cellini were on hand to teach
academics. Coach Watts, Coach Izzo, Coach
Chavez, Coach Dellaveccia were there to
lead sports activites.
“I am so thrilled that we had an another
successful summer at St Joe’s from start to
finish. The big hit of the course list was our
freshman computer concept course,” said
Mr Dempsey. Mrs Piatek, Mrs Berry, Mrs
Sorrentino, Ms Repay, Mr Dempsey, Mrs
Mrs Sorrentino presented the Learning to
Learn curriculum which focused on high
school study skills. A wide range of topics
from organization and time management to
memory and test-taking tips were covered
during the two-week course.
Upon completing her class, one student
remarked, “The course was just what I was
looking for!” Current freshman, Anthony
Crocco, added, “I have more strategies and
tools to use for notes and tests.” After twenty
years of teaching freshman English, Mrs.
Sorrentino still believes that strong study skills
are a key component to high school success. With our One-to-One IPad Initiative, students
have accessibility to new apps that enhance
their study skills. Learning-to-Learn, is the
perfect opportunity to test new strategies
and gain confidence prior to the high school
experience. Current freshman, Katie Daly,
responded when asked if she was prepared
for freshman year, “I’m ready because now
I know all the tricks!” There were also “Future SJ Cadets” on
campus who enjoyed the daily muli-sports
camp. Mr Butler and Mr Dempsey were
thrilled that the children who participated
were begging their parents to come
back each day!
Where’s St Joe’s?
By Dana Christos, Director of Strategic Marketing & Communications
ust like the book Where’s Waldo?, we always seem to be
looking for hidden signs. Lately, the “signs” I am looking for
are during my commute to work at St Joe’s. When I see St Joe’s
in our community—our visibility has me smiling from ear to ear.
I see a new Open House and Entrance Exam
Billboard on Route 25 at the Newtown/
Monroe border and as I make my way closer,
the Open House yard signs continue to pop
up on front lawns. The excitement is there,
I admit it, especially when I am behind a car
with a St Joseph High School maroon and
gold magnet on it.
Our highlight from September, which includes
the recent launch of our fall marketing
campaign for admissions, was when Bishop
Caggiano complimented us on our I-95
digital billboard and mentioned he was very
delighted to see it. People in our community
who do not know about St Joseph High
School are now seeing our SJ presence out
and about. They are gently reminded that
St Joe’s is right here, nestled in Trumbull. So
while you are out and about try and keep a
look out for “Joe” where ever you go!
Strength in Numbers
A phrase that best describes the new and improved Admissions
team at St Joe’s. Summer 2014 was an exciting time for
Admissions in preparing for the new freshmen class, moving into
a new office space, and appointing new Director of Admissions,
Jessica Morales, and Operations Manager, Linda Lucy. With fresh
ideas and perspective, the admissions team formed a united
front, and along with Associate Director, Peggy Marino, they are
ready to hit the road to engage the newest group of future cadets.
The Admissions Office enters the school year with more than
just new faces—this is now a team of action. With current
enrollment standing strong with over 800 students, the
Admissions department is focused on the continuance of
educational and financial prosperity of St Joseph High School.
Under the strong leadership of Ms. Morales, Admissions has
an improved purpose to be proactive through outreach and
early engagement with new and continuing recruitment
methods; to execute an effective communication campaign
using strategic marketing, events, and branding; to enhance
productivity of operations utilizing accurate data and efficient
tracking capabilities; and to streamline the overall admissions
process to increase applications while maintaining quality
control. Above all else, they are proud to share the story of
St Joseph High School.
If you or someone you know is interested in attending St Joseph High School, please refer to our contact email [email protected]
or 203-378-9378 ext 455. We are now accepting online applications at www.sjcadets.org/admissions, where you can find all the necessary
information. The application deadline is November 15, 2014 (including spring transfer students). If you missed our Fall Open House held
October 19, join us on December 3 at our Winter Open House—all events can be registered online at www.sjcadets.org/admissions.
t Joseph-Fairfield Prep
Game Selected for 11th
Annual Great American
Rivalry Series St Joe’s 48—
Prep 33
The 2014 Great American Rivalry Series,
presented by the United States Marine Corps
and Toyota, visited St Joe’s at home to
highlight one of the most heated rivalries in
the country: St Joseph vs. Fairfield Prep.
For the 11th year, the Great American Rivalry
Series selected an exclusive collection
of top–notch rivalries across the country,
covering 36 states and 92 cities throughout
the country. Wrapped in tradition, these
annual battles motivate the whole
community, celebrating the schools,
their teams, and their fans.
Congratulations to the players of St Joseph High School and Coach Joe DellaVecchia ’81
for a successful win. The Rivalry Continues…
Series founder and CEO Rick Ford notes
that, “With all the traditions of bonfires, pep
rallies, and parades, high school football has
brought together communities to watch their
teams compete in these classic battles for
more than a hundred years. The Rivalry Series
was created to celebrate these games.”
St Joe’s did not disappoint, leading on and off
the field covered in Maroon and Gold pride as
the Cadets led 48 to 33 over the Jesuits.
Lars Pedersen’15 interviewed by MSG Varsity
Bruno Family, Jim ’73, Donna ‘73, Kate ’04 and Kristen ‘00
Mufasha Abdul Basir ’15 accepts MVP award by the Great
American Rivalry Series and the US Marine Corp
2014 Golf Outing
Thank you to everyone who attended, helped and volunteered for the 2014
Athletics Golf Outing at Mill River Country Club on June 3. Congratulations to
the golf committee for a successful event which raised nearly $60,000 towards our
stadium light campaign. We appreciate our sponsors Trefz Family Restaurants,
O’Keefe Controls, Vazzy’s, Dave Rudini, Colony Grill, and Yankee United.
Save the date for the 2015 Golf Outing: Tuesday, June 2 at Mill River
Country Club
Joe Lucy ’78 and Steven Hashemi ’14
Girl’s Field Hockey Debuts at St Joe’s
Field Hockey was launched this fall at St Joe’s with more than 50 girls hoping
to transition to a varsity program next year! Welcome to our newest cadets!
Lisa ’82 and Sarah ’14 Martino
Nick Cairo ’08, Eileen Broderick ’79 and
Ashley Webster ‘10
Kyle Cannone ’11 says his experience at The Catholic University
of America “has been nothing short of amazing.” His interest in
American politics has led Kyle to complete numerous internships
on Capitol Hill, where he has been fortunate enough to see the
inner workings of Congressional offices and Congress itself.
Upon graduation, Kyle hopes to embark
on a year of service in South America in an
attempt to expand his horizons and live
out his faith. Kyle also aspires to attend law
school and practice law in Connecticut.
Kyle attributes all of his achievements and
ambition to his time and development
at St Joe’s. “I am certain that I speak on
behalf of all alumni when I say that it is
only now, years detached from my final
year of high school, that I fully realize how
blessed and fortunate I was to be able to
surround myself with such a caring and
dedicated community of people. I will
always treasure my St Joe’s education
and the people who made it possible,
especially my parents,” said Kyle.
Sam Russell ’12 is a junior
at Ithaca College studying
Cinema Production. While
he was attending St Joe’s he
worked on SJ Today and made
his first short film in Ms Eileen
Broderick’s Film and Literature
class. At Ithaca College Sam
has experienced editing,
production design and was
part of the production of
several short films. He has
also written and directed
two of his own films.
Sam’s most recent film, “We’re Goners It’s
Fine Relax”, has been admitted to two film
festivals. The film premiered at Chain NYC
Film Festival and won “Best Comedy Short.”
It was screened at the New England
Underground Film Festival on October
11 at the University of Harford.
Over the past summer Sam completed
an internship for Giaronomo Productions,
a post-production facility that specializes
in movie trailers and TV spots. What’s
next for Sam? This fall he has plans to
production design a short film, assist on
various other productions, and create
a web-series with his house-mates.
To check out Sam’s work visit:
https://vimeo.com/sambrussell/videos .
2014 Scholarship Gala
n September 12, the generous St Joseph High School community came together
to celebrate The Sister Catherine Fanning Privilege and Responsibility Awards at the
2014 Scholarship Gala held at Race Brook Country Club in Orange, CT. With nearly
200 guests in attendance, The Most Reverend Bishop Frank J. Caggiano and The William H.
Pitt Foundation were honored for their strong legacy of keeping quality Catholic education
accessible. The funds raised will support St Joseph High School’s mission of providing
financial assistance to those pursuing a premiere college preparatory education.
This year’s Gala
put the spotlight where
it belongs—on students
in need.
“Bishop Caggiano has really become our
bishop, the bishop of this diocese. We were
happy to honor his commitment to Catholic
education, but clearly Bishop Frank is
committed to the entire mission. His
presence was a gift. As was his message,”
remarked William J Fitzgerald, PhD, M.Div.,
President, St Joseph High School.
Dr. Fitzgerald added, “This year’s Gala put
the spotlight where it belongs—on students
in need. Quality Catholic college preparatory
education becomes harder to afford each
year, but our benefactors responded. The
event raised nearly three times the
scholarship aid than we did in recent years.”
The Gala chaired by Mary O’Keefe Butala’78
featured performances by Pianist, McKenna
Mase’16, who welcomed guests and Steve
D’Agostino’81 who kept the feet moving
with “Songs from the Great American Song
Book.” Live auctioneer, Eric Hummel’s
mantra, “Remember, it is for the kids,” kept
the focus on the mission. The premier prize
was lunch with Bishop Frank, an honor that
went to St Joseph High School board
member, Joseph Pagliaro, Jr ’86 of Shelton.
Rich Franko ‘67; owner of Citywide
Insurance Center, with 23 AZ locations
announced that they have purchased 3 independent insurance agencies in the greater
Los Angeles, CA area. The 3 new locations
will be in Culver City; Fullerton and Long
Beach. CWI is one of the largest
Independent Insurance Agencies in the
West. Rich is recognized as an insurance
pioneer with numerous awards
& achievements.
On June 7 SJ friends went to see
Kevin Nealon ‘71 at the IMPROV in Ft.
Lauderdale, FL. “What a great show, great
time, Kevin is a fantastic host, an all-around
great guy and comedian. Anytime you get
a chance to see his show—DO IT, as it is a
clean and hilarious time.”—Modified quote
from David Hoha ‘71
On August 21,
James E. Dzurenda
‘84 was appointed by
New York City Mayor,
Bill de Blasio, to
be First Deputy
Commissioner for
the New York City
Department of
Correction overseeing the jails in all 5
boroughs of New York City, as well as
Rikers Island.
The Bridgeport Ancient
Order of Hibernians
presented their annual
Commodore John Barry Day
event in Southport at the
Perry Green on Sept. 13.
The Keynote speaker was
SJ and U.S. Naval Academy graduate,
Capt. Karin Mullane Vernazza U.S.N.’84.
Christine Rowland Limauro ’88 graduated
from SUNY Stony Brook in 2000 (now Stony
Brook University) as a Physician Assistant.
She has been working in medicine for
14 years and welcomes any opportunity to
speak to students or answer questions about
her field. For questions or to connect with
Christine contact the Office of Alumni
Affairs at [email protected]
Lynnea Pruzinsky Mumola ’90 currently
living in Maryland, writes and teaches
theology at an all-girls’ high school run by
the Sisters of the Holy Cross, The Academy
of the Holy Cross. Here’s a quote from her
recent trip, “Earlier this summer, I was asked
to chaperone a service trip to the Appalachia
Region. Students from the Academy of the
Holy Cross have been attending this program
for nearly 20 years because it was founded
and still directed by a Holy Cross Sister.
I was looking through photographs of other
schools that have participated in the program
and there just a few months earlier, during
Spring Break, I saw a photograph of a group
of students from St Joseph High School.
And the name of the program—the St
Joseph Housing Program! Thank you for
instilling in the entire community privilege
and responsibility.”
Keith Riley ‘95 and Amanda Leo ‘94
were married on May 24, 2014 at the Historic
Greenhouse at the Beardsley Zoo. Keith
is a Technical Support Representative at
Optimum in Shelton and Amanda is an
Accountant for Harry Schochat & Company
in Woodbridge. They currently reside
in Naugatuck.
Pictured from left to right, Blair Riley ’99,
Marc decamp ’95, Keith Riley ’95, Amanda
Leo Riley ’94, Rebecca Scopp Williamson ’94
and Aaron Leo ’95.
Matthew Sadler ’98 and Fedra Sadler are
excited to announce the birth of their son,
Ittalo Raymond Sadler born eight weeks early
on July 16, 2014, 4lbs 2oz.
Scott & Megan Durham ’99 Carlson
welcomed Ava born on May 22; she was
8 lbs, 15.6oz. Brother Lucas turned
5 this past June.
Emily Marino ’04 and Phil Schellhorn were
married on June 7 at Our Lady of Peace in
Lordship. Pictured is Bob and Peggy Kuhar
Marino ‘71, Emily Marino Schellhorn ’04,
Phil Schellhorn, Elizabeth Marino Juselis ‘02
and Tim Juselis.
Michael Pearson ’06 proposed to his
St Joseph High School best friend
Rachel Sheehan ’07. After 6 years of dating
and many more years of friendship at SJ,
they have decided to enter the next stage
of their lives. “We would never have been
connected had it not been for our wonderful
friends and family, and perhaps most
importantly the wonderful place we
both met”
Please join Us!
Robert Wolfe ’06 was ordained to the
Diocese of Bridgeport on May 17. He entered
St. John Fisher and graduated from Sacred
Heart University in Fairfield in 2010, where
he was a member of the Delta Epsilon Sigma
National Honor Society.
Wolfe has been in formation for the
priesthood at the Pontifical North American
College in Rome since 2010. After completing three years of studies at the Pontifical
Gregorian University, he enrolled in
the licentiate program at the Pontifical
Athenaeum of St. Anselm, to which he will
return this fall for his final year of studies.
Sister Florencia Silva accompanied SJ
alums on a mission trip to Peru in May.
“This mission trip to Peru was one of the
best experiences of my life. It was such a
privilege to be able to serve others and
share in their gratitude. The depth of this trip
extended far beyond the houses we built.
Before going on this trip, I perceived the
scenario to be us helping them. The inspiring
faith and love of those we met completely
changed my perspective. I have been
reminded of what truly matters in life and this
could not have happened at a better time,
with just having graduated from college. It is
amazing how much you learn about yourself
by opening up your heart to others.”
Pictured left to right: Spencer Tripp ‘12,
Marcelle Morrisey ‘12, Xiomara Galeano ‘13,
Sister Florencia, Samantha Lubin ‘13, Brianna
Farens ‘10, Krystina Morgan ‘12.
St Joseph High School is blessed to have generous benefactors and we are thankful
for their gifts during our 2013-2014 Academic Year. We offer the following pages
to acknowledge their support.
Our 2014-2015 Fundraising Campaign is off to a great start, and we pray you will once
again consider making a lasting gift to St Joe’s so we can continue our mission of
offering a premier college preparatory education for years to come. To make a gift
now visit www.sjcadets.org/sjfund or call 203.378.9378x324. THANK YOU!
President’s Cabinet recognizes
contributions of $10,000
and more
Mr & Mrs Ross Bacarella
Mrs Virginia A Brennan
Mr & Mrs John Gschwind
Ms Amy McAndrews
Mrs Virginia McClinch
Mr & Mrs Patrick O’Keefe
Mr & Mrs Robert O’Keefe
The Huntington Foundation
The William H. Pitt Foundation The Reverend & Mrs PatrickToole
Mr & Mrs ChristianTrefz
Mr and Mrs Ernest C. Trefz
Mr & Mrs Christopher E Wilson
President’s Circle recognizes
contributions of
$5,000 to $9,999
Mr & Mrs Brian Bellows
Mr and Mrs James M. Chacho
Mr & Mrs Tom Dineen
Mr & Mrs Robert E Dunford
Mr & Mrs Jonathan Maldon
Mr & Mrs John Malfettone
Mr & Mrs Francis T McGettigan
Mr & Mrs Anthony Minopoli
Moglia Family Foundation
Mr Joseph A Pagliaro, Jr
Surf Metal Co., Inc.
The Ernest W. & Agnes W.
Kaulbach Charitable
St Joseph Club recognizes
contributions of $2,500
to $4,999
Mr & Mrs John Butala
Classic Oriental Rugs & Home
Diocese of Bridgeport
Mr and Mrs Patrick Donegan
Mr & Mrs Kevin Duerr
Mr Louis V. Gerstner
Mr & Mrs Kenneth Martin
O’Keefe Controls
Mr & Mrs John Parisi
Mr Dominic Roca & Dr Karen Santucci
Mr & Mrs David F. Rudini
The Herman and Henrietta
Denzler Charitable Trust
Trefz Corporation
Mr & Mrs John Vazzano
Venman & Co., LLC
Yankee United Futbol Club LLC
Patron Club recognizes
contributions of
$1,000 to $2,499
Adzima Funeral Home
Mr & Mrs Alan Aria
B & G Piping Co., Inc.
Mr Robert Barlow
Mr and Mrs Raymond Blanchette
Mr & Mrs Kevin Butler
Mr and Mrs William R. Carapezzi
Colonial Coatings Corp
Mr & Mrs Arthur A. Condron III
Mr & Mrs Kevin Conlisk
Mr and Mrs Stephen
Ms. Nancy DiNardo
Mr & Mrs Danial Donnelly
Mr & Mrs Robert J Dunford
Dr & Mrs William Fitzgerald
GE Foundation
Mr & Mrs Thomas J Gorman
Mr Kenneth A. Graham
Mr Paul Hickey
Mr & Mrs Robert Hurley
J Videira’s Paving LLC
Mr & Mrs Christopher Joyce
Atty and Mrs Patrick Lapera
Mr & Mrs John Luczaj
Mr & Mrs John S MacDonald
Mr Jason Marino
Mr & Mrs Joseph Martino
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Matthews
Mr & Mrs Martin J McAndrews
Mr & Mrs Thomas McHugh
Mr & Mrs Stephen Moore
Old Republic Title Insurance Co.
Pappagallo Family Foundation
Mr and Mrs John Pezzullo
Mr & Mrs Guido Picarazzi, Jr
Mr & Mrs Stephen M Raccuia
Mr & Mrs Michael J Reilly
Mr Sean Rooney
Rotair Industries
Mr & Mrs Raymond Sadler
Mr Stephen &
Dr Maureen Sharnick
Mr & Mrs Larry Shaw
St. John The Baptist Greek
Catholic Cemetery Assoc.
Mr Kevin A Taylor, D M D
Technique Sports Training LLC
The Michael Burke Foundation
Turner Construction Company
Mr & Mrs Anthony Valente
Mr & Mrs Gene Walsh
Mr & Mrs Joseph E Weber
Mr & Mrs James Whiting
Maroon and Gold Club
recognizes contributions of
$500 to $999
Mr & Mrs Andrew M Amalfitano
Mr & Mrs Michael T Amalfitano, Sr
Bank of America
Mr & Mrs John Batten
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Mr Brian M Botti
Brennan & Vlahakis, Inc.
Mr & Mrs Steven Brighindi
Mr & Mrs Robert Candler
Mr & Mrs Antonio Capela
Mrs Leslie Cavanagh
Mr & Mrs Derrick P Champagne
Atty and Mrs Kevin Collins
Mr and Mrs Rich Dalling
Mr Christopher DelMonico
Mr & Mrs Eugene Donnelly
Mr & Mrs Joel Dunkel
Mr & Mrs Shawn Fitzgerald
Mr & Mrs James Forno
G. Pic & Sons Construction Co
Mrs Laura Harvey
Mr & Mrs Blair Horne
Mr & Mrs Jaye Irwin
Mr & Mrs David L. Ivanovich
Mr & Mrs Frank Kelty
Mr Thomas Kucej
Mr & Mrs Keith Kucky
Dr Monica & Mr Bud Lockwood
Mr & Mrs Vincent Luzietti
M & M Fence & Wire Works, Inc.
Mr Nick Mahmood
Mr & Mrs Richard Mairano
Mr and Mrs Pasquale Manzione
Mr & Mrs James Mas
Mr & Mrs Michael McGarry
Mr & Mrs Angelo Melisi
Mrs Angelo Memoli
Merit Insurance
Miller Nissan
Mr & Mrs Erik Moody
Mr & Mrs Paul O’Meara
Mr & Mrs Bernard Odoy
Mr & Mrs Frank M. Osak, Jr
Mr & Mrs Edward Ronga
S.J.H.S. Parents Association
Mrs Sheila Ozalis &
Mr Mark Smith
Standard Oil of CT
Mrs Kristine Tedesco
Mr Paul Van Stone
Mr & Mrs Neil Velasquez Jr
Mr & Mrs John Welch
Mr & Mrs Charles J Wilson, Jr
XL Global Services, Inc.
Xtreme Chaos
Dr and Mr Robert Zitnay
Cadet Club recognizes
contributions of $250 to $499
Alex and Ani, LLC
Ameriprise Financial
Mr & Mrs Richard T Andrzejewski
Anthony & Reale
Ms Michelle Armstrong
Mr & Mrs Kevin Babis
Mrs Laurie Baik
Mr & Mrs Ernest Benedetto
Benman Industries Inc.
Bigelow, Inc.
Blanchette Sporting Goods, Inc.
Mr & Mrs Bruce Botti
Mrs Dorothy E Kozak Bowler
Mr and Mrs T. Brennan
Brighindi Builders LLC
Ms Christine Brown
BTX Global Logistics
Mr Mathew L. Calandro
Mrs Joan Caliendo
Can Do Sports Academy, Inc.
Ms Carolyn Cargnel
Dr Lisa Carroll
Mrs Amy T. Carroll Benabid and
Mr Assaad Benabid
Mr and Mrs Steven Casey
Mr & Mrs Michael J Charland
Connecticut Hoopsters LLC
Mr Roberto J Curcio
Cyril F. Mullins Funeral Homes
Mr and Mrs Tony DeLuca
Mr & Mrs Lionel DeSilva
Mr & Mrs James DiPietro
Earthworks Excavating &
Mr and Mrs John Eliseo
Erin’s Gym
Mr & Mrs Joseph Errico
Fairfield Teachers’ Agency
Mr & Mrs David Ferris
Mr & Mrs William J Fessler
Mr & Mrs David Fitzgerald
Mr & Mrs Michael Francis
Ms Barbara A Gabianelli
Mr & Mrs Joseph Gasparrini
General Re Corporation
Rev. John Georgia
Mr & Mrs Albert Grasso
Mr and Mrs Gerald Hall
Mr & Mrs Robert Hamilton
Mr & Mrs Sean Hart
Mrs Patricia Hayman
Mr Michael P Healey
Mr & Mrs Donald O Hickey
Jim Ronai’s Competitive Edge LLC
Mr and Mrs Frank Jozefick
Mr & Mrs James Keltos
Mr & Mrs Paul J. Klabonski
Knights Of Columbus Council #14014
Mr & Mrs Zoltan Krasznai
Mr & Mrs William Lewis, Jr
Lone Pine Capital, LLC
Dr Kimberly A. Lucey &
Mr James Schoenadel
Mallard Group, LLC
Mr & Mrs John Marino
Mr & Mrs Joseph McBride
Dean P. McGlynn
Mr & Mrs James J Misencik
Moda Capelli
Monroe Driving School
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Mr Dan Mullane
Mr & Mrs Christopher Nemec
Mr Robert Nikituk
Mr & Mrs Robert Noeldechen
Mr & Mrs David J Orticelli
Mr Michael Paquee
Mr Laurence Parnoff
Mr & Mrs Chris Pelletier
Mrs Loretta Piccirillo
Ms Jaime L. Povinelli
Mr Joseph Regina
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Rettinger
Roman Studios LLC
Mr & Mrs William F Rooney
Mr & Mrs Steven Santoli
Mr & Mrs C. Robert Satti, Jr
Mr Robert D. Scinto
Mr & Mrs Andrew Seperack
Dr & Mrs James F Spiegel
St. Vincent’s Special Needs Services
Strings By Aurora
Sunsplash Pools, Inc.
Mr & Mrs E J Sweeney
The Wilson Agency
Mr & Mrs Christopher Thielke
Mr Michael S Thomas
Thomson Reuters
Union Savings Bank
Valley Community Foundation
Mr Richard W Viola
Mr & Mrs Scott D Wade
Mr Richard J Wargo
Mr and Mrs Roland A. Wauthier
Mr & Mrs Nicholas Weiler
Mr & Mrs Joseph C Yednasty
Friends recognizes
contributions up to $249
Mrs Kathleen K Abbott
Mr Moustafa Abdel-Wahab
Mr & Mrs Allan Abelson
ACE INA Foundation
Mr & Mrs Matthew Adzima
Mr & Mrs Biagio Alberti
Mr & Mrs Paul Ambrogio
American Express
Ms Jenny R. Ames
Mrs Lucinda Ames
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Anderson
Mr & Mrs Philip M Angellis
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Mr Anthony A Antolics
Dr & Mrs Joseph Antonico
Mrs Marjorie Tether Arendt
Mrs Lisa Cellini instructing future SJ Cadets at
The Summer Institute.
Mr & Mrs Steven C Arnone
Ms Casandra A. Arpino
Mr & Mrs John Arsenault
Mr & Mrs Michael Augusztin
Ms Megan L. Axtell
Mr & Mrs Kevin Aylward
Mrs Kathleen H. Balamaci
Mr & Mrs Rod Balanis
Mr & Mrs John Balducci
Mr & Mrs Raymond G. Baldwin, Jr
Mr Thomas Baldwin
Mr and Mrs Stephen Ball
Mr and Mrs George Banas
Mr & Mrs Henry Banville
Mr & Mrs James J Banville
Mr Brian T Barker
Mr & Mrs Michael Barker
Mr & Mrs Anthony Barucci
Mr & Mrs Peter Bashar
Mr & Mrs Harold Bassett
Ms Brittany M Batten
Mr Matthew A. Batten
Ms Mollie E Battista
Mr & Mrs Gregory J Beardsworth
Mr & Mrs Dennis Beirne
Mrs Danielle Bender
Mr & Mrs Robert Besaw
Mr & Mrs Edward Beyer
Ms Mary Beth Bigley
Mrs Marcia J Bilodeau
Mr & Mrs James Birarelli
Ms Lauren M Bjelka
Mr & Mrs Breen Blaine
Blakes School Uniform
Mr & Mrs Steve Blanchette
Mr & Mrs Reed Bocchino
Mr & Mrs Francis Boyle
Mr & Mrs Christopher Braddick
Ms Katherine E. Bradley
Mrs Marcie Julian-Branca
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Ms Eileen H. Broderick
Mr & Mrs Walter Brown
Mr Logan B Bruneau
Mr & Mrs Serge Brussovansky
Mrs Ann Buchanan
Mr & Mrs Daniel Buchsbaum
Mr & Mrs James J Bundock
Mrs Mary Kay Burke
Mrs Georgia Bushman
Ms Caitlin M. Butala
Mr & Mrs Kevin M Byrnes
Ms Jennifer E Cambras
Mr Michael Camerato
Mr Margaret Cardler 2012
Mr Christian J Cargnel
Ms Devan Cargnel 2014
Mrs Margaret Carroll
Ms Natale M Meglio
Mr & Mrs Joseph Caruso
Mr Brian T. Casey
Mr & Mrs Brian Castle
Mr & Mrs Robert Catapane
Mrs Jomarie Cesario
Mrs Debbie A. Chadbourne
Mrs Anne Buccino Chagnon
Mr & Mrs Charles T. Chagnon
Ms Marsha Chapman
Mr & Mrs David Charles
Mr & Mrs Thomas Charney
Mr & Mrs Angelo Chaves
Ms Betsy Chinnici
Mr Russ Chinnici
Mr & Mrs Frank Cilurzo
Mr & Mrs Pasquale Civitella
Mrs Anne M Clingenpeel
Mr & Mrs Tom Clyons
Ms Kimberly Coiro
Mr & Mrs Thomas Collins
Ms Tara E. Conine
Ms Susan Constantino
Mrs Denise Giacchi Conway
Mr & Mrs Robert G. Copping
Mr Carmine J Corica
Mr John R Corraro
Mr David Costantini
Mr Jeffrey Coster &
Ms Nancy Shay-Coster
Mr & Mrs Timothy Cotnoir
Court of St. Cecelia #735
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey B Craw
Mr & Mrs Robert N Crocco
Ms Charlotte Cuneo
Mr & Mrs Christopher Curran
Mr & Mrs Stephen Curran
Mr & Mrs Leo Czajkowski
Mr Joseph C Dagraca
Mr & Mrs Richard J Dalling, Sr
Mr & Mrs Scott Daly
Mr & Mrs Leon P. Daniels
Mr Robert Daniels
Dari Farms Ice Cream Inc
Mr & Mrs Thomas Davis
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Davis
Mrs Kendra Davis
Dr & Mrs Brian DeBroff
Mr & Mrs Tom DeCorte
Dr Joseph DeDonato
Mr & Mrs John DeFrancisco
Mr & Mrs Mark DeFranco
Mr & Mrs Fred Degeralomo
Mr & Mrs Joseph DellaVecchia
Ms Virginia DeMarco
Ms Lisa Marie Demers
Ms Michele E Demore
Mr & Mrs Paul DeMuro
Department of Veterans Affairs Atty & Mrs George Derbyshire
Mr Michael Derbyshire 2014
Ms Emily Derbyshire 2014
Mr & Mrs Thomas Derivan
Mr & Mrs Robert Derleth
Ms Angela DeStefano
Mr & Mrs Michael Dial
Mr & Mrs Philip L DiGennaro
Mrs Josephine DiMartino
Mr & Mrs Peter DiMartino
Mr & Mrs Samuel Discenza
Mr & Mrs William Dolbier
Mr & Mrs John Donahue
Mr & Mrs Paul Donahue
Mr & Mrs Mark C Donegan
Mr Danial P. Donnelly
Mr & Mrs Rick Downey
Mrs Loraine Boudreau Duclos
Mr & Mrs Paul Dudzinski
Mr James Dunford &
Ms Leanne Samatulski
Mr & Mrs John Dunleavy
Mr Mark A. Duss
Mr Michael Egan
Mrs Suzanne Einstein
Mr & Mrs Peter Eisenman
Mr & Mrs Joseph Evola
Ms Lauren M. Fabrizi
Mr Francis Falanga
Mrs Muriel Falanga
Mr & Mrs James R. Farnen
Mr James Farrell
Mr & Mrs Timothy D. Farrelly
Mr & Mrs J Brian Fatse
Mr & Mrs Robert Fay
Mr & Mrs Robert J Ference
Mrs Gail Filipelli
Mrs Melinda Finaly
Mr & Mrs John Finan
Mr & Mrs Kevin Finch
Mr George J. Finn
Ms Barbara J Fisher
Mr & Mrs Joseph M Fitzgerald
Mr & Mrs Paul Flynn
Mr Philip E. Flynn
Ms Noreen Pia Fodiman
Mr Daniel Foster 2014
Mr and Mrs David B Foster
Mr & Mrs Brian Frattaroli
Mrs Patricia Frattaroli
Mr & Mrs Robert C Frawley
Ms Mary Martin Fredericks
Mrs Frances Freer
Mr Anthony J. Fry
Mr & Mrs David Fuchs
Mr & Mrs Timothy Gaieski
Mr Stephen Galya
Mr & Mrs Ryon Ganser
Mr & Mrs Robert Ganssle
Mr & Mrs William P Gargano
Mr & Mrs Travis E Gerald
Mr & Mrs Paul Giannotta
Mr & Mrs Nicholas Gill
Mr & Mrs James J Giulietti
Ms Mary Gomez
Dr & Mrs Francis Goodman
Mrs Marcia Goodwin
Mrs Kathleen Gorman-Raucci
Mrs Jody Gorton
Mr & Mrs Kenneth G Grabowski C.P.A.
Mr & Mrs Alan Grassia
Ms Marguerite L. Grasso
Mr & Mrs Patrick J Grealy
Mr & Mrs Randy Gress
Mr & Mrs Charles Griebell
Mr Kenneth C Griebell
Mr JP Gschwind 2014
Mr Joseph C. Guerra
Mr & Mrs John D. Guman, Jr.
Mr & Mrs Peter Gwiazdowski
Mr & Mrs Wayne Haack
Mrs Joyce Hagan
Mrs Ann Hamlin
Mr & Mrs Jerry Hammond
Ms Dawn Handwerker
Mr & Mrs James M Hanrahan, Jr
Mr Justin Harrington 2014
Mr & Mrs Wesley Harrington
Mrs Jo Anne Harris
Mr & Mrs Amir Hashemi
Haverhill Jewelry
Mr & Mrs Scott Haverl
Mr & Mrs Michael Hawkins
Mr & Mrs Christy Hayes
Mr & Mrs Ralph Hedenberg
Ms Carole Hennessy
Mrs Margaret Hennessy
Mr Robert Hennessy
Mr & Mrs Eric Hernaez
Financial Summary of Gifts
Annual Giving
Alumni, Parents, Faculty and Friends
Fundraising Activities
Total Annual Giving $397,810
Total Giving Summary
Annual Giving
Scholarships & Endowed Gifts
Restricted Gifts
Total Gifts Dr & Mrs Felix Hernandez, Jr
Mr & Mrs. Robert Hesley III
Mr & Mrs. Brian Highland
Mr Jonathan Highland 2014
Mrs Mary Hirschbeck
Ms Kathleen L Hiten
Mr & Mrs Mustapha Hoff
Hon William & Marilyn Holden
Mr John Hriczu
Mr & Mrs John J. Hubert Jr
Mr & Mrs Terence Hughes
Ms Erin Hurd
Mr & Mrs Mark Hurley
Mr & Mrs Michael Hurley
Mr Patrick C Hurley
Mr & Mrs James Hutchinson
Mr & Mrs Michael J Iassogna
Mr & Mrs Thomas J Igoe
Mr. Matthew J. Immerso
Mr & Mrs Stephen J Immerso
Mr Cole Irwin 2014
Mr & Mrs John Jacob
Mr & Mrs Robert Janik
Mr & Mrs David Janny
Mr John M. Jarecki
Mrs Anne Marie Sparano Johnson
Ms Erin G. Johnson
Ms Anna M Joyce
Mrs Anastasia Kapetaneas
Mr Peter T Kapitancek
Mr Nicholas D Kapoor
Ms Elena Kavall
Mr Christian M. Keator
Mr Brian M. Keech
Ms Elizabeth Keefe
Mr & Mrs Thomas Keenan
Mrs Laura Magner Keitel
Mr & Mrs Sean Kelley
Mr & Mrs Brian Kelly
Mr & Mrs Declan Kelly
Sr Kathleen M Kelly RSM
Dr Kathy Kennedy
Mr and Mrs Ivan Kiefer
Mr & Mrs Joseph Kiefer
Knecht’s Garage, Inc.
Mr & Mrs Gary Komoroski
Mrs Diane Kondash
Mr Lawrence Kosakowski
Mr & Mrs Joseph Kotulich
Mrs Mary Ellen Kovacs
Mr & Mrs Charles Krasznai
Kristine’s Papery
Mr William Kurtz
La Moda Fashions
Mr Louis A Laccavole
Mr & Mrs Richard LaFrenierre
Mr & Mrs Robert Lally
Dr & Mrs Ronald Laone
Mr Adam N. Laracca
Mr & Mrs Ronald Laracca
Mr & Mrs John Larkins
Mr & Mrs Brian Lauducci
Mr & Mrs William Lautenschlager
Mr & Mrs Joseph Laveneziana
Mr Joseph R. Laveneziana
Mr & Mrs John Layok
Mrs Christina Monks Lee
Mr & Mrs Richard Lemanski
Mr & Mrs Pasquale Leo
Mr & Mrs John Lewis
Ms Lorrie Lewis
Ms Mary A Lockwood
Mrs Priscilla Long
Mr Clara Love 2014
Mr & Mrs Phil Love
Mr Eric S Lowery
Mr & Mrs Robert Lucash
Mr & Mrs Thomas Luciano
Mr & Mrs Joseph Lucy
Mr Vincent S Luzietti
Mr Gary J Lynch
Mrs Regis Madden
Ms Denise Mahoney
Mr & Mrs Sid Maietto
Mr & Mrs William Malafronte
Mrs. Loretta Malafronte
Mr & Mrs Patrick Mallon
Mrs Pauline Mallon
Ms Anne Marie Mangialaschi
Mrs Carole Manjoney
Mr &Mrs Gregory Marcantonio
Mr & Mrs Edmund Marcarelli
Ms Maura Marin
Mr John Marini
Mr & Mrs Robert A Marini
Mr & Mrs Arthur Markarian
Mr & Mrs Frederick Marra
Mr & Mrs Edward Martinez
Mr James V Marzik
Ms Bridget S. Masaryk
Mr & Mrs Craig Massaro
Mr Gary Krassner &
Mrs Shelby Massaro
Mrs RoseMary Massedge
Mr & Mrs Christopher Massey
Mr & Mrs Peter Massey
Mr & Mrs Frank Masso
Mr & Mrs Dennis Maurao
Mr Michael Maurao
Mr & Mrs Riccardo Mavuli
Mr & Mrs Kenneth A. Mayo
Mrs Anita McCain
St Joseph High School
Finance Committee
Mr Francis T McGettigan, Chairman
Mr Patrick Lapera, Esq
Mr James G Woods, Chair of the Audit Committee
Mr Christopher Wilson
Mr John Gschwind
Mrs Linda Batten, MBA, Chief Financial Officer
Dr William J Fitzgerald, PhD, MDiv, President
St Joseph High School
Investment Committee
Mr Christopher Wilson
Mr John Luczaj
Administration for
Finance Committee
Mrs Pat Metz, Business Manager
Mrs Joanne Rodgerson, Bursar
Mr & Mrs W Joseph McCart
Mr & Mrs Christopher C. McKenna
Ms Caitlin M McNamara
Mr & Mrs Kevin McNamara
Mr & Mrs David McNeil
Mr & Mrs Edward Medla
Mr & Mrs Samir Mehta
Mr & Mrs Carl Melkus
Mr & Mrs John Mendini
Mrs Joanne Mesite
Mr David J Mestre
Mr & Mrs Anthony Metz
Michael H Horbal,
Land Surveyors–Planners
Mr & Mrs Paul Mihalov
Mr and Mrs Dennis Miko
Ms Ellen M Miller
Mr & Mrs Scott Miller
Mr & Mrs Theodore Mitchell
Ms Kathleen Mohr
Mr & Mrs James Money
Mr & Mrs Michael Montecalvo
Ms Theresa A Montelli
Mr & Mrs Vito Montelli
Ms Teresa Murphy Moran
Ms Colleen A Morey
Mr & Mrs Kevin Morey
Mrs Sandra L. Morrill
Mr & Mrs Patrick Morrissey
Mr & Mrs Terrence A Morrissey
Mrs Kathy Morton
Mr Roger Moscova
Mr Gregory P Mulligan
Mr Patrick Murphy
Mrs Lori Musante
Mr & Mrs Michael J Mussatto
Mr Frank Najpauer
Ms Rosemary Nanista
Mr & Mrs Michael Nealy
Mr & Mrs Jack Nogueira
Mr & Mrs James Nolan
Dr & Mrs Thomas Noonan
Ms Gail Nowaskey
Mr William C O’Brien
Ms Mary Alice O’Donnell
Mr & Mrs Ronald J Onderko
Mr & Mrs Kevin Onorato
Mr & Mrs Harold Ott
Mr & Mrs Paul Ouellette
Oxford Pharmacy, Inc
Ms Celeste Pagano
Mr Sebastian Anthony Pagano
Mrs Deborah Searles Palmer
Mr William Panas
Mr & Mrs Robert Pannone
Ms Allison L.Pannozzo
Mr & Mrs Sam Paoletta
Mr & Mrs Stephen Parkosewich
Ms Dawn Pastore
Pat M Pulitano P.C. A.I.A., NCARB
Mr & Mrs Marc Patterson
Mr Steve Pavlich
Mr & Mrs Ronald Pepin
Mr David E. Peters
Mrs Tamara Peterson
Mr & Mrs John Petrizzo
Mr & Mrs William Petroccio
Mr Christopher J Pia
Mr & Mrs Gary Pia
Mr & Mrs John Piatak
Ms Ev Picarazzi
Ms Kate Pifko
Mr & Mrs Antonio Pires
Mr & Mrs Joseph F Pisani
Pitney Bowes Inc.
Mr & Mrs Robert Pizone
Mr. and Mrs. David Plaskon
Mr & Mrs Imre Pleszko
E Carol Polifroni
Mrs Laurie A. Polizzo
Mr & Mrs John T Polydys
Mr & Mrs Scott Powell
Mrs Pamela Pride
Mr & Mrs Michael Prutting
Mr & Mrs Robert Pulitano
Mr Jared Quigley 2014
Mr Aidan Quigley 2014
Mrs Donna Qunilan
Mr & Mrs Timothy J Quinn`
Mr. James Rafferty
Mrs Lori Rahn
Mr & Mrs Mark Raimondi
Mr & Mrs Rainho
Mr and Mrs Michael Ramadei
Ms Denise Ramirez
Mr & Mrs William Rauser
Mr & Mrs D Stephen Raymond
Mr Brian D. Reilly
Ms Laurie Reilly &
Mr Gregory Seferi
Mr Christian P. Ries
Ms Maria K. Riley
Mr & Mrs Paul Rivenburg
Dr & Mrs James P Roach
Mr & Mrs Robert Roach
Mr & Mrs John Roberto
Mr & Mrs John Rooney
Mr & Mrs Timothy Rooney
Mr Chris Rosati
Ms Roberta D. McLoughlin
Mr & Mrs Richard N Roth
Mr & Mrs James Rotondo
RSS Enterprises dba
City Stitchers
Mr & Mrs Justino V Rua
Mr & Mrs Dennis Ruel
Ms Marian Sabino
Mr & Mrs Richard Ryan
Mr & Mrs Michael Ryan
Mr Zachary A Ryan
Mr & Mrs Larry Rybicki
Mr & Mrs Joseph M Rzasa
Mr & Mrs Andrew Salerno
Mr & Mrs Gregory Salinsky
Mr & Mrs Gregorgy Salmini
Mr & Mrs Christopher Samulowitz
Mr & Mrs Norman Santa
Mr & Mrs Vince Santilli
Mr & Mrs Ronald Santo
Ms Shannon M. Saranich
Mr & Mrs Gerald Sargent
Mrs Sandie Satkowski
Mr Gary Schmidlin
Mr & Mrs Michael Schuchmann
Ms Victoria D. Schuchmann
Mr & Mrs Raymond Schwartz
Mr & Mrs Stephen Schwarz
Mr & Mrs Glen Scinto
Mr & Mrs Paul A Scinto
Mr & Mrs David Scrivines
Mrs Andrea Serino
Ms Jennifer L Serino
Ms Jane A. Severson &
Mr Laurence McMahon, Jr.
Mr & Mrs Steven Seyer
Mr & Mrs Moshen Shabahang
Mr & Mrs Christopher Shay
Mr & Mrs John Shea, Jr
Ms Mary M. Sheehan
Mr & Mrs Richard Sherwin
Mr & Mrs Albert Sidlovsky
Mr & Mrs Roger Silhavey
Mr Edward Skowronski
Mr & Mrs Stephen Small
Mr & Mrs Michael Smith
Ms Taylor N. Smith
Mr & Mrs David Sobieraj
Ms Barbara E Soltis
Mrs Patricia Sombati
Sophie Claire’s
Mr & Mrs Richard Sorrentino
Mr & Mrs Paul Spiegel
Square Foot Realty LLC
Ms Phylis Stagno
Ms Virginia V Stefanko
Mr & Mrs Bernard Stortecky
Mr & Mrs John Sullivan
Mr & Mrs Christopher Sullivan
Mr & Mrs Marc Sullivan
Mr & Mrs Robert Sullivan
Mr & Mrs Peter Swan
Mr Ronald Swatt
Mrs Debbie Szalan
Mr & Mrs Jose Luis Tamayo
Mrs Patricia Tarini
Mr & Mrs Pasquale J Tatta
Mrs Kristen A. Tayag
TC Facility Services
Mrs Cathleen Mahoney Teskey
Mr & Mrs Anthony Testi
Mrs Valerie Thiessen
Mr Brian K. Thompson
Ms Megan Thornberg 2014
Mr Susan Tighe
Mrs Christine L. Toeplitz
Mrs Barbara B Tomcho
Mr & Mrs Rod Tomey
Mr & Mrs Brian Tompkins
Mr & Mrs Thomas Toohey
Mr & Mrs Michael Trafecante
Triple S Incorporated
Trumbull Community Women
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey W. Tuccio
Mr & Mrs David Turner
Mr & Mrs Louis A Unger
United Technologies
United Way of Coastal Fairfield County, Inc.
Mr Todd & Dr Teressa
Mr & Mrs Michael Vagnini
Valley United Way, Inc.
Mr James M Varay
Ms Charlotte M Vasil
Mrs Amalia Vazquez Bzdyra
Mr & Mrs John J Verespie
Mr & Mrs David Verespy
Mr & Mrs John F Verespy
Verizon Communications
Mr & Mrs Raymond Voccola
Mr and Mrs Eric Vogel
Mr & Mrs Daniel Volturno
Mrs Lynn Wade
Ms Sheila M. Wade
Mrs Patricia S Wager
Mr & Mrs Douglas Wall
Ms Maria Tedesco Walsh
Mr & Mrs Richard D Walsh
Mr & Mrs Joseph Wargo
Ms Mary Ann Wasil
Ms Michelle L. Souza
Mr & Mrs John Kruger
Mrs Amanda Wetmore
Mrs Elizabeth Wetmore
Mr Walter Wiacek
Mr & Mrs Roy Wilkes
Mr & Mrs David Wilson
Mr & Mrs Christopher Wolfe
Woodmere Electric &
Communications, Inc.
Mr & Mrs James Woods
Mr & Mrs Paul Yacovelli
Mr John Yakovich
Mr & Mrs Anthony Yarrish
Mary Grace Zenobia
Mrs Nanci A. Zibell
Mr & Mrs Martin Zimmer
Ms Michele Zimnoch
Mrs Elizabeth Zorrilla
Mrs Kathleen Kuehn Abbott 1969
MrsCathy Zimmerman Angellis 1968
Mr John Arsenault 1967
Mr Raymond Baldwin 1966
Mrs Susan Mizak Beardsworth 1969
Mrs Barbara Piccioli Boyle 1968
Mrs Anne Buccino Chagnon 1966
Mr Michael Charland 1966
Ms Susan Constantino 1966
Mrs Denise Giacchi Giacchi Conway 1969
Mr Robert Daniels 1969
Mrs Anne Zikaras DeMuro 1966
Ms Nancy DiNardo 1967
Mrs Loraine Boudreau Duclos 1966
Mrs Darlene Williams Williams Ference 1968
Mrs Gail Nemergut Filipelli 1968
Mr George Finn 1966
Mr Philip Flynn 1967
Ms Mary Martin Fredericks 1967
Ms Barbara Gabianelli 1968
Mr Timothy Gaieski 1966
Mr Stephen Galya 1968
Mrs Paulette Drobnak Ganssle 1966
Rev John Georgia 1967
Dr Francis Goodman 1969
Mrs Marcia Sipay Goodwin 1968
Mr Kenneth Graham 1966
Mr Patrick Grealy 1969
Mrs Joyce Martin Hagan 1966
Ms Kathleen Knapp Hiten 1968
Sr Kathleen Kelly 1967
Mr Louis Laccavole 1967
Mrs Patricia Tremallo Lucash 1966
Mr Gary Lynch 1968
Mr James Misencik 1966
Mr William O’Brien 1968
Ms Mary Alice O’Donnell 1968
Mr Ronald Onderko 1967
Ms Celeste Pagano 1968
Mrs Deborah Searles Palmer 1966
Mr Michael Paquee 1969
Mrs Margaret Pilarski Pepin 1967
Mrs Barbara Ondecko Pezzullo 1966
Mr Joseph Pisani 1968
Mrs Laura Corrao Pizone 1969
Mr Robert Pizone 1969
Mrs Maryann Hickey Roach 1969
Mrs Linda Dempsey Roberto 1966
Mr William Rooney 1967
Mrs Marilyn Mariconda Salerno 1966
Mrs Patricia Mojcher Sidlovsky 1967
Mr Edward Skowronski 1966
Mrs Judith Auger Tatta 1967
Ms Charlotte Vasil 1969
Mr John Verespie 1968
Mr John Verespy 1966
Ms Sheila Wade 1967
Mrs Patricia Severson Wager 1967
Mrs Bonnie Clark Wilkes 1967
M. Mary Grace Zenobia 1968
Mr Paul Adams 1978
Mr Andrew Amalfitano 1972
Mr Michael Amalfitano 1978
Ms Michelle Renaud Armstrong 1975
Mr Kevin Aylward 1972
Mrs Jane Luchansky Balducci 1973
Mr Thomas Baldwin 1971
Mrs Barbara Bundock Ball 1975
Mr George Banas 1970
Mrs Paula Padula Bassett 1971
Mrs Linda Tall Besaw 1971
Ms Mary Beth Bigley 1976
Mrs Marcia Rowley Bilodeau 1979
Mrs Dorothy Kozak Bowler 1974
Ms Eileen Rafferty Broderick 1979
Mrs Mary O’Keefe Butala 1978
Mr Kevin Byrnes 1978
Mr Michael Camerato 1977
Mr Ronald Carapezzi 1976
Mr William Carapezzi 1975
Dr Lisa Carroll 1975
Mrs Amy Carroll Benabid 1979
Mr Brian Casey 1972
Mr Steven Casey 1979
Mrs Rosemarie Skawinski Chaves 1974
Mrs Anne Murphy Clingenpeel 1977
Ms Deborah Coba 1972
Mrs Rosemary Pagliaroli Collins 1976
Mr Jeffrey Craw 1975
Ms Charlotte Cuneo 1970
Mr Leon Daniels 1973
Dr Joseph DeDonato 1975
Mrs Nancy Kelley DeFrancisco 1971
Mr Robert Dunford 1974
Mrs Anne O’Neill Evola 1978
Mr Francis (Frank) Falanga 1973
Mrs Susan Stauder Fatse 1978
Mrs Mary Beth O’Brien Fessler 1977
Mrs Melinda Brennan Finaly 1978
Ms Barbara Fisher 1970
Mr John Fitzgerald 1975
Mr Joseph Fitzgerald 1979
Mr William Gargano 1973
Mr Nicholas Gill 1973
Mrs Bernadette Sorge Gonzalez 1970
Mr Thomas Gorman 1978
Mrs Jody Tolomeo Gorton 1972
Mrs Sally Shea Gress 1972
Mrs Deborah Martel Gwiazdowski 1971
Mrs Susan Biesadecki Hamilton 1975
Mrs Jo Anne Jacko Harris 1971
Dr Felix Hernandez 1972
Mrs Teresa Saboe Hesley 1972
Mrs Mary Mallon Hirschbeck 1978
Mrs Meredith Owens Hurley 1975
Mrs Pamela Kundrat Hutchinson 1973
Mr Michael Iassogna 1978
Mr Thomas Igoe 1970
Mr John Jacob 1976
Mrs Eileen Lavin Keenan 1972
Mr Brian Kelly 1979
Mrs Colleen Coyle Keltos 1976
Dr Kathy Kennedy 1974
Mrs Deborah Battaglia Komoroski 1973
Mrs Diane Malafronte Kondash 1976
Mr Tom Kucej 1974
Mrs Hilda Warecke Layok 1972
Mrs Jacqueline Falanga Leo 1970
Mrs Margaret Palovchak Lewis 1977
Dr Kimberly Lucey 1976
Mrs Regis Shea Madden 1970
Ms Denise Kerwin Mahoney 1971
Mr Sid Maietto 1974
Mrs Janet Beausoleil Malafronte 1971
Mrs Lynn Dalton Mallon 1975
Ms Anne Marie Mangialaschi 1972
Mr James Marzik 1974
Mr James Mas 1976
Mrs Nancy Bundock Matthews 1974
Mrs Mary Pat Morrissey McCullough 1970
Mrs Gail D’Eramo Melkus 1971
Mrs Joanne Kubik Mesite 1972
Mrs Janice Sorge Miko 1975
Mrs Pamela Falanga Moore 1977
Mr Kevin Morey 1970
Mr Terry Morrissey 1975
Mrs Kathy Bosse Morton 1974
Mr Patrick Murphy 1971
Mr Frank Najpauer 1973
Mrs Judith Bigley Noonan 1975
Mr William Panas 1970
Mrs Diane Martonak Patterson 1979
Mr David Peters 1977
Mrs Loretta Frascatore Piccirillo 1976
Mr David Plaskon 1977
Mrs Laurie Albertson Polizzo 1978
Mr John Polydys 1978
Mr James Rafferty 1973
Mrs Lori Pagliarulo Rahn 1979
Mr D. Stephen Raymond 1970
Mrs Doreen Anderson Rocco 1975
Mr Chris Samulowitz 1970
Mr Gerald Sargent 1978
Mrs Andrea Mastrone Serino 1974
Ms Jane Severson 1973
Mrs Deborah Dolyak Sherman 1979
Mrs Susan Cramp Small 1971
Mr David Sobieraj 1973
Ms Barbara Soltis 1977
Mrs Patricia Bodnar Sombati 1970
Mrs Betsy Graham Sorrentino 1976
Dr James Spiegel 1977
Mrs Patricia Suchower Tarini 1979
Mrs Karen Gonyea Turner 1976
Mrs Amalia Vazquez Bzdyra 1976
Mrs Patricia Kaeser Vogel 1970
Mrs Lynn Bodnar Wade 1970
Mr Richard Wargo 1972
Mr James Whiting 1975
Mr Charles Wilson 1974
Dr Johna Driggs Zitnay 1970
Mr Robert Zitnay 1970
Mrs Elizabeth Pieragostini Zorrilla 1971
Mrs Mary Ellen Morrissey Adzima 1983
Mr Richard Andrzejewski 1985
Mrs Marjorie Tether Arendt 1986
Mrs Laura Coulson Augusztin 1984
Mr Rosario Bacarella 1980
Mrs Laurie Freer Baik 1981
Mrs Kathleen Menta Balamaci 1985
Mr James Banville 1981
Mr Robert Banville 1988
Mr Brian Barker 1983
Mr. Michael Barker 1980
Mr Vincent Bartoli 1989
Mrs Danielle Young Bende 1989
Mr Brian Botti 1987
Mr Bruce Botti 1988
Mrs Marcie Julian Branca 1987
Ms Christine Donahue Brown 1987
Mrs Ann Weiler Buchanan 1980
Mr James Bundock 1982
Mrs Margaret O’Neill Carroll 1983
Mr James Chacho 1984
Mrs Debbie Talmadge Chadbourne 1982
Mrs Jennifer Luise Champagne 1985
Mrs Katherine Helfrich Clyons 1982
Mr David Costantini 1989
Mr Jeffrey Shay Coster 1988
Mrs Kathleen Huffman Cotnoir 1980
Mrs Martha Butler Curran 1980
Mr Stephen D’Agostino 1981
Mrs Pamela Mattern Dalling 1981
Mrs Nicole Mauritz Daly 1988
Mr Bill daSilva 1986
Mr Mark daSilva 1987
Mrs Jennifer Ryan Davis 1989
Mr Joseph DellaVecchia 1981
Mr Christopher DelMonico 1985
Mrs Elaine Vanasse DeLuca 1984
Ms Michele Bokine Derbyshire 1985
Mrs Karen Mercer Derleth 1980
Mrs Mary Gallagher Dineen 1988
Mrs Tracey Keller Dolbier 1987
Mrs Mary Ellen Kovacs Donegan 1983
Mr Patrick Donegan 1983
Mrs Carol Sullivan Donnelly 1982
Mrs Brenda Luby Downey 1986
Mr Paul Dudzinski 1982
Mrs Lisanne Guerrera Dunkel 1984
Mr Mark Duss 1982
Mr Thomas Dzurenda 1981
Mr Michael Egan 1983
Mrs Michelle Redwanz Eliseo 1986
Mrs Jennifer Gall Errico 1987
Mr Joseph Errico 1989
Mr Timothy Farrelly 1987
Mrs Gabrielle Bushman Fitzgerald 1987
Mrs Maureen Murphy Forno 1982
Mr Brian Frattaroli 1985
Mr Anthony Fry 1985
Mrs Kathleen Gorman-Raucci 1981
Mr Kenneth Grabowski 1983
Mrs Suzanne Lesko Grasso 1982
Mr Kenneth Griebell 1987
Mrs Nancy Petrie Haack 1983
Mr Sean Hart 1980
Mrs Laura Raslavsky Harvey 1983
Mrs Laura Baxter Hedenberg 1986
Ms Marisa Ellen Timpanelli Hensley 1983
Mrs Laura Whiting Hurley 1985
Mr David Ivanovich 1984
Mrs Anne Marie Sparano Johnson 1986
Mr David Johnson 1987
Ms Anna Joyce 1985
Mrs Kelley Gray Jozefick 1983
Mrs Robin Kovacs Julian 1980
Mrs Laura Magner Keitel 1982
Mrs Mary Callahan Kelleher 1989
Mr Joseph Kiefer 1981
Mr Mark King 1989
Mrs Michele Gomez Krasznai 1989
Mr Zoltan Krasznai 1987
Mr Keith Kucky 1983
Mrs Debbie Dalling Kurtz 1980
Mr William Kurtz 1984
Mr John Larkins 1984
Mrs Dana Kawalautzki Lauducci 1989
Ms Lorrie Lewis 1982
Mr Phil Love 1982
Mr Vincent Luzietti 1982
Mrs Andrea Haffner Maldon 1989
Mr Jon Maldon 1989
Mr Robert Marini 1983
Mrs Sheila Gill Marini 1982
Mrs Rose Paoletta Markarian 1984
Mrs Lisa Healy Martino 1982
Mrs RoseMary Bigley Massedge 1980
Mr Michael Maurao 1989
Mrs Ellen Casey Mavuli 1983
Ms Amy McAndrews 1989
Mrs Laura Bushinsky McCarthy 1987
Mrs Melissa Lucke McGarry 1989
Mr David McNeil 1984
Mrs Emily Hubner Mendini 1989
Mr David Mestre 1985
Mrs Lori Benedetto Mihalov 1984
Ms Theresa Montelli 1986
Mrs Sandra Morrill 1988
Mrs Debbie Testi Morrissey 1983
Mrs Lori Czechowicz Musante 1982
Mrs Deanna Galli Nemec 1983
Mr David Orticelli 1980
Mr Sebastian Pagano 1989
Mr Joseph Pagliaro, Jr 1986
Mr Sam Paoletta 1982
Ms Marisa Greggos Pecorella 1981
Mrs Tracey Lynn Ivanovich Picarazzi 1982
Mrs Nancy DiLalla Pires 1982
Mrs Donna Toner Quinlan 1985
Ms Denise Ramirez 1984
Mr William Rauser 1981
Mr Joseph Regina 1980
Mr Louis Rice 1982
Mrs Faith McClinch Rivenburg 1985
Mr Christopher Rosati 1986
Ms Roberta Rossi 1985
Mrs Lisa DeTullio Russell 1982
Mrs Vesna Krasznai Rybicki 1984
Mrs Mary-Beth Fama Salinsky 1984
Mrs Katherine Breiner Salmini 1989
Mrs Jeanine Czajkowski Santilli 1982
Mrs Sandie Jemioto Satkowski 1984
Mr Paul Scinto 1985
Mrs Kathleen Roach Seperack 1986
Mrs Jennifer Kruzynski Shabahang 1989
Mrs Andrea DeTullio Smith 1989
Mr John Sullivan 1989
Mrs Kim Angermann Sullivan 1989
Mrs Nan Fettig Swan 1984
Mr. Ronald Swatt 1982
Mrs Cathleen Mahoney Teskey 1986
Mr Loren Testani 1989
Mr Christopher Thielke 1985
Ms Valerie Marr Thiessen 1985
Mr Michael S Thomas 1982
Mrs Susan Martin Tighe 1985
Mrs Mary Beth Reh Trafecante 1987
Mr Jeffrey Tuccio 1988
Mr Todd Uterstaedt 1987
Mrs Pamela Ventresca Vagnini 1986
Mr James Varay 1986
Mr John Vazzano 1980
Mr David Verespy 1989
Mr Richard Viola 1986
Mrs Jennifer Farrell Volturno 1980
Mr Michael Wallace 1985
Ms Mary Ann Wasil 1982
Ms Michelle Turko Waterbury 1986
Mrs Jamie Mazzoleni Weber 1988
Mr Joseph Weber 1988
Mrs Mollie Welsh Kruger 1983
Mrs Elizabeth Breiner Wetmore 1984
Mr Christopher Wolfe 1983
Mrs Nanci Ferris Zibell 1983
Mrs Patricia Luczaj Zito 1989
Ms Jenny Ames 1999
Mrs Elizabeth Barker Balanis 1990
Mr Daniel Buchsbaum 1990
Mr Mathew Calandro 1993
Mrs Natale Meglio Carswell 1993
Mrs Krista Caponi Connolly 1990
Mrs Bridget Connell DeCorte 1990
Mrs Melanie Gomez DeFranco 1995
Ms Bridget Rafferty Dial 1999
Mr Michael Dial 1992
Mr Peter DiMartino 1998
Mrs Marie Sekelsky Donahue 1993
Mr Kevin Duerr 1992
Mrs Venessa Anderson Eisenman 1995
Mr Kevin Finch 1994
Mrs Anna Crespo Gerald 1990
Mr Alan Grassia 1992
Mrs Natalie Green Hammond 1990
Mr Paul Hickey 1990
Mrs Kathleen Hall Hoefer 1990
Mr Mustapha Hoff 1990
Mr Brian Keech 1992
Mrs Karen Kellogg Kelley 1993
Mrs Christina Monks Lee 1998
Mrs Gina Lassogna Luczaj 1992
Ms Maura Conlisk Marin 1992
Mr John Marini 1999
Mr Jason Marino 1992
Mrs Ailis Brown Martin 1995
Mr Ken Martin 1995
Ms Shelby Massaro 1994
Mrs Laura Woods Massey 1996
Mrs Sharon Moody 1990
Ms Kate Pifko 1996
Ms Diana Ramos Rainho 1992
Mr Sean Rooney 1992
Mr Timothy Rooney 1990
Ms Marian Sabino Russo 1998
Mr Jose Luis Tamayo 1993
Mrs Kristen Nestor Tayag 1993
Mrs Christine Caserta Toeplitz 1994
Mr Scott Wade 1993
Mr Roland Wauthier 1990
Mr David Wilson 1990
Ms Allison Pannozzo 2005
Mr Christopher Pia 2005
Ms Jaime Povinelli 2009
Ms Mary Sheehan 2009
Mr Brian Thompson 2009
Mrs Marie Wall 2000
Mr Joseph Yednasty 2002
Ms Megan Axtell 2005
Ms Catherine Brand 2006
Ms Amy Jacabacci Cagginello 2001
Ms Jennifer Cambras 2004
Ms Kimberly Coiro 2005
Ms Tara Conine 2001
Ms Lisa Marie Demers 2002
Ms Michele Demore 2002
Ms Lauren Fabrizi 2009
Mr Joseph Guerra 2009
Mrs Maureen Davis Gutowski 2009
Mr Peter Kapitancek 2008
Mr Nicholas Kapoor 2008
Ms Bridget Masaryk 2008
Ms Meghan Mitchell 2008
Ms Colleen Morey 2004
Mr Gregory Mulligan 2002
Ms Katherine O’Keefe 2007
1962 Club recognizing contributions from
young alumni furthering their education
Ms Casandra Arpino 2013
Ms Brittany Batten 2010
Mr Matthew Batten 2013
Ms Mollie Battista 2013
Ms Katherine Bradley 2011
Mr Logan Bruneau 2012
Ms Caitlin Butala 2010
Ms Margaret Candler 2012
Mr Christian Cargnel 2011
Ms Devan Cargnel 2014
Mr Carmine Corica 2013
Mr John Corraro 2011
Mr Joseph Dagraca 2011
Mr Michael Derbyshire 2014
Ms Emily Derbyshire 2014
Mr Danial Donnelly 2013
Mr Daniel Foster 2014
Ms Marguerite Grasso 2013
Mr JP Gschwind 2014
Mr Justin Harrington 2014
Mr Jonathan Highland 2014
Ms Erin Hurd 2013
Mr. Matthew Immerso 2013
Mr Cole Irwin 2014
Mr John Jarecki 2012
Ms Erin Johnson 2013
Mr Christian Keator 2013
Ms Alyssa LaFrenierre 2011
Mr Adam Laracca 2013
Ms Mary Lockwood 2013
Ms Clara Love 2014
Ms Caitlin McNamara 2011
Ms Abigail McNamara 2014
Mr Jared Quigley 2014
Mr Aidan Quigley 2014
Mr Brian Reilly 2013
Mr Christian Ries 2012
Ms Maria Riley 2013
Mr Zachary Ryan 2012
Ms Shannon Saranich 2013
Ms Victoria Schuchmann 2012
Ms Taylor Smith 2012
Ms Corinne Stockmal 2012
Ms Megan Thornberg 2014
St Joe’s Celebrates Alumni Giving
During the 2013-14 Year, the St Joseph Fund received a significant boost in alumni gifts, thanks to matching
contributions from an anonymous donor during a special campaign which motivated alumni who have never
given to make a first time gift and asked current alumni donors to increase their gift amount.
We asked alumni to take the challenge, and you responded- helping us secure 467 new donors and 631 increased gifts.
Annual fund gifts are important for many reasons. Contributions to the annual fund support the continued growth of
the school, and ensure that St Joe’s can offer valuable scholarship assistance to incoming students. Your first time gifts
and increased gifts also help the alumni participation rate- the percentage of alumni who give to St Joseph High
School. Whether you give $10 or $100, that gift will play a role in strengthening our alumni participation rate and
continue to help the 811 current students attending St Joe’s.
Why is it important that we continue to increase our alumni percentage rate?
Corporations and foundations consider alumni participation when making funding decisions. The higher the alumni
participation rate, the more favorably inclined a corporation or foundation will be to consider a gift or grant
to the institution.
459 new gifts made by alumni in 2014-2015 would increase St Joseph High School’s alumni participation
rate by 5%. Help us now by visiting www.sjcadets.org/sjfund
While every effort for total accuracy has been made, the Office of Advancement welcomes inquiries for clarification or correction on the honor
roll of donors. Please email [email protected] or call 203.378.9378x324. Thank you.
Mass Intentions
Masses are celebrated in the Alumni Chapel throughout the year. Mass is celebrated at 8:15am and all are welcome to attend.
An individual may ask to offer a Mass for several reasons: in thanksgiving, for the intentions of another person (such as to pray
for recovery from an illness or to celebrate a happy event such as a birthday or special anniversary). Mass intentions may also be
offered to pray for the repose of the soul of someone who has died.
For more information or to schedule a mass, contact Director of Alumni Affairs Michele Krasznai at [email protected]
Dr Harold Abrams, husband of Carol
Johnston Abrams ’71 and father of
Dr Christen Abrams Chamberland ‘99
Richard Adzima, father of Matt & father
in-law to Mary Ellen Adzima ’83. Grandfather
of Nick ’11, Tom ’14 and Kathryn ’16
Jason Boluch ‘99
William Boyle, father of Julie Boyle Sanders
’87 and grandfather to Emily Plavcan ’14
Craig Hudak, brother of Scott Hudak ’77
Annual Masses
Phyllis Kunin, mother of current parents
Janice Kunin and Brian Castle, and
grandmother of Patricia Castle ’16
Michael Burke ’93 brother of Lori Burke ‘90
Phyllis Kriksciun, grandmother of Peter
Baird ’00 and his wife Megan Baird ’01
(current faculty)
Arlene Cirella, mother of Michelle
Cirella-Pettinella ’91
Edmund A Luchansky, father of Jane
Luchansky Balducci ’73, Jim ’75 and Peggy
’75 Luchansky, John Luchansky ’78 and
grandfather of Kevin ’04, Emily ’07 and
Katy ’12
Joel Cotto ’05, brother of Nicole Cotto ‘07
Stephen Masella ‘06
Robert R. Craw, Jr, brother of Aileeen
Madar ’81, Daniel ’76 and Thomas ’80 Craw
Beatrice Mastronardi, mother of Rick ’66
& Joseph ’69 Mastronardi, grandmother of
David Mastronardi ’95, Carolyn Huminski ’98
and Meghan Barucci ’03
Kim Crossman ’86, predeceased by her
sister Erica Crossman ’81
Robert Dalton, father of Robert Dalton ’79,
Lynn Dalton Mallon ’75, Karen Dalton ‘70,
Coleen Dalton Agvent ’73 and her husband
Don ’73. Grandfather of Patrick ’95, James ’99,
Brian ’02 and Steven ’04 Mallon, Donald ’02
and Timothy ’05 Agvent; and Bob Dalton ’05
Regina Dempsey, mother of Martin ’73 &
Lauren ’74 Dempsey, and Thomas Dempsey
’75, grandmother of Martin Dempsey ’98
Lucille Thibeault Duford, mother of Larrry
’66, Diane ’70, Don ’71, Len ’73 and
Mike ’81 Duford
Emily Fedorko, cousin of Elizabeth ’07
and Cynthia ’11 Fedorko
James Harry Fry, father of Anthony Fry ’85
Diane Duford Gentile ’70, sister of
Laurent ’66, Don ’71, Leonard ’73 and
Mike ’81 Duford
Robert O’Kenney ‘78
David Pcolka ‘76
Marie Piccirillo, mother of Jo-Anne Jakab,
Principal Kolbe Cathedral High School
Nicholas Posh ‘68
Margaret Rafferty, mother of James and
Doreen Rafferty (past staff member),
grandmother of, Bridget Dial ’99, Edward
Rafferty, 97, Bernadette Rafferty ’92,
James Rafferty ’89 and Tricia Rafferty ’83
Paul L. Solusky ’73
Edward Tevolitz, son in law to past staff
member Barbara McNulty
Thomas Dalling ’89, brother of Debbie Kurtz
’80, Jill Konini ’83, Beth Michalka ’84 and Rich
Dalling ’81; brother-in-law of Jim Kurtz ’79,
Greg Michalka ’84 and Pam Mattern Dalling
’81, uncle of Ashley ’06, RJ ’07, Brittany ’09,
Trevor ’11 and Emily ‘17 Dalling, Jaime ’10
and Brigid ’11 Kurtz
Helen Dalton, mother of of Robert Dalton
’79, Lynn Dalton Mallon ’75, Karen Dalton ‘70,
Coleen Dalton Agvent ’73 and her husband
Don ’73. Grandmother of Patrick ’95,
James ’99, Brian ’02 and Steven ’04 Mallon,
Donald ’02 and Timothy ’05 Agvent; and
Bob Dalton ’05
Sr. Alphonsine DeJulio, former Principal
Felicia & Anthony Latella, mother & father
of Teri Czarnecki, current staff member
Karen Dunford Reilly ’75, mother of Brian
Reilly ’13, sister of Bob Dunford ’74, aunt of
Bobby ’98 and Jim ’99 Dunford
Frank Serino ’72, husband of Andrea Serino
’74, father of Frank ’01 and Paul ’03 Serino
Michael Thomas Jr., father of Michael S.
Thomas ’82, grandparent of Christopher ’00
and Nicole Ferris ‘03
Ryan Thomas Walsh ’99, predeceased by his
aunt Deborah Louise Lacourciere Walsh ’66
Eileen Wyka former faculty; mother of
Megan ’04 and Brian ’06 Wyka
Daniel Waldhaus ‘01
Brian J. Wolson, father of Isabella Wolson ’18
Dr Juan Vazquez (past faculty), husband of
Casmira (past faculty), and father of Amalia ’76
St Joseph Fund
“It’s an incredible honor to know that alumni, many of whom I have never met, donate their
hard-earned money to St Joe’s to make my experience here better. It’s this feeling of
gratitude that will inspire me to donate back to SJ when I graduate so that I can return to
school knowing that I have done my part in giving back to the school that gave me so much.”
—Grace Scully, Class of 2017
Giving Levels
President’s Cabinet $10,000+
President’s Circle $5,000-$9,999
St Joseph Club $2,500-$4,999
Patron Club $1,000-$2,499
Maroon & Gold Club $500-$999
Cadet Club $250-$499
Friends $1-$249
1962 Club (gifts from graduates within last 5 yrs) $19.62
As a member of the President’s
Cabinet & Circle… you will be
supporting the work of the President
to advance the mission of St Joseph
High School. Members will be invited
as special guests of President Fitzgerald,
to the following functions:
President’s Cabinet & Circle Annual
Meeting and Cocktail Reception
• Commencement Exercises
• Benefactor Mass & Breakfast
All gifts to the St Joseph Fund Make An Impact.
All gifts made before June 30 will be credited to the 2014-2015 annual fund year.
Please make your gift online today by visiting www.sjcadets.org/sjfund
Thank you
2320 Huntington Tpke
Trumbull, CT 06611
Get Social
Save the Date!
November 6
Vines & Steins, SJHS
November 28
90s Reunion, SJHS
December 14
Frozen Sing A-Long and Magical Meet & Greet, SJHS
March 15
Past, Present & Future Ladies Luncheon,
Brooklawn CC, Fairfield March 29
Alumni Easter Egg Hunt, SJHS
May 30
St Joseph High School Graduation, SJHS
June 2
SJ Athletic Association Golf Outing,
Mill River CC, Stratford
For more information or to register for one of
these events, please contact [email protected]
or [email protected]