Annual Report - Kenilworth Union Church


Annual Report - Kenilworth Union Church
Kathryn Mullins, Mr & Mrs Geoffrey Murphy, Mrs Betsy Murphy, Mrs William Murphy, Mr & Mrs Brian Murphy, Dr & Mrs Edward Murphy, Mr & Mrs Stephen Murrill, Mr & Mrs Mark Murrill, Mr & Mrs John Musgjerd,
Mr Robert Musgjerd, Mrs Lucy Myers, Dr Phyllis Myers, Mr & Mrs Scott Myers, Mr & Mrs Ferdinand Nadherny, Mr Thomas Nahrwold & Mrs Katie Kenyon, Mrs Carol Narup, Mr & Mrs Harold Nations, Mr & Mrs
Dan Nayman, Mr & Mrs Edward Neild, Mr & Mrs John Neuman, Mr & Mrs Robert Neumann, Mr & Mrs Michael Newsham, Ms Joanna Nicholas & Mr Robert Anderson, Mr & Mrs John Nichols, Mr & Mrs Richard
Nicolaides, Jr., Mr & Mrs James Nix, Mr & Mrs John Nocera, Mr & Mrs Thomas Nodine, Mrs Ruth Nordby, Mr & Mrs Richard Nordstrom, Mr & Mrs Richard North, Mr & Mrs Richard Norton, Mr & Mrs Nicholas
Noyes, Mr & Mrs Timothy Nugent, Mr & Mrs Terry O’Bryan, Mr & Mrs Michael Ochsenhirt, Ms LaDona O’Donnell, Mr & Mrs Lance O’Donnell, Mr Bill O’Donnell & Mrs Lezlie Rehagen, Dr Edward Ogata, Mr &
Mrs Norman Olson, Jr., Ms Lisa O’Malley, Mr & Mrs Patrick O’Neill, Mr & Mrs William Osborn, Mr & Mrs Patrick O’Toole, Mr & Mrs Gary Owens, Mr & Mrs Robert Paddock, Jr, Mr & Mrs Donald Padgitt, Mr &
Mrs David Padgitt, Mr & Mrs Karl Palasz, Mr & Mrs John Palmer, Dr & Mrs William Panje, Mr & Mrs Peter Papageorge, Mr & Mrs Keith Pascus, Mr William Patterson & Mrs Nancy Jaffee, Mr & Mrs Richard
Patterson, Mr & Mrs Donald Patterson, Mr & Mrs Michael Patterson, Mr & Mrs D. Patterson, Mr & Mrs Bradley Peacock, Mr & Mrs J. Peck, Mrs Hazel Pedersen, Mrs Frances Pellouchoud, Mr & Mrs Hyde Perce,
Mr & Mrs Benjamin Perks, Ms Paula Person, Mr & Mrs Norman Petelik, Mrs Maurice Petersen, Mr & Mrs Michael Petersen, Mrs Jane Peterson, Mr & Mrs David Peterson, Jr., Mr & Mrs Richard Peterson, Ms
Harriet Petr, Mr & Mrs R. Douglas Petrie, Mr & Mrs John Pettersen, Mrs Genevieve Phelps, Mr & Mrs Kevin Phillips, Mr & Mrs Clay Phillips, Mr & Mrs John Piepgras, Mrs Vlatka Piergies, Mr & Mrs James Pierpont,
Mr & Mrs Richard Pigott, Mr & Mrs Stephen Pinaire, Mr & Mrs Scott Pofcher, Ms Christine Poggianti & Mr Lawrence Schulman, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Ponko, Mrs Edward King Poor, Mr & Mrs E. King Poor, Ms Molly
Porterfield, Mr & Mrs John Pratt, Mr & Mrs Jack Pressman, Mr & Mrs Philip Preston, Mr William Pridmore & Mrs Melissa Frey, Mr & Mrs John Puth, Mr & Ms Albert Pyott, Mr & Mrs Reginald Rabjohns, Mr &
Mrs Joshua Rabjohns, Mr & Mrs Richard Radcliffe, Mr & Mrs John Raftery, Ms Katherine Ragnar, Mrs Gwyn Rahr, Mr & Mrs John Raitt, Mr & Mrs John Ramaker, Mr & Mrs Charles Rammelt, Mr & Mrs David
Rammelt, Mr & Mrs Paul Rand, Mr & Mrs K. Michael Randall, Mr & Mrs James Rankin, Ms Sandra Rau, Mr & Mrs William Raub, III, Mrs Norma Rayment, Mr & Mrs Lazar Raynal, Mr & Mrs Edwin Read, III, Mr
& Mrs Gary Redmond, Mr & Ms Eric Reese, Mr & Mrs Robert Reifenberg, Mr & Mrs Scott Reighard, Mr & Mrs Michael Resko, Jr., Mr & Mrs Mario Retondo, Mr & Mrs Michael Revord, Mr & Mrs Thomas Reynolds,
IV, Mr & Mrs Tim Reynolds, Mr & Mrs Jeff Reynolds, Mrs Katrina Rice, Mr & Mrs Arthur Rice, Mr & Mrs Bartlett Richards, Mr & Mrs Gregg Riley, Mr & Mrs Richard Rinella, Mr & Mrs Blasko Ristic, Mr & Mrs
Branden Ritchie, Mr & Mrs Peter Roberts, Mr & Mrs Forbes Robertson, Dr & Mrs Peter Robinson, Ms Katherine Robinson, Mr & Mrs Collin Roche, Mr & Mrs Ben Rodman, Mr & Mrs Christopher Roehm, Mr &
Mrs Davis Roenisch, Mr & Mrs Gerald Rogers, Ms Amy Rogers, Mr & Mrs John Rogers, Mr & Mrs Frederick Rolison, Mr & Mrs Derek Rolison, Mr Clayton Root, Mr & Mrs John Roselli, Mr & Mrs Bill Ross, Jr., Mr
& Mrs Donald Ross, Mr & Mrs James Roth, Mr Royce Rowe, Jr., Mr & Mrs Douglas Rowe, Mr & Mrs Peter Ruck, Mr & Mrs Robert Rudolph, Mr & Mrs R John Rudolph, Mr & Mrs Dan Rudrud, Mr & Mrs David
Rush, Mr & Mrs Edmond Russ, Mr & Mrs William Russell, Mr & Mrs Daniel Rustin, Mr Thomas Ryan & Ms Jennifer Lind, Mr Brian Ryder & Mrs Eleanor Richards, Mr & Dr Jeffrey Salmon, Mrs Donald Sampson,
Dr Timothy Sanborn & Ms Julia Nowicki, Ms Ann Sanborn, Dr & Mrs Peter Sand, Mr & Mrs Richard Sandrock, Mrs Bernard A. Savage, Mr Mark Savignac & Mrs Ann Vogl-Savignac, Mr & Mrs William Savino,
Mr & Mrs Michael Sawyer, Mrs Susan Schad, Mr & Mrs David Schafer, Mr & Mrs Johnson Schaff, Mr & Mrs Albert Scherb, III, Mrs Henry Schiele, Mr & Mrs James Schmid, Ms Susan Schmidt, Mr & Mrs Douglas
Schmidt, Mr & Mrs F. Eugene Schmitt, Mr & Mrs Stephen Schmitt, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Schneiders, Mr & Mrs Bruce Schneidewind, Mr & Mrs Bret Schoch, Mr & Mrs Barron Schoder, Jr., Mr & Mrs Peter Schoenfeld,
Mrs Jean Schuessler, Mr & Mrs Stuart Schuldt, Mrs Barbara Schuldt, Mr & Mrs Robert Schuldt, II, Mr & Mrs Richard Schultz, Mr & Mrs Richard Schumacher, Mr & Mrs Ronald Schutz, Mr & Mrs Chris Sciortino,
Mr & Mrs John Scott, Ms Priscilla Scott, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Seaman, Mr & Mrs David Seibel, Mr David Seibel, Ms Michelle Seitz, Mr & Mrs Joseph Senko, Ms Mary Sennott-Shaw, Mr & Mrs William Sethness,
Mr & Mrs Theodore Seweloh, Mr & Mrs Peter Shadek, Mr James Shafer, Ms Tierney Sharif, Mr & Mrs Douglas Shehan, Mr & Mrs David Shelby, Mr & Mrs Stephen Shepherd, Mr & Mrs Kevin Sheridan, Mr &
Mrs Alexander Shubny, Mrs Nancy Shuma, Mr & Mrs Garrett Shumway, Mr & Mrs Richard Simonds, Mr Randall Simonds, Mr & Mrs John Simpson, Jr., Mr & Mrs Ronald Sipiora, Mr John Sivright, Mr & Mrs
Gregory Skirving, Mrs Jackson W Smart, Jr, Mr Richard Smirl & Mrs Holly Halsted- Smirl, Mr & Mrs Donald Smith, Mr & Mrs Ralph Smith, Mr & Mrs William Smith, Mr & Mrs Kevin Smith, Mr & Mrs Garrett
Smith, Dr & Mrs R. Jeffrey Snell, Mr & Mrs Andrew Snow, Mr John Snyder, Jr. & Mrs Mignon Dupepe, Mrs Sigrid Sola, Mrs Marquerite Solberg, Mr & Mrs Arnold Solberg, Mr & Mrs Herbert Sorock, Mr Paul Sortal,
Mr & Mrs David Southern, Mr & Mrs Charles Southwick, Mr & Mrs Thomas Spalding, Jr., Mr & Mrs David Spalding, Mr & Mrs Charles Spencer, Mr & Mrs Thomas Spielberger, Ms Cherie Spore, Mr & Mrs John
Sprenger, Ms Carrie Stacke, Mr & Mrs Frederick Stambaugh, Ms Elizabeth Stamer, Mr & Dr James Stamos, Mrs Barbara Stanley, Mr & Mrs Justin Stanley, Jr., Mr & Mrs Charles Stearns, Mr & Mrs Steven Steger,
Mr & Mrs Calvin Steinhoff, Mr & Mrs William Steinmetz, Mr & Dr John Stellato, Mr & Mrs Donald Stephani, Dr & Mrs James Brian Stephens, Dr & Mrs James Stephens, Dr & Mrs Robert Stephens, Mr & Mrs
Todd Stephens, Mrs Ann Stephens, Mr Carl Stern & Mrs Holly Hayes, Mr & Mrs David Sterrett, Jr., Mr & Mrs M. Gray Stevens, Mr & Mrs William Stewart, Mr & Mrs John Stiffler, Mr & Mrs John Stoll, Andrew &
Amy Stoll, Mr & Mrs George Stone, Mr & Mrs Andrew Stone, Mrs Janet S. Storlie, Mr & Mrs Craige Stout, Mr & Mrs Michael Streett, Mr & Mrs James Streibich, Mr & Mrs Geoffrey Stringer, Mr & Mrs John
Strothman, Mr & Mrs James Stuart, Mr & Mrs Fred Stuart, Mr & Mrs Joseph Stuart, Mr & Mrs James Sullivan, Mr & Mrs William Surman, Mr & Mrs James Surpless, Jr., Mr & Mrs John Suster, III, Mr & Mrs Eric
Sutherland, Mr & Mrs Todd Sutherland, Mr & Mrs Douglas Sutton, Mr & Mrs Edward Swan, Mr & Mrs Keith Swenson, Ms Susanne Swisher & Mr Kenneth Arenberg, Mr & Mrs Paul Tashima, Mr & Mrs John
Taylor, III, Mr & Mrs Arnold Taylor, Jr., Mrs Bruce T Telfer, Mr & Mrs Michael Tempest, Mrs Jeanette Temple & Mr Thomas Kuhn, Mr & Mrs Ronald Testa, Mr & Mrs Wilbur Thames, Mr & Mrs Paul Theiss, Mr & Ms
Yves Thill, Mr & Mrs E. Thomas Thilman, Mr & Mrs Carl Thoma, Mr & Mrs Richard Thomas, Mr & Mrs Richard Thompson, III, Mr & Mrs Douglas Thompson, Mr & Mrs John Thomson, Mr & Mrs James Tierney, Mr
& Mrs David Tingue, Mr & Mrs William Tobey, Jr., Mr & Mrs John Tocks, Mr & Mrs Richard Toft, Mr & Mrs Christopher Toft, Mr & Mrs Mark Toledo, Mr & Mrs Daniel Toll, Mr & Mrs James Trapp, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey
Treiber, Mr & Mrs Mathew Tritley, Mr & Mrs Glenn Trout, Mr & Mrs Britton Trukenbrod, Dr & Mrs Jefferey Trunsky, Mr & Mrs Edmond Tschan, III, Mr & Mrs Owen Tubergen, Mrs R Dana Tucker, Ms Alice Tucker, Mr
& Mrs Edward Tune, Mr & Mrs Reed Tupper, Mr & Mrs Timothy Ubben, Mr & Mrs Robert Underwood, Mrs Marsha Urbahns, Mr & Mrs Franklin Urbahns, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Urban, Mr & Mrs John Van Duzer, Ms
Kate Van Dyke, Mr & Mrs Jon Van Gorp, Mr & Mrs Greg Van Schaack, Mr & Mrs Timothy Van Solkema, Mr & Mrs Geoffrey Vance, Mr & Mrs Frank Vander Ploeg, Mr & Mrs Gordon Vandeveld, Mr & Mrs John
Vasilion, Mr & Mrs Christopher Veber, Mr & Mrs Jonathan Veeder, Mr & Mrs Renaat Ver Eecke, Mr & Mrs David VerMeulen, Mr & Mrs Alexander Vesselinovitch, Mr & Mrs R. Todd Vieregg, Mr & Mrs Robert Vieregg,
II, Mr & Mrs Charles Vogl, Mr Donald Voigt & Mrs Michelle McKenzie-Voigt, Mr & Mrs Frederick Waddell, Mr & Mrs Matthew Waldman, Mr & Mrs Scott Walker, Mr & Mrs Walter Wallin, Mr William Walsh, Mr &
Mrs Richard Wanland, Jr., Mr & Mrs Todd Warnock, Mr & Mrs Edwin Watkins, Mr & Mrs Richard Watson, Mr & Mrs Allen Weaver, Mr & Mrs Raymond Weber, Ms Debby Weber, Mr & Mrs Brice Weeks, Mr & Mrs
Thomas Wegert, Mr & Mrs Friedrich Weinkopf, Mr & Mrs Brian Weis, Mr & Mrs Scott Weisenberger, Mr & Mrs William Weiss, Ms Carol Wellman, Mr & Mrs William Welnhofer, Mr & Mrs Jack Wentz, Mr Werd &
Mrs Shortridge-Werd, Mrs Dean Wessel, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Wessel, Mr Reid Wettersten, Mr & Mrs John Wettersten, Mr & Mrs Arnim Whisler, III, Mr & Mrs Michael Whisner, Mr Charles G. Whitchurch, Mr & Mrs
Charles R. Whitchurch, Dr & Mrs Robert Whitcomb, Mr & Mrs J. Randall White, Mrs Eugene E. White, Mr & Mrs Randall White, Mr & Mrs James White, Mr & Mrs Robert White, Mr & Mrs Ray Whittington, Mrs
Anne Whittlesey, Mr Robert Whittlesey, II, Mr & Mrs Joseph Wieczorek, Mr & Mrs Norman Wigdale, Mr Robert Wilkin, Mrs Denise Wilkinson, Mr & Mrs Brian Williams, Mr & Mrs Richard Williamson, Ms Jennifer
Willson, Mr & Mrs Steven Wilson, Mr & Mrs Dennis Wilson, Mr & Mrs Bryan Wilson, Mr & Mrs Louis Wilson, Dr & Mrs David Winchester, Mr & Mrs Roger Winship, Mr & Mrs Robert Winter, Mr & Mrs George
Wishart, Mrs Jacqueline Wolfe, Mrs John M. Wolfe, Mr & Mrs Robert Womsley, Mr & Mrs Milton Wood, Mr & Mrs Peter Wood, Mr & Mrs James Wood, Mr & Mrs William Wortel, Mr & Mrs William Worth, Mrs
Eva-Maria Worthington, Mrs Joseph S Wright, Mr & Mrs Michael Wyman, Mr & Mrs Keith Yamada, Mr & Mrs Samuel Young, Mr & Mrs William Youngberg, Mr & Mrs Robert Zabel, Mr & Mrs Firouz Zadeh, Mr &
Mrs Gerald Zawaski, Mr & Mrs William Zeiler, Mr Paul Zeller & Mrs Leslie Jones, Mrs Margrit Zimmerman, Mr & Mrs Gifford Zimmerman, Mr & Mrs Anthony Zummer, Mr A. Craig Zummer, Mr & Mrs James Maher,
Mr & Mrs Daniel Marks, Mr & Mrs John Marquardt, Mr & Mrs Newton Marshall, Mr Eric Marshall & Ms Deborah Claflin, Mr & Mrs James Martin, Mr & Mrs John Martin, Mr & Mrs John Martin, Mr & Mrs Kelly
Martin, Mr & Mrs John Marzonie, Mr & Mrs Michael Masterson, Mr & Mrs Paul Mastrapa, Mrs Robert S Mather, Mr & Mrs Richard Mathias, Mr & Mrs Robert Mathias, Mr & Mrs John Mayfield, Mr & Mrs Raymond
Mazzocco, Mr & Mrs Ken McAtamney, Mr & Mrs Thomas McBride, Mr Vincent McBrien & Mrs Judith Paine, Mrs Ashley McCall, Mr Matthew McCall, Mr & Mrs Gary McCallister, Dr & Mrs Walter McCarthy, Mr &
Mrs James McClamroch, Mr & Mrs David McClamroch, Mr & Mrs James McClung, Mr & Mrs Archibald McClure, Mr & Mrs John McClure, Mr & Mrs James McColl, Mr & Mrs Michael McColl, Mr & Mrs James
McColl, Jr., Mr Stuart McCrary & Ms Nancy Davis, Mr & Mrs John McDermott, Mr & Mrs Peter McDermott, Ms Chris McDermott, Mr & Mrs Michael McGill, Mr & Mrs Timothy McGregor, Mr & Mrs William McGuire,
Mr & Mrs Christopher McGuire, Mr & Mrs Ingrid McGuire, Mr & Mrs John McHugh, Jr, Mr & Mrs John McInnis, Dr Bobbie McKay & Mr Lewis Musil, Dr & Mrs McKay McKinnon, Mr & Mrs John McKinven, Mr &
Mrs Clayton McLaughlin, Mr & Mrs John McLinden, Mr & Mrs Simon McMaster, Mrs Thomas R McMillen, Mrs Doris McMorrow, Mr Stephen McMullen, Mr Mark McNally & Mrs Julie Bessent, Mr & Mrs Willard
McNitt, III, Mr Willard McNitt, Sr., Mr & Mrs Peter McNitt, Mr & Mrs Matthew McQueen, Mr & Mrs Sumner Mead, Mrs Barbara Mengel, Mr & Mrs Allen Menke, Mr & Mrs Bradley Merk, Mr & Mrs Richard Metzler,
Mrs Steven B Meyer, Mr & Mrs John Meyers, Ms Pauline Michael, Mr & Mrs Christopher Miles, Dr & Mrs Craig Millard, Mrs John E Miller, Mr & Mrs Stephen Miller, Mr & Mrs Craig Miller, Mr & Mrs Jason Miller,
Mr & Mrs Greg Miller, Mr & Mrs Craig Miller, Mr & Mrs John Mills, Mrs Barbara Milnor, Mr & Mrs Corey Minturn, Mr & Mrs Lyman Missimer, Jr, Mr & Mrs Kevin Mitchell, Mr & Mrs John Mjoseth, Mr & Mrs Gregory
Moerschel, Ms Ann Mohn, Ms Paula Moles, Mr & Mrs Otto Monnig, Ms Jennifer Montgomery, Mrs Eleanor Montgomery, Mr & Mrs Charles Moore, Mr & Mrs Riley Morgan, Mr & Mrs James Morris, Mr & Mrs
James Morrissey, Ms Denise Morton, Mr & Mrs William Mowry, Jr., Mr & Mrs Carl Mueller, Ms Jane Mueller, Mr & Mrs Kurt Mueller, Mr Herman Muller & Ms Tanya Dietrich, Ms Kathryn Mullins, Mr & Mrs Geoffrey
Murphy, Mrs Betsy Murphy, Mrs William Murphy, Mr & Mrs Brian Murphy, Dr & Mrs Edward Murphy, Mr & Mrs Stephen Murrill, Mr & Mrs Mark Murrill, Mr & Mrs John Musgjerd, Mr Robert Musgjerd, Mrs Lucy
Myers, Dr Phyllis Myers, Mr & Mrs Scott Myers, Mr & Mrs Ferdinand Nadherny, Mr Thomas Nahrwold & Mrs Katie Kenyon, Mrs Carol Narup, Mr & Mrs Harold Nations, Mr & Mrs Dan Nayman, Mr & Mrs Edward
Neild, Mr & Mrs John Neuman, Mr & Mrs Robert Neumann, Mr & Mrs Michael Newsham, Ms Joanna Nicholas & Mr Robert Anderson, Mr & Mrs John Nichols, Mr & Mrs Richard Nicolaides, Jr., Mr & Mrs James
Nix, Mr & Mrs John Nocera, Mr & Mrs Thomas Nodine, Mrs Ruth Nordby, Mr & Mrs Richard Nordstrom, Mr & Mrs Richard North, Mr & Mrs Richard Norton, Mr & Mrs Nicholas Noyes, Mr & Mrs Timothy Nugent,
Mr & Mrs Terry O’Bryan, Mr & Mrs Michael Ochsenhirt, Ms LaDona O’Donnell, Mr & Mrs Lance O’Donnell, Mr Bill O’Donnell & Mrs Lezlie Rehagen, Dr Edward Ogata, Mr & Mrs Norman Olson, Jr., Ms Lisa
O’Malley, Mr & Mrs Patrick O’Neill, Mr & Mrs William Osborn, Mr & Mrs Patrick O’Toole, Mr & Mrs Gary Owens, Mr & Mrs Robert Paddock, Jr, Mr & Mrs Donald Padgitt, Mr & Mrs David Padgitt, Mr & Mrs Karl
Palasz, Mr & Mrs John Palmer, Dr & Mrs William Panje, Mr & Mrs Peter Papageorge, Mr & Mrs Keith Pascus, Mr William Patterson & Mrs Nancy Jaffee, Mr & Mrs Richard Patterson, Mr & Mrs Donald Patterson,
Mr & Mrs Michael Patterson, Mr & Mrs D. Patterson, Mr & Mrs Bradley Peacock, Mr & Mrs J. Peck, Mrs Hazel Pedersen, Mrs Frances Pellouchoud, Mr & Mrs Hyde Perce, Mr & Mrs Benjamin Perks, Ms Paula
Person, Mr & Mrs Norman Petelik, Mrs Maurice Petersen, Mr & Mrs Michael Petersen, Mrs Jane Peterson, Mr & Mrs David Peterson, Jr., Mr & Mrs Richard Peterson, Ms Harriet Petr, Mr & Mrs R. Douglas Petrie,
Mr & Mrs John Pettersen, Mrs Genevieve Phelps, Mr & Mrs Kevin Phillips, Mr & Mrs Clay Phillips, Mr & Mrs John Piepgras, Mrs Vlatka Piergies, Mr & Mrs James Pierpont, Mr & Mrs Richard Pigott, Mr & Mrs
Stephen Pinaire, Mr & Mrs Scott Pofcher, Ms Christine Poggianti & Mr Lawrence Schulman, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Ponko, Mrs Edward King Poor, Mr & Mrs E. King Poor, Ms Molly Porterfield, Mr & Mrs John Pratt,
Mr & Mrs Jack Pressman, Mr & Mrs Philip Preston, Mr William Pridmore & Mrs Melissa Frey, Mr & Mrs John Puth, Mr & Ms Albert Pyott, Mr & Mrs Reginald Rabjohns, Mr & Mrs Joshua Rabjohns, Mr & Mrs
Richard Radcliffe, Mr & Mrs John Raftery, Ms Katherine Ragnar, Mrs Gwyn Rahr, Mr & Mrs John Raitt, Mr & Mrs John Ramaker, Mr & Mrs Charles Rammelt, Mr & Mrs David Rammelt, Mr & Mrs Paul Rand, Mr
& Mrs K. Michael Randall, Mr & Mrs James Rankin, Ms Sandra Rau, Mr & Mrs William Raub, III, Mrs Norma Rayment, Mr & Mrs Lazar Raynal, Mr & Mrs Edwin Read, III, Mr & Mrs Gary Redmond, Mr & Ms Eric
Reese, Mr & Mrs Robert Reifenberg, Mr & Mrs Scott Reighard, Mr & Mrs Michael Resko, Jr., Mr & Mrs Mario Retondo, Mr & Mrs Michael Revord, Mr & Mrs Thomas Reynolds, IV, Mr & Mrs Tim Reynolds, Mr &
Mrs Jeff Reynolds, Mrs Katrina Rice, Mr & Mrs Arthur Rice, Mr & Mrs Bartlett Richards, Mr & Mrs Gregg Riley, Mr & Mrs Richard Rinella, Mr & Mrs Blasko Ristic, Mr & Mrs Branden Ritchie, Mr & Mrs Peter
Roberts, Mr & Mrs Forbes Robertson, Dr & Mrs Peter Robinson, Ms Katherine Robinson, Mr & Mrs Collin Roche, Mr & Mrs Ben Rodman, Mr & Mrs Christopher Roehm, Mr & Mrs Davis Roenisch, Mr & Mrs
Gerald Rogers, Ms Amy Rogers, Mr & Mrs John Rogers, Mr & Mrs Frederick Rolison, Mr & Mrs Derek Rolison, Mr Clayton Root, Mr & Mrs John Roselli, Mr & Mrs Bill Ross, Jr., Mr & Mrs Donald Ross, Mr & Mrs
James Roth, Mr Royce Rowe, Jr., Mr & Mrs Douglas Rowe, Mr & Mrs Peter Ruck, Mr & Mrs Robert Rudolph, Mr & Mrs R John Rudolph, Mr & Mrs Dan Rudrud, Mr & Mrs David Rush, Mr & Mrs Edmond Russ,
Mr & Mrs William Russell, Mr & Mrs Daniel Rustin, Mr Thomas Ryan & Ms Jennifer Lind, Mr Brian Ryder & Mrs Eleanor Richards, Mr & Dr Jeffrey Salmon, Mrs Donald Sampson, Dr Timothy Sanborn & Ms Julia
Kenilworth Union Church
Union Church
is a non-denominational Christian community of
faith dedicated to the worship and service of God
through spiritual nurturing of individual and family,
education of youth and adult, and outreach to
others within and beyond the congregation.
“You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all
your soul, and with all your mind.
You shall love your neighbor as
Matthew XXII: 35-40
Report from the Interim Senior Minister....2
•The Knitting Ministry.....................15
Report from the President....................3-4
•Prayer Circle..................................15
Report from the Associate Minister........5
•Stephen MinistryA One-to-One Caring Ministry.....16
Report from the Director of Music..........6
Report from the Director
of Children’s Ministries............................7
Fellowship Committee...........................17
Adult Education/Public Affairs
Investment Committee..........................18
Buildings and Grounds Committee......8-9
Stewardship Committee........................20
•Kitchen Inventory Guild..................9
Stewardship Campaign..........................20
Business Committee...........................9-10
Worship and Music Committee.............21
Children’s Ministries Committee...........11
•Altar Guild.....................................21
•A Joyful Noise...............................11
•Memorial Guild.............................22
Christian Outreach Committee.............12
•Usher Corps...................................22
•Wedding Guild..............................22
•Day by Day...............................12-13
Youth and Family Ministries
•Outreach Benefit...........................13
•Rummage Committee...................13
•A Just Harvest...............................14
•Christmas Luncheon......................17
Membership Committee.......................19
Alison Tobey Smart
Memorial Fund.......................................23
Congregational Care Committee..........14
•Care Guild.....................................14
Kenilworth Union Church
Report of the
Interim Senior Minister
I began my work as your Interim Senior Minister
here at Kenilworth Union Church on January 2, 2013.
The interim time is when a church must deal with
the inevitable changes that take place in the life of a
congregation when a pastor leaves.
As your Interim Pastor I have been here to assist
in the journey and to provide a smooth transition
by helping the congregation prepare for new
I love being an interim pastor. It affords me the
opportunity to come into new situations and help.
I get to know a congregation, and I enjoy the daily
challenge of walking alongside you as you travel
through this important time, helping you celebrate
the old and prepare for a new beginning.
I have been here to provide healing and to help you
realize that God loves you and that God will provide
for you and show you the way. Just as God has
brought us together for this time of interim ministry,
God has provided for you and brought you the right
new leader in Reverend Dr. William A Evertsberg.
My prayer is as you begin this time of new ministry
with each other that you remain steadfast in loving
and serving the Lord. Remember at all times to be
constant in your prayers for the world you live in, for
the church that you are a part of, and give thanks for
the blessings that God has so bountifully bestowed
upon us all.
Reverend Dr. Don Dempsey
2013 Annual Report
Report from the President
2013 was a year of change and transition at
Kenilworth Union Church. As we faced the challenges
and opportunities of change, we grew closer and
stronger from taking them on together as a church
family. Last year, we said good-bye to two leaders
who made important contributions to our church
and our ministry. We also welcomed wonderful
new ministers who brought their energy and gifts
to us, and who quickly became valued members of
our KUC family. And, it was a year of discovery and
preparation as our search committees thoughtfully
considered and identified our new senior minister
and our new interim associate minister for youth
and children. As we look ahead to 2014, we are
well-positioned to have an exciting year, full of
opportunities for growth and transformation.
In January, we bade a fond farewell to Dr. Andrew
Chaney as he and his family moved on to answer
a call to serve a Presbyterian congregation in
Springfield, Missouri. We are deeply grateful to them
for their service. In that same month, we welcomed
Dr. Don Dempsey as our interim senior minister. Don
has guided us through our transition with warmth,
wisdom and sensitivity. Don embraced the mission of
preparing us for the next chapter in KUC’s rich and
evolving history, and we all are better for his guiding
hand. We thank Don and his wonderful wife, Meg,
for their service and their friendship.
After seven years building a vibrant youth ministry at
KUC, Rev. Sarah Garcia announced her decision to
pursue an urban ministry by joining the team at Saint
Paul’s UCC Church in Chicago. We sent our gratitude
and best wishes with Sarah, Toby and Amalee as they
began their new life in Lincoln Park.
(continued on next page)
Kenilworth Union Church
Recently, we were blessed to have Rev. Katie Snipes
Lancaster join us as our interim minister for youth
and children. Katie came at the height of advent
and jumped right in to make our season bright. She
is doing a wonderful job of leading the spiritual
development not just of our children and youth, but
of all of us at KUC.
Also this past year, Rev. Jo Forrest celebrated
her one-year anniversary with KUC. A highlight
of the year was the opportunity to share in Jo’s
ordination. What a joyous occasion that was, and
what an honor for our congregation to be part of
it. In her measured, wise and thoughtful way, Jo
has challenged our thinking, comforted us when we
needed it, encouraged us to be open to new ideas
and nurtured our love of God.
Our senior staff and their teams continued to do
a terrific job over the past year. We are grateful
to Lisa Bond for her inspiring and moving music
ministry, Silvi Pirn for her dynamic leadership of our
youth programs and Anne Faurot for keeping our
children’s ministries programs running smoothly.
And, of course, Bev Lang, our director of business
operations, who more than anyone makes sure our
church functions well every day. Her super-glue holds
it all together.
In 2013, we continued to grow as a member-driven
church. We ate together at potlucks, Tables-forEight and cooking classes, not to mention frequent
opportunities for cake! We prayed together at
Sunday services, bible studies and Prayer Circle.
2013 Annual Report
We sang together, knitted together, read together
and watched movies together. We participated in
the sacrament of baptism and the confirmation of
our youth. We celebrated births and comforted one
another as we mourned the loss of loved ones. And
we actively supported causes beyond our North
Shore community, in the Chicago area and in foreign
lands, as volunteers and financial contributors to
thoughtfully chosen missions.
As I write this, we eagerly await the arrival of our new
senior minister, Rev. Dr. William A. Evertsberg, and
his wife Kathy. I have every confidence that Bill is the
right leader for Kenilworth Union Church. By sharing
his talent and gifts with us, he will guide us on our
faith journey.
I am grateful to you all for your commitment and
your active involvement in the life of our church.
With your continuing help, we can make 2014 the
best of KUC’s 122 years!
Linda Kingman
Report from the Associate Minister
This past year has been filled with transitions in so
many areas, but what has remained constant, what
has remained true is the Christ-like care Kenilworth
Union provides. I am drawn to the words of Teresa
of Avila in describing the diversity and compassion
found in this community: “Christ has no body now
on earth but yours…Your eyes… your feet…you are
the hands with which he is to bless all now…” KUC
has responded to this call, and I am privileged to
have served with you in this past year.
Spiritual thirsts were quenched in study, small
groups, prayer and impromptu sidewalk
conversations. Physical needs were provided in
meals, transportation and the tactile touch of a
knitted garment or a warm embrace. Intellectual
curiosities were fed in education, community, and in
reading. These acts of ministry were not bound by
any organization or reserved for particular individuals
to perform, they are found throughout Kenilworth
I encourage you to read the reports on Stephen
Ministry, Care Guild, Congregational Care, New
Members, Adult Education and Public Affairs for
the details and fresh ideas brought to life, growth
in the number of individuals seeking to serve and a
continued backbone of care through so many hands,
feet and hearts. Amidst all this, we have shed tears
together, enjoyed ‘cuppas, and shared joys in all the
life events.
Rev. Jo Forrest
Kenilworth Union Church
Report from the Director of Music
The mission of the Music Ministry Program at
Kenilworth Union Church is to inspire and enhance
meaningful worship of God through fellowship and
the performance / study of outstanding sacred
music. Here at Kenilworth Union Church, we are very
blessed to have eight musical ensembles: Rejoice
Singers, KUC Youth Choir, Chancel Choir, Junior
Bell Choir, Adult Bell Choir, Apostle Alumni Choir,
KUC Chamber Ensemble and our new group, KUC A
Cappella. These multi-age ensembles prepare music
and communicate God’s word throughout the church
year. These groups have continued to develop their
musical skills and have demonstrated steady musical
improvement. I thank them for their hard work,
dedication and inspiration. In addition, thank you to
all the congregants, trustees, parents, KUC staff and
music staff members who have contributed to our
music ministry. Our program would not be successful
without your support. Let us continue to worship
through the power and glory of God’s music.
Lisa Bond
2013 Annual Report
Report from the Director of
Children’s Ministries
Thanks to all our teachers, high school helpers, the
Children’s Ministries Committee and the parents for
making this past year a wonderful experience for
our children. The dedication, faithful attendance
and enthusiastic participation are what make our
programs a success.
There were 700 children registered in Crib through
8th grade. We had 100 teachers and approximately
25 high school helpers.
During the year our children learn the stories of
the Bible through chapel worship, songs, prayers
and classroom activities. In addition, our 5th and
6th graders built a Bible habitat of Jesus’ time and
hosted habitat visits for the younger children and
congregation during Sunday school.
A Joyful Noise, our Christian-based preschool
continues to offer a wonderful ministry reaching out
to our KUC families with young children.
Anne Faurot
Kenilworth Union Church
Report from the Youth Director
In March of 2013, KUC confirmed over 50 high
school freshmen who completed the rigorous
confirmation course.
High School youth remained active in the church
through IMPACT, our high school youth group
focused on the Christian discipline of service.
IMPACT is also the program that sends youth on an
annual mission trip in June. This year there were a
record number of mission trip participants, 65
youth and 15 adults, who were on the team to
Volcan, Panama.
In 2012-2013, KUC
Youth ministries continued in its mission to inspire
youth to explore their faith through fun, fellowship,
worship and service.
The Middle School Youth Group has become a
favorite destination for 5th and 6th graders on
Wednesdays. The focus is fun, fellowship and
meaningful connection through games and
The Junior High Youth Group continued as a safe
place for 7th and 8th graders to explore their lives
and faith in the context of fun, adventure,
fellowship and service – also on Wednesdays. This
group showed it’s compassion through an outreach
service project to the families in Newtown, CT last
December. This age group is also able to participate
in some of the more exciting off-site opportunities,
like paintball in the fall, a Lock-In in December and a
ski trip in February. The off-site programming
encourages youth to encounter and live their faith
beyond the walls of our church and in the
community and world at-large.
In 2012-13, KUC launched a new high-school leader
team for youth groups called CORE. This group
joined us every Wednesday to help lead Middle
School and Junior High youth groups. CORE
members became a close community of their own
and we look forward to fostering this group into
more leadership in the upcoming year.
Impact also experienced the devastating loss of
alumnus Wilson King in April. The youth of the
church demonstrated an amazing outpouring of
love at KUC through participation in candlelight
services and Wilson’s memorial service. The King
family set up the Wilson King Impact Memorial
Fund to carry on his legacy of service to others and
for others.
In related service work, I had the honor of leading a
small group of KUC adults on our 4th mission trip to
Haiti in October 2012. The Haitian mission has
transformed from one of relief from the disaster in
2010, to one of support toward self-sufficiency. To
that end, with the support of dedicated church
members, KUC has solidified a partnership with
Three Angels and is planning an adult mission trip to
continue that partnership in March 2014.
With the departure of Rev. Sarah Garcia I am
honored to work with a fantastic team of thoughtful
and capable ministerial staff, lay staff and volunteer
youth leaders to continue KUC’s amazing legacy of
ministering to its youth.
For Him,
Silvi Pirn
Adult Education/Public Affairs
Activities 2012-2013
Richard Day, Chair
Susan Noyes
Steve Cole
Laurel Flentye
Herb Jordan
Mimi Rodman
»» “The Boy Who Saved My Life”
Earle Martin, Retired Minister and Social
Worker – about Autism.
We are always looking for more members...
»» “Clint Eastwood’s Morality As Seen In His Films”
Susan Vaux, Northwestern University Lecturer,
Dept. of Religion
Buildings and Grounds Committee
»» “Islam and the Arab Spring”
Tom Maguire, University of Chicago
Over the course of the past Church year, the committee
has focused its attention on the Warwick Manse and
»» “Origins of Islam”
Alex Barna, University of Chicago
»» “Compassion The Unifying Theme of the
World’s Great Religions”
TED Lecture by Karen Armstrong
Panelists: Rev. Jo Forrest, KUC
Rabbi Brant Rosen, JRC Evanston
Rizwan Kadir, Director, Islamic Schools
of America
»» “What We Believe at KUC”
Rev. Jo Forrest, Congregational Care Minister,
»» “Palliative Care”
Cass Racine, longtime volunteer for the
Midwest Palliative And Hospice Care
Center; Dr. Dennis Murphy, Medical Director
Palliative Care Center, ret.; Rev. Jo Forrest,
Congregational Care Minister, KUC
»» “When Spiritual But not Religious is Not Enough”
Discussion with author Rev Dr Lillian Daniel, cosponsored with Women’s’ Reading Group and
the Women’s Bible Study
»» “The Role of Music in Worship”
Lisa Bond, Music Director at KUC
John Bryant, KUC Organist
Vernon Clark
»» “The Challenges Facing Cook County
Toni Preckwinkle, Cook County Board President
»» “The Changes Coming to Healthcare”
Julie Hamos, Director, Illinois Department of
Healthcare and Family Services
Richard Day
2013 Annual Report
The Robinson Garden has been given another big boost
by one of our members who graciously donated more
plantings and tender loving care to the cutting garden
created last year. This garden will hopefully help us
to have fresh cut flowers for the services during the
summer months when we do not have as many member
The Warwick Manse garage was given a new coat of
paint, new rugs and wonderful couches for the Youth
Program and Sunday School use. This was a much
needed and wonderful donation from one of our
The Church facilities continue to be in good condition
as we strive to update and refresh on a regular basis.
Major items that have been changed over the last
year include stripping the stone floors of all their wax
to bring them back to their original or almost original
beauty. A new digital piano was donated for the
Schmidt Chapel so that piano music can now occur on a
more regular basis. We have also had repairs done on
some stained glass windows that were in dire need of
We did purchase various items for use throughout
the church from which everyone benefits. New 5”
platforms for the Sanctuary and of course any meetings
that may require a dais. A new defibrillator was
purchased when it was discovered that the old one
went missing. New computers and laptops were
purchased as older models were phased out. A new
projector and stand were purchased since occasionally
we needed two and the projector we do have is very
old. Two new HDTV’s and stands were purchased for
use during various group meetings.
Many of the above projects have been made possible
through the generosity of Church families.
John Palmer
John Palmer, Chair
John Hart
Catherine King
Karin Balsbaugh
Jane Dearborn
Jeff Gooden
Carol Hunt
Paul Konstant
Business Committee
Once again, we are deeply appreciative of the cost
containment and sound fiscal management undertaken
by both the church leadership and the church staff over
these last several years of decreasing revenue. Fiscal
year 2012-2013 had its share of revenue challenges,
but thanks to improved endowment draw receipts and
thoughtful personnel decisions, our church finished the
year with only a modest deficit.
While we hope the rise in new members and enhanced
program offerings will ease some of the revenue
declines, the church staff continues to look for potential
efficiencies, generous angels, and cost savings in its
annual budget and all of its daily activities.
Beverly Lang
Kitchen Inventory Guild
Have you ever passed through our church kitchen on any
given day? Most likely you would find it a hub of activity
and fellowship, like many of our kitchens at home. The
Kitchen Guild makes sure that the church’s kitchen (drawers,
cupboards, closets, etc.) is maintained and stocked so that
the many groups who use it can readily find what they need.
Denise Wilkinson
Kenilworth Union Church
2012-2013 General Fund Actual
Operating Expenses
General Fund:
Statement of Receipts and Expenses for the Fiscal Year
Provision for
Capital Reserve
Building & Grounds
Pledge Receipts
Ministers Salaries & Allowances
Administration Salaries & Expenses
Personnel Expenses
Worship & Bulletins
Christian Education
Christian Outreach
Utilities & Insurance
Repairs & Maintenance
Provision For Capital Reserve
Net Receipts (Loss) Before Transfer
Transfer to (from) Endowment Fund
Bulletin Contributions
Investment Income
Endowment Income
Total Receipts
Equipment Purchases
Total Expenses
Transfer to (from) Operating
Reserve Fund
Net Receipts /Loss After Transfer
Pledges from 2012-2013 Stewardship Sunday campaign are $1,615,205.
The financial records of Kenilworth Union Church are reviewed quarterly by
Miller Cooper & Co, Ltd.
Adult Programs
Youth Ministries
Worship & Music
Children’s Ministries
Fiscal Year 2012-2013
We achieved an operating deficit of $23,441 on total receipts
of $1,886,578 against a budgeted deficit of $44,075 on
revenues of $1,925,850. Pledge Receipts were not as strong
as they traditionally have been reflecting our community’s
economic uncertainties as well as the continued leadership
transitions we are experiencing. Our endowment income
was up due to favorable fund values. Total Expenses were
$59,906 less than our budget and were just $900 more than
last year. We continue to operate at the most frugal levels
we can without dramatically impacting church programming
and fellowship.
Capital Reserve
The Capital Reserve Fund is well-funded, and the church will
be making some capital improvements in the next fiscal year.
As we continue to travel our road of transition, the church
is fortunate to be on good financial footing. We have a
strong cash position, appropriate unrestricted reserves, and
a strong tradition of family giving. If you have any questions
regarding church finances, please contact the Treasurer,
Director of Business Operations, or President.
John Roselli, Chair
Rob Collins
Christine Cole
Mark Fuller
Linda Kingman
Marion Hanold
Glenn Trout
John Hart
Bob Underwood
Jon Van Gorp
Rev. Dr. Don Dempsey
Beverly Lang
2013 Annual Report
Christian Outreach
Children’s Ministries Committee
A Joyful Noise
The Children’s Ministries Committee acts as
advocates for and ambassadors to this important
mission of Kenilworth Union Church. Each of our
committee members gives valuable time and energy
to enhance the programs of Children’s Ministries.
Thank you to a wonderful team of volunteers.
In its 19th year, AJN welcomed 109 children to our
community. The school was full in the 3’s program
while many of the other classes were smaller than in
previous years. The AJN Board of Directors, which
is comprised of 25 women, supports the staff as
well as oversees the school’s financials. The Board
worked hard to understand the current demands of
parents of preschoolers, and through this research
found that AJN needed to change and enhance
our program offerings to better compete with area
preschools. Much of the year was spent focused on
developing new enrichment offerings and making
strategic changes to our JK program. As a result of
these modifications, registration for the 2013-2014
year was very strong. Many of our programs now
have waitlists. After several years of tight budgets
and downsizing, we embark on the coming year with
robust enrollment, very talented teachers and new,
dynamic program offerings.
The Children’s Ministries Committee has expanded
our outreach programs this year with an enhanced
Kids 4 Kids, a new P*Wee Club and a week-long
Vacation Bible School program that was held in June
and was well attended. We traveled to Chicago and
served families at our outreach agency, Casa Central;
which has also benefitted from our chapel donations.
We are excited to continue to improve our wonderful
Glenn Trout
Stephanie Henry
Glenn Trout, Chair
Nancy Henry, Vice Chair
Dee Fortson
Laura McColl
Meg Revord
Liz Chandler
Mary Collins
Maria Fowkes
Traci Groff
Maureen Kebo
Katie Nahrwold
Tina Rice
Debbie Shepherd
Jon Van Gorp
Angie Veber
Kris Whisner
Anne Faurot, Director of Children’s Ministries
Chris Johnson
Rev. Catherine Knott
Laurel Lien
Ginger Stambaugh
Jill Witt, Director of A Joyful Noise
Executive Committee of the Board of Directors
Jill Witt, Director
Julie Ruck, Past Chair
Stephanie Henry, Chair
Meggan Zabel, Treasurer
Laura McColl, Registrar
Mary Collins, Marketing Strategy
Liz Dischner, Communications
Anne Faurot, Director of Childrens’ Ministries
Board of Directors
Michelle Bacik
Chris Beer
Sally Christ
Heather Davey
Linda Flinn
Gina Gooden
Mindi Hale-Ornstein
Carrie Hughes
Julie Kalinov
Nancy O’Donnell
Kara Owens
Deb Ponko
Kirby Richards Ryder
Holly Smirl
Margot Spytek
Mary Tritley
Emily Tzur
Paige Wilson
Jackie Young
Kenilworth Union Church
Christian Outreach Committee
“In sharing our material gifts and human resources,
KUC congregants have the opportunity to engage
in growing our community of faith through helping
The Outreach Committee seeks to involve the entire
congregation in the church’s outreach efforts. KUC
supports forty-three social service agencies, and
each has a member of our congregation serving as
the liaison. In the fiscal year 2012-2013, KUC granted
$369,974 to agencies in the Emergency, Health,
Residential, Multi-Service, Community and Education
We are heavily dependent on the contributions and
volunteer services provided by the congregation.
The Outreach Committee is especially grateful for
the work of those who make our rummage sale,
holiday ministries, outreach benefit and day-by-day
so successful.
Thank you to each of you for your financial and
personal service contributions to share our many
gifts with those in need.
Jan Wishart
Jan Wishart (Chair)
Richard Day
Leslie Holling
Laura McColl
Simon McMaster
Liz Chandler
Stephen Cole
Elza Garnett
Holly Halsted-Smirl
Jessica LeFebvre
Michael Petersen
Kathy Piepgras
Kathy Ragnar
Susan Resko
Rev. Dr. Don Dempsey
Rev. Jo Forrest
Kathy McCabe
The Adopt-a-Family Program continues to provide
holiday assistance to families in need. Coordinated
through Christopher House, this program matches
low-income families with church members desiring
to brighten the holiday and make a real impact on
others. Participants receive a description, photo,
and “wish list” for their adopted family. Participants
are also asked to provide each family member with
a new gift and food gift cards for a week. This year,
seventy-five Kenilworth Union members adopted
seventy-two families in need and two KUC families
made cash donations to The Christopher House.
Holly Halsted-Smirl and Rick Smirl
Created in 1979 by church member Betsy Fyfe, the
Day-by-Day calendar has provided a daily moment
of spiritual support and inspiration to readers around
the nation and the world for nearly 34 years. Each
2013 Annual Report
year’s calendar is comprised of 365 different quotes
chosen from a library of well over 10,000. After the
calendars are printed, a dedicated committee and
team of volunteers give their time to assemble, pack/
mail, and sell them throughout the fall and winter
holiday season. Nearly 2,400 of the 2013 calendars
were sold, raising $17,500 for church benevolences.
We are happy to report a nine percent increase from
the previous year’s earnings. The 2013 Day-by-Day
committee members are Mei Aden, Alyssa Bennett,
Laree Bobo, Jo Ann Collins, Cathy Durning, Kris
Fishman, Anne Gezon, Stephanie Hodge, Martha
Hoza, Hannah McInnis, Nancy Mead, Laurie Petersen,
and Sarah Ross. We welcome anyone who would be
interested in helping out with next year’s calendar!
Alyssa Bennett
Outreach Benefit
“Community Ties”, the 14th annual Outreach Benefit
for Kenilworth Union, was held on Friday, May
10th, 2013 at the Kenilworth Club. The party this
year was casual – a western-themed barbeque with
western music. It was a fun evening of “cowboy”
fellowship with a good cause: supporting our
agencies. The proceeds from the benefit went
directly to the forty-three agencies KUC supports. At
the benefit we highlighted four of these agencies:
Northwestern Settlement, Lift, Chicago Child Care
Society and A Just Harvest. These highlighted
agencies participated in our Minute for Mission
during the church services in April. They spoke to
our congregation about each organization’s mission,
communities served, and goals. Representatives
from all four of the agencies attended the benefit,
and Ron Manderschied, President of Northwestern
Settlement, was the keynote speaker the night of
the benefit. The highlighted agencies provided “wish
lists” of items that guests could purchase during the
benefit to directly benefit each agency’s need. Two
hundred guests attended the event and participated
in a silent auction, a live auction conducted by
church member, Steve Cole, a mini iPad raffle and
a wonderful wine cork auction. This terrific evening
raised more than $50,000 for the church’s Outreach
Members of the 2012 Outreach Committee:
Sarah Hepner (co-chair), Jessica LeFebvre (co-chair),
Melissa Anton, Michelle Astolfi, Dee Fortson, Gina
Gooden, Julianna Harris, Amy Maher, Holly HalstedSmirl, Bethany Woods
Rummage Committee
The mission of rummage at KUC has three parts:
Fellowship, Reaching out to those in need and
Recycling. Every summer over 300 volunteers come
together to put on a fashion show & silent auction,
a premium presale and a Saturday Rummage Sale.
All proceeds from the sale help fund the many
outreach agencies supported by KUC. Goods are
donated for about 5 weeks; they are sorted, priced
and arranged in the 23 departments. Higher value
items are chosen for the silent auction and fashion
show. Volunteers may shop during the summer after
they have worked at least 10 hours. The public is
invited to a morning premium presale the Thursday
before the sale where a 50% mark up is charged.
This year the gross sales from all of the rummage
events exceeded $120,000. Advertising on line and
through handouts at other sales brought us many new
customers. Please read more about rummage sales on
the North Shore at,
the web site under Outreach, or visit us on
2012 Steering Committee: Karin Balsbaugh, Robin
Baugher, Gina Gooden, Katherine McMaster, Sallie
Smith, Gail Steinmetz
Kenilworth Union Church
A Just Harvest
Care Guild
A Just Harvest is a Community Kitchen located at
7649 N. Paulina Street, in Chicago. Church members
can sign up as a family or sign up as individuals, to
serve dinner on the second Monday of each month.
This is a very gratifying volunteer opportunity.
“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same
Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but
it is the same God who activates all of them in
everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the
Spirit for the common good…”
1 Corinthians 12: 4-7
Margaret Werd
Congregational Care Committee
We had a wonderful and productive year, thanks to
the dedicated committee and volunteers. A new
Stephen Ministry training class began in September,
and when commissioned in February will give a
total of thirty-five Stephen Ministers guided by four
Stephen Leaders. Our Stephen Ministry Sunday in
November was warmly received. The Care Guild with
over 70 volunteers continues to do a wonderful job
of providing meals and services for those in need in
the congregation. The Prayer Circle meets a half hour
before scheduled services on the third Sunday of the
month and welcomes new participants. The Knitting
Ministry provides prayer shawls and other knitted
items for comfort and love. The Congregational Care
Committee thanks the Fellowship Committee for
their help with Welcome Back Sunday which was a
big success; both committees will be participating
together in various events in the future. Thanks to
all who are a part of this wonderful committee and
those volunteers under our umbrella.
Scott Walker
Scott Walker, Chair
Simon McMaster, Vice Chair Sallie Smith
Mei Aden
Laura McColl
Ann Carey
Mike Harper
Martha Hoza
Susie Rammelt
Amy Rogers
Becky Knight
Bonnie McColl
Rev. Jo Forrest
2013 Annual Report
The Care Guild is dedicated to caring for individuals
and families within the Kenilworth Union community
through meals, correspondence notes and cards,
visits and phone calls, or an occasional ride to
appointments. A diverse group of members is
organized into monthly teams with a leader to
coordinate three to four team members to respond
to needs. In addition to the monthly teams, cooking
teams meet occasionally through the year to prepare
and freeze meals in the KUC kitchen.
All care offered by the Care Guild is held in
In 2013, Care Guild expanded with the introduction
of Care Connections comprised of members of the
church who visit or call those members and friends of
KUC who are not able to attend church as frequently
as possible. They bring news of the church through a
casual social visit.
The Care Guild phone line is 847-853-3534, or
e-mail [email protected]. We thank every member
of the teams who work so hard, and care so much for
the members of our congregation.
Katie Nahrwold, Susie Rammelt
Care Guild Chairs
The Knitting Ministry
Prayer Circle
Our wonderful group of 15 women had another
amazing, active year. We continue to knit and give
prayer shawls to those in our congregation who
are going through cancer treatments, recovering
from illnesses, suffering the loss of a loved one, or
moving away from us. It is a privilege to wrap one
of these shawls made with love and prayers around
someone’s shoulders. Last January we took 26 lap
robes to the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
where they were received with such appreciation by
the chaplains. As they are given to each patient one
of the chaplains writes us a note about the patient
who received it, and we are feeling that each robe
makes a difference. This year we added another
project which has been most interesting and we are
told much needed. We now knit Infant Bereavement
Blankets for Prentice Hospital in the city, and to date
Rev. Jo Forrest has taken 20 small blankets to the
chaplain there. Two of our members met this summer
on their own and made wonderful, colorful children’s
fleece blankets which were given to 4 homeless
families through a church in Wilmette. We meet on
the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 2:00
to knit, share stories, lives and laughs. We have a
few members who knit at home and just bring their
finished works to the church, so if you like to knit;
we’d love you to join us in this ministry in either way.
The Prayer Circle meets the 3rd Sunday of each
month from 10:00 am until 10:30am in Rev. Jo
Forrest’s office. At each meeting, the Prayer Circle
members share, confidentially with one another, the
names of church members and/or friends and family
who are in need of prayer. The group is committed
to praying daily for those in need throughout the
following month.
If interested in joining the group or if you have a
prayer request, please contact Rev. Jo Forrest at
[email protected].
Martha Hoza
Bonnie McColl and Martha Hoza
Kenilworth Union Church
Stephen MinistryA One-to-One Caring Ministry
The KUC Stephen Ministry program is a lay ministry
that comes under Congregational Care and supports
the mission of the Church. It does this by reaching
out to those in need with trained and supervised
lay caregivers who provide confidential one-toone Christian care to the bereaved, hospitalized,
terminally ill, separated, divorced, unemployed,
relocated, and others facing a crisis or life challenge.
In this fiscal year, we also hosted two workshops
for the national Stephen Ministries organization,
focusing on existing and prospective Stephen
Ministry congregations. We had twenty-six Stephen
Ministers at fiscal year-end. We will begin training
10 new Stephen Ministers in September, 2013. Our
Stephen Ministry program complements the work of
our ministers as well as other Congregational Care
activities and helps provide quality, caring ministry
for as long as people need it.
Margaret Ann Fowler
2013 Annual Report
Stephen Ministers
Stephen Leaders
Jeanne Ashmore
Julie Asplund
Karin Balsbaugh
Ron Balsbaugh
Carol Berry
Polly Breen
Sally Campbell
Laura Connell
Melanie Flynn
Kevin Flynn
Patty Flentye
Cindy Fuller
Marion Hanold
Margaret Hart
Stephen Hoffman
Michael Holling
Taylor Lindstrom
Jack Mills
Steve Pinaire
Amy Rogers
Sally Schneiders
Bill Steinmetz
Stephanie Sullivan
Debbie Van Solkema
Laurie Walker
Scott Walker
Kris Fishman
Jo Forrest
Margaret Ann Fowler
Becky Knight
Bill Steinmetz
Fellowship Committee
At Kenilworth Union Church fellowship opportunities are
provided for people of all ages within the congregation.
Some activities are recurring or meet regularly while
others are once a year or one-time events.
The purpose of fellowship within our church is to
help longtime and newer members feel part of their
church community as they come to know each other
better through social activities. Events for all ages
include Tables for Eight Dinners in homes and Potluck
Dinners at the church. Members also enjoy Ice Cream
Socials. Activities for women include Name Parties,
Women’s Connections and a Reading Group.
Men and women enjoy seeing a movie together at
the church once a month, followed by a discussion.
Monthly outdoor events are open to everyone
through the KUC Outdoors Program. Zest for Life
cooking classes with Jennifer Burch are held every 6
weeks in our beautifully equipped kitchen.
For seniors, there is a monthly luncheon and
program at the church called First Wednesday. In
December there is the annual Christmas Luncheon,
accompanied by a fashion show. Many attended our
Writer’s Exchange meeting for authors, and bridge
lessons are available once a week. Every Wednesday
morning men meet at the church for coffee and a
casual discussion. There is something for everyone,
so please come join us for fellowship.
Sallie Smith, Chair
Carol Berry, Vice Chair
Mei Aden
Penny Beitler
Jennifer Burch
Rick Gordon
Eric Groff
Mike Harper
Fred Hawk
Cyndee Keiser
Mike McGill
LaDona O’Donnell
Joan O’Neill
Crystal Pennington
Eva Sorock
Jason Stavros
Scott Walker
Rev. Dr. Don Dempsey
Rev. Jo Forrest
Christmas Luncheon
The “Little Black Dress” luncheon was a complete
success! Most everyone wore their own LBD to the
event, which added to the fun of the fashion show.
Our favorite friends from Elmhurst, Chloe and Ruth,
entertained us with a lovely fashion show of their
collection of vintage LBD’s. It was a lovely, festive
way to start the Christmas season. Our catered
lunch by Jeanne B’s Festive Catering, along with the
Culbertson Room newly decorated for the holidays,
were the perfect accompaniment. Each table was
graced in black, gold and silver...very elegant!
Suzanne Leech
Kenilworth Union Church
Investment Committee
This committee is responsible for investment
oversight of the following seven funds. The total,
$11,123,990 of capital funds shown on the church’s
balance sheet as of June 30, 2013, at market
value, is allocated to seven funds. Each fund has an
investment strategy tailored to the objective of the
The Committee meets quarterly to review investment
objectives of each fund, the allocation of assets to
meet those objectives, and the investment returns
on capital funds. William Blair & Company provides
advice on the majority of these funds.
The Committee is composed of both trustees and
at-large members of the congregation. The church
is blessed to have volunteers with backgrounds in
finance and investment management who work on
the committee to provide strong stewardship and
fiduciary oversight for the funds maintained for the
benefit of the church.
1. Centennial Scholarship Funds ($1,022,041)
This fund provides annual scholarships for
seminarians who are committed to urban
2. Pension Fund ($940,216)
An actuarial study is obtained periodically to
determine the sufficiency of funds to meet
current and projected retirement benefits for
eligible employees and retirees. The fund is
adequate for projected obligations.
3. Capital Reserve Fund ($1,118,334)
This fund was established to support major
capital and building needs, and is augmented
by transfers from budgetary funds.
2013 Annual Report
4. Alison Tobey Smart Memorial Fund
This fund supports programs for the education
of our junior high and senior high students, as
well as their parents.
5. Endowment Fund ($4,438,671)
The church distributes 5 percent of the average
value of this fund annually to the operating or
capital reserve as determined by the Trustees.
The Endowment Fund includes the Memorial
Garden Fund. In 2011 the church made an
investment in real estate with a portion of the
endowment fund.
6. Lisa Louise Mowry Fund ($236,387)
This fund is used to promote a better
understanding of mental illness, especially
bipolar/manic depressive illness.
7. Gil and Marlene Bowen Christian Outreach
Fund ($2,861,828)
This special fund was established upon the
retirement of Dr. Bowen in 2007 to recognize
Gil and Marlene’s many contributions to the
ministry and life of Kenilworth Union Church.
Tom Lillard, III
Tom Lillard III, Chair
Keith Yamada
Jan Wishart
John Roselli
John Marzonie
Mark Toledo
Gail Russell
Robert Whittlesey
Mark Fuller, William Blair & Company
Beverly Lang
Kathy McCabe
Membership Committee
Our Membership Program continues to thrive. Our
Fall Class welcomed 13 families, our Spring Class 10
families, and we introduced a Summer membership
class that welcomed another 6 families - for a total
of 43 new adult members and 34 new children to our
Children’s Ministries and Youth Programs.
This year we have continued to reach out to new
families in A Joyful Noise preschool who are not
members of our church and also to identify current
church-goers who might not be formal members of
the church.
We changed our membership process, combining
our classes into one informational class lasting
two hours, offered either Sunday afternoon or
Monday evening. It includes a faith overview of
KUC, introduction to our ministers, and overview of
our many programs and how to get involved and
connected at KUC.
We also have added a church-wide potluck on New
Member Sundays and invited our new members to
attend this opportunity to be welcomed into the
fellowship of KUC.
The Membership Committee is hoping to continue
the trend of larger classes. We welcome any help on
our committee or any feedback, including possible
names of new members.
Dee Fortson
Dee Fortson, Chair
Kitty Bliss
Marion Hanold
Sarah Hepner
Catherine King
Dana Marzonie
Our membership Sundays for 2012 – 2013 were:
1. October 28, 2012
2. March 3, 2013
3. June 30, 2013
Kenilworth Union Church
Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee is responsible for the
development of financial support for the operational,
benevolent, and capital programs of the church.
The committee is principally engaged in overseeing
the annual Stewardship Sunday campaign, which
provides funding for the operations and certain
benevolences of the church, as well as the Planned
Giving program, “The Gift of Legacy Society,” and
special capital campaigns that are required from time
to time.
Tom Lillard, III
Tom Lillard, Chair
Keith Yamada
Susan Noyes
Ann Carey
Stewardship Campaign Chair
Bruce and Laura Linger
Planned Giving
Mark Toledo
Rev. Donald Dempsey
Beverly Lang
2013 Annual Report
Stewardship Campaign
The Stewardship Sunday Campaign is the official
annual pledge drive for Kenilworth Union Church.
The money raised through pledges from our
members is by far the most important source of
funding for the operating budget of the Church
as well as our special programs and Christian
Outreach efforts. The campaign would not be
successful without the dedication and energy of the
Stewardship Committee, staff and more than 100
volunteer members of the congregation.
This year our campaign “All God’s Work” raised over
$1.6 million for KUC and its agencies. We have been
extremely good stewards, and although we did not
achieve our campaign goal, we are thankful for the
698 generous pledges that we did receive from our
Laura and Bruce Linger
Worship and Music Committee
The committee oversees the worship services of the
church, giving attention to the spiritual enrichment of
the congregation. It is responsible for the direction
of Usher teams, the Memorial, Wedding and Altar
Guilds and for overseeing the music ministry for
church services.
We welcomed Don Dempsey and Jo Forrest to our
church and our committee, helping us navigate and
adding stability to this time of ministerial transitions.
The church’s worship and music are supported by our
volunteers and participants, committee members,
ministers and staff – all contributing to provide a
worshipful place for our congregation.
Our music programs this year included six special
music Sundays – December Choral Music with
Many Moods of Christmas arranged by Robert Shaw;
Lessons and Carols celebrating Advent; Christmas
Eve services with brass; in February Vernon Clark
and the Heirs of Joy led the congregation, Chancel
Choir and Youth Choir on Gospel Sunday; Easter was
celebrated with brass; and May Choral Music Sunday
featured Mozart’s Mass in C Minor. These special
events depend on the generous contributions of
donors, and we appreciate their continued support.
Music for Sunday worship services was provided by
both our professional staff and our many volunteer
groups including Chancel Choir, Rejoice Children’s
Choir, Youth Choir, Junior Bell Choir, Adult Bell Choir,
and Chamber Orchestra Ensemble. Over 150 people
participate in these music groups, and 90 young
people enjoyed the youth music retreat.
The church is graced with people who give of their
time and care that our church services are special,
whether on Sundays or services that commemorate
life’s milestones. We are thankful for the opportunity
to serve our church and to help fill our sanctuary with
the spirit of worship and music.
Mei Aden
Mei Aden, Chair
Ann Carey
Bill Walsh
Bob Cannon, Altar Guild
Hyde Perce, Usher Captain
Barb Gooden, Wedding Guild
Jennifer Burch, Memorial Guild
Nancy Tierney, Memorial Guild
Kris Fishman
Hope Poor
Rev. Dr. Don Dempsey
Rev. Jo Forrest
Lisa Bond
John Bryant
Anne Faurot
Altar Guild
All Altar Guild matters continue on as before, with
new arrangements for gluten-free hosts. Intinction
will be an option if members at the 8:00 Sunday
service taking communion exceed 40.
KUC members offering help after services have
eased Sunday tasks.
Buck Services continues to be of great assistance in
assuring the chapel and sanctuary are in good order
on Sundays.
Robert Cannon
Kenilworth Union Church
Memorial Guild
Youth and Family Ministries
At the request of families, the Memorial Guild
prepares and hosts receptions following memorial
services. Small sandwiches, cookies, tea and coffee
are served. Made up of many member volunteers,
the guild hosted five receptions this year, ranging
from small family gatherings to large functions.
Jennifer Burch
Usher Corps
Approximately 110 members of the church, both
men and women, assist at worship services,
distributing bulletins, assisting with seating and
collecting the offering. Ushers serve on assigned
teams at either the 9:00 or 10:30 am services. Teams
serve on a rotating basis, with each team serving
once every six to eight weeks. Ushers also assist at
the 8:00 am service; these ushers serve individually
or as a pair. Ushering is a very good, undemanding
way to meet new people and to feel a greater sense
of participation. You are invited to join the program,
either as a regular team member or as an occasional
substitute. Please feel free to contact Hyde Perce
at [email protected] or 847-251-3372,
or Julia Smolucha at 847-251-4272 or
[email protected] if you would like to
serve as an usher or if you have any
questions about ushering.
Hyde Perce
Wedding Guild
The thirty members of the Wedding Guild ensure
that weddings at KUC are a wonderful experience
for brides and grooms. They provide assistance at
the rehearsal and on wedding day. Thank you to the
dedicated volunteers that assisted with ten weddings
this past year.
Barb Gooden
2013 Annual Report
We enjoyed another exciting year due to the
extraordinary energy and creativity of Sarah Garcia,
our Youth and Family Minister; Silvi Pirn, Youth
Director and Chris Johnson, Youth Group Director.
There were many highlights including the largestever mission trip to Panama, where the teens worked
to improve the living conditions of an indigenous
population, and a Confirmation wilderness trip to
Wyoming over the summer.
During the school year the staff leads the
Confirmation program, IMPACT meetings and service
projects, and weekly youth groups for middle and
junior high school with the help of older teens.
We were very sad to say goodbye to Sarah in July
after almost seven years with KUC. We have a lot
of momentum that will continue under the direction
of Silvi Pirn and with help from our committee and
If you enjoy being around youth or are just young at
heart and want to get involved, there are more ways
than ever to be a part of the youth ministry. Join us!
Liz Chandler
Leslie Holling, Chair Liz Chandler
Catherine King
Laura McColl Simon McMaster
John Palmer
Rev. Sarah Garcia
Silvi Pirn
Chris Johnson
Laura Dewitt
Carrie Hoza
Bev Kirk
Mimi Rodman
Alison Tobey Smart
Memorial Fund
The Alison Tobey Smart (ATS) Memorial Fund was
established in February 1986. It provides programs
promoting the spiritual, educational, and emotional
well-being of our adolescents and their families.
Twenty-seven years later, ATS serves a broader
audience, including young parents and families as
well as intergenerational groups. Common themes
include encouraging self-worth, dealing with peer
pressure and stress, healthy decision-making, and
combating perfectionism.
Last year our programs included:
»» A 2-day series of presentations in October around
“Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be
Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love,
Parent, and Lead” in conjunction with Family
Action Network (FAN) and several other local
parent groups. Dr. Brené Brown, a highly-regarded
professor of social work and best-selling author,
attracted over 1500 attendees to her presentations.
Her shame resilience research, engaging stories,
and “Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto”
resonated with many. A few community-based
groups met in the days after to discuss Brown’s
book and talks. Many recognized her influence
on the Commencement Speaker at New Trier’s
graduation this spring.
»» Dr. Kay Redfield Jameson, a compassionate leader
in mental health issues (especially depression and
suicide), was scheduled to present on February
26th, but a heavy snow closed New Trier’s Cornog
Auditorium, so her evening presentation was
cancelled. She is rescheduled for October 8, 2013.
Hope you can join us!
»» The week of March 3rd was our second ATS
Action Week around the Ken Ginsburg and Brené
Brown-inspired themes of “Moving Away from
Perfectionism and Becoming the Person Who
God Intends You to Be.” Once more we shared
some consistent messages with our Youth Groups,
choirs, Bible Study, and Sunday School participants,
thanks to the coordinated efforts of our ministers
and senior staff. Instead of a roundtable, we
orchestrated some pot-luck dinner discussion
around these messages. We look forward to an
even more impactful Action Week next March. It’s
good to put our speaker wisdom into practice.
»» May 19th Youth Sunday Activities: included the
Senior Brunch and the third annual presentation of
ATS Service Awards to Corbett Wilkinson, Patrick
Gazley, and Victoria McDonough. We recognized
Coady Hilarides and Sally French, both high
school seniors, for their especially generous youth
leadership over this year.
»» Dr. Don Dempsey, Reverend Sarah Garcia, and
Youth Director Silvi Pirn joined over fifty high school
seniors and their parents to celebrate the milestone
and to discuss the challenges facing them as they
graduate and begin their next chapters.
»» Thirty-two KUC college freshmen received a “care
package” from our senior high students, courtesy
of ATS.
»» ATS provided scholarship assistance to Youth and
Music Programs: from ski trips to IMPACT trips,
from the choir retreats to the Chamber Ensemble.
The Alison Tobey Smart Memorial Fund thanks
those whose generous volunteer and/or financial
contributions make this work possible.
Marion Hanold and Kris Whisner, Co-Chairs
Jennifer Burch
Meg Dempsey
Bob Dold
Kris Fishman
Kim Fitzgerald
Elza Garnett
Marion Hanold
Bev Kirk
Brian Ryder
Gay Weber
Kris Whisner
Glenn Trout
Anne Faurot
Rev. Jo Forrest
Rev. Sarah Garcia
Chris Johnson
Silvi Pirn
Sue Smart, Lifetime
Kenilworth Union Church
Mr & Mrs R. Aalbregtse, Mr & Ms Marshall Abbey, Mr & Mrs John Abendshien, Mr & Mrs Douglas Aden, Mr & Mrs Kevin Agnew, Mr & Mrs Bradley Akason, Mrs Janet Akers, Mr & Ms Robert Albertson, Mr & Mrs
Oscar Alcantara, Ms Cheryl Allen, Mr Charles Allen, Mrs Robert W. Allen, Mr & Mrs Charles R. Allen, Mr & Mrs Todd Allen, Mr & Mrs Martin Alston, Dr & Mrs Proctor Anderson, Ms Virginia Anderson, Mr Robert
Anderson, III, Ms Carol Andrews, Mr & Mrs John Angelos, Mr & Mrs Robert Apatoff, Mr James Appel & Ms Kathleen Hogan, Ms Sydney Arenberg, Mr & Mrs Timothy Armour, Mr & Mrs George Arnold, Mr & Mrs
Stephen Ashmore, Mr & Mrs David Asplund, Mr & Mrs Paul Astolfi, Mr & Mrs Philip Atteberry, Jr., Mr J. Avril & Ms Lisa Lux, Mr & Mrs Robert Aylsworth, Mr & Mrs Patrick Bachler, Mrs Annemarie Bales, Mr &
Mrs Ronald Balsbaugh, Mr & Mrs Robert Balsley, Jr, Mr & Mrs Randolph Barba, Mrs Diane Barkley, Mrs Jacqueline Barnes, Mr & Mrs Bradley Barnett, Mr & Mrs Larry Barr, Mr & Mrs Charles Barrow, Mr & Mrs
William Bartlett, Ms Elizabeth Bartlett, Mr & Mrs Brit Bartter, Mr & Mrs Dan Basse, Ms Linda Bates, Mr & Mrs John Baylor, Mr & Mrs John Beam, Mr & Mrs Preston Beard, Mr & Mrs Philip Beck, Mr & Mrs Roger
Beckwith, Mr & Mrs John Beitler, Jr., Mrs David Bellamy, Jr., Mr & Dr Jeffrey Bennett, Mr & Mrs Kell Benson, Ms Bonnie Berbach, Mr & Mrs D. Theodore Berghorst, Ms Laura Bergman, Mr & Mrs Kelley Bergstrom,
Mr & Mrs Brad Bernstein, Mr John Berry & Mrs Jacqueline Quern Berry, Mrs Carol Berry, Mrs Barbara Besant, Dr Kevin Bethke & Mrs Beth Alwin, Mr & Ms James Beyl, Mr & Mrs Joseph Bianucci, Mr & Mrs
Chandler Bigelow, III, Mr & Mrs Michael Bilello, Mr & Ms Greg Binns, Mrs L. Roy Birdwell, Mr & Mrs Sean Bisceglia, Mrs Joyce Bishop, Mr Bissell & Mrs Volkert- Bissell, Mr & Mrs Thomas Bittman, Mr & Mrs
William Blackwell, Ms Patricia Blackwell, Mr & Mrs Benson Blake, Mr & Mrs John Blanchard, Mrs Virginia Blankenbaker & Mr John Williams, Dr & Mrs Norman Blankenship, Mr & Mrs Randall Blaugh, Mr &
Mrs Richard Blommer, Mr & Mrs Stephen Bobo, Mrs Sandra Bohnsack, Ms Nancy Bohrer, Dr & Mrs Andrew Bond, Mr & Mrs Scott Bondurant, Mr & Mrs Terry Booth, Mr & Mrs Kent Born, Mr & Mrs David
Bornhoeft, Mr & Mrs David Bornhoeft, Mr & Mrs Edwin Bosler, Mr & Mrs Theodore Bosler, Mr Harold Bott, Jr., Mrs Edward S Bottum, Mr & Mrs Roger Bottum, Dr & Mrs Gilbert Bowen, Dr & Mrs Mark Bowen,
Mr William Boyd, Mrs Rebecca Boyd, Mr & Mrs Matthew Braatz, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Brady, Mr Mark Brand & Ms Margrit Kuehn, Mr & Mrs David Brandes, Mr & Mrs Robert Brandon, Ms Edrita Braun, Mrs Edrita
F. Crocker, Mr & Mrs James Breece, III, Mr & Mrs Peter Breen, Dr & Mrs Michael Breen, Mr & Mrs Eric Britton, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Brooks, Mr & Mrs Brent Brouse, Mr & Mrs Paul Brown, Mr & Mrs Kevin Brown,
Mr & Mrs Nathan Brown, Mrs C. William Brubaker, Mrs Diane Bruce, Mr & Mrs Michael Brunso, Mr & Mrs John Bryan, Jr., Ms Katherine Bryant, Mrs Dorothy Buckman, Mr & Mrs Steven Bufton, Dr & Mrs George
Bulkley, Mr & Mrs Allan Bulley, Jr., Dr & Dr Stephen Bundra, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Burch, Mrs Donald W. Burge, Mrs Robert N. Burt, Dr Robert Burton & Dr Julia Yen, Mr & Mrs Joseph Busch, Mr & Mrs Peter Butler,
Mr & Mrs Patrick Cahill, Mr & Mrs Ryan Cahill, Mr & Mrs Wiley Caldwell, Mr & Mrs Stephen Calk, Mrs Sally Campbell, Dr & Mrs David Campbell, Mr & Mrs Donald Campbell, Jr., Mrs Katerina Campbell, Mr &
Mrs Robert Cannon, Ms Ann Carey, Mr & Mrs Eric Carlino, Mr & Mrs Brett Carlson, Mr & Mrs Howard Carlson, Mr & Mrs Michael Carothers, Dr & Mrs Edward Casas, Mr & Mrs Clarke Caywood, Mr & Dr Peter
Chadwick, Mr & Mrs David Chandler, Mr & Mrs Howard Chandler, Dr & Mrs Andrew Chaney, Mr & Mrs Hamilton Chang, Mr & Mrs Christopher Chatain, Mr & Mrs Faris Chesley, Dr Gene & Dr Katherine Bellamy
Chiao, Ms Debra Chisum & Mr Steven Goldstein, Mr & Mrs T. Tolbert Chisum, Mr & Mrs Eric Cohen, Mr & Mrs Thomas Cole, Mr & Mrs Stephen Cole, Mr & Mrs James Colley, Mrs Katherine Collins, Mr & Mrs
Robert Collins, IV, Mr & Mrs Harry Conkey, III, Mr & Mrs Dana Connell, Judy & Jerry Conner, Mr & Mrs James Connors, IV, Mr & Mrs James Connors, III, Mr Stanton Cook, Mr & Mrs Doug Cook, Mr & Mrs Steve
Cook, Mr & Mrs E. David Coolidge, III, Mr Richard Cooper & Mrs Diana deMeuse, Mr & Mrs Kenneth Coquillette, Mr & Mrs Michael Corbett, Mr & Mrs Robert Cosier, Jr., Mr & Mrs J. Spencer Cotten, Mr & Mrs
John Coulter, Mr & Mrs Jay Courage, Mr & Mrs Stephen Cowen, Mr & Mrs James Cowie, Mrs Marjorie Cox, Mr & Mrs James Cozad, Mr & Mrs David Craven, Mr & Mrs John Creigh, Jr., Mr & Mrs Jon Crosby, Mr
& Mrs Edward Cross, Mr & Mrs Benson Culver, Mr & Mrs Robert Cunningham, Ms Donna Curry, Mr & Mrs Lee Curtiss, Mr Thomas Cutler, Ms Marilyn Cutler, Mr & Mrs Dean Czuma, Mr & Mrs James Dadura,
Ms Jeanne Daniel, Mr & Mrs John Danielson, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Danoff, Mr & Mrs Brad Davey, Mr A. Drury Davis, Jr., Mr & Mrs Tanner Davis, Mrs Richard S. Davis, Mr & Mrs Albert Day, Mr Richard Day & Ms
Henrietta Saunders, Mr & Mrs Robert Dearborn, Mr & Mrs Dirk Degenaars, Mr & Mrs Michael Del Campo, Mr & Mrs Mac Demay, Mr & Mrs Richard Denison, Mr & Mrs Steven DePaepe, Ms Julia Devos-Ford
& Mr Keith Striegl, Ms Laura DeWitt, Mr Jay DeWitt, Mr & Mrs J. Dickerson, Mr & Mrs Byram Dickes, Mr & Mrs John Dienner, Mr & Mrs Robert Dillon, III, Mr Vincent Dina & Ms Lois Stanley, Mr & Mrs John
Dischner, Ms Suzanne Dissette, Mr & Mrs John Dixon, Mr & Mrs Bernard Dobroski, Mrs Leila Dodge, Mr & Mrs John Doerge, Jr., Mr & Mrs Robert Dold, Mr & Mrs Robert Dold, Jr, Mrs Kristen Donahue, Mrs
Dorothy Donovan, Mr & Mrs John Dore, Mr & Mrs Peter Douglass, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Douthit, Ms Clarissa Downey, Mr & Ms Stephen Doyle, Ms Martha Drake, Mr & Mrs Stephen Drewry, Mr & Mrs Robert Drozd,
Mr & Mrs William Drucker, Mr & Mrs Arthur DuBois, Mr & Mrs Timothy Dugan, Mrs Phillis Dunbar, Mr & Mrs Eric Durdov, Mr & Mrs Joe Duris, Mr & Mrs David Durning, Mr & Mrs Michael Dwyer, Mr & Dr Philip
Earvolino, Mr & Mrs G. Reed Eberle, Jr., Mr & Mrs Trey Echols, Mr & Mrs John Edelmann, Mrs Robert C Edwards, Mrs Donna Eldridge, Mr & Mrs Rocky Elli, Mr & Mrs Sam Elsaden, Mr & Mrs J. William Embree,
III, Mr & Mrs Paul Embree, Mr & Mrs King Embry, Mr Robert Emerson, Mr & Mrs Aleks Engel, Dr & Mrs Reid Engelmann, Mr & Mrs Theodore Epps, Mr & Mrs Donald Farnsworth, Mr & Mrs William Fauntleroy,
Mr & Mrs Alexander Faurot, Mr & Mrs Robert Faurot, Mr & Mrs Brian Fehrenbach, Mr & Mrs Brent Felitto, Mr Steven Felt & Ms Diana Lacobucci, Mrs Laura Fenner, Mr & Mrs Mark Fessler, Mr & Mrs John
Fillman, Mr & Mrs Lewis Fisher, Mr & Mrs Kenneth Fishman, Mr & Mrs William Fitzgerald, Ms Dianne FitzSimons, Mr & Mrs John N. Fix, Mr & Mrs John Fix, Ms Vanette Fleming, Mrs Patricia Flentye, Dr Laurel
Flentye, Ms Linda Flentye, Mr & Mrs Kevin Flynn, Mr & Mrs Michael Flynn, Mr & Mrs William Folland, Mr & Mrs William Folland, Mr & Mrs Frederick Forbes, Mr & Mrs John Fortson, Mr & Mrs Michael Foster,
Mr & Mrs Scott Fowkes, Mrs Sharon Fowler, Mr & Mrs William Fowler, III, Mrs Margaret Ann Fowler, Mr & Mrs Donald Fox, Mrs Kenneth L. Fox, Jr, Mr & Mrs Patrick Fox, Mr & Mrs Larry Fox, Mr & Mrs Fielden
Fraley, Mr & Mrs Richard Francis, Mr & Mrs Edward Francis, Mr & Mrs Ryan Freel, Mr & Mrs Alan Freemond, Mr & Mrs Thomas Frei, Mr Robert Frick, Mr & Mrs Daniel Frisch, Mr & Mrs John Frothingham, Mr &
Mrs Mark Fuller, III, Mr & Mrs Richard Funke, Mr & Mrs George Gaines, Mrs Elizabeth Gallagher, Mr & Mrs Christopher Galvin, Rev Sarah Garcia & Mr Toby Knotts, Mr & Mrs Brett Gardiner, Mr & Mrs David
Garland, Dr & Mrs John Garnett, Dr & Mrs John Garvin, Mr & Mrs Kevin Gazley, Mr & Mrs Constantine Gekas, Mrs Cynthia Gentles, Mrs Carol George, Mr Raymond George, Jr., Mr & Mrs Pantelis Georgiadis,
Ms Theresa Gernand, Mr & Mrs Philip Gerner, III, Mr & Mrs David Gezon, Mr & Mrs William Gibbons, Mrs Leonard Gilbert, Ms Consuelo Giron, Ms Vicki Glanz, Ms Laura Good, Mrs Barbara Gooden, Mr
Christopher Gooden, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Gooden, Mr & Mrs Bruce Gooden, Mr & Ms John Goodwin, Mr Richard Gordon & Mrs Vivian Vahlberg, Mr & Mrs Lawrence Gordon, Ms Jeanne Goss, Mr & Mrs Philip
Goss, Mr & Mrs W. Gossard, Mrs John Graham, Mr & Dr William Graham, Mr James Graham & Mrs Linda Kingman, Mr & Mrs David Grainger, Mr Gerald Grant, III, Mr & Mrs Douglas Grant, Mr & Mrs William
Green, III, Dr Thomas Green & Ms Carrie Robinson, Ms Elizabeth Greene, Mrs Warren Greene, Mr & Mrs Walter Greenough, Mr & Mrs Roger Griffin, Mr & Mrs Harry Griffith, Mr & Mrs William Griffiths, Mr & Mrs
Frederick Groff, Ms Sandra Grung, Mr & Mrs John Gummersall, Mr & Mrs William Guthrie, Mr & Mrs William Guthrie, Dr & Mrs Frank Guthrie, Jr., Mr & Mrs Warren Guthrie, Mr & Mrs Charles Hackley, Jr., Mr &
Mrs William Hagenah, Mr & Mrs John Hagenah, Mr & Mrs Steve Haggerty, Mr & Mrs Brian Hague, Mr & Mrs Michael Hainen, Mr & Mrs Henry Hakewill, IV, Mr & Mrs Burton Hales, Jr, Mr Daniel Hales, Mr & Mrs
John Hales, Mr & Mrs Daniel Hales, Mr & Mrs William Hall, Mrs Joan Hallsteen, Mr & Mrs Thomas Handler, Mr & Mrs Marco Hanig, Ms JJ Hanley, Mr & Mrs David Hanold, Mrs Fred Hansen, Mr Douglas Hanslip,
Mr & Mrs John Hardy, Mr & Mrs Todd Harootyan, Mr Michael Harper, Mr & Mrs Kenneth Harris, Jr., Mr & Mrs John Hart, Mr & Mrs William Hart, Mr & Mrs Richard Harza, Mr & Mrs Robert Hasty, Dr & Mrs Paul
Hauser, Mr & Mrs Fred Hawk, Mr & Mrs David Hawkins, Mr & Mrs Howard Hayes, Mr & Mrs Dana Hayes, Jr., Mr & Mrs Patrick Haynes, III, Mr & Mrs Frank Haynes, Mr & Mrs Paul Hayward, Mr & Mrs Wallace
Hayward, Mr & Mrs Robert Hayward, Mr & Mrs James Heald, Jr., Mr & Mrs Geoff Heekin, Mr & Mrs Peter Heisinger, Mr & Mrs Scott Heitmann, Mr & Mrs John Hellmuth, Mr & Mrs Paul Helmer, Mr & Mrs James
Hemmer, Mr & Mrs Seth Hemming, Mrs Kelly Hendricks, Mr & Mrs Richard Henry, Mr & Mrs James Henry, Mr & Mrs Peter Hepner, Mrs Rial O. Herreman, Mr James Hertel & Mrs Melanie Hauck, Mrs E. John
Hicks, Jr., Mr & Mrs Robert Higgins, Mr & Mrs Robert Higgins, Mr & Mrs Robert S. Hilarides, Mr & Mrs Arthur Hill, Ms Cynthia Hill, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Hillebrand, Dr Katherine Hillebrand, Ms Denise Hillinger, Mr
& Mrs John Hillman, Mr & Mrs Michael Hills, Mr William Hinchliff, Mr & Mrs Harold Hindsley, Mr & Mrs Paul Hindsley, Mr & Mrs Edward Hines, Mr & Mrs Anthony Hoban, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Hoch, Mr & Mrs Edwin
Hodge, Mr & Mrs David Hodges, Mr & Mrs James Hoel, Mr & Mrs Stephen Hoffman, Mrs Robert P. Hohf, Mr & Mrs Michael Holling, Mr & Mrs Glenn Holmquist, Mr & Mrs William Honaker, III, Mr Stephen
Hoopes, Mr & Ms Mark Hosfield, Mr & Mrs Gary Hosking, Mrs Laurie Howick, Mr & Mrs Peter Hoyt, Mrs Martha Hoza, Mr & Mrs Philip Hoza, III, Mrs Norma Hoza, Ms Carolyn Hoza, Mr & Mrs Stewart S.Hudnut,
Mr William Hudson, III & Mrs Joslyn Blokell, Mr & Mrs D. Richard Hughey, Mr & Mrs Don Hummel, Mr & Mrs Eric Hunsader, Mr & Mrs Shawn Hunt, Mr & Mrs Lawrence Hunt, Jr, Ms Linda Huntington, Mrs Carolyn
Husting, Mrs Mary Immenhausen, Mr & Mrs James Ingle, Rev & Dr Gordon Ingram, Mr & Mrs Robert Irvin, Mr & Mrs Mark Irwin, Mr & Mrs Mark Iserloth, Mr & Mrs Brian Jack, Mr & Mrs Robert Jaeschke, Mr
& Mrs Edward James, Mr Jeremiah James & Mrs Katherine Bliss, Mr & Mrs Kenneth James, Mr & Mrs Andrew James, Mr & Mrs George Jameson, Mr & Mrs Frank Jamora, Mr & Mrs Edgar Jannotta, Mr Jenkins
& Mrs Bishop-Jenkins, Mr & Mrs Barry Jennings, Mr & Mrs. T. Jennings, Mrs Arlene Johnson, Mr & Mrs Christopher Johnson, Dr Eloise Johnson, Ms V Johnson, Ms Linda Johnson, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Johnson, Ms
Julianne Johnson, Mr & Mrs Blake Johnson, Mrs Elmer Jones, Dr Philip Jones, Ms R. Ann Jones, Mr & Mrs Stephen Jones, Mr & Mrs Horace Jordan, Mr & Mrs Gregory Jordan, Mr & Mrs Herbert Jordan, III, Mr
& Mrs Christopher Joseph, Mr David Joyce, Ms Mandy Joyce, Mr & Mrs Buzz Kaehler, Dr & Mrs David Kalainov, Mr & Mrs John Kann, Mr & Mrs David Kasey, Mr & Mrs Joseph Katcha, Mr & Mrs Eric Kauffman,
Mr & Mrs Collin Kebo, Mr & Mrs Silas Keehn, Mr & Mrs Peter Keehn, Mr & Mrs Patrick Keenan, Ms Cyndee Keiser & Mr Frederick Wall, Mr & Mrs Robert Keith, Mr & Mrs Robert Keith, Mr & Mrs Robert Keith,
Mr & Mrs David Kelso, Mr & Mrs John Kemper, Mr Thomas Kendall, Mr & Mrs Stan Kennedy, Mr & Mrs Steven Kennett, Mr & Mrs Jon Kennett, Mr & Mrs Robert Kenyon, Mr & Mrs Richmond Kenyon, II, Mr &
Mrs John Kerr, Mr & Mrs L. Hamilton Kerr, III, Mr & Mrs Andrew Kerr, Mr & Mrs Reginald Kerr, Mr Matthew Ketchum, Mr & Mrs John Kibler, Mr & Mrs P. Kilborn, Mrs M. Allen Kimble, Mr & Mrs Robert Kincaid,
Mr & Mrs Edmund King, III, Mr & Mrs Richard Kiphart, Mr & Mrs Daniel Kipp, Mr & Mrs William J. Kirby, Mr & Mrs David Kirby, Mrs Beverly Kirk, Mr Mark Kirk, Mr & Mrs David Kirk, Mr & Mrs Kevin Kirkpatrick,
Mrs Diane Kirts, Mr & Mrs James Klenk, Ms Donna Klingler, Mr & Mrs Lester Knight, III, Mr Robert Kofkin & Mrs Cynthia Chase -Kofkin, Mr & Mrs Anthony Konstant, Mr & Mrs Paul Konstant, Mr & Mrs Jeffrey
Kopiwoda, Mrs Courtney Kosanovich, Mr Stephen Kosanovich, Mr & Mrs Cameron Krueger, Mr & Mrs Kelley Kruger, Mr & Mrs Alan Kubicka, Mr Ekkehard Kubler & Dr Laurie Casas, Ms Chrisanne Kuenzel, Mr
& Mrs Ronald Kurz, Mr & Mrs James Kyle, Ms Cristy Laier, Mr & Mrs David Landsittel, Mrs Morton N Lane, Mr & Mrs Timothy Lankford, Mrs Penfield Lanphier, Mr & Mrs Stuart Larkins, Ms Judith Larrimore, Mrs
Jennifer Larson & Mr Thomas Gainer, Mr & Mrs Gregg Latterman, Mr & Mrs Richard Lawson, Mr & Ms L. James Lawson, III, Mr & Mrs Tony Lazaro, Mr & Mrs Harold Leddy, Mr & Mrs John Lee, Ms Suzanne
Leech, Mr & Mrs Paul LeFebvre, Mr & Mrs Adam LeFebvre, Mr & Mrs Dustin LeFebvre, Mr & Mrs Gregg Lemein, Mrs Richard Lewis, Mr & Mrs Scott Lien, Mr Thomas Lillard, Mr & Mrs Thomas Lillard, III, Ms
Wilma Lilly, Mr & Mrs Kai Lindholst, Mr & Mrs Robert Lindstrom, Mr & Mrs Bruce Linger, Rev Jane Lionberger, Mrs Lyn Little, Mr & Mrs Stephen Livaditis, Mrs Dayle Lively, Mr & Mrs Patrick Livney, Mr & Mrs
Anthony Lorenz, Mr & Mrs David Loucks, Mr & Ms Peter Lovato, III, Mr & Mrs Tom Lund, Mr & Mrs Robert Lundin, Jr., Mr & Mrs George Luscombe, II, Ms Barbara Lutz, Mr & Mrs James Lyons, Mr & Mrs Dennis
Lyons, Mr & Mrs Gerald Maatman, Jr., Mr & Mrs John Mabie, Mr & Mrs Douglas Mabie, Mr & Mrs Scott MacGregor, Mrs John Mack, Mr & Mrs Keith MacKenzie, Ms Susan Mackesey, Mr & Mrs Ernest MacVicar,
Mr & Mrs James Maher, Mr & Mrs Daniel Marks, Mr & Mrs John Marquardt, Mr & Mrs Newton Marshall, Mr Eric Marshall & Ms Deborah Claflin, Mr & Mrs James Martin, Mr & Mrs John Martin, Mr & Mrs John
Martin, Mr & Mrs Kelly Martin, Mr & Mrs John Marzonie, Mr & Mrs Michael Masterson, Mr & Mrs Paul Mastrapa, Mrs Robert S Mather, Mr & Mrs Richard Mathias, Mr & Mrs Robert Mathias, Mr & Mrs John
Mayfield, Mr & Mrs Raymond Mazzocco, Mr & Mrs Ken McAtamney, Mr & Mrs Thomas McBride, Mr Vincent McBrien & Mrs Judith Paine, Mrs Ashley McCall, Mr Matthew McCall, Mr & Mrs Gary McCallister, Dr
& Mrs Walter McCarthy, Mr & Mrs James McClamroch, Mr & Mrs David McClamroch, Mr & Mrs James McClung, Mr & Mrs Archibald McClure, Mr & Mrs John McClure, Mr & Mrs James McColl, Mr & Mrs Michael
McColl, Mr & Mrs James McColl, Jr., Mr Stuart McCrary & Ms Nancy Davis, Mr & Mrs John McDermott, Mr & Mrs Peter McDermott, Ms Chris McDermott, Mr & Mrs Michael McGill, Mr & Mrs Timothy McGregor,
Mr & Mrs William McGuire, Mr & Mrs Christopher McGuire, Mr & Mrs Ingrid McGuire, Mr & Mrs John McHugh, Jr, Mr & Mrs John McInnis, Dr Bobbie McKay & Mr Lewis Musil, Dr & Mrs McKay McKinnon, Mr
& Mrs John McKinven, Mr & Mrs Clayton McLaughlin, Mr & Mrs John McLinden, Mr & Mrs Simon McMaster, Mrs Thomas R McMillen, Mrs Doris McMorrow, Mr Stephen McMullen, Mr Mark McNally & Mrs Julie
Bessent, Mr & Mrs Willard McNitt, III, Mr Willard McNitt, Sr., Mr & Mrs Peter McNitt, Mr & Mrs Matthew McQueen, Mr & Mrs Sumner Mead, Mrs Barbara Mengel, Mr & Mrs Allen Menke, Mr & Mrs Bradley Merk,
Mr & Mrs Richard Metzler, Mrs Steven B Meyer, Mr & Mrs John Meyers, Ms Pauline Michael, Mr & Mrs Christopher Miles, Dr & Mrs Craig Millard, Mrs John E Miller, Mr & Mrs Stephen Miller, Mr & Mrs Craig
Miller, Mr & Mrs Jason Miller, Mr & Mrs Greg Miller, Mr & Mrs Craig Miller, Mr & Mrs John Mills, Mrs Barbara Milnor, Mr & Mrs Corey Minturn, Mr & Mrs Lyman Missimer, Jr, Mr & Mrs Kevin Mitchell, Mr & Mrs
John Mjoseth, Mr & Mrs Gregory Moerschel, Ms Ann Mohn, Ms Paula Moles, Mr & Mrs Otto Monnig, Ms Jennifer Montgomery, Mrs Eleanor Montgomery, Mr & Mrs Charles Moore, Mr & Mrs Riley Morgan, Mr
& Mrs James Morris, Mr & Mrs James Morrissey, Ms Denise Morton, Mr & Mrs William Mowry, Jr., Mr & Mrs Carl Mueller, Ms Jane Mueller, Mr & Mrs Kurt Mueller, Mr Herman Muller & Ms Tanya Dietrich, Ms