Energi Terbarukan: Tren Pertambangan Dunia


Energi Terbarukan: Tren Pertambangan Dunia
JUNI 2014
Energi Terbarukan:
Tren Pertambangan
Antena Merah Pembaca Cuaca
Persaingan Sehat Para
Penerima Beasiswa Komunitas
Nursery untuk Luwu Timur
Pembaca yang budiman,
Dear readers,
Dalam industri pertambangan, bahan bakar merupakan komponen yang
lumayan menyita anggaran. Diperkirakan komponen ini memakan 20-30%
dari biaya produksi dengan nilai hingga puluhan juta dollar AS. Celakanya,
harganya senantiasa naik dari tahun ke tahun.
In the mining industry, fuel is a large cost component in the budget. It can
take up 20-30% of total production cost and amount to tens of millions of
dollars. Unfortunately, its prices tend to steadily increase year after year.
Sebagai gambaran, konsumsi HSD (high speed diesel) PT Vale tahun 2009 mencapai 60 juta liter, dengan harga 0,56 dollar AS per barel. Nilainya setara 34%
dari total biaya produksi tahun tersebut. Periode sebelumnya, 2008, konsumsi
mencapai 140 juta liter dengan harga 0,90 dollar AS per barel atau setara 38%
biaya produksi.
PT Vale’s consumption of high speed diesel (HSD) in 2009 was 60 million
liters priced at $0.56 per barrel. This was equivalent to 34% of total
production cost that year. For the same period the previous year, 2008,
consumption reached 140 million liters at $0.90 per barrel and equivalent
to 38% of production cost. Then there is high sulfur fuel oil (HSFO). In 2009,
PT Vale’s HSFO consumption cost reached $70.9 million; in 2010 it was $95
million or 78% of fuel cost.
Belum lagi bakar HSFO (high sulfur fuel oil). Biaya konsumsi HSFO PT Vale pada
2009 mencapai 70,9 juta dollar AS. Tahun 2010 melonjak hingga 95 juta dollar
AS atau 78% dari biaya bahan bakar.
Melihat fakta tersebut, kini banyak perusahaan pertambangan memikirkan
sumber energi alternatif terbarukan. Cina adalah negara yang paling getol
membangun instalasi energi terbarukan. Bahkan pemanfaatan energi terbarukan menjadi kebijakan ekonomi. Hingga 2011, negeri ini telah memiliki
75 gigawatt listrik yang bersumber dari kincir angin. Targetnya 200 gigawatt
pada 2020. Uni Eropa hingga kini bahkan baru mampu memiliki 90 gigawatt
listrik dari sumber yang sama.
These facts and figures have encouraged many mining companies to think
of harnessing alternative energy sources. China is a country that is now
leading the way in developing renewable energy installations – in fact,
harnessing renewable energy has become the state’s economic policy. By
2011, the country had 75 gigawatts of electricity harnessed from wind
turbine technology. It aims to have 200 gigawatts by 2020. The European
Union currently has just 90 gigawatts harnessed from the same energy
Pemanfaatan energi terbarukan dalam industri tambang kiranya akan terus
berkembang. Kendati demikian, dibutuhkan biaya besar untuk membangun
instalasinya. Karena itulah, Indonesia, misalnya, meski memiliki potensi
tenaga air sebesar 450 megawatt—setara 5% dari total energi terbarukan—
pembangunan PLTA masih dianggap kurang ekonomis. Padahal, menurut
sejumlah ahli, cadangan minyak kita tinggal 3,7 miliar barrel dan diperkirakan
habis 11 tahun lagi.
The harnessing of renewable energy by the mining industry is likely to
continue. However, there are immense costs associated with building
new installations. This is why Indonesia, for example, considers the
development of hydroelectric power stations as economically unviable
despite having 450 megawatts of potential hydropower (constituting 5%
of total renewable energy) and despite experts’ estimation that we have
only 3.7 billion barrels of oil reserves left, which will be depleted in 11
years’ time.
Laporan utama Halo Vale kali ini mengangkat tema pemanfaatan energi
terbarukan dalam industri pertambangan dunia. Apa saja manfaat dan
mudaratnya? Bagaimana pula kebijakan Vale sebagai perusahaan mineral
kelas dunia? Perusahaan mana saja yang telah melakukannya?
Halo Vale’s main report looks at the harnessing of renewable energy
sources by the mining industry. What are its benefits and disadvantages?
What is Vale’s policy on this as a global mining company? Which
companies are already using renewable energy?
Dalam rubrik “Kinerja” kami sajikan bagaimana Tim Process Plant Maintenance
mampu menghemat waktu dan tenaga dengan melakukan tiga inovasi penting. Juga inovasi yang dilakukan Tim Improvement Surge Bin Gate serta Tim
Improvement Apron Feeder. Kampanye berhemat dengan berinovasi selama
ini telah membuahkan hasil.
In the “Performance” column, we demonstrate how the Process Plant
Maintenance Team has made three important time and energy-saving
innovations. The Surge Bin Gate Improvement Team and the Apron Feeder
Improvement Team have also made innovations. These actions show that
the campaign to save through innovation is producing results.
Dalam rubrik-rubrik lain, Anda, Pembaca, bisa menyimak serba-informasi
yang kiranya tak kalah menarik. Kami senantiasa berupaya sajian Halo
Vale bermanfaat buat Anda sebagai karyawan mapun sebagai manusia
Other columns in this edition contain information that you will find no less
interesting. We sincerely hope that Halo Vale is beneficial to you, whether
you are an employee or whether you consider yourself a learning being.
Selamat membaca.
Pelindung/Patron: Board of Directors PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, Penasihat/Advisor: Basrie Kamba (Director of Communications & External Affairs), Penanggung jawab/Editors in Chief: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud (GM Communications) Redaksi Pelaksana/ Managing Editor: Sihanto B. Bela, Redaksi/
Editors: Nala Dipa Alamsyah, Nuki Adiati, Maman Ashari, Fotografer/Photographer: Doni Setiadi, Desain & Tata Letak/Design & Layout: Rohman
Hidayat Yuliawan, Alamat Redaksi/Address: Jl. Ternate No. 44 Sorowako, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Telp. 021-5249100, Ext. 9628 & 3656,
Fax. 021-5289587.
Redaksi Halo Vale menerima sumbangan naskah dari pembaca. Naskah ditulis dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti dan populer. Panjang naskah maksimal satu setengah halaman kuarto, spasi satu setengah. Sertakan foto atau ilustrasi baik gambar maupun grafik jika diperlukan. Saran dan naskah dikirimkan ke alamat email editor: [email protected] dan [email protected].
Readers are welcome to contribute articles for publication in Halo Vale. Articles should be written in prose that is easy to understand, with a line-space of
1.5 and a maximum length of 1.5 A4 pages. Include photos or illustrations, drawings or graphs, if necessary. Please send suggestions and articles to the
editor at [email protected] and [email protected].
Anda dapat mengunduh Halo Vale versi digital (PDF) di vale.com/indonesia pada bagian Pers/Publikasi. Digital version of Halo Vale can be downloaded
from vale.com/indonesia on Press/Publication section.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Dalam 10 tahun terakhir, terjadi
tren peralihan energi fosil ke
energi terbarukan dalam industri
pertambangan. Investasi ratusan
juta dollar AS digelontorkan. Vale
melakukan hal serupa.
In the last 10 years, the trend
among mining companies has
been to switch from using fossil
fuel to renewable energy. Hundreds
of millions of dollars have been
invested. Vale has done something
Cover Design:
Rohman Yuliawan
Energi Terbarukan: Tren Industri Pertambangan Dunia
Renewable Energy: Trending in
the Global Mining Industry
Mereka Melirik Energi Non-fosil Looking to Non-Fossil Energy Energi Hijau dalam Produksi Vale Green Energy in Vale’s Production Dari Brazil hingga Mozambik From Brazil to Mozambique Sulawesi Selatan Kaya Sumber Energi Alternatif
South Sulawesi: Rich in Alternative Energy Sources
PT Vale Sempurnakan Sistem
Waspada Banjir
PT Vale’s Improves Its Flood Warning
Mengulik Komponen Furnace Agar Lebih Fleksibel
Studying Furnace Components
to Create Flexibility Dari Jaket Isolator hingga Spacer di Pan Track Dryer
From Isolator Jacket to Spacers
in Pan Track Dryer
Antena Merah, Pembaca Cuaca Otomatis
The Red Antenna, an Automatic
Weather Reader
Persaingan Sehat Para Penerima 46
Beasiswa Komunitas Healthy Competition among 48
Community Scholarship Recipients
Anak Ceria, Kebanggaan Orangtua 50
Happy Children: the Pride and Joy 52
of Parents
Nursery untuk Luwu Timur
Nursery for Luwu Timur
Amriani: Mengolah Data Sampel
Amriani: Processing Data from Exploration Samples
ETC: Bersenang-senang 62
Mengayunkan Raket
ETC: Happily Swinging their Rackets 64
Jangan Anggap Remeh Cacar Air 66
Do Not Underestimate Chickenpox 68
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Dear Halo Vale,
Saya sangat tertarik dengan berita-berita kesehatan. Namun saya
melihat belakang ini Halo Vale kurang intens mengulas isu tersebut,
khususnya profil suatu penyakit, ciri, dan bagaimana pencegahannya.
Selama ini, saya cuma bisa menemukan dan membaca artikel dengan
topik tersebut di intranet atau rumah sakit yang aksesnya terbatas.
Padahal kalau Halo Vale mengulas topik suatu penyakit, tentu bisa
dibaca keluarga saya yang ada di rumah.
S u ki r man L au [MEM Petea ]
Dear Halo Vale,
I am very interested in health-related articles but I have noticed lately
that Halo Vale’s health topics have not been covered exhaustively,
particularly in discussing the profile, characteristics and prevention
of a disease. Presently, the only way I can find information and read
articles on such topics are through the intranet or from the hospital,
to which I have limited access. If Halo Vale provided more coverage on
various diseases, all the members of my family could read about them
at home.
S u ki r m a n L a u [M E M Pe te a ]
Di setiap edisi Halo Vale, isu-isu kesehatan kami ulas di rubrik ”Sehat Selamat”.
Seperti di edisi 8 (April-2014) kami membahas topik kebaikan mengonsumsi ikan
untuk jantung sehat. Sedangkan di edisi 6 tentang serba-serbi penyakit diabetes.
Namun, konten rubrik tersebut juga kami variasikan dengan artikel keselamatan
secara bergantian di setiap edisinya agar pembaca tidak merasa bosan. Seperti di
edisi 6 (November-2013) contohnya, kami mengulas tentang berkendara aman.
Health issues in Halo Vale can be found in our “Safe Health” column. In our eighth
edition (April-2104), for example, we discussed the benefits of consuming fish for
a healthier heart. In Edition 6, we discussed aspects of diabetes. We alternate the
column’s topics between health and safety issues so readers are less likely to become
Dear Halo Vale,
Saran saya versi digital Halo Vale (format PDF) sebaiknya disimpan di
server Vale dan dibuatkan link di Intranet agar bisa diakses dari PC/
laptop karyawan. Sebab, versi cetaknya, biasanya saya bawa pulang
agar keluarga saya di rumah dapat membacanya. Salam dan terima
Zulfik ar [ETDS & Central Engineering Depar tment]
Digitalisasi Halo Vale (versi PDF) sebenarnya sudah kami lakukan sejak pertengahan
tahun lalu. Setiap edisi terbaru rilis maupun edisi-edisi sebelumnya, pembaca dapat
mengakses dan mengunduhnya melalui www.vale.com/indonesia. File PDF Halo Vale
dapat ditemukan dengan cara mengklik section “Press” dilanjutkan masuk ke subsection “Publications”. Ukuran file juga moderat (10-18Mb) dengan kualitas baik dan
nyaman untuk Anda baca di PC/laptop.
Saya saran konten Halo Vale kelak bisa lebih banyak meliput dan
mengangkat topik yang dekat dengan keseharian karyawan.
Bentuknya bisa berupa liputan bersambung tentang aktivitas tiap
departemen/section di PT Vale. Saya yakin karyawan akan senang
membaca hal-hal yg dekat dengan pekerjaan mereka, apalagi kalau
foto mereka bisa masuk ke Halo Vale. Salam.
Yunita Rachmuddin [ETDS & Central Engineering Depar tment]
Terima kasih masukannya. Topik-topik yang dekat dengan realitas karyawan PT Vale
memang kami prioritaskan di setiap edisi Halo Vale, khususnya di “Laporan Utama”.
Kami pernah mengulas seperti topik ini, seperti di edisi 2 (Agustus 2012) tentang
hobi karyawan dan kontraktor PT Vale atau edisi 5 (September 2013) tentang kiat
dan persiapan menghadapi pensiun bagi karyawan. Kalau pun topik tersebut tidak
terakomodasi di rubrik Laporan Utama, kami menyajikannya di rubrik “Interaksi” atau
“Profil”. Kami juga dengan senang hati bila menerima informasi aktivitas-aktivitas
menarik para pekerja PT Vale. Silakan informasikan ke meja redaksi. Salam.
Dear Halo Vale,
I would like to suggest that digital versions of Halo Vale (in PDF format)
be kept in Vale’s server and linked to the intranet so they are accessible
from employees’ PCs/ laptops. I usually take home the printed version
for my family to read. Thank you and best regards.
Zulfik ar [ETDS & Central Engineering Depar tment]
We started providing digital (PDF) versions of Halo Vale from the middle of last year.
Each new edition, as well as older ones, can be accessed and downloaded from www.
vale.com/indonesia. The PDF files of Halo Vale can be found by clicking on the “Press”
section followed by the “Publications” sub-section. The files are moderately sized (1018 Mb) and have good quality text that is easy to read on PCs/ laptops.
I would like to suggest that Halo Vale increase its coverage of topics
related to the daily lives of employees. This could be in the form of
a sequence of articles on the activities of each department/ section
at PT Vale. I’m sure employees will be happy to read about issues
closely related to their work, particularly if their photos feature in the
magazine. Best regards.
Yunita Rachmuddin [ETDS & Central Engineering Depar tment]
Thank you for your input. We do in fact prioritize topics that are close to employees’
daily lives, particularly in our “Main Report” – we featured the hobbies of PT Vale’s
employees and contractors in Edition 2 (August 2012) and offered tips on and
preparations for retirement in Edition 5 (September 2013). If such topics cannot be
accommodated in the “Main Report”, we place them in the “Interactions” or “Profile”
columns. We would be happy to receive any information on the interesting activities of
employees. Best wishes.
Kirimkan kritik, saran, dan tanggapan Anda tentang Halo Vale ke internal.
[email protected] atau kirimkan surat ke DP 23B. Surat yang dimuat
akan mendapatkan suvenir menarik. Pengirim surat pembaca yang dimuat,
silahkan mengambil suvenir di Communications & External Affairs
Department pada hari dan jam kerja.
Send your opinion, comment and feedback about Halo Vale to [email protected] or letters to DP 23B. For each letter published will receive a souvenir.
For letter senders, kindly pick up your souvenir at Communications & External Affairs
Department during the days and working hour.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Energi Terbarukan:
Tren Industri
Pertambangan Dunia
Industri pertambangan dunia ramai-ramai
memanfaatkan energi terbarukan. Investasi
ratusan juta dollar AS digelontorkan.
Pekerja PT Vale dengan latar belakang kanal PLTA Larona.
Pembangkit listrik yang mulai dioperasikan pada 1979
silam ini adalah bagian dari strategi perusahaan dalam
memanfaatkan energi terbarukan sekaligus menghemat
biaya produksi.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Empat unit kincir angin raksasa menjulang tinggi di Lac de
Gras, barat laut Kanada. Instalasi itu dibangun perusahaan
tambang berlian Diavik, anak perusahaan Rio Tinto, tahun
2003 untuk menekan biaya produksi. Menambang di daerah
subartik, dengan suhu minus 40 derajat Celcius selama 10 bulan setiap tahunnya, bukan perkara mudah. Dengan medan
seperti itu, 100 kendaraan tambang Diavik butuh bahan bakar ekstra.
Memang, kincir angin tersebut bukan untuk menggantikan
kebutuhan bahan bakar kendaraan berat, melainkan buat
pabrik pengolahan. Tahun pertama kincir angin beroperasi,
2013, Diavik mampu menghemat bahan bakar solar pabrik
pengolahan hingga 4 juta liter atau 10% dari kebutuhan bahan bakar solar. Termasuk 8,5% kebutuhan listrik untuk fasilitas pendukung operasional seperti perkantoran dan jalan
Kilang gas bumi (LNG) Tangguh di Teluk Bintuni, Papua Barat,
menampung cadangan gas sekitar 14,4 triliun kaki kubik dari enam
lokasi pengeboran gas alam. Indonesia memiliki total cadangan
LNG sebesar 103 triliun kaki kubik (3% cadangan dunia). Potensi
yang telah dimanfaatkan baru sebesar 28%.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
”Selama ini kami terlalu mengandalkan solar. Ternyata keputusan itu kurang menguntungkan. Keberadaan kincir angin
ini mampu mengurangi biaya produksi, sekaligus mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca sebesar 6% per tahun atau sebanyak 12 ribu ton,” ujar COO Diavik Diamond Mine, Alasdair
Vale melakukan hal serupa. Perusahaan ini membangun kincir angin berkapasitas 140 megawatt di Rio Grande do Norte,
timur laut Brasil. Vale bermitra dengan Pacific Hydro, perusahaan pengembang energi terbarukan asal Australia. Biaya
investasinya mencapai 310 juta dollar AS atau sekitar Rp3,5
triliun .
Catatan Navigant Research, lembaga riset energi di Amerika
Serikat, dalam 10 tahun terakhir, terjadi tren peralihan energi fosil ke energi terbarukan dalam industri pertambangan.
Menurut Direktur Navigant Research, Kerry Ann Adamson,
sejumlah faktor menjadi pemicunya. Pertama, semakin modern peralatan pertambangan, semakin besar energi yang
“Bagi perusahaan pertambangan, isu lingkungan dan menekan biaya energi adalah isu utama saat ini. Hal itu berpengaruh pada posisi mereka di pasar dunia. Situasi ini hanya bisa
diatasi dengan memanfaatkan energi terbarukan,” Kerry
Menurut Frost & Sullivan, lembaga riset ekonomi di San Antonio, Amerika Serikat, otomasi peralatan pertambangan
memang ibarat pisau bermata dua. Satu sisi, mempermudah
operasional dan meningkatkan kinerja pabrik. Di sisi lain,
dibutuhkan anggaran tambahan. Otomasi membutuhkan
sumber energi-terutama energi fosil-yang tidak kecil. Juga
belanja upgrade atau penggantian alat.
Di Rusia dan Eropa, tren otomasi itu dijadikan pemicu untuk
mengonversi bahan bakar fosil menjadi energi terbarukan.
Muncul pula fenomena penggantian komponen pabrik/operation yang lebih irit bahan bakar.
Frost & Sullivan menyebutkan, kini banyak industri pertambangan di benua tersebut mengganti komponen elektrik
motor dan electric drives-nya dengan spesifikasi irit energi.
Tercatat, alat-alat modern tersebut rata-rata mampu menekan konsumsi energi sebesar 20-25%.
“Dari fenomena itu, tahun 2012, perputaran uang dari pembelian komponen industri pertambangan yang lebih irit
energi menembus angka 221,3 juta dollar AS. Sedangkan
pada 2017, angka tersebut bakal naik menjadi 272,6 juta
dollar AS,” ujar Maryna Osipova, analis Automation & Process
Control Research Industrial Frost & Sullivan.
Investasi Melejit
Belanja alat produksi irit energi itu otomatis mempengaruhi
membengkaknya investasi energi terbarukan. Prediksi Navigant Research, angkanya bakal menembus 8,4 miliar dollar
AS pada 2016 dan melejit menjadi 20 miliar dollar AS empat
tahun kemudian, 2020. Hal itu juga mempengaruhi nilai kapitalisasi perusahaan pertambangan di dunia dalam memanfaatkan energi terbarukan, yakni naik sebesar 26% dalam
lima tahun ke depan, 2014-2019.
Dalam investasi pembangunan instalasi energi terbarukan
ini, kawasan Asia diprediksi menjadi juara dengan total nilai
9,4 miliar dollar AS pada 2020. Sementara Benua Amerika
dibutuhkan. Kedua, harga bahan bakar industri-khususnya
solar—senantiasa naik setiap periode. Ketiga, isu lingkungan
kerap melanda perusahaan pertambangan.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
menembus 4,6 miliar dollar AS pada periode yang sama. Dari angka itu, total daya yang dihasilkan dari pemanfaatan energi terbarukan mencapai 505 megawatt di Asia. Sementara
di seluruh dunia mencapai 1.438 megawatt.
Dalam periode yang sama, 2020, analis Fierce Energy, Barbara Vergetis Lundin, menyebutkan, energi terbarukan mampu
menyuplai tenaga untuk produksi industri pertambangan
sebesar 5-8%. Sebagian besar mengandalkan tenaga angin,
disusul tenaga air dan surya. Angka 505 megawatt tersebut
sebenarnya tidak begitu menggembirakan, mengingat mesin-mesin pabrik industri pertambangan masih menggunakan solar demi memperoleh daya sebesar 493 megawatt.
Cina disebut-sebut sebagai negara di Asia yang paling getol
membangun instalasi energi terbarukan. Bahkan pemerintahnya memutuskan untuk memanfaatkan energi terbarukan sebagai agenda kebijakan ekonomi dan bisnis yang
utama. Hingga 2014, Cina telah memiliki 75 gigawatt listrik
yang bersumber dari kincir angin dengan nilai investasi
mencapai 430 miliar dollar AS. Targetnya 200 gigawatt pada
Uni Eropa hingga saat ini baru mampu memiliki 90 gigawatt
listrik dari sumber yang sama. ”Tujuh tahun lalu, kami hanya
mampu membuat satu turbin angin dalam dua hari. Tapi kini, kami mampu mendirikan dua turbin angin dalam sehari,”
ujar Jiang Bo, engineer manufaktur kincir angin Goldwind,
mendeskripsikan agresifnya Cina dalam memanfaatkan energi terbarukan.
PLTA Balambano yang dioperasikan PT Vale
mampu memasok daya listrik rata-rata 110 MW.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Menurut Dan Armstrong dalam tulisannya di T Magazine,
“Higher Oil Prices Spur Production of Renewable Energy
Sources”, fenomena pemanfaatan energi terbarukan bakal
terus berkembang. Apalagi regulasi pemerintah-khususnya
di beberapa negara maju-disertai insentif. Di Eropa dan
Amerika, misalnya, setidaknya ada 60 negara memberikan
insentif bagi sektor swasta yang memanfaatkan energi terbarukan dalam proses produksi dan operasionalnya.
Namun konversi energi konvensional menjadi non-fosil bukanlah pekerjaan mudah. Besarnya investasi pembangunan
instalasi dan pemetaan sumber energi terbarukan menjadi
tantangan yang dihadapi sektor swasta. “Misalnya di Amerika Serikat. Membangun PLTA dianggap paling mampu menghasilkan energi besar dengan nilai investasi lebih realistis,
namun tidak banyak sumber aliran sungai yang bisa dimanfaatkan,” ujar Robert L. Bradley Jr dalam bukunya Oil, Gas,
and Government: The U.S. Experience. Alhasil, hingga saat ini
Amerika Serikat hanya mampu menghasilkan listrik sebesar
79 gigawatt dari PLTA. Sebesar 80% bersumber dari air
terjun, dan dari total daya tersebut, hanya mampu memasok
9% kebutuhan energi listrik.
Di Indonesia, meski memiliki potensi tenaga air sebesar 450
gigawatt—5% dari total energi terbarukan—biaya pembangunan PLTA dianggap tidak kompetitif dan kurang ekonomis dibandingkan energi fosil. []
Renewable Energy:
Trending in the Global
Mining Industry
The world’s mining industries are all heading towards renewable
energy use. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested.
Four gigantic wind turbines rise above Lac de Gras, in
Canada’s northwest. They were installed in 2003 by diamond
mining company Diavik, a subsidiary of Rio Tinto, to reduce
production costs. Mining in the subarctic, with temperatures
reaching minus 40 degrees Celsius for 10 months a year
is not an easy feat. For terrains like this, Diavik’s 100 mine
vehicles need extra fuel.
“We have been relying too heavily on diesel, and this is not
beneficial. The wind farm has reduced production costs
while cutting back on greenhouse gas emissions by 6%
a year, or 12,000 tons,” said Diavik Diamond Mine COO,
Alasdair Martin.
“Bagi perusahaan per-Vale has done something similar. The company installed a
140 megawatt-capacity wind farm in Rio Grande do Norte,
Of course, the wind
farm is not there to provideisu
fuel for lingkuthe
in Brazil’s northeast. Partnering with Australian renewable
company’s heavy vehicles; it is intended for its processing
energy company Pacific Hydro, the investment came to
plant. In the firstngan
year, 2013, the
wind turbines
reduced the
$310 million.
biaplant’s diesel fuel consumption by up to 4 million liters, or
10% of its dieselya
This included 8.5%
for generating isu
electricity required by support facilities such as offices and
utama saat ini. Hal itu
berpengaruh pada posisi mereka di pasar dunia. Situasi ini hanya
bisa diatasi dengan memanfaatkan energi terbarukan,”
(Kerry Ann Adamson, Direktur Navigant
Edi si
i si Apr
J uni
i l 2014 I H alo Val e
American energy research agency Navigant Research
recorded that in the last 10 years, the trend among mining
companies has been to switch from using fossil fuel to
renewable energy. Navigant Research Director Kerry Ann
Adamson said there were several reasons for this. Firstly, as
mining equipment becomes more modern, the energy it
consumes increases. Secondly, the price of industrial fuel
– particularly diesel – rises every period. Thirdly, mining
companies are often subject to environmental issues.
“For miners, the environment and keeping energy costs
low are today’s priorities. These affect their position on the
global market. The situation can only be resolved using
renewable energy,” Kerry said.
According to economic research agency Frost & Sullivan in
San Antonio (USA), the automation of mining equipment
is a double-edged sword. On one side, it eases operations
and increases factory performance. On the other, it
requires a bigger budget. Automation requires
large amounts of energy – mostly
sourced from fossil fuels – as well
as upgrades or replacement
works on equipment.
In Russia and
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Europe, automation has triggered
efforts to replace energy from fossil
fuels with energy harnessed from
renewable sources. There have also been
efforts to replace energy-consuming factory/
operation components with those that are more energy
According to Frost & Sullivan, many miners on that
continent have swapped the electrical motors and drives
of their components with energy-saving ones. This
modernization of equipment has managed to reduce
energy consumption by 20-25%. “From this phenomenon
alone, the money circulating in 2012 from the purchase of
energy-saving mining components has exceeded $221.3
million. In 2017, this figure can be expected to
reach $272.6 million,” said Maryna Osipova, an
Industrial Automation and Process Control
Research analyst at Frost & Sullivan.
Soaring Investments
The purchase of energy-saving production
equipment has led to a rise in renewable
energy investments. Navigant Research
predicts that this will exceed $8.4 billion in
2016 and soar to $20 billion four years later,
by 2020. These investments will also affect the
capitalization of global mining companies in renewable
energies, which will increase by 26% in the next five years,
In terms of investments in renewable energy development,
Asia is predicted to lead with a total of $9.4 billion in 2020.
The American continent will reach $4.6 billion in the same
period. From these investments, a total of 505 megawatts of
power in Asia, and 1,438 megawatts throughout the world
will come from renewable energy.
In the same period until 2020, according to Fierce Energy
analyst Barbara Vergetis Lundin, renewable sources will
provide 5-8% of energy required by the mining industry
for production. Most of this will be harnessed from wind
energy, followed by hydro and solar power. The 505
megawatts of power mentioned above is actually not too
pleasing as mining equipment uses diesel fuel for producing
493 megawatts of energy.
China is said to be the leading country in Asia in developing
renewable energy. In fact, its government has included the
use of renewable energy in its main economic and business
policies. As of 2014, China produced 75 gigawatts of wind
turbine-generated power as a result of up to $430 billion in
investment. It has a target of producing 200 gigawatts by
The European Union currently produces just 90 gigawatts
of power from renewable sources. “Seven years ago, we
were able to make just one wind turbine every two days.
Now, we can install two wind turbines a day,” said Jiang
Bo, an engineer at wind turbine manufacturer Goldwind,
describing China’s aggressive efforts in renewable energy
According to Dan Armstrong, who wrote the article
“Higher Oil Prices Spur Production of Renewable
Energy Sources” in T Magazine, the trend of
harnessing renewable energy will continue to
grow, particularly if government regulations –
as evident in some developed countries – are
accompanied by incentives. At least 60 countries
throughout Europe and America, for instance,
provide incentives for those in the private sector
who use renewable energy in their production and
operational processes.
Making the change from conventional to non-fossil fuel
energy, however, is not easy. The biggest challenge for the
private sector is the great amount of investment required to
map out and develop renewable energy installations. “Take
the US, for example. It is considered that a hydroelectric
power generator produces the most energy using the most
realistic level of investment, but there are not many rivers
that can be utilized,” said Robert L. Bradley Jr in his book
Oil, Gas, and Government: The U.S. Experience. Consequently,
the US has only been able to produce 79 gigawatts of
hydroelectric power, of which 80% comes from waterfalls,
supplying just 9% of total electricity.
Despite having 450 gigawatts of
potential hydroelectric power
– 5% of total renewable
energy – Indonesia
considers development
of hydropower plants
uncompetitive and
economically unlucrative
compared to fossil fuel
power generators.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Cerita tentang mereka yang mencari
solusi cerdas untuk pertambangan
masa depan.
Mereka Melirik
Energi Non-fosil
Pembangkit listrik tenaga surya di Codelco, Chile
Selain Diavik Diamond Mine dan Vale yang memanfaatkan
angin untuk membuat turbin listrik, ada pula kisah perusahaan pertambangan Glencore Xstrata. Dengan kondisi alam
yang juga ganas di utara Quebec, Kanada, Glencore Xstrata
mengupayakan produksi listrik 10 MW dari tenaga angin
untuk memenuhi separo kebutuhan penambangan nikel dan
tembaga di Raglan Mine.
Lain lagi perusahaan pertambangan di lokasi beriklim tropis
maupun gurun. Pemimpin global pertambangan emas
yang beroperasi di lima benua, Barrick Gold Corporation,
memenuhi 19,4% kebutuhan listrik dari sumber daya terbarukan. Pemanfaatan tenaga surya secara terpusat, atau biasa
disebut solar farm, diterapkan di Nevada, AS. Sementara
turbin angin dataran tinggi menyuplai 10% kebutuhan energi
untuk pertambangan emas mereka di Veladaro, Argentina. Barrick saat ini sedang menjajaki kerja sama dengan
pemerintah Argentina untuk mengembangkan pembangkit
listrik geotermal tak jauh dari lokasi operasi pertambangan
Perusahaan penambangan dan pengolahan tembaga di Chile
yang berstatus BUMN, Codelco, membangun pembangkit listrik tenaga surya guna menggantikan 85% konsumsi bahan
bakar fosil. Dengan 2.620 panel surya di lahan seluas hampir
40.000 m2, instalasi milik Codelco terluas di dunia.
Perusahaan lain yang juga melirik tenaga surya adalah Cronimet Mining. Sebelumnya Cronimet menggunakan diesel generator sets (gensets) untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan
listrik, mulai dari kantor hingga infrastruktur pertambangan.
Kini, korporasi yang berbasis di Munich, Jerman, itu merancang, membangun, dan mengoperasikan pembangkit listrik
photovoltaic (PV) di lokasi pertambangan bijih kromium
mereka di Afrika Selatan.
Pembangkit listrik tenaga bayu yang dimanfaatkan oleh Barrick Gold
Corporation di Veladaro, Argentina.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Pertimbangan Cronimet, ratusan kilometer harus ditempuh
truk-truk besar pengangkut bahan bakar diesel ke lokasi pertambangan. Jika terjadi halangan dalam arus pasokan, mulai
dari penutupan jalan hingga cuaca buruk, pertambangan bisa berhenti beroperasi. Selain itu, harga bahan bakar diesel
yang naik 10-15% tiap tahun membuat Cronimet mesti mencari sumber energi alternatif.
Volcan adalah perusahaan asal Peru yang bergerak di bidang
eksplorasi seng, timah, tembaga, dan perak. Keberadaan sungai dan danau di Peru memungkinkan dibangunnya bendungan. Volcan yang menyadari potensi tersebut mengembangkan 11 unit PLTA di Sungai Baños, Chicrin, San José, dan
Rimac yang terletak di Lima dan Pasco. PLTA dengan kapasitas terpasang 41 MW tersebut bukan hanya untuk memasok
kebutuhan listrik area penambangan, melainkan juga bagi
Perusahaan Listrik Nasional Peru (SEIN). Volcan juga mengembangkan proyek-proyek PLTA lain dengan target kapasitas 60
Kondisi alam memang menjadi pertimbangan utama dalam
memilih sumber energi alternatif. Jika Cronimet memilih photovoltaic (PV) karena ketersediaan sinar matahari yang melimpah di Afrika, Volcan Compania Minera SAA (Volcan) melihat
air sebagai sumber energi.
Kincir angin Diavik di Sub-artik
Menekan Emisi
Melalui turbin angin, Rio Tinto berharap bisa mengurangi
pengnggunaan 4 juta liter diesel per tahun, sekaligus
menekan emisi CO2 sebanyak 12.000 ton. Dengan 4.158 panel
PV, diproyeksikan Cronimet dapat menghemat 3-3,4 juta liter
bahan bakar diesel per tahun.
Dalam proyek yang disebut Pampa Elvira Solar itu, panelpanel surya milik Codelco menghasilkan energi 51.800 megawatt jam termal (MWth) per tahun, sekaligus mengurangi
15.000 ton emisi karbondioksida. Pemangkasan diesel juga
berdampak pada berkurangnya 250 unit truk pengangkut bahan bakar ke lokasi pertambangan Codelco. Emisi gas rumah
kaca pun bisa semakin ditekan.
Salah satu PLTA yang dioperasikan Volcan, Baños V, dengan
kapasitas 9,2 MW menghasilkan energi yang cukup untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan listrik anak perusahaannya, Chungar.
Beroperasinya Baños V setara dengan menghapus emisi CO2
dari 7.000 kendaraan bermotor.
Baños V, yang telah terdaftar di United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), dapat merilis serta
menjual kredit karbon di bawah Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Protokol Kyoto. Sertifikasi tersebut memungkinkan Volcan mengeluarkan 35.000 kredit karbon tiap tahun
yang dapat diperjualbelikan dalam perdagangan luar negeri.
Panel surya milik Cronimet Mining, Afrika Selatan.
Bagi perusahaan pertambangan yang memiliki unit bisnis di
bidang energi, sumber daya terbarukan merupakan bisnis masa depan. Contohnya Teck. Perusahaan mineral dan energi di
Kanada ini semakin fokus mengembangkan sumber energi
terbarukan. Proyek Wintering Hills Wind Power Facility di Alberta merupakan investasi pertama Teck dalam pembangkit
listrik tenaga angin. Dengan 55 turbin angin berkapasitas total 88 MW, Wintering Hill dapat memasok listrik ke 35.000 rumah di Alberta, sekaligus mengurangi emisi CO2 200.000 ton
per tahun. []
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Looking to Non-Fossil Energy
A story of those seeking smart
solutions for mining in the future.
Besides Diavik Diamond Mine and Vale that harness wind
power for electricity, there is the story of mining company
Glencore Xstrata. The harsh conditions north of Quebec required Glencore Xstrata to produce 10 MW of wind turbinegenerated power to meet half the demand of its nickel and
copper mines in Raglan Mine.
Then there are miners operating in tropical and desert climates. Leading gold mining company Barrick Gold Corporation, which has operations on five continents, harnesses
19.4% of its energy from renewable sources. It has solar
farms in Nevada, USA as well as wind farms in the highlands
of Veladaro, Argentina – the latter supplying 10% of the
company’s gold mining energy requirements in that area.
Barrick is currently in negotiations with the Argentinian
government to develop a geothermal power plant near its
Veladaro mines.
Chilean state-owned copper mining and processing company Codelco has built a solar power generator to replace
85% of its fossil fuel-sourced energy. Its 2,620 solar panels
covering an area of almost 40,000 square meters is the largest in the world.
Cronimet Mining is another company interested in solar
power. In the past, Cronimet had been using diesel generator sets (gensets) to meet all its electricity demands – from
running offices to operating its mines – but the Munichbased company then designed, built and is now operating
a photovoltaic cell power-generator at its chromium ore
mining site in South Africa.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Cronimet calculated that its diesel fuel tanker trucks would
have to travel hundreds of kilometers to the mine site. Any
delays in supplies – as a result of anything from road closures to inclement weather – meant mining operations had
to stop. Another consideration was the cost of diesel fuel
which increased by 10-15% each year, requiring Cronimet to
find alternative energy
Natural landscapes are indeed the main consideration when
it comes to choosing alternative sources of energy. Cronimet chose to use photovoltaic (PV) energy because of the
abundant sunshine in Africa, while Volcan Compania Minera
SAA (Volcan) chooses hydropower for its energy source.
Volcan is a Peru-based company with interests in zinc, tin,
copper and silver exploration. The presence of rivers and
lakes in Peru meant it was feasible to build dams. Aware
of this potential, Volcan developed 11 hydropower plants
along the Baños, Chicrin, San José, and Rimac rivers in Lima
and Pasco. The hydroelectric power plants, with an installed
capacity of 41 MW, provide energy not only to the mine,
but also to Peru’s National Electric Company (SEIN). Volcan
is also developing other hydropower projects, with a target
capacity of 60 MW.
Reducing Emissions
Wind turbines are expected to reduce Rio Tinto’s annual
diesel fuel consumption of 4 million liters, and cut back CO2
emissions by 12,000 tons. Meanwhile, with 4,158 PV panels,
Cronimet is projected to save 3-3.4 million liters of diesel
fuel a year.
In a project called Pampa Elvira Solar, Codelco’s solar panels
produce 51,800 thermal megawatts (MWth) a year, reducing 15,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. The reduction
of diesel fuel consumption also means that 250 less tanker
trucks ply the roads to Codelco’s mines, thus further reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
One of Volcan’s hydropower plants, Baños V, has a 9.2MW
capacity; it produces enough electricity for its subsidiary,
Chungar. The effect of operating Baños V is equivalent to
cutting back CO2 emissions from 7,000 motor vehicles.
Baños V, which is registered with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), can release
and sell its carbon credits under the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM). The certificate allows
Volcan to issue 35,000 carbon credits each year that can be
traded on offshore markets.
The future of mining companies with businesses in the energy sector is in renewable resources. Take Teck for example.
The Canadian minerals and energy company has increased
its focus on developing renewable energy sources. The
Wintering Hills Wind Power Facility in Alberta is Teck’s first
investment in wind-powered electricity. Wintering Hill’s
55 wind turbines, with a total capacity of 88 MW, supplies
electricity to 35,000 houses in Alberta and reduces CO2
emissions by 200,000 tons a year.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Energi Hijau dalam Produksi Vale
Pengoperasian PLTA mampu menekan biaya pengolahan nikel PT Vale.
Bahan bakar merupakan komponen biaya produksi yang cukup menguras kas perusahaan pertambangan dunia. Dalam
setahun, diperkirakan komponen ini mengambil porsi 20-30%
biaya produksi perusahaan. Lebih daripada itu, harga bahan
bakar dunia kian tinggi dari tahun ke tahun.
Dalam catatan William G. Meister, peneliti dari Marston, situasi terparah pernah terjadi sepanjang 2003-2008, ketika harga solar dunia melonjak hingga ratusan persen. Di Benua
Amerika dan Afrika, kenaikan mencapai 300%. Ironisnya, kenaikan tertinggi justru terjadi di Indonesia, yakni 500%. Alhasil, kenaikan biaya produksi perusahaan pertambangan
di Indonesia mencapai hingga 46% dalam kurun waktu tersebut. Kenaikan juga terjadi pada tarif listrik-sumber energi
lain yang dibutuhkan industri pertambangan-sebesar 5%
dalam periode yang sama. Hitung punya hitung, komponen
energi kerap mengalahkan biaya tenaga kerja, suku cadang,
atau barang produksi seperti pipa baja.
Tingginya konsumsi bahan bakar dalam operasi perusahaan
pertambangan juga menjadi tantangan yang dihadapi PT Vale.
Pasalnya, sumber energi untuk pengoperasian pabrik pengolahan berasal dari pembangkit listrik termal (PLTU dan PLTD)
yang membutuhkan bahan bakar HSFO (high sulfur fuel oil)
dan HSD (high speed diesel). HSD juga digunakan untuk armada tambang PT Vale.
Konsumsi HSD PT Vale pada periode 2009—ketika PLTA Karebbe belum beroperasi mencapai 60 juta liter, dengan harga 0,56 dollar AS per barel. Nilainya setara 34% dari total biaya produksi pada tahun tersebut. Periode sebelumnya, 2008,
menembus angka 140 juta liter (0,90 dollar AS per barel) atau
memakan 38% biaya produksi.
Tahun 2011, konsumsi HSD mencapai 85 juta liter, atau 42%
dari biaya produksi dengan harga 0,86 dollar AS. Sedangkan
konsumsi HSFO pada 2009 senilai 70,9 juta dollar AS. HSFO
tahun 2010 senilai 95 juta dollar AS atau 78% dari biaya bahan bakar. Sedangkan pada 2011 dibutuhkan HSFO 2,4 juta
barel dengan harga 99,1 dollar AS.
Setahun setelah PLTA Karebbe beroperasi, Oktober 2011,
konsumsi HSD perlahan turun. Tahun 2012, kebutuhan HSD
”hanya” 55 juta liter atau 33% dari kebutuhan HSD. Meski
demikian, angka konsumsi HSD masif fluktuatif. Tahun 2013
sempat menembus total konsumsi 59 juta liter seiring meningkatnya target produksi.
Listrik Bertambah
Tangki HSD PT Vale. Konsumsi HSD sebagai pembangkit energi bagi pabrik
pengolahan ditekan konsumsinya dengan adanya PLTA.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Pembangunan PLTA Karebbe (beroperasi Oktober 2011, daya listrik rata-rata 90 megawatt) dan dua PLTA PT Vale sebelumnya, Larona (beroperasi 1979, daya listrik rata-rata 165
megawatt) dan Balambano (beroperasi 1999, daya listik rata-rata 110 megawatt) dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi konsumsi solar. ”Keberadaan Karebbe juga mampu menggantikan kebutuhan HSFO sebesar 400 ribu barel dan 64 juta liter
solar per tahun,” ujar Manager Operation of Hydro Plant PT
Vale Yusri Yunus.
PLTA Karebbe di aliran Sungai Larona, Luwu Timur.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
PLTA Karebbe juga untuk menyuplai energi sebesar 736 gigawatt per tahun atau senilai 33% kebutuhan listrik PT Vale.
Biaya pengolahan nikel PT Vale dengan pemanfaatan energi
PLTA lebih murah dibandingkan pembangkit listrik termal.
Dengan termal, dibutuhkan biaya 2,06 dollar AS per pon nikel. Sedangkan dengan PLTA hanya sebesar 1 sen dollar AS
untuk kuantitas yang sama.
Keberadaan PLTA Karebbe juga memberikan kemanfaatan
bagi aspek lingkungan, yakni menurunnya angka emisi
karbon sebesar 500 ribu metrik ton per tahun. PT Vale juga
menyu-plai listrik untuk masyarakat melalui Perusahaan
Listrik Negara (PLN) sebesar 8 megawatt kepada Pemerintah
Kabupaten Luwu Timur.
Tidak hanya di Indonesia, Vale di Brazil juga memanfaatkan
energi terbarukan melalui proyek pembangunan kincir anginnya (wind farm). Mengutip Datamark.com (22/6/2012), Vale
menginvestasikan 315 juta dollar AS untuk proyek kincir angin
dengan kapasitas terpasang 140 megawatt di Rio Grande do
Nortel, timur laut Rio de Janeiro.
Proyek bersama Pacific Hydro ini bertujuan untuk menyuplai
kebutuhan energi operasional tambang Vale di Brasil, yang
diproyeksikan meningkat 150% pada 2020 nanti. Direktur
Energi Vale Ricardo Mendes mengatakan, pemanfaatan energi terbarukan ini akan membuat biaya produksi Vale lebih
ekonomis dalam jangka panjang. ”Juga meningkatkan suplai energi sebesar 45-50% dan menghasilkan energi yang
dapat mengurangi emisi,” ujar dia.
Dalam kalkulasi Brian, dengan asumsi suatu pertambangan
beroperasi 10-50 tahun, tidak semua energi terbarukan pas
dengan operasi suatu perusahaan tambang. ”Paling realistis
dengan durasi operasi pertambangan tersebut dan investasinya. Hanya instalasi tenaga surya yang memiliki masa
pakai 20-25 tahun,” tutur Brian.
Salah satu cerita sukses pemanfaatan tenaga surya adalah
perusahaan Cronimet Mining Power Solution di Limpopo,
Afrika Selatan. Perusahaan ini memasang instalasi tenaga
surya untuk menghasilkan listrik 1 megawatt. Setara 60% kebutuhan energi operasi Cronimet dan menghemat 450 ribu
liter diesel setiap tahunnya.
Teknologi instalasi tenaga surya kini semakin mutakhir
dan produknya lebih murah. Catatan Departemen Energi
Amerika Serikat, pada 1980 harga listrik dari tenaga surya
per Kwh-nya mencapai 22 dolar AS. Sedangkan pada 2013
menyusut menjadi hanya 3 dollar AS (tarif menyusut 7% setiap tahun dari 1980-2013). Kondisi ini memicu pemanfaatan
tenaga matahari dan angin menjadi favorit industri pertambangan dunia. Puncaknya terjadi pada 2010, ketika pertumbuhan pembangunan instalasi energi terbarukan di industri
pertambangan dunia menembus hingga 73%. []
Menurut Brian Chistopher Greene dari Chadbourne & Parke,
perusahaan pertambangan dunia di masa depan memang
tidak mungkin lagi sepenuhnya mengandalkan energi fosil
untuk kegiatan operasinya. ”Isu lingkungan dan tidak ekonomisnya harga bahan bakar merupakan tantangan yang perlu diselesaikan,” ujar dia. Satu-satunya solusi adalah mulai
memanfaatkan energi terbarukan.
Kendati demikian, untuk beralih energi juga tidak gampang,
tambah Brian. Tidak semua area pertambangan memiliki sumber energi terbarukan yang cocok dengan kebutuhan operasi. Pembangunan instalasi energi terbarukan juga membutuhkan investasi yang tidak murah.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Tantangan Dunia Pertambangan
Panel surya Cronimet di Limpopo, Afrika Selatan.
Green Energy in
Vale’s Production
The Karebbe hydroelectric power plant
keeps PT Vale’s nickel processing
costs down.
Fuel is a major production cost that continually drains the world’s
mining companies. It is estimated that this component makes up
20-30% of total costs each year, valued at tens of millions of US
dollars. Add to this the ever-increasing price of fuel on the world
According to William G. Meister, a researcher from Marston, one
of the worst situations occurred between 2003 and 2008 when
global diesel prices skyrocketed. In America and Africa, prices
tripled. Most tragic, however, was in Indonesia where it went
up by 500%. The result was that the production cost of mining
companies in Indonesia increased by up to 46% during that period
while electricity rates – another important energy component in
mining – increased by 5%. Clearly, the energy component in cost
often exceeds costs associated with labor, spare parts or production
equipment such as steel pipes.
PT Vale too sees the high level of fuel consumption for mining
operations as a challenge. This is because the energy for operating
the company’s processing plant comes from thermal power stations
(a PLTU, or steam-driven power plant and a PLTD, or diesel-fueled
power plant) which require high sulfur fuel oil (HSFO) and high
speed diesel (HSD). HSD fuel is also used in PT Vale’s mining
PT Vale’s HSD consumption in 2009 – before the Karebbe
hydropower plant started operating – reached 60 million liters, at
$0.56 per barrel. This was 34% of total production cost that year. The
year before, in 2008, the figure amounted to 140 million liters (at
$0.90 per barrel) or 38% of production cost.
In 2011, HSD consumption reached 85 million liters at $0.86 per
barrel, comprising 42% of production cost. Meanwhile, HSFO
consumption in 2009 was recorded at $70.9 million and in 2010
it was $95 million, which was 78% of total fuel cost. In 2011, 2.4
million barrels of HSFO were required, costing $99.1.
A year after the Karebbe hydropower plant began operations, in
October 2011, HSD consumption started dropping. In 2012, “only”
55 million liters of HSD was required, representing 33% of HSD
needs. Nonetheless, HSD consumption figures still fluctuate. In
2013, the figure reached 59 million liters as production targets rose.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
(Clockwise) Larona dam, spillway at Karebbe dam, operator
at Balambano HEPP, and Balambano dam.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Increased Electricity
The development of Karebbe hydropower station (operating since
October 2011 with 90 megawatts of average electric power) and
PT Vale’s older hydropower plants, Larona (operating since 1979,
with 165 megawatts of average electric power) and Balambano
(operating since 1999, with 110 megawatts of average electric
power) were intended to reduce diesel consumption. “Having
Karebbe replaces the need for 400,000 barrels of HSFO and 64
million liters of diesel a year,” said PT Vale’s Hydro Plant Operation
Manager, Yusri Yunus.
Karebbe power plant also supplies 736 gigawatts of power a year,
which is 33% of PT Vale’s electricity demand. The cost of processing
nickel using hydro-generated energy is lower than if using thermalgenerated energy. If using thermal energy, the cost is $2.06 per
pound of nickel. If using hydro energy, the cost is 1 US cent.
Having the Karebbe power station is also more beneficial for the
environment as carbon emissions can be reduced by 500,000 metric
tons a year. PT Vale also supplies 5 megawatts of electricity to
local residents through the State Electricity Company (PLN) and 3
megawatts to the Luwu Timur regional government.
According to Brian’s calculations, not all renewable energies are
appropriate for a mining company, assuming that mines operate for
10-50 years. “Realistically it has to do with the duration of mining
activities and the investments that are made. Only solar power
installations have a lifetime of 20-25 years,” Brian said.
One of the success stories about the use of solar power comes from
Cronimet Mining Power Solution in Limpopo, South Africa. This
company has a solar-powered installation producing 1 megawatts
of electricity. This is 60% of the energy needed to operate Cronimet
and amounts to a savings of 450,000 liters of diesel fuel each year.
The technology to set up solar installations has become more
advanced, while the product has become cheaper. The US
Department of Energy recorded that in 1980, the price of solarpowered electricity was $22 per kilowatt hour. In 2013, this figure
has shrunk to just $3 (rates dropping 7% each year between 1980
and 2013). This condition triggered the harnessing of solar and
wind energy, which then became the favorites of global mining
companies. It reached a peak in 2010 when renewable energy
installation projects undertaken by global mining companies
grew by 73%.
These things are not only occurring in Indonesia. In Brazil, Vale
is also harnessing renewable energy through the development
of wind farms. According to Datamark.com (22/6/2012), Vale has
invested $315 million for a wind turbine project in Rio Grande do
Nortel, northeast of Rio de Janeiro, with an installed capacity of 140
The project, conducted in collaboration with Pacific Hydro, is
aimed at supplying energy for Vale’s mining operations in Brazil,
the demand for which is expected to increase 150% by 2020. Vale’s
Energy Director, Ricardo Mendes said renewable energy will enable
Vale’s production costs to be more economical in the long run. “It
will also increase energy supplies by 45-50% and generate energy
that reduces emissions,” he said.
Challenges in the Mining World
Brian Christopher Greene from Chadbourne & Parke said that future
global mining companies could no longer rely on fossil fuels to run
their operations. “Environmental issues and uneconomical fuel price
are challenges that must be resolved,” he said. The only solution was
to harness renewable energy.
However, it was not easy to change from one form of energy
source to another, Brian added. Not all mining areas have access to
renewable energy sources that match the needs of the operations.
The development of renewable energy installations also require
investments that are not cheap.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Dari Brazil
Berbagai proyek dan inisiatif
Vale dalam pemanfaatan energi
terbarukan untuk operasi dan
misi sosial-lingkungan.
Seperti yang telah diceritakan, isu lingkungan dan kian menipisnya
bahan bakar fosil menjadi perhatian serius perusahaan tambang
dunia. Tak terkecuali Vale. Perusahaan ini mengembangkan berbagai proyek pemanfaatan sumber energi alternatif ramah lingkungan dan terbarukan. Bukan sekadar hitung-hitungan ekonomi, di
balik proyek-proyek pengembangan itu tersimpan visi Vale menjadi
perusahaan pertambangan yang berkesinambungan dan memberi
manfaat bagi lingkungan dan sosial.
Selain proyek Biopalma, Vale juga memanfaatkan tenaga air (PLTA).
Layaknya operasi Vale di Sorowako, Indonesia, hal serupa dilakukan
di Brazil dan Kanada. Di Brazil, kebutuhan listrik operasi pertambangan Vale sebesar 1.158 megawatt disuplai oleh tujuh PLTA:
Igarapava, Porto Estrela, Funil, Candonga, Aimorés, Capim Branco I,
dan Capim Branco II. Semua memiliki total kapasitas terpasang 1.158
Angka tersebut lebih besar lagi bila PLTA Estreito di Sungai Tocantins dan Maranhao mulai beroperasi. Total jenderal, 21% kebutuhan
energi operasi Vale disuplai dari energi terbarukan. Selama empat
tahun berturut-turut Vale memperoleh penghargaan emas dari Brazilian GHG Protocol Program. Sebesar 196,9 juta dollar AS dialokasikan untuk proyek energi terbarukan. Angka ini merupakan bagian
dari total investasi senilai 1.280 miliar dollar AS, di mana 79%-nya
merupakan dana pengembangan proyek pro-lingkungan.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Salah satu proyek pengembangan energi alternatif yang dilakukan
adalah biodiesel kelapa sawit bernama “Biopalma”. Sejak beroperasi
Juni 2012, proyek biodiesel tersebut mengemban misi menekan biaya bahan bakar operasi pertambangan Vale dengan komposisi 20%
biodiesel dan 80% solar pada 2016. Kapasitas produksi pabrik Biopalma mencapai 25 ton per jam.
Vale juga memanfaatkan sumber energi gas dan batubara. Telah dibangun proyek Vitoria Integrated Thermoelectric Power Plant di Tubarao Complex, Esprito Santo, Brazil. Pembangkit listrik ini mampu
menghasilkan 580 megawatt untuk menyuplai energi pabrik pengolahan nikel pelet.
PLTA Estreito di Sungai Tocantins
dan Maranhao, Brazil.
Untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga batubara, Vale mengembangkan di
lokasi pertambangan batubara yang telah beroperasi sejak Juli 2011
di Moatize, Provinsi Tete, 1.500 kilometer utara ibukota Mozambik,
Maputo. Pembangkit tenaga berbasis batubara ini memiliki kapasitas terpasang sebesar 300 MW dengan nilai investasi 1 miliar dollar
AS. Tambang batubara Moatize sendiri memiliki kapasitas produksi
18 juta metrik ton per tahun.
Pengoperasian pembangkit listrik tenaga batubara ini hanya membuat emisi sulfurdioksida operasi pabrik Vale 0,6%. Dari total listrik
kapasitas terpasang 300 megawatt tersebut, 50 megawatt didistribusikan untuk kebutuhan listrik warga setempat. Proyek ini diharapkan beroperasi penuh pada kuartal pertama 2016.
Pusat Penelitian
Vale juga mengembangkan pusat penelitian bernama Vale Living
with Lakes Centre di Universitas Laurentian, Sudbury, Ontario, Kanada tahun 2008. Proyek senilai 20 juta dollar AS ini merupakan pusat belajar dan laboratorium untuk para peneliti ekologi air tawar,
restorasi lingkungan, perubahan iklim, dan pengembangan industri.
Suplai listrik gedungnya menggunakan energi panas bumi dan memanfaatkan air limbah sehingga mampu menghemat konsumsi listrik sebesar 77% dan air sebesar 88%. Fasilitas yang telah bersertifikasi LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) ini diproyeksikan menghemat biaya listrik dan air sebesar 1 juta dollar AS
dalam 25 tahun ke depan. []
Tambang batubara Vale
di Moatize, Mozambik.
Para peneliti melakukan riset metodologi eksplorasi geokimia
di area Living with Lake Center, Kanada.
Living with Lake Center
di Universitas Laurentian, Sudburry, Kanada.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Brazil to
Estreito dam at Tocantins and Maranhao rivers, Brazil.
As mentioned, environmental issues and the depletion of
fossil fuels are topics that are gaining the serious attention
of global miners, including Vale. The company has developed various projects aimed at harnessing alternative, environmentally-friendly and renewable energy sources. This is
not just about economic calculations; behind these projects
is Vale’s vision to become a sustainable mining company
that brings benefits to society and to the environment.
One of the schemes for developing alternative energy is the
“Biopalma” oil palm biodiesel project. The project, which
started in June 2012, is charged with the mission of reducing Vale’s mining operations fuel cost through the use of
20% biodiesel and 80% diesel by 2016. The Biopalma factory
has a production capacity of 25 tons an hour.
A showcase of Vale’s projects
and initiatives to harness
renewable energy for use in
mining operations and socialenvironmental missions.
Besides the Biopalma project, Vale also uses hydro power;
Vale’s operations in Brazil and Canada have hydroelectric
power plants similar to those in Sorowako, Indonesia. In
Brazil, the 1,158-megawatt electricity capacity required by
Vale’s mining operations is supplied by seven hydropower
stations: Igarapava, Porto Estrela, Funil, Candonga, Aimorés,
Capim Branco I and Capim Branco II. They have a total installed capacity of 1,158 megawatts.
The capacity will be even greater once the Estreito hydropower station on Tocantins and Maranhao rivers start
operating. In total 21% of Vale’s operations are powered
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
by renewable energy. For four consecutive years Vale has
received a gold award from the Brazilian GHG Protocol
Program. From a total investment of $1.280 billion, 79% are
pro-environment development funds and $196.9 million has
been allocated to renewable energy projects.
Vale also uses natural gas and coal for power. The Vitoria
Integrated Thermoelectric Power Plant at Tubarao Complex
in Espirito Santo, Brazil, supplies 580 megawatts of electricity to the company’s nickel pellet processing plant.
Vale has also developed a coal-fueled power station in
Moatize, Tete Province, 1,500 kilometers north of Mozambique’s capital, Maputo. Located near the Moatize coal mine,
the power station has been in operation since July 2011. It
has an installed capacity of 300 MW and was built with a
$1-billion investment. Meanwhile, the coal mine has a production capacity of 18 million metric tons a year.
Having this coal-fueled power generator means Vale’s operations create sulfur dioxide emissions, but only at 0.6%. From
the total installed capacity of 300 megawatts, 50 megawatts
are distributed to the local community. This project is expected to be fully operational by the first quarter of 2016.
Research Center
Vale’s coal mine at Moatize, Mozambique.
Vale has also developed a research center called Vale Living With Lakes Centre at Laurentian University in Sudbury,
Ontario, Canada. The $20 million project launched in 2008
is aimed at supporting research on freshwater ecology,
environmental restoration, climate change and industry
For electricity, the building utilizes geothermal energy and
wastewater, allowing savings on electricity consumption of
77% and water usage of 88%. It is estimated that the facility,
which has received a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certificate, will be able to reduce electricity and water utility bills by $1 million over the next
25 years. []
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Sulawesi Selatan Kaya
Sumber Energi Alternatif
Luwu Timur dikenal memiliki sumber energi berbasis air yang
mumpuni. Mana lagi di Sulawesi Selatan yang potensi energi
terbarukannya melimpah?
Beruntung Vale di Indonesia beroperasi di alam yang kaya
sumber energi terbarukan. Keberadaan Sungai Larona di
Luwu Timur—tempat pabrik pengolahan Vale di Sorowako
berada—mendukung kebutuhan energi aktivitas pertambangannya.
hektar, bioetanol mencapai 40.700 hektar, dan biogas
mencapai volume 1,2 juta ekor ternak. Dari potensi tersebut,
baru dikembangkan proyek pengembangan bioetanol di
Kecamatan Biring Bulu, Kabupaten Gowa, berkapasitas 2 x
20 kilowatt.
Luwu Timur hanya sebagian wilayah di Provinsi Sulawesi
Selatan yang memiliki sumber energi alternatif. Data Dinas
ESDM Sulawesi Selatan, provinsi dengan luas 62 ribu
kilometer persegi ini menyimpan potensi sumber energi
terbarukan, seperti PLTA dengan total kapasitas 2.946
megawatt, tersebar di 18 titik. Potensi mikrohidro berkapasitas 70,2 megawatt tersebar di 181 lokasi. Angka itu belum
termasuk potensi panas bumi (371 megawatt) yang tersebar
di 16 lokasi (seperti Limbong, Pararra, Pincara di Kabupaten
Luwu Utara), Bituang dan Sangala/Makula (Kabupaten Tana
Toraja), Tacipi (Kabupaten Bone), dan Masepe (Kabupaten
Hingga 2013, Sulawesi Selatan memiliki listrik sebesar
1.030 megawatt dari sumber energi terbarukan. Kebutuhan
energi, menurut Dinas ESDM Sulawesi Selatan, lebih besar.
Apalagi dalam beberapa tahun ke depan akan hadir sekitar
10 smelter.
Dari potensi tersebut, berapa banyak yang telah dimanfaatkan? Untuk PLTA baru mencapai 518 megawatt. Mini hidro
sebesar 10,6 megawatt. Tenaga surya melalui solar home
system (SHS) sebanyak 14 ribu unit lebih dengan masingmasing unit berkapasitas 10 dan 50 watt per jam.
Pembangkit listrik tenaga surya baru berhasil dikembangkan di Kabupaten Pangkep, berdaya 1 megawatt. Sedangkan di Pulau Selayar terdapat proyek pemanfaatan energi
angin untuk menghasilkan listrik berdaya 2 x 100 megawatt.
Bioenergi juga memiliki potensi besar, mengingat ketersediaan lahan di Sulawesi Selatan masih banyak. Data
Dinas ESDM menyebutkan, lahan untuk budidaya tanaman
penghasil bioenergi seperti biodiesel mencapai 601.992
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Kebijakan Energi Nasional
Pemanfaatan energi terbarukan merupakan salah satu
kebijakan pembangunan Indonesia, sebagaimana termaktub dalam Keputusan Presiden No.5 Tahun 2006 tentang
Kebijakan Energi Nasional dan Undang-Undang No. 30
Tahun 2007 tentang Energi. Roadmap pengembangan energi Indonesia itu menyebutkan, target pemanfaatan energi
terbarukan pada 2025 mencapai 25% dari total kebutuhan
energi nasional. Kebijakan itu sejalan dengan target Perserikatan Bang-bangsa untuk mendorong pemanfaatan energi
terbarukan dua kali lipat dari 15% hingga 30% pada 2030 di
seluruh dunia.
Untuk merealisasikan program-program pemanfaatan energi alternatif dalam 15 tahun ke depan, Indonesia diperkirakan membutuhkan dana investasi sebesar Rp134,6 triliun.
Dari porsi itu, kebutuhan investasi di Sulawesi diperkirakan
mencapai Rp15,77 triliun, sedangkan Jawa Rp86,3 triliun.
Saat ini beberapa program telah diimplementasikan berupa
listrik pedesaan, pengembangan biogas, Desa Mandiri
Energi (DME), Integrated Microhydro Development Program
(IMIDAP), PLTS perkotaan, dan pengembangan biofuel. []
Power Plant PT Energy Sengkang
yang menghasilkan listrik dari gas alam.
Kincir air PLTMH hasil swadaya warga Desa Bacubacu,
Kecamatan Pujananting, Kabupaten Barru. Desa ini memiliki
13 PLTMH dengan total daya yang dihasilkan mencapai 101 KWh.
Pipa PLTMH Bungin di Kecamatan Bungin, Kabupaten Enrekang.
PLTMH ini mampu memasok daya listrik sebesar 90 KWh.
Di Kecamatan Bungin terdapat 3 PLTMH.
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya di Pulau Karanrang, Kecamatan Liukang Tupabbiring
Utara, Kabupaten Pangkep.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Microhydro instalation at Bacubacu, Pujananting, Barru Regency.
South Sulawesi:
Rich in Alternative
Energy Sources
Luwu Timur is well-known
for its abundant water-based
resources. Where else in
South Sulawesi can potential
renewable energy sources be
found in abundance?
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
In Indonesia, Vale is extremely lucky to be operating in an
environment rich in renewable energy sources. The Larona
River in Luwu Timur, where Vale has its processing plant in
Sorowako, helps to provide the energy needed for the company’s mining activities.
Luwu Timur is only one part of South Sulawesi Province
with alternative energy sources. Data from the South
Sulawesi Energy and Mineral Resources Office states that
the province, at 62,000 square kilometers, has 18 points at
which renewable energy resources can be used to develop hydroelectric power stations, potentially producing
2,946 megawatts of electricity. The province’s micro hydro
potential, with a capacity of 70.2 megawatts, is distributed
at 181 locations. Then there is its geothermal potential of
371 megawatts at 16 locations (such as Limbong, Pararra
and Pincara in Luwu Utara Regency), Bituang and Sangala/
Makula (Tana Toraja Regency), Tacipi (Bone Regency) and
Masepe (Sidrap Regency).
PT Energy Sengkang Power Plant
From these potential resources, how much has been used?
For hydropower, only 518 megawatts; for mini hydro, 0.6
megawatts; and from solar energy – in the form of solar
home systems – there are more than 14,000 units, with a
capacity of 10 to 50 watts per hour.
The only solar-powered electric generator that has been
successfully developed is the one in Pangkep Regency, with
a capacity of 1 megawatt. In Pulau Selayar, a wind-powered
project generates 2 x 100 kilowatts.
There is also potential in bioenergy because South Sulawesi
has large areas of arable land. According to the Energy and
Mineral Resources Office, there are 601,992 hectares of land
that can potentially be used for biodiesel-source plantations, 40,700 hectares for bioethanol-source plantations, as
well as 1.2 million cattle for producing biogas. So far, there
has only been a bioethanol development project in Biring
Bulu Subdistrict, Gowa Regency, with a capacity of 2 x 20
Solar panels at Karanrang, Pangkep regency.
National Energy Policy
Utilizing renewable energy is one of Indonesia’s development policies as stated in Presidential Decree No. 5 of 2006
on the National Energy Policy and Law No. 30 of 2007 on
Energy. According to these energy-sector development
roadmaps, the aim is to source 25% of total national energy
requirements from renewable sources by 2025. This policy
aligns with the target set by the United Nations, which
encourages the worldwide doubling of renewable energy
utilization from 15% to 30% by 2030.
To implement alternative energy developments in Indonesia
for the next 15 years, it is estimated that the country will
require IDR134.6 trillion in investments. From this amount,
Sulawesi will need IDR15.77 trillion and Java IDR86.3 trillion. Some programs have already started, including village
electrification works; biogas and biofuel developments;
as well as Energy Self-Sufficient Village (DME), Integrated
Micro Hydro Development (IMIDAP) and urban solar power
programs. []
As of 2013, South Sulawesi has 1,030 megawatts of electricity from renewable energy sources. But more is required, according to the South Sulawesi Energy and Mineral Resources
Office, especially considering that in a few years’ time there
will be 10 new smelters.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
PT Vale Sempurnakan Sistem
Waspada Banjir
PT Vale menambah 2 unit pelantang sirene dan 5 tower
radio pemancar sebagai flood warning system.
Bencana banjir merupakan kejadiaan alam yang bisa terjadi kapan
pun di daerah aliran sungai (DAS) dan sekitarnya yang mengakibatkan korban jiwa dan kehilangan materi. Di Luwu Timur, daerah
Karebbe, Malili, dan sekitarnya, merupakan daerah cukup rentan
ancaman banjir karena terdapat aliran Sungai Larona yang membentang di wilayah tersebut.
Namun bencana banjir dapat dicegah dan diminimalisir dampaknya. Berbagai prosedur dan regulasi kesiapsiagaan dan penanganan
banjir telah diatur pemerintah. Salah satunya adalah kewajiban
pembangunan sistem peringatan banjir (flood warning system).
PT Vale sebagai pihak yang memanfaatkan aliran sungai Larona
untuk menghasilkan energi terbarukan melalui pembangkit listrik
tenaga airnya (PLTA ), kini menambah sistem peringatan banjir atau
juga disebut hydro flood warning system (FWS) di dua titik lagi, yakni
Telkom Station yang berada 5 kilometer dari simpang jalan menuju
Lampia dan Pelabuhan Balantang.
Dengan keberadaan dua unit tambahan itu, total pelantang sirene
FWS di daerah Karebbe dan Malili berjumlah empat unit. Dua
sisanya berstatus existing (telah ada/dibuat ketika pembangunan
PLTA Larona dan PLTA Balambano) berada di Karebbe Station (persimpangan jalan Malili-Lampia) dan Klinik Malili. Karena fungsinya
sebagai peringatan kepada warga yang di sekitar aliran sungai,
pelantang sirene ditempatkan di titik-titik yang berdekatan dengan
permukiman penduduk.
Menurut Senior Automation Engineer PT Vale Wahyudi, pembangunan FWS tersebut merupakan ketentuan yang diatur pemerintah dari beroperasinya bendungan Karebbe akhir 2011 lalu. “Sesuai
regulasi, setiap pembangunan Dam perlu dilengkapi sistem peringatan banjir, termasuk PLTA Karebbe. Maka itu, pembangunan
sirene peringatannya di dekat wilayah permukiman warga,” ujar dia.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Selain komponen pelantang sirene, proyek FWS juga menggarap
pembangunan tower radio pemancar. “Titik-titik radio pemancarnya
kami tambah agar semua FWS terkoneksi dengan baik dan terhindar dari failure. Jumlahnya jadi ada tujuh, dua di antaranya existing,”
ujar dia.
Radio pemancar berfungsi untuk mengirimkan sinyal peringatan ke
pelantang sirene bila level ketinggian air sungai dianggap melebihi
batas normal atau berpotensi banjir. Sedangkan untuk memantau
ketinggian air sungai dilakukan operator yang berada di control
room PLTA. “Bila ketinggian air sungai dianggap tidak aman, maka
operator tersebut yang menekan alarm untuk mengaktifkan sirene
peringatan banjir,” tambah Wahyudi.
Proyek senilai Rp1,5 miliar yang dimulai pada September 2013 lalu,
melibatkan multi disiplin dari Departemen Maintenance System
Engineering PT Vale yang terdiri dari instrument, electrical, civil, dan
Sedangkan teknologi radio pemancar nirkabel dipilih karena area
pemasangan tower memiliki medan yang cukup ekstrem; berbukit
dan bebatuan. Untuk menyempurnakan kinerja empat unit pelantang sirene tersebut, terdapat tujuh titik tower radio pemancar yang
berada di Top Dam Karebbe, Dormitory Karebbe, Karebbe Station,
Malili Klinik, Telkom Station, Balantang Tower, dan Balantang
Medan yang ekstrem tersebut, menurut Project Engineer Asrul
Gani Gaffar menjadi tantangan dalam aplikasi proyek. “Khususnya
ketika mensurvei titik dan ketika pembangunan tower. Medan yang
ekstrem menjadi tantangan tersendiri buat kami,” ujar Asrul. Apalagi
tinggi tower mencapai 20 hingga 48 meter dari permukaan tanah.
Hal tersebut dibenarkan Civil Engineer Abdul Muis. “Survei spot
pembangunan tower merupakan titik krusial proyek ini. Karena
lokasi tersebut harus mampu memancarkan sinyal radio dengan
baik,” ungkap Abdul Muis.
Pasca penentuan spot tower yang digawangi tim civil, giliran tim
electrical yang ditantang untuk bisa membuat lighting road di area
tower yang berbatu, namun radio pemancar tetap dapat bekerja
normal dan stabil. “Selain membuat antena, tim electrical sekaligus
lingkungan kerja aman dari gangguan akibat petir,” ujar Electrical
Engineer Nixon Manik.
Untuk keamanan tersebut, tim electrical telah melengkapi instalasi
pemancar radio dengan lighting protector dan power supply yang
berasal dari solar cell. “Selain itu, kami juga sedang memikirkan soal
pengamanan gate (rumah antena dan instrumen FWS),” tambah
Proyek aplikasi FWS ini juga melibatkan rancangan in house tim PT
Vale, seperti solar cell sebagai sumber tenaga radio pemancar. Solar
cell tersebut mampu memenuhi kebutuhan listrik masing-masing
setiap pemancar sebesar 100 watt. Solar cell ini juga didesain tetap
mampu bekerja selama 3x24 jam bila sama sekali tidak mendapat
pasokan sinar matahari.
Selain itu, proyek ini juga sinergis dengan inisiatif cost saving. Pasalnya, dalam pembangunannya memanfaatkan material sisa project
seperti tower, gate, dan extender tower.
Tiga Arti Bunyi Sirene Banjir
• Peringatan: Bunyi sirene keras terputus-putus 1 detik bu nyi dan 5 detik mati selama 9 menit.
• Tanda Bahaya: Bunyi sirene keras terus-menerus tidak pu tus selama 2 menit.
• Keadaan Terkendali: Satu bunyi keras panjang selama 30
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
PT Vale Improves Its Flood
Warning System
PT Vale has added 2 sirens and 5 transmission radio towers as part of a flood
warning system.
Floods are natural disasters that can happen at any moment
in and around river catchment areas. Luwu Timur, Karebbe,
Malili and surrounding areas are all prone to flooding due
to the presence of Larona River. However, floods can be
prevented and their impact can be minimized.
The government has stipulated various procedures and
regulations for managing flood alerts. Among these is a
requirement to build hydro flood warning system (FWS)
equipped with siren towers. PT Vale – as the user of Larona
River that feeds into Karebbe hydropower station – has
installed the FWS at two points: the first at Telkom Station,
five kilometers from the intersection in the direction of
Lampia, the second at Balantang Port.
The additional units brings the total number of FWS sirens
in Karebbe and Malili to four. The two existing ones are
located at Karebbe Station and at Malili Clinic. Due to their
functions, the siren towers are placed near residential areas.
According to PT Vale’s Senior Automation Engineer,
Wahyudi, the installation of FWS is a requirement under
government regulations and related to the operation of
Karebbe hydroelectric power station in 2011. “Following
regulations, the construction of any dam must be
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
complemented by a flood warning system; the Karebbe
station is no exception. That’s why the siren towers have
been built near residential areas,” he said.
Besides installing the sirens, the FWS project also includes
the construction of radio transmission towers. “There are
transmission radios at more locations, so all FWS are well
connected and will not be prone to failure. There are now a
total of seven; two were already there,” he said.
Transmission radios send warning signals to the sirens when
water levels exceed their normal height, or when there is
potential for flooding. Water levels are monitored by an
operator in the power station’s control room. “If the water
height is considered unsafe, the operator raises the alarm
and activates the flood warning siren,” Wahyudi added.
Costing IDR1.5 billion, the project was launched in
September 2013 and involves the instrument, electrical, civil
and mechanical divisions of PT Vale’s Maintenance System
Engineering Department.
A cable-free transmission radio technology was chosen as it
suited the hilly and rocky terrain on which the towers were
located. To perfect the performance of the four sirens, the
seven transmission towers were placed at Karebbe’s Top
Dam, Karebbe Dormitory, Karebbe Station, Malili Clinic,
Telkom Station, Balantang Tower and Balantang Station.
The extreme terrain, according to Project Engineer Asrul
Gani Gaffar, was challenging. “Particularly when surveying
the locations and constructing the towers. The extreme
conditions posed quite a challenge to us,” Asrul said. He said
the towers rose between 20 and 48 meters above ground
Civil Engineer Abdul Muis agreed. “The spot survey for the
construction was crucial, as it was important that radio
signals could be broadcast clearly from the location,” Abdul
Muis said.
After the civil engineering team had determined spots for
the towers, it was the electrical team’s turn to be challenged
when it was charged with making a lighting road in the
rocky areas around the towers while ensuring that normal
and stable transmissions are maintained. “Apart from installing the antennas, the area had to be free of any disruption
that might result from lightning,” said Electrical Engineer
Nixon Manik.
For this reason, the radio transmitters were equipped with
lightning protectors and power supplies were connected
to solar cells. “We are also thinking about securing the gate,
which houses the antenna and FWS instruments,” Nixon
The FWS project involves designs by PT Vale’s in-house
teams; this includes the design of the solar cells used to
power the transmitters. The solar cells provide 100 watts of
electricity to the transmitters and are designed to work for
3 x 24 hours in the complete absence of sunshine. Designed
in the spirit of cost saving, the FWS project utilizes excess
material for parts such as towers, extender towers and the
Meanings of
Flood Siren Tones:
Loud, broken tones
sounding once every
five seconds for
9 minutes.
Danger Signal:
Loud unbroken
tones sounding
for 2 minutes
Situation Under
One long, loud tone
sounding for 30
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Mengulik Komponen Furnace
Agar Lebih Fleksibel
Tiga modifikasi buah ide tim Process Plant Maintenance yang mampu
menghemat waktu dan tenaga.
Ada cerita menarik di luar jadwal yang ketat dan banyaknya titiktitik perbaikan di proyek Major Shut Down Q2-2014 ini, yakni modifikasi komponen furnace hasil rekayasa tim Maintenance System
and Engineering (MSE). Kedua komponen yang berada di furnace
tersebut adalah modifikasi Heat Shield dan Tahu Murray Hanger.
Modifikasi tersebut bertujuan untuk mempermudah dan menghemat waktu ketika dilakukan perbaikan atau penggantian komponen
Heat shield merupakan pelindung panas untuk komponen-komponen penghantar listrik di ujung bawah elektroda furnace seperti
contact unit dan isolator-isolator listriknya. Contact unit berguna
untuk menghantarkan listrik ke elektroda untuk melebur calcine.
Aktivitas peleburan calcine oleh elektroda ini menghasilkan panas
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
tinggi. Akibat panas furnace tersebut menyebabkan kualitas isolator menurun dan kerap menyebabkan short circuit pada komponen
elektroda. “Yang terjadi selama ini, kalau terjadi short circuit yang
kena adalah komponen-komponen di sekitar contact unit bahkan
terkadang juga merusak contact unit itu sendiri,” ujar Manager
Mechanical & Civil Process Plant & Utilities Engineering Zainuddin.
Persoalannya muncul ketika aktivitas penggantian komponen tersebut. Pasalnya komponen-komponen tersebut dikunci baut dan
tertutup oleh heat shield yang berat dan besar. Untuk membukanya
membutuhkan banyak orang dan alat angkat. “Ide modifikasinya
adalah melepas heat shield lebih mudah dan praktis. Karena durasi
pengerjaannya selama ini bisa mencapai delapan jam untuk satu
lokasi. Padahal terkadang titik kerusakan berada di beberapa lokasi,”
tambah Zainuddin.
Hasilnya adalah dengan memodifikasi heat shield menjadi dua
bagian, yakni atas dan bawah. Jadi untuk membukanya tidak perlu
mencopot seluruh baut dan mengangkat ”cangkang” elektroda
yang berat. ”Sekarang bisa dilakukan satu sampai dua orang saja.
Durasinya hanya dua jam. Dari angka penghematan waktu pengerjaan mencapai 6 jam tersebut, bisa saving 3.838 dollar AS setiap
jamnya,” ujar Zainuddin. Modifikasi heat shield ini telah diaplikasikan di shut down Furnace 3. Desainnya juga akan diadopsi pada
Project Furnace Rebuild kelak.
Selain itu juga dilakukan modifikasi Tahu Murray Hanger yang
merupakan bagian dari furnace. Tahu Murray adalah ujung bawah
feed tubes yang mengalami paparan panas langsung dari furnace.
Feed tubes merupakan saluran untuk mengalirkan calcine dari
penampung (bin) calcine ke dalam furnace.
Posisi bin tersebut sebelumnya ditopang oleh pipa kaku sehingga
untuk penggantian Tahu Murray butuh alat angkat seperti chainblock. Sebab, posisi Tahu Murray tersebut juga harus lurus dan stabil ketika dipasang. ”Kesulitannya adalah meng-adjust komponen
tersebut sebelum dikunci dan dilas. Dibutuhkan adjustment dalam
tiga sumbu pergerakan. Sedangkan tiap furnace ada 27 Tahu Murray
yang harus dipasang dan satu bagian menghabiskan waktu tujuh
jam selama ini,” ujar Zainuddin.
Modifikasi bagian ini adalah berupa desain ulang hanger Tahu Murray agar lebih fleksibel dan adjustable. Bagian penopangnya yang
semula berupa pipa kaku diganti dengan menggunakan kombinasi
pin, baut, mur dan slot yang dapat bergerak ke semua arah. ”Dengan
modifikasi ini, memasangnya tinggal digeser-geser untuk mendapatkan posisi yang paling pas sebelum dikunci,” ujar Zainuddin. Modifikasi ini mampu memeras waktu pengerjaan dari semula tujuh
jam menjadi 2,6 jam dan telah diaplikasikan di shut down Furnace 3
dan Furnace 4.
Modifikasi heat shield di Furnace 2.
Kesuksesan proyek modifikasi ini tidak terlepas dari kerjasama dan
komunikasi yang terjalin baik antara Maintenance System & Engineering, Process Plant Maintenance, Support Services dan pihak
eksekutor mengenai kendala yang dihadapi di lapangan, kebutuhan
operasi dan perawatan furnace.
Modifikasi Yoke
Yang terakhir adalah Yoke, yang merupakan komponen elektroda
furnace yang berfungsi sebagai tempat untuk pemegang elektroda
(slipping device). Yoke, slipping device, dan elektroda ini ditopang
oleh silinder hidrolik hoisting yang mengatur naik-turunnya elektroda agar busur listrik yang dihasilkan untuk melebur calcine optimal.
Seperti komponen mesin lainnya, silinder hidrolik hoisting juga
secara berkala perlu dirawat atau diganti jika komponennya sudah
aus. Untuk melakukan penggantian, elektoda harus diposisikan
di ketinggian tertentu agar silinder hidrolik bisa dilepas. Hal ini
membuat beberapa pekerjaan perbaikan komponen elektroda furnace terganggu karena pekerjaan tersebut pun membutuhkan
elektroda harus di ketinggian yang berbeda. Sehingga pekerjaan
penggantian silinder hidrolik dan perbaikan komponen elektroda
furnace membutuhkan durasi shutdown lebih lama karena harus
dilakukan secara serial.
Modifikasi yang dilakukan adalah perubahan pada sambungan
yoke dari sambungan las menjadi sambungan baut dan mur. Modifikasi ini akan memudahkan penggantian silinder hidrolik hoisting
karena bisa dilakukan di posisi elektroda manapun.
Modifikasi ini akan menekan durasi shut down yang sebelumnya
30 jam setiap furnace menjadi hanya 10 jam atau mampu menghilangkan loss production senilai 34.800 dollar AS ketika penggantian
silinder hidrolik hoisting dilakukan bersamaan dengan perbaikan
komponen elektroda furnace. Modifikasi ini telah diaplikasikan di
furnace 2, furnace 3, furnace 4 dan akan diadopsi oleh proyek Furnace 1 Rebuild. []
Desain ulang hanger Tahu Murray di Furnace 3 dan Furnace 4.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Studying Furnace Components to
Create Flexibility
Three modifications made
by the Process Plant
Maintenance team are
a time and energy-saver.
There is an interesting story outside the strict
schedules and mountains of maintenance works
involved in the Major Shut Down project of
Q2-2014. This story is about the modification of
furnace components by the Maintenance System
and Engineering (MSE) team. The components
of the furnace that were modified were the Tahu
Murray heat shield and hanger. The modifications
were made to make repairs or component
replacement works easier and faster.
The heat shield protects electrically conductive
components at the bottom of the furnace
electrode – such as the contact unit and electric
isolator – against heat. The contact unit is used
to deliver electricity to electrodes in calcine
The calcine smelting by electrodes results in high
heat. The hot furnace reduces the quality of the
isolator and causes the electrode component
to short circuit. “What currently happens is that
when short circuits occur, the components
around the contact unit are affected, and often
the contact unit itself can be damaged,” said
Zainuddin, the Mechanical & Civil Process Plant &
Utilities Engineering Manager.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Problems arise when the component is replaced. The components
are locked and bolted down and covered by the big, heavy heat
shield. Opening the shield requires many people and various lifting
tools. “The idea is to take off the heat shield to make it easier and
more practical, as the time it takes to do the job can be as long as
eight hours at one location – and sometimes the damages are at
several locations,” Zainuddin added.
The team modified the heat shield by making it into two parts: top
and bottom. That way, when the shield had to be opened, it was no
longer necessary to unlock all the bolts and lift the heavy electrode
shell. “Now it can be done by two people in just two hours. This is a
time-savings of 6 hours, and up to $3,838 per hour,” Zainuddin said.
The modified heat shield has been applied in the Furnace 3 shut
down program. The design will also be adopted for future Furnace
Rebuild projects.
Modifications have also been made to the Tahu Murray hanger,
which is a part of the furnace. Located at the bottom end of feed
tubes, the Tahu Murray is directly affected by heat from the furnace.
Calcine from the bin is channeled through the feed tubes into the
Previously the bin was supported by a stiff pipe which meant
that a lifting device, such as a chain block, was required when
changing the Tahu Murray, as it was important to keep the Tahu
Murray in a straight and stable position when installed. “The
problem was adjusting the component before it was locked and
welded. Adjustments were needed in the three axis of movement.
Meanwhile each furnace had 27 Tahu Murray to be installed, each
requiring seven hours to do,” Zainuddin said.
Modifications to these parts came in the form of a redesign of the
Tahu Murray hanger, making it more flexible and adjustable. The
support component, which originally consisted of a stiff pipe, was
replaced with a combination of pins, nuts, bolts and slots that
allowed movements in all directions. “This means that installation
now involves just adjusting and sliding the part into place, then
locking it when it is in the desired position,” said Zainuddin. This
modification has cut down the time to do the job from 7 hours to
2.6 hours and has been applied to the Furnace 3 and Furnace 4
shut down project.
(Center and right photos)
Heat shield modification at Furnace 2.
The team’s success in the modification project was due to good
cooperation and communication between the Maintenance System
& Engineering, Process Plant Maintenance and Support Services
Yoke Modification
The final modification was made to the yoke, which is an electrode
component of the furnace that holds the electrode’s slipping
device. The yoke, slipping device and electrode are supported
by a hydraulic hoist cylinder that controls the rise and fall of the
electrode, so the electricity created for calcine smelting is optimal.
As with other machine components, the hydraulic hoist cylinder
needs regular maintenance, or replacing, when it is worn down. To
make a replacement, the electrode must be positioned at a certain
height so the hydraulic cylinder can be removed. This disrupts the
repair works being done on some of the furnace’s other electrode
components because those works require the electrodes to be at a
different height. This means the replacement of hydraulic cylinders
and repairs to the furnace’s electrode components require a long
shutdown period because they need to be done in succession.
The modification that was done involved changing the joint on the
yoke from a welded connection to a nut-and-bolt connection. This
made it easier to change the hydraulic hoist cylinder because it
could be done regardless of the electrode’s position.
This modification reduced the shutdown period from 30 hours for
each furnace to just 10 hours, and eliminated $34,000 in potential
production losses when the hydraulic hoist cylinder replacement
and the furnace’s electrode component repairs could be performed
simultaneously. The modification has been applied at Furnace 2,
Furnace 3, and Furnace 4 and will be adopted at the Furnace 1
Rebuild project.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Dari Jaket Isolator hingga
Spacer di Pan Track Dryer
Dua kreativitas sederhana dan praktis untuk nihilkan delay
di Process Plant.
Thomas Edison, penemu bohlam lampu, perlu ribuan
kali mengalami kegagalan hingga akhirnya berhasil
menyempurnakan temuannya itu. Semangat itu yang
mungkin menginspirasi Tim Improvement Surge Bin
dan Apron Feeder untuk menekan delay, sekaligus
meningkatkan kinerja Process Plant. Mereka membuat
terobosan dengan ide-ide sederhana dan praktis untuk
Di area Kiln Discharge, misalnya. Pneumatic Cylinder Surge
Bin Gate seringkali macet dan mengakibatkan aliran calcine
dari Kiln ke kontainer yang akan diangkut ke Furnace menjadi terganggu. Setelah dianalisa, Tim Improvement Surge
Bin yang terdiri dari enam orang – Muhammad Azis, Harahap
Rasyid, Devi Duma, Tamir, Matius Jhoni Tappi, dan Mudriyanto–
menemukan bahwa salah satu alasan kerap terjadinya kemacetan tersebut adalah rapuhnya seal dari pneumatic cylinder
karena terpapar temperatur tinggi sehingga sering terjadi
Dengan penemuan akar masalah ini, tim mendapatkan gagasan untuk memasangkan jaket isolator untuk melindungi
pneumatic cylinder di area Surge Bin. Hal yang sama juga
diaplikasikan untuk pneumatic cylinder di tilting launder di
furnace. Di luar itu, tim improvement Surge Bin Gate juga
mengajukan improvement dengan memasang tombol emergency yang berfungsi untuk menghentikan tumpahan calcine dengan cepat dari surge bin jika terjadi.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Tim Improvement Apron Feeder yang terdiri dari Bayu Maulana, Daniel Sile, Polii Amerigo, Faisal AM, dan Kriswandi
memberikan contoh lainnya di mana sesuatu yang sederhana dan praktis dapat membuahkan hasil yang besar. Solusi
yang mereka ajukan dapat mengatasi masalah rentannya
baut di pan-track Dryer 3. Setelah melakukan analisa akar
permasalahan, tim menemukan bahwa baut-baut pan-track
cepat rusak karena diameter dari sebagian lubang baut pantrack lebih besar daripada baut yang digunakan dan mengakibatkan terjadinya beban tumbukan pada baut tersebut. Beban tumbukan ini menyebabkan bahan pada baut kelelahan dan akhirnya dapat membuatnya patah.
Sewaktu tim mengalami kesulitan karena pabrik pembuat
pan-track tidak bersedia memodifikasi lubang baut, mereka
mendapatkan ide untuk menambahkan spacer antara baut
dan lubangnya untuk menghilangkan jarak antara keduanya.
Solusi yang sangat mudah dan murah meriah untuk diaplikasikan ini berhasil menyelesaikan permasalahan bolt di
pan-track Dryer 3.
Solusi-solusi ini memang sederhana namun dapat memberikan hasil yang memuaskan. Andi Suntoro, SGM Utilities
and Maintenance, berpesan, ”Kita tidak seharusnya
takut un-tuk mencoba hal-hal baru. Jangan takut dengan
kegagalan saat mencoba ide-ide baru karena ini akan
menjadi pembe-lajaran yang membawa kita semakin dekat
ke solusi yang tepat.” []
Modifikasi pan track di Dryer 3 berperan dalam menihilkan delay di Process Plant.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Isolator Jacket to
Spacers in Pan Track Dryer
Two simple and practical creations to eliminate delays at
Process Plant.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, had to
experience thousands of failures before finally perfecting
his invention. His zeal is perhaps what inspired the Surge
Bin and Apron Feeder Improvement Team to reduce delays
and improve the performance at Process Plant. They made
breakthroughs with their simple ideas that were practical to
Take the Kiln Discharge area, for example. The pneumatic
cylinder surge bin gate was often stuck, causing disruptions
to the calcine flowing from the kiln to the container used
for the furnace. After analyzing the situation, the Surge
Bin Improvement Team – consisting of Muhammad Azis,
Harahap Rasyid, Devi Duma, Tamir, Matius Jhoni Tappi and
Mudriyanto – discovered that the source of the blockage
was the pneumatic cylinder’s weak seal caused by high
temperatures that subsequently led to leakages.
The discovery of the root cause of the problem inspired the
team to apply an isolator jacket to protect the pneumatic
cylinders in the surge bin area and in the furnace’s tilting
The Surge Bin Gate Improvement Team also made improvements by installing an emergency button to quickly stop
calcine spilling from surge bins.
Meanwhile, the Apron Feeder Improvement Team – consisting
of Bayu Maulana, Daniel Sile, Polii Amerigo, Faisal AM and
Kriswandi – demonstrated how a simple and practical solution
can bring big results. The solution offered by this team solved
the problem of the weak bolts in the pan-track of Dryer 3.
After a thorough analysis of the problem, the team discovered
that the bolts on the pan-track broke easily because the
diameter of some of the bolt holes on the pan-track were
bigger than the bolts being used, therefore impacting the
bolts. It was these impacts that wore down the material on
the bolts and caused them to break.
Because the pan-track manufacturer refused to modify the
bolt holes, the team came up with the idea of adding spacers
between the bolts and the holes, therefore removing the
distance between the two. This easy, extremely cheap and
applicable solution eliminated the problem at Dryer 3’s pantrack.
These solutions are indeed very simple, but they bring satisfying results. Andi Suntoro, Utilities and Maintenance SGM
said, “We shouldn’t be afraid of trying new things. Don’t be
scared of failure when trying new things because each failure
is a lesson that brings us closer to the right solution.” []
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Antena Merah,
Pembaca Cuaca
Nilai proyek AWOS Bandara Sorowako
mencapai 600 ribu dollar AS.
Kalau Anda sedang berjalan ke arah barat Bandara Sorowako, Anda pasti melihat sebuah alat baru terpasang. Bentuknya mirip rangkaian antena. Posisinya
hanya berbatasan dengan pagar pengaman bandara dengan jogging track.
Warna tiang-tiangnya merah dan konfigurasinya sederhana. Alat itu bernama
AWOS (automated weather observation system) atau instrumen otomatis pemantau cuaca. Dimaksudkan untuk melengkapi sistem keselamatan operasi
penerbangan Bandara Sorowako.
Tidak seperti alat pemantau cuaca sebelumnya yang bersifat semi manualotomatis, AWOS bekerja full computerized. Fitur pembacaan cuacanya juga jauh lebih kaya. Mulai dari arah dan kecepatan angin, jarak pandang, kondisi
dan ceilometer (pembaca ketinggian awan), temperatur, dew point, altimeter
(ketinggian dari permukaan laut), aerodrome pressure (tekanan dari ketinggian), visibilitas, hingga potensi badai. Informasi tersebut kemudian disampaikan dari ATC (air traffic control) ke pesawat yang ingin take off atau landing.
“Sedangkan alat sebelumnya yang dipakai Bandara Sorowako hanya bisa
membaca temperatur udara, kecepatan, dan arah angin,” ujar Sidransyah
Yusri, GM General Facilities & Services (GFS).
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Petugas di air traffic control room Bandara Sorowako memantau
informasi dari perangkat AWOS.
AWOS memang salah satu instrumen wajib dalam operasionalisasi
bandara. Alat yang teknologinya berhasil disempurnakan pada 2004
ini, dipakai hampir di seluruh bandara udara di dunia. Di Indonesia,
Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG), juga telah
memasang lebih dari 70 AWOS di beberapa titik di kota-kota besar
untuk keperluan klimatologi.
BMKG juga merekomendasikan kepada operator bandara seperti
Angkasa Pura dan operator swasta lainnya untuk memasang
AWOS sesuai standar penerbangan, termasuk kepada PT Vale
selaku pengelola Bandara Sorowako melalui GFS. Pada 2012 GFS
mengajukan proposal untuk pembangunan AWOS. ”Pada awal 2013
proyek kemudian dimulai. Desain infrastruktur selama tiga bulan dan
pembangunan selama empat bulan,” ujar Akhmad Khanif Khaidir,
Project Manager. Proyek ini menelan anggaran hingga 600 ribu
dollar AS.
Untuk instrumen AWOS, PT Vale menggandeng vendor
berpengalaman di teknologi AWOS, yakni Vaisala, manufaktur
teknologi bandara asal Finlandia. ”Di Indonesia, selain di Sorowako,
Vaisala juga memasang AWOS untuk Biak (Bandara Frans Kaisiepo)
dan Merauke (Bandara Mopah),” ujar Mika Huhmarniemi, Field
Services Engineer Vaisala. Di luar negeri, Vaisala memasang untuk
proyek serupa di Hong Kong, Hawaii, hingga Peru.
Tipe yang Digunakan
Tipe peralatan yang dipasang di Bandara Sorowako adalah AWOS III T
dengan fitur seperti telah disebutkan. AWOS ini telah dikalibrasi dan
disertifikasi oleh BMKG. “Cuaca di Sorowako, dalam pemantauan kami
selama pemasangan instrumen cukup dinamis. AWOS akan sangat
membantu membaca kondisi, sehingga informasi cuaca terkini lebih
akurat dan mendukung penerbangan yang aman,” ujar Mika.
Hal senada diamini Sidransyah Yusri. “Selama ini pilot pesawat
Sorowako kalau mau terbang dan mendarat istilahnya hanya
meraba-raba kondisi cuaca. Namun dengan alat ini, informasi cuaca
lebih komprehensif dan akurat,” ujar dia.
Selain pemasangan alat, digelar pelatihan pengoperasian dan
perawatan AWOS oleh Vaisala kepada kru Bandara Sorowako seperti
operator dan perawatan (GFS), instrumen (support services), server
network (IT), dan engineering. AWOS dilengkapi berbagai alat seperti
sensor, RTU (remote terminal unit), komputer, unit LED display yang
perlu pelatihan khusus untuk membaca dan mengoperasikannya. []
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
The Red Antenna, an Automatic
Weather Reader
The Sorowako Airport AWOS project amounts to $600,000.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
AWOS Project team posed with Vaisala consultant and Agency for Meteorology,
Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) personnels.
If you happen to be walking west of the Sorowako Airport, you will
see that a new piece of equipment has been installed. It looks like a
series of antennas with red poles positioned in a simple configuration
near the airport fence that runs alongside the jogging track. This
equipment is in fact an automated weather observation system
(AWOS) used to complement Sorowako Airport’s operational safety
Unlike the previous weather monitoring system which ran semiautomatically, the AWOS is fully computerized. The features of
its weather readings are also much more complex, measuring
wind speed and direction, air temperature, dew point, visibility
and aerodrome pressure (pressure from height). It functions as a
ceilometer (measuring cloud base conditions), an altimeter (height
above sea level) and provides information on potential storms. The
data is then sent from the air traffic control (ATC) to aircraft intending
to take off or land. “The equipment previously used at Sorowako
Airport was only able to provide data on air temperature, wind speed
and wind direction,” said Sidransyah Yusri, General Facilities & Services
AWOS is in fact a mandatory requirement for airport operations.
Developed in 2004 to its current advanced technology, the
equipment is used by almost all of the world’s airports. In Indonesia,
the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) has
installed more than 70 AWOS units in various cities for climatology
monitoring purposes.
The agency has also recommended that airport operators such as
Angkasa Pura and private operators install the AWOS as required
by aviation standards; the agency has also recommended this to
PT Vale, as manager of Sorowako Airport through the GFS. In 2012
GFS submitted a proposal to develop AWOS. “The project started in
early 2013. It took three months to design the infrastructure and four
months for the construction,” said Project Manager Akhmad Khanif
Khaidir. The project cost up to $600,000.
To install its AWOS unit, PT Vale partnered with Finland-based
Vaisala, an experienced AWOS vendor and manufacturer of airport
technology. “Apart from Sorowako, Vaisala has also installed AWOS
units in Biak (Frans Kaisiepo Airport) and Merauke (Mopah Airport),”
said Mika Huhmarniemi, Vaisala’s Field Services Engineer. Outside
Indonesia, Vaisala has installed the system in Hong Kong, Hawaii
and Peru.
Type Used
The type of equipment used in Sorowako Airport is the AWOS III T
with the features mentioned above. This AWOS has been calibrated
and certified by BMKG. “According to observations made since the
equipment was installed, the weather in Sorowako is quite dynamic.
The AWOS will greatly assist in reading conditions, making current
weather information more accurate and ensuring a safe flight,” said
Sidransyah Yusri agrees. “In the past, pilots flying in and out of
Sorowako could only ‘feel’ their way through weather conditions.
With this equipment, weather information will be more
comprehensive and accurate,” he said.
Apart from installing the units, Vaisala conducted training sessions
on operating and maintaining the AWOS for Sorowako Airport crew
including operators and maintenance staff as well as those working
in support services, server network and engineering. The AWOS is
equipped with various sensors, a remote terminal unit, a computer
and an LED display requiring specialized training to read and
operate. []
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Persaingan Sehat Para
Penerima Beasiswa Komunitas
Sebelum mendapat beasiswa, para kandidat melalui serangkaian
seleksi ketat.
Selain memberikan beasiswa kepada anak karyawan, PT Vale juga
memberi bantuan dana pendidikan kepada masyarakat dalam
program beasiswa komunitas. Sejak digulirkan pada 2006, program
tersebut telah menyentuh 1.470 pelajar dari jenjang SD hingga S2.
Namun sejak 2013, skema pemberian beasiswa berubah. PT Vale
bersama Pemkab Lutim sepakat untuk memprioritaskan beasiswa
bagi mahasiswa program Diploma, S1, S2, S3, dan spesialisasi kedokteran. Alasannya, biaya pendidikan bagi siswa SD hingga SMA
sudah digratiskan oleh Pemerintah Daerah. Maka PT Vale ambil peran untuk membantu pelajar di tingkat perguruan tinggi. Direktur
Communications & External Affairs Basrie Kamba mengatakan, “Melalui program beasiswa ini, Perusahaan ingin berkontribusi menciptakan SDM yang andal dan mampu bersaing di era globalisasi.”
Sementara GM Community Relation PT Vale Busman Dahlan Shirat
menegaskan bahwa konsep beasiswa bukanlah membagi-bagikan
uang. Pemberian beasiswa akan mendukung akses pendidikan
yang lebih baik, dengan harapan masyarakat bisa lebih mandiri
dengan bekal ilmu yang dia miliki.
Penyaluran beasiswa komunitas menjadi bagian dari rencana
pengelolaan sosial dan Program Terpadu Pengembangan
Masyarakat (PTPM). Program beasiswa ditujukan bagi mahasiswa
berprestasi tapi tidak mampu dari segi ekonomi, dan bagi
mahasiswa yang memiliki prestasi luar biasa tanpa memandang
status ekonomi.
Setiap pelajar pasti ingin mendapat beasiswa, baik untuk meringankan beban pembiayaan maupun alasan prestise. Terbukti hingga
pendaftaran ditutup pada 4 November 2013, ada 889 berkas pelamar
yang masuk ke Komite Beasiswa. Berkas tersebut kemudian disaring
menjadi tinggal 80 kandidat. Namun ke-80 kandidat tersebut tidak
serta-merta mendapat bantuan pendidikan. Masih ada tahap verifi-
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
kasi lapangan yang dilakukan oleh Komite Beasiswa dan perwakilan
Pemda Luwu Timur. Selama satu bulan, tim mengunjungi kandidat
penerima beasiswa yang tersebar di 11 kecamatan se-Luwu Timur.
Dalam verifikasi lapangan, tim mengecek semua berkas yang disertakan kandidat, mulai dari data keluarga hingga ijazah asli dan piagam prestasi. Wawancara kandidat serta melihat langsung kondisi
keluarganya juga dilakukan. Verifikasi lapangan merupakan sebuah
terobosan yang tidak pernah dilakukan sebelumnya dalam proses
pemberian beasiswa. “Penentuan penerima beasiswa dilakukan secara cermat dan sangat transparan. Setiap kandidat dituntut memperlihatkan kualitasnya,” kata Ketua Komite Beasiswa Komunitas
PT Vale Sohra Sahama. Untuk kandidat S3 dan dokter spesialis,
dilakukan wawancara dan presentasi langsung di hadapan panel
juri yang beranggotakan perwakilan PT Vale, Pemerintah Daerah,
dan akademisi.
Kompetisi sehat
Setelah melewati proses panjang, ditetapkan 47 mahasiswa sebagai penerima beasiswa komunitas PT Vale. Sidang penetapan diikuti oleh Tim Koordinasi PTPM, Komite Beasiswa PT Vale, Dinas Pendidikan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olahraga Luwu Timur, Dewan Pendidikan Luwu Timur, Dinas Kesehatan Luwu Timur, Yayasan Pendidikan
Sorowako, serta Lembaga Pengembang Kompetensi Guru Indonesia
(LPKGI) Universitas Negeri Makassar. Penerima beasiswa terdiri atas 8
mahasiswa program Diploma, S1 sebanyak 30 orang, S1 Keguruan 5
orang, S2 sebanyak 3 orang, dan 1 orang dari jenjang S3.
Penyerahan beasiswa secara simbolis dilakukan di Aula Sasana Praja
Kantor Bupati Luwu Timur, pertengahan April 2014. Acara tersebut
disaksikan langsung oleh Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Luwu Timur, perwakilan manajemen PT Vale, Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Pariwisata
Pemuda dan Olahraga, kepala kecamatan di wilayah terdampak
operasi PT Vale, BPMPD dan instansi pemerintahan yang terkait,
serta orang tua penerima beasiswa.
Bupati Luwu Timur Andi Hatta Marakarma mengatakan, program
beasiswa yang dilaksanakan PT Vale merupakan langkah yang perlu mendapatkan apresiasi. “Pendidikan adalah investasi jangka panjang dan merupakan pintu awal menghasilkan SDM yang berkualitas,” katanya. Dia merasa senang dan bangga melihat puluhan mahasiswa dari jenjang Diploma hingga S3 berkumpul di Luwu Timur.
“Inilah bukti, jika di Luwu Timur kita memiliki anak-anak yang mampu untuk bersaing di kancah lebih luas,” lanjutnya.
Salah seorang penerima beasiswa, Muhammad Chaerul, kandidat
Program Doktoral Teknik Sipil Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar
mengatakan, seleksi ketat bagi penerima beasiswa yang dilakukan
oleh PT Vale bersama Pemerintah Daerah adalah langkah yang tepat karena telah menciptakan kompetisi yang sehat dan membuat
setiap kandidat mempersiapkan diri. “Saya tahu bahwa saya akan
bersaing dengan banyak kandidat. Untuk itu, saya mempersiapkan
diri dengan membuat esai dan membaca referensi hingga 30-an
jurnal internasional dan nasional. Seleksi ini memberi semangat dan
saya bangga bisa melaluinya,” katanya. []
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Healthy Competition among
Community Scholarship
Apart from awarding scholarships to employees’ children, PT Vale
also provides education funding to community members through
a community scholarship program. Since its launch in 2006, the
program has benefited 1,470 students from primary school to postgraduate (master’s or S2) level.
Since 2013, the granting of community scholarships has changed.
PT Vale in conjunction with the Luwu Timur regional government
has agreed to prioritize scholarships for students pursuing
university Diplomas, Bachelor’s (S1), Master’s (S2) and Doctoral (S3)
degrees as well as those specializing in medicine. This is because
the regional government already provides free education for
primary (SD) to senior high school (SMA) students. PT Vale’s role is
therefore to support tertiary-level students.
Communications & External Affairs Director Basrie Kamba said,
“Through this scholarship program, the company would like
to make a contribution to the development of reliable human
resources who can compete in this era of globalization.” Meanwhile,
PT Vale’s Community Relations GM Busman Dahlan Shirat asserted
that scholarships were not simply about doling out money.
Providing scholarships meant opening access to better education,
so community members could become more self-sufficient after
they had gained new knowledge.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
The granting of community scholarships is part of the Community
Development Integrated Program (PTPM). The scholarships are
aimed at high-achieving students from low economic backgrounds
and at students demonstrating extraordinary achievements
regardless of their economic background.
Every student wants to receive a scholarship, whether it is to
help with fee payments or to be used as a sign of prestige.
When registrations closed on 4 November 2013, 889 forms had
been received from candidates by the Scholarship Committee.
The documents were then selected, and the list cut down to 80
candidates. But this did not mean these 80 people were then
granted scholarships. A field verification stage was next, conducted
by the Scholarship Committee and a representative from the Luwu
Timur regional government. For one month, the team visited the
potential recipients who lived across 11 subdistricts in Luwu Timur.
During the verification process, the team checked all the
documents provided by the candidates – from family records and
original school certificates to letters of achievement. The team
conducted interviews with candidates and visited their families.
This form of verification is a breakthrough; it has never been done
before as a prerequisite to the granting of a scholarship. “The
process of determining scholarship recipients was meticulous
and very transparent,” said Head of PT Vale’s Community
Scholarship Committee, Sohra Sahama. Candidates applying for
Candidates go through a strict selection process.
S3 and medicine specialist scholarships were interviewed and
required to make a representation for a panel of jurors consisting
of representatives from PT Vale, the regional government and
Healthy Competition
After passing through this long process, 47 tertiary students
were declared recipients of PT Vale’s community scholarship. The
awarding ceremony was attended by the PTPM Coordinating
Team; PT Vale’s Scholarship Committee; Luwu Timur Regency Office
for Education, Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sport; Luwu Timur
Education Council; Luwu Timur Health Office; Sorowako Educational
Foundation; and Universitas Negeri Makassar’s Indonesian Teacher
Competency Development Body (LPKGI). The recipients of the
scholarship consisted of 8 Diploma students, 30 S1-students, 5 S1teacher training students, 3 S2-students and 1 S3-student.
The symbolic presentation of the scholarships was conducted at
the Sasana Praja Hall of the Luwu Timur Regent’s office in mid-April
2014. The ceremony was attended by Luwu Timur Regent and
Deputy Regent; representatives from PT Vale’s management; Head
of the Luwu Timur Regency Office for Education, Culture, Tourism,
Youth and Sport; heads of subdistricts impacted by PT Vale’s
operations; members of the Village Governance and Community
Empowerment Agency (BPMPD); personnel from related
government offices; and parents of scholarship recipients.
Luwu Timur Regent Andi Hatta Marakarma said PT Vale’s scholarship
program was a positive step that was worth appreciating.
“Education is a long term investment and is the first step towards
creating good quality human resources,” he said. He felt happy and
proud to see dozens of tertiary level students from Diploma to
S3-level gathered in Luwu Timur. “This is proof that we have young
people in Luwu Timur who are capable of competing at a wider
scale,” he added.
Scholarship recipient Muhammad Chaerul, a doctoral candidate
in Civil Engineering at Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar, said the
strict selection process conducted by PT Vale and the regional
government was good because it created a healthy competition
and pushed candidates to prepare themselves well.
“I knew that I would have a lot of competition. For this reason,
I prepared myself by writing an essay and reading references,
which included about 30 international and national journals. Being
selected gives me a lot of encouragement and I am proud to have
passed,” he said. []
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Anak Ceria,
Kebanggaan Orangtua
Pentas tahunan siswa-siswi TK YPS yang semarak dan penuh suka-cita.
Melihat anak-anak mencapai prestasi akademik yang memuaskan tentu menjadi kebanggaan setiap orangtua. Namun
melihat anak-anak tumbuh menjadi pribadi yang cerdas sekaligus bahagia adalah sebuah suka-cita yang tak bisa diwakili oleh kata-kata. Seperti yang tampak pagi itu, Kamis, 8
Mei 2014, di gedung pertemuan Ontaeluwu, Sorowako. Suasana begitu semarak.
Ratusan anak memamerkan kelincahan dan kemahirannya
dalam membawakan aneka jenis tari-tarian dan permainan
alat musik di depan orangtua. Mereka mengenakan kostum
cantik warna-warni, hiasan yang tersemat di kepala, serta
riasan wajah yang membuat anak-anak TK A dan TK B itu
makin menggemaskan. Pentas “Happy Kids”, begitu mereka
menyebutnya, adalah pagelaran tahunan TK YPS yang kali
ini berkolaborasi dengan Singkole International School. Di
awal Mei setiap tahun, para murid TK menampilkan apa yang
mereka pelajari dalam kegiatan ekstrakulikuler di sekolah.
Tahun ini, “Happy Kids” yang memasuki gelaran ke-10 mengambil tema “Hebat Aksiku, Ceriakan Duniaku”.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun
Apr iil 2014
“Semua orang, terutama orangtua murid, pasti ingin melihat
anak bertumbuh-kembang secara holistik. Tidak hanya cakap dalam bidang akademik, melainkan punya kemampuan
di bidang lain, misalnya seni. Pagelaran ini selain menjadi
semacam laporan bagi orangtua seputar kegiatan ekstrakulikuler, juga merupakan momentum untuk menunjukkan
kemampuan para siswa dan menanamkan nilai-nilai moral
yang lain,” kata Farida Anggraeni, Kepala Sekolah TK YPS.
Nilai moral yang dimaksud Farida antara lain adalah kepercayaan diri. Tidak mudah bagi seorang anak berusia 5 tahun
untuk tampil di hadapan ratusan teman dan orang dewasa.
Tapi nyatanya, mereka begitu antusias menari atau memainkan alat musik, dan tak seorangpun mogok tampil karena
alasan demam panggung.
Persiapan Matang
Guru-guru dan orangtua memegang peran penting dalam
keberhasilan pentas “Happy Kids”. Sejak November tahun
lalu, guru mengadakan latihan mingguan di dalam kelas.
Sekolah tidak mendatangkan instruktur tari profesional sehingga murid-murid murni dilatih oleh guru mereka. Sebelum melatih siswanya, guru terlebih dulu berlatih sendiri.
“Ada guru kami yang memang bisa menari, jadi dia menularkan ilmunya,” kata Farida. Selain itu, beberapa guru juga
belajar otodidak dari tutorial menari di internet. Ternyata
selain siswa, guru juga mendapat keterampilan baru dan
kesempatan belajar dari ajang ini.
Persiapan yang sudah dimulai siswa dan guru sejak enam
bulan ke belakang itu berbanding lurus dengan dukungan
orangtua. Selain dukungan dana untuk pembuatan kostum,
orangtua juga meluangkan waktu untuk melihat penampilan anak-anak mereka. Tentu sebuah kebanggaan bagi anak
ketika resital mereka ditonton oleh ayah dan ibunya. Sepanjang pertunjukan, orangtua sibuk mengabadikan momenmomen berharga buah hati mereka melalui bidikan kamera.
Sesi latihan yang panjang, jerih-payah guru dan siswa, dan
dukungan penuh orangtua membuahkan hasil yang memuaskan. Sebanyak 12 tari dan satu pertunjukan alat musik
ditampilkan dalam pentas berdurasi dua jam tersebut. Ada
senam irama, tari Yamko Rambe Yamko, gerak dan lagu, balet untuk TK A dan TK B, tari India, modern dance, tari kipas,
modern dance khusus anak laki-laki, tari Bali, tari Toraja, dan
pertunjukan angklung. Di akhir acara, guru-guru ikut tampil
menghibur audiens dengan goyang morena dan goyang ala
Soimah yang sedang hits saat ini. Keceriaanpun memuncak.
Memadukan budaya asli Indonesia dan budaya luar menjadi
salah satu poin “Happy Kids”. “Kami di sekolah memperkenalkan kesenian Indonesia dengan harapan murid-murid bisa
mencintai dan melestarikan kekayaan bangsanya. Tapi kami
juga tidak bisa membentengi anak dari budaya luar. Tidak
bisa dipungkiri, mereka suka sekali menari balet atau mendengarkan lagu-lagu rap. Itu tidak masalah. Yang penting,
kita serap hal-hal positif dari masing-masing budaya,” kata
Farida yang juga menyampaikan tahun ini adalah pentas
terakhir yang dia kawal karena Oktober mendatang dia sudah pensiun sebagai kepala sekolah TK YPS. Dia berharap
pentas “Happy Kids” tetap lestari bahkan semakin semarak
di tahun-tahun mendatang.
Selama dua jam, para siswa TK mementaskan tari-tarian dan
permainan alat musik dengan gembira. Selama itu juga,
orangtua dan guru diselimuti rasa bangga dan suka-cita
yang, sekali lagi, tak dapat diungkapkan dengan kata-kata. []
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Happy Children,
The Pride and Joy of Parents
The annual performance of YPS Preschool was
lively and full of joy.
Watching children achieve academic success no doubt
brings pride to every parent. But watching them grow up
to become smart and happy young people brings joy that
words cannot describe. This was apparent on the morning
of 8 May 2014 at the Ontaeluwu Meeting Hall in Sorowako.
The atmosphere was extremely lively.
Hundreds of lower preschool (TK A) and upper preschool
(TK B) children showed off their agility and skill at
performing dances and playing various musical instruments
to an audience consisting of parents and families. Dressed in
colorful outfits, adorned with headdresses and other
decorations, their faces made up, the children were an
epitome of happiness. The performance was, after all,
called “Happy Kids” and it was an annual affair held by YPS
Preschool (TK YPS). This time, the performance was held in
collaboration with Singkole International School.
Each year in early May, the preschool children give a
performance of the extra-curricular activities learned at
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
school. This year the theme for the “Happy Kids” performance, which is entering its tenth year, is “My Wonderful
Actions, Brighten My World.”
“Everyone, especially parents, want to see their children
grow up and develop holistically – not just in academic
areas, but in other fields as well, such as art. This performance is like a report to parents on their children’s
extracurricular learning. It also gives children a chance show
off their capabilities and instill other moral values,” said TK
YPS Principal, Farida Anggraeni.
Moral values, Farida talks about them as self-confidence. It is
not easy for a 5-year-old to perform in front of hundreds of
friends and adults, but that day, they were enthusiastically
dancing and playing music for the audience; not a single
child had stage fright or backed out of the performance.
Thorough Preparation
Teachers and parents played an important role in the
success of “Happy Kids”. Since November last year, teachers
have conducted weekly practices in classrooms. The school
did not use the services of a professional instructor and it
was up to the teachers to train their students.
Before training the students, teachers had to do their own
practice. “We have a teacher who can dance, so she provided
the training,” Farida said. Some teachers were autodidacts
and sought out dancing tutorials on the Internet. Learning
to dance, then, was an experience not only for students but
for teachers as well.
The support of parents was also valuable. Apart from
financial support for making the costumes, parents also
set aside time to watch their children perform. Children no
doubt felt proud at being able to perform for their mothers
and fathers. Throughout the performance, the parents were
busy capturing the moment on their cameras.
The long training sessions, the hard work of teachers and
students and the support from parents produced satisfying
results. The two-hour long event featured 12 dances and
1 instrumental show. These included a rhythmic exercise
routine, the Yamko Rambe Yamko dance, a song-and-dance
routine and a lower- and upper-preschool ballet routine.
There was a fan dance as well as Indian, modern, boys-only
modern, Balinese, and Torajan dances. There was also an
angklung music performance. At the end of the event, the
teachers entertained the audience with the morena line
dance and the currently popular dance a la Soimah. The
audience were even more thrilled.
Fusing Indonesian indigenous culture and foreign culture
was a purpose of “Happy Kids”. “At this school we introduce
the children to Indonesian art in the hope that they will
love and continue to preserve their national heritage.
But we cannot shield them from foreign cultures. It is an
undeniable fact that they will love ballet or listen to rap
music – that’s not a problem. What’s important is that we
take the positives from each culture,” said Farida, whose
term is coming to an end. Although she will retire from her
leadership at TK YPS in October, she hopes that the “Happy
Kids” event will continue and become even more vibrant in
coming years. []
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Nursery Malili berada di kompleks perkantoran pemerintahan Luwu timur
di Puncak Indah, Malili.
Nursery untuk
Luwu Timur
PT Vale mendukung program
rehabilitasi lahan kritis
pemerintah kabupaten dengan
membangun nursery atau
kebun bibit.
Lahan kritis merupakan salah satu isu krusial yang menerpa
Indonesia. Dalam catatan Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian tahun 2011, luas areal berstatus lahan kritis di Indonesia mencapai 30 juta hektar. Sementara laju rehabilitasi lahan per
tahunnya hanya 500 ribu hektar.
Situasi ini mendorong pemerintah mencanangkan ”Program
Penanaman Satu Miliar Pohon” atau kerap disebut ”Program
Indonesia Hijau”. Salah satu misinya adalah mendorong lebih cepat rehabilitasi lahan kritis.
Pemerintah Sulawesi Selatan juga kebagian porsi tugas untuk memotori program tersebut. Kabupaten Luwu Timur ditunjuk sebagai satu dari 25 kabupaten inspirator program
tersebut di Indonesia berdasarkan keputusan Kementerian
Lingkungan Hidup pada akhir September silam.
Pada awal 2013, Pemerintah Kabupaten Luwu Timur melalui
Dinas Kehutanan menerima bantuan bibit melalui Dana
Alukasi Khusus (DAK) dari Kementerian Kehutanan sebanyak
50 ribu bibit untuk program penghijauan lingkungan.
PT Vale menyelenggarakan pelatihan dasar pembibitan yang diikuti oleh para staf
instansi pemerintahan Luwu Timur pada awal Juni 2014.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Guna mendukung program tersebut, PT Vale bekerja sama
dengan Dinas Kehutanan Kabupaten Luwu Timur membangun kompleks pembibitan tanaman (nursery) di daerah Puncak Indah, Malili. ”Selain mendukung program penghijauan
pemerintah, proyek ini merupakan tindak lanjut komitmen
PT Vale terkait perizinan pembangunan PLTA Karebbe,” ujar
Aris Prio Ambodo, Manager Mine Rehabilitation PT Vale.
Nursery yang ditargetkan beroperasi pada kuartal kedua
2014 ini, berdiri di areal seluas 150x 27 meter. Dilengkapi
sarana dan fasilitas pembibitan tanaman seperti greenhouse, shadehouse, growing container, dan open area. Nursery ini
juga dilengkapi kantor, rumah pompa, mushala, bak air,
dan pos keamanan. “Tempat ini juga memiliki fasilitas pengembangbiakan tanaman secara vegetatif dan generatif
dan penangkaran anggrek spesies yang ada di Luwu Timur,”
tambah Aris.
Proyek senilai Rp3,5 miliar ini dikerjakan oleh perusahaan
kontraktor lokal, PT Putera Karebbe. Melibatkan 35 orang
pekerja dan pembangunannya sejak Juli 2013. Menurut
Ambo Tuo Jalil, Project Director PT Putra Karebbe, aspek
kualitas dan safety menjadi prioritas dalam pengerjaan nursery, karena merupakan standar yang ditetapkan PT Vale.
Ratusan Ribu Bibit
Dalam perhitungan Aris, nursery ini nantinya dapat memproduksi 200 ribu bibit per tahun dengan siklus tiga bulan.
Jumlah tersebut diharapkan mampu meningkatkan pasokan
untuk rehabilitasi lahan dan penghijauan di Luwu Timur.
Dalam catatan Dinas Kehutanan Luwu Timur, Pemkab Luwu
Timur telah merealisasi rehabilitasi lahan kritis dan kawasan
berfungsi lindung seluas 550 hektar di enam kecamatan.
Pemkab Luwu Timur sendiri, sejak ”Program Indonesia Hijau”
dicanangkan, telah menyalurkan 500 ribu bibit untuk penghijauan dan rehabilitasi lahan kritis.
Selain dukungan pembangunan sarana, PT Vale memberikan pelatihan untuk pengelolaan areal pembibitan yang
telah digelar pada 30-31 Mei 2014 silam. Peserta pelatihan
berasal dari entitas pemerintahan Kabupaten Luwu Timur,
seperti staf Dinas Kehutanan, Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan
Lindung (KPHL) Larona-Malili, Badan Pelaksana Penyuluhan
Pertanian, Perikanan, dan Kehutanan (BP4K), Bapedalda,
dan Dinas Tata Ruang & Wilayah, ditambah peserta dari SMK
Pertambangan Malili dan staf nursery PT Vale.
Pelatihan ini merupakan salah satu rangkaian persiapan
serah terima fasilitas nursery dari PT Vale kepada Pemerintah Kabupaten Luwu Timur. Selama dua hari pelatihan,
peserta diberikan materi mencakup media tumbuh,
tanaman, teknik perbanyakan tanaman, pembentukan dan pemeliharaan kebun pangkas untuk produksi bibit tanaman, teknik pemupukan dan penyiraman, prosedur dan pengoperasian fasilitas nursery juga pemeliharaan fasilitas.
Sedangkan pemateri pelatihan berasal dari konsultan pengelolaan pusat persemaian PT Mitra Atedaselaras.
Menurut Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Luwu Timur Zainuddin,
berkat dukungan PT Vale mengantarkan Luwu Timur merupakan kabupaten pertama di Indonesia yang memiliki dan
mengelola nursery permanen dengan fasilitas standar. []
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Nursery for
Luwu Timur
PT Vale supports a program to
rehabilitate degraded land in the
Land degradation is a critical issue in Indonesia. Records
from the Agricultural Research and Development Agency’s
Land Research Center in 2011 show that there is up to
30 million hectares of degraded land across Indonesia;
meanwhile the annual rate of rehabilitation is just 500,000
This situation prompted the government to launch the “One
Billion Tree Planting Program”, more popularly known as the
“Green Indonesia Program”. One of the program’s missions is
to accelerate the rehabilitation of degraded land.
The South Sulawesi provincial government has been given
the duty of driving the program in the region. Luwu Timur
Regency was appointed as one of 25 “inspirational regencies” for the nationwide program, based on a decree issued
last September by the Ministry of Environment.
In early 2013, the Luwu Timur Regional government through
its Forestry Office received 50,000 seedlings worth of assistance from the Ministry of Forestry’s Special Allocation
Funds (DAK) for use in the region’s environmental greening
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
In support of this program PT Vale, in collaboration with Luwu
Timur Regency’s Forestry Office, is developing a nursery in
Puncak Indah, Malili. “Besides supporting the government’s reforestation program, this project is also part of PT Vale’s commitment in connection with the permit granted for constructing the Karebbe hydropower plant,” said Aris Prio Ambodo,
who is PT Vale’s Manager for Mine Rehabilitation.
The nursery, which is scheduled to start operating in the
second quarter of 2014, measures 150 x 27 meters. It contains
greenhouses, shade houses, growing containers and open
areas. The nursery also has an office, pump shed, prayer room,
water tanks and security post. “There are plant breeding facilities that allow for vegetative and generative reproduction and
an enclosure for endemic orchids of Luwu Timur,” Aris added.
The IDR3.5 billion project, which began in July 2013, is developed by local contractor PT Putera Karebbe and involves 35
workers. PT Putra Karebbe Project Director Ambo Tuo Jalil said
quality and safety are the project’s main priorities, because
they are standard requirements from PT Vale.
Hundreds of Thousands of Seedlings
According to Aris’ calculations, the nursery will be able to
produce 200,000 seedlings a year in three-monthly cycles.
This will increase the supply needed for the rehabilitation and
reforestation of degraded land in Luwu Timur.
According to the Luwu Timur Forestry Office, the Luwu Timur
regional government has rehabilitated 550 hectares of
degraded land and protected areas in six subdistricts. Since
the launch of the “Green Indonesia Program” the Luwu Timur
government has provided 500,000 seedlings for reforestation
and land rehabilitation.
Besides helping to develop nursery facilities, PT Vale provided
training for nursery management on 30-31 May 2014. Training
participants consisted of Luwu Timur Regency government
personnel, including staff members from the Forestry Office;
the Larona-Malili Protected Forest Management Unit (KPHL);
the Implementing Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and
Forestry Counselling (BP4K); the regency-level Environmental
Impact Management Agency; the Office for Regional and Spatial Planning; Malili Vocational Senior Secondary School (SMK);
and staff from PT Vale’s nursery.
The training sessions were part of the preparations for handing over nursery facilities from PT Vale to the Luwu Timur
regional government. The training covered growth media,
planting, regeneration techniques, developing and maintaining gardens for seedling production, fertilizing and watering techniques, nursery facility operational procedures and
maintenance. The trainers were nursery center management
consultants from PT Mitra Atedaselaras.
The Head of the Luwu Timur Forestry Office, Zainuddin, said
PT Vale’s support has allowed Luwu Timur to become the first
regency in Indonesia to own and maintain a permanent nursery equipped with standard facilities.
Edi si
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J uni
i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Mengolah Data Sampel Eksplorasi
Data technician ibarat jembatan antara aktivitas drilling-eksplorasi,
process & technology, dan mining. Di tangan mereka, informasi yang
menjadi panduan tim mining mengeksekusi titik nikel terbaik berada.
Ruang kerja explorasi sample hou-
se preparation di Enggano tampak senyap siang itu. Para
pekerjanya seolah membisu, tenggelam dalam pekerjaannya. Yang paling
terasa di bagian teknisi
data. Enam orang teknisi
data tampak serius dengan
komputernya masing-masing.
Halo Vale bertemu dengan Amriani, satu dari mereka yang dinilai berpengalaman. ”Beginilah kalau kami kerja. Diam semua karena konsentrasi,” papar wanita bersuara halus ini, tersenyum.
Teknisi data merupakan petugas yang mengolah data sampel drilling eksplorasi yang dikirimkan oleh tim core preparation. Data tersebut berisi informasi lubang pengambilan sampel (hole ID), jarak
antar-lubang (fraksi), hingga kandungan kimia dari setiap sampel
tersebut. Juga merekam unsur kimia dari masing-masing sampel.
Sedikitnya ada sembilan unsur kimia dengan nilai kandungannya
yang perlu dikategorisasikan oleh seorang teknisi data. Beberapa di
antaranya Fe, H2O, mangan, dan tentunya nikel.
Setiap hari tim teknisi data berkejaran dengan waktu. Pasalnya suplai data mereka ditunggu bagian Process and Technology untuk dianalisis sampel dari blok eksplorasi dan titik mana yang paling baik
untuk dieksekusi Departemen Mining kelak. ”Setiap hari bisa sampai
ratusan data atau sekitar 10 hole ID yang masuk dan perlu kami olah,”
ungkap wanita yang bekerja di PT Vale sejak tahun 2004 ini.
Kata Amriani, tantangan pekerjaan ini adalah bagaimana mereka
mengolah dan mengategorisasikan data sebanyak itu agar akurat
dan tepat waktu. Apa kiat Amriani agar pekerjaannya berjalan semestinya? ”Konsentrasi dan ketelitian kuncinya,” ujar dia. Teknisi data bekerja dibantu sistem komputerisasi. Aplikasi komputer Macro
Visual Basic, Excel, dan Lims System adalah tools mereka agar da-
ta yang disajikan detail, jernih, dan valid. Untuk menghindari terjadinya data error, mereka dikawal sistem peringatan dari ISO 9001:
2008 (quality mnagement systems) yang telah diterapkan di Sample
House Enggano.
Hal itu dibenarkan Absar, Manager of Exploration Sample Preparation & QAQC, rekan kerja sekaligus atasan Amriani. ”Selain kemampuan teknis komputer, mereka perlu teliti, tekun, dan sabar. Juga
bekerja sesuai semangat ISO 9001:2008,” ujar dia.
Pekerjaan teknisi data tidak hanya sampai di situ. Pasca-pengecekan
data oleh Process and Technology berupa laporan assay data, teknisi data mesti merangkum laporan itu dalam assay data komplet,
termasuk quality control-nya. Dari ratusan informasi drilling ketika
masuk di awal, bisa menyusut hanya menjadi belasan atau puluhan
daftar titik drilling saja yang layak dieksekusi di lapangan.
Menyukai Eksak
Bagi Amriani, pekerjaannya sebagai seorang teknisi data di PT Vale
merupakan suatu berkah. ”Saya sangat bersyukur bisa bekerja di
Vale karena saya suka eksak, khususnya kimia dan menganalisa.
Jadi pas sekali,” ujar wanita lulusan sarjana pertanian dari Universitas Hasanuddin ini. Sebelumnya, Amriani sempat bekerja sebagai
kontraktor selama dua tahun (2002-2004) di area mining. ”Ketika
itu Project Petea baru dibuka,” ungkap ibu yang hobi memasak dan
telah dikarunia dua orang putra ini.
Dari kacamata Absar, Amriani merupakan sosok pekerja yang punya
komitmen bagus. ”Beliau punya keinginan untuk maju, terbuka, dan
mau berbagi pengetahuan sesama rekan kerja,” tambah Absar.
Amriani berharap, Vale memiliki kinerja yang semakin baik dari tahun ke tahun. ”Saya sempat mendengar kabar harga nikel yang masih belum baik. Cukup membuat khawatir sebenarnya. Tapi semoga
perusahaan ini dapat bertahan dan semakin bagus kinerjanya agar
bisa berbuat lebih dari saat ini kepada karyawannya,” ujar dia. []
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Processing Data from
Exploration Samples
Data technicians are like a bridge between drilling-exploration,
processing-technology and mining activities. In their hands lie the
information guiding mining teams to the best nickel around.
RThe offices of the exploration sample preparation house in Enggano
appeared quiet that afternoon. The staff were working silently, deep
in thought. The silence was most noticeable in the data technician
rooms. Six technicians were in front of their computers, seriously
studying their screens. It was here that Halo Vale met Amriani, one of
the more experienced technicians. “This is how we work. Everyone
is quiet because we are concentrating,” the soft-spoken woman said
with a smile.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Data technicians have the job of processing data from drilling
exploration samples sent in by core preparation teams. The data
consists of information on sample drill holes (hole IDs), distance
between the holes as well as the chemical composition and component of each sample. Data technicians must categorize at least
nine chemical elements – such as Fe, H2O, manganese and nickel –
and their respective quantities.
Each day the technicians race against time because their data is
required by the Process and Technology division to be analyzed to
determine at which point in which exploration block the Mining
Department should carry out its tasks. “Every day we have hundreds
of data, or about 10 hole IDs, that arrive to be processed,” said Amriani, who has worked for PT Vale since 2004.
Amriani said the main challenge of her job was to process and
categorize large amounts of data accurately and quickly. So what
strategies does she use to make sure the job is done properly?
“Concentration and accuracy is the key,” she said.
The technicians use computerized systems for their job. Tools such as
Macro Visual Basic, Excel and Lims System ensure the data they work
with is valid and presented clearly and in detail. To avoid data errors,
they are supervised by a warning system from the ISO 9001:2008
(quality management systems) applied by the Enggano Sample
Amriani’s supervisor and work colleague, Absar, agreed. “Apart from
having computer skills, workers must be precise, persistent and
patient. They must also work with the spirit of ISO 9001:2008,” said
Absar, who is Manager of Exploration Sample Preparation & QAQC.
The work of a data technician does not end there. After the data
is checked by the Process and Technology division, technicians
must compile the assay data in a complete report, which includes a
quality control component. From the hundreds of bits of information
received by technicians at the start, only one or two dozen are left as
possible drilling points that are worth executing on the field.
“Every day we have
hundreds of data, or
about 10 hole IDs, that
arrive to be processed.”
Enjoying Exact Sciences
Amriani considers her job as data technician at PT Vale a blessing.
“I feel very grateful to be able to work at Vale because I like exact
sciences, especially analytical chemistry, so it matches my interest,”
said the Universitas Hasanuddin graduate. Prior to this, she worked
for two years (from 2002 to 2004) as a contractor in mining. “At the
time, the Petea Project had just started,” said the mother of two who
enjoys cooking.
Absar said Amriani was a committed and hardworking team member.
“She is open, she wants to develop herself and is willing to share
knowledge with colleagues,” Absar added.
Amriani hopes that Vale’s performance will improve with each passing year. “I have heard that nickel prices haven’t improved, which is
quite worrying. But I hope this company will survive and perform
better, so it can continue to do more for its employees,” she said.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Engineering Tennis Club
Mengayunkan Raket
Tenis membuat mereka bisa melepaskan kejenuhan rutinitas,
menjaga kebugaran, sekaligus menjalin persahabatan.
Olahraga kerap dijadikan orang-orang tertentu menjadi wadah aktivitas berkumpul sekaligus menyehatkan. Begitu pula tenis. Cabang
olahraga ini dipilih para pekerja engineering PT Vale untuk bersenang-senang mengayunkan raket dan membentuk Engineering
Tennis Club (ETC).
Komunitas ini berdiri sejak 1997. Seperti namanya, beranggotakan sekumpulan engineering PT Vale maupun kontraktor
yang tersebar di berbagai departemen seperti Central Engineering, Utilities (Maintenance System Engineering), Process
Plant, hingga Contract Admin. Saban Selasa sore, jadwal
latihan mereka di Lapangan Tenis Pontada.
“Tujuan Komunitas ini agar anggotanya
bisa berolahraga, bersenang-senang sekaligus melepas ketegangan dari rutinitas, dan menguatkan ikatan antar anggotanya,” ujar Rahadian Winarno, Ketua ETC.
Secara struktural, ETC merupakan bagian dari Sorowako Tennis Community, induk komunitas tenis yang
ada di Sorowako.
Tak heran, selain berkumpul dan melakukan
latihan rutin bersama anggotanya, ETC juga
aktif dalam turnamen-turnamen tenis yang
digelar PT Vale bersama Sorowako Tennis Co-
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
mmunity. “Misalnya Sorowako Open, anggota ETC juga ada yang
masuk ke tim PT Vale,” tambah Rahadian.
Selain berpartisipasi di event tersebut, ETC juga cukup aktif menggelar turnamen yang bersifat internal. Untuk event ini mereka beri nama ETC Fun Games yang telah digelar berturut-turut sejak dua tahun
terakhir (Februari 2013 dan April 2014). “Turnamen ini digelar agar
anggotanya semakin kompak dan skill-nya semakin baik. Meski lebih
banyak guyonnya, tapi tetap ada hadiah untuk pemenangnya,” ujar
Rahadian tersenyum.
ETC membagi anggota dalam dua kelompok, yakni senior dan junior.
Pembagian itu sebenarnya guna mempermudah sharing tips teknik
dan mental ketika bertanding dari senior ke anggota barunya. “Jadi
skill mereka bisa berkembang. Namun ketika bermain dan latihan,
kami membaur,” tambah Rahadian yang mengagumi teknik permainan petenis dunia Rafael Nadal ini.
Sosial dan Kesehatan
Sebelum ada tennis indoor, banyak pemain tenis yang mau latihan
seperti menyesuaikan dengan cuaca. Tapi sekarang, cuaca dan waktu
tidak membatasi hasrat mereka mengayunkan raket. Mau siang
sampai malam. Hujan atau panas, tetap bisa latihan.
Tenis bisa jadi olahraga yang relatif mudah menarik perhatian orang
untuk bergabung lantaran beberapa hal. Kata Rahadian, misalnya
karena olahraga ini menyenangkan sekaligus berbiaya murah. Dengan modal di bawah Rp1 juta, sudah bisa memiliki raket yang kualitasnya cukup lumayan dan baik untuk latihan. “Untuk pemula jangan
langsung membeli raket mahal. Perlu mengetahui karakter permainan setelah latihan beberapa lama. Kalau sudah tahu karakternya, kebutuhan raket atau tennis gear akan mengikuti,” ujar Rahadian memberi tips.
Bukan hanya animo, menurut Sopian, Senior Mechanical / Civil Designer yang juga mantan Ketua ETC era 1990-an, yang juga terjadi
adalah pergeseran kelompok usia para penggiat tenis. “Kalau dulu,
tenis identik dengan olahraga orang-orang tua. Tapi sekarang malah
banyak anak muda yang mau,” ungkap Sopian.
Di luar itu, seperti olahraga lainnya, tenis juga memiliki dua sifat yang
bisa berkembang sesuai tujuan si pemainnya. Artinya, kalau diseriusin
bisa menjadi heavy sport dan profesional. Tapi kalau dibawa enjoy
menjadi fun dan light sport. Selain itu, tambah Rahadian, tenis juga
memberikan efek sosial dan kesehatan bagi penggiatnya
Nirmalasari, salah satu contohnya. Anggota baru ETC yang bekerja
sebagai Design Engineer di Maintenance System Engineering ini merasa tenis dapat membuatnya bugar fisik dan pikiran. “Saya bergabung
karena teman-teman di sini seru-seru dan tenis hobi sejak SMA. Jadi
saya ingin kembali aktif di sini,” ujar pengagum petenis dunia Victoria
Efek sosialnya yakni menjadi mudah mencari teman baru. Sedangkan
efek kesehatannya, adalah mudah menyusutkan badan. Gerakan-gerakannya yang dinamis dan memompa seluruh otot untuk bekerja,
cocok untuk membakar lemak. Jadi pas sekali untuk orang yang ingin
ngurusin badan.
ETC memiliki anggota 36 orang. Ada sekitar lima anggota baru bergabung pada tahun ini. Kata Rahadian, belakang ini animo tenis cukup
tinggi. “Adanya lapangan tennis indoor yang dibangun perusahaan
cukup mempengaruhi orang ingin mencoba tenis,” ujar dia.
Ke depan, ETC ingin lebih fokus dan menggelar event atau turnamen
bersifat eksternal. ”Misalnya turnamen bersama PLN Palopo atau
PDAM Malili. Maka itu, untuk menuju ke sana, kami ingin menguatkan
internal tim dulu dengan menggelar Fun Games Tournament dan
sebagainya,” tambah Rahadian. []
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Engineering Tennis Club
Happily Swinging
their Rackets
Tennis provides a break from work routines,
keeps the body fit and helps to maintain friendships.
Sport is often cited as an activity that brings health and friendship benefits. It is no different
with tennis. This sport was chosen by PT Vale’s employees in engineering as a way to have fun
while swinging their rackets, and later led to the formation of the Engineering Tennis Club
The community was established in 1997. As its name suggests, club members are PT
Vale’s engineering employees and contractors from various departments, such as Central
Engineering, Maintenance System Engineering and Process Plant, although there are also
employees from Contract Admin. They train on Tuesday evenings at the Pontada tennis
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
“The aim of this community is to allow members to do sport, have
fun, relax – to get away from the stress and routine of work – and
strengthen friendships,” said ETC Chairperson, Rahadian Winarno.
Structurally, ETC is part of the Sorowako Tennis Community, which is
the main tennis body in Sorowako.
Nirmalasari is just one example. The
newcomer at ETC works as a Design Engineer at the Maintenance System Engineering
department. She feels that tennis has helped her stay physically and
mentally fit. “I joined because the members are so much fun, and I
have been playing tennis as a hobby since high school. I would like to
become active again here,” said the fan of international tennis player
Victoria Azarenka.
ETC is also active in tennis tournaments held jointly by PT Vale
and the Sorowako Tennis Community. “For example, there is the
Sorowako Open, and we have ETC members who are in the PT Vale
team,” Rahadian added.
Being Social and Healthy
Apart from participating in those events, ETC actively hosts internal
tournaments. They call such events the ETC Fun Games. These games have been held for the last two years. “They are intended to
strengthen the bond between members and improve tennis skills.
Although there is more joking around, there is still a prize for the
winner,” Rahadian said with a smile.
Tennis is a sport that attracts people for several reasons. It is fun and
cheap, according to Rahadian. With less than IDR1 million, people
can get a good quality racket that is suitable for training. “Beginners
shouldn’t worry about buying an expensive racket straight away. It
is necessary to know the character of the player after a few training
sessions. Once this is known, the appropriate racket or tennis gear
will follow,” Rahadian advised.
ETC’s members are divided into two groups: seniors and juniors.
The differentiation is intended to make it easier for seniors to share
technical and mental tips with juniors when competing. “That way,
they will develop their skills. But when playing and practicing, everyone gets together,” said Rahadian, who idolizes world tennis player
Rafael Nadal.
ETC has 36 members. Five new members joined this year. According
to Rahadian, there has been greater interest in tennis this year. “The
indoor tennis courts built by the company has encouraged people to
try tennis,” he said.
Before the indoor tennis courts existed, players had to adjust with
the weather. Now they can swing their rackets and practice to their
hearts content come rain or shine.
According to Senior Mechanical/Civil Designer Sopian, who was
the chairman of ETC in the 1990s, there has been a shift in the age
group of tennis enthusiasts. “In the past, tennis was considered a
sport of older people. Now, it is young people who are interested,”
Sopian said.
Tennis also has two features that players can develop, depending on
players’ intention. “If players want to take it seriously, it can become a
professional, heavy sport. But if they want to just enjoy it, tennis can
become a light, fun sport with social and health benefits,” Rahadian
The social benefits of tennis include having the opportunity to make
new friends. The health benefit is being able to keep trim, as the
dynamic movements in tennis push all body muscles to work and to
burn fat.
In future, ETC intends to focus on hosting external events or tournaments. “For example, we could have a joint tournament with Palopo
PLN (State Electricity Company) or Malili PDAM (Regional Water
Utility Company). To be able to do that, we would like to strengthen
our internal team through the hosting of Fun Games and other tournaments,” Rahadian said.
Engineering Tennis Club members train every Tuesday evening at Pontada Tennis
Court. Right: Nirmalasari, a newcomer at ETC.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Jangan Anggap Remeh Cacar Air
Orang dewasa yang sudah pernah terserang cacar air saat masih kanak-kanak
bisa kembali terinfeksi virus yang sama.
Beberapa bulan terakhir, jumlah pasien yang memeriksakan diri ke RS Inco dan mendapat diagnosis cacar air atau
varicella meninkat. Mayoritas anak-anak usia sekolah. Mitos
yang berkembang di masyarakat adalah penyakit ini hanya
menyerang anak-anak. Dan mereka yang sudah pernah terkena cacar air tidak akan terserang lagi untuk kedua kalinya.
Faktanya, penyakit ini juga menjangkiti orang dewasa, termasuk mereka yang pernah terkena cacar air sebelumnya.
Cacar air tampak sebagai penyakit penyakit biasa. “Hanya”
menimbulkan gelembung berisi cairan bening pada kulit
yang terasa gatal. Dalam tiga pekan, penyakit ini akan sembuh. Dilihat sekilas, memang demikian. Tapi sebenarnya penyakit ini sangat menular. Virus penyebab cacar air, varicellazoster, menyebar dengan mudah melalui batuk atau bersin
penderita, berbagi makanan atau perlengkapan pribadi, dan
melalui kontak dengan cairan gelembung cacar air. Penderita varicella dapat menularkan virus sebelum dia mengalami gejala sakit.
Karena sangat menular, penderita disarankan
untuk beristirahat di rumah hingga bekas
cacar air pada kulit, yang disebut keropeng,
telah kering sepenuhnya. Ketika orang
dewasa terserang, sudah pasti produktivitas akan terganggu selama beberapa
pekan. Jika anak terjangkit cacar air,
orangtua perlu perhatian ekstra menjaga anak yang demam, rewel, nafsu makan berkurang, sakit kepala, dan sakit tenggorokan. Kemungkinan besar Anda harus absen beberapa hari dari tempat kerja, tidur larut
malam, dan kelelahan.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
Infeksi Berulang
Pada orang dewasa, risiko terserang cacar air meningkat jika
sama sekali belum pernah terinfeksi sebelumnya dan belum
mendapatkan vaksin varicella. Jika Anda tinggal satu rumah
dengan penderita, risiko meningkat karena kontak pasti
Jika Anda sudah pernah terjangkit cacar air, bukan berarti
Anda aman. Virus tidak akan pernah hilang dan tetap “tidur”
dalam akar saraf Anda. Bagi kebanyakan orang, virus varicella-zoster akan tetap tidur dan tidak pernah menyerang lagi.
Namun bagi sebagian kecil orang—terutama mereka yang
memiliki sistem kekebalan tubuh yang lemah akibat stres,
cedera, atau obat-obatan tertentu—virus akan kembali aktif.
Infeksi berulang ini disebut cacar ular atau cacar api atau
herpes zoster.
Berbeda dengan cacar air, cacar ular hanya
menyerang daerah persarafan tertentu. Cacar
ular biasanya muncul berkelompok atau
berbaris pada satu area kecil di salah satu
sisi wajah atau dada dan lengan. Selain
bentukan gelembung berisi air, infeksi
herpes zoster juga ditandai dengan nyeri
pada persendian.
Secara klinis, cacar ular memang tidak
berbahaya. Namun rasa nyeri pada persendian membuat penderitanya tidak bisa
beraktivitas dan perlu istirahat total di tempat
tidur. Meskipun seseorang tidak dapat tertular
cacar ular dari penderita, tetap ada kemungkinan
kecil orang dengan ruam cacar ular dapat menyebarkan virus ke orang yang belum pernah
terkena cacar air dan yang belum
mendapatkan vaksin cacar air. Jika penularan terjadi kepada
kelompok individu tertentu, misalnya bayi atau wanita hamil, komplikasi bisa terjadi.
Orang Dewasa Perlu Pencegahan
Bagi anak usia TK dan SD, cacar air mungkin “hanya” menimbulkan sakit dan gatal selama tiga pekan. Rasa gatal dapat
diatasi dengan mengoleskan losion anti-gatal atau pemberian obat yang diresepkan dokter. Dengan tidak menggaruk
ruam, cacar air tidak meninggalkan bekas pada kulit.
Tapi lain halnya dengan bayi, remaja, orang dewasa, wanita
hamil, atau individu dengan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang
lemah. Bagi kelompok tersebut, ada risiko cacar air membawa sejumlah komplikasi serius, seperti dehidrasi, infeksi
bakteri, radang paru, infeksi tulang, hingga infeksi persendian. Dan meskipun kecil kemungkinan, infeksi cacar air
pada wanita hamil dapat menyebabkan kelainan janin.
anak usia 1 tahun ke atas. Sementara bagi orang dewasa
yang belum pernah terkena cacar air dan belum mendapat
imunisasi, sebaiknya vaksin varicella diberikan sebanyak dua
dosis dengan jarak empat minggu.
Jika vaksin diberikan dalam waktu 1-3 hari setelah kontak
dengan penderita varicella, maka vaksin ini masih efektif untuk memberikan perlindungan. Pada individu tersebut akan
terjadi kemungkinan: tidak menderita cacar air sama sekali
atau menderita cacar air dengan gejala yang sangat ringan
dan ruam kulit yang timbul tidak lebih dari 10 gelembung
cairan. []
Karena sangat menular dan bisa membawa komplikasi serius, pencegahan cacar air menjadi penting dilakukan oleh
semua kalangan, termasuk orang dewasa. Pencegahan dapat dilakukan dengan menghindari sumber cacar air. Istirahatkan penderita di rumah agar virus tidak menyebar di sekolah, di kantor, maupun di tempat umum lainnya. Jangan
saling meminjamkan peralatan pribadi seperti sendok atau
sikat gigi. Penting juga menjaga kebersihan tubuh, pakaian,
dan lingkungan, serta mengonsumsi makanan sehat dan
seimbang demi meningkatkan stamina.
Pencegahan lain yang terbukti efektif adalah imunisasi. Sudah ada vaksin varicella untuk mencegah anak maupun
orang dewasa terjangkit cacar air. Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia merekomendasikan pemberian vaksin varicella untuk
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Do Not Underestimate Chickenpox
Adults who have had chickenpox in their childhood may be reinfected
by the virus.
The last few months have seen an increasing number of
patients at Inco Hospital being diagnosed with chickenpox,
or varicella. The majority are school-aged children. The myth
about chickenpox is that it only infects children, and that
people who have been infected once cannot possibly be
infected a second time. In fact, grownups – including those
who have had chickenpox in their childhood – can also
contract this disease.
Because it is highly contagious, it is recommended that
patients stay home until all the lesions have completely
crusted. Adults who are infected will no doubt experience
a disruption in their productivity. If a child is infected then
parents must take extra caution if the child contracts a fever,
is irritable, loses his or her appetite or complains of headaches or sore throats. You must take several days off work
and avoid late nights and exhaustion.
Chickenpox may seem like a regular disease, appearing
“only” as itchy, fluid-filled blisters on the skin which disappear after three weeks. Seen at a glance, this is indeed the
case. However, this disease in fact highly contagious. The
varicella-zoster virus that causes chickenpox is airborne and
spreads through coughing or sneezing by infected individuals, sharing of food or personal items with infected individuals and through direct contact with fluid from the blisters
of an infected person. A person with the varicella virus is
infectious before signs of the
disease appear.
The risk of contracting chickenpox increases in adults who
have never had the disease before, or if they have not been
vaccinated for varicella. The risk is higher if you share a
house with a patient, because contact with that person is
almost certain to occur.
If you have had chickenpox, it still does not mean you are
safe. The virus is not eliminated but stays dormant in your
nervous system. For most people, the varicella-zoster virus
will remain dormant and a reinfection will never occur. But
a small number of people – particularly people whose immune system is weakened by stress, injury, or certain types
of medication – may experience a repeat outbreak of the
virus. This reinfection is called shingles or herpes zoster.
Unlike chickenpox, shingles only affects certain nerve areas,
usually appearing as clusters or rows of fluid-filled blisters
in a small area on one side of the face or on the chest and
arms. Apart from lesions, shingles is also characterized by
pain around the joints.
In medical terms, shingles are not dangerous but the pain
can be immense, preventing the patient from carrying out
regular activities and requiring him or her to have total
bed rest.
Although shingles cannot be contracted from
an infected patient, there is still a small
chance that a patient’s shingle rash may
cause the virus to spread to someone
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun
Apr iil 2014
who has never had, and not been immunized against, chickenpox. An infection that affects certain groups of people,
such as babies or pregnant women, may result in complications.
Prevention for Adults
Chickenpox in preschool and primary school-aged children “only” causes pain and itchiness for three weeks. The
discomfort can be overcome by applying anti-rash lotions
or doctor-prescribed medication. Rashes that are left unscratched will not lead to permanent skin scarring.
But it is a different case for women, adolescents, adults,
pregnant women or people with a weak immune system.
For people in these groups, the incidence of chickenpox
brings with it higher risks and the possibility of serious complications such as dehydration, bacterial infections, pneumonia, bone infections and joint infections. And although
the chances are remote, chickenpox in pregnant women
may result in malformation of the fetus.
Because chickenpox is highly contagious and often accompanied by serious complications, prevention is an important
aspect for everyone, including adults. Prevention includes
avoiding sources of chickenpox; ensuring infected individuals stay at home to stop the virus from spreading at school,
office and other public places; and avoiding the sharing of
personal items such as cutlery and toothbrushes. It is also
important to maintain personal hygiene and environmental
sanitation and to consume healthy food and a balanced diet
to increase stamina.
Another effective prevention against chickenpox is immunization. A varicella vaccination now exists for children and
grown-ups. The Indonesian Pediatric Society recommends
the varicella vaccination for children aged 1 and older.
Adults who have never contracted chickenpox and have not
been immunized are recommended to have two doses of
the varicella vaccine, four weeks apart.
If the vaccine is given 1 to 3 days after contact is made
with an infected person, the vaccine still provides effective protection. Two things may happen to the vaccinated
individual: he or she may either not contract chickenpox at
all, or contract a very mild version of it, with fewer than 10
lesions appearing in the rash.
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Isilah teka-teki silang berikut dengan membaca Laporan Utama
sebagai panduan jawabannya.
Scan atau fotokopi jawaban
Anda dan kirim ke internal.
[email protected]
atau masukkan ke DP 23B.
Pengundian secara acak
dilakukan melalui situs
random.org. Pemenang akan
diumumkan di Halo Vale edisi
mendatang. Semoga Anda
Send your answer by email
to internal.communication@
vale.com or Photocopy and
cut out this quiz from and
drop it to DP 23B. Random
drew will conducted through
random.org. Winner will be
announched in upcoming issue
of Halo Vale. Good Luck.
1. Lokasi Vale Living with Lakes Centre.
2. Sumber energi alternatif yang dikembangkan di Biring Bulu, Kabupaten Gowa.
3. Angin (persamaan).
5. High sulfur fuel oil (disingkat).
6. Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (singkatan).
7. High speed diesel (singkatan).
9. Desa Mandiri Energi (singkatan).
10. PLTA PT Vale yang beroperasi pada 1999.
12. Gas buang berupa karbondioksida
Solar Home System (singkatan).
Aliran sungai sumber tenaga PLTA Karebbe.
Salah satu manufaktur kincir angin.
Nama proyek perkebunan kelapa sawit Vale
di Brazil untuk biodiesel.
Pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar HSD.
...... Hydro/mitra Vale membangun kincir angin
di Rio Grande do Norte.
Nama pertambangan batubara Vale di Mozambik.
Tambang berlian di Artik.
Salah satu sumber energi alternatif.
Kuis Halo Vale
edisi 8:
1. Andi Sunandar Galigo (8522/UT)
2. Amiruddin (8929/UT)
3. Kasman Aziz (6796/PP)
4. Affandhi (8270/Proctech)
5. Miftahuddin Hadilang (8339/EXR)
Ha l o Va l e I Ed isi Jun i 2014
6. Yusran (5982/IT)
7. Adi Suryadi (11003/MU)
8. Asniati Mpila (10546/Logistic)
9. Zulkifli (8422/Mining)
10. Sachrul (10275/MEM)
Selamat kepada pemenang!
Hadiah dapat langsung diambil
di Communications & External
Affairs, External Relations
pada hari dan jam kerja.
Rubrik Zoom Ini memuat potret
unik dan menarik seputar tempat,
orang, atau kejadian di sekitar kita.
Kirimkan foto Anda ke internal.
[email protected].
Safety First
Zoom In publishes unique and
interesting pictures about places,
people, or events around us. Send
your photograph to internal.
[email protected].
- Doni Setiadi -
Mana Motorku?...
- Aryanto Bhrata -
Ed i si J uni 2014 I H alo Val e
Berkarya di tengah nirwana
Keanekaragaman Hayati
Sulawesi memiliki
endemisitas flora &
fauna tertinggi di nusantara.
dari 136 spesies
dari 69 spesies
dari 993 jenis