June 2016 Views - Vermont Street United Methodist Church
June 2016 Views - Vermont Street United Methodist Church
Vermont Street Views May 31, 2016 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Sunday thru Thursday June 19 - 23 6 - 8 p.m. VBS is for ages PreK thru 6th Grade. Register online at www.vsumc.org (click on homepage link) or in the church office. Register by June 3 and receive a free t-shirt at VBS! Vermont Street United Methodist Church 818 Vermont Quincy, IL 62301 217-222-7468 www.vsumc.org Rev. Patty Johansen, Senior Pastor Rev. Sheri Renner, Associate Pastor open minds... open hearts... open doors... Sunday Worship Schedule Classic Worship 9 am Sunday School 10 am Contemporary Worship 11 am Our purpose is to connect people with Jesus Christ. VBS planning is falling into place nicely, but we can always use more help! Our next VBS meeting is Tuesday, May 31 at 6:30pm in the Gathering Place. We need Team Leaders- they lead a group of kids from station to station. Plus, anyone who would want to help decorate a day or two before and take down decorations/general clean-up the last night after VBS, or the next day. Details to be ironed out! Contact Pastor Sheri at 440-0732 with any questions or to volunteer. Watch the weekly bulletins and e-mails for more updates & news! Vermont Street Views page 2 Vermont Street UMC Staff Rev. Patty Johansen, Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Sheri Renner, Associate Pastor [email protected] May 31, 2016 2016 Fiscal Results $35,853.23 April Income $35,020.30 April Expenses $ 832.93 April Profit Dr. Ann Behrens, Organist/Music Coordinator [email protected] $138,302.31 YTD Income $141,679.09 YTD Expenses $ (3,376.78) YTD Loss Stacy Taylor, Praise Team & Children’s Choir Director WORSHIP ATTENDANCE Jean Murray, Handbell Choir Director Total Sunday School 58 215 75 148 61 209 66 May 15 154 63 217 74 Al Jones, Custodian (cell phone: 217-242-4347) May 22 164 43 207 68 Sara Bange, Preschool Director May 29 140 47 187 72 Hope Tucker, Secretary/Adm. Asst. [email protected] Date 9 am 11am May 1 157 Jerry Carnivale, Financial Manager [email protected] May 8 Jean Barnes, Nursery Staff Tech Team: Matthew Bowen, Amy McCallister, Kelly McElroy, Ryan McElroy, Georges Messan VO L U N T E E R S FO R J u n e 9am Ushers: Kelly McElroy, Randy Hughes, Dan Buckley, Charlie Jones, John Bunting, Barney Bier Gathering Place: June 5: Bob & Joyce McDonough June 12: Rick & Carol Parise June 19: Randy & Jan Krutmeier June 26: Suzi Duker Sunday Stewards: June 5: Chris Larson June 12: Paul Mugerditchian June 19: Lee Hanlin June 26: Ron Wallace Liturgists: June 5: 9am Barb Wooleyhan 11am Don Larson June 12: 9am Jean Murray 11am Bill Winn June 19: 9am Pat Dillon June 26: 9&11am Pat Wallace Greeters: (11am greeters also serve as ushers) June 5: (9am) Joan Beasley, Vicky Connors, Suzi Duker, Barbara Fry (11am) Mike & Barb Klingner June 12: (9am) Bruce & Lori Kruse, Jay & Linda Sade (11am) Jan Little, Maxine Paluska June 19: (9am) John & Mary Ellen Inman, Clif & Karen Weisinger (11am) Karen Anderson, Pixie Sharkey June 26: (9am) Dennis & Jennifer Dempsey, Dave & Emily Lewis (11am) Lori, Ryan & Brittany Cane Like us Communion Stewards June 5: on (9am) John & Cathy Staff facebook (11am) Jan Little, Pixie Sharkey The next spiritual discipline we will explore in The Journey of 10 x 10 is TELL YOUR FAITH STORY. Sunday, June 5: 1 John 1:1-7 and 2 Corinthians 4:5-6 will help us understand that although telling our personal stories of faith seems like a frightening thing to do, it may help someone else understand how Jesus is at work in their lives, and seek a relationship of love. Holy Communion will be served at both services Sunday, June 12: The focus behind Acts 10:1 – 11:18 is how the story of Jesus is repeated to many, and in the repetition others become part of the story, as well. Sunday, June 19: Luke 24:35-36 reminds us that we tend to hide our stories of faith, rather than embracing them and sharing them with others. The Emmaus story helps us embrace our own story. Sunday, June 26: On the Sunday following Vacation Bible School, we will have the joy of hearing children, and Pastor Sheri Renner, share bits and pieces of what they experienced at VBS, as they heard the story of Jesus’ love and discovered ways to share the story with others. Vermont Street Views page 3 May 31, 2016 We continue to be blessed with a productive resource for nourishing vegetables to share with others and to connect these people to the love of Jesus. The full garden space is now planted and will enable us to broaden the variety and increase the quantity of food we are able to share. Children from Preschool through 6th grade will be merging together for Sunday School this summer on the 1st Sunday of each month (June 5, July 3, August 7), from 10:05 – 10:55 a.m. Thank you for your continued support. (If you missed the May 25 Herald-Whig article, it’s posted outside the church office!) Online Giving is here! Starting on June 1, 2016, members and others who wish to give to the support of Vermont Street United Methodist Church will be able to do so by going to the homepage of the Church’s website (www.vsumc.org) and clicking on the link Online Giving. This will connect you to our Realm membership program If you are interested in giving through Realm, there are two giving options. The first is “Estimate of Giving” and the second is “Gifts.” The “Estimate of Giving” choice should be made by those who have made a pledge to the Church. “Gifts” should be made by those who choose to support the Church without making a yearly pledge. Pastor Patty will be working with our teachers and subs to provide a lesson each of those three Sundays focused on the parables of Jesus. The merged class will meet in the room on the second floor next to the Nursery. Older elementary kids and youth will be able and encouraged to provide some leadership in activities. The first Sunday of the month schedule gives a break to teachers, and still allows opportunity to provide a lesson to kids. How do I get into my account? Just click on the link on the Church’s website homepage at www.vsumc.org. Is my information secure? Vanco Payment Solutions will process your donation to the Church. They will handle the gift and all personal financial information such as bank account number and billing address. The only part of your donation visible to the financial secretary will be your name, which account you want your donation to go to, and the amount of your gift. If you have any questions, please contact Jerry in the church office, Monday thru Wednesday, 8 am to 2 pm, or email [email protected]. - Jerry Carnivale Next newsletter deadline: Wednesday, June 22 AT NOON Views mailed: Tuesday, June 28 Vermont Street Views page 4 Mission Notes WOW (Women of the Word) Women of the Word is a missions-support group that meets monthly for dinner at Sprouts. The June meeting will be Monday, June 27 at 6pm. There is a standing reservation for VSUMC, so when you come in, just ask for our table. Be ready for great conversation and a lot of laughter! Each month, WOW offers support to a mission or social service agency in Quincy. In May, we made a donation toward the opening of the Jackson-Lincoln pool. In June, we will be receiving donations (whatever amount the giver wishes to contribute) for Teen Reach, an agency that is doing excellent work in providing additional support to kids on the edges of life. This agency is struggling financially in the wake of the state budget stalemate. WOW’s contributions will help to provide for salary support for the staff. If you cannot make the dinner, but would like to contribute, you may leave your donation in the church office. Please write on your check's memo line “Teen Reach-WOW”. In July, the project will be items for Grandma’s Closet at Chaddock. May 31, 2016 PRAYER WALK The next Prayer Walk is set for Sunday, June 12 at 2 pm. We will meet in the parking lot of Monroe School on Payson Road between S. 36th and S. 31st streets. We will walk that neighborhood for ½ hour or so, praying as we go. After our walk, we’ll spend some time in Christian conversation and prayer. Men, women, youth, and children are welcome to participate in this prayerful experience, as we invite God to speak to us about our community. HORIZONS DAY OF PRAYER Horizons is hosting a "Day of Prayer" for our churches and our city on Wednesday, June 8. Horizons’ new building (224 S. 8th) will be open from 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Please enter on the west side of the building. There will be interactive prayer stations designed to give you the opportunity to encounter God in tangible, meaningful and reflective ways. HEALTH MINISTRIES UPDATE The team of people who are developing an approach for health ministries for VSUMC and the community are going to be providing some “teasers” for the congregation on various Sundays this summer, between the services in the Gathering Area. On June 5, Marilyn Vincent will be available to help you learn about Healing Touch, an energy therapy for which she is a certified practitioner. We also plan to have a nurse available to do blood pressure checks. On June 12, John Simon, director of Emergency Management for Adams County, will be available to help us all learn about disaster readiness, and what are the supplies we should all have available in case of disaster. Other folks or organizations will be coming in and sharing with us about health and wellness, care of mind, body, and spirit. So be ready to learn on Sunday mornings! June June June June YOUTH GROUP CALENDAR 5: 6-8pm Youth Group 12: 6-8pm Youth Group 19: Youth attending VBS 26: 6-8pm Youth Group On Saturday, August 20, we are planning toward a health fair/block party on the green space at 9th and Hampshire. Times will announced next month. Put that date on your calendar, and come join us as we reach out to the neighborhood with Christian music and information about health-related issues. Vermont Street Views page 5 May 31, 2016 AMONG OUR FOLKS Rev. Patty Johansen THE JOURNEY OF 10 X 10: TELL YOUR FAITH STORY In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (NRSV) A significant practice that helps us receive this abundant life is telling our faith stories. Telling someone else about your faith in Christ is the heart of church growth. People often look for the latest and greatest book study or ministry program to grow their church. But the truth is that if people aren’t telling others some part of their faith story, nothing is going to make a difference. For years, I’ve been hearing people say that they don’t have a faith story or that they would be too intimidated to talk about Jesus with someone else. That’s the devil talking, and we need to be bold in telling the devil to get behind us. Sharing your faith story doesn’t have to be hard to do. There are some patterns to guide us in the telling, that might make it a little easier. Find a couple of minutes every day (or night) to reflect on how you’ve seen or experienced Jesus present in your life that day. Jot those down in a journal or notebook. As you continue to reflect and write down those experiences of Jesus in your life, you’re building a foundation of faith stories that can be shared. Maybe once a week, take a couple of minutes to review what you’ve written about. When you are with someone, perhaps having a conversation with them about some aspect of life, silently invite Jesus to help you find one of your faith stories to bring to the conversation. Ask Jesus for boldness to share that story. I promise, it gets easier as you do it more often. But that first time out, it might feel a little scary! Trust Jesus for boldness. After you’ve shared your faith story, silently give Jesus thanks for guiding you. The Journey of 10 X 10 asks us to tell our faith story to someone else at least once each month. This is a vital means of growing in love for God, and opening ourselves to the abundance of a life in Christ. Will you commit to telling your faith story, once a month, from now until the end of November? Thank You Thank you all very much for all the love and support you have given me throughout my years at VSUMC. From the children’s musicals to me going to college. I will make sure to take all the love and advice with me. Thank you, Ryan McElroy Thank you for all your prayers, visits, calls, cards and flowers during my recent hospital stay and on-going recuperation. Thanks also to all those who helped with meal prep while Don was working. Special thanks to Pastors Patty & Sheri & the Care Team for their visits, prayers & cards. We are so blessed to be part of such a caring congregation. - Sue & Don Altheide Thank you to John & Mary Ellen Inman for their hard work in preparing the updated pictures and frame in the hallway outside the church office. Check it out! Congratulations Emily Andrews and Luke Gittings were married on May 14 at the church. After a honeymoon to Mexico, they are at home at 2408 Sterling, Quincy 62301. New Faces Matthew Bowen has joined our tech team on Sunday mornings. Please make him feel welcome at VSUMC! Sara Bange will replace Tanya Beth as the director of Bright Start Preschool. Sara has been a teacher at the preschool since 2014 and is excited about her new role. The Preschool has filled the other teaching positions and are all set for fall. They have openings in both the 3 y/o and 4 y/o classes. Register now! $$ DID YOU KNOW ?? The organ renovation is fully paid for by memorial gifts and donations from members and friends. Submitted by: Finance Committee Vermont Street Views page 6 GET ACQUAINTED WITH OUR STAFF: ANN BEHRENS Staff-Parish Relations Committee wants you to know our staff better. So they’ve decided to feature a staff member in the newsletter for the month when they have a birthday. And Ann Behrens has a birthday coming up on June 30! So she’s first! Ann has most recently been part of the staff since September 2013 when she came as organist, and then later added the Chancel Choir duties. But she’s been a member of VSUMC since she was three, so through the years she also served as the Wesley Choir director (Jr. and Sr. High youth) and also filled in for a year or so as Chancel Choir director when a previous director left right before Christmas. Ann is the Vice President for Academic Affairs at Quincy University. She basically works with the faculty to create new academic programs, create/refine existing programs, hire new faculty, and help coordinate assessment of student learning. Ann has three kids. Paul (Christie) in Hannibal, is a Missouri State Highway Patrolman and they have two kids, Macy (almost 9) and Brody (5). Kristin (Bryan) Johnson in Folsom, CA, is a board certified behavior analyst and works in schools and in some private homes coordinating services for students with autism and other behavioral conditions. They have two boys, Grayson, (9), and Landon (7). Peter (Ellie) in St. Joseph, MO, is an IT manager for Nestle-Purina and they have two daughters, (Hailey, almost 4, and Charlotte, almost 1). Ellie is the daughter of Dr. John and Candy Scott of our congregation, so they all share these granddaughters. Ann’s biggest hobby is her two dogs. She competes in agility, obedience, and rally with the older one and is venturing into showing in conformation with the younger puppy. She also loves to read and do needlework. Music, of course, is also a hobby as well as a job for her. Ann said, “I love being ‘home’ at Vermont Street and appreciate how supportive folks are of the music program. The Chancel Choir is a real blessing in my life.” And we are blessed to have Ann on our church staff! May 31, 2016 Notes on Music Thank you to everyone who contributed towards the organ project. The work has been completed and although you may not hear anything different from before, I want to assure you that things are working much more reliably. The organ also has some additional capabilities as a result, such as recording to a flash drive, assigning specific sets of pistons to different organists, and even transposition. This church has always taken care of its investments. I want to add my personal thanks to you for ensuring that this important resource continues to operate reliably. Sunday, May 29th, was the last Sunday for the Chancel Choir to sing before taking a well-deserved break over the summer. Please join me in expressing your gratitude for their faithful service this year. We truly function as one of the small groups of the church, supporting one another as we prepare the music each week. Also taking a summer break are the Bell Choir, directed by Jean Murray, and His Connection children’s choir, directed by Stacy Taylor. Both of these groups have enriched our worship throughout the past year and deserve our gratitude as well. Thanks to all for a job well done! This update wouldn’t be complete without a request for summer musicians to provide special music in the coming months. Solos, duets, ensembles – all are welcome and appreciated. Contact Ann Behrens at 223-3205 or [email protected] to learn more about summer opportunities. - Ann Behrens Organist & Music Coordinator Birthdays 1 Sarah Rowlands, Kirsten Hammock 2 Kathleen Klingner, Ryan McElroy, Dennis Dempsey 4 Mark Crawford 5 Karen Weede, Carter Veihl 6 Avery Hemming 7 Ben Failor, Brooke Failor, Carla Fierge 8 Bob Chamberlain 9 Will Hanlin 11 Barbara Klingner 12 Colleen Anderson 14 Lois Acker 15 Carl Rylander, Nick Foster, page 8 May 31, 2016 Conor Koscielski 16 Harry Koeller, Suzanne Lanchester 17 Anna Crane 18 June Redman, Jacob Inman, Lori Kruse 19 Barbara Wallace 20 Catherine Staff, Merle Crossland, Dennis Everly 21 Vicki Hayden 22 Charles Jones, Danielle Thompson-Saines 23 Lynn Cameron, Howard Kirkwood 25 Mary Wilson 24 Allen Snyder 26 Vicky Connors, Kathy Crouch, Gospel Messan 27 Janelle Fuller 28 Mary Lou McElroy, Judy VanDeBoe 30 Ann Behrens, Cooper Larson Anniversaries 2 Ron & Martha Fuller 5 Harry & Frances Koeller Duane & Linda Robinson Steve Prater & Barb Willis-Prater 6 Bruce & Shirley Tode Alan & Judy VanDeBoe 8 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 29 30 Gary & Christy Hemming Phillip & Rosanna Nowell Stacy & Debbie Taylor Jerry & Sue Carnivale Larry & Billie Embree Kevin & Jan Cory Dale & Coreene Hanson Lee & Lollie Johnson Dave & Emily Lewis Doug & Kathy Crouch Scott & Kristi Sloan Jim & Elaine Sours Brian & Cinda Barnes Jim & Rosalie Jacobs John & Mary Jane Rischar Charles & Susan Mahon Hal & Kathy Oakley Rick & Taunua Godman John & Susan Kissick Ed Willing & Vicki Blackwell Dean & Sue Wiseman Gary Livesay & Valerie Vlahakis Robert & Carolyn Brown Dan & Beth Buckley John & Kirsten Hammock Kent & Linda McCormick John & Barb Wooleyhan BJ & Lisa Berhorst Vermont Street United Methodist Church 818 Vermont Street Quincy, IL 62301-3048 Vermont Street Views Non Profit Org. 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