Students - Part 1 - Harding University Digital Archives


Students - Part 1 - Harding University Digital Archives
The changing of tradition - this was the ma~
jor theme of the homecoming musical, Fiddler on
the Roof and it was also a major theme of the 83-84
school year. Many organizations changed tradition but the basic unit that underwent and often
brought about these changes were the individuals
- the students of Harding University. In this section is a record of these students.
Tradition changes in organizations were only
an outward sign of the inward changes taking
place in the hearts, minds and souls of the
students. After a school yea r that had had more
than its fair share of tragedy and turmoil, people
were ready for a new and better year. And they
did not sit around and wait for something better,
they made it better. The ICC, composed entirely
of students, had the seemingly overwhelming job
of transforming Pledge Week into Initiation
Month, a task that was well done. The SA initiated a change in women 's curfew, the first
curfew change in over a decade.
However, not everything changed about the
students. They were st ill late for chapel and
classes . They still went to lily pool devotional s
everywhere except the lily pool. They still had to
dodge the water sprinklers as they went from class
to class and students st ill enjoyed playing frisbee
on the front lawn.
Never again will the entire following group of
people ever corne together again on this earth. As
one looks through the follow ing pages, they
shou ld remember that it was this group of in dividuals who made the 83-84 school year the
year that it was. And , as they come back to visit
Harding in the future . they are sure to find so me
of their new ways will have become old traditions.
- Scott Col/ills
Student s Editor
Inside Students
Second Semester Students
Christian Communications Program
Graduate Students
2' .
.. 8
7 6 5
. I .
Time For the Brightest of Lights
Noon. The brightest portion of
any day. The beginning of a new
afternoon. The midpoint. A time
of change.
Searcy was home for four (maybe five) years. Harding was family . But Harding was just the start,
the place to prepare for the rest of
The senior perhaps went out
prepared for life , for work for the
Lord , for a family, and for a career. With him , he took a wealth
uura Ruth Adams · Bowling Green. KY. Chemistry. T ransfer from Western
Kentucky University. Pre-Med Club.
Bamid~l~ Ad~ola Ad~niJi - Lag~, Nig~ria. Economics. African Stud~nt$
Organiution, pres.; Track Tram; Phi ~ta Lambda; Soci",ty for tM Arlvana-ment of Manag<l'menl.
Joyce Ann Aebl - Norwich. OH.~iillilnd Eiem",ntilry Education, Transfer
~l:'a g~~tu~~~~YN~f!~iEd~~~tio~~~~ti~:.tca;~; ;A~ilar~~ iJh~'$~
Mark Ellil Aebi - Vinc",nt , OH. Biology. Transf",r from Ohio Vall",y College.
Alpha Camma Om"'ga; Alpha Chi; Dran's US!; Pn'-Med Club.
~wayneCedl Agln - Arnold, MO. Compu!<I'r Science. Alphil Omega, v. pres.,
5«,; Cenark Student Crotto, chairman; [kan's list.
Billl~ Caye Albany - Gla$qow, KY. Art and Psychology. Transfer from David
lipscomb Coll"'ge. Alpha Chi; Chi Alpha Rho , pn's.; Art Guild; Big Sisters;
Stepping Out; Dean's list; Kappa Pi; Petit Jnn staff, photographer; Psi Chi;
Resident Assistant.
lorena Matle A1es,to - West Chicago, [L, Speech Therapy.
Bn'nt David AIeJ<ander - Dt.-[ight, AR. Journalism. Theta Tau Dt.-lta, pres,;
Blf(ln staff, sports editor; Campaigns, May; Phi [klta beau; Dl!an'slist; Intramurals, All -Star, jacket winner; Basketball; Society for Collegiate Journalists.
Timoth y Herman A1na.nder . Dallas, TX. Religious Music . Chi SIgma Alpha;
A Capella, Men's Ensamb[e; Campaigns,_ Australian; Kin'i beau; intramural!;
KHCA staff; Resident AssIstant; SA Spintual Ufe Committeoe; SA Community
~rvice Committee, chairman; Timothy Club, Young Dl!mocrats; Assistant
Manag~r, turbin.
Sherry LynMtle Alkire · Edmond, O K. Elementary Education. R~ina , v. pres. ;
Band, concert , marching, flag corps; Big Sisten; Campaigns, Internationa l;
~:n~'N;t~~~iEd~~~::;:1 ~t~~~~h~~:~:~st; Dramatics; JOY; StuAverine AngeliqW' A11~n - Starksville, MS. Nuning. Kirri Na Ai; A Cappella;
~:~~~!f;S, Germany; Dean's List; Harding Student Nurses' Association; InSheila Jermaine Allen - Memphis, IN. Nuning. Chi Alpha Rho; Bell Canto;
Campaigns, Chicago, Spring Break; Conquerors; Hot Line staff; Harding Student Nurses ' A$sociation; KHCA staff; SA Spiritual life Committee.
Stanley R~r Allen - Norcross, GA. Computer Science. Alpha Chi.
lynn Mllrneoe Alley - Boring, OR. Office Systems. Tofebt; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Campaigns, Spring Break, International; Fraten SOOalis queoen;
Dl!an's List; [kit .. Mu [klta; Intramurals; Resident Assistant.
Usa Joan Antcuk - Batesvill"" AR. Nursing.
Petitta Rhea Ar[edge - little Rock , AR , Art .
Jennlfer Jayne Armttro", - Sith, AK. Nun;ing. Phi Delta, v. pres.; Cam paigns,
Miami Summer [ntership; Conquerors; Dean's list; Intramura[s; Sigma Theta
Tau .
Cheryl Ann Arnold - O 'Fallen, MO. Dietetics. Kappa Phi, $«.; Arhnsas
Home Economics Association; Deiln's List; Dietetics, v. pres.
Ruth lee Arthur - Burlington, MA. Fashion Merchandising. Kirei Na Ai , v.
pres.; Ark;;msas Home Economics Association; Dactylology Club.
Peggy Ann Afton - St. Louis, MO. Management. Ju Go Ju; Dl!an's Ust; Pi
Gamma Psi; Society for the Advancement 01 Management.
Brei Roy
AR. Businns Systems Analysis. Alpha Gamma
Dean's list.
FL. Management. [klta Chi Omega, Ires,;
[kan's List; Society for the Advancement of Management. Ires,
Daniel Ray BaLley - G[ens Falls, NY , Computer Science, Alpha Gamma Omega,
v. pres.; A Ca ppella; Cenark Student Grotto; Commonwealth Singers; Data
Processing Management Association; Troubadors.
Tom Mlke BII[o • Wheeling, Il. Bib[e,
Cheryl Jean Bake[y - Tabemackle, NJ. Nursing. Chi Alpha Rho; Dactylology
Club; Dean's lbt; Hilrding Student Nurses AsSOCIation, pres.; Sigma Theta
Om~~, pres.; American Studies;
Mllrt~ Marle Ayerl - Gainesville,
128 Seniors
of memories.
Whether a prankster or a casual
observer, he would remember the
Harding swing placed ever so
neatly in a tree , the sale sign in
front of Pattie Cobb, the numerous drawings on the sidewalks, or
the countless lily pool fillers.
He would remember this friend
or that teacher, this club or that
music group, and Jim Henderson 's
chapel programs . He knew the
"Alma Mater, " He knew well hpw
to register, and he knew the meaning and the weight of responsibili ty.
And it was time to leave. Time
for the test. Time for the brightest
light of life's day when the sun's
rays are their most direct and
point the way through the final
If he had learned well, every
minute would count.
- Marialltl Cox
Vicky l ynn Balcom - New Orleans, LA. Office Systems. Kappa Delta K~ppa;
American 5tudil'5; Chorale; Sigma Tall Sigma queen; Delta Mu Delta; [ntramurals.
Jack Payte Baldwin - Lubbock, TX. Social Science. Sub T-16
John Donald Baldwin, Jr. - Tabernacle, NJ. Com puter Information Systems.
King's Men. sec .; A Cappella, Men 's En~mble ; OEGE. beau; ResIdent Assistant; Society for the Advancement of Management.
Sue Ellen Baldwin - Fori Worth, TX. Fashion Merchandising. Kappa Kappa
Kappa ; Cheerl",ader; Kapra Sigma Kappa queen; Dean's List ; Homecoming
Queen Allendanl; Softbal
Hu"fu Paulino - Changshq Hunan. Chi na . English . Sigma Tau o.-lIa.
Shuri Kay Barber - Springfield , MO. Elementary Educat ion. Transfer from
Southwest Missouri State University_ Omega Phi, sec. ; Resident Assistant;
Society for the Advancement of Management.
Kimberly Erin Barker - Wichita, KS . History. Chi Lambda Chi; Ameri can
Studies; Alpha Chi; Barristers; Bell Canto; Campaigns, Australian; College
Bowl Team ; Dean's list; JOY; Phi Alpha Theta; Society for the Advancement
of Management; SA Food Services Committee, chairman .
Dafvl Wayne Bates _ Portsmouth. VA. Biblical Lanj4uiUtes. KniRhts. v . pres.;
Kappa Delta Kappa ~au; Campaigns, Spring Break, International; Timothy
lI ... rie W.ll Sat" - Thibodau", LA. Home Economics and Fashion Merchandising. Kappa Delta Kappa; Arkansas Home Economics Association; Camp"igns,
Spring Break; M"y Qu~n Attenpant; Resident AMistanl.
C ...gory loyl Beam - Wa""h"ch ie, TX. Busine$$ Systems Anal)'5is. Theta Tau
I)oolla, pres.; American St ... dies; Sigma Sigma Sigma Delta ~"u; Data Processing Management Aswciation. v. pres.; lntramurals.
Kyle Brent Beaty - Fairfa", VA. Political Sc:icnce. Sub T-16; Alpha Chi; Amer ican Studies; Barristers; College Republ icans, v. pres.; Deans list; Dramatics;
Pi Sigma Alpha; Readers Theater; SA pres,: Who 's Who.
Debra Ann Beck - Magazine, AR. Office Systems. Shan tih; Phi Beta Lambda .
Sue Rlsa Beckloff - Bentonville, AR. English. ju Go ju; C " I.."y queen; French
Club; Petit Jean staff; Sigma Tau Delta; SA Academic Affairs Committt't; SA
Special PrO;ects Committee.
leigh Lizabeth Bell - Birmingham , At. Bioc hemistry . Gata , v. pres., treas _;
Alpha Chi , sec.; Dean's List; Harding University in Rort'll«; SA Students Af fairs Committt't; Who's Who,
David James Bellcock - Searcy, AR . BioIOS)':. Transferfrom New York College.
Kappa Tau Omega, v . pres.; OEGE btoau ; Data Processing Management Associatio n; Resident Assistant.
Lynda Mae Benton
Madison Heights, Ml. Business Systems Analysis .
Transfer from Oakland Univen;ity. Toftbt ; American Studies; Data Processing
Management Association; Intramurals, jacket winner; Society for the Advancement of Management.
Phillip Ray Berry - Woodstock, CA . Computer Information Systems. TNT;
Alpha Chi; American Studies; Campaign, May; Co llege Republic"ns; Data
Processing Management Associ"tion; Dean's List; Delt" Mu I)oolt,, ; For<:'nsics
Tum ; Debat<:'; KHCA staff ; Pi Gamma Psi ; Pi Kappa Delta; SA Sophomo re
Class Representative; SA Spiritual Life Committt't; SA Academic Commiltt't.
Bethany Ann Bessoont - Orang<:' Park, Fl. Managem<:'nL
Ladonna Marie Bible - Palm Harbor, FL Busin<:'Ss Sr,st<:'ms Analysis.
Urszula Bielech - Wroclaw, Poland. English . Trans <:'T from .the Univ<:'rsi!y of
Wroclaw. Chi Lambda Chi; Alpha Chi; [)(oan's list ; Camp"!gns , North East ;
Sigma Tau Delta.
From left to right - Beth HI/rd,
secretary: Charles Dupre, president;
Cleml Dillard, treas/irer; Kelly Vall
Patter, v ice president.
- Wes Ho/Jllnd
Seniors 129
Cindy Marie Billingsley - Lemoore, CA. Systems Analysis. Sigr:'a ,Sigma ~igma
Dt-lta; American Studies. Data Processing Management AssoClatlon; Ph, Bela
J. Daniei Billinl/;sley - Memphis, TN. Biology. Transfer from Michigan Christian College. [klta Omega; Big BrotheI1i; Campus Players; Dactylology Club,
v. pres.; Dean's Ust; Dramatics; Hot Line staff; Pre~Med C~ub.,
Mary Ellen Billingsley - Memphis, TN. Computer Sclenc~. SIgma S,gma 5Igm,"
Delta; Alpha Chi; Dean's List; lntram urals, AIl-Star, Jacket wmner; Whos
Tamm y Renay Bishop -Cullman, AL Management. Delta Chi Omega; Campaigns. Global; Society for the Advancement of. Management.
Kenneth Wayne Bissell - Nash ville. AR. Journalism.
Debu. Yvonne Blasingame - N. Lit tle Rock. AR. Marketing. Tofebt, treas;
American Studies; Dean's List; French Club; Society for the Advancement of
Stephan Wayne Boatright - Thackerville, OK. Biology. Kappa Sigma Kappa;
Dean's List; lntramurals; Pre-Dental Club
Jack Charles Boersma - Booneville. AR. Mass Communications. Gala)(y; Campaigns. May; KHCA staff; Pelit Jean staff. photographer; Society for the Ad.
vancemen t of Management; TV 12.
Lisa Lynn Bohan - Brownsburg. IN. Office Systems. ju Go Ju, sec.; Amencan
Studies; Bison staff. Reporter; College Republicans; Dean's list; JOY; May
Quet'n Attendant.
Amanda Sue Bolding - judsonia, AR. Elementary EducatIOn. Transfer from
Arkansas State University, Beebe. Alpha Chi; Dean's List; Kappa Delta Pi
Taking the Final Test
If you made the block, you
could do anything.
That was the feeling of all senior elementary and special education majors. Just before they went
back to schools with small desks
and water fountains at Knee level,
student teachers had to survive an
eight-week ~ndurance test. Special
Of course, even the block had
its good points. Since these students were in all of their classes together and since their classes met
all day every day, friendships
were formed and strengthened,
The constant involvement with
each other did not lead to problems; block students realized
they needed each other's encouragement more than they needed to
let out their frustrations on each
One of the student teachers
who regarded the block in this
way was graduate student David
Carter. Carter graduated from
Harding in May 1982 with a degree in physical education. Since
Angel, his nursing-major wife,
would not finish her studies for
another two years, Carter decided
to stay at Harding to complete a
masters degree in elementary
administration and to certify in elementary edu~ation~ .
One of the very real aspects of
the block was the time it took.
Friends often didn't see one another for any length of time and
even married couples spent less
time together,
According to Carter, "Angel
was working part time and had
her nursing clinicals to go during
the week, so we just didn't see
130 Seniors
much of one another. Sometimes
she would come to the store where
I worked and keep me company
during my shift, but that's not
your typical storybook romance."
What was it that made Carter
and his blockmates endure their
"I've wanted to work with kids
for a long time," said Carter. "Being at the school during my student teaching just made me realize
how much 1 wanted to teach. I
know it's not the quick way to
wealth and fame, but it's got its
Even though teachers and
schools, especially in Arkansas,
came under fire for many alleged
deficiencies, some dedicated people still worked to join the teaching profession. They may have
had different reasons for majoring
in education, but the elementary
and special education majors had
one thing in common. They
wanted to teach badly enough to
face and conquer the block,
Those who did found that the
block soon faded when compared
to the experiences of student
teaching. The same students who
had progressed from the block to
student teaching even projected in
their minds to a classroom of their
own after graduation.
As Carter commented, "I can't
imagine not teaching - it's just
plainly too much fun. "
- Michael Corrigan
Stopping for a moment, David Carter
helps one o f his students with her artwork.
_ Le51ie Downs
• ~""
David Ray Bolin - Mo untain
Epsil o n .
Vi~w .
AR. Busine$s Systems Analysi s. Alpha Tau
Shut)' Renee Book - Massillon. OH. Office Systems. Tofebt, sec., v . pres.;
American Studies; Fra ter Sodalis qua-n; Intramurals; Society for the Advan cement of Management .
Pa me];o l. Bostic - Rosebud , AR. SpKial Education.
Tony Wayne Bradley - Stilwell. OK. Bible . Alpha Omega Alpha, pres.; Art
Guild ; Delti!. Chi Omega ~au ; Dean's US!; Resident Assistant; Tim oth y Club;
Assistant Manage r. Armstro ng .
K.i thlHn 10 Bro:oda way - Utile Rock , AR . System Analysis. Kappa Kappa Kapp.1 , !reas.; American Studil'S; Data ProcHSlng Management Association;
Dean's US!; Delta Mu Dell .. ; Society for the Ad vancemmt of Managemtnt.
Chl'l Douglas Brown - North Pal m Beach, Flo Management. Titans; Harding
University in Rorence.
Dennil Ray mond Brown -Dexter, ML Biology. Knight s; A Capella, Men 's Ensamble: Alpha Chi; Campaigns. Venezuelan ; Cenark St udent Grotto; Pre-Me<!
Clu b; Resident Ass istant; Spani5h Cl ub , .... pres.; SA Spiritual life Commit tee;
Jo hnny Brown - $omer:;!!t. KY . Bible .. nd History .Transfer from
Westminster College. Alpha Gamma Omega; American Studies; College
Republicans; Pi Sigma Alpha ; Timothy CI\lb.
Michiltl Dw.. yne Brown - Hardy, VA, PSlcho logy . Kappa Tau Omega; Alpha
Chi; Dean's list; Intramurals; KHCA sta f ; Psi Chi. pres.; SA Academic Affairs
Committee, Chairman; SA Spiritual Ufe Committee; American Psychological
I\s$ociation; Who' Who.
V;IIllHH LH Brown - Hia leah. Fl. Dietetics. Transfer from Miami-Dade) • . College. lu Go Ju; Arunsas Home Economic Association; Ti tans queen ; Dietetics;
American Dietetics Association, 5« .• trt'as.; Petit Jean queen.
Blai r D.. nlel Bryan - Birmingham, AL. Aexounting . Transfer from Tulsa Jr .
College. TNT; American Studies; Big Brot hers; Business Team; Campaigns,
Internati onal: So phomore Class President; Ju Go /u bea u; Ph i Delta beau ; College Republi ca ns; Dea n's list; Delta Mu Delta: Intramurals; Pi Gamma Psi;
Society for the Advancement o f Management; SA v . pres.; SA Academic Committee. Cha irm"n; Admissions, St\ldent Recruiter; v..'ho's Who.
SuNln BrY;ln _ Boise, lD. Elementary Educa tion. Transfer from Hoi:;!! State Uni... ersity. Phi Delta, p res _, sec .; Alpha Chi ; Dean's list; Kappa o.,lta Pi; Ma y
Queen Alttndant; C .. mpus Ministry, Sttpping Out.
Cind y l ynn Buck - Springfield, MO , Home Economics. Ju Go Ju; Arkansas
Home Economics Association; College Republ icans: SAC.
Gretchen Lee Bu kowich - Lawrtnce. KS. Elementary Educat ion. Transfer from
York College. Alpha Chi; Chorale; Dean 's Ust; lOY; Kappa Delta Pi; Student
Natio nal Education Association; Women 's Judicial Board.
Bri tt Douglas Burcham - Kennett , MO. Biology . TNT; A Cappella , Men 's
Ensemble; Band, Marching, Stage; Campaigns, Eng land ; A Cappella Europe
Tour '82; Junior Class pres.: College Bowl Team: Intramura ls; Swim Team,
All -Ameri ca n: Pre-Me<! Cl ub; Outstanding Young Men of America.
Alison Marie Burnett - Mesquite, TX . Art. Omega Phi; Art Guild; Kappa Pi.
Cynt hi.. Howton Burnl - Stamps, AR. Ac;coun ti ng. T ofebt, treas.: Dean's list :
Delta Mu Delta ; Alpha Chi.
IU ndy Burrus - B«be, AR. Public Relatio ns and Advertising. Transfer from
Arkansas State University. B«be. Pi Kar,pa Epsilon. pres.; Bison staff.
Reporter ; umpaigns, Intem.. tio nal ; Chora e; Regina beau; Publ ic Relations
Student Society of Am.,ric..; SA Ad ... ertising Committee.
Jim my lUy Byrd - M~ol ia . TX , Bible , Dean's list; T imothy Club.
Eliubet h MH Cain - Griffithvill~ , AR . Elementary Education. Transfer from
Un i... ersi ty o f Arkansas and Arkansas Stat e Uni versity, Beebe. Dean's list;
Kappa Delta Pi.
Kenneth l ee Cai n - Chelm5ford, MA. B\lsiness Systems Analysis.
& ic L. C .. mp - uxington, T N. Management.
laura Ann C .. mpbtll - Fort Smi th , AR . Computer Science. Transfer from
Westar k Community College at Fort Smi th. Kirei Na Ai; American Studies;
Data Processing Managemtnt Associati on; Dea n's Ust; Residen t Assi stant ;
Societ y for the Advancement o f Ma nagemtnt.
Sherry Lynn C .. nfield - Rogers. AR. Spe<ial Education and Elementary Education . GAT A , treas. ; Alpha Tau Epsilon queen: Student National Edu cation As·
Mary E1iubtt h Ca nnon - Se~rcy , AR. Dietetics. Ko Jo Kai; Arkansa s Home
Economics Association; American Studies: Die tftics.
Ki mberly Ann Capps - Searcy, AR . French and English . Ju Go J\I; Alpha Chi;
Bison sta ff, r~porter, columnist; Dean's list; French Cl\lb, pres .: Harding Uni... ersity in Florence; Kappa Delta Pi; Sigma T au Delta, v. pres. ; Young Democrats .
Rlymond Byron c.rloc:k : Blytheville, AR _ Accoun ting. TNT; A Cappella; Alpha
Chi; American Studies; Big Brothers; Business Team: umpaigns, May, international; Junior OilSS treilS.; Ju Go Ju beau; CoIJ~ Republicans, state sec.; Deiln'S
Ust; Delta Mu !Alta; Economics Team; Forensics Team: Pi Gamma Psi; Phi Beta
lambda; Reader's Theater; SA v. pres.; Rotary Scholar; Who's Who _
Douglas A . C... mical - Rogers, AR , Biology.
Glenn N;lt h;ln C .... - Bolivar, MO. Com puter Science. Chi Sigma Alpha; A
CappeHa, Men 's Ensemble; Band, marchin g; Data Processing Management Association, treas.; Dean's list; Society for the Advancement of Management.
Mary El iube th Carr - HO\lston, TX. Elementary and SpecIal Edu cati on
Regina , treas.; A CappeHa, Women 's En semble; Alpha Chi; Belles and Beau~;
Dean's list ; JOY; Kappa Delta Pi; SA Academi c Commi ttee; lyceum Committee; Who 's Who.
Debor;l h Ann Cu rier - Plano. TX. Ad ... ertising, Transfer from Richlilnd College. Theta Psi; Dean's Ust; Volleyball, manager; JOY; KHCA staff; Public
Rela tions Student Society of America.
Angel.. Ben C.. rl.,r - Brentwood, TN . Nursing.
Bri .. n lee CaSty - Newark, DE. Music Educatio n. Chi Sigma Alpha ; A Cappella, Men 's Ensemble; Alpha Chi ; Band, concert , marching, pep, stage: Dean's
list; Orc hestra : l.O. Sanderson scho larship; Harding University Quintet ;
Wh o's Who,
Kent Casey _ Roanoke, TX. Acco\lnting
Brenda lee C;l ughron - Bartlett, TN. Elementary Education. Omega Phi. pres.,
v. pres.
Seniors 131
Jeannie Kay Cham~rs • Somerville, TN . Office 5yst""".
T,uy Kemp Chaney - Memphis, TN . Computer Science. Titaru; Sigma Phi Mu
B.ent by ChlldrKS - Bro ken Arrow , OK. Mass Communications.
Krista MatiI' C hism · Houston. TX. Nursing.
Kelly Diu,belh Clark · Brevard, NC. Marketing. R~ina , prts., Sf'C .; Ameriun
Studies; Bison staff, business manager; Dean's USI ; Della Mu Delta; JOY; Phi
Beta Lambda .
Mary Janne« Cb"k - Portia, AR. Spe.:ial Education and Elementary Education.
Robtrt Kent ChlY - $earcy, AR. Accounting. Alpha Chi; American Studies;
College Republicans; Dean's List; Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi; Phi Beta
Lambda; Society for the Advancement of Management.
Barbua ~niM Clemenu - San Antonio, TN. Management.
Connie M.. ,tain Clepper - Cabol, AR. Elementary Education. Student National
Educational Association .
Alice louise Coburn · Harrisburg, AR. Elementary Education. Theta Psi. pres.:
Dean's list.
~theriM Bernic Cody - Morrow, GA. Spee<:h . R~ina ; Art Guild: Campus
Players: Dramatics: KHCA staff: Reader's Theater; TV 12 staff.
Jeffrey Martin Cohen - Pittsburgh, PA. Engli~ .
Kllli l ynn Cole - Pensacola, FL I'$ychology. Chi Lambda Chi, v. pres .. pres.;
Psi Chi: Sigma Tau Delta .
Thelton Stoltie Collins - Searcy, AR. Accounting and Business Systtms. Alpha
Gamma ~mga , treas.: Alpha Chi; American Studies: Campaigns: Spring
Buak : Beta Tau Gamma beau; Data Processing Management Association:
Dean's list; Delta Mu Delta; Petit ,u.n staff. se<:tion editor.
Mary McCIlia Colson · Valdosta, GA. Business Systems Analysis. Kappa Kappa Kappa , pres., v. pres.; American Studies; Kappa Sigma Kappa queen; Data
Processi ng Management Association; Delta Mu Delta; Basketball.
Cheryl Lynne Conder - Germantown, TN. Elementary Education. Alpha Chi:
Dean's list: Kappa Delta Pi.
William Edmond Conkling ~ Shawnee Missions, KS. Psychology.
lena Conrad · Pauls Valley, OK. Accounting. Alpha Chi. pres.: American
Studies: Barristers, pres .. se<:.; Business Team; Dean's list; Delta M1.I Delta;
Debate: Petit Jun staff, index editor: Pi Gamma Psi, v. pres., National Committee chairmiln; Phi Bela Lambda; Member of Administration Academic Af·
fairs Committee.
Cindia Ann Cook - West Plains, MO. Acco1.lnting. Zeta Rho; Alpha Chi:
American Studies: Dean's list; Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi: Phi Beta Lambd;l: SA Special Projects Commiuee.
Michael Dean Cook · Pangburn, AR. Management.
Brent Kirk Cooper - Castro Valley, CA. Elrmentary and Special Education .
Trans(er from Chilbot Community Coll~. Campaigns, Spring, Northeast ;
Resident Assistant ; Student National Education A»ociat ion: Timothy Club;
University Singers.
Edwin M. Cooper . Trussville, Al. Business Systems Analysis. TNT; American
Studies; Data Processing Management Association; Dean's list; Intramurals,
All -Sta r: Bas.eball: Phi Beta Lambda.
ValaTie Annette Cooper - Salem, AR. Business Education . Sigma Sigma Sigma
Delta, v. pr«. ; pr«.; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Dean's list; Delta Mu
Delta; Kappil Delta Pi.
David Sheffield Cord ry - Girard, KS. Religious Education . Transfer from Kansas Stat e College at Pittsburg. Campaigns, CCP at London; Dean's list;
Timothr Club,
Michu Patrick Cor rigan - Jacksonville, FL Elementary Education, Transfer
from ~lorida Junior College at Jacksonville. Big Brothers; Bison sta ff, co-eclitor,
col umni st; Dean's list; Kappa Delta Pi; Petit Jean staff, !;Klion editor; Resident
Assistant; Society for Collegiate Journalists, sec., (reas.; SA Elections Committee: Student National Education Association, pres.; Who' s Who.
Cynthia Gall Costello - Harrison, AR. Office Administration. Phi Deltil;
American Studies; Campaigns, Spring Break; Dean's list; Delta M1.I Delta; Phi
Beta Lambda, State Leadership Conference Committee chairman,
Unda Fay Cou nts - Craig, CO. Spee<:h Ed1.lcation. Transfer from York College.
Campus Players, sec .. treas.; Dramatics; Forensics team; Speech Arts; Pi Kappa Delta, se<: .. treas.; Resident Assistant.
Perry Samuel Covington - McRae, AR. Management. Frater Sodalis; American
Studies: Dean's list; Society for the Advancement of Management.
Ula Perette COli: - Fisher. AR , Accounting. Kappil Delta Kappa, pres. ;
American Studies; Campaigns, Spring Break: Dean's list; Delta Mu Delta; Pi
Gamma Psi ; Phi Beta Lambda .
Tracie Laine Crum - Canton, OH. Spee<:h Pathology. Sigma Phi Mu:
Drilmatics; Forensiu team: Speech Arts; Pi Kappa Dellil ; Re<Kler's Theater:
Student Speech and Hearing Association; Spee<:h Novice of the Year: TV 12.
Marci William$ Crump · Salado, TX. Physical Education. Regina , v. pres.;
Alpha Chi: Belles and Beaux; Campaigns, England; Chamber Singers; Chorale:
Dean's list; Intramurals; Cross Country, All-NAIA District 17: Kappa Pi:
PEMM Club; May Fete Rt>presentative; Who's Who.
Mitchell Richard Crum p - Salado, TX. Management. Titans; Society for the
Advancement of Management.
Cassand ra Faye Cum pian - Fairfax, VA. Dietetics. T ofebt; Alphil Chi; Arkansas Home Economiu Association; Dean's list; Dietetics, pr".; Intramurals.
LaOonna Gree n Curti. - Nashville, AR. SPffCh Pathology. Sigma Sigma Sigmil
Delta; SA Elections Committee: Student Speech and Hearing Associiltion,
(reas" sec.
DanIel S, Cuti s - Tabernacie, NJ. Acco1.lnting and Business Systems Analysis.
King's Men, pres.; American Studies; Campaigns, Spring Break; OEGE beau:
Intramurals; Pi Gamma Psi; Resident Assistant; Society for the Advancement
of Management: Assistant Dorm Manager.
132 Seniors
Vic k.iel)Qr~n Cutt. - TlIIixrnlllde, NJ. Art .. nd P$ychology. Transfer From Ohio
VlIIlley Collrge. ~ltlll Chi Omeglll; Intr .. mu rals, All-Star, i..cket winnt'l".
Athiete-of-the-Yelllr; Volleyball; Kapl» Delt.. Pi; Petit Jean .staff, photogra.phfl".
Lna Lane Davis · West Monroe, LA. Elementary Educat IOn. Ko 10 Rai; Sub
T·16 queen; Student National Education Associ .. tion .
Russ Lynn Davl. - ~OIttle , WA . Marketing. Transfer from Highline Community College. King·s Men; Ameriun Studies; Big Brothers; Dean's list.
Scarlett !(ell Davis - ~OIrcy , AR. Computer Inform .. tion System s. leta Phi
let.. . v. pres.; Alpha Chi ; AmericOin Studil'5; Data Processing Ma nagement
Association; ~an's list ; ~lta Mu Delta ; Ha rding University in Aorence;
Society for the Adv .. ncemenl of Management.
Angellll Devon Dun - Rockford , IL Music Educ .. tion.
Su~n Virginilll Dellln - Shreveport, LA . Art Educ .. tion . Delta Chi Omega; Art
Guild ; K.. pp.. Delt .. Pi; Ka ppa Pi, sec., treas. ; Student N .. tion .. l Educ .. tion
Assod .. tion; Univffsity Singers.
Sharon Elaine DeafOn - Germant o wn , TN . Elementa ry Education. GATA;
Dean's Ust ; Kappa Delta Pi; May Qu..... n Attendant; Student Nat ional Education Associa tion .
Neil John DeCarlo - Hoffman Estates, lL Psychology. Knights; C.. mpaiSns,
Miami Summer Internship; Dean's USI; Cross Country; Psi thi; Alpha Chi .
'Olimeleigh Deeter - Kennett, MO . English . leta Rho , sec· Al pha Chi; BifOn
staff; Campaigns, England with A Cappel! .. Tou r; Chorale; Dean's Ust; Sigma
Tau Delta.
D;ovid H . Delaw;ore - Douville, GA. Chemistry . T ransfer from Ohio State
University. Alpha Gamma Omrga; Tmnis.
- Chris Oei
Just "Pooling" Around
Several st udel/ts splash around ill tlll!
Richard M. Dennf:y - Milan, IL Ph ysical Education.
lilly pool after Neil Thompson (/eft
backgrolmd) and StepllQnie COl/illS
(righ t fo regro ul/d) IlQve just been
thrown il! to "re /ebrate" the al//lOWl cement o f their ellgagemeill.
Sen iors 133
'The lights are so bright, I can't
even see the people," I whispered
to David Wall, assistant editor of
the Petit Jean. "I wish I could see
them, instead of them seeing me."
I was a little nervous to be on the
Benson stage with nothing to do
but stand. So, as I often do under
pressure, I let my mind wander to
other times. My thoughts turned
to a night late in the fall
As we opened the door to darkness, Suzanne Johnston, my notso-fearless editor, muttered a
threat to the person responsible
for turning out the lights and
shoved me into the black hallway
- first. Being a natural-born coward, I already trembled at the
thought of being in the empty student center at 1 a.m. and facing
the unknown evils lurking in the
darkened second floor struck ter-
ror in my heart. With the same
thoughts flashing through my
mind as those that I recall as a five
year old diving the five feet from
the light switch, across the sudden
darkness, to the safety of my bed,
I lunged for the Petit Jean office
door. The door was locked and I
immediately decided that the Ladies room wouldn't be such a bad
place to spend the remainder of
the night. Before I could inform
Suzanne of my plans to retreat,
someone at the door decided I
should stay and grabbed my leg.
I've never moved that fast in my
life - I screamed and dove for the
stairway door, taking Suzanne
down with me. Suddenly the
lights came on and Scottie Collins,
editor of the students' section and
former friend of mine, found the
sight of Suzanne and me sprawled
on the floor quite hilarious - I
didn't laugh.
Still a little shaky from the
Scottie-incident, I resumed working on my section of the book.
Nancy Thompson, editor of
organizations, sat across the room
from me bUSily working on her
section, and for almost 10 minutes
there had been complete silence
between us - probably a record
for us both. The silence, which
had become almost intolerable for
me, was broken by a scream. It
Cheryl Hulett INnnis - Newport , AR. Home Economics . Zeta Phi; Arkansas
Home Economics Associa tion; Campaigns, International; Dietetics; Harding
Student Nurses Association; JOY.
Cynth i:;o Monette Dennis - Memphis, TN. Office Systems. Shantih; Dean's List;
Phi Beta Lambda; Resident Assistant.
Robbie j~" INr:;omus - Cary, NC. Accounting.
Wayne Allen Dickerson - South Point. OH . Bible
Timothy Wayne Dill - North Manchester, IN. Accounting. Transfer from
Michigan Christian College. Alpha Tau Epsilon; American Studies; Belles and
Beaux ; Big Brothers; Chorale; SA Spiritual Ufe Committee; SA Student Activities Committee; VISA Admissions Group.
Glenn Lee Dillard - Tempe, AZ. Marhting. Chi Sigma Alpha; A Cappella;
Band, concert , marching, stage: Belles and Beaux; Senior Class treas.; Phi Beta
Lambda; Society for the Advancement of Mangement, v. pres.; Troubadors:
Who's Who .
je5Sft IN~ Di,mukes - DeSoto, MO. Bible. Campaigns, International; College
Republicans; Harding University in Aorence; Student Speech and Hearing
Associatio n; Timothy Club .
Rebecc:;o Ann Dockery - Fayetteville, AH . Elementary Education . Beta Tau
Gamma. pres. , tn'as.; Alpha Chi; Art Guild; Dean's list; JOY; Kappa Delta Pi;
May Queen Attendant; SA Special Projects Committee; Student Nationa l
Education Association.
Carlan Roy Dodson - Oklahoma City, OK. Marketing. Alpha Gamma Omega.
v. pres.; American Studies; Dean's list; Society for the Advancement of
J. Todd Donohue - Jonesboro. AR. Biology. Dean's List; Football; Pte-Med
Club .
134 Seniors
was not a scream of frustration,
which is often heard in the office
the night before deadline, nor was
it a shout of triumph like I vaguely
remember hearing in the office
once last year, but it was a bloodcurdling, horror-movie scream. A
second scream inharmoniously
joined the first as Jonna Conrad
stepped out of the editor's inneroffice and saw the sight which held
me paralyzed. Towering over
Nancy with an ax held high above
his head was a man with a green
stocking pulled over his face. The
screams were soon drowned by
the laughter of Kyle Beaty, Student Association president, and
his elves. Bored with decorating
for Christmas, they had decided
to liven up a long night with one
of their mild-mannered visits.
Admittedly, the chairs in the office have a tendency to be rather
unreliable, but we were quite surprised when John fell over the
back of his. It was almost as if he
dove over the back. However, we
soon understood when Allen
Greenhaw, editor of the index,
quit laughing long enough to raise
off the makeshift bed under the
counter. The situation was even
funnier when Homer Lloyd, custodian of the student center, walked in and told us that someone
had 'stolen' the pew cushions from
Shore's chapel according to
H.U.P.D. Homer laughed, too,
when he returned them, but we
never told security. After finishing
off the doughnuts, Suzanne, Risa,
and I, a little embarassed about
our early morning appearence,
Almost immediately Nancy decided to call it a night and headed
for Shore's Chapel to catch a couple hours of sleep. (Little did she
know she would be responsible
for Delta's holding a devotional in
the hallway the next morning.)
Suzanne stumbled over Risa
Beckloff, a member of the staff,
and me the next morning as she
headed sleepily for the door of the
inner-office. "Who in the world is
banging on the door?" Risa mumbled as she rolled over to cover
her head, and I burrowed deeper
under my quilt. But when the
door opened and the smell of fresh
doughnuts reached us, we both
found it surprisingly easy to get
up after only two hours of sleep.
We all blessed John Radcliffe,
head photographer, as he sat
down at the corner counter of the
main office to open the doughnuts
he had brought.
dent center. Michael Kelly, editor
of the life section, drove us to the
print shop to drop off the last
copy to be typeset. Then, after
honking at every person awake at
8 a.m. on a Saturday and forcing
us to cower in the floor of his car,
he dropped us off at our rooms.
As I walked in, my roomate,
Carla, laughed in a sympathizing
way and asked, as she often did,
"Why do ya'll do it1" As I headed
for the shower I simply shrugged
as an answer, not knowing what
else to say ...
crept out the backw3Y of the stu-
As my eyes adjusted to the
bright lights, 1 began to look for
Carla in the audience. I wanted to
tell her that now I knew why;
when I found her I knew that she
already had realized what I had
never been able to explain. "
- Karen Roseberry
Rarbara A1lyson o."rr(lugh - Commerc~ . TX . Social Work . Chi Lambda Chi;
Alpha Chi; Al pha Delta Mu; Campaigns. Northeast; Hot Line staff; Dun's
List : National Association of Christi,lns in Social Work; Resident Assistant.
William ))envn D~s - T('m~. AZ. Accounting. Lambda Sigma, pres. ; Kappa
Phi beau; College Republicans; Intramurals; Pi Gamma Psi; Phi Beta umbel .. :
SA Food Commi ttee.
John Thomas DougJu - GTftnvale, NY. Alpha Chi: ~an's List; Sigma Theta
Tau .
Dwight David Driskell - Houston. TX. Business Systems Analysis. Knight s,
treas.: SA Freshman Men Class Representative; Dean's List: Delta Mu Delta.
Deborah Ann Ducharme· MI. Clemens. MI. Mana~ement. Delta Chi Omega,
Ifns .. pres.: Amencan Sludu~5: Camp;ngns, Spring Break; Alpha Omega
queen; Dean 's List; Resident Assistant; Society for the Advancement of
l ynn Marie Dupaul - Houston. TX. Physical Educa tion. Dean's list :
Choreography in "Oklahoma" and "Fiddler on the Roof"; Cross Coun try.
Charlu Edward Oupre - Otark. MO. Accounting. TNT. v. pres.; America n
Studies; Bi,.,n staff. circulation manager, reporter: Cam paigns. International:
Campus Players: Chorale: Stnior Class pres.: College Republican s. 5« .:
Dramatics; KHCA staff; Pdit Jun staff. se<lion editor: Pi Gamm a Psi; Phi Beta
lambda, pres.; Reader's Theater; Resident Assistant; Society of Collegiate
Journalists; SA Special ProjKts Committee; Who's Who.
James lloyd Dyes - SI. louis. MO. Business Systems Analysis.
Kirsten May Ekerberg - Gering. NE. Psychology, Span ish and Journali sm .
Transfer from European Christian College. Kirei Na Ai; Bell Canto; Bison staff.
reporter; Campaigns. Russian; Cenark Student Grotto; Co mmonweallh
Singers; Dactylology Club; Dean's list: JOY; Psi Chi; Resident Assistant ;
Spa nish Club: French Club .
Douglas lee Edwards - Louisville. KY . Business Systems Analysis.
Todd Otwayne Edwards - Missouri City, TX. Bible.
Newton Stf've Ekpo - lagos. Nigeria . Marketing. Track team; Society fo r the
Advancement of Managemen t; Starcy Steel Soccer team : Public Relati ons offi cer with the African St udent Organization.
Juanita Aileen Elliott - Madison, TN. Public Administration.
Ro~rta J. Elliott · Searcy, AR. Nursing.
Mi chele Jun Ellis - Jonesboro. AR . Economia . Zeta Rho, treas.: Alpha Chi;
American Studies: Sophomore v. pres .; Junior sec.; Dean 's list; Delta Mu
[).olta; JOY; Petit }<oan staff, section editor; Phi Beta lambda, reporter; R<!Sident
Assistant; Socif'ty for the Advancement of Management , chainna n; SA sec.;
SA $pe<;:ial Projects Committee; SA Physical Plant Committee. cha irman; Student Activities Commiltee; Who's Who.
Kenneth E. England - lisle, IL Biochemistry. Alpha Chi; Dean's list ; Un iversity Singers' Fencing Club.
leAnn Carol Eno - Boise, ID. Biology. Kappa Phi. v. pres .; Alpha Chi; Campaigns. Northwest; Dean's list ; Women's Cross Country; JOY; Pre- Moo Club;
SA Spiritual lIfe and Academic AffaIrs Committet!; Bicycle Club.
Angela Faye Estes - Germantown, TN. Spee<:h Pathology. Sigma Sigma Sigma
Delta; JOY; Studen t Speech and Hearing Association.
larry Blake Eubank, - Victoria, TX. Business Systems Analysis and Drama.
Mary Ruth Eudaly . Rolla , MO. Elementary Education. Kappa Kappa Kappa ,
v. pres.; A Cappella; Women 's Ensemble; Campaigns, International ; [).oan's
list; Dramatics; Student Nat ional Education Association .
Rebecha Maree Evans - Searcy. AR. Art.
Terri Annette Eva ns - Belleville, IL Elementary Education. Transfer fro m
Fret!d· Ha rdeman College. Omega Phi; Big Sisters; JOY; Resident Assistant ; SA
Student Activities Committee.
Terry l yn n Ewachiw - Steanr, PA. Social Work. Delta Chi Omega, v. pres.,
pres.; Alpha Chi; AJpha Delta Mu; Band, twirler; Alpha Omega queen; Dean's
lis t; Nalional Associatio n o f Christians in Social Work , pres .. sec.; Contact.
Melinda Ka ye Ewart · W . Helena. AR. Home Economics. Delta Chi Omega,
sec .; Arkansas Home Economics Association; Band, concert, marching, pep;
Campaigns, Spring Break ; Spanish Club.
l ewis Ralph Fair - lufkin . TX. Bible and Management.
Jul ~ l ynn Faris · Paris. TX . Social Science . Kirei Na Ai; Campaigns, German;
Hard ing Universily in Ro rt~n~ ; Intramurals; lOY; Phi Alpha Theta . trea s ..
sec. ; Resident Assistant.
David G. Favre - Campbell. CA. Management and Bible.
Sarah leigh Felps· Ft. Worth, TX. Ele men tary Education. Regina; Campaigns.
Geneva; College Republicans; Dean's list; Harding Universi ty in Florence; SA
Student Activities Committee, chairman ; Student NatlOnal Educa hon Assocla·
tion; Starcy Soccer team .
Rebekah Ruth Fields - Pontotoc, MS. Business Education .
Barry Brian Fisk - Mt. Prospect. Il. Political Science. Delta Omega . v. PI'f'S.;
Alpha Psi Omega; College Theatu F<!stival ; American Studin; Barristers; Campus Pla yers; Collegf' Rrpublicans; Dramat ics; Forensics team; 11'1 tercollegiate Spe«h Arts; KH CA staff; Pi Kapp.a [).olla; Pi Sigma Alpha;
Reader'S Theater; Young Democra ts.
Susan Ka y Fitzgerald - Cedar Rapids, II\. Nursing. Sigma Sigma Sigma [).olta ;
Harding Student Nurses Association .
Da vid Matthew Ranigan · Dayton, OH. Bible. Transfer from lubbock Christian College. King's Men ; Alpha Chi; Chorale; Dean's list; Intramurals, jacket
winner; Petit lean staff, pho tographer; Timolhy Cl ub; Big Buddies; Searcy
Stet!1 Soccu; Surcy Women 's Soccer team coach.
Ali so n l. Retcher - N. lit tle Rock. AR. Special Elementary Education. Alpha
Chi ; Ca mpaigns, Northeast; Dean's List; JOY; Resident Assistant; Student National Education ASSOCiation, v. pres.
Donna Ruth Retch .. r . Menlo, GA. Elementary Education. Transfu from
Alabama Christian College . Phi Delta; JOY.
Sarah Gayle Retcher . Menlo, GA. Elementary Education. TransFer from
Alabama Christian College. Phi [).olla .
Seniors 135
Mar k Fonvill~ _ Hurst. TX, Adv~rlising Art. Kni/Shts. Art Guild; Campaigns;
SA Movie Committee, chairman; Petit Jean stafL photographer; TV 12, art
Lamonda Ann Ford - litt le Rock, AR. Nursing. Tofebt; Dean's list; Harding
Studen t Nurses Association.
Gilbert Co le Foster - Fort Smith, AR. Biology. Transfer from Uni versity of
Arkansas, Monticello. Chi Sigma Alpha; Dean's list; Track; Pre-Med Club;
Bicycling Club, spokesman.
John Gregory Foster - Memphis, TN. Mass Communications. Pi Kab~a Ep-
~::~a~c~al~f~~;ur~\~K~Cfi s~:~r~A; S~~~~~ ,t:i~;it~~~~~~f~e, ~haa~~:
man; TV 12, reporter.
Rhond a Lu Foster - Pocahon tas, AR. Marketing. Ju Go
murals; Society for the Advancement of Management.
Ju; Dean's list; Intra-
Re:< B. Fowler - West Plains, MO. Management
Timothy P. Frakes - West Ch icago. IL Mass Communications. Theta Tau
Delta, v. pres.; Intramural,; KHCA staff; TV 12, student direc tor.
Tiny Jean Fraley - Turrell, AR. Special and Elementary Education. Transfer
from Arkansas State Un iversity, Kappa Delta Kappa; Campaigns; Internationa l; Intramurals. All -Star, jacket winner; Softball; Cross Country; T rack;
Basketball, All -N AJA Oist ricl17; JOY; PEMM Club; Timothy Club
Melissa Renee Fraser - McCrory, AR . Nursing.
Rance Lon Frt>tland - Snohomish, WA . Accounting. Transfer from Everett
Community College. American Studies; Dean's List; Pi Gamma Psi.
Pamela Rae Frugol; - Arco, 10. Spee.:h Therapy. Transfer from Yo rk Co llege.
Omega Phi, preL v. pres.; Dramatics; Student Spet'ch and Hearing Association; Fiddler on the Roo f
David Alan Futrell - Pocahontas. AR . Business Systems Analysis. Theta Tau
Delta, treas .; Sigma Simga Sigma Delta ~au; Data Processing Managemen t
Association; Intramurals; Phi Beta Lambda .
Joseph Barton Galloway - Stuttgart, AR. Physical Education and Health .
Titans, v. pres. ; G AT A beau; In tramural s. All -Star; Intercollegia te Athletics;
Baseball. manager; PEMM Club.
Susan Rebecca Garner - Rockfo rd, Il. Accounting, OEGE, pres., treas.;
American Studies; Campaigns, Spring Break; Dean's List; Pi Ga mma Psi; SA
Movie Committet'.
Karen J. Ga.rrelt - Rogen;, AR. Elementary Education. Kappa Delta Kappa,
pres.; Alpha Chi; Dea n's List; Intramural" All -Star. jacket winner; JOY; Kap pa Delta Pi; Student National Education Association.
Norabelle Lynn Garrett · Brookston, IN. Nursing.
Hugh Melton Ga~kill - Harrison, AR. Art Education. Kappa Tau Omega, sec _;
Alpha Chi; Art Guild; Omega Phi beau ; Dean's List; Kappa Delta Pi; Ka ppa Pi;
Outsta nding Art Student Award, 1981 -82; Who's Who.
David Ernest Gendron - Slidell . LA . Psychology. Transfer from Uni ven;ity of
New Orleans . Omega Ph] ~au; Dean's Li st; Intramurals: Psi Chi; Searcy Steel
Soccer team; Campaign s, Honduras; Counseling staff. pet'r-advisor.
Gordon Brent Gerbholz - Omaha. NE _ Business Systems Analysi s.
Je rry Lynn Germany - Hammond, LA. Systems Analysis. Sigma Tau Sigma,
treas_; Resident Assistant
VISA Commends Credit
The University was looking for
a few good students.
While that -statement did not
apply to the admissions office's
plans to recruit new students to
Harding, it did apply to the search
for a corps of student recruiters
named "VISA, " or Volunteers In
Support of Admissions .
According to Durward McGaha, director of admissions, the
concept for VISA was not originated at Harding, but he did develop the name for the group.
The idea was to have current
students recruit prospective st udents , while members of the VISA
team also had opportunities to
learn. "It gives the (Harding ) students involved an opportunity to
travel, earn money and learn
more about Harding ," McGaha
Prospective students benefited
because they learned more about
the school than they could from
136 Seniors
brochures and catalogs. Also, the
high school students could better
understand and ask more questions of college students than they
could ask admissions officials.
"Young people tend to listen to
other young people without .feel ing inhibited. For this reason,
VISA is a good program, " said
VISA member Jaime Deeter, a
senior English major.
This year's VISA members were
"handpicked" by the admissions
office and were mostly juniors and
seniors, accorrding to McGaha,
who was pleased with the work
they did.
"Visa is new, but so far it has
been effective," he said.
'tl - Michael Corrigan
and Carol Landerfelt
Front row: Reynolds, Metz, Perkins,
Walker , VanPatter, Pryor. Deeter,
Zollar-coo rdinator. Back row: McLarty , Daniels, Dupre . Carlock, Smith ,
Al len Clark Gibbons - North li ttle Rock, AR . Physical Education.
David Winston Gill - Allensville, KY, Acceunting. Buccaneers, treas.;
American Studies; Dean's list; Delt a Mu Delta; Intramurals; Pi Gamma Psi .
Traw Edwin GiII - Dayton, OH. Business Management, Transfer from Sinclair
College. Alpha Ta u Epsilon, sec., treas., pres.; GATA beau; Society for the
Advancement of Management, pres
Daniel Allen Gillett - Rolla, MO . Accounting. TNT; A Cappella, Men's Ensemble; Alpha Chi; American St udies; Big Brothers; Campaigns, Internat ional;
College Republicans; Data Processi ng Management Association; Dean's list;
Delta Mu Delta: Harding Un iversi ty in Florence; lntramurals; Pi Gamma Psi;
Society for the Advancement of Management; SA Speciall'rojects Committ~
John Harvey Gist - Oakdale, CA Bible.
Rita Eliub<.>th Gla ss - Hineston, LA, Elementary Educa tion . OEGE; Dean's List;
Intra murals; JOY: Kappa Della Pi
IGmb<.>rly Ann Glisson - Rantoul, IL Transfer from David Lipscomb College .
Zeta Rho; Alpha Chi: Dean's List; Kappa Oelta Pi; Studen t National Educat ion
Robert Carey Goostr~ - Birmingham, AL Marketing. Alpha Tau Epsilon: College Republicans; Society for the Advancement of Ma nagement; SA Elections
~~a~~iJt!:··t~~~,;;:;· _ Birmingham . AL. ,Elementary Education . Delta Chi
Omega; Studen t National Educallon AsSOCIation .
Gayla Kay Goree - Nashville, TN. Public Relations. Alpha Psi Omega;
American College Thea ter Festival; Bison staff, reporter: Campaigns, Int erna tiona l; Campus Players; Chorale; bramatics; KHCA staff: Public Relal iens
Student Society of America: Society for the Advancemenl of Ma nagement
Tammy Lynn Gnham - Walnut "idge, All.. En glish . Chi Alpha Rho. sec., v.
pres." pres; Alpha Chi; Campaigns. May, Ven ezuelan:, College Republicans:
Dean s LIst; JOY; Petit Jean staff; SIgma Tau Delta; Spamsh Club; Who's Who.
Keevin Jay Gray - Pekin, IN. Bible and Biblica l Languages
Stacy lynn Green - Searcy. AR . Advertising. Ko Jo Kai, v. pres,; Art Gui ld;
Cheerleader, captain; Intramura ls; Soft ball; Petit Jean staff; Public Relat ions
Student Society of America: Society for Collegiate Jou rnalists
Sandra Sue Gregory - OeLand. IL Elementary and Special Education , Zeta
Rho; TNT qu~n; Dean's list; JOY: Kappa Delta Pi: Petit Jean QUl'en Atten dant: Student Nationa l Educa tion Associat ion
Andrea lou Grimes - Bro ken Arrow, OK . Management . Campaigns, Interna tional; Harding Un iversity in Florence; Resident Assistant; Society for the Ad vancement of Management
John Preston Gross - Pine Bluff, AR . Sports Management
Caron Ann Guillo - Tu lsa, O K. Elementary Educat io n. Kirei Na Ai; Alpha Chi:
Dactylolog y Clu b; Dean's List; Harding Un ive rsity in Florence; Kappa Delta Pi;
Resident Assistant
Maur ict Gunn - Memph is, TN, Bible
linda Malick Gurganus - Trenton, NJ, English, T ofebt; Alpha Chi; Campaigns,
International and Spring Break; Dean's list; Kappa Delta Pi: Sigma Tau Delta
Michael B. Gurganus - Cordova. AL Computer Science , Fra ter Sodalis, treas, ;
Camp aigns, International and Spring Break; Data Processing Management
Association; Intramurals; Swim team; Resident Assistan t; Un iversi ty Singers
K~vin Dougl as Hager - Ballwin. MO. Accounting. Kappa Sigma Kappa; In tramu rals; Pi Gamma Psi.
Gerri lynn
- Searcy, AR , Office Systems, Tofebt, treas,; Int ramurals .
Jody D. Hall - West,Memphis. AR . Busi ness System s Analysi s. Kappa Sigma
Kappa, sec ,: Amencan Studies; Big Brothers; Ko Jo Ka l bea u; College
Republicans: Data Processing Ma nagement Association; Phi Beta lambda; PreDen tal Club: Society for the Advan cemen t of Management: SA Advertisi ng
Comm itt~ ; SA Physical Plant Committ~ .
Seniors 137
Richard Anthon y Hall - Alma. AR. Business Systems An alysis. Lambda Sig ma;
Data Processi ng Management Associ ation.
Jeff B. Hambrice - Richardsol'l. TX. Biology. Kappa Sigma Kappa . sec.; Dean's
list: [ntramurills. Ali-Star: Golf: Pre·Dental Club; SA foods Comm!tt~.
Jo hn Wesley Ha mm - 51. Jacob.lL. Nursing. Chi Sigm a Alpha ; Chora le ; Regina
beau; Dean's List: National Dean's list; Internationa l Hono r Socie ty ; Wh o's
Julie Ellen Hamm itt · Pittsfield. ll. Fashion Merchandisi ng. Tofebt ; Arkansas
Home Economi cs Association; Big Sisters; JOY; Freshman and Junior May Fete
Representative .
Paul Mae Hard esty - Octan Sp rin gs, MS. Special Education. T ran sfer from
Texarkana Community College . Kappa Phi; AJpha Chi; Dean's list; Kappa
Delta Pi.
Celia Jun Harding - Glenwood , AR. Vocational Home Eco nomics. Chi Alpha
Rho; Arkansas Home Economics Association; Campaigns, May; Oran's List;
JOY; May Qu~n Attendant; SA Academic Affairs Commi tt~; Student National Education Association , treas. ; Ka ppa Orlta Pi.
Bob bi Marie Ha rri so n - Fayetteville. AR. Elemen tary Education .
Eugene joseph Hass - Wynne. AR . Bible.
l y le Curtis Hatfield - Huntington. WV. Management.
Kuri An n Haugland - Fountaintown . IN. Elementary Ed ... ca ti o ... . Zda Rho;
Oran 's List; JOY ; St ... dent Nationa l Educa tion Association ; Camp ... s Ministry
team .
Kent Douglas Hawkins - Danville, AR. Elementary Ed ti on . Knights ; Band,
concert; Dea n's List; SA Acad ... mics Affairs Committee; Student National Edu cation Aswciation.
Sonj a Mare\' Hawks - Bolivar. MO. Economics. Phi Orlta, sec .. treas.;
American Studies; Chamber Sing\'rs; Societ y for the Advancem ... nt of Management, e:.ecuhve v. prn.
Sharon Kay Hnl y - Beebe, AR . Office Systems. Regina ; Belin and Beau:.; A
Cap~lla; Chorale; Spring Sing Hostt'SS.
Michul Joseph Husl\'y - Shaker Heights, OH. Biblical lang ... agn . Transfer
from Florida Colleg.... Oran's List ; Timothy O ... b.
Cub. 10 Hecker - Moore , OK. Business Education. Chi u.mbda Chi, sec.;
Alpha Chi; Am ... rican Studin; Dean's List; Intramurals; Student National
Educa tion Associat ion .
&i c D. H... eter - Indianapolis. IN . Bibl ....
Terry l ynne Hdfington - Co ... way , AR. Special Elementary Education. OEGE.
v. prl'S .. sec.; Campaigns, Spring Break; Knights queen; Resident Assist ant ; SA
Special Protects Commilt~; Student Na tiona l Education A$SC)Ciation .
Cl inton G . C. Helmuth - Arleta. CA. French. A1ph .. Ch i.
)l'nnifer l ynn H\,nd .. rson - Piggott, AR. Special Education . Ka Re Ta. treas.;
Alpha Ch i; Oran 's li M; Kappa Delta Pi; Stud.. nt National Education A5socialion.
Martha E1b:abeth Hendrick - Sh reveport , LA. Nursing. OEGE; Dl'an's List; SA
Homecoming Committ ......
lori lynn Henl ey - Bridgeton, MO. Special Education. Sigma Sigma Sigma
Delta. pres.; Theta Tau Delta queen ; Dean's lIst; lOY; Kappa Delta Pi; SA
Election Co mmitte ... ; Who's Who .
K.lndac\, I....igh Hestl'r - Hixson. TX. Sp«<:h Therapy. Regina; Band. concert.
marching, pep; Chi Sigma Alpha queen; Dean 's List; Kappa Delta Pi; Student
Sp«<:h and Hnring Association.
Kar ... n Irlyn Hicke l - Salida, CO. Psychology. Transfer from York Collegt.
Campaigns , Ea5t Euro~an ; Dean's List; Psi Chi
Da vid Michul Hill - Nashvilil', TN. Accounting. Transfer from David
lipscomb Colleg.... Knights ; Aml'rican Studies; Dean's lis!; Intramu rals; Pi
Gamma Psi; SA Spiri tual life Committee.
M.. lind;) Deni iN' Hillis - Plano. TX. Special Elementary Education. Omega Ph i;
Dean's list; JOY ; Kappa Delta Pi; Resident A5sistant; Student National Education Association .
Romona SuZ;)nn~ Hintze - Nashville. AR . Busin ... ss Systems Analysis. Sigma
Phi Mu; American Studies; Alpha Ch i; Lambda Sigma queen; Da ta Processing
Management Association; Dl'an 's list; Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi; Resi·
dent Assistant ; Society fo r thl' Advancement of Management ; SA Homecoming
138 Seniors
Struck by the South's Accents, Food and Freedom
When Ula Bielecka arrived in
Arkansas in the summer of 1981,
she was struck by the Southern
accents, the humidity, the food,
and the freedom, Like any other
student going to school in a
foreign country, she found the difference in culture to be an interesting adjustment. But the biggest difference of all for VIa, a
native of Wroclaw, Poland, was
the freedom,
VIa carne to Harding to study
English in July 1981, as she said,
"just in December of that same
year, the Polish government imposed martial law, She said the
government suppressed the Solidarity labor movement and political freedoms, and "the freedoms
we had were lost. "
Ula claimed that personal and
political freedom found in the
U,S, was the biggest difference be-
tween America and Eastern
Europe, This freedom, she belie v ed, stemmed from the
country's economic fredom ,
U1a also saw several other differences between the American
culture and her own, She noted
that Americans were not as individualistic as Europeans, "In
America there was a trend to follow the crowd, And there was not
a lot of room for individuality,
People felt insecure if they
couldn't identify themselves with
some definite social group, It
seemed like people had the urge to
do things that were socially acceptable - to dress, to go places that
were socially acceptable,"
She added, "In Europe people
were afraid to be different , to
have their own personal style,"
U1a noted other differences in
the people too . She liked the vari -
ety of people in the U.S. And she complex, and the final stage. acfelt the American people were ve- ceptance.
Why did she choose Harding?
ry outgoing, especially in the
Because she met people from HarSouth.
The dating customs of Ameri- ding who were on campaigns in
cans posed a problem for Ula, Europe, and came here six years
"Relationships in Europe were later.
Although she liked America.
based more on friendship, It was
not as formal as here, , ,I had a Ula was still a Polish citizen, and
lot of misunderstanding when I her family and friends were still
there. "I feel attached to my counfirst carne,"
She insisted, "I wish young peo- try, " she said. "I love my people. "
In praising her nation , she
ple would put more emphasis on
getting to know each other on poted the strength of the people .
neutral grounds and become .. She said, "Although they are now
friends, so it would not be as ar- appressed, they have a great
desire for freedom. The Polish natificial, "
Despite the differences, VIa tional anthem begins, 'Poland has
said, "I feel pretty much like I be- not yet perished while still we
long. I have adapted ." She added live ,"
- Eddie Madden
that Harding had been a growing
period for her as she went through
stages of adjustment , including Ula Bielecka chats w ith friends about
awe, rebelliousness, a superiority her two worlds ,
George Edward Hockenbl'rry - Hoffman Estates, IL. Music and Mat h Educa-
~~r~'i ~~1 ~;~n;~:~~'}t7s~';s fr:S;:ba~IZ;s~ampaigns, Chicago, Internationl;
Kei th Daniel Hodgl'S - Starkville, MS . Marketing, TNT; Dean's List; Delta Mu
Delta; Debate; Pi Kappa Delta.
Karen Renee Hodnett - Plantation. FL Elemen tary Educa tion . lu Go lu; Student National Education Association
loseph Gu y Hog .. n - Atlanta, GA. Management. Chi Sigma Alpha; American
Studies; College Republica ns; Dean's List; Society for the Adva ncemen t of
Lana CI.. ire Hogue - Jonesboro, AR. Fashion Merchandising . lu Go lu; Arka nsas Home Economics Association .
Patricia la ne Hollowa y - J..cksonville, IL. Fashion Merchandising. Kappa Kappa Kappa, v . pres .; Arkansas Home Economics Association; Society for the
Advancement of Managemen t; SA Homecoming Committee, chairman.
Susan J..dnthe Holmn - Brookfield, CT . Home Economics . Delta Chi Omega;
Alpha Chi; Arkansas Home Economics Association ; Campaigns, Austria,
Northeast; Dactylology Club; Dean's List; French Club; Harding Student
Nurses A,sociation; JOY; Nation al Association of Christian in Social Work;
SA Sp iritual Life Committee; SA Elect ions Committee; World Evangelism
Forum; V¥ho 's Who.
Rog~r M. Holroyd - Ceda r Vale, KS. Accounting
Teresa Renea Hormel- Neosho. MO. Bible and Office Systems. Campaigns, [nternational; Dean 's List; Timot hy Club; Outreach Council.
Don Ro hert Horsm.. n - Rorence, AL. Mat h and Chemistry . TNT; Alpha Chi;
Campaigns, Spring Break; Cenark Student Grotto; Commonwealth Singers;
Dean's List; Resident Assistant; Outstandi ng 1st Year Germ .. n Student; University Singers
Ruswll Scott Horto n - Sherwood, AR. Accounting . Titans; Americ .. n Studies;
Dean's List; Pi Gamma Psi; Society for the Advanc~ment of M.. ngement
Beverly Annise Houn sel - Shreveport, LA. Art Educa tion. Ko)o KaL pres.; Art
Guild; Sub T -16 queen; Intramu",I" All -Star; Softball; Kappa Pi; SA Special
Projects Committee; SA Mov ie Committee; Winter Festival Queen Attenda nt.
Brendil Sue Houser - Eagl e River, AK. Elementary Education . Chi Lambda Chi;
Dean's List; JOY; Kappa Delta Pi; Student Nationa l Education Association.
Timothy D. Houser - Eagle River, AK. Computer Science and Missions. Alpha
Gamm a Omega .
M~ ry Ki mberly n Hud son - Waynesboro, VA. Speech Education . Campus
Players; Dean's List; Dramatics; Forensics team; Harding University
Rorence; Pi Kappa Delta ; Reader 's Theater; Who's Who; Alpha Ch i.
Donald Wade Huffm iln - Rogers, AR . Biochemistry _Chi Sigm.. Alpha, pres. ; A
Cappella, Men's Ensemble; Alpha ChL treas.; Campaigns. May. Intern.. tion .. l;
Kirei Na Ai beau; Co llege Bowl team ; Dean's List; SA Academic Aifairs Committee; Pre-Med Club; Who's Who.
Lind~ Le~ Huffmil n - Searcy, AR _ Elementa ry Education. Omega Phi. treas.;
Alpha Chi; Band, concert. marching ; Campaigns, European, Aust ralian,
Northwest; Dean's List; Harding Uni versity in Rorence; Kappa Delta Pi; Student National Education Association.
Michelle Annette Hu mphrey - Tu lsa, OK . Man .. gement. Zeta Rho ; Alpha Chi;
American Studies; College Republica ns; Data Processing Management Associa tion; Dean's List; Delta Mu Delta; Resident Assistant; Society for the Advancemen t of Management; SA Food Services Committee.
C~rla )0 Hunt - Arnold, MO. Elementary Educat ion. Transfer from FreedHa rdeman College. Chi Alpha Rho ; Kappa Tau Omeg.. queen; Intramurals,
All -Star; Kappa Delta Pi, treas.; PEMM Club.
Elizabeth Ann Hurd - Garfield, AR. Compu ter Information Systems_ OEGE;
Americ .. n Studies; Senior Class sec .; College Republicans; Da ta Processing
Management Assciation; Dean's List; Delt.. Mu Delta; Harding University in
Florence; Int ramurals. Al l-Star; JOY; Resident Assist.. nt; Society for the Advancement of Management.
Seniors 139
William Thuo n HutchH(ln ~ North liberty, lA. Management. King's Men;
Dean's List ; Camp<ligns. Iowa; lntramurals, All-Star; Resitimt Assistant.
Mark Snyder Hulton - Ft. Smi th. AR. Business Systems Analysis. T ran$ler
from Westark Community College. Sub T·16. pres. ; Ko 10 Kai beau; DatI! Pro~ing Management Association; [ntTamurals , All-Star; Pni! 'n.n staff; Phi
Bela Lambda; Society for the Advancement of Managt'mmt; SA Student AI-
fairs Committee.
Michul David Ingram · Crossville. T N. General Science.
Nathan Daniel Ingram - Crossville, TN. Bible and Psychology . Sigma Tau
Sigma; Dean"s list .
Melinda Elaine Jackson - Germa ntown. TN. Nursing . Sigma Phi Mu.
Terry Lou Ja ckson - Forrest City, AR. Social Science. Delta Chi Omega; Dean's
list; Phi Alpha Theta .
Kathy LH Jenkins · Ballwin, MO. Special Elementary Education. Zeta Rho.
trea s.; College Republicans; Dean's list; Petit Jean staff; Student Natio nal
Education Associati on .
Mavis Ann Jensen · Sleepy Eye. MN. History. Alpha Chi; American Studies;
Dean's list; Ca mpaigns. International; JOY; Phi Alpha Theta, pres.
~bo rah Jnn Johnson - Jacksonville, AR. Accounting. JOY; Pi Gamma Psi.
Douglas Scott Joh nson - Harrison, AR. Business Systems Analysis.
Ernest Galen Johnson - Kansas City, MO. Special Education ,
Jeffrey James Johnson - Jefferson City, MO. SpeKh . Who's Who.
Lone LH Johnso n - Columbus, OH. Mass Communic.ations. uta Rho; KHCA
staff , news directo r; Petit Jean staff; Public Rela tions Student Societ y of
America; TV 12. news director .
Troy Jim" Johnson - North little Rock , AR. Journalism and Public Relati ons.
Barristers: Bison staff. reporter; Petit Jean staH: SA Advertising Committee:
TV 12 staff.
Suzanne Renee Johnston - Paducah, KY. Journalism . Sigma Phi Mu : Bison
staff. reporter: Petit Jean staff. editor, section editor; Society for Collegiate
Journali sts. v. pres " pres.
Working for Eternity;
Living for Today
Lee Hamm woke up blind. It
might have otherwise been an ordinary day in the life of the high
school senior in the spring of
1979. But a yet undiscovered tumor in Lee's brain had shifted during the night, pressing against his
optic nerve and taking his sight.
Recently he had been plagued
with unusually painful headaches ,
so painful that the family actually
suspected a brain tumor to be the
cause. Yet Lee's doctor failed to
find the trouble when he tested
him .
Now the tumor was huge ;
surgery was immediate. It has
been said that the boy would not
have lived another day without
the operation. Lee experienced
major improvement after the surgery, and he and identical twin
Wes left their Illinois farm home
in the fall to enroll as freshmen at
In OCtober of '82, Lee received
a bone marrow transplant from
Wes. A first in medical history,
the process proved to be very
painful for Lee because of all the
chemotherapy and radiation involved in the preparation.
Near the end of 1983, the FDA
approved a new cancer-combatting drug which Lee became the
first to use.
140 Seniors
"A lot of people have been encou raged because of Lee's sickness ," commented Wes , a senior
nursing major at Harding. "This
has helped me, for instance, to
perceive needs for other people
and to try to meet those needs and
to be sensitive and empathic. "
Lee firmly believed that it was
not God 's will for him to be ill.
"God didn't make it that way," he
said, "but I believe He wants me
to handle it the best way I can."
What did Lee really want to tell
people? "No matter what you face
you can overcome .. .if yo.u do it
in the right way ... And keep in
mind that the last words you say
to a loved one or friend might
really be your last words. If you
keep that in mind, you might not
say a lot of the mean or harsh
words you say ... Be that loving ,
caring person .that Jesu s was. "
lee made such an impact on
everyone with whom he came in
contact. Even the bulletin for the
hospital where Lee stayed sometimes printed a story about him.
The writer said of him, "Lee worked as though he could live forever
and lived as though he could die
today. "
- Mariann Cox
Lee and Wes Hamm are identical twins
with iden tical goals.
Terry Glenn lonn - Rogers, AR. Physical Educat ion.
Heidi Terese K.ys - Red Wing. MN . Journalism and Public Rel a tions.
Mush .. Elaine Kudey - Lafa yette, GA . O ffice Systems. Transfer from
Alabama Chri stia!\. College. Chi Alpha Rho; Cham~r SingeT5; Chorale; JOY;
Phi Beta Lambda .
Mel anie Ann Kuele)' - Lafayette, GA. Social Work. Common wealth Singers;
HOI line staff; JOY; National Associat ion o f Christians in Social Work; Phi
Dt-II.. .
David Michael KH - Geneva, Swilurland. Mass Commu nica tions. King's Men;
KHCA staff; TV 12 staff; Searcy St~1 Soccer tum .
Lisa Ka y KHn · Olnty. It. Journalism. Transfer from Olney Central College,
OEGE. pres.; Bison staff , business manager, reporter; Intramurals; Public Relations Studen t Society of America; Resident Assistant; Society for the Advancement of Management; SA Special Pro/'eds Commi ttee.
Jennifer Lynn Kuvert - Hendersonvil e, NC. Business Systems Analysis. Chi
Alpha Rho, sec.; Data Processing Man agement Associat ion; Phi Beta Lambda .
Kevin LH Kehl - Arlington, TX. Bible and Psychology. Chi Sigma Alpha; Cam paigns, May , Kenya; Chorale; Dt,an's List ; Intramurals; Kappa Delta Pi; Psi
Chi ; Outreach, v. pres.
SUHn DrinMn Kehl - Knoxville, T N. Nursing. Regina , v. pres. ; Alpha Chi;
Ca mpaigns; May, Kenya; Chorale; [koan's List; Harding Student Nurses
A5SOCiali on, v. pres.; Sigma Theta Tau .
SU$..1In Elll;I~l h Kemp . Gaint'Svi-lfe. FL. Accounting. Sigmil Sigmil Sigma
Delta. tren .. v. prt'S.; American Studies; Theta Tau Delta queen; Dt,an's Ust;
Dt,lta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi; SA Academic Affairs Committee; Alpha Chi.
Lori Ca ro l Ken ne y - Jacksonville. AR . Elementary Education; Omega Phi;
Alph a Psi Omega; Campaigns, International; Campus Players; Dramatics;
Kappa Delta Pi; SA Special Projeds Commi ttl~; Student Nat ional Education
Associatio n.
Tami KathlHn Kerr - Sha rpsville, PA . Art.
Kimberl )' Dawn Kesler - Colu mbus, MS. Elementary Educ... tion . Omeg;. Phi, v.
pres.; Hot Une staff ; Intramurals; Resident Assistant.
Bobby Scott Key - Sto ne Mountain, GA. Computer $cience.
Barty Len Kicklighter - Memphis, TN. Bible and Social Work . TNT; ]ntril mu rals; Swim team; National Associa tion o f Christian s in Social Work; Timothy
Robbie Daylon Kiihnl - Memphis, TN . Biology . Kappa Sigma Kappa; Campaigns, May .
Hall)' Ray King - Miami, OK. History . Transfer from O klahoma UnivtTsi ty.
Kappa Tau Omega; AmtTiciln Studies; Phi Alpha Theta; Resident AS5istant .
Denise Marie KinMY - Brainerd, MN . Nursing. Alpha Chi; Dt,an's List ; Harding Student Nurses Asoociilt ion.
Kim~ rl y Kirk - Slidell , LA. Management. Transfer from Louisiana State
Universi ty . OEGE, sec.; American Studies; Dean's List; Dt,lta Mu Delta; JOY;
Society fo r the Advancement of Management.
homes Dl!vid Ki'Mr - Black Oak, AR. Bible,
WlIlter Kobisky - North Olmsted. OH . Computer [nformation Systems.
Karen Anne Koo nce - No rt h Uttle Rock. AR . Accounting. letil Rho . tr....s.;
American Studies; Chorale; Coll ~ Republicans; Dean's List; Pi Cammil Psi.
sec.; Phi Beta Lambda, 5« .. stil te sec.; SA Special Protects Committ~ .
linda Kay Krumrei - Hililrlem. Hollilnd . Office System5. To!ebt; American
Studies; Campaigns, Interniltionil!. Mil)', Spring Break .
Darrell DuaM Kuhn - Milrshall, IL. Physical Education. Alpha Gamm a
Omega ; [koan's List ; lntramurills; PEMM Club ,
Yo Kurabayashi· Mitah, Tokyo. Public Relali ons. TNT; Bison st il £f, refl<:>rler ,
pho tographer; Tenni.s; KHCA staff; Petit lu n staff , photog rapher; TV 12 staff;
Public Relalion 5 Offla' staff photographer .
Thomas lo hn Kyllo - Shakopet', MN . Pre-physical Therapy. Trilnsfer from
Abilene Christian University. T NT; Big Brothers; Chi Alpha Rho bea u; SA
Cam pus Ministry Committ~.
Ro~rt Edwilrd laPierre Je. - Wichita, KS. Bible. Transfer from Wichitil State
Universi t)' . Christian Communiciltions Program; Campaigl1$, East Eu rope;
[koa n's Ust; T imot hy Club.
lennl!er ElaiM Lacefield· Orlando, FL. Politiul Science and Accounting .
Transfer fro m University of Cenlral Flo rida. Sigma Sigma Sigmil Delta ; Pi
Gamma Psi; SA Spiritual Life Committ~ .
Derek Alan laLonde - Caro, Ml. Bible. T ransfer from [klta Communi t)' College. Alpha Chi ; Campaigns. Iowa; Dean's List ; Timothy Cl ub; Third World
Missions; Wor ld Evangelism Forum .
David Lee Lasley - Searcy, AR . Nursing.
Mary Ann Lawrence - Kettering, O H . Nursing. Transfer from Ohio Valle)' Coll~. Chi Alpha Rho; Hilrding Stud""t Nurses Associatio n. v. pres.; Resident
Sharon LH Layne - Searcy, AR. Social Wo rk . Alphil Deltil Mu; Dean's List;
Hot line staff ; Nat ional Associat ion of Christians in Social Work .
Rethl! Call Lumons - Camden, AR. Elementary Eduut ion. Om.ega Phi. sec.;
Kappa Tau Orneg. qu~n ; Student Nati onal Educat ion Associilhon.
Cheryl Jun Lewis - Little Rock , AR . Special Elementary Educa tion. Zetil Rho,
Def~~s\ift~eD~a~ft?~sS~~n~hCf~~~n~::n~ho~horale; King's Men queen;
Ted RHs Lloyd - Sea rcy, AR. Physicill Educa tion. Sub T-16, v. pres.; Alpha
Chi; C AT A beau; Sigma Phi Mu beau; Dean's List ; Intramurals, All-Star; Tennis; PEMM Club; SA Movie Committee; Student National Education Associil tion; Campu s Ministry teilm; Who's Who.
Seniors 141
Philip Germaine lockwood - Village , OK. Math and Physi<::al Science.
Koinonia, v. pres; Band, concert, marching. ritle, drill team; Campaigns, Iowa.
Jolayne loden - Pontotoc. MS . Accounting. Ju Go Ju, Irt'as.; Alpha Chi:
American Studies; Galaxy queen; Dean's List; Delta Mu Delia; Pi Gamma Psi.
David Thomas Long
Atlanta, GA. Management. Transfer from David
lipscomb College. Pi Kappa Epsilon, lTeas.; Big Brothers; Freshman dass offi~r; College Republicans. treas.; DramatiC5: Phi Beta Lambda; Society for the
Advancement of Management; SA JunIOr Class Repre5entallve; SA Home<:oming Committee; SA Physical Plant Colmmiltee, chainnan.
John David Long - Rolla, MO. Management. Beta Phi Kappa; Chorale; Kappa
Delta Kappa beau: Beta Tau Gamma beau; Society for the Advancement of
Franklin D . Lott - Searcy, AR. Bible.
Jimm y Carson Lovle - Dayton. OH. Bible and Missions. Sigma Tau Sigma: Big
Brothers: Campaigns, International: Dactylology Club: Dean's Ust: IntramurOils, jacket winner; KHCA staff; Timothy Club; World Mission Forum.
Grt'gory raul LuCOls - Dothan, AL. Music Education. Alpha Gamma Omt'ga:
Band, concert, marching. pep. stage: Chorale.
Vicki Ann Luna - Troy. IL. Art. Omega Phi; Art Guild, sec.; JOY: SA Advertising Committe.>:.
Undy Jan~ lunCfeford - Baton Rouge. LA. Business Systems Analysis. Kappa
Delta Kappa; Chamber Singers; Chorale; College Republicans: Data Processing
Management Association: Intramurals, All -Star; SoftbaH; lOY: Socilety for the
Advancement of Management.
Tuna Ann l yle - Nashvillt', TN. Special Education. Tofebt
Robert James lyon - Seymour, MO. Biology. Frater Sodalis, treas.; Big
Rona L. lyon - Tioga, LA. Speech.
Roger Kenneth Much - Grand junction. IA. Bible. Transfer from Iowa State
University. Beta Phi: Campaigns, Detroit, Utah, Iowa: Timothy Club.
Kenneth lames Machen - SlideH, LA. Marketing.
Etta Maur~n Madden· Uttle Rock, AR. English and Biology. Kappa Kappa
Kappa, treas., pres.: Alpha Chi; Bison staff. co-:editor. assistant editor; Campaigns. International; Dean's Ust; Harding Umverslty in Florence; Resident
Assistant; Sigma Tau Delta: SA Freshman Class Repr~ntative: SA Food ServiCi!s Committee. chairman; Who's Who.
Alison L. Mahoney - Raynham, MA. Office Systems. Transfer from Northeastern Christian College. Sigma Sigma Sigma Delta; American Studies: Delta Mu
Delta; JOY: Society for the Advancement of Management: Phi Beta Lambda.
Ronnie james Mandrt'li - judsonia, AR. Physical Education. Alpha Gamma
Omt'ga: TV 12.
Usa Diana Manns - Madison Heights, MI. Speech Pathology. Chi Lambda
Chi: Commonwealth Singers: Dactylology Club; Dean's list; Student Speech
and Hearing Association.
Gregory Ot:an Mangrum· Memphis, TN. Economics. Titans; Alpha Chi:
American Studies; Barristers; Ka Re Ta beau; Dean's Ust; rklta Mu Delta,
pres.; Phi Beta Lambda.
Erik Robert Mann - Dallas, TX. Lambda Sigma; College Republicans; Society
for the Advancement of Management.
Stanley w i Manning - Memphis, TN. Public Relations. Chorale; Chi Sigma
Alpha; Belles and Beaux.
Jeflny Earl Man!ur - Ozark, MO. Mass Communications. Transfer from
Southwest Missouri State University.
Pama Gail Manuel - New Iberia, LA. NursIng lu Go Ju Bi!oOn staff, reporter
Campaigns, Spring Break: College Republicans: HardIng Student Nurses Asso
ciation; JOY; SA Special Affairs Committee.
142 Seniors
David Edwin Miln - Memphis, TN. Marketing. Frater Sodalis. sec.; Dean"s
list; American Studies; Intramurals; Society for the Advancement of Management.
Kelly Lynn MiuHn - New Boston. TX. Management.
Kenneth Philip Martin - Roanoke. VA. Music Education.
Kevin Preston Martin - Bloommgton. IN. ChemIstry. Alpha Gamma Omega,
sec.; Alpha Chi; Campaigns, International; Dean's list; Pre-Med Club;
Outreach. v. pres.
Mary Frances Mattin - Orland Park, Il. English. CampaigM. Chicago, Spring
Break, Northwest; Dean's list; JOY; Resident Assistant; Sigma Tau Delta; SA
5&.; SA Sophomore Class representative; SA Spiritual Life Committee; Who's
Ronald &. Martin - Old Hickory, TN. Physical Education.
ThomOl5 C. Mil.tin - Vincennes. IN. Bible.
Too JeffNY Matlin - Houston, TX. Marketing. Beta Phi Kappa, sec.; American
Studies; Belles and Beaux; Campaigns. International; Chorale; Dean's list;
Delta Mu Delta; Society for the Advancement of Mangement.
Terry Lee M..,sey - San Antonio. TX. Accounting. Chi Sigma Alpha; American
Studies: Data Processing Management Association; Dean's list; Delta Mu
Delta; lntramurals; Swimming; Pi Gamma Psi.
Johnny Cl.. y M.. tlock - Lead Hill, AR. Music Education and Bible , Chi Sigma
Alpha; A Cappella, pres. , Men's ~semble; Belles and Beaux; Kappa Delta Pi;
Timothy Club; Troubadors.
The Orwellian Vision: Fact or Fiction
Certainly George Orwell never
imagined that his work, 1984,
would precipitate an extensive examination of modern society.
That the book stirred up such an
interest, thiry-five years after its
publication, is a tribute to the
genious of George OrWell and his
portrayal of a totalitarian state,
where the most serious crime of all
was to think the wrong thought.
The real question on everyone's
mind, however, was where do we
stand in comparison 1
The Orwellian vision unveils a
world in which censorship is the
rule rather than the exception.
The "Party" exercises total control
over every aspect of human existence. Any effort toward seeking
out privacy is considered subversive and the slightest deviation
from "Party" ideology meets with
a swift and brutal response. When
regular means of control fail,
brainwashing is used to return the
errant citizen to his "proper"
mind. The people in Orwell's
world are devoid of imagination,
spontaneity, dignity and even humanity. They have truly come to
believe the three "Party" slogans:
"War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery
and Ignorance is Strength."
Orwell has pictured nothing less
than the complete remaking of the
human personality and the horrifying part of the entire scenario is
that most of the people succumbed willingly.
Some expressed concern that
this present industrial age was rapidly approaching a situation like
the one described by Orwell. Mo-
dern nations, due to their complexity, were exercising more con trol over the lives of their citizens.
Mass media and mass advertising
were seen as potential tools for the
manipulation of multitudes of
people. Our confidence in technological progress caused some to
view man as little more than a cog
in a machine with no inherent
The vast majority of us believed
that we were nowhere near fulfillment of Orwell's nightmare
world. The freedom to control
our own destiny did not diminish.
At the same time , we recognized
that his warning could not be ignored. Our freedom and our integrity were maintained through
action, not apathy. Man, created
in the image of God, was a
creative being and the exercise of
the mind was the only way to
guard the human spirit from captivity. Diversity and imagination
overcame mass manipulation.
God made no two people alike
and he intended for us to be conformists only in the development
of a Christ-like spirit which would
overcome all things.
Whether we faced a bright
future or a dark one depended on
our ability to recognize that every
person has worth. Man was more
than an object to manipulate.
"And he said unto them, the Sabbath was made for man and not
man for the Sabbath." Mark 2:27
- Holly King
Steven M .. tthew5 - Memphis, TN, Marketing. Kappa Simga Kappa; Junior
Gass v. pres.; Phi Beta Lambda; Society for the Advancement of Management.
Rebe<:ca Mille Maupin - Daingerfield, TX. Acrounting. Transfer from Kelgore
College, GATA; A Cappella, Women's Ensemble; Alpha Chi; American
Studies; Delta Mu Delta; Dramatics; Forensics team; Pi Gamma Psi.
Richard Keith Mays - Milan, TN. Management. Theta Tau Delta; Tenni~;
Society for the Advancement of Management.
David N .. th .. n McCoy - Weirton, WV. Accounting. Transfer frem Ohio Valley
College. Alpha Omega; Pi Gamma Psi.
Todd AI .. n McCullough - Columbus, OH. Business Systems Analysis. Knights,
pres. ; American Studies; Data Processing Management Association; Dean's
list; Intramurals, AlI·Star. Sports Skills Champion; Phi Beta lambda.
Jimmy Dod,on McDowell-little Rock. AR. Biology. Kappa Sigma Kappa, v.
pres. ; Big Brothers; Sigma Sigma Sigma Delta beau; College Republicans;
Dean's list; Football; Pre-Dental Gub; Pre-Med Club.
Jeffry Stuart McGee - Dallas. TX. History and Computer Science. Chi Sigma
Alpha; A Cappella.
Jeriel Lee McGinness - Freep<:>rt. IL. Art Therapy. Alpha Omega; Art Guild,
pres.; Delta Chi Omega bfoau; Dactylology Gub; Kappa Pi; SA Advertising
V.. lerie Rene McHillnd - Memphis, TN. Business Systems Analysis. Sigma Phi
~:~etM~~h..~a~c~~:_iC~~~~~A.eAtc~~iiati.oT~a~is~:h:~ t!~as Tech
University. TNT; Alpha Chi; American Studies;1:ollege Republicans: Dean's
list; Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi, pres.; Phi Beta Lambda.
Seniors 143
Kevin Ray McKisson - Phoeni~ _ AZ. Business SystmlS Analysis. Transfer from
Northern Arilona University. Alpha Tau Epsilon; Data Procnsing Management Association; Society for the Advancment of Mangement.
laura l orrllltll' McKnight - Corpus Christi. TX . Nursing. Transl". from ~I
Mar College. Alpha Chi; IAan's list; Harding Student Nurses Association; Sig·
mil Theta Til u.
Randy Holmes McKnight - Humboldt, TN. Public Admi flistration. Gala)!;y.
!teas .. v, pres.; Amerian Studies; Barristers; Big Brothers; F~hman v, pres.;
College Republicans; Dean's List; intramura ls, All -Star; Resident Assistant .
Amy Kathl« n Mclain - Glendale. AZ. Fashion Merchandising. Regina; A Cappella; Arkansas Home Econom ics A»ocialion. treas.; Campaigns, [n temalional; Society for the Advanct'ment of Management ; SA Spiritual Ufe Committee.
Donilld Rtx Md.ilughlin - Portland. OR. T ransfer from Columbia Christian
CoUpSe. Knights; Campaigns, Northeast; Dean's list; SA Spiritual lift Committee; Timothy Club.
All smiles, Scm'lett Davis and Kim
Wells pose for a picture after t./le
December CO HlII!enCemellt exercises.
- P.. blic Relations Office
144 Seniors
Anne Marie McPike - Judah, IN. Accounting. Theta Psi, pres., tn·as.;
American Studies; Campaigns, Australia; Alpha Gamma Omega queen; Data
Processmg Management Association; Dean's Ust; Delta Mu lJi>ita; JOY; PI
Gamma Psi; Resident Assistant; Society for the Advancement of Management;
Alpha Chi.
Jeffr~ Dun Me;ad - laGrange, IN. History. Transfer from Abilene Christian
University. American Studies; Campaigns, International; Dean's list; Phi
Alpha Theta.
William Kent Muns - Mount Dora. FL. Economics. Transfer from David Lipscomb College. Galaxy; Dean's list; Intramurals; Pi Gamma Psi; Phi Beta
lambda; S€-nior Class representat ive; SA Special Projeds Committee.
Melinda 10 Medlin - Kaufman, TX. Nursing. Shantih. se<:.; Dean's list; Harding
Student Nurses Association; SA Spiritual Life Committee; University Singers;
University Women Singers.
Owijht A. Mel~n - Norcross, GA. Management. Titans, treas.; American
Studies; Alpha Chi; Barristers; College Republicans; Dt-an's List; Dt-Ita Mu
Dt-Ita; Phi Beta Lambda; SOCIety for the Advancement of Management; SA
Academic Affairs Committee.
Lolita Elise Meredith - Augusta, AR. English. Tofebt. treas ., pres.; Alpha Chi;
Campaigns, Spring Break; Frater Sodalis queen; Dt-an's List; Kappa Dt-Ita Pi;
Sigma Tau Dt-Ita.
Judy Ann Merrill - Scarborough, ME . Office Systems. OEGE; JOY.
Molly Mertz - Ponca City, OK . Nursing. Harding Student Nurses Association;
Sigma Theta Tau
Edmund Campion Metcalfe - Bridgewater, NJ. Chemistry and Accounting.
Alpha Chi.
Susan Dianne Mdz - London, AR~ Accounting. Phi Dt-Ita; American Studies:
Campaigns, Stepping Out; Frater Sodalis queen; Pi Gamma Psi.
Fortune Solani Mhlanga - Granborne Park,S Zimbabwe. Computer Scienct'.
Deborrah Lynn Mi lhorn - Williamstown, WV. Art.
Amy Genese Miller - Milford, NE. Art. Transfer from York College. Theta
Alpha Gamma; Alpha Chi: Dt-an's List; Kappa Pi; Timothy Club.
Andrew Kralg Miller - Elgin, IL. Biblical Languages. TNT; Campaigns, International; Dt-an's List; Timothy Club.
Bryan Gayle Miller - York. NE. Bible. Transfer from York College. Theta
Alpha Gamma; Alpha Chi; Dt-an's Ust; Timothy Club.
John Howard Miller - Memphis, TN. Management. Frater SOOalis, treas., v.
pres .. pres.; Big Brothers; Intramurals: Society for the Advancement of
Management; SA Spiritual Life CommIttee.
Michael DeWayne Miller· Beavercreek, OH. Marketing. Sigma Tau Sigma,
pres.; American Studies; Bison stafL reporter; Cam paigns. May; Kappa Dt-Ita
Kappa beau; Dean's Ust; Dt-Ita Mu Delta; Intramurals, All-Star, jacket winner;
Phi Beta Lambda; Resident Assistant; Society for the Advancement of Management; Troubadors.
Norman Brian Miller· Daingerfield, TX. Bible.
Timothy Alan Miller - Gainesville, FL. Psychology. Alpha Chi; Campaigns,
May; Beta Tau Gamma; Dean's Ust; Intramurals.
Carlon S. Mills - Seabrook, MD. Speech Therapy. Chi Sigma Alpha; Chorale;
Chi Lambda Chi beau; College Republicans; Dean'~ List; Intramurals; Kappa
Delta Pi; Student Speech and Hearing Association.
Tonya Rene Mitchell - Holly Springs, MS. History. Beta Tau Gamma, treas.;
Alpha Chi; American Studies; Barristers, v. pres.; Dean's List; Phi Alpha
Theta; Pi Sigma Alpha; Spanish Club; SA Special Projects Committee; Who's
Dennis Molnar - Valley View, OH. Bible and Accounting.
CluK Steven Mondich • Ketchikan, AK. Management.
Robert Benjamin Moore - Clarksburg, WV. Marketing.
Ronald Scott Moore - Dallas. TX. Business Systems Analysis. Kappa Sigma
Kappa ; Sigma Phi Mu beau; Data Processing Management Association; lntramurals; FootbaH; Searcy Steel Socct'r team, captain.
Phillip Eu~ne Morri s - Greenfield. IN. History. Delta Omega. v. pres., sec.;
American Studies; Campaigns, French: Chamber Singers; Choral<!; Phi Alpha
Unda Gall Morrow - College Park. GA. Art. Shantih; Art Guild.
Janet Renee Morthole - Fort Collins, CO. BU5iness Systems Analysis. Omega
Phi, v . pres.; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Data Processing Management
Association: Dean'S Lis>; Dramatics; Intramurals; Phi Beta Lambda; Dt-Ita Mu
Gina Rlnee Morton - Miami, FL Bementary Education. Ju Go Ju; Buccaneers
queen; Dean's List; Homecoming Queen Attendant; May Queen Attendant:
Student National Education Association.
Mary Catherine Moss - Fort Smith, AR. Art. Transfer from Westark Community College. Kirei Na Ai; Art Guild; Campus Players; Ochestra; Resident Assistant.
Judy Leigh Mount - Bay St. Louis, FL. Elementary Education.
Debon.h Ann Muhlenbeck - Melbourne, FL. Accounting. OEGE; American
Studies; Campaigns, Spring Break; College Republicans; Dean's List; Pi Gamma Psi; Phi Beta Lambda; SA Special Projects Committee.
Lisa Gayt Muirhead - Vicksburg, MS. Marketing. Transfer from Northeast
Louisiana University. GATA; Dean's List; Society for the Advancement of
OQrah Mukupa - Kalomo. Zambia. Medical Technology.
Steven Douglu Myer - Philadelphia, PA. Accounting. Sub T-16, v. pres.; College Republicans; Intramurals, All -Star; Pi Gamma Psi; Society for the Advancement of Management; SA Student Affairs Committee.
Seniors 145
lisa Michele Negu - Marietta, GA. Physical Education. Transfer from David
Lipscomb College. ,zeta Rho. sec.; JOY; Pelit Jea n staff, section editor; PEMM
Club; SA AdverhSmg Commi ttee.
Jerry AI.. n Neil - Liverpool, NY. Bible and French. Chi Sigma Alpha; Campaigns, French; Chi Alpha Rho beau; Dean's List; French Club; Intramurals;
Timothy Club; Alpha Chi.
Sabren.. [}tonu Nelwn - Florissant. MO. Art.
Tanya Lee Newell- Oak Grove, LA. Accounting. Theta Psi, $«. , !Teas.; Alpha
Chi; American Studi"; BU5in~ learn; Dean's UsI; Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma
Psi; Phi Bet.. umbda. tTeas.; Neal Accounting Scholar$hip, Junior Accounting
Billy Jack Nichols - Sterling Heights. MI. Computer Science.
Robert Henard Nichols Jr . - West Memphis. AR. Marketing. Kappa Sigma Kap pa, v. pres., prn.; American Studies; Kappa Kappa Kappa beau; Dean's List;
Delta Mu Delta; Intramurals; Phi Beta Lambda; Society for the Advancement
of Management; SA Sp«ial Projt<ts Commitee.
Marty Waymo Ni~mire - Salem, AR. Elementary Education.
Jo Eilen Noland - Tinto n Falls, NJ . Mass Communications. Regina ; A Cappella;
Alpha Chi; Campaigns, Italian; Campus Players; Dean's List ; Dramatics; Harding University in Rorence; KHCA staff.
Mike W. Nonnenmacher - Ann Arbor, MI. Manag~t.
Kyle Lynn North am - lexingt on, Sc. English.
Jacqueline Renee Northcut • Chattanooga, TN. Accounting. Regina. treas.;
American Studies; Dean's List; Pi Gamma Psi; Spring Sing Production Assistant.
Nancy Ann No rwood - Searcy, AR. Elementary Education . Ju Go Ju; Dean's
List; IntramuTals; Kappa Delta Pi; Student National Education Association.
Ronald Edward Norwood - Cheyenne. WY. Computer Information Systems.
King's Men; American Studin; Bison staff, dept. editor; Campaigns, Northwest; Data Processing Managemt'nt Association, prn.; Dean's Ust ; Delta Mu
Delta; Intramural" Phi Beta Lambda; Timothy Gub.
Charln Stanley Nut! • lilburn. GA . Math and C;:omputer Science. Galaxy;
Campaigns, May; Dean's Ust ; Intramurals.
Dawn Marie Ochodnicky - Taylorville, Il. EJementary Educa tion. Delta Chi
Omega; Band. concert, marching; Cilmpaigns, Global. Northeast, Southeast.
Lisa Fay Oglesby - Covington. LA. Marketing.
Michelle Lynn O lree - Memphis. TN. Computer Science. Omega Phi; Alpha
Chi; Dean's list; Intumurals. AlI·Star, jacket winner; Softball; Volleyball;
JOY; Resident Assistant ; Who's Who.
u.rl l. O'Nea.! - Conyers, GA. Social Science.
Keith Ann O'Neal - Conyers , GA. Art. Tra nsfer from Va ldosta State College.
Art Guild. v. pres.; Dean's List ; Harding University in Ro~nCt' ; Kappa Pi.
b":!id BruCt' Owens · Fayetteville. NY. Bible. Transfer from Northeastern
Christian Junior College. Chi Sigma Alpha; Alpha Chi ; Dean's list; Timothy
James Welton Owe n, - Fo ri Worth , T X. Business Systems Analysis. Alpha
Gamma Omega; Amnican Studies; Doita Processing Management Association;
Society for the AdvanCt'TJlt'nt o f Management.
Loreta Alafou Paletasall. - Sailele, Pago Pago. American Samoa. Business
Education. Campaigns. International, Spring Break; Delta Mu Delta; Intramur0115; Kappa Delta Pi.
David Walter Parker - Memphis, TN. Business Systems Analysis.
Mark Austin Parkey - Jac;kson, TN. Accounting. TNT, v. pres., sec. ; American
Studies; Zeta Rho ~au ; College Bowl team; Dean's list; Delta Mu Delta; Intramurals; Pi Gamma Psi: Society for the Advancement of Management.
Mary Naomi Patrick - Cave City. AR. Nu~ing.
Michu l J. Patterson - Royse City. TX. Social Work. King's Men; National
Association of Christians in Social Work.
Ronald Grey Patterson - Baton Rouge , LA. Business Systems Analysis.
C harlts Richard Patton - Paris, TN. Psychology. Betil Phi Kappa ; Dean's List;
P§i Chi; SA Spec1al Projt<ts Committee; SA Elt<tions Committee.
Jam" Stephen Payne - South Poine OH. Business Systems Analysis. Transfer
from Marshal! Unive~ity. Galaxy; Dean's list; Intramurals; Resident Assistant.
Stephen Alvin Pearce ' Greenfield. MO. Bible.
Diane R. Pearson - Harrison, AR. Eit'lllt'lltary Education. Ka Re Ta, sec. ; Cam·
paigns, Spring Break; Vo lleyball; Student Nationill Education Association.
Glenda Nyleen Pearson · Searcy, AR. Business Systems Analysis and Art.
Bennie Dayle Peek - San Angelo, TX. Bible. Alpha Gamma Omega; Al pha Chi;
Campaigns, May; Chi Lambda Chi beau; Dean's li~t; Psi Chi; Resident Assistant; Timothy Club,
Anne Marie Petne • Aurora. CO. Elementary Educa tion.
Franklin DeWayne Pettie - Marvell, AR. Business Systems Analysis. Sub T-16;
American Studies: Data Processing Management Association; Dean's list;
Delta Mu Delta.
]46 Seniors
Carla Oet Ph~l ps • West Covina. CA. Biology.
Douglas Press Phillips - Memphis, TN. Comput~r Science. King's M~n; Dilta
Proces.sing Managem~nt Association; Dean's list; Intramurals; Soci~ty for the
Advilnc~m~nl of Managtmtnl; Starcy Stetl Socctr Club.
Paul Micbo-I Pi~rCl! • Nashville, TN. Accounting. Transfer form David
Upscomb Collegt. Knights, v. pres.; Alpha Chi; American Studil"'>; Dean'~ Ust ;
Delta Mu [klta; lntramurals; Pi Gamma P~i.
Tyonia Lynn Pipkin - Cabot, AR. Marketing. Sigma Phi Mu, treas.; Data Proces.sing Management Assocation; Dean's list ; Phi Beta Lambda..
Cathy Ann P~ - Longview. TX , Accounting. Transfer from Ki\xore Jr. College. American Studies; Dean's Ust; [klta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi.
Debra Denise Po~ - Irving. TX, Special Education. Sigma Phi Mu; Dean's list;
Kappa Delta Pi.
Anita An n Port er - Hopi", AR. Accounting. SIgma Phi Mu. treas., v. pres ..
pres. ; Dean's list; Pi Gamma psi; Society for the Advancement of Management.
Gregory Scott Poston - Memphis. TN. Businl"'>s Systems Analysis.
T~rry Lynn Potier - Coru nna , MI. Art. Transfer from Michigan Christian College. Regina : A Ca ppella; Art Guild; Campaigns. French: Harding University in
Robbi~ AlIison Powell - M~~hisfTN . Special Education. Chi lambda Chi;
~~~~ r5e~i~,~i.~s~; ~~~~t'Nat~~~a\ldu~:~o~oZ~~~i~~orp5;
Mich.a~1 H~nry POWUf ' Chester, VA. Bible and Psychology. Alpha Omega;
Cenark Student Grotto; Dean's Usl; Intramurals, All Star; Psi Chi; Timolhy
Charies Gr~ Prahl - Lufkin , TX. Marktting.
Keith Justi«: Prather - Tucker, G A. Management.
Debra Ann Prall ' Quincy, IL. Elementary Education. Tofebt; JOY.
Sus;on Renaf Pre.tidge · Jonesboro, AR. Elementary Education. Phi [klta, sec.;
Dean's list; Student National Education Associa tion.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Well here I sit in my dorm room again. I just realized its 70
more days till graduation, not that I'm counting.
This semester in chapel I si t by a real cute girl but I don't think
her dipstick is quite touching her oiL I asked her the other day
w hat she thought of Searcy since she was from a large city. She
said "Searcy who 7"
While I'm on the subject of chapel, yes, the singing is still a little
different. Yesterday we sang the first verse folllowed by the
fourth verse with out the chorus and then we sang the first three
measures of the second ve rse fo ll owed by the chorus sung two
Dr. Ganus hasn't given his hi -annual speech yet on how much
we are going to miss chapel when we leave here. I've decided that
I'm going to miss chapel as much as possible now. Why wa it till
I don't believe they have the same kind of grass that we have
back home. They seem to think that watering the sidewalks next
to it helps it grow, especiall y when its raining.
Speaking of the rain , it has rained here for the past two weeks. I
lost my umbrella the other morning. That same afternoon I
though t I saw someone else wi th it. So I yelled , "Drop my umbrella! " Sixteen people dropped theirs.
Last guys do finish last in the cafeteria line , The food is st ill
pretty crumm y. Of course, I don 't think it was hard for the state
health department to approve it considering the state mascot is a
Oh, by the way, could you send me some money for some new
clothes. I ruined two more shirts yesterday in the dryer. It seems
the only settings they have are well -done, charcoaled or burned.
I think I finally figurd out why Hardings motto is "Educating
for an Eternity," There is a guy in my club that has been here for
seven years.
Guess I better sign off for now. Love you both.
Your Son
J. Pruitt - Judsonia. AR . Public Administration. Alpha Chi; Dean's list:
Pi Sigma Alpha.
Alan N~al~ Pryor - Starcy. AR. Computer Science. Sub T-16: A Cappella:
Campaigns, Spring Break, International; Dati Processing Management
AS$OCiation: Dean's List; Harding University in Florence: ln tramurals. All Star:
Crl)5S Coun try; Who's Who.
TrfVa Pryor· Starcy, AR . Elementary Education.
Timothy james Pugh - Vienna. WV. Marketing. Transfer from Ohio Valley
College. Theta Tau Delta: Intramurals; Society for the Advancement of Man·
The idea and so rn e of tile co ntent of the letter carne frorn a speech giverl
by David Garver in chapel 011 February 9, 1981,
Seniors 147
~~~1~~S~~:::=iIo;i~~dison . IN. Nursing. Chi lambda Chi; Harding
Robert W.lyne
bu~g C?m~umIY
. Pihville. KY. Man~ment. T ransf"r from PrntonsCollege: Band, Concert; College R"public.. ru; Harding
Aorenct; Society for the Advan«mf'nl of Management
Robyn IGmberly RaMO m - Coshocton, OH. Vocationa l Home Ec~nom ics.
Rfosma , 5«.; ArkalUils Home EconomiC$ hsociiltion. pre." ~IIH and 8eiluxChoTale; Dran's Ust; Dietetics; Drilmatics; JOY; SA Food Services. chainnan :
Student Nati ona l Education Associ~ti~m; Smior Rrpr~tillive Homecomin8
C?U~I; May ~Ie queen; Campu~ Ministry team; Voiuntffrs in Service of AdmiSSions; Who's Wh o; Regina Spirit Award.
~Or8t ~imm~ Rawli.n' Clarksville, TN. Economics. Theta Tau Delta : Amer.can Studies; Sigma S,sma SIgma Delta beilu; Dean's list ; Intramurals: Society
for the Adv~ncement of M~n~gement.
Willl~m E. Re .. dy - Blountville. TN. Chemistry. Omega Phi beau ; Dean's Us!'
Intr~mur~l s; SA Academic Aff~is Committee.
"In the foothills of the Ozarks, ' near to Petit Jean
What is in a Name?
Those words sou nd almost familiar, since they are almost the
wo rds to Harding's alma mater.
Actua ll y, they are the original
words writen when the school was
located in Morrilton.
From the campus in Morrilton ,
now the site of Southern Christian
Home , the most prominent feature of the landscape was Petit
Jean Mou nt ain. It dominated the
landscape there and lent its name
to the first yearbook published by
Harding. The Petit Jean still owes
its name to a mountain that is now
miles from the Searcy campus.
How the mountain got its name
is another story. There are several
legends concern ing the mountain.
In a book let entit led "A Place
Called Petit Jean," Dr. W.T. Har-
dison relates some o f them.
The most prevalent concerns a
"Yentl " -l ike story. A French
nobleman named Chave t wanted
to explore the New World , and especia ll y the Louisiana Territo ry.
He refused to take his fiancee
along because of the dangers, but
she disquised herself as a cabin
boy and sailed with him. She ca ll ed ·herself "Jean, " the French word
for "John ," and the sai lers called
her "Pe tit Jean" because of her
small (for a man)) size.
Arriving in the territory aft er a
journey across the ocean, Gul f of
Mexico and Mississippi and Arkansas River , the crew of the ship
were recieved warm ly by the Indians who lived there . The crew
spent several months on the
Darlent CaillU~v" - ~ills?oro, MO. Elementary Education . Chi Alpha Rho.
pres.; A1ph~ Chi; Dean s List; lntr.. murals, All-Star; Volleyball ; Kloppa Delt~
Pi . sec.; Resident Assistant; Who's Who.
Cynthi.. Jilne Redmiln - Rockport. TX. Social Work.
john Drennen Reece · Exton, PA. Accounting. Titans; Track, A11 -Americ~n ; Pi
G .. mma Psi.
Kristel Dawn Reed - Broken Arrow, OK. Elementary Education. atta Tau
C:amma ; Alpha Chi; C~r:':r.aigns , Ut~h; Koinonia queen; Conquerors; Dean's
List ; Kappa Delta P,; Resl ent AsSistant; Student National Education Associ .. •
l!H G . . Reed : Russellville. AR. Music Education ~nd Physical Education.
Sigma Sigma SIgm ~ ~ha; Ban.d, Concert. Marching, Pep, Stage; Dean's list;
Intramurals, AIl·Star, Jacket Winner, Athlete of the Ye~r; Kappa Delta Pi; Or·
chestra .
TtrtH Arlene Reeh· Shreveport , LA Physical Educ~tion. Ka Re Ta; lntramur·
OIls, All -Star; Softball ; Cross Country; PEMM Club.
Robert H. Reely , Se~rcy, AR. Music Education. Chi Sigma Alph~ ; Alph~ Chi;
Band, !reas., Concert, M~rching . Pep, Stage; Campaigns. May; Chamber Singers; C hor~le , v. pres. ; De~n 's list; Kappa Delta Pi; Troubadors; E.B. &agget!
Memoria l Scholarship; Who's Who.
~rrek Rene - New Orleans. lAo Soci.. 1 Work. Transfer from Truett
McConnell ; Big Brothers; Camp",igns. Spring Break; Hot Une staff; Nation~l
As5ociation of Chri,tians in Social Work, treas.; N~tional As.sociation of Social
Tonit .. lantt!t Rqier - ~ork . NE. Vocational Home Economics. Transfer from
Yor.k College. Alph~ C~I ; Arkansas Home Economics Association; Campaigns.
Spnng Break; Dean 5 Ust; JOY; Student N.. tional Education Association.
M. Ellen Reid · Sugar Land, TX . Management. Zet~ Rho ; American Studies'
College Republ icans; Economics team; Harding University in Florence; Phi 8et~
lambda, pm.; State public Relations Dirrctor, National President; Society for
the Advancement of Management; SA junior CI",ss Representative ' Who's
Who; Thet~ T~u quet'n .
Pam Jnn Reinhart . S~cramento, CA. Art. Kappa Phi ; Art Guild .
Ta~i~ . Rhineh .. rt - Silver Spring, MD. Advertising. Transfer from Oklahoma
Christian College. G~ta; Petit jnn staff; Public Rel .. tions Student Society of
America; TV12, co-director.
Janell e Ma!Je Rh~es . Raytown, MO, Spedal and Elementary Education.
~tga PhI; Dean s l ist; JOY; Kappa Delta Pi; Resident Assist~nt; University
~bbi Dee Richards · Pottstown, PA. French and Music. Regin~, treas.; A Ca ppella;, Ba.nd. sec., Concert. Marching, Pep. Stage; Commonwe~lth Singers;
De~n s list ; French Club, sec.; Kappa Delta Pi; Orchestra; Bell Canto.
Steven Earle Richards ~ Kenilworth , PA. Music Education . Sigm~ Tau Sigma;
B~nd , Concert. Marching, Pep. Stage; Chorale; Dramatics; lntramurals' Or·
ches tra; Outst~ nding Freshman S.. nd Award.
148 Seniors
mountain and then prepared to return to France . Among other
things, Chavet wan ted to marry
his fiancee since he was still unaware that she was wi th them and
returned to the new count ry.
Petit Jean became ill just before
the trip. The ship's departure was
postponed and in the course of
Petit Jean 's illness, her true identity was revealed . Having nothing
more to hide, she asked only to be
taken back up to the top o f the
beautiful mountain to spend tha
last hours of her life .
She died that night at sundown
and was buried on the mountain
which she loved and to which she
gave her name.
If6 - Mi chael Corrigall
J '
Viewed from the sou/I! ballk of Ilu'
Arkallsas Riv er, Pelit leall M Olmlm'1I
is silllO lJetted by tire atlem ooll SUi l ml
a lJazy November day.
Lynett~ Ri, h~ rd so n - Jay , OK . Psychology .
Ro bert Andrew Ritchie · Canterbury. NH . Public Relations. Chi Sigma Alph .. ;
A Cappella; Band, Concert. Marching , Pep; Biso n staff. reporter, columnist;
Chamber $ingl!rs; Cho rale; KiTe; Na Ai beau; Dramatics; Swimming; KHCA
staff; Public Relations Student Society of America; Resident Assistant; SA
Movie CommiU~ ; Tro ubadors; TV12. director of programming and editing.
Ro~m;lITy Rit chie - Mons. Belgium . English. Kite;; Bel Canto; Chi Sigma Alp.h.
qu~n ; Comm.mwealth Singers; Dilclyl ology Club; May Queen Attendant
J....nol' Mau reen Roberts - Cainsvill.., Flo Dietetics. Ko Jo Kai , v. pres .. sec .;
Arkansas Home Economi cs AS$OCiatio n; Dietetics; JOY; Peti t Jun staff.
photogupher .
Karin .. Da wn Robinson - Pao li. PA Religious Edu<:ation. T .ansler Irom Northeastern Christian Junior Colleg~ .
J~ Ffr~y
Robinson - Narcross , GA. Biology. Track
Jerry u. wre nc~ Roe - Kansas City, MO. Business Systems Analysis. Titans,
sec .; Ameri can Studiei; Data Processing Management Association; Dt-an's List.
Edg;u lewis Rogus - Piggott , AR. Bibl~ . Knights ; Big Brothers; C .. mpaign s,
Northeast ; Toffbt beau ; Conquerors; Residfnt Assistant
""Uy Dawn Rogtrs - Pocahontas. AR , Nursing. Alpha Chi; Dl-an's List ; Hard ing Students' Nu rses Association; Sigma Theta Tau.
M;o.rk Da vid ROSH. - ~rmant own . TN, PhysiC;lI Education. Theta Tau Delta ;
Intramurals , All-Star; B;o.sketball Manager.
Kelli Dawn Rowland _ Rhome, TX . Marketing. OEGE. sec. ; American Studies;
King's Men queen ; Co ll~ge R~publicans; Dean's List ; Campaigns, International ;
JOY; P~tit Jun staff. photographer; Phi Beta Lambda ; Society for the . Advanc~­
ment of Management ; SA Senior Class Represen tative; Who's 'vVho
Palrick Lee Rudd ick - Nwsho, MO , Physical Educa tion . Kappa Sigma Kappa;
Football; Track; PEMM Club.
Ginger Mard ell Hu sh - ~deville. AR. Missions.
CharJ u Michae l Rushing - Burnsville, MS. Managem~nt. TNT; Campa igns,
Iial ian ; Drama tics; Harding University in Florence.
Kathry n Marie Russell - Jonesboro , GA. Elementary Education. OEGE; Dean's
List; Intramurals: Kappa Delta Pi.
Bennett Ad; Rye - Clarksville, TN. ~!"eral Science . Time of Day .
Connie Michelle »nder$ - Williford, AR . Fashio n Merchandising . Kappa Dl-lta
Kappa; Campaigns, Iowa : [)ran's List ; Ha rding University in Florenc~: Arkan S<lS Home Eco nomics Associat ion.
Terry Raymond Sa nde rs - Camden , AR . Management. Knights, pres.; Beta Tau
G .. mma be.. u; Intramurals; Societ y for the Advancemenl of Managemenl ; SA
Mo vie Comm i tt~ .
John Melvin Sa nso m - Pensacola, Flo Accounting . Transfer from Cumberland
College. Galaxy; American Studies; Dean's list ; Delta Mu Dl-Ita : Economics
team: !ntramurals; [' i Gamma Psi, v. pres, ; Who's Who; Al p ha Chi.
M;o.ry Loi~ Sa ul _ DeValls Bluff. AR. Accounting . Thet a Psi. treas .. v, pres. ;
Americ~n Studies; Data Processing Management Association; Dea n's List: Dt-lta Mu Delta ; Pi Gamma Psi
Jay Dee Savage - Emory, TX . Marketing. TNT; American Studies; Chi Lambda
Chi beau; Dean's list ; Intramurals; Swim team; SA Spi ritual life Committee;
Direclor of Lily Pool Devotional; Campus Ministry team; Wh o's Who.
Timoth y Raymo nd Sco tt - Kotzebue, AK . Physic~ l Education . Cro5s Country;
PEMM Club: Pi Kappa Delta .
Ron~Jd Scott SuI - E. Prairie. MO , Business Systems Analysis.
Sen iors 149
Ann Ha rdi", Sun - Webster G roves, MO. Biology. Zeta Rho; Campus Pla yers; Dean's list ; Dramatics; IntTamurals; Cross Country; Bicycling Club. 5« .
Oebbit Sue Sh. nklt - Morrilton, AR. Art.
David Henry Shet ler - Mc Rae. AR. Physical Educiltion.
Cynthia Otn'5e Shawtn - Stanberry , MO. Vocational Home Eco nomics.
Transfer from York Calif'S\'. Alpha Chi; Arkan!;3s Home Economics Association : Campaign s, Iowa; Dean's list; N~tional Education Associatiol'l .
Don Keith Shumate - Ml'mph is. TN. Marketing.
Ray ton Rn 5ianj;na • Kalomo. Zambia. English. Alpha Gamma Omega .
Edwin Reid Simm ons - Searcy, AR. Physical Ed ucation and Soclill Science.
Transfer from Universi ty of Central Ar kansas. Buccanl'\'rs; Inlramurals. AlI Star; PEMM Club; Student National Education Association.
Michael Sh~nnon Si mp,on - Corning, AR. Management. Alpha Tau Epsilon;
Ameri can Studies; Dean's li5t ; Delta Mu Delta; Society for the Advan cement
of Management .
Jeffrey Euel Sissom - Mem phi s. TN. Accounting. Kapp~ Sigma Kapp~ ; Ameri can Studies; Big Bro thers; Campaigns, lnternation~l , May; K~ppa Kappa Kappa beau; Intramurals, All -Star; Pi C~mma Psi.
Jimm y C. Sitts - little Rock, AR. Bible . K~ppa Sigm~ Kappa; Kappa Kappa
Kappa beau; Dean's list; Footb~ll ; Baseb~ll ; Kappa Delta Pi ; PEMM Club; SA
Spiritual life Committee; Timothy Club; Campus Ministry team .
KI mbe rl y Ann Sitln - West Chicago, IL. Computer Information Systems. Kire;
Na Ai. pres., !reas.; Data Processing Management Associat ion; Intramural,;
Society for the Advan~ment of Managt'menL
Donn~ Michelle Slack - Chattanooga, TN. Elemen tary Education. A Ca ppella,
Women's Ensemble; Alpha Chi; American College Theater Festival ; Campaigns, International; Dean's list; Dramatics; Kappil Delta Pi.
Kenneth OurHI Stmlser - Tusc~loosa , AL. Ma nagement. TNT; Intramurals;
Society for the Advancement of Mangement; SA Student Activity Commi ttee ,
C~ rol J uanit~ Smi th - Broomall, PA . Mathema tics. Transfer from Cl<I!laware
County Community College. Delta Chi Omega ; Alpha Omega queen; Dean',
list ; May Queen Attendant.
Charles Dwig ht Smith - Tabernacle, NJ. PhY5icai Education. King ', Men; A
Cappella , Campaigns, England; Intramurals, jacket winner; Football ; PEMM
D~ v ld An tho ny Smith - ~arcy, AR. History and Political Science. Sigma Tau
Sigma, sec. ; Alpha Chi; American Studies; C~m pa igns, Northeast ; Dean's List;
Dramatic,; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Al pha Theta; Pi Sigma Alpha; Residen t Assistant ; Sigma Ta ... Delta; SA Academic Affairs Committee; Young Democrats;
Wh o's Who .
David Jay Smi th - Cla rion , PA. Accounting
AOld LH Smit h - Marvrll, AR. Computer Information Systems. Transfer from
Phi lip County Collegr. Data Processing Management Association; Bashtball .
J~mes Bri~ n Smit h - Thousand Oaks, CA. Bible. Conq ... erors; Timothy Cl ... b.
J~net E1iz~ beth Smith - Colville. WA. Accounting. T ransfer from Spokane Falls
Community College. Campaigns, Northwest ; Delta M ... Delta; Pi Gamma Psi,
/effu), Todd Smi th - Greenwood. MS_ Public Relati ons and Management.
Transfer from ~lta State University. Big Brothers; Bison $taff. N!porter; Campaigns, Iowa; College Republicans; Commonwulth Singers; Dean's List;
KHCA staff; Public Relations Student Society of America. pres .; Society for the
Advancement of Mangement ; SA Campus Research Committee, chairman;
Troubadors; Ph, Mu Alpha; RenaIssance; Delta Modek
Ll oyd LH Smi th - Marvell, AR. System Analyst. T ransfer from Phillips Community College . Data Processing Management Association ; Bask.etball.
Mark Will iam Smi th - Rochester. MI. Manjement. Lambda Sigma; Kappa Phi,
beau; College Rep ... blicans; Intramurals, AI -Star; Society for the Advancement
of Management.
Rodn ey J, Smith - Clinton, AR. Math.
Tammy I~y n f Smith - Pierceton, IN. Accoun ting. Beta Ta u Gamma, v. pres. ,
Ireas.; Alpha Chi ; American St ... dies; Dean's List; Delta Mu Delt a; Intramurals;
Pi Gamma Psi. treas.
Tracy C~r t tr Smith - Atlanta, CA . Elementary Education . Transfer from David
Lipscomb College. Sigma Sigma Sigma Delta; Dilctylology Club; Student Na tional Education Associat ion.
Tarena Ranu Snider - Metamora. Ml. Speciil l and Elementary Educa tiol\, Ka
Re Ta .
Daryl Gene Soul« - Anchorage , AK . PhY$icil l Education.
Rochelle Lynn Spe ncu - Mt . Clemens. Ml. Nursing .
Angela ~nise Spoto - Miami, Fl. Spec:iill Education .
Kl thtine Lynn Stafford - Texarkana, TX. Elemen ta ry Education. Transfer from
Texark.ana Junior College. Shantih; Kappa Delta Pi.
Kelly /imi ne Stanger - Livonia, MI. Speech Pa thology . Transfer from Michigan
Christian College. Kirei Na Ai
Joyce Steven, - Bennington, vr. Sociology .
Scott P~u l Ste vens - Malvern, PA. Business Systems Ana lysis.
I~cob Stanley Stewart 11 - Fort Pierce, FL. Comp ... te r Science. Transfer from Indian River Co mmunity College. King's Men, treas.; College Bowl team; Da ta
Processi ng Managem~nt Association; Dea n's list ; Intramurals; Society for the
Advan cement of Management; SA Elections CommIttee.
A Book To Live By; To Share
If we took a poll, I wonder exactly how many of us would be found to
study our Bibles daily. Oh, I know we attend church services regularly and
go to Bible class, but how often do we just spend time reading a few verses,
meditate on their meaning , and then fit that meaning into our personality. I
have a feeling that those who do not study daily would be the majority and
I'm afraid I am included with them.
We all know someone whom we think has it "all together ." He or she
seems to go from one day to the next keeping up with his studies, making
A's and B's, he looks nice in everything he wears, he is always happy
everyone likes to be with him; no matter what he is involved in he does it
right . Even when he makes a mistake, he does it perfectly. We usually wish
we could be like that person.
Well, even though he has a great personality, we know down deep inside
that he has problems, and gets depressed, and has normal human
weaknesses. We shouldn't feel inadequate when we are around him.
We should think about the personality that we want to acquire. We need
to recognize our strengths and weaknesses and begin to build on ourselves
daily . By reading the Bible daily and applying its messages we can become
the person and the Christian that we want to be.
Some of the more basic virtues that we should strive for are patience, understanding, and friendliness. Oftentimes, we say things before we think
about what we're saying. This year more than,in any of my previous three
years in college, I have noticed many people with sharp tongues. They just
make cruel sarcastic remarks that make the other person feel really stupid.
They are nosing into something that is really none of their business and in
effect, they are the stupid one.
We live in a world that revolves on stereotypes. When we get caught up
in that world, we forget about individuals and real feelings. Patience,
understanding, and friendliness are not represented by a sharp tongue.
Understanding is when one tries to put himself in the other person's
shoes, and really tries to see how in those given circumstances he would
react. Patience is when one tries to follow the other person through an exI
perience and even though he may know that the other is not doing exactly
the right thing, he lets him learn on his own. He cares through prayer and
support but he does not crucify. Friendliness is when one shows respect for
the other and shows admiration for him through good times and bad.
Many complain about having Bible classes every semester and act · as
though it is really a burden to their schedule. But if we would be truthful
with ourselves as well as with others, we would recognize how much good
these classes do for our lives. I don't think that I really understand everything that was involved in Christ's death until I had a great teacher like
Avon Malone for "The Gospel of John. " We have always been told to set
Christ as our example, but studying exactly what His life was like with
teachers who made it their life's work, brought the task into a better
perspective so that I knew the direction to go.
Many of us get nervous when we seriously think about talking to someone about the Bible. Personal evangelism class helped me to realize that setting a good example will not always be enough to bring someone to Christ.
We must realize the importance of overcoming a few minutes of nervousness to save a friend from eternity in hell. Rather than gripe about Bible classes, as Christians, we should be grateful that we have this kind of
opportunity to learn and make ourselves better.
These classes help us to grow in our spirituality. Through our growth we
treat others in the way we want to be treated . Personal devotionals add to
this foundation for our personality. Through being genuinely friendly and
polite to others, we feel happier with ourselves and with our overall lives.
The ink pen that I'm using can write some very bad things and it can
write some good things. It all depends on what I do with it. Our lives are
the same way; it all depends on what kind of person we decide to be. Start
out each day with the prayer: "Dear Lord, help me to be a blessing to someone's life today, " "
- Suzmme Johnston, editor
"Pleasent words are a honeycomb ,
sweet to the soul and healing to tile bOlles."
- Proverbs 16:24
Jeanne Ellen Stewart - Montgomery, AL Mass Communications. Ka Re Ta, v.
pres,; Dean's list; KHCA staff, news director; Reader's Theater; Society for
Collegiate Joumali,ts; TV 12, news anchor.
Robert Ray Stewart· Warren , Ml. Management. King's Men ; American
Studies; College Republicans; Dactylology Club; Phi Beta Lambda; Society for
the Advancement of Management; SA Elections Co mmittee ; SA Movie Com·
Jeffrey Scott Stidman · Jonesboro, AR. Chemistry, Frater Sodalis; Alpha Chi;
Pre·Med Club; Resident As,istant; SA Academic Affairs Committee. Student
representative on Faculty / Student Affairs Committee.
Sanl Lynn Stie~m~yer · Jefferson City, MO. Nursing . Shantih; Harding Student
Nurses Association .
Suun L Still . Jacksonville, AR . Nursing.
Connie Marie Stockton· Lat h rop, MO. Art
Stephn L Sto<>ltje . Houston, TX , Bible.
Kelly Ray Stout · Chandler, AZ. Physical Education. T cansfer from Mesa Com·
munity College. Buccanl'<!r" pres., sec.; Football; PEMM Club.
Olin Scott Stova ll· Dalhart, TX. Accounting and Economics. Frater Sodalis;
Alpha Chi; American Studies; Dean's List; Delta Mu Delta ; Hot line staff;
Society for the Advancement of Management; SA Spiritual life Committee
Tere~a Faye Stretch· Longmont, CO Elementa ry Educat ion
Tommy Jeffrey Strother· longmont. CO. Elementary Education.
Glenn Wayne Studebaker · Norfolk. NE. Mass Communications and Manage·
Clayton Joseph Sturgeon · Pho<>nix, AZ, Management and Music. Transfer
from Michigan Christian College. Chi Sigma Alpha ; Campaigns, International ;
Chorale; Society for the Advancement of Management; Time of Day .
Donna louise Summerhayes . Mount Vernon, OH . Special and Elementary
Education, Theta Psi, treas. ; Alpha Chi; Bel Canto; Campaigns, International;
Commonwealth Singers; Dean's List; Kappa Delta Pi; Resident Assistant; Stu·
dent National Education Association ; University Singers; Who's Wh o
Cathryn Gail Suppl~ . Amarillo, TX . English, Phi Delta; Alpha Chi; Bison
staff; Dean's List; French Club; JOY; Sigma Tau Delta, ,ec .
Seniors 151
Richard Osborn~ Supplee - Minneapolis, MN. English . College Bowl team:
Dean'S Lis!; Sigma Tau Delta. pres,; Timothy Club; Alpha Chi .
Jeffrey W.. yne Sutherhond - Plano. TX. Biology. Chi Sigma Alpha : Band. cOncert , marching. Pf'P. stage; Orchestra; Pre-Dental Club.
Thomas Raymond Sutton · Burns Flat, OK. Management.
David Forbes Swanton · New Albany, IN. Accounting. T ran sfer from University of West Florida . American Studies; College Republicans; Dean's List; Pi
Gamma Psi
Anno! Ellz..abeth T;tylor - Little Rock , AR. Spe«h Therapy and jourl\;llism.
Alpha Chi .
Deborah K. Taylor - Bartlesville. OK. Special and Elementary Education.
Regina, pres., v. pres. ; A Ca ppella, Women's En~mble ; Belles and Beau;>;;
Campaigns, Interna tional; Chorale; Dean's list; Chi Sigma Alpha queen.
'oMph Kelsey Taylor - Olney, Ilo Bible and Journalism. Transfer from Olney
Central College. King 's Men, sec. , v. pres.; Alph~ Chi; Bison staff , reporter;
Dean's List; Intramurals; Timo th y Club,
Rebe-cca Fay Taylor · Olney, lL. Social Work. Translu from Olney Central
College. OEGE; Alpha Delta Mu; lOY; National Association of Ch ristians in
Social Work.
Steven Ray Tefertillu • GaiMSville. Ft. Computer Information Systt'Tl1s. Sub
T-16; Art Guild; Data Proce$Sing Management Association; French Club.
Alb"'! Austin Tennison - Tex.ukana. AR. Chemistry . King's Mm; College
Bowl team.
Jeffrey Guy Tenn Y!lO n - Valley Spri ngs, AR. Accounting. TNT, pres.; Alpha
Chi; American Studies; Big Brothe~; Campaigns. Spring Bre~k; Phi Delta
beau; College Republicans: Dean's List; Delta Mu Delta, $fe.; Economics te~m,
co-chairman ; Intramurals; Pi Gamma Psi; Outstanding Young Men of
American; Business team ; Who's Who ,
David Neil Thompson - Marion, lL. Accounting. Beta Phi Kappa. pres., trus.;
College Bowl team; ~an 's Ust : Delta Mu Delta; P, Gamma Psi,
Dennis Kei th Thompson · Carrollton. TX. Biochemistry. Translerfrom S,M.U.
in Dallas . Theta Alpha Tau, pres.; Alpha Chi; Dean's List.
~h.~r:a~t,~ TI'5~~e:rt~ .~~~~e;, J:.~~;o&~t~~~~rc~t~~n Systt'Tl1s. Alpha
A~. Social Work. Transfer from Arkan~~5~~~~~~~lYA~~~~;i~fC:r~5iti~~: i;S:;:lg~~r~apE~~I~~~,epubli-
Kimberly Ann Thompson · Harrison,
Nancy Ann Th ompson - Daingerfield, TX. Marketing . GATA; American
Studi1'5; De'In'S List; JOY; Petit Jean staff, section editor; Society for the Advancement of Management.
Timoth y Alan Thrasher · Tulsa, OK. Accounting. T NT, treas.; American
Studi1'5; Big Brothers; College Republicans; Dean's List; Delta Mu Delta; Pi
Gamma Psi; SA Athlet ic Committee; Football, manager. trainer: Who's Who.
Mary Linda Thurmond - Byhalia, MS. Business Systt'Tl15 Analysis. Omega Phi.
treas. ; Alpha Chi ; American Studies; Dean's List; Delta Mu Delta: JOY; May
Queen Attendant ; Phi Beta Lambda.
Jolene Marie Todd - Prairie Grove, AR. Office Administration , lu Go lu. sec,;
American Studies
Pamela Gaye Torrey - Sarasota, Flo Ka Re Ta, sec,; American Studies; Cheerleader; T itan's qUef'n; Dean's list ; Pi Gamma Psi; Society for the Advancement
of Man~gemen t.
Brian Adair Traughber - Ancho rage , AK. Marhting. Alpha Tau Epsi lon.
Rachel Biubeth Tra vis · West Covina. CA. Elementa ry Education .
Jeff A, TreusdeU - Muir, MI. Art. Alpha Tau Epsilon; Art Guild; Kappa Pi; SA
Library Committ~, chairman; SA Academic Affai rs Committ~.
JamH Bradley Tribble - Stockton, CA. Computer InFormation Systems,
Kuen Baine Tucker · Dallas, TX. Management.
Frank Muedith Turner · Marianna, AR. Advertising. Sub T-16. GATA beau.
Patricia Ann Turner - $ea rcy, AR . Computer InFormation Systems, Transfer
from York College . American Studies; Dean's List.
Tina Lisa Turner · Verd Beach. FL. Management. lu Go lu: American Studies;
Dean's List ; Delta Mu Delta; Intramurals; JOY; Society for the Advancement of
Management; University Singe rs; Campus Ministry,
Marcus Lane Vaden - Garland, TX, Psychology. Galaxy, pres .; Big Brothers;
Freshman Class pres.; Ka Re Ta beau; Intramurals, Ali -Star; SA Spi ritual Life
Committef'; Timothy Club .
~ John " RRddjffr
152 Sen iors
La.... M.. ri~ VlOncU - H.,mmonton, NJ. Music. Bo! til Tau Ca mm.. ; Band, conC~TI.
~:~~:~r;; g;.~h~~ ~ing~rs; Chorale; Commonwuith Singers; {)ran's Usl; 11'1-
Catherine O.wn V IIO Dro 80s - Crystal La ke, IL Com puter Science. Tra nsf~
from Northern Illinois University . Kin; Na Ai; Resident Assistan t.
Kim~rl« K.iy V.n T I5MI - Marietta, OH. Office Systems. Tra nsit!" from
Northnstem Christia n Jr. College. American Studies; Dea n's Ust ; Delta Mu
Delta; 5o<:it'ly for the Adval'lCemtnt of Ma nagement , 5«.; Alph a Chi.
t<..IMrilM' ~Uy V&Il Pattlrr - Uttle Rock, A R. Molrketing. Ko 10 Kai. v . pres.;
Am~ic;m Studies; Pi Kapp .. Epsilon qu~; Dau. Procl'5Sing Management
Associa tion; lntramu ral$; Phi Bo!ta Lambda ; Society for the Advancement of
Management ; SA Advertising Committee, chairman; Volun teers in Support of
Adm issions and Campus Ministry; Who's Who.
noyd Ray Vanpool • Coming, AR. Ma th and Computer Science. Knights; Big
Brothers; Data Processing Managemen t Association; Dean's list; int ra mural s:
SA Spiri tUid li fe Commit t«.
Roberta Louise Vasqun - Concord, CA . Nursing. T ran sfer from Yo rk College.
Alph i Chi ; Harding Students' N urSH Associ ation ; JO Y, chairman .
Michul David Vaughn - Burl ingto n, NC. Accounting. Knights; Alpha Chi;
Amenu n Stud ies; College Republica ns; Dean 's list; Delta Mu Delta; intramural s; Pi Ga mma Psi; SA Spiritual Ufe Commi tt«; SA Academic Affairs
Com mittee.
Erwin Nu.l Veteto - Da yton , O H . Business Systems Anaiysis.
David Andrew Vide - Springfield, IL. Bible. Transfer from Freed-Hardem an
College. Dac tylology Club; Dean's)..isl ; Resident Assistant; Timothy Club.
Kimberly 10 Vinso n · Searcy, AR ~ English . Ju Go Ju; Alpha Chi; Bison staff ,
colum nist; Dean's list; french Club: Ha rdir\8 University in Florence; Kappa
Delta Pi; Sigma T au Delta,
Andru Cuol Volpa • Captain Cook, HI. $p«ial Education.
Philip Lloyd Wilde · Memphis, T N, Business Systems Analysis. Tita ns;
Ame rican Studies: Dean's Ust; Intramurals; Basketball ; Alpha Chi.
Shirley Ann Walbr - Omaha. NE. Elementa ry Eduution.
Timoth y Owltn Walkitr · Sea rcy, AR . Business Systems Analysis. Chi Sigma
Alph a; A Cappella, Men 's Ensemble; Campaigns, Inte rna tional; Ca mpus
Players; Data Processing Management Associ ation: Dea n's list; Delta Mu
Delta ; Dramatics; Swimming: Society for the Avancf'ml'1lt of Management.
Brian T , WallaCf!' Mablnlf', AR . Com pute r Seiencf'. T NT; Big Bro thers; In·
tramural s, Sport Skills Champion .
Douglas Eo..1 Willlltr · York, NE, Biology.
KltEry Dilwn Waller · DeWitt , Ml. Nursing. Omega Phi, sec.; Alpha Chi;
Dea n's list; Harding Student s' Nursing Association.
Aliln Keith Willtltrs . Star City, AR , Bible ,
Mary 101M Wilmil ck - Birmingham , At. Management.
John Stf'vltn Wilrd • San Diego. C A . Bible and English. T ransfer from Abilene
Ch rist ian University. Alpha Gamma Omega; Alpha Chi; Dean's Ust; Kappa
Delta Pi; Sigma Tau Delta; Student Nat ional Education Association; Timothy
Your Ticket to Security
No doubt this scene occured to
many students during their stay at
Harding. A student walked out to
the car and found a piece of paper
wedged under the front wind shield wiper. Noting that he was
parked in <! staff parking spot, the
student knows that the note did
no t contain tidings of great joy, A
variety of thoughts and em otions
arise as he realized that he wo uld
contribute five more dollars to
Harding's general fund.
"Good grief ! I was in there only
fi ve or ten minutes. How come
they gotta pick on me ? Of all the
ca rs illegally parked on campus,
how come they have to ticket me?
Just who do these guys think they
are anyway ?"
Who are the men that worked
on Harding's security force , and
what did they think about thei r
job and their relationship to the
student body? Richard Brando, a
security officer and Harding student , felt that he had a good job ,
"I wanted a service oriented job
being a security officer let me
serve the student body in a way
that's very vi sible and satisfying
for me."
According to Brando, most of
the security officers were al so stu dents, Most of them were the older students and some even had
prev io us secu rity or police experience. The attitude they carried towards the studen t body was very
positive, "We are here to serve the
students, " sa id Bra ndo.
Any problems that were en coun tered came from a definite
min ority of students and were
usually ca used by lack of commun ication, Many of the compl aints direc ted at securit y came
when the students thought the officers were enfo rcing "security's"
rules. Brando indicated that security didn 't make the rules, they just
helped students follow them.
16 - Mike Lyle
Seniors 153
John William Wa.rd - F1ori$~ant . MO. Elementil'Y Education . Ka ppa Tau, pres. ,
v. pres.; Big Brother.i; Chorale; Chi Alpha Rho beau; Orchest ra; Student
Natin .. ! Educa tion Association
Jamu Edward Ware - Dinuba. CA. Management.
Mitchell LH Wuher - SI. Clair Shores. MI. Manasernent. Alph a Omega, v,
pres .; Delta Chi Omega btoau ; Campaigns, Sprmg Break; Society for Ihe Advancement of MangemenL v . pres.; SA Special ProjKts Committee.
Jul ie Gail Watson - North little Rock, AR . Management. Transfer form LSU in
Shreveport. Kappa Delta Kappa: Dean's list; Phi Beta Lambda; Society for the
Advancement of Management .
Pamel .. Renee Watson - Baytown. TX. Busi ness Systems An a lysis. Theta Psi, v.
pres" pres.; lntrarnura ls; Sportsmanshi p Award .
William " ellt Webb - Searcy, AR . Accounting. Ka ppa Sigma Kappa, v. pres.;
Ameriun Studi"",; Kafpa Kappa Kappa beau; {A,an's list ; Delta Mu ~lta ,
trns.; lntra murals. AI ·Star; Pi Gamma Psi; Alph a Chi .
Kimberly) o Wells · Sea~y. AR . EI~m~n tar y Educa tion . Zeta Phi , treas.; Alpha
Ch i; ~an 's list ; Kappa Delta Pi.
Ta lmage Andrew WHtb roo k - Shreveport, LA . Business Systems Anal ysis.
Transfer from Louisiana State University. King's Men : American Studies; In tumurals: Society for the Advancemen t of Management .
David Scott W.-stjo hn - Hillsboro, TN. Business Systems Analysis. T heta Tau
Delta, SfC .: Ameriun Studi.-s; Sigma Sigma Sigma ~lta beau: Data PrCJa'Ssing
Management Associat ion; ~an '5 list; Intramurals. AII·Slar; Phi Bt-ta Lambda :
Pr~ -Denta l Cl ub: SA Academ ic Affairs Commi ttee
Nicholu Whn ler - Vivian . LA . Marketing. Gala;.;y, SfC., v. p res .. pres.; Barristers: Big Brothers: Campaigns. May; ju Go ju beau; College Republican s; [ntramurals, All -Star; Society for the Advancement of Management ; SA Advertising Committee.
Gerald Duane Wh it.. head - Garden City. MI. Market ing and Managfmrnt.
Cindy Ga le Wh itfie ld - jacksonvillt. AR. Biology . Sigma Sigma Sigma {A,lt a;
Alpha Chi: Chee rleader; Dea n 's list ; Pre-Med Club; Winter mtival Queen .
Chuyllynn Will iams - li verpool, NY. Dietetics. Theta Psi ; Campaigns. European; Cenark Student Grotto; Dean's Ust; Dietetics; University Singers.
Gary Th omas Williams - Prince Albert Saskatghewa n. Canada. Sodology .
Keith Gregory Williams · Pensacola. Flo Accounting. Tra nsfer from Pensacola
junior Coll.. ge. lambda Sigma, treu., v. pres.; American Studies; ~an's list;
Intramurals; Pi Ga mma Psi; Phi Bela Lambda.
Ke nneth El roy Will ia ms· Augusta, CA. Management ; Phi Beta lambda .
Robnt N. Williams - Memphis, TN. Ph yskal Education.
Ta mmi Lyn n Williams -la keland , Flo Nursing. Transfer from Polk Communi·
ty College . OEe E; lntramurals, All -Star
Veronica Edith Williams - Fort Wo rth , TX. Music Educa tion. Regina: Spring
Sing Hos tess: A Cappella .
Mary Ellen William~n - Duluth. MN . Art.
Ali.on Anne Will is - Poway, CA . Psychology .
Cynt hia Su~ WilI~ . Pine Bluff. AR . Journalism. Kappa Phi : Alpha Chi; Bison
staff, editor, features "ditor, reporter. colu mnist : Dt>an's Ust ; Public Relation s
Student Society of America; Si~ma Tau ~l ta ; Society for Collegiate Jour nalists , v , pres.
Ph illip Andrew Wills - Nich olsvi lle. KY . Computer Science. Data Pro«ssing
Managem.. nt Associa tion; ~al'l's Li st; Searcy Stl't'l Soccl"r Tum .
Debi Sue Wilson - Portla nd , O R. Mathematics. Phi Delta : Al pha Chi : Campaigns, May : Dean's list ; Dramatics; Cross Country : Kappa Del ta Pi; SA
Special Pro jects COmmlttet'.
Elizabeth Ann Winema n - Flint. MI. Accounti ng. Sigma Phi Mu, Sl'<:.;
Am erican Studies; Dean's list ; Pi Gamma Psi, sec.; Socie ty for the Advancemen t of Management
Ansel. Diane Wood - Hope, AR. Sys tems Analysis_ Sigma Phi Mu. treas. ; Buccanneer qunn; Data ProcHsing Management Association; Homecoming
Queen; Bas ketball ; Ma y Queen Auendant ; Society for the Advancement of
Management: Winter Festival Queen Attendant.
154 Seniors
He Gives a Gift of Life
On December 1,1983, Ed White
gave hi s 80th pint of bl ood at Harding University, making him one
of th ree people in Arkansas to
reach the ten-gallon mark.
White, associate professor of
English at Harding, gave his first
pint of blood in 1951 when he was
preaching in Canton, Ohi o. He
heard that someone needed blood
and though t he might as well be
the one to donate.
After that, he tried to give
whenever someone needed blood.
Later he became involved in the
Red Cross and began to give regu larly when he moved to Parkersburg, West Virginia. Now, in his
fift eenth year at Harding, White
tries to give four or five times a
year to keep building his record
- Publi( Rel<lr iof1$
White said he had never been
drastically affected by giving
blood al though lately he has begun to feel a li ttle more tired at the
end of the day. He also tried to jog
about fourteen miles per week,
and took potassium for his heart.
White said he didn 't know why
more students don't give blood
then they do. 'There's nothing to
be afraid OL" he said.
The Red Cross was inactive un til the last several years when
White tried to get involved and .'
build it up. The United Way had '
helped them financially and they
hired a full-time secretary.
Because of the regular blood
drives at Harding, every person in
White County was eligible for free
blood through the Red Cross.
Harding has regularly given
more blood than any other school
of the state and gained nation al at-
tention for this. White Cou nty has
always exceeded its quota for
blood donations because of the
students' participation. Harding
held the record for the largest
donation at one time in the state
when they donated 1,177 pints in
the spring of 1981.
In additi on to being a regular
donor , White was active as the
sponsor of King's Men, has ten
years perfect attendance in the
Optimist Club, was a member of
the Chamber of Commerce and
served as an elder at the C1overdale Chu rch of Christ.
- Brent Alex(mder
While giving his fellfh gal/oil of blood,
a Red Cross nurse checks 0 11 Ed White
to make sure that everytirillg is going
smoothly. This was his thirty-second
year to give blood.
Cy nthi .. Ann Wood - South Iknd. IN . Accounting.
Michul Brent Wood · Roland , OK. Special Education and Elementary Educa·
tion. Chi Sigma Alpha; A Cappella. Men's EnS!!mble: Big Brothers; Campa igns,
International; Intramurals; SA Student Acliviti~ Committee: Voluntet'rs in
Su ppo rt of Admissions.
~ndra D . Wood . Madison Heights. Ml. Elementary Education_ Chi Lambda
Chi . trus., v. pres .. pres.; Kappa T au Omega queen; Deans List; Student Na·
tional Education Association.
Ter~ LouiS!! Woodruff· Nashville, TN . Special Education. Phi Delta. v. pr~ .;
O<lclylology Club: Dean's List; Kappa Delta Pi; Alpha Chi.
Arthur Clifton Woods · Corning. AR . Marketing.Phi Kappa Epsilon; A Cap.
pella : America n Studies; Barri~te~: Belles and Beau,,; Regina beau; Dean's list;
Delta Mu Delta; Dramatics; Society for the Advancement of Management ; Spr·
ing Sing Host.
Robo!rt Wyatt Woodson· Pine Bluff. AR . Social Science.
Pa ul Edward Wool~y . North little Rock, AR . Bu~iness Systems Analysis.
Th omas Paul Word· Little Rock , AR . Management.
Da vid Lynn Wr ight · Searcy, AR. Management. TNT, 5«.: Alpha ChI; Belles
and Beau,,; Bison staff, columnist: Campaigns, May : Chorale; Shantih bo-au;
Collegt Bowl Team; College Republican s; Dean's List; Intramurals, AlI·Star;
Society for the Advancement of Management: SA lyceum Committ~:
Shenadoah; Who 's Who.
Yoshilo Yagyu . Tokyo. Japan. Marketin g. Sigma Tau Sigma; Commonwealth
Singers: Campaigns. Spring Break ; Society for the Advance of Manageme nt.
Terren'e Robe rt Yates ' Fayetteville. AR . Bio logy . Chi Sigma Alpha , Ireas.; A
Cappella. Men 's Ensemble; Alpha Chi. v. pres. ; Chorale: Regina beau; Dean'S
list; Pre·Mrd Club; Ken Rose Memonal Scholarshi p; Who's Who.
Tracy Dawn Yates · Charlotte. NC. Markt'ling. T ra nsfer from Ohio Valley
College. Sigma Sigma Sigma Delta. Irus.; Dactylology Club; Inlramurals,
jacket winner; Sofib<lll; Society for the Advancement of Management : Golf
Mana ger .
Tyrren K~nny Yales' Sacrament o. CA. Uible and BIble Languages
June Yuger . Moulton. AL. Accounting.
John David Yee . Frederick. MD. Public Administration . Transfer from
Frederick Communi ty College. Pi Kappa Epsilon, S!!c.; Barristers. trea s.; Junior
Class treas.: College Republican s: Swimming: SA Advert ising Committ~~; SA
Physical Plant Committee; SA Student Advisury Co mmittee.
Jennie Lee Yoa kam
Springboro, O H . Marketing. Transfer from DaVid
lipscomb College . Zeta Rho; American Studies: Colleg.. Repulicans; Petit Jun
staff: Phi Beta Lambda; SA AdvertJ~mg Commi ttee .
0.... Lyn ne York · louisville, KY. Markfting. Transfer from Florida State
Universi ty: Hegina: Band. Concert , String: Chorale. pres.; Beta Phi queen:
Sigma Tau Sigma queen: Orchestra : Phi Beta Lambda : Society Inr the Ad·
vancemen t of Management ; SA Special I'roi~ts Commi ttee; SA Com munit y
Affairs Commi ttee.
Juli a Katherine Youngblood· Rolla. MO. Nursin!\ Kappa Delta Kappa . St.'(.:
Harding St udents' Nurses Association. neas.; Resident Assistant
Sen iors 155
Moving Toward Midday
, I '
'II 12 (
'10" \-.
7 6 5,
Fu,ncH Addington· Bald Knob , AR
Laura Addison - Troy, MI
Mar k Adkison . Tulsa, OK
U~ AA.u.nd~r • Rochester , MI
Monty AII~n . El Dorado, AR
David Allumbaugh - DaJ]a5, TX
Wilf.t'd Anderson - Westport , CT
Monia Anderson - Kelsey. MN
Ange la Anthony - Tucker, GA
David Asbill - Mabank, TX
Jo n Asldey - Bonita, CA
Roy B;olH:r - T urby Creek, lA
RolH: rt B;oin - lexington, KY
John Baker - Nashville, GA
M~l inda Baku · Alicia, AR
Ch;o rles Baldwin - lubbock, TX
Rebecca Ball - little Rock, AR
Michael Ballard - Sharpsville, PA
Bre nd a Bankhud - Memphis, TN
Kimberly Banks - Independence, MO
Le~ Barnell - Tulsa, OK
Kelly Biunhart - Breece, IL
UH Barton · Ft. Collins, CO
Mich;oel B;oskett - Columbia, MO
Celene Batey - Paragould, AR
Ch risti;ona Batty - Valparaiso, IN
Lesa Baxtu - Odessa, MO
Sharon Beasley - Sleepy Eye, MN
Roger Beck - N, little Rock, AR
Gi nger Berry - Manila , AR
Kenneth Berry - little Rock, AR
Robin Betts· Memphis, TN
St~ph;oni~ Bird - Augusta, KS
Steven B;rg~ - W. De!; Mo ines, IA
Bruce Birk~ - Valparaiso. IN
Paw Bland - Apopka , FL
Blume - Memphis. TN
Bethany Bobo • Tequesta , FL
J;onice BoU, - Belgrade. MT
Sh~lley Bookout· Henryetta, O K
Suunne Bowmim - Newport. AR
Me1i1~ Bracher · Austin, TX
Lois Braham - Parkersburg. WV
Fred Brandow · Kansas City. MO
Charlott~ Bray - Jay, O K
K~ith Bruil~ - Puyallup, WA
Cynthi;o Brauel - Sacramento, CA
Vi nce Breedlove - Ft. Smith. AR
Br~nda Brook~r . Vero Beach. Fl
Sarah Brooks - little Rock, AR
Sharon Brown - Evansville, IN
T;ommy Brown - livingston, TN
Dan Browning· Little Rock, AR
UH Buford - Chesterton, TN
Beverly Burcham - Searcy, AR
B;ondi Burge - Gulf Sreel;<:'. FL
Otbor;o Burkett - Goodlettsville, TN
William Burl~y - Breaux Bridge, LA
Richard Burt - Dallas, TX
David Burton - Jjvonia, MI
Kin50ey Butl~r - Ma~lvale, AR
Brian Bull~rfield - Pulaski, NY
Shelly Cagle - lnchville, AR
Douglas Campbell - Portageville, MO
SuHn C;lnnady - Nashville, TN
Cheryl Cantley - Elyria, OH
Gr~ory C;oples . Pensacola, Fl
Joseph Carson - Roswell , GA
Daniel urter - Mo untain Home, AR
Michael Carter - Cloverdale, IN
Tamara Carter - Churubusco, IN
Karen Ca50eY - Norcross, GA
Donna Cash - Carmel. IN
Elisa Casto - Newport, OH
Th!bora h Ch;oin - Chester , VA
Paul Chambl ess - Hope , AR
Michael Chase - Arlington. TX
Jo hn Cherry - Brandon, MS
John Chester - Memphis, TN
Carri~ Chil ds· Wichita, KS
Cy nthia Childs· Paragould, AR
156 juniors
Who ever would have though t
that halfway through his Harding
career the junior wo uld call Searcy his home? He was fina lly quite
settled in to the life of an upperclassman and into a perrn anant
The general education classes
behind him now, the junior had
only to reflect on his fi rst two
years when he th ought he coul d
never have been busier. Yet each
semester the pace grew more and
more hectic, the minutes constantly urging the student on.
Social life dropped on the
junior's priority list just a little as
he drew nearer to the brightest
part of his day, to the noontide of
his life when the formal part of his
education would fin ally end.
Nmost to that point, he found
new interest in his studies, a growing loyal ty to the cafeteria of his
choice, and a sense of disbelief at
the short time that had passed
since his kindegarten graduation.
The beginning of a new li fe, a
new hOUf, was just ahead, and the
Harding third-year student would
be prepared to face it - with
many swee t memories close
behind .. ~
- Mariann Cox
Nor man Childs - Paragould. AR
Margarel Chism · Hotch kiss, CO
Stf1ve Choate - Winona, MS
David Chu rchill - Hen ry. SO
Kim Clark · Newport, AR
Mary Clark - Sea rcy, A R
Amy Claylon - Troy, Ml
Mkhu l Clayton - Huntington Beach, CA
Stephen Cle mens - New Albany, O H
Curtis Clf1mf1nts - D.. lhart, TX
Darrf1n Clepper - Hurst, TX
Claudett e Cli fton - Sc hiumburg, IL
Tamara Cli ne - Cave City, KY
Ian Coker - Dunwoody. GA
Cynthia Colema n - Grnn River. INY
T.unara Combs· Bryint, AR
Diane Conner - Millington, T N
Rolx-rt Conolty - Eagan. MN
lona Console· Searcy. AR
Paul a Cook · Searcy. AR
Kristi Cottrill - Let-ton ia. OH
liS.l Co~ - Ft. Wort h. TX
Mariann Co~ - Newnan. GA
Pamela Cnbt rn . Pla no, TX
John Cra vens - Jonesboro. AR
Giles Crewt . Hali fa~ . VA
o<"nal:'- Curtis - Modesto. CA
Bre i Dam pier · Gainf1svillf1. FL
Mollie Daniel - Trxarkana. AR
Rolx-rl Da niel - Mf1mphis, TN
Teresa Daugherty - Terre Hautf1, IN
Kt nt Davidso n · Ma rtinsvillf1, IL
Shanno n Da vidson · Arnold. MO
Brenda Davis - Fairfax, VA
Henry Dav is - Hartford. CT
Jana Da vIs - Bentonvillf1. AR
Kelly Davis • Fairfa~. VA
Rolx-rt Davis - Memphis. TN
Turi Davis - Va n Buren. AR
Tina Davis - Rolling Fork, MS
Michu l Day - Ga rl and, TX
Juan Dedersch~k . Perchloldsdorf. Austria
lesl ie Deneau - littlf1 Rock . AR
Katrina De rrickson - licking, MO
Terry Dinlerma n - Walkersville. MO
Cha rlf1s Dismuke - Atlanta. GA
James Doederlein - Troy, MJ
Anita DOly - Spri ngfield. MO
Lynette Dowdy - Costa Mesa. CA
Ca ra Dudley· Ma')On, OH
Mike Duncan - Clinlon. AR
Vanef1 Currington - Wichita, KS
David Dwyer - Co rpus Ch risti. TX
Gary Eads - Searcy, AR
From left to right - Grm1f Skidmore,
president; Eddie Shields, treasurer; Liz
Harrel, vice president.
- Grrs Ozbim
Juniors 157
Kimberly Earle - Madison Heights, M!
Robyn Edwards - Harrisburg, Il
Tony Edwards - Missouri City, TX
Charles Elliot! - Melbourne, AR
Mary Evans - Southaven. MS
Sherr; Fain - ~arcy. AR
Aiisia Felts - Greenville. MS
lisa Fish - Eudora. KS
R;tymond Hake - N. little Rock, AR
Terry Retcher - W. Memphis. TN
Karen Rippin - Searcy, AR
Melanie Fold!.. - Warren, Ml
Robin Force - Memphis, TN
linda Ford - Crawfordville, FL
Matthew Ford - Neptune Beach. FL
William Forster - Overland Park, KS
Michell.. Forsythe - Virginia Beach, VA
Richard Fosler - Festus, MO
Mary Fowler - Southaven, MS
David Fox - Toledo. OH
Joselyn Frandolig - Searcy, AR
Sandra Frazier - BruxelJes, Belgium
lari Fryer - Norton, K5
Kevin Fuchs - Stockton. CA
Charles Fuller - Millington, TN
Stephn Gaither - Bedford, IN
Steven Gardner - Centerville, MA
Deborah Garrett - Brookston, IN
Kathryn Gilry - Ringgold. Ga
Kilren Gilthright - Heber Springs. AR
Annali ese Gay - N. Litt le Rock. AR
David GilY - Midland. MI
Timothy Genty - Alabaster. AL
James Gentry - Olive Hill , KY
Sherma Gentry - Bossier City, LA
Todd ~ntry - Troy, IL
Saundra George - E. Prairie, MO
Linda Gibson - Picayune. MS
Mary Giddens - Mobile, AL
Patricia Girdley - Osceola. AR
Ja mes Glenn - Sea rcy. AR
Kenneth Golson - Forest Park, GA
Cara Gowen - Quinlan. TX
Daniel Grahn · Westminster. CA
Kenneth Graves - Muskegon. MI
Shelli Green - Little Rock. AR
Robert Gr~nhaw - Sanger. CA
Bruce Grice - Jacksonville, AR
Teresa Grimmett - Indianola, MS
Alexa Grissom - Imboden. AR
Shellie Haas - Newton. KS
Peggy Haines - Palm Beach Gardens . FL
David Hilll - Nashville, TN
Lesley Hall - Hattiesburg, MS
Sharon Harris - Faribault. MN
Ann Haselwood - Omaha, NE
Robert Hathaway - Danvers. MA
Timothy Haltemer - Troy. IL
Kay Haugland · Fountaintown. IN
Mich ael Hawley - Pangburn, AR
Robert Hayes - Slide!!, LA
Shilun Hayes · Slidell, LA
Vicki Hayes - Van Buren, AR
Betty Haynie - Ellsworth AFB, SD
Karen Hays - Clinton. MS
Edward Heaton - Knoxville. TN
Pamela Heffington - Hayward . CA
David Helms - Snellville. GA
Megan Helms - Waco, TX
Michael Henkel - Chesterton. IN
Elizabeth Herrel - Oyster Bay, NY
William Hess - lexington. KY
John Ed Higginbotham - Searcy, AR
Connie Hill - Houston. TX
Gary Hill - Memphis. TN
Mary Hill - Tupelo, MS
William Hillestad · Santa Paula, CA
Lori Hockenberry - Hoffman Estates, IL
Charles Holbrook - Manchester. NH
Sheila Holder - Memphis. TN
Brant Holladay - Dunwoody, GA
Roy Holland - LaPorle. MN
Joseph Holloway - Ormond Beach. FL
Theodore Holmes - Ridgefield, CT
lisa Honey - Amagon. AR
Jon Hopper - Lonoke. AR
Deanna Howe - Dayton. OH
Elizabeth Hubbard - 51. Louis, MO
Mark Hudson - Phoenix. AZ
Denise Huffman · Haysville. KS
Lnlie Huffman - Rogen, AR
Claire Huffstutler - Union City. TN
Mark Hughes - Clarkston. MI
Donna Hulett - Newport, AR
Lena Humphrey· Glen Rock, PA
Kimberly Hunter - Pearcy, AR
Douglas Hurst - Dallas. TX
Angela Hutchinson - Dallas, TX
lisa Jenkins - Nashville. TN
Tommy Jernigan - Ravenden, AR
Kem Johns - Searcy . AR
Ann ie Johnson - Portageville. MO
Brenda Johnson - Bradford. AR
Carol Johnson - Brandon, England
Jerry Johnson - Columbus. MS
Karen Johnson - Cabot. AR
Timothy lohMon - Pocahontas, AR
Timothy Johnson - jeffenon City, MO
158 Juniors
J"nnif.!r Jon", - Glasgow. KY
uwr"nc" Jon'" - Lak" Worth. Fl
wnni" Jon'" - Oxford, At
William. JOMph - Surey. AR
Anthn Joyn", - Trumann. AR
Mary Ju.lic" • Tupelo, MS
Rkhard Kalchur - Spotswood, NJ
Grqory KaYI • Stnlon, AR
LH Keirn · Odessa, MO
AlWI K.!lm - Memphis. TN
David Kelsey · Louisville, KY
Kann K.!mp - Rockledgt. FL
~gh K"nnon - El Dorado Springs, MO
~ffrty Kltin • Vinc"ntown, NJ
Jaynt Krulpp - Vitnna, WV
J&TIti Knickerboc ker - E. Syracu$f'. NY
Calh",;,", Koelling - Jamestown, MO
E1iz.a~lh Korlt, kJ • Wild Rost. WI
Kimberl y Kosko ' Ormond Stach. FL
laura Krohn - Grand Blanc, MI
lU.ymond lacy - Martin"z, GA
Stephen uk" - Richardson, TX
Vtmon Lance • Mtna, AR
Donna laney - Lantlt, At
Cynthiil latham - Mtmphis, TN
Dilna latham - Durant, OK
Kt nneth lawson - It'xington. KY
Yun Ch" L« - Ca nton. China
TanNl It'ntz - Dongola, It
Ft licia UonaJ"d • EI Dorado, Panama
Paul It'onard - England, AR
Douglas It'wls - H"l"na. MT
Ellil Lloyd - Forrt.t Cily. AR
John Lloyd - Bunkit. LA
A blanket of snow covers the campus
grounds on a cold January win ter
Scoltil' Collills
Tilmmy tockhut • Sugarland, TX
T..,ry lynn tockhilrl - Sugarland, TX
Shuon logiln - Sta,.;:y. AR
Debra lona - Gai nesvillt, VA
Juniors 159
Beaumont Memorial Library
A Place to Study?
"In the library?"
"Surely notl"
So begins a memo put out by
the University 's Beaumont
Memorial Library. But one visit to
the library on a busy night will
provide the obvious rejoiner,
"Surely so!"
The library has become an increasingly popular place among
students to visit. "You know you
can always find someone to talk
to there," says freshman John
Todd Gentry, a junior, adds,
'The only reason I go to the
library is to socialize. I can't study
over there."
The noise in the library has
become such a problem that the librarians had to give out the
above-mentioned memo in the
spring registration line . The memo
asks students to be considerate, to
study quietly , and to study in the
conference rooms or outside the
library if they need to study as a
Why is the library such a popular place?
Senior Ron Norwood claims,
'The library is really conductive
to social interaction. "
He adds, with sense of humor,
"We go to study, but we're easily
distracted ... We have a big time
there. We like to play hide-andseek. And Clark even climbs on
the bookshelves when the librarian 's not looking."
"That 's where all the action is,"
he concludes.
Junior Mike Baskett says, "It's
fun to take a study break and see
your friends ."
"But he adds, most of the people don't even take books to the library. They just go to socialize."
Mike Stewart , a junior, agrees,
"One of my friends always says
he's going to do research in the
library , and he doesn 't take any
books. "
Some male students claim that
the library is their favorite spot
for "girl-watching," especially the
periodical room. Norwood says,
160 Juniors
"I periodically lift my head in the
periodical room and watch the
girls who periodically walk by. "
Freshman Tom Hobbs adds,
"You can go drag the libra ry if
you 're bored."
And one student states, 'THe
library is the best place to scope ."
Although many find the library
a good place to visit , for some the
noise is annoying. Junior Mark
Dillingham says , "It 's really di sturbing when you have to ask
someone to please be quiet. It really bothers me , the fact that in the
reading room - or you could call
it the social room - there's absolutely no way to get anything
accomplished. And that's unfair
to those that are there to get
something done."
Along with several other students, he claims that the library is
one of the worst places on campus
to study. "It isn't serving its purpose," he says.
Some students suggest that the
library include more conference
rooms. Other suggestions are
making the student center more
appealing as a social center and
making other buildings available
for study.
Dillingham adds. "I think they
should put mice in there to scare
out all the girls and get rid of the
Despite the noise, Norwood
claims, "As long as people aren't
being really loud or rambunctious, I can get a lot of studying
'There are enough places in the
library that if you want to study,
you can, " he says. "And when
you 're by yourself you can get a
lot done. "
Baskett agrees, "1 get my best
studying done in the library , but I
use the back room. "
Dillingham notes that when
people really have to study, they
don't stay downstairs. They go
upstairs and use the study carrels.
"But there's only one problem
with the carrels," says junior
Steve Gaither. "You can't see all
the girls go by." - Eddie Madden
ON Luke r - Spa nish Fort, Al
James luna - Troy, IL
Kim Lynn - Memphis, TN
Cathy Machen - Hammond. LA
Norm.n Madden - Newport , AR
Kevin Mahar - Anchorage , AK
IllY Mahle· Houstol'l, TX
Ri nd)' M,.nn - Shreveport, IA
~vator' Mar:diotl - Montrose, NY
Robul Marlin - Fortsl Park. GA
Pamela Martinez· SI. Paul. MN
IJorboTilh Muon - SeaTcy, AR
Suu.n Ma ttox - Wills Point , TX
Roslyn May - Kosciusko, MS
G r"t!:ory MayC':! - Washington. Il
E1iubeth Mayn.ud • lubbock. TX
Jimmy May nud • Ga~ville . AR
P.W Ma)'s - Wesllilnd, MI
C.rI M cAf« - Missoula, MT
Of,borah McAfee - Dallas, TX
Kimberly McClI5ktll - Henderwn, TN
William McCaughan - Anchorage. AK
Mark McCoy - Yorba Linda, CA
Dennis McDowell - Muskogee. OK
Judy McDowell - Muskogee, O K
David Mehddtn - Hickory Ridge, AR
Becky·Mclb.n - Memphis, TN
~ ~~~Hieb;e~:wo!;.l~ne.
Susan Mcla ughlin - Kokomo. IN
Gregory Mcleod · Lake Mary, FL
Tracy McRee· Flo Sill. OK
Susan M"k - Caruthersville. MO
Paige Merritt - Ringwood . NJ
Oilvid Miller - Pasadena. TX
Murice Miller - Watertown. SD
Cilndilct Mi mm. - Dallas. TX
Donna Mitch..11 - N. liltl.. Rock. AR
Kart'n MItchell - Memphis, TN
~ Mitchell - Nashville, TN
Jeffery Moon - Farmington Hills, MI
Debril Morgan - Parkersburg, WV
Milry Motgiln - Memphis, TN
Su.. Mor!!iIlI - Pleasanton, CA
Richilrd Morrison - little Rock, AR
Dil vid Morrow - Duluth. MN
Sandril Morrow - Eule5s, TX
Wild .. Mothi.. r - Fresno. CA
DiiIM MOSM:ller - Seabrook, MD
Diz.a~th Murphree - Marion, AR
Timoth y Murray - Riverdale, GA
Bnnda MU'llrave - Bartlesville. OK
kdviln MUll!!,.,...... ' B.. rtlesville, OK
lome My .. r. - Pottstown, PA
kt'Uy Nanc.. - Sherwood. AR
Ud .. me Ndon - Ukanafun L.G.A. , Nigeria
Charln Nelson - Dallas, TX
' t nnlfer N.. tsch - AIIchoragt, AK
David Ntu - Dallas. TX
Curti. Nichol. - Hampton. AR
Nilncy Nickerson - Queen City. TX
Niltalle Ni .. to - Garland. TX
Rebecca Nieto - Garland. TX
Susan Norris - Montgomery. At
Deilnnil Ochodnicky - l;mgleyville. It
Christo pher Dei - Miami Lakes, Fl
Douglas Ogburn - Warren, MI
ayde Owen - Tucson. AZ
auk Ch.birn - Searcy. AR
Oilvid Putlow . Portland , OR
Sandril Patterson - Diana, T X
Andrew Peuc.. - Woodlands, TX
Vicki Peat · Pensacola, Fl
Vicki Pend ergrilft - Dallas, TX
C..liil Pendergrass · Pine Bluff. AR
UUrl, Perrett - Milford, MI
Jon Perry - Vienna, VA
Dilrrell Petree - Memphis, TN
Usa Phelps - Mesquito, TX
Cub. PhUIippi - Cincinnati, O H
Brett Phillips - Falslon, MD
uur. Phillips - Royal Oak, Ml
Brent Picken, - Searcy, AR
DiIflnY Plilft - McCrory, AR
K.. nneth Pirtle - St. louis, MO
Cha ri" Piltman - Starcy, AR
Loraine Pittman - Proctorville, OH
RebKcil Pluml" - Salf'l1l, AR
uri Powe" - Chandler, IN
JiIlI.. t Prather - Tucker, GA
Laura Pratt - Ft. Smith, AR
Michae] Pridmore - Newport , AR
Stephilnle Q\lall, - MemrhiS, TN
John Radcliffe - Colonia Heights, VA
Joh n Ram""y - Baton Rouge, LA
CiII"}' Rilnd.\e - Sherwood, AR
Edwilrd Randle· Sherwood, AR
Regina Rasnick - Star ke, FL
Sherry Reed - New Haven. IN
Oon R"vn • Edmond. OK
Klm~rly R.. ynold • • Batesville, AR
Tracy Rhln.. hart • Silver Spring, MD
Daphne Rlchilrdson - Bell City, MO
Paul Richardson · Norcross, GA
Randy Richey - Starcy, AR
Brian Robbins - Lake O zark, MO
Klmber ly Roberson - Bedford. TX
Robyn Robe rtson - Kennett , MO
Juniors ]61
Juniors Robln$(ln • Belfast, Ireland
Gordon Roddenberry - Pava, GA
Emory Roger' - Gahanna , OH
Robyn Rogul - N. Charleston, SC
Cula Roseberry · N. Richland Hi!!, TX
KimMtly Rowland · Sikeston, MO
Mark Rowland - E. Syracuse, NY
Regina Ruffin - Locust Grove. GA
O'Juanna SafE.!11 - Newport, AR
Troy San,lu, - Utt leton, CO
Keith S<:her,r - Coshocton. O H
Julie Scoggins - Memphis, TN
Sa,a Scott - Knoxv ille, TN
Shtryl Scott - Oa~more. OK
lori Se~ . E. p,,,irie, MO
Rhondil Seay - Vernon. AL
TheTeH Stehle. - Madison Heights. MI
Philip Segraves - Searcy, AR
Eiletn Sharp - Searcy. AR
Pa ul Sheppard - Beebe, AR
Paul Shurod - Belle Mud, NJ
Oh, What a Mangled
Eddie Shields · Glenwood, AR
Dina Shlplmln - Frierson, LA
Sandra Shipp - Mabelvale. AR
Bt1!1 Shirley · Se,ucy, AR
Micbcl Simpfendtrfer - Searcy. AR
SimptOn - Virginia Beach. VA .
Grant Skidmore - Dublin. OH
Karen Slater · Royal OaK, MI
Carolyn Smith - In.irpendence. LA
C.,andt. Smith - Bloomington. MN
Charles Smith - Searcy, AR
Jo Smith - Bouman, MT
Ka.y Smith - Kalamazoo, MI
Kerry Smith - Danville. Il
R, bet;ca Smith - Oi nton, AR
Taryn Smith - Searcy, AR
George Spivey · Indianapolis, IN
Mark Spoto - Hollywood, Fl
Stevtn Stack - louisville. KY
Laura Stancllff - Franklin. TN
Robin Starck · Shtboygan , WI
Ka.thryn Stark · N. little Rock, AR
Mark Sttven. - Malvern, PA
Jtff~ Sttvel\fOn - Effingham. Il
John Stewart - Birmingham. Al
liM Sttwart - W. Monr~, LA
Sandra Stint - Sebastopol, CA
C;ttherint Strickland - Atlanta. GA
laurie Strlckltn - Conwa y, AR
Ra.chel Sullln, - EI Dorado. AR
YI Li Sung • Morgan Hill. CA
John Su~r - leonard, MI
lames Sullon - Marion, Il
Jamts Swain ' Conway , AR
SuMn Swe;tnr. - Plano. TX
Jeffrey Swt'tnty - Mur tffSboro , TN
R*rt S_nton - Fairfif'ld, Bay. AR
Anthony T;o.lIbear - Watonga. OK
Jeffrty T aUman - Roches!f'r. MI
ElI.u obtth Tapf, - lubbock. TX
Pete Teas ty - ~troit , MI
Ma" Tffhff - SpringdaJf', AR
Neil Th;tnniKh - San Antonio, TX
Davlan;t Thom;ts - Magnolia, AR
Donna Thoma. - Wf'llsburg, WV
Mary Thompson - lanett, Al
Stephen Thompson - FL Smith, AR
Karen Thornton - Salisbury, Zimbabwf'
Enoch Thweatt - Taipri, Taiwan
G;tll Tmf'ry - Florencf'. Al
Pamela Tintr - Madison. TN
162 Juniors
Web We Weave
Sandrl. Todd - Pr;airie G rove, AR
Lois Towell - Ogallala. NE
Cl.rll. Treat . ~arcy. AR] T revathan · Louisville. KY
Russell TUlTI<P:r - Roanoke, TX
Ter"-l Turner· Vern Beach. Fl
John Tweneboah . Asankrangwa. Ghana
Jeffery V;al~ntine • ~ucy, AR Va.ughn . St. Louis, MO
Dl.vid Veley - Greenville, TN
Abraham Vicente . ~nard, CA
Phillip Wagner - Arnold. MO
Dl.vld W.aI.I - Goldsboro, NC
John Walton· Houston. TX
Rodney W;altz . Richmond. IN
Usa. Warren - Memphis, TN
Muk Wl.ters . Gainesville, FL
Shawn Waters · Tulahoma, TN
Everyone at one time or
another experienced the mental
catastrophe of forgetting an answer to a test question. Occasionally each of us had to at least
fill in the empty white space so the
test paper would not appear to be
quite so blank. Recognizing the
creativity of his stumped studen ts,
Dr. George W. Woodruff, professor of biological science at Harding, compiled a list of some of
the more ingenious answers his
students gave when in a bind.
They follow.
1. Charles Darwin was a naturalist who wrote the organ of
the spices.
2. Benjamin Franklin produced
electriCity by rubbing cats
3. The theory of evolution was
objected to because it made
men think.
4. The three kinds of blood vessels are arteries, veins and
5. The dodo is a kind of bird
that is nearly decent now.
6. To remove air from a flask,
fill the flask with water , tip
the water out, and put in the
cork real quick.
The process of turning steam
into water again is called conversation.
A magnet is something you
sometimes find in a bad apple.
The earth makes a resolution
every 24 hours.
The cuckoo does not lay its
own eggs.
To collect fumes to sulphur ,
hold a deacon over a flame in
a test tube.
Parallel lines never meet unless you bend one or both of
Algebraical symbols are used
when you do not know what
you are talking about.
Geometry teaches you to bisex angels.
A circle is a line that meets its
other end without ending.
The moon is a planet just like
the earth, only deader.
The pistil of a flower is its only protection against insects.
An example of animal breeding is the farmer that mated a
bull that gave a great deal of
milk with one that produced
good meat.
We believe that reptiles came
from amphibians by spontaneous generation and a study
of the rocks.
English sparrows and starlings eat the farmer's grain
and spoil his corpse.
By self pollination a farmer
may get a flock of long-haired sheep.
Dew is formed on leaves
when the sun shines on them
and makes them perspire.
Vegetative propagation is the
process by which one individual manufactures another
individual by accident.
A supersaturated solution is
one that holds more than it
can hold.
A triangle with an angle of
135 degrees is called an obscene triangle.
Blood flows up one leg and
down the other.
A person should take a bath
once in the summer and not
quite so often in the winter.
28. The hookworm larvae enters
the body thru the soul.
2~. When you haven't enough
iodine in the body, you get a
30. It is a well-known fact that a
decrease body warps the
31. For fainting rub the person 's
chest, or if a lady rub her arm
above the hand.
32. For fractures: to see if a limb
is broken wiggle it back and
forth gently.
33. For dog bites: put the dog
away for several days; if it
has not recovered, kill it.
34. For nosebleed: put the nose
lower than the body.
35. For dust in the eye: pull the
eye lower than the nose or
over the nose.
36. For head colds: use an
agonizer to spray the nose
until it drops into your
37. For asphyxiation: apply artificial respiration until the
patient is dead. ~
- Courtesy of
Dr. George W. Woodruff
Christy Waterson · Belleville, Il
David Watley· San Antonio. TX
Jamu Wl.tson . Murfreesboro, TN
Kristen Waugh· Valliant. OK
Dwight Weaver ' Goodwin. AR
Emma Wuver - Rockf ord. TN
Jennifer Week. - Forut Hill. MD
Deborl.h Welborn . Ma~lvale, AR
Gloril. West - Columbia. Il
Brendl. Wheaton · Burton, MI
David Wheeler · Charlotte, NC
laura White - ~arcy , AR
Mull. White Panama Cily. Panama
Russell Whitehead - AUI!·usta, AR Whitesel · Ridgeville, IN
John Whitmire - Spring, T X
Cheryl Wilburn - Tulsa. OK
Ol.y Wilkinson - Hatch, NM
Michelle Willll.m! - Phoel\ix, NY
Wlilla.m Williams · Searcy, AR
Jewell Williard · Portageville, MO
Cheryl WiUima.nn - Quincy, lL
Jerry Wilson - Waco. TX
Norma WilfOn - Kokomo. IN
Robert WlifOn . Ketchikan. AK
Stacey Windisch· W. Helena . AR
Kevin Wise· Pensacola. Fl
Ronald Withem - La Mesa . CA
Joseph Wolverton - Gra in Valley, MO
William Woods · Corning, AR
Robert - Vincel\town, NJ
ROil Yingling· Benton. AR
Debra Young - Memph is, TN
Gail Young - Bellbrook. OH
Wendy Zeigler • San Antonio, TX
Gary lito· Prncotl. AZ
Juniors 163
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