art design miami
art design miami
A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN INTERNI ART DESIGN MIAMI A series of appointments with the protagonists of international architecture and design at flagship stores of excellence made in Italy in Miami, during Design Miami and the centennial of Miami Beach. Third international appointment for 2015 of What is Best – Who is Next. INTERNI, the magazine of contemporary design and architecture, the spokesman for Italian creativity in the world for over sixty years, presents “INTERNI ART DESIGN MIAMI”: a cycle of encounters from 2 to 5 December 2015 for an open debate on international design and business made in Italy, in collaboration with Salone del Mobile.Milano, the most important international furniture and design fair, and ITA-Italian Trade Agency. After the series in New York (May 2015) and London (September 2015), INTERNI becomes the protagonist of a debate that invites some of the most outstanding architects on the international scene to meet with entrepreneurs and talent scouts of made in Italy to discuss the relationship between creativity, architecture and design, industrial and tailor-made design, explaining their design philosophy in relation to the know-how and history of Italian design. The main theme of the encounters is design, seen as a universal language of contemporary living. Gilda Bojardi, editor-in-chief of INTERNI, says: “The boundaries between the arts are increasingly open and flexible: and the reciprocity between the creativity of the auteur and industrial production, the stylistic signature of this historical period, generates a theoretical and cultural debate that involves the worlds of art, design and architecture. Making 360-degree design means communicating in all these spheres in a creative way, and Miami, with its cultural activities, its works of architecture and major worksites of large international architecture studios, is the open-air demonstration of this scenario”. The calendar of INTERNI ART DESIGN MIAMI includes four encounters: Wednesday 2 December 12pm with Bernardo Fort-Brescia, Arquitectonica, in conversation with Gilda Bojardi, Editor in Chief INTERNI c/o Scavolini Store Miami 6pm with Allan Shulman, Shulman + Associates c/o Bisazza @internimagazine #internimagazine Friday 4 December 6pm with Carlo Ratti, Carlo Ratti Associati c/o Anima Domus + Clei Saturday 5 December 6pm with Jacqueline and Carlos Touzet, Touzet Studio c/o Calligaris Every talk will be followed by an aperitivo featuring typical Italian products 1 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN INTERNI, THE SECOND 60 YEARS INTERNI, the Magazine of Interiors and Contemporary Design, celebrated its first 60 years in 2014, 60 years during which it has had the good fortune of sharing in the fantastic and adventurous history of Italian furnishings and design. The magazine has closely observed the growth of design nurtured by the intuitions and works of brilliant, courageous men of culture, architects and designers and entrepreneurs. INTERNI continues to be an attentive and upto-date observatory on the world of design, foregrounding and forecasting trends in design and architecture. Since the first half of the 1990s the magazine has been part of the Periodicals of AME Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, the most important Italian publishing group. With issue 650 in April 2015 INTERNI has an updated editorial formula with new graphic design and a structure enriched with columns and in-depth analysis, especially in the section on design. INTERNI 656, November 2015 The monthly has developed over the years, under the guidance of Gilda Bojardi, into a system of parallel publications that has transformed a monthly magazine from an elite audience to a mass audience. Over six special decades, INTERNI has grown up with design, which has spread and invaded all aspects of everyday life; the magazine has made an increasing, more decisive commitment to the communication of design culture on an international level, promoting unprecedented creative alliances between designers, companies, cultural exponents and design professionals in the widest sense of the term. INTERNI’s activities also include the creation and coordination of events and exhibitions, organized to encourage encounters between those who design and those who produce. The themes of experimentation and the temporary installation are addressed, in an effort to extend design culture to a wider audience, by the events organized since the late 1990s during the FuoriSalone in Milan. The FuoriSalone is a renowned urban phenomenon that enlivens the city of Milan during the week of the Salone del Mobile, an initiative created precisely by INTERNI, back in 1990; today the magazine coordinates the communication of about 500 events. Special Issue 60 ANNI years INTERNI, December 2014 After the launch of INTERNI publications in Russia (2011), Thailand (2014) and China (2015), an expansion of the international editions is now planned. INTERNI RUSSIA since September 2011 INTERNI THAILAND since October 2014 INTERNI CHINA since January 2015 @internimagazine #internimagazine 2 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN INTERNI ART DE SIG N MIA MI INTERNI in collaboration with Salone del Mobile.Milano and ITA-Italian Trade Agency presents 4 special appointments with Architecture and Design ANIMA DOMUS + CLEI, BISAZZA, CALLIGARIS, Scavolini SAVE THE DATE B ernardo Fort- B rescia , Arquitectonica in conversation with G I L DA B OJA R D I , Editor in chief INTERNI G eni u s Loci , towards a new u rban q ualit y Wednesday 2 December, 12pm c/o Scavolini STO R E M I A M I 2600 Ponce de Leon Boulevard - Coral Gables - Florida 33134 A llan S hulman , Shulman + Associates I N S I T U: wor k ing in t h e contin u o u s cit y Wednesday 2 December, 6pm c/o B isazza 3740 Northeast 2nd Avenue - Design District - Miami 33137 Carlo R atti , Carlo Ratti Associati S E N S E A BL E C I T I E S Friday 4 December, 6pm c/o A nima D omus + C L E I 5084 Biscayne Boulevard / Suite 102 - MiMo District - Miami 33137 Jac q ueline and Carlos Touzet, Touzet Studio DE S I G N S FO R A N E W MIA MI Saturday 5 December, 6pm c/o Calligaris 3915 Biscayne Boulevard / Suite 103 - Design District - Miami 33137 Every talk will be followed by an aperitivo featuring typical Italian products RSVP – Please click here @internimagazine #internimagazine Thanks to: Aceto Balsamico Due Vittorie, Bauli, Consorzio di Tutela della DOC Prosecco, Nonino Distillatori, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Alici e Tonno Rizzoli Emanuelli, S.Pellegrino, and 3 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN 4 SPECIAL APP OINTMENTS WITH ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN @internimagazine #internimagazine Scavolini STO R E M I A M I 2600 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Coral Gables Florida 33134 Mon-Fri 10am-7pm; Sat 11am-5pm Ph. +1 305 4410692 B isa z z a 3740 Northeast 2nd Avenue Design District Miami 33137 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm Ph. +1 305 4384388 A nima D omus + C L E I 5084 Biscayne Blvd. / Suite 102 MiMo District Miami 33137 Mon-Fri 10am-6pm; Sat 12pm-5pm; Ph. +1 305 5769088 Calligaris 3915 Biscayne Blvd. / Suite 103 Design District - Miami 33137 Mon-Sat 10am-7pm Ph. +1 786 7099605 Press Office: Forbes Public Relations, LLC Angella Forbes - T. 001 305-531-8241 - [email protected] Denise Sullivan - [email protected] Editorial Coordinator: Patrizia Catalano - T. 0039 0275422071 - [email protected] 4 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN B E R N A R D O FO RT- B R E SC I A - Arquitectonica in conversation with G I L DA B OJA R D I - Editor in chief I nterni c/o SCAVO L I N I Store M iami G eni u s Loci , towards a new u rban q ualit y Wednesday 2 D EC E M B E R - 12pm B E R N A R D O FO RT- B R E SC I A - Arquitectonica Bernardo Fort-Brescia is a founding principal of Arquitectonica. Native of Lima, he arrived in Miami in 1975, after his studies in architecture and urban planning at Princeton University and a Master of Architecture from Harvard University. By 1977 he founded Arquitectonica with a group of young architects. Within two years Arquitectonica’s work was widely published around the world. Bernardo Fort-Brescia led the charge of expanding the firm across the country and abroad. The firm is known as one of the pioneers of globalization in the architecture profession. The firm’s designs have defined modern Miami with projects that have carried the banner of Miami architecture around the world with skyscrapers, opera houses, resorts and new cities. Arquitectonica has over 850 architects with projects in 54 countries around the world with offices in US, Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and South America. G enius Loci , towards a new urban q uality Towards the end of the 1970s the Latin term Genius Loci was utilized in an essay by Christian Norberg-Schulz: ‘Genius Loci. Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture’. Over thirty years later, in a world marked by uncontrolled urban growth, by architectural gigantism and the need to conserve the urban and extra-urban landscape, the essay by the well-known Norwegian architect and critic remains very timely. Arquitectonica, with its multiple projects in Miami, including the master plan of the Miami Convention Center, narrates its idea of the city. @internimagazine #internimagazine SCAVO L I N I Scavolini was founded in Pesaro in 1961 thanks to the initiative of the brothers Valter and Elvino Scavolini. In a few years it was transformed from a small company for artisan production of kitchens into one of the most important Italian industrial companies. In 1984 Scavolini gained complete leadership in the kitchen sector in Italy, a position it still holds today. In a short time span it has reached remarkable size, and now relies on industrial facilities with an area of 200,000 m2 (90,000 indoors), with 550 employees and annual sales, in 2014, of 173 million euros. The supply chain for components and parts that has grown up around the company over the years is now an important factor for the local economy. Scavolini Store Miami, opened on 26 September 2013, is a space of 300 m2 that joins the Scavolini Soho Gallery opened by Scavolini USA in 2010 New York. Located in the immediate vicinity of the Miracle Mile, in Coral Gables, the Miami store displays the production Made in Italy of the brand, now also a protagonist of the bath and living sectors. Scavolini Store Miami 2600 Ponce de Leon Blvd. - Coral Gables Florida 33134 5 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN B E R N A R D O FO RT- B R E SC I A - Arquitectonica in conversation with G I L DA B OJA R D I - Editor in chief I nterni c/o SCAVO L I N I Store M iami G eni u s Loci , towards a new u rban q ualit y Wednesday 2 D EC E M B E R - 12pm 2. Ph. Robin Hill 1. Ph. Robin Hill SCAVOLIN I STOR E MIAMI 2600 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Coral Gables Florida 33134 A project by Arquitectonica: 1. The waterfront park of Icon Bay, designed by ArquitectonicaGEO. 2. The Foyer of Icon Bay, Miami, Florida, 2015. 3. Icon Bay, Miami, Florida, 2015. 3. @internimagazine #internimagazine 6 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN A llan S hulman - Shulman + Associates c/o B I SA Z Z A I n sit u: Wor k ing in t h e contin u o u s cit y Wednesday 2 D EC E M B E R - 6pm A llan S hulman - Shulman + Associates Allan Shulman (FAIA) is associate professor at the University of Miami School of Architecture, and an author, editor, lecturer, curator and practicing architect. He founded Shulman + Associates (S+A) in 1996, a firm committed to the creation of sitespecific designs based on multidisciplinary research, the exploration of ideas and the fostering of strong relationships. It sees the city, landscape, culture, and building program as laboratories for a contemporary design practice. Its research focuses on themes of modernism, tropicality and urbanism. S+A’s projects are widely published , and have been honored with over 70 design awards. An exhibition of S+A’s work is opening on December 1 at the Meetinghouse gallery in Downtown Miami. I n situ: Wor k ing in the continuous city Shulman’s projects including built and unbuilt work, explore a range of strategies, particularly the extrapolation of typological and cartographic analysis to knit projects into their surrounding context. Building facades are considered as semantic opportunities, creating alter egos to the surrounding fabric. The firm’s work aspires to succession, prolongation, layering, sequencing, and assemblage. It declares a desire to create in the continuous city. @internimagazine #internimagazine B I SA Z Z A Established by Renato Bisazza in 1956 in Alte, Vicenza, Northern Italy, the company has become a trailblazer, marked by a dynamic entrepreneurial spirit, mastery of modern technologies, and an ability to read and anticipate the needs of the global market. The company’s distribution network currently includes 7 flagship stores in Barcelona, London, Los Angeles, Miami, Milan, New York and Paris and 2,800 local retailers around the world. The Bisazza Miami Flagship Store is located in the Design District in an impressive building and has internal floorspace of 400 m2. Large and luminous, it offers the ideal setting for display of the Bisazza Mosaic and Bisazza Home collections, and the line of furnishings and accessories created by some of the most important designers on an international level, including: Andrée Putman, Jaime Hayon, Marcel Wanders, Patricia Urquiola. The designer of the space in Miami is the architect Carlo Dal Bianco, director of the Bisazza Design Studio, who has done all the Bisazza flagship stores located in the world’s main cities. Bisazza 3740 Northeast 2nd Avenue Design District Miami 33137 7 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN A llan S hulman - Shulman + Associates c/o B I SA Z Z A I n sit u: Wor k ing in t h e contin u o u s cit y Wednesday 2 D EC E M B E R - 6pm Ph. Michael Stavaridis 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 1. Ph. Robin Hill BISA ZZA 3740 Northeast 2nd Avenue Design District Miami 33137 Projects by Shulman + Associates: 1. Miami Ad School, Miami, Florida, 2015. 2. Hammock House, Coconut Grove, Florida, 2014. 3. Jugofresh Wynwood Walls, Miami, Florida, 2015. 2. @internimagazine #internimagazine Ph. Emilio Collavino 3. Ph. Robin Hill 8 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN CA R LO R AT T I - Carlo Ratti Assocati c/o A N I M A D O M U S + C L E I SENSEABLE CITIES Friday 4 D EC E M B E R - 6pm CA R LO R AT T I - Carlo Ratti Associati Ph. Lars Kruger An architect and engineer by training, Carlo Ratti practices in Italy and teaches at MIT, where he directs the Senseable City Lab, a research group that explores how new technologies are changing the way we understand, design and ultimately live in cities. He is also a founding partner of the international design office Carlo Ratti Associati, which he established in 2004 in Torino, Italy. Ratti has co-authored over 250 publications and holds several patents. His work has been exhibited in venues worldwide, including the Venice Biennale, MoMA in New York City and MAXXI in Rome. He has been included in Blueprint Magazine’s ‘25 People who will Change the World of Design’ and in Wired Magazine’s ‘Smart List 2012: 50 people who will change the world’. He was curator for the ‘Future Food District’ at Expo Milano 2015. SENSEABLE CITIES The increasing deployment of sensors and hand-held electronics in recent years is allowing a new approach to the study of the built environment. The way we describe and understand cities is being radically transformed alongside the tools we use to design them and to have an impact on their physical structure. The contribution from Prof. Carlo Ratti will address these issues from a critical point of view through projects by the Senseable City Laboratory, a research initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the design office Carlo Ratti Associati. ANIMA DOMUS Anima Domus was founded in 1998 by Marconi Naziazeni to bring the American market a selection of the most sophisticated Italian products: today the firm specializes in the distribution of modern and contemporary luxury furnishings. In the two flagship stores in Miami and Aventura, customers can find over 40 brands, including CLEI, Driade, Foscarini, Ozzio, Poltrona Frau, Porada, Tom Dixon, Tonelli and many others. The Anima Domus team focuses on major projects for retail and trade clients, supplying furnishings for interior designers and luxury homeowners in Florida, the Caribbean, Central and South America. @internimagazine #internimagazine CLEI Clei is famous around the world for the ingenuity, innovation and quality of its patented products, capable of multiplying the value of space in an era in which the finest ideas are always in motion. Founded in 1962, the firm has always focused in its modular and versatile programs - Living and Young System – on design for integration and easy transformation. The great compositional versatility of the systems makes it possible to create multifunctional solutions of high aesthetic value, multiplying spaces and personalizing them to match any lifestyle. Anima Domus + CLEI 5084 Biscayne Blvd. / Suite 102 MiMo District Miami 33137 9 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN CA R LO R AT T I - Carlo Ratti Assocati c/o A N I M A D O M U S + C L E I SENSEABLE CITIES Friday 4 D EC E M B E R - 6pm Ph. Michael Stavaridis 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 2. @internimagazine #internimagazine Ph. Claudio Bonicco 1. Ph. Delfino Sisto Legnani AN IMA D OMUS + C LEI 5084 Biscayne Blvd. / Suite 102 MiMo District Miami 33137 Projects by Carlo Ratti Associati: 1. Future Food District, Expo Milano 2015. 2. Digital Water Pavilion, Expo Zaragoza 2008. 3. The Cloud, Landmark Proposal for London 2012 Olympics. 3. 10 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN Jac q ueline and Carlos Touzet - Touzet Studio c/o CA L L I GA R I S D E S I G N S FO R A N E W M I A M I Saturday 5 D EC E M B E R - 6pm Jac q ueline and Carlos Touzet Touzet Studio The Miami-based Touzet Studio work in the field of Architecture, Interior Design and Master Planning utilizing the complementary skills, extensive backgrounds and talents of the founding principals, the husband and wife team of Carlos Prio-Touzet AIA and Jacqueline Gonzalez Touzet AIA, LEED ap. Carlos PrioTouzet has been in practice for over thirty years. He is a graduate of Princeton University and the University of Miami. Jacqueline Gonzalez Touzet is a graduate of Cornell University and has been in practice for over eighteen years. They both were Vice Presidents of the large, internationally recognized firms of Arquitectonica and Spillis Candela. The Touzets’ built work includes numerous prize-winning, internationally acclaimed projects in Asia, Europe, South America and the United States. In 2015 both Carlos and Jacqueline were named “Architects of the Year” by the Miami AIA. D E S I G N S FO R A N E W M I A M I Touzet studio will showcase their innovative and thoughtful approach to design through the presentation of five projects: the Brown Jordan Flagship Store inspired by a vanishing Florida landscape; Coral Gables Residence, a Tropical Modern house, the Nike Flagship Store and the Apple Store, examples of iconic global brand adapted to Miami; and the changing face of Miami’s Design District weaving old and new. These projects were all inspired by the culture, climate and materiality of the United States’ only tropical city. @internimagazine #internimagazine CA L L I GA R I S Founded in 1923 as a woodworking shop, Calligaris is now a leader in the field of Italian Smart Design. Today the product range covers the entire decor universe, from chairs to lighting. The manufacturing is organized in eight facilities in Italy and abroad (with a plant for semifinished products in wood in Croatia), with affiliates in the USA, Japan, France, England, Germany and Russia. The sales organization relies on partners and dealers in over 90 different countries. The Calligaris Inc. affiliate is based in High Point (North Carolina), with offices and warehouses for the North and South American markets, where Calligaris operates with monobrand stores in New York, Miami, Washington and Los Angeles. Calligaris Store Miami is located at 3915 Biscayne Blvd, in the heart of Miami and just a few steps from the Miami Design District. The space of 476 m2 is an ideal location to demonstrate the Calligaris philosophy of Italian Smart Design. Calligaris Store Miami 3915 Biscayne Blvd. / Suite 103 Design District - Miami 33137 11 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN Jac q ueline and Carlos Touzet - Touzet Studio c/o CA L L I GA R I S D E S I G N S FO R A N E W M I A M I Saturday 5 D EC E M B E R - 6pm CALL IGAR IS STORE MIAMI 3915 Biscayne Blvd. / Suite 103 Design District - Miami 33137 1. 3. Ph. Robin Hill 2. Ph. Robin Hill Projects by Touzet Studio: 1. 77 NE 40th facade, Miami, Florida, 2015. 2. 3. Coral Gables Residence, Miami, Florida, 2012. @internimagazine #internimagazine 12 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN INTERNI INTERNATIONAL DESIGN APP OINTMENTS INTERNI underlines its international character and joins forces with the most important international design weeks to organize an interesting series of events. The circuit involving the most prestigious flagship stores of Italian design offers three appointments this year: New York New York Design Week / 15-19 May 2015 During the third week in May, design showrooms in the creative districts of New York City come alive thanks to Interni, with encounters and talks -American Architects meet Italian Design- on the relations between American design and Italian business. London London Design Festival / 19-27 September 2015 During the event in London that celebrates design in September, INTERNI organizes Interni Design Aperitivo exclusive encounters involving major international designers and leading Italian companies. Design Miami / Art Basel Miami Beach / 2-5 December 2015 Miami @internimagazine #internimagazine Art and design meet in December in Miami, at one of the most lively events in the field of creativity; Interni Art Design Miami invites architects and designers to narrate and compare their approaches and careers. 13 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN Salone del Mobile.Milano The Salone del Mobile was founded in 1961 to promote Italian exports of furniture and complements. It soon became the international reference point of the furniture sector, where ideas, design, technology, innovation and quality meet in an unparalleled atmosphere of creativity. The international character of the institution is reflected in Saloni WorldWide Moscow, held in October each year, attracting professionals from Russia and other regions, including the former Soviet republics and the Balkan states. The two events – with a selected number of exhibitors representing Italian excellence – provide a showcase on a worldwide level for Made in Italy, one of the loftiest expressions of Italian culture. High-quality Italian furnishings, over the years, have passed from the status of functional objects to that of true objects of desire, thanks to an industrial and cultural process that combines craftsmanship, innovation, creativity and originality, known all over the world as Made in Italy. The 54th edition of Salone del Mobile.Milano – in April at Fiera Milano in Rho – confirms that this fair is the one not to be missed on a worldwide level, with a quota of foreign professionals of 69%. At this edition, 310,840 visitors explored 20 pavilions, with over 2000 exhibitors and 700 young talents at the SaloneSatellite. The main features were the quality of the products on display, but also the excellence of the booths themselves and the variety of the visitors. Architects, designers, buyers, facility managers, distributors and journalists from all over the world come to the Salone, attracted by the chance to get a first-hand look at new products and trends. Alongside the Salone Internazionale del Mobile and the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition – which welcomed 1504 exhibitors in a display area of 152,200 square meters – Euroluce, with its 475 exhibitors, presented the best technical lighting proposals. Located in front of Euroluce, on an ideal path connecting the world of lighting design with that of work environments, was the other biennial of odd-numbered years: Workplace3.0, the new SaloneUfficio, offered an original concept to update the success of an initiative that focuses on the workplace, gathering the best in design and technology for the office, thanks to 127 exhibitors. An important multimedia event – “IN ITALY” – also enhanced the range of offerings of the Salone. The leading players here were 64 Italian companies featured in a film, which became an installation and then an interactive App for download at the link, to promote the Italian lifestyle and to discover the quality of Made in Italy. @internimagazine #internimagazine Another must was a visit to the SaloneSatellite, which in its 18th edition hosted 700 young designers and rewarded the best creativity under 35 with the SaloneSatellite Awards. Upcoming appointments: - from 12 to 17 April 2016 in Milan for the Salone and the biennial events EuroCucina and the International Bathroom Exhibition 14 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 THE WORLD OF CREATIVIT Y M EETS ITALIAN DES IGN Salone del Mobile.Milano Ph. Michael Stavaridis From the top: the 54th edition of the Salone del Mobile.Milano welcomed 310,840 visitors and over 2000 exhibitors (photo Alessandro Russotti); now at its 18th edition, the SaloneSatellite hosted 700 young designers and rewarded the best creativity under 35 with the SaloneSatellite Award (photo Andrea Mariano); an image of EuroCucina 2014, whose next edition will be in April 2016. @internimagazine #internimagazine 15 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 AC K N OW L E D G E M E N TS I LOV E I TA L I A N FO O D I Love Italian Food is an international network and a non-profit organization that promotes the passion for Italian food in the world, and the nutritional culture of Made in Italy. Today it has over 1,000,000 users, 95% of whom are foreigners, and a network of over 8,000 sector professionals around the world (food bloggers, chefs, restaurant professionals, buyers, cuisine schools). In tune with its network, every day I Love Italian Food spreads and promotes 100% Italian products, creating web content, international events, publishing initiatives, trade fairs, web TV programs and more. In just one and a half years of existence, the organization has produced events and food experiences in Parma, New York, London, Paris, Dubai and Milan, and Cologne and soon in Shanghai. We will propose the same tour in 2016. AC E TO BA LSA M I C O D U E V I T TO R I E Agricola Due Vittorie is located in Soliera, in the province of Modena. The area is very well known for its production of balsamic vinegar, the world famous Aceto Balsamico di Modena IGP, and many other typical Italian food products. Due Vittorie’s portfolio includes a unique range of highquality products that represent true Italian authenticity: Due Vittorie Oro, Due Vittorie Famiglia, and Due Vittorie Argento. All the products have a high level of cooked grape must, and are free of caramel and preservatives. Today Due Vittorie is one of the three top brands, with a position of leadership, in first place in sales of balsamic vinegar in 250 ml bottles. (Nielsen, maggio 2015). BAU L I Over the years, thanks to expertise and enthusiasm, the quality of its creations and research, Bauli has become an outstanding leader in the sector of Croissants and Authentic Italian Holiday products. Today Bauli operates in over 70 countries on 5 continents, with 5 production plants, 31 production lines and 27 distribution centers, as a brand appreciated by all lovers of fine pastry products. In Italy Bauli Group covers almost 40% of sales connected with the Christmas and Easter holiday seasons. The Bauli key to success is its capacity to make products as if they were baked at home, applying technology to offer authentic Italian treats. C onsorzio di T utela della D O C P rosecco Prosecco was granted Controlled Designation of Origin status on 17 July 2009 and, on 19 November of the same year, the Consorzio di Tutela del Prosecco DOC was set up. The Protection Consortium is an institution whose role is to coordinate and manage the Controlled Designation of Origin. It brings together the different groups of producers - individual or associated vinegrowers, wine and sparkling wine producers - to ensure the designation continues to grow and that the production regulations are complied with. The Prosecco DOC production area is located in northeast Italy, more precisely in the territories of 5 Veneto provinces (Treviso, Venice, Vicenza, Padua, Belluno) and 4 provinces in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Gorizia, Pordenone, Trieste and Udine. From the aperitif to dessert, Prosecco DOC gives an all-Italian touch of class that enhances every type of dish, from the simplest to the most elaborate. Its versatile character makes it perfect to explore the new gourmet horizons of worldwide cuisines. It is a source of inspiration for the creation of new cocktails and aperitifs. @internimagazine #internimagazine N O N I N O D I ST I L L ATO R I The Nonino family has concentrated on the art of distilling since 1897; in 1973 they created Grappa Monovitigno®. The Nonino Grappa and Distillates are 100% distilled with artisanal method from fresh pomace in exclusive discontinuous copper steam stills. The Reserve Nonino are bottled after natural aging in barriques, without coloring additives. The evolution of Grappa – the Italian Cocktail Spirit – as a protagonist of fantastic cocktails! 17 A RT D E SIGN M I A MI 2– 5 DECEMBER 2015 AC K N OW L E D G E M E N TS P E RO N I N AST RO A Z Z U R RO The crisp and refreshing beer with an unmistakable Italian taste, Peroni Nastro Azzurro is one of the most successful premium beer brands in the world and a star n the SABMiller portfolio. Peroni Nastro Azzurro is a truly international brand, with a presence in six continents. Key markets include the UK, Australia, US, and South Africa as well as Canada, India, Russia, Colombia, France, Spain, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam and, of course, its home in Italy. A L I C I E TO N N O R I Z ZO L I E M A N U E L L I The name Rizzoli Emanuelli conjures up images of a family that has always loved the sea. The origins lie all of the way back in 1898, when Luigi Rizzoli founded the first anchovy filleting and packaging company in Turin. After working alongside his father Luigi, in 1906 Emilio Zefirino Rizzoli and his wife Antonietta Emanuelli decided to move to Parma and found their own company: Rizzoli Emanuelli SpA. Although it is the oldest company in its field, generation after generation it has managed to keep on reinventing itself and retain its youthful vitality. The Company mission is to become the leading premium price company in all segments of the fish market in Italy and across the globe, by innovating, gaining in-depth knowledge of customers and catering to their needs. The fish is caught using sustainable methods that are compatible with the marine ecosystem, Rizzoli Emanuelli has Friend Of The Sea certification thanks to its efforts to protect fish stocks and the seabed and it has joined the “Dolphin safe” scheme to prevent dolphins from being accidentally caught by its fishing boats. S. P E L L EG R I N O Over a century, in the name of taste and style: from the distant past, 1899, a path of success has been traveled in the international growth of San Pellegrino, bearing witness to the most refined Italian taste, as a protagonist of fine international dining. Enjoyed in over 140 countries, San Pellegrino mineral water has made a place for itself as a partner of the culture of great food. In a word: excellence. “Live in Italian” is the winning slogan invented for the ad campaigns with which San Pellegrino communicates in Italy and abroad, stating its unique character and inseparable ties to its territory of origin. C H E F R I C H A R D - R- CAT E R I N G Chef Richard E Henry developed a love and passion for the culinary arts early on in life. He has gained practical knowledge during his travels throughout the world and trained extensively at various culinary schools and during externships at luxury hotels such as the Hilton and Hyatt hotels in Venezuela, Italy and France. Henry trained under the supervision of great chefs like Mentina and Uli at the Eurobuilding Hotel in Caracas as well as Sergio Mei at the Four Seasons Hotel in Milan. Formal study also includes sommelier and winemaking training in Italy. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree from the Culinary Institute of America and Certification as an Executive Chef. He has received numerous certificates and awards during his 25 years of experience in the hotel, restaurant and catering business. @internimagazine #internimagazine 18 DA UNA RIVISTA A UN SISTEMA INTEGRATO DI COMUNICAZIONE FROM A MAGAZINE TO AN INTEGRATED COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 2015 Interni ANNUAL DESIGN INDEX DIGITAL GUIDES Interni PANORAMA InternATIONAL EVENTI The magazine of interiors and contemporary design MonoGraPHS By INterni THe DesIGn ADDressbook DesIGn ITInerarIes DesIGn SPecIaL Issue DesIGn PreviEw IN KinG SIze DesIGn EvenTS In MILaN Design guide ParIS Milano guida FuoriSalone Milano guida zee Design guide New YorK DIGITAL DesIGn On LIne AnD MoBILe FUORISALONE MILANO GUIDE 2015 NEW INTERNI NEW Digital magazine ANNUAL CUCINA Allegato a/Supplement to INTERNI giugno/June 01 2015 31a edizione 31st edition Digital guide + versione cartacea + paper version • Nato nel 1954 • Ha compiuto 60 ANNI nel 2014 • Con il numero 650, ad aprile 2015, esce con una nuova formula editoriale Periodicità mensile, 10 numeri all’anno (gennaio-febbraio e luglio-agosto numeri doppi) Release monthly, 10 issues per year (Jan-Feb and Jul-Aug are double issues) Tiratura/Circulation: 50.000 Dimensione/Format: 285x225mm Distribuzione/Distribution: nazionale ed estera (edicola, libreria e abbonamenti)/in Italy and abroad (newsstands, bookstores, subscriptions) design INDEX ANNUAL BAGNO Allegato a/Supplement to INTERNI ottobre/October GUIDA FUORISALONE 13-19 04 2015 26a edizione 26th edition 11a edizione 11th edition Digital guide 300 Luoghi da visitare a Milano 300 special Adresses to visit in Milan WORLD GUIDE 2015 PariS Edizione bilingue Bilingual edition Italiano e inglese Italian and English DESIGN GUIDE 23-27 01 2015 16a edizione 16th edition ANNUAL CONTRACT Allegato a/Supplement to INTERNI dicembre/December Periodicità annuale Annual release Tiratura/Circulation: 50.000 Dimensione/Format: 285x225mm Edizioni bilingue/Bilingual edition Italiano e inglese Italian and English NEW YORK Design GUIDE 08-19 05 2015 15a edizione 15th edition KINGSIZE 03 04 2015 27a edizione 27th edition Inserti posizionati al centro del settimanale PANORAMA, propongono rubriche di attualità e servizi sul design di tendenza. Inserted at the center of the weekly magazine PANORAMA, with columns and articles on design trends. Periodicità, 2 inserti all’anno Release, 2 issues per year Diffusione/Circulation: le 200.000 copie del settimanale Panorama 200.000 copies of the weekly Panorama Dimensione/Format: 204x257mm Inserti di / Inserts of Nei numeri del settimanale in edicola il In the issues of the weekly on newsstands from 09 04 2015 (iSaloni) 10 09 2015 (Cersaie/Homi) Preview sulle novità presentate a iSaloni di Milano. Preview of new products presented at iSaloni in Milan. Periodicità annuale Annual release Tiratura/Circulation: 120.000 Dimensione/Format: 360x255mm Distribuzione/Distribution: gratuita/complimentary Edizioni bilingue Bilingual edition italiano e inglese Italian and English fuorisalone 2016 Bandiera NY 2015 - dimensioni 40x150h cm Digital PREVIEW + versione cartacea + paper version Digital guide + versione cartacea + paper version 8.000 indirizzi del design italiano Guida ai 400 Eventi 400 special Events 8.000 Italian design addresses bilingue/bilingual: I+UK Tiratura/Circulation: Allegata a/Supplement to 250.000 INTERNI gennaio-febbraio Dimensione/Format: January-February 210x125mm Periodicità annuale Annual release GUIDA ZEE MILANO Tiratura/Circulation: 50.000 Dimensioni/Format: 285x115mm INSERTI speciali di INTERNI special INTERNI INSERTS 11-17 04 2016 INTERNI NEW WEBSITE&APPS Milano Capitale del Design© 2016 Mostra/evento EXHIBITION/EVENT OPEN BORDERS IL SITO Riferimento per il popolo del design aggiornato settimanalmente: The site of reference for the people of design updated every week: c/o Università degli Studi Newsweekly Blog 19a edizione 19th edition INTERNI MOBILE ApplicationS di Milano 11-30 aprile 2016 c/o Orto Botanico di Brera 11-30 aprile 2016 In occasione della Settimana milanese del design, e della XXI Triennale Internazionale (2 aprile- 12 settembre 2016), la rivista presenta la grande Mostra/Evento INTERNI OPEN BORDERS, una serie di macro-oggetti, microarchitetture e installazioni sperimentali, firmati da progettisti di fama internazionale, che si propongono di aprire i confini convenzionali di architettura e design alla multidisciplinarietà e alla contaminazione. During Design Week in Milan, and the XXI Triennale Internazionale (2 April12 September 2016), the magazine presents the major Exhibition/ Event INTERNI OPEN BORDERS: macro-objects, micro-architectures and installations created by internationally acclaimed designers, setting out to get beyond the conventional boundaries of Architecture and Design, opening to a multidisciplinary approach of contamination. Guide interattive/Interactives Guid es Video/Videos Applicazioni disponibili su: Applications available on: INTERNI SOCIAL NETWORKS @internimagazine INTERNI FACEBOOK INTERNI TWITTER INTERNI YOU TUBE INTERNI Instagram #energyforcreativity #interni Patronage OPEN BORDERS MILANO 11-30 April 2016 Università degli Studi di Milano Orto Botanico di Brera 20/7/2015 INTERNI EVENTS from 1998 to 2015 PROJECTS AND INSTALLATIONS ATELIER BOW-WOW DECQ 2012 2007 PERRAULT 2014 MEIER DE SILVA STANDARD ARCHITECTURE EISENMAN HADID 2011 2014 SPEECH TORAFU 2015 MVRDV PESCE 2005 2005 2002 AUTOBAN CITTERIO VIEL 2009 2015 MENDINI 2010 2012 PAWSON FUKSAS 2013 Tchoban/Kuznetsov 2014 2010 2014 2002 MAURER 2014 ABRAMOVIC 2007 CHIPPERFIELD 2011 HIRATA 2012 LIBESKIND 2012 KUMA 2015 2013 SOTTSASS SOM DE LUCCHI 2015 HOLL 2013 INTERNI EVENTS from 1998 to 2015 concept GILDA BOJARDI ARCHITECtS, DESIGNERS AND SPONSORS 1998 • LIGHT TOWER DIFFUSED IN MILAN Achille Castiglioni with Bticino - Antonio Citterio with B&B Italia - Massimo Iosa Ghini with Moroso - Piero Lissoni with Porro - Toshiyuki Kita with Adele C. - Atelier Mendini with Bisazza - Philippe Starck with Alessi 1999 • PAESAGGIO DOMESTICO Giampaolo Benedini with Agape - Alessandro Mendini with Alessi - Atelier Mendini with Bisazza - Roger Tallon with Christofle - Ross Lovegrove with F.lli Guzzini Ambrogio Rossari with Ottone Meloda - Roberto Pezzetta with Rex Built-In Gae Aulenti with Schopenauer - Christophe Pillet with SDB - Design Studio Whirlpool with Whirlpool 2000 • ESSERE BEN ESSERE LA TRIENNALE DI MILANO Andrea Branzi with B&B Italia- Giulio Ceppi/Luca Gafforio with Albatros Carlo Colombo with Moderno - Carlotta de Bevilacqua with Artemide - Anna Gili with Bisazza - Maria Cristina Hamel with Accademia, Appiani, Bardelli, Gabbianelli Massimo Iosa Ghini with Bonaldo - Toshiyuki Kita with Sharp - Claudio La Viola with Ascot - Italo Lupi/Studio Azzurro with Bticino - Claudio Monti/Francesco Muti with Tecnogym - Verner Panton with Vitra Design Museum - Phoenix Design with Hansgrohe - Thomas Sandell with Mobileffe - Denis Santachiara with Cicap Marco Sousa Santos with Cpd/Experimenta Design - Philippe Starck with Technogel Matteo Thun with Rubner - Adam Thiany with Christofle - Shigeru Uchida with Pastoe 2001 • INTERNI CAFÉ DESIGN SHOWROOMS Antonella Frezza with Bardelli&Rapsel - Marco Ferreri with C.P.Company/Stone Island - Studio Cerri & Associati with Dada Emporio Casa - Studio & Partners with Stadio Maurizio Varratta with F.lli Guzzini - Geert Koster with Spazio Consolo - Bruno Fattorini with MDF - Paolo Mojoli with Poliform - Toshiyuki Kita with Spazio Quid 2002 • INTERNI IN PIAZZA DIFFUSED IN MILAN Alessandro Mendini - Peter Eisenman - Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas Klein Dytham Architecture - Léon Krier - Bernard Tschumi - Oscar Tusquets Blanca 2003 • EARTHLY PARADISE EAST END STUDIOS IN MILAN Gianpaolo Benedini with Agape - Carlo Colombo with AntonioLupi - Anna Gili with Trend Massimo Iosa Ghini with Cinova, Fabbrica dl Vignola, Rapetti, Zumbtobel, Alcantara Marco Piva with Sicis, Rapsel-Vola Up Group, Oikos, Presotto - Luca Scacchetti with Besana, Barrisol, Emu, Fantoni, Nito - Michael Young with Mandarina Duck Jacopo Foggini 2004 • STREET DINING DESIGN LA TRIENNALE DI MILANO Karim Azzabi with Lavazza, Mostre e Fiere, Ferran Adrià - Diego Grandi with Lea Ceramiche, Laurent Perrier/Carpené Malvolti - Marco Piva with GMC Contract&Mobili, Boscolo Etoile - Future System with Marzorati Ronchetti, S.Pellegrino/Acqua Panna - Aldo Cibic with Marazzi Group, Mapei - Patricia Urquiola with Schòltes - Riccardo Diotallevi with Elica - Simone Micheli with Cinova, Conceria Chiorino, Glaverbel Italy, Santa Margherita, Tino Sana, Rossi Dimension, Sammontana - Claudio Monti/Francesco Muti with Cenacchi, Enoteca d’Italia Studio Sigla with Saint-Gobain Glass, Godiva Chocolatier 2005 • OPENAIRDESIGN GARDEN OF LA TRIENNALE DI MILANO Ron Arad with Driade, Marzorati Roncchetti - Aldo Cibic with Marazzi Group, Mapei Toyo Ito with Horm - Toshiyuki Kita with Sharp Eletcronics - Piero Lissoni with Living Divani - Jean-Marie Massaud with Poltrona Frau - Alessandro Mendini with Abet Laminati - Fabio Novembre with Sky Italia, Dupont Corian - Gaetano Pesce with Zesign - Ettore Sottsass with Boffi, Antolini 2006 • HEAVYLIGHT HISTORICAL GATES OF MILAN Paul Friedlander with Kundalini, San Pellegrino - Enzo Catellani with Catellani&Smith Castagna&Ravelli with Elica - Toshiyuki Kita with Sharp - Luca Trazzi with SchönhuberFranchi - Diego Grandi with Lea Ceramiche, Mapei - The Fake Factory Simon Heijdens with Tommy Hilfiger - Simone Micheli with Flores Gres, Sadun, 3B Tokujin Yoshioka 2007 • DECODE ELEMENTS CASTELLO SFORZESCO Ettore Sottsass with Boffi - Doriana e Massimiliano Fuksas with Ranger Gaetano Pesce with Meritalia - Odile Decq with Kerakoll Design - Michele De Lucchi with Listone Giordano, Intesa San Paolo - Kengo Kuma with Bals Tokyo, Motorola Ron Arad with San Pellegrino, The Gallery Mourmans - Dominique Perrault Architecture with GKD - Alessandro Mendini with Seves Glassblock - Ingo Maurer 2008 • GREENENERGYDESIGN UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Antonio Marras/Anna Scaravella with Fratelli Ingegnoli - Mario Bellini with Meritalia, Elica - Antonio Citterio with Kerakoll Design - Toshiyuki Kita with Sanyo - Lot Ek with Technogel - Ross Lovegrove with Artemide - Mecanoo Architecten with Iris Ceramica Gaetano Pesce with Resal e Tillmanns - Philippe Starck with Pramac - Arik Levy with Marzorati Ronchetti - Donato D’Urbino/Paolo Lomazzi with BBB Tokujin Yoshioka with Moroso INTERNI EVENTS from 1998 to 2015 concept GILDA BOJARDI ARCHITECtS, DESIGNERS AND SPONSORS 2009 • INTERNIDESIGNENERGIES UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO 2013 • HYBRID ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Fernando e Humberto Campana with Alcantara, Dedon - Mario Cucinella with Italcementi Michele De Lucchi with Enel - Massimo Iosa Ghini with Il Cantiere, Vitrani, Murano Due Marco Piva with De Castelli, Oikos, Pedrali, VDA - Rudy Ricciotti with Galerie Enrico Navarra, Lafarge, Bonna Sabla - Marc Sadler with Buderus Patricia Urquiola with Budri, Grassi Pietre, Marsotto, Testi Fratelli - David Chipperfield with Marazzi Tecnica - Fondazione Franco Albini with Richard Ginori 1735 - CuldeSac with Fratelli Ingegnoli - Lorenzo Damiani with Tabu - Piero Lissoni with A di Alessi by Fochista - Denis Santachiara with De Majo Illuminazione - Mauricio Cardenas with Faraone Steven Holl with Pimar, Teuco Guzzini, Salvatore Ferragamo - Christophe Pillet with Be Open - Studio Azzurro with Be Open - Sfelab with Be Open - Akihisa Hirata with Panasonic - Archizero with Franchiumbertomarmi - Mario Cucinella with Marazzi - Michele De Lucchi with Safilo - Daniel Libeskind with Cosentino Group Simone Micheli with Aqua, Glip, Zambogroup - Luca Scacchetti with Wolf Haus Speech Tchoban & Kuznetsov with Arch-Skin - Dean Skira with iGuzzini - Autoban with Deborah Milano - Martí Guixé with Levi’s - Federica Marangoni with F.A.R.T. Przemyslaw “Mac” Stopa with Samsung Chemical Europe 2010 • THINK TANK UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO 2014 • FEEDING NEW IDEAS FOR THE CITY • UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO • ORTO BOTANICO DI BRERA Italo Rota/Paolo Caputo with Franz Isella - Jaime Hayon with Enel - Marco Piva with Jacuzzi, Tabu, VDA - Philippe Starck with Pramac - Fragile with Deborah Milano Jean-Michel Wilmotte with Cristina Rubinetterie, Ilva Ivm Group - Marco Zanuso Jr. with Donati Group - D Tao with Bodega, Zibido Vetro - Daniel Libeskind with Citylife Matteo Thun/Consuelo Castiglioni-Marni with American Hardwood Export Council Castagna&Ravelli - John Pawson with Salvatori - Kengo Kuma with Casalgrande Padana Luca Trazzi with Cross Point, Eurojersey - Paola Navone with Rubelli - Philippe Nigro with Listone Giordano, De Castelli - 5+1AA with Norlight, Seves GlassBlock - Sebastian Wrong/ Richard Woods with American Hardwood Export Council, Established & Sons 2011 • MUTANT ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Zaha Hadid Architects with Lea Ceramiche - Ingo Maurer with Enel - Gwenael Nicolas with Deborah Milano - Michele De Lucchi with Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco, Riva 1920 - Mario Botta with GVM, Mapei, Riva 1920 - Richard Meier with Italcementi, StylComp Group - Snøhetta with Carraramarmotec - Anders Warming with MINI Giulio Iacchetti with Moleskine - Carlo Colombo with Arflex, Compagnia del Verde, Stratex - Ron Gilad with De Castelli, Flos - Diego Grandi with Rosenthal, Sambonet Setsu e Shinobu Ito with Art_Container - Sybarite with Marzorati Ronchetti Pedro Campos Costa with Amorim Isolamentos - Thomas Heatherwick with Marzorati Ronchetti - Lorenzo Palmeri with Lavazza a Modo Mio - Vincenzo de Cotiis with Rossana 2012 • INTERNI LEGACY UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Alessandro Mendini with Elegant Living - Michele De Lucchi with Listone Giordano, Marzorati Ronchetti, Publistand - Monica Armani with Provincia Autonoma di Trento Odile Decq with Graniti Fiandre - Jacopo Foggini with Maip - Massimo Iosa Ghini with FMG - Ludovica + Roberto Palomba with Payanini, Zucchetti.Kos, Tectona - SOM Skidmore, Owings & Merrill with Carrara Marmotec - Speech Tchoban & Kuznetsov with Taltos - Zhang Ke/Standardarchitecture with Camerich - Akihisa Hirata with Panasonic - Scholten&Baijings with MINI - Ora Ïto with GVM - Jürgen Mayer H. with Vorwerk - Matteo Ragni with Camparisoda, Veralia - Marc Sadler with Samsung Electronics - Patricia Urquiola with Missoni Walter Maria de Silva with Audi - Speech Tchoban & Kuznetsov with Velko 2000 Archea with Atelier-a, Architettura Sonora - Atelier Bow-Wow with YKK AP - dRMM with American Hardwood Export Council - Paola Navone with Deborah Milano, Gruppo Pozzi - Nemesi & Partners with Italcementi, Styl-Comp Group - Kengo Kuma with Salvatori, Ferragamo Parfums - Torafu Architects with Panasonic - Piero Lissoni with Laminam, Living Divani - MVRDV - Ferruccio Laviani with C&C Milano Yang Dongjiang - Carlo Dal Bianco with Mosaico+ - Alberto Torsello with Abimis Luca Trazzi with La Marzocco, Lavazza - Felice Limosani with Fusina 2015 • ENERGY FOR CREATIVITY • UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO • ORTO BOTANICO DI BRERA • AUDI CITY LAB Werner Aisslinger - Analogia Project - Audi Industrial Design with Audi Philippe Bestenheider - Steve Blatz e Antonio Pio Saracino with Marzorati Ronchetti, Vetreria Bazzanese, Zordan - Tord Boontje - Brazil S/A - Fernando e Humberto Campana - Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and Partners with Gruppo Cosentino DimoreStudio - Yang Dongjiang - Model Padiglione Zero with MILANO EXPO 2015 Valerio Maria Ferrari/VMCF Atelier with Bioseutica - Front - Raffaello Galiotto with Marmomacc e with Antolini, Budri, Decormarmi, Intermac, Lithos Design, Odone Angelo, Omag - GamFratesi - Gérald Ghislain - Jaime Hayon Annabel Karim Kassar Architects and Interiors with Hsc - Bernard Khoury with Margraf - Kengo Kuma & Associates with Tjm Design - Kitchenhouse Daniel Libeskind/Libeskind Design with Oikos - Lissoni Associati - LucidiPevere Alessandro e Francesco Mendini with Deborah Milano - Jean-Marie Massaud Karim Mekhtigian - Alessandro Michele with Richard Ginori - Mist-o - Nendo Michele Molè e Susanna Tradati, Nemesi&Partners with Italcementi Group Ludovica+Roberto Palomba - Piuarch with Marazzi - Speech Tchoban & Kuznetsov e Agniya Sterligova with Velko 2000 - Philippe Starck with Tog - Mac Stopa with Bolon - Studio Azzurro - Thukral & Tagra - Luca Trazzi with Veuve Clicquot Victor Vasilev - Elena Vosnaki INTERNI FUORISALONE 2016 Milano Capitale del Design® 2016 (11-17 April) THE NEW EXHIBITION-EVENT INTERNI OPEN BORDERS 11-30 APRILE 2016 Concept and coordination: INTERNI - The Magazine of Interiors and Contemporary Design Support: Comune di Milano - Assessorato Cultura, Moda e Design Locations: Università degli Studi di Milano Orto Botanico di Brera Press conference: 11 April 2016, 2.30 pm c/o Aula Magna, Università degli Studi di Milano THEME The major Exhibition Event INTERNI OPEN BORDERS (11-30 April 2016) is organized in the historic courtyards of the Università degli Studi di Milano and the Orto Botanico di Brera during the FuoriSalone 2016 and the XXI Triennale Internazionale (2 April - 12 September 2016). The new INTERNI Exhibition Event, in its 19th edition in 2016, will present macro-objects, micro-architectures and installations created by internationally acclaimed designers, setting out to get beyond the conventional boundaries of Architecture and Design, opening to a multidisciplinary approach of contamination. The Exhibition Event will explore the possible applications of the project not only for objects and spaces, but also for processes and systems, including uncharted and very timely spheres ranging from the digital world to communication, logistics to distribution, all the way to production systems, with a maximum focus on sustainability and new technologies. The initiatives of INTERNI regularly challenge the borderlines between Architecture and Design, balanced between the two disciplines, which by nature tend to probe beyond disciplinary frontiers: INTERNI OPEN BORDERS sets out to enhance this approach in a context of freedom of expression and experimentation. The theme of opening borders will not focus only on possible new fields of application of architecture and design. It takes on aspects of enhancement of territories, seen as project identities of a national character, but also as districts of expertise and a cultural element that characterizes individual designers. In this sense, INTERNI OPEN BORDERS presents itself as a point of encounter to nurture the expression of national, district and personal identities, but also to generate wide-ranging interactions and exchanges on the various scales of the project. The designers will be asked to create installations that engage the audience and prompt interaction whenever possible, to offer a unique set of emotional and sensory experiences during the visit to the locations: this can be achieved by using materials and technologies made available by the partners of the various projects or by employing technical means that make it possible to work in an immaterial way, creating virtual settings of great impact. STATISTICS EVENT 2015 ENERGY FOR CREATIVITY APRIL - MAY 2015 1. EXHIBITION-EVENT ENERGY FOR CREATIVITY 2. INTERNIMAGAZINE WEB Visitors - Università degli Studi di Milano • 13 April to 24 May 2015: 128.000 • Opening 13 April: 15.000 • 143.833 page views (period: 13/04/2015 - 13/05/2015) Visitors - Orto Botanico di Brera • 13 April to 24 May 2015: 78.000 • Opening 14 aprile: 8.000 • 70.468 sessions (period: 13/04/2015 - 13/05/2015) iPhone/iPad Application • 14.130 downloads Android Application • 2.070 downloads Facebook • 46.236 total fans Visitors - Audi City Lab • 13 April to 10 May 2015: 18.890 Press & Operators • Italian and Foreign Press: 980 • Architects and operators: 390 • Press Conference 13 April: 360 Italian and Foreign Press Twitter • 15.376 total fans INTERNI AND THE FUORISALONE THE MILAN DESIGN WEEK Among its activities, INTERNI also produces and coordinates events and exhibitions, organized to promote contact between designers, companies and public and private institutions. Twenty years ago, thanks to the initiative of INTERNI, Milan Design Week was born, now known around the world as the FuoriSalone, a circuit of events (over 450 at this point) that enliven the city, making Milan the main capital of international design. The audience continues to grow, now with over 300,000 visitors, including sector professionals and the general public. INTERNI COMMUNICATION IN THE CITY DURING THE MILAN DESIGN WEEK