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HOME Saturday, April 13, 2013 A B Homes.Ohio.com Ohio plant expert begins challenge to seek, destroy 100 weeds. H2 HomeHunter InsIde sTARTInG On PG. 3 FEATURING C Keep Akron Beautiful fundraiser to raffle landscape makeover. H2 H Ask Mary Beth: How do you repair a DVD? H2 InformIng. EngagIng. EssEntIal. MARY BETH BRECKENRIDGE CLOSE TO HOME American company reinvents toilet pan Engineers hope to stem disease in poor nations You and I are lucky. We’re not subjected to the constant threat of disease from our toilets. Oh, sure, I’ve contracted the heebie-jeebies from the very sight of some public restrooms I’ve encountered. But for the most part, we Americans don’t have to worry about being sickened or even dying because of inadequate sanitation facilities. Not everyone is so fortunate. In much of the world, people eliminate in open pits or even bushes, fouling water supplies and exposing waste to disease-carrying insects. The United Nations says inadequate sanitation and unsafe water cause 88 percent of deaths from diarrhea, the leading cause of death around the world. Even more tragically, poor sanitation kills a child every 20 seconds, or 1.5 million children a year, the U.N. says. American Standard is working to change that, and you can help. Working with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the toilet manufacturer has developed a hygienic latrine pan that seals off waste from the open air. The company is working to make the pans available and affordable for people in developing countries, and it’s also donating hundreds of thousands of them to the poorest of the poor. American Standard has pledged to donate one latrine pan for each of its Champion toilets sold in the United States and Canada in 2013. It will also make a donation for every 100 likes or shares on its Flush for Good Facebook page, www.flushforgood.com. Jim McHale, American Standard’s head of engineering, said he had been aware of the global sanitation crisis for several years through his work on water issues. So when the Gates Foundation announced its Reinvent the Toilet Challenge to improve sanitation worldwide, “I contacted them and said, ‘We want to help.’ ” McHale said the foundation is focusing mainly on reinventing what he called the downstream piece of the problem, meaning infrastructures such as sanitary sewers. But while that challenge is being worked on, he proposed a shorter-term project that can make an immediate impact. A heated greenhouse enables vegetables to be grown year-round at the William P. Kannel Juvenile Court Center. Flowers and vegetables are started from seed in a greenhouse at the Kannel Juvenile Justice Center. MicHAEl cHrittOn/Akron Beacon Journal photo A juvenile detainee plants seeds in a greenhouse at the William P. Kannel Juvenile Court Center. YOUNG OFFENDERS FIND GARDEN SOLACE Tending to plants becomes dirt therapy for juvenile inmates working at center By Mary Beth Breckenridge Beacon Journal home writer Amy Grom is used to seeing growth in the garden. But in her work with juvenile offenders, some of the greatest growth she sees is in the gardeners. Grom coordinates the gardening program at the William P. Kannel Juvenile Justice Center on Akron’s near northeast side. Under her guidance, young inmates learn to grow food and flowers and sometimes get their first taste of freshly grown fruits and vegetables. Grom calls it dirt therapy. She sees kids relax when they work in the garden, she said. She sees them get excited about a bean sprouting or a tomato ripening. She sees even the toughest offenders take responsibility for the plants’ care. The program was conceived by Juvenile Judge Linda Tucci Teodosio, who said she gardened with her own grandmother and thought the undertaking would benefit the court’s young charges. The program receives funding from the center’s Women’s Board, a group that supports activities at the juvenile center. “It teaches them nurturing,” Teodosio said of the gardening program. “It gives them a positive activity,” one that lets them set aside their problems for a little while. The voluntary program started about a year and a half ago and is open to all of the roughly 40 to 50 youths in detention, who work in small groups. In winter, participants work in a heated greenhouse, producing coolweather crops such as lettuce and spinach or starting seeds that will later be transplanted outdoors. Right now they’re nurturing spider plants, zinnias, narcissus and other potted plants that will be sold at the Women’s Board’s spring fundraiser later this Amy Grom, a former master gardener and gardening program director, looks over seedlings in the greenhouse at the juvenile center in northeast Akron. A juvenile detainee spreads potting soil for greenhouse planting. Some young inmates get their first taste of freshly grown fruits and vegetables through planting. Please see Garden, H7 Please see Close, H7 C ELEBRATE S PRING AT HUGE SAVINGS ON ... 35% OFF* FINE QUALITY OUTDOOR FURNITURE *Suggested retail REDEEM THIS $ 50 COUPON ON A PURCHASE OF $1000 OR MORE, INCLUDING SALE ITEMS. ONE COUPON PER FAMILY HOUSEHOLD. EXPIRES APRIL 20, 2013 CHEZ-INTERIORS CUSTOMER NAME On Display At 480 W. Exchange St. 330-376-6176 www.Chez-Del.com Mon-Fri: 9am-5:30pm • Sat 10am - 5pm 12 Months Same As Cash 2983007 WI TH PLANT LOVERS’ ALMANAC ask mArY BEtH How do you repair a DVD? Q: I have a DVD that jumps and stops at a certain point. It appears to have some scratches. How can I get rid of them? — Esther Gruver, Wadsworth A: Try cleaning the DVD first. Netflix says you can use Windex and a paper towel, although I’d probably use a soft cloth. MARY BETH Wipe in straight lines from the center to BRECKENRIDGE the outer edge, not in a circular motion. If the DVD still gives you trouble, try working a little toothpaste or wax into the scratches, or use a liquid made for repairing CDs and DVDs, the technology website Digital Trends recommends. Use several thin layers, and let the disc dry a little while. Then buff it lightly, again working in straight lines from the center to the edge. Have a question about home maintenance, decorating or gardening? Akron Beacon Journal home writer Mary Beth Breckenridge will find answers for the queries that are chosen to appear in the paper. To submit a question, call her at 330-996-3756, or send email to mbrecken@ thebeaconjournal.com. Be sure to include your full name, your town and your phone number or email address. sHElf readers urged to breed plants Wish you could find a disease-resistant rose in just the right shade of pink? Make one. Joseph Tychonievich leads readers through the process of breeding new plant varieties in Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener: How to Create Unique Vegetables & Flowers. Tychonievich, an avid plant breeder and a garden center nursery manager, encourages his readers to try developing breeds that are suited to their climates and their needs, not the needs of a commercial breeder. He instructs them on cross pollination and selecting out the best offspring, teaches advanced breeding techniques and a little genetics, and offers instructions for specific plants. Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener is published by Timber Press and sells for $19.95 in paperback. — Mary Beth Breckenridge what’s nEW sharpening tools is at top of list for gardeners itching to get busy Here are some chores to start now or soon. Hold off on working soil, applying mulch By Denise Ellsworth Special to the Beacon Journal The 100-weed challenge officially began this week. This means every time I’m in the garden for more than 15 minutes, I’m on a search and destroy mission, with weeds as the target. True, it’s a little tough to find 100 weeds right now, but with a little practice to identify tiny seedlings, it’s not impossible. Given that temperatures have hardly been above 45, I haven’t spent much time in the garden so far this year. Soon, however, weeds and the gardeners who pull them will be up and going for the season. What to do now: Give garden tools some attention before the busy weeks ahead. Sharpen pruners and loppers for easy, precise cuts. Have mower blades sharpened as well. Clean and oil other garden tools, and inspect and repair hoses and hose attachments. Use those sharp, clean tools to cut back sub-shrubs like butterfly bush and caryopteris to about six inches from the ground. Since these plants bloom on new wood, cutting back now won’t affect this year’s display of bloom and will create a more compact plant. Roses can also be pruned, including any canes that died over the winter. Cut back ornamental grasses to about six inches. To minimize cleanup, wind a bungee cord around the grass before cutting. The cut grass can then be easily removed and chopped to add to the compost pile. The grass also makes a good mulch in place of straw between rows in the vegetable garden. Pot up dahlia tubers and canna rhizomes stored over the winter. Use a high-quality potting mix, and be sure the containers have drain holes. Provide plenty of bright light, and lightly fertilize as new growth begins. Plant seeds for cold-tolerant crops, such as lettuce, radishes, mustard and kale, directly into vegetable garden beds. Onion sets and seed potatoes can also be planted now. Spend time looking over shrubs before they leaf out, inspecting for crossing or broken branches. Prune these out, as well as any branches that jut out toward sidewalks DEnIsE EllsWOrtH/special to the Beacon Journal When dandelions are in the “puff ball” stage, apply herbicides to control broadleaf weeds. or garden paths. Clean up any garden debris from last season, including perennial, annual and vegetable plant remnants. This debris can harbor insect or disease pests from last year, and should be removed before new growth begins. This is especially important when growing tomato, peony, iris or other pest-prone plants. Itching to play with plants? Transplant pot-bound house plants into larger containers before warming spring temperatures direct attention to the out-of-doors. Wait, but do this soon: Spring is a great time to seed or sod the lawn. Grass seed needs regular moisture to germinate, so be prepared to water the lawn should we have a period of days without regular rainfall. Avoid seed mixtures with annual ryegrass as an ingredient; this is merely a green “filler” that adds nothing to the lawn in the long run. Bluegrass takes significantly longer to germinate than perennial ryegrass; for bluegrass/ ryegrass mixes, be sure to continue watering for a week or more after the first signs of grass seedlings are observed. If crabgrass is a problem in the lawn, consider applying a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent weed seeds from germinating. Crabgrass germinates once soil temperatures reach 50 to 55 degrees for several consecutive days, which is usually about the time flowering pears are in bloom. Keep in mind that these herbicide products will also prevent grass seed from germinating, so grass seed should not be spread this spring in those areas. Hold off until later in the spring: Although I did see some landscape companies out mulching in the last few weeks, it’s far too early to apply mulch to landscape beds. Wait until May to apply mulch; by then the soil will have dried out and warmed up. When dandelions are in the “puff ball” stage, apply herbicides to control broadleaf weeds, such as dandelions and plantain. These products are best applied when plants are investing their energies into seed production. Yearly tilling of vegetable beds is not necessary, and can actually be harmful to the soil. Always avoid tilling when soil is wet, or serious damage to the soil’s structure can occur; such damage may take years to reverse. Established beds can be top-dressed to improve soil properties. Top-dressing is the process of adding organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to the soil surface. Natural soil action and the work of earthworms and other invertebrates will in time distribute the amendment through the soil. Add about an inch of organic matter to the soil surface, being sure to avoid plant stems and crowns. Top-dressing can be done at any time of year, but keep in mind that top dressing or mulching when soils are cold will mean that soils will take longer to warm, potentially slowing growth. When mowing, be sure to observe proper mowing heights and frequencies. The recommended mowing heights for Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass in spring and fall are 2 to 2.5 inches, while the height for tall fescue is 2.5 to 3 inches. Warmer temperatures allow many heat-loving weeds to sprout. Pull them when young to avoid problems later this season. Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower can all be planted several weeks before the last frost. Wait until mid- to late May before planting tender vegetables and herbs like tomatoes and basil. Entire clumps of perennials such as hostas or daylilies can be dug and split into smaller pieces, then shared with friends or distributed throughout the garden. An old, serrated steak knife does a good job of splitting such clumps. Perennial vegetables, such as rhubarb and asparagus, can be planted in spring. Choose their location carefully, since they will stay put for many years. Plant asparagus on the north edge of the garden, so its tall fronds won’t shade other garden plants. Prepare the soil deeply by mixing in plenty of compost or other organic matter. Wait to harvest until the third spring. Plan ahead now, and a future dinner could include grilled asparagus spears and rhubarb pie, fresh from the garden. Denise Ellsworth directs the honeybee and native pollinator education program for the Ohio State University. If you have questions about caring for your garden, contact her at 330-263-3700 or click on the Ask Denise link on her blog at www. osugarden.com. TAKE NOTE raffle prize is landscape makeover Keep Akron Beautiful is sponsoring drawing for summit residents Organic lawn care for home use The makers of Safer lawn and garden products are making it easier for do-it-yourselfers to treat their lawns organically. The company is marketing a four-step organic lawncare program that’s shipped free to the user. The system involves three applications of a slow-release fertilizer and one application of a weed preventer. The fertilizer, Ringer Lawn Restore, is made of ingredients including poultry feather meal, bone meal and soybean meal but no manure. It contains no phosphorus, which is often found in excess in soil and can run off into waterways. The weed preventer, Concern Weed Prevention Plus, is based on corn gluten meal. A soil thermometer is included so users can apply the preventer at the correct soil temperature. The system costs $250 at www.sendmesafer.com, but it’s on sale this spring and summer for $199.99. — Mary Beth Breckenridge home tIP How to eliminate cat urine odor Cat urine is an especially difficult contaminant to deal with, especially if it’s a long-term problem. While nothing may fully eliminate odors from longterm staining, there are a couple of easy things to try before resorting to some kind of coating. A commercial pet stain and odor-removal product would be a first choice. Another worthwhile alternative would be to cover the stained areas with activated charcoal, available at pet stores and perhaps pharmacies. This is a treated charcoal with legendary ability to absorb chemicals and odors, functioning like a chemical magnet. This should be spread on the affected areas and renewed every couple of days. Try this for a week or two. — Alan J. Heavens Philadelphia Inquirer By Mary Beth Breckenridge Beacon Journal staff writer Tickets are on sale for the annual Dreamscape Raffle, a landscape makeover giveaway that raises money for Keep Akron Beautiful’s Flowerscape public beautification program. The grand-prize winner will have his or her front yard or backyard transformed in a landscaping blitz Aug. 5-9. The winner will work with landscape designer Nick Roth of Nick’s Landscaping on developing a plan. Only property in Summit County is eligible. Tickets are $25 each or five for $100. They can be purchased at www. keepakronbeautiful.org, at the Keep Akron Beautiful office at 850 E. Market St., Akron, or at these garden centers: Dayton Nurseries in Norton, Donzell’s Flower & Garden Center in Akron, Suncrest Gardens in Boston Township, and Graf Growers Garden Center and Paul’s Greenhouse, both in Copley Township. The winning ticket will be drawn June 6. Kitchen wax returns Jubilee Kitchen Wax is back, and we have a local company to thank. Barberton’s Malco Products Inc. has licensed the product from S.C. Johnson and Son. Right now it’s available in cases of 12 for $45 at www. malcopro.com and by the bottle for $7.99 at www. gracioushome.com. Other retailers are expected to be added and will be listed in the Malco website’s “Where to Buy” section. The wax can be used for cleaning and shining appliances, laminate countertops, wood cabinets, ceramic tile and enamel. Help judge contest Decorating Den Interiors is inviting the public to help judge its International Dream Room contest. Before-and-after photos of more than 300 rooms are published at www.drvoting. decoratingden.com. Visitors may vote in any or all of the 12 categories. The public vote will determine the Peoples’ Choice Award, to be presented at the company’s international conference and market May 7-11 in Memphis. Events and programs • Guided Bird Walk, 9-11 a.m. today, Secrest Arboretum, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster Township. Meet at Seaman Orientation Plaza. Free. 330464-2148. • Pets & Vets Craft Fair, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. today, Unity Chapel of Light, 503 Northwest Ave., Tallmadge. Free admission. Event benefits Wags 4 Warriors and Pet Guards of Cuyahoga Falls. http:// tinyurl.com/petsvets. • Cleveland Botanical Garden events, 11030 East Blvd. Ask the Gardener, noon to 4 p.m. today. African Violet & Gesneriad Show and Sale, noon to 5 p.m. today and Sunday. Northcoast Gesneriad Club program, 2:30 p.m. today and Sunday. Rain Barrel Workshop, 11 a.m. to noon April 20 (members $65, others $75, reservations required). Big Spring through April 28, featuring children’s events and more than 3,000 spring flowers in bloom. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; and noon to 5 p.m. Sundays. $12; $8 for children ages 3 to 12; members and younger children, free. Tickets and program reservations: 216-721-1600, ext. 100, or www.cbgarden.org. • Water gardening seminars, Water X Scapes, 1021 E. Caston Road, Green. Spring Pond Opening, 1 p.m. Sunday and 5:30 p.m. Thursday. Rain Barrels/Rain Harvesting, 3 p.m. Sunday. Pondless Water Features, 5:30 p.m. Tuesday. Free, but reservations are requested at 330-896-9811. • Knitty Gritters Knitting Club meeting, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, Lake Community Branch of Stark County District Library, 11955 Market Ave. N., Lake Township. 330-8779975. • Gardeners of Greater Akron meeting, Monday, St. George Fellowship Centre, 3204 Ridgewood Road, Copley Township. Social hour starts at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6:30. Program: Cleveland’s Cultural Gardens. $13. Reservations: 330-3366269. Information: 330-673-3553 or http://ohiogardeners.org. • Real Estate and Finance, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Keller Williams Chervenic Realty offices. Seminar on topics including loans, credit reports, private mortgage insurance and foreclosures and short sales. Presented by the realty company and First Federal Lakewood. Free, but reservations are required by calling the offices: 3333 Massillon Road, Green (330-899-1644); 3070 W. Market St., Fairlawn (330-8364300); 148 N. Main St., Hudson (330-650-0050); 120 W. Aurora Road, Northfield Center Township (330467-7000); and 3589 Darrow Road, Stow (330-686-1644). Seminar will be repeated at the same time April 25. • Painting With Panache, 7-8:15 p.m. Thursday, Brunswick Library, 3649 Center Road. Michelle Venus of Funky Junk Boutique in Seville will demonstrate the use of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint for transforming furniture and other items. Free. Registration: www.mcdl. info or 330-273-4150. • Creating a Nature Play Space: Big or Small, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Holden Arboretum, 9500 Sperry Road, Kirtland. Workshop led by Ken Finch of Green Hearts Institute of Nature in Childhood. $30. Registration: www. holdenarb.org (click on “Nature Play”) or 440-602-3833. Part of the series of programs in Northeast Ohio called The Importance Of Getting Kids Outside. • Arbor Day Celebration, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 20, Ohio State University Wooster campus, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster Township. Tree plantings, Tree Campus USA dedication, tree walk. http://secrest. osu.edu or 330-464-2148. • Pansy Pandemonium container workshop, 1 p.m. April 20, Donzell’s Flower & Garden Center, 937 E. Waterloo Road, Akron. Plant pansy pots. $12.99 per pot, or $9.99 each for seniors and children 12 and younger. Registration: 330-724-0505. • Unnatural Invasions, 9 a.m. to noon April 27 (registration starts at 8:30), lower level meeting room, Professional Building, 120 W. Washington St., Medina. Spring seminar presented by Medina County Master Gardeners. Topics include soil culture and invasive insects and plants. $20. Payment due April 22. Registration form and details at http://medina.osu.edu/ events/unnatural-invasions. 330-7254911, ext. 106. • Gatsby in the Garden, 6:30-10:30 p.m. April 27, 657 Ridgecrest Road, Akron. Opening event for Designer ShowHouse 2013. Food, cocktails, private tour and auctions. Gatsby-theme attire encouraged. Tickets start at $75. Reservations due Monday at www. JuniorLeagueAkron.org or 330-8364905. Submit notices of classes, programs and events two weeks in advance to mbrecken@ thebeaconjournal.com or Home and Garden News, Features Department, Akron Beacon Journal, P.O. Box 640, Akron, OH 44309-0640. Please include name and phone number. All events must be open to the public. Mary Beth Breckenridge can be reached at 330996-3756 or [email protected]. You can also become a fan on Facebook at http:// tinyurl.com/mbbreck, follow her on Twitter @ MBBreckenridge and read her blog at www.ohio. com/blogs/mary-beth. Homes.Ohio.com in print and online HOMEHUNTER INSIDE: Golf Course Living page 9 Real Estate 13 Transfers 10-11 Commercial 12 Rentals 12-13 Open Houses 4 G R E AT H O M E S F O R S A L E ! OPEN HOUSE d i r e c t o r y Tony Petrosino, CSP Also available at homes.ohio.com 330-760-4404 FIRESTONE PARK AKRON O f f C a n t o n R d . I n Vi l l a g e o f L a k e m o r e MODEL OPEN Mon.-Fri. 10-4; Sat. 11-4; Sun. 2-5 Off Canton Rd., Village of Lakemore Easy access to Rt. 224 Or Call for an Appointment Come see why Brittany Meadows is one of the fastest selling new communities in Northeast Ohio! Our standard condo features 2 BR, 2 BA, open floor plan with vaulted ceilings in living room and master bdrm. 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Beautiful wood work throughout this home.... spacious bedrooms and lots of storage....family room with fireplace, all of this nestled in the heart of Ellet CUYAHOGA FALLS 3370825 4 bd/3.1 ba $229,900 Marilyn Groden 330-836-2603 CAROLYN RILEY REAL ESTATE 2180 Prestwick 2 bd/2 ba Patt Eaton AMERICA’S 1ST CHOICE Carole Hohman 2 bd/2 ba $139,900 Christine Nelson 330-990-3511 PRUDENTIAL KARAM & SIMON REALTY 1381 Camden Ridge / Green 2 bd/2 ba $139,900 1452 Cove St. NW / Uniontown 3 bd/3 ba $164,900 3557 E. Prescott Cir. #77 / Cuy. Falls 2 bd/2 ba $125,000 2290 Glenross Dr. / Green 3 bd/2 ba $214,900 2893 Heatherwood Ct. / Stow 2 bd/1.5 ba $99,900 2953 Heatherwood Ct. / Stow 2 bd/2.5 ba $109,900 3064-3070 Kent Rd. / Slvr Lk Twrs 1 & 2 bdrm $39,900-$67,200 Brittany Meadows / Lakemore New Const. $139,900+ Brittany Meadows / Lakemore New Const. $129,900+ 99 Olson Spur / Mun. 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Prospect Ave. / Hartville New Const. $123,900+ 140 Sand Ct. #4 / Fairlawn 2 bd/1.5 ba $118,900 499 Streetsboro Rd. #A / Hudson 2 bd/2 ba $95,200 STOUFFER REALTY, INC. 330-697-3435 CALL TONY FOR YOUR PRIVATE SHOWINGS TODAY! 330-760-4404 3385994 3 bd/2.5 ba $224,500 Margie Spicer 330-329-7196 PRUDENTIAL KARAM & SIMON REALTY 330-760-4150 Jody Rearick Yvonne Johnston Sharon Morris Sharon Morris RE/MAX Edge Realty 330-329-0068 STOUFFER REALTY, INC. 330-352-0901 KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-715-9613 KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-715-9613 SUN 12:30-2 KENMORE 3 bd/1 ba $79,900 330-745-4242 SUN 1-3 $68,900 SUN 12:30-2 Jody Rearick RE/MAX Edge Realty 330-329-0068 4 bd/2 ba 3 bd/2.5 ba $147,800 SUN 1-3 Debra Heavner $149,900 SUN 12-1:30 Joe Babak CUTLER REAL ESTATE STOUFFER REALTY, INC. 330-571-0035 330-524-7840 3 bd/1 ba 3 bd/2 ba $114,900 SUN 2:30-4 Jody Rearick $114,900 SAT 11-2 Carol Garretson RE/MAX Realty 330-329-0068 KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-608-7707 MOGADORE 3736 Argonne St. 3856 Curtis 3391756 $124,900 330-524-8928 3386075 3 bd/3 ba $149,900 Romy Weiner 330-397-9051 CAROLYN RILEY REAL ESTATE SUN 12:30-2 Reita Novkov Joanne Owen Sue Sturgeon Terry Reagan $149,500 SUN 12:30-2 Synthia Davis SUN 1-3` SUN 1-2:30 NORTHAMPTON CUTLER REAL ESTATE CUTLER REAL ESTATE STILE HOMES CUTLER REAL ESTATE 330-329-0617 330-903-5075 330-665-5198 330-835-5655 KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-289-2121 3461 Antoinette Dr. 3337911 4 bd/2.2 ba $399,900 Val McGee 330-618-7590 PRUDENTIAL KARAM & SIMON REALTY SUN 2:30-4 PENINSULA 2149 Stine Rd. 3 bd/2.5 ba. $198,891 SUN 1-2:30 ---- Highly Recommended Team 1-800-764-9364 PORTAGE LAKES 3390 S. Main St. 3 bd/3.1 ba lakefront $649,900 SUN 2:30-4 Jody Rearick RE/MAX Edge Realty 330-329-0068 RAVENNA 3525 Lovers Lane 3393988 3 bd/1.1 ba $149,000 Brett Reid 330-571-8244 PRUDENTIAL KATHY REID REALTY SUN 12-2:15 REMINDERVILLE 10161 Pirates Trail 3395818 4 bd/2 ba $192,5000 Brett Reid 330-571-8244 PRUDENTIAL KATHY REID REALTY SUN 3-5 RICHFIELD 5320 Hawkins Rd. 4 bd/4 ba 3658 Regency Woods Trail 4 bd/5 ba $499,900 SUN 2:30-4 Laurie Morgan Schrank KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-666-2525 $895,900 SUN 2:30-4 Betty Wulff RE/MAX Crossroads 330-573-7188 SILVER LAKE 3396996 3 bd/1 ba $113,500 Scott Dubiel 330-810-8572 PRUDENTIAL KARAM & SIMON REALTY SUN 1-2:30 144 Luden Ave. 3361558 3 bd/1 ba $109,900 Val McGee 330-618-7590 PRUDENTIAL KARAM & SIMON REALTY SUN 2:30-4 2624 Owaisa Rd. 3241421 4 bd/1 ba $115,000 Pat Phillips 330-592-5823 PRUDENTIAL KARAM & SIMON REALTY SUN 12-1:30 2883 Lee Rd. $98,000 $127,900 $84,900 $114,900 $109,900 $99,900 $109,900 $219,900 $132,900 3 bd/1.5 ba $169,900 SUN 3-4:30 Jana Chervenic 3 bd/2 ba 4 bd/2 ba $147,670 SUN 1-3 $104,900 SUN 1-3 Jennifer Abdoo Cheryl Connell Linda Mahan Jill Childers Linda Witt Carol Garretson Ted Kaiser Jana Chervenic Allen Zola Cheryl Duncan Rita Snyder CUTLER REAL ESTATE CUTLER REAL ESTATE 330-714-3097 330-699-9409 STOW 1774 Bobwhite Trail SUN 3-4 1701 Bobwhite Trail 3320959 4 bd/4 ba $269,900 Christine Nelson 330-990-3511 PRUDENTIAL KARAM & SIMON REALTY SUN 2:30-4 3786 Kauffman Rd. SUN 2-3:30 3326398 4 bd/2 ba $215,000 Scott Dubiel 330-810-8572 PRUDENTIAL KARAM & SIMON REALTY SUN 1-2:30 SUN 1-2:30 SUN 1-3 SUN 1-3 SUN 1-2:30 SUN 1-3 SAT-SUN 12-1:30 SUN 1-2:30 SUN 1-2:30 KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-571-5252 SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP 2274 Dewport Dr. 2480 Krumroy KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-606-5143 STOUFFER REALTY, INC. 330-592-9713 KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-289-0586 CUTLER REAL ESTATE 330-805-8689 CUTLER REAL ESTATE 330-814-2609 KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-608-7707 KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-620-1740 KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-571-5252 KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-714-0027 ELLET 3 bd/2 ba Shirley House AMERICA’S 1ST CHOICE 3132 Berwin 1312 Cherokee Trail 1600 Lillian Rd. 3394980 $152,500 330-414-6968 4 bd/2.5 ba 4 bd/2 ba 4 bd/2 ba $306,000 SUN 2-4 Phil Lantry $169,900 SUN 1-2:30 Allen Zola $174,900 SUN 1:30-3 Jaime Prenatt KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-592-1699 KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-714-0027 CUTLER REAL ESTATE 330-835-5611 3 bd/2 ba $109,900 SUN 1-2:30 Carol Foote CUTLER REAL ESTATE 330-618-8977 Prudential Kovack Realtors 330-777-0564 TALLMADGE 2100 Springfield Center Rd. 3394369 3 bd/2 ba Debb Witt KREMER REALTY, INC. 506 Longmere 3 bd/1ba 2125 Springfield Center Rd. 3 bd/1.5 ba $105,000 330-592-7161 545 Fenn SUN 1-3 WADSWORTH 171 Highgate Dr. $123,923 SUN 12-2 -----$116,500 SUN 1-2:30 Theresa Crimaldi Highly Recommended Team 1-800-764-9364 KREMER REALTY, INC. 330-697-0436 FAIRLAWN HEIGHTS 2329 Amesbury Rd. 183 Stratford Rd. 90 S. River Rd. FIRESTONE PARK 1266 WILBUR AVE. $53,900 Quality built 3 bedroom 2 full bath all brick home in the heart of Firestone Park! Relax in this lovely home that features hardwood floors, 2 car garage and is well maintained. Newer roof, windows, furnace. Spacious living room and eat-in kitchen. Lower level family room and 4th bedroom and full bath. A must see at this great price! STOUFFER REALTY, INC. SUN 1-3 SUN 1-2:30 Kathy Reed KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-592-0878 SUN 2-3:30 Julie Andrews KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-697-8628 SUN 1-2:30 Gerry Gill CUTLER REAL ESTATE 330-620-7452 SUN 12-1:30 Bill Sloan STOUFFER REALTY, INC. 330-715-2561 SAT 1-2:30 Darlene Sonedecker KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-962-6939 SUN 3-5 Dave Sears W.W. Reed & Son Real Estate 330-328-4461 SUN 1-2:30 Sue Warren KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-903-4822 MON-FRI 10-4 Tony Petrosino Merryweather Real Estate 330-760-4404 SA 11-4/SU 2-5 Tony Petrosino Merryweather Real Estate 330-760-4404 SUN 3-4:30 Gerry Gill CUTLER REAL ESTATE 330-620-7452 SAT-THUR 12-5 Sue Sturgeon STILE HOMES 330-665-5198 SUN 1-3 Nancy Jenkins CROFT REALTY 330-256-5648 SUN 3-4 Donna & Larry HOWARD HANNA Real Estate 330-606-3000 SAT & TUES 1-4 Greg Pepper CUTLER REAL ESTATE 330-806-1562 SUN 12:30-2 Susan Herberich STOUFFER REALTY, INC. 330-701-2758 SUN 2-3:30 Barb Waress/Adele Tubbs STOUFFER REALTY, INC. 330-328-7404 1782 10th St. 4 bd/1 ba 3 bd/2 ba 3 bd/1 ba 3 bd/1.5 ba 3 bd/1 ba 3 bd/1 ba 3 bd/2 ba 4 bd/1.5 ba 3 bd/2 ba Candy Woody HUDSON 4 bd/1.5 ba Peggy Norris KREMER REALTY, INC. CUYAHOGA FALLS 2980 Archwood 3341 Caleb 3365 Elmwood St. 2610 Maplewood St. 15 Morrison Ave. 1129 Munroe Ave. 2872 Oakwood 2722 Owaisa 2559 Sackett Ave. 4 bd/3.1 ba $349,900 SUN 12:30-2 4 bd/2 ba $113,900 SUN 1-2:30 3-4 bd/3 ba $225,000 SAT 1-2:30 3-4 bd/3 ba $225,000 SUN 12-2 501 N. River Rd. 4 bd/2 ba $144,900 SUN 1-3 3 bd/2.1 ba $154,900 SUN 2:30-4 New Const. $150,000+ SAT-THUR 12-4 3 bd/2.1 ba $224,900 SUN 12:30-2 3 bd/2 ba $73,900 SUN 2-4 MONROE FALLS COVENTRY 3065 PRIOR DR. - $98,000 Lovely 3 bedroom home. Many updates: newer windows front door, carpet, H2O tank. Spacious living room, master bedroom with dual closets, den or possible 4th bedroom on 2nd floor. Fenced backyard. 2872 Ironwood Dr. 1347 King Dr. 7606 Lake O Springs Ave. 7606 Lake O Springs Ave. 1380 Lake Center St. NW 3867 Moonglo St. NW COPLEY 194 Long Lake Blvd. STOUFFER REALTY, INC. 330-715-2561 RE/MAX Edge Realty 330-329-0068 KELLER WILLIAMS Chervenic Realty 330-289-1334 LAKE TOWNSHIP SUN 1-2:30 3385443 $195,000 330-571-6514 2194 Woodbrook Tr. / Cuy. Falls 3354481 1478 Black Pond Dr. 158 Delaware Trail 525C Robinwood Ln. 2613 Stonecreek Dr. 3 bd/1 ba 3 bd/2 ba By Owner FSBO.COM#160722 CONDOMINIUMS 1940 Brookwood Dr. $79,900 SUN 2-3:30 Bill Sloan $89,500 SAT 2:30-4 Jody Rearick $104,900 SUN 2:30-4 Kelly Folden GREEN 821 Stanwood 5 bd/4 ba $569,900 Susan Bauer 330-697-3631 COLDWELL BANKER HUNTER REALTY 3069 SOMERSET DR. $137,900 Better then new..Lovely 2 bedroom 2 full bath end unit condo. Many upgrades. Vaulted ceiling in great room, gas log fireplace,all appliance kitchen, spacious cathedral ceiling den off dinette area...over 1400 sq. ft. of living. This great home can not be duplicated for this wonder price if built! 1847 Java 2714 Christensen Ave. 1003 Ghent Hills 3285592 2 bd/2 ba $187,900 Madelyn Hendrickson 330-714-6298 CAROLYN RILEY REAL ESTATE 831 Willow Creek 3 bd/1 ba 3 bd/1.1 ba 3 bd/2 ba GOODYEAR HEIGHTS $199,000 FRI 12-3 $539,900 FRI 12-3 $649,900 FRI 12-3 AKRON WEST 1419 Bryden Dr. 706 Crestview Ave. 1882-1884 Cromwell Dr. 403 Foursome 1855 Ganyard Rd. 1311 Hilton Dr. 464 S. Portage Path SUN 1-3 6 bd/2.5 ba $129,900 Michal Levine 330-990-9273 COLDWELL BANKER HUNTER REALTY 4 bd/3.5 ba $399,500 SUN 2:30-4 Susan Herberich STOUFFER REALTY, INC. 330-701-2758 $179,990+ New Const 3-5 bd/2-3 ba Amy or Mark 330-336-3900 TIBERON TRACE/RYAN HOMES 382 Allen Dr. 4 bd/2.5 ba $168,500 SUN 1-3 SAT-SUN 1-5 Pat Householder Visit homes.ohio.com every Friday to view the area’s largest compilation of open houses in one place! Check out the homes’ photo, see more listing details and be able to view the location on Google maps! Remember to say you saw it in ...The Akron Beacon Journal and homes.ohio.com Showcase your home “ in print and online ” - call Kim at 330.996.3345 5 Welcome Mat News Briefs Cutler to represent Leading Real Estate Companies of the World in Central Ohio BIA Spring Circuit this weekend By Mary Falconer-Williams, advertising writer Signs of spring are popping up everywhere. Just yesterday I noticed little green shoots pushing up through the sad, brown stick-like remnants of last year’s yellow mums. Yes, spring has sprung, bringing with it signs of newness in many different arenas, including the construction of new houses. This Saturday and Sunday, the Building Industry Association (BIA) of Stark County and sponsors Stark Truss Company Inc. and Holmes Lumber present the second and final weekend of the 2013 Spring Circuit of New Homes and Condominiums. Whether you are in the market for a new home or just interested in the latest in home construction and decor, you are in for a treat. Fourteen homes scattered throughout Stark County by eight local builders will be open from 1-5 p.m. of Home Builders’ First American Improving Market Index which tracks housing markets that are showing improving economic health. Featured builders: Charis Homes Great Lakes Land Construction Hoestelter & Son Builders Regal Construction Ryan Homes Schalmo Homes Smith Homes VictoryGate Custom Builders, LLC. Nationwide Open House next weekend If you are still in the market for a new home next weekend, take advantage of the 2013 Nationwide Open House April 20 and 21. The annual event boasts the largest number of Open Houses held across the country over one weekend. An Open House is a great opportunity to check out homes in your desired area. If you plan on looking at more than one house over the weekend, be sure to keep notes on each location. Better yet, use your smartphone to snap photos at each place you visit. Write down what you liked about each house so later you remember specifically which house had the features you liked For a map, directions and descriptions of the homes, please visit the BIA’s website: www.biastark.com. Akron and Canton remain on the National Association or didn’t like. If you are really interested in the home, take the opportunity to thoroughly inspect the property. Try out light fixtures, look for past water damage under the kitchen and bathroom sinks, count how many plugs are in each room and make sure the windows work properly. An agent or real estate representative should be stationed at each house to answer any question you might have about the home. Be sure to check out the weekly Open House Directory for the homes that will be open in the areas that interest you. In 2012, we printed over 300 listings for the Realtor Nationwide Open House Weekend. You can also search for open houses at homes.ohio.com. Both of these options are available every weekend, not just during the Realtor Nationwide Open House Weekend According to the National Association of Realtors, 45 percent of all buyers used an open house to search for their home in 2012. Spring presents so many opportunities for new things. Be sure to take advantage of these events if a new home is in your future. Left, Ryan Homes entry in Lexington Farms and below, Charis Homes’ in King’s Ridge are just two of the 14 homes available to tour this weekend. Cutler Real Estate has been chosen as the Central Ohio representative of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World, announced Jim Bray, company president. Cutler Real Estate is a shareholder in Leading Real Estate Companies of the World and already represents the network in Northeast Ohio. “The company’s selection was based on the firm’s outstanding reputation, as well as its demonstrated ability to deliver the same high-quality service and superior reliability as our other affiliates,” said Pam O’Connor, president and CEO of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World. Leading Real Estate Companies of the World is a global network of more than 500 residential real estate firms, providing worldwide connections for its members and their customers and promoting the highest levels of professional ethics and customer service. Cutler Real Estate, founded in 1947, is a full-service real estate company serving Northeast Ohio, Greater Columbus, and the Cincinnati area including Northern Kentucky and Southeast Indiana. Cutler is one of the five largest real estate firms in Ohio and one of the 75 largest in the country. Neighborhood spring-cleaning spree Keep Akron Beautiful (KAB) is ready to send out the Community Pride Trailer for another season. Whether your neighborhood needs to spruce up its community garden in preparation for summer or maybe plant one for the first time, the Community Pride Trailer can be a huge help. A small rototiller and small pressure washer have been added to this year’s inventory of landscape equipment and cleanup supplies, creating even more possibilities for neighborhood beautification projects. The Community Pride Trailer season runs now until Oct. 28. To book the trailer for a project that will benefit your community, go to www.keepakronbeautiful.org. Citizens can complete the application form and view the requirements, safety commitments and equipment list for the program online or at the KAB offices. KAB staff members transport the trailer and work with a designated project coordinator at each job site. Introduced in 2011 to be used by organizations, civic groups and neighborhood volunteers to restore vacant and abandoned property, the Community Pride Trailer benefited 18 community projects last year. Volunteers logged approximately 5,280 hours collecting 200 bags of litter, planting 64 trees and 785 flowers and bulbs, as well as painting a park pavilion and eradicating graffiti. UPA annual luncheon May 15 The 2013 annual luncheon of University Park will be held from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 15, at Quaker Station, 135 South Broadway, downtown. Candy Chang, artist, designer and urban planner, is the keynote speaker. She will present “Toward Better Public Spaces: Transforming Our Cities Through Art and Design.” She believes in the potential of introspection and collective wisdom in public space to help all community members lead better lives. Many of her projects spark conversations in public space and provided people with easy and innovative ways to have a voice. Her recent work includes “Before I Die,” a project in which she transformed an abandoned house in New Orleans into an interactive wall for residents to share their hopes and dreams. By combining street art with urban planning and social activism, she has been recognized as a leader in developing new strategies for the design of our cities. To find out more about Candy Chang and her work, go to www.candychang.com Past UPA luncheons have sold out quickly. Information about sponsorship levels and benefits is available at http://www.upakron.com/upa-awards-annual-awards-luncheon. Individual tickets will not go on sale until closer to the event date. For more information, contact: Danielle Hupp, resource development manager, at 330-777-2074, or [email protected]. Continued on page 8 Print And Online Outside Sales Staff Print And Online Inside Sales Staff Denise Calger-Collins 330-996-3208 Kim Rich 330-996-3345 Classifed Advertising Manager [email protected] [email protected] Laura Schumann 330-996-3320 Classified Coordinator General Advertising Questions Mary Williams 330-996-3519 [email protected] STAF F [email protected] For comments about the Welcome Mat column, contact Kathleen Kochanski 330-996-3164 or [email protected] 330-996-3350 [email protected] Some copy published in this section was provided by the Akron Area Board of REALTORS® and the Home Builders Association Serving Portage and Summit Counties. You can find HomeHunter articles and other real estate-related items by visiting homes.ohio.com for local real estate and apartment listings. 6 CONGRATULATIONS TO MARCH’S TOP PRODUCERS! Ask one of our Agents how to get a Text Line to help Sell your Home! TEXT John Scaglione Portage Lakes 330-618-0292 Call a CBHR Realtor 330.645.2960 or 330.665.9400 VISIT - CBHUNTER.COM CBH637 Ben Zenner Portage Lakes 330-607-4727 to 85377 for more information on this property 330.645.2960 or 330.665.9400 Next Door Realtors reaffirm pledge to uphold Fair Housing Laws By Tony DeLuke, president, Akron Area Board of Realtors The sale or purchase of a home is one of the most significant events that any person will experience in his or her lifetime. It is more than simply buying or selling a house. It includes the hopes, dreams, aspirations and economic destiny of those involved. The Akron Area Board of Realtors and its members join the nation as it honors Fair Housing Month this April. For more than 100 years, Realtors have promoted and protected the dream of property ownership for millions of Ameri- cans. We strongly support the Fair Housing Act. This year is the 45th anniversary of the 1968 landmark Fair Housing Act, which prohibits discrimination based on race, gender, color, disability, nationality, religion, or familial status. The Ohio Fair Housing Law includes ancestry and military status as additional protected groups. Throughout 2013, Realtors are also celebrating the centennial of the Realtors Code of Ethics and the comprehensive protections it provides to consumers. Article 10 of the Code addresses providing equal professional service. As leading advocates for homeownership, Realtors strive to promote inclusion, diversity and fairness in today’s housing industry. Realtors work hard to build communities and an environment where everyone can choose where they want to live. It is important to take time to recognize Fair Housing Month in order to promote awareness about fair housing laws. Through the years the National Association of Realtors has developed education on diversity and fair housing laws for its Realtor members. These programs and resources have helped educate Realtors across the country on the importance of inclusive housing practices and the promotion of diverse homeownership. During Fair Housing month Realtors reconfirm our pledge to protect home buyers and sellers in diverse and thriving American communities. Saturday, April 27 marks the 18th Annual Rebuilding Together Day. The Akron Area Board of Realtors has been active with Rebuilding Together in since its inception in our area. Our local affiliate, Rebuilding Together Greater Cuyahoga Valley, provides home rehabilitation services in partnership with the community. The goal of the organization is to improve the quality of life of low-income elderly and disabled homeowners so they may live in warmth, safety, and independence. According to the orga- nization’s website, Rebuilding Together Greater Cuyahoga Valley has improved the living conditions of nearly 2,000 local homeowners. For more information about Rebuilding Together Greater Cuyahoga Valley visit http://www. rebuildingtogether-sc.org/ In addition to visiting our website at www.AABOR.com, you can reach the Akron Area Board of Realtors by calling 330-434-6677 ext. 0 or by e-mailing us at info@AABOR. com. We are the Voice of Real Estate for Summit County. Edge Realty Akron 330-475-7777 Canton 330-236-5100 Massillon 330-833-2222 Crossroads Canton 330-492-9278 Fairlawn 330-576-5155 Stow 330-929-9278 OPEN SUNDAY 12:30–2 CHARMING CAPE Open Sun. April 21St 12:30-2 AKRON WEST AKRON EAST 646 Mokawk Dr. 3 BR/1BA Cape Cod 2 car detached heated Garage! $79,900 Barberton 650 Madison Ave. 3BR, 1.5BA Ranch PRICE REDUCED! $114,500 MLS# 3385224 1419 Bryden Dr. 3 BR/1.1 BA Colonial $89,899 MLS# 3375364 MLS# 3393938 Kim Latona, ABR, SRES 330-958-2355 RE/MAX Crossroads Carly Bittner 330-730-0513 RE/MAX Edge Realty Nancy Bartlebaugh 330-564-5632 RE/MAX Edge Realty MOVE RIGHT IN! OPEN SATURDAY 2:30-4 IMMEDIATE POSSESION! ELLET FIRESTONE PARK ELLET 300 Alpha Ave. 3 BR/1 BA Ranch Available to rent at 925/mo. $84,900 478 Stull Ave. 3 BR/1.1 BA Colonial Lg. eat-in kit. w/ deck, fenced yard. $79,900 MLS# 3365632 2100 Firestone Trace Blvd., Akron, OH 1642 Greenlawn Ave 3 BD/1.1 BA Colonial PRICE REDUCED $89,500 Gorgeous stone & cedar French Country Manor by Schleider Construction. Hickory hdwd. flrs., Schrock cabs., Kolbe windows. Timbered beamed entry, barrel ceiling foyer. Cherry study, 1st flr. master w/limestone bath, gourmet kit. w/island, breakfast bar & hearth rm. 2-story great rm. w/frpl. Finished lower level (2000 sq. ft.) w/media area, kitchenette & exercise rm. Walk to community pool & tennis.- $874,900. MLS# 3372525 MLS# 3380064 Betty Wulff Nancy Bartlebaugh 330-564-5632 RE/MAX Edge Realty GRANDEUR & PRIVACY GREEN 879 E. Nimisila 6 BR/4.2 BA Colonial located on 8.23 acres $749,900 MLS# 3373374 330.573.7188 Jody Rearick 330-329-0068 RE/MAX Edge Realty Nancy Bartlebaugh 330-564-5632 RE/MAX Edge Realty [email protected] OPEN SUNDAY 12:30-2 GREEN GREEN 3425 Chadwick - $479,000 Mayfair Estate Beauty 2872 Ironwood Dr. 4 BD/3.1 BA, Colonial w/ stunning views of 18th green of Chenoweth golf course! $349,900 • 4br / 3.5 baths • Over 3600 square feet • Finished Basement MLS #3391775 MLS# 3394144 Call The FerranTe Team Debbie Gretchen www.FerranteRealEstate.com Ferrante Thomazin RE/MAX Edge Realty 330-958-8394 330-495-0153 OPEN SUNDAY 12:30-2 OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 MLS# 3383828 Kim Latona, ABR, SRES 330-958-2355 RE/MAX Crossroads OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-4 PORTAGE LAKES! Jody Rearick 330-329-0068 RE/MAX Edge Realty OPEN SUNDAY 1-2:30 RICHFIELD • 5124 W. Streetsboro Rd. Fabulous French Country Estate $799,000 MLS# 3373411 MLS# 3393560 MLS# 3395250 Turning Your Dreams Into An Address SM 330-715-1474 12,000 SF quality built brick/vinyl 2-story situated on 7.93 Ac. 4 individual homes adjoined by a common area great room. Inground swimming pool. No zone area. So this beautiful estate is perfect for home/business, wellness center, B & B, spa or private retreat. Amy Bolan Commercial/Investments 330.806.9742 RE/MAX Crossroads Nancy Bartlebaugh 330-564-5632 RE/MAX Edge Realty Jody Rearick 330-329-0068 RE/MAX Edge Realty LARGE FAMILY ESTATE – ONLY $849,900!! 4 BR/ 4.2 Ba, 8,000 Sq. Ft. 3390 S. Main St. 3 BR/3.1 BA, Lake front home! New listing! Must see! $649,900 2225 Portage Line Dr. 3+ BR/3 BA, 5300 sq. ft., 9.4 acres $314,900 Tara Branz Licensed Realtor ABR 3736 Argonne St. 3 BR/1 BA, Cape Cod New on market! Must see! $114,900 MLS# 3397318 SPRINGFIELD TWP Tara Branz 330-715-1474 RE/MAX Edge Realty MOGADORE 1030 Erin Drive 3BR, 1.5BA Split Level $133,500 MLS# 3384481 821 Stanwood Ave 3 BD/1 BA, Cape Cod PRICE REDUCED $68,900 Jody Rearick 330-329-0068 RE/MAX Edge Realty ONE OF A KIND HOME! OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-4 KENT KENMORE 2960 Ironwood Dr. Green, 44312 $339,900 4240 sf, 4 BR, 3.2 BA, walk-out bsmt., deck. On 18th hole on Chenoweth Golf Club Tim Bishman 330-620-8487 RE/MAX Edge Realty Jody Rearick 330-329-0068 RE/MAX Edge Realty • Are you a strong business person? • Do you want to be an Independent Contractor? • Do you have sales skills? • Are you technical? Pam Sison, e-PRO, CDPE 330-815-9730 Call us for a Personal Interview to see if Real Estate and RE/MAX are for you!! RE/MAX Agents are Top Producing Agents! [email protected] Ro Reed, Realtor SFR, CDRS Elite ® www.PamSison.com Contact Debbie Ferrante 330-236-5100 2975233 Nancy Bartlebaugh 330-564-5632 RE/MAX Edge Realty Close Continued from Page H1 American Standard photos Jim McHale (left), leader of engineering for American Standard, explains the use of the SaTo, which is short for Safe Toilet. American Standard developed the SaTo toilet pan to reduce disease transmission from pit latrines in developing countries. Mary Beth Breckenridge can be reached at 330996-3756 or [email protected]. You can also become a fan on Facebook at http:// tinyurl.com/mbbreck, follow her on Twitter @ MBBreckenridge and read her blog at www.ohio. com/blogs/mary-beth. Customized Home Cleaning General Cleaning Service, Deep Cleaning, Move In / Move Out Cleaning Window Cleaning & Wall Washing Call for FREE Estimate Akron Metro: 330-633-8562 North Summit: 800-367-2648 “LARGEST SELECTION OF IN-STOCK TILE” BUY WHERE THE CONTRACTORS BUY!! • Vinyl Flooring • Wood laminate flooring & wall ceramic tile • Installation tools “supplies” • Trained professional assistants 456 W. Cedar St (at Bell) • 330-376-5166 www.FirstFlooring.com On Sale Now! Hurr y, Limited quantities available Bring in this ad and RECEIVE 10% OFF any purchase of $350 or more. Valid only at the time of order, previous orders excluded. Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri 7:30am-5pm Thurs: 7:30am-6pm • Sat: 8am-Noon Daily Deals %-90% off 50 Gift CertifiCates Get yours at DailyDeals.Ohio.com Tickets on Sale NOW! Garden Continued from Page H1 month. Wood craft sticks jut from small planters the participants created for the sale. They proudly bear the names of the youths who planted them. Once the weather warms, the activity will move outdoors to a cluster of planting beds in a courtyard. The young gardeners grow a variety of fruits and vegetables in the garden — asparagus and radishes, carrots and beans, blackberries and blueberries. Teodosio makes sure they put in lots of tomatoes and peppers. “I am Italian, after all,” she said. Grom uses organic methods and tells the participants they can eat anything they want while they’re out in the garden. Consequently, the berries never made it inside last summer. What survives goes to the cafeteria to supplement meals. For some of the inmates, it’s their first experience eating fresh vegetables, Grom said. Some embrace it. Others balk. “I’ve heard, ‘Why are you feeding us grass?’ ” she said with a smile. A salad bar stocked with lettuce grown by the gardeners has been popular. So was the zucchini bread made from the garden’s bounty. “Beets, not so much,” Grom said. A former Akron school board member, Grom works in math and science lessons, such as requiring the youth to figure out the square footage of a garden bed or explaining why downy mildew killed the cantaloupe. She doesn’t prod them to open up about their feelings, but some do, she said. Grom said she relates to them more as a mom than a guard. She teases them when they recoil from the insects that visit the garden, but even that presents the opportunity to teach the difference between beneficial insects and Peggy’s Maids Saturday, June 15, 2013 at E. J. THOMAS HALL THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON Michael Chritton/Akron Beacon Journal With a raised flower and vegetable bed behind her, Judge Linda Tucci Teodosio talks about the positive results of the gardening program at the William P. Kannel Juvenile Justice Center. • Presentations by local celebrities • Samples from local chefs • Product demonstrations • Displays of the latest in cabinetry, appliances, cutlery and more • Great recipes • Fantastic prizes • Giveaways galore FREE PARKING! Purchase tickets at Ticketmaster.com or the E J Thomas box office. Juvenile Justice Center photo Flower sale spring benefit Flowers grown by participants in the juvenile justice center’s garden program will be sold April 25 at the spring fundraiser of the center’s Women’s Board. The event is at Guy’s Party Centre, 500 E. Waterloo Road, Akron. Doors open at 11 a.m. A luncheon starts at noon. It also includes a style show, silent auction and bake sale. Cost is $18. Reservations are due April 21. For reservations, contact Barb Jones at brjones7075@ gmail.com or 330-338-1164, or Barb Mattern at 330633-7968. Akron Beacon Journal subscribers receive 20% discount on Relish ticket prices by using offer code ABJ20. A wildly entertaining and enormously informative experience! The 2012 garden at the William P. Kannel Juvenile Justice Center. Amy Grom coordinates the program for juvenile offenders. Juvenile Justice Center photo Come for the food and the fun! • Relish magazine cooking pros on stage pests. She also impresses upon them that the skills they’re learning can earn them an honest living someday. “I tell them their backs are strong. People will pay you to do this when you get out,” she said. And when she mentions that a salad made from the kinds of greens they produce might command $10 in a fancy restaurant, “that’s when they start listening,” said Brian Fogle, the center’s supervisor of detention and one of the staff members who help with the gardening program. Grom said she hopes to start a second garden outside the detention facility, to be tended by kids sentenced to community service. For one young participant, the gardening program is a means of escape. He has gardened in the past with his grandparents, he said, and to him, it’s therapy. “Get away,” he said. “Let it ease my mind. … It just feels like a relief.” Produce from last year’s garden at the William P. Kannel Juvenile Justice Center is fresh and colorful. EXPO 4:00 PM | SHOW 6:00 PM (The Beacon Journal typically does not name juvenile offenders, unless they’re involved with especially serious crimes.) The security concerns of working in a detention center present some challenges. Mulch and soil have to be hauled by the bagful through the center’s halls, because there’s no direct access from the courtyard to the parking lot. The youth are limited to plastic tools, but they manage. Surprisingly, some of the most hardened inmates have become the most enthusiastic gardeners, Grom and Teodosio said. That may be because they serve longer terms and become more invested in the gardens, Grom said. The program isn’t magic. The kids still misbehave sometimes, Grom said. But it seems to bring out a playfulness in the young offenders and promote responsibility. They’ll even hand her the rocks they dig out of the garden, because they know they’re not allowed to have them. “They’re kids,” Teodosio said. “They made bad choices, but maybe they haven’t had the opportunity to use their skills.” The judge is pleased that some have told her they want to become landscapers. Some have asked Grom if they can come back after they’re released and help in the garden. She wants them to continue gardening, but not at the juvenile justice center. “I tell them I don’t want to see them again,” she said. That would be the best harvest of all. Mary Beth Breckenridge can be reached at 330996-3756 or [email protected]. You can also become a fan on Facebook at http:// tinyurl.com/mbbreck, follow her on Twitter @ MBBreckenridge and read her blog at www.ohio. com/blogs/mary-beth. Picture your property for SALE HERE EMAIL [email protected] For More Information 2982543 McHale’s team concentrated on improving the pit latrines they saw in use in Bangladesh during a trip there last year. The latrines are holes in the ground about 6 to 8 feet deep, each covered with a concrete slab that holds a plastic toilet pan somewhat similar to a dry toilet bowl. A hole in the pan allows the waste to fall through, but it also gives easy access to flies and other insects that transmit bits of waste to people’s food. Plus, the latrines are just unpleasant, McHale said. “These things smell horrible.” The American Standard engineers developed what they call the SaTo, short for Safe Toilet. It’s similar to the toilet pans already in use in Bangladesh, except it has a trap door that seals after use. The SaTo pan is designed to accommodate the traditional flushing system used in the area, McHale said. A latrine user fills a teapot-like vessel called a bodna with water and uses some of it for cleansing and some for washing down the toilet pan and flushing the waste through the hole. Unlike the old-style latrine pans, though, the SaTo has a flap over the hole. The weight of the water causes the flap to open, and then a counterweight makes it slam shut, McHale said. A small amount of water remains in the toilet pan, forming a seal that blocks insects and odors. McHale said American Standard’s main goal is to commercialize the SaTo, because it believes the free market is the only sustainable means of distributing the product. It launched the SaTo last month with a partner company that will sell it in local markets for about $1.50. Even though most Bangladeshis can afford that, he said there are still some who can’t. Those people will benefit from American Standard’s donation of latrine pans to BRAC USA and WaterAid, charities that provide latrines to destitute people and will incorporate the SaTo technology. McHale said the company is now talking with the Gates Foundation about developing another safe-toilet product for parts of the world where water is not as readily available. He foresees this type of technology becoming a large and profitable part of American Standard’s business in 10 years. “The ultimate goal is to improve people’s lives, hopefully save some lives,” he said. A worthy goal, indeed. 8 es m o H ew N f o it cu ir C g in r Sp The 2013 Presented by the BIA of Stark County April 6 & 7 and 13 & 14 from 1:00pm - 5:00pm at 14 houses throughout the Stark County area 1 2 King’s Ridge Charis Homes 3 Fulton Crossings Highland Reserves 5 6 Great Lakes Land Construction 4 Discovery Park Ryan Homes Lexington Farms Saratoga Hills Ryan Homes Schalmo Homes 7 8 Wicker Creek Ryan Homes 9 Mudbrook Village Ryan Homes Aberdeen Regal Construction 10 11 Ryan Homes CUYAHOGA FALLS, TALLMADGE & AKRON News Briefs About University Park Alliance Greater Akron Chamber, Akron Public Schools, and the University Park residential and business community. Ask About Our Low Rates! University Park Alliance is a nonprofit community development corporation dedicated to advancing the transformation of University Park, the 50-block neighborhood surrounding SAFE, SECURE, NEW the University of Akron. UPA’s urban All Sizes • On-Site Manager • 24 Hour / 7 Day Access reinvestment strategy is to capitalize on • Business Rentals Climate Controlled • Individual Rentals the economic synergy of Akron’s anchor • Moving Storage Rentals & Unheated Units Available institutions and develop University • Student Rental Park as a dense, walkable neighborhood with diverse cultural offerings, great healthcare, quality education, and plenty of recreational and leisure opportunities. 1892 Buchholzer Blvd. (Across from Chapel Hill Mall) UPA receives major funding from www.SelfStorageAkron.com the John S. and James L. Knight HUDSON Foundation and its partners include Open the University Daily of Akron, City of 12-5 pm Akron, Summa (Closed Health System, Friday) Akron Beacon Journal/Ohio.com, Prestige Homes proudly presents our latest custom design!8,500 sq.ft. of unique living! LocatAkron Children’s ed in Estates of Canterbury-E. of Stow Rd. on Rt 303 - 1st street Past Canterbury on the Lakes. Hospital, Akron Jon Russell www.prestigehomesohio.com General Health 330-650-4333 PRESTIGE HOMES System, Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority, Enter to win a $10,000 front or back yard makeover Tickets are for sale now for Keep Akron Beautiful’s 10th annual Dreamscape Raffle in which one lucky person will win a front or back yard makeover worth $10,000. Only 1,500 tickets will be sold, increasing everyone’s chances of winning. Tickets are $25 each or five for $100. The winning ticket will be drawn at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, June 6, at Alexander Park on West Market Street. The winner will have until the end of June to meet with this year’s landscape designer and project manager, Nick Roth of Nick’s Landscaping, to create a plan for the Aug. 5-9 landscape transformation. Tickets can be purchased via a mail-in order form downloaded from www.keepakronbeautiful.org, at the agency office located at 850 East Market Street, Akron, or the following locations: Dayton Nurseries, Inc., Donzell’s Flower & Garden Center, Inc. Graf Growers Garden Center, Paul’s Greenhouse, and Suncrest Gardens. 330-633-4020 MULTIGENERATIONAL LIVING! Stage & Sell with Cindy 12 Add Value in One Easy Step by Staging Emerald Estates Rose Hill Villas Smith Homes Ryan Homes For Map and complete descriptions Please Visit 13 Ryan Homes 14 Sponsored By Sanctuary VictoryGate Custom Homes LLC Hostetler & Son Builders Amanda Ondrey Cindy Boggs 330-322-7999 Full Time Realtor 330.802.9618 cell/text William Lowery 330-472-8082 Realtor 330-329-7220 Oar Presidents Sales Club Top Volume Producer-2012 Top 1% of Realtors Cindy Boggs 330-322-7999 Call for more information and details Cathy Victor, GRI Realtor “Ready to serve you in all your Real Estate needs.” Mega-Million Dollar Producer Stage & Sell with Cindy • Declutter • Rearrange • Renew & More... Christina Spurr • Cell 330-904-0919 [email protected] Visit my website: cspurr.cutlerhomes.com www.AmandaOndrey.com [email protected] Jenny Frantz We Will: 1844 Krumroy Rd. Akron, OH 44312 Owner will entertain offers b/t $189,900$219,900. Wow! What a unique property!! Besides the main home there is an additional private home, pool and 2.5 car pole barn! Well maintained property lots of updates. MLS# 3323596 biastark.com The Quarry Before you Sell. Knights Crossing www.WLowery.com [email protected] OVER 100 HOMES SOLD IN 2012! Top 1% Of All Realtors in the NATION Phone: 330-996-1225 330.958.2037 www.cathyrealtyagent.com The President’s Sales Club of the Ohio Association of Realtors recognizes outstanding achievement in the real estate industry. “Your Way Home” Since 1975 www.kremerrealty.com 330-697-8797 [email protected] Jan Kremer ABR, CSP, SFR Broker/Owner #1 AKRON AGENT-Howard Hanna JOHN SCAGLIONE Coldwell Banker’s #1 Agent in Summit County 330-618-0292 [email protected] THE LATINE TEAM Marilyn & Mike Latine Outstanding Agents, Outstanding Results 2012 Akron Office Top Producers $14 Million in Sales 2012 330.802.8886 [email protected] Pam Maharg CRS, SRES, ABR 330-714-3126 What a Realtor Can Do That You Can’t When it comes to buying a house, you don’t need to know it all. In fact, it’s better that you don’t. You have heard the expression: a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Well, if a little bit of knowledge gives you the false impression that you don’t need to be surrounded by professionals, then, yes, it is dangerous. It’s so important to “know what you don’t know.” To be a successful homebuyer, you need to rely on the expertise, knowledge, and professionalism of the experts. Realtors know the business inside and out. They have experience with each and every step of the home-buying and selling process. They are the experts in a number of areas critical to the process. Here’s what a Realtor’s got that we don’t: • Access to every home that’s on the market via the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) and all other sources, including ones that may not be listed publicly • Inside track to the deals before they even hit the market • The ability to combine your Dream House Check list” with your price range • Knowledge of neighborhoods • Knowledge of recent comps (comparables)— what similar properties have sold recently and for how much • Ability to negotiate with the sellers on your behalf • The inside scoop from the sellers’ agents • Expertise to negotiate and close the deal • Experience to manage the legalities of foreclosures or other distressed properties • Muscle to get a deal through the escrow or “under contract” period • A litany of referrals for inspectors, mortgage brokers, and even tradesman for renovations • Objective professional advice when you have your buyer’s remorse meltdown Keep in mind, too, that today’s home purchase agreements can span ten pages or more, so your agent will need to handle lots of paperwork. That doesn’t even include the federal and state mandated disclosures, and any documents required by local custom. One little, seemingly innocuous mistake or omission could cost you thousands. John Markley 330-688-2233 x304 Cell330-802-9966 Laurie Morgan Schrank CRS, ABR, GSA, CNE 1 Realtor in Summit County 2012 # [email protected] 330.666.2525 Nancy Bartlebaugh Realtor 330-564-5632 [email protected] Call Me Today for RESULTS Tomorrow! Call an Award-Winning Realtor today for all of your Real Estate needs Sandy Chrisant Over 400 Sales of Experience. Call today for a FREE Home Analysis! 330-962-7422 Taking you step by step to your new home Top 5% of Realtors 330-777-3310 vm/cell/fax [email protected] SUSANE SAMPSON REALTOR “Consistent Top Producer” CNE Certified Negotiation Expert RRS Residential Relocation Specialist CRS Certified Residential Specialist www.ryancarter.biz Ryan M. Carter [email protected] Cell or Text - 330.715.0719 [email protected] (email) susanesampson.howardhanna.com(website) Tom Boggs OAR President’s Sales Club 1993- Present Top 1% of Realtors 34 yrs. experience 330-322-7500 [email protected] Pam Sison, e-PRO, CDPE 330-815-9730 [email protected] www.PamSison.com 9 Celebrity Real Estate Michael J. Fox’s one-time Vermont farm listed at $2.65 million Left, 1817 Federal style farmstead is the former residence of Michael J. Fox. March 2013 Top Producers By Mary Falconer-Williams, advertising writer Tucked into the rolling fields of South Woodstock, Vt., Lottery Hill Farm is a magnificent estate. With faded red brick and painted black shutters, the house is a fine example of Federal style architecture and period craftsmanship. It also has served as the perfect getaway from a hectic city-centric life, a place to escape the trappings of celebrity. Currently listed at $2.65 million, the historic estate is the former home of actors Michael J. Fox and wife, Tracy Pollan. Purchased shortly before their marriage in 1988, the farm is a prominent setting in Fox’s 2002 book, Lucky Man: A Memoir. With stylish exposed wood beams and turn-of-the-century-styled lighting, the updated kitchen is both functional and charming. Period touches are evident throughout the home, including high ceilings, crown molding, raise panel wainscoting, wood flooring and twelve over twelve windows. The formal dining room hosts a brick fireplace, one of nine throughout the house, with beehive oven. The main home features 6 bedrooms with 3 additional bedrooms in the guesthouse. A wraparound porch offers gorgeous views of the property, which includes a pool and barn. Salmon Hoisinton built the original house in 1817, allegedly with the proceeds from his Louisiana lottery winnings, giving it the name, Lottery Hill Farm. Fox, who rose to fame in the 1980s through his roles as Alex P. Keaton on “Family Ties” and Marty McFly in the “Back to the Future” film series, is expected to return to NBC-TV this fall. He will star in a yet-to-benamed show inspired by his life and struggle with Parkinson’s disease. Terry Aikens Bev Amick Jessica Boal Jana Chervenic Laurie Chervenic Shirley Conti Stahl Bev Daugherty Lisa Donatelli Kelly Folden Lauren Fugate Carol Garretson Linda Hartong Tyson Hartzler Lou Hibbard Susan Sawyer Jordan Ben Kantorowski Mary Jo Kormushoff Kurtz & Co. Dawn Lawson Lesa Lillibridge Tom & Jodi Mignano Karen Miller Sharon Morris Vince & Sherri Nemeth Barb O’Connor Jeff Pallack Gwen Petway & Tom Bauch Joanne Podojil Barb & Jim Prentis Joe Procaccio Andrea Robinson Laurie Morgan Schrank Jim Sheppard & Kelly Wise Kathy Smith Fred & Debbie Spencer Steve Spinelli Above, wraparound porch offers gorgeous views of the Vermont countryside. Above, red barn sits along tree line. Betty Steinmetz Judy Turney Barb Wise 2983021 Karen Weisner Sue Warren STOW 330-686-1644 • GREEN 330-899-1644 HUDSON 330-650-0050 • FAIRLAWN 330-836-4300 NORTHFIELD CENTER 330-467-7000 Above, Chef ’s kitchen features dual ovens, ample counter space and exposed wood beams. Above, Formal living room with sun shining through twelve-over-twelve windows. Photos provided by Regional Sales Manager Rick Higgerson of Lang McLaughry Spera Course Living Kristi Blazek 330-428-1745 OUTSTANDING CONGRESS LAKE GOLF COURSE HOME ON BEAUTIFUL DONALD ROSS 18 HOLE COURSE “I’m always on par when you list with me.” weekend Lakeside Golf Course has been in my family over 50 years, I know golf course real estate. A P R I L 2 0 - 2 1, 2 0 13 “Birdie the real estate market and list with me.” Looking for your http://kristiblazek.kwrealty.com new home? Check out the April 20th Akron Beacon Journal for this year’s largest directory of Open House listings for the Greater Akron area! Did you know: • In 2012 45 percent of all buyers used an open house as a source in their home search process. • Repeat buyers are more likely to find their home from an open house than first-time buyers and repeat buyers use open houses more frequently. Data provided by the National Association of Realtors Want to see your April 20th or 21st Open House in our directory? Email [email protected] or call 330-996-3345. 106 EAST DRIVE, HARTVILLE Private gated golf course community. Lake front ranch home on 2 acres. 4,400 sq.ft. with charm and much character. A Must See! $649,000. Call Lori Kiko (330)495-3617 5117 YOUNG RD., STOW • 60 ACRES 2031 CARLILE DR., UNIONTOWN Overlooks 17th green and the 18th tee ASK an AGENT ASK an AGENT This column is dedicated to answering your questions about buying and selling real estate. Please email your questions to [email protected]. What is a “Contingency Sale” and is it something as a seller I should consider doing? Leland W., Barberton, OH Contingency sale is a contract that is “contingent” on moving forward with certain stipulations for the buyer. The contingencies could be many things like the outcome of their home inspection, repairs that the buyer is requesting, buyers home must sell first before they can buy another one, an appraisal has to come in for the price they are paying for the home (and not be too low), etc. Each seller has a different opinion for how they feel about accepting a contingent offer, depending on what the contingencies are. Remember, if your home is listed as contingent, you most likely will not get any more showings. You may take a contingency offer and leave it active in the MLS for it be shown, then have your agent document it is contingent in the remarks, but you must put what you are doing on the contract and the buyers must sign off on that as well. How do I correctly calculate the square footage of the living areas in my home? Do I count the garage if it is attached to the house? James R., Kent, OH The correct way to measure square footage is to measure the whole exterior of the home, then the interior, but must measure ONLY the true living space of the home. An attached garage is not measured because it is not living space, nor is a foyer or washrooms. Q A Q A Full Basement in Prestwick! Amazing property for nature lovers nestled in the woods. 3 BR/2 BA charming ranch with quality throughout. Beautiful living room fireplace. Lovely porch area for quiet evenings. Wrap around deck gives great entertaining space as well as beautiful views. Kitchen w/ woodburning stove to heat house. Separate 3 car garage gives loads of storage. 40x60 barn with a concrete floor with tall sliding doors. Water & sewer available. $1,500,000. Regran Leedy 330-606-3507 Over 1500 sq. ft. of one floor condo living w/a full basement. 2 BR, 2BA, family room w/firplace and 2 car garage. Lots of storage. Immediate occupancy. $110,000.00 Beautiful View Overlooks Both Tee & Green Area Lovely Chenoweth Estates! Lisa Dontatelli 330-715-4892 Million dollar producer in single family homes, multi-families and apartment buildings 1220 Ashwood Road $330,000 4 BR, Office or 5th BR, Finished basement, covered porch, 3 car garage, High-end upgrades throughout this beautiful Home “Jason Speight, real estate for a living, golfing for fun...” Realtor: Sharon Morris, Keller Williams Chervenic Realty, Fairlawn, Ohio 330-715-9613 GREEN • 4016 Troon UNIONTOWN • 3826 B Twin Pines Incredible location and home on Prestwick Country Club’s 13th Green. 2600sf, 3 bdrm, 2 full, 2 half baths. Updated kitchen w/ granite counters, 2 ovens, formal dining, 1st flr familyroom w/ frplc. Master w/frplc, 16x13 glamour bath. Walkout finished bsmt w/bar & office. Patios, deck, private garden w/pond, cul-de-sac, 2 car gar. Why rent at this price? 2 BR/1 BA w/garage and golf course views! Updates to roof, vinyl siding, A/C, H2O, all windows less than one year, newer carpet, flooring and sharp décor throughout. It’s time to OWN your home! $66,900. Yvonne Johnston 330-352-0901 Sally Johnson 330-815-4424 Our Teamwork makes your Dreamwork! If you’re looking to buy or sell a home contact us directly. Mega-Million Dollar Producers Donna Tanno Cell/Text 330.931.7611 mailto:[email protected] James Hill Cell/Text 330.888.8485 mailto:[email protected] 2980345 PLEASE NOTE: Transfers may be searched online at homes.ohio.com back to 2002. In the green toolbar choose “Research and Tools” and then “Real Estate Transfers” Following are the real estate transactions from area real estate companies, as recorded by the county auditor and county assessor. For additional current and historic transfer information, go to Homes.Ohio.com and click on “real estate transfers” under other resources. All transfers are a matter of public record and questions should be referred to the county auditor’s office. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS FROM JAN. 26, 2013 Canton City continued from last week 1703 Tuscarawas St W Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 1812 Woodland Ave NW Canton, Kascavelis Patriciaf to Kascavelis Chet B, $0 Woodland Ave NW, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 Canton Township 3053 15th St NW Canton, Krichbaum Mary O Trustee & Ruth E to Pnc Mortgage, $50,000 906 Brant Ave NW, Knis Paul A & Christine M Knis Paul A & Christine M to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Co, $32,000 5169 Greenport Ave SE, Bird William G & Casey Barbara J to Bird William G, $182,950 317 Parker Ave NE Canton, Lockhart Ida M to Sherrell Traynal, $0 4805 Wiseland Ave SE, Full Gospel Lighthouse Ministries Inc to Berry Paul, $0 Canton Township - Meyers Lake Village 1336 Cascade Cir NW, Gail David S to Lake Properties Ltd, $100,000 R E A L E S TAT E T R A N S F E R S Sponsored by KIKO Realtors & Auctioneers Jackson Township 4914 Grandview Ave NE Canton, Deutsche Bank 2004-4 to Campanelli Samuel L Leckman Kathy L, $40,000 Horseshoe Ave NE, Wagler Enterprises Llc to Nvr Inc, $30,000 5700 Kings Gate Cir NE, Aller Margery to Copeland Mark J, $0 5700 Kings Gate Cir NE, Copeland Mark J & Aller Ronald L to Copeland Mark J Aller Margery, $0 Maxine Ave NE Canton, Miner Larry Miner Tammy to Habitat For Humanity Of Greater Stark & Carroll Counties, $0 4001 Middlebranch Ave NE Canton, Federal National Mortgage Association to Sojka Aaron W, $25,600 Middlebranch Ave NE, Federal National Mortgage Association to Sojka Aaron W, $25,600 2225 Onahom Cir NE Canton, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Co to Williams Christopher Williams Tanya, $71,500 5210 Violet Knoll Ave NE Canton, Esber Shannon K to Us Bank Trust Na, $52,206 5156 Whipple Ave NW Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 5130 Whipple Ave NW, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 Sandy Township - Magnolia Village Brady St Magnolia, Romine John R to Jett John, $0 Sugarcreek Township Alabama Ave SW, Baker Jeffrey L Shanklin Kathy A to Shanklin Kip B Shanklin Derek R, $70,000 Alabama Ave SW, Baker Beverly A Baker Beverly A to Baker Jeffrey L Shanklin Kathy A, $0 Crestline St SW, Swonger Joseph A Jr& Janel M to Swonger Janel M, $0 9432 Justus Ave SW, Swonger Joseph A Jr& Janel M to Swonger Janel M, $0 Manchester Ave SW, Charters Gregory A to Merry Joseph D, $52,800 8096 Arlington Ave NW North Canton, Wells Fargo Bank to Maculaitis Vincent D, $99,500 Sugarcreek Township - Beach City Village 6538 Beckleigh Cir NW Canton, Milnes Dale A & Fatima H to Albrecht Timothy M Albrecht Lisa V, $215,000 Manchester Ave SW, Charters Gregory A to Merry Joseph D, $52,800 4924 Belden Park Dr NW Canton, Us Dept Of Hud C/O Nhms to Mckenzie Tammie L, $0 Sugarcreek Township - Brewster Village 4460 Belden Village Ave NW, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 5th St SW Brewster, Siemund Greiner Company Llc to Colucy Christopher C, $15,600 4200 Belden Village St NW Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 5th St SW Brewster, First Choice Home Builders Limited First Choice Home Builders Ltd to Siemund Greiner Co. Llc, $0 Belden Village Ave NW, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 Tuscarawas Township 9891 Beryl St NW, Caples Travis & Evans Kristina to Tsai Beth, $159,500 Ben Fulton Ave NW, Farriss James W & Mary E Trustees to Dj & J Enterprises Llc, $174,895 7144 Chippewa Ave NW North Canton, Clemens Jack H Jr & Christie Reta M to Clemens Reta M, $0 1500 Deerfield Ave NW, Forrer Evelyn to Forrer Frederick J, $175,000 2990 Coldwater Ave NW, Kleve Ken T & Jacquelyn M to Kleve Ken T, $0 Millersburg Rd SW, Baker Jeffrey L Shanklin Kathy A to Shanklin Kip B Shanklin Derek R, $70,000 4680 Douglas Cir NW Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 Millersburg Rd SW, Baker Beverly A Baker Beverly A to Baker Jeffrey L Shanklin Kathy A, $0 5200 Dressler Rd NW Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 11720 Sarbaugh St SW, Pratt Scott C Pratt Scott C to Pratt Scott A Pratt Ann L, $0 Dressler Rd NW, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 2432 Viceroy Dr SW Massillon, Potts Rella M Trustee / Rella M Potts Rev Living Trust to Potts James W Trustee, $0 5501 Echodell Ave NW North Canton, Morrison Harlan B &Roma S Trustees to Morrison Roma S Trustee Viceroy Dr SW, Potts Rella M Trustee / Rella M Potts Rev Living Trust to Potts James W Trustee, $0 / Morrison Family Rev Living Trust, $0 Washington Township 4603 Everhard Rd NW Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 15610 Fairgreen St NE Alliance, Sommers Jared Etal to Sommers Elmer E Sommers Roselette F, $0 4600 Everhard Dr North Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 Fairgreen St NE, Sommers Jared Etal to Sommers Elmer E Sommers Roselette F, $0 4474 Everhard Rd NW Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 8004 Fayette Ave NW, Lewandowski Margaret R Trustee to Speight Andrew J Speight Jayme M, $154,000 WAYNE COUNTY Baughman Township 4770 Fulton Dr NW Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 16619 Burkhart Rd, Peters Inge B to Norton Eric M & Andrea K S/T, $245,000 Fulton Dr NW, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 6541 Glengarry Ave NW Canton, Case Ronald D & Jean to Amended & Restated Jean Case Rev Trust, $0 4815 Tannerville Rd, Citimortgage Inc to Rehm Joshua L & Debra L, $90,000 Dalton Village 8000 High Mill Ave NW Canal Fulton, Veterans Affairs to Blubaugh David E, $0 7465 Hills And Dales Rd NW, Helmick Jack B Trustee to Equity Trust Co. Custodian Fbo Hugh S Utterback Ira, $57,750 239 Heritage Pointe, Witmer Mark R to Leedy John W & Laurel L S/T, $134,000 Green Township 7465 Hills And Dales Rd NW, Albrecht Elva A Trustee to Helmick Jack B Trustee, $0 7024 Back Orrville Rd, H & H Custom Homes Llc to Masci Rhonda K, $265,000 6956 Knight St NW, Phillips Delmar D &Betty L to Phillips Betty L, $0 Rittman City 6860 Lake Cable Ave NW North Canton, Horn David P & Darlene S to Horn Darlene S, $0 338 Hilty Ave, Winkler Richard E & Eleanor M to Thompson Services Inc, $65,000 4481 Munson St NW, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 4521 Noble Loon St NW Massillon, Luckenbaugh Doyle A& Marian D Trustees to Coles Timothy, $238,500 Sugar Creek Township 7991 Pine Ridge St NW North Canton, Mccann James V Jr to Chandler Joshua A Chandler Farrah J, $487,500 13597 North Dr, Leedy John W & Laurel L S/T to Hines Thomas J & Susan K S/T, $276,000 5067 Portage St NW North Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 3300 S West Lebanon Rd, Nickles William L to Lind Shane W & Sarah A S/T, $162,500 Wayne Township 5067 Portage St NW, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 4144 Reicosky Ln NW Canton, Reicosky Robert F &Helen S Trustees to Yonts Linda M Trustee Reicosky Ann M Trustee, $0 3162 Briarwood Dr, Massaro Karen A to Varns Tracey W, $215,000 870 Hutton Rd, Masci Paul A & Rhonda K S/T to Bailey Chad & Stephanie S/T, $460,000 Reicosky Ln NW, Reicosky Robert F &Helen S Trustees to Yonts Linda M Trustee Reicosky Ann M Trustee, $0 2670 Oak Hill Rd, Cebul Carlye L Trustee to Shafer Kenneth E Trustee, $125,000 Rolling Green Ave NW, Scaife Ray R Trustee to Goucher Gregory G Goucher Cami G, $42,000 7550 Sandpiper Ave NW North Canton, Pollak Earl Pollak Earl to Stephens Nathan P Stephens Kirstina L, $212,000 Wooster City 939 Country Club Dr, Morris Lou Ellen to Benic Investments Ltd, $80,000 Sandpiper Ave NW, Pollak Earl Pollak Earl to Stephens Nathan P Stephens Kirstina L, $212,000 201 E Liberty St, Freeman Investments Company A Partnership to Chesterland Productions Pll, $263,375 7338 St Georges St NW North Canton, Dallas Christopher S to Bank Of New York Mellon, $485,000 1335 Logan Ln, Bailey Chad J & Stephanie M S/T to Masci Paul A, $285,000 4580 Stephen Cir NW Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 5610 Stoney Ridge Rd NW, Johnston Elizabeth D Trustee / Elizabeth D Johnston Living Trust Reikowski 692 N Grant St, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation to Tonn Linda J Trustee, $48,000 S Buckeye St, Freeman Investments Company A Partnership to Chesterland Productions Pll, $263,375 Peter J to Johnson Elizabeth D Trustee / Elizabeth D Johnson Living Trust, $87,250 1636 Springwood Dr, Gilly Larry M & Hollie A S/T to Stenger Katelyn A, $200,000 Sunset Strip Ave NW, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 Wooster Township 2961 Thackeray Ave NW, Cochran Roger E & Catherine M Ttees/Roger E & Catherine M Rev Trust to 3979 Batdorf Rd, Crosland Michael Shae to Kiper Brian C & Jennifer L S/T, $174,000 Cochran Roger E Trustee / Roger E Cochran Rev Trust, $0 3671 PheasantRun, Clary Raymond E & Catherine Is/T to Debartolo Peggy R & Larry S/T, $207,500 2151 Wales Ave NW, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 End of Transfers from Jan. 26, 2013 4915 Whipple Ave NW Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 7528 Wyndgate Court Ave NW, Caples Travis M Caples Kristin S to Bourne Bruce A & Mary J, $0 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS FROM JAN. 31, 2013 Lake Township 1555 Edison St NE, Hartville Wesleyan Methodist Church Hartville Wesleyan Methodist Church to Hartville Wesleyan Methodist Church Inc, $0 3802 Falcon Chase St NW, Manley Glenna E to Gmac Mortgage Llc, $128,000 Jan Cir NW, Wheatley Thomas J Jr & Rose A to Starcher Larry Starcher Connie, $24,000 10340 Middlebranch Ave NE Hartville, Holmes Lumber & Building Center Inc to Carter-Jones Lumber Co., $0 Pheasant Ave NW, Sogorka Susan J to Cox Michele M, $0 Pheasant Ave NW, Sogorka Paul to Sogorka Susan J, $0 1648 Plateau St NE, Sykora James C & Debra A to Mast Paul J Mast Luella, $126,000 8383 Rolling Hill Ave NW North Canton, Sogorka Paul to Sogorka Susan J, $0 Lake Township - Hartville Village 1559 Cornerstone St SW Hartville, Jelen William M & Mary E J to Boyer Donnie L Ii, $181,000 1244 St Abigail St SW Hartville, Campbell Dale A & Kay K Trustees to Hart Lori A Trustee/Campbell Family Irrev Trust, $0 Lake Township - Uniontown Police District 1699 Buckeye St NW Mogadore, Mcclain Scott L & Rebecca A to Veterans Affairs, $0 13401 Crocus Ave NW Hartville, Myers Kathleen to Myers Randy G Myers Kathleen L, $0 13259 Fern Ave NW Hartville, Monaco Anthony & Tracy to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Co, $90,000 3851 Lakeland St NW, Deborah A Merrow - Trustee / Betty M Sheets Irrev Trust to Sheets Betty M, $0 Legacy St NW, Mosher Gary to Waltz Keith L & Vicki L, $5,000 Legacy St NW, Distinguished Homesinc to Mosher Gary, $0 Mogadore Ave NW, Jeromin Joseph A & Vivian D Jeromin Joseph A & Vivian D to Jeromin Vivian D, $0 1372 Peony St NW Hartville, Vanlieu William E to Federal National Mortgage Association, $90,000 12197 Rimini Ave NW Uniontown, Perfection Developers Inc to Crites Jeffrey Crites Deborah, $250,000 Lawrence Township 7616 Brownwood Ave NW Canal Fulton, Tallman Adelee V to Tallman Karl L, $0 Brownwood Ave NW, Tallman Adelee V to Tallman Karl L, $0 11578 Orrville St NW Massillon, Travis Carol L Estate Travis Carol L to Travis Carol L Trust, $0 Orrville St NW, Travis Carol L Travis Neil C to Travis Carol L Estate, $0 Orrville St NW, Travis Carol L Estate Travis Carol L to Travis Carol L Trust, $0 8839 Spring Grove Ave NW Canal Fulton, Galehouse Margaret J to Maglio Eric S Maglio Sheila R, $129,900 Lexington Township 11376 Homestead Ave NE Alliance, Us Bank Na to Hud Secry, $0 11371 Walnut Ave NE Alliance, Sovereign Bank to Residential Recovery Capital Holdings 2 Llc, $7,204 Lexington Township - Limaville Village 80 W Church St, Angel Michael R & Tami J to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Co, $52,000 Louisville City 1407 Monter Ave Louisville, Finefrock Joan E & (L/E) Forney Margaret A to Finefrock Joan E, $0 400 Willow Ave Louisville, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Co to Mccauley Kevin, $18,000 Marlboro Township 11011 Immel Ave NE, Goad Harold W & Shirley A to Goad Harold W & Shirley Family Rev Trust, $0 Marlboro Ave NE Alliance, Stark County Commissioners to Ohio Edison Company, $0 10530 Price St NE, Spangler Rickie E & Sally A Trustees / Spangler Ricie E & Sally A Trust to Burns Vicky S, $0 Ravenna Ave NE Alliance, Precision Capital Lp to Rkb Capital Lp Jones Margaret W Living Trust, $186,337 11267 Reeder Ave NE Alliance, Blosser Lori S to Anderson Barbara A, $242,000 Massillon City 335 12th St SW Massillon, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Co to Able Property Management Llc, $27,125 832 14th St SW Massillon, Veterans Affairs to Groff Rickie J, $0 727 14th St SE, Berger John L to Hummel Jeffrey, $56,000 727 14th St SE, Berger John L to Mccaulley Judy A, $0 228 25th St NW Massillon, Close David J to Legere Family Trust, $79,500 Arch Ave SE Massillon, Smith Michael A to Block Shawntez D, $0 824 Cherry Rd NW Massillon, Us Bank Na to Hud Secry, $0 1216 Erie St S, Sword Norma J to Sturm Matthew C, $35,000 1021 Erie St S Massillon, Federal National Mortgage Association to Dugan Amy L, $16,000 55 Forest Ave SE Massillon, Seg Commercial Llc to Ptc Preservation Llc, $0 1112 Forest Ave SE Massillon, Woods James R to Woods James R Woods Leona, $0 Forest Ave SE, Woods James R to Woods James R Woods Leona, $0 665 Fries St SE Massillon, Gillom Erwin & Myron L to Troyer Raymond, $0 Lillian Gish Blvd SW Massillon, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 2111 Main Ave W Massillon, Us Bank to Hud Secry, $0 333 Monroe St NW Massillon, Ensminger Garnet A to Bowman Garnet E Irrevocable Trust, $0 404 Oak Manor Ave NE Massillon, Gides Margaret J to Gides James G Gides Michael J, $0 26 Ohio Ave NE Massillon, Whittenberger Kyle I to Whittenberger Kyle I Whittenberger Erin R, $0 Rose Ave SE Massillon, Bishop Julie A to Johnson Johnnie, $0 752 Rotch Ave NE Massillon, Gmac Mortgage Llc to Dreaming Tree Holdings Llc, $47,500 4850 Sippo Reserves Dr NW Massillon, Dunbar Heather A to Gallion Raymond W Gallion Christina L, $193,000 2046 University Commons Dr SE, Mclaughlin Carl E &Kelly L to Ellis Julie A Ellis Roderick, $128,000 1523 Walnut Rd SW Massillon, Federal National Mortgage Association to Gerbenstein Ltd, $24,000 1828 Wood Creek Cir NW, First Choice Home Builders Limited First Choice Home Builders Ltd to Siemund Greiner Company Llc, $0 2355 Wright State Dr SE, Vanzant Theresa A to Krum Cheryl A, $131,250 Nimishillen Township 6352 Easton St Louisville, Wilson Christina J to Delaney Joe R Delaney Jane E, $195,000 5058 Glenoak Dr Louisville, Downes Stephen R Trustee to Morris Ronald E Morris Lorraine K, $137,000 5665 Grenshaw Ave Louisville, Schaffner Randall G& Lynda J to Bobo Wilbur F Bobo Meril L, $278,900 5880 Louisville St Louisville, Luker Barry W to Tssr Llc, $160,000 5473 Meese Rd NE, Karasarides Carolynm to Karasarides Christos Jr, $0 5606 Noel St NE, Bagley Mark & Christine to Reinardy Ricky L Reinardy Rosetta M, $250,000 8874 Rue Helena St Louisville, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Co to Evans Michael L, $73,689 Stark Rd NE, Luker Barry W to Tssr Llc, $160,000 North Canton City 618 Circle Hill Rd SE North Canton, David Mary C to Tracy Lisa M, $0 802 Lucille Ave SW North Canton, Us Dept Of Hud C/O Nhms to Hilton Mark R, $0 710 Magnolia Cir SE North Canton, Gault Pamela A to Gault David A & Pamela A Trustees/Pamela A Gault Rev Trust, $0 1437 Main St S, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 1603 N Main St North Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 1334 Pineview Ave SE North Canton, Hamann Thomas J & Mary V to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Co, $90,000 Pineview Ave SE, Hamann Thomas J & Mary V to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Co, $90,000 316 W Maple St North Canton, J & S Housing Llc to Johnson Kyle L Johnson Carmelle S, $88,000 451 Willaman Ave NW North Canton, Clark John D Trustee / Catherine Petrovich Rev Trust to Mark Begue Properties Inc, $80,000 451 Willaman Ave NW North Canton, Petrovich Catherine trustee / Catherine Petrovich Rev Trust to Clark John D Trustee / Catherine Petrovich Rev Trust, $0 606 Witwer St NE North Canton, Mosher Gary A to Watts John S, $76,000 1901 Wynstone Cir NE North Canton, Dehoff Ardis J to Cary Michael A & Shirley M Trustees/Shirley M Cary Trust, $275,000 Osnaburg Township 7693 Cindell St SE East Canton, Harbour Portfolio Vi Lp to Yoder Leslie Yoder Monica, $5,000 Deuble Ave SE, Roberts Warren L to Drevon Elvis T Drevon Darcy J, $44,000 5189 Georgetown Rd NE East Canton, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Co to Lightning Holdings Llc, $27,500 Perry Township 4447 16th St NW Canton, Shaheen Deeb E to Egert John T Egert Ronda J, $108,000 4626 17th St NW Canton, Morris Aaron P & Andrea M to Us Bank Na, $160,000 Bailey St NW, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 3610 Briardale Dr NW Massillon, Stone Hill Construction Llc to Schlabach David E Troyer Henry, $63,000 1419 Channonbrook Dr SW, Legere Thomas & Jean A Trustees / Legere Family Trust to Luck Tinnelle T, $76,500 Crownpoint St NW, Basso Rose to Basso Leonard A Basso Rose, $0 238 Eden Ave NW, Wells Fargo Bank Na to Hud Secry, $0 1437 Ellwood Ave SW Canton, Lower Clarence & Jean M to Lower Jean M, $0 Fohl St SW, Canton Building Systems Inc to Troyer Lester Troyer Edna, $0 625 Harding Ave Massillon, Federal National Mortgage Association to Rumbold Ben, $50,500 2830 Lincoln Way E Massillon, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 5901 Longbrook St SW, Flagstar Bank to Hud Secry, $0 620 Marion Ave NW Massillon, Suter David F & Maxine M to Suter Maxine M, $0 5100 Oakvale St SW Canton, Guiler Marvin L & Lynn A to Guiler Marvin L & Lynn A Trustees, $0 Oakvale St SW, Guiler Marvin L & Lynn A to Guiler Marvin L & Lynn A Trustees, $0 Perry Dr NW, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 1800 SEdwick Ave NW Massillon, Downing Cathy J to Bac Home Loans Servicing Lp, $66,000 1230 Sippo Ave SW Canton, Byder Ii Perry L Byder-Beal Tammy L to Byder Perry L Ii Byder-Beal Tammy L, $0 Sippo Ave SW, Byder Ii Perry L Byder-Beal Tammy L to Byder Perry L Ii Byder-Beal Tammy L, $0 4969 Southway St SW Canton, Brothers Realty Llc to Brothers William A & Ann M, $0 Southway St SW, Brothers Realty Llc to Brothers William A & Ann M, $0 4975 Tuscarawas St W Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 Tuscarawas St W, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 Pike Township - East Sparta Village 1843 Clearview St SE East Sparta, Mccaffrey Thomas C & Mary L to Mccaffrey Mary L, $0 2240 Poplar St SE East Sparta, Debellis William G & Beth A to Federal National Mortgage Association, $32,000 Plain Township 2825 31st St NE Canton, Anthony Stephen to Mills David E, $0 716 32nd St NE Canton, Deutsche Bank National Trust to Plent Russell, $42,500 2202 34th St NE Canton, Wood Bernice to Hubbard Mary R, $30,100 2215 38th St NW Canton, Cochran Roger Trustee to Cochran Ronald L & Joan J, $0 2549 58th St NE Canton, Wilcox Gwendolyn Y Trustee to Cse Credit Union, $82,000 3100 Bambi St NW Canton, Babics Michael D & Cynthia A to Ricker Christine, $84,000 5335 Broadmoor Cir NW Canton, Chg Ham 1 L L C to Llj Canton Ventures Llc, $6,175,000 3216 Clearview Ave NW Canton, Evans Ernest P & Mary F Ttes/ Evans Family Revocable Living Trust to Evans Mary F Trustee, $0 3969 Convenience Cir NW Canton, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 3951 Convenience Cir NW, Triad Realty Llc Triad Exchange Llc to Deville Developments Llc, $0 403 Crestland Ave NW North Canton, Us Bank Trust National Trustee/Lsf 7 Npl Ii Trust to Fledderjohann Eric E Fledderjohann Amanda A, $114,000 2508 Daffodil St NE Canton, Comune Bryan M & Amy J to Comune Bryan M, $0 911 Deborah St NW North Canton, King Rebecca L to Anich Michael J Anich Rebecca L, $0 Deborah St NW, King Rebecca L to Anich Michael J Anich Rebecca L, $0 SUMMIT COUNTY Akron City 62 Aqueduct St, Marshall Dawndavina S to Hannah Johnnie L, $13,500 830 Bertha Ave, Henry Marcus D to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, $24,000 106 & 108 Bittman St, Dynamic Real Estate Llc to Protects Properties Llc, $34,000 1290 Burkhardt Ave, Christ Kimberly D Fuller to Jpmorgan Chase Bank, $46,000 143 Burton Ave, Harbour Portfolio Vi Lp to Premier Holdings One Llc, $800 975 Clifford Ave, Seese Lois to Pala Htam Ma, $13,500 1809 Dallas Ave, Studards Kara D to Davis Linda S, $68,000 1751 Dallas Ave, Woodruff Earl Edward Jr to Abbas Maher, $36,500 1301 Dover Ave, Westside Neighborhood Development Corporation to Pitts Mary A, $52,000 1157 E Archwood Ave, Mustard Seed Development Center to Walczak Gary, $8,000 78 E Mapledale Ave, Hubbard Darnell to Jpmorgan Chase Bank, $46,000 1190 Eastland Ave, Grubbs Jeffery A to Kozusko Stephen P, $69,750 416 Fairlawn Knolls Cir, White Kimberly A to Bower Kenneth E, $200,000 1415 Fawler Ave, Ghorayeb Nasri A Trustee to Ghorayeb Camile, $20,000 890 Fess Ave, Federal National Mortgage Association to Kennerly Darnell D, $12,700 832 Georgia Ave, Everhart Christine to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company Trustee, $40,000 631 Glendora Ave, Harris Judy A to Pensco Trust Company Fbo Michael Kimel Ira, $11,200 250 Gordon Dr, Venture Capitol Holdings Llc Trustee to Bank Of America, $24,000 248 Harcourt Dr, Andrews Stephen A to Castle Property Development Ltd, $38,000 639 Highwood Dr, Sutter Mark R to Dunbar Larry D, $208,000 Johnston Ct, Kay Management Llc to Terrytown Realty Llc, $990 682 Lakemont Ave, Rho Richard to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, $32,000 632 Meredith Lane, Valley Savings Bank to Corvington Maria E, $59,500 1339 Moore St, C & S Private Investors Llc to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, $40,000 459 Oxford Ave, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation to Huddleston Steven, $19,900 2553 Paxton Ave, Kelly James W to Aemmer Samantha, $118,000 99 Rhodes Ave, Barristers Holdings Ltd to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, $42,000 518 Rothrock Ave, Weber Carol J to Voros Joseph A, $7,000 346 S Firestone Blvd, Mills Gregory A to Bank Of New York Mellon Trustee, $46,000 892 & 894 Storer Ave, Ply 2 Win Llc to Collins Lumari A, $27,500 1576 Sunset Ave, Pci Developments Llc to Treen Casey M, $68,500 1947 Tonawanda Ave, Gigliotti Frank to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, $42,000 945 Trimble Dr, Federal National Mortgage Association to Bishoff Jolene M, $62,900 1000 Whittier Ave, Frierson Enoch W to Black Pearls Llc, $17,000 2729 Mull Unit 1-D Ave, Jacksonville Justice League Llc to Neiman Robert E, $13,500 565 Redfield Ln, Kohmann Fredric P to Inglett Joseph S, $350,000 432 Stonehurst Dr, Pulte Homes Of Ohio Llc to Lange Brittany, $159,445 Cuyahoga Falls City 1930 16th St, Somers Jenette E to Peto Cheryl L, $125,900 1872 18th St, Knepp Kathleen to Giannini Michael F, $114,330 2472 2nd St, Gay Amber to Minton Keith, $60,000 3183 7th St, 885 Group Llc to Touma Marwan, $25,000 3183 7th St, Touma Marwan to Capps Warren, $20,000 1503 8th St, Danish Gary M to Morris Matthew K, $102,500 3532 E Prescott Cir, Flowers Raymond I to Lucas Richard K, $124,000 946 Falls Ave, Dawes Eric T to Windham Marc A, $107,000 3419 River Rock Dr, First Akron Development Corp to Canfield Stewart C Trustee, $310,018 706 Shannon Ave, Bank Of New York Mellon Trustee to Kennedy Richard, $74,000 Fairlawn City 188 BensonRd, Pantich David Z to Crock Real Estate Investments Ii Llc, $88,000 Green City 1401 Creekview Cir, Nvr Inc to Krismer Roger A, $239,400 2274 Greensburg Rd, Holbrook Lisa to Burkhart Franklin W Ii, $25,500 Springbury Dr, Green Land Trust Ltd to Ragunanthan Kanthasamy, $60,000 Hudson City 5334 Darrow Rd, Federal National Mortgage Association to Wenzel Keith A Jr, $127,000 273 Streetsboro St, Federal National Mortgage Association to Stone John D, $170,000 Lakemore Village 1263 Oxford Cir, Farmer Amy M to Trout James H, $115,000 Macedonia City Willow Ln, Woodland Residential Ltd to K Hovnanian Woodland Pointe Llc, $713,000 Munroe Falls City 133 LindseyRd, Streharsky Helen to Fannie Mae, $87,785 New Franklin City 390 Bronson Trl, Hsbc Bank Trustee to Meighen Jessica, $23,760 977 Homeland Dr, Wood Frederick L to Boatwright Yolette P, $125,000 513 Melcher Ave, Pnc Bank to Childress Robert K, $20,000 1012 StumpRd, Jaynes Rebecca L to Jourden Denise L, $99,900 701 VenturaBlvd, Tyler Jodi to Debarr Christopher A, $101,000 Northfield Center Township 7776 Hill Ct, Juhasz Jason J to Arieta Ricardo, $255,000 90 LucyLn, Sudimak Robert Paul to Denison Craig H, $141,000 Northfield Village 160 Huntington Dr, Hawkins Robert Michael to Us Bank Trustee, $66,000 163 LedgeRd, Bruehler Arthur C to Schlosser Teresa M, $71,655 Norton City 3640 HemphillRd, Moran Earl L And Linda L to Steel Capital Steel Llc, $96,000 4390 Rock Cut Rd, Pennymac Corp to Jarvis Donald, $97,500 Reminderville Village Liberty Ledges Dr, Liberty Ledges Llc to Nvr Inc, $58,000 Richfield Township 3183 Aviemore Way, Glencairn Corp to Alfirevic Andrej, $128,000 Springfield Township Marsh Fern Ln, A R Lockhart Development Co to Nvr Inc, $25,000 2870 Northview Rd, Kapity Ruth I to Boyle Nicolas P, $115,000 Stow City 3786 Briarton, Stillwood Developers Llc to Schmidt Robert S, $254,350 4414 & 4418 Cherryhurst Dr, Testa Michael to Testa Angelina A, $55,000 4380 Eastwicke Blvd, Kairuz Raymond M to Miller Mark A, $220,000 3070 Kent Rd, Hughes Sharon R Trustee to Bradford Scott, $29,900 3534 OrchardDr, Seaver James W to Yeary Eugene L, $90,900 5141 Spencers Run, Southside Properties Of Akron Ltd to Wszeborowski Paul A, $265,000 3982 Villas Dr, Sandels Tiffany L to Wolf Beula M, $100,000 Tallmadge City 114 Maryann Rd, Simone Michael R to Hamrick Willie G, $103,000 838 Sunset View Blvd, Isakov Emil to Darrow Christopher Todd, $49,000 319 WillsonAve, Lefever Marilyn Trustee to Sanders Michael A, $120,000 Twinsburg City 2322 Champion Trl, Watts Adam to Monday Christopher R, $264,000 9271 Helen Ln, Nvr Inc to Perera Naullage I, $304,960 10296 Luman Ln, Trombley Robert J to Federal National Mortgage Association, $176,000 MEDINA COUNTY Brunswick City 1417 Diana Dr, Kemp Steven E to Kemp Steven E & Linda R, $0 483 Foxborough Dr, Brozovich Louis J Trustee to Brozovich Louis J, $0 4234 Grafton Rd, Edmiston Shawn & Connie to Edmiston Shawn, $0 1931 Huntington Cl, State Of Ohio to Brunswick City School District, $0 1429 Jefferson Ave, Jolly William D & Geraldine M to Jolly William D & Geraldine M, $0 4257 Keller-Hanna Dr, Turner Russell & Tamme Conley to Conley Tamme, $0 4172 Keller-Hanna Dr, Bank Of New York Mellon Trust Company The to Garlyn Properties Llc, $40,000 Keller-Hanna Dr, Bank Of New York Mellon Trust Company Na Trustee The to Garlyn Properties Llc, $40,000 1126 Lake Meadow Ln, Piorkowski William G & Kathleen to Piorkowski Kathleen, $0 4740 Locust Ln, Wessner Chad J & Stacey L to Wessner Stacey L, $0 236 Lyndover Way, Knight Development Corp to Nvr Inc Dba Ryan Homes, $58,000 4162 Roanoke Dr, Davis Ronald E & Tina M to Davis Tina M, $0 3667 Ruth Dr, Fannie Mae Aka Federal National Mortgage Association to Battin Wendel, $91,000 695 Salem Ln, Szopo Rick & Nanette to Szopo Nanette, $0 4242 Settlers Way, Cibik Thomas G & Marion D to Cibik Marion D, $0 586 Simons Dr, Freese Paul D & Sheri L to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, $70,000 1445 Spyglass Hill Dr, Cika Thomas J & Cheryl A to Konkoly Stephanie A, $134,900 3555 Trailview Ct, Garrity Darin & Jenna R to Garrity Darin & Jenna Rae Co Trustee, $0 3514 Villa Casa Ct, Pogorily Vladimir & Kathleen J to Bank Of New York Mellon Trust Company Na The, $53,334 3508 Villa Casa Ct, Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development to Senkowski Curtis & Catherine, $0 Brunswick Hills Township 655 Marks Rd, Magley Mark A & Eva to Magley Mark A, $0 4937 Neura Pkwy, Third Federal Savings And Loan Assoc Of Cleveland to Sarkauskas Joseph M & Chelsea, $229,900 5194 Sun Meadow Dr, Nvr Inc Dba Ryan Homes to Gruhn Thomas M & Anna, $272,665 5185 Sun Meadow Dr, Pride One V Two Inc to Nvr Inc Dba Ryan Homes, $44,500 Chatham Township 10628 Shaw Rd, Diesch Christine Nichole & Carol Christine & William Walter to Schmitt Christine N & Zachary M, $0 Granger Township 249 Chelsea Trace #79, Hartley Douglas N Trustee to Koester Kristen J, $235,000 Dunsha Rd, Tasker Valerie Jo to Tasker Valerie Jo & Craig Forrest, $0 Harrisville Township Barberton City 8481 Vandemark Rd, Armstrong Todd M & Stacey L Bittaker to Shaw Justin M & Michelle N Skelton, $153,000 Bath Township 2643 Crestview Dr, Krymowski David B & Carmen C to Hazlett Guy W, $181,900 2590 Ridge Rd, Mueller Michelle M to Walkuski Ed, $96,667 1851 Ridge Rd, Gaj Mary Ann L to Gaj Nancy Ann, $0 2540 State Rd, Wolan Richard J & Caroline Trustee to Wolan Richard J & Jennifer S Simonis Trustee, $0 2540 State Rd, Wolan Richard J Trustee & Richard J Wolan to Wolan Richard J Trustee, $0 2540 State Rd, Wolan Richard J & Jennifer S Simonis Trustee to Wolan Richard J Trustee & Richard J Wolan, $0 110 Norwood St, Wasch Jeffrey A to Talbott Daniel L, $62,000 214 Lake Pointe Dr, Neifach Jill R Trustee to Reiss Kelly, $175,000 2181 Majesty Ct, Acm Northfield Cr Llc to Schapel Steven, $65,000 1318 N Cleveland Massillon Rd, West Ritchie to Debs Tanios, $82,000 871 Spring Water Dr, Barkow Ruth R Trustee to Grasson Gregory A, $155,000 625 West Point Ave, Acm Northfield Cr Llc to Nemer Yolla, $113,000 Boston Heights Village 7315 Colesbrooke Dr, Horvath Darren C to Fannie Mae, $168,000 Copley Township 2320 Copley Rd, Tysinger Susanne to Lovsey Jacob D, $100,000 961 Dogwood Terr, Woodburn Christine M Trustee to Nold Michael, $297,500 525 High Point Dr, Ergenbright Gregory L to Simon Jodi L, $390,000 AUCTIONS KIKO Auctioneers 2722 Fulton Dr., NW, • Canton, OH. 44718 330-453-9187 • www.kikoauctions.com AUCTION 9.6 Acres Land In 2 Parcels W/Bank Barn & Outbuildings All Gas/Oil Owned By Seller To Transfer Marlboro Twp. - Marlington Schools - Stark Co. All sells to the highest bidder at absolute auction on location: 5100 BLOCK ON TYRO ST. N.E. (MARLBORO TWP.) NORTH CANTON, OH 44721. Directions: (Approx. 3 miles west of St. Rt. 44 or approx. 2 miles east of St. Rt. 43) take State St. to Gans Ave. then north 1/2 mile to Tyro St. then east to property. Watch for KIKO signs… THURSDAY - APRIL 18, 2013 - 6:00PM AUCTIONEER/REALTOR: John D. Kiko, C.A.I., AARE, ext. 122 AUCTION BY ORDER OF: Larry W. Strouble Rev. Trust, by Pamela A. Strouble Trustee AUCTION Quality Nursery Stock – 300+ Shade – Ornamental Trees 400+ Pines & Evergreens – All B & B or potted and Inspected Absolute auction, for convenience all sells to the highest bidder on location: DAMASCUS LIVESTOCK AUCTION BARN PARKING LOT: 690 VALLEY RD. SALEM, OHIO 44460. Directions: Take US Rt. 62 west of Salem, Ohio 3 miles or east of Alliance, Ohio 7 miles to Valley Rd. and south 1 mile to address. Watch for KIKO signs… SATURDAY – APRIL 20, 2013 – 10:30 AM TERMS: Cash, Check, Debit Card, Visa or MasterCard with proper ID auction day. 4% buyer’s premium on all sales with 4% waived for cash. AUCTIONEER/REALTOR: Randall L. Kiko, ext 158, 330-831-0174 AUCTION BY ORDER OF: Valley View Nursery and Sanor Trees AUCTION GOING OUT OF BUSINESS “Former Graphics & Printing Company” Vinyl Printers – Printers – Copiers – Sign Maker – Trimmers – Collator System – File Cabinets – Desks GBC – Xerox – Duplo – Heidelberg – Besseler – AB Dick – Challenger Absolute Auction, all sells to the highest bidders on location: 1903 BRITTAIN RD. AKRON, OH 44310 Directions: Take RT. 8 North of Akron to the Howe Rd. Exit# 4. Go East on Howe Rd. 1 mile to Brittain Rd. and South to auction. (Across from Chapel Hill Mall). Watch for Kiko signs on: MONDAY - APRIL 15, 2013 - 12 NOON AUCTIONEERS/REALTORS: Jeff R. Kiko, 330-2061079 OR [email protected] & John D. Kiko, CAI, AARE, ext. 122 AUCTION Home w/Garages On 2.46 Acres Great Investment or Starter Home – Portage County Waterloo Schools – Randolph Township Also Selling: Sterling – Furniture – Glassware – Household Owner Inherited Property, Absolute Auction, all sells to the highest bidders on location: 3839 RANDOLPH RD., MOGADORE, OH. (RANDOPLH AREA) 44260 Directions: From Randolph Oh. at RT.224 & RT.44 take Rt.44 North to Waterloo Rd. and left to Randolph Rd. and North to Auction. WEDNESDAY - APRIL 17, 2013 - 5:00PM REAL ESTATE SELLS AT 5:30PM AUCTIONEERS/REALTORS: Jeff R. Kiko, 330-206-1079 OR jeffkiko@kikocompany. com & John D. Kiko, CAI, AARE, ext. 122 AUCTION BY ORDER OF: Mary Margaret Averill www.kikoauctions.com • 330-453-9187 Hinckley Township Lafayette Township 6735 Ballash Rd, Bastian Dwayne A & Jennifer to Bastian Dwayne A, $0 7344 Coon Club Rd, Buda John M & Elaine M to Buda John M, $0 7362 Gilbert St, Melton Gwendolyn to Gordon Matthew C, $0 6021 Hus Cir, Tulowetzke Eugene H & Julie A to Backus Trond M, $253,000 5811 Ryan Rd, Bunch Jeannie S to Phillips Gerald R Jr & Holly A, $62,000 5527 Wycliffe Dr, Green Bradley S & Sarah E Clarke to Smith Stacy, $163,500 Litchfield Township 4600 Erhart Rd, Haneberg A Craig & Janet L to Haneberg Alfred C & Janet L Trustee, $0 4534 Erhart Rd, Haneberg A Craig & Janet L Est Ent to Haneberg Alfred C & Janet L Trustee, $0 Erhart Rd, Haneberg A Craig & Janet L to Haneberg Alfred C & Janet L Trustee, $0 Medina City 1055 Brookfield Dr, Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development The to Harvest Creek Properties Llc, $0 433 E Friendship St, Debow Richard E Jr & Jennifer L Heller to Debow Jennifer & Jennifer L Heller, $0 307 E Washington St, 303 E Washington Llc to Balli Matthew James, $118,000 1178 Grove Ln, Sauter Stacie L & Daniel to Bank Of New York Mellon Trustee The, $103,334 800 Guilford Blvd, Nagy James F & Jodi A to Nagy James F, $0 1068 Northford Ct, Skoda A R & A Dolores to Skoda Alice D Trustee, $0 970 Old Farm Tr, Todd Jeffery A & Cheryl A to Todd Cheryl A, $0 530 State Rd, Rbs Citizens Na to Shriver Michael A, $75,500 650 Sturbridge Dr Unit 30, Little Bob N to Federal National Mortgage Association, $74,000 W Liberty St 971-973, Farriss Jane A to Reserve Valley Properties Llc, $125,000 W Liberty St 103-105, Batchelder William G Jr Trustee 33.33 & Etals to Batchelder John T H 33.33 & Etals, $0 W Liberty St 103-105, Batchelder John T H 33.33 & Etals to Batchelder William G Iii & Nevada C Johnson Jr, $0 Medina Township 3925 Burgundy Bay West, Coppolino Robert J & Carole J Trustee to Coppolino Robert J & Carole J, $0 3065 Frantz Rd, Doubrava Kelly & Joseph Cannavino to Cannavino Joseph, $0 4871 Greenleaf Way Rd, Hemingway Michael John & Geraldine Ann to Linsker Jeffrey A & Myra M Cox, $245,000 4020 N Huntington St, Smith Brian K & Shannon B to Federal National Mortgage Association, $164,810 3470 S Weymouth Rd, Prebis Ronald M & M Veronica to Karim Elie & Carrie, $60,000 Montville Township 5809 Asherbrand Dr, Haley Gary F & Susan A to Esis-Ferrer Julio, $275,000 3268 Blue Heron Trace, Marian J Schust to Beatrice Mark A Trustee, $0 3268 Blue Heron Trace, Harriett David J & Marian J Schust to Schust Marian J, $0 3816 English Turn Dr, Dworznik Kenneth S & Gretchen J to Dworznik Gretchen J, $0 6482 Pebble Ct, Dean Jason to Rimke Todd & Anne, $340,000 4606 Poe Rd, Torok Leonard J & Helen M to Baluch Matthew J & Constance L, $375,000 4091 Watercourse Dr, Kaput Timothy J & Linda L Monahan to Kaput Timothy J & Linda L Trustee, $0 Seville Village 32 Warner St, Shane Karyl Dean & Janet Mary to Shane Karyl Dean, $0 Sharon Township Fairfield Ln, James C & Hildy J Navratil to Stables At Rose Of Sharon Llc The, $495,000 Fairfield Ln, Navratil James & Heldy J to James C & Hildy J Navratil, $0 Mcclelland / Easton Place, Ivy Group Of Companies Limited to Obrien Clinton K & Tara, $80,000 1039 Ridgewood Rd, Navratil James C & Hildy J to Navratil James C & Hildy J, $0 Ridgewood Rd, James C & Hildy J Navratil to Stables At Rose Of Sharon Llc The, $495,000 Ridgewood Rd, Navratil James & Heldy J to James C & Hildy J Navratil, $0 1480 Sharon Copley Rd, Tropkoff Belinda to Novontny Warren K & Patricia, $195,000 Wadsworth City 1420 Brentfield Dr, Nvr Inc Dba Ryan Homes to Schmidt Matthew J & Natalie D, $249,730 268 E Walnut St, Hlavaty Joseph P & Renee M to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, $63,334 410 Farr Ave, Plesz Everett G to Jpmorgan Chase Bank National Association, $86,667 219 Park Place Dr, Burick Carol M to Burick Carol M & Mary F Co-Trustee, $0 150 Pine St, Wells Fargo Bank Na to Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development, $0 734 Sparrow Way, Bruening John W & Sabrina C to Secretary Of Veterans Affairs, $0 223 Summit St, Clough David M & Susan L to Clough Susan L, $0 140 Terrace View Ave, Stalnaker Donna M to Fisha Llc, $0 255 Virginia Ave, Harris Andre O & Kelly R to Gmac Mortgage Llc, $44,800 134 W North St, Fannie Mae to Stuhldreher Nicholas, $63,000 140 W Prospect St, Hertle Kenneth & Mary to Federal National Mortgage Association, $109,023 367 West St, Adams Leigh E & Carol R to Adams Leigh E & Carol R Co Trustee, $0 251 Westgate Ave, Campbell Victor A & Carole D to Walkup Jon C & Katelyn M, $112,000 487 Whitebark Cir, Manning Joanne B & Bruce L to Manning Joanne B, $0 Wadsworth Township 7844 Boneta Rd, Baker Gerald Ernest & Janet to Federal National Mortgage Association, $120,000 8310 Wadsworth Rd, Mozena John F & Dawne L to Mozena John F, $0 York Township 7393 Elyria Rd, Bond Tracy M & William M to Schultz Jimmy N & Debra A, $169,900 PORTAGE COUNTY Aurora City 240 Harmon, Tomasko Elizabeth S (Tod) (Gregory E Tomasko) to Marn Chad C & Katherine R (J&S), $193,000 Brimfield Township 1739 HoneychuckLn, G2 Professional Services Llc to Collins James E & Melana J (J&S), $45,000 3321 Mogadore, Adams Lawrence J to Tucker Emmitt & Marian (J&S), $145,000 3971 Sunnybrook, Tymcio Ronald & Lisa & Morris Paula to Strayer Thomas J Jr & Mary K (J&S), $96,000 Franklin Township 5867 Thorndale Dr, Chandler Timothy J L & Margaret to Fantoni Marcello & Kristin Stasiowski (J&S), $241,500 Kent City 332 Summit, Michaels Eunice R to Bottger Brian P, $92,000 Mantua Township 11806 Timber Pointe Tr, Marshall John E & Phyllis E (J&S) to Pjc Enterprise Llc, $280,000 Palmyra Township 9315 Winding Creek Dr, Palmyra Farms Llc to Palmyra Properties Llc, $154,000 9312 Winding Creek Dr, Palmyra Farms Llc to Winding Creek Ohio Properties Llc, $149,600 Paris Township 10258 Gilbert, Federal National Mortgage Assoc to Condon David L, $151,900 Ravenna City 723 Highland, Powell Roy F & Mary H (J&S) to Howard John M & Charlene M (J&S), $92,500 515 Tappan, Rexroad Kenneth A to Wetshtein Rebecca A, $70,000 Ravenna Township Beechwood, Stephens Ruth E (Successor Trustee) to Thomason Daniel C & Mary Beth Haas (J&S), $36,000 5445 Fairhill, Adkins Verna Stacy to Royer Christopher J & Katie L (J&S), $110,000 Streetsboro City 843 Heath Ln, Carlson Cynthia L to Campbell Susan M, $73,500 9317 Hickory Ridge Dr, Bakes Kimberly A to Bamford Laura C, $95,000 880 WKensingtonLn, Bowers Jack K & Lois (Trustees) to Tregoning Janis A, $113,200 Continued PLEASE NOTE: Transfers may be searched online at homes.ohio.com back to 2002. In the green toolbar choose “Research and Tools” and then “Real Estate Transfers” REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS FROM JAN. 31, 2013 STARK COUNTY 28 Ohio Ave, Gainer James L & Janice M to Leatherman Gary R & Frances F S/T, $40,000 W Ohio Ave, Gainer James L & Janice M to Leatherman Gary R & Frances F S/T, $40,000 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS FROM FEB. 9, 2013 Ravenna Township Munroe Falls City Rootstown Township New Franklin City 4669 Back Orrville Rd, Federal National Mortgage Association to Messenger Douglas M, $145,000 Akron City Wooster City 4th Ave, Alliance Real Estate Investments Llc to Robinson Homes East Llc, $5,000 4505 Hunters Chase Ln, Specht Kathy R Successor Trustee to Porter Gary D & Roberta A S/T, $95,000 7th Ave, Roth Management Llc to Terrytown Realty Limited, $5,830 701 N Bever St, Engelhardt Gary J & Lois J S/T to Waymark Llc, $51,000 687 Aberdeen St, Pdcr Ltd to Legacies Of Success Community Development Corporation, $34,360 516 N Buckeye St, Wayne Metropoltan Housing Inc to Crook Jacqueline, $80,000 442 Alexander St, Federal National Mortgage Association to Harbour Portfolio, $351 3955 Spring Brook Way, Swartzentruber Jeremiah J to Mullet Tonya A Trustee, $295,000 670 Bellevue Ave, Bable Johnny C to Tees Services, $7,500 2447 Wetherington Ln, Gilbert Albert D to Miller Catherine I, $126,000 25 Berkshire Ct, Anderson Georgianne to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, $48,000 End of Transfers from Jan. 31, 2013 234 Berman Ave, Porter Mandy S to Federal National Mortgage Association, $20,000 1133 Bethany Ave, Federal National Mortgage Association to Harbour Portfolio Vii Lp, $11,256 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS FROM FEB. 2, 2013 Canton City 347 Booth Ave, Wetterau William Trustee to Hickman Keith, $15,000 SUMMIT COUNTY 2422 10th St SW Canton, Great Homes By Design Llc to Keim Brothers Ltd, $0 101 Broad St, M Simpson Properties Llc to Brown Matthew, $6,000 Akron City 609 11th St NE Canton, Mcvicker Charles R to Mcvicker Shirley M, $0 678 Brown St, Kazempour Lisa M to Vence John S, $25,500 1135 Bittaker St, Tsc Holdings Ltd to Walters Vivian Q, $10,000 14th St NE, Cohn Irwin E Etal to Diebold Fred, $0 1558 Canadian Ave, Moore Joseph E to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, $32,000 845 & 847 Eastland Ave, Malecky Michael J to Sebak Edward C, $1 15th St SE, Whipkey David U & Hoy V (Cont’d #2 Of #2) to Canton Properties Llc, $0 924 Carnegie Ave, Wiggins Joe M to Wysocki Rebecca Trustee, $23,100 306 HilbishAve, Burkhardt Pamela to Stephens Benjamin, $72,202 2242 22nd St NE Canton, Great Homes By Design Llc to Keim Brothers Ltd, $0 438 Downing Pl, Bill & Debbie Properties Llc to Ali Omar, $2,000 1109 Joy Ave, Gray Debra A to Mckenzie Terry L, $1,000 1619 27th St NE Canton, Kolleth Frank H to Kolleth Susan A Kolleth Frank H Ii, $0 346 E Crosier St, Recklaw David to Mohler Kenneth Daniel, $1,500 1267 Kellogg Ave, Thrash Barbara to Proffitt Cynthia Pearl, $41,130 1129 2nd St NW Canton, Franks Robert Franks Iona to Hamdan Ahmad, $0 833 E Waterloo Rd, Partee Jessica to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company Trustee, $52,000 406 Moody St, Fannie Mae to Kelly Chad D, $33,650 2125 32nd St NW Canton, Decker Ronald C to Decker Thelma P, $0 1003 Ellsworth Dr, Haugen Shaun G to Bank Of New York Mellon Trustee, $48,000 255 N Portage Path, Azar Kenneth J to Dennis Oreda, $64,000 718 34th St NW Canton, Croxton Beau J to Amtrust Reo Llc, $40,000 1020 Georgia Ave, Smith Alice F to Bank Of New York Mellon Trustee, $38,000 987 Princeton St, Owen Brown Properties Llc to Fuller Ronald, $88,000 8th St NE, Cohn Irwin E to Diebold Fred, $1,200 604 Hedden Ave, 604 Hedden Ave Llc to Kayco Limited, $7,500 308 Rhodes Ave, Firstmerit Mortgage Corporation to Black Pearls Llc, $11,000 8th St NE, Cohn Irwin E to Diebold Fred, $0 635 Hollibaugh Ave, Kane James P to Habitat For Humanity Of Summit County Inc, $1 931 Rocky Ridge Rd, Desai Ashokkumar J And Bharati A to Adams Bobbie, $242,000 1437 Bedford Ave SW Canton, Fetty Paul H to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, $16,000 685 Kling St, Robinette Timothy L to Bank Of New York Trustee, $30,000 323 Sterling Ct, Karmarkar Uday P to Bord Kevin W Trustee, $31,250 1629 Bellflower Ave SW Canton, Scott Eugene J to Scott Debra A, $0 236 Madison Ave, Larson Kathleen to Niagra Llc, $46,320 856 Sumner St, Alqaadir Naim I to Dse Properties Llc, $1,125 3032 Belmont Pl SW Canton, Midfirst Bank to Hud Secry, $0 394 Massillon Rd, Cole Gregory Elton to Person Tracy Lynn, $1 1300 Sunrise Dr, Federal National Mortgage Association to Harbour Portfolio Vii Lp, $11,093 1224 Cleveland Ave NW Canton, Fife Richard C & Bernice M to Hud Secry, $42,900 582 Meredith Lane, Jpmorgan Chase Bank to Hedrick Lori A, $46,000 Verdun Dr, Pantages Frank W to Zaz Holdings Llc, $40,000 Doeskin St NE, Waters Robert Jr & Ollie M to Davis Wardell Davis April L, $12,000 271 MissionDr, Us Bank Trustee to Abbas Maher, $49,900 1270 Wilbur Ave, Longfellow Jean F to Cielensky Charles D, $20,000 3510 Edgefield Ave NW Canton, Davis Richard Davis Sue to Future Investment Properties Llc, $0 418 N Firestone Blvd, Grogan H Michael to Citibank Trustee, $60,000 Barberton City Fawcett Crt NW Canton, Weber Robert E & Leslie A to Scaglione Jason A, $0 314 Patterson Ave, Dancy William to Brockman Yvetta, $59,820 527 Parkview Ave, Hodge Lenora R to Chrisant Samuel P, $16,700 1423 Gibbs Ave NE Canton, Nance Roxanne to Nance Lesa, $36,500 901 Polk Ave, Smallwood Jennifer V to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company Trustee, $30,000 Stanley Ave, Dennison Robert L to City Of Barberton, $7,000 Lincoln Ave NW, Cohn Irwin E to Diebold Fred, $1,400 759 Roselawn Ave, Sable Jason R to Thompson Jackie, $7,400 1607 Maple Ave NE Canton, Stoltzfus Samuel & Sandra to Two M Properties Llc, $17,000 327 Wunderlich Ave, Erie Restoration Group Inc to Wickwire James Phillip, $1 1094 Sawyer Ave, Keirns Sandra R to Jp Morgan Chase Bank, $58,000 2418 Martha Ave NE Canton, Federal National Mortgage Association to Boyd Kenneth E Jr, $17,500 Copley Township 1067 Silvercrest Ave, Pantich David Z to Wilmington Trust Company Trustee, $42,000 1200 Maryland Ave SW Canton, Kasler Kathryn I to Federal National Mortgage Association, $45,329 1196 Aberth Dr, Wellspring Dayton L to Fannie Mae, $41,549 45 Sommers Ct, Waterhouse Properties Llc to Sparks Pamela, $17,000 1945 Midway Ave NE Canton, Federal National Mortgage Association to Mast David, $12,850 1098 Oak Tree Rd, Wahl Betty J to Ramey Douglas C, $120,500 41 Sommers Ct, Waterhouse Eric D to Sparks Pamela, $17,000 3858 Norman Ave NW Canton, Davis Sandra J to Future Investment Properties Llc, $60,000 Spruce Run, Specht Gregory M to Slattery Josh, $94,000 625 UpsonSt, Rose Joy Lynn to Federal National Mortgage Association, $61,516 1709 Root Ave NE Canton, Jumps Alma to Jumps Paul A, $0 Coventry Township 57 W Crosier St, Taylor Matthew A to Vantage Fbo Tony E Olson Ira, $5,000 210 Roslyn Ave NW Canton, Hackworth Leon E to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, $40,000 447 Dorwil Dr, Mykoman Property Management Llc to Landmark Renovations Llc, $188,500 301 W LongSt, Lutz James P to Black Pearls Llc, $15,000 810 Smith Ave NW Canton, Great Homes By Design Llc to Miller Lyle Miller Irene J, $0 Green City 46 W Miller Ave, Ross Harris Investments Llc to Mitchell Toya, $4,900 1639 Woodland Ave NW Canton, Marmo Mary Jane Foote Elizabeth to Miller Lyle Miller Irene J, $35,000 2624 Cardington Green, Larabee Cari L to Lopez Cesar, $132,000 721 Winding Way Dr, Barbieri Virginia D Trustee to Thomas Robert Co Trustee, $149,000 Canton Township 418 CheshireRd, Household Realty Corporation to Keefe Ashley L, $90,000 845 Winton Ave, Brown Surcie to Walker Frank A, $43,500 708 37th St SE Canton, Lizer James R & Mary A to Vandee Brittany, $55,000 4620 Mars Rd, Joseph Philip G to Veal Brandi L, $143,500 260 Woodlawn Reserve Rd, Bank Of New York Mellon Trust Company Trustee to Nowakowski Cecelia, $46,000 814 46th St SW Canton, Earhart Evelyn J to Earhart Gregory Dougan Carol L, $0 624 Saturn Dr, Mclaughlin Maureen L to Champagne Willard J Jr, $127,900 635 Wyandot Ave, Federal National Mortgage Association to Starkey Ronald, $23,500 834 Bellflower Ave NW Canton, Sutek Edward N Trustee to Bailey Earl A & Theresa A, $45,000 5002 Timbercreek Cir, Stoney Creek Properties Ltd to Nvr Inc, $47,000 914 Wyoming Ave, 914 Wyoming Ave Llc to Kayco Limited, $15,000 Carnwise Ave SE Canton, Lizer James R & Mary A to Vandee Brittany, $55,000 Hudson City Barberton City Carnwise Ave SE Canton, Kidder Barbara R to Lizer James R & Mary A, $0 6552 Hammontree Dr, Gmac Mortgage Llc to Muirhead Christopher W, $381,000 37 22nd St NW, Naqvi Syed Asrar Ahmed to New Age Ventures Llc, $19,000 3650 Cleveland Ave SE, Bowling George Etal Bowling Charles R &George to Bowling Larry L Bowling George R, $0 Lakemore Village 167 25th St NW, Goda Betty Ann to Cabaniss George, $25,000 2935 Moore Ave SE Canton, Luck Barbara J to Riffle Damian R, $74,000 2807 Sanitarium Rd, Ferguson Lori L to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, $42,000 497 E Lake Ave, Wodicka Jason to Us Bank Trustee, $72,000 Waynesburg Dr SE Canton, Priddy Kelley J to Coram Joseph P, $64,000 Norton City 318 Frisby Ave, Moon Jonah R to Yarbrough Jonathan, $24,000 Canton Township - Meyers Lake Village 653 Hillcrest Dr, Fannie Mae to Heimbaugh Meghan, $84,000 470 Hopocan Ave, Federal National Mortgage Association to Barberton Realty One Llc, $1,300 1415 Harbor Dr NW Canton, Cpj Real Estate Llc to Jackson Caroline P Rev Trust, $0 Huntsberger Dr, Selnick James Cyril to Lipscomb Earl H Jr, $15,000 1016 Perry Ave, Goudy Cathryn A to Romig Randall L Ii, $40,000 Jackson Township Sagamore Hills Township Copley Township 7406 Arlington Ave NW, Tabet Jean C to Tabet Jean-Claude M Trustee / Jean-Claude M Tabet Trust, $0 1024 Canyon View Rd, Dasko David B to Federal National Mortgage Association, $84,000 1434 Druid Dr, Fannie Mae to Neylon Robert A, $72,000 4867 Belden Park Dr NW Canton, Roberts Linda M Roberts Thomas W to Roberts Thomas W Trustee / Springfield Township 4433 Regal Dr, Rana Sandra L to Liu Tianbo, $468,000 Thomas W & Linda M Roberts Family Trust, $0 2727 Riverbed Ln, Zielinski Guy M to Dudek Joseph T, $175,000 195 S Medina Line Rd, Pajevic Peter to Pajevic Richard, $180,000 Blue Ash Ave NW Canton, Nvr Inc to Perry Katina M, $305,355 3408 Samuel Rd, Robinson Charles Daniel to Reynolds Howard E Jr, $70,000 Coventry Township Fleetwood Ave NW, Valley Julia G to Lake Cable Recreation Association Inc, $0 Stow City 1363 Culbertson Dr, Luzader Patricia M to Martin Margaret L, $55,000 Frank Ave NW North Canton, Boron Charles M & Teresa J Trustees to Stark County Commissioners, $0 2237 E Santom Rd, Artino Joan E to Chantler Properties Llc, $70,400 1224 CulbertsonDr, Deutsche Bank National Trust Company Trustee to Sworniowski Teddy, $39,900 6639 Glengarry Ave NW Canton, Patel Pravina S to Patel Suresh A Patel Pravina S, $0 Twinsburg City 195 Olivet Ave, Williamson Edward E to Ledow Company Inc, $66,910 5825 Grace St NW Canton, J R K Holdings Ltd to Patel Suresh A Patel Pravina S, $0 2005 Presidential Pkwy, Brown Tracy E to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, $72,000 1999 S Gregg Ave, Richards Kristina M to Robinson Talanna A, $64,000 6325 Lake O Springs Ave NW, Rhodes James W & Judith A to Rhodes Judith A, $0 MEDINA COUNTY 2827 S Main St, U S Bank Trustee to Amado Lobato Guerrero, $14,000 4813 Nobles Pond Dr NW Canton, Mitchell Harry R to Mitchell Harry K Family Trust, $0 Brunswick City 1297 Steve Dr, Wixcey Martha B to Federal National Mortgage Association, $94,000 4813 Nobles Pond Dr NW Canton, Mitchell Barbara A Trustee to Mitchell Harry R, $0 4270 Bennington Blvd, Federal National Mortgage Association to C Special Properties Llc, $26,205 Cuyahoga Falls City 8366 Oxford Chase Cir NW, Brady Elizabeth A Trustee / Elizabeth A Brady Rev Trust to Brady Robert L Brady Elizabeth A, $0 3691 Derbyshire Dr, Fleischer Investments I Llc to Bailey Beverly K & Irene Cook, $84,000 2115 12th St, Ritchie Howard D to Semick Darrell P Sr, $87,000 6956 Portage St NW, Cheyney Deloris J Trustee to Cjcjr Llc, $0 4265 Pelham Way, Wells Fargo Bank Na Trustee to Moran Dan & Nancy, $72,500 2864 8th St, Farlin Christopher J to Fannie Mae, $48,000 8731 Scotsbury St NW, Flesher Ronald A & Jo N Trustees/Ronald A & Jo N Flesher Rev Liv Trst to Flesher Harrisville Township 926 Barnes Ave, Vatis Martin D Jr to Kirby Robert A Jr, $115,500 Ronald A Flesher Jo N, $0 10198 Congress Rd, Higham Michael & Sharlene to Bunyak Leonard J Jr, $110,000 2352 ChestnutBlvd, Keller Michael J to Ball Elyse N, $112,000 5174 Shamrock Ave NW Canton, Kire Gordana & Milenkovski Vesna to Milenkovski Kire Milenkovski Gordana, $0 Hinckley Township 2524 ElmwoodSt, Wise Peggy to Vica Llc, $45,000 3372 Stillwater Ave NW, Peckinpaugh Vivian R Trustee / Vivian R Peckinpaugh Rev Trust to Peckinpaugh 2587 Forest Dr, Fini Nicholas J to Valentine Felicia, $130,000 2688 Fairview Pl, Hoffman Sharon L to Schmith Dottie L, $85,000 Philip E & Janet S Trustees / Vivian R Peckinpaugh Rev Trust, $0 Lafayette Township 1850 Hanover St, Federal National Mortgage Association to Falls Investments Llc, $38,500 5525 Strausser St NW North Canton, Snyder David W & Susan A to Snyder Susan A, $0 5550 Birchwood Dr, American Dream Homes Llc to Sisung Erin M & Christopher L, $40,000 1325 HillcrestDr, Papaleo Rick to Evans Holly M, $85,000 6561 Sylvian St NW North Canton, Whitmyer Quentin A & Ekaterina to Whitmyer Quentin A, $0 5550 Birchwood Dr, Jd Land Holdings Llc to American Dream Homes Llc, $20,000 2312 Iota Ave, Carmack George F to Wells Fargo Bank, $70,000 5600 West Blvd NW Canton, Stuhlmiller Timothyj to Janson Raymond E Janson Pamela P, $258,000 Litchfield Township 520 Meredith Ln, Dale Susan to Mccoy Joseph A, $33,000 Lake Township 8336 Norwalk Rd, Molnar John R & Julia A to Molnar John R & Julia A, $0 2215 Oakwood Dr, Fry Richard B Jr Trustee to Brandt Angela, $62,500 10914 NEwbury Ave NW, Stanford Dale L & Julia M Ttes/Stanford Family Trust to Stanford Jack D Liverpool Township 1326 Wellingshire Cir, Pinegar Caleb O to Waxman Joshua S, $155,000 Trustee / Stanford Family Trust, $0 7172 Dunphys Way, Mason Thomas E to Laszlo Charles K & Maureen Oneill-Laszlo, $55,000 Fairlawn City 10914 NEwbury Ave NW, Stanford Jack D Trustee / Stanford Family Trust to Stanford Jack D, $0 Lodi Village 438 Westchester Dr, Tate Warren L to Us Bank Trustee, $226,000 3050 Vermont St NW North Canton, Schiltz Michael E to Donahue Brian T Donahue Devon K, $151,000 104 Ohio St, Meek Glenn D & Darlene M to Meek Glenn D & Darlene M, $0 Green City Lake Township - Hartville Village Medina City 1063 Brigantine Ave, Vitacco Michael J Jr to Mckain Bradley R, $470,000 330 Belle St SW Hartville, Graber Mark S & Sharon M to Thorn Michael H Graber Suzanne L, $75,000 908 Bunker Hill Rd, Paul Eileen M to Snyder Bryan, $0 2034 Dornoch Dr, Walpole Dan to Rembielak Richard, $191,000 306 Woodland Ave SW Hartville, Slusser Betty J to Hershberger Jody L Trustee, $0 307 E Washington St, Balli Matthew James to Gnm General Contractors Ltd, $0 5018 Mayfair Rd, Covey Tabitha L to Federal National Mortgage Association, $102,400 Lake Township - Uniontown Police District 10 Eastgate Dr, Us Bank National Association Trustee to Heideloff Larry C & Katherine A, $75,879 Meadowbluff Dr, Stoney Creek Properties Ltd to Nvr Inc, $47,000 3126 Hampton St NW, Brouman Scott A & Rachelle R to Brouman Scott A, $0 51 Richard Dr, Baldwin Howard M Iii & Melissa J to Greene Dara K, $166,500 4773 & 4775 Provens Dr, Bayless Robin R to Mulkey Brian, $160,000 11680 Holebrook Ave NW Uniontown, Parslow Dennis G Trustee / Dennis G Parslow Rev Trust to Parslow Medina Township 3950 Raintree Cir, Westfield Mortgage Co to Jacola John Paul, $245,000 Dennis G Parslow Sue A, $0 4008 Dogleg Tr, Lutz Linda J to Graf Jason A, $158,000 4295 Willow Wood Way, Wagler Enterprises Llc to Drees Company, $50,000 11273 Trenton Rd NW, Boyd Thomas J Boyd Thomas J to Graham Zachary A Craiglow Melissa M, $170,500 Sharon Township Willow Wood Way, Drees Company to Skinner Brandon Lee, $345,535 Lawrence Township 2516 Medina Line Rd, Swigart Daniel T to Swigart Daniel T & Patricia K, $0 Hudson City 5430 Bonham Ave NW Canal Fulton, Anderson John E to Richards Dean E Richards Amelia M, $118,750 Westfield Township 6614 Meadow FarmDr, Schnabel Karol E to Walker Dale O, $228,000 Forty Corners St NW, Shaffer Jeanette E to Bagley Patrick W, $0 5905 Buffham Rd, Montana Jake Llc to Scott Chris & Tina Antognoli, $150,000 6778 Windsor Rd, Amf Investments Llc to Barylak Daniel, $227,000 6160 Hann Ave NW Canal Fulton, Hornsby Sherrie A Trustee to Beardsley Debra Trustee/Sherrie A Hornsby Rev Trust, $0 8155 Ryan Rd, Hsbc Bank Usa National Association Trustee to Lagorga Christopher J, $85,000 Lakemore Village Lawmont St NW North Lawrence, Leonard Sheree S Sekulich Holly M to Green Aaron J Green Halee A, $50,312 PORTAGE COUNTY 1518 Front St, Widmer Etta M to Bank Of America, $46,000 11642 Orrville St NW Massillon, Shaffer Jeanette E to Bagley Patrick W, $0 Aurora City Macedonia City Orrville St NW, Shaffer Jeanette E to Bagley Patrick W, $0 E Homestead Dr, Homestead Of Aurora Limited Partnership to Phillips Bradley A & Susan J (J&S), $90,000 8706 Elmdale Tr, Jaffe Robert to Jp Morgan Chase Bank, $102,000 10274 Strausser St NW Canal Fulton, Smith James B & Susan M to Bac Home Loans Servicing Lp, $80,000 Randolph Township 1026 Florence Dr, Kudla Gregory S to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, $88,000 Lexington Township 3807 Eberly, Shields Gary Bruce & Sherrie L (J&S) to Hawranick Andrew M & Abby L (J&S), $182,500 Sherri Dr, Harris Gregory P to Beery Matthew W, $65,000 1496 Lambert St Alliance, Studt Cynthia K Trustee to Haines Kevin, $40,000 Ravenna City Mogadore Village 9888 Mccallum Ave NE Alliance, Crowl Thomas to Williamson Ronnie L Williamson Paige A, $130,000 772 Perry, Henley Katherine K to Corple George E Sr & Judith A (Trustees), $175,000 77 Fenton Ave, Terry Christi M to Suntrust Mortgage Inc, $56,000 11340 Parkside Ave NE Alliance, Lenigar Jesse & Katrina to Lenigar Jesse R, $0 Alliance City 66 E College St Alliance, Dhayer August E & Marjorie A to Dhayer August E, $0 1148 Federal Ave Alliance, Davidson Lloyd A & Wanda J to Davidson Lloyd A, $0 Haines Ave, Cerreta Carmen P & Mildred to Cerreta Carmen P, $0 1024 Hartshorn St Alliance, Seacrist Terry L & Cathy L to Seacrist Cathy L, $0 455 Oak Ave Alliance, Cerreta Carmen P Etal to Cerreta Carmen P Cerreta Jay C, $0 2135 Shunk Ave Alliance, Hilles R Patrick & Sylvia J to Cerreta Carmen P Cerreta Jay C, $37,000 Shunk Ave, Hilles R Patrick & Sylvia J to Cerreta Carmen P Cerreta Jay C, $37,000 627 W Summit St Alliance, Vasu Gheorge to Ace & G Rentals Ltd, $0 Massillon City 330 Dielhenn Ave SE Massillon, Gravitte Doris to Federal National Mortgage Association, $52,812 Marion Ave SE, First Merit Bank Na to Black Pearl Llc, $19,000 1735 Oak Trl NE Massillon, Roby Deborah A to Federal National Mortgage Association, $0 201 State Ave NE Massillon, Popa George D to Popa Celeste, $0 1133 Woodland Ave SE Massillon, First Merit Bank Na to Black Pearl Llc, $19,000 Nimishillen Township 4465 Foster Dr Louisville, Evans Edward A to Krider David L, $139,900 8933 Scott St Louisville, Reasoner Brian & Lisa to Crock Jonathan R, $110,000 North Canton City 7822 Brittanny Dr NE North Canton, Parsons Donald E & Wilma J Co-Trustees to Parsons Donald E Trustee, $0 1317 Clearmount Ave SE North Canton, Schaedler Ronald R to Briggs Danielle, $104,900 806 Portage St NW North Canton, Elliott Brady A to Kerg Philip H, $107,000 Portage St NW, Elliott Brady A to Kerg Philip H, $107,000 347 Reed Ave NW North Canton, Georges Charlene & (L/E) Georges Charles to Georges Charlene, $0 609 Rose Crt SW North Canton, Davis Richard A & Madden Suzanne R to R D S M Properties Llc, $0 125 Wise Ave NE North Canton, Madden Suzanne R to R D S M Properties Llc, $0 6091 Patricia, Stone Hill Construction Llc to Bianca Ryan, $87,000 3770 Sanford, Kitchen Carolin M to Sells Joshua, $140,500 Suffield Township 2194 St Rt 43, Ware John B to Barry Richard M & Karen L Fowlds-Slack (J&S), $98,000 STARK COUNTY Alliance City Haines Ave, Cerreta Carmen P & Mildred Cerreta Carmen P to Cerreta Carmen P Trustee, $0 Liberty Ave S, Cerreta Carmen P & Mildred Cerreta Carmen P to Cerreta Carmen P Trustee, $0 Bethlehem Township 8787 Erie Ave SW Navarre, Regula Ralph S Regula Ralph S & Mary A to Regula Ralph S Trustee, $0 Erie Ave SW, Regula John D & Mary A to Regula Mary A, $0 Erie Ave SW, Regula Mary A to Regula Ralph S Trustee, $0 Goodrich Rd SW, Regula Ralph S Regula Ralph S & Mary A to Regula Ralph S Trustee, $0 Bethlehem Township - Navarre Village 237 Bender St NE, Swinderman Allan D Swinderman Sue C to Harris Terry J Jr Harris Shannon M, $123,550 Bender St, Swinderman Allan D Swinderman Sue C to Harris Terry J Jr Harris Shannon M, $123,550 Osnaburg Township - East Canton Village 508 Park St NW Navarre, Heestand Mary A Trustee / Mary A Heestand Rev Living Trust to Lallathin 121 Wood St N East Canton, Moulin Louis W & Roberta A Moulin Louis W Trustee to R D S M Properties Llc, $46,100 Andrew M Lallathin Sarah B, $116,000 Paris Township 15945 Freed St SE Minerva, Burns Dennis A to Miller Wayne D Miller Ruth A, $110,000 15361 Liberty Church St SE Minerva, Reed Michael A to Reed Michael A Trustee / Michael A Reed Trust, $0 Tunnel Hill Ave SE, Tompulis Elvira L to Tompulis Elvira L Trustee / Elvira L Tompulis Rev Trust, $0 Sugarcreek Township - Wilmot Village Main St E, Keim Steve J & Ada Keim Steve J to Keim Steve J, $0 Tuscarawas Township 10520 Wooster St E, Seifert Joseph B & Mary L Seifert Joseph B & Mary L to Seifert Mary L, $0 Wooster St NW, Seifert Joseph B & Mary L Seifert Joseph B & Mary L to Seifert Mary L, $0 Washington Township 13375 Easton St NE Alliance, Collins Robert E & N Jene to Collins Robert E & N Jene Living Trust, $0 WAYNE COUNTY Canaan Township 8960 Ridge Rd, Porter Gary D & Roberta A to Carpenter Roy J, $195,000 Clinton Township 8179 S Jefferson Rd, Geog Judith L Successor Trustee to Jomar Group Ltd, $29,092 Congress Township 10636 Stair Rd, Wigal Michael J & Kathline A S/T to Baughman Bruce E, $119,000 Creston Village 160 Main St, Macri David M & Suzanne C S/T to Uhler Michael W & Amy S Leaf S/T, $56,000 Northfield Center Township 7634 CrestwoodLn, Vojtek Mark A to Pope Andrew D, $120,000 172 LaurieLn, Noble Mark to Mistur Sandra L, $160,000 Northfield Village 9292 MilfordDr, Barnick Anna Marie to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, $64,000 Norton City 3827 Croydon Rd, Nahacky Stephen A to Watts Timothy R, $115,900 1171 GardnerBlvd, Nelson Patricia to Bank Of New York Mellon Trustee, $74,000 2054 Mc Coy Rd, Koon Cleo C to Gay Gabrielle G, $71,000 Reminderville Village 10591 Crossings Dr, Timko Gary S to Anglin Elvin J, $142,000 3088 Liberty Ledges Dr, Liberty Ledges Llc to Nvr Inc, $58,000 Sagamore Hills Township Canal Fulton City Canton City 3071 Harriett Rd, Rechner Mark R to Sadon Jacob A, $187,000 316 Market St E Canal Fulton, Bank Of America N.A. to Eh Pooled Investments Lp, $35,000 3039 12th St NW Canton, Reed Daniel G & Janet R to Wells Fargo Bank Na, $46,000 2815 12th St NW Canton, Woods Brian & Lisa to Gmv Management Llc, $0 501 W Lincoln Way Minerva, Oshell Sally A to Lee Erika J, $55,000 1813 12th St SE Canton, Dasco Pietro Skolnik Rosa D to Poulos Antonietta D, $7,066 Perry Township 1813 12th St SE Canton, Dasco Maddalena to Dasco Pietro Poulos Antonietta D, $0 5511 12th St NW Canton, Platt Ryan R to Robson Colleen R, $0 12th St NW, Reed Daniel G & Janet R to Wells Fargo Bank Na, $46,000 4441 7th St NW Canton, Benjamin & Welton Inc to Equity Trust Company Custodian Fbo Z104847 Ira, $33,800 1120 16th St NW Canton, Federal National Mortgage Association to Sco Properties Llc, $19,200 323 Bernower Ave SW Massillon, Sweitzer Joseph & Larry to Demass Robert M Jr, $108,000 1201 Hartford Ave SE Canton, Dasco Maddalena Dasco Pietro to Capaldi Maria O, $533 1820 Bramblebush St NW Massillon, Brosnahan James P to Venosdle Connie Nikolis Nikola P, $157,000 1201 Hartford Ave SE Canton, Dasco Maddalena to Dasco Pietro Skolnik Rosa D, $0 3627 Carolina St NW Massillon, Winter James E & Linda F to Bank Of America, $56,000 Hartford Ave SE, Dasco Maddalena Dasco Pietro to Capaldi Maria O, $533 5665 Drenta Cir SW Navarre, Wells Fargo Bank to Hud Secry, $0 Hartford Ave SE, Dasco Maddalena to Dasco Pietro Skolnik Rosa D, $0 1448 Fairlane Ave SW Canton, Federal National Mortgage Association to Herzfeld Llc, $46,000 4831 Laverton Ave NE Canton, Sponseller Daniel W to Catania Matthew S Catania Amy L, $155,000 168 Fromm Ave NW Canton, Moore Thomas G & Mildred R Trustees to Moore Mildred R Perdue Marilyn S, $0 Canton Township 168 Fromm Ave NW Canton, Moore Mildred R Perdue Marilyn S to Perdue Marilyn S Trustee / Mildred R Moor Irrev Trust, $0 3320 13th St NW Canton, Woods Brian L & Lisa to Gmv Management Llc, $0 1627 Manor Ave NW Canton, Snock Mark E to Snock Mark E Snock Kathy A, $0 1248 Bausher Crt NW Canton, Woods Brian L & Lisa to Gmv Management Llc, $0 8591 Mapleford St SW, Federal National Mortgage Association to R & D Homes Llc, $40,000 508 Carnwise St SE Canton, Bank Of New York Mellon to Wheeler David E, $51,000 5621 Nave St SW Canton, Amundson Paul V & Catherine A to Amundson Catherine A, $0 4604 Springvale Ave SW Canton, Suntrust Mortgage Inc to Hud Secry, $0 147 Overmont Ave SW Massillon, to Jackson Joshua A Sharpe Loren, $0 Jackson Township 2626 Saratoga Ave SW Canton, Glazer Katherine P to Jackson Joshua A Sharpe Loren, $0 5310 Amherst Ave NW Massillon, Berens Judy L Berens James D to Wagner Penelope A, $0 1335 Woodlawn Ave NW Canton, Carlisle Hazel I Trustee to Jackson Joshua A Sharpe Loren, $70,000 6285 Lake O Springs Ave NW Canton, Vincent W Bradley to Bank Of America Na, $76,000 1335 Woodlawn Ave NW Canton, Carlisle Hazel I Trustee to Jackson Joshua A Sharpe Loren, $0 4555 Meadowview Dr NW Canton, Spadone James E & Mary K to Bank Of America Na, $84,000 4933 Yukon St NW Canton, Kell Andrew A to Lohr Brandon E Lohr Carol L, $64,900 3763 Riviera Ave NW Massillon, Smith Charlene P to Herman Joseph C Herman Loree L, $149,500 Yukon St NW, Kell Andrew A to Lohr Brandon E Lohr Carol L, $64,900 Lake Township Pike Township 3099 Mount Pleasant St NW North Canton, Mcafee Charles E & Diane M Mcafee Diane to Cornell 3701 Elson St SE Magnolia, Gill-Kinast Marci Trustee / Gill Family Trust to Winfield Land Co Llc C/O John Ionno, $400,000 Calysta M, $134,500 2275 Farber St SE, Carnes Norton V & Sandra L to Winfield Land Co Llc C/O John Ionno, $0 Mount Pleasant St NW, Mcafee Charles E & Diane M Mcafee Diane to Cornell Calysta M, $134,500 Pike Township - East Sparta Village Mount Pleasant St NW, Mcafee Charles E & Diane M to Cornell Calysta M Mcafee Diane M, $2,500 1818 Paradise St SE East Sparta, Federal National Mortgage Association to Nicholson Kyle S, $68,645 3332 Perrydale St NW, Timms James R Timms Jacqueline to Timms James T, $82,400 Plain Township 1711 Smith Kramer St NE, Miller Brian L & Jody M to Citimortgage Inc, $56,000 2500 44th St NW Canton, Murphy Matthew E to Key Bank National Assoc, $61,058 3237 State St NW, Woody Kalene R & Jamie N to Newell Chase I, $83,000 338 Bainbridge St NW North Canton, Us Dept Of Hud C/O Nhms to Spondyl John N, $0 Lake Township - Uniontown Police District 7381 Bentler Ave NE Canton, Terry Ted & Nancy A Terry Ted E & Nancya to Cerwinsky Penni M, $115,000 11342 Trenton Rd NW, Triplett Robert D & Jennifer L to American Midwest Mortgage Corp Webber 6449 Blossomwood Cir NE Canton, Murray John G & Jeannie D to Majors Karl Majors Angelia, $135,000 Ronald E Jr, $178,000 Bonny St NE, Terry Ted & Nancy A Terry Ted E & Nancya to Cerwinsky Penni M, $115,000 Lawrence Township 2585 Cathy Dr NE Canton, Jp Morgan Chase Bank to Go Properties Llc, $30,000 6280 Erie Ave N Canal Fulton, Smith Donna J to Christian Healthcare Ministries Inc, $0 2010 Clearview Ave NW Canton, Fernandez Rachel A to Go Properties Llc, $0 11022 Orrville St NW Massillon, Brenner Larry L Jr & Joann P Brenner Larry L Sr & Joann P to Brenner 3744 Dauphin Dr NE Canton, Weber Jonathan R Frederick Amanda B to Jensen Gregory A, $107,000 Larry Jr Fisher Alice A, $0 4137 David Ave NW Canton, Kuba Andy L Kuba Jennifer N to Geitgey Randall S, $56,000 Orrville St NW, Brenner Larry L Jr & Joann P Brenner Larry L Sr & Joann P to Brenner Larry Jr Fisher Alice A, $0 3606 Duplain St NW, Scott Mitchell A Ii& Sponseller Rachel J to Mitchell Scott A Ii Mitchell Rachel S, $0 Lexington Township 3761 Grove St NE, Seiler Ronald E to Seiler Ronald E Seiler Judith L, $0 11751 Edison St NE Alliance, Englehaupt Eric to Us Bank Na, $54,000 Louisville St NE Canton, Louisville Road Properties Llc to Norfolk Southern Railway Company, $25,000 Marlboro Township 6925 Market Ave N, Karrer Jacques L Karrer Jacques L to Karrer Rosemary, $0 8050 Beeson St NE, Perez Linda C to Hostetler Steven A, $115,000 1005 Schneider St NE Canton, Davis Richard A & Madden Suzanne R to R D S M Properties Llc, $0 Massillon City Sandy Township 211 26th St SE Massillon, Mcwilliams Douglas M & Elizabeth M to Us Bank Na, $40,000 8810 Iroquois Ave SE, Butler Mary to Butler Raymie, $0 1291 8th St SW, Wells Fargo Bank Na to Hud Secry, $0 6617 Mottice Dr SE, B & N Holdings Llc to Miller James D Rathbun Betty J, $60,500 1840 Greentree Pl SE Massillon, Pnc Bank Na to Morris Martin Morris Darlene, $42,500 Sandy Township - Waynesburg Village 624 North Ave NE Massillon, Schlabach Johannes E to Edwards Dianne, $63,000 Gerdanville Ave SE Waynesburg, Waynesburg Village to Diocese Of Youngstown, $3,500 Nimishillen Township Gerdanville Ave SE Waynesburg, Diocese Of Youngstown Waynesburg Village to Waynesburg Village, $0 5216 Conifer Cir Louisville, Seaman Patricia A to Seaman Donald E Seaman Patricia A, $0 173 Mill St N, Bowling George Etal Bowling Charles R &George to Bowling Larry L Bowling George R, $0 North Canton City West St, Bowling George Etal Bowling Charles R &George to Bowling Larry L Bowling George R, $0 529 E Maple St North Canton, Gill Richard F & Anita L to Rosenberger David J Rosenberger Annette, $48,100 Wilson Ave, Bowling George Etal Bowling Charles R &George to Bowling Larry L Bowling George R, $0 147 Woodside Ave NE North Canton, Easterday Richard J& Lynn M to Wells Fargo Bank Na, $62,000 10649 Johnsford Rd SW Beach City, Reed Jean M to Weber Joseph Weber Jean M, $0 14020 Sandusky Dr SW Beach City, Keim Steve J to Yoder Robert Yoder Lydia M, $165,000 14020 Sandusky Dr SW Beach City, Keim Steve J & Ada Keim Steve J to Keim Steve J, $0 507 Catalina Dr, Wood Grant W to S2 Enterprises Ltd, $75,000 877 W NimisilaRd, Beyl Kelly M to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company Trustee, $54,000 6340 Greenwood Pkwy, Schwind Eric to Chorba Laurie Ann, $67,400 6300 Greenwood Pkwy, Spence Roger F to Klimkewicz David A, $39,500 565 RehwinkleRd, Mitzo Beatrice E to Heck Richard W Iii, $131,500 Paris Township - Minerva Village Sugarcreek Township 180 S RiverRd, Yoxthimer Alma R to Schaber Ginger A, $100,000 Osnaburg Township 5067 13th St NE, Countrywide Home Loans Inc to Hud Secry, $0 Perry Township Eden Ave NW, Fowler Lanie S to Labuda Jamie L, $78,000 4304 Foch St NW Massillon, Fowler Lanie S to Labuda Jamie L, $78,000 Klick St SW Massillon, Klick Michael E to Smith William J Smith Gloria J, $7,392 3153 Pine Hills Dr SW Massillon, Sukosd Kenneth A & Beth A to Recktenwalt Michael K Recktenwalt Nancy J, $165,000 Plain Township 4325 20th St NW Canton, Dehoff Harold E to Dehoff Harold E Trustee / Harold E Dehoff Trust, $0 3204 25th St NW Canton, Tersigni Jon A to Huggett Richard M, $108,500 1652 Applegrove St NW North Canton, Swallowhaven Ltd to Heller Charles A Iii & Beth A, $0 4142 Regentview St NE Canton, Welch Shawn W to Federal National Mortgage Association, $103,330 8122 Sandleford Ave NW North Canton, Iams Jerry L & Kathleen E to Coultas Christopher Coultas Melissa, $149,900 Sugarcreek Township Justus Ave SW, Regula Rhea E to Tolerton Joyce, $0 Tuscarawas Township 2103 Alabama Ave SW Dalton, Lehman Jennie to Lehman David A Jr & Jennie R Trustees, $0 14675 Lincoln St W, Lehman Jennie R to Lehman Awning Company, $16,000 10533 Poorman St SW, Shreffler Richard G& Marjean to Shreffler Richard G, $0 East Union Township WAYNE COUNTY Franklin Township Funk, Zemancik Joseph D & Lisa K S/T to Tate Farms Company Ltd, $25,625 Green Township 7415 Hutton Rd, Messenger Alice I to Cortimilia Jeremy M, $95,000 Orrville City Massillon Rd, Stone Ledge Llc to Troyer Eli A & Mary R S/T, $83,500 Plain Township Funk Rd, Zemancik Joseph D & Lisa K S/T to Tate Farms Company Ltd, $25,625 Silver Lake Village Springfield Township 2719 Ariels Way, Charlton Judith A to Rardin Marshall F, $196,000 339 Howard Ave, Federal National Mortgage Association to White Nahlon C Ii, $79,900 Stow City 4878 Clarke Dr, Wong Jerry T Jr Trustee to Pinegar Caleb O, $250,000 3826 HileRd, Jodway Richard A to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, $90,000 1488 & 1490 Mc Taggart Rd, Ogrizek Clabette T Trustee to Boettger Alan T, $80,500 4879 Shining Willow Blvd, Mattern Christopher M to Timberlake Nathan, $330,000 Tallmadge City 543 EricDr, Sipe Janice A to Federal National Mortgage Association, $117,730 530 Eric Dr, St Clair Diana S to Mosher Daniel R, $125,000 415 Fernwood Ave, Clemens Craig W to Campbell Lyle, $158,000 Twinsburg City 9438 Chamberlin Rd, Risko Judy L Trustee to Schnabel Timothy E, $181,000 10407 North Pond Ln, Steininger Virginia L Trustee to Goldberg Alvin, $210,000 Ravenna Rd, Pavlin David R to Breiding Ryan P, $7,000 2987 Zenas Ct, Razinger Matthew R to Kremer Matthew M, $258,000 Twinsburg Township 2165 Dorset Ln, Lipstreu Mark E to Jean Jesse, $182,500 3408 Eryn Pl, Stonewater One Llc to Nvr Inc, $66,000 MEDINA COUNTY Brunswick City 266 Bettie Ln, Adams Mark E & Betty G to Adams Betty G, $0 811 Currant Ct, Martinez Ruben & Letty to Martinez Ruben J & Letty, $0 1399 Jefferson Ave, Dobson Trevor & Stacey Chudzinski to Chudzinski Stacey, $0 3224 Junior Pkwy, Nvr Inc Dba Ryan Homes to Dodrill Jeremy T & Sara H Riegelmayer Dodrill, $297,095 457 Lakewood Ave, Stollar Hubert V & Lois E to Stollar Lois E, $0 3815 Laurel Rd, Lawrence Theodore J Ii to Kerr Deborah J, $83,000 3466 Nantucket Cove, Muros Joseph & Maria to Muros Joseph, $0 837 Pennys Dr, Catterall Joseph & Sondra to Catterall Joseph, $0 4757 Persimmon Ln, Federal National Mortgage Association to Ludovici Thomas A & Elizabeth J, $105,200 1991 Pinewood Dr, Tinay Mark M & Gretchen L to Tinay Gretchen L, $0 855 Theora Dr, Spittle Sean & Jessica L to Tully Matthew J & Lindsay A, $249,000 1238 Tulip Ct, Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development The to Ward James W & Diane M Begue, $0 Brunswick Hills Township 4911 Autumnwood Ln, Fannie Mae Aka Federal National Mortgage Assoc to Brush Patrick William & Kimberly Kay, $200,000 4399 Elm Ave, Kostiw Carol J to Medina County Park District, $0 4373 Kimmich Dr, Federal National Mortgage Association to Skubon George, $57,000 Kimmich / Woodward Dr, Federal National Mortgage Association to Skubon George, $57,000 Kimmich Dr, Federal National Mortgage Association to Skubon George, $57,000 2830 Laurel Rd, Bosak Kristie & Donald to Bosak Donald, $0 4487 Lynn Brook Ln, Shuler Harold C to Shuler Curtis D & David P, $0 2225 Marks Rd, Weiss David C & Mary Jo to Weiss Mary Jo, $0 678 Substation Rd, Geringer Gary to Geringer Gary & Debra S, $0 Vac Cedar Ave, Kostiw Carol J to Medina County Park District, $0 1140 West Chase Dr, Strmac Michael & Amy to Strmac Amy Trustee, $0 Chatham Township Coon Club Rd, Meier Gregg & Janice to Willis Scott A & Misty K, $91,000 Guilford Township 3865 Seville Rd, Huntington National Bank to Mason Gregory D & Sally J, $70,500 Harrisville Township 10230 Crawford Rd, Federal National Mortgage Association to Hennis Jeffrey A & Holly M, $113,500 Hinckley Township 1969 Clover Cir, Leach Michelle L to Leach Matthew S, $0 1372 Mattingly Rd, Pribojan Milivoj & Ljubica & Paul to Pribojan Paul, $0 Mattingly Rd, Pribojan Milivoj & Ljubica & Paul to Pribojan Paul, $0 2366 Stony Hill Rd, Shimerka Joseph & Anna F to Shimerka Anna F, $0 Homer Township Jeffrey Rd (R), Lilly Nancy A to Lilly Nancy A Trusee, $0 10259 Spencer Rd, Lilly Nancy to Lilly Nancy A Trusee, $0 Lafayette Township 5875 Deerview Ln, Schmock Michael J & Cheryl T to Schmock Michael J, $0 5611 Frith Ct, Dobo Jeffrey M to Cartus Financial Corporation, $233,500 6788 Ryan Rd, Sullivan John J & Kathleen A to Sullivan John J, $0 Litchfield Township 8327 Norwalk Rd, Johnson Theodore A & Eleanor Trustee to Rhome Patsy A Co-Trustee & Lois E Goldsmith Co-Trustee, $0 Spieth Rd, Johnson Theodore A & Eleanor Trustee to Rhome Patsy A Co-Trustee & Lois E Goldsmith Co-Trustee, $0 Liverpool Township W Law Rd, Kaufhold Steven J to Kaufhold Steven J & Julie A, $0 11367 E Lincoln Way, Miller Galen & Joyce R to Archer Justin L, $115,000 Chester Township 8876 Millersburg Rd, Daugherty William R & Deloris E to Marathon Pipe Line Llc, $225,000 Green Township Fulton Rd, Norris Holly S to Rufener Lyle D, $89,100 Paint Township 118 W Paradise St, Mennonite Foundation Inc The to Wolfe Glenn A & Amanda K S/T, $86,000 Plain Township 2499 Brenn Rd, Wigton Bradley D & Jenney L S/T to Miller Jason D, $118,000 7321 Mckee Rd, Firebaugh George D & Debra A S/T to Howell Vernon R Jr & Joan M S/T, $129,000 S Jefferson Rd, Badger Elizabeth N to Tate Farms Company Ltd, $365,000 Salt Creek Township 644 E Smith Rd, Barth Mark J & Kimberly A to Barth Mark J, $0 515 E Washington St, Batchelder Wm G Jr to Batchelder John T H Trustee, $0 374 Eden Ln Unit #4, Gmac Mortgage Llc to Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development, $0 221 N Elmwood St, Federal National Mortgage Association to Kovack Michael E, $75,009 348 S Prospect St, Koenig Charles & Rita to Koenig Charles J & Rita A, $0 616 Shaker Dr, Federal National Mortgage Association to Barge Ellen P, $74,700 1233 Ty Dr, Keck Dorothy E to Keck Dorothy E Trustee & Denise L Piechowiak Trustee, $0 226 W Union St, C And S Akron Road Ltd to Graefnitz Lee Anne & Kathryn, $82,000 Wooster Township 4441 Pine Lake Dr, Koenig Rita A to Koenig Charles J & Rita A, $0 237 Industrial St, Leatherman Frances F Trustee to Bauman Shannon R, $73,500 End of Transfers from Feb. 2, 2013 Rittman City 10930 Sharon Dr, Wardrep Robert D to Miller Jeremy S, $133,000 4059 Batdorf Rd, Nuetzel Martin L & Wendy L S/T to Rosenberry John R & Doris B S/T, $245,000 Medina City Medina Township Continued in next week’s HomeHunter Sponsored by KIKO Realtors & Auctioneers SUMMIT COUNTY R E A L E S TAT E T R A N S F E R S Wayne Township 1 BDRM FROM $525 2 BDRM FROM $565 Cuyahoga Falls 330-633-5822 Spring Special! $500 MOVES YOU IN 1300 block of Harmon Ave. Sect. 8 ok. Call Queen Eileen 330-715-5996 LIMITED TIME LIMITED AVAILABILITY BARB: 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., 2 bdr. have washer/dryer, all applcs., air, Starting at $430-$515 + utils. & sec. No pets. 330-6061467, 330-606-1468 $100 MOVES YOU IN! 1st Month Free - $100 Deposit! Call for Details Front/back entrances Quiet wooded setting On-site laundry Extra storage Walk to shops/dining Mins. to Akron U 24-hour maintenance Pet Friendly No Section 8 17 Manor Rd., Akron, 44313 877-725-1215 #1 in Akron All utils paid. Studio & 1 bd. apts. Clubhouse. Small pet okay. Low deposit. 3 month lease. Mon-Fri 9-8; weekends 12-7. 330 923-0431 Lease a 2-Bedroom Suite and First 3 Months Rent are Half Off! EAST: 10 S. Case Ave. 2 bd., liv. rm., kit. w/ eat-in area. $595 + dep. All utils. incld. No pets. 330-535-6666; 330-495-4216 330-929-2733 PARKVIEW APTS. BARBERTON 1 bedroom, 1st floor, nice apartment with front porch. $390/Month including heat. 330-4952500 EAST: 1206 Wyley. $100 discount off 1st mo. Nice 2 bd. twin., applcs., bsmt., $510 + utils. No pets. 330-655-9300. Cuyahoga Falls YORKSHIRE WOODS EAST: 2 bdrm. duplex, kitchen, lndry. room, $475/Dep., $500/Mo. + utils. Section 8 OK. No pets. 330-929-4285 Howe Rd. near Chapel Hill. Townhomes from $824 1 & 2 bd. apts. from $694 BARBERTON: 2 bd., 2 ba. twnhse., fin. bsmt., W/D hook-up, dishwasher, A/C, 880 W. Tusc. $620. 330-807-0313 ELLET: 1 bd., new carpet, appls., coin lndry., $595, all utils paid. 2632 Ellet Ave. Apt. # 8. No Sect 8/pets. 330-688-6979 Office 330-928-4949 Specials, photos at: More people choose Timber Top than any other place Overlooking the Valley and close to everything. Wide variety of 1, 2 & 3 bdedroom apartments. Garages, frpls., washer / dryer, skylights, balconies. AKRON 600-1250+ SQ. FT. ELECTRIC ONLY PATIO/BALCONY ON-SITE LAUNDRY 1 BR - $495 2-3 BR - From $590 No Pets/Section 8 330-753-6086 Heat and Water Included! Resort style pool and community building. New building with luxury units opening now. CUY FALLS: 1 BDRM. LOFT AKRON U: 525 Carroll St. 1 BR w/air, carpet, appls. & on-site lndry. Walking distance to school. Call 330-604-4711 for appt. belladorarentals.com Open Daily 9-6 and Weekends 1-5 330-929-4926 www.TimberTop.net Brookwood Mgnt. 330-497-6565 CUY. Falls: 1640 3rd St. 1 bd. 2nd floor apt. Utils. pd. except elec. No pets. $450+1 mo. sec. BARBERTON: E. Side dep. 330-697-4626 by Hospital. Clean 2 bd. twinplex, 1.5 baths, att. gar., applcs., A/C, bsmt. with W/D hookup. No pets or smoking. $700/mo. + utils. + Frpl., A/C, appls., pet sec. dep. 330-322-7668 friendly, $515. Move In Special! 330-929-2748 Barberton/Norton THE WOODS - OPEN DAILY 1 BD from $475 2 BD from $565 3 BD from $655 www.yorkshire-woods.com BARBERTON 624 E. Hopocan 1BR/Applcs./AC $490+Elec. No Pets/Sect.8 (330)753-6086 www.facebook.com/trlofts CEDARBROOK SPRING SAVINGS! Wooded contemp, spac. 1 & 2 bd. townhomes from $559-$729 330-733-9482 woodbine-apts.com CUY FALLS: Lg. twnhs, 2 bd, bsmt., lndry hkup, air, appls., no pets, no Sect. 8, $595 + utils. 658 Loomis. 330-688-6979 ELLET: 2615 Ellet Ave. Spec. 1st mo. rent free. 2 bd., No pets. $545 mo. heat incl. Call Karen @ 330-896-1500. ELLET: 2 bd. twin w/bsmt., off st. prkg. 2568 Albrecht. No pets. $540+ utils. + sec. dep. 330-645-9928 FAIRLAWN HIGHLAND SQUARE 1 & 2 Bedrooms $500-$600 Per Mo. All Utils. Paid. No Pets. 330-239-0893 Efficiency, 1&2 BR •Recently remod. Lndry. fac. on site Garages avail. Starting $490/mo. Call 330-665-5483 * FIRESTONE PARK * 2 Bedroom Apt (1849 Brewster Creek Dr.) Stove, Ref, & C. Air! $550/mo + Gas & Electric! Pets Allowed No Section 8’s Call (330) 699-7097 FIRESTONE PK: 1 bd., ground level, all applcs. incld., lrg. yard, close to shops. $600, utils. incld., small pet OK. 330-724-5218 888-696-0109 $440 & up 1-2 1 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ GOODYEAR HTS. 1040 Brittain Rd.,1 bd., $425+elec.+sec dep. Cat OK. 330-612-3144 BNS Properties GOODYEAR Hts.: 83 Brittain. 2 bd. twinplex, bsmt. & gar. Near I-76. $525+utils. water/trash inc. No Sect. 8. 330-617-6017 Glance ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ $749 & up 2-3 1-2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Hampshire House 330-864-2227 $530-$825 1-2 1-2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Newton Tower Apts. 330-762-8661 $430 & up 1-2 1 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Pheasant Run 888-616-8721 $659 & up 1-3 1-2 ✔ ✔ Seville Apartments 330-864-2227 $455-$690 1-2 1 The Heritage at White Pond 888-525-5513 $470 & up 1-3 1-2 ✔ ✔ The Woods 330-592-2960 $480 & up 1-2 1-2 ✔ ✔ ✔ 877-725-1215 $525 & up 1-2 1 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 330-929-4926 $475 & up 1-3 1-2 ✔ ✔ Timber Top Timberland Village 330-928-5635 $585 & up 2 1-2 Akron, Ellet, Tallmadge, Stow, Kent & Copley! Call and see what Stile Companies can do for you! 330.762.8661 www.stilecompanies.com SOUTH: GREGG RD. APT. 2 bedroom, applcs., washer/dryer hookup, $565 + dep. One bedroom, applcs., $455 + dep. 330-571-0941. KENMORE:LARGE 2 bd, 2 ba, c/a, free heat, on busline, low dep., $650., 330-573-4563 ** TOWNHOUSES ** 2 & 3 BR $700-$799 3 floors, spiral stair-cases, 1200 sf., garages, dishwashers, central heat & a/c and more! $300 OFF! 330-434-2440 ____________________ LAKESIDE LIVING 1 & 2 bdrms. suites on the beach of Wyoga Lake. $595-$650. Call for our move-in specials while they last. 330-945-9411 NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS! IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE 1, 2 & 3 BEDROMS 1180 Rentar Lane Akron, OH 44307 Off East Ave. where Manchester Rd. intersects 330-535-1581 TDD 800-567-5857 OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Friday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. WEST: 2 bd apts., w/priv. porch & lndry, neutral decor., sect 8 ok’d. $495+utils & 1/2 off sec. 330-328-5404 WEST: 469 Douglas St., 4 bd. apt., upstairs, stove, refrige incld. & , all utils. pd. $675 mo. 330-801-6855. Manager’s Specials Ending Soon Call today for deals on studios and 1 bdrms. 330-633-5965 ✔ W E S T : 488 S. Hawkins. Lovely 2BR w/bay window, din rm, A/C, carpet, laundry hook-up and extra storage. This 1st flr. unit won’t last STOW: 2 bd., appls, A/C long at $615 + gas and carport, 900 sq ft, all on elec. Small pet OK. one floor. No pets. Please no Sect. 8. Call Close to Steels Cor330-604-4711 for an appt. ners, $600. 330-283-8075 belladorarentals.com $495 & up 1-2 1 BARBERTON 3 bd., with garage. Nice fenced yard. $750-$800 +Utils. 330-573-9045 CENTRAL: 3 bd, 1ba , 849 Amherst, . privacy fence, gar opener,. $650 mo. + dep., sec 8 ok, no pets, 330-459-0027 CUY FALLS: 3 bd. Cape waterproofed bsmt, gar., fenced yd., c/a. Refs., credit check. $850+ utils. 330-920-8502 EAST: 571 Chittenden St. 3 bd., applcs., air, new paint. No pets/No Sect. 8. $650 + dep. 330-676-0362 ELLET: 344 Stull. 3 bd., 1 ba. ranch, new carpet, paint, applcs., full bsmt, gar, $750. No pets no Sect. 8. 330-644-1970 ELLET: 3 bd, 1.5 ba, remodeled., 2 car gar, with applcs., no pets, no sec. 8, $800 + util., & sec dep. 330-699-2541 GOODYEAR HTS twinplex, 1350 Newton St., 3 bd. + fin. attic, no pets, no Sect. 8, $550 mo. + sec. 740-945-2907 KENMORE: 3 bd. ranch 2 ba., hdwd. flrs, A/C, 2 finished bsmt rms., exc cond., 2 car gar., $750 mo+water.330-618-1330 330-289-4026/330-289-7727 PORTAGE Lks: Rent reduced from $900 to $700 for skilled handy man! 2 bd, office, 1 ba, c/a, bsmt. 330-644-4074 RENT TO OWN NEW IN COPLEY Under Construction & Now Leasing 1 & 2 Bedrooms. Call today. 330-801-7744 STOW-$545 2246 Liberty Rd. OPEN for viewing. Beautiful 1 bd with large closets, built-in kitchen with micro and pantry. Private patio and laundry fac. No pets. Call office hours 330-9201166 or evenings & wkends 330-338-4441. SealApts.com STOW: Trusted Services Wren’s Trail Apts., gar. No pets.1-bd./$545 & 2-bd./$645. 2390 Wrens Circle. 330-945-2561 View online: cwproperties.com WEST: Lg town 2 bd., 1.5 330-666-7773 ba., new carpet, bsmt., lndry hkup, gar. $700 + S. AKRON: (near Archutils. No pets, no Sect 8. wood x I-77). $550+. 2 66 Pershing 330-688-6979 bd, new carpet, gar w/remote. Tiger Lily Realty 330-668-2797 Homes Furnished TigerLilyRealty.com CANTON: 720 Shorb NW Super Clean! 5 bdrm., 2 ba., Pets ok. $750. 330-495-3783 S. EAST: Rent to own. 497 Lucy. Beautiful carpeted 3 bd. w/carpeted attic, deck, gar., tiled ba. & kit. Newly wired. Near busline. Move in now. $650+dep.+utils. 330-284-5518 ✔ ✔ ✔ Property Management ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ BARBERTON: 3 bd., 2 ba, fully updated, full bsmt . $575 month. Inclds taxes & insurance. 440-439-3203 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Akron: Spring Special 2, 3 & 4 bdrms., Section 8 welcomed! Call Russell 330-915-0330 or Todd 330-417-1826. WEST: 560 S. Hawkins 2-bd. w/1 bath, din. rm., bsmt., laundry hookup, Coventry 3 br, 1 ba, storage, air, appls., and 3101 Don, $775. carpet or hdwd flrs. Ellet 3br 1ba, 632 Small pets ok. Please no Fulmer, $850 Sec. 8. $615+ gas & elec. Springfield: 3 br, 2 ba, Call 330-604-4711 for appt 401 Lessig, $950. belladorarentals.com LOW RATES ✔ Full-service property management, maintenance and investment company. Call Jim Painter, weekdays, 330-686-2010. ✔ Advertise Your Community Here Call 330-996-3345 330-753-6086 ✔ CARNATION REALTY, INC. ✔ Advertise Your Community Here Call 330-996-3345 Foxtail Glen 330-801-7744 The Highlands of Heritage Woods 330-670-9281 CALL 1-2 1 $745 & up 1-3 1-2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ CUYAHOGA FALLS Advertise Your Community Here Call 330-996-3345 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Yorkshire Woods 330-928-4949 $694 & up 1-2 1-2 Woodlane Apts. 330-753-6086 $490 & up 1-2 1 ✔ ✔ ✔ Wyoga Place 330-945-9411 $630 & up 1-2 1 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ KENT ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Business Property ✔ ✔ 1 BAY GARAGE w/ 2post lift & air compressor w/ bathroom & office, $600 + dep & utils. 330-607-3701;330-825-8362 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Advertise Your Community Here Call 330-996-3345 Whitehall Terrace 330-673-8778 $579 & up 1-3 1-2 ✔ ✔ ✔ Woodglen Apts. 330-678-1501 $475 & up 1-2 1 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ MEDINA ✔ ✔ Advertise Your Community Here Call 330-996-3345 Autumn Run 888-450-5489 $535 & up 1-2 1-2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ NORTON ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Investment Property ✔ 330-706-1192 $650 & up 1-2 1-2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ TALLMADGE Tallmadge Towne Apts. ✔ @ Villa North Apts. In Wooster Call after 3 pm. 330-465-1066 Advertise Your Community Here Call 330-996-3345 330-633-8757 $675 & up 2 1 ✔ ✔ ✔ EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY APARTMENT SHOWCASE 1ST MONTH FREE! $100 DEPOSIT SPRING SAVINGS! 10Y0 OU IN! Business Property The Woods Of Fairlawn • 1 BR from $525 • 2 BR from $565 • Minutes to Akron U. • Pet Friendly • Front/back entrances • Quiet wooded setting • On-site laundry • Walk to shops/dining Extra storage • 24-hour maintenance • No Section 8 LAND CONTRACT $134,900 4810 Wyoga Lake Rd. 3 BR, 2 BA, lg. colonial century home. 3 car gar. on 1+ acre lot. John 330-620-4726 Rubber City Realty 330-745-9034 Business Property 877-725-1215 # 1 In Akron More people choose Timber Top than any other place 1 BR from $475 2 BR from $565 3 BR from $655 330-929-4926 1551 Treetop Trail, Akron, OH. 44313 “Certain restrictions apply” www.TimberTop.net CUY FALLS: Freestanding building. Ideal for carry-out food service. For sale or lease. GREEN: 9 commercial acres with pond on Rt 241. CLINTON: Liquidating to settle estate: apartment with office/retail units. Heat and water included in rent Beautiful Pool and Clubhouse $99 deposit special Now accepting dogs under 50 lbs & cats Office Hours Weekdays 9 to 6 Weekends 1-5 Stop in any time. No appointment needed! To feature your Apartment Community on Apartments at a Glance call Kim at 330.996.3345 BARB.: 30x40, 2 Bay Garage w/ 2 lifts, air compressor, office & bathroom. Radiant heat, $700. + Dep. & Utils. 330-825-8362,330-607-3701 ATTN: INVESTORS Bldgs. 5 & 6 For Sale (12 Units Total) Very Good Income Advertise Your Community Here Call 330-996-3345 Columbia Woods MOVES WEST: 208 N. Portage Path. Spac 1 bd, appls., lndry, air, secure bldg. $599. Heat pd. $100 disc. 1st mo. 330-655-9300. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ AKRON: ALL AREAS Rent to own, 2-4 bdrm. $400 - $750 Sect. 8 OK 330-802-RENT EAST: Nice 3 bd., 2 ba. $685 + all utils. + sec. dep. 378 Cleveland Ave. 330-495-4216/330-5356666 SPRING HILL APARTMENTS Affordable Housing Rent Based on Income Certain qualifications apply Homes Unfurnished COVENTRY: 2bd, All new flooring. Range & refrig, Full bsmt, Huge yard. NO PETS! 330-620-0208 ____________________ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ COPLEY $ You won’t be disappointed with this exceptionally lg. & beautiful carpeted 1 bdrm w/ all applcs. including micro, lg closets with pantry, plus many more extras. Huge 1 bd with large closets, built-in kitchen with pantry, locked GARAGE w/ opener, on-site laundry fac. Open for your viewing convenience. Call office hours 330-920-1166 or evenings & wkends 330-338-4441 SealApts.com 330-666-7773 KENMORE: 888 Rosamond Ave. 1 bd. w/ carpet, air and applcs. On-site laundry. Please no Sect 8 or pets. Call 330-604-4711 for appt. belladorarentals.com Our New Look Will Move You In ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ BARBERTON Woodlane Apts. LOCATIONS INCLUDE: Tallmadge-East 2275 Eastwood Ave. Apt. #13 $550 View online: cwproperties.com at a 888-430-0176 The Woods of Fairlawn *** SERVING ALL YOUR APARTMENT NEEDS *** Apartments Unfurnished Equal Housing Opportunity Dakota Ridge ✔ KENMORE: 2 br, 1200 sq. ft., by Waterloo Rd. 2467 Manchester, $495. FIRESTONE Prk: 1st fl., 1 bd., utils. paid, appls., updated, 2 lg. closets, lndry, A/C, senior disc. Avail June. 330-801-6417 Advertise Your Community Here Call 330-996-3345 Alphada Place GREEN: 2 bd., 1 ba., fam. rm., deck, att. gar., air, lndry rm. New kit. No smoking/pets. $675. 330-896-4440 rentals.ohio.com LAUNDRY CABLE READY FITNESS / POOL CLUB HOUSE FIREPLACE AKRON GAR/COVERED PARKING RENT RANGE NORTH: 2 bd duplex w/ stove, refrig. $445/mo.; 1 bd apt $355-$375/mo. w/ stove/refrig. PLAIN: 1,2,3 bd, pets ok $375-$595 W/S/T incld. 330-455-HOME (4663) ClearSkyProp.com www.stilecompanies.com ELLET: 516-520 Massillon Rd., 1 bd., $435+ elec. & sec. Cats OK. 330-283-8445. HI-SPEED INTERNET PHONE BALCONY / PATIO COMPLEX NAME AIR CONDITIONING call 330-996-3345 BATHROOMS your community here - BEDROOMS Advertise Great Place To Live 1 & 2 BR. Furn./Unfurn. Safe & Convenient. Flex rent structure, Visa/MC. 330-253-7447 1 & 2 bd. secure building with intercom. Hartville - Quiet country setting, Spacious 1 bdrm, 1st or 2nd fl 330.762.8661 avail, large closets, a/c, dishwash, coin w/d on site, no pets please. $400-$425, View by appointment, 888388-9209 ELLET: 487 Massillon Rd. Spac. & very nice 2 bd on 1st flr. Applcs, bsmt, gar. No pets. $699. Heat pd. 330-655-9300 APARTMENTS Apartments Unfurnished MOVE-IN SPECIALS CUY FALLS / STUDIO CITY ALL UTILITIES PAD HUGE SAVINGS BARB: 101 29th St. NW 2 bd. twplx, 1 ba., A/C, stove, refrig., near park, $590+utils. Open Sun. 1-2. 330-825-2903 **ELLET/TALLMADGE** Apartments Unfurnished NEWTON TOWER APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSE / LOFT 1BR $460.00 2 BR $510.-$525.00 Rent + electric + $40.00 heat fee Nov-Apr Sec. dep. $300.00 330-633-7333 BRITTAIN PARK Akron/Fairlawn SPRING SAVINGS! Beautiful 1 bd. suites, new oak interior. Pets welcome. $489. 330-794-8237 woodbine-apts.com $535.00 1064 Clyde Apt. 7 Open for your viewing convenience. Beautiful 1 bd. w/ many extras plus garage and patio. Close to all stores & expressway. 330-9201166 or 330-338-4441 SealApts.com GATED COMMUNITY 1 BR VAULTED RANCHPLEX CUY FALLS CHAPEL HILL APTS LIMITED TIME LIMITED AVAILABILITY Ellet - Mogadore Square SHORT TERM LEASE AKRON $499 month UTILITIES PAID. 1 BR 2nd Floor, CLEAN NICE. W. Long St. No pets. 330-819-3163 Apartments Unfurnished UTILITIES From $495-$675 Woodlane Mgmt. 330-753-6086 Apartments Unfurnished CENTRAL: Large 2 bd. up, 1 ba., on busline. $550+sec.+utils. Sect. 8 OK. Coin laundry. 778 Yale St. 330-459-0027 AVAILABLE NOW RENT A LARGE 2 BR SUITE AT A 1 BR PRICE 1 BR / 2 BR / 2 BR+ LOFT Apartments Unfurnished Apartments Unfurnished Apartments Unfurnished PETS ALLOWED Apartments Unfurnished OFFICE/retail, zoned commercial/multi family. 3,078 sq. ft. Single story building, built 1980, brick & frame. .75 ac. facing Manchester Rd. Akron, OH, bordered by Celtic & Stanfod Sts. Has adjacent lots for expansion or another business. Priced for quick sale, $299,000. 330-618-9271 Investment Property RAVENNA: Bank liquidating 24 acres zoned for multifamily, plus oil and gas royalties. AKRON: 10-unit apartment complex with strong rental history. Jack Marsillo 330-835-5664 CUTLER COMMERCIAL Jack Marsillo 330-835-5664 CUTLER COMMERCIAL All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, as amended, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination” This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD Toll Free at 1-800-669-9777 or Fair Housing Contact Service, 330-376-6191 or Fair Housing Advocates Assn., 330-253-2450. BARBERTON: Salon Setup for 6, completely furnished. Move In Ready, $750 + Elect. 330-807-2612 CHAPEL HILL BUSINESS CENTER 891 Moe Dr., Akron. Office, warehouse, shop spaces. 310 sf & up. Start $133. 330-633-9300. 1ST FLOOR, 800 sq. ft., 1/10 mile to Xway. Off Main St. in Port. Lks. $700/mo. inc. utils. 330724-9331/352-1010 Akron: Office Space ALL UTILS. PAID in Evans Building 1 & 2 Room Office Suites $400 4 Office/recep./sec. 7th floor $950. Great View of Stadium! 5 office/recep./sec./ storage 4th flr $1100. Free Customer Parking! 330-762-4840 Crossroads Management Realty Inexpensive Office Space at Merriman/W. Market St. 330-376-6711 2 Commercial Spaces for rent. $965/month each. High traffic area. Pictures available upon request. For info, please call 330-848-0084 CUYAHOGA FALLS: Busy Bailey Rd. storerooms, (1) 1900 sq fts., (1) 2900 sq fts. for lease. 330-990-0234 Appliance Service Co.330-762-4415 No trip charge w/repairs. Insured. 20 Yrs. Exp. Steve Stallard. Brick & Block Work WALLER MASONRY Foundations, steps, chimneys, walks, tuck pointing. Small jobs. Free est. 330-323-9534 Foundation Specialist WATERPROOFING NO OUTSIDE DIGGING No Mess! Sr. Discount 30 Years Exp. Guar. 330-253-9533 BRENDA Construction Foundation Specialist Water Control Systems Walls repaired or replaced. 330-715-9213 Wet Moldy Basement? WATERPROOFING Cert. in mold removal, trenching, foundations repairs, emergency pump-out & drying. The Rite-Way Co. * Lic. Ins. Bonded 330-754-0300 G&B CONCRETE KUNZIN CO. All home repairs & remod. Replacement winds. starting at $190. Insured. 330-794-1114 Driveway/ Patio/ Walks Steps / Foundations Free est. Ins. 28 Yrs Exp BBB Accredited Member 330-784-1737/330-388-9194 WEST: 609 Storer Ave. Beautiful 3 bd., 1.5 ba., clean, redone. Must see! $625 mo.+ utils. 330-668-6990 STOW: Silver Lake Towers. Single 1 bdrm., new kit., gar., pool, cable & more! $750 mo. Inclds Utils. 330-333-2899 Open 24/7 Mobile Home Rentals 2-3 bdrm. mobile home for sale or rent from $495 per month. Includes space rent. 234-206-1067 Rooms Furnished AKRON U area rooms for rent, newly remod., cable, monthly starting at $300, all utils. includ. Call Shawn, 330-957-2064 EVERYTHING INCLUDED! Rooms to rent in furnished house in Akron. Utils., applcs., cable, washer & dryer incld. $100/wk. & dep. 216-543-3881; 216-534-1713 NORTH: starting at $90 wk, on busline, cable, util paid., shared kitchen, 330-786-9623 SOUTH: PARKSIDE Fully Furnished, carpeted. Toasty, private phones. $120 - $210 week HDTV. 330-773-1816 SOUTHSIDE Cable, carpeted, furnished & kitchen fridge, $80-$115 per week. 330-807-4391 Shared Rentals U OF A: Upstairs Apt. Full access to kit., off street prkng, $400 Mo. Inclds. all utils. except cable. Take over lease Immed. 419-699-0017 Search for investment property on homes.ohio.com ALL PHASE HOME REPAIRS 30 YRS. EXP. Small Jobs Welcome 330-414-4203 Hauling-All Kinds FORQUER HEATING & A/C LIKENS TEXTURING & PAINTING Condominiums Barberton Wadsworth - Open Sun. 1-3 590 GLENMEREL . 2 BR, 3 bth ranch condo w/full fin bsmt,1st fl laundry, 2 car att gar. 690 E. TUSC. OPEN SUN 4-5 . Move right in! 3 BR ranch w/ beautiful hdwd flrs, 3 season encl porch att gar. $118,900. 626 E. BAIRD. OPEN SUN 4-5. All brick 2 BR ranch. LR w/FP, newer furnace, deck, att garage. 220 SHENANDOAH. OPEN SUN 2-3:30 . Awesome 3-5 BR cape w/indoor pool, new granite counters & backsplash, 1st Fl Master Suite, office & laundry, Cent. Vac. Priced below appraised value! CUSTOM Built! 15 WALTER. OPEN SUN 2-3:30. Owners want offer! 4 BR, 2 bath spilt w/LR, Formal DR, dinette, Fam Rm w/fp, att gar, shed + bsmt. 649 E. FORD. OPEN SUN 12-1:30. Make an offer! 3 BR, 2 bath cape w/hdwd flrs, fin walk out bsmt, Formal DR w/built ins, 2 fireplaces, att 2 car gar. 1483 ETTLE. OPEN SUN 12-1:30. Move in ready 2 BR cape w/ newer flooring throughout, updated Kit w/SS appliances, 2 car gar. $68,900. 96 21st St . NDS has totally remodeled & Updated this 3 BR 2 story. New Kit, baths, appliances, flooring & more. 2 car gar, encl porch & fenced yd. Debbie 330.603.5680 992 Rosemarie in Sterling Oaks Villas, south of Great Oaks Tr. 55+ community. Sharp 2 bd, 2 bath end unit, walk-out bsmt., 2 car gar. $155,000. Nancy Jenkins 330-256-5648. Croft Realty 330-334-7374 272 ONTARIO. PRICE R E D U C E D - $66,900! 3 poss 4 BR colonial. Full bsmt & lots of built-ins for plenty of storage. Det 2 car gar, covered front porch. Kristin 330.618.3841 HELEN SCOTT REALTY, INC. 330.644.4114 Brimfield OPEN SUN 1:30-3, 809 LAKEVIEW. Reduced! Cluster home on lake. 3-4 bd., 3 ba., walk-out. $164,900. Barb 330-329-6537. Mosholder Realty, 330-633-5536 City Properties Wanted Copley 1408 LAKELAND. OPEN SAT 12-1:30. Custom built 3 BR, 2 bath cape with loft/ office, 1st Fl Master Suite, open kit w/ eating bar + dining area, great front porch, oversized 2 car gar. Immediate poss. 780 S. HAMETOWN. OPEN SAT 2-3:30 . Everything updated & move in ready! 2 BR ranch w/att gar, 1st fl laundry, updated bath, kit, windows, flooring & more! Debbie 330.603.5680 HELEN SCOTT REALTY, INC. 330.644.4114 3 BDRM. CAPE. nice area, gar., needs work, $45,000. 832 N. Firestone Blvd. Barb 330329-6537. Mosholder Realty, 330-633-5536 4 BDRM. CAPE, many updates, play room, office, gleaming kitchen, $105,000. Call Barb 330329-6537. NEW ON MARKET! Mint condition colonial, formal dining room, natural wood thru-out, inviting porch, cent. air, 2 car garage. Pat 303-714-3992 PAT BOYLE REALTY 330-773-6846 CASH! Quick Close, Fair Price 330-848-6333 $$ MAKE MORE MONEY $$ Firestone Park Lots & Acreage 2-CAR GARAGE - 4 BDRMS. Estates of Bath 2.6 acres $99,000 4 acres $108,000 311 Wayne Ave, Akron, 44301 OPEN SUNDAY 12- 1:30 Move in cond. 2 bd. ranch, hardwoods & natural wood trim. Large 1-car gar. $55,000. Jimmie Walker (330) 701-9162 Harvest Home Realty (330) 686-8200 FIRESTONE PARK Colonial $94,500 USD What a classic Colonial right next door to Firestone Park and Community Center. 330-620-8460 General Real Estate Clip & Save Mosholder Realty, 330-633-5536 Any Area. Situation or Condition. Call Now ! 330-592-6220 OPEN SUNDAY 1 - 2:30 Call for cash offer today No gimmicks. Any location. No obligation. Call Helen Turchin Rubber City Realty, 330-745-9034 BUYIING OR SELLING? LET A VETERAN HELP YOU! I’ve helped hundreds of families make their move through new technology, effective marketing, & superior negotiating skills. Call Steve Kelly 330-571-1194 WE BUY HOUSES Any Condition All Situations (Even if completely or over financed) 330-990-9699 City Property East AKRON: 1287 Hazelwood Ave. 3br/1ba. 1188 sf, detach gar. Lease Option or Cash Discount, $1,500 dn, $587/mo. 803-978-1542 City Property South 2125 Springfield Center Rd. All updated 3 bd. ranch in Eastgate Hts. Newer kit. & ba. Frpl., lg. glassed-in porch sun rm, fenced yard, att. garage. Theresa 330-784-4508. INVESTORS : 2 family full Brick home. Each unit has 2 bdrms, 1 bath + det gar. $39,900 Cheryl Connell 330-592-9713 STOUFFER REALTY Condominiums Vacation Rentals Green W.W. Reed & Son Real Estate Priced to sell! Move right in! 4 bd, 2 car gar. colonial w/frpl., 1st flr. lndry, rec rm, fenced yd, storage barn, many updates! Jeanne Kilgore 330-697-6474 Harvest Home Realty 330-686-8200 Search online. Save time! COLUMBIANA CO: Knox Twp., 1 acre home site, beautiful setting with country location. $12,900. Bayard Rd. near Homeworth. CARROLL CO : Fox Twp., 5 acres, $18,900. Just outside Mechanicstown on Blossom Rd. (T.R. 33) No mineral rights. NOBLE CO : Elk Twp. 28 acres, hilly & wooded, $42,900. Just outside Caldwell on S.R. 145. No mineral rights. Call 866-893-5263 Firestone Park 2 Bedroom Townhouse: Stove, Ref,DW, C/Air, 1.5 Baths, Patio, Full Basement, & W/D Hookups! $650/mo + Gas & Elec. Sorry, No Section 8’s! 1844 Brewster Creek Dr (330) 6997097 Roofing R. CROWE ROOFING LAWNCARE Fertilizing, weed/insect control, mowing. Lic. & Ins. Free Est. Sr. Disc. Randy, 330-208-6774 Excellent Rates FREE ESTIMATES Plumbing and Drain 330-633-8962 330-687-5658 ARLEY Construction Roofing/Siding Ins. welcome. Free est. Lic. Ins. & Bonded. BBB A+ Accredited Member 330-830-1900 330-268-2012 ûAll Around Plumbing & Drain û FAST SVC.! SR. DISC.! Reasonable Rates! 330-459-9106 CHOICEONE Restoration Hail & wind damage claims specialists. BBB A+ Accredited Member Amish craftsman labor. Free est. 330-688-ROOF Leaf Guard & Repairs Sofet/Fascia. Free Est. 330-882-5855 Tree Surgery Service HAGAN Construction Roofing Siding Gutters 24/7 Repairs Licensed & Insured 330-329-8392 330-922-3202 Siding WILL INSTALL Name brand vinyl $1.99 sq. ft. Windows. $187 ea. Roofing. 40 Yrs Exp. Guar. 330-253-9533 ASH Tree Services, Inc. ûFULLY INSURED û Complete Tree Service 330-730-2336 ashtreeservices.com DOUG’S Tree Service Bucket Truck, Crane, Stump Grinder. Fully Insured. 25 Yrs. Exp. $$SAVE$$ 330-794-9673 Spouting Your 24/7 apartment finder 5" & 6" Seamless Gutter Gutter Leaf Guard Systems Repairs • Cleaning Harry & Sue Carsey-Owners 330.724.1060 MUELLER TREE, INC. Bucket truck/crane svc. Removals, trimming, stump grinding. Ins. Free Est. 330-633-7070 RENT A Tree Climber NO bucket trucks. Easy on your yard - light on your wallet. Free est. Fully ins. 330-524-2173 Renters Corner A little bit of this, a little bit of that OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 1347 King Dr. Comfy Ranch on Acre. 1500 sf, many updates, wood flrs. 4BR/2BA, master ste, lg eat-in kit, fam rm, craft rm/workshop to att 2+ car gar, shed 10x12. Easy one-level living. $113,900 Yvonne Johnston 330-352-0901 STOUFFER REALTY Hudson Brand New Ranches & Colonials Starting at $245,000 OPEN SUN 1-2:30. 1206 GARDNER BLVD 3bd/2bth Ranch in great location. Beautiful street, close to shopping & hwy. Lots of updates furn. a/c, roof, windows, etc. City sewer and water. Sellers accepting offers. Mike 330.962.3779 HELEN SCOTT REALTY, INC. 330.644.4114 Sat., 4/13 & Sun. 4/14, 1-3pm. 3679 Durham Rd Norton 44203. Mt. Vernon area. 4 bd. Colonial 2.5 bath, 3 car gar., 1st floor lndry., $199,900. 330-848-8519 Springfield Township Stow Lake Property PRIVATE LAKE Swim, Fish, Boating Approx. 1 acre wooded lot. Really nice 1 bd. cottage, fully furnished Fantastic, lg. dbl. deck. Great Price! $60’s. Homeland Reality Inc. June, 740-922-2666 F rom time to time, I like to feature different ideas, tips, upcoming events and information I’ve learned from readers, family and friends to help renters around the community with things they may be working on, thinking of or planning to do. Here are a few of those things to inspire you. For those of you who are faced with a closet full of clothes that you have a hard time parting with, here is an easy fix that will take one year to accomplish and will cost you nothing. Start by turning all the hangers in your closet so they are all hanging on the clothes rod in the same direction. As you wear each article of clothing, turn the hanger the opposite way to indicate you have worn the item. After one year, any hangers that you have not turned should be donated, as you haven’t worn these clothes for one year. Great idea, right? BEAUTIFUL RANCH Do you have a junk drawer filled with tangled power and charging cords? Clear the clutter by using an over-the-door shoe organizer to store all the cords you don’t need every day. You can even label the pockets so you remember what device the cord goes with or keep your smaller electronics in the pocket with the cord. LEARN HOW TO MANAGE YOUR FINANCES THIS YEAR. CONFUSED BY NUTRITION LABELS? THERE IS AN APP FOR THAT. Are you trying to watch your cholesterol, fat or sodium intake? Do you or one of your family members have a food allergy that makes your weekly grocery shopping a little difficult? You may want to download an app called ShopWell. According to ShopWell’s description, the app aims to take the legwork out of deciphering nutrition labels by providing users with a single score for food products based on your needs. Users set up goals, and then search by product categories to find recommendations based on those goals. You can then learn more about the foods recommended for you and/or add the products to your shopping list. DON’T FORGET - APRIL 15 IS TAX DAY! Don’t forget to have your taxes filed and postmarked by this Monday, April 15 to avoid a penalty by the Internal Revenue Service. I welcome your suggestions on making a decision, tales from your personal experiences or anything else you want to talk about. Send an e-mail with your name and phone number to [email protected]. For additional real estate information, visit homes. ohio.com, the key to hassle-free home hunting. The County of Summit Office of Consumer Affairs with its partners and sponsors are teaming up once again to recognize April as Financial Literacy Month. By attending one or more of the free events being offered by local agencies, consumers can learn a wide variety of tips including how to understand your debt, family budgeting, ways to improve your credit report and score, dealing with debt and much more. Presentations are scheduled for all ages, so register or learn more by calling the County of Summit Office of Consumer Affairs at 330-643-2879 or visit www.co.summit.oh.us/consumeraffairs. Move-in ready! Family room with fireplace, 2 full baths, 2 car garage, patio. Pat 303-714-3992 PAT BOYLE REALTY 330-773-6846 Suffield BEAUTIFUL .605 acre lot, area of homes $350,000 and up. $60s. Call Barb 330-329-6537. Mosholder Realty, 330-633-5536 Tallmadge Hudson Schools. Falls Utilities. Open Daily . 330-805-3022, Mike FSBO: Open Sun., 4/14, 2-5 pm. 109 Clairhaven Dr. 5 bdrms., 2.5 baths, 2600 sq. ft. Custom built colonial w/numerous updates, hrdwd. throughout, lg. eat-in kitc., 3 season sunrm., fam. rm. w/woodburning frplc., new roof, siding & windows, spacious bdrms. MLS# 3396622. $290,000. 216-659-4360 By Melissa Dubravetz, advertising writer OH SO TECHY. Norton Mosholder Realty, 330-633-5536 PAYING TOP PRICES fully renovated 2 BR/2.5 BA condo. fin. bsmt., att. gar., deck overlooks woods. $109,900. Dave Sears 330-328-4461. New Price - $143,500 3593 Herbert St. Open Sun 1-3 Farms (330) 686-5523 www.brunerland.com 24/7 Free Svc. Calls SEN./VET DISCOUNT 330-730-0147 GET READY TO DONATE! NICE MOBILE HOME Kitchen applcs., firpl., c/a, $16,500. Call Barb 330-329-6537. for 30 acres or more in Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania & Tennesse. OPEN SUN 3:00-5:00 2953 Heatherwood Ct., Stow North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Care-free living in this Edinburg 7 ac., $39,700 cwproperties.com 330-666-7773 Kremer Realty, 330-686-2400 BRUNER LAND COMPANY, INC. DISC. PLUMBING & GAS REPAIR Siding, gutters, repairs. 330-996-3333 NEW LISTING! ADENA KNOLLS 2-3 bdrm., mobile home for sale or rent from $495 per month. Includes space rent. 234-206-1067 SEAMLESS GUTTERS/ROOFING Photo ads in classified Mogadore Ellet Spouting HOTSHOTS Rubber City Realty 330-745-9034 Beautifully landscaped, 2 BR/2 BA end unit on cul-de-sac. Great rm w/ frpl., lg. kit. w/ cherry cabs., granite & breakfast rm. MBR w/ glamour BA. Freshly painted, move in ready! Diana Farro 330-807-5990. HOWARD HANNA Roofing FULL svc. Amish owned Master Elite Co. specializing in reroofing & siding. Free est. 330-601-2749 Plumbing and Drain 4 Years New 3 Bd, 2 Bth, 2 Fpl. Please call anytime. 330-996-3333 1379 Brown St. 2 story vinyl colonial, needs some updating. $39,000. ABSOLUTE CASH FOR YOUR HOME ! I BUY HOUSES Showcase what you’re selling in a Hot Shots photo. www.brunerland.com www.elliottbeachrentals.com General Painting & INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING BRUNER LAND COMPANY, INC. 740-630-6724 or 740-685-8138 100’s of Ocean-front, Luxury Beach Homes & Condos. Up to 20% off, plus a $75 Call-In Bonus. Best Selection, Service & Prices Guaranteed! 866-561-3772 NEW whole house air cond. 30,000 btu & inst. $1895 to present adeq. sys. Lic. #25625. Also svc., repair 330-784-3277 Landscaping Decorating CLEAN Up/Aerate/Thatch New lawn, rototill, seed wallpaper bushes brush hog mulch PAINTING, removal, wall repair, gutter, tree, haul, mow, plant.Cheap 330-724-3024 ext. mold removal (soft scrub). 35 yrs. exp. Husband & wife team. ANDY’S LAWNCARE 330-671-4400/628-8470 Mowing, clean-ups, trimming, mulching. Taylor Painting & PropReas. rates. Free est. erty Svcs. $75 carpet Fully ins. 330-724-5539 cleaning. Int./ext. painting. Pressure washing. 330-639-3874 KEEPING GROUNDS For all your landscaping needs. Free estimates Licensed 330701-9201 330-255-9941 ALL CONST. DEBRIS STYLE TILE, flrs, walls. Res/Comml $50 svc. call Pile Pick-ups /Concrete Lic#19797 330-630-2645 Installation & repair of Shingles / Small Trees www.forquerheating.com all types of tile. SpeShrubs / Clean-outs NEW carpet sales, padcializing in shower reRick, 330-319-1801. ding, power stretching, pairs. Ken, 330-335-7901 LAGANI Heating & Air carpet cleaning & pet Painting & odor removal. HydraCond. Svc. Installation BULGRIN’S CONTAINERS Clean, 330-745-9432. Decorating TUSTIN Tile 330-867-7042 & repair. Sheet metal 12 & 16 Yd. Containers Dependable Service! fabrication. Free est. Showers Built/Restored Lowest Rates! Lic.#12020 330-929-0121 Floors, Walls, All Tiles rDAVIES PAINTING q The home sweet home page 330-877-7845 330-571-3320 Int./Ext. drywall plaster of the Real Estate Channel. 30 yrs. Exp. Free est. Ins. www.tustintile.com Visit today! repair. Wallpaper reHAULING - ALL KINDS moval. Free Est. Refs. Need work desperately! Call Bill, 330-431-6739. Veteran. Free Est. Appreciated. 7 Days. NEW FURNACE AND Ceilings Driveways 330-690-2524 INSTALLED To present adequate TWO men need any work RILEY & SONS syst. $1295. Also svc. & w/trucks/trailers, move Power Washing, Siding Spring Rates * Free Est. repair. 330-784-3277 Fully ins. Ceil. & walls. furn., appl., etc. and & Trim. Int. painting & Patch*Paving*Sealing Drywall, plaster repair. remove any debris. Free paper removal. 30 yrs. BBB Accredited 18 designs. 330-376-4827 est. Call Joe 330-459-9723 exp. Dave 330-903-5766. 50 Yr. Exp. 330-923-2680 SINGLE FAMILY Homes for Rent WEST: 1579 Garman Rd. 3 bd, 1 full Ba., 2 half BA’s, w/ basement, stove, fridge, 2 car garage, $740 mo+utils., no pets, 330-671-2486 for details. Installing & Refinishing 30 Yrs. Exp. - Free Est. 330-336-8008 Furnace, Air Conditioning Carpet All areas, some Sect. 8. 330-802-1157 TIGER LILY REALTY has been renting homes since 1999. That’s our business. Call us for info on renting and/or managing your home. 330-668-2797; 888-449-9314 ûMcCaman Hardwood Flooring û Furnace, Air Conditioning Ceramic Tile Homes Unfurnished SOUTH: 3 bd., 2 story, liv. rm., din. rm., bath, bsmt., parking. $525+ utils. + sec. No pets/ Sect. 8. 330-825-8232 Electrical Work LOW ELEC. PRICES 30+Yrs. Exp. Comml. Industrial/Residential Lic. Insured. Bonded. Steve, 330-819-8958. Floors Basement Work • Walls repaired/replaced. • Family owned/operated • Over 50 yrs. Exp. • Lifetime Warranty • BBB A+ Rating City Waterproofing & Home Improvements 330-697-3822 1-800-362-0254 www.citywaterproofingohio.com Cement Work ALL your concrete needs. Best quality & prices. Quick service. 21 Years Experience 330-431-8026 has been REMODELED. • Weekly stories focused on renovation, innovation and cultivation • Search Homes For Sale • Check Mortgage Rates • Find an Agent 2981897 Appliance Service BUYING, BUILDING, SELLING? CALL US FOR ALL OF YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! Wadsworth 193 Summit St. in Wadsworth - $89,900 Move in ready, 3 bdrms, updated interior, beautiful deck, 12x16 barn! All appliances stay. Call 330317-4572. CHECK OUT OUR NEW SITE! homes.ohio.com TV The Sunday Showcase of Homes 10:30am - News Channel 5 • MBG 100% Money Back Guarantee • HSA Home Warranty CONDO AKRON EAST ATWOOD DALTON CANAL FULTON GOODYEAR HTS NORTH CANTON D SOL STOW OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 OPEN SAT 1:00-3:00 OPEN SUN 2:00-3:30 OPEN SAT & SUN 1:00-3:00 OPEN SUN 2:00-4:00 127 WOODSIDE AVE $120,000 3BR, 2BA. OPEN SUN 12:00-2:00 2148 BEECHTREE DR Green $115,000 2BR, 2BA. 762 CADDO AVE $59,900 2BR, 1.1BA. 8471 WALNUT ST SW 149,900 4BD, 316 ALISSA LN $164,900 3BR, 2BA. 506 BURNETT DR $105,000 3BR, 1BA. 1539 INDIANOLA AVE $74,900 3BD, 2BA Appliances Stay. Convenient Location. 4742 DANFORTH RESERVE $398,900 3BD, 3BA. Spacious Ranch with a view of the 18th Hole. Charming Cape Cod with Enclosed Porch. 3BA. Atwood lake home. Foyer. Sun rm. Model Home in Fulton Landings. Remodeled Ranch with Many Updates. Jim West 330-697-4360 Customized Belmont Model with open flr pln. Linsey Miller 330-904-0812 OPEN SAT 1:00-2:30 Kathy Petrey 330-573-1261 HSA OPEN SAT 1:00-2:30 200 GRANGER #19 Granger Twp $84,500 2BD, 1.5BA. Appl kit, lndry rm, frpl, udptd. end unit. Yvonne Jesser 330-668-2124 Kathy Petrey 330-573-1261 AKRON NORTH OPEN SUN 1:00-3:00 HSA OPEN SAT 3:00-4:30 1325 SORIN AVE $59,900 2BD, 1BA. Updated top 2 bottom. Extra vac available. Kim J. Eubank 330-958-7024 BY APPOINTMENT 567 HAMPTON RIDGE Akron West $105,000 Barry Brizes 330-329-7725 2BD, 2BD. Vltd Grt. BA w/gran. 2 car att gar. OPEN SUN 12:30-2:00 Tiffany Tabellion 330-265-7764 Cindy Slabaugh 330-607-8166 HSA MBG BY APPOINTMENT 321 ALISSA LN 179,900 3BR, 2.1BA. Beautiful Surroundings. 2nd Flr Master. D SOL 2529 STROUP RD $224,900 4BR, 2BA. 5 Acres w/stocked pond, 32x64 Pole Build. Cindy Slabaugh 330-607-8166 Sherry Karm 330-773-9766 BARBERTON BY APPOINTMENT CLINTON MBG OPEN SAT 12:00-2:00 2399 W. COMET $214,000 3BD, 2.5BA. Custom built brick ranch on 1.5 acres. 938 CARPENTER ST $34,900 3BD, 1.5BA. North 404 GRANDVIEW $93,500 3BD, 2BA Hill cape cod w/eat in kit, scrnd porch, fenced yard. Charming Simplicity. Great & Affordable Jerry Schneier 330-618-3313 529 S. FRANK BLVD Akron West $107,000 Jennifer Petrucelli 330-650-0101 2BD, 2BA. Gour kit w/gran crts, SS appls. Anne & Linda 330-687-2070 OPEN SUN 12:30-2:30 Barb Lesure 330-335-2560 OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 7110 TAYLOR $249,900 3BD, BY APPOINTMENT 4+ peaceful acres Great 941 INDEPENDENCE $74,990 3BD, 1.5BA. Updtd 204 HAZELWOOD $114,900 4BD, 1.5BA roof, carpet & more. Fenced yd, near aments. Pam Moore 330-777-3314 Impeccably Kept Home! Landscaped lot! HSA MBG NEW PRICE 604 CUTLER LN Hudson $240,000 2BD, 2.5BA. Terrie Morgan 330-996-0564 First flr master w/glam bath. Attched 2 car gar. Nancy Waite 330-650-0101 AKRON WEST HSA OPEN SUN 12:30-2:00 MBG OPEN SAT 1:00-2:30 Katie Fenwick 330-996-5008 Helen Gisewhite 330-289-2823 HSA OPEN SUN 1:00-3:00 MBG OPEN SUN 12:30-2:00 2822 PRINCETON CIR Green $210,000 3BD, 1545 SHATTO AVE $99,500 3BD, 1.5BA. Cozy 3BA. Ranch on cul-de-sac. Gour cook’s kit. ranch w/eat-in kit. fin rec rm, att gar & shed. 11825 HARBOUR LIGHT DR N. Royalton $64,900 1197 GREENVALE AVE $114,000 2BD, 2BD, 1.5BA. Darling townhouse end unit. 1.5BA. Brick, hdwd flrs, garden tub, appls. Darlene Hall 330-472-1158 Yvonne Jesser 330-668-2124 OPEN SUN 2:00-3:30 OPEN SUN 12:30 1012 BUNKER DR #201 Fairlawn $89,900 2BD, 304 S. HAWKINS AVE $85,000 3BD, 1.5BA. 2BA. Westwood ranch style, open floor plan. Move-in ready. Newer roof/furn. Fenced yd. Leslie Abramson 330-802-5555 Catherine Haller 330-996-1225 HSA OPEN SUN 2:30-4:00 OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 Anne Skoblar 330-687-2070 Paula Owen 330-289-0500 OPEN SUN 2:30-4:30 MBG OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 Dianna Palmeri 330-650-0101 Art Scarpitti 330-805-1130 OPEN SUN 3:00-4:30 OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 845 HAMPTON RIDGE Akron West $119,900 3BD, 1120 RIVERWOODS $449,000 4BD, 3.2BA. 2.5BA. 2010 sqft, fam rm w/frpl, pool & tennis. Newer brick col. Great setting. 4600 sqft. 9975 BEVERLY Streetsboro $108,000 1979 SCUDDER DR $159,900 4BD, 2.5BA. Spa2BD, 1.5BA. Cheery fully appl eat in kit. cious rms, fenced yd, FF lndry, Immed Poss. 1842 INDIAN HILLS TRL Akron West $219,000 796 SUNNYSIDE $299,999 4BD, 2.5BA. 3BD, 2.5BA. 3200 sqft. Grt rm, Frml din, fam rm. Maribeth & Jenny 330-608-4430 Sheila Eaton 330-996-1188 HSA OPEN SUN 3:00-4:30 MBG OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 Amanda Ondrey 330-335-2560 Rick Fisher 330-815-8088 OPEN SUN 3:00-4:30 OPEN SUN 2:00-4:00 D SOL DOYLESTOWN D SOL Darlene Hall 330-472-1158 David Childress 330-620-8460 ELLET HSA NEW LISTING FAIRLAWN HTS D SOL Jim West 330-697-4360 BY APPOINTMENT D SOL Katie Fenwick 330-996-5008 OPEN SUN 1:00-3:00 121 RAVENSHOLLOW DR $309,000 4BD, 3.1BA. Great location. John Hershberger Quality Blt. D SOL NORTH HILL NEW LISTING D SOL BY APPOINTMENT 66 SOUTHWOOD $235,000 3BD, 2BA 222 W STATE ST $79,900 3BR, 1BA. Charming Ranch, Eat-in Kitchen, LL Rec Rm. 531 PICADILLY CIRCLE $157,000 3BD, 2.5BA Maribeth & Jenny 330-608-4430 D SOL BY APPOINTMENT MBG OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 Jennifer Bourgeois 330-650-0101 STREETSBORO 3980 WALNUT WOOD WAY $189,000 3BR, 3.1BA. Darlene Hall 330-472-1158 Private lot, Cathedral ceilings, WOW Kitchen. 621 PRIOR PARK DR $149,900 3BD, BY APPOINTMENT 2507 ARDWELL AVE $109,500 3BD, 2BA. Charm- Suellen Wagner 330-571-2414 2BA. Ranch w/beautiful updates. 9515 BLITZ LN $109,900 3BD, 1BA 3.5BA ing ranch. Updts. 2+ gar. Deck. Front porch. Eichler/Todaro 330-618-9872 Valerie Ursetta 330-592-6711 Tudor! Saundra Carter 330-472-4406 HARTVILLE 71 EMERALD AVE 334,900 4BD, 2.2BA MBG OPEN SUN 2:30-4:00 3060 SAUER DR $135,000 3BD, 1.5BA MBG BY APPOINTMENT 304 SOMERSET $219,000 3BD, 2.1BA. 1660 WOOSTER $79,900 3BD/1.5BA Catherine Haller 330-996-1225 Ranch. Kit open to lg fam rm w/frpl. Wd flrs. 1/2 ac lot, Lg LR, covered patio & more! 2729 CARDINGTON GREEN Green $124,900 OPEN SUN 2:30 Gini & Susan 330-801-9732 HSA BY APPOINTMENT 2BR.2BA. One owner Condo in Prestwick CC. 791 FREDERICK BLVD $45,000 4BD, 1.5BA. Amanda Ondrey 330-335-2560 2986 UPHAM DR $153,500 4BR, 3BA. Hdwd flrs, frpl, newer roof, encl porch. David Childress 330-620-8460 Ranch Home w/Lrg Deck & Fenced Yard. 376 WYANT $229,900 3BD, 2.1BA Catherine Haller 330-996-1225 BY APPOINTMENT Katie Fenwick 330-996-5008 BY APPOINTMENT 211 2ND STREET $235,000 Commer- Cindy Slabaugh 330-607-8166 cial bldg w/5 apartments upstairs. 798 CASCADE MILLS DR Akron $139,900 3BD, 2BA HSA MBG BY APPOINTMENT FIRESTONE PARK 121 AVONDALE $115,900 3BD, 1.1BA. Col. H/W Sonja Halstead-Potter 330-335-2560 Jim West 330-697-4360 CUYAHOGA FALLS flrs, newer kit, c/air, rec rm, den, 2 car att gar. Shirley Arnold 330-864-9775 D SOL OLD S BY APPOINTMENT NORTHAMPTON Bob Mottice 330-650-0101 3900 SILVER WOOD DR $196,500 5BD, 2.5BA 1895 FAR VIEW RD $71,000 3BR, 2BA. Donna Tanno 330-931-7611 Ranch with open flr plan on Large Treed Lot. OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 OPEN SUN 3:00-4:30 David Childress 330-620-8460 2791 AERIES WAY $469,900 4/5BD, 4.2BA BY APPOINTMENT 14071 HAMETOWN $157,000 3BD, 1.5BA 2128 BRYN MAWR DR $119,900 3BD, 2BA. Wonfull bsmt, 2 car gar & wrap-around porch! 740 SOUTHWOOD DR $129,900 3BR, 2BA. Brick Cindy Boggs 330-322-7999 derful home with vaulted fam room leads to deck. Ranch w/large back yard & many updates. Pam Moore 330-777-3314 HSA MBG OPEN SUN 3:00-4:30 HSA MBG BY APPOINTMENT 890 EATON AVE $545,000 5BD, 4.3BA. 1423 WATERS EDGE Northampton $127,900 2BD, 1.20 Park-like setting. 5100 sqft. 2 sty. Sherry Karm 330-773-9766 3BA. Handicap Accessible on river. Move right in. Art Scarpitti 330-805-1130 GREEN D SOL D SOL Teresa Fiorentino 330-760-0697 6248 REDBIRD TERRACE $159,900 3BD, 2BA 520 BALDWIN RD $69,900 2BR, 1BA. Ranch 3990 HECKMAN ST NW $154,900 3BR, 2BA. 10091 N. DELMONTE BLVD $157,000 3BD, 1.5BA. Jan Brenneman 330-612-0941 w/double lot. Finished LL, Many updates. Ranch Home-Sun Rm-Fireplace-Many Updates. MBG BY APPOINTMENT BY APPOINTMENT Sherry Karm 330-773-9766 1153 AVON STREET $119,900 3BD, 1.1BA. Maple Beautiful home with 2 decks and stone patio. Cindy Slabaugh 330-607-8166 881 LOCKWOOD $209,000 3BD, 2.5BA kit w/gran, new wind, fam rm. Newer sid/roof. Teresa Parks 330-650-0101 COPLEY Immaculate & ready to call home! MBG BY APPOINTMENT NEW LISTING Katie Fenwick 330-996-5008 Kevin Sypolt 330-335-2560 2533 PAXTON AVE $89,000 3BD, 2BA. 13135 KAUFMAN AVE NW $146,000 3BR, SUFFIELD OPEN SUN 12:30-2:00 Cherry/maple flr & cabinets. 4BD in LL. 1.1BA. Step back in time in this updated cape. NORTON BY APPOINTMENT 1655 SUNNYACRES $134,900 3BD, 2BA. Bi-level Saundra Carter 330-472-4406 Cindy Slabaugh 330-607-8166 BY APPOINTMENT 682 ORCHARD $80,000 3BD, 2BA on wooded setting. Updtd w/2 car gar. Fam rm. 1223 SQUIRES DR $169,900 4BR, 1BA. OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 Just Move in! Immaculate w/updates! Marilyn Latine 330-802-8886 HSA MBG NEW LISTING MBG BY APPOINTMENT Beautiful Split Level, Wooded Lot w/Pond. Kevin Sypolt 330-335-2560 2674 PRISCILLA AVE $114,900 2BD, 2BA. Up- 9884 SMITHDALE AVE NE $207,000 3BR, 2.1BA. 5735 CONCERTO $89,900 3BD, 1BA Bi-Level with Craig Blake 330-495-6752 MBG OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 dtd/Charming cape on 1/2 acre. Park-like lot. Contemp. 2 stry on 1.32 acres w/Walk-out LL. 2 car garage! Sandy Chrisant 330-777-3310 MBG NEW LISTING 637 REDFIELD LN $279,900 4BD, 2.5BA. 2940 Jan Brenneman 330-612-0941 Sherry Karm 330-773-9766 OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 230 E. PAIGE AVE $79,900 3BD, 1.1BA. Loads of updates. sqft col. Frml liv/din rms, fam rm, vltd ceil. TALLMADGE 119 STULL AVE $65,000 3BD, 1.5BA NEW LISTING 2893 RICH RD. $141,900 3BD, 1BA UpDarlene Hall 330-472-1158 Sheila Eaton 330-996-1188 Catherine Haller 330-996-1225 11275 WOLF AVE NE $169,999 3BR, 2BA. dated thruout - Sunrm, fin’d bsmt. HSA MBG OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 Peaceful setting. 4 Season Rm, fenced yard. Nicole Kerr 330-777-3335 BY APPOINTMENT 800 KIRKWALL DR $46,500 2BD, 1BA 586 FAIRWOOD DR $249,900 5BD, 3.5BA Kathy Petrey 330-573-1261 676 E. PAIGE $75,000 3BD, 1BA Roger Takla 330-730-1880 Helen Bailey 330-633-7200 FAIRLAWN 3827 CROYDON $119,900 3BD, Oak kit, wood flrs, fenced yard. 2BA Beautiful yard & lots of extras! OPEN SUN 3:00-4:30 Amanda Ondrey 330-335-2560 HUDSON MBG BY APPOINTMENT Barb Lesure 330-310-5330 4708 QUINCY $339,300 4BD, 4.1BA. West HSA MBG OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 219 WHITTLESEY DR $210,000 4BD, 1.5BA MBG BY APPOINTMENT Ridge Est. Fin LL w/rec, media rms & kit. 521 LAKE OF WOODS BLVD $299,000 4BD, 2.1BA OPEN SUN 12:30-2:00 4429 GREENWICH $119,900 3BD, 2.2BA Jim West 330-697-4360 Frantz & Edminister 330-329-7220 609 ROBINSON $79,900 3BD, 1BA Gini & Susan 330-801-9732 1772 FOREST OAKS DR $694,900 4BD, New kit, BA’s, roof, windows & furnace. Great Location, prvt bkyd, wood frplc! 4.5BA. Custom built one owner manor home. Amanda Ondrey 330-802-9618 1431 SOUTHEAST AVE $148,900 6BD, 2.5BA OPEN SUN 3:00-4:30 Sandy Chrisant 330-335-2560 Elaine Beck 330-256-1003 Robert Lagasse 330-835-8990 COVENTRY 3594 BAY HILL DR $599,000 5BD, 3.2BA 3201 S. HAMETOWN RD $124,900 MBG BY APPOINTMENT Frantz & Edminister 330-329-7220 3BD, 1.5BA. Ranch completely updtd. OPEN SUN 2:00-4:00 UNIONTOWN 673 ROBINSON $79,900 2BD, 1BA HSA OPEN SUN 3:00-4:30 2284 VICTORIA PKWY $410,000 4BD, Kathy Mansfield 330-813-3072 2car gar, front porch & Trex deck! 375 VAUGHN TRL $224,900 3BD, 2BA MBG NEW LISTING 3BA. Custom cabs, flr-to-ceiling brick FP. Vicky DeAngelis 330-335-2560 MBG BY APPOINTMENT 579 HAMPSHIRE $269,000 3BD, 3.1BA. Cape L.Seyfried/D.Palmeri 330-650-0101 Jan Brenneman 330-612-0941 MBG OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 Cod. Approx 3700 sqft. 1st flr mstr bdrm/bath. 3855 REIMER RD $89,900 3BD, 1BA. 1/2 4763 VENUS $159,900 3BD, 2.5BA SpaBY APPOINTMENT OPEN SUN 2:30-4:30 Gini & Susan 330-801-9732 acre. Orginial owner. Fin bsmt w/rec rm. cious on almost a half acre! Must See! NEW LISTING 385 SPRUCE $78,900 2BD, 2BA Well 2976 GREER RD $79,900 3BD, 1BA. Handy2607 PICKERINGTON WAY $579,000 5BD, 4.5BA. Darlene Hall 330-472-1158 Lori Snyder 330-687-6499 Kept blt in 2003 - all appl’d stay! man special. 1542 sqft. 1st flr lndry. Beautiful brick colonial w/cherry flrs on first. 741 WELLESLEY AVE $115,000 3BD, 451 KINGS COURT Copley $219,000 4BD, 4BD. 1.5BA. Remdld kit w/gran, SS appliances. Kathy & Tom Stugmyer 330-335-2560 Lake view, sun rm, deck & patio. 1st flr mstr. Yvonne Jesser 330-668-2124 Lesa Yeater 330-466-1564 MBG BY APPOINTMENT D SOL D SOL D SOL Bob Mottice 330-650-0101 JACKSON TWP PLAIN TWP D SOL WADSWORTH D SOL 4216 TANNYBROOKE $127,900 2BD, 2BA OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 Ranch Condo, Open flr plan, 2car gar, sunrm. 715 HIDDEN VALLEY $219,900 4BD, OPEN SUN 2:00-4:00 Sonja Halstead-Potter 330-777-3322 3.5BA Fam rm w/thru wall frplc to LR. 9708 HOCKING ST NW $180,000 4BR, 2.1BA. Sandy Hawley 330-777-0095 Open Floor Plan Colonial. Move in Ready. Stacey Duber 330-936-2436 KENMORE OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 PORTAGE LAKES OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 194 PARK COURT $104,900 3BD, 1BA 228 LAKE FRONT $149,900 3BD, 2.5BA Full bsmt w/1/2 BA 2car gar. & More! Tremendous Value, Green schls, Updates! Barb Lesure 330-310-5330 OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 2947 POPHAM $74,900 3BD, Denise Flanagan 330-289-2953 1BA Fenced yd, 2car gar & More! BY APPOINTMENT OPEN SUN 2:30-4:00 Kay LaChance 330-329-7592 Bunny Dennison 330-858-2345 RAVENNA 1339 STONEPOINTE $229,500 4BD, 2.2BA fin’d rec rm w/pool table & bar. OPEN SUN 12:30-2:00 NEW LISTING 507 17TH STREET NW $79,500 3BR, 1BA. OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 186 COURT #305 Fairlawn $139,900 3BD, 2BA. 862 E. CROSIER ST $52,900 3BD, 1.5BA. 2311 8TH STREET SW $34,900 3BD, 1BA. 1002 BRITTINGHAM DR $138,500 3BR, 2.1BA. OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 2966 HUDSON DR $97,900 4BD, 1.5BA Westwood Village Condos. Shows Beautifully. MBG NEW PRICE Beautiful Ranch Home w/Updates throughout. 2 sty. New stove & refrig. Newer roof. H20. Partially Finished LL, Stainless Steel Appl. Spacious col. Lg din & frml din. Uptds. Steve Kelly 330-571-1194 508 WEATHERSTONE $234,500 4BD, 2.5BA 285 ELMDALE $100,000 2BD, 1BA. Vivian Konrad 330-957-2672 Gini & Susan 330-801-9732 Katie Fenwick 330-996-5008 Saundra Carter 330-472-4406 Brooke Sanner 330-323-8576 Lg BR’s, Fin’d bsmt, Office w/french drs. Brick/vinyl ranch. Many updtd features. OPEN SUN 2:30-4:00 Gini & Susan 330-801-9732 HSA BY APPOINTMENT NEW LISTING MBG OPEN SUN 12:30-2:00 REMINDERVILLE 3275 COVINGTON RD #314 Akron West North $112,900 177 19TH STREET NW $99,900 3BD, 1BA 2317 16TH STREET $154,900 3BD, 1.1BA. Fab Tu- 1587 REDWOOD AVE $92,000 4BD, 2BA. 2489 CONRAD AVE $65,000 3BR, 2BA. 360 FERNWOOD DR $34,900 5BD, 1BA Nice & Completely Updated, 2car gar! dor. Old Charm mixth w/todays updts in kit/baths. 2BD, 2.5BA. Gorg Camelot. New kit/BA. Gran. Pool. Absolutely beautiful kit & many updts. Loaded w/Charm! Enclosed Front Porch. 10850 CROSSINGS DRIVE $157,000 2BD, Marilyn Latine 330-802-8886 Kelly Davenport 330-310-9171 Kathy Petrey 330-573-1261 Lisa Stefanick 330-524-8601 Amanda Ondrey 330-335-2560 Deb Bishop 440-478-3099 2BA. Delightful cluster home with sunporch. NEW LISTING BY APPOINTMENT D SOL HSA MBG NEW PRICE BY APPOINTMENT BY APPOINTMENT KENT D SOL Royster Group 330-650-0101 Jessica Harwick 330-777-3306 OPEN SUN 3:00-4:30 759 BENT CREEK $134,900 3BD, 2BA Beautiful & Spacious. 2c gar & More! Sandy Hawley 330-777-0095 231 DEEPWOOD DR Wadsworth $59,900 517 GREENWOOD $118,900 3BD, 1.1BA. 211 22ND STREET NW $78,500 3BD, 1BA 1287 HILLCREST DR $67,000 2BD, 1BA. BY APPOINTMENT 791 E WILBETH AVE $64,950 3BR, 2BA. OPEN SUN 3:00-4:30 3BD, 1.5BA. New carpet, fresh paint. Shows very well. Col. 2010 vinyl siding. Updated w/3c gar, fin’d LL, appl’s stay! Charming property overlooks Gorge Park. Beautiful RITTMAN Brick Cape Cod w/1 Car Garage. OPEN SUN 3:30-4:30 315 HIGH POINT $159,900 3BD, Gini & Susan 330-801-9732 Lin Seyfried 330-650-0101 Darlene Hall 330-472-1158 Brandi Bux 330-335-2560 529 HARVEY STREET $129,000 3BD, Missy Le 330-573-4605 2BA Well Maintained, frplc, Rec Rm. 1.5BA. Poss 4th bdrm in fin LL. Patio. Deck. OPEN SUN 3:00-4:30 Kay LaChance 330-329-7592 NEW PRICE BY APPOINTMENT BY APPOINTMENT BY APPOINTMENT Darlene Hall 330-472-1158 222 HOME ST. $136,900 3BD, 2BA New 3276 GREYSTONE VILLAGE DR #5 Green $144,900 MBG 1724 KARG DR $108,500 3BD, 2BA. 22 27TH STREET NW $95,000 3BD, 1573 6th STREET $82,500 3BD, 1BA. GOODYEAR HTS Const. w/Style & Quality! Quiet St. MBG OPEN SUN 3:00-4:30 3BD, 2.1BA. Open flr plan. Updtd. 2 car att gar. Terrie Morgan 330-996-0564 5573 ELLA ST $151,500 4BD, 2BA Barb Lesure 330-310-5330 2BA Zoned C3 with Large gar/outbldg! Wonderful ranch with many updates. 223 MAYLAWN $124,900 2BD, 1BA Lauren Reno 330-650-0101 Gini & Susan 330-801-9732 Susane Sampson 330-715-0719 Rhonda Abbott 330-335-2560 OPEN SUN 12:00-1:30 MBG BY APPOINTMENT 99 S. MAIN $89,990 3BD, 2BA Gran- ADORABLE! On a Quiet St. & More! 1856 JAVA AVE $54,900 3BD, 1BA 2475 WHITELAW ST $115,000 3BD, 1.5 BA 273 KENILWORTH $149,900 3BD, 1.1BA. 1283 WINDWARD LN $285,000 4BD, 3.5BA ite/heated flrs, Spacious & more. Nicole Kerr 330-777-3335 HSA NEW LISTING Steve Kelly 330-571-1194 BATH Barry Brizes 330-329-7725 Valerie Ursetta 330-592-6711 984 HAMPTON RIDGE $73,000 3BD, 1.1BA. Castle Park Col. Lots natural woodwork. Kay LaChance 330-329-7592 375 CAROL WAY $279,900 5BD, 3.5BA End unit townhouse. Remod kit. Appls stay. Gini & Susan 330-801-9732 Open flr plan, gourmet kit, fin’d bsmt! OPEN SUN 2:00-3:30 Gini & Susan 330-801-9732 LODI ROOTSTOWN 252 LAKE POINTE DR $289,000 2BD, 2.5BA 1637 N. MEDINA LINE RD $785,000 4BD, 3.2BA. Sonja Halstead-Potter 330-777-3322 Susan Osherow 330-813-0988 BY APPOINTMENT 2 sty cont on 4.79 acre. Walk-out LL. Pond. OPEN SAT 3:00-4:30 OPEN SUN 12:00-1:30 BY APPOINTMENT 515 MEREDITH LN #3F Cuy Falls $69,000 2BD, 2BA Helen Gisewhite 330-289-2823 245 JANICE $119,900 3BD, MBG BY APPOINTMENT 2.5BA 1flr living, frplc, fenced yd! 3692 STRAWBERRY HILL $204,900 4BD, 2.2BA 679 FARR AVE $439,900 4BD, 4.1BA. SuJim West 330-697-4360 226 MERRIMAN $135,000 3BD, 1BA. 2460 SAINT FRANCIS $161,900 3BD, 2BA Alexis McKnight 330-571-8936 preme Luxury. Stunning location, custom blt. Jessica Harwick 330-777-3306 Charming col w/lots of updts. Nice yard. Katie Fenwick 330-996-5008 Darlene Hall 330-472-1158 BY APPOINTMENT HSA MBG NEW LISTING Gini & Susan 330-801-9732 396 MILLENNIUM DR Tallmadge $125,000 2BD, 2BA MEDINA 3182 TALLMADGE RD $164,900 3BR, 2.1BA. 703 WOODLAND $155,000 3BD, 2.5BA BY APPOINTMENT Jim West 330-697-4360 Storybook Cape nestled on 2.86 acres. BY APPOINTMENT 4979 TULIP DR $875,000 5BD, 6.1BA. SpecEnjoy the ease of one level living MBG OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 Sherry Karm 330-773-9766 177 N PERSHING AVE $129,500 3BD, tacular! 2 acre lot w/wooded pond view. Kathy & Tom Stugmyer 800-974-6042 BY APPOINTMENT 1206 BRANDYWINE $289,000 4BD, 2.5BA. Wonderful light and bright home. Darlene Hall 330-472-1158 765 VALLEY VIEW CT Brimfield $154,500 3BR, 2.2BA Many fine upgrades + theater rm! SPRINGFIELD Jeanette Martin 330-650-0101 2BA. Boasts 1st Floor Bed, Bath & laundry. Kelly Garrett 330-777-0036 D SOL Craig Blake 330-495-6752 BY APPOINTMENT 130 WILFORD WAY Tallmadge $129,900 3BD, 2BA Jim West 330-697-4360 AKRON OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 OLD S BY APPOINTMENT 255 N. PORTAGE PATH #306 Akron West $39,000 2BD Eichler & Todaro 330-524-3025 D SOL MBG BY APPOINTMENT BOSTON HTS BY APPOINTMENT BRIMFIELD 1400 WESTVALE $126,000 3BD, 2BA. In 949 OREGON AVE. $39,900 3BD, 1BA Ador- 2008 new 2nd sty added: mstr BD/BA & loft. HSA MBG OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 able Colonial w/Charm! Oversized Gar! Gini & Susan 330-801-9732 3393 WOODS TRL $289,900 3BD, 2.1BA. GorGina Schultz 440-382-2587 geous custom blt brick ranch on 1+ acre. D SOL MULTI-FAMILY D SOL 2999 FAWN LAKE $475,000 5BD, 4.5BA MBG OPEN SUN 1:00-2:30 Less then a yr old, Lake & Golf View! 2199 PAMER DR $129,900 3BR, 2.1BA. BY APPOINTMENT Large Country Lot. Custom Built 1 Owner. 1803 CROMWELL Akron West $199,900 10BD, Ken Mills 330-472-1615 6BA. Great full occupied 6 unit brick building. Kathy Petrey 330-573-1261 MOGODORE D SOL Jan Brenneman 330-612-0941 NEW LISTING FETTRO RD $99,900 3BR, 2BA. Ranch BY APPOINTMENT 1246 DORALEE DRIVE $168,000 3BD, 737 Home on 1 acre lot. Treed back yard w/barn. 536-536 1/2 HILLMAN Ellet 99,900 4BD, 2BA. 2.5BA. Wonderful home on 2.2 acres. Mark Shank 330-715-5167 Great brick 2 unit w/att gar, bsmt, nice yd. Diane Topper 330-650-0101 NORTH CANTON Jan Brenneman 330-612-0941 BY APPOINTMENT Jan Brenneman 330-612-0941 Eric Wachtel 330-328-2862 Brenda Eggert 330-284-1263 D SOL D SOL D SOL MBG BY APPOINTMENT 468 SUNSET VIEW DR. $89,900 4BD, 2.5BA 1938 WILTSHIRE RD $174,900 3BD, 1.5BA. Over 2000sqft w/lots of updates! Lovely co w/updtd kit & baths, frpl, office. 3624 ELMHURST CT $94,000 3BD, 1.1BA Amanda Ondrey 330-802-9618 D SOL D SOL 7285 COLESBROOKE DR $350,000 4BD, 2.5BA. 333 N. PORTAGE PATH #32 $285,000 3BD, Hardwd flrs thrghout. Gorgeous 1+ acre lot. 2.1BA. Portage Woods. 1st flr mstr BD/BA. Karin Hensel 330-650-0101 Gini & Susan 330-801-9732 D SOL D SOL STOW OPEN SUN 12:00-2:00 Jan Brenneman 330-612-0941 VACANT LAND 3107 CAMPBRIDGE DR $238,900 4BD, 2.5BA. 11046 THORESBY CIR NW $184,900 4BR, Beautiful open foyer home with curved stairway. BY APPOINTMENT 2.1BA. Colonial w/Open Great Rm w/Fireplace. Teresa Parks 330-650-0101 3190 BENT OAK TRL Rootstown $39,000 1/3 acre lot Valerie Ursetta 330-592-6711 FOR ALL OPEN HOUSES, GO TO OUR WEBSITE - WWW.HOWARDHANNA.COM 2982998