UAM - University of Arkansas at Monticello


UAM - University of Arkansas at Monticello
From the Chancellor
I am excited
by both the challenges and opportunities
that await your university in 2013. This is a time of new beginnings, and that includes
a new legislative delegation to represent UAM and Southeast Arkansas in the General
Assembly. Our senior staff recently completed a productive meeting with State Senator
Eddie Cheatham of Crossett, State Representatives Sheilla Lampkin of Monticello, Mike
Holcomb of Pine Bluff, Mark McElroy of Tillar, and Jeff Wardlaw of Warren. We look forward to working with this delegation and are confident they will serve as strong voices
for both UAM and this geographic region of Arkansas.
There are a number of exciting things happening on campus that
you can read about in this issue of UAM Magazine: the approval of a
totally on-line master of fine arts degree program in creative writing,
the dedication of the George H. Clippert Forestry Annex, the return of
Dr. Jimmie Yeiser to campus as our new Provost and Vice Chancellor for
Academic Affairs, and the beginning of a major renovation to Bankston
As we move toward spring, we are already planning this year’s
“Spring Spectacular” weekend for April 12-13. If you have never attended this event I would encourage you to join us for a fun-filled weekend. We will be sending out details and a schedule later this spring in our electronic
newsletter, and you will find the information on the UAM News Facebook page as well.
To help you stay connected, please send your email address to our new alumni director,
Julie Barnes, at [email protected].
This is also the time of year when we accept your nominations for Distinguished
Alumnus, the Alumni Award for Achievement and Merit, and the UAM Sports Hall of
Fame. Please send your nominations to the Office of Advancement at UAM Box 3520,
Monticello, AR 71656.
Finally, as we move toward the completion of our 104th year, we remain committed
to providing educational opportunities to the students of Arkansas. The majority of our
students are still the first in their families to attend college and many are dependent on
the availability of scholarship funds to defray the cost of attendance. I would encourage
your continued support of private scholarships through your contributions to the UAM
Foundation Fund.
On The Cover: UA System President Donald
Bobbitt addresses guests at the formal dedication
of the George H. Clippert Forestry Annex.
For information, you may contact:
Julie Barnes, Director of Alumni Affairs
P.O. Box 3520
Monticello, AR 71656
(870) 460-1028
Dr. Clay Brown, Vice Chancellor for
Advancement and University Relations
(870) 460-1028 (office)
(870) 460-1324 (FAX)
e-mail: [email protected]
If you want to find out what’s happening on
campus, or want to contact us about something
significant that’s happened in your life, check
out our website at When you
reach the UAM home page, just click on Alumni &
Friends. Let us know what you think. We welcome
your suggestions!
Parents, if your son or daughter attended UAM
and is no longer living at this address, please notify
our office of his or her new address. Thank you.
If you are in the area, please stop by for a visit. This is YOUR campus.
Best Wishes,
Search “University of Arkansas at Monticello
Alumni and Friends
Jack Lassiter
Paul Griffin / Monticello
Vice Chair
Beverly Reep / Warren
Amanda Ware / North Little Rock
Angelia Clements / Little Rock
Jennifer Hargis / Monticello
Donney Jackson / Monticello
M.L. Mann / Monticello
Jerrielynn Mapp / Monticello
Randall Risher / Houston, Texas
James Rook / Mena
Winter / Spring 2013
The School of Forest
Resources gained an
additional 15,000 square
feet of teaching and
research space with the
October dedication of
the George H. Clippert
Forestry Annex. The
building is the culmination
of a dream shared by the
University and the family of
the late Mr. Clippert.
Chancellor’s Letter | IFC
On Campus | 2
Sports | 18
Foundation Endowments | 20
Current Donors | 23
Centennial Circle | 24
Foundation Fund | 25
Alumni Snapshots | 26
Obituaries | 27
UAM MAGAZINE (Volume 20, number 1) is
published three times a year by the University
of Arkansas at Monticello, the UAM Alumni
Association, and the UAM Foundation Fund.
Jim Brewer, Editor
Director of Media Services
(870) 460-1274 (office)
(870) 460-1974 (fax)
[email protected]
On-campus living gets a new look
with the renovation of Bankston Hall,
and that’s just the beginning.
10 12
Dr. Jimmie Yeiser, a long-time faculty
member in the School of Forest
Resources, is UAM’s new Provost.
A newly approved Master of Fine
Arts Degree program will raise
UAM’s national profile.
Winter / Spring 2013
on campus
In 3-D
Research In
In 3-D
reating three-dimensional models
TEAM Dr. Jeffrey
of molecules and developing an
Taylor (right) and
student researchers affordable hydrogen-powered internal
LaTarnesha Jacobs combustion engine are the subjects of
and Esgar Jiminez. two divergent research projects being
conducted by a UAM scientist.
Dr. Jeffrey Taylor, an associate professor of chemistry, recently received
funding from the Arkansas IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) to conduct the research.
Taylor, who holds a master’s degree in
biochemistry from the University of
Texas, a Ph.D. in biophysics from the
University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, and
completed a post-doctoral fellowship
at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, is conducting the research
with the help of students.
The first project, which involves
building three-dimensional bio-molecular models on a computer, is what Taylor calls “pure research. We’re looking
at structure, function and relationships.
If you want to know how a molecule
functions, you have to know what it
looks like.”
With the help of LaTarnesha Jacobs,
a junior pre-medicine and chemistry ma-
jor from Monticello, Taylor has already
begun creating computer models. The
$11,500 grant received from Arkansas
INBRE will fund new hardware and
software technology to make 3-D modeling easier to complete. Other funding
to pay the student researchers will be
provided by the Arkansas-Lewis Stokes
Alliance for Minority Participation.
A second project, the creation of an
affordable hydrogen-powered internal
combustion engine, has far-reaching
practical applications, says Taylor.
Hydrogen powered engines have been
around for a while, Taylor adds, but
current models use expensive fuel cells.
Taylor hopes to create an engine from
scratch using inexpensive, non-exotic
technology. “We want to create an ICE
(internal combustion engine) that is affordable,” he says.
The first step in the hydrogen project is the actual creation of hydrogen,
which Taylor and his student assistant,
Esgar Jiminez, a junior biochemistry
major from Boydell, are already doing in
a UAM chemistry lab. Taylor and Jiminez
are using a process called electrolysis
to separate the hydrogen and oxygen
atoms in water. Hydrogen is highly
volatile, so Taylor and Jiminez limit their
electrolysis sessions to Friday afternoons when the lab is empty.
“Hydrogen is not something you fool
around with,” says Taylor. “You had better treat it with respect.”
Taylor hopes to be able to create
hydrogen cheaply. Current methods of
hydrogen production are inefficient and
often use fossil fuels as the source of
hydrogen. “Hydrogen can be used as a
source of energy to power our vehicles
and even our homes,” Taylor says. “The
combustion of hydrogen produces energy and the byproduct is H2O (water),
which isn’t harmful to our atmosphere
like fossil fuel byproducts. We’re hoping
that windmills and solar panels can be
used as a source of energy to produce
hydrogen since they convert wind and
solar energy into usable electricity.
That electricity could then be used as a
source of energy for the water electrolysis to occur.”
Another Record!
AM has set a new fall semester enrollment record for the 11th consecutive year according to preliminary census
figures released by the UAM registrar’s
UAM enrolled 3,946 students at its
three campuses in Monticello, Crossett
and McGehee for the 2012 fall semester,
breaking last year’s record of 3,920.
“This is wonderful news for the institution,” said Chancellor Jack Lassiter. “To
continue to see enrollment increases at a
time of declining high school enrollments
in our traditional service area is a tribute
to the hard work of our university family.
Our continuing emphasis on admission,
retention, advising, teaching, and total
cost of attendance is having a positive impact on the number of students choosing
to attend the University. The past decade
has brought an unprecedented period of
growth in our enrollment which has created new challenges in facilities, parking,
student services, and number of faculty in
certain disciplines.”
New Alumni Director
Since 2003, UAM’s enrollment has
increased by 37 percent – from 2,875 to
its current 3,946. Fall enrollment figures
have grown steadily since 2003, increasing to 2,942 in 2004; 2,959 in 2005; and
exceeding 3,000 for the first time in 2006
with an enrollment of 3,179. The growth
has continued with an enrollment of 3,187
in 2007; 3,302 in 2008; 3,479 in 2009;
3,638 in 2010; and 3,920 in 2011.
“There are a number of factors contributing to our enrollment numbers,” said
Lassiter, “but I believe one of the most
important is the quality of our faculty and
our focus on teaching. Also as important
is affordability of an education at UAM.
We have tried very hard to keep the cost
of attendance reasonable and within reach
of our constituencies. We have one of
the lowest total costs of attendance of any
four-year institution in the state and we
plan to keep it that way. Our admissions
staff has played an important part in our
growth. Under the leadership of Mary
Whiting they are known for the individual
attention they give to prospective students.”
Whiting, dean of enrollment management and director of admissions, credited
the work of the admissions staff in the
recruitment of new students. “Our recruiters spend long hours on the road visiting
high schools and talking to potential
students,” said Whiting. “They are the ones
who should receive the lion’s share of the
ulie Barnes of Monticello is UAM’s new director of alumni affairs.
Barnes is a 2000 UAM graduate with a bachelor of science degree in
computer information systems and comes to UAM from a position
as a loan administrator at Union Bank and Trust Company of Monticello. Barnes is a 1996 graduate of Fordyce High School and was
a cheerleader as a student at UAM.
“I am pleased to welcome Julie to our advancement staff and
know that she will be an invaluable asset as the liaison between
the university and our alumni and former students,” said Dr. Clay
Brown, vice chancellor for advancement. “I know Julie is looking
forward to meeting and working with our alumni to strengthen
the ties between the university and our former students.”
Military Support
AM has been named to the 2013
Military Friendly Schools list, which
honors the top 15 percent of colleges,
universities, and trade schools that are
doing the most to embrace America’s
military service members, veterans, and
spouses as students and ensure their success on campus.
The list is compiled annually by Victory Media, founded in 2001 and owned
by service-disabled veterans to help
military personnel transition into civilian
“UAM is proud to be designated as
a military friendly school,” said Chancellor Jack Lassiter. “We honor their service
and are committed to helping them with
their educational needs. I want to commend our Office of Financial Aid, and our
veteran’s contact, Nick Ryburn, for their
efforts to assist veterans, military personnel, and their spouses as they make the
transition to civilian life.”
Now in its fourth year, the 2013 list
of Military Friendly Schools was compiled through extensive research and a
data-driven survey of more than 12,000
VA-approved schools nationwide. Each
year schools taking the survey are held to
a higher standard than the previous year
via improved methodology, criteria and
weightings developed with the assistance
of an Academic Advisory Board (AAB)
consisting of educators from schools
across the country.
A full story and detailed list of 2013
Military Friendly Schools appeared in the
annual G.I. Jobs Guide to Military Friendly
Schools, distributed in print and digital
format to hundreds of thousands of active
and former military personnel.
Phi Lamb Donation
HELPING HAND Members of UAM’s Phi Lambda Chi fraternity recently
turned their chicken cooking expertise into a $1,000 donation to the
Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock. Fraternity members won the
“Green With Envy Chicken Cook-off” sponsored by the Monticello-Drew
County Chamber of Commerce prior to the UAM-SAU football game.
Pictured at left (front to back) are Phi Lamb members Collin Frierson of
Hamburg, Josh Henley of Monticello, Wes Orren of El Dorado, Stephen
Williams of Hamburg, Coree Compton of Pine Bluff, Bill Neighbors of
Kemp, Tex., Jeff McDonald of Monticello (right side, front to back) Griffin
Jeffcoat of Monticello, Alex Villeda of Warren, Kody Robinson of Star City,
Payton Miller of McGehee, and Matt Poole of Lamar.
Winter / Spring 2013
NCAA Leader
AM Chancellor Jack Lassiter has been
appointed to a four-year term on
the NCAA Division II Presidents Council,
which establishes and implements general
policies for intercollegiate athletics at the
Division II level.
Lassiter joins Dr. Everette Freeman,
president of Albany State University, as
one of two new members of the council.
“I am a firm believer that
intercollegiate athletics is an enriching
experience for student-athletes and
enhances the overall college experience
for all of our students,” said Lassiter. “I
am honored to be selected to the NCAA
Division II’s President’s Council.”
Since becoming UAM’s chancellor in
2004, Lassiter has overseen a number
of improvements to the university’s
intercollegiate athletics program,
including the construction of an indoor
practice facility containing a weight
training facility, coaches offices and
meeting rooms; the renovation of Convoy
Leslie-Cotton Boll Stadium, including
the addition of chair-back seating
and an enlarged and renovated press
box; interior renovations to Steelman
Fieldhouse, and current construction and
renovation of the baseball field.
The Division II Presidents Council
is a 15-member body of presidents
and chancellors from all regions of
the country. The Council serves as a
leadership structure and forum for
presidential interests in Division II
intercollegiate athletics and deals with
issues such as implementing policies
adopted by the NCAA’s Executive
Committee, establishing and directing
the general policy of Division II, creating
a strategic plan for Division II, and
assuring gender and ethnic diversity
among its membership.
Lassiter became UAM’s 11th chief
executive officer in 2004. He first joined
the university in 1977 as director of the
Learning Development Center. After
two years as dean of college and student
services at Wharton County (Texas)
Junior College, he returned to Monticello
in 1980 as vice chancellor for university
relations and student services, beginning
a 17-year stay on the UAM campus. In
1993 he was named vice chancellor for
academic affairs and student services.
Lassiter left UAM in 1997 to become
chancellor of the UA Community
College at Batesville before becoming
the executive vice president of the UA
System in Little Rock.
“The Masked Demon”
A washed up professional wrestler trying to jump-start his career while juggling three wives in three different cities is the subject of The Masked Demon, the latest novella by Monticello’s Mark Spencer.
Spencer, a professor of English and dean of the School of Arts and Humanities, has authored seven
books, including The Weary Motel, Love and Reruns in Adams County, and a nonfiction novel entitled A
Haunted Love Story: The Ghosts of the Allen House.
Spencer has received the Faulkner Society’s Faulkner Award for the Short Novel, the Omaha Prize
for the Novel, the Cairns Short Story Award, and four Special Mentions in Pushcart Prize: Best of the
Small Presses.
His latest work is set in 1962 and tells the story of a wrestler known as “The Masked Demon” in
Oklahoma City, “Bible Bob” in Dallas, and “Samson The Strong Man” in Houston. In Oklahoma
City, his wife is the moody Darlene, aka lady wrestler Darla The Goddess of Sweet Sin; in Dallas,
he’s married to sweet-natured Candy, a former Sears and Roebuck sales girl fascinated with
President Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe; and in Houston, his wife is the prim Rachel Marie,
daughter of a fire-and-brimstone preacher.
Spencer has published numerous short stories in journals such as the Charitan Review,
Florida Review, South Dakota Review, Laurel Review, Beloit Fiction Journal, Natural Bridge,
Amarillo Bay and Clapboard House.
Join us on an UnBOLLWEEVILABLE Trip . . .
“Reflections of Italy” – Milan, Venice,
Florence, Assisi, and Rome.
NOVEMBER 3-13, 2013
Please call or email Julie Barnes,
Director of Alumni Affairs at (870) 460-1127
or [email protected] with questions
about rates, itinerary, and other specifics.
Japanese Day
apanese film, food and culture and
an examination of the island nation’s
efforts at recovery from a devastating
earthquake and tsunami were the focus of
“Japanese Day” November 12 as part of
UAM’s International Film Festival.
Kazuhiro Iryu, deputy consul-general
for the Consulate-General of Japan, and
John Gale, coordinator of the ConsulateGeneral’s Japan Exchange and Teaching
( JET) Program, were on hand to discuss
cross-cultural understanding and the JET
Program, which provides new college
graduates and young professionals from
around the world the opportunity to participate in international youth exchange.
“Japanese Day” was the first day of
the three-day International Film Festival
November 12-15. The event began in the
Forest Resources Conference Center with
introductions and welcome, followed by a
screening of the documentary film “Fukushima Hula Girls” (in Japanese with English
A reception for Iryu and Gale was held
following the screening in the Forest Resources Conference Center and featured
Japanese food and music by Samantha
Carpenter, cellist. Following the reception was a screening of “Tohoku Summer
Festivals: Repose of Souls and Kizuna.” The
48-minute documentary chronicled efforts
by communities in eastern Japan to hold
their traditional summer festivals while
recovering from the Great Eastern Japan
Swinging for
The Fences
he Boll Weevil baseball team will
soon have new dugouts and fans
will have a better viewing experience
thanks to changes taking place at Weevil
Field. Funded by private contributions from the “Swing for the Fences”
campaign, the improvements include
not only new dugouts, but additional
equipment storage, new seating and an
extended backstop to protect fans from
errant foul balls. Many of the improvements being completed at Weevil Field
will also be made to Blossoms Field,
home of the UAM softball team.
Winter / Spring 2013
M. L. MANN (left) accepts the Alumni Award
for Achievement and Merit from Chancellor Jack
QUEEN JESSICA Jessica Noble of Star City and
her father, Randy, react to the announcement that
Jessica is UAM’s 2012 Homecoming Queen.
ALUMNI HONOREE Gene Mazzanti addresses
the crowd at the annual A&M/UAM alumni dinner.
African-American Alumni Association enjoyed a
reunion breakfast in the John F. Gibson University
JODY CLEMENTS accepts the Alumni Award for
Achievement and Merit.
LETTERMEN’S BREAKFAST Former Weevil and Cotton Blossom
letterwinners got together for a breakfast in the Indoor Practice Facility.
Pictured from left are (seated) Gene Mazzanti, Hugh Heflin, M. L. Mann,
(standing) Matt Whiting, Kelton Busby, Larry Nipper, Jennifer Gregory,
Alvy Early, Melissa Williams, Andy Summers, and Brad Koen.
REMEMBERING CARL Former members of the
UAM baseball team returned to campus to honor
their coach, Carl Preston (in golf cart, left). A special
recognition was held at halftime.
TERESA MARKS receives the Alumni Award for
Achievment and Merit from Chancellor Lassiter.
Winter / Spring 2013
Residence Life
Changes . . .
. . . are coming to the on-campus living experience at the
University of Arkansas at Monticello.
AM has received approval
from the UA Board of
Trustees to begin a twophase renovation and construction project that will
bring both exterior and
interior changes to current
residence halls.
UAM received approval
to spend $8.9 million on
the project, which will begin in February with the construction of a new
exterior façade and roof for Bankston
Hall, currently a men’s residence hall
slated to become a coed residential
facility. The construction will increase
the building’s square footage while
allowing for the addition of suite-style
bathrooms to be shared by two twoperson suites.
Interior renovations, which will
begin at the conclusion of the 2013
spring semester, include a new heating
and cooling system, refinished doors,
new hardware, carpeting, wall coverings and ceilings. By turning current
community bathrooms into additional
bedrooms, the hall will gain an additional 75 beds, according to Scott
Kuttenkuler, director of residence life.
“Much of this project is about meeting
the expectations of students for oncampus living,” he explained. “The
concept of sharing community bathrooms is outdated and not appealing
to today’s students. We are changing
the atmosphere at Bankston from the
traditional dormitory approach to one
featuring suite-style living space that
allows for more privacy. We want to
make living on campus a viable and
attractive option for our students.”
The exterior construction will
bring about a dramatic change to the
building’s appearance. Built in 1968,
Bankston Hall currently features a
flat-roof and no variations to the outer
walls. The new façade will create a
peaked and gabled roof with three
extruding wings to both the north
and south elevations. The exterior
construction will expand the building’s outer walls by 8 to 12 feet. All
bathrooms will be located along the
outer walls with current exterior windows converted to bathroom doorways. Each suite will have its own sink
while sharing a toilet and shower. No
more than four people will share each
SCM Architects of Little Rock
was selected for the project along
with Kinco Contractors, also of Little
Rock. Bankston will be occupied during the spring semester while exterior
construction is completed. Interior
work will begin a soon as students
move out at the conclusion of the
2013 spring semester. University officials plan to have all renovation and
construction completed in time for the
beginning of the 2013 fall semester.
The second phase of the housing
project will focus on renovating the
bathrooms at Horsfall Hall, originally
a women’s residence hall constructed
in 1934 and one of the campus’ most
iconic structures. Bathrooms will
be converted to spa style, according
to Kuttenkuler, increasing their size
while allowing for more privacy and a
greater level of comfort.
Another part of the project still in
the planning stages will be to enlarge
the University Dining Center to allow
for an increase in on-campus student
“UAM currently has one of the
lowest costs of living in residence
halls of any public or private institu-
A NEW LOOK Bankston Hall will get a much-needed exterior
facelift to go with increased space and suite-style bathrooms as
part of a major improvement program for residence life.
tion in Arkansas, but our
current facilities do not meet
our students’ expectations,”
said Kuttenkuler. “That is
why we are undertaking this
ambitious and much-needed
UAM Chancellor Jack
Lassiter said each phase of the
project is driven by the needs
of current and future students.
“Everything we’re doing and
planning to do is with our
students in mind,” said Lassiter. “We are giving them what
they want while maintaining our
commitment to affordability. I
want to commend the members of
our residence life task force – Vice
Chancellor for Student Affairs Jay
Hughes, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Jay Jones,
and Scott Kuttenkuler, our director of residence life – for their hard
work, planning, and vision in making
this project a reality.”
Winter / Spring 2013
Dr. Jimmie Yeiser
A familiar face returns as UAM’s
r. Jimmie Yeiser, professor, T. L. L. Temple
Chair and Director of the Forest Resources
Institute at Stephen F. Austin State University, has been appointed Provost and
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at
the University of Arkansas at Monticello.
Yeiser replaces R. David Ray as UAM’s chief
academic officer. Ray retired in June after
serving 42 years on the university faculty and
The appointment was announced by UAM Chancellor
Jack Lassiter. Yeiser is no stranger to the UAM campus. He
was a member of the school’s forest resources faculty for
19 years from 1980 to 1998. His wife, Linda, is a former
Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and Vice
Chancellor for Advancement at UAM.
“On behalf of the entire university, I am pleased to welcome the Yeisers back to UAM,” said Lassiter. “Dr. Yeiser’s
combination of experience as a classroom instructor, a distinguished research scientist, and an administrator, along
with his familiarity with both the campus and the community made him an ideal candidate to become UAM’s chief
academic officer. I look forward to working with Dr. Yeiser
as we enter this new phase in the institution’s history.”
“Linda and I are very happy to be returning to a place
we both love,” said Yeiser. “We made so many friends
during our time in Monticello. I am excited by both the
challenges and opportunities at UAM and look forward
to working with the faculty as we map out the academic
future of the institution.”
A native of Utica, Ky., Yeiser holds a bachelor of science
degree in forestry with an emphasis in forest management
from the University of Kentucky, a master of science in agriculture degree with an emphasis in silviculture, also from
Kentucky, and a Ph.D. in tree improvement from Texas
A&M University.
At Stephen F. Austin, Yeiser taught intensive silviculture
to seniors and graduate students while conducting research
in forest vegetation management, securing more than $4
million in research grants while also coordinating research
for eight chemical and forest industries and completing 188
research publications. In 2010 he took on the additional
duties of Director of the Forest Resources Institute at SFA,
which monitors forest health, trends and conditions in
industrial, private non-industrial and public lands.
In 2011-12, Yeiser was named the Regents Professor at
Stephen F. Austin, the university’s highest honor, awarded
annually to one faculty member for outstanding teaching
and research. He received the Research, Development, and
Innovation Award from the Texas Forestry Association in
2008 and was named a Fellow by the Society of American
Foresters, the Society’s highest honor, recognizing outstanding service to forestry and the SAF in 2007. He was
the chairman of the Texas Society of American Foresters
and a member of the board of directors of the Texas Forestry Association until 2012.
Yeiser joined the UAM faculty in 1980 as an assistant
professor, became an associate professor in 1985 and a
professor in 1991. He also held a dual appointment as a
research scientist with the University of Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station located on the UAM campus.
During his tenure at UAM, Yeiser acquired more than $2
million in research support from chemical and forest industries and completed 42 research publications.
As a young member of the UAM faculty
in 1980 . . .
. . . with Maxine Clippert and Jeff Weaver at a
University function . . .
. . . and with wife, Linda, at an alumni
gathering in El Dorado.
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Winter / Spring 2013
MFA in Creative Writing
An online master of fine arts degree program provides new
opportunities while raising UAM’s nationwide profile.
he University of Arkansas at Monticello
has become the third
university in the nation
and the fourth worldwide to offer a master
of fine arts degree in
creative writing that
may be completed
totally online.
UAM received approval for the
MFA program recently from the
Higher Learning Commission of the
North Central Association and will
implement the program beginning
with the 2013 second summer term.
The MFA degree requires the
completion of 48 semester hours of
course credit, including 30 hours of
ENGL 517V Writer’s Workshop. The
last six hours require the creation of
a thesis, a book-length manuscript of
publishable quality.
Other universities currently offering the MFA degree online are the
University of Texas-El Paso, National
University in LaJolla, Calif., and the
University of British Columbia.
“This is something UAM can do
and do well,” said Mark Spencer, dean
of the School of Arts and Humanities
and one of two core faculty members
for the program. “We have the faculty
in place, we have the resources, and
we’re offering a program that has
three very marketable qualities – it’s
flexible, it offers high quality instruction from faculty with strong writing
credentials, and it’s affordable. Most
MFA programs cost between $50,000
and $70,000. Ours will cost between
$12,000 and $13,000, which makes it
the most affordable MFA program in
the country.”
Admission to the MFA program
requires a bachelor’s degree from a
fully accredited college or university,
an undergraduate grade point average
of 3.0 or higher, three letters of recommendation from writers, editors, or
educators who can judge the applicant’s potential for success in a graduate level online/low-residency writing
program, a 20- to 30-page sample of
creative writing, a three-to-five page
critical analysis exploring some aspect
or element of craft in a literary work,
and a personal essay addressing issues
such as the applicant’s background
and literary influences.
Diane Payne, associate professor of
English, will serve as director of the
program. Payne is a prolific writer of
fiction, nonfiction and poetry and is a
past recipient of the Southwest Writers’ Award first prize for nonfiction.
Spencer has authored seven books,
including The Weary Motel, Love and
Reruns in Adams County, a nonfiction
novel entitled A Haunted Love Story:
The Ghosts of the Allen House, and his
most recent work, The Masked Demon.
Spencer has received the Faulkner
Society’s Faulkner Award for the Short
Novel, the Omaha Prize for the Novel,
the Cairns Short Story Award, and
four Special Mentions in Pushcart
Prize: Best of the Small Presses.
In addition to Payne and Spencer,
the program will utilize part-time
mentor-faculty, including:
• Nan Cohen, a faculty member in
the professional writing program at
the University of Southern California
and a former writing instructor at Antioch University Los Angeles, UCLA,
Gettysburg College, and Stanford;
• Dr. Cherri A. Randall, assistant
professor in the Department of English at the University of Pittsburgh at
• Sandy Longhorn, lecturer and
author of Blood Almanac, winner of
the 2005 Anhinga Prize for Poetry;
• Editor and author Matthew Henriksen, adjunct instructor of English at
UA-Fort Smith, whose book Ordinary Sun was nominated for Best in
Poetry for the 2011 Goodread Choice
• Melinda Palacio, author, public
speaker, marketing consultant, writing
workshop leader and a columnist for
Self Magazine who is a past winner of
the Santa Barbara Writers Conference
first prize in poetry.
“This program is a wonderful addition to our graduate program,” said
Dr. Jimmie Yeiser, UAM’s provost and
vice chancellor for academic affairs.
“Dean Spencer and Diane Payne are
to be commended for their hard work
in making this exciting new program a
The Faculty
Mark Spencer
Diane Payne
Winter / Spring 2013
A gift from the family of the late George H. Clippert
becomes a legacy for the School of Forest Resources.
A Shared
he University of Arkansas at Monticello added more than 15,000 square feet to its forest
resources complex with the formal dedication
of the George H. Clippert Forest Resources
Annex in October.
The annex is named for the late George
H. Clippert of Camden, owner of Southern Pulpwood Company and a long-time benefactor of
UAM’s School of Forest Resources, the state’s only
forestry program. “This is the culmination of a
dream shared by Mr. Clippert, his family, and the
university,” said UAM Chancellor Jack Lassiter.
“Mr. Clippert loved UAM and the School of Forest
Resources even though he never attended school
here. He understood the value of a quality forestry
education program and its impact on the state and
region. He hired many of our graduates and was
always ready to help the forestry program and the
Winter / Spring 2013
George H. Clippert Forestry Annex was dedicated
in October and has
been a welcome
addition to the
School of Forest
institution in any way he could.”
Prior to his death in 2006, Mr.
Clippert and his family – wife, Maxine, son, David Clippert, and daughter, Nancy Clippert Broach – made
the largest single donation in school
history with a $1 million gift in 1999
to establish the George H. Clippert
Endowed Chair in Forestry. In 2008,
Maxine Clippert presented a second
$1 million gift to help pay for the construction of the new forest resources
“George Clippert was a special person and a great friend of this institution,” said Lassiter. “The generosity of
the Clippert family is a fitting tribute
to Mr. Clippert and a lasting legacy
that will live on for generations to
Maxine Clippert’s gift, in combina-
tion with funds released by Governor
Mike Beebe and the state legislature,
financed the new construction as well
as the renovation of the existing forest
resources complex.
“We are grateful to Governor Beebe
and the southeast Arkansas legislative
delegation for joining with the Clippert family to make this new facility a
reality,” added Lassiter. “Without their
hard work and their vision, this would
not be possible.”
The new annex was designed by
SCM Architects of Little Rock with
James H. Cone, Inc., of Little Rock
serving as contractor. The annex includes 15,100 square feet of classroom,
laboratory and office space, creating
a 50 percent increase in space for the
School of Forest Resources.
The School of Forest Resources
includes the original forest resources
building, constructed in 1956 and
housing 18,700 square feet of space,
an 11,700 square foot addition built
in 1986, and the new Clippert Annex.
Both the 1956 and 1986 buildings
underwent extensive renovation and
remodeling as part of the overall construction project.
Dr. Phillip Tappe, dean of the
School of Forest Resources and director of the Arkansas Forest Resources
Center, called the new construction
and renovation “a huge lift for our
program in teaching, research and
public service. I think I speak for the
entire forest resources faculty and staff
when I say thank you to the Clippert
family, to Governor Beebe, and to our
legislative delegation for their efforts
on behalf of the forestry program.”
Nancy Clippert
Broach, Chancellor
Jack Lassiter, Eddie
Cheatham, Jimmy Jeffress, David Clippert,
Gene Jeffress, Maxine
Clippert, Robert
Moore, Sheilla
Lampkin, and Greg
Reep take part in the
ribbon cutting.
SPECIAL GUESTS UA Board of Trustees Chairman Mike Akin of Monticello
(left) and Dr. Donald Bobbitt, UA System president, were among the guest
speakers at the dedication.
Winter / Spring 2013
Winning In Class
2013 Softball
UAM Hampton Inn Classic (Feb. 2-3)
11 a.m.
1 p.m.
11 a.m.
1 p.m.
Feb. 8 Angelo State#
12 p.m.
Feb. 8 Central Missouri#
2 p.m.
Feb. 9 St. Mary’s#
10 a.m.
Feb. 9 Drury#
4 p.m.
Feb. 10 Missouri Southern#
2 p.m.
Feb. 10 Washburn#
4 p.m.
Feb. 14 Nebraska-Kearney@
1 p.m.
Feb. 15 Missouri Southern@
10 a.m.
Feb. 15 Fort Hays State@
12 p.m.
Feb. 16 Oklahoma Christian@
10 a.m.
Feb. 16 Missouri Western@
12 p.m.
Feb. 17 Concordia-St. Paul@ 11 a.m.
Feb. 17 Emporia State@
1 p.m.
12 p.m.
12 p.m.
Mar. 1 at NW Oklahoma* (DH)
12 p.m.
Mar. 2 at NW Oklahoma* (DH)
12 p.m.
Mar. 8 at E. C. Oklahoma* (DH)
12 p.m.
Mar. 9 at E. C. Oklahoma* (DH)
12 p.m.
1 p.m.
2 p.m.
12 p.m.
Mar. 22 OUACHITA* (DH)
2 p.m.
Mar. 23 OUACHITA* (DH)
1 p.m.
Mar. 29 at Henderson* (DH)
1 p.m.
Mar. 30 at Henderson* (DH)
1 p.m.
Apr. 5 at Arkansas Tech* (DH)
1 p.m.
Apr. 6 at Arkansas Tech* (DH)
1 p.m.
Apr. 10 at Delta State (DH)
2 p.m.
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
Apr. 19 at SW Oklahoma* (DH)
2 p.m.
Apr. 20 at SW Oklahoma* (DH)
12 p.m.
* GAC game / (DH) – doubleheader
# Southeastern Shootout at Durant, Oklahoma
@ UAM Seven-State Classic at Bentonville, Arkansas
ne hundred seven UAM studentathletes reported grade point
averages of 3.0 or better during the
just-completed fall semester, according to
Chris Ratcliff, director of athletics.
That number represents 44.4 percent
of UAM’s 241 student-athletes. Of the
107 who posted GPA’s of 3.0 or better, 16
had perfect grade points of 4.0, another
35 posted GPA’s of 3.5 to 3.99, 27 had
grade points of 3.25 to 3.49, and 29 had
GPA’s of 3.0 to 3.24.
“I want to commend every member
of our athletic staff for the progress we
are making in improving the individual
academic standing of all our student-athletes,” said UAM Provost Jimmie Yeiser.
“The results of their efforts and the efforts
of our student-athletes are outstanding.
We are committed as an institution to
being the best we can be both on the
playing field and in the classroom.”
The overall grade point average for
UAM student-athletes during the 2012
fall semester was 2.579. All five women’s
teams – volleyball, cross country, basketball, softball, and golf – posted GPA’s
exceeding 3.0, led by softball, with a team
GPA of 3.499. Women’s golf was next
with a team GPA of 3.223, followed by
volleyball at 3.194, cross country at 3.030,
and basketball at 3.018. Overall, UAM’s
female athletes posted a combined GPA
of 3.237.
The five men’s teams – football,
basketball, cross country, baseball, and
golf – compiled an overall GPA of 2.370.
The overall GPA’s of the men’s teams were
3.062 (golf), 2.879 (baseball), 2.637 (cross
country), 2.147 (basketball), and 2.134
“While I continue to be pleased with
the academic performance of our student-athletes, we will continue to encourage these young men and women to excel
in the classroom as well as play an active
role in the community,” said Ratcliff. “I
am particularly pleased with the work
of our football team, which completed
more than 1,300 hours of community
service during the fall semester. We’re
working very hard to establish a strong
connection between the community and
our athletics programs. By excelling in
the classroom and reaching out to the
community, we are sending a positive
message to our alumni and friends that
this is a program worth supporting.”
Helping Their Community
SAAC HELPS OUT UAM’s Student-Athlete Advisory Committee recently raised $400 to help purchase
turkeys for free Thanksgiving meals through Pauline Baptist Church of Monticello. Pictured from left are Coda
Medlin of Como, Miss., a member of the UAM baseball team; Katie Slaughter of Austin, Tex., a member of
the softball team; Beth Johnson of Allen, Tex., a member of the softball team; Becky Carmichael of the Pauline
Baptist Church staff, Turah West, project chairperson, Kara House of Star City, a member of the softball team;
T. J. Cox of Bartlett, Tenn., a member of the baseball team; Christian Dragna of Mandeville, La., a member of
the Boll Weevil football team; and Blake Carr of Manila, Ark., a member of the golf team.
COACHES ON YOUTUBE The UAM athletic department has added another fan-friendly feature to the
university’s athletic website. Taped interviews with men’s and women’s basketball coaches Allen Sharpe and
Tanya Ray will be available on the website the day before each game. Assistant Athletic Director for Sports
Information Brian Ramsey will conduct the interviews. Just go to!
GAC Honors
Kleypas and
Allison Beardsley
Amy Kleypas
AM seniors Amy Kleypas and Allison
Beardsley have been selected to
the 2012 All-Great American Conference
Volleyball teams.
Kleypas was named to the All-GAC
second team after earning a spot on the
honorable mention list last season. Beardsley was an honorable mention selection.
Kleypas finished second in the GAC
in total kills with 397, fourth in points per
set with an average of 3.63, and second in
total points with 447.
A native of Crawford, Texas, Kleypas
was also a defensive threat with 381 digs.
Beardsley earned a spot on the
honorable mention list after finishing the
regular season ranked fifth in the league
with an average of 4.25 digs per set. The
Tacoma, Wash. native had 527 digs, third
in the league.
Beardsley recorded 61 assists and 14
service aces to go along with six kills for a
total of 20 points. In 34 matches, Beardsley reached the double-digit mark in digs
27 times and eclipsed the 20-dig barrier
nine times.
Jamal Nixon / All-GAC
Honorable Mention
59 receptions
771 yards
5 touchdowns
2013 Baseball
Feb. 1 Abilene Christian#
Feb. 2 Tarleton State#
Feb. 3 Texas A&M-Kingsville#
Feb. 4 Central Missouri#
Feb. 22 at SW Oklahoma*
Feb. 23 at SW Oklahoma* (DH)
Mar. 1 at Henderson*
Mar. 2 at Henderson* (DH)
Mar. 12 at UA-Pine Bluff
Mar. 19 at LeMoyne-Owen
Mar. 22 at Harding*
Mar. 23 at Harding* (DH)
Mar. 29 at E. C. Oklahoma*
Mar. 30 at E. C. Oklahoma* (DH)
Apr. 3 at Delta State
Apr. 10 at Ouachita
Apr. 23 at Lyon College
Apr. 26 at Southern Ark*
Apr. 27 at Southern Ark* (DH)
* GAC game / (DH) – doubleheader
# at Minute Maid Park, Houston, Texas
10 a.m.
4 p.m.
10 a.m.
1 p.m.
2 p.m.
2 p.m.
12 p.m.
1 p.m.
2 p.m.
12 p.m.
1 p.m.
2 p.m.
12 p.m.
2 p.m.
12 p.m.
2 p.m.
2 p.m.
12 p.m.
2 p.m.
2 p.m.
12 p.m.
12 p.m.
2 p.m.
12 p.m.
12 p.m.
2 p.m.
12 p.m.
2 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
2 p.m.
12 p.m.
2 p.m.
2 p.m.
12 p.m.
2 p.m.
2 p.m.
6 p.m.
12 p.m.
Winter / Spring 2013
Scott Saffold / Monticello
Vice Chair
Gregg Reep / Warren
Jack Lassiter / Monticello
Clay Brown / Monticello
Ed Bacon / Monticello
Bettye Gragg / Monticello
Nat Grubbs / Monticello
Lesa Cathey Handly / Little Rock
Kenneth Mann* / Jersey
Mellie Jo Owen / Monticello
Sean Rochelle / West Fork
Lynn Rodgers / Crossett
Ted Thompson / Dumas
Jeff Weaver / Hot Springs
* UAM representatives to the University of Arkansas Foundation, Inc., board of directors.
Weldon B. Abbott Endowed Scholarship / Mrs. Betty S. Abbott, Dr. and Mrs. Weldon S. Abbott, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Lavon Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Taylor, and Ms. Mary Ross Taylor
James Edward and Joy Dell Burton Akin Award / Mrs. Joy Dell Burton Akin
Alumni Achievement and Merit Scholarship / Recipients of the Alumni Achievement & Merit Award
Alumni Association Scholarship / Alumni Association Board of Directors
Hoyt and Susan Andres Endowed Scholarship / Hoyt and Susan Andres
Arkansas Seed Dealers Association Agriculture Endowed Scholarship / Arkansas Seed Dealers
Board of Directors
William R. and Katie B. Austin Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. William R. Austin, Jr.
Barbara Murphy Babin Scholarship / Dr. Claude Babin and Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Babin
Dr. Claude H. Babin Scholarship / School of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Former Students, Family and
K. Michael Baker Memorial Scholarship / School of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Former Students,
Family and Friends
Marvin and Edna Moseley Bankston Scholarship / Bob and Louine Selman Leech
Robert Orum and Fernande’ Vicknair Barrett Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Errol Barrett, Mr. and Mrs.
John K. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Barrett, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. T. Y.
Harp, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Pasqua, Judge and Mrs. Fred E. Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Roebuck
and Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Torian
Earl and Kathleen Baxter Memorial Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baxter
Beard Nursing Scholarship / Mr. Arthur R. and Mrs. Bettie Beard Pate
Leslie and Faye Beard Scholarship / Mr. Paul R. and Mrs. June Webb Carter
Major Thomas E. Bell, Jr. Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Coker and Coker Book Account
Fred K. Bellott Music Gift Fund / Dr. and Mrs. Fred K. Bellott
Fred and Doris Bellott Music Endowed Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Fred K. Bellott
*Henry (Mike) Berg Scholarship / Mrs. Helen Berg
Dr. Van C. Binns Scholarship - Nursing / Mrs. Evelyn Hogue Binns
Dr. Van C. Binns Scholarship - Pre-medicine / Mrs. Evelyn Hogue Binns
Birch-Johnson Endowed Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. J. Chester Johnson
John Falls Bowen Scholarship / Family, Friends and Battery B 206th Coast Artillery (AA) Association
Ruth G. Boyd Scholarship / Dr. Scott Boyd
C. Alton Boyd Jr. Memorial Scholarship / Barbara Boyd
Dr. Scott Boyd Memorial Scholarship / UAM Dept. of Health & P. E., Family and Friends
Fay Brann Accounting Scholarship / Mrs. J. F. Brann
Richard “Dick” Broach Wildlife Management Scholarship / Southern Pulpwood Co., Mrs. Nancy Clippert Broach, Mrs. Maxine Clippert and Mr. David Clippert
B. R. “Bobby” Brown Scholarship / Mr. B. R. “Bobby” Brown and Consol, Inc.
George R. Brown Professorship / The Brown Foundation
George R. Brown Graduate Assistant Forest Resources / The Brown Foundation
Joe Brown Memorial Scholarship / Family and Friends
Marty and Erma Brutscher Debate-Forensics Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Brutscher
Mary Claire Randolph Buffalo Scholarship / Mr. Harvey Buffalo
Jimmy Lee Buford Memorial Scholarship / Agriculture Technology Dept. Advisory
Committee, UAM College of Technology - McGehee
Montre Bulloch “Angel” Scholarship / William C. Bulloch
Eugenia H. (Moss) Burson & Jack D. Burson Scholarship / Family and Friends
Jeff Busby Memorial Scholarship / Family and Friends
Verna Hobson Cahoon, Elizabeth Coleman Cochran and Cornelia Coleman Wright Scholarship /
Tom and Julia Coleman Family
G. William and Verna Hobson Cahoon Scholarship / Tom and Julia Coleman Family
Alvin and Raye Carter Education Scholarship / Mr. Dale W. Carter and Mr. Robert Ira Carter
Paul R. and June Webb Carter Scholarship / Mr. Paul R. and Mrs. June Webb Carter
Paul R. and June Webb Carter - Drew Central High School Scholarship / Mr. Paul R. and Mrs. June
Webb Carter
James P. Cathey Business Scholarship / Brooks and Lesa Cathey Handly
Centennial Circle / 100 Special Friends
Chair of the Division Scholarship - Nursing / Dr. and Mrs. Richard Kluender
Chamberlin Wildlife Scholarship / Mr. H. H. Chamberlin
Hank Chamberlin Memorial Scholarship / Family, Friends, Former students, Associates and Colleagues
Marjorie Lamb Chamberlin Music Scholarship / Family and Friends
Anthony T. and Faye Chandler Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Chandler, Family and Friends
George H. Clippert Endowed Chair in Forestry / Mr. and Mrs. George H. Clippert; Mr. David H. Clippert; and Mrs. Nancy Clippert Broach
George H. Clippert Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. George H. Clippert
Coker Alumni Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Coker and Coker Book Account
Ernestine Coker Endowed Music Scholarship / Dr. Jesse M. Coker
Jesse and Ernestine Coker Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Coker
Dr. Jesse M. Coker Distinguished Service Scholarship / UAM Foundation Fund Board of Directors
Thomas and Julia Hobson Coleman Scholarship / Tom and Julia Coleman Family
Suzanne Cooke Memorial Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cooke
Stephen T. Crowley Forestry Scholarship / Mr. James H. Hamlen
Quentious A. Crews Endowment / Mr. Jim and Rhonda Woodruff
Van and Eula Mae Cruce Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday
James Gordon Culpepper Scholarship / School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Former Students
and Friends
O. H. (Doogie) and Patsy Darling Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Darling
Boyce Davis Award / Mr. Randy Risher
Troy and Betty Davis Scholarship / Andy and April Davis, Mr. Kent Davis and Friends
C. W. Day Scholarship / Day Farms, Inc., Danny Day, Sr. Family, Raymond Day Family, Rickey Day Family,
Sue Day Wood Family, William Day Family
Dean’s Scholarship - Forest Resources / Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kluender
Harry Y. Denson Scholarship / Family, Friends and Former Students
Gregory Alan Devine Memorial Scholarship / Marion and Fern Devine
Dr. Gene R. Dillard Education Award / Mrs. Gerry Dillard, Family and Friends
Peggy Doss Endowed Education Scholarship / School of Education Faculty/Staff and Mr. D. John
John Dougherty Choral Scholarship / Senator Jimmy Jeffress, Senator Gene Jeffress, Former Students
and Friends
Drew County Extension Homemakers Council Endowed Scholarship / Drew County EHC
Drew County Extension Homemakers Council Endowed Award / Drew County EHC
David B. Eberdt Scholarship / Mrs. Nancy Eberdt
Susan Phillips Echols Memorial Endowed Scholarship / Ronald K. Echols, Family and Friends
Vance W. Edmondson Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Vance W. Edmondson
Dr. Albert L. Etheridge Scholarship / School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Former Students
and Friends
Hampton and Minnie Etheridge Scholarship / James and Mary Sawyer, Stacey and Helen Toole, T. D.
and Joy Howell, R. M. and Rose Etheridge, Hampton and Marie Etheridge
Drs. Glen and Mary Jane Gilbert Scholarship / Drs. Glen and Mary Jane Gilbert and Friends
Wayne Gilleland Golf Scholarship / Dr. Diane Suitt Gilleland and Friends
Shay Gillespie Phi Beta Sigma Leadership Scholarship / Family and friends of Mr. R. Shay Gillespie
Classie Jones-Green African-American Alumni Scholarship / UAM African American Alumni Association, Family and Friends
Harold J. Green Scholarship / Harold J. Green
Bill Groce, Jr. Memorial Scholarship / Family and Friends
Willie Katherine Coody Groce Scholarship / Estate of Willie Katherine Coody Groce
Edward & Veronica Groebner Computer Information Systems Support Endowment / Dr. James F.
Joseph Martin Guenter - Sigma Tau Gamma Scholarship / Sigma Tau Gamma Alumni
E. Shermane Gulledge Non-traditional Scholarship / Dr. Dexter E. and Mrs. E. Shermane Gulledge
Izella Ruth Gulledge Scholarship / Dr. Dexter E. and Mrs. E. Shermane Gulledge
Annette K. Hall Scholarship - Music / Mr. Barry Hall
Annette K. Hall Graduate Studies in Education Scholarship / Mr. Barry Hall
Barry Hall Endowed Scholarship / Mrs. Annette Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Cleatous J. Hall and Mrs. Audrey
James S. Hancock Memorial Nursing Endowed Scholarship / Mrs. Carolyn Grubbs Hancock, Mrs.
Hilda Hancock Malpica and Mrs. Becky Hancock Crossett
Susie Hargis Nursing Scholarship / Charles Hargis
Arthur A. Harris Vocal Endowed Scholarship / Mrs. Annette Hall, Family and Friends
Helen Harris Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Harris, Division of Music, and Friends
Hani and Debra Hashem Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Hani Hashem
Dr. Ann Haywood Scholarship / Dr. Cecil Haywood, Former colleagues, Friends and Students of the
School of Education
Cecil C. Haywood Scholarship / Dr. Ann Haywood, Friends and Former Students of the School of
Henry G. Hearnsberger, Sr. Forest Resources Scholarship / Mrs. George H. Clippert
Mrs. Henry G. Hearnsberger, Sr. Nursing Scholarship / Mrs. George H. Clippert
Paul G. and Leone Hendrickson Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Hendrickson, Sr.
Frank D. Hickingbotham Scholarship / Mr. Frank D. Hickingbotham
William and Anna Hill Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. William T. Hill
Iris Sullivan Hipp Nursing Scholarship / Ms. Sally Hipp Austin, Ms. Sheila Nichole Austin, and Mr. Hank
E. Williams
Robert L. Hixson Memorial Scholarship / Family and Friends
Wilburn C. Hobgood Scholarship / School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Former Students and
Benjamin and Jerri Whitten Hobson Scholarship / Tom and Julia Coleman Family
Hornaday Outstanding Faculty Award / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday
Charlotte Cruce Hornaday Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday
Dan and Charlotte Hornaday Agriculture Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday
Dan and Charlotte Hornaday Computer Information Systems Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Dan & Charlotte Hornaday Debate & Forensics Endowment / Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hornaday
Dan and Charlotte Hornaday Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday
Dan and Charlotte Hornaday Music Excellence Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday
Dan and Charlotte Hornaday Residence Life Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday
James A. Hudson Scholarship / James A. Hudson Memorial Foundation
Jim Huey Scholarship / Family, Friends and Colleagues
Henry B. Humphry Memorial Scholarship / Family and Friends
Lamar Hunter Scholarship / The Reinhart Family
Lamar Hunter Veterans and National Guard Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Coker and Coker
Book Account
Dean and Mrs. James H. Hutchinson Endowed Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jackson
James H. and Elva B. Hutchinson Scholarship / Estate of Dr. James H. Hutchinson, Jr.
Dr. C. Lewis & Wanda W. Hyatt Endowed Scholarship / Mrs. Charlotte Hyatt McGarr & Mr. C. Lewis
Hyatt, Jr.
Indoor Practice Facility Endowed Maintenance Fund / Mr. Quintus Crews
Brigadier General Wesley Jacobs Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Coker and Coker Book Account
Veneta E. and Louis Richard James Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. James
Loran L. Johnson Endowed Scholarship / Mississippi Marine Corporation and other individuals known
as “Loran’s Boys”
Virginia M. Ryan Jones Memorial Nursing Scholarship / Dr. C. Morrell Jones and Family and Friends
Kingwood Forestry Scholarship / Proceeds from sale of Lake Monticello maps
Robert C. Kirst Agriculture Scholarship / University of Arkansas at Monticello
Agriculture Alumni Society
Grady and Myrtle Burks Knowles Scholarship / Mrs. Myrtle Burks Knowles
Timothy Ku Scholarship / Mr. Lawrence A. Ku and Mr. Albert Ku
Victoria Ku Scholarship / School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Former Students, Friends and
Curtis W. Kyle Family Scholarship / Mr. Curtis W. Kyle, Jr.
Curtis W. Kyle, Sr. Forestry Scholarship / Mr. Curtis W. Kyle, Jr.
Fred H. Lang Forestry Scholarship / Mrs. Elizabeth S. Lang
Leslie Larance Elementary Education Award / Family and Friends
Randall Leister Scholarship / Friends
A.D. and Nellie Leonard Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Leonard
Willis “Convoy” Leslie Scholarship / Former Teammates, Former Football Players and Members of the
Arkansas National Guard
Gerald and Sue Majors Endowed Scholarship / Trinity Foundation
Robert W.D. Marsh Scholarship / Mrs. Demaris Marsh
Martin -Wiscaver Endowed Scholarship / Dr. Jesse M. Coker
Mathematics Scholarship / Anonymous
Mathematics-Physics Scholarship / School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Former Students and
Betty A. Matthews Women’s Athletics Scholarship / Dr. Betty A. Matthews
J. M. and Annie Mae Matthews Scholarship / Mrs. J. M. Matthews, Sr., Ms. Jane Matthews Evans and Mr.
Jim Matthews
Tommy Matthews Athletic Scholarship / Tommy and Pat Matthews, Bynum Matthews and
Ann Matthews Jones
Virginia Lee Maxwell Memorial Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Maxwell and Family
Pauline J. and Zach McClendon, Sr. Scholarship / Union Bank & Trust Company
Elizabeth Culbertson McDaniel Scholarship / CMD. Noel Waymon McDaniel and Mr. Noel A.
Noel Waymon and LaFran H. McDaniel Scholarship / Mr. Noel Waymon and Mrs. LaFran H. McDaniel
James and Nellie McDonald Scholarship in Memory of David Michael Stapp / Chicot Irrigation,
Inc.-Lake Village, James and Nellie McDonald, Glen and Beverly Rowe, Rick and Linda Rowe, Mike
and Cindy McDonald
Paul C. McDonald Memorial Scholarship / Ms. Betty McDonald, Dr. James McDonald, Mr. Garrett
Vogel, and Dr. Betsy Boze
Thomas McGill Scholarship / Mr. Thomas W. McGill
Thomas McGill Forestry Scholarship / Mr. Thomas W. McGill
Cecil McNiece Family Scholarship Fund / Mrs. Virginia McNiece and Family
Willard G. Mears Estate Scholarship / Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Willard G. Mears
Miller Sisters Scholarship - Education / Miss Jessie W. Miller
Miller Sisters Scholarship -Science / Miss Jessie W. Miller
Minnie May Moffatt Business Scholarship / Ms. Minnie May Moffatt
Pattie Phenton Moffatt Vocal Music Scholarship / Mrs. Marsha Daniels
Ruth and Wells Moffatt Forestry Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Wells Moffatt
Walter A. and Myrtle Wells Moffatt Scholarship / Wells and Ruth Moffatt, Walter A. Moffatt, Jr., Minnie May Moffatt and Pattie Moffatt
Dr. Walter A. Moffatt, Jr. Scholarship / Ms. Minnie May Moffatt and Ms. Pattie P. Moffatt
Monticello Association of Life Underwriters / Monticello Association of Life Underwriters
Monticello High School Class of 1965 Scholarship / The MHS Class of 1965
William E. Morgan-Weevil Pond Endowment / Estate of William E. Morgan
Juanita Louise Moss Scholarship / Family and Friends
Kermit C. Moss Scholarship / Family and Friends of Kermit C. Moss
Robert H. Moss Endowed Scholarship / Steven C. Moss
P. E. and Melba Munnerlyn Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Munnerlyn
Charles H. Murphy, Jr. Memorial Scholarship / Deltic Timber Corporation
Jim Neeley Scholarship / Mr. Jim Neeley
D. John Nichols Scholarship / Mr. D. John Nichols and Mississippi Marine Corporation
Loyal V. Norman Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sowell
Velma Ashcraft Norman Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sowell
Dale Oliver Forestry Scholarship / Mr. James H. Hamlen
Al Peer Kappa Alpha Psi Alumni Scholarship / Mr. Jerry Bingham and Kappa Alpha Psi Alumni
Merle and Deloris Peterson Scholarship / Merle and Deloris Peterson, Friends and Associates in the
Dumas, Arkansas, Community
Phi Sigma Chi Memorial Award / Phi Sigma Chi alumnae and friends
Earl K. Phillips Math & Science Endowed Scholarship / Mrs. Patricia Phillips
B. C. Pickens Endowed Scholarship / B. C. Pickens Trust
Bub and Beulah Pinkus Scholarship / The Pinkus Family
Emeline Killiam Pope, Sally Pope Wood, and Velma Wood Powell Scholarship / Estate of Velma
Wood Powell
John Porter and Mary Sue Price Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. John Porter Price
R. David Ray Debate and Forensics Scholarship / School of Arts and Humanities, Former Students and
Russ Reynolds Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reynolds, Family and Friends
Randy Risher Fitness Scholarship / Mr. Randy Risher and Friends
Raymond O. & Loretta J. Roiger Chi Iota Sigma Scholarship / Dr. James Roiger
James Roiger Computer Information Systems Scholarship / Dr. James Roiger
James F. Roiger Endowed Fund for Library Acquisitions / Dr. James Roiger
Ross Foundation Endowed Scholarship - Forestry / The Ross Foundation
Ross Foundation Endowed Scholarship - General / The Ross Foundation
James A. & Mabel (Molly) H. Ross Endowed Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Ross & Mr. and Mrs.
James A. Ross, Jr.
Calvin V. Rowe Award / Mr. Calvin V. Rowe
Bennie F. Ryburn, Sr. Scholarship / Family and Friends
Cecil R. Scaife Scholarship / Mrs. Cecil Scaife and Children
Thomas Robie Scott, Jr. Scholarship / Mrs. Opal Scott, Mr. Thomas Scott III, Mr. Michael Robert Scott
and Mr. Phillip Roland Scott
Elwood Shade Forest Resources Scholarship / Mr. Elwood Shade
Simmons First Bank of South Arkansas Scholarship / Simmons First Bank of South Arkansas
Herman C. Steelman Scholarship / School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Former Students and
Harry H. Stevens Nursing Scholarship / Bradley County Medical Center
*Roy and Christine Sturgis / The Roy and Christine Sturgis Charitable and Educational Trust
Fred and Janice Taylor Scholarship / Friends of UAM
Jack H. Tharp Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Tharp
Carolyn Hibbs Thompson Chemistry Scholarship / The Don Thompson Family &
Thompson Electric Co.
Horace E. Thompson Scholarship / Members of UCT, Family and Friends
George E. Townsend Mass Communication Scholarship / Mr. George E. Townsend
Winter / Spring 2013
George and Betty Townsend Journalism Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. George E. Townsend
UAM Alumni and Friends Endowed Scholarship / UAM Alumni and Friends
UAM Campus Scholarship / UAM Faculty and Staff
UAM Forestry Alumni Scholarship / UAM Forestry Alumni
Richard Wallace Memorial Scholarship / Family and Friends
Lee Wallick Band Scholarship / Dr. Paul A. Wallick, Sr., Friends and Former Band Students
Dr. Paul Allen Wallick, Sr. Scholarship / Family and Friends
Peggy Wallick Scholarship / Dr. Paul A. Wallick, Sr., Family, Friends and Former Students
Carroll E. Walls Sr. and Colleen S. Walls Forestry Scholarship / Carroll and Colleen Walls
Webb-Carter Scholarship / Mr. Paul R. and Mrs. June Webb Carter
Bill and Marilyn Webb Forest Resources Endowed Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Kent Webb and
Monticello Church of Christ
Maurice and Minnie Chambers Webb Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Bill Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Kent Webb,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Banwarth
West-Walden Family Scholarship / Dr. Louis J. and Mrs. Carol West James
Robert Weih Family Eagle Scout-Gold Award Endowed Scholarship / Robert and Marilyn Weih
George White Golf Award / Family and Friends
James M. White Memorial Scholarship / Deltic Farm & Timber Co., Inc., Family and Friends
James M. White Professorship / Deltic Farm & Timber Co., Inc., Family and Friends
John W. White Forestry Scholarship / Estate of Trannye O. White
Sara Horn Wigley Memorial Scholarship / Sam Wigley Family and Charles & Donna Bell Family
**Larry Willett Scholarship / Family, Co-workers and Friends
Samuel A. Williams Scholarship / Mr. Sam W. Denison
Earl Willis Scholarship / Family, Friends and Drew Central Alumni
Anne Wilson Scholarship / Family and Friends
Dr. George F. Wynne, Sr. Scholarship / Mrs. Matilda Wynne
Dr. David M. Yocum Family Endowed Scholarship / Dr. David Yocum, Jr. and Mr. David Yocum, IV
Madge Youree Scholarship / School of Education, Family and Friends
*Held by the Institution / **Held by the UA Agricultural Development Council
Arkansas SAF / Ouachita Society of American Foresters & Arkansas Division of Ouachita Society of
American Foresters
Dr. Ed Bacon Scholarship / Ms. Isabel Bacon
Terrell Baker Forest Resources Scholarship / Terrell & Sheila Baker
C. H. Barnes Scholarship / Family and Friends
Kelly Bashaw Memorial Scholarship / Family and Friends
Bramlett Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Morris Bramlett
Gene Brown Memorial Baseball Scholarship / Family and Friends
Charles Fred and Laura Lee Stephenson Dearman Scholarship / Chuck and Cindy Dearman, David
and Ashley Dearman
Pat Grider Southeast Arkansas Veteran’s Scholarship / Eric Grider
Charles Hawkins Memorial Fund / Family
Jo Hutchinson and Charles E. Jackson Education Endowed Scholarship / Deborah Jackson Thornhill,
Jimmie Jo Jackson, Dr. Charles E. Jackson, Jr., and Lucy Jackson Cyphers
Jack Jordan Golf Scholarship / Friends
Dr. Kathy Brown King Health and Physical Education Graduate Scholarship / Dr. Kathy Brown King
John A. Little Memorial Scholarship / Dorothy A. Little
E. Wesley McCoy Scholarship / Ouachita-Saline Surveying and Mr. Mike Miley
Ernest and Mary McFarland Scholarship / Mary I. McFarland
Kenneth D. Mann Endowed Scholarship / Kenneth D. Mann
Arhia Raymond Melton and Mildred Richardson Melton Scholarship / Estate of W. F. Chumney
Rison High School Scholarship / Jasper Calaway, Rison Business Community and Friends
E. R. “Bob” Wall Scholarship / Mrs. Sara Wall
Robert W. Wiley Endowed Scholarship / Family and Friends
Chris Johnson / Mr. and Mrs. Chris Johnson
Phillip Pierini / Mr. Phillip Pierini
Tim Pruitt / Mr. Timothy R. Pruitt
Gus “Bubba” Pugh, Jr. / Mr. Gus “Bubba” Pugh, Jr.
Guy “Butch” Sabbatini, Jr. / Mr. Butch Sabbatini, Jr.
Johnny Hooks / Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hooks
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll E. Walls, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kim L. Mitchell
Hunter Bell Memorial Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Jim Manning
BKD Accounting Education Award / BKD, LLP
Commercial Bank Business Award / Commercial Bank
Judge Bill Daniels Scholarship / Bill Daniels
Farmers Grain Terminal Award / Farmers Grain Terminal
Georgia-Pacific Crossett Paper Operations Award / Georgia-Pacific
Larry Hopper-Family Band Music Scholarship / J. Larry Hopper
John A. Little Memorial Scholarship / Dorothy A. Little
Ralph McQueen Business Award / Ralph McQueen & Co.
Jewell Minnis Scholarship / Jewell Minnis Trust
Lucille Moseley Memorial Scholarship / Family and friends
Linda Pinkus Scholarship / Mr. Lester Pinkus, Lee Pinkus & Ladd Pinkus
James & Venie Ann Powell Scholarship / James & Venie Ann Powell Fund
Congressman Mike Ross Scholarship / Congressman & Mrs. Mike Ross
A. O. Tucker Memorial Scholarship / Mrs. Glenda Carol Tucker Baker
UAM Institute of Management Accountants Scholarship / UAM student chapter of the IMA
Wallace Trust Scholarship / Wallace Trust
AM Rental and Sales
Ameca Mexican Restaurant
Arkansas Ag Company
Arkansas Crop Production
Arkansas Superior Credit Union
Baker’s Electrical Supplies
Berry’s True Value
Boeing Company
Bob White Memorial Foundation
Bulloch, Inc.
Bulloch Farms, LLC
Cardiovascular Surgery Center
Chevron Humankind
City Drug of Monticello
Cobb Financial Services
Commercial Bank & Trust Co.
Community Communications
Contractor’s Supply & Equip. Co.
Davis Building Inc.
DCHS Class of ‘61
DMC Construction LLC
Deltic Timber Company
Desha County Single Parent
Drew County Extension Home Council
Drew County Newspaper, Inc.
Dumas Motor Company
ExxonMobil Foundation
Faith & Trust Investment Properties
Farmer’s Grain Terminal
Fidelity Investment
First Baptist Church-Monticello
First National Bank of McGehee
First State Bank of Warren
Ganesha Hospitality, LLC
Glenwood Furniture
Great American Conference
Gulf Rice Milling, Inc
H.B.H. Enterprises
Head of the Class Child Care
Center, LLC
Holt Auto Group
Hooties, Inc.
Huffmay II, LLC
I & L Inc.
Jackson’s Bayou Boys
Jeff Self Pools and Spas Inc.
Jefferson Regional Medical Center
Kingwood Forestry
Law Offices – Sara M. Hartness
Lena’s Cafe
Lubrizol Foundation
Lucky’s of Monticello
Martin Knee & Sports Medicine Center PA
Maxwell Hardwood Flooring
McKiever Farms
Michael James Insurance Agency
Milner/Owyoung Insurance Group
Molly’s Diner
Monticello Ambulance
Monticello School District
Murphy Oil Corporation
O & M Oil Company
Oak Grove Assembly of God
O’Fallon Veterinary
Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation
PCS Administration
P & M Quality Medical, LLC
Parker Builders, Inc.
Parkway Bank
Pettit & Pettit Engineers
Piggy Sue’s
Potash Corporation
Price Services, Inc.
Ralph McQueen & Co., LTD
Reinhart Family Healthcare
Reinhart Farms
Reynolds American Foundation
Risher Fitness Management
Robinson Furniture
Ross Foundation
Ryburn Motor Company
SeaArk Marine, Inc.
Sign Systems
Simmons First Bank of South Ark
Sonic Drive In - Monticello
South Arkansas Rehabilitation
Southeast Arkansas Realty and Appraisal
Southeast Chapter of ASCPA
Spectra Energy
State Farm Insurance Companies
Systemex, Inc.
Texas Instruments Foundation
Three H’s LLC
Tom Wingard Realty
Town & Country Florist
Toyota Dealer
Triple A Diesel Service
Turner’s Snax
UAM African American Alumni
UAM Agriculture Alumni Society
UAM Institute of Management Accountants
Union Bank & Trust Company
Wallace Trust Foundation
War Eagle Boats
Warren Wholesale
Watson Homes, Inc.
Wells Fargo Foundation
Western Sizzlin
White River Diagnostic Clinic, PLC
Wil-Co Flying Service, LLC
Wilson Brothers Lumber Co.
The UAM Foundation donors
list includes alumni, friends
and other contributors whose
gifts were received January
1 –December 31, 2012. Please
report any corrections to the
UAM Advancement Office at
(870)460-1028 or to Roxanne
Smith at [email protected]
Unity &
Movement Club
$2,500 or more
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bulloch
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Carmical
Mrs. Maxine Clippert
Mrs. Lucy J. Cyphers
Mr. Phillip and Dr. Laura Evans
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fakouri
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gibson
Mr. Charles A. Hargis
Mr. J. Larry Hopper
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hornaday
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hutchison
Dr. Charlie Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Lassiter
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Leech
Mr. James S. Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Owen, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Phillips
Mrs. Patricia K. Phillips
Mr. R.A. Pickens
Mr. Lester Pinkus
Mr. Randy and Dr. Neela Risher
Mr. Thomas M. Smith
Dr. Thomas P. Springer
Mrs. Deborah J. Thornhill
Mr. and Mrs. Scotty D. Watkins
Mrs. Robert C. Weih
Galaxy Club
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Baker
Mr. William H. Bowen
Dr. and Mrs. Dexter E. Gulledge
Mrs. Cleatous J. Hall
Dr. William M. Heroman
Ms. Sara Holcomb
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Jordan
Dr. Kathy B. King
Ms. Dorothy A. Little
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Majors
Dr. Betty A. Matthews
Mrs. Charlotte McGarr
Mr. Thomas W. McGill
Mr. Mark A. Normand
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Owyoung
Dr. James F. Roiger
Congressman and Mrs. Mike Ross
Mr. Richard L. Smart
Mr. Ted D. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Wall
Mrs. Sara E. Wall
Emerald Club
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bob Allaire
Dr. and Mrs. Ed Bacon
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Baker
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barker
Dr. and Mrs. Morris Bramlett
Mrs. June M. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Cash
Mr. Kyle R. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Denzil R. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Davis
Mr. Danny Day, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Qiaomei Fu
Drs. Glen and Mary Jane Gilbert
Mr. C. Barry Hall
Mr. and Mrs. William “Hud”
Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. James
Dr. Carl B. Johnston
Mrs. Cynthia Snow Kopack
Hon. and Mrs. Eugene Mazzanti
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Manning
Mrs. Angela J. Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald N. McFarland
Mr. Bobby McGarr
Mr. and Mrs. Louis McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Kent L. McRae
Mr. Dale Mizell
Dr. Steven C. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Oxner
Mrs. Matti Palluconi
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Pearson
Dr. John W. Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ratcliff
Ms. Libby Sands
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whiting, Sr
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Wooley
Dr. and Mrs. Jimmie Yeiser
Loyalty Club
Mrs. Susan Carson Adkins
Ms. Minnie L. Allen
Dr. John T. Annulis
Dr. and Mrs. Carl D. Blythe
Mr. Jeff Bone
Ms. Amelia A. Boney
Dr. Russell H. Bulloch
Dr. Gregory Borse
Dr. Debbie Bryant
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Burch, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney T. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Curlin
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Denman
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Denson
Mr. and Mrs. Ben R. Dunlap
Mr. Wayne Eitel
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fisackerly
Mr. and Mrs. Byron A. Galloway
Dr. Robert Graber
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Griffin
Mr. Eric Grider
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Halstead
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hargis
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Harris
Ms. Lynn Harris
Mr. Tuffy Hill
Mr. James A. Hudgins
Dr. and Mrs. John Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Jones
Mr. Jay Jones
Mr. Michael Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Jones, III
Mr. Brenton J. Keefer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kuttenkuler
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Leonard
Mr. Hal O. Liechty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lucky
Mr. and Mrs. Chris E. Marhenke
Ms. Susana S. Martins
Ms. Carol McCorkle
Mrs. Cindy Mejeur
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ogle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Pennington
Mr. Ryan Pilcher
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Ray
Ms. Linda Herrington Rushing
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Saffold
Ms. Norma Sands
Mr. James L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Thomason
Ms. Debra Wilson
Mrs. Susan Young
Century Club
Mrs. Cindy Adair
Mr. Joshua P. Adams
Ms. Ruby Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Barnett
Mr. Devin M. Bayes
Mr. F.M. Bellingrath
Mr. and Mrs. James Berry
Mrs. Mildred F. Brazeel
Mr. Scott Brezee
Ms. T. Lesia Brokell-Runyan
Mr. Anthony T. Budde
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Buzbee
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Carson
Mrs. Patti J. Carter
Mr. Robert Ira Carter
Mrs. Dorothy Chambers
Mr. and Mrs Raymond C. Chao
Dr. and Mrs. Tim D. Chase
Representative and Mrs. Eddie
Mr. Jody Clements
Dr. Jesse M. Coker
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Crossley
Mr. William J. Currie
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Day
Mrs. Memorie Dickson
Mr. Michael A. Eitel
Dr. Ranelle Eubanks
Ms. Patricia A. Ewens
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fakouri
Ms. Christine Felts
Mr. Ronald K. Forte, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Joel F. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Funderburg
Mrs. Paula Furlough
Mr. Gary R. Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Gibson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Glover
Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Gober
Ms. Pamela D. Gouner
Mrs. Linda Haddock
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hartley
Ms. Ella M. Helm
Mr. Thomas H. Helzerman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Henley
Mr. Calvin Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Holt
Mr. Tommy Hooks
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Horvath, Jr.
Col. and Mrs. (Ret.) Byron P.
Howlett, Jr.
Mr. Jerry D. Hubbard
Mr. Michael James
Mrs. Bonita S. Johnson
Mr. Michael N. Johnson
Mrs. Marie Jones
Dr. and Mrs. B.J. Jordan
Mr. Robert E. Kissell, Jr.
Ms. Patricia Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Lansdale
Ms. Shirley A. Lawson
Ms. Cynthia A. Lennox
Mr. Lee S. Lennox
Dr. Brian R. Lockhart
MHS Class of ‘65
Mr. Billy H. Majors
Mrs. Patricia Mangum
Mr. Henry V. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. James E. McClain, Jr.
Mr. Mark McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKeown
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. McKiever
Ms. Lisa McKinney
Mr. Phillip Morris
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Nixon
Dr. and Mrs. Walter R. Oglesby
Mr. Jeff Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby R. Pace
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pace
Mr. Charles A. Pambianchi
Mr. Paul F. Parker
Mrs. Barbara L. Patch
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Patrick
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Pelkki
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Pennington
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pennington
Ms. Rebecca Pennington
Mr. Clifton Phillips
Ms. Susan Porto
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Prestridge
Mrs. Penny Prince
Mr. Phillip S. Prince
Mr. Stephen P. Prisley
Mr. David Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Saffold
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Scherm
Mr. Louis Craig Shackelford
Ms. Lenore Shoults
Mr. Jerry E. Smith
Ms. Wilma J. Smith
Ms. Diana S. Sprecker
Mrs. Theora A. Steward
Dr. and Mrs. Phil Tappe
Dr. Lynne C. Thompson
Ms. Elizabeth P. Thurman
Mr. Mark A. Tiner
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Umholtz
Mr. James V. Vinyard
Mr. Aaron T. Wages
Ms. Tamara Walkingstick
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Weih, Sr.
Mrs. Shirley Weygandt
Mr. and Mrs. Cedric E. Williams
Ms. Melinda Williams
Mr. James W. Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Wise
How Can I Give?
If you would like to make a gift or donation
to the UAM Foundation Fund, please contact
the Office of Advancement at (870) 460-1028
or email us at [email protected]. A gift
to the Foundation creates a lasting legacy
and provides educational opportunities for
deserving young people!
Winter / Spring 2013
The Centennial Circle
As part of the university’s 100th birthday celebration. UAM is seeking pledges of $10,000 each to be used to create a $1 million unrestricted endowment for the UAM Foundation Fund. Earnings from this endowment will be used
on an annual basis to meet priority needs of the university. These priorities will be determined by a joint committee of
administration, faculty, and students. None of the endowment earnings will be used to augment salaries. Members of
The Centennial Circle have their names, or the names of whomever they designate, inscribed on the Centennial Clock
If you would like to be part of The Centennial Circle, we encourage you to contact the UAM Office of Advancement, at (800) 467-8148 or (870) 460-1028.
Centennial Circle Members
Mike & Susan Akin
Joe Bob & Missy Allaire
Hoyt & Susan Andres
Elizabeth (Libby) Annulis
Barbara & Claude Babin
Pervis & Mary Nell Ballew
Mike & Patsy Berry
John Falls Bowen (by William H. &
Constance Bowen)
Prof. Alaga H. & Myrtle I. Boyd (by
Robert & Faye Boyd)
Marty & Erma Brutscher
The Bulloch Family - Bud, Carole, Liz, Sarah
Kelton & Betty Busby
Paul R. & June Webb Carter
James & Sue Cathey
Steven L. Cathey M.D.
Dr. Tim & Paige Chase
The Centennial Class of 2009
Jesse & Ernestine Coker
Quentious A. Crews (by Jim & Rhonda
Crews Woodruff)
Van & Eula Mae Cruce (by Dan &
Charlotte Hornaday)
Crossett Alumni & Friends
Drew County Extension Homemakers
Dumas Alumni & Friends
David B. & Nancy Kyle Eberdt (by Bobby
& Kimberly Eberdt Edmonds)
Anthony W. & Cathy H. Fakouri
Victor Felley, Ark. A. & M. Trustee (by
Wayne & Mellie Jo Owen)
First National Bank of McGehee
The Frazer Family
Jean C. & Oscar F. Frisby
Lewis & Wanda Gardner - Lone Star
Station / Boll Weevil Café
Barbara Blanks Gathen (by the UAM
African American Alumni Association,
family & friends)
Jerry, June, Jay & Judd Gibson
Lisa & Cliff Gibson
John W., Martha (McDougald), John, Jr. &
Mark Gibson
Diane Suitt Gilleland
Rev. Shay & Mrs. Sherrie Gillespie
Dwight & Linda Teague Goodwin (by
Randy Risher, Mark Risher and Roger
John DeWitt Halstead (by Harry E. “Pete”
Jim & Betty Jo Hardy Hercher
Frank D. Hickingbotham
Dan & Charlotte Cruce Hornaday
John & Nora Hornaday (by Dan &
Charlotte Hornaday)
President Frank Horsfall & Margaret
Vaulx Horsfall (by Dr. & Mrs. Gordon
D. Gates)
Herb & Cheryl Hutchison
Dr. Louis J. & Carol West James
J. Chester Johnson
Dr. Carl Briner Johnston
Jordan Family - James T., Bonnie, Terry,
Jerry & Cindy
Don E. & Joyce M. King
Curtis W. Kyle, Jr.
Judy & Jack Lassiter
Robert Leonard
The Carl F. Lucky, Jr. Family
Carol & Weaver L. Majors
Gerald & Sue Majors
Kenneth, Sharon, & Jennifer Mann
Dot & M.L. Mann
Bryan & Dr. Sue S. Martin
Dr. Betty A. Matthews
Allen & Dana Maxwell
Noel Waymon McDaniel (by Noel A.
McDaniel & Marlene Ballard)
Julian W., Sr. & Jean Mettetal (by Wayne
Mettetal, Sherry Mettetal Woods, Ted
Mettetal, Mike Mettetal, and Mary
Ellen Mettetal McAllister)
Thomas V. & Sarah Beth Burchfield
Kim Lloyd Mitchell
Moffatt Family - Walter, Jr., Wells, Ruth,
Minnie May & Pattie
Lamar G. Moore
Jim Neeley
Donetta F. McGriff, RN (by Ray & Misty
D. John Nichols
J. C. & Carolyn Crain Nichols
Jeff & Sallie Owyoung
R. David & Loyce Ray (by Dr. & Mrs.
B. Alan Sugg)
Richard & Eddye Ann Reinhart
Jeffrey Hunter Reinhart, MD
Randy & Neela Risher
Bennie F. Ryburn, Sr. & Virginia M.
Ryburn (by Commercial Bank & Trust
Co/First State Bank of Warren)
Dr. & Mrs. Harry L. Ryburn
Margaret Horsfall Schadler & Harvey
Walter Schadler
Johnny & Linda Smith
Tom & Dianne Springer
G. Warren Stephenson
Jean & Alan Sugg
Jack D. & Ted D. Thompson
Union Bank & Trust Company
Joseph Wallace Trust
Terri Wolfe - Beth Thurman
Jimmie & Linda Yeiser
Ryburn Gifts
yburn Toyota of Monticello and
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc., have
teamed to make two contributions to
the University of Arkansas at Monticello
totaling $15,000.
The combined gifts included $5,000
to the UAM Student Ambassadors
and the Student Alumni Delegates and
$10,000 to the Swing for the Fences Campaign to help renovate the university’s
baseball and softball facilities.
The $15,000 donation included a
$7,500 match from Toyota Motor Sales.
The Student Ambassadors work with
the Office of Admissions in the recruitment of new students and serve as official
representatives of the university at both
on-campus and off-campus events. The
Alumni Delegates assist the Office of
Alumni Affairs in hosting events on and
off campus, including alumni receptions,
hospitality rooms for athletic events, and
“Ryburn Toyota is proud to support
UAM and all its activities,” said Bennie
Ryburn, III, president and chief executive
officer. “The university is a vital part of
our community and we are committed to
its success.”
Chris Ratcliff, UAM’s director of athletics, thanked Ryburn for the donation.
“Bennie Ryburn has been, and continues
to be, one of our most loyal supporters,”
Ratcliff said. “On behalf of the coaches
and student-athletes in our baseball and
softball programs, I want to thank both
Bennie and Toyota Motor Sales for their
generous support.”
Work is currently underway at Weevil
Field on a new backstop, dugouts, bleachers and press box. Similar improvements
are slated for Blossoms Field.
The Toyota Dealer Match Program
enables dealer contributions to make a
greater impact on the community. Since
1991, Toyota has contributed more than
$500 million to non-profit organizations,
and has always been guided by a belief
in serving the communities where it does
business, according to a Toyota release.
AMBASSADORS AND DELEGATES Pictured from left are (first row) Ronny Williams, general manager of Ryburn Motors, Ian McDonald of
Lake Village, Taylor Holland of Bentonville, Kaitlyn Smith of Lake Village, Samantha Milner of Pine Bluff, Ashton Pooree of Star City, Jessica Noble
of Star City, Nicki Norrell of Crossett, Mary Whiting, director of admissions, Kacie Johnson of Eudora, (second row) Bennie Ryburn, III, chief executive officer and owner of the Ryburn Automotive Group, Morgyn Ellis of Pine Bluff, Haley McLemore of Crossett, and B. J. Kidwell of Warren.
SWING FOR THE FENCES Pictured from left are UAM softball coach Alvy Early, Matt Whiting, assistant athletic director for
external operations, Ronny Williams, general manager of Ryburn Motors, Bennie Ryburn, III, chief executive officer and owner of
the Ryburn Automotive Group, Keith Wallis, Ryburn sales consultant, and Chris Ratcliff, director of athletics.
Winter / Spring 2013
Dr. Bettye
Gragg ‘79
Dr. Bettye Gragg (BA ‘79),
a Monticello educator for more
than 35 years, has been appointed
by Governor Mike Beebe to the
UAM Board of Visitors.
Gragg will serve a three-year
term on the 12-member board,
which serves in an advisory capacity to the university.
Gragg currently works for the Monticello School District
as federal programs coordinator, district assessment coordinator, equity and grievance coordinator, English as a second
language coordnator, 504 coordinator, and district chair of
the Arkansas Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.
She is a 1979 UAM graduate with a bachelor of arts
degree in elementary education and certifications in early
childhood and middle school social studies. She holds a
master’s degree in elementary education from UA-Fayetteville, a second master’s degree in guidance and counseling
from UA-Little Rock, and an educational doctorate (Ed.D.)
in educational administration and supervision from UALR.
Gragg has served as a teacher’s aide, fourth and fifth
grade mathematics and kindergarten teacher, guidance
counselor, assistant principal, and as an adjunct instructor
in UAM’s School of Education.
Dr. Brenda
Jacobs ‘03
Dr. Brenda HandleyJacobs (BSN ’03) is an
advanced practice nurse at
Mainline Health Systems, Inc.,
in Monticello. She is a 1981
graduate of Monticello High
School and earned a bachelor of
science in nursing degree from UAM in 2003. She received
a master’s degree from Delta State in 2008. She served as
an advanced practice nurse in Pine Bluff, working in the
field of kidney disease and in 2010 earned a doctorate of
nursing practice at Samford University.
Handley-Jacobs worked as a registered nurse at Drew
Memorial Hospital in Monticello for 20 years before leaving to pursue other opportunities in school-based behavioral health and hospice nursing.
Handley-Jacobs is a longtime member of the Arkansas
Nurses Association in District 02 and serves as board chair
of the Drew County Single Parent Scholarship Board.
Wee Weevil Bibs
Dr. Laura K. Evans (AD ’89)(PhD
UAMS), UAM Dean - School of Nursing,
was awarded Teacher of the Year.
Benjamin Elijah Copico, born October 4, 2012, to Ryan (BA ’04) and
Rebecca Copico of Monticello.
Bentley Reese Maggard, born
October 30, 2012, to Whitney
(BA ’08) and Jacob Maggard of
Benjamin Rivers Ratcliff, born October 8, 2012, to Chris and Andrea
Ratcliff of Warren.
Joslyn Kate Rodriguez, born
September 6, 2012, to Anthony (BA
’07, BSN ’12) and Kelly Rodriguez
(BBA ’07) of Monticello.
Vaughn Anthony Stanford, born
February 20, 2012, to Anthony (BS
’07) and Leah Stanford (BA ’08) of
Forest, MS.
Jennifer L. Knowles (BA ’95) was
awarded Drew Central’s Teacher of the
Year at the MEDC-Chamber banquet.
Kristin Lea Clemons (BBA ’04) and
Kenneth Paul Schmeckenbecher of Benton, were married on October 21 at Garvan Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs.
Chase Reed Owyoung of McGehee
(BBA ’11) and Paisley Bishop Palsa
(BSN ‘12) of Monticello, were married
on January 19 at First Baptist Church in
Seth Calhoun Oxner (MPEC ‘12) and
Meggan Elizabeth LaMarche (BS
‘11) plan to marry on April 13, 2013 at
the Chateau Sante in Warren.
James Matthew Whitaker (BS ‘12)
and Rebekah Christine Heflin (BA
‘11) of Monticello, were married on December 15 at First Baptist Church.
Your Membership Matters!
UAM Alumni Association Membership
Join or Renew Today! It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.
You can pay your dues:
1. ONLINE at
2. BY PHONE at (870) 460-1028, or
3. BY MAIL at:
UAM Alumni Association
P.O. Box 3520
Monticello, AR 71656
(If by mail, please include your e-mail address:
Annual Dues: $25 (individual), $35 (couple)
VISA and MasterCard accepted.
In the Fall issue of UAM Magazine, we
incorrectly identified the little Weevil
below. This is Parker Ann Freeman,
born September 9, 2011.
Mary Ashley Price ‘12
Mary Ashley Price (BBA ‘12) has been named a loan officer at the Monticello office of PrimeLending, a Dallas-based residential mortgage originator
Price has more than eight years of mortgage industry experience and previously worked for Union Bank and Trust as a vice president of lending and
Her duties at PrimeLending will include providing home financing options and
referral sources in Arkansas and the midwest region.
“I joined PrimeLending because I see that it is a solid mortgage company
that provides borrowers with more options when it comes to home purchasing
and refinancing,” Price said.
She is a graduate of the University of Arkansas at Monticello with a degree in business administration,
finance and a graduate of the American Bankers School of Bank Marketing and Management at Northwestern University at Evanston, Ill.
Her past professional and personal affiliations are with the Arkansas Bank Marketers Association,
Monticello Drew County Chamber of Commerce, Southeast Arkansas Health Foundation, Drew
County Relay for Life, and she’s a member of First United Methodist Church of Monticello.
She has a daughter, Alexandra Dearman, 17.
We Need YOUR Nominations . . .
. . . for three of UAM’s most prestigious awards — The
Distinguished Alumnus Award, the Alumni Award for
Achievement and Merit, and the UAM Sports Hall of
Fame. If you know someone you would like to nominate
for any of these awards, please give us a name (or names)
with a brief explanation of why you believe your nominee
should be considered. You can send a letter to the Office
of Advancement at UAM Box 3520, Monticello, AR 71656
or e-mail us at [email protected].
Let us hear from you!
Fall 2012
Frank Carson, Jr.
UAM lost a dear friend on September 28, 2012, with the passing of
Frank “Buddy” Carson Jr.
Mr. Carson, or “Mr. Buddy” to his
legion of friends and admirers, was
a member of the legendary Wandering Weevils football team in 1940
and ’41 and went on to become
a decorated bomber pilot during
World War II before returning to
Monticello. Mr. Carson was 91.
Frank Carson, Jr., was born in Monticello on January
21, 1921, to the late Margaret Dunham Carson and Frank
, Sr. He attended Arkansas A&M and traveled the
country with the Wandering Weevils before joining the
U.S. Army Air Corps, where he became a B-17 pilot. Mr.
Carson was assigned to the 401st Bomb Group in Deenethorpe, England and flew 35 missions over Germany with
the 8th Air Force. He received five Battle Stars, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and an Air Medal with five Oak Leaf
After the war, Mr. Carson operated Carson’s Grocery
with his brothers, Jack and Billy, until it closed in 1995,
ending a family-owned tradition with roots tracing back to
the late 1800’s.
An active participant in the life of his community, Mr.
Buddy served on the Monticello School Board for 19 years,
on the Union Bank & Trust Company’s Board of Directors
for 40 years, and as a long-time member, including terms as
President, of the Monticello Rotary Club, the MonticelloDrew County Chamber of Commerce, and the Monticello
Country Club. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church where he served on a variety of committees
supporting the church’s operations and activities. He was honored by UAM in 2010 with the Continuing
the Connection Award, and in 2011 with the Spirit Award
by the UAM Sports Hall of Fame. Survivors include his daughter, Kay Carson and her
husband Paul McAbee of West Hartford, Conn.; his
daughter-in-law, Marsha Carson of Conway; two brothers,
Jack and Billy Carson of Monticello; four grandchildren,
Frank (Kris) Carson, IV and his wife, Rachel, of Sydney,
Australia, Savannah Carson and Scarlett Carson of Conway, and Anna Carson of New Orleans, La.; and two greatgranddaughters, Fiona Carson and Chloe Carson. He was
preceded in death by his wife, Eloise Groves Carson, his
son, Frank (Kit) Carson III, and his sister, Athalie Carson
Dr. Donald Holley
UAM lost a long-time faculty member in
November with the death of Dr. Donald
Holley. James Donald Holley, 72, died
November 19, 2012, at his home in Little
Rock. He was born on February 24, 1940,
in Vernon, Ala., the son of William Albert
and Wilma Holley. Dr. Holley received a
B.A. in education from Louisiana Tech,
an M.A. in sociology from Louisiana State
University, an M.A. in statistics from the
University of Texas at Austin, and a Ph.D
in history, also from L.S.U. In 1967 he and his wife, Bankie,
moved to Monticello when Dr. Holley
accepted a position in the Department of
Social and Behavioral Sciences at what
was then Arkansas A&M. In addition to
teaching at the university for 40 years,
Dr. Holley chaired the department for a
number of years.
He completed
extensive scholarly research and
was an expert
on agricultural
history as well
as Arkansas
state history.
Because of his
achievements in
researching, documenting, teaching, and
writing on the history of the state of Arkansas, Dr. Holley received the Lifetime
Achievement Award from the Arkansas
Historical Association in 2007.
His final book, Celebrating a Century of
Opportunity, was commissioned by UAM
in celebration of the school’s centennial.
Friends We’ll Miss
Joe Carroll Backus ‘60 of Ruston, La., Feb.
1, 2012.
William Kenneth “Bill” Ball of Auburn,
Wash., Oct. 13, 2012.
Laronda Denise Childs of Hermitage, May
14, 2012.
Aldo Raymond Cingolani ‘70 of McGehee,
Sept. 19, 2012.
John Conner ‘53 of Huttig, June 6, 2012.
Louise White Councille ‘36 of Benton,
Oct. 9, 2012.
Richard Lee “Buddy” Crossett ‘60 of
Waldron, Aug. 26, 2012.
David Thomas Daniels of Rye, Oct. 26,
Elizabeth Ann Davis ‘81 of Warren, Oct.
29, 2012.
Frank “Sonny” Dietrich ‘56 of White Hall,
Oct. 23, 2012.
Cassandra “Cassi” LeAnne Dixon of
Crossett, Nov. 14, 2012.
Louise Nix Doak of Pine Bluff, Dec. 3,
Cleatous J. Hall of Monticello, Aug. 5,
Evelyn Horton Harris of DeFuniak Springs,
Fla., Nov. 24, 2012.
Marguerite “Rita” White Hennessy of
Pine Bluff, Dec. 10, 2012.
Norris Cecil Hodge, Jr. of Marianna, May
23, 2012.
Betty Lee Hunt of Malvern, Sept. 5, 2012.
Patsy L. Jones Hunter of Monticello, Oct.
29, 2012.
Georgia Mae Jackson ‘10 of McGehee,
April 24, 2012.
Mike Jenkins of Crossett, Sept. 23, 2012.
John “J. P.” Paul Jones of White Hall, Nov.
19, 2012.
Dell Leveritt ‘42 of North Little Rock, Sept.
26, 2012.
Annie LaNell Lewis ’52 of Dumas, Dec.
18, 2012.
Lawrence “Larry” M. Lobitz of
Monticello, Sept. 18, 2012.
Mary Barbara Parish ‘56 of Flossmoor,
Ill., Nov. 19, 2012.
J. Ben Posey, Jr. of Crossett, Oct. 20, 2012.
Frank Powell ‘58 of Parkdale, Nov. 16,
Mahina Waikalani Powell ‘11 of Arkansas
City, Oct. 17, 2012.
Deborah Lynn Pfaffenberger Puryear of
Dumas, Sept. 22, 2012.
Mark A. Steigerwalt ‘48 of Springfield,
June 2, 2012.
Gwen D. Tucker of Sheridan, Aug. 24, 2012.
Wayne Freemyer Williams of Fort Worth,
Tex., Dec. 5, 2012.
Matilda McFaddin Wynne ’76 of Warren,
Dec.25, 2012.
Dues paid from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013
Mr. Jesse F. Abbott
Mr. Wayne R. Adams
Mrs. Gloria R. Adkisson
Mr. Joe L. Akers
Mrs. Barbara J. Akin
Mrs. Joy D. Akin
Mrs. Patricia Busby Akin
Ms. Ashley R. Albritton
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell W.
Mr. Bennie B. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Arrechea
Mrs. Nancy Reed Astin
Mrs. Joy B. Ayer
Mrs. Irma McCollum Badger
Ms. Kristie Bailey
Mr. James W. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Troy L. Bailey
Mr. David C. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Pervis J. Ballew
Mrs. Barbara A. Barnes
Mr. Vernon D. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barrett
Dr. and Mrs. William B.
Mr. David S. Barringer
Mrs. Carolyn J. Baughman
Mrs. Pamela S. Beard
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Beaty
Mr. Donald E. Beavers
Mrs. Sally M. Beebe
Mrs. Fonda C. Bell
Mrs. Norma J. Belonie
Ms. LaShana Bethune
Mr. Mark Binns
Mr. Ron H. Blackwelder
Mrs. Helen Troy Bladon
Dr. Carl D. Blythe
Mr. Rickey L. Booker, Jr.
Mrs. Debra L. Borgognoni
Mrs. and Mrs. Mack Borgognoni
Mr. and Mrs. Nick F. Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Boyd
Mrs. Donna G. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W.
Mr. Herby Branscum, Jr.
Mrs. Mildred F. Brazeel
Ms. Velma D. Brock
Mr. and Mrs. Freddy L. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Brooks
Mrs. Carolyn Brown
Mr. J. Taylor Brown
Ms. Joen G. Bryant
Mr. Dean M. Buckner
Dr. Russell H. Bulloch
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Dr. and Mrs. James G. Burgess
Mr. Louis N. Burgess
Mr. David R. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. A. Kelton
Busby, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bush
Mr. Bobby D. Buzbee
Mr. Leon Ray Camp
Ms. Sharon E. Cantrell
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Carlson
Mrs. June Carter
Drs. Steve and Janet Cathey
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Chandler
Mrs. Faye Chandler
Mrs. Patricia Chandler
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Chase
Dr. Charles H. Childers
Mrs. Grace T. Choate
Mrs. Mimi Herring Ciarletta
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
D. Clary
Mr. Bobby L. Cloud
Mr. John W. Clow
Dr. Jesse M. Coker
Mrs. Jo Ella Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Cooper, Jr.
Mr. Gary D. Cope
Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Corker
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Coston
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Counce
Mr. and Mrs. Denzil R. Cox
Ms. Tracy A. Coyle
Mr. Robert E. Crain
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. Jackie L. Crook
Mrs. Glenda Cross
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Crossley
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L.
Mrs. Shirley L. Cummins
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Daniels
Mrs. Georgieann Darter
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. J. Boyce Davis
Mrs. Lonni N. Davis
Mr. Pat Davis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G.
Mr. Mark C. Deal
Mr. David E. Dearman
Mr. Roger W. Dennington
Ms. Kimberly A. Deviney
Mr. John L. Dobbins
Mr. Fred W. Donham
Mr. Dane A. Dover
Mr. Ben R. Dunlap
Mrs. Marilyn R. Dvoracek
Mrs. Juanita L. Dye
Dr. Audrey Brown Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Efird
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M.
Ms. Wanda J. Finley
Mr. Tony Fletcher
Ms. Cheryl A. Flora
Mr. Kevin A. Ford
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Forster
Dr. and Mrs. Joel F. Foster
Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. L. Gene
Mr. Joseph C. Friend
Ms. Jean C. Frisby
Mr. W. Ronald Frizzell
Mrs. Janie Elizabeth Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. David G.
Mrs. Louise Funderburg
Mr. Ricky D. Futrell
Mr. P. Q. Gardner, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Mr. Maxie A. Gates
Mrs. Barbara Gathen
Mrs. Perry Jean Gathright
Drs. Glen and Mary Jane
Mr. Willie R. Giles
Mr. Verl Gill
Dr. Diane Suitt Gilleland
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Glover
Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Gober
Mr. William M. Goyne
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Grassi
Mr. Alfred J. Graves
Mr. Richard S. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Green, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Grove
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin E. Grubbs
Mr. Robin M. Grubbs
Mr. Adrian L. Haley, Jr.
Mr. C. Barry Hall
Mr. Robert A. Hall, Sr.
Mr. Harry E. Halstead
Mrs. Lereatha O. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hammons
Mr. Don M. Handley
Mrs. Billie J. Handly
Mr. and Mrs. Werner L. Haney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hargis
Mrs. Mary Louise Harp
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll M. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Harris
Mr. Billy H. Hartness
Mr. and Mrs. Hani W. Hashem
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Haynes
Ms. Frances Hedrick
Mr. and Mrs. Billy F. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Randy J.
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Henley
Mr. Joe S. Henry
Mr. Shirley E. Henry
Dr. and Mrs. Jim M. Hercher
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Herren
Mr. Phillip D. Herring
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D.
Mr. James R. Higgins
Mrs. Kathryn J. Hilton
Dr. and Mrs. James L.
Mr. David Hobson
Mr. and Mrs. Farris A.
Hogue, Jr.
Mr. Tommy L. Hooks
Mrs. Joyce Causey Hopkins
Mr. Gordon Hornaday
Mrs. Karen Wynn Houser
Col. (Ret) and Mrs. Byron P.
Howlett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hudgens
Mrs. Permelia A. Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lewis Hyatt, Jr.
Ms. Linda S. Jacks
Mrs. Trudy G. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Janes
Mr. Peter H. Jerry
Mrs. Barbie G. Johnson
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Donald
L. Johnson
Mrs. Ginger T. Poole Johnson
Mr. Jerry R. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Levin C. Johnson
Mrs. Virginia Nell Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Jones
Mr. Gerald L. Jones
Mr. Harvey L. Jones
Mrs. LaVerne M. Jones
Mr. Marcell W. Jones
Ms. Martha R. Jones
Mrs. Yvonda A. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Billy J. Jordan
Dr. Aubrey S. Joseph
Mr. Martin W. Katilius
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis R. Kea
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Keith
Mrs. Cynthia M. Kern
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kerr
Mr. William A. Kientz III
Mr. S. Lee Kindle
Mrs. Favyne A. King
Dr. Lewis R. King
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. King
Ms. Sue King
Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkley
Mr. Lang Mitchell Kirshberger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kizer
Ms. Octavia Avis Klick
Mrs. Cynthia Snow Kopack
Mr. Curtis W. Kyle, Jr
Rep Sheilla and Judge Damon
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald I.
Mr. Malcolm G. Lane
Mrs. Marie Annette Langton
Mr. and Mrs. C. Dale Lassiter
Mr. and Mrs. Bill K.
Lawrence, Jr.
Dr. R. Hyatt Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Leech
Mr. Joseph P. Leveritt
Mr. John W. Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Linsy
Mr. and Mrs. Willie C.
Dr. Brian R. Lockhart
Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Dr. James L. Lowry
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Loyd
Mr. and Mrs. Bob E. Lucky
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Maines
Mr. Gerald W. Majors
Mr. and Mrs. Weaver L.
Majors, Jr.
Mr. Elliott J. Mangham
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Mann
Mr. Marvin L. Mann, Jr.
Ms. Marva D. Martin
Mr. Ross W. Martin
Mr. Robert F. Maskell
Mrs. Nola G. Mason
Mr. Oscar N. Matlock
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert M.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J.
Mr. John E. McArthur
Mr. and Mrs. James E. McClain, Jr.
Mr. John L. McClellan
USN (Ret.) William C. McClintock
Mrs. Monteene H. McCoy
Mrs. Charlotte McGarr
Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick E.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B.
Ms. Hazel Honey McKee
Mr. Garel L. McKiever
Ms. S. Leslie McKiever
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mr. William Randall McKiever
Ms. Cynthia K. McKinstry
Mr. and Mrs. Lorin E. McLoud
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B.
Mr. George W. Miles, Jr.
Mr. Errol D. Miller
Ms. Mishelle C. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Miller
Mr. Joe D. Mitchell
Mr. Travis C. Mitchell
Mr. Jimmie W. Monk
Mrs. Carolyn M. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Moore
Mr. Lamar G. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll W.
Dr. Steven C. Moss, Ph.D.
Ms. Rhonda G. Mullikin
Ms. Patricia Lynn Murray
Dr. and Mrs. Joe A. Musick
Mr. Allen Myers
Mr. Eric T. Myers
Mr. Robert O. Naylor
Mr. Charles F. Neal
Ms. Barbara R. Newton
Mr. D. John Nichols
Ms. Juanita D. Nowlen
Mr. W. Roger Nutt, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William M.
Mrs. Joyce O’Neal
Mr. John Ogles
Dr. Walter R. Oglesby
Mr. Steven W. Otwell
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L.
Owen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L.
Mr. Archie L. Paschall, Sr.
Mr. Joseph D. Paschall
Mr. Adam Patrick, Jr.
Mr. Larry E. Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Patterson
Mrs. Marietta K. Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G.
Mr. Donald S. Pearson
Ms. Denisa J. Pennington
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mrs. Carolyn Diane Perry
Mr. Thomas A. Pevey
Mr. and Mrs. Doye W. Phillips
Mrs. Patricia K. Phillips
Mrs. Lela B. Pickett
Mr. Thomas J. Pierce, Jr.
Mr. David O. Plunkett
Mr and Mrs. Bain L. Poole
Mr. Douglass B. Pope
Mr. Robert W. Prestridge
Mr. John Porter Price
Mrs. Reathel J. Privett
Mrs. Charles T. Puckett
Mr. Charles T. Purvis
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Ray
Mr. Kirby Reep
Dr. Amy C. Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Mr. Dick E. Reynolds
Mr. W. Scott Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Roberts
Mr. Robert N. Robinette
Mr. Phillip I. Roby
Mr. and Mrs. Don R.
Rodgers, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Rodgers
Dr. Tommy G. Roebuck
Mr. Albert B. Rogers, Jr.
Mr. Don H. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ross, Jr.
Mr. William F. Ross
Mrs. Carol Cleo Rudder
Mr. James Parker Rundel
Dr. James D. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D.
Dr. and Mrs. Jimmie S. Sadler
Mr. Kenneth Z. Saffold
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Saffold
Ms. Lou Ann Sales
Mr. J. Howard Sandage
Mrs. Martha H. Scifres
Mr. Jerry L. Seamans
Ms. Yvonne Y. Shao
Mr. Edwin G. Shepherd, Jr.
Mr. Richard C. Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. Nassar
Ms. Theresa M. Sikole
Mrs. Carolina A. Simmons
Mrs. Delores M. Skender
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip D.
Mr. and Mrs. Coy B. Smith
Mr. David Russell Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Smith
Dr. Kirby Smith
Ms. Jeanie L. Smith
Mr. Johnny H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H.
Mr. and Mrs. Woody L.
Mrs. Barbara Avery Speakman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C.
Spurlock, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. G. Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.
Mr. and Mrs. Travis E.
Mr. Jeffrey V. Stewart
Mr. Arthur R. Stoker
Mrs. Linda D. Stringfellow
Rev. Ross W. Stuckey
Mrs. Zelma R. Stuckey
Mr. James R. Stueart
Mr. Charles R. Summerford
Mr. Andrew L. Summers
Mr. Grady Tabor
Mrs. Audie M. Taylor Grubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Al R. Taylor
Mr. Michael A. Taylor
Mrs. Vonda K. Taylor
Mrs. Mary L. Thomason
Mr. Ted D. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis V.
Mrs. Benetta Tindall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Mrs. Kathy L. Trites
Mr. Paul T. Turner
Dr. Pieter J. Van Huizen
Mr. Donald L. Vaught
Mr. Charles E. Venus
Mr. James V. Vinyard
Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Waggoner, Jr.
Ms. Amber L. Waite
Mr. Jack V. Walker
Dr. and Mrs. Tom T. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Wall
Mrs. Sara E. Wall
Mr. Kim Ward
Mrs. Mary Sue Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. West
Mrs. Sandra D. West
Mr. Matt Whiting
Dr. and Mrs. Tom D. Whiting
Mr. Will Whiting
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Whiting, Sr.
Mr. J. Vanoy Wilbanks
Mr. Charles P. Willeford
Mr. Robert G. Willett
Mr. Bruce Willey
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Williams
Mr. George David Williams
Dr. Kenneth C. Williams
Mr. Paul Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Wilson
Mr. Thomas David Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny W.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wisener
Dr. Barbara C. Wood
Mrs. Glenda Kay Wood
Mr. John C. Woodie, Jr.
Dr. Jill Fairris Wright
Mr. Zane D. Wright
Fall 2012
University of Arkansas at Monticello
Alumni Association
P.O. Box 3597
Monticello, AR 71656
UAM Night At Dickey-Stephens Park
A Dream
A Reality
Who: Arkansas Travelers vs. Northwest Arkansas Naturals
Where: Dickey-Stephens Park, North Little Rock
When: June 18 / Gates Open 6:10 p.m. / First Pitch 7:10 p.m.
Tickets: $15 adults / $5 children (Price includes ticket and all you can eat hamburgers, hot dogs and soft drinks.)
Reservations: Required. Call the Office of Advancement at (870) 460-1028
The George H. Clippert Forest Resources Annex
Will Be Formally Dedicated On Friday, October
12 At 2 p.m. All Alumni And Friends Are Invited
To Attend This Landmark Event.