Christ United Methodist Church
Christ United Methodist Church
WORSHIP ATTENDANTS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7th USHERS: Robert Underwood, Capt. Roy Andrews, Ted Landis Scott Yaudes, Randy Wagoner GREETERS: Mike and Phyllis Lopez REACHOUT CALLERS: Pat Hart, Janie Shell OFFERING COLLECTORS: Gary VanLandingham Rody Gibbs TRUSTEE OF THE MONTH: Bill Simmons Adults and Youth th Hanging Rock State Park - Saturday, October 13 , 2012 Calling all youth and adults – get off that couch and let’s have some fun! Come join us for a beautiful fall day hike at Hanging Rock State Park. The leaves should be changing and the views will be spooktacular! We will hike the Moore’s Wall Loop (3+ hours on rugged terrain). Wear your daypack (or bookbag) filled with a bag lunch, 2 waters, snacks and a raincoat. Wear sturdy shoes (no flip flops). Call Lew Stookey (336) 454-6283 to sign up. We will meet at the church: please be there on time. Thanks!!! Church Bazaar and Pancake Breakfast Our semi-annual bazaar and Pancake Breakfast will be Saturday, November 3rd, from 8:00a.m. until 1:00p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Applications for the bazaar are located in the Narthex, outside the office area and on the counter across from the Fellowship Hall. For information contact Phyllis Lopez at (336) 431-0422 (office), (336) 475-5928(home) or (336) 8478771(cell) or email [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your support. Dates for preparing Chicken Pies are: Tuesday, October 9th, 6:308:00p.m., Thursday, October 11th, 9:30a.m.-12:00 noon; Tuesday, October 23rd, 6:30-8:00p.m., and Thursday, October 25th, 9:30-12:00 noon. ACOLYTE: Philip Taylor HELPERS: Cheryl and Richard Taylor ALTAR GUILD: Benefit Auction—Hot Dog Fundraiser—Saturday, October 20th All donations will go to help with medical bills due to Heart and Lung Problems for: Jetty “Boo Boo” Tuttle—Jetty Tuttle Body Shop, 314 Circle Dr., Archdale, NC Hotdog Supper: 4-5:30 p.m.—Auction: Starts @ 5:30p.m. Contact: Stan Byrd, Sr., 8619119, Richard Wall, 259-9431, Jimmy Shore, 687-8129, or Jetty Tuttle, 434-6503. Pat Hart, Patsy Moore Pecans Are On The Way PRESCHOOL TEACHERS 9:00 CHILDCARE (RM 213) Jenni Hall 11:00 BABIES/TODDLERS Ginger and Sam Best 11:00 KIDS OWN WORSHIP MULTIPURPOSE ROOM Holy Communion—No Kids Own Worship HOSPITAL REPORT No one at this time. For many years The Frances McFarland Class has sold pecans for the Holiday Season. This sale has allowed us to support CUMC in a number of different areas. Please help us by buying your pecans from us - if you wish to preorder forms will be available! Prices: 16 oz Mammoth Halves $9.00 per bag (this years crop) 12oz. Chocolate Covered $8.00 per bag. October 1st is the tentative delivery date - we will confirm this when informed! Sympathy Christian love and sympathy is extended to Catherine Brown in death of her mother, Betty Highbaugh, who died on Sunday, September 23rd, 2012. United Methodist Men will meet Thursday, October 11th at 6:30pm for dinner and meeting in the Reception Room. Please contact Maurice Perkins @ 869-1022 if you will be attending the dinner for a headcount. Guest Speaker will be Dr. Dennis Carroll, of HPU. PRAYER CONCERNS Please remember in prayer: our homebound members and our members in nursing and assisted living facilities. SERVING IN THE MILITARY Doug Norton, Aaron Biel, Wes Craven, Steven Hall Upward Basketball We will be having a meeting for all those interested in participating in the Upward program this year. We offer both Basketball and Cheerleading and would love to have volunteers to help with the following: Coaches, Referees, Game Day Volunteers, PR Volunteers, Photo Day and Banquet Volunteers We will be having a meeting on Saturday, October 6th, at 3:00p.m. in the Library. Please come if you are interested in helping in any way. Those who wish to help but cannot attend the meeting, contact Angela Craven at (336)207-9157 or [email protected]. Christ United Methodist Church Volume XI September 26th, 2012 Number 17 Greetings from Pastor Matt WEEKLY CALENDAR Reaching Out To All People Luke 7:22-23 (The Message) Jesus answered them, “Go and tell John what you have just seen and heard: The blind see, The lame walk, Lepers are cleansed, The deaf hear, The dead are raised, The wretched of the earth have God’s salvation hospitality extended to them.” At our Administrative Board Meeting in August, our church member and former Lay Leader of our Annual Conference, Jack Young, presented to our board a statement of inclusion he was given at the 2012 Gathering of the Laity at Lake Junaluska. Jack felt it was important for us to discuss and develop our own statement for Christ UMC. After reading through it and discussing it as a group we felt it amply described our church’s vision, mission, and purpose. We have shared it with those who are worshipping at The Well on Thursday’s and also feel it is important to share with the whole church. I wholeheartedly support this statement. I believe it represents where Christ would have our church, and all churches, to be in reaching out as we are called to be living in the example of Christ as we seek out the least, the lost, and the last. It is below for you to read and enjoy: Christ UMC Statement of Inclusion Who are you? Are you married with children, loving them and worrying for them in a culture of mixed messages and conflicting values? Are you divorced, remarried a second, a third time? Are you a single parent, struggling to make ends meet? Are you gay, lesbian, looking for an accepting community of faith? Are you a teenager, a young adult, looking for peers who share your faith and values? If you are any of these, you belong to us because you belong to Christ. Are you single, a widow, lonely? Has your life and your faith gone flat? Are you struggling financially because of layoffs, downsizing, discrimination or handicap? Are you struggling with family planning questions? Have you been a victim of abuse or other crimes? Are you in a hopeless situation and see no way out? If you are any of these, you belong to us because you belong to Christ. Are you new here, from another Christian tradition? Are you white, a person of color, a seasonal worker, an immigrant? Have you been away from the Church for a while and are wondering if you will be welcomed back? If you are any of these, we welcome you. The good news is that Christ is the host here today and He welcomes you as a part of His body. All are welcome in this place. It is truly a blessing to serve a congregation that hopes to reach out to all people in the name of Jesus Christ! Grace and peace in Christ, Matt SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 9:00 & 11:00am Worship 9:45am Sunday School / Breakfast / Covered Dish (FH) 11:00am Kids Own Worship 4:00pm Crop Walk @ Wesley Memorial UMC 4:00-6:00pm Women’s Bible Study 6:00-8:00pm UMYF MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 11:00am Young at Heart (FH) 1:00pm Lloyd’s Joyful Sounds Practice (Choir Room) 4:00pm Lay Leadership Meeting 6:30pm Children’s Ministry Team Meeting (Library) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 9:30-11:30am Kindermusik Nursery 6:30pm Prayz Choir & Musicians 8:00pm Adult Basketbal1(FH) 8:30-11:00pm Sanctuary (Reserved) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3 9:00am Staff Meeting 10:00am Intercessory Prayer 11:45am Lloyd’s Joyful Sounds @ Westchester Baptist Church / Lunch 6:30pm Christ Ambassadors 6:30pm AA Group (Agape Rm) 6:45pm Handbell Ringers 7:30pm Chancel Choir THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4 9:00-10:30am HP Area Missional Network Group (Library) 10:30-11:30am Food Pantry 5:30pm The Well (Youth Rm) 6:00pm Free Community Dinner 6:10pm TOPS (Multipurpose Rm) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 9:15-11:15am Friday Bible Study SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 3:00pm Upward Basketball Meeting SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 9:00 & 11:00am Communion 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am No Kids Own Worship 12:00pm HPU Mission Meal (FH) 4:00-6:00pm Women’s Bible Study 6:00-8:00pm UMYF Page 2 September 26 th, 2012 Christ United Methodist Church WEEKLY CALENDAR Children, Youth, Parents and Everyone at CUMC. This year’s CROP Walk will take place at 4p.m. on Sunday, September 30th at Wesley Memorial UMC. I hope you will join me as we walk to raise money to stomp out hunger in our area. Participant packets are available in my office and each participant who raises $20 or more will receive a t-shirt!! Additionally, you may sign-up online at our team page. September KOW Schedule WORSHIP ATTENDANTS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th September 30th–Message: Peter Met Cornelius; Scripture:Acts 10 & Deuteronomy 32:3-4; Life Application: I can respect and value all people UMYF Fall/Winter 2012 Calendar USHERS: Youth Ushers 1 John 3:1-2: “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are. …Beloved, we are God’s children now…” GREETERS: Jack and Charlotte Young September 30………………………………....……..CROP Walk at Wesley Memorial 4pm Meet at CUMC at 3:15pm and Return approximately 7pm REACHOUT CALLERS: Dennis and Cathie Chesney October 7……………………………………………………………...….…...UMYF 6-8pm OFFERING COLLECTORS: Glenda Shepherd Bob Underwood TRUSTEE OF THE MONTH: Barbara Underwood ACOLYTE: Brittany Secraw HELPERS: Chad and Christy Secraw ALTAR GUILD: Betty Stevens, Susi Hudson PRESCHOOL TEACHERS 9:00 CHILDCARE (RM 213) Kim Collins 11:00 BABIES/TODDLERS Phil Williams & Regina Bowman 11:00 KIDS OWN WORSHIP MULTIPURPOSE ROOM Susi Hudson, Amy Adams October 14.......................................................................................Spooky Woods 7pm-9pm Meet at 6pm, return 9:30/9:45pm; Ticket money due October 1st ($28) October 21………………………………………………….………………... UMYF 6-8pm October 28……………………………………….……Trunk or Treat 5 – 7pm (set-up 3pm) November 2-3…………………………………...Progressive Lock-Out with Area Churches November 11……………………….……...UMYF & 2013 Youth Council Elections 6-8pm November 18……………………………...Children, Youth & Parents Thanksgiving Dinner 6:00 – 8:00pm Covered Dish Dinner ~ Entrée will be provided November 22……………………………………….……..……HAPPY THANKSGIVING! November 25…..……………………………………….…….…………………..NO UMYF December 2…………………………….....UMYF 6-8pm (Christmas Cards & Flower Pots) December 9..……………….……………..Christ UMC Christmas Family Night Covered Dish Dinner 5pm; Children & UMYF Christmas Program 6pm December 16......................................Christmas Caroling 3pm then UMYF Christmas Party Dinner out and then back to the Church for Dirty Santa Please remember in prayer: our homebound members and our members in nursing and assisted living facilities. MONDAY, OCTOBER 8 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9 9:30-11:30am Kindermusik Nursery (Reception Rm) 6:30pmPrayzChoir&Musicians(FH) 6:30pm Preparing Chicken Pies 8:30pm Adult Basketbal1(FH) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 9:00am Mobile Meals (meet @ Montlieu Elem. School) 10:00am Intercessory Prayer 6:30pm Christ Ambassadors 6:30pm AA Group (Agape Rm) 6:45pm Handbells 7:30pm Chancel Choir THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 9:30am Preparing Chicken Pies 10:30-11:30am Food Pantry 5:30pm The Well (Youth Rm) 6:10-7:30pm TOPS (Multipurpose) 6:30pm Circle 5 (Classroom #211) 6:30pm UM Men Dinner & Meeting (Reception Rm) December 31………..……………..…………………..….…New Year’s Eve Party/Lock-In FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 9:15-11:15am Friday Bible Study (Multipurpose Rm) 6:00-10:00pm Scrapbooking (Multipurpose Rm) January 1……………………………..………………...……………..HAPPY NEW YEAR! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 December 24…………………..……………….…….…....…CUMC Christmas Eve Service December 25...…………………..………………….….…………...MERRY CHRISTMAS! HOSPITAL REPORT No one at this time. SERVING IN THE MILITARY Doug Norton, Aaron Biel, Wes Craven, Steven Hall SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 World Communion Sunday 9:00&11:00am Holy Communion 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am No Kids Own Worship 12:00pm HPU Mission Meal (FH) 4:00-6:00pm Women’s Bible Study (Multipurpose Rm) 6:00-8:00pm UMYF Sunday School Teachers Needed We are in need of additional Sunday School teachers for our PreSchool and Middle School Class. The curriculum is provided for you and the volunteer rotation is normally once every 3 months. Please give prayerful consideration to volunteering in this vital ministry at CUMC. Grace & Peace ~ Kim Free Community Meal Thursday, October 4th Time: 6:00-7:15p.m. Location: Fellowship Hall Set up on Wednesday night @ 5:30p.m. Volunteers are needed on Thursday at 4:45p.m. All helpers welcome!! SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 9:00 & 11:00am Worship 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Kids Own Worship 4:00-6:00pm Women’s Bible Study (Multipurpose Rm) 6:00pm Youth meet @ church 7:00-9:00pm Kersey Valley Spooky Woods Pantry’s Most Wanted List Those who want to make donations frequently ask what the food pantry needs most. Each wing of the church complex has a pantry wall poster that has an attached “Most Wanted” sign. This lists our most current specific needs and is updated frequently. Needed now are: 1 lb. bags rice; beef gravy in cans (no glass); 1 lb. bags beans; cornbread mix; grits; grape jelly (no glass); fruit. Single servings: raisins, cereal bars, fruit cups, and snack crackers. The food pantry has access to certain foods at a cost well below the best store sales so we use financial donations to stock up on those particular items. If you wish to receive a monthly email version of the most wanted list, send your request to [email protected]. The Lay Academy of Religion The Lay Academy of Religion Fall 2012 Study: The Corinthian Correspondence with Dr. Mickey Efird will be Tuesday evenings, October 2 - 30, Time: 7p.m.-8:30p.m. at Christ UMC, Greensboro, NC. Cost: $25 per person / $35 per couple. The Winter 2013 Study: The Book of the Twelve will be on Tuesday evenings, February 19 – March 19. The cost is the same: $25 per person or $35 per couple. For information contact Rev. John Bletsche at CUMC in Greensboro, NC at 336-2991571 ext. 333 or [email protected] Please make checks payable to Christ UMC – Lay Academy. Registration fees are not refundable. Christ UMC reserves the right to cancel a course if registration is not sufficient. All registration fees for cancelled courses will be refunded. Limited scholarship funds are available. Childcare provided upon request. TRUNK OR TREAT AT CUMC Plans are underway for our 2nd Annual “Holy”ween fun at CUMC. We invite everyone to join us on October 28th, 5p.m. – 7p.m. for TRUNK or TREAT. Food, games, prizes & most importantly – candy are on the menu for the evening. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!! Volunteers are needed to decorate their trunks and pass out candy during the evening. The decorations don't have to be too over-thetop, but the more decorated the trunks, the more fun for the kids. There will be a prize for the most original/best decorated trunk! Last year we had 35 cars/trucks/vans – let’s see if we can add more this year!! Candy donations as well as food donations (hot dogs, buns, pop-corn & oil, sodas & water) are also welcomed and needed! Last year we had approximately 350 children attend this event, so everyone’s help is needed for another wonderful, fun, faith-filled evening for our church and community children! To volunteer, please contact Kim Collins @ 554-5787 or [email protected]. Volunteer & Organization Collection Opportunities Communities in school has many opportunities to volunteer that can make a difference to a child. Please consider using your time or talent for one of the following: Breakfast Buddies , High Schoolers & Adults Lunch Buddies – GRAND Pals Reading Tutor Jump Start Reading Tutor (prep for End of Grade Tests)–3rd or 4th Graders Jan – May School Supplies Collection / Alarm Clock Collection / Book Drives Class Moms / Grade Moms – Help with classroom monthly supplies and seasonal parties / Fieldtrip Fund Fundraiser / Angel Tree – Adopt students for Christmas One Time Events or one Time Projects Bringing Hands In Need…Together With Hands That Can Help…YOURS!! Contact: Catherine Niebauer, Dir. of Volunteers, Communities In Schools of HP, Office 336.883.6434 ext. 24, Fax 336.883.6486— [email protected] or Page 3 Newsletter (USPS 934-100) is published bi-weekly by Christ United Methodist Church 1300 North College Drive, High Point, NC 27262 Periodicals paid at High Point 27260 Postmaster send changes to: Christ United Methodist Church 1300 North College Drive, High Point, NC 27262 Open hearts Open minds Open doors September 26 th, 2012 Christ United Methodist Church Blood Drive…Give the Perfect Gift…The Gift That Saves The Day. Where: Christ UMC, Monday, October 29th, from 3:00-7:30p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Please contact Stringfellow at (336) 689-3884 or email StringfelSun Claire Mon Tue Wed [email protected] to schedule your appointment! Walk-ins welcome - photo ID required and all donors will be eligible to 1 cookies and drinks 2 win a $1,000 Gift Card! Volunteers are needed to bring for our donors. Thu Community Thanksgiving Baskets Can you believe it's that time of year again? The need is very great in our region. This year we’re needing to prepare 75 to 80 Thanksgiving baskets for families. Items needed are: green beans and corn, Betty Crocker Cookie Mix and Brownie mixes. You 5 6 off these items7in the Narthex or8at the office. We 9welcan drop come donations to help purchase turkeys. Should you have questions contact Mike Lopez, Missions Chairperson, at (336) 475-5928. Meetings: Lay Leadership, Monday, October 1st, at 6:30pm, HP Area W E’ RE ON THE W EB WWW. CHRISTUMCHP. ORG September 26th, 2012 VOLUME XI “Disciples in Action – Transforming the World” Sunday, September 30th, 2012 Prayz Service – 9:00a.m. – Fellowship Hall Sunday School – 9:45a.m. Breakfast / Covered Dish (FH) Worship – 11:00a.m. – Sanctuary Speaker: Dr. C. M. Worthy, Jr. Worship Attendance Sunday, September 16th, 2012 Sunday School 107 9:00 Worship Service 34 11:00 Kids Own Worship 9 11:00 Worship Service 161 The Well Service (9/13) 26 Total Worship Attendance 230 Sept. 23rd, 2012 104 47 9 153 12 (9/20) 221 Used Vehicle: A female cancer patient, Patti Briggs, is needing a good used car to travel to and from the doctor’s office in Greensboro, NC. If you know of anyone who is willing to sell their vehicle (price range: $500 to $1,000), please contact Elaine Walker at (336) 8693705. Thank you. Youth Network Sessions are held on Saturdays from 10:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. September 29th / October 6, 27th / November 3, 10, 17th, December 1st Location: 1307 Guyer Street Budget Due October 19th Website Number 17 Church Staff Senior Pastor R eStephen v . D r . M a tMinisters t h e w S . F a rto abow Make Hospital Visits i r e ministers c t o r o f Mare u s i at c AnWhile Dour Dr. Marc Foster nual Conference (June 1924) and atd uother Min i s t eon r o fvacation Senior A lts times, Rour e v . J Stephen e f f r e y M aMinisters rtin will make hospital visits. This Director of Children is one& way Y o u tthey h M iserve n i s t r ito e s provide compassionate R e v . K i m C ocare l l i n s to our congregation. As always, call D i rchurch e c t o r ooffice f Y o u tif h N e t wor o r ka the you Dr. Pa mela Pal mer family member is hospitalized; you T h r ocan u g hleave - t h e - aWmessage e e k P r o gafter ram hours for CStephen at a r o l B r i lMinistry ey extension 232. Dir. of Contemporary Music Jennifer Gee Organist/Accompanist Peggy Shepherd Treasurer’s Report Budget Amount Needed Weekly $12,814.02 Financial Secretary Katrina Parnell A d mi n i s t r a t i v e A s s i s t a n t Carolyn Flowers-Wright Offering Received September 23 $6,548.11 B uilding Supervisor Ja mes Wrig ht, Jr. Congratulations to Jonathan and Martha Wood, on the birth of a son, Matthew Jonathan Wood, born on September 21. Phil and Tricia Wood, are the Fri Sat grandparents. Blood Drive Missional Network Group, Thursday, October 4th, 9:00a.m., Worship Committee, Monday, October 15th, at 2:00p.m., Stephen Ministry, Monday, October 15th, at 6:30p.m., Communications Comm., Tuesday, October 16th at 7:00p.m., Trustees Board, Thursday, October 18th, at 6:30p.m., Staff Parish Relations Committee, Sunday, October 21st, at 6:00p.m., Lay Lead12 13 14 16 ership, Monday, October 22nd, at 6:30p.m., Finance15 Committee, Tuesday, October 23rd, at 6:30p.m., TTW Ministry, Thursday, October 25th at 1:00p.m., Administrative Board, Sunday, October 28th, at 7:30p.m., and Council on Ministry, Monday, October 29th, at 6:30p.m. Location: Library. Reminders: Children are collecting change each Sunday to provide mosquito nets through "Nothing but Nets" and water filters, as well as other missions. Thank you for your support as we all work to make a change! Women’s Bible Study begins Sunday, September 30th from 4:00 to 19 20 22 a seven week 23 6:00p.m. in the Multipurpose Room.21 We will be following study by Angela Thomas entitled “Living Your Life as a Beautiful Offering”. Cost of the study guide is $12. Contact Sharyn Andrews at (336)906-5594 or email [email protected]. if you would like to sign up. Hamburger Steak Meal Benefit for Rev. Keith Auman, Saturday, Oct. 20, from 11:00a.m.-7:00p.m., Old Union UMC Fellowship Hall, 5077 Walker Mill Rd., Sophia, NC. Price: donations. Bios for Nonagenarians (90+) are needed for November 18th, the Sunday set aside to honor our older adults. Contact Betty Stevens, 861-1865, or Jeff Martin, 889-4777. 26 27 28 29 Parent Empowerment Summit 30 On Saturday, November 10th, Southwest Guilford High School will host a Parent Empowerment Summit from 9:00a.m. until 12:30p.m. Parents and guardians can learn more about high school requirements, athletic ambition realities, post-high school planning, teenage drama, dangers facing today’s youth, service learning and more! Child care, breakfast and door prizes will be available. Contact: Michelle Phillips at [email protected] or Julie Nichols at [email protected] or at 819-2970. 3 4 Congratulations to Adam and Jamie Kendall, son and daughter-in-law of Ralph and Carol Kendall, on the birth of daughter Abigail Sophia Kendall, 7 lbs 7 oz, this past week. This is Ralph and Carol Kendall’s fifth grandchild. 10 Thank 11 you notes: I want to thank everyone for their cards, prayers, thoughts and concerns for me while I was in the hospital. Also to Rev. Martin and Rev. Farabow for their visits. We can thank God we live in America where we have trained professionals and modern medical technology to help us live longer. Thank you. 17 David Stephens 18 ********************* These three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. I Corinthians 13:13(NIV) We want to thank you for your expressions of love and kindness in celebration of our Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary. God has been faithful to us. He has given us you, our church family. We thank you and we 24 25 thank our Lord for what you mean to us. God bless you everyone. Nancy and Bobby Yates Memorials for Compassion Pantry In Memory of Nadine Stroud given by G. L. Stroud, Jr. In Memory of Art Newton given by Cindy Walsh Donation for Food Pantry given by Carol Cochrane In Honor of Jerry Juren given by The Upper Room Sunday School Class