Glad Tidings - First United Methodist Church, Grenada
Glad Tidings - First United Methodist Church, Grenada
FIRST UNITED METHODIST 1C H U R C H Sunday, November 17-Sat. Nov. 23 Everyday 12:00noon PRAY Mon-Thu 9am Walking Fitness, FH Mon, Tues, Thu 4pm Walking Fit-FH Sun.-All Saints’ Sunday Worship 8:30am PeaceTime Worship 9:45am Sunday School 10:55am Worship, Sanctuary 12:00pm Youth Luncheon Fundraiser 5:00pm Youth Choir 5:30pm UMYF (Potters’ have meal) 5:30pm Adult Fellowship, Parlor 6:30PM Evening Service Mon. 1:30pm Staff Meeting 6:00pm Men’s Club Thanksgiving Dinner & Fellowship 6:00pm Staff Parish Relations Com. Meeting, Parlor Tue. 7am Morning Glory for Students!-FH 4:00pm Evangelism Committee, Parlor 6:00pm Trustees Committee, Kitchen Wed. 12 noon– Bulletin insert deadline 5:00pm WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE A Peak in Your Week! Meal 5:45pm Bible Study-Adult study led by Rev. Tom Potter 7:00pm Adult Choir Practice Thu. 6:00pm UMW Circle 8 (Sarah), Word Classroom, Hostess: Linda Lehman Fri. Sat. Sunday, Nov. 24– Sat., November 30 Everyday 12:00noon PRAY Mon-Thu 9am Walk Fitness, FH Mon, Tue, Thu 4pm Walk Fitness- FH Sun. 8:30am PeaceTime Worship 9:45am Sunday School 10:55am –Worship-Sanctuary NO Youth Choir or UMYF Glad Tidings Potter’s Wheel November 14, 2013 by Rev. Tom "The Thin Line" We often see a thin line separating two extremes. One percentage point of humidity can be the difference between sunshine and rain. One degree of temperature can be the difference between getting rain or getting snow. Six inches can be the difference between winning or losing a football game. The same is true with our spiritual life. One of Mississippi's best-known writers, Eudora Welty, put it this way in her work "The Trumpet of the Swan": "She never saw it differently, She never doubted that all the opposites on earth are close together, Love close to hate, Living to dying. But of them all, Hope and despair are the closest blood, Unrecognizable one from the other sometimes." There's a lot of truth to that, in my experience. Just as a few ounces of gasoline can be the difference between being stranded or reaching your destination, a little setback can send us down a slippery slope into despair. And that makes Satan giggle, by the way. He loves it when our circumstances cause us to forget that, in the end, God wins, Jesus saves, and the Holy Spirit is our source of strength. So don't play along. Don't forget. You and I have every reason to be positive, upbeat, and hopeful. 5:30pm Adult Fellowship, Parlor 6:30PM Community Thanksgiving Service –Sanctuary Mon. 1:30pm Staff Meeting Tue. 7am Morning Glory for Students!-FH 4:00pm – Newsletter Deadline Wed. 12 noon– Bulletin insert deadline Thanksgiving Break– NO Wednesday Night Live! Or Adult Choir Practice THANKSGIVING DAYOFFICE CLOSED Fri. THANKSGIVING DAY HOLIDAY-OFFICE CLOSED Thu. Date change: UMW Circle 9 Priscilla will now be meeting the 1st Wednesday each month at 5:45 in the Parlor We decide how close we'll go to that thin line, by the way. Let's step back away from it and let our Lord guide us through. Jesus, of all people, knows the way through hardship to the joy on the other side. Walk with Him. See you in worship Sunday. In Joy, Tom November 3 Sunday School/AF-164 8:30 service 76 10:55 service -184 6:30 service -38 WNL (10-30):TrunknTreat November 10 Sunday School & AF—132 8:30 service- 56 10:55 service—125 6:30 service– 31 WNL (11-06): 141 2 Sunday School Don’t forget to stop in the Fellowship Hall for a quick breakfast and fellowship before class…. For those of you who have children and don’t know it, (Pun intended!) we offer Sunday School for all ages from birth to 125! 2013 Breakfast Hosts (9:30 to 9:45) *Each class, please remember to clean up after breakfast. November-Growing Closer December-The Flock Wednesday Night Live ! It’s a fun time and a meal 2013 scheduled offering counters November-Nathan Burnett & David Raper December-Pattie Smith & Terry Moody If you feel led to serve as a counter or want to be removed from list, please contact our office at 226-3148. Youth Luncheon Fundraiser Sunday, November 17...Make plans to attend the Fall Fundraiser for Youth Mission Scholarships. Menu: Chicken Spaghetti designed and prepared by the loving hands of our very own Chefs, Terry and Jennifer! The Adult Study is using the book “This We Believe-Meditations on the Apostles’ Creed” November 20: Thanksgiving Meal Sliced Turkey breast, w/gravy Cornbread Dressing Cranberry Sauce Candied Yams Country style green beans Rolls and Pumpkin Pie w/whipped cream November 27: CLOSED FOR THANKSGIVING NOVEMBER IS “OUR BEST FOR OUR CHURCH” MONTH! NOVEMBER 17-Morning Worship “My Prayer For Our Church” NOVEMBER 24-Morning Worship “My Pledge To Our Church” Worship with us as we summarize and celebrate God’s Goodness in First UMC! Sunday, November 17 at 6:30pmCommunity Thanksgiving Service in the FUMC Sanctuary Sunday Evening Worship Sermon Series: Men’s Club: 6:00pm Monday, November 18 Thanksgiving Dinner & Meeting in the Fellowship Hall (Voting to elect 2014 Men’s Club Officers) “Small Talk” 3 Children’s Ministry Sundays: at 5:00 pm FUM Youth choir. For more information contact Jason Anding at 662226-3148. UMYF 5:30-7:30pm Meal...Worship...Journey into study of scripture! Roots: A The Core Foundations look into the core foundations of Our Faith of our faith. The sacraments (The Lord’s Supper & Baptism), the Apostles Creed, the Lord’s Prayer. Guest speakers include Rev. Jonathon Moore, Rev. Tom, Rev. J.C. Hubbard, and Rev. Jack Smith. A Look Into Morning Glory at 7:00 am. Tuesdays: Start your day with a delicious breakfast, a message and plenty of time left over to get to school. Place: Fellowship Hall Who: You and (by the way) bring a friend! Why not? We have a lot to share. Come and be part of an amazing outreach ministry! SUNDAYS: Our teachers are (Early Elementary) Cathy Haltom, Becky Taylor, Elin Juchheim, (Middle Elementary) Michelle Crawford, (Older Elementary) Renee Geiger, (Tween) Lynsie Carpenter& Glenn DeHart Acolytes: Nov 17—Russ Reid & Carson Stanford Nov 24—Evey Moore & Bratton Willoughby Dec 1-Russ Reid and Phillip Chandler Dec 8-Bratton Willoughby and Carson Stanford WEDNESDAYS: November WNL - all 3wks will work on music program teachers - Amanda K, LaMonda S, Angie Mc, Shannon P, Susie C December WNL - 1st wk work on music program & other 2 wks children will travel by church van to sing at local nursing homes Small Group Bible Study! Wednesdays: church-wide fellowship meal (donations please) is pro- teachers - Amanda K, Felicia B, Linda L, Angie Mc, Susie C, and parents vided by our own chefs followed by an in-depth and Dec 8 – Christmas program 6:30 with Jesus’ Birthday passionate study of God's word! Dinner at 5:00pm party to follow and small groups at 5:45pm. (Children will need to be at church 4:00 for pizza party & last practice) Pack a Gift & Pray. A shoebox filled with small toys, hygiene items, & school supplies tangibly demonstrates God’s love to a child in need. The Flock Sunday School Class is hosting this special drive to touch the hearts with love to children in need. You can build your own box and bring to church or make a donation of $20-25 (includes $7 shipping fee). Earmark your check to Operation Christmas Child. Any questions, call Jeri Moore at 392-6888 or Sara Miller at 227-5200. Check out online at for more information. Cut off to collect boxes: November 24th DEBT REDUCTION FUND October 31, 2013 4 CHEESE FOR SALE: The Honduras Mission Team is selling blocks of cheese to help pay for expenses for mission trip. Order NOW: (please pay when ordering) last day--Dec. 2 and delivery date is Dec. 8 2 lb mild cheddar 2 lb sharp cheddar 2 lb extra sharp cheddar 12 oz. colby jack 8 oz. havarti $11.00 12.00 12.50 5.00 8.00 contact: Linda Lehman, Paula Martin, Henry or Lynne Brister, Judy Dehart, or the church office. Although there are many projects and needs to fund, please do not forget our largest debt. A Debt we are paying interest on. The following is a report of our outstanding debt at Regions Bank with regard to our property purchases and parking lots. Reduction of this debt and the amount paid in interest is made through your offerings in pledges and Debt Dollar donations. BEGINNING LOAN BALANCE—AUGUST 2010 $366,500.00 PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS2010 THRU 2012 125,500.00 INTEREST PAYMENTS2010 THRU 2012 LOAN BALANCEJANUARY 1, 2013 $28,050.59 $241,000.00 PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS2013 Go to for the “Christmas in November” link to more pictures of the wonderful evening of entertainment, dinner & fellowship to help St. Nicholas Treasure Chest. INTEREST PAYMENTS2013 TOTAL INTEREST PAYMENTS LOAN BALANCE— OCTOBER 31, 2013 __________ 28,000.00 $ 7,047.48 _________ $35,098.07 $213,000.00 Our current monthly interest cost at a rate of 3.85% is $683.38. When our church accountant has to pay interest to the bank he becomes upset. When he becomes upset his hair starts to fall out. When his hair starts to fall out he begins thinking about buying a wig. Don’t make our church accountant have to buy a wig. Help pay off this debt to the bank as quickly as possible. 5 FUMC Youth Christmas Poinsettia Sales (to be placed in the Sanctuary during the Christmas season of Worship) Cost: $15.00 In Honor/Memory of(please circle): ________________________________ ________________________________ From: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ To Order: Fill out & give this order form and payment to a youth at the door as you leave. Last date to order: Sunday, November 17. Pick up: After Sunday 10:55am Worship, please take your Poinsettia plant as you leave. This fundraiser supports Youth Mission Scholarships for upcoming events. 6 GLAD TIDINGS F I R S T U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T Samaritan Fund The Samaritan Fund will receive donations every “first” Sunday (December 1). Please prayerfully consider giving to this fund. The money collected is well spent helping people in need in our local community. C H U R C H Soup Kitchen Donations continue to be needed for the Soup Kitchen. Every “second” Sunday we will collect nonperishable items (specific need of whole kernel corn and mixed vegetables) (Dec. 8). How can you….reach out? The 3rd and 4th grade Sunday School class project is collecting money in the month of November to help build UM churches in Russia and Eurasia. May we continue our 12:00 o’clock noon daily prayer time for The United Methodist Church in Mississippi and beyond; whether our prayers are several seconds, minutes, or longer in THE NAME OF JESUS; and that we depend upon THE HOLY SPIRIT to direct us in our praying for THE BODY OF CHRIST. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED [email protected] E-MAILS & NEWSLETTER 662-226-3162 FAX 662-226-3148 OFFICE GRENADA, MS 38901 161 SOUTH LINE STREET FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PERMIT NO. 307 GRENADA, MS US POSTAGE PAID NON-PROFIT ORG.