FCBV No. 17 - Fundación Colegio Bilingüe de Valledupar
FCBV No. 17 - Fundación Colegio Bilingüe de Valledupar
Therc is a rcason cvcryone refers to this scason as the "mostwonderful time ofthe year" and the students, staffand administration at FCBV are the proofthat it really is a wonderful time. Students have been practicing extra hard forthe Christmas Show while getting in the Christmas spiritwith the !ively novenas in the moming. FCBV No. 17 In Colombia , No. 1 on the Coast .. Table of Contents " ", Christmas Around the World ••••••••••• ~ •••••••••• , 2 ;Editorial ...................................... 3 A couple of weeks ago !he HouseGames201S-2016 ••••••••••••••••• ••••••• 5 magazine, Dinero released the Novenas ••••• :............................... Pre-School •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• :. Whaldoyoulhink .. •••••••••••• : •••••••••••••• 10 Ihings you didn"tknolV abou!. .. ••••••••••••••••• Thanksgiving •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lntemational .................................. , LitUe Gardeners! Big Responsibility! ••••••••••••••••• Phone lhat can be washed in 90ln9 ..... •••••••••••••• ; Inleract •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• Qpinion ...................................... Film Files •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. Music ........................... ............ FC8V Sports ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• • Inlerdasses •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . Cl\iciClipper •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 7 best schools of the decade in Colombia based on test results and Fundación Colegio Bilingüe de Valledupar made the list at number 17. That is corree!. N um ber 17 for the entire country ofColombia over lhe past ten years and number 1 of all the sehools on the eoast in Colombia. This is a major aehievement and a testament to tbe bard work and dedieation of the students and teaehers of tbis fine institution. 8 9 lO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 Valledupar. December 2015 THE CLlPPER • Editorial THE CLlPPER Christmas Around the World On December 24 we enjoy a delicious dinner, with the traditional Christrnas meal "buñuelos and natilla" then kids wait until Santa (which here in Colombia is common known as "niño Dios") comes to town and brings presents. As we know Christrnas is a global festivity really famous and significant, but as Colombia there are many countries that celebrate it in a different way. So let's travel to Russia where Christrnas is celebrated last from December 31 st to January 10th. E-moil: [email protected] Editor.in·chief: Sorne Russians don't eat anything on Christrnas Eve, until the frrst star has appeared in the sky. People then usually eat 'sochivo' or 'kutia' an oatrneal made from wheat or rice served with honey, poppy seeds, fruit (especially berries and dried fruit like raisins), chopped walnuts or sometimes even fruit j ellies! Mr. DYLAN WALSH Colaboradores: Dr. JULIO VIUAZON Ore. MARíA DORIS VILLAZÓN Mr. ALDAIR"FLÓREZ Mr. FREDMAN AMAYA Mr. JHONY MAESTRE Ms. JULlET NOCHES Ms. GRIDIS CORTES Ms. CHERINE KAZOUN Ms. YINA CHINCHIA Kutia is a traditional dish eaten in a bowl because this symbolizes unitj. In the past, sorne farnilies like to throw a spoonful of sochivo up on the ceiling. If it stuck to the ceiling, sorne people thought it meant they would have good luck and would have a good harvest! So schastlivogo Rozhdestva which means merry Christmas in Russian. Its time for Egypt. Christmas Day isn't celebrateá on the 25th December but on January 7th. . TheCoptic month leading to Christmas is called Kiahk. It's a tradition to sing special songs on Saturday preparing for Sunday service. . VALENTINA SOTO DANIEL GÓMEZ ÁNGELA ORTEGA R. MARiA AROCA O. ÁNGELA ORTEGA R. LUZ ESTELA DiAZ v. JOSÉ JORGE MAYA PAULA A. URBINA LucíA MARTíNEZ NATALlA PAVAJEAU LUIS MIGUEL LANAO JORGE ZABAlETA ANA MARiA VÁSQUEZ JAIME AlEJANDRO CORTES MARíA ALESSANDRA AROCA NELSON GUTIÉRREZ SEBASTIAN LÓPEZ ISABELLA GÓMEZ MARíA CAMILA MURILLO JOSÉ MANUEL MAYA GUIUERMO GIRÓN ISABELlA OÑATE Fotogrofio: JAMES CASTRILLÓN Diseño, Oiogfomoción e Impresión: GRÁFICAS DEL COMERCIO TELEFAX. 5743354 [email protected] Volledupar - Cesar • From advent November 25th to January 6th, Coptic Orthodox Christians offers a special vegan diet. This is called 'rhe Holy Nativity Fast'. On Coptic Christrnas Eve (January 6th), Coptic Christians go to church.for a specialliturgy or service. Many people meet up with their friends and families in the churches from 9:00pm onwards. The services normally finish shortly aftermidnight, but sorne go untiI4:00am! It's amazing how culture revels and tradition can change a global festivity. Our next destination is Greece where it is believed that the 'Killantzaroi' (bad spirits) kept away will bring good luck. The Killantzaroi are meant to appear only during the l2-day period from December 24th until January 6th. They are supposed to come from the middle ofthe earth and get into people's houses through the chimney! The Killantzaroi does things like putting out frres and making milk go bad. Having a fire burning through the twelve days of Christrnas is al so meant to keep the Killantzaroi away, this time Santa isn't the one eating cookies and milk, so if you are in Egypt you might Light your chimney because "killantzaroi" may eat your cookies. You better grab your passport because we are on ourway to Spain where most ofthe people attend Midnight Mass or "La misa del gallo". It is called that because a rooster is supposed to have crowed the night that Jesus was born. !t's a tradition to eat in a farnily environment. The common Spanish Christrnas dinner is 'Pavo Trufado de Navidad' which is Turkey stuffed with truffles (the mushrooms, not the chocolate ones!). Afterthe midnight service, people walk carrying torches, playing all kinds of instruments in the streets. One Spanish saying is "Esta noche es Noche-Buena, Y no Es noche de dormir". New Year's Eve is called "Nochevieja". It's very famous in Spain to eat 12 grapes with the 12 strokes of the clock at midnight. Each grape represents a month ofthe coming year, so if you eatthe twelve grapes, you are said to have much luck in the New Year. So, grab your baggage and travel all around the world because Christrnas is coming. Let your Christmas and wanderlust spirit shine bright!! By: Luz Estela llB THE CLlPPER 3 Valledupar. December 2015 DEBIDO AQUE LOS EXÁMENES DELICFES SON LA ÚNICA PRUEBA ESTANDARIZADA DEL PAís, SOLO ESTA VARIABLE SE TOMÓ PARA CLASIFICAR ALOS MEJORES COLEGIOS. U na frase del refranero popular reza que "donde hay educación no hay distinción de clases" y, al aplicarse a Colombia, explicaría por qué el país es tan desigual. Pese a que la educación es un tema cada vez más preponderante en el país -y de los pocos que no han sido recortados en el presupuesto gubernamental-, las diferencias se siguen ensanchando entre colegios públicos y privados así como entre urbanos y rurales. Está claro que el problema no es la cobertura sino la calidad. Y una de las formas de medir cómo van los colegios es mediante pruebas estandarizadas, como las Saber, que aplica el rcfes en el país, o las Pisa, que realiza la Ocde -el club de países ricos al que Colombia quiere entrar-o Este tipo de pruebas no reflejan todo lo que sabe un estudiante, pues son de selección múltiple y tienen campo para el 'pinochazo'. Tampoco miden la capacidad de redacción ni habilidades hoy muy importantes como las sociales. Sin embargo, son la única medida estandarizada que existe para evaluar qué tan buena es la educación que se imparte en el país. Justamente, la falta de una medida estándar es una de las razones por las cuales los jardines infantiles están sin dios ni ley, dado que no tienen una regulación nacional y no hay una prueba que evalúe qué tan bien preparados están los niños que salen de preescolar (ver página 108). Debido a que los exámenes que aplica el !cfes son la única prueba estandarizada del país, que todos conocen y que, además, son la puerta de entrada a la universidad, Dinero los eligió como la única variable para clasificar a los mejores colegios del país. Si bien se podrían incluir otras variables como la infraestructura, la cantidad de idiomas que enseñan, si tienen certificación de calidad, si todos los profesores tienen maestrías o si las condiciones laborales son idóneas, sería dificil determinar cuál de estos factores pesa más. Así pues, de nuevo este año el ranking se basa en los valores promedio que obtuvo cada colegio en las pruebas Saber l1 (con información al 23 de noviembre); pero, además, por primera vez realizamos una clasificación de varios años, con la idea de identificar aquellos colegios que de manera constante han obtenido buenos resultados en las pruebas y, por ende, en el ranking de Dinero. Si están ahí es porque deben estar haciendo algo bien. Para esta selección, se tomaron los escalafones publicados entre 2005 y 2015, lapso en el que 44 colegios estuvieron al menos una vez entre los diez primeros lugares. Luego fueron clasificados por el número de veces que estuvieron en el Top 10 y por el lugar que 4 Valledupar. December 2015 THE CLlPPER Editorial ocuparon, pues no es lo mismo ser primero o segundo, que quinto o décimo. MEJORES COLEGIOS DE LA DÉCADA Lo que más pesó al elaborar este ranking de la década fue la presencia de los colegios, pues demuestra su consistencia al graduar promociones con buenos resultados promedio, que implica mucho más esfuerzo que tener dos o diez alumnos con puntajes altos y el resto muy por debajo. El haber estado entre los diez primeros lugares una o más veces pesaba 70% en la nota final, y el otro 30% correspondió a la casilla que ocuparon. Por este motivo, los dos primeros colegios del ranking de la década: La Quinta del Puente, de Floridablanca, Santander, y Los Nogales, de Bogotá, quedaron empatados en cuanto al número de veces; pues, en nueve estuvieron en el Top 10. La diferencia estuvo en que La Quinta del Puente ocupó el primer lugar en tres ocasiones (2009, 2011 Y 2012) Y Los Nogales una vez (2014). No se tuvo en cuenta el puntaje que cada colegio obtuvo en el Icfes, pues las pruebas han venido cambiando con los años y, por lo tanto, la calificación no es comparable. i CÓMO LO HACEN? Ian Crossland, rector de Los Nogales, considera que los buenos resultados en las pruebas Saber se deben a que tienen un curriculo propio que han perfeccionado en sus 33 años de existencia. "Nuestro trabajo de cada día no son las pruebas del Icfes. Si bien son importantes en la meclida en que nos brindan retroalimentación sobre qué tan efectivo es nuestro currículo, el enfoque está en dar una formación integral académica y en valores", señala, y agrega que otro tema clave son los profesores: En eso coincide LilianaArango, rectora del colegio Santa Francisca Romana. Para ella, el secreto es la calidad docente y, por eso, dice que buscan personas formadas en pedagogía, que se actualicen permanentemente y les ofrecen un clima laboral estable. "La excelencia de los docentes es incluso más importante que el bilingüismo". Henry David Romero, rector del Liceo Campo David también insiste en la calidad docente y en ofrecerles a los profesores buenas condiciones laborales, pues en muchos colegios privados (dado que en los públicos el sistema es diferente), los emplean solo por 10 meses, con contratos a término fijo o incluso por prestación de servicios. Para Maria Isabel Lizárraga de Fandiño, del Liceo Navarra, el quid está en enseñarles a los alumnos a pensar y a poner el conocimiento en contexto, "que cuando hablen es porque lo han pensado y no porque lo aprendieron de memoria. Eso se borra y no sirve en los tiempos actuales en los que a los jóvenes el mundo se les quedó pequeño". Pero, más precisas que las opiniones de los rectores, son quizás las de sus alumnos quienes, con su vida, pueden explicar por qué sus colegios son los mejores de la década. Tomado de la Revista Dinero - Noviembre 27 de 2015 LA QUINTA DEL PUENTl FLORIOABLANCA LOS NOGALES BOGOTÁ O.e. COL SAN JORGE DE INGLATERRA BOGOTÁ O.e. INST. ALBERTO MERANI BOGOTÁ O.e. COLEGID BIUN'GÜE DIANA DESE CAU GIMNASIO VERMONT BOGOTÁ O.e. LICEO NAVARRA BOGOTÁ O.e. SAN CARLOS BOGOTÁ O.e. SANTA ~NACISCA ROMANA BOGOTÁ O.e. LICEO CAMPO DAVID BOGOTÁ O.e. GIMNASIO COLOMBO BRITANICO· BOGOTÁ O.e. SEOE PRINCIPAL LICEO DE CERVANTES PADRES BOGOTÁ O.e. AGUSTINOS COLEGID LA COliNA BOGOTÁ O.e. . BOGOTÁ O.e. GIMNASIO LA MONTAÑA CAMBRIDGE SCHooI (GiMN BIUNG PAMPLONA PLAZA SESAMO) COLEGIO REFOUS COTA FUN. BILlBG. DE VAL~.EDUPAR . VALLEOUPAR COl. INTERNACIONAL DE EDUCACiÓN INTEGRAL· DEOI· SEDE PRINCIPAL BOGOTÁ O.e. COLEGIO CA~SANZ BOGOTÁ O.e. COLEGIO CORAZDNISTA HH DEL BOGOTÁ O.e. SAGRADO CORAZON COLEGID NUEVO CAMBRIDGE FLORIDABLANCA COLEGIO INGLES DE LOS ANDES CALI SOe. ESCUELA KARL e. PARRISH PUERTO COLOMBIA INST. MUSICAL DIEGO ECHAVARRIA MEDELLiN FUNO. NUEVO MARY~UNT 80GOTÁ O.e. COLEGIO CAMPOALEGRE· SOPO SEDE PRINCIPAL COLEGIO ANGLO AMERICANO BOGOTÁ O.e. COLEGIO CALASANZ CUCUTA FUNO EDUe. INSTEXPERIMENTAL BARRAN QUILLA JOSE CELESTINO MUTIS ASPAEN GIMNASIO LA FRAGUA NEIVA coL 35,49 34,83 33,88 33,17 33,17 33,OB 32,96 32,9 32,66 32,47 32,44 31,83 31~3 31~5 31,16 31,16 31,1 31,04 31,04 30,95 30,86 30,67 30,64 30,61 30~8 30~8 30~5 30~5 30~S 30~2 • El puntaje se obtuvo al promediar c! número de veces que el colegio estuvo en los diez primeros lugares del ranking anual que realiza Dinero y el lugar que ocuparon. La presencia en el ranking pesó 70% y el puesto ocupado 30%. En sus 35 años de existencia, la Fundación Colegio Bilingüe de medio equilibrado y seguro que a través de una relación cálida y Valledupar se ha distinguido por la excelencia académica de sus sensible a los intereses, necesidades y ritmo de aprendizaje de los alumnos, lo que se ha visto reflejado en el gran número de exalumnos niños pretende dar las bases para una formación integral. desempeñando importantes funciones a nivel público y privado y con By: María Doris VilJazón Castro reconocimiento a nivel nacional e intemacional. Esta excelencia es el resultado de varios factores: el proceso de inmersión en el bilingüismo que se lleva a cabo desde preescolar y seguimiento al proceso de aprendizaje de cada estudiante; formación integral que combina conocimiento, valores y lúdica, y altos estándares para que los niños tengan el desafio de esforzarse cada dia. El éxito escolar inicia con una adecuada estimulación de las áreas cognitiva, de lenguaje, social, y motora, pero como el propósito de quienes formamos y educamos el futuro de nuestra sociedad va más allá y busca la felicidad; La Fundación Colegio Bilingüe de Valledupar, crea el nivel de Stem, para niños de un año y medio de edad. Es un RE]OICE A LWAYS, PRAY WITHOUT CEASING, IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS; FOR THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD IN CHRIST )ESUS FOR YOU. 1 THESSALONIANS S: 16,18 THE CLlPPER 5 FCBVEvents !\tlUllt SPORTS CATEGORV Valledupar. December 2015 ~Alltt1l20t5-20t6 CHAMPION 2nd PLACE 3rd PLACE Swimming 1 '-2' ELSINORE CAMELOT AVALO N Swimming 3°_4°_5° CAMELOT ELSINORE SHERWOOD Vo lleyball 6' -7' -8' ELSINORE SHERWOOD CAMELOT Basketba ll 1°_2 CAMELOT ELSINORE SHERWOOD Basketball f 3°_4°_5° CAMELOT ELSINORE AVALO N Basketball f 6'-7' -8' ELSINORE CAMELOT AVALO N Basketball m 6'-7'-8' SHERWOOD AVA LON CAMELOT Cheerleaders 1'-11' CAMELOT ELSINORE AVALON 0 In the flISt and second bimesters at FCBV students have been participating in the Rouse Games 2015-2016, in the following activities: Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, Swirnrning and Tennis. The table with the breakdown of the points thus far is seen below. PLACE HOUSE POINTS 1 CAMELOT 69 2 ELSINORE 64 3 SHERWOOD 36 4 AVALO N 33 6 Valledupar. December 2015 FCBVEvents THE CLlPPER THECLlPPER FCBVEvents 7 Valledupar. December 2015 Prekinders invited their parents to share a long day with them doing a christmas craft in family. Parents were so excited helping each other to finish their art. Later, the snack was served for all the families, and before ' leaving they enjoyed playing in family in the park were they took this picture as a souvenir. ,.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - .. ---- .. __ ........... I I • I I I I ,• I • I I I •• '. • •• • I I I t Our kids had the opportunity to celebrate the Thanksgiving. It was a special time to demonstrate how grateful we are about our family, friends, food and school. Kids had so much fun and shared with love and happiness. , I ~----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------, 8 Valledupar. December 2015 THECLlPPER FCBVEvents By: Isabella Oñate and Luz Estela Díaz WkA+ AO ~OK .f.kit\k . • • Samuel David Arenas (lC) Ilove family and the toys. The gummies that I eat on Christmas are delicious. Jorge Rivera Argote (2B) Sharing with my family and that Santa bring the gifts. Dancing to Christmas songs. Matilde Quintero (3B) Sharing wlth my family and friends. Belng in the novenas. Catalina Habib (4B) Sharingwith my family and -friends. The decoration of my house, the gifts and being. thankful for everything we have. lucciana Cuello Orozco (5A) Being with my family, being thankful and I love the Christmas decorations at the houses. I love Christmas dinner. Maria Fernanda Ovalle (6A) Because usually we share with the people we love the most and the people we have far away home comeback . Shajima Dajer (7A) Charity.make us happy even more when we give tan when we recibe so christmas is the perfect season to make ttiis wonderfui action. Ana María Vásquez (SA) Because ís a good time for us teenagers to cheer with others and spend a good time with our family and Friends alsoto créate a good experience in life. Isabella Sarta (9A) Because christmas is the time where we all together in family and help each other. Gabriela Muñoz (lOA) It is important for me beacuse-I spend time with my family and Friends also because we recognize Jesus birth and is the perfect season of the year to do charity and give presents to por children. Natalia Corrales (llA) Chrislmas is important because it is that time 01 the year where you get to spend a lot of time with your lamilies and loved ones and feel the joy 01 christmas. . .- THE CLlPPER Profiles 9 Valledupar. December 2015 Yonnata Polo Ketty Lucía Bolaño l. What did you want to be when you were a child? Singer 2. If you could be any person, who would you be? Nelson Mandela 3. A Hobby: Listen to rnusic 4. What was the most difficult subjectfor you in school? Physics 5. A Book: The Little Prince 6. An addiction: Cell phone 7. AFear: Snakes 8. What do you always carry with you? A Watch 9. A Defect: I'rn shy 10. A Dream: Go to a HellFest l. What did you want to be when you were a child? A doctor 2. If you could be any person, who would you be? Pablo Picasso 3. A Hobby: Reading 4. What was the most difficult subject for you in school? Calculus 5. A Book: The richest rnan in Babylon 6. An addiction: Cleanliness and order 7. AFear: Scarcity of water and contarnination 8. What do you always carry with you? A little hair pin 9. A Defect: Worry too rnuch about srnall details 10. A Dream: To travel around the world and learn about new places José Gutiérrez Bertha Henao What did you want to be when you were a child? Golcu 2. Ifyou could be any person, who would you be? Golcu 3. A Hobby: Making rnusic, videos, stencils, LEGOs ... 4. What was the most difficult subjectfor you in school? Physics 5. A Book: A Clockwork Orange 6. An addiction: YouTube 7. AFear: That sorne of rny students get to rule the country 8. What do you always carry with you? My hopes and drearns 9. A Defect: Caring too rnuch 10. A Dream: 1s better chased than left behind l. l. What did you want to be when you were a child? A teacher 2. Ifyou could be any person, who would you be? My mother 3. A Hobby: Listen to and dance Vallenato 4. What was the most difficult subjectfor you in school? Math 5. A Book: Blood of a Champion 6. An addiction: 1mprovement 7. AFear: Snakes 8. What do you always carry with you? Hand cream and soap 9. A Defect: Stubborn ID. A Dream: See the beautiful city ofDubai 10 Valledupar. December 2015 FCBVEvents THE CLlPPER Why is it celebrated? In 1620 pilgrims traveled from Eng1and to America on the Mayflower and 1anded in Plyrnouth. They were running from the English church and poomess. They cou1d be considered the first irnmigrants in North America. Massachusetts Native Americans received them in a friend1y manner and taught them to hunt and showed them how to cu1tivate como To ce1ebrate having survived a hard winter and had an abundant harvest that wouJd heJp them face the next, the piJgrims did a big dinner. The first Thanksgiving ceJebration ¡asted several days. Both, the Natives and the Pilgrims shared food, drink and played games. Today is a day ofthanksgiving for all that we have in Jife. When is celebrated? The [lIst U.S. President, George Washington declared the first Thanksgiving Day on February 19, 1795. Later, Abraham LincoJn chose October 3, 1863 as a day of reflection and thanksgiving. President Theodore Roosevelt in 1941 changed the day ofThanksgiving to the fourth Thursday in November, which is stiU the day when the holiday is celebrated. How Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States: It is a family celebration in which people even travel to another state to join hislher famiJy; around 46.9 million Americans will travel50 miles ormore from home during the thanksgiving periodo The Thanksgiving menu: The traditional menu is roast turkey, mashed potatoes, candied sweet potatoes and glazed carrots or green beans and bread roUs, cranberry sauce and gravy. The typical dessert is the pumpkin or pecan pie. By: Natalia Pavajeau - lOA THE CLlPPER In tern ation al 11 Valledupar. December 2015 German Leader SAUDI ARABIA, ANGELA MERKEL Close To Equality? named Time magazine's Person of the Year On December 12 of20l5 women in SaudiArabia voted for the first time and tbey won at least 13 seats in tbe local municipal councils. This was seen as a huge step for equality in this country tbat is considered as tbe most radical Muslim country in tbe world. But tbe question is: is it really a great advance for Saudi women as we perceive it or is it just an intention of the governrnent, which is an absolute monarchy, to demonstrate they respect women's fundamental rigbts? We need to know that only 130,000 women where registered to vote, while 1.35 million male did the same. Women only had 424 polling stations out of 1,263. F emale candidates were not able to have political meetings with men and had to send a male to represent them and their ideas, and tbey are not able to go by themselves to their voting bootbs as they cannot drive a caro This are just a few restrictions women have to face to vote in Saudi Arabia out of many more they have to face in their daily life, making it barely impossible to say if tbere is equality or even democracy in tbis country. Tbis is why tbe intemational co=unity, human rights NGOs, and tbe media must keep pushing to make equalitypossible in this extremelytraditional country. "The extension ofwomen's rights is tbe basic principIe of all social progre ss." Charles Fourier By: Lucia Martinez - llA Angela Merkel was chosen on Wednesday, December 9th, by Times magazine as person oftbe year. Her strong position towards situations such as Syrian refugee crisis, Greece's economic debt and Vladimir Putin's Russia expansion towards Ukraine led her to be the fourtb woman since 1927 to be awarded with the Price. Although her decisions have been highly questioned, Merkel has been the core to an almost falling Europe. Defending principIes of freedom, equality and justice, tbis woman have stand over all odds and kept her head high even when her own people have criticized her. Other figures such as Caitlynn Jenner, Hassan Rouhani, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Travis Kalanick were among tbe candidates for tbe price. However, the always controversial Donald Trump was tbe runner-up who, as always, stood up and spoke his mind by saying "He wasn't picked although he was the big favorite" and that, "They chose someone who is ruining Germany". -~.", _.~- --~- By: Paula A. Urbina - llA 12 THE CLlPPER Science & Health Valledupar. December 2015 Little Gardeners! Big Responsibility! "1 planted a Red kidney bean. It genninated the second day and it grew very fasto One day it looked sad and I could see its roots. I thought it was lacking water, so I added more water and sorne fertilizer.Afterthat, itgrew even faster. Now, it is 25 cm tall". By: Luis Miguel Lanao Ballesteros - 4B "lt is incredible how fast my Kidney bean plant grew. lt grew so tall I had to put a stick in the center of the pot, and the plant tangled around the stick. I think I will soon need to use a taller stick. My plant is already 32cm tal\!". By: Enrique Navarrete Valencia - 4A "1 planted a Red kidney bean.lt genninated the second day and it grew very fasto One day it looked sad and I could see its roots. I thought it was lacking water, so I added more water and sorne fertilizer. After that, it grew even faster. Now, it is 25 cm tall". By: Luis Miguel Lanao Ballesteros 4B Protect the environment Tree Labeling Doing scientific research was very cool because we answer deep questions that we never thought we come to fruition. We enriched our intelligence about the greatest living things that give oxygen to our lives. We chose a plant that we loved the mosto After that, we made little cards with the scientific and cornmon names given by the society and looked for the elements. 110... canI pn>tectthe natur.? Most ofthe questions of our schoolmates were how did we know what was the plant of the research if there are more than a hundred species across the biosphere. We increased our intelligence by recognizing the characteristics of the elemento We loved this experience. During the second bimester, students of different grades developed many activities that help us to learn about the ecosystems in our region; in Elementary for example, students from frrst and second grade made sorne models that were shown at the library, also the draw sorne messages about how we can help to protect the environment. In the meantime, high school students investigated about the different types of plants and started to cJassify the ones at the school, tagging most of or garden plants with the corresponding scientific name. All those activities were very enlightening and help us to leam and enjoy our science cJasses. By: Jorge Zabaleta - 3B By: Ana Maria Vasquez Llinas - SB lHE CLlPPER Science & Health 13 Valledupar, December 2015 Phone thot can be woshed in going to be releosed in jopan in the coming doys in its promotional video, or that the device is not damaged if accidentally dropped in a container filled with water, like a bathtub or toilet bowl. IÍ U Today, technology is very advanced, especially in mobile technology. It has come to design curved phones with an amazing screen resolution, But this is nothing for the phone that is going to be Iaunched in Japan in the coming days, the "Digno Rafre". The Japanese company Kyocera Corp, best known for its ultraresistant phones, will release next week the first smartphone in the world that can be washed with soap and water, announced yesterday the manufacturing company, The device, called "Digno Rafre", is resistant to water, with an additional layer which improves resistance to this element, and also, allows you to wash it with soap, to use hot water because it also has resistance to heat (up to 43 o C). This waterproofing "Rafre" phone allow the user to clean under running tap, as shown In addition, the touchscreen can be used while it is wet; the manufacturer company explained in a statement that recornmends this smartphone for families with young children or for those who want to see recipes while cooking, because you may run the risk that the phone comes into contact with water and get damaged; this would not happen with the new device, This "wettable" device has a battery that allows to use it for 1,300 minutes without interruption and use the high quality camera, The phone itself, has a usual hardware within the (current) average range, with2GB ofRAM, a Snapdragon410 processor, 16 GB of intemal storage, micro SD card reader, HD 5-inch screen and a battery of 3,000 mAh. The design is simplified to improve its water resistance, certified IP58 (complete and continuous water irnmersion). It costs 57,000 yen (about 435 euros), and goes on sale this month in Japan. With this release the Japanese manufacturer aims to "help" users of smartphones to keep your mobile clean, whose screens can contain up to 600 bacteria (30 times more than there are in the bowl of a toilet), This is not only good for the progress of technology, aIso, it is good for the health of all the humans. If actual technology permit phones to be washed, we cannot imagine what is going to appear in the head ofScientifics in the future . By: Jaime Alejandro Cortés Morón - lOA Does exercise help keep our body young? Physical fitness may be a very important aspect to maintain a skilled brain. As our body does, our brain, as time passes and we get older, becomes less efficient. In studies, scientists have proved that young people's activation in the cortex during cognitive tasks tends to be highly localized, depending 01 the type 01 thinking. For example il ifs a task that requires altention, problem sOlving, decision-making or any other thinking task, the young brain uses either the left or the right portion 01 the prelrontal cortex. However, older people need more brainpower to develop the task, also they normally display the activity in both hemispheres 01 Ihe prelrontal cortex, In summary, young people require less cognitive effort to develop a Ihinking task. Ascientist called Dr. Soya did a study with Japanese adults that were between 64 and 75 years old and he lound out that the filtest brain 01 the tested adults did not behave as the ones 01 the other adults in the experiment. Normally, these adults use both hemispheres 01 the prelrontal cortex; he only used one to complete Ihe tasks, just as young people do, Dr, Soya continued studying his case and he saw that itwas also quicker and more accurate than the other adults. These studies were observational and did not prove that the lact 01 having a high level 01 fitness change or affect men's thinking, but it proved that fit men had different brain activation palterns. Also he saw that the performance in the tests 01 the less fit man showed that his brain was not as skilled as the one 01 the filtest man, so he could speculate that the brain 01 older people that do exercise and have a fit body, works more like the ones olyoung people. By: Jose Jorge Maya Gomez - 11A 14 THE CLlPPER Interact Valledupar, December 2015 The Caption Contest is a fun, interactive way to get involved with the Clipper. The idea is that one must come up with a elever caption for the cartoon displayed and then send his/her caption lO the Phidias accounl of Mr. Dylan. The funniest, most elever caption will be selecled to be displayed in the next edition ofthe Clipper as well as the two runner-up captions. KenK KenKen is a numbers game similar to that ofthe popular Sudoku only KenKen involves arithmetic equations. HOW TO PLAY KENKEN: 1. Youmustfillinthenumbers from 1 t04(for a 4 x 4 grid) in each row and column. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. 2. The areas of the grid with dark outlines around them are called cages. At the top left of each cage is a target number and operation. In this example, the cage at the top left says "4+". That means the two numbers that go in that cage must add (+) upt04. 3. Look for other cages, rows, and columns where there is only one possible solution. 4. Keep going until you've completed the whole puzzle! Make sure you haven't repeated any number more than once in any row or column. 12X 24X 2- 2 3 13+ I 10+ 9+ 2+ -- 1 I 2":- 3';- I I 3- 4+ 5 13+ 2 1 3+ 8X - I 1- 3+ 3+ I 1 THE CLlPPER 15 Opinion Valledupar, December 2015 JOY OF CHRISTMAS What seems like the most wanted month ofthe year has finally arrived and with it, the joys of Christmas, The entire year, people, full of desires, expect this time to come soon, and the closer it gets the more their Christmas spirits grow, Excitement manages overwhelm the hearts of those who believe in the tradition. Unexplainable feelings and emotions make Christmastime to hold the best memories of most people around the world. Starting in November we can start appreciating lights, Santa Claus and beautiful mangers that attract not only tourists but local visitors admire them, too. Farnilies try to celebrate holidays together, to forgive each other and share moments and Christmas gifts, Love grows back; friends and couples reaffirm their support and affection. Airports remain full because people want to be with that special persones) in the place where they simply feel happiness, peace and love. December and Christmas bring with them endless emotions. Of course, it is not a season of complete joy and bliss for everyone. Despite this it is hard not to feel the unaccountable happiness perceived even in the environment, Christmas also comes full ofmemories. People that have already died, "in the hope of eternallife", are impossible to be forgotten. Bearing in rnind only the good things and moments they gave them while they were alive, all the lessons and smiles they once shared with their loved ones. On the other hand, there's the people that, for different reasons, can not fly or go home by any transportation, having to spend Christmas alone. People that have no food to prepare a dinner andlor means to buy presents for their families, or that have no family at all. Christmastime brings sorne tranquility and smiles but these people, whose wishes have not become a reality, cannot avoid feeling nostalgia and tears a few times this month. More than dinners, presents, various celebrations and all the Christmas decorations, the real meaning and importance of all these is Christ's birth. Through time, the reason why this celebration goes on has been confused. Everything that happens during Christmastime has a reason to be. The lights everywhere are a symbol for Bethlehem's star because most people back in the days previous to Jesus's birth could see it even miles away, The gifts under the tree represent the significant things the three wise men gave to the King ofkings. The mangers are for remembering "the Nativity". Farnilies reunite in honor of the holy farnily that was always together. Like these, there are many explanations that put us back on the track ofwhat Christmas is. Christmas is the celebration ofGod sending His only Son to this cruel world for the redemption of the humanity's sins. It is totally fine to follow the Christmas traditions (decorations, dinners, gifts, etc). Being full offeelings has never been bad. But what we cannot do is to forget why all of this started. The world needs to be prepared and willing for Jesus to be born, not in Bethlehem as 2015 years ago but in each one or our hearts. When you can fmally do that, He, Christ, is going to give you even more love and hope and will always show you the truth. When you welcome Jesus you are going to experience the real joy ofChristmas. By: Maria Alessandra Aroca - 10B Why Students Cheat and What it Means for Education Why Students Cheat and What it Means for Education Cheating at school is a growing problem, which only shows a part of what students are taught in their education system, which obviously has serious issues to overcome if it wants the students to become ethical professionals. Students will always find a reason to justify their cheating. But thinking more deeply about the situation we can fmd that this problem was created by our own country's mentality. In such a competitive world, students feel the pressure of getting good grades, no matter what it takes to do it. Students should not have the pressure of competing and being better than others, but to compete with themselves to overcome theirproblems. They should be taught that it does matterwhere their grades carne from and that they don't always show your knowledge. Grades do not determine someone's future. If a student fails at sorne point, as it was hard for them to learn something, it doesn't mean their life is overo Sometimes, it takes for someone more time to learn. AIso, teachers should focus on what the students are learning in their classes, rather than be on time with the schedule and making them feel less by taking points out of every single task they do just because they want to be known as strict. If our governrnent wants to form people to run the country for it to be able to compete with the rest of the world, they should start by making a lot of changes, beginning in the way they manage education. By: Angela Ortega - 11 A 16 Valledupar, December 2015 Arts THE CLlPPER W hat"s in the cinema? Must see: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Ifyou have the time and saw the must see already: In the Heart ofthe Sea Don't waste your time or money: Victor Frankenstein Movies we are waiting for to premiere: Creed The HungerGames: Mockingjay Part 11 Directed By: Francis Lawrence Starring: Jennifer Lawrcncc. Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth. Woody Harrelson The long-expectcd conclusion to the hunger games saga smashed the theaters a few wceks ago, and ft looked spectacular from what we had seen in the trai lers and all the hype built around it by its predecessors, but in the end neithcr Woody Harrclson and Jennifer Lawrence's solid acting, nor the great artistic work were able to fulfill my need for entcrtainrncnt.' Ir was 2 hours and 17 minutes of something [hat promised me full package: emorion, action and the classic ménage a trois, but fell short halfway through it. Ifwe take a ¡ook at the cntire saga. we can probably surnrnarize it like this: Part 1: There's The Hunger Garnes. a morbid contest where the only purpose is to win and rnake the people ofyourdistrietproud. How do you win? Well, basieally all you have to do is kili everyone: that's a pretty sweet premise, and we can't deny its somehow emotional si de. Then there's part 2: "Catching Fire" , this one was probablythe sweetest ofthem all, Katniss is famous afterwinning the hunger games and saving herfraudulent love interest. and noweveryone sees her as a symbol ofrebellion. butthe evil president does not like it. so he tries to solve it by organizing an All-Star edition ofthe games. In the end she escapes in a wonderful scene. Part 3 comes next. and everyone has gone mad crazy about overthrowing the government, it is full rebellion now, but they decidcd to save it all for the end, and leave us hanginguntil a nextand final part 3: the stage is set, and it's about to get real now. the sweet aromaofan all -outwar got me cxcited. whieh does not happen too often for me with this kind ofmovies, but I had already put so mueh time, emotion and a bit ofmoney into this saga. 1 even followed their instagram page -shame on me-o 1 refused to think this one would break rny heart, after aH Woody Harrelson was a part ofthis, but not even the True Detective could save this one from disaster. it disappointed me right unti l the very end with their perfect happy ending. 1 should have guessed it. after al1 it was a movie for young teenagers with complicated love lives. and 1'm far from that already. But don't let me ruin it for you. head to the cinema and judgc for yoursclf. Mr. Aldair Florez Jurassic Park VS. Jurassic World The most famous dinosaurs' park reopcned last summer as Jurassic World, and it surely entcrtained. Jurassic Park: 1t eame out in 1993, and Tsupposed it was fantastie for the time. 1t was original, and 1 think the speeial effeets were good. Twas born in 2002, and 1 think 1 watehed it in 20 I O, and 1 Iiked the dinosaurs but not like the new ones. Jurassic World : An amuscment park where the attractions are dinosaurs imprcsses with the advance of technology. until an unexpected evcnt occurs that causes dcstruction. death and panic. 1 felt satistied with the movie, I didn', expeet realistie speeials effeets, but in the end they surprised me, the work made with the Indominoux Rex was very sophisticated and more convincing than what we saw in Jurassic Park, it was a very emotional rnovie, tense and sometimes funny. Owen' s role was the one ofthe superhero. 1 liked his bravery and presenee. The role of Claire was good too, at the beginning she looked strong. but at the end we saw ber sensibility. 1 think that you should watch the movie, because in it we can see somcthing interesting: dinosaurs in our age. which makes itan excellent movie. By: Nelson Gutierrez - 6B THE CLlPPER Arts 17 Valledupar. December 2015 @Chikimolim Editado por: Maria Isabela Molina 2015 TOP 15 BEST SONGS OF THE VERR l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Cheerleader Sorry Trap Queen El Perdon Hotline Bling Gyal You A party Animal What Do You Mean? Te Busco Materialista Mamisonga Locked Away Sunset Di QueSi Cuando Te Veo Helio Omi Justin Bieber Fety Wap Nicky Jam Drake Charly Black Justin Bieber Cosculluela Ft Nicky Jam Silvestre Dangond Ft Nicky Jam Ñejo R.city Ft Adam Levine Farruko Ft Nicky Jam LOmi Choquibtown Adele Kim Tae-yeon's Solo debut 1 l~~ Nicki Minaj Nicki Minaj it's an American rapper boro in Trinidad. Sbe made it tlJIougb tbe music industry in 2007 when she released a series of mix tapes, then in 2010 she released her debut studio album Pink Friday, Minaj became the flIst female artist to have seven singles simultaneously charting on tbe U.S. BillboardHot 100. Her second studio album, Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded released in 2012, also topped tbe chart and its lead single, "Starships", peaked at number five on tbe Billboard Hot lOO. On Wednesday Oct 7. Girl's Generation's Leader and main vocalist Kim Tae-yeon released tbe music video for her long waited solo debut titled " 1 ". The album so Id 2,000 copies in its flIst week with just two days of sales. lt gives Taeyeon her first No. 1 on a U.S.-based Billboard chart for World Albums, and "I also makes ber tbe flISt Girls' Generation member to do so. " is also the highest-charting K-pop album on Heatseekers !bis year. Tbe music video for "1" seems to be telling tbe way she has to balance ber professional tife and personal life. Sbot in New Zealand, the gorgeous video Taeyeon playing tbe two cbaracters who represent ber "two" lives: a waitress in a pub who gets mad with her boss and goes to the countryside, and a woman walking around the beacb. The two Taeyeon meet at tbe end ofthe music video as the name of the EP is showed on tbe screen, possibly showing bow tbe EP is a tease of ber personal musical interest into ber career. You can check tbe video below: By: Isabela Gómez - lOA Minaj's tbird studio album, The Pinkprint released in 2014, was preceded by its second single, "Anaconda", which peaked at number two on the Hot 100 and is her highest-charting single in the United States to date. Minaj made her film debut in tbe 2012 anirnated film Ice Age: Continental Drift, and also had a supporting role in tbe 2014 film The Other Woman, witb co-star Cameron Diaz and Katie Upton. Minaj is al so known for her classy style and impressive curves that leave more than one women wondering what to do to get that shocking body. Along her way to the top, Nicki has made herself sorne enemies we can say, like worldwide rapper Lil Kim, wbo affirms Nicki copies her style and rbythms on eacb appearance she makes and every song sbe bas, this got evident a while after Nicki's album Pink Friday was released, after tbat Lil Kim released an album called Black Friday featuring headless Nicki on tbe background and Lil Kim witb a sword and a Pink head in front ofher, Nicki you should watch your back or Lil Kim might be stepping on your feet. By: Sebastian Lopez - 10B 18 Sports Valledupar, December 2015 THE CLlPPER FCBVREPORT WE BRING HOME 81 MEDALS! In the month ofNovember Fundación Colegio Bilingüe de Valledupar par1icipated in a swirnming competition organized by the Colegio Sagrado Corazón in Barranquilla. The results were dominating. 23 students par1icipated and won 36 gold, 29 silver and 16 bronze medals for a grand total of 81 medals. Congratulations to the swirnming team for their accomplishments and their coach, Mr. Jhony Maestre Castilla, for his dedication and cornmitment to the preparation ofthese young sharks: Maria Lucía Morón Daza - Kindergar1en B Mattias Payares Gómez- TransiciónA Amalia Mejía Gómez - Transición B Karla Lucía Fuentes Morillo - Transición B Manuela Castro Losada - Transición B Juan José Morón Daza - TransiciónA Emiliano Carrillo Moreno - TransiciónA CarIo Juan López Berardinelli - Transición B Andrés David Mariño Mosquera - Transición B Gloria Marcela Morillo Palencia - Primero C Mariangela Galindo Pérez - Segundo B Gabriela Payares Gómez - Segundo B Anna Gabriela Bracho Cuello - Segundo B Sharick Daniela BarriosAvila - Segundo B Sara Lucía Isaza Contreras- Segundo A Isabel Sofia Morillo Palencia - Tercero B Brianna Maria Curvelo Femández - Segundo B Sofia Sierra Colorado - Tercero A Isabella Millán Granadillo - Tercero A Laura Sofia Rodriguez Bonet - Tercero A Jorge Alcides Arregoces Gómez - Tercero B Mariana Sojo Facuseh - Cuar10 B Nicole Rendón Manjarrés - Noveno B South Ameritan Sub·15 Shows Future Stars in Valledupar The South American championship sub- 15 was held in our great city ofValledupar from November 21 until December 6 in the new stadium Armando Maestre Pavajeau constructed by the government last year. During the toumament several players have distinguished themselves with a view ofthe future, between them, the top scorers of the toumament Vitinho and Vinicius (both from Brazil), Quiñones (center back of Ecuador), Facundo Colidio and Benjamin Garres fromArgentina, Facundo Torres ofUruguay and The ti!le being defended by Peru is in dispute with this showing of with the Colombian touch, Raphael Tapias. competition at a high level in both groups. Group A is comprised of the countries of Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia, Paraguay and Undoubtedly, we see !he star players of!he future, a unique Venezuela, with the Argentinians winning the group and opportunity for the people of Valledupar, which motivates and classifying for the semifmal with Ecuador. stimulates the sport ofthe country. Group B is formed by the teams from Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Jose Manuel Maya lOA Peru and Chile. The Brazilians dominated the group comfortably classifyingwith Uruguay. In the semifmals, Uruguay gave the surprise ofthe toumament in the battle for the River Plata conquering Argentina 2-1. Brazil overcame Ecuador with ease winning 3-1 . With a view of the final on December 6, the people of Valledupar feel satisfied by the level showed by these promising young athletes and they have gone in masses to the new stadium entering with a free ticket. SUDAMERICANO SUB 15 CC-i-Cmf3/A 2015 onteria - 'alledupar THE CLlPPER Sports 19 Valledupar, December 2015 Middle Schoollnterclasses Tournament Review Interclasses tournament is soccer cup were the classes of the school play against each other in microcourt competition, It consists of three grades, sixth, seventh, and eighth and they choose one club of Europe to represent their team and use as their jersey, There is a group stage to start competition and later elimination games based offthat did the best in group play, TEAMS STRENGTRS BayemMunich Barcelona Real Madrid Chelsea Atletico Madrid Manchester city work together are bad going forwards but good defenders strong passing and possession solid play on both sides ofthe ball have the best defenders very good dribbling abilities and foot skills AH teams gave strong efforts and fought valiantly on the field but only four got to the semifmals: BAYERN, BARCA, ALTLETICO AND MANCRESTER CITY. In the semifmals only two advanced and got the grand opportunity to play in the final:ATLETICOMADRIDANDMANCRESTERCITY. Sebastiano At around ten minutes Manchester City tied the match 1-1 as German Padilla scored off a beautiful pass from Guillermo Girón. The final wasn't ready to be decided as the two teams were playing quite good. The match was decided in the second half when Atletico scored two goals in one minute crushing the titles hope of Manchester City. Moreover Juan Sebastian put the two goals in the net as he used bis head to successfully record two more, The final of the match was 3-1 . Atletico are champions of the middle school interclasses tournament cup, ATLÉTICO DE MADRID - - - - 1903 - - - - Review ofthe Final Match Atletico scored the first goal in the seventh minute by Juan In erclasses Tournament Regular Sea son Results and Highlights They interclasses football tournament is over and it has left us many surpnses. Sorne of my predictions were good; three of the four teams 1 said that were going to qualify for the semifinals ended up qualifying. The teams that qualified were lOB, !lB, 9th grade and the teachers' team. The lOA team, which probably has better players (why 1 said that they were going to qualify), but lost this time to the passion ofthe 9th grade team. AIso the luck was on the side of9th grade team, because they had the opportunity to win against 10B by forfeit (occurs when the team does not have enough players), In this case Sebastian and Jose Remando were expelled for having an unsportsmanlike conduct. Furthermore, in these cases the score has to be 3-0, but it should be emphasized that the real score was 2-2 prior to the expulsions. embarras sed the teachers and won by the margin of 10-1, 1OB won with this clear advantage by the fact that Andres, Martin and Daniel share a very good chemistry, so they controlled the entire midfield, In this game Daniel made more goals than many people in the entire tournament(5). Another good game from lOB was the one they played against llB, in which the MVP of the match was German Moron, the goalie, Re made very good saves all game long and because of hilO 10B won the match, But with his stellar performance carne the end ofhis tournament because he saved a shot with bis head, In light of this, he suffered a concussion and he can't play without aggravating bis head and giving hirnself a headache. The last match of the tournament, before the semi-finals was really exciting also, it was 11B vs. Teachers. This match was to define the 3rd and 2nd positions in the table. At the beginning the match it was very even, there wasn't a clear domination of any This match, lOB vs, 9, was very exciting. As it was on a Friday team, At the end of the 1st half the score was 1-1, but the !l B many people, almost all the school, were watching. Goals of 10B players were showing signs of their poor fitness . With this being in this match were scored by Martin on a header and by Jose said, the teachers team, led by Mr, Dylan and Mr. Nick, controlled Remando on a shot from midfield. This is a good opportunity to the midfield, and when you control that you have more congratulate the 9th grade team as they really played an excellent opportunities to win. This led to the final result of3-2 in favor of match. The most interesting part of this game was that the lack of the teachers. concentration of the 10B players that ended up costing them the The semifinal matches are 10B vs, !lB and Teachers vs. 9th grade, insurance ofbeing first in the table. but these games are going to be played until we come back from In the same way, with this score lOA must win against teachers to vacations. There is still sorne exciting football left to play in the classify but fell short from the beginning as they were very interclasses tournament so be sure to watch, unfocused. The game ended 7-2 in favor ofthe teachers. By: Daniel Gomez 10B 10B against the teachers was another great match. 10B absolutely THE CLlPPER CruciClipper 20 Valledupar, December 2015 CHRISTMAS CRDSSWDRD PUZZLE By: Francia Calderón s-r--¡-- f-- - r-- - r-- f-- - r-- - r-- - - f-- 12 r-- rg- r-- r¡--- ::¡¡- "i"3 - ~ f-f-- 10 1 r-- 1 r-16 15 1 2 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 7 - - - '-- 1J l6 - 1 17 f-- - r-- - :-- - r-- - f-- - .f-- '-- f-1 f-'-- r-'-- 4 1 '-- 1 1 1 '-- ACROSS DOWN 2. l. A leathery-leaved parasitic plant which grows on apple oak, traditionally used in Christrnas decoration 4. Cake made with syrup and flavored with ginger 6. Publicly acknowledge with a social gathering or enjoyable activity 8. String of put up in Ihe Christmas period to decorate houses 10. An organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need 12. The personification of Ihe spirit of christmas; a jolly, fat old man, white beard and red suit, who brings gifts to good children on Christrnas Eve 17. Adeer oflhe tundra, santa's sleigh power and direction 3. 5. 7. 9. 11 . 13. 14. .&.""'~. stmas 15. 16. Plant ofthe mint family, used as a flavoring in food and most of the Christrnas candies A plant with large red leaves, most commonly known as the Christrnas plant Feathery ice crystal, typically displaying delicate sixfold symmetry The twelth month of the year usually considered the frrst month ofwinter The annual christian festival celebrating Christ's birth. A religious folk song or popular hymn, particularly associated with Christrnas An object for a child to play witb, typically a model or miniature replica of sometbing The calendar year has just begun or is about to begin, 31 of December is Ihe eve ofthis A long sock hung up by cbildren on Christrnas Eve to be filled wilh presents Is a strcture which pro vides ventilation for hot gases or smoke, but on christrnas is the duct that santa uses to enter your bouse " · SEPARATA IIAL OíDO DE LOS PADRESII . .. . '. LA BASE DE LA CIUDADANÍA ES LA FORMACIÓN EN VALORES, CUYA PRIMERA INSTANCIA ES LA FAMILIA Teniendo como base autores como García Hoz (1970) Cortinas (1998) Benedicto (2002) Urquijo 2007, Rincón (2012), puedo señalar que la base para el desarrollo humano y social, es la formación ciudadana y el ejercicio de los derechos por parte de la población infantil, como forma de vida donde se promuevan espacios democráticos; esto es absolutamente necesario en la medida que la sociedad transforma su tejido social. Por consiguiente, la familia en su labor socializadora es de vital importancia porque lo que allí se aprende es diferente a lo que aprenderá posteriormente en otros contextos; por ende, la construcción de ciudadanía en la infancia demanda de la familia el acompañamiento y la enseñanza, en cuanto a reconocerse a sí mismo como sujeto de derechos, frente a los otros en una relación de igualdad. Prioridades Q Teniendo en cuenta los planteamientos de los diferentes autores consultados el fortalecimiento del ejercicio ciudadano se debe hacer desde los primeros años de vida de la persona, colocando cimientos fuertes en valores no dados como algo que se debe obedecer y acatar porque es una orden que no se puede objetar, sino como un bien necesario de incorporar y del que cada niño o niña deberá apropiarse de tal manera que lo haga suyo, parte de su ser, de su identidad; por lo tanto en su actuar, el valor no será una herramienta de socialización e interacción, sino la impronta misma de su quehacer personal. Por otra parte, en un mundo tan global izado donde día a día se reciben estímulos desde todos los puntos cardinales, es necesario tener niños, niñas y jóvenes empoderados en valores para que sean criticos al momento de tomar decisiones y no se constituyan en presa fácil de los vientos de nuevas corrientes basadas en el hedonismo desenfrenado. Partiendo de la anterior premisa, es básico que en la familia se cultiven los valores ciudadanos o CÍvicos resaltados por Cortina (1998 p. 229) como la libertad, igualdad, respeto activo, solidaridad y diálogo; que si bien es cierto no son los únicos, suelen ser según la autora los que hacen de bisagra para la incorporación de la lealtad, la homadez y la profesionalidad, lo cual deberá ser conducente a niveles óptimos de justicia y de sentimientos de pertenencia mediados por una libertad autónoma. Para Calle (2007) las competencias ciudadanas son un conjunto de habilidades cognitivas, emocionales y comunicativas, que se deben potenciar desde la niñez, a través de la educación en el hogar, para aprender a vivir, convivir y actuar constructivamente como miembro de la comunidad . Dichas competencias, pueden ser potencializadas y las clasifica en tres grupos: convivencia y paz; participación y responsabilidad democrática; pluralidad, identidad y valoración de las diferencias. De igual forma, para tener sociedades fuertes es necesario que niños, niñas y jóvenes estén preparados para encarar los nuevos retos de la postmodernidad, no solo en la dimensión intelectual y profesional sino en sus principios morales y éticos. Para finalizar y a manera de recomendación, valdria la pena hacer un diagnóstico a nivel de la familia sobre cuál es su escala de valores y como está entregando ese legado a las generaciones futuras, para a partir de ahí hacer propuestas puntuales hacia la recuperación de los valores fundamentales en la construcción de ciudadanía y así fortalecer la sociedad de cara al tercer milenio. Yina Lucia Chínchia Arias Psicóloga- Eps. en Desarrollo personal y familiar Unab - Unisabana , Apreciados padres de familia Reciban un cordial saludo bilinguista Las vacaciones son un tiempo libre, un tiempo de descanso que nos permite realizar actividades deportivas, culturales y familiares, sin olvidarnos de las académicas, que sirven de instrumento para nuestra formación individual. Aprovechemos este tiempo vacacional, este tiempo libre andando siempre por el camino del bien, por el camino recto, teniendo en cuenta los valores inculcados en nuestra familia y cultivados en nuestra querida Fundación Colegio Bilingüe de Valledupar. Que en nuestro día a día cultivemos ese hábito lector que nos permite enriquecer nuestro conocimiento, viajar por diferentes lugares, aumentar nuestro vocabulario y nos permite también escribir textos coherentes. A partir de hoy los estudiantes empiezan a disfrutar de sus vacaciones, teniendo en cuenta las fechas establecidas por la institución para el regreso a clase. No nos olvidemos que la calidad de tiempo es una herramienta que Dios les regala en el día de hoy con sus hijos, una calidad de tiempo para generar actividades con los hijos dando lugar a grandes espacios de comunicación y convivencia que aportan a la formación integral de sus miembros y que produzcan una satisfacción gratificante ya que esto conlleva a aumentar la autoestima y la autoconfianza; así como a facilitar momentos de análisis y reflexión, para poder llevar a nuestros estudiantes por un camino integro actuando de manera crítica antes los vicios y acciones que atenten contra su integridad y la integridad de los demás. Permitiendo de esta manera conocerlos mejor, disminuyendo así el riesgo de accidentes, embarazos, abuso de sustancias como las drogas y el alcohol Desde ya, Felices vacaciones y próspero año 20 16. Departamento de Psicología. 201 5-2016