Gryphonheart Professions
Gryphonheart Professions
Christian Warnecke Gryphonheart Professions Addons for support and improvement of roleplaying in MMORPGs Master thesis in Digital Media Engineering Christian Warnecke Gryphonheart Professions Addons for support and improvement of roleplaying in MMORPGs Master thesis in Digital Media Engineering Report produced by: Christian Warnecke Supervisor(s) Michael Rose DTU Informatics Technical University of Denmark Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling Richard Petersens Plads 321 DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark Tel: (+45) 45 25 33 51 Fax: (+45) 45 88 26 73 E-mail: [email protected] Date Published: Class: 13. May 2013 1 (public) Version: 1. version Notes: This report is delivered as a part of the requirement for obtaining of Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)at the Technical University of Denmark. The report reprecents 30 ECTS points. License c Christian Warnecke ,2013 Abstract An interesting minority in MMORPG games are players who take part of active roleplaying with other players. Active roleplaying distinguish itself from normal RPG behaviour by including more immersion, typically by expressing ones character through communication with other players, acting as the character. The active roleplaying community is most present in World of Warcaft (WoW). The roleplayers does however face some issues, as the game does not have mechanics that directly support the roleplay. Such issues is lack of diversity as well as lack of realism in the roleplay. In this report a concept is developed to solve or improve on the issues. The concept is tested in a rapid prototype and afterwards implemented as a full prototype inside an AddOn. During the development of the prototype, several technical issues were handled. Solutions were developed for issues such as Geographical data storage, client to client data sharing and floor detection in the game world. A tool for unit testing of AddOns were also developed. The final prototype were user tested, in addition to the unit tests done as part of the test driven development used. The user test showed that the solution has great potential to solve the problems of lack of diversity and realism in roleplaying, once implemented in a full version. 2 Reading instructions The structure of the report is based on normal development flow. In the first sections (section 1 and 2) the problem is introduced and it is further analysed in section 3 Problem Analysis. A solution concept is developed in section 4, which is further developed and specified into requirements in section 5. A prototype is designed and implemented in section 6, which is then tested in section 7. The test and the overall implementation is evaluated in section 8. This section also includes short descriptions of the technical challenges encountered under the implementation. The details for thse technical challenges are available in appendix D - G. 3 Contents 1 Technical problem statement 2 Introduction 2.1 Motivation . . . . . . 2.2 Problem statement . . 2.3 Target group . . . . . 2.4 Development structure . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Problem analysis 3.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Roleplaying mechanics of MMORPGS . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Passive roleplaying and active roleplaying . . . . . . . 3.4 Roleplaying between players . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 MMORPGs with active roleplaying between players . 3.6 Lack of diversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Lack of interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 Problematic interface for roleplaying with many people 3.9 Applied solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Concept 4.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Concept Goals . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Solution platform . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Solution Ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Idea selection . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Relevant aesthetics . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Concept description . . . . . . . . 4.8 Dynamics delivering the aesthetics 4.9 Goals for aesthetics and dynamics 4.10 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Prototype Requirements 5.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . 5.2 Basis mechanics . . . . 5.3 Mechanics goals . . . . 5.4 Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 10 11 11 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . present . . . . . . . . 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 19 19 20 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 22 22 22 22 24 24 25 25 26 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 30 30 30 32 6 Prototype design and implementation 6.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 The basic profession system . . . . . . 6.3 Mechanic terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 Nearby objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 34 34 34 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 Perform action system . . . . Hand item to another player . Normal usage UI . . . . . . . Creation UI . . . . . . . . . . Usage scenario . . . . . . . . Implementation method . . . Architecture . . . . . . . . . . 7 Prototype test 7.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Technical test . . . . . . . 7.3 First prototype test . . . . 7.4 Final prototype usage test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 36 36 37 37 37 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 40 40 40 41 8 Prototype evaluation 43 8.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 8.2 Overall evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 8.3 Technical challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 9 Conclusion 46 9.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 9.2 Project delimitation and further development . . . . . . . . . 46 9.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 References 48 Appendix 50 A Number of roleplayers across MMORPGS 51 B UI Design sketches 53 C Usage scenarios 60 C.1 Usage Scenario 1 - Mine foreman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 D Tool for unit testing lua code for WoW AddOn development D.1 Problem description and analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.2 Solution concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.3 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.4 Test and evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 64 65 66 68 70 E Floor level determination E.1 Problem description and analysis E.2 Existing solutions . . . . . . . . . E.3 Solution design . . . . . . . . . . E.4 Solution Implementation . . . . . E.5 Test and evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F Geographical data storage F.1 Problem description and analysis F.2 Relevant data structures . . . . . F.3 Implementation method . . . . . F.4 Test and evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 . 91 . 92 . 97 . 105 clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G Syncronization of datasets between G.1 Problem description and analysis . G.2 Related Solutions . . . . . . . . . . G.3 Solution development . . . . . . . . G.4 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . G.5 Test and evaluation . . . . . . . . . H UML Class diagrams I AddOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 73 74 75 77 85 107 108 110 112 115 118 123 User test of the initial prototype - Chat transcript 125 I.1 Odo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 I.2 Shelnara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 J Final user test 132 J.1 Lancl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 J.2 Hinkerburry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 J.3 Eddard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 K Final prototype screenshots 142 L GHG Pitch 145 6 List of Figures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Predicted development structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Concept goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Goals for aesthetics and dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 UI sketch for the quickbar showing equipped and nearby objects 54 UI sketch for the Perform Action UI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 UI sketch for the Profession overview part of the main menu. Example with a ”skill sum” type project . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 UI sketch for the Profession overview part of the main menu. Example with a ”unlimited” type project . . . . . . . . . . . 57 UI sketch for the Abilities list in the main menu. . . . . . . . 58 UI sketch for the Custom profession list in the main menu. . 59 Unittest Plugin UI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 State machine example for a house with 3 zones . . . . . . . . 78 Line intersection example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Line segment intersection test setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Staircase example with 3 floor areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Floor determination in action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Split rules for kd-trees. Source: Songrit and Mount[9] . . . . 93 Example of a kd-tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 The standard split (above) and sliding midpoint split (below) applied to the same dataset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Performance measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 DHT inspired solution - Scenario 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Flowdiagram for scenario 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Flowdiagram for scenario 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 UML class diagram for GHP model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 The quick bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Handing an item to another player from the quick bar . . . . 143 The ability page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 The perform action UI. In this example the user have added one additional expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 7 List of Tables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Problem, maintenance and solution goals . . . . . . . . . . . Problem, maintenance and solution goals . . . . . . . . . . . Object terms and meanings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number of estimated roleplayers across different MMORPG titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bugs and issues located in the plugin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Runtime for the native implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Runtime for the kd-tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Runtime for the M-tree implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . Runtime of the solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Data list function example for AbilityList . . . . . . . . . . . Bittorent solution measurements - Scenario 1 . . . . . . . . . Native solution measurements - Scenario 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Bittorent solution measurements - Scenario 2 . . . . . . . . . Native solution measurements - Scenario 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 8 28 29 35 52 71 92 93 95 114 115 119 119 120 120 1 Technical problem statement It is the purpose of this project to develop one or more AddOns to improve the quality of role-playing between players in MMORPGs. The focus of the report is on the overall software development of the AddOn and the technical challenges that rises in the development phase. The challenges are: • There is currently no tool that supports unit testing of the AddOns in an easy way. It is necessary to develop such a tool to fit into the normal AddOn development workflow. • In World of Warcraft, there is no access to the z-coordinate for the players location. This is a problem when the player is located inside a multi storage building, as the AddOns does not know what floor the player is located at. The challenge is to create a system that can determine the player floor location from the relative limited information. • Some of the data for the AddOn depends on x and y coordinates, for each data point. It is necessary to develop/research and implement an efficient way of searching the dataset for all points located close to a given point. • A central issues for the AddOn, and earlier AddOns, is datasets that are used by multiple clients. The AddOns in World of Warcraft does not have access to a server to store data on. Due to this, it is necessary to develop a method for sharing and maintaining a dataset between the clients. 9 2 Introduction 2.1 Motivation MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role playing games) are in a rapid development currently and has been so over the last several years. The games often include a lot of mechanics for combat, both between the player and the computer / environment (PvE) and combat between the player and other players (PvP). Except for these combat mechanics, there is little focus on the mechanics in regards to rolepaying. Some games got mechanics for role-playing between the player and the environment and there is only few basic mechanics and features for role-playing between players. These basic features available for role-playing between players are often only chatsystems. Over several years I, the author, have observed and experienced several areas with room for improvement and problematic situations related to roleplaying. Many of these could possibly be improved by more or better game mechanics or tools. These observations are mainly done in the game World of Warcraft (WoW). Examples of such problems are: • Little diversity in the theme of the role-playing, which have lead to players quitting the game. • Unrealistic amount of players in role-playing in a powerful or heroic role, compared to normal people. This has lead to a less immersive world and reduced the quality of the role-playing. • Players looking for role-playing are observed standing idle in public locations in the game without successfully getting involved in roleplaying with other players. While different tools and game mechanic can help problems like this, experiences have shown that it is a balance act. If the mechanics are too much in focus, it could take the focus away from the roleplaying between players itself. WoW allows the use of 3rd party developed AddOns to modify the UI of the game. This allow for development of tools and mechanics that can improve the game areas and problems in relation to role-playing. I, the author, have created an AddOn which is a platform for creating virtual items inside WoW, called Gryphonheart Items (GHI). This is already widely used by roleplayers to create props, such as books or trinkets, to enhance and support the roleplaying experience. It is the intention to extend and use the platform to create better AddOns for enhancing the roleplaying experience for the users. 10 2.2 Problem statement To improve the quality of roleplaying between players in MMORPGs, problems and issues for these players should be analysed. An AddOn concept, that can improve or solve these problems in the roleplaying interactions, should be developed through a feature analysis and requirement development, based on research of the problems. 2.3 Target group The target group for the final AddOn is role-players in MMORPG’s. A further specialisation of the target group would be active roleplayers, who have roleplayed for a while, since they would be most interested in improvements, in order to keep it interesting. The target group for the technical challenges solved as part of the development of the prototype is other AddOn developers, as they systems might be used by other AddOns. 2.4 Development structure The development of a solution to the problem will depend a lot on user feedback. Due to that it is favourable to develop prototypes etc in an agile manner. Spiral development is determined to be a suitable solution for the initial phases. It results in a rapid prototype, which can relatively quickly be used to determine how suited the solution is. Figure 1 is an initial sketch of the predicted activities in the first iterations. While the development take place in a spiral form, with several iterations, it is documented as one process gathering the development and results for all iterations. 11 Figure 1: Predicted development structure 12 3 3.1 Problem analysis Purpose The purpose of the problem analysis is to research the scale and magnitude of the problem, as well as investigate what solutions have been applied that have minimized or solved the problem. 3.2 Roleplaying mechanics of MMORPGS Major part of MMORPGS is encounters, which is lead by quests and progression systems of different kinds. Pen and paper roleplaying games (PnPRPG) can be more focussed on the character development and roleplaying between players. However computer RPGs does not have the same flexibility, as described by an analysis of The quest problem[19]. ”But there is a crucial difference with computer games that applies to both cases, and that is, not everything is predetermined. This might seem a banal observation, but it is very important to consider that pen&paper roleplaying games have a human gamemaster that constantly adjusts the adventure to the playerss actions, acts as all the non-playing characters showing their personalities with real-time dialogue, and can even change the hard rules if something is not convenient for the adventure.”[19] The hard rules and thus inflexibility of the MMORPGs contributes to the issue for the roleplaying players. In some games these mechanics have been made less hard, giving the players a less linear path through the game. This allows for a bit better roleplaying between a player and NPCs (non player characters). 3.3 Passive roleplaying and active roleplaying Roleplaying in MMORPGs can be parted up into two types: active and passive roleplayers. Passive roleplaying is when players roleplay with their environment through game mechanics, such as dialogs with NPCs and doing quests. Active roleplaying is when a player roleplay with their environment through typed dialog. In some cases a players roleplaying can also be a mix of the two. E.g. a few players doing a quick (passive roleplay) while spicing it up with dialog between their characters (active roleplay). The active roleplaying often requires the presence of other players, but technically it can be done alone as well. ”I had always assumed that the RP in MMORPG was ironic. After all, most MMORPGs have had to deliberately set aside 13 designated role-playing servers, and these have always been in the minority. This suggested that role-playing wasnt something most players wanted to do in an MMORPG. At the same time, it was clear that a role-playing subculture existed that operated with its own rules and etiquette.”[21] Active roleplaying often requires more work from the participants to keep flowing and keep alive. There is very limited content, mechanics and help given by the game itself to inspire and sustain the active roleplaying. ”Role-playing is almost impossible within MMORPGs, even ones with such a developed world background as World ofWarcraft. The game absolves itself of responsibility, sets no rules, and gives no guidelines on how to role-play within its structure. Roleplaying realms are in the minority, with many players choosing not to or being unable to assume a character within the game. There are no gains from role-playing. A priest who holds a roleplaying event in a church does not gain extra points. ... These conditions makes the act of role-play an act of deviance within the text of World of Warcraft, one which tries to distrub the game’s gameplay elements.”[5] 3.4 Roleplaying between players The quest systems and other mechanics allows for some roleplaying between the player and the environment (the NPCs). Some roleplayers does however seek roleplaying with other players, but there is much fewer games and mechanics for that. Especially active roleplaying (see section 3.3) requires interaction with other players to work. 3.5 MMORPGs with active roleplaying between players Some mmorpgs have acknowledged the special focus and interests of the gamers who prefer to engage in active roleplaying inside the MMORPG and have created specific realms, servers or in other ways separate world instances for these players. This is often accompanied with special rules that requires players to respect the roleplaying of other players. An analysis of which MMORPGs have the largest amount of active roleplayers can be seen in appendix A table 4. From the analysis it can be seen that the majority of the estimated amount of roleplayers is to be found in World of Warcraft. It could be interesting to research the presence of the problems in some of the other games with many roleplayers, such as Star Wars - the old republic and Rift. 14 3.6 Lack of diversity While playing World of Warcraft (WoW), I have frequently observed comments from other players that confirmed the problem with lack of diversity in roleplaying (RP). This is also seen on the official World of Warcraft forum. A frequent comment or complain from roleplayers is the lack of diversity in the theme of roleplaying. This can be seen mentioned often on the WoW forums. ”Have to agree, most guilds come down to a military based concept, some form of fighting unit in armour and with surcoats and the like. Guards, bandits, soldiers, mercenaries, random elite dudes. There’s more than that, but makes up the most of the guilds I see anywhere. All the guilds that include Battalion, Regiment, Order, Guard, Unit, Company and the like in their names come down to this and I mean no offense to them, clearly they are successful and popular, but there is not a lot of diversity between them. Stomwind for example is a quite well guarded town, but 90% of the RPers wear armour and carry large/many weapons. Why are there so few actual civillians? It feels like some sort of military fort with everyone walking around like a tin can.”1 ”Civilians are generally played as alts or based on short-lived impulse. Those who play civilians full-time and longer than a few weeks are rare individuals. No ground sturdy enough to found a long-lasting guild on.” 2 ”Problem is, there’s far less for a civilian to react to. A warrior has many a unique situation - discussing tactics, engaging the enemy, conflicting morals, battlefield comradeship. A civilian has very little to play with that we don’t have in our everyday life. To properly develop, they need other civilians, to create drama, stories, interesting situations. Problem is, nobody roleplays civilians. At least, not what’s defined as ”proper” ones.”3 1 3 2 15 The lack of economy/profession/civilian related roleplaying is often mentioned by users on the wow forum. Many of the posts involves different ideas and proposals for systems that could solve the problem on a community basis. ”The problem with using wow’s gold is that it isn’t gained in a IC manor. As in a general rich noble isn’t going to learn mining and go travelling hitting rocks with a piece of metal. This would also give a opportunity for chars to actually gain the gold by maybe making a shop or something.” 4 ”Anyways, the whole point of this post is to try and perhaps set some rules reguarding in character money, hopefully making Roleplay easier and alittle more coherant.” 5 The large presence of hero and military based guilds also seems to have impact on the realism and immersion of the roleplaying. Some players finds that a problem. ”Today I would like to ask you why we don’t have commoner roleplay? In my opinipn such roleplay will bring a lot of ”life” to capital cities making the immertion much better. It would be great aeeing merchants around with the goods , drunkards brawling and rest of commoner stuff. Why we don’t have such roleplayers? Maybe becouse they prefer to wear shiny armours and titles? Seeing the social pyramid in roleplay could be interesting enough to see difference in behaving, their needs and worries.” 6 Different roleplayers have given their own answer to the about the above question. Some of these are: ”Sure, would be nice to have, but most people, including me, don’t find roleplaying commoners as fun.” 7 ”I whole-heartedly agree with you - it would bring more life to the greater cities - yet it seems the majority finds it more worthwhile to RP the ”hero”/”villain” on a slightly more epic scale” 8 4 6 7 8 5 16 ”It has been initiated - and still is, all the time, by numerous guilds. Some guilds, I understand, (such as Gutter Runners, Fablewind Faire) are based entirely on commoner concepts. But considering the overall consensus of the server, the majority of players doesn’t seem to find enough thrill in commoner RP, but rather drift towards military, magic and those high ranks and fancy titles.” 9 ”The major ’issue’ with commoner rp - people have to create their own rp at the end of the day. Anyhow - what they bring to rp? Immersion for rpers! I’m sure a civilian reacts more impressed on a story told by a soldier then if he/she would tell it to another soldier, just to give a quick example. They make the world feel more alive. For example; Stormwind would be horribly dull if only nobles and military chars would remain no? Just imagine not having TGR around! Who would you have to chase trough Stormwind to get your pouch back!? Promoting civilian rp? Well... It is never wrong to promote a guild or what so ever, yet I simply think there is a lack in interest in rping these characters, for the reasons given by me above, and by others. And still the rper is mostly dependant onto creating their own rp, whereas a lot of people prefer to join military guilds to get spoon-fed with it.” 10 Some of the initiatives to promote civilian roleplaying have been creation of guilds (a grouping of 10 to 200 players) with civilian roleplaying themes. An example of these is The Heedemark Trading Union on the Argent Dawn (EU) server. An interview was conducted with Reghall, the leader of this guild. Q: What themes and experiences do you think brings/brought players to your guild? A: Ah, that is a tricky question right away - well, honestly I think that ”market” rp is something that a lot of people actually find appealing - I know from experience, having a local medieval fair every year, in general I feel people are interested in all aspects of their characters lives, making a living and having a trade is also part of it. The idea of traveling with a group of fellow merchants bring 9 10 17 one to think of fun and good times, at least they do for me. Sadly I also think that market RP won’t appeal to everyone, since it usually lack the.. shall we say ”omph” that military RP - or similar more conflict ridden RP offers. While market RP also can offer ”conflict” its usually more subtle, and often involves spoken word rather then sword and wand tips - as it where. So in short; I think its the idea of living into your character ”more” that brough in players to the guild. Q: What lack of themes or experiences would you then think would keep some players from joining the guild? A: Like I already discussed - I think the lack of ”action” is something that turns people away - after having talked to several potential members that rejected the idea because ”It sounds a bit tame”, I also think that the market RP can put some people off as it forces you into a more serious mindsetting - some people enjoy mindless and a bit more, um ”free spirited” RP. I think, perhaps having something that could ”spice it up” could be what would bring more people to the table, making it more action packed I guess. Q: What do you think makes players go inactive from the guild or leave the guild? A: Honestly? I think its down to people not enjoying themselves, if things were going smoothly - and there were things that they enjoyed, they’d be active - but people generally tend to put things away once they get boring, and uninteresting - In hindsight - perhaps introducing ”rewards” or something similar would have been a way to keep peoples attention, even if its just breadcrumbs. Q: Do you believe that a set of game mechanicals suited to support trade and profession roleplaying would improve the situation for the guild? A: Well, naturally - GHI and TRP2 offered item creation, and that alone sparked peoples interest - usually people had items made long before they started selling, of course the opposite were 18 true, people shunned away from downloading addons in general and instead refused - and even left because of it. But in general, adding more options in the game, as in say allowing people to have some manner of way to visually improve their characters trading skills - or in other ways ”enchant” their trades. I found that the trading part was shown to be hard - as in, people usually felt it a bit clunky to emote and -then- trade an item via the games trading function. Q: For closing, is there anything you would like to add? A: Well, I think I covered the most important really so no. The interview shows that the attempts on creating more diversity in the roleplaying have faced several issues. Some of these issues were also mentioned in the forum post about the topic. Overall some of the main issues that stops players from choosing e.g. the role of a civilian is: • Not much action such as combat • Lack of development or feeling of progress • Lack of reason to interact. E.g. merchants having lack of customers • Too much like the real life The issues are counterweighted by several positive sides of the civilian RP, which causes some to try out the civilian RP and a few to stick with it more permanently. 3.7 Lack of interaction An interesting observation from inside the game is that roleplayers tend to gather in specific roleplaying hotspots. At these hotspots some engage in roleplay with each other, but a surprising amount of the roleplayers present there seems to be standing still and not interact with other players. They are however passively seeking roleplay. 3.8 Problematic interface for roleplaying with many people present Over my years of roleplaying in WoW I have faced some problems with the basic interface of the game as a tool for roleplaying. There is only the basic 19 chat/emote system to perform the roleplay. Jill Walker Rettberg, Professor at University of Bergen, also describes this problem at her blog. ”I think the main problem is that the interface is not at all optimised for role-playing. The visual and gestural interface works well for fighting and exploring, but is very limited for interpersonal communication other than attacking each other.”11 She had done her observations in a roleplaying event on a roleplaying server, involving a lot of players, where the amount of communication around her made individual roleplaying drown in the sea of others roleplaying chat messages. The user interface (UI) in WoW allows some standard means of communication, such as normal talk (/say), yelling and whispering to a specific person. In addition you can also do an emote, which is either a predetermined action (such as waving) or a custom text, where the player can describe to others what he/she is doing. This is the same tools as old text based roleplaying games. Some of the problems with this system can be: • There is a lot to read (and easily missed) when there is a lot of people in one place (as mentioned above). • It takes a long time to respond with custom emotes. • There is limited possibility of making character animation etc fit to the situation. • It is not possible to see when others are about to say something, resulting in players talking at the same time, creating a fragmented conversation. These issues is the everyday of most roleplayers. It can be assumed that most players have gotten used to working in the environment with these problems. 3.9 Applied solutions Roleplaying have been in WoW since it was launched in february 2005. Over these 7 years the roleplaying have stabilized into the form described so far, but meanwhile there have been some solutions, in form of AddOns, to partly solve some of the problems, improve the situation or in general help the roleplayers. • A number of different chat addons, allowing for a more pleasant overview of all the chat. 11 Jill Walker Rettberg, 20 • Different flag addons, allowing roleplayers to display their character information. E.g. flavor such as their characters lastname, title, appearance and as well if they are currently looking for roleplaying or not. • AddOns allowing users to create their own roleplay items (that does not influence the official game mechanics) such as books, heirlooms or other props for roleplaying. One of these addons have been developed by myself, as previous actions to improve on the roleplaying. There have so far been very little improvement for active roleplayers from the game developer of WoW (Blizzard entertainment). However some of the improvements implemented to the passive roleplaying community, which is the vast majority, have been an improvement for the active roleplayers as well. The flag addons includes a solution for the lack of interaction between inactive roleplayers. In the flag addon, they can show that they are interested in other roleplayers contact them. 3.10 Conclusion MMORPGs often contains quest or similar encounter systems as their core mechanics. These systems are designed for players doing passive roleplaying, but this results in a lack of game mechanics that supports active roleplaying between players. This gives some problems for active roleplayers such as: • Lack of diversity in player roleplaying themes • Lack of interaction between players • Problematic game interface for roleplaying 21 4 Concept 4.1 Purpose The purpose is to determine the precise goals of the concept. This includes the users goals and needs. This allow to create an overview of how the goals and needs enforces each other or how if they obstruct each other. A concept design should then be developed based on the goals determined. 4.2 Concept Goals From the problem analysis the following goals for an overall solution can be derived. It is not certain that one solution should solve all problems, but they should be included in the goals, to analyse if they obstruct each other, to avoid enlarging another problem when solving one. Among the goals from the problems are also a few maintenance goals, which can be improved by the solutions to the other goals, but must not be worsen. The sturcture of the goals can be seen in figure 2. The goals are listed in table 1. 4.3 Solution platform As discovered in the estimates of active roleplayer community size (ref), WoW seems to be the primary target for a solution to these problems. In addition to this, WoW offers a large degree of open user interface, which allows for 3rd party AddOns to modify the UI experience. This is however limited to modifying the user interface, meaning that the 3D game world can not be interfered with, except for a limited API for the normal UI functionality. The AddOn execution area is placed in a sandbox, which restricts it from communication with anything but the provided API. 4.4 Solution Ideas Civilian Roleplaying WoW, as well as most other MMORPGs with dedicated RP realms, is based on a medieval world, with some degree of steam punk and high fantasy elements12 . Since one of the goals for the solution is to improve or at least maintain realism, it could be a good start to consider how the everyday life were in the medieval times. Overall the everyday life of people in the medieval times can be said to focus on, obtain or maintain wealth or power. That could be through trade, 12 of warcraft 22 Figure 2: Concept goals social hierarchy or religion13 . Looking at the comments by players in ref, it can be seen that the majority of guilds are military based, which often got a social hierachy, which seems to be driving force in that concept. This element could, together with the two others, could be applied to strengthen civilian RP. Derived from this, a solution could be to build a system that supports trade, social hierarchy and religion. This solution would is estimated to be able to cover most of the goals, to some degree. Quick replies One of the issues contributing to the problem regarding interface for roleplaying is the time it takes for a user to reply to other players emotes. E.g. if two players, who are roleplaying actively, pass each other on a road, one could nod towards the other one, as a casual greeting. Normally the other player would like to nod back to the first player as a response. A solution to the problem could be to implement a system that allows for a player to respond to such situation with the click of one button, which then posts a reply. This could however conflict a bit with goal #6 (Maintain active roleplay), as these automatic responses resembles passive roleplay mechanics. This conflict could however be limited by letting the player predetermine the responses to different situations themselves. This would also maintain the possibility for creativity from the player. 13 middle ages.html 23 Voice synthesizing of chat Another issue in the interface for roleplaying can be the immersion of reading text, which is in general lower than if the sentences were spoken in voice by an actor. ”More live, voice over dialogs would certainly be a good thing, and would help you get into character and the environment much more quickly then reading dialog would.”14 A great improvement to the immersion for roleplayers (Goal #5) could be to make a system that automatically voice the text of the roleplayers using speech synthesis. Such system could also be used to voice the in-game quests and its flavor texts. That solution holds a large potential, as it could also be of large interest for passive roleplayers, which is that vast majority. 4.5 Idea selection For the first iteration of spiral development it would be favorable to select one solution on work on implementation of this one. It is chosen to first focus on the civilian roleplay solution, since it have potential to also solve or partly complete goal #3 and its child goals. 4.6 Relevant aesthetics Goal #9 states that the player should be given the feeling of progress or similar aesthetics. This term is based on the MDA (mechanics, dynamics, aesthetics) framework[13]. This framework describes the that the mechanics (the components of the game) delivers the dynamics (the behavior of the game) which then results the aesthetics (the emotional response) from the player. This framework allows to develop the concept from the aesthetics point of view, instead of starting from the game mechanics. This results in the possibility to control that the chosen dynamics and mechanics results in the desired aesthetics. This is important for this concept, because the goals requires that the player maintain specific emotional states. A key example of this is the goal of maintain the focus on active roleplaying. If the system is implemented with focus on mechanics, such as skinner box methods, it could very easily result in the user changing into being passive roleplaying through the mechanics. A selection of aesthetics that could be relevant for the system for the idea is: 14 24 • Expression - Self discovery (acting out the character in roleplaying) • Fellowship - Social interaction with other players • Discovery - Exploration and discovery of, to the player, unknown things • Fantasy - Using imagination and creativity to create • Dependence - Seeking other players dependence on you and reason to interact with you • Action - The feeling of high phased and risky interaction The listed aesthetics can play a key role in the choice of dynamics, in order to secure the intended reaction from the players. 4.7 Concept description The system should support trade, social hierarchy and religion. It should improve the civilian RP by provide action, give the feeling of progress or similar aesthetics and give more reason for interaction between active roleplayers. The following concept is developed to fit these goals. A system that allows players to choose one or more professions in order to gather materials, craft items or perform services for other roleplayers. The gathering of wealth allow the player to progress in a social hierarchy. The professions should be tied together in an economical system, creating demands for goods and services from other players in order to progress. 4.8 Dynamics delivering the aesthetics The following is examples of dynamics that can deliver the desired aesthetics within the concept. • Expression: – The player should be able to choose their own combination of professions. Being a specialist in one, or a jack of all trades. – The players should be able to define their own profession to fit their character – Let the players chosen background have impact on their strengths and weaknesses • Fellowship 25 – Encourage players to use networks to get trade relations and improve income. – Have competition between players • Discovery – Ability to discover new combinations of materials to create or perfect new goods • Fantasy – Ability to define your own profession (see expression) – Inspiring but realistic fantasy items and professions. – Create more living cities by civilian RP • Dependence – Having the economic system result in demand on goods from other players. • Action – Ability to choose a way to obtain items thats include a risk of loss, but is also more rewarding. 4.9 Goals for aesthetics and dynamics The concept goals (table 1) can be expanded using the selected aesthetics and the suggested dynamics. The result is the goal relation seen in figure 4.8 and goals described in table 2. 4.10 Conclusion The platform for the solution is selected to be world of warcraft, because it holds the majority of active roleplayers and allows for implementation of 3rd party AddOns to modify the UI. Three solutions is suggested to solve the problem: Civilian roleplay system, quick replies and voice synthesizing. The civilian roleplay system is selected for further development at this point, as it holds potential to complete the majority of the goals. A set of relevant aesthetics is selected in order to deliver the desired emotional reaction from the player using the system. The concept is described and ideas for dynamics that is delivering the selected aesthetics is pitched. 26 Figure 3: Goals for aesthetics and dynamics 27 No. #1 Goal Improve diversity in RP #2 Increase interaction #3 Improve interface for RP #4 Maintain / improve realism Maintain / improve immersion #5 #6 Maintain roleplay active #7 Improve RP civilian #8 Provide action #9 Give the feeling of progress or similar aesthetics Give more reason for interaction #10 #11 #12 Provide a way to react fast in RP Provide a way to for players to use gestures and mimics in RP Description There should be more diversity in the themes of roleplaying Inactive roleplayers should be given more reason, encouragement and help to interact with other roleplayers. Improve the user interface for better interaction between roleplayers. The realism of the fantasy world must be upheld. The immersion of the roleplayer must be maintained or improved The tool should not change active roleplay into inactive roleplay The quality and attractiveness of civilian RP should be improved More action should be provided in civilian RP Civilian RP should have a feeling of progress or a similar aesthetics There should be more reason to interact with others when doing civilian RP There should be a quick way to react to things in RP. It should be possible for players to use more detailed gestures and mimics in RP with other players Level Problem goal Problem goal Problem goal Maintenance goal Maintenance goal Maintenance goal Solution goal 1 Solution goal Solution goal 7, 5 4, 6 7 6 Solution goal 2, 6, 7 5 Solution goal Solution goal 3, 4, 5 Table 1: Problem, maintenance and solution goals 28 Supp. Obst. 3,4 No. #13 Goal Expression #14 Action #15 Discovery #16 Fantasy Description Self discovery (acting out the character in roleplaying) The feeling of high phased and risky interaction Exploration and discovery of, to the player, unknown things Using imagination and creativity to create #17 Fellowship Social interaction with other players #18 Dependence #19 Combine sions #20 Impact of character background Custom professions Optional risky gameplay Seeking other players dependence on you and reason to interact with you The player should be able to choose their own combination of professions. Being a specialist in one, or a jack of all trades. Let the players chosen background have impact on their strengths and weaknesses The players should be able to define their own profession to fit their character Ability to choose a way to obtain items thats include a risk of loss, but is also more rewarding. Ability to discover new combinations of materials to create or perfect new goods #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 profes- Discover new recipes / item combinations Inspiring but realistic Living cities Network for trade relations Competition between players Other players demanding goods Inspiring but realistic fantasy items and professions. Create more living cities by civilian RP Encourage players to use networks to get trade relations and improve income. Have competition between players Having the economic system result in demand on goods from other players. Table 2: Problem, maintenance and solution goals 29 Level Aesthetics goal Aesthetics goal Aesthetics goal Aesthetics goal Aesthetics goal Aesthetics goal Dynamics goal Supp. 5, 6, 9 8, 9 9 5, 9 9, 10 9, 10 13 Dynamics 13 goal Dynamics 13, 16 goal Dynamics 14 goal Dynamics 15 goal Dynamics goal Dynamics goal Dynamics goal Dynamics goal Dynamics goal 16 16 17 17 18 5 Prototype Requirements 5.1 Purpose The purpose of the prototype requirements is to specify how the prototype should result in the suggested dynamics (see section 4), by specifying it mechanics. It is also included to validate that the mechanics does not conflict with any of the goals. Attentions should be paid to the potential obstructions illustrated in figure 2. 5.2 Basis mechanics The concept description describes a profession system that can hold features which can complete several of the goals. The basic concept contains a selection of professions that either gather items, or craft items out of other items. The basic functionality have the following functional / mechanics goals: • Display the users inventory of items. • Allow the user to trade items with other users. • Allow the user to select professions from a list of professions • Each profession contains several different abilities • Each ability can consume items, require items and / or produce items. 5.3 Mechanics goals The concept description suggests dynamics about a profession system that can be interpreted into mechanics goals, which enforces the dynamics. Mechanics that can enforce the dynamics are selected through a brainstorm as well as a research in already existing games. Each of these mechanics are then evaluated using de Bonos 6 thinking hats15 . Goal #19 - Combine professions The player should be able to choose their own combination of professions. Being a specialist in one, or a jack of all trades. • Two tiers professions. You can chose tier 1 and tier 2 of a profession or tier 1 of two different professions • Dynamic points. You have a fixed max sum of skill points 15 30 Goal #20 - Impact of character background Let the players chosen background have impact on their strengths and weaknesses • Let the player select between different perks in each category, such as race, origination, social status, childhood etc. These perks can be selected either all at once or over time, • Let the player choose e.g. 2 traits. Traits can e.g. be a special talent your character has or a something for his/her upbringing. This is inspired by the pen and paper RPG called D&D Pathfinder. Goal #21 - Custom professions The players should be able to define their own profession to fit their character • Allow the user to create their own profession within a set of value rules. E.g. an item with value X should take Y seconds to gather and should have a rarity of Z. Goal #22 - Optional risky gameplay Ability to choose a way to obtain items thats include a risk of loss, but is also more rewarding. • A system for committing criminal activity in the roleplay. This adds the risk of getting caught. • Make difficult stuff with the risk of failing and thus losing the materials. Goal #23 - Discover new recipes / item combinations Ability to discover new combinations of materials to create or perfect new goods • Perfect a craft by adjusting the ingredient ratio. Goal #24 - Inspiring but realistic Inspiring but realistic fantasy items and professions. • Let items in the profession system be inspired by ingame locations, names, cultures etc 31 Goal #25 - Living cities Create more living cities by civilian RP • Let players crafting, trading etc result in emotes. It should be non automatic emotes to avoid conflict with goal #6. • Let the transportation of wares be realistic, giving more traffic around cities and on roads, compared to people running or flying quickly between points. Goal #26 - Network for trade relations Encourage players to use networks to get trade relations and improve income. • Give players a game mechanical for handing out credits or discounts to other players . Goal #27 - Competition between players Have competition between players • Allow players to offer discounts to other players. Goal #28 - Other players demanding goods Having the economic system result in demand on goods from other players. • Have the different profession depend on each other enough to ensure the need for trade 5.4 Platform Over the last few years, I (the author) have developed an addon that makes it possible for players or other addons to create custom made items. This system have been designed as a platform for a profession system like this. The addon is named Gryphonheart Items (or GHI for short) and currently have an estimated user base of around 20.000 users. In addition to serve as a good platform for the final system, then the addon also holds a high level interface, intended to be used by creative players. It is possible to use this interface to implement a lightweight prototype, which can be distributed to user of GHI without further download. This 32 gives the opportunity to test the concept of the prototype in a test community relatively quickly. The profession system will be implemented under the name Gryphonheart Professions, or GHP for short. 33 6 6.1 Prototype design and implementation Purpose The purpose is to determine how the prototype should be implemented. This includes design of the implemented systems. The section also includes the implementation of the system. 6.2 The basic profession system The core of the designed solution is a profession system. A profession system would allow the user to select a profession for a set of professions. Each profession can then gather or process materials. The materials are then required by other professions and by that by other players. In general each profession includes several abilities. An ability can require objects or items to be activated and can then produce or modify item and objects when activated. Examples of this is to mine a mining node. This would require an object (the mining node) to be nearby and would require the player to have an item (such as a pick axe) equipped. When the ability is done, it have then produced an item (the iron ore). A very basic example is a profession system in which there are two professions: Mining and Blacksmithing. The miner can provided the blacksmith with metal, but requires tools. The smith can provide the miner with tools, but requires metal. This system have great possibilities for being scaled as the development progress, by adding one or more professions. 6.3 Mechanic terms The prototype includes a lot of different kind of data objects, such as items and abilities. In table 3 these objects and their meaning are explained. 6.4 Nearby objects Since AddOns are limited to only interact and modify the user interface of the game, then they can not modify the game world. This gives a challenge in terms of how to display what objects (e.g. mining nodes, an anvil, stuff on the ground etc.) are close to the player. A solution for the display of nearby objects as a list of icons, where the first in the list is the closest object. The distance and direction to the object is displayed in the object tooltip, as text. E.g. ”10 meters north east”. The list of nearby objects could be combined in a UI with related information, 34 Name: Item Ability Profession Object Profession system Description: Physical objects that can be carried A physical action An area of expertice where a person knows a lot A physical object in the world that is not intended to move A set of professions designed to interact with each other Example: A book, a chuck of iron ore or a pick axe Fetch water or Mine a rock Blacksmith or miner A cave rock or a large wooden table N/A Table 3: Object terms and meanings such as equipped items and a menu button. A sketch for this Quick Bar UI can be seen in appendix B figure 4. The Quick Bar UI is designed to be small and light weight, since roleplayers in general prefer as little UI as possible while roleplaying. It is the intention that all interaction with the profession system should follow the same design as GHI: simple in the top, but advanced in the bottom. This is achieved by letting the Quick Bar be opened by pressing a button at the side of the GHI button. From the Quick Bar the user can then dig deeper into the AddOn by pressing the menu button. Pressing this button shows the menu for professions overview, abilities etc. (see section 6.7). From that menu, there are further access to menus for creating professions, attributes etc. This method of reviling complexity as the user digs deeper down have been used in GHI, which users have pointed out as a very successful characteristic of the AddOn. 6.5 Perform action system A core element in active roleplaying is the typed and creative descriptions put into emotes16 and says17 . The idea of semi automating this, as part of the profession, could be relevant, but it would remove the creativity in roleplaying too easily, which would counter one the purposes of roleplaying (obstruction with goal #6. A better solution is to tie the expressions (emotions and things said) together with the progress of doing an ability. In practise this can be done by requesting an expression from the user in order to let the ability progress. 16 17 orange messages describing an action to characters around you white message being said, visible to the characters around you 35 The first prototype tests solves the perform UI with a standard dialog box. In this the player can type what he want to say or emote. Tests of the prototype shows that this approx confused the user and that it did not have the roleplaying feel to it. The UI for these expression requests should then have a stronger connection to the chat boxes normally used for expression. In order to achieve this familiarity, the design of the UI is based on the chat box and its simplicity. A concept sketch for this approach can be seen in appendix B figure 5. It is the regular chat box, but shown in the middle of the screen, in order to get the users attention. It got a few additions, such as the ability to select between emote and say, as well as adding more expressions to be executed after the first one. All functionality are implemented with a UI design that matches the lightweightness of the normal chatbox. 6.6 Hand item to another player A quite central functionality in the system is to give an item in your possession to another player. The GHI AddOn have been dealing with items and transferring of items between players for years. It uses the normal ingame trade system for these transfers. The ingame trade system are designed around ”something for something” trades, which work less well, when the case of one player wanting to just give a single item to another player. Due to this, it would be relevant to design a system for handing a single item to another player. It should be lightweight and have as few steps as possible. The result is a system where the user can right click on an item equipped in their main hand and then choose ”hand to ..”. This brings up a list of the nearby players and the target player can then be chosen. If the player is nearby, he will receive a dialogbox, asking if he want to accept the item. 6.7 Normal usage UI It is necessary to have a UI for the normal usage. The functionality of this UI is to display information about the professions, such as what professions the player haves, display a list of his abilities (from where the abilities can be dragged to the normal ingame actionbars) and allow the user to add new professions to the profession system (see section 6.8. The user reaches this menu from the quick bar, which means that it can hold a larger amount of information, but should still be intuitive to use. Since the game already have similar menus for the official game abilities and professions, then it could be a good solution to base these menus off their official counterparts. This ensures that the users will encounter them with some degree of familiarity. Sketches can for these UI menus can be seen in 36 appendix B figure 6 to 9. 6.8 Creation UI A central part of the AddOn is the ability for players to be creative and contribute with their own profession. This is a functionality that might not be used by every user, but could be used extensively by some users. Based on the experience drawn from similar menus in GHI, then it is relevant to design menus on at least two different abstraction levels: A normal menu, with submenus with more details and a wizard style menu, which guides the user in creating professions step by step. 6.9 Usage scenario As the roleplaying experience is quite central, a usage roleplaying scenario have been developed. It is an example of usage and gives a shows the intended flow with dialog and AddOn functionality in the roleplaying session. The scenario include some of the functionality described in the previous subsections. The usage scenario developed can be seen in appendix C. 6.10 Implementation method As many of the concept relies on assumptions of the roleplaying community’s reaction on the system, then it is considered a valuable idea to release a rapid prototype relatively fast in the process to test if the concept holds. The system can be implemented into GHI by creating an item for each item and ability in the profession system. The items then holds one or more scripts and dynamic actions that can be executed, when interacting with the item or ability. Interaction between the items and abilities can be done through the GHI API[20]. In this way, the majority of the coding needed is already given. This method is however only use full for the fast prototype, as the system is inflexible when more functionality should be implemented. After the first concept prototype, further prototypes should be implemented in a more permanent and flexible manner, as an AddOn. Lua is not OO18 , but it is possible to mimic classes using tables. In this way the solution can be implemented OO. The UI can best be implemented in the same way as the official game UI is implemented, in XML. An exception to this is creation menus, which can be faster to implement using the API provided in GHM19 . 18 19 object orientated Gryphonheart Menu. A library for menus included in GHI 37 6.11 Architecture The general architecture is inspired by the MVC20 pattern and can be summed down as Model-API-UI. The UI calls an API function, which does checks and modifies or gets information from the model which is returned to update the UI. The API also works as a security membrane between the GUI and the Model. This approach is chosen to in order to let the users scripts also interact with the API. In this way all the functionality that is presented to the UI can also be presented to the users who seeks to create special items, abilities or professions that interact with the system. This gives even stronger possibilities for creativity in the user generated content. The UI can not be requesting information from the API on every single frame update, so it is necessary for it to known when data is changed. There are two relevant approaches to this problem: 1. Let the UI (or script) supply a callback function in the functions. The api then calls this callback function when data have changed 2. An event system where the UI (or script) registers a function that should be called when a certain event occurs. The model then executes all the functions registered for a given event, when this event happens. It is chosen to implement the event system, as it scales better than the callback function solution Many of the objects used in the system (as listed in table 3 are implemented as data objects. It is however relevant for some of these to exist multiple times. E.g. there is more than one pick axe in the whole system. Due to this, it is relevant to have instances of this object. A classic way of doing that would be to have multiple instances of the object where each instance can be modified. This can however be optimised by using another system, since most information across instances of the same object would be the same. This results in a system called Object(Template) - ObjectInstance - ObjectList. The object serves as a template and holds all the default information. The object instance holds the information that is specific for the instance. It typically draws the rest of the information from the object. The object list is used for the objectInstance and other relevant classes to find the object template. This system is used for all the objects listed in table 3. The names of the three classes are then X, XInstance and XList, where X is replaced with the name of the object (e.g. Ability or Item). 20 Model-View-Controller 38 The Template-Instance-List pattern can be seen applied in the UML class diagram for the model in GHP (see appendix H). The pattern is applied to Profession, Abilities, Profession Systems and Objects. 39 7 Prototype test 7.1 Purpose The purpose of the prototype test is to gather test data that can be used to evaluate the prototype. The test data can be gathered through a user test. 7.2 Technical test The implementation of the AddOn have been done mainly through TDD. This have helped secure the correctness of the implementation to a large degree. Errors were discovered while implemented. A raw estimate is that around 50% of the errors had root in the implementation while the other 50% were errors in the unit test itself. In both cases, these were fixed as part of the implementation. Some errors slipped past the unit tests and were first discovered in the ingame tests and the user tests. This were typically errors related to special cases in the game, not simulated by the unit tests, such as issues with retrieving coordinates while the user is actively browsing the ingame maps. There were also some initialization errors, which got discovered when using the system ingame, such as the kd-tree module not giving correct errors when an empty tree was attempted created. There were also some errors related to the interfacing with GHI. These were a variety of both missunderstanding of the API and direct errors in the API for special cases. In some cases the GHI API had to be expanded. 7.3 First prototype test The purpose of the first prototype test is to see if the concept improves the roleplaying experience as intended. This is checked through an user test. The first prototype holds three different aspects: 1. The general gathering profession concept 2. Displaying of nearby objects 3. Use emote messages as part of the profession Each of these aspects should be evaluated in the user test. The test can be executed by giving the prototype to a few users, with just the basic instructions abouts its purpose. Typical questions to the subjects before the test: • Are you interested in civilian roleplay. Why / why not? 40 Questions for after the test: • Do you feel that the solution makes profession roleplay more interesting? • Did the display of nearby and equipped objects work fluently for you? • How did you feel about the emote driven abilities? A user test of the initial prototype were carried out on a few test subjects. The transcription of the interviews conducted with them can be seen in appendix I. In general the user test can conclude that the system have a good chance of improving the roleplaying for the players interested in doing civilian roleplaying. It might be less relevant for players who focus less on civilian roleplaying, but it could inspire more to try it. The quick bar seems to work well. The users move it to a part of the screen where it fits in their UI21 . Expressions being tied together with progress in the professions also seemed to work quite well. It was noted that some users did not find the connection between the input in the box and an expression intuitive. The user test resulted in a number of small improvement suggestions to the UI in general. The experience from the initial test have been used in the design in the earlier sections. E.g. the problem with the expression action box not being very intuitive have resulted in the design choice for the final Perform action UI. 7.4 Final prototype usage test In the end of the development of the final prototype, some user testing is performed. Its purpose is to confirm if the concept fulfils the desired aesthetics (see appendix 4.8). The focus is also on the usability and intuitiveness of the UI’s in the solutions. Chat transcripts of the usage tests can be seen in appendix J. The overall feedback points towards that the concept is relatively solid and gives a good flow. Players interested in civilian roleplaying seems to be very positive towards the solution in practise. ”Usually when you roleplay, you use your character as the tool. You need other players around you to respond to your actions and emotes and that’s a good thing, too. But what this AddOn does, is provide you with an invisible participant. - Finally, 21 Depending on settings and what AddOns a player is using, the UI’s can look very different in layout 41 your character is actually more than just a tool to the roleplay, it becomes a vibrant part of the play itself. You play with your character and the AddOn makes your character play back WITH you as a companion rather than just an empty vessel.” Lancl Argent Dawn (EU) It is currently lacking many of the features that can fulfil the desired aesthetics, but the platform is promising. Currently it does give the player a sence of discovery and realism. The users have expressed that it inspires profession roleplay and makes it more interesting. The perform action concept and UI works good according to the players. That is an improvement over the first perform action UI, where the users could not see a clear connection to the UI and the expressions posted. The additional functionality, such as adding several expressions and giving delays seems to cover all the needs. The ’hand to’ functionality have gotten very positive reactions from the users. The functionality seems to be a great improvement over the trade functionality used in GHI. The players confirm that it works a lot better in the flow of the roleplaying. The quickbar UI works quite well. Some minor improvements were suggested, such as making it more clear that it can be moved and is not attached to the GHI bag. The elements of the UI seems to be clear to the users. The concept of nearby objects (that are never displayed ingame) works well for the users as well. The tooltip descriptions for direction and distance have been able to guide the players to the objects location, with only minor problems the first time. It is suggested to improve the UI with a direction arrow. The user test reviled that some parts of the UI, such as the list of abilities, were not easy for the users to find. It were not clear that learning the mining abilities added abilities as well. This could be solved by adding text messages stated what abilities is learnt. It was also not clear which nearby objects can be picked up and which cannot. Some minor bugs have been discovered during the user test. Examples of this is that the list of nearby object is not sorted by which one of the objects is closest. 42 8 Prototype evaluation 8.1 Purpose The purpose is to evaluate the prototype against the problem description and the goals developed, using the results from the prototype test. 8.2 Overall evaluation The final prototype have been validated through its TDD. Overall it is a solid platform to further expand the solution on. It includes some minor errors that have been corrected, plus room for improvement in regards to the UI. In general the TDD have been a great help and ensured correctness. This have been valuable in the complex parts of the AddOn. It have however been rather redundant and a huge time sink for simple functions, such as setters / getters and functions that are parsing information along from other classes. Due to this the amount of use case coverage have been dwindling for most areas of the AddOn, while it have been upheld in the technical modules that have a higher level of complexity. The goals for the solution were ambitious and mainly fitting a final solution. Yet the prototype display potential to deliver the aesthetics that are the goal for a full solution. The solution seem to give better conditions for civilian roleplaying and would, in a full version, be able to create more diversity in the general RP scene. 8.3 Technical challenges In the development of the AddOn implemented prototype several technical difficulties have risen. The most needed and best suited technical challenges are then further focused on. The problem in each challenge are analysed, possible related solutions are researched and a solution to the problem are developed and evaluated. As it is the intention to develop and validate the AddOn solution using TDD22 . It does however require an efficient way of implementing and executing unit tests, which is currently not available. This problem is being handled in appendix D. The result is a plugin for the IntelliJ IDEA (the IDE used by the Gryphonheart Team, and others, for AddOn development) which allows to run and evaluate unit tests following the API for the busted unit testing 22 test driven development 43 framework. Another issue that raised while developing the prototype was related to the location of the player in the game world. The data available to the AddOns in the game are limited to a x and y coordinate, plus flags regarding if the user is indoor or outdoors, swimming and flying. This is a problem when players need to interact with nearby objects e.g. in a house. An object placed close to the player (in x and y coordinates), but on another floor would be seen as on the same floor. The solution developed to solve the problem (see appendix E) build on a concept of parting the relevant buildings into floor zones. E.g. the ground floor would be zone A, the staircase would be zone B and the top floor would be zone C. It is then possible to trace the location of a player by detecting transition between the zones. The solution have been tested to be relatively robust and easy to scale, since most of the multistory buildings ingame consists of a relatively small amount of models that are reused over and over. Placing of objects, to be shown in the nearby object list, holds another issue than just detecting the correct floor location. The native implementation of the list of nearby objects has some performance issues when scaled up. Finding all nearby objects requires the solution to look through all placed objects in the world, which could relatively fast be a lot. In order to counter this, it is required to find a more optimal solution to store this geographical dependent data. A solution to this problem were developed in appendix F. The solution builds on a kd-tree, which is a tree data structure designed for storing data with coordinates in d dimensions (in this case only 2). The solution implements an special version of the kd-tree that is optimised towards clustered data. It can be assumed that the objects stored in the solution will be heavily clustered around buildings and RP hotspots inside the game, which makes this solution optimal. Implementation of the solution into the final AddOn went relatively easy and it worked optimally. Some minor issues were discovered regarding the reaction to an empty tree, which were not error handled correctly by the kd-tree implementation. A central issue in the prototype is the issue of sharing and maintaining a dataset across the different AddOn clients. This is an issue that have been relevant in earlier AddOn titles in the Gryphonheart series, but the solution is not efficient enough. It is a non trivial problem because there is no servers available for the AddOns to store data on, so data can only be stored on the participating clients. Development of a solution that solves this technical challenge have been done in appendix G. The solution developed is inspired by the bittorent protocol. It bases on a two scenario system: 1, a player has new information he needs to share with 44 everyone and 2, a player logs on and needs to retrieve updated information from all other players. The solution works as a great improvement compared to the native implementation in earlier GH AddOns tackling this issue. The interface for the module is suited towards being coupled with a list class and share all its data. Implementing the solution into the AddOn have however reviled that it can not handle partial data sharing, where it is only relevant to share specific parts of the set with everyone. In GHP that means that all profession systems, professions etc would be shared will all who have the AddOn. While this would be quite optimal for getting players to try out each others crafted professions, it is however very heavy on the memory usage. 45 9 9.1 Conclusion Purpose The purpose of this section is to round up the loose ends of the project and conclude on the rests with perspective in the goals, the problem statement and the technical problem statement. 9.2 Project delimitation and further development Due to time constrains for the project, it is necessary to perform a project delimitation. Most technical challenges have been overcome as part of the development of the prototype. The prototype is however greatly limited and is not yet at a state where it implement the desired dynamics in order to fulfil the goals intended (see section 4.8). The prototype and the platform it implements does hold a potential for carrying many of the dynamics that can delivers on the desired aesthetics. It is relatively easy to implement these features in the future, since most of the technical difficulties have been handled, but it still time consuming to do. Due to the large amount of time that it would take to finish the implementation, then it could be considered if it is enough to let the project be finished as a free-time project by, as with the previous AddOns. The rules for WoW AddOns constrains the AddOns for being sold, have premium versions or include advertisement. Due to this, there is no sustainable business model for WoW AddOns. An alternative could be to let the project rely on donations. E.g. by creating a kickstarter campaign for the project. The solutions that have been developed for the technical challenges holds further potential for being used by other AddOns as well. An an example the datasharing solution could be used in a wide selection of applications that requires data. An idea it could realize is called Gryphonheart Groups (GHG). A pitch for this AddOn can be seen in appendix L. 9.3 Conclusion Problems and challenges rising for roleplayers in MMORPG have been analysed and it have become evident that there are several different issues that relate to roleplayers performing active roleplaying on dedicated servers in MMORPGs, especially World of Warcraft (WoW). Further research have shown that many roleplayers face issues that are closely related, such as lack of diversity in roleplaying roles and lack of realism. A solution concept were designed to improve the conditions regarding these issues. This concept builds on a supplying mechanics for profession, in order to give better conditions for civilian roleplaying. The concept is developed 46 using MDA (mechanics - dynamics - aesthetics), which is a framework for determine the right mechanics to deliver the intended dynamics. The developed concept were implemented first as a fast prototype into a series of scripts inside another AddOn, called GHI (Gryphonheart Items). A series of user tests with this prototype were able to validate that the concept could possible be a solution to some of the issues. A larger scale prototype were afterwards implemented into an AddOn, under the name GHP (Gryphonheart Professions), as it will be drawing upon some of the functionality in GHI and will be part of the same AddOn series. In the development of the AddOn several technical challenges were handled. The first challenge were the lack of proper tool support for test driven development (TDD) of the AddOns. A plugin to IntelliJ IDEA (an IDE used for development of AddOns) were developed to serve as such as tool. Another problem were lack of floor or z coordinate information. For this a detection system were build, which can track when the player changes from one floor to another in the game. A challenge that had risen in the prototype development, as well as for other AddOns developed before that, is the lack of a server to store data on. For this a client to client data sharing system, inspired by Bittorent, were developed. The resulting solution have great potential for further use in AddOns that uses shared datasets. A last challenge were regarding optimal storing of geographical data. For this, a tailored kdtree solution were implemented, which optimised the performance greatly compared to the native solution. The final prototype solution, as well as the solution to most of the technical challenges, were implemented using TDD. This ensured a high degree of correctness, especially in the complex parts. User tests of the final prototype have shown positive reactions for the users. The solution shows great potential of solving the problems regarding the lack of diversity and realism in roleplaying. Users that were already interested in civilian roleplaying shows a greater motivation for roleplaying civilian professions, when using the AddOn. Overall the solution got a great potential for creating more diversity in the RP scene of WoW and improve the roleplaying experience for both its users and other players interacting with its users. Christian Warnecke 47 References [1] Franklin Antonio. Faster line segment intersection, 1992. [2] Barfolomeu. Flighthud, 2013. [3] Jon Louis Bentley. Multidimensional binary search trees used for associative searching. Communications of the ACM, 18(9):509–517, 1975. [4] Bram Cohen. The bittorrent protocol specification, 2008. 0003.html. [5] H.G. Corneliussen and J.W. Rettberg. Digital culture, play, and identity: a World of Warcraft reader. World of Warcraft Reader Series. Mit Press, 2008. [6] Jeff Ericson. Non-lecture f: Line segment intersection, 2002. jeffe/teaching/373/notes/x06sweepline.pdf. [7] David Kirk. Graphics Gems: III. Graphics Gems - IBM Series. AP Professional, 1992. [8] Olivine Labs. busted, elegant lua unit testing, 2013. [9] Songrit Maneewongvatana and David M. Mount. It’s okay to be skinny, if your friends are fat. Proceedings of the 4th Annual CGC Workshop on Computational Geometry, 1999. [10] M.v. Kreveld Mark de Berg, O. Cheong and M. Overmars. Computational Geometry. Springer, 2008. [11] Marco Patella Paolo Ciaccia and Pavel Zezula. M-tree: An efficient access method for similarity search in metric spaces. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 1997. [12] Iway Indoor Positioning. Iway, 48 2012. [13] Robert Zubek Robin Hunicke, Marc LeBlanc. Mda: A formal approach to game design and game research, 2010. 2004.pdf. [14] Dan Sunday. Intersections of a set of segments - bentley ottmann algorithm, 2012. [15] Sasu Tarkoma. Overlay and p2p networks - structured networks and dhts, 2013. send/1082. [16] Sasu Tarkoma. Overlay and p2p networks - unstructured networks i, 2013. send/1052. [17] Sasu Tarkoma. Overlay and p2p networks - unstructured networks ii, 2013. send/1056. [18] David Hoksza Toms Skopal. Improving the performance of m-tree family by nearest-neighbor graphs. ADBIS’07 Proceedings of the 11th East European conference on Advances in databases and information systems, pages 172–188, 2007. [19] Susana Tosca. The quest problem in computer games, 2003. [20] Chrisitan Warnecke. wiki: Ghi api, 2012. [21] Nick Yee. Introduction to the role-playing series, 2006. 49 Appendix 50 A Number of roleplayers across MMORPGS The following calculations does not take the play patterns and global player distribution into account. It also assumes an even player distribution across all realms. 1 list 3 4 - oct 2012 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 status/server status.php 16 17 18 List partly selected from 19 Calculated from the total number of players times the normal server to roleplaying server ratio (percentage) 2 51 Game: Total number of servers/ realms: Percentage Number of RP of playservers: ers18 : 7641 Total number of dedicated RP servers: 581 Estimates number of roleplayers19 : Note: World of Warcraft 7.5% 10.000.0002 750.000 No RP servers in all Asian realms Star Wars. the old republic Guild wars II 203 73 35.0% 1.400.0004 490.000 516 08 N/A 2.000.0005 N/A D&D Online Age of Conan Aion Rift EvE Online City of Heroes Dark Age of Camelot Lord of the Rings Online Warhammer Online 89 09 N/A 110.0004 N/A 2110 210 9.5% 75.0004 7.000 811 1813 214 1615 012 313 014 015 N/A 16.6% N/A N/A 2.400.0004 250.0004 450.0004 125.0004 N/A 41.000 N/A N/A 1116 016 N/A 30.0004 N/A 2917 317 9.6% 260.0004 25.000 N/A N/A N/A 100.0004 N/A Table 4: Number of estimated roleplayers across different MMORPG titles 52 Number is number of total sales B UI Design sketches 53 Figure 4: UI sketch for the quickbar showing equipped and nearby objects 54 Figure 5: UI sketch for the Perform Action UI 55 Figure 6: UI sketch for the Profession overview part of the main menu. Example with a ”skill sum” type project 56 Figure 7: UI sketch for the Profession overview part of the main menu. Example with a ”unlimited” type project 57 Figure 8: UI sketch for the Abilities list in the main menu. 58 Figure 9: UI sketch for the Custom profession list in the main menu. 59 C Usage scenarios 60 C.1 Usage Scenario 1 - Mine foreman Setting: The Azurelode Mine in Hillsbrad Foothill. A player (John) approaches the foreman of a mine (Peter), who is standing just outside the entrance to the mine. Emote: Peter looks towards John as he approaches. Emote: John nods at Peter. Peter says: You must be one of the day labourers for the mine, eh? John says: Yessum. Ah dont know first thing bout that mines and whats not, but ah aint a weak sissy. Peter says: Ah, I see, but do not worry about that. I can teach you the basics of it. Emote: John nods at Peter and then picks his nose while looking at him, without realising. Peter clicks on the Teaching ability in his action bar, which opens the teaching UI. He then chooses to teach John mining. The UI requests one or more emotions from him, describing the teaching action he is doing. He is given the option to also make one or more emotions for each ability in the profession that are known as basic (spot minerals etc). It is optional for him to give expressions for each ability. Peter chooses emote and fills in some text. Emote: Peter starts to explain the basic of mining to John. You have been taught [Mining] (profession) by Peter. (Shown only on Johns screen) You have taught John [Mining] (profession). (Shown only on Peters screen) Peter says: First you try to try and spot the iron veins inside the mine. Just look for small areas in the mine wall that looks a bit brighter than rock. You have been taught [Spot Minerals] by Peter. (Shown only on Johns screen) You have taught John [Spot Minerals]. (Shown only on Peters screen) Peter says: Then when you have found a good spot, just use a [Mining Pick] to mine the some of the rock in the wall down. You have been taught [Mine Iron Vein] by Peter. (John) You have taught John [Mine Iron Vein]. (Peter) Peter says: From all the chunks and boulders of rocks you then have to try and separate the iron. You have been taught [Separate iron ore] by Peter. (John) You have taught John [Separate iron ore]. (Peter) Emote: John nods to Peter. 61 John says: Ah think ah got it. Peter says: Good. Do you have a pick yourself? John says: No, ah don’t think ah got any. Peter says: Okay. I have one you can borrow. Peter opens his bag (in the nearby objects, because he have placed his bag on the ground near him) and right clicks on an [Iron Pick]. This displays a drop down menu, where he select Hand to.. and then selects John. Peter is then requested to fill in an emote, describing the action. You attempt to hand [Iron Pick] to John. (Peter) Emote: Peter attempts to hand [Iron Pick] to you. (John) Emote: Peter takes an [Iron Pick] from his bag and hands it towards John. John gets a dialogbox where he can chose to accept it, or reject it. He accepts and are requested to make an emote, describing that. Emote: John accepts the [Iron Pick] and holds it in his hand. The Iron pick is now placed in Johns main hand slot in the Equipped items ui at the quick bar. Its icon flashes for a moment after it appears. John says: Alright. Ill get oan it. Emote: John walks into the mine while whistling. When inside the mine, John decides to look for minerals. He presses the book button on the quickbar. This opens a spellbook, where John looks for the Spot Minerals ability. It is flashing in the spellbook, because he just learned it. John drags the ability into his action bar for easy access and clicks it. John is then requested an emote, describing the action. John fills out the emote. Emote: John stands and looks at the mine wall, trying to spot any iron ore in the wall. A cast bar appears and starts to progress. When the cast bar is done after 30 seconds, a few Iron ore veins appears in the Nearby objects list in the quickbar. They flash up for a few seconds. In their tooltip they describe how far they are away (approximately) and the direction (approximately in directions, north, northeast etc.). You have discovered 3 [Iron vein]s nearby. John says: Aha... John walks in the direction described in the tooltip until it reaches less than a meters distance. He then right clicks the iron vein. He is request an emote describing the mining of the node. Emote: John takes the [Iron pick] and starts to mine down chunks of the wall. The cast bar appears and starts to process. While it is processing mining sounds are playing. After the process bar is done, a new object appears in the nearby objects lists. It is a [Boulders and chunks of 62 rock]. John clicks it and is again requested an emote describing the action of searching the boulders for rocks. Emote: John kneels down and starts to sort the small pieces of rock, looking for chunks of rock he can identify as iron. The cast bar appears and rumbling sounds can be heard. After the cast bar is done A small Iron ore appears in the nearby objects. John picks up the iron ore and puts it in the back. After repeating this a few times at different nodes, John have gathered plenty of iron ore. He then returns to Peter outside the mine and hands him the iron ore. John gives him his day pay, for a job well done. 63 D Tool for unit testing lua code for WoW AddOn development 64 D.1 Problem description and analysis Purpose The purpose of this section is to describe the problem and analyse it. Description and analysis Unit tests are widely used to ensure quality in software as well as aid in its development. In the development of the Gryphonheart AddOns and other addons, it is desired to use unit tests to raise the quality and ensure correct implementation of new technical modules. These technical modules are intended to be implemented using TDD (test driven development). Currently there aren’t any tools that supports this completely. Development of wow AddOns does not require a compiler, so the development can be done in any text editor. In the Gryphonheart Team, the development is done in an IDE (integrated developer environment) called IntelliJ IDEA. Through a plugin, it provides several helpful features, such as syntax highlight, syntax errors and global function lookups. 65 D.2 Solution concept Purpose The purpose is to design a solution concept basic on combinations of existing tools. Existing unit test tools Lua is used for other things than wow AddOns, but a large degree of this is console applications or scripts. Due to this, the only existing unit test framework is console based. It is called Busted and supports lua tests through an API[8]. E.g. a unit test can be created by calling a describe function with nested it functions. The api includes various related functions, such as detailed assert and spy functions. Through a library the system also supports coverage analysis. Ingame solution A relevant and basic solution to the problem could be to implement some test functions that can be executed in the game. These can then be triggered after the game is loaded and will run the tests. Overall the solution holds the following advantages and disadvantages. Advantages: • It relatively easy to implement • It got all the ingame special functions Disadvantages: • It is not that practical to reload environment • It requires game to run • It can be hard to simulate more clients • Adding a file requires the game to be restarted IDE Plugin solution Working with the busted library, it is clear that it can be a bit tedious to run the unit tests, as it requires several console commands. A solution to that could be to make a batch script that runs the console commands, but it is a more long sighted solution to make a plugin to 66 the IDE used, which then handles the unit tests. The plugin solution has the following advantages: • It is easy to reload the environment • It is possible to create multiple clients • It does not require the game to run • The tests run relatively fast, compared to ingame. The solution has the following disadvantages: • It requires mocking of in game functions. • The environment might preform different than the ingame environment in performance. Solution selection Based on the solution descriptions it can be seen that the most advantageous solution would be to implement an IDE plugin to manage the unit tests, using the Busted library. An obvious target IDE for this would be IntelliJ IDEA, as this already has plugin that gives many relevant features for wow AddOn developers. This plugin is developed using JAVA. 67 D.3 Implementation Purpose The purpose is to describe the development of the solution, including its implementation. Interface with Busted It is possible to interface with the busted library using CLI (Command line interface)[8]. It supports many different options. One of the most relevant ones is to define additional locations for the system to look for lua files. The result of the run unit test can also be read in the CLI, where it will be printed. The java plugin can interface with Busted through a separate process, created though a ProcessBuilder class. It is passed the command string and then awaits the results printed. The resulting strings are relatively easily analyzed, since they all follow the same format: A line with the result for all the tests in the test file and a line with eventual errors. There are one error line pr failed test. The results are put into a RunResult object. Structure of AddOn and its tests All AddOns have a .toc file, which is a list of all the files the game is told to load. This is normally created manually by the AddOn author while developing. The structure of the files used for the Gryphonheart AddOns is based on its implementation pattern, which is a slightly modified version of MVC (model-view-controller), with folders such as GUI, API, Model and Modules. This is supported by default in the plugin, by letting the busted library look for the lua files in these folders. In addition to the mentioned folders, there are also a TEST folder. In these the test files for a corresponding lua file are located, in a mirrored structure. That means that a test file for Model MyClass.lua are TEST Model MyClass.lua. This separation have been chosen to make it easier to exclude all test files when packing and deploying an AddOn for the users. The file information from the .toc file are used to create FilePair’s and FilePairDirectories, which then holds all necesary information about 68 Figure 10: Unittest Plugin UI the lua files in the AddOn and the corresponding test file they are paired together with. User interface It is chosen to let the user interface of the plugin be focussed around a treeview. This treeview displays the structure of the tests files as nodes in the tree and then the results for each file as the leafs. The tree is implemented as a JTree. This includes implementation of TreeModel and TreeCellRenderer suited to display the tests. The UI is also given one button to reload all unit tests. The unit tests are run when the plugin is started, but pressing this button will rerun it. It is possible to run a particular set by right clicking it and press Run test. 69 D.4 Test and evaluation Purpose The purpose is to test and evaluate the performance and correctness of the plugin trough long term use. Test The plugin have been tested trough five months of use as part of development of AddOns. Minor errors found while use the solution have been corrected. It have resulted in an overall acceptable correctness of the solution. The test have revieled a few minor issues and bugs, which are described in table 5. Conclusion A unittest plugin for the IntellJ IDEA IDE were implemented using JAVA. This plugin interfaces with the Busted library and makes is possible to run unit tests, that uses the Busted api, inside the IDE. The plugin were implemented successfully and tested though extensive usage. Minor bugs and issues were recorded and fitting resolutions were documented. 70 Description Syntax errors in the tests in the test are not displayed. Possible resolution This is an error in the analysis of the test result by Busted. The test runner should be modified to catch these errors. The model should be modified make it possible to tie an error to a file pair. This error can be corrected in the view code where the tree is updated. Running a test with a syntax error also results in the next level directory being folded in the UI. Long error reports can be hard to read, since it is all on one line, no matter of the length. This can be fixed in the view by either let the node be possible more than one line high or by displaying the full text in a mouse over tooltip. This could be fixed by letting the tests run in a complete parallel thread. of the UI. When running tests that takes a long time, the whole UI freezes Table 5: Bugs and issues located in the plugin 71 E Floor level determination 72 E.1 Problem description and analysis Purpose The purpose is to determine and describe the problem in details, Problem description The problem is to determine the floor location, in a building, for a person, derived from only the x and y coordinates. The challenge in the problem is the missing z/height/altitude information for the subject. The problem occurs for AddOns in the MMORPG World of Warcraft (wow). They can not obtain information about the players zcoordinate, which can be an issue when determining what floor in an ingame building the player is currently at. In the case of wow, the x and y coordinates are available with a great accuracy, down to millimeters. Furthermore the buildings in wow are standardized. There are a limited number of different multistory building models in the game. These models are then reused many times in the game world. In general indoor movement in the game limited to walking/running and jumping. This means that the solution should handle eventual balconies that the player can jump off from. It is however not possible to jump out of windows in the game. Conclusion There are no z-coordinate available for wow AddOns. There are however very accurate x,y coordinates and a relatively static game world. 73 E.2 Existing solutions Purpose The purpose is to find existing solutions that relates to the problem. Existing solutions Due to the special conditions in the problem, there are no existing complete solutions to the problem. Flight HUD Flight HUD is an AddOn for World of Warcraft that displays that presents flying related information to the player in form of a overlay display similar to the HUD (heads up display) in fighter jet planes[2]. The AddOn and its methods are mainly useful for flying in wow. It retrieves information about the flying angle, the speed and direction. The AddOn does not take collisions into account or if the user is moving sideways or backwards. The AddOn states clearly that it can not show the z-coordinate, due to UI limitations. The Z coordinate could be derived from the angle, speed and direction, but not when the user is colliding with obstacles. IWAY Indoor positioning (in real life) is currently in active development. Google is profiling their maps with indoor features, such as floor plans. There are also solutions being developed for more precise indoor positioning, such as IWAY. It uses a combination of the wifi and 3G/4G networks to determine the users position[12]. Conclusion There are not any complete solution to the problem, but some of the existing solutions might serve as inspiration for a solution. 74 E.3 Solution design Purpose The purpose is to design one or more possible solutions for the problem. This is based off the problem analysis and the knowledge of existing solutions. A solution should be selected and it can then be parted up into subproblems. Solution for the problem Altitude derived from change of velocity It is possible to use the same information as the Flight HUD addon regarding position, direction and speed. A player walking up a staircase would make his x,y speed change, in the same way that a planes ground speed changes when flying upwards without its true air speed changing. Note that the vertical direction of the user walking in a building is not available, since the inputs for controlling vertical direction of flying is not present here. This concept can be used without knowledge about the buildings, but it has a few limitations and issues: • It can not differ between rising and falling, since both would limit the ground speed • It does not take collisions with objects/walls into account Floor level from linked zones Using the available accurate x,y coordinates a solution could be to divide a building into zones. The zone of the player could then be changed when the player crosses different points of interest. E.g. a staircase or a doorway. Such point of interests could be detected by the player crossing one or more transition lines. The downside of this system is that zones and transition lines should be defined for the building, but this is a minor downside, as the multistory buildings in WoW is based of the same, relatively few, models. An issue could be to determine the starting position, if the player starts inside a building. This could however be solved by saving the 75 zone information between each session. It would then only be a problem the first time a player logs in with the AddOn. The solution can not give any precise z or height coordinate, but that is not directly required. Selection of solution The solution with the fewest issues is the floor level from linked zones. This solution is the most suited for further research and development. Conclusion Two solution concepts were designed. One based on calculating the altitude from the change in speed when moving upwards. The other one based on transition over points of interest, such as staircases. The later one of the solutions are chosen for further development. 76 E.4 Solution Implementation Purpose The purpose is to specify the implementation methods for the linked zones solution, which can then be used for implementation. It should also include unit test cases, since the unit tests are required part of the implementation in TDD23 . Solution Implementation State machine The concept with the player position changing from one zone to another if certain properties is fulfilled resembles the concept of a state machine. An example of such concept is shown in figure 11. The state machines for buildings would in the worst case have a total of 5-10 states. Due to this relatively small size, it will not be relevant with methods for compromising or otherwise optimising the state machine. A way to implement this state machine mechanic is with a table of states, which each have a transition table. Line intersection When the state machines eventual transitions are calculated, it can be done with information about the current location and the new location (both with x and y coordinates). This information is two points in a plane and the connection between these two points form a line segment. The areas of interest that should trigger the transitions between zones are defined by one or more line segments each. The transition between two areas / states should then happen if the line segment between the two coordinates.crosses with a transition line segment. Line segment intersection problems is a well documented area. Some algorithms that have been developed to find all intersections between all line segments have a logarithmic time pr. intersection[10]. It is however not relevant for this particular problem to find all line segment intersections, since only required to know if the movement line segment intersects with any of the other segments. 23 Test driven development 77 Figure 11: State machine example for a house with 3 zones Figure 12: Line intersection example There are simple methods and algorithms for determining if two line segment crosses each other, without the intersection point being calculated, as stated in the following. Two segments ab and cd intersect if and only if: • the endpoints a and b are on opposite sides of the line cd, and • the endpoints c and d are on opposite sides of the line ab. [6] This is however not enough to test transition from one zone into another, since this does not take into account that more lines might be crossed. It might however still be useful, if it is necessary to detect if two segments cross. In the above example sa crosses both segment sb and sc . In this case there is a transition into the other zone, but then back into the first zone again. There could theoretically be examples where sc could be 78 places in the transition logic of the 2th zone and lead to a transmission into yet a 3rd zone. In such case it would be relevant to split sa up into two segments. One from its start to the intersection with sb and one from the intersection to sb to the end. This is why it is relevant for the algorithm to calculate the points of intersection and thus why this simple solution can not be used alone. An algorithm for locating all intersection points in a set of line segments is the Bentley-Ottmann Algorithm. It is a line sweep algorithm that works in logarithmic time[14]. It is however only interesting for this case to find all intersections between a particular segment and all other segments. Due to this, it would be a bit excessive to find all segment intersections between all segments in the set. A closer look into the Bently-Ottmann reveals that it calculates the intersection points of all intersecting segments, without any improvements to that part. As a result of that it is not efficient using that algorithm. The best solution is then to calculate the intersections between the movement segment and all the transition segments. This narrows the problem down to calculating the intersection points. Calculating the intersection points between two line segments can be done in a relatively fast way, using the ’Faster Line Segment Intersection’ algorithm[7]. This algorithm builds on calculating alpha and beta (ranging from 0 to 1), which denotes the location of the intersection in on each of the lines. The alpha and beta values would then be outside of the range 0 to 1, if the lines does not intersect. Formula for intersection between the line segments P1 to P2 and P3 to P4 can be seen in formula 1. Solving it results in formula 2 and 3. 0 = (P 1 − P 3) + α(P 2 − P 1) + β(P 3 − P 4) (P 3 − P 4)y × (P 1 − P 3)x − (P 3 − P 4)x × (P 1 − P 3)y (P 2 − P 1)y × (P 3 − P 4)x − (P 2 − P 1)x × (P 3 − P 4)y (P 2 − P 1)x × (P 1 − P 3)y − (P 2 − P 1)y × (P 1 − P 3)x β= (P 2 − P 1)y × (P 3 − P 4)x − (P 2 − P 1)x × (P 3 − P 4)y α= (1) (2) (3) The offset and position of the intersection can be derived from the alpha and beta values using the methods implemented in the example provided with Graphics Gems: III[1]. The algorithm implements the pseudo code seen in algorith 1. 79 Algorithm 1: Calculation of intersection point Input: d: the numerator of the alpha equation. See formula 2 and 3 e: the beta numerator f: the common denominator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 numx = d * (P2x - P1x) if numx have same sign as f then offsetx = f / 2 else offsetx = - f / 2 numy = d * (P2y - P1y) if numy have same sign as f then offsety = f / 2 else offsety = - f / 2 x = P1x + (numx + offsetx) / f y = P1y + (numy + offsety) / f Notice that this pseudo code does not include checks for if the segments intersect at all. If they are parallel, then f would be 0, which would result in dividing by 0. In the implementation it can be seen that the following tests, to determine non intersection, should also be done in the algorithm (see algorithm 2). Algorithm 2: Intersection validation X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 if P2x - P1x ¡ 0 then xLowA = P2x xHighA = P1x else xLowA = P1x xHighA = P2x if P4x - P3x ¡ 0 then xLowB = P4x xHighB = P3x else xLowB = P3x xHighB = P4x if xHighA ¡ xLowB or xHighB ¡ xLowA then return No intersection Algorithm 2 should also be carried out for the Y values. The alpha and beta values should also be tested, as stated in the pseudo algorithm 80 3. Algorithm 3: Intersection validation Alpha - Beta Input: d: the numerator of the alpha equation. See formula 2 and 3 e: the beta numerator f: the common denominator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 if f == 0 then return else if if f ¿ 0 then if d ¡ 0 or d ¿ f then return if e ¡ 0 or e ¿ f then return else if d ¿ 0 or d ¡ f then return if e ¿ 0 or e ¡ f then return Combined the three pieces of pseudo code forms an algorithm that can determine if the line intersects. On top of this should be an algorithm that determines which segment is crossed first. To ease determination of that, the alpha and beta values could be returned from the function. Depending on direction and if the movement segment is P1P2 or P3P4, then this information can be derived from the alpha or beta value. Note that the crossing direction can be determined from weather f is positive or negative. Building location As mentioned in the solution design, most models for multi-storage buildings in the game is the same. Due to that, it could be a good solution to have the information stored for each building model, and then deploy them dynamically for each location / rotation of the building model ingame. Determining the model location and rotation in game can be done by measuring 2-3 easy recognisable points inside the building. The set of transition segments for the building model can be transposed to fit the building instance ingame by using the location (offset) 81 and rotation. This can be applied using the matrix algebra seen in formula 4. 0 cos θ − sin θ x of fx x = + y0 sin θ cos θ y of fy (4) This is a quite optimal solution because the information for the building instance can be narrowed down to the offset (x and y), the rotation and the building reference, 4 values total. A rotation matrix can then be calculated just once for all segments in the building. The rotation matrix and the offset vector can then be applied to all segments for the building. Unit test cases As unit tests are a necessity to start development in TDD, then test cases should be considered as part of the solution design. GetLineSegmentIntersection The function for finding line segment intersections should be unit tested with variety of different inputs. This includes both positive tests, where the segments does collide, and negative tests where the segments does not collide. A structured way to test a lot of possible and relevant combinations of inputs could be to divide the area around a segment into subareas and place point of interests there. Figure 13 is an setup with a segment and points of interest. The function can be tested extensively. The complete truth table for that setup can be seen in appendix A. An x denotes a nil value (no intersection). A value describes the estimated alpha/beta value (from 0 to 1) of where the intersection would happen. FloorDeterminationStateLogic The state machine for determining the current floor can be tested using a relatively simple example. This is because the transitions can happen in relatively few ways. The only special cases is to consider situations where more than one segment is crossed. 82 Figure 13: Line segment intersection test setup Figure 14: Staircase example with 3 floor areas 83 The example in figure 14 is based off the looks of staircase in a building inside the game. There are two special things to notice about this example: • It is possible for the player to jump over the railing in the lower part of the staircase, crossing either from Floor A and onto the staircase (Floor B) or the other direction. This is represented by the transition lines between P2 and P4. • It is possible for the player to jump from a balcony area on top of the staircase (Floor C) and onto the staircase (Floor C). This is the reason why the transition line is P1 - P3 instead of P1 - P2. 84 Figure 15: Floor determination in action E.5 Test and evaluation Purpose The purpose is to test and evaluate the implemented concept for floor determination. Test results The solution were implemented into the GHP AddOn as a module using TDD. This places a large portion of the testing into the unit tests. As described in description of the unit test cases, the tests have a large coverage for the segment intersection function. It results in a total of 678 unit tests. The state machine implementation also got a reasonable amount of unit tests. All the unit tests have passed successfully. Inside the game, the system have been tested with implementation of a common tavern (of the human race). This building holds two separate staircases, leading from the ground floor to the first floor and to the basement. The coordinates for the transition points were measured in-game and it were noted down in the building data. This building data were tested by inserting two instances of the building in-game and measure the calculated floor level as the character were moved around in the building. 85 The tests showed that the floor information does not change at once after crossing a transition line, but after up to 1 second. That is due to the chosen delta time. This could easily be increased to create a more precise tracking. Conclusion The solution to the floor detection problem were implemented successfully. The test results are positive and it works as intended, which have been validated through a relatively large amount of unit tests. 86 Appendix A Truth table for segment intersection test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 x x x x x x x x 0 x x x x 2 x x x x x x x x 0 x x x x 3 x x x x x x x x 0 x x x x 4 x x x x x x x x 0 x x x x 5 x x x x x x x x 0 x x x x 6 x x x x x x x x 0 0.2 x x x 7 x x x x x x x x 0 0.25 x x x 8 x x x x x x x x 0 0.33 x x x 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x 1 1 1 1 10 x x x x x 0.8 0.75 0.67 0 x 0.71 0.52 0.56 11 x x x x x x x x 0 0.29 x x x 12 x x x x x x x x 0 0.48 x x x 13 x x x x x x x x 0 0.44 x x x 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x 1 1 1 1 15 0.88 0.81 0.74 0.5 x 0.81 0.78 0.57 0 x 0.71 0.6 0.5 16 0.77 0.65 0.68 0.5 x 0.71 0.69 0.5 0 x 0.63 0.5 0.4 17 0.69 0.64 0.53 x x 0.63 0.55 0.36 0 x 0.5 0.38 0.29 18 x x x x x x x x 0 0.5 x x x 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x 1 1 1 1 20 0.75 0.76 0.66 0.5 x 0.72 0.68 0.5 0 x 0.64 0.5 0.43 21 0.63 0.6 0.48 0.33 x 0.58 0.5 0.32 0 x 0.45 0.31 0.22 22 0.58 0.54 0.45 x x 0.5 0.42 0.28 0 x 0.37 0.29 0.19 23 x x x 0.77 0.5 x x x 0 x x x x 24 x 0.75 0.7 0.5 0.25 x 0.67 0.5 0 x x 0.5 0.5 25 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.3 x 0.55 0.5 0.34 0 x 0.47 0.32 0.26 26 0.55 0.5 0.4 0.25 x 0.46 0.4 0.24 0 x 0.36 0.35 0.19 27 0.5 0.45 0.4 x x 0.42 0.37 0.25 0 x 0.31 0.23 0.12 27 1 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 0 0.12 0.23 0.31 x 0 0.25 0.37 0.42 x x 0.4 0.45 0.5 2 0 0.19 0.35 0.36 x 0 0.24 0.4 0.46 x 0.25 0.4 0.5 0.55 3 0 0.26 0.32 0.47 x 0 0.34 0.52 0.55 x 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.6 4 0 0.5 0.5 x x 0 0.5 0.67 x 0.23 0.5 0.7 0.75 x 5 0 x x x x 0 x x x 0.5 0.75 x x 6 0 0.19 0.29 0.37 x 0 0.28 0.42 0.5 x x 0.45 0.54 0.58 7 0 0.22 0.31 0.45 x 0 0.32 0.5 0.58 x 0.33 0.5 8 0 0.43 0.5 0.64 x 0 0.5 0.68 0.72 x 0.5 0.66 0.76 0.75 9 x 1 1 1 1 x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 x x x 0.5 0 x x x x x x x x 11 0 0.29 0.38 0.5 x 0 0.36 0.55 0.63 x x 0.53 0.64 0.69 12 0 0.4 0.5 0.63 x 0 0.5 0.69 0.71 x 0.5 0.68 0.65 0.77 13 0 0.5 0.6 0.71 x 0 0.57 0.78 0.81 x 0.5 0.74 0.81 0.88 14 x 1 1 1 1 x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 0 x x x 0.44 0 x x x x x x x x 0.6 x 0.63 16 0 x x x 0.48 0 x x x x x x x x 17 0 x x x 0.29 0 x x x x x x x x 18 0 0.56 0.52 0.71 x 0 0.67 0.75 0.8 x x x x x 19 x 1 1 1 1 x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 0 x x x 0.33 0 x x x x x x x x 21 0 x x x 0.25 0 x x x x x x x x 22 0 x x x 0.2 0 x x x x x x x x 23 0 x x x x 0 x x x x x x x x 24 0 x x x x 0 x x x x x x x x 25 0 x x x x 0 x x x x x x x x 26 0 x x x x 0 x x x x x x x x 27 0 x x x x 0 x x x x x x x x F Geographical data storage 90 F.1 Problem description and analysis Purpose The purpose is to determine and describe the problem in details. Problem description The problem is focused on determine the most optimal data structure for geographical data storage of points. It is desired to storage a large number of points, with coordinates in two dimensions. The points are inhomogeneous distributed and have a likelihood of generally being clustered together around points of interest. It can be assumed that the majority of the points is known at the point of initialization of the data structure. New points could be added over time and known points could be removed or change position. The only query interfacing with the data structure is to get all points that are within a given radius of a given vantage point. An additional optional requirement includes the ability to let each point have a non-static interaction radius. The query for getting interaction points for the vantage point would in that case result in all points where the vantage point are within the points interaction radius. 91 F.2 Relevant data structures purpose It is the purpose to research relevant data structures that fulfills the requirements in F.1 relatively efficient. Native implementation A native way of solving the data problem is considered as a mark to compare other solutions to. This native solution builds on looping trough all points in the set and then return all points that are within the interaction radius to the vantage point. This method has the following runtime: Setup Insertion Deletion Query Dept Size O(1) O(1) O(1) O(n) N/A n Table 6: Runtime for the native implementation KD-Trees The KD-Tree is a widely used data structure for storing data in multidimensional spaces. The structure splits the set of points following a split rule and then handles each of these subsets in the same way as the original tree. For a two dimensional space, this results in a average search speed of O(log(n))[3]. A central part of the data structure is the split rule. • The standard split works by sorting the points of the cell by coordinates and then let the lowest half be the left subtree and the other half be the right subtree. With a two dimensional data set the odd levels of splitting is sorted by the x-coordinate and the even is sorted by the y-coordinate. This creates a split that is most optimal for a homogeneous spread of points. • The midpoint split splits the given cell by its middle, independent of the location of the points. This gives some empty leafs, for the fields that does not hold any points. 92 • The sliding midpoint split is an improvement of the midpoint split, suggested by Songrit and Mount[9]. It works like the midpoint split, except that it places the split, not at the middle of the cell, but at the point closest to the middle of the cell. This method is particular efficient for sets of data points that are spread inhomogeneous. Figure 16: Split rules for kd-trees. Source: Songrit and Mount[9] As mentioned, the standard split method is the most optimal for a homogeneous spread of points, but the typical dataset given has a inhomogeneous spread of points, as specified in F.1. For a dataset with these characteristics the sliding midpoint split would be more optimal. In figure 16 it can be seen how the three different methods splits the cell in a inhomogeneous dataset. In the areas far from the vantage point, a query call could very fast conclude that there is no nearby objects. With the sliding midpoint split rule in a kd-tree, a solution would still only be able to return all points within a given two dimensional range. It is required to check which one of these points is within the request radius afterward, but that does not effect the runtime much. In total this can be implemented to have to following average performance: Setup Insertion Deletion Query Dept Size O(n) O(log(n)) O(log(n)) O(log(n)) log(n) n Table 7: Runtime for the kd-tree 93 M-Trees The M-tree is balanced tree for storing and quiring on data based metrics (distance functions)[11]. The concept of the tree builds on dividing the points into M circular areas. The areas is set as nodes as the first tree. Each of these circular areas has its center in one of the points. This division is then repeated on each of these circular areas, creating yet another level in the tree. Some points might serve as center of a circular areas on more than one level in this structure. The data structure of each area / subtree holds the following information: • The pivot point • The covering radius of the sub tree • The distance from the point to the parent point • A pointer to the subtree The leafs of the tree follows a different structure. It only holds the point, distance to the parent point and a reference to the data object. Since the internal nodes are all auxiliary points, the number of leaf notes are always N. The amount of subtrees in each internal node is, as mentioned, M, hence the name M-tree. A typical M value is 3 or 4, as this reduces the dept of the tree a lot, compared to a M value of 2, but does not effect the query time for each node a lot, as a high M value would. If the tree is balanced optimally, the dept of the tree can be expressed by the following: N = M d−1 ⇔ d = ceiling( log(N ) + log(M ) ) log(M ) Derived from the layout of the tree, the total amount of notes in an optimal tree can be calculated from the dept as: s=N+ d−1 X M d−2 i=2 The range query, which finds all points within a given range to a given point, can be done in log(N). This is the query that is most relevant for the solution to the given problem. 94 The setup of the M-tree is performed with recursive insertion over the given dataset. Insertion into the M-tree can be performed with O(log n) [18]. Due to that, the setup of the tree can be done in O(log n * n * 0.5), which can be approximated to O(n log n) or O(log n!). The query time is approximately O(n) [18]. It is faster than O(n), but its runtime is rounded down to O(n), since it is not O(log(n)). In conclusion the M-tree implementation would have the following average performance: Setup Insertion Deletion Query Dept Size O(n log n) O(log n) O(log n) O(n) log(N ) + log(M ) ceiling( ) log(M ) dept−1 X N+ M d−2 i=2 Table 8: Runtime for the M-tree implementation Other solutions Several other data structure have been researched as possible solutions. This includes tree structures such as the APD and LSH, who are both discarded as they are improvements for high dimension problems, while the given problem only holds 2 dimensions. The VP (vantage point) tree have also been analyzed, but it is only usable for stationary vantage point. This is rarely the case in the given problem. A similar structure to the M-tree, is the ball-tree. It is however optimized for solving the nearest neighbor problem. This optimization is of little interest to the solution of the problem. Solution selection Based on the gathered information and analysis, the best suiting solution should be selected. The main concern for the evaluation is the speed of the Query. Secondly it is the Setup, Insertion and Deletion. Third the memory usage (and thus size of the tree) is considered. Comparing the native solution6 to the kd-tree7 and the M-tree8, the following can be concluded. 95 • In query, the kd-tree solution is running in logarithmic time, which is faster than both the m-tree and native solutions. • In setup, insertion and deletion the native solution will always be fastest, as it is running in constant time, due to its simplicity. • In insertion and deletion both the kd-tree and m-tree solutions are running at logarithmic speed. • In the setup the kd-tree is much faster than the m-tree, with linear speed over an n-logarithmic speed. Through this comparison it is clear that the kd-tree is the most efficient implementation. The best suited kd-tree implementation for this is using the sliding midpoint split. Conclusion Several different solutions were researched and the best were proposed for comparison. This were a kd-tree and a m-tree solution. The two solutions were analyzed in details and compared to each other and to the native solution. It could be concluded that the kd-tree implementation has the fastest performance. 96 F.3 Implementation method Purpose The purpose is to describe the implementation method of the kd-tree with sliding midpoint split. Concept of the kd-tree As mentioned in F.2, the basic workings of the kd-trees is splitting the dataset following the first dimension on the first level, second on second etc. until the number of used dimensions is reached. In a kd-tree for a two dimensional dataset, that results in all odd levels splits on the first (x) dimension and all the even on the second (y) dimension. After the split the lower part of the split is placed in the left subtree and the higher nodes in the right subtree. This split is repeated recursively. An example of a kd-tree for 7 nodes can be seen in figure 17. Figure 17: Example of a kd-tree Split methods The basic split is, as mentioned, to sort the points by one dimension. If the data points are clustered, then it can result in cells from the clustered areas also covering large amounts of the empty area. As a result of that, a query in the empty area would have to go trough a long set of trees, before concluding that there is nothing near that area. 97 In F.2 an alternative split method, the sliding midpoint split method, where shortly described. This split method focuses on optimization for clustered data points. The split on a set of points in a cell works as follows [9]: 1. Consider a median going trough the middle of the cell in the longest of its sides. 2. If there are points on both sides of the median, then this is the splitting line. No point is set in the node. The points from the two sides of the median is set as its two subtrees. 3. If there are only points on one side of the median, then the median slides toward the first/closest point. This point is set as the node. The points left are set as its subtree (to the left or right, depending on where the points are located). An example of this split algorithm applied can be seen in figure 18. It can be observed that the tree will become deeper in the clustered areas. For this impact in a large dataset, see the visualization in figure 16. The sliding midpoint implementation can include that the diagonal is placed in the direction, so it slices the cell on the longest dimension. Figure 18: The standard split (above) and sliding midpoint split (below) applied to the same dataset. 98 Building the kd-tree Following the given description for the sliding midpoint split, an algorithm for building the kd-tree can be designed. This is described as psuedo code in algorithm 4. 99 Algorithm 4: BuildKdTree Input: P: points for the subtree. cStart: start coordinates for the cell. cEnd: end coordinates for the cell. Output: The tree/subtree in kd-Tree format 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 if P contains only one point then return a leaf with the info from P[1]. if the cell x size is larger than its y size then sort P by x coordinates m = the x coordinate of the median of the cell else sort P by y coordinates m = the y coordinate of the median of the cell if m is on the left of P[1] then Let the node be P[1] Let pLeft be nothing Let pRight be all the points, except P[1] Let the right cell (cRightStart and cRightEnd) be the area on the right of the median line trough P[1] else if m is on the right of P[#(P)] then Let the node be P[#(P)] Let pLeft be all the points, except P[#(P)] Let pRight be nothing Let the left cell (cLeftStart and cLeftEnd be the area on the left of the median line trough P[#(P)] else Let i be the index of the point closest to the median line on the right side Let the node nothing Let pLeft be points P[1 to i-1] Let pRight be points P[i to #(P)] Let the left cell be the area on the left of the median Let the right cell be the area on the right side of the median if pLeft then v.l = BuildKdTree(pLeft,cLeftStart,cLeftEnd) if pRight then v.l = BuildKdTree(pRight,cRightStart,cRightEnd) return v 100 Querying the kd-tree The structure of the kd-tree is optimized for querying. The common query function for a kd-tree is the query of a range interval for each dimension. For two dimensions, this is the x and y range interval from which the points queried should be. As the data required depends on a circle rather than on a square area, the query function can be optimized for this purpose. It is given a center point and a range, rather than an x and a y range interval. The check for a given coordinate is then performed by analyzing if the point is with the given range to the given point. This algorithm is described Algorithm 5: SearchKdTree 1 2 3 4 as pseudo code in algorithm 5. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Input: v: kd subtree p: search pivot point r: search range T: Table of the results so far. Output: Table of the the data fitting the range if v contains a point then if coordinates is within range then table.insert(T,v) if v is not a leaf then if the median is parallel to the y axis then if p.x - r < v.x then T = SearchKDTree(v.l,p,r,T) if p.x + r >= v.x then T = SearchKDTree(v.r,p,r,T) else if p.y - r < v.y then T = SearchKDTree(v.l,p,r,T) if p.y + r >= v.y then T = SearchKDTree(v.r,p,r,T) return T 101 Insert node Nodes can be inserted in the tree in similar fashion to how nodes are inserted in other search trees. The algorithm is to search down into the tree, to find the location best fitting and the insert the node when reaching a leaf. The insertion run in logarithmic time, since the average dept of the kd-tree. This insertion mode can result in a non optimal balanced tree. A pseudo code implementation of the algorithm can be seen in Algorithm 6. Algorithm 6: InsertKdTree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Input: v: current point in the tree or its root p: point to insert Output: if the median is parallel to the y axis then if p.x <= v.x then if v.l then InsertKdTree(v.l,p) else v.l = p else if v.r then InsertKdTree(v.r,p) else v.r = p else if p.y <= v.y then if v.l then InsertKdTree(v.l,p) else v.l = p else if v.r then InsertKdTree(v.r,p) else v.r = p 102 Remove node Nodes can be removed from the tree in two ways. The node data can be stripped from the node that should be removed, while the node is kept as an auxiliary node, if it is not a leaf. This method is fast, but the tree does not get smaller in size when the middle notes are removed. The other method is to completely remove the node and then rebuild the subtree of the cell. This method takes longer time, but it optimizes the structure of the subtree. As stated in the requirements in F.1, some nodes might change position. If this is done by Remove and Insertion, using the first mentioned removal method, it could result in an explosion of the size of the tree. Due to this, it is best to implement it using the rebuilding method, which is done in psuedo code in algorithm 7 and algorithm 8. Algorithm 7: GetAllKdNodes 1 2 3 4 5 Input: v: current point in the tree or its root T: table of nodes so far Output: insert v in T if v.l then GetAllKdNodes(v.l,T) if v.r then GetAllKdNodes(v.r,T) Algorithm 8: RemoveKDTree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Input: p: the point to remove Output: parent = p.p initialize table T if p.l then GetAllKDNodes(p.l,T) if p.r then GetAllKDNodes(p.r,T) if parent.l = p then parent.l = BuildKDTree(T) else parent.r = BuildKDTree(T) Implementation The kd-tree is described in the algorithms as functions, but it can however be implemented as either functions or as a class. Since the 103 functions are relevant to be applied on all nodes in a kd tree, then it is best implemented as global functions. The functions can be implemented using Test driven development. It is relatively easy to predict how the tree would look for a small dataset and then check that the output tree is as expected. The tests can then also be expanded to larger datasets, where the results can be validated using the query functions. 104 F.4 Test and evaluation Purpose The correctness and performance of the implementation should be tested and validated trough a series of tests. Test trough TDD The solution is implemented using TDD (Test driven development). This includes design of a series of test cases for the unit tests used in TDD. These unit tests are written while the code is developed. Several unit tests is created for each function implemented. A general structure in these tests is to first test the functionality on a leaf, implement that functionality, and then test against a simple tree example. All the unit tests created are run successfully in the end. Some of the unit tests have uncovered minor, but vital errors in the code. An example there off is checks that stops the BuildKdTree function from running recursive, when there is no more points left to insert. Performance test In order to verify the performance improvement by the solution, the kd-tree solution is run in a performance test. This is held up against the native implementation, run in the same test. The test is run on different number of points, but all in the same area (1000x1000). The performance is measured by the runtime of 10000 query calls. The measurements confirms the huge difference between the native and the kd-tree implementation. It also confirms that the expected run times are correct. The native implementation runs in O(n) and the kd-tree implementation runs in O(log(n)). The results of the measurements are shown in figure 19. Conclusion The solution have been tested under the implementated and minor errors found have been corrected. The solution have been performancetested in a large scale scenario. This have revealed that the KD-tree implementation runs in O(log(n)) time, which is much faster 105 Figure 19: Performance measurements than the O(n) native implementation. The solution is a huge improvement and a solution that fulfills all the given requirements. 106 G Syncronization of datasets between AddOn clients 107 G.1 Problem description and analysis Purpose The purpose is to determine and describe the problem in details. Problem description Sharing and maintaining of datasets for AddOns in World of Warcraft (wow) holds some problems and challenges. AddOns are given two different ways of communicating: Directly from one player to another and from one player to all other players in the same channel. There is no way to that all communication has to be between client, with no central server. The communication is limited to a fixed limit of 4 KB/s when the performance of the game is above 20 fps and 2 KB/s when it is bellow 20 fps. This limitation is applied to both communication from one player to another and from one player to all players in the communication channel. The fixed limitation is implemented inside a widely used 3rd party library for AddOns called ”ChatThrottleLib”. This is done for security reasons, as there exists a currently unknown limit, set by the client. If a player exceeds this limit, they will be disconnected at once. There is currently no known limit to how many messages a player can receive, but the receiving players AddOns will have to process all received messages. A large amount of messages received can then potentially slow down the client. Due to this channel communication (from one player to all), should be kept at a minimum. Even though all traffic from one player to another goes via the central server for the game (or for the game realm), there can be some minor difference between the communication latency between players. This measurement of this latency are available to the AddOns trough the ingame API. The majority of AddOn communication is small notifications or flags, send between two players or from one players to many. Some of these can be in a longer chain of communication similar to handshaking. A typical need for addon datasets, relevant to several clients for an AddOn, is to synchronise a relatively large datasets between multiple players. This need exists as a consequence of the lack of a server to store these datasets. These datasets typically got a version for each subset, allowing concurrent changes to different subsets. A typical dataset can 108 be up to 2 MB of size. A worst case scenario is a player who got new versions of all subdatasets and comes online on a realm with many users. This can result in him having to send the data to each other player that requests the data. If the dataset is 2 MB, then this would take 500 sec (8.3 minutes) pr player. This is an unacceptable scenario, since it would render that players client completely useless, in terms of other AddOn communication, while the requests are taken care of. The typical usage described above has two typical scenarios. 1. PlayerA changes several nodes in a central dataset. 100+ other players are interested in getting this new information. 2. PlayerB comes online and has an out of date dataset. There are 100+ other players who has the up to date dataset. The two scenarios covers most of the common usage, but it can be more complicated, as it is realistic that the two scenarios happens at the almost same time. 109 G.2 Related Solutions purpose It is the purpose to research relevant solution concepts that can be used to solve the problem with synchronization of datasets between AddOn clients. BitTorrent Data communication between AddOn clients have a lot in common with peer to peer (P2P) communication, which makes the bittorrent protocol and concepts a relevant system to draw solutions from. The basics of the bittorent is that one client, who holds the data, first creates a torrent file. This file holds different necessary information, including a list of the data to be shared, which is separated into pieces of typically 256K bytes[4]. The user with the data and first client then uploads a torrent file to a tracker (server). This server only function is to supply a list of the clients that takes part in sharing of this torrent. Clients (peers) gets the pieces from the seeders (the client that have the whole data and others who have completed the download). The peers can also get pieces from other peers, but that happens in a ”tit for tat” manner, where they exchange pieces that the other part need[17]. Gnutella Gnutella is a different P2P network type. It is an overlay network, where the client discovers other client in the network trough Pings (and Pong responses). In the same way it sends out queries in the network, which then are returned from the first other client who got the information queried[16]. The relevant parts of this system is that it is send between clients, where not all knows each other. A system like this can then reach players that are not in the common communication channel. DHT The DHT (distributed hash table) overlay network is a different approach, where the responsibility and data for each subset is distributed out to different clients. In order to do a query or a set call, the client 110 must then connect to the client responsible for the subset[15]. It provides a solution that have a low memory usage, as most data is only present at the client when requested. It does however come at the cost of the network usage, which is relatively high. In addition, the system is vulnerable to clients being offline. 111 G.3 Solution development Purpose The purpose of the solution development is to develop and evaluate solution designs based on the related research described in section G.2. DHT inspired solution One possible solution works by creating an overlay network, which is inspired by DHT. In scenario 1 this can be done by sharing the updated data to the other players in a leaf like structure. First player 1 sends information to player 2, then player 1 sends information to player 3, while player 2 sends the information on to player 4. This is illustrated in figure 20. Figure 20: DHT inspired solution - Scenario 1 The sharing can, as seen in the figure, happen in logarithmic time. It has the runtime of O(s * (log(n) + 1) ) where s is the size of the data set or subset and n is the number of players to send the data to. A solution to scenario two is relatively easy, as the data is known to many. The new arriving player just have to request the dataset from any player that got it. This gives a linear transfer time of O(s + 1 ). Bittorent inspired solution It is relevant to work on a solution that is inspired by the bittorrent protocol and the concept of how it works. Bittorent is strongest when there is a lot of seeders, which imply that this solution might work better for scenario 2 than scenario 1. 112 The dataset / subset is split up into parts of fitting size (e.g. half the size of the bandwidth). In scenario 1, it is possible to do the sharing from one player (the seeder) to all the other players trough relay sharing. The seeder sends the parts one by one to the first player. Each time a player receives a part, they relay this part on to the next player. This solution solves the scenario in the time O(n + p - 1 ), where n is the number of players to share the data to and p is the number of pieces to send. Scenario 2 can be solved in an efficient manner by letting all the players with the information parts send specific parts to the requesting player. These specific parts are chosen in a determent fashion from the known number of parts and the known list of players participating. This solution utilises the strongest side of bittorrent: fast transfer by receiving the data from multiple sources. This strength is even more visible for wow AddOns, as there is a limit on how much a player can send, but there is no known limit to how much data a player can receive. This solution solves scenario 2 in the time O(p / n). The solutions does have some issues in certain problematic situations, but these can also be solved. In scenario 2, it is a realistic situation that a player goes offline while participating in this predetermined sharing pattern. A solution for that is that the receiving player can request missing pieces from the players that it have received messages from, once the others are received. This would only give a minor delay. A problem in scenario 1 could be if a player has a long message queue (evt. from other AddOns temporarily using all the bandwidth). This can be done by letting a client with high queue return a negative message to the previous sender, who then just relay the data to the next on the list. Solution selection Both of the suggested solutions are related in their designs. The expected performance are however very different, as seen in table 9. It can be seen that the bittorent solution preforms a lot faster in both scenarios. It is especially fast in scenario 2, if there is many users. 113 Scenario 1 Scenario 2 DHT O(s * (log(n) + 1)) O(s + 1 ) Bittorent O(n + p - 1 ) O(p / n) Table 9: Runtime of the solutions 114 G.4 Implementation Purpose The purpose is to describe the implementation of the datasharing solution. This includes analysis of its desired interface, as well as development of the communication flow. Usage and interface It is relevant to analyse the intended usage of the solution, in order to make the most fitting interface to the solution. Typically data is managed by a data list class, which can be interfaced with a selection of functions. The functions that are in common with all of these data lists are described in an example in table 10. Note that the get and set functions change names depending on the data list, but follows the syntax GetX and SetX, where X is the name of the object type the list handles. The objects typically has a version number which can also be retrieved trough the functions. This number is either incremented or set to a time stamp every time it is edited. Considering the interface of the list functions, then the most dynamic interface would be to let the Get, Set and GetAllGuids functions be supplied as the constructor arguments to the datasharing module. This allows the module to be compatible with changes to the list class structure. Distribution flow As described in section G.3, the solution builds on splitting the data into pieces. The pieces are distributed following two scenarios, as deFunction: Functionality: list.GetAbility(guid) Gets the ability object by the given guid. list.SetAbility(guid,data) Sets the object for a given guid with an object created upon the given data. list.GetAllGuids() Returns a table with the guids of all objects in the list. obj.Serialize() Returns the data from the object. obj.GetVersion() Returns the version of the data in the object. Table 10: Data list function example for AbilityList 115 scribed in section G.1. Scenario 1 is a mass distribution scenario, where one player’s client has updated data and needs to distribute it to all the other player’s clients. The selected solution works on sending the pieces trough a chain of clients. The flow for this distribution can be seen as a flow diagram in Appendix ?. In addition to the described chain sending of pieces, then the flow also handles two other special cases. 1. If a receiving player got a even newer version of the data. This should however not happen in normal use. 2. If a receiving player has too low bandwidth capacity available to relay the data on to the next player. The second case (for player B) is handled sending back a notification to the sender (player A), which then relays the old messages to the next player (player C). All data pieces after this are then send from player A, to both player B and C, but only the data to player C has information about what players to relay the data on to further. Scenario 2 happens when a user comes online with outdated data. The solution uses the strength of bittorrent by receiving pieces from many other clients concurrently. Since it can not be known for sure that all clients in the network are able to send, up to date and available, then it is troublesome to send all pieces in a predetermined pattern. Due to this, the player coming online sends his versions to the common channel. All the other clients then responds to the versions and sends eventual offers and requests back to that player. The flow for this can be seen in the flowdiagram in appendix ?. An interesting detail in the design is an optimization for the case where the player comes online and has an updated dateset compared to all other users. This could be the case if the user have edited a subset while nobody else were online. The clients waits and gathers both requests and offers. If there is more than one request for a given set, then it sends this set out in the same way as it is done in scenario 1. Regarding the offers, then it finds the newest offers and then spreads out the requests on multiple player who have given the newest offer. Depending on the data list and the data being handled, it can be a relevant scenario that multiple users/players attempts to edit the same subset at the same time. This problem can be avoided by creating a lock system, inspired by the semaphore practice used in concurrent programming. This can be implemented by sending a lock flag to the 116 chat channel. If the player receives his own message in the channel before he receives a lock message from any other player attempting the same, then it can be considered successfully locked. 117 G.5 Test and evaluation Purpose The correctness and performance of the implementation should be tested and validated trough a series of tests. Test trough TDD The solution is implemented using TDD (Test driven development), which results in a great coverage in unit tests. Following the TDD rules, the tests are created for all pieces of functionality, before this functionality is implemented, one at the time. This ensures a high level of correctness of the implementation. Since all unit tests create have passed successfully, then the implementation can be concluded to be correct. Performance test The performance of the system, especially the sharing speed, is quite important. Due to this, a performance test is done to measure the performance of the final system. The test is executed in a simulated environment, rather than in the game environment, since it would require relatively complex coordinate or a large amount of game accounts and computers, in order to carry out a full scale performance test. A native solution have also been implemented, which will serve as reference in the performance tests. The initial tests and comparison with the performance of the native solution showed an unexpected result: The performance fell rapidly in the case of small datasets and a large amount of players. This was due to the auxiliary data send with the data stream, namely the list of players. In these cases, the list of players could be multiple times larger than the actual data, which gave the bad performance. This problem were solved by sending the ripples of data out several times to separate lists of players. The number of times to do that would then be ceiling(n / p * k), where k is the time for a piece to go from one player in the list to the next. In the simulation, the latency factor is not included and thus this constant would be 1. This change solves the problem and results in a more expected development when the amount of players is rise on a small dataset, as seen in table 11. In the initial tests it were also observed that the solution were quite inefficient in small datasets, regardless of the amount of players. Analyses shows that this is due to the pieces being typically only 1 at these 118 Players: Data size: 1 10 50 100 500 10 50 100 200 400 0.09 1.08 3.1 6 38 4.1 6 15 27 130 9 14 31 54 245 21 29 64 110 476 44 60 130 220 937 Table 11: Bittorent solution measurements - Scenario 1 Players: Data size: 1 10 50 100 500 10 50 100 200 400 0.02 4.01 20 39 198 3.01 23 109 216 1078 7.01 46 220 438 2178 14 93 443 880 4378 30 187 889 1765 8779 Table 12: Native solution measurements - Scenario 1 sets. If the piece size is lowered, then it improves the performance for small datasets, but it decreases the performance for large datasets. Due to this, the piece size is set to change dynamically to be a 10th of the data size. This results in there always being 10 pieces when sending out data in scenario 1. The change effected both the small and large data set tests positively. Overall the final performance test results, seen in table 11 for scenario 1 shows that the solution is a great improvement compared to the results for the native solution (see table 12). Performance tests similar to those for scenario 1 were also carried out for scenario 2. The measurements showed that it is an improvement, but it has the same performance as the native solution until a certain data size is reached. As seen in table 13 and table 14 the improvement is relatively large for larger datasets. Conclusion The solution were implemented as a class that requires some basic functions from the data handling class. This method of implementation allows for the system to be used dynamically and easily by most data classes. An implementation trough TDD have verified the correctness of the solution. The solution have resulted in the expected performance improve119 Players: Data size: 1 10 50 100 500 10 50 100 200 400 0.001 0.001 0.93 0.95 2.99 0.001 0.001 0.93 0.95 1.99 0.001 0.001 0.93 0.95 1.99 0.001 0.001 0.93 0.95 1.99 0.001 0.001 0.93 0.95 1.99 Table 13: Bittorent solution measurements - Scenario 2 Players: Data size: 1 10 50 100 500 10 50 100 200 400 0.001 0.001 2 4 22 0.001 0.001 2 4 22 0.001 0.001 2 4 22 0.001 0.001 2 4 22 0.001 0.001 2 4 22 Table 14: Native solution measurements - Scenario 2 ment. The effect of the improvement is largest for scenario 1 (sharing from one client to multiple clients), where it is a relatively large improvement for both increases in amount of participating clients and the size of the dataset. The improvements in scenario 2 (sharing from multiple clients to one client) are mainly visible for increases in the dataset size, rather than in the increase of participating clients. 120 Appendix A Figure 21: Flowdiagram for scenario 1 121 Appendix B Figure 22: Flowdiagram for scenario 2 122 H UML Class diagrams 123 Figure 23: UML class diagram for GHP model 124 I User test of the initial prototype - Chat transcript I.1 Odo Character name: Odo Forum name: CMD.exe Pre test questions 14:36:36 [Pilus]: Okay. First a few questions before we start the acual test 14:36:59 [Pilus]: Have you done civilian / profession related RP before? 14:37:16 [Odo]: Does Stormwind City Guard-RP count? 14:37:35 [Pilus]: I would catagorize that as militiary myself. 14:38:15 [Odo]: Well, I’ve done civilian... Not that much though. 14:38:38 [Pilus]: Great. Are there any particular reason why you have not done much of it? 14:38:45 [Odo]: Yea. Server died out. 14:38:56 [Odo]: All the RP left. ;-; 14:39:42 [Pilus]: Indeed sad. I am trying to develop a platform and some tools to make the civilian / profession related RP more interesting and flowing. 14:40:24 [Pilus]: Do you think that tools can improve your experience enough to engage in more cilivian RP? 14:40:49 [Odo]: A GHI-Currency would be too much of a hassle... 14:41:11 [Pilus]: Too much a hassle in what way? 14:41:52 [Odo]: Not for you. From my point of view, people would most likely force it to some degree. 14:42:14 [Odo]: That is, if I know people corretcly. 14:42:33 [Pilus]: What do you mean by force it? 14:42:46 [Odo]: Okay, imagine this. 14:45:15 [Odo]: Guy A walks into a bar. The bartender, Guy B, is in a guild that runs/owns the bar and the guild leader wants everyone to use GHI because of the currency. However, Guy A doesn’t have GHI for one reason or another and thus can’t give Guy B the money (c) 14:45:17 [Odo]: for the ale. 14:45:40 [Odo]: Yes, I’ve met people that are that fanatic... 14:46:09 [Pilus]: Indeed. Issues with people not wanting to have or download the addon. 14:46:47 [Odo]: Indeed... Too much of an hassle for them and in some cases, might deny people RP because of it. 125 14:47:08 [Pilus]: In regards to yourself, could you imagine that profession RP would be more interesting with mechanics that supports the gathering, crafting and trade with other people? 14:48:06 [Odo]: Well, that would most certanly give me a very good reason to start doing civilian/profession RP, so yea. Though wouldn’t it kinda end up like Minecraft in some ways? 14:48:43 [Pilus]: You mean that the mechanic get focus over the acual RP? 14:49:22 [Odo]: For some, yes. For others, no. It would depent on the person in question. 14:50:07 [Pilus]: Indeed. And that is also why I am testing a concept. Trying to see if it enhances the active roleplaying rather than enhance passive roleplaying trough mehanics During testing 14:53:06 [Pilus]: You can go into the mine and try them. Feel free to 14:53:19 [Pilus]: * think out loud and post what comes to your mind 14:54:02 [Odo]: Alrighty then. 14:55:36 [Odo]: Hmmmm... 14:56:36 [Odo]: Time to test this Spot-thingy. 14:56:54 [Odo]: Maybe an emote or something to let you know that you didn’t find anything... 14:57:09 [Pilus]: Good idea 14:57:35 [Odo]: Okay. So I found two ores...Thing. 14:57:38 [Odo]: Where are they? 14:58:04 [Odo]: Ah, 2 meters towards northwest... 14:58:07 [Pilus]: They are not shown in the game world but they can be interacted with in the menu. 14:58:51 [Odo]: It would be great to have something to messure meters with. Since the Americans use ”Feets” and other nonsense. 14:59:35 [Pilus]: An option to show units in feets etc is a good idea indeed 15:00:29 [Odo]: So I have 4 ores... And no idea if it’s twice the same ore or not... 15:00:42 [Odo]: Does it stack ontop of each other after each spot? 15:00:49 [Odo]: Each new spot* 15:00:53 [Pilus]: They should, but they dont stack yet 15:01:05 [Odo]: Alright. 15:01:23 [Pilus]: Is it veins or Iron ore that you got? 15:01:35 [Odo]: All of them are Iron Ore Vein. 15:01:49 [Odo]: And one just dissappeared. 126 15:01:57 [Pilus]: They are nearby objects. Try and interact with them by clicking on them 15:02:09 [Pilus]: In the menu that is 15:02:48 [Odo]: Too far away... Maybe a text to say how far away it is. 15:02:56 [Odo]: Kinda like the ARcheoligy on retail. 15:03:16 [Pilus]: Noted. 15:03:27 [Odo]: Oh, so it does update how far its away... 15:03:38 [Pilus]: Indeed 15:04:48 [Odo]: Two things. 15:05:28 [Odo]: The animation would be awesome and why is there a cap in the perform-emote? 15:06:25 [Pilus]: Good idea about the cap. Regarding the animation, then addons does sadly not have access to modify your character or the game world 15:06:43 [Pilus]: AddOns can only do what can be done with emotes. E.g. wave/kneel/sit. 15:07:09 [Odo]: Kneeling would be nice here. 15:07:15 [Pilus]: Noted. 15:07:53 [Odo]: And maybe that sound from the Link-Game when he gains a new item if you successfully find the ore. 15:08:26 [Pilus]: So some kind of UI sound when the new item shows up? 15:09:10 [Odo]: That or some text-announcement like ”You found a ore!” or ”You found lots of ore!” or maybe ”You didn’t find anything...” 15:09:31 [Odo]: Is there a fail-chance with this? 15:09:33 [Pilus]: Indeed. More info feedback. 15:09:55 [Pilus]: Not currently, but there is rich options for adding stuff like that. 15:10:07 [Pilus]: Anyhow, the test ends around here, so I got a few questions for you After test questions 15:12:07 [Pilus]: First off, as we talked about earlier, the mechanics should not take focus away from the text roleplaying. How did you think that the emote driven abilities in this prototype worked? 15:12:42 [Odo]: Hmmm... About that, let me test something before I answer. 15:13:02 [Odo]: Yea, there should be a minimum-text-amount... 15:13:12 [Pilus]: Noted. 15:13:28 [Pilus]: Did it feel natural to you to roleplay trough a menu like that? 127 15:14:07 [Odo]: Other then that, I quite liked it, really. It was kinda, though not by much, immersion breaking but other then that, it was really nice. 15:14:44 [Odo]: Maybe give pop-up window regarding examples on how to keep the emote... 15:14:55 [Odo]: For the ill-experienced, that is. 15:15:15 [Pilus]: Could you elaborate that? 15:17:35 [Odo]: Sure. Have a little ”?” button that says ”Hints” or ”Examples”, going somewhere along the lines of either ”Hint: Look for some specific color/patern in the stone wall” or ”Example: Bob carefully eyes the stone walls of the mining tunnel, trying to (c) 15:17:47 [Odo]: find hints or clues of any veins to mine.” 15:18:40 [Pilus]: Do you mean in addition to the example in the ”Abilitity details” in the menu, or should it be that, just easier to spot? 15:19:55 [Odo]: Just a simple emote example to show/act as a guideline on how to write the emote. 15:20:15 [Pilus]: Ah, as direct examples. Good idea. 15:20:24 [Odo]: Yup. 15:20:51 [Odo]: Because, quite frankly... I had no idea what the box wanted me to do at one point. ;P 15:21:01 [Pilus]: Noted. 15:21:32 [Pilus]: Regarding the little UI with the nearby and the equipped objects. How do you think that worked out? 15:24:11 [Odo]: The UI is nice and I find it to be easily understandable. Though I had no idea where to put the ”Spot Minerals” item/skill... So I threw one into my actionbar and the other on the left hand. An explanation regarding the ”Equipped”-part would be grand. 15:24:29 [Odo]: Also, regarding the UI... 15:24:40 [Odo]: Where can I see what skills I’ve learned? 15:25:22 [Pilus]: You can see skills you have learned by pressing the book icon in the menu. (That button is indeed missing a tooltip) 15:26:05 [Pilus]: And regarding the skill. It is indeed intended that you can just drag it into an action bar 15:26:34 [Odo]: I pressed the book... Found the ”Spot Minerals” and then dragged it off into the LeftHand slot... And the book is empty now. 15:27:10 [Pilus]: Ah, that is a bug and should not be possible. 15:27:31 [Odo]: Huh. Got the item for less then 2 minutes and already broke it. 15:27:31 [Pilus]: It is the idea that you should need to have a pickaxe equipped later on. 15:27:50 [Pilus]: Well, this is a prototype test, so it is quite bugged. 128 15:28:02 [Odo]: It doesn’t seem that much bugged. 15:28:47 [Pilus]: Another thing regarding the UI. Did you move it away from the middle of the screen and did you close it at any point? 15:29:51 [Odo]: Yea, I moved it down to the bottom right-half so I could see where I was going. And I think I closed it once or twice, though it was just to test it. 15:30:02 [Pilus]: Okay. 15:30:45 [Pilus]: Overall, do you think that a large scale system build like this would make profession / civilian RP more appealing? 15:32:31 [Odo]: If it’s accessable, yea. Though there would ”need” to be a group/community based around it. People can’t really bother to solo-RP these days. 15:35:40 [Pilus]: Were you able to orientate yourself in regards to what direction the ”nearby objects” were located? 15:36:58 [Odo]: With the aid of the ingame map, yea. And the update regarding on how far away the vein was is really nice. An arrow that points to the direction of the ore would be fantastic though. 15:37:36 [Pilus]: Would it work with an icon on the minimap? (like with real mining notes) 15:38:59 [Odo]: That’d be great too. Just to show the general area where the ore is, though it’s not really needed, it just makes it easier to find it. 15:39:25 [Pilus]: Noted. Just one last thing then. 15:40:29 [Pilus]: I am developing this concept and AddOn as past of a master thesis at the Technical University of Denmark. May I quote parts of the feedback in the report if nescesary? 15:41:13 [Odo]: ... ”Master Thesis”? 15:41:37 [Pilus]: The final project at a master / candidate education. 15:41:43 [Odo]: Aaaah. 15:41:44 [Odo]: Gratz. 15:42:13 [Pilus]: Thanks. May I quote you in it? 15:42:13 [Odo]: But yea, since you’re doing more effort then me to support WoW RP, you can use anything you want. 15:42:23 [Pilus]: Great. 15:42:34 [Pilus]: That was all. Thanks a lot for your help. 15:43:02 [Odo]: By the way... 15:43:14 [Pilus]: Yes? 15:43:31 [Odo]: You’re awesome. :3 15:43:37 [Pilus]: hehe, thanks. 15:43:44 [Odo]: Felt like adding that to your essay. 129 I.2 Shelnara Character name: Shelnara Pre test questions Pilus: First I would like to ask you a question before the test. Shelnara: Alright. Pilus: Do you normally like doing civilian roleplaying Shelnara: Not really! Unless my character is disguising as one. Shelnara: Or possible as a side-character but those i’d usually RP IM or forum style. Pilus: Are there any particular reason why you would not roleplay as a citizen e.g. a farmer or miner? Shelnara: It’s just too mundane for my liking. I understand that sometimes people get upset when all they see are ”heroes” and ”villains” but I’m over that already. I don’t mind. I think it’s a small price to pay. Shelnara: There are other games more suited for simple civilians roles as well. Pilus: Do you believe that game mechanicals tailored to the professions (e.g. detailed mechanics for mining) could inspire you towards liking civilian RP more? Shelnara: Well, the problem is I’ve usually played on private RP servers where you did not have systems like on here and you could easily port around to get to RP as well as add items through GM commands so the professions were completely redundant and people trying to RP simple roles were often ignored since the ’heroes’ always had their armor and weapons already and whatnot. Here those professions are actually useful because of how the game was made. I could perhaps see myself rolling an old grizzled human blacksmith alt but not as a main character. Pilus: Great. Thanks for the detailed answers During testing Pilus: First off, how did the menu showing your equipment and the nearby objects feel to you? What were your initial thoughts? Shelnara: Clean and neat, fits into WoW and everything is clear. No complains. Pilus: Did you move it away from the middle of the screen? Shelnara: Well yes. I moved it near my mini-map, otherwise it was 130 getting in the way but since its moveable, its fine. Pilus: Is the menu something that you could imagine having open all the time while doing profession roleplaying? Shelnara: Well honestly, my roleplay experience depends almost solely on literacy and writing, not any kind of systems, as neat as they may be. After test questions Pilus: Very well, that leads me well to the next question. How do you feel about abilities that are tied together with emotes, like one you experienced with ’search for minerals’ ? Shelnara: I think it reminded me of some Neverwinter Nights servers that I used to frequent. Roleplaying servers. So, somewhat nostalgic. I’d say it felt good so if there were roleplayers that would actually want to that advantage of this, theyd like it too. Pilus: You spoke earlier about that you were not very interested in doing profession roleplaying. Do you think that a system like this would make you more interested in doing such roleplaying? Shelnara: Like I said, my roleplaying experience is never tied to systems. It is useually purely based on text and imagination alone. That is my personal opinion, of cause, it may vary. Pilus: Thank you for that. The development of the AddOn / Solution is part of a master thesis I am doing at the Technical University of Denmark. Do you mind if I quote you in the report if needed? Shelnara: No. I do not mind Pilus: Thank you for your time :) 131 J J.1 Final user test Lancl Party Pilus: First I got some questions before the tests. Party Pilus: Do you normally do civilian roleplaying? Party Lancl: I do enjoy civilian roleplay, yes. Party Pilus: Are there any particular reasons why you enjoy it? Party Lancl: Civilian roleplay provides a far more relaxed atmosphere. Ironically you have the ability to stand out more and socialize in a far more relaxed enviroment. Party Pilus: Do you feel that the civilian roleplaying get the acceptance, support and aknowledge from other roleplayers at it should? Party Lancl: I’d say it largely depends on the roleplayer. There’ll always be mixed receptions to the roleplay you provide and support. Overall, I think it’s quite fair. Party Pilus: Are there any particular roles that you persue in civilian roleplaying? Party Lancl: Ofcourse. While some enjoy playing the more entitled or noble classes of roleplay, I prefer to get ’down and dirty’ if so to say. The working class or downtrodden branch is of particular interrest to me. Party Pilus: When playing a role in the working class, do you normally play the part of the worker in an off work situation or in work related situations? Party Lancl: It’s a wide combination depending on my mood and circumstances. I would, however, claim that it is more often in a working scenario. I’ll often roleplay all alone by myself in certain enviroments. This can be rewarding as you entertain yourself with whatParty Lancl: - tools you have available while also bring some marvel to any random passer-by who may approach. It makes the world feel more living for others while providing you lots of fun. Party Pilus: Do you believe that mechanics tailored towards roleplaying professions could improve the value and entertainment gained in while roleplaying a worker in a professional scenario? Party Lancl: Most certainly. While the game provides its’ own tools and means, there will always be ways which can enhance the experience. Usually you have to imagine those tools or make-believe they exist. If they could be provided in a constructive manner to helpParty Lancl: - improve the experience and provide something that feels more ’real’ than the ”because I said so” ethic, it would be absolutely marvellous. 132 Party Pilus: Thanks. I would like you to come to me in the game and then we can try out a little scenario. The setting is a mine worker in the Jasperlode mine. Party Lancl: Ofcourse! I’ll be right there. You smile at Lancl. Lancl waves at you. Malbridge says: Afternoon and welcome to the Jasperlode Mine Lancl raises his brow lightly at the well dressed gentleman. Lancl says: Howdy, Sah. And thanks fer’ the invitation. Tuvae has defeated Elisia in a duel Malbridge says: Are you ready to give a hand in the mine? Lancl says: I’d been under the impression this’ere mine’d been closed off for a dang while. When I heard t’was opened back up’n’such.. Well, I’d to take the chance, eh? Malbridge says: That is great. Have you mined before? Lancl says: Oh, yessah! But I’m a little rusty, I’d say. An’ I’ve ain’t ever been to this here mine b’fore. Malbridge says: Ah, I got some few notes noted down that might help you. It is quite crude and simple Malbridge gets some notes from his pocket and hands them to Lancl. Party Lancl: Uhhhh... Lancl accepts the notes from Malbridge and smiles warmly. Lancl says: Thanks, tha’s mighty kind of ye’. Lancl opens the notes to read through them. His facial expression display a clear interrest. Party Pilus: What is your first impression on the ”Hand to” functionality? Party Lancl: Very simple and easy to understand. The sound was really what had me interrested as the familiar sound that we have become programmed to understand means ”trade” was played. Party Lancl: Subconciously that meant I easilly understood exactly what was going on despite it being the first time I experience the GHI trading system. Party Pilus: Great Party Pilus: What is your impression on the quickbar (the one showing nearby objects and equipped objects)? Party Lancl: Small and simple. As with all new things, you have a sense of curiousity to find out what the buttons mean and what the slots do. It’s encouraging that it’s not an overwhelming mess of option boxes, but rather a simple and encouraging design. Party Pilus: Do you think it is an UI you could like to have open while doing profession related RP? 133 Party Lancl: Naturally. It’s pretty neat and makes you aware of its’ presence without seeming imposing or dominant. Party Pilus: Good. Lancl says: I’ll be. This venture jus’ keeps givin’ huh? Malbridge says: It is just for borrowing Lancl accepts the mining pick from Malbridge. He takes a quick glance across the surface of the wood to determine the sturdiness. Upon the inspection his eyes also casually glance past the head as he examines the metallic composition. Lancl says: Did sound too good t’ be true, too, aye. This’s a fine pick. Lancl grins warmly as he nods encouragingly. Malbridge says: Glad you think. Off you go then Lancl says: Alrighty! Malbridge says: Find yourself a good vein and hack away. Lancl swings the Mining Pick over his shoulder as he looks up into the sky. With a determined gaze in his eyes he smiles as his lips curve to form a gentle circle. A merry tune is soon heard escape his lips as he ventures into the mine! Kobold Miner says: You no take candle! Lancl looks around curiously to see if he can locate any minerals. Party Pilus: What is your first impression on the action UI you just encountered? Lancl says: Oh my, I’s already spotted me’self two Iron veins! Yippee!! Party Lancl: Very nifty. Actively searching for veins is a smart idea. What steals the cake is how the game expects me to type in an emote to trigger the action. It makes it feel more alive. Party Pilus: Great. Did you take any notice to the blue (!) button in the action UI? Party Lancl: Oh, no. I did’nt notice that. Party Pilus: Noted. Lancl Swings the pick from his back and nods. This must be where the Iron vein is located! Lancl says: I’ve got a hunch that there’s plenty of Iron under this’ere vein, yep. Lancl says: Seems I’s got myself some chunks of raw Iron Ore on me left. Lancl says: Better pick ’em up! Lancl says: ...Once I’ve broken it down a bit. Lancl begins breaking the iron ore. He wipes his brow lightly while working and his whistling tune has turned to groans. Lancl says: ’ere we go. Some Raw Iron Ore’s always good, ayep! Party Pilus: This concludes the demonstration. I got a few ending 134 questions for you Party Lancl: Ofcourse. Ask away. Party Pilus: Did the solution improve your profession roleplay of a miner compared to doing it without the AddOn? Party Lancl: Oh absolutely! It was a pretty cool experience, like a game within the game. It gave the entire situration a well needed flavor. Walking around as a miner is fun in and of itself, but this made me feel like I was ACTUALY doing something worthwhile. Party Pilus: What do you think about the lenght of each action? (They are after all quite a bit longer than their normal game profession counterparts) Party Lancl: Hm. I actualy did not pay much attention to it. I mean, ofcourse I realized it took longer, but it was more satisfactory than punishing. I mean, the action was a reward for my emote, so the lenght was not an issue, quite contrary. Party Pilus: What do you think about the detail level and the amount of steps in your way from spotting the mineral to getting some raw iron ore? Party Lancl: I loved that part. I did’nt want to break character to explain it, but I have to say it was fantastic. When it comes to rewarding players for actions there are two extremes that are easilly reached. There’s the instant grattification which immidiately Party Lancl: - rewards the player for simply clicking a button but it becomes tideous and grindy very quickly. And then there’s the extreme where a player is forced through tonnes of unwanted texts and steps that they would really rather skip to get to the results. Party Lancl: The way this was implemented in the experiment was absolutely fantastic. It struck a fine balance between rewarding and encouraging. Not many games manage to find such a balance, but within this short test I can say without a doubt that I was both Party Lancl: - encouraged to continue but likewise also rewarded for my efforts. Party Pilus: Thanks for your replied. Do you have any comments to add yourself? Party Lancl: Usually when you roleplay, you use your character as the tool. You need other players around you to respond to your actions and emotes and that’s a good thing, too. But what this AddOn does, is provide you with an invisible participant. Party Lancl: - Finally, your character is actualy more than just a tool to the roleplay, it becomes a vibrant part of the play itself. You play with your character and the AddOn makes your character play back WITH you as a companion rather than just an empty vessel. 135 Party Lancl: And I really appreciated that. Party Pilus: Thanks J.2 Hinkerburry Party Pilus: First off, I would like to ask you a few questions before the test Party Pilus: Are you generally interested in civilian roleplay? Party Hinkerburry: Generally I do - its my favorite type of RP, I do enjoy being able to RP out the ”whole” kit when it come to it - I mean sure there are the standard adventures, and warriors etc - but they need to have village to defend or a city to fight for - and there are people there, those indivudals live in a fantasy world with no ”special” things about them, mirrowing our own world in a unique way, I adore really sinking into a character like that becouse I can -really- relate to them. Party Pilus: Do you feel that the game mechanics and focus of the game gives you good oppotunities to live out simple civilian roles? Party Hinkerburry: Well, the game is not very focused on any type of RP to be fair - its never offered us the simplest tools like plonking down a box or what-not, or having any ”real impact” on the world around us, in particular the cities and villages where there can be various of things in the way to ensure the PvE aspects are lived out - invisible walls, not being able to toss out smoke screens. Party Hinkerburry: Short: No I don’t think so. Party Pilus: Do you currently feel acceptance, backup and/or interest from other RPers when taken on a simple civilian role? Party Hinkerburry: It all depends on the circle of people I am with but I’ll presume we mean the ”public” RP scene. Party Pilus: Let me hear about it for both cases Party Hinkerburry: In that case - well generally we are often met with optimism - people are often veiwing us as ”cool” becouse we do something diffrent, but we are often ignored aswell since its often quite ”heavy” rp we do, and generally could be concidered bland if you Party Hinkerburry: more focused on killing dragons and rescuing maidens as opposed to living into a character. Party Hinkerburry: As for private circles? Well yeah, its my friends. Party Pilus: Thanks. Do you have anything to add before we move on to the testing? Party Hinkerburry: Hrm, well I’d like to add that I feel that if we could get people to develop their RP - start thinking deeping into 136 their actions and relaitons we might improve upon it somewhat. Party Hinkerburry: And civilian RP and the things it brings to the table as culture, realtions, circomstances, nations - are all great basis for it to grow. Party Pilus: Thanks. Party Pilus: Regarding the addon. Have you noticed where you open it yet? Party Hinkerburry: Aye the arrows there. Party Pilus: Great. Party Hinkerburry: No nearby objects, and I’ve got no equippments. Party Pilus: Have you moved that UI anywhere on the screen? Party Hinkerburry: No, but I just did - works just fine. Party Pilus: Were it clear to you that you could move it, or should that be more clear? Party Hinkerburry: I think that potentially moving it away from the bag a bit might make it clearer - I figured it was attached to the bag untill you told me I could move it. Party Pilus: Noted. Party Pilus: Is it clear to you what the UI does? Party Hinkerburry: I would presume that the nerby objects would light up as I move into them - as for the bag, I guess its for gathering things in to later move to your big bag. Party Hinkerburry: Sheated item, not quite sure - gusseing a tool of some sort. Party Hinkerburry: Which then goes into the offhand or mainhand. Party Hinkerburry: And the arrows I’d guess are to move everything around if there are several items about. Party Hinkerburry: Then the box open the proffetion screen. Party Pilus: Indeed Party Hinkerburry: Which is currently empty. Party Pilus: Now for the next part of the test, I would like us to stage a bit of an RP setting Party Hinkerburry: Very well. Party Pilus: I am a mine foreman and I would like for you to take upon yourself the role of a labourer comming here to seek work at the mine. You smile at Hinkerburry. Pilus says: Greetings. Hinkerburry says: ’aum sir? I be guessin’ yer the foreman? You nod at Hinkerburry. Pilus says: That is indeed correct. Welcome to the Jasperlode mine Hinkerburry says: Hinkerbury at ye service sir. First day at work. Hinkerburry salutes you with respect. 137 Pilus says: Ah great. Do you know anything about mining? Hinkerburry says: Ah.. well I was in.. ye kno’ them kids school.. No, nay really sir - I know ye suppose to use em pickaxe, right? Pilus says: Ah, dont worry. I got a few things noted down that could get you started Hinkerburry says: Much obligted sir. Pilus hands some notes to Hinkerburry. Hinkerburry gingerly accepts the notes... Hinkerburry says: Think I am getting the hang of this sir. Party Pilus: Sounds good Pilus says: Sounds good Party Pilus: You can find the abilities in the abilities tab in the menu Hinkerburry says: Want me to try it out then? I am eager to earn my paycheck! Pilus says: Sure thing. Knock yourself out Party Hinkerburry: Sure Hinkerburry salutes you with respect. You salute Hinkerburry with respect. Hinkerburry says: On my way then sir, thanks for all the help. Hinkerburry looks for the minerals around the cave! Party Pilus: feel free to think out loud with your impressions Party Hinkerburry: I liked the forced emote. Party Hinkerburry: Makes sense. Party Hinkerburry: Right standing here where I think its telling me it is. Party Pilus: Good Hinkerburry looks for minerals! Hinkerburry tried out the extra mineral tab! Party Hinkerburry: A note: Tried to ”move” the spot minerals and it stuck to me untill I moved outside the spellbook. Party Hinkerburry: Minor annoyance. Party Hinkerburry: Hrm, can’t seem to use the iron picks. Party Hinkerburry: Do I have to be closer then 0 meter? Party Pilus: Noted. A hint: try to use the iron ore vein Party Hinkerburry: Both are iron! Party Hinkerburry: Perhaps adding in a compass might be a good thing? Party Pilus: Ah, I see what you mean now Party Pilus: And that is a good point Party Hinkerburry: Can’t use this one either. Party Pilus: Well, it is sadly because it is the end of the demonstration setup I made 138 Party Hinkerburry: Ah fair enough ;3 Party Pilus: What is your impressions so far? Party Hinkerburry: First impression: Party Hinkerburry: Its fucking cool - a bit confusion in finding the nodes - since there is no visual aid, sugges a compas other otherwise. Party Hinkerburry: I like the simple design - not to impossing, the spellbook might be a tad alrge, perhaps a resize button might be good? Party Hinkerburry: Other then that its the top down design from GHI and it fits well with its overall theme. Party Pilus: Would a direction error in the tooptip of the nearby object be sufficient? Party Hinkerburry: Well, anything to give you a ”warmer” ”colder” feel might be good. Party Hinkerburry: Right: So to compile my toughts. Party Hinkerburry: First off all, like I’ve mentioned I enjoyed the sleek design - but that the spellbook might be just a tad large, I would have enjoyed some manner of resizing option, or at least three or so sizes: Small medium big - what ever. Party Hinkerburry: Secondly - the looking for nodes was fine, but for a first time user it was somewhat of a pain to properly find some things - it did give directions in south -west etc, but without an easy to reach compass its easy to get turned about, had to look at the minimap its nothing ”big” thats for certain, but I know some people don’t have minimaps left on their UI’s, even if its rare - I’d suggests a togable compass of some sort to allow you a better and more direct visual stimuli perhaps even have it go ”This way” at one of its points - the emote system was neat, especially that you could add several windows - would it be possible to have a delay option, perhaps just a little dropbox saying 1-2-3-4-5 sec delays to allow for several emotes, instead of having them drop directly after each other? Party Hinkerburry: As for the useage of items - never got to try it, but I’d imagen if you have several proffetions looking into the proffetion screen that it may be clutered just like the spellbox - a search function or similar would be nice! Party Hinkerburry: To summerice: I firmly belive its a soild core, there is nothing major that sticks out as flawed, (aside from well, thats its not finished) overall the design is enjoyably simple and straight forward, and I rather quickly got a hang of it - quicker actually then my first time opening GHI. Party Pilus: It is the goal for the system to create professions that have many steps in making things. E.g. getting from finding a iron ore to having the final iron bar would be 10-15 steps. Do you think that this 139 would be more helpfull and inspirering for RPing a miner? Party Hinkerburry: Well yeah - it would encourage deeper thinking then ”Lulz I am blacksmith” - adding in the various steps of making things into a final iron bar would be cool - and probably encourage people to actually go out into the woods find their ore and make it into bars - perhaps even togheter with friends. Party Hinkerburry: You know, spend a day making a blade had been neat. Party Hinkerburry: Honestly I am quite exited to see what people might create with this addon. J.3 Eddard Party Pilus: First, before the test, I would like to ask you a few questions Party Pilus: Do you do civilian roleplaying? Party Eddard: Not in a long time. Party Eddard: I’m more or so an adventurer/military role-player. Party Pilus: Are there any particular reasons why you prefer those types of roleplaying over civilian roleplaying? Party Eddard: I usually prefer being a lone-wolf adventurer, usually because I’m able to explore a lot of hubs and such. Party Eddard: As a citizen you’re restricted in your own area. Party Eddard: And I’m not fond of staying in the same terrain all the time. I like change. Party Pilus: Understandable. Party Pilus: Do you in general feel that civilian roles get appriciated enough? Party Eddard: No. In Partys, they are usually neglected. Dalaran tried, and Dalaran failed. However, Pyrewood is a very good Party for such roles. Party Eddard: I had fun role-playing as a paranoid citizen there. Party Pilus: So it would be correct to say that Pyrewood is successfull for citizens due to the threads and by that the Action there? Party Eddard: Nah, more or so the lack of 24/7 war/conflict. It’s a small town, and so everyone will know eachother. It’s a friendly community, and citizens usually get to take part in every event as well. Party Pilus: That sounds nice Party Pilus: For the next things I would like for you to come to me. Party Pilus: As you might know, I am the foreman of the Azurelode mine and IC’ly I could use some help with the mining 140 Party Eddard: All right. One moment. Eddard says: The Cap’n sent me, sir! There’s work to be done? Pilus says: Ah, yes, indeed. Eddard nods at you. Pilus says: First off, do you know how to mine? Eddard says: Aye, ’course. Pilus says: Great. Pilus says: There is a few things we do different here, but I got it noted down in some simple words. Eddard says: Spent me days serving as a mason - an’ the others workin’ in the mines, sir! Pilus hands Eddard some notes Party Eddard: That’s bad ass. Pilus says: And ofcause a mining pick Pilus picks up a mining pick and hands it to Eddard. Eddard grabs it, nodding. Eddard says: Well, shall we, sir? Eddard bows down graciously. Party Pilus: Does the menu with nearby objects and equipped items seems intuitive for you so far? Pilus says: indeed. Just follow me. Party Eddard: Yeah, it seems pretty cool. Party Eddard: I like what you’ve done with it so far. Pilus says: Try and see if you can spot a good place to mine yourself Eddard nods. Party Eddard: The other Party I am associated with is having an event right now, so I’m going to have to switch characters. I’ll download patch-c and have it all ready the next time you need it tested, if that’s all right. Party Pilus: Sure Party Eddard: All right, it looks good so far. I like the new additions. Were books fixed? Party Pilus: So far I am notified, yes Party Pilus: I just have a final question before you leave Party Eddard: Neat! Sure, what is it? Party Pilus: Do you think that a system with more details in e.g. professions would make civilian roleplaying more interesting for you? Party Eddard: Yeah, sure. It would be neat to to do this with a couple friends and such. Party Pilus: Thanks. Party Pilus: It is all for now :) 141 K Final prototype screenshots The following is screenshots from the final prototype. 142 Figure 24: The quick bar Figure 25: Handing an item to another player from the quick bar 143 Figure 26: The ability page Figure 27: The perform action UI. In this example the user have added one additional expression 144 L GHG Pitch I would like to get some feedback on a little addon idea i got, which have the working title Gryphonheart Groups or GHG. The addon allows you to join one or more groups. These groups works like guilds, except that they are not visible to others. It can be used to form a secret lodge, a craftsmans guild, a subguild in an existing guild or whatever other guild fits your need. The group UI includes many of the normal guild features. Planned features: • List of members • ustomize member ranks ( not limited to only 10). • Seperate channel (like guilds. It does not take a channel slot). • Member item / insignia. An insignia that automatically updates to display your group membership and rank. These can be customized freely by the group leader. • Message of the day. • Group info. • Group events in the calendar. • Customizeable group icon. Note that some of the data (like the message and info) can be a bit out of date if you are online without any other GHG users are online. I expect the implementation time to be quite small compared to e.g. GHI. 145 DTU Informatics Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling Technical University of Denmark Richard Petersens Plads 321 DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark Tel: (+45) 45 25 33 51 Fax: (+45) 45 88 26 73 E-mail: [email protected]