LegalEnglish 2016
LegalEnglish 2016
CURSO ESPECIALIZADO Legal english Board of Governors 2 SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM Mr. Jorge Pinto Sala Director of the Senior Management Team Mr. Juan Jose Sanchez Puig Executive Director Mr. Manuel Garayo de Orbe Secretary of the Senior Management Team. Public prosecutor Mr. Rafael Abadia Jordana Member of the Senior Management Team. Lawyer Mr. Vicente Sierra Rocafort Member of the Senior Management Team. Lawyer Mr. Jorge Pinto Sala Director of the Senior Management Team ACADEMIC BOARD Sr. D. Pablo Paisán Ruiz Abogado Prof. Dra. Dña. Alegría Borrás Catedrático Derecho Internacional Privado Sr. D. Gianpaolo Monteneri Abogado Sr. D. David Jiménez Mouriz Asesor Fiscal. Abogado Mr. Juan Jose Sanchez Puig Director Cursos Especializados Message from the director of ISDE Mr. Juan José Sánchez Puig ISDE’s educational philosophy is to always keep the students as the focus of the institution’s attention. All the effor ts are put on helping students to develop their skills to become Masters in the field of their study. The par tnership of the main actors of the legal and professional world together with our well known educational case-based method, the close personal treatment of our teaching and coordinating staff and ever y human and technological resource available, are aimed to satisfy the students’ academic expectations, so that they can achieve the most of their time and effor t invested. The goal accomplished through all of these years is that our students do not only get the most up to date knowledge, but also a personal and professional change from which they can build a new and successful career. The combination between ISDE and its students’ efforts has made us seeing, with pride, how those who have put on our hands their professional training are now achieving their goals and reaching the positions of responsibility that they have been prepared for, in different national and international law firms and institutions. The leading position hold by ISDE, which is recognized by independent rankings, has been reached thanks to the spirit and the methods used, as well as a constant updating of the teaching methodology and the resources available. The achievement of these goals throughout the past years reinforces our main objective, ‘the success of ISDE’s students’ Cursos Especializados 3 Introduction and who is this course aimed at? Introduction This course is aimed at fulfilling the requirements of professionals in the area of law and law students to incorporate English and an understanding of the Anglo legal systems into their areas of work. Lawyers are increasingly coming into contact with professionals from other countries, which often makes it necessary to work with all types of legal documents in English and to use English as a form of written and spoken communication in the specialized area of law. The objective of the legal English course is to acquire the basic foundations necessary to carry out work in English and to also gain insight into and an understanding of the English and American legal systems. Students shall have the opportunity to use articles from the press, specific vocabulary exercises, different types of contract models and case studies in order to help them achieve a better understanding of vocabulary and use of legal concepts and expressions that they may come across in a legal environment. Who is this course aimed at? The Legal English Course is mainly aimed at those who have a law degree and professionals in the field of law in general and that require or are interested in gaining a better understanding of the English legal systems and to dominate the terms and expressions used most frequently in practise. Cursos Especializados 4 Objective The objective of the present programme it to essentially offer an in-depth look into the English legal system and thereby allow the student to become aware of the crucial differences between it and the Spanish legal system. Secondly, the course shall permit students to acquire a solid legal vocabulary base via the exercises carried out and different materials used as well as to have model documents that will be applicable during the course of professional tasks. Finally, the fact that the course is given in English necessarily implies that students shall have to carry out tasks and communicate with the teacher in English, which in turn will be of aid to them to acquire fluency in their written communication, as well as to take on vocabulary and expressions at a steady pace throughout the whole course. Methodology and Structure ISDE’s Online method has proved to be the most effective for our students to learn the different topics, as the resolution of real cases immediately follows the theoretical parts. This way the theory is not forgotten after the exams as it has come to be part of the student’s skills. The students will be provided with up to date teaching materials to study and will be making tests that will help to identify the key parts of the different matters. Cursos Especializados Academic programme 6 1. INTRODUCTION • Introduction to the English Legal System • Qualification Process for lawyers in the UK • Criminal Law Burder od Proof: " Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" • Criminal Procedure Part I - Police Powers • Criminal Procedure Part II • Criminal Procedure Part III - The Crown Court • Criminal Procedure Part IV - U S Criminal Procedure • Civil Law Part I - Prior to Trial • Civil Law Part II - The Small Claims Procedure • Civil Procedure Part III - Fast Track and Multi Track Claims • Civil Procedure Part IV -Enforcement Matters 2. DIVORCE, EMPLOYMENT, LAND AND TORT LAW – AN OVERVIEW • Divorce Procedure Part I • Prenuptial and Post-nuptial Agreements • Divorce Procedure Part III - Ancillary Relief • Employment Law Part I - The Equality Act 2010 Key Elements • Employment Law Part II - Unfair Dismissal • Employment Law Part III - TUPE and Cross Border Issues in UK Employment Law • Employment Law Part IV - Key Elements of a Contract of Employment • Land Law Part I - Key Elements of UK Land Law • Land Law Part II - A Conveyancing Transaction • Land Law Part II - Land Registry Form - Property Transfer Deed • TortLaw Part I - Negligence • Tort Law Part II - Product Liability and Occupier's Liability - to send 3. CONTRACT LAW • Contract – Intention, Offer and Acceptance • Contract – Consideration • Contract Law Part III- Capacity • Void and voidable contract - Misrepresentation • Contract - Void or voidable contract: Duress and undue influence • What constitutes a breach of contract • Contracts Part - Remedies for Breach of Contract • Contracts Part VIII- Legalese vs plain English • Contracts Part IX- Contract terminology • Contracts Part X - Terms of a Contract • Contracts Part XI - Negotiating a Contract - Key Issues Cursos Especializados Academic programme 7 4. COMPANY LAW • Contract Company Structures - Sole Trader and Partnerships • Company Structures - Limited Liability Companies • Company Structures - Key Provisions of CA 2006 • Company Officers and Liabilities • Meetings • Shareholder Protection • Insider dealing • Corporate Manslaughter and Homicide • Liquidation this one • Liquidation II • Company Law and the future from an EU perspective Cursos Especializados Program Director Dª Diane Stephenson • IUniversadad del Pompue Fabra - 2001-2003 Two academic years of Doctorate Programme (Masters in Law, speciality: International Studies) The introductory two years of the law doctorate programme was an interdisciplinary master’s programme which covered international law from an historic, economic and political perspective. The College of Law, York (U.K), 1990-1991 Legal Practice Course South Bank University, London, 1986-1989 LLB Law Degree – Class 2.1. Third Year Options: Company Law, EEC Law, Human Rights Law Complementary: TEFL Certificate, August 1996 International House, Barcelona TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1991- PRESENT • Project Management, Logistics & Accounts Manager Marco Polo Trade & Marketing 2006-2008 (part-time) Marco Polo is an innovative company that applies computer technology to the work environment, thereby allowing employees to work from home. I controlled the reception of orders and follow-up for the distribution of products to the main food chain stores throughout Spain. I also monitored the importation of products and their subsequent delivery to designated warehouses throughout the country. Paellador 2004-2005 Project Manager: Covering all areas of the setting-up of the project: financial, legal, construction, administrative, meetings with the public administration. • Teaching: 1991-2014 Teacher of English as a foreign language to young learners, adolescents and business executives. I have also taught First Certificate, Advanced English and Proficiency English, throughout this period as well as being an oral examiner for the Cambridge First Certificate, Advanced and P.E.T. exams. 8 firms I have developed and taught various legal courses concerning Legal Drafting, Interpretation of Contracts, Introduction to the English Legal System and Legal English (covering the core legal subjects) to members of the Law Society of Barcelona and various universities located in Barcelona. Teaching experience obtained in: Universidad de Barcelona – Victimology (4th Year), September 2014 to present, EAE Online MBA – The Global Business Environment module, May 2013 to present,The European University – undergraduate and MBA programmes (Lectures and on-line) – Business Law and Writing Communications, January 2011 to present, UAB – Introduction to English Law component of the Post-graduate Legal Translation programme ISDE – Masters Programmes (LLM) and on-line Specialist English Law course, October 2009present, Universidad Internacional de Catalunya, Law and legal English to law undergraduate and on Masters programmes and Business law to undergraduates, April 2000 to January 2004, San Ignacio-Sarria /Esade (general English and business English) October 2000 to January 2004, Law Society (Barcelona), 1992 to January 2004, Cuatre Casas (tailor-made courses for legal professionals), 1996-2002, 2006 to present, BABEL Communications 1997-2000, Oxford School of English (Sant Feliu de Llobregat) 1992-1997, Bristol House (Vilassar de Mar). • Legal & Translation Legal: 1987-1999 (England) I worked in various law firms (1987-1991) as an out-door clerk for both civil and criminal cases and in a para-legal position in a litigation department. I worked in the Lord Chancellor’s Department (House of Lords), Judicial Appointment’s Division. My job included compiling statistics monitoring judicial performance which formed the basis of bids to the Treasury for additional judges. I also gave para-legal support (part of tier one interviewing/selection and drafting of reports) for the appointment of judges and Queens Counsel. (1989-1990) I provided legal advice on a voluntary basis in Amnesty International (Barcelona) on Human Rights and immigration matters (1991 -1993). In addition, I have also set up a computerised literacy system and created a grammar database for students and teachers who worked online with legal material. Due to the experience gained from my legal studies and in law Cursos Especializados Program Director 9 Law Society (Barcelona) 1996-2005 • Legal & Translation Legal: 1987-1999 (England) I worked in various law firms (1987-1991) as an out-door clerk for both civil and criminal cases and in a para-legal position in a litigation department. I worked in the Lord Chancellor’s Department (House of Lords), Judicial Appointment’s Division. My job included compiling statistics monitoring judicial performance which formed the basis of bids to the Treasury for additional judges. I also gave para-legal support (part of tier one interviewing/selection and drafting of reports) for the appointment of judges and Queens Counsel. (1989-1990) I provided legal advice on a voluntary basis in Amnesty International (Barcelona) on Human Rights and immigration matters (1991 -1993). All types of contracts and legal documents. I was a member of a team of translators that translated the contracts and documents preceding the Forum Universal de las Culturas of Barcelona 2004. Agencies /Individual clients I have also translated and edited material for various agencies and numerous individual clients, as well as the Generalitat, OMS, various NGOs and COPCA. Material translated: Deeds, contracts, patents, wills, divorce papers, minutes, agendas, byelaws, reports, conference papers, commercial documents, UN reports, legal academic papers, legal doctoral thesis, catalogues, web-sites. Freelance Translation: 1998 - present Spanish / Catalan to English Prat & Roca Abogados, Barcelona 1998-2000, 2006 – to present In-House translator, proof-reader and editor as well as paralegal work. Material translated: heads of agreement, minutes, agendas, legislation, commercial documents, letters, commercial contracts (particularly concerning mining), annual account and general commercial material. Cursos Especializados Proceso de selección El proceso de selección desarrollado por el ISDE tiene como objeto asegurarse de la homogeneidad del nivel de los participantes, de tal modo que todos ellos puedan seguir un ritmo de trabajo similar y adaptado a las exigencias de los programas. Para ello los candidatos habrán de remitir al departamento de admisiones los siguientes documentos y pruebas: Currículum vítae Carta de motivación Prueba de nivelación. Para ayudar a los candidatos durante el proceso de de selección el ISDE les asignará un coordinador, que será la persona que se haga cargo de su candidatura, proveerá al candidato de la información que necesite y resolverá las dudas que se le puedan plantear. 10 BASES DE DATOS ECONOMIST & JURIST Gracias al convenio suscrito entre ISDE y el Grupo Difusión Jurídica, los alumnos de este Curso tienen el privilegio de acceder a la mejor fuente jurídica del mercado, como son las bases de datos de jurisprudencia, legislación y doctrina de Economist & Jurist. Una biblioteca virtual de más de 11 millones de documentos jurídicos a disposición del alumno. BECAS En función del fondo para becas que terceros (personas físicas o jurídica, de carácter privado o público) pongan a disposición de los alumnos del ISDE, estos podrán optar a la obtención de una beca que sufrague de forma parcial el coste del Máster o curso en el que estén matriculados. La adjudicación de las mismas atenderá a criterios de mérito y necesidad económica, mediante la evaluación conjunta y ponderada de los documentos que el alumno facilite al departamento de becas. BOLSA DE TRABAJO Para facilitar a alumnos y antiguos alumnos su incorporación al mundo laboral o su reubicación en el mismo, de acuerdo al nuevo nivel adquirido tras estudiar con nosotros, el ISDE ofrece un servicio totalmente gratuito de bolsa de trabajo. Este servicio continúa con su gran éxito y ha permitido que a lo largo de los últimos años los alumnos tengan una rápida incorporación en el mundo laboral y que las diferentes firmas y empresas puedan seleccionar profesionales altamente cualificados, tras la realización de los programas de ISDE. Los índices de colocación de nuestros alumnos son espectaculares (entre el 85% y el 100% en cada promoción). Cursos Especializados Contact details The Admissions Procedure will be directly dealt with ISDE’s Admissions Department. C/ Recoletos, 6 28001 – Madrid Phone.: +34 911 265 180 Fax: +34 915 762 021 E-mail: [email protected] Cursos Especializados