March 27, 2016
March 27, 2016
PASTORAL STAFF SACRAMENTS Emergency 478-3845 Reverend Monsignor Jace Eskind [email protected] Deacon Richard Donahoe [email protected] Jackie Goodwill, Executive Secretary [email protected] Pat Foy, Of ice Manager [email protected] Kellie Onxley, Bookkeeper [email protected] Joe Whitbeck, Dir. Communications/Facilities/IT [email protected] Leah Arnaud, Records/Receptionist [email protected] Denise Donahoe, Director of Religious Education [email protected] Sue Long, Religious Ed. Secretary [email protected] Stacey Dinnell, Religious Ed. Coordinator - Grades 1-4 [email protected] Lisa Perry, Religious Ed. Coordinator - Grades 5-8 [email protected] Becky Clements, Religious Ed. Coordinator - Grades 9-12 [email protected] Eric & Lindsay Henrich, Youth Directors [email protected] Amanda Ortego & Morgyn Grady, Asst. Youth Directors [email protected] Pam Fontenot, Music Ministry/Liturgy Carie Barnes, Choir Director Baptisms: Calltheof icetwomonthsinadvancetoschedulean appointment. Marriages: Callatleastsix(6)monthsinadvancefor pre-marriageinstruction. Reconciliation:EverySat.3:15pm-4:15pmorby appointmentduringtheweek. Anointing of the Sick:Availableanytime,pleasecallof iceto makearrangements. Holy Orders: Interestedinpriesthoodordeaconate,please contactMsgr.DanielTorres439-7400Ext.220 MASS SCHEDULE Sat. Anticipated Mass Sunday Tuesday & Thursday Wednesday & Friday Holy Days of Obligation 4:30pm 8:00am,10:30am 5:00pm 8:00am 8:00am&6:00pm MailingAddress: 5383ElliottRoad LakeCharles,Louisiana70605 (337)478-3845Fax:(337)477-2828 Of iceHours:Mon.-Fri.8:30a-12N,1:00-4:30pm Of ice is closed from 12N - 1pm for lunch SMdP Service and Ministry Meetings March 27 - April 1, 2016 In case of emergencies: (337)478-3845 (leave a message, someone will be paged) NO YOUTH MEETINGS - G/V North Sun., Mar. 27 - Easter Break MainChurch5495ElliottRd. Granger/VincentMulti-PurposeComplex5326ElliottRd. SMdP Parish Of ice will be Closed for Easter Break Monday, March 28 Iconography Retreat - Scared Illuminations Mon.—Thu., Mar. 28-31, GV South 9:30a Life in the Spirit Charismatic Praise Mon., Mar. 28, Main Church 6p Women’s Gospel Re lection Wed., Mar. 30, Church Meeting Rm. 6a Divine Mercy Chaplet Wed., Mar. 30, Main Church after 8a Mass SMdP Parish Leadership Parish Trustees W.J. Lechtenberg Veronica Miller Pastoral Council Sally Abate Todd Arnaud Lana Ellis Divine Mercy Chaplet Wed., Mar. 30, Main Church 2:45p Chad Higginbotham Neal Rider Amy Tyler Lilly Vincent Finance Council The Bridge 9th - 12th Grade Bible Study Wed., Mar. 30, G/V North 7p Emily Abshire David Bruchhaus Mike Eason Divine Mercy Chaplet Thu., Mar. 31, Main Church, after 5p Mass SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Men’s Gospel Re lection Fri., Apr. 1, Church Meeting Rm., 6a AA/NA Recovery Meeting Fri., Apr. 1, G/V Kitchen, 6p Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: David Goodly Tina Higgins Johnette Szydlo Shively Verrette MondaywithintheOctaveofEaster TuesdaywithintheOctaveofEaster WednesdaywithintheOctaveofEaster ThursdaywithintheOctaveofEaster FridaywithintheOctaveofEaster; FirstFriday SaturdaywithintheOctaveofEaster;FirstSaturday P T F S,“Lagniappe”sectiontoaddor remove someone from the sick list. Names will be removedafter90daysunlessrenewedorotherwisenoted. DelainaBaynard DaleBertrand HelenBondick MyraBordelon ChaseBoudreaux HaroldBourgeois DalrieBourque LillieBreaux WilmaBreaux IrvinBroussard SusanBroussard ToddBroussard DanBurrhus CarolCamara AudreyChampagne GayleConner MelinaConner LisaCourville TheresaCox HillaryDaigle BarbaraDemarie KaylaDerouche JackDore BlaineDoucet AmyDugas CarolynEason LelandEast JimEverage BrianEzell JacobFarnques GeorgeFarque ShandaFelton BillFerguson LucyFontenot LilianeGarandel KaraGarrett LouisGranger TommyGreenlee ElnoraGranger RobertGilbert WillGuidry MargieHeard CarolHedrick KeithHernandez KristianHigginbotham MarkHuber AdamJones BonnieJones RickJones LauraKaough RonnieKramer JasonLaFosse MelissaLandry FrancisLangley DannyLaughlin LeeLeBlanc DavidLeBleu TammyLeBleu RosalieLeDoux LeolaLeger EmmaLeger HermanLeger SueLowery GloriaMartin MeghanMattison OwenMattison JulieMere SteveMercer DavidMiller KeithMiller LatenMiller AaronMoore TerriMorris KishaMyers CarolynNeal DonNelson NoahNelson SheliaNelson VintonNelson DennisNivels FrancisOrtego KeithOrtego LarryParker SueParker DianePearce DotPellerin TraevaPerry BettyPerron BriePhillips RobertGilbert LeroyPeoples ColtonPeveto DorthyPitre JeanettePickett MelbaPortinause AltonPuckett DennisPrimeaux JonathonPuleo SheilaRather MegReed JimRider DeniseRobinson MariaRobinson CharlesRomero ScottRomero NannetteRougeau RoseSt.Amant MitziSt.Romain MiltonRyan JohnThomasSavoie TommyeShaver DannySheridan DonnaShidla PattiSheridan BaileyShuff ConnieShuff DoriesSimon DerekSolomon TalonSonnier JosephSowells PamelaSprehe TeresaSetele LavonaTaylor AvisTheroit HunterTheriot CharloiThibodeaux WayneThibodeaux JacquelineTrouard SheliaThibodeaux KatlynnThacker GuyTrahan MichaelTimpa L.NorrisTrahan JeanVerrett YashmyraVictorian VivianWilt HunterWalker MaynardWoodhatch AlanWorley ScottWorley - We keep in prayer our loved ones who P P are deployed to serve in military forces, as well as their families. AmieArnold BradenBawcom BryceBawcom JohnComeaux RayCunodIII JustinDaigle TodDebarge SethEaves MichaelEudy LillieMaeEudy MichaelFuselier ThomasGary BradGrant GaryHogan JeremyLeBlanc JadenMeaux KalebMere CraigOgea RobertSchexnayder PhilSmith CandaceTerry MitchellTerry TraeValentine GaryJamesViator READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mar. 28—Apr. 1 Mon (3/28) Acts2:14,22-33;Ps16:1-2,5,7-11;Mt28:8-15 Tue (3/29) Acts2:36-41;Ps33:4-5,18-20,22;Jn20:11-18 Wed (3/30) Acts3:1-10;Ps105:1-4,6-9;Lk24:13-35 Thu (3/31) Acts3:11-26;Ps8:2,5-9;Lk24:35-48 Fri (4/1) Acts4:1-12;Ps118:1-2,4,22-27;Jn21:1-14 Sat (4/2) Acts4:13-21;Ps118:1,14-21;Mk16:9-15 Sun (4/3) Acts5:12-16;Ps118:2-4,13-15,22-24;Rv1:911a,12-13,17-19;Jn20:19-31 From the Collar TM How little it takes for us to move from belief to unbelief! While Jesus was with them, full of life and promise and love, his followers believed. Once Jesus was dead and buried, their belief was shaken and they forgot about his wordsanddeeds.Thisisthenight/daywhenthestonesof ourLentenpenancearerolledawayandweareinvitedto peer into the empty space and see ourselves in dazzling garments. This is the night/day when we announce all thesethingstoanyonewhowillhear.Thisisthenight/day whenourwordsofbeliefspilloverintothemightydeedof announcing,He is risen! Thisisthenight/daywhenJesus passesfromdeathtorisenLife.Thisisthenight/daywhen werememberthatwe,too,were indeed buried with him through baptism into death. This isthenight/day when we celebrate that we, too, live in newness of life. This is thenight/daywhenourownbeinganddoingcollapseinto a living faith that is full, robust, eager to announce the GoodNewsthatdeathisovercome,thatourbeliefisnotin vain,thatJesuslivesoninuswhoarebaptized.Thisisthe night/daywhenwecanignorethestingofdeathbecause life is so abundant. This is the night/day when we celebrate ourown becoming the Lifeand Presence ofthe risen One. This is the night/day to celebrate God’s invitationtobetrans ig-uredintobeingmoreperfectlythe Body of Christ. This is the night/day when the announcement of salvation cannot be contained. And so thisnight/dayhasitschallenge:the new Life isn’t simply for our own gain, but so that God can renew creation. “Lettherebelight,”Godcreativelyspokesolongago.This isthenight/daywhenGodspeaksagainandnowthatlight istherisenSon.Andsothechallengeofthisnight/dayis that we, too, bring light to a world still darkened by disbelief and slavery to sin. In the simple smile, helping hand, listening ear we bring risen Life. In the kind word, theself-givingloveandcareofanother,thedailydyingto selfwebringrisenLifetoallthoseweencounter.Inthese andmanyothersimplewaysofliving,ourbeliefbecomes visibleinthegoodweareanddo.Theutteramazementof this night/day is that while we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, we also celebrate our own new life. Jesus’ resurrection is a pledge of our own trans iguration, an invitationtoustokeepourown“dazzlinggarments”that wereceivedatbaptismpureandspotless.Ourbeliefgives us a share in Jesus’ risen Life. No wonder our alleluias cannotbecontained.He is Risen! Fr. Jace REJOICE AND BE GLAD DRAWN INTO THE STORY “We are witnesses!” The scripture readings for Easter Sunday concentrate on details reported by eyewitnesses. Listen carefully and you will be drawn into the stories yourself.PeterreportsthegoodworksJesusdid,hisdeath onthecross,andhisresurrection.ThepassagefromJohn’s Gospel has us running to the empty tomb with Peter and John and peering inside to see the cloths used to cover Jesus’ body. Psalm 118 sums up our response: “It is wonderfulinoureyes!”Whatresurrectiondetailsdowesee in our lives today? How have we died to our old lives and beenraisedupagainwithJesus?Letuspayattentiontothe newlifearoundus.Itiswonderfulinoureyes. Copyright©J.S.Paluch Upcoming 2nd Collections April 3 -DebtReduction/BuildingFund April 10 - BishopServicesAppeal April 17 - SMdPReligiousEducation April 24 -CatholicHomeMissions Please use the appropriate donation envelope for 2nd collections. Online donors please update your 2nd collection offerings in your online account. Catholic Charities Feast of Mercy Save the Date May 1, 2016 BEGINNING AND END Faith is the beginning and the end is love. The nine day Novena of Divine Mercy began on Good Friday and will end on Saturday, April 2. 2. Sunday, April 3 willmarkourthirdyearcelebrationoftheFeastofMercy hereatSt.MartindePorres. hereatSt.MartindePorres. Allarewelcometogatherin the church at 2:30pm to venerate the Image of Divine Mercy and meditate on personal intentions. intentions. At three o'clock, (the hour of Great Mercy), we will begin singing the Chaplet, accompanied by piano and vocalists. Be mindfulofthesevenguidelineswhichwearetoaskedto observepriortotheFeast,toprepareourselvestoreceive thepromisedgracesandmercyfromourmercifulFather. thepromisedgracesandmercyfromourmercifulFather. —St. Ambrose Divine Mercy Sunday St. Martin de Porres Of ice willbeclosedfortheEasterHoliday willbeclosedfortheEasterHoliday March24&25inpreparationofHolyDays March24&25inpreparationofHolyDays &MondayafterEaster,March28 &MondayafterEaster,March28 Theof iceswillbereopened iceswillbereopened Tuesday,Mar.29 Tuesday,Mar.29 Call 478-3845 for Emergencies Immerse Yourself in the Light of Christ GodeeperintoHiswordbyjoininginanearlymorningGospel re lectionfortheupcomingSundayMass. lectionfortheupcomingSundayMass. Women’s Re lection Every Wednesday Morning 6am Main Church Mtg. Rm. Men’s Re lection Every Friday Morning 6am Main Church Mtg. Rm. Coffee,Prayer,Re lection lection--It’sagreatwaytostartthedayandto understandGod’swordmoreclearly. understandGod’swordmoreclearly. CORNER 2016 SMdP Retreat Dates TeenACTSApril28 TeenACTSApril28--May1,2016 May1,2016 DryCreekRetreatCenter DryCreekRetreatCenter Men'sMay19 Men'sMay19--22,2016 22,2016 Women'sSeptember1 Women'sSeptember1--4,2016 4,2016 Prayer Requests: [email protected] Sunday, April 3 Special Chaplet 2:30 pm Formoreinformationcall: Formoreinformationcall: DebbieLafargueDebbieLafargue-540540-2036, 2036, GayleGaudetGayleGaudet-513513-3740, 3740, JenelThibodeaux-477-9394 The Divine Mercy Chaplet Wednesday, Mar. 30 - 2:45p Thursday, Mar. 31 - after 5p Mass ThelastWednesdayofthemonth,thechapletisrecitedinthe church - beginning with prayer intentions at 2:45p and the Chapletat3:00p.Thefollowingafternoon,thechapletwillbe recitedafter5pMass.Wehopeyouwilljoinusforthisspecial prayerwithourLordandSavior. For more information call: DebbieLafargue-540-2036,GayleGaudet-513-3740,or JenelThibodeaux-477-9394 SMdP Knights of Columbus Announce CYLA Winners Congratulations to Senior Isaac Tyler and Senior Madisyn Demarie A Senior Boy and Girl is offered an opportunity to be recognized as one of the best Catholic students in their respective school! The recognition encourages these outstanding students to hold true to their Catholic values and accept the leadership roles that they will be asked to ill. These students are future CATHOLIC LEADERS! Both winners will be considered for a Diocesan award and a possible$4,000stateKCscholarship. St. Martin de Porres 2016 Easter Flowers In Memory of: Joseph Angelo By: Mrs. Judith Angelo In Memory of: Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Arabie Mr. & Mrs. Houston Bertrand Roy James Arabie By: Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Arabie In Memory of: Raymond & Lola LeBlanc Bill Ardoin By: Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Ardoin In Memory of: The Bellows & St. Mary Family Members By: Mr. & Mrs. Hilton Bellow In Memory of: Mr. & Mrs. James Dale Cannon By: Mr. & Mrs. John Benoit In Memory of: Julius Bertrand, Vidie Hambrick Elaine Bertrand, Herman Brawner Brian Coit By: Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bertrand In Memory of: Deborah Wood Mr. & Mrs. E. Fontenot Michelle Sonnier By: Mrs. & Mrs. Derrick Canter In Memory of: Mr. & Mrs. Clovis Mouton Mr. & Mrs. Amos Daigle Pauline Guillory, Joey Chapman By: Mr. & Mrs. Sherwin Chapman In Memory of: Duhon & Chavis Family By: Mr. & Mrs. Ollie Chavis In Memory of: Mable Darbonne, Mason Darbonne Pearl Vidrine Fontenot Dennis Fontenot, Merlin Darbonne By: Mr. & Mrs. James Darbonne In Memory of: Dionne Family & Watson Family By: Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Dionne In Memory of: Alexis Muller By: Mr. & Mrs. Heath Doucet In Memory of: Herman Brawner, Brian Coit By: Mrs. Winifred Brawner In Memory of: Wana Duffy, Norman Duffy By: Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Duffy In Memory of: Amous, Della, & Jimmy Derouen Bubba Breaux By: Ms. Lillia Breaux In Memory of: Dr. Fritz LaCour, Mabel LaCour Felix Duhon, Zoe Duhon By: Mr. & Mrs. Morris Duhon In Memory of: Harry Broussard By: Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Broussard In Memory of: Scottie Max Vinson, Sr Otto Henry Bruchhaus, Jr By: Mr. & Mrs. David Bruchhaus In Memory of: Vida Vincent Pumpelly Willadene Vincent Rawley By: Mrs. Jane Brumby In Memory of: Douglas G. Burnette, Sr. By: Mr. & Mrs. Doug Burnette In Memory of: Dr. Dick Calhoun & Zac Yoder By: Ms. Patsy Calhoun In Memory of: Nicholas Evans By: Mr. & Mrs. Brad Evans In Memory of: Mr. Anthony Fertitta By: Ms. Donna Fertitta In Memory of: Eddie & Agnes Courville Phylis Olive, Linda Flanders Delores Cooley By: Mr. & Mrs. Michael Flanders In Memory of: Bubba Breaux, Shirley Fontenot By: Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fontenot In Memory of: Gussie Fontenot Arcade & Eda Fontenot Lewis & Celestine Ardoin Burnell Ardoin, Anestiza Ardoin By: Ms. Lucy Fontenot In Memory of: Hilda Clifton By: Mr. & Mrs. Mikah Fontenot In Memory of: Anthony & Rose Polito Carroll & Lorelle Foy Patrick Foy, Bobby Foy By: Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Foy In Memory of: Anna Mae, Darrell Penny Paul & Robert Creel By: Mr. & Mrs. Randy Dupuis In Memory of: Eve Welch Latiolais By: Mr. & Mrs. Bob Gary In Memory of: Edmond & Hilda Faulk Frances, Ronald & Ray Faulk James & Marjara Prender Gast Wilber Lee Couch By: Mr. & Mrs. Curley Faulk In Memory of: Earl & Merlyn Robinson Camille Goodwill, Alexis Robinson Marian Roberts By: Mr. & Mrs. Bob Goodwill In Memory of: Vera Speight By: Mr. Darryl Edwards In Memory of: Eddie & Agnes Courville Phyllis Courville, Julie Brandon By: Mrs. Julia Elder In Memory of: Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Graske Mr. & Mrs. John Fabacher Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Fabacher Mr. & Mrs. Edward Landry William Walter’s Grandparents Leon Liprie By: Mr. & Mrs. Walter Graske In Memory of: Richard Gregory, Sr. By: Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gregory In Memory of: Ervin Stein, Curley Guidroz Charlie LaCasse By: Ronald Guidroz In Memory of: Donald V. Guidry Vincent & Estella Guidry Family Dennet & Inez Malorin Mr. & Mrs. Henry Malorin Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Stoute By: Ms. Verla Guidry In Memory of: Adell Lewis, Irene Goodley Laura D. Brown, Preston Guillory Walter Guillory, Sr. By: Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Guillory In Memory of: Foster & Dora Lemoine Joe & Marie Harrison Joe & Myrtle Biggs Ronnie Bordelon By: Mr. & Mrs. Michael Haney In Memory of: Simon & Lillie Harrison Bryant & Lovenia Bartie By: Mr. & Mrs. Lee Harrison In Memory of: Sybil Istre, Henry Istre Mary Helen Hay, Guy Hay By: Mr. & Mrs. Delen Hay In Memory of: Mr. & Mrs. Bill Tolin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dan Hollenbeck Mrs. Dianne Rogers, Mrs. Marie Meaux Bill Tolin III, Joyce Marie Tolin By: Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hollenbeck In Memory of: Jim (Pop) Arnaud In Honor of: Jean (Muf in) Arnaud By: Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Janese In Memory of: Vincent & Carrie Jones Vincent Jones, Jr. Lucille Jones, Theresa McKnight By: Ms. Carolyn Jones In Memory of: Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Burns Mr. & Mrs. Roger Jones By: Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Jones In Memory of: Bonnie Joseph, Susan Joseph Don Joseph, Paul Joseph Ignatious Joseph By: Mr. James Joseph In Memory of: Larry & Marguriete Fontenot DM Fontenot Sanders & Freda Monceaux By: Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Monceaux In Memory of: William Eisenbarth, Lyman Josker By: Mr. & Mrs. James Josker In Memory of: Euclide & Catherine Newman Lionel Newman, Ruby Newman Willie Lavergne, Zora Lavergne By: Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Newman In Memory of: Homer Lackey, Danny Sanner Deceased Family Members By: Ms. Sybil Lackey In Memory of: Alexandra N. Courville, Ray Augustine Charles & Bernadine Landry Frank & Ena Augustine Tillman & James Guillory By: Ms. Rebecca Landry In Memory of: Catherine Cormier, Gene Cormier Dolly & Dan Laughlin, Billy Clements By: Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Laughlin In Memory of: Jackie LeBlanc By: Mr. James LeBlanc In Memory of: Abbie & Irby Gaspard Ellis & Dora LeBlanc Lester Gaspard, Bill Bonvillain, Danny & Ricky LeBlanc By: Mr. & Mrs. Lee LeBlanc In Memory of: Wava & Curtis Young Edna Sittig, Dudley Duhon By: Mr. & Mrs. John LeBouef In Memory of: Adrian Sanderlin By: Mr. & Mrs. Alton Lindstrom In Memory of: Betty Long By: Mr. Cedric Long In Memory of: Marjorie Myers, Lena Palermo Stephanie Tramonte Harlow Hazel McGee By: Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGee In Memory of: Sam Mancuso, Lucille Mancuso Margaret Thibodeaux Lloyd Thibodeaux Claby Mere, Sr. By: Mr. & Mrs. Claby Mere, Jr. In Memory of: Mr. & Mrs. John Roux By: Ms. Bridget Oglesby In Memory of: Dottie Hannen, Brent Hannen By: Mr. & Mrs. Randy Onxley In Memory of: Mr. Euman Bill LeDoux By: Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ory In Memory of: Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Paggen Mr. & Mrs. Colin Mitchell By: Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Paggen In Memory of: Hannah Elizabeth Pauley By: Mr. & Mrs. Pete Pauley In Memory of: Voorhies & Elvie Carriere Leon & Rose Pellerin Agnes Jessen & Wilton Pellerin Roberta & Wilbert Daigle Wilson & Jared Carriere Sandrus Pellerin, Theresa LeBlanc Clinton & Alma White ield By: Mr. & Mrs. James Pellerin In Memory of: Gregory Longstreet, Louis Haley Isabell & Alphonzo Bones By: Ms. Shirley Pendleton In Memory of: Frank Streva, Billy Clements By: Mr. & Mrs. David Perry In Memory of: V.J. & Lou Bellard Vial & Alida Bellard Loadice & Ami LeLeaux Dallas & Lovinia Quibodeaux By: Linda Quibodeaux In Memory of: Robert E. Jacobson, T. Larry Reeves Don Conner, Audrey Jacobson Shirley Reeves Conner By: Mr. & Mrs. Brent Reeves In Memory of: Maneille Family & Reppond Family By: Mr. & Mrs. Rick Reppond In Memory of: Don Nixon By: Mr. & Mrs. Andy Saltzman In Memory of: Mr. & Mrs. Albert Muller Josephine Muller, Jerome Savoy Mr. & Mrs. Clovis Savoy By: Mr. & Mrs. Joe Savoy In Memory of: Mr. Sebastian By: Mr. & Mrs. Johny Sebastian In Memory of: Rodney Joseph Thibodeaux & Family Danny Sheridan II & Family By: Mr. & Mrs. Danny Sheridan In Memory of: Susan Wrigley Billy Wayne & Mary Beth Smith By: Mr. & Mrs. Doug Smith In Memory of: Lily Mae Dufrene Ruth Smith, Glenda Shows Glenn Smith By: Mr. & Mrs. Gary Smith In Memory of: Shanan Rye By: Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Soileau In Memory of: Joyce Shaheen, Tom Delaureal Al O’Byrne By: Ms. Stephanie St. Dizier In Memory of: The Stewart and Sebastien Family By: Mr. & Mrs. David Stewart In Memory of: Johnnie Thibodeaux, Jr. By: Mr. & Mrs. Johnnie Thibodeaux In Memory of: Mary Granger By: Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Torres In Memory of: Jodie & Theresa Cotten Jere & Eloise Cotten Paul & Emma Major, Sr. Robert Helm, Jr., Corene Herring Eugene J. Trahan By: Mr. & Mrs. David Trahan In Memory of: Brian Coit, Herman Brawner By: Mr. & Mrs. Weston Trahan In Memory of: Abra & Philemon Johnson Ozon & Lovenia TrahanTrahan By: Mr. & Mrs. Willard Trahan In Memory of: Cecil Triche, Louise Hebert Whitney Hebert, Gloria Hebert LeLux By: Mr. & Mrs. Richard Triche In Memory of: Bradley Veronie, Sherwood Carpenter Sam & Lily Carpenter By: Ms. Lillie Veronie In Memory of: Mr. & Mrs. N.A. Verret Mr. & Mrs. Tonis Johnson Families of P.L. Verrett Families of Jean Verret Del Babineaux By: Mr. & Mrs. Paul Verrett In Memory of: Henry & Selidia Ryan John & Lillie Ryan Joseph & Enola Victorian By: Ms. Lilly Vincent In Memory of: Yvonne Guidry Wright Kathryn Thomas Wainwright Ellen Towers Wainwright Norma Callaghan By: Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Wainwright In Memory of: Joseph & Ann Wilfert Clyde & Elma Reppond, Terry Reppond By: Mr. David Wilfert In Memory of: Alburtis & Mildred Iva Morehead Smith Pat Tooman Elaine Larman William Joseph Whitbeck & Ruth Whitbeck John & Cathy Whitbeck Beverly Broussard Adams Kevin Adams By: Mr. & Mrs. Peter Joseph Whitbeck Thank you for your Easter Flower Donation Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ardoin Mr. John Beaugh Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bednarz Mrs. Doris Bellard Ms. Lillie Breaux Ms. Karen Burdett Mr. & Mrs. William Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. Mark Castille Mr. Raymond Chavis Mr. & Mrs. Luke Choates Mr. Mike Clayton Mr. Russ Conley Mr. & Mrs. Randy Duhon Dr. & Mrs. Donald Falgoust Mr. & Mrs. Mike Faulk Mr. & Mrs. Beau Fontenot Mr. & Mrs. L.D. Fruge Ms. Gertrude Granger Ms. Leola Guillory Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Hanks Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hardy Mrs. Christine Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Istre Mr. & Mrs. Bill James Mr. & Mrs. Dan Kadlubar Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kiteley Mr. & Mrs. Rodney LaCombe Mr. & Mrs. Scott Landy Mr. & Mrs. Clifford LeBouef Mr. & Mrs. David Leger Mr. James LeJeune Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Martin Mr. & Mrs. Fred Martin Mr. & Mrs. Vince McCoy Mr. & Mrs. Chris McGee Mr. & Mrs. Luke Miller Mr. & Mrs. Don Morris Mr. & Mrs. Billy Ozenne Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Papilion Mr. & Mrs. Glen Prejean Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Primeaux Mr. & Mrs. Tyson Queenan Mr. & Mrs. Bob Radomski Mr. Clyde Richard Ms. Vanessa Richard Dr. Robin Rogeau Mr. & Mrs. Miurisio Santacoloma Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schwarzauer Mr. & Mrs. Doug Shell Mr. & Mrs. Greg Smith Ms. Mitzi St. Romain Mr. & Mrs. Howard Stroud Mr. & Mrs. Scot Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Michael Webre Mr. & Mrs. Keith Wimberly Mr. & Mrs. Barry Winder Ms. Phyllis Zaleski Special Events This Week Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr Sat. Sun. Apr Apr Easter Sunday Masses Main Church 8a & 10:30a - Easter Collection & Seminary Fund NoMass;Parish Of ice Closed, LifeintheSpiritCharismaticPraiseMainChurch6p Mass5p Women’sGospelRe lectionChurchMeetingRoom6a;Mass8a;DivineMercyChapletafter8amMass ParishOf iceClosed;Mass5p;DivineMercyChapletafter5pMass Men’sGospelRe lectionCh.Mtg.Rm.6a;RosarybeforeMass7:15a;Mass8a;Parishof iceclosed;AA/NA GroupG/VKitchen6p 2 Confessionavailableat3:15p,Mass4:30p 3 Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) Masses Main Church 8a & 10:30a - Debt Reduction/ Building Fund; RCIAChurchMtg.Rm.9:10a;DivineMercyChapletMainChurch2:30p;YouthMtgs.Middle Sch.4p,HighSch.7p 27 28 29 30 31 1 Mass Intentions New Tournament Date 10th Annual SMdP Golf Tournament Friday, June 3, 2016 Lake Charles Country Club Club Sat. Mar. 26 4:30p RobertJones(B);LeroyNaquin,Sr.;Wilbert"T-Boy"Derouen Sun. Mar. 27 8:00a ParishionersofSt.MartindePorres 10:30a WayneTrouard;MadelineRougeau;EddyDever Tue. Mar. 29 5:00p Leah"KayKay"Tate(A),Anthony"Jimmy"Mallett&CharlesA.Turner Wed. Mar. 30 8:00a Jack&Lena(A)DiBartolo Thu. Mar. 31 5:00p PeterTranThaiSon(A):IrbyGaspard(A)&BillBonvillian Fri. Apr. 1 8:00a Guillory&DuplechainFamilies,BrentwoodElementarySchool Sat. Apr. 2 4:30p PaulineMcLachlan Sun. Apr. 3 8:00a JerryMiller&Fly. 10:30a ParishionersofSt.MartindePorres Catholic Charismatic Prayer Service 4thMondayofEveryMonth 6-8pMainChurch Next Prayer Service Monday, March 28 Is God calling you to bring others to Christ? Helpers Needed for RCIA Sundays 8:30-9 am & Sundays 9-10 am Positions: Set-upMeetingRoom,&RCIASponsors Commitment: AsManySundaysasYourScheduleAllows ContactDeaconRichardDonahoeorDeniseDonahoe [email protected] [email protected] 337-478-3845 Grammy Nominated Catholic Recording Artist Pope Francis’ Simple 5 Finger Prayer for Mercy The thumb is the closest inger to you. Sostartprayingforthosewhoareclosesttoyou. Thesearethepersonseasiesttoremember.To prayforourdearonesisa“sweetobligation.” The next inger is the index. Prayforthosewhoteachyou,instructyouand healyou.Theyneedthesupportandwisdomto showdirectiontoothers.Alwayskeepthemin yourprayers. The following inger is the tallest. Itremindsusofourleaders,thegovernorsand thosewhohaveauthority.TheyneedGod’s guidance. The fourth inger is the ring inger. Eventhoughitmaysurpriseyou,itisourweakest inger.Itshouldremindustoprayforthe weakest,thesickorthoseplaguedbyproblems. Theyneedyourprayers. And, inally we have our smallest inger, the smallest of all. Yourpinkieshouldremindyoutoprayfor yourself.Whenyouaredoneprayingfortheotherfourgroups,youwillbeabletoseeyourown needsbutintheproperperspective,andalsoyou willbeabletoprayforyourownneedsinabetter way. Mexican Restaurant Daily Lunch Specials To Go Orders Available Our Speciality Churrascaria ... tenderloin, chicken, shrimp and sausage 3624 Ryan Street off 210 Exit 6A 4001 Ryan St. 337-502-5131 477-6802 Mon - Thur 11am to 10pm • Fri - Sat 11am to 11pm • Sun 11am to 9pm TROY M. LEFORT DDS ORTHODONTIST Children & Adults (337) 436-3631 2628 Country Club Rd. The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! Setting The Performance Standard 4070 Nelson Road Suite 200 Lake Charles, LA 70605 337.562.RxRx (7979) FREE Pick Up & Delivery JJ & Traci Gibson Call (337) 562-9508 1180 E. 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