tribunale penale dì roma
tribunale penale dì roma
Senato della Repubblica Camera dei Deputati — 653 LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI ^ ' T R I B U N A L E P E N A L E DÌ R O M A UFFICIO ISTRUZIONE Rema, lì N. Risocsta a nota dei OGGETTO : I8.I.I.I.976 ÉN. . 197 A l l e n i t i N. jJroc....pcn...n..I482/78..A.G...I, Trib....Jioiaa. A l l a Digos Questura à i R 0 ivi A I n relazione a l l ' a r t i c o l o g i o r n a l i s t i c o apparso su " I l Tea po" d e l ' 15 • 11 • 1S78 a f i r m a d i Giuseppe Lonj-o e concernente i l "diario''-^ che sarà pubblicato n e l f a s c i c o l o d i dicembre d'Alia r i v i s t a "Peirthouss!"- del noto s c r i t t o r e P i e t r o Di Donato, non savrebbe i n u t i l e a c q u i s i r e i l t e s t o o r i g i n a l e • d e l " D i a r i o " e l a r e l a t i v a traduzione. A proposito d e l sedicente "Zùcor" i l c u i ^adre,"poeta d i l e t t a n t e d i un certo v a l o r e " sarebbe s t a t o amico d i Benedetto Croce l a c u i madre sarebbe deceduta a l l ' i n i z i o .dell'anno a.95 anni,pot bero compiersi ricerche anagrafiche a iloma e anche a L a p o l i , per a c c e r t a r e se t r a l e dotme d i età anziana deceduta n e l 1 ^ 7 7 - i n i z i d e l T978 ve ne fosse una d i " n o b i l e f a m i g l i a " e s c r i t t r i c e d i " s t o r i e d i a.-ore s o t t o uno pseudonimo"ecc. I n o l t r e , p o t r e b b e . e f f e t t u a r s i un c o n t r o l l o presse l a b i b l i c t e c a d i Benedetto Croce a f i a p o l i i n r e l a z i o n e a l l a presenza-di e v e n t u a l i l i b r i d i poesie d i p o e t i d i l e t t a n t i . l i e i contempo, potrebbero V e r i f i c a r s i i n o m i n a t i v i d e i sospe t i b r i g a t i s t i i n relazione a i d a t i concernenti i l o r o g e n i t o r i . Va i n o l t r e accertato chi -fossero i t e s t i n c n i d e l l e nozze Curcio-Ca^ol e i p r e s e n t i a l l a cerimonia, e se t r a l e s o s p e t t i a p p a r t e n e n t i a l l e BR v i siano dorme- che hanno frequentato l ' U n i versità d i Trento. CAMEA I DEI DEPUTATI - SENATO DELLA IEPUIIIIA COMMISSIONE PABLAMENTA8E DI INCHIESTA SUL IAPIMEMTO E SULU UDITE DI i l rifl UOin I L GIUDICE I3TRUTT0RS ( d r . Frat.ce3C^AI.^i.TO) 30 SET. 2015 1 Prot. n \ Senato della Repubblica 652 Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA V I I I — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI ' MODULARIO I. P. S 391 MOD. A bis (Serv. Anagrafico) l 3 l t2 <^2 D I G O S N.0507U/DIGOS Roma, 5 dicembre 1978 OGGETTO; Omicidio d e l l ' o n / l e Moro e d e l l a s c o r t a . a l i .2 ALL'UFFICIO ISTRUZIONE presso i l Tribunale di R O M A A parziale evasione della r i c h i e s t a d i codesta A.G. i n data 18.11, che s i allega i n copia, s i comunica che l a Questura d i Trento, interessata da questo u f f i c i o , ha r i f e r i t o che i l matrimonio t r a CURCIO Renato e CAGOL Margherita venne celebrato i n data 1° agosto 1959 nel Santuario d i S.Roraedio (Trento) ed i testimoni furono SAUGO Italo,'nato a Thiene (VC) i l 26.2.1940,ivi residente i n v i a Zanella 13 e MULI NARI S Giovanni, nato ad Udine i l 14.7.1946, i v i residente i n v i a Duca d'Aosta 4. Entrambi sono n o t i esponenti d i "Lotta Continua", che, all'epoca., dimoravano i n Trento. Per quanto concerne i presenti a l l a cerimonia, é stato possibile accertare che v i hanno preso parte l a sorella d e l l a CAGOL e t r e comuni amici, non p o t u t i però i d e n t i f i c a r e , dato i l lungo tempo trascorso dalle nozze. Tra l e donne sospettate appartenere a l l e "brigate rosse" che hanno frequentato l'università d i Trento, l a Questura d i questo centro ha indicato l a nota BESUSCRTO Paola,nata a Verona i l 15.11.1947,ivi residente i h v i a A.Sciesa 3>attualmente detenuta,che ha conseguito i l diploma d i laurea i n scienze s o c i a l i nel febbraio del 1974. Si allega copia del telex della Questura d i Trento. Senato della Repubblica — 654 Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA V I I I — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI »... -3« 8335 1 3 . 4 8 4 6 4 4 TNP1 8335' 1 3 . 4 7 MULT5 1 2 9 6 / R M Q 4 , V M 0 6 / * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~:\ì i r c i lì D SS ROMA DA TRENTO? URGENTE tei- QUESTURA ET P C INTERINI ROMA ( 13,00 1 Mìf ~" SICUREZZA-224 NR. 0340/197B/DIBDS AT 050714/OIGOS DEL 26 NOVEMBRE SCORSO PUNTO TESTIMONI MATRIMONIO RENATO CURCIO ET MARGHERITA CAGOL, CELEBRATO 1" AGOSTO 1969 I N SANTUARIO SAN ROMEDIO (T N ) , IDENTIFICANSI PER SAUGO ITALO, NATO THIENE (VI) 26.2.1940, I V I RESIDENTE VIA ZANELLA 13, ET «ULINARIS GIOVANNI, NATO UDINE 14.7.1946, I V I . RESIDENTE VIA DUCA D'AOSTA 4, NOTI ESPONENTI LOCALE MOVIMENTO EXTRAPARLAMENTARE SINISTRA LOTTA CONTINUA E, AT EPOCA, DIMORANTI AT TRENTO PUNTO AT CERIMONIA, OTRE TESTIMONI, ERANO PRESENTI SORELLA SPOSA ET TRE AMICI COMUNI. CHE, DA ACCERTAMENTI RISERVATI, NON EST STATO POSSIBILE IDENTIFICARE, ATTESO ANCHE PERIODO TRASCORSO DA CELEBRAZIONE NOZZE PUNTO TRE STUDENTESSE, SOSPETTATE APPARTENERE "BRIGATE ROSSE", CHE HAEENT' FREQUENTATO LOCALE UNIVERSITÀ* INDICASI NOTA BESUSCHIO PAOLA NATA VERONA 15.11.1947, I V I RESIDENTE I N VIA A. SCT.E5A 3, ATTUALMENTE DETENUTA, LA QUALE HABET CONSEGUITO DIPLOMA LAUREA SCIENZE SCCIALÌ DATA 6 PECORAIO 1974 PUNTO QUESTORE MARGANI FATE BENE AT 13* RIGO i.. TRA STUDENTESSE, CT TRA, J — 833 — Senato *della Repubblica Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI o0i% T R I B U N A L E PENALE DI ROMA'V< ktfi^ N UFFICIO . 1482/78 A 0.1. ScrionfAP?.'.*?."? ISTRUZIONI? RO™. i, 2 2 ™V2.'BIul I S T R « Risposi.". 0 n o l n < j S ^ . ^ P P > . 0 5 0 7 1 4 ' M Mlnq N occtnoi - All'Ufficio D.I.G.O.S. Questure di TIC'A Prego accertare presenza dolio scrittore Pietro DI DORATO in Rona, o conunque nel territorio della Piopubblica, nel periodo dol sequestro Moro 1 • • " ea inneaiatenente seguenti» IL COUSIGLIEHE ISTRUTTORE (Dr. Achille GALLUCCI) 53 • Dot. X X I I I , n. 5 - Voi. 34. 4 1 \ V Senato della Repubblica — 834 — Camera dei LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI |fjj ,• TRIBUNALE PENALE DI ROMA UFFICIO N Deputati ISTRUZIONE - Rema, li 22.11.1978. Risposta a rota del ..J... OGGcTTO : .. proc N. 197.... Allegati N. ,. . .... . , 1482/76 A - G.I .•• Trib.• • Eoaapon n A l l a Digos Questura ài R. 0 M A I n r e l a z i o n e a l l ' a r t i c o l o g i o r n a l i s t i c o apparso su " I l Tempo d e l 15.11*1978 che r i p o r t a i n s i n t e s i i l contenuto d i uno s c r i t t o d i P i e t r o l ' i Donato concernerete l a p r i g i o n i a e l ' u c c i s i o n e d v l l ' o n . r.oro da' parte d e l l e B r i g a t e Rosse - s c r i t t o che sarà p u b b l i c a t o n e l f a s c i c o l o d i dicembre d a l l a r i v i s t a "Penthouse" — s i chiede l'esame d e l predetto P i e t r o Di Donato-tradite I n t e r p o l segnatamente s u i seguenti p u n t i : il - c h i è i l senatore d e l P.C.I. che l o raise i n c o n t a t t o con personaggio chiamato "R1"; - c h i è 'ta'le "R1 "(generalità;età;professione{abitazione ecc.) - c h i è i l personaggio chiamato "R2" ( generalità,età,profess i o n e , abitazione ecc«); ' - c h i sono i due b r i g a t i s t i amici d e l l a f a m i g l i a r.;oro"(gene ralitàyetàfprofessione, a b i t a z i o n e ecc.)» - c h i è t a l e "£ucor"indicato d a l Di Donato come " i l capo d e l l a banda"; - c h i erano i g e n i t o r i d e l sedicente "Zucor". IL G I U D I C E ISTRUTTORI; ( d r . F r a n c e s c o AITATO) "1*- • Senati dèlia Repubblica — 835 — Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI MOD. A bis (Serv. Anagrafico) D N.050714/DIGOS I G 0 S Roma, 16 dicembre 1978 OGGETTO: Omicidio dell'on/le Moro e della scorta. ALL'UFFICIO ISTRUZIONE presso i l Tribunale d i ali. 5 R O M A Con riferimento a l l e r i c h i e s t e d i codesta A.G., r i s p e t t i v a mente i n data 18,22-11, concernenti l ' a r t i c o l o apparso s u l r i v i s t a "Penthsuse" d i dicembre, a firma Pietro Di Donato, s i trasmette copia del telex i n data 12 corrente d e l l ' I n t e r p o l , da cui s i evince che i l redattore capo della c i t a t a r i v i s t a ha r i f e r i t o che-Pietro Di Donato, i n considerazione del particolare t i p o d i c o n t a t t i da l u i avuti n e l l a vicenda,"non consentirà d i essere escusso .' 1 Ad ogni buon'fine,si allega copia del telex d i questo u f f i cio i n data con cui s i richiedeva d i interessare l a p o l i z i a degli USA perché "esaminasse" i l Di Donato sui punti i n d i c a t i da codesta A.G.. Circa l a presenza del Di Donato i n I t a l i a , durante i l periodo i n cui f u tenuto sequestrato 1*on/le Moro, essa sembra essere sufficientemente provata dalla.foto apparsa sul settimanale "Panorama" del 5 corrente, n e l l a quale e g l i é r i t r a t t o insieme a don Agostino Mancini,parròco d i T u r r i t a Tiberina. Si r i n v i a i n proposito a l rapporto p a r i numero d i questo u f f i c i o i n data 1° corrente. Per quanto concerne g l i a l t r i punti i n d i c a t i nelle r i c h i e s t e di codesta A.G.,di cui s i allega copia,si f a presente che essi sono s t a t i , i n parte,evasi,con precedenti r a p p o r t i . z: LEGISLATURA V i l i 6346 Camera dei Deputati — 836 — Senato della Repubblica DISEGNI DI,LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI 1 3 . 1 7 7 4 6 6 EU?»2 23 ? . 'MULT529C6/flf.ta'4 ,\VM W . i . : UBGV SS Ri ! ROf/A EUR .\ R. f ! CTA URGENTE' •/ET QUESTURA CONOSCENZA U F F I C I O CENTRALE 224 3,..,.,, P OMICIDIO -'-..'^ SEDE = •05C714/DIGOS DEL 24/11/76 RELATIVO ONOREVOLE ALDO UQKO ET SCORTA ET CONCERNENTE SChlITORE .: 123/73-9-11/02 INTERPOL AT ti* ITALO AiiFfvICANQ 0 1 DONATO PIETRO PUNTO TRASCRIVASI TESTO TRADOTTO TELEX S I I TRASMESSO DA ACCE ij Tu LEGALE PRESSO AVbA-SC.IATÀ STATUNITENSE IfJ ROMA DOE'PLliVTù VIRGOLETTE 29/«1/7S JAMES GDGDE - REDATTORE H^eDIvSABILE DELLA * 'PE^T.HOUSE I J INTERNATIO N A LTD.'*, HABET ff.IFEKITD CHE PRENDERÀ'CC\TAT T1 Cùh PIETRO D I OOwATO PEP. RIFERIRGLI CHE SE Dc5.IDERA:;0 It'TERPELLRE A UT INTERPELLARLO I l i MERITO AT SUO ARTICOLO APPARSO SU RIVISTA PENTHGUSE DICEMBRE 19.76 STOP 6/12/75 JOHN LOMBARDI- REDATTORE CAPO' DELLA I PENTOHOUSE INTERNAI IOf'JAL''-' HAòcT RIFERITO CriE I X RAGIONE" . NATURA CONTTATTI AVUTI DAL p i DONATO QUEST 'ULTIMO tiuU CONSENTIRÀ ' ESSERE ESCUSS STOP CHIUSE VIRGOLETTE PUNTO D.C.C. MACERA Senato della Repubblica Camera dei Deputati — 837 — LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI D I G O S TELEGRS Reina, 24 novembre 1978 URGEHTÌr>STKO INTERÌ-:I SICUREZZA —CRIKINALPOL INTERPOL EUR R 0 V. A et conoscenza INTERNI SICUREZZA - 224 " R 0 M A K.050714/DIG03 punto Omicidio onorevole Moro et scorta punto Reiasione a r t i c o l i apparsi d i recente su alcuni quotidiani r i p o r t a n t i i n c i n t e s i contenuto d i a r i o , t r a t t o da r i v i s t a "Psnthouse" dicembre 1978, noto s c r i t t o r e i t a l o americano DI DONATO Pietro tra vicenda on. Kcro» pregasi, a t r i c h i e s t a U f f i c i o Istruzione Tribunale Roma, i n t e ressare polìaia U.SoA. perché esamini predetto DI'DONATO a t f i n o £-4 f C. V- indicare ogni u t i l e elemento par i d e n t i f i c a z i o n e ; - oOliatore P.C.I. "che l o cÌGe i n contatto, con personaggio ìniicato coms Hì-j RI rsecieoimo st a l t r o indicato come R2"f n (, — ' due b r i g a t i s t i rossi amici famiglia Toro; capo "brigate roseo"jindicato come "Zucor"; g e n i t o r i predetto Zucor punto QUESTORE DE FRANCESCO \! V Senato della Repubblica — 838 — . Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA VIII — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI 0% T R I B U N A L E PENALE DI ROMA UFFICIO ISTRUZIONE *cma. li N. 157 •e ~ Sszicr.i A!lesati N. 1 Risscsta a r.o:a dei .. OGGETTO : .pr.oc.....per.....n..US2./7S..A.G..I. Trib....iioiaa. A l l a Digos Q u e s t u r a d i R O M A I n relaziona a l l ' a r t i c o l o g i o r n a l i s t i c o apparso su " I l Tex po d e l 15.11.191 8 a f i r m a d i Giuseppe Longo e concernente i l " d i a r i o " - c h e sarà p u b b l i c a t o n e l f a s c i c o l o d i dicembre S t i l l a r i v i s t a "Penthouse'j- d e l noto s c r i t t o r e Pietrò D i Donato, non sa[iU ! f r e g h e , i n u t i l e a c q u i s i r e i l t e s t o o r i g i n a l e d e l " D i a r i o " e l a I r e l a t i v a traduzióne. . À. p r o p o s i t o | d e l sedicente "Zucor" i l c u i #adre,"poeta d i l e " t a n t e d i un certo v a l o r e " sarebbe s t a t o amico d i Benedetto Croci a c u i madre sarebbe deceduta a l l ' i n i z i o dell'anno a 95 anni,po' bere compiersi r i c e r c h e anagrafiche a Roma e anche a I.'apoli, pe. a c c e r t a r e se t r a i l e donne d i età anziana deceduta n e l 1977-iniz: d e l 1978 ve ne fosse una d i " n o b i l e f a m i g l i a " e s c r i t t r i c e d i " s t o r i e d i amore jsc-tto uno pse"iAdcnimo"ecc. I n o l t r e , porrebbe, e f f e t t u a r s i un c o n t r o l l o presso l a b i b l i ' t e c a d i Benedetto^ Croce a Mapoli i n r e l a z i o n e a l l a presenza d i • v e n t u a l i l i b r i d i poesie.di p o e t i d i l e t t a n t i . : Pel contempo, potrebbero- v e r i f i c a r s i i n o m i n a t i v i d e i sosp t i b r i g a t i s t i i h j r e l a z i o n e a i d a t i concernenti i l o r o g e n i t o r i , i Va i n o l t r e a c c e r t a t o c h i fossero i t e s t i m o n i d e l l e nozze Curcic-Ciigol e i j p r e s e n t i a l i a cerimonia, e se t r a l e s o s p e t t i " a l l e BR v i siano donne che hanno, frequentato l ' U n i versità d i Trento. J I L GIUDICE ISTRUTTORE ( d r . Fra:,cesco- ALIATO) Camera dei Deputati — 839 Stonato della Repubblica LEGISLATURA VIII — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI 0& TRIBUNALI- PUNALU 1)1 ROMA UFFICIO lSTUir/.H>NK Rnmo. 1482/78 A G . I . COIIS.'ISTR. ;'•• S e , , o n e Risposi" n,n'; ,n » r l • • 050714 ' ! 22 HOVDIBUE 177 8 Allr-n M ,,. . OGGEirÓt - A l l ' U f f i c i o D.I.G.O.S. Questura - d i ROMA Prego accertare presenza dello scrittore Pietro DI DCKATO in Rena, o comunque nel t e r r i t o r i o della Bcruibblica, nel periodo del sequestro l'oro ed isuediatacente seguenti. v,"> A. Ai \ IL CONSIGLIERE ISTIÌUTTCK (Dr. A c h i l l e GALLUCCI) •Te J i '4- VI *l * 10 V Camera dei Deputati 840 Senato della Repubblica LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI ,A T R I B U N A L E , PENALE, DI ROMA UFFICIO ;I S T R U Z I O N E r^c ;*cma. lì 22.11.1976 N . ....... . ; Sencr.s a nota dei N. 1S7 Aiiegaxi N . . 1 OGGETTO : ..©r.oc... .pén....n...14S2/75..A..&..1Trib....Runa ...^^::^-:.,:^.. :'^'^... .. i D ! <S O r A l l a Digos Questura d i '. •> ' R 0 li J I n relazione f a l l 'articolo —G i o r n a l i s t i co apparso su " I l 'Deh* . 1 • del 15.11.197t che r i p o r t a i n s i n t e s i i l contenuto d i uno s c r i i te d i Pietro l'i Donato concernente l a prigionia''e l'uccisione dell*'on. iloro da parte delle Srigate 2*osse - s c r i t t o che sarà pubblicato nel fascicolo d i dicembre c a l l a r i v i n t a "Jenthouse". s i chiede 1 *'esasie; del predetto Pietro Di Donate t r a d i t e I n t e r pol segnatamente sui seguenti p u n t i : J« . j. - c h i è i l senatore del J-.C.I. che l o .Mise i n contatto con il * t - personaggio chiamato " E l " ; i •' -chi è tale i'R1 " (generalità'; età ; prof essi o;ie ;abitazione ecc. -chi è i l personaggio chiamato "1:2" ( generalità,età,profes sione, abitazionejecc.); -chi sono i l due b r i g a t i s t i areici delia famiglia '. .<. ro" (gens ralità,età,profescicne, abitazione ecc.); -chi è tale;"Zucor"indicato dal Di Denato ceree " i l capo d a l l a banda"; j -chi erano | genitori del ?sedi u'sr.te ' "Zuet.-r". J I U D I C E isTRurivRU" ( d r . ?rsn;ce:3C^.-A~.A!?C0 :L ^ 0 •i^ • /\\\ rv> vi' *.* Senato della Repubblica — 609 — Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI IODULARIO i. R S. 3S1 D I G O S K.050714/EIGOS Roma, 1° dicembre 1978 OGGETTO: Oraicidio d e l l ' o n / l e IToro e d e l l a scorta. ali.2 ALL'UFFICIO-ISTRUZIONE presso i l Tribunale d i R O M A Richiamando quanto già riferito sul noto scritto di Pietro DI DONATO in inerito al sequestro e all'omicidio dell'on. IJoro, si trasmette copia fotostatica di un articolo apparso sul! settimanale "Panorama" del 5 dicembre, p.v., dal titolo "E Zucor disse a Koro.. nel quale appare anche una foto del predetto DI DONATO, ritratto in., Turrida Tiberina, insième a don Agostino Mancini. .-~f\ Con l'occasione s i trasmette copia f o t o s t a t i c a d i una nota del Commissariato d i P.S. "Kontemario" i n data 17.11 ,concer- ,, nente g l i accertamenti e s p e r i t i nella zona della Balduina,alla l u ce d i quanto r i f e r i t o dal DI DONATO nel sud s c r i t t o . ; 39 - Doc. X X I I I , n. 5 • Voi. 34. 12 Senato della Repubblica Camera dei Deputati 610 LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI D I LEGGE E R E L A Z I O N I - D O C U M E N T I rato da un anno. Si trattava di un ripostiglio isolalo acusticamente al quale si accedeva attraverso un finto muro ». Uomini delle Br lavoravano nel garage sotterraneo montando la Bga . guardia 24 ore su 24. Alcuni poliziotChi ha rapito U presidente detta Oc? Zucor. CM Fha ucciso} ti nei giorni successivi perquisirono Anna. Che cosa è successo in quei SS giorni? il garage, chiesero informazioni ai Negli Stati Uniti c'i uno scrittore che sostiene di aver saputo tutto. brigatisti, si fermarono a chiacchierare con loro. Ma poi se ne andarono. • t i trattamento. Di Donato sa tutto. *fP «cor. I l capo della coSa che un medico visitò Moro e lo i t a lonha che ha rapito Al.trovò anemico, con qualche probledo Moro, riceve 11 presidenma pc/ i l rene sinistro, ma compleste della De molto educatasivamente in buone condizioni di samente. « L e B r » , spiega Zulute. Che Moro non mangiava. Che cor, « n o n tono dei banditi. raccontava a Zucor della tua villa di Lei deve considerarsi un priTorrita Tiberina dove aveva piantagioniera politico e. « Ma I to le fave, i carciofi, i pomodori e i prigionieri politici », risponpeperoni. Che poteva leggere, guarde Moro s Zucor, .debbono dare la televisione, ascoltare dischi. per f o n a estere rinchiusi co• Zucor. Col passare del tempo tra me Balline i n un pollaio? ». Moro e Zucor, secondo Di Donato, si E un romanzo? Una ricosviluppò una certa amicizia. Si erastruzione d i fantasia? Un derio accorti di essersi già incontrati lirio? • No ». spiega Pietro ncl l95 in casa dello scritlorc Carlo Di Donato, scrittore italo-. Levi. Zucor, figlio di una scrittrice di americano famoso negli artromanzi d'amore, morta lo «corso ni Trenta per aver scritto. anno a 9S anni di età. parlò di se a Cristo Ira i muratori. «La Moro. Gli disse che era caltolico. che mia è la trascrizione fedele andava a messa tutte le domeniche, di ciò che "mi hanno racconche era molto affezionalo alla madre talo le Brigale rosse ». | •(nella sua stanza della prigione del Comparso sul numero di *ponolo, Zucor aveva atlaccato ai mudicembre della rivista ameri I crocifissi e i rosari della madre). ricana per soli uomini Pen- • Zucor era Slato anche moltu amico Ihouse (sullo stesso numera, di Gianglacomo Feltrinelli: insieme fra molte pesine di nudi avevano fatto-vita da payboy e anfemminili, c'era anche una nusato cocaina. intervista a Fidcl Castro), I'. • I «ogni di Moro. Gli amici brigatiarticolo di Di Donato. Cristo sti di DI Donato sono siali precisi mila plastica, ha fatto un nel raccontare ciò che il presidente certo scalpore negli Stati della De sognava la notte: la villa di Uniti e Di Donato deve ora ' Torrita Tiberina, la moglie triste, i correre da una stazione rafigli che piangevano. Poi. lunghe pasdiotelevisiva all'altra per seggiate con Zoccagnini che sorridespiegare come e riuscito a va e con Cossiga. Sognava anche di mettersi In contatto con le tessere trame senza fine, di chiamarBr. si Malvolio ma di essere più conó• Cinque anni fa ». racsciuto, nel sud, col soprannome di conta Di Donato, « incontrai Lenguanero. in Italia, tramite un senato• CU mterrogatort. Erano stringenre del Pei. un industriale ti? politici? duri? Un esempio ripormolto . famoso per idee di tato da DI Donato: • E vero che la estrema sinistra. Lo rividi moglie del presidente Leone faceva ancora e pian piano capii PI»*» DI Dsnsta • Torrlta Tlfeorln* Inil.m* *4 Agole oree nella villa Le Rughe? «. . No! cìve II mio amico era un r i - Mise l&matm, »aiM«e>* <3 Alé* Uan È falso! ». • Lei mentel ». voluzionario coinvolto in «• GII sta»aa(nl. L'articolo di Di Dorioni eversive. Cosi, quando nato rivela chi sono gli autori malel'editore di Penthoust mi affidò l'In- rloso: I quattro ventiti dà piloti dell' ria!! dell'assassinio di Moro: Anna carico di scrivere una storU sull'as- Alitali* memre'aspctuno all'angolo (la bionda di via Fani) e Franco. An-' sassinio di Moro, lo andai a trovare di via Fani che. arrivi l'auto di Moro na sarebbe una delle fondatrici delti mio amico che mi presentò un.*brl- vengono avvicinati da un vero pilota le Br: studentessa a Trcnlo insieme <fatista che era in contatto con i ra- dcll Alitaliache offre a due di loro un a Curcio e a Mara Cagol. partecipò pitori di Moro. £1 mio erticoSo e U passaggio sulla sua macchina sporti- al loro matrimonio religioso. Erano frutto dei l«ro racconti ». va. • Gran: ». rispondono I brigati- molto amici: era stata lei a dare un Ed ecco I loro racconti, pieni di sti. « preferiamo viaggiare tutti insie- soprannome (Pippo) a Renato a cauepisodi tanto singolari da apparire me: aspettiamo l i pulmino ». sa de! suo grosso naso. Durante la »»oluiamenie fanuudofl, ricchi di erDi Donato e in grado di rivelare prigionia. Moro, secondo Di Donato, rori tanto clamorosi da lar pensare anche i l primo rifugio di Moro: • un tentò anche di corromperla: • Se mi che siano i l prodotto di un mitoma- garage sotterraneo di un p r n « o com- aiuti », te disse, « ti prometto che we disinformalo v superficiale. plesso residenziale, dulia Balduina, non t i (arò ricercare ». E Anna, scuoI l rapimento. Del commastdo, com- dieci minuti da via Fani ». • tendo la testa: « Le vostre promesse! posto da 11 uomini e una donna bion- t» La p r i j ì o s j . • I l nascondiglio nel Sono come quelle del governo ameda, fa pane anche un motociclista ejuslc Moro avrebbe dovuto essere ricano ai pellerossa! ». . _ vestito da poliziotto. Un episodio CU- tenuto prigioniero era stelo prepa-. STAHFA E Zàoor disse a wl@r@ 0 1 MWCWMSM • S DICEMBRE I97> • 1JJ 13 v « Senato dèlia Repubblica Camera dei Deputati — 611 — LEGISLATURA V I I I — DISEGNI D I LEGGE E R E L A Z I O N I - DOCUMENTI li Po© Invoco: «È sfata la regina» JR capo del compiono c'era ElisasWa betta 11 di Inghilterra. La Corona ori tannica d'accòrdo con le monarchie di lutto i l mondo (compresi I Savoia) da tempo cercava di destabilizzare la situazione politica italiana. 11 Poe, Partito opcrajo europeo (uno* strano gruppo pieno di soldi, che si autodefinisce di estrema sinistra ma in realtà si sospetta levalo ad ambienti conservatori amcricanl), ne e sicuro. In un libro dal titolo promettente. Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro, i l Poe ripercorre in 110 pagine i l tappe delia macchinazione. . Innanzitutto l'organizzazione generale e 1 mandanti. La regina non ha (allo tulio da sola: ad aiutarla ci sono slati a fianco dei servizi segreti inglesi, lo Shin Bel israeliano, i l sovrano militare ordine di Malla, Henry Kizsinger, la mafia, l'intotiauionalc socialista, l'aristocrazia in genere. » Poi ci sono I fiancheggiatori: « Il nazi-britannlco Mitterrand, capo del clan del marsigliesi », il socialista Michele Achilli • organizzatore del sequestro Mazzo: ti •. il « monarchico » Indro Ubnianelli, tutti 1 componenti delle famiglie Caracciolo, Pallavicini, Colonna, Ripa di Mcana, Bassetti, poi Amlntorc pantani, Umberto Agnelli, Massimo De Carolis, Giorgio Amendola, Giorgio Napolitano, Ugo La alalia. !'• ispiratore delle rivolle nelle carceri » Stefano Rodo-, ta, il • mafioso dell'Eni • Francesco Forte, 11 «creatore delle Br» Francesco Albe remi, i l capo brigatista Mario Scialoja, il • filoierrurisla ecologo » Marco Pannclia, il • teppista crede al trono» Carlo di Inghilterra. )'• agente israeliano • Francesco Cossiga. « il vertice da cui panano sia le piste rosse che le piste nere » Giacomo Mancini, i l • noto trafficante d'armi » Vittorio Emanuele e infine • l'uomo che ha lasciato la sua carta intestala nel covo di via Gradoli », Cloe Bettino Craxi. Tutti costoro, secondo il fpe, compongano un*, organizzazione perfet- 6» Gli errori. L'articolo di Di Donato fa acqua da tutte le parti. Sembra la versione romanzata di una ricerca malfatta sul ritagli di giornali dell' epoca. Di Donalo definisci. Pannella « ministro ». Esrlinjuer « 11 duca sardo e railionirto »7 La Malfa e De Carolis • fasciati repubblicani ». Racconta che Anna, !a brigatista, partecipò al ma tri mono di Curcio Ignorando che vi parteciparono solo due iasilmonl, entrambi maschi (Italo Saugo e Vanni Mulinarli). Fa dire a Zucor (rivolto a-Moro): « Lei e responsabile dell'uccisione del lavoratori in sciopero o l>!odena, Reggio, Palermo, Catania s Sceiba,». Sbaglia la data dello morta di Feltrinelli c ta e collaudata. Hanno già uccisa Martin Luther King, John e Robert Kennedy, Enrico Malici. Nel loro carnet ci sono altri Ire importanti! appuntamenti: assassinare Helmut Schmidl, Giulio Andreotti e soprattutto Il scmisconosciulo presidente del partito laburista statunitense Lyndon La Rouche, grande ispiratore del Poe, colpevole di avere anta- . schcrato le loro trame. Ma perché hanno rapito e ucciso Aldo Moro? Il Poe svela anche questo: perché Moro, insieme alle forze sane dell'Italia (Michele Sindon i . Giulio Andreotti, Enrica Berlinguer. Luigi Granelli, Flaminio Pie- . coni, Giovanni Leone), e del mondo portato al potere Aminlunr Fenia(Paolo V I , Breznev, lo scia di Per- ni, « rappresentante della corrente sia, Giscard d'Estaing, .Helmut Savoia all'interno deUj De •) non è Schmidl. Takeu Fukuda), cercava di riuscito? 11 Poe dice, im po' sommaportare avanti i l « Grande Disegno riamente, che la fermezza del Validi sviluppo economico e culturale cano,' del governo e del Pei hanno che sapeva essere l'unica salvezza mandato a monte il losco compiono, del suo paese ». nonostante la slampa « anglofila » L'ordine di rapire Aldo Moro, se- (Panorama. L'Esvresio, la Repubblicondo II Poe, f u dato dall'» asente ca, La Slampa e I I Messaggero) avesbritannico » Gianfranco ?iazzesi, no- se fatto di tutto per creare lo « scetista politico del Corriera della t i - nario favorevole». ra. I l 12 marzo, infatti. Piazze;! ' Più precisi Invece 1 redattori del scrisse un lungo articolo eh» termi- - dossier del Poe sono sul luogo dove nava con la frase: • Moro ò uno Aldo iXoro 4 stato tenuto prigioniedi quei fatalisti che accettano stoi- ro: » & più che probabile che l'apcamente la morte a una sola condi- partamento in questione sia quello zione: che giunga 11 più lardi possi- ' dei principe Johannes Schwarzenbile ». Più che un articolo, commenta berg ejnbasciatore dei Cavalieri di il Poe, quello di PiazzesI era una Malta, i l palazzo Schwarzenberg. campana a morte, l'ordine di marcia. che gode dell'Immunità territoriale, D'altronde PiazzesI, secondo i l si trova all'angolo tra via delle 3olPoe, e uno di quegli «senti britan- Icehe Oscure e vis Caetani ». nici che bisogna tenere maggiorMa perche nessuno ha chiesto mente d'occhio. Cosi quando U I * chiarimenti al principe? 11 giallo si agusto scrive sul Corriere della se- infittisce. « Lo stesso principe ». con. ra che Andreotti è « un uomo vota- - 'tinua i l Poe, «si meravigliò che nesto al sacrificio, che sta mostrando suno degli inquirenti avesse cercalo una vitalità e una energia assolu- di interroRario ». E adesso non si tamente Insospettate in chi t quasi potrebbe chiedergli qualcosa? Troptempre dato per moribondo e qual- po tardi. La conclusione del Partiche voli» per morto », per il Poe 4 to operaio europeo e degna di un chiaro che PiazzesI ha indicalo la classico del brivido: « l i principe prussima vittima. Schwarzcnberg e morto in un inciMa come mai i l piano dì destabi- dente stradale qualche giorno dopo lizzazione (prevedeva anche un col- il ritrovamento del cadavere di Mopo di Slato In aprile che avrebbe ro». _ sostiene che il 1" maggio l'Italia venne eliminata dalla coppa del Mondo di calcio (che sarebbe slata giocata colo in giugno). Racconta episodi incredibili, come quello di Paolo V I che avrebbe fallo dire messa su un elicottero che sorvolava la casa di Moro o quello di Eleonora Moro che insulta Poletti e Fanfani, chiamandoli pederasti, puttane e codardi e scagliando contro di loro un vaso di fiori. Pietro Di Donato ammette di aver commesso qualche errore. « Io non sono Italiano », ha detto a Panorama, « e sono stalo un po' impreciso. Ma la sostanza e vera ». Può essere più preciso sulle fonti? a No; naturalmente. r.on ho Jorse dello che Sucor 1 S^io di unr. icrittrics .oonc Y f . a a eccito & C? « n i ? . C e ~ Ì s l o voi, no? ». Panorama l'ha cercata, rru. l'unica scrittrice rosa novanlacin quenne. Carola Prosperi, è viva e abi ta a Torino. Suo figlio invece. Leo Pc stelli, giornalista e critico cincrruto grafico, è morto nel 1976. « Io so soli che le mie fonti sono credibili », in siste Di Donato, « e mi hanno dati alcuni nastri registrati». E i nasi" dove tono? » U ho distrutti ». t» Cos3ciuaiotz3- Dice Pietro Di Dona lo,-riferendosi a un?, testimone trop po ciarliera della strage di via Fani: • Gli italiani non si preoccupano tar lo che una storia si» pii' o meno vero. qur.i'o piuttosto che sia ben r2c contato J-i •jle.-co vale, trob.^ti'rcc-iw, pr.ri kttori ii Pciukouis. i Senato della Repubblica 612 — Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI 'TII/TUO Signor Qì'giTO^K iltllSSAWATO r.s^ ' *2 - OC«C-B'»''«*>' ^ a - Papinichto On/le Moro t r,ri I n relazione? a quinto pubblicato sul Tur>t.idi i " IL. TK?TPO ,nell'arti rjoio a ri parso i n datn 15 corrente a panini tr«, dal t i t o l o " Uno . s c r i t t o r e americano ricostruisce i l t ; i o H i r i " , s i comunica che sono s t a t i s v o l t i u l t e r i o r i - accertamenti n°ila parte a l t a di Via della Balduina,ove - secondo l'autore dello a r t i c o l o — esisterebbe un garage attraverso i l quale i r a p i t o r i dell'On.le lloro l o avrebbero condotto nel luoro d i pri tri oni a. •' Tali accertara»nti hanno dato esito negativo,né sono emersi elementi nuovi a i f i n i delle u l t e r i o r i indagini. "'. "Tuttavia,si fa presente che i n v i a della Balduina n.323 esiste l'atoesso del garage privato d i due palazzine che hanno ingresso principale i n via Massimi 91|di proprietà fiell'Istitufro Opere 3eligiose,con sede i n via deli». Conci liasione n.IO. • M L'inrr^sso d i tale garage è i s o l a t o ed è stato rica= vato da un muro,alto circa tre metri e lungo circa canto metri. Trattasi i n e f f e t t i di un muro d i cinta dèi" ' conplesso immobiliare sopraindicato' che potrebbe essere quello indicato n e l l ' a r t i c o e d e f i n i t o " niimeti.r,zato". eleménto Anche tale autorimessa è stata ispezionata ma n?nsn smerso a conferma di ouanto r i f e r i t o n e l l ' a r t i c o l o . 15 4 , ^ Senato della Repubblica Camera dei Deputati — 658 — LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI ! MODULARIO • i I. P S. 391 | ; l.:Ol>. A h * S ( V , . Ai,-.:;:,jlico) D I G O S N. 050714/DIGOS Roma, 6 dicembre 1978 OGGETTO: Omicidio dell*on/le Moro e della scorta. ALL'UFFICIO ISTRUZIONE presso i l Tribunale d i all.1 R O M A Con riferimento a l l a r i c h i e s t a d i codesta A.G. i n data 22. 11.U.SC, s i trasmette i l numero d i dicembre della r i v i s t a "Penthous! i n cui é pubblicato i l noto a r t i c o l o d i Pietro DI DONATO sul sequestro e l'omicidio dell'on. Moro.^/ / V.. CUESTCRE AGGIUNTO {MiLkSAZSl) /sf.'o." £%• <\™&uifcu*. itti '^JHCJL tuÀ v-<uu rft 1" t~- r w o co r > c > MFiLASTIC • Crucified, Aldo Mòro was worth more votes-to the Christian Democrats than he was breathing: the Red Bri'gades shot him eleven times, then • wrapped him in orangévinyl. : On March 16.1978. Aldo Moro, presidenl ol ' Haly's ruling party, the Christian Democrats. • was kidnapped by letrorists. an act setling off '•the greaiesl rnànhunt in history and sertously ', shaking the Italian government. On May 8 Moro ,\ • was killed when Ihe government refused to " ' exchange thirteen terroris! leaders tor him. . ' • '• '•'Penthouse sent Pietro Di Donalo, an Italian-American novelist and the author ol •. . - ; • • '- Chris!irìConcrete, to cover Ihe story. ; ' • '••"," w o z v r m o o. w u • For months the Aldo Moro case called . • • worìdwide attention to the existence o l the ".'•'*• ;"•• • Brigate Rosse—Italy's RedBrigades—but lor • alt ol its saturation coverage, the media never ' tafterf ro a BR member. Small wonder. Italians . talk orty to other Italians. - "... Pive years ago. while writing a movie script in .' - liaty, l met. through a Comminisi senalor (riho . ' would today like to lorget the whole thing). a ' ' manvihomttlcalIRt. He was a successili! • • BY PIETRO DI DOMATO w r > ÌZ3 N O z o o o c % w ,- ' v5*< z H Senato della Repubblica — 660 — Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI businessman; \>e wasjlso a revolutionary, though thSe was no ÌS>< ol the then-nonvblent Red Brigades. Since I /fave/ ro llaly tiequently, we kepi in touch. When I began to believe that Rt was in earnesFT.was reatly involved in antigovemment actions. my interest deepened; l'd joined ihe Communist party on August 23. 1927. the day càpitalism killed Sacco and Vanzetti; I was sixteen. Oul ol their dealhs and theearlier death ol my lathei. Geremio, carne my nove/ Chris! in Concrete. Since fhen /Ve grown more sophisticated about the nature ol ali politicai groups—l'm no longer a card carrier—but /Ve kepi on j searching: Last May I returned to Rome lor the Moro affair. I was prepared to try to use R1 and to let him try to use me. and I think lhe,bargam worked out Ime. Through RI I met-.anolher -ian—I might as weìt cali him R2—who nad access to the master celi that kidnapped and ex'ecuied Aldo Moro. I spent two months interviewing the two Brigatisti, Iriends ol the Moro lamily, police. jóurnalisls, politicai observers, priests— whoever would talk to me. From the material I gathered I allowed mysell the license to porlray Moro's lilty-lour-day ordeal and crucilixion. The word sacrifice, Irom the Latin, means "lomake ho.'/" Rt and I discussed the taking ol lite—the bloodiest and cruelest and • .perhaps the most necessary art- visited . upon man by man—from the little Jewish carpente! ol Nazareth, to the never-ending bloodbath ol war. lo my Umerale bricklayer lather. sacrificed in concrete to the Great God Job. to Aldo Moro, the synthelic savior ol Ihe Christian Democrats, the crucilied politician. the modem plaslic Christ. . . The killers o l Aldo Moro witl never be tonno". . . . His mutuai sacnlicers will noi permil it.—P. D D Christian Democral party." Zizzi babbles to Mrs. Moro. grown children adiro. Eleonora goes abeo! f u net chores. The leader of the Christian Democrats In the Balduina section o l Rome, lour men leaves his house at Via del Forte Trionfale oline RedBngades (Brigate Rosse), wear- 79 and gets into his blue Fiat 130. Moro is a j ing the blue hats. insignia, and unilorms ol methodical man. People in the neighbor-1 Alnalia pilots. pack machine guns in airline hood aie iamiliàr with his habits and route. | bags. Each morning he stops to pray at Ihe Al 8:30 A M they aie driven in a white Fiat church of Santa Chiara, pauses at his lava- j 128, with a Diplomane Corps license piate, ite newsstand to buy the officiai organs of ', tonard Monte Mario, the Roman suburb the six llalian politicai parlies. and then ' where Moro lives. Simullaneously. Irom goes on lo government business. (On the •separate points ot departure. three more night before. however. Moro had told Fiats, carrying seven men and a blonde, Leonardi that. for salety's sake. they would and a motoreyclist dressed as a policeman use a new. devious way to get to the seal ol head lor Monte Mario. The white Fiat stops government in the center of Rome. Then he atthe curb on upper Via Mario Fani. The two phoned Leonardi and told him he'd demen in front remain in the car. The lour cided to go along Via Mario Fani, as usuai. "pilots' casually walk one block to the in- The Red Brigades commandos were aplersection ol Via Mario Fani and Via Stresa prised ol both changes. They also knew and stand chatting in troni ola closed bar. neither of Moro's cars was bulletproof.) The corner is a bus stop lor Alilalia limDomenico Ricci drives carefully. By his ousine service to Leonardo da Vinci airport. side is Marshal Leonardi; Aldo Moro is in The thiee other cars and the "policeman' the left rear seat. The ofdaial escori car, a white 130 Alfa Romeo "Alletta" model, carrying Rivera. Zizzi, and lozzino, follows. Many aviation personnel live in Monte Mario An airline employee. spotting the four ANtalia "pilots," stops his sports car and says he has room lor two passengers. They thank him and say they'll wail for Ihe Zucor told Moro: Alitalia limousine, due shortly. becausa "You are an they stay together. embarrassment now tò At the newsstand the vendor praises Moro for having shaped the new coatichurch and state. tionJ-meaning Moro's "historic comCrucified, you may be promise" with Enrico Berlinguer and the Ciornmunists. This very morning a new govof more use." ernment wili be formed; forty-six elected officials, members of Moro's Christian Democrats and Berlinguer's Par/i/o Communisti Italiano (PCI), wifl be selected. The two Moro cars leave the newsstand at 8:55. Moro hates fast driving. He glances at Paesa Sera, the Communist paper. and // • on his high-powered molorcycle park beROME. MARCH 16.1978 hind the white Fiat. Several other comman- Messagero, then reads about himself in// '• . Aldo Moro, the Godfather ol the ruling dos, dressed as telephorie workers. stand Giorno. Il Giorno emphasizes the loyalty to > Moro ol llalian Presiderà Giovanni Leone, ' Christian Democrats. has espresso and by lo sabotage lelephone lines. pastry shaves, dresses in a conservative Two housevrives come oul o l the corner Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti. Senate ' suit. and listens to the cautionary counsel apartment building opposite the bus stop. President Amintore Fanfani, and Christian ; of his homely v.ile. Eleonora. One has a dog on a leash. They comment Democrat Secretary Benigno Zaccagnmi. j Il is 8:30 A M. The beli rings; the voice on ihe absence ol a llorist, Antonio Spiritic- Moro has lo smile. Fanfani is openlyt Irom the intercom at the Street entrance is chio. and his wile. In any weather the two maneuvering for his job. They are ali aboul ] .' that ot Marshal Oreste Leonardi. Moro's arrive in a van each morning to set up llow- as Irustworthy as vampires. - " At 9:00 Ricci-dnves by the landmark ol i protecting shadow. Eleonora Moro tells him . eis on the sidewalk. Today is crisp and • - Pone Trionfate; three mìnu'.es later he turns lo come up wilh his boys for coffee. The sunny. They should be here. . j ritual occurs every morning as though for An old man on a balcony leeds and la/te left on Via Mario Fani. the first time. to his canaries. A police car filled with Hats in hand, the bodyguards enter. carabinieri races by. speeding danger- The commandos' white Fiat begins lo trail They wear ciyilian clothes. With ihe marshal ously lor no reason, as usuai. A few mid- the Moro cars. The other three BR cars lotlow it. Ahead, on the corner, the pilots are Domenico Ricci, the son of peasants die-aged professional men leave home. Ihe BR has worked on this operalion lor unzip their bags and step imo the Street. A and Moro's chauffeur for iwenty years; young Giulio Rivera, from a Campobasso months. Ih Czechoslovakia they rehearsed fewyards Irom the ìntersection ol Via Stresa tarm; chunky Raffaele lozzino, a laborer's . the ambush to come wilh cars and and Via Fani, the white Fiat speeds up, son; and Francesco Zizzi. also from a poor dumrnies—each move laid out geometri- passes Moro's car, swerves in front ol it. and cally, pinpointed and timed. The night be- stops dead. Ricci jams on the brakes lo family. Zizzi is elated. It is his first day in the envious job; he is replacing Officer Gen- loie. tuo. ol them had gone to Via Angelo avo/d a collision, and the second Moro tiluomo, who has sucdenly and inexplica- Brunetti 38, where the llorist Spiriticchio guard car bangs into him, shaking eveiybly lefi Moro's employ (and who.sub- lives, and slashed the tires ol his Ford van one slightly. Moro, engaged with the politisequently disappears). "My whole family lit so that it wouldn'l obstruct their shooting. cai news, pays little altention. candles lo Our Lady of Fatima in gratitude (They planned to do a to/ ol it.) Belore Moro's guards can react, Ihe BR for my being given the honor of guarding commandos open tire. The telephone lines the precious lìle of the president of the Aldo Moro bids his wife and three of his fout are cut al the precise moment Ihe shooting 1 J 76 PENTHOUSE 18 Senato della Repubblica — 661 — Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI starts. Tnéiwo meri Irom the white Fiat and the pilbs are blasiìHg away Irom the Ironl and Street sides, the lake motoreycle cop and commandos Irom the other three cars Irom the rear. They lire huntiretis ol bulìets. riddling each guard Irom head to waist. Only young lozzino mgkes it oul ol the second Moro car, and thè automatic-weapons lire nearly cuts him in hall. Moro, ennging, is spattered wilh the blood a n d brains o l his guards. He is dragged Irom his car. In his Iright he clings to his portlolio. as il it can save him, bui in lite Street he drops it and begms crying: "Plvnsv lui mo go—what do you ot ino?'' Thu b i t cotnnundus ub.tiulim thuir white car. shove Moro inlo onc o l Ihe olhers, then screech outol Via Fani, turnmg righi at the corner, and roaring up Via Strésa. The motoreyclist brings up the rear.... The whole operation takes less than a minute. The BR cars turn on Via Trionfale and race lo Via Casale De Bustis. Tivo pi the cars stop and transfer Moro lo a wailing car. Then everyone goes in dilferent directions. Moro is held on the lloor and diugged; taking him any dìstance is hazardous. despile the sabolaging ol the ielephone lines. The car containing Moto and two ol the Aliialia "pilots," who have now ditched their hats and coats, stows down and pulls imo the cavarnous underground garage ol a large apartment comptex in Balduina, just ten minutes away. The garage altendants are BR, prepared to receive Moro. There was an unnatural quiet in Via Fani. Then Ihe residents carne oul to salely view the b o d i e s . Young, l a i l o z z i n o was sprawled in the guller wilh outstretched arms, red openings in his groin. chest, arms, and face. A woman placed // Giorno over him. but a breeze blew the sports section Irom his indillerent (ace. In the escori car. Zizzi and Ftivera. painied with blood. looked like they'd been llung by the hand ot God or the devil. In Moro's car Marshal Loónardi's head was pressed on driver Ricci's chesl. and Ricci's bloody mouth was on Luonurdt's lorohoad, as though kissing him. Via Mario Fani became a Verdi opera; police. carabinieri, and the army carne careening at breakneck speed. sirens screaming. Armbd helicopters hovered. as though they could light and destroy the Red Brigades at the scene ol the crime. Then carne Cardinal Poletti. vicar ol Rome, reinlorced by his monsignors and priests. Eleonora Moro and her lour children arrived. The pocr woman went trom corpse to corpse. She said to people: "I knew each. They were good boys. I would ralher have wept the death ot my husband than to see Ihese so young dead." Before RAI Telegiornale television cameras. the politicians carne and held Eleonora's hands: They vowed fidelity and sotidarity, love and prayers. They vowed ali aid to redeem her kidnapped husband. In his high voice, (ascisi Republican Ug<. La Malfa said. "We are in a state cf war Vile need the dealh penalty relurned!" Socialist Bettino Craxi brayed incomprehensibly Prime Minister Andreotti. in his government building, vomiled with excitement and had to change his clothes. Francesco Cossiga. minister of the interior and head of security. became hysterical. He calied the Pentagon and the CIA. the Bundeskriminalamt specialists in Wiesbaden. Scotland Yard, the French Secret Service, the League ot Privato Delectivos. and ali dop.vtrnenls of his police. Ho ordorod thousands ol carubiniuri. grurutiori, und bvisaglivn troni such distarli placos as Sicilia. Calabria, and Sardegna calied out. "I want every telephone in Italy controlled!" he shouted. The BR calied the major newspapers. saying they had killed "Cossiga's leatherheads" and kidnapped Aldo Moro. But so did the Walter Alasia"£olumn of Revotutionary Action, the Armed Proletarian Cetls (NAP). the Group Action Partisans (GAP),, and the Baader-Meinhof gang. The little Sardinian duke and millionaire head of Italy's Communist party, "the father ' of Euro-Communism." Enrico Berlinguer, swore that it was alj a plot by multinalional conglomerates. According to "the cybernetics of probabilities." it was the "last psychotogical chess move of universa! capitalista' that was subsidizing the "fake Communists" of the Red Brigades lo com ,.TOit alrocities in order to shock Ihe good people of the world and turn them against his Italian Communist party. The families of the guards carne to Via - Fani to identify Ihe bodies. Detectives and reporters questionéd residents. An old lady said a woman had been in command ot ihe Biigatisti, a blonde who barked orders in German. The Secret Police received a cali from a guttural Iemale voice: "Aldo mit unsi" A man al a window said the leader had been a bearded fai man who shouted with a Milanese accenl. A woman reported that she had photographed the ambush and turned the film over to the police. bui i t "disappoarod." No two storios agroed. The llonst, Antonio Spiriticchio. and his wite were seized and giventhe third degree. ^ A neighbor who had a grudge against ' him said Spiritrcchio was a Brigatista. Another swore she'd taken her dog out at dawhto pée and had seen two men slashing the lire sof Spinticchio's Ford van. She'd . calied the police. They did not appear.. Other neighbors spoke on the florisl's behalf. Antonio Spiriticchio. then was treated '• " as a hero. Mrs. Spiriticchio was even interviewed on television. She said she had seen the killings and the kidnapping of Aldo Moto and gave a stirring. detailed account—never mina that she was ten miles. away. helping her husband remove the (lai . tires ol the van. when the slaughter happened. Italians don't care whether a story is true or not so long as it is well told. In his Turin prison, Renato Curdo, lound- • er of the Red Brigades. and twelve other BR members under charges of "kneecap: 19 Senato della Repubblica — 662 — Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI ping" (sflBoìiflg govèltìmen! olficials and businessmen in the knees) and subversion. heard the news on the radio while in the exercise yard. They raised their lists. shouted revolutionary slogans. and sang T h e Re8 Flag." Pope Paul VI seni Eleonora Moro a telegrafi: "I desire to express my alarm and unily with you al Ihe ambush that snatched your beloved consorl and cui oli the lives ol live innocenls. . . ." Fanlani, Berlinguer, Zaccagnini. and the test ol Aldo's comrades and "(riends to the end" calied Eleonora in the night. Their messagos were lite that ot the pope: saccharinc hopc and no \ commitment. Eleonora lalked with her children: Maria Fida, a journalist wilh the Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno; Anna, a peduli nata' Agnese, a librarian: and Giovanni, a law sluJent. Each was a child ol our lime, an intollectual o( the far left who had condemned the father's reactionary establishment. They spoke of the kidnapping in 1974 ol the hated Genovese prosecutor, fascisi Mario Sossi, in the BR's Operalion Sunflower. The BR had tried Sossi, sentenced him to death. and then said they would release him if certain BR prisoners were (reed. Sossi and his wife imploted tlje government to negotiate. H refused. So Sossi and his vvite clamored to the newspapers that his tellow politicians had cynically signed his - death warrant. The only moral government in Italy was the press. The BR in Genoa. having made their point and using the propaganda to gain sympathy wilh the people. released Sossi wrthout condition atter"holding him for a monlh. "But." said Eleonora, "the siluation wilh Papa is diflerent. Unlil now Ihe BR has not killed anyone. With Papa. Ihey wenl past the point of no return. Now they will go ali the way. I had a chili Irom the ambiguous demeanor of Pope Paul and Zaccagnini and the olhers. They will stand, cowardly, on the mythical honor of church and state and become our mortai enemies." It was Eleonora who had said in 1964: "To mo lite politicai wortd is tnhuman. Within these wails [the Moro apartment J shatt prevali only human sentiments!" Hard lo believe. but Moro was forbidden to talk poliIcs in his own homo. Socurily head Cossiga— who owod his career to Moro and claimed lo love him wilh ali his heart—overnight turned llaly inlo a police state. The police actually searched the labynnthine underground garage in the apartment building where the master celi held Aldo Moro, but their inspection was superficial. They chalted with the Brigatisti garage atiendants. then cleared the place of suspicion. In a gestore of contempi, the BR drove back lo within a block of the scene of the massacra on Via Fani and abandoned the three ambush cars. MARCH 18 Al neon the BR calied Ezio Pasera. who is a reporter for II Messagero. "This is the Red Brigades." *lf you're Ihe Red Brigades," said Pasera. T m Buffalo Bill." But the caller was cairn and serious: "In the underpassage between Largo Argentina and Via Arenual there is a boolh with a Xerox machine. On top. under a ream ol paper. is a yellow business envelope In it you will ftnd Communicaiion Number One and a photo." Pasera hastened. knowing that atl press phones were tapped. He got there belore the cops and found the envetope. The message was a decìaration of war upun the system ol "corrupt clowns" of the goveinment and announced the beginning ot a protracted trial ol the pnsoner beloir Ihe sociillod pooplus' liitninii) nt>at:iH«i<irn>i; subsuquunlly s j i d Ihut UHI UH had ulriudy slam Moro and that the photo was a montage. But experis said il was an authenlic Polaroid; Moro wilh an op$n white shirl was seated before a big banner that said BRIGATE ROSSE; Ihe BR emblem. a fivepointed star in a circle. was clearly visible. Moro had a querulous. mocking. anticlimactic expression: lucid apprehension confrbnting grotesque destiny. That aftèrnoon saw Ihe funeral of the guards in the church of San Lorenzo. The Red Brigades are relerred to by Ihe "Sbiui" ano" "Sgherri V-the police and their agefn provocateurs—as the "Bierre." the Itali'a'n phonelic pronunciatici lor the letters B and R. Italians like laconic labels, and so the press a n d magazines always reduce "Brigate Rosse" to (he simple "BR," In its lledgling days Ine BR had no precise setup. But after two notable belrayals by alleged members Marco Pisetta and an unsavory ex-priest. Silvano Girono, that led to the arresi ol Renalo Curdo, the BR pertected an organic struclure ol autonomous ce/te. Each celi has three members. Six ce/Vs in a pyramid fbrm a nucleus. The natola/ pyramid is a loolprool construction ot ali the successive, autonomous pyrvn rir. The BR is like a worm cut into many pans. ti exisls as separate enlilies. When police chance upon a cell. Ihe cc.plured doni know the whole BR operalion and Ihuì connol botray it. Tho Sbirri don'l gel blcod Irom stones. So Ihey coment themselvns with ìrrelevant units. For cosmetic reasons they falsily their lindings. Itis not easy lo gel into Ihe BR. Leading members include psychologisls. who entically evaluate prospective joiners. The traitors Pisetta and Girono proved a lesson. 'Zucor"—not his rea! nàme—the director of the master celi in charge of the March 16 operation, réceived the president of the Christian Democrats with civility. The BR, Zucor told Moro, were not brigands like the boms kidnapping wealthy industrialists Ihroughout the country. The BR was an as yet unrecognized politicai group at war wilh the "legitimate" régime. No mailer whal you calied the régime, it was dominated. as through the centuries, by family 20 Senato ideila Repubblica ' — 663 — Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA V I I I — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI dynasties. landowners, corporations. and iQteigners—particularly American ime»ests. Moro had to admit that. no? So Moro was not kidnapped-tor money, he was a politica^,prisoner Moro grunted at Zucor and ask'ed il politicai prisoners needed to be Irussed up like chickens. The BR master-cel! hìdeoul in which Moro was to be held tot the next tifty-tour days had been a year in prcparation. It was a soundprool dead-slorage space in a huge. anonymous apartment building: entry was made through a false wall. It was stocked with enough provisions so that enIries were minimal—once a day at most. at t a'prearranged hour that changed constantly. Brigatisti attendants workirig in the underground garage were son guard twenty-four hours.' Zucor did not even chance an illegai telephony. ' A doctor examinod Moro. He was anemie and had a cysl of the Ihyrord and some degeneration ol the lelt kidney. Otherwise. he wasn't too bad. Italy is a small place. It lurned out that Zucor and Moro were not strangers. Zucor and Moro recalled meeting through the Communist writer. Carlo Levi. Moro had been minister of public education. Fanfani was president, and Angelo Roncalli had just become Pope John XXIII. Moro and Zucor, both allractive men (Zucor was a few years younger). had talked about their mistresses and then about the per- petuai pcJitics Zucor had said he was a to be pressured. just spoken to. He was ne: revolutionary: "When you were a young, toyed with. Zucor totd him. "We are not you: compliant officer in the Fascisi army. I was brutal Cossiga pobee. in your trial you wil. underground, hiding Communists and cooperale and give us themnet workings o! Jews and killing Blackshirts and Nazis." In the crimes your government has comrmt1970 ned left the "corrupt Communists" ted II condemned lo die. you may We. it and Kjined the Brigate Rosse, a younger. exchanged for the BR phsoners in Tunn. less "intellectuar group Ihal purged itsetf We would rather see you live We expeci legularly, and had come lo believe in vio- you to hetp yoursetf and do hope you are lence "when necessary." saved by your friends." Captor and prisoner now had graying Moro's Inai was intorniai and grave. He hair. Moro looked at Zuccor and said. "Poii- thought of Raskoinikov and his atfable tics means lite to me. It is my art, more a proseculor. There was nothing Zucor and melhodology than a system of ideas." his jury could teli him about himself. In thirty Zucor said. "I had ali the pleasures and a years of politicai juggling. the press had chain of infatuations. but I had an empathy already caricatuted him as the Levantine for the deprived. and that became my sen- Clausewitz, the Latin Kerensky the Trojan suality. We are opposite parts. polanzed Horse ot Clerica! Marxism. the Pygmalion lorces. but I leel for you and your family" ol Liberalism, the Machiavelli of Pasta PcJiMao watched Zucor. who made a sot- tics. the Theonst of Doubl. Ihe Hamlet of emn ritual of cooking. The food was good, Dialectics. the Last Bus lor the Italian Bourbut Moro hardly ate and lost weight. He geoisie . . . Moro's irony asserted itself. ttìought of his villa. "Three Geese." and little He grinned at the avatanche: "You have farm in Torrita Tiberina, where only recently presided al the councils that decided upon . Eleonora had planted fava beans, ar- reaclionary laws. You are responsible lor tichokes, tornatoes, peppers, greens. and the kiltings of striking workers in Sceiba. herbs. Modena. Reggio Emilia. Palermo. Catania, Eventually. Moro had the tun of the con- and many other places: and for the murder fined space. He was given reading mate- of Mara. Renato Curcio's wite. and Ihe slurial, a lelevision set, and à record player, but dents Roberto Franceschi and Giorgiana the sound on the lalter two were fixed on Masi. You are guilty ot invoivement in countless scandals involving oil deals. coffee levi As lime passed. Zucor and Moro devel- purchases, Lockheed, arms traflic. You ve cped a curious fraternily. Moro did not have-held every government post; therefore '.yóu're guitty of every crime." The interrogata began. Moro's answers were recorded- His denials were futile. . "Leone embezzledlargesums. isit not so?" "No." "You liei" "His wife. Vittoria, con ducted sex orgies in the presidenti country mansion. 'Le Rughe.' is it not UueT "No!" "You liei" Moro was regularly inundateo v. .: cai literature: the publication 'Cc.i.s.. rormation" and four books aboul ma .' Brigades: Criminalization or irte Oasf Struggle, BR—Docurrienls ariti Cliron^'-es ot the Red Brigades, Red Emergerle*, ano NeverAgain Withouta Rille!—Origin olthe BR. He read about himself, the BH'r analySTs of the phrases of the Moro-esquf styte that was fashioned to "mesmerize tho . mediocre Senale": "linguislic moduies seni inlo politicai orbit," "paratlet coovergence." "convergence of postures." "convergencs of squared circìes." "convergence of con, trary rationales," "reciprocai comprehension of diverse fronts." Then there was tha* term so dear to him. pluralismo, used in combinations: "juridical pluralism." "practical and polemìcal pluralism." Moro had coined "interclassism," "centrism." "experimentaf caution." "operalion wilhout trauma," "fluid situational rapport," "angularity of confluenf visions." In a circumstance beyond his control (the first lime this had happened to him since. as a student, he'd learned the politicai poetry of duplic- ] ity). Moro was reading about anolher Aldo ' Moro. This one was the Falher of Lies. He saw his words covered wilh (lies. At night, in what he'd hoped would be mercilul slumber. he began lo dream ot : CONTINUEO ON PAGE 222 2 \ Senato della Repubblica — 664 — Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI now abandoned he was by politicians. reli- BR. They were in chains. caged like btrds io gorv.«s and Inends. he carne to savor his a Tunn couilroom. Two ol their lawyets. imprisonmeni. the absence ot power. suave Guisa and falcon-laced Oi Giovanni, commuto mo» not u Gradually. as he talked lo Zucor and ob- quesboned prospective jurors. The proEleonora and hit children in Ihe villa 'Three served the BR. a curious rcmanticism. the cess had been gang on lor a long lime, 6eése." Bui his wile was scowling and (he basis ol Mao» occutt Catholicism. long smee no one wanted'to SA in (udgrnent ol children were sneermg More and more'of- burieej. reasserted itsell. perhaps re- the BR. Italian Chnslrani knew their ten. he lound himseH m the reaim ot dor- awakened by the stress that tlooded him. Ecclesiasles: "A lime lo kit—a lime to keep mant phantasmagoria wandering and According to Zucor. Moro seemed glad he one's mouth shul." conterring with grmning Zaccagnini and was bemg pumshed . . . Moro watched Cossiga. his lormer prctawrong Cossiga m the Palazzo Chigi. Mon- At the BR s direction. Moro wroie letters tégé. lustify the Itatian governmertt's imlecilorio. the Viminale, the Deparimeni ol. in his scholarly. middle-class manner to placable stand against making any deal Justice. or in Christian Democrat head- each ol his associate*, trying to convince with the BR to save rum. Cossiga. viewed quarters- oh the Piazza di Gesù. Moro them that the people* court was serious. by millions. mouthed a quote from the Oieamed o( himsetl schemingwithout end: that the guerrìllas ol the Red Brigades were Cathoiic martyi Thomas Mote: "In out mot al Maivoiio. or as they calied hirn m Napies at war with the govérnmeni. and thal the purpose we must proceed with utmost and the soùth. "Lenguaneio" ("Black international rules ot warlare applied. An firmness not apparent to the public." Moro tongue"). exchange ol prisoners was necessary. He saw his iron-taced wife laìking wilh the He. Fantani. Andreotti. and Cossiga. in wrote nearly eighty tetters. On the outside. bizarrely attired. skmny old man of the Vatithe name ol democracy had struck laws people assumed he was being lortured can. the absurd claimanyo mfallibility and more Unjust than those ol II Duce Moro had and drugged. intimacy with the Creator of the cosmee. ' long (eli the hate ol thè young. bui in recent Moro and the BR watched the news of Eleonora asked the pope for the deliveryears naie seemèd universa). Zucor and their drama daily on Telegiornale. Au- ance of her husband. The pope broke wind his jurors now reminded Moro of how indif- tonomous BRceJls calied in spurious on her burnmg heart; he bestowed pietist (eient the IlaNan masses were to his plight. leads. and the police raced madly through vaporings- upon her Moro, immersed in a He was far Irom a popular man. His kid- the streets and countryside to raid barns fathomless moment of truth. reasoned: napping. Ske any other circus^ct. was and cellars. They even searched congre- "The pope has a language ditficulty—he welcomed as a diversion (rem ine bleak gations at Mass. The affair was made for does not know how to utter sìmpte words: I. boredom ol lile without work. money, or television, and Moro began to see his lite as the spiritual guide ot 700 million followers. dreams. a soap opera. Each day. following the can and will save Aldo Moro.' " And Moro Moro and Zucor were botri veiy Cathoiic. exacting ordeal of his own trial. Moro saw Fantani and Zaccagnini. protecled by a fact overlooked by many commentators watched Ihe televised legai proceedings a small army. enter his home to warn his òn the case, including the" shrill bitch jour- against Renato Curcio. Roberto Ognibene. ..'wife and children not to negotiate wilh the nalisl Oriana Fallaci. As Moro began to see and Alberto Franceschini. the chiefs of the. BR. He saw them then as false faces and the mirre* of his soul told htm that he loo had been the master of masks. .1 Zucor told Moro that atler a strategy ol tensicn his He could be exchanged for the Turin comrades. However. in analyzing Moro's posilion. he minced no words "You are an embarrassment now to church and state. Crucified. you may be of more use." This situation was exacerbated by Aniello Coppola's biography. Aforo. It had been selling well before the kidnapping, and 't breught to light the minuliae of thirty yeans of Mephisio manipulation of Italy—Italians calied Italy. 'Italia Uorotea.' Moro and his government had been mute about Vietnam, Chile. and the South American dictatorships manufactured in the White House. Worse. they had daily loused up Italy In their weekly pre-Communion contessiohs. there was never the breath ol mea maxima culpa. Al one point. Moro asked Zucor the signrficance of his being snatched on March 16. "Giangiacomo Feltrinelli (the GAP revolulionaryl was murdered by your government and the CIA on the sixteenth." Zucor replied. Feltrinelli and Zucor. very wealthy and ol the nobility. had long been Iriends. For a brief peried Zucor and Feltrinelli had been playboys. sniffing coke with the industriai royalty»Zucoi's lather wasa dilettante poet. and to their palazzo carne Benedetto Croce and the towering Ihinkers and artista. By Ihe lime he was twelve. Zucor had read the 2.000 books in his tather's library Zucor's mother wrote love stories under a pen name. To Zucor. she was queen of the universe. Zucor wenl to mass because his OiRISTIrtjPLASTIC Camera dei Deputati Senato della Repubblica p I LEGISLATURA V i l i mother loved Chnst She died al ranetyIwe. a lew monlhs belore Ihe Via Fani venlure. Zucor s space in the Moro hideout was hung with his mother s worn crucifixes and rosaries Brllliant Feltrinelli expanded his family's publishing house and founded an inslitute documenting the hìstory ol workers' movemenls. He joined the Communists. bui uncompromising revolution was in his blood: in 1957 he broke with Palmiro Togliatti and the Italian Communist party, contending that il "pissed on the heads ol the woikers." t ,, He visited Castro in the Sierra Maestra and went with Che Guevara and Regis Debray to the jungles ol Bolivia (where. ironically. only his (ortune and status saved him). He later tracked down one of Ché's assassins. Roberto Quintanilla. in the Bolivian Consolale in Hamburg. The gun that killed Quintanilla was Fellrinelli's Colt Cobra. The United States' military intervention in South America and Indochina convinced Feltrinelli that at any moment the CIA would turn Italy into another Chile. In Italy he went underground. Under many names. he furnished seed money for various radicai groups: the "Hammer and Sickles." "llalian Marxist-Leninist Party," "G A P." "XXII Ottobre." In 1969 at the University of Trento and in the factories of Tunn, Genoa, and Milan. through Feltrinelli. Zucor. Curcio. and Curcio's wife. Mara; the Brigate Rosse was born. The soul and nucleus of the BR is now Ihe imprisoned Brigatisti. Somehow they communicate with anonymous. sympathetic intellecluals. professional people. and workers. sending out guidelines to the mole'cular network of terrorism. Zucoi spoke of arl i c u l a t i o n in " c a p i l l a r y c i r c l e s " of 'simpatizzanti' " — a d h e r e n l s interconnected according to the sophisticated techniques of modem clandestine war. The BR has gone from minor lo major bloody episodes relatively quickly. But the ruthless character of ils attacks. Zucor points out, is in the great tradition o! politicai killmgs in Italy—even the Jesuits claimed the righi to murder rulers who opposed the "will of God and Ihe people." Power has its own logie. Moro was the brains of ihe Cathoiic and dollar democralic hierarchy. "Go with the limes and absorb ine adversary." said Moro, who had begun his career in Bari as a sycophant 01 the Cathoiic Fascisi party. Systematically, the BR mamtained. he'd. brought the mufidane methods of the Holy Roman Empire and the age ol the degenerate popes to the modem llalian ruling class. Even now Street cynics sneer: "The Holy Roman Empire can never die; if the BR wins. Ihe Valican will simply bless it." MARCH 29 Moro's letter io Cossiga: "Caro Francesco . ." Atler b o u r g e o i s a m e n i l i e s . he broaches the realism of a deal. In the Corriere della Sera, Zaccagnini says. .'Drd the maximum leader and insprrer ol Italian politics write it. or an Aldo he Ico Bei mei mal I ' wor for LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI V Senato della Repubblica LEGISLATURA V i l i — Mof o reduced to impotence in a vile pnson. stunned Dy drugs and psychological bratnwashmg?.,. . Surely Ihe BR wrote the letler and torged his signature—or Moro has gone insane. The Christian Democrats extend their protound sentiments ol moral and politicai solidarity . . . to Aldo Moro, but Ihe government judges it unthmkable to have any dialogue with criminal enemies ol Ihe state." In the Cossiga lelter. Moro ciled the agreement between Leonid Brezhnev and Augusto Pinochet ter the exchange ol renegade dissrdent Vladmir Bukowski and ^thu Chitedn.Communist leader Luis. Corva1an. He also condcmnud Uni in^U.'xiblo sland ol Israel and the Podurul Rupubliu ol Gurmany lor relusing to nogotiatu wilh the turrorists ol thu Block Scplembor group "ur Ihuir ulluck on tho Ist.iuli Olympic jn. On Easter. television crews focus longdistance lenses on the Windows ol Moro's home, but they are curtained. Eleonora and the children have locked themselves away from Ihe circus. Only sleadlasl Iriends come and go al Via Forte Trionfate 79. Nicolo Rana and Corrado Guerzoni mainlain secret communicatrens with the BR. nogotiating lor Moro's lile. The police hound them. MARCH 31 Moro's Christian Democrats iormatly — 666 — Camera dei Deputati DISEGNI D I LEGGE E R E L A Z I O N I - D O C U M E N T I abandon him. A statement is issued: "As long as the party stands firm against any negotialions. the killing ol Moro will represent a spiritual viclory lor Italy and a definite deleat lor Ihe terrorists." Knowmg that there are secrel Communications belween the BR and the lamily Altorney General De Matteo goes to the Moro home in order to grill Eleonora sublly. She considera him an enemy. Then the pope belches again: "The Church deplores Aldo Moro's predicamene bui we dp not despair. wepray" Zaccagnini goes to Eleonora Moro and tnos lo pursuadc bar that the honor and dignity ol thu stufo tiiko procudonnu ovur hur emolions. Eleonora ali bui throws him oul. APRIL 2 Now conscluuunuss bucutno Moro's nighimare. He ollen daydreamed. He was in a strange land, surrounded by menacing blacks; he couldn'l find the police. and there was no way back to Eleonora. Eleonora had ollen said that politicians were noi human. He. himself was not capable of compassion. only of the chess of statecrafl. He rarely saw his family. Once. Eleonora found a love letter in his coat. From then on she went no more lo the beauty shop, nor used cosmetics, nor bought dresses. She mourned his infidelily and linked it to his indifference to ihe fate of ihe viclims of the power lui. In some ways "Anna*—that is not her rear name—the one Iemale member ol Zucor's celi (who wore the blonde wig at Via Fani) reminded Moro of Eleonora She had her strength. Anna was pan ol the Trento University politicai larva of 1967-69 that evolved from the dialeclical "Università Negativa" into the BR. Anna had been Margharila ("Mara") Cagol's bridesmaid when she married Renato Curcio. Anna. Mara. Curcio. Mauro Rostagno. and Ihe German student leader Peter Schneider were (he prenafal BR. Anna had no illusions about a Castrotype victory. Sho had wnttim. "This is our pruruvuluttonury momunt. Ituly's situatimi is not similar to the oxpurioncu of tho Russians. Chinese. or Cubans Wo must udiust to a long poriod ol blooily slrugglu Wo must noi bo . . . ittlollucluiil vuyouis who sii on ihe sidelines and 'interpret.' The capitatisi enemy kills. as Ihey killed my father in the police-provokecftvtilan riot ol December'12.1969. Either we kill them or they kilt us." By accident. Anna happened not Io be with Mara when Mara was Irapped and shot to deaih by the police. Anna could have passed for Mara Cago! Curcio: small. frail. soft spoken. But it was Anna who gave, Renalo Curcio his nickname. "Pippo." because ol his big nose. Dunng Moro's trial. Anna brought Ihn evtóence of Ihe charges. along with pi lotes and films of police terrorism. She presented "prool" of government frauds. of its .liaisons with the Mafia and ine Vatican lo "keep Italy feudal." She made Moro feel veryold. Oncfe, feverishly. he dared whisper to Anna that if she would help him. he'd pive his word to exempt her from prosecution "tour word .' As valueless as government Irealies with Indians! As valueless as summit conferences with the unconsciO'js' We will not hesitate to tear your word 'o shreds! Write your confessioni Cough up your identity and restore the magical baiance of memory and desire!" She actually spai at Moro. , They brought much—too muori— against him. He no longer answered al ali. He became as ingenuous as Prince Myshkin in The Idiot. 1 1 APRIL 10 Moro told Zucor he had a premonition of dealh. President Leone had cynically named his water spaniel "Moro." APRIL 15 The editor of La Republica teceives a phone cali: Communication Number Six is in a certain garbage can on Via dell' ATnunciala. It begins: "L'interrogatrio al prigioniero Aldo Moro e' terminato,' and ends. "Non ci sono dubbi. ALDO MORO E COLPEVOLE E VIENE PERTANTO CONDANNATO A MORTE." Moro's trial is completed. He is guilty beyond doubl and forthwith condemned to die. Charily Italy. Amnesty International, and Kurt Waldheim of Ihe United Nalions im- 24 Senato della Repubblica — 667 — Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI ) medi?.:*, ofler lo mediale. The llalian gov- prisoners are freed. The government is alernment refuses. A clown sends an aileged lowed forty-eight hours. To erase any BR message: Moro commiited suicide; his doubts about Moro's bemg alive, the BR body Can be lound in Lake Duchessa, high calls the editor of /' Messagero. Nearby. on m the Abruzzi Mountains. The government Via Tritone, is an envelope with a photo. In it doesn't hesitate lo spend lavishly on a Moro has a tranquil expression. Behind him searcrToperation that could relieve il ot its is the Brigate Rosse banner: propped in Moro problem. front of him is La Republica wilh the headline HAS MORO BEEN KILLED? Moro's son. Giovanni, however, secretly in touch with the BR. knows his father is The BR sends xerox copies of eight alive. He organizes a petilion ol antipapal pages wrinen by Moro to cilies ihroughout prelates lor an appeal to Ihe government. Il ' Italy Moro insists on the govemmenfs makis ignored. ing a deal. He has doparled Irom his old ChooGlng lo boliovu him rlii.-ul. Muro's ochotillnncrinr utammur, hlu woulu dio an» coiimUau In yuvumimiiil Ioni thu miiol ol gutuliud and plum; "You—Zaccagnini. Ancafharsrs; ineyquicklybtrgiri their telomous dreotti, Fanfani. Berlinguer. Leone, and chatler; "hero of Ihe nation with grandiosity Cossiga—are ali guilty along with me and of soul." "genius of conciliation." lAldo lives must rise lo the manliness of sharing my on in our breasls!" Via Mario Fani has its fate. I am here for ali of you. and should you name changed to Via Mart'yr ol March 16. not agree to the prisoner exchange, 1 shall hold you and the government as my murAPRIL 19 derers. Aldo Moro." A corpse is found under the ice of Lake Duchessa, but il is that ol a locai man. The APRIL 21 disappointment in Roman power circles is The pope addresses an appeal to the BR: "I wrile you. men of the Red Brigades, and palpable. pray of thee on bended knees to restore to The BR strikes ali over Italy.kneecapping—"lurning powerfùl reaclionaries*. Ihe common brotherhood of man our faithinto lame horses." They chili Lorenzo Cotu- ful son of the Church of Christ, the Honorgno, the sadislic warden ol Curcio's prison. able Aldo Moro, without conditions. Paul VI." Bui the following day, from his balcony. the pope squeals harshly of Moro's keepAPRIL 20 ers. This does not help the Moro family's Communication Number Seven: Moro's efforts. However, the BR does not act upon death senjence can be commuted if BR its deadlme. The government leàders seer smug. Berlinguer, not lo b e outdone. pulì out alt the stops. He shrieks against "Ih assassins of the Brigate Rosse." Berlingu .?• is particularly otlended (hat the BR are cali ing themselves "the Irue Communists." APRIL 22 The Bishop of Ivrea. Luigi Bettazzi, workinr with the Moro family, oflers his. Me as hos tage lo the BR. The pope indignante squelches the bishop's invotvemenl. But Ihe bishop delies Ihe popp, he a m i arxmynuHJu rlch Inumili itvuv Siti niilliiw* runsom and pludyo an addilioniil $20 million. Church and state negate the attemp" as an act demeaning to the government .inviolable stance. A statement is issuec "With the saving ot Moro, the lawless BR m i kilt ànd kidnap continuali/" The BR turn down the ransom olfer. They are not interested in money They want Ihe recognition of politicai ajatus. A group of impotenf actors, bulfoon directors, narcissistic writers. and discarded celebrilies, such as Federico Fellirii, Eugenio Montale, Sergio Amidei, and Alberto Moravia, sign an anti-BR sermon. The Communist Bernardo Bertolucci keeps his mouth shut. APRIL 24 Communiaation Number Eight: Thirleen prisoners are to be freed, including Brigatisti. Nappisli, and members of the October Twenty-second Group—"the llower ol flowers of lerrorism." If not. Moro dies. Minister Marco Pannella wanls the situation debated in Parliament. Cabinet President Pietro Irtgrao says no. Ingrao takes his orders from Fanfani and Berlinguer. APRIL 25 Moro's third letter to Zaccagnini: " Z a c . . we are at the moment of my slaughter Ths DC must depart from its attachmsn to mythomania, admit to reality and f-ccrp! the conditions ot the Brigate Rosse. .i do not accept the inequily and ingratm idt and the atrocious death sent3nce visi'er upon me by the Christian Democra! pfcfty which is no! the people but you. my Ine •• >• of thirly years—and. as I see now. . • men who will have to account fo my far": •/ the nation, history. and God for your participation in my m u r d e r . . . for what you have committed against us. I demand thal ne State authorities or men of the DC des£ crate my funeral with their presence. ! v/sh my corpse tò be attended only by ;he leni who in God's eyes were good and |rue ¥> •me. . . . Aldo Moro." As answer. church and state make imaginalive gestures to show the people Ihal Ihey are aiding Aldo and Eleonora. The pope has a helicopter containing a beauti' fui slatue ol Our Lady of Falima and a priecl saying a Salvalion Mass hover over Moro's home; the Air Force has six jets paini the red, white. and green Italian tlag in the skies over the Via Martyr. In Torrila Tiberina the white-haired paslor, Agostino M a n c i n i . Moro's confessor. 25 Senato della Repubblica — 668 — LEGISLATURA V i l i — iks sadly ove' Marlooros ano wine: "In wenty-five years that I conlcssed the xacle Aldo-Moro. God and I heard is about government that would make hair stand on end. Signora Eleonora jed him to relitte Irom what she calied mhumanity ol his pursuit. but he had i his soul as bail lo the state he oesd. The common people unarumously hat Moro will be immolated by the lad ilian democracy I will noi comment on xxitill—he is not Pope John . . . bui BR prisoners could be released. ima has ollered them sanctuary and ' Moro is home, the government could trt- 'the Israelis and West Gcrmans: :k tnem down and |usiice' thom. Pooit ro. He has not even picked out a' rb. . ." « Camera dei Deputati DISEGNI D I LEGGE E R E L A Z I O N I - D O C U M E N T I at his luneral. Then "I see that my party wants my destruction—assumes that I am wnting under the dictation ol the BR. Why do youlie?. .-." Jimmy Carter, in uphoiding human rights. *' President Carter s representative. Joe ^ u ^ " * * Califano. whodoesn'l know his ass from a " hole in the ground in Italy. applauds Zaccagnini's no. MAY 1 Russia's Pravda calls the Brigate Rosse A satyricon begins: the llalian soccer team "Red Bandits" and bad-mouths Socialist is eliminated Irom World Cup competition. Craxi for trying to save Moro. Television shows tho result ol Ihe defeat. Ali An American novelist descrjbes for an over Italy. there is rage. depression. drink- llalian magazine a Sgherri headquarters in ing. Trastevere: " . . . in their bare rooms they Zaccagnini. whose hobby is the study of wile away the time like cretins. playing with Nostradamus. announces that Nos- balls of paper. making airplanes. practictradamus prophesied the Moro ambush. ing fast draws like their heroes in American This scems to comlort Zaccagnini. cop movies. holding masturbalion conThe Society of Jesuits accuses tests." piGOS—the secret service—of effemiThe Communist Saint. Enrico Berlinguer, nale weakness and muddling. Fascisi Re- informs on "extreme leftists" who have left pubticans Massimo De Carolis and La his party "to, most likely, ally Ihemselves Mal|a vow Ihat there is underoable collusion with the clandestine politicai terrorists!" ìli between the police and the BR. MAY 5 'atoiy. Sodatisi Craxi speaks ol an "auThe ninth and final BR communication arnmous initiative" bargain with the BR. MAY 2 xagnini goes crazy: "What the hell do Magistrate Mario Daniele ol Miian pro- rives: "The action initialed Marcii 16 is i mean by 'autonomous initiative ? ' Craxi poses that in exchange for Moro, the gov- properly now reaching its climax with the jgests one or two prisoners be allowed ernment commule the sentences of ali BR fullillment of the sentence to which Aldo iig a tunnel and escape; then let others prisoners to a maximum of two years. Zac- Moro was condemned. . . . The Moro bat. on the pretended grounds ol en- cagnini. no doubt thinking ol Nostradamus, tte is the first of many. This is only the beginning." tgered health. The pian leaks to the pa- thunders "No!" again. s. There is a furor among the fescists, Yassir Aralat defines the BR terrorism as ixi modifies his pian: suspend à few sen- "mililary operations." MAY 6 ces and give paroles; also, reform the Idi Amin Dada, over Radio Kampala in Eleonora receives a cali: "This is the' BR. k Ages prisco conditions. The Com- Uganda, says he will convince the BR to You have a few hours left in which to save lisi party thunders no! release Moro, since he believes. atong wilh your husband. Aldo Moro, the father of your ÌIL 27 o's personal secretary. Nicolo Rana, lily friends Corrado Guerzoni and eno Freata. and Eleonora and Ihe chil-' n come up with a scheme: BR prisoners ild be Iranslerred from the Turin jail to a vincial prison no more secure than a ;ken coop; BR commandos could raid prison and (ree the comrades. with ihe me placed on the rural authorities. Moro, eleased. everybody is happy, and the' /ernment's face is saved. Zaccagnini and his boys fiercely reiecl • idea. Eleonora appeals to Paul VI. but i pope clasps his ringed hantìs deplor|ly and shakés his head. •RIL 28 xo has never watched so much televixi. Along wilh 25 million other TV fans. he ics a series, "Madame Bovary." He disj s s c it with Zucor and his keepers. PRIL 30 Messagero publishes anolher Moro mesage. As president of the DC. he wants a onvocation of the National Council. "I want te irnpossible done lo save my lite! The Jocialisls have shown more humanity. . . . wish Misasi lo preside in my place. "My social views and Ihe dialectics and deàls ol Ihe BR have hardly anything in common, but ali my public lite I have relained as humanely feasible the mercilul exchange of prisoners of war. The Christian Democrats have judged that Aldo Moro must die." Moro repeats that he does not want the men of power, not even the pope. 26 Senati» della Repubblica Camera dei Deputati — 669 — LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI n»t I children." The phone is tapped by Cossiga's police, but the message is just code anyway: decipheied, it means that a note irom Aldo awaits. The daughter. Anna, leaves the house. Anna takes bus 446 to Ponte Milvio. She bides her turn patiently at a phone booth, enters. does not make a cali, finds a letter in one ol the directories. relurns home by bus. "Dearest Norina. This is i t . . .they have told me that in a little while they are going to kill me. The DC and the government. had they wanted, could easily have saved me. This is the end. I am to die very soon. I kiss you lor the last time. Kiss the children lor me.' Eleonora immediately gives the letter to ali the papers. They publish special editions. The arch-reactionaries in-^ie DC severely criticize Moro's larewetl missive and pressure the pope to teli Moro that it's God's will lor him to die and that he should tace death happily. as have many Calholics beforehim. Most government leade'rs have lelt Rome on their efection campaigns. The populace are lixed to their television sets as usuai, watching an Agatha Christie murder mystery The Aldo Moro show is (jetting boring. The rJC sends the uncluous paunch, Fanfani, to Eleonora, and Paul VI sends Cardinal Potetti. She is to resign herself to the martyrdom of her man for the ineffable glory of The Law and Jesus Christ. Eleonora Chiavarelli Moro, erudite daughter of a physician. Montessorian teacher. finally explodes with truths. In her rage. she calls the pope and the polilicians charlaians. pederasls. whores. and cowards. They are trailors. who are soon to be stained with ti»; blood of Aldo Moro so that Italy won't tose face belore the rotten superpowers anc stinking multinational corporations. In her wtath she curses man-made church and state and smashes a large vase filled with f lowers against the wall near Cardinal Potetti and Fanfani. Tho Christian Domoctalo had ptclcnnd Moro as « murtyr pnor lo tho icgion:i> and nalional eloctions. Thoy had calculaicd that the shockod public would rotici emcllonallyforlawandorder, incroasing the power of the DC and diminishing notably, if not disastrously. the standmgs that the radicai parties had. Indeed. they were right. In the subsequent election, the DC pìcked up 8 percent of the national vote, raising its share to 46. The Communists. to Berlinguer's chagrin, dropped down to 30 percent. =•) tgeven be350 Ito iO.R. "iew onos . I MAY8 A BR source in police intelligence reports that a German cnminologist has correctly deduced the area ol the Moro hide'out. At night the master celi vacates. Moro is taken in a van to a temporary hideout near the sea. It's an area of.summer homes for Ihe rich, relatively uninhabited until June. an hour Irom Rome. Senato della Repubblica — 670 — ' Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI - DOCUMENTI MAY 9 Zucor. tells Moro that this is it. Moro admits thal he is tired. He has been thinking ol a message. sent by Eleonora. "You have been abandoned by Church and man. Only Aldo Moro can help you now . . ." Moro thinks of defecling. then rejecls the idea, "l'd look bad in khaki." he tells Zucor. rie doesn't eat his last meal. He refuses sedatici. He just wanls to pf'rayj he has no other desire. ' t : A priest is sent for. a young radicai who will never inform. He is brought in a closed van, then blindfolded from the van to Moro's room. Moro softly conlesses his sins. buf his Act of Contrtlion is lervent. The young priest celebrates Mass and gives Moro the lasl sacraments. The priest weeps. For collation Moro has a cup ot water. Anna gives him a haircut. He showers and brushes his teeth, but h%doesn't bother to shave. He dresses in the clolhes he wore when kidnapped. He puts on his socks of midnight blue (which, he does not notice. are inside oul), the wliite shirt with blue stripes made by La Ninarelli in Bologna, Suspenders, the beige Swiss sweater, the carefully knotted tie with tiny. white designs, the dark blue suit, tlexible shoes calied "mocassini." He puts his scapular. rosary as well as some medals of saints in his pockets. Zucor tells him. "You will go now with Anna and Franco." Anna wears a red wig this lime. Moro meekly fcJlows them out of the house and along a dnveway lo a red Renault 4 station wagon. Zudor says: "Please get in and lie down." Aldo Moro obeys. The- space in Ihe b a c k is so cramped that he has lo (old his legs under him. Zucor gives the following orders to Anna and Franco: "Park and lock the car on Via Caelani. in the ancienl Jewish ghetto between Moro's Christian Democrats and the building of Berlinguer s Commurnsts: Walk slowly away with your weapons in tho shopping bag." Franco drives. while Anna covers Moro from the front seat. The Renault, with the stolen license "Roma N57686." is passed by a few cars and trucks on Ihe highway by the sea. It turns onlo an isclated, sandy road. No one says anything. Franco and Anna get out. He holds a 9 mm. pistol; she. a scorpion machine pistot. Bolh are fitted with silencers. They tilt the station wagon's rear door and fix the lalch. Moro loote at them. To die in such a shabby way... Eleven bullets slam through Moro's chest, leaving a path of punctures. They wrap him in a large sheel of orange-colored plaslic and place him on a heavy, soiled overcoal. They put their guns in a STANDA store bag and drive back onto the highway toward Rome. Utiili COI thi as (*/ t« W II S I TOT I 5= I E I Not one bulle! touched Aldo Moro's heart. It took him Irom live'to tèn minules to bleed to death. CH—a G*i I ttedaU 28 Senato della Repubblica — 671 — Camera dei Deputati LEGISLATURA V i l i — DISEGNI DI LEGGE E RELAZIONI -" DOCUMENTI • '• . i &m.f;.,-.- ygjlpfe'HMing'in fesponse lo Ihe essày "Detofe^Nopaiièf " by James E. LUÌ.' (Supicmta^ 1978) I am pteased lo see that the pesete atPentftouse have me spini to ptim ri ;a'yj^;4SS>osihg,lhat 01 your "Cartorgate" ,. àii«s:.;l ani in prison and don i rimi uve ":' it»mhmt<«iiutK<ialx»ittlvr-puhndit* «irti : am gjulflul lor fho informano l yui Iran . your magatine. You print the linest com• V°>ary of alt the magazines feceivfed tjere .;Ì«Siopiison. ' '. J wuutd UMI lo pomi out to your rUiileia dui fruuidoiit CurHir's many Ciinip.iiyti rxqihises are long in coming lo fruilion lor •y reasons. I lee) that Ihe main reason is ditlicuUy he has had in ridding his adrrunistration ot Nixon cronies. I think that Carter is doing what he can; one step at a lime. He is slowty ridding himself and the nation of the ineffactua^ people within the lederai government. Penthaisè is also doing a splendid job of exposmg the corporate poweis thal appear to be running the government. President Carter has his hands luti with these powerhungry (reaks thal continue io make our government a laughingstock behind Ihe c £oó òoors of corporale greed. In this land ol free emerprise if a man wanta lo make a taxi out ot his own car. it will cost him r 1 S2Q0G0 to do so. Is this free enterprise? No it's corporaiions digging mio our pock«ts. Their money makes the laws that rid themselves of any competilion through paid-otl congressmen and senators righi nn down the Ime to our own city supervisore Mi. Carter is accepling new laws thal wifl aflect Ihese no-compelition laws. He must wòrk slowly. or he will be shot down. VVhat wo need is a sialo ol concerà Fvery persoli who considera tintiseli an Airxiricari shixiltì moki! an ulfort to bicorne aware of Ihtt reat silualions that the people lare every day Mr. Car lei is the president ol It»; United States wholher wu like it nr noi. Ile neeil:; the barking ol alt Iht: people lo i-uiiniiue the strugglo to nyht many wrongs.— K.W.G.. Vacavate. Calif. In his arlicle "Defending Carter" James E, Lee says. "One world is stili some dislance away but the direction is clear And what sane, sentient person would take exception to such a prospecj?" I do. I lake slrong exception to Ihat prospect as well as lo Mr. Lee's opinion of Carter. The one world Mr. Lee speaks of is not a pleasant place if one happens to believe In the principles of individuai freedorn. democracy. and justice. The Global Society envisioned by Rockefeller. Carter, and Brzezinski is a lotalilarian. socialistic society more similar to the Soviet Union than to America. The Rockefeller-Brzezinski pian for world unity was actually conceived 200 years ago by a small grnup ot ultianc.h men who calied themselves "The Illuminali " or "The Enlightened Ones." Their pian was simple: to use whatevw means were. avaitable— violenl revolution tirtmocraiic process. bnbery • - to allow governments ali over the world lo gam miai control ovf :r every aspect ot the individuali lite and then to gam conimi of the governments themselves Tho pian has worked ouife well so far and has resulied m the sociali/ation ol Russia. Easiorn Furopc mosl ol Alnca and to a tesser degroe the United States Don't gut contused by the lact that Rockefeller and his cnhorls (hoirs of the Illuminali) oio "rupiMlists": tliuy Un net deane j riiriliriiiiiImn. of the Irw.'-enierprise system Thuy used it to gain their wealth. but Ihey know that il free enlerprise continues. they might • tose their wealth to anyone^ho could pio• vide consumers wilh bettèr produets at lower prices. So Ihey seek to preserve the power that wealth prings them by giving control ol ali weallh (noi jusl their own. but yours and mine too)to the government and by putting themselves in control ol the government. . These men are not stupid. They have plotted carefutly for many years to bnng their pian to fruition. They are noi about to lei any^independenl source ol weallh and power escape their control. A globat society with them in chargemust be totaluarian. Any area ol human life that is lelt out ot their control will attract the most creative and energetic individuai in the society and torm the beginning of a power base thal would threaten the world order. Only by blotting out ali freedorn can they ever hope to maintain their power. As an individuatisi and a lover of freedorn. I could not lolerate such a society. Those who feel likewise shoulri rom the light against The Tnlaleral Commission and Ino Rockefeller-Brzezinski-Carter pian for tho Global Sòciely. A true. heallhy world community can be brought about only by individuals who work together votuntanly. not by some government tellinp them to dn so. The way to tight Rockefeller's cronies is lo oppose any mlrusion of the government into the private affairs of the citizens and lo demand that alt current intrusicms be repealed. What is left of Ihe true freeènterprise system cannot survive a national-health-insurance program, the conlinued expansion of welfare and social securily. the regulation ol private businesses by parasitic bureaucracies. and who knows whal else Mr. Lee's Iriends can dream up. The recent passage of Propositton 13 in. California showed that "the powers that be" ' can be defeated. But the fighi to regam tosi freedorns must not stop ihere. Taxes must be limited in every state as well as at the federai level. Conslitutional amendments must be passed to prevent any furlher expansion of the government and to eliminate many currenì programs. And. above ali etse.JimmyCarter must not be reelected. —M. Wagner. Middletown. NX CH—a 29