March 2016 Outlook
March 2016 Outlook
To Belove Dear UUMC friends, March 6 Holy Communion Mark 12:28-44 Shifting the Frame: Speaking Up for the Pharisees With Rabbi Joshua LevineGrater March 13 Mark 13:1-8, 24- 37 Daylight Savings Begins March 20 Palm Sunday Featuring choir anthems & selections from the groundbreaking movie Cast the First Stone March 27 Easter! A Combined Celebration with our Irvine Dream Congregation and our Nozomi Congregation Coming Up April 10 Early Morning Beach Baptism of Nathalie Gubelmann & Preschool Sunday! “The first four books of the New Testament tell the story of how Jesus lived, died and then was raised from the dead.” As I said the words before a mostly Hindu audience at the Chinmaya Mission interfaith event, I realized anew our astounding theological claim. How must it sound to those of a different tradition? Do we sound profound or just profoundly strange? As our members in the Christian Believer class know, we have spent centuries examining our own faith claim. It is like a diamond that we hold up to the light, turning it around, admiring its perfection, looking for its flaws, and seeing how the light is reflected just a little differently through each facet. Over the last hundred years, theologians have struggled to articulate the various lenses through which humans experience the death and resurrection of Christ. Our astounding faith claim is so compelling that peoples of all nations, tribes, and languages want an authentic part of it. No one wants to be left out. The Latin word for “I believe” is credo, which can also be translated as “I belove” or “I give my heart to.” Humans do not lift up the diamond of our profound faith claim because we need to work out the exact language of a contract that we can sign onto. We aren’t negotiating a deal with God. And anyway, as Marcus Borg writes, “’believing the right things’ does not intrinsically lead to a changed life. It is possible to have stronglyheld beliefs, even more or less right beliefs, and still be unchanged: fearful, selfpreoccupied and self-concerned, angry, judgmental, mean, even brutal and violent. Christian history and the history of other religions are filled with examples. Believing has little transformative power.” But beloving – ah, that is different altogether. When we give our hearts to the event of Jesus the Christ, and our lives are changed to incarnate our best expression of God’s compassion and justice, and when the world begins to transform with that love – that is when our profoundly strange faith claims become compelling to others. During Lent and Easter, you are invited to believe an incredible story, not so that you can argue for Christ, but so that you can give your heart to him. Grace and peace, Pastor Paige Eaves First Look Introducing Our Office Administrator & Director of Young People's Ministries: Andrew Ponder Williams We are delighted to announce that Andrew will be adding Young People's Ministries to his portfolio at UUMC. This makes his position with us full-time. We will benefit from this allaround investment of his time, energy, and creativity. The parents who interviewed Andrew are enthusiastic about his experiences in bringing young people together for worship and service; his commitment to helping families transition well into the teen years; and his knowledge and passion for using our UMC connectional resources to strengthen our local ministry. Andrew also has a heart for young adults like himself who love Jesus and seek those rare, safe places for spiritual nurture. He will continue our College Persistence Program and nurture ministries for our young adults. With the hiring of Andrew, we re-commit ourselves as a church to the spiritual health of our young people. He will need a team of volunteers to re-build our program. Consider your calling to this ministry. Andrew will transition from his current youth ministry job at Huntington Beach UMC and begin full-time with us on March 7. We will introduce him in worship on Sunday, March 13. Belong-Ministries that nurture a sense of belonging to God and to this faith community Sisters Book Group The Sisters meeting March 23 was a good one! We were able to talk to the author of China Dolls, Lisa See, by Skype. She was wonderful—gracious, funny and informative. Our usual Sisters group was joined by some guests, our founder, Cindy Williams, and two other ladies from the Newport Methodist church. They just wanted to hear Lisa too. We all had a wonderful evening. Many thanks to Dale McCart and Mandy He whose technical expertise made this all happen and to Tonya Carrasco, Mickey Chase and Joy Corkery for their delicious dessert and drinks. The next Sisters meeting will be March 22nd at the home of Carol Pukli (714-731-0258). We will be discussing The Perfume Collector by Kathleen Tessaro. Don’t miss out on all the fun—join us for a meeting of fellowship, reflection, and dessert! See you at Sisters! March 2016 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 Devotion, 7:30, CoW Lunch Bunch 11:30p, Ed-D Disciple II 10:30a, Ed-A Quilters 9a, FH Christian Believer 1:30p, Ed-B Lenten Dinner 6:00p, FH Trustees 7p, Ed-D Choir, 7:30p 6 Worship, 9:30a 7 8 9 10 11 12 Devotion, 7:30, CoW Kid Jam 9:30a, Ed Korean Dream 9:30a Heart to Heart 9:15a, FH Disciple II 10:30a, Ed-A Blood Pressure Check 10:30a ReJoySing, 7p SPRC, 7p, Ed-D B. Scouts, 7p, FH Noiseful Joy 10:30a Lunch Bunch 11:30p, Ed-D Lenten Dinner 6:00p, FH Pride Day!! 9a, All Campus Messy Church Planning, 1p, Ed-B Quilters 9a, FH Christian Believer 1:30p, Ed-B Choir, 7:30p Nozomi 12:30p, Ed-A 4th Sunday in Lent 13 Worship, 9:30a 14 15 16 17 18 19 Devotion, 7:30, CoW Kid Jam, 9:30a, Ed ReJoySing, 7p Noiseful Joy, 10:30a B. Scouts, 7p, FH Disciple II 10:30a, Ed-A Lunch Bunch 11:30p, Ed-D Korean Dream, 9:30a Daylight Savings!! El Nino Trip 7a, Irvine Pres Sandwich Ministry 4:30p, FH Lenten Supper 6p, FH Safe Sanctuaries Nozomi, 12:30p, Ed-A Christian Believer 1:30p, Ed-B Child’s World B., 7p 5th Sunday in Lent 20 Worship, 9:30a Kid Jam, 9:30a, Ed 21 22 Disciple II 10:30a, Ed-A Noiseful Joy, 10:30 Nozomi, 12:30p, Ed-A Lunch Bunch 11:30p, Ed-D ReJoySing, 7p Sack Lunch M., 4p Palm Sunday Choir, 7:30p B. Scouts, 7p, FH 29 28 25 26 CWS Chapel, 10:30 Stations of the Cross 12-7p, Sanc Scouts Training 6p, FH Christian Believer 1:30p, Ed-B Contemplative Worship 7p, Sanc CWS Chapel, 10:30 Lenten Supper 6p, FH 27 24 Devotion, 7:30, CoW Heart to Heart 9:15a, FH Korean Dream, 9:30a 23 30 Messy Church 5:30p Good Friday 31 Worship, 9:30a Kid Jam, 9:30a, Ed Noiseful Joy, 10:30 ReJoySing, 7p Disciple II 10:30a, Ed-A B. Scouts, 7p, FH Korean Dream, 9:30a Nozomi, 12:30p, Ed-A EASTER Devotion, 7:30, CoW Lunch Bunch 11:30p, Ed-D Christian Believer 1:30p, Ed-B Choir, 7:30p Preschool Closed Preschool Closed Preschool Closed Preschool Closed 9a- Easter Lilly Delivery 10a, Sanc Stephen Ministry Compassionate, trustworthy, full of faith, skilled-these adjectives make up the Stephen Ministry’s Caregiving Compass. We use this compass to guide our high quality care for hurting people. As our congregation builds a Stephen Ministry of our own we are asking you to consider these adjectives and whether they apply to you. A link to an application is available below if you are interested in interviewing to become a Stephen Minister. Once selected as a candidate, your 50 hour training will commence. We’ll offer two session in 2016, one running April through June, and a second running in September through November. Pastor Paige and I will provide that training and ongoing support for your caring relationship through a precisely formulated program that has been successful in congregations in Orange County and across the country for over 30 years. If your calling lies elsewhere, please consider praying for our Stephen Ministry, Pastor Paige and myself as leaders and our first class of Stephen Ministers. Questions? Stephen Ministry leader Barb Doherty will be available on the Patio after the 9:30 serve each Sunday in March and can always be reached at [email protected]. Application: Prayers For the peace of Christ in the midst of grief, we pray for: The family and friends of Pauline Hall. The family and friends of Patti Ferguson, sister-in-law of Stacy Ferguson. Jack and Kay Lucas at the loss of Jack’s aunt. Dear Friends, Thank you so much for all your payers and all the ways you showed your love and support at the loss of our grandson. You brought light into a very dark time for our family. Bill and Bonnie Wright John and Trish Young at the loss of John’s cousin, Leonard Pomphrey. We pray for those recovering from illness, injury, or surgery: Ann Ownbey, Paul Arthur, Thelma Friedel, Barbara Albers, Carol Gauger, Joy Corkery’s grandson Daniel We pray for those who are keeping vigil with dying family members: Marge & Larry Anderson, Brad & Roxane Fowler And for our homebound members: Carol Moore, Diane Monjay, Mary Poehler, Paul Black, Betty Quilligan, Barbara Albers, Anne Ramsey Contribute to University United Methodist Church Believe-Ministries that educate, equip and inspire us as passionate followers of Jesus Christ Special Speaker on Sunday March 6th Rabbi Joshua Levine Grater was ordained as a rabbi in 1999, and has served three different congregations. Starting as a Marshall T. Meyer Rabbinic Fellow at Congregation B'nai Jeshurun in Manhattan from 1998-2000, he then served as the rabbi of Congregation Ahavah Israel in Kingston, NY from 2000-2003. From 2003-2015, Rabbi Grater was the senior rabbi of Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center. He now runs Grater & Company, which offers personal and creative life-cycle ritual events for Jewish families. Rabbi Joshua and Pastor Paige are friends through their interfaith advocacy work, especially that of the Abrahamic Faiths Peacemaking Initiative. Rabbi Grater is also a percussionist. He is a lover of music, hiking, family, reading, and riding his motorcycle. He lives in Pasadena with his wife, Franci, and his teenage twins. Operations ... Be Love-Ministries that send us out to serve in Irvine, Orange County, and to the ends of the earth Mission Trip Opportunity: We will be taking a team to Napa to help repair homes damaged in the August 2014 earthquake on May 22nd-28th. All are invited to go! If you are interested please contact Sue Harriss ([email protected]). M&M Fundraiser: This mission trip fundraiser will start on Sunday, March 6th. M&M tubes will be handed out after worship. On the following two Sundays we hope that you will return the empty M&M tubes with a donation of quarter, cash, or checks. We will be raising fund to support the Napa Valley Mission trip. There is also the potential for a mission trip to Belize in the fall to help with the continued construction of a Methodist high school. We Need Your Help with Preparing Sack Lunches! We need volunteers to help us prepare sack lunches for our homeless neighbors on Friday March 18 at 4:30p in the Fellowship Hall. It takes less than an hour to make 200 lunches with many helping hands doing the work. It is fun too!! These lunches will go to the Family Shelter hosted by the First Presbyterian Church of Santa Ana. Here are some photos our last sack lunch preparation event. Concern America’s Walk Out of Poverty On behalf of UUMC, join Michael Gilbert and Susan McClintic in Concern America’s Walk Out of Poverty. You’ll remember that we were introduced to Concern America during our International Food and Fun Festival, when Executive Director John Straw spoke in worship. We were able to give the organization $2000 for their ongoing work. The event is on April 9th at 7am in Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. More information can be found on The organization supports the education of health promoters in underserved areas such as Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia and Mozambique. EL NINO PHOTO DAY EL NINO, MEXICO You are invited to help the children of this community by taking their photos, measuring their shoe sizes, recording information, translating Spanish, and sponsoring them. If you would like to participate meet at Irvine Presbyterian Church on March 19th at 7AM. Contact Jeffrey for more information! [email protected] Believe-Children and Family Ministries Appearing at Kid Jam March 6th: Joan and The Caterpillars March 13th: Captain Nate March 20th: Noiseful Joy singing in Worship March 27th: Easter crafts and fun!! Child Behavior Pathways March 24th April 14th through June 9th, 6-8pm We are hosting classes for parents of children ages 3 to 5 focused on helping parents manage their children’s behavior. This course is offered in conjunction with the University of California Irvine and he Children’s Hospital of Orange County. The courses include techniques to increase positive parent-child interactions, tools for responding to attention seeking behaviors, and approaches for preventing disruptive behaviors. Enroll at Safe Sanctuaries Training We are offering two opportunities for all our volunteers to be training through the Safe Sanctuaries program. We especially encourage all our volunteers who work with children and youth to attend. The first training will be on Tuesday March 15th at 2pm in Room D in the Education Building. The second opportunity for training will be on Sunday March 20th at 11am in Room D of the Ed Building. Thank you to Don Dressler who will leading us in this important training. Registration for Vacation Bible School is now available online! 18422 Culver Dr Irvine, CA 92612 Worship With Us! Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the Sanctuary (English language) Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the Fellowship Hall (Korean language) Sunday Afternoons at 1:00 in Ed-A (Japanese language)