East Asia_Fall_07
East Asia_Fall_07
/Burmese To find our frequencies or listen to a show you've missed, visit our web page at www.VOANews.com/Burmese. VOA Burmese: Daily 1130-1230, 1430-1530, 1530-1630, 2300-2400 UTC. Twice each day, VOA Burmese brings you the latest international news and information, including the following features: Monday: Today's Economy, American Idioms 1430, 1530 UTC; Tuesday: U.S. Political Roundtable, Arts 1430, 1530 UTC; Wednesday: Health, Sports 1430, 1530 UTC; Thursday: Youth: Lets Talk, Americana 1430, 1530 UTC; Friday: Women's Corner, Science & Technology 1430, 1530 UTC; Saturday: Burma Focus, Call-in Show, This I Believe 1430, 1530 UTC; Sunday: Democracy Forum, Letter From Burma, Wise Old Man 1430, 1530 UTC. Kyaw Zan Tha, broadcaster /Cantonese Charleston Mock, broadcaster [email protected] VOA Cantonese uses a fast-paced all-news format specially designed for audiences in the bustling region of southern China. Newscasts open with headlines every quarter-hour during 1300-1500 UTC broadcast time with news briefs on world, regional, and local events, followed by correspondent reports on U.S. policy issues and China news as well as short 14 LANGUAGES /Cantonese features including – Daily: VOA News of the World 1305, 1335, 1405, 1435 UTC, VOA China and Asia Report 1320, 1350, 1420, 1450 UTC, Editorial 1457 UTC, Audience Hotline 1430 UTC; Monday–Friday: Learn a Word 1329, 1429 UTC; Mondays: Cutting Edge 1325, 1425 UTC; Popular American 1355, 1455 UTC; Wednesday: Legal Window 1325, 1355 UTC, Economic World 1425, 1455 UTC; Thursday: To Your Health 1325, 1425 UTC, Popular American 1325, 1425 UTC; Saturday: America Today 1325, 1355, 1425 UTC; Sunday: American Report on Asia Television, /Burmese 14 Hong Kong 1045 UTC, Feature repeats 13051430 UTC. Besides the broadcast program, VOA Chinese also publishes a monthly magazine “Business Scene.” Chinese listeners can subscribe to it for free. The magazine is also published on the Internet at www.freeinwen.com/caijing, and its e-mail address is [email protected]. /Cantonese 14 Bahasa Indonesia/ Indonesian 15 /Khmer 16 /Korean 16 Lao 17 www.freexinwen.com/caijing /Mandarin 18 [email protected] /Thai 20 /Tibetan 20 Ban viêt . ngũ´ / Vietnamese 21 Bahasa Indonesia/Indonesian Situs: www.VOAIndonesia.com VOA Mobile: www.voahp.com Rangkuman berita utama dikirim langsung ke telepon genggam Anda. VOA Email Direct: Kiriman newsletter mingguan VOA melalui email. VOA Headlines: Kiriman rangkuman Berita Harian VOA Indonesia langsung ke email Anda. XML/RSS: Download otomatis program radio VOA Indonesia. TIAP HARI Siaran Pagi & Siaran Petang Setiap hari, Siaran Bahasa Indonesia VOA menyajikan berita internasional terbaru, perkembangan bisnis, olah raga, tajuk rencana dan informasi mengenai Amerika Serikat, berita dunia hiburan, serta wawancara dan talk show. Senin–Minggu 05:00-07:30, 18:30-19:30 WIB Morning & Evening Show: Every day, VOA Indonesian brings you the latest international news, business developments, sports, editorials and information on the U.S., entertainment news and interviews, as well as magazine and talk shows. Monday–Sunday 2200-0030, 1130-1230 UTC. VOA Headline News 5 menit headline news setiap setengah jam setiap hari. Senin–Minggu VOA Headline News: 5 minutes of headline news on the hour and half-hour. Dhania Iman broadcaster VOA Executive Lounge & VOA Executive Weekend Siaran talkshow santai dan informatif selepas jam kantor,disiarkan setiap hari lewat Trijaya Radio Network,membahas beragam topik langsung dengan narasum- ber,mulai dari masalah kantor,perbaikan hubungan sosial dan keluarga,hingga teknologi terbaru,bahkan dunia entertainment.Acara ini dibawakan oleh Ian Umar bersama Asri Poeraatmadja,dan pada akhir pekan oleh Ariono Arifin. Senin–Minggu 19:03-19:30 WIB di Trijaya FM VOA Executive Lounge & VOA Executive Weekend Join host Ian Umar for this cool, sophisticated after-work discussion show. Then on the weekend relax with weekend host Ariono Arifin and focus on life outside the office. Aired daily on the Trijaya Radio Network. Monday–Sunday 0003-0030 UTC. SELASA–MINGGU VOA Minute Berbagai berita dan cerita menarik seputar kehidupan anak muda di Amerika mulai dari kehidupan di sekolah, kampus, fashion, kisah sukses anak muda Indonesia di Amerika, sampai wawancara dengan artis musisi dan film. Dikemas dalam bentuk insert dan mengudara di 8 stasiun radio Prambors Network 3kali/hari, setiap hari Selasa – Minggu VOA Minute: A look at youth in America, including school and campus life, music and fashion, and looks at successful young Indonesians in the U.S. These inserts are aired by 8 radio stations of the Prambors Network. Tuesday to Sunday, 3 times a day. KAMIS–SABTU Senin–Jumat di radio afiliasi lokal. Untuk jam siaran lokal, cek website kami. PROGRAM CLOCK 22 Today’s Dynamic World: 25-minute morning show including news, international reports, business and sports, aired by affiliates. Monday–Friday on local affiliates. Check our website for local times. SHORTWAVE FREQUENCIES 24 Interaktif Bersama Elshinta Berita terpenting hari ini, dilaporkan dan dibahas langsung dengan Radio Elshinta, Jakarta. Senin–Minggu 22:30-23:00 WIB Interaktif Bersama Sonora Berita terpenting hari ini, dilaporkan dan dibahas dengan Radio Sonora di Jakarta. Rabu 21:00-22:00 WIB Sonora Interactive: Top stories of the day, reported and discussed live with Sonora Radio in Jakarta. Wednesday 1400-1500 UTC. Indonesian service’s Vena Dilianasari, broadcaster TV Dunia Kita Majalah televisi menampilkan topik-topik budaya dan sosial dari seluruh dunia, melalui Metro TV. Senin 11:30-12:00 WIB Dunia Kita: TV magazine featuring cultural and human interest stories from around the world, on Metro TV. Monday 0430-0500 UTC. Laporan VOA Berita-berita terkini dan menarik dari Amerika dalam program Metro Pagi di Metro TV. Senin–Jumat 5:45 - 5:52 WIB VOA DC: Lively, youth-oriented show with brief news, popular American and Indonesian music, and entertainment news. Thursday–Saturday 1400-1500 UTC. Laporan VOA: Top stories and interesting newsfeatures from the U.S. are inserted into Metro Pagi morning newscast on MetroTV. Sundays to Thursdays at 2245 to 2252 UTC on Metro TV. Dunia Dinamis Hari Ini Siaran pagi sepanjang 25 menit setiap hari, mencakup berita, laporan internasional, bisnis dan olah raga, disiarkan oleh afiliasi kami. TV AFFILIATES 25 Elshinta Interactive: Top stories of the day, reported and discussed live with Elshinta Radio in Jakarta. Daily 1530-1600 UTC. VOA DC (Direct Connection) Acara ceria yang berorientasi kaum muda, dengan berita singkat, musik populer di Indonesia dan Amerika, dan berita dari dunia hiburan. Kamis-Sabtu 21:00-22:00 WIB DI RADIO AFILIASI KAMI AM/FM AFFILIATES 24 Cek & Ricek Perkembangan terbaru budaya pop Amerika kini dapat disimak dalam program Cek & Ricek di RCTI. Dibawakan oleh Vena Annisa, Tim Liputan VOA menyajikan berbagai laporan menarik tentang bintang-bintang pop 15 Bahasa Indonesia/Indonesian kenamaan, baik asal Amerika maupun Indonesia, yang kini berkiprah di negeri Paman Sam. Sabtu jam 16:00 WIB di RCTI Cek & Ricek: Newest trends in American pop culture can now be watched through RCTI’s Cek & Ricek. Vena Annisa of VOA-Indonesia reports on American pop trends and also on Indonesian pop stars currently living or visiting in the U.S. Saturday, between 0900-0930 UTC on RCTI. VOA Pop Notes VOA Pop Notes adalah gabungan program majalah dan bincang-bincang mengenai keragaman gaya hidup dan budaya pop Amerika. Selasa 20:30-21:30 WIB di JakTV Jakarta VOA Pop Notes is a magazine talk show depicting the diversity of American popular culture and lifestyle. Tuesday 1330-1430 UTC on JakTV in Jakarta. Warung VOA Ngobrol-ngobrol santai selama setengah jam bersama tamu yang mampir di Warung VOA, membahas beragam topik, dari bertukang di Amerika sampai peran perempuan dalam kancah politik. Minggu 18:00-18:30 WIB di JTV A half-hour talk show, featuring a relaxed “cafe” setting where different guests stop by every week to talk about various topics from being a handyman in the U.S. to women's role in politics. Every Sunday 1100-1130 UTC on JTV, East Java. (bersambung) VOA World News Berita utama dari Amerika, langsung dilaporkan dari Washington dalam program World News di Metro TV. Selasa, Kamis 17:30–17:58 WIB di Metro TV suk mengenai masyarakat Indonesia di AS, diudarakan di program berita pagi dan siang, Lintas TPI. Kamis 11:55-12:00 WIB Jumat, Sabtu 05:55-06:00 WIB di TPI VOA for World News: Main U.S. and world headlines are reported from Washington for MetroTV's World News program. Tuesdays and Thursdays, between 1030 to 1058 UTC on MetroTV. VOA for Lintas TPI: 5-minute reports depicting America’s diversity including the customs and culture of Indonesians living in the U.S. Aired by TPI's Lintas Pagi morning newscast and Lintas Siang midday newscast on Thursdays 0455 - 0500 UTC and Thursdays/Fridays between 2255 - 2300 UTC on TPI. VOA for Indosiar Round-Up Rangkuman berita utama Amerika selama sepekan yang dikemas eksklusif untuk program ‘Round-Up News’ di Indosiar. Minggu jam 23:30–24:00 WIB di Indosiar VOA for Indosiar’s Round-Up News: Weekly round-up report of events in America is exclusively produced for "Round-Up News" on Indosiar. Sundays between 0430-0500 UTC on Indosiar. VOA for RCTI Nuansa Pagi Liputan berorientasi keluarga mengenai berbagai trend di Amerika dikemas dalam laporan 3 menit untuk Nuansa Pagi. Sabtu atau Minggu, antara jam 05:30–06:30 WIB di RCTI VOA for RCTI Nuansa Pagi: 3-minute features on family-oriented issues and trends in America are specially produced for RCTI's Nuansa Pagi. Fridays or Saturdays between 2230-2330 UTC on RCTI. VOA Berbagi Cerita Laporan khusus dari Amerika dalam program bincang pagi untuk perempuan di ANTV ‘Berbagi Cerita.’ Rabu antara jam 11:00-12:00 WIB di ANTV VOA for ANTV Berbagi Cerita: Women-oriented issues in the U.S. are reported exclusively for ANTV's morning talkshow 'Berbagi Cerita.' Wednesdays between 0400-0500 UTC on ANTV. VOA Gadgets Laporan 3 menit soal perkembangan teknologi mutakhir Amerika dalam ‘Topik Malam’ di ANTV. Jumat, antara jam 23:30-24:00 WIB VOA Gadgets for ANTV: 3-minute reports on the latest technology developments and gadgets in the U.S., aired by ANTV's nightly newscast 'Topik Malam.' Fridays between 1630–1700 UTC on ANTV. VOA for Lintas TPI Liputan 5 menit, berbagai peristiwa dan aspek kehidupan masyarakat Amerika, terma- /Khmer VOA Khmer: Daily 1330-1430, 2200-2230 UTC. Every day, VOA Khmer brings you news, music, health reports, editorials and information on the U.S. Among our features: Monday: News About Cambodia, Hello VOA 1400 UTC; Tuesday: News About Cambodia 1400 UTC; Wednesday: News About Cambodia, Focus 1400 UTC; Thursday: News About Cambodia, Hello VOA 1400 UTC; Friday: News About Cambodia 1400 UTC; Saturday: News About Cambodia, Agriculture, Health, Culture, Education 1400 UTC; Sunday: News About Cambodia, Women’s Issues, Business/Economy, American Music 1400 UTC. Contact us by e-mail at [email protected]. /Korean On the Web: Missed our broadcast? Log onto the VOA webpage at www.VOAKOREA.COM to listen online, read the latest updates, or subscribe to news by e-mail. Contact us by e-mail at [email protected]. 16 Daily 1200-1500; 1900-2100 UTC. Each day, VOA Korean presents the latest international news, indepth interviews, background, analysis, and an editorial as well as the following programs: “News Panorama I, II: Compilation of reports on news stories, current events and issues in and surrounding the Korean peninsula and the USA. Ji Hyeon Seo, broadcaster Want to Know USA: North Korean defectors’ testimony on what are the wrong facts and the wrong information being taught in North Korea about the USA. Thursday. News Focus: Daily compilation of major happenings in and around the Korean peninsula Hello, Seoul: Presenting proof of South Korean economic prosperity and North Korean defectors’ assimilation process U.S. Headlines: Summary of headline news stories and reports on Korea appearing in major U.S. daily newspapers. Koreans in America: Roundup of activities of Korean-Americans in major cities, including Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Honolulu. Friday. Washington News Parade: Korea-related news show to report on North-South Korean relations. English USA: Daily English lesson based on a model sentence by American native speakers, along with explanation. America Today: A presentation of American society in various aspects, including KoreanAmerican life, and the latest developments in business, sports, culture, and tourism. USA Now: A key topic that attracted the most attention among the American public. Washington Insight: Weekly interview program on a variety of topics of interest to Korean listeners. Monday. Welcome to America: Introduction of American tourist attractions through English dialogue with an American native speaker. Wednesday. Weekly Korea News and Topics: A wide-ranging talk show covering major happenings on the Korean peninsula among 4 VOA Korean reporters. Saturday. Weekly USA News: Summary of the major news stories that attracted the most interest among the American public. Sunday. Khmer Service’s Sarem Neou, broadcaster Lao Vannasone Keodara, broadcaster For more information about the Lao service, see our web page www.VOANews.com/Lao.Contact us by e-mail at [email protected]. VOA Lao broadcasts news about the U.S., Laos and the world.Daily: 1230-1300 UTC.Broadcasts also offer features about Laotians living abroad, English lessons, editorials and an audience-request music program along with the following features – Monday: Laos Today, English;Tuesday: Laos Today; Wednesday: Laos Today;Thursday: Overseas Laos; Friday: Laos Today, English; Saturday: Economic Feature; Sunday: Music Program. 17 /Mandarin VOA Mandarin produces an array of programs for radio, television, and the Internet. For up-to-date news, editorials ,and information on the U.S., the latest on health, science, and technology, or to learn English, tune to VOA. For more details, see our website www.VOAchinese.com. Listener's Mailbox: We respond to questions from the Listener's Hotline about VOA’s programs. Tuesday-Saturday 0800-0900, 0900-1000 UTC. Sunday 1035-1040 UTC; Monday 1035-1040, 1235-1240 UTC. The Communist Party in China-After 1949: Explores how the Communist Party in China after 1949 stays in power by launching numerous campaigns. Saturday 0010-0030 UTC; Sunday 1210-1230 UTC; Monday 1040-1100, 1410-1430 UTC. America Today: Explores American society,social customs, trends,& thinking.Includes a call-in segment. Tuesday–Saturday 1000-1200 UTC. VOA World Report: Newscasts, correspondent reports, backgrounders and interviews, with reports on the P.R.C., Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Sunday–Thursday 2200-2230 UTC; Monday–Friday 0000-0055, 0100-0155 UTC; Tuesday–Saturday 0800-0900, 0900-1000, 1200-1300, 1400-1500 UTC. Speak Out: A digested compilation of the week’s TV/radio callers’ comments on different topics in the news. Friday 2210-2230 UTC; Saturday 2210-2230 UTC; Sunday 1435-1455 UTC; Monday 1140-1200 UTC. VOA Capitol Hill Report: Wrap-up of the week’s Congressional activities and matters related to Congress. Saturday 0110-0120 UTC; Sunday 01350145, 1135-1145, 1235-1245 UTC; Monday 09100920 UTC. On The Line: A weekly discussion and analysis of major world events through panel discussions and interviews. Sunday 0235-0255, 0910-0930 UTC; Monday 0935-0955 UTC. Su Li, broadcaster Business Scene: Business news updates and in-depth analyses of international business trends. Daily 22302255, 0205-0230 UTC; Tuesday-Saturday 1230 UTC. Music World : An entertaining presentation of American musical styles, artists, and traditions. Saturday 0040-0100 UTC; Sunday 0040-0100, 1040-1100 UTC; Monday 0705-0730 UTC; Daily 0735-0755 UTC. 18 Uncut News: Reports news and social events from different angles and lets the audience make their own judgements. Saturday 0135-0150 UTC; Sunday 0010-0025, 1010-1025, 1410-1425 UTC; Monday 1010-1025, 1435-1450 UTC. Legal Issues: Introduces the American legal system, using reports on historic cases with expert explanations and analyses. Saturday 0110-0130, 1110-1130 UTC; Sunday 0235-0255, 1110-1130, 1210-1230 UTC. Joseph Chen, Business program editor TV Talk to America! The following Mandarin Service TV/radio simulcasts encourage viewers and listeners to interact with the hosts and guest experts. Issues and Opinions: Major international news stories are the starting points for lively discussions among experts, listeners, and viewers. Monday–Thursday 1300-1400 UTC. Strait Talk: Jointly moderated by a VOA host in Washington, D.C. and a Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC) reporter in Taipei,Taiwan. Experts and scholars answer questions from callers on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Sunday 1300-1400 UTC. Cultural Odyssey: Magazine show introducing American arts and entertainment, including profiles of Chinese-Americans. Friday 1330-1400 UTC. Dung-Ning Fan, broadcaster To Your Health: A key health issue is the main discussion topic, with experts answering questions from callers. Saturday 1300-1400 UTC. Pro and Con: Experts with opposing views explore controversial topics. Friday 1300-1330 UTC. /Learning English American Café: English language dialogue introduces American culture. Tuesday-Saturday 08000900, 0900-1000 and Saturday 1000-1100 UTC in “America Today”; Saturday 0150-0155 UTC; Sunday 0150-0155, 1025-1030, 1425-1430 UTC; Monday 1250-1255 UTC. English USA: Basic conversational American English, based on journalistic interview techniques and including detailed explanations in Chinese. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 0705-0730 UTC. Yang Chen, broadcaster Learn A Word: This one-minute program introduces the usage of words used in the headlines of the latest news stories. Daily in “VOA Window Report” and “America Today”. Tuning in the USA: Improve your English skills using scripts from volume 2 of the textbook “Tune in VOA”. Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday 0705-0730 UTC; Tuesday–Saturday 0235-0300 UTC. Popular American: Uses a dialogue format to teach words and phrases used frequently by young Americans.Tuesday-Saturday 0800-0900, 0900-1000 and Wednesday 1000-1100 UTC in “America Today”; Sunday 0025-0030, 0145-0150, 1155-1200 UTC; Monday 1025-1030, 1450-1455 UTC. Mandarin Service’s Wei Ran, broadcaster Business Etiquette: This three-minute program introduces etiquette language used in today’s daily life in America. Uses situation examples to illustrate how those phrases are used and how things are done. Daily in “VOA Window Report” and “America Today”. Words and Idioms: Introduces in-vogue idioms and customary language currently used in America and explains their origins. Tuesday 1000-1100 UTC in “America Today”; Saturday 0120-0130 UTC; Sunday 0135-0145, 1135-1145, 1235-1245 UTC; Monday 0910-0920 UTC. 19 /Thai Weekend with VOA: News, interviews with Thais in the U.S., movie reviews, entertainment, and snapshots of American life. Friday 2300 & Saturday 0130 UTC (Saturday at 6:00 a.m. & 8:30 a.m. in Thailand). Jammaree Anuratana, broadcaster Hot Line News from VOA Washington: World news with economic, political, social, and scientific issues for morning rush-hour commuters.Sunday-Thursday 2300, 2330, Monday- Friday 0130 UTC (Monday-Friday 6:00, 6:30, 8:30 a.m.in Thailand). You can listen to VOA Thai on stations across Thailand. To find a station near you, or to listen to a webcast at your leisure, check our web page at www.VOANews.com/Thai. Contact us by e-mail at [email protected]. English American Style: Teaches American idioms to Thai listeners. Sunday: 0130 UTC (Sunday 8:30 a.m. in Thailand). Songphot Suphaphon, broadcaster /Tibetan Tibetan Culture and Literature: Interviews with Tibetan scholars and Tibetologists about Tibetan culture and literature. Saturday 0000-0100 UTC. Weekly News Review: Captures the most important international news of the week on TV. Wednesday 1400 UTC. Dorje Tseten, anchor Daily: 0000-0100, 0400-0600, 1400-1500 UTC. As well as daily coverage of the latest news on Tibet, the U.S. and the world, VOA Tibetan offers the following special programs: 20 Kunleng: A call-in show for viewers to discuss major topics of the day. Broadcast on television via satellite, shortwave radio, and the Internet.Wednesday 1400 UTC. Health and Medicine: Up-to-date news on health care and medicine. Saturday 0000-0100 UTC. Youth and Education: Forum focusing mainly on youth-related issues like education, democracy, politics, and young people’s stories. Saturday 1400-1500 UTC. Trends in Tibetan Society: Covers developments taking place in the Tibetan community around the world. Tuesday 0400-0600 UTC. Tibetan Music and Song: Interviews with artists along with traditional and modern Tibetan songs. Sunday 0400-0600 UTC. To find out more about us, listen to a broadcast you’ve missed or contact our staff, check our web page at www.VOANews.com/Tibetan. Contact us by e-mail at [email protected]. Tibetan Style and Usage: Discussion of current and traditional usages to see which are the preferred terms or phrases. Tuesday 0400-0600 UTC. Table Talk: Discussion with scholars and experts on social, cultural, and political life of the Tibetan people. Sunday 0000-0100, 1400-1500 UTC. Ban Viêt . ngũ´ /Vietnamese Muô´ n biê´t thêm chi tiê´t , xin mò´i quý v.i vào ’ chúng tôi ó’ d̄ia ch ı’ trang Web c ua . ’ www.voatiengviet.com d̄ê nghe nhũ´ng ’ túò´ng trình d̄ac biet ngay vào lúc phát ban .̆ .̂ ’ thanh hay sau giò´ phát thanh , và d̄ê biê´t ’ thêm vê` d̄ài chúng tôi. Quý v.i cũng có thê ’ ’ ’ d̄ăng ký d̄ê nhan .̂ ban tin cua chúng tôi qua E-mail. Xin vui lòng liên he.̂ vó´’ i chúng tôi t ai . d̄.ia chı’ email [email protected]. Chu´óng trình phát thanh. Giò´ quô´ c tê´ (UTC): 2230-2330,1300-1330, 15001600 mô˜ i ngày Giò´ Viet .̂ Nam: 5:30-6:30 sáng 8:00-8:30 tô´ i 10:00-11:00 d̄êm mô˜ i ngày Mô˜ i ngày ba lâ` n ban Viet .̂ ngũ´ ¯Dài Tiê´ng Nói Hoa kỳ truyê`n d̄i nhũ´ng thông tin mó´i nhâ´ t cùng nhũ´ng bài xã luan .̂ và nhũ´ng chuyên muc. . Mò´i quý v.i theo dõi các muc . sau d̄ây: HÀ˘ NG NG ÀY ’ cong Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua .̂ tác viên 1300 UTC 1500 UTC 2230 UTC 1300 UTC 1500 UTC 2230 UTC THÚ’ HAI Thê thao Bài hoc . Anh ngũ’ sinh d̄ong .̂ Hoi d̄áp y hoc . ´ tru. ’c tiêp 1500 UTC THÚ’ TU’ Bài hoc . Anh ngũ’ sinh d̄ong .̂ D̄iêm sách 1500 UTC 1500 UTC THÚ’ NĂM Stephanie Tu, web editor THÚ’ SÁU To learn more about our service or listen to a webcast, see our web page at www.VOANews.com/Vietnamese. Contact us by e-mail at [email protected]. ´ Anh Thành ngũ’ tiêng 1500 UTC Khoa hoc và kh ông gian 1500 UTC . D̄oc 1500 UTC . truyen .̂ Câu chuyen .̂ phu. nũ’ Tho’ nhac . Bài hoc . Anh ngũ’ sinh d̄ong .̂ 1500 UTC 1500 UTC 2230 UTC ’ THÚ’ BAY Lá thu’ Mỹ Quô´ c Nghe.̂ sı̃ và d̄ò`’i s ô´ ng Giai d̄áp y hoc . ’ Kinh t ê Viet .̂ Nam Câu chuyen .̂ Viet .̂ Nam Giai d̄áp y hoc . ´ Anh Thành ngũ’ tiêng CHU NHÂT . THÚ’ HAI – THÚ’ SÁU Tin Viet .̂ Nam THÚ’ BA Thu’ tín ` Nhı̀n vê châu Á Nhac . M` ỹ chon . loc . Nhı̀n vê châu Á Khoa hoc . và không gian Thê thao 1500 UTC 1500 UTC 1500 UTC 2230 UTC 2230 UTC 2230 UTC 2230 UTC 1300 UTC 1500 UTC 1500 UTC 2230 UTC 2230 UTC 2230 UTC VOA Vietnamese: Daily-2230-2330, 1300-1330, 1500-1600 UTC. Local time in Vietnam: 5:30-6:30 a.m., 8:00-8:30 p.m., 10:00-11:00 p.m. VOA Vietnamese airs the latest news and information along with editorials and special features. Tune in for – Daily: Correspondent Reports 1300, 1500, 2230 UTC; Monday–Friday: Vietnam in the Media 1300, 1500, 2230 UTC; Monday: Sports Program, Dynamic English 1500 UTC; Tuesday: Live Call-in Show 1500 UTC; Wednesday: Dynamic English, Booknotes 1500 UTC; Thursday: Learning Idioms, Space and Science, Short Stories 1500 UTC; Friday: Women’s Program, Poetry and Music 1500 UTC, Dynamic English 2230 UTC; Saturday: Letter from America, Music For Tonight 1500 UTC, Health Call-in Show 1500, 2230 UTC, Business Briefs, Stories About Vietnam, Learning Idioms 2230 UTC; Sunday: Letter Box 1300 UTC, Focus On Asia, Music In America 1500 UTC, Focus On Asia, Science & Space, Sports Program 2230 UTC. Vietnamese Service’s Tan Chuong, broadcaster 1500 UTC 1500 UTC 21 Program lengths vary, please see program description Program Start Times for length of show. All times are in UTC. 2300 1130 1430/1530 1300 1315 1325 1330 1345 1355 1400 1415 1425 1430 1445 1455 BAHASA INDONESIA 0003 0400 0430 0455 0900 1030 1130 SENIN VOA Executive Lounge Dunia Kita Siaran Petang 1330 1400 1530 1630 2200 2230 2250 2255 KHMER 1330 1400 2200 1200 1300 1400 1900 LAO 1230 22 SELASA RABU KAMIS JUMAT SABTU MINGGU VOA Headline News 5 menit headline news setiap setengah jam setiap hari. VOA Executive Lounge VOA Executive Lounge VOA Executive Lounge VOA Executive Lounge VOA Executive Weekend VOA Executive Weekend VOA Berbagi Cerita VOA for Indosiar Round Up VOA for Lintas TPI Cek & Ricek VOA World News VOA World News Siaran Petang Siaran Petang Siaran Petang Siaran Petang Siaran Petang Interaktif Bersama Sonora VOA DC VOA DC VOA DC Siaran Petang Warung VOA VOA Pop Notes Interaktif Bersama Elshinta Interaktif Bersama Elshinta Interaktif Bersama Elshinta Interaktif Bersama Elshinta Siaran Pagi Siaran Pagi Siaran Pagi Siaran Pagi Laporan VOA Laporan VOA Laporan VOA Laporan VOA VOA for Lintas TPI Interaktif Interaktif Bersama Elshinta Bersama Elshinta VOA Gadgets Siaran Pagi Siaran Pagi VOA for RCTI Nuansa Pagi or VOA for RCTI Nuansa Pagi Interaktif Bersama Elshinta Siaran Pagi Laporan VOA VOA for Lintas TPI 0000 0100 0200 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1210 1300 1400 2200 0025 0235 0705 0800 0900 1000 1145 1200 1425 1450 2200 2225 Korean Service’s Won Ki Choi, broadcaster 2300 2330 0130 0000 0400 1400 THÚ’ HAI THÚ’ BA THÚ’ TU’ THÚ’ NĂM THÚ’ SÁU ’ THÚ’ BAY 1300 Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ 1500 Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Muc . thê thao Bài hoc . Anh ngũ’’ Sinh D̄ong .̂ Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Muc . hoi d̄áp y hoc . ´ truc .’ ti êp Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Bài hoc ˜’ . Anh ng ũ’ Sinh D̄ong .̂ Muc . D̄iêm sách Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Câu chuyen .̂ phu. nũ’’ Muc . Tho’ Nhac . ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ ´ Lá thu’’ Mỹ Quôc Nghe.̂ sı̃ và D̄ò`’i S ô´ ng Giai D̄áp Y Hoc . 2230 Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Bài hoc . thành ngũ’’ Muc . Khoa hoc . và Không gian Muc D̄ oc Truy en . . .̂ Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Tin Viet .̂ Nam ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Bài hoc . Anh ngũ’’ Sinh D̄ong .̂ ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Giai D̄áp Y Hoc . Bài hoc ˜’ . thành ng ũ’ BAN VIÊT . NGŨ´ CHU’ NHÂT . ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ Muc . Thu’ Tı́n ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác .̂ ` viên Nhı̀n Vê Á Châu Nhac . Mỹ Chon . Loc . ’ Tu´ò´ng thuat .̂ cua cong tác viên .̂ ’ thao Muc th ê . 23 Shortwave Frequencies Burmese 1100-1200 11785 12040 1200-1300 12040 1300-1400 11995 12040 1400-1500 11785 Korean 9555 9530 9680 11665 6040 6160 9530 9680 11785 6040 6160 7295 9680 11785 6040 6160 7295 9680 9825 6045 7140 9545 9755 9875 0000–0100 7255 7480 9645 0400–0600 15545 17665 21570 1400–1500 7115 7255 1575 1170 6060 9325 11695 5955 9485 9725 13640 1200-1300 1430–1500 1575 9325 1300-1400 648 5890 7235 1500–1530 9325 11965 12120 1400-1500 5890 7235 9555 1500–1530 1575 1900-2100 6060 7110 7135 1530–1630 1575 2300–2400 7430 1575 7205 11930 2200-2300 11655 0000–0200 21580 7190 9545 11925 15385 17645 Tibetan 0200–0300 11925 15385 17645 21580 0700–0800 15515 9845 9555 Lao 11840 12120 1230–1300 Mandarin Cantonese 1300–1500 7235 6160 11965 15550 17850 11965 12120 5890 1170 1130–1230 1170 7390 9705 Indonesian 0000-0030 9620 11805 15205 1130-1230 7255 9725 1400-1500 11985 13660 2200-2400 9620 15165 11805 15205 Khmer 1330–1430 1575 9325 11965 2200–2230 1575 6060 7260 13640 11855 11965 13650 13765 12040 Vietnamese 0800–0900 9845 13765 15515 11665 11855 11965 13650 0900–1030 9845 13650 13765 15515 9855 11665 11855 11965 1030–1100 9845 13650 13765 15515 9855 11665 11785 11965 1300–1330 1500–1600 2230–2330 All programs/frequencies are on daily unless noted otherwise. Saturday & Sunday Sunday – Thursday Times & frequencies are for Standard Time (Oct.-Mar.), see our Daylight Savings Time supplement for changes in Mar.-Oct. Radio Affiliates Australia Preston-Melbourne 3 CW 1341 AM Sydney 2VNR Radio 151.450 FM 2 CR China Radio Network 152.75 FM SBS Radio 1107 AM 97.7 FM Cambodia Kompong Thom Women’s Media Centre of Cambodia 104.5 FM Phnom Penh Radio Beehive (Sambok Khmum) 105 FM Women’s Media Centre of Cambodia 102 FM Canada Edmonton CKER 101.9 FM China Changsha City X0035 106.1 FM Chongqing City X0034 95.5 FM Dalian City X0016 1575 AM Hangzhou X0006 105.4 FM X0008 1071 AM Hong Kong Hong Kong Commercial Radio 881 AM Radio TV Hong Kong 621 AM 100.9 FM 103.3 FM Nanjing X0050 89.7 FM Ningbo City X0048 1323 AM Shaoxing X0045 94.1 FM Shenyang X0012 95.9 FM Wuhan X0040 107.8 FM Yu Yao City X0046 96.1 FM East Timor Dili Radio Falintil Vos da Esperanca 88.1 FM Indonesia Ambon DMS 102.7 FM Radio Manussela 97.6 FM 24 Argamakmur Radio Setiawana Nadanuansa 98.8 FM Asahan Jatayu FM 97.7 FM Bandar Lampung KFM Radio (Radio Kencana Nadaswara) 97.6 FM Radio Citra 88.5 FM Bandung Chevy FM 103.5 FM Radio Global 89.3 FM Radio Prambors 98.4 FM Radio Trijaya Bandung 91.3 FM Raka FM 98.8 FM Banjarmasin PT Radio Daarul Musthofa (Radio Masa) 90.9 FM Radio Trijaya Banjarmasin 104.3 FM Banjarnegara Cipta Bentala Swara (CBS) 91 FM Banten Radio Surya Gemilang Pratama (Surya FM) 95.7 FM Banyumas Satria Ajibarang 103.9 FM Banyuwangi Radio Swarawangi Timur (SWIT FM) 95.6 FM Suara Banyuwangi FM 89.7 FM Batam Gema Bentara FM 107.0 FM Radio Discovery Minang 104.3 FM Bengkalis Radio Baskara 103.2 FM Bengkulu Shinta Wahana FM 101.1 FM Biak Mercury FM 102.3 FM Binjai Yudha FM 96.35 FM Bireuen Sonya Manis 1368 AM Getsu Nada FM 98.1 FM Blitar Patria FM 102.6 FM Bogor Lesmana 100.1 FM PT Radio Swara Irama 1170 AM Kusuma Sena 103.6 FM (Radio Elpas) Bojonegoro BASS FM 96.6 FM Bondowoso Romantika FM 98.6 FM Bontang ESKA FM (Suarakhatulistiwa) 103.9 FM Radio NBI Rasisonia 103.1 FM Brebes POP Brebes 97.2 FM Ciamis Radio Kartika 101.7 FM Cianjur Plus Bio FM 106.1 FM PT Radio Tjandra Buana Suara FM 100.6 FM Cianjur Selatan PT Radio Suara Samudera Selatan 100.3 FM Cilacap Swara Yasfi 104.2 FM Wijaya Adikusuma 102.6 FM Cilegon Top Persada FM 91.8 FM Cirebon Maritim Rassonia 102.6 FM Denpasar Casanova FM 102 FM Pinguin fM 103.6 FM Suara Sunari FM 89.4 FM Super Radio 105.2 FM Dumai Melody Pers FM 88.8 FM Radio Trijaya Dumai 100.5 FM Ende Flores Suara Kelimutu 1.185 KHz (RSPD Ende) 2.695 KHz 103 FM Fak Fak HMS FM 102.5 FM Garut BEST FM 102.5 FM Radio Annisa Tritama (TRI FM) 91.9 FM Radio Antares FM 98.6 FM Reks FM 103.7 FM Gianyar PT Radio Bali Perkasa FM 98.9 FM Gorontalo Poliyama FM 103 FM SMEK FM 95.5 FM Indramayu PT Radio Ria Cindelaras (Radio Cinde FM) 101.3 FM Jakarta Radio Elshinta 90 FM Radio Prambors 102.2 FM Radio Sonora 92 FM Radio Trijaya 104.6 FM Jambi Radio Nada Berlian 101.9 FM Jayapura ART FM 105.1 FM Suara Kasih Agung 702 AM Jepara POP Jepara 97.3 FM Jombang Citra FM 98.2 FM Kartasura-Surakarta POP-Solo 107 FM Kebumen Bimasakti 96.6 FM Prima FM 103.3 FM Kediri Sabdotomo Kediri FM 93.5 FM Kendal PT Radio Sahara Kendal 106.4 FM Rona Puspita 100.6 FM Kendari PT Gema Kendari Irama FM 92.40 FM Keutapang (Banda Aceh) PT Radio Nirwana Komunikasi Jaya (Nikoya) 106.0 FM Kisaran BAS FM 103.65 FM Klaten Candi Sewu 96.6 FM Kota Kepahiang Rapindo (Radio Swara Putra Indonesia Utama) 101.25 FM Kuala Kapuas Granada Tara Indah 100.3 FM Kuala Tungkal Kelapa Indah 837 AM Kudus Pamira FM 93 FM Kuningan KOS FM 96.5 FM Kupang DMWS 103.3 FM (Darmawan Swara Media) 103.5 FM Kissora FM 105.1 FM Tirilolok FM 101.1 FM Lhokseumawe Kazuma Bawanaswara 1170 AM Radio SaPa FM Peace 106.5 FM Lhoksukon NAKATA-Nada Karya Semesta 900 AM Liwa PT Radio Mahameru Megah Lestari 104.5 FM Lombok (Praya) Putri Mandalika Buana Swara 684 AM 88 FM Lombok Timur Idola AM 792 AM Lubuk Linggau Papeja (Radio Panca Pesona Daya) 101.8 FM Lumajang Gloria FM 97.4 FM Swara Semeru FM 90.7 FM Madiun Moderato FM 107.2 FM Radio Pandawa FM (Trijaya) 106 FM Magelang Polaris 101 FM Majalengka P.T. Radio Mezik 93.5 FM Makassar (Ujung Pandang) Bharata Rasihima FM 95.2 FM Mercurius Top FM 104.3 FM Radio Prambors 105.1 FM Sonata FM (Radio Swara Sonata) 96 FM Malang Andalus FM 91.1 FM Puspita Utama FM 103.7 FM TT-77 828 AM Manado Delta FM 99.3 FM PT Radio ROM 2 102 FM Radio Trijaya Manado 95.3 FM Manokwari PT Radio Bahana Arauna 103.5 FM Maros ZIP FM 93.3 FM Mataram Mayapesona FM 98.3 FM Medan Istana FM 100.2 FM Mitramedia Dirgantaramega 104.05 FM PT Radio Gebyar Nada Satu Warna (Q90FM) 90 FM Radio Prambors 97.5 FM Radio Kardopa 1017 AM Radio Prapanca Trijaya 95.1 FM Simphoni FM 103.35 FM Visi FM 89.6 FM Merauke Fritta FM 103 FM Muara Enim Radio Enim Jaya 1026 AM Negara PT Radio Nur Dirgantara Padang Padang FM PT Radio Mahkota Gita Swara FM Palembang Radio Trijaya Radio Pratama Sonora Palopo Makara FM Palu Nebula FM PT Radio Swara Nugraha Perdana (Nugraha Top) Radio Best Radio Citra Pertanian 94 FM 102.6 FM 89.2 FM 87.6 FM 103.7 FM 102.6 FM 107.2 FM 101 FM 102.6 FM 101.8 FM 1440 AM 104.2 FM Pamekasan Karimata FMadura 102.5 FM Pandeglang Radio Gema Krakatau 93.7 FM Pariaman Radio Dhara 88.8 FM Parigi Moutong PT Radio Suara Cendekia 101.4 FM Pati Harbos FM 102.6 FM PAS-FM 101 FM Pragola FM 94.3 FM Radio Pesantenan 95.5 FM Pekalongan Damashinta 97.1 FM Pekanbaru CBS (Radio Cynthia Rhama) 100.2 FM Mona Ria FM 101.8 FM Radio Mendoza 107 FM Soreram Indah 1044 AM Pemalang Alfina Pemalang 89.3 FM Pematang Siantar CAS–Citra Anak Siantar 89.4 FM Ponorogo Gaya FM 94.2 FM Pontianak Radio Manusa Trijaya 97.5 FM Poso Bulava FM 101.3 FM Purbalingga Radio Gitanusantara Perkasa 90.2 FM Purwodadi POP Purwodadi 91.5 FM Purwokerto Paduka Dirgantara FM 100.60 FM Prima FM 98.6 FM Purworejo POP Purworejo 93.4 FM Rumbai-Pekanbaru PT Adi Selaras Swara Radio Ruteng Radio FM Global Salatiga Zenith Salatiga Samarinda One Way FM Samarinda Barat Heartline FM Semarang Gajahmada FM Ichtus FM Radio Chandra Taruna Radio Prambors Radio Sinergi Radio Trijaya Semarang Serang PT Radio Dimensi Global Serang Sibolangit Radio J Sibolga Radio Swara Jupti Indah Sigli Megaphone FM Situbondo Bhasa FM Swara Besuki Indah Solo-Surakarta Radio Prambors Sorong Radio B-One FM Radio El Marko Sragen POP Sragen Subang Aditya Gemilang PT Radio Pelangi Cakrawala Nusantara Sukabumi Caraka Buana Suara Surabaya Global FM JJFM Metro FM Radio Gemilang Radio Mercury Radio Miniwatt Radio Prambors Radio SCFM Surakarta PTPN Rasitania Radio El Shadday Swara Slenk FM SAS Solo 98.3 FM 102 FM 97.2 FM 95.20 FM 98.8 FM 102.4 FM 96.5 FM 101.2 FM 102 FM 91.1 FM 89.8 FM 94.9 FM 93.2 FM 1260 AM 105.8 FM 93.1 FM 90.3 FM 99.2 FM 98.05 FM 98 FM 88.88 FM 91.5 FM 104.9 FM 107.7 FM 90.90 FM 105.1 FM 88.5 FM 97.6 FM 96 FM 846 AM 89.3 FM 104.7 FM 99.6 FM 102.2 FM 95.65 FM 104.3 FM Tahuna, Kab.SaTal Suara Fajar Pengharapan Tahuna 91.4 FM Tanjung Enim PT Radio Gema Bukit Asam 105.90 FM Tarakan Radio Beo Persada 107 FM Tasikmalaya Martha Daria 101.3 FM QFM (Quantum Gema Persada) 94.6 FM Radio Emdikei FM 102.9 FM Tebing Tinggi Deli Indah Swararia 1395 AM Tegal Radio Nusanda 99.9 FM Sebayu Pro FM 99.3 FM Temanggung RPK Parakan 103.1 FM Ternate Gema Hikmah FM 103.4 FM Istana 101.25 FM Master FM 99.85 FM Millenia FM 95.7 FM Radio Gema Pertiwi 106.8 FM Tidore Surya FM 100.2 FM Tomohon Tomohon Musicmix 100 FM Tulang Bawang PT Radio Maskara Jelita 89.9 FM Waingapu PT Radio Suara Waingapu Sejahtera 96.9 FM Wonogiri GIS 94 FM Yogyakarta Radio PTDI Medari 90.4 FM Radio Prambors 95.8 FM Radio Trijaya 97 FM Rasialima FM 89.5 FM Yasika Yogya 95.4 FM Laos Vientiane Laos National Radio 567 AM 6130 SW New Zealand Auckland 936 New Supremo 936 AM Thailand Bangkok 1 Por Nor 1089 AM Chulalongkorn U. Broadcasting Station 101.5 FM Maitrichit Community Radio99.25 FM MCOT Radio 100.5 FM Ramkhamhaeng U. Radio 837 AM Thammasat University 981 AM Chiangmai Chiangmai Radio 93.7 FM Chiangmai Univ. Radio 100 FM Khonkaen Khonkaen Univ. Radio 103 FM Mahasarakham Mahasarakham University Radio 102.25 FM Mukdahan Kham Hoy Radio 91.75 MHz Multiwave Radio 89.50 MHz Nakhon Phanom Max Radio 92 MHz Nakhon Ratchasima Radio Thailand 106.25 FM Nakhon Si Thammarat Radio Thailand 93.5 FM Narathiwat MCOT 96 MHz Radio Thailand 98.25 FM Nong Khai Khon Rak Thong Thin Radio 88.5 FM Nern Hong Thong Community Radio 93.35 FM Nong Khai Community Radio 88 FM Thong Thin Thai Radio 94.75 FM Pattani Prince of Songkhla Univ. 107.25 FM Phitsanulok Naresuan Univ. Radio 107.25 FM Phuket Nung Por Nor 89 FM Sa Kaeo Aran Radio 98.25 FM 99.75 FM Songkhla Kasetsart Univ. Radio 1269 AM Prince of Songhkla Univ./HadYai 88 FM Songkhla Technology School 96 MHz Tak Blue FM 98.75 MHz Trad MCOT Trad 107.25 FM Tourist Community Radio 99.25 FM Trang Andaman Community Radio 96.25 FM Ubon Ratchathani Radio Thailand 98.5 FM Udonthani Tor Or 09 AM 1062 AM Tor Or 09 FM 104 FM Yala Radio Thailand 92 FM TV Affiliates Cambodia Phnom Penh National Television of Kampuchea (TVK) Indonesia Banten CTV Banten (Cahaya Televisi) Sihanouk Ville Sihanouk Ville Cable TV (SCTV) Bontang PKTV China Hong Kong Asia Television Limited Denpasar Bali TV Macau Macau Asia Satellite TV Jakarta Mandarin Oriental Hotel Metro TV PT Bintang Advis Multimedia PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri India Chamarajanagar District Dhondenling Settlement Jakarta Selatan PT Cakrawala Andalas Televisi (ANTV) Kanwar Doeguling Settlement Jakarta Timur PT Cipta TPI Mysore Dickey Larsoe Tibetan Settlement Lugsung Samdupling Tibetan Settlement Rabgay Ling Settlement Jogjakarta Jogja MediaNet Kowloon Asia Television Limited Manado Pacific TV Medan PT Deli Media Televisi (Deli TV) Pekanbaru PT Riau Media Televisi (Riau TV) Philippines Angeles City ACCTN (Angeles City Cable Television Network) Semarang PRO TV TV-KU (Televisi Kampus Universitas) Singapore Singapore The City Bayview Hotel Surabaya JTV (PT Jawa Pos Media Televisi) Taiwan Taipei Channel “U & You” ETTV (cable) of Taiwan Public Television Service Foundation Webs-TV Surakarta TA-TV Tarakan Tarakan Televisi Media Mandiri (ttv) Tomohon PT Triguna Persada (TV 5 Dimensi) Thailand Bangkok Farkfar Cable TV Siamphan Cable TV Yogyakarta RBTV (PT Reksa Birama Media) Jogja TV Nakhon Sawan KTV Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Khiimore CATV SANSAR CaTV Lao Service’s Phaysarn Vorachak, broadcaster Phichit KTV Program times, frequencies and affiliates are subject to change. For additional affiliates carrying our English programming, see page 31. 25
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