NEW Outsider Novel Study - Richard S. Fowler Catholic Junior High


NEW Outsider Novel Study - Richard S. Fowler Catholic Junior High
S.E. Hinton Websearch
You and a partner will research and answer the following
questions about S.E. Hinton, author of the novel “The
S.E Hinton’s real name is _____________________. Why does she
use her initials?____________________________________________
________________________________________________________ Where did S.E. Hinton grow up? (Hint: This is the setting for most of
her books.) ______________________________________________
What role did S.E. Hinton play in the movie “The Outsiders”?________
S.E. Hinton received a degree in what field at the university of
How old was S.E. Hinton when she wrote “The Outsiders”?__________
What is S.E. Hinton’s shortest book?___________________________
S.E. Hinton was going through a writer’s block, so her husband forced
her to write before she left the house. How many pages did she have
to write before she could leave?_______________________________
What is S.E. Hinton’s favorite hobby?___________________________
How many books has S.E. Hinton written?_______________________
Read Chapter 1 The Outsiders
Describe at least three characteristics that made Ponyboy unique
among his friends.
Draw a Venn diagram and compare and contrast the Socs and
the Greasers.
List three reasons the Greasers resent the Socs?
Explain the tension between Ponyboy and Darry. Do you think
Ponyboy is correct with what he thinks about Darry?
___________________________________________________ 5,
Explain the metaphor the author used to describe Johnny.
___________________________________________________ The Outsiders Price is Right
Name _____________
Let’s compare the 1960’s to 2013
The Outsiders takes place in the 1960’s. There are a lot of differences
between the 1960’s and 2013. Do some internet research and find out
the following…
What was the cost of the average automobile in 1960?_____________
What does an average automobile cost in 2013?__________________
What was the cost of the average pair of jeans in 1960?____________
What does an average pair of jeans cost in 2013?_________________
What was the cost of the average hair cut in 1960?_______________
What does an average hair cut cost in 2013?_____________________
What was the cost of the average university education in 1960?_______
What does an average university education cost in 2013?___________
Find pictures of ladies fashion in 1960. Paste them in your book.
Find pictures of men’s fashion in 1960. Paste them in your book.
What was the average number of tv channels in 1960?_____________
What is the average number of TV channels 2013?_______________
Read Chapter 2 The Outsiders
Reading Response Questions Ch 2
Why do you think Dally harassed Cherry and Marcia?
___________________________________________________ 2,
What caused Dally to stare at Johnny in disbelief? Why was
Dally’s response unusual for him?
___________________________________________________ 3,
Explain why Two-Bit’s trick on Johnny was especially cruel.
What argument did Cherry use to defend the Socs?
___________________________________________________ 4,
Read Chapter 3 The Outsiders
Reading Response Questions Ch 3
Wht did Cherry say that caused a “nervous bitterness” to grow in
Which of Cherry’s statements came as a big surprise to Ponyboy
and caused his mouth to drop? In your opinion, why was Pony
Explain how Darry acted as a parent when Ponyboy arrived
home late? Judge Ponyboy’s reaction. What do you think you
would have done in this situation if you were Darry?
The author used foreshadowing with the cliffhanger at the end of
the chapter. Explain or predict what might happen later in the
Read Chapter 4 The Outsiders
Reading Response Questions Ch 4
In Chapter 2 the author used foreshadowing to suggest that
Johnny might kill someone. Reread the section in which
Ponyboy describes to Cherry how Johnny was beaten up by
Socs. Find the excerpt that foreshadows the events in Chapter
4, copy it down.
Do you think that Johnny was justified in killing Bob? Justify
your answers.
Explain why the boys turned to Dally for help. In what ways did
Dally help them?
Ponyboy has always dreamed of going to the country. What was
his reaction when he finally arrived there?
Music Preferences from The Outsiders Name ___________ In chapter 4 we learned that the Greasers liked Elvis, the Soc’s like The Beatles and Buck Merril and his friends liked Hank Williams Sr. Watch the following youtube videos to give you an idea of the music that the different groups listened to. Elvis Jerry Lee Lewis Hank William Sr. The Beatles­‐Y Now is your turn to pick the music. Think about the different groups in your school today. There aren’t Greasers and Soc’s anymore but there are different groups. List a few of these groups and pick music that that group would listen to. Present them to the class in a method of your choice. You will have 1 block to prepare your presentation . Read Chapter 5 The Outsiders Reading Response Questions Ch 5
Ponyboy resisted having his hair cut. Why do you think the Greasers
place such a high value on their hair?
________________________________________________________ In what ways did Johnny compare Dally to a Southern Gentlemen in
Gone With The Wind?
________________________________________________________ Explain the significance of Robert Frost’s poem.
How did Bob’s murder affect the relationship between the Soc’s and
the Greasers?
What surprising news did Dally give Johnny and Ponyboy about
Log into and take the character Socrative quiz.
Outsiders Makeovers
In chapter 5 we learn that Johnny and Ponyboy need to disquise
themselves. Johnny cuts and dyes Ponyboy’s hair and Ponyboy cuts
Johnny’s hair. It seems to affect them deeply.
Go to
And do a virtual makeover for yourself. You can choose different hair,
makeup and styles. Have fun. Print our your favorite picture.
Or Download the app Morfo or Hair Wig Store. These apps will also
allow you to give yourself a make over.
Read Chapter 6 The Outsiders
Reading Response Questions Ch 6
Why did Johnny decide to turn himself into the police?
Describe how Johnny and Ponyboy acted heroically. Why didn’t
they take Dally’s advice?
Why did Dally suddenly enter the burning building?
Why did Dally hit Ponyboy?
What made Ponyboy realize at last that Darry loved him?
Explain what he meant by “I was finally home to stay”
Read Chapter 7 The Outsiders
Reading Response Questions Ch 7
What bad news did Ponyboy and his brothers learn about
Johnny’s condition?
The Newspaper article praised the actions of Ponyboy, Johnny
and Dallas; however, something in the column about he and his
brothers disturbed Ponyboy. Explain.
According to Randy, what did most of the Socs want from their
Why did Randy decide not to participate in the rumble?
Newspaper Article Expectation Sheet Name___________________ Writing a newspaper article is very different than writing a narrative. In a newspaper article you start with the most important information. You want to grab your reader’s attention. HEADLINE A headline is the title of your article. It is an attention getting phrase at the top of the article. Usually it is in large bold letters. Sometimes journalists use a play on words or a Pun. The headline is usually read first but written last. After you write your article, go back and reread it. Find the overall theme and then come up with an eye-­‐catching headline. BYLINE A byline is who wrote the article and for what newspaper company. It usually sits under the headline although it is sometimes in a box in the centre of the article. It is usually in a different font and smaller size. LEAD In your article, the first 25 words are called the lead. The purpose of the lead is to grab the reader’s attention. It needs to be short and dramatic. You want to answer WHO, WHAT, WHEN and WHERE in the lead. How and Why can be answered further down in the article. If you don’t grab their attention, they will probably put your newspaper down or skip onto something that does interest them. There are never any quotes in the lead. There are 5 different types of leads. Check the lead handout attached to this expectation sheet. OPINION It is important that you realize the difference between fact and opinion. Fact is what happened without any judgment added to the event. For example: During Advent, the students at Bertha Kennedy Catholic Community School raised over $5000 for the Lurana Shelter. Opinion is a judgment placed on the event. For example: During Advent, the generous students of our best Catholic school in St. Albert, raised over $5000 for the needy Lurana shelter. Newspaper articles never have the writer’s opinion in them. Look at the following sentences and see how they need to be changed to get the opinion out of them. It was the happiest day of her life! She told the interviewer “It was the happiest day of her life”. It was a nice day. The temperature outside was 30 degrees Celsius. Brian was an excellent student. Brian had a 95% average in his classes. If there is opinion in a newspaper article, it must be an opinion of someone being interviewed. If you have included the opinion of someone, you must cite the source (Tell who said it). For example: It was a terrible accident! Change that to: According to Officer Jones of the Morinville R.C.M.P., “It was the most terrible accident I’ve ever seen!” If you do not have the person’s name, you describe them as a bystander or a witness or an employee of the company. Describe why they would have been there. BIAS Bias is when you can tell which side of an issue the writer is on. For example if you are reading an article about the Prime Minister of Canada’s position on the environment and the article states words such as “crazy” or “ludicrous”, obviously the writer is not in favor of the Prime Minister’s position. There should be no bias in a newspaper article. A good article will present both sides of an issue without making judgment. INSERTIONS Insertions are an excellent way to tell the reader more information about the person being interviewed. An insertion is surrounded by commas and is placed in a sentence directly following introducing a new person into the article. Mr. Krahn, a junior high school teacher, said it was not a good idea. The insertion is a junior high school teacher. QUOTATIONS Quotations are an excellent way to add interest to your article. If you interview a witness to an accident they can add description and emotion to the article. An expert can add detail you might not have known. VOCABULARY The words that you choose for your newspaper article need to be: focused, precise and to the point. Do not use the same flowery descriptive language as you would for a narrative. You want words that are loaded with meaning but don’t have opinion or bias attached to them. Remember to use formal language. The tone of the article must be formal and impersonal. Slang would not be acceptable. TENSE Newspaper articles are always written in past tense. Do not speculate about the future. The only exception is when you write about upcoming events. Writing a News Article
Name: ____________________________________ Date: ________________
How to write your article Creative Writing
fora the
Step 1: You will be writing newspaper article about the church fire in Windrixville. Make up a fake newspaper name and a reporters Most newspapersname can be
intobyline. two major groups: ‘broadsheets’ and
to classified
put into the ‘tabloids’.
on larger sheets of paper, and
are often
smaller Yinou size,
Step 2: Gather 5 w’s. Make sure your facts are correct. can and
do this contain articles that often include imaginative details or interpretations.
by Rereading the section of the novel to remind you of details Although the evidence for many tabloid articles is scanty or non-existent, they
or to help you understand it are written in a convincing tone similar to that used in standard news articles.
have to be very careful when writing about real people, because they
Step 3
: lead pharmful
aragraph. Remember: WHO, WHAT, WHEN can be accused
ofWrite ‘libel’,your or writing
and WHERE, in the first 25 words. Writing a Tabloid Article
Step 4: Your next paragraph will explain and amplify the details around the you
fire. with
If you ave a picture his is where ttaken
o explain x Your teacher will
an hassortment
of tphotographs
magazines or newspapers.
to you. and what it is. TSelect
his is aalso where to pthat
lace appeals
the quotations interviews. Don’t forget the insertions. This is where you x Create a story based around the photograph. Remember that for the tabloids,
answer the WHY and HOW. no story is too strange.
Step the
5: checklist
Your next paragraph will be background x Using
draft your
The key toinformation. a successful tabloid
about Johnny’s murder charge and Pony’s with
article is the Information use of standard
unbelievable details.
the impossible
upcoming court date can job
go is
in to
this section. believable.
News Article Checklist
o State the date or time the incident happened/will happen.
o State who or what is affected by the incident.
o Write a description of the place where this event takes place.
o Explain in short detail what happened.
o Include any known causes for the event.
o Briefly explain how the event happened/will happen.
o List the names of any other people or events directly affected the incident.
o After the drafting the lead, check to make sure you have answered the 5W-1H
Supporting Paragraphs (Include any of the following information)
o Quotes
o Witness accounts
o Supporting details
o Description of the possible effects on the public
Photos (Optional)
o If you wish to accompany your article with a photograph, compose a caption
that explains the relationship of the photograph to your article.
The best way to develop an understanding of the way news articles are written is
to read the news. The articles in the newspaper will expose you to the language
and format, or structure, of a well-written news article. Published news articles
are not perfect, however, and sometimes contain mistakes, misquotes, or
opinions. Using an article from the newspaper, complete the following chart.
(Some articles may not contain all the elements.) Can you find any mistakes?
Author or News Source:
Subject Matter:
Target Audience:
5W-1H Questions in Lead:
Supporting Paragraph(s) Summary:
Eyewitness Accounts/Quotes:
Other Supporting Evidence:
Embedded Biases/Opinions:
Misprints/Convention Errors:
Finding Common Ground
The Greasers and the Socs lived in two separate “worlds”, unlikely to
ever see the need to live harmoniously together. No one was seen as
an individual by the members of the opposing gang, just “lumped” into
the category of Greaser or Soc and left there. Ponyboy, Johnny, TwoBit, Cherry, Marcia and Randy were quite surprised to discover that
members of rival groups could be individuals with hopes and fears,
humor and pain.
Suppose they had the opportunity and the desire to learn about each
other sooner. Do you think the tragedies that filled The Outsiders
could have been avoided? Perhaps, if the teachers at Ponyboy’s high
school had grouped their students so that people who were different
could see that they had similarities, tension between the gangs could
have lessened.
Mr. Krahn is going to hand out pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. These
pieces will go together forming 4 different groups in the class. Find
your group now by trying to put your piece together with other people.
You will not know if your group is finished until everyone in the class
has a group.
This is your group to answer the following questions.
In your group find out what kind of toothpaste everyone uses. List
them here in order from the most used to the least used
Find out what city everyone was born in. List them here in order from
the most kids born there to the least kids born there.
Find out the birth order of each member in the group. List the number
of first born, middle kids and youngest here.
So far these questions have shown us what we may have in common
with these people. Now answer these questions.
What is the best place to go on vacation? Your group can only have
one answer. Try to get people to agree with your
What is the best kind of pizza? Your group can only have one answer.
Try to get people to agree with your
As you can tell, it is almost impossible to get everyone to 100% agree
on everything. It is quite easy to find items that you can partially
agree or to find common ground. Do you think that there will be
peace between the Greasers and the Socs now that the rumble is
If you were teachers in Ponyboy’s high school, what would you do to
help make peace amongst the two groups? List at least 4 ideas.
Read Chapter 8 The Outsiders
Reading Response Questions Ch 8
Why was it important that Johnny be able to see “Gone With the
Wind” when he awoke?
Do you agree with Johnny’s decision not to see his mother?
Explain the following statement: “The only thing that keeps
Darry from bein a Soc is us”
What qualities did Cherry admire both in Bob and in Dally?
Read Chapter 9 The Outsiders
Reading Response Questions Ch 9
Compare the greasers with Tim Shepard’s gang and the gang
from Brumly.
Why did Darry feel hatred for Paul Holden? How did Ponyboy
react to that hatred?
Who won the rumble? How was the winner determined?
Just before he died, Johnny said, Stay Gold, Ponyboy. Stay
gold… What did he mean?
Words of Advice
Ponyboy receives two pieces of advice at the end of Chapter 9.
“I was crazy, you know that kid? Crazy for wantin’
Johnny to stay outa trouble, for not wantin’ him to
get hard. If he’d been like me he’d never have been
in this mess. If he’d got smart like me he’d never had
run into that church. That’s what you get for helpin’
people. Editorials in the paper and a lot of trouble…
You’d better wise up, Pony… you get tough like me and
you don’t get hurt. You look out for yourself and nothing’
can touch you.”
Dallas Winston
“Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold…
Johnny Cade
Answer the following questions.
Which advisor do you think Ponyboy will be inclined to follow?
Whose advice would you be more apt to follow? Why?
Can you defend the advice you did not choose in #2? Do your
best to defend this point of view.
Which advise do you feel the majority of the people you know
and have as friends would follow? Why?
In the light of the events that happened up through Chapter 9,
what new advise would you have given Ponyboy? Neatly write
this in the box. Then cut it out and staple it onto the bulletin
Read Chapter 10 The Outsiders
Reading Response Questions Ch 10
1. Ponyboy commented, “Johnny was dead. But he wasn’t.”
Explain what he meant._________________________________
2. What did Ponyboy mean when he said, “It was only yesterday…
but yesterday was years ago. A lifetime ago”?______________
3. Why did Dally want to be dead?__________________________
4. Why did Ponyboy want to know if he had asked for Darry when
he was sick?_________________________________________
___________________________________________________ Read Chapter 11 The Outsiders
Reading Response Questions Ch 11
Why did Ponyboy hope Bob’s parents hated him and the other
Guess why Randy came to visit Ponyboy_________________
_________________________________________________ 3.
Why did Ponyboy try to assume responsibility for the stabbing
death of Bob?______________________________________
_________________________________________________ 4.
What was significant about Darry calling Ponyboy “little
Read Chapter 12 The Outsiders
Reading Response Questions Ch 12
Why was Two-Bit relieved when Ponyboy picked up the
Why did Soda bolt from the room when Ponyboy and Darry
were arguing?_____________________________________
Soda’s heartfelt comments helped Ponyboy come to an
important realization about his relationship with Darry.
How did Johnny’s letter effect Ponyboy’s choice of a theme for
his English paper?___________________________________
“The Outsiders”
Gr.8 Novel Study Projects
You will be required to complete one of the following projects described below.
Be sure to review the requirements for each of the following assignments. If there
are any questions regarding these projects please be sure to discuss them with
your teacher. You will be required to complete the projects according to the
following timeline:
Project due:________________________________
Outsiders Glossary / Dictionary Compile a list of words / terms
(minimum 20 words) specific to the time period that his novel was written
(1960ʼs). Define each term and provide an interesting and colorful illustration
for ten of the terms listed.
Character sketches for movie sequel. Assume that S.E Hinton has
chosen to write a sequel to “The Outsiders”. In this sequel there will be two new
characters (“Greasers”) introduced in the sequel. Create a character sketch for
each of these new characters. Be sure to include an attribute web for each of
these characters.
Movie Promotional Poster. The “Outsiders” is about to be remade into a
new movie and you have been chosen to design the promotional poster. Include
the title and author of the novel, producer, director and a listing of the main
characters and the contemporary actors who will play these roles. In addition to
graphic / visual drawings you will need to include a brief written description of the
movie on the front of your poster.
Gang Car Flags. Create flags for the “Greasers” and “Socʼs” that they
would attach to their cars. These flags need to be drawn to scale. Furthermore,
they should represent each group accurately and must be colorful and visually
“The Outsiders” Trivia Board Game. Create a board game that
challenges the players understanding of the novel. Your board game must
include a minimum of 20 trivia questions, board, player pieces and a clear
description of the rules of the game. You may wish to refer to other trivia / board
games for ideas.
“Chapter 13”. Write a thirteenth chapter to the novel from the point of
view of a character other than Ponyboy (ie., Sodapop, Darry, Cherry, etc.). Be
sure to follow correct paragraph format and your written work must be a minimum
of two typed pages in length.
Comic Strip. Design an eight panel comic strip that represents an event /
scene from the story.
Letter to S.E. Hinton. Write a personal letter to S.E. Hinton and tell her
what you liked about “The Outsiders”. You should also ask her any questions you
might have in addition to making suggestions about how she could write a
sequel to this story. This letter must be in personal letter format and must be a
minimum of two typed pages in length.
Juxtapose Collage. Create a collage that contrasts and compares the
Greasers and the Socs. You may use a combination of pictures from magazines,
imported graphics (ie., internet) and hand drawn illustrations that symbolize or
represent these two groups. This assignment should be on poster size paper,
colorful in appearance and creatively organized.
Book Jacket. Design a new book “jacket” or cover that would effectively represent
this novel. The book jacket will require all elements (ie., cover, spine and back). Book
title, author, a brief written description and illustrations must be included.
CD cover and Sound Track. Select 4 songs that would represent four scenes
from the novel “The Outsiders”. These are songs that could become part of the “new”
soundtrack for a new version of the movie. Design a CD cover for the four soundtracks
that you have selected. The graphics on the CD cover must be hand drawn. Be prepared
to briefly play part of each selection and explain why you think that it would accurately
represent a specific scene from “The Outsiders”.
Song Analysis. Select a song and provide an analysis (past or present)
that clearly discusses the entire song and shows how it relates to “The
Outsiders”. Your analysis will include the lyrics to the song and a written
description that indicates why the song chosen would accurately represent this
novel. Be sure to provide details that specifically compare the song to the novel.
Study Guide “The Outsiders”
This exam will be a variety of types of questions. There are fill in the
blank, multiple choice, short answer, matching and true or false.
Write a brief emotional and physical description for each of the
following characters. Then write one thing the character is
known for. Find the information out of the novel.
Johnny Cade is known for:_________________________________________
Emotional description: (At least 2 things)_____________________________
Physical description:(At least 4 things)_______________________________
Ponyboy Curtis is known for:_______________________________________
Emotional description: (At least 2 things)_____________________________
Physical description:(At least 4 things)_______________________________
Randy is known for:_____________________________________________
Emotional description: (At least 2 things)_____________________________
Physical description:(At least 4 things)_______________________________
Bob Sheldon is known for:_________________________________________
Emotional description: (At least 2 things)_____________________________
Physical description:(At least 4 things)_______________________________
Sodapop Curtis is known for:_______________________________________
Emotional description: (At least 2 things)_____________________________
Physical description:(At least 4 things)_______________________________
Darry Curtis is known for:_________________________________________
Emotional description: (At least 2 things)_____________________________
Physical description:(At least 4 things)_______________________________
Cherry Valance is known for:_______________________________________
Emotional description: (At least 2 things)_____________________________
Physical description:(At least 4 things)_______________________________
Tim Shepard is known for:_________________________________________
Emotional description: (At least 2 things)_____________________________
Physical description:(At least 4 things)_______________________________
Two-Bit Matthews is known for:_____________________________________
Emotional description: (At least 2 things)_____________________________
Physical description:(At least 4 things)_______________________________
Vocabulary: Write the definitions
in your own words
Bewildering ___________________________________________________
Answer the following questions:
Briefly describe the life of a Soc.
Briefly describe the life of a Greaser
What does hair mean to a Greaser.
______________________________________________________________ Think about the many settings for this novel. Choose one and describe it
using at least 7 descriptors.
You will want to go through the vocab and the questions. Be able to use the
vocabulary words in a sentence and be able to describe the relationships
between the main characters.