PAW PRINTS PAW PRINTS - Richmond Chapter of the Penn State


PAW PRINTS PAW PRINTS - Richmond Chapter of the Penn State
Central Virginia Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association
March Newsletter
Board Members:
Bob Heilman ’59
[email protected]
Vice President:
John Boito ’73
[email protected]
Nancy M. Hallman ’67
[email protected]
Cheryl Koenig ’87
[email protected]
David Sharp ’94
[email protected]
Special Events:
Jeff Cole ’76
[email protected]
Chris Larry ’86
[email protected]
Cindy Spitzner ’78
[email protected]
Roberto Ruzzi ’97
[email protected]
David Ambruster ’78G
[email protected]
Pete Goergen ’72
[email protected]
Brett Schneck ’09
[email protected]
Suzanne Hess ’84
[email protected]
Patty Wood ’04
[email protected]
Jim Baker ’85
[email protected]
Time to Renew Your Membership
It is that time of year again to renew your membership. Please
fill out the enclosed application and mail it along with your
2011 dues to our Membership Director David Sharp. By
filling out the application completely we are able to update our
files and keep you informed of upcoming events and
information. You can also update your membership on our
website. This year, we are planning at least one event per
quarter including our Annual Dinner, a Flying Squirrels
outing, the Big Ten Kick-off Rally, our Student Send-Off
Picnic, PSU Football Game Viewings and our Annual Holiday
Open Party and Celebration. Your membership allows you to
attend these events under our members rate.
Upcoming Events:
May 19th – 8th Annual Dinner
Summer Flying Squirrels Baseball Outing w/Fireworks
August 7th – Annual Student Send-Off Picnic
TBA – Colonial Downs Racing Party
Big Ten Kick-off Party
Fall Season—Football Viewing Parties
Fall Wine Tasting Tour TBA
December 2nd – Annual Holiday Open House
The Central Virginia Chapter of the
Penn State Alumni Association
would like to congratulate the Penn
State Women’s Volleyball Team on
their 2010 NCAA National Title.
The Nittany Lions became the first
team in Division I women’s volleyball to win four consecutive national
championships. We would especially
like to salute our “home grown”
member of the team, Ms. Kristin
Carpenter of Mechanicsville
(Hanover High) on her contribution
to the success of the team.
Way to go Kristin!
The Lion’s Roar The Chapter’s dedicated Directors had a planning meeting to evaluate the current Chap‐
ter’s activities, develop a 2011 program for the membership for the value of membership par‐
ticipation fees, and a fulfill the mission Central Virginia Chapter & Penn State Alumni Associa‐
tion, without an overload of effort to any individual. The Directors need your assistance to prevent “an overload of effort to any individual.” I have seen individuals withdraw from Chapter leadership because of “overload.” There are many individual tasks that need to be accomplished in fulfilling the events and activities. An example is the membership renewal letter and forms that need to be mailed. The tasks: 1. letter and forms duplicated 2.labels created 3. labels on envelopes 4. envelopes stuffed 5.postage af‐
fixed and mailed. Two or three individuals working together make fast work for this task. Performing these tasks will bring you into closer networking contact with other Penn Staters. How you can be involved: Send me an email ([email protected]) indicating your willingness to be contacted to check if you would be available to perform a task. That’s My Lion’s Roar, Chapter President, Bob Heilman
Central Virginia Penn State Alumni in the News
This past November, two Board members, Patty Wood and Pete Goergen, local attorneys with the
MGM law firm had the privilege of attending the 27th Annual Richmond Red Mass and dinner, which
was also attended by the Honorable Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the
United States. The Red Mass, a tradition rich in history, is attended by judges, lawyers, and government officials of all faiths and creeds “for the purpose of invoking God’s Blessing and guidance in the
administration of justice.”
A dinner reception and remarks by Justice Scalia followed the Red Mass in the Marble Hall of the
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Justice Scalia’s remarks to the audience centered upon the
strength and value of faith in the face of modern day opposition and criticism.
If you have any stories or news to share about yourself or other local Penn State alumni, please
contact Cindy Spitzner or Chris Larry, your newsletter chairpersons.
PAW PRINTS NEWS FLASH! The Central VA Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association cordially invites you to the 8th Annual Alumni Dinner! Great food by Joe DeFazio Catering (PSU Alum), Door Prizes, 50‐50 Raffle, Silent & Live Auctions (including an autographed Joe Paterno Football), Chapter Updates, & more!! The Chapter will also be presenting a $250.00 Book Award to an attending Penn State Student. 2011 Guest Speakers Bill Kenney, Assistant Football Coach‐ Tackles & Off Line Tom Hammond, Regional Representative, Alumni Assn. When: Where: Time: Cost: Thursday, May 19, 2011 The Glen Allen Cultural Arts Center 2880 Mountain Road / Glen Allen, VA 23060 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm –Annual Chapter Meeting 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Cocktails & Silent Auction 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm –Dinner & Speakers Members: $45, Children and PSU Students $35 (Non Central VA Chapter members $55 –but join by 5/18/11 and pay member rate) R.S.V.P. by May 16, 2011 to Cheryl Koenig (space is limited!!!) E‐mail: [email protected]. or phone: (804) 550‐5297 after 6 PM Mail Checks to: Cheryl Koenig, 9021 Waldelock Place, Mechanicsville, VA 23116 New Option to use PayPal for reservations by visiting‐! Membership Application
2011 Calendar Year (membership expires
December 31, 2011)
1. Name: _____________________________________
(You do not have to be a PSU Alumnus to join the club)
University: ____________________
College: ____________________
Date of Birth: _____________ (optional)
Grad. Year: __________
2. If married: Spouse's Name: ______________________
(Spouse does not have to be a Penn State Alumnus)
University: ____________________
College: ____________________
Spouse's Date of Birth: ____________ (optional)
Grad. Year: __________
3. Home Address:
Street: _________________________________________
City, State: _______________________________ Zip Code: ________
Phone Number: ______________________________
4. Business Address:
Company: __________________________ Position: _____________________________
Street: _________________________________________
City, State: _______________________________ Zip Code: ________
Phone Number: ______________________________
5. Preferred Email Address: _________________________________________
2011 calendar year:
$25.00 (family membership)
$10.00 (Recent Graduate—last 2 years)
New Member
*I would like to contribute to the Book Scholarship Award
*I would like to contribute to the THON
$20.00 (single)
(free) 2011 Grads
Total Enclosed
Yes, I am interested in being part of the Board of Directors (check box)
Make checks payable to: “Central VA Chapter of Penn State Alumni Assoc.”
Return membership application and check to:
David Sharp
Attention PSU Central VA Chapter
5101 New Kent Road
Richmond, VA 23225
$ _________
$ _________
$ _________
$ _________
$ _________
Central Virginia Chapter of the Penn
State Alumni Association
May 19th
2011 Events Calendar
8th Annual Dinner
Summer 2011
Flying Squirrels Family Outing
August 7th
Annual Student Send-Off Picnic
Summer/Fall TBA
Fall TBA
Fall Season
Fall TBA
December 2nd
Colonial Downs Racing Party
Big Ten Kick-off Party
Football Viewing Parties
Wine Tasting Tour
Annual Holiday Open House
Also, be sure to visit our chapter website and join our
groups on Facebook and LinkedIn!
Chapter Website:
Facebook Group: PSU Central VA Alumni
LinkedIn Group: PSU Central VA Alumni
2011 Football Schedule
April 16
Blue/White Game
September 3
September 10
September 17
September 24
October 1
October 8
October 15
October 22
October 29
November 5
November 12
November 19
November 26
Indiana State
at Temple
Eastern Michigan
at Indiana
Purdue (Homecoming)
at Northwestern
at Ohio State
at Wisconsin
National Championship
Home Games — Highlighted
We Need Your Help
Are you interested in becoming more active in the club?
Here are some great ways to join in the fun:
If you would like to learn more about joining the Board of Directors, which meets once a month, please
contact Dave Ambruster @ 330-3088
We need items for the Silent Auction held during the Annual Dinner in May. If you can donate an item
or service, or know of someone else or a business that could contribute, contact Jeff Cole @ 288-5485
Help organize a club event, assist with the newsletter or other communications, share an item for the
website, brainstorm ideas for new activities…contact club President, Bob Heilman @
[email protected] or Cindy Spitzner @ 360-5409
The Chapter is hoping to become involved in a number of new Community Service Projects including
working with the local Ronald McDonald House in a monthly activity. Please contact Jim Baker @
[email protected] to suggest additional projects or to learn more about what is planned
Renew your membership-see insert for details
Come out to the club activities and tell other Penn Staters and friends about CVA-PSAA
Returned Postage Guaranteed
First Class Postage
Mr. David Sharp
Membership Chairman
Attn. PSU Central VA Chapter
5101 New Kent Road
Richmond, VA 23225
Please Renew Your Membership for 2011
Central Virginia Chapter of the
Penn State Alumni Association Newsletter
Do You know anyone else interested in joining???
Are you aware of anyone not receiving the newsletter or not attending events? Enclosed is an application for membership. If a
fellow classmate, office friend, or neighbor is interested, please pass this on. As you know, we are building the Alumni Chapter
and the more members . . . the more fun and friendships and events.
Penn State Central Virginia Web Site: