Fr. Jim`s Journal Fr. James McNulty
Fr. Jim`s Journal Fr. James McNulty
AUGUST 14, 2016 15089 NEWBURGH ROAD LIVONIA, MICHIGAN 48154 (734) 464-1222 / 464-1223 • Fax: (734) 464-7582 Fr. Jim’s Journal Fr. James McNulty I AM VERY PLEASED TO ANOUNCE THAT WE HAVE HIRED A NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL SECTION HEAD, ERIN BAUER. One of our section heads, Carrie Yessler resigned her position to take a position as our preschool teacher in our school. We are sure she will excel in her new position. We decided to replace her with someone who specialized in working with middle school youth. Erin brings with her a great deal of experience working with middle school youth. She worked as a middle school religion and math teacher at St. Genevieve Catholic School. She volunteered in youth ministry at St. Albert the Great Parish for two years. She earned a Bachelors of Science Degree in Elementary Education from University of Michigan – Dearborn. Erin took a small hiatus from teaching to start a family. Erin loves working with middle school youth. She will be ministering primarily to the middle school youth in our community. She will be working about 19 hours a week, and will start work at St. Edith the third week of August. I am very excited that she is joining our staff! I AM VERY PLEASED TO ANOUNCE THAT WE HAVE HIRED A NEW YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULT MINISTER, JOSHUA KUGLER. Our part time youth minister, Michael Chamberland, resigned July 1st to peruse other ministries. We decided to hire a full time person to minister with both youth and young adults. This was one of our parish objectives for the coming fiscal year. Joshua volunteered in youth ministry for a number of years at a parish in Denver Colorado. Most recently he has been volunteering in youth ministry at Sacred Heart Parish in Dearborn. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree from East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. His major was Recreation Park Management concentrating in Outdoor Recreation, with a Business Administration minor. He will be working on a Certificate in Catholic Theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Joshua will be ministering to our high school youth as well as our young adults. This is a new position, so the details will unfold as we move forward. Joshua brings a lot of positive energy to this new position. He will be working full time and will start at St. Edith on September 1st. I am very excited to have him on our staff. A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO MARY ANN KOELZER AND COLLEEN MISIAK WHO WITH ME FORMED THE SEARCH COMMITTEE FOR THESE TWO POSITIONS. I really appreciate their hard work and valuable input in making these important staffing decisions. Love and Peace, Fr. Jim Becoming Catholic With "Open Arms!" The St. Edith RCIA Beginning Wednesday, October 5th Are you a non-Catholic in one of our many St. Edith interfaith marriages? A Catholic who has not, yet, been confirmed? Do you know of a non-Catholic who has curiosities about the faith, or a previous Catholic who may be interested in coming to a Catholic church, again? Please prayerfully consider Becoming Catholic. We begin on October 5th at 7 pm in the Parish Office Fireside Room. Please contact Deacon Ric at (734) 464-1222, or at [email protected]. You’re Invited! The St. Edith RCIA (Open Arms) Team SAVE THE DATE St. Edith Family Picnic Sunday, August 21 St. Edith Annual Picnic Cake Walk One of the favorite events at our annual parish picnic is the cake walk. In order to make this another successful event this year, we are asking for your donation of baked goods: Cakes, cookies, cupcakes, brownies, etc. homemade or purchased. We have containers available in the gathering area by the picnic sign-up sheets after all masses this weekend for your homemade donations. If your baked goods contain nuts, please indicate that on a label. We are requesting that donations be dropped off in the hall on Saturday, August 20t after 1:00 pm. Thanks for your support! Gospel of Life Rosary Please join us every Wednesday at 6:15pm in the Chapel to pray the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Prayers for Life. 2#4+5*/+55+1056#6'/'06 Nourished by the celebration of the Sacraments of the Catholic Church, St. Edith parish is called to build a welcoming community of faith and service, Continuing the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ. St. Edith Parish page 2 MASS INTENTIONS FOR WEEK MONDAY, August 15 9:00AM † Arthur Zucal, req. by The Family † Mary Stack, req. by Mary Cross † Joan Elliott, req. by Tom & Mary Lou Burr TUESDAY, August 16 9:00AM † Deceased of St. Edith WEDNESDAY, August 17 9:00AM † Deceased of St. Edith SATURDAY, August 20 5:00PM † Angeline & Stanley Kowal & Sons † John E. Cross, req. by Wife & Children † Auggie Kubacki, req. by His Wife, Dolores SUNDAY, August 21 8:30AM † Eugene Banka, req. by Therese Banka 11:00AM † Joan Elliott, req. by Dennis & Sandy Rogala - Special Intentions of Bert & Kathy Quinlan Celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary For those in need of healing let us pray to the Lord Parishioners Cecilia Bajor Caraol Bamrick Patricia Barnes Joe Bertrand Celeste Bowman Richard Braun Kathleen Burdette Bruno Ciavattone Patricia D’Agostino Rob Dopke Jacob Douglas Scott Douglas Mary Anne Ennis Grace Erspamer Donna Eskelinen Gerald Eskeliinen Brian Greenlee Raymond Herdman Jim Hinsch Rita Kliza Connie LaRouere Ann Lenehan Sarah MacDonald Richard McGraw David Meyers Helen Meyers Eleanor Morris Janie Munoz Charles Myers Mary Ann Naboychik Elaine Pucher Nathan Robertson Anthony Salah Charlotte Spiteri Pat Stanton Mike Stepleton Madge Tell Carol Tervo Geoff Wascher Pat Young Parishioners Members Garrett Bazany Aeliana Bobrowski Michael Bodak Mary Brubaker Virginia Carozza John Cioroch Andrew Daoust Joseph Dressell Karen Gartrell Fr. Peter Granzotto Penny Greenwell Jordan Holiday Kimberly Holiday Mark Humphrey Ivey Khan John Kopacz Mary Kreston Kelly Laco Caroline Linzmair Johanna McCallion Cheryl McEvoy Paul Miesczur Charles Myers Joe Myers Norman Osenkowski Tom O’Meara, Jr. Gianna Prokop Hadley Schoenborn Annette Siese Fred Stanton Sandy Szybisty Allen Thibault Emil Winnicker Helen Winnicker Ronald Wysocki Michael Yono Nathan Zoratti Family Friends of Parishioners Danielle Aresenault Joseph Ballard Marilyn Bovee Tim Bovee James Boyer Pat Chimielewski Diane Chybowski John Chybowski Anne Marie Fischer Bill Forrester Carolyn Hartgrove Robert Hwozdik Bill Kelley Catherine Lafferty Cheryl Nagel Steven Newton Clark Paull Jim Perkett Chloe Photsios Mark Reznik Fred Swider Amy Goffas Tolsdorf Renee Wood Tish Yates Please notify Parish Office (464-1222) when a parishioner enters the hospital. To have the Eucharist brought to anyone homebound, call 464-1222. Please remember to contact the Parish Office when a family member/friend no longer needs inclusion on the prayer list. Schedule for Weekend of August 20/21, 2016 Sat. 3:30 Fr. Jim Sun. Sun. 5:00 PM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM CELEBRANT Fr. Jim Fr, Jim Fr. Jim LECTOR Gary Kudron/ Mark Tuttle Carrie Ryckman/ Steve Cooper Anthony Riley/ Pat Andersen CANTOR (Monthly Music Calendar is on Web Site.) In Praise Carrie McBride Carrie McBride/Adult Choir ALTAR SERVERS See Sign Up Genius See Sign Up Genius See Sign Up Genius EUCHARISTIC SACRISTAN Dorothy Korzym Trisha Watson Al Rivard Darrell Korzym (C) Darrell Nelson Tony Carozza Richard Fullmerhouser Tom Sawicki (C) Pat Ryan Bryan Macek Norm Stevens Mike Magoulick (C) Tom Rist Richard McGraw Andy Magoulick Suzanne Nelson Barry Shoemaker Kathy Tuttle Stephen Szczygielski Jim Kovach Jim Vick Terry Macek Jeanne Magoulick DAY & TIME Reconciliation: USHERS May they rest in peace. Pray for the souls of: Joan Elliott Fr. Robert Wurm Casimir J. Glodek Bulletin Deadline Just a reminder, the bulletin deadline for the issues of September 4, 2016 and September 11, 2016 will be Thursday, August 18 at 9:00 AM. If your article for submission is ready prior to the deadline, feel free to e-mail it to [email protected] Calling All St. Edith Alumni We want to connect with you! Email [email protected] to be added to our communication list. And don't worry - we won't bombard your inbox. You can also "like" us on Facebook, "St. Edith Catholic School Alumni". page 3 St. Edith Parish Readings for the Week of August 14, 2016 Sunday: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Ps 40:2-4, 18/ Heb 12:1-4/Lk 12:49-53 Monday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2/Ps 132:6-7, 910, 13-14/1 Cor 15:54b-57/Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Ps 45:10-12, 16/1 Cor 15:20-27/Lk 1:39-56 Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10/Dt 32:26-28, 30, 3536/Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11/Ps 23:1-6/Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Ez 36:23-28/Ps 51:12-15, 18-19/Mt 22:114 Friday: Ez 37:1-14/Ps 107:2-9/ Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Ez 43:1-7a/Ps 85:9-14/Mt 23:1-12 Next Sunday: Is 66:18-21/Ps 117:1-2/Heb 12:5-7, 11-13/ Lk 13:22-30 Welcome! our visitors. We are happy to have you join us today for worship. If you wish to join our parish, please stop by the Parish Office or complete the form o n o u r P a r is h w e b s i t e , Please Keep These Members of the Military In Your Prayers: Brandon M. Chavis Trevor J. Chavis Lucas Drake Nicole Drake Robert Fraser C. J. Gustitus David Gustitus Brian Hada Karolyn Hooper Scott Hooper Ben LeClerc Michael Morrissey Devin Moynihan Kristen Mudge Allison B. Murray Katherine Murray Damian T. Orslene David Petruska Steven Schenk Dylan Serwatka Michael Taylor Matthew Williams Jeff Willman II Jeremy Yono Family Ministries Pre-Printed Religious Formation Forms Should Have Arrived! Registration forms for this year’s Religious Education classes were mailed out last week to all families who had a child in last year’s program. Please make any corrections and return it with a check made out to St. Edith Religious Education. We ask that you return it as soon as possible so we can be ready to go when the doors open. You can mail it back, drop it off at the Parish Office, Religious Formation Office or at the Welcoming Table after any Mass. Please contact the Religious Formation Office, (734) 464-2020, [email protected] if you have any questions. If you are registering for the first time a new registration form will need to be filled out. You can find the form on the web site at under Grow in Faith, Religious Education. Thank-you! New to the Parish? New to the Religious Education Program? Welcome! We’re glad to partner with you in the faith formation of your son, or daughter. 2016 - 2017 Religious Education Meeting Times • Sundays, 9:45 - 10:45 am Grades K-8, Classes begin October 9, 2016 • Mondays, 5:00 - 6:00 pm Grades K-6, Special Needs, Classes begin October 3, 2016 • 1st & 3rd Mondays, 6:30 - 8:30 pm - Grades 7 & 8, Sessions begin October 3, 2016 Registration forms can be picked up in Parish Office, on the Book Rack in the Gathering Space, or found online at You can, also call us in the Religious Formation Office at (734) 464-2020 or e-mail [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help you! Great Adventure Bible Study The Book of Acts Our next study will begin on Thursday, September 8, 2016 and run for eight weeks. We offer the study on Thursday both at noon and, again, at 7 pm. This studies topic will be Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom. It builds on the study just completed, The Bible Timeline and Matthew by showing how Christ’s Kingdom on earth is empowered to carry out his work in the world. The book of Acts shows the Church, enlivened by the Holy Spirit, teaching, preaching, healing, and restoring outcasts in the same way that Jesus did on earth. The Acts of the Apostles provides an historic framework for understanding the rest of the New Testament. Paul’s letters in particular come alive in a new way! Call the Religious Formation Office at (734) 464-2020 for more information. The following are tentative dates for Anointing of the Sick: Sept 3 6:00 PM Oct 2 9:30 AM Nov 6 12 PM Dec 3 6:00 PM Mentor Moms Needed: Moms and Grandmas--Do you remember the crazy-but-wonderful years raising babies and small children? Maybe your small children have gone off to elementary school, high school, college, or beyond, and you are looking for opportunities to share your wisdom (and maybe cuddle a baby or two). St. Edith/St. Colette MOPS is looking for 2-3 Mentor Moms who could attend our biweekly MOPS meetings to share your experiences with the moms in our group, provide support, and be a "listening ear." Please email [email protected] if you are interested! OUR OFFERINGS Weekend of July 30/31, 2016 WEEKLY FISCAL YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED 16,458 81,961 BUDGETED AMOUNT 17,280 86,400 DIFFERENCE ( ( 4,439) 822) St. Edith Parish page 4 ALL ARE WELCOME AT ST. EDITH PARISH We will welcome you regardless of you present status in the Catholic Church. We will welcome you regardless of your current family situation or marital status. We will welcome you if you are a staunch Catholic or do not like organized religion. We will not judge you based upon your personal history, age, race, ethnic background, appearance, sexual orientation or gender identity. We welcome children, even when they act like children. If there is no crying, our Parish is dying! We are all on a spiritual journey, trying to find our way. All are welcome to join us on our spiritual journey at St. Edith. OUR NEXT WELCOME GATHERING FOR PEOPLE NEW TO ST. EDITH IS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH AFTER THE 11:00 MASS page 5 St. Edith Parish GOSPEL OF LIFE Catholic Storytime during the Summer Attention all moms, dads, grandparents, and child caregivers of children age 0 to 6! Catholic Storytime for all of our littlest Catholics continues to meet throughout the summer. No child is too young to start! We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month year-round at 10 AM, and we would LOVE to have you try it out! During the month of August we will meet on August 10th and August 24th. The sessions are ~40 minutes in length and include Bible and faith-based stories, songs, fingerplays/rhymes, prayers, and movement activities, all in the context of the Catholic Faith. Each session also concludes with additional “play time” for the children and fellowship for moms/dads/ grandparents/caregivers. All sessions meet in the gathering space, with the alternate meeting spot being the parish library when there is a funeral. New participants are always welcome, and don’t worry whether your child can “sit still” or not- it’s a flexible format with ample opportunity for movement. Older siblings are welcome, too! Come and join us in this wonderful opportunity for our youngest Catholics to grow in the Faith in an engaging and fun-filled way! If you have any questions, suggestions for themes, etc, call/text/email Anjanette Turbiak at (734) 674-5896 or [email protected]. To report sexual abuse of a minor in the Archdiocese of Detroit involving Catholic clergy or church personnel contact: Ms. Margaret Huggard Victim Assistance Coordinator Phone: (866) 343-8055 or write the Archbishop's Delegate (please mark envelope confidential) Rev. Msgr. G. Michael Bugarin Archdiocese of Detroit 1234 Washington Blvd. Detroit, Michigan 48226 St. Edith Book Club As summer winds down, many readers enjoy retreating to their hammock, lounge or sunny spot, book in hand. Here's a few fun reads with a wee bit of spirituality tucked among the pages: Sullivan's Island Dorothea Benton Frank Still Life - Louise Penny Accidents of Marriage Randy Susan Meyers Accidents of Marriage will be the September book club topic of discussion. Join us on Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the school library. Contact [email protected] for details. St. Edith welcomed the following families to the St. Edith Parish Community during the month of July: Edward & Lori Abate & Family Ashley Aja Christopher & Melissa Arcand & Family David & Jennifer Bonello & Family William & Laurie Brenton & Family William & Victoria Foster & Family Anita Koscak & Family Edward & Cirlette Lamsen & Family Salvatore Locascio Stephen & Deana Malinowski & Family Donald Sanick Joanne Tyrrell Every Life is Worth Living from Conception to Natural Death A Prayer for the Feast of the Assumption of Mary: "Almighty God, You gave a humble Virgin the privilege of being mother of your Son, and crowned her with the glory of heaven. May the prayers of the Virgin Mary bring us to the salvation of Christ and raise us up to eternal life. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Liturgy of the Hours" Please join us on Monday, August 15, 2016, on the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, after the 7pm Mass in the Chapel to pray the Rosary together for all Mothers. Respectfully submitted by Sandy Rogala, 734-421-7145. FOR WIDOWED MEN AND WOMEN Buffet Dinner & Games August 31, 2016 Red Olive Banquet Center, Plymouth, MI All widowed men and women are invited to join us for a Buffet Dinner and Games at the Red Olive Banquet Center, 1059 W. Ann Arbor Road (East of Sheldon), in Plymouth. Doors open at 5:30 pm., Dinner at 6:00 pm. Cost of $20 includes a variety of Pita sandwiches, soups, Michigan Salad, coffee, tea, dessert, tax, tip and prizes. (Cash bar is available). Pay at the door, cash only, no walk-ins please. After dinner, test your skills at some of TV’s best game shows. RSVP by August 25th to Gerry L. at 734-259-5024. Come meet new friends and have lots of fun in a safe, friendly and supportive atmosphere! Sponsored by Widowed Friends, a “peer” support group in the Archdiocese of Detroit. For further information about Widowed Friends, come visit our website at St. Edith Parish page 6 Week-at-a-Glance Monday, August 15 9:00 AM…Mass (C) Tuesday, August 16 9:00 AM...Mass (Chapel) 10:00 AM...Eucharistic Exposition (Chapel)/ Benediction 9 PM) 7:00 PM...In Praise (SL) 7:30 PM...In Praise (C/MR) Wednesday, August 17 9:00 AM...Mass (Chapel) 9:30 AM...Mat Makers (A/V) 6:00 PM...New Dawn (H) 6:15 PM...Gospel of Life Rosary (Chapel) 7:00 PM...Rediscover Jesus (SL) Thursday, August 18 7:00 PM...Prayer Group (FR) Saturday, August 20 5:00 PM...Saturday Night Snacks (H) Sunday, August 21 8:30 AM...Coffee & Donuts (H) 11:00 AM...Liturgy of the Word 12:00 PM...Parish Picnic St. Edith CYO Fall Soccer We are accepting registrations for the fall 2016 St. Edith CYO soccer program. If you are a member of St. Edith, St. Aidan, St. Colette, or St. Kenneth parishes and are entering the 4th thru 8th grades in the fall, you are eligible to play in the soccer program. The program is open to both boys and girls. Practices begin in August and the season runs until mid-October. Register on line at Click on sports registration link on left side of the home page. Choose Soccer. We are also offering an intramural soccer program for boys and girls K thru 3rd grades. If interested or you have questions about either program, please contact Rich Field, Soccer Coordinator, at 248-914-8620 or email [email protected]. St. Edith Volleyball Meeting Rooms Audio Visual Room Christian Service Library Church Conference Room Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Fireside Room Gathering Area Gym Hall Kitchen Music Room Parish Library Religious Education Office School School Library Stage Teachers’ Lounge Youth Room A/V CSL C CR CHAPEL FR GA G H K MR PL REO Sch SL S TL YR Registration is open for the fall 2016 season. If you are a girl going into the 4th-8th grade at St. Edith or a parish member of St. Edith , St. Kenneth, St. Aidan or St. Collette you are eligible to try out for one of our teams. The season is August 10 to midOctober. If interested in trying out go to and register. If you have any questions feel free to contact Gary Smart, St. Edith Volleyball Coordinator at 734 4325959 or [email protected] Note: we are looking at having a intermural program for 1st-3rd graders as well. If interested contact Gary Smart. Men's Senior Golf League We currently have openings in a Senior Men's Golf League 18 holes. Many members from St Edith are currently playing. Must be over 50 yrs old, no other requirements. All levels o f p l a y a r e w e l come. Thursday mornings for further info contact Roger Mancewicz 734464-3761 or Tom Omeara 734-4514395 "A New Dawn" Widows & Widowers A New Dawn for Widows and Widowers Companionship for those who have lost a spouse To pray, meet, laugh, and have a meal together Call Ann Lenehan, 734/495-0441 8/17 Wednesday Meeting/Social Hall; 6:00pm ; Dinner to be determined. 8/25 Thursday Dinner/Buddy’s Pizza 5:00pm; Plymouth Rd. south side between Stark & Farmington Rd. Call Mary Jo, 734/425-3767. 9/8 Thursday Lunch/Thomas’s Rest.; 1:00pm; Plymouth Rd. south side between Stark & Farmington Rd.; Call Millie, 734/ 420-3468 9/21 Wednesday Meeting/Social Hall; 6:00 pm; Dinner to be Determined. 9/28 Wednesday Dinner/Rocky’s Rest.; 7 Mile Rd. west of Haggerty Rd.; Call Millie, 734/ 420-3468 TRIPS OPEN TO THE PARISH CALL - BARBARA BECHARD, 248-/476-2688 9/18 Belle Isle Park & D.I.A. Aquarium & Conservatory; Dossin Great Lakes Museum; $10.00 gift card for lunch at the D.I.A.; $47.00; Pick up at Costco. 9/19 “Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park”; Grand Rapids; A train ride to see the beauty of the park; lunch voucher/Taste of the Garden; $69.00; Pickup at Wills. Ann Lenehan, 734/495-0441 Summer is a GREAT TIME for reading! Visit the Parish Library. Read about the saints, your faith, and church history. It’s all exciting and waiting for you! Just select a book and sign it out. Submitted by Jim Vick. page 7 St. Edith Parish ALMSGIVING REPORT BECAUSE OF THE CONTINUED GENEROSITY OF THE ST. EDITH COMMUNITY, WE HAVE 5,756.00 TO DISTRIBUTE TO THE PEOPLE IN OUR CITY, COUNTRY AND THROUGHOUT THE WORLD WHO ARE DOING THE LORD’S WORK WITH THE POOR AND DISADVANTAGED. WE GAVE 719.00 TO EACH OF THE FOLLOWING GROUPS. MARY’S PENCE: Mary’s Pence envisions a world where empowered women and their communities flourish in solidarity and justice. We invest in women across the Americas by funding community initiative and fostering collaborations to create social change. COVENANT HOUSE OF MICHIGAN: Our donation will help provide shelter, food, clothing, educational and vocational programs to homeless and at-risk youth throughout Michigan. ALICE LLOYD COLLEGE is a private four year, liberal arts college, located in Pippa Passes, Kentucky in the central Appalachian mountains. The purpose of the college is to provide education of the highest quality to deserving mountain students. This is achieved within an environment supportive of Christian values and the development of character. PROMISE VILLAGE: The summer months are filled with wonderful experience for the children at Promise Village, but it is our most financially difficult time of the year. During this time, I ask you to remember the children in our care with your prayers and financial support. FORGOTTEN HARVEST: This summer we will once again mount an all-out effort to be certain our kids and their families get the healthy food they deserve and need, thanks to a generous grant from our new partner and lead program supporter, Delta Dental of Michigan. Delta Dental has committed to helping us fulfill our vision of creating healthy communities with the food we rescue. This will mark the seventh summer that we will deliver thousands of lunches, packed with love every morning by Forgotten Harvest volunteers for kids that won’t be able to take advantage of school lunch and breakfast programs provided to them throughout the school year. ANOTHER WAY PREGNANCY CENTER: AWPC, Inc. is a non- profit, 501(c)3 charitable interdenominational Christian ministry which offers emotional, practical and spiritual assistance to both men and women facing unplanned pregnancies. MERCY CORPS – helps hungry families by giving them life changing solutions like a fish pond. FIRST STEP: Our gift helps provide free treatment and a future full of hope to a child with clubfoot. THANK YOU’S PROJECT HOPE: Thank you for your generous gift of 826.00. Your gift is being put to use now to make a difference in the lives of people in poverty zones around the world. CMMB: CMMB exists because of people like you, who are moved by the spirit of giving, and have faith in the power of fellowship to overcome those obstacles that might conquer a person along. Your support is invaluable. ST. EDITH MAT MAKERS: Thank you for helping us care for God’s children. THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR GENEROSITY. IF YOU KNOW OF A DESERVING GROUP, PLEASE LET US KNOW. YOU CAN LEAVE ANY WRITTEN MATERIALS IN THE PARISH OFFICE MARKED FOR ALMSGIVING COMMITTEE. Submitted by Carol Delbeke, Margaret Fetter, Ed Haslam St. Edith Parish page 8 page 9 St. Edith Parish St. Edith Parish page 10 ST. EDITH DIRECTORY 15089 Newburgh Road PARISH Office Phones............................................................(734) 464-1222 / (734) 464-1223 Office Fax ..................................................................(734) 464-7582 E-mail Web Pastor ........................................................................Fr. James McNulty ([email protected]) Deacon/Pastoral Associate........................................Deacon Ric Misiak ([email protected]) Bookkeeper/Office Manager......................................Elaine Johnston ([email protected]) Receptionist/Secretary ..............................................Angela Baumler ([email protected]) ..................................................................................Barbara Kemp ([email protected]) Bulletin Editor/Secretary ............................................Elaine Johnston ([email protected]) Please submit all articles via e-mail no later than Monday at 9:00 AM. Director of Maintenance ............................................Robert Calleja 734-464-1222 R.C.I.A. OFFICE ..........................................(734) 464-1222 ([email protected]) CHRISTIAN SERVICE OFFICE ......(734) 464-1222 Coordinator...........................................................Toni Sheffield ([email protected]) YOUTH MINISTER OFFICE ...............(734) 464-1222 High School Youth Minister ..................................Michael Chamberland Jr. High Youth Ministry..........................................Colleen Misiak WORSHIP OFFICE ...................................(734) 464-1222 Ext. 314 Director of Music Ministries...................................Heather Nofar Shina ([email protected]) GRADE SCHOOL Office Phone................................................................ (734) 464-1250 Principal....................................................................... Georgene Wojciechowski .................................................................................... [email protected] Secretary/Bookkeeper ................................................. Dale Mary Orsucci .................................................... [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Office Phone..............................................................(734) 464-2020 ..................................................................................([email protected]) Director of Religious Formation .................................Colleen Misiak ([email protected]) Section Heads ...........................................................Deb Herman/Carrie Yessler Secretary ...................................................................Deb Strautz SUNDAY EUCHARIST ..................................Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m., Sunday 8:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. WEEKDAY EUCHARIST Monday through Wednesday 9:00 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION ..Saturday at 3:30 p.m. and individual by appointment SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM ......................Please call the Parish Office to arrange interview and a class for parents. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE ..................Please call the Parish Priest or Deacon SACRAMENT OF THE SICK at least six months in advance. Group Anointing 1st full weekend of Each month or by appointment PARISH REPRESENTATIVES & COMMISSION CHAIRPERSONS Pastoral Council Chairperson .................................... Pastoral Council Co-chair .........................................James DeWitt Pastoral Council Secretary ........................................Megan Szczypka Parish Finance Council.............................................. Worship CommissionAAAAAAAAAAAA...AJane DeRoo Christian Service Commission...................................Marlene Dahlin Education Commission..............................................Roberta Clemak Evangelization Commission.......................................Sandy Rogala Young Adult ...............................................................Renee Billotto Member-at-Large.......................................................Megan Szczypka Member-at-Large.......................................................Geoffrey Turbiak Member-at-Large.......................................................James DeWitt Member-at-Large.......................................................Mark Tuttle Member-at-Large.......................................................Susan Vomastek Members-at-Large .....................................................Steve Nacarato Seniors ......................................................................Joseph Bertrand Vicariate Representative ...........................................Suzy Spencer PRAYER LINE (248) 477-4629 (734-464-2497 (734) 525-6508 (734) 420-3008 (734) 421-7145 (313) 310-3095 (734) 674-5896 (248) 477-4629 (734) 522-3559 (313)-318-7326 (248)-987-4642 (734) 261-6482 (734) 422-9940 Grace Weible........................................................(734) 464-1896 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS/GRAND KNIGHT Arthur Spencer .....................................................(734) 422-9940 CATHOLIC YOUTH ORGANIZATION (CYO) John Szewc Athletic Director ................................(313) 673-4949 Marc Klatt Assistant Athletic Director....................(734) 812-4493 [email protected] NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome! We’re happy to have you. Please register by stopping by at the Parish Office as soon as possible. PARISH CREDIT UNION Catholic Vantage Financial Federal Credit Union 734-432-0212 36111 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 ..................................................................................Revised (01/18/2015)) AAA PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTER "Hope for Women with Unplanned Pregnancies" 32080 Schoolcraft Livonia, MI 48150 734-425-8060 RACHEL'S VINEYARD "Healing the Pain of Abortion--One Weekend at a Time" 1-877 HOPE 4 ME (1-877-467-3463) Stay connected with St. Edith Online! Website: Facebook: YouTube Channel: St. Edith Teens! There are two great ways to keep connected! Website: Facebook: WORSHIP COMMISSION Worship/Music Director: Heather Nofar Shina 734-464-1222 Chairperson: Joe Rashid Lectors: Linda Bodnar 734-462-1289 Sacristan:Joseph Rashid 248-348-8381 Prayers of the Faithful: Parish Office 734-464-1222 Eucharistic Ministers: Parish Office 734-464-1222 Ushers: Jim Vick 734-855-4773 Altar Servers: Lisa Smerdon 734-432-0055 Coffee / Donuts: Pete Moloney 734-464-2698 Leslie Colbeck 734-853-8107 Liturgical Environment: Jane DeRoo 734-464-2497 Cindy Coleman 734-464-8853 Prayer Group: Geri Soelz 734-464-8906 Eucharistic Adoration Tom Rist 734-718-1172 EDUCATION COMMISSION Religious Formation Director: Colleen Misiak Chairperson: Roberta Clemak 734-420-3008 Religious Education: Colleen Misiak 734-464-1222 Preschool - 8 Vacation Bible School Children’s Liturgy of the Word Sacramental Formation & Preparation: Young Adult Ministry Middle School Ministry Adult Formation Youth Ministry: Mike Chamberland Family Life: Jennifer Butts 734-516-0634 RCIA: Deacon Ric Misiak Parish School K-8/Principal: Georgene Wojciechowski 734-464-1250 Bulletin Editor: Elaine Johnston 734-464-1222 Ext. 318 CHRISTIAN SERVICE COMMISSION Chairperson: Denise Brady 248-888-6952 A New Dawn: Ann Lenehan 734-495-0441 Funeral Luncheons: Helen Ickes 734-693-3013 Blood Drive: Rita Howell 248-987-4276 St. Vincent de Paul: Gary Malo 734-522-9966 Meals Ministry: Toni Sheffield Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS): Maria Kustra 734-306-0781 A Helping Hand — Skilled Trades: Toni Sheffield Gospel of Life Committee: Sandy Rogala 734-421-7145 Visiting the Homebound/Sick: Deacon Ric Misiak 734-464-1222 Knights of Columbus: Tony Carozza 734-464-3924 Holiday Outreach: Denise Brady 248-888-6952 Parish Nurse: Anne Eggers 734-464-0389 Missions: Deacon Ric Mat Making: Loraine Raniszewski 248-476-1433 Debbie Antosiewicz 734-266-2406 FINANCE COUNCIL Chairperson Ron Rowe 734-462—1558 Bookkeeper/Office Manager Elaine Johnston 734-464-1222 Maintenance Robert Calleja 743-464-1222 EVANGELIZATION COMMISSION Deacon Ric 734-464-1222 Alpha: ChristLife: Valerie Cyburt 248-478-4737 COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Deacon Ric 734-464-1222