Miracle Temple Institutional C.O.G.I.C. Voices Newsletter
Miracle Temple Institutional C.O.G.I.C. Voices Newsletter
Miracle Temple Institutional C.O.G.I.C. Voices Newsletter “A CHURCH WHERE YOU CAN FEEL THE HOLY SPIRIT” October 2015 Volume 4 Issue 10 15TH WEST CENRAL DISTRICT Deborah Richards, Editor SUPERINTENDENT’S & FIRST LADY APPRECIATION Superintendent Clethen U. Sutton , Editor In Chief October 18, 2015 @ 5:00pm Miracle Temple Church of God in Christ, Inc. Susan Sutton, First Lady Pearl Thomas, Church Mother Superintendent Clethen U. Sutton, Pastor Superintendent Clethen U. Sutton & Lady Susan Sutton MINISTRY IS ABOUT CONSISTENCY. BE CONSISTENT WITH GOD. PRAY & REPENT Inside this issue: MT Calendar MT, WCD & JSWF NEWS 2 2 Prayer Request 2 Pastor’s Corner 3 Interesting Halloween Info 4 Miracle Temple’s Calling First Family Photo Church Receives Blessing 4 4 4 Superintendent Clethen Sutton and Lady Sutton’s 15th Anniversary celebration as District Leaders is vastly approaching. We want to show them how much we love and appreciate their laborious service for the members of the West Central District. The appreciation service will be held on Sunday, October 18, 2015 @ 5:00pm. The location of the service is: Miracle Temple Institutional C.O.G.I.C., 2001 N. Albany Avenue, Tampa FL 33607. The guest speaker is Pastor Joseph Sykes of Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, Tampa FL. Mother Pearl Thomas CWC & YWCC The Christian Women’s Christian Counsel (CWC) & the Young Women’s Christian Counsel (YWCC) is on the move @ Miracle Temple. The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 10, 2015 @ 5:00pm. These auxiliaries endeavor to provide spiritual and natural support of the church through instruction and training of women. For Questions concerning this ministry, contact Mother Pearl Thomas @ 813-374-4420 or Lady Sutton @ 813-299-7237. PRAYER REQUEST MIRACLE TEMPLE INSTITIUTIONAL COGIC Mother Annie Lock & Husband CALENDAR OF EVENTS Deborah Richards & Family October 2015 Ivy Hennix & Family SUNDAY 4 MONDAY 5 TUESDAY 6 First Sunday Communion 11 13 Youth Sunday Program 19 Friends & Family Day WORLD PEACE DAY 20 SATURDAY 1 2 3 8 9 10 14 Leadership Members of Miracle Temple Pray for all people all over the world CWC & YWCC Meeting @ 5pm. Location TBA 15 16 Miracle Temple Reminders PLEASE PAY YOUR TITHE! All concerns or questions regarding Women’s Ministry see Mother Pearl Thomas. 17 26 27 Women’s Day Program 2 108th 21 Usher Schedule for 10/1/1512/31/15 posted, see Mother Thomas for any questions. 22 23 Sunday School Schedule Posted, please review & be prepared to teach on your scheduled day. 24 Intercessory Prayer @ 7:00 pm & Bible Teaching 7:30 pm WCD Supt Appreciation @ 5pm 1 FRIDAY Intercessory Prayer @ 7:00 pm & Bible Teaching 7:30 pm 18 / 25 7 THRUSDA Y Intercessory Prayer @ 7:00 pm & Bible Teaching 7:30 pm 12 _________ WEDNESDAY 3 108th CWC & YWCC Meeting Saturday, 10/10/15 @ 5pm. Location: TBA 28 / Interces- 29 sory Prayer @ 7:00 pm & Bible Teaching 7:30 pm 30 4 6 108th 108th Hallelujah Night Saturday 10/31/15 {5pm-8pm} Refreshments Served 31 Hallelujah Night @ 5pm 5 108th 7 108th Intl Holy Intl Holy Intl Holy Intl Holy Intl Holy Intl Holy Convocation, Convocation, Convocation, Convocation, Convocation, Convocation, St. Louis, MO St. Louis, MO St. Louis, MO St. Louis, MO St. Louis, MO 15 Year Anniversary Celebration St. Louis, MO Please plan to attend. If for any reason you are unable to be in attendance; please send your offering by your Pastor or Church Mother to submit. At the end of the service, everyone will have the opportunity to express gratitude to Superintendent and Lady Sutton, via verbal expressions and gifts. Please do not forget you bouquet of love. Thank you for your continued support of the West Central District. October 18, 2015 @ 5:00pm @ Miracle Temple Inst. COGIC Please visit our church's website www.miracletemple2-cogic.org Page 2 WCD 5th Sunday MTG Many Doors Ministry COGIC @ 5:00pm ADVERTISE IN VOICES NEWSLETTER FULL PAGE $40.00 HALF PAGE $25.00 1/4 PAGE $15.00 BUSINESS CARD $10.00 Advertise your Business Make an Announcement CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 2015 THEME Christ’s Extreme Sacrifice Calls For Our Extreme Commitment II Corinthians 5:14-15 Miracle Temple Institutional C.O.G.I.C. Voices Newsletter PASTOR SUTTON’S CORNER By Superintendent Clethen U. Sutton “A Church Where You Can Feel the Holy Spirit” Superintendent Clethen U. Sutton, Pastor Miracle Temple Institutional C.O.G.I.C. Pastor’s Corner The school year is Back in session. Starting a new school year can be a time of great excitement and anxiety for both the youth attending and the parent. To make things a little calmer and smoother for both parties, there are some things that you can do to help the situation: Parents meet with your child’s teacher face-to face and tour the school with your child, even if the child attended the school the previous year; they will have new classrooms and areas of the building that they may frequent. If your child is older, have him/her give you a tour, show that you are interested also. Have supplies ready and available so you feel prepared and comfortable and parents avoid the last minute drilling session. Stay away from threatening your children about what they should be doing and simply say some encouraging words. Ease into the routine. Make it easier for everyone: set your alarm clock, leave the house on time, eat breakfast And finally children, make good grades and do your best. Keep in mind Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly as though you were doing it for the Lord and not merely for people.” NIS There is an old saying that is so true. Anything worth having is worth working for. A good education is worth having. SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT Our Children/Our Schools It feel that it is a sad day that The Lord's Prayer is not allowed in most U.S. Public schools any more. Below Is a New School Prayer: Now I sit me down in school - Where praying is against the rule -For this great nation under God - Finds mention of Him very odd - If scripture now the class recites -It violates the Bill of Rights And anytime my head I bow - Becomes a Federal matter now. Our hair can be purple, orange or green - That's no offense; it's a freedom scene -The law is specific, the law is precise - Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice -Or praying in a public hall- Might offend someone with no faith at all - In silence alone we must meditate -God's name is prohibited by the State. We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks, And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks...-They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible-To quote the Good Book makes me liable - We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen, And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King - It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong, We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong.. We can get our condoms and birth controls, Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles... - But the Ten Commandments are not allowed, No word of God must reach this crowd - It's scary here I must confess, then chaos reigns the school's a mess - So, Lord, this silent plea I make: Should I be shot; My soul please take! Amen. Author Unknown Suggested Scripture Reading: 2 Luke 18 - “Then He spoke a parable to them that men always ought to pray and not lose heart” Luke 18:1 Clethen U. Sutton, Pastor Superintendent of the West Central District Page 3 Miracle Temple Church Of God In Christ, Inc. 2001 North Albany Tampa, FL 33607 Phone: 813-251-5756 Email: miracletempleinstcogic@ outlook.org Miracle Temple Inst. COGIC Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m. Intercessory Prayer & 7:30 pm Pastoral Teaching Sundays @ 9:30 –10:30 a.m. Bible Discovery & Sunday morning worship @ 11:00 a.m. AVOP Rehearsal Saturdays @ Happy Birthday A Miracle Temple Birthday Shout Out To Everyone Celebrating A Birthday During The Month Of October. May God Bless You with Many More. CHRISITIAN HALLOWEEN {Something To Make You Think} We encourage you to carefully examine the History of Halloween. Halloween, which comes from the phrase All Hallows Eve is tied directly to All Saints Day celebrated on November 1 of each year to commemorate the old saints who have past on. These “saints” were heroes and martyrs for the Christian Faith. Studies have shown that Historians trace the origin of Halloween back to the ancient and enduring Christian tradition of celebrating the lives of Christian martyrs on the anniversaries of their deaths. When Pope Boniface IV re-consecrated the Pantheon in Rome on May 13, 609 AD, renaming it the “Church of St. Mary and the Martyrs,” he established that anniversary as a day of celebratory remembrance for all of the Church’s martyrs. Pope Gregory III later changed the date of remembrance to November 1 when he dedicated a chapel in St. Peter’s Basilica to “all saints.” November 1 became All Saints Day, otherwise known as All Hallow’s Day. The night before became All Hallow’s Eve (“Halloween” being a colloquial contraction of that phrase). While Halloween began as a localized celebration, Pope Gregory IV extended its observance to all of Christendom in the 9th Century AD. 15th West Central District Superintendent’s Appreciation Sunday, October 18, 2015 @ 5:00pm From: MT Church Family 1st Family Pictured Below @ Pastor Sutton’s Retirement Celebration 25 Years of Service With The Tampa Police Dept. Miracle Temple Church is called to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and the beliefs of the COGIC faith, to maintain the worship of God, inspire in all a love for Christ, passion for righteousness, and a consciousness of their duties to God and their fellow human beings. We pledge our lives to Christ and covenant with each other to demonstrate His Spirit through worship, witnessing, and ministry to the needs of the people of this church and the community. New Church Copy Machine {Pictured To The Right} Miracle Temple Members Appreciates Our Blessing Page 4
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