January 10, 2016 - St. Christopher`s Parish
January 10, 2016 - St. Christopher`s Parish
Parish Information Sacraments and Parish Life Clergy Baptism Rev. Msgr. Steven R. Camp, Pastor Rev. Brandon O’Brien, Parochial Vicar Rev. Sylvester Ileka, Hospital Chaplain Deacon Charles Muscarnera Deacon Anthony Banno Deacon James P. Carroll Second, third, and fourth Sundays of each month at 2 p.m. and the second and third Saturdays at 1 p.m. The required Baptismal Preparation class is held on the first Sunday of each month at 9:30 a.m., with Mass in the Church and class to follow in the Buckley Room. Pre-registration is required two months before Baptism for the preparation class and the actual date of Baptism. Contact the rectory beforehand. Parish Administration R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Kyle Cuite, Facilities Manager Terri Riley, Administrative Assistant, School Diane Geschwind, Executive Assistant, Parish Liturgy and Spirituality Mr. James Montalbano, Director of Music and Liturgy Faith Formation of Children & Youth Mrs. Anne Lederer, Principal Sr. Joan Klimski, Director of Religious Education Mr. James LaRocca, Confirmation Coordinator Outreach to the Poor and Needy Mary Von Stein, Director Social Ministry & Outreach Parish Council Sharon Braun Leo McGinity Michael Cecere Rosemary Rattoballi Vincent Del Castillo Donald Rittenhouse William Deignan Rosemarie Scarola Craig Donlon Mary Jo Saint Surin Donna McDougal This is the process for adults wishing to become Catholic, complete their Sacramental initiation, or attain full membership in the Church. For further information, please contact Deacon Anthony Banno at the Rectory at 223-0723. Reconciliation (Confession, Penance) Saturdays from 4 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. in the Church. At other times, please feel free, and most welcome, to make an appointment with one of the priests. Matrimony Please make an appointment with one of our priests or deacons at least nine months before an anticipated wedding date to begin preparations for marriage and to obtain information regarding the required Pre-Cana conferences. Either the bride or groom or the immediate family must be resident parishioners. Communion for the Sick Anyone unable to attend Mass because of illness may receive Holy Communion at home on a regular basis. Deacons and Eucharistic Ministers assist the priests in this ministry. Please call the Rectory. Communal Anointing of the Sick On the third Saturday of the month at the 9 a.m. Mass. Parish Trustees Parish Membership William McShane Al Beer Every family in the parish should be registered. Census registration forms are available at the Rectory. Rectory Office Hours Monday to Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact Information Rectory Phone: Rectory Fax: Bulletin Email: Parish Web Site: School Web Site: School Phone: Religious Education Religious Ed Web Site: (516) 223-0723 (516) 867-5678 [email protected] www.stchris.com www.stchris-school.org (516) 223-4404 (516) 223-5813 stchrisreligion.weebly.com Bereavement Support We focus on the emotional turmoil of the bereaved with understanding and experience to provide support and reassurance to one another. Please call the Rectory at 223-0723 for an appointment. Deacon Charles Muscarnera serves as moderator. Ministry of Consolation The ministry assists families in the planning of funeral liturgies. Deacon Anthony Banno is the moderator. Nocturnal Adoration - Convent Chapel Exposition, First Friday of the month after 7 a.m. Mass Rosary For Life at 6 p.m. Prayers at 7 p.m., Benediction at 7:45 p.m. First Saturday of the month at 8 a.m. in the Church Please Pray Mass Intentions Please pray for all Parishioners born into eternal life. Keep them and their families in your prayers. Week of January 11th Monday 7 a.m. 9 a.m. Jan 11 - Weekday Jacqueline Drake Mary McGinity Tuesday 7 a.m. 9 a.m. Jan 12 - Weekday John Gredys Emil Tocci, Jr. Wednesday Jan. 13 - St. Hilary 7 a.m. Mary McGinity 9 a.m. America Hidalgo Thomas R. Dooney, Keith Davis, Louis Valentin, John Coyle, Frank Casal, Patrizia Renucci Month’s Mind Please pray for all who were born into eternal life from December 11, 2015 through December 17, 2015. Keep them and their families in your prayers. Bruno Mario Salubro Sanctuary Light Thursday 7 a.m. 9 a.m. Jan. 14 - Weekday Robert J. Hays Ralph Ragucci Friday 7 a.m. 9 a.m. Jan. 15 - Weekday Frances & Victor Calabrese John & Cecile Cotton Saturday 9 a.m. Jan. 16 - Weekday Louise Egidio Parish Schedule Kathleen Geisler & James F. Ryan Week of January 11th 5 p.m. Sunday Jan. 17 - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. Mass of Thanksgiving 9:30 a.m. Parishioners of St. Christopher’s 11 a.m. Joan Glasle 12:30 p.m. Robert Thybulle 5 p.m. James J. Callahan 7 p.m. Spanish Mass - Misa en Español Those who arranged for a scheduled Mass are invited to present the gifts of bread and wine. Simply contact the usher before Mass. The Living Flame of the Sanctuary Light will burn in prayer for: Mary Mira Mon. Jan. 11 Buckley Rm - Moms & Tots - 10 a.m. McGH - Outreach - 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Tues. Jan. 12 Buckley Rm - GS Troop #2193 - 6:30 p.m. Wed. Jan. 13 Mahon Conference Room - SVDP - 1 p.m. McGH - Outreach - 3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Buckley Room - Youth Ministry - 7:30 p.m. School - Level 1 Confirmation Classes - 7 p.m. Thur. Jan. 14 Library - Daisy Girl Scouts - 4 p.m. Religious Education Office - RCIA - 7 p.m. McGH - “La Gloire Du Christ” Haitian Prayer Group - 7 p.m. Fri. Eucharistic Offering of Bread & Wine The Eucharistic offering of Bread and Wine is offered this week for: Robert V. Wade Jan. 15 McGH - Outreach - 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Cafeteria - GS Troop #2189 - 7 p.m. Sat. Jan. 16 Cafeteria - “Yahue es mi Fortaleza” Spanish Prayer Group - 7 p.m. Sun. Jan. 17 Church - Gr 3 at 9:30 a.m. Mass McGH - Troop #824 after 9:30 Mass MLH- Den 4 after 9:30 a.m. Mass McGH - AA - 8 p.m. Please Pray Samuel Fox Kristan Catanese Bernadette Riepe Louis Ramos Rose Vrabel Tara Kistner Raimondo Patrick Cashin Thomas Ryley Rosita Padron Frank Kitzerow Edward Mitchell Lily Kaitlyn Maisano Benjamin Cupelli Philip Manning Joseph Buonocore Nancy Donohue Frances Anzalone Jaclyn Ciccone Baby Maria Andersen Phyllis Senner Magdalen Knehr Patricia Carson Kathleen McCormick Nancy Pulaski Erin Knox Megan Townsend Edna Medford Lana T. Durkin Kathy Conrad Robert Schell Anthony Marvelli Barbara Rittenhouse Pray for our Troops Max Berlin Alexa Peters (3 yrs old) Phyllis Tribuzio Gracie Sweet Dottie Boe Emma Fox Deborah Woods Autum Blois Fran Ciccimarro Erin DeMott Michael Laiosa, Jr Ellie Betancourt Sal DeViva William Healy Eileen D’Arco Baby Anna Grace Kevin Confrey Anna Kunz Vincent E. McLaughlin Michael Rubenstein Enriqueta Taboy Meg Dempsey Andra Lesko Robert F. Hannan The Rose Family Annika Allen Christian Keller Lisa Maloney Henry Daley Rosemary Mensching Diane LaSpina If you (or a family member) are listed on the “Please Pray” list and have been returned to good health, please call the Rectory at 223-0723. Names will be removed the last week of each month unless the Rectory is notified. Thank you. Fellowship: A Way of Life “What shall I return to the Lord ...for all that He has given to me?” 1st Collection Green Envelope Holy Day Total for the Week of January 4, 2016 Number of Envelopes Used $20,233.00 $2,985.00 $4,874.00 $28,092.00 1089 Christmas Collection thus far Number of Envelopes Used $80,718.00 886 Pew & Church Restoration - January 5, 2016 # of families Donating 242 Total Donated $297,635.50 Thank You! Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen Brian Kevin Carroll Ryan Reilly Michael Catalano Lt. Frank Walter Cona Gregory McGlynn Thomas R. Pettit Brian FitzSimons Lt. Blaise Cummo James Harris Christopher F. Mercurio Lt. James D. Grant Michael Cummo Eric McDermott Sgt. Jeffrey Houck Shawn Bowe Sgt. Debbi Bailey Craig Meekins Padraic McDermott Steve Mendez Christopher Pizzol Charles Guarneiri Capt. Terence M. Bellew Ryan Locke Robert Gallagher Christopher Whitlock Sgt. Bryan M. Davies Pvt. Luke Thorsen Michael Connell Christopher Campo Pvt. Kevan John McCabe Conner Jamison 2nd Lt. Van Cress Clippard Lt. JG Anthony J. Posillico Kolina Bowers PFC Andrew Gubelli SSgt. Carlos Casanova Capt. Claudio Casanova Matthew Houk Toni Mantia Lt. JG Michael Selover Cpl. Joseph Giamonte Navy Chief Bryan Berretta Wyatt C. Neville, USMC Baptism Second & Third Saturday of the month at 1 p.m. Second, Third & Fourth Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. By appointment only. The next Baptismal Preparation is Sunday, February 1st - 9:30 a.m. Mass. Wedding Banns Second Time Nicholas Gubelli & Allison Ambort St. Christopher’s St. Agnes Cathedral Rockville Centre, NY From The Pastor’s Desk Dear Parishioners, Last week we celebrated the Epiphany which means manifestation. This Feast helps us understand who Jesus is. The gifts shows us that He is King (Gold), He is God (Frankincense), He will suffer and die for us (Myrrh). Today's Feast of the Baptism of the Lord is a Theophany, a revelation of the divine sonship of Jesus by his anointing and commissioning to His messianic office. His Baptism elevates us to the status of son and daughters of God. This Sunday, we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. At our own baptism, we take on a new life in Christ Jesus. Although most of us were baptized as a baby, our parents and godparents made a commitment to Jesus for us. Every Sunday, we renew this commitment to Jesus when we recite the creed at Mass. Like Jesus’ baptism, we are given to God as His own sons and daughters. Even if we fail in our commitment with Jesus, He will never tire of forgiving and loving us. “And a voice came from heaven, ’You are my beloved son; with you I am well pleased.’” Tomorrow, we begin the period of Ordinary Time in our liturgical year. Ordinary Time begins on Monday, January 11, and continues through Tuesday, February 9, before giving way to Ash Wednesday and lent. It then resumes the day after Pentecost, when the Easter season ends. This year, that day will be Monday, May 16. Despite the name, Ordinary Time is not actually “ordinary” at all. It is meant to emphasize the critical nature of the Sunday celebration, while the periods of Lent and Advent mark the importance of specific parish mysteries. In Ordinary Time, we realize the significance of Sunday, the identifying mark of our Christian community, as we come together to remember that on the first day of the week the Lord was raised up and creation came to completion. Sunday is meant to be a day of worship and a sacrament of redeemed time. It is simultaneously a point of arrival and departure for us, as we close out one week with the celebration of the Eucharist and begin another anew. As previously stated, there is nothing “ordinary” about this time – it is the very fiber of our Catholic living. Thank you to all of those who made donations to the St. Vincent de Paul Society this Christmas. Just as Mary and Joseph were poor and were given help, we too must also help those in our community who are in need. As a reminder, our school will be holding an Open House on Sunday, January 31, from 10:30am to 2:00pm. New families are encouraged to attend and discover the best that St. Christopher’s School has to offer. Current students and teachers will be there to provide a look at our school community and answer any questions you may have about St. Christopher’s. Please also note that we will be accepting registrations at the Open House. God Bless, Msgr. Steve Good Stewardship St. Christopher’s School News “Bearing Christ to One Another” “John answered then all, “I baptize you with water, but He who is mightier than I is coming...He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” (Luke 3;16) The Catholic Catechism state that “Jesus’ immersion in the water is a sign for all human beings of the need to die to themselves to do God’s will.” In other words, as baptized Catholics there is only one gift that we need to give Jesus - the gift of ourselves. Once we surrender ourselves to God, we will know in our hearts what God calls us to do. Weekly Prayer The heavens are opened and the Spirit of God comes to rest upon Jesus, Spirit of God, rest upon us. For all who have been baptized by water and the fire of the Holy Spirit, St. Christopher’s School Lights the Way To Caring and Compassion Congratulations to Nehemiah Segure, an 8th grade student. Nehemiah has been chosen as one of one hundred youths to participate in the Schromburg Junior Scholars Program. Schromburg Junior Scholars Program is a pre–college black studies program. As a Schromburg Junior Scholar he attends Saturday college style lectures and presentations, engages in dialogues with adult scholars and participates in guided peer discussions, activities and educational tours of NYC historical and cultural sites relevant to the African experience. He is also required to create an individual research project. May we by the presence of God to one another. Amen Sunday Mass Celebrants Weekend of January 16/17 Sat. 5 p.m. Fr. Sylvester * Sun. 7:30 a.m. Fr. Sylvester * Sun. 9:30 a.m. Fr. O’Brien Sun. 11 a.m. Fr. O’Brien * Sun. 12:30 p.m. Fr. O’Brien * Sun. 5 p.m. Fr. Sylvester * This schedule is subject to change without notice. * Deacons Preach Our Pre-k Half Day students are very busy learning their letters, numbers and colors. Here they are celebrating Red Day. Open House January 31, 2016 10:30-2:00pm Religious Education Food Pantry Needs Classes resumed on January 5th The following items are needed for St. Christopher’s Food Pantry: juice, Jell-O, pudding, hot chocolate, tea bags, toothpaste, grape jelly, cookies, one or two-pound bags of white rice, shampoo, dishwashing liquid, soap bars, laundry detergent, toilet paper, tissues, paper towels, quart and gallon-sized slider bags. There will be a Prayer Service for Grade 1 students and parents on Wednesday, January 27th at 7 p.m. in the Church. Thank you to our parishioners for your support! “If you can’t feed 100 people, then feed just one.” Mother Teresa March For Life Why We March On Friday, January 22th, 2016 believers from all faiths and backgrounds will join together in Washington D.C. on the Center Mall and march to the Supreme Court building. Why? Because the most innocent and most defenseless are not insured the gift of life in the United States of America today. The bus for St. Christopher’s will leave St. Agnes parish on Friday January 22 after a 5:30 am Mass held in the cathedral. Parking is available in the parking lot. We will return approximately 11 pm that evening. Start 2016 off with a trip to our nation’s capital. It is not too late to join us. For more information call Marilyn Sandroni 516-379-0123. St. Christopher’s Youth Ministry St. Christopher’s Youth Ministry is back in action with a whole lineup of monthly themes and activities! We will be exploring different channels to our faith and how to bear Christ’s light to our neighbors. If you’ve been with us before, welcome back! If you’ve never attended, join us! Who: 9th - 12th Graders When: Wednesdays - 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Where: Buckley Room If you are interested, or have any questions, please email us at [email protected]. School Open House WE LOVE OUR SCHOOL!!! Come visit and see why… St. Christopher Open House 15 Pershing Blvd. Baldwin, NY 11510 Sunday, January 31, 2016 10:30 a.m. – 2:00 pm For more information contact us at 516-223-4404 or stchris-school.org Year of Mercy Right to Life Prayer of Pope Francis for the Jubilee Later this month, hundreds of thousands of Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Show us your face and we will be saved. Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved by money; the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things; made Peter weep after his betrayal, and assured Paradise to the repentant thief. Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to the Samaritan woman: “If you knew the gift of God!” You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and glorified. You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in weakness in order that they may feel compassion for those in ignorance and error: let everyone who approaches them feel sought after, loved, and forgiven by God. Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with His anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. We ask this of you, Lord Jesus, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy; you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. Americans will travel to our nation’s Capitol to stand up for those without a voice and to stand up for the dignity of all human life. The media will not cover this on the 5:00pm news. The March for Life may even go unnoticed to the media entirely. As Catholics, it is our duty to stand up for the defenseless and for the dignity of all human life from conception until natural death. 43 years ago in 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court, through the Roe V. Wade decision, legalized abortion throughout the United states. Since that date, more then 50,000,000 babies have been stripped of the gift of life through abortion. The Right to Life movement is not around to discriminate against those who support abortion and those who have had an abortion. But, this movement is a voice for those who cannot speak up. We are to treat all who have had an abortion with love and forgiveness, just as the Father does. The March for Life is a very important event for life. Please consider joining fellow parishioners, Catholics, and Americans in Washington DC. Together, we can stand up for life. Let us continue to pray for an end to abortion in the United States and throughout the world. March for Life Friday, January 22, 2016 “Pro-Life and Pro-Woman go Hand-in-Hand” Children’s Choir Our Music Ministry is starting a Children’s Choir and we want you to join! St. Christopher’s 600 Club600 Club The 600 Club is an additional source of income for our Parish. Here is how it works. You donate $60.00 annually, get a Lucky Number and you are eligible for monthly prize drawings. We give monthly prizes of : 1 - $ 600.00 2 - $ 100.00 4 - $ 50.00 With Special Extra Drawings in December. Why aren’t you in The 600 Club? Students from grades 3 through 7 are all welcome to show their musical talents at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. Many people have several numbers. This is a taxdeductible donation, and you have many chances of winning these prizes. This is a new way for our children and parishioners to pray and worship together as a community. Every family should have at least one number. If you are a Member of this Parish, you should be a part of The 600 Club. This new ministry will be participating in all Sunday 9:30 a.m. Masses running from October through May. We have open numbers and with all the people in this Parish, we should have a waiting list to join. Everyone who is not in The 600 Club, join today, and let’s set records for membership! Right now, we are looking for any children who may be interested and want to know more information about us. —————————————————————————————Please fill out below and return to the rectory for further information. Name: ____________________________ Grade: ____________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Email: ____________________________ Parent’s Signature: ___________________ I attend – School _____ Religious Ed ____ This is also a great gift for birthdays or any occasion. We will send a gift letter. Remember - you have to be in it to win it! Don’t wait - join the 600 Club now. Make a check for $60.00, payable to St. Christopher’s 600 Club, and we will call you to pick out your lucky number. NAME__________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________ TEL. # ________________________ Please send to coordinator: Don Rittenhouse 257 Spring Drive East Meadow, New York 11554 Phone # 223-1213 THANKS FOR JOINING AND GOOD LUCK! Your name could be listed as a WINNER! Cub Scout Fun and Faith Day Marriage Help Saturday, January 16, 2016 Saint Paul The Apostle Church Brookville, New York 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. A special day of prayer, handicrafts, games, a craft and a patch. You Can Help Heal Your Marriage Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. This program has helped thousands of couples worldwide experiencing ALL TYPES of marital difficulties. For confidential information about the Retrouvaille program, or to register for the upcoming weekend that begins on Friday, January 22nd, 2016 at the Immaculate Conception Seminary in Huntington. Please call 1-800-470-2230 and you will be connected directly and confidentially to a couple from Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille who can help. For information, contact the Catholic Scouting Office at 678-5800, ext. 245, or email [email protected]. Preparing For Marriage? Worldwide Marriage Encounter Married Couples! Are you looking for the perfect gift for each other? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend just might be what you are looking for. Renew, Restore, Refresh and Rekindle your Sacramental Relationship. The next weekend on Long Island is scheduled For February 12 - 14, 2016 at the Montfort Spiritual Center in Bay Shore, N.Y. Space is limited For more information about the weekends call 1-877-697-9963 or visit our web site at http://www.wwme.org. Engaged Encounter is an effective Pre-Cana program designed to provide you with the tools for a successful marriage. Couples are given the opportunity to explore many aspects of their relationship through a series of presentations, writings and dialogue. There are no group discussions. Our next weekend will be held at the Montfort Spirituality Center in Bay Shore from January 29 - 31, 2016. For information or to register, please call 631-563-1032, or visit www.engagedencounterli.org. Pro - Life Event Help restore the right to life for pre-born humans. Please join the Long Island Coalition for Life for the Roe v. Wade Anniversary Memorial Face the Truth event on Sunday, January 24, 2016, from 1:30p.m. to 3 p.m. This peaceful public witness will be held on the sidewalk in front of Nassau University Medical Center (2201 Hempstead Tpke., E. Meadow), a hospital that commits abortions. Abortion killed more than 6,000 babies of mothers from Nassau & Suffolk in 2013. Thousands more are hurting because of those abortions. Be a positive sign for LIFE! Signs will be provided. Sponsored by: LICL (631) 243-1435, [email protected]. Malkin Appliances 1999 Grand Ave Baldwin (516)223-6300 Voted Best Appliance Store on Long Island! Fundraising: Purchase your Appliances and Electronics from Malkin Appliances and 5% of the Sale Proceeds will be Donated to St. Christopher’s Church You will get an Additional one-year Extended Warranty free. Like us on Facebook. * Free Warranty offer provides protection two years from the date of purchase. Some exclusion applies based on manufacturer’s restrictions. New York Encounter Come and visit New York Encounter, a cultural festival witnessing to faith in the public square. Organized by Communion and Liberation and Crossroads Cultural Center, the Encounter will take place January 15-17, 2016 at the Metropolitan Pavilion on 215 West 18th Street (between 6th & 7th Ave). Almost all events are open to the public and FREE of charge. For the full program: www.newyorkencounter.org or call (212) 253-5777 Pregnant? Need Help? Call 1-800-395-4357 24 hours a day - 7 days a week St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Bins With the winter season upon us, please consider donating your unwanted clothing into the SVDP bins located in the Merrick Road parking lot. The bins have been moved back to their original place. Thank You. Christmas Flower Donations The following is a list of members of our parish who have donated to our Christmas Flowers. Ms. Alice Hoenig Miss Dorothy Haughey Mr. & Mrs. Alan Stegmuller Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Fiorello Mr. & Mrs. Elmo Sollitto Mr. & Mrs. Luis Romero Mr. Robert O’Donnell Mr. Frank Vecchio Mrs. Diane Renna & Children Ms. Candida Imparato Mr. & Mrs. Mike Sherman Katherine Cruz Johnny Gonzalez Mrs. M Vitale Mr. & Mrs. Frank Franzini Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hassett Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wiegers Mrs. Frances Chelales Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Connor Mrs. Madeline Jenney Mrs. F Knehr Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gallagher Mrs. Vivian Digasso Mr. & Mrs. John Malkiewicz Mr. & Mrs. Everet Williams Mr. & Mrs. Louis Connan Mrs. Elizabeth Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Dejesus Mr. Charles P. Kowalski Mr. & Mrs. Mario Costabile Mr. & Mrs. Almodovar Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mulvey Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schuh Mrs. Martin Bender Mrs. Rayleen Fiske Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Bighi Mr. Donald Rittenhouse Lillian Wickman Mrs. Francis Monteleone Mrs. Kathleen Etheridge Miss Emily M. Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. Russell Brower Mrs. Ann MaCavoy Mr. & Mrs. John Zullo Mrs. Catherine Petrarca Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bajada Mr. & Mrs. Alix Basile -Francois Mr. & Mrs. Louis Pabon Mr. & Mrs. William McShane Mr. & Mrs. John Smisek Ms. Marie Bono Mrs. E. Bittner Mr. & Mrs. D. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Armando Guarin Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Cesarski Ms. Julia Fuentes Mrs. Marlene Degnan Michael & Regina Rubenstein Ms. Philomena Ciccone Mr. & Mrs. Robert Braun Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Williams Mr. & Mrs. Peter Milne Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tamburino Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Lantimo Mrs. J. Colin Mrs. Jennie Yanantuono Mr. & Mrs. Michael Selover Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Catanese Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Franzo Ms. Linda Basedow Mr. John Aliano Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marchitto Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Neumann Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rodman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. White Mr. & Mrs. Pat Leo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Smith Mr. George Nielsen Mr. & Mrs. William Deignan Mrs. Barbara Deedy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Weber Mr. & Mrs. Jay Fraser Marie Licata Delfina Greco Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stuparich Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Nawrocki Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cerabone The Cirillo Family Mr. & Mrs. Nivrose Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Avelino Nanez Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pisanello Mr. & Mrs. Brian Reilly Mrs. Katherine Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Vodopivec Miss N. Davis Mr. & Mrs. John K. Kastner Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rizzi Kathy & Barry Scheiner Helen De Palma Mrs. Robert Adams Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Valenti Mr. & Mrs. Francis Greenwood III Mr. & Mrs. John McShane Mr. James P. Reardon Deacon & Mrs. James Carroll Mrs. Lynda Stevenson Miss Mildred Notaro Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Finn Mr. & Mrs. William Brown Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Norton Mr. & Mrs. Michael Callaghan Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Wilmer Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Cotroneo Mr. & Mrs. William Callaghan Joan Gredys Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Smyth Mr. & Mrs. Aly Lescouflair Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bonadonna Mrs. Michael Misrendino Mrs. Mary Caridi Mr. & Mrs. Brendan McLarney Mrs. Emma Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lafleur Mr. & Mrs. Angus Love Christmas Flower Donations The following is a list of members of our parish who have donated to our Christmas Flowers. (continued) Mr. & Mrs. Fuentes Mr. & Mrs. Matthew McQuillan Mr. & Mrs. Peter Blasucci Mrs.Lynn Colucci Mrs. Matthew McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santino Mr. & Mrs. William Gillen Mrs. Jeanne Dugan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brady Mr. & Mrs. John Roberts The Scully- Centeno Family Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cuomo Ms. Ann Misner Mrs. Lillian Carman Ms. Anne Mott Mrs. Donal Keogh Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schaeffer Mrs. Richard Meihoefer Mr. & Mrs. Steven Minerva Mr. & Mrs. William Scarola Mrs. Kathleen Kopf Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Sieber Ms. Rosa M. Alvarez Mr. & Mrs. Anton Olsen Mrs. Ann Baldassarri Miss Clare Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sanson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Graziano Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weltner Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Mercogliano Mrs. Lois Krucher Mr. & Mrs. Marthynot Louis Mr. R Bonelli Mrs. Barbara Shelley Mr. & Mrs. Glen Mouradian Mr. & Mrs. David Carmiencke Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCarson Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson Mrs. Henrietta J. Cuomo Mrs. Ana Fairley Mr. & Mrs. K Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Oriani Mr. & Mrs. Donato Regina Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Amritt Mr. & Mrs. Karl Jean-Baptiste Ms. Mary Clark Mr. & Mrs. Vittorio Filocamo Mrs. Geraldine Brown Ms. Margaret Mitchell Mrs. Dorothy Perry Mr. & Mrs. Terance Mollahan Mrs. Frederick Barker Mrs. Elizabeth Deegan Mr. Donald Landolphi Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Del Castillo Ms. Barbara Fullerton Mr. & Mrs. James D Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cascino Ms. Alice Fincken Mrs. Jeanette Frank Mr. & Mrs. N Melley Mr. & Mrs. Irving Pereira Mr. & Mrs. Charles Franzo Miss Noreen McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rogers Ms. Ellen Frank Mr. & Mrs. Luca Tribuzio Mrs. Harry Rodman Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Saucci Sr. Mrs. John Sarro Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCaffrey Mr. & Mrs. Philip Manning Mr. & Mrs. James Hayhurst Mr. & Mrs. H Weissenberger Mr. & Mrs. Carl Galatioto Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Linhart Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Maddalena Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Pomerico Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Polacco Ms. Christine Rogers Mrs. Jane Gerbert Mr. & Mrs. David Punzi & A Guadagno Mrs. Antionette Ranieri Thank you for your generosity. This list is current as of Sunday, December 27th. If there are any errors or omissions, please accept our apology. Hoping all had a blessed Christmas and a healthy & happy New Year. Christmas Flower Donations Christmas Flowers Given in Memory of: Robert Mott Donal Keogh Anna & Vincent Tufariello Helen & John Schaeffer Richard Meihoefer Jack & Hazel McHarg The Souls in Purgetory Mr. & Mrs. Louis Battaglia Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scarola Frederick M. Kopf Philip & Patsy Greene Janel & Richard Sieber Alvarez– Fuentes Families Alfred & Paul Baldassarri Grace & Frank Murphy Dan Fullerton Duffy & Fullerton Families Deceased members of Craver - DelCostillo Family Bongiaeno & Landolphi Families Elizabeth and Frank Deegan Barker and Diffle Families Lisa Ann Koletty Robert Perry Gerolyn Ferlise William Mitchell The Haircan & Mustor Families Giuseppe & Marianna Filocamo Rita Sullivan Catherine Binniker Members of St. Christopher’s Mary LoGiudice Josephine Regina Louise & Ernest Oriani Ellen Maher Deborah Schneider Marilyn Schmidt Frank Cuomo Rosemarie Blacknik Ken Anderson Leonard Johnson Frank Papalia Daniel Carmiencke Deceased members of Charlitta & Cessarano families Giulio & Teresina Rizza Mary & Jack Mouradian Parents and Family of the Bonelli’s Gerard Barthole William Krucher Theresa & James Mercogliano James & Domenica Bianco Amanda Carovano Louise C. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. F. D’Avanzo Mr. & Mrs. A. Graziano James Rodriguez Concetta & Gioacchino Imparato Julia & America Dolce Kathryn & David Haughey Eleuterio Cordero Michael Miserendino Caridi & Prchilo Families Albert C. Ferreira Josefina Monell Catherine Rogers Charles R. Frank Anthony Cascino George Pappas Raymond N. Fincken Charles R. Frank Shelia Molly Lindmen Irving Pereira Franzo Family The McKenna Family Tricia Werner Deceased members of Blasucci & Fuentes Families Marino Colucci Matthew McGuire Tuzzi, Vollaro & Santino Families Robert Dugan Mary McNaught Robert W. Dugan Edward Woerner Bur Family Eugene & Lori Scully Janet Cuomo Nancy Bethoma Misner & Anderson Families Ann & Stan Kuchinskas Frank, Monteleone & Imporato Families Rittenhouse Family Brian Fiske Mrs. Winnie Mulvey Katrina Almodovar Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kowalski Edward Raymond Panepinto & Zerga Families Alfonso, Janice & Anthony Lubrano Digasso – Guliono Families Giuseppe Schillaci Frank Gallagher Fred Knher The Melvin Family Dominick Silipigni The Departed Homelss Louis Deceased members of Degnan & Blaeser Families Audalina & Gonzalo Fuentes Thomas J. Cregg Celsa Morell Henery J. Bittner Jennie Zuffi Bono & Seckers Families Rose & Carmine Scoma Marie & William McShane Elsie & Lawrence Fratello Lisa Marie Sohr John Zullo James and Ann Galante Theresa Creighton Maria & Emil Schmitt Thomas Etheridge Mr. & Mrs. F Milne Robert Williams Martha Abdallah Christmas Flower Donations Christmas Flowers Given in Memory of: (continued) Jeanine Bazile Deceased members of Gredys, Loesch &Zwolinski Families Dan & Rita Rowland Jennifer Wilmer James Callaghan Gregory Callaghan Thomas & Teresa Quinn Tommy Norton, Jr. Deceased members of Fudico & Brown Families Frank & Henerick Strumpfler Apollonia, Thomas & Francis Notaro Frank Destefano Ruth & Samuel Stevenson Edward Geraghty Mary (Mollie) McShane Kathleen Hood Ann & Patrick Suglia Vera & Jake Greenwood Robert Adams William Fairbairn Anthony De Palma Puglise Family Sofia Family Helen Fries Kathleen Kastner McLane Dorothy Davis Donald Davis McEachun Family Cunningham Family Dominick Fantozzi Jack Linden Pisanello – Stile Family Labson Family Nañez Family Norma Cirillo Lavra Aveizano Elvira & Daniel Filippone Dan Filippone Jr. Assunta & Redino Greco Frank Licata Baby Patrick Jay Clark Michael Gross Barbara Pethiski Ralph & Marie Verni Josephine & Gerard Weber Kevin J. Deedy Victor & Frances Calabrese Friends & Family of the Smith’s Joseph Coffey Vincent & Marie Leo Patrick Gracey Grace Olive Niemczynski & Neumann Families Ernest & Idwella Langdon John Sr. & Marie Aliano Iris Cofsky Joy Aliano Franzo – Perreco Mrs. Sue Catanese Mrs. Joyce Killeen Riecker Family Selover Family John A. Colin Mr. & Mrs. H Williams Cucurullo & Tribuzio Families Hanny & Giulio Testore Saucci & Hudson Families Beloved sister in law Ceil Cittadino Dulcy Scoville McCaffrey The Kruman Family Thomas Carroll Terence Manning Gertrude Manning Hayhurst & Gandolfo Families Eileen Hughes & Cecelia Galatioto Linhart Family Nicholas & Carmela DiFusco Marcella, Ben, Teresa Maddalena Pomerico & Stebner Families Deceased members of Burger/ Rogers Families Mitchell Family Gebert Family Tyrone Family Janet Punzi Nunzia Guadagno S. Anthony Ranieri Thank you for your generosity. This list is current as of Sunday, December 27th. If there are any errors or omissions, please accept our apology. Hoping all had a blessed Christmas and a healthy & happy New Year. Reverse RaffleRaffle Early Bird Reverse THE REVERSE RAFFLE $15,000 GRAND PRIZE OVER $18,000 in total Prizes Saturday, March 5, 2016 The Reverse Raffle ticket entitles two adults (no children – 21 and Over) to a hot/cold buffet, beer, wine and soda from 7:00-8:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 5, 2016. How does a Reverse Raffle work? The dr awing of the tickets will star t pr omptly at 8:00 pm. The fir st ticket drawn wins $1,000. The tickets are then drawn one by one with door prizes and 10 cash prizes won along the way. The last 5 tickets in the drum will have an opportunity to split the $15,000 Grand Prize. You do not have to be present to win. What is a split? When the last five tickets ar e left in the dr um, the names on the tickets will be contacted to confirm their decision to split the 15,000 Grand Prize among the remaining 5 ticket holders. If all agree to split the raffle is over and the prize is shared equally. If one does not want to split, the tickets are put back in the drum and a ticket will be eliminated. This process continues until all agree to split or there is one ticket left in the drum. If you agree to split please check off all boxes at the bottom of the ticket. How to purchase a ticket? Complete the for m below and send with a check for $100.00 made payable to St. Christopher’s Home & School Association – Tel # 516-223-4868. Mail to: St. Christopher, Attn: Reverse Raffle, 15 Pershing Blvd. Baldwin, N.Y. 11510. Only 500 tickets will be sold. The Raffle is open to anyone inter ested in donating to St. Chr istopher School. Tell your family, fr iends, and co-workers about this great evening of fun. School parents remember an additional ticket will earn you a $40.00 credit towards your Commitment to Service. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reverse Raffle – March 5, 2016 Name: ___________________________________________ (Tel. #)_____________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________ Split ticket at: ☐ #496 ☐ # 497 ☐ # 498 ☐ # 499 No Split - pull to # 500 ☐ (Hot/Cold Buffet, Beer, Wine & Soda Included) (21 and Over Only) # people attending dinner __________ Commitment to Service Credit Child’s Name: ______________________________ Class: ______________________________ Church Memorial Donation Opportunities Thank you to all those that have already contributed to our Church and Pew Restoration Project. Below, you will find available memorial opportunities. Please prayerfully consider a donation. I wish to memorialize part of the Sacristy Restoration. ($1,000) I wish to memorialize part of the Vestibule (Narthex) Restoration. ($1,000) I wish to memorialize a Missal Rack. ($200) Location of Pew: Side: ___________________ Pew #: __________ (Mary or Joseph) Front or Rear section of the Church: ____________ I wish to memorialize a donation for the Floor and Wall Refinishing of the Church Proper (Nave) and the Stairway. (any amount) Payment Information I am paying in full with one payment enclosed with this form today in the amount of $___________. I will be paying in ____ monthly installments. I am enclosing my first installment with this form today in the amount of $_________. Please choose one: In Memory of ________________________________ Donated by __________________________________ In Honor of __________________________________ Name: ________________________________________________ Address: _________________________ City/Zip:______________________ Phone: ______________________ Email: _____________________________ Dated: ____________________________ St. Christopher’s Memorial Brick Garden This is a way to remember a loved one, or an important event: Birth, 1st Eucharist, Confirmation, Graduation, Wedding, or Anniversary. Complete the form below and return to the Rectory Office. Any questions? Call 223-0723. Name: _______________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________ Address: ___________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________ Complete and return to the Rectory. St. Christopher's Church Engraved Brick Form 6”X 9” Engraved Brick Each brick holds a four-line message. Each line will accommodate up to 16 characters which consist of a letter, number, punctuation mark, symbol (heart/cross) or empty space. One character per space; please print clearly. Cost is only $125.00