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Annual Report
By Water and Land
From the ChairmanSandy Morhouse
uring 1755 and previously, Governor Pierre de
Rigaud de Vaudreuil of Canada had been doing
some long-range planning for the fortification of New
France against the British. This resulted in Vaudreuil’s
directive to Michel Chartier de Lotbiniere to embark to
Fort St. Frederick on Lake Champlain (today’s Crown
Point) and commence the fortification of the “critical
Carillon peninsula,” nine miles to the south. Thus was
born Fort Carillon, subsequently known as “the old
French fort” by the Americans at Ticonderoga. 1756, the
year we will be interpreting this season, was its foundation
year – a year, which, I think, bears much similarity to 2015.
Like Governor Vaudreuil, we at Fort Ticonderoga have also been doing some longrange planning, and 2015 promises to be the foundation year for the next chapter in our
storied history. 2015 will see the integration of our waterways into the Fort Ticonderoga
experience and will lay the groundwork for the implementation of a broader strategic plan
and a bold future.
We could never be where we are today without you, our dedicated donors and supporters.
It is to acknowledge your generosity of the past, and to earn your generosity in the
future, that we at Fort Ticonderoga strive for excellence. I am privileged to chair a board
whose wisdom and vision have positioned us to accomplish great things. The board in
turn is privileged to have retained the services of the absolutely best staff in the museum
and destination industries – a staff that personifies its indomitable leader, Beth Hill.
Lotbiniere has passed the mantel to Beth Hill, in whose capable hands now lies the
challenge of “fortifying” the critical Carillon peninsula for all time.
Above: The view of Fort Ticonderoga’s “critical Carillon
peninsula” from Mt. Defiance
Right: The military directive from Gov. Vaudreuil to
Michel Chartier de Lotbiniere in 1755 from our museum collections
Sanford W. Morhouse
Chairman, Board of Trustees
“Perhaps the largest ‘artifact’ in our collection is the Ticonderoga
peninsula itself, thousands of acres of land that bear witness, from
the shore of Lake Champlain to the height of Mount Defiance, to the
struggles that defined the nations of Europe and America.”
Matthew Keagle, Curator
By Water and Land
fort’s majestic walls, our visitors are forever touched
by the “Fort Ticonderoga Effect,” experiencing the
power of place and story to transcend time.
hen the French soldiers from the
Compagnies Franches de la Marine
arrived in 1756 to Fort Carillon (later named
Ticonderoga), they carried their flag with the
motto, “Per Mare Et Terras” (“By Water And
Land”). With each log and stone, these soldiers
built Carillon, the front line of New France,
providing a solid foundation for a place that would
in part define the future of North America. Its
significance reverberated across the globe as the
site at the epicenter of the French and Indian War
and American Revolution. In subsequent centuries,
Ticonderoga has continued to serve as the heart of
American memory.
Today Fort Ticonderoga is defining the historical
experience for the next generation of museumgoers. We have an unparalleled stage – on both
water and land – for learning, immersion, discovery,
and inspiration. Whether by water aboard our new
Carillon Cruise Boat, or by land on our battlefield
hiking trail, in our beautiful gardens, or within the
A letter from Beth
As we launch our 2015 season and bring 1756 to
life, it is our responsibility and pleasure to look
back at 2014’s significant accomplishments made
possible by your generous support. This Annual
Report will share gains with you in our educational
reach and attendance, our archives and collections,
our facilities and landscapes, our staff and volunteer
talent, our membership and financial support, and
our operations.
We have built a strong foundation just as the
soldiers did in 1756. “The Fort Ticonderoga
Way” enabled the implementation of important
initiatives while we planned, resulting in increased
resources, awareness, and support, while expanding
education impact. Your support has made possible
stunning growth in our ability to educate and
inspire a thriving audience. Please stay tuned . . . we
have just begun to unfold the possibilities on water
and land and far beyond!
Beth L. Hill
President and CEO
Back to the Future
ort Ticonderoga as a comprehensive museum and historic site is matched
by the breadth of its collections. As we plan our future, in many ways we
are going back to the intent of our 20th century museum founders, Stephen and
Sarah Pell, who viewed museum collections as central to the experience of the
broader site. We can better understand the conflicts that shaped North America
through a lens that highlights the soldiers and civilians caught in these great
events. From several hundred thousand archaeological items to this hemisphere’s
most comprehensive collection of 18th-century military material culture, the
museum collections are the foundation for the programs that span our 2000-acre
campus on the shores of Lake Champlain.
Our Talent. In 2014, we made accessibility to the museum’s worldrenowned collections as well as their preservation and exhibition a priority
and a commitment. With Fort Ticonderoga’s future in mind, the museum staff
welcomed a new curator, exhibition fabricator, and collection’s manager to better
preserve and interpret the vast collections including archaeological items, objects,
clothing, art, archive and library collections.
Our Storage and Access.
Over 250 boxes of institutional archives were
re-housed last year at Fort Ticonderoga’s new collections storage facility,
making room at the Thompson Pell Research Center for a large portion of
our archaeological collection. This provides better access to the archaeology
collection for current staff and the 2015 Summer Collections Fellow. New
partnerships with archaeology professionals will help inform future cataloging,
making it accessible to staff and visiting researchers via a future on-line database.
Collections Speed Dating? We implemented a weekly “Collection’s
Speed Dating” program open to all staff. Inventories of uniform, canteen,
gorget, powder horn, and headgear collections were made. The data was entered,
discoveries were made, and new information was shared resulting in the creation
of 371 new records. Training has been provided to all staff members who can
now utilize the collection’s database across departments.
Making Room For New Exhibits. With limited climate controlled
exhibition space, curatorial and collections staff have systematically removed
100 objects from aging exhibits and valuable maps in need of archival care. New
exhibits are being installed featuring less sensitive materials and making the
best use possible of space limitations. The Soldier’s Barracks will boast four new
exhibits this summer including: “Diorama-rama: History in Miniature’; “Object
Lessons: Perspectives on Material Culture”; “Iron & Stone: Building Fort
Carillon”; and “1756: The Frontline of New France.”
History Makers
“ hat was so cool!” exclaimed a 10-year-old boy visiting Fort
Ticonderoga on a glorious Adirondack June day. Pungent smoke
from a musket demonstration gave way to the aroma from the camp
kitchen of the soldier’s noon day dinner comprised of pork and fresh
vegetables from the King’s Garden.
Fort Ticonderoga’s daily programs are visceral, exciting, and
experiential... a “cool” way for students of all ages to learn from our
interpretive staff. Each year these “history makers” pour over thousands
of archival records, examine hundreds of objects, and create the seasonal
garments and accoutrement to tell a unique story.
Fort Ticonderoga is the only site in the world that tells a new story
each year. By doing so, interpretive staff give visitors a fresh and
unparalleled presentation that transcends the narrative and transports
them in time. Their
knowledge is informed
“We must think of our site
by Fort Ticonderoga’s
world-class collections, the
as a museum that has a fort,
landscape, and even the
rather than a fort that has a
water that surrounds the site.
George M. Jones III, Trustee
Guests dig into the garden
story to uncover Fort
Toledo, OH
Ticonderoga’s layered legacy
and ride aboard the Carillon in the wake of epic struggles, becoming
witnesses to history unfolding at living history events. In 2014, Fort
Ticonderoga offered more than 2,500 programs and tours including the
“Key to the Continent” Tour, “Mount Defiance: Witness to History”
Tour, “Breaking Ground” Tour of the King’s Garden, and “Guns by
Night.” The ambitious schedule of Fort Ticonderoga’s “history makers”
parallels their commitment to excellence, ensuring that each guest is
given an unforgettable experience. In the process, a new “history maker”
may be inspired.
Destination Education!
ort Ticonderoga is committed to creating an educational adventure
for students of all ages that integrates our water, land, mountains,
world-renowned collections, and epic story. Our goal is to inspire through
Ticonderoga’s narrative, creating a platform to engage our audiences in discussion
of leadership, research analysis, and multi-faceted discovery.
Curriculum-aligned student programs, which span our entire learning campus—
from bastion, to garden, to lake—trigger an unforgettable experience while
shaping student understanding of the past and providing insight to the present
and future. School outreach programs carry Ticonderoga’s epic story across the
region and beyond, focusing on the early months of the American Revolution
at Ticonderoga. In so doing, students integrate history, math, geography, and
English language arts.
At Fort Ticonderoga in 2014
“Through Fort Ticonderoga’s vision and
strategic plan, its education department
offers numerous opportunities for students,
teachers, history enthusiasts and museum
staff to participate in cutting-edge
programs. For educators, Fort Ticonderoga
offers wonderful learning opportunities
structured in deep content understanding
and sound educational practices. In the last
few years, Fort Ticonderoga has significantly
increased its rich program offerings…now
is a wonderful time to be part of the ‘ripple
effect’ by supporting this mission.”
Tim Potts, a teacher at
Robert J. Kaiser Middle School, Monticello, NY
• 29 pairs of shoes made
• 81 yards of material used
• 1218 buttons sewn
• 183 meals made
• 4200 seeds planted
• 4600 board feet of lumber used
• 230 gun flints
• 70,000 visitors
• 10,390 volunteer hours
Our Programs Grow!
• School Outreach Programs: +14%
• Homeschool Day: +18%
• North Country History Day: +20%
• School Field Trips: +10%
• Teacher from NEH Workshops: 72
• Contributions: $1,155,759
• Impact on Region: $9 Million
Overnight education destination programs for students and scout groups from
across the country enable a deep dive into Ticonderoga’s story of empire and
nation building while teaching students basic skills in historic trades, soldiers’
lifeways, global economics, and historical research.
Fort Ticonderoga is a nationally recognized resource in historic education. We
believe in empowering our teachers and connecting them to internationally
renowned scholars and cutting-edge research. In 2014 we hosted various
teacher workshops and programs including the prestigious NEH Landmarks
of American History Culture Workshop and the weeklong residential Fort
Ticonderoga Teacher Institute. Eighty teachers participated, impacting thousands
of students.
A Fort Ticonderoga-sponsored panel of scholars, leadership professionals, and
military strategists met in Washington DC in October 2014 to discuss how
our epic story could serve as a focal point for discussion of current and relevant
leadership issues. This meeting served as the foundation for the newly emerging
Fort Ticonderoga Center of Strategic Leadership Studies, helping us fulfill our
mission to learn from our history. The Battle of Valcour and Ticonderoga’s role in
preparing for the battle to control Lake Champlain (and the broader ChamplainHudson corridor) will be the focus of a trial program in 2015-’16.
“We support Fort Ticonderoga because it has been a
pleasure to see history come alive through the eyes
of our children. A history they can see and touch
excites them beyond what any book can provide,
and lessons punctuated by the beat of horses’
hooves and musket fire seem to have staying power. “
The McClintock Family, Boston, MA
Thank you for your support!
We gratefully acknowledge each of
your gifts which continue to advance
the mission of Fort Ticonderoga.
We are especially grateful to
supporters of the Fort Ticondroga
Fund, (names in bold) which
underwrites everyday operations.
We also thank the members of Fort
Ticonderoga, (red asterisk) who
support our mission while receiving
membership benefits.
This listing reflects gifts made from
January 1-December 31, 2014.
Please let us know of any any errors
or omissions. Thank You!
Ms. Susan Darrin *
The Margaret A. Darrin Foundation
Eaton Vance Investment Managers
French Heritage Society
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Gleysteen *
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kambeitz *
The Konzen Family *
Dr. and Mrs. William I. Kuhel *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Longstreth *
Dr. John J. Macionis *
Robert L.W. McGraw and The Black
Mr. John T. Beaty
Rock Foundation Fund *
and Ms. Anne Mehringer *
National Grid
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hagen *
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Mars, Jr. *
& Historic Preservation
New York State Council on the Arts
Ms. Anitra Pell *
The John Ben Snow Memorial Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Zeltmann *
Boquet Foundation, Inc.
Belinda Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Clarke
Mr. Frederick E. Allardt *
Linzee and Beth Coolidge *
Kathe and Rolly Allen *
Kenneth Enders *
TMDavid R. Grogan *
Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur J. Gallagher
Tom & Sally Hoy *
Risk Management Services, Inc.
Mr. Peter Kellogg *
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Konikowski * Mr. John F. Bankes
Dr. and Mrs. C. Wayne Bardin
Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson *
Mr. Paul Barrett *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morette *
Jim and Seddon Beaty *
Mr. Sanford W. Morhouse *
Ms. Michelle Bennett *
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Paine, Jr. *
Dr. John F. Bilello *
Anthony D. and Katharine M. Pell *
Mr. Christopher N. Breiseth
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Poorvu *
Ms. Donna Brownson
Rene Saenger *
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Burgess *
Science Engineering Associates, Inc. *
Thomas F. Burleigh *
Mr. and Mrs. Normand F. Smith *
Sharon and Richard Burstein
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Treiber *
Mr. Gary Butler *
Mr. Stephen Case
Walter Cerf Community Fund
A&E Television Networks
Champlain National Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Iftikar A. Ahmed *
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Chase *
Mr. and Mrs. Avanish Bhavsar *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coleman
Black Watch Council of Ticonderoga
George and Katherine Jones
National Endowment
for the Humanities
Henry M. Rowan
Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowan
Mr. and Mrs. Manning J. Smith
Katharine L. W. and Winthrop Crane,
3d Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Danforth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. de Buys *
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. DeMuth *
Mr. Robert DiNozzi *
Mr. and Mrs. David Donath *
DS Masonry
The Dusky Foundation
Mr. Justin Evans
William E. Fitzgerald *
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Fogarty
Mr. Dale F. Frey
Dr. Linda B. Fritzinger
Mr. James Fry *
Delight Gartlein *
Richard and Deborah Gasser *
GE Foundation
Mr. Jonathan Gibson *
Glens Falls National Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gleysteen *
The John A. Hartford Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Stephen Hendrickson
Ms. Beth L. Hill *
Mr. Alan Hilliker and Ms. Vivien Liu
Mr. John J. Kenny
and Ms. Mary Beth Hogan *
Ms. Caroline Hyman
International Paper Ticonderoga Mill
International Paper Company
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnston
Keeler Motor Car Company
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Keet *
Mr. Kirk Kellogg *
Peter R. & Cynthia K. Kellogg
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Kingsley
William H. Kissel, Esq. *
Lake Placid Education Foundation
Mrs. Virginia B. LaPointe *
Ms. Jacqueline B. Mars
McDonald’s Restaurant
John C. and Anne B. McDonald *
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Merton
Miss Lise G. Moran
Dr. and Mrs. H. N. Muller III *
New York Community Trust
Mrs. Edward W. Pell *
Ms. Eve Pell
Pepsi Bottling Group
Rob Perkin *
PGAV Destinations
Howard and Susan Rathbun *
Peter and Lynne Reale *
Mrs. Allison Rockefeller
Mr. and Mrs. Howland P. Rogers
Mr. Gary Shattuck
George C. Singer *
Douglas A. and Phyllis G. Smith
J. Kellum Smith and Angela Brown
Mr. Joseph Smith *
Society of Colonial Wars in Massachusetts
South Lake Champlain Fund
Robert C. Stevens *
Stewart’s Shops
Super 8
Ticonderoga Federal Credit Union
Thomas and Mary Frances Townsend *
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Trostle *
The Tulgey Wood Foundation
Judith Mann Villard
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Wiegand
Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Wilson *
Mr. James W. Wolitarsky *
Youth Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Zirinsky, Jr.
Marko Zlatich *
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Adams
Adirondack Camp
Ms. Jan C. K. Anderson
Anonymous *
Mr. Frank H. Arlinghaus, Jr.
Mr. Frank J. Ascenzo
Austin & Co., Inc.
Best Western Ticonderoga
Tish Biesemeyer
Reed Boyd
Elizabeth R. Bramwell
Paul and Brenda Breslin *
Mrs. Frederick Buechner
Gilbert and Ildiko Butler
Family Foundation
David Callard and Mary Morgan
Dr. and Mrs. Stefano Camici
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cheek
Timothy P. Chinaris *
Dr. Eliot A. Cohen
Ms. Wendy Colley
Linzee and Beth Coolidge
Peter Corbin and Lilian Pyne-Corbin
Mr. J. Walter Corcoran
Alison V. Craig Realty LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Crusey, Jr. *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Dalzell, Jr.
Mr. Franklin F. Decker
Mr. William DeVita
Mr. Christopher Dickey
Ferkin Doyle
Gil and Barbara Engler *
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Engler, Jr. *
Essex Community Fund
General Society of Colonial Wars
Mr. Jan Gleysteen
Mr. and Mrs. Newell Grant, Jr. *
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gump *
Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Holcomb *
Mr. Thomas Jarrett and Ms. Mimi Burke
Kenneth G. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kahl *
Jane Carpenter Keegan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. LaGueux *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lashley
Mr. John R. LeClaire
and Ms. Ruth A. Hodges
Paul E. Levasseur *
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lukas
Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. MacDowell *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marchetti
Mr. Harry P. “Skip” Meislahn *
Dr. Gary M. Milan
Dr. Franco B. Mueller
and Ms. Penelope Scott
Richard S. Mulligan
Mr. Geoffrey Nelson *
North Country Community College
Mr. Michael Pelican
and Dr. Katharine Pelican
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. H. Pell
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Riley
Rogers-Carroll Family Foundation
Mr. Paul D. Ross, Jr. *
Peter and Ingrid Schaaphok
Mr. Lee A. Simins *
Lois Strum *
Mr. Tim Swigor *
Marshall M. Taylor
Mr. David Thompson *
Phebe Thorne
Emma Trenti-Parolil
Philip D. Weaver *
Mr. Richard Wernham
and Ms. Julia West
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Wheeler
Lili Pell Whitmer
up to $499
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Abell
Philip S. Adair *
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Adamick
Mr. Darren Adams *
Adirondack Dental Health Associates
Adirondack Waste Management
Aetna Foundation
Ms. Christy Aguiar *
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ahearn *
Ms. Lisa Aktas *
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alguire
Mr. Glen Allen, Jr. *
Mr. Spencer Allen *
Michele Almeida *
Mr. Richard Altwerger
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson *
Mr. Joseph Anderson *
Anonymous (6)
Mr. Leonard P. Arcuri
Mr. John Arcuri *
Mr. Andy Arellano *
Larry J. Arnold *
David and Jan Arthur *
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Arthur *
Mr. and Mrs. William Arthur *
Mr. Steven Atheston *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Audet *
Albert and Kelly Austin *
Mr. Brian Austin *
Mr. James S. Ayrey, Jr. *
Steven Baderian *
Mr. Nate Bailey *
Scott Bailey
Mr. Steve Bailey *
Ms. Erin Baillargeon *
Mr. Alfred Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Baker
Mr. Mark Baker
Mr. Carl Bangert *
Mr. Warren Barker *
Ms. Elizabeth Barrett *
Ms. Johannah Barry *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bartlett *
Mr. John A. Bast
Prof. Daniel A. Baugh
Mr. Andrew Bean *
Ms. Dawn Beasor *
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Beaudoin *
Mr. Ernest Bebernitz *
Willis L. Beck
Mike and Harrilyn Beehner
Russell and Jane Bellico *
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Belus *
Ms. Jessica Benedict *
Keith W. Bennett *
Mr. Lawrence M. Bennett *
Mary A. Berardi *
Ms. Wendy M. Bergeron *
Mr. John Bertot *
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Betit *
Ms. Casey Bettis *
Mr. Douglas A. Bevins *
Ms. Lisa Biegler *
David and Monica Biggs
Mr. Jeff Billups *
Col. William J. Blair *
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Blythe
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Boivin
Mr. John Bolde, Jr. *
Mr. and Mrs. David Boliver *
Aurelia G. Bolton
Mr. Gary E. Bombardier
and Ms. Valerie O. Reilly
Mr. Daniel D. Boone *
Mr. and Mrs. Dean K. Boorman
Mr. Chris Borgin *
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Borio *
Doric Bossom *
Mr. James Boudreau *
Mr. and Mrs Michael Boudreau *
Ms. Katherine Boutin *
Mr. Matthew Bowdish
Mrs. Joan B. Bowen *
Mr. Sam Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bowman *
Steve and Sylvia Boyce
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Boyce *
Mr. Martin Boyer *
Mr. H.P. Boyle
and Mrs. Lisa M. Ryan-Boyle
Joseph Bradley *
Peter W. Bragdon *
Mr. and Mrs Jordan Brahm *
Mr. David Brainard *
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Brannick *
Brawn Media
Mr. Bill Brenner *
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bresett
“Ticonderoga exists where it does
because of the water. To approach
the mindset and worldview of the
people who built, attacked, and
defended Ticonderoga, requires
engaging waterways that surround
it and define it. Waterways
determined Fort Ticonderoga’s
location, history, and fate.”
Stuart Lilie, Senior Director
of Interpretation
Col. and Mrs. F. Gorham Brigham, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric A. Brightman *
Mr. William Bringhurst *
Mr. Stephen C. Brooks *
Ms. Angela Brown
Mr. Gary Brown *
Henry Brown and Family
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Brown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Brown *
Mr. Mike Bruder *
Alfred and Susan Brunner *
Ms. Brittney Bucko *
Mr. John Buffolino *
Mr. Matthew Bulmer *
Mr. and Mrs. John Burchenal *
Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess *
Ms. Jane Burleigh *
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan L. Burleigh
Mr. Andrew Burns
Mr. Glenn Burriello *
Mr. Douglas Butler *
Mr. Alexander Buyantuer *
Ms. Elizabeth Caito *
M. Clarke Calyer *
Charles W. Cammack
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Camp *
Ms. Suzanne Canova
Mr. Robert Capen
Lorraine and Dale Carberry *
Patrick and Anna Carney *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carney *
Mr. Brian Cassner *
Suzanne Chalkey *
Mr. Byron O. Champlin *
Ms. Jane D. Chaplin *
Children’s Health Specialists
Mr. Austin Chinn *
Mr. Leroy Chittenden *
Mr. Eugene D. Choppa, Jr. *
Mr. and Mrs. John Christman *
Ms. Amy Cieslik *
Peter A. Citrolo *
Richard S. Clair
Mr. Brian Clancy
and Ms. Amy Driscoll *
Mr. Alan Clark and Ms. Jean Luther *
Mr. Bob Clark *
Ms. Diana Clark *
Mr. Tom Carey *
Mr. James Carkner *
Ms. Wendy Carlson *
Carol Carney
Ms. Eleanor Clark *
Mrs. Robert L. Clarkson, Jr.
John R. Cloute
Mr. Loy Coffey *
Alan F. Coffey and Janet S. Potts *
Ms. Erin Cohen *
Mrs. Walter Cohen *
Ms. Tina Colassard *
Mrs. Frances Colburn
Sydney Collier
Mr. Tom Colwell *
Mr. Luis Coneepeian *
Mr. and Mrs. Connelly *
Mr. Daniel Connolly *
Ms. Yvonne Debres Connors
Mrs. Grafton H. Cook II *
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Coolidge
Joyce and Gerald Cooper
James C. Corbett
John D. Corcoran, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cordier
Christine Cordrey *
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cowan *
Charles C. Crawford *
Carl R. Crego
Mr. David Crenella *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Crimens *
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crocker *
James Gibbons Cronin, Jr. *
Mr. John Cronin *
Mr. James Crowley *
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Culbert
Mr. Wesley Culver *
Mr. and Mrs. David Curtin *
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Custer *
Ms. Annie Czevek *
D & E Technologies, Inc.
Mr. Ward John Dailey *
Edward F. Dammer *
Mr. Michael Danley *
Ms. Sophie Daoust
and Mr. Robert Idsinga *
Ms. Hannah Darrin
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daverso *
Ms. Sara Davidson *
Don and Elaine Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dawson
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Dawson *
Mr. Joseph Dawson *
Ms. Marguerite De La Poer
Alain and Catherine de Lotbiniere
Mr. Miles de Mayo *
Mr. and Mrs. A. Deana *
Mr. and Mrs. David Dearborn
Ms. Debbie DeCelle *
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeFranco *
DeFranco Landscaping/Construction, Inc. *
Ms. Martha DeGraaf
Ms. Anne Delachapelle *
Ellen M. deLalla
Mr. B.R. Delaney *
Mr. James Delaney *
Sheri Delarm
Mrs. Susan DeLarm-Sandman
Mr. Jim Delisle *
Ms. Barbara Delorenzo *
Mr. Andrew Demko *
Chris Dennis and Mike Shane
Ms. Rita Depra *
Mr. Philip S. Detjens
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark DeVecchis *
Dennis C. DeYoung *
Larinice B. Dhein
Mr. William Dick *
Mr. Todd A. Dickel
Mr. Ned Diestelkamp
Mr. Thomas J. Diina *
Mr. Joseph Dilmore *
Mr. Kyle Dinsmore
Mr. Michael Distefano *
Mr. Brian Doak *
George and Carol Ann Dobler *
Mr. David Dodge *
Mr. Lance Dolbeck *
Mr. James Dombert *
Mr. Thomas Doneker *
Robert Doscher *
Mr. Ed Dotter *
Mr. Charles Doty *
Mr. Bruce Downer *
Mr. Brent Downing *
Mr. Paul A. Doyle, Jr.
Mr. Thomas Draghi *
Ms. Jennifer Drautz
Donald and Suzanne Dreyer *
Mitchell and Bee Drigant *
Mr. Gregory G. Drinan *
Mr. and Mrs. John Dropper *
Mark P. Dubin
Thomas Duclos *
Sarah (Polly) Pell Dunning *
Ms. Mildred T. Dunphey *
Jim and Melinda Durller *
Mary C. Earl *
Mr. Richard Ebeling *
Mrs. Barbara B. Ebert
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Eck *
Mr. Tom Edwards *
Mr. Jeff Ehlert *
Ms. Wendy Elliott
Mr. Keith Ellis
Mr. John Ellithorpe *
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ellor *
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Elluzzi *
Mr. Rob Engler *
Mr. Norman A. Enhorning *
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Entwistle
Robert A. Erlandson
Mr. Todd Estabrook
Ms. Eleanor Faber
Mr. John Fanshawe *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fedigan *
Mr. and Mrs. James Feeney *
Mr. William Ferguson *
Mr. Kevin Ferrick *
Mr. James Ficken *
Fifth New York Regiment
Mr. Stanely V. Figura *
Mr. Davis Finley *
Ms. April Fiorentino *
Eric S. Fischer *
John H. Flagg
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Flanders Jr. *
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fleckner *
Dr. Jessie L. Fleming *
Ms. Lori Fletcher *
Ms. Carolanne Florez *
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Folkemer
James D. Folts *
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fontana
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Forand *
Gerald and Jean Forcier *
Mr. Joseph J. Forcier *
Mr. Jerry Ford *
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Forrence *
Kenton G. Forsythe
Frank and Karen Fortunati
Judith and Peter Foster
Mr. Kevin Fountain *
Mr. Seth Foutz *
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Fox
Dale and Terri Fox *
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Foy
Mr. Dave Frabizio *
Rin and Carol Fraize *
Mr. Stanley A. Frangle *
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Franzoni *
Mr. Clement Frazier *
Karl Fredericks *
Mr. Steve Frets *
Mr. David T. Fuhrmann *
Mr. Kenneth Furry *
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Gabler *
Dr. Michael P. Gabriel *
Jane K. Gabriels *
Michael Gadue and Terry Stone *
David C. Gallagher
Mr. Michael Gallagher *
Mr. John L. Gardner
Mr. Michael Gaulin *
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaustad
Michelle and Jeff Gearwar *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geh *
Ms. Samantha Genier *
Mr. Donald Gentile *
Ms. Sheryl Germany *
Ms. Barbara Gibbings *
Mr. Charles D. Gibson *
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Gilligan *
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Gimbel
Jim Gish and Peggy Burns *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gladu
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Glasgow
Mary Ellen Gleason *
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gleave *
Mr. Gary Glebus *
David and Lynne Glenn
The Glens Falls Chronicle
Mr. G. William Glidden
Mr. Steven Goetz *
Mr. Ken Golding *
Mr. David Goldman
Ms. Marjorie Gorelik *
Mr. Lane Goss
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Gossman *
Mr. J. Kevin Graffagnino
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Graney
Mark and Kathleen Granger *
Ms. Elizabeth A. Granger
and Mr. Jon R. Piper *
Colonel John H. Grasso *
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
William H. Greer, Jr.
Ms. Dana Gritman *
Mr. Russell W. Grosse *
Robin W. Grover *
Ms. Lisa Grygiel *
Mrs. Lois E. Gunning *
Hugh and Kay Gunnison
Sara and James Guyette *
Mr. Andrew Guzzetti
Ernest Haas
Ms. Lisa Haase *
Harold Haber and Sandra Haber
Mr. Richard Hager *
Mr. James R. Hagerstrom *
Ms. Elizabeth Hagopian
David and Patricia Hall *
Mr. Arthur Halleran
Mr. Don Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton *
Mr. Henry Hamilton *
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hammerman *
F. Eldridge Hammond *
Mr. Gregory Handy *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hansen
Mr. Norm Harlow *
Mr. Randall H. Harmon
and Ms. Barbara L. Booth
Mr. Peter Harrington
Harrington’s Greenhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Harris *
Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hart *
John F. Harvey
Ms. Karanja Harvey *
T. S. Harvey
Mr. Arthur C. Hatfield
and Ms. Chattie Van Wert *
Ms. Amy Hawkins *
Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Hayes *
Doug Hayward
Mr. Kevin Hedley *
Betty B. Heintzelman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Heller *
Mr. Greg Helsen *
James K. and Donna C. Henderson *
Mr. Ralph Hendrickson *
Mr. Evan Herbsman *
William M. Herrlich
Ms. Hetal Herzog *
Mr. Steven A. Hier *
Mr. Carl Higbie
Mr. Jay A. Higle
Dr. and Mrs. George J. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Hinman *
Mr. Richard Hixon
Douglas Hoehn *
Lyn Karig Hohmann *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Holbrook *
Mr. Michael D. Holland
Ms. Ann Holm *
Paul L. Holmer *
Peter and Mary Hood *
Mr.and Mrs. Samuel P. Hoopes
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Hopkins *
Jean A. Hopkins *
Dr. Kenneth C. Hopper
Gary Horowitz
Ms. Nancy Houghton
Mr. Brian Houseal *
Ms. Kathleen Howard *
Mrs. Edwin Howe, Jr.
Ms. Julie Huffman *
Mr.and Mrs.Charles R.Hughes
Ms. Lily Hughes *
Ms. Linda Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hughes
Valero Hunsda *
John A. Hunter *
Mr. George Hurlburt *
Mr. Gregory Hurley *
Mr. Sebstien Hurteau *
Mr. Andrew Huston *
Ms. Marilyn A. Huston *
Ms. Mary Anne Hyland *
Paul B. Ingrey
Francisca P. Irwin *
David and Elizabeth Iuliano *
Mr. Lloyd Jackson *
Thomas M. James
Mr. Douglas R. Jamieson
Mr. Kenneth H. Jaynes *
Mr. Matt Jenkins *
Mr. Rick Jenkins *
Rev. and Mrs. Bob Johnson *
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Johnson *
Thank you to the generous
support from Thomas B.
Hagen and the New York
State Council on the Arts
that enabled much-needed
restoration work on the
Officer’s Barracks in 2014.
The project enabled
additional space to be open
to the public for programming
on the second floor and
allowed for
fire places
in the
Ms. Leslie C. Johnson *
Mark L. Johnson *
Ms. Karen Johnston *
Ronald L. Johnston *
Bruce Jones and Cathy Corley *
Ms. Colleen Jones *
Mr. and Mrs. James Kane *
Ms. Carol Kanis
Karen Kashary *
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keagle *
Matthew Keagle and Miranda Peters
Mr. Mike Keefe *
Mr. Chris Keeler *
Mr. Michael Kell *
Ross and Nancy Kelley *
Mr. Richard W. Kellogg *
Ms. Diane Kelly *
Mr. John M. Kelly *
Patricia S. Kelly *
Mr. and Mrs. Danie Kennedy *
Ms. Margaret Kennedy
Ms. Sondra Kerbs *
Mr. Kevin Kesby *
Mr. William L. Kidder *
Brian and Laura Kiely *
Robert J. Killie *
Barbra Kingsley *
Mr. John Kissko *
Larry and Mary Kissko *
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Kivlin *
Marianna A. Klein *
Mr. James W. Kloiber
Mr. Dale Knobloch *
Mr. Charles Koehler *
Mr. Erik Koeppel *
Mr. Daniel S. Kohl
Mr. David Kopp *
Jimmy Kosmo *
Mr. Judd Kramarcik *
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kroth *
Sarah Hudson Krueger *
Tom Krug *
Ms. Patty Krummenacker *
Ms. Sherry Kuring *
Mr. Paul Kurzius *
Mr. Lawrence Lacroix *
Lake George RV Park
Patricia Lalik *
Mr. and Mrs. L. Cecil Lamb *
Mr. Randall Lamb *
Dr. and Mrs. John Lamphear
Ms. Molly Langford *
Mr. Raymond Lappin *
Ms. Brittany Lare
and Mr. Karl Pietrzak *
Ms. Anne Marie Larkin *
Capt. and Mrs. Louis Larocca *
Mr. and Mrs. William LaRose *
Kevin Latchford *
Anne Adams Laumont
Mr. and Mrs. James Laundree *
Nancy LaVallie
Hendrik J. LaVerge
Mr. Jim Lawler *
Virginia Maloney Lawrence
Janet H. Lawrence *
Newbold and Nancy Le Roy *
Mr. Bruce Leader *
Mr. William Leaf-Herrmann *
Mr. Michael Leander *
Pamela Wescott Lee
Ms. Christy Lee *
Mr. Ted Lehmann *
Ms. Blythe L. Leonard
Mr. Andre L’esperance *
Terry W. Loveridge RMC *
Chuck and Karin Lowrie
Douglas and Sarah Luke
Mr. I. Hamish Macaulay *
Dr. and Mrs. James Mack
Mr. Douglas MacLeod *
Ms. Dianne MacPherson-Laffey *
Mr. Popp Madalin *
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Maddy *
Ms. Patricia Maggiacomo *
Mr. Rich Magnotti *
Mark and Virginia Mahigian
Mr. Chuck Lessard *
Mr. Joshua Levinger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Liddell *
Ms. Elizabeth J. McCosh-Lilie
Stuart M. Lilie
Mr. Thomas Lima *
Mr. Robert H. Limpert, Jr. *
Mr. Albert Lind *
Mr. Albert C. Lindquist *
Mr. Scott Lindsay *
William and Linda Linko
Mr. Robert Lorenz *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Loutzenheiser *
John Loveland
Mrs. Carolyn M. Malaney *
Mr. Michael P. Mall II *
Elizabeth Mallinckrodt-Bryden
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mallon
Andrew and Joyce Manchester
Charles and Sharon Vilardo Maneri *
Robert and Dorothy Manganiello *
Chris Mark and Peter Mark
Jim and Kathy Marshall *
Mr. Barry S. Martin *
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Martin *
Daniel J. Martin *
Mr. Harry E. Martin *
James Kirby and Karen W. Martin
Lansing T. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Martin *
Mr. Artur Matia *
Mr. Joseph Matola *
Ms. Bronwen Maxwell *
Ms. Kate Mayer *
Mr. Stephen Mayer *
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McBride, Jr. *
Ms. Donna L. McCabe *
Ms. Leslie McCall
Mr. Stephen J. McCarthy *
Mr. and Mrs. David McCarville *
Mr. and Mrs. Austin McClintock
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McCormick *
Mr. and Mrs. John C. McDonald, Jr.
Mary Pat McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonough
Ms. Christie L. McEvoy-Derrico
Mr. Douglas McFarren
Mr. John McGraw
Mr. Thomas McGreevy *
Mr. John McGuinness *
Mr. Daun E. McKee *
Ms. Cee McKenzie *
Barbara McLaughlin
Ms. Bridget McLaughlin
and Mr. Thomas Mowatt *
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McLetchie
Mr. Michael N. McManus *
William and Judith McMillen *
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McRobb *
Mr. David F. Meath
and Ms. Deb Allen *
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Meccariello *
John Medica *
Mr. and Mrs. Findley Meislahn
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mencini *
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mendelson *
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Menken *
Mr. David J. Merkel *
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mesaros *
Mr. Elliott Metcalfe, Jr. *
Ms. Carol Mettie *
Mr. Peter H. Meyers
Mr. Dennis Milanovich *
Rev. Douglas J. Milewski *
Ms. Beth Miller *
Mr. Chris Miller
and Ms. Brenda Pulver *
Ms. Dennea Miller *
Mr. Ray Miller *
Mr. Mark Mills *
Ms. Susan Mingoia *
Mr. Keith E. Minsinger *
Mr. John Mischler *
Mr. Bill Molyneaux *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Monaco *
Mr. Thomas J. Mone *
Monsanto Fund
Christopher A. Monzi *
Mr. John R. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore
Ms. Caryn Morales *
Mr. Judson Moreau *
Ron and Joyce Morgan
Mr. Eric Morse *
Mr. Robert Morris *
Doug Morton and Marilyn Brown
John and Susan Moseman
The Mountaineer
Robert E. Mulligan, Jr. *
Mr. James Mulvaney *
Mr. Jim Munch *
Ms. Amy Munger *
Evelyn M.E. Murray *
Neil J. Murray, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Muschenheim *
Mr. Gustaf S. Myhrberg *
Kim Loessa Najera
Roy Nanovic *
Mr. William Nasuti *
Mr. William F. Nealon *
Mr. Kenneth Nee *
Ms. Tammy Neureuther *
Ms. Tiffany Newton *
Cate Nicholas *
Ms. Ann Niles *
Mr. Patrick Niles *
Mr. Thomas Schimmerling
and Ms. Kristen Niles *
Kathleen and Stephen Nitz
Bernard W. Noble *
Mr. Carl Nold
Roger and Liz Nolfe
Northwood School
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nourse *
M. Suzanne and Thomas P. O’Dea *
Kim D. O’Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey G. Olinger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ostertag *
Mr. and Mrs. James J. O’Toole *
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Otto, Jr. *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paczkowski *
Carol and Robert Palandrani
Mr. Thomas Pannhorst *
Ms. Mary Parker *
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Parlin *
Ms. Kelly Parsons *
Mr. Rick Pastore *
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Pasymowski
Rev. and Mrs. John Paterson
Ann T. Patterson
Mr. David Paukett *
Mr. Russell Paul *
Mr. Robert Pavone
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Pease *
Mr. and Mrs. W. Staunton Peck
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Peck *
Mr. Harry T. Peet, Jr. *
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pell
Peter J. Pell
Mrs. Robert T. Pell
Simmy and Haven Pell
Mr. Christopher Penny *
Ms. Bernadette Perrone
Mr. Stephen C. Perry *
Mr. David S. Peterson *
Mr. Bob Petit *
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Phillip *
Col. Charlotte E. Phillips *
Dr. Bruce Piasecki
Picacho Peak Collectibles
Mr. LeRoy Pickering *
Mr. Perry L. Pickert *
Dr. Robert M. Pickoff
and Ms. Susan McManus *
Mr. Thomas Picucci *
Mr. John Pierce *
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Pierson
Ms. Mary Louise Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Piliero *
Anson S. Piper
Mr. William Pittman
Mr. Gary Plante *
John F. Polhemus *
Mr. Brian R. Pollock *
Mr. Charles Poltenson *
Mr. Todd Polverelli *
Ms. Cathy Pons *
Ms. Lynn Pontez
Fred Potter *
Mr. Ron Poulin *
Mr. Francois Pouliot *
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Powell *
Mr. Sanjeev Prabhakar *
Mr. Jonathan D. Prack
Ms. Marjorie M. Prentke
Suzanne Prosnier
Mr. and Mrs. William Quain *
Mr. Bill Quick *
Warren Radcliffe
Nick and Sheila Radford
Mr. Paul Randazzese *
Ms. Christine Rankin *
Ms. Susan N. Ransom
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rapple *
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rasmus
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Reale
Mr. Ken Reddick *
Mr. Shawn Reddington *
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reed *
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Reed
Mr. John Regan *
Bagley Reid
Mr. Joseph Reimels
Dan and Abby Reingold
Fred and Lisa Renshaw
Ms. Nicole Reuter *
James M. Ross *
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Roth *
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowan *
Mr. and Mrs. David Rowley
Mr. Charles Ruas
Mr. Joe Rubinfine
Ms. Stephanie Ruel
and Dr. Joseph Strauss *
Dr. Edwin P. Russell, Jr. *
Mr. Anthony M. Russo *
Colleen M. Ryan and Eric M. Hoppel *
Joe & Daisy Ryan
Ms. Keri J. Rhebergen *
Jean Richardson *
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rider *
Ms. Stacy Rijssenbeek *
Mr. Daniel Rinaldi *
Mark Ringer and Christine Hrenya
Ms. Lena Robetoy
and Mr. Brent Vosburg *
Mr. Charles Robinson *
John and Jean Roccio *
Ms. Erika Rodies *
Michael and Babette Rogers
Mr. Jason Rosno *
Mr. Patrick Ross *
Ms. Colleen Marie Ryor *
Mr. and Mrs. James Rypkema
Mr. H. Alexander Salm
Ms. Nancy Saltzman
and Mr. Steve Ellner *
Paul J. Sanborn *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Sandman
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sanford *
Mr. and Mrs. Ross P. Sangster *
Saratoga Casino and Raceway
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sasso *
Mr. Paul Saunders *
Mr. Jonathan Savrin *
Mr. and Mrs. John Sawulski *
Mr. Kevin P. Sawyer *
Mr. Peter Sayles *
Ms. Jolene Sayward *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schaffer *
Martin and Mary Schaller *
Ms. Marilyn R. Schauder *
Mr. David Schechtman *
Scherr Family *
Frederick K. Schlamp *
Lesley Brown Schless
Schott NYC Corp.
Mr. William P. Schuber *
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schubin *
Ms. Corrine Schultz *
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schultz
Mr. William L. Schutter *
Mr. Frederick W. Schwerin, Jr. *
Mr. Ronald Scott *
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Scott-Morton
Ms. Deb Robinson Sears *
Mr. John W. Sears
Mr. Eric Sebastian *
Jim Sefcik *
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Seissen *
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Shangraw *
Richard and Mary Sharp *
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Shaw *
Elliott & Peg Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Art Sheeley *
Mr. Daniel Shefter *
David S. Sheldon D.D.S. *
Mrs. Ruth M. Shelton *
Ms. Judith A. Metzner Shepherd
Mr. Mike Sherman *
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shipps
Shoreham Historical Society
Mr. Mike Siatkowski *
Mr. Thomas A. Siefring, Jr *
Mr. Eric Sills *
Mr. J. Thomas Silvaggio
Mr. Peter Smallidge *
Major Charles E. Smith, Jr. *
Ms. Colleen Smith *
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Smith
Mr. Gary Smith *
Jerry Smith
Mr. Josef E. Smith *
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Smith *
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel Smith *
Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Paul G. Smith *
Mr. John A. Snyder *
Mr. Kenneth Sonnenfield *
Val and Barbara Soupios *
Ms. Catherine Spaulding *
Adam Spence
Mrs. Anne Felton Spencer
Heidi & Pete Spencer
Mr. James W. Spring *
Mr. Jay Steiner *
Mr. Brian Sterns *
Ms. Ann H. Stevens
and Mr. William J. Shattuck *
Jane A. Stevens
and W. Gordon Barnhart, Jr.
Lauren R. Stevens
Ms. Maureen G. Stevens *
Nancy Stevens and David Williams *
Mr. Todd Stevens and Ms. Eve Zeese *
Will & Judy Stevens *
Mr. David Stewart *
Ms. Judith R. Stock *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stock *
Ms. Deborah M. Stockwell *
Mr. Michael Stolgitis *
Mr. Ned Stoller *
Alan Stone *
Mr. and Mrs. M. John Storey
Rich and Martha Strum
Ms. Dawn Sullivan *
Thomas M. Sullivan
Mr. Kevin Suman *
Sumpter Family *
Paul Corkery and Robin Suydam
Ms. Diane M. Sviatko
Mr. Jim Sweeney *
Mr. Robert Swope
Kate Tabner and Michael Boardman
Ms. Saralyn Tapp *
Mr. William P. Tatum III *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Taylor
Mr. Stephen Teer
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Teitelbaum
Mr. James Teska *
Dr. Charles W. Thayer *
Mrs. M. Sava B. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Fairman R. Thompson
Ms. Patricia Thorne *
Barbara and Richard Thornton *
de Teel Patterson Tiller
Mr. Adam Tillinghast *
Lisa Timm
John F. Tobin *
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Toner *
Mrs. and Mrs. Anthony Torre
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Torsnes *
Dana Tracy *
Dain and Vera Trafton *
Len Travers *
Cpt. and Mrs. William J. Treacy *
Mr. Michael Colburn and Ms. Mary
Esther Treat *
Mr. Paul Trela *
Mr. and Mrs. William Trombley
Gary A. Trudgen *
Ms. Kate Truesdale *
Mr. Robert E. Turcot *
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Turko *
Mr. Thomas Girard
and Ms. Giselle Turnbull *
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Turner *
Mr. Mike Tuthill *
Yong and Barry Tvrdik *
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tylenda *
Mr. Frederick Tysoe
Mr. Cornelius Ulman *
United Nations International School
Ms. Karen T. Urbanski *
Usher Family *
Brig. Gen. Richard J. Valente *
Grant and Martha Van Patten *
David L. Van Schaick
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Vechten
John K. VanDereedt & Family *
Mr. Eric VanVranken *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vassallo *
Dr. Bruce M. Venter *
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Viani *
Fred and Joan Viault
Mr. Frederick Villanova *
Mr. Don Villemaire *
Reg and Shirley Vincent
Hon. and Mrs. Dominick Viscardi *
Mr. Rich Vogellehner *
Wagon Wheel Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Joel T. Wagoner *
Mr. Hinckley Waitt *
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walker *
Mr. Patrick Walsh *
Steven G. Wapen *
Cynthia and Jim Watson *
Mr. Michael Wayne *
Richard Webb *
Dr. S. S. Webb *
Ms. Sarah Webster *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Weerts II *
Weiner Family
Mr. Donald Weiss *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Weller *
Mr. Ben Wells *
Mr. Jay Wells
and Ms. Kristina Charboneau-Wells
Mr. Bill Welsch *
Robert and Janet Whitaker *
Ms. Gretchen Whitbeck *
James E. White
Mr. and Mrs. Phil White
Capt. Ralph and Mary White *
Mr. Gregory Whitney *
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Whitney *
Mr. Bill Wienecke
Mr. and Mrs. Hynrich W. Wieschhoff
Mrs. Megan Y. Wiese
Mr. and Mrs. John Wiley *
Mr. Jeff Wilkes *
Mr. Christopher H. Williams *
Mr. Glenn F. Williams *
Ms. Marcie Williams *
Ms. Nancie Williams *
Mr. Wayne Williams *
Ms. Heather Willig
Ms. Dawn Wilson *
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Wilson, Jr. *
Mr. Ronald G. Wilson, Jr. *
Mr. David Wilston *
The Wind-Chill Factory
Mr. Frank G. Winiarski *
Mr. and Mrs. Spofford Woodruff *
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Woods *
Donna J. Wotton *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Wray *
Christopher Wren *
David B. Wright *
Ms. Kim Wright *
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wright *
Mr. Joseph Wrona *
Ms. Jean Yager
Catherine Marks Yamamoto *
Mr. John Yanko *
Ms. Josie Yankowski *
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Youmans
Mr. Tom Zadek *
Mr. Edmund Zanini
and Ms. Karen Steele *
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zea *
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Zeron *
Mr. Brian Zeug *
My history with Fort
Ticonderaga started at an
early age. When I was a child,
my father, Eben Wright Pyne,
talked about Fort Ticonderoga
at the dining room table after
visiting John and Pyrma Pell
at the Pavilion. When father
was in his 80’s, he wrote
about his mother, Leta Wright
Pyne, whose mother was a Pell. Because of his love for her and
her interest in the Fort, he gave a gift in her memory. My favorite
(and only!) Aunt, Alison Pyne Ewing, was thrilled that my husband
Peter and I had taken an interest. Having seen this beautiful and
historical place, Peter joined the Pyne clan and became one of the
major benefactors of an annual “Corbin Shoot.” We support Fort
Ticonderoga today because of Beth Hill and her staff, who make this
incredible story vibrant and exciting to people of all ages. Lillian and Peter Corbin, Millbrook, NY
2014 Operating Results
More than 70,000 guests were served by our staff this
past year, with attendance up 4%. Our educational reach
showed a 10% growth in field trips, 33% growth in scout
attendance, and 49% growth in outreach to regional
schools, including 18,000 students.
Operating results reflected these gains, with revenues up
14%, attendance revenue up 5%, and total donor support
up 29% vs. 2013. Membership was up 18% and total donor
growth was up 14%. Our year-round staff of 16 supported
the Fort Ticonderoga Annual Fund, reflecting their passion
with 100% participation. And while we are still a relatively
small organization, Fort Ticonderoga makes a disproporSpending
$ 2,086,451
tionate economic
$ impact,
8%nearly $9 million annually, on
Historic Property Maintenance
Fort Ticonderoga is an independent, non-profit, 501C3
organization, which Admin
aims to break even annually, while
investing in our programs,
our people and
our campus. In
$ 2,086,451
$an 246,833
was deposited
$612,869 19%
Maintenancefund. Details
612,869of our
19%sources and uses of cash
a reserve
are shown$261,340
here. 8% $ 3,207,493
Historic Property
$246,833 8%
$612,869 19%Total Spending = $3,207,493
$261,340 8%
Historic Property
Investment Revenue
$ 1,155,759
$138,306 4%
$72,071 2%
Investment Revenue
Total Spending = $3,207,493
$138,306 4%
$258,991 8%
Total Receipts = Contributions/Fundraising
Page 1 of 1
Investment Revenue
Total Receipts = $3,218,690
The mission of Fort
Ticonderoga is to ensure
that present and future
generations learn from the
struggles, sacrifices, and
victories that shaped the
nations of North America
and changed world history.
We serve this mission by
preserving and enhancing
our historic structures,
collections, gardens,
and landscapes, and by
educating and inspiring the
public as it learns about the
history of Fort Ticonderoga
and the diverse peoples
who met here in war and
in peace.
Board of Trustees
Sanford Morhouse,
Peter L. Clarke
Eliot Cohen
Susan Darrin
David A. Donath
Nicholas Gleysteen
David Grogan
Thomas L. Hoy
George M. Jones III
William Kissel
Alexandra Pell Kuhel
John Lawson
John J. Macionis
Anne B. McDonald
Robert Morette
H. Nicholas Muller III,
Vice Chairman
Anthony D. Pell, Treasurer
Judy Reed Smith
H. Craig Treiber
Keep the connection
100 Fort Ti Road • PO Box 390 • Ticonderoga, New York 12883 • (518) 585.2821
©2015, Fort Ticonderoga, All Rights Reserved