020 8961 3345 - Camelot Castle
020 8961 3345 - Camelot Castle
CAMELOT CASTLE SPECIAL February 2008 INDEPENDENT P.04 P.47 DO YOU KNOW A GOOD OR KIND PERSON? INSPIRATION AND FRIENDS OF CAMELOT CASTLE LET’S FOCUS ON THE REALY GOOD GUYS IN LIFE! DOESN’T ONE GOOD TURN DESERVE ANOTHER! THE WORLD’S MILLIONAIRES EXPLORE FREEDOM AT CAMELOT CASTLE by David Edwards Fine Arts Editor “Friends into Eternity” by Ted Stourton (Oil on canvas) most incredible wins on arrival. As the project has evolved we have become very fortunate and seem to be constantly surrounded by our friends. It does make for a very warm and conducive atmosphere. I am sure that this is part of what makes Camelot so unique” For those who think they have seen and heard it all….think again. Some say it is the stunning work of artist Ted Stourton that is causing the flow of private jets into Newquay airport. And it’s true that “At this time we do have some unique abilities and truths at the prices that Stourton is now getting for his paintings in the sec- Camelot Castle and we are able and are delighted to be able to dispel ondary market are the investment talk of the modern fine art world. many of the mysteries that have been plaguing mankind for centuries. Collectors from Chelsea, London, Beverly Hills, Mystery causes a great deal of stress and unhappiCalifornia, the Dutch collectors of grand masters “As the project has ness and so when these get cleared up for someone and even the most discerning Swiss collectors are evolved we have they can indeed experience a tremendous amount of beating a path to his private studio. (And relief. Stourton’s studio without a doubt commands one become very of the most stunning positions of any artist’s stu- fortunate and seem to It is quite priceless.” dio in the world.) Some say that it is the unique be constantly surlocation and natural beauty of Camelot Castle and It is little wonder then that in these days of celebrithe history and the story that it foreshadows that rounded by our ty overload and myspace addiction, that simple is captivating the imagination of the most refined friends. It does make truths, the extraordinary natural beauty of minds that the world has to offer. Some say it is the Tintagel, Cornwall and the expressions of artistic exquisite cuisine, cooked by five star chefs flown in for a very warm and beauty that flow from Mr Stourton’s canvasses from Dubai, experienced in a cliff top restaurant conducive atmosphere. could be causing so much momentum and word of overlooking the Atlantic with one of the most dramouth for Camelot Castle; and indeed are causing I am sure that this is matic and finest views in all creation that has not a few millionaires to alter the course of their part of what makes these connoisseurs of life finding their way here. Gulfstream jets this summer, from Nice Airport and the beaches of Monaco and StTropez, to expeCamelot so unique” But some are going still further and sayrience an entirely different experience at Tintagel. ing that at Camelot lies a jewel, so unique, and that at its heart lies a spiritual evolution and wisdom and a precise highWithout a doubt Camelot Castle is a completely unique er intelligence accessable to all, that many who have come here have experience and until you have experienced it for yourself you will not sensed and that some who journey here are indeed actively seeking. entirely understand it. The founder of the project Mr John Mappin explains it this way “There are many types of people that come to Camelot Castle. The type we love are completely genuine, they come in friendship and are genuine seekers of beauty. Such people find Camelot fascinating, they love the beauty of the place in all its forms and this type often has the 10,176 35p www.londonlocals.co.uk London’s International Newspaper FOR THE INTELLECTUAL MILLIONAIRE WHO HAS SEEN AND EXPERIENCED EVERYTHING ELSE… NOW THERE IS CAMELOT CASTLE Issue 35 Westminster Fortunately all are welcome at Camelot and from £39 pounds per night for a standard room the prices are of great comfort to the wallet of even the most discerning millionaire. www.camelotcastle.com SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWS UPDATE WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK TED STOURTON’S PAINTINGS RISE IN See P.07 VALUE! IN THE HISTORY OF THE INTERNATIONAL ART world and across its length and breadth there has never been an artist quite like Ted Stourton. Loved and adored by the thousands of collectors who have been collecting his art over the last few years at an unprecedented rate, Stourton is not only one of the world’s most loved artists and one of the great personalities of English society but his work is totally outstanding. Now feted in Hollywood and Beverly Hills, in noble households in Kazakhstan and Russia as well as the finest homes in Europe it is likely that there has never before been such growing interest in one artist’s output of fine art. Stourton, who has made it his policy to welcome his collectors and friends at his private home Camelot Castle in England, is now inspiring thousands of other artists across the world in a roll out of the Stourton brand that will certainly turn heads and possibly raise a few of the more conservative eyebrows among observers of the art world. 2008 will see Stourton take centre stage internationally and with the output from his studios at Camelot Castle more prestigious and prolific than ever we may well witness something that we have never seen before. Stourton as usual is quite unphased by all the attention. “All my friends are welcome at Camelot Castle and if they delight in the work then I am just as delighted as they are.” For private tours of Camelot Castle or to arrange a visit to Mr Stourton’s Studio go to www.camelotcastle.com or call 01840 770202. INDEPENDENT LOCALS 2 WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK Independent Local WHY DO WE PRINT POSITIVE NEWS? Newspaper Group IT’S VERY SIMPLE. BECAUSE OF YOU. 020 8961 3345 INDEPENDENT LOCALS 3 CAMELOT CASTLE... Independent House, 10A Cullen Way, RELAX Park Royal, London NW10 6JZ IT’S YOUR VERY OWN CASTLE... FEEL AT HOME AMONG FRIENDS Tel: 020 8961 3345 Fax: 020 8961 6132 Email: [email protected] Web Address: www.londonlocals.co.uk Chairman John Mappin: [email protected] Editor Irina Mappin: [email protected] Head of Design Rudy Penando: [email protected] Edward Davies Travel Editor Administrator Sandra Liu: [email protected] Advertising Sales Executives John Lucey: [email protected] Jacqueline Grant: [email protected] Fraser Kee Scott: [email protected] Rizwana Arif: [email protected] Glen Evans: [email protected] WHAT IS VALIDATED in the society increases and you get more of it. What is invalidated you get less of. A society gets what it puts its attention on. Take a walk around your local community and ask yourself this simple question. Is it an ideal scene? At Independent Local Newspapers Group we are dedicated to the creation and maintaining of ideal scenes. Where there is an ideal scene occurring we help maintain it. Where a scene is not ideal we help to put an ideal one there. We know that ideal scenes are possible and we strive to create them both in our businesses and in the environments in which we operate. Now, before you get any idea that positive news is wishy washy news, low impact, or news that does not count, think again. When we expose (as we have done) the simple fact that thousands of children across the UK are being incorrectly prescribed drugs such as Ritalin and other psychiatric drugs based on a false diagnosis of completely bogus made up disorders (add/adhd) for which there is no scientific proof whatsoever, by psychiatrists who either have criminal intentions or who are personally glib and have been wilfully miseducated by drug companies, that’s positive. You see, mothers, fathers and honest concerned people can read about things like this and start doing something about it and as a result we then end up with less kids on Ritalin who do better in school and, eventually, less drug addicts in your community. Yes, there is a connection and it does affect you. And such truth ripples out through communities through word of mouth, across the internet and into people’s homes in London and around the world. So we really appreciate your support of our Newspaper Group. Every reader, every advertiser, and every ally in the world that we have helps. All your good intentions and actions towards us are extremely valuable. We believe that what we are doing is valuable. We mainly enjoy and like to point out the positive good people that are doing great things in the community locally so if you do know about anyone who is doing well and who should be validated for their good actions please take the time to write to me personally. We always try to do something and I always reply to such letters personally. One more thing, we are interested to meet and work with more journalists that agree with the above purpose who would like to work full or part time on really positive high impact stories, journalists that can and want to help us create and maintain ideal scenes. Please write to me at [email protected] You may also find it useful to take the time to view our web sites www.londonlocals.co.uk and www.camelotcastle.com. You may find that there are additional concepts and products there that are valuable to you. By John Mappin Chairman Independent Local Newspapers WHAT IS IT THAT REALLY CAUSES US to experience true relaxation? A change of environment? New Ideas? An ancient truth? Excellent food? Fine art? The most dramatic coastline in Britain? Getting back to the beauty of nature? A revitalised sense of purpose? A stunning Historical environment? Tapping into one’s deepest creative resources? Or just feeling at home among friends? was one of the best ever. Breakfast is both traditional and generous, served again by graceful Peter the Maitre’d, in a style more expected in Gstaad that on the Cornish Riviera (not surprising as the owners grew up in the Palace hotel there). The whole focus and ethos of this stunning hotel is designed At Camelot Castle one experiences all that and more. Standing on the Cornish headland by Tintagel, the Historical birth to invite you to explore new ways to relax and to regenerate your place of King Arthur has come to life. Camelot Castle was trans- creativity, that true essence of being that is the reason that we are formed a few years by Media Entrepreneurs John and Irina alive. Mappin and Ted Stourton into what has been one of the most stunMy room had the most sumptuous four poster bed and en suite ning places in the UK to visit. bathroom that was the size of most bedrooms complete with As you walk by the sea and drink up the sea air you realise Jacuzzi. that a visit here once in a while is the exact antidote for the busy And what a view! A 270 degree view of the Atlantic ocean. city life that many of us lead. Tintagel has always held a wonderful significance for me, in Dinner is served by an outstanding brigade of chefs that have been flown in and recruited from the Jumeirah Group in Dubai. many ways it is the quintessence of England. Indeed so delicious are the menus at Camelot that the most stressNow with the rebirth of Camelot Castle we will always have ful decision of the weekend is deciding what not to have. The food is English with an international theme and the deserts are com- that special home from home, a private getaway which allows me pletely irresistible. The Crème Brule that I had on my first evening to treasure the real me that I know and love. 6 INDEPENDENT LOCALS WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK INDEPENDENT LOCALS 020 8961 3345 7 MORE ON PAGE 18 INSPIRATION AND FRIENDS OF Camelot Castle IS TED STOURTON BECOMING ONE OF At a private Hollywood Screening of Factory Girl Hollywood Superstar Sienna Miller Friend of Camelot Italy's favorite ingénue actress Duchessa Risaliti De Pazzi with Irina Mappin BRITAIN’S MOST LOVED ARTISTS? by David Edwards Fine Arts Editor “THE SPIRIT OF WESTMINSTER” International Art connoisseurs Kim Ortiz and Michael Los with Paris relaxing at Camelot. This painting is one of a series of 20 new Stourton oils presented on large canvases currently exhibited at Camelot Castle. Painting at Camelot Castle the historical Birthplace of King Arthur at Tintagel, the historical location that inspired Tennyson, Turner and JD Priestley, Stourton’s studios could not be in a better place to capture the beauty that has become the hallmark of his work. Friend of Camelot and Lead Singer of The Jive Aces and International Jazz Superstar Iain Clarkson with Ted Stourton Friends and Inspiration of Camelot Critically Acclaimed as the Greatest Male Star in International Ballet during past decade Cuban Superstar Mr. Carlos Acosta and Mrs. Acosta with Ted Stourton piece in a painting career dur- but also that it radiates its own ing which he has already pro- light. The same is true of duced and sold over 5000 orig- Westminster.” inal works. The painting is one of a series of 20 new Stourton oils “THE SPIRIT OF presented on large canvases WESTMINSTER” currently exhibited at Camelot “I have always found that light Castle in Tintagel, Cornwall. is one of the most engaging and www.camelotcastle.com fascinating aspects of life”, said Stourton has long had an Today Stourton unveiled Stourton. “It is interesting that what will become a landmark the soul is drawn towards light open house policy at his studio. Guests at Camelot Castle are welcomed warmly in the seven separate studios that have seen some of the most prestigious creative output of any artist in the last two hundred years. Camelot Castle itself has become a haven for art collectors who having discovered Ted Stourton’s art also find they have found friendship and that very special light. 08 INDEPENDENT LOCALS WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK INDEPENDENT LOCALS 020 8961 3345 09 THE POET AND THE PAINTER. WHO IS MOTIVATING THE BILLIONAIRES OF TOMORROW? By Jeremy Edison, Business Editor. IS THIS ONE MAN GOING TO ECLIPSE ALL THE BUSINESS MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKERS IN U.S HISTORY? Dale Carnegie had it good for a while, Tony Robbins even had us walking on fire, but absolutely nothing can prepare you for the delivery of Grant Cardone when his fresh concepts and ideas impact your business and translate into the bottom line expansion and permanent motivation that begin on the inside and continue to grow long after the seminars are over and the hot bath hype has cooled. One indicator that one immediately notices and that makes Grant Cardone’s advice and products so very different is that he is probably the first U.S motivational speaker to be fully exportable worldwide. It is worth noting that some of the strongest interest for Mr. Cardone’s products is coming from international and overseas corporations in Europe where other traditionally “American Style” motivational speakers have usually been politely ridiculed or sidelined. So what is it that sets Grant Cardone apart from his predecessors and why is Europe interested? Having studied the Cardone products and his delivery, it becomes immediately evident that he stands head and shoulders above every other motivational speaker and business consultant/ coach. 1) He is the first to actually challenge much of what has been taught by the “gurus” for years. Mr. Cardone quite convincingly suggests that what has been taught over the years may in part actually be the contributing factor to low levels of production. "It is my belief that much of what has been taught for years to sales people (as one example) is not only not desirable to customers in the 21st Century but is one of the main reasons industries dependent upon sales people have so much staff turnover. The idea of answering questions with questions and other attempts at control and manipulation do not work for either seller or buyer." 2) Mr. Cardone's business approaches are based on research targeted towards what people truly want today, not just what may sound good from the stage or what was considered “truth” and has been passed down through the ages! “Times have changed, people have become more informed, have more choices and the company’s efforts must change with the times,” says Mr. Cardone. 3) In addition to what Mr. Cardone teaches being very practical, simple and applicable to today's company and customer demands, Grant Cardone actually walks the walk of his talk and is able to validate the workability of what he teaches in today’s marketplace. Who you see on stage is exactly who you will see off the stage, at his home, in his marriage, and at his companies. Unlike many of today’s motivational gurus he applies his own advice to build real businesses in the real world of business. “Attaining success is not a “secret” the way some would suggest in order to sell their solutions. Success depends on actions and approaches that are based on truth, integrity and simplicity that others are able to duplicate and consumers will trust enough to exchange money and things of value for. You don’t add more mystery to a person’s life or business in order to make their life and their business better.” Any talking that he does is incidental to the walking and it is clear to any observer that it is through his actions that he continues to expand and survive. By simply duplicating or copying those actions one is able to rise to the heights of success that many, prior to Cardone’s trainings have only been able to dream of. Grant Cardone has factually been speaking to audiences for over twenty years about how to improve themselves, their businesses and their practices. He has been studying and researching sales, success and business for most of his life. While hundreds of thousands of people from varying industries and walks of life have attended his seminars and bought his products just as many have implemented his approaches and business philosophies to improve their lives, their incomes and their businesses. It is not his words that people are repeating and duplicating, but rather his simple actions. And those actions are translating and will translate into the building of some of the biggest business empires on Earth. So it is hardly surprising that in certain banking and finance circles across Europe, Grant Cardone is being heralded as the mentor to Europe’s future Billionaires and is becoming quickly recognized as the shaper of Empires that would make the leviathan miss a beat. Extraordinary insight, including the willingness to observe the existing scene and be willing to change with the times regardless of mass public opinion, are the prerequisites to making correct decisions. Grant is educating the best of the best in how exactly to enhance their perceptions and thus their insight. His ability is highlighted not just in his capacity to give advice but also in the assessment of real situations such as: • Mr. Cardone correctly went to cash prior to the 1987 bust. • He went to cash again prior to the internet bust in the US and repeatedly forewarned his seminar attendees. • He started buying real estate in the early 1990’s when California real estate was a despised asset of even the rich which proved to be stellar timing. • Within eight years, contrary to public opinion, he sold his California portfolio as the condo boom heated up due to what he correctly predicted as today’s overbuilt market. He bought two thousand apartments in Tucson, Arizona just after 2001 and recently sold that entire portfolio just prior to the recent pull back. “Each of these events were so obvious to me. One could just look at the truth and disregard the decisions of masses of people. The reality of what has caused today’s real estate situation and sub-prime problem has yet to be fully acknowledged.” Mr. Cardone’s fiscal advice and analysis in the real estate markets is being heeded as far away as the oil rich CIS State of Kazakhstan, where Grant’s astute observation and troubleshooting analysis of the Sub Prime fiasco in the U.S has found relevance. Mr. Cardone’s recent comments caught the attention of a primary opinion leader to Kazakhstan’s Government Ministers who are currently combating a similar fiscal crisis and integrity collapse in their own building markets. While Mr. Cardone is a self-made success story, his life has not always been so clear cut and positive. At the age of nine he lost his father and ten years later lost his older brother both of whom were his role models. By the age of 19 he had developed a terrible drug habit that he almost died from but would finally kick at the age of 25. At this critical point in his life he directed all his energy and efforts into turning his life around and creating a career for himself. His first real commitment to success was as an automobile salesman at the age of twenty five when he started keeping records of every customer interaction. He even went as far as using audio recordings of phone calls and videotaping customers to find out what buyers really wanted and what approaches were most effective. After compiling thousands of records, he then formulated a new way of handling people that was more customer friendly, more informative and would quickly prove more effective! Within twelve months Grant Cardone had reached the top 1% of all automotive sales in the US! He didn't know it then but his approaches, later to be trademarked as Information Assisted Selling (TM), have revolutionized automotive sales approaches and literally changed the auto industry. His research and efforts initiated processes and technology that are today considered more customer friendly, shorten the sales cycle and reduce the effort it takes to purchase an automobile. "It was obvious to me that whatever was being taught in this industry was actually counter productive and the ultimate reason why the production levels industry- wide were so unacceptable. While many blamed the workforce I found that the real cause of the lack of production was the actual approaches that were being promoted by the industry “experts”“. His new methods and approaches have since been adopted across the board in many varied sales industries as well as exported to Brazil, Australia and Europe! Companies and industries all over the world are now being introduced to and using Grant's pioneering developments and contributions. Grant Cardone has since become a highly acclaimed international Sales and Motivational Speaker travelling the globe speaking to business leaders and individuals on topics from sales, motivation, real estate, personal finance and business at as many as two hundred engagements a year. He is the CEO of three very active businesses and his real estate portfolio now exceeds $120,000,000. In addition to an already very full schedule, Grant has been a guest on more than one hundred radio and television interviews appearing on the Today Show, Hollywood Access, and MSNBC. He is recently completed his first book, “Sell or Be Sold” which is waiting to be published. And he is currently working on his second book, "Breaking Out From the Middle Class". Grant presently lives in Los Angeles, California with his beautiful wife Elena Lyons-Cardone, a successful actress. Together they acquired and transformed Lionel Richie’s house in the Hollywood Hills which, according to Victoria Beckham, was the nicest house she viewed while house hunting in LA. A TALE by Ted Stourton OUR STORY, my dear readers, sees us back in time, a time perhaps many would care to forget and a few adventurous souls might care to remember. source of scandal and rumor mongering, was in its part, the very oil needed for the smoother running of the otherwise deadly dull and unproductive life at court. On a bleak snowy day in 1788, Paris, France outside the Bastille to be precise. A day when the sky was so grey and the ground so white, that any meeting place between the two is only afforded by a moment of clear weather which comes with the turning of the wind. The chill in the air matches the lonely bare ground and that at best offers up silence with angular shapes to comfort the constant pain of hunger that hangs like the foretold death of a child. Not far off the North West turret, a single pair of ravens circle in the air, a silhouette against the melting snow which covers this unyielding and blighted landscape. However, over the last few years the Bastille had fallen into dilapidation and disrepute which had matched the royal pittance of a grant long since diverted by the gaoler before its arrival at the squalid gates. So, somewhere between the snow falling, the gaoler sleeping and France on the brink of starvation, we find our characters entombed in the granite mausoleum they called the Bastille. Our two characters have been imprisoned for five years inside the Parisian hell they called the Bastille. This site had previously been a swamp. In the dank bowels of this once princely fortress had been held the treasures of the mighty Kings of France along with Nobles, of whom it is said, that if at the late hour of alcoholic murmur had merely a thought of Royal discontent, would awaken to their horror, imprisoned, on the other side of this unforgiving Rubicon. Now, it so happened, that it was the custom that each day at noon that some prisoners were allowed from their cells to walk a certain large passage that stretched from one long side to the other. Off this corridor there was a sequence of cells holding prisoners who had committed high treason and had been in solitary confinement for so long that no one had ever had site of them. It had been a punishable offence to try and speak with them but over the years the guards had become more and more discontented and lazy to the point where every day for nearly eighteen months the young poet had been able to sit down outside the cast iron door for the hour to converse with the painter. This paradox of regal delight and a dilemma posing as an equally delicious Each day the poet would sit and listen to the painter, encouraging him to give tell of the view from his window, for none of the other cells in that cell block had an outside facing window. The only site afforded to them was of the courtyard in the centre of the Prison below. The painter would describe the weather each day, with sun on the moat below framing the ducks and the geese, children playing with their dogs or singing an array of songs. The painter went to great lengths to describe the colours of the ladies and gentlemen’s dress, the walking sticks and, once a month, the passing circus that crossed the river Seine for the centre of Paris. The circus animals were often new and exotic. Market days were particularly interesting to the poet, for twice a week, all the farmers with their cattle, crops, geese and sheep would be described in minute detail, with the abstract air of the painters prose. painter sent to prison. Over the months their friendship and bond had grown to the point where the painter felt comfortable in enquiring of the poet the true reason for his incarceration. That day, much like any other, the painter asked the poet why he was in prison, to which he replied that he had written something that the Queen had found a little direct. The poet then asked the painter how he had managed to end up in that situation to which the painter responded that he had painted the King in a way that he saw him, which the King had found insulting, he had ordered the canvas to be destroyed and the It was indeed empty. The following day at the usual time the poet sat outside the cell door and quietly called for his friend. There was however no reply. The poet wandered slowly over to the gaoler’s guard and asked him who was in the cell. The guard responded that a pardon had come through the previous evening and that now no one was there. The poet was shocked, and as he caught his breath, commanded that if he were to continue writing the gaoler’s letters to his mistress he would personally wish to see that the cell was indeed empty for himself. Whereupon, the guard, without hesitation lifted up his bunch of keys and escorted the poet to the cell. He then placed the key into the top and bottom locks and with a mighty push opened the cast iron door. The poet stepped into the cell and looking and the four plain stone walls... gasped... for there was no window. The Bastille fell a few months later giving freedom to all. The poets name was Francois-Marie Arouet. Some now know him as the great writer Voltaire. TAMARA BECKWITH’S WEDDING IN VENICE If Grant’s personal $120m fortune has not hit the Ten Billion $US mark in the next five years as a result of the actions that Grant is currently engaged upon there will be more than one observer of the financial markets that would be surprised. Grant Cardone is factually the first U.S motivational speaker to be taken deadly seriously at the very top and the highest intelligence levels of the European finance markets. That fact alone speaks volumes. In fact, a few moments ago, as I just replaced the receiver to confirm a reservation at the Palace Hotel in Gstaad, Switzerland my thoughts quite naturally alighted on the questions that I might be asked next week by those so very conservative Swiss Alp bound bankers and financiers who have, on the grapevine, heard of our friendship and inside knowledge of Mr. Cardone’s work and who are extremely keen to dip into the metaphorical fondue that is bubbling. Not that the Swiss or European Fund Managers like making more money particularly. www.grantcardone.com Tamara Beckwith and Georgio Veroni. Julia Verdin In Melly M And Ceila Wise In Valentino At Tamara Beckwith And Georgio Veroni's Wedding In Venice British socialite and TV presenter Tamara Beckwith married Georgio Veroni in true Venetian glamour and one of the most beautiful weddings of the year in Venice, Italy. The wedding was a three day event starting off with a party on top of the Guggenheim museum, followed by a very glitzy reception the next night at a brand new revamped Venetian palazzo hosted by Christina and Walid Juffali culminating in the actual wedding itself in La Chiesa del Redentore and a black tie dinner and dance at the San Clemente Palace. Guest flew in from all over the world for the 3 day weekend including rock stars Simon Le Bon and his glamorous wife Yasmin, Nick Rhodes and actress girlfriend Meredith Ostrom, Lady Victoria Hervey, Model Caprice, British stars Ioan Gruffudd and Alice Evans, Shoe mogul Tamara Mellon, The Hon Robert Hanson, film producer Julia Verdin, fashion designer Ceila Wise and many others. 10 INDEPENDENT LOCALS WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK WHY THE WHOLE WORLD SHOULD INDEED BLESS AMERICA AND Thank the American People Won-G Few MCs can claim the accomplishments of Won-G, “The Haiti Boy.” Talented, charismatic and personable, he was born in Port Au Prince, Haiti, on August 29th 1978. He spent his early years between Brooklyn and Los Angeles and was no stranger to hard work, since his dad owned and operated a fleet of trucks in the construction and paving business. The second oldest of twelve children (six boys and six girls), Won-G was raised in a tight-knit family structure and considers his business an “independent family business.” His older brother, Dubble-M, produced the majority of Won-G's music, and his father, Macneal, plays a critical role in all of his business ventures. “Pops is like – everything: our manager, guide, and spiritual consultant,” exclaims Won-G. “In fact, our military-style upbringing instilled in me the discipline I needed to make my mark on the streets.” Won-G’s 12-year music career, during which he's released five independent albums, has culminated in Real Sovage Music, LLC, his first non-underground label. Won-G's previous releases are: Shadow of the Rains (1993), Do It, Do It, Won-G (1995), Royal Impression (2000), No Better Than This It goes without saying for many that the U.S President is not the average American man, any more than Paris Hilton is not the average American young girl. But at times that is what our media would have us believe. And, it is quite amazing the degree that public opinion towards America has been harmed over the past few years. In these times of rising anti-Americanism in Europe and in other parts of the world it is very important that we do not forget exactly why it is that the good works of many have blessed America. I was personally fortunate enough to live in the United States for six years and during that time I had the good fortune and honour to meet many people from all over the United States. Some of those friendships have become some of the most cherished and valued in our life. I could not have hoped, on the whole, to have met a kinder and more generous group of souls during the time we spent there, and it is fair to say that living in America, meeting and getting to know Americans and learning their values and ideas gave me back my hope in humanity. And directly as a result of that hope we now have been able, at CAMELOT CASTLE, to forward that hope to thousands of other people. (www.camelotcastle.com) We should remember that America was founded by those determined to escape and oppose religious persecution in Europe and the founding fathers set in stone a declaration of Independence, a Constitution and a Bill of Rights that between them represent some of the most valuable documents ever written on behalf of mankind to help mankind and to secure mankind’s freedom. It is quite fitting that the hope and wonderfully positive feeling that people find here today at Camelot Castle were in part catalysed by the American values, hope and basic goodness that I ran into with Americans of all types when I lived there. The romantic in me would like to think that this was the same hope that was carried to America on the Mayflower from these British shores in the first place. And, igniting life and lives in the Americas, was the same hope that carried on in the hearts and minds of the men and women who forged a great nation now known as the United States of America. Whatever the truth is or from wherever that hope “sprung” it was unmistakable when I encountered it in the United States in 1991. In America the idea that “ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE” is known and understood and sits at the core of the entire country’s existence. And, it is because of that innate understanding of freedom, anything is indeed possible. For those people who have existed in societies or areas where this idea has been suppressed or knocked out, it is sometime hard to really understand the USA and the people’s optimism but when one experiences this understanding for oneself it is quite priceless and unmistakable. A man’s dreams are sacred and when a man is allowed of given a free space to dream very often those dreams will come into reality. In America one is invited to dream, indeed one is invited to dream big! It is traditional in acknowledging America to roll out the stars and the well known figures of the day but today I want to invite you to think about and bless the real treasure of America. ITS ORDINARY PEOPLE. For the real value of the United States lies in its ordinary families, the men, women and children that form the vast majority of its people. They are often not the flag wavers or the egg throwers but they live their lives in the sincere service of others and while they are often silent they are indeed the true standard of the American nation. In short they are quite wonderful people. If you know such a person please do forward this on to them. And please send their details to us and let us know exactly why they are wonderful and why you appreciate them. In return we will be sending each and every one of them a prize direct from Camelot Castle, England. We think it’s important to validate and acknowledge those people. And, we think it’s our duty to do so. True Americans who have kept and keep the Right to Dream alive. Please visit us soon and do say hello at www.camelotcastle.com MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA! 11 TAKING THE URBAN MARKETS BY STORM IF EARLY REPORTS FROM THE BIGGEST music market in the world are true, then planet Earth is about to experience the Won-G effect. In London, where Won-G is structuring deals with entertainment leaders, people are now asking: Who is Won-G and where does he come from? The Won-G story is fascinating. AMERICAN POLITCIANS and our media are not necessarily the best representation for true americans and in recent months have contributed to creating a global picture of America that is both inaccurate and destructive to the future . INDEPENDENT LOCALS 020 8961 3345 by David Edwards Fine Arts Editor (2001), and Explosion (2002). He's worked with a wide variety of musical talent, including rappers Bone Thugs-NHarmony, Da Brat, and Tupac’s Outlawz; as well as world-renowned producers Ric Wake, DJ Quik, Johnny J, and L.T. Hutton. He has featured pin-up beauties (who are also personal friends) such as Carmen Electra, Traci Bingham and Paris Hilton in his videos. With the release of his latest album, “Rage of the Age,” which has already produced a hit single and video “Caught Up in the Rapture,” Won-G is poised to bolster his street credibility to the national level. Paying homage to the seminal 1980 Blondie hit “Rapture,” this Hip-Hop version of the Blondie classic has been downloaded over 600,000 times within the first month after its release on AOL’s music service. The hardcore, pulsating “Blind Man” and the Caribbean-inspired “I'm A Haitian” address prejudice against Haitians at home and abroad, while offering some of the historical accomplishments of his beloved homeland, Haiti, the world's first Black Republic in 1804. Won-G's impressive ability to rap and rhyme in four languages (English, French, Creole and Spanish) sets him apart from other hip-hop artists and creates fantastic opportunities in international markets. In fact, Won-G and his special blend of HipHop/R&B was presented to the world in January at MIDEM 2007 in Cannes, France. Real Sovage Music will make available, for the first time, a CD reflecting Won-G’s best work, as well as two professionally created videos, “Nothing’s Wrong” with Traci Bingham, and “Caught Up In The Rapture” with Paris Hilton and Gizelle D’Cole. The CD will also contain club versions, and will be ready for release this Spring. Although he could have capitalized on his friendship with Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, and several other notable hiphop artists, Won-G has always been determined to make it on his own terms. “’Rage of the Age’ is my first major release as far as national MTV, BET and commercial play are concerned. Even though we have a pop crossover record for the masses, we're still keeping the streets on lock. I try to stay as close to the Haitian community as possible because, first and foremost, they are my people and they have shown me incredible support over the years. I’ve built my own fan base by utilizing independent distributors and street teams, consisting mostly of immediate and extended family. My underground following has been most prevalent in Miami, New York, Boston, Little Haiti, Jamaica, Dallas, Houston, New Orleans and, of course, Cali. So, with the mass street credibility that I have achieved over the last ten years, the next step is to get great national and international distribution deals,” exclaims the H a i t i a n - b o r n rapper/tycoon. Won-G is currently in the studio working on his new album, “Prince of the City.” While this album will feature Lionel Ritchie, Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent, T.I., Nelly, George Clinton, and several other big names like Fat Joe and Jadakiss, future releases will feature some of our old-school megastars like Patti Labelle, Smokey Robinson, and Stevie Wonder. rehabilitation of underprivileged children and at-risk youth. From the days of slingin’ CDs on the streets to cruising in his Rolls Royce Phantom, Won-G has always kept it real. Being subject to neither drink nor smoke, Won-G has done numerous “AntiDrug/Stay-In-School Tours” throughout the country and is an excellent role model for our youth. Always sympathetic to the less fortunate in life, The Haiti Boy never hesitates to say a kind word to any person who may cross his path. Being subject to neither drink nor smoke, Won-G has done numerous “Anti-Drug/Stay-InSchool Tours” throughout the country and is an excellent role model for our youth. In addition to his musical efforts, Won-G is extremely active in his community. Presently Won-G is serving as Haiti's Ambassador of Good Will for Children and as spokesperson for YAPI (Youth Advocate Program International). The Haiti Boy has a long history of supporting charitable causes, such as RADD (Recording Artists, Actors, & Athletes Against Drunk Driving), Priscilla Presley's Dream Foundation, and Malibu's Bony Pony Ranch, which is dedicated to the "There are so many rebellious kids out there and they need to have opportunities to channel their energy in constructive ways," says Won-G. "That's why I named my album ‘Rage of the Age.’ I want to use my music and my life to show our young people that ‘you can make a difference and make the world a better place.’ I was able to follow my dream and get to where I am in life because I had people who believed in me. I want the kids out there to know that they can accomplish everything I have and more!" 12 INDEPENDENT LOCALS OUR NEWSPAPER GROUP IS REPORTED BY MEDIA WEEK: WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK 020 8961 3345 INDEPENDENT LOCALS 13 PSYCHIATRIC "TREATMENTS" ARE HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES If human rights include freedom from brutality and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, then there is no doubt that contemporary psychiatry’s major “treatment” fixations are human rights abuses. While billions in taxes are paid ed out at a cost of over £338million, each year to fight the “War on drugs whose side effects include Drugs,” there is a different kind of suicide, mania, psychosis, aggreswar affecting the world today, one sion and hostility. that is perpetuated by Then there is the barpsychiatrists dreaming While we don’t baric electroconvulup new “mental illnessalways question sive therapy (ECT), a es” to fund a multibillion-pound diagnoses, and barbaric excuse for legal drug while we place so-called ‘treatment’ that psychiatrists industry. In our trust in have deceptively 2005, over 1/2 medical doctors cloaked in medical million psychiwho can and do atric drug prelegitimacy. Physically provide empirical intrusive, and damscriptions for s o - c a l l e d evidence, such aging, it violates the doctor’s pledge to ‘hyperactive’ standards are children were non-existent uphold the Hippocratic Oath and dished out at a cost of over when it comes to “Do no harm.” £24million to psychiatry. While we don’t the taxpayer, drugs whose side effects always question diagnoses, and include visual hallucina- while we place our trust in medical tions, suicidal thoughts, psychotic doctors who can and do provide behaviour as well as aggression and empirical evidence, such standards are non-existent when it comes to violent behaviour. psychiatry. As presented in countless illusAnd over 29 million prescriptions for antidepressant drugs were hand- trations in psychiatric and medical journals, the brain has been dissected, its parts labelled and analysed, while the public has been assaulted with the latest psychiatric theories of how the physical and chemical composition of the brain determines behaviour, mental disorders, or disabilities. What is missing in all of this is scientific fact. PSYCHIATRY: AN INDUSTRY OF DEATH lifts the lid on the psychiatric falsehoods that have permeated the society. For that reason, this Newspaper Group is making available a free copy of this important documentary to anyone that wishes to see it. Contact [email protected] to receive your free copy. Or order additional copies at www.cchr.org TOP TEN REASONS TO BUY IN Dubai 1 The Number One Place in The Sun Irresistible beaches, incredible hotels, brillianf food and a wealth of local culture make Dubai the best place to own a home. 2 Freehold Ownership You can own your home outright. Freehold guarantees given by developers Nakheel, Emaar and Estithamaar are endorsed by the Dubai Government and exist in contract. Thousands of foreign home-buyers and investors have flocked to buy freehold property in this, the most lucrative real estate market on earth, as a result. 3 Free From Tax There is no personal taxation or property taxation. Fees for property transfer and maintenance are low. 4 Stability And Growth Dubai is one of the fastest growing business destinations on earth. The economy grew by an annual average 8.6% during the last eight years. It is expected to grow at a similar rate for the next five years. 5 Stable Context Dubai doesnt operate in a vaccum. The economy of the United Arab Emirates as a whole has grownand is projected to grow at an average rate of 5% per annum, in comparison to a world growth rate of 2.8%. 6 Beautiful Homes Would David Beckham and other rich sun-seekers settle for anything less than a beautiful home? England's soccer stars were among the first to buy on dubai's The Palm, Jumeirah, Luminaries all the way from the US to India are buying in their wake. With specialist finishes the norm, you too can get the home of your dreams. 7 Rentable With extraordinary numbers of tourists visiting Dubai year on year (2.54 million hotel guests in 1998, 4.98 million in 2003) rents are likely to remain buoyant well into the future. Major population expansion from the increase in expatriates living in Dubai will ensure demand for rental accommodation remains lively- with yields currently at around an 8% yield. 8 Great Deals Average villa property prices in Dubai are five times cheaper per square metre than London's Docklands area, ten times cheaper than Central London, and half the cost of Singapore. 9 Sellable Oversupply? What oversupply? With an estimated shortfall of 40,000 units within the next five years, leaving an estimated 150,000 new residents without the possibility of buying Dubai property prices should remain an excellent investment opportunity in the longer term. 10 Livable Great City Living- Dubai's tax-free, liberal atmosphere combines with year-round sun and excellent business opportunities to make it a wonderful place to live for expatriates. 14 INDEPENDENT LOCALS Flitty’s Purposes Up on a cloud and far away, There sits ‘Flitty’ on a Summers Day. What does it do? No one quite knows, It actually quite likes to wiggle its toes. It likes to take a look, at this and that, And wonder where everybody’s at. Once in a while it will wander over, And Sniff the Kiss of a Bee on clover. But should the Bee become aware, Of Flitty’s gaze and helpful stare, Or try to see young Flitty’s face, Bang! - Flitty was never there in the first place. And that doesn’t mean that Flitty’s shy, But if you have ever wondered why The tick goes tock or the tock goes tick, It’s just another Flitty trick. Some go for Gold and dig in the ground. Not Flitty, It moves Thought around. And not your naughty stinky thought, Just what Flitty likes, or what it feels it ought. It flits over this and hovers over that, Who knows, Flitty might be sitting under your hat. When you think that Flitty’s gone, or was never there, It’s then that Flitty will give you a scare. So what is this purpose of this ditty? Or indeed are the purposes of our Flitty? The answer to that lies somewhere in the middle Of this ‘Flitty de Flit’ or perky riddle. So riddle me this or riddle me that, But just take a peek under Your hat. WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK 020 8961 3345 INDEPENDENT LOCALS Flitty’s Twinkle Is this the twinkle of our “Flitty”, Famed of fable and of ditty? It seems that Flitty’s been to sleep, But now has woken to help and heap Upon all those whom fortune favours, Wealth surpassing all the neighbours. Freedoms scarce imagined come To those upholding Freedoms won. So like the Raven in the sky, If YOU have ever wondered if The wind is free upon the cliff, Or if light is that free too. Recognise this… All the beauty and freedom that is true, Resides in YOU! John Mappin www.camelotcastle.com John Mappin 2008 15 INDEPENDENT LOCALS 16 WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK THE PURPOSE OF CAMELOT CASTLE INDEPENDENT LOCALS 020 8961 3345 PLEASE HELP US OUT WITH 17 IRINA’S THIS CREATIVE PROJECT: RESTAURANT Our purpose in creating Camelot Castle is to have a place where anyone who agrees that life can be enhanced by natural beauty and art can come and experience that enhancement immediately and first hand. Camelot has the purpose to provide a unique space where people can come to share both in the extraordinary natural beauty of our environment and in the extraordinary strength created when people of goodwill share their ideas and vision. Hi it's Ted here: In c.800 A.D. Harrun Al Rachid, the supreme ruler of Baghdad, governed and administrated the entire Arab world. At that time, Harrun Al Rachid, the conceptual architect of the first “Golden Age”, passed a law. That law stated, that every Thursday, every Master of every intellectual or physical discipline, be it Mathematics, Architecture, Religious, Political, or Creative must attend court and Al Rachid stated that, by law, they should and must share their ideas. This one act caused a ripple of innovation and new ideas that spread across the Arabic world and Mesopotamian culture up through Spain and half of Europe. Indeed, ideas that occurred then are still visible today across the civilised world. What was only known by a handful of people until today was the fact that Harrun Al Rachid also issued every law and every order to his empire using Formal Arabic Poetry. As early as 800 A.D. Harrun Al Rachid had isolated the power of the use of aesthetics and beauty in carrying a message across thousands of miles and great distances. For this reason, the poets and artists of Baghdad were some of the greatest that the world has ever known. The Arabian Nights were written in his honour and Harrun is immortalized in them. Harrun Al Rachid was probably one of the greatest champions of creativity that the world has ever seen. There are two other well known non-religious occasions in recent history, when men have risen to this extraordinary level of responsibility and wisdom. The first was the formation of the Round Table at the Court of Arthur Pendragon on the advice of Merlin, which cracked the suppression of the Dark Ages across Europe. The other was the structure and codification of the American Constitution by the Founding Fathers. The Founders of Camelot have been able to research deeper into the wisdoms of the East than ever before. They have been able to draw on the modern and workable wisdom embodied in the freedoms established and maintained by the United States. And, through unique access and friendships in the Middle East the Founders have isolated some previously unguessed at importances, heralded by Arabic culture, that will affect the entire future of mankind. I am working on a new artistic project and a new series of creations this week that I would really and sincerely appreciate your help with. PLEASE TRY THIS CHALLENGE: “With a friend or partner take a walk (anywhere but preferably somewhere new) and on that walk take a notebook and spot and make a note of a few things in your environment that are NOT in any way threatening to you." “Take a good look around and find and list several things that are unthreatening in you environment.” "Do this until you feel good." "As you do your walk together, if any of those things that you spot make you laugh or happy or if you experience an emotion of any kind, when you spot them, please do make a special note of them." When you get back from the walk do write a short description of what occurred and send it to me and let me know exactly what happened for you at [email protected] ALSO FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS TRY THIS: TRY NOT READING OR EXPOSING YOURSELF AND OTHERS TO ANY NEGATIVE MEDIA OR NEWSPAPERS AND DON’T WATCH ANY NEGATIVE NEWS AT ALL. You may be most interested in exactly how and why this changes your luck in life for the better! It is quite fascinating. If you have or experience wins or success with this do write to me and let me know what happens and if you like I will let you know about some other great actions that you can take immediately to improve your luck. Anyway let me know how it goes and we hope to see you soon at Camelot Castle. It's quite gloriously stunning here at this time of the year. All my love Ted Stourton The Camelot Castle Hotel at Tintagel has been transformed and the moment you enter this magnificent building you can feel Camelot's influence. The Hotel itself is a stunning building in its own right, but the transformation within lies at the heart of this unique location. John and Irina Mappin together with Ted Stourton, have pulled out all the stops to provide guests with an experience that you will definitely remember. When we chose to dine at Irina's Restaurant, it was a still and balmy, early June evening. The sky was ablaze with a fiery sun that was slowly setting over the Ocean, a plus, as the dining room itself is a magnificent space with stunning views of King Arthur's Castle and the North Cornwall coast from every window. On entering the dining room, my companion and I were greeted and seated by attentive and courteous staff who were always on hand but not obtrusive. The high ceilings, chandeliers, comfortable chairs and a European flavour to the decor, make the space elegant but homely. The food was very well presented and very good value for money, in fact the prices, which start from £19.95, do not reflect the sumptuousness of the food or the surroundings. I can highly recommend the Swordfish, cooked to perfection and very filling. The head chef hails from international hotels of Dubai. He and his 5 star team of chefs bring a Mediterranean feel and flavour to familiar food that is both fresh and exciting. My prediction is that Irina's Restaurant at Camelot Castle may soon be the number 1 destination for food lovers. So when you visit us at Camelot and share your ideas here at our Round Table realise that you are being and becoming part of a purpose line that is indeed both ancient and of the future. For these purposes are woven through the very fabric and the structure of our societies. They are the weft and warp of creativity. Truthfully, there has never been a time in the world when the sharing of ideas across the world is more important than right here right now. The importance of our artists to our society has been grossly underestimated and it is time that we began to value the contribution that our own creativity can make. Camelot is here today so that you can experience, tap into and be your creativity. Even the greatest barriers surrender to the creativity of man. Our purpose is for you to create yourself and thus, to enhance all life. Thousand Arts Painting, Decoration, Field work, Gardening, and any related labour. Contact: Mr. Norbert Szollas Mob.: 0785 704 9770 E-mail: [email protected] Genuine Opportunity To Earn A Six Figure Income. Very Low Start Up, No Stock, Not Cleaning or Pills. www.camelotcastle.com Call: 08456 300085 18 INDEPENDENT LOCALS WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK 020 8961 3345 INDEPENDENT LOCALS 19 MORE ON PAGE 21 INSPIRATION AND FRIENDS OF Camelot Castle Venezuelan Superstar Miss Ruddy Rosario Rodríguez de Lucía with Mr. John Mappin Christmas Greetings from Hollywood Royalty, Hollywood producers Matha and Dino de Laurentiis with daughters Dina and Carolyna de Laurentiis. Irina Mappin with Hollywood Actor Simon Callow John Mappin with Al Pacino Julia Verdin and Rufus Sewell Mr and Mrs Mappin with friend UK Real Estate Entrepreneur and media PR magnate Aurelia Bonito. Russian Music Icon Baroness Katerina von Gecmen-Waldek and Hollywood Icon Kirsty Alley Hollywood Director Peter Bogdanovich with John Mappin Friend and inspiration of Camelot Christina Juffali with Irina Mappin Friend and inspiration Hollywood Film Producer Colleen Camp, with lead singer of the Stereophonics, Kelly Jones and Hollywood actor and star Doug Ray Scott with John Mappin Hollywood Icons John Travolta, Kelly Preston with Friend. Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, with John Mappin Sophia Milos - Hollywood actress Miami CSI - has her cake and eats it Hollywood Icon David Caradine with owner of Camelot Castle Mr John Mappin 20 INDEPENDENT LOCALS WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK 020 8961 3345 INDEPENDENT LOCALS 21 MORE ON PAGE 22 INSPIRATION AND FRIENDS OF TED STOURTON Camelot Castle STUNS FINE ART WORLD “Friends in Venice” Oil on canvas And, while the prices of Stourtons continue to rise in the secondary market and fortunes will doubtless be made by some who are cashing in on the Stourton phenomenon and beginning to stock his work, Stourton remains completely unaffected by the clamour and glamorous admirers that continue to seek his work out from all over the world. Indeed the local Newquay airport is getting quite used to the roar of Gulfstream jet engines as Stourton’s private collectors arrive from the far flung corners of the globe. To try to describe the beauty of Stourton’s abstract realism in these works is a challenge that John Mappin with Hollywood Icon and Actor "Dune" and "Twin Peaks" star Kyle McLachlan. Ted Stourton at Rick Stein’s with Friends of Camelot Hollywood Icons Actors Jenna and and Bodhi Elfman. by David Edwards Fine Arts Editor THE WALLS OF CAMELOT CASTLE this spring and summer will be adorned with paintings that some are calling the most priceless expression of beauty ever to have been created by an artist in the last 500 years. Ted Stourton at Rick Stein's with Friends, Personal Mentors and Catalysts of the Camelot Castle project US Computer Moguls, Humanitarians and Philanthropists Craig and Sally Jensen Leah Rimini, John Travolta and Kelly Preston I will not attempt here as I simply cannot do it jus- with his work. tice. However what I can tell you is that art critics “What a view” as one collector described, from around the world have nearly unanimously acknowledged that beauty such as this has not “to see all the wonders of paradise and beyond, through the work”. been created and viewed since the time that Claude Monet “What a view” as Stourton’s recent master piece dominates dressed his salon in Paris; nor the Great Hall at Camelot Castle. A colourhas the excitement that is brew- one collector ing in the art world been so described, “to see ful joy to behold, it is a representation and of the circle of life and both the great concerning the production all the wonders of celebration perfections and imperfections of the friendof an artist since Picasso was paradise and creating in his prime. ships therein. beyond, through Each day Stourton can be found in his subterranean the work” studios at Camelot Castle and each day a team of production assistants and craftsmen work on an intense schedule to simply keep up with the extraordinary creative flow and output that emanates from this one being, whose destiny it seems is to raise the bar on beauty that each being experiences as they come into contact The positive lift that Stourton is creating for the British and international art world and its economics will be felt for many years to come by fellow artists and the auction houses. The Stourton Spring and Summer Collection can be viewed at Camelot Castle at Tintagel, Cornwall. www.camelotcastle.com John Mappin with Friend and Inspiration of Camelot "Archbishop" Andrew de Candole with Ted Stourton at Groombridge Place John and Irina Mappin with Friends and Inspirers, US Medical Robotics Technology Pioneers International Investors, Humanitarians and Philanthropists Bob and Trish Duggan 22 INDEPENDENT LOCALS WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK INDEPENDENT LOCALS 020 8961 3345 23 MORE ON PAGE 28 Property & Holiday INSPIRATION AND FRIENDS OF Camelot Castle Index - Classified page contents Page 17 Property in Spain REF NO. Z 200 This country villa has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room and kitchen. The immaculate garden and pool area have the advantage of receiving the sun all day. Price: 275,000 euros. Property in Turkey Overseas Properties TURKEY BAHAMAS Oludenis, Fethiye, Dalaman, Gocek Calis, and area. Appartments from £40,000. Villas from £50,000. Land and new builds also available. Your freehold building plot on the beautiful island of Gt Exuma. Building permission for one single family dwelling or fantastic investment opportunity' 1/4 acre plots from £14,500 Transfer & accomodation free if you buy with us. Tel: (Robin-UK) 01482 581 293 Houses from £10.000 Building land, hotels investment projects, castles, static caravans.ESCORTED LAND IN LORCA 5acres in beautiful countryside, 360˚ views inc. Castle view. 1hr from coast, build licence ready, project drawn up for 2 villas (3 bed, 2 bath & 2 bed, 1 bath). Builders ready. Good investment/rental. 135,000 euros est. Cost of build, 200,000 euros 0151 4951740 Property in Montenegro 174 MONTENEGRO Page 20 Property in France 2 bed flat for sale, 72sq metres, 5mins from sea, overlooking beautiful sea view. B/room + seperate w/c, balcony, good investment, could be divided into 2 flats. £66,000 07976 546324 Property in Poland TB&S Building Services A Garden Path at Groombridge. For all aspects of building works... • Complete Renovations • Planning Applications • Septic Tanks...and everything else in-between Telephone: 0033 (0)299 95 17 93 Email: [email protected] Website: www.tbands.fr No. SIRET 425 053 907 0027 Southwest facing and very bright. Wintergarden + Solarium with sea view. Groundfloor seperate apartment, 1 kit, 1 bed, 1 bathroom. Firstfloor, 2 beds, 1 bath. Underfloor heating. Large garage with nearby commercial center. 0034 6 509 32932 The Dordogne and adjacent departments DRAWING SERVICE Poland Properties Telephone 01636 671711 or e mail [email protected] Property in Ireland FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY Unique opportunity to acquire a superb fully-fitted licensed restaurant, 9 hole par 3 golf course on 14 acres (5.67ha) with reception, changing rooms, showers and floodlit 8-bay driving range. In excess £500,000. www.irishgolfcourseforsale.com Contact: 00 353 86 215 9177 for more information Property in Spain LOOKING FOR PROPERTIES IN SPAIN? COME TO LA COSTA DE LA LUZ. Based in the area, we can offer a range of properties for Sale or Rent in the popular coast of Cadiz. Inland and Rural properties are also available. Easy access through Jerez or Seville airports, sandy beaches, monumental towns and scenery of stunning beauty are the main assets of this unspoiled area. The inspirational Wellingtonian pine trees at Groombridge CHARMING ROMANTIC VILLA Property in France With offices in the UK and Krakow in Poland, Marjon Enterprises are able to offer new and resale properties in Poland from £15,000 Property in Bulgaria 174 Friends of Camelot Andrew de Candole and Hollywood Actress and Miss Holland Hilda Van Der Meulen Visit us on www.spanishproperties.uk.net or e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 07886 283498 Ireland Italy New Zealand Turks & Caicos Islands France Turkey HOLIDAYS 077 966 93335 ULEINJ tel:0034 96 189 0303 • fax: 0034 96 219 1270 mobiles: 0034 679475149 / 0034 637119443 email: [email protected] • web: ayorahills.com. Spain UK Page 19 Property in Spain SLOVENIA TOURS TO VIEW For further details phone REF T 015 This country house sits in the tranquil countryside, it has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen and dining room. There is a fruit orchard within the grounds and a swimming pool. Price 225,000 euros. Page 18 Tel Grosvenor Overseas 01472 211636 (Mobile 07775664423 ) Property in Slovenia REF NO Z 024 This country villa has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen, lounge and dining room. There is a large garage and swimming pool. This property is being sold fully furnished. Price 300,000 euros. Spain Bahamas Portugal Cyprus Greece South Africa USA Turkey London Renovating your French Property? Dossiers prepared – Permis de Construire and Declarations de Travaux. Contact Peter Latus Tel/Fax: 05 53 52 25 50 E-mail: [email protected] Property in Poland 174 Spain Portugal Page 21 Cyprus Egypt Turkey Car Hire Abroad Ireland Italy Bahamas Greece Puerto Rico Page 23 Holidays in the UK and Abroad Property in the UK Page 24, 26,27,28 Holidays in the UK and Abroad Property in the UK and Abroad Independent Locals To advertise with us please contact one of our sales executives on: 020 8961 3345 We will give you the best possible quotation 24 INDEPENDENT LOCALS WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK 020 8961 3345 INDEPENDENT LOCALS 25 CAMELOTRELAX CASTLE... IT’S YOUR VERY OWN CASTLE... FEEL AT HOME AMONG FRIENDS Edward Davies Travel Editor WHAT IS IT THAT REALLY CAUSES US to experience true relaxation? A change of environment? New Ideas? An ancient truth? Excellent food? Fine art? The most dramatic coastline in Britain? Getting back to the beauty of nature? A revitalised sense of purpose? A stunning Historical environment? Tapping into one’s deepest creative resources? Or just feeling at home among friends? was one of the best ever. Breakfast is both traditional and generous, served again by graceful Peter the Maitre’d, in a style more expected in Gstaad that on the Cornish Riviera (not surprising as the owners grew up in the Palace hotel there). The whole focus and ethos of this stunning hotel is designed At Camelot Castle one experiences all that and more. Standing on the Cornish headland by Tintagel, the Historical birth to invite you to explore new ways to relax and to regenerate your place of King Arthur has come to life. Camelot Castle was trans- creativity, that true essence of being that is the reason that we are formed a few years by Media Entrepreneurs John and Irina alive. Mappin and Ted Stourton into what has been one of the most stunMy room had the most sumptuous four poster bed and en suite ning places in the UK to visit. bathroom that was the size of most bedrooms complete with As you walk by the sea and drink up the sea air you realise Jacuzzi. that a visit here once in a while is the exact antidote for the busy And what a view! A 270 degree view of the Atlantic ocean. city life that many of us lead. Tintagel has always held a wonderful significance for me, in Dinner is served by an outstanding brigade of chefs that have been flown in and recruited from the Jumeirah Group in Dubai. many ways it is the quintessence of England. Indeed so delicious are the menus at Camelot that the most stressNow with the rebirth of Camelot Castle we will always have ful decision of the weekend is deciding what not to have. The food is English with an international theme and the deserts are com- that special home from home, a private getaway which allows me pletely irresistible. The Crème Brule that I had on my first evening to treasure the real me that I know and love. INDEPENDENT LOCALS 26 WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK INDEPENDENT LOCALS 020 8961 3345 HOLIDAYS & PROPERTY IN THE UK AND ABROAD PROPERTY Property in Ireland Property in Canada Property in Spain BALLYDUFF UPPER, CO. WATERFORD Tastefully renovated cottage for sale overlooking River Blackwater. 3 bedrooms (1 ensuite), bathroom, kitchen-diner, living-room, utility, OFCH, private parking. Costa Del Sol / Tenerife Watersports / Parasail / Sailboat Charter Yacht & Boat Brokerage Quad Bike trek / Jet Ski Hire Euros325.000 TEL: 00353 87 8515164 Costa-del-Sol Costa Blanca Torrevieja A range of resale properties for sale in and around Torrevieja. Also rentals, short and long term Tel. (0034) 609 162036 • Land from £15,000 • Townhouses from £30,000 • Apartments from £35,000 • Villas & Fincas also available • Mortgages & English speaking lawyers Spanish Link Businesses for sale Tel. 01603 626 700 Mob. 07879 485 800 / 07831 340 131 BUSINESSES FOR SALE IN COSTAL DEL SOL & TENERIFE All Highly Lucrative and Easily Run CANARY ISLANDS To advertise: 020 8961 3345 01303 894333 07860 864975 www.londonlocals.co.uk Holiday in the UK Lanzarote, Playa Blanca, semi detached. 3 Bedroom / 2 bathroom bungalow. Lounge with kitchen, large terrace, fully furnished. Sea views, close to village & beach. Superb heated communal pool & tennis court, to include car. £198.000 07920 197101 01524 701476 Holidays in the UK Costa del Sol Sellside Farmhouse Between Windermere and Kendal. Sleeps 7. Wonderful views from southfacing gardens. Great comfort and walks. www.whingap.com Luxurious 3 bed 2 bath apartments and penthouses Deposit £10,000 Balance of £31,000 by low interest mortgage Magnificent 3 bed villas Private swimming pools Deposit £16,000 Balance of £75,000 by low interest mortgage COLOUR BROCHURE 01253 294949 / 294848 Showroom (7 days) 280 Church Street, Blackpool www.spanishpropertyguide.com Jávea. Villa under construction, seaview, very near to the beach, school, supermarkets etc. Turn key. Price £499.000, /£320.000. Please contact Marion (0034) 609 606 512. Fax (0034) 96 647 1321. E-mail: [email protected] Heart of Worcestershire - Swiss style Log cabin set in secluded garden with idyllic views. Ideal for walking, cycling, fishing, riding, and history. Facilities include 2 bedrooms, bathroom, living room, and kitchen. Enquires to: Rosie Horton 01299 832822. 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Tel. 01202 748071 Holidays in Greece www.londonlocals.co.uk 08707508050 Specialist in: farmhouses, castles, mills and manorhouses ranging from £ 50.000 to ? 500.000 phone: 0033385538410 or 0033683283778 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.josephinevaneersel.com ARTIES HOTEL, BLACKPOOL Superior B&B Accommodation, private ground floor suite comprising of 4 poster bed, ensuite bathroom, sitting room and conservatory, TV, tea/coffee making facilities, refridgerator, twin bed suite also available. Special diets, children catered for, free child minding, well behaved doggies welcome. 1 mile sandy beaches. 8 miles Dartmoor short breaks are available. t. 01840 770202 f. 01840 770 978 SOUTH EAST KILKENNY SOUTHERN IRELAND Newly converted 17th century coach house 2 bedrooms, self catering Situated in beautiful rural scenic location. Ideal for wonderful hill walking. River fishing cycling and golfing of course! Telephone Paxos - Charming Villas & Apartments on this idyllic unspoilt island. Planos Holidays. The Paxos Specialists 01373 814 201 ATOL 2884 AITO www.planos.co.uk Experience the real Crete this summer with beachside studios, apts, hotels and villas with pools in small resorts and off the beaten track areas. Tel. 0208 786 6968 or visit www.pinelake.co.uk CHULMLEIGH Holidays in Spain Barbados Barbados All properties online www.costa-rent.com ‘Bora Bora’ luxury Villa apts. & Beachcomber Suites. Very Special properties located directly on the beach at the heart of the fabulous Gold Coast. www.beachcombersuites.com Tel. 001246 432 0489 Luxury Beach Houses and Villas with Private Swimming Pools Fully Staffed, exclusive west coast nr Sandy Lane Golf Course Personal Service, Flights, Car Hire, Transfers Arranged Tel. 01777 706292 or Mobile 07702 526514 Tel: 0034 619 925 714 Property in Spain Generously sized new luxury 2 bed, 2 bathroom appartment. Large terrace, sea view. 10 Minutes from Puerto Banus. Next to Los Flamingos golf & 5* hotel. Air Conditioning, underfloor heating. Fabulous kitchen with Bosch appliances. Stunning pools in tropical gardens. underground parking and store room. Private sale must be seen. 385.000 Euros. Property in Portugal WWW.SELECTAHOMEEUROPE.COM/PROPERTY PORTUGAL PROPERTY PORTUGAL PROPERTY PORTUGAL PROPERTY TEL: 00351 919371313 E-MAIL: [email protected] Holidays in Cyprus EXCLUSIVE traditional stone-built and modern Holiday Villas with private pools in the Pafos District, including villages 0208 447 1610 07711 569856 Call 00 35 7 99 48 88 26 www.holiday-cyprus.com.cy Holidays in the UK Beechwood Lodge Scenic drive, newly-refurb, 3-bed self-catering, sleeps 5/6. Panoramic views overlooking lough Allen. All mod cons. Hillwalking, angling. Self catering and B&B, 4* 1 and 2 Bedroom ensuite TRIM, CO. 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Available all year round. 00353 52 62287 [email protected] www.visitireland.8k.com New kent Romney 2004 3 bedrm caravan 35x12.sleeps 8. TV/video in master bedrm.also in lounge-lots of fun for the whole family.on site clubs house, bar, indoor healed swimming pool+much more.prices from as little as £165 p.w. for more information. Tel. 01539560472 (70% mortgage available) see our website: www.hogarthphillips.co.uk YOUR HOME IS AT RISK IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP REPAYMENTS ON A MORTGAGE OR OTHER LOANS SECURED ON IT. WRITTEN DETAILS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST.. 2-6 Bedroom - Waterfront or Golf. Best Rates - Nicest Homes - Winter Specials www.visitenglewood.com UK Contest 01268 690563 Ref. G.K.P. 07734567276 3 New luminous apartments freehold in trendy Chartrons area. 2, 1 Beds + 1,2 Beds circa 40 sq. meters each price between 100,000 and 120,000 Euros each. TEIGNMOUTH Holidays in Chile MARBELLA AREA Costa del Sol 60km Valencia, 120 km Alicante, 3 bed, 2 bath comfortable family owned 1st floor apartment pool, tennis, garden, car park Spanish Style Resort 5 mins from lovely Beach 01514865154 David & Louise Burdett 020 7431 7345 Superior Gulf Coast Pool Homes Anglospan Consulting Costa Blanca Gandia, 3/4 night FEB/MARCH breaks. Ensuite, TV, car park. £99 - £130 DB&B. LAKE DISTRICT New Apartments 2 bed 2 bath a/c pool garage near sea and golf course. You’re looking for a property in the south of Spain? Visit our website: www.spchomes.com or Telephone: 00 34 96570 5796 THE SHELDON HOTEL EASTBOURNE Situated within a 5* resort To Advertise HERE 0871 789 6058 Holidays in the UK 174 Delightful Cottage. Newly furnished. Garden close to Beach, pubs & restaurants. Nearby Corft Castle, Lulworth Cove and Monkey World. Not to be missed. Spectacular views. Privately owned luxury Pine Property in France TOTAL FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS www.londonlocals.co.uk 00349 COSTA CALIDA Further details available on request. 07734567273 or BORDEAUX SWANAGE S/C Ensuite Holiday Flat Lets. Near seafront & shops. Charges per person weekly July & August £100 June & September £80 Other months £70 Tel. Mr. Curtis: 02392 733 581 70 Festing Grove, South Sea, Hampshire, PO4 9QD Tel. Luxury Apartments Luxury City Centre apartments for sale. 1+2 Beds en suite. Fitted kitchen with integrated appliances. Secured parking. 020 8961 3345 Superb Luxury Town House, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Recs, 2 Bathrooms, 100 yards from Beach £220,000 o.n.o HAMPSHIRE Portsmouth / Southsea 2 Nights B&B at the MAYFAIR or METROPOLE Hotels in St Helier, including flights from London Heathrow from £139. Telephone 01534 759529 SUNNY BEACH BULGARIA ANDALUCIA Holidays in the UK APRIL IN JERSEY Property in Bulgaria 174 t. 0 1 8 4 0 7 7 0 2 0 2 f. 0 1 8 4 0 7 7 0 9 7 8 27 GOLF AND FISHING SPECIALS www.beechwood-lodge.com Broadway Hotel Group Blackpool Gatwick Gable End Guest House Superb Hotel Accommodation with all facilities and renowned cuisine, close to Pleasure Beach and Promenade. Also a wide range of quality self catering flats in prime locations Tel. 01253 341060 A warm Irish welcome, 5 mins from Gatwick airport, ensuite rooms with full English breakfast, courtesy transport and car parking facilities available. Contact: Mary/Joseph: 01293 783 679 Wye Valley 2 miles Ross on Wye Beautifully converted bothy in ground of Georgian house, sleeps 2, set in 19 acres with unspoilt woodland and lake. Brochure Tel: 01989 566 016 email: [email protected] GALWAYSALTHILL Two and three bedroom luxury apartments/ En-suite, fully furnished, cable TV. Available May-September Tel: 00 353 91 523252 or 00353 872339625 28 INDEPENDENT LOCALS WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK 020 8961 3345 INDEPENDENT LOCALS 29 MORE ON PAGE 30 INSPIRATION AND FRIENDS OF Camelot Castle Map goes Rap, Camelot gets some bling and an Urban makover. Hollywood Star George Hamilton with John Mappin Friend and inspiration of Camelot, Zack Starkey, British music icon, drummer for "The Who" and "Oasis", son of Beatles drummer Ringo Star, shares a joke with Ted Stourton, Sharna and Irina at Camelot Castle. Friend and Inspiration of the Camelot Project Britain's greatest living Historian Andrew Roberts with John Mappin Inspiration of Camelot Hollywood’s premiere film composer Mr Mark Isham with John Mappin. At the "Gateway of Eternity" at Camelot Castle, Tintagel, Icon of the Future David Duggan. Hollywood actor Jeff Fahey and Irina Mappin Hollywood friends and inspiration for Camelot Bodhi and Jenna Elfman with John and Irina Mappin Wonderfully inspirational Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes and Suri New Year’s Eve guests at Camelot Castle, Nicole Appleton and Liam Gallagher Russian Superstar Philip Kirkorov and the Celebrities’ Celebrity Ciro Orsini with John and Irina Mappin and Svetlana Pop sensation Enrique Iglesias performs privately for friends. Irina Mappin Johnney Eliachoff, the inspiring fashion guru Trinny Woodhall and Irina Mappin celebrate life. The Conductors’ Conductor, Director of the Sydney Opera house and Polzeath surf champion Richard Hickox with his wife Pamela Helen Stephen who will play the lead role in Carmen in Melbourne this season, visiting the LIGHT BOX with family at Camelot Castle. 30 INDEPENDENT LOCALS WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK 020 8961 3345 INDEPENDENT LOCALS 31 MORE ON PAGE 42 INSPIRATION AND FRIENDS OF Camelot Castle Brandy, Ceila Wise, and Irina Mappin Irina Mappin and Ted Stourton with inspiration Broadway Star and Jazz Singer Stacy Francis. Arguably the four most influential ladies in the International Media and Entertainment in future decades. Russia, Austria, Greece and USA. Irina Mappin, Baroness Katerina von Gecmen-Valdek, Sophia Milos and Lisa Winokur. Irina Mappin with Russian Actor Levan Uchaneishvili Even Dogs deserve a Holiday Paris and Graff in Fairy Woodlands at Camelot Castle Hollywood Superstar Jenna Elfman on Titagel Island at Camelot The three Mappin Ladies, Marie Mappin, Carol Mappin and Irina Mappin 32 INDEPENDENT LOCALS WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK INDEPENDENT LOCALS 020 8961 3345 33 WHY DO ARTISTS STAY FOR FREE AT CAMELOT CASTLE? JANEL HITS HOLLYWOOD BIG TIME IN GLAMOUR AT BRATZ CANNES IN THE LAST THREE YEARS Camelot Castle in Cornwall has become one of the most sought after holiday destinations in Britain. Located where Lord Alfred Tennyson wrote “Idylls of the King”, where Elgar composed his second symphony and Turner painted, Camelot Castle looks out over the majestic Tintagel island and the Atlantic. It commands a view that has been known to inspire heathens to prayer. The hotel has always been a favourite of artists and the guest book reads like a who’s who of the creative minds of the last centaury. Theories as to why this is the case and why artists have felt compelled to visit this location are as diverse and interesting as the mythology that surrounds the Castle itself. What is not in doubt is the extraordinary benefit and inspiration that artists have experienced as a result of arriving there. Julia Verdin, Janel Parrish And Bill Kravitz at Bratz Premiere JANEL PARRISH one of the stars of upcoming BRATZ feature film that has just opened in England is a Hollywood success story. Janel was discovered from thousands of hopefuls to play the lead role of Jade - the fashion conscious student who is also an ace at science. As well as a starring role in the movie - once the producers discovered she could sing - she landed a record deal with Geffen records and a music video of one of her songs which plays over the end credits of the movie. Janel has also landed a role on the popular TV series HEROES. She is managed by top LA management company -Rough Diamond Management known for having great eye for young talent. BRATZ is a charming delightful movie based on the well known Bratz dolls - the message of the film is for Kids to be themselves and embrace their identities JULIA VERDIN and Meredith Ostrom lent some glamour to the Cannes film festival - Julia wears Purple satin ABS dress and Meredith wears an Armani floral creation whilst promoting their upcoming projects. On the Seven Arts international boat sales agent for MEN DON'T LIE, NINE MILES DOWN, KNIFE EDGE as well as many other titles - they both said "The festival is a great opportunity to do great business and networking as well as have a lot of fun. We have had some great meetings since we have been here and it's been very productive". Also on the boat was British director Tony Hickox who was there to help close some final deals on his upcoming film KNIFE EDGE with Natalie Press. Today any artist who feels that their creativity or inspiration would benefit from staying at Camelot Castle is eligible to apply for their Artist in Residence Program. Indeed, in the last fourteen months Camelot Castle has activated and helped over three hundred and fifty artists from around the world who have benefited from this program. The program, run at the discretion of the owners of Camelot, John and Irina Mappin and Ted Stourton, is one of the most exciting, fresh and innovative ideas to influence the creative community for many years. that wavelength that most closely approximates the human spirit in “The whole purpose of the artist in native state. Many people have experiresidence program is to validate and enced what happens to them when they help artists in any way possible. encounter beauty, be it in a visual, Creating a space for artists that is free musical or purely conceptual form. from any evaluation or invalidation has Aesthetics have the ability to raise and been the first step. Artists, which we help the spirit and in fact acts as a disdefine as anyone interested in creating integrator wave causing less desirable a high quality of communication in any elements in life to vanish. There is a media or form are immensely valuable direct symbiotic relationship between to the culture and should be looked the artists in the society and the society after and helped at every opportunity.” itself. Our very survival is in fact directly linked to the amount of beauty being “Art and creativiproduced at any one ty has in the past Art and creativity has time across our become exclusive and in the past become world.” a pursuit of privilege. It is interesting that exclusive and a “Our artists the root of “exclusive” pursuit of privilege. are those beings that is to exclude. Actually It is interesting that have the extraordiart can be completely nary responsibility of inclusive and avail- the root of “exclusive” ensuring that beauty able to all people. Art is to exclude. Actually continues to be creatis food for the spirit of ed across the world. all people.” For that art can be completely Actually it is a reason instead of inclusive and tremendous responsiturning Camelot available to all people. bility and is not Castle into an exclualways easy in a sive hotel for the rich, Art is food for the world that appears at Mappins and spirit of all people. times to negate the Stourton have efforts of the artist or ensured that prices stay extremely com- their products.” petitive and it is possible to stay at Camelot for £39 pounds per night “Our artists are the true architects which is no more expensive than a of the future.” local bed and breakfast. “To be an artist in the current envi“There is also a technical reason ronment takes an extraordinary that it is vital to help art and artists in amount of courage and integrity. We the society to flourish: The wavelength have found that when artists come to of aesthetics and beauty happens to be Camelot as “Artists in Residence” they get a boost of inspiration and connect up to a source of help and encouragement that is not always present in their lives.” “Some of the most enjoyable successes that we have had is with kids from the inner city schools who come here and experience Camelot and the extraordinary natural beauty here for the first time. You can see a light go on inside of them and you just know that nothing will or can ever extinguish it.” “It is very easy to take the creativity of artists for granted. Our own view is that any effort in the direction of helping artists is repaid one thousand times over so we continue to help and welcome artists to stay as part of the Artists in Residence Program as often as we can.” “Camelot is the first in a chain of Hotels that we have planned in Mythological locations around the world. Each of those hotels will welcome artists in the same way and will continue the tradition of helping artists that has successfully begun at Camelot.” Who qualifies as an artist for the program? On this John, Irina and Ted agree: “As soon as someone says they are an artist, why, then they are one. The decision to create is probably one of the most powerful decisions that a being ever makes and by validating that decision and giving it a window of space to be nurtured it is extraordinary what can occur.” www.camelotcastle.co.uk 34 INDEPENDENT LOCALS WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK ARE YOU AN 020 8961 3345 INDEPENDENT LOCALS Irina with new Friend of Camelot “ICON OF THE FUTURE?” Eco warior and writer Birgit Cunningham and Hollywood producer Julia Verdin. Camelot Castle “ICONS OF THE FUTURE” Scholarship Program Camelot Castle is sponsoring potential “Icons of the Future” for a full Hollywood training and talent development program. Greek Superstar Pop Diva Anna Vissi with John Mappin Knowledge, effective mentoring and effective training are among the keys to success in whatever creative field that one wishes to succeed in. Irina Mappin with the ‘Matriach’ of Camelot Castle, the irreplacable Min Rundle. That is why Camelot Castle is sponsoring scholarships to extremely talented individuals who feel that they would benefit from our “Icons of The Future” Program. Write to us at Camelot Castle to apply [email protected] Charles Cholmondeley getting creative with a Pine Cone Making aliances and friends in Germany 35 36 INDEPENDENT LOCALS WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK INDEPENDENT LOCALS 020 8961 3345 37 LONDON CLASSIFIED Tuition/Education TRAINING COURSES FREE - Networking Courses* * Polished Plaster * Italian Decorative Finishes * Natural Stone For others: N+ £199, MCP £199, MCSA £399, MCSE £799, CCNA £349, Microsoft Exchange or SQL £499 each Day, Evening & Weekends Limited Seats - Tutor Led Starts Every Month (all plus VAT) Held in UK and Italy Tel. 01245 362 462 *(for unemployed) Call: SCL Opportunity 0208 519 7362 E-mail CV: [email protected] MUSICAL TUITION PIANO AND GUITAR Popular instrument choice available Lessons day and Night 0208 574 9194 SATS, GCSE and or A Level Maths, Science, French, Spanish. Tutorials in small groups for preparation or retakes. 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Call 020 8550 6403, visit our website www.freedom4life.org.uk Specialize in loft Conversions, Extentions and Renovations Free Estimates & Ref Avail. 020 8589 9134 07861 354 716 PRISTINE PLASTERING Prompt, Clean, Reliable service. Please call Martin: 07977 431 361 or 020 8423 0647 DON'T LOOK WHP Electrical Services At This Incredible Business Opportunity It will change your life www.more4you.yourteambuilder.com John. 07963988721 All types and domestic electrical work • Fuse Boards • Lights & Sockets • Fault finding Fire & Burglar Alarms • Friendly reliable service tel: 020 7834 1111 1ST CLASS PLASTERER Not “Jack-of-All-Trades” but Master of One City & Guilds Qualified, Clean and Reliable Service. References provided on request. All aspects including walls/ceilings skimmed, internal/external rendering etc. Tel: 020 8789 2799 Mobile: 07760 477585 BB PLASTERING I.T skills (Exel and Office operating systems) are essential. Must have a good telephone manner and the ability to multi task in a busy but friendly plumbing and heating office in South London. Salary & hours negotiable Massage Massage 174 Therapeutic Oriental and European Choice of Exquisite Massage. For discerning women by expert staff. Relive aching muscles, tiredness and stress OR simply just spoil yourself We urgently need enterprising people from all nationalities to work in the U.K and abroad to assist with our worldwide expansion. www.homebusinessworker.co.uk Accountancy and Taxation Services (Including Self Assessment) for Small Tel. 020 7262 4719 Chartered Accountants Brickwork, Plastering • Painting & decorating Electrical, Plumbing • Flooring, Tiling... and more MEDIUM KUNTI 0800 975 4534 020 7372 3576 FREE Estimates 020 7490 1846 DON’T HESITATE TO CALL: SHEIKH AMARRE International clairvoyant and god gifted African spiritual healer. After a careful consultation I can help to solve all your worries and problems including bringing back loved ones, exams, court cases, I can break the powers of black magic, bad luck, witchcraft that might be casted on you by enemies. I can also protect you from all these before you become a victim, I can also advise you in all your family and relationship problems. IT Services New Accountants Offer Business & Taxation Advice TEL: 020 8471 1258 Mob: 07940 555144 Specialist to the smaller business & sole traders Reasonable rates Contact Connolly & Co Accounting Katz & Co Chartered Accountants Offering a Complete Service AUDIT & ACCOUNTANCY BUSINESS START UPS TAXATION, BOOKKEEPING VAT, AND MUCH MORE The ideal candidate will have Telesales experience. Experience in Advertising Telesales would be an advantage. Other desirable attributes include a smart and professional attitude, excellent telephone manner and good presentation skills. 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ACCOUNTANT IMMEDIATE DISPOSAL 175 Removals Tel. 07956507121 020 7833 3306 Tel: 020 7792 8274 Mob: 07840 069293 Mark 01707 647 841 Bookkeeping, Management Accounts, Payroll & VAT 07944 590 338 No job too big or small I'll help you in your own home. ACCOUNTANCY SERVICES Flat 118, Naish Ct. Bemerton st N1 We also do waste clearance Are you personally sick and tired of all the bad news, negative news and total rubbish that you read in modern media and do you want to personally make a real difference in the world? 0800 074 5022 Incineration Work Carried Out For More Information Contact: Did you know that this newspaper has helped make the public aware of some of the most important issues in the world today thus causing positive changes and has brought hope to people who were previously without hope with regards to many areas of life and in diverse parts of the world and that this hope and the real solutions that have been forwarded by these newspapers continue and now exist in peoples lives? Or problems with Internet, e-mail, virus, word processing, etc ? businesses A4 WASTE DISPOSAL SERVICES Did you know that there is one newspaper group, based in London whose news is always positive and helpful? Did you know that bringing hope, real solutions and truth is one of the most important duties of modern media. Contact Stewart Katz on 1st Floor. 135, Notting Hill Gate. London W11 3LB Removals Do you believe that media can be helpful? Over 50 ? New computer ? Can't get started ? An efficient and cost effective solution for small Your pain is my pain - quick positive results guaranteed. Commercial & Domestic Offices • Homes • Any premises Daily Black Bags Collections FAX: 020 7278 6527 MOB: 07956 439617 174 Ratnam & Co. 203 Kilburn High road, NW6 020 8906 8988 Are you facing difficulties, do you sometimes have the feeling that everything is going against you in your life? SCRAP METAL WANTED All building Work Mediums PAY AFTER RESULT “Experienced Telesales People for immediate start in this Successful Media Company” Did you know that a newspaper can be positive? May Building Services LTD Tax Returns, Small & Medium Businesses, Tax Investigations, Assistance with Mortgages. TEL: 020 7703 4355 Mob: 079 6052 5057 020 8961 3345 www.londonlocals.co.uk 020 8969 7858 07939 225 336 (24/7) 175 Tuition Kitchen, Bathroom, Decorating, Plastering All building work Free estimates NEW BEGININGS Individuals. 0208 204 5906 07946 671122 I am here to overcome all your fear and worries. I will show you what your enemies have done to you in a calabash (how it happened and where so that you can see it for yourself). Specializes in all affected areas such as witchcraft, black magic, bad luck, bad spirits, sexual problems, business, victim of evil forces, fidelity between husband and wife, also loved ones. 01883 717 502 Call BOB 07834 772 797 0207 794 0625 www.bbplastering.co.uk QUEENS PARK BUILDERS Businesses and Private Call (Languages spoken: English and Arabic) or call Steve Rendering, Plastering, Re-Plastering, Member of, The Guild of Master Craftsmen With Small practice, offers Kingsbury 7 days, 10am - 12pm, In/out calls. 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High Quality work at • Removals & Relocations • Single Items to Full Loads • Door to Door Delivery If you believe you have the skills and experience required for this position then please apply on [email protected] • Local, National & European We are Fully Insured For a Free Quote, Call us Free on 0800 389 7152 Mobile 07711 483 771 www.handy-van.com MAN & VAN VICTORY REMOVAL 18ft Box - Luton Reliable & Competitive Rates for Removals & Single Items Anywhere UK & Europe • Studios, Flats • Houses & Offices • Packing Materials Supply • Free estimate & Advice • Fully insured • Free boxes for 2 bedrooms & above • from single item and above 020 8300 1501 07956 251 180 0800 092 3031 07961 403 689 MAN WITH A VAN Please email us the following information: 1. Name 2. Contact Number 3. Email 4. Brief description of your sales experience. Light removals and deliveries undertaken ANY DAY ANY TIME Punctual and efficient service Best rates Call Russell on 07949 849548 For more info please send email to [email protected] For more background info about the company, please visit www.londonlocals.co.uk INDEPENDENT LOCALS 40 WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK 020 8961 3345 INDEPENDENT LOCALS Danania If you want her, she will run from you. If you chase her you’re dammed. You can run around the world for her, You’ll kiss an empty hand. But the moment that you turn your back, She’ll dance across the sand, She will shower you with kisses, She will give you all her land. She would lay her life before you, She would give all her pearls, And that no small memento, For she’s the guidon of all girls. “Danania”* is her name. Holiday in Turkey Property in Italy To be like gossamer her game. And the harder that you play for her You’ll play into your shame. For the wisest of the wise have been captured and restrained, By the merest whispered mention of Danania, by name. The Dance of Danania is seductive and sweet. With one twist she has the rulers of Empires at her feet, And as they shout her name and worship her, Call Danania across the land, Those truly wise look down and mark their footsteps in the sand. John Mappin 2006 (*”Danania” is the Arabic word for “Money” and was also the name of the love of Harun Al Rachid, c.820 Ruler and Caliph of Bagdhad, architect of the Golden Age and minter of the first ever gold coin.) 41 42 INDEPENDENT LOCALS WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK 020 8961 3345 INDEPENDENT LOCALS 43 INSPIRATION AND FRIENDS OF Camelot Castle Hollywood "super" screenwriter and scriptdoctor Astrid Neil staying as an Artist in Residence at Camelot Castle. Hollywood actress - "Meet Joe Black" star Claire Forlani with John Mappin. John and Irina Mappin with Nephew Maximillian Mappin Hollywood Superstar Jenna Elfman makes new friends at Camelot Castle Friend of Camelot "Archbishop" de Candole with Mr T. Making aliances and friends in Germany The King of Cornwall's film Business "Doc Martin" and "Saving Grace" producer Mark Crowdy with Ted Stourton and Sheikh Andrew de Candole of Dubai. Friend and inspiration of Camelot Castle Russian Superstar Philip Kirkorov sings privately for friends Hanging with Hollywood Rap Stars on New Year's Eve, Irina Mappin with Friend of Camelot and Spiritual Brother of John Mappin LA Urban Rap Star WON-G INDEPENDENT LOCALS 44 WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK 020 8961 3345 INDEPENDENT LOCALS 45 INSPIRATION AND FRIENDS OF Camelot Castle Irina Mappin with niece Lilly. US finance wizard and precious metals guru Michael Bayback discovers that he is the pot of gold at the end of his own rainbow at Camelot Castle Friend of Camelot and inspirational fashion icon Benjamin Camelot Airport - Inspire at Camelot by Air. British Actress Sophie Oppenheimer and Hollywood producer Julia Verdin Hollywood Producer, Director of the Last Samurai, Marshall Hershkovitz with John Mappin Getting to know Frieda John Mappin with Jeffrey Jones THE FUTURE - WILL THIS BE THE CAMELOT OFFSHORE CREATIVITY ENHANCEMENT AND INSPIRATION BASE OF THE FUTURE? 46 INDEPENDENT LOCALS WWW.LONDONLOCALS.CO.UK 020 8961 3345 INDEPENDENT LOCALS DO YOU KNOW A GOOD OR KIND PERSON? LET’S FOCUS ON THE REALY GOOD GUYS IN LIFE! DOESN’T ONE GOOD TURN DESERVE ANOTHER? The best possible friends, mentors and inspiration that one can have. Jan Cross and Robin Handy with Irina Mappin on completion of her executive training as Executive Director of Camelot Castle and all its associated groups and companies It has long been the focus of most mainstream media to will be sent to the person whose story is most inspiring. focus our attention on the negative side of life and the We may (with their permission) feature some of them bad guys. and their stories in this newspaper in the future to inspire and set a great example to others. We don’t need to give you examples of this…YOU read the newspapers and YOU watch the news. All we need in your letter is your description as to why they qualify and their name, address, “by reading At this newspaper and media group e-mail address and telephone number. however we don’t do that. We are interest- positive news ed in and want to focus on the good guys. By the way, we have found that by and by focusing reading positive news and by focusing on So to celebrate our recent expansion on helping good helping good people one’s health and sanand by way of a thank you to our loyal ity improves. It is a great way to stop feelpeople that ones readers and advertisers we are inviting all ing depressed. our readers and friends to join in a NEW health and competition. As a suggestion: Try not reading the sanity improves” negative news for a couple of weeks or Take a look around your life and you will see that the watching negative stuff on TV and see how you do. Let majority of people are great people and are indeed “good us know. guys”. Very often such people go on and on being good guys for years helping and doing good works, unacDo pass this competition idea on to others. As I am knowledged and un-rewarded. Well this month at sure that you will agree, it’s about time that the good peoCamelot Castle and at our Newspaper group we want to ple of this world got better noticed and were commended reward them. a little bit more often. You may even know someone in your life who is parAlso you should know that this competition is an ticularly helpful and kind. international competition so if you know of anyone overseas that should win a prize then please do let us know If you do, please write to us and tell us a little bit and please do forward this invitation to join in to all your about the person and why they are so great, a bit of back friends overseas. ground on what you have seen them do and we will send them a special prize just for them. Each and every one of Think about it…Doesn’t one good turn deserve another? them that you write to us about will receive a prize. Each one will also get a beautiful commendation from Write to us directly at [email protected] Camelot Castle and this Newspaper Group to acknowlOr at Camelot Castle, Tintagel, Cornwall, PL 34 ODQ edge their good works. The top five stories and good guys will get a super www.camelotcastle.com runner’s up prize and there is a fabulous star prize that www.londonlocals.co.uk 47 HAVE YOU SEEN THE “LIGHT BOX”? EXPERIENCE A WHOLE NEW WAY AND A WHOLE NEW WAVE OF BEAUTY “In all of Cornwall the most beautiful thing that I have seen is the LIGHT BOX” J.M. Zurich “I cannot believe the sheer beauty and magic of the LIGHT BOX” D.V. London “If you go to Tintagel in Cornwall, England whatever you do don’t miss the LIGHT BOX.” E.A. Paris. The LIGHT BOX is something completely new and unexpected in the world of beauty. What an Eye Opener! A wonderful new discovery and surprise.” E.D New York. “I never really knew what beauty was. After I have seen The LIGHT BOX, I understand beauty.” Y.B. Monte Carlo Please ask at reception of Camelot Castle or any of our staff to make an appointment to see the LIGHT BOX. www.camelotcastle.com