Primary School Newsletter
Primary School Newsletter
6th May 2016 FROM THE DESK OF THE HOD OF SPORT Term 2 begins with our Netball and Hockey seasons. We are extremely excited about being in our new D13 Netball league and wish all our teams the best of luck for every match played. Thank you to all the Grade 1, 2 and 3 girls who came on Saturdays and joined the Mini Hockey on our New Astro. I hope you all learnt a lot and are ready to start your Mini Hockey Season at the beginning of June. As we begin our Netball and Hockey season, I would like to share with you the following: 10 TIPS FOR SPORT PARENTS 1. Focus on the process and not the result. 2. Avoid pressuring a child about winning or losing. 3. Help your child separate sport failure from personal failure. 4. Give your child freedom to problem solve and make their own decisions. 5. Encourage, encourage, encourage. 6. Allow your child to play for herself. 7. Encourage your child to take responsibility for her decisions. 8. Watch what you say to your child. 9. Respect and do not interfere with the coach. 10. Do not constantly instruct during training and games. YOUR TALENT IS GOD’S GIFT TO YOU. WHAT YOU DO WITH IT IS YOUR GIFT BACK TO GOD. Worshipgifts.tumblr Mrs A. Watson HOD: Sport RELIGIOUS NEWS “And suddenly, a sound came from Heaven, like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and the Spirit gave them utterance.” Acts2:2-4 On Sunday, 15 May, the Church celebrated the Feast of Pentecost, which brings the liturgical season of Easter to a close. This feast is celebrated fifty days after Easter or on the seventh Sunday after the Resurrection of Jesus. The word, ‘Pentecost’ means fifty. On this feast, we remember that Mary and the twelve apostles were in an upper room in a house in Jerusalem. They were praying together when a strong wind came up. Flames of fire came to rest above the heads of the apostles and they were filled with inspiration, strength and courage. These graces empowered them to spread the Good News to all the people whom they encountered. Pentecost is recognised as the birthday of the Christian Church. Prayer to the Holy Spirit O Holy Spirit, Jesus said, “The one who receives the seed that falls on good soil hears the word and understands it. He produces an abundant crop.” Be the gardener of my life. Nourish the seeds of heaven that You have already placed within me and make them grow so Your love, Your ways, and Your kingdom will always flourish within me and produce much good fruit for others. Amen. Mrs M. Fitzpatrick HOD: Religion RECEPTION YEAR NEWS We welcomed Miss Veretnik, an intern student teacher, to Mrs Horsten’s class this week. She will be with us for three weeks. Our Tennis Extra mural is up and running. Please collect your daughter from the Tennis courts at 14h00. Thank – you so much to all of the parents who provided eats for our Grandparents Tea on Wednesday, they were treated to a delicious spread. It was lovely to see our girls spending time with their grandparents. Thank-you to all the moms who helped out on the day. Our School Readiness Programme began this week. The girls are enjoying the activities. Parents Mass - 25 May @ 7h40. You are welcome to attend this Mass with your daughter. Please notify the teacher if she will be going with you. Please bring her back to the classroom after the Mass. Please note that our outing to St Benedict’s has been rescheduled for the 25 July. PRAYERS Please remember all those in our Holy Rosary family who are in need, or who are suffering in any way. We pray for our Country. Our deepest condolences and prayers to: Lily in our aftercare, whose brother passed away. Tiana Chetty in Grade 3P and her family for the loss of her father. “Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal” Taken from a Headstone in Ireland SCHOOL TERM AND SCHOOL TIMES Term 2: Opens: Closes: Tuesday, 3rd May Friday, 5th August School opening time: 7:40 School closing times: Gr R: Mon – Fri: 13:00 Gr 1 - 2: Mon-Thurs: Fri: 13:30 13:00 Gr 3: Mon-Thurs: Fri: 14:05 13:00 Gr 4 – 7: Mon – Thurs: Fri: 14:05 13:35 Please be aware that any girls not collected by 14:15 will be accommodated in the HUB with a staff member until 15:00 where they can begin their homework. Parents will be required to park their car and collect their girls personally. If for some reason, someone other than yourself, such as a grandparent or au-pair, is fetching your daughter that day, please advise them that the girls will be in the HUB. Should you not know where the HUB is, please ask Mrs Tuffek in reception to direct you. The HUB will not be available on a Friday as the girls finish earlier and there is less homework. If you have regular commitments at work please remember our highly efficient and effective aftercare centre. (Forms can be obtained from the office.) If you have an unusual emergency on any given day you may call our Primary School PA Camilla Tuffek and arrange for your daughter to spend an afternoon at aftercare. DATES TO DIARISE Sat, 21 May Grade 5, 6 and 7 A and B Netball Festival at Holy Rosary. SANESA Equestrian Team. Wed, 25 May: Parents’ Mass and Tea – 07:45. Fri, 27 May: Gr 2BP Assembly. Mon, 30 May: Concert Tickets go on sale. Tue, 31 May: Grade 7 visit to the Pretoria Zoo. Wed, 01 Jun: Combined School Music Evening at Shanahan Park. Sat, 04 Jun: Grade 3 and 4 A and B Netball Festival at Holy Rosary. PRIMARY SCHOOL EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] SPORTS NEWS Please consult the week-ahead sheets at the end of this newsletter. Should you need to see Mrs Watson regarding any sporting queries please leave a message with Mrs Tuffek to make an appointment. Mrs A Watson HOD: Sports DEBS 2016 Dates to Diarise for 2016 Debs Debs Debs Debs Market Days Food and Wine Festival Golf Day Family Quiz Night 27th May, 29th July 27th May 14th June 21st July Holy Rosary Market Days The next Market Day will be on Friday, 27th May 2016. Thank you to the Primary School girls and staff for your support during these market days. Holy Rosary Food and Wine Festival – 27th May Holy Rosary School Debutantes of 2016 and Wine Events are delighted to invite you to our annual Food and Wine Festival taking place on Friday, 27th May 2016 in the Bishop Shanahan Hall – with our usual exhibitors and lots of new products. There will be an extended food area with seating for added comfort and enjoyment. Limited tickets will be sold at the door on the night – to ensure we do not go over the number of guests allowed at the event and to comply with Health and Safety regulations. There are only 1 000 tickets available, so please buy your tickets as soon as possible. Please ensure that all sold and unsold tickets are returned by no later than Monday, 23rd May 2016 for general catering and organisational purposes. We look forward to seeing you there. Holy Rosary Debs Golf Day – 14th June Holy Rosary School Debutantes of 2016 are hosting their annual Golf Day Fundraising event on 14th June 2016 at ERPM Golf Club. This event provides a valuable opportunity for our Debs to raise funds and our parents to enjoy a great day of golf. One of the major beneficiaries is the Holy Rosary Phumelela Outreach Program. This program, entirely funded by Holy Rosary Debutantes’ fundraising, is a Saturday School for high school students of the Dikathole Informal Settlement in Germiston. The programme accepts approximately 20 Grade 8 learners each year and enriches these students’ lives academically, psychologically, and socially from Grade 8 to Grade 12. Other beneficiaries include: The Holy Rosary Sisters’ Charities, Little Eden, Women Against Child Abuse, CHOC, St Anne’s Old Age Home, Jess Foord Foundation, Operation Anti-Freeze, Ekurhuleni Primary School and Reach for a Dream. The money so generously raised by our girls has not only assisted these charities but has also made it possible for us to build a much needed crèche near Malamulele in the Limpopo Province. All donations, advertising, and support received shall be acknowledged, and if required we are able to give businesses Section 18A tax certificates. The cost per four ball will be R2400. Four balls are on a first come first served basis and will only be confirmed once payment had been reflected. The day will include 18 holes of golf, dinner and an exciting selection of prizes to be won. The format is four ball alliance with two scores to count. Virginia Janse Van Rensburg, a Deb’s parent has volunteered to organise this awesome event. To book your four ball or for further details please contact Virginia on 0834532063 (after 1pm) or email [email protected]. Thank you staff, parents, and girls for your on-going, amazing support Take care Mrs de Castro Debutante Convenor PA TIMESHARE RAFFLE 2016 RESULTS Congratulations to Kyla Horsten, in Grade 4M who sold the most sheets (31 sheets) and won the weekend away to Bakubung Congratulations to the following girls who won prizes for selling 4 or more sheets: Grade 1 1M Mrs C Moura Tatyana Coelho 17 sheets Grade 6 6B Mrs Y Bibis Gugulethu Mayisela 16 sheets Grade R OA Mrs J Ayres Alexia Cheketri 15 sheets Grade R OA Mrs J Ayres Samantha Clarke 12 sheets Grade 2 2BP Mrs B Pullen Jessica Sardinha 11 sheets Grade R OA Mrs J Ayres Mia Serfontein 9 sheets Grade R OA Mrs J Ayres Riley Bebbington 6 sheets Grade R OA Mrs J Ayres Amber Longhurst 6 sheets Grade R OA Mrs J Ayres Michela Scalone 5 sheets Grade 1 1D Miss T Matthews Alyssa Nel 5 sheets Grade 1 1D Miss T Matthews Emma Pereira 5 sheets Grade 2 2CK Mrs C Klotz Montana Pienaar 5 sheets Grade 5 5V Mrs W van den Caitlyn Koekemoer 5 sheets Heever Grade R OL Mrs L Latre Katia D'Alessio 4 sheets Grade R OL Mrs L Latre Aimee-Leigh 4 sheets Stoneham Grade R OL Mrs L Latre Kiana Swanepoel 4 sheets Grade R OH Mrs D Horsten Lia Ballossini 4 sheets Grade 1 1D Miss T Matthews Eden van 4 sheets Wyngaardt Grade 1 1L Mrs A O Leary Emmanuella 4 sheets Costaras Grade 1 1L Mrs A O Leary Calista Da Mata 4 sheets Grade 4 4A Mrs A Mion Caitlin Smith 4 sheets Grade 5 5F Mrs J Faltermeier Erin Buffey 4 sheets Congratulations to Mrs Ayres of Grade OA whose class won for selling the most sheets. Her entire class has received a surprise for all the hard work. Congratulations to our overall winner, Jean Wilmot, whose daughter, Tayla Wilmot in Grade 5J has won the week away to Umhlanga Sands Resort. The PA members would like to thank all those who participated for their support in our annual raffle. Mrs A Pereira and Mrs I Gouws PA Members DAY OF THE WEEK MONDAY TIME 14:15 – 15:15 15:30 – 16:15 16:15 – 17:00 TUESDAY 07:0007:30 WEDNESDAY 14:15 15:00 14:15 – 14:45 15:3016:15 16:15 17:00 THURSDAY 13:00 13:30 13:30 14:00 14:15 – 15:00 TERM2 TERM 3 SENIOR SENIOR CHOIR CHOIR PRACTICE PRACTICE JAZZ HANDS JAZZ HANDS MARIMBA MARIMBA BAND BAND PRACTICE PRACTICE BEATSTIX BEATSTIX MARIMBA MARIMBA BAND BAND PRACTICE PRACTICE ORCHESTRA ORCHESTRA ENSEMBLE ENSEMBLE PRACTICE PRACTICE PERCUSSION PERCUSSION BAND BAND PRACTICE PRACTICE JUNIOR JUNIOR CHOIR CHOIR PRACTICE PRACTICE FUNKY FUNKY GROOVE GROOVE MARIMBA MARIMBA PRACTICE PRACTICE MAJESTIX MAJESTIX MARIMBA MARIMBA BAND BAND PRACTICE PRACTICE RECEPTION RECEPTION CHOIR CHOIR PRACTICE PRACTICE LITTLE LITTLE STARS STARS CHOIR CHOIR PRACTICE PRACTICE DRUMMING DRUMMING BAND BAND PRACTICE PRACTICE TEACHER / COACH MRS H HEYMANS MRS R FRANCIS MRS M VITALE MRS B PHILLIPS MRS B PHILLIPS MRS. H HEYMANS MRS R FRANCIS MRS R FRANCIS MRS H HEYMANS MRS B PHILLIPS MRS B PHILLIPS MRS R FRANCIS MRS L LATRE MRS H HEYMANS MRS R FRANCIS MRS B PHILLIPS WEEK 23rd – 27th 04 May DATE DAY TIME ACTIVITY AGE GROUP 23rd Monday 13h00 – 14h00 13h45 – 14h30 Tennis Netball Gr O Gr 1 and 2 14h15 – 15h20 14h15 – 15h20 Netball Hockey (at Shanahan) U9 Gr 4 and 5 TEACHER Ms Walker Ms Ferreira (TIC) and Coaches Ms Walker (TIC) Ms Sincock (TIC) and Coaches 24th Tuesday 14h15 – 15h20 Netball U10 – Open A-D Teams Ms Walker (TIC) and Coaches 25th Wednesday 14h15 – 15h20 14h15 – 15h20 Tennis Practice Hockey (at Shanahan) Gr 4-7 Gr 6 and 7 Mrs Watson Ms Sincock (TIC) and Coaches 26th Thursday 14h15 – 16h00 Netball Matches vs Roedean U10 – Open A-D All Staff 27th Friday 13h00– 16h00 Hockey Match Vs APPS Gr 4-7 Ms Sincock (TIC) and Coaches WEEK 30th May – 05 04th June DATE DAY TIME ACTIVITY AGE GROUP 30th Monday 13h00 – 14h00 13h45 – 14h30 Tennis Netball Gr O Gr 1 and 2 14h15 – 15h20 14h15 – 15h20 Netball Hockey (at Shanahan) U9 Gr 4 and 5 TEACHER Ms Walker Ms Ferreira (TIC) and Coaches Ms Walker (TIC) Ms Sincock (TIC) and Coaches 31st Tuesday 14h15 – 15h20 Netball U10 – Open A-D Teams Ms Walker (TIC) and Coaches 01st Wednesday 14h15 – 15h20 14h15 – 15h20 Tennis Practice Hockey (at Shanahan) Gr 4-7 Gr 6 and 7 Mrs Watson Ms Sincock (TIC) and Coaches 02nd Thursday 14h15 – 16h00 Netball Matches vs St Andrew’s U10 – Open A-D All Staff 03rd Friday 13h30 – 15h00 Mini Netball Festival at HRS Hockey Match Vs St Mary’s DSG (Pretoria) U9 Ms Walker (TIC) and Coaches Ms Sincock (TIC) and Coaches Holy Rosary School Netball Festival U9 – U10 13h00– 16h00 04th Saturday 07h30 – 12h30 Gr 4-7 All Staff and Coaches Monday Time ACTIVITY/SPORT 13h00 -14h00 Gr 0 Tennis Practice 13h45 - 14h30 Gr 1 and 2 Netball all welcome 14h15- 15h20 U 9 Netball Prac all welcome 14h15-15h20 Hockey Team Practice Gr4 & 5 GR0 GR1 GR2 GR3 GR4 GR5 GR6 GR7 GR2 GR3 GR4 GR5 GR6 GR7 GR2 GR3 GR4 GR5 GR6 GR7 GR1 GR2 GR3 GR4 Tuesday Time ACTIVITY/SPORT Gr 2 Hockey all welcome (Shanahan Astro) Gr 3 Hockey all welcome( Shanahan Astro) Netball Practice U10 - Open A-D teams GR0 GR0 13h35 - 14h30 ACTIVITY/SPORT Gr 1 Hockey all welcome (Shanahan Astro) 14h15 - 15h20 Tennis Prac all welcome 14h15 - 15h20 Hockey Team Prac Gr 6 & 7 13h35 -14h30 14h15 - 15h30 14h15 - 15h20 GR1 Wednesday Time GR1 Thursday Time ACTIVITY/SPORT Netball Matches U10 – Open A-D teams GR0 Time ACTIVITY/SPORT GR0 GR1 GR2 13h30 - 16h00 Hockey Matches 13h30 – 16h00 U9 Netball Matches 14h15 - 16h00 GR5 GR6 GR7 Friday NETBALL U9 Netball begins on Monday 14th March – 13th June 2016 U10 – Open Netball begins 14th/15th March – 23rd June 2016 Gr 1 and 2 Mini Netball begins on Monday 09th May till the 13th June 2016 HOCKEY Hockey Gr 4-7 begins on 11TH May till the 22nd July 2016 Gr 2 and 3 Mini Hockey begins on Tuesday 07th June 2016 till the 26th July 2016 Gr 1 Mini Hockey begins on the Wednesday 8th June till the 27th July 2016 GR3 GR4 GR5 GR6 GR7 ADVERTS DISCLAIMER: Please note the views expressed in the advertisements are not necessarily those of Holy Rosary School. We are not able to endorse individual products or services. Holy Rosary School reserves the right to edit all submission s.