board of directors - Coral Gables Community Foundation
board of directors - Coral Gables Community Foundation
BOARD BOARDOF OFDIRECTORS* DIRECTORS Carlos F. Garcia , CPA, CPA Carlos F. Garcia Partner Partner William WilliamA.A.Bonn Bonn, Esq. , Esq. L.“Tony” “Tony”Rogers, Rogers,JDJD Anthony L. President|CEO President|CEO Goldstein Schechter KochKoch Goldstein Schechter IM MM EE DD I AT E EPA SS T TC C HH AA I RI R IM I AT PA PlanningConsultants ConsultantsGroup Group Planning F. David Olazabal F. David Olazabal Karelia KareliaMartinez MartinezCarbonell, Carbonell, John O’Rourke III C HC AH I RA I R VP |VP Financial Advisor | Financial Advisor Morgan Stanley SmithSmith Barney, LLC LLC Morgan Stanley Barney, T R ET A E RR E R RS EU AR SU CFRE CFREDPA DPAMDA MDA SS EE CC RR E ETA RR YY // TA DD E EVV EE LO PP MM EE NN TT LO CC OO MM MM I TI T T EEE CCHHAAIIRR EELLEECCTT 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ANNUAL REPORT President Montica Jewelry t a b tl ae b lo ef o c fo nctoennttesn t s CHAIR - COMMUNIT Y GIVING COMMIT TEE Chairman’s Letter |Letter Council of Past Chairs 2-3 Chairman’s | Council of Past....................... Chairs..................2-3 John R. Allen, Jr. Jr. John R. Allen, Vice President of Operations Vice President of Operations HomeHome Financing Center Financing Center Andria AndriaHanley Hanley VP VPof ofDevelopment Development Camillus CamillusHouse House Ari Rollnick Foundation History History | Founding Members ......................... 4-5 Foundation | Founding Members....................4-5 Principal Kabookaboo Charitable Giving ......................................................... 6-7 Charitable Giving...................................................6-7 2013 Fund Disbursements ............................................... 8 2013 Fund Disbursements..........................................8 PatPat Blanco, BSN,BSN, MPH,MPH, FACHE Blanco, FACHE Magnet Project Director Magnet Project Director Doctors Hospital Doctors Hospital Paul PaulLowenthal Lowenthal President President Southern SouthernAudio Audio& &Visual Visual Matthew MatthewT.T.Meehan Meehan William Colas William Colas Kerdyk Real Real Estate Kerdyk Estate Ex-Officio/CHAMBER LIAISON President|CEO Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce Marielena A. Villamil President|Owner President|Owner The The Washington Washington Economics Economics Group Group MTM MTMManagement Management CurrentCurrent Funds -Funds 2013 ................................................10-11 - 2013..........................................10-11 Foundation Donors Donors ....................................................... 12 Foundation .................................................12 Owner Owner The TheHighBoy HighBoy Investment PortfolioPortfolio..................................................9 ....................................................... 9 Investment Mark A. Trowbridge Merrick Merrick Society Society........................................................13 ............................................................ 13 President|COO Executive Director’s Letter .........................................14-15 Executive Director’s Letter....................................14-15 Founder|Executive Founder|ExecutiveDirector Director Sunil’s Sunil’sHome HomeOrphanage Orphanage Sissy DeMaria Sissy DeMaria PRESIDENT PRESIDENT Lee LeeJ.J.Osiason, Osiason,Esq. Esq. KrepsKreps DeMaria DeMaria Osiason OsiasonLaw Law Wayne Cameron Eldred Wayne Cameron Eldred Ex-Officio/CITY Ex-Officio/CITYLIAISON LIAISON OWNER OWNER Tarpon BendBend RawRaw Bar &Bar Grill Tarpon & Grill Mary Mary Snow Snow Executive Executive Director Director Coral Coral Gables Gables Community Community Foundation Foundation PHYSICALPHYSICAL ADDRESSADDRESS 3001 Ponce de Leon Blvd., 3001 Ponce deSuite Leon 203 Blvd., Suite 203 Coral Gables,Coral FL 33134-6824 Gables, FL 33134-6824Board MAILING MAILING ADDRESSADDRESS 1825 Ponce de Leon Blv.,de PMB #447 1825 Ponce Leon Blv., PMB #447 Coral Gables,Coral FL 33134-4418 Gables, FL 33134-4418 Commissioner Commissioner Frank FrankC.Quesada, C.Quesada,Esq. Esq. Quesada QuesadaLaw LawFirm Firm *Indicates Board of Directors at time of printing T 305.446.9670 T 305.446.9670 305.446.3773 F F 305.446.3773 [email protected] [email protected] LIKE OUR LIKE OUR FAN PAGE FAN PAGE Zeke Guilford, Esq.Esq. Zeke Guilford, Guilford & Associates Guilford & Associates 1818 Foundation Events ....................................................16-17 Foundation Events..............................................16-17 Aura AuraReinhardt Reinhardt VP VPCorp CorpCommunications Communications&& Services Services Bacardi BacardiU.S.A., U.S.A.,Inc.Inc. @CGCF @CGCF ofBoard Directors | Executive Committee ........................ 18 of Directors | Executive Committee...................18 COUNCIL OF PAST CHAIRS CORAL GABLES coUncIl of Past cHaIRs William A. Bonn (2011, 2012) Jerry Santeiro* (2009, 2010) Executive Director | Guardianship Program of Dade County, Inc. Merrick Society Reception • June 5, 2013 The inaugural Merrick Society Reception took place at Riviera Country Club in Coral Gables. The annual event is a night of appreciation for the Foundation’s biggest donors. The evening’s special guest was Robert J. “Bob” Fewell. The Foundation recognized Mr. Fewell as the first lifetime member of the Merrick Society for his contribution of $100,000. Jeannett Black Slesnick (2008) Slesnick & Jochem, LLC Howard Glicken (2007) Chairman | The Americas Group Ponce Society of Young Professionals Events The Ponce Society of Young Professionals held many special events and fundraisers throughout 2013, including the Dress Shirt & Tie Drive for the Coral Gables Senior High football team, Halloween Haunted Jaunt Pub Crawl and a Holiday Happy Hour, among others. J. Thomas “Tom” Cookson (2006) Akerman Senterfitt Yolanda Woodbridge (2005) President | YW Associates William P. “Bill” Murphy (2004) Senior Vice President & Wealth Strategist | Northern Trust Henry O. “Hank” Langston (2003) Dean of Faculty | Gulliver Schools Mary M. Young (2002) Director, Sanford L. Ziff Graduate Career Services Center | University of Miami The Hon. George M. Corrigan (2001) Former Mayor, City of Coral Gables José A. Calvo* (1999, 2000) The Hon. Donald D. “Don” Slesnick II (1997, 1998) Former Mayor, City of Coral Gables Law Offices of Slesnick & Casey, LLC 22nd Annual Gala - “Viva Las Gables” • October 19, 2013 Our Vegas-themed “Viva Las Gables” Gala, chaired by Matthew Meehan and Aura Reinhardt, was held at the Coral Gables Country Club. Our most successful Gala in the organization’s history, we were pleased to announce the Presenting Sponsorship of The Lincoln Motor Company. Special thanks also to our Gold Sponsors: Agave Holdings, LLC; Bacardi U.S.A., Inc.; and The HighBoy. For 2013, we honored community leaders in 4 categories: • WILLY BERMELLO LEGACY AWARD, Bob Dickinson • JERRY SANTEIRO COMMUNITY AWARD, Maria C. Alonso • CULTURE AWARD, Arva Moore Parks • EDUCATION AWARD, Allison Langer Ronald A. “Ron” Shuffield (1996) President & CEO | EWM, Inc., Realtors® John P. Fullerton (1995) Fullerton Diaz Architects Willy Bermello (1992, 1993, 1994) Bermello Ajamil & Partners, Inc. | BAP Development DIRectoRs eMeRItI Patricia H. “Pat” Clarke • Albert H. Friedman* Marian Cline Krutulis* • Verneka Silva* *denotes deceased 2 CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 2013 annual report 2013 annual report CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 17 FOUNDATION EVENTS The Coral Gables Community Foundation holds a number of annual events. There are fundraisers, including mainstays like our Annual Gala and the Tour of Kitchens, while others are held in appreciation for those associated with the Foundation, such as our Board of Directors Appreciation and Installation Reception. The inaugural Merrick Society Reception was also held in 2013 to honor our highest-level donors. 4th Annual TOUR of KITCHENS • January 26, 2013 A self-guided tour showcasing Coral Gables’ finest home kitchens, the 2013 Tour of Kitchens, presented by Apollo Bank, also featured an opening and closing event. Tour stops offered food tastings, table setting displays, cooking/appliance demonstrations and the sale of foodie and home-related merchandise. The Tour raised funds to endow the Culinary Arts Fund, benefitting the Coral Gables Senior High School Culinary Arts CHAIRMAN’S LETTER I am proud of the progress the Coral Gables Community Foundation (CGCF) has made in my first year as Chairman. We have become stronger and better than ever thanks to supporters who live and work in the City Beautiful. Now in its 22nd year, The Foundation has given more than $4 million back to our local community through our fund holders’ contributions to the arts and culture, green space, health and education. The people associated with this Foundation - our donors, investors, Board Members and volunteers - always go above and beyond expectations to continue making Coral Gables an extraordinary place to live and work. The mission of the Coral Gables Community Foundation is to enhance the quality of life in Coral Gables and we take our mission seriously. Coral Gables Senior High School is a focus of our efforts. Through our fourth annual Tour of Kitchens, we raised money to open and endow the Culinary Arts Program Fund benefitting the Culinary Arts department at Coral Gables Senior High School. CGCF scholarship funds along with our own Foundation contributions provided scholarships for talented and deserving students in academics and the arts. The Foundation and our Executive Director, Mary Snow, keep close ties with the administration of the local schools so that we may help them continue to thrive. Program. Board Appreciation and Installation Reception • January 28, 2013 The Coral Gables Community Foundation’s annual installation of officers and directors was held at Seasons 52. Carlos F. Garcia, CPA, began his two-year term as Chairman with a board retreat prior to the installation, at which directors discussed community and foundation initiatives. Attorney William A. Bonn completed his term as chair and continues on the board as Immediate Past Chair. MAD HATTER • May 22, 2013 Our fourth annual MAD HATTER Event was held at Tarpon Bend Coral Gables, generously hosted by owner and Foundation Board member Wayne Eldred. Approximately 50 friends attended to enjoy spirits and hors d’oeuvres provided by Tarpon Bend. Guests with the most creative hats won prizes, also donated by Tarpon Bend. Our 2013 Viva Las Gables gala was the Foundation’s most successful fundraising event to date. Also in 2013, we inaugurated the annual Merrick Society Reception. The event was created to show appreciation for our Merrick Society members, the Foundation’s biggest donors. Merrick Society members substantially contribute to the vision that George Merrick had for Coral Gables, the city he founded. In 2013, we recognized and honored Robert J. “Bob” and Marian Fewell as Lifetime Merrick Society members for their exceedingly generous $100,000 donation. We are pleased and grateful that the Fewells became lifetime members of the Merrick Society. As I look forward to enhancing the footprint of the Foundation, I encourage you to also take an active role in your community and your community foundation. Start a donor-advised fund that addresses needs that are important to you and your family; contribute to our endowment fund to ensure the future quality of life in our community; consider the Foundation in your estate planning; become a member of the Merrick Society (memberships begin at $1,000); and learn more about taking a hands-on role with the Coral Gables Community Foundation. Thank you for your involvement in the City Beautiful. Sincerely, Carlos F. Garcia Carlos F. Garcia, CPA Chair, 2013 - Present 1416 CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 2013 annual report 2013 annual report CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 3 FOUNDATION HISTORY On June 17, 1991, a group of community leaders met to create the Coral Gables Community Foundation: Kent Abney, Donna Abood, Jim Barker, Bob Bauchman, Jeanne Becker, Willy Bermello, Tom Bovee, Tom Bradley, Gabe Bustamante, David Case, Tom Chegin, Terry Claus, Denny Fast, Michael Fong, Gail Goggin, Willie Gonzalez, Seth Gordon, Mort Guilford, Allan Heard, Roberta Hulce, Joel Karp, Bill Kerdyk, Jr., Michael Lewis, David Lieberman, Kay Little, Elliott Lowenstein, Derek Lyth, Steve Magenheimer, Lolita Manchero, Lee Mandell, Victoria Mendero, Ralph Moore, Mel Morganstern, Janelle Patty, Georgian Prats, Ron Robinson, Neil Rollnick, David Rowe, Laura Russo, Jerry Santeiro, Ron Shuffield, Walt Stanton, Karl Steene, Ron Stone, Cathy Swanson, Bud Thompson, Bon Trescott, Eileen Vargas, Guillermo Villar, Ellen Wacher, Dorothy Weaver and David Wind. Established in August 1991 as the “Greater South Florida Charitable and Educational Foundation, Inc.,” the Foundation’s first officers were: Wendell E. Ray PRESIDENT, Len Pagano VICE PRESIDENT, L. Kent Abney VICE PRESIDENT, Gabriel Bustamente TEASURER, and Susan McMahon SECRETARY. In September of 1991, the Foundation’s name was changed to “Coral Gables Foundation,” and the new officers were: Ronald W. Robison PRESIDENT, David R. Winick VICE PRESIDENT, L. Kent Abney VICE PRESIDENT, Thomas J. Bradley TREASURER, and Melvin C. Morganstern SECRETARY. The Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce played a key role in establishing the Foundation. The first Foundation offices were housed in the Chamber, and the Chamber provided a $16,700 loan to cover start-up administrative costs. According to the Foundation’s first Chair, Willy Bermello, “Without the Chamber’s leadership L-R: ARVA MOORE PARKS, ALLISON LANGER, BOB DICKINSON, ANDRIA HANLEY AND MARIA ALONSO ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2013, AT THE 22ND ANNUAL GALA. and foresight, the Foundation would not have been possible.” Mr. Bermello’s leadership, along with support from other business leaders, such as Albert H. Friedman (the late “Mr. Miracle Mile”) forged a long-lasting friendship between the Chamber and the Foundation. On June 15, 1995, the Foundation’s Board voted to change the name of the Foundation to the “Coral Gables Community Foundation” in order to better describe its purpose, and to distinguish it from private foundations. “The Coral Gables Community Foundation is able to create an event that brings the community together to celebrate where we live, work, learn and play while at the same time raise funds to meet the needs of our community.” -CARLOS F. GARCIA, Chairman, 2013-Present For close to 25 years, the Coral Gables Community Foundation has worked to improve the quality of life in Coral Gables by addressing community issues, promoting responsible philanthropy and connecting donors to critical, local needs such as education, culture, and historical preservation. Over $4 million has been awarded in the community since 1991. 4 CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 2013 annual report 2013 annual report CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 15 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dear Coral Gables Friends: The Coral Gables Community Foundation celebrated its 22nd year in 2013, continuing to play a vital philanthropic role in Coral Gables. With our focus on funds, we exist to assist you in achieving your charitable goals in our community. The 30 funds we manage advance our mission of enhancing the quality of life for people living and working in Coral Gables. The Alhambra Water Tower has been renovated, in part through the PARKnership Fund, while proceeds from the annual Tour of Kitchens gave us the ability to start the Culinary Arts Fund, benefitting the culinary arts program at Coral Gables High School. One of our newest Funds, Give a Buck for Special Equestrians provides therapeutic horse riding programs for adults and children with special needs. GSK Cares, a fund created by the partners of Goldstein Schechter Koch, has contributed much to the South Florida community during its short existence. We are proud of the diverse work that all of our funds do in many different areas of genuine need. Over the years, the Foundation has kept its eye clearly focused on the City of Coral Gables and the needs of our community. We accomplish this by awarding annual scholarships and contributing to important cultural hubs such as the Coral Gables Museum and the Coral Gables Art Cinema. The Foundation has stewarded more than $4 million since 1991 in areas such as arts and culture, green space, health, historic preservation and education. At the Coral Gables Community Foundation, we hope to inspire local philanthropy through our donor-advised funds, our endowment funds and our scholarship funds while facilitating ease in your giving. We are fortunate to be surrounded by philanthropic-minded citizens such as you. Let us celebrate our community and the benefactors who have made so many lives better. We hope that in celebrating, we honor all the generous donors who enrich our City Beautiful. Sincerely, Mary Snow Executive Director 14 CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 2013 annual report 2013 annual report CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 5 CHARITABLE GIVING Your Community. Your Philanthropy. Your Foundation. The Coral Gables Community Foundation is the vehicle for our donors’ philanthropic giving in the community. Our goal is to help our donors make their philanthropy more effective, more creative and more local. Over the years, donors have trusted us with their charitable giving and in estate plans—thus creating their legacy, and significantly impacting their community each year. Anyone Can Make a Significant Contribution We believe that everyone can be a philanthropist. When you partner with the Coral Gables Community Foundation, we’ll help you become one. Our focus is philanthropy and community. Our donors enjoy working with us because of that. The Foundation’s professional staff provides excellent personal service and a deep understanding of your community and its long-term needs. Thinking About Leaving a Legacy—Why Wait? The Foundation’s staff speaks with each donor to help them determine what causes are important to them. With that information, a custom, charitable fund is created. The donor chooses how much and what kind of assets to start the fund (cash, stocks and assets, for example). Since 1991, the Coral Gables Community Foundation has helped individuals, families and businesses create personal, permanent and powerful legacies by establishing custom, charitable funds. We ask you the significant questions: what do you want to achieve with your life, your assets and your legacy? Creative Philanthropy for Local Impact The Foundation makes philanthropy local, easy and enjoyable. We help the donor leave a lasting legacy that will impact their community. We offer custom, charitable solutions for each individual donor today for generations to come. A powerful and meaningful way for individuals to create a philanthropic legacy for their community and the causes they care about most. An Endowment is FOREVER. Create Your Legacy TODAY Creating an endowment with the Coral Gables Community Foundation is an opportunity to provide a gift that will continue to give well into the future as well as an opportunity to fund the needs in your community. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ For additional information regarding ways to create your legacy, please contact our DIRectoR, Mary Snow at 305.446.9670 or [email protected]. 6 CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 2012 annual report 2013 annual report execUtIve CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 7 FUND DISBURSEMENTS FUND DISBURSEMENTS MERRICK SOCIETY MERRICK SOCIETY Created in 2008, the Merrick Society* is a collection of generous individuals who make a three year commitment to the Foundation with gifts that currently range from $1,000-$10,000. Created in 2008, the Merrick Society* is a collection of generous individuals who make a three Special thanks our Merrickwith Society year commitment to to theallFoundation gifts members: that currently range from $1,000-$10,000. Special thanks to all our Merrick Society members: $100,000 Level $100,000 Level Robert J. “Bob” & Marian Fewell** Robert J. “Bob” & Marian Fewell** 2013 DISBURSEMNETS BY CATEGORY Community & The Arts $ 95,000 Hyperlocal Media & Technology $ 13,250 Medical & Health $ 19,250 Youth Programs & Scholarships $ 51,500 TOTAL $ 179,000 $10,000 Level $10,000 Level William A. Bonn William A. Bonn $5,000 Level $5,000 Level Lee Osiason Lee Osiason $2,500 Level Evelyn J. Budde $2,500 Level Miles A. III Evelyn J. McGrane, Budde T. Meehan MilesMatthew A. McGrane, III Alex Monatgue & Maria Alonso Matthew T. Meehan $1,000 Level Alex Monatgue & Maria Alonso JOHN R. ALLEN, JR. JASON NEAL $1,000 Level JOHN R. ALLEN, JR. JASON NEAL MARC BERENFELD F. DAVID OLAZABAL MARC BERENFELD PATRICIA BLANCO F. DAVID OLAZABAL JOHN O’ROURKE, III PATRICIA BLANCO KARELIA MARTINEZ CARBONELL JOHN O’ROURKE, III ALFONSO PEREZ KARELIA MARTINEZ CARBONELL GEORGE CORRIGAN ALL DISBURSEMENTS 1991 - 2013 Community & The Arts $ 1,887,000 GEORGE CORRIGAN SISSY DEMARIA SISSY DEMARIA DR. JOYCE ELAM Elderly & Disadvantaged $ 672,000 Hyperlocal Media & Technology $ 955,000 Medical & Health $ 369,000 Youth Programs & Scholarships $ 777,000 WAYNE ELDRED CARLOS F. GARCIA $ 4,660,000 CARLOS F. GARCIA ZEKE GUILFORD TOTAL ALFONSO PEREZ AURA REINHARDT AURA REINHARDT ANTHONY L. “TONY” ROGERS ANTHONY L. “TONY” ROGERS ARI ROLLNICK DR. JOYCE ELAM WAYNE ELDRED ZEKE GUILFORD ANDRIA HANLEY ARI ROLLNICK DR. AUDREY & H.J. ROSS DR. AUDREY & H.J. ROSS JORGE E. SILVA JORGE E. SILVA DONALD “DON” & JEANNETT SLESNICK DONALD “DON” & JEANNETT SLESNICK EDDIE & JUDY SNOW ANDRIA HANLEY PATRICIA KEON EDDIE & JUDY SNOW JOSE VALDES-FAULI PATRICIA KEON HENRY LANGSTON JOSE VALDES-FAULI MARIELENA VILLAMIL HENRY LANGSTON RODOLFO LLEONART RODOLFO LLEONART PAUL LOWENTHAL PAUL LOWENTHAL 8 CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 8 CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 2013 annual report 2013 annual report MARIELENA VILLAMIL CHIP WITHERS CHIP WITHERS *List indicates Merrick Society members as of June 2014 **Denotes lifetime membership *List indicates Merrick Society members as of June 2014 **Denotes lifetime membership 2013 annual report 2013 annual report CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 13 CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 13 FOUNDATION DONORS FOUNDATION DONORS Alice G. Abreu Stanley Davidson Dean Klevan Ms. Eloise Rodriguez John Clark Adams, Esq. Joyce R. Davidson Mary Beth Klock-Perez José J. R. Villablobos & Christoper J. John R. Allen, Jr. Jeanne Anne Davis Steven H. & Midge Krams Lapan The Allen Morris Foundation Susie B. Davis Andrew La Barbera Jacob Roffman Alice G. Abreu James W. & Ashley Cusack Marleene Shelly Roberts Timothy Anagnost, Esq. Stefen de Kanter Vicente Lago Kerdyk AnthonyMs. L. Rogers, J.D. John ClarkAnderson Adams, Esq. Stanley Davidson Vice William H. Kerdyk, Jr. MaryA. Lou Rodón-Dolara, John E. & Sarah Cristina de la Maza Mr. & Mayor Mrs. Joe Lancaster Margaret “Peggy” Rolando Esq. John R. Allen, Jr. Joyce R. Davidson Klevan Ms. Maria Rodriguez Richard Anderson Sissy DeMaria R. KirkDean Landon AriAna Rollnick The Allen Morris Foundation Anne Davis Mary Beth Langston Klock-Perez Ms. Eloise Carlos & Yolanda Rossi RichardJeanne J. DeWitt, Esq. Henry O. “Hank” Dr. Audrey & H.J.Rodriguez Ross Timothy Anagnost, Esq. Susie B. Davis Steven H. & Leidel Midge Krams JoséRosenblatt J. R. Villablobos Christoper J. Fay P. Aronson Beula G. Diamond Anne Slesnick Brad & Rene& Ruiz John E. &Arroyo Sarah Anderson de Kanter La Levin Barbera LapanEsq. Antonio AprilStefen M. Dojnia HerbertAndrew M. & Vera David Rothenstein, Richard Anderson la Maza Vicente Lago Jacob Roffman Mr. & Mrs. Jon Arthur Dr. and Cristina Mrs. Londe Dowlen Mr. and Mrs. David Lieberman Ingrid Garcia Ruiz Carlos Yolanda Rossi Sissy DeMaria Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lancaster L. Rogers, J.D. Yvette & Ayala David Duckenfield Magnus Liljedahl Mr. and Mrs.Anthony Carlos Ruiz de Quevedo Fay P. Aronson Richard J. DeWitt, Esq. R. Lleonart Kirk Landon Margaret A. Rust “Peggy” Rolando Irela Bagué Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Ehrenhaft Rodolfo Robert W. Antonio Diamond Henry O.Lopez “Hank” Langston Rollnick Ron Baker Arroyo Dr. Beula Joyce G. Elam Magda BruceAri Ryan Mrs. Bander Jon Arthur April M. Dojnia Leidel Dr. Audrey & Salman H.J. Ross MichaelMr. && JoAnn Wayne Eldred Mr. andAnne Mrs. Slesnick Jack Lowell Mr. and Mrs. Javier F. Yvette Dr. H. and Mrs.Fahringer Lon Dowlen Herbert M. & Vera Levin Brad Rosenblatt Baptist Health SouthAyala Florida Catherine “Kay” Paul Lowenthal Ralph Sanchez& Rene Ruiz Irela Bagué David Duckenfield Mr. and Mrs. David Lieberman David Rothenstein, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Greg Barnes Cindy Fedde m2e Consulting Engineers, LLC Alex Santeiro Baker Mr.Dyanne and Mrs. J. Bruce Ehrenhaft Magnus Liljedahl GarciaSanteiro Ruiz ChristineRon Barney Feinberg Frances “Dolly” MacIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Ingrid Juan Carlos & JoAnn Bander JoyceFewell Elam Rodolfo Lleonart Mr. and Mrs.Santeiro Carlos Ruiz de Quevedo LynnMichael Ann Merkel Bauer Robert J. &Dr. Marian Robert Maguire Jerry Baptist Health South Florida Wayne Eldred Magda W. Rust Sally L. Baumgartner Ana Fournaris Maruta MangLopez TinaRobert Sayago Mr. &Beauchamp Mrs. Greg Barnes Catherine H. “Kay” Fahringer Mr.Jill and Mrs. Jack Lowell Bruce Ryan James Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fuhrman Mark Pam Schaefer Christine Esq. Barney Fedde Paul Lowenthal Mr. andCrouch Mrs. Javier Marc Berenfeld, John P. Cindy Fullerton Mr. and Mrs. Greg Martini Bonnie SeippF. Salman Merkel Bauer m2e Consulting Engineers, LLC Ralph Sanchez Mr. and Lynn Mrs. Ann Robert Berman Mr. and Mrs.Dyanne Robert Feinberg Gallagher Ana Martin-Laviele, Esq. Roger Serola Sally L. Baumgartner Robert J. & Marian Frances “Dolly” Marx MacIntyre Alex Santeiro Willy A. Bermelo Carlos F. Garcia, CPA Fewell Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Sexton, Jr. James Beauchamp Fournaris Robert Maguire Mrs. JuanJ.Carlos Santeiro Regina Bernadin Tony Ana Gebauer Dr. Alex Fuiza Mr.Mr. andand Mrs. Robert Shafer Berenfeld, Esq. Mr.Donna and Mrs. Thomas Fuhrman Maruta Santeiro Mr. and Marc Mrs. David Bianchi F. Genet Jenny May Mang AidaJerry Shafer Mr. andA. Mrs. Robert Berman John P. Genovese Fullerton Jill Mark Tina Sayago Jaime Bianchi John H. & Lauren Robert McCabe & Arva Moore Parks Dr. Donna Shalala Willy A. Bermelo Mr.Howard and Mrs. Robert Gallagher Mr. T. and Mrs. GregIII Martini Schaefer Carmen Bishopric Glicken William McCullough HowardPam Sherman Regina Bernadin F. Garcia, CPA Ana Bonnie Crouch Seipp Roy and Lea Black AliceCarlos B. Goldhagen Miles A. Martin-Laviele, McGrane, III Esq. Ronald A. Shuffield Mr. Blanco, and Mrs. David Bianchi Tony Gebauer Mr. andL.Mrs. Donald Marx Serola Patricia BSN, MPH Goldstein Schechter Koch Cynthia McNeill Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stephen Siegel Jaime A. Bianchi Donna F. Genet Dr. Alex Fuiza Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Blythe Dr. Andy S. Gomez Melissa Medina-Schnur Jorge E.Francis Silva X. Sexton, Jr. Carmen& Bishopric John & Lauren Jenny May Mr. and RobertRPG J. Shafer Samuel J. Boldrick Ed Casado Roy B.H. Gonas, Esq.Genovese Matthew T. Meehan Elizabeth M. Mrs. Silverman, Roy and Lea Black Glicken Robert McCabe & Arva Moore Parks The Hon. & Mrs.Aida Amanda Bonifay, CPA Dr. & Mrs.Howard Lucien Gordon Jacqueline R. Menendez DonShafer Slesnick II Blanco, MPH Alice Goldhagen McCullough III Dr.Alfred DonnaG.Shalala William Patricia A. Bonn, Esq. &BSN, Ruben Sandra M.B. Gordon Roy &William MiriannT.Meyeringh Dr. and Mrs. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Blythe Goldstein Schechter Koch MilesMiguez A. McGrane, III Howard Sherman Ceballos Nelson Gore Enid Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Smith J. Boldrick & Ed Casado Dr.Gossett Andy S. Gomez Cynthia L. McNeill Ronald W. A. Snook Shuffield Drs. Samuel Phillip Boswell & Barbara Jim Arsenio Milian Capt. Thomas Amanda Bonifay, CPA Roy Conv. B. Gonas, Esq. Medina-Schnur Mr. and Mrs. Snow Stephen Siegel Goldman Greater Miami & Visitors Mr. and Melissa Mrs. William Milliken Eddie & Judy William A. Bonn,E.Esq. & Ruben Dr. & Mrs. Lucien Gordon Matthew Meehan Jorge E. Silva Mr. and Mrs. George Bowker Bureau Mr. and Mrs. DavidT.Mitchell Mary Snow Sandra M. Gordon R. Menendez Elizabeth M. RPG Mr. and Mr. JamesCeballos W. Bowling, Jr. Emily Gresham MiroslavJacqueline “Misha” Mladenovic Josephine N. Silverman, Story Drs.Maria Phillip Boswell & Barbara Nelson Roy & Miriann The Hon. & Mrs. DonServices Slesnick II Bradley Helen Grier Gore Alex Montague & MariaMeyeringh Alonso Sustainable Development Goldman Gossett Enid& Miguez Dr. and G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Bradley III TimothyJim B. Grier Michael T. Moore, Esq. Leslie Lott, Esq. Mr. and Mrs.Mrs. FredAlfred Swanson Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bowker Greater Miami Conv. Milian Mr. and Mrs.Taylor Marshall Smith Berta Bravo Catherine Grieve, Esq.& Visitors BarbaraArsenio Ann Moore Fred & Kate Mr. and Mr. James W. Bowling, Jr. Guardianship Program Bureau Mr. Mrs. and Mrs. Milliken Capt.Thompson Thomas W. Snook Erin Briede, CPP PHR of Dade Mr. and JohnWilliam Moorman Mike Bradley EmilyInc. Gresham Mr. Mrs. and Mrs. Mitchell & Judy Snow MiguelMaria Brizuela County, Mr. and JorgeDavid A. Mora DawnEddie G. Thompson Mr.and andMrs. Mrs.Morris MartinBroad J. Bradley III Helen Grier Miroslav Mary Thomson Snow Mr. Zeke Guilford W. Allen“Misha” Morris Mladenovic Mr. and Mrs. John Bravo Timothy B. Grier Alex Montague & Maria Alonso Josephine N. Story Mr. and Mrs. Berta Michael Brown Beverly Mills Gyllenhaal William P. Murphy Richard Tonkinson Erin Briede, CPP PHR Michael T. Jason Moore,Neal Esq. & Leslie Lott, Esq. Sustainable Services Mary Scull Brown The Hon.Catherine and Mrs. Grieve, Michael Esq. S. Thomas L. ToolinDevelopment & Bruce Jordan Guardianship Moore Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Miguel RobertBrizuela Buchwald Hacker Program of Dade Dr. & Mrs.Barbara RichardAnn Newman Robert L. Trescott, P.A. Mr. andJ.Mrs. Morris Broad Inc. Mr. and Newman Mrs. John Moorman & Kate Taylor Evelyn Budde Mr. and Mrs.County, Rex Hamilton Joyce Mark Fred A. Trowbridge Mr. and Zeke Guilford Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Mora Mike Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dick Michael BullmanBrown Andria Hanley Nick Novakovic Kendell Turner ScullW. Brown Beverly Mills Gyllenhaal W. Allen Morris Dawn of G.Miami Thompson Mr. and Mrs.Mary Charles Butler Mr. and Mrs. James Harold Harley John O’Rourke, III University and Mrs. J. Robert Buchwald TheJohn Hon.Harmon and Mrs. Michael S. William P. Murphy Mr.Maria and Mrs. John Thomson Mr. Mr. Christopher Cabrera Phillis Oeters Vacca J. Budde Hacker Jason Neal Tonkinson Jesus Evelyn A. Cabrera Michael & Heather Harris Dr. Mandy Offerle Jose Richard Valdes-Fauli Mr.Joy andCadieu Mrs. Dick Bullman Mr.Mrs. andF.Mrs. Rex Hamilton Dr. & Mrs. Richard Newman Thomas L. Toolin & Bruce Jordan Mr. and Berry Hayley F. David Olazabal Raul Valdes-Fauli Mr. Mrs. and Mrs. Charles W. Butler Andria Hanley Joyce Newman Robert L. Hussen Trescott, P.A. Mr. and Robert Campbell Glenda Hayley Lee J. Osiason, Esq. Barbara Van Mr. Christopher Mrs. James Harold Harley Nick Foundation, Novakovic Inc. Mark A.Wright Trowbridge Monica Canabal J. Cabrera Mr. Mr. andand Mrs. Kevin Hennessey Osiason Educational Patricia Vila Jesus A. Cabrera John Harmon John Pallot O’Rourke, III Kendell Turner Karelia M. Carbonell, CFRE DPA Mr. & Mrs. Eugenio Hernandez Steven Marielena A. Villamil Joy Cadieu Michael & Heather Harris Phillis Oeters University of Group Miami MDA Mr. Arthur Hertz and Mr. Andrew AnaLise Palomo Washington Economics Mr. and Robert Campbell Mr. and Mrs. F. Berry Hayley Offerle Maria Vacca Mr. and Mrs.Mrs. Antonio Cardet Hertz Dr. and Dr. Mrs.Mandy Ed Parnes Waste Management, Inc. Canabal GlendaHertz Hayley F. Parsley David Olazabal Jose Valdes-Fauli GabeMonica Castrillon Linda Collins Robert III Peter Wenzel Karelia Carbonell, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin HennesseyMs. Elizabeth Lee Osiason, Esq. M. Valdes-Fauli Catering Lovables CFRE DPA Home Financing Center PeñaJ.and Mr. Joseph Thomas A.Raul Whitehurst, CFP MDACavaco Mr. Abe & Mrs. Eugenio Hernandez Osiason Educational Foundation, Inc. Barbara VanWhitehurst Hussen Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Horowitz Jackson Claire-Frances Finnegan Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Cardet Mr.Manuel ArthurHuerta, Hertz and Patricia Wright Marilyn Cesarano Jr. Mr. Andrew Mr. and Mrs.Steven AlfonsoPallot Perez Mr. and Mrs. DavidVila H. Whitten Gabe Castrillon Hertz Marielena A. Villamil Mr. and Mrs. G. Lynn Chafin Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hughes Mr. and Mrs. AnaLise RoderickPalomo N. Petrey Jane F. Wilson Catering byCibran Lovables Linda Collins Hertz Dr. Mark and Mrs. Group Rene M. & Aimee Vic Hyder Mr. PidalEd Parnes Mr. and Washington Mrs. MalcolmEconomics B. Wiseheart, Mr.Pat andH.Mrs. Antonio Cavaco Home Financing Parsley III Waste Jr. Management, Inc. Clarke Stuart & Nancy IliffeCenter Mr. and Mrs.Robert Timothy Plummer Marilyn Cesarano Horowitz Peña Mr. Joseph M. Peter Wenzel William Colas RuthAbe Jacobs Mr.Ms. andElizabeth Mrs. Jimmy J. and Pumariega Wayne E. “Chip” Withers Mr.Mrs. and Carlton Mrs. G. W. Lynn Chafin Huerta, Thomas A. Whitehurst, Mr. and Cole BeatrizManuel Jimenez, R.N. Jr. Commissioner FrankJackson C. Quesada, Esq. Yolanda V. “Yoli” Woodbridge CFP Rene M. Cookson & Aimee Cibran Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hughes and A. Mrs. Alfonso Perez Claire-Frances J. Thomas Ginger Jochem Ms. Mr. Aurelia Reinhardt Patricia VilaFinnegan Wright Whitehurst H. Clarke VicDameron Hyder Jolly Mr. and Mrs. Rendeiro Roderick N. Petrey Mr. David H. Whitten Janet E.Pat Copeland Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Ms. Carolina Mr. & and Mrs.Mrs. Rocky Young William Colas & Nancy Mr.Charles Mark Pidal F. Wilson Coral Gables Dry Cleaning Dr. &Stuart Mrs. Jim Jude Iliffe Mr. and Mrs. Rigl Mary Jane M. Young Mr. and Mrs.M. Carlton W. Cole Jacobs Mr. Michel and Mrs. Timothy Plummer Mr. and Mrs. The Hon. George Corrigan George Ruth Kakouris Mr. Rittenberg Gloria A.Malcolm Zannis B. Wiseheart, Cookson Beatriz Jimenez, R.N. Mr. Mrs. Jimmy J. Pumariega Jr. StephenJ.F.Thomas & Lu Coxhead Lucille Kanelidis Ms.and Leslie Ann Rivera Judy Zeder E. Copeland Ginger Jochem Commissioner C. Quesada, Esq. Wayne E. “Chip” Withers Fernando &Janet Betsaida Craveiro Patricia Keon Ms. ShellyFrank Roberts Coral Gables Dry Cleaning Mr. Marleene & Mrs. Douglas Ms. Aurelia A. Reinhardt Yolanda V. “Yoli” Woodbridge Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F.Cummings,Jr. KerdykDameron Jolly Mary Lou Rodón-Dolara, Esq. TheW. Hon. George M. Corrigan Vice Mayor William Dr. & Mrs. Jim JudeJr. Ms. Carolina Rendeiro Patricia Vila Wright James & Ashley Cusack H. Kerdyk, Ms. Ana Maria Rodriguez Stephen F. & Lu Coxhead George Kakouris Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rigl Mr. & Mrs. Rocky Young Fernando & Betsaida Craveiro Lucille Kanelidis Mr. Michel Rittenberg Mary M. Young Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F.Cummings,Jr. Patricia Keon Ms. Leslie Ann Rivera Gloria A. Zannis Judy Zeder 12 CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 2013 annual report 12 CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 2013 annual report INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO Our investment portfolio is managed by Coral Gables based firm The Bermont Group led by Peter Bermont. People with philanthropic interests establish with usbased by contributing a variety of assets support the issues and Our investment portfolio is managed by funds Coral Gables firm The Bermont Group led bytoPeter Bermont. People with institutions about which they care deeply. giving mechanism provided by to thesupport Foundation provides philanthropic interests establish funds with usThe by contributing a variety of assets the issues andfavorable institutions tax benefits and care eliminates burden reporting responsibilities. continueprovides to play an important in ourand about which they deeply.the The givingofmechanism provided by the We Foundation favorable taxrole benefits community to bring stakeholders together and to support the nonprofit capacity building efforts. eliminates the burden of reporting responsibilities. We continue to play an important role in our community to bring stakeholders together and to support the nonprofit capacity building efforts. The Coral Gables Community Foundation takes seriously our fiduciary responsibilities to be proper stewards of donor funds. adhere to a board-approved Policy that includesresponsibilities quarterly meetings portfolio managers The CoralWe Gables Community Foundation Investment takes seriously our fiduciary to be with proper stewards of donor and monthly review of financials. Audited annually, complete audit information is available upon request. funds. We adhere to a board-approved Investment Policy that includes quarterly meetings with portfolio managers and monthly review of financials. Audited annually, complete audit information is available upon request. 2013 EQUITY ACCOUNT CASH $ 7,127 STOCKS $ 582,638 ACCOUNT VALUE $ 589,765 2013 FIXED INCOME ACCOUNT CASH $ 117,736 STOCKS $ 239,549 ACCOUNT VALUE 2013 annual report $ 357,286 CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 9 2013 annual report CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 9 CURRENT FUNDS 2013 Jerry Santeiro Community Fund* A fund established to carry on the legacy of Jerry Santeiro. Kerdyk Family Trust Music Scholarship Fund Supports music scholarships and other Coral Gables projects. The Coral Gables Community Foundation is a collection of charitable funds established by individuals, families, corporations, or organizations, and administed under the guidance of the Foundation’s Board of Directors. Lady Suzanna P. Tweed Scholarship Fund A need-based scholarship for a graduating Coral Gables High School student. Albert H. Friedman “Miracle Mile Merchant Award” Fund Established in 2000, the Award honors outstanding Coral Gables merchants annually. Miami-Dade 22nd Century Fund A donor-advised fund. The Blaire Endowment Fund A donor-advised fund. CGI Merchant Group* A donor-advised fund. Community Giving Committee* Supports broad objectives within the community Coral Gables Bike Day Fund Increasing the safety of biking, walking, and other alternative forms of transportation in Coral Gables. Coral Gables Community Foundation Endowment Fund* Established to improve the lives of those who live, study or work in Coral Gables. Coral Gables Community Foundation Scholarship Fund An unrestricted scholarship fund. Culinary Arts Program Fund* Supports the Culinary Arts Program at Coral Gables Senior High School Early Learning Children’s Fund* Supports the early learning coalition of Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties. Evensky & Katz Fund To support the Youth For Tomorrow Program whose participants award grants to youth-related charities and non-profit organizations. Executive Director’s Discretionary Fund* A fund created to handle smaller donations within the community G. W. Carver Elementary & Middle School PTA/PTSA Funds To support the schools’ International Language Programs. Give a Buck for Special Equestrians* Supports therapeutic horse riding programs. GSK Cares Fund* Founded by Goldstein Schechter Koch, this fund supports many different organizations. Grant & Bridget Daugherty Nursing Scholarship Fund Funds nursing scholarships for graduating Coral Gables High Seniors. Harry & Mary Perrin Charitable Fund Established by long-time Gables residents the late Harry and Mary Perrin. 10 CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 2013 annual report Miami High School Class of ‘61 Scholarship Fund Scholarship fund organized by Miami Senior High School Class of 1961 graduates. One Camera One World* Strengthening family identities & improving self-esteem in children living in poverty through the medium of photography. Our Community Salutes Fund Recognizing high school graduates who have chosen to enlist in the Armed Services. Parknership Fund Public/private partnership to create and enhance parks, establish green space, and restore historic fountains. R.A. Hauser Family Fund* A general purpose donor-advised fund. Raul Valdes-Fauli Archives Collection Fund Supports archiving of historic City documents and artifacts. Ralph V. Moore Scholarship Fund for Cavalier Excellence Established by former Coral Gables Senior High School Principal to recognize a senior who makes outstanding contributions in academics, activities, service, and character. Riviera Country Club Fund To improve the general welfare of the community. Rotary Club of Coral Gables Endowment Fund Established in 1997 to serve the youth, the elderly, and disabled individuals. Shelly Roberts Circle of Love Fund Created by Shelly Roberts for financial support for critically ill cancer patients in need. Slesnick Family Fund A general-purpose donor-advised fund. Stephen & Jeanne Siegel Family Fund A donor–advised fund to address community needs. Symphonettes Fund A pass-through fund that supports local music programs and organizations through Symphonettes, Inc. *Indicates New Fund in 2013 2013 annual report CORAL GABLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 11