2007 Annual Donors - Southampton Fresh Air Home
2007 Annual Donors - Southampton Fresh Air Home
S O U T HAM PT O N Fresh Air Home INCORPORATED 1906 shinnecock hills One Hundred Sixth Annual Report 2007 1 2 Mission Statement The Southampton Fresh Air Home is a not-for-profit residential camp for physically challenged youth. Our mission is to provide an enriching, recreational camping experience. We are committed to helping our campers develop physically, emotionally and educationally with the goal of fostering self-esteem, maturity and independence, through a broadly balanced program, while providing their families with a well-deserved respite. This organization is dedicated to improving and expanding its programs and facilities as new opportunities, technology and financial support become available. 3 2007 OFFICERS Chairmen emeriti Mrs. Alessandro di Montezemolo Mrs. James S. Mulholland Jr. Honorary Chairman Mrs. Randall D. Smith Chairman Pamela Michaelcheck Presidents Pamela Rollins Camacho Susan Nappa Cocke First Vice President Mrs. John E. Grimm III Vice Presidents Kirsten Solsvig Galef Mrs. Stephan Keszler Mrs. Thomas V. Leeds Secretary Danielle Ganek Treasurer Mrs. Kim A. White 4 2007 DIRECTORS Mrs. H. Lawrence Bogert III Mrs. Mildred C. Brinn Pamela Rollins Camacho Susan Nappa Cocke Mrs. James C. Cowles Mrs. John J. Dalessandro II Mrs. Helga Dawn-Frohling Kirsten Solsvig Galef Danielle Ganek Barbara Page Glatt Mrs. John E. Grimm III Leila Taghinia-Milani Heller Michaela Keszler Barbara Vogt Kugler Mrs. Thomas V. Leeds Mrs. Francis A. L’Esperance Jr. Mrs. Francis A. L’Esperance III Emily Chien Mahoney Mrs. James J. McEntee Mrs. Kenneth P. Meszkat Pamela Michaelcheck Sarah Senbahar Mrs. Randall D. Smith Mrs. Kim A. White Honorary: Mrs. Alessandro di Montezemolo Mrs. James S. Mulholland Jr. Mrs. Werner Otto 2007 Staff Executive Director Kathleen Minder Director of Special Projects Laura Devinney Camp Director David Billingham Landscape Manager Robert Beck Facilities Assistant James Lundie Maintenance Manager James Selg Administrative Assistant Patricia Miller 5 PRESIDENT’S LETTER 2007 Dear Friends, During our first year as Co-Presidents, we have been honored to have the privilege of working with you, the supporters of the Southampton Fresh Air Home, who care deeply for the mission and the traditions of the organization. It has been an exciting year of transition for the Home, as we began the construction of new dormitories and an infirmary. With the changes this will bring, we will have a fully accessible camp which will be able to serve physically challenged campers of the 21st century. Your continued generosity, caring and concern have made these important changes possible, while allowing us to observe the traditions of our 106-year history. Children who attend our camp programs today were born in the years after passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act and local ordinances which require that public facilities become handicapped accessible. They have opportunities that physically challenged children of former years did not have – many are students at their local public schools, and may even be able to go to movies, sporting and cultural events. Despite the progress we have made in the United States in the past 18 years, it is still very difficult for many physically challenged children to participate in sports, explore nature in the wild, attend theater and concerts, and travel to new and exciting places. The Fresh Air Home provides campers with a wide range of activities very much like those at camps their able-bodied sisters and brothers attend. For the 150 children who come to our camp in Southampton each summer, the freedom, the fun, and the sense of being a part of our wide world of recreation is almost miraculous. They are able to swim, sail, play tennis and golf, attend theatrical and musical productions at local theaters, go to beaches and parks in Southampton, visit Nature Conservancy sites, and make new friends and share like experiences. For their families, who have come to trust the Home and its specially trained staff, these summer weeks are opportunities for relaxation and travel they do not have throughout the rest of the year. Southampton has been a welcoming home away from home for our campers for more than a century. Its businesses and its residents are vital to our success – the charm, the comfort and the fun – in making our wonderful East End community a welcoming place. Our children come primarily from New York City, apartment living, urban neighborhoods, and public schools where they are often the only physically challenged individuals. At camp they grow in self-confidence, physical strength and agility, and a sense that they can become contributing members of their communities and society. As we visit the children, we 6 are continually inspired and humbled by their courage and love of life. Thank you for partnering with us in bringing our children joy, laughter and sunshine. Thank you, each and every one, for your gifts this past year. We are so pleased to be able to greet you once again as members of our Home, to share with you our work and our joy, and ask you to feel the sense of pride we feel in being part of this special and unique place. Do visit us this year, to see our new dormitories, visit with our staff and our campers, and see your gifts and your commitment at work. Sincerely, Pamela Rollins Camacho Susan Nappa Cocke 7 8 9 Square Feet and Broad Shoulders... what are the ideal sizes and shapes of new facilities for SFAH campers? For three years the Fresh Air Home has been developing the designs for new dormitories for the 150 physically challenged campers who stay at the Home each summer. With support from the Town, the expertise of a variety of professionals in the design and building trades, input from campers and their families, and great support from donors large and small, five new buildings will be completed by June, 2008, for next summer’s camping season. Throughout its history the Home has had to remodel and rebuild to meet the changing needs and expectations of its varied and challenging campers. This is a short story about square feet, and wide, round walkways. For the first 75 years at the Southampton Fresh Air Home, most campers lived upstairs in the main building at the camp. There were large open bunk rooms, one each for boys and for girls. Counselors lived on the ground floor, with a few campers who could not safely reside in the upper level bunk rooms. The infirmary was on the ground floor as well, and a small outbuilding was designated as the “sick bay” where campers with colds or the flu spent their days and nights. Fire drills were conducted with sheets forming evacuation slides from the bunk rooms, and some campers had to be carried to and from their bunks when they could not climb stairs. In the late 1970s, the Home’s Board of Directors as well as the Health and Fire Departments grew increasingly concerned for the safety of the children sleeping above the ground floor. One late summer day the Board of Directors received the news that new facilities would have to be built, of fireproof materials and with easy access in emergencies— built and certified before the next summer. The Board, with its usual determination and creativity, raised the money, designed the buildings, engaged a contractor, and completed the project before the following June. The Boys and Girls Dorms they built in record time served the campers for more than 25 years. They housed as many as 15 campers in each of four bunks, an infirmary, bedrooms for nurses, and sleeping quarters for most counselors and support staff. As the years went by, the Americans with Disabilities Act of the late 1990 changed the landscapes and the buildings of America, creating an accessible environment for all citizens and visitors, whether they walked on their own or with aids, or rolled through life in chairs on wheels. The Fresh Air Home’s dormitories housed children with increasingly complex conditions and a wide variety of needs. The bunk rooms had fewer children than originally, as campers arrived with walkers, crutches, first manual and then electric wheelchairs, communication boards, and a variety of other specialized aids. While always accessible for safety purposes, the buildings became increasingly out of date and out of step with the rest of America’s attempt to make all facilities accessible for wheelchairs and those who had difficulty walking. 10 After the original main building of the camp was renovated in 2002, and a beautiful, state of the art activities building with a computer lab and an arts and crafts studio was built in 2004, the Board of Directors turned to the task of evaluating and eventually replacing the dormitories. They were determined that campers, now almost all using wheelchairs for some or all parts of their days, would have comfortable, safe, pleasant and fun quarters for sleeping and health care. There were lots of important decisions to make and lots of money to raise. As 2007 came to a close, the dream of new dorms became a reality. In the new dorms, each child will have twice as much space for their bed and their equipment as before. And each bunk room will have no more than eight children sleeping there. The bunks will be air conditioned, to address the needs of children with respiratory problems. Bathrooms and showers will be easy for children in wheelchairs to use. Walkways throughout the camp will be wide with rounded corners and will be flat to the ground. Doors will be wide so that anyone in a wheelchair can enter a building easily, and maneuver through the rooms without having to make three-corner turns like cars maneuvering through crowded parking lots. The walls of the new bunks will have durable wainscoting to three feet, to take the hits and scrapes of heavy wheelchairs. Trees will be strategically placed throughout the dormitory courtyard, so that children can continue to spend most of their time outside, in the shade and the fresh air. As we enter a new era for physically challenged children in this country and at the Fresh Air Home, our facilities will be different, but better, for the campers we serve in the 21st century. The support from the Southampton community and the Fresh Air Home family – both financial and professional – has made this important change possible. We thank everyone who has helped, and invite you all to visit us at the Home in 2008! Kathleen Minder 11 southampton fresh air home 2008 dormitories capital campaign 12 your gifts to us... ...are a commitment to the children 13 14 Southampton Fresh Air Home 2008 Dormitories Capital Campaign Donors Monarchs – $100,000 and above Anonymous (1) The Bubba Fund Mildred C. Brinn Henry Buhl Leonie Faroll Mr. and Mrs. David Ganek Mr. and Mrs. William Michaelcheck The Moore Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. James S. Mulholland Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Smith Southampton Fresh Air Home Men’s Committee Florence and Fred Wesley Kim A. White and Kurt Wolfgrüber Metalmarks – $50,000 – $99,999 Barker Welfare Foundation Kirsten Solsvig Galef Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Brian Snyder APOLLOS – $10,000 – $49,999 Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Camacho Mr. and Mrs. Philip St. G. Cocke V Mr. and Mrs. James C. Cowles Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Glatt Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Keszler Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kugler Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langone Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leeds Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. L’Esperance III Mr. and Mrs. James J. McEntee Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Meszkat Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Price Mr. and Mrs. Izak Senbahar Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shopkorn Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Stübgen Roxann Gian and Roger Taylor Gossamer-Wings – $100 – $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence Bogert III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Borchardt Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crocker Mrs. Alessandro di Montezemolo Jean Fleischhacker Helga Dawn-Frohling Sharon Giese MD John M. Goldsmith Fredrik Gradin Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grimm III Rolf Heitmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heller Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hogan Dr. and Mrs. Francis A. L’Esperance Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Mahoney IV Michael D. Melnick Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Moran 15 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mulé Mr. and Mrs. John O. Pickett Jr. Christina Tadross Pierno Walter Rosley Maureen Sherry Mr. and Mrs. Hugh V. Sherrill Southampton Garden Club Samuel H. Swint Jr. Diane Vahradian We Salute...Fran Dalessandro Fran Dalessandro has been a member of Southampton’s summer community since the 1940s. As a teenager she was a volunteer at the Fresh Air Home’s Rummage Sale at the Southampton High School. From these early days of her involvement with the Home through today, Fran’s many talents and her incredible sense of commitment have been an important part of the success of the Fresh Air Home. When she finished college, she began her career at Mademoiselle. She finished her professional years as a Senior Vice-President and Director of Creative Merchandising at The May Company. The day after she retired, she was asked to join the Board of Directors of the Home. Since 1996 she has brought her intelligent, practical, and calm business sense to the many aspects of the Home’s management and governance. During her tenure on the Board, Fran oversaw the facilities of the Home as well as its long range planning efforts. As she came to know the many quirks of the camp buildings, with their frequently recurring leaks, sags, bulges and buckles, she coordinated the facility needs of the Home with the long range planning efforts of the late 1990s and recent years. With her leadership, the two construction projects of the past 10 years have addressed the on-going accessibility needs of the campers. With enormous appreciation, we acknowledge her impact on the current and future directions of the Home. An oenophile herself, Fran and her fellow Board member Jackie Goodwin introduced the Wine Auction to the Decorators-Designers-Dealers Sale (the successor to the earlier Rummage Sale). With their husbands, Fran and Jackie solicited wine donations from friends and business colleagues in New York City and Southampton. The first Wine Auction raised more than $50,000 for the Home’s programs. It is difficult to say no to Fran, one wine donor learned; he gave a case of rare, vintage wine to the auction. With a unique case of “donor’s regret”, he bought a ticket to the DDD that year, and made sure he was the high bidder on his very own donation! All’s well that ends well… Fran’s fond memories of the campers she has met over the years have convinced her of both the importance and the uniqueness of the Fresh Air Home’s programs. “I have enjoyed every minute spent with these wonderful children — so bright, talented and genuinely nice children, despite their physical limitations.” She is proud of what the Home has done, and will continue to do, for the community of physically challenged children who call the camp their summer “home”. Through her leadership and guidance of the past 11 years, the Home looks forward to being the best camp of its kind. She beams with pride as she describes the results of the planning and building of the past decade, addressing the many and complex physical needs of the children who come to the Home now, creating environments and activities that ensure their stay in Southampton is fun, safe, healthy and enriching, both today and in the future. Diane Vahradian 16 We Salute...Helga Dawn-Frohling “This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen! Can I apply to be a camper?” So said the mother of a camper, on seeing the Fresh Air Home for the first time. Helga Dawn-Frohling has contributed greatly to the grace and beauty of the lovely grounds of the Fresh Air Home with their natural plant barriers, graceful lawn and mature hardwood trees. She joined the Board of Directors in 1989, at the request of her close friend and fellow gardener Sally Newell, then President of the Home. In the 1980s, the Southampton Fresh Air Home Board of Directors worked tirelessly to raise money for the operations of the camp, with two annual events: the Rummage Sale at the Southampton High School, and the July 4th Picnic at the home of Barbara and Jim McEntee, on Meadow Lane. Helga recognized immediately that the Home needed funds for improvements to the facilities and the grounds, and recruited friends who could make contributions for capital improvements. With her encouragement, one Southampton resident provided funds to build a pergola and dining deck for the children. When the Board decided to renovate the century-old main building and add an activities building, Helga brought several interested Southampton residents to the Home, and through them raised a good bit of the funds needed for the project. As Board members at the Fresh Air Home finished their terms, Helga helped to recruit others who became interested in the Home and its mission. Kim White, who has known Helga since childhood, was one of those who fell in love with the camp and its campers. Today she is Treasurer of the Home, and Chair of its 2007-2008 Dormitories Capital Campaign. She is trying to raise the funds necessary to complete this multi-million dollar project. Kim describes her friend’s influence on her: I still remember when Helga took me to my first Open House…where I was able to experience first hand the wonderful advantages and fun-filled camp experiences that the Home was able to provide for physically challenged children…and convinced me to become more committed to them on a financial and volunteer basis. I am forever grateful to [her]; I was truly struck by Helga’s commitment and love of the children, and she has been a phenomenal role model for me. Helga’s unique and permanent mark on the Home is evident in its gardens and landscape. Her talent for creating beauty in nature, her eye for the appropriate scale of plants and gardens for children, and her understanding of the unique ecology of the East End, are here for all to enjoy at the Fresh Air Home. Thanks to Helga, physically challenged children from urban environments of concrete and brick can revel in the joys of nature each summer at the Fresh Air Home. Diane Vahradian 17 2007 MEN’S COMMITTEE Kenneth Meszkat, Co-Chairman William Michaelcheck, Co-Chairman H. Lawrence Bogert III Henry M. Buhl Alfred J. Callhan Jr. Alejandro E Camacho Philip St. G. Cocke V James C. Cowles Thompson Dean Roberto de Guardiola David K. Ganek John E. Grimm III Henry C. Heller Brian J. Higgins Winston Hutchins Stephan Keszler Michael J. Kugler Francis A. L’Esperance, Jr. Francis A. L’Esperance III Thomas V. Leeds Thomas H. Mahoney IV James J. McEntee Garrett Moran Edward Mulé James S. Mulholland, Jr. William Selby Izak Senbahar Randall D. Smith Kurt Wolfgrüber 18 2007 Annual Donors EXTRAORDINARY FRIENDS The Board of Directors would like to extend a special thank you to those who led our 2007 fundraising efforts. In addition to fundraising, many donated their professional expertise to the Home, our programs and our capital projects. You are truly extraordinary friends! Christina and Anthony Addison Debbie Bancroft Linda and Bob Beck Monica Belag-Forman Karen Berger Tish Bliss Hilary and John Block Grace Bollo Bloomingdale’s Wendy Carduner Catherine Carey Kirk Cassels Kathleen Ciriello David Patrick Columbia Gary Crain Jeffrey J. Feil Rich Franchella Anke Friedrich Traudl Geraghty Judy Goodsell Carole Guest Christie Hansen Jeffrey Hirsch Tania and Brian Higgins Emilie Jackson Donald Jewell Anne Keating Patricia Kraus Anthony Lombardo Thomas H. Mahoney IV Kevin Maple Carol Martino Patrick McMullan Lynn Mortimer Edward Mullin Catherine and Malcolm Price Lisa Salibello Katie and Dhiren Shah Dana and Joseph Shaw Rick Shumway Jill Sieracki Eileen Skretch Barbara Sloan Jeffrey Slonim James Alan Smith Steven Stolman Connie Tarrant Barbara Dana Tollis Diane Vahradian Maryann Wright Iris Zönlight 19 2007 Annual Donors BENEFACTORS $25,000 and above Anonymous (1) CIBC World Markets Mr. and Mrs. William J. Michalecheck Mr. and Mrs. James S. Mulholland, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Julian H. Robertson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Smith The Estate of Fred Wesley SPONSORS $10,000 – $24,999 Bank of America Bear Stearns & Company Bloomingdale’s Mrs. Mildred C. Brinn Henry Buhl Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Camacho Mrs. Alessandro di Montezemolo Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Druckenmiller Mr. and Mrs. Steven Einhorn Stephen Fraiden Todd Goodwin Tania and Brian J. Higgins Charitable Trust Huggy Bear Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kugler Lehman Brothers Magaschoni Apparel Group Mr. and Mrs. James J. McEntee Merrill Lynch-Global Markets Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Meszkat 20 North Fork Bank Mr. and Mrs. John Phelan Mr. And Mrs. Malcolm Price Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate Patricia Quick Mr. and Mrs. Izak Senbahar Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tarrant Kim White and Kurt Wolfgrüber 2007 Annual Donors SUSTAINERS $5,000 – $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Boele Mr. and Mrs. Peter Briger The Bubba Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Philip St. G. Cocke V Mr. and Mrs. Michael De Paola Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiMenna The Anne F. Forbes Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Juergen Friedrich Kirsten Solsvig Galef Mr. and Mrs. David K. Ganek Lisa Beth Gerstman Foundation The Jacqueline S. Harris Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Keszler Mr. and Mrs. George Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Leeds Dr. and Mrs. Francis A. L’Esperance Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Mahoney IV Kelly Matis and Members of the Handicapped Children’s Fund, Inc. Lisa Matlin Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mnuchin The Moran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mulé Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Neidich RBC Dain Rauscher Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rosenblum Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ross Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Sherr Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shopkorn Ann L. and Herbert J. Siegel Philanthropic Fund Ms. Barbara Slifka SUPPORTERS $1,000 – $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Addison Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Adler Herbert Allen Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. August Arace Mr. and Mrs. Rome G. Arnold Mary Jane Asato, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ayres Maiken Baird Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baker Mr. and Mrs. James Balakian Mr. and Mrs. David M. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Brian Balodis Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bandier Daniel Berlin Mr. and Mrs. Orest Bliss Mr. and Mrs. John Block Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence Bogert III Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bommer Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Boxer 21 Franklin L. Browning Mr. and Mrs. Franz Burda Donald Burns C.A.L. Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Calder Mr. and Mrs. Robert Callender Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Carey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carr Mr. and Mrs. James Cavaluzzi The Corcoran Group Real Estate Summer 2007 22 Summers Past ...happy times and laughing times – bright and sunny days! 23 2007 Annual Donors SUPPORTERS $1,000 – $4,999, cont’d. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cornell Mr. and Mrs. James C. Cowles Elaine Crocker Gerald Curatola, DDS Zita Davisson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Davis Helga Dawn-Frohling Mr. and Mrs. Robert Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Ira Drukier Mr. and Mrs. David Edelstein Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edsal Mr. and Mrs. David Elenowitz Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ezersky Federated Department Stores Macy’s Foundation Leslie C. Feldman Dr. and Mrs. Jay Fensterstock Kathy Ferguson and Mark Zurack Jill Fingar Carol Francis Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. L. Fraser Mr. and Mrs. James L. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. R. Joseph Fuchs Mrs. Lee A. Furman G.N.D. Group Mr. and Mrs. David K. Ganek Patricia Garrity Mr. and Mrs. John Gallaher Mr. and Mrs. Mark Geraghty Brigitte Gerney Mr. and Mrs. Randall Gianopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Alan Glatt Oren Glick John M. Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Goodfriend Mr. and Mrs. Murray Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Fredrik Gradin Mr. and Mrs. James Gray Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grimm III Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gross Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Guest Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Guest II Mr. and Mrs. Montague H. Hackett Jr. Peter L. Hallock Christie Hansen Lowell Harwood Mr. and Mrs. Fotis Hasiotis Christopher Heath Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hebert Rolf Heitmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heller Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hochberg Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes 24 Mr. and Mrs. James Holme Larry Horton Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hurley Jr. International Debutante Ball Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Scott Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jurdem Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kalvaria Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Anton Katz Mrs. Francesco Katz Mr. and Mrs. George S. Kaufman Anne Keating Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kempner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Kiembach Marci Klein Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Knowlton Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lambert Louise Lamphere Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. LeFrak Mr. and Mrs. Francis L’Esperance III Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Leviant Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Lopez-Balboa Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lorenz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Luter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maheras The Mandell Family Foundation 2007 Annual Donors SUPPORTERS $1,000 – $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mandis Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Manley Mr. and Mrs. J. Steven Manolis Anne Hearst McInerney The Meadow Club Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Menschel Nicole Miller Mr. and Mrs. Claus Moller Momentum Education Frank Mori Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mullin Brent Nicklas Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Nir Mr. and Mrs. Ciaran O’Kelly Mr. and Mrs. John W. Packard Dr. and Mrs. Eliot L. Packman Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pape Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Papone Par East Mortgage Michael Pascucci Laura Patterson Marion Pearlman Mr. and Mrs. Norman Peck Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Philo Mr. and Mrs. John O. Pickett Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mario Ponce Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Post Mr. and Mrs. Othon Prounis Mr. and Mrs. Martin Puris Mr. and Mrs. Alan Quasha Mr. and Mrs. Steven Reiss Resource Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Roby Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Aby Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Rulon-Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Nedim Sadaka Mr. and Mrs. Sal Salibello Antonia Salm Ludvig Salm Wiltraud Salm Mr. and Mrs. William R. Salomon Linda Steiner Schaller Mrs. Ruth Schekter Mr. and Mrs Richard Schlanger Mr. and Mrs. Eric Semler George Semerjian 25 Mr. and Mrs. Dhiren Shah Mr. and Mrs. Hugh V. Sherrill Suzette de Marigny Smith Mr. and Mrs. Brian Snyder Jeanne Sorensen Leff The Allison Maher Stern Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Stevens Claudia Suan Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sugarman Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swarzman Rory Tahari Steven B. Tanger Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Edward Toohey Mr. and Mrs. Gary Udell Mrs. Eunice C. Valdivia Mr. and Mrs. Robert Villency Mr. and Mrs. Nadeem Walji Mr. and Mrs. William Walters Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wambold Dan K. Wassong Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wecker William J. Williams Patricia Wood Josephine Keating Woodward 2007 Annual Donors CONTRIBUTORS $100 – $999 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Abrams Diane Aceti Ms. Gilles MacGil Addison Irene Albright Nicola Amey Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ammirati Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ammon Karen Aotani Dr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Appell Mr. and Mrs. Rand Araskog Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Armato Mr. and Mrs. Vittorio Assaf Margaret Austin Robin Aviv Dr. and Mrs. David Avram Mr. and Mrs. James Awad Mary Bailey Damon G. Barber Sarah Bareau Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Baron Mr. and Mrs. John Barrett Anne Barry Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barsamian Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Barth Angelika Morrison Bartle Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Beale Mr. and Mrs. A. William J. Becker III Allen Beeber Mr. and Mrs. Philip Beekman Robin Bell Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bellet Bradley Bender Robin Bell Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Berdon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Berg Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berlin Dorothy Levitt Beskind Laura Blair Nancy Blakeman Gerald H. Blum Monica Boccella Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bocly Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boland Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Bolter Book Hampton LLC Mr. and Mrs. Robert Borchardt Molly Borthwick W. Bosley Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brechner Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bregman Stephanie Schaich Bricken Mrs. Rosalie Brinton Mr. and Mrs. William Broeksmit Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Burton Brous Jennifer Brown Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Buaron 26 Edward Bulgin Mr. and Mrs. Jay Butler Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Buxton Mr. and Mrs. George R. Bunn Jr. Julian, Isabel, Charlotte and Simon Camacho Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carballal Nan Case Christopher Cassels Catenas Market Mr. and Mrs. John Catsimatidis Laura D. Codman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cohen Dorie Coleman James Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cohn Michael Coles Eve Combemale Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coons Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coppotelli Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cornell Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cosman Gary Crain Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Cramer Lisa Cranford Mr. and Mrs. William Crocetto Julia Croddick Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee O. Curry Jr. 2007 Annual Donors CONTRIBUTORS $100 – $999 R. Hunter Cushing Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dalessandro II Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Ted Danforth Julie Dannenberg Peter Daub Dayton, Ritz and Osborne Lynne Deaddio Mr. and Mrs. Robert DelGadio Mr. and Mrs. Paul d’Esterhazy Emily and Mark Devey and Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Devinney Maura Doyle Sara Dreisbach Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Francois Dreyfus Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Eaton Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Ege Mr. and Mrs. Sanford B. Ehrenkranz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elghanayan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ellis Mr. and Mrs. John Erwin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Esposito Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fagan III Fleur Fairman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Farnworth Susan Farr Ann Fay Doreen Fay-Salamone The Fedder Family Elizabeth Shiel Fekkai Luke Ferland Mr. and Mrs. Drew Fine Martin Fine Jacqueline Fish Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitzgerald III Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzsimmons Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Flaherty Ruth Fleischmann Thomas Fleming Sandy Flocks Mr. and Mrs. James Foltz Susan Parker Fore Mr. and Mrs. Rich Francella Donna Francis Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frank Mr. and Mrs. James Frank Stanley Friedman Antoinette Froio The Gabelli Foundation Alan Gage Brenda Gall Barbara Gallagher David Gallaher Barbara Gardiner Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gaudieri Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gaudreaux Mr. and Mrs. Mark Geraghty Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Gerard 27 Edward Gerner Victoria Ghilaga Tefta Ghilaga Mr. and Mrs. David Gillespie Kay Gilman Mr. and Mrs. John C. Giordano Jr. Sarah Glor Mr. and Mrs. Scott Golden Miriam S. Goldfine Jeffrey Goldstone Mrs. Ritchey Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Gooss Andrew Gordon Lucia Hwong and Peter Gordon Mr. and Mrs. George Gould Mr. and Mrs. Mark Graham Mr. and Mrs. James Grant Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grasso Douglas Greef Mr. and Mrs. Richard Green Maryan Grossman Mrs. Louise Grunwald Marjorie Gubelmann Andrew Guida Paul Guilden Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock Hackley Mr. and Mrs. Martin Halbfinger Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hallingby Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hamer 2007 Annual Donors CONTRIBUTORS $100 – $999 Hamptons State Bank Eric Hanson Nancy Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Harland Mai Hallingby Harrison Mr. and Mrs. John Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hedberg Mr. and Mrs. Curt Heffler Anna Heim and Paula Williard Mr. and Mrs. Alan Helene Sylvia Hemingway Linda Henley Debbie Epstein Henry Esq. David Hermer Constance E. Herrick Anna Hetzel Margaret M. Hill Mrs. Gail Hilson Amy Hoadley Joan Hornig Mr. and Mrs. David Howe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes Mr. and Mrs. John Hunt Lorna Hurst Patricia Hynes and Roy L. Reardon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Ichel Anne Ingolia Jane Iselin Mr. ands Mrs. Mazen Jabban Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jackson Elizabeth and Mimi Boston Johnson Mariane Kamal Julie Kammerer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Karsch Mr. and Mrs. Jay Kasner Mrs. Francesco Katz Kathleen Kavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kay Fernanda Kellogg Theresa Kiernan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kirsten Mr. and Mrs. Joachim Kirsten Mr. and Mrs. David Kleinhandler Mr. and Mrs. John Klopp Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Knight Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kohl Mark Konjevod Dr. and Mrs. Karl Krieger Matthew Krysinski Candace Ku The Laboz Family Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro Lanaro Dr. and Mrs. Michael Lavyne Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. John Leathers Mr. and Mrs. Alan Leavitt Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lehr 28 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Leibig Mr. and Mrs. Craig Levin Jerome Lewine Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lewis Caroline Lieberman Ambassador John Loeb Anthony Lombardo Stuart Lundy Rachel Lynch Pools and Spas Mr. and Mrs. Frederick MacEachron Mr. and Mrs. James H. MacNaughton Mr. and Mrs. Mark McGowan Mr. and Mrs. David Mahoney Jr. Georjan Manor Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marino Daphne Marinovich Joseph B. Markovich Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marston Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marvin Mrs. Jack C. Massey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mayberry Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maynard Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McBreen Barbara McKoy and Friends Donald McDougall Mr. and Mrs. Scott McElwee Lucy Fleming McGrath Barbara McKay and Friends Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNierney 2007 Annual Donors CONTRIBUTORS $100 – $999 Sean Meade Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mele Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mergenthaler Mr. and Mrs. Eric Metaxas Risa Meyer Gloria Meyers Anne Miller Mr. and Mrs. Seth Miller Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller Mr. and Mrs. James Milton Barbara Missett Mary S. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. William T. Mogavero Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Monaco Christopher Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mortimer Mr. and Mrs. James S. Mulholland III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mullen Marybeth Mullen Linda A. Munn Mr. and Mrs. Orson D. Munn III Maureen Murray Sue Murtha Karyn- Marie Nappi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nemeth Bruce Niles Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nimoityn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nisi Amy Nislow Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nobbs Mr. and Mrs. John Normile North Sea Lions Club Annamarie Novak Pamela O’Connor Isolde O’Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Walter O’Hearn Jr Margie, Scott and Dylan Orenstein Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostrom Mr. and Mrs. George O’Sullivan Vincent Pagano Jr. Michelle Paretti Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pasculano Barbara Patterson Mr. and Mrs. George Pavia Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pearlstein Frederic Perrella Mr. and Mrs. Joel Peskin Arlene Peters and Rod Werner Mr. and Mrs. Christian Picot Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Piro Brian Pitz Marguerite Platt Susan Potto Mr. and Mrs. John Powers Mr. and Mrs. Mel Powers Kevin Pozzi Nancy Prall Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Pruder R. John Punnett 29 Ellen J. Rachlin Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ralph Mr. and Mrs. John Redett Mr. and Mrs. Richard Redett Frederick Reed Colleen Rein Ralph Ricciardi, Jr. MD Mrs. Herbert Rice Temeko Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ripert Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Romanosky Jr. Ted Ronick Valerie Rooks Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rosenshein Barbara Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Bret E. Russell Teresina Russiello Mr. and Mrs. Hormoz Sabet Mr. and Mrs. William Sadowski Dr. and Mrs. Steven Saffren Nancy Sambuco Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sandoval Manny Sanz Elisabetta Scarampi del Cairo Stephanie Schaich Mr. and Mrs. John Schiavetta Mrs. Frank Schiff Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Schifter Dr. and Mrs. Neil Schlackman 2007 Annual Donors CONTRIBUTORS $100 – $999 Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Schneider Alois Schoenhuber Ann Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Segal Mr. and Mrs. George Seltzer Alexandra Shapiro Martin Sher Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Sherer Mrs. Joseph Dunbar Shields Stuart Shikiar Muriel Siebert Peggy Siegel Jeffrey Silver Joel Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Simmons Jane M. Simonds Mr. and Mrs. James Singleton Mr. and Mrs. Ted Siouris Eileen Skretch Barbara Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sloan Ronald Smeets James Alan Smith Leslie Smith and Greg Liacouras Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith Monica Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Richard Soloway Mrs. Curtis Solsvig Southampton Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. R. Reul Stanley Scott Michael Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stevens Dr. and Mrs. Martin Stone Anita Storr Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Stübgen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Suan Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sullivan James J. Supple Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Svigals Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swartz Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swarzman Mary Lou Swift Samuel H. Swint Jr. Syossett Physical Therapy PC Robert W. Taft Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taglianetti Court Talmage Debra Schuster Tanger Elaine Tannenbaum Dana Taylor Roxanne Gian Taylor Mr. and Mrs. James Ternes Andrew Thomas Rachel Thompson John Tortorella Mrs. Carlos Traglio Amy Treitel Dr. Paul Trotta 30 Richard Tupper Mrs. Theodore Tureski Cathy Tweedy Mr. and Mrs. David Uri Sandra Verbeck Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Vik Michelle Walker Mary Wall Julia G. Wallace Richard T. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ward Warner Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wasser Mr. and Mrs. Richard Waterman Mr. and Mrs. James Weidner Dr. and Mrs. Frank Weiser Elizabeth Weiser Ellen Welsh The Family of Annsley Wigger Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Willis Christine Witker Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wohl Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wojdak Grant C. Woodard Peter Worth Mr. and Mrs. James Wrübel Mrs. Ilsabe W. Wyman Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yang Ethel Zavodnick Dolores Zebrowski Southampton Fresh Air Home 2007 Gifts of honor and memory Gifts in Memory Of Jacqueline haswell Goodwin Larry Horton Mr. and Mrs. David Kearns Mr. and Mrs Michael J. Kugler Brenda Lee Landry Christina M. Landry Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lopez-Balboa Lost Tree Club Mr. and Mrs. James H. MacNaughton Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Meszkat Mr. and Mrs. William Michaelcheck Mrs. Barbara T. Missett Nancy Kearns Morris and Bill Scragg Mr. and Mrs. Robert Y. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nelson Emilia Pisani Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Skolnick Mr. and Mrs. Jospeh Romanosky Jr. Patricia Goodwin Sladden Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Smith Diane Albergo Mr. and Mrs. Orest E. Bliss Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence Bogert III Mrs. Mildred C. Brinn Mr. and Mrs Roberto Buaron Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Camacho Mr. and Mrs. Philip St. G. Cocke V Mr. and Mrs. Drury W. Cooper III Mr. and Mrs. James C. Cowles Mrs. Alessandro di Montezemolo Carol Dominski Mr. and Mrs Frederick Eaton Brenda J. Gall Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Glatt Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grimm III Hampton Shore Construction Inc. Ellen Helman and Friends of Sandy Haswell Martin Mr. and Mrs. Montague H. Hackett, Jr. 31 Southampton Fresh Air Home 2007 Gifts of honor and memory Gifts for the Corey Peskin Wish List Fund Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ammon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Berg Monica Boccella Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bowen Jr. David Boyko Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Jay Butler Gwen Bland, Keith and Valerie Cohen Mr. and Mrs. William J. Crocetto Mr. and Mrs. Paul d’Esterhazy Emily and Mark Devey and Family Sara Dreisbach Libby Eyre The Fedder Family Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitzgerald III Mr. and Mrs. James Foltz Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Freese Janice M. Garrity Edward W. Gerner Jeffrey Goldstone Barbara A. Gouldey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Curt Heffler and Family Debbie Epstein Henry Esq. Susan Hyman and Family Elaine Jarrett Elizabeth and Mimi Boston Johnson Elizabeth Kramer and Michael Golinkoff The Laboz Family Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Leibig 32 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Levin Stuart Lundy Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. McElwee Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Miller Ellen Miller Mr. and Mrs. William Mogavero Carole Nebhut Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nimoityn Amy Nislow Laura P. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Pearlstein Mr. and Mrs. Joel Peskin Arlene Peters and Rod Werner Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rosenberg Dr. and Mrs. Steven Saffren Dr. and Mrs. Neil Schlackman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Segal Mr. and Mrs. George Seltzer Jane M. Simonds Leslie Smith and Greg Liacouras Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Speakman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stevens Dr. and Mrs. Paul Svigals Leslie Swan and Bo Klein Elaine Tannenbaum Mr. and Mrs. David Uri Sandra White Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wojdak Ethel Zavodnick Southampton Fresh Air Home 2007 Gifts of honor and memory Gifts in Honor of The Redett Wedding Damon G. Barber Thomas Cronin, Jr. Andrew Gordon Andrew T. Guida Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McBreen Mr. and Mrs. Richard Redett Cristina Truta Other Gifts of honor and memory Mr. and Mrs. August Arace In memory of Alma Brancaccio Sharon and Charles Berlin In honor of Justin Berlin Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crocker In honor of Kim White Pamela Craig and Robert Delaney In memory of James Galef Susan and Jean-Francois Dreyfus In honor of Germain Dreyfus Victoria Elenowitz In honor of Michaela Keszkler Floral Park Memorial Key Club In honor of Maureen Lawlor and Kathleen Downes Linda C. Henley In honor of Arline Brownstein Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hogan In honor of Kim White Joan Hornig In honor of Margie Orenstein Robin Katz In honor of Charlotte Assaf Elina Maurer In memory of George Baker 33 Southampton Fresh Air Home 2007 Gifts of honor and memory Other Gifts of honor and memory – Cont’d. James S. Mulholland Jr. In honor of Claire Mulholland The Pavlidis Family In memory of George Baker Mr. and Mrs. John Phelan In honor of Tania and Brian Higgins Mr. and Mrs. John O. Pickett Jr. In honor of Catherine di Montezemolo Candace Harding Post In honor of William P. Harding Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rashbaum In honor of Alex LeGuillou Ralph E. Ricciardi Jr. MD In memory of Maya Ricciardi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Romanosky Jr. In honor of Maryann Romanosky Mr. and Mrs. Aby J. Rosen In honor of Gabriel Rosen’s Bar Mitzvah The Resource Foundation In honor of Claire Mulholland Beverly M. Solsvig In memory of James Galef Elaine Tannenbaum In honor of Joel Peskin’s Birthday Alice Taylor In memory of George Baker William J. Williams In honor of Mildred Brinn and Christl Meszkat Dolores Zebrowski In honor of Catherine di Montezemolo 34 2007 Annual Donors IN-KIND DONORS The Alexico Group Alice & Olivia Almond Restaurant Andrea Electronics Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Apfel Marilyn Appel Mr. and Mrs. Rome Arnold Arrowhead Farm Nursery Mary Jane Asato Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Vittorio Assaf Michele Ateyeh Atlantic Collaborative Construction Co. Dr. and Mrs. M. Michael Avram Fred Baker Mr. and Mrs. James Balakian John Barman Inc. Bartlett Tree Services The Baywoods Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Berger Jr. Bikehampton Bill Blass Ltd. June Binz Laura Blair John Block Block-Guest Group LLC Bloom Antiques Bloomingdale’s BMG Columbia House B&N Moving & Storage Inc. The Breakers Palm Beach Ariana Bedrossian Rosalie Brinton Bobbi Brown Cosmetics Books by Hollie Brahmin Bridgehampton Florist The Bubba Fund Tory Burch Tom Cahill Alfred I. Callahan Jr. Cambio Repeat Ralph Carballal Wendy Carduner Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Carey La Carezza Salon & Spa Celine Gerald Chalem Jacqueline Chorney Christy’s Art & Design Le Cirque Café Citarella Cittanova Le Chef Bistro Clifford Clark The Clearing House Jeri Cohen Fine Jewelry Mrs. Martin Cohen Dorie Coleman David Patrick Columbia Tamara Comolli Fine Jewelry Ltd Inc Charles Vander Cook 35 Corcoran Group Real Estate Core Dynamics Country Gardens Gary Crain Gerald Curatola DDS Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dalessandro II Mr. and Mrs. David Dangoor Dazzle Inc. Paul Dempsey Despatch of Southampton Moving & Storage Robert Del Gadio Lyn Devon Collection Beth DeWoody Yasmine Djerradine Institut de Beauté Cheryl D’Onafrio Dr. and Mrs. William L. Donnelly Doubles Club Driver’s Seat Restaurant Beata Drodz Mr. and Mrs. Ira Drukier Peter Duffy Furs Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Dunne Dutch Petals East End Blue Print East End Limo East Hampton Indoor Tennis Eastland Farms Eleni’s Cookies Arthur Elgort 2007 Annual Donors IN-KIND DONORS Ellington Hotel Berlin Peter Ernst Estiatorio Milos Europa Jam Sessions Everglades Spice Co. Exhale Spa Salon Joe Farrell Donna Federko Frederic Fekkai and Company Fellingham’s Restaurant Salvatore Ferragamo Thomas Fleming Follow Your Art Leta Austin Foster Mr. and Mrs. Juergen Friedrich Mr. and Mrs. R. Joseph Fuchs Future Stars Camps Michael Gamson Sidney Garber Fine Jewelery Marc Garrison Salon Geir Alice George Photography Mrs. Brigitte Gerney Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gilbride Nicky Gioia Go Smile Aesthetics Todd Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gooss Darcy Leeds Gould Gracious Home Kelly Graham Mrs. David Granger Joan Granlund Mark Greenwald Fireworks by Grucci Vanessa Gugliotti Guild Hall Judy Hadlock Halsey Farms Lyn Hamer Douglas Hannant Christie Hansen Harbor Music David Harris Designs Fine Jewelry Hardy Plumbing and Heating and Air Conditioning Hayground Market Sophie P. Q. Haynes Carol Hedwall John Heilman Heller Estate Vineyards Herbert & Rist Hildreth’s Department Store Harry Hinson Jeffrey Hirsch Jackie Harris Hochberg Michael Hofstadter The Charles Holmes Family Hospital for Special Surgery Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Hughes Mr. and Mrs. John Hunt Mrs. Ethel Hurvitz 36 Invisible Fence Izze Juice Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jackson Donald Jewell Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston Valery Joseph Salon Deborah Kalas Photography Karayoga Virginia Karry David A. Kay William Keating Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kempner Jr. Keszler Gallery Keyspan Engineering Services Lucille Khornack David Kirsch Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Knight Kobra International Elizabeth Kotz Olivia Kotz Mr. and Mrs. George Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lambert Kenneth Jay Lane The Late Show with David Letterman Dr. and Mrs. Michael Lavyne Léron Jonathan Levine, DMD Simone Levinson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Liberman Liberty Farm Nursery 2007 Annual Donors IN-KIND DONORS Life Studio Mrs. Jerome Lipman Anthony Lombardo London Town Cars Inc. Mr. and Mrs.Frank Lopez-Balboa Lorraine Lorenc LTMH Gallery Susan Baker and Michael Lynch Lynch’s Garden Center MTV Total Request Live Kevin MacDonald Lydia MacLear Photographs Mr. and Mrs. James MacNaughton Magaschoni Apparel Group Maidstone Golf Club Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Steven Manolis The Kevin Maple Salon Nell Maran Robert Marc Marders Garden Center and Nursery P.J. McBride Inc. Margaret McCarthy Doug McKenzie Nina McLemore Patrick McMullan Mecox Gardens M.E.S. Magical Productions The Meadow Club Alfredo Merat Elena Michaelcheck Jennifer Miller Jewelry Nicole Miller Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Morelli The Morris Studio Inc. Joyce Moskovitz Designs Charlotte Moss New York Mostly Flowers Charles F. D. Moulton Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mullin Mr. and Mrs. Orson D. Munn III Robert Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Franz Muster NBC International Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagel Carole Nappi Mr. and Mrs. Saul Negreann Michael Neill Carole Nelson North Sea Fire Department Noyac Golf Club Oasis Waterfront Restaurant & Bar Old Towne Crossing Janise O’Leandros Barbara Ostrom Par-East Mortgage Pashah Salon Paulpac LLC James Patterson Jay Paul Pennington Flowers Mr. and Mrs. John O. Pickett Jr. 37 Plaza Flowers Polo Ralph Lauren J. Pocker & Sons Inc. Nancy Portnoy Positive Energy Prestige Brands at Accessory Network Group Paul Presvalis Proverbial Knits Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Price Mrs. Elgin Pruder Punch Radu – Physical Culture New York Rangers Phyllis Rawlins The Reef Boutique Rejuvenation Dentistry Mr. and Mrs. Marko Remec James Renner John Rist Jr. Robbins Wolfe Eventeurs Kathy Rocklen John Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Romanosky Jr. Ted Ronick Mr. and Mrs. Aby Rosen Gabrielle Ross N H Ross Inc. Peter Thomas Roth 2007 Annual Donors IN-KIND DONORS Rumrunner Home Ruzzetti & Gow Sonia Rykiel Martin N. Sachs and The Ross School Music Ensemble Mr. and Mrs. Nedim Sadaka Sag Harbor Florist Sagapond Farms Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Sandler Sant Ambroeus Restaurants Saks 5th Avenue George Sape Diane Sanchez Michael Scanlon Chuck Scarborough Linda Steiner Schaller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schlanger Mrs. Pamela Schoen Neil Schultz MD and Park Avenue Skin Care Scully & Scully Serafina Restaurants Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shaheen Jay Shaw Frances Lagatta Shelton Shinnecock Golf Club Samuel Shriqui Salon Simply Put Inc. Eileen Skretch Barbara Sloan James Alan Smith Southfork Gardening & Landscaping Inc. The Southampton Elks Club Southampton Publick House and Microbrewery Southampton Rotary Club Southampton Town Marina Southampton Yacht Club Rusty Staub Frederick Stelle Stevensons Toys & Games Stings & Things Anita Storr Ruth Stritehof Style Paris Sunrise to Sunset Surf and Sport Swarovski North America ltd. Billie Swarzttrauber Sweet Adelines Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tarte Mr. and Mrs. Roger Taylor Roxanne Taylor Theory Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Teitelbaum Thyme & Again Tickle Slap Music The Ticket Box Barbara Dana Tollis Topiare Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Treadway 38 Geoffrey Troy Trump National Golf Club The Tuffet Company Twist Uncle Bob’s Storage Diane Vahradian Robert Ventolo Cesar Vera Village Hardware Maurice Villency Inc. Robert Villency Waldbaum’s Barbara Warner Mr. and Mrs. Philip Warner Warren’s Garden Center Mr. and Mrs. Richard Waterman Wathne Ltd. Jesse Weber Adrienne White New York Wine Warehouse Winecare Storage LLC Wolffer Estates Vineyards Wonder Florist Richard Wooster Terry and Neil Youngberg Zaluski Farm Stand Roxy Zelayandia 2007 Annual Donors FRIENDS We would like to thank all Committee members and volunteers. Your commitment and your hard work made our events and our summer sessions successful and fun for all who participated. Diana Aceti Danielle Aceti Natalie Adams Christina and Anthony Addison Catherine Adler Catherine Allan Joan Ammirati Sandy and Richard Anderson Wendy Appelle Jessie Araskog Lisa Arnold Charlotte Assaf Muffie Potter Aston John Auerbach Robin Avram Annette Avelle Debbie Bancroft Rhonda Banker Pamela Banker Associates John Barman Irene Barrett Audrey and Paul Beatty Mary Beatty Agnes Beaugendre Linda Beck Emma Becker Robin Bell Eileen Bennett Kelly Bensimon Christine W. Bergin Karen and Vincent Berger Arianna Bedrossian Diane Billeci Andrew Black Tish Bliss Hilary and John Block Celeste Boele Grace Bollo Paul Bollo Mary and Robert Bohner Cornelia Bostwick Elizabeth Boothby Geoffrey N. Bradfield Rosalie Brinton Thomas Britt Katy Brodsky Mary Ellen Brothers Nancy Brous Barbara Brucia Brunschwig & Fils, Inc. Shaughna Bryne Mario Buatta Tory Burch Charlotte Camacho 39 Isabel Camacho Julian Camacho Catherine Carey Shelley Carr Ali Carroll Annette Cassidy Nikki Cesta Michael Christiano Kathleen and Vincent Ciriello Laura D. Codman Eve Combemale Alicia Bouzan Cordon Blandy Coty India Cowles Gary Crain Alanna Cronin Alexis Cronin Christine Greeven Cuomo Julie Dannenberg Zita Davisson Joanne de Guardiola Brenda DePaola Robert Devinney Lyn Devon Maura Doyle Fiona Druckenmiller Gale Drukier 2007 Annual Donors FRIENDS Ashiya Dudhia Maribeth Edmonds Arlene Eisenman Linda Euell Mark Epley Bonnie Pfeifer Evans Sandy and George Fahrback Somers White Farkas Elizabeth Shiell Fekkai Pamela Gross Finkelstein Donna Fleming Susan Fore Monica Belag Forman Lisa Fox Linda Fraser Laura Lofaro Freeman Anke Friedrich Sheila O’Malley Fuchs Ben Galef Lily Galef Traudl Geraghty Stephen Gessner Victoria Ghilaga Jackie Gilhooley Alexandria Green Cathy Goldfarb Judy and Ted Goodsell Bayard Gordon Interiors Joyce Gorman Philip Gouldstone Kelly Graham Terre Grossman Ginevra Guarducci Debbie Guerin Carole Guest Debbie Guilloz Miriam and John Guldi Daisy Hackett Albert Hadley Amina Hanachi Douglas Hannant Christie Hansen Nancy Hardy Ashley Leeds Harland Dorian Hasiotis Judy Hetzel Tania and Brian Higgins Harry Hinson Diane Hinton Karen Hirdt Jackie Harris Hochberg Diane Holmes Claudia and John Hunt Denise Hurley Irene Hurly Janis Hurley Diane Hutchins Gavin Hutchison Barbara Immerman Independent Group Home Living Toni Ingarra Irvine and Fleming Inc. 40 Andrew Jabban Laila Jabban Emilie and Walter Jackson Lisa Jackson Pam Jackson Pauline Jenkins Robyn Joseph Barbara Kalvaria Raya Keis Knight Cheryl Kelly Jessie Kempner Sharon Kerr Corinne Kerz Pauline Keszler Lulu Keszler Nicky Keszler Shahrzad Khayami Maura Kiely Theresa Kiernan Diane Knappe Audrey Koehler Interiors Charlotta Kohl Felicitas Kohl Patricia Kraus Anne Lachick Linda Lambert Ulrica Lanaro Mara Landis Brenda Lee Landry Keith Langham Christine Leeds 2007 Annual Donors FRIENDS Darcy Leeds Karen LeFrak Mimi Lenihan Petra Lieb Alex Lotsch Margot Louthan Antonia Ludes Cynthia Lufkin Dottie and Jim Macaluso Margo MacNabb Sacha MacNaughton Leslie Maheras Elizabeth Mahoney Grace Mahoney Maureen and Don Mahoney Kevin Maple Prudence and Thomas Martinez James Marino Carol and James Martino Cindy Massey Christie Mayberry Dee Mayberry Lisa McCarthy Mary McCormack Helen McDowell Anne Hearst McInerney Lara McLanahan Kathy and James McLauchlen Abigail and Joseph McNamee Monique Merrill Gloria Meyers Nanette and Tony Meyers Margaret Mezynieski Janet Miceli Alanna Miller Jennifer Miller Julie Minskoff Richard Mishaan Heather Mnuchin Barbara Moller Interiors Lynn Mortimer Charlotte Moss Charles F. D. Moulton Marian Mulé Nina Mullen Rosanne and Bill Mulligan Linda A. Munn Christine Munn Sasha Munn Maxine Muster Carole Nappi Michael Nardy Adeline Neubert Fran and Joe Nill Ellen Noonan Thomas O’Brien Amelia Ogunlesi Lisa O’Kelly Elizabeth Orenstein Margie Orenstein Nancy O’Sullivan Katharina Otto-Bernstein Kim Pape Ulla Parker 41 Jan and Dave Picken Bimla Picot Kathy Pike Merritt Piro Greg Pletts Madeline, Lauren and Scott Pollock Joan Pratz Josef Pricci Cathy and Malcolm Price Vania Prusak Mary Puris Julie Anne Quay Camille Raffle Lorraine Ralph Melissa Ralph Patricia Raynes Trish Reilly Dorothy Reilly Sally Richardson Richard Ridge Sandra Ripert Maryanne Robinson John Rogers Gene Romano Todd Romano Victoria Lasdon Rose Samantha Boardman Rosen Hilary Geary Ross John Rosselli Dianne Rulnick Perri Peltz Ruttenberg 2007 Annual Donors FRIENDS Kathleen Ryan Matthew Ryan Diane Sadowski Burt Sages John F. Saladino Lisa Salibello Elisabetta Scarampi del Cairo Linda Schaller Dasha Schiavetta Lora Schiavetta Helen Schifter Pamela Schoen Scott-Ulmann, Inc. Lisa Selby Cathy Selg Gail Seylar Katie and Dhiren Shah Betty Sherrill Maureen Sherry-Klinsky Barbara Sloan Carol H. Smith James Alan Smith Lavinia Snyder Mary Souhrada Southampton Village Commission on Veteran’s Patriotic Events Southampton Village Fire Department Southampton Village Police Department Joe Spinzia Sharon Stahl Marion Stevens Steven Stolman Nancy Stone Beth Strauss Dana Hammond Stübgen Johanna Stukas Kelly Behun Sugarman Renell Sullivan Mary Lou Swift Debra Schuster Tanger Connie Tarrant Traie Teitelbaum Kristen Thompson Melinda and Gerry Topping Barbara Dana Tollis Hadi and Marie Christine Toron Danielle Udell Lynne Vandermark Robert Ventolo Ariane Walder Seth Walder Claudia Walters John Wambold Melanie Wambold Victoria Warner Elaine Webb Douglas Wilson Kathy and Roy Wines Antoinette Wisniewski Denise Wohl Jackie Worth Maryann Wright Michelle Fahrensach Wrubel Joyce Yang Mary and Tony Yarusso Iris Zönlight A NOTE TO OUR SUPPORTERS Each year the Southampton Fresh Air Home makes every effort to include the names of all our generous supporters. If we have incorrectly listed or omitted your name, we sincerely apologize. Please alert us to any errors so that we may list you correctly in our next Annual Report. If you have changed your name, or that of your listed affiliation, please call or write to us so that we may change our records and acknowledge you appropriately in the future. 42 43 OPERATING REVENUE AND EXPENSE FISCAL YEAR 2007 October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007 OPERATING REVENUE Program Fees $ 122,803 10% Donations 276,633 23% Net Event Revenue 769,721 65% 15,522 1% $1,184,679 100% $ 920,066 77% Management 122,290 10% Fundraising 151,886 13% 1,194,242 100% Miscellaneous Total Operating Revenue OPERATING EXPENSE Camp Program Total Operating Expense Net Operating Deficit $ 9,563 Complete, audited financial statements for fiscal year 2007 will be available in February, 2008. Please contact us if you would like to receive a copy. 44 Southampton Fresh Air Home 45 Southampton Fresh Air Home Contributions All contributions to the Southampton Fresh Air Home are tax deductible within the limits of the law. Please send donations to the Home at 36 Barkers Island Road, Southampton, NY 11968. Gifts That Endure The thousands of children who have come to the Southampton Fresh Air Home during the past 106 summers have done so regardless of their ability to pay for camp. Our generous scholarship programs make this possible. Your donations in the form of a bequest will make this tradition and our commitment possible throughout the 21st century. Friends who wish to provide for the Home in their wills may use this simple bequest form: I hereby give and bequeath to the Southampton Fresh Air Home, a 501(C)(3) Charitable Organization incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, the sum of $ to be used to further its general uses and purposes. Southampton Fresh Air Home 36 Barkers Island Road Southampton, New York 11968 www.sfah.org Administration: 631-283-5847 Fax: 631-283-7596 46 Map design by Bernard Biemiller