NEWS on WHEELS - Meals on Wheels of Trenton/Ewing
NEWS on WHEELS - Meals on Wheels of Trenton/Ewing
NEWS on WHEELS Meals on Wheels of Mercer County (formerly Meals on Wheels of Trenton/Ewing) is a comprehensive nutrition program committed to providing nutritious meals and related services which are designed to promote the independence, dignity, health and well-being of our home bound customers. INSIDE So Much More Than a Meal . . . . 1 Program Participants 1 News from Meals on Wheels America 2 March for Meals 2 Memorials and Honor Donations 2 Volunteers Needed!! 2 March for Meals Line-up 3 MOWMC is always looking for new Volunteers! Contact us today! MOWMC provided 40,000 meals last year! Spring 2016 Volume 6 Issue 1 So Much More Than A Meal . . . Fall 2012 A Message From our Executive Director Volume 4, Issue 2 2015 was a year of ramping-up for change in 2016! As you will notice, the most obvious change for us is in our name- Meals on Wheels of Mercer County, to more adequately reflect our new service areas. As we began 2016, we expanded our operations into 6 additional municipalities: East Windsor, Hightstown, Princeton, West Windsor, and areas within Lawrence and Hamilton, in addition to our historic service areas of Ewing and Trenton. Meals on Wheels of Mercer County is very pleased to be able to offer our services to those that need them in these additional municipalities. Our long standing partner in home delivered meal service, the Red Cross of Central Jersey, decided to focus entirely on their mission of emergency response, and as a result we gained the areas where they terminated services. In addition, the small Princeton/East/ West Windsor/Hightstown program were also left without a home, and we gladly stepped up! Our expansion into the northern areas of our county brings new opportunities for those who could not afford to contribute toward the cost of meals previously. As the largest provider of subsidized meals in the county, Meals on Wheels of Mercer County continues to maintain its policy of not turning anyone away who cannot afford the cost of meals, nor do we maintain a waiting list. As long as we are able to raise funds and receive contributions from the public like you, we expect this policy to continue well into the future. Meals on Wheels of Mercer County may have a new name, but our mission and services remain the same; to keep the homebound healthy, independent, at home, and out of long term care for as long as possible. Profile: Two Very Different Participants “Jane” is 53 years old and lives alone in her apartment. Unfortunately, she has become disabled due to a rare neurological disorder that causes occasional seizures, debilitating migraines, and has led to degenerative discs in her spine. A few years ago, she was victim to an electrical fire and suffered 3rd degree burns. She lives with constant pain . Exposure to sun can cause a seizure, so she spends a lot of time indoors. “Jane” recently took a fall, and shattered her wrist. Her ankle was badly swollen, and mobility was a problem. For months, cooking food was a struggle for her. Her closest relative is her mother, who is 77 and lives an hour away, so she fends for herself most of the time. On a monthly income of $850, she is struggling to acquire the resources she needs to be self-sufficient and remain in her home during this difficult time. The expansion of the Subsidized Meal Program (SMP) into 6 additional municipalities now allows for people like “Jane” to be able to receive nutritious, homedelivered meals 5 days a week. “Mrs. Doe” lives alone in the house she's lived in for 40 years. She is 83 years old, and is relatively healthy. She has a loving family living nearby that check up on her regularly. She has a pacemaker, slight onset of dementia, high blood pressure, and recently took a fall which put her in the hospital. Her family is very worried about their mother using the stove as the gas has been left on before. Since they work during the day, they reached out to see if we could serve their mother healthy meals instead of the frozen meals high in fat and sodium, that she was eating. “Mrs. Doe” is of modest means, and keeping her house is a challenge; she is left with very little at the end of the month. She too qualified for the SMP, and the family appreciates the daily check-in that our volunteers provide, as well as the nutrition tailored to her heart doctors' orders. She enjoys our meals so much that she has requested to receive them on the weekends, too! Page 2 News on Wheels News from Meals on Wheels America! March for Meals Campaign: Help End Senior Hunger The National Commission on Hunger was charged with developing innovative reforms for food assistance programs in the United States. It is comprised of nine individuals appointed by Congressional leadership in 2014. After much research, deliberation and testimony from hundreds of stakeholders and individuals, the Commission released their report to Congress and the Administration on January 4: Freedom From Hunger: An Achievable Goal for the United States of America. The report includes a set of 20 recommendations, two of which are directly related to reducing hunger and food insecurity among seniors and individuals nationwide. The two recommendations pertaining to the participants we serve specifically request that Congress work with the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services to develop mechanisms to provide homedelivered meals through some Medicare and Medicaid programs. The Commission’s recommendations to improve nutrition assistance options for people who are disabled or medically at risk, recognizes the evidence that Meals on Wheels improves health and quality of life for America’s most vulnerable older citizens. Ensuring that no senior in need struggles with hunger and isolation is not only an investment in our nation’s fiscal future, but it is also a preventative prescription for significantly reducing Medicare and Medicaid expenses. This is an important first step in ensuring that Meals on Wheels is fully recognized as a proven public-private partnership that continues to address the growing problems of senior hunger and isolation and is an integral component of our nation's healthcare system. You can read the report in its entirety by going to and the report is right there on the homepage. Meals on Wheels of Mercer County is gearing up for another successful March for Meals campaign. March For Meals is an annual event in March, designed to raise awareness of senior hunger and to encourage action at the local level. MOWMC has been hosting a local event for several years now where if you go out to eat at any of the participating restaurants, they donate 10% of their receipts to us! Marsilio’s Kitchen, Blooming Grove Inn, Freddies’s Tavern, and Café 72 all in Ewing, are returning this year. Our new additions are The Revere in Ewing and Piccolo Trattoria in Hopewell. We are thrilled to welcome them into the fold!. In addition, during the course of the month, we will be inviting local dignitaries to deliver meals around the county. In the past we have been joined by Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes, Ewing Mayor Steinmann , and our Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman. Please come out and dine out to stamp out senior hunger! Memorials and Honor Donations In Memory of Francis Cook Karen Dwyer In Honor of Zofia and George Feulner Richard Feulner In Memory of Shirley Knopf Karen Confoy and Jack DeStefano In Memory of MOWMC participant Margaret Malczan Patricia Dale In Memory of Dale Ohler Karen and Frank Ohler In Memory of William T Oldenburg Karyn T Knoll Meals on Wheels of Mercer County is looking for volunteers to fill delivery slots, Monday through Friday in all routes in all service areas in Mercer County. Are you looking for an opportunity to make a real difference in someone's life? What if we told you that this opportunity would also transform you? Are you looking for an opportunity where just your smile, or a kind word will ease the daily isolation of a homebound person? Do you have a few morning hours to spare to perhaps hear a funny story, build community, but most certainly share an experience which will uplift the rest of your day by touching the life of someone else, and by the way, you will also deliver meals! Come join our volunteer team with Meals on Wheels of Mercer County and see for yourself how nourishment is not just about food, but also about the soul! Call us today!! Page 3 News on Wheels In an effort to save on postage and trees, Meals on Wheels of Mercer County posts all our donors names in the online edition of our newsletter on our website. Please go to to view our acknowledgment. Thank you to all our loyal supporters! NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT # 16 Trenton, NJ TRENTON, NJ Meals on Wheels of Mercer County (formerly Meals on Wheels of Trenton/ Ewing) 320 Hollowbrook Drive Ewing, NJ 08638 A comprehensive nutrition program promoting the dignity and independence of home bound individuals in Phone: 609-695-3483 Mercer County . Email: info@ Meals on Wheels of Mercer County is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. All contributions are tax-deductible. Board of Directors A heartfelt “Thank You” to all our volunteers! We could not do what we do without you!!!! John Blake President Members at Large (cont’d) Ronnie Charcalla Jackie Crane Vice President Greg D’Adamo Richard Scheetz Colonel (R) Jon Gribbin Secretary Johanna González Warren Broudy Treasurer Adam Hughes, Esq. Members at Large Faria Abedin Justin Bilik www. Rachelle Bin Gregory Brennan Hon. John Hughes (Ret.) Noelle Maloney Helen Hughes Patterson Wayne Pinkstone, Esq. Jennifer Quinlan Susan Valentine Staff Friend “Meals on Wheels of Mercer County“ on Facebook! Get the news fast! Sasa Olessi Montaño Executive Director Timothy Wolf Director of Program Services Kareem Cropper Volunteer Coordinator Meredith Redmond Office Assistant SAVE THE DATE March 2016- M4M Can Day-March 26, 2016 Ewing Shoprite April 20, 2016 -Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon, Rho Restaurant, Trenton, NJ June 9, 2016- 24th Annual Golf Outing, Mountain View Golf Club, Ewing, NJ September 16, 2016- Volunteer Picnic GRANTS The following foundations and corporations have awarded MOWMC grants from September 2015 though January 31, 2016. We thank them for their support of the homebound we serve. Anonymous Bonner Foundation David and Patricia Atkinson Foundation F.I.S.H Foundation Fred C. Rummel Foundation Investors Bank Foundation Janssen Pharmaceuticals Karma Foundation Laurenti Family Charitable Trust Meals on Wheels America Mary Roebling Foundation Mercer County Office on Aging Walmart Foundation Waste Management Wells Fargo Foundation Whole Foods Princeton Zvilin Fund of PACF Volume 5, Issue 1 Page 5 Donors from September 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016 $1 - 49 Aminah Abdullah Julianna Aberger Harold & Francine Abramson Betty Acree Judith Adler Judith Akey Mary Albert Booker Alford Magdy Allam Lowell Allen Joanne Allen Joselle & Juan ChavezAllen Wayne & Sylvia Allen Dolores Allen Debra Alston Ted Altman Arlene Alu Alnora Alvin Jane Amantia Nicole Amaya Edna Amenta Phyllis Amodio Eloise Anderson Claire J. Andreas Michael J. Angelillo Christine Antonelli Kristin Appelget Aaron Applestein Jody Archimene Janice Arstark Mary Ann Artz L.J. & F. Nelson Atkins Donna Aumack Levone Aviles David Bailey Isabelle Bailey Debbie & Clifford Banks Shirley Baran Ann Barbadore Cynthia Barcelon-Yang Sheila Bardzak Karl Barger Adrienne Barker Alex & Mary Bartolino Ruth Baughman Roland Bazergui Mr. R. Bearden Joan Beasley J. Becker Debra Beer Larry Behrendt Barbara Bello Enrique Berdecia Wayne & Harriet Berens Mary Ann Berish Frances Bernhardt Joseph Berta Kaplesh Bhatt Dolores T. Bianchi Maria Blakely Marilyn T. Blazovsky Alan Blumenthal Victor Bodine Ethel Bohnert Varada Bolar John & Eileen Collins Alfred D. Bonacci Janet Collins Lynn Bonavita Stephanie & Paul Collins Ellena Borek Janice Collins Albert Bortnick Joseph Colura Ann Bottini Charles Combs Anna Boutchia Rita Comerford Carol Bozarth Gelca Comin Law Brenda Ervina Confoy Peter Brennan Pamela Conley Jon Brennfleck Robert Conley Barbara Brezak Lewis Constantini Timothy Broadbent Patricia Cook Carol Brooks Alan F. & Bertha Cook Jerilyn & Thomas Brophy Theresa Cooper Walter & Linda Brown Rebecca Corey Frank J. & Joan C. Sheila Brown Cosolito Tim Brown John Covey Mildred Bruno Margaret Creede Jesse Bryant Gabrielle Crespo R. C. Budd Alice Crews Patricia F. Burkhart Stephanie Cuddahy Katie Burns Suzanne Curry Linda Burrows Linda Gabor Burson Monsignor Hugh Ronan, Curto PresiVirginia Dakin Karen Bush dent of MOWTE, presented Joseph W. Butler Ellen Baker with a crystalD'Amico vase William T. Daniels Jr. Bety L.. Byrd honoring her 36 years of service Robert Danley Thomas Byrne at the July luncheon. Geoffrey Danner Nancy Cadwallader George Danovsky Lorraine Calderone Arthur V. Danser John T. Caldwell Alivin Darling Lorraine Calhoun Sheila Davidow Sandra Caligiuri Ronnie Davidson Lorna M. Campbell Mamie Davis Elouise Campbell Leola Davis Mr. & Mrs. Sandor Caplan Lucille Davy Catherine A. Cappiello Barbara Dearborn Mary Capron Casey DeBlasio Carol Carabelli Grace Deignan Richard Carr David Deinhardt Jo Carrell Lois A. Dejianne Karen Carson Scott & Helene Dekleine Cartlidge's Meats Jean Delahanty Elsie L. & Lauren R. Casey Victor Delcampe Alice Cashel Barbara Delucia Elisa Castagna Thomas DeMarco Marie N. Celestin Lisa Demarsico Richard A. Cenni Penelope Denechaud Carl & Josephine Ceposki Susan Dennison Joan Cheetham Jacqueline Deraat George Chew Lorraine & Edward Nancy Chewning Desandro Il S. Cho Jeanne DeStefano Digvijay Chodhary Joseph Devictoria Hannah Ciabattone Christine M. Diaz Giovanni Cifelli Charles J. Didum Wilma Cimino Vini DiFalco Kathryn C. Clancy Dominick Dilapo Lula Clark Stephen E. Dill M.V. Clayton Emilia T. DiSanto Rocco Cleffi Carmine & Marie Disanzo Samuel Cohen Anthony DiTullio Betty Cohen Barbara Dlugasch Michael Coiante Mike Dobrowolski Sandra Coleman Susan A. Dolan Mary E. Collier Helen Marie Dolton Patricia Donahue Robert Dono F. Donovan Dennis & Barbara Downs William G. Dressel Joseph F. & Katherine Dreyer Gary Driscoll Scott & Helene Dubin Gladys Duell Angelina Duggan Robert Dunne Elizabeth Durning Lori Duthe Robert Dutko Stephanie Dworkin George Eaddy K.R. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. J. Eggers Donald Elhoff Joyce Elliott David Eltz Marilyn Engstrom Rocio Espinoza Art Esposito Elizabeth Ettinghausen Michael & Lori Fabian Wilma Facey Maria Falca-Dodson Donald J. & Susan Fallon Peggy Falzini Connie M. Farina M. Faulkner Rae Federico Elaine Fennelli Manuel Fernandez Gertrud Ferst Ruth Fiala Alicia Filidore Florence Fischer Michael & Bea Fischler John Fisk Marjorie Fitzgerald Theresa Fizgibbon CarolFlanagan Rosaline T. Fleming, RN Michael Flor Margaret Foglietta Robert Folino Andre Forcier Darlene Forker Robert Fort Joann Fort Shirley Fortier Jane Fox Anthony Francioso Daphne Franklin Robyn Fratticcioli Nora Freatis Wayne & Cecilia Freeman Frances Friedman Dorothy Friedman Paula Froehlich Marianne Fuca Marylou Furry Megan Gadsby Nancy Gale Kenneth Garden Robert D. Gaskill Sr. Julia A. Gattini Linda Gaylo Carmela Gerdes Peter Gervasoni Laura B. Getter Jean Gianacaci H. Gibble Debra Giordano Jill Giordano Margaret Giordano Mary Giordmaine Martha Glahn Ross Gload Nancy Gniewkowski Kenji Godfrey Marvin Goldberg David & Wilma Goldberg Judith K. Golden V. Golden Susan Golden Faye Wacholder & Robert Goldeberg Rhea Goldman George Goldy Jr. Marian Goliszweski Lydia E. Gonzalez Edwin Gonzalez Janice Goodis Walter Gore Robert & Karen Gottlieb Don Goyette Gary & Cindy Graziano H. Greensang Marianne Grey Stanley Griffiths Donna Griffiths Arline Grove Joan M. Guggenheim Seniha Gur Susan M. Gurfield Patricia Hagelman Dennis & Dorothy Hagen Melissa Hager George Halfinger Audrey Hallowell John Hanselmann Carrie Hanson Theresa Harrell Sharron Harris Steven Harris Albert Harrison William Harvey Arthur Harvey Robert S. Hecht Mary Jo Herbert Nives A. Herman Colette S. Hermann Maggie Hill William Hixson Jeffrey A. Hoagland Dorothy Hoffman Barbara M. Hoffman Verna Holmes Helen Holmes Billie A. Hommel Dale & Trish Hopkins Henry Horn Volume 5, Issue 1 Page 6 Donors from September 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016 Irene Hornstein Herbert Horowitz Jennifer Hotz Alan Hougnou Joanna P. Huddy Adam Hughes Ed Humphrey Shafkat Hussain Nada Hyman Paul Inverso Martha Inverso Diana Ionata Mary Ippolito Constance Ireland Joyce Irwin Camille Jacob Frank Janda Judith Jester Minhong Ji Mr. & Mrs. Walter Johnson William Johnson Antoinette G. Johnson Sandra Jones Kathleen Jones Malcolm Jorgensen Yashavanth K. Kamath Michael & Irene Kamen Christ Kanoles Craig Kapp Haig Kasabach John Kashner John Kato Sarah Katzenbach Kenneth Kaufman Valerie Kearns Bruce Keller Susan Kelley Patricia Kendall Mary Anne Kennedy William & Ann Kerr Arleen Kerr Lorraine S. Kerr J.J. Jr. Kessler Laura Khachadurian Usman Khalid Joseph S. Kianka William H. Kibbel Lisa King Ram Kirpalani Geary Kitashima Margaret Klim Charles Klosinski Priscila Knight Nancy Knight-Morin U. C. Knoepflmacher Fay Kobland Rita Kocher Laraine Koepke Marilyn Kostar Angeline Kostrzewa Karen Kowalewski Ronald Kraemer George Krauthamer Bala Krishnan Eileen Kushner Barbara Kyritsis Joanne Lacy James McClananahan Elizabeth Lacy George & Frances Naomi Lager McClelland Harriett Lake Christine McDonough Michael M. Lake Patricia McDonough Patricia Landis Susan McFarland Renee Lansley Bill McGarry Tom LaSalle Dennis McGrath Clifford Law Helen McGrath Frank T. Lawrence Brian McGreevy Clemson Leach Ivy McLaughlin Sharon Lee Sabrina W. Lee Jane McLaughlin Joyce Leigh Kenneth McLean Virginia Lennon Tommie McLeod Suzanne Levin Marjorie McManus Stephen S. Levine Otis McMillian Gillian & Howard Levy Marge McWilliam Yvonne D. Lewis Mary Meagher Edwin Lez Lois Mears Suching Li Catherine A. Mello Isabel Liang Denise Mennuti Mary Lincoln Susan Mercurio Helen Litchfield Russell Miceli Pamela Lively Brenda Mihan Monsignor Hugh Ronan, Gerda Lloyd Maria PresiMikovsky Tina Londner dent of MOWTE, presented Arlene Milgram Debbie Ellen Luckey Nancy vaseMiller Baker with a crystal Mary Lufen Kenneth & Karen Miller honoring her 36 years of service A. Lyons Nancy Miller atMacDoanld the July luncheon. M.H. Paula Mindzak P. Mack Italo Minutello Surender Maddi Miranda Mirfakhrai John Madiara M. Misiuta Thomas M. Maglione Paul Mitchell Avron B. Magram Henry Mitchell John Maiorana Leslie Mitchell Patricia Maiorino Mary Mitchell Lillian Maisto Karen Monsees John Malinski Joseph Moore Rosa Malloy Constance M. Moore Andre & Marie Maman Robert Morgan Philomena Mamarolda Linda Morin Nancy Mangine-Desaw Dorene Mosher Maryann Manna R Motley Doris Mansfield Barbara Moyer Thomas & Janet Russo Dennis Mueller Marion Nora Mullen Evelyn Marion Judith Mullen Mitziz Marks Eugene Munn Geraldine & Richard Sandra Marks Susan Markulec Nabinger Helene Marnell Leslie Nagler Rose Martin Daniel Nall Libby Martinsen Jeffra & Yash Nandan Michele Marue Shachi Chopra Nangia Patricia Mason Rosemarie Naples Irene Mason Jacqueline Nasuti Virginia Mason Diana Nelson Rose M. Matakovich Robert & Edna Nemec Michael Matcho Violetta Neri Lynda Matthei Beth Nichols Peter & Elizabeth William Nicholson Mavraganis Janet Nicoll Marie Maxwell Mary Nicoson Elizabeth Mayer J. Wilson Noden Janet Mazziotti Jacklyn Noon Chambers Maureen McCafferty Cheryl Norcross Ann Novak Mary Jo Novembre Eileen T. Oakley Tara Oakman Richard Oberlander Clarita Obleada Michael O'Brien Brenda J. O'Gara Hazel O'Hara Sharon O'Hare Maureen O'Reilly Charles Ortegon Jennie Ostrowski William J. O'Sullivan Michael Osvai Martha Otis Maureen Owen Harriet Pakula-Teweles Elaine Palatine Deana Palmer Muriel Palmer Istvan Palocz Rajiv Pant Teresa Pappano Jean Pascale Philip Passanante Chetan Pathakji Elaine Patykula Mary Ann Pauline Melinda Peabody Vincent Peloso James & Yvonne Peraino Marlene Perez Bernardo Perez Travis Perrry Diane Perry Barbara Peterson Anita Petruzzi Joan Pfeiffer Joann Phelan Elaine Phillips Lucyna Piasecki Alexandra Pinz, MD William Pitterman Faye M. Plunkett Thomas Pollak Gloria Pollitt Helen Posner Rene Powell Charlene Powell Elizabeth Powers Sujatha Prakash Roy O. & Sylvia L.. Preston Inez Prioleau Maryanne Prunetti Gerardo Puglia Shirley Rader John & Doris Rafferty Deborah Raikes-Colbert Indra Ramaswamy Jovita & Lillian Ramos Bonnie C. Randall Linda Ray Kristin Raywood Thomas Reaves Patricia Reed Linton Reed Judith Reed Panthea Reid James P. Reilly Daniel Reynolds Amy Rhett Arcangelo Risoldi Irma Rivkin Faith & Thaddeus Robak John & Karla Robinson Natalie Rodefeld Julianne Rogers Joanne Rogers Emily Rosebrock Donna M. Rosen Annette Rosenberg Nick Rossi Frederick Rothstein Michael & Judy VenonskyRothwell, James J. Rowen Cindi Rowley Herbert C. Roy Mary Rubens Christine Rufolo William Rupell Mildred Russell Marryann Ryker Dorothy Sackett Mary Saia Subarna Samanta Marie Sanchez Barbara Sandstrom Lena Sanna Frances Santini Richard Santosusso Irwin Sazoff Virginia Scatoloni Winifred Scheid William Schendlinger Elizabeth Scheuerman Emily Schiller Nancy Schmidt Robert Schmidt David Schrader Stephen Schreiber Laura Schreuders Claire Schultz Debbie Schuster Nicholas Schwartz Rosmary Scopelliti June Scott Nancy Scott Gregory Seaman Peter Seunath Iris Seville Glenn Shaffer Deoki Sharma John Shea Carolyn Sheehan Harry Sherbet Agnes Sherman Marion Shillingburg Doreen Shipp Scott W. Shropshire Rosemarie Siegrist Elizabeth Sigafoos Volume 5, Issue 1 Page 8 Donors from September 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016 Ralph Sims Harjitt Singh Cleo Singletary Anthony Siwczak Patricia A. Slack Carolyn Slaughter Deborah Sliwinski Janas Smith C. Smith Jerome & Nancy Smith Anastasia Smith Elmer Smith Judith E. Smith Patricia Smith Charlotte L. Smith-Jones Mary Snare James Snyder Claire Snyder Frances Solimando Paula Sollami Covelo Melinda Sonnenfeld Eleanora Spainhour Linda Spano Anne Spedding Caroline Spruill Natarajan Srinivasan Lorraine Stallings Doctor Stanley Grace Starrett Clara Stefane Richard Stefani Edward Steffen Elly Stein Marica Steinberg June Stewart Frank & Janis Stia Delores T. Still Earl Stires Earleen Stone-Lee Ann Strootman Kyle Subramaniam Donald R. Swartz Amt Sweeny Thomas A. Swords Sharon Szalony Daniel Szostak Robert Szychowski Mark E. Talbot Ruth E. Talley David Tank Carmen Tantum Ruth Tantum Val Victor Tarassov Diane Taylor Angela Termen Maryanne Tevere Deborah L. Thomas Megan Thomas Doris Tiger Marie Tighue Martin Timins Thomas & Patricia Timperman Nina Todor Jean Tom Jack Tomlinson Thomas Tonon Marielle Torres Violet Toth Alan & Karen Wills John Traina Frank G. Wilmarth Thomas Tramontana Louise Wilson Marjorie Troiani Sue Winnick Anne-Eileen Trucksess Anthony J. Wisneski Lan-Jen Tsai Alvin Wolinsky Ching-I Tu Lola Woodson Matilde Tucubal Delores Worthy Jean Uhaze T Wospil Donella Ulak Carol Woznial Harry Ulbrecht Laura Wright Kamal Uppal G. Wright Thomas Urbanek Eula Wright Lawrence Urlick Nancy Wysock John Vagott Julius Yaeger Patricia Valentine Selma Yanta Firoozeh Vali Jane Yarian Richard & Dawn Elaine Yaros van den Heuvel Suzanne Yee Mary Van Dyke Eugenia Yu Marlene Van Dyke Elaine Zajkowski Philip Van Leeuwen Anna Maria Zeier William Van Saun Rose Zuccarrello George Vanpelt Caroline Zucker Susan Varra $50 – 99 George Vaughan Monsignor Hugh Ronan, PresiBiji Abraham Jorge F Vazquez dent of MOWTE, Eveylenpresented Adler Gabriel Veras Ellen Baker with a crystal vase Stephen Albert Ellena Verasco honoring herIris 36 years Alfonse of service Nora Vernam Carole Allison Georgina Verrelli at the July luncheon. Carol Alphonse Robert Vichnevetsky Sally Amatucci William Vickers B.J. Anderman John W. Vincent Martha Anderson Lisa Visco Anonymous Ann Vona Julie & R. Scott Antaya Donald Walker Polyzeni Antoniades Kay Wallace C. Eileen Arenas Peter P. Walsh Albert Ari Barbara M. Walter Lou Asack Robert Walton Rita Asch Alice Warner Mary Baeck & James Smith H Warwick Sally Baek Frances Washington Barbara Bailer Shirley Watkins Barbara Bailey Wayne Weber Charles Balaza Jo Ann Webster Joann Barber Christa C. Weigmann Marcus Barry & Bernice Weinblatt Beverly Katz Kathleen Weiss Nancy Beck Carol A. Welsch Richard Berger Walter Wenczel Gisella Berry Eric Wendler Charles Betros Jeffrey Wetterling Shiela & Robert Beyer Janice White P. Bingham Samuel Whitehead Barbara Bingham Sidney Whitman Bruce R. Bird Christine Wichser Peter & Judi Boughton Gloria Wiernik Virginia Breza Andrew J. Wilczynski Florence Broadway Michael Wiley Dorothy A. Burns Cindy Wilkens Alexander Burns Francenia Wilkins Michael Byard Eva Williams Thomas Carberry Nora Williams Fred Carman Debbie Williams Robert Carter Inez Williams Anthony &Vincenza Caseta A. Willis Joyce Cesario Ruth Chamberlin Danny Chin Roseanne Chmara Roberta Churchill Joseph Cirafiei Barbara Clements Hugh Cline Perry Cohen Patricia Coleman Betty Coles Alice Connolly Jane Conrad Caswell Cooke Nancy Cosentino Gail Costantini Nicholas Cowell Carol & Edward Cox Nancy Crandall Karen Crowell Paul Cruser Linda Cumbus Frank Dambeck Georganne D'Angelo Michael Dargay William & Lois Davis Patrick & Heather De Maynadier Thomas J. DeFalco III Nancy Deffeyes Josephine DeFrancis Datacede, LLC Tanuja Dehne Lisa Dethy Noreen Devlin Constantin Diamond Angelo Dimeglio Lynn DixonAnderson Daniel Dombroski Ann Marie Donahue Greg Dupey Eleanor Edling Leonard Edward Wayne Edwards Eugene & Margaret Elias Joanne Elliott Geraldine Eure Robert & Joanne Evans Holzberg Evans Robert & Isabella Exton Karen Federico Harold & Caroline Feiveson David Fenton Laurie Fichera Vadim Finkielstein Patricia Flores Grant Ford Dorothy Freda Richard Frederick Alden French Vicki Fuller Kouami P. Gaba Mark and Karen Galley Delia Garcia Shirley Garrison Rocco George Deborah Gigliotti Nancy Goldberger Martha Goldman Rao Gollapudi Dr. Eric Gomes Julia G. Gonzalez-La Vin Peggy L. Goodman Mark Gordon Paula Gould Carol Grafton Claudia Grala Ann Greim Doris Groendyke Leonard & Evelyn Grossman Alan Grover Robert D. Guiry Nancy Gunn Mary Ann Gussin Jennifer & James Hall Alan Hardy Keri Havel James Hayman Irene Hechler John & Marion Hedberg Joan Hedden Richard Hellstern Emil Herman Carreen Herold Deborah Herrington & Douglas Sawyer Philip Heyman Daniella Heywood Sarah Hibbert Aurelia Hill Walter Hillier David Hitchcock Robert Hosey Moreland & Evelyn Houck Joseph & Sharon Huber Curt Hubert Thomas Huffman Michael Humora J. Richard Hunt Paula Huttner Gary Iavarone Howard Immordino John Issacs Theodore E. Jackson Barbara Jacobs Doris Jankowics Trent Jewelers Thomas Johnson Jr. Jean & Jerry Jones Deborah Jordan Ira Kahner William & Judy Kale Edward Kazimir Michael Kestin Steven & Adelina Kieley Kathleen Kiely Abigail Kindberg James Kissel Patricia E. Knapsack Judy Kolpack Kenneth Kowalski Jane Krittman Lisa Krug Volume 5, Issue 1 Page 8 Donors from September 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016 Renee Kumar Ankur Kumar Peter Labriola A. Lachenauer Karen Lalli Hsin Langlois Dinaz Langrana Jean LaRochelle Jonathan Latimer Anne Lau Myoung Lee Dorothy Lin Edward Linky Nancy Livingston Judith Lokofsky Betty Long David Lumberger John Lusdyk David J. Lyon Janet Madison Alicia Magee Robert & Mary Mahan Clifton Manuel Joseph Manzo Karen Marinelli Guy Marsh Randy Marsola James Matey Linda Mazzo Dr. Stephen McAndrew Catherine M. McCormick Kathryne McCullough Joan McNinch Delores & Edward Megyesy Violette Michele Susan Michniewski Patricia Miele Daniel Migliore Richard Mikovsky Lisa Minich Raj Misra Pamela Mitchell Venkitachalam Mohan Mari Molenaar Charles P. Moore Patrick Moran Paul Moran Cosmo Moro Patricia Moro Geoff & Carron Morris Mary Mosher Charles Muller Thomas Munoz William & Christine Muszynski Phyllis Nalbone Yolande Nelson Anthony Nicastro Emmanuel A. Noggoh Kathleen O'Brien Karen & Frank Ohler Linda Oliver Joan Ordille Robin Osborne Sandra Parisi & David McCord Kayo Takahashi Regina Pascucci Sitaram Tallapragada Peter Pashley Yair Talmi Frances Perlman Shirley Taylor Doug Pfluger Alicia T. Tesoro Roger Pfluger Lois Thomsen Mary Pickens Lisa Torrington John & Carolyn Powers Fred Totten Anthony Pratt Harry C. Totten Robert W. Prigge Lewis Tuccillo Ken Prizeman Okiema Tucker Laura Proctor Madelyn Tusay Susan Promislo William Ulmer Luiz Pupim Stephen Uveges Sonia Rajagopalan Donald Uyhazi Joseph Randazzo Susan Valentine Vita Ray Jill Viggiano Charles Rebick Betty Wallace Marianne Rhebergen Richard Weed Christopher Rice Richard Weitz Lois Rich Morris West Betty Rimalover Beverly Whittington Sara Ritchie Julie Williams Loretta Robinson Charles & Susan Williams Carol Rommel Wilson Rosary AltarMonsignor Society of HughBonnie Ronan,M.PresiBoyd Wolford Saint Raphaeldent Holyof Angels MOWTE, presented Woods Lynne Ruff Ellen Baker with Michael a crystal vase Maureen Woods Joseph & Virginia Saiia honoring her 36 Brann years &ofEllen service Wry David Salewski at the July luncheon. John E. Yates M. Salvatore Susan Zanzucchi Elizabeth Samios Joyce Zboyan Stewart Samuels Yanling Zhang Elizabeth Scafa Dorinne Zoltanski Gloria Scaramozzino Elizabeth Zupko Mimi Schaaf John Zupko B.J. Schaertel Richard & Dorothy $100– 249 Schenck Hamed & Fe Abdou Jennifer Schore Clayton Adams .Jr Janet M. Schurig Robert Adams Jeanne Shagg Antonio Agliatta Patricia Shangkuan Jonathan Allen D. Shelton Shawn Armstrong Robin Sheppard Catherine Arnould Shrinath Inc., T/A Sleep-EM.K. Atkinson Hollow Motel Laurence R. Avins Christine Siemientkowski Melissa Bartlett Joan Silverman Clayton Jr. Bathurst Gwendolyn Smith Paul Benacerraf Dawn Smith Katherine Benesch Oliver Smith Helen Bilinski Fred Snyder David Bizuga Maxwell Solomon Anne Marie Blazakis Carmela Spedding R. F. Boldt Sam Spurlock Melanie & Allen Boston George Stanley Ronald Bratek Dorothy Stanley Ann Breitman John Steele Shirley Bridgewater Marjorie Steinberg Roger Brink Marcia B. Steinhauer Ph D Susan Brockerman Maureen Stellato Mary Brodtman Elisabeth Stewart Warren Broudy Loretta Stout David Brown Victoria Stryker William G. Brown III Rachel Stutzman N. Brown Shaam Sundhar Geoffrey Brown Stephen Szucs Margaret Bryant Marie Burger Jenifer & John Burghardt Marilyn & Stanley V. Cach Jean Cahouet Dolores Camlet Anthony & Vincenza Capaccio Ronald Carver Erin Cettina Mo Chen William Childs Frederick Cohen Bruce Concord Barbara Constantini Joseph Cooley Gymlyn Corbin William Corwin Margaret Cotoia Paul Cottingham Jackie Crane Daniel Credidio Kevin Crudup Dale Csik Margaret Cummings Peter Cziffra Greg D'Adamo Kerrie DaSilva Sandra Deboskey Geraldine Derry Jignasa Desai-McCleary Pamela Dickson Michael Dilts John Dore Gordon Douglas Nicholas Dracopoli Richard & Joan Druckman Suzy Dwyer Joseph Egrie Mary A. Elston L.D. Faden Gilbert Falcone Tom Falocco Manuela H. Farrell Ruth Fath Devina Forrest Susan Fox Conrad Franz Ann & Brian Gallagher Charles Gear Maia Ginsburg Noel Goeke Kay Golfinopoulos Robert Gordon Mr & Mrs. Paul Goubeaud Una Green Donald Greenberg Glenn Greene Patricia Greenwald Jean Gunkel G Gunzelman Nancy Halcak Lois Harrod Paul & Maureen J. Henrique Hase James Hastings, M.D. Nancy Hayes R. Dixon Hayes Kathryn Hearn Frances K. Hendrix Peg Herald-Evans Wayne & Margaret Herpel Cindy Lorz Hoge Gilbert & Angie Honigfeld Roark Howard J. Stuart Hunter Susan Jackson Robert Jeyaseelan Enriqueta & Michael Johnston Wendy Jolley Martin Kahn James Kaminski Michael Kaufman Christopher Kemper Robert & Nan Keohane Michael Kercheval Ellen Kerney Amanda Kewley Dorothy Knaus Jason Kresge Mary Krokowski Mel & Susan Kubota Jerry Kuhl Jane Kupin George Kuziw Floyd Lapidow Lauren Lavine Anthony Lesenskyj Charles & Rose Lewis Li Li Marcia Lieberman James Linahan Walter Lippincott Eleni Litt Roy Lott M. William Murphy Funeral Homes Noelle Maloney Melissa MalvarKeylock Carol W. Marder Linda Materna Christopher Maurer Linda McClellan John McCormack Cynthia McCray James McCredie Vander McFarland John & Ann McGoldrick Brian & Kathleen McGrath Michael P. McKeever Tracy McManimon Catherine Medich Annie Miele William & Mary Mild Diana Milheim Henry & Sharon Miller Robert Mills Pamela Mills Brenda Miranda Sharon Mizels Samuel Moffet Joanne Moon Volume 5, Issue 1 Page 9 Donors from September 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016 Susan Moss Peter Mullen Camilla Nami Frank Nardozza Felix & Sandra Nazario Lester Novatkoski Frederick Olessi Robin Olsen Tasha O'Neill John Orloff Joanne Owens Debra Owens Jere & Birgitta Paddack Vincene Palmonari Anthony Pappalardo Jeongsook Park Calleen Parson Kathleen Parthe Richard N. Partridge Rose M. Paterson Elise Pelley Mark & Lori Perdigao Murray Peyton Ohls, James, & Judith Pollack Richard Poor Katherine Popenoe Kenneth J. Potavin Robert Prutzman Marie A. Puca Michelle Purdie Jennifer Quinlan Jack Rabinowitz George Renwick Crystal Richardson David S. & Patricia Ronalder Hugh Ronan Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Rosenberg Zuria Ryan Marco Sacchi David Saltman Donald Sayre Stephen Schaeffer Allen and Dona Schneider Margaret Schuler Helmut Schwab Jean Schwarzbauer Drew Sciaulino Ellen Seradarian Hope Shafer Peeti Sharma Neil Shuster Thomas & Mary Sikos Debby D. Simmins Stephen A. Slusher Catharine Brett Smith Fay Soden Myrna Speert Robert & Carrie Stanley James Steinmetz Gerry Stercula Sally Stout Donald & Diane Gruenberg Stryker Judith Swan Rose and Michael Swem Barry Szaferman Carol Szul Jeffrey Tallo Noriko N. Taylor William S. Thayer Edward Thomas Martha Tottenham-Smith Marissa Treu Beverley Tyrell James Urban Ernest Valeo Mr. Jan Van Duser Dana Van Meter Marvin Vanhise Sarah Vania Bernard Voitek Anna Lim Sunghae & Michael Wachtel Thomas and Molly Walker Carol Walton Terence Wassum Pamela Weidel Saraswati Weyman Jennifer Wilde Martha Willis Brenda Wislar Linda Wood Aundreta Wright Faizyab Zaidi Louis Zanoni Monsignor Hugh Ronan, PresiAleksandra Zasada dent of MOWTE, presented Ellen Baker with a crystal vase $250-499 honoringOchalski her 36 years of service Stefan Adam Steinberger at the July luncheon. Hans Aarsleff Michael Ahrens Georg Cerf Veronica & William Charcalla Patricia Dale Karen Dwyer John and Claude Hughes Michael Kincaid Janet Martin Daniel McCorkle Donna Mieszkowski Linda Mieszkowski Paricia S. Natale Dan O'Connor Susan Rudov Richard E. & Linda M. Scheetz Kathryn Smith George Steward Kim & Anthony Stewart John Wellemeyer Lawrence Wiener Robert Zielinski $500-999 Dr. Emily and James Marrow Rose Joan Birchenall Jonathan Crumiller Williams, Catherine, Brian Grenfell Jon & Ruth Ann Gribbin Nancy Lin Eve Ostriker Wesley VanPelt Eve Ostriker Wesley VanPelt $1000+ Alan & Madeline Blinder Sharon Brooks Robert & Elaine L.. Ciatto Lori Martin Jay R. Monroe Memorial
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