2010 Spring Issue - Tribal Wi-Chi-Way
2010 Spring Issue - Tribal Wi-Chi-Way
NEWSLETTER SPRING / SUMMER ISSUE 2010 Aboriginal Business Development “TO LEAD OPPORTUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN THE ECONOMIC REALITY OF MANITOBA FIRST NATIONS” TWCC VOLUME 11 • ISSUE 1 Contents TWCC AMONG 50 FASTEST GROWING COMPANIES 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2 CEO GREETINGS 3 TWCC SERVICES - ASKI FINANCIAL 4 STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS 4 MEMBER TRIBAL COUNCILS 5 CONTACT INFORMATION 5 TWCC SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 6 TWCC LENDING DEPARTMENT 7 FIRST NATIONS FARM CREDIT 8 FIRST NATIONS FARM ADVISOR 9 TWCC AMONG MANITOBA’S 50 FASTEST GROWING COMPANIES IN 2010 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 10 FAR RIGHT IN GREY SUIT IS TWCC CEO - MR. ALAN D. PARK & EMPLOYEES IN OCTOBER 2009. STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS 10 DATES TO REMEMBER 11 The Board of Directors of Tribal Wi-Chi-Way-Way Capital Corporation is very proud to be among MANITOBA BUSINESS Magazine’s 50 Fastest Growing Companies 2010. TWCC ranks 12th. TWCC ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT 12 CANADA STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM CALL CENTRE MANAGER 14 TWCC CHARITY OF CHOICE - UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN 16 Do you or your company have some news you would like to announce in our newsletter? We welcome any questions, comments or suggestions. Please direct them to: Vickie Bushie, Executive Assistant Tel: (204) 943-0888 x. 239 Toll free: 1-800-568-8488 Email: [email protected] ``This wonderful honour falls in line with our vision, mission and status of being the financial services provider of choice for First Nations in Manitoba,’’ said Grand Chief Morris Swan-Shannacappo, Chairman of TWCC. ``We have come a very long way.’’ TWCC was established in 1993 with a staff of three to provide financial resources to qualified Tribal Council member Aboriginal entrepreneurs and businesses in Manitoba. Since then, TWCC has provided more than $34 million in loans supporting 45 First Nations communities in Manitoba. Today TWCC has more than 120 employees across three separate lines of business. In addition to being a financial services provider, TWCC has two subsidiary companies – ASKI Financial, which provides personal lending products, and 4528027 Manitoba Ltd., which provides Call Centre services to Davis + Henderson in support of a government contract. continued on page 3 CEO Message © 2010 Tribal Wi-Chi-Way-Win Capital Corporation 1 TWCC BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2010 GRAND CHIEF MORRIS SWAN-SHANNACAPPO CHAIR ASHMEDE ASGARALI VICE-CHAIR KEEWATIN TRIBAL COUNCIL JONATHAN FLETT SECRETARY/TREASURER ISLAND LAKE TRIBAL COUNCIL EX-OFFICIO TBD BOARD MEMBER 2 CHIEF GLENN HUDSON BOARD MEMBER INTERLAKE RESERVES TRIBAL COUNCIL JANET MOORE BOARD MEMBER SWAMPY CREE TRIBAL COUNCIL CHIEF NORMAN BONE BOARD MEMBER WEST REGION TRIBAL COUNCIL Tribal Wi-Chi-Way-Win Capital Corporation (“TWCC”) has been established to provide financial resources to qualified member Aboriginal entrepreneurs and businesses in Manitoba. TWCC was created through the efforts of five Manitoba Tribal Councils and a number of Independent First Nations. TWCC CEO GREETINGS In early 2006, TWCC had just 28 employees before a growth CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER spurt that has increased the company in size five times and boosted revenue by 200%. ALAN PARK TWCC is committed to developing our employees for sustainable success and strives for continuous improvement in all areas of its business, added Alan Park, Chief Executive Officer ``We are all looking forward to a self-sufficient and sustainable Aboriginal economy and TWCC will be a prime engine of growth behind it.’’ TWCC will be among the companies honoured at the 23rd Annual 50 Fastest-Growing Companies Banquet 2010 on March 18 at the Marlborough Hotel, Sky View Ballroom, 331 Smith St. in Winnipeg. Back Row L-R: Bob Zebinski, Davis & Henderson, Grand Chief Morris Swan Shannacappo -TWCC Chair, Chief Norman Bone - Board member, Ivan Davis - Director of Lending, Terry Ettawacappo - Director of Accounting Front L - R: Crystal Laborero - Director of Business Development, Ralph DeJong,, Davis & Henderson, Alan D. Park - CEO, Jonathan Flett - Board member, Kathryn O’Gorman - Director of Operations 3 TWCC TWCC SERVICES • EMPLOYER INCENTIVE PROGRAM Offering employees of your organization access to short term loans? • Taking advantage of the Employer Incentive Program? For further information contact us at 1-866-987-7180 or check out our website at www.askifinancial.ca Askī Financial is an Aboriginal financial services company, working with and for Aboriginal people. Notice to Existing Clients We are not a traditional financial services company, You can now apply for a loan on line at a building that people must go to. Instead, Aski bring www.askifinancial.ca. financial services directly to our customers through our Employer Partners – Aboriginal owned and led businesses including First Nations bands, associations MEET THE ASKI FINANCIAL TEAM and organizations. Askī Financials primary business is lending to employed Aboriginal people through our unique Employer Benefit Loan program, which allows for short-term loans. These loans are available exclusively to employees of Aboriginal businesses and organizations that have become Askī Employer Partners. In essence, the loans become a valuable benefit employers can offer their employees. NATASHA PRINCE LOANS RELATIONS OFFICER An internal move within ASKI has taken place for Natasha Prince effective Monday, May 10, 2010. Natasha’s new title is “Loans Relations Officer” Congratulations Natasha on this great opportunity with Aski Financial. Presently we have 67 Employer Partners through out Manitoba and into North Western Ontario. Aski Financial values our relationships with our Employer Partners and appreciates the role they play in making payments on behalf of employees. To show our appreciation, Aski Financial introduced a new Employer Incentive Program in 2009. CHARLENE SIMPSON Since the inception of the Employer Incentive Program, Aski Financial has given back $12,290.00 collectively to our Employer Partners. Payments are made quarterly and are based on the number of loans employees receive in the quarterly period. The Employer Partner does not have to track; we take care of it all and send your organization a cheque quarterly. ERMA BAKER Are you interested in: • Learning how to become an Employer Partner? 4 PAYMENT PROCESSING OFFICER If you have any questions regarding your Aski payments you can contact Charlene Simpson toll free at 1-866987-7180. ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK Effective Monday, March 17, 2010, Erma Baker started at ASKI Financial as the Administration Clerk. She will spend 2 days per week (Monday/ Tuesday) in the Call Centre and 3 days per week (Wednesday – Friday) as Administration Clerk for Aski Financial. Please join me in congratulating Erma on this great opportunity with TWCC. TWCC MEMBER TRIBAL COUNCILS INTERLAKE RESERVES TRIBAL COUNCIL SWAMPY CREE TRIBAL COUNCIL Dauphin River First Nation #316 Pinaymootang First Nation #272 (Fairford) Kinonjeoshtegon #268 (Jackhead) Lake Manitoba First Nation #271 Lake St. Martin First Nation #275 Little Saskatchewan First Nation #274 Peguis First Nation #269 Chemawawin Cree Nation #309 Wuskwi Sipihk Cree Nation #324 Sapotaweyak #314 Mosakahiken Cree Nation #312 (Moose Lake) Misipawistik Cree Nation #310 (Grand Rapids) Mathias Colomb Cree Nation #311 (Pukatawagan) Opaskwayak Cree Nation #315 Black Sturgeon #328 ISLAND LAKE TRIBAL COUNCIL WEST REGION TRIBAL COUNCIL St. Theresa Point First Nation #298 Garden Hill First Nation #297 Wasagamack First Nation #299 Red Sucker Lake First Nation #300 Ebb & Flow First Nation #280 Keeseekoowenin #286 Pine Creek First Nation #282 Skownan First Nation #281 (Waterhen) Gamblers First Nation #294 0-Chi-Chak-KO-Sipi First Nation #279 Rolling River First Nation #291 KEEWATIN TRIBAL COUNCIL Barren Lands First Nation #308 (Brochet) Fox Lake Cree Nation #305 (Bird) God’s Lake First Nation #296 (God’s Lake Narrows) Manto Sipi Cree Nation #302 (God’s River) Northlands Denesuline Nation #317 (Lac Brochet) Bunibonibee Cree Nation #301 (Oxford House) Sayisi Dene First Nation #303 (Tadoule Lake) Shamattawa Cree Nation #307 Tataskweyak Cree Nation #306 (Split Lake) War Lake First Nation #323 (Ilford) York Factory Cree Nation #304 (York Landing) INDEPENDENT MEMBER FIRST NATIONS Cross Lake First Nation #276 Fisher River Cree Nation #264 Sagkeeng First Nation #262 (Fort Alexander) Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation #313 (Nelson House) Norway House Cree Nation #278 CONTACT INFORMATION HEAD OFFICE: TWCC Peguis First Nation Peguis, MB R0C 1N0 WPG SUB-OFFICE: TWCC 419 Notre Dame Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 1R3 Tel: (204) 943-0888 Fax: (204) 946-5318 Email: [email protected] Toll Free: 1-800-568-8488 Website: www.twcc.mb.ca INTER-LAKE SUB-OFFICE: FIRST NATION FARM CREDIT 27-2nd Avenue Dauphin, MB R7N 3E5 Tel: (204) 638-6132 Fax: (204) 638-2854 Toll Free: 1-866-245-8871 Email: [email protected] CANADA STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM DIRECTOR OF CALL CENTRE OPERATIONS 419 Notre Dame Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 1R3 Tel: (204) 947-5479 Fax: (204) 946-5318 Email: [email protected] FNFC FARM ADVISOR 27-2nd Avenue Dauphin, MB R7N 3E5 Tel: (204) 638-3763 Fax: (204) 638-2854 Toll Free: 1-866-288-8559 Email: [email protected] ASKI FINANCIAL SERVICES 419 Notre Dame Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 1R3 Tel: (204) 987-7180 Fax: (204) 987-7188 5 TWCC TWCC SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS PROGRAM SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM PROVIDING FOR OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS IN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Are you an Aboriginal student pursuing your post-secondary education and majoring in disciplines related to the Financial Services Industry or Business Development? You may be eligible for a TWCC Scholarship Award! There are five (5) $1,000.00 scholarship awards available. TO FIND OUT MORE: www.twcc.mb.ca/scholarship.php TWCC Tel: (204) 943-0888 Toll Free: 1-800-568-8488 or email [email protected] COMPLETED APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 2010 TWCC hosts it’s annual fundraising golf tournament every year to raise funds for our scholarship program for First Nations youth who belong to one of our community members within Manitoba. 6 TWCC TWCC LENDING DEPARTMENT IVAN DAVIS DIRECTOR OF LENDING Interest Incentive Program… those who fail to make regular payments, the incentive program will be void and their loan(s) will revert back to the original interest rate at time of approval. These clients would have to start from the beginning to get back into the incentive program. TWCC is proud to announce the implementation of a new interest rate incentive program to reward good clients. Starting this year, any client of TWCC who makes all their payments on time will receive a 1.0% reduction on their interest rate on January 1, 2011. The program will be ongoing and all clients can lower their interest rate down to a minimum of 8.0%. One of the complaints we hear on a regular basis is the rate we charge on our loans. We hope that this is a benefit to our clients and the start of a process where we can provide loans to our clients at rates comparable to conventional lending institutions. If you have any questions, please contact toll free the Dauphin 1-866288-8599 or Winnipeg office (204) 943-0888 or call toll free 1-800-568-8488 or email [email protected] for Clients are required to continue making their payments more details. on time in order to enjoy the reduced interest rate. For MIKE THOMAS LOANS OFFICER Business Forum a Huge Success by the three Manitoba entrepreneurs. There was also a trade show featuring a variety of service providers and local partners. Several organizations representing federal, provincial and local interests joined together to make the forum a success! Some of the organizations included; BDC Aboriginal Banking, CIBC, Louis Riel Capital Corporation, Manitoba Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade, Office of Small and Medium Enterprise, and the Women’s Enterprise Centre of Manitoba. The Aboriginal Business Service Network was the major sponsor. Once Again, TWCC was one of several major business service providers in Manitoba who have joined together to organize and host a Business Forum at the Parkland Recreation Complex in Dauphin, Manitoba,. The forum was held on Thursday, March 11 2010. The forum was intended for business owners who are looking to grow their business and individuals who Stay tuned to see where and when the next Business are looking to at starting up their own business. Service Provider Forum will be held. The forum agenda included a variety of seminars on topics such as ‘How to Start a Business’; ‘Tax Tips For more information contact: for Small Business’ and ‘Selling to the Government’. Mike Thomas There were also two panel presentations: the first Business Service Officer was to highlight the business services and financing TWCC options that are available to entrepreneurs throughout (204) 943 – 0888 or 1-800-568-8488 Manitoba. The second panel ‘From Dream to Reality’ [email protected] focused on the challenges and triumphs experienced 7 TWCC FIRST NATIONS FARM CREDIT motivation. It helps you to organize your time and resources so that you can make the most of your life. By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can better measure your achievements. You can see forward SETTING GOALS progress in what previously may have seemed like a The first step in setting goals is to long pointless effort. You will also raise your selfconsider what you want to achieve in confidence as you recognize your ability and competence your lifetime. By setting a lifetime in achieving the goals that you have set. goal you can plan where you want to be in five, ten or even twenty-five years. Just make sure the goals you When you have achieved a goal, take the time to enjoy the satisfaction of your success. Absorb the implications are setting can be genuinely achieved. of the goal achieved and observe the progress you have Goal setting can be a powerful process for thinking made. about your future and for motivating yourself to turn this If the goal was a significant one, reward yourself. This vision into reality. The process helps you choose where will help build confidence in setting your next goal in you want to go in life and where to concentrate your life. efforts. Properly set goals can be incredibly motivating as you get more into the habit of setting and achieving If you don’t already set goals, do so now. As you make this technique a part of your life, you’ll find your goals, which you’ll find builds self confidence. career accelerating and you’ll wonder how you ever did When setting goals, ask yourself the following without it till now! Make sure to set goals over which you have as much control over as possible. There is questions: nothing more heart breaking than failing to achieve What life skills, information and knowledge do I need a goal for reasons beyond your control such as bad business environments, poor judgment, bad weather, to achieve this? injury or just plain bad luck. What resources, help or assistance do I need and where Just remember that you must develop an action plan if can I obtain them? you plan to succeed. Be very specific with the terms that What can block my progress or am I making any you can accept. Confront your fears and expectations immediately and put your plan on paper. This can apply assumptions? to any business or goal you may have in life. Is there a better way of doing things? Megwich Goal setting techniques are used by people in all fields of life. It gives you long-term vision and short-term L Pascal LARRY PASCAL FARM LOANS OFFICER First Nation Farm Credit (Manitoba) Corporation was established, under control of Tribal Wi-ChiWay-Win Capital Corporation (“TWCC”), to provide financial and/or technical support to First Nation farmers throughout Manitoba. The Farm Loan Program is available to any First Nation member wishing to start, expand or acquire a viable farming operation in Manitoba. 8 TWCC FARM ADVISOR REPORT DALE MYHRE FARM ADVISOR named chair of the National Aboriginal Agriculture Council (NAAC). NAAC is a national body that work as a group to assist/promote First Nation producers. CONTINUED SUCCESS FOR EBB & FLOW FIRST NATION BISON While markets are growing, supply is not. Manitoba First Nations are being requested to increase their production. Chief Beaulieu has also been in contact with First Nations Bison producers across the prairies Herd manager Maurice Mousseau of the First Nations to investigate the possibility of joint ventures. Bison Co-op at Ebb & Flow is a busy man. In addition to caring for the Band herd, he manages the care of Another long-term goal would see some of the unhealthy over 200 young bison for the feeding station. There are processed foods sold to young people replaced with First five participating First Nations communities and two Nations natural foods. Bison meat has less cholesterol independent producers involved in the co-op. than pork or chicken and is high in iron and vitamins. The benefits to those suffering from diabetes and heart Many of the jobs like loading bison for transport and problems could be life changing. unloading feed are done outside of normal business hours. Maurice doesn’t mind, as he is happy to be part of the growing business. Bison is a very healthy meat. Buyers in Europe are especially interested, as they know that First Nations products are grown naturally. Producers Sabrina Houle and Chief Harvey Nepinak have returned from Germany where they met with retailers and cooking show experts. A recent meeting with a major food chain and another with an Ontario company interested in the health aspects of bison meat show how the market is expanding. Spearheading these meetings were Chief Ralph Beaulieu and provincial bison specialist Ray Salmon. Ivan Davis, Director of Lending at TWCC, is pursuing ways to help the Coop expand. Mr. Davis was recently The Farm Advisor provides First Nation farmers with up-to-date information on cattle, bison, elk, hay, crop production, financial planning, markets and government programs available. The Farm Advisor will organize seminars to discuss important agriculture related issues. If you have any concerns regarding your farm operation, the Farm Advisor is available to meet with you. These services are available to any First Nation farmer in Manitoba. For more information on TWCC’s Farm Advisor please call: 1-866-288-8559. 9 TWCC HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT JODY SCHWEID HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER TOTAL COMPENSATION Did you know that your compensation at work does not only include your base salary? Many other benefits companies offer all contribute towards your total compensation. At TWCC we strive to provide our employees with a rewarding work experience by offering stimulating projects, professional development opportunities, leading edge technology, career path planning and a very competitive total compensation package! • • • • • • Computer Loans for Staff Full on-site gym facilities – no membership fees Corporate Gifts, such as: Shirts, jackets, bags, cups, etc. Professional Development Opportunities Annual paid vacation and personal leave And many more…….. We would like to thank all our employees for their achievements and appreciate their ongoing commitment to excellence at TWCC! If these look like benefits that you would also like to enjoy you can visit our website at www. twcc.mb.ca for any future employment opportunities. STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS At TWCC we invest in the welfare of our employees, as they are the life-blood of the company. By attracting and retaining the best employees available, we are working towards building ongoing success for both our organization and our employees! Listed below are some of the extra benefits we offer our employees, which are above and beyond base pay: • Competitive Pay with possible annual increases and bonuses; • Internal hiring practices – Move up within the Company; • Full Group Insurance for full and part-time employees; • Family and Spousal Benefits including Prescription Drugs, Health and Dental, Short and Long Term Disability, Employee Assistance Program • Life Insurance and 5% Company matched Pension Plan • Free Parking • Free Coffee and Tea • Rooftop Patio and BBQ • Monthly Potlucks • Cable TV and Internet Access • Quiet Room and Computer Room • Pool Table/Ping Pong Table/Tournaments/ Recreational Activities • Seasonal Sports Teams • Quarterly Social Committee Events • Annual rewards and recognition • Eco-Pass Program 10 VICKIE BUSHIE EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Effective Monday, May 10, 2010, Vickie Bushie started her new role as TWCC’s new Executive Assistant. Congratulations Vickie on this great opportunity with TWCC. ELMA MERCREDI DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS SUPPORT Effective Monday, April 15, 2010, Elma Mercredi assumed the position as TWCC’s new Director of Business Support.Congratulations Elma on this great opportunity with TWCC. GLEN STEVENSON JR ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN Effective Monday, May 31, 2010, Glen Stevenson started his new role at TWCC as the JR Accounting Technician. Please welcome Glen and congratulate him on this great opportunity at TWCC. TWCC HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CHRISTINE PETERS STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS FINANCE OFFICER ASKI FINANCIAL CRYSTAL LABORERO DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT As you may already know Tribal WiChi-Way-Win Capital Corporation (TWCC) is the parent company of wholly owned subsidiary, Aski Financial. I am no longer heading up Aski Financial and have moved within the family to a new exciting position in TWCC. Any enquires regarding Aski Financial can be redirected to our new Corporate Relations Officer, Karl Zadnik at kzadnik@askifinancial.ca. TWCC is looking to move into other financial service products for our communities and I am happy to say that I will be managing a number of projects for them. I am looking forward to this new challenge and can’t wait to share our initiatives with you. Below is my new contact information. Regards, Crystal Laborero Director, Business Development Tribal Wi-Chi-Way-Win Capital Corp. Phone: 204-943-0888 ext. 231 [email protected] www.twcc.mb.ca Effective Monday, May 10, 2010, Christine Peters started her new role at Aski Financial as the new Finance Officer for Aski Financial. Congratulations on your new role. JADE MONKMAN 2010 GOLF TOURNAMENT COORDINATOR Effective Tuesday, May 25, 2010, Jade Monkman started his new role as the Golf Tournament Coordinator for this year’s 2010 Annual Golf Tournament at Larter’s Golf Course on August 17, 2010. Please contact Jade for more information on our annual tournament. Jade Monkman Golf Tournament Coordinator TWCC Phone: (204) 943-0888 ext. 234 [email protected] www.twcc.mb.ca DATES TO REMEMBER KARL ZADNIK TWCC Social Committee is inviting employees and their immediate family to the TWCC Family Fun Day on July 17, 2010. An internal invitation will be sent out to all staff. CORPORATE RELATIONS OFFICER ASKI FINANCIAL TWCC offices will be closed on the following STAT holidays: Effective Monday, May 10, 2010, Karl Zadnik started his new role at Aski Financial as the new Client Relations Officer. Please welcome Karl and congratulate him on this great opportunity at TWCC. July 1 Canada Day August 3 Civic Holiday September 7 Labour Day 11 TWCC TWCC ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT 7th ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2010 (rain or shine) Larters at St. Andrews Golf & Country Club Shot-gun Start @ 12:30 PM Registration at 11:00 AM $200/PERSON TWO-PERSON BEST BALL FORMAT Includes Registration Package, Green Fees, Golf Cart, Lunch & Dinner Banquet EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION IF YOU REGISTER BY JULY 30, 2010 YOUR NAME WILL BE ENTERED TO WIN A FREE GOLF REGISTRATION TO OUR TOURNAMENT. WINNER WILL BE NOTIFIED BY FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 2010. For further information, please contact: Jade Monkman Golf Tournament Coordinator Tel: (204) 943-0888 x. 234 or Cell: (204) 951-9666 or email [email protected] www.twcc.mb.ca ALL PROCEEDS IN SUPPORT OF THE TWCC SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS PROGRAM 12 TWCC TWCC ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Register to golf! Please fax, mail or email to: TWCC 419 Notre Dame Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3B 1R3 Tel: (204) 943-0888 Fax: (204) 946-5318 Toll Free: 1-800-568-8488 Email: [email protected] Contact Name: Company: Address: City, Prov, P/C Tel: ( ) Fax: ( ) TWO PERSON BEST-BALL FORMAT $200.00 per person # of Golfers X $200.00 Total $ Dinner Only: X $50.00 Total $ Golfer Participant Names Please return completed form by email to [email protected], fax to (204) 946-5318 or dropoff/mail to address below. * Please contact Jade Monkman to arrange special requests for food allergies. Make cheques payable to: TWCC Annual Golf Tournament 419 Notre Dame Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3B 1R3 Payment must be received no later than August 17, 2010 at noon. * Refunds will be issued if notification is received by 4:30 pm on August 10, 2010. No cancellations within two days of the tournament. 13 TWCC CANADA STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM KATHRYN O’GORMAN DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS GLEN SUTHERLAND FLOOR LEAD SUPPORT As you know TWCC is going through some organizational restructuring. I accepted the new role as “Floor Support Lead”. This new role will keep my finger on the pulse of the call centre. I will be responsible for all aspects of the floor support functions including real time monitoring, floor coverage, problem management, Quality, Adherence, Service Levels, and first call resolution to name a few. I look forward to building strong relationships and empowering CSR’s to reach the next level in higher performance. Don’t lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality. We are an organization that is focused on rewarding folks for their performance. However, we also recognize the value of employees who have made a long-term commitment to our organization. Please join us in congratulating the associates listed below who are celebrating a milestone anniversary in -Glen Sutherland 2010: JERILYN ROULETTE Amy Spence and Glen Sutherland: Eight years Alisha Roberts, Teresa Woodhouse, Patricia Stevenson and Jerilyn Roulette: Six years Candace Stagg: Five years Sandra MacDonald, LeeAnne Woodhouse, Fran Robertson and Michelle Paypompee: Three years Gayle Parisien, Gilbert Chartrand, Indira Rambally, Jennifer McLeod, Mona Campbell, Tal Sparling, Monica Yeryk, Amanda McPherson, Cindy Brown, Ted Rennie, Janna Coutu, Wally Anderson, Charlene Pinch, Claudine Coutu, Courtney Thurier, Deanna Parisien, Nancy Palmer, Lois Hartley, Griseida Ventura Cruz, Carol Neustaedter, Crystal Mousseau, Jessica Russell, Lynnel Sinclair, Miranda Mcleod, Shayna Mousseau, Terrance Birston and Vanessa Sanderson: Two years -Kathryn O’Gorman 14 TEAM LEADER T E A M = Together Everyone Achieves More With the new changes in the teams recently, I believe we need to reform bonds with our people. New additions to the team are great, and it’s a chance to learn more about the people we work with everyday. I would like to welcome wholeheartedly to my team: Lynnel Sinclair, Marion Cook, Carol Neustaedter, Cindy Brown, Hannah Thurier, Pam Davis, Christine Woodhouse, Ted Rennie, and Teresa Woodhouse. My focus for this upcoming period with be on strengthening the ties between my team and myself by doing more team building activities during our huddles as well as creating a new team name. I believe that we can grow closer, and achieve the highest results in the call centre. Once we are ready, I will issue a challenge to the other teams, and I’m sure we will succeed. Look forward to more exciting things to come, and other Team Leaders beware as we are coming to get you…eventually. -Jerilyn Roulette TWCC CANADA STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM AMANDA MCPHERSON WALLACE ANDERSON TEAM LEADER CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE The Loan Sharks are committed to focusing on call quality for the month of March and lowering their not ready times to increase call volume. Within the group, we are focused on creating meaningful and informative one on one’s sessions and monthly team meetings to discuss current issues and changes. The call center had recently gone through a seating arrangement change to create new relationships with surrounding employees. The team has also gained a few new members to the team bringing the total group number to 25 Loan Sharks. We are gearing towards meeting all the Fantastic Four targets for the month March with great emphasis on successful completion of the customer satisfaction survey for each call. -Amanda McPherson ALISHA ROBERTS TEAM LEADER It’s a New Team, a New Station to sit at, even a New Team Name, RAPrrrrrrrS. Our focus is Quality not Quantity, we wanna~bees 100%, plus we are no longer a Loan Ranger or a Loanie~TuneZ, so all in all it’s a fresh new start. There are great opportunities in our horizon therefore we are trained for success, so we shall succeed! Hello everybody! Summer is almost here and the call centre at TWCC is busy as usual assisting all our customers with their Canada Student Loans. There has been a lot of growth in our work environment and staff since I began working here in June 2008. We’ve tripled in size since the beginning of 2008. I enjoy working here at TWCC with all the friendly staff. We enjoy many staff functions like Pool Tournaments, games, contests and other things like Quality lunches for CSR’s who achieve excellent quality assessments. There are also incentive prizes awarded for call centre quality. We’ve had prizes like gift certificates, MP3 players and concert tickets. All staff members received genuine leather jackets for our Christmas gifts too. We were recently delivered a brand new Ping Pong table and Billiard Table for our staff which are located on the 2nd floor of our building. Also we have top of the line exercise equipment in the basement of our workplace for all staff who wish to use them. There’s always plenty of opportunities at TWCC and many things to do! One staff function was on March 12/10 is at Rumour’s Comedy Club which I’m sure everyone enjoyed. I’m sure there will be much laughter throughout the year. I had a great year and I am looking forward to another good year working at TWCC. Hope you had a good Spring & an excellent Summer 2010! - Wally Anderson -Alisha Roberts 15 TWCC TWCC CHARITY OF CHOICE TWCC was recognized by the United Way for last year’s TWCC United Way Campaign and received four awards in the following categories: Workplace Campaign Award - This award celebrates and acknowledges businesses, organizations and employee groups that demonstrate outstanding involvement, contributions and leadership during United Way’s annual campaign. Gold Award - 70% of TWCC employees donated an average of $104 each ($2/week) to United Way. Circle of Success Award - United Way’s Circle of Success Awards celebrate and recognize corporate giving and commitment: $5,000 - $9,999 Diamond Corporate Quantum Leap Award - For increasing donations by 25% and a minimum of $1,000 or more this year. Employee Quantum Leap Award - For increasing workplace donors and/or donations by 25% and a minimum of $1,000. O f f i c e olympic organizers showing participants how to compete in the events held at TWCC as part of our United Way Campaign - Tuesday, Nov. 24th and Wednesday, Nov. 25th. · The first 40 people with pledge forms completed and handed in to either Deanna Parisien and/or Verna Woodhouse on or before 4:00 PM, Monday, November 23, 2009, were eligible to participate in the Olympics. ·There were a maximum of 10 teams competing for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place (bragging rights) and each team consisted of four employees · There were a total of two events (timed) – on Tuesday and the Wednesday. · Participants formed their own teams and others had their teams selected. · All pledge forms that were handed early were automatically entered into a draw for a $50.00 Aski card. Value Statement: “TWCC is a nationally recognized, successful, progressive, diversified, and self-sustaining financial services institution. First Nations owned and operated we subscribe to holistic First Nation values and cultural traditions that nurture the health and well-being of our clients, stakeholders and staff. Our committment is to accountability, transparency, quality of service and organizational success.” 16 © 2010 TWCC, Volume 11, Issue 1