omh foundation gift registry
omh foundation gift registry
omh foundation gift registry All names listed have generously supported the Otsego Memorial Hospital Foundation in the second quarter of 2013 (4/1/13-6/30/13). The OMH Foundation is grateful for their support and dedication to quality local healthcare. staff and employee circle of friends This Giving Society recognizes all employee donors who give or pledge an annual gift of $499 or less to the OMH Foundation. Stefni Amey Anonymous Nicole Armstrong Kathy Avenall Mark Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bartlett Rebecca Battle Susan Bennett Dolores Berlin Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd “Skip” Berry Esther Bessette Brittany Beyers Kimberly Biddinger K. Billman Amy Bilyea Carrie Bishop Connie Bisson Dennis and Laurie Black Mr. and Mrs. Ken Blust Geri Boadway Patty Bonner Dennis and Maureen Borowiak Melissa Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Bragg Faith Brinkman Jason J. Brock Dianna Brown Romeo and Carolyn Buclay Nancy Burke Lonny G. Burns Floyd and Susan Burzynski Katelynn Campbell Dawn Carroll Jackie Carson Maria Cassisi Donna Chandler Gretchen Chase-Rey Donna Clark Katie Clark Mary Beth Cook Ruth A. Coons Mr. and Mrs. Brett Crandell Jessica Crane Nicole Cryderman Mike and Terri Cwik Mr. and Mrs. R. Dale Doris Day Mr. and Mrs. Jon Deming Denise DeVolder Melissa and Tony Dole Maria A. Dubie Mrs. Marguerite Duncan Marlene Dzwik Linda D. Eastwood Denise Ehlers Angela Eisengruber Mr. Kerry Elder Malorie Ellis Amy Ellison Stephanie Fahler Audra and Matt Farnsworth Catherine Foust Cynthia Francis Melissa Gapinski Vicki L. Garlitz Frances Gauthier Dan and Wendy Glomski Lori A. Gonzalez Elizabeth Goodrich Cindy Gordon, RN Justine Gorman Danny and Cindy Griffith Suzanne Griswold Howard and Chris Grosser B. Gunderson, LPN Angela Hall Mr. and Mrs. Todd Harding Suzanne Hardy Christina Haren, RN Jennifer Harrison Stephen Hartz and Family Mr. Timothy Hella Mitchell Hintz Lisa Hipsher Julie Hodson, N.P. Kimberly S. Hoy Tony and Cindy Hull Ms. Sharon Jann Beverly J. Johnson Kelly Joles Greg and Dawn Jones Kimberly Jones Mandy Jordan Linda Kaufmann Jeanie C. Kelsey Kelly King Neila M. King John and Linda Kremkow Jennifer Krol Connie Kromer Mr. and Ms. Ted Kucharek Kevin and Amanda LaBarge Vanessa Lake Jill LaMotte Mary Lane Linda Lansbach Andrew Lanway Kevin G. Leavesley Laura Jean Lentz Paula Long Nichole M. Loshaw April Ludwiczak, LPN Pamela Lynch, N.P. Mrs. Lisa Mackowiak Ann Mahan Ashley Malport Cynthia Marcenaro Molly Marchand Candace Marcotte Carrie Marsack Kelly Martin Alexis Masley Lisa Mason Christianne McClain Gloria J. McDonald Brett and Alicia McVannel Mrs. Melissa Meadows Kathleen Mecomber Donna Meredith Linda T. Mesler Jolene Miller Amy Monarch Charlene M. Morris Linda and Pete Morris Mr. Steven A. Moulding Shelley Mousseau, RN, IBCLC Mr. and Mrs. Mulka Kellie Mumford Ms. Danielle Mundt Debbie Nash Amanda Niedzwiecki DeAnn R. Nothelfer Sarah Nowak Renee J. Nowicki Ashley L. Ochoa Linda and Patrick Oliver Sandy and Bob Oltersdorf Michael O’Neill Nickie Owens Jordan Pagel Andrea and Mike Parke and Family Kristin Parks Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Kathleen Pawlanta, FNP Kelly Pelach John and Mollie Peterson Ruth and James Petz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Piper Joanne M. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Prebenda Jessica Price Mr. and Mrs. Brian (Victoria) Prusakiewicz Gail Prusakiewicz Ursula Prusakiewicz Tamyra Purgiel Mindy Puroll Teresa M. Raithel Theresa Ramsey John and Marilyn Record M. Rempe Kathy Renkiewicz Paige Repar Bobbie Jo Repar Betsy Rich-Czarnik Nichole Roback Allison Robbins The Roberts Family Kelly Roberts-Zielinski Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rosenburg Jay Ruddy Juanita Sarzynski Ms. Catherine Schalau Lori F. Schiller, N.P. Mac Scribner Julie G. Sevenski Karla Shearer Ms. Mary R. Shelson Julie and Lucas Shepherd Cindy Lou Smith Gordon and Gayle Smith Kathryn Smith Terry and Jan Smith Crystal Spehar Darlene Stroyan Elizabeth A. Styles Diane and Aris Suttles Amy Szymanski Sharon K. Taylor-DeVor Brian and Tami Techel Tamula Techel Lisa Thackeray Nicholas Thaxton Phyllis Thompson Neil Tomes Melanie Totten Mr. David B. Trimbath Natalie Udebrock Sara Vanderveer Rachel VanValkenburgh Kaarina M. Veihl Ms. Jennifer Vogel Julia Vultaggio Kevin and Mari Anna Wahr Steven Wallace Linda J. Walsh Jack and Marlene Warren Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Watson Mike and Theresa Weber Amy Wells Dawn Willoughby Beth Wilson Selena Wirgau Deborah Worm Mr. and Mrs. Dan Yale (Karen) Valerie YoungeDyke staff and employee good samaritan society This Giving Society recognizes all employee donors who give or pledge an annual gift of $500-$999 to the OMH Foundation. Bonnie J. Byram Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Corby (Cindy) Tad and Kay De Luca Steve Holman Nancy and Doug Kussrow Ken and Nancy Ragan Ron and Kathy Respecki Debbie Schillaci Brad, Laura and Ryan Sincock Jeff and Sarah Sloniker Frank Stroyan Susan E. Walters Theresa Wood staff and employee cornerstone society This Giving Society recognizes all employee donors who give or pledge an annual gift of $1,000 or more to the OMH Foundation. Bob and Gay Courtois David and Diane Fisher Tom and Jean Lemon Mike and Barb Miller Christie and Michael Perdue Tom and Sharon Pudvan hippocrates society This society recognizes all gifts from physicians. Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Collazo Dr. Michael Florek Dr. Peter and Mrs. Amy Handley Armin Harandi David J. Kurn, M.D. Changxin Li Dr. Robert and Mrs. Dawn Mee John and Mitch Moffat Kasey and Wendi Nelson Medina H. Shaltry, D.O. Dr. Ronald and Deborah Weisberger Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Wisniewski my champion program Honoring caregivers who have championed the healthcare experience of OMH patients. In Honor of Dr. Becky Ashley John and Ann Staskievitz In Honor of Dr. Dirk Bowman Eugene and Maxine Miller In Honor of Dr. Luis Collazo Deb, Taylor and Camille In Honor of Ethel Crandall Marilyn Record The OMH Foundation makes every effort to list all names properly and according to donor’s wishes. If you notice that we have made an error, please contact us so we can correct it immediately. In Honor of Diane Fisher Marilyn Record In Honor of Cindy Griffith Marilyn Record In Honor of Kevin Leavesley Marilyn Record In Honor of Dr. Gary Lingaur Mason and Jan Buckingham Tom and Jan Seidel In Honor of Pam Lynch, ANP Betty Middler In Honor of Julie Marcotte Anonymous In Honor of Dr. Kristin Maschke Jeanne M. Guinan In Honor of Dr. Michael McNamara Virgil and Pearl Geister In Honor of Dr. Robert Mee Anonymous Patricia Moehring In Honor of Dr. Christopher Milan Anonymous In Honor of Dr. John Moffat Patricia Moehring Aara Sue Willison In Honor of Sandy Oltersdorf Marilyn Record In Honor of OMH Medical Group Indian River Clinic R. Thomas Snyder In Honor of OMH Physical Therapy Anonymous In Honor of Nichole Roback Marilyn Record In Honor of Dr. Michael Samalik Esther J. Nelson In Honor of Denise Schmidlin Marilyn Record Dr. Troy Sargent Patricia Moehring In Honor of Laura Sincock Marilyn Record In Honor of Deborah Tedrow Anonymous In Honor of Dr. Steven Wisniewski Anonymous Robert E. Kilbourn Eugene and Maxine Miller Linda Rorick Frances Strzynski circle of friends This Giving Society recognizes all community donors who give or pledge an annual gift of $50-$499 to the OMH Foundation. Ernie and Carol Beebe Melissa Blonde John and Stacey Burt Charles Schwab Investment Management The Jim Cotant Family Joyce Engel Flowers By Evelyn Flowers By Josie Paul and Pat Herman Mary Jane Hewitt Mr. Thomas Hewitt Mrs. Marilyn Nemeth Mr. and Mrs. Leo Petrison Richard and Carol Schmidt Twigs N’ Blooms Karen Wilding Carol I. Wilkinson Kristie Wiltse good samaritan society This Giving Society recognizes all community donors who give or pledge an annual gift of $500-$999 to the OMH Foundation. Tom and Bonnie Page cornerstone society 2013 Golf Sponsors and Participants This Giving Society recognizes all community donors who give or pledge an annual gift of $1,000 or more to the OMH Foundation. Premier Event Sponsor Charter Business Matthew and Holly Barresi Cooper-Standard Automotive Paul and Betty Hartmann The Hees Family Foundation Johnson Oil Company Scott and Janice Lampert Mr. and Mrs. William J. Muzyl Northern Michigan Chapter of API Luke and Margo Noss Otsego County Community Foundation - The Catt Family Fund Otsego County Community Foundation - James C. Cotant Family Fund Otsego Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Rivals Rally For A Cure Event Mary MacGregor Sanders Karl and Laverne Scheiterlein Sylvia and Leo Schuster Charles and Sheila Simpson Dale J. and Marlene A. Smith Dan and Kim Smith Carolyn and Jon Study Marcus and Sharon Wegmeyer honorariums and memorials The OMH Foundation proudly lists the gifts made in honor or memory of others. May they each be honored through the Hospital’s healing mission. Memorials In Memory of Ed Bulinski Hidden Village Homeowners Association In Memory of Lauretta June Heintz M. Beverly Boyd In Memory of Gerald Koenigsknecht Peg Metzger In Memory of Terry L. Loshaw Erma Backenstose Susan Beck Joyce Loshaw Robert and Diana Loshaw Kristine Powell Charles and Regina Theriault David and Gloria Walker In Memory of Frances Wolschon Doug and Carol Schubert Breakfast Sponsor Meridian Health Plan of Michigan, Inc. Lunch Sponsor Coverys Driving Range Sponsor Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. Course Sponsor Burdco Incorporated Mayfair Plastics, Inc. Wright & Filippis, Inc. Player Sponsor Allied Business Services LeJeune Puetz Investment Counsel, L.L.C. Merit Energy Company Paxton Resources, LLC Corporate Sponsor 3M Advomas Alpine Tavern American Fidelity Assurance Company API Northern Michigan Chapter Bensinger, Cotant & Menkes, P.C. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Chemical Bank Chevron Products Company Christman Company Citizens National Bank Cummings, McClorey, Davis & Acho, P.L.C. Daudlin, De Beaupre and Company Dunn’s Business Solutions Fifth Third Healthcare FirstMerit Bank Great Lakes Energy Greater Michigan Biomet Inc. Lange Vending, Inc. Lewiston Lions Club Michigan Spine and Pain Munson Healthcare Plante & Moran, PLLC Priority Health Remer Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Save A Lot Shred-It Sidock Group, Inc. Smith Haughey Rice & Roegge Smith Realty Group Sunrise Construction Company, Inc. Teter Orthotics and Prosthetics, Inc. Treetops Resort VALIC Additional Sponsors and Players Allied Business Services, Inc. Arnold Mackinac Island Ferry Black Forest & Wilderness Valley Golf Resort Patty Blanzy Boyne USA Resorts, Inc. BreitBurn Energy Partners L.P. R. David Briney CBCS Chippewa Hotel CIC Benefit Consulting Group, Inc. Robert Courtois Crystal Mountain Mike and Terri Cwik Dan Webster’s Pro Shop Elk Ridge Golf Club Feeney Chrysler Jeep Dodge Gaylord Country Club Gaylord Ford Lincoln Gaylord Golf Mecca Gordon Food Service Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. Gornick Grand Hotel Grand Traverse Resort & Spa GrandXRay Dr. Robert L. Halter Jet Artificial Lift System Larry Krass Lakes of the North Lakeshore Energy Services Lilac Tree Hotel The Loon Golf Resort Loshaw Bros., Inc. Marsh Ridge mBank McNamara Insurance Agency, Inc. David Meyer Michaywe Pines Golf Course Northern Imaging Associates, P.C. Otsego Club Robert W. Baird & Company, Inc. Dr. Steven R. Sella Servpro of Gaylord & Cheboygan Shanty Creek Shepler’s Mackinac Island Ferry Jeff and Lynne Smetzer Dale J. Smith Daniel S. Smith Sunshine Charters Todd L. Seidell Architect, LLC Wagar Motors Robert T. Westerman Phillip Williams your gifts at work... On July 17, 2013, the OMH Foundation granted $80,000 to Otsego Memorial Hospital to assist with the purchase of new HD video tower equipment for surgery, allowing for more advanced laparoscopic procedures. As well as directing funds to support the building of the OMH Medical Group-Boyne Valley walk-in practice. Remaining funds were used to support patient focused items for the OMH Medical Group, including new wheelchairs for patient use, suture lighting for our Lewiston and Indian River practices, and key diagnostic equipment for our urology practice. This brings the total grants from the OMH Foundation to OMH to more than $268,000 so far this year, with a 2013 goal of granting $380,000 to OMH. Every gift makes a difference and 100 percent of donor dollars are used to enhance patient care. Thank you for your continued and generous support! For more information on making a tax-deductible gift to the OMH Foundation, please contact us at 989-731-2342.
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