Golden GRRRowl - Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies


Golden GRRRowl - Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies
August 2016
Golden GRRRowl
“A Golden Retriever Can Change Your Life!”™
A registered
non-profit 501(c)(3)
A Real Angel Who is Simply Golden
Pat Rogers
Suzeigh is one very special GRRR Golden Angel. We were introduced to her at GRRR’s 2015 Gala, as she
was a Greeter Dog, fostered by our friends, Deb Kneale and Bob Jorgenson.
She was 10 years old then and a two-time mast cell cancer survivor. A mast cell cancer tumor is one that
develops in the skin and subcutaneous tissues. If found early, chances are good for a positive recovery.
Suzeigh had two surgeries to remove these and luckily, they were isolated in her hind quarters. Yes, she is a
sweetie, but both Scott and I were not even thinking about adopting an older dog. It just wasn’t in the plans.
We had just lost our Brandy of 14 years. So we thought we would bring another puppy into our lives.
Well…as I had written in a previous article, Deb and Bob had plans for this special girl to live out her life
with the Rogers, unbeknownst to us. They brought Suzeigh over for a play date with our 10-year-old
GRRR Golden, Cooper. We adopted Cooper after Brandy had lost her best friend, Buddy, to cancer the
previous year. They had been together over 10 years. She was lost without him and desperately needed
another companion.
Suzeigh spreading cheer in Oncology
Cooper was just the guy. He seemed to know she was not well and treated her with such love until she
passed. Cooper seemed to like being the only dog, so we were taking our time looking for another
Golden. With Suzeigh, we could see what a gentle and kind soul she was and how respectful she was of
Cooper’s space. She treaded lightly. Right away, there was a connection between these two. Soon, they were
best buds. She brought out the best in Cooper and even taught him how to play. He was one happy guy.
There was not an adjustment period. She was in her forever home. Somehow, Deb and Bob both knew
that was going to be the outcome. We live on six fenced acres, so Suzeigh can run and play to her heart’s
content. She gives those rabbits a run for their money. She loves to pal around with Scott in all that he
does around the acreage. She just loves being outdoors, while Cooper loves being inside. What a pair!
And car rides? She can’t get enough! Every day Suzeigh and Scott drive about a mile to get our mail and
she loves this daily routine. Late afternoon she always reminds Scott that it is time to go!
Our little girl Suzeigh just wants to be touched all the time. She cannot be loved on enough! All we need
to do is look into her big beautiful brown eyes and she strolls over to be petted. You would never know
that she was a cancer survivor.
But we are always aware of any changes in her. We feel for any lumps or bumps daily. She will lay her head
on our lap and roll those eyes up to us. She knows how to work it. AND HER TAIL NEVER STOPS
WAGGING! And I truly mean NEVER! Other people have wondered if there’s a battery in that tail.
Sometimes I do wonder! She will also gently nudge my arm if I am typing at the computer, as if to say,
“Oh, stop that nonsense and pet me.” She just makes us smile.
I started to think she needed a job to share all this love. Another friend from GRRR, Susan Von Doudt,
suggested she might become a therapy dog at Littleton Adventist Hospital. Susan noticed her sweet
disposition right away. Suzeigh passed the hospital’s test with flying colors and was on her way to visit patients.
The volunteer program at Littleton Hospital is wonderful and they treat all their volunteers, canines
included, with so much appreciation. Suzeigh and I have joined the Therapy Dog Team and visit
approximately twice a month. I can’t begin to tell you how much joy and happiness she brings to the
patients and staff alike. They know her name as soon as she comes through the front door. First stop is
the Front Desk, then on to the Gift Shop so she can visit the staff she knows.
Continued on page 2
“... A connection is made almost immediately. Many have told me that she
speaks to them through her kind eyes. They feel what a kind soul she is.”
Then our work begins. One area we visit is the Oncology
department, which is so rewarding. One of the nurses there, Loraye,
has really taken to Suzeigh. She’s another dog person with a
12-year-old Golden at home. She spoils Suzeigh so much and she
helped me with most of the pictures in this article.
The Oncology department always has many patients who want to
see Suzeigh. A connection is made almost immediately. Many have
told me that she speaks to them through her kind eyes. They feel
what a kind soul she is. I believe it is her way of giving back. Suzeigh
seems to initiate the conversations with patients and they always
Pat and Loraye with Suzeigh
love to talk about their own dogs and show me pictures on their
at the hospital front entrance
cell phones. It is amazing the “feel good” and healing power of
pets. We also visit surgery waiting rooms and I can visually see how
a dog can change the mood of the room. Many smiles appear and
they just want to pet the dog. It is a bright spot in their otherwise
troublesome day. It’s nothing but a win-win situation for everyone,
myself included.
National Cancer Survivor Day
Another area we visit is Rehab and all the staff and patients can’t
get enough of Suzeigh there. The women in the medical records
department always want us to stop by. They just love hugging and
snuggling with Suzeigh. And, of course, almost every department
has “doggie cookies” and Suzeigh has this figured out! She has it
down to what cupboard or drawer they’re in.
We often have requests from patients who would like a dog visit, so
we accommodate them too. It is so rewarding to see how a dog can
bring a bit of happiness to a patient. Even for a moment, their focus
is now on the furry ball of love looking up at them. And a smile
always appears. There is never enough time to do it all.
Catherine Bartley, Manager
of Volunteer Services, with
Suzeigh in the Gift Shop
At 11 years old, Suzeigh is one happy Golden Angel with a
purpose—spreading happiness and joy to people who need it most.
And the thank-yous we receive from staff and patients is never
ending. I just want to say that I have learned so much about
adopting a Golden Angel and the need for more people to consider
adopting an older dog. They still have so much to give.
Even though their muzzles may be grey, their hearts are as young as
they can be. Suzeigh lets me know that every day. We know she is
one special blessing for us and we are so thankful every day that she
came into our lives. Thank you GRRR
friends, Bob and Deb. And, thank you,
Mary Kenton, GRRR’s Caregiver, and
“Dog Whisperer “, for initially seeing all
the potential this special Golden Angel
had to offer! p
Pat with therapy
dog Suzeigh, ready
to visit patients at
Littleton Adventist
Giving some love to
Nurse Loraye
Women in medical records dept
who adore Suzeigh
From Catherine Bartley, Manager of Volunteer
Services at Littleton Adventist Hospital:
If you and your dog are interested in being on the
waiting list for the dog therapy program at Littleton
Adventist Hospital, please contact volunteer
services at 303-738-2687.
Recent Rescues
Dear GRRR:
Kona is one happy dog with her new family. We love her like she was always ours. Grandpa who is 94 and a WWII
vet, is out of his chair all day long taking care of her, feeding, exercising her and giving her pets. He used to have
nothing to wake up for each day but is now up before 8 am - to feed her and get her outside. I would say both Kona
and grandpa have a new lease on life. He and Kona are already inseparable and he wanted to make it crystal clear
“Kona is perfect!” All extended family have met her and have given their hearty approval. Your program and staff
are awesome, I would recommend your team in a heartbeat!
Thanks for the match, it’s a love connection for sure!
Jennifer & Sean Meehan, Grandpa and Kona
Dear GRRR:
Libby is our 4th adoption from GRRR and as far as we are
concerned, Libby is just plain PERFECT! It’s like she been with us all
of her 9 years. We think the folks who had Libby trained all “The
Dog” out of her...Can you believe a Golden who WON’T retrieve a
tennis ball? Noel tossed one and Libby just looked at as if to say
“What do you want ME to do?” We were at Loon Lake for the
summer and wondered what she would do in the water. Well, she
ran right in and swam a little way to catch Noel in her kayak. In 56
years, we have never had a “pup” so well behaved and loving. The
only time she barks is when someone comes to the door.
Love & thanks to GRRR for ALL you do.
Butch and Noel Ekin
Girl Scouts & Golden Retrievers
by Kevin Shipley
In addition to the love of dogs, coming in a close second is when I see kids growing up with a sense of community. Interacting with a broad range of people, learning
some social skills, learning to be appreciative and to say thank you.
We were excited when we received an email from a Girl Scout troop leader, Alicia, whose group of scouts had selected GRRR as a non-profit they wanted to focus on.
Once troop #65237 selected GRRR, they went about collecting donations, both financial and those habit-forming Girl Scout cookies. I can’t tell you how excited my
wife gets when she sees them setting up shop outside the grocery store each year, but I digress.
The girls and leaders set time to come out to Phoebe’s Place on Saturday, May 14th to award GRRR $50 and over 50 boxes of the wonderful cookies. They made
paw-shaped cards for each box so we could give new adopters a box of GS cookies and a note that stated “Thanks for Adopting Me.” Very thoughtful.
I was only kidding when I told all the girls they had to start by cleaning up the dog yard. I never heard so many people say “yuk” at the same time.
Everyone was rewarded with a little tour around the GRRR
property, and, of course, some puppy love. Meanwhile Mary,
being very clever, temporarily named each of the puppies after
a Girl Scout cookie. The girls were surprised to find dogs named
Samoa, Thin Mint, Trefoil, Tag-Along and Savannah, but they
all got a kick out of it.
I appreciate the investment parents and Scout leaders are able
to make in the kids. Not everyone is able, I understand, but it
sure is important and makes a lasting impact when they have
adults, including parents, grandparents…etc., they can look up
to as role models.
Thanks girls, it was a treat (literally and figuratively) to have
you here. p
Turkey Dog Happy Endings
Turkey Dog I & Turkey Dog II - Where Are They Now by Kevin Shipley
With so much activity around our involvement with rescuing Turkey Dogs, I have had a lot of questions about how
they are doing in their new homes. Finding great forever homes is the other half of the rescue mission. It’s with that in
mind that we wanted to provide photos and updates of these sweeties in their new homes. None of these happy
endings would have been possible without our wonderful TD sponsors and donors to Operation Turkey Dog Colorado.
Two funny themes with TDs; The first; retrieving is not a natural instinct (chase - yes, bringing back - no). The second,
is that proficiency at dog paddling is a learned skill for many dogs that have never gone swimming before (love water,
oops, need to learn how to swim).
Each Turkey Dog arrived with a string of beads around their neck. Take a look at the photo of the string of beads.
Here’s the “rest of the story” on the bright blue beads with the light stripe around the middle.
These beads are called “nazar boncuk” or the evil eye. The evil eye bead is meant to provide protection and bring good
luck to all who have it. This tradition dates back to the Ottoman Empire (1299-1492) and what eventually became
the Republic of Turkey in 1923. So, each dog received the protection of the “evil eye” before they traveled here. I
would say it certainly brought them good luck.
TDI - Landed in America February 15, 2016
FRASER is a very happy boy and full of personality! We love him so much and his
new brother Barney, a Springer Spaniel, absolutely adores him. Fraser always
appreciates his meal times. See photo and his Golden Angel update on page 13.
WINDSOR keeps us laughing. He buries special things in the back yard...some of
which have yet to surface. Funny little guy!
Tellie (now Camden) turned one. She loves to wake us in the morning with
a complete nose dive to our faces with lots of kisses.
Bailey (now Lallah). Lallah means “Little Tulip” in Turkish. Her name allows
us to say we live in “Lallah-land”. She is fond of ‘collecting’ different footwear and
bringing them into the bedroom where she waits for us. See photo and letter on page 8.
BRUSH is a wonderful happy boy. He is training as a therapy dog. As one of our
Turkey Dog representatives, he was the life of the party at this year’s Gala.
Keystone (now Cooper) was another great TD representative at the Gala. Cooper is doing wonderfully! He has
made great strides in trust, especially with strangers. He LOVES toys. He and his “sister”, Sophie, have great fun playing
together and truly seem to love each other. Thank you for letting us be the proud parents of sweet, inquisitive, playful
Keystone Cooper! We love our newest family member!
ASPEN is making herself right at home in her new American digs. She had a
delightful time lapping up all the attention from the wonderful people at the GRRR
Gala at the Tivoli and hamming it up for the camera on the red carpet. Not that she
needed too much instruction
but it did give her a chance to
show off what she learned at Ted
Terroux’s Canine College. She has
since earned her basic training
diploma. Aspen is simply a sweet
dog that has never met a human
that she can’t get a nuzzling out
of. I now understand the saying
that “A House Is Not a Home
Without a Golden”.
Turkey Dog Happy Endings
Hayden (now Henry) is the sweetest, goofiest, snuggliest, fruit-loving Golden - a natural born comedian. When we
brought him home, he immediately found the toy box. He felt comfortable in no time at all. He loves toys and has a
particular fondness for those that squeak loudly. When he greets people, he has to grab a toy then bark (somewhat muffled)
at them until he gets some attention. Henry loves playing with his GRRR big brother Jack, tug-o-war being an hourly
occurrence. We could not have asked for a better pup. Henry is such a wonderful addition to our family and we feel lucky to
have one of the first GRRR Turkey Dogs.
Estes well, believe it or not Estes was adopted by the Mayor of Estes Park and his wife. ESTES is enjoying life in Estes! And
we have fallen in love with our new family member. What a sweet girl! And what a wonderful disposition! We now have 3
Goldens sleeping on our bed. She’s a digger, and she and Sammy are digging trenches, going after the gophers in our yard.
My job today is filling in holes. Sammy and Lucky are used to deer in our yard and people walking down the street, but this is
new to Estes so she leads the barking chorus from our deck. She responds well to her
name, and will sit on command. “Lie down” is not a part of her English vocabulary yet.
She loves walks on lead, exploring the roadside for smells and critters. She ignores
barking dogs on our walks, and is curious, but not aggressive about the deer we meet.
Colorado Honey (now Butters) sometimes referred to as Nutter
Butters. After seeing 5 states in 20 hours on the drive back to Seattle, it took Butters
a bit to adjust to her new home, all of the sounds, a leash, and Willie B, her new
Golden sibling, but she ended up settling in very well. Butters is the perfect balance
of cuddly and independent, proper, yet with a kick of sass. At times she’s very much
“Ms Butters” but just wait a few hours and “Nutter Butters” will show up. There
hasn’t been a toy that she can’t destuff in a matter of minutes or a dish towel she
won’t hide. While she tries to win tug of war with Willie B, he just flops on the
ground and lets her pull him around until she wears herself out. Apparently age and
weight have advantages. After 3.5 months, there’s no doubt, she’s our sweet
“Honey Butters”.Thank you GRRR for rescuing her and the other TDs!
Colorado Honey/BUTTERS
TDII - Landed in America June 6, 2016
Chester (now Hank) loves his toys and is pure love and
affection. He will be training as a therapy dog soon. He also loves his
Aussie/Border Collie sibling side kick.
Alta (now Sam) from “Sam I Am, Green Eggs and Ham”. His
routine is play-nap-play-nap, etc. He’s getting along with his big
brother, Bailey, great.
Chloe (now Tellie) is a very sweet and wonderful girl. She has
adapted easily to our life at the house in Summit County and living
with her 2 buddies, Summit (12-1/2 yr old Golden), and Tucker (4-1/2
year old Golden lab) and the rest of the family.
Casey is our dream come true! She loves running around the backyard,
getting groomed, playing with her plethora of toys, car rides, and
especially her morning and evening walks. She and her rescue story are
the “talk of the neighborhood!” (See photo and letter on page 8)
Penrose (Money-Penny from the James Bond series) is settling in
wonderfully. She has been enjoying long walks, exploring the beautiful
trails in Evergreen. She loves the car and taking naps on our deck. More
importantly, she is always on the look out for those pesky squirrels,
chasing them out of our backyard. Who knows, she may soon be climbing
trees running after them.
Chloe /Tellie
Turkey Dog Happy Endings
Bennett (now Wrigley) After he lounges in
the backyard with his favorite toy, it looks like he has just
gotten “ants in his pants”. He comes tearing into the house
and runs around like he’s got this energy he needs to get rid
of. Then, just as quickly, he lays back down and is sound
asleep. It’s incredible for all he’s gone through in his short life
that he can be so sweet and endearing.
Truman Trinidad (now Woody
Rambler) Thank you GRRR for bringing this guy to
us from Turkey. He is such a sweet boy and has bonded
with our other Golden, Cody (also from GRRR two
years ago). Woody loves to play with tennis balls and
finds tremendous joy in hiding the ball in a wrapped up
blanket and then shaking the blanket to find the ball.
We are still working on him chasing rabbits and squirrels,
but so far he is loving life in his new forever home.
Cricket has been here for several weeks now. Such a
Truman-Trinidad/Woody Rambler
wonderful spirit and loving nature. She loves playing
fetch with tennis balls in the backyard. She is an amazing dog
and has melded into our pack with no hesitation whatsoever.
Watson has adjusted to his new home very well. He
enjoys rolling in the grass and chasing squirrels! He is a real
Ginger is like a perfect mini red Golden Retriever. She
loves her big brother, Rookie and is super well behaved.
Cora-Tillie (now Tina) is very sweet and loves to
play with her siblings, living the good life in Boulder. She
came over with a genetic medical issue that is being treated,
but still is a fun little sweetie. Tina likes to play and go
swimming with her buddy, Gryffindor. When Gryff leaves at
the end of the day to go home, Tina stands at the gate and
cries. They have a blast playing together.
Turkey Dog Happy Endings
SIerra (now Georgie) Since traveling half way around the world,
the past few weeks have been a whirlwind for Georgie! She is settling
into life quite nicely, even making herself comfortable on the couch! We
can see the puppy coming out with each day! Callie loves to hop around
and woof at Georgie, but she has no idea what she’s talking about Georgie speaks Turkish! Georgie is slowly figuring out the rough house
play time. It’s pretty fun, but overall she can be little timid. She’d be just
as happy curling up in our lap. Georgie’s favorite pastimes include
SWIMMING, morning and evening walks, playing with the toys in the toy
box, chasing cottontails in the backyard, car rides and hanging out with
Cal and her grandma, Claudia. Thank you, GRRR for choosing her to
make the journey of a lifetime. She’s a lucky, happy girl…Let the Golden
times roll! Woof.
Parker has been a joy and a new experience for us! We’ve never had a
young dog who is this active! She is also a snuggler who loves to jump
up in our lap. Parker loves to chase balls, birds, squirrels, bury bones and lay on the floor where it’s cool. We are
enjoying her so much!
Sophie is a delightful companion and I feel very fortunate that we
found each other. She loves her forever home and has made lots of new
friends on our daily walks. She is eager to please and has learned English
much faster than I could master the four Turkish commands you gave
me. From her initial reaction, I’m guessing she never saw a squeaky toy in
Turkey. She has a basket full of them here. Seeing how much joy they
bring her makes me very happy.
Durango (now Tosh) is loving his life with new dad, Austin.
Hiking and playing outdoors is perfect for him.
Dillon (now DAsh) likes intense negotiations with squirrels and
sleeping with his face under the rose bush. Dash is assimilating quite
well. He loves to play with his big brothers, puppy Thatcher and George.
He’s pretty smart for a little dog who has lived most of his life in a
shelter. He is very affectionate, a sweet boy, and a most welcome
addition to our home.
Daisy (now MIA) is one year old and lives a carefree life with parents, Leslie and Roger, and her
7-year-old Golden sibling, Bella, in Colorado Springs. Mia’s already been camping and hiking and exposed to
the grandchildren. She is smart and coming along with puppy behavior.
Gus is the last of the TDs to get adopted due to the need to address some medical issues. He’s a big goofy
sweetie with boundless curiosity. Everything is a new experience for this boy. If you sit on the floor with him,
you are fair game for wrestling.
Turkey Dogs
Lallah - A Turkish refugee at home in the Colorado Mountains
Lallah (it means ‘Little Tulip’ in Turkish), was named Bailey when she first arrived at GRRR. We
decided to give her a Turkish name, and it allows us to say ‘We live in Lallah Land’ and use
nicknames like ‘Lallah-palooza.’
When I first became aware of the rescue efforts through the Atlanta rescue group, I thought
about how neat it would be if GRRR were involved in something similar, and a couple weeks
later, you announced you were bringing in the first set of Turkey Dogs!
Having lost our grand handsome rescue boy EdGRRR (his photo is in the December calendar
page) about six months before, we jumped at the chance to welcome a Turkey dog into our
home, and were fortunate to be among those selected for the first ten.
Meeting that whole group was a joy and a quandary, as, like a lot of you, we wanted them all,
and it was difficult to choose.
Bailey was younger (two) and smaller, and getting to know her, especially with her unique
coloring and vibrant personality, made our final decision easier. She was sweet, and so
centered, even with all she must have been through being abandoned. Going through the
rescue process, we could not help but be impressed and of course, fall in love with her. She has
quickly adapted to our routines, walks, training and her home and yard.
And like so many Goldens, she seems to sense this is now her ‘forever’ home and family and
seems ever grateful.
After a period of adjustment to her new surroundings in the central mountains, she has
become so sociable and friendly that all our friends and the dog sitters just love her. She will
still chase squirrels (a plus in our yard), is amazed by deer and domestic livestock, has doggie
friends, and loves to go for rides and hikes. Her favorite place is in bed with mom and dad in the early mornings. She is fond of ‘collecting’ different
footwear and bringing them into the bedroom where she waits for us when we’re running errands. Lallah will be a joy in our life for years to come
and we thank everyone at GRRR for their heroic efforts to rescue these Goldens and provide them with wonderful lives here in Colorado.
Dan Smith and Lee Coveney
Dear GRRR:
Casey came into our home in Grand Junction 2 months after our last Golden girl
passed over the Rainbow Bridge. And Casey is our dream come true! She loves
running around the backyard, getting groomed, playing with her plethora of toys, car
rides, and especially her morning and evening walks — she and her rescue story are
the “talk of the neighborhood!” She has made lots of friends with neighbors and their
Casey is so mellow and sweet. We feel truly blessed to have her in our lives. Thank you
GRRR for all that you do to make lives of dogs so much happier and lovingly closing
the circle in our family so completely.
Kim & Steve Morelli
Newsletter Submissions
We all love reading about your Goldens and we’d like to hear from
you! If you’d like to submit a letter AND photo of your GRRR rescue,
e-mail the letter and digital photo to [email protected],
or mail to GRRR at 15350 W. 72nd Ave, Arvada CO 80007.
Deadline for the November, 2016 issue is Oct 6. Thanks!
January 1 - June 30, 2016
Number of dogs adopted
Money spent on medical needs: 119
The History of GRRR
by Jeannie Miller
As a relatively new volunteer and member of GRRR, I have been amazed and inspired by the organization and what it
does on a daily basis. It probably goes without saying that I joined, and spend time at GRRR, because I love and care
for dogs, especially this wonderful and unique breed. It is the people I have met and see pouring their energy,
creativity, love and resources into the mission of GRRR, that amaze me the most and I think is quite special.
Here we are celebrating our 20th year anniversary and when asked to write a short piece on the history of GRRR, I
jumped at the chance so I could learn what started it all.
It was 1994 and Laura Terroux was contacted by Mile High Golden Retriever Club to help them with what was
becoming a lot of work with surrendered and abandoned Golden Retrievers. Laura began getting involved and soon
realized that there was a lot more to this than meets the eye. She got in touch with other rescues to learn as much as
she could. She worked with a Dalmatian and a Greyhound rescue in the area and they were very helpful.
Soon, Laura was up and running, working out of her living room. In those early days, Laura had help from passionate
volunteers, Susan Hicks, Ann Gitzinger, and Shawn and Dean Dubach. The rescue grew and got extremely busy. In
1996, GRRR set up operations at Sage Valley Kennel and officially incorporated as a nonprofit 501(c)(3). At Sage
Valley (owned by Laura) there was a small surrender and adoption area (The Hut), and some rented kennel space.
Laura terroux & Mary Kenton
Laura has many favorite stories from the early days. She says that happy endings that GRRR helps to create are meant
to be and continue to this day. Especially amazing is the heart that GRRR people have for adopting and caring for our
“Golden Angels”, those sweet dogs needing special medical care.
Susan, Ann and the other early volunteers were part of the driving force that took GRRR from Laura’s living room to the amazing organization it is today.
In 1997, Mary Kenton was asked by Ann to foster a dog. That was the beginning of something very special for GRRR as Mary continued getting more
involved. Fostering as many as 12 dogs at a time and doing adoptions, Mary quickly became Laura’s right arm as she learned everything she could about
dog care and running a rescue. Mary is the heart and soul of GRRR and works tirelessly along with our wonderful volunteers to care for the dogs and
advocate for GRRR.
As GRRR began to outgrow Sage Valley, the dream of owning our own property began. After extensive fundraising, GRRR paid cash for a 5-acre dilapidated
horse property that was full of potential. Phoebe’s Place is named for Mitchell Graye and Pam Hollister first GRRR dog, Phoebe, after they made a
substantail donation. After tremendous volunteer effort, the property was ready to support the operation, and opened in 2011.
Mary, like Laura, believes strongly that it is people who make GRRR so special and are the reason that GRRR is thriving after 20 years - “It’s the Golden
People”, she says. “They are the lifeblood that will keep us going another 20 years and beyond!”
Estate Planning, Planned & Bequest Giving
by Kevin Shipley
Over the last year, in one newsletter or the other, I’ve tried to cover the various ways people can, and do, donate to GRRR. Asking for money is not a natural
human desire. It’s a little weird and slightly awkward. Asking for money for our Golden Angel Fund is easy for me, because I believe we all can make a big
impact in the lives of these medically challenged dogs.
Within the past 3 weeks, I have had questions from three different couples who wanted to make sure GRRR would remain financially healthy for the long
run. In these instances, it was about planned giving and providing for GRRR in their estate planning. We do have people that have gone through setting this
up and understand the process. We have also been the beneficiary of people who have kindly included GRRR in their plan. So if you’d like to discuss it with
someone who has done it, just let us know and we can connect you. If you have a financial planner, please ask them and/or seek out organizations that
specialize in this type of giving.
The purpose of planned giving is to help provide longer term for organizations that you believe in. Like any donation, you can be as specific as you like. For
example; a specified amount going to the Golden Angel Fund which is exclusively used for medical care.
Keep in mind that GRRR spends 90% on program (dog-related), 7% fundraising and 3% administrative.
Here are some ways people have provided for GRRR in their estate planning:
• One-time donation from their will for GRRR’s general operations
• Giving GRRR care/responsibility for their dog(s) should the dogs survive them. In both
instances they have also provided financial compensation for us to care for their dogs
• A lump sum donation to GRRR’s endowment fund - essentially an endowment is only to be
drawn from in case of emergency when the sustainability of the organization is in question
(also must be approved by GRRR board)
• Golden Angel Fund - 100% for medical expenses of our dogs
We are happy to help or answer questions if you’re interested. Thus ending this awkward
moment. Thank you. p
President’s Letter
by Judi Servoss
We’re more than half way through our 20th Anniversary Celebration, and what a year it
has been! At the recent Gala we had the privilege of celebrating with many of our
founding mothers and fathers who made so much of our success possible.
Remembering significant dates is not always joyous, but important to reflect upon and
remember. That is true of the upcoming 15th anniversary of 9/11. Our founder, Laura
Terroux, noted that so eloquently in her “Life’s Blessings” column, October 2001, where
she pointed out how our Golden Retrievers help us get through both the big and the
small disruptions in our lives.
“It seems to me that in light of recent catastrophic events, it may seem somewhat trivial to
focus on dog-related issues. But all things in life have their value and place. With this in mind,
please allow me this bit of sentimental introspection.
• In times of unrest, I’m especially thankful to be blessed with my Goldens. Life can be
uncertain; you never know what twists and turns will be thrown your way. But if you have a Golden, you have a friend who’s there for you always.
• People come and go, grow up and leave, move out or move on. We all have fears of isolation and loneliness. But if you have a Golden, you’re never alone.
• Moments are fleeting in the span of our lives. Young becomes old and makes way for young again. There’s no way to grasp the time and space of the
days to keep them for our own. But if you have a Golden, you have an anchor to hold fast.
• The roads of life can be tricky. Sometimes steep, rocky or challenging, then beautiful once again. The times of pain and joy can be hard to deal with and
hard to express. But if you have a Golden, your heart is understood.” p
Phoebe’s Place Update
by Kevin Shipley
It’s rare that we talk about happenings at PP other than the dogs. At last, we have a facility update
that the dogs will appreciate. You can probably hear them sing “three cheers” as they lift their food
bowls in celebration.
With a huge focus on direct expenses related to the dogs, we really don’t like to spend money on the
property. This time we have an indirect benefit that you can see next time you’re out to GRRR. As
you know, each day kennel space has an outdoor run as well. This is an important benefit for the
dogs. For years we have laid fencing over the top of each outdoor space to keep our occasional
Golden climbers in (yes, some can climb a 6 foot fence), but also to keep critters out. We reside
alongside a canal and that is like a highway for everything from mountain lions to raccoons. We want
to keep those travelers out of the dog runs as they can follow the smell of dog food. While the
temporary fix kept critters out, it let in the wind, snow and rain. It can also get very hot in the
I am happy to announce a permanent solution
for our passing through pooches. We (GRRR)
received a grant to cover the kennels with a
permanent structure.
This sturdy structure is framed in steel and has
clear hail resistant panels on top. This new
addition will allow our dogs to have filtered
sunlight in the summer and a dry outdoor place when it rains and snows. It will also provide
protection from some of our Buick size hail. We are thrilled to have this new feature for our
dogs. It will be a tremendous way for them to enjoy the outdoors without getting all wet and
Next time you’re out, let the day kennel residents show you around. It’s like a nice hotel room
upgrade, a free bump up from coach to first class, an upgrade from sub compact to a cool
sports car…etc., well, you get the picture. This really is a much appreciated addition. p
Golden Angels - Anika and Zeus
by Jeannie Miller
Our Golden Angels are dogs with special needs that deserve the very best care we can give them and the chance to live a happy, healthy life in
a loving home. All of them have a story to tell that tugs at our heart strings and validates the need for our Golden Angel fund so generously
supported by all of you.
This is the story of Anika and Zeus – two beautiful Goldens. Zeus is a 7-year-old gorgeous cream-colored boy with the softest eyes and fluffy
curls on his ears. And Anika is a 6-year-old girl with a beautiful, thick dark red coat. They have been together since Anika was a pup. They are best
buddies and it is clear that they love each other very much.
They arrived at GRRR after being surrendered by a family that had only had them for a week. They contacted GRRR because Anika had an
altercation with their Chihuahua and caused a bit of damage to the smaller dog. The people thought Anika was pregnant and that’s why she was
aggressive with the Chihuahua. They decided that it wasn’t safe to keep Anika and Zeus in their home.
That family had adopted them from another family who kept them outside in a pen most of the time. When they decided to move to another
state, they did not want their dogs anymore and gave them away. As is often the case with Golden Angels, when GRRR gets the call, we say ‘yes’
immediately without any knowledge of a dog’s condition. We never say ‘no’ to a Golden in need. When we get them to GRRR, we then start to
understand more about them and often times Golden Angel stories emerge.
And so is the case with these two sweet dogs. Six- and seven-year old Goldens are in the prime of their life. These two were both so loving toward
people and each other but they were in sorry conditions. Both were filthy and matted. As Mary took a look at them and welcomed them, she
noticed the most horrible odor from Zeus. The smell was from both his filthy, matted coat and his mouth, which appeared to have some severe
dental issues. An inspection of Anika revealed that she was probably not pregnant though she was not spayed, and her ears were full of dirt and
wax – or ‘gunk’ as Mary likes to call it! Well, these guys definitely need to been seen right away by the doctors at Arvada West Veterinary Hospital
so we would know more about their health.
But first they both got a full spa treatment with Dee
Delay. Both dogs were looking, feeling and smelling so
much better, admired each other and then it was off to
see the doctors.
Sure enough, Anika was not pregnant but the
‘gunk’ in her ears was so bad that they could not see
anything with the otoscope. It would take several days
of cleaning to soften all of that gunk so it could be
removed and her ears cleared. Anika was spayed, given
all of her vaccinations and tested for heartworm.
Now, it was Zeus’ turn to go to Arvada West for
an exam, neuter and dental. Those teeth! Some of
the worst that the staff at Arvada West had seen!
During the exam, Dr. Holcomb found that Zeus had a
condition called Cryptorchidism. This is when one of
the male testicles is not where it should be but was
in his abdomen instead. Poor guy could not catch a
break! Zeus needed dental surgery and also a much
more invasive procedure to address this condition. Dr.
Holcomb had his work cut out for him! After removing
the thick tarter on two of his lower teeth, it was found that they were all broken, a result of a terrible trauma to his mouth. Some of the teeth had been
broken off and now had gums hiding the roots which crumbled as they were removed. The two teeth with all the tarter were broken too. Some were
abscessed. Zeus had been suffering with the painful broken and infected teeth for so long that he wasn’t using that side of his mouth to chew at all.
It’s hard to imagine how he lived with that pain for so long and stayed such a sweet guy. The surgery was successful and Zeus started to feel better fast.
When Zeus returned to Phoebe’s Place after a few days, the reunion with Anika brought tears to Mary’s eyes as she watched their excitement and
affection for each other unfold. Zeus was so happy to see Anika, and Anika could not contain herself when she saw her beloved Zeus come into
the house. They were lookin’ good and now feelin’ good too thanks to our Golden Angel fund!
These two sweet Goldens are now looking for a wonderful new home where there is no pen to live in, a nice comfy dog bed or two, healthy food,
regular medical care, and most of all a human family to give them love and attention that they have lacked for so long and so deserve. And your
donations to GRRR’s Golden Angel Fund will help them, and Goldens like them, be happy and healthy. p
Golden Angel - Sunshine
by Linda Hartman
Happy birthday to me! I got to celebrate my 10th birthday with all my new twolegged and four-legged friends at GRRR, and it was a very special day! My name
is Sunshine and it truly describes my personality. I bring sunshine into the lives of
everyone I meet. All my new friends at GRRR describe me as a total sweetheart and
a resilient girl who is very deserving of a second chance at happiness. I came from
a neglectful situation and had almost given up hope. If you hadn’t taken me under
your wing and provided all the love and medical attention I needed, there would
have been no more birthdays for me. But now I’m a Golden Angel!
The family I used to live with was planning a move out of state, and that plan
didn’t include me. They called GRRR as a last option. They described me as being
quite obese and having tumors — one on my head and another on my side. I kept
making the one on my side worse because I couldn’t leave it alone. They said I had
been seen by a vet who told them nothing could be done for me. If GRRR couldn’t
take me, they planned to “put me down.” GRRR is made up of wonderful, kind
people who are there to help Golden Angels like me in need. Their replay was, “Yes!
OF COURSE we will take her!”
Pete Lynch, a dedicated GRRR volunteer, made the long drive to get me. When we
first met I could tell by the look on his face that he felt sorry for me. I was filthy,
matted, terribly overweight, barely able to walk, and I had these large red areas
that looked like tumors growing on me. That was a very emotional day for me —
leaving the only home I had known and not knowing where I was headed with this
stranger. But something about him told me everything would soon be better.
When I arrived at Phoebe’s Place, I was treated like a princess who had just come for a visit. I was warmly welcomed by all the people and Goldens at
this safe haven. They even rolled out the red carpet for me — well, sort of. It was actually runners to keep me from slipping and falling because of all
the weight I was carrying on my overtaxed, wobbly legs.
I was soon whisked off to Arvada West Veterinary Hospital for a thorough examination and blood tests. I weighed in at a whopping 98.6 lbs. and I had
quite a time trying to maneuver the slick floors of the clinic. Dr. Carpenter found a total of ELEVEN lumps on me, not just the two large ones. Surgery
was scheduled immediately. Ten of the lumps/sores turned out to be cysts, but one of the larger tumors looked suspicious and was sent to pathology
for testing. Everyone was nervous waiting to find out the results.
Meanwhile I went back to Phoebe’s Place, staples and all, to recover. I’m eating a very healthy diet dog food that tastes better than anything I can ever
remember. I love all the other dogs and I’m fitting right in. The volunteers take me for short walks and treat me so kindly. My new friend, Dee Delay,
spent hours giving me a special spa treatment. She de-matted my filthy coat and bathed and brushed me, revealing my beautiful reddish golden coat. I
look so clean and pretty. Instead of feeling like a burden, I feel like a real treasure here at GRRR with all my friends. I’m enjoying every minute of every day.
My worst tumor turned out to be a grade one sarcoma but was completely removed during the surgery. I will only need to be watched for lumps (just
like any dog) and have them checked out. So now you know why I REALLY celebrated my happiest birthday ever. Being ten years old is WONDERFUL
when you are a much loved GRRR Golden Angel. Everyone who donates to the Golden Angel Fund — and all the volunteers — saved my life and gave
me hope for a wonderful new beginning.
I’ve already come a long way since my life of neglect, and I’m improving every day. Now I’m looking forward to the best present ever ... a brand new forever
family who will take me home to spend the rest of my Happy Birthdays being loved. I promise to bring lots of Sunshine into your life in more ways than
one. Let’s not waste a single minute — I just can’t wait to head home to begin my happily-ever-after chapter being loved and treasured by you! p
Please Donate to GRRR's Golden Angel Fund!
The Golden Angel Fund has been established to help Golden Retrievers in need of extra medical care. Some Goldens require special medications
or surgeries for conditions such as cancer, hip dysplasia, allergies, heartworm, knee surgeries, eye surgeries, infections, etc. Without medical help,
many of them will not be likely candidates for adoption; however, we can’t say no to these special Goldens who need extra care. Sometimes
extraordinary medical circumstances bring these Goldens to us, and with the Golden Angel Fund we can help more of them find a quality, pain-free
life in a new and loving home. Please send your tax deductible donations to: GRRR, 15350 W. 72nd Avenue, Golden, CO 80007 (make your check
payable to GRRR with “Golden Angel Fund” in the memo portion). Or donate on-line at Thank you!
Golden Angel Updates
BREWSTER - Golden Angel Finds Heaven on Earth by Mary Lemma
Having done so on several occasions, my husband and I agreed we wouldn’t be a
three-dog household again. Then we discovered Brewster and all bets were off.
“I’ve had an especially tragic story,” Brewster wrote on the GRRR website. His
elderly owner had died in a house fire last winter and he was designated a Golden
After an interview with volunteer Roberta Miller, we learned that Brewster needed
an ACL repair. Knowing of GRRR’s Golden Angel agreement with Colorado Canine
Orthopedics and Rehab, we didn’t hesitate to meet this beautiful boy. We took our
Berner and recently rescued English Bulldog to meet Roberta and caretaker Mary
Kenton, and of course Brewster; the three dogs greeted each other with the typical
sniffs (the three humans merely shook hands), and Brewster came home with us.
At first, Brewster would eat only roasted chicken from Costco; now he savors the
same food his adoptive siblings enjoy. He also has recovered well from surgery,
curling up under our desks while we work, contentedly gnawing on NylaBones
and joining us on our sofa to watch a movie.
Brewster is a true gentleman and totally adorable. Thanks to everyone who
donated to help this great boy, and all the GRRR Goldens. p
FRASER by Anne Conry
Fraser is a delight! He is doing very well physically. He runs around the back yard, especially
if a squirrel dares to venture in. He plays with his new brother (Barney, the Springer Spaniel)
and they share treats very nicely. He is so affectionate and funny. He talks to us, especially
when we come home from somewhere. He is probably giving us a lecture about being gone
too long.
One of my favorite times with Fraser is when I am making his food. He talks to me and
follows me around closely...maybe checking to be sure I make the food right! One time I was
gone at dinner time and he barked and talked to my son until he remembered to feed him!
Once when I was reading a bedtime story to my little grandson, the bedroom door was
pushed open and in came Fraser with a big smile on his face. He plopped down in front of
me and watched me intently (still smiling) as long as I was reading. Eventually both the dog
and the boy fell asleep at the same time!
He loves going places in the car, especially to Starbucks (for the Pupiccinos) and to PetCo
(for bone shopping). We are practicing for the Canine Good Citizen test and hoping to read
with kids in our nearby school when school starts again.
Fraser (one of the original Turkey Dogs), is taking Rimadyl and a doggy Glucosamine
supplement for pain in his legs from old injuries and arthritis. He’s able to be active and run
and play. He loves his walks around the neighborhood and has no problems on the stairs in
my house. He is a great eater and chewer of rawhide treats. He doesn’t seem to notice the few teeth he is missing! He is a calm boy
but is always ready to play! So all in all he’s able to do anything he wants to do!
I had never had a purebred Golden before Fraser and I am amazed at how loving, sweet tempered and smart he is! Thank you a million
times, GRRR, for this gift to my family. And thank you to the great care and dedicated people at GRRR, and everyone who donated to
the Golden Angel Fund. p
Donations in In Memory or in Honor
Anonymous in memory of Jim French
John D Bauersfeld in memory of Blake Young
Jaclyn Bowen in memory of Rocky Stewart
Chris Cooper in memory of Sophie
Greta Dietrich in memory of Cody Dietrich
Charlotte Dyer in memory of Ginger
Tom & Veronica Gleason in memory of Blanche Carpenter
Dawn Holmes in honor of Ellie Drescher
Eldon & Shirley Holtz as a wedding present for Laura Monroe
Jane A Houtsma in honor of Bretagne – last remaining 911
search and rescue dog
I.D. Interiors in memory of Budda
Corrine Krisberg in memory of Baxter – cherished pal and
protector of Mike & Ellie Losasso
Diane Kueck in memory of Copper
Michael Mitchusson in honor of Duke Mitchusson
Luann Palizzi in loving memory of Daisy Bankston-Sheriff
James and Susan Pittleman in memory of Blake Young
• Lorne Prescott in memory of Ari Werner, super snow-loving
Golden Retriever
• Sylvia Reynolds in memory of Bernie, beloved four-footed friend
of the Huttons
• Rocky Mountain Reprographics in memory of Rob Galvin
• Patricia & Scott Rogers in memory of Sadie. “My friend Julie
adopted her and they had the best life together. They did
everything together.”
• Kathy R Salimeno in honor of Lily. “ I adopted Lily on 11-12-15.
Lilly is happy and thriving in her new environment sharing our
home together with Kitty “Missy”. Lily is the love of my life.”
• Peggy Sciumbato in memory of Nancy and Robert Miller’s
Golden, Ziggy
• Judi Servoss and Joel Carmichael for the wedding of Andi
Gittleman and Jeremy Schulman
• Shannon in memory of Badge
• Rebecca Smith in honor of Kay Hinchliff
• Priscilla Walker in memory of Dara Miller’s dog, Truman
• Samantha Wagner in memory of Stella Krauss
In Memory
We adopted sister & brother, Tasha & Tango from GRRR when they were 7 years old in December 2007. They were a great team, joined at the
hip, and gave us great pleasure watching them playing & chasing each other thru the yard and cleaning each other’s faces every day. In 2012
we lost Tango to a grand mal seizure. We, as well as Tasha, were devastated, but after a month she rebounded and truly became the princess of
the house. Tasha was adored by neighbors and friends as she was sweet, gorgeous and smart as a whip. She loved going for walks & greeting all
the other dogs along the way. She was also quite the character and kept us laughing with her antics helping make the bed. Tasha almost made
it to her 16th birthday. She has
left a big void in our lives and
is dearly missed. We hope to
adopt another pair in the near
future. We are so grateful for all
the work GRRR does.
Penny Dickerson & Jim Ummel
Naming Tribute
BRYNNE, by Mary Kay Billings in memory of Brynne Kaufman. Brynne was the beautiful daughter of my friend Leonard
Kaufmann and the step daughter of Linda Himmelbauer.
With your donation of $100 you may request a Naming Tribute so that one of GRRR’s rescued Goldens will be named after your
dog or loved one. With your donation, you will honor the memory of your loved one, and your donation will help us give a rescued
dog a new start to a better life. More info on Naming Tributes here:
In Memory
Diamonds ARE a Girl’s Best Friend
In July 2007, I wrote a story about my rescue, Emma. It was titled “A Diamond in the Rough”. It was the beginning of her journey from a neglected and scared
puppy mill mom to a confident and loving companion. Little did I know how poignant that story would become as Emma became a beautiful diamond in my life and
my very best friend.
When Emma arrived at her new home, she was incredibly depressed and afraid of everything, especially people. The minute that someone would walk in the door, she
would run out the back door and peek her head back in. Any movement toward her would send her running or she would just hide behind me for protection. At that
point in my life, I knew exactly how she felt. And so began our journey together. For the next nine and half years she would be my rock and I would be hers. Over time,
with love and devotion, Emma became the most gentle, well mannered, and loyal dog I’ve ever had. She always wanted to be wherever I was and I wanted her near
me all the time. My shadow. My comfort.
But how do you capture the essence of such a beautiful soul on a piece of paper? I could tell you about how she confidently approaches people with a wagging tail
and greets everyone at the door and how everyone who meets her, instantly falls in love. In her younger years, she could often be found lying in the sun or rolling in
the grass. Oh does she love to sunbathe! I could also tell you that Emma often had “zoomies” in her big backyard while tossing her toys in the air and chasing them
some more. I could tell you about her beautiful coat and thick bushy tail and how she absolutely loves to be brushed, usually falling asleep while I do it. Brushing was
therapy for both of us. I could tell you how much she loved going to the cabin and chasing the ground squirrels and chipmunks. Her manners are spectacular; she
would never step on your feet or get in your way. I could tell you her very first and very favorite toy was “red dog”. Oh and walks...her ultimate favorite thing to do was
to go on a walk because she knew there would be someone who would love and pet her. She was quite the social butterfly. But those are just her characteristics, not
the spirit and love that I see in her eyes.
When I looked into her eyes, I saw unconditional love and adoration. She was a rare dog in that she would stare
directly into my eyes as if she was always trying to tell me something. I’d like to believe she was. Perhaps it
was love or gratitude or just sheer joy. Whatever it was, I believe that each pet in our lives teach us something
about ourselves or at the very least reflect some of our own traits back to us. Emma had courage; the courage
to overcome her fears. She had strength; to fight through the difficult times such as when she had a four-inch
Mast Cell tumor removed. She had patience; the ultimate patience particularly with the other fosters that came
through our home. She was loyal. Emma has taught me to have courage to overcome my fears and that despite
what has happened in the past that there is still room to trust and love.
Emma died June 25, 2016 just short of her 15th birthday. Her absence has left a hole in my heart, but I know she is
with me in spirit. I just hope that I can live up to everything she believed I was. Until we meet again, my sweet girl.
Kari Shoen
BAILEY GIRL 9/28/2004 – 4/19/2016
A piece of our hearts went with our beloved Bailey when she passed over the Rainbow Bridge on a sunny April morning.
We first met Bailey in January of 2008. She was in foster care with Gwen Mann. Our sweet dog of 16 years - Scarlet, had passed away in November of 2007, and Linda had
met Pat Rogers while taking water aerobics class. She told Pat about how empty our house was without a dog, and Pat mentioned that there was a three-year old Golden
that was available for adoption.
As we drove up the driveway to Gwen’s home, we were greeted by five Goldens (which included Bailey) all in a line, their paws were draped over the chain link fence,
smiling, and tails wagging. We were introduced to Bailey and took her for a stroll. She walked along beside us like she had been with us from puppyhood. A week later we
took her home, and introduced her to our cat, Tabitha. We didn’t know it at the time but Tabitha was suffering from cancer, and wasn’t too thrilled about a new dog in her
life. The cancer took Tabitha in March of 2008, and we adopted another cat, Kiki ,that April.
Bailey and Kiki became fast friends, often greeting each other in the morning with nose rubs and shared licks. Bailey enjoyed her new life with us. She loved her walks especially on a cool summer morning, running after tennis balls, BBQ’s with her people friends, and most of all the fun GRRR events. She loved to see all our friends, and
greeted them with a hardy hello. Her favorite treat was pizza crust. The GRRR motto “A golden will change your life” rang true with Bailey. She brought unconditional love
into our home.
Sadly, in 2014 her back legs began to fail. The cause was genetic, and the vet couldn’t operate. So, we treated her with
medications to help her with the pain. But, by this April her legs had become so bad she couldn’t stand easily and
couldn’t walk many steps before having to lay down. She would try to come to her food/water bowls or to get her
treats, but couldn’t. So we brought them to her. The vet examined her and determined that there wasn’t any additional
treatment available to enable her to stand easily or walk. So, we did what was best for her, and now she’s out of pain.
When we told our family and friends about Bailey’s passing these were some of the comments we received about
her: “Bailey was your happy friend these many years and gave you joy every day being there. What do good dogs
reincarnate as? The next good dog for someone who needs one? Playful Dolphins? Bailey goes on to do more fine
deeds.” “She was such an awesome dog”. “She was a way cool dog”. “She was a great dog.” “I loved her and was
looking forward to seeing her again.” Super counter surfer Bailey - we will miss her deeply.
She was such a beautiful and gentle soul. We loved her so much, and will miss her terribly.
David and Linda Mullen
REMINDER: well-behaved, well-socialized GRRR dog(s) and/or dogs in your family, whose behavior you
know are allowed. No small dogs, please. And remember – on or off leash, you need to adequately
control your dog at all times, and you are fully responsible for your dog’s behavior. Thank you.
Boulder Reseroir: 5565 N 51st St.. Enter at main entrance. Dream Cove picnic area is on left.
Plenty of free parking. NO ADMISSION - tell them you’e with GRRR!
Golden Retriever Rescue of
the Rockies
15350 W. 72nd Avenue
Arvada, CO 80007
hotline: 303/279-2400
[email protected]
Board Of Directors
Marci Auston
Dee Delay
Beth Flambures
Steve Morganfield
Pat Rogers
Roxanne Sabin
Judi Servoss
Bill Urbanowski
Judi Servoss – President
Marci Auston– Vice President
Pat Rogers – Secretary
Beth Flambures – Treasurer
Executive Director:
Kevin Shipley
[email protected]
Designed by Debbie Stratton:
[email protected]
“A Golden Retriever Can Change Your Life­!”
Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies is dedicated to rescue,
placement and public awareness, to ensure that Golden Retrievers
are adopted by people who are able to provide a safe, loving home.
Applications to adopt a Golden are available on our website
Please accept my Membership in GRRR (includes quarterly newsletter plus free attendance at all events and reunions)
I would like to receive my newsletter: ❒ via mail (black & white print) or ❒ via e-mail (color GRRR postage and printing costs!) $50
Please accept my additional tax deductible donation to help Goldens where needed most:
❒ $250+ Golden Champion
❒ $100 Golden Hero
❒ $50 Golden Star
Interested in volunteering? Go to to fill out the volunteer application. Thanks!
NAME ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY _______________________________________________ STATE _______________________ ZIP _____________________________
HOME PHONE ____________________ WORK PHONE _____________________ E-MAIL ____________________________________
Please mail to: Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies • 15350 W. 72nd Ave. • Arvada, CO 80007
Thank you for your support!