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"":i {i #l* *r* ,r*,*i .rti YERCAUD MONTFORT ALI]MI\'I ASSOCIATION BYE-LAWS - 2012 1. The Associationshall be known as " YERCAUD MONTFORT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ". Its addressshall be; " Montfort Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School, Yercaud - 636 60I, SalemDishict, Tamil Nadu, India. OBJECTTVES 2. The objectivesof the Associationshall be; a) To arrangefor an Annual Re-unionofthe Life Membersof the Association. b) To provide a medium wherebythe Membersof the Associationmay keep in touch with each other. To assistthe Association Members with any information or in any other way within its power. c) To assistthe Associationby; d) i) To Recruit new membersfor the Association.To renderassistanceto applicants seekingadmissionin the school. ii) Establishingscholarshipsandprizes for deservingstudentsof the School. iii) Contributingarticlesto "The Link " which may be of assistanceto the studentsof the Schoolor of generalinterestand assistthe schoolby getting advertisementsfor the Link. e) Generallyto establisha closerelation ship between the Alumni and the Schooland celebratingSchoolHeritageand achievementsof the Alumni. MEMBERSIINI to all the Alumni who has completed 12ft 3) Membershipof the Association rh"tt b" ..1 Lit "pr""d left in between and has been a student of the Montfort If the student had Montfort School. Std., in School for at least one academicyear he/sheshouldhave attainedthe age of 18. He/shecan apply with a proof of completing 12fr Std., elsewhereand with the proof of studyingin Montfort School at least for one year. An application from any Alumni who has been in the School for less than a year may be consideredby the Committee and admission may be granted. Application for admission as member.shall be made to the President. Even such application shall be consideredby the Committee which shall have the power to grant admissionor to refuse it. No reasonneed be given in caseof refusal. 4) To becomea Life Member of the AssociationeveryAlumni shall pay a lump sum of Rs.1000/and Rs.50/- for the Identity Card. Brothers of the congregationSt. Gabriel who have worked in Yercaud Montfort Schoolwill becomea religious memberof the Associationand are exemptedfrom the membershipfee.The accountingyear of the Associationwill be from 1$April to 31$ March. Memberswould be entitled to enjoy the benefitsof the Associationfrom the time of approval 5) of their membershipby the Committee.No refund of money shall be made to memberswho wish to leave the Association or if their membershipis terminated.Membership in the Association can be terminated by the Committee for misconduct,activities againstthe School or the Association or for interference with the School and the Association. The member will be given an opportuntty to t ' explain his/her conductto the Committee. The Committee'sdecisionis final andbinding. The subscriptionmay be increasedfrom time to time proposedby the Committee and 6) approvedby the GeneralBody. 'ipsofactoo Honorary Member of 7) The spousesof the membersof the Associationbecome the Association after the demiseof the active member. They shall enjoy all the other benefits equal to the memberbut will have no voting rights. with the committeeconstitutedas The Managementof the Associationshall be vested follows: i) President: The PrinciPalof the School. a) ii) Treasurer: The Treasurerof the School. 8) GeneralAssemblyof Members' b), 1 ) TMembers w o V i c eelected - p , " ' i dby * t ,the .(Resident&Non-Resident) from Alumni residing-one from among Alumni residing in Yercaud and one may or may not attendall outsideyercaud. The Non-Residentvice-president the committeemeetings' A SecretarY' iil iil) An AssistantSecretarY' lv) Ten Committee Members be frlled up by co-option whenever and wherever needed,interim vacanciesmay by the lsmaining membersof the committee' 9)TheCommitteeshallhavepowertofixfromtimetotimesuchexp enditureasmaybe Exffaordinary expenditure incurred will be with Association. the of management the for necessary the approval of the GeneralBodY' 10)a)WhencallingacommitteemeetingtheSecretaryshallsendtheagendaatleasttwo weeks in advance' pryse-n:eof a quorum of 5 (five)' In b) Any decision to be arived at must be taken in the 15 minutes and the meeting can the absenceof quorum, -".ti"g can be adjoumed for can be conducted. be call,edfor ani eve,nif there is no quonrm meeting and in his absencethe Reside'lrt c) rrr" pr"rio*t shall preside at the committee Meeting the In the absenceof the President *d th" Reside'ntVice-president, Vi"r;;;;il;. of meeting. In the absence the , Non-Residential Vice president shall preside at the commiJtee-19mbers shall elect a President and the vice-presidents, thi remaining nremberslqllhaye one vote' The : chairman from,amongthemselv"r,"lu"l commitlee equality of votes in all matters' Chafum; JuJt nur,,"tle casting vote in the event of 1 1 ) C o m m i t t e e m e m b e r s n o t a f i e n d i n g 3 c o n s e c u t i v g g g m m i tto t e be e l eunsatisfactory e t i n g s h a l l c by e a sthe etobe abse,nceare found members of the committee if the reasons for their committee. 12) l The school Chaplain will be chaplain of the Association' .,The Link, is the publicalion of the school. The Link will not be suppliedto the members' 13) on paynent fu* b{ the School' Members of Desiring membersmay get it directly lom the School materials and advertisements to be printed in the Association are welcomed to supply their valuable the Link. r,. .."w GENERAL ASSEMBLY The ultimate authority in all mattersrelating to the administrationof the association,shall L4) be the GeneralBody of the Associationwhich shall meet normally once a year to conductthe affairs of the Association. The following amongother mattersshall be dealt with by the GeneralBody. a) b) c) d) e) D g) h) i) Accepting the agenda Reading the nninutesof the previous meeting and getting approval of the GeneralBody. Considerationof the Annual Report of the Working Committeeof the Association. Adoption of the annual statementof Receipts and Expenditure. Passingof the Budget. Amendmentor repair of any Bye-Law or enactmentof a new Bye-Law. Considerationof any complaintsor suggestionswhich an individual membermay have to offer. Election of Membersof the Committeeexceptthe President,Treasurer. Memberswishing to submit amendmentsto Bye-Laws should submit it in writing at least 45 daysprior to the GeneralBody Meeting. 15) The Annual Meeting of the GeneralBody shall be held once ayear on the date fxed by the Qsmmitteeand circulated among Committee. The Agenda for the meetingshall be drawn up by 116s all the membersat least 2I Days prior to the date of the meeting. The quorum for the meeting shall be 50. ln the absenceof quorum, meeting can be adjournedfor 15 minutes and the meeting can be called for and even if there is no quorum meeting can be conducted. The Committee may call an extraordinary Gqreral Body Meeting on a request from any 25o/oof the total life membersof the association in writing for the considerationof any specific subject. This subject should in no case affect the Bye-Laws of the Association The Presidentshall chair the Annual GeneralBody Meeting and in his absence,one of the 16) Vice-Presidentswill chair the meetiag. In the abse,qceof the President and Vibe.Presidents,tlie GeneralAssemblyshall elect a Chairmanfrom amongthemselves.All questionsshall be decidedby majority of votes of the members present in the meeting. It shall be open to the President or Chainnan of the meeting to deterrrine the manner in which the vote should be taken Each member shall have only one vote; the Presidentor the Chairman having the casting vote in the event of there berng an equality of votes,exceptin the caseof the Election' L7) Montfort Alumni of different Districts may form their own Chapterswith the approval of the Committee of the parent Association.. They will draw their own Rules, Regulationsand or ByLaws to suit their own administration. Occasionally they may organize their own Meetings, Gettogethers, Picnics and Socials, as and when required. A general report of the activities of the Chaptersmay be sentonce a yearbefore the end of June. Reports from the different Chapterswill be brought to the notice of the GeneralBody. There will be a Get-together arranged in different districts in rotation during Last Week of December or First Week of Januaryto the convenienceof the Host Districts and flnalized by the committee. l8) a) Sonsand Daughten of Members will be givenpreference in getting admission in the School. b) llembers can participate in social functions such as Concerts,prize-Distibution, Picfures,Toumaments,Fetes etc., run by the school. c) The School will be 'At Home' to membersand their families at an! time t6rorrroo,r* the year.. d) Members will be welcome to the housesof the Brothers, not only in India but the world over. 8 , indien ' Schoo' l{on$o*-n"t'"t r..oh6 stjlJ*:ie-e01, l5-- - r lDlll l \.1