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Fact Book 2015-16 Franciscan University of Steubenville PREFACE This sixteenth edition of the annual Franciscan University of Steubenville FACT BOOK presents in a readable form, current and historical data pertaining to the University. The data contained in the Fact Book is current as of October of the year it is published. We welcome your comments and suggestions for additional information that might be included in future editions or for improvements in the way the information is presented. We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to those who have offered suggestions on items to change or add to the Fact Book. We also offer a special thanks to those staff across campus that provided cooperation and assistance in the completion of this Fact Book. This edition of the Fact Book can also be found in electronic format on the University website at Office of Institutional Research October 2015 The University Seal (on Cover) The official seal of Franciscan University of Steubenville is a symbol used for academic purposes only. It represents the University’s Catholic, Franciscan, and educational mission, all of which are symbolized by various components in the seal. The seal, except for the name change to Franciscan University of Steubenville, is an exact version of the original image created in 1946. Description of the Seal Emblazoned on the left side of the shield is the coat of arms of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis. The top section shows a clothed arm representing St. Francis of Assisi; the other arm is the arm of our Lord. The hand of Christ bears one of the wounds of his passion; the hand of St. Francis bears the stigmata of his passion. The crossing of the arms forms the Greek letter Chi the first letter of Christ in Greek. Below this is a crown of thorns. This crown, along with the letters OPC (Omnis Passionis Christi, Latin for “All for the passion of Christ”) and the three nails of the Passion, distinguishes the Third Order branch of the Franciscan family. The right side is the coat of arms of Baron Frederick Wilhelm Augustus Von Steuben (from whom the city of Steubenville takes its name), plus a flaming heart to represent the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the division of the Third Order Regular that operates the University. A band encircles the seal and bears the inscription Franciscan University of Steubenville and A.D. 1946 (founding year of the University) between two crosses. On the sides of the shield is the motto “with fortitude and prudence.” The same motto, Fortitudo et Prudentia, is located on the coat of arms of one of the oldest family names in Ireland, Aeoghan, more recently spelled Egan. Father Dan Egan, TOR, served as the first president of Franciscan University. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE QUICK REFERENCE Quick Reference Sheet .................................................................................................7 GENERAL INFORMATION Mission ......................................................................................................................11 History ......................................................................................................................12 Accreditation ...............................................................................................................13 Undergraduate Majors ................................................................................................14 Graduate Programs.....................................................................................................14 University Buildings .....................................................................................................15 Campus Map ...............................................................................................................16 ADMINISTRATION & BOARDS University Administration.............................................................................................19 Board of Trustees........................................................................................................20 Board of Advisors ........................................................................................................21 Founding Friars ..........................................................................................................22 Presidents, 1946 – Present .........................................................................................23 Honorary Degrees, 1950 – Present ............................................................................24 Poverello Medal Recipients, 1949 – Present ..............................................................27 Founders Awards .......................................................................................................29 Shepherd Award Recipients .......................................................................................31 Baron Hall of Fame Inductees ...................................................................................32 Baron Club Award Recipients ....................................................................................33 ENROLLMENT Enrollment Summary, Fall Semester 2015 .................................................................37 First-time Freshmen, Fall Semester, 2006 – Present .................................................37 Historical Enrollment, 1986 – Present.........................................................................38 Historical Trend: Resident Students, 2006 – Present .................................................40 Enrolled Students by Major/Program 2006 – Present ................................................42 Total Degrees Awarded, 2005-2006 – Present ..........................................................44 Graduates by Major, 2005-2006 – Present .................................................................45 Austrian Program, 2006-2007 – Present ....................................................................47 20 Year Cost Comparison: Tuition, Room & Board ....................................................48 Freshman ACT/SAT Scores, 2006 – Present .............................................................50 Grade Point Average Comparison, 2006 – Present ...................................................51 Retention Rate for Fall 2005 – 2014 Entering Class ..................................................51 Graduation Rates for 2000 – 2009 Entering Class .....................................................51 FACULTY Faculty by Department, Fall Semester 2015...............................................................55 Faculty Awards, 1988 – 2005 .....................................................................................56 ALUMNI Alumni by Year, 1950 – Present .................................................................................61 Alumni by Decade .......................................................................................................61 Alumni Awards, 2008 – Present .................................................................................62 Alumni Awards, 1987 – 2007 ......................................................................................64 LIBRARY Library Holdings, 2005-2006 – Present ......................................................................69 Circulation Statistics, 2005-2006 – Present ................................................................69 3 Q U I C K R E F E R E N C E 5 FRANCISCAN UNIVERSITY QUICK REFERENCE SHEET Founded 1946 Chairman of the Board of Trustees: President: Very Rev. Richard Davis, TOR Rev. Sean Sheridan, TOR Number of Associate Degree Majors offered: Number of Bachelor Degree Majors offered: Number of Master Degree Programs offered: 2014-2015 DEGREES AWARDED: Associate Bachelors Masters 5 35 8 42 501 158 ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-2016 TUITION & FEES: Undergraduate Full-time Undergraduate Part-time Evening Division M.A. (On-Campus) M.A. (Online) M.B.A. M.S.Ed. M.S.N. ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-16 ROOM & BOARD: FALL 2015 ENROLLMENTS: Undergraduate Graduate Total Ground Enrollment Distance Learning Online Total Online/Distance Enrollment FALL 2015 FACULTY: $24,780 $810 $500 $685 $500 $500 $420 $500 $8,300 2,103 351 2,454 87 175 262 Total Enrollment 2,716 Full-time Undergraduate Freshman Class Austrian Campus 2,007 456 210 Full-time Part-time Total STUDENT-TO-FACULTY RATIO 120 134 254 14/1 TOTAL LIVING ALUMNI: UNDERGRADUATE ALUMNI GIVING PERCENTAGE: 7 17,108 13% (credit hour) (credit hour) (credit hour) (credit hour) (credit hour) (credit hour) (credit hour) G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N 9 MISSION The purpose of Franciscan University is to further the higher education of men and women through programs of liberal, professional, and pre-professional studies leading to the conferral of the baccalaureate and master degrees in the arts and sciences. It is the further purpose of the University, publicly identified as a Catholic and a Franciscan institution, to promote the moral, spiritual, and religious values of its students. The University is guided by the example and teaching of St. Francis of Assisi. To accomplish this mission, the University embraces the following general policies: Intellectual and Faith Community: The specific vocation of a student is intellectual development. Evangelization: Through academic and co-curricular programs, the University promotes the ongoing and deepening of life in the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Church. Dynamic Orthodoxy: The University has embraced this concept as a policy standard for its life, thereby striving to promote and maintain a balanced commitment to truth and life in its faith community. Christian Maturity: The University recognizes that its ultimate purpose is to graduate men and women who are able to take a mature, responsible approach to life. Good Stewardship: The University recognizes that its greatest resources are its people and pledges to treat each person with dignity and respect. These five general policies are the basis for many specific policies, including: Academic: The University is a teaching institution that values research primarily for advancing the scholarship of the faculty. The University requires some specific courses and some balanced selection of courses to promote liberal arts education and the importance of theological studies and basic philosophy. The University also promotes responsible academic freedom, which includes observance of the 1940 AAUP statement. Student Life: The University desires all its programs to be guided by the law of love. Specifically, the University welcomes entertainment and recreational activities that upbuild the lives of those involved; promotes participation in physical health programs and athletic activities; promotes personal and spiritual development, particularly through faith households; provides, within its means, counseling and other support services as appropriate; supports Christian morality and respect for life; embraces a Catholic worldview; encourages service off campus to the poor as an essential part of a student’s educational experience. Finally, the University commits itself to this mission believing that it is promoting a normal, mature, Franciscan, Catholic, Christian way of life for its students. It believes that its norms for both academic and co-curricular development are rooted in long and proven tradition and are as relevant today as they were in times past. The University commits itself to ongoing prayer so that it may be humble before the face of God and receptive to those graces and blessings it needs to serve this mission. 11 HISTORY Though Franciscan University of Steubenville now enjoys a strong international reputation, its beginnings were as unassuming as its patron saint. Francis of Assisi’s simple life, self-sacrifice, and service to others have inspired many believers throughout the centuries – especially the founders, faculty, and staff of the University, who are guided by his example and teaching. In 1946, soon after the end of World War II, Steubenville’s first bishop, John King Mussio, invited the Franciscan Friars of the Third Order Regular to establish a college to serve the needs of local students, especially veterans of World War II. After looking over available facilities, the friars purchased the Knights of Pythias Building in downtown Steubenville in June 1946. With no guarantees except that of moral support, the friars invested $350,000 in what would prove to be a great educational venture. As the College of Steubenville’s enrollment grew, other buildings were purchased or leased, until it became evident that proper expansion required enough land for a permanent campus. In 1953, the friars purchased a 40-acre tract on a site overlooking the city of Steubenville. In 1960, the North Central Association granted formal accreditation to the College. From the first, the College produced men and women of faith whose moral, spiritual, and intellectual formation enabled them to provide exemplary leadership in their careers, communities, and churches, and as parents, priests, or religious. Six presidents have shaped the University into an internationally recognized, Christ-centered institution: Father Daniel W. Egan, TOR, Father Kevin Keelan, TOR, Father Columba S. Devlin, TOR, Father Michael Scanlan, TOR, Father Terence Henry, TOR, and now Father Sean O. Sheridan, TOR, who is working to further enhance its reputation for educating, evangelizing, and sending forth joyful disciples. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, however, the College nearly failed. Reeling from the social and cultural upheavals that rocked schools nationwide, the College found itself facing a serious identity crisis and declining enrollment. Father Michael Scanlan, TOR, who became president in 1974, helped restore the institution to the Catholic, Franciscan vision of its founders. The College achieved university status in 1980, changing its name to Franciscan University of Steubenville in 1986. During its 69 years of existence, the University has grown to a 250-acre campus with 25 buildings and a study abroad program site in Gaming, Austria. In 2008, the University purchased Assisi Heights, an apartment complex adjacent to campus, which, in addition to a community building, includes 41 apartment buildings with 93 student apartments. It also houses the Christian Outreach Center, the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, the Franciscan Sisters, TOR, Santa Chiara Mission House, and the Franciscan Friars, TOR, Vocation House. Franciscan University now educates over 2,400 students on campus each year who come from all 50 states and 14 countries and nearly 300 students in distance education and online courses. The University also reaches over 55,000 other Catholics through its 29 adult, young adult, and youth conferences. Though a relatively young institution, Franciscan University has achieved national recognition from a variety of sources, including The Templeton Guide for Colleges That Encourage Character Development, National Review’s Guide to America’s Top Liberal Arts Schools, The Templeton Foundation’s Honor Rolls for Education in a Free Society, Barron’s Best Buys in College Education, U.S. News & World Report’s list of America’s Best Colleges, The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College, Kiplinger Personal Finance Magazine’s list of “Best Values” in private higher education, and the Forbes list of America’s Top Colleges. Franciscan University’s growth from just 258 students in 1946 to over 2,700 students today is evidence of the faith of its Franciscan friars, the leadership of its presidents, and the determination of its trustees, advisors, faculty, and staff. 12 ACCREDITATION AND MEMBERSHIPS OF THE UNIVERSITY Accreditation: Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (formerly the National League for Nursing) Council for the Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs Council on Social Work Education Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education Ohio Board of Regents Ohio Board of Nursing Ohio Department of Education Memberships: Association of Franciscan Colleges and Universities Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities Council for Christian Colleges and Universities Council for Higher Education Accreditation Council of Independent Colleges Franciscan Federation The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities The National Catholic Education Association The National Education Association The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges 13 Franciscan University, in fulfilling its mission of furthering the higher education of men and women through programs of liberal, professional and pre-professional studies, awards degrees at three levels: associate, bachelors and masters. In addition, undergraduate (bachelors) majors may choose from over 30 optional minors. Associate of Arts Majors (5) Accounting Business Administration Child Development General Studies Theology Bachelor of Arts Majors (20) Biology Catechetics (Youth Ministry) Chemistry Classics Communications Arts (Journalism, Multimedia or Radio/Television) Drama (Dramatic Literature or Performance) Economics English (British & American Literature, Writing or Western & World Literature) French German History Humanities & Catholic Culture Legal Studies Philosophy Political Science Psychology (Clinical or Experimental) Sacred Music (Organ or Voice) Sociology Spanish Theology Bachelor of Science Majors (15) Accounting Anthropology Biology Chemistry Computer Information Science Computer Science Economics Education (Elementary, Middle & HS 14 different programs for licensure) Finance International Business Management Marketing Mathematical Science Nursing Social Work Optional Undergraduate Minors (34) Accounting Anthropology Biology British & American Literature Chemistry Communication Arts Computer Science Drama Economics Exercise Science Film Studies Finance Franciscan Studies French German Greek History Human Life Studies International Business Latin: Classical Latin: Ecclesiastical Legal Studies Management Marketing Mathematical Science Philosophy Political Science Psychology Sacred Music Sociology Spanish Theology Western & World Literature Writing Masters Degrees (8) Master of Arts in Catechetics and Evangelization Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Master of Arts in Philosophy Master of Arts in Theology & Christian Ministry Master of Business Administration Master of Science in Education Master of Science in Educational Administration Master of Science in Nursing 14 University Buildings Date Date Constructed Renovated* Area (GSF) Building Purpose Antonian Hall Student dining center: Gentile dining room; Keelan room; Schiappa Board Room 1961 2012 26,288 Assisi Heights Student apartments: 41 apartment building with 93 student apartments; 1 community building; Offices for the Christian Outreach Office, the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology; the Franciscan Sisters, TOR Santa Chiara Mission House, and the Franciscan Friars, TOR Vocation House 1957 2013 127,444 Christ the King Chapel University Chapel; Chapel offices 1969 1995 10,700 Cosmas and Damian Hall Science center; Pugliese Auditorium 2000 2013 42,920 Egan/Stafford Hall Classrooms; academic administrative offices; Anathan Theater 1961 2011 73,243 Finnegan Fieldhouse Indor athletic facilities including cardio, aerobics, flexibility, Athletic Training Center, Gymnasium, athletic department offices & Health & Wellness Center 1992 2014 57,970 Holy Spirit Friary Franciscan Friars residence 2009 J. C. Williams Center Student center; snack bar; bookstore; the Gallery; mail center 1970 John Paul II Library Library facilities 1987 Lower Campus Coffeehouse Padua Hall St. Bonaventure Hall Scotus Hall Vianney Hall Brioche Doree and Sandella's Male residence hall Female residence hall Female residence hall Male residence hall 1957 1973 1957 1957 1957 2000 2004 2000 2000 2000 4,752 6,022 8,832 5,246 8,159 Marian Hall Female residence hall 1961 2012 37,296 Physical Plant Services Physical plant offices, shops, athletic maintenance 1999 2004 27,581 Portiuncula Chapel Pilgrimage chapel 1988 677 Ss. Kolbe and Clare Halls Student residence halls 1997 37,152 Ss. Louis & Elizabeth Halls Student residence halls 2007 47,925 St. Francis Hall Male residence hall 1961 2002 26,730 St. Joseph Center Administrative offices; business department (academic), MA in Clinical Mental Health department & classrooms 1982 2013 19,964 St. Thomas More Hall Female residence hall 1964 2006 72,658 Starvaggi Hall Administrative offices; Admission & information technology 1961 1996 18,823 Storage Facilities (2) Armory: Long term University storage; theater accessories 1986 1996 17,318 Trinity Hall Male residence hall 1963 2013 33,769 24,231 2006 28,668 Total Campus Gross Square Footage (GSF) * Renovation dates reflect the completion date of the most recent major construction/renovation to a major portion of the interior or exterior of the building 15 42,425 806,793 º 1. Christ the King Chapel 2. Portiuncula Chapel 3. Marian Grotto 4. Stations of the Cross 5.Cre`che 6. Tomb of the Unborn Child 7. Rosary Circle 8. St. Francis Hall 9. Antonian Hall 10. Marian Hall 11. Trinity Hall 12. Sand Volleyball Courts 13. St. Thomas More Hall 14. SS. Kolbe and Clare Halls 15. SS. Louis and Elizabeth Halls 16. Piazza dei Santi 17. Finnegan Fieldhouse 18. J. C. Williams Center 19. John Paul II Library 20. SS. Cosmas and Damian Hall 21. Starvaggi Hall 22. Egan Hall 23. St. Joseph Center 24. Assisi Heights 25. Physical Plant Services 26. Memorial Field 27. Intramural Fields 28. Softball Field 29. Vaccaro Field 30. Practice Soccer Field 31. Game Soccer Field 32. Holy Spirit Friary 33. Steel Cross 34. Sandella’s Flatbread Café 35. Scotus Hall 36. Vianney Hall 37. St. Bonaventure Hall 38. University Park Plaza 39. Padua Hall A. Main Entrance B. West Entrance A D M I N I S T R A T I O N & B O A R D S 17 FRANCISCAN UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION Rev. Sean O. Sheridan, TOR President Michael Hernon Vice President of Advancement Daniel Kempton, Ph.D. Vice President of Academic Affairs Rev. Nathan Malavolti, TOR Vice President of Pastoral Care & Evangelization Brenan Pergi Vice President of Human Resources Joel Recznik Vice President of Enrollment Management David Schmiesing Vice President of Student Life David Skiviat Vice President of Finance & Administration Kimberly Sponseller Executive Director of Marketing & Communications 19 FRANCISCAN UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Very Rev. Richard Davis, TOR - CHAIRMAN Loretto, PA Mr. W. Paul Jones Lawrence, KS Mr. Walter E. Johnson - VICE CHAIRMAN Flower Mound, TX Rev. John Mark Klaus, TOR Fort Worth, TX Rev. Sean O. Sheridan, TOR – SECRETARY Steubenville, OH Mr. Albert Langsenkamp Carmel, IN Mr. Richard V. Allen Denver, CO Mrs. Jamie McAleer Fairhope, AL Dr. Charles Bentz '84 Portland, OR Mr. Richard Riederer Oconomowoc, WI Rev. Seraphim Beshoner, TOR Washington, DC Mr. David Robertson Weirton, WV Mrs. Diane Brown Clearwater Beach, FL Mr. Michael Tobin Lauderdale by the Sea, FL Mr. Paul Carapellotti Pittsburgh, PA Rev. Malachi Van Tassell, TOR '93 Loretto, PA Rev. Michael Ciski, TOR Arlington, TX Rev. Cletus Watson, TOR Loretto, PA Mrs. Theresa Collins Tierre Verde, FL TRUSTEES EMERITI : Dr. John H. Irvin Wintersville, OH Mr. David DeWolf '00 Centreville, VA Rev. Brian Miller, TOR Loretto, PA Most Rev. Roger J. Foys '69 Covington, KY Most Rev. Sam G. Jacobs Schriever, LA 20 FRANCISCAN UNIVERSITY BOARD OF ADVISORS Richard Saxon '82 – CHAIR Weirton, WV Michelle Gorman Steubenville, OH Christopher Irvin '90 – VICE CHAIR Wintersville, OH Bill Hannen Steubenville, OH Dr. Thomas Matanzo '81 - SECRETARY Steubenville, OH Donna Keagler Wintersville, OH Joe Alongi '75 Weirton, WV Tim McCoy Wintersville, OH Dorothy Blaner '96 Toronto, OH Rev. Calvin McLoyd, Jr. MA '00 Steubenville, OH Nick Cacciacarro '74 Steubenville, OH Tracy McManamon Steubenville, OH Cathie Caranda Weirton, WV David Mosti Wintersville, OH Franco Carapellotti Steubenville, OH Surinder Nandra Weirton, WV Tony Corella '74 Steubenville, OH Eleanor Naylor Steubenville, OH John Criss Steubenville, OH Ken Schmitz '97 Richmond, OH Robert D'Anniballe, Jr. Steubenville, OH Connie Vinson Steubenville, OH Mark Fischer '89 Steubenville, OH Dr. Brian Wilson Bloomingdale, OH Dr. Patricia Fletcher '67 Steubenville, OH Melinda Young '78 Steubenville, OH John Frankovitch '89 Weirton, WV Ross Gallabrese Steubenville, OH EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Dino Giovannone '79 Wheeling, WV President: Rev. Sean Sheridan, TOR VP for Advancement: Michael Hernon Carolyn Glaub Weirton, WV ADVISORS EMERITUS : The Most Reverend Gilbert I. Sheldon Steubenville, OH 21 FOUNDING FRIARS Fr. Daniel Egan, TOR - President Fr. Ambrose Burke, TOR Fr. Vincent Burke, TOR Fr. Edmund Joyce, TOR Fr. Raymond Kelley, TOR Fr. Regis Stafford, TOR SIGNIFICANT DATES IN UNIVERSITY HISTORY Founding of the College of Steubenville…………………………..December 10, 1946 First Day of Classes…………………………………………………...January 14, 1947 College Renamed University of Steubenville…………………………….May 20, 1980 University Renamed Franciscan University of Steubenville……………April 29, 1986 22 FRANCISCAN UNIVERSITY PRESIDENTS 1946 – 1959 Rev. Daniel W. Egan, TOR 1959 – 1962 Rev. Kevin R. Keelan, TOR 1962 – 1969 Rev. Columba J. Devlin, TOR 1969 – 1974 Rev. Kevin R. Keelan, TOR 1974 – 2000 Rev. Michael Scanlan, TOR 2000 – 2013 Rev. Terence Henry, TOR 2013 - Present Rev. Sean O. Sheridan, TOR CHANCELLORS 2000 – 2011 Rev. Michael Scanlan, TOR 2013 - 2015 Rev. Terence Henry, TOR PRESIDENT EMERITUS 2011 – Present Rev. Michael Scanlan, TOR 23 HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENTS Honors Convocation, Baccalaureate, and Comencement 1950 Ernest T. Weir 1967 Most Rev. John J. Krol Governor James A. Rhodes 1951 Mone Anathan, Sr. Emma Carter Zeis 1968 Most Rev. John H. Boccella, TOR Congressman Wayne L. Hays Msgr. John J. McGrath Judge Carl A. Weinman 1969 Donald H. McGannon Angeline J. Starvaggi Msgr. William R. Cornelius Tad Mosel 1952 Charles B. Lanman 1953 Michael Baker, Jr. 1954 Thomas Gerald Ryan 1955 Michael Starvaggi 1956 Frances Weir Millsop Most Rev. John K. Mussio Rev. Regis Stafford, TOR Anna D. Williams Dr. Ray B. Roshon 1970 Rabbi Dr. Harry J. Stern Myrtle Eleanor Pitzer Baker Allison R. Maxwell, Jr. 1971 Dennis W. Binning 1957 Rev. Louis A. Rongione, OSA 1972 1958 Dr. Forrest H. Kirkpatrick Wallace A. Shelby, Jr. J. Hadyn Harris Dr. Thomas E. Seifert Rev. Dennis Sullivan, TOR Dr. John L. Mantica Rev. Theophane (Michael) Scanlan, TOR 1959 Dr. Bernard J. Ficarra 1973 James J. Dyer 1974 Senator John H. Glenn, Jr. 1975 Margaret Mary Fennelly Grace Mother Mary Clare Heurich 1960 Msgr. Henry J. Grigsby John G. Hagan, Jr. Clinton C. Roberson 1961 Edwin O. Burgham 1962 Joseph F. Bontempo Most Rev. Nicholas T. Elko Very Rev. William F. Troy, SJ Dr. Richard Doney 1976 Irwin A. Fluharty Rev. Raymond A. Roesch, SM 1977 Anthony Gentile 1963 Msgr. Henry B. O'Donnell Robert D. O'Grady 1978 Senator Jennings Randolph Arthur J. Kobacker Most Rev. Albert H. Ottenweller 1964 Frank C. Sullivan Sr. Mary Agatha Glowczak, OSF 1979 Orlando C. Schiappa Norbert J. Hruby, Ph.D. Anthony J. Teramana 1980 Most Rev. Joseph L. Bernardin Paul R. Carapellotti Congressman Douglas Applegate James Hitchcock, Ph.D. 1965 Guy W. Jacobs Charles M. Patterson 1966 Samuel Freifield William S. Welday 24 HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENTS Honors Convocation, Baccalaureate, and Comencement 1981 Mone Anathan, Jr. John Joseph Blanda Governor J. Joseph Garrahy 1982 Rev. Rudolph Harvey, OFM Msgr. James C. Marshall Ralph Martin 1983 1984 Mother Mary Angelica Rev. Christian R. Oravec, TOR John G. Redline 1991 Dr. Ronda DeSola Chervin Robert G. Filby, Ph.D Olga Florence Macedonia Rev. Francis Martin 1992 Dr. William A. Marra Robert M. Regan John J. Riccardo Dr. Charles E. Rice 1993 John Cardinal O'Connor Patricia Fletcher Rev. Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR Arch. Dipl. Ing. Walter Hildebrand Hon. Thomas P. Melady 1994 Governor Robert P. Casey Sr. Margaret Carney, OSF Rev. John Catoir Most. Rev. Gilbert I. Sheldon Adrian van Kaam, CSSp 1995 Leo Jozef Cardinal Suenens Mary Ellen Bork Most Rev. Agostino Cacciavillan Bobbie Cavnar Molly Kelly Michael Medved Rev. G. Richard (Ricky) Riggs 1996 Mary Cunningham Agee Diane Brown Dr. Thomas Hilgers Hon. Alan Keyes Coleman Mullins 1997 Virgil Dechant Adam Cardinal Maida Rev. Raffaele Pazzelli, TOR Most Rev. Christoph Schönborn Sr. M. Dorothy Sienko, OSF Congressman Christopher Smith 1998 Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua Pastor Jim Forbes Msgr. Roger J. Foys Nellie Gray Sir John Templeton Most Rev. James W. Malone Louis Berkman Dr. Ralph M. McInerny Woldemar H. Nikkel 1985 James Boylan Mooney Rose Winifred Totino Robert Lee Loughhead Dr. Warren B. Martin 1986 George A. Ferris Rev. Stanley L. Jaki Bernard Cardinal Law Robert Thomas 1987 Very Rev. Kevin R. Keelan, TOR Ann Elizabeth Shields Dr. Alice Jourdain von Hildebrand 1988 John J. Mulloy Msgr. Carlo Caffarra Dr. James C. Dobson Marilynn Kramar 1989 Charles R. (Red) Donley Rev. Harald Bredesen Dr. Thomas T. Howard Rev. Richard John Neuhaus 1990 Most Rev. Austin B. Vaughan John H. Irvin, D.D.S. Michael and Rita Marker Dr. William E. May Phyllis Schlafly 25 HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENTS Honors Convocation, Baccalaureate, and Comencement 1999 Fray José Angulo Quilis, TOR Mary Beth Bonacci Most Rev. Charles J. Chaput, OFM Cap. Senator Mike DeWine Thomas S. Monaghan Rev. Robert Sirico 2008 James Francis Cardinal Stafford Dr. Janet E. Smith Mother Mary Assumpta Long, OP Msgr. Kurt H. Kemo Rev. Ronan Deegan, TOR John & Sheila Kippley 2000 Mother Agnes Mary Donovan, SV Francis Cardinal George, OMI Robert P. George Congressman Robert W. Ney 2009 Dr. Erhard Hanslik, Very Rev. Michael J. Higgins, TOR Paul G. Kengor, PhD Cormac Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor Michael Novak 2001 Very Rev. David M. O’Connell, CM William Cardinal Keeler Congressman Henry Hyde Barbara A. Listing 2010 John Cardinal Foley Ambassador Francis Campbell Rev. Mitchell Pacwa, SJ Robert Mylod 2011 Raymond Cardinal Burke Congressman Jeffrey L. Fortenberry Rev. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap. 2012 Most Rev. Arthur J. Seratelli Dr. Marie Hilliard General Michael V. Hayden 2013 Most Rev. José H. Gomez Colleen Carroll Campbell Secretary R. James Nicholson 2014 Daniel Cardinal DiNardo Most Rev. Jeffrey M. Monforton Michael Warsaw 2015 Most Rev. William E. Lori Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg Lou Holtz 2002 2003 2004 Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ Dr. John M. Haas Rev. Matthew L. Lamb Most Rev. Bonaventure Midili, TOR Rev. Frank Pavone Kenneth Whitehead Most Rev. R. Daniel Conlon Most Rev. Adam Exner, OMI Most Rev. Donald W. Wuerl Austin Ruse Br. Mark McBide, TOR Mother Regina Pacis Coury, FSGM Most Rev. Allen H. Vigneron James Towey George Weigel Joan Smith 2005 Raymond Arroyo Dr. Wanda Franz Hank Kuzma Most Rev. J. Michael Miller Dr. Peter Neff 2006 Most Rev. John Magee Cathleen Cleaver Ruse Mercedes Arzú Wilson 2007 Most Rev. Timothy M. Dolan Dr. Josef Seifert Dr. Edmund Pellegrino 26 POVERELLO MEDAL RECIPIENTS 1949 Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous 1971 Most Rev. John King Mussio 1950 Edward F. Hutton of Freedoms Fnd. 1972 Br. George J. Hungerman, FMSI, M.D. 1951 The Court of Last Resort 1973 1952 Lions International The Dismas Committee of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Francis Zimmerman 1953 Variety Clubs International 1974 Senator Mark O. Hatfield 1954 Llewellyn J. Scott, TOS 1975 Sr. Mary Agatha Glowczak, OSF Rev. Kevin R. Keelan, TOR 1955 Jonas E. Salk, M.D., Associates Experimentees 1976 Dorothy Day Mother Theresa of Calcutta Mother Anna Dengel, M.D. Medical Mission Sisters 1977 Franciscan Sisters of the Poor 1957 Catherine de Hueck Doherty 1978 Leon Jaworski 1958 Daniel M. Hamill 1979 Most Rev. Bernard J. Topel, D.D. 1959 Rev. Dan W. Egan, TOR 1980-81 International Shrine Association 1960 Dr. Emma Carter Zeis 1982 Rev. Bruce Ritter, OFM, Conv. 1961 Donald Henry McGannon 1983 Rev. Richard J. Thomas, SJ 1962 Miss Jane Wyatt 1984 Special Olympics 1963 Miss Brigit Nilsson 1985 Ronald McDonald House 1964 Arthur Joseph Rooney 1986 Charles W. & Patricia Colson James David Lynch, SFO 1965 Joseph E. Brown 1987 Msgr. Paul Leo Richter 1966 Project Hope, William B. Walsh, M.D. 1988 Sr. Briege McKenna 1967 Lena F. Edwards, M.D. 1989 Dr. Joseph Stanton 1968 VISTA, Padriac M. Kennedy 1990 Senator (Admiral) Jeremiah A. Denton, Jr. 1969 Jack Twyman 1991 Sr. Nijole Sadunaite 1970 The Salvation Army 1992 Ferdinand Mahfood 1956 27 POVERELLO MEDAL RECIPIENTS 1993 Piet & Trude Derksen 1994 Rev. Werenfried van Straaten 1995 William Bentley Ball, Esq. 1996 Rev. Augustine Donegan, TOR 1997 Chris Bell & Joan Andrews Bell L'Arche International (Jean Vanier) 1998 Sr. Peter Claver Fahy, MSBT 2000 LAMP Ministries, Drs. Tom & Lyn Scheuring 2001 Bob & Penny Lord 2002 Rev. Richard HoLung, MOP 2006 Thomas R. Vecchione, M.D. MOST- Mercy Outreach Surgical Team 2007 Urban Mission 2008 AIM Crisis Preganancy Center 2010 Rick & Karen Santorum 2011 Rev. Benedict Groeschel, CFR 2014 Little Sisters of the Poor 2015 Mary's Meals 28 FOUNDERS' AWARDS 1976 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Starvaggi 1978 Samuel Freifield 1981 John C. Williams 1998 Past Chairmen of the Board of Advisors: Gregory Agresta, William Blake Patricia Fletcher, Robert Chapman 1984 Charter Members of the Steubenville Alumni Club of the Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity 1999 Graduate Programs: Master of Business Administration Master of Arts, Theology & Christian Ministry Master of Arts, Counseling Master of Science, Educational Administration Master of Science, Education Master of Arts, Philosophy Master of Science, Nursing 1985 Founding Franciscan Friars 2000 Rev. Michael Scanlan, TOR 1986 Franciscan University Women's Club Paul & Dahlia Carapellotti 2001 Very Rev. Edmund Carroll, TOR 1982 Dohrman J. Sinclair, II 1983 Msgr. Henry B. O'Donnell 2002 Most Rev. Gilbert I. Sheldon 1987 Founding Board of Advisors 2003 Mr. & Mrs. Tony (Nina) Gentile 1988 Past Members of the Board of Trustees 1989 Founding Members of the Upper Ohio Valley Right to Life Society 1990 Founding Student Collegiate Organizations 1991 Local Downtown Parishes 2004 Women of Faith: Mary Barber, Carmel Callas, Dahlia Carapellotti, Mary Carrigg, Josephine DiNovo, Charlotte Fletcher, Kay Kuzma, Clara Laman, Catherine Lancia, Betty Mantica, Mickie Sellaroli, Stella Spiewak, Lucy Yobbagy 1994 Diocese of Steubenville 2005 Men of Service: Sheriff Fred Abdalla, Vincent Amico, James Anderson, John Bedway, Dr. John Carrigg, David Hindman, Victor Lynskey, Mayor Domenick Mucci, Reno Anthony Saccoccia, Robert Sebeck Rev. Edmundo Stabene, Rev. Msgr. George Yontz 1995 Teramana Brothers 2006 Steubenville Rotary Club 1996 Rev. Ronald Bodenschatz, TOR Rev. Theodore Bradower, TOR Sam Chieffalo Audrey Korzi 2007 Jefferson County Fourth Street Health Center 1992 Victor C. Ciancetta Michael A. DiNovo 1993 Past Chairmen of the Board of Advisors: Robert J. D'Anniballe, D. E. "Sam" Henderson Dr. Patrick H. Macedonia, Dr. Anthony V. Scurti 2008 Franciscan University Works of Mercy and Missions of Peace Programs 1997 Sr. Isabel Bettwy Rev. Gerald King, TOR Elsie Luke Dr. Ralph McKay Rev. Angelus Migliore, TOR Rev. David Tickerhoof, TOR 29 FOUNDERS' AWARDS 2009 Retired Faculty Members (living): Dr. Rose E. Cerroni, Prof. Robert Englert, Dr. Dan Keenan, Dr. Dianne Keenan, Dr. Donald Kissinger, Prof. John Korzi, Dr. James Salter Retired Faculty Members (deceased): Prof. Liberty Antalis, Dr. Thomas Campbell, Dr. Robert Convery, Prof. John Emmert, Dr. Daniel Georges, Prof. Edward Kelly, Dr. Robert McLean, Dr. Paul Stokely, Deceased TOR Friars: Rev. Gilbert Barth, TOR Rev. Philip Clarke, TOR, Rev. Columba Devlin, TOR Rev. Matt Finnegan, TOR, Rev. Matthew Herron, TOR Br. Benedict Lyons, TOR, Rev. Regis Stafford, TOR Rev. Sam Tiesi, TOR 2010 All Franciscan TOR Friars in Service at Franciscan University (1946-2010) 2011 Rose M. DeFede (posthumously) 2012 Dr. John Herrmann Professor Ray Petrilla (posthumously) Professor Edward Bessler Dr. James Slater Virginia Zoric Professor Joseph Zoric Irene Pizzoferrato Dr. Norman Rokke Dr. Earl Spinnenweber 2013 Franciscan Sisters, TOR of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother 2014 Prof. Jack Boyde (posthumously) Mrs. Judy Bratten Mr. Jerry Barilla Mrs. Elizabeth King Mr. Richard King (posthumously) Mr. John Green Mr. John Madigan (posthumously) Mr. Jack Wu 30 SHEPHERD AWARD RECIPIENTS This award is presented to a bishop who exemplifies sharing the heart of Christ, the Good Shepherd, with his priests, as well as his people through providing pastoral care, works of evangelization, pro-life ministry, and/or service to the poor. 1994 Most Rev. Paul Dudley 1995 Most Rev. Faber MacDonald Most Rev. Joseph McKinney 1996 Most Rev. Sam Jacobs 1997 Bernard Cardinal Law 1998 John Cardinal O'Connor 1999 Rev. Michael Scanlan, TOR 2000 Most Rev. Justin F. Rigalli 2001 Most Rev. Charles Henry Dufour 2002 Christoph Cardinal Schonborn 2003 Most Rev. Stanislaw Rylko 2004 Rev. Robert Bedard, CC 2009 Most Rev. Robert J. Baker 2010 Most Rev. Edwin F. O'Brien 31 BARON HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES 1978 Jim (Smith) Betsil '66 1979 Paul R. Brownlee '56 Dr. John L. Mantica ' 50 John R. Mosblack, Sr. 1980 John M. Clark '59 The Starvaggi Family and Starvaggi Industries, Inc. 1981 John Hummell, III '66 John Kirker Rev. Matthew Finnegan, TOR Paul Carapellotti 2008 Bob Kloska '58 Gary Vogelsberger '65 Hank Kuzma Bill Chesson 1958 Baron Basketball Team 2010 Frank J. Cortez, Sr. Paul P. Carapellotti, Sr. Rev. Dr. Daniel M. Rogich '79 John F. Lemal '55 John J. Blanda '60 1981 Lady Saints Basketball Team 2011 Joseph L. Nolan '67 Dr. Daniel J. Wilson '70 Randolph S. Greene '66 2012 Allyn Curry '67 Paul Rue John Holley '73 Walt Osborne '67 (posthumously) Robert D'Anniballe, Sr. (posthumously) 2014 Charles "Chuck" Zerger '63 Rev. Tim Hirten '75 Jeremy Treece '05 Vince Lamatrice (posthumously) Jim Garrigan '74 (posthumously) 32 THE FR. TERENCE HENRY, TOR BARON CLUB AWARD (formerly Century Club President Award 1982-2012) 1982 Teramana Enterprises 1983 John Bedway Toni Bedway Don Donell 1984 Tony Gentile John Irvin Orlando C. Schiappa Adam Scurti Ang Vaccaro 1985 Louis Berkman R. Steve Bonnett (JC Williams Trust) Sam Henderson Arthur Kobacker 1986 Fr. John Bertolucci Thomas Grimm James Vale Sr. Alice Warrick Century Club - Charter Members 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 L. Buckingham Ralph Dillon Jim White Paul R. Carapellotti Estel Hawkins Robert Sebeck Richard Sherrin, Sr. Charles Govey Henry "Hank" Kuzma Nick Mougianis James Smith Bernard Witten Williams Chesson Dr. Anthony V. Scurti Earl Cramblett Robert D'Anniballe 33 1992 George Creegan Anthony D'Aurora Dave Fenstermaker William Fisher Jim Forbes Charles Govey Richard King Rev. Ricky Riggs Louise Snider William Welsh 1993 Fred A. Bensie Carl & Nick Iannetti James C. McBane Ray Parr Bob Phillipson 1994 Daniel Compston 1995 H. Lee Kinney Bill Wolter 1996 Congressman Douglas Applegate 1997 Romano Castelli 1999 Tim McCoy 2001 George Cattrell Eric Lyons Joe Massaro John Russell 2002 Judge Richard Powell 2003 Steubenville Fire Department Steubenville Police Department 2004 Lamda Chi Alpha 2006 Dr. R. Bruce Bickel 2007 Sylvia Crawley Michael Florak THE FR. TERENCE HENRY, TOR BARON CLUB AWARD (formerly Century Club President Award 1982-2012) 2008 Richard Donnelly 2009 Danny Abramowicz Carmen Barbetta John Buccigross John Nese Geary Teramana 2010 Abe Bryan Earl Cramblett Tedd Kwasniak Niall O'Mahony 2011 Reno Saccoccia Ken Mannie Emanuel "Mindy" Costanzo 2012 Lou Holtz Liz Repella Wayne Smith (posthumously) 2013 Arthur J. D'Anniballe, Jr., CPA (posthumously) Robert J. D'Anniballe, Sr. (posthumously) Richard Wilinski 2014 Frank "Digger" Dawson Patricia Herring Mike Orlando 2015 Clyde L. DiAngelo, Jr. Gerald "Yonk" DiLoreto David L. Walkosky 34 E N R O L L M E N T 35 Enrollment Summary Fall 2015 Full-time Part-time Total Undergraduate: 2007 96 2103 Graduate Programs: Business Counseling Education Nursing Philosophy Theology Total Graduate 10 34 26 4 11 50 135 37 14 84 55 8 18 216 47 48 110 59 19 68 351 Total Ground Program Enrollment 2142 312 2454 Online Graduate Catechetics Distance Learning Grad Theology Total Distance/Online Enrollment 5 1 6 170 86 256 175 87 262 2148 568 2716 Total Enrollment First-Time Freshman Fall Semester - 10 Years Year Full-Time Part-Time Total 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 397 446 388 445 436 449 435 458 463 456 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 398 449 389 445 437 449 435 460 464 456 37 Historical On-Campus Enrollment - 30 Years 1986-2015 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Full-Time Undergraduates Total Part-Time Undergraduates Total Undergraduates Total Graduate* Students Total Students 833 947 1,069 1,179 1,234 1,331 1,314 1,301 1,305 1,347 1,323 1,429 1,438 1,540 1,540 1,586 1,648 1,690 1,778 1,818 1,836 1,892 1,899 1,948 1,956 1,979 1,969 1,989 2,002 2,007 124 146 185 196 185 191 219 242 233 207 198 176 173 154 161 147 151 154 135 163 146 141 150 130 132 146 121 119 128 96 957 1,093 1,254 1,375 1,419 1,522 1,533 1,543 1,538 1,554 1,521 1,605 1,611 1,694 1,701 1,733 1,799 1,844 1,913 1,981 1,982 2,033 2,049 2,078 2,088 2,125 2,090 2,108 2,130 2,103 277 325 285 323 349 329 279 358 370 410 405 392 411 456 453 475 454 437 461 440 405 401 400 413 403 423 376 316 301 351 1,234 1,418 1,539 1,698 1,768 1,851 1,812 1,901 1,908 1,964 1,926 1,997 2,022 2,150 2,154 2,208 2,253 2,281 2,374 2,421 2,387 2,434 2,449 2,491 2,491 2,548 2,466 2,424 2,431 2,454 * The MSEd Program was run by the University of Dayton from 1985 to 1991. These totals are included. 38 2,750 Historical Enrollment - 30 Years 1986-2015 2,500 2,250 2,000 1,750 1,500 39 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 0 Total Students Historical Trend of Residents by Gender - Steubenville 2006 - 2015 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Males: Assisi Heights Bonaventure Hall Kolbe Hall Padua Hall St. Francis Hall St. Louis Hall Scotus Hall Trinity East Hospital Trinity Hall Vianney Hall Males n/a 42 48 n/a 140 n/a n/a 27 148 18 423 n/a 38 47 n/a 133 65 16 n/a 145 18 462 52 n/a 44 31 134 64 14 n/a 142 17 498 83 n/a 48 32 136 64 n/a n/a 143 16 522 79 n/a 46 30 135 68 n/a n/a 143 16 517 95 n/a 47 33 135 68 n/a n/a 147 17 542 79 n/a 48 28 135 68 16 n/a 150 17 541 80 n/a 44 24 130 65 11 n/a 157 16 527 88 n/a 44 32 135 68 n/a n/a 168 16 551 85 n/a 44 24 135 68 12 n/a 166 17 551 Females: Assisi Heights Bonaventure Hall Clare Hall Marian Hall Padua Hall St. Elizabeth Hall St. Thomas More Hall Scotus Hall Trinity East Hospital Females n/a n/a 98 180 31 n/a 311 15 19 654 n/a n/a 90 175 28 115 287 n/a n/a 695 48 37 87 170 n/a 114 282 n/a n/a 738 155 38 91 175 n/a 114 292 14 n/a 879 187 39 99 170 n/a 119 290 15 n/a 919 193 32 96 172 n/a 121 288 10 n/a 912 205 32 93 185 n/a 120 278 n/a n/a 913 211 34 99 193 n/a 117 287 n/a n/a 941 201 36 99 195 n/a 120 292 12 n/a 955 185 28 97 184 n/a 120 291 n/a n/a 905 1077 1157 1236 1401 1436 1454 1454 1468 1506 1456 Total Residents Historical Trend of Male & Female Residents 2006 - 2015 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 Males 2010 Females 40 2011 2012 Total Residents 2013 2014 2015 Comparison of Campus Residents to Total Campus Enrollment: 2006-2015 3000 2500 2387 2434 2449 2491 2491 2548 2466 2424 2431 2454 1401 1436 1454 1454 1468 1506 1456 2000 41 1500 1077 1157 1236 1000 500 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Residents Total Students Enrolled Students by Major (includes Double Majors) 2006-2015 Fall 2006 42 Accounting Anthropology Biology Business Administration - Total Economics Finance International Management Marketing Catechetics - Total Catechetics Youth Ministry Chemistry Classical Languages Communication Arts - Total Journalism Multimedia Radio/Television Computer Information Science Computer Science Drama Dramatic Literature Performance Economics Education ** Elementary Middle Secondary Intervention Specialist Engineering (Pre-Engineering) Engineering Science English - Total Drama Literature World Literature Writing French German 49 13 102 199 6 23 * 134 36 249 197 52 13 10 114 25 6 83 16 23 17 * * 10 185 * * * * * 7 146 12 79 2 53 10 14 Fall 2007 59 12 118 194 5 26 16 112 35 270 190 80 21 10 147 35 40 72 13 27 22 * * 12 201 * * * * * 2 166 12 83 4 67 6 15 Fall 2008 48 13 127 187 7 17 22 101 40 249 153 96 16 9 138 35 46 57 16 29 17 * * 12 203 * * * * * 1 161 5 64 8 84 8 7 Fall 2009 52 8 127 205 11 20 40 93 41 227 132 95 17 11 126 30 46 50 15 27 19 * * 9 239 * * * * * * 147 5 64 7 71 6 14 Fall 2010 46 14 126 225 12 37 42 104 30 211 131 80 24 7 132 27 58 47 11 23 21 * * 9 255 * * * * * * 135 4 54 12 65 6 11 Fall 2011 54 18 140 247 11 31 50 115 40 222 179 43 31 8 144 33 59 52 13 32 21 * * 3 240 * * * * * * 129 4 51 11 63 7 11 Fall 2012 41 11 142 247 11 26 48 113 49 208 150 58 28 5 157 29 68 60 12 32 22 * * 6 208 * * * * * * 141 4 51 12 74 7 9 Fall 2013 43 9 145 260 16 26 58 110 50 218 132 86 23 2 169 38 69 62 18 39 21 0 21 8 184 * * * * 18 * 122 1 44 10 67 9 6 Fall 2014 43 14 133 258 14 31 31 121 61 230 125 105 28 7 152 27 67 58 24 32 22 0 22 7 213 * * * * 31 * 116 * 53 11 52 4 7 Fall 2015 61 15 123 275 17 31 41 127 59 223 114 109 25 8 164 31 74 59 27 43 14 0 14 8 209 120 26 48 15 33 * 107 * 45 8 54 3 10 Fall 2006 43 History Humanities & Catholic Culture Legal Studies Mathematical Science Mental Health & Human Services *** Music (Sacred) Organ Voice Nursing Philosophy Political Science Psychology - Total *** Psychology (no concentration) Clinical Experimental Social Work Sociology Spanish Theology Undeclared Non-Degree A.A. (Child Development) A.A. (General Studies) M.A. (Catechetics & Evangelization) M.A. (Clinical Mental Health Counseling) M.A. (Philosophy) M.A. (Theology & Christian Ministry) - Total Traditional Distance Learning **** M.B.A. Traditional Online M.S.Ed. - Total Traditional Online M.S.N. 99 44 21 42 95 * Fall 2007 * * 190 144 34 77 77 * * 41 11 35 433 52 57 8 6 105 36 28 48 91 4 2 2 232 154 32 86 86 * * 52 12 41 454 76 63 8 9 * 55 27 115 115 * 31 31 * 154 154 * 20 * 53 29 117 117 * 37 37 * 144 144 * 21 Fall 2008 97 31 30 42 77 11 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 5 6 198 151 24 93 93 * * 38 6 40 460 65 46 4 7 104 36 37 44 89 16 5 11 202 157 23 93 93 * * 44 8 33 451 51 44 3 40 102 34 31 57 81 22 7 15 229 143 23 119 119 * * 41 7 30 442 51 52 1 36 * 46 26 112 112 * 49 49 * 140 140 * 27 * 46 25 331 100 231 47 47 * 156 156 * 39 * 55 20 308 109 199 38 38 * 191 148 43 33 Fall 2011 90 34 19 57 46 21 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 85 29 19 50 1 16 72 39 11 46 * 26 64 38 4 48 * 23 3 18 233 131 23 158 89 62 7 49 8 35 481 36 60 2 34 100 37 20 51 16 22 3 19 241 114 17 188 31 147 10 51 8 43 427 44 58 1 56 1 15 266 105 27 203 13 181 9 58 9 44 424 44 57 0 37 6 20 259 113 32 191 5 173 13 67 11 39 429 53 102 0 28 7 16 246 117 35 174 0 159 15 75 16 28 412 28 67 0 37 * 53 22 289 119 170 61 61 * 215 116 99 52 * 56 15 279 114 165 46 46 * 176 79 97 66 * 41 16 273 66 207 49 39 10 174 86 88 68 93 52 17 193 58 135 48 30 18 121 89 32 55 175 48 19 155 68 87 47 25 22 110 75 35 59 * This major or concentration did not operate in these years ** Education concentrations began to be tracked separately in 2015 *** The Mental Health major no longer accepted new majors and the Psychology Major started with two concentrations in 2011 **** Distance Learning enrollment began to be tracked in 2009 Fall 2012 Summary of Total Degrees Awarded A.A. Degrees Awarded B.A. Degrees B.S. Degrees Awarded M.A. Degrees Awarded M.B.A. Degrees Awarded M.S.Ed Degrees Awarded MSN Degrees Awarded Grand Total All Degrees Awarded 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 35 39 43 29 52 44 43 26 46 42 271 264 232 278 304 277 259 273 259 282 156 215 193 200 200 203 237 214 205 219 84 82 79 86 82 71 90 87 76 79 13 7 9 12 27 15 22 17 16 20 24 31 23 27 34 45 61 73 56 33 6 9 5 6 8 14 16 15 28 26 589 647 584 638 707 669 728 705 686 701 Historical Trend of All Degrees 44 750 700 650 600 728 707 669 647 589 705 686 701 2013-14 2014-15 638 584 550 500 450 400 350 300 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Grand Total All Degrees Awarded 2011-12 2012-13 Graduates by Major (includes double & triple majors) 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 45 Associate of Arts Accounting Business Administration Child Development General Studies Theology 0 1 4 27 3 0 3 0 24 12 0 0 1 30 12 0 1 1 17 10 3 1 3 31 14 0 1 2 24 17 2 3 2 25 11 0 1 0 16 9 0 5 4 26 11 0 4 0 25 13 Bachelor of Arts Biology Catechetics (was Religious Education prior to 2006) Chemistry Classical Languages Communication Arts Drama Economics English French German History Humanities & Catholic Culture Legal Studies Philosophy Political Science Psychology Sacred Music Sociology Spanish Theology 8 35 2 2 24 0 1 41 4 1 30 11 2 45 9 12 0 2 6 126 5 54 0 2 23 1 2 27 4 3 30 7 4 32 7 11 0 1 7 143 5 43 1 1 20 1 4 28 1 4 22 4 4 31 6 11 0 3 8 110 11 57 3 0 32 4 4 42 3 1 22 11 6 31 4 7 0 1 10 131 6 51 3 4 27 5 4 39 2 4 25 13 6 55 4 13 2 3 11 137 2 48 0 2 26 4 3 38 2 2 26 6 11 37 5 19 2 1 5 125 0 52 0 2 22 6 0 25 0 4 28 6 4 39 7 23 4 2 9 142 5 41 0 2 33 4 1 35 3 5 25 12 5 41 3 26 9 1 8 133 4 44 0 1 41 3 1 27 0 1 21 5 6 30 4 43 2 2 9 108 5 49 0 2 33 4 1 28 1 1 16 8 7 33 9 53 3 0 11 131 Graduates by Major (includes double majors) 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 46 Bachelor of Science Accounting Anthropology Biology Business Administration Chemistry Computer Information Science Computer Science Economics Elementary Education Engineering Science Finance International Business Management Marketing Mathematical Science Mental Health & Human Services Nursing Social Work 10 4 11 35 0 4 0 0 34 1 0 0 0 0 7 33 24 11 11 4 13 46 0 5 7 0 42 3 0 0 0 0 10 50 33 12 11 1 11 48 0 1 3 0 35 1 0 0 0 0 9 32 42 8 13 5 20 51 0 2 4 0 39 0 0 0 0 0 4 36 32 9 13 3 21 42 0 3 6 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 10 30 39 10 18 1 15 39 1 3 3 0 53 0 0 3 0 2 10 35 39 3 9 6 30 28 3 4 6 3 55 0 6 9 9 3 9 27 37 10 16 6 22 9 6 4 2 2 60 0 4 4 17 10 10 14 39 8 17 2 23 0 1 2 6 3 35 0 4 8 21 9 15 1 57 20 11 4 20 0 9 2 9 5 40 0 6 10 25 17 10 1 52 14 Master of Arts Counseling Philosophy Theology & Christian Ministry 19 4 61 19 3 60 20 6 53 21 9 56 12 9 61 19 5 47 21 10 59 19 6 62 22 5 49 24 6 49 Master of Business Administration Business Administration 13 7 9 12 27 15 22 17 16 20 Master of Science in Education Educational Administration Education (Teaching) 9 15 13 18 15 8 8 19 12 22 7 22 9 52 11 62 7 49 12 21 Master of Science in Nursing Nursing 6 9 5 6 8 14 16 15 28 26 Austrian Program 10-Years of Enrollment 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Austrian Program 10 Year Enrollment Trend 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 Fall Spring 47 Fall 162 163 160 181 175 181 164 181 201 210 Spring 115 161 158 167 142 120 152 163 179 ROOM & BOARD, TUITION: 20-YEAR UNDERGRADUATE COST COMPARISON YEAR ROOM & BOARD $ TUITION & FEES $ TOTAL $ 1996-97 4,600 10,870 15,470 1997-98 4,730 11,370 16,100 1998-99 4,870 11,870 16,740 1999-00 4,970 12,270 17,240 2000-01 5,070 12,970 18,040 2001-02 5,200 13,900 19,100 2002-03 5,200 14,400 19,600 2003-04 5,250 15,050 20,300 2004-05 5,350 15,700 21,050 2005-06 5,500 16,450 21,950 2006-07 5,950 17,350 23,300 2007-08 6,300 18,180 24,480 2008-09 6,600 19,100 25,700 2009-10 6,750 19,650 26,400 2010-11 6,900 20,320 27,220 2011-12 7,100 21,220 28,320 2012-13 7,400 22,180 29,580 2013-14 7,700 23,160 30,860 2014-15 8,000 23,930 31,930 2015-16 8,300 24,780 33,080 48 $35,000 ROOM & BOARD, TUITION 20-YEAR COST COMPARISON $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 49 $10,000 $5,000 $0 ROOM & BOARD $ TUITION & FEES $ TOTAL $ ACT/SAT College Entrance Scores of Freshman Comparison of Franciscan University to National Average 2006-2015 ACT 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 FUS Avg. National Avg. 24.7 21.1 24.9 21.2 25.2 21.1 25.7 21.1 25.3 21.0 25.9 21.1 25.7 21.1 25.7 20.9 26.1 21.0 25.7 21.0 Comparison of Franciscan University Freshman to ACT National Average FUS Average National Average 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 SAT 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 FUS Avg. National Avg. 1179 1021 1175 1015 1164 1014 1161 1013 1177 1015 1171 1011 1166 1010 1165 1010 1186 1010 1167 1006 Comparison of Franciscan University Freshman to SAT National Average FUS Average National Average 1250 1200 1150 1100 1050 1000 950 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 50 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 High School Grade Point Average of Entering Freshman Comparison of Franciscan University to National Average 2006-2015 Grade Point Average 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 FUS Average National Average 3.61 3.33 3.67 3.34 3.60 3.33 3.63 3.31 3.66 3.32 3.66 3.34 Comparison of Franciscan University Freshman GPA to National Average 3.69 3.36 3.69 3.38 FUS Average 3.75 3.72 3.39 3.39 National Average 3.80 3.70 3.60 3.50 3.40 3.30 3.20 3.10 3.00 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 FRESHMAN RETENTION RATES FOR FALL 2005-2014 ENTERING CLASSES Freshman Retention Rate: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 81% 89% 84% 84% 88% 84% 87% 86% 87% 86% GRADUATION RATES FOR 2000-2009 ENTERING CLASSES 4-Year Graduation Rate: 5-Year Graduation Rate: 6-Year Graduation Rate: 2000 65% 69% 70% 2001 55% 67% 68% 2002 58% 66% 69% 51 2003 63% 71% 73% 2004 2005 2006 2007 57% 62% 71% 61% 68% 69% 77% 69% 68% 70% 78% 71% 2008 67% 74% 74% 2009 69% 78% 79% F A C U L T Y 53 FACULTY - FALL 2015 ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT FULL-TIME PART-TIME TOTAL Accounting, Economics & Business Administration 9 12 21 Biology 6 5 11 Chemistry, Physics & Engineering Science 6 6 12 Classics & Honors 3 2 5 Communication Arts 4 0 4 Counseling (graduate) 3 5 8 Education (undergraduate) 4 17 21 Education & Edu. Admin. (graduate) 3 5 8 English 7 6 13 Fine Arts 5 7 12 History & Anthropology 7 2 9 Humanities & Catholic Social Thought 3 4 7 Mathematics & Computer Science 5 4 9 Modern & Classical Languages 6 3 9 Nursing 9 25 34 Philosophy 8 5 13 Psychology, Mental Health & Human Services, Sociology & Social Work 8 5 13 Theology 23 24 47 1 ________ 120 0 ________ 137 1 _______ 257 120 46 166 Bioethics Institute TOTALS FACULTY FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) 55 FACULTY AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING Senior Faculty Award Recipients "Presented to a faculty member at the Professor or Associate Professor rank who has demonstrated exemplary teaching effectiveness and extra-ordinary service to the University during the academic year." 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Edwin Bessler Mary Lucille Smith Dianne Keenan John Carrigg John Herrmann John Korzi Jane Howarth Donald Kissinger JoAnn Vecchione John Crosby Daniel Keenan Andrew Hrezo Monica Anderson Carolyn Miller John Holmes James A. Harold Edwin Bessler Shawn Dougherty Biology Education Education History Physics Psychology Nursing Business Administration Nursing Philosophy Education Counseling English Nursing English Philosophy Biology English Junior Faculty Award Recipients "Presented to a faculty member at the Assistant Professor or Instructor rank who has demonstrated exemplary teaching effectiveness and extra-ordinary service to the University during the academic year." 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Mark Miravalle Regina Boerio Kevin Harris Donald Materniak Mary Ann Sunyoger Scott Hahn Joyce Vogel James Gaston Barbara Morgan Lynne Divis Beate Engel-Doyle Dominic Aquila John White Philip Fitzgibbons Patricia Donohue-White Sr. M. Johanna Paruch, FSGM Daniel Kuebler Thomas Kelly 56 Theology Psychology Nursing Accounting English Theology Psychology Humanities and Catholic Culture Theology Chemistry German History Philosophy Anthropology Theology Theology Biology Accounting FACULTY AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING Campus Leadership & Teaching Award "Presented to a faculty member for his or her outstanding leadership to the University and the community during the academic year." 1990 1991 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Elsie Luke Gary Severance John Carrigg Joseph Zoric James Anderson Stephen Krason James Salter John Korzi Alan Schreck David Schaefer James Slater Edwin Bessler Andrew Minto Mary Salter English Psychology History Economics Spanish Political Science Mathematics Psychology Theology Communication Arts Chemistry Biology Theology Mathematics 57 A L U M N I 59 ALUMNI BY YEAR OF GRADUATION Year # of Alumni Year # of Alumni Year # of Alumni 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 70 61 43 62 47 43 59 64 63 74 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 192 233 250 263 230 190 187 171 138 151 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 332 316 332 366 447 433 441 508 464 480 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 78 60 75 81 94 151 158 155 197 239 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 143 138 150 174 213 197 166 200 238 251 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 511 538 517 525 564 576 589 647 584 638 Year # of Alumni 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 707 669 728 705 686 701 Grand Total: ALUMNI BY DECADE 1950 - 1959 1960 - 1969 1970 - 1979 1980 - 1989 1990 - 1999 2000 - 2009 2010 - 2015 586 1288 2005 1870 4119 5689 4196 61 3% 7% 10% 9% 21% 29% 21% 19,753 ALUMNI AWARD RECIPIENTS: 2008-2015 As a 40-year old insitution with over 5,000 graduates, in 1987, Franciscan University established a series of Alumni Awards to identify those of its graduates who faithfully live the Franciscan mission and to recognize their achievements in all walks of life. In 2008 the Alumni Awards were restructured. This process included the consolidation of some awards, modification of others and the creation of a new award. The results of this process are reflected in the awards listed below. Awards given in previous years are listed on succeeding pages. FATHER DAN EGAN AWARD OUTSTANDING YOUNG ALUMNI GOLD AWARD "Presented to graduates who have excelled in the areas of healthcare, human services or life sciences. Recipients are leaders in their specialties and provide an excellent example for current and future alumni to follow." "Presented to a recent alumnus or alumna who has distinguished him or herself academically, professionally, in community service or by demonstrating outstanding personal achievement." 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Dr. Garth B. McCaffrey '92 Dr. James Amsberry '84 Dr. Charles Bentz '84 Dr. Adam Berman, MD '94 Dr. David Born '92 Dr. Kyle Beiter '00 Dr. Michael Amsberry, DVM '86 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Shannon Walsh '98 Robert C. Lesnefsky '99 David DeWolf '99 Thomas Byrnes '01 Nate Pollock '99 Aaron Cunningham '07 Jonathan Anderson '06 Megan Mastroianni '09 BISHOP JOHN KING MUSSIO AWARD ALUMNI CITIZENSHIP AWARD "Presented to an alumnus or alumna in recognition for distinguished or faithful service to the Catholic Church through vocational ministry in the local Church organizations or through missionary work." "Presented to an alumnus or alumna for oustanding volunteer leadership or distinguished community service, thus bringing honor not only to their alma mater, but to their community at large." 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Fr. Michael Glenn '85 Curtis A. Martin MA '93 Sr. Katherine Caldwell, TOR '87 Edward Cooney '84 Fr. Joseph Meagher '84 Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC '99 Elizabeth (Robinson '98) Young Jason Evert '97 MA '98 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Msgr. Gerald Calovini '69 Nancy E. Kenny '60 David Pastrick '71 Donna Hrezo '94 John Henricks '91 Col. Laurence Burgess '69 Patrick McNamara '94 Kathryn Gesto '91 EDWARD J. KELLY AWARD DR. JOHN J. CARRIGG AWARD "Presented to graduates who have excelled in business, accounting, finance or law. Recipients are leaders in their specialties and provide an excellent example for current and future alumni to follow." "Presented to graduates who have excelled in the field of education. Recipients are leaders in their specialities and provide an excellent example for current and future alumni to follow." 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Thomas Sokol '69 Peter Radakovich ' 71 Greg Finerty '70 Jerome Madden '72 Michael Kehoe '68 Albert "Ray" Challis '67 Joseph Morris '93 Anna (Franzonello '03) Paprocki 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 62 Terrie Suica-Reed '94 MSE '96 Eric Berrios '93 David Faber '89 Mary Grace (Kniola) Landrum '84 Dr. Adam Tate '94 Deborah (Campbell '74) Cain Joanne (Sholtis '60) McDonald ALUMNI AWARD RECIPIENTS: 2008-2015 ROSE M. DEFEDE FAITHFUL FRANCISCAN AWARD "Presented to an alumnus or alumna for volunteer contributions and/or loyal service to their alma mater. Recipients must demonstrate dedication to the mission and values of the University in their life." 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 David Schmiesing '92 MSE '00 James C. Snyder '71 John Green '87 Paul Nigro '69 Bobby '12 and Christi Aborn '09 John Fischer '83 Paul Pinto '86 MBA '91 Mark Kalpakgian '02 Niki (Holley '02) Kalpakgian 63 ALUMNI AWARD RECIPIENTS FATHER DAN EGAN AWARD ALUMNI SERVICE TO EDUCATION "Presented in recognition of a distinguished career in medicine or science." 1987 1988 1990 1991 1992 1994 1995 1996 1997 1999 2004 2005 2006 Dr. John Mantica ’50 Dr. Peter Neff ’54 Dr. Jess Young ’51 Dr. Daniel Wilson ’70 Dr. Robert Grob ’51 Dr. Martin D. Sokol ’54 Dr. Charles Robinson ’69 Dr. Robert Guida ’79 Dr. Benjamin J. Danzo ’65 Dr. David Geiger ’78 Dr. Christ Strovilas '54 Dr. Robert Barcus '80 Dr. Stephen G. Kuruc '69 Dr. Thomas Matanzo '81 FATHER COLUMBA DEVLIN AWARD "Presented by the alumni to a faculty member in recognition of long and dedicated teaching service to the University." 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2005 2006 FAITHFUL FRANCISCAN AWARD "Presented for success in teaching or administration in the field of education." 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2003 2005 2006 2007 Andrew Qualtire ‘59 Dr. Nicholas Cercone ’68 Dr. Eileen Kelly ’78 Paul Hague ’50 Dr. James Battoclette ’50 Nettie Mantica Grant ’53 Dr. Michael P. Joyce ’70 Allen J. Abel '69 Dr. John S. Grabowski ’85 Dr. Regina Boerio ’74 Dr. Charles Joyce ’75 Clarence Virtue '53 Dr. Bud T. Cochran '55 Dr. Nanci Sullivan '80 Kathy D. LaSota '72 Sr. Francisca J. Nzeke, HHCJ '97 Professor John Carrigg, Ph.D. Professor John Korzi ’52 Professor Rose Cerroni, Ph.D. ’52 Professor Marguerite McCraw Professor Kathryn Duffy, Ph.D. Professor Daniel Georges, Ph.D. Professor James W. Salter, Ph.D. ’60 Professor Robert Convery, Ph.D. Professor Jack Boyde ’66 Professor Dianne Keenan, Ph.D Professor Mary Ann Sunyoger, Ph.D. ’70 Professor James Anderson Professor Donald Kissinger, Ph.D. Professor Mark Roberts, Ph.D Judge Richard L. Powell Professor Donald Materniak "Presented in recognition of years of loyal and dedicated service to the University." 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1994 1998 1999 2003 2004 2006 64 Audrey (Savastone) Korzi ’52 Jeanine Kreyenbuhl ’53 Ed Lewis ’56 Rose M. DeFede ’60 Hilda Tarquinio Irene Pizzoferrato ’83 Erla Elich Rev. Michael Scanlan, TOR David Skiviat '78 Mark McGuire '79 Jack R. Boyde '66 ALUMNI AWARD RECIPIENTS BISHOP JOHN KING MUSSIO AWARD "Presented for outstanding service to the Church." 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Msgr. William R. Cornelius ’58 Brother George Hungerman ’50 Rev. Ronan Deegan, TOR ’54 Msgr. Lawrence Luciana ’63 Msgr. Anthony Ginnamore ’54 Msgr. James C. Marshall ’58 Rev. Bonaventure T. Kiley, TOR Msgr. Roger Foys ’69 Sr. Jean Daugherty, TOR ’87 August A. Napoli, Jr. ’74 Rev. Richard J. Tuttle ’72 Msgr. George Yontz Jim Beckman ’87 Rev. Paul Hrezo '93 Rev. Brian Bachand '94 Kay Kuzma '55 Joan Wagner '73 Dr. Marie DiSciullo-Naples '81 Bernadette (Hart) Lysaght '82 PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD "Presented for success in business or industry." 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1993 1994 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2005 2006 2007 William Kearney ’50 Orlando Schiappa Robert Gentile ’66 Dr. Damien Gabis ’64 Michael Wiggins ’72 Dr. George Creegan ’75 Richard F. Gaylord ’66 Donald Donnel ’50 Michael L. Pfau ’79 Martin E. Adams ’84 Peter Cola ’70 Christopher Wright ’87 Scott Campbell '82 Robert P. Gioella '70 Clinton Bentz '81 Andrew Morris '82 ALUMNI CITIZENSHIP AWARD "Presented to an alumnus or alumna in recognition of contributions and achievements in community or public affairs." 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1994 1996 1997 1999 2000 2004 2005 2006 2007 Albert Zamberlan ’60 Patrick DeLuca ’56 John Stozich ’50 Gary DuFour ’73 James Haranzo ’50 Paul Ruksha, M.D. ’50 Nicholas G. Kaschak ’50 John Mallon ’93 Wendy Wilmowski ’84 Richard Delatore ’70 Gaston Gianni ’64 Roger Geiger ’83 Paul Giannamore '84 Michael Hernon '94 Thomas Clasby '95 Matthew G. Swider '69 Hon. Jeff Fortenberry '96 Charles Fluharty '69 FATHER MATTHEW FINNEGAN AWARD "Presented in recognition of outstanding athletic performance by an alumnus." 1987 1988 1990 1991 1992 1994 1995 1996 John Clark ’59 John Nese ’60 Robert Kloska ’58 Wayne Smith ’57 James Betsill (Smith) ’58 Gino T. Quattrochi ’55 John Blanda ’60 Paul Brownlee ’56 SPECIAL AWARDS FOR SERVICE 2000 2004 2005 65 Rev. Augustine Donegan, TOR Rev. Samuel Tiesi, TOR Jane Scott '04 Professor Dianne Keenan, Ph.D ALUMNI AWARD RECIPIENTS PRESIDENT’S LAW AWARD FATHER KEVIN KEELAN AWARD "Presented in recognition of outstanding achievement as a lawyer or judge." "Presented in recognition for career in the 'helping professions' of psychology,nursing, mental health, social work, or human services." 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1993 1995 1998 2000 2005 2006 1987 1988 1990 1991 1992 1996 1998 1999 2000 2005 2006 Judge John Mascio ’62 Richard Patchen ’57 Cecelia Januszkiewicz ’71 Judge Gary M. Hallock ’73 Michael Rodak ’52 Thomas Wilson ’72 Adam Scurti ’61 Keith J. Fournier ’77 Allan Soros ’86 Raymond P. Ward '80 William A. Farrell '72 Sandy Lynskey '81 66 Dr. Anthony Golas ’51 Dr. Thomas Manack ’60 Dr. Damien McCann ’68 William Spinner ’69 Dr. Thomas Green ’61 Margaret Moore ’84 Cathy M. Cich ’88 Kathryn Gesto ’91 Lisa Ward ’88 Dr. Keith Houde '80 Carol L. Snyder '71 Steven Nagy '81 L I B R A R Y 67 John Paul II Library Holdings Periodicals Academic Cataloged Current Full-Text Year Items* Subscriptions Micro-Fiche E-Journals Microforms 2005-06 236,689 392 250,968 5,400 269 2006-07 235,387 410 250,968 5,400 269 2007-08 235,048 410 250,968 5,400 269 2008-09 234,081 410 250,968 5,400 269 2009-10 234,631 410 250,968 5,400 269 2010-11 232,156 410 250,968 5,400 269 2011-12 234,081 410 250,968 5,400 269 2012-13 227,542 399 250,968 5,400 269 2013-14 229,242 399 261,686 6,000 269 2014-15 229,233 399 261,686 6,000 269 * includes books & bound periodicals John Paul II Library Circulation Statistics Academic Books Reserve Room Total Audiovisual Year Circulated Circulation Circulation Materials E-books** 2005-06 53,299 5,305 58,604 2,591 N/A 2006-07 70,986 8,054 79,040 2,610 N/A 2007-08 68,392 8,250 76,642 2,795 N/A 2008-09 61,553 7,443 68,996 3,027 N/A 2009-10 59,918 7,896 67,814 3,220 N/A 2010-11 60,523 8,099 68,622 3,421 N/A 2011-12 61,357 7,983 71,178 3,633 N/A 2012-13 66,761 9,115 75,876 3,688 38,694 2013-14 59,105 13,524 72,629 5,689 40,725 2014-15 40,521 5,767 46,288 4,536 41,205 ** Access to E-books via Consortia agreements 69