millburn shorthills - Millburn Public Library
millburn shorthills - Millburn Public Library
[August 7,1942 MILLBURN ' and SHORTHILLS HJNDED 1 8 8 8 . . . . Published every FRIDAY at MILLBURN.N.J. FIYE CENTS £>mA Ration Board itays Put MUlburn Ration Board will ittnue to occupy Town Hall contract for Its bed and having been entered Into the Township Committee Hi* OPA. This closes the to move and consolltne board with MapleHill of the comi, announced the closing r negotiations Monday night everything Is signed and awaiting only return of copy of the contract for files. The board along with the Board, will be. housed In {ton school, the Board Jon having agreed to room for it in keeping OPA specifications as to light ami air. 1Ua matter of education directors decided and entitled to every constderi. Removal Is expected to early In September. Under the agreement Millwill house the board, supall needed help and equlpit and handle present and ire rationing for the duraCommittee members comratlng on t h e OPA change of at stated It will cost Mtllsomethlng to retain the office but considering the aber of residents who have to consult the board the Inconvenience and cost would be put to in going Maplewood, it will be cheapln the end to have It right . home. Thus far the average of nship folk calling for rap or advise runs into hundreds dally. This is and women who acti Town Hall and takc^ aunt of those who cali telephone or write. (Continued on Page 8) * • AS EVIDENCE of their patriotic cooperation with their Government, Public Service employees at ninety-eight of the c o m p a n y ' s locations throughout the State have been authorised by the United States Treasury Department to display the Minute Man Flag. This Is In recognition that BO percent, or more, of the employees at each of these points are buying War Bonds through the company's voluntary payroll savings plan. * AWVS Girls Get Their Men Army buglers whose age-old complaint has been "We can't get 'em up" could learn a thing or two from the girls of the local AWV8 Motor Corps Having a standing date to bring 20 guardsmen from the West Orange Armory to Paper Mill Playhouse each Monday night, they reported with four cars as usual only to find that transfers had detailed new men to the armory and these knew nothing of the arrangement. After a hard day all were In bed or In the showers when apThat Van Winkle brook is % praised of what was in store, chip off the old block Is the but it was but the work of contention of Olenwood resi- minutes to round up the quota and four extras, the men dashdent* who say Old Rip had Ing out dressing as they came. nothing on It as a general On the way over one lad nuisance ,_.__ Van Winkle Brook A Rip •If it too, TO MEET the marked shortage of Industrial Arts teachers in school shops of the public schools of New Jersey, caused by the Induction of college seniors and Industrial Art teachers into military service, the New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark will open an emergency Industrial Arts Summer Session program from August 10 to September 4, 1942, to train emergency teachers who will be certified to teach during the national defense emergency. Nominations Are All4 In? Thursday night was the deadline for filing nominating petitions for candidates for office to be voted upon In the September primaries. Local offices to WOHM somewhere and sleep for 20 years we'd all be happy" about slims up their present views seemingly as expressed to Town Commlttecmen Monday evening. Following last week's storm which by the way Is now tagged as a 20 year storm having surpassed the downpour of 1038, residents of the Glen and Its wooded slopes began to take stock all over agatn. The storm drain constructed following the "38 flood seemingly removed the brook as a source of complaint and danger but still drainage Is a problem unsolved and what to do about it. Committeemen were Interviewed last week and then came a survey of the upper stream bed above the drain. Here It Is claimed banks are being eroded at a rate to cause more serious ti a remedy is found and applied. The drain it Is maintained did what was expected and now It Is a matt grades, ditches and i vldual preca; to lessen damage from fut ipitu- Told commented "Gee I never seen one." Going back all were enthusiastic about the chorus and the feminine leads promising to be ever present If they were the same for every show. Thanks to vitamins or something It can now be writ 'Music and AWV8 hath charms " Army Takes 1 <arge Class R in candidates already seeking the committee posts are Henry L. Junge and Clarence A. Hill. At the time of going to press they were unopposed and so far as Is known no petitions for other candidates were In circulation. Both are seeking re-election. Town Cleric Theodore Wtdmayer Is a Republican candidate for nomination to that post which he has filled since the first of the year by appointment. He was named by the committee upon the resignation of Mrs. Mabel Goff Deemer. He too is expected to be unopposed ue primary. Democratic nominations it is said will be confined to local members of the county committee. Names of 1 Ittee Candida might be written In on the ballots later. Accepted from the class of selectees reporting a t Newark Monday for Induction were t h e following: Joseph A. Bennett, Anthony A. Bonelli (lb); Jos. A. DeClas• iMs. Delgaldo, (lb): Daniel A. DeSessa, H As (0. •" Cl<Tl iiinn Paul H. Fellows, (11) 1 was that John J. Blauvol Fereday, Nicola Franclosa, Beni y the Democr;i' bam jamin B. Heller, Join I he was away on vacation gel; Arendt J. Kualper Jr. <lb>, the rumor could not be , Qustave W. LarPetition uown to :,.,•:,,. 1 1 [boms ;. 1 taken 01 * th< D • Pranl <•• •• 1 . . • .i : .i ando ; Rut lour When foot hole Mil tip will retv full nm neantlR] st under t i 5 cases of ^ ,n pox, l < and 2 and .wood As- i a idy of • she again rm« l : turn <h. that shows how rationing i> our canine popul), lth C J dogs mouthsfull. . Mill should •h find h Augu «- Oeorgi H I ender- gast. A. Rad teitm 1 Pi : ! leskl Salsb M Ichwi uthur ib>; John R. od, .Tarn Tl v AND August Issue of the A.W.V.S. sponsored "Township Tattle"' is being mailed 1 khi armed I r i i j M i ' •• • n id I • ' is • illi ' i., inn • s t e d tail •••: ii i) . f n . nd ii A.W.V.S h i l l • •• ' [i v i List Men In Future Draft Mltlburn Draft Board has Just finished tabulating • registrants in the last draft registration which Included men 18 to 20 years of age. Names are arranged In the order of age. Men 30 years old and subject to Immediate induction are numbered 1 to 34 inclusive. Names numbered 30 to 122 inclusive are in the 19 age g> and those 123 to 241 are ar< the 18 year group, Neither of these latter are subject to the draft under present procedure until attain to age 20. The complete list lows: 1 Edward Albert Mazurkl 2 Eliot Brooks Weathers 3 Hugh Gregory Basllea 4 Fredrick James Rlzzo 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1 • :. John I'M--! ,-!,... ,1 Alfred Vail SpitL Vernon Edward Strobl Irving Jacob A! per John Stephen McKei Lewis Paul McKeever Matthew Anthony Relno Stanley Thomas S z p a r a Frederick Geo. Helnemeler George Fred. Helnemeler Henry Eugene Gells Pierce A. Casaedy, J r . Vlto Phillip Marcanl. Frederick Paul Leg£< Hugh Roberts V. Michael James DH Ferdinand Francis K Carl Wm. Dlnger, I William Geo. Strunin Edward Joseph Blan James Stewart, J r . Alan Conrad Rose Amedlo A. Passa William Nixon B a t n 1 Roger Holloway W. terbert 1 iten Don ••• ICOtt, J r . FUi h a r d I [e ••• > p] Harvej John 11 • |p 36 Robert Ertell H o p p m a n 37 WorthlnKtoi Campb 38 Peter Alfred ^ 3B win- 40 1 1K e n n e t h ^ [< ith 41 • •' 42 43 Roy Anil [Ulan 44 48 46 47 48 49 50 Clift Cbi Jr. Roln Sarria Mali John F |, j i Charle • Gerald Robert 1 Edlo ' » • ! 1! : • PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY and rial s e r v i c e n M. Copcutt. Short inns. Short 1044 AdT. T! • MISS JOAN HICKS, daughMr. and Mrs. A. W. Hicks of Mtllburn is spending her at Camp Quai 1 regM. rl Woolwoi f tl ! the • Saving. . K),J . • The Millburn & Short Hilts ITEM aim. Total victory whatever it may cost — no compromise — is my platform!" • Day By Day In Every Way Orbens Foresight Reporting on arrivals, departures and amalgamations month of July, Helps State Now the registrar of vital statistics "Count that day lost "Whose low descending sun "Sees no new Day "Shouldering a gun." There it is dear reader unless the Day women now begin to join the WAVES or go WAAC-y. Four sons of Joseph P. Day are now in the armed services as are two sons-in-law. When the Navy calls the roll it sounds like this: Bernard P. Day, Fairfield P. Day, Charles P. Day, James E. Barrett. Arthur E. French. In the Army it is simply. Dr. Joseph P. Day Jr. The Navy liked the Days all of whom came to it with the middle initial "P." Maybe it was reminiscent of Pay Day, which makes a hit in any service. Bernard P. Day is now a lieutenant commander stationed in Washington; Fairfield P. Day, lieutenant junior grade, is in New York; Charles P. Day, commissioned last week a lieutenant senior grade, Naval Air Corps, unassigned as yet; James E. Barrett, lieutenant, Brooklyn Navy Yard and Arthur E. French, lieutenant commander, Coast Guard, stationed at Manhattan Beach. They say "differences of opinion are what make horse races" and so it was with Joseph P. Day Junior. He up ana enlisted in the Army and is now a corporal Medical Corps somewhere ' rj sore nlxv its day" said they "and now the Army" All males of the 'amily are present or accounted for with >tion of Jossvp'n I*. Day -y in N*«w Voik brought the information- he tc<o, was hustline. "With tlie Leys all away," said our informant "some one has to. to make tnt mare go." So far as Is known no other local family has gone all-out to the wars in such numbers as tills. Perambulator Parking Plot? "REAR ADMIRAL" Joseph P. Day, who just missed out of being a full admiral when Junior joined the Army.. * will stay until he reports to the air training center, Miami, Pla., on August 8th. Assistant chief clerk in Troop B for the past several months, the ex-cavalryman was associated with Mather Ltd., insurance brokers, prior to his induction into the army. Nation Needs Your Harmony Men of Millburn not in t h e armed services now have their opportunity for patriotic service. One of America's oldest institutions the Barber Shop Quarnteers to peri part of our national life. Recreation Director Dayton Jones has been made local recruiting officer and he asks community males possessed of tenor, bass and barreltone voices to sign up for the annual Quartette Contest to be held at Branch Brook Park, Wednesday, September 9. Save your scrap metal for the September collection, but the harmony drive is now on. Call Millburn 6-1218. • Oet in the S< LIEUTENANT C o m m a n der Bernard P. Day. Kean Seeks Third Term a big hand, at Town Han MonAssemblyman C. Mil ford Orday night when his report ben's amendment to the Horse showed thirteen U»> btrthi, Hi Racing Legislation, which prodeaths and four marriage* vides that all unclaimed tickets But one question vena vilon bets shall revert to the State lage Bolons, how to boon the and not to the Promoters has new residents witb no net I resulted to date in bringing nearly $18,000 Into the state building going on? At i formal session after adjourncoffer. ment Oommitteeman deCune According to a recent report of Secretary Ryan of the New offered his shore c o t t k ^ ^ H Jersey Horse Racing Commis- he said from his observation sion, after the end of only 7 only tar babies were on the days racing at Oarden State beach at Bay Read these day*. Track Camden, out of a total A perambulator parking plot of 49, there is outstanding $17, may become necessary if p»r687.25 in uncashed tickets. ents persist. The State has received $114,* 963.52 as its share so far. The total for the entire racing Season will probably run approximately $800,000.00 — far below Mayor Hague's $5,000,000.00 esfuneral services wen held timate. for Mr* Assemblyman Orben opposed Tuesday pari-mutuel racing both in thr Thompson Bolton, wife of Legislature and at the special late Lawrence Bolton, wh election, but states that as long Friday at her home on as we now have It, the State Oak Ridge road. might as well get as much Mrs. Boiton is survived by i turn as possible, especially aince daughter, Mrs. Walter A*pray revenues of gas and auto li- of CreaettJl. Hew Jersey, tntf censes are dropping off sharp- Mae and Lawrence Bolton of ly due to war regulations. Short Hills. She was a number of the father Brenntn Branch, L. C. B Adolph, Brntlo and Hlmhllo A High Mass of R*qui*m m —the three blind mice. Make them run with ten prrcrnt of offered at St. Rot* your income in War B«ad« Church Interment was in Holy every pay day. Sepulcher Cemetery* Funeral So Congressman Kean of Livingston, today filed a petition for renomination to the United States House of Representatives from the 12th Congressional District. Kean is now completing his second term in Congress, having been first elected in 1938. With the filing of his petition the Congressman gave out a brief statement in which he said: "Last December, a few days before returning to Washington for the present session, I publicly stated that all legislation coming before the Congress should be considered with but one thought in mind and one end in view — 'Will it help win the war.' I have faithfully followed that path and will continue to do so while I am m (Songress, "How to bring victory meet speedily, most B1 Relent ly, most completely, should bo OBI 004 Vacuum Gleaner Repairs "See The Marks Hros." RADIO SALES CORP. Mrs. £ . T. Bolto N WAR AS IN PEACE 387 Millhum Avenue Millburn 6-0015 JL HE management of thit bank is pledged to conMrvi- J rman I racks Horse For Plane cive operation. The safety of depositors' funds is our primary consideration. In addition, the bank is a mem ber of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,whit! sures each of our dcp< against loss to J of $5,000. Private Daniel B- Forman of Hillside avenue, stationed with New Jersey's crack 102nd Cavalry for the past 18 months, has been accepted for officer training in air corps administration. It I* announced at headquarters Port Jackson, S. C. Private Forman arrived home on furlough Friday where he DEPOSITS IN THIS BANK ARE INSURED 11II' : I cool off the atmosphere. after 1 sprinkle my Victory Garde, »on lh« syn-baked aid™ and roof of Ing ba.h ' ' 8 ° l ° h e < 1 ' l t a k e - restful, MODERNIZE YOUR BATHROOM At Our l-ow—Estimate Prim Thos. R. Douglas Co. KataMI«h*< MM PLUMBING • HEATING SHEET METAL WORK MS KUlbura AM. Mlttksn •''«• n e M morni « 8 1 feel wonderful. Commonwealth Water Co. FIRST NATIONAL BANK "I MILLBURN, N E * JERSEY [Augusi The Millburn &> Short Hills ITEM 142] 3] <>•• Unsuccessful In this members on the report and deapplication. As to the liquor part of the business its future now rests with the State Alcoholic^ BevOut of the bar business tem- erage Control Board. An appeal porarily-&t least, the Studio Bar from the local denial of a liand Grill, Morris turnpike night cense has been carried to ABC spot sought to reopen its grill where it still reposes. An ordinance relinquishing when it made application to the Town Fathers Monday certain Hobart avenue rights night for a new restaurant li- was passed as was one calling cense. The application was de- for an end of unsanitary and unsafe housing conditions in nied. The story of this night club the Township. is a long one replete with acro¥• batic checks etc., that finalfy A MEETING of the Execuclosed its doors to hungering tive Committee of the Millburn and thirsty artists. The etc. include charges of unsanitary Township Citizens Committee conditions and persistent vio- was held at the home of the lations of the health code made chairman, Mrs. Frederic H. by Health Officer MacPherson. Renard on Tuesday evening, Monday night's application. was made in the face of a August 4th. recommended denial by the health officer and the committee stuck by its official inspector. Edward H. Rossbach appeared as attorney for the applicant. When it appeared from his remarks that the doctor might be biased in his findings and overly exacting the committee recessed in an endeavor to contact either him or his assistant Mr. Goslau before a vote. No Bar, No Grill; It's 5TATI0NE Would Build Seeking permission to erect a three story fire-proof. warehouse on vacant lands at Spring and Essex streets, Millburn Cleaners Inc., came before the Township Committee Monday night having gained a favorable nod from the Board of Adjustment. The latter after bearings had recommended an exception to the zoning law to pernul the building. Harry E. Walburg appeared as attorney for the cleaning establishment and Abraham Silverstein represented 17 nearby and objecting residents and property owners. Both argued briefly but a real jam session is expected when the committee settles down to reaching a decision. That all 17 wil, demand reduced assessments claiming-depreciation to their property If the permit goes through, was one promise Abraham left with members. /; Wins Navy Advance Having recently completed his basic training at Newport Naval Training Station, James Charles Degnan, 27, of 15 Douglas street, son of James M. Degnan, is in the South attending one of the Navy's schools for Pharmacist's Mates. Degnan was graduated in 1933 from 25 ENVELOPES $ 1 Never before . . . a t least • • never before that we Jiavr hoen able to dis. has a genuine dip stamped stawit L i 7 ••• h each die individually made . . . Paper is a delicate 1 erey . . . with woven In add charance. Threo • onogram to the men n .K Short Hills Item Mil , „ , N. J, ALPEITS needed for War "What's it good for?' "Guns, tanks, and maybe part of a plane" promptly, the full rate of production cannot be attained or increased; the necessary tanks, guns, and ships cannot be produced. The rubber situation is also critical. In spite of the recent rubber drive, there is a continuing need for large quantities of scrap rubber. Also for other waste materials and metals like brass, copper, zinc, Scrap iron and steel, for example. Old lead, and tin. radiators, lengths of pipe, refrigerators, America needs your active assistance garbage pails, broken garden tools... in rounding up these materials. The It may be rusty, old "scrap" to you, Junk which you collect is bought by but it is actually refined steel, with industry from scrap dealers at estabmost impurities removed—and can be lished, government-controlled prices. quickly melted with new metal in the Will you help? form of pig iron to produce highest First—collect all your waste material quality steel for our war machinea. and pile it up. Even in peacetime our Nation relied Then—sell it to a Junk dealer, give it on scrap to provide about 50% of the to a charity, take it yourself to the raw material for steel. Now production of steel has gone up, up, UP, until nearest collection point, or get in touch today America is turning out as much with your Local Salvage Committee. If you live on a farm, consult your steel as all the rest of the world comCounty War Board or your farm imbined. But unless at least 6,000,000 addi- plement dealer. Throw YOUR scrap into tha tional tons of scrap steel is uncovered This message approved by Conservation Division WAR PRODUCTION BOARD This advertisement paid for by the American Industries Salvage Committee (representing and with funds provided by groups of hading industrial concerns.) LOCAL SALVAGE COMMITTEE Phone: Shorl fighting. BALLS* New Shipment of Pennsylvanias just received. 45 MAIN STREET MI 6-0674 In the attics and cellars of homes, in garages, tool sheds, and on farms, is a lot of Junk which is doing no good where it is, but which is needed at once to help smash the Japs and Nazis. 25 SHEETS Millburn High School. A pharmacist's mate must know how to take charge of sick bay orf board ship, do minor surgery and first aid work. Enrolled with the Naval Reserves, Degnan was selected for school because of high marks in the aptitude test given each recruit soon after he arrives there. When he has completed 1 he course he will be eligible for duty at sea or ashore, wherever the Bureau of Naval Personnel finds he is needed most. Hill^ US'3 B VA.N W l CROCHAKD LAYTOJI ON T -•• •: .. .1 JUNK MAKES FIGHTING WEAPONS One old radiator will provide •crap steel needed for seventeen .30 calibre rifles. ^^ ^ One old lawn mower will help make six 3-inch shells. One useless old tire will pro•id* • • much rubber 11 h used in 12 gas masks. One old shovel will help make 4 hand grenades. MATERIALS NEEDED Scrap Iron and steal. Other metals of all kinds. Old rubber. Rags, Manila rope, burlap bags. Waste Cooking Fats—strain into a large tin can and when yon get a pound or more, spll to your meat dealer. NEEDED ONLY IN CERTAIN LOCALITIES: Waste paper and tin cans,as announced locally. NOT NEEDEDa: this time: Razor blades—glass. The Millburn &> Short Hills ITEM f August 7, <><><><><><><><><^^^ Short Hills MOTES 6 By Edith "Since gas rations make these the horse-buggy days, we might as well go back to gay-nineties ways. So let's have an outing as Pa and Ma had, when picnic suppers were all in the fad. Pill up this cake box with 'vittles' for two, (we'll furnish the beer and skittles for you). Come to our backyard on August the one, and join with your neighbors in old-fashioned fun." Such read the invitations sent by Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hinds of Whitney road to 38 friends and neighbors. The Hinds, believing in the "good neighbor" policy, decided to bring, them together. Games of every description were played out-ofdoors. Eighteen arrived for last Saturday's party and eighteen have been invited for next week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Cameron and daughter Marianna Whitney road, have concluded a month's stay at the ie hotel in Atlantic City. • Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Chadwick returned to their Highland avenue home on Saturday, followa trip to the West coast for * Mr. a:id Mrs. F. R. Buckman Brooklyn, were recent guest of their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Buckman of Elmwood place., "!» mth's vacation has ended Dr. and Mrs. George A. Scheller of Hillside avenue. They with their children Susan, Ann and Tony, spent two weeks Seaside Park, after which and Mrs. Scheller went to Skytop in the Poconos, for two weeks. v J. W. Casterton of Fair1 drive, is spending a week the Monmouth Hotel in Spring Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Rowley of South .nge, accompanied her. Jane Audrey Gross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gross Barnsdale road, Is spending summer with her aunt, Miss e T. Gross at her home in Belmar. last week-end guests from Kenvil, Succasunna and Lake Arrowhead. OF THE WEEK Clifford A. A. Clarkson and daughters Nancy, Carolyn and Marie of Twin Oak road. • Miss Nancy McGehee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis N. McGehee of West road, has concluded a visit in. Washington D. C. as the guest of her uncle and aunt, Lieutenant and Mrs. R. O. Alspaugh. Her brother Owen McGehee, is spending the summer at Camp Adirondack, Lake George, N. Y. Miss Mildred Smith of Philadelphia and Ensign John W. Padgett, who is stationed in New York at the Training School at N. Y* U. spent last week-end with Ensign Padgett's parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Padgett of Oakview terrace. i Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ludwig and sons Alan and Douglas of Hillside avenue, are spending this month in Lavallette. They were at Cedar Lake, Denville, for the month of July. Mrs. Everett H. Holmes Qf Wellington avenue has Mrs. Milton O. Lange and daughter Nancy visiting her at her summer home, "The Everest" at Port Monmouth for a few days. * Mr and Mrs William A. ivenui have concluded a two weei vacation at Murray Bay, Canada. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelley and daughter Pat of Park road, returned on Saturday, from a month's stay at Monmouth Beach. Miss Elizabeth T. Wilson of Smyrna, Del. arrived yesterday to spend several days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Clifford Jr., of Whitney road. • Mrs. Wade Barnett and niece, , Miss Marion Bennett of New Orleans, arrived on Tuesday to spend ten days with the former's nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Bennett Barberry lane. • Mrs. Louise Hocker of 16 Martindale road, entertained over Mrs. Harold Deckert of Maple wood, was the week-end guest of Mrs. Gustave Martin sfobart Gap roadC Miss LilHunger of Calif on, was Martin's* guest last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Campbell of Glenwood drive, have conducted a ten days' vacation spent at Nantucket. Mrs. pbell's brother, Private Kuie E. DufI, U. S. Infantry at Camp Forest, Tenrt., visited them last week. • A five weeks' vacation spent at Pocono Lake Preserve, ended on Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Dr. G. Youngelson Mr. and Mrs. Meredith C. Laffey of Montview avenue, have concluded a vacation in Manchester, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Lauderdale of Forest drive, spent last week-end in Marblehead, Mass. Their sons Vance Jr., a student at Harvard and Gerald, a student at the summer session" at St. Marks', joined them. Mr. and Mrs. "Worthington Campbell have returned to their Knollwood road home, after spending their vacation at Marblehead, Mass. The Neighborhood Group met at Mrs. L. R. Leffersons' Fairfield drive on Wednesday, at which time they sewed for the Red Cross. Mrs. G. L. Ward of Martindale road, will entertain at luncheon today. She will take her guests to Barberry Corner Tea Room, returning to the Ward residence for Red Cross sewing. Her guests will be: Mrs. James Beckett, Mrs. Don Jones, Mrs. Philip Meyer, Mrs. Hal Davis, Mrs. Harold Peck, Mrs. Harold Valentine, Mrs. Edwin Gidley, Mrs. William Lechtrecker and Mrs. DeNyce Atwater of S. H. and Mrs. R. R. Gilkey of Glen Ridge and Mrs. of Plainfleld. !. and Mrs. Daniel Bustihell of New Vernon, are visiting Mrs. Bushnell's father, Albert H. Marckwald and Mrs. Marckwald of Montview avenue, at yieir summer home In Woods Hole, Mass. The Bushnells will remain for a ten days' stay. Susan Smith, is spending the summer at the Anita Zahn School of the Arts, Great Barrington, Mass. Her sister Nancy, joined her last Friday for a week's stay. They are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Smith of Hobart avenue. The Smiths spend weekends and vacation at their camp near Mt. Tabor. On Tuesday, Miss Rena Marjorie Wolcott, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Wolcott of Short Hills, became the bride of 2nd Lieutenant Carl Frederick Rogge, Jr., at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rogge of Fairfield drive. Judge G. Noyes Slayton performed the ceremony. A wedding dinner was served at the Chanticler. The bride wore a black dress of street length trimmed in light blue, with light blue accessories. She wore a pale pink orchid corsage. Miss Marjorie Rogge, Lieutenant Rogge's sister, was the bride's only attendant. Her frock was beige color trimmed with purple. She wore purple orchids. Mrs. Rogge is a graduate of Millburn High School and Elmira College. .Her husband, also a Millburn High School Alumnus, was graduated from Wesleyan University. The couple are spending several days in New York and Washington, before going to Florida where they will make their home. Lt. Rogge who is with the Field Artillery, formerly of Fort Sill, Okla., has recently received his commission as second lieutenant, six months after enlistment. His new post is Camp Blanding, Fla. • Mrs. G. Ballon Landa and daughter Peggy Ann of Old Short Hills road, will leave today for Middlebush to visit Mrs. Landa's sister, Mrs. William Nulton. When they return, Mrs. Nulton and her daughter Joan, will return to Short Hills for a visit. A month's vacation in Putney, Vt., has ended for Mr. and Mrs. Drury W. Cooper of North road. • A two weeks stay at Lake Sunapee, N. H., ended on Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. George McGrath of Hillside avenue. • o f Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fryling Barnsdale road, have opened Bdlcottage in Sea Girt. their Mr. and Mrs. George E. Counihan and Richard Counihan of Claremont drive, are regis^ tered at the Stockton in Sea Girt. Miss Elizabeth Collins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Collins of Hobart avenue, has ended a two weeks stay in Newcomb, N. Y. Joseph Sali of ^ Washington, is visitlm grandparents, Mr. and Collins, for two weeks. • At. 'R/tfth Years On August 1st, 1917, Miss Leonie Crane started work at the First National Bank of Millburn. Saturday she celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of her connection that institution. The board of directors, in honoring Miss Crane, tendered her a testimonial resolution signed by the board and employees and also a "War Bond in appreciation of her quartercentury of service. Since beginning her work a a teller, now assistant cashier. Miss Crane has come to know thousands of local residents. She has more years of service to her credit than any other employee of the bank. Mr. Lester Peinc has been appointed Warden for Zone 3 in place of Mr. Ernest Finch Jr.. who has moved from town. Mr. H. G. Hartley will be Sec Warden in Mr. Peine's place. • MBS. RICHARD H. FEEHAN of New York City has been spending the week with her -'aughtcr, Mrs. Howard Peltz ' 89 Pine street. Bomb the Japs WUh Junk' Refrigerator REPAIRS "See The Marks Bros." RADIO SALES CORP387 Millhurn Avenue Miliburn 6-0015 DAVE'S MARKET 347 MILLBURN AVENUE PHONE MILLBURN 6-1730 FOR FREE DELIVERY Carry You to I Freedom — From Washday Worries ib. la ib.45 ib.37 Fancy Turkeys gPhiladelphia Capons [Tenderized Smokedor Hams Ifnlf prime Rib Roast of Beef (Genuine Spring Kentucky Lamb Should Mayflower i fine P«rm«nent» SUB (JEON CHIROPODIST • r Muaartm Thmtr* Bld«. 380 Mlllhuro Ave. Telephone Millburn 6-1772 Mr. and Mrs. Gustave C. Gennert and daughter, Mrs. James B. Green of Coniston road, left last week to spend several weeks at their farm near East Putney, Vt. hi** Sally Thorpe, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Herbert Thorpe of Ferncliff terrace, has concluded a six weeks' stay at Camp Lc noloc, Arden, N. Y. • Millburn 6-0949. Laundry Telephone Millburn 6-1400 ;i ~ <^ °* Lamb ROLLS WALDORF. . . . ROLLS SCOTTOWELS . . ROLLS 3 rolls 25< for rri<* **" The Millburn &* Short Hills ITEM [August 7, 194a] USO Wants Service Men j Addresses Millburn Township Citizens Committee of the USO is endeavoring tb contact families of all men in service through form letters sent out last June. The purpose of this letter was to compile a correct list of all Township residents in service (draftees and enlisted men) and their forwarding addresses. Many of these forms have not been returned. The Item is reprinting this form below and if a member of your family is in the Service, your cooperation in either filling out this blank or returing the original yellow form immediately to the Secretary of the Committee, Mrs. Eric H. Foster, 49 Hobart Avenue, Short Hills is requested. HOWARD C. PURSELL, former Roselle Park teacher, has been appointed by the Board of Education to replace Paul Cherin as physical education instructor for one year at $2,200. Mr. Cherin is now in the Navy's physical fitness program. "If At First You Don 'tSucceed"etc Father Millburn didn't score Mrs. Foster is sending cards to boys everywhere, overseas and as a realtor last month for at home, to let them know they are remembered. Through your both his reported sales of cooperation no boy will be forgotten. Each branch of the service Township lands flopped before has a special card so in filling out the blank kindly include the .the deals were closed. Anthony branch your boy is with. Help to* bring thoughts from home to Vedutis changed his mind as to the desirability of a piece of men in service. ground adjacent to his home on Mechanic street and Harry Sllverstein reconsidered his offer of $250 for a plot on Green(Rank) (Name) (Serial No.) wood drive. A $30 deposit was refunded in the latter instance and then William J. Jordan re(Address) newed his offer of $230 which was accepted subject to ratification at the next Town meet(Service Branch) ing. (c/o Postmaster) (A.P.O. No.) Return to: Mrs. Eric H. Foster, 49 Hobart Avenue, Short Hills, N. J. THE DEVELOPMENT of war time courses on the far east and the pacific area, propaganda of war and the economics of war, as part of the evening college curriculum are announced by Dean Norman C. Miller of Rutgers University College. The Newark and New Brunswick centers of University College start September 28. • Em Firing — With Junk! HOLY HOUR devotions at 3:30 P. M. on Sunday, August 9, at Rosary Shrine, Summit will include solemn novena prayers in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. The novena opens on the first Friday of August and will be made especially for men in service. Throw Your Scrap Into the Fight! i r i - *m.m iJ Frozem Pineapple Cheese Salad 1 tablespoon graulated gelatin 1-2 cup whipped cream 1-2 cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons cold water 3 tablesp'ns white cream cheese 1-2 cup boiling pineapple juice 2-3 cup cubed pineapple 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1-4 teaspoon salt 1-2 cup shredded almonds Soak the gelatin five minutes in the cold water and dissolve in boiling juice. Cool and let thicken slightly, then add the rest of the ingredients. Pour into a tray in a mechanical refrigerator and freeze. MORTGAGE DWELLINGS APARTMENT HOUSES COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES • Bomb the Japs With Junk! RUBBER STAMPS [ Page 5 ] NEW JERSEY REALTY Millburn & Short Hills Item Cotrytuuty 249 Main Street Telephone Millburn 6-1200 830 BROAD ST., NEWARK, N. X Please Avoid • Unnecessary Calls hington 200 for 7c Facial Tissues 25c size I # c Edward's Olive Tablets 5 0 pads 9 c Book Matches 25c size IOc jCuticura Ointment |Nail Polish Remover IOC size .3 ounces # c Aspirin Tablets 5 100t 12c 50c size 4 7 c Quinsana 440 for 25c Glapp'g Baby Food Vacuum Bottle ioc size f|c I si/c- tt — WE SELL WAR STAMPS — CLOSED NIGHTLY AT 10 P. M. FBKE M3XIVKRY >\}WUv*v §>V\*Q Store* ... *W Millburn Ave. SALES A U Millburn 6-0449 Wr rlTHthe war effort of 28 United Nations centered upon it, Washington is probably the busiest city in the world. It is fast outgrowing its physical limits—and Its telephone facilities. Long distance calls in and out of the capitoi city have doubled within a year and are still Increasing as the war effort moves toward its peak. Materials for further telephone expansion now go for weapons of war. To help meet this situation, we ask you to avoid unnecessary calls to Washington. If you must call, please be brief and call when thelinesareleM busy: before 10 A.M.; 12 to 2 P.M.; 5 to 7 P.M. and after 9 P.M. Your cooperation will do much to help relieve the congestion on telephone lines and speed the drive lor Victory. • Tmnt in" TB £ TELEPHONE BOUIC' Manjayt at 9 P.M.' WEAF . KYW • NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Beauty is your duty girls, whether you major *in wifely or war work jobs. This beauty business keeps us on our toes more during deep summer weather. Thank goodness Charlotte's Beauty Salon has air conditioning. It's grand to have a shampoo, and set under the most comfortable conditions. Charlotte's is closed all day Saturday. * During this month, the Betty Telfer Studio is having a marvelous sale of their outstanding merchandise. Here's a chance to save 2o% on upholstered furniture and 10r', on their rare accessories. Select a lovely piece to add tone to your home. • You may even be an amateur "Oscar" in your own kitchen, but I'm sure you'd welcome a meal out for a change if it was tastefully prepared. The best place I know, is Barberry Corner Tea Boom on Taylor street. Lady! Care fondly for your present refrigerator! Holme's Refrigerator and Radio Service, can keep it in good repair for you. Call the Holmes Brothers for all electrical work. Tickets at Millburn Theatre for Mrs. Francis L. Bayley. • Any hot day or night that your child asks for something to drink, give him a tall glass chocolate milk. Not only Canoe Brook Farms' c1 milk refreshing and h. but nourishing as well. • If you are in Elizabeth afternoon and wish to enjoy a few moments, go over to Pingry School, sit under a shade tree and watch the summer school youngsters having a grand time playing badminton, archery, handball and other sports. Live Millburn, Shop Millburn, Bank Millburn! Standing on the south east corner a burn and Main is the Fi tional Bank, ready to st your every banking need. Talk over your financial problems with them. Let them ad you on Government Reg*, including "credit privilet i Member F.D.I.C. • The Muirfield Shop, floor at Muir's, East Orange, shows many signs of interest for College - b o u n d d a u g h t e r s . Sweaters galore and skirts to go with them. Smooth new college suits are arriving daily. • It may well be "a cold winter ahead." With rationing many sides, the oil tank and coal bin may also suffer. Conserve fuel and reduce dr your home by insulating v. I Johns-Manvllle rock wool now. • Even with gas rationing can visit Forbes D dens. Route 10, at H Only seven miles \petunia. V . . . — < Tarjy midst the do: choice varieties of lobelias, marigolds, cupheas and snap dragons. Select the typtnuals you prefer and order vcor's fiiir- Friday 7 8 IO "HELLO ANNAPOLIS." Auriint 11-15. Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday Saturday 12 II "TOM BROWN, Jean Thursday 13 Parker, * SOUTH ORANGE CAMEO • PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE "THE l'IKATES OF PBNZANCE." Rosemarte Brancato. Ralph Rteics. Donald Gag*. Paul Reed. AugiAt 7-8. "THK CHOCOLATE SOT.DrER," otarrinir Dorothy Sandlln. Auintst 10-2S. * MAPLEWOOD MOSQUE—Newark "C1UE8T IN THE HOUSE." August 7-S.' "YOU CANT TAKE IT * 1 T H V o r . " Kivil Slone. August 11-17. * NEWARK STANLEY, 33 South Orange Avenue. "TEN GENTLEMEN FROM WEST POINT," George Montgomery, John Button. Laird Cregar, ' WHISPERING" GHOSTS," Milton Berle, Brenda Joyce. August 7-13. "BROADWAY," George Pat O'Brien, Janet Blair, Marjorle Rambcau: "TWIN BEDS," Joan Bennett, George Brent, Misrha Auer, E. Truex, Glenrta Farrell, Auguat 14- ti. T h a n program* art • c c u r a t • »t pr*u time — but Thea-tMs • umetluti their minds. LOEWS, Broad and New Streets. "CROSSROADS." William Powell, Hedy Lamarr: "THE VANISHING VIRGINIAN," Kathryn Qrayaon. Frank Morgan, 7-13. MILLBURN PARAMOUNT, Market Street. "SERGEANT YORK." Qan' Cooper, Walter Brennan, M v I I-Milie: "ALL AMERICAN CO-ED," J. i,-rord. Auguat 8-10. "TEN QENTLEMKN IKHNT,' George Montgomery, John . WHISPERING GHOSTS," Hilton * * EAST ORANGE HOLLYWOOD, Central Avenue at Harrisen. ••REAP THE WILD WIND." R. Milland, J. Wayne, Piulette Goddard. Raymond Maaiiey. An trust 7-12. "THE MAGNIFICENT DOPE." Henry Fonda. Lynn Barl, Don Anteche, Augus. 13-16. OX THK RHINE. ' Ohri»tian« iiHU.11 "TORTILLA FLAT," Spencer Tracy, Hedy Lamarr. John Oarrield. Frank Morgan; "HAYFOOT." Auguat 7. "JUKE GIRL." Ann Sheridan, Ronald Reagan. Richard Whorf; HELLO ANNAPOLIS. ' Tom Brown, Jean Parker, August 8-11. "MOONTIDE," Ida Luplno, Thomas Mitchell, Jerome Cowan: "SYNCOPATION." Jackie Cooper. Bonlta Granville. Adotph Menjou, August 12-11. 11-11. "AR1<: HUSBANDS NECESSARY," Ray Mllland. Betty Field; "SWEATER GIRL." Eddte Bracken, June Preuwer, August 7-12. BRANFORD, 11 Braniord Place. •THEY ALL KISSED THE BRIDE." Joan Crawford, Melvj,. August 7-11. "CANAL ZONE." Chester lorri I Hubbard , ,. •, UNION KKO PROCTORS. 116 Market Street. U a t u r e , R u n Hayworth. J a m e s Q l e a s o n ; "SONS O F ," M, RedeTave, Valerie Holwon. A u t u t a-11. KK i l l l t l . " Ann Sh>-rldan. Ronald Reajtan, Richard VVhorC; I! I lean P a r k »r. Augunt I S O "IT HAPPENED IN FLATBU3H," Lloyd Nolan. Carols Landia; "THE POSTMAN DIDN'T RINQ," Richard Travis. Hrenda Joyca, Auffuat 7-1 2. it ELIZABETH • iENT, 39 Broad Street. * SUMMIT STRAND ! Kay Milland, John W iaasoy; "ALL AMERICAN" IWfOrd. August 7-12. "PRIVATE • Slaters, Joe E. Lewis, Dick Foran i DOPE," Henry Fonda, Lynn Barl. 1 ! 1 'HE •..y. • i ' • !' '. ' » RITZ, M48 East Jersey Street. Auu LYRIC • ! • LAD1KS AUXILIARY OF CASA COLOMBO — M»»t« third Friday of each month, 8:30 P. M. at Club Houas, 1SK Main Street, Millburn. LADIES AUXILIARY OF ST. ROSE OF LIMA'S CHUIRCH meets first Monday of each month at appointed KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS — Meets first and third Thursday of each month, 8:30 P. M., St. Rose of Lima l>lui-e to be named at previous meeting. MASONIC CLUB —-Meets the first Tuesday of each munlh In the Masonic Club rooms, Bank Building, Millburn. MEN'S CLUB — St. Stephen's Church — Meets thud Thursday of each month — 8:16—Parish House. 136 Main Htit-et. MILLBURN COMMUNITY COUNCIL—Meets secuiid W.ilrwsday of June, October, December, February and April »i the Barberry Corner Tea Room. MILLBURN REPUBLICAN CLUB — Meets the fourth Thursday of each month, 8:00 P. M. MILLUUKN ROTARY CLUB — Meets at the Cham; . .i. i. Tuesday noon for luncheon and program. I' 10ASTERN STAR, Continental Cbapti-i Mr-tH first ami third Wednesday of each month. 8 1Knst National Bank Building. ORDER OF THK AMARANTH—Meets second and fuulth Thursday uf eaoh month 8 P. M., First National Bank Buildlntr. SOUTH MOUNTAIN CIVIC ASSOCIATION meeting, held third Thursday of each month. Wm. Faontlift Greenwood Drive, secretary. WASHINGTON ROCK ROD AND OUN CLUB — MeM« 1 Thursday of each month 8 P. M. RecrestKiu i r, Taylor I WOODMEN OF THE WORLD — Meets third Thui of each month, S P. M First National Bank Building. WYOMING ASSOCIATION — Council meets seoeud TajJday ol eaoh month except July and August, at 8:3U r. *' In Wyoming Clnb • House. Linden Street. Arthur Sal Secretary. (ipor«e Raft. P i t O'Brien. Janet Blair "TWIN B E D S , " Joan Bennett, George B. Trues, Qlenda Farrel, Ausust 7-12 owell Red Skelton. Bert Lahr KID •• B KILLER." Van Hefllri, !.».• B o w n u o , Aivuat 13-19 JORDIMIR u: inimii +• 13-19. VV AMERICAN LEGION — Meets Fourth Thursday of aacu •iunth. 8 P. M., Reoreatlon Building, Taylor Park. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY — Masts second Tut*. day of each month, 8 P. M., Recreation Building, Taylor Park. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS — Meats second and fourth Monday of each month, 8:30 P. M., St. Rose of Lima School Hall. CASA COLOMBO CIVIC ASSOCIATION meets first Friday of each month at 7:00 o'clock P. M. FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS, Continental Lodge — Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month, 8 P, II., First National Bank Building. ITALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION — Meeta the first Tuesday of each month at Masonic Hall, Bank Building. JOCKEY HOLLOW FIELD TRIAL CLUB — Meets tblrd Wednesday of each month, 8 P. M.. Recreation Building, Taylor Park. K1WANIS CLUB — Mee'.s at Chantlcler every Wednesday noon for luncheon and program. MADI Maraha THK RLV1 i . •w» »"• . . . EV ENTS • k Furan. August * M O R R I S I'OW N COMMUNITY, South Street. BAND OONCERT. Taylor Park. »vtr W«dn««dar . , , . in «•»* at rain concert will b* ulvan In Hlgti aofco*! AUdltorlusi - Route 24. Sumiiul . i • . by Gus Steck and his orchestra. Luncheon 76. U ner J1.6U. No cover charge. Weekdays minimum J! 50; !»*• urday | i I.I. : . . . ; - Boulevard 4 <! field ,,.. o- 1513) Summit's « ! « • ' | 10c - 80c. Tea serve.i " v .Supper 70c. A la carte until 8 P. M. ii i ; — 1 2 0 M i .1 PARK . . Roberl Taylor. AUVUJjt 9-tl Oeort* WYOM1NO CLUB - Club dinner. h at T P. M. D a m n and MEN-S NIQHT at Wyoming Club • rl***, ping pong and other games, i JERSEY Tt.««tr* c ! M l for the sumrasr. «.H.ond Saturday ot entertainment follow. ev.ry Monday ulght p. M. . unday ,, .» amii . . , . . • , , Jean Parker. Aucual 11- SANFORD, SprinRfield Avenue at Sanford. "MOi 'NTH Cowan; ville, A FROM .ululi Thurada i;r from ] P M. and Friday open from willt l w be exc open 22^. ?,, . «Pt^n of Monday ana »i<M»nt muoh valuable lafn « aa black-out curtain*, air raid a: . . .. " i "•""" • • • ! • • ••',', | , , , i«mk« , ,; . . OaNtoo an.l • l i ; 11 »l«w ia by the la»t .' of "A« w . aad out u y . Germany. political and bu.l.asiaira. Finland. Sweden. Germany, -Swiu-.««ln and Portugal, it become, clear that 1 again.! u . are almo.1 b«,ond ordinary H * ORANGE EMBASSY, 349 Main Street. nry J Ihomas • •• •• •' • • • • • ioi • ( • • •' • • .'. O . K H t i ; i • Whorf; • . • : , : . , • ...... ' ' .. •• h e o i j i . o o - •••>••• '•'• • ''• • , , , ' . . , ' • ' l l ! " t c o o I i , nnsio I ' • ' • • ' 1 d'o«uvr«- nliniini weekdays. • priced ' ' • i . .,,." I, |, -uaghettl it bDan* alls I ^•SI"-LII and ana meat 11 1 |. i — • i. Ij "" I .-HOOK • . In I t a l l a n - A . n . n . " i . H ' '' * .*ry jay. -\ la cart>-. i P"!™ •" . i les. i ....! • • - . INN — 1 4 . . . ":; g o o d eodin E f u r u , t e a . Luncheon i dinner J1.00. Supper • i •: , ; a n d E a g l e . It... ' will be open on to 9 P. M.; TUMday 10 A . M. to 9 p u the aama houra u tha boo It will cloae at wS P. M, : ,..i:M.,i | • Bun. Auamxt «-H ntufaa. Richard •' . • Hunild •• • il . l a y s . • •Idan. • ••• : mart supper club. Mace Irish and his orohust™ - »2.60. Saturday W • »2.76. No couvert. Weekday minimum 11.50. Saturday II.** CROCKERS — E Old Short Hills Road, Millburn <M«: burn 6-0928) Historic Homestead near Paper Mill P'*v luncheon 60c, Dinner 95c - 11.10. Sunday 11.00 - »' -• , . "MOONTl Supper 1 •• • i i Miner »1.26 - 12.00. Nick . n«nd on week-ends. Mt. Pleasant Avemio. KL'NQSHOLM _ 309 ! i '' 1-9761) „ Restanraui • .11 85c - J1.10. Dinner *160 - !»•• (etwac ly Lamtrr, *«n. "SECRET ABBOT OF narl. Augun 7-» MY OAl. Joyr*. • • • • " Cooking, i CONDOR — 289 West Northfield Avenue, Living"*''" isston 6-0627) Recently redecorated, nice pla. * IK CASTLE, 1115 Clinton Avenue. v ll! • ' i i i • MAIL." Will., Nalsh: -MAI.S1 Allen JFHJARO LOVER. s»ml«-r«: ••P l BARBERRY-CORNER — 33 Taylor street, .i burn ii-1739) Delicious food served and cha< inline »ui lugs. Luncheon 00c. Dinner $1 and Denning-. Mar Dona Id VIC. Hunt. • . . „-:•., SSS > The Millhurn &» SKvt Hills ITEM 1942] For the next two weeks "The Chocolate Soldier" will be the attraction with the same leads and cast as heretofore. Scrap Rubber Totals 5 Tons The guessing contest is over and now residents who have been figgerin' and figecerin' as to just how much rubber there was on the pile at Tighe's Service Station at Main and Essex streets can relax, as the official figures have jurst bttn released. Proprietor Frank Tighe gives the total as announced by scrap rubber headquarters as 9,280 pounds, or nearly five tons. Over 90 percent of this was donated to the drive by local residents, and Mr. Tighe's cash outlay for the whole pile was less than ten dollars. On receipt of the check in payment for the rubber, Mr. Tighe plans to give half .to the local Red Cross Chapter and Half to the USO unit. This means that the two local groups will each receive $4t>40, Uncle 8am will receive five tons of dearly-needed rubber, and .local householders will have gotten rid of a lot of bulky rubber articles that have been cluttering up cellar and attic. It sounds like that fool-proof proposition wherein everybody profits and nobody loses. At The Mosque "A magnificently funny show" that was the phrase used by Time Magazine to describe "You Can't Take It With You," the Pulitzer Prize winning comedy which Bobette and Russell Mack are bringing to the Mosque Theatre in Newark for a week's engagement beginning Tuesday night, August 11th. This surefire laugh getter, written by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart, will be the first comedy to play the Mosque since it opened on July 21. Playing Grandpa Venderhof in the Mosque Theatre production one of the most lovable characters ever conceived for the stage, will be Fred Stone, one of America's funniest comedians. Men are dying for the Four | Freedoms. The least we can do here at hame is to buy War Bonds—10'i, for War Bonds, every pay day. • Now Showing PiratesPaint Caning ton Nose "JUKE GIRL" HELLO ANNAPOLIS" And Our J Hies" Talks MOTHS MOSQUE Send For Our Folder "Safeguard Your Treasures" 1IKST BROADWAY STAGE FLAYS 1 M"«*. B«c. T n s . Nirht. An*. 11th Moving FRED STONE in Storing "YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU" By Rug Cleaning Cipu. 8. Kaufman & MOM Hart With PAULA STONE Eves. 8:30 (Incl. Sun.) AOC1 O\)c) i Dc Plam Tmx Mat. 2:30 Wed. Thurs. Sat. Floor Coverings • Rimback Storage Co. Odorless Dry Cleaning Cold Storag* Vault For Furs Alterations & Repairing Millburn Cleaners Sun. Mat. WE OWN AND OPERATE OUR OWN PLANTS 25s 50c, 75 Plus Tar s«,t Box Orflre (Ma. S-13»l> Corner Millburn Avenue & Spring Street Telephone: Millburn 6-2000 Biunbermr's Kntft'i Sat. t o Mon Aug. 8 - 1 0 "SERGEANT YORK" Sailing with The Pirates of <iury Couiter — Joau Letilla Penzance last week-end ManS<-r It Now at "l*oimliir Price* ager Prank Carrington of the "ALL AMERICAN CO-ED" Playhouse came back with a red nose, but still on deck. Tuesday to Friday This was his story and he "TEN GENTLEMEN stuck to it when he told MonFROM WEST POINT" day night's audience plans of "WHISPERING GHOSTS" the Playhouse carry the curWAR BONDS & STAMPS rent schedule of productions right up to Christmas. Now on Sale at This Theatre MILLBURN, N. J. ."i K. \linntr-. Walk frtinl l.utl.iiv. K. M U t t M ; m d I". B, Him *•••!> a t .Millhurn Phone SHort Hills 7-3000 Frank Carrington, Director Beginning Monday, August 10th — for 2 Weeks I l l l . < . \ \ \M> I I MCI l |. O6CAB S T K U N ' OI'KRDTTA "THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER" DOROTHY " SANDLIN , Russia Stops the Nazis." Miss tail the usual fourday Annual Barbara Ward, Assistant Edi- Convention, originally scheduled tor "of the "Economist," will give for Atlantic City, In favor of a a talk on: "The Role of Britain shorter meeting to take place in the War," on Wednesday, in Trenton on November 6th August 19th. This series will and 7th. Special features that A series of talks on "We and close on Wednesday, August would tax the transportation our Allies" will continue during 26th, with a talk by Mr. James system of the State are also the month of August, bringing L. McFadden, Business Executive being cancelled. to Panzer College and the com- and former resident of South on the topic: "Ecomunity a number of well-known America, nomic Warfare in South AmerBendix REPAIRS speakers who will talk on the ica." The public is cordially in"S«e The Marks Bros." subject of our allies. On Wed- vited to attend these lectures. nesday, August 5th, M. Georges RADIO SALES CORP. • 387 HUUwrn A r a m " Assle, Professor of French at THE EXECUTIVE Committee Millburn 6-0015 Toronto University, Canada, the New Jersey Education and General Secretary of France of Association has decided to cur- ITEM WANT ADS BEING RESULTS. Forever, will speak on the subject: "France — Two Nations Against Hitler," at the weekly COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD SERVICE chapel program at 10:30 A. M. AT ONE EXPENSE On Wednesday. August 12th, Miss Thelma Nurenburg, author CAUSE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS DAMAGE. of "This New Red Freedom," OUR NEW "DEATH TOMB" WILL RID YOUR will talk on the subject: "Soviet GARMENTS AND FURNITURE OF THESE _ _ 1020 Broad Street, ^ ^ PESTS. t,i: I in: I'll; 11|> 01 l-l v/..\NCK" s i . i n . $l.«3. M.M, M»ls. Wed. It Sat. *:30—56c. »Se. All .1. .1. HockenJcM Co. Store*. KreHgo Department Store. NewarK the Most of the Peach Season This is the year to be saving. This is the time to make good use of everything you have. Take advantage of the peach season. While New Jersey peaches are plentiful, while they are at their best, can them, preserve them the way your family likes them best. Our Home Economics Depart incut can tell you how to <l<> oven canning. If you wish, they will furnish the direeApply NOW far axtra sugar rations for cantions for making jams and ning or atk a Ham— Sank* consultant jar jellies and give you recipes recipe $ that < all fur for delicious peach desserts tubuitutes. that are easy to make. Ask for a copy of our Home Economics peach recipe folder. P V B L I C ^ JSERVICE A 9OS5 CATULLO'S FOR FINE J <HA main Si. Millbiirn Free Delivery Phone MI-6-OO71. i OPEN SUNDAYS vium NOON TILL MIDNIGHT •ur WAI SAVINQt 1OM0I AMD flTAMM The Millburn &* Short Hills ITEM t Page 8 J Rogge poured, the other guests Including the Misses Marjorie Rogge, Juanita Dickinson, Dorothy Whitfield, Anna Dale of Millburn and Betty Smith of Staten Island, a former roommate of the honor guest at Elmira College. Mi lib urn OF THE WEEK By Edith Clifford rived on Thursday from New Orleans, La. on a ten day furlough. He will visit his mothAnnouncement has been made er, Mrs. Haddon Gray of Parkthe marriage of Miss Jac- er avenue, Maplewood. His queline Gobie, niece of Mrs. fiance Miss Hope Morley, arRussell Lyon of 17 Spring street, rived today from Providence, to Lieut. L. H. Davenport, of Rhode Island to visit Mrs. Gray the U. S. Air Force, formerly of for the week-end. Hartford, Vermont. The ceremony took place in Columbus, Mississippi on July 25th. Miss Gobie attended Millburn High School and is a graduate Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Townshend of Hartford, Vermont, High of 33 Parkview drive, gave a School. The couple will make buffet supper on Sunday. Their their home in Salt Lake City, guests included Mr. and Mrs. Utah, where Lieut. Davenport John Bush of Hemstead, L. I., will be stationed Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Voogd of Plainfleld, Miss Lucile Parry Mrs. Alex M. Vlrgien of 47 and Doland of Brooklyn. • Milton street, will move about Dr. and Mrs. E. W. MacPherSeptember 1st to Cleveland, for the duration, where her son, son, and their son, Douglas, of Alex R. Virglen is located. He 34 Rawley place, have made a U with the firm National Car- short visit to the Poconos. bon Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Herman KreitMr. and Mrs. Henry A. Feu- ler and sons Paul and Hobart stel, formerly of 4 Bodwell ter- of Walnut avenue and Miss race, moved on Wednesday, to Grace Barbour, left on Tues291 Millburn avenue, where they day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wllwill make their home for the lard L. Hults at their summer On duration. Mrs Feustel was home at Lake Mohawk. home this week to move but is Monday, Mrs. Kreitler gave a nmer on their surprise luncheon and movie in honor ot Haul's . . . ustel birthday. Oui iiided joins her week-ends. his brother Hobart Kreitler, Miss Alice Berstler of 275 Jack Smith, Jack Crites, Robert' berlain, Arthur Rogers, Millburn avenue, left on Wednesday for Asbury Park, where Edward Clausner and Th*od she will spend a two weeks' va- Stieve. cation. She la the daughter of • Mr. and Mrs. George J. Berstler. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Pikaart of Myrtle avenue, returned on Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Decker Wednesday from a vacation .and children Mari-joe and spent In Vennutreal, Franklin, have moved from 18 Canada. Bodwell terrace, to their farm Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Millard of In Long Valley. South Mountain road will leave * Saturday for Lord's Point, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Freiman Conn., to stay until after Labor of Millburn avenue, have re- Day. Their daughter, Btmlci turned from Peekskill, N. Y. entertained five little friends Mrs. Freiman has concluded a on Tuesday in honor of her ten days' stay; Mr. Freiman eighth birthday. was there for the week-end. • • Ralph Lennord, son of Mr. Corp George J. Coburn Jr., a and Mrs. Lennord of Walnut member of Troop B, 102nd Esie has the position of x Troop Cavalry, Fort Jack- Doctor's Orderly at Camp Kenson, 8. C. has spent a furlough Etiwa-Pec in Sussex County h his parents Mr. and Mrs. New Jersey. burn of 510 Millburn avenue, who are summering at the Musconetcong cottage. Corp. Coburn left on Thursday to return to Port Jackson. He exMrs. A. H. Dohn of New York ts soon to be transferred to spent last week-end as Hying school as an aviation cadet as he recently passed en- the guest of Mrs. H. H. Gullitrance examinations for the son of Linden street. • ing cadet corps and his Miss Rowena Hermann, for^fer has betn approved. ffdwin H. Robnet, son of Mrs. merly of Pine stre» H. Robnett of. Elm street is tained at her home in a t Camp Red Cloud on Lake Orange on Monday evening at a personal shower in honor of Champlaln, New York. Miss Rena Wolcott, formerly of • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beumee Short Hills, who was man o 2nd I and son Gary of Millburn aveCarl Frederick Rogge Ji Mrs, nue, left on Monday to • Mrs. Beuraee's mother, : James Rutter in La Mass. Next week the Beaux k Hutu Brit," i Mrs. Rutter, plan to go York Beach, Me., for a stay. RADIO SALES COKP. . i XtOTS* • Millburn t>-0015 Naval Aviation Cadet Haddon ay, formerly of Millburn, ar- Da venport- Gobie South Mountain Wyoming Washer REPAIRS Jo Ann Sawyer ToMarryAug.29 Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mitch ell and daughter, formerly 0 Kansas City, Missouri, are no* residing on Pine terrace. * Miss Hubbard Honored Miss Carol Hubbard of Mountain avenue, who will be married August 15 to Edward L. Newcomb of Waltham, Mass., was honored at two parties last Saturday In the afternoon, Mrs. Robert Wilkinson of Scotch Plains, the former Miss Phyllis Cook of Wyoming, gave a surprise shower in her honor. Following the afternoon party Miss Dorothy Whitfield of Wyoming avenue, gave an out-door supper party and surprise linen shower. Miss Whitfield will be an attendant at Miss Hubbard's wedding. * Plans have been completed for the marriage of Miss Jo Ann Sawyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sawyer of Myrtle avenue, to John Nix Hager, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Hager of Cranford. The ceremony will take place in Wyoming Presbyterian Church at 4 P. M., with Rev. Ralph Read, officiating. A reception will follow at the Sawyer home. Miss Jane Sawyer will be her Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. R. sister's maid of honor and bridesmaids will include the Schulze, formerly of Montclair, Misses Phyllis Clarke of Short have moved into their new Hills, Marilyn Wright of home at 104 Chatham road. Oleahs, N. Y.; Sylvia Scheitlln They have an infant son, Richof Maplewood and Elizabeth ard Frederick Schulze. • Hay of Pottsville, Pa. Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Roland Read Hager will be his brother's best have moved from York, Pa., to man. Pine terrace, west. The Reads * have a son Roland Jr. and The Misses Jean Kern and daughter Jean. Roland, who is Virginia Moore of Mountain an Eagle Scout at the age of avenue are at Brenton Woods, 14, Is attending Camp Ganago, New Jersey. York County. • • Mather Neill who is in his Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bonfield third year in Medical School and son Johnny, have moved at the College of Physicians and to their new home at 16 Pine Surgeons, Columbia University, terrace, east. They formerly spent last week-end with his resided in East Orange. mother, Mrs. Mather Neill of • Wyoming avenue. The residen.ce at 9 Eimwood Mrs. Seymour Tucker of 665 place, has been purchased by Ridgewood road, recently en- Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Niebained her nephew, Frederick ling, who have moved here L. Darley of Fort Washington, from East Orange. Md., who is attending Officer's Mrs. Isador Rosenthall and mining School there. children Henry, Jerald and Sum san, are now residing at 530 E. S. Thompson of 2C Oakdai avenue, has ended a week's va- Wyoming avenue. The Rosen thalls have come from Hillside. cation at Lake Oquaga, N. Y. • a Mr. and Mrs. W. E. SelkingMr. and Mrs. Douglas Merrtaxn of Myrtle avenue have haus who formerly lived in Nutiounced the birth of a son ley, have moved to 58 Southern on July 28 at Orange Memorial Slope drive. They have two Hospital. He has been named sons, George and Charles. • « Allen. Mr. and Mrs. c. L. Dudley • Miss Eleanor Albee of Linden and three sons Carlton Jr., street, Is spending the month Robert and Eugene, formerly of of August in Winchester, Mass. Haddonfield, have moved to i mill at 11 Mountain Lieutenant David Weaver Jr. their i of Edgewood Arsenal, Md., spent View road. • last week-end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walker Miss Kay O'Brien of Chestnut street. Arriving today will be and daughter Ella, have moved Mary Belle Price of Madi- from Irvington, to their new son Beach, Conn., and William home on Silver Springs road. Duncan of Philadelphia, who new home at 44 Martinwill spend the week-end as Miss ioad, has been bought by O'Brien's guests. On Saturday aid Mrs. Raymond Pring, night, she will entertain in their who have moved here from West honor. Oran t . n,,-•• have a daughter, • rol. LOCAL JUNIOR Red Cross • Chapter is in urgent need of Mr. and Mrs. w. G. Klehm old bath towels to be used for • have moved from making supplies for the Casualuge, to their new home ' at Christ Church. at 8 Ridge terrace. All " ill be gladly acled at Red Cross Headquar1 . 35G Millburn avenue. New Arrivals Ration Board (Continued from Page one) From this it can easily\ seen the time, tires and gasoline consumed if all were forced to make the Maplewood trip would be no trifling matter. As a matter of fact the time element would be materially increased over the existing arrangement in that the one board would then be catering to a population of close to 60,000 Instead of 13,000. Appeal procedure for the guidance of persons whose gasoline applications receive adverse decisions from War Price and Rationing Boards was outlined this week by OPA headquarters. Such adverse decisions, OPA advised, may be appeah the State Director of the Office of Price Adm within thirty days. The appal in writing setting forth th plicant's objections to the decision and the grounds foi appeal must not be sent directly to the State Director, ii emphasized. The -appeal be filed with the War Price and Rationing Board which is then required to transmit the appeal together with all its records on the case to the State Director within three days of receipt. A State OPA bulletin instructing local boards in correct procedure, outlines the appeal proce as follows: "The State Director may n quest the applicant to appear before him or to furn h additional information as he may deem pertinent. The State Director shall render m ion on the appeal within days after receipt of ;i ment and record, and, in of apparent emergency, twenty-four hours, if possible He shall promptly notify I applicant and the Bonwriting, of his decision. I: Board is reversed or mo by the State Director, the i shall be remanded to the Boai for a'ctlon consb decision." • Throw Your Scrap Fight! CHARILRtD HOMES FOR SALE «W millburn — 99 Linden ««re*tt «WJJJ of Sagamore Road - * *?? bath — hot air beat — " — plot 100x100 — IT .BOO. Short Hlll» - *l«rto * ' " • " « , / Wayxlda — 7 roomi mi * m \ w sleeping porch gteam »*"' . . £ nara.e - plot tOSHOO - » 1I Also others. Auk for Brt, LOAN SOUTH ORANGE STORAGE CORP. PICTURES FRAMED IN THE KSTABLISHMENT tftisticallj iinisht-il with r type mouldings to hare wHh the sub Decorative Painters Supplies 3» MUlban. A , , , ifUibnn 8-1881 119 S ) F«ll*) Street. South Orange 2-4000 FIREPROOF BOMB PROTECTED STORAGE The Millburn &> Short Hills ITEM [August 7, 1942] the winners. Suffice It to say that both watermelons disappeared in a hurry. A water polo match was also staged, and kept the spectators on the edges of their seats. The entire festival was directed by the Park Life Guard, Russell Thompson, who is planning to enter the Navy on August 14th. The judging was done by Jack Becker, Bill Winner, and Doc Goldbrown. The starter was John Caffrey. First Class and also walked off with a special prize donated by Pickled Cherries Patrolman Harry Lyon. His high score was 93. Chief Wade 1 quart large sour cherries expressed himself as being well pleased with the scores posted 1 tablespoon salt The Recreation Department's by the Auxiliaries. The win- Vinegar Cold water annual Water Festival, held at ning scores follow: Taylor Park Lake on WednesFirst Class — Lt. J. Swankie, Select perfect cherries with day, was witnessed by a crowd 93; D. Bias, 92; Sgt. R. Smith, the stems on. Wash them well of about 400 delighted specta87; B. Rosbach, 87. Second Class and pack into sterile glass tors. The delightful weather, —A. MacDougall, 86; Capt. H. quart jar. Add the salt and fill flying pennants, and natural Wright, 80; Sgt. P. Schreiber, jar with a solution of equal beauties of the Park gave the 77; N. Heymann, 75. Third parts vinegar and cold water. event a perfect setting. Class — H. McKeever, 81; H. Seal and store in a cool, dark Jacquith, 78; Sgt. R. Worten- place. Approximate yield: One The feature attraction was dyke, 65; Corp. N. Gentile, 62. quart jar. provided in a diving exhibition Fourth Class — M. Freiman, 79; by Adrian Hatcher, New Jersey A. Ecklund, 73; K. Hoag, 73; AA.U. Senior High and Low G. Morrow, 63. Mystery Prize — Board Diving Champion, and Corp G. Dunn. Janet Timken, of Short Hills, New Jersey A.A.U. Junior Low After the shoot the men adIn the recently held pistol Board Diving Champion. After shoot of the Auxiliary Police journed to Doerr's" Grove for re"See The Marks Bros." delighting the crowd with ex- Reserves, held on the Police freshments. RADIO SALES CORP. amples of how they won their Range, L i e u t e n a n t Joseph •Xti Mlllban A n m « honors on the diving board, the Swankie took first prize in the Millburn 6-0015 Bomb the Japs With Junk! two teamed up to give a water ballet routine that hit the high spot lor the day. Elihu Monica, in the guise of Professor I. Q. Zero, brought plenty of chuckles to the watchers with his examples of how not to swim and dive. The coat lianger, which he evidently forgot to remove frpm the swallow-tail coat he wore throughout his performance caused him trouble aplenty as it caught on guide lines and diving-board. Several races were held during the afternoon, the results of which were as follows. Bonnet Relay for Girls, won by Ruth Thomas and Catherine Balbo; Hobo Race for Boys, Bob Huggan; 50-yard Free Style for Qlrls 11 and 12, June Currey; Boys 11 and 12, Salvatore Consales; Girls 13 and 14, Estelle .Classis; Boys 13 and 14, Boots dc Palma; 100 yard Free 8tyle for Girls 15 and over, Isabel Malvossi; Boys, Ben Palumbo. Two watermelon scrambles were held but they resulted in such a real scramble that the judges were unable to pick out 1 TaylorPark Water Festival Police Reserves Hold Shoot » 9I APPLIANCE REPAIRS Hominy And Chicken Browned hominy slices go mighty well with fried chicken. Pour the thick cooked hominy into a mould such as baking powder can or shallow, narrow bowl (first rinsed in cold water). Cool and chill, then slice it, sprinkle with flour and brown in fat. WEDDING INVITATIONS OR ANNOUNCEMENTS 25 FOR $3 EACH ADDITIONAL COPY Millburn & Short Hills Item U* Main St.. MUlban, N. J. WAR RISK INSURANCE fire insurance policy does not cover loss caused hv invasion or bombing, even though fire ensues. For rate-; and information about war risk insurance, consult Craig & Seymour Co. Short Hills Ave., Short Hills Short Hills 7-3488 7tne Individualized PERMANENT WAVES EXPERTLY DONE BY MALE AND FEMALE OPERATORS Sr.oo »' A JS) " h 8 . . . Who Doesn't Work Here Any More You're in the Army now, Johnny. You're risking your life for us at home. We want you to know we aren't forgetting. We want you to know your job's waiting for you. And that, small as our contribution is compared with yours, we're all making one the best we can — in civilian defense, Red Cross, USO or whatever we're individually equipped to do. WE'RE OUT FOR VICTORY, JOHNNY, AND FOR YOU! And there's not one of us who doesn't think of you when pay day comes and we save part of our pay in U. S. Stamps and Bonds. We're not proud of it, Johnny — except that it helps you get the fighting equipment you need. It's just the least we can do, Johnny, but we're doing it 100 percent. IV MORE AMI MORE AMI 31 O R E I . S. WAR HOXOS «n.i STAMPS IBUTKH in ifty C«nts Each PALERMO A Main St. An Open Lc*ttf<*r hi J o h n n y MI 8-2128 UNDERWOOD ELLIOTT FISHER COMPANY RESIDENT EMPLOYEES MILLBURN, N. J. 'age 10 o-o<><><><><><><><><><><><><><>»»»» • • » • • < » » • • • < » » • • The M1LLBURN &* SHORT HILLS oooooooaxxxxx ITEM ,rt Hills ITEM Defense in The News Signs for Sector Headquarters are being distributed. Blue signs, white lettering with A.R.W. insignia. Residents should familiarize themselves with t h e lo-"The time has come," the Walraa "To talk nf many things; cation of their sector headquar- or shoes — and ships — and mallni » . ters. Signs painted by Miss Bar- Of oshbugiss _ and kings." bara Hobson, A.W.V.S. O-CXXXXXXXXXXX Founded in 1888 TH1B MIL.LBURN and SHORT RILLS ITEM*Is published •Terr Frl*»» by TM Item Publishing and Printing Company, a corporation, at U S Main Street. Mlllburn. N. J. Editor. H. O. More. Advertising; Manager. WJltaxd H. Baetxner Official newspaper of the Township of MtUburn Subscription rates, by mall, postpaid: One year two dollars; six months, one dollar: payable In advance. Blncle ooplee five csnts each. Entered In the Poet Office In Mlllburn, N. 3 . a s Second-Class Mall Matter. (Official Notices or meetings, rourses. dates and general Information In regard to Local Defense will be found In this column each week.) Editor, The Item: The following editorial from a recent issue of the WashingMillburn's defense headquarton Post is so current and to ters is located at Town Hall, in the point I wish you might find the large meeting room on the space for it in The Item. second floor. Telephone MlllMRS. W. Short Hills burn 6-1300. The Walrus Washington zoning laws must be terribly lax. Millburn won't stand for things they get away with there without a peep. m This week Millburn Residents "POLITICAL PROFITEERS" Take this matter of turning will see the first victory bicycles "The young aviator, decorated the White House into a two in use in the Township.. for gallantry in the Pacific, sat family — Could that be done The four qualifying appli"They Shall Have Music" was a news heading in last week's cants for the first quota were looking at a newspaper, in in Wyoming? I'll s a y not. Item and the following story had to do with gathering up old three men and one woman, Mrs. Washington. Of course they may not have " 'Looks to me like all Washmusic recordings that the men in the armed services may gain George L. Lewis, who as Vicev put in two kitchens which enjoyment from them. Chairman of Disaster Relief of ington cares about is passing There are so many little things we can do to help win this the Millburn Red Cross will be the buck on wages and prices,' seems to be the one cardinal war that the gathering up of old and worn records need not sur- greatly aided in her work as he said. 'I wish some of these sin. m prise. she has many trips back and guys could talk to the boys who It would serve the Pres right Hardly an Army or Navy man, probably, but owned or had forth to the various First Aid were a t Pearl Harbor, the Coral if he had to fill out one of free access to a radio or some form of tune making device. Now Posts, Casualty Hospital and Sea and Midway. They would those landlord blanks now so they are in camps with limited facilities in entertainment and if Headquarters to complete the find out damn quick what those popular with local property we can give them music it may save them from turning to some Purchases and Supplies of boys are thinking about. They owners. would find out that American of the broadcast programs we ourselves tune out. which she is in charge. boys are dying because we Just as residents scraped around for old iron and.for rubber, And just suppose the Hopkins It is hoped that there will they can now get rid of some more unwanted stuff and turn it to soon be enough bicycles and an haven't got a plane that will go family filed claims of rent good account. Put your contribution of old records in any one of enlarged quota for the Town- as high as a Jap Zero or be profiteering agin the Chief maneuvered as quickly. But I several barrels around town. ship, especially for women who don't suppose a politician would Magistrate. give so generously of their time care about that. They are too Its fortunate the White House and effort, using their gasoline busy with their political pro- was all done over before prioriand tires in the war work they fiteering, getting votes for ties so the new tennants will are doing. themselves instead of helping have no kicks about the wall paper, the way the floors look Now t h a t we have filed our income tax blanks, signed up for The Millburn Township Citi- to win the war.' and the oil burner. sugar, twice for gasoline; and seen the blanks landlords are filling zens Committee of the USO is * out we should begin to have a pretty fair conception of what we showing the first part of the "That is a devastating phrase that boy used — 'political proTheir only legitimate kick are fighting for. motion picture "A Trip Through Residents of Axis countries long have wrestled with these India" for the entertainment of fiteering.' When one thinks of that I can see is for the recomplex and numerous government reports and it is to free the boys a t the 102nd Cavalry a profiteer the mind turns to turn of that rubber mat Harold them and retain our own freedom from more and more registering Armory, West Orange, Thurs- the producer seeking exorbitant Ickes swiped during the > profits, the labor leader feath- drive. and filing that we have gone to bat. day evening, August sixth at * There Is no all the public employee 8:30 P. M. A comic will com- ering his own nest, the bloc lobbyist defying public interest. Speaking of rubber, what ran think of as b< to nnd incorporating in flanks of this plete the program. nature. Neither is there any making head or tail of what its all The second part of the pic- "But isn't the representative about the piles th< of the people who dodges a dealers are getting whih about. ture will be shown two weeks vital war issue because of a de- sit and wait for the accm The war may be costly but if we can finally emerge with a from this date. sire to find favor for selfish lated stuff to be carted i few simple forms for telling the government our business it will claiming plants? be cheaply won. Food for victory — Depart- reasons equally as guilty? Most gas station owners and ment of A.W.V.S. has hitherto "For weeks the November been known as "Agriculture elections have thrown an ever attendants were sick enough as and Growing for Victory." We increasing shadow on every war was without having rubberoid are now to be known as "Food development in W a s h i n g t o n . hemorrhoids wished on for Victory" to correspond with Most members of Congress are for the duration. Who ever thought the Hatch act would reach into every little all groups carrying out the in- now home building political Mrs. Walrus and I celebrated unity to touch the lives and aspirations of resident patriots structions of the U. S. Depart- fences. our 34th anniversary last week. ing gratuitously in a war emergency. ment of Agriculture. "They are assuring farmers she allowing as how our wedWe had always thought the law was intended to prevent unOne of the most serious due campaign expenditures and the building up of an office hold- shortages the country is suf- that there will be no ceiling on ding day seemed like yestertheir products. They are assur- day. Ing caste to Influence elections. fering from is that of Farm It seems both odd and amusing that a United States senator Labor. We can and should help ing labor there will be no ceilI don't know whether may run for governor without contravening the act but a non- here. Register all able hands ing on wages, far from it. They puts me in a class with trained are telling, voters that there salaried Ration Board member for instance, may not run for through your nearest U .S. Emneed be no concern about tires seals or if I'm just Town Clerk. ployment Agencies or Farm and gasoline. They are assur- easy to get along with. Mr. Widmayer may win a repiieve In the present instance In Bureaus. ing parents that 18-year-olds that there Is every indication he will not have to "actively camI signed her "on in 1008 and Only two days more in which will not be drafted. paign for public office." helped her get her mate's li"In the meantime the plight cense. Now she's master and I If no opposition develops he crn remain inactive or if opposi- to get out your old phonograph of the United Nations on every just spend my time ashore pullrecords. Getting them out tion comes from the Democratic side of the family It again need important to you because of battle front is critical. not cause him to bestir himself. ing crab grass. "In the meantime the threat If OPA's Interpretation of the Hatch act is to be accepted at the storage space and release. comes Any way to date we its face, future candidates for public office will be pretty well con- But a hundred times more im- of ruinous inflation closer to reality day by day. the subs, mines and bombs o portant is the need of the men d to sufferers from sleeping sickness. in the armed forces for music Businesses are closing, meat two major wars and never had and relaxation. Every broken becomes scarce, every index a shipwreck. Her skippering ( battered, scratched old record shows black trouble closer — mine, take your choice. turned in means the possibility not because leaders do not realof making a new record for a ize the truth but because poli- a terrific shock. In a rain storm such as that of last week no municipality can camp full of men, hungry for tics, and- vote*s, and November "America demands in i possibly guard against all property damage. Water falling faster the voice of home and our the same courage that its i than the ground can take it up, is bound to run off and to the thought of them. "The Post submits that poli- are demonstrating on a doze low points. Hillside has collected 5,000 ticians are going to find out far-flung battlefronts. Olenwood residents are investigating conditions in that area records in the drive! Where is that the main concern of "Our young aviator mad' and rightly so. There is no contributor to the storm drain cost Millburn? Pretty good, but not American farmers and workr potent observaf men today is for their country there but will await with interest a report by its association. good enough yet. Two more in battle you lei Prom reports VanWlnkle brook was confined to Its course and days. Get busy friends! Bring and their sons in airplaru and you act quick <" ships and behind guns. Its flood waters held in bounds. This major cause of past damage everything you have down to dead.' was controlled which was the main accomplishment sought in the the Fire House and make a "The Post submits that "Is UJ ill ': ;' storm drain. record for Millburn, new records only political speech American i leaders? voters will listen to in this elec- our i Last week was a real test of the installation and a report of for our boys! tion is for fen • "The Post thi ks th> its functioning .will be based on experience, not theory. * "Americ mu ; <• ' Identification cards are being on every front in the bn. ie i at of winning the war. course in Cardiology under Dr. Issued to members of the Civilaction on wage.v " DR. E. H. MACPHERSON of "The Post subn. any rubber, airplau ian Defense Corps who have • 34 Rawley place, is a t Harvard Paul D. White. mfort completed all requirements. politician whi i. 30,000 feet, and on will University, for t h e month of and profit are for These must be carried a t all other vital Issu ' t, where he is taking a Bomb the Japs With Junk! American mind today li ; times. "They Shall Have Music What We Fight For The Hatch Jet Tent Glen wood Checks Up [August 7, 1942] The Millburn &* Short Hills ITEM Warders Trim All-Stars * SPORTS score tied 4 to 4 in the Seventh, Calantone clinched the win with a triple driving in Kelly with the winning run. Junior. Baseball Team Standing Won Lost Seventh Ward 7 0 Cardinals 3 3 Springfield 2 4 Yankees 2 3 Cubs l 5 • [Page.n ) At POSEW fAY SON. YOUR POP . I BUY U.S.WAR BONDS IS JUST ABOUT THE * VKSIREE-ANb WATCH t SMARTEST MAN I KNOWMONEY <5ftOW/— - ^ The Seventh Ward Baseball Club, leading team in the Millburn Recreation League, defeated a select group of AllPaulas, 2 0 - 1 Stars in a Thursday afternoon baseball classic. Fans who turned out at TayThe score was 11 to 7 with lor Park for the ball game on the 7th Ward scoring 4 runs in Sunday went home thinking the first Inning on hits by R. they had seen a track meet inPolicarpio, Spriggs, Szmans, and stead, as the Millburn Indians A. D'lonno. D'lonno not only romped home on the long end HE U6E0 TO BE EXTRAW- * THEM bAYS IS « , pitched a sweet ball game for of a 20 to 1 score. The opposithe victors, but banged out 3 A6ANT AMb SQUANDER tion (so-called) was furnished ^ jfiONE FOREVER/ + straight hits. Teddy Szmans ALLHlSbOlKH-— by the Paula Association of also hit well for the Warder's. Jersey City. The All-Stars used 18 men After the Chiefs scored ten in the 0 inning ball game. Ditimes in the fourth, onlookers Palma was relieved by Jack brought out their stop watches In the only game played this Crites in the third inning. and busied themselves in timing week in the Recreation Depart- Crites pitched well until Pearrunners as they scored, no ment's Business Men's Softball son took over in the sixth. Pearsport remaining in the simple League, the Firemen downed son slashed out three hits for matter of banging out base hits the Homely Men 3 to 1. Mon- the All-Stars. and scoring runs. Nineteen day and Tuesday night's games The All-Stars scored most of safeties were recorded by the were "both rained out. V. —Courtety Chicago Tribune Syndicate. their runs in the later innings, official scorer WSS-421 ft The Firemen scored a run in but could not overcome the Cal Ehehalt pitched another each of the 1st, 4th, and 6th large lead piled up by the good game for Chuck Ward's innings on hits by Van Bus- champion Seventh Warders. High School graduates v disciples, limiting the Paulas kirk, Marcantonio, White, Fishtwo years of science and mathSignal Corps Courses • to four scattered singles, while er and Rupprecht. Van Buskirk, matics will be eligible for striking out fourteen. the Firemen's fireballing pitchAn opportunity to train for course. the Signal Corps Enlisted ReIn an effort to locate a team er held the hapless Homely Men After enrollment, the student serve in tuition-free evening is expected to pass the physical able to offer more opposition to 4 hits, while his teammates courses offered by the Rutgers examination of the Signal to the Indians, the Recreation garnered 9 of the hospitable University War Training Office Corps, and is sworn in aa Department has made no an- flinging of Nick Gentile. Club Standings in over 30 cities in the state, is Signal Corps Enlisted Reserve. nouncement of whom the Chiefs Straub and Clark were rewill meet this Sunday, other Won Lost turned winners of the first announced in a joint statement Upon completion of the coi than to promise that there will Wyoming 1 0 flight in the semi-final match issued by the University and he enters active duty and is a game, and the competition South Mountain 1 0 of the Millburn Township Golf the 2nd Service Command Sig- sent to a Signal Corps Replacebe keener. The game will Firemen 1 1 Tournament, and will play In nal office, Governors Island, ment Training Center for 13 New York. Men, 18 to 45 years weeks of basic training required get under way at Taylor Park Homely Men 0 2 the finals. of age, who are physically fit of all enlisted men and officer at 3. Beechcroft 0 0 In Flight No. 2 of the Mill- and citizens of the United candidates. While there, he burn Golf Championship, A. States, and who enroll in the may apply for Officer CandiKaspereen defeated H. Lyons Rutgers course in Fundamen- date School and a commission in the semi-final round 4 to 3. tals of Radio and enlist in the of second lieutenant. and in the same round E. Faen- Signal Corps Enlisted Reserve, The Radio Division of the za defeated F. Keenan. In the will be permitted to remain on Rutgers Engi Science final round Kaspereen defeated inactive duty status until the and Management War Training Faenza 10 and 9 to win the completion of the course. Office Is now receiving appliSeventh Ward continued their Trie New Jersey State Public flight. Opening dates in the various cations for the course. Accordunbroken string of victories by Courts Tournament will be held Flight No. 3 Farnham reached defeating the Cubs 14 to 6 and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the semi-final round by de- centers will be announced as ing to Professor Maurice Springfield 8 to 7, in the Jun- August 14, 15 and 16th at the feating N. Marcantonio 3 and soon as classes are formed, Chaffee, associate director of with all classes in operation by the program, written applicaior Baseball League. Taylor Park Tennis Courts in 2, and John Morris reached the September 19. Classes will be tion can be made through Springfield had victory in Millburn, New Jersey. same round by defeating J. held three evenings a week. office for the next three weeks their grasp with but two outs, Entrants must be winners or Tombyll. to go in the seventh inning. runners-up of local tournaHpringfield was leading 7 to ments in order to be eligible for 5, but a walk by Weidner, sin- entry into the State TournaTHERE'S NO RISK Kles by Speranzo and Olempio, ment. Entry blanks and entry IN BUYING PRINTING •ind a long triple by Angelo fees must be mailed in to DayJUST STICK TO A Dllonno brought across the win- ton Jones, chairman of the GOOD PRINTER AND ning runs to save the Warders Tennis Committee, Millburn, N. unblemished record. J. not later than Sunday, AuSPECIFY Sheldon Eisenberg defeated Springfield fell upon the sev- gust 9th. Milo Schroeder 6-3, 6-4, to win rnth Ward hurler for six big the Junior Men's Tournament runs in the fifth inning on four and will represent Millburn in walks and hits by Calantone, Taylor Park the State Tournament as the Deitrich and Gincley. Dilonno Junior Men's Entry. Paul Silcontinued his great hitting pace bersher defeated John McColby getting a triple and a single lum 6-1, 10-8 to win the boys' iee times at bat. tournament and will represent Antoinette Fandella was de- Millburn in the Boys' Division. Seventh Ward downed the Cubs easily 14 to 6, scoring nine clared the winner in a hop- Kenneth Boehme defaulted to runs in the first inning. Dilon- scotch tournament held in Tay- William Umstaedter entitling no collected three hits for the lor Park. Jennie Cappala and Bill to be the Men's entry. Warders while Ted Szmans, C. Friith Reino reached the semiIn the Women's Division, s Priggs, D. Paciflco and Wein- finals but lost out to Rose Bof- Florence O"Mara subdued Alice fa, runner up and Antoinette W collected two apiece. Brrstler 6-1, 8-4, thereby enFandella champion. . . . ia youri when we print your letterheads, envelopes, The Cardinals continued to titling her to represent MillOn Thursday the girls hiked folders and booklets. We give your work the distinction « Springfield put the fin-* burn in the State Tournament. oi pleasing typography, clean press work, and high quality touches to them 5 to 4. up to Washington Rock where • lr > a well pitched ball game for thry had lunch and played paper... we put fine craftsmanship into every job and use ORDRR TO UMtT >ides Springfield got four games after which they contini their Jaunt around and i oft Pearson while the CarJuly IT. 1MJ M the mountain. KIBE RAMO, « « t « d . finals collected three hits from :<l«r of BUOVOi •"• PAPERS 1 IMptrlch and Onions. With the i*t* of the Oountr Indians Scalp Firemen Trounce Homely Men Golf Matches In Final Round Warders Win State Tennis Tzvice; 8- 7, 14-6 Tournament State Tennis F.ntnes Found ASSURED SATISFACTION . . . USE ll i-TBD SATi LEOAL NOTICE ASCERTAINING • 01 I >rtTi<i -I IM-ni.N STRKl D [1AI mwARi IN HI] Oi I-III r t 11 , i •, O F 1 ' ERTA1 ; I; UUACBNT DO SAI1 ' " ' ! ' ' • '• .I.LFXIEK rO H A V E '•'*•• ' ' i - : i u . • \ - n :r> TO PUBLIC .'. . ' '•• I BT i i ry. The Ordinance, of which the foreB«lng Is the title, n a p w n d on final • oilar BKftlni , . • ,• -, . . . . M iihui • • • ! • : • i , . • ... i d a t 1 •• ; • ' i• • i . 'i^hlp i I \TA •• ••• I August. • fLARE Chairman ; M Uil I .', • . 1 • • , - | 1 of I ••ex. l'"« day mad*, on the application of th» underalffned. Executor of sad deceased, notice 1s hereby clvm to the creditors of eaJd <Jec*a»ed. to «x'tie »ubecrtb«r under oath or pfftrmatlon. their «->»lm« and demand* airainx the estate ot aatd deceaued. In • » monttia from this date, or iher "HI be forever barred from proae• ut me" or recoverlnc th* same aaalnat the subscriber. SIDNEY RAMO, l i t So. 13th Street. Newark. N. J. to. AUK. 7. 14. t l . I t to give your "printed salesmen" more selling power. BUY YOUR PRINTING HERE The Millburn &> Short Hill 249 MAIN STREET, MILLB1 1/ ITEM Building Nil Saves Nails Classified Section HELP WANTED YOUNG GIRL* for dr*pery workroom. Opportunity to learn business. Betty Telfer Studio, 531 lllllburn Avenue. Short HIIU. 7-1-4818 DRAPKKV HAND — Experienced only. Betty Ttlfi-r Studio. 6J1 Mlllburn Avenue. Short Hllla. 7-1-4817 MECHANICS Mm-h»nl«U, eteetricul and assembly snportnnitlm available. Openings, to mtiw firlda tU rood r»t«s> of pay and OTrrtlmv. Aviation War lndusti?. It jeo nave mechanical aMUljr. i n t t t • M M asmplote Informartsy to Box V, rant at Kcm. SERVICES OFFERED •Prompt and Courteous JBarriea" OROVB EMPLOYMENT AOENCT 9*79 Bprincfield Avenue. Maplewood We Special!** in First C a n Domestic Help TOT TIB PHONE SO. ORANGE 3-0141 PLAT STONE work and asphalt drtwwir. aardner, stone and cement work a specialty. Daniel Massimo, II Church •treat. Mllltmrn. Mlllburn IIK9-J 1-1«-46J» COt/jr.Kl' WOMEN work. References. 1144. would like day's Call Mlllburn 67-1-48JS FOB 8AXJC VOfT FOR SAL.E — i t 1 1 U on Mllltown Road. Sprlncfield. Owner will n i l Terr reasonable. Call Mlllburn *-«75t-M. SIGNS — (For Rent, For Sale. Furnished Rooms, No Trespassing-, No Htmt!n» or TreapainlntT) on sale at The Item office, J4S> Main Btreet. l t c aaoh. 2 tor l i e . 17-tf-HH TAUPE RUG »x21; Booked pattern rue for dinlnc or bedroom >xl2: chairs, lamp*, box sprinc. etc. No dealers Os.ll inornlnro. Short. Hills 7-106*. 7-1.-4819 BBAUTIFtX SIAMESE. also Persian, pedlsreed. Telephone Sunset Rldtre Cattery. Boonton 8-Uil-J. M-sMt ELECTRIC FLATTER Bteck K-mnd piano. Excellent , . . • . • • ; • ' . . . . . • all pop , ••• 7-J> DOUBLii SIZE Simmon bed. walnut finish with Hinrrnona coll sprint: and inner sprinc mattress. Also lawn mower. Orange 2-7471. 7-1-4114 FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE room in private hone for one or two adults. Convenient to all transportation. Telephone Short Hills 7-H92 31-J-481S TWO F i ED apartment in onist n. rhborhood, *» Improvements; on bus near center. Garmse available • IMI 7-3-4123 LARGE ROOM in Mtllburn Center, 551 Mlllburn Avenue, Apartment «. --3-4*15 NEW b y FURNISHED »le*plm«r room — Qcntlrmen Oarase. Board optional II -nue. SprlnsjfWd. Mlllburn TS-R. <»S6 :v» • 3V4 . 4 t t room «t»Mmenls; Chatham Arms. 4* South Paasaic A n nu». Chatham t«0 00 and up. New modern ai Just completed, all .njpiovni'-nT^ 2 minutes from Chatham station, inquire snperintendent on premise* or phone Bercen IT-4-4JU B8TATE «>K I.I.KFBUT" S. HOFFMAN. • *ed. • Is hereby given that the AcSubscriber. Substituted Tiurtiu nn.!w the last Will and Testa^FCRT« 8. HOFFMAN, dereasrd. will be audited and stated by Surrogate And repxried for settleto the Orphans' Court of the of Essex on Tuesday, the ltnd nber mxt. }«. 1J4J JOSBPH COUl/t Bats. Morse * Ooult. Proctor* i Place. U , 11. Sept. *. 1 I.I. \a. CE AM ;•; A «t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • 1 OF 1 OF NOTICE RELATIXO TO IT FOR HUMAN rtJ TO CONSTl•!ENT TO 3 OF 'TH THE TOW • THK <• (unnoN OF I»J») Ordinance, of which the foreIs the title, was passed on final • t a regular rosettna- of the MB CommlttM of tits Township of In the County « t Essex, New held on the 3rd day of Aua-ust. Chairman of the To»os»lo Commute i; L. wlDKATHm, Township Clark Everybody m>as tbe Classifies! adverIsMnwnts. T,,or tittle ad t h e n . If Mem st a markrt for what yea wset te sail. Is tn brills' i —•!!•• Town Commltteeman Clark Monday night complimented local residents, contractors and developers for their hundred percent co-operation in the "conservation for war" program. At the time he was reading the July building report which showed that for the first time since God knows when, not a single new building permit was issued for t h e period and but five residents reached the conclusion it was no time to trifle further with_ termites. Showing how small business is getting it in the neck these days, gross receipts for the month were but $43.80 which put the department in the red by several hundred dollars. A year ago new building permits totaled 34 and estimated cost was over $200,000. On this volume the Building Department showed a profit. A ray of sunshine came when tbe tax collector reported the take for the month exceeded 1941 by $28,000. Incidentally at this point Major Ward's leave of absence was extended for another 3 months, all of which aids the war effort. List Men In Future Draft (Continued from Page One) 51 Richard Bradley Orelup 52 Richard Ogden Wells 53 William Charles Boub. Jr. 54 William Frank Peterson 55 Robert George Thompson 56 Charles Henry Snyder 57 John Peter Snyder 58 William Lawrence Snyder 59 Alexander Tener Brown 1 i Junior Erie 61 Edward Joseph Lee 62 Kenneth Bertrand Wiss 83 Henry Berg III 64 Gordon Muir Tuttle 65 Douglas K. McOlvaim 66 Theodore M. Douglas, Jr. 67 Frank David Doyle 68 Philip Wade Drake 69 Robert Henry Greenebaum 70 Robert L. Kortright 71 Hugh Paul James 72 Charles J. Van Buskirk 73 John Vincent Picciuto 74 Edmund Albert Pressler 75 Clement Nathen Kaupp 76 Eugene Edward Lochner 77 Richard Joseph Davlsson 78 Victor Eugene Forker 79 Robert Arno Funger 80 James Bate 81 Benedict L. D'Andrea 82 Carl Nelson Weber 83 John Noble Adsit 84 Joseph Thomas Coppola 85 John Weaver Gordon, II. 86 David Brooks 87 Richard W. Montgon. 88 Edgar H. Leander, Jr. 89 Jc* i Rizzo, Jr 90 Alvah Charles Meeker 91 Lawrence Michael 8utera 92 Lawrence Boggs Lewis 93 Dwlght Francis Longley 94 Pasquale J. Masella, J r . 95 Richard Birmingham Doyle 96 Carl Joseph Schoener 97 Joseph Mathew DeVlto 98 Joseph Anthony Cross 99 Harry William Wlmmer 100 Howard P. Hulsebosch 101 Salvator Joseph Delano 102 Charles William Drake 103 Bruce Arthur Winner 104 Antony Monaco 105 Charles Clement Schley 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 146 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 A r t h u r H. Tetreault, J r . Joseph Fiorilli Curtis Raymond Browe F . P . Motzenbecker, J r . Alfred John Schweizer Anthony Charles DeSessa Bar t r a m W. Bums ted Edmund George Krauss Fred Waugh Johnson James Gessford Seymour Clifford Francis Tombyll Marvin I. Gorshenfild, J r . Everett Arthur Catlln Harry B . MacMane, J r . Marten Joseph Flnan, J r . Edward Ford Neal Glenn VanWagenen Ross MacDonald Barnes Thomas Anthony Pedecine Edson L. G a r r a b r a n t s Frank Frederick Oroflno Michael A. Passarelli Stuart Lindsay Varner Victor Lincoln Orville Highbrown Joseph J o h n Kane William Devaht Lamborn Daniel J o h n Carella John Henry Heller Robert G. B. Mitchell George Robert Wallace R. H. Purnell (ne Meyer) Will Vaughn Faxon, J r . Rocco J o h n S a m m a r t l n o Robert Stragnell Gerald B. Zitzelsberger Fred Joseph Ambrose Vance Lauderdale, J r . . Winfield Scott Stickle Walter Channing Howe Robert M. Kimball, J r . Edwin Eaton Fairfield William Henry Nate Angelo A. Palmieri Albert Joseph Benedetto Rocco Daniel Marcantonio Walton Gould Herbert Harrison J . Dodd, J r . * * * * * * 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 18,4 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 [ August 7, Lawrence M. Christian Ernest Robert Faenza Jerome Douglas O'Brien Joseph J o h n Switek John D. Van Voorhees Rocco Marcantonio J o h n Phillip Davis Henry M. Dyckman, J r . Warren Pellett Partelow Charles W. Burton Richard Warren Bluhm Thomas J o h n Ellwanger Charles Conrad Dedecker Charles Stewart Hummer Carl S. Badenhausen Donald Spencer Hine Joseph Anthony Verracino Donald Walter Cooper A r t h u r David Menein George Clifford Hull, J r . Alfred David Haskell W a r r e n J o h n DePalma, J r . Richard C. Campbell Alfonso F r a n k Pedecine Anthony Paul Dilonno Carmen F . Marcantonio Mitchell D. Williams J o h n Russell Jacobus William McLead Winner Harold A r t h u r B e n n e t t T h o m a s Francis Wingler Lewis Cusano Joseph R. Smith, J r . Charles La Master J o h n Robert Snowden Marion G r a n t B i n g h a m Watson Ordie Szpara Frederic S. Gordon, J r . J o h n Joseph Sullivan Robert Waldo King, J r . R i c h a r d Olliff Russell T h o m a s Duncan Stevens Joseph V. Maucione Stanley Pierson Lewis Alfred Silvio Stanziale William Henry Meyer, J r . George Edward Plckard Vito Rocco Flola 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 233 239 240 241 Stanley Howard Rudlger Garret C. van Voorhees Robert Raymond Stephens Matthew Joseph DeClassis Paul Joseph Dixon Angelo Thomas DeBlis, Jr. Harry Augustos Cobaugh William Thomas Doyle Anthony Frank Cappolo Donald H. Boothby, Jr. Harold Bailey Gallison William W. Betterldge Harold Gilbert McCollum Francis Nickalos Cianci Alvin Emerson Wunderlich Peter VanDyk Berg Arthur R. Frackenpohl Henry Richard Heitman Joseph A. Stevens, Jr. Joseph Michael Dunn William Irving McMane Donald Paul Buhrer Norman Earle Brice, Jr. Edgar Howard Gustafson George Mayo, Jr. Warren George Sexton Howard G r a n t Mellen Kazier Edwin Mazurki Robert Vincent Lohse Saverio Gallitelli, Jr. Marshal LeRoy Wilcox, J Constantine Grimbilas Cary Nicholas Carpender Robert H e a t h Schroeder Marvin Aurance Silbersher William Douglas Miller Eugene Consales Robert J a m e s Sutton Donald Charles Marshall John Ernest D'Elia RADIO REPAIRS "See The Marks Bros." RADIO SALES CORP. 3*7 Mlllburn Avenue Millburn YOU CAN 6-0015 **** AT YOUR JERSEY CENTRAL OFFICE For years we have tried to build up one of the best sales organizations going, in order to bring people the advantages of "Better Living" through modern gas and electric appliances. While we still have enthusiasm and belief in appliances which we are now serving, and in the future will serve, to make living easier and more convenient, we know with deep conviction that today there is only o:i? thing which will insure our way of life, and that is winning this war. So we would like to join our efforts with others in doiag cu3 of the most important selling jobs in the world touay.-selling BONDS FOR VICTORY. We are glad to announce that you can now buy BONDS at any of our offices through the saleslady on the show room floor. We urge you to buy War Bones today, and plan for that completely modern, up-to-theminute home when the war is over. . JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT * COMPANY * ^ 4 ¥ THERE IS ONE STAR FOR EACH OF OUR MEN IN THE SERVICES * * * * * • * M^ * * * * if * * * * * * * *