SPARK PLUGS sy111bol of reliabilit F E A T U R I NG • • • AC Spark Plugs are the 011/) plugs recommended .. am/ appro1•ed h) General Motors-Holde11 's. AC Spark Plugs are original equipment 011 all 11eu Ho/deus and other GMH 1•ehicles. That means they 're best for rep/aceme11t, too. THEY MUST BE THE BEST Order one gro of park Plug from your Di tributor today and receive a pecial Plug Di pen er ab olutely free. (Thi tate except outh Au tralia 0 ' her applie a mall charge mu t be made to meet local Regulation ). SERVICE INDEX INF ORMATI ON Roar Shoe� Absorber Top 8rochu-,8od(ord 'TJ', 'TK', 'SB' and 'R' 4 Front Axle Croumember Aliinmenr Checlu-Vouxholl 'F' and 'PAY" 6 Applicorion Ooco-Currenr Austin-Morris and Wolseley Models Control Vol¥e Assembly lnscollacion-Hydra-Matic Tron1miuion • Bod(ord 'TC', 'TJ', 'TK', 'S' and 'R' lubrication of Rear Wheel 8eodn1s-Holden - Eleccrolyte Level-GMH Saneriu · - - - - - - - - - - - Sceerinf Knuclcle and Hub Outer 8eorinr-Bedford - - - - IOLU E 19 . C UMBER 8 - • SER ICE DEPT 14 and 'JJ' 14 IS Cranluhafc Rear Main Beo,.inr Journal Diometer-161 cu. in. Gasoline Encine Drop Arm Usoio with 9.00-20 Tyros-Bodford• TK' 14 DEPT. 14 - 'JI". '11 ' - PARTS II Mainsha(t and First Speed Geor·Four-Speed Tronsmission- Holden Dual Horn-lnuollation- II • - - - • • 15 • FILE WATTS, EDITOR The Question of Accessories for HOLDEN The ch 1cc 1ha1 ha f autom ti' e ac c· b 1hered car o'"ncr the h r ele carriage. In th ·c 'arl \\ada .. m r q1w 1 ion oncern n ne'' ran m d rn inn ' ati n. ·111 and he hig 1andard nal UL te the per rca here are man n· r r d in!! h re arc ah u1 4 ne <1' ailabl' f r the ne'' the co ·1 Holden. f a ne'' H Iden w uld natural! " uld rather c n additional 1 de. di n de' ic · a clc tion quipmcnl ·elc led r ar uch a· h n there arc th r 1rimmin!! limatc ha re engineer . h n ·e. r h·1 \ and 9 f in a p iii n talk help th m 1ra pr fit prefer l o. f ac c rie·. m del in lude OUR COVER Luxurious. elegant, dazzling. superb . . . all of these words pan I could be used to describe mpanmem light. hand-brake '' arn1ng light. anti Chevrolet. And. as with all glarc mirror, h ocl 1hi fitted '' i1h rnamcnl. fr ·h-air ht:al r and demi.1cr. \\in I hicld ,,a·hcr and other accc nc the big. beautiful 1962 GMH vehicles. there·s a range of NASCO Accessories a vailable for this new model. bt:en f radio. Heater, all a mailer or . make full range of he t: arc Ii tcd 1h·11 add e Ira glamour and a ric a quaimed with th ca1-bcl1 \h . uch a and indi' idual . J' m cd cat-hell e u pcciall H Iden f r tht: filling f ric nal ta l n In fact. pr ' i 1 n ha cnain p r \Cr ar an I ha been te t d and appr pend the m n he ne'' ··Premier.. m dt:I H Iden i a c. made in the d ·urc nc a maJ r r le. necc a car radio. ornament acce tandard equipment. in iance. man rak o. The If C \Cn th ' ere rilled a "ner prdercn e al o pla or po'' r MI b the bu er. lca' e it up l f th nliden1l -. ind hicld ' a h r and eneral imp nanl fr m '' hi h 1hc tail red for the rnamcnl b or left t. I ' a w ndcrful and prefercn e ma111 at a relati,el f r f the car ar that pr vide c ·tra c mf n. !!lam ur and pro1ec1i n time . pc pl '' helher accc quipmenl f oa h lamp like car heater . power brak -. r·1di arc the main da C \er ·111 c th had 10 dt: ide b t \\e n carbide or night dri' ing. mcihine ric· c lcra1 r. n OU. n p·1g u \\ill lh n new (' c H Id n REAR SHOCK ABSORBER TOP BRACKETS BEDFORD 'TJ', 'TK', 'SB' and 'R' Rear h c" ab-. rber t p bracket f sturdi r con tru ti n ha\e been intr du cd 'TJ', 'TK · and n cric · etaib f a uita le meth d 111 ig. I. 13', The intr du ti n on 'R' m dcl.., fr ci,ilian u e. and on militar -t pc ·R' 111 dcl "ith t\\ in rear "heel f rcinfr cmcnl arc gl\Cll f the nc" brac"ch occurred at the fII . B- \·1ilitar)-t)pe 'R ' m del· with inglc rear wheel retain the '\i ting bracket. u ed II \\e er ome R-3 2_9 f thc·e truck arc \Cr abn rmally ,c,cre terrain and it ma b c r n 6 67_- 'idcrcd dc.,irahlc in thc-.c ca!>e t reinfrec the bracket. Id and an: <l\ailabk r dcl '.II' and I art "- . f r the thcr m 1dcl-.. l 16 In MILO STEEL 7 GAUGE rouow PROFILE - OF 81\AC ET ) � ,,.. S•S 8 SHOC >'BSORBER 8RAC �T WELD Fii:. I. \let/1111/ "' rei11/(1rci11f!. 1/ie rear .1/wc/.. 1n. I ·S 16 1n. .T a/Jsorhl'I' IOp hracket .1i11gle rear 11'//C•e/1. 11'/iicli //\('" {/// \fotfef •If //'lie/, I /ii/I ill!! MARKET FOR THE BIG RANGE OF Seat belts are in big demand by owners of all makes of cars. So stock up now with NASCO Seac Belts . . . the only seat belts approved and recommended by GMH. Because of their particular design and high quality. NASCO Seat Belts are very popular with owners of Holden and other GMH vehicles. There is a choice of two types - lap or sash. Order stocks of fast-moving NASCO Seat Belts from your usual NASCO Distributor or any o} GMH Dealer. Every one you sell means additional profits. Pa,.t No. 7419884 7421073 7421886 7389759 Type Retail Price Holden exc. · EJ'. 'FB' Victor. and 'PA' Vauxhall. 1962 Chevrolet Model 7421336 7421017 7423006 7421509 Front-lap type Rear-lap type Front-sash type Rear-sash type (Front use 7419884) Front-lap type Rear-lap type type Front-lap & sash NOTE: In-built anchorage points facilitate fitment of £4 5 £4 5 0 £5 10 0 £4 10 0 £6 0 0 £5 0 0 £5 15 0 £7 10 0 (Exempc from so/es cox) 'EJ' Holden .. Belts to 'EJ' Holden and 'FB · Victor models. Seat YOU OFFER THE BEST WHEN YOU OFFER NASCO SEAT BELTS Springtime is cleaning time-for cars as well as houses. Time to turn your atten tion to the GM H cleaning aids for the car. Why not attach a few-along with their prices-to sheet of peg board and a display them near your petrol pumps. That way, your everyone premises will who get comes the onto "spring cleaning" message. he number of people and the number of sales CiMH CHROME AND GLASS CLEANER POLISHER GMH SILICONE CREAM POLISH Dull chro m e a n d d i rt y g!ass come up s parkli ng bright w i th o n e easy a p plication of this sc ratch-proof cleaner a n d polisher. E q u ally useful in the home or the car. A scientifically co m po u n ded s ilicone Cream Polish which i s easy to a p ply yet i m parts a brilliant, long-last i ng gloss to all pai n ted s u r faces. Non-drip, non-s pill a n d water res i st a n t . Part No. M33053 List Price 8/6 p e r t i n AND plus tax Part No. CLEANING AIDS FROM Y M32334 List P r i ce 6/6 plus tax ria s ere 1h l ue a v beti:P a ... wan R I t' I FOR\11 Tl '.J Co111i11111•tf from p11r.:e ./ FRONT AXLE CROSSMEMBER ALIGNMENT CHECKS VAUXHALL 'F' and 'PAY' The r in llO\\ ing raining ·p ·i inr rmation amend-, the in-.. 1 ruc1i anual-.. • . ..J-D ( · -·) cric'> lh gi \cn and T . . -106 the alignment or the front . ;nlc er .,� mcmbl'.r r. cric::. . and 1 dcl ·p car-... (. cric fr The chc dimcn-,i n'> r r the di'>tan hct\\1.:1.:n 1.: upper fulcrum haft cntrc.., ( ..,cc Page 47 of T .443 and Page 4 f .-106) arc re i-,cd 10 pr 'idc a tolerance. In additi n. 1h1.: rnca-,urcmcnh taken at the front or the upper fulcrum -..hart cntre,, mu-,1 be c mparl'.d \\ ith th �e 1ai..en at the rear. and limih arc gi,cn for th1.: a ccptable differl'.n c. he new dimen i n-.. ''hich :.hould be entered in c pie-.. r the t \\ raining anuab. arc a-.. fII "': . IRllc. · F GENUINE HOLDEN Rear di1111.:n-,i n SHORT MOTOR T h ere are Short 144 plus which tax. your customers Th ere·s not one pay only reconditioned second-h and part that may or may not stand up to another life. As well, your customers get recent ODI I. _6 11,; in. _J l t _J�in. ·p r nl dimcn-..i n 9� t ,O� in. 27� 1 _r· in. _ Rear dimen.i n guaran teed brand new parts in a Holden Motor for £66.10.0 2 lil t r nt dimcn�i n The differ n c bct\\ecn front and rear dimcn-..i n-.. mu�t lie \\ithin -� l _ 1!:. in. fr odcl ·p 2 :· in. fr y·. · -·. eri .., them i�e the and 2 1�. 1 ro\-,1111.:mbl'.r 111u.1 be renc\\ cd. design refi n e m e n t s that h uld the front and rear mea uremenh n t b1.: \\ithin have been in cluded in the :.takd limit , ·alth ugh the differcn c bet \ cen them i-.. current model Hold ens. That's why you ·a1i ·fa lor . it i. pr babk that di. t rti n ha� sell unbeatable value w h e n you sell t h e HOLDE N urrcd affecting the cnical rclali n hip f the upp1.:r and I \\Cr fulcrum haft.. u h di.l ni n ''ill be crificd b} GENUINE ing the . hart height and lh1.: h1.:igh1:> S H ORT MOTOR. r lhc bra ket;. a. d1.: cribl'.d in the Training he k· unting 111 anuah. APPLICATION DATA HIGHLY PROFITABLE BUSINESS TOO! CURRENT AUSTIN-MORRIS AND WOLSELEY MODELS H You make £ 11.0.0 clear profit every ti me you fit Dewib a Genuine H olden Short Motor, plus the extra Baueril'.!> re ommcndcd r r the ab \C �hO \\ n bclO\\ : you earn for labour and profits on other parts needed to do an efficient servicing j ob. f' the A11.11i11 fi·ee11·ay Order stocks of the Genuine Holden Short Motor from your NASCO Distributor or GMH Dealer 7406652 7425513 48. SO, ' FJ' 'FE'. ' FC'. ' FB '. Fan 13elt-, List Pr-ice 'EK' £66 I0 0 £66 I 0 0 .lforri1 £/ill' model-.. an.: I I 'o/IC'/('y 2-t 0 'L ..J..J, L 1119 VI060 12 plus tax plus tax H an Beil-, and -16 today! Part No. pari... 12 11111111111'tl 1111 1111.:c· 11 6 �I CONGRATULATIONS! Here are t11·0 fine Part Depar1111e111s that 0 co11- 1r 1rrant praise a11d puh/icity. grawlate. hoth thes they are doing i11 Deal r gfri11g sel'l'ice to /myers of e1111i11e for the fi . ne joh fa. ·t a11d kept, e.fficie11t A cce. ·:ories C/l/{I 1 M H P ms- pecially for their 1rell ire/I-st eked 111odem :ho11Too111s. Keep up the good ll'ork ! Northern Motors Pty. Ltd., Sydney Road, Fawkner, Victoria. hi mbin d H Id n h wr D partmcnt i part dnc \·Va . 11-d paci u pl nt di pla area. and f unter t rage than adequate. t h and W. H. & S. Massey Pty. Ltd., Williamstown Road, Yarraville, Victoria. 7 ituatcd the main Melb urn it ha ing r enuin m- ign d. pa and i m re pa ote the g 0 n high c GM H Part ! fl d �- BIG RASCO ACCES$ The new 'EJ' Holden is on the road! Now is the time to stock up with NASCO Accessories and promote them in every way possible. Remember - every 'EJ' Holden owner wants at least one accessory for his new car ... very often more. So make sure they know you stock a good range of NASCO car accessories - the only accessories approved and recommended by GMH for Holden. �) VISOR ANTI- G LARE G EAR ANTI-G LARE VANITY MIRROR REAR VIEW Easily fitted co su n v i sor. Prov i d es the an swer co ""M i l a d y"s"" m a k e-up require ments. MIRROR MASK Fl i c k t h e tab a n d glare from follow i n g headlam ps is e l i m i n ated . Cli ps to rear vision m i rror. Removes d azzle from follow i n g headla m ps. DOOR PULL-TO VENETIAN HANDLES SHADE Neat, attractive h a n d les for easier closing of doors from i n s i d e. Protects rear seat pas sengers from the d i rect rays of the sun . RUBBER � � MATS ��� Saves wear on original floor covering. Keeps it clean and new looking. Ble n d s w i t h stan d ard low-note horn co give str i d e n t war n i ng. FOOT HORN LEVER LOCK Sim ply cum a key and gear lever is locked in d esired pos i t i o n . HAND RAIL Mounted u n d er rear s h elf. I m proves rad io tone a n d clar i t y for all passengers. PARCEL SHELF Extra space for s m all, p e r s o n a l b e l o n g i n g s. books, parcels, etc. A great con ven i e nce for rear seat p as s e n gers. Richly chromed. PAINT PROTECTION PLATES Protect pai n t work arou nd door h a ndles from scrat ches and wear. Kee ps out draug h t s a n d ra i n w h e n driv i n g win dow is dow n . Choice of various types and colours. EXTERNAL SUN MIRROR SHADE Provides clear, unin terrupted v i e w of follow i n g traffic. Several types available. Reduces sun glare, eli m i n ates eye stra i n a n d helps k eep in terior cool. �\ W IND SHIELD W ASHER A quick, effective way of kee p i n g winds h i eld spark ling clean at all t i mes. Foot operated or electr ic t y pes. -� -' NUMBER -. PLATE FRAMES , 7 - ,_, Prov ide a s m art a p pear ance to fro n t and rear number plates. REAR W HEEL COVERS Add d i s t i nction a n d glamour to t h e s i de view of the Holde n . HOOD A r t i s t i c al l y s t y l e d for ex t r a b e a u t y . R i c h l y chromed. Stops in sects from clog ging radiator core. Eas ily removed for clean i n g. RING S Beautiful chromed w h eel rings lift a p pearance of w h ole car. Choice of des i g n s . FRONT AND OIL REAR FENDER .. FILTER MUD FLAPS Deflect water, mud a n d fly i n g stones. Prevent damage to paint-work a n d c h rome. Removes all foreign matter w h ich could h ave harmful effect o n e n g i n e life. l PETROL EXHAUST EXTENSION Deflects e x h aust gases a w a y fro m t h e rear chrome a n d p a i n twork. Just slip over the tailpipe. . BODY SILL - W ARNING MOULDING LIG HT SEAT COVERS TRIM ' INSECT SCREEN -HAND BRAK E PLASTIC � � -� ORNAMENT J High-lustre stai nless steel mouldings add beauty and protect lower body pai n t work from damage. W HEEL Red l i g h t flashes w h e n h a n d brake i s o n . Guards agai n s t bur n i n g brake li n i n gs or stall i n g i n traffic. ,, -- -r-.-._/ BACK -UP TANK LAMPS LOCK ING CAP T w i n lamps automatically illum i n ate the grou nd w h e n revers i ng. A great aid at n ig h t . Pick-proof lock i ng cap com plete w i t h two keys. Heavily chrome plated to resist rust and corrosion. Q COOLARIDE CUSHION AND SEAT PAD For cool, relaxed driving. Ve n tilated to allow air to circulate around the body. NASCO Seat Belts are t h e only seat belts a p proved and reco m me nded by G M H . Lap or sash t y pes or comb i n at i o n of both. POWER BRAKES Vacuu m-boosted bra k e s m a k e s t o p p i n g more pos i t i ve, quicker a n d easi er. E n sure i m m ediate, natural brake con trol. Kee p s car s nug� by circulating warm air i n to every corner . Two t y pes . . . fresh a i r or motorless. HOLDEN CAR RADIO BY AIR CHIEF (See overleaf). MO�l>EM - � - 'fl'4 -�' �" �� �(, "n9\ \>ii.·�\ r.\ R �\ (,\ (,"\'I (,\. t\. r.11 "'\l "'Ii � .... � "ti\ Ill t\. \ti\ \>9. 1111 \l ¥.'I r.\l ... "' =r11� ... �=w11hll11�=11h=\11--==-=" \ � , There are two n e w A IR C H I E F models you can confiden tly 6. Unmatched Tone Control recom mend to Air Chief's highly efficient tone control gives simple regulation of tonal response. Treble cut position gives more effective suppression of electrical interference. match t h e spar kling perfo r m a n ce and design of t h e " EJ ' Holde n . O w n e rs of t h ese n e w models will qui ckly find chat A IR C H I EF gives unbeatable, crystal-clear reception i n both city and cou n t ry. There 7. Unbeatable Dependability Air Chief's printed electronic circuits are specially mach1ne soldered to give unmatched reliability and long. trouble-free service. are n i n e big reasons w h y A IR C H I EF is best for Holde n . Here they are:- 1. Acoustically Tailored Air Chief radios are specially engineered co gain the highest fidelity possible when fitted to Holden vehicles. 8. Factory Engineered 2. Accentuates Styling Air Chief Radios harmonize perfectly with Holden interiors... add glamour and style to the instrument panel. The only car radio recommended by GMH for Holden, AIR CHIEF is quality-constructed to exacting GMH standards. Both you and your customers can completely trust AIR CHIEF. 3. Instant Sound 9. Guaranteed Power and Performance Air Chief Radios have printed. all-transistor electronic circuits that need no warming-up and give less than � amp. battery drain. Look for the "Diamond Dot" your guarantee that AIR CHIEF is Australia's most powerful transistor car radio. 4. Greater Power Poi n t out t h ese faces co every ' EJ' Holden owner who The built-in power of Air Chief Car Radios provides unmatched performance regardless of speed or road conditions. drives on co your p r e m ises. Keep stocks of both new A IR C H I EF models o n display always so customers can 5. Superior Sensitivity see t h e outsta ndi ng quality and con t e m porary styling. Eight-stage circu1tary of Air Chief separates stations clearly and prevents annoying double-reception. c h i s cable and order stocks today. Part No. 7419908 7419907 Fi n i s h in front by gett i n g be h i n d A IR C H I EF now! Check Retail Price M a nual Con t rol ' EJ ' Holden Push-Button Con t rol ' EJ ' H olden 47 Guineas (tax paid} 55 Guineas {tax paid) 10 I To further Improve performance, there's o tailored Rear Seot Speaker Pockoge for 'E)' priced at only £5.10.0 plus tax. . I R\ I f- I ' R \I 11 ' ( 11n1i11111•d /111111 pm�<' CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION HYDRA-MATIC TRANSMISSION It i i.:''cn1ial "hi.:nc,cr the c n1rol \ ahi.: a ...,cmbl. i:-. rc in... 1allcd n the H)dra- 1ati 1ran ... 111i.,-,i n. that the band adju,t111c111 be lo -,cncd or ba kcd If fiN. !>cning the hand adju ...tmenl enable-, the .,i.:n a"'cmbl) 1 enter the ca...e ,um ientl) l all " the .,cno pi.,1on ii ring t full) enter the b re and thu' h Id 1hi.: ...en a ... .,cmbl) in pla c. Thi.: ntrol \ahc <l'>'>Cmbl) an then be im1allcd ''i1h ut the p :-. ibilit) f damaging the :-en a'>!>i.:mbl). fler thi.: A handy little accessory that's really selling BIG NASCO ANTI-GLARE MASK ntrol \ ahe <h'>Cmbl) i in tailed, the band h uld be adju.,ti.:d to proper '>PC ifi ati n h) til!hlcning the adju lmenl !>ere" l I 0 in h p und .... and then ba king the 'ere \\ ut 2 l turn.. he band adju 1111cn1 I cJ.. nut 'h uld then bi.: torqued 1 30 ft. lb . FOR 'FB', 'EK', AND 'Ej' HOLDENS Holden owners like this. O n e flick . and t h e clear blue plastic mask eliminates dazzle or glare from following h eadla m ps. W h e n not in use, t h e NASCO A n ti-Glare M a s k is h eld above t h e mirror by two cam action hinges. How about orga nising promote sales of the MAINSHAFT AND FIRST SPEED 'TC', 'TJ', ' the Bed� rd fur- pci.:d Iran mi. ''ere di.:., ribed in ccclera1 r lume I . 7 and in1r du ti n of a ne" main. haft wa ann unced. imp rtant feature f the ne \\ main haft being that Part No. M33400 List Price paired t pr n 1 AIR CLEANER the !>haft in-,1ead of AND SILENCER idc tht.: ideal clccirancc'i. ''ill he "upplicd 10 di a-..,crnble them. a mating '>plin n each c mp ncnt h ulcl be clcarl) marked to cn,ur that n ri.:-a!>!>cmbl) the part' arc in pre i,el) thi.: .ame rclati n hip a be� re. The pan number ... f thc nc" a!>'>emblic., arc a' � 10DI I ·T ·TK . ·R· . ai1hhaft and fir.,1 LI'> . . What would h a p p e n if a Holden owner drove o n to your premises a n d asked for a replace m e n t oil bath keep stock s of t h e Holden Oil Bath Air Cleaner and Sile ncer h a ndy. It's the perfect replacement cleaner for all Holden models. Part No. 7425365 7422029 I I "": P\RI . ·TJ: . So Keep Stocks Handy type air cleaner? Could you help him? You should f thi. a.,.,i.:n1bl) h ulcl n 1 he u-,cd .,eparatel). If it i., nccc.,.,ar) Some Owners Prefer It nl!cr be '>Cf\ i ed. I n-.tead, the urrcn1 a-, an a ...cmbl). The part cax HOLDEN OIL BATH the lh1: t� pc main-,haft. together "ith a gear ''hi h ha., been ',.. £0 12 6 plus the It ha. n " been decided 1ha1 the ril!inal -,haft and Jir,1 I to i n ha 'ing a '>ICe \ e bet\\een 'hart and gear. ...peed gear "ill n Week" TK ', 'S' and 'R' \1 difi ati n ... t fir-.1 !>peed gear fit'> dire ti "A n ti-Glare will be well worth your w h ile. GEAR-FOUR-SPEED TRANSMISSION BEDFORD an NASCO A n ti-Glare M ask? It 0. peed g1:ar cmbl� ... 6367 82 ain ...haft and fiN -.peed gear a ....,i.:mhl� 636r ( tll/111/111'" "" fill!!<' I./ 11 from your NASCO Distributor All Holden up co 'EJ' 'EJ' Holden only List Price £8 13 6 plus tax £8 15 0 plus tax F T FOR EVERY HOLDEN VEHICLE Part No. Suggested Stock Description Model Application 48 Series 'FJ' 'FE' 'FC' 'FB' 'EK' ' EJ' List Price (Each) -- -- -- -- -- -- 7405894 7406493 7406163 7409951 7417628 7406164 7425514 7401211 7408896 741941 1 7405058 7418082 741283 1 7416662 74013 13 7401314 M3 1031 7406515 74 19258 SPI 004 7403308 7386167 7403394 7419503 7406983 7406641 7406400 7406812 7406582 824735 7405561 7406087 820445 7405560 7406086 1916636 7405749 1869704 74055 14 7406062 7400724 7410106 1997028 7410073 5930411 7405794 7405488 7406245 7406426 7406551 74 19529 5952832 74 15398 2530 7405479 7091897 74 14645 454645 7405087 7419773 7411043 7419900 7415658 7404687 7405972 7419259 Gasket Set. Cylinder Head ... ... ... Gasket Set. Cylinder Head ... Repair Kit-Clutch Master Cylinder ... Hose-Clutch Actuating Cylinder . .. Hose-Clutch Actuating Cylinder ... Repair Kit-Clutch Actuating Cylinder Repair Kit-Clutch Actuating Cylinder ... Belt-Fan and Generator ... ... . .. ... Belt-Fan and Generator ... ... Belt-Fan and Generator ... ... ... Repair Kit-Water Pump ... ... Hose-Radiator Inlet ... ... Hose-Radiator Inlet ... . .. ... Hose-Radiator Inlet ... .. . ... Hose-Radiator Outlet-Lower ... ... Hose-Radiator Outlet-Upper ... .. . Hose-Radiator Outlet-With Spring . .. Hose-Radiator Outlet-With Spring ... Hose-Radiator Outlet-With Spring ... Clamp-Hose ... ... ... ... Cap-Radiator-4 lb. pressure ... ... Cap-Radiator-7 lb. pressure ... ... Cap-Oil Filler . .. ... . .. ... Cap-Oil Filler ... ... ... ... Coil Assembly-Ignition 6 volt (Lucas) ... Coil Assembly-Ignition 12 volt (Bosch Coil Assembly-Ignition 12 volt (Lucas Spark Plug Package-AC 46 (Set of 6) ... Spark Plug Package-AC 48 (Set of 6) ... Cap-Distributor (Delco Remy) ... ... Cap-Distributor (Bosch) . .. ... Cap-Distributor (Bosch) ... .. . Rotor-Distributor (Delco Remy) ... Rotor-Distributor (Bosch) ... ... Rotor-Distributor (Bosch) ... ... Contact Set (Delco Remy) . .. ... Contact Sec (Bosch) . .. ... ... Condenser-Dist. (Delco Remy) ... ... Condenser-Dist. (Bosch)... . .. ... Condenser-Dist. (Bosch) . .. ... Switch-Dimmer ... ... . .. .. . Switch-Dimmer .. . ... ... ... Switch-Dimmer .. . ... ... ... Block Assembly-Terminal ... ... Lens-Head Lamp (Guide) ... ... Lens-Head Lamp (Bosch) ... .. . Lens and Reflector-Head Lamp (Lucas) Lens and Reflector-Head Lamp (Bosch) Lens and Reflector-Head Lamp (Lucas) Lens and Reflector-Head Lamp (Bosch) Sealed Beam Unit (Lucas) ... ... . .. Sealed Beam Unit (Guide Bosch) ... .. . Flasher Assembly-Turn Signal ... Bulb-6 volt 50-32 CP . .. ... ... Bulb-6 volt 45-35 Watt ... ... .. . Bulb-12 volt 42/36 Watt (Lucas) ... Bulb-12 volt 45/40 Watt (Bosch) ... Bulb-12 volt 32/4 CP ... ... ... Cap-Petrol Tank ... . .. ... ... Cap-Petrol Tank ... ... ... ... Hose-Fuel Flexible ... ... ... Hose-Fuel Front ... ... ... Hose-Fuel. Rear . .. ... ... ... Muffler Assembly . .. ... ... ... Muffler Assembly ... ... ... ... Muffler Assembly ... ... ... .. . x I I I I I I I 2 2 2 I I 2 2 I I I I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x(M) x(M) x(M) x x(M) x(M) x(M) x(M) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x(A) x(M) x x 0 0 5 15 £1 5 5 4 14 II II £2 18 9 £2 £2 7 7 x x 6 2 II 12 x I 6 � x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I I 2 I I x I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I x I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x )( x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x )( x x(M) x(A) )( x x )( )( )( )( )( x )( x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x )( )( x x )( x x x x x )( x x I I x x I x x x x(A) ,_ £2 £3 £3 £2 £2 I 10 10 13 10 19 I 2 5 5 16 18 18 4 4 x x x x x x 9 x x x I 2 2 2 I I I I I I I 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 I x £1 £2 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 4 II 12 8 8 8 14 14 15 3 15 15 8 16 2 13 12 12 0 4 7 6 8 3 7 6 13 2 2 £2 15 £2 5 £2 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 I 9 6 0 0 0 0 6 9 6 0 6 2 6 0 6 0 6 6 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 8 8 0 6 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 6 9 0 0 0 7 2 10 6 10 3 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 F INCLUDIN G Part No. 7425511 7425197 7425198 5593404 5591844 7950399 7950632 7405341 7405951 7406815 7425452 7421522 7421524 7405082 7406161 7405084 7419525 ' fl PA I 7405081 7406439 7419526 7410776 7412729 7419386 7405333 7406434 74 19522 954185 954555 7406719 7400297 7409877 7412963 74 19736 7406S83 74 15353 7405065 7405066 7406001 7425515 7084449 7405 149 7406440 7400847 7400848 7425265 7425261 74 10821 7400839 7408849 7413406 7408852 74 13409 74003 12 7413404 7406634 M32582 1162 176 7414525 7417479 'E J, THE NEW De s cri ptio n Suggested Stock Muffler Assembly ... ... ... Repair Kit-Carburettor ... ... ... Repair Kit-Carburettor ... ... ... Gasket-Fuel Pump Bowl-Rubber ... Repair Kit-Fuel and Vacuum Pump ... Repair Kit-Fuel and Vacuum Pump ... Repair Kit-Fuel Pump ... .. ... Cable Kit-Speedometer ... ... .. Cable Kit-Speedometer ... ... . . Cable Kit-Speedometer ... .. ... Cable Kit-Speedometer ... ... . . Cable Kit-Speedometer ... ... ... Cable Kit ... ... . . . ... Repair Kot-Brake Main Cylinder ... Repair Kot-Brake Main Cylinder ... Repair Kit-Brake Wheel CylinderFront ... ... ... ... . . Repair Kit-Brake Wheel CylinderFront . . ... ... ... ... Repair Kie-Brake Wheel Cylinder-Rear Repair Kit-Brake Wheel Cylinder-Rear Repair Kit-Brake Wheel Cylinder-Rear Hose-Brake Front and Rear .. .. Hose-Brake Front and Rear ... . . Hose-Brake Front and Rear ... .. Lining Set-Brake (2 wheel) ... .. Lining Set-Brake (2 wheel) ... ... Lining Set-Brake (2 wheel) ... .. Bearing-Axle Shaft ... .. ... Bearing-Axle Shaft ... ... ... Bearing Package-Rear Axle ... .. Seal-Rear Axle Oil .. ... ... Seal-Rear Axle Oil ... .. . . Seal-Rear Axle 011 ... ... ... Seal-Rear Axle Oil ... . .. ... ""O"" Ring-Rear Axle Oil ... ... ··o· · Ring-Rear Axle Oil .. . . Repair Kit-Univ. Joint-Front ... ... Repair Kit-Univ. Joint-Rear ... ... Repair Kit-Univ. Joint-Rear .. .. Repair Kie-Univ. Joint-Rear ... ... Journal Assembly-U Joint with Bearings Repair Kit- King Pin (Standard) ... . . Repair Kit-King Pin ... ... .. Socket Assembly-Stg. Tie Rod Ball LH. Socket Assembly-Stg. Toe Rod Ball RH. Repair Kit-Stg. Connecting Rod ... Repair Kit -Stg.Connecting Rod .. Cover-Stg. Connecting Rod Ball . . Sprong-Stg. Connecting Rod Ball .. Bearing-Front Wheel-Inner ... ... Bearing-Front Wheel-Inner ... . Bearing-Front Wheel-Outer ... . . Bearing-Front Wheel-Outer ... ... Seal-Front Wheel Bearing ... ... Seal-Front Wheel Bearing ... ... Repair Kit-Front Stabilizer Shaft ... Blade Assembly-Windshield Wiper Blade Assembly-Windshield Wiper ... Blade Assembly-Windshield Wiper ... Blade Assembly-Windshield Wiper ... . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . ... I I I 4 ! Model Application I-- -----I--- -- -4� Series x I I x x I x I I 'FJ' 'FE' 'FC' 'FB' 'EK' x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x £2 15 0 £2 17 0 £ 1 12 0 9 9 x(M) x(A) x(M) x(A) x 2 x x 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I x x x x x x x x x x x x 9 6 0 6 0 2 6 4 0 x 9 x 4 4 x 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I I I I x x x x x x x x x x x x I I 2 I I I I I I I 2 I I I I 2 2 I I I I x x £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £2 £2 £2 £3 5 5 7 15 18 I 9 16 10 8 7 6 I I x 7 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I I I 2 2 2 2 £4 6 £5 2 £5 4 £5 4 £3 15 £ 1 15 £ 1 15 £1 4 £1 4 £2 0 £ 1 17 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x £ 1 16 £1 8 £ 1 18 £1 3 4 4 17 x x x x x 15 15 x x x x x x 9 9 10 12 10 12 14 x x 9 9 9 0 x x x I 5 5 0 £2 £1 £1 x(M) x x I I I I I 'E J' list Price (Each) I l 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 3 6 9 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 6 9 9 6 3 6 6 0 6 6 6 6 (M) Synchro Transmission (A) Hydramatic Transmission -- ORDER YOUR STOCKS OF GENUINE HOLDEN PARTS FROM YOUR NASCO DISTRIBUTOR OR GMH DEALERS 13 - 11111i1111t'll /10111 f/Ullt' R I NOW II LUBRICATION OF REAR WHEEL AVAILABLE BEARINGS - HOLDEN hi.., i:, I unce L . ad \ i c that dckti n f the :.pccifi'd .2 nuid e.n. :<he bet\\ecn ca h rear "heel bcarine. and I it:. adjacent a le �haft �cal a'> ad' i"ed in \I ·007'' BRAKE OVERSIZE CUPS FOR HOLDEN A range of ·007" oversize brake w h eel cylinder cups for Holden models is now readily available from NASCO Distri butors. The demand for t h ese parts i s growing every day . I t will pay you t o keep stocks handy. Order supplies from your usual NASCO Distributor rig h t away. Part Num bers are shown below. T h e same prices a p ply to both standard a n d oversize parts. St.andttrd .007 7403036 7404726 7404728 Oversi-z.e M33464 M33465 M33466 list Pr'ic 2/2/2/- I (Add sales tax where applicable) lumc 19 r Janual"). ccclerat r 3 be ame cffecti \ e during thc 111 nth In the ca c \\hcrc a\le haft and bearing a�.emblic-. arc rem cd during !>crvi c. it i'> rec mm nded that all grca. c be cleaned from the axle h u ing bct\\CCn th1.: bearing and the '>cal area. pri r c mp ncnt I the '>PC ificd l a. 1.:111bl) of the he bearing mu ... 1 be packed "ith . Note: grca c. HOLDEN DUAL HORN INSTALLATION hen fitting dual h rn.., in . eni c. it i� go d pra ti c t rcpla c the 1- amp. ru-.c in th1.: cigar lighter ir uit \\ ith a 20 amp. ru�c. a ... . h uld th1.: cigar lighter and h rn� be pcn11cd together. it i.., p s!>ible fU!>C t bl � r the I amp. \\. ELECTROLYTE LEVEL - ' NEW FROM NASCO! Maicimum Strength e . . • NASCO WHEEL CHOCKS Easy to Use ... Completely Safe Both you and your customers will appreciate the extra safety NASCO Wheel Chocks provide. The all-steel construction gives maximum strength. and the design incorporates two vertical struts which serve as handles for easy fitment and removal. They"re a must for every workshop . . . a good seller. too! Order stocks of NASCO Wheel Chocks from your D1smbNASCO utor today. Pa re No. 7389338 List Price £0 14 0 each plus cox GMH BATTERIES r the cle tr It i:. C!> ential that the lc \el I) l c i'> �q>t battcric:.. Thi.., lc \ cl ..,h uld be ch1.:c�cd at lca'>t week . C\Cr) I \\ In ca:.c- f IH n c unit. the di:,tancc bet \\Cen the -.plit ring and t p f cparat ,.., i ab ut the batter H r thc ,plit ring \\ h1.:n Cf\ i ing up t the b II m I� inch. and t retain at it� correct �pc ific gra it) th1.: !>pccificd level mu. I be maintained. "hich mean' that the actua. -· le cl f the clc trol) IC i-. I! hen the 'i-.iblc lc \cl of clcctr inch ab \C the plate:.. I tc i.., all \\Cd t dr p the I p f the \Cparat r'>. \\ hich appar ntl) i' bein!! pra there i!> an aut matic incrca:.c in the '>pc iii gra it far higher than the ...arc margin. Batter) lif"c would then be . criou. I hortcned. STEERING KNUCKLE AND HUB OUTER BEARING fr Ill BEDFORD 'JI', 'J2' AND 'J3' hub been intr duccd n the inner race 14 11 tructi n ha f '>IUrdi1.:r ' del 'JI'. J2'and 'J:'and, be au'>1: UtCr bearing 1 f the ne \\ bearing i\ \\idcr than that f mpan ing the i.upcr cdcd bearing. there ha. been an ac m difi ati n t the \leering knuckle. the �pindlc for the ,,,... bearing ha ing been made . 1 0 in. I ngcr. . 63 73 knu 1.. lc Part 1 'EJ ' PA RTS ha ·i \\Crc introduced a . The new bearing cann t be u cd with the 1 161 • HO L DEN tccring . 6367 39 and he n1.:w b aring Part carlicr !>tccring knu kle. The dimension· of the llC\\ bearing arc 7 C ATA LO G U E 2 lii in. . 1:, and a n tc of thii. h uld be added t page 4 - of T raining anual T A com plet e, easy-to-follow l i sting of mec h a n i cal parts 3 6 4_ . . for all ' Ef models. Part n u mbers and descrip t i o n s clearly s h ow n . CRANKSHA FT REAR MAIN BEARING Part No. M33500 Trade Pr ice J OURNAL DIAMETER 1 4/- plus tax 1 62 c u . i n . GASOLINE ENGINE he rear main bearing journal f the 1 6_ u. in. engine rank·haft ha-. been r duccd in diameter b) . 007 in. \\ ith the bj Cl f pre cnting bearing i.1.:i?urc. The other j urnab arc n t affected. · n tc !>h uld be added t anual T .497. f Training • • • ADD THESE CATALOGUES · pccificati n B E WI SE n page 49 tating that the diameter TO YOUR WORKSHOP LIBRAR Y II \\ : Over the past few months, this wise old owl has given you some pretty good advice . . . build up o 2.499 1 t _ .4996 in. ( upp1.:r limit). workshop library to save time when ordering Holden 2.49 6 t 2 .499 1 in. (I \\Cr limit ). Parts and to give your clients the best and quickest r . -I j urnal nl i a � n the amc The j urnal clearance in bearing gi en page f the Training M anual a� . applic!> t the fr t .0 I 1n. nO\\ The nt tlm:c main bearing:. onl). lcaran c at the rear b1.:aring i-. .00 1 _ t . o __ in. repair service possible. Here are the latest two catalogues that should hove o place in every library. DROP ARM USAGE WITH 9.00-20 TYRES BEDFORD 'TK' tnr TK" the pti nal 90.0-_0 tyre n a arc u cd enc tru k. the tandard dr p arm b replaced b dr p arm. Part . 63-1- -43. \\ hi h carric-. the �H:-cring c n nccting r d further <ma fr m the t)re. � ul between the t)re and r d \\ uld them ii.c cn!.uc \\ h1.:n the whccli. arc in ma ·imum I ck p 111 n. \ .. hcn invc�tigating uch a foul. check the part number n the dr p arm. Part number \\hi h i f the -.,iandard drop arm�. \\ hi h mu-.1 n t b1: u cd when 9.00-20 l)rC arc in:tallcd. arc a-., foll \\ � : ·K ·K ·K - \lode/ ·. · K F L " . ' K '. · K ·, ' K r Drop rm Pan HO L D E N BO D Y PA RTS REPA I R CATA LO G U E For all Holden models from '48' to ' EK ' s e r i es. o. FuIIy i IIust rated. to follow. bers Part easy num a n d desc r i p t i o n s given. P a r t No. M334 1 2 Trade Price 1 2/6 plus tax - J u dged o n a p pearan ce, J o i n ts p i ct u red a p pearan ces can here be the two a p pear Holden equal decepti ve. in It's U n i versal q u a l i ty . But materials and specifi cat i o n s t h a t cou n t , and when G M H Engi neers tested t h e two parts t h e y were fo u n d to be as d i fferent as c h a l k from ch eese. The U n iversal J o i n t on top is a Genuine Holden GEN UI N E gen u i n e part Part. T h e o n e below i s a non man ufactu red overseas a n d mark eted in A u s t r a l i a for H o l d e n veh icles. Here's what the GHH Engi neers discovered in thei r tests : • · 0 / 0" Overall length of trunnion was undersize. As a result, the propeller shaft rotates o ff-centre causing wear and vibration. • Centrality of the trunnion to thrust (ace was ·006 " above the limit. This causes propeller shaft vibration. • Needle rollers varied in diameter. Excessive wear due ta uneveness is the result. • Bores of Journal bearings varied by · 004 ". This would cause excessive wear due to binding of rollers in one case, excessive clearance in the other. THEY LOO K THE S A M E BUT WHAT A DIFFERENCE • Location of circlip groove varied by ·0/ 0". Assemblies using these bearings would be either too tight or too loose. • When compressed, clrclips took permanent set. Dimensional variances occurred In thickness and outside diameter. Result : Circlip may be thrown o ff _, groove in operation and joint would be a .:.- ,.,..1cte .• failure. T h e G e n u i n e H o l d e n U n iversal J o i n t co u l d not be N O N -GE N U I N E fau l ted aga i n s t t h e exact i n g GM H spec i fi cations. It was absol u t e l y correct in a l l aspects. These facts prove w h i c h U n i versal J o i n t h ad been designed and b u i l t to p ro v i d e ma x i m u m effect i veness a n d d u rab i l i ty . So why take risks ? Always fit Genuine Holden Universal Joints and protect your reputation by ensuring complete customer satisfaction. THE G ENUINE PART WILL FIT and WILL LAST