2015 howick-turnberry fall fair book
2015 howick-turnberry fall fair book
Howick Agricultural Society Presents Farm Gate To Dinner Plate October 2nd – 4th 2015 At The 156th Howick-Turnberry Fall Fair OFFICIAL FAIR BOOK Update Re Indoor Exhibits **Notice to all indoor exhibitors** All indoor exhibits will be left up until 4:00 Saturday afternoon at which time they may be picked up. To obtain more Prize Lists contact Carol Donaldson 519-335-6148 [email protected] Also find this official Fair Book at our website www.howickagriculturalsociety.ca INDEX Class Content Page ............... Presidents Message ................................ 3 ............... Ambassadors Message ........................... 4 ............... HomeCraft Presidents Message............ 5 …………..Howick Turnberry 4H……………….….5 …………..Howick Farmer’s Market……………….6 ............... Sponsorship Program............................ 7 ............... Agricultural Society Info ....................... 8 ............... Fair/Exhibitor Rules & Regulations ... 14 C............. Roots and Vegetables ........................... 17 D ............ Fruit ........................................................ 19 E ............. Flowers and Plants ............................... 26 F ............. Culinary Arts......................................... 29 G ............ Sewing & Needlework......................... 40 H ............ Crafts ...................................................... 44 I .............. Junior Department ............................... 49 J .............. Pet Show ................................................ 58 K ............ 4H Competition .................................... 59 L ............. Displays & Posters ............................... 61 P ............. OAAS Photography Competition ...... 64 Q ............ Horses..................................................... 66 R............. Hog Carcass Competition & Auction . 68 S ............. Grain ...................................................... 69 T ............. Field Crop Competition ....................... 70 156th Howick-Turnberry Fall Fair Friday October 2nd to Sunday October 4th, 2015 If you have any questions about a specific item in a Class, please contact the person listed with the phone number, at the beginning of the Class. You will also find all this info on our website www.howickagriculturalsociety.ca Come Visit us often. 2 President’s Message It is my pleasure to welcome everyone to the 156th HowickTurnberry Fall Fair. The theme of this year’s fair is “Farm Gate to Dinner Plate”. Come out and browse the exhibits which will be on display till the Sunday this year, take in the entertainment throughout the fair, and enjoy coffee and pie at the hospitality booth. I would like to take this opportunity to mention some special events that are happening at the fair. Come out and enjoy a great breakfast Saturday morning, compete in the human truck pull, take in the light horse show, walk around and view the display of Case tractors. Come out and bid on some excellent pork at the famous pork auction Friday night. We are once again having a great midway for all to enjoy. Also, on Sunday we will be having a delicious fish fry. I have the privilege of thanking all of our loyal and hard working volunteers who donate countless hours in the months before the fair and also the days of the fair. Without these volunteers the fair would never happen. The generosity of our many donors and sponsors who donate cash and gifts, is greatly appreciated. The gifts are used as special prizes for our exhibitors and also as prizes in our Chinese Auction. Last but certainly not least, I would like to extend my thanks on behalf of the Fair Board to all the exhibitors. Your hard work and creativity are what make the fair exhibits and displays so interesting for everyone who attends the fair. Thank you to each and every one for your efforts. My hope is that you will enjoy the many events and activities that the 156th Howick-Turnberry Fall Fair has to offer. Come and visit with your neighbours, have some friendly competition with your friends and neighbours and see the efforts of those who exhibit in our community. Come out and enjoy an awesome time! There Is Something For Everyone! Sincerely, Bart Scherpenzeel, President 3 Ambassador Message: Everyone says “time flies when you’re having fun”, well that is a perfect way to sum up my year as the 2014/2015 Howick Turnberry Fall Fair Ambassador. My year was off to a great start when I went to the public schools to talk about the fair. Everyone had so many questions and they were all so excited and couldn’t wait for the weekend! I then got to attend the fair all 3 days and despite the rain, it was fantastic! I got all the candy apples and french fries I could eat, and I enjoyed the whole weekend, especially the pet show, the cake decorating contest, and the pork auction. I loved being such a big part of the fair. As a kid I always attended every year and to be the ambassador this year was a great addition to my memories of the fair that I will talk about in the near and far future. My year continued when I went to the OAAS convention at the Royal York Hotel where I had the pleasure of meeting over 90 other ambassadors! We got to know each other a bit better at the icebreaker party and during the 3 days we were there I learned so much about the other agricultural fairs and agriculture in general. A few months later along came the district 8 competition where we played team building games all day and ended the night saying our speeches and the new district 8 ambassador was crowned. As my journey as fair ambassador continued I was asked by the Women’s Institute (my sponsor for the competition), to write an essay to apply for a scholarship! What an exciting moment when I got it. In late June I was headed to Manitoba/ North Dakota to go to the Peace Garden… I couldn’t have had a better time that week. I got to meet girls from different provinces which included Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec. I am looking forward to attending the other fairs in district 8 in the months ahead as well as the cruise night, the farmers market, and other community events. I have many more fun things to do before my year is over, and I will look back on this experience with a smile and some great memories! I hope to see everyone at this year’s fair while I accompany the 2015/2016 ambassador. I am confident that in the years to come our fair will continue to bring everyone together as a community and be a fun filled weekend for all ages. Sincerely, Jess Walther 4 Homecraft President’s Message On behalf of the Homecraft Division, we welcome you to the 156th Howick Turnberry Fall Fair. Our theme is “Farm Gate to Dinner Plate”, featuring local produce and homemade products. We would like to invite EVERYONE within our local communities to become involved with our fair by volunteering, exhibiting or attending. Volunteers of all ages are needed to make the first weekend in October a truly wonderful event! See you there! Velma Sothern & Lorraine Strong, Homecraft Presidents Howick-Turnberry 4-H 4H is a grassroots organization of leaders building leaders. 4H emphasizes the importance of looking at the big picture; that youth need to see beyond themselves and focus on how their actions affect their relationships, their community, the environment and society as a whole. 4-H has grown considerably this year, with several new clubs available to children ages 9 - 21, as well as Cloverbuds, open to children 6 - 8 years old. On Sunday, October 4th, the Sheep, Rabbit and Horse clubs will hold their Achievement program at the fair, beginning in the morning. Children who are 6 years old by January 1st are welcome to join the Cloverbud program in 2016. Those who are 9 years old by January 1st may join any regular clubs offered in 2016. Clubs being offered will be available in “What’s Happening in Howick” Newsletter. Howick 4-H Club [email protected] 5 Howick Farmers’ Market Already in it's 5th season, the Howick Farmers' Market, is a popular place to be on a Saturday morning. Open 9 - 12 noon from the first Saturday in June to the last Saturday in September, the market features vendors selling veggies and fruits, delicious breads, cookies and pies along with pork, beef and lamb, jams and preserves. Other vendors are offering beautifully handcrafted items in wood and fabric. Rounding out the selection are Tupperware, Steeped Tea, Epicure and bags by "31". Three picnic tables provide a popular spot where market goers can sit and relax, visit with friends and neighbours and enjoy coffee and muffins sold by members of the Howick Agriculture Society. Burgers and sausages on a bun are available hot off the BBQ! We invite everyone to visit the Howick Farmers' Market. We know that you will enjoy the friendly atmosphere and the quality and variety of our vendors' products. The Market Committee 6 Sponsors & Donors of the Howick Agricultural Society The cost of organizing and promoting successful events is forever increasing, thus, our reliance upon generous donations grows each year. We recognize that sponsors / donors are major contributors to the success and future of our fair. Your support and assistance is always greatly appreciated. We appreciate the support from our sponsors / donors that has greatly assisted in financing each Fair in previous years. In 2013 the Howick Agricultural Society introduced a Sponsorship Program Different levels of sponsorship have been selected and each level has listed benefits for the sponsor. Again this year our Fair Book not only lists sponsors / donors, but also features ads from our sponsors. We are grateful and appreciative of all our Howick-Turnberry Fall Fair Donors/Sponsors. Your support, at any level, is received with heartfelt thanks. You will be supporting the foundation of this community. Sponsorships Platinum $750 plus 4 weekend passes to the fair 4 complimentary pie/coffee tokens Full page ad in the Fair book (3.5” x 10”) Name listed under Platinum sponsorships in Fair book Business website link on the Howick Ag Society website May supply and erect a sign at their sponsored event Gold $500 to $749 2 weekend passes to the fair 4 complimentary pie/coffee tokens Three quarter page ad in the Fair book (3.5” x 7.5”) Name listed under Gold sponsorships in the Fair book Business website link on the Howick Ag Society website May supply and erect a sign at their sponsored event Silver $250 to $499 4 one day passes to the fair 4 complimentary pie/coffee tokens Half page ad in the Fair book (3.5” x 5”) Name listed under Silver sponsorships in the Fair book and on the Howick Ag Society website Bronze $100 to $249 2 one day passes to the fair 2 complimentary pie/coffee tokens One fifth page ad in the Fair book (3.5” x 2”) Name listed under Bronze sponsorships in Fair book and on the Howick Ag Society website Friends of the Fair Any donation up to $99 Name listed under Friends of the Fair in the Fair book and on the Howick Ag Society website 7 Howick Agricultural Society Officers for 2015 President………………………………..Bart Scherpenzeel 1st Vice President……………………...Christian Feldskov 2nd Vice President…………………….Verdun Zurbrigg Secretary……………………………….. Treasurer ............................................. Lorraine Strong Superintendent of Grounds ................ ............... Superintendent of Hall........................ Christian Feldskov Honorary Directors Mrs. Jean Clarkson, David Dinsmore, Mrs. Warren Fines, Mrs. Harold Gibson, Phyllis McMichael, Glenn McMichael, Mrs. Elmer Harding, Ethel McMichael, Ron McMichael, John Mundell, Alieda Murray, Lyle Murray, Carol Shelley, Ron Shelley Directors Jean Dinsmore Marion Feldskov Mark Harding Gerda Meyer Marion Pfeffer Velma Sothern Lorraine Strong Rosemary Rognvaldson Skylar Whitehead Associate Directors Marianne Aeberhard Larry Ash Amanda deBoer Ron Douglas Norman Fairles Gordon Funk Kim McCoy Gordon McKeen Kim Biglow Nathan Elford Darcy Garniss Angela Wilken Home Craft Directors Co-Presidents ................................... Lorraine Strong ................................... Velma Sothern Past President .................................. Rosemary Rognvaldson Secretary ........................................... Dana Aeberhard Mrs. Jocelyn Daunt Carol Donaldson Judith Ann Douglas Stacey Feldskov Mrs. Jean McGrath Linda Miller Kim Pfeffer Tammy Scherpenzeel Lindsay Underwood Elaine Ash Carolyn deBoer Sharon Douglas Elly Emmerton Leone Foerter Margaret Hogg Ashley Pfeffer Velma Sothern Jory Willits 8 Leone Crewson Diane deJong Angela Elford Edna Fairles Gillian Fozard Esther Hallman Lovina Ruttan Jenna Strong School Fair President .................................................... Candice Hallman Past President ............................................ Mary Hall Secretary .................................................... Assistant Secretary.................................... Ethel McMichael School Fair Directors: Kathy McMillan, Susan Thompson All school work is to be done in the classroom, and entered by the teachers in June. Special prize for the top two individuals at Howick Central School & Maitland River Elementary School with the most points in school fair entries—a cash prize, donated by David R. Myer Design, Fordwich. The School Fair Committee and the Junior Department wish to especially thank the principals, teachers, school secretaries, and parents for their support. Fair Ambassador Competition Committee: Chair, Tammy Scherpenzeel, 519-327-9604 Dianne deJong, David Scherpenzeel, Jessica Walther The Ambassador Competition will be held on Saturday, September 19th 2015. The Competition will be open to the public at 7:30 pm at the Howick Community Centre. Come out and support the contestants and see who will be the Howick-Turnberry Fall Fair Ambassador for 2015. Friends of the Fair Volunteers Claudia deJong, Ashley Pfeffer, Brianna Pfeffer, Jory Willits David Scherpenzeel, Agricultural Display Committee: Christian Feldskov, 519-335-3964 Larry Ash, Amanda deBoer, Kim McCoy John Mundell, Angela Wilken Display is sponsored by: Howick Agricultural Society Allan Johnston Limited, Listowel Libro Financial Services, Wingham 9 Past Presidents of Howick Agricultural Society 1859 - W.G. Walker* 1886 - 97 J.H. Johnston* 1918 - 19 W. H. Gregg* 1922 – 23 Elmer Fallis* 1926 - 27 Harvey Sparling* 1930 - 31 Thos. Lovell* 1934 – 37 A. W. Keil* 1940 - 41 Norman Wade* 1944 - 45 John Winter* 1948 - 49 Roy Strong* 1952 – 53 Harold Robinson* 1956 - 57 Samuel J. Robinson* 1960 - 61 Norman Harding* 1964 - 65 Robert Connell* 1968 - 69 Glenn McMichael 1972 - 73 Oscar Kieffer* 1976 - 77 David Dinsmore 1980 - 81 Stewart Rowley 1984 - 85 Ralph Dickson 1988 - 89 Ron Douglas 1992 - 93 Wendell Stamper* 1996 - 97 David Lockie 2000 - 01 Alieda Murray 2004 - 05 Gordon McKeen 2008 - 09 Richard Donaldson 1884 - 85 John Kaine* 1916 - 17 James Downey* 1920 - 21 A. E. Toner* 1924 - 25 Wm. Stinson* 1928 - 29 Robert Graham* 1932 - 33 R. F. Edgar* 1938 - 39 George Baker* 1942 - 43 C. E. Gregg* 1946 - 47 Wm. Campbell* 1950 – 51 Robert Gibson* 1954 - 55 Irving Toner* 1958 - 59 John Strong* 1962 – 63 Ron McMichael 1966 - 67 Wm. Wilson* 1970 - 71 Scott Clarkson* 1974 - 75 Elmer Harding* 1978 - 79 Norman Fairles 1982 - 83 Ted Fraser* 1986 – 87 Rick McCann 1990 - 91 Harry Winkel 1994 - 95 Bart Scherpenzeel 1998 - 99 Alan Willits 2002 -03 Murray Donaldson 2006 - 07 Bart Scherpenzeel 2010 - 11 Laurie Willits Past Presidents – Home Craft Division 1955 - 56 Florence Gibson* 1960 - 61 Margaret Robinson* 1968 – 69 Marian Johnston* 1972 – 73 Phyllis McMichael 1976 – 77 Jean Dinsmore 1980 – 81 Sharon Agla 1984 – 85 Leone Foerter 1988—89 Sharon Douglas 1992—93 Ethel McMichael 1996—97 Mary Lou Rowley 2000—01 Freda Dennis* 2003—04 Tracey DeBoer 2007—09 Marianne Aeberhard 1957 – 59 Cora Campbell* 1962 – 67 Evelyn Wilson* 1970 – 71 Jean Clarkson 1974 – 75 Ruth Harding 1978 – 79 Edna Fairles 1982 – 83 Alieda Murray 1986—87 Clara Gibson 1990—91 Joyce Lockie 1994—95 Gerda Meyer 1998—99 Shirley Hart* 2001—02 Laurie Willits 2005—06 Carol Donaldson 2010—13 Rosemary Rognvaldson Deceased * Past Presidents – School Fair 1988 – 89 Alieda Murray 1990 – 91 Nancy Corrigan 1992 – 94 Mary Lou Rowley 1995 – 97 Susan Underwood 1998 – 01 Carole A. Klingenberg 2002 – 08 June Lise 2009 – 10 Linda Brunkard 2011—14 MaryHall 10 Howick – Turnberry Fair Queens and Ambassadors 1971 – 72 Elaine Kieffer 1972 – 73 Elizabeth Nielson 1973 – 74 Susan Bridge 1974 – 75 Nancy Brent 1975 – 76 Elizabeth Armstrong 1976 – 77 Kim Baylor 1977 – 78 Twyla Dickson 1978 – 79 Barbara Harkness 1979 – 80 Mary Sanderson 1980 – 81 Janice McMichael 1981 – 82 Karen McMichael 1982 – 83 Diane McLean 1983 – 84 Kim Statia 1984 – 85 Coral Lockie 1985 – 86 Carole Hohenadel 1986 – 87 Michelle Statia 1987 – 88 Erika Hooftman 1988 – 89 Linda Wilson 1989 – 90 Janice Mann 1990 – 91 Carolyn Winkel 1991 – 92 Michelle Eadie 1992 – 93 Vicki Leppington 1993—94 Mary Feldskov 1994—95 Angela Howitt 1995—96 Richie Opal 1996 – 97 Heather Hall 1997 – 98 Rachel Jacques 1998 – 99 Melissa Noble 1999 – 00 Karen Prentice 2000 – 01 Grace King 2001 – 02 Stephanie Jacques 2002 – 03 Crystal Stewart 2003 – 04 Leonard Feldskov 2004 – 05 Lindsay Willits 2005 – 06 Alexandrea Peel 2006 – 07 Janine Stamper 2007 - 08 Emily Ann Douglas 2008 – 09 Kate Underwood 2009 – 10 Jory Willits 2010 – 11 Zak Ashley 2011 – 12 Taylor Gilkinson 2012—13 Claudia deJong 2013—14 Alison Underwood The Howick Agricultural Society is pleased to announce that Len Reimer, Chaplain of Transport for Christ & Vernon Erb, a Truck Driving Farmer will be guest speakers at the Annual Fall Fair Church Service, Sunday, September 27, 10:30 a.m. Join us for a pot Luck Lunch and a time of fellowship following the service 11 Patrick Street, Fordwich, ON N0G 1V0 Phone 519-335-6666 12 13 Howick-Turnberry Fall Fair Rules and Regulations 1. The annual membership for 2015 is $5.00. A membership card allows free admission to the Fair on either Friday night, or Saturday or Sunday. 2. Admission: No admission to the Fair without: a ticket, membership card, weekend pass or special permit. Adults $5.00 daily Weekend pass $10, allows admission all three days Children; Pre-school Free Under the age of 12 $1.00 12 and over adult rate $5.00 All drivers and occupants of vehicles must have tickets. A livestock/horse exhibitor and driver are admitted free 3. The society shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or accident occurring to any person or property on the fair grounds during the fair. While the officers and directors of this Society will use every available means of preventing accidents in and about the grounds it must be strictly understood that all persons going into or upon the grounds must personally assume all risk of accidents or injury from accidents, or from any cause whatsoever. Exhibitors 4. Entry forms must be completed and returned to the Fair Secretary no later than 12 noon Friday morning, together with proof of membership. 5. The exhibit hall will be open to receive entry forms and exhibits Thursday evening from 7:00pm to 9:00 pm and Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Entries arriving after 12 noon will be disqualified. All exhibitors are expected to leave the exhibit hall promptly at noon. 6. All exhibitors taking a prize of $5.00 or more must leave $5.00 in the hands of the Fair Secretary for next year’s membership. 7. Tickets or ribbons indicate the following prizes Red 1st, Blue 2nd White 3rd. No one shall be allowed to display any badges or prize tickets secured at other shows. 8. The judges shall have it in their power to withhold a premium in cases where they do not deem the article or animal exhibited to be worthy of one. 9. Any person who shall attempt to: interfere with the judges or officers of the society while in the discharge of their duties or on the premises of the society; use any contemptuous or abusive language shall be immediately removed from the grounds. He/she shall also forfeit all prizes to which he/she would otherwise be entitled and may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, also be disqualified from competing in the Society’s show for one or more years. 14 10. No person shall be allowed to enter for exhibition more than one specimen in any section of any class. 11. All samples of grain, seed, roots and garden produce must have been grown the present season on land owned or rented by the exhibitor. 12. All exhibitors showing stock, produce or other articles n o t their own property or of their own manufacture s h a l l forfeit any and all prizes awarded to them. Note: Horses may be legally leased. Competitors up to age 18 may show animals loaned to them for showing. 13. NO article or animal shall be removed from the exhibit hall or grounds until 4:00 pm Saturday. PRIZE MONEY WILL BE FORFIETED IF EXHIBITS ARE REMOVED BEFORE 4:00pm Saturday. 14. Prize money will not be paid if won in any way contrary to the regulations and exhibits winning by fraud will forfeit all prizes won. 15. Prize money will be paid between October 15th and October 30th. All prize money not cashed and special prizes not collected before December 30th of the same year will become the property of the Society. PLEASE CASH ALL CHEQUES PROMPTLY. 16. All prize money offered at this Fair, if not competed for, shall become the property of the Society. 17. With the exception of Juniors all First year exhibitors are asked to indicate that they are a First year exhibitor on the entry tag. 18. In the case of bad or unfavourable weather or other reasons causing receipts to fall short of covering prize money and expenses, the directors may, at their discretion, either deduct a proportionate amount, exclusive of membership, from cash prizes or use funds from Society reserves to enable the Directors to balance the accounts without loss to the Society. Additional rules and regulations for Livestock and Pet Exhibitors 19. Livestock (horses excepted) and pets must be on the grounds by 10:00 am Saturday. 20. Animals are allowed to compete only in the class in which they first entered. 21. All animals are shown at the risk of the owners. 22. Horses must be entered and on the fair grounds before noon on Saturday. 15 12 23. No person shall be allowed to ride or drive horses on the show grounds faster than a walk except when in the show ring. The penalty for such an offense is immediate removal from the show grounds 24. All juniors must wear appropriate Government approved equine helmets and shoes with heels. 25. HORSES MUST BE SHOWN IN THE RING BEFORE PRIZE MONEY WILL BE PAID. 26. No single entry fee for horses. 27. Exhibitors taking a prize of $5.00 or over must leave $5.00 in the hands of the Fair Secretary for next year’s membership. 28. No Article or animal shall be removed from the exhibit hall or grounds until 4.00 pm Saturday. PRIZE MONEY WILL BE FORFEITED IF ANIMALS ARE REMOVED BEFORE 4.00 pm. Note: Any information collected by the Howick Agricultural Society regarding members, exhibitors, commercial exhibitors, sponsors, directors and any other persons related directly to the business of the Howick Agricultural Society and the Howick-Turnberry Fall Fair, will be solely used for the purposes of promotion of the Howick Agricultural Society and the Howick -Turnberry Fall Fair, and for the maintenance of their files and database. Any member, exhibitor, commercial exhibitor, sponsor or director realizes that when they agree to take part in the Howick Agricultural Society and the Howick-Turnberry Fall Fair, that the names may be published for these reasons only. None of this information whatsoever will be sold or transferred to any outside party for any reason. 16 Roots and Vegetables - Class C Committee: Judith Ann Douglas (335-3802) Gordon McKeen, Denice Glaze Root crops may be washed or cleaned with a dry cloth (scrubbing is prohibited). Taproot and at least ½ inch (2 cm.) of top to be left in-tact. NOTE: Most points may be won in one category only. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 6 beans, green 6 beans, yellow 4 beets, long (cylinder) 4 beets, pickling, 1 ½ inches (6 cm.) diameter 4 beets, table slicing Cabbage, 2 heads, green Cabbage, 2 heads, red Cabbage, 2 heads, savoy 6 carrots, long 6 carrots, short, not to exceed 4 inches (10 cm) Cauliflower, 1 head 2 citrons 2 cucumbers, green 2 cucumbers, pickling, not to exceed 4 inches (10 cm) 2 cucumbers, slicing, English or cylinder 2 cucumbers, ripe Dill, 3 heads (bunched) Garlic, 2 heads Kale, 2 heads (Flowering kale not eligible) 2 kohlrabi 3 leeks 6 onions, Dutch sets 6 onions, Multipliers 6 onions, Red 6 onions, White Spanish 6 onions, Red Spanish 3 parsnips 3 peppers, green 3 peppers, red 3 peppers, yellow 3 peppers, “hot” (1 of each kind) 10 potatoes, red, to be identified as to variety 10 potatoes, russet 10 potatoes, white, to be identified as to variety 10 potatoes, yellow, to be identified as to variety 2 pumpkins, field 2 pumpkins, pie Rhubarb, 5 stems, tops trimmed to a 3 inch arc 2 squash, buttercup, to be identified as to variety 2 squash, butternut, to be identified as to variety 2 squash. Hubbard, to be identified as to variety 2 squash, pepper (acorn), to be identified as to variety 2 squash, spaghetti, to be identified as to variety 6 tomatoes, cherry, red, stems on 6 tomatoes, cherry, green, stems on 6 tomatoes, green, stems on 6 tomatoes, red, stems on 6 tomatoes, yellow or orange low acid type, stems on 6 tomatoes, plum (Roma or paste) 17 50. 1 zucchini, no longer than 12 inches (30 cm) Prizes for above (1– 50) $ 2.00, $1.50, $1.00 51. Collection of gourds in 6 quart basket $10.00, $5.00, $3.00 52. Collection of root vegetables, 3 of each $10.00, $5.00, $3.00 53. Collection of 5 different herbs, (labeled, not potted) may be fresh or dried $10.00, $5.00, $3.00 54. Display of collection of fall vegetables, 3 ft x 4 ft space allotted, old utensils may be used, minimum of 10 different vegetables, not necessarily fair theme. $15.00, $10.00, $5.00 55. Open to anyone—scarecrow made entirely from different vegetables $5.00, $3.00, $2.00 56. Fall Puffball Hunt Competition: largest puffball (by diameter measurement—not over ripe) $15.00, $10.00, $7.00 57. Smallest puffball (by diameter measurement) $5.00 Prize money for 56 & 57 donated by Directors 58. Strangest vegetable $ 2.00, $1.50, $1.00 59. Longest Zucchini $ 2.00, $1.50, $1.00 60. Special: First Time vegetable exhibitor with most points cash prize donated by Floyd & Liz Allan, Wroxeter 61. Most points (1—50) prize donated by Lynn Hoy Enterprises, Wingham 62. Most points (51—55) prize donated by BDO Canada LLP, Wingham 18 Fruit – Class D Committee: Judith Ann Douglas (335-3802) Gordon McKeen, Denice Glaze Apples – 5 of each 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Wealthy Northern Spy Spartan Red Delicious Golden Delicious Courtland Ida Red McIntosh Red Crab apples, any variety Other fruits 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 6 plums, black or purple 6 pears, yellow 6 pears, green 2 musk melon (cantaloupe) 2 watermelons Prizes for above: (1 - 14) $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 15. Display of Ontario Fruit, at least 5 different species of fruits, purchased or home grown. [Grown in Ontario only] Prizes for above: $10.00, $5.00, $3.00 Prize Money for the above donated by Back to Basics Touch Therapy, Wroxeter 16. Most points in Class D (1-15) Prize money donated by Bruce Kennedy Carpentry 19 20 ALES S R A ED C & US 21 22 23 24 GOLF CART SALES AND SERVICE CLASSIC CAR SALES AMD RESTORATION GREEN’S MEAT MARKET & ABATTOIR R. R. # 2, Wingham, Ontario N0G 2w0 519-357-2912 Thank you for handling the pigs and preparing the meat for the auction on Friday evening 25 Flowers and Plants – Class E Committee: Irene Judge (327-8930), Diane deJong, Audrey Gibson and Helpers All exhibits must be in hall by 12:00 noon on Friday, October 2, and may not be removed before 4:00 pm on Saturday October 3. Exhibitors are to attach entry tags to their own entries Plants must be well established in pots – those lifted from the garden and potted will be disqualified Artificial flowers may only be used where specified A bud showing colour is considered a bloom, can be removed by cutting Only home-grown flowers may be used in arrangements No greenhouse varieties Exhibitors may refer to “Ontario Judging and Exhibiting Standards” available from OMAFRA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Chrysanthemum – 1 spray, any colour, large and full Chrysanthemum – 1 spray, any color, pom-pom Chrysanthemum – 1 spray, decorative Dahlia – 1 cultivar, 3 stems under 10 cm [4 in] Dahlia – 1 stem, bloom over 10 cm [4 in] Gladiolus – 1 stem, solid colour, Gladiolus – 1 stem, bicolour Hydrangea – 1 stem, 1 large bloom Marigold – 3 stems, bloom over 7.5 cm [3 in], 1 colour Marigold – 5 stems, bloom under 7.5 cm [3 in], 1 colour Ornamental Grasses – 5 stems, 1 variety, minimum height 60 cm [24 in] Petunia – single, 3 sprays, any colour Petunia – double, 3 sprays, any colour Rose – 1 specimen bloom with its own foliage Sedum – 3 stems, same colour Sedum – 3 stems, 1 each of three colours Russian Sage, 3 stems Yarrow, 3 stems, any colour Zinnia – 3 stems, pom-pom bloom over 5 cm [2”] Zinnia – 1 stem, any other type, bloom over 10cm [4 in] Any annual not listed above—1 stem or spray, named if possible Any perennial, not listed above—1 stem or spray, named if possible Prizes for above (1-22): $1.00, $0.75, $0.50 Potted Plants 23. African Violet – single crown, single bloom 24. African Violet, - single crown, double bloom, or semi– double bloom 25. African Violet – miniature 26. Begonia—fibrous, in bloom 27. Begonia—tuberous, in bloom 28. Coleus – any variety 29. Geranium—ivy leaf, any colour, in bloom 30. Geranium – red flower, in bloom 31. Geranium – any other colour in bloom 32. Impatiens—any colour 26 33. Ivy—any variety 34. Houseplant—grown for foliage, named if possible 35. Cacti or Succulents—collection of three or more varieties, in unusual dish/container 36. Any other potted plant—not listed above, named if possible Prizes for above (23-36): $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 Planters 37. Outdoor Planter—featuring Begonias 38. Outdoor Planter—featuring Impatiens 39. Outdoor Planter—featuring Petunias Prizes for above (37-39): $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 Arrangements & Designs 40. “Trash to Treasure” - arrangement of roadside flowers in a recycled container 41. “A Tisket” - autumn flowers arranged in a small basket with handle 42. “A Tasket” - autumn flowers arranged in a miniature basket 43. “By the Farm Gate” - arrangement using a water pitcher as container 44. “Sunny Side Up” - arrangement of yellow and white flowers for breakfast table, your choice of container 45. “Gone to Seed” - arrangement using dried flowers, grasses, berries, seed pods, stems, etc. 46. “Glad to be Back” - table arrangement incorporating gladiolus 47. “Anniversary Dinner” - your interpretation, using an old vegetable dish as container 48. “Don’t Fence Me In” - design incorporating rusty wire 49. “Farmer’s Market” - Thanksgiving arrangement, including fruits and/or vegetables 50. “Santa Comes Early” - table arrangement for Christmas 51. “ Me & My Shadow” - two identical arrangements, one in a miniature version of the other 52. “Sunset” - your interpretation 53. “Tall Glass of Water” under water design using clear glass vase 54. “Almost Halloween” - design using a small pumpkin or gourd as container 55. “Autumn Wedding” - nosegay of autumn flowers, to be carried by a flower girl 56. “Grandmother’s Favourite Flowers” - design using a piece of her best china 57. “Remembering Grace” - vase arrangement to honour Grace Sanderson 58. “Farm Gate to Dinner Plate” - your interpretation of our Fall Fair Theme, not to exceed 75cm [30 in] in width Prizes for above (40-58): $5.00, $3.00, $2.00 'Howick Bloomers' Garden Club Specials: 59. “Table arrangement on a dinner plate” - height not to exceed 23 cm [9 in], and diameter not to exceed 38cm [15 in] 27 60. “Memorial tribute to Margaret Eskritt” Mixed arrangement in container of your choice. Not to exceed 45 cm [18 in] in any direction. Prizes for above (59 & 60): $12.00, $8.00, $5.00 61. Most points (1– 22): Gift Certificate Corley Sports 62. Most points (23- 36): Gift Certificate donated by Fordwich Diner 63. Most points ( 37—45) cash prize donated by Speer Seeds, Harriston 64. Most points (46—58) : cash prize donated by Clara Gibson, Fordwich 65. Most points overall: gift certificate donated by Huron Bay Co-op, Mildmay 28 Culinary Arts – Class F C OMMITTEE: Carol Donaldson: (335-6148), Pat Walther, Leone Foerter, Carol Shelley, Sharon Douglas, Jean McGrath, Jenna Strong All exhibits must be in the hall by 12:00 noon on Friday, and may not be removed before 4:00 pm on Saturday Prize money donated by: D’Arcy Sand and Gravel and Howick Mutual Insurance BOTTLED GOODS All entries for fruit and pickles must be in new, sealed MASON or BERNARDIN pint/500 ml jars. Entry tags must be fastened on jars with elastic bands, not on rings. Collections must be on firm trays. FRUIT PRESERVES 1. Peaches 2. Pears 3. Crab Apple 4. Red Cherries 5. Applesauce 6. Dried Apple Slices in 500 ml glass jar, not sealed 7. Stewed Tomatoes 8. Any other fruit not mentioned PICKLES AND CONDIMENTS 9. Chili Sauce 10. Fruit Relish 11. Hot Dog Relish 12. Corn Relish 13. Homemade Salad Dressing with vinegar, cooked 14. Bread and Butter Pickles 15. Garlic Dill Pickles, sliced lengthwise as for sandwiches/burgers 16. Sweet Cucumber Pickles, sliced crosswise 17. Red Pepper Sauce (Jelly) 18. Whole Pickled Beets 19. Whole Pickled Corn 20. Mild Salsa (no meat) 21. Hot Salsa (no meat) 22. Spaghetti Sauce (no meat) 23. Pickled Beans with Dill (no food colouring) 24. Zucchini Relish Prizes for above (1 - 24) $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 JAMS AND JELLIES All cooked entries in MASON or BERNARDIN 8 oz/250 ml jars, no wax. All freezer entries in 6-8 oz. glass container. 25. Strawberry Jam 26. Raspberry Jam 27. Blueberry Jam 28. Apple Jelly 29. Crab-apple Jelly 30. Elderberry Jelly 29 31. 32. 33. 34. Rhubarb - Pineapple Jam Strawberry Freezer Jam Citrus Marmalade Peach Conserve Prizes for above (25 - 34) $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 HOME CANNING COLLECTIONS 35. A “Welcome to the Neighbourhood” basket - to contain 2 jams and 2 jellies in uniform jars, complement as you wish, appearance only to be judged 36. “Farm Gate to Dinner Plate” - a collection of homemade pickles, condiments and preserves in pint (500 ml) jars, minimum of 4 jars - complement as you wish to celebrate our fair theme - appearance only to be judged Prizes for above (35 - 36) $10.00, $6.00, $4.00 HOME BAKING No mixes, standard loaf pan sizes (min 8x4x2&1/2" - max 9x5x3"), no warm baking **** All baking must be in plastic bags**** BREADS AND ROLLS 37. White Bread Loaf 38. Whole Wheat Bread Loaf 39. Cheese Bread Loaf 40. Raisin Bread Loaf 41. Braided Bread Loaf, white 42. Breadmaker White Loaf 43. Breadmaker Whole Wheat Loaf 44. Breadmaker 60% Whole Wheat Loaf 45. Multi Grain Bread Loaf 46. 3 Whole Wheat Cloverleaf Rolls, baked separately, not attached 47. 3 Chelsea Buns Prizes for above (37 - 47) $4.00, $3.00, $2.00 48. Whole Wheat Bread Special: One loaf of 60% whole wheat bread, using 3 cups of whole wheat flour and 2 cups white flour. The winner of this class will bake a loaf of whole wheat bread for the District competition and if a winner there, will bake a loaf of whole wheat bread for the whole wheat bread competition at the OAAS Convention in February. Prizes for above (48) $5.00, $3.00, $2.00 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. BISCUITS AND MUFFINS To be baked and shown with no papers 3 Raisin Scones 3 Cheese Tea Biscuits 3 Plain Tea Biscuits 3 Banana Muffins, with nuts 3 Bran Muffins, plain 3 Carrot Pineapple Muffins, with nuts 3 Pumpkin Muffins, plain 3 Cornmeal Muffins, plain 3 Apple Cinnamon Muffins, plain Prizes for above (49 - 57) $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 30 58. 6 Muffins - 3 varieties, other than above mentioned Prizes for above (58) $4.00, $3.00, $2.00 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. LOAVES No mixes, standard loaf pan size (min 8x4x2&1/2" - max 9x5x3") Banana Nut Loaf Applesauce Loaf, with raisins Lemon Loaf, plain Pumpkin Loaf, with raisins Zucchini Loaf, with spices and raisins, no nuts Date Nut Loaf Cherry Loaf, plain Cranberry Loaf, no nuts Prizes for above (59 - 66) $4.00, $3.00, $2.00 67. 3 varieties of fruit loaf, yeast or quick bread, other than previously mentioned, 2 slices of each, displayed on a suitable plate ready to serve a guest. Prizes for above (67) $5.00, $4.00, $3.00 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. CAKES - SINGLE LAYER Flat, 8-9", no mixes Carrot Pineapple Cake, cream cheese icing, single layer Queen Elizabeth Cake Tomato Soup Cake, iced, single layer Banana Cake, iced, single layer Applesauce Raisin Cake, iced, single layer Chocolate Zucchini Cake, iced, single layer Pound Cake, glazed Chocolate Cake, iced, single layer Coffee Cake, single layer CAKES - LAYERED no mixes 77. Marble Layer Cake, iced 78. Chocolate Layer Cake, peppermint icing CAKES - HIGH no mixes 79. Maple Chiffon Cake, un-iced 80. Orange Chiffon Cake, un-iced CAKES - HIGH mixes only 81. Confetti Angel Cake, un-iced 82. Angel Cake, un-iced Prizes for above (68-82) $5.00, $4.00, $3.00 83. 84. 85. 86. CAKES - OTHER Gluten Free Cake, single layer, your choice Gumdrop Cake, un-iced, approximately 1 lb. Light Fruit Cake, un-iced, approximately 1 lb. Dark Fruit Cake, un-iced, approximately 1 lb. Prizes for above (83 - 86) $4.00, $3.00, $2.00 31 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. TARTS 3 of each on a plate, in plastic bag Cherry Tarts Blueberry Tarts Raisin Butter Tarts, Pecan Butter Tarts Raspberry Coconut Tarts Prizes for above (87 - 91) $4.00, $3.00, $2.00 SQUARES 1&1/2" size, 3 of each on a plate, in plastic bag Brownies, iced Date Squares Frosted Pumpkin Squares Lemon Squares Unbaked Squares Plate of Squares, 3 varieties, other than previously mentioned Prizes for above (92 - 97) $4.00, $3.00, $2.00 COOKIES 3 of each on a plate, in a plastic bag- maximum 3" diameter 98. Oatmeal Cookies, pressed 99. Ginger Cookies, pressed 100. Peanut Butter Cookies, pressed 101. Chocolate Chip Cookies, dropped 102. Gumdrop Cookies, dropped 103. Shortbread Cookies 104. Cereal Cookies, dropped 105. Sugar Cookies 106. Hermit Cookies, dropped 107. Gluten Free Cookies Prizes for above (98 - 107) $4.00, $3.00, $2.00 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. PIES 8-9" plate, in plastic bag Strawberry Pie, 2 crusts Pecan Pie Elderberry Pie, 2 crusts Raisin Pie, lattice top Dutch Apple Pie Apple Pie, with spice, 2 crusts Rhubarb Pie, crumb top Peach Pie, lattice top Cherry Pie, crumb top Prizes for above (108 - 116) $5.00, $4.00, $3.00 FUDGE AND CANDY 3 - 1" pieces of each (unless otherwise stated), on a plate, in plastic bag Vanilla Cream Fudge, plain 3 Nut Clusters Chocolate Fudge, with nuts Maple Cream Fudge, plain 3 pieces Microwave Peanut Brittle 3 Pieces Divinity Fudge Nuts and Bolts, in an unsealed Mason or Bernardin pint/500ml jar 32 Prizes for above (117 - 123) $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 PASTRY COMPETITION 124. Baked Empty Pie Shell 125. 3 Baked Empty Tart Shells Prizes for above (124 - 125) $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 FAIR THEME COMPETITION Please display all items in plastic bags!! 126. Applesauce Cookies, 3 to be displayed on a plate using the following recipe: 1 egg 1/2 cup shortening 1 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup apple sauce Blend above ingredients together Add: 1 3/4 cups all purpose flour 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. cloves (optional) 1/2 tsp. nutmeg Fold in 1 cup walnuts. Drop on greased baking sheet. Bake 350 degrees for 12 min. Prizes for above (126) $5.00, $4.00, $3.00 127. Cranberry Squares, 3 to be displayed on a plate using the following recipe: 3/4 cup white sugar 3/4 cup butter or margarine 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 egg, beaten 2 tsp. baking powder 2 cups cranberry sauce 1/ tsp salt Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. [175 degrees C.] In a large bowl, stir together the sugar, flour, baking powder and salt. Cut in butter or margarine until the lumps are no larger than peas. Stir in the egg just a little bit, but allow mixture to stay somewhat crumbly. Sprinkle half of the mixture in an even layer in the bottom of a 9 x 13 inch pan. Pack down into a solid crust. Spread the cranberry sauce over the crust. Crumble the remaining mixture over the cranberry sauce. Bake for 40 minutes in the preheated oven, until the top is golden brown. Cool before slicing into squares. Prizes for above (127) $10.00, $7.00, $5.00 128. One loaf of “quick bread” displayed on a plate using the following recipe: 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt 3/4 cup sugar 3 ounces butter 2 eggs 1 cup milk 1 tsp. vanilla 1 1/2 cup blueberries 3/4 cup chopped walnuts [optional] Instructions: Sift flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar together. Cut butter into flour mixture as you would when making pie dough. In a separate bowl, thoroughly 33 blend eggs, milk, and vanilla. Add blueberries and nuts if desired. {If you use frozen blueberries, it’s better not to defrost them before adding to liquid ingredients.] Grease bread pan: 9 x 5 inch. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and blend together thoroughly but quickly. Pour batter into pan and put immediately into a preheated 350 degrees F. oven. Bake for 60 to 80 minutes. Prizes for above (128) $5.00, $4.00, $3.00 129. Display on a plate 1/6 piece of an 9 inch pie using the following recipe: 1 regular nine inch basic pie crust Streusel Topping: 2/3 cup all purpose flour 1/3 cup brown sugar 1/3 cup hard butter Directions: Mix the flour and brown sugar and cut in butter until size of peas and chill. Filling: 1 Tbsp. fine dry breadcrumbs 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 tsp. powdered ginger 4 tsp. flour 6 pared, cored, sliced medium—large pears 4 tsp lemon juice 1/4 corn syrup Directions: Sprinkle pie shell evenly with the breadcrumbs. Mix together the sugar, flour, ginger and sprinkle 1/3 of this over crumbs in pastry-lined pie plate. Arrange the sliced pears uniformly. Drizzle over evenly the lemon juice and syrup. Sprinkle the remaining flour mixture on top. Sprinkle over and pat on Streusel Topping. Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 350 and bake 30 to 35 minutes longer. Prizes for above (129) $5.00, $4.00, $3.00 130. 3 scones displayed on a plate: each one made with a different Ontario fruit: eg. Blueberries, raspberries. Prizes for above (130) $5.00, $4.00, $3.00 131. Display on a plate 3 muffins using the following recipe: 1/2 cup sour cream 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1 egg 1 1/3 cups flour 2/3 cup brown sugar 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1/4 tsp. salt 1 cup diced rhubarb & strawberries combined Pecan Streusel Topping: 1/4 cup chopped pecans 1/4 cup brown sugar 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 2 tsp. melted butter Instructions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Make the streusel first. Combine the pecans, sugar, cinnamon and melted butter, then set aside. Making the muffins– In a mixer combine the sour cream, oil and egg. Mix well then set aside. In a separate bowl whisk together the flour, brown sugar, baking soda and salt. Then add the rhubarb & strawberries and sour cream mixture, and stir until just combined. 34 Grease muffin tins and fill each about 2/3 full. Add a spoonful of the streusel mixture to the tops of each muffin [distribute it evenly between the 12 muffins]. Bake for about 25 minutes. COUNTRY FAIR BAKING CONTEST All entrants into the contests must submit entries that were made using the sponsor’s product. A product label must accompany each entry, as proof of purchase. All entries will be judged on appearance, texture, creativity of recipe and presentation. Decision of the judge will be final. All first prize winners must submit recipe and proof of purchase with entry. Photograph and signed release must be provided before removing entry from the arena, giving permission to the sponsors for use of the winner’s name, recipe &/or photograph in any other advertising or publicity without payment. ***A product label, recipe and exhibitor’s photograph must accompany each entry - if photograph is not available, one will be taken @ the fair *** ***For quantities/sizes to be exhibited – see regular prize sections*** 132. BERNARDIN “BEST OF SHOW” Home Canning Award— Highest total points when scores of Classes 1-34 (Bottled Goods) are added. Exhibitors must have made a minimum of 3 home canning entries, one in each category of 1) Jams and Jellies 2) Pickles and Condiments 3) Fruit Preserves **Bernardin MASON JARS and lids must be used** Prize for above (133) 1st $30.00 Gift Certificate 133. BERNARDIN Best Jelly/Jam Contest – Enter your favourite jelly or jam (not already listed in the prize list) made with BERNARDIN Fruit Pectin product. Judging will be based on appearance, taste and texture. Proof of Purchase (UPC Symbol) must accompany winning entry. Bernardin lids only used. Prizes for above (134) 1st - $20.00 BERNARDIN gift certificate, 2nd - $10.00, 3rd - $5.00 134. BERNARDIN Gift Basket Competition – must include at least 3 filled BERNARDIN jars, sealed with BERNARDIN snap lids and be submitted in a creative presentation, not necessarily a basket. Taste to be judged. And may include any appropriate additional items such as soap, candles, candy, soup mixes etc. **GIFT PACK ENTRY MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY: 1) PROOF OF PURCHASE (UPC SYMBOL) 2) WRITTEN DESCRIPTION/COST AND 3) PHOTO OF GIFT PACK WITHOUT BERNARDIN GIFT BASKET CONTEST *** Prizes for above (135) 1st - $20.00 BERNARDIN gift certificate, 2nd - $10.00, 3rd - $7.00 CELLO WRAP SUITABLE FOR SUBMISSION TO THE NATIONAL 35 135. ROBIN HOOD Best Family Favourite Recipe Contest – Bake your favourite fruit bread loaf [not already in prize list], using Robin Hood products (see above rules) Prizes for above (139) 1st - $25.00 product certificate, 2nd - $10.00 product certificate, 3rd - $5.00 136. ROBIN HOOD Best Lunchbox Snack Contest – 18 years and under - Bake your favourite squares (not already listed in the prize list) using Robin Hood products (see above rules). Exhibit 3 (1&½ inch square) squares on a plate. Prizes for above (140) 1st - $15.00, 2nd - $10.00, 3rd - $5.00 137. CRISCO Family Favourite Baking Contest – Bake your favourite chiffon cake (not already listed in the prize list) using CRISCO products (see above rules) Prizes for above (141) 1st - $25.00 product certificate, 2nd - $10.00 product certificate, 3rd - $5.00 Class sponsors encourage exhibitors to access their website for helpful hints and recipes. Bernardin www.bernardin.ca Crisco www.criscocanada.com Robin Hood www.robinhood.ca *****Note******* High point awards can only be won in one category except for overall high points, 138. Most Points in Bottled Goods (1-24) Prize Donated by ZEHRS MARKET, Listowel 139. Most Points in Jams/Jellies (25-34) Prize: Gift basket donated by GIANT TIGER, Listowel 140. Most Points in Breads and Rolls (37-47) Prize: Gift basket donated by KITCHEN CUPBOARD & ICEBOX, Listowel 141. Most Points in Biscuits, Muffins and Loaves (49-67) Prize: Gift basket donated by COWAN’S COUNTRY STORE, Listowel 142. Most Points in Cakes (68-86) Prize: Gift basket donated by LISTOWEL FLORIST, Listowel 143. Most Points in Tarts, Squares and Cookies (87-107) Prize: Gift basket donated by FOOD BASICS, Listowel 144. Most Points in Pies, Fudge and Candy (108-125) Prize: Gift basket donated by DEAN’S VALU-MART, Wingham 145. Most Points in 2013 Fair Theme Competition (126-132) Prize Donated by WINGHAM FOODLAND, Wingham 146. Most Points in Culinary Arts Class (1-125) Prize donated by FLETCHER’S LANDSCAPING INC. 36 37 38 RR #1 Fordwich 519-335-3539 Fertilizing Headquarters We carry fertilizer by bulk & by bag We look after all your fertilizer needs with our fleet of fertilizer spreaders and our fertilizer Air Flow. Professional Spray Operators With stat of the art sprayers We are able to help our customers increase their crop yields by controlling any weed outbreaks or insect infestations FULL LINE OF AG CHEMICALS 39 Sewing & Needlework - Class G Committee: Brenda Bunker– 335-3189 Jocelyn Daunt, Linda Miller, Gillian Fozard, Elaine Ash, Darlene Harding, Janice Green, Marg McMahon All entries must be in the arena by noon on Friday, and may not be removed before 4:00 pm on Saturday, or prize money will be withheld. All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor. Judges are authorized by the Directors of the Society to discard all soiled, defective or old work and award the prize to new and up-to-date work. When there is no competition in the class, the prize will be withheld unless the work is worthy. Work must not be shown more than two years and must be clean and new. Please use safety pins to attach entry tag. Pictures will be taken of all entries as a permanent record for the Directors. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Children's Wear: size 6 and under Infant bib Child's sundress or sun suit Child’s apron Wearable item made from polar fleece Sleepwear 6. 7. 8. 9. Adult Wear Sleep Pants Night Gown Article of clothing Full Bib Apron Prizes for above (1-9) $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Home Accessories: Snuggle Blanket Pieced Table Topper Placemats, Pair Hot Dish or Mug Mat Pot Holders, Pair Child’s Tote Bag Adult Tote Bag Decorated tea towel or hand towel Pillow Case Paper piecing article A doll outfit (mounted on cardboard ) Child’s toy, sewn Felted Wool Article Cushion (no printed panels) Prizes for above (10-23) $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 FAIR THEME: “From Farm Gate to Dinner Plate” Articles must clearly illustrate the Fair Theme 24. Placemats, pair 25. Apron 26. Wall hanging Prizes for above: (24-26) $5.00, $3.00, $2.00 40 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. QUILTS Quilt, pre-printed fabric, hand quilted, minimum of 324” measured on the perimeter Quilt, pieced, hand quilted, minimum 324” measured on the perimeter Crib Quilt Single bed quilt, minimum measured on the perimeter Rag Lap Quilt [minimum size 36” x 40”] Scrappy Quilt , any size Quilt Top, any size Quilted Wall Hanging Quilted article, using a kit Bed Runner (that will lay across foot of a bed) Two different quilt blocks using three coordinating fabrics—mounted on a cardboard One quilt block—pattern named and mounted on cardboard Prizes for above (27-38) $5.00, $3.00, $2.00 KNITTING 39. Afghan 40. Mitts or Fingerless/Texting Gloves 41. Any one of the following: Toque, Scarf, Balaclava, Headband 42. Baby Sweater 43. Slippers 44. Knitted Article NOT clothing 45. Child’s Cardigan or Pullover 46. Adult Cardigan or Pullover 47. Socks 48. Knitted Toy 49. Any other Knitted Article (not listed above) Prizes for above: (39-49) $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. CROCHETING Afghan Mitts or Fingerless/Texting Gloves Embellished Hat Baby Sweater Slippers Crocheted Article NOT clothing Crocheted Top on Towel Crocheted Toy Infinity Scarf Any other Crocheted Article (not listed above) Prizes for above (50-59) $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 SPECIALS 60. Lap Quilt [minimum 36” x 36”] for Long Term Care Facilities; made from washable durable fabrics. Prizes: All entries that are donated to Fordwich Village Nursing Home will receive $5.00. 41 Grand Champion Quilt Competition The Grand Champion Quilt will compete at the District Competition in October and that winner will enter the competition at the O.A.A.S. convention in Toronto. The winner of the OAAS competition will receive $500, and retain ownership of the quilt. Please state “no” on your entry tag if you do not wish your quilt to enter this competition. If your quilt has won “Grand Champion” at a previous fair this year, it is not eligible for this competition. ***NOTE: Quilts smaller than the size stated will not be eligible for further competitions. ***NOTE: Samples of material must be attached or the entry will be disqualified. 61. Annual Hand Quilted Championship Quilt Entries must be solely made and hand quilted by the exhibitor. Grand Champion Quilt must be a minimum of 324” measured on the perimeter. Lady Director’s Special Grand Champion: $20 Reserve Grand Champion: $10 62. Annual Machine Quilted Quilt/Wall Hanging Entries must be solely made and machine quilted by the exhibitor. Quilt/ Wall hanging must have visible machine quilting. Total Quilt/Wall hanging perimeter measurement to be a minimum of 192” and can be square, rectangular, etc. Howick Agricultural Society Special: $20 Reserve Champion $10 63. Most points: (1-23) Cash prize donated by Jocelyn Daunt, Fordwich 64. Most points: (24-26) Gift Certificate donated by Sewing Galore, Wingham 65. Most points: (27-38) Cash prize donated by Five Star Quilt Guild, Teeswater 66. Most points: (39-49) Cash prize donated by Jocelyn Daunt, Fordwich 67. Most points: (50-59) Cash prize donated by Jean Clarkson, Fordwich 68. Exhibitor with most points who has exhibited two or more years: Cash prize donated by Eaton Funeral Home, Listowel 69. Exhibitor with most points who has exhibited less than two years: Cash prize donated by Godfather’s Pizza, Wingham 70. Resident of Howick or Turnberry with most in all of Class G: Cash prize donated by Hair Tech, Gorrie 42 43 CRAFTS – CLASS H Committee: Gerda Meyer - 335-3363 Marianne Aeberhard, Angela Elford, Elly Emmerton, Lisa Gillespie, Susi Kym, Esther Hallman, All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor. Items must not be shown more than 2 years. Pictures will be taken to serve as a permanent record for the directors. Each exhibitor may exhibit one article in each section. Where it is stated “ready to hang”, the article must have some means by which the Directors may safely hang it on a pegboard or wall display. Where it is stated “samples attached”, samples must be attached or the work will be disqualified. Where there is no competition in the class, the prize will be withheld unless the work is worthy. All entries must be in the hall by 12:00 noon on Friday Oct. 2, 2015 and MAY NOT BE REMOVED before 4:00 pm on Saturday Oct. 3 or the prize money may be withheld. Elementary school age children entering in the adult section MUST have a membership number ($1.00) from the fair secretary and an adult entry form. Prize Money donated by Keil Dadson Insurance, Listowel & McBurney Funeral Home, Wingham 1. Pressed flower(s) and/or leaf(ves) project - max. size 25 x 40 cm. (approx. 10"x16") 2. Shadow Box (an example: School Memories) box may be purchased 3. Greeting Cards: A Set of Three, samples attached 4. A handmade item for an office - - samples attached 5. Table Centrepiece to depict our Fair Theme “Farm Gate to Dinner Plate” - samples attached 6. Decorated picture frame 5x7 or smaller - samples attached - no picture 7. Counted Cross Stitch—Picture ready to hang, samples attached 8. Tray Favour for Nursing Home Residence- samples attached 9. Decorated Wooden Spoon - samples attached 10. Gift in a Jar—Presentation only 11. Hand bracelet—samples attached 12. Something made out of old greeting cards (samples attached 13. Handcrafted wearable fascinator - samples attached 14. Handmade Suncatcher - not to exceed 8”x 8” – samples attached 15. Create a scarecrow using a new toilet plungersamples attached 16. Carved pumpkin for Halloween 44 17. Any craft using one or a combination of all natural materials - pine cones, burrs, corn husks, etc. - samples attached 18. Garden Art using old dishes or glassware 19. “Diorama” in a pumpkin 20. Handmade keychain—any media—samples attached 21. Build a Gate max. 45 cm. x 60 cm. [18” x 24”] any media 22. Article of Origami A completed page from a photo album using “SCRAP BOOKING” method. Exhibitor should cover the side that they don’t want seen if there are pictures on both sides. 23. “(Snow) Much Fun” 24. “Carving the Pumpkin ” 25. ”Sports” 26. “Birthday Fun” 27. “Vacation” 28. “It’s Love” 29. Computer generated art depicting Theme “Farm Gate to Dinner Plate” 30. A collage of “your choice” displayed on 8 ½ “x11" paper 31. Have you just completed an excellent piece of work, only to find that there is no section in which to show it? PLEASE ENTER IT HERE! (No Needle work or Sewing) IT’S New Year’s Eve! (Sections 32-36 must be for New Year’s Eve) 32. Table Centre piece 33. Folded serviette or cloth napkin (props may be permitted) 34. Place setting displayed on a tray 35. Door arrangement, any media - samples attached 36. Home made welcome sign CHRISTMAS IN OCTOBER (Sections 37-43 must be for Christmas) 37. Christmas Door Wreath, Swag or Door Decoration samples attached 38. Decorated paper gift bag - samples attached 39. Gift Basket for a Neighbour, must include a minimum of 3 homemade items (not to be enclosed with clear wrap) 40. Christmas stocking, ready to hang - samples attached 41. Christmas arrangement in or on a sleigh. (maximum size 45 cm./18 in.) 42. Angel, any media, max. size 45 cm. [18"] high - free standing - samples attached 43. Christmas Tree Ornament, any media - samples attached. Prizes for the above: (1-43) $2.50, $2.00, $1.00 45 PHOTOGRAPHY: All prints are to be mounted neatly on a BLACK BRISTOL BOARD BACKGROUND. 1 print mounted on 20x15 cm [8"x6"], 2 prints on 20x30cm [8"x11"], 4 prints on 20x50 cm [8"x21"] and have a means for hanging attached on the back or the entry will be disqualified. 44. Two prints - “Things with Wings” 45. One print - “Pattern in Nature” 46. One print - “Candlelight” 47. One print - “Worn Out” 48. Two prints - “Howick Roads Named” 49. One print - “Peaceful” 50. Two prints - “Rural Life” 51. One print - “Farm Gate” 52. Two prints – “Black & White or Sepia” Prizes for the above: (44-52) $2.50, $2.00, $1.00 WOODWORKING: 53. Cutting Board 54. Exhibitor’s Choice 55. Cane or Walking Stick 56. Wooden Toy Game 57. Picture Frame 58. An article made from recycled wood - max. size 60 cm [24"] in any direction Prizes for the above: (53-58) $5.00, $3.00 $2.00 TREASURES FROM THE PAST: These items must be at least 50 years old, and be part of the exhibitor’s own collection. Dealers in antiques are not eligible to compete. Article can only be taken from the show case by a fair board member. Ag. Soc. will take the best possible care to safeguard the articles, but cannot be held responsible for the article or damage to them. Condition of the article will be taken into consideration when judged. 59. Collection of 5 antique items on a tray - identified and include approximate age 60. Wooden Kitchen Utensil 61. Belt Buckle 62. Old Cookbook Prizes for above: (59-62) $5.00, $3.00, $2.00 HOBBY COLLECTION: 63. A HOBBY COLLECTION to fit in a space occupied by a card table or smaller (3‘ x 3‘ space). Exhibitor must provide their own means of display eg. Card table. Collection to be judged on the overall appearance as well as content. Please notify Gerda Meyer (335-3363) by Fri. Sept. 25, 2015. Prizes: 1st $15.00, 2nd $10.00, 3rd $5.00 46 “70 YEARS PLUS” an article made by a “YOUNG AT HEART” crafter 64. Lady 65. Gent Prizes: $5.00, $3.00, $2.00 66. PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIAL—PROMOTE HOWICK The photograph MUST be taken in Howick Township. The photograph should show that it was taken in Howick. The 4 x 6 print is to be mounted on black Bristol board 6 x 8 and have label on front of Bristol board as to where the photo was taken. The Bristol board must have a means for hanging attached for display purposes. A copy (can be electronic) of the picture is to be submitted to the Howick Township Office by October 1, 2015. Will be used on their website to promote Howick Township. Prizes : 1st $30.00, $2nd $25.00, 3rd $20.00 Prize money donated by Howick Township Please Note: most points may be won in one category only except for overall points. 67. Most Points: (1– 15) Cash Prize donated by: Ruth Harding, Fordwich 68. Most Points: (16-31) Cash prize donated by: Norm and Edna Fairles, Fordwich 69. Most Points: (32-36) Cash prize donated by: Lovina Ruttan, Fordwich 70. Most Points: (37-43) Gift donated by: Karen’s Hair Hut, Clifford 71. Most Points: (44-52) Cash prize donated by: Harkes Industries, Gorrie 72. Most Points: (53-58) Cash prize donated by: River Bend Garden & Nursery, Wroxeter 73. Most Points: (59-62) Cash prize donated by: Back to Basics Touch Therapy, Wroxeter 74. Most Points: (Overall) Gift Certificate donated by: Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, Wroxeter 47 48 Junior Department – Class I Committee: Marion Pfeffer – 327-8524, Kim Pfeffer, Carolyn deBoer, Tammy Scherpenzeel, Ashley Pfeffer, No entry fee is required, BUT an entry form must be completed and returned to the fair office before 12 noon, Friday October 2, or prize money will not be paid. Entries may be brought in Thursday evening, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. or Friday morning before 12:00 noon. Exhibits may not be removed before 4:00 pm on Saturday. All prize money will be forfeited if exhibits are removed before 4:00, without permission from the Director in charge. Directors are not responsible for items not picked up by 4:30 pm. Parents are urged to allow children to do the work and the preparation of the exhibit by themselves. Give lots of encouragement. PRIZES: Gifts will be awarded for most points in the 3 –4 years, 5-6 years, 7-9 years, 10-12 years, 13-16 years categories. A prize will be awarded to the youngest boy and girl. Child must be 3 years old at fair date. Prizes for all classes, unless otherwise stated: 1st $2.00, 2nd $1.75, 3rd $1.50, 4th $1.25, 5th $1.00, 6th $ .75, 7th $ .50 VEGETABLES AND FRUIT Must be displayed on a disposable plate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3 – 4 Years Old Decorated pear, accessories to be used 3 crab apples 5 – 6 Years Old Three (3) green peppers on a plate, stems left on Mr. & Mrs. Apple Head (Head only) use real apples and accessories may be used 7 – 9 Years Old Decorated squash of your favorite animal (not carved) using other fruits or vegetables for the features/ decorations. 5 wild apples on a plate 10 – 12 Years Old A Thanksgiving table centre on a Dinner Plate using at least 5 different vegetables or fruit (NO GOURDS) A decorated pumpkin of your favourite character named 13 – 16 Years Old Make a farmer from fruit and or vegetables not exceeding 12 inches 10. A carved pumpkin 9. Open Class 3 – 16 Years Old 49 11. Strangest shaped vegetable, not carved 12. Largest zucchini, by weight FLOWERS (See directions for showing flowers at beginning of adult) 3 – 4 Years Old 13. A bouquet of branches with leaves only (no evergreens) in a suitable freestanding container 14. A single (1) flower, in a suitable container for grandma or grandpa 5 – 6 Years Old 15. One blooming flower, with its own foliage in a suitable vase for your favourite valentine 16. A flower arrangement in your favorite toy. 7 – 9 Years Old 17. Arrangement using flowers and grasses in a mason jar 18. Three stems of sedum, one color, in a suitable container 10 – 12 Years Old 19. An arrangement of only wild flowers and weeds (no garden flowers) i.e. cattails (spray cattails with hair spray to preserve), Queen Ann’s Lace 20. An arrangement of cut garden flowers in a rubber boot 13 – 16 Years Old 21. 3 potted herbs 22. A raw vegetable or fruit with a flower arrangement BAKING All baking is to be displayed on a suitable base and put in a clear plastic bag 3 – 4 Years Old 23. Happy face cookie decorated by child using edible decorations (baked by parent/guardian) 24. An entire edible necklace in a plastic bag 5 – 6 Years Old 25. Decorated rice krispie square to be used as a Christmas Ornament 26. Mud pie Cookies must use the following recipe, exhibit 3 on a plate 2 cups sugar 6 Tbsp cocoa ½ cup butter 1 cup coconut ½ cup milk Pinch of salt 3 cups oatmeal 1 tsp vanilla Bring first 3 ingredients to a boil and add vanilla. Mix dry ingredients. Add boiling syrup to dry ingredients and drop from teaspoon onto waxed paper to set. 7 – 9 Years Old 27. Fudge Bars must use the following recipe, exhibit 3 on a plate 1 cup sugar 2 cups flour 1 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup butter 3 cups oats 50 2 eggs 1 cup sweetened condensed milk 2 cups chocolate chips ½ cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream the butter, sugar and eggs. Mix flour, soda and oats and add slowly to creamed mixture. Spread ¾ of this into 9X13 pan Melt remaining ingredients in a saucepan and pour over dough in pan. Blob the remaining oat mixture on top. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes. 28. A one layer cake decorated for a Halloween Occasion using edible decorations; must be covered in a plastic bag 10 – 12 Years Old 29. Creamy Maple Fudge must use the following recipe, exhibit 3 on a plate 1 can of Eagle Brand regular sweetened condensed milk ½ cup maple syrup 1 cup brown sugar 1 Tbsp butter Combine sweetened condensed milk with maple syrup, brown sugar and butter. Cook and stir over low heat until mixture becomes a rich brown colour, about 20 minutes or until a small amount of the mixture forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water. Remove from heat. Spread mixture into parchment paper-lined 8x8 inch square pan. Cool completely and cut into squares. 30. Chocolate Zucchini Cake Iced displayed on a plate in a plastic bag 1¼ cups flour ¾ cup sugar 2½ Tbsp cocoa 1 egg ¼ tsp baking powder ½ tsp vanilla ½ tsp baking soda 3 Tbsp sour milk ¼ tsp cinnamon 1 cup shredded zucchini ¼ cup butter or margarine Sift together flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and cinnamon. Add to mixture of butter, sugar, egg, vanilla, sour milk and zucchini. Sprinkle top with chocolate chips. Put in a 9x9 pan. Bake 350 for 35 minutes 13 – 16 Years Old 31. Apple crumb pie, with spice (shells may be purchased) 32. Blueberry Coffee Cake, displayed on a suitable base in a plastic bag 2/3 cup sugar 1/3 cup liquid shortening 1 egg ½ cup milk 2 tsp baking powder ½ tsp salt 51 1½ cups flour 1 cup blueberries Beat together sugar, shortening and egg. Sift baking powder, salt, flour and add alternating with milk. Add blueberries and nuts. Pour in a bundt pan. Topping ½ cup brown sugar ½ cup butter Spread on cake and bake at 350 for 25 – 30 minutes. 33. S P E C I A L Chocolate Chip Cookie Competition (open to youth 10-15 years (as of December 31 of current year) 8 Chocolate chip cookies (no nuts) Cookies to be no larger than 3” (6.75 cm) and no smaller than 2” (5 cm) Displayed on a plate in a plastic bag Prizes $25, $20, $3, $2, $2, $2 First prize winner will enter 8 cookies in the District Competition in October. First prize winner at that competition will then bake 8 cookies for the O.A.A.S Competition in Toronto February 2016. ARTS / CRAFTS / COLLECTIONS/ CRAFTS /PRINTING 3 – 4 Years Old 34. Collection of 12 stones in an egg carton (stones not purchased) 35. Color your favourite farm animal 5 – 6 Years Old 36. 2-collage placemats on Bristol board 40x30 cm or 16x12 inches using pictures that best describe the fair theme “Farm Gate to Dinner Plate” 37. Lego creation (no kits) maximum size 20cm x 20cm on a firm base 38. Print the words “Farm Gate to Dinner Plate” 5 times on 3 ring lined paper 39. Print the numbers 1-10 and draw the appropriate number of objects beside each number 7 – 9 Years Old 40. Create a picture on an 8 ½ x11 piece of paper of a tractor made with various seeds, beans, and rice etc. mounted on a piece of Bristol board 41. Lego Creation (no kits) maximum size 30 cm x 30 cm on a firm base 42. My Favorite Animal and Why! A story about your favorite animal in 25- 50 words with four pictures to illustrate your story. Pictures may be hand drawn and colored, cut from a magazine or photos related to your subject. Computer may be used for story and pictures. 43. Handwritten story about “Your favourite meal and why” approximately 10 sentences 44. 10 single digit math problems: 5 addition and 5 subtraction including answers and done in pencil 10 – 12 Years Old 52 45. Make a birdfeeder out of a 2L Milk Carton 46. Design a vertical logo for the cover page of the 2016 Fall Fair book. Theme is “Scarecrow Invasion” 4.25” w x 11” h 47. Handwritten story about “Your Time at the Fair” approximately 20 sentences 48. Double digit math problems 5 multiplications and 5 divisions including answers done in pencil 13 – 16 Years Old 49. Make a garden ornament for your flower garden 50. A poster showing the food groups including pictures. 51. 52. 53. 54. OPEN CLASS 5 – 9 Years Old Hand sewing any fabric item must be clean. Use a safety pin to attach fair tag 4 pictures of Farm Scenes mounted neatly on a Black Bristol Board Background size: 20x50cm/8x21 inches Any item made from wood. Max. size 18 in./46 cm. Any craft item not previously mentioned 10– 16 Years Old 55. A complete page of scrap booking your choice of category/subject 56. Machine sewing any fabric item must be clean. Use a safety pin to attach fair tag 57. Any item made from wood. Max. size 18 in./46 cm. 58. Any craft item not previously mentioned SPECIALS 3 – 6 Years Old 59. Create a corn cob honey bee 7 – 9 Years Old 60. Make a beehive out of any material 10 – 12 Years Old 61. Bake and show 3 muffins on a plate in a plastic bag. Do not use muffin cups. Honey Bran Muffins 3 eggs 1/2 cup honey 1/2 vegetable oil 3 1/2 cups 100% bran cereals 1 1/2 cups milk 2 1/4 cups all purpose flour 4 tsp baking soda 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 cup raisins Beat eggs, honey and oil in a small bowl until blended; set aside. Combine bran cereal with milk in a large bowl; let stand 5 minutes add egg mixture to cereal mixture and mix lightly Combine flour, baking soda, cinnamon and raisins in medium bowl; mix well. Stir into bran mixture. Do not over mix. Spoon batter in greased muffin tins. Bake 350 for 20-25 minutes or until toothpick inserted near centre of muffin comes out clean Prizes for above (59-61) $5.00, $4.00, $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 donated by J.R. Fear Apiaries 53 3—6 Years Old 62. Create a crown for the King decorated 63. Create a crown for the Queen decorated 7 – 9 Years Old 64. Paint a rock to look like an animal 10 – 12 Years Old 65. Three handmade Halloween ornaments must be ready to hang 13 – 16 Years Old 66. 1 photo print something funny with a descriptive paragraph (5-sentences) Prizes for above (62-66) $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 donated by Carolyn and Richard DeBoer OPEN CLASS Sunflower Competition Must be grown from seeds donated by Staffhaven Farms and distributed at school 67. Largest flower (flower head only to be shown) 68. Tallest plant (cut off at ground level flower attached Prizes for above (67-68) $15, $10, $7, $5, $4, $3, $2 donated by Howick Agricultural Society Great Pumpkin Race Must be grown from seeds donated by Watson’s Home Hardware and distributed at school 69. Largest pumpkin (by weight) 70. Strangest shaped pumpkin Prizes for above (69-70) $15, $10, $7, $5, $4, $3, $2 donated by Watson’s Home Hardware “YOUTH POSTER COMPETITION” Theme “Promoting Your Fair” 2015 Theme “Farm Gate to Dinner Plate” Junior entries for youth up to and including Grade 4 Intermediate entries for Grade 5 to Grade 8 inclusive Senior entries for Grade 9 to Grade 12 Entry Rules 1. "Promoting Your Fair"- Name and date of fair must be clearly shown on poster 2. Must be hand drawn 3. Poster size: Minimum 8 1/2"X11" (23cm.x28cm) with out border Maximum 11”X17" (28cm.x44cm) without border 4. Each entry must be centred on a Cardstock or Bristol board exposing a 2" border on all four sides. 5. Name of fair, district, contact person, owner of poster to be clearly labeled on the back of each entry. 6. The winning poster from each class at each fair will be eligible to enter the district competition. District winners are eligible to enter at the provincial competition. 54 Judging Standards: 1. Overall appearance-20 points 2. Attract and hold attention-25 points 3. Competition theme clear-40 points 4. Quality materials/end product-15 points 71. Junior entries for youth up to and including Grade 4 72. Intermediate entries for Grade 5 to Grade 8 inclusive 73. Senior entries for Grade 9 to Grade 12 Prizes: $15, $10, $5, $3, $2, $2, $2 Sponsored by Howick Agricultural Society 74. PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIAL—PROMOTE HOWICK The photograph MUST be taken in Howick Township. The photograph should show that it was taken in Howick. The 4 x 6 print is to be mounted on black Bristol board 6 x 8 and have label on front of Bristol board as to where the photo was taken. The Bristol board must have a means for hanging attached for display purposes. A copy (can be electronic) of the picture is to be submitted to the Howick Township Office by October 1, 2015. Will be used on their website to promote Howick Township. Prizes : 1st $30.00, $2nd $25.00, 3rd $20.00 Prize money donated by Howick Township Listowel Farm Supply 5883 Wallace Line 87 Located beside Listowel Livestock Feeds for Livestock - Poultry & Pet Foods Pro Plan dog food - Bag & Bulk Delivery Bird Feed & Feeders - Animal Health Products Custom Nutrition Programs 55 56 57 PET SHOW – Class J Committee: Angela Wilken, Kathy McMillan, Cheryl Wilson Each pet may be entered in only one class, excluding dog classes. Owners are requested to have pets on the grounds by 10:00 am Note: In classes 4, 5, 6, & 7 the dog can be shared between children Pets may NOT be taken into the arena All dogs and cats MUST have current vaccinations including Rabies Prize money donated by: John Wilson Electric, Fordwich 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dog with the cutest tail Dog with shortest ears Dog with longest hair Dog that can perform a trick for child up to 7 years Dog that can stand perform a trick for a child 8 years and older 6. Dog that can climb over a 3 step – stepladder the best, Child up to 7 years 7. Dog that can climb over a 3 step – stepladder the best: Child 8 years and older 8. Best goat on a rope, in the show ring 9. Goat that can climb 2 step riser + 3 step –step ladder 10. Best barn yard animal, can be on a rope, in the show ring, dogs and goats excluded 11. Best barnyard animal performing a trick or unusual act in the show ring, dogs and goats excluded 12. Most colourful cat 13. Cat with the longest fur 14. Most colorful rabbit, in its own cage 15. Rabbit with the smallest ears, in its own cage 16. Rabbit with the longest fur, in its own cage 17. Most colorful bird or fowl, in its own cage 18. Prettiest duck, in its own cage 19. Best hamster, in its own cage Prizes for above (1-19): $5.00, $3.00, $2.00, $1.00, $1.00,$1.00, $1.00 Open Dog Demonstration Class Open to all ages to demonstrate tricks or stunts that you dog can do. Will not be judged, for spectator and participant enjoyment 58 4H Competition—Class K ~Open to current 4-H Ontario members only. ~No Entry Fee. ~Win prize money to help pay for your 2014 4-H membership fee. ~Competitors are to use their Howick-Turnberry Fair competitor number. If the 4-H member is new to exhibiting in the Howick-Turnberry Fall Fair, a number will be assigned at registration. Please present 4-H participant card at registrations. All classes are open to all 4-H Ontario members. A member does not necessarily have to have participated in a project on the topic in each category to be eligible to compete. Only one entry per 4-H member per class allowed. Please direct any questions to the Fair secretary through our website at www.howickagriculturalsociety.ca or contact one of your Howick-Turnberry 4-H leaders. Prizes for all 4-H classes: 1st $2.00, 2nd $1.75, 3rd $1.50, 4th $1.25, 5th $1.00, 6th $ .75, 7th $ .50 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Junior Division (6-8 yrs. old) Using only vegetables and toothpicks create your favorite animal. Label what kind of animal it is. Picture promoting 4-H (must include 4-H emblem) Picture is to be 4” x 6” and mounted on black Bristol board with a 1” border. Giant cookie 25 cm—30 cm (10”-12”) in diameter, decorated. Use your imagination. Cookie and decorations must be edible. Picture of your pet or favourite animal mounted on black Bristol board with a 1” border. Include a paragraph describing the breed, age and gender of the animal / pet and why you choose this animal / pet to display. A collection of your choice of things displayed on a maximum 5” paper plate. Use your imagination and create whatever (think 4-H) Open to Howick-Turnberry’s Cloverbuds or Explore program only: Current manuals / binders for display only. No prize money awarded. Intermediate Division (9-12 yrs. old) Using only vegetables and toothpicks create your favorite animal. Label what kind of animal it is. 8. Picture promoting 4-H (must include 4-H emblem) Picture is to be 4” x 6” and mounted on black Bristol board with a 1” border 9. Giant cookie 25 cm—30 cm (10”-12”) in diameter, decorated. Use your imagination. Cookie and decorations must be edible. 10. Picture of your pet or favourite animal mounted on black Bristol board with a 1” border. Include a paragraph describing the breed, age and gender of the animal / pet and why you choose this animal / pet to display. 7. 59 11. A collection of your choice of things displayed on a maximum 5” paper plate. Use your imagination and create whatever (think 4-H) 12. Open to Howick-Turnberry’s Cloverbuds or Explore program only: Current manuals / binders for display only. No prize money awarded. Prize money donated by: Schefter Poultry Processing & D & M Auto Service 60 DISPLAYS – CLASS L 1. Roadside Display Competitions A lawn or gateway, featuring advertisement of the 156th Howick-Turnberry Fall Fair. Display of the fair dates, October 2, 3, 4, 2015, MUST be visible from the roadway. Must remain on display until after Fair Weekend. Keep in mind the Fair Theme, “Farm Gate to Dinner Plate”. Display MUST be registered with the fair secretary, on or before September 18, 2015. Displays will be judged on the week of September 21, 2015. Photo of entry must be submitted prior to the fair. Judging Score: Originality — 40% Appearance — 30% Visibility of dates — 30% Prizes: $40, $30, $20, and $10 to each worthy entry, Prize money donated by: Hyndman Transport. Two Dimensional Fair Poster “Promoting Your Fair”, with name and date of fair clearly shown. No raised items – must lay flat Designed Poster mounted on standard full sheet of Bristol board or cardstock (approx. 22” X 28”) Name of Fair, District, Contact Person and Owner of Poster to be clearly labeled, on the back of each entry. Original, Homemade entries, no electrical or moving parts allowed Judging standards Overall Appearance – 20 points Attract and hold attention – 25 points Competition theme clear – 40 points Quality materials/end product – 15 points 2. 3. Two Dimensional Fair Poster Professionally Designed and Made Two Dimensional Fair Poster Original, Homemade Prizes (2 –3) 1st $10, 2nd $5, 3rd $5 First Place Poster in each category will proceed to the OAAS Competition in February 2016. Prize money donated by: Aeration Plus, Fordwich 61 62 63 2015 O.A.A.S Fair Photo Contest – Class P All pictures /images are to be taken at the 2014 Fair. Entries to be made to the secretary of the HowickTurnberry Fall Fair by November 1st, 2014. To be judged at the local level. Prize winning entries will be sent on to the O.A.A.S. competition, February 2015. (OAAS potential prizes:1st $20, 2nd $16, 3rd $12, 4th $7, 5th $5 per category) No Professional Photographers permitted. Absolutely no digital image enhancing allowed. All enhanced photos will be disqualified. Honesty is the best policy. Do not use tape on CD’s or photographs Categories for Digital Images (images downloaded onto CD) Human Involvement: 1. Youth participation ie. Exhibit/display/ribbons won etc. 2. Adult/Senior involvement ie. Working/displays/ enjoying etc. 3. Candid shot of people having fun at your fair. 4. Candid shot of someone too pooped to participate anymore. Displays: Most unusual Display at your fair—your idea. 4-H Involvement at your fair—livestock/displays Homecraft at your fair— displays/demonstrations etc. Live Action Shows—singers/pulls/demo’s/something musical/your fair night 9. Quilts/handcrafts at your fair—from your viewpoint. 10. Displays of Antiques 5. 6. 7. 8. Animals: 11. Livestock—displays/shows/demos 12. Pet show—your interpretation of what you see. 13. Live Demo’s—blacksmith/sheep shearing/ etc. 14. Birds/Small animals—bird show/rabbits etc Promotional: 15. Showing Fair Identification -with displays/ribbons etc. 16. Fair Ambassador Involvement -with displays/ribbons etc. 17. What is this year’s fair theme? — displays/signs etc Categories for Prints (4x6 or 5x7 mounted on Bristol board with approximately 1 inch border) 18. Children at your fair 19. People/creatures and critters at your fair 20. Something “NEW” this year at your fair. Special award for 2015 Fairs: Advertising Your Fair 21. 8x10 photo showing a fair sign constructed of Agricultural Products showing the fair and the date. For example: a store window/store front/lawn display/ field display etc. Judging standards: 64 -Quality of Photo/Image: focus/angle of shot/lighting -Content of Picture: Category?/Appeal to viewer/ Fair involvement -Educational Value: Informative? Promotional? -Fair Identification: ie ribbons/signs etc. Prizes for above(1-20): $4.00, $3.00, $2.00 Prize money donated by: Fordwich Tire, Fordwich, LIBRO Credit Union, Wingham & McPhail’s of Harriston Howick-Turnberry Fall Fair winners will be announced on our website www.howickagriculturalsociety.ca in December 2015. O.A.A.S. winners will be announced at the 2016 OAAS Convention. (Feb 2016) Get Involved! Promote your fair! Show others your fair! 65 Horses – Class Q Committee: Dave Dinsmore (519-335-3290), Carolyn deBoer Rosettes are awarded up to 5th prize. Horse classes shown as listed. Only horses entering the ring will receive prize money. Juniors must wear appropriate safety head gear. Events may be cancelled due to inclement weather or grounds condition. Please check Radio - CKNX 920 www.howickagriculturalsociety.ca or phone 519-335-3883 for confirmation BEFORE starting out. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Open Halter $10, $8, $6, $5, $5 Jr. Showmanship (18 & under) $10, $8, $6, $5, $5 Adult Showmanship $10, $8, $6, $5, $5 Lead Line (under 7 years) $3, $3, $3, $3, $3 Walk, Trot (jog) (8-10 years) $3, $3, $3, $3, $3 Western Pleasure $15, $12, $10, $8, $8 Equitation (13 years & under) English or Western (1st) gift donated by Dave & Jean Dinsmore, 2nd $5, 3rd $4, 4th $3, 5th $3 Equitation (14-18 years) English or Western (1st) gift donated by Richard & Carolyn deBoer, 2nd $5, 3rd $4, 4th $3, 5th $3 Adult Equitation, English or Western English Pleasure $15, $12, $10, $8, $8 Hunter Hack $15, $12, $10, $8, $8 Jack Benny Pleasure (39 years & over) $15, $12, $10, $8, $8 Open Costume (horse must be ridden) $15, $12, $10, $8, $8 Open Command $15, $12, $10, $8, $8 Open Novelty $8, $7, $6, $5, $5 Barrel Racing $15, $12, $10, $6, $6 Trail Class $15, $12, $10, $5, $5 Major Prize money contributor to above classes is: Heartland Animal Hospital and Veterinary Service 66 Dry Bean, Soybean, Corn & Wheat seed from: HDC, Dekalb, NK, Advantage, C&M, SeCan, Gentec, and more. Commercial Grain Receiving, Storage and Contracting IP Food Grade Soybean & Dry Beans Contracting Retail SBM and Distillers Grains Soybean Roasting, Bag and Bulk Feed Delivery 7 Grain Delivery/Pick-up Units on the Road Commercial Grain Receiving, Drying and Storage Retail Feed and Ag Products Store Custom Roasting and Trucking Crops Handled: Corn IP Soybeans Crush Soybeans Wheat: SRWW, SWWW, HRWW Barley, Oats and Mixed Grain 67 Hog Carcass Competition And Auction Class R The Carcass Competition and Pork Auction has grown to be one of the highlights of the fair. Committee: Mark Harding 327-8718 Entry: One hog of market weight, the first 15 entries accepted. Final date for entry is September 25, 2015 Assembly date is to be announced. Trophy donated by North Wellington Co-op. Prizes for the above: $50, $30, $21, $19, $17, $15, $12. Prizes donated by: Heritage Builders, Harriston North Wellington Co-op, Harriston Green’s Meat Market, Wingham This year's auction will be held on Friday, October 2, 2015 at approximately 9:00 pm. For further information, contact Mark Harding, 327-8718. 68 Grain - Class S Committee: Bart Scherpenzeel, 519-327-9604, Nathan Elford, Mary Lou Rowley Note: All varieties of grain to be named. Purity of seed will be considered in judging. All grain and seed to be grown in 2014 season. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Half Bushel Winter Wheat Half Bushel Spring Wheat Half Bushel Barley Half Bushel Mixed Grain 5 pounds dry hay, 1st cut 5 pounds dry hay 2nd cut 5 pounds haylage, in plastic bag Soybeans, 6 stalks 5 pounds ensilage corn, in plastic bag Half Bushel White Beans 6 stalks Ensilage Corn 6 cobs Grain Corn Prizes for above: (1-12) $5.00, $3.00, $2.00 Prize money for classes (1-12) donated by Berhns Metal Fabricating Note: Sheaves to be 6 inches diameter, name and variety attached to sheaf. 13. Sheaf Fall Wheat 14. Sheaf White Oats 15. Sheaf Barley Prizes for above: (13-15) $ 5.00, $3.00, $2.00 16. Most points for class S (1 –12): Cash prize donated by Bridge Country Feed, Listowel 69 Field Crop Competition—Class T Hay, Barley, Mixed Grain, Soybeans, Spring Wheat, Fall Wheat, Ensilage Corn, Grain Corn Committee: Bart Scherpenzeel, 519-327-9604, Nathan Elford, Mary Lou Rowley, Marion Feldskov The Field Crop Competition consists of two parts. A) Field Score—Crop Judges will visit your field crop entered in the competition and score the field. B) Fair Exhibit Score—Exhibit the crop at the fair. Exhibit must be of the same field from which the Field Score is from. Each competitor must complete both parts A and B to qualify for prize money. The Field Crop Competition prize purse is $800 which is divided among qualified competitors. Barley, Mixed Grain, Spring Wheat, Fall Wheat, Fair Exhibit is to be half bushel of seed from the qualifying field (grain must be bin run, must not be cleaned) Grain Corn, Fair Exhibit is to be 12 cobs of corn from the qualifying field. Ensilage Corn, Fair Exhibit is to be 6 stalks of corn from the qualifying field. Hay, Fair Exhibit is to be 10 inch section (or equivalent) of hay in a box, from the qualifying field. Soy Beans, Fair Exhibit is to be 6 stalks of soy beans from the qualifying field. Specials: Highest total score in each competition (in the event of a tie), the prize is awarded to the top Field Score. 1. Barley: Cash prize donated by: Listowel Farm Supply, Listowel 2. Ensilage Corn: Voucher towards the purchase of 1 bag of corn seed, donated by: Connell Farms Inc. Palmerston 3. Grain Corn: 1 bag Pioneer Seed (grain) Corn donated by: Boyd’s Farm Supply, Fordwich 4. Soy Beans: 3 bags Pioneer Soy Beans donated by Boyd’s Farm Supply, Fordwich 5. Mixed Grain: voucher for 2—25 kg. bags of Mixed Grain, donated by Connell Farms Inc. Palmerston 6. Hay: Cash Prize, donated by: Pioneer Hy-Bred Limited, Wingham 7. Spring Wheat: Cash Prize donated by: MacEwen Farms Ltd. Gorrie 8. Fall Wheat: Cash Prize donated by: Palmerston Grain, Palmerston 9. Harold Gibson Memorial Trophy: Scores for each competitor entering in at least 3 competitions will be averaged. Highest overall score will determine the Champion Field Crop Competitor for 2015. The winner of the trophy will also receive a cash prize donated by Stoltz Sales & Service, Listowel. 70 71 Sponsorship Without the support of our many sponsors our fair would not be possible Thank You! Platinum Boyd’s Elevators/Hensall District Coop Fordwich CJ Johnston Office Wingham Fordwich Village Nursing Home Fordwich Hays Electrical Teeswater Heritage Builders Harriston Howick Mutual Insurance Co. Wroxeter Howick Optimists Howick Twp Hyndman Transport Wroxeter J. C. Millwrights / Mike Nichols Listowel Marquardt Drainage Palmerston North Wellington Co-op Harriston Pentastic Motors Gorrie Rolling Acres / Dan Renwick Mildmay Teeswater Concrete Teeswater Stewart Strong & Sons Farms limited Gorrie Watson’s Home Hardware Gorrie What’s Happening/Marion Feldskov Fordwich Gray’s Auction Service Harriston Greens Meat Market Wingham Jones Feed Mill / Saugeen Genetics Wroxeter/Listowel Gold Behrns Metal Fabricating Boyd’s Farm Supply D’Arcey Sand and Gravel Keil Dadson Insurance Heartland Animal Hospital & Vet Services Municipality of Morris-Turnberry Township of Howick Kurtzville Fordwich Fordwich Gorrie/Listowel Listowel Brussels Howick Silver Connell Seeds Chalmers Fuels John Wilson Electric Listowel Farm Supply Lyle’s Auto Repair Premier Equipment Wightman Telecom Palmerston Palmerston Fordwich Listowel Wingham Listowel Clifford Bronze Agre Farms Ltd Allan Johnston Ltd. Bare Necessities Borrmann’s Garage Brett W. Lammie & Associates Inc. Bridge Country Feed C & M Seeds 72 Bluevale Listowel Fordwich Bluevale Wingham Listowel Palmerston Bronze Cont’d Clarkson Signs & Awnings Countryside Poultry Products Ltd. Craig MacDonald Reddon Ins. David Myer Design Consulting D. & M. Auto Service Dobbyn Plumbing and Heating Donegan’s Haulage Ltd. Fosters Plumbing & Heating Gemini Jewellers Gorvel Farms—Gord & Velma Sothern H. Kerr Construction Ltd. Hardy Lee Funeral Home Hollis Wealth Howick Homes Ltd. Joe Kerr Ltd. Ken Miller Construction Libro Credit Union MacEwen Farms Ltd. Manjin Mechanics Manjin Electonics McBurney Funeral Home Ltd. Meyer’s Transmission Service Inc. Micro Age Basics/Bluewater Office Midwestern Equipment (Listowel) Ltd. Nieuwland Feed & Supply Ltd. Palmerston Grain Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited Queens Bush Construction Inc. R.J. Burnside & Associates Ltd. Rintoul’s Pools & Spas Schefter Poultry Processing Select Sires / John Wassink Stoltz Sales & Service Wendt’s Jewellery Fordwich Listowel Hanover Fordwich Gorrie Wroxeter Listowel Fordwich Listowel Fordwich Wingham Harriston Listowel Wroxeter Wingham Gorrie Wingham Gorrie Bluevale Harriston Wingham Listowel Wingham & Goderich Listowel Drayton Palmerston Wingham Gorrie Wingham Wingham Gorrie Gowanstown Listowel Mildmay Friends of the Fair A Dollar Stop Aeration Plus Back to Basics Touch Therapy BDO Canada LLP Bruce Kennedy Carpentry Cargill Charlie’s Place (Bluevale Restaurant) Clara Gibson Christian Feldskov Corley Source for Sports Cowan’s County Store Dairy Queen Dave & Jean Dinsmore Dean’s Value Mart Eaton Funeral Home Five Star Quilt Guild Fletcher’s Landscaping Inc. Floyd & Liz Allan Food Basics Fordwich Diner 73 Listowel Fordwich Wroxeter Wingham Fordwich Harriston Bluevale Fordwich Fordwich Listowel Listowel Listowel Fordwich Wingham Listowel Teeswater Listowel Wroxeter Listowel Fordwich Friends of the Fair Cont’d Fordwich Tire Giant Tiger Godfather’s Pizza Gordon McKeen Hair Tech Harkes Industries Harriston Veterinary service Huron Bay Co-op Huron Pole & Timber Ideal Supply J. H. Keeso & Sons J. R. Fear Apiaries Jack Ruttan Jean Clarkson Jocelyn Daunt Karen’s Hair Hut Kitchen Cupboard Laverne Stinson Lincoln Smith & Sons Listowel Florist Louise Edgar Lovina Ruttan Lyle & Alieda Murray Lyle & Leone Foerter Lynn Hoy Enterprises MacDonalds’s Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Mark’s Auto Body McPhail’s of Harriston Miller Insurance Mildmay Tent Rental Mildmay Vet Clinic Neil’s Repair Service Norm & Edna Fairles Pandora’s Pantry Peter Aeberhard Reimax—Keith Gray Richard & Carolyn Deboer River Bend Gardens & Nursery Ron & Ethel McMichael Ruth Harding Schmidt’s Power Equipment Sewing Galore Sonja Hairstyling Spear Seeds Staffhaven Farms Stainton Home Hardware Stapleton Interiors Steffen Auto Supply Sun Life Financial—Pauline Atton Sweets n Treats Tim Horton’s TSC Stores Wayne Faust Auto Repair Wingham Foodland Wroxeter Variety Zehrs Listowel 74 Fordwich Listowel Wingham Belmore Gorrie Gorrie Harriston Mildmay Bluevale Listowel Listowel Wingham Fordwich Fordwich Fordwich Clifford Listowel Harriston Gowanstown Listowel Wroxeter Fordwich Clifford Fordwich Wingham Listowel Wroxeter Wingham Harriston Clifford Mildmay Mildmay Bluevale Fordwich Wingham Wroxeter Harriston Fordwich Wroxeter Wroxeter Fordwich Bluevale Wingham Gorrie Harriston Gorrie Wingham Wingham Wingham Wroxeter Wingham Wingham Listowel Gowanstown Wingham Wroxeter Listowel The Howick Agricultural Society would like to thank the Parkinson Family Farm of Palmerston, Ontario for their threshing machine demonstration last year at the fair. It was greatly appreciated and enjoyed by many! Howick Township 44816 HARRISTON Road R. R. # 1 Gorrie, Ontario N0G 1X0 Phone: 519-335-3208 Fax: 519-335-6208 Web site: www.town.howick.on.ca Email: [email protected] Municipal Office: PO Box 310, 41342 Morris Rd, BRUSSELS, ON N0G 1H0 PH: 519-887-6137 FAX: 519-887-6424 EMAIL: [email protected] 75 Thank You from the Directors of the Howick Agricultural Society for participating in in the Pork Auction at the 2014 Howick-Turnberry Fall Fair Special thanks to the following buyers and supporters. C J Johnson Office Solutions Hays Electrical Heritage Builders Ltd Hyndman’s TransporT J. C. Millwrights—Mike Nichols North Wellington Co-op Pentastic Motors Rolling Acres—Dan Renwick Teeswater Concrete Ltd WaTson’s Home HardWare. Gray’s aucTion service Green’s meaT markeT Jones Feed Mill/Saugeen Genetics 76
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