May 8, 2016 - Saint Anthony Catholic Church and School
May 8, 2016 - Saint Anthony Catholic Church and School
Welcome to the Cluster Catholic Parishes of St. Anthony, St. Mary & Holy Family Growing and Spreading the Good News of the Catholic Faith in the Heartland. St. Mary’s First Communicants along with Fr. Steve: left: Landin Bock, Karsyn Penk, Canon Madison; right: Ethan Letvinuck, Jackson Raese and Hayden Rakovec in back. Zachary Deavers of Holy Family Congratulations! Fr. Steven Brice, Pastor Cell Phone: 715-937-1644 Email: [email protected] Cluster Parish Main Office 407 North Division Street P.O. Box 69 Loyal, WI 54446 Parish Office: 715-255-8017 Parish Email: [email protected] Parish and School Website: Music Coordinator: Seth Duprey Email: [email protected] Phone: 920-901-9938 Religious Ed. Coordinator: Margie Ouimette Email: [email protected] Phone: 715-255-8636 ext 109 “Do this in memory of me.” St. Anthony School 208 W. Spring St. Loyal, WI 54446 School: 715-255-8636 School Email: [email protected] St. Mary School 119 N. Main St. P.O. Box 129 Greenwood, WI 54437 School: 715-267-6477 School Email: [email protected] Parish Mass Schedules Saturday, 4:00 PM Holy Family, Willard Saturday, 6:30 PM St. Anthony, Loyal Sunday, 8:30 AM St. Mary, Greenwood Sunday, 10:30 AM St. Anthony, Loyal Ascension of the Lord / Seventh Sunday of Easter · May 8, 2016 Dear of People of St. Anthony, St. Mary and Holy Family Parish: “…Why are you standing there looking at the sky?” (Acts 1:11) How could they not stare at the sky? They had walked with him on the shores of Galilee, seen him brutally crucified, then experienced him gloriously risen….. and now…. now he was gone. Hopefully they had experienced other graduations and so knew that letting go of the child makes way for the adult. The disciples had been children, dependent on Christ. Now they were to become adults, bearers of the light themselves. I apologize for the inaccuracies of the priest schedule in the bulletin these last couple of weekends. The Hispanic community made some special requests that Fr. Joe and I had to scramble the schedule to accommodate. We had Spanish Masses last Saturday and this Saturday for a baptism and two First Communions. The children’s fathers have to work on Sundays and so they asked if we could have their celebrations on Saturday. The hope is to allow members of the Hispanic community to make our parish their home. The Spanish community here is still in its infancy. But so was the community in Colby at one time, which now has ascended to over 300 people celebrating each weekend. No longer a dependent child, it is a vibrant community walking in the light of Christ! Along with First Communions, baptism and weddings, May is the season for Graduations. Next Sunday at the 8:30am Mass we will honor those from Holy Family and St. Mary’s who are graduating from Greenwood High School May 21st. The St. Anthony Seniors will be honored at the 10:30am Mass May 22nd. To all parents struggling to let them go, the Ascension is your Feast! To become adults they must stop being children! May also draws us close to the end of the fiscal year. It would be wonderful to complete our Diocesan Annual Appeals at St. Mary’s and Holy Family. The Appeal funds the operation of our diocesan ministries and many missions formally funded through second collections. Any shortfall in meeting our target must be paid out of our operating funds and so deprive parish ministries of support. I will be sending a letter to all St. Anthony’s members making a “13th Month Appeal.” We need about one month’s extra income to pay our bills through June 30th. If we each did what we could our parishes would ascend from bumping along to flying!! There has been quite a bit of concern and discussion among St. Anthony school families and parishioners this past week about the Transitional Living Center. The lack of information is allowing worry and concern to fester. The week I got back from the Holy Land, Judy Morrow and I met again with Catholic Charities staff to work out a clear proposal. We should have it ready for inclusion in next Sunday’s bulletin, the newspaper and parish website. Once people have the facts we will finally be ready for public discussion of the idea. An open community meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 25th in St. Anthony’s Church Hall at 6:30pm. Catholic Charities Staff as well as Judy Morrow and myself will be there to summarize the proposal and respond to questions. With so many players involved, the decision making process is complex. In the end, St. Anthony parish has to support this for it to go ahead. Before it is brought to St. Anthony’s we need a commitment from Catholic Charities that they will administer it. Their decision will be made June 20th. But their decision will depend on there being the broad community support this ministry will need to sustain it. So our present focus is on approaching community organizations and businesses to establish their support. Our Joint Parish Councils will study the proposal at their meeting May 19th. The open community meeting follows on the 25th. If additional community meetings are needed they will be scheduled. All of the input from those meetings will be forwarded to the Catholic Charities June 20th meeting. If the proposal makes it through those deliberations, then it will come back to the St. Anthony’s Parish Council for final approval at their July 21st meeting. If only Jesus were with us in the flesh to tell us what to do! But then we’d never become adult believers. No sense standing around looking at the sky. Fr. Steve 2 STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Holy Family LITURGICAL ROLES Saturday, May 14, 2016 at 4:00 PM Lector: Rita Mayenschein Servers: Alexis Oestreich, Elizabeth Revier, Danica Revier Eucharistic Ministers: Bob Trunkel, Joanne Trunkel, Lori Aichele Music: Ashley Volovsek Ushers: Bill Kokaly, Dan Boh, Bill Snedic, Ed Bayuk Greeter: Avis Suda Holy Family Parish For Saturday, April 30, 2016 Adults…………...$ 544.00 Offertory……….$ 116.50 Students………...$ 0.00 Total…………. ..$ 660.50 DAA goal is $5,847.00 Total so far: $4,514.00 St. Mary LITURGICAL ROLES St. Mary Parish For Sunday, May 1, 2016 Adults………………. $2,914.00 Offertory………….…$ 314.63 Students………………$ 13.00 Online Giving……...…$ 80.00 Total……………….. $3,321.63 DAA goal is $14,054.00 DAA total so far….$10,250.00 Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 8:30 AM Lector: Chris Sonnetag Servers: Amanda Bogdonovich, Olivia Cullen, Jaren Cullen Eucharistic Ministers: Amy Nigon, Pete Dejno, Bill Lindner, Jason Bravener, Luke Nigon Music: Maddi Raese Ushers: Bill Sladich, Joe Ortner, volunteers Greeter: Dick & Bonnie Lindner St. Anthony Parish For Sat/Sun, April 30/May 1, 2016 Adults…………………$4,545.00 Offertory……………..$ 256.50 Students……………. $ 0.00 Online Giving……….. $ 531.00 Total………………….$5,332.50 St. Anthony LITURGICAL ROLES Saturday, May 14, 2016 at 6:30 PM Lector: Joann Oestreich Servers: Jacob Baumgartner, Brady & Bailey Bravener Eucharistic Ministers: Rick, Margie and Jennifer Szymanski, Gerard Baehman, Richard Bukovec Music: Seth Duprey / Stephanie Duprey Thank you for your generous donations! Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 10:30 AM St. Anthony Cemetery Clean Up will be Monday, May 16th with rain date on Tuesday, May 17th. We will be starting at 4:30 pm. Bring your rakes, shovels and wheelbarrows to help us get the cemetery back in shape for the summer. Thank you! Lector: Bob Meyer Servers: Mya Beyerl, Ethan Beyerl, Olivia Hoeser Eucharistic Ministers: Chuck & Julie Loos, Michelle Malm, Sharon Schoonover, Tara Scheel Music: Cherilyn Jakobi / Coni Meyer Children’s Liturgy: Done for the summer. Welcome to our newly baptized member of God’s Holy Family and St. Anthony Parish! Baptized on May 1, 2016, Savannah Jae Milz, daughter of Jay and Audrey Milz Thank You to Julie Loos, Tara and Cesyn Scheel for helping with our First Annual Parish May Crowning. Julie put together beautiful May baskets for the participating children to take home using them first for pew decoration's, for obtaining the flowers and vase for the procession. Tara helped organize and Cesyn helped the children besides being in the procession and singing in the choir loft along with three other young ladies. Our altar servers all volunteered and the children in the procession did a fantastic job. Tryn Scheel was the crown bearer and Anna Smrcka crowned the Blessed Mother. Thank You to all the parents that brought their young and older children to honor Mary. We had twenty young people involved, what a great turnout. And thank you to Chuck, for getting Our Blessed Virgin Mary statue ready. God Bless You All - Janet Boh **Catechist inservice May 11, 6:30-8:30 at St. Mary’s in the parish basement, Miora Kneer will present 6:30-7:30, then we will have an organizational meeting. **Family Life meeting Thursday, May 12, 6:30 pm at St. Anthony’s school library. **Re-scheduled date for joint RE meeting is Wednesday, May 18, 6pm at Holy Family. Moira Kneer, a retired Chaplain, a member of the National Speakers Association and, presently, Community Outreach Coordinator for Sacred Heart Hospital's Center for Spiritual Care & The Healing Place in Eau Claire, is scheduled to speak on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at St. Anthony’s church hall at 2:00 p.m. and at St. Mary's church hall at 6:30 p.m. Moira's presentation is in conjunction with the Year of Mercy. Please join us for this thought provoking presentation. Parishioners from all three cluster parishes are welcome. (St. Anthony attendees, please park in the parking lot to avoid school buses. Thank you.) 3 STEWARDSHIP OF TIME AND TALENT **** St. Anthony School is now accepting registrations for the 2016-2017 school year for children entering 4K through grade 6. Please contact the school at 715-255-8636 or [email protected] to request a registration form, or for further information. St. Mary’s Memorial Fund, Inc. will hold its annual meeting on Monday, May 9, 2016 in the school library. Election of two directors will be held. The term of Jackie Lindner has expired and she is eligible for re-election, and a director for a two year term remaining to replace Arnie Kappus. Additional nominees will be considered at the meeting. Parishioners who have donated a minimum of $100 are members and eligible to vote on all issues at the meeting. Any other parish members are invited to attend. The Fund’s regular monthly meeting will follow the Annual Meeting. (Other directors currently serving are: Dick Adler, Mary Jo Gregorich and Giles Susa, Jr.) St. Mary’s School News FELLOWSHIP AT HOLY FAMILY will be held after Mass on Saturday, May 14th. Please note, instead of the usual potluck Fellowship there will be doughnuts, cookies and beverages served in the church entrance. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and more people can visit with family and friends outside. THEME BASKET DONATIONS FOR HOLY FAMILY CHURCH BAZAAR: It was decided at the PCCW meeting to put out a container in the church entrance for donations for Theme Baskets for the bucket raffle at the Bazaar. We encourage donations of any amount, and the PCCW ladies will do the shopping and put together some creative baskets. We would like to get more people involved as the bucket raffle is a fun activity and a good fundraiser for our church. IT'S ONLY 4 MONTHS UNTIL THE BAZAAR!! St. Anthony School News Wednesday, May 11th: Mass prepared by Grades 5&6 Friday, May 13th: Please join us for our spring musical, Get in the Game, at 1:00 in the church basement! Saturday, May 14th: Happy Birthday, Mrs. Laesch! Thursday, May 12: Children's Mass at 8:15 a.m. **St. Mary's School registrations for the 2016-2017 school year are now available in the school office. Please call 715267-6477 for more information. Please note: Registration forms have been mailed to all students who visited us in March and sent home with all continuing students. Parish News Spring Change of Seasons is May 21st in Loyal. If you are a Senior Citizen and need your windows washed or other jobs done, call Interfaith at 715-743-2885 to reserve your spot on the list. If you get the answering machine, leave a message. You will receive a confirmation call. A deadline of May 14th for signing up has been set. Volunteers: If you can give a morning of your time to help our elderly it would be so appreciated. Volunteers will meet at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall May 21st at 8:00 am for breakfast. Please call Rhonda 715-937-1822 by May 14. St. Anthony's annual plant/garage sale will be held this year on June 9 & 10 from 8:00 am - 4:00pm. We will be receiving matching funds from Catholic Family Life Insurance. Please bring your items down the afternoon of June 7 and by 4pm on June 8th. Thank you! Adult Religious Class will meet on May 10 at 10:30 AM at the home of Vicki Gray at W5580 Lovers Rd, in Greenwood. We will be studying John Ch.8. Lunch will follow discussion. St. Anthony Cemetery. Please remove any winter/Christmas decoration from the cemetery that you wish to keep by May 8th. Any remaining after this date will be discarded. Thank you. The week-end of June 18/19, Fr. Keith Kitzhaber will be conducting the annual Mission Coop at our parishes: St. Anthony, Loyal; St. Mary, Greenwood; and Holy Family, Willard. Since 2014 Fr. Kitzhaber has been the Associate Pastor of Santa Cruz Parish, Bolivia, the mission parish of the Diocese of La Crosse. He will be here to celebrate the weekend Masses and to appeal for your support on behalf of the people served through the parish begun by our own diocesan priest, Fr. Joe Walijewski in 1958. We also recently honored the work of Fr. Ed Penchi, another priest of the diocese who served there for over 30 years. An envelope will be provided for the convenience of making your donation. Please make checks payable to your local parish and return the envelope through the weekend collection or parish office. Thank you in advance for the sacrifices you make on behalf of the mission of the Church and the annual Mission Coop. Time is running out. Your images from your Lifetouch session will only be available for 30 more days. Order now and save 25% off portraits, greeting cards, and portrait gifts. Visit our website or contact customer service at 1-888-3131746. Mention promo code VS25 and session number 85080138 when ordering. If you have questions, please contact our Customer Service team at: 1-888-313-1746 or email: [email protected] Community News Swiss Steak Dinner at Thorp American Legion Hall sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary served family style with a complimentary glass of wine and carnation for Mom. Serving starts at 11:00. Price is $13; Under 6 free. Carry outs available! MASS SCHEDULE SA=ST. ANTHONY, SM=ST. MARY, HF=HOLY FAMILY Monday, May 9 8:15 am SA Fr. Arokiam Mass For All Parishioners Lector: Jack Barrett 8:15 am SM Communion Service Lay Leader: Joyce Rondorf Tuesday, May 10 8:15 am HF Fr. Brice Mass † Della Podobnick 8:15 am SA Communion Service Lector: Joann Oestreich 8:15 am SM Communion Service Lay Leader: Joyce Rondorf Wednesday, May 11 8:15 am SA Fr. Brice Mass † Anthony & Beatrice Walter Lector: Students 8:15 am SM Communion Service Lay Leader: Joyce Rondorf Thursday, May 12 8:15 am SA Fr. Arokiam Mass † Lois Lindner by Pete Lindner Lector: Marie Kaiser 8:15 am SM Fr. Brice Mass † Bud, Marcy & Dylan Denk Lector: Students Friday, May 13 8:15 am SA Fr. Arokiam Mass † Virginia Volovsek by Brian & Julie Denk Lector: Marilyn Hinker 8:15 am SM Fr. Brice Mass † Arlene Lindner by Dick & Bonnie Lindner Saturday, May 14 4:00 pm HF Fr. Arokiam Mass † Donna & Pat McFarlane by Barb Ashbeck 4:00 pm SA Fr. Brice Spanish Mass † Deceased members of Hannemann & Hall Families 6:30 pm SA Fr. Arokiam Mass Special Intention of Danny & Diane Meyer by Duane & Margie Stutte Sunday, May 15 8:30 am SM Fr. Brice Mass † Angeline & John Przybylski by John & Florence Briski 10:30 am SA Fr. Arokiam Mass † Karen Knack by Joan Knack Parish Calendar (SA)=St. Anthony, (SM)=St. Mary, (HF)=Holy Family Monday, May 9: Memorial Fund meeting 8:00 pm in the school library. Wednesday, May 11: Joint Religious Education Teacher In-service at Holy Family 7:00 pm. Thursday, May 12: Joint Family Life Committee Meeting at 6:30 pm at Holy Family. It's time to mark your calendars for VBS 2016! "Cave Quest" VBS will be held Sunday, June 26 - Wednesday, June 29 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at St. Anthony Church. All are welcome to attend! Registration forms can be picked up and dropped off in the back of church at St. Anthony's, St. Mary's, and Holy Family. Adult volunteers are needed. If interested in helping, please fill out a registration form. Mary, Mother of Jesus, help us to share tone wonders of the Lord with all whom we meet on the way. --Pope Francis Please hold in prayer those enduring serious illness in our parishes:IyronHandke,BernardLindgren, MaryKabbus,ChristopherSternweis,SharonGarbisch,OrvilleGarbisch,RitaMayenschein,Marcy ǡCynthiaBrinker,Julius,EthelynTheisen,KatieEnglebretson, ClaytonKohlnhoferandSherryLouma Scripture for the Week ©Liturgical Publications Inc CONFESSION SCHEDULE ST. ANTHONY Saturday 9-10 AM HOLY FAMILY Saturday 3:30 PM ST. MARY Sunday 8:00 AM Or anytime upon request 5 Readings for the Week of May 8, 2016 Sunday: Acts 1:1-11/Ps 47:2-3, 6-9/Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23 or Eph 1:17-23/Lk 24:46-53 Monday: Acts 19:1-8/Ps 68:2-7/Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27/Ps 68:10-11, 20-21/Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38/Ps 68:29-30, 33-36/Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11/Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21/Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20/Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26/Ps 113:1-8/Jn 15:9-17 Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5/Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-30/Rom 8:2227/Jn 7:37-39 Next Sunday: Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34/Rom 8:8-17 or 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26 or Jn 20:19-23 Zvolena Masonry, LLC Ted Zvolena N7990 Sparrow Ave. Loyal, WI 54446 Ph: 715.255.8621 Fax: 715.255.9934 HOUSE OF HEATING, INC. 1602 N. Central Ave. Marshfield, WI 54449 715-384-3163 Filling your prescription since 1878 715-743-3500 See us at (715) 255-8164 [email protected] 715-267-7800 | Willard, WI 54493 Billings Law Office, S.C. NORTHSIDE ELEVATOR Alan L. Billings KEVIN FROEBA Mobile: 715-571-2504 Shop: 715-255-9097 • Commercial • Agricultural • Residential Steel & Wood Frame Structures N7523 SPARROW AVE., LOYAL, WI 54446 Ron’s Pump & Repair LLC Loyal, Wis. ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. Box 458, 248 S. Central Ave Marshfield, WI 54449 Tel: (715) 387-2580 • Fax: (715) 387-1212 E-mail: [email protected] 211 N. Main, Loyal, WI 54446 (By appointment only) Home: 715-255-8676 Cell: 715-937-0110 License # 6598 Does your roof qualify? Friendly Professional Certified Staff 387-6397 • 605 East 4th Street, Marshfield GREG MILLER C A R P E N T RY L L C CUSTOM CABINETS, FURNITURE & REMODELING H. 715-255-9211 C. 715-255-3392 [email protected] W3232 Maple Center Rd. • Loyal, WI 54446 MEETING YOUR SHARPENING NEEDS W8008 CLOVERDALE RD. 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Main St. Greenwood, WI 54437 (715) 255-6385 RON MOTION Quality Eyecare Your Family Can Trust! Optometrists FEEDS SEEDS FE FERTILIZER A Midwest Senior Living Affiliate CUDDIE FUNERAL HOMES Look for the big blue van, I’m everywhere. 23 1/2-hour emergency service. Dr. Elizabeth Sanders Commercial & Residential Heating & Cooling CUSTOM VINYL WINDOWS PHARMACY Downtown Neillsville RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Joe Aumann SNITEMAN “Where our patients come first” NEILLSVILLE 155 N 3rd St • Dorchester 715-654-6000 Learn-A-Lot Preschool Contact Katie Magozzi to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2600 Brian and Cindy Benz, Owners Loyal Office: 715-255-8312 1st CHOICE RECYCLING PAYING CASH | 715-659-4340 Greenwood WI Vaughn 715 797 4525 Openings available 123 N. Main St., Loyal TOP PRICES PAID FOR JUNK VEHICLES 504 E. WILLOW DR, - SPENCER, WI 54479 M-F 8-5 • SAT 8-12 NOON St. Mary’s Memorial Fund, Inc. 3 mil. South of Greenwood on Hwy 73 or 5 mi. north of Christie (Hwy H) on Hwy. 73 715-267-7870 • 715-937-0065 [email protected] Open year-round M 8am-5pm; Tues-Sat 8am-7pm A 501(c) (3) corporation providing financial support to Catholic Education and building maintenance at St Mary’s Parish since 1992. All donations are tax deductible PO Box 41 • Greenwood, WI 54437 W3490 Rock Creek Road Loyal, WI 54446 Home: 255-9217 Cell: 797-9217 [email protected] For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Anthony, St Mary, Holy Family A 2C 01-1362