r - University of Delaware
r - University of Delaware
r---- I I:::=-, : Keep posted With Tbe Po I THENE Uy paper with news lam elf your children I ,Ay,Ors , • VOLuME XXXVlII Number 9 MAy DAY A ca ll for vol unteer sewers to assist w ith the work at the loca l Red Cross r ooms was issue d this week by Mrs. John Pi e, sewing chairman. The rooms, situ a ted in th e Century Club building, are open from 10 a. m . to 3 p. ,m . on Tuesd ays. Women interested are u r ged to visit the rooms or to call Mrs. Pie w ho will provide work to be don e at home. The Delaware Chapter A. R. C. h as been assigned a qu ota of 5,000 child ren's garm ents to be completed by November, Mrs. Pie said. The clothes will be sent to children in Displace d P ersons camps overseas. Also ~farks Alumnae Day; M.'s. G. Brewer WiH Be Queen LOCAL CUBS GET PRIZES FOR HOBBY COLLECTIONS Ws Gordon Brewer. o( N e w ~ rk , he formel '1lss Kathryn Ann Ewmg. ~f Rehoboth. \1'111 be. the fi r~t m a rl'le.d \fay Queen in the hI story of th e Un!;'ersity of Delaware's anl1l~ a l M ay D ay pageants. when his year s ceremony is held on the ewarl< ca mp us a t 2:30 p. m., on Satllrda~', Mny 17. A comely. lim brunette. M r s. Brewer is a senior in Home Economi cs subwhich she hopes to teach after I in June . She is th e of ~ I r. and Mrs. J . Be njamin Ewing. of Rehoboth. Maid of honor to the q ueen w ill be Sara Ann S\I' ing. of Easton. Md. Theme of the pagea nt w ill be centered around the modern music of JlouSSOrgsky's "Pictures at a n Exhibi,. portray in g the pe r iod p ictures of and 1870's. May Day , as is . also w ill be a l umnae reat the u nive rsity. duchess will be Ann Scan ne ll, who w il l have as h er Elisabe th Hopk in s, of Dover, Thompson. of La ure l. junior duchess w ill be Florence Wilmington , a nd h er a tare to be Eil ee n Mills, of and Dolores Tondat, of Annual Soap Box Derby To Be Held Last Part Of May Prizes for the best hobby coll ections were award ed to Edwa rd Sobolewski and Richa rd L awrence of Cub Pack 55 a t the unit's A pril meet ing la st Friday evenin g, w h e n the new assistant cubm aster. William 'Ruth, Jr ., was in troduced to the m embers. Young L aw rence a lso received a bear b a dge, a nd a new m ember, Joseph Leaman, w as initiated into the Pack . It was announced that the ann u al cub soap box d erby w ill be h e ld in the latter part of May on Academy Street. the soph o:nore duchess, The theme for May will be the conof Wllmmgton , WIll be struction of a push mobile by each den . . . of Lewes, and Ruth McThe cubs were also urged to tu rn o! MIll Ville. The freshman duc?- out for baseball practice now bein g Rosen, of Chester, P? , held every Saturday a t 9 a. m . unde r by Ly nn :'la rd , of W!lmmg- Coach Franklin Schaele r at th e hi gh Jeann e WhIte, of Bellefonte. school field. The memt.",rs will be given chaIrman .of program , Betty an opportunity to inspect the fir e fightand her aSSIstant, Peggy webb' l' 'p t at t.he loca l fire house as their aides the foJlo~ing com- ~~~a~q~: 5mp~nm. Fire Chief Elmer Ell]heads: Mary Lou RIch a rdson, son wi ll be on h a nd to explain the MISS Scanne ll ,. prog r am ; J~an operation of the appa ratus a nd advise musIc; Ann WI se, properties ; the cubs on fire p r evention. oore, poster s; ~u th .Ann Gre~n ' l F r iday's meeting also included inter:~~n!~otOgl aph , and MISS est ing talks on stam p collecting b y H. E. W eaver an d Jack Ma lone of the Wil min gton Y. M. C. A. Sta mp Club. M r . Malone wri tes t he Sta mp Column for the Wilmington Morning Ne ws. Sta mps a n d coins wer e di sp layed illustratin g va riou s poin ts in colle ctin g. An item of inter est was a n 1847 sta m p, on e of t he first a dh es ive s tamps used in th is cou ntry. :Nllli I High School ProO'l'anl Starts Tonite At 8 P. M. 25e 2ge 25e IOe 25e 27e 18e lIe 21e 10e 13e HOME WEEK STATEMENT IS MADE BY GOV. BACON Delaware Demonstration Clubs To Mark Event May 4·11 A sta tem e nt in recognition of Na tional H ome D emonstra tion Week. May 4 t o II, and the im por ta nt part tha t D e la w a r e h ome d emon stra tion clubs pl ay in th is nationa l progr am, has bee n issued b y Governor Walte r W . Bac on . Gove rn or Bacon stated : "During th e wee k of M ay 4th to 11 th , ap proxim a te ly 2,000 Dela ware home ma k e r s w ill join w ith 3 'h m illi on r ura l wome n in th e United States in g iving r ecogn iti on to Nati on a l H ome Dem on stra t ion Week . Home De mon s tration w ork. car ried on in De la ware by h ome d emon s tra tion agents, s ta ff m embers of t he University of Delaware Agricultura l Extension Serv ice , in coope ration with the Un ited S tates Department of Agriculture. is a far-reach ing vo lu nta r y on -the -spot education progr a m for women- a program which includes eve ry phase of rura l fam ily life from foods a nd fami ly nutrition to financia l p la nn in g . In the cou rse of th e ir participa tion in hom e d emonstration work , rural women have progressed far bey ond th e foul' wall s of their h om es. With th e theme, "Toda y's Home Builds Tomorrow's World," these women arE' ta kin g an active in terest in comm u nity, nationa l and international affairs. Traditi o~a ll y th e best neighbors in the world , rura l women during the p ast yea r have ind ica ted that they now consi d er the w hol e world as their n e igh borhood , as they discuss proble ms of inte rn a tional importance and learn to unde rstand the ir "n eighbors" in oth er cou ntries. TO PRESENT i\WARDSFOR POSTERS TO NHSPUPILS I$4,00 AVeloage Increase Set FOJo Teachers Here ANTIQUE SHOW WILL OPEN HERE ON MAY 7 A sa Inr y scal e for loca l teachers, se t , ting an average a nnu a l pay rat.e in excess of $2700 pel' teacher, was fix ed by the Ne wark School Boa rd at a spe cia l session Tuesday nigh t. P resident Joseph McVey presided . The new r a te represents a substantia l increase for teac hers here. Most of the jump will be provided by state funds, but sc hool board members voted to use loca l fu nds up to $200 pe l' teac her in amounts regula ted to provide an ove r-a ll individual increase not in excess of $600. Tlu~ee Th e n ew sca le means a n aver age in crease of ove r $400 for teache r s h ere. An un usua l va ri e ty o'f exhi bi ts is One tea che r resignation w as acce pted a t the sess ion from Mrs. Gla dys De ll , DI'omi sed for the second a nnu ol New a l'l< A n ti o ue Sh ow, to be s onsore<i One of th e annua l events of the New- of the Ne w London Avenue School. b v S t. Thomas E piscopa l Ch urch on ark Comm ittee, Delawa r e F estival of May 7. 8 and 9 in th e Cou n try Cl ub. the Ar ts program, th e a wardin g of J ohn R. Ern est. ch a ir man , s1id this prizes for poste rs b y Newark Hi gh week . School stUdents, w ill ta ke place in the Add ing interest to the even t will be school auditor ium t hi s e ven in g. Three the fac t tha t th is yea r. con tr a ry t o last. prizes w ill be g iven . Jud g ing w ill be o Il items on disp lay w ill be for sa Ie. based on the po~ te r 's cal'l'y ing powe r, Eve ry e ffor t is be ing made to secu re ori ginality a nd draughtm ansh ip. a la rl!e :J nd va ri ed exhibiti on by dealTh e poster s ha ve be en on display in e rs throughout thi s section . Newark stores the pas t ten d ays, adAm ong the un us ua l fe a tures w ill be verti sin g the ex hibit of Old Sil ver to wallpa per, drape r ies a nd uphol ster v be h eld in the ga ll er y of th e Memoria l appr op ri a te fOI- rooms furni sh ed i;, Librar y, May 4 to 9, inclusive. In con a nti ques. These wi ll be sure to p rov id e nection with the display . on w hi ch the --ideas fa)' a ny on e con te mp la ting r eNew ark com mi ttee. is con~en trati n g .its decora tion. Anothe r special fea ture e ffor ts. was an lI1terestll1g and 111- 1 . w il l be the exhibit by a n artist who form a tive talk by Dav id Stockwell a t l is pa rti cul a r ly good a t copyin g a nd reB rown Ha ll Lounge last night. ., pa il'ing old oil pa intings. It is under, Th e noted expert discussed early s tood t hat he w ill di splay examples of Delawa r e Silversmilh s in particu lar. hi s I·estora tion s. s ince man y of thei r p ieces have b een Th e show h as bee n carefu ll y planned secured for th e show . Mr. Stockwell to mee t every need an d taste. F or the a lso explain ed and ide ntifi ed m a ny An ex hibition by two loca f a r t ists and novice as we ll as the co nnoi sseur, t he r e pieces of s ilve r brought b y the audien ce. After t he lecture, r efreshm ents a di sc ussion by Mrs . Su sa n Sh arp w ill be all ty pes of furniture , glasswere se l'ved by Mrs. H arry Clark Boden Adams of h e r poem s featured the pro- ware, ch in a a nd la mpshades, r an ging a nd Mrs. Victor M. P atterso n, hostesses. gra m of litera ture, art a nd music at from the rare and valua ble to the modass is ted b y Mrs. Da vid Arm , Mrs. Fran - th e Newa rk New Ce ntury Club on est an d in expensive. For the student cis Squire and Mrs. Carl B. Rankin. Monday aftern oon . Staged by the fin e the prin ted progra m w ill con ta in a~ The show w ill be devoted for th e a rts committee, under Mrs. A. D. Cobb. extensive li st of books on a ll phases most part to si lver of the 18th and early the affa ir, which also included musi c of a ntiqu<!s. In addition, one of the 19th century. w h e n the art was at its b y the Universi ty Choir, directed by booths w ill feature a large numbe r of he igh t. Silver from Dover, Midd letown , Anthony Loudis, was given as the vo lum es covering the entire field . These New CasUe and Wilmington wil l be opening of the local observance of th e also will be for sale. The exhibition begins at 1 p . m . each on display, as well as local pieces. Miss Delaware Festival of th e Arts, 1947. J essie H arrington of Dover, an exhibiT wo Newark youths, Leo Laskari s da y a nd continues until 10 p. m . The r e tor and well-known De la ware expert and Robert W . Arnold , were on h a nd wi ll be three se parate door prizes. on e on old silver, will be in the Gallery to discuss their work. Mr. Laskaris, for each d ay. Th e prizes have not been with the Committee when the p i e c e s ' at ~ Ozenfant. School a nnounced. • 3.Day Display To Offer Wide Range Of Items Art Festival Committee ,To Give Prizes Tonite CENTURY PROGRAM OBSERVES IART FETE Local Artists Show Works Rea{lings By Mrs. S. AdalTIs a re Ileing arra nged . Miss Harrington ~~~~'~;~r~~ CIty, exThi s s"OWI" ....... wj))' an swer questions relating to the': ° example of, u! St. TllOllllll" .., hallmarks or maker's n ames on the ~ ~n 1941 and ark, is bet.. ' ex hibits, which will be interesting to " A Man ." Ernest. the owners a nd he lpfu l to th e commitMr . Arnold. who wi th hi s associate, The com mittee includes: tee in placi ng th e pieces in the cases. B ryant Whi se nant, has open ed a studio Miss Eugenia WI'ight, Mr. and Mrs. The sh ow w ill be open to the publi c at 118 South 17th Street, Philad elphi a. James B. Merritt, Mrs. R eginald Rockfrom 7:30 to 9:30 in the evenings and di spla y ing hi s poi:t raits of Admira l we ll , Mrs. Frederick Puncke, Mr . Harwee k-days from 2 to 5 p. m . Members Blandy, Major General O'Da niel , Coach vey Bound s, Mr s. William Holton, Mrs. o( the committee will be in attend- Bill Murray . Ernest B. and Norris N . B. Rush Cow h e rd, Miss Edna Sam son , a nce at th ese h ours. Wright. Mr. Whise n ant, a student a t NIl's. G e o ~e L . Tow nsend. Mrs. J ean the Phi lad e lphia Acad em y of F ine Al'ts. Sin cla ir, Mrs. J . R. Ernest. ex hibited "Old Ma n." "L a nd scape," Admission to th e sh ow is 50c, a n d "Portra it o( a Youn g L ad y." a nd "Stil l tick e ts may be p urchased a t the door. 0 Life." th latte r a st ud y in techni q u e. M rs. Adams, w h o li ves a t I B riar Lane, d iscussed he r ea rl y e ffor t.s in poetry an d gave seve l'a l read ings lrom hel' poems, explain in g the c ircumstances w hich led to th e wri t ing. H er The (or ch ildren planning to enter t he first g rade of t h e firs t poe m "Wings' was w ri tte n a t th e Newark Schools in Septe mbe.l- wi l! be age of e igh t. He r son ne t, "Token of held in t he hi gh sc hoo! b LlIld ll1g on Rem e mbra nce." was w ri tten. sh e sa id , May 12, schoo l (luthol'iti es sa id yester1:"\ a fte r th e di scover y of a ve ry old baby d ress. w hich Mrs. Ad am s d isplayed . purpose is to g ive each child a In th e mu sica l p ha se of th e program. comple te p hysica l ch eck -up a nd offer th e Unive r sity Choru s, directe d b y Mr . The public is in vited to atten d the s uggestions fol' improvin g 0 1' correctLo udi s, ga ve a short pre -v iew of the festival o( the a rts to b e s poninl( a ny d e fects that may be uncove red . progra m w hich was presented in full by the Mu sic a nd Art Depa rtIt is hope d prospecti ve pupil s w ill be A play. "Ge ttin g Grac ie Gra du a led ," on Tu esd ay at the uni versity. Mi ss or the Newark Sc hool s ton ight in the best phys ica l sh a pe possible was gi ve n b y th e me mbe rs of grade 7-1 GI'ace B e rry accom pan ied t h e g roup. tomorrow evening at 8 o' clock in wh e n th ey e nte r school n ext te rm . Im- in an assemb ly prog ra m at the Newa rk and Mr. Loudis spo k e bri e fl y on th e the auditorium. mu ni za ti o n aga in s t diphthe ri a an d School recentl y. Gra ci e was playe d by numbe rs. One of the rpos t im portant event of Tonight's program will be p r esented sma ll pox wi l! b e g ive n w ith th e pa r - Ga il B uck ingh am . a nd B ill, the janitor Tea was se rved by Mrs. J. F e nt on Delaware's th eatri ca l season will b by the instrumental and choral g rou ps by D ick ey Day ton . e nt's con sen t. the pr esentation 01 "J oan of LOl'l'aine" Da ug he rty an d h er comm ittee: he hi!(h school. The band w ill ofA color fi lm on mod e m techniques Th e Bible r eadin g W[lS give n b y Reg is tra ti on of th e new pu p ils. ~ i11 Mr s. Robe rt' Du e nne r, Mrs. Will iam by t he E-52 Pl ayers at th e University the following selections: M a r ch , o f orch a rd spr ay ing fea t u red th e weeka lso tal<e pl ace a t thi s tim e. OffI Cia ls Re ita Cu ll en. fl nd pi a no sol os w e I'e of- Mosh e r , Mrs. Willi a m Ruth , Jr ., and of De la wa r e. on May 15 and 16, conM. B.; Overture, Masterb ret, Bat- ly mee tin g of the Newark Rotary C lu b str essed t h e fa ct th a t th e re w ill be no fered by Ph y lli s Bakel', R u t h Mar y Mrs. H'e nry We itz. MI's. F . A. Whee less tempol'a ry wi th th e play's B roadway Hymn of the Republic; New Bole ro ; on Mond ay ni ght, w ith Pres id ent W ilregist r a ti on on the openin g day o( Coope r a nd J a ne COl·nog. The an - an d Mrs. P . F . Pie we re hos tesses run . Exultant March ; a nd S . 1. )j a m S . H a milton pres idin g . nou ncel' W(l S S ylvia Fi e ld . school. T h is w ill be t he first opportun ity for A. March . Ann ual r e ports we r e g iv en by Mrs. Th e pi c tures wer e ta k e n by D r. T . F . Others in the cast w e re : Nancy Dea n To be e li g ibl e, th e child mus t be s ix loca l th ea t re-goe rs to see Max well BA piano solo, "German D a nce," by M a nn s, plant pa thology spe ci ali s t nt as the leach er ; Ann e tte E ly as th e sec - W. O . Wh ite, Ame rica n c itizensh ip eethoven, will be played by Mary th e University of Delawal'e, a n d w ere yea rs of a ge on or before December rctary: Phyllis Baker as th e princi pa l committee, a nd by Mrs. W . E. Arm- Ander son 's la test r lay, which cun n lIy is a ttra cting pac ked h ou ses in New Anne Miller. Th e Mixed Choru s w iJl ex hibi ted by L es Nichol s. of t he pa th - 31, 194.7. Pare nts are r eq uested to brin g and Ellen Cooper as t h e county supe r - strong, legislative committee. York w ith In grid Be r gman in the titl e th e ch ild 's birth ce rtifi ca te. slOg: Reuben and Rachel U p to Date; ology department. v iso r. r ole. Thi s pa rt has bee n assigned to Two Cannons; and Come t o th e Fair. The film ga ve timel y inform a tion on Gra cie's friend s were played b y : Ma rga ret Gu en ve Lll', who may be r e The Double Octet wi ll offe r : Ave th e latest la bor-savin g d evices tested Jimmi e D rape r . Peggy Beers, Lorrain e membered f or her stell a r performan ce erum: How Can I Lea ve Th ee; Pop Price, Julie Diehl, Di ane Carr, Ru th by authoriti es h e re for the e ffici en t as Brigi d in "Shad ow and Subs ta nce" Des the Weasel; and R iff Song. The spr ay ing of orch ard trees. Ma ry Cooper. Ron ald Ura mble, Tommy .. last fall. a nd fo r her inte rpreta tion of school dance orchestra wi ll play for Burke. P a u l F olan d , Ralph Foster. G ues ts at the session was Phli lp .J. Lizz ie K eckl y in th e r ecentl y p ro danclOg in the gymnasium following My lr ea , of Bridgeport, Conn ., son of David George a nd Gertrude Delp. duced "Storm ." the concert. Membe rs of the graduatin g class Dr. Douglas My lr ea, o f Newa r k. Gu est Th e ma j or r ole of Jimmi e Master s. In conjunction w ith th e mu s ica l pro - of Holger Schaumann was M elvin t he director, w ill be pl ayed by Wil The Modern Dance GI'OUP of the were: John D ear, Shirley Bou ld en , gram, an exhibition of student art from Moss. of F airbury . Ne bra ska . Dr. J am es Florence Davis, Doroth y Davis, Lor li a m Wh edb e, n ve te ran perfor mer all grades will be displayed on th e flrst L. Crowler, of New a rk . w as a lso a Ne wark Hi gh School, u nd e r th e direc- r a in e Buck ingh am , Th elma Crockett. from befo re th e war-he had a maj ol' ti on o f Mrs. Grace Gibb , g irl's ph ysiflO~~i of the hi~h sch ool bu ilding. June Carrico. Norman D elp, Vern on . guest. r ole in th e m usical com ed y "A School cal in structor, attended a conce rt of SIX w~~y evenll1g, grad es one lhr~u gh Two new members inducted at th m ode rn dancing a t T emple University Ba ker and Bill Rupp . for Hu sb a nds." Dates lor six I-eg istrati on day s, sca tfolk 101 p.rescnt a program of Ame l'lcnn session are : Eric New ton , of th e Curtis Stage a nd properties w e re h a ndl ed Guest ac tor in th e Pl aye rs w ill be offer USI? ~h e first three grad es w ill P a pe r Compa n y, a nd Erni e Nachod , of on Tu esday. by Billy Brierley and Norri s Bucking- te r ed throu ghout Ma y, wh en n on- Thomas B. P egg in th e pa rt of Tre orty m e n a nd w om e n, under lh e F pr ope rti e d reside nts m ay r egister for of mUSIC 111 the life of young folk th e H rcu les powd e r Compan y. ha m . Th e ush e rs w ere J am es Chestnut mo ill e. A new membe l' o f the Depa rtd irection of M iss M ar garet DeH aa n. an d J a m es Draper. Newark. Th e remainder of th e p ro(h e 1048 town ele cti on, were fix ed th is ment of Dramatic AI'ts and Speech performed " Ru sti c Holiday" to fami li ~r ~am will consist or sec tiona l songs wee k by th e t own assessor. F . A . tn -V BENEFIT DANCE faculty. he had had wide experience in and d~nces. dance music; a suite of d a nces to Negro. Wheeless. summer stock. VFW Post Plans i\fl The H i-Y C~ of the Newark Chinese, and Itali an worl< songs: "Tr ee Citizens n ot owning real eslate in Other members of the casl include: o l , Band :\l(,lIIl)('rs H i".h School sponsored a d ance !It th!' Song," accompan ied b~ the A CappeU<l MCI11Ol ial Day Riles Newark arc r equ ired to register to be Frank Buck. Jr.. .Jacqueline Buck. T~ Rf'('f'h f' Awmo.ls • school F r iday, April 25th , to raise Choir; and oth er senous, comIc and eligib le to vote in th e next mun icipa l Marjorie F oth ergill . SpolTord Bcadle. A substnnlia l jump in membershi p election. !,;,ewark .chool 5tudents wilh a per- money for th e Worl d youth F und. III popu lar numbers. Lay ton Mabrey, George Linde nk nh l, resu lti ng from the campaign being re~ord fo II b drive now on Cor lhe col lection. of Those who ~ttended th' .conference O fTic ia ls pointed out th at no add ition- Robert NiC'meyer, Willi am Tawes. Anat i 'i!irs \\'il~ <l ~nd I' h ea r s(lls. and money to I' bu il d Y. M. , A. organ lzn- were: .Joan Sl1llz, Je(ln Sll liz. Ann a - conducted by th e Inca] V eterans pf al registration days will be dcsignnted cll'ew Bolton. Joanna Lind s trom . P Cl!l(y "~ial receIve a wards m A lions in war-torn countries. ben Campbell , J!lne Greenp1ate, Lor- Foreign Wnl's Post. No. 47n, was re- prior to th e e lection. The d otes and Munoz, Ri chard Lindsay, Richard Ever 3<sembly 50me time in M(lY. raine Sch nen, Nancy Wapl es, Sue ported by Command er R en George hOllrs fo r enrolli ng at the Council T ·Ier. Jam es Quinn. Zadoc P ool. Howt~'eh'/ ~~lld!'n ~rom grnd('s R!'ve n to F ield, Anne Lynn Taylor, Eli zabllih this wcelt, OlTires, Aca demy Street, are ns follows: ~ ;'cl J arv is. Howa rd H itchens. John PreparAtions for the a n n u a l Memorial kind Th\\lll .rrrclv(' a prize of some F I J M Y R llc km a n. and Andrew BoHon. '0 b~ "c 11l~hcst \ ill be gold k eys Twenty. mem be rs oC th e e lem ntal'Y Z ill r , DOI'is Cresswel , ,oy .unG, DAY observancr arc now u nde 'way at Mny 6-9 a . m. to 5 p. m . The prodllction of "Joan o( Lor'rum ~l\~n fOlU' ~('ninrs, inc luding th e and high sch ool facu lty mode a 10111' of Cissie Mu r ray, Ge r t r ude T Ie r ney, the post. and a ll members Rre url!ed May 8-12 noon to 8 p. m. rain(''' is under the direction of Dr mal~relte the Continen a l -Di(lmond FibrC' Co:n- Dorolhy Au len, Marian Gallagher, to nt1cnd a meeti ng ton ight wh en fina l May 10-8:30 a. m. 10 4 p. m . C, Robert Kase. with Edward FitzThe studenls m t h p',l llY l,nsl Thlll'sday. T he Commul1l v Theresa D ulTy, J ud y K asc, Barbara alt"irs . us n 'C' aU nded a ll Bo,yce, Lyn~l e Ste inouer, Anne Gregg, details will be drawn up. May 15-8:30 a. m. ( 0 5 p. m . patrick as technical director and Sybil It was fu r th er ann ou nced lh a the Ih. sch £I~en b the b:md thrnughout Resources Committee, h eaded by M~'s. K (lY SIple, D orothy H awthor n, P atly L!'vcnson, a member of the Players, as IIl ny 20-8:30 a, m. to 5 p, m. 'Ir ~~n/ear. . . J . R nymond Justin, (In'anged the tnp. Dean, Jean P enn in gton. K ay S iple, post citlb r oom is b ein g comp letely rensslstan( director , May 23-12 noon to 8 p. m. make the R. WIlder, d ireclor, WJ Il Members of the Contin e ntal st(l ff con- N ll ncy Bayli s. m odeled . pr sentalion . duclerl th e racu It th rough lh e pla n , Y MUSIC OPENS T SCHOOLS ! PRICE FIVE CENTS The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, May 1, 1947 Call For Red Cross Sewers Issued Here CEREMONY AT U. OF D. ON MAY 17 KPOST Post Ads Are Read! Let them IaVedace yoar product in vlr1aally every home In the Newark tradIn, area. ROTARIANS SEE FILM BY MANNS NEW PUPILS TO REGISTER AT SCHOOLS B' 'T eglDners G Cl k U et lee -. 'p I Here May 12 I summer~up I GIVE N AT SCHOOL ASSEMBLY IPLAY E-52 PLAY IS SET FOR MAY 15-16 P Ida~;,e B rograll1 y Sudents Of . G ra{IeS eVell U. Of D. Group To Give "Joan Of Lorraine" Two Melubers Are Inducted At Session 6 DANCE GROUP AT CONCERT VOTERS TO REGISTER Six Dates Set In May The Newark Po t, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, May 1, 1947 Two PUBLIC SALE Saturday, Ma y 3, 1947 I I' 1\1 Ogletown, Delaware 2 fivo PI ce bedroom sulles I sora and I couch I d ini ng loom sUlle I v lclrola style heatel 1 kitchen table with three chah s I SinO ria with I ecOl d s 1 electrIC "ashlng mach ine 1 set of fOUl porch chairs 2 porch rugs o ld fash ion dishes and glasswa r e ~ Axmlnster rugs ( 2 10 x8 and I 10 x12) 1 lawn mower few garden lools I cor nel cupboard 2 sma ll en d stands 2 beach chairs flower pots and vases, mir ro rs and pictu res I porch a \\ n ln g other articles tOO n umero us to me n tlo n Terms Cas h Ida 1\'1 DeGrort, 0\\ ncr John T Kenne: ly, Aucl/oneer DIVORCE New Cast le County SiI rhe State of Delawale ro t he herlff of New Castle County Greetings Whereas Ma ry E Nickle OFFrCI AL b~ her P elltlon 10 the SEA L Judges of our S uperior • COUI t fi led In the office of Ihe P lothonotary of said Court In and ror N w Castle County fo r t he cause of complaint t here in alleged has made application to our said Judges t hat a decree may be pronounced dissolVing the marr Iage existi n g between the P etitIOne r and Oli ver A Nickle We therefDle Comma n d Yo u AS YOU W ERE H E R E TO FOR E COMMANDED Tha t you sum mo n O liver A Nickle co tha t h e be and a ppear be (ore the Judges of ou r sa id Cour t at the n e xt t e rm thereof to be held at Wllln ington on Mon d ay the 5th d ay of Ma y next to ns \\ er the a llegations o f t h e said P e t ltlone l Mal y E N ickle acco rding to the Act of Assembly In s u ch case m ade a nd prOVided and also t o d o a nd r ecei ve what the Court shall t h en and thel e con sld el conce rn ing him 111 this be ha ll as to t he COUI t sha ll seem meet and consisten t w ith the provis ions of the said Act of Assembl y AND H AVE YOU THEN THERE THIS WRIT WIT NESS t he HonOlable Chm les S R lchalds a t W ilmingto n the 31d d av of Ma rc h A D Ni n e tee n Hundred and Fortv seve n JAMES M MAL ONEY ISSUED Prothonotat y March 10 1947 J udges of OUI said Cou rt at t he ne x t term thcreot to be he ld a t W il m in gton o n Mon d~~we:I~r,e ~~~gaW:;ns gf th~~~ld ~e~lttiO~~ Td e r Betty J ean Rub in accoldln g to the Acl of Assembly In suc h casc m ad e a n d h~heSt~\~el~~ DoJa\~~~ G reetings ---- prothonO~I::::::::'" 1'1 t , summon Hel man L ; a:Vts t he office of the )a ~ o~ band app Br befol e the In and for New Castle Count sa d Coa.~ ~o d tha t f ;;'ur ;ald OU l t at thc next tel m cause of complai nt thelNn ntl lor It. DIVOR CE Ne \\ Castle Cou nty ss Castie County Whe reas, Eugen e E tI~el~~sf ~o bell~el~:; w~~mIM~~n ~~xrOI;~ ::,a3ecla:t:~~~0~etop~~1~0~~I~jU day ~Ilegations thf of the said Petltion- the marriage x lst lllg bN\\een :~sG;,eI~rtu)je B J a l vis accord ing to the Ac t tloner and G loria L Johnson ~ e Ptl ri~:r~~~~~~~~ls:'~~~)h~~ng:~I~Tl~:~~~~~;~E~ OF~~c;.~L !~!~fr'~i~p~~:r~~}lg£m~! ~~ov~d~~m~~{d all~fhlr~~n~~~:~~~~r~n~~af:! ~h~f ~:EU~~~:n~?~d111?g~\ ~NJg t~ee\~r~t:s~r; ~:;:In~~' s~~r ~~~r~a~~ea~~ ~ sn~;; OUI t shall scem meet and co nsistent w it h 7!r the COUt In t his behalf as to the so that she bc and appear complaint thel eln alleged h as made a p pllcation to our said Judges t hat a d ecree TH ER E T HIS ay e 1 ay f WIT NESS the Ho norable Ch arles S may be pronounced d issolvi n g t he m aT'- A 0 H AVE an wei the allelf a Ions Aat WITN ESS the Ho norab le Ch a rles Sf accordl F 01 lv-seven Be tt y Marie Bankus Aa t ~N8ro~~~~s ~fotDeWRIT f':.l~~c~~1t~e~m-s ~;~~hdS Y01fwJ~EN ~f th~I~~'d ~~xt ~ e~ T~Oma\~ J~hnson III ~ch~rds J"'il~\~~i~~n t~~u~~~e~aYa;d ~rOVI(~s~m an~ al~o ~~C~IO ;~';t JAI\~~tt~n:~~~ONEY w~~ihU~f~rhc3~~~~ l3~ANDED Fo"~~~seven JAMES M MALONEY ~~~c;~n~~tg S~~~I I;;,e:hl:ngeh \ II!IO, 6"'11r~/I~~~~~n thfiu~~~e~aYa~J ~1~~:b:~~st~:rl~etIr:~kU~I,1e ar.~tI~~~~~a':.~ ~~I~~~O 1947 _________ DIVORCE That you summon Elizabeth Marie B a nkuS a lso known as Betty Marie Bank~ ~~~v s~:~~leo('Jj~~~~'a~~ 10 Lb./o~ ~th~e~crp~lro~lv~lal)slllo~~e~~ ;~~e;afJ1~~~~~I~~:n~~lt~ df~~r~~Sfth~~ ~~5trlh~~~dd at.:\~llln~'~~~;nneo~n7.,,~~ ~~d~~~tofs~~r ~~lda~~u~f~~aJ1eb~!~~eter~ 6~;etT~':t ff o f New Castle Coun ty Whereas , Ruth J ane OFFrcrAL Vuono by h e r Petition to SEAL °lf °:l{e n Ihe P rothonotalY o f said COUl t In a nd for Ne w Castle Cou n t y for t h e ca use of ISSUED r~icr lro ~I~~eoi~~ b~t~el~:~ w~~ml~;~n ~~xro~~ - :~~~ -" Court s h a ll seem meet and ~ f as to iii thc pi ovlslOns of the S3Id ACI ~fl~,. EN AN D H AVE YO Uwln THERE Prothonotary 54 ~ 'DIVORCE New Castle Co unty ss RI~~J:C:~S~t ~Wml~~~~o:able Charltl I T he S late of Defla~are, Ca tie Count~ Ma rch A D Nineteen thH e 3rd dar . To the She r iff 0 ew s undred ;:; G reetmgs Whereas Willia m T March 10 1947 tgck:;::n 3-27 4-3 10 17245-1 Superior Court, fil ed In the office of the Prothonotary of saId Cou rt DIVOR CE In a nd for New Castle ~ou':.i1 f~r l::'~ New Castle Coun t \ , Ss a ca use of complaint the r e n ege h t 1 h e State of Dela\\alc a ns\\ er the allega tions of the said P e tltlonLetters T estamentarv Estate of Meyel Pllnlcl<. Deceased Notice Is here b y giv e n tha t L e tters T est api oVld ed and also to do a nd r eceive what men t ary u pon the Esta te of Me ye r Pilmck the Court shall then and there consider la te o f W hi te C lay Creek H undl ed d e concerning her In this be h alf as to the ceased we re du ly g ra n ted un to Soph ie P il n lck on the Se venteen til day of April ~~~6'~a\~t ~~~le~~lrj'~d~e~,at~)~~a~e ;.,r't.~e ~ourt S~1tll ~~eo~ t':::~~I':in~c"~~~I~~:!,~~\~h A 0 1947 and a ll persons Inde bted to the may be prono u nced d isso lvi n g t he mar- A~81 °H~~E YOU THEN THERE THIS said deceased are req ue"ted to m a ke pa) lIage exist ing between t he P etitioner and WRrT ments t o the E xec ut rix wi t hout d e lay a nd ail persons ha Ving d e m a n ds agai ns t the Co mma nd You AS YOU To o[ Ne\\ Castl, d eceased are reqUi red to exhibit and p reWE R E HER E l' 0 FOR E COMMA NDED Ma rch A D Nineteen Hundred and ma r riage existin g b e tween the P e ti tioner Whe reas sent the same dul y probated to t he said Exe cutn x on or before the Seventeent h JAMES M MALONEY YOU da y 0 ' Aplll A D 1948 01 abide b y the law In th iS behalf March 10 1947 Prothonota r y file d In the SOPHIE p~~~rrlx New Cas tle C~I;;~R~E d ay t he 5th d a y o f May n e xt to DrvORCE Lockman 50 that she be and appear before of said Court In a nd for a ns we l the a llegatIOns of th e sa id P etition New Castle County , s s the Judges of our said Court at the n ext County for the ca u<e of Address Ho ff man and Holl'ma n A ttorrhe S ta te of De la \\ ale nev at law Nor t h Ameri can BUllclmg To Ihe S heri ff o ( New Castle Count~ Castle Count y, I W ilmington Delaw8le G reeti n gs Wheleas Pau l J ohn 4 24 5 I 8 OFFrCIAL August We be r a lso Imow n t G l eetlngs Whe reas William Garyas P aul J A Weber Ihe provisions of t he said Act of Assembly S EAL OFFICIAL a ntes by h is P e tition to Ac t of Assembly In such case made and W<' th e lefo re SH E RI FF S SALE-B y v irtue o( a w rit b y h is Peti tion to the THEN T HERE T HIS SEAL the Judges of our Super ior prOVid ed a nd also t o d o a nd rece ive w h al VI ERE HER E r F H of Vend Exp Monition No 32 May Judges of our S upe rior Court file d In the AN D HAVE YOUWR IT Court fi led In the office the Court sh a ll the n and there consldpr That ~ou summon ·;';_.~.~··l.~I\:~DLlt1d Term A 0 1947 to me d Irected Will be office of the P rolhonotary of said COUIt WIT NESS the Honorable Charles S o f the Prothono tary of said Court In a nd concern in g h im In th is beha lf as to t he so that he be and aPP<1r expo ed to Public Sale dt thc Cou rt m and fOI New Castle County f Ol t he House Southeast Corner of Eleve nth and cause of com pl aint therem a ll eged h as R ich ards at Wi lming ton the 3rd d ay o f for New Castle County for t h e ca u se of Co u rt shall seem m eet a nd consiste nt w'th J udges o f OUI sa id Co .. t al he J( lng S tree ts City of Wilmington New made applicat Io n t o ou r said Judges t hat March A D NlIleteen Hundred a nd compl a int therei n alleged, h as m ade ap pll- the p rov ISions of t he sai d Act of Assembl y th PreoI 10 be h e ld at Will .1I1~ 00 on! seven calion to our said Judges that a d ecree m ay AND HAVE YOU 1 HBN THERE T IDS daan ~\Verthtehe ~tll~" ,dllaOYns OO(f II M?~"d no,.X! Castle County Delawale a decree may be p ron ounced d IssolVing the Forty JAMES M MALONEY be pron ounced d issolvi n g t h e marriage WR IT - ' , ON SATUR D AY m arriage existing between the P etttloner ISSUED THE T HIR D DAY OF _ar_c_h_I_O_ 19_47_ _ _p_r_ot_h_on_o_ta_r.:..y_ _ the P etitioner a n d and Adeline F arrant He rbert Weber a l.o M MAY 1947 as Ad a H We ber D I VORCE We thele(ore Command Yo u AS YOU March A D Nineteen H undred and pr o vldcd and al 0 to dn '" cel\. at 10 0 clock A M Eastem Sta ndard known We the ref Ole Comma nd You AS YOU Time the follOWin g desCilbed Real E state WERE H ERETOFO R E COMM ANDE D ~~~v ~:~~leof'Jj~~~:va~~ ~~1~tR ~o~ Es~~~~nF ~~Z~b;g~~r~~~~s f~sU'E~even JAMES M MA L ONEY ~1~~1c~IOn~~g sl~::;; ~~e~h l~n~. ;~rf' VIZ That yo u summon Adeline F a rran t H ei 10 Ih e Shel lff of New Castle Count) so tha t sh e be and a ppear before t he March 10 1947 P rothonotary C ur. sh all <cem me"t JI1<1 N S Chestnut Bet Clayton & d uP ont S ts bel t Webe r also kno\\ n as Ada H Weber 7355 J a n T 1947 S- I-565 G rec tl n gs Whereas Ehza beth Jones {I~~fe';f ~~ b~\Se~~d a'f°~~f';:n~~gnn~~t i:~;;" 3-274-3 1017 245 -1 th e !> ov no ns o( the -"I \C.Ol that she be and appeal before th e J u d ges P lolhonotary s I ndex No 5103 Southern .0 Ollt said COUI t at th e next term the) coC OFFICIAL Anderson by hel P e tition the 5t h d ay of May next to New Cas tle A ' D HAVE ) T Seized and t a ke n In execution as the of to b h el d at W lImlngton on Mo nd ay the propert y o( CathelLOe 0 Brien a nd to be !ifh d a, of May next to answel the alle~a~ SEAL ~~Il~~ g~~~is fi~~dol:~ ~~e ~~'W~'il!~ ~I~~~~~~e~s aO:c~;1~1~~~oPt~~tIX~t The Stat e of D elawal e \\ !fl IES t he HOI 0 ah'e sold by ELMER C TAYLOR Shenff tlons of th e said P etItIOner P au l Jo hn oll1ce of the P lothonotary of said Court In o f Assembly m s uch case made and To of New Cas tle Count) at the Sheriff s Offices WIlmington Del April Augus t Webel also k nown as Paul J A a nd for New Castle County for the cause pl ovl ded and .also 10 do a nd tecelve what Whereas El izabeth D ay FOII \ seven 12 1947 We bel according to t he Ac t of Asse m bly of complaint therein alleged has made ap the Court shall then and t hel e consid e r IS SUED 4 17 24 5 1 In such case made and prOVided and also _ ___ to do and recei ve what th e Court shall March 10 1947 SHERIFF S SALE-By virtue of a Writ then and thele conSider concerning him rlage e x lsllng bet\\ een the PetItioner and Ihe provIs ions of Ihe Said Ac t of Asse mbly Court filed 10 the office - - - - - - of Vend Exp MOnitIOn No 34 May In th ' s behalf as to the Cou rt s hall seem Voila A nderson AND HAVE YOU THEN THERE THIS of th e Proth o notary o f said Court In and DIVORCE Tel m A D 1947 to me dhected \\111 be mee t and consistent With the provIs ions We thelefore Command You AS YOU WR IT for New Cas tle County for the cause of New Castle Count~ s exposed to Public Sale at the Court of Ihe saId Act of Assembly WERE HERETOFORE COMMANDED WTINESS the Honora ble Charles S complaint therein alleged h as made appll The State of Dela\\ ,'e H ouse Southeast Cornel: of Eleventh and AN D H VE YOU THEN THERE THIS Tha t ~ ou summon Voila Anderson Richards at Wl lmlOgton the 3rd day o ( catIOn to our said Judges that a decree To the Sherlll' of New Castle K ing Strcets CIty of Wilmmgton New WR IT co that he be and appeal befole the Marc h A D Nineteen Hundred and m a y be pronounced disso lving the m ar Greetings Castle County Dela\\are WITN ESS thc Ho norable Charle" S Judges of QUI sai d Court at the ne xt term Forty - seven rJ8i:t P eXisting betwee n the Petitioner and ON SATURDAY Rlchalds a t Wlhntngton lh e 3rd day of the reof 10 be held a t WIlm in gton on Mon ISSUED JAMES M MALONEY R alph D ay T HE T H m D D AY OF March A D Nineteen H und red and d aY t he 5th d ay of May nex t to March 10 1947 P rothonotary We there for e Comm,nrl You AS YOU MAY 1947 FOI t\' -seve n Court sl1all seem mee t and consistent with 3 27 4-3101724 5-1 \V E R E H ER E T 0 FOR E COMMANDED J AMES M MALONE Y concerning at 10 0 clock A M E aste rn S tand atd rSS UED him In thIS behalf as to t he rhat you su mmon R a lph Day so P roth onotary T ime the follOW Ing d escribed R eal Estate ' Mal ch 10 1947 a nswer t he a llega t ions of t he sa Id P etition 0 1VOn CE lhat h e be an d appear befOl e Ll'e v iz - - - - - - -- - - - - - - e l E lizabet h J ones Andelson accord ing to Ncw Castle County ss Judges of OUt said Court a t the ne xl term E S Buttonwood B e t A & B DIVORCE th e Act of Assembly In such case m ade a nd rhe S tate of De la .... al e thereo f to be h eld at Wilmington on Mon No 7365 J a n T 1947 New Cas tle Cou n ty ss plovldeo and also to d o a nd lece lve what 10 t he S heriff of New Cas tle Cou nty d ay the 5th d ay of May nex t to S-I-568 The State of Dela\\ ale th e COUI t sha ll the n and t here conSider G I eetlngs a nswer the a ll egallons of the saI d P e t itIOn P ro t honota l y's Index No 3469-Southern To the Shellff of New Castle Cou nty conce l n lng h im In t h ,s beh a l! as to t he Whereas Wa lter B roady el Ehza be th D ay accordin g t o the Ac t S eized and t a k e n 111 execullon as th e G I eetlng Whel eas Ma ry T Rhyner COUI t sha ll seem meet a nd conSiste nt w ith OFFICIAL b y h is P e ti tion to the o f Asse mbl y In such case mad e and We Therefore Command p ropert y of Anme P a r sons a nd t o be OF FICI A L b y her P etilion to the the proviSIOns of the sa id Act of Asse mb" SEAL J u dges of o u r SuperlOl pi oVlded an d also to d o a n d I ecelve wh at WERE HER E T 0 FOR E so ld b y SEI\L J ud ges o f o ur Supello r A ND HAVE YOU THEN THERE THI S Court filed 10 t he lh e Cou r t s h all th en a nd t here conSid er That you su mmon Elizabeth ELMER C TAYLOR She nff Cou rt filed In the offil ce WRrT office of the Prothonotary of said Cou r t concewl n g h Im 10 t hiS behal! as to t he 50 tha t she be and appear Sh e riff s Offices Wilming ton Del Apr il of the P rotbonota l ~ of Sai d COUI t In and WIT NESS the Ho n orable Charles S In and fOl New Cas Ue County for the Court sh all seem mee t a nd con s istent With Judges of our said Court at the 12 1947 for New Castl e County fo r the ca use o f RIcha rds a t Wil m In g ton the 31d da y of cause of com plain t t herei n a lleged h as the p rovIsions of t he said Act of Assem b" the reof to be held a t Wllmmgton EN 4 1724 5-1 A D NlOeteen Hundred and Forty A ND HAVE YOUw-rili T HERE THIS SHERIFF'S SALE-By v Irtue of a w rI t ma y be pronounced d iss olVing the ma r - ISSUED JAMES M MALONEY the mar riage exist ing between t he P e tl WrT NESS the Ho nor a ble Charles S e r Joseph Rhoads J r accordmg of Vend Exp Mom lion No 39 May rlage e Xisting between the Petitioner and March 10 1947 P rothonotary t lonel and Ma rt h a C Broady R ichards a t Wilmington t he 3r d d a y o f of Assembly In such case made Term A D 1947 to me directed Will be Walter L Rhyner 3-274-310,17245-1 We t h elefOle Com m a nd Yo u AS YOU March A D Ninetee n Hundred and vlded a nd a lso to do and e xposed to Public Sale at the Court We thelefore Comma nd You AS YOU WERE HERETOFORE COMMANDED Forty -se ve n the Court sh all then and House Southeast Corner of Eleventh and WERE HERETOFORE COMMANDED DIVORCE That you summon Martha C Broady ISSUED JAMES M MALONEY conce rning h e r In t h is King Streets City of Wilmington New That you summon Walter L Rhyner New Cas tle County, 5S so that s he be and IIppear before the March 10 1947 Prothonotary Court sha ll seem m eet Castle County Delaware 3 27 ON SATURDAY Castle County 1 - 4-3,10,1724 5-1 THE THmD DAY OF MAY 1947, Gree tin gs Whereas Florence E New Castle WITNESS the at 10 .'clock A. M, Eastern Standard ~~e, the detCl'lbed Real Estate, Castle County Aat the of Assembly In IVClb ease made and Superior Court filed prOVIded and a lso to do a nd rece ive \\ h a l Greetings Forty-seven Z'l Klund Street prOVided. and aJ.o to do and receive what In the office of the Prothonotary o f said the Court shall then and there cons ide r Whereas Martha V USSUED No 7377 Jan TIM' the Court ahall then and there consider Court In a nd for New Castle County for concermng her III thiS behalf as to the OFFICIAL Outten by her Petition to March 10 1941 8-1-572 SEAL 'the Judges of our SuperIOr 3-27,4-31017245-1 Prothonotary's Index No 18292-Southern concerntng him In thiS behall as to the the cause of complaint therein alleged has Court shall seem meet and cons isten t With Coupt, filed In the office Seized and taken In execution as the Court shall seem meet and consistent with m ade application to our said Judges tha t a the p rovISions of the sa id Act of Assembly DIVORCE property of Annie Simon & Mary Wein- the provIsions of the said Act of Assembly decree may be pronounced dissolving AND HAVE YOU THEN THERE THIS of the Prothonotary of said Court Inseand AND HAVE YOUwlliEN THERE THrS the PetlWITNESS the Charles S mC;J'e traub and t~L~lg 'irAYLOR Sherif! WITNESS the Honorable Charles S We therefore Command You AS YOU Richards at Wilmington the 3rd day o f plication to our said Judges that a decree To the She riff o f New Castle Sherlf'r's Offices, Wilmington Del April 12 1947 ~1~:'ch,dS A at J"'"~II~~~~~n Ihriu~~~e~aYa~J ~h~r ~o~ E :u~:;.~: 0p~t~lc~O~MA~e~a~1 Wo":t~~se~n D Nineteen Hundred and ::':'~tl:,e/rb~~!;!..~~~d du.~IVI~:t:~~nr::;rrl:~~ Greetings 4-17 ,24,5-1 JAMES M MALONEY 1947 you AS YOU SHERIFF 8 SALE-By vtrtue of a wt:lt March 10, 1947 Prothonotary thereof to be held at WIlmington on Mon- 3-27,4-310,17245-1 WERE HERETOFORE COMMANDED That you summon Courtney 0 Outten T;~ VA'n'b ~:f7 !:o::;!loJlrfcfed 4\~ I1r;~ _ __ :..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _. : . - _ day, the 5th day of May next to DrVORCE a nswer the allegations o( the said Petition DIVORCE so that he be and appea r be fore the er Florence E Demas i according to Ne w Castle County, ss Judge s of our saId Court at the next term ~~~edSo~th:~~I~or~:~e ofa~le~:nt~oa':,'J New Cas tle County, ss King Streets, City of Wilmington New f o 6.~;et~~,:~lff of New Cas tle County ~~~v1~!3.f a~~se~;:'I~~nd~u~~dcar~~!"7:~"w'hna~ T:hleheSt~l~e~~ D~Ja~,:::, Cas tle Cou nt y ~~;~eotht~ b5t~el~:~ w~~mIM~~n ~~xtMO~~ ::,a3:cr':fePl:nay be pronounced Castle County Delaware, ON SATURDAY OFFICIAL Greetings Whereas Edith Irene THE THIRD DAY OF SEAL to the Judges of OUI Court shall seem meet and consistent with OFFICIAL Hart by h e r P e tition to of Asse mbl y In such case made and We Therefore Command MAY 1947 Superior Court flied In the the proviSIOns of the said Act of Assembl y SEAL the Judges o f o u r Supe nor p rOVid ed and a lso to do a nd I ecelve what WERE HER E T 0 FOR E a t 10 o'clock A M Eastern Sta ndard oll1ce of the Prothonotary of said Court In AND HAVE YOU THEN THERE THrS Court filcd In the office the Court shall the n and the re conSider That y ou s ummon Time the follOWin g described Real Estate and for Ne w Cas tle County for the cause WRIT o( t he P rothonotar~ o f sa id Cour t In a nd co nce rnin g him In th is be half as to the so th a t h e be VIZ o f compl a ll1t therein a lleged has made ap WITN ESS t he Honorable Charles S [or New Castle Co unty for t he cause of COUI t sh a ll seem mee t a nd con s iste nt With Judges of ou r saId 800 Buttonwood Street plica tIOn to our sa id Judges that a d ec r ee RIchards at Wilmington the 3rd day of complain t there in alleged has mad e a ppll- th e prov Ision s of the said Ac t of Asse mbly thereof to be held at Wilmlnlglorl. on~l:ouN1r\l No 7388 Mar T 1947 N-2-419 r;,: :e ~;' lft~~~o~~~~~e~'~~IV~~~l tl~:e rmaa;d ~~~~~se:en D Nineteen Hundred a nd :;;,~~nb':o P~~~0~~~~dJI~~::(;\v7~~t t~ed;:;~~e A ND HAVE YOU THEN THERE THIS d ay the 5th d ay of May Prothonotary s Index N-3381 rSSUED JAMES M MALO NEY n age e Xi sting be twee n the P e titioner and WITN ESS the Cha rles S Seized and taken In executIOn as the Melville Howard L yell p r operty of Delaware Stone & Constru~ W Prothonotary Yo u AS YOU at tion Co an~L~~ ~ol~l.fLOR Sheriff That y ou summon Me lVille Howa rd Lyell WE R E HER E T 0 FOR E COMMA NDED Forty -sev en t h e Court shall then and there Sheriff s Offices Wilmington De l April Ne' v Castle e H:h! 1947 J 12 1947 4-17 24~ 5-_ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ lh e reo f to be h e ld a t Wilmin gton on MonThe S ta te of De la wa re J u d ges of o u r sa id Cou r t a t the next te rm th I ( th d To of Ne w Cas tle Coun ty New Cas tle SHERIFF S SALE-By v irtu e of writs of Ve nd Exp Momtions Nos 35-36-37-38- e r Elaine Morgan Lyell according to the Whe r eas Will iam R a nswer t he a llegations of the sa id P etition The State of De lawa l e WITNESS the Honorable 40-42 May Term A 0 1947 to me dlOF~i~~L 1~tgg~% h~F POel~~tlO~u~e;~~~ ~f Eg~;I~n~~r;e II~al !u~f,co~~~~g ~~a~~e ~~(; To ~~~et~~,:~ 'ff o f New Ca stle Cou nty ~~~ca~ds Aat riVlh~:~~~~~n the lected wllI be e xposed to Public Sale at ~,c;vl'(tedAS;~:r~II~ol~'o sJ';~n~a~"ec~~~ew'h':.~ t he Court House Southeast Corner of th e Cou r t sh a ll t he n and there consldel Court fli ed In the offi ce of prOV ided , and a lso to d o a nd receive w hat Whereas T h omas H Fortv--even Eleve n th and K in g Streets ci ty of Wil - concerni ng h im In th is behalf as to the the Prothonotar~ of said COUIt In and fo r the Cou rt sh a ll t he n a nd t he l e consld el OFFICIAL J ohnson by h iS P etillon ISSUED m ington NeONca§~;.~~'l~ Delaware ~ourt shall see~ t,::eet adn~ c~nn~ent ~\th New Castle County for the ca use of com 'E'onucle(~~~11 ~1~~n l~e~~I~n~e~~~fsl:t~ nt~ \;~r, SEAL tOSU~~~I01:1U~;~~t ~1edo~~ r-~~cr_31100 117942"4' 5-1 1 THE THmD DAY OF A N8 o~~~~s ~OU e ir':.iEN c TkR~e~HrS G~~n~o t~~~e~~ I; I}~~eg~S I~~~ t n;:a~:c::':~:; t he provIsions of the said Ac t o! Assem bl ~ ~:x:::::.:::;:::;:::~::::::::~:»::.:::::::::::::~~~~~i.i.~;';'::::;:::«::;:::~ MAY 1947 WRIT be pronounced d lssolv m g the m alr lage A ND HA VE YOU THEN THERE THIS ~: a t 10 0 clock A M Eastern Standard Time the f ollOWing described Real E state the P eti tio n e r a nd WITNESS t he Charles S v iz D Nmeteen Hund red and W at Wnt No 35 Ma y T erm A D 1947 316 Lord Stree t ISSUED JAMES M MALONEY That you s ummon Eva Alice Alto F orty seve n No 7369 Jan T 1947 S-I-570 Ma rch 10 1947 Prothonota ry so that she be and appear be fo re the ~SU~~o 1947 JAMES M MALO NEY Amieslte Driveways Concrete GUlb Prothonota r y s Index No 21833-S Judges of our sa id Court a t the n ext term 3_~;c4_3 10 17 245-1 Prothonota ry WrI t No 36 May T"e rm A D 1947 DrVORCE thereof 10 be held at Wilmin gton on Mon314 Lord Stree t Road Gravel Top Sot! New Castle County s s d a y, the 5th day of May n e xt to DIVORCE No 7371 J a n T 1947 S-I-570 Prothonotary s Inde x No 21832 S T:h~,eSt~t~e~~ D~la ~a:-~ Cas tle County ~~sw7rll~~ aJle~t~gn~c~~:~Cn~a\~ ~~~ti~~i ~~~v s~~~~leof'Jj'~~~va~~ Concrete Walk s & Cinders & Ha uhng Writ No 37 May T e rm A D 1947 Gl eellngs Wheras Hazel R PIII_ o f 1ds~mbl~ m such ca ~e m ade and To th e Shel llT of Ne w Castle County 322 Lord Street N o 7372 Jan T 1947 S 1-571 OFFICIAL glan by her PetitIon to r~~v C~urt a~haft's~h~~ d~n~n th~~~el~~n;;~:lt G reetings P r othonotary's Index No 21836-S 315 Cranston Avenue SEAL the Judges of our Supe r ior conce rn in g h e r In this be h alf as to th e OFFICIAL sc~ahtileab Bfssle pG~l'rge Writ No 38 May T erm A D 1947 318 Lord Street o[ the SEAL 'Phone Wilmington 3-9926 After 5 P I No 7375 Jan T 1947 S-I-572 HEN AND HAVE YOUwl THERE THIS o ffice of the Prothonotary of safd P rothonotary s Index No 21834 S W ri t No 40 May Term A D 1947 ca tion to our said Jud ges tha t a decree WITNESS the Ho~rable Charles S ~~u~~d ofo~0~~1~In~as:~~I ~~unaW~g!~r tl~~ 320 LOI d S tree t No 7380 Jan T 1947 S-I-573 Aa t P rothonotary s Index No 21835 S You AS YOU JAMES M M ALONEY the m a r riage eXisting be twee n the P etl - (, Writ No 42 May T erm A D 1947 W E R E H E R E T 0 FOR E COMMANDED March 10 1947 P rothonota ry tlo ner a nd Cha r les T Sch affer 324 Lord S treet Th at you summon P a ul Ar th u r P lllgian 3-274-31017245-1 W~'h iru~f~lih 3';~~)~ l3~~Asmri'~ No 7379 J a n T 1947 S-I-573 P ro thono ta ry s Index No 21837-S so that h e be a nd a ppea r be fo re the That y ou summ on Charles T Schaffer Lime Spreading Service Seized and t a k e n In execu tion as the Judges o f our sa id Court at the n e xt t e rm DIVORCE <0 that he be and a p peal befor th f property of Indus tllal T r ust Co e t al thereof to be h e ld at Wilm in gton o n Mon Ne w Castle County s s Judges of OUI said Court at t h c next term Ours does not blow all over the community wh e n spread l\el I Trus a nd to be sold by day the 5th da y of Ma y next to T he State of De la ware thereo f to be he ld at W lhnlngton on Mon better equipment creates ne" economies As of April 1 t our prItt ELMER C TAYLOR Sheriff nns wer t h e allegations of the said P etl tlon- To the She llff of New Castle Coun t y d ay the 5th d a y of M ay nex t to She r iff s Offices Wilmington Del A p ril e r Hazel R Pll igian according to the Act $650 per ton spread at one ton per acre on y our fi elds Betbltl~ Greetings answer t he a llegations of the said P eti tion o f Assembly In s uch case m ad e and Whereas Eva Kl ein er BeSSie G eo rge Sch affer accOl d in g to the 12 1947 Magnesium carbonate provIded and a lso to d o and r ecei ve wh a t OFFICIAL by h e r P e tition to the Act of Assembl y In such cascs made and 4 17245-1 tile Co urt s h a ll th e n and the re consider SEAL Judges o f ou r Supe r lOl pi o vlded a nd a lso 10 d o a nd) ecelve w h at Call or Write SHERIFF S SALE-By vIrtue of Wri ts of conce rn in g him In th is be half as to the Cou r t, fli ed In the office o f the Cou rt sh all then a nd t here consider Ve nd Exp Mon itions Nos 43144 45- May Court sh a ll seem m eet a nd cons iste nt w ith t he PI otho no tar~ of SOld Court In a nd f Ol concel nl ng hi m In this beh alf as to t he T e rm A D 1947 to m e directed will be the prov isions of tile sa id Ac t of Assembl y Ne w Castle Co unt y for the cause o f com- Court sha ll seem meet a nd co nsisten t wi th ALB E R T O . HUM P H R 1 ~ exposed to Public Sa le a t the Court A ND HAVE YOUwlr~EN THERE THIS rl~~nto t~~~e~~ I;lj~tegdes I~~~t~a~:c~.,r':~:~ the prOVisions of t h e <aid Act of Assembly R 1 Newark, Del 'Phonc NC\l casUe I House Southeast Cor ner of Eleven th a nd WITNESS the Hon orab le Charles S be p ronounced d issolvi n g t he marriage AND HAV E YO UWl:~EN T HEHE TIUS ~~~e ~~~c;,t~y ~!ra....?afreWilming ton New ~c1~1rds A a t ri" 11~\~~lon U¥i 3 d ~ ay oJ J~:T~~n'kle~:tween the P etitIoner and WITNESS thc Honorab le Charles S Representing Chas W Diliberto, MJJdleto\\ n , O clal' are ON SATURDAY THE THIRD DAY OF een un re an W" t here fore Co m m a nd You AS YOU at MAY 1947 ISSUED JAMES M MALO NEY W E R E HER E TO FOR E COMMANDE D FOI t~ seven a\ 10 0 clock AM, Easte rn Sta ndard Malch 10 1947 Prothonotary That y ou s ummon Ju lius Klei n so ISSUED JA MES M M AL ONEY Time the follow ing described Real E s tate DIVORCE y~~tge;1~r o~r s:~d co~~re:{ th~e~~~~ te~~~ ~~7cl:lYo 1~4J4 5-1 Prothonotary VIZ WrIt No 43 May T erm A D 1947 Ne w Castle Co unty, ss the reof to be held at WilmIngton on Mon - - - - - - - - -- - 308 Lord Strcet The State of Del awa re d a y, the 5th day of May next to DIVORCE No 7315 Mar T 1946 S-I-552 To 8~;etT~~:1ff of New Castle Coun ty :~ swE~atheKl~l,;a t!~~~rC:ll~~e ~~Id ft.~t1tI~~t ::~: s~:~~leo('Jj'~~~a~~ Prot honotary s rndex No 21829-S Available For Immediate Delivery Writ No 44 Ma y Term A D 1947 OFFICIAL R.:rnere~~ h~~ttYpcdti~~ ~~ov1d~dm~~ ~I~O ~~c~o ~~~e re~~~: :;a~ T o 6~~et~~glff of New Ca stle County 312 Lord Street SEAL to the Judges of our the Court sh a ll the n and there cons ider Whe reas G ertrude B No 7316 Mar T 1946 S-I-552 Portable, COllsoles and Treadles Newly rebuJlt, olle y ea r Superior Court filed In concerning him In this beh alf as to the OFFICIAL Jarvis by h er P eti tion to Proth onotary s Index No 21831-S Sewing Machines and Vacuum Cleaners repaired P a r ts for all the office or the Prothonolary of said Court shall see m m eet and co nsistent wI th SEAL the Judges of OUI Superior WrIt No 45 May Term A D 1947 Court In and for New Castle County, the provision s of the saId Act o f Assembl y Court, flied In the ol'llce 310 Lord Street Sewln, Machines and Vacuum Clean ers for the cause of complaint therein AND HAVE YOU THEN THERE THIS of the Protho nota ry of ssld Cour t In and No 7314 Mar T 1946 8-1-551 g'~u~~df.l~sd SoU~~~I~~ o;.:ctE~r~:se~bl~ar:uS':..cf,C~O:s~I~~aJ~ ~~~ f~SU'E~ven OF~i~iAL FI~vnek t~er;;~~~o RI~~;;~~S~t ~Wml~~:;,o:a~~e ~r~arJ~~ ~f :re~~:ea~~~a~~np:gn~~'"n~:~d J.~~o1~~ntg ath~ ~~1a~haro~e S~I:n;:~~ ;;;;a~ b~for~u~~~ i~SU'E~ven an~eHi~e;"e~~~lec~~~n~o~O~anAS rl~~I~~sf ~~ ~~rh~~ a~o~;~';I~~~~nn~~t :~~~ ~h~r ~o~ Es~';;~~nF ~~~n C=r;Pa~:';'~ ~~ R~~~el~':,~~ ~~on~U~I;cO~~~~g ~a~~e ~;d T:h~1eSt~t~er~~ D~Ja~~~ ~~~v~;~1 a~~afis~h~~ d~n~n~1~~~el~~n~~~:; I ~~II;!~e~h ~~~~;~7es C~~~~R~E I I ~~,';,'rtl ~I~\otho~;:I~aldllj~~~esh~~atm:~"ec~~e ~~~';,h :~"3:cr~Pl:';:~0~etop~~:0~~~delu31~~~I~r:i ~d~~:tOf ~ur b;al;~ou~r':ia[heb~~':t te~~ ToTh~heSI~t~el~~ D~Ja~,:::, ~~~eoi~~ b~J;el~:; w~r'lt;n, ~~xtMO~~ th~,~~sf ~~ ~~r h~~dd a~o~~~';I~~~~nn~~t :~:; ~~~we:~he ~~~ga~,~s gf th~~~ld P~~~IO~~ f~sU'E~ven OUv.~{iE!,; 6'~~et~~1getIT ~~~~~~dsA DWI I~:~~:~~n OF{~~~ ~r,e pueJge:::~I~I~ln su~~erl~~ ~~% ~~;;'i;no~;y gf ~I~~ ns~~~ ~r~~t'~s ~b~e 'Wo~~rable c~~~~~sE OF:i~LAL ~em:~~ blud;:~ ~itlt~~~ ~~ "X~!~e:'b~ro~~y S~~r,or~la~~ t~a~ee ~;J ToThCheSt~\~er~~ D~Ja~aer:, Wo"ne~":~::~at~k~tlTg ~~'::Ien '1r~~~rable ~~d~~;tofh~urb:al~ntou~r~~a[heb~~':t" te~~ ~~:c;~~o J~di~:tOf h~ur b;al;~ou~r~~a[heb~~':te te~~ C~,I~~R~E ~~~~ve;~he ;~~ga~l~s gi th~~~ld 'i>;~I\IO~~ 6'~;et~~':; lff R I~I;,,~~S~t .JJ~fml~~t~,::"a~i)ee fr~arJ~~ ~( ~~I;t~~ce ~t~een ~;"~~~sev~n ~;~~hdS ~~~~~r:,t C~~~lr"el~o~n~~eJ~rh!~e a~~ ri'1I"il1~~\~~n ::~: S~:~leo('Jj'.:J~wa~~ JA~~~t~n~a~~ONEY C'W~tnT?:e?e1o~~t~~mmand L~Rere.;'; E~!~ne :"~~t~~~ ~~~c;~n~~tg s~r~ :~e~hl~nge~~rreasCOt~SI~~~ ~~ ~hU~f~rhc3';~':tn~ l3~-;,SNrii'~ ~~rN~0,lW4,5-1 offic~urOf R ~~;;'~~S~t ~Wm?~~roo;a~~e ~r~aIJ~~ ~( ~~ ~~~;'bt ~~UI s~~~or~~~; t~na~.e ~~C\~tl~~ ~~O~~~I~~~~ J:t'~;~I~ It~,:t thede;.~~: ~~~~~r~I~I~t ~e"e'm l~e~~I~n~e~~~fsl:t~n\O w\I;~ :~S~~~;h~ al~=:!~n:~*,~ale..pJ!:tlrci g:et~~::lff OF:J~AL r.~~1 t~~ ~~';.'d~~~r~~~ t05t~e ~;~ ~\ w~~n~~:t' ~~ j~~~;~ t~:~ ~n~~~r:~PIICatlon :~sw7[1I~:;: ~Ieta~~~~a~f ~~o":d~;e~~tl~~; ?t~~s'i!:m~0~!1re a~daB~~~~ da~ 101104' .?Jdg~~S ~ftJt~~~ :~sM:;t~~\~II~g:t\I~~Sa~~~:~I;:I~o Pti;~tlX~i ~roene~a:~~a'EheeS~~~tl~g B~~\~;en '1r~~~rable ~:rlo~letat~~~w~f "ct~~~dl~~dIO Ch~~le~h~:~~;:~ ~;I~mand ~~~ca~dsA DWIII~~~~~~~n thHu~~~egaYa~J ~~d:Jse~~IYall::' S~ochdga~~rde ~~alh~~u h~u~::,o~ncfh:~I~~a~I'i,~~~~ ~~:c;~~o ~1~;leoiht~ b5t~el~aa~ w~~ml~i~n ~~xro~o WH~~orable ~~ ~hU~f~rhC3~13':tn~ l3~~A~rii'~ ~~~c~ dsA DWII~:~~~~~n tlHu~~~egaYa~J I A~~~u~n.;t~~ONEY ~~~~r~~~~ !~:m "~e~nn~ehalf c~~~R~E ",~6'ro~i~~s ~O~:!~EN OLIVER H. EASTBURN I prothonofa~~tof fisl:l~ ~nOU~~elno~;d f~eU~~~~~II~~~e~ :;:~e;a~J'~~~~~I~~~e\n~ll~ ~~;n~;~~t~\\~t::lnC~~I~i~d fh~st~a~:uas~PI~~ ~oup'::I~r ~~~!t~e~1 ~~I t~~: Cour~ ~::e ~;'I~~;~o~~~~e~I~~~IV~~fltl~hneermaa;d ~~~~hdS ri"11~~~~l~~n tI¥iu~~~e~aYal~J ::'83:C1':fePI:~;~0I~etop~~~0~~I~e;U3~~~I~~i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iS~;7,:2~~ pa~~ A~~!1r'!,'"r:r~lg~~~mand f~slJ'E~ven IMMEDIATE DELIVERY E FOa~y~Seven d ~~~ci~dSA DWiI'j:)l~~~~~ t'Hu~~~egaYa~J i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;~;'~;':;'S~~ Sewing Prothonotary s Index No 218» 8 Seized and taken In execution a s the pr0J''tty of Lillian Goodley and to be sol by ELMER C TAYLOR Sheri" Sheriff s OfIIces, WilmIngton bel , April 12 lIM7 4-17,24 ,5-1 ~~~~:~ \~:~ :d~~r:~P~~~tlb~ ~~o~~~ns;~~ WRIT for New Castle County for the ca use of d issolv in g the marriage e xisting be tween R~~i~~S~t \~Wml~~rOo:a~~ee ~r~arJ~~ ~f ~~I~~tll~~\otho~~I~I~IIj'~~~~s h~~at:ddeec~~; the PetiUoner and Harry Chester Rubln March A D Nineteen Hundred and may be pronounced dissolving the m a rPhone 8625 w~~ihU~f~rhc3~~':tn~ l3~M~SNJi'~trsstlE~ven JAMES M MALONEY ":~~'i.tl'1.r~!ween the Petitioner and 621 W. tth St, That you IIUm'1lon Harry Chester Rubin March 10 1947 Prothonotary We therefore Command You AS YOU 10 that he be and appear before the 3-27,4-3,10,17,24,5-1 WERE HERETOFORE COMMANDEOI' I<~I+<I+<>+-Ho-Ho-"'O+*<*<H";o<G+::";"'I>+-:+Ooo>(_:.':-:-':":"':";~':":";~ Groll's Sewing Machine I The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, May I, 1947 =-- I •••••• I BLANDYTO BE ALUMNI tlon to said foregoing ce rtltlcate are In the ha nd w l' ltlng of the said Presiden t d Secretary of sa le! Company • an d that the sea l affix ed to sa Id certificat~ . Is the common 0 1' corpora te seal of saId I Cor por at Ion . respcctlv:~ IN WIT NESS WHEREOF, I have her e - • u n to se t m y h and and sea l of ollice the day and ye ar a toresald • MTLDRED HIGGINS • • • • • • • • • • • ••N~t".ry Public DAY GUEST • Ad miral William H . P . Blandy, commander in chie f o f t h e Na v Y's.:~tlan ti Flcet. will make hIS flrst . ofll c.' la l aph I'cnra nee in severa l years In IS h ome state of Delaware. ~t t he Unive r s ity of D laware's A lu mlll D a y prog r a m on S :ltllrd~.v, May 17. ' d . I B1 d ' Announcing A mira an y s ac eeptnnce of an invi tati on to b e prese nt, Emery W. Loomis. p r es ide nt of the Alumni Associa tion , sa id the hi g hrankin~ officer wou ld b e t he p rincipa l .p aker at the a lumn i dinne r a t 6:30 p. m. that day in Old C o ll ege a t Ne w ark . • PHILA . PHfLA co, Ph • . MILDRED HIGGINS • · NOTARY PUBLIC. • •• •• •••••• • • • • My Commiss ion Expires March 0 1951 • STATE OF DELAWARE " OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE • I, WILLIAM J . STOREY, Secretary of . BSty8tecoEfRtThe State of Delaware, DO HERE- . . IFY that the above and forE! ' gOing IS a tr ue and correct copy of Cer - . ~.Ificate of RedUction of Capital of the HE~.ZOG, L~MB, HORST & WARK,. INC., as re~etved and flIed in this office • ~:7, t~e~:Y~~~I~~~h A~ait. of April, A. D. . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have h ere unto set my hand and Official sea l at • Dover, this twentY-fourth day of April • Thc admiral attended D e lawa r e C ol- :,nu~~~e~ea~n~f le&e \\·ith Ihe C lass o f 19 10. l e aving the (SEAL) ~~~t;~;e~~~e t housand n ine • WILLIAM J . STOREY • Received for Record Newark insti tution s hortly b e for e h is a ppointment ton S. Heal, Recorder. to the U. S. Nava l A cad e m y, fro m 5-1 ,8, 15. which hc late r was g radu a te d a s tll'st in his c:ass. H e r e ce ived a n hon o rary degree of doctor of sc ie nce from the university in 1941. Earl\' in February, t h e a dm ir a l w a s named'to command th e A ll an ti c F leet , succeeding the la te A dm ira l Ma r c A . ~litscher. At the same t ime. hi ~\ p r o m o tion to he ran i, of fu ll ad mI r a l w as made. During the wa r , h e was c hi ef the Na\'Y's B urea u of Ordn a nce a nd directed developme n t o f many of th e !'radu~lion to acce pt a n Navy's new weapo ns. L a te r he commanded an amphibious s upport forc e in thc Pacific, a nd b eca m e c ommander of deslroyers and crui sel's, Pacific F leet . At Ihe end of th e war, h e r e tur n ed to as D e puty Chi e f of N a v a l on for S pecial Weapons. w hich his ass ig nm en t comma nding t h e Army -Na vy T a sk Force w hich th e a tomic bomb tests a t CERTIFI CATE OF REDUCTION OF CAPITAL HERZOG, LAMB. HORST & WARK, a corporation o rgani zed and e xistthe Gen er al Corporation Law State of De lawa re does hereby as fol1o W5: That on t he 21st day of April, A . D., there was llJed with said Corporation written consent of the holders of of t he to ta l n umber of shares of outstanding and having authorizing reduction of capital of the Corporation o f $246,000 by means of par fo r retiremen t in aC\- Section 28 of the General Law of the State of Delaware capita l stock of each shareprovidin g th at an amount not part of the capital of the represe nt.ed by the s hares so may be paid out of the capital Corporation in respect of s uch :> v j. the assets of the Gorporation after su ch r eduction are suffiany debts. the payment of not been other wi se prov ided fo'r . WHEREOF said Her zog, & Wark . Inc . has caused its sea l (0 be a ffi xed ane! th is Ce rbe signed by Ra lph S Her zog. and James K . Wark, its this 21st day of April . 1947. LAMB. HORST & WARK, INC. By RALPH S. HERZOG . Preside n t A~~ S . K~ ~ ~R~ ,. Secre ta ry • .A.tt;S\ : ) ) SS : OF PH fLAD ELPHIA ) REMEMBERED t hat on th is 21 st April. A. D. 1947. personally ca me me Mildred Higgins, a Notary Puband for the County a nd S tate afor ei Ralph S. Herzog. P resi den t of He rLamb, Horst & Wark . Inc. a Corpor aor the State of De laware. t he Corpo radescribed ill and w hich executed the ng certificate known to me pe rson· be such. and he t he sa id R a lph S. as such PreSi de nt, dul y execu ted ficate before me and ack now le dgsaid certificate to be h is a ct and and the act and deed of sai d Corporathat the signa turps of the s!lid P resland of the Secretary of sai d Corpora- - -• • A~~~r~~ari9~7f ~ate . "ur- U sed C ars F or S a I e • ~~ B uy Y our Farm Bureau INS U RAN C E NOW! •~ • ~ ~ 1942 Buick Sedanelte SI)ecial, R. & H. • \~ • >.~ LIFE AUTO FIRE OR ANY OF THE 1941 Chrysler 4.Door Sedan, New Yorker, R. & H.'~ " 1942 • ~~ OTHER 29 LINES Chevl'olet Special Deluxe Tudor Sedan • Lowest Comparative Rates 1941 Ford Convertible C o u p e . 1941 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Tudor Sedan • • • 1941 Dodge Tudor Sedan . • Phone 2232 14 Kells Ave. Newark, Del. • 1940 Ford Deluxe Tudol' Sedan • "'~..oo~~~~~~~~~~'''..~'''~~ 1940 Pontl'ac TII(lor Sedan ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ u..~~ , • . . os.~,s..",~ 1938 Bnick 4.Door Sedan, Special, R. & H. • 1939 Plymouth 4.Door Sedan • I § R S JARMON 1932 Fonl Model B Tudor Sedan And Many Other Models Passmore's Used Cars SO. Baltimore Pike • I •••••• Oxford, Pa. Phones: 576 or 208 •••••••• ••••••••• v. F. W. Club ••• ••• • Opens Wednesday, May 7th MUSIC Wednesdays and Saturdays Registration Days Subscribe to The Newark Post-$2.00 per year. NEWARI( ENGINEERING COMPANY General Contractors An Citizens Not Owning Real Estate in Newark Are Required to Register to Qualify to Vote in Municipal Elections. Phone 2.1851 Newark The Following Registration Days For the Regular Town Election to Be Held in April, 1948, Have Been Designated By The Town Assessor: MAY 6 - 9:00 A. M. TO 5 P. MAY 8 12 NOON TO 8 P. MAY 10 8:30 A. M. TO '4 P. MAY 15 8:30 A. M. TO 5 P. MAY 20 - 8:30 A. ,M. TO 5 P~ MAY 23 -12 NOON TO 8 P. l~· Delaware •••••••••••••••••••••••• : Spring Is Here - .• We Specialize in Building and Repairing Private Driveways Washed Sand and Gravel Plastering Sand and Gravel Bank Run Road Gravel • Cinders M. M. M. M. M. M. Ready.Mixed Concrete • All Job s Quoted F. O. B. Job Site No Additional Registration Days Will Be Designated AJ ] Types Road Macllinery aud Tl'ucks for Hh'e We' ll Be Glad to Quote Prices If Desit'ed JOHN M. McCOOL CO., Inc. F. A. WHEELESS Genet'aI Hau1ing, Paving and Excavating Contl'actors Assessor, Council of Newark Phones Newark 2393 or Elkton , M(\.. 168 & 373 41 W. Main St., Newark • Sinclair Refining Plant Railroad Ave., Elkton, Md. • - • • -. . . .- • • • • • • • • • • • • II • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I Come on- -taste the Transit Mixed Concrete ELKTON CONCRETE CO. PHONE, ELKTON 437 ELKTON ' I Three I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~~~~~;..~~~~~~~ • • -• MARYLAND d_ifference.! • • ·•• • •• •• •• •• • •• • • L1srEN TO TEEN-AGE TIME Enry StJlvrdoy , 10 9130 A.M•• WFIL • •• •••• ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I _ ....... _... ____ ,_....... ,_"'_'. ..-t _..L __ • • The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, 'lay 1, 1947 Four Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boyce, 55 K e lls r Avenue, are receivi ng congratulations on the bu·th of a daughter , born APr il l I 29, in the Wilmington Genera l H ospitnl. I I THE NE\~K p()S'r Founded J anua ry 26, lillO, by th e la te Everett C. J ohnson Mrs. E dwin T hompson , of Warren, Ohio, is visiting w ith h er si tel's. the Misses F aders of East Main St reet. ----- An Independe n t N ewspaper P u blished Every Thursd ay by th e N ewa l'k P ost, Inc. Loca ll y a nd Indepe ndently O w n ed a nd Op r ated Legal and Display advertising rates furn ished on request. In Memoriam and Cards of Thanks 5 cents per agate Line . FR ANK N . MEGARGEE ...... .. .. : . . .. . . .............. ... . . RICHARD T. WARE ....... . . . - Miss An n W. Cha lme l s was ho~tess on last Fri d ay e vening to the membe r s EDITOR of her Sun day S chool class of the Fi rst PUBLISHER P res by te ri a n Church. - - - - Ente;ed as second-class at 3,Newark. under Act matter of March 1897. DelDwa-re- - - - n~~~ublication, be Eve r lasti ng Puni shmen t at the First Ch ur ch of Christ, Scien tist. a t 1201 Van Burean S t ree t, Wilmington. Mor ning Se r v ice, II a . m.; S u nday School, 11 Wed nesday e vening S e r v ice, ~'. ~~.; ~~ I 8\ Make Yo ur Appointment For Your Spring Permanent I Machine or Mac me e Also Cold Wave ~\' . . Houle 1, 0 - -- -1 (' 1011 1\ Road ! OR. V. LEO AIW n~ Chiropodist WEIJ ~ MON., f'oo t peri.list III PilI. P, H S. _ I A FTt:nNOO ~ ! . ', ' E ., p~~:~~ ;6~' ~ P~~w~~~\:>r~'ITrUII 9ZWEDN ESDAV H a rr y Dawson Newa~. Del" If No Answer. Call HOCkeSSln'!61 I 330 E Mai n S f , • Breck Scalp Treatment A Specia lity STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY .. II<l .... lngton, illinois " ........1 Eve nings b y Appointment Phone 2491 Phone 61:;3 your bank aOOOUDt yout life savings that can be whisked away in a fleeting moment as a result of an automobile accident. The State Farm Mutual of B~oom ington, Illinois stands equipped to safeguard you and your property at lowest costs, Phone your nearby agent today. ----.!---T" World', Lorl/e,' Alllo , .."",a.e c., 44 E. Main St. ~ PERSONALS :~~ni~~.tc~i~11:~· ~~~~:sohn~m2~ o~:'t~ ~ ~~ ~ MI'. a nd Mrs. Eva n R o binson , of Nottingha m Road . were guests on Friday Chapel Street, in honor of MI' . Conrad Robinson's birth_day. ~ Place~~ Mrs. W . E. Winter, of West P a rk was hostess on Monday evening of this week to the social meeting of the Ladies' Bible Class of the First Pres- '~ byterian Church with Mrs. Robert W . Rohm , president, p resi ding. ~ ~ --Mr. a nd Mrs. Roger P. Walkins. Miss M 1'. and Mrs. Philip Mylrea, of Mary Johns ton and Mr . George Johns- Bridgeport. Conn., were recent guests ton were dinner guests on Sunda y of Mrs . Walter Beasten and Miss CathMrs. erine Beasten of Middletown. Mrs. Ford McBerty, of 14 West Mrs. A. D . Sh ort is visiting at the ware Avenue, W Il! be h ostess on Monhome of h er son -in-la w and daughter. M1'. a nd Mrs. J . Frank lin Anderson, of d ay evel1lng, May 5, to the May meetof the American AUXiliary Nottingham R oad . ~f ~r~rrl::.a;3 p~;:tn~~r~'~l~~~ ~ " ONE MEAT BRAWL" Added Sat. Only Sunset CMSO'; " BANDITS OF THE This S/Jeciallntroductory Offer . • 48 Hour Delivery Complete Line of Anscofilm Expert Developing, Printing and Thi s coupon together with a sales receipt of $1.00 or more, entitles the bearer to a r educt ion of G0 LT S Dela-I~ 71 East Main Street Newark, Del. 30 % I ~ ' 300/0 DISCOUNT Enlarging. all enlargements. ~~ ~.~~~ Le~on 0 lItay Mon.-Tues. EX/lires May 10th So Act Today!! ~~ ~~ with Philip Dorn Catheritl e M' Leod News - Carioon Enlarge Your Favorite Photo At 30% Discount With All Sales Totalling $1.00 Or More ~:~;~~:r:fd~~.~:~b':~hJ~I~~71:r~iller, ~ - . a~ ,~ May 11th ~ Mr. and Mrs . H enry VanDyke. of Mr. Melvin Moss, of F airbu ry, Capitol Tra il. were hosts on Wednesday evening to the Improvement Society of Nebraska, has been a guest this week Wh ite Clay Creek Church. Mr. Va n- of his brother-in -law and sister, Mr . and Holger Schaumann, of 101 Dyke is supply pastor of the church. Kells Mrs. Avenue. ~ Remember Mother's Day MI'. and Mrs. Charles H . Smith, Jr .. of 302 Colonial Avenue, Wilmington, a:e receiving congratulations on the ~ bll·th of a son , born April 29, in the Memori al Hospital. Mrs. Smith will be ~ ~g I Sewing and R lIlouel' . · Illg Al so 1Ip over . aud Dt·ape, \ Protect Your Pro~ ~~ Charles' Beauty Salon h' _------.~ ;ss.."'-,'Sssss...,""~~"Ussssssss..~"SSS.....,~~"U..~~~~~...s.....s..~,",,,-,",,~~, Newa rk , Delaware, Thursday, Ma y 1, 1947 Mr. John Dale, w ho ha s bee n vis itin g fo r sever a l m\>nths with his son, Mr . M . S. D a le, of E ast Main Street. return ed to his home in Renovo, P a ., this week . Mr. a nd Mrs. Mervin S. Dale and daughters, Barbara and Sy lvia returned with MI'. D ale tor a short visit. . Su bj ec t of th e L esson -Se rm on w ill iN 1'he subscription price of th is pa per In the United States Is $2 .00 per year AD VA 'CEo Can adian and Foreign subscri ptions $3 .00 per year IN ADVANCE . Single copies 5 cents. Make all checks payable to The Newark Post. We wa nt and Invit e- com munica tions, but they mus t b e signed by th~;"iter's but for our info rma tion and protection. MI'. and Mrs. Rudo lph F. J ohnson , of 185 Sou th Chapel Street. are rece iving congr a tu la tions on the b irth of a dau ghte l', born Thursday, April 24 . in the Wilmin gton General H ospital. Mrs. Johnson w ill be remember ed as Miss Gladys Campbell. I I ~-DEVIL- MAY -CARE MEN FIGHT FOR GIRLS AND GOLDl /?/1 . I ~ ~ GABIE ' IIfi r? ; ,t . • ~ ' ~ c;;t " " Mrs. John Campbell . of near Newark . was the week-end guest of h e r son and d aughter-in-law , Mr . and Mrs. Walte r R. Campb ell , of Lancaster, P a. Mr . Robert Polts, of 323 East Main Stree t. has returned to his home from the Pennsyl vania University Hospital. LICE NSE A PPLICATION I , Ernest S Spence. intend to make application to sell alcoholic liquor for con- sumption on the premises in a tap room on Route 896. 3 miles South of Glasgow, Delaware. • Ernest S. Spence Route 896 3 Miles South of Glasgow, Del. 4-17-24:5-1. Planning Gift Headquartera For an Inter-Com System? 8 t~ ~- MOTHER'S DAY DESERVES ) .... f -~" ffiC1l808 COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS LnNa P . - .... 1M ..:..:- ~,'--r. KnOll'. Fa.. L.n_ 1'" ..... _ • Et.~. rltll LanH EATO .. •...... .LanH PA. . . . _ r ...... I . yo1M' tNl ~., /roM \.~ _~~~_~"'. M _ _ .. .....,.. ' " ' - . are ....,. COftIN&. 59c to Sl.50 $2.95 UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTIED Over 90,000 guarant.eeI Inltallationl, aN your olluron.e of 'raubl"' ••• performance and dependobility, EXECUTONE Sy"tem" a •• Indlviduolly ... "lneeredtoyour requiremenlt. WRITE OR PHONE FOR BOOKLET . - ' jr I ..... .-.-.,. II- EXECUTONE automatically gives you control of your entire organization through instant voice-to-voice contact. You just press a button ... and talkl EXECUTONE frees your switchboard for important outside calls ... eliminates endless running from one office to another. and 'Bowery Bomh ~""~i'''''U'''' r.., THE BEST '\~ with up to 100 stations are available. Pat O' Bren - Claire Herb ert Marshall ]tl~~ef~~ ~~ther It wnt poy yo. to investigate fxecutone ••• - - 2 stations for as little as $61. Systems Wed.-Thurs . Two Big Feature May 11 th Velvet-~oft, run-proof ' Folded: rayon slips, tailored by BI ue Swan. su perbl y styled for comfort and fl attery . .. and so easy to wash. Adju sta ble shoulder straps. Tearose and White. Size.. 32 to <1.4. Flattering of fit and quality-knit. Flatternit du Pont Nylons are " fitting tribute to Mother . .. and a worthy, practical gift for Mother', Day. In Spring Ihade. that keep their beauty with Lulc. 1$ 1.65 Pair EXECUTONE CO. of Wilmington Make EVER. Y Day 217 M Delaware Trust Co., Bldg. Phone '300 Mother 's Day Wllmlngton, Del. Electric Appliance Repair Was hers - Vacuum Cleaners Electric Clocks Lamps Rewired Wringer Rolls Replaced Electric Motor Repair For the lucky Mother who has every thinghe' ll love a piece of famous Costume Jewelry Le8ter F. Been, Proprietor $1 to '5 plus tax PbODe 2229 Irons $6.26 to $11.42 CORO Newark Repair Center Amltel Ave. - Elkton Road Lighten her work with a General E lectric laborsav ing appliance. III 25c advertised in CHARM Mild r.1ADElMOISELLE Vacuum Cleaners $57.95 $64.95 Coffee Makers $7.31 and up By Th e Newark Po t, Newark, Delaware, Thur day, May 1, 1947 =SociafEvents REGL'LAR MEETINGS OF' CIRCLE GROUPS CALENDAR Frida y, May 2 I nitiation at Fri end ship T emple, No. !I, I 1RS. PURDY GUEST Or Fratcrna l Hall. Saturda y, May 3 I regu lar meetings of the ci rcle The W O.man s Auxlha ry of the First 10:00 A. M.-Bake- P eggy Cronin B arr!~:; .f the Wom a n's Society o f Pres~y tel'lan Church w ill .hold the May gain Box, by Organ Com~hristiall el'\' ice of the Ncwark ~eetll~g on Tu esd ay even lllg, May 6, at ~~~t:c C~ful~~~d of Chri slOl Church w ill mcet as fOI_ 17.45, 1Il the Lecturc Room of the · Met h( sl Church . 10 :00 A. M.-Rum mage Sale- O . E . S . LADIE~ ' AU?CILIARY IO\C\'~: I" "0 I with Mrs. Roy Nich olsl .Mrs. ~aymond W . H e im , president, Newa rk Cha pter, Ri ch Irc , ., . WI ll b h f I a l'ds Ga rage . al leader: wi ll meet Tu esday eve ning'l s ion . e 1Il c ur ge 0 t1e bus iness sesMonday, May 5 Ma v 6 at 8 o'c!oc!< at the hom e of Mrs. ! A . I h 8:00 P . M.-Legion Auxiliary Meeting J pa t; 1 Jacq uelle, 135 East De lawa re I ' ~~CI~ progr am as been arranged with Mrs. McBerty, 14 W. AI'e nue Co-hostesses w ill bc Mrs. ~~;c: "~C ud es Mrs. WIllard Purdy, of Del. Ave . CI . 'Iorris a nd Mrs. Mildred Sharp. I mll1~ on , as the g uest speaker. Mrs . T uesday, May 6 a~a I ~o 2 or which Mrs George L Purdy IS the wife of the pastor of the Ch:~~:r ' is . leader, w ill me~t Tuesda; First a nd Centra l Presbyter ia n Church 2:00 P . M.- Circle 2 of W . S . C. S . 5 .-, Mav 6 at 2 o'clock with of Wllmmgton. Spec Ial music h as also with Mrs. Mylrea , 53 E. . , been arranged . P a rk P lace. artell .oon . ~Irs. Thomas D. Mylrea, 53 E ast P a rk This is th e last program m eeting of 2: 00 P . M.-Cil'cle 3 of W. S . C. S . Place _ ,. the year a3 the June meetin g will b e with Mrs. Futche r , E ll iott Circie :\0. 3 under the d ir ecti on of e ntirely a business m ee ling . H e ights. Ws. Jmes H. McNeal, m ee ts Tuesday 7:15 P . M .-Circ1e 5 of W . S . C . S . mee t at Church for Wilaflern oo n. May 6. a t 2 o'clock with EXH IBIT OF CLUB WORK mington . Mrs. Frank Futche r of Elli ott Heights. BY GL ASGOW HOMEMAKE RS 8:00 P . M .-Circle 1, Mrs. J a cquette, Mrs. J. D. Reed w ill assis t as h ostess. A display of G lasgow Hom e Demon136 E . Del. Ave. Circle No. 4 led by Mrs . Howard stration projects wi ll be placed in onc Circle 4, Mrs. Leverage, Patchell. wiil meet Tuesd ay evening, of the windows of the Newark Fa r m East Del. Ave . May 6. at 8 o'c lock at the home of Mrs. a nd Home Supply, E ast Main Street, C ircle 6, Mrs. Mosher, 46 Oliver Leverage , Ea st Dela ware Ave in observa nce of National Home DemE . D el. Ave. nue. Mrs. Wa llace Geo rge and Mrs. onstration Club W ee k of May 4 to Circle 7. Mrs. Cole, 269 Edna G. Worth wi ll be co- hostesses. May 11. Circle No. 5 of w hich Mrs. Irvin Several members of this club are Ci~~l~a~~ ~t~lUrch Dining Croll' is leader , w ill m eet on Tuesday p la nning to attend the State Meeting of Hall, Miss Taylor, guest eveni ng. May 6, a t 8 o' clock at the Home Demonstra tion C lubs at Dover on speaker. Deaconess Home in Wilmi ngton . All Thursday, May 8, at w h ich meeting the Auxiliary of members of the group are to meet at chosen outsta nding member of this 7:45 P . M.-Woman's the Newa rk Methodist C h urch at 7:15 club, Mrs. Amanda J ohnson , will be !,;r:~eP;~~~~~~r~~s.c;~;~~ lor transportation. honored a long with outstanding m e mguest speaker. Ci rcl e No. 6 with Mrs. Alv in L . be r s of other clubs. Thursday, May 8 Kenworthy as leader, meets Tuesday 7:45 P . M.-Miss ion a r y Society, First evening, May 6, at 8 o'c lock at t he Presbyterian Church, in hOOie of Mrs. Elea n or Mosh er. 46 East R EGULAR MEETING Praye r Meeting room . Delaware Ave nu e. Co-hostesses for the LADIES' BIBL E CLASS "T h e accumu lating forces w h ich drag Friday, May 9 eveni ng will be Mrs . Virginia Kirka nation into wicked ness a nd weak- Covered Di sh Supper a nd C ards by patrick and Mrs. Virgini a Durn a ll. ness" is th e subject for this w ee k 's disN ewark Ch apte r of O . E. S ., Circle NO. 7 under the leadership of Odd F ellows H all . Mrs. Francis Lindell, will mee t Tues - cussion in the regu lar meeting of the daY evening, May 6, at 8 o'clock, at th e Lad ies' B ible C lass of the Newark - - - -- - - - -- - - - home of Mrs. Da vid Cole, 269 E as t Main Methodist Ch urch. All members and their friends are Street. Mrs. J ohn Moore and Mrs. Wi lliam Wilhelm will assist as host- cord ially invited to en joy this h our For of fellows h ip adding you t h ou gh ts or esses .. Circle No. 8 of which Mrs. W. C . Car- opinions to the discussion of this very t imely subject. ~v is leade r, w ill meet Tuesday eve - Tickets arc now availab lc a t JackStorc 01' An g ie's Sub I The A ltar Guild of Sl. John's R. C . Church wi ll sponsor a ca rd party on Wednesday evening, May 14 , in thc ch u r ch recreation room . C Members of the Newark Methodist Church Choir w h o will participate in the Spring Concert to be given by the ad ult choir under t he direction of Mr. Thom as Hilbish on Frid ay evening, May 9, at 8:15 o'clock in t he social hall of the ch urch, will include those in the above picture who a re a s fo llows: Ha rtman , Miss Jean Hillman, Miss - - -- -- - - - - First row, left to righ t-Thomas Hi!- Ade lta Dawson, Miss Anne Richa rds, bish, director, Miss Helen Mae Wol - Mi ss Muriel Starr, Miss Florence laston, Mrs. Richa rd Mears, Mrs . Ed - Pearce, Mrs . .)'ohn Singles, Mi ss B etty wa rd Ginthe r, Miss Roberta Carothe r s, White; third row, left to right- Tom L os t Runk , E arl Pearce, Don Butterworth , Miss Libby D awson, Miss Virg ini a L e ighton J ackson , Vincent E. Parker, SILVER GRAY FEMALE CAT WITH gray face and sligh tly crossed blue eyes. ReKirkpatrick , M iss Mae Gibson, Miss Earl F . Dawson, W. Fra n cis Lindell, ward . Phone 2321. 5-1-ltc. Winnie T ay lor, Miss Marj or ie J a mison , Rich a rd Mea rs, Charles Anderson. CLASSIFIED MOTHER'S DAY: • Black Slips • • White Slips • BAKE SATURDAY 10 A. M. BY ORGAN COMMITTEE T h e b ake sched u led for this Saturday m orning a t 10 a. m ., in the Peggy Cronin Bargain Box, is sponsored by the organ committee of the Head of Christiana Church. Anyone having articles for the ba k e but who cannot bring them m ay call PRE . MISSIONARY SOC. eith er Miss Lillie Scott 0 1' Mrs. Rogel' WILL MEET MAY 8 Watkins who will make arrange ments Wpm an's Home and. Foreign for you. MISSIonary SocIety of the F irst P resbyterian Church w ill meet on Tuesda y APPLE TON H OMEMAKERS . evening. May 8. a t 7:45 o'clock with EXHIBIT MAY 5-10 Mr . C. P. Hearn presiding. In observance of Nationa l Home , Miss Leta , Wllters _ag4..Aer commit- Demonstration ChJ~ W~ek oLMay 4, to lee includi ng Mrs. Arth UPI B. Eastman, May ll , th e mem bers of the Appleton Mrs. Fre~ Strickla nd and Mrs. Paul D . Hom emakers will have a display irt a LO~\~~. ~v;:~ua:r:.ni~s~::a~r~!r;~;dShiP I ;!:deOrWa~! ~i~~t~:::~a~:, i~~t~~~ngo chaIrman, has announced t h at all "gratitude bags" wi.11 be collected at this May meeting . Reports will be given by th e d ele gates ,,!ho attended th e New Cas tle Presbyterial in Milford on last T uesday. At thi s meeting of Presbyterial Mrs. C. P. Hea rn , president of th is local society. was elected chairman of O V~seas Sewi ng. Memb ers having item s for the exhibit will please leave th em with Mrs. Ed Mer rill or Mrs. Carl Feug ht by Saturday ;'f t hiS week. Mrs. Winslow, Mrs. Merrill and Mrs. Feucht will arrange t he d isplay. _ _ _ _ _ __ INITIATION NIGHT AT FRIE NDSH IP T EMPLE Friend ship T em p le, N o. 6, Pythian S isters. w ill ho ld an initiation t h is Fri THREE-IN-ONE CLUB GRO UP d ay evening, May 2, in Fraternal H a ll . All members are urged to attend this WILL DISPLAY WORK The Three-In-One Home Demonst ra- m eetin g. tion Club w ill h a ve a window display RUMMAGE SALE in the w indows of the ELkton Taylor, 65 East Mai n Street, in observance of SATURDAY, MAY 3 T~NewHkC~p~r~fueO~~~ Nationa l Home D emonstrati on Wee k Eastern Star, N o. 10, will sponsor a of May 4 to May 11. Many mem bers of the club a re pl an- rummage sa le in Rich a rds Ga rage . ning to a tten d the State m ee t ing of New L ondon Road , on S a turday mornHome Demonstration Clubs in Dover ing, May 3. S e lling w ill sta rt a t 10 a. m . on Thu rsday , May 8. M rs. C h arles Cooper is in charge of tra nsportation WOMAN'S BIBLE CLASS fOI' his trip. Mrs. Joh n B. Lynch of Polly Drum- REGULAR MEETING The Wom a n 's Bible Class of the First mond Hill and Mrs . Anna M. Cameron of Milford Cross Roads are the out- Presbyterian Church will meet at t he standing club members of thi s g rou p Who I'. " be hono r ed at the State mee t ing along w ith outstanding members of t he to p ic "Sources of National Conother clu bs. flic ts." ~:L:~~c~UI~i~e9~~e t~:!~;I~a~~o~~L:~~ WAITRESS OR WORK WITH SMALL 5-:~~~~.y. No hea vy laundry . Phone 4921. JUNIOR PROM At The Help Wanted _._- - - - - - - - - - - - NEW ARK HIGH SCHOOL WAITRESS WANTED . Hours 10 A. M. t'eL5ux~' C:~idySke;gt. work. Good pay. 4-17 -tfe. Music by AI Green a nd His Cadets Dancing 8 to 12 TYPIST-DICTAPHONE OPERATOR. Ex4 -~g~1~~~ opportun ity. Newark Trust Co. May 12 Open to Public - Tickets on Sale at Door $2.00 Per Couple Wanted MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS Whitman Chocolates (Sizes 32-52) { ROOM. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED TO campus for 2 young tadles en ter ing Untverslty of Delaware In September. Ref~';tC~~ provided . Reply P. O. Box 60 . 5-I-Itp. . Gobelin Chocolates Hose Scarfs Handker chiefs , . !he Situation Wanted 1>--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •••••••••••••• • • ning. May 6. a t 8 o'clock in th e d ining hall of the church. Miss Wi n nie T ay lOt will be the guest speaker giving a talk on the Hawiian Isnand s, "As ._'1Found Th em." Sh e will show colored slides illustrating her talk . Co-h ostesses will be Mrs. Thomas R oberts, Mrs. Charles Moore and Mrs. I dla McDona ld . Miss Doris Ca rson , Miss Shirley Ritchi e, Mrs. Kenne th Steers, Miss Nancy Stim- COVERED DISH SUPPER son , Miss Betty Miller, Mrs. W . s. BY O. E_ S. NO . 10 Martin , orga nist ; second row, Jeft to The Newa r k Chapter of th e Ord er of righ t- Miss Libby Tweed, Miss L eah E astern Star, N o. 10, w ill sponsor a Ottey, Miss J ea n Lee, Mrs. Charles An- cover ed dish su pper and ca rd s on the der son, Miss Eilee n Fi e lding, Miss J a ne ~oV:~ i~a~~ Frid ay, May 9, in Odd F e l- Wanted-To, Rent Yardley's Dusting Powders UNFURNISHED HOUSE OR APARTMENT . ~. or;e;ark . Permanent. Dr . Duenner, 4-24-2tp. And Toilet Waters Lucite Hair B.·ushes OLD BUTTONS. GLASSWARE. CHINA P . O. Box 60, Ext. 1. 5_~~1~pfurnJture . - - - - - - - ¢ ••- -- - - -- D I\ ESSES (S izes 1 8 ~ - 24 ~ ) PHON ES 581-2929 Notice For Sale Pauline Bradford Fill Up Now and Be Pre pared LOT ON NORTH STREET, 36 by 160. See 4J't:te:rank Wlddoes, 34 N Chapel St. B~~~~e ~~is~~AN HAY, $20.00 per ton. 4-24-ltc. P hone 2.1581 • J. C. Pownall ) • r •••••••••••• i BUCKET- A-DAY WITH 30 GALLON tank . ~~ . ~;n~~tt" ri~no~~ater. Phone 3383, 4::-= 24=-4:-:t~C.:-:-:--:--_ _ _ _ _ _ __ • \ , . , • . G~~~~~at~_~~~LIIN AND CASE. Like 4_-_24_-2_tc_ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ \;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!; I"J:':t~~~.~~,~"s?'~~~~~~~~cr~~~~I:~~:r. 1 ~~~~~ ' ~~~l'" ~~ "'L " 5 l-Itp. ~;" . G~~o~A~~~ii~nBY,~~!Ri!9~'yEN, broil';;:. 5-1-2tc. GAS RANGE-Table top. 4 burners. oven and broiler. Good condition . Phone 2-0172. ~ AM'ERICA'S FINEST SILVERPLAT~ . Full Course Dinners A century of experience ~ reflected in the su~r1a tive quality and sterllng-like craftsmanship of all 1847 Rogers Bros. patterns. Stop in and let's plan together when you can own a tervice in America's Finest Silverplate. It is worth waiting for the best. 1847 Rogen Bros. prices have not Increased. 52 Fiece Service for 8 - $64.75 - No TIL Platters . Sandwiches Sunday Dinners 12 Noon to 7 P. ~I. Closed Every Monday E. Main St. Phone 245\. SCOOTER 1942 GUEST MODEL. Apply f~n~,gha m's Esso Station, 7 A. M. to BOGBBS BBOS. Op n Evenings Until 11:00 P. M. P~ellire~Ma~~ UM~tcld~~" ~~n~ol~" 'R:~hael Toomey, R. D. 2. New 5 I ltP - - . . 250 WHITE OAK POSTS. PHONE 619\. 5-1-2tp. 1036 2 DOOR CHEVROLET. Good condi- 1 5_i~~C. 173 ~ - l - ltp. 175 FT. OF ANCHOR . IRON FENCE with two ga te •. Phone Newal'k 2-0684. 5- 1-ltp. @,~O(gb Will Be Instructo r WE DELIVER Famous Reading Anthracite E. Main St. u~f~~e~i ~~1~~hct;;~·4~s:.istant 5-1-lto. PROFESSIONAL PHARMACISTS (C. EMERSO N JOHNSON, SUCCESSOR) • 3~ UNFURNISHED APARTMENT BY veteran RHODES DRUG STORE PLANTS- Any kind . Phone 2-1672, Antonio Civitilio. Salem Ch urch Road 5- 1-4tp. Miscellaneous BUNDLE AND FAMILY WASHING. Phone 2309. Alberta Brown, 40 Church Street. S-l-tec. ~~ RAPID AND ACCURATE TYPING DONE at home by experienced stenographer . Know shorlh and . Call for and deliver Telephone Newark 2-1002 any time . 5- 1 3t . . FUNERA.L DIRECTOR ~I ~~R~.~T~.~:O~N~E~S~~:'t ~ * PHONE 6221 * 122 Wes t Main Street NEWARK, DELAWAR E : -:. ::.A.-----"t 'bm~': :::. The New ark Po s t ======~::::========;;:=,;::;;=====~=~~====~==::======::~;;:,,~~=~::,~~===~~=~~~=_.===========::: -....::: ~~=========================:::!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,;;;;;;,,;;,~;;;;;;,~~~~====:::::::::=:::=::====== who might wuh 10 sue he T own nex year because hey failed 10 comply Six with reglStra 'on requirements for :::~:wt;~E:~;;:;'~~bi:::~ JACKETS TRAVEL TO CONRAD UNIVERSITY NINE TAKE ON ;¥'L~::,S~::;.'.;:::;:::~'::; HIGH TlDS AFTERNOON; BEAT .':::~:" n:. :::p.u ':;,,'''::':: SWARTHMORE HERE SAT.. ;r_eabiifl~he:eOyV~'~"Shs:'. ::~v:~~~n~~~:~~ SALLYS HERE, 12.4, TUESDAY ~:i;;::eYico~o:I:~\':;::::;:d.eIO; URSINUS AWAY O~ TUESDAY ~ .., no addi ional regis ra ion days will be designated la er tor he benetlt of delinquents or I is also stressed tha day night The group also approved the universi y's entrance into he Eastern Collegiate A hletic Conference. I was further announced tha all Game ~ ith P. S. duPont Scheduled F o rLa ' t Friday Postponed; Davis H 11 ° T 7 HO Whol 0 ( a 1eSlanunl 0 Its 1 e ~1 t P OW1{I 0 ut. 13 F EW' - a e or asy n i l l nei~:ni :;;p:pe:; ~:~~ io~ in .13y for an election 10 be held in the foll owing April .... en months away . . . . is a li Ie far· fetched . Bu i jU.>t happens to be a requiremen stipu . Ia ed by he town council and, as such if he. a non · ;;!~~~~e o~~r ~~:~!~edo"~~ Delaware \'arsi y too ball games will be played at Wilmington Park next fall , because lack of seating. press and parking fa cilities at Frazer F ield . Council Presiden J ohn J. Del uca said the uni\'ersity will sponsor a full heir'V~ ~rji~;~:;, ~~!~ e:leo~~n~~0~1g~ h:~e \~~e ~~~ aalOern\~~h ~r!e:~:~ ~~[e ~:;~e~~:1~;~}~~ Hens Gain 12-5 Triumph Oy r Hayerford Tuesday With Thorp Going Route; Drop 5-1 Count To Gettysburg Bullets On at. [hi . Thaetu~~~~' Haefter~~~n,ch\~~~~ed t~~~· a~~c~~~ ~~mew~~p~~~~ t h.e Y ello\v Jac~e a!m to main tain t heir pace when t h ey colli d~ varsity earns. This will be the firs Quaker on Frazer Fi el d. Text W edne day , t h ey ar off 0 forei WIt h on rad HIgh thl afternoon on the la tte r diamond. part again, meeting I' in us at Collegeville. gn Th 't h P d P ime the rule has been in force at Del· e con e WI . . u ont,. cheduled fo r la t Frida y wa aware. Aft er being riddled bj t he Getty burg B ulle :'. 5-1. here la pO. tponed becau e of wet ground' b ut will be played la ter. a tu rday, for their eve nth 10 of t he ea. on, Delaware deiea ~ Wh i le hi team -m ate. went on a lugging p r ee with a barHa ve rford here on Tue day afternoon . rage of 13 safetie. for 12 r un., R obert Da\Tj turned in a rna te rl y After being riddled by Getty burg B ulle . , 5-1. here las mound performance fo r the J acket. before t he h ome fan on T ue _ Sa u rd ay Delaware u r ged back tQ t he victory colum n wi ht ' - ' day holding he invading Sallys 0 12-5 win over Haverford here on Tues. ---: d seven sca \.ered hilS and four runs. day afternoon. ar: the thIrd was addeo ,';her GnHi" Pil ing up a 9'{) lead in he first hree Delaware broke a 2·2 tie in the sec - miscued . • he Jacke were never The . ' ewark Pieeon Club l ond w!th a 2' r:'"n adding an Delaware's single cons r c':';e '. That is, of course, until and unle:;s present suits contes ing he validity of this requirement (which has been up' h eld in an opinion handed down by the attorney geenral) are decided one way or he other. Bu , just to be on the safe side, U you do no own property and if you do wish \'0 e nex April. we'd advise you to regis er on one of the designa ed days appea ring in an advertisement he PIGEON CLUB RACE STAGED C NEVILLE IN GERMANY e~:~:;:b~~ t~ n;ws~~~~~ight, landscaper who did qui\.e a bit of w ork and lived here severa l years ago? Ju st had a welcome note trom him fr om Port Angeles, Wa shing on, w here he and his fam ily now reside. I Remembu also a couple of years when alarm clocks were scarcer than hen s tee h and you couldn' buy one I I i~~;:~:~ed. Racin~ G regg with hree sa fe blows was the held i 300 mile r ace las Saturday . A big.gun ot the J acket a tack . while tlh:h of 12? birds from en lof s was Martin, Reed and Hamilton pounded hbera ed b~ Mr .. E. G. Tanks~ey a t OU two apiece. 7'30 a. m. In a light . E. Wind a t D 'Il V Th h h Well ahead gOing , into the las of the anvl~'. a. e wea er ~t °omneo~~~~ six h. he J acke s capped heir scoring clea r WIth Nor .heast changing with two more runs, when , with one wes stron g wmd . ~u 'd ~lOne started hings wi th a hi '. Resu l were as follows: Serves WOth • 1 Air Forces l outb~rst.. ~!,:; I~ ~e th~:~h Th~r blfhgeest ~pr~e ~~b~~~ns!~~~~. ~~er;o~:h:~:~' ~::: ~ loose for Six tallies. w en ~o:s l~~e ar:;I;~~~iy .1:;Vt!~e r:od: H~!~' C::~I~e.C~f· ';~i~l~a::1I o~ ::s: ~I~~V :~;w~:~~~~ ~':I~::e~~~~e \~:~~ I ~: ~.' ~;:;:~'1;~~~4!6 ;::!s ::; ~:~: th:~:~:enC::t:::g~j:etw~e~sch~t_ ~~~~~~~b awakeners on hand-even 0 pastel 5h ades that purr lightly in your ear at the appointed hour. Speaking of al a rm clocks reminds us that our watch has finall y given up the gh o st a n d r e ( uses t 0 run . ... an d it is a most completely lost feeling being without a com pan ion of so m any years. Despi\.e chilly breezes, Spring must be here f or noth ing is more reminiscent th an the cheery "cheeps" of baby chicks clustered in the postofi'ice a waiting delivery. Saturday, May 3. is a mem orial day for it not on ly is De rby Day in Louisville, but our birth anniversary. And U y ou're curious our age conincides with the cal ibre of a we ll known rev olve r. We we re born a nd rai sed in K en tuck y an d have visited Ch urchill Down s many tim es to our sorrow but, a lso to our sorrow it has never been our pr ivil ege to witness a Kentucky Derby. E very year we th ink surely we'll mak e it but somethin g always prevents it .. a nd usually it is the la ck of the essential funds. L ike severa l million other fan s w e alwa ys amuse ourselves by picki ng the potentia l Derby win ner. Asked last Satu rday who we thought woul d win th is year we promptly answered "Tra eze," a Greentree horse who promptly was an also-ran in his next outing. We have scr atched him from our l ist and now pick a nag nam ed Jet P ilot and U he runs up to his name he turns for home in th e mi le an d a qu a rter r u n of the roses . Yes, he')) ha ve Phal an x and Fau ltl ess to beat but y oung Eric G uerin in th e saddle won't hur him and we don't believe th at Edd ie Arcaro aboa rd Ph alanx wi ll break the record of jockey winners w hi ch remains at three. Incidentally here are only three jockeys who ha ve won this race three times an d Eddie is one ot them so you know he' )] be straini ng to hang up a record breakin g vi ctory that'll put him in front o( the memorable Ear le Sande and Isaac Murphy. Notice that a number of t he large and older trees have been removed from lower South College Avenue and we sinccrly hope their removal doesn't im pair t h beauty of what we always regard as the prettiest street in town Wilming on. Del., will have much 0 ell abou Germanv when he returns .. . 0 he S a es. He IS now sta IOned In W' b d Ge . b les a en, rmany, W,es aden it· I( now th e h orne 0 f t h e H ea dquar· se, \.ers. United States Air Forces in Europe, the organization polici ng oc. own on a e er's choice bringing 3. C. Way. 1205.88 yards per minute. across Stone, and l1artin laid down a I 4. . CashelL 1205. 17 yards per min . neat bunt to score Reed . Hamilton .1. C. Way. 1204.60 yards per minute. struck out. squelch ing the uprising. 6. Geo. Jones, 1175.93 yds. pe r min . G regg~E b WAR5 K3 1 SALES lA NUII"I 7. Geo. J ones. 1174.32 yds. per mlll .·' .. 3 2 Guenver ef 21111 1 8 H Stal 117332 d ~rt!n;u> 4 2 1 5 3 Shavack:cf 1 00 I I . . n ey. ~ y s. per m~n. t:/a7:~I~eni:ll ~ ~ g ~I~o~ran.ss 4 0 0 2 2 9. Lp ~oore, 1172.50 yds.s per m~n. Haman ,3b 41 1 I IIK'wla ·S~i. lb O~ g ~? ' :~. paUl J ones. 1111767°.9076 Ydd . per min . Ford,ss 3 0 1 I 0lHogan.3b 4 2 2 I 1 . au ones. . y s. pe r min. cupled Germany from he aU', IS one Stone,rf , 1 1 I 0 0 Tabln·skf.rf 40 3 2 0 12. F. W'kefield. 115788 yds. per m m of the mos famous spas and hea lth re - ~~~~l.rt ~ I~ ~1 ~~d:~i,2b ~ 1~ 13. O . St~lnke. 1150.88 yds per min sorts o( pre. war Europe. Pfc. Neville '[,.DavI.s.c 0 0 0 I 0 Faren.c 1 0 0 2 01 14 G. MIlls. 113030 ya rds per min has fo und much of in erest in the ci y .Dav,s,p 3 1 00 O'Bracke ,1f 30 0 I 0 15 . Cashell . 1121.11 yds. per min .1 where he is with the Adjutant Generai 1~~d'I~~~'P ~ ? 1? 16 F W'kefiel d , 107038 yds. per min . unit of Headquarte rs Command. I Totals 3512132 - - - 17. C. She w, no report . The Wiesbaden Military Community _ _ _ _ _1~~t.aIS 314718_9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ has ake n over many of the fam ous bui ldi ngs ot the city. For example, the K urhaus. a fa mous casino built in he classic sty le, is now the home o( the Am erican Red Cross Cl ub. Hotels and P ensions ha ve bee n taken over for billets a nd j us ask Pfe!. Neville when he ge s back about the hot mineral baths. I . 1g gg ? Sanitex LODGE HEARS SWING BAND Garments that a re FIRST dry cleaned a nd then stored in SANlTEX Ga rment Storag~ Bags are dou bl y protected fr om moth damage. First. ~ ll la rvae are kIlled by dry cleaning before the garments a re placed In the SANlTEX Bag. After they are placed in the bags they a re ~~o;~~te~A[r~~E~\~~~ae by double seals at the top. bottom 'and seams Newark H igh Schoo l's Swing Band. under the direction of Mr. Ernest Wi lder, furnished t he music for The Ladies' ig ht at a recent Masonic Lodge meeting and also for the F arm· ers' Dance last F riday night a t the High School. The organization has been engaged (or severa l events in May an d intends to keep ogcther during the summer ~onths. The .eleven pieces consist of p,ano. Mr. Wilder; drums, Don Preis; bass. J oe Brown; four saxaphones, Dce Clar k, Dan Hamilton, Eugene Trivitts, and Alex La Pera; four trumpets, Wal lace Johnson, Joe Zappo, .P au l K raemer I and Jay Stelnouer; vocalI st, J oan Ross. Year·Round P rotecLion For Your Garmell ts When you get r eady to slore your clothes, be sure to protect them from moth damage. In spn.ng and fa ll , ha ve all garment~ which won 't be needed during the coming season dry · cleaned to ki ll moth larvae. Then ask to hav~ those garments returned in SANlTEX Garment ~~xragse B~gs'f Don t take chances wi th moths. Al ways specify SANIerv,ce or garments you plan to store . I Noted Eye Speciali s t Talk At Lion Mee t For a nitex e n ' ice - Phone Newark II Pi ckup a nd Deli ve r y Se rvice for Newark and Vicinity I;~;;:~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!;~! latest develop. A discussion of the men s in eye treatment and in th e rehab ilitation of he blind w as heard at the regular Newark Lions Cl ub m eet. ing Tu sday night. D r. Norman L . I NEW ARK CONCRETE CO. South Chapel St. & Penna. the yard, ploy a litt! Bowl For Health golf or whatl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~;; 'Phone Newark 2480 John M. Slack RADIO PHONE t~ ,~ '~ ~! n BY NOTICE \ ~ ~u pa~~m~n~~=~h :t ~~~n~o sD~~:r be'i~~ ~~ Delawa re·V.. A ppro ved Pullor um C lean issu d d uring May. ~~ • CARBORO GH'S Local public schools w ill b ' out for :~ the summer on Jun e 12-a week latcr ~ Phon e 437 thon usua l due to the extended Easter holiday. Wonder whose id ea thal wasl ~~~~~*~~~""~ anyway. OIL BURNER SERVICE NEWARK DELA WARE 6981 ))'lro Farnler: CONTROL CORN BORER NOW Last year 01\11: out of every FO UR eOI'll COMMENCE YOUR CORN BORER FIGHT Thi i to inform the ci tizen AT ONCE of Newark that I voted against the motion to grant Chief of Police William B. Cunningham a six-month leave of ab e~ce, with pay. Plow cleanly, or burn, all talks in fields, feed lots and other locatioJls NOW. i\'Iy only intere 1 in the Police D e partme nt i s to aid in c1ea ning up th e a ambling itualion in ewa rk. For Further Suggestion co CHICK rosse tor Broilers. N. If. Reds for L ayers ELECTRICIAN European Corn Borer. ~:~e;o~h:u~it\~~~t a~~~~~ t~ne ;~~~ V"~"~%~"'4~~~""4'~"4"" ~"" "" dark of carly morning hours trying to get started ot the usua l time of day? Del(lwarc Park opens four wceks l from today. R ncwals of operators licenses are returncd mOI'e qUIckly Ie mailed to the Wilmin gton o/Tice 01 Lhe Motor Veh icle R. R. Transit-Mixed Co"ncrete A New York columnist says that Mil- next Tuesday . I ~::' . plants in Delaware was atta<>k ed hy the in the Arm y, Dr. Culler is on e of the outreally standing eye specia lists in the country. w hen He was introduced by Dan Stoll. a lopA director's mee ting is schedul ed for lard Tydings, Maryland Senator, is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ qu ietly being prom oted for vice-presi- f; dential honors on he 1948 slate with President Trum an .... the sa me source says i1 Truman opposes Dewey in the 1848 election the odds are 2 to 1 in Free In lrncli9n 1948 election the odds are 2tto 1 on At f avor of Dewey. Brakes should ge t tight w hen the l e wark Bowliug driver do s. Ceu t er Da yligh t Saving Time, like so ma nY I other wo r h· whil e things in life, ha s Open Ail e s Every Night Except good and bad poin ts. Wc and othe r ofMonday, 7:30 to 9:30 P . 1\1. flce work rs like it because It gives us E time to cullivat the ga rden, work in ... . Jaiu t. Ph. 2938 a~u~n~~ Jain Street . su~gef:'m:;\ti~~t:~:~~~~'ol onel a. m., 5gg 2249 M & M Cleaners 168 East i J::' !rrI:~ ~~~~.: ~ ~ II 4 1 1 0 OG nffi he! ; 001 300 4 0 CaruJJo.r! ~ 0 I th e contest on the part of Franny ~~~:;;b ~ ~ ~e7noek b 40 Dolan. their treacherous h urler Dolan, who held t he Bullets to a puny broad bThorpe 000" 'd f fi at l Totals 305'2711 - l Toals 'c" 12 Sleo ves eties, appeared bent on dlsappomtmg the VIsitors but was aRan for SI<; In 9 h ~' circumvented by five Hen errors ali i bRa n (or CartiIro In 9th of w hich figu red in the scoring. ' Gettysburg . " I Delaware . Ge ysburg was Induced to Cinch the Runs batted In ' CI,le. game in the firs Inning. after being ~cl1:~. ~~'I: pP..~~:T urged on by tw o Hen e rrors. Th e bases to Wileman Left on bases were loaded with one out. when Glison Gettysburg 5. Bases on baJJ O~ boppled <?ervino's grounde.r . A single ?,~~~;y ~,rc';,c,,~· o~~ : B~~O~~g'~~1. by H untSinger then drove In two runs pires : McK inney and Crosgy-ove game. 2 hours . Service h eaviest traffic Cutler, Wil mington, oculist an d eye a long Main Street occurs at 8 4:30 and 8 p. m . Newark Country Club golfers put it on Ch estcrtow n Sunday !~de:d s~5el:~c~5e~C~~:. in vade rs by fully smothe red a v ile attempt to win TH.Ucl).,tznor.'lfcf PREVENTS MOTH DAMAGE I -;ehe~si70f~~ {~!it~~~ ! .. ~n~ y ro e ole second and moved 0 third overthrow. Cole's sinl!le pr'vlded"· AJ"hough he granted the opposition tally. ' '" nine hits. Al Thorpe doled them out . carefully to the Haverford batsmen a nd The box score: was never in serious trouble as he GETTYSBURG DElAI\'ARE recorded his third wi n of the season. Krout .rf ab rho a abrh Ol Doherty, Cole, Thorpe and G ilson were Martz.ss ~ ~ ~ ~ gg~?~~~Y,l! ig u d: Con nIt TY AGRICULTURAL AGENT DELAWARE AGRICULTURAL EXTE Herman Wollaston 10 UNIVER ITY OF DELAWAR E ouncilman This Advertisement pomorcd B y Th DELAWARE FARM BURE YOU l" ~=;~~~~========~~~~;;~~~~~~~==~~~T~h~e~N~e~w~a~l~'k~P~o~s~t,~N~e~w~a~r~k~'~D~e~l~a~w~a~re~'~T~h~u~rS~d~a~y~'~NI~a~y~1~'~1~9~4;7=:~~~~~::::::::~~~~~~~~============~~ fH CI:,,"«' Piau Fiual Se.'vice Ye .erday Seven Camp TI'ip ~le UNCLE HANK St:Z Fo,' MI' . Gel·tl"lu)e Keeley ~HS M;~ ~" ft,' . " , " " , f <h' FH A ", G, "'md 57, d,",h,,, hedulcd a numbe r of (lcl1vlli es of the la te Michael a nd R ose K eeley. a for 'he next 1\\'101 M 1 a t the Flower Hosp ital in Newark Thl .. rollP \\'1 give a ea on. a y • "or a of years. di ed Sund ay in to \"Iyh the Home Economics stu - SI. Fra nCIS Hosp ita l a fter a b r ief ill ness. n~onthSt' hOl'e ~lUrse dell t. .I~d ~liss Ki ng. fr om the un ivcr Silfh:;: ~~i~lit~~. a state mee ting of all ~7. chol,t, s in Dovel' on May for the urp"5e of elec tll1g sta te offIce rs. con ~Iudi '# the year's ac ti viti s. the cha pler will take the an nua l three-day caInI ng trip 10 ca m p Toc k woug h on Ihe Chesapeake Bay in Jun e. . . 25,000 [s Total To Date I" [ J. Of D. F und Ca mpaign I '::":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":'':..:..:..:..:••:••:0.:••:..:":":":',:":,,:,,:,,:,,:,,:,,:,,:,,:..:••:..:.....:. nu~ber You'll never be lonesome a t t he NEWARK FARM & HOME SUPPLY. You'll a lways find some of your fri ends there getting dependable r epair service on their far m equipment. A na llve of Ne wa r k . she lived for man y her a unt. the la te Miss ~::; ~~~~~. Surviving a re three brothe rs. Joseph J ., Ft:a nk a nd L a wrence K eeley. a nd t wo sis ters. Mrs. Ca therine Tucker and M iss Mary K eeley. • The fun e ra l services took place Wednesd ay morning at the Mealey Funeral H~m e . 703 North BI'oom St.reet. Wil mm gton. w ith r equi em mass in St Paul's Church at 9:30 o'clock. Interment was in Ca thedral Ceme tery. They, too, know that our work is the finest ... and the high- :1: 'Phone 579 smVICE' t::: HARVEY REFRIGERATION CO. Newark, Delaware "F'f ' teen Years +. .. .1. 27 Tyre A e V :': nue ·f'I' 1·.·%~t;~A~ I·";f~L;;T~'·s·~:·;;;ha:;:R:t~~A";~ RaD·:"~d;~'""om Co: a";I"D';"~s'o';;~~':;:s;:~ ~~t~ vP:I; ~-cI~:~:a~~~;'~;Z~~~~! ': ':<~ ~' l in Refrigeration Work" / ' . 220 E. Park Place Newark 2262 Between 5-9 P. M. Home Radios, Amplifiers, Car Radios I''~',: ~i a~d Record Changers Serviced (~ ~ ~Y'~~,,~~~~~~~~~~J~ ~£'~'~~" ~/~"~~"',!,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,~~,.\,,,~,,,,,,,,y,,,,,,',',',:,w,':,'",,,,,,,,,"':;:;, ' ·~3.000 ~~ ma rk . Ha rry W. Loose, of Mora via. N. Y .• recently, but hi s aim "Iumr I chai r man. and Mrs. Charles was too accura te . PaseL.!l. alum nae cha irma n . ha ve inHe we nt all the way down the stoveformed campa ig n wor ke rs (rom each p ipe onto th e coals of t he kitchen ! the university. _ _ _l_·il_ng_e_. Result: Roast duck . c1a~ REFRIGERATION ::: TI:' t:nivcrsily of Dela wa re's De SELF-SERVED ROAST DUCK velo!" ent Fund ca mpa ign to initiate a A w ild duck "dive-bombed" t he slud> . soc io l cen te r bui ldi ng has pass- chim ney of fa rm e r He rbe r t Ga rdne r . ed tt., ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ II ~ ~~ O · penlng g r..' r..' ~~ ~~$ ~ May 5th, 1947 ~ ~ ~ Newark Cleaning Service II ~ ~~ ~ ~ Phone 2451 173 East Main Street ;~ ~ ~ Rugs and Upholstery ~ Cleaning ,~ 11 ~ ~ ~ N {, ~~ ,~ _ \ We Call For a nd Deli ver " R . Ho yle McSpadden Geo . F. Anderson f~ ~ i ~;!;!'~~~"~~#~~"" .4~~~~~"~"~~~~ ~~SSS~S~SSSS~~SSS~S~~~ The Quality Is Still The Same •••• co. RICIAN GENERAL PRODUCTS 2" M.... Wire Cloth • • • • • • II. Iq. It. St ••1 Siapl.. • • • • • • • 3. lb.-10. lb. Irall Noli. for looh. • • • • • • • 30. lb. Irall T• • • • • • • • • • • • • 9c .. t 1e ea. !'Iano Typ. St ••1 Hlng.. • • • • • • 12 •••. Ch." Hondl... • • • • • • • • 9.-11 •••• 51 ••1 Strapping' • • • • • 5. 11t.-l0'll. lb. T.mp. Controll. . . . . . . . . . $17.20 ••• Governora • • • • • • • • • • • $320 ••. laHery Tank. • • • • • • • $10-$190 ••• Hal Waler Tanks (el ••. ) • • • • $29-$61 ,a. V.nt. H.aler Unll. • • • • • $9.45-$33 ••• 011 Bum... • • • • • • • • • • • $40 .a. Indu •. Thermomel... • •• $5.20-$11.24.a. Hypo. BI •• dlng Needle. •• 25. doz-3 •• a. lone Screwl • • • • • • • • • • • 5c ea. Trumpell • • • • • • • • • • • • $15 ea. Fire Extlngui.he.. • • • • • • • $23 .30 ea. M.tallocke . . . . . . . . . . $1-$7 .50 ea. ELECTRICAL r·:tODUCTS Transformers. • • • • • • • $ I 4-$840'0. Switches • • • • • • • • • . 8<-$202 ea . Circuit Bre ake . . . . . . . . . $37-$400 ea. Ge ...,a tors • • • • • • • • • • $5 - $19.0. • • • $2.75-$4135 ea. Motora (AC & DC) lamp (photo proiection., pliotlndtcator, mercury vapor, carbon are, photo flood I 7.-$1 .55 '0. INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT lath.. (mfd. by Schone. Braider • • • • • •• . 10 .plndJ. • • • $154 .... • • • • • $1675 Our Tl'a-Pac Pint soon will appear in a new packagethe old story of being glad to take what you can get-but the quality is still premium! STEEL Bora • • • • • • • • • $.025 Ib . , 0. lit. Wire • • • • • • • • • • 20. Ib.-2 5. lit. She.ts • • • • • • • • • • • • • 28c lb. Strip • • • • • • • • • • 21. IIt.- 52. lit. Tool St.el • • • • • • • $ . 121 Ib.-42. lb. Tubing • • • • • • • • $ .046 1t.-$2.35 It. Conduit (bloc< .nam.! • • • $.017 It.- 19. It• Rod.. • • • • • • • • $.025 Ib.-$.029 lb. Electric Ovent • • • • • • • • • • $90 ••• ALUMINUM.. Magnetic 'rake. • • • • • • • • $2 .50 ea. lors • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lIe Rod • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 15c'la. Tub.. • • • • • • • • • • 30. Ib.-33c lit. Air Brushe. • • • • • • • • • • • $24 ••• Conveya.. • • • • • • • • $9-$5.466 '0. Dust Collecto. . . . . . . . . $12-$739 ea. HoisII • . • • • • • • • • $91-$159 '0. Power Truck• • • • • • • $1350-$1437.0. Dollie • • • • • • • • • • $5.30-$23.10 ... Scale • . • • • • • • • • • • 75.-$161.0. Bagging Machine (mfd . by Broden Co.) $10,714 Tumbling MachIn.. . . • • • • $254-$450 Tool Boxes (with .pare porll) • • • • • • $6 Pumps • • • • • • • • • $12-$12,760'0. Oil Filte. . . . . . . . . . $250-$1571 ea. Winches • • • • • • • • • . . $ I 370 '0 . Cran. . . . . . . . . . . $300-$1609 ea. Push Trucks . • • • • • • • $4 .53-$210 ea . Copper Screen Indus. Filter. • • • $1:'12 '0. .It. Connectors, Lu gs, Controls, Control Panels, Trip Units, Push Button Statio n!, Almatures, Dyn amotors, Gears, Pulleys, Fans, Blowers, Degreasers, Air Purifiers, Wood Bores, Molding Machine, Vibratin g Table, Metalwork. ing Machinery, Furnace Regulators, Conduit (/lexible, stainless stee l, ga lv. stee l), Chai n (wrought icon, fo r ge d steel), Steel Dowel Pins, FlaOo.:;es, Fi ttings, Grommets, Ells, Pipe Plugs, Reduci ng Un ions, Gauges , COdlS, Valves, Rubber Hose, Belting, T ubin g; Rubber Gloves (men's), Solid Rubber Ti res, Plywood Chests, Chromic Add , Adhesiv es, Industrial Chemicals, Fiberg lass Board, Glass T ubes, Fire Brick, GaskclS, Wood and Meta l Office a nd Industrial Furoitul': , Phot6graphic Chemicals, Paper Bags, T ub es, Label s. Mini mum quantities have been established by the sales center. . SALES DATES: MAY 5-20, 1947 (except Saturdays and Sundays) Thc following classification s of buyers may purchas e betweeljl 9 a.m . a nd 4 p .m. EDST on the dates specified below: Federal Age ncies . . • . • . • . • • • • • • • • • • May 5 Certified Veterans of World War II • • • • • • • • • May 6, 7, 8 R .F.C. for Small Businesses .• . . • . • • • . . . . May 9, 12 State & Local Governmen ts and t!leir Instrumentalities. May 13 Tax.Exempt, Non-Profit Institutions . . . . • • • • • May 13 Commercial, Indust rial Buyers and Exporters • . • • . May 14 , 15, 16, 19.20 A sale will not be regarded as consumm:lled until payment of the purchase pr ice or establishment of cred it and upon receipt of proper shippin g instructi o ns. Write, phone or call in person at address below for Wilmington Catalog No. 3, staling the type o f merchandise in which you arc interested. T hi s calalog is divided into sections, as follows: Section l-F,"ous and Non-Ferrous Metals Sectl,n 2-Machlnery and Equlpm.nt Section 3-Melal Product. S•• tlon 4-Indu.trlal Produ.II In addi t i~, there is a section of Overriding Priorities Materi al. Many of the items in thi s section may be taken by th ese priority claimants. However, since next cl aim falls to regu lar priority holders aod then to co mmercial buyers, thi s liection also will be made available to a ny buyer interested in th e following items: AsbcSIOS Pipe Covering, Alum;m.11 Sheets, Copper Wire, Steam Tables, Plumb· ing and Pipe Fi tt ing Specialties. Bings Richards McMullins Community Store Locker Plant For best results. on arriva l h ome, place t he package in t he freezing compartment of your refrigerator; adva nce regulator to maximum setting until read y to serve; unfold the package as directed ; and slice number ser vings desired. POWELL'S ICE CREAM COMPANY Dial 3171 EXPO RTERS! Your bu. in ... is solicited. Much materi al which is su rpl us in the United Sta te s i.1 urucndy ne eded or is read ily salable in ot her countries. Watch (or our olTe rin gsi maDY of them may be of interest to yo ur clients. ' .m. V ETER. NSI A drawing wilt be held at 9 (EDST) May 6, to dete rmine purchasing seq ue nce o( attendin g V e;:lcra n s. N o advantBge C!ln be "ained by appeari ng at this sale hours or day s in advance of ,he scheduled openi ng . No considera· tion wi ll be given to th e order or time of arrival prior 10 [he initial drllw ing. Mail o rders will be served after atten d ing purchasers bavo b een served . I NSPECTI ON-The merd.a ndi se may be 10' spected at th e location d aUy, during the sale, e x( cpt Saturdays, ~undAYs and holidays. AU shi p menu arc P.O .B. Lo ca-tioa. ----------------Sales C;tn b £l!rcher infol'~ ~ade through, and an}' of th ratiOn Obtained (rom ". e .ol/ow · C ' .Jerl'lCe Cenrers; Ing UStomer REGIONAL SALES CENTER 2401 Ch s Phil d /1: t.nur Stree! a e ph,. 3 P W.A.A. CUSTOMER' sr;VlCE 14 00 N. Cameron Harrisburg, P.. S!ree! W.A·!:r~~~~O:!!R Trenton, N. u Cornogs INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS Template Paper Ill" dla. roll.) •• $6 roll Jute Rope ('11"-1" dia.) • • • • • $.115 lb. Olt • • • • • • • • • • 22c lIal.-40. gal. Packing • • • • • • • • • • 10. It.-62. It. Insulalion (panel) board • • • • $5-$25 '0. Masking Tap. (~"·2'11") • • • 14c-72c roll Tarpaulins (for Iruck Iralter.) • • • • $25 '0. Addressograph Paper Tickets (2" x 3"), 10. M. Grease • • • • • • . • . • 3. Ib.-6. lb. A.bestos Felt (1" th ick, 60" wide), 72. sq . It. Kraft Envelopes (lead foil lint.ooJ), 2.-14. '0. Wool Polishing Wheels (1 .... dia .) • . $6.0. Button. (J{6" dia ., green) • • • $1.10 G, Oil ALSO: ow A.s You Shop, Take Home Your Dessert From ... SERVICE CENTER j. (oPp. Gen. Moror .) "He's a smart dog . . . know a good t hing when he hear s it. He ha n't left my ide sin ce we star ted ta lking abou t th e QUALlTIY SERVI E CLEANERS." Eight The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, May I, 1947 OF ADVERTISEMENTS DEVOTED TO CONSUMER INFORMATION CE RTIFICATE OF R E D UCT ION OF CA PITAL OF ILLINOI S CEIU: AL MILLS, I NC. A & P's Close- Tri,,.,nel' CENTURY OIL BURNERS ILLINOIS CEREAL MILLS, I NC, a corporation organized and existing under Ihe General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: FIRST. That on the 10th d ay of A pril, A. D ., 1947, there was Rled with said corporation the \vrltten consent of the holders of record of the lotal number of shares of lhe corporation outstanding and having voting power authorizing the reduction of the capital of lhe corporation by the amount of $265,750.00 by retiring 10,630 shares of Common Stock without par value owned b y the corporation, and providing that an amount not exceeding that part of the capital of the corporation repr esented by the shares so retired may be charged against the capita l of the corporation In res pect of such sh ares. SECOND. That the assets of the corporation rcmahling after such reduction are sufficIent to pay any 'debts, the pay ment of whIch has not been otherwjse provided for. I N WITNESS WHEREOF, said ILLINOIS CEREAL MILLS, I NC .. has caused its corporate sea l to be affixed a nd this certiRcate to be signed by Spencer H. Werner its Presi d ent, and Norman W . Werner its Secretary, this 10th day of April A D .. 1947. ILLINOIS CEREAL MILLS. INC . By SPENCER B . WERNER Prp.sident N. W . WER NER Available For Immediate Delivery S "TRiihYOUli -'1ALL- R. L. · fAYLOR PHONE 2388 49 WEST PARK PLACE Heating and Plumbing Repairing Jobbing MEAT 'BILl I~ The discriminate and better dre ed people bring their clothing problems such as alteration of all kinds, invisible mending and cleaning and pressing to- A. Meltz, Tailor Phone 4511 65 E. Main St. Newark, Del. Where They Know They Get the Best Workman ship A & P "Super-Right" Meats are selected lor Quality. More waste is removed • •• You get GREATER VALUE 1 ~ IT'S NOT THE PRICE PER POUND THAT COUNTS ••• IT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR YOUR MONEY! ~ Cutting methods often employed give you portions of coarse meat and bone that you can't always put to best use; for example, the short ribs on rib roasts, the tails on steaks, and the long rib bone on chops and roasts. A&P's "Super-Right" policy gives you c!ose trimmed !f1eats ••• eliminates the usual waste. There IS onlr one price on each cut of "Super· Right" meats-as advertised! .,.s.,,~~~~~"Ss.~~~"Us.~~~~'S."n~ • ILLINOIS CEREAL MILLS.INC . • CORPORATE SEAL • • DELAWARE · . ....... . STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS : COUNTY OF EDGAR ) BE IT REMEMBERED that on this lOth da y of April A. D . 1947, personally came before me a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid. Spencer H. Werner, P resi d ent of ILLINOIS CER EAL MILLS, I NC., a corporation of the State of Dela ware, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing certi Acate kno wn to me personally to be such, and he, the said Spencer H W ern ~r , as such Pres ident, du ly executed said cert1Acate before me and acknowledged the sai d certiRcpte to be his act and d eed an d the ac t and d eed of saId corporation; that the sIgnatures of the said P resIdent a nd of the Secretary of said Corporation tr said foregoing certiAcate are in the handwriting of the said PresIdent and Secre tary of sai d Corporation respectively. and thijt the seal affixed to saId CertiAcate is the common or corporate sea t of sai d corporation . IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have her e · unto set my hand and sea l of office the day and yea r aforesaId A . B. SEASS Notary Public . A . B . SEASS N OTARY PUBLIC EDGAR COUNTY, ILL. ~~ss~~~~~~~s.,""'· ~ FOR SALE Restricted Choice Lots on Old Oak Road I I ~ Utilities Available For Further Informa.ion ; Ii ~~ Foraker's Simonizing Service STATE OF DELAWARE OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE 23 East Park Place, Newark-Phone 2-1283 I , WILLIAM J . STOREY, Secretary of State of the State of De laware, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoi ng is a true and correct copy of CertiAcate of Reduction of CapItal of the " ILLINOIS CEREAL MILLS, INC ," as received and filed In th Is office the fourteenth day of April, A . D. 1947, at 11 o'clock A . M. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal, at Dover, this fourteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand n in e hundred and fort y-se ve n . ( OFFICIAL SEAL ) William J . Storey Secretary of State . ReceIved for Record Apr il 14 , 1947, Burton S . Heal, Recorder. 4-17,24;5-1. Simonizing - $8 Special Price For 1947 Cars - $7 Cars Paint~d, Weekdays From 5 to 8 P. M. Saturday & Sunday 8 A. M. to 3 P. M. Th e old style cut contains excess chine bone, w hich is waste, and .hort ribs which are delicious' braised but are 'lot tender when roasted. A&P . ell. short rib. upamtely for 33e a pound, "A 6 lb. I}rim~ rib R Ollsl slIcb as ' be oue iIIus. Iralerl above i, co,tly, e.·w at Ihe relalivrly low price 0/ llc a pounrl. Tbi, roa,t, including Ihe ,borl rib" HaS! ebit,. bone, ,vollid co,t you $1. 18." All Work Guaranteed This is the sam.o pl'ime "ib " oas t, "Super-R ight" trim med - w ;th sho,·t "it9 alld tip of chill e bOllo cut off th e vel'y "ltca,·t-of-the-roast" and jull't as 'IICtllV serv inus as the other. . " ~m o vcd "This 'SuIJl~ r Right' trimmed, prime rib roast tlO W ,., igb, 4 Ib,. , 8 oz.-but it i, Ibe brarl 0/ lb. 19c a pound it ,viII cost you ouly roa,1 aud a/ JOSEPH M. BROWN Newark . Del $2.66 158 E. MaIn St. READ THIS BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR NEXT RIB ROAST WE'RE DEMONSTRATING THE ribs for prime ribs, you are not getting :o.:>ur money's warth. At A&P, under the "Super-Right" cutting method, you get only the tender first five ribs as rib roasts, the two blade ribs are sold as pot roast at a considerably lower price, and the short ribs are sold as short ribs. Compare quality • • . comllare prices •• _ you'll prove to yourself that you can buy A&P "Super-Righ t" CloseTrimmed Meats with con:.dence BENDIX Home laundry alAtomatic ALL YOU DO IS SET THE DIAL AND ADD 'SOME SOAP Come in see the Be nclix fill itself mlh wawr - waah clothes super-clean-rinse 3 times - change ita own water-damp dry c1oU,es IOWl itaelf- drain itselIshut itself ofTl Womon orc saying they n ever kn w you could ge t clothes 80 c1ca n - and not eve n stay at home! Com in -l!OO tho mos t amazing wllshd a y miraclcs Ilver - with lhe.Bcoclixdoiog a ~ ~ 3 ~ lI ~re. a l lu\\ l'081. is rrccdOI1l-or-rnind a\\u ' rrom home iroppin;r. \nd Ollr polil'ic - 011 \' ul'u l ion. \\ c c" - (,1Id ~. in C\ '11 I of Im.s rrrJllI lirerl 1)1 hlll'!!,lars, Irad ('~ Il 11'll or "en alll . <.; 'l proper I'l'Uteclioll - bejore )011 lleed ill pa \ promplh COME IN FOR YOUR BENDIX DEMONSTRATION NOW a a ~ NEWARK REAL EST ATE & INSURANCE CO. Leon A. Potts ~ Newark Trust Bldg. ALL Ibo work l 44 E.Gr:~~te :.lectrlca~~vn:;:~r DEL ~ We Are Equipped to Give omptete ervlce on An y Appliance ,",e Sel1 I~ ~_ PHONES