RESEARCH PROGRESS - Lustgarten Foundation


RESEARCH PROGRESS - Lustgarten Foundation
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The Lustgarten Foundation
1111 Stewart Avenue
Bethpage, New York 11714
P: 516-803-2304 F: 516-803-2303
Dear Friends:
RESEARCH ➡ PROGRESS ➡ HOPE. This is the theme for The Lustgarten Foundation’s 2013 Annual Report.
Research is our most critical weapon in the fight against pancreatic cancer. Progress in advancing research encourages and
assures us that we are on the right path. And this gives us Hope that we can and will find a way to beat this terrible disease.
These three words—Research, Progress, Hope—best exemplify the Foundation’s journey—past, present and future.
On the pages that follow, we have highlighted the Foundation’s 2013 research progress, including:
• Research programs funded this year by The Lustgarten Foundation totaling $12 million, which brings our research
commitments to more than $75 million at the end of 2013.
• The ongoing outstanding work conducted by Lustgarten Foundation Research Director Dr. David Tuveson and the team
at The Lustgarten Foundation Pancreatic Cancer Research Laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, which focuses
exclusively on pancreatic cancer research, such as early detection, improved therapies and drug delivery.
• Our expanding relationship with Stand Up To Cancer, which now extends to the co-funding of a second Pancreatic Cancer
Dream Team to develop new therapies leveraging the promising field of immunology.
We wish to express our gratitude to our many friends—our generous supporters, volunteers, Board of Directors, and Scientific
Advisory Board. It is largely because of the tremendous dedication and determination of our supporters that our fundraising
reached an all-time high this year of nearly $14 million, which will allow us to increase our research budget for next year. Due
to the underwriting of our administrative expenses by Cablevision, 100% of all funds raised go directly to important pancreatic
cancer research.
We continue to remain steadfast in our mission to fund research that holds the greatest potential to lead to early detection,
more effective treatments, and a cure for pancreatic cancer.
The Lustgarten Foundation’s mission is to advance the scientific and medical research related to the diagnosis, treatment
Thank you for your ongoing commitment in the important fight against pancreatic cancer. We look forward to sharing more
and cure of pancreatic cancer. We are the largest private funder of pancreatic cancer research in the United States.
news about our continued efforts throughout the year as we strive to accelerate our journey of Research. Progress. Hope.
The Lustgarten Foundation was established in 1998 with the help of Cablevision Chairman Charles Dolan and Chief Executive
James Dolan, and named after former Cablevision Vice Chairman Marc Lustgarten before he died from pancreatic cancer.
Cablevision has worked closely with the Foundation to support its mission throughout its history, and today that includes
underwriting the Foundation’s administrative expenses so that every dollar donated to the Foundation goes directly to pancreatic
cancer research. The Foundation and Cablevision are also partners in the curePC public awareness campaign, which leverages
Cablevision’s media and telecommunications assets to increase the visibility of the disease and of the Foundation’s efforts.
With the support of Cablevision, The Lustgarten Foundation is leading the way in research advancements aimed at detecting
the disease earlier, developing better therapies, and ultimately, finding a cure for pancreatic cancer.
Charles F. Dolan
Dr. Robert F. Vizza
Kerri Kaplan
Executive Director &
Chief Operating Officer
“We now know enough about pancreatic cancer
to think about overcoming it because the history
of medicine is that once one understands the
disease, it is only a matter of time before that
disease is conquered…I have a lot more than
hope. I am absolutely confident that there will
be progress.”
—Bert Vogelstein, Howard Hughes Investigator, Clayton Professor of Oncology
and Pathology, and Director of the Ludwig Center for Cancer Genetics and
Therapeutics at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center of the Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine
In the fifteen years since The Lustgarten Foundation
was founded:
• The number of scientists has increased dramatically from a handful to more
than 1,000.
ederal funding for pancreatic cancer has grown from $20M in 2000 to $105M
in 2013.
he number of clinical trials available for patients has increased as therapies
have become available.
• By the end of 2013, The Lustgarten Foundation will have funded more than
$75 million in research grants to support 175 research projects.
Research Leads to Progress:
• Our project to sequence the genes involved in pancreatic cancer is leading to
early detection tests and new therapies.
e understand that a membrane forms around pancreatic cancer, which stops
chemotherapy from entering the tumor. We now have a clinical trial to test a drug
that, if successful, will break up the membrane and allow more chemotherapy
to penetrate the tumor.
e have developed an early detection blood test in the lab, which is being tested
in a worldwide clinical trial.
e are identifying which cysts will develop into pancreatic cancer and which
cysts will remain benign so we will be able to distinguish patients who need to
undergo surgery from those who do not.
e have found new genes associated with familial pancreatic cancer and have
a clinical trial for a therapy that may help pancreatic cancer patients with
BRCA mutations.
e are developing new therapies that use the human immune system to fight
pancreatic cancer.
new drug, Abraxane, used in combination with Gemcitabine, extends the
survival time for patients and has been approved as the new standard of care
for patients. We are funding research to better understand why some patients
with pancreatic cancer respond better to Abraxane than others.
“There has been a tremendous amount of progress
in pancreatic cancer research over the past
fifteen years. We have learned a lot about the
genetics of the disease…and with these tools
are developing better therapies.”
—A lec Kimmelman, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology,
Harvard Medical School and Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology,
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
“We know where we need to go and now we
just have to make it happen. It’s going to take
creativity, relentless effort, and support. I have
tremendous hope. It is impatient hope, but
tremendous. We will succeed.”
—Dr. David Tuveson, Director, Lustgarten Foundation Pancreatic Cancer
Research Laboratory and Professor and Deputy Director of The Cancer Center
at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Dr. David Tuveson leads The Lustgarten Foundation Pancreatic
Cancer Research Laboratory in the battle against pancreatic
2013 was another significant year of progress for our ongoing
led by Dr. Hadassa Degani at the Weismann Institute in Israel,
advances in developing better therapies to more effectively
research projects and identifying new areas for research.
using multiple imaging technologies simultaneously to diagnose
combat the disease, improving the ability to get therapies
Dr. Bert Vogelstein and his team have taken their diagnostic
past the tumor’s defenses in order to achieve better
blood test into the clinic in a multinational clinical trial.
Approaches to early detection are critical to curing this
outcomes, and developing new strategies for early detection
Preliminary results of this test, published early in 2014 in
disease and so we continue to expand this program with new
of pancreatic cancer.
Science Translational Medicine, have shown that they are able
research approaches. In 2013, we funded two new projects in
In a paper published in the journal Gut, Dr. Tuveson’s team
to detect DNA mutations that lead to pancreatic cancer in
early detection focused on clinical trials. These grants are led
the blood in more than 75% of patients with advanced cancer
by two leaders in cancer research: Dr. David Kelsen, Memorial
and 48% of patients with early stage disease. The Vogelstein
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Israel Breast Cancer
helps to break down the thick protective layer, known as the
team is now optimizing this test to be even more sensitive.
Consortium and Dr. Ralph Weissleder, Massachusetts General
stroma, that develops around pancreatic cancers. This
Additionally, the Vogelstein group is continuing its clinical
stromal layer acts as a nearly rock-hard protective shell that
trials focused on distinguishing harmless pancreatic cysts
prevents many cancer fighting drugs from reaching and killing
from potentially cancerous ones by defining the DNA markers
the tumor. Using Hyaluronidase along with chemotherapy
that exist in benign versus malignant cyst fluid. The goal is to
enabled improved drug delivery to the tumor and resulted in
identify which pancreatic cysts will become malignant (about
shrinking the tumors. In 2014, a clinical trial in collaboration
20%) so they can be removed immediately. The clinical trial
with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center will begin to
underway is giving Dr. Vogelstein precious material and
test this drug combination in patients.
insights to better classify these lesions for patients.
cancer. The team of 22 researchers is continuing to make
“This year, the research in our laboratory
will be tested in a clinical trial, providing
hope to patients and affirming that we
are on the right track.”
—Dr. David Tuveson, The Lustgarten
Foundation and Cold Spring Harbor
Early Detection
identified a new drug that significantly improves survival of his
mice with pancreatic cancer. This drug, called Hyaluronidase,
extremely small tumors in the pancreas.
Hospital. Dr. Kelsen will be establishing a tissue bank and
patient registry of pancreatic cancer families with a history
of BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 gene mutations. These families have a
high incidence of pancreatic cancer making early detection
critical. Dr. Weissleder is developing new early detection
technologies based on detecting exosomes, pieces of cancer
cells floating in the blood.
The Lustgarten Foundation’s early detection initiative continued
to advance early detection imaging research in 2013 to
enhance imaging sensitivity in order to detect pancreatic
cancers when they are very small. These approaches use new
analysis techniques for CT and MRI making them more
sensitive and able to identify the presence of pancreatic
Stand Up To Cancer
cancer in its early stages. This research includes a clinical trial,
“Every single person on this team has lost
somebody to pancreatic cancer…many of us
see patients with it every single day. We can
help with their pain and we can improve their
survival but we want and need to do more.”
—Dr. Daniel D. Von Hoff, Physician in Chief and
Director of Translational Research at TGen
The need to do more is at the root of the collaboration
Details of the project are described on the next page in the
between Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) and The Lustgarten
Therapy section. In 2013, the two groups then announced
Foundation in supporting Dream Teams—bringing groups of
their commitment to give a total of $8 million over 3 years to
world-renowned scientists together to pursue multidisciplinary
co-fund a new Convergence Dream Team. The new Dream
research efforts in the battle against pancreatic cancer. Given
Team will focus their collaborative efforts on testing new
the success of the first Dream Team, SU2C and The Lustgarten
immunotherapies for pancreatic cancer beginning in 2014.
Foundation collaborated to extend the funding of this team.
The Lustgarten Foundation Pancreatic Cancer Scientific Conference
The past year, the FDA announced the approval of Abraxane
into surgery to remove their pancreatic tumors, a dose of
In the spirit of collaboration and dialogue, The Lustgarten Foundation Pancreatic Cancer Scientific Conference was held at the
in combination with Gemcitibine as the new standard of care
Gemcitabine—the standard chemotherapy—and removed the
Banbury Conference Center in Lloyd Harbor, New York. Thirty-six academic and clinical scientists took part in the three day
for patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer. The approval
tumor. Upon analysis, he found that very little, if any, drug
forum, which was held from October 20–22, 2013.
of the first new standard of care in 15 years came as a result
reached the cancer cells of patients who had a lot of stroma
of successful clinical trials that showed an increase in overall
(based on CT images). In addition, by looking at past patient
survival. This is especially promising on the heels of the
histories he found that the patients with the thinnest stroma
2012 FOLFIRINOX trial, which almost doubled survival rates
did best on Gemcitabine and survived longer. Dr. Fleming
in pancreatic cancer patients. But there is more to do. We
and his team are now developing a new clinical trial that
have not slowed our research efforts, but rather increased
tests different drugs that may “open” the tumor and make
our therapeutics portfolio to include 24 research projects
chemotherapy more effective.
and 10 clinical trials.
This year Dr. Carl June, who has successfully developed new
Team initiated several clinical trials in 2013 to test new drug
treatments for leukemia patients, initiated a clinical trial using
combinations and explore ways to further enhance the
therapies that stimulate the immune system to seek out and
effectiveness of Abraxane and Gemcitabine in patients. The
destroy pancreatic cancer cells. The focus of the clinical trial,
Team is led by noted researchers Dr. Daniel Von Hoff, Physician
which includes 10 patients currently battling the disease, is
in Chief and Director of Translational Research at TGen and
to develop therapies to alter and train the immune system
Dr. Craig Thompson, President of the Memorial Sloan Kettering
to target and eliminate pancreatic cancer cells. By extracting
Cancer Center and includes team members from the Salk
and modifying T-cells from the patients, and placing them
Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University
back in the patient, the immune system can more effectively
and the Mayo Clinic. These teams are carrying out four clinical
fight the pancreatic cancer cells. The study is underway, with
trials that will continue through next year. These trials include:
each new patient being treated and monitored closely
therapy to improve its effectiveness in patients
• Developing a CT based early detection test
• Treating pancreatic cancer patients with Calcitriol, a
therapy even further by working with SU2C to commit funds
toward a Convergence Dream Team in Pancreatic Cancer and
awarding 8 new grants in the areas of drug development,
drug delivery, and immunotherapy. The grantees are: Dr. David
Denardo, Washington University; Dr. Stephen Fesik, Vanderbilt
Further advancement also came from an exciting clinical trial
that was completed in 2013 from the work of Dr. Jason Fleming,
a surgeon at MD Anderson Cancer Center. His goal was to
understand, in patients, if chemotherapy drugs are able to
penetrate the thick stromal barrier to kill pancreatic cancer
cells. To do this, he gave pancreatic cancer patients, going
• Established and strengthened collaborations between groups and brainstormed new ideas to push the field forward.
For the coming year, we have expanded our research in
improve delivery of drugs into the tumor
tumor growth
• Evaluated research progress and suggested ways to speed up and improve projects.
throughout the trial.
Vitamin D derivative, immediately prior to surgery to
• Testing a new three-drug combination to prevent
• Updated The Lustgarten Foundation research community as to progress in the laboratory and clinic.
An exciting new approach to treating cancers is immunotherapy.
The SU2C/Lustgarten Foundation Pancreatic Cancer Dream
• Studying the Abraxane plus Gemcitabine combination
Meeting Outcomes:
University; Drs. Rakesh Jain and Robert Langer, Massachusetts
General Hospital and MIT; Dr. Raghu Kalluri, MD Anderson
Cancer Center; Dr. Matthias Stephan, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center; Dr. Greg Verdine, Harvard Medical School;
and Dr. Teresa Zimmers, Indiana University. Additionally, we
will be supporting a clinical trial in the area of drug development
run by Dr. Ken Yu at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
and Dr. David Tuveson at The Lustgarten Foundation Research
Laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Program Participants
Dafna Bar-Sagi, New York University Langone
Medical Center
Sunil Hingorani, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center
Hadassa Degani, Weizmann Institute of Science
Alec Kimmelman, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
David Tuveson, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Channing Der, University of North Carolina
Scott Lowe, Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center
Terry Van Dyke, NCI Center for Cancer Research
Mikala Egeblad, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Douglas Fearon, Cancer Research UK
Cambridge Institute
Jason Fleming, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Eileen O’Reilly, Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center
Cesar Castro, Harvard University Medical School
Stephen Fesik, Vanderbilt University
Charles Fuchs, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
H. Charles Manning, Vanderbilt University
George Miller, New York University Langone
Medical Center
Stephen Thorne, University of Pittsburgh
Bert Vogelstein, Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine
Timothy Wang, Columbia University
Jen Jen Yeh, University of North Carolina
Quyen Nguyen, University of California, San Diego
The Lustgarten Foundation and Cablevision’s award-winning curePC campaign
raises awareness of pancreatic cancer and of the urgent need for more research
through television, print, radio and online public service announcements (PSAs).
With Cablevision’s support, 100 percent of every donation to the Foundation
goes directly to pancreatic cancer research.
“Pancreatic cancer grows
silently in the body and once
diagnosed, it’s usually too
late. It is the cancer that we
doctors fear most because
it is so deadly. That’s why
I’ve joined together with
The Lustgarten Foundation
and Cablevision’s curePC
campaign to help raise
awareness about the disease
and the need for more
scientific and medical
research. I urge others to
join us in this important
fight against pancreatic
—Dr. Mehmet Oz
Celebrity Support
Dr. Mehmet Oz, world renowned host of “The Dr. Oz Show” and widely respected health and medical expert, and actor Michael
Ealy, star of films such as About Last Night and Think Like A Man, join the curePC campaign, appearing in PSAs to help call
attention to this deadly disease. Dr. Oz emphasizes that research is the best hope to detect the disease earlier and to save lives,
and Michael Ealy reinforces the message that anyone can get pancreatic cancer, which is why we need everyone to join the fight.
In addition to Dr. Oz and Michael Ealy, many other noteworthy individuals have joined the curePC campaign, demonstrating their
Follow the curePC Campaign
Visit and find out more about the campaign’s activities and to find
out the many ways in which you can follow the curePC campaign, including YouTube,
Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest. Join us and help spread the word about the fight
against pancreatic cancer!
The Path to a Cure
Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
The curePC campaign conducted
This past November in recognition of Pancreatic Cancer
multi-faceted marketing and public
Awareness Month, the curePC campaign launched a new
relations campaigns for the Long Island
and New York City walks. These two successful
video series entitled: “Research. Progress.
Hope. Leaders in the Fight Against
events combined raised more than $1.6 million, all of which
Pancreatic Cancer.” The videos feature
goes directly to research, and welcomed nearly 10,000
compelling interviews online with
participants walking in the spirit of unity and hope for a cure.
extraordinary scientists and doctors
from the world’s top institutions
discussing why they joined with The
Lustgarten Foundation to beat the
nation’s most lethal cancer.
“I lost someone dear to me
to pancreatic cancer, so I
know the devastation that
this disease causes firsthand.
I’m proud to support The
Lustgarten Foundation and
help spread the word about
pancreatic cancer and the
Foundation’s efforts to find
a cure.”
—Actor Michael Ealy
support in the fight, such as former President Jimmy Carter, Bryan Cranston, Felicity Huffman, Denis Leary, William Hurt, Danny
Aiello, Rosie O’Donnell, Larry King, Matthew Modine, Joan Cusack and Dr. Sanjay Gupta, among others. You can view their PSAs
Holiday Rock & Roll Bash
On December 5, 2013, Cablevision Systems Corporation, AMC
Networks and The Madison Square Garden Company (MSG)
once again came together to host another fantastic Holiday
Rock & Roll Bash to benefit The Lustgarten Foundation. The
13th annual Bash broke all fundraising records for the event
by bringing in more than $1.95 million. It was the fourth
consecutive year of record-breaking fundraising.
Held at the legendary Hard Rock Cafe, amidst the holiday
hustle and bustle of New York City’s Times Square, the festive
event entertained 1,300 friends and supporters with an evening
of rock-and-roll performances. The audience was treated to The
Brian Mitchell Band, featuring a jam session with Cablevision
Pancreatic Cancer Research Walks/Runs
Thirty-four walks took place in eighteen states, representing
for The Lustgarten Foundation, also develop a remarkable
every corner of the United States, to raise more than $3.5
corps of ambassadors who spread awareness of pancreatic
famous Radio City Rockettes and their good friend, Santa Claus.
million for The Lustgarten Foundation in our quest to find a
cancer and The Lustgarten Foundation’s work to fund research
cure for pancreatic cancer. Nearly 21,000 people from big
to battle the disease. Thank you to all the organizers and
The most poignant moment of the evening was having Jessica
cities, suburban communities, and rural areas throughout the
volunteers and congratulations to all those who participated
and Andrew Lustgarten join Jim Dolan on stage to speak in
country came out to walk with family, friends, and colleagues
in the 2013 events, the most successful walks and runs in The
tribute of their father Marc Lustgarten, The Lustgarten
in support of the mission. The events, which raise vital funds
Lustgarten Foundation’s history!
CEO and MSG Executive Chairman James Dolan. The evening’s
entertainment included a special appearance by the world-
Foundation’s namesake. They expressed their deep appreciation
to the corporate sponsors whose generous donations in support
of the Bash help fund the Foundation’s promising research
and its mission to find a cure. Since its inception in 2001, the
Holiday Rock & Roll Bash has raised nearly $17 million for
pancreatic cancer research.
The Lustgarten Foundation continually works to create
Lustgarten Foundation’s winter event, is a celebration of the
new and exciting events of all kinds. Party in the Park, the
hope that has come from the promising research funded
through the Foundation’s efforts each year.
The inaugural Party in the Park, held in January 2013 at
Celsius at Bryant Park in New York City, featured special
treats for the more than 200 attendees. From views
overlooking the ice-skaters below to the mimes and magicians
who circulated throughout the room, the merriment of the
evening could be felt by all. Of course, the goals of every
event are to provide a wonderful experience and to raise
funds for research. With more than $100,000 raised and calls
for this event to become an annual experience, Party in the
Park was a success in every way.
• Westlake Village, CA—One of our two
CA based events, Westlake Village is
our kickoff event, taking place in
sunny CA each February.
• Milford, CT; Lincoln, NE; and Nashville,
TN—Our three newest locations
started in 2013.
Party in the Park
Some highlights from the 2013 Pancreatic Cancer Research Walks/Runs include:
• Cromwell, CT—Held on the TPC River
Highlands Golf Course during the
Traveler’s Championship PGA Tour
each year. In 2013 the walk reached a
cumulative total of more than $100,000.
• Chicago, IL—Started in 2005 by a small
committee of dedicated volunteers,
this event now has a successful
partnership with The Michael Rolfe
Pancreatic Cancer Foundation. For the
past 3 years, the collaborative efforts
of the Dash for Detection 5K walk
and certified run, created increased
fundraising and greater awareness of
pancreatic cancer. To date this event
has raised $1.6 million.
• New York—Home to the largest
number of Walks—7 in total—Albany,
Brooklyn, Dutchess County, Syracuse,
Long Island, New York City, and
Westchester. The National Walk series
began on Long Island in 2001 and this
walk continues to be the largest annual
walk and has raised more than $10
million to date.
• Westchester and Paramus Walks—
Each hit in 2013 a cumulative total of
$1 million.
• Boston, MA—On September 28th, The
Lustgarten Foundation partnered with
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network for
one combined walk, Unite to Fight,
which attracted 2,500 participants
and raised nearly $500,000.
• Denver, CO and Pennsauken, NJ—Both
of these walks are held on the first
Sunday in November, kicking off
Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.
Revenue from Fundraising
Charles F. Dolan
Kerri Kaplan
Marcia Lustgarten
Charles R. Schueler
Multi-Year Grant Commitments as of 1/1/13
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Director, Public Affairs
Cablevision Systems Corporation
New Grants Awarded
William Bell
Executive Director &
Chief Operating Officer
The Lustgarten Foundation
Executive Vice President, Media and
Community Relations
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Andrew Lustgarten
Ending Balance of Multi-Year Grant Commitments as of 12/31/13
James L. Dolan
Retired Executive Vice President,
Communication, Government &
Public Affairs
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Alan Schwartz
Grant Payments Due or Paid
Retired Vice Chairman
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Matthew Modine
National Basketball Association
The audited financial statements of The Lustgarten Foundation are available on our website or upon request to
The Lustgarten Foundation.
Chief Executive Officer
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Executive Chairman
The Madison Square Garden Company
Senior Vice President, Global Strategy
National Basketball Association
Jessica Lustgarten
Manager, Strategy and Analysis
Sheila Mahony
Executive Chairman
Guggenheim Partners LLC
Adam Silver
Dr. Robert F. Vizza
The Lustgarten Foundation
The Honorable Jimmy Carter
John S. Hendricks
John C. Malone
Tom Rogers
Honorary Chairman
Discovery Communications
Liberty Media Corporation
President & CEO
Mel Karmazin
Rupert Murdoch
Sir Howard Stringer
Executive Chairman
News Corporation
Chairman of the Board
Sony Corporation
Gerald M. Levin
Sumner M. Redstone
Retired CEO
Time Warner, Inc.
Executive Chairman of the Board
of Directors & Founder
Robert C. Wright
Frank A. Bennack, Jr.
Executive Vice Chairman of the Board
The Hearst Corporation
Barry Diller
Chairman & Senior Executive
Retired Chief Executive Officer
Sirius XM Radio Inc.
Retired Vice Chairman of the Board
& Executive Officer
General Electric
Tyler Jacks, Ph.D.
Robert J. Mayer, M.D.
David Tuveson, M.D., Ph.D.
Bert Vogelstein, M.D.
The David H. Koch Institute for
Integrative Cancer Research at MIT
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
The Lustgarten Foundation
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
The Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
David Paul Kelsen, M.D.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Bruce Stillman, Ph.D.
Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center
James Abbruzzese, M.D.
Gregory Hannon, Ph.D.
Scott Lowe, Ph.D.
Joel Tepper, M.D.
Duke University
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Laura Attardi, Ph.D.
Mathias Hebrok, Ph.D.
Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive
Cancer Center
UCSF Helen Diller Family
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Robert J. Mayer, M.D.
Roger Tsien, Ph.D.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
University of California, San Diego
Sunil Hingorani, M.D., Ph.D.
Martin McMahon, Ph.D.
Ralph Weischelbaum, M.D.
Stanford University
Nabeel Bardeesy, Ph.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital
Cancer Center
Sangeeta Bhatia, M.D., Ph.D.
The David H. Koch Institute for
Integrative Cancer Research at MIT
John Chabot, M.D.
New York-Presbyterian Hospital/
Columbia University Medical Center
Steven Fesik, Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Charles Fuchs, M.D.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center
Ralph Hruban, M.D.
The Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Christine IaccabuzzioDonohue, M.D.
Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center
David Kelsen, M.D.
Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center
UCSF Helen Diller Family
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Alec Megibow, M.D.
NYU Langone Medical Center
Frank McCormick, Ph.D.
UCSF Helen Diller Family
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Kenneth Olive, Ph.D.
New York-Presbyterian Hospital/
Columbia University Medical Center
Andrew Shiau, Ph.D.
The University of Chicago Medical Center
Matthew Vander Heiden,
M.D., Ph.D.
The David H. Koch Institute for
Integrative Cancer Research at MIT
Bert Vogelstein, M.D.
The Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Robert Vonderheide,
M.D., Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania Abramson
Family Cancer Research Institute
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research,
La Jolla Branch
The Lustgarten Foundation is at the forefront of pancreatic cancer research and continues to be the largest private
funder with the help of our supporters and friends. This important mission could not be accomplished without the
assistance of the many generous individuals, foundations, corporations, volunteers and organizations that support us.
We wish there was enough space to thank each individual who has ever made a gift, however please know that each
gift is deeply appreciated and that 100% of every dollar goes toward research.
Bill and Ellen Bell
Cablevision Systems
Charles B. Wang Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hostetter
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lockton III
McMullen Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. F.F. Randolph Jr.
The Lustgarten Family
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tow
PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE $100,000+ (cumulative since inception)
AMC Networks
Mrs. Cornelia T. Bailey
Bank of America
Barbara Montani Santaniello
Research Fund Inc.
Bear Stearns Companies, Inc.
Bill and Ellen Bell
Black Twig Communications, LLC
Brindell Roberts Gottlieb Trust
Brisbin Brook Beynon,
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Celgene Corporation
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Mrs. Dorothy Daly
Debevoise & Plimpton, LLP
DevelopOnBox LLC
Discovery Communications
Disney and ESPN Media
Eli Lilly and Company
Estate of Florence E. Wilson
Estate of Judith Bandel
Estate of Lucille L. Tirkfield
Estate of Maxine Stein-Kohler
Estate of Patricia C. Galgan
Fashion Accessories Benefit Ball
Frank J. Antun Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Frankel
Frontier Touring
Gardner Nelson & Partners, Inc.
Genentech, Inc.
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP
Mr. Leo A. Guthart
H. J. Kalikow & Co., LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hostetter
Howard Shapiro Memorial Fund
Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
ImClone Systems Incorporated
James S. Swinehart
Memorial Fund
JPMorgan Chase
Jeffrey Rosenzweig Foundation
For Pancreatic Cancer
Jones Day
Karen Zissu-Magidson
Memorial Fund
Kauff McGuire & Margolis LLP
Lazarus Marketing, Inc.
Levon Graphics Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lockton III
Loeb & Loeb LLP
Mark Abrams Memorial
Mark Broxmeyer Memorial Fund
McMullen Family Foundation
Merrill Lynch
Michael Rolfe Pancreatic
Cancer Foundation
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris,
Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
Miramax Films
Morgan Stanley
MTV Networks, Inc.
NBA Cares
Neil M. Klatskin Foundation, Inc.
News Corporation
Nokia Siemens Networks
OSI Foundation
Mr. Robert F. Penardi
Pharmacia & Upjohn Co.
Mrs. Richardson Pratt
Mrs. F. F. Randolph Jr.
Ms. Kathryn Schulberg
Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.
Shearman & Sterling LLP
Sloane & Company
Stephen & Mary Birch
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
Sun Microsystems
The Benjamin Neuhausen Fund
for Pancreatic Cancer
The Bernard Lee Schwartz
Foundation, Inc.
The Bernice and Milton Stern
The Harry T. Barbaris, M.D.
Memorial Fund
The John A. Hartford
Foundation, Inc.
The Lefkofsky Foundation
The Lustgarten Family
The Madison Square Garden
The Ralph C. Marcove Cancer
Research Fund, Inc.
The Robert & Lynne Grossman
Family Foundation
The Walter B. Wriston Fund
The Weinstein Company
Theodore W. Batterman Family
Foundation, Inc.
Thomasville Home Furnishings
Metro NY
Time Warner, Inc.
Mr. Leonard Tow
Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Udell of
London Jewelers
Verizon Communications
Mr. Charles Wang
West New York Restoration
of CT, Inc.
Willkie, Farr & Gallagher, LLP
WLNY TV 10/55
These donor listings reflect contributions from January 1 through
December 31, 2013
Mrs. Cornelia T. Bailey
Brindell Roberts Gottlieb Trust
Cablevision Systems
Celgene Corporation
Estate of Lucille L. Tirkfield
Estate of Patricia C. Galgan
Fashion Accessories Benefit Ball
Frontier Touring
Jeffrey Rosenzweig Foundation
For Pancreatic Cancer Research
Levon Graphics Corporation
Mark Broxmeyer Memorial Fund
Theodore W. Batterman Family
Foundation, Inc.
AI Media Group, LLC
AMC Networks
Bank of America
Brisbin Brook Beynon, Architects
CBS Corporation
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Debevoise & Plimpton, LLP
Deloitte & Touche LLP
DevelopOnBox LLC
Disney and ESPN Media Networks
Mary C. Dix
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Frankel
Frenz For A Cause, Inc.
Greater Hartford Community
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Leo A. Guthart
Hope Foundation
Howard Shapiro Memorial Fund
Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
Infinera Corporation
James S. Swinehart Memorial
JPMorgan Chase
Jones Day
Larry Magid Entertainment
Lazarus Marketing, Inc.
Lois J. and Richard W. Vieser
Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Martin
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris,
Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
NBA Cares
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton
& Garrison LLP
Ropes & Gray
Setauket Yacht Club
C3 Presents/Lollapalooza
Estate of Morton Windish
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP
Kauff McGuire & Margolis LLP
Live Nation
News Corporation
Ralph C. Marcove Cancer
Research Fund, Inc.
Mr. Eric J. Steinmann
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
The Antoinette E. (“Mimi”)
& Herman Boehm
Foundation, Inc.
The Bernard Lee Schwartz
Foundation, Inc.
The Charles B. Wang
International Foundation
The Mancheski Foundation, Inc.
Tom’s Cure Pancreatic Cancer
SFX Entertainment, Inc.
Shearman & Sterling LLP
ShopRite Supermarkets, Inc.
The Clarissa & Edgar Bronfman,
Jr. Foundation
The Elkes Foundation
The Ergonomic Group
The IDT Charitable Foundation
The Lustgarten Family
The Madison Square
Garden Company
The Mayrock & Sands Family
The MCJ Amelior Foundation
The Ruth and David Levine
Charitable Fund
Time Warner, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Udell of
London Jewelers
Karen Zissu-Magidson
Memorial Fund
A&E Television Networks
Active Video Network
Al Jazeera America
Alcatel Lucent
Amdocs Broadband Cable &
Satellite Division
Andree Wildenstein Dormeuil &
Roger Dormeuil Foundation
Another Planet Entertainment
Ms. Adrienne Atkinson
Mr. Howard S. Banchik
Mr. George Beisel
Bel Air Investment Advisors LLC
Bethpage Federal Credit Union
Bill and Ellen Bell
Bill Silva Entertainment
Bloomingdale Fire Department
Mr. Howard L. Blum Jr.
BNP Paribus
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bogen
Bonner Family Private
Foundation, Inc.
Borderline Amazing Productions
Boston Scientific Corporation
Mr. John F. Campbell
Carol B. Smith Memorial
Golf Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chadakoff
Citigroup Payment Services
Clear Channel
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cohen
Communications Specialists Inc.
Contec Holdings, Ltd.
Creative Bath Products, Inc.
Credit Agricole Corporate
Investment Bank
Croatian American Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Cushman & Wakefield
Dick Clark Productions/Billboard
Discovery Communications
London Jewelers continued its partnership with The
Lustgarten Foundation in 2013 with its third jewelry
collection from famed designer, Ippolita. Ippolita made
a special appearance at London Jewelers in Manhasset
in June to unveil the design of an exclusive pendant and
earrings created to support the fight against pancreatic
cancer. The Ippolita drop pendant and snowman earrings
in dark amethyst are available at any of the five London
Jewelers locations and on line at
In 2008, London Jewelers lost their general manager,
Michael Spevak, to pancreatic cancer. This devastating loss
to the London Jewelers team prompted them to partner
with The Lustgarten Foundation, knowing that 100% of all
donations to the Foundation go directly to pancreatic
cancer research. To date the partnership has raised more
than $300,000 for pancreatic cancer research.
Domino Realty
Edward W. Smith Jr. Foundation
Entertainment Industry
Estate of Dorothy W. Gross
F. Gerard McGrath Foundation
Fabrix TV, Inc.
Fifth Avenue of L.I. Realty
Forchelli, Curto, Deegan,
Schwartz, Mineo & Terrana
Gelfand Rennert & Feldman LLP
Genentech, Inc.
Mr. Zale Glauberman
Gleason Family Foundation, Inc.
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Goodman
and Family
Mr. Ziv Haparnas
Mr. Roger Hathaway
Hayashi International Promotion
Co., Ltd.
Haymakers for Hope, Inc.
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Henry and Marilyn Taub
Houlihan Lokey
Mrs. Laura R. Hull
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hurwitz
Mr. Walter J. Husak
IBM Corporation
IBM Employee Charitable
Contribution Campaign
ION Computer Systems
ION Media Networks
JEK Communications, Inc.
Jenner & Block LLP
Juniper Networks
Kansys, Inc.
Mrs. Marilyn Kasperick
Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP
Kevin Naquin For Pancreatic
Cancer Research
Kobre & Kim LLP
Kramer Levin Naftalis &
Frankel LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levitt
Liner Grode Stein Yankelevitz
Sunshine Regenstreif &
Taylor LLP
M.A.R.S. Inc.
Martha Washington StrausHarry H. Straus Foundation,
McMullen Family Foundation
Meltzer Lippe Foundation
Mr. Steven Mermelstein and
Ms. Tamara Heimlich
Ms. Jo Ellen Moore
MRV Optical Communications
National Football League
National Hockey League
Natixis North America, Inc.
NetScout Systems, Inc.
Network For Good
New England Patriots
Nokia Siemens Networks
Pancreatic Cancer Alliance of
Polk County
Paula Feder Foundation
Mr. Robert F. Penardi
PHD Network
PRG Nocturne and PRG
Concert Touring
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart &
Sullivan, LLP
RBC Capital Markets
Rensselaer Honda
David Roy and Nancy Roy
Mr. and Mrs. David Salmanson
Sarah Tod Fund
Scripps Networks Interactive
SCS PHL Regional Leadership
The Seck Family
SevOne, Inc.
Shostak Charitable Fund
Mr. Adam Silver
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher,
& Flom, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Slater
Sloane & Company
Stupell Foundation Inc.
Suntrust Robinson Humphrey
TD Bank, N.A.
The Bank of Nova Scotia
The Brooklyn Brothers LLC
The Dr. P Foundation
The Fitzgerald-Hartley Company
The Harold L. & Faye Liss
The MacDonald Foundation
The Phelan Foundation
The Poses Family Foundation
The Promotion In Motion
Companies, Inc.
The Richard E. Capri Foundation
The Robert & Lynne Grossman
Family Foundation
The Robert and Marion
Schamann Brozowski
The Sandra Atlas Bass and
Edythe & Sol G. Atlas
Fund, Inc.
The Schwartz Family Foundation
The Stevens Company
The Walter B. Wriston Fund
The West Endowment
Tribune Media Services
Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc.
Turner Construction Company
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Udo Artists, Inc.
Univision Communications
Mr. and Mrs. Michel Vega
Vornado Realty Trust
W.L. Landau Ethan Allen
Dr. David Wirtschafter
Mrs. Moncia Yandow
Yes Network
525 America, Inc.
Abbe Berman Foundation Trust
AIG Matching Grants Program
Albany Liver and Pancreas
Surgery, PC
American Endowment
AON Foundation—Matching
Gifts Program
Mr. Lawrence T. Babbio
Barclays Capital
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bardwil
Baron Capital Foundation
Mrs. Evelyn Barrow
Becker Harrow
Beran Family Foundation
BlackRock Financial
Management, Inc.
Boyle Family Foundation
Dr. James R. Boyle
BR Guest Restaurants
Brownstone Investment Group
Carolyn Fostel Revocable Trust
Century Bank
Clare Rose Foundation, Inc.
Coney Island Pharmacy
Content Partners LLC
Ms. Mary Ann Crutchlow
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Damast
Dr. Thomas Daniel
Davis Wright Tremaine, LLP
deBlois, Mejia & Kaplan
Mr. Ronald J. DeFelice
DG Medios
Edward Darman Co., L.P.
Dr. Joan Egrie
Ms. Debbie Elder
EMC2 Corporation
Estate of John Francis Harman
Evenpro Group
Exposure Marketing
& Promotion, Inc.
Fathom Communications LLC
Ms. Ellen S. Fox
Fox News Channel
Frank J. Romano Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fullerton
George and June Block Family
Gettinger Family Foundation
Mr. Miles Gidaly
Mr. Walter Gish
Gloria Swan Pancreatic
Cancer, Inc.
Mrs. Lisa A. Gold
Mrs. Bernice L. Gotlieb
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Ms. Rona M. Guidone
Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC
Haber Corporation
Mr. John Halopoff
Mr. Charles Helme and
Ms. Irene Romero
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Hills
Horwith Trucks, Inc.
Ionidea, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. James
Mrs. Rene M. Johnson
K&L Gates LLP
Mrs. Marion S. Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Armenag Kalaydjian
Dr. Frank Kamer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Katz
Mr. Christopher Kete and
Ms. Tiffany George-Kete
King, Holmes, Paterno & Berliner
Mr. Kerry J. Kirby
Ms. Marjorie Klayman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Korval
Latino Events, CMN Events &
Saymon Diaz
Law Office of Dennis Roach
Lawton Adams Construction
Mrs. Gayle L. Lerch
Mr. Corey Levine
Live Nation Merchandise
Local One
Mamaroneck Shares, Inc.
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLC
Martin’s Famous Pastry
Shoppe, Inc.
Mary R. Gilbert Trust
Max and Sunny Howard
Memorial Foundation
Ms. Christa Meinzinger
Midlands Community
Mrs. Diane Miller and Family
Ms. Phyllis W. Miller
Miranda Fund
Mr. Stuart M. Morgan and Family
Morgan, Lewis & Brockius LLP
Mr. Donald P. Muller
Nederlander of California
Mr. Peter H. Neuwirth
Mrs. Cynthia Nevins
No One Fights Alone 5K
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.
Patterson Belknap Webb &
Tyler LLP
Paul B. Greetin and Beryl S.
Greetin Foundation, Inc.
Paul Hastings LLP
Mr. William G. Paullin
Mr. Doniel Perl
Mr. Rupert Perry
Pfizer, Inc.
Phillips-Van Heusen
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Lynn G. Platzner and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Hy Portnoy
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Pranzo
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Prevor
Mr. and Mrs. Don Ralphs
Rechler Equity Partners
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Resnick
Ms. Gail M. Roller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. Marc Rossi
Mr. Don Schneider
Ms. Lisa Schneider
Mr. William Schwalbe
Score For The Cure in
Pennington New Jersey
Sebonack Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E.
Sherry Shumaker Memorial Fund
Mr. Rick Shipp
Ms. Barbara Shulman
Mrs. Judith Siegfried
Mr. and Mrs. Ari Spar
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Sperry
SportsNet New York
Starr Hill—Red Light Fund
Starz Entertainment
Ms. Susan B. Stearns
Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein &
Mr. C. David Strupeck
The Sundheim Family
Mr. Martin E. Tanzer and Family
The Apple Matching Gifts
The Atlantic Philanthropies
The Bob Swartz Memorial Fund
The David Geffen Foundation
The Dayle H. and Michael Katz
The Ivan Seidenberg
Foundation, Inc.
The Moss Foundation
The Prevor Family Foundation
The Spionkop Charitable Trust
Tilles-Zuckerbrot Families
(TZ Real Estate)
Mr. Alexander H. Tisch
TiVo, Inc.
Mr. Paul Tollett
Tribune Media Services
Mr. Robert S. Trump
U.S. Bank
Vector Management
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waldman
Waldos Designs
Mr. Kevin M. Wall and
Mrs. Sue Smalley-Wall
Mrs. Traci A. Weaver
Mr. David C. Williams
Willkie, Farr & Gallagher, LLP
Mr. David S. Winter
Winthrop University Hospital
Mr. Ryan M. Witwer
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wright
WVSOM Foundation
WWE, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Yablon
Dr. Hilma M. Yu
Ms. Lai Ming Yu
Mr. Walter Zifkin
Mr. Irv Zuckerman
Credit Suisse First Boston
CSC Indiana, LLC
Mr. Brian Davis
DCG Fulfillment
Mr. Thomas F. DeGrazia
Demattia Charitable Foundation
Deutsche Bank Americas
Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.
Donald J. Fager & Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Donner
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dusansky
Engineers Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
EPIQ Systems, Inc.
Eyeking LLC
Farrell Fritz, P.C.
Florio Perrucci Steinhardt &
Fader, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Accardi
Mr. Arthur E. Fogel
and Family
Friends of John V. Duffy
Adesa Impact
GE Foundation Matching
Mr. Howard Adler
Gifts Program
AEW Capital Management, L.P.
Barbara and Abdel Ghafir
Alvin J. Bart & Sons, Inc.
Mrs. Corinne Glassman
American Express Foundation
Glen Oaks Club
Ms. Andrea Anastasio
Mr. Brian Goldman
Apex Systems, Inc.
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching
Ashner Family Evergreen
Gift Program
Good Hope Foundation
B&F Johnstone Supply
Mr. and Mrs. Arne Haak
Bane Foundation
Mr. Sean Handler
Bank of America Foundation
Harkavy-Mack Foundation
Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison
BBC Worldwide
and Family
Bill Tamburro Jr. Memorial
Mrs. Jean Hauser
Golf Tourney
Mr. Harvey R. Heller
Billy Webber Memorial Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Herring
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blomquist
Hershey Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brody
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burnett
Hildenbrand Jr.
Mrs. Kathleen Burns
Hogan Lovells US LLP
Mr. Sergey G. Butkevich
Mr. William E. Hohenthaner
Camargo Trading Company
Hudson Bay Capital
Mr. Frank Carroll Jr.
Management LP
Mr. Thomas Castellone
Mr. Martin Illick
Mrs. Carolann Catalogne
Integrated Broadband
Certilman Balin Adler Hyman, LLP
Services, Inc.
Charles and Margaret Levin
Jeffrey and Debra Feinstein
Family Foundation
Ms. Alana Clegg
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Cohen
and Family
Columbus Center Cobra Club
Compassionate Hearts
Mr. Mitch Cooper
Mr. Patrick Coughlin
The David and Lucile Packard
The Logan Foundation
The Myron and Alayne Meilman
Family Foundation
The Niki and Joe Gregory
Charitable Foundation
The Price Family Charitable Fund
The Sidney & Pearl Kalikow
PPC—John Mezzalingua
Jerry Perenchio Living Trust
The Virginia Metzler Family
Associates Inc.
Joel & Lisa Benenson
Charitable Foundation
Ms. Audra Press
Foundation, Inc.
The Weather Channel
Mr. Thomas Pritchard
The Women’s Group of
K. James Yager Charitable Fund Mrs. Sue F. Quarta
the Greens
Renee Malca Cadour Corn
Mr. Jeffrey Kan
Time & Again Galleries
Charitable Trust
Mrs. Dolores Karp and Family
Times Fiber Communications, Inc.
Ms. Daryl Karter
Towers Watson
Robert Graham Designs LLC
Kasirer Consulting
Robert R. McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Elan Katz
Mr. Alan Uhlman
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Katz
Valley Preferred
Roberta and Gary Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Klett
Mrs. Alexis C. Ventre-Weiss
Charitable Fund
Mrs. Yolanda J. Kunz
Verizon Foundation
Mrs. Eve K. Robinson and
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lande
Mr. Jeff Wagner and
Mr. Joshua Wiener
Mrs. Patricia Lanza
Ms. Kathy Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rogers
Laughter For The Cure
Mr. Christian Wall
Ron Miller Memorial 5K
Live Nation
Mr. and Mrs. Damian E. Wall
Schenck, Price, Smith & King, LLP
Mr. Guy Magno
Wally Oakland Memorial
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest N. Schnesel
Marx/Okubo Associates
Ms. Jennifer Rudolph Walsh
Mrs. Nancy Schuman
McAfee, Inc
Wellington Management
Mr. and Mrs. Avi Shapira
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McClane
Company LLP
Shapiro, Arato & Isserles LLP
Mr. Doug McDaniel
Wells Fargo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sheppard
Ms. JoAnn McElroy
Mr. Herb Wetanson
Mr. Claude Sherman
MeadWestvaco Corporation
Wildcat Athletic Club
Ms. Janinne Milazzo and Family ShoreGroup, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gavin H. Wolfe
Siena Engineering Group, Inc.
Ms. Melissa R. Mirabile
ZwillGen PLLC
Mr. and Mrs. Quinn Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Sifonios
Mrs. Abby Smith
Moritt Hock Hamroff &
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Sokol
Horowitz LLP
A & D Restorations, LLC
Nathan’s Famous Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Spring
A.C. Israel Foundation
Ms. Barbara Nichuals and Family St. Irene’s Ladies Philoptochos
Access Wealth Planning, LLC
of St. Athanasios
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Noble
Mr. John W. Addis
Steel Equities
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Nolan
Ms. Kimberly Agresta
Dr. Zelig Steinberg and
North American Partners in
Mr. Joseph A. Agresta Jr.
Mrs. Pamela J. Steinberg
Anesthesia, LLP
Mr. Donald J. Aharonian
Mr. Anthony Stemkowski
Novartis Foundation
Aiken Promotions
Mr. Anil Stevens
Matching Gifts
Albany Gastroenterology
Susan and Leonard Feinstein
Old Westbury Golf &
Consultants P.C.
Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Alberti
Ms. Cathleen M. Taff
Mr. Timothy O’Shea
Alex and Ani Charity By Design
Ms. Penny Rae Takeda
Mr. Greg Oswald
Alliantie Technical Group, Inc
Ted and Ruth Johnson Family
Patricia Armstrong Dressler
Allied Beverage Tanks, Inc.
Alnor Oil Company, Inc.
Tellabs, Inc.
Ms. Christine Pederson
The Altman Family
Thalia and George Liberatos
Mr. John Pessolano
Alvarez Charitable Foundation
Foundation, Inc.
Pittman Family Foundation
Ms. Stacey Alvarez
The Aboodi & Hoffman Families American Metals Supply Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Pliskin
Mr. Mark S. Popofsky
Ms. Veronica A. Amici
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Amodio
Mr. Alan Anderson
Andrews Family Foundation
Mr. Joshua J. Angel
Mr. Nicholas A. Annunziata
Mr. Robert Annunziata
Antheus Capital
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Appel
Aristeia Capital, LLC
Mr. Gaelan Armstrong
Dr. Milton Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. David Arnow
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Aronson
Mr. Tom Aronson
Mrs. Margaret Asselin
Assured Guaranty Matching
Gifts Program
Atalanta Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Atwood
ATX Networks
Mrs. Patricia S. August
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Azralon
John, Stephanie and Lili Balik
Barbara Montani Santaniello
Research Fund Inc.
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
Ms. Elizabeth Barnett
Mr. David Barshay
Mr. Henry L. Bass
Mrs. Judith Baum
Ms. Lillian Baumann
Ms. Virginia Bedford
Belkin Burden Wenig &
Goldman, LLP
Mr. Michael Beller
Mr. Gerard Beninati
Benjamin S. Levine Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Chester A. Bennett
Mr. Gary M. Bennett
Mrs. Lauren Benson
Ms. Meryl Berkowitz
Mr. John R. Bernhardi Jr.
Mr. Michael Berr
Mr. David L. Berry
Mr. Jay D. Bienstock and Family
Mr. Jeffrey Bier
Ms. Phyllis Bilus
Bingham McCutchen
Mr. Richard S. Birnbaum
Mr. Steven Bissonnette
Ms. Randall Black
Ms. Fran Bland
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Jay Bloom
Bloomberg TV
BLS International
Ms. Joanne Blum
BNY Mellon Community
Bob Smith BMW/Mini Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bobry
Mr. Frank M. Boccio
Ms. Donna L. Boerner
Ms. Candice R. Bolte
Borman Entertainment
Mr. John Boruta and Family
Dr. Harriet S. Boxer
Dr. Mary Boy
John B. Brand
Ms. Bernardine Brandis
Mr. Paul A. Braun
Bretton Woods Players
Mr. Manuel Broad
Broadridge Foundation
Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown
Mrs. K.C. Bruley
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Mrs. Shari P. Buchbinder
Buckley Brothers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Buechler
Mr. Thomas J. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Burriss
Mr. Dennis Burt
Mr. August A. Busch III
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Butler
CA, Inc.
Cable Audit Associates, Inc.
Mr. Stephen M. Cadden
Cafco Construction
Management, Inc.
CAK Entertainment
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Calotta
Cancer Treatment Centers
of America
Mrs. Ramon Caporusso
and Family
Mr. Frank Cardile
Cardiovascular Specialists, LLC
Ms. Kathryn M. Carlson
Mrs. Laura R. Carmine
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carnogursky
Mr. Steven J. Caspi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Catapano
Mr. Joseph P. Catapano
and Family
Mr. Robert B. Catell
Catholic Health Initiatives
Central Ohio Primary Care
Physicians, Inc.
Mrs. Maria Cerullo
Mr. Fred Chaimson
Mrs. Patricia Chanin
Mr. Gary A. Chanowitz
Charles Kendall & Partners
Charles M Cappellino
Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Rachel Charles and Family
Check Point Technologies, Inc.
Mr. Thomas Cherner and
Ms. Lynn A. Suter
Cheryl Meyer Insurance Agency
and Farmers Insurance
Mr. Brian Chin
Mr. William J. Christ
Mr. Thomas E. Christman
Ms. Margaret Chu and Family
Chubb & Son, Inc. Matching
Gifts Program
Cisco Systems Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Clark
Ms. Mary Grace Clayton
Clearbridge Compensation
Group LLC
Mr. Monty C. Cleworth
Mrs. Diane Cobb
Mrs. Sharon Cobb
Mr. Darryl Cohen
Mrs. Helayne Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Cohen
Collection Bureau of Hudson
Valley, Inc.
Columbia Gas of Ohio
Columbia Records
Mr. and Mrs. Marcel G. Comire
Mr. Pasquale R. Concessi
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Conte
Continental Home Loans, Inc.
Mr. Skip Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cooper
Ms. Loretta R. Cormier
Cornelius King Charitable
Mrs. Maureen Cornicelli
and Family
Ms. Linda Cote
Covidien Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. M. Jameson Crane
Crossfire Consulting Corp.
Crown Media Family Networks
CSC Leasing Company
Cunniffe Family Foundation
Ms. Sandra Cunningham
Mrs. Joan E. Dalbon
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Daly
Damage Management Ltd
Mr. Michael Damken
Mr. Mike P. Damm
Daniel and Jane Och
Charitable Trust
Ms. Ellen Danish
Dr. Dudley Danoff
Ms. Jo-Ann F. Danzis
DaVita Inc.
Daymarc Foundation
Mrs. Myrna Deady and Family
Mrs. Ann DeGrazia
Dell USA L.P.
Delta Airlines
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene DeMark
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Desmond
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Desnick
Ms. Gema Diaz
Mr. John DiDomenico
DiFrancesco Bateman
Mrs. Ann C. DiTroia
DKD Entertainment Group
Doctors Express
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Donner
Mr. Scott Donner
Mr. William Donovan
Mr. Mehmet Donuk
Ms. Shari Dorfberg
Ms. Sandra L. Dosick
Mr. Anthony Doss
Mr. Michael Dowd
Driscoll Foods
The DuBrul Family
The Troy-De Wit Family
Charitable Fund
Mrs. Susan Durfee
Elite Personnel, Inc.
Mrs. Daryl Elliott
Mrs. Sharon E. Elliott
Mr. Curtis A. Elsbernd
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Emery
Mr. David O. Eng
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Mrs. Darcy Epstein
Estes Express Lines
Ethel & Alexander Nichoson
Evans-Cockerline Foundation
Faber Future Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Factor Jr.
Family Management
Mr. Dorone Farber
Farmers Insurance Group
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farrell
Mr. Richard S. Feinstein
Mr. Jerry Feldman
Mr. Daniel Fellman
Ms. Michelle Fera
Fiber Business Solutions
Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Filon
Mrs. Marilyn Finkelstein
Mr. Steven Finkelstein
Finn Dixon & Herling, LLP
Firstgiving, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Fischer
Mr. Kevin Fisher
Ms. Anna Flax
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Fleder
Dr. David Flesner and Family
Dutch Productions Inc.
Mrs. Sweetie Dyson
Ms. Elaine Eaton
ECSM Utility Contractors, Inc.
Mrs. Donna E. Edwards
Edwards Wildman Palmer
Flexicon Corporation
Flysch Family Foundation
Charles Forma Esq.
Mrs. Jennie Fortunoff
Mr. Earl M. Foster
Foundation For the Carolinas
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Fox
Ms. Lacey Fox
Mrs. Mary A. Fox
Mr. Carl Frascogna
Mr. Gary Freedman
Mr. and Mrs. Brad F. Freer
Freeze For Life Trust
Mr. Thomas Freston
Mr. Ed Friedman
Mrs. Elizabeth Friedman
Mrs. Rose A. Fusco Mandragona
Mr. JC Galante
Ms. April E. Galda
Mr. Richard J. Galus
Gamco Investors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gannon
Mr. Joe Gardill
Mr. Mark Garten
Mr. John J. Garthoeffner
Mrs. Donna Garzillo
Geraldine R. Dodge
Foundation, Inc.
gérard drouot productions s.a.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gering
Ms. Bobbi Gershenwald and
Mr. Michael Gerstner
Gilardi Properties
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gilbert-Lurie
Mr. Joshua Gillon and Family
Giomare Group LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Girolamo
Mr. Jay T. Glassman
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Glenn
Mr. Robert Glockner
Mrs. Pamela M. Goggins
Mrs. Sherry Gold
Mr. Norman Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Goldfrank
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Goldman
Mr. Tony Goldring
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold M.
Mr. Richard Goldstein
Ms. Shirley I. Goldstein
Goldve Entertainment
Mrs. Gloria C. Goodenough
Google Matching Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley N.
Ms. Alicia Gordon
Ms. Kristin M. Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Goulding
Mr. Richard Graff
Mr. Herbert S. Grant
Grant Thornton LLP
Green Magic Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Greene
Mrs. Pamela W. Greenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Greenwald
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Greenwald
Mr. Jordan Greer
Ms. Jane Griffith
Mr. Marc Grill
Mrs. Regina R. Grim
Ms. Joan B. Gross
Grubman Indursky &
Schindler PC
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Grushcow
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore F. Guerra
Mrs. Annelies Guglberger
H2 Events, Inc.
Hackensack University
Medical Center
Ms. Margaret L. Hagen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haggerty
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Haje
Ms. Alison Hall
Mrs. Patricia P. Hall
Mr. Steven Halvorsen
Ms. Kathleen Hamm
Mrs. Karen Hammer and
Ms. Sarah Jane Hammer
Mr. Leon Hammett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamwee
Dr. John A. Harman
Harmonic, Inc.
Ms. Gail F. Harms
Harris Williams & Co.
Mr. and Ms. Tim Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hartman
Mr. Sean Harvey
Mr. Jeffrey K. Hass
Haugebak Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hauke
Mr. Napoleon Hawkes
Health Diagnostic
Laboratory, Inc.
The Heffner Family
Mr. Jack Heiss
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Helfant
Help is at Hand
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herbert
Ms. Marianela D. Hernandez
Mr. Richard Hill
Ms. Linda Himberger
Mr. Alan Hinds
Mr. Steve Hochberg
Mr. James Hochleutner
Mrs. Mary H. Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoffer
Mrs. Denice Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Hogue
Ms. Courtney Holben
Ms. Gayle Holcomb
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Holden
Mr. Bruce Hoppel
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Horowitz
Mr. Michael F. Horwith
and Family
Ms. Sheila Horwith
Mrs. Joyce G. Houlihan
Hourigan Construction
Mrs. Loretta E. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Howell
Mr. Robert J. Hrebek
Mr. Frank N. Hughes
Mr. Kevin Hundert
Mr. and Mrs. J. Randolph
Mrs. Caroline Howard Hyman
Mr. Francis Hyman
Ms. Amy Berko Iles
Imagine Nation Books, Ltd.
Incognito Software
Independent Investment
Group LLP
ING Capital LLC
Integrated Professional
Services, LLP
Irmas Charitable Foundation
Mr. Eric A. Isaacson
J. Thomas Jewelers
J.B. Marble Co.
Jack & Anita Saltz Foundation
Jack Haley Memorial Fund
Mrs. Sylvia Jacobs
Ms. Sharon H. Jacquet
Mr. Clete Jaeger
Jam Productions
Ms. Pat Jehle
Mr. John Jenkins
Mr. George K. Jennison
Mr. Daryel L. Jesperson
Mr. Manish Jhanji
Jim Alberto Memorial
Golf Classic
Mrs. Angela B. Jimenez
John T. and Margaret Sharpe
Advise & Consult Fund of the
Community Foundation of
North Texas
Ms. Shirley K. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan
Joseph F. Stein Family
Foundation, Inc.
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Ms. Susan K. Jung
Mrs. Lynne M. Kaiser
Mrs. Louise Kaminow and Family
Mrs. Sandra Kapell
Mr. and Mrs. David Kaplan
Mr. Jerome Kaplan
Mrs. Joan Kaplan
Mrs. Michelle H. Karin
Mr. Gary M. Karlitz
Mr. Robert Karmen
Mr. George Karnoutsos
Mr. Alan Kassan
Mr. Burton R. Kassell
Mr. Gary Katcher
Mr. Elliott W. Kater
Ms. Carole Katz
Mr. Jerome C. Katz
Mr. Ronald A. Kaye
Dr. Lawrence Keen
Kelly Family Foundation
Kendall, Brill and Klieger, LLP
Kenley Realty Company
Kennedy Street Enterprises
Mrs. Suzanne N. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kewley
KeyBank Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Mr. Thomas Kim
Mr. Michael Kimak
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kitchens
Mr. Charles F. Kivowitz
Mrs. Sandi Klein
Mrs. Karen Klutinoty
Mr. Thomas Knowles
Mr. James G. Kocher III
Mr. Paul Koenig
Mr. Duane Koss
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Kovensky
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Kovner
KPMG Community Giving
Ms. Cynthia F. Krasner and
Mr. Ron Goldstein
Mr. Jeffrey Kuhr
Mr. and Mrs. Tomislav Kundic
Mrs. Lori L. Laake
Ms. Carol L. Lace
Mrs. Mary E. Lambird
Mr. Joseph LaMonica
Mr. and Mrs. Oren Langer
Mr. Andrew Laub
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Laub
Mrs. Kay Lavin
Mr. Stephen R. Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lawrence
Mrs. Monika Leach
The Learman Family
Mr. William Lee
Mrs. Deborah A. Lee-Goldsmith
Mr. Gerry Lenfest
Mrs. Julie M. Lennon and Family
Leonard Park Wines & Spirits, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lerner
Leslie C Quick Jr and Regina A
Quick Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. David Levien
Levine Sullivan Koch & Schulz LLP
Dr. Vicki Levine
Mr. John Levitsky
Ms. Ellen F. Levy
Mr. Rand Levy
LFP Broadcasting, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Liberman
Liberty Mutual—Give With
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Mr. Ed Lieberman
Lightower Fiber Networks
Lindemann Abend Foundation
Ms. Luciana Lino
Mr. Aaron Linsky
Mr. Thomas Lint
Mr. and Mrs. David List
Local 1109 Communication
Workers of America
Mrs. Renee Lockhart
Mr. William Lockwood
Dr. Edward Loeb and Family
Mrs. Marie Lopez
Ms. Martha Lovenheim Siegel
Ms. Deborah Lucas
Ken and Carol Ludwig
Ms. Rosalind Massow Luger
Mrs. Tina K. Lundstedt
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lustgarten
Mr. Stephen J. Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mackey
Macklam Feldman Management
Mrs. Chrissy MacTaggart
Macy’s & Federated Department
Stores Foundation
Mr. Scott W. Madalone
Madison Entertainment
Associates, LLC
MagicSpace Entertainment, Inc.
Main Street Radiology LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Malison
Mallory Alexander Logistics
Mrs. Diane I. Mandel
Mr. Robert Marcus
Ms. Stacy Y. Mark
Mr. Steven Marentis
Market Touch Media, Inc.
Mr. Robert J. Markus
Dr. Gabrielle Marshall-Salomon
Marthanne Doriminy Fund,
New Mexico Community
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco J. Martino
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martorana
Mr. and Mrs. John Marx
Ms. Marian U. Masengill
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews
Mr. Johnny Mathis
Mr. John Mauger
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Mayer
Mr. Joseph Mazzone
MBIA Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Roger McCurdy
Mrs. Mary E. McGinn and Family
Mr. Timothy J. McGinn
McGovern Legal Services
Mr. Thomas B. McGuire and
Ms. Josephine Powe
Mr. Alexander F. McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKeever
Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin
Ms. Elizabeth A. McNally
Mr. Dennis McNamara
Mr. Robert Stock and
Mrs. Nancy McTague-Stock
The Meder Family
Mr. James T. Medick
Mrs. Josephine A. Meilan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G.
Mr. Eric Mellott
Ms. Elaine Merians
Dr. Ruth Merkatz
Mrs. Linda Messick
Metro Parrot Head Club, Inc.
Mr. Paul Metselaar
Meyers Family Fund
Michael W. McCarthy Foundation
Microsoft Matching Gifts &
Giving Campaign
Midlothian Optometric Center
Milken Family Foundation
Minikes Charitable Foundation
Mr. Donald Miserandino
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Missioreck
Mr. Clint Mitchell
Mrs. Peggy Mitteldorf and
MLB Network
Mr. and Mrs. John Modzel
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moehling
Mojo Concerts
Ms. Margaret Moloney
Ms. Phyllis Mondelli and
Mr. Paul Pazniokas
Mrs. Cynthia A. Montague
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Monticello Associates, Inc.
Ms. Karen Moore
Miss Brooke Morgan
Mr. Ryan Morgan
Mr. Scott Morgan
Morgan Stanley Foundation—
Employee Giving Program
Morgan Stanley Smith
Barney LLC
Ms. Anna Morgera
Morris and Gertrude Furman
Mr. and Mrs. Bret Morrison
Motion Picture Studio
Ms. Nancy Mueller Handal
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Mueller
Ms. Jane Muhrcke
Mr. George Mullen and Family
Mrs. Mary M. Mulvihill
Murphy & Fahy Construction
Co., Inc.
Mutual of America Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
My Tribute Gift Foundation, Inc.
Myers and May Family
Charitable Fund
Mrs. Susan M. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Nacht
Ms. Deborah Nadel
Ms. Denise Nahley
Ms. Farinaz S. Naimi
NAPMW—Hudson Valley
Mr. Ralph Nappi
Mrs. Catherine R. Nathan
National Grid Foundation
National Indemnity Company
National Pancreatic Cancer
Dr. Kishwer Nehal
Mr. Adrian Nemcek
New England Interior
Specialties, Inc.
New York Community Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Noble
Mr. David Nochimson
Nominum, Inc.
Norfield Children’s Center, Inc.
Mr. James T. Norris and Family
Ms. Sue Norris
Mrs. Dayna Novenstein
Mr. Donald R. Novicky Sr.
Mr. Neil Nusbaum and
Ms. Deborah Corwin
NYK Productions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor
Mr. Peter O’ Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. O’Brien
Ms. Sarah Oey
Mr. Christopher L. Oleaga
Olga and David Melin
Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Summer O’Malley
Mr. Ron Opaleski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Oporto
Mr. Greg Orman
Mr. Michael J. O’Shea
Mr. Michael L O’Shea Sr.
Outdoor Channel
Mrs. Erika Padgettt
Ms. Lisa Marie Pagano
Page and William Andrew Karo
Donor Advised Fund
Ms. Jacqueline Page
Dr. and Mrs. Jim Palma
Mr. Dave Pankratz
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H.
Paramus Associates, LP
Paramus Rescue Squad
Pastime Athletic & Social
Club, Inc.
Mr. Nicholas Pastore
Mr. Dan Peed
Peerless Network
Mr. Mike Peissis
Ms. Maria Pekurovskaya
Penino & Moynihan, LLP
Pentland USA, Inc.
Mr. Ken K. Perry
Mrs. Maureen Peterson
Mrs. Cindy Petrides
Mr. Richard Petrocelli
Mr. Andrew Petruzzi
Mr. Richard Pfenniger
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Phil & Co. LLC
Philip W. Riskin Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Layn R. Phillips
Phoenix Communications
Mr. Richard D. Piazza
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw
Pittman, LLP
Mr. Joe Pisa
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Plaut
Mr. Robert Podvin
Mr. Andrew Poulos Sr.
Ms. Lynn Pressler
Mr. Barry D. Pressman
Mr. Trevor Price
Dr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Procaccino
Progeny Systems Corporation
Project One, Inc.
Mrs. Gail Propp
Pryor Cashman LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Pugach
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Pundyk
Mrs. Ruth Queen
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Quinlan
R.W. Smith & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Rabinowitz
and Familty
Mrs. Michelle Rafferty and Family
Raising Hope for Others
Dr. Louise Ramm
Mr. Harvey Rappaport
Dr. Joel Rascoff
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rathgaber
The Raviv Family
Mr. Tahl Raz
Mr. Bob Razem
Ms. Portia T. Redfield
Mrs. Mary A. Redline
Dr. Garrett Reisman
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reisner
Mrs. Margery Remler
Ms. Georgia Renne
Rex and Nelle Jackson
Ms. Carol A. Rhoads
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ricken
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Riese
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ringuette
Mr. Darren Robbins
Mr. Gerald Rokoff
Romano Family Foundation, Inc.
Ronald Whittier Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric D. Rosen
Ms. Ann Rosenberg
Mr. Bruce Rosenblum
Mrs. Marian
Ms. Lizanne L. Rosenzweig
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rosenzweig
Mrs. Stefanie Rosenzweig
Mrs. Jessica Rosh
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ross
Mr. Carl Rossow
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roth III
Roy J. Zuckerberg Family
RSM McGladrey, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ruben
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russum
Mr. Keith Sackisian
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Saferstein
Ms. Betty Saks
Salesian High School
Ms. Penny Sallinger
Salsa For the Cure
The Saltzburg Family
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Samarin
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Samit
Mr. Richard V. Sandler
Mr. Leonard Santorelli
Ms. Teresa A. Sarno
Ms. Judith M. Sasaki
Mr. Stuart Schechter
Mr. Kenneth M. Schneider
Mrs. Kori Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schneider
Ms. Leslie Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schoedel
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schorr
Mr. Harvey Schulweis and
Ms. Barbara Benerofe
Mr. Robert B. Schumer
Mr. and Mrs. James Schwab
Seaboard Forwarding Co., Inc.
Sean Gipp Memorial Fund
Mr. Zach Seils
Ms. Gina Seklecki
Sellers Publishing, Inc.
Ms. Frances A. Sena
Mr. Scott Shane
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Shapiro
Mr. Edward Shearer
Dr. Vasudeva Shenoi
Ms. Debra Shuwarger
Mr. Mark S. Siegel
Siemens Caring Hands
Signature Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Simon
Mr. Mike Simpson
Dr. Karen Singer
Mr. Mitchell Singer
Ms. Judith A. Sisk
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sisson
Mr. Jeffrey S. Sites
SJ Levinson & Sons
Reverend William T. Slater
Mr. Brent Smith
Mr. Declan Smith
Mrs. Ruth A. Smith
Mrs. Tina Smith
Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Soiefer
Mr. Clifford Sommer
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Sommer
Ms. Therese Sonenshine
Soros Fund Charitable
Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Soterakis
Spectacle Entertainment Group
Dr. Howard Spector
Ms. Kionna Spicer
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spiegel
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Spillane
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sping
Spiros Industries
Mr. Myron Sponder
Sports Clips, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Squilanti
St. Christopher’s School
St. Kilian R.C. Church
Ms. Carol Stanzione
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Starker
Mrs. Nancy B. Stebe
Ms. Marcia Steinberg
Stephen J. Meoli Memorial
Stephen & Eve Milstein Donor
Advised Fund
Steven and Beverly Rubenstein
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Frank Stiebel
Mrs. Jill Stift
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Stone
Mr. Robert Stone
Stop & Stor Charitable Fund
Mrs. Elizabeth Straight
Mr. John Striker
Ms. Heidi E. Strom
Ms. Eliza Stucker
Studley, Inc.
Mr. Sean Sullivan
Ms. Tara Sullivan
Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Sultan
Sweetfrog Enterprises LLC
Symons Family Fund
Systematic Control Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Ross H. Taff
Mr. Bill Tanner
David and Peggy Tanner
Mr. David Tanzman and Family
Ms. Linda S. Tardiff
Mrs. Pamela D. Tarica
Ms. Lynne Tarnopol
Mrs. Mary M. Tassini
Dr. Noel Taylor
Mr. William J. Taylor and
Ms. Vessie Ware
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradford
Tazewell Jr.
Telco Access Partners LLC
Mr. Frank P. Terzo
Test Force Corporation
Mr. Joseph A. Tetro
The Agency Group
The Andrew M. and Kathryn S.
Rockett Charitable Gift Fund
The Anikstein Family
Foundation, Inc.
The Arthur Crames Family
Foundation, Inc.
The Bowling Family Foundation
The Carol & Arnold Wolowitz
Foundation, Inc.
The Core Group
The D & B Corporation
The D’Onofrio Foundation
The Drew A. Katz
Foundation, Inc.
The Elbrun and Peter
Kimmelman Family
Foundation, Inc.
The G & I Butler Family
Foundation, Inc.
The Gould-Shenfeld Family
The Grimaldi Foundation
The Harvey Silverman
Foundation, Inc.
The Hollander Foundation
The Jack and Patricia Youdeem
Family Foundation
The Lawrence Gordon Family
The Morgan Group
The Pet Shop Boys Partnership
The Ray Family Charitable
Gift Fund
The Recording Academy
The Verni Foundation
The Walt Disney Company
The Walter & Georgia Imhoff
Family Fund
The William & Phyllis Mack
Family Foundation, Inc.
The Wool Family Foundation
Theta Sigma Tau
Tiffany & Co.
Tioga Downs Racetrack, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Tober
Mrs. Gail Tomberg
Tommy Scogs Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Theodoric Tong
Total Box Music
Mrs. Julie S. Tracht-Konstantin
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan A. Truthan
Tuff Gong Worldwide
Mr. Thomas Turalski
TV One
Mr. Gary Tyson
UBS Matching & Employee
Gifts Program
Underwood Memorial Hospital
University Physicians, Inc.
Mr. Steven Urbach
Mr. Anthony Valoroso
Mrs. Bonnie Van Dyke
Mr. and Mrs. William Van Winkle
Mr. Billy W. M. Vanadia
VeEX Inc.
Mr. Steven Vegh
Ms. Alexanderina Vigh
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Viola
Mrs. Chris Viola-Weiss
Mr. Lee M. Vogelstein
Mrs. Erica Vozzolo
Mrs. Irene T. Wachter Kahn
Wakefern Food Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace
Mr. Stewart U. Wallace
Ms. Barbara Walters
Mr. David Warmflash
Warren Entner Management, Inc.
Washington Park Chiropractic
Waveguide, Inc.
WE Fest
Ms. Barbara Weaver
Mr. William B. Webster
Weeden & Co. L.P.
Mr. Glen A. Wegworth
Mr. Jason Weiler
Mr. Neal Weinstein
Mr. Jerry Weintraub
Mr. Robert Weiser
Mr. Dennis Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weiss
Ms. Joelle C. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Weiss
Mr. Richard Weitz
Well Oiled Wine Company
Wellfleet Foundation, Inc.
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Wells Fargo Shareowner
Mrs. JoAnn Welter
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wengrofsky
Westchester Broadway Theatre
Western Regional Medical
White Castle Purchasing Co.
Mr. James F. White
Ms. Linda White
Mr. David Whitlock
Mrs. Maria Wilcox
Dr. Mark Wilkinson
Mrs. Jacqueline Willens
William C. Dowling Jr.
William Goldberg Diamond Corp.
Mr. Gregg Willinger
Willinger Talent Agency, Inc.
Mr. Robert E. Wolfe
Ms. Laura K. Wolff
Mr. Michael Woodson
Mr. and Mrs. John Woodward
Mrs. Janet Wortman
Mr. Adam Yarnold
Dr. Soheil Younai
Mr. Michael Zangrillo
Ms. Marek Zareba
Mrs. Rebecca S. Zavacky
Mrs. Jennifer Ziegler and Family
Mr. David Zucker
Albany Capital District
Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Boston Unite to Fight
Bridgewater Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Brooklyn Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Cape Canaveral Pancreatic
Cancer Research Walk
Cedar Rapids Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Chicago Dash for Detection
Cromwell 18-Hole Stroll
Denver Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Dutchess County Pancreatic
Cancer Research Walk
Fairfield County Pancreatic
Cancer Research Walk
Fort Myers Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Fremont Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Green Valley Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Howard County Pancreatic
Cancer Research Walk
Indianapolis Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Lehigh Valley Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Long Island Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Milford Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Monmouth County Pancreatic
Cancer Research Walk
Naperville Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Nashville Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Nebraska Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
New York City Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Paramus Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Pemberville Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Pennsauken Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Richmond Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
St. Louis Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Syracuse Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Valley of the Sun Pancreatic
Cancer Research Walk
Westborough Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk/Run
Westchester Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk
Westlake Village Pancreatic
Cancer Research Walk/Run
5CACIA Run for Pancreatic Cancer
at Ohio University
A Neat Boutique: Fill a Bag, Find
A Cure
A Night on the River
Access Wealth Planning, LLC—
Baby Boomer Retirement
Al Bressler Memorial
Golf Tournament
Alex Luscher Bar Mitvah Project
Americana Manhasset Champions
for Charity
Annual Holiday Bake Sale in
Memory of Benno J. Bloch,
Vincenzo Propato, John Trifoli,
Rueben Rivera and Edgar Mitchell
AOH Div2 Golf Outing in Honor and
Memory of Msgr. Jim Kissane
Appalachian Duathlon and
Triathlon to Fight Cancer
Apple Class
Art Witwer Memorial Golf
Asheville Marathon in Tribute
to Mike Bruckner
Assured Guaranty Jeans Day
Avis Golf League Charity
Golf Tournament
Bags Tournament
Becker Battles for PC Fundraiser
Bicycle Ride for a Cure—
Andrew Cecala
Big Daddy’s Poker Tournament
Bill Tamburro, Jr. Memorial
Golf Tournament
BJ Walks America
Bob Kochka 5K
Boston Marathon—
Anne Laskowski
Bowl for Baba
Bretton Woods Ladies
Golf Tournament
Brian McGovern Memorial
Golf Tournament
Brianne and Tom Devine’s Wedding
Bring a Buck
Capital University Tennis
Captain Don Myers JCPD Day at
the Track
Carol B. Smith Memorial
Golf Tournament
Carol Van Auken Golf Outing
Charity Luncheon in Memory of
Teresa Terrill
Chillin and Grillin for a Cause
Chop and Stout Month at
Shoreline Brewery
Cooper & Me
Croation American Charitable
Foundation Golf Outing in
Memory of Val Blaskovik
Dan Nichuals Memorial
Golf Outing
Dance for Cancer
Dennis T. Davis Memorial
Bike Ride
Detroit Marathon—Emily and Brian
Hixon and Christa Marlowe
Donald J. Fager and Associates
Inc. Dress Down Day
Dr. P Foundation Memorial
Golf Outing
Ed Romano Memorial
Golf Outing
Eddie Ivanoski Memorial
Golf Tournament
Engineers Country Club Charitable
Foundation Founders Day Event
Family 4 Ever Bar Night
Family Fundraiser for
Kathleen Donohue
Frank J. Romano Foundation
Rock and Run
Freeze for Life in Memory of
Kevin Waldeck
Frenz for a Cause Masquerade
Friends Benefit for Pancreatic
Cancer Research
Gatsby Gala
Golf Tournament in Memory of
Sean Gipp
Greg Chapin Vermont City
GSK IT Department Golf
Tournament in Support of
Tess Waldman
Hamptons Marathon—Mitchell
Kain, Andrew Petruzzi, Marc
Saffren and Samuel Rudman
in honor of Sandy Svetkov
Hamptons Marathon—
William Nugent
Haymakers for Hope Charity
Boxing Event
Heeling with Every Step
Summer Gala
Heroes Wear Purple in Memory
of Richard Drywa
Hit and Run Golf Outing
Hope Begins With Me
Hope Ride Bike Rally
Howard Shapiro Memorial
Golf Outing
Hundred Hole Hike
I Love New York Card Party
International Tabletop Day for
a Cause
International Yacht Collection
Ironman in Memory of Gail Factor
Jack Haley Golf Tournament
Jake Aeillo’s Bar Mitzvah Project
for Pancreatic Cancer Research
Jeff Weaver Memorial
Golf Tournament
Jeffrey K. Elder Memorial
Golf Tournament
Jim Alberto Memorial
Golf Tournament
John Binns Commemorative
Ride Across America
John D. Stucker Fund for
Pancreatic Cancer Research
John Duffy Memorial Golf Outing
John Wentz Memorial
Golf Tournament
Joseph Vogt Golf Outing
Katherine’s Potholders for
Pancreatic Cancer
Kevin Naquin for Pancreatic
Cancer Research Golf Event
Kickin Pancreatic Cancer
Kids Bake a Difference for
Pancreatic Cancer
Cupcake Wars
Kira Gedal Silent Auction
KMCookiefight for PCR Inc.
Memorial Golf Tournament
Kyra’s Bat Mitzvah Chesed Project
Laughter for a Cure
Lenon/Galas Memorial Golf
Leonard Park Wines and Spirits
Event in Honor of
Joseph Larizza
Let’s Boogie for a Cause
Luau for Pancreatic
Cancer Research
Lyndhurst School Distict PC
Malibu Triathlon—Lindsay
Maria Young Walk/Run
Marv Christian Memorial
Bowling Tournament
Maryland Lacrosse Purple Out
Massapequa High School
Basketball Alumni Game
Charity Fundraiser
Megan Samarin and Caroline
Braga Benefit Recital
Mike Purcell 5K/Walk/Kids
Fun Run
Nadine M. Brunner
Grant Foundation
Nancy Wernikoff’s Tea in
Memory of Serge
Naperville Half Marathon—
John Kolet
NAPMW-Hudson Valley Golf
Tournament in Memory of
Fran Mackin
New York Renaissance Quest for
a Cure Scavenger Hunt
No One Fights Alone 5K
North Rockland High School
Extension—Purple with
a Purpose
NYC Half Marathon Runners—
Emanuel Aharonoff, Nathanel
Aharonoff, Rick Bohlander, Glen
Ludwig, Cindy Miller, Kristen
Mogavero, Jennifer Oratio,
Rich Quinn and Denise Savelli
NYC Marathon Runners—Bonnie
McGarrell, Elizabeth Kurzawa
and Michael Zangrillo
Pancakes for a Purpose
Pastime Athletic and Social Club
Inc. Lobster Bake
Peter Fenerty Memorial Golf
Tournament at Province Lake
Philip M. Scheier Memorial
Golf Outing
Philip Schirm Memorial Walk for
A Cure
Powder Puff Football Game for
Pancreatic Cancer
Purple Pumpkins for Pancreatic
Cancer Awareness in Memory
of Joseph T. Alessi
Rainbow Loom Bracelets Fundraiser
Raising Hope for Others, Inc. in
Memory of Kathleen Loomis
Red Solo Cup Beach Bash
RFC Fine Shopping Event in
Memory of Louis W. Fortunoff
RJA Memorial Mighty
Montauk Triathlon
Robert Graham Designs Joins the
Fight Against Pancreatic Cancer
Rock Cancer Out
Ron Miller Memorial 5K Run/Walk
Roslyn High School Benefit
Fashion Show
Ruffle Scarves Fundraiser in
Memory of John Farrell
Sal Cannizzo Memorial Barbeque
and Fundraiser
Salsa for a Cure
Score for the Cure in Memory of
Charlotte Moran
Shakespeare’s “Hamlet: Prince of
Denmark” Play
Sherry Shumaker Pancreatic
Cancer Memorial 5K Walk
Shoreham-Wading River Lax
Out Cancer
Smuttynose Rockfest Half
Marathon—Jess and Jen Hudon
Society of Plastics Engineers
Golf Outing
Something To Dance For
Spanish River Community High
School Fundraiser
St. Irene’s Philoptochos Society
Annual Fashion Show
St. John Fisher College Women’s
Soccer Team Fundraiser
Stand Up Comedy Night
Remembering Bob
Through Laughter
Stephen R. Lennon Panceatic
Cancer Awareness Golf Outing
Steve Hatje Golf Outing
Summer Soiree at Mercedes-Benz
of White Plains
Team PanChance Half Marathon
Terry Hagen Golf Tournament
The Bridgehampton Club
Tournament in Memory of
Priscilla Baker
The Larry Golf Classic
The Pancreatic Project
Theta Sigma Tau Bake Sale
Thomas Annunziata Memorial
Golf Outing
Tioga Downs Racetrack Fundraiser
Together with Gayle
Tom’s Cure
Tour de Pour
Village Cup Regatta—Setauket
Yacht Club
Vinny’s Hope for a Cure
Wakefern Food Corp Casual Day
for a Cause
Wally Oakland Memorial
Well Oiled Wine Piggy Bank Sales
Wiffle Ball Tournament in Honor
of Steve Brosky, Jr.
Women’s Group of The Greens
Book and Author Luncheon
Zombie Race Long Island