Grateful Hearts - Le Bonheur Children`s Hospital


Grateful Hearts - Le Bonheur Children`s Hospital
2008 annual report
Gratef u l Hea r t s
♥ patients ♥ partners ♥ donors ♥ community
Only with caring donors
can we truly provide
outstanding care
As one of the largest faith-based healthcare systems in
the country, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare touches
more lives, in more ways, than anyone else. Our care
extends far beyond the walls of our hospitals, bringing
the services you want and need to the neighborhood
where you live.
Last year because of caring donors like you, we
touched thousands of lives in Memphis and the MidSouth, as evidenced by:
• 60,431 total admissions
• 308,240 outpatient visits
• 265,112 Emergency Department visits
• 5,425 babies delivered.
Paula Jacobson (left)
Tom Prewitt (middle)
Gary Shorb (right)
Furthermore, we continue to be the state’s largest provider of healthcare services to TennCare patients.
All of this is supported by:
• 10,000 Associates
• 2,000 physicians on staff
• 1,600 hospital beds
• A seven-hospital system which includes:
Methodist University Hospital
Methodist Extended Care Hospital
Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital
Methodist North Hospital
Methodist South Hospital
Methodist Fayette Hospital
Le Bonheur Children’s Medical Center
grateful hearts: ♥ patients ♥ partners ♥ donors ♥ community
♥ The
grateful hearts of our
patients and their families are just
the beginning of the circle of care,
compassion and gratitude that
embodies Methodist Le Bonheur
We hope that the stories and images on the following pages will open your eyes to the miracles
we see here at Methodist each and every day. Present in this annual report is a genuine expression of limitless gratitude – but the grateful hearts of our patients and their families are just
the beginning of the circle of care, compassion and gratitude that embodies Methodist
Le Bonheur Healthcare.
We’re grateful for our many community partners and donors, as well as our loyal staff, physician partners, nurses, caregivers and volunteer leaders. Together, we share a common hope
for the healing of people, families and neighborhoods.
The people we serve inspire each and every one of us who have chosen to be part of this
incredible healthcare system. Our hearts are full with the gratitude that comes from seeing the
results of our care in the smiling faces of people like Kenesha, Arbeny and others in this report.
It’s that boundless gratitude that demands we ask others to join us in this important work.
Gifts to the Foundation contribute to research and education that are saving lives; to providing care for those who can’t afford it; to building a hospice residence for patients at the end of
life; and to creating our first non-clinical center of excellence ever, The Center of Excellence in
Faith and Health.
Again, all of this is made possible thanks to the support and contributions of many. We are
grateful for your generosity, and so are the individuals and families we serve. For proof, all you
need to do is turn the page, but prepare yourself – your heart is going to be full.
Paula Jacobson, President
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
Tom Prewitt, Chairman of the Board
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
Gary S. Shorb, President and CEO
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
Our goal, in partnership with our medical staffs, is to be the leader in providing high quality, cost effective healthcare to benefit the communities we serve. Services will be provided in a manner which
supports the health ministries and social principles of The United Methodist Church.
Dear Methodist Healthcare Friends & Supporters:
The Center of
Excellence in Faith
and Health
Creating a new paradigm in healthcare delivery
Today, as healthcare delivery and access become more and more challenging, we are determined to
broaden our definition of the word partner in order to better serve our patients. We believe healthcare
can be improved and access increased if we tap into the power of the faith community and see them as
partners on their members’ health journeys.
To explore the connection between faith and health, we have established our first non-clinical center of
excellence: The Center of Excellence in Faith and Health. As a part of the Center of Excellence in Faith
and Health, we have developed the Congregational Health Network (CHN) - a covenant relationship
between Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare hospitals, Mid-South congregations and community health
organizations. The CHN provides a network
of congregations and faith communities that
partner with us to share the ministry of caring
for our patients, before and after they are in
our care.
♥ “To hear a promise is
encouraging. To experience
a promise is stabilizing.”
Although the Congregational Health Network
and other Center of Excellence programs
are underway, a critical element is missing.
—Pastor James E. Kendrick
These programs need a physical home withOak Grove Baptist Church
in the hospital, so that there are resources
Health Covenant Member
just steps from the bedside of the patient. To
support this work, we will build The Center of
Excellence in Faith and Health in the heart of Methodist University Hospital. It will be an onsite and virtual
learning center, and upon its completion, services will extend into the city through the congregations and
This remarkable endeavor will take funding and resources beyond the traditional healthcare reimbursements. Your support of this unique effort could help change healthcare for all of us.
grateful hearts: ♥ patients ♥ partners ♥ donors ♥ community
Pastor James E. Kendrick has been at the
heart of Oak Grove Baptist Church in south Memphis
for nearly a quarter century. But even after 23 years,
he is as devoted as ever to his quest to serve and be
an instrument of God. “I’m trying to stand in the middle
of the road and get hands on both sides,” says Pastor
“Sunday morning is one of the most segregated
times in our city. The relationship that has been formed
with the community and the hospital helps bridge the
divide. It’s truly a mixture of people that are involved to
help people understand their health.”
He says what Methodist is doing with the community
is a promise in action. “To hear a promise is encouraging. To experience a promise is stabilizing.”
Kendrick believes the partnership gives knowledge
of resources and the promise of friends, which in turn
minimizes stress and anxiety for his members, many of
whom have lost hope. “We have the benefit of knowledge with the Congregational Health Network. Having
partners for healthy living and resources to access
keeps hope alive. I am so thankful for the CHN and the
promise it gives.”
Cynthia and Darren Cook’s
daughter Megan was born with
monosomy4p-, an extremely rare
chromosomal disorder. Megan, age
12, became ill last December and was
admitted to Le Bonheur Children’s
Medical Center for care. In light of her
life-limiting illness, she was allowed to
return home after her condition was
stabilized. Cynthia says she didn’t think
she needed the support of hospice.
“I had taken care of Megan her
entire life. I thought the only reason
I needed them was to keep us from
taking Megan back to the hospital. We
knew there was nothing they could
But Cynthia’s certainty didn’t stop
the hospice team from calling within
an hour after their departure from the
hospital. Soon, they became part of the
Cooks’ lives. “Whatever I needed, they
provided. If I needed to chat, they sat
down and talked. Whether it was about
the flowers blooming or my daughter.
I’ve dealt with another hospice and
they didn’t even touch what Methodist
did for our family. I know they loved my
Megan passed away on March 22,
2009. “In the end, they came whenever
I called. I would encourage anyone
to use Methodist Hospice. They treat
you like family. It’s not just a job. I can
never say enough.”
Donors fuel the dream of
a Methodist Healthcare
Hospice Residence
Methodist Healthcare and caring supporters join
hands to build a special home for those with a
short time to live.
Despite our excellent hospice and palliative care services, which serve over 150 families per day, a
major void remains in our region for those who require a place of shelter at the end of life. Our dream to
build a hospice residence will be fulfilled in 2010. It will be a place where patients of all ages and their
families will receive the most respectful, compassionate and dignified care and comfort during the last
stage of life – patients with no one to
care for them, no home to return to, or
with symptoms too complex for the family to manage in home.
♥ “They treat you like family.
It’s not just a job. I know they
loved my daughter.”
Our vision is to build a place like home,
a Residential Hospice, that will integrate
the very best tradition of faith, health and
compassion for all ages. At Methodist
Hospice Residence, each patient will be
cared for in a peaceful, homelike setting.
The facility will contain 30 spacious patient rooms, a chapel, a conference room, family areas, gardens
and walking paths. Each patient room will offer comfortable surroundings to enable the patient and family to feel more at ease. Patients may bring with them all of the comforts of home to personalize their
rooms and make their last days as close to home as possible. Pets, personal mementos, photos and
music will be welcome and encouraged. Specialized equipment will allow a number of the rooms to be
converted to care for infants and children. Thanks to the facility’s special design, patients will be able
to enjoy fresh air and sunshine in the garden areas. For those who cannot go outside, rooms will offer
views of the many walking paths and gardens.
Methodist Healthcare is contributing $2 million toward the $9 million construction cost for the facility,
and donations from the community will help to complete the project. We believe each one of us should
be able to face the end of life with choices, with comfort and with dignity. It is our hope and prayer that
you will join us, with your financial support, in creating a place of shelter for those at the end of life.
Cynthia Cook, son Allen, daughter Kaitlyn
and daughter Megan shown in heart-framed photo
We ’r e h e r e t o c a r e f o r yo u . C o n t r i b u t i o n s h e l p u s c a r e f o r o t h e r s .
G i ve o n t h e w e b a t w w w. m e t h o d i s t h e a l t h . o r g o r u s e t h e e n c l o s e d e nve l o p e . Th a n k yo u .
Methodist University
Hospital Transplant
♥ “We all need to step
outside ourselves and
give back.”
Nationally recognized for its success with kidney, liver,
kidney-pancreas and pancreas transplants, Methodist
University Hospital Transplant Institute, in partnership with
University of Tennessee Health Science Center, has been
a leader in the field for more than 30 years. It is one of the
12 largest transplant programs in the country (one of the 10
largest liver transplant programs) and is the only abdominal
transplant program in West Tennessee. In addition, the
one-year patient and graft survival rates are among the best in the nation.
—Kenesha Reed
The program is dedicated to improving the quality of life and the life expectancy for its transplant
patients through research breakthroughs, excellence in surgical techniques and meticulous postoperative care.
The specialized, interdisciplinary care is focused on the financial, social, educational and medical
needs of each patient. Patients are offered one-on-one counseling, transplant education sessions,
monthly support groups and pastoral care.
Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute has:
• Performed more than 2,000 kidney transplants and has one of the most successful survival
rates in the United States
• Performed over 900 liver transplants
• Performed over 100 pancreas transplants
• Performed over 260 kidney-pancreas transplants
The Transplant Institute provides many opportunities for individuals to make a meaningful gift to
enhance the clinical care and the quality of life of transplant patients and families.
Arbeny Davis, left,
Kenesha Reed, right
grateful hearts: ♥ patients ♥ partners ♥ donors ♥ community
Since third grade, best friends
Arbeny Davis and Kenesha
Reed have shared dance lessons,
friendship and all the ups and downs of
childhood. Now young adults, the girls
are giving new meaning to the term
“friends for life.”
“My best friend, Arbeny, she had to
drop out of school her freshman year
of college because she was sick. She
was on dialysis and she was on a waiting list for a kidney match.”
Kenesha was determined to learn
about all the options for her friend. The
one that intrigued her most was the
living donor option.
“I thought if there was any chance
I could lengthen her life, that was
enough for me.” Upon turning 18,
Kenesha was tested and discovered
she was a match. “It all worked out,”
she says.
“The nurses and transplant coordinators really fought for us. We were
trying to balance school and the surgery. They were so careful to be sure I
understood everything. The transplant
team is absolutely phenomenal. Six
months later the kidney is working 100
“We’ve always had a tight bond. But,
it’s even stronger now,” she says. “We
all need to step outside ourselves and
give back.”
As Renee Mullins is sitting in her frontyard holding her 18-month-old granddaughter,
Kairi, there is no shortage of kisses and hugs
between the two. It’s evident Kairi loves her
Less evident is that just months ago Renee
was facing her third brain tumor diagnosis,
fighting for her life with the help of the Methodist University Hospital Neuroscience Institute
The location of Renee’s tumor required
an awake craniotomy. In this procedure, the
patient is under full sedation until the neurosurgeon reaches the brain, then brought
to consciousness to communicate with the
neurosurgeon to ensure no critical structures
controlling speech or movement are affected.
She was able to talk to her family immediately
after the procedure while she was still in the
operating room. Renee has nothing but good
to say of the entire experience.
“They made me feel so comfortable. I felt
like I was at home. I would recommend Methodist to anyone, anytime.”
Methodist University
Hospital Neuroscience
Guided by the constant goal of advancing care for neurosurgery and neurology patients, the Methodist
University Hospital Neuroscience Institute provides the best possible care to patients with some of the
most difficult neurological conditions including brain tumors, stroke, epilepsy and spinal
♥ “Everyone at Methodist
These patients are cared for by a team of dedicated, specially-trained medical professionals
led by nationally recognized neurologists, neurosurgeons and neuro-certified nurses. Each
patient’s case is a collaborative effort between
doctors, nurses, pharmacists and specialists
from countless disciplines, including social
workers and chaplains.
Methodist University Hospital is the primary
teaching hospital for the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and is proud to
bring medicine, research, and education together under one roof. As part of the program,
we actively train neurologists, neurosurgeons,
radiologists, and neurological nurses from
across the globe. Our surgeons have pioneered
and taught minimally invasive technologies and
instrumentation now used around the world.
University made me
feel like I was at home.
When you have a doctor,
a team like that, it means
a lot. I would recommend
Methodist to anyone,
—Renee Mullins
Many of the activities of the Methodist University Hospital Neuroscience Institute can be accomplished
only with the generous support of our friends in the community. This support will help assure that resources are available for patients coping with neurological conditions and that groundbreaking research
to discover new advances in clinical care can continue.
Renee Mullins and
her granddaughter Kairi Reaves
Methodist University Hospital Neuroscience Institute
We ’r e h e r e t o c a r e f o r yo u . C o n t r i b u t i o n s h e l p u s c a r e f o r o t h e r s .
G i ve o n t h e w e b a t w w w. m e t h o d i s t h e a l t h . o r g o r u s e t h e e n c l o s e d e nve l o p e . Th a n k yo u .
Methodist Le Bonheur
Germantown Hospital
Women’s & Children’s
♥ “They believed in me
Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital has
been providing outstanding care to patients and their
families for more than 20 years. It is with the future
of these patients and families in mind, that we embark on a new expansion to be completed in 2010.
The $124 million construction of a Women’s and
Children’s Pavilion will add rooms for 100 additional
patients, 600 more parking spaces and 24 private
NICU rooms where patients can room-in with their
when I didn’t. They are
amazing people who go
above and beyond their
job titles.”
—Kristin Cocci
Following the completion of the Pavilion, the next
step in the project will be to renovate 100,000 square feet of the main hospital building. These renovations will include adding 16 beds to the intensive care unit and expanding the laboratory and pharmacy
services. Because Methodist cares about the environment, this pavilion will be designed to meet
environmental standards set by the U.S. Green Building Council, which encourages green sustainable
design. It will also feature a Healing Garden, a peaceful garden area with benches where patients and
visitors can relax in a serene surrounding.
The construction of this much needed Women’s and Children’s Pavilion provides many opportunities
for individuals to help Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital continue their promise to provide
exceptional care for generations to come – a commitment they will never outgrow.
Kristin and Skip Cocci
and their twins, Max, left and Xavier, right
grateful hearts: ♥ patients ♥ partners ♥ donors ♥ community
Kristin Cocci loves to talk
about family - her husband and
twin boys, as well as the extended
family she calls her “crew” at
Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital. “My kids wouldn’t
be here today if it weren’t for Methodist. Methodist is literally like my
Kristin went into labor with the
twins at 18-weeks and went immediately to labor and delivery. From
there she went to the antepartum
floor where she lived until she
delivered the babies at 31-weeks.
“They had given us a .1% sur-
vival rate. I was devastated. But,
the nurses said ‘get positive and
get your mind around the fact that
you’re here and that you will have
these babies.’”
That’s exactly what she did.
“They believed in me when I didn’t.
They are amazing people who go
above and beyond their job titles.”
To show their gratitude, the
Cocci’s threw a party “for everyone” to celebrate the babies’ lives.
“The babies are part of their
lives, too. You know they medically
shouldn’t be here. It’s thanks to
the Methodist team that they are.”
Community Benefits 2008
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
At Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare we are committed
to meaningfully giving back to the community we are so
grateful for. We continue to be the largest provider of
TennCare services in the state, and our facilities serve
all areas of the city and county. As a faith-based institution, access is important to us.
As a seven-hospital system with 10,000 Associates, our
community involvement is extensive. Methodist provides $1.35 million in financial support for a variety
of initiatives that support healthcare but also strengthen
the community. Yet it is our
10,000 Associates who really make a difference–volunteering on boards, walking
for the Heart Walk, tutoring at
our adopt-a-school and more.
Here are a few of the
highlights from our 2008
Community Benefits report. You can see the full report
on the web at
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare helped to train and
teach more than 252 residents and medical students in 2008 in the areas of pediatrics, internal medicine, surgery, surgical subspecialties, radiology, nuclear
medicine, ultrasound, pharmacy and other graduate
medical education programs.
Methodist recognizes the importance of nurses and
the nursing shortage the health care industry faces
and therefore is committed to providing funds to educate and retain nurses by supporting various medical
schools and programs.
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare’s Diversity Program focuses on direct purchasing from local minority
and women owned businesses. From 1999 to 2009,
MLH spending with minority and women owned vendors
has grown from 4% to approximately 12% of annual
spending. Total minority and women vendor spending in
2008 was $33.5 million up from $20.4 million.
Numerous Methodist Community Health Screenings
and Education resulting in:
• 29,434 people screened at 753 health screening
• 1,391 special health and educational programs
• 70 childbirth sessions reaching 870 people
Highlights 2008
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
impact on healthcare locally, nationally and globally.
The Methodist Healthcare Foundation raises money
to support the hospital system’s mission and strategic initiatives, thereby supporting better care for our
patients and our community.
• 2008 Living Award-Inspiration in Faith and Health:
Thomas L. Gray, M.D.
• 2008 Living Award-Physician Inspiration in Faith and
Health: R. Franklin Adams, M.D. and Dr. Raymond
Hawkins, Jr., M.D.
• 2008 Living Award-Community Inspiration in Faith and
Health: Catholic Jubilee Schools, Memphis, TN
• 2008 Living Award- National/International Inspiration
in Faith and Health: Christian Medical College,
Vellore, India
In order to strengthen clinical initiatives throughout
the Methodist Healthcare System, the Methodist
Healthcare Foundation awards grants for programs
and research projects that fit the mission and goals of
Methodist Healthcare. The grants provide support for
work conducted in areas of most interest, specifically:
neuroscience, transplant, cancer, patient safety, quality
of care and nursing excellence and education.
In addition, the Foundation hosts the following
community events:
Methodist Healthcare Foundation Living Awards are
presented in recognition of those individuals or organizations who have distinguished themselves by leadership and commitment to the faith and health mission of
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare and to those whose
faith-based health initiatives have had a profound
Mary Matalin and James Carville, incisive and entertaining political commentators, were the featured
speakers at the 2008 Methodist Healthcare Foundation Cancer Center Luncheon. Many thanks to
FedEx, Laurelwood Shopping Center, Sally Shy Foundation and Memphis Radiological Professional Group.
The 2008 Annual Fund Campaign “Make a Reel Difference” raised $475,000 to support Associates in need
through the Humanitarian Fund. Over 800 grants were
distributed to Associates during times of personal crisis.
Humanitarian Efforts
Scholarships & Grants
Strategic Priority Areas
Unrestricted Support
Humanitarian Efforts
Scholarships & Grants
Strategic Priority Areas
Unrestricted Support
We ’r e h e r e t o c a r e f o r yo u . C o n t r i b u t i o n s h e l p u s c a r e f o r o t h e r s .
G i ve o n t h e w e b a t w w w. m e t h o d i s t h e a l t h . o r g o r u s e t h e e n c l o s e d e nve l o p e . Th a n k yo u .
Walter Wills doesn’t have a story about
a death-defying miracle or an example of
extraordinary care.
What he does have is deep roots in
Memphis, a strong faith and an understanding that the ultimate expression
of gratitude is giving. So when he read
about the desperate need for a residential
hospice facility in Memphis and Methodist
Healthcare’s quest to build one, he stepped
up and donated just under six acres on
Quince south of Poplar and west of Kirby
“There seems to be such a need for a
place like this,” Wills said. “It will make life
more pleasant, both for the patients at the
end of life and for their friends, families and
When the facility is complete, the only
thanks he’ll need is the satisfaction of
seeing it being put to good use making life
more comfortable for patients and families.
“It will make me feel that I was able to
contribute to our community,” he says, “to
well-being - to people that are living life.”
Donors make a
lasting impact
In 2008, Methodist Healthcare received many generous gifts. Listed here are just a few examples of
the donors who have shared their gratitude with Methodist and the many we serve. Their generosity will
make a significant impact on Methodist projects underway in the community:
• Walter Wills donated just under six acres in the heart of east Memphis to the Methodist Healthcare
Hospice Residence campaign. Gifts from caring donors like Walter were combined with a $2,000,000
commitment from Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare for a total of $8,000,000 in pledges raised to build
the Methodist Healthcare Residential Hospice. The second phase of the campaign is underway and the
Residence is expected to break ground in the fall of 2009.
• Ygondine and Mike Sturdivant generously contributed $400,000 for the renovation of the Methodist Le
Bonheur Germantown Intensive Care Unit.
• The Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation generously contributed $300,000 to name the Innovation
Studio of the Center of Excellence in Faith and Health.
Methodist Healthcare depends on contributions to help further the ministry of healing. Your
gifts contribute to: research that saves lives, clinical education for the next generation of leaders and healthcare outreach for those who are financially unable to pay. All gifts are greatly
You can give in a variety of ways:
• Unrestricted gifts, which means Methodist Healthcare puts your donation toward areas of
greatest need.
• Memorial and honor gifts.
• Matching gifts through your employer.
• Planned giving, which helps patients for many years to come.
• Directed donations to one of our areas of excellence, such as the Center of Excellence in
Faith and Health, the Neuroscience Institute and the Transplant Institute.
Our Foundation Staff is available to help you.
Paula Jacobson at 901-516-0503 or [email protected]
Mark Billingsley at 901-516-0509 or [email protected]
Bob Plunk at 901-516-0502 or [email protected]
Steve West at 901-516-0540 or [email protected]
Mark Yancy at 901-516-0508 or [email protected]
Walter Wills, donor
We ’r e h e r e t o c a r e f o r yo u . C o n t r i b u t i o n s h e l p u s c a r e f o r o t h e r s .
G i ve o n t h e w e b a t w w w. m e t h o d i s t h e a l t h . o r g o r u s e t h e e n c l o s e d e nve l o p e . Th a n k yo u .
Elliott Society
Mrs. Mary V. McCurdy
Dr. & Mrs. Carter McDaniel III
Dr. & Mrs. Michael B. McDonald
The Elliott Society recognizes
Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. McLendon
donors who make a commitment
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Morse, Jr.
to Methodist Healthcare that
Dr. & Mrs. Davis D. Moser
extends beyond their lifetimes.
Dr. James H. Owens
It is named in honor of Maurice
Dr. & Mrs. Frank D. Parks
Elliott, CEO and President of
Dr. William R. Porter
Methodist Healthcare from 1990
Billie Reynolds Estate
to 2001, whose leadership and
Mr. & Mrs. King W. Rogers III
vision helped make Methodist
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Routt, Jr.
Healthcare a leader in excellent
Dr. & Mrs. Phillip Schoettle
patient care.
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Shapiro
Dr. & Mrs. Brixey R. Shelton
Friends who make legacy gifts to
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Shelton
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
Forrest Busch Shields Estate
in their estate plans play a key
Dr. & Mrs. Bryan P. Simmons
role in our fiscal stability.
Dr. Barry F. Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. C. F. Varner, Jr.
We gratefully acknowledge the
Dr. & Mrs. Mark W. Weatherly
following individuals as members
Dr. & Mrs. Alvin J. Weber, III
of the Elliott Society. Legacy
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Wilson
gifts from these members
Dr. Robert R. Yarbrough
through their wills, trusts or
other estate gifts ensure that
Methodist Healthcare will be a
healing presence in Memphis
and beyond. Thank you.
The Donor Wall of Honor
Donor Wall
To inquire about the Elliott
Society call the Foundation at
Dr. & Mrs. Steven L. Akins
Dr. Bijan Bakhtian
Dr. & Mrs. Reed C. Baskin
Dr. & Mrs. Richard G. Bates
Drs. James & Jennifer Boals
Dr. & Mrs. J. Hays Brantley
Ms. Willie M. Bullard
Vada Mae Burnside Estate
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Casey
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Chance
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond D. Cicala
Clara Waskom Harris Estate
Dr. & Mrs. Dwight Clark
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Cockroft
Mrs. Mary Cole
Mr. Jack Stevens & Dr. Cynthia
A. Dabney
Dr. & Mrs. W. Jerry Deaton
Dr. & Mrs. Raza A. Dilawari
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Dobson
Dr. & Mrs. David J. Dodd
Dr. & Mrs. David J. Donahue
Dr. Gordon L. Duckworth III
Dr. Hugh K. Duckworth
Dr. & Mrs. John K. Duckworth
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice W. Elliott
Dr. & Mrs. R. M. Fleming
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. O. E. French
Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Gelfand
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry B. Gooch
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Grise
Dr. & Mrs. Hollis H. Halford III
Dr. & Mrs. Warren H. Hamilton
Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Handorf
Mr. Whitesell Harpole Estate
Dr. & Mrs. O. B. Harrington
Dr. Samuel D. Hensley, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Higdon
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Hodges
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Holcomb III
Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Hollis
Mr. C. H. Hottum
Dr. & Mrs. John P. Howser
Dr. & Mrs. Jon C. Jenkins
Dr. Oakley C. Jordan, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Royce E. Joyner
Dr. Timothy K. Kreth
Dr. & Mrs. Roy N. Kulp, Jr.
Dr. Stephen H. Landy
Dr. Olga E. Lasater
Dr. Robert E. Laster, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Lawson
Dr. & Mrs. W. M. Leppert
Mr. Jeff F. Lipscomb
Mr. & Mrs. Mathew W. Lipscomb
Mrs. Molly B. Lipscomb
Dr. & Mrs. Edward H. Mabry, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. H. Frank Martin, Jr.
recognizes those individuals,
organizations, corporations and
foundations who have made
substantial cumulative gifts to
support our clinical, educational
and research programs.
$1,000,000 +
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Jabie S. Hardin
Mid-South Lions Sight &
Hearing Service
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond D. Cicala
Dr. & Mrs. John K. Duckworth
Mr. James E. Lambert
Lettie Pate Whitehead
Foundation, Inc.
Methodist Healthcare Auxiliary
United Methodist ChurchMemphis Conference
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Amgen, Inc.
Avon Breast Care Fund
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Cerner Corporation
CIGNA Foundation
Clara Waskom Harris Estate
Mrs. Mary Cole
ConMed Corporation
Eli Lilly & Company
The John E. Fetzer Institute, Inc.
GE Healthcare
Genentech, Inc.
General X-Ray, Inc.
Mr. Whitesell Harpole Estate
Hoechst Marion Roussel
Janssen Pharmaceutical
Products, LP
Johnson & Johnson Family
of Companies
L. Palmer Brown Foundation
Mrs. Mary V. McCurdy
Memphis Radiological Professional
Merck & Company, Inc.
Morrison Management Specialists
North Arkansas Conference of the
United Methodist Church
Nycomed, Inc.
Pfizer Foundation, Inc.
Emily J. Pointer Trust
Roche Laboratories Inc.
Sandoz Pharmaceutical Corp.
Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals,
Smith & Nephew, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Micajah P. Sturdivant
United Methodist Church-MS
UT Cancer Institute
Wright Medical Technology, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Abney
Allegiance Healthcare
AmSouth Bank
AstraZeneca, Inc.
Bayer Corporation
Blue Cross Blue Shield
of Tennessee
Boston Scientific Corporation
Vada Mae Burnside Estate
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Carr
Anna K. Carter, Trust
Champion International Corporation
Christ Is Our Salvation Foundation
Citigroup Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Dwight Clark
Dr. & Mrs. F. Hammond Cole, Jr.
Conwood Company, LP
Copeland Companies
Dr. & Mrs. W. Jerry Deaton
Duckworth Pathology Group, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice W. Elliott
FedEx Corporation
First Tennessee Bank
Mrs. Ruth Wilkerson K. Graves
Hardin’s Sysco Food Services, LLC
Dr. & Mrs. O. B. Harrington
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Higdon
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Hilsenbeck, Jr.
Hoffman-La Roche, Inc.
Mr. C. H. Hottum
Mr. Scott House
Inman Construction Corporation
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Jones Pointer Foundation
The Josephine Circle, Inc.
Laurelwood Shopping Center, Inc.
Dr. Alys H. Lipscomb
Mrs. Molly B. Lipscomb
Lipscomb & Pitts Insurance
Dr. & Mrs. H. Frank Martin, Jr.
Maternal League of Memphis
Mr. & Mrs. Shellie G. McCain, Jr.
Medical Anesthesia Group, P.A.
Medimmune, Inc.
Medtronic, Inc.
Memphis Area Race for the Cure
Miles, Inc.
Ohmeda, Inc.
Ortho Biotech
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical
Owens & Minor
Dr. Thomas H. Pratt
Billie Reynolds Estate
Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Pharm., Inc
Mr. & Mrs. King W. Rogers III
S. Webster Haining & Company
Dr. & Mrs. Phillip Schoettle
SCIMED Life Systems, Inc.
Semmes-Murphey Neurologic
& Spine Institute
Ms. Genevia E. Shaw Estate
Forrest Busch Shields Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Shorb
Lt. Col. Lee E. Stokes
Tennessee Hospital Association
Unisys Corporation
The University of Mississippi
Dr. & Mrs. C. F. Varner, Jr.
The West Clinic, P.C.
Dr. & Mrs. Frank L. White
Wills Memorial Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Luke Yancy III
Donor Listing
We gratefully acknowledge all
donors making contributions or
pledge payments of $100 and
above received from January 1,
2008 to December 31, 2008, as
well as all pledges made from
January 1, 2008 to December
31, 2008.
$100,000 +
The Assisi Foundation of Memphis
L. Palmer Brown Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. G. Staley Cates
CIGNA Foundation
Mrs. Helen Hardin
The Kemmons Wilson Family
Medical Anesthesia Group, P.A.
State of Tennessee
Mr. & Mrs. Micajah P. Sturdivant
Mr. R. Andrew Taylor
Mrs. Lucy R. Wilkinson
Mr. Walter D. Wills
Medical Reimbursement
Review, LLC
Memphis Area Home Builders
Memphis Radiological Professional
Merck & Company, Inc.
Norine H. Mitchell Revocable
Living Trust
Pharmion Corporation
Roche Laboratories Inc.
Ms. Virginia R. Stanley
Lt. Col. Lee E. Stokes
United Methodist ChurchMS Conference
Dr. & Mrs. James M. West
Mr. & Mrs. W. Steven West
Mr. & Mrs. Luke Yancy, III
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Abney
Ms. Caryline Adkins
Bayer Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Baytos
Blue Cross Blue Shield
of Tennessee
Celgene Corporation
Ms. Wanda A. Coats
Dr. & Mrs. Rex A. Amonette
Czarnowski Display Service, Inc.
Belz Enterprises
Dennis Electric, Inc.
Cerner Corporation
Mr. John H. Dobbs Jr.
Ms. Dorothy D. Dunehew
Emergency Mobile Health Care, LLC Mrs. Frances (Dee) Flood
Ms. Karen Garner
Mr. & Mrs. Jim S. Forbis
Genentech, Inc.
Dr. James W. Gieselmann
Methodist Healthcare Auxiliary
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Good
Methodist Healthcare Federal
Mr. Mitch Graves
Credit Union
Mr. Brian Guidry
Kathleene A. Sims
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Gary Gunderson
The West Clinic, P.C.
Hardin’s Sysco Food Services, LLC
Dr. Ellena L. Henderson
Hogan & Hartson L. L. P.
Jones Day
JP Morgan Chase
Allen & Hoshall
Kenny Floor Covering
Butler, Snow, O’Mara, Stevens,
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Maliot
& Cannada
Medtronic, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Carr
Dr. Susan G. Murrmann
Collierville United Methodist Church Owens & Minor
Compass Group
Payden & Rygel
FedEx Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Peck
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Gerber
Pediatrix Medical Group, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. O. B. Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Pietrangelo
Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Morris III
Pinnacle Airlines Corp.
National Aids Fund
Raymond James Trust Company
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals,
OSI Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mrs. Cecelia Sawyer
Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Shorb
Mrs. Dorothy R. Smith
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
Skanska USA Building Inc.
Winegardner Community
Mrs. Maida P. Smith
Smith & Nephew, Inc.
Standard Textile
Dr. & Mrs. Robin M. Stevenson
Mrs. Shelby H. Terry
Thompson Dunavant, PLC
Mr. & Mrs. Lyman Aldrich, Jr.
Trauger & Tuke
Alternative Investment Group
TRO Jung/Brannen, Inc.
Services, LP
Verizon Wireless
Amgen, Inc.
Dr. Frances C. Walker
AstraZeneca, Inc.
Ms. Susan H. Waugh
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Barnett
Dr. & Mrs. Frank L. White
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Blythe
Dr. Robert M. Bradley
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Con-nect Supplies, LLC
Conwood Company, LP
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Cylex Incorporated
Dr. R. Franklin Adams
Daelansa Foundation
Adams & Reese, LLP
Duckworth Pathology Group, Inc.
American Cancer Society
First Tennessee Foundation
Flintco, Inc.
Ms. Alison L. Apple
General Board of Pensions
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Arbor
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Glass
The Arthritis Group, P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Graham, Jr.
Atwill Refractory & Acid
Johnson Controls Foundation
Proofing, Inc.
The Jones Clinic, P. C.
August, Inc.
Laurelwood Shopping Center, Inc.
Ms. Dana Avant
Babytime, Inc
Mrs. Sandra Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Barbieri
Bass, Berry & Sims PLC
Dr. & Mrs. Neal S. Beckford
Mr. Mark E. Billingsley
Bioscrip & Subsidiaries
Mrs. Cindy Black
Ms. Connie Blair
Rev. Benjamin W. Bledsoe
Blood & Marrow Transplant Center
of the Mid-South, LLC
Blue Streak Scholarship Funds
Mrs. James E. Boone
Christopher Bounds
Mr. Thomas P. Brabyn
Mr. Michael Brady
Dr. & Mrs. J. Hays Brantley
Mr. Gary C. Britt
Mrs. Darian O. Brooker-Klenz
Brophy & Lovell
Caremark RX, Inc.
The Catholic Center Diocese
of Memphis
Mr. Larry A. Caton
Church of the Holy Communion
Mrs. Ann Cicala
Rainell A. Clark
Ada I. Claudio
Ms. Nancy Clifton
CMMI Architecture & Interior Design
Conrad Pearson Urology Group
Jeremy A. Cook
Corporate Express
Crew Training International
Mr. David B. Crislip
Ms. Sherrye B. Crone
Deborah Dafferner
Jason & Lori Bratton
Dr. & Mrs. Omar Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Dayton
Ms. Sherry DeFries
Ms. Sondra D. Deimund
Dr. & Mrs. Raza Dilawari
Mr. Richard A. Dorn
Dr. Paul Douthitt
Dr. Hugh K. Duckworth
Margaret B. Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Duncan
Mr. Jason P. Ebach
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice W. Elliott
Dr. R. Alan Ellis
Farris Bobango PLC
Dr. & Mrs. Francis J. Fenaughty
Ms. Lynn M. Field
Mr. Larry Fogarty
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Fowler
Mr. David Gambles
Gaskill Strategies, LLC
Georgia Neurological Surgery
Gerber/Taylor Associates, Inc.
Germantown Charity Horse Show
Ms. Suzanne M. Getman
Dr. Hettie S. Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. John Golwen
Ms. Shayla D. Green
Mr. George Hambrecht
The Hamilton-Ryker Company
Mr. Rex K. Hamm
Harrah’s Operating Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Harmon J. Hays
Ms. Kathleen Healy-Collier
Ms. Donna M. Herrin
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Higdon
Highland Capital Management
Ms. Evalie G. Hill
Honeywell International, Inc.
Houghton Mifflin
Ms. Sandra E. Hugueley
Ms. Catherine C. Hupf
Ms. Nancy L. Hutcheson
Sherry L. Icardi
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Inman, Jr.
April T. Jackson
Paula Jacobs
Ms. Paula S. Jacobson
Mr. Frank Z. Jemison & Dr. Jeanne
S. Jemison
Mr. & Mrs. Cato Johnson
Mrs. Mildred C. Jones
Ms. Anna Mary Jordan
William M. Keith
Mr. & Mrs. William Kenley
Mr. & Mrs. William Joseph
Ms. Tracy L. Klingbeil
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Laden
Ms. Carol Langston
Rachel A. Laughlin
Leader Investments, LLC
LSV Asset Management
Donna Lynch-Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan K. Ma
Magna Bank
Mr. Thomas F. Maher III
Mr. Barry Marshall
Matrex Exhibits
Ms. Robin Maxwell
Mr. John McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne McCreight
Mr. James E. McGehee, Jr.
Ms. Meg G. McGill
Mr. & Mrs. Chris J. McLean
Mr. & Mrs. Mickey McLellan
McNabb, Bragorgos & Burgess,
McNeill Investments
Dr. & Mrs. Michael McSwain
Memphis Funeral Home
Ms. Lee D. Meyers
Mrs. Marigay H. Miller
Dr. Stephen T. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Mills, Jr.
Ms. Christine Modzelewski
Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Mullen
Mr. Michael L. Nesbit
NexAir, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Norman
Ms. Elizabeth J. Ostric
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Ottinger
Our 365
The Pathology Group, P. C.
Patterson Building Maintenance
Co., LLC
The Peabody
Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine of
East Memphis, PC
Pediatrics East, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Perini
Mrs. Denise M. Perry
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Pettey III
Mr. John G. Pew
Piedmont Investment Advisors, LLC
Ponder & Company
James C. Pottkotter
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLC
Quality Vending Service
Ms. Charlotte P. Ramsey
Juloy Bailes Raymer
Rhodes College
Mrs. Carla B. Robbins
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Roberson
Ms. Joni M. Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. King W. Rogers III
Ms. Wanda Rook-Peperone
Mrs. Carol E. Ross-Spang
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Rowan
S. Webster Haining & Company
Mr. Robert M. Sanders
Mrs. Helen F. Schlessinger
Mr. Joseph D. Scola
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Scott III
Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Segars
Semmes-Murphey Neurologic &
Spine Institute
Mr. & Mrs. Scott B. Shanker
Ms. Susan G. Sharp
Mr. Guy Dale Shaw
Richard A. Smith
Ms. Mimi R. Sneed
Ms. Tonee M. Sparks
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Spiegel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Spore III
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Spratlin
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Stemmler
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Stewart
Dr. & Mrs. Todd F. Stockstill
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Stover
Mr. & Mrs. Shepherd D. Tate
Ms. Levoyd Thomas
Dr. Lynn Foley
Cynthia A. Ford
Ms. Tiffany Ford
Ms. Marianne S. Fournie
Mrs. Becky Fowler
Mr. Niels C. French
Mrs. Denise D. Gabel-Comeau
Ms. Martha J. George
Mr. & Mrs. James Gilliland, Jr.
Teresa W. Golden
Ms. Rebecca J. Graves
Ms. Maureen E. Gray
Mr. Matthew K. Green
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Greer
Mary N. Guidi
Ms. Karen Guillory
Ms. Ruth Ann Hale
Ms. Ruth A. Hamblen
Dr. & Mrs. Mark L. Hammond
Ms. Helen J. Hanafin
Mr. Edward W. Hankins
Karen C. Harrell
Mr. & Mrs. Brewster Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. Donnie Harris
Ms. Gladys L. Harris
Mrs. Pamela B. Harris
Ms. Kathryn S. Hawes
Ms. Shannon Hayes
Maria L. Haywood
Ms. Donna A. Hess
Duncan E. Hicks
Thomas E. Hill
Ms. Bernadine J. Hinton
Mrs. Loretta M. Hinton
4MD2 Physician Services
Ms. Sherry Hinton
of Somerville, LLC
Ms. Shawn Holliday
Mr. George G. Adams
Ms. Angela N. Hollingsworth
Ms. Melissa S. Aeschliman
Ms. Teresa S. Hughes
Agincourt Capital Management, LLC Ms. Kathryn B. Hughey
Air Technical Services, Inc.
Ms. Donna P. Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Anderson
Hyde Family Foundations
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Armour
Ms. Paula A. Innis
Ms. Kimberly S. Asher
J. Austin Installs
Tommye J. Banks
Mrs. Carolyn J. Jackson
Ms. Cynthia R. Bardwell
Ms. Ptosha Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Basye
Ms. Julia James
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Batson
Dr. & Mrs. M. B. Jenkins
Ms. Dawn M. Billings
Ms. Annelise Jensen
Patricia L. Boswell-Wilson
Mr. Ralph O. Johnson
Adrain L. Bowie
Colleen E. Jones
Daphne Boyd-Truitt
Marnetta D. Jones
Daphne Brown
Ms. Trina L. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Brown
Ms. Sylvia V. Kee
Ms. Tiffany Bruce
Ms. Lori Kessler
Mr. Cederick D. Bryson
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Kirkpatrick
Dr. James Burke
Ms. Cheryl A. Koehler
Mrs. Karen Burks
Ms. Kathryn D. Krause
Mr. & Mrs. Allen W. Burnett
Adele M. Laberge
Ms. Patricia T. Busbey
Mr. & Mrs. Caby E. Byrne
Ms. Amanda R. Labuda
Ms. Amanda Caldwell
Ms. Christine J. Laden
Ms. Sharon R. Camp
Mr. Charles R. Lane
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Carlisle
Mr. Imogene D. Leavy
Mr. & Mrs. David O. Carney
Ms. Vivian L. Lebaroff
Carpenter, Sullivan, Sossaman
Mr. John N. Lee
Ms. Linda H. Lipsky
Kavanaugh & Dennis Casey
Ms. Donna Looney
Karen B. Caspersen
Samuel Lowry
Ms. Sharon D. Chandler
Lulu Press, Inc.
Channing Capital Management, LLC Ms. Sheon P. Lynch
Mr. Chirag Chauhan
Mr. & Mrs. Scott N. MacLellan
Ms. Diana L. Christian
Macon Methodist Church
Chuck Hutton Leasing Co.
Magnolia First Baptist Church
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cirigliano
Mrs. Shirley A. Martin
Mr. Daniel A. Clark
Ms. Robin M. Mathis
Mr. Lloyd Coffee
Dr. & Mrs. William N. May
Ms. Linda Collins
Ms. Dona McArdle
Ms. Carol J. Cox
Mrs. Sheila A. McClain
Mr. Hesley A. Cox, Jr.
Gracie S. McDaniel
Mrs. Dianne H. Crawford
Mr. Mark H. McManis
Mr. & Mrs. Hilliard R. Crews
Ms. Glenda G. Mendina
Mrs. Rebecca M. Cullison
Laura & Greg A. Miller, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Curtis
Mrs. Susan C. Dennis
Ann D. Montgomery
Ms. Dana L. Dodson
Ms. Rhonda G. Murchison
Ms. Judith E. Donnelly
Ms. Catherin E. Murphy
Dorris Dotson
Ms. Jessica A. Murphy
Ms. Terry L. Duncan
Ms. Christina Myers
Ms. Emily L. Durbin
N Secure Films LLC
Ms. Lisa A. Edwards
Mrs. Connie S. Nahhas
Mr. Jeshahnton V. Essex
Ms. DeAnne L. Nelson
Five Dollar Cover, LLC
Dr. & Mrs. Grant Newman
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Thomason
Ms. Kimberly T. Thompson
Mr. Kenneth L. Thornberry
Mr. & Mrs. David Thornton
Dr. Gail Thurmond
Sarah L. Tierney
Kevin L. Todd
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Towne
Tri-State Plumbing & Heating
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Troy
Mrs. Jamie C. Turner
Ms. Pamala Turner
United Methodist ChurchMemphis Conference
UT Cancer Institute
US Bank
UT Medical Group, Inc.
Ms. Jane G. Van Deren
Victory Capital Management, LLC
Mrs. Donna D. Waller
Ms. Sherry L. Wells
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Jodie L. White
Mrs. Leona C. White
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Whitman
Rev. & Mrs. John A. Wilcher
Mrs. Barbara Wilkey
William Blair & Company Foundation
Ms. Anissa D. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wishnia
Ms. Jane E. Nichols
Ms. Lea M. Nilson
Tanya L. Noah
Ms. Brenda Nolan
Ms. Barbara H. Norris
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. O’Brien, Jr.
Ms. Phyllis A. Pamper
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Parchman
Ms. Pamela D. Parnell
Ms. Ester M. Patrick
Mr. Lewis T. Peeples
Ms. Kristi Peltz
Performance Landscape Corp.
Mr. Lewis L. Perkins, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Phillips
PhysioPlus, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Plunk
Darrella D. Porter
Mary Price-Henry
Mrs. Dawn Redmond
Dr. Kenneth R. Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Robinson
Ms. Sandra Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Rosenbaum
Rowland & Carter, CPA
Mr. Bret Sanders
Dr. Christopher W. Sands
Schilling Enterprises
Ms. Susan L. Schmidt
Seg, Inc.
Ms. Anita G. Settles-Seymour
Mr. Richard C. Shaw
Rhonda G. Shepherd
Mr. & Mrs. Steven T. Siple
Ms. Donna Smith
Linda G. Smith
Sabrina C. Smith
Paula Spears
Gail H. Spragins
St. Joe Community Foundation
Stanley Convergent Security
Solutions, Inc.
Mr. Daniel L. Stanton
Ms. Susan C. Steppe
Ms. Linda F. Stevens
Gail C. Stewart
Jeanette R. Strickland
Mrs. Michelle Stubbs
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Swiggart
Tabernacle United Methodist Church
Ms. Frances G. Tate
Ms. Margaret Tatum
Ms. Gail A. Taylor
Ms. Kelly S. Terry
Ms. Dianna M. Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Thompson
Mr. Trevor K. Thompson
Terri L. Tibbs
Ms. Delphine Tolbert
Ms. LaTarsha Triplett
Dr. & Mrs. G. Randolph Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Tyler
Mr. Michael O. Ugwueke
University of Memphis
Mr. Justin B. Usery
Mr. & Mrs. Donn D. Vance
Dr. & Mrs. C. F. Varner, Jr.
Dr. Jose Velazquez
Mrs. Donna A. Vickery
Ms. Donna Vincent
Carolyn D. Wade
Rose S. Wallace
Ms. Phyllis E. Weaver
Dr. & Mrs. Bill C. Weber
Mrs. Carol A. H. Weidenhoffer
Wesley Theological Seminary
Mayor A C Warton
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy G. Whittington
Mr. John S. Wilder
Mr. Lee Williams
Ms. Pamela D. Williams
Ms. Tonya L. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Archie Willis, III
Ms. Mildred E. Willis
Mr. Charles R. Wilson
Nancy F. Wilson
Mr. Glen M. Wittig
Women’s Council of Realtors
Mr. Tony Womeodu & Dr. Robin
Ms. Karen L. Woodley
Charlene R. Wooten
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Wyatt III
Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Yancy
Ms. Emily L. Young
Above & Beyond Electric Co., Inc
Kathleen M. Albonetti
Ms. Queeneastar Alexander
Vickie L. Alexander
Betty S. Allbright
Mr. Frank S. Allen Jr.
Mr. Nathan W. Allen
Ms. Sandra M. Allen
Linda M. Anderson
Robin S. Arnett
Ms. Elaine V. Austin
Brittney R. Baird
Regina L. Baptiste
Ms. Cheryl L. Barbarotto
Ms. Sandra K. Bassett
Harry G. Beasley
Ms. Kathleen Berrie
Mrs. Kristen Bland
Mr. & Mrs. Butch Bohanon
Mr. Larry L. Bomar
Jennifer D. Borgstrom
Bottletree Design Group, LLC
Ms. Debbie Bratton
Mr. Antonio Brooks
Ms. Erskine M. Brown
Ms. Joyce E. Broyles
Ms. Theresa A. Bryant
Cynthia C. Buckley
Nancy S. Burke
Ms. Gloria Burness
Anissa J. Burton-Richardson
Mr. John C. Butler
C B Richard Ellis
Ms. Patty N. Caldwell
Mr. Gary Callicutt
Ms. Cheryl Callonas
Ms. Nicole J. Cannon
Ms. Elaine Capps
Ms. Rokiesha R. Carter
Mr. Phillip M. Cates
Ms. Johanna L. Cecil
Lois R. Certion
Aubrey M. Chandler
Mr. Lawrence Chandler
Lisa L. Cheers-Forrest
Drs. Russell & Joan Chesney
Ms. Angel S. Chiozza
Church Health Center
of Memphis, Inc.
Ms. Carol Clark
James N. Clay IV
Jamie E. Clayton
Robert D. Cochran
Ms. Elaine H. Cohen
Ms. Brenda J. Cole
Ms. Sheba Coleman
Dr. & Mrs. A. G. Collis
Mr. Gary R. Cook
Mr. Richard S. Copeland
Stephanie Cowan
John R. Crafford
Ms. Virginia Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Crippen
Crump Electric
Dandridge Equipment, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth A. David
Joell Davis
David R. Deas
Ms. Donna L. Dehoog
Lajuana G. Dering
Dillard Door & Security, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dobbs
Ms. Elizabeth A. Dover
Dr. & Mrs. John K. Duckworth
Ms. Deborah L. Dunlap
Rev. & Mrs. Harry D. Durbin, Sr.
Gina L. Durmeier
Pamela Earnest
Ms. Sheilah L. Easterling
Mr. Brandon Edgerson
Ms. Barbara K. Edward
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Ehrhart
Ms. Donna D. Elion
Ms. Wanda J. Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Embry
Susan E. Ervin
Ms. Linda J. Evans
Ms. Paula K. Ferris
Christopher Finch
Ms. Leisha Flack
Dr. & Mrs. Irvin D. Fleming
P. Kay Fleming
Mr. John K. Fortenberry
Grace A. Frazier
Rita A. Frix
Julie A. Gabriel
Ronald E. Geddings
Ms. Jacquelyn R. Geeslin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Gilmer
Shirley F. Golden
Ms. Julia A. Gordon
Ms. Kippy E. Gourley
Ms. Vickie Grannan
Mr. Ron K. Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Halloran
Dr. Ethel A. Harrell
Ms. Gladys G. Harris
Mr. Jeffery D. Harris
Ms. Barbara L. Harrison
Ms. Jane P. Hartley
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hawkins
Mr. Melanie M. Hayes
Linda A. Haynes
Health Choice, LLC
Ms. Sheri S. Henderson
Sarah E. Henning
Elizabeth Hillis
Johnnie L. Hogg
Dr. Karen Hopper
Sandra L. Houston
Mr. Richard Wyatt Howell
Mrs. Stacy A. Huddleston
Ms. Lisa W. Huggins
Monica R. Hunt
Ms. Pamela D. Hunt
Ms. Janice A. Igielski
Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. Ingram
Jerlene P. Ivory
J. B. Portraits
Ms. Hazel N. Jackson
Ms. Susan Jacob
Arta B. James
Ms. Rebecca James
Ms. Tarsha L. James
Mr. Christopher Jenkins
Mr. Michael A. Jewell
Ms. Gwendolyn D. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Johnson
Ms. Susan M. Johnson
Virginia Jones
Rev. & Mrs. R. C. Jordan
Mr. Rick Kanschat
Ms. Sherry E. Kasaitis
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Katz, III
Cynthia Kennedy
Randall B. Kessler
Ms. Karen K. Kinard
Mr. Steven A. King
Mrs. Amy G. Krauss
Mr. Robert C. Lanier
Ms. Eileen Latham
Dr. & Mrs. Edward H. Lazar
Ms. Kathy Y. Lester
Vera Lewis
Mrs. Connie F. Lindsey
Ms. Judith Lott
Gloria E. Lovett
Debra K. Lynch
Ms. Argie F. Macklin
Mrs. Margaret G. Mahoney
Ms. Victoria Mallett
Ms. June B. Mann
Mr. Edmund D. Martin III
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Martin
Lillie Matlock
Mr. Lee A. McCain
Mrs. Sandra McCorry
Mr. Kevin S. McDermott
Mrs. Ila S. McDonald
Ms. Wanda McDonald
Mrs. Christina M. McDowell
Ms. Karen B. McGee
Mrs. Bettie B. McKee
Ms. Karen McKinney
Ms. Amy C. McRae
MedAssist Inc.
Ms. Alice E. Melton
Ms. Kelley F. Melton
Theresa Melton
Memphis Pediatric Gastroenterology & Hepatology P.C.
Ms. Juanita Merriweather
The MetroHealth Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Patricia H. Meyer
Mid-South Medical Associates
Mid-South Transport, Inc.
Steven A. Miller, Sr.
Bettye H. Mims
Ms. Julie A. Minnick
Mr. & Mrs. William Mitchell
Mr. Jeffrey Moder
Gloria J. Morgan
Ms. Janice M. Morgan
Patricia A. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Mruz
Leler B. Murphy
Arvis E. Murrell
Ms. Rhoda E. Myles
Ms. Shirley A. Nesbit
Ms. Sharon Y. Newsom
Mamie L. Nicholson
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Nunn
Dr. Evelyn B. Ogle
Mr. Elvin L. O’Neal
Mr. Mitchell C. Ormon
Mrs. Linda V. Palmer
Mr. Marion Parker
Anami Patel
Vyomesh Patel
Pradeep K. Patra
Ms. Cassandra Patterson
Ms. Latasha N. Patterson
Ms. Pinky L. Payba
William Payne
Ms. Carol F. Peppers
Ms. Paulette Pettis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Peyton
Plumbing Systems, Inc.
Diane D. Presley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Prewitt, Jr.
Theresa Proctor
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell A. Raber
Raleigh Group, P.C.
Mr. Joseph T. Ranager
Ms. Deshanna Raynor
Ms. Kerry S. Regen
Anissa A. Revels
Revenue Assurance Prof LLC
John E. Richardson
Theresa E. Riffe
Ms. Diane C. Rinehart
Ms. Jennifer K. Ringold
Mr. Derrick S. Roberson
Mr. Guy W. Robertson
Ms. Lisa L. Robinson
Mr. Patrick C. Robinson
Ms. Patsy Robinson
Charlotte A. Rose
Mrs. Linda Rosenblatt
Freda M. Rountree
Cynthia B. Rowell
Ms. Karla J. Rowland
Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Rudner III
Ms. Ann B. Ruffin
Pauline Russell
Ms. Deborah G. Rutland
Mr. & Mrs. R. N. Schuknecht
Mr. McCoy Scott, Jr.
Phillip Scruggs
Second Presbyterian Church
Mr. Eric T. Sefton
Dr. Azra M. Sehic
Mr. Julian Serrano, Jr.
Ms. Dawn C. Shanks-Williams
Mr. James E. Shaw
Ms. Carol Shelton
Ms. Kimberly Shipp-Martin
Ms. Elesheba Shye-Parker
Sign Matters, Inc.
Ms. Charlotte S. Sillyman
Ms. Pamela J. Simmons
Mr. John R. Simpson
Ms. Annette L. Singleton
Ms. Cynthia G. Slater
Ms. Katherine Smith
Vickie C. Smith
Emily L. Sowell
Peggy K. Sparrenberger
Ms. Natalie Stanfill
Margaret C. Starnes
Ms. Lee A. Stearnes
Ms. Kathryn C. Steinbrecher
Ms. Linda D. Stevens
Mr. Leslie Stewart
Mr. William L. Stites
Patty Strickland
Janet C. Tarbox
Ms. Dana K. Taylor
Mr. Jeremy Taylor
Ms. Amy C. Teal
Ms. Shelita Thomas
Mrs. Jane M. Thompson
Ms. Lavonte D. Thompson
Ms. Karol C. Thorne
Kari B. Tidwell
Rev. Bill E. Torkell, Sr.
Ms. Beth A. Townley
Mrs. Deborah B. Trobaugh
Ms. Seletha M. Tucker
Mr. Larry D. Turner
United Methodist Association
United Methodist Church Arkansas Conference
Mr. Darrin Vicory
Charles L. Walker
Dr. Benjamin R. Waller III
Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Washburn
Ms. Marianne Waszilycsak
Mr. Jonathan E. Watkins
Dr. & Mrs. David J. Weber
Ms. Marie Webster
WeCare Services, Inc.
Mr. David Weinstein
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Wells
Wesley Class
Ms. Camille S. Wheeler
Ms. Elizabeth R. White
Ms. Patricia A. White
Stephanie S. White
Mr. Howard E. Wildmann
Ms. Andrea E. Wilkes
Ms. Janice F. Williams
Ms. Linda R. Williams
Martha J. Williams
Ms. Tricia D. Williams
Bruce Wilson
Ms. Carol A. Wilson
Ms. Mona D. Wilson
Mr. Christopher A. Wiltse
Ms. Kymberly C. Withers
Dr. & Mrs. Frank G. Witherspoon, Jr.
Ms. Dora Woo
Ms. Shirley P. Woodard
Ms. Danielle M. Wright
Ms. Linda Wright
Ms. Dara A. Wyatt
Ms. Susan E. Yeomans
Mr. John S. Young, Jr.
Ms. Claudean Accardi
Ms. Judi L. Adair
Donna R. Adams
Ms. Jennifer Adams
Mr. John Adams
Mr. John D. Adams
Adlib Specialties
Ms. Carolyn A. Akin
Ms. Marilyn E. Albright
Ms. Janet L. Aldrich
Ms. Deborah G. Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. John Alexander
Ms. Patricia A. Alexander
All Metal Roof Systems, Inc.
Ms. Jeaneen Allen
Tawana M. Allen
Teresa Alwin-Nguyen
Diane J. Anderson
Ms. Lynne Anderson
Ms. Regina M. Anderson
Ms. Shelia Anderson
Susan Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. William Anderson
Mark Apple
Applied Labels
Mr. J. William Appling
Ms. Tabitha L. Appling
The April 4TH Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Evelyn B. Armour
Ms. Julie Armstrong
Mrs. Leslie T. Armstrong
Ms. Monica S. Arndt
John F. Arth
Mr. & Mrs. Bryce W. Ashby
Ms. Frances M. Ashcraft
Ms. Jacqueline D. Askew
Linda L. Atwater
Au Pair Care
Ms. Tracie L. Augusta-Lesure
Ms. Barbara G. Austin
Dannine R. Austin
Keisha L. Austin
Ms. Cynthia G. Avery
Ms. Diana L. Ayers
Pamela D. Badowski
Ms. Debra E. Bailey
Ms. Lewetta Bailey
Ms. Carol B. Baird
Mr. Bobby G. Baker
Ms. Christina B. Baldridge
Ms. Ollie C. Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Ballin
Bank of Bartlett
The Bank of Fayette County
Ms. Candace G. Barber
Ms. Kay C. Barbieri
Mrs. Jill W. Bargiacchi
Ms. Debra Barnes
Julie M. Barnum
Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Barron
Elizabeth Barry
Corine G. Bartlett
Tanya L. Baskins
Ms. Charline Bass
Harriet A. Bateman
Ms. Mary Bauer
Ms. Beverly A. Beall
Ms. Frances M. Beamon
Ms. Sheryl Bearden
Mrs. Sandra Beatus
Carmen R. Bechel
Ms. Amy R. Beckmann
Mr. William M. Bell
William Bell
Belmont United Methodist Church
Elisa Benaim
Judy Bennett
Ms. Linda Bennett
Ms. Elizabeth J. Benson
Mrs. Lelia T. Berkley
Ms. Pamela S. Bernard
Ms. Marylee Berro
Mr. Terry Berry
Ms. Linnea S. Bert
Glenda L. Bethea
Bibb Family Chiropractic, PLLC
Ms. Heather N. Bierbrodt
Ms. Blair Billings
Lula Billingsley
Mr. Billy Bing
Jo Ann B. Bintz
Ms. Antoinette C. Birse
Ms. Amy R. Bishop
Black Diamond, Inc.
Ms. Beverly Blair
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blake
Ms. Linda K. Blakemore
Mr. Robert Bland
Ms. Debra R. Blevins
Joselyn A. Boatwright
Mr. & Mrs. L. K. Bobo, Sr.
Ms. Lynda L. Bogan
Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Bond
Ms. Estela O. Bone
Mr. Alvin L. Bonner
Bettye R. Boone
Ms. Joy D. Boroughs
Ms. Judith Boshwit
Ms. Cynthia P. Bothwell
Dr. & Mrs. William L. Bourland
Ms. Sandra I. Bowdre
Alicia L. Bowen
Ms. Brenda D. Bowen
Ms. Carolyn A. Bowen
Mr. Edward L. Bowen, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Bowie
Ms. Tina M. Bowman
Ms. Dorothy A. Boyd
James E. Boyd
Ms. Vicki L. Boyd
Ms. Brandi N. Braden
Ms. Shundalin N. Bradshaw
Ms. Cathy Brady
Ms. Barbara Branch
Ms. Ruby J. Branch
Ms. Jane G. Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Breen
Pamela Bridgeforth-Freeman
Caroline I. Bridges
Ms. Lorainne Bridges
Ms. Priscilla Briggett
Ms. Barbara Brinkley
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Brinkmann
Ms. Delois E. Broady
Ms. Edie J. Brooks
Mr. Jim A. Brooks
Ms. Marcia A. Brooks
Mrs. Yvette S. C. Brooks
Alma B. Brown
Corey Brown
Mrs. Dulaine W. Brown
Ms. Jacqueline Brown
Ms. Lori D. Brown
Mary A. Brown
Ms. May E. Brown
Mr. Charles H. Brownlee, Jr.
Tena L. Bryan
Mrs. Angela T. Bryant
Mr. James L. Bryant, Jr.
Ms. Nancy A. Bryant
Ms. Beverly B. Buchalter
Ms. Patricia T. Buchannon
Ms. Mary L. Buckingham
Mr. Ronnie O. Buckner
Glenda A. Bunn
Dr. & Mrs. George A. Burghen
Jacquelyn Burnette
Ms. Anita Burroughs
Lydia A. Bursi
Dr. & Mrs. William D. Burton
Ms. Zandra D. Burton
Ms. Elaine N. Butler
Ms. Joan D. Butler
Shirley J. Butler
Mrs. Carol A. Byrd
Ms. Lisa A. Byrd
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cahill III
Paulette B. Caldwell
Ms. Cynthia R. Camp
Ms. Betty R. Campbell
Ms. Delois Campbell
Mrs. Marcia E. Campbell
Ms. Renee C. Campbell
Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua B. Cardell
Mr. John J. Carey
Mr. Robert S. Carlile
Ms. Janey R. Carpenter
Judy A. Carroum
Mr. Aaron D. Carter
Barbie Carter
Ms. Denice Carter
Mr. Harvey W. Carter, Jr.
Joyce M. Carter
Keri M. Carter
Ms. Lula F. Carter
Ms. Tamara A. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Casey
Ms. Susan D. Casey
Mrs. Lisa Caufield
Susan A. Caugh
Mrs. Diane R. Cecerre
Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Centella
Challenger Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Chaltas
Ms. Kathleen Chambers
Ms. Diana L. Chambley
Ms. Annie Champion
Ms. Bessie Champion
Mrs. Sharon Chandler
William T. Charles
Dr. Nancy A. Chase
Ms. Natasha Chatman
Ms. Paula M. Chisum
Mr. Richard E. Choate, Jr.
Chris-More, Inc.
Dr. Aimee M. Christian
Janie M. Chunn
Ms. Cynthia L. Church
Ms. Crystal L. Church-Ruark
Mr. Anthony J. Cicalla
Brenda Clark
Dr. H. Phillip Claybrook
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Clein
Casey M. Clements
Mary E. Cobb
Mary E. “Beth” Cobb
Cochran Firm Memphis
Ms. Hayley Coffey
Suzanne Cole
Ms. Carolyn D. Coleman
Joann Coleman
Ms. Frances L. Coley
Ms. Erika C. Collier
Ms. Vicky Collier
Ms. Mary E. Collins
Mr. Patrick S. Collins
Ms. Carli C. Comish
Commercial Bank & Trust
Mr. Eddie Conner
George R. Conner
Mr. Jack R. Conrad
Mr. Adam O. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Cook Jr.
Mr. Gerald D. Cook
Ms. Debra Cooper
Mr. Robert Cooper
Ms. Roberta Corliss
Mr. Harry Cornell
Costco Wholesale
Ms. Emily T. Costello
Mr. Timothy A. Courts
Mr. Terry L. Craft
Ms. Romelle A. Craig
Cheryl Crawford
Ms. Cynthia M. Crawford
Ms. Cynthia L. Cresswell
Mr. & Mrs. David Crighton, Jr.
Ms. Susan Crim
James R. Crizer
Marcia G. Crosby
Ms. Donna Crosnoe
Ms. Cindy Culver
Ms. Ernestine C. Cunningham
Mary A. Cunningham
Ms. June Curry
Pamela M. Curry
Ms. Judy Daffron
Ms. Julie A. Dallas
Ms. Robin Daniels
Mr. Oliver Darensbourg
Ms. Sharon Davidson
Mr. B. J. Davis
Rev. Drs. Elvernice & Cynthia Davis
Mr. Floyd S. Davis
Ms. Karen D. Davis
Ms. Kathryn M. Davis
Ms. Pamela A. Davis
Ms. Risalette Davis
Ms. Shelley Davis
Dr. Valerie A. Davis
Ms. Brenda O. Deaton
Ms. Elizabeth J. DeBacker
Ms. Wendy DeBuse
Angela M. Dedrick
Mr. Christopher Dehaan
Delta Theta Tau Sorority, Inc.
Ms. Starr L. DeMarco
Mr. Mark Denegri
Brenda D. Dennis
Peggy J. Denton
Ms. Rebecca Detar
Ms. Wendy D. Devuyst
Michael Dexter
Vilesa Dilworth
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Dlugach
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Dobson
Ms. Christy A. Dockery
Mrs. Tammy J. Doriot
Robin Dorris
Ms. Vickie T. Dotson
Ms. Patricia A. Dougherty
Mr. Guy K. Douglas
Mr. John D. Douglas
Ms. Marilyn K. Dover
Kimberly Dowe
Shonta D. Dowell
Ms. April R. Downing
Mr. & Mrs. Lafayette L. Draper, Jr.
Dream Team Nursery
Ms. Angela D. Drown
Ms. Ruby M. Drummer
Ms. Regina Duberstein
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Dudek
Ms. Mary Dugger
Mr. Dennis Duke
Ms. Lindsay M. Duncan
Dr. Barbara A. Duncan-Cody
Mr. John L. Dunn
Pamela Dunn
Ms. Tamara L. Dupree
Mrs. Ann W. Durden
Mr. Leo Duykers
Dr. James D. Eason
Ms. Linda E. Eaves
Darnell Echols
Ms. Vicki Echols
Bonita L. Eckel
Ashley N. Eddins
Edible Arrangements
Bernice L. Edwards
Lee E. Edwards
Ms. Linda R. Edwards
Ms. Peggy A. Edwards
Rachel Edwards
Darrell Eldred
Ms. Elizabeth A. Ermer
Kristi A. Escue
Ms. Stephanie L. Eubanks
Ms. JoAnn Evans
Mr. John A. Evans
Dr. Loraine J. Evans
Ms. Melissa G. Evans
Ms. Roberta Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Exline
Ms. Elizabeth Y. Fagone
Lorrea Farmer
Ms. Farah Farooq
Jerdean J. Faulkner
Audrey Fenceroy
Marcus J. Fent
Mr. L. Wayne Ferguson
Ferguson Enterprises
Lynn Ferrier
Mrs. Carol D. Fesmire
Ms. Jean M. Fields
Mary L. Finley
Mr. Marcus Finnie
First Baptist Church Broad
Ms. Betty Fish
Ms. Casey J. Fish-Baker
Mr. Scott Fisher
Ms. Barbara A. Fitzgerald
Ms. Bertha L. Fitzgerald
Tracy J. Fitzgerald
Ms. Lisa L. Flaherty
Mr. & Mrs. Evan S. Fleming
Fleming/Associates/Architects, P. C.
Janice Fletcher
Dr. Carl E. Flinn
Ms. Eulila Flinn
Ms. Cheryl L. Forbes
Ms. Vickie L. Ford
Betty Fortney
Vickley L. Fountaine
Kate M. Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Fowler
Ms. Carol Fox
Ms. Jennifer T. Francis
Megin R. Franklin
Ms. Peggy D. Franklin
Ms. Pamela R. Franks
Ms. Kincharska N. Freeman
Ms. Laura A. Freeman
Mae G. Freeman
Ms. Pamela S. Freeman
Ms. Aline M. French
Dr. & Mrs. Noel K. Frizzell
Mrs. Patti Fulkerson
Ms. Sandra C. Fuller
Dorothy J. Fullilove
Mary Fultz
Ms. Angele A. Fuschi
Mr. Jonathan Fuschi
Ms. Nancy A. Galindez
Ms. Laura A. Gansman
Mr. John R. Gardner
Margaret E. Gardner
Brenda W. Garner
Mr. Russell G. Garner
Ms. Vanessa Garrison
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Gateley
Ms. Megan T. Gatewood
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gattas
Tonya Y. Gentry-Luellen
Ms. Brenda M. George
Dr. & Mrs. Barry E. Gerald
Ms. Betty A. Gibbs
Mrs. Kathy Buckman Gibson
Mr. Marlon Gibson
Ms. Melissa K. Gibson
Ms. Ethel Gilmore
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Ginsburg
Glankler Brown, PLLC
Sumner Glassco
Pamela J. Glover
Ms. Rhonda D. Goad
Ms. Lauren N. Goetz
Goh America Corproation
Laurie L. Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Goldner
Ms. Bunny Phelan Goldstein
Ms. Sondra L. Goldstein
Teresa S. Goo
Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Gooch
Ms. Gwendolyn Y. Goodwin
Mr. Gary Gordanier
Ms. Donna Gordy
Deborah M. Graham
Mrs. Dorothy C. Graham
Tommie E. Granberry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Grass
Dolly Graves
Ms. Kathryn D. Graves
Mr. Cecil R. Gravley
Ms. Clista P. Gray
Mr. David S. Green
Peggy J. Green-Jenkins
Ms. Dianne R. Greer
Mr. W. H. Gregory
Patricia Gregory Moore
Ms. Cindy J. Grice
Effie A. Grice
Ms. Carol Griffin
Kimberly D. Griffin
Kirsten Griffy
Ms. Debreacca Grimes
Ms. Mary Grimes
Ms. Marcia Groves
Mrs. Shannon H. Gruchot
Ms. Susonna Guimond
Mr. Patrick C. Guinle
Linda A. Guyton
Steven Hahn
Mr. Brenda G. Hall
Ms. Kimberly M. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Halpern
Ms. Linda J. Hamilton
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Hamilton
Ms. Ethel F. Hampton
Tanya Hampton
Alice Hancock
Ms. Almeta Handy
Ms. Shannon M. Hanggi
Dr. Ara James Hanissian
Ms. Sharon A. Hanks
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Hanna
Ms. Lindy C. Hannah
Mrs. Billie Hansbrough
Ms. Wanetta Harbin
Ruby Harden
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley G. Hardin
Mrs. Marion E. Hare
Mr. Tom Harmeier
Karen L. Harness
Lori A. Harrington
Ms. Bernice E. Harris
Delcenia J. Harris
Devon Harris
Ms. Gladys M. Harris
Matthew J. Harris
Ms. Nancy D. Harris
Ms. Tonya M. Harris
Ms. Toya R. Harris
Ms. Kimberly Harrison
Ms. Lisa G. Harrison
Mr. Gregory W. Hart
Laura C. Hartmann
Mrs. Lanette Harwell
Ms. Cynthia Hatfield
Linda F. Hatfield
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Hatmaker
Ms. Gwendolyn Hatter
Ms. Marcia Hayden
Linda J. Hayes
Ms. Amy S. Haynes
Ms. Bridget Head
Debra & Will Heaton
Michelle S. Hefley
Ms. Patricia S. Heins
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Helms
Ms. Cynthia A. Helton
Ms. Lana L. Helton-Clark
Ms. Joletta Henderson
Towonder L. Henderson
Ms. Jeannie A. Hendrix
Ms. Bernita Henley
Mr. & Mrs. Derwin A. Henry
Ms. Myra Henry
Joy Herrera
Ms. Thereatha Herron
Mr. Willie D. Herron
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Hettinger
Beverly J. Hibbler
Ms. Sharon G. Hicks
Glenda E. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley C. Hightower
Dorothy J. Hill
Ms. Mary H. Hill
Ms. Sheila D. Hill
Ms. Sheryl L. Hill
Jacqueline Hillman
Terri A. Himelrick
Ms. Charlotte Hite
Ms. Laurie W. Hobson
Ms. Kami K. Hodge
Mr. Elishia V. Hodges
Ms. Latita D. Hodo
Ms. LaRhonda L. Holland
Margaret D. Holliday
Miss Jodi E. Hollingdrake
Ms. Betty C. Holloman
Ms. Anita L. Holloway
Ms. Sandy Holmes
Mrs. Alice F. Holt
Mrs. Sonya L. Honea
Martha G. Hopper
Jean D. Hopson
Ms. Cassaundra D. Horton
Ms. Vicki L. Horton
Donna J. Hosey
Ms. Susan Hosse Tanner
Ms. Shameka S. Houston
Ms. Terri L. Hovas
Dr. & Mrs. David A. Howard
Janice G. Howard
Ms. Lori T. Howe Fili
Ms. Virginia Howell
Mr. Wyatt Howell
Ms. Leann B. Howerton
Mr. Grover M. Howse
Joanna M. Hudson
Vicki L. Huey
Ms. Martha Huffman
Mrs. Irene H. Hughes
Ms. Darla R. Humes
Ms. Janet M. Hunt
Patricia D. Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hush
Wayne C. Hyatt
Ms. Mary E. Hyman
Ms. Shirley R. Iacopelli
Vicki A. Ice
Gennie Ihrie
Ms. Samantha L. Ikner
Ms. Brenda A. Ingram
Ms. Janet C. Ingram
Ms. Talisha L. Ingram
Inman Construction Corporation
Darlene B. Isom
Donna R. Israel
Mrs. April T. Jackson
Ms. Barbara Jackson
Ms. Calverta Jackson
Ms. Dawn Jackson
Debra M. Jackson
Dorothea Jackson
Ms. Gwendolyn B. Jackson
Ms. Mable Jackson
Ms. Mamie L. Jackson
Ms. Shirley H. Jackson
Ms. Victoria Jackson
Mr. W. Clay Jackson
Mr. William L. Jackson
Ms. Eugene M. Jacobi
Ms. Teresa Jacques
Ms. Naudia James
Ms. Susan James
Bette D. Jamison
Charlotte B. Jenkins
Ms. Peggy Jenkins
Ms. Susan A. Jenkins
Ms. Amanda S. Jennings
John J. Campbell Co., Inc.
Ms. Anne R. Johnson
Atlene S. Johnson
Ms. Barbara Johnson
Ms. Betsy J. Johnson
Ms. Carol W. Johnson
Danita Johnson
Ms. Darlene F. Johnson
Dollie A. Johnson
Ms. Donna V. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Howard V. Johnson
Ms. Jo Annette Johnson
Juliet A. Johnson
Ms. Laquita Johnson
Margaret C. Johnson
Ms. Maxine J. Johnson
Mr. Michael Johnson
Ms. Ruth Ann Johnson
Stenola Johnson
Ms. Sylvia B. Johnson
Ms. Syretta L. Johnson
Ms. Tamala Murphy Johnson
Mr. James R. Johnston
Ms. Anjali Jones
Betty J. Jones
Ms. Billie J. Jones
Ms. Carol B. Jones
Deborah K. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Jones
Ms. Jackie L. Jones
Julia R. Jones
Mrs. Juliet Jones
Ms. Lenora Jones
Shannon L. Jones
Ms. Terri K. Jones
Twyla S. Jones
Byron D. Jordan
Dorothy J. Jordan
Mr. William Jordan
Josi Pool Service, Inc.
Mrs. Isaac Kaplan
Ms. Sherry D. Karr
Kamala Karri
Mrs. Arthur H. Katz
Kauffman Imaging LLC
Dr. Amer M. Kechli
Linda M. Kee
Mrs. Betty Keen
Mrs. Tami Keeton
Ms. Jacquelyn V. Kelley
Ms. Pamela G. Kellum
Linda F. Kelly
Brenda Kendrick
Rev. Dr. Gale F. Kennebrew
Judge & Mrs. David S. Kennedy
Ms. Kelly M. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kesler
Ms. Jennifer R. Key
Ms. Misty E. Khima
Kids Link - Memphis
Ms. Patricia M. Kimbrough
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Kimmelman
Kindercare Knowledge Learning
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. King
Ms. Kristie L. King
Ms. Melissa K. King
Ms. Sharon L. King
Ms. Myra L. Kinney
Mary S. Kirkland
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Klenz
Mrs. Patricia G. Klinke
Ms. Bernardine J. Knight
Mr. Jack Knight
Mrs. Melanie P. Knight
Ms. Mary E. Kowalski
Mr. Donald Kruse
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kueter
Kutteh Ke Fertility Associates of
Memphis, PLLC
Mr. Ricky Kuykendall
Mrs. Aurelia K. Kyles
Mr. Taurus Lacy
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Lamberth
Rachelle J. Lamming
Joni W. Lancaster
Mr. Charles E. Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Langston
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Larkin
Lasting Expressions
Dr. Kashif A. Latif & Dr. Shazia
Ms. Danyel Lawrence
Joseph A. Lawrence
Ms. Tomeka R. Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Lazarini
Thinh Le
Ms. Brenda Leary
Ms. Angelia Y. Lee
Kelley Lee
Margaret N. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler W. Lee
Ms. Shara P. Lehman
Ms. Jennifer Lehneman
Dawn C. Lehr
Mr. & Mrs. Edward LeMaster, Jr.
Ms. Pamela L. Leming
Ms. Lisa N. Lendermon
Mr. & Mrs. Caleb W. Lester
Ms. Sarah S. Lester
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Lewis
Ms. Kimberly R. Lewis
Ms. Nancy A. Liebbe
Ms. La Tese Q. Liggins
Ms. Brandy C. Lindsay
Mr. David Linguist
Ms. Rosia L. Lipsey
The Little Gym
Little Lasting Impressions
Debra S. Livingston
Mrs. Tammie Lo
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lobo
Mr. Bob L. Lobo
Ms. Laura L. Locke
Ms. Lisa C. Loehmann
Mr. Boyd Loflin
Mr. William B. Loflin
Mr. Reginald Lomax
Ms. Lakesha London
Terry R. Long
Judith C. Looney
Mrs. Catherine Lopes
Ms. Irene G. Lopez
Ms. Catherine E. Lott
Cheryl B. Love
Ms. Mary M. Love
Ms. Ann M. Lowe
Ms. Sheila Lowrey
Frances S. Loyd
Mr. C. Matthew Lusco
Cindy Lusk
Debra E. Luther
Laura Luther
Kathy M. Lutz
Dr. Michael H. Lynch
Ms. Darlene S. Mabry
Ms. Jackie Mabry
Mr. Edward B. Macdonald
Lisa Madden
Ayn E. Maddox
Rosalind D. Madlock
Mr. Brian Maglothin
Ms. Michelle Majors
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome B. Makowsky
Ms. Elizabeth A. Malone
Ms. Laurie Manis
Ms. Ellen E. Mann
Mr. Herschel E. Manning
Ms. Kmily Manns
Janet C. Mansfield
Ms. Sandra L. Marbry
Mr. Leon Marr
Carol A. Marsh
Ms. Hazel L. Marsh
Ella Marshall
Clara L. Martin
Mr. Joseph A. Martin
Mrs. Ruth A. Martin
Theresa Martin
Ms. Laura K. Marzahl
Ms. Judy E. Masel
Ms. Shelia Mashburn
Ms. Catherine Mask
Ms. Meredith Massa
Mary H. Matesich
Ms. Catina S. Mathenda
Santhamma S. Mathew
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Mathis III
Beverly J. Matlock
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mattingly
Ms. Mitzi R. Mattingly
Ms. Carol F. Mattison
Mr. Donald R. Maxwell
Mr. James Maxwell
Ms. Julia Maxwell
Carolyn Mayo
Dr. & Mrs. George Mayzell
Diane P. McAfee
Ms. Caryn F. McAlexander
John J. McAlexander
Mrs. John R. McCarroll Jr.
Janice M. McCaskill
Shannon M. McClasky
Lagena R. McCollins
Ms. Irene S. McCorkle
Mrs. Cynthia L. McCrary
Ms. Paula McCune
Joan McDaniel
McDaniel-Whitley, Inc.
Ms. Catharine S. McDonald
Mr. J. Barry McDonald
Ms. Marion McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. McDonald
Rev. & Mrs. Dennis V. McDuffie
Dr. Roger McGee
Yvonne M. McGuire
Aurora M. McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. McKee
Ms. Joyce A. McKee
McKinght Clinic
Ms. Sandra G. McKinney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McKinnon
Ms. Janet S. McLaughlin
Ms. Amy H. McLean
Ms. Kathryn T. McMasters
Ms. Marcia M. McNeal
Ms. Doris S. McNeil
Ms. Marilyn D. McWilliams
Holly A. Meadors
Marcella E. Meadows
Mr. Brad M. Measells
Mr. Wade Medlin
Susan A. Meloche
Memphis Area Teachers’
Credit Union
Memphis Equipment
Memphis Internal Medicine &
Pediatric Associates PLLC
Memphis Organization
of Motherhood
Memphis Primary Care Associates,
Memphis Theological Seminary
Mr. Kevin Mencke
Ms. Sheila K. Mendy
Ms. Angela Menne
Ms. Patty Meredith
Donna R. Merriweather
Ms. Janice Micklos
Micro Matic USA, Inc.
Middlecoff Dental Group, PLLC
Ms. Kymberli Middleton
Midtown Auto
Mr. Juan Miguel
Ms. Marie P. Miguel
Mrs. Clara Miller
Ms. Genevieve Miller
Gina Marie Rodery Miller
Mr. Glenn D. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Mark P. Miller
Ms. Maryann Miller
Ms. Nina L. Miller
Mrs. Paige Miller
Mr. Richard O. Miller, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller
Ms. Rebecca Millican
Linda L. Milligan
Ms. Kerry L. Milloway
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Mills
Julia H. Mills
Robin L. Milton
Ms. Rachel Minner
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mitchell
Cynthia M. Mitchell
Ms. LaQuitta Mitchell
Tomesha F. Mitchell
Mitchell, Bernauer & Winborn
Law Offices
Ms. Emily S. Moffatt
Pauline T. Molder
Ms. Judy L. Mollohan
Mommy’s Secret Consignment
Mr. Randall J. Montgomery
Ms. Sheree B. Montgomery
Ms. Mary A. Mooney
Ms. Anita Moore
Ms. Antenette Moore
Ms. Glenda D. Moore
Jessica C. Moore
Karen S. Moore
Ms. Marjorie D. Moore
Ms. Melissa M. Moore
Pamela S. Moore
Ms. Shelley Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Moore
Mr. Danny Moran
Mr. & Mrs. D. M. Morelli
Ms. Kathryn L. Morgan
Ms. Tiffany N. Morgan
Douglas W. Morris
Ms. Katherine F. Morris
Ms. Kerri D. Morris
Mr. Stan L. Moser
Anita K. Mosley
Ms. Wanda A. Mullen
Ms. Kathryn E. Mullins
Ms. Margaret S. Mullins
Ms. Joan Munsee
Mrs. Charmaine Murphree
Mr. Anthony L. Murphy
Ms. Jessica Murphy
Ms. Valerie H. Murphy
Dawn P. Murray
Ms. Pamela E. Murray
Patricia J. Murray
Yin-chen Murray
Murray Equipment
Ms. Betty L. Murrell
Ms. Joyce M. Murrell
Ms. Cheryl D. Murrell-Evans
Ms. Mekelia Myers
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Nassar, Jr.
Ms. Marilyn Neenan
Bernice Nelson
Nestles Healthcare Nutrition
Ms. Anne M. Newland
Ms. Darlene Newman
Ms. Mary M. Newman
Ms. Rebecca L. Newsom
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Nichols
Jeanne K. Nicholson
Danielle D. Nickum
Barbara C. Norman
Ms. Barbara K. Norris
Ms. Carolyn J. Norris
Chaplain Edward C. Norris
Ms. Anne C. Norton
Now That’s Organized, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Cleveland Nowling
Ms. Leah Nuckolls
Ms. Vickie A. Nutt
Maggie D. Oliver
Mrs. Cookie Olswanger
Once Upon A Time Children’s Store
Toni O’Neal
Ms. Lola O. Oni
Mr. Jason Orman
Dr. & Mrs. Frank J. Osborn
Mr. Stephen B. Osborn
Carol M. Osborne
Mr. Vincent G. Osborne
Ms. Tracie Overbeck
Mrs. Jane S. Owen
Ms. Tammy L. Owen
Ms. Patricia N. Painter
Mr. Arthur L. Palmer Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Palmer
Ms. Yolanda P. Palmer
Ms. Stephanie M. Panzer
Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Papasan
Paramount Uniform Rental Inc.
Barbara K. Parham
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Parham
Agnes E. Parish
Ms. Charlene W. Parker
Ms. Frances J. Parker
Kerry A. Parker
Ms. Kimberly L. Parker
Ms. Marlena Parker
Ms. Myra D. Parker
Ms. Linda B. Parks
Mr. William A. Parman
Ms. Terrye L. Parrish
Ms. Margaret Y. Passalaqua
Dr. Gary Passons
Ms. Bertha L. Pate
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Patterson
Vanessa G. Patton
Ms. Donna C. Pearce
Dwanda D. Pearson
Pediatric Associates
Mr. & Mrs. William I. Pegg, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. John V. Pender, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pendleton
Ms. Lynn S. Pepper
Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Peppler
Flora E. Perry
Kathy Perry
Roxanne N. Perry
W. Jean Perry
Patty A. Peterson
Ms. Paula E. Peterson
Ms. Salem S. Peterson
An H. Pham
Nefitete H. Phelps
Ms. Linda L. Phillips
Ms. Susan R. Phillips
Tameka S. Phillips
Ms. Keela Pierce
Ginger L. Pilgrim
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Pilkington
Tony A. Pillstrom
Janet R. Pirtle
Mr. James Pisarz
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Pittman
Stefanie B. Plunk
Ms. Sharon Poindexter
Ms. Celestine Polk
Ms. Kimberly D. Polk
James A. Pool
Mr. Theodore J. Poplos &
Dr. Stephanie Storgion
Ms. Tonia B. Poteet
Ms. Kirby Powell
Opal M. Powell
Ms. Rose Sharon Powell
Mr. John R. Powers
Lucille Pratcher
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Pratt
Ms. Tanya Prentice
Ms. Cynthia A. Price
Kathleen A. Price
Mr. Mark A. Price
Ms. Paula R. Price
Mr. Clifford B. Priddy
Karen K. Provence
Pruitt Promotions
Ms. Patricia Pruitte
Karen D. Pugh
Ms. Paula Pugh
Ms. Sara L. Pullam
Jacqueline H. Pulliam
Rosemary Purdy-Whitlow
Ms. Teresa Quintero
Cindy G. Raburn
Ms. Susan D. Rader
Ms. Keshia D. Rainey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rainey
Ms. Kara A. Rains
Mr. Kothanur Rajanna
Mr. Ronnie Raney
Muthyala K. Rao
Kami L. Ratcliff
Robert S. Ray
Mr. William A. Ray
Ms. Penny Rayburn
Joan E. Rayford
Ms. Amy Rea
Ms. Anne Reaves
Ms. Cynthia W. Reaves
Tequilla M. Redd
Ms. Treshina Q. Redmond
Bevelyn M. Reed
Ms. Jeanette S. Reed
Ms. Louise M. Reed
Dr. Sandra Reed
Ms. Teresa A. Reed
Ms. Kimberly J. Reese
Ms. Shirley A. Reese
Ms. Deborah G. Reich
Louis H. Reiss
Ms. Mary Lynn Remijan
Republican Party of Shelby County
Ms. Peggy Revalee
Rev. & Mrs. Michael L. Revord
Elijah Reynolds
Ms. Phyllis Rice
Ms. Annie B. Richardson
Ms. Daphne L. Richardson
Mr. Maxwell A. Richardson
Mr. Melvin E. Richardson
Dr. Robert L. Richardson
Loretta P. Richmond
Linda F. Rickman
Vera F. Rideout
Marilyn Ridgell
Ms. Jewell L. Rieben
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Riggs
Mrs. Bonnie A. Riley
Ms. Mary A. Rimer
Theresa G. Rimmer
Ms. Magdali Rivera
Ms. Aleigh D. Rivers
Mr. & Mrs. Larry K. Roberts
Ms. Nannette Roberts
Ms. Teresa G. Roberts
Mr. Blake Robertson
Carol Robertson
Mr. Charles Robertson
Ms. Elizabeth J. Robertson
Ms. Jennifer R. Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Victor L. Robilio
Drs. Marilyn & Lloyd E. Robinson
Mr. Mark J. Robinson
Ms. Mary Robinson
Mr. Scott Robinson
Ms. Stephanie Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Robinson
Ms. Jo Rochell
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Rock
Ms. Carol Rodman
Ms. Deborah J. Rogers
Della M. Rogers
Ms. Jacqueline Rogers
Mr. John P. Rogers
Ms. Roberta K. Rogers
Ellen Rolfes
Ms. Susan Rook
Fumiko H. Rosenthal
Mr. Michael Ross
Mr. Ken Rosser
Ms. Arlene Rubel
Ms. Patricia Rucker
Ms. Renee Rucker
Ms. Michelle Rumph
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Rushing
Ms. Krystal M. Ryan
Mr. Mike Ryan
Mr. Timothy Ryan
Ms. Dina Rylander
Mrs. Whitney P. Sahadi
Mr. Lambert K. Sain
Jolanta Sakaan
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Salky
Ms. Sandra J. Sammons
Mrs. Glynis Sandefur
Mr. Bret Sanders
Toni Sanders
Ms. Natalia F. Santos
Patricia A. Saulsberry
Phyllis Savage
Shirley M. Savage
Saved Women Investing Together
Mr. David Schieber
Lorri M. Schiller
Stacey Schrotberger
Mr. J. Allen Scoggin
Ms. Tina M. Scoggins
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Scogin
Claudia M. Scott
Ms. Shakeisa S. Scott
Ms. Wanda K. Scott
Ms. Marie A. Scruggs
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Seaton
Mr. & Mrs. David Sedgwick
Sedgwick Claims Management
Ms. Beth A. Segars
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Selberg
Dr. Timothy Self
Ms. Tonya M. Self
Mr. Robert J. Sepanski
Servicemaster Landscape
Dr. Amy Hertz & Mr. Robert L.
Barbara E. Sharp
Kimberly D. Sharpe
Antoinette Shaw
Mr. James A. Shaw III
Ms. Josie Shaw
Ms. Lisa Shaw
Karen B. Shea
Ms. Miriam S. Shealy
Ms. Ophelia Shelton
Mr. J. M. Shepard
Harry D. Shepard III
Ms. Keisha Sheppard
Mr. & Mrs. Louie Sheppard
Ms. Linda Sheriff
Ms. Tammy Sherrill
Dana L. Shields
Ms. Kristen L. Shields
Ms. Barbara Shipley
Clarence Shipman
Mr. Steve A. Shope, Jr.
Cynthia W. Shuburte
Mr. Michael S. Sidden
Ms. Charlotte M. Sides
Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Sigler
Ms. Patricia Silver
Ms. Teresa A. Silvestri
Ms. Barbara Simmons
Dr. & Mrs. Bryan P. Simmons
Ms. Vanessa L. Simmons
Ms. Kristie A. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford W. Sims
Ms. Tina Sims
Mr. Ian Singleton
Sips Coffee House
Ms. Maria Sisk
Ms. Geraldine M. Skelley
Ms. Alicia T. Smith
Ms. Amy M. Smith
Ms. Arnetta R. Smith
Ms. Beverly L. Smith
Ms. Cathy D. Smith
Dr. Deborah Smith
Eileen F. Smith
Ms. Elizabeth G. Smith
Ms. Eula L. Smith
Ms. Jeanne Broemmelsick Smith
Mrs. Jene C. Smith
Martha J. Smith
Ms. Teresa P. Smith
Mrs. Thelma Smith
Mr. Tommy D. Smith
Vickye B. Smith
Smith Barney, Inc.
Ms. Marlene P. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Solmson
Mr. & Mrs. David Solomon
Ms. Evelyn M. Sorenson
Southwest Tennessee Community
Mrs. Deana Spangler
Albert L. Spears
Ms. Cynthia A. Spencer
Ms. Betty Sprott
Donna N. Spruell
Danielle Squires
St. Francis Hospital
Dr. & Mrs. Greg Staffel
Ms. April Staley
Ms. Tina Stanley
William R. Statham
Ms. Mary A. Stavropoulos
Ms. Karon L. Steen
Ms. Sundae Stelts
Ms. Angela Stephens
Ms. Toni B. Stephens
Ms. Clesheree Stepter
Brenda A. Stevenson
Ms. Linda F. Stevenson
Ms. Angela Stewart
Ms. Cassandra A. Stewart
Mr. Craig A. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stewart
Ms. Kathie E. Stites
Ms. Phyllis R. Stone
Ms. Edythe Stovall
Stratford Hall & Co., LLC
Ms. Mary L. Streeter
Ms. Carolyn Strong
Ms. Tonya L. Strong
Ms. Brenda K. Sturges
Ms. Danielle Stutts
Ms. Elizabeth Suggs
Donald J. Sullivan, M. D.
Mrs. Freda M. Sullivan
Ms. Gloria Sullivan
Summit Asset Management, LLC
Dr. Arthur J. Sutherland III
Ms. Lucille L. Sutton
Ms. Leslie Swafford
Ms. McKenleigh B. Swain
Mr. Hal Swan
Ms. Linda Sweeney
Ms. Marcia Sweeney
Ms. Carol A. Sweet
Ms. Susan Sydnor
Ms. Terri F. Sykes
Versie P. Taper
Annie R. Tate
Ms. Paulette R. Tatum
Mr. Ben A. Taylor
Ms. Carolyn Taylor
Mr. Jerry F. Taylor
Mary M. Taylor
Ms. Robin Taylor
Ms. Shelia D. Taylor
Ms. Teresa Q. Taylor
Ms. Deborah D. Theus
Ms. Catherine Thillen
Ms. Brittany L. Thomas
Ms. Rosie L. Thomas
Daryl F. Thomasson
Amy M. Thompson
Joseph R. Thompson
Ms. Laura L. Thompson
Ms. Melissa Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Roy L. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Thompson
Anne S. Thornton
Mr. J. Robert Thornton
Theresa A. Thurmond
Ms. Tracy Tidwell
Jenny L. Tillman
Mr. Thomas Tita-Nwa
Ms. Rhonda Toll
Mr. Brennan Tolliver
Ms. Bonnie Tolston
Ms. Celeste Tonellla
Mr. & Mrs. David Toney
Mr. Charles E. Torian, Jr.
Mr. Richard S. Townley
Trillium Womancare
Ms. Elissa J. Troutman
Ms. Beth R. Trowbridge
Ms. Charlene R. Troxler
Lee O. Truitt
Ms. Sharon Trumble
Mrs. Jean L. Trzil
Ms. Gwen G. Tubb
Henrietta Tubbs
Mrs. Clarice Tucker
Ms. Deloris Turner
Ms. Judy S. Turner
Latonia Turner
LouAnn C. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Turner
Ruth Anna Strickler Tutor
Ms. Nancy Tyndall
Tyrer Neurosurgical Consulting
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Uhlmann
Ms. Joyce S. Uhls
Lisa C. Underwood-Vescovo
The University of Memphis
The Urban Child Institute
Urgent Medical Clinic, Inc.
Ms. Rose Uselton
Ms. Caroline C. Utley
Ms. Sandra L. Vaccari
Luanne Valentine
Carolyn L. Vaughan
Carolyn S. Vaughan
Ms. Natalie Vaughan
William Vaughan
Ms. Ovitta L. Vaughn
Ms. Laura D. Veltri-Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Nick C. Vergos
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Vincent
Dana Nance Viox
Ms. Amy K. Wade
Lina Wade
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Wagner
Mr. Walter D. Wagner
Ms. Clarice Walker
Ms. Marjory Walker
Johnna M. Wallace
Ms. Kecia Y. Wallace
Mr. Matthew T. Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Wallace
Mr. Robert V. Walling
Teri L. Walls
Theresa L. Walls
Ms. Diane K. Walton
Melodie C. Walton
Ms. Linda E. Ware
Anne F. Warlick
Ms. Tonya R. Warmbrod
Ms. Daphne D. Warren
Mr. Harry W. Warren
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffery S. Warren
Ms. Juanita Warren
Ms. Kimberly A. Warren
Ms. Richard E. Warren
Ms. Ann Washington
Ms. Yvette Washington
Ms. Gwendolyn J. Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Watkins
Mr. Jarrell D. Weatherford
Ms. Leanna S. Weathers Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo Weaver III
Mrs. Gina G. Webb
Ms. Marilyn J. Webb
Ms. Rebecca Webb
Vickie Webb
Tracy L. Webber
Ms. Teri E. Webster
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Weems
Ms. Lynn B. Weiner
Dr. Joseph S. Weinstein
Dr. & Mrs. Dan Weiss
Betty L. Welch
Ms. Marie Wells
Mr. Terry M. Wells
Mrs. Paul N. Welsh, Jr.
Ms. Janet G. Wertz
Wesley Neurology Clinic, P. C.
Angela West
Ms. Joanell L. West
Dr. & Mrs. William H. West
Mrs. Vivian C. Whatley
Ms. Gwen Wheeler
Ms. Venita R. Wheeler
Nixia E. Whetstone
Ms. Pamela J. Whiddon
Whippet Creative Works
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. White
Ms. Georgia M. White
Mr. H M. White
Ms. Renee A. White
Ms. Savannah A. White
Ms. Willette G. White
Ms. Calandra R. Whitehead
Ms. Lisa Whitehead
Ms. Shelia C. Whitlock Patterson
Ms. Emily J. Wilcox
Ms. Sara E. Wiles
Ms. Tori Wiley
Cynthia A. Wilhite
Ms. Lonnesha B. Wilkins
Mr. Bart T. Wilkinson
Ms. Angela R. Williams
Mr. Brandon B. Williams
Mr. Brian J. Williams
Carsie Williams
Mr. Charles R. Williams
Ms. Cheryl L. Williams
Ms. Cheryl B. Williams
Eddie L. Williams
Karlyss L. Williams
Ms. Lavonda T. Williams
Mary L. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Williams
Ms. Michelle D. Williams
Ms. Nancy Williams
Sharon G. Williams
Ms. Tammi M. Williams
Ms. Kimberly Williamson
Ms. Malinda L. Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Williamson
Ms. Yolanda R. Williamson
Adrienne D. Willis
Mrs. Ann E. Willis
Ms. Karen Willis
Ms. Rosalyn Willis
Cassandra A. Willis-Beck
Calvin R. Wilson
Ms. Laurie A. Wilson
Nancy M. Wilson
Sherry L. Wilson
Ms. Stephanie Wilson
Wrenetha Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Glen A. Wimmer
Mr. & Mrs. M. B. Wingfield III
Mr. Marty L. Winter
Dr. E. Jack Wohrman, Sr.
Kim Wolfe
Ms. Catherine L. Wood
Dr. & Mrs. Jesse C. Woodall, Jr.
Ms. Pearl Woodall
Robert L. Woodall
John S. Woods
Ms. Kristine N. Woods
Ms. Mary l. Woods
Ms. Melanie Woods
Ms. Terri D. Woods
Wraps By Rene’
Carmen N. Wright
Mr. Felix Wright
Ms. Gloria F. Wright
Mr. Lemuel L. Wright, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard D. Wright, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth J. Wurzburg
Ms. Patricia Wyatt
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wyllie
Ms. Soutsada Xayaphet
Ms. Mae E. Yancey
Melissa C. Yarbro
Edward A. Yarbrough
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Yarbrough
Mr. Christopher S. Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Yeates
Ms. Carolyn A. Young
Mrs. Jennifer F. Young
Bishop William M. Young, Sr.
William Zachary
Efrem E. Zecharias
Ms. Melanie S. Zentgraf
Dr. & Mrs. David M. Ziebarth
Methodist Le Bonheur
Healthcare 2008 Board
of Directors
Luke Yancy
President & CEO, Mid-South Minority
Business Council
Ed Roberson, Board Chair
Retired – CEO, Conwood
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
Senior Corporate Leadership
Ron Stimpson, Board Vice Chair,
Vice Chairman, Magna Bank
Gary Shorb
CEO & President
Thomas (Marty) Carr M.D.
Physician, Professional Coverage Services,
Ron Belz
President & CEO, Belz Investco GP
Donna Abney
Executive Vice President
B. Lane Carrick
CEO, Sovereign Wealth Management
Reverend Harry Durbin
Senior Pastor, Collierville United Methodist
Rev. Dr. Gary Gunderson
Senior Vice President, Health & Welfare
Maurice Elliott
CEO, Emeritus, Methodist Healthcare
Chadd Durrett, Jr.
Attorney & Partner, Durrett & Coleman
Cato Johnson
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Bill Evans, Pharm. D.
Director and Chief Executive Officer, St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital
Jerry Maliot, M.D.
Chief Quality Officer
Sherri Sawyer
Market Manager
Citadel Memphis Radio Group
George G. Mayzell, M.D.
Senior Vice President, Chief Patient Care
Dennis Higdon M.D.
Physician, Medical Anesthesia Group
Alan Graf, Jr. Executive Vice President & Chief Financial
Officer, FedEx Corporation
John A. Bobango
Attorney, Farris Bobango
L. Kirkpatrick Bobo
President and Managing Principal
Hnedak Bobo Group, Inc.
John Glass
Senior Vice President, Morgan Keegan Trust
Chris McLean
Senior Vice President, Finance
Paula Jacobson
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
Kent Ingram
President, Razorback Concrete Company
Steve Miller, M.D.
Senior Vice President, Research and
Robert L. Mills, Jr.
Vice President, Customer Development
Med Assets
Harry Johnson
Retired – Executive VP and General Counsel,
First Horizon National Corp
Carol Ross-Spang
Senior Vice President, Human Resources
King Rogers, III, Esq.
Attorney of Counsel
Glankler Brown, PLLC
Barry House
President, House Manufacturing Co.
Reverend Chester Jones
Methodist Minister and District
Superintendent, South Central District
Mary Jo Kirkpatrick
Assistant Professor and Chair, Department of
Associate Nursing, Mississippi University for
Marie Milam, Ed.D.
Executive Director, Youth Organizations of
Jackson Moore
Private Investor; Retired Chairman, President
and CEO, Regions Financial Corporation
Shirley Raines, Ed.D.
President, The University of Memphis
Beverly Robertson
President, National Civil Rights Museum
John H. Sherard, V
Owner/Operator, Dogwood Lake Planting
Gary Shorb
President & CEO, Methodist Le Bonheur
Reverend Victoria Sizemore Tandy
District Superintendent, Senatobia District,
Mississippi Conference, United Methodist
Carter Towne, MD
Physician, Memphis Gastroenterology Group
Jose Velazquez, Ph.D.
Deputy VP, National Council of La Raza
Steve Wishnia
Principal, Highland Capital Management
Hospital Leadership
Meri Armour
President & CEO
Le Bonheur Children’s Medical Center
Sandra Bailey
Administrator & CEO
Methodist Extended Care Hospital
David Baytos
President & CEO
Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital
David Crislip
Administrator & CEO
Methodist Fayette Hospital
Mitch Graves
President, Affiliated Services
William A. Kenley
Administrator & CEO
Methodist North Hospital
Kevin Spiegel
Senior Vice President & CEO
Methodist University Hospital
Michael O. Ugwueke
Senior Vice President & CEO
Methodist South Hospital
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
2008 Board of Directors
Thomas R. Prewitt, Jr.
Board Chair
Attorney, The Hardison Firm
President, Laurelwood Shopping Center
Susan Murrmann, M.D.
Board Vice Chair
Physician, McDonald Murrmann Women’s
Allen K. Sills, Jr. M.D.
Physician, Semmes-Murphey Neurologic and
Spine Institute
Micajah P. Sturdivant
Mississippi Management, Inc.
Carole W. West
Board Member
Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
2008 Staff
Paula Jacobson
Linda Bayliff
Executive Assistant
Mark Billingsley
Director of Major Gifts
Wanda Coats
Accounting Manager
Sheba Coleman
Development Coordinator
Lori Dale Bratton
Director of Funds Management
Kay Fleming
Special Events Coordinator
Bob Plunk
Director of Development
Steve West
Senior Vice President, Community Benefits
Mark Yancy
Major Gifts Coordinator
Methodist Healthcare Foundation 1211 Union Avenue, Suite 450 Memphis, TN 38104 901.516.0500
Photography by Larry Kuzniewski