PRMH Newsletter 2012 Volume 1


PRMH Newsletter 2012 Volume 1
messages of hope
VOL. 1 2012
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
Serving Families
for Over 37 Years
3925 Chestnut Street
The Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House supports
families of seriously
ill children by creating
a community of
comfort and hope.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
The Otto Sunderman Family’s Story
When the Otto Sunderman family checked
into the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
at Front & Erie in January, they brought with
them a very special guest: an eight-month-old
puppy named Rhythm. 17-year-old Ben Otto
Sunderman, a patient at Shriners Hospital, has
been training Rhythm to be a service dog for
Dogs for Autism since the German Shepherd
was just a few weeks old. When Ben and his
mom, dad, and younger brother Broderick
traveled to Philadelphia for Ben’s recent
spinal surgery, the House staff and volunteers
welcomed the service-dog-in-training as part
of the family.
Ben, who was born with a missing L1
vertebrae and curvature of the spine with
a tethered spinal cord, has undergone
treatment at the Shriners Hospital in South
Carolina, where the Otto Sundermans live,
since he was six months old. However,
three years ago Ben lost the ability to walk
as a result of pressure on his spine. The goal
of the surgery in Philadelphia is to ultimately
help Ben regain some movement in his legs.
“They basically rebuilt my lower back,”
Ben says.
While this was Ben’s eighth surgery, it was
the first time the Otto Sundermans have
stayed at a Philadelphia Ronald McDonald
House. “We knew we’d be staying anywhere
between two and four weeks, and it would
be a tremendous expense,” says Ben’s
mother Debbie. “I decided to explore if there
was a Ronald McDonald House.” When
she requested a room online for the House
at Front & Erie, she was still unsure what
to expect. However, Debbie was pleasantly
surprised upon checking in. “It is fabulous.
It is way above what I expected,” she says.
“It has been tremendous to have less
financial stress.”
Debbie believes the level of support her family
receives goes beyond easing the monetary
burdens. “I’ve always felt through all these
surgeries that the support we get is as
important as the medical care,” Debbie says.
“Here it is warm, inviting, and a safe place to
refresh yourself. You have to refresh yourself
if you are going to last. It is a huge relief to
have somewhere to come, get a glass of ice
water, get a shower, and climb into bed. It is
just way less stressful than a hotel.”
Her husband Matt agrees. “I think you feel a
certain rapport with everyone here because
they are in a similar situation. You don’t feel
like you are in a hotel with strangers where
you have nothing in common,” he says.
“Here you can talk to people and you know
what everyone is going through. A lot of
people we have met are here for an incredibly
long time and you need someplace like this.
You really couldn’t survive in just a hotel.”
One of their favorite aspects of the House is
the meals provided through the Guest Chef
program. “It is a huge cost savings; you’d
spend $40 for dinner every day otherwise,
and you wouldn’t even get a quality meal,”
says Matt. “You come here and you get a
nice home-cooked meal, and everyone is
very nice and friendly. You can just relax.”
When they return to South Carolina, the
Otto Sundermans plan to volunteer to
For more information, visit
make dinner at their local House. “What
a lovely thing for people to do,” says
Debbie. “I am definitely looking forward
to organizing that.”
Ben’s brother Broderick, who is in the sixth
grade, has also found many things to like
about the Ronald McDonald House. “I like
to play games and watch television here.”
His favorite part of the House? “The movie
selection.” For the other families in the House,
having Rhythm has been a special treat as
well. “She’s a star,” says Debbie. “Everyone
loves her.” “She has a perfect temperament,”
explains Ben.
At home in South Carolina, training Rhythm
is just one of the many activities in which Ben
is involved. He is active in the Boy Scouts, the
theatre, and the school band, where he plays
the ukulele, guitar, violin, piano, and trumpet.
He also helps take care of the families many
animals, including: horses, pigs, goats,
chinchillas, and sugar gliders. “I have a lot
of interests,” he says. One day, he hopes to
become an actor. Ben also hopes that training
Rhythm will help prepare him for his own
service dog in the future.
It is likely that the Otto Sundermans will
return to Shriners Hospital in Philadelphia for
at least one more visit. When they do, they
will look forward to returning to the Ronald
McDonald House. As Ben explains, “It really is
a second home.”
If you want to support families like the Otto
Sundermans, visit
and learn how you can get involved.
Message from the President
In our newsletters, we try to capture the generous acts of kindness of our volunteers and donors,
but there is only so much space on 8 or 12 pages and the generosity towards the Philadelphia
Ronald McDonald House far exceeds that. Every day, there is at least one, if not multiple, acts
of giving at one of our Houses or Family Rooms. Whether it is a baking crew coming in to
bake cookies, a group of knitters dropping off knitted blankets and hats or a school lovingly
assembling grab-n-go snack bags for our families, the generosity keeps coming.
Marlene Weinberg, President of the Board
One of the ways we can show our sincere appreciation for more of these acts is through
highlighting them on our website and through social media. We encourage you to check out
the daily postings on our Facebook page where we highlight what is happening at the House
on an almost daily basis. Whether it’s a visit from Mickey and Minnie at our Chestnut Street
House or haircuts for our families, it’s a great way for us to say thanks to our many donors and
contributors. One of the other highlights is reading the comments often posted by our guest
families about how our programs
and services have helped them.
with other PRMH
supporters. Choose to "Like"
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
on Facebook.
Same Mission,
New Mission Statement
After a year-long collaborative process
involving staff, volunteers, board
members, and families, as well as
newcomers who contributed an
outsiders’ perspective, we are pleased
to announce our new mission statement:
The Philadelphia Ronald McDonald
House supports families of seriously
ill children by creating a community
of comfort and hope.
We believe this mission statement
succinctly and effectively expresses
why we exist and the difference we
hope to make in the lives of the families
we serve—key elements of a strong
mission statement. We also believe it
equally applies to all five of our existing
programs—two Ronald McDonald
Houses, two Ronald McDonald Family
Rooms, and Ronald McDonald
Camp—without limiting our potential
to expand and grow in the future.
You can expect to see this updated
statement on all of our materials
moving forward, including on the
front of each issue of the newsletter.
For more information, visit
NEW for the Spring and Summer of 2012—
We will be opening the doors to our Chestnut Street House to provide our supporters
with a chance to see all that we do to support families of seriously ill children.
If you are interested in taking a tour of the House and learning more about the
programs and mission of the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House, please email
[email protected] or check our website this spring for open house dates
by visiting:
Board of Directors
Chairman Emeritus
Honorary Life Members
Madlyn Abramson
Audrey E. Evans, M.D.
Jimmy Murray
Marlene Weinberg
Vice Presidents
Peter Degnan
Christopher Roak
Connie Willson
Michael McAleer
Board Members
Mike Anton
Judy Boreham
Darwin Beauvais
Chris Chong
J. Drew Coyle
John Durante
Jon Hitchcock
Abbie Hoffman
Cynthia Keaveney
Michele Lloyd
Tom Mann
Pete Maruca
Salli Mickelberg
William Parkes
Anne Scardino
Mark Turner
Susan Wenger
Ken Youngblood
Executive Director
Susan Campbell
Database Administrator
Jennifer Donlevie
Special Events and
Communications Managers
Chris Callanan
Kelly Hays O’ Connor
Jennifer Shipman
Executive Assistant
Jeanette Woehr
Accounting Manager
Sally Courant
Eileen Filipone
House Operations
House Managers
Carolann Costa
Doug Metcalfe
Resident Managers
Tim Lewoc
Maurice Taylor
Social Workers
Tara Christie
Helen Reese
Facilities Manager
Barry Owen
Volunteer Director
Linda Parry
Volunteer Assistant
Lori-Anne Miller
Family Room Coordinator
Suzie Norvilas
Ronald McDonald Camp Director
Cindy Candela-Ryan
Bill Cheyney
Frank Webster
Bill Wilkinson
Martha Moore
Robert Pouncy
Myriam Rivera
Brenda Robinson
Irene Small
Hirity Teweldeberhan
Kay Welding
Thank you to our board
of directors and staff for
their hard work and
dedication to our families.
The 2011 Rising Star Chef Dinner
Over 200 guests joined us for the Rising Star Chef Dinner at the
Hilton Inn at Penn on November 18, 2011 where five top student
chefs from local culinary institutions prepared a four-course gourmet
meal. Guests were introduced to our dynamic honoree, Dr. N. Scott
Adzick, who received the Dr. Audrey Evans Award of Excellence
for his pioneering contributions to the practice of fetal surgery and
prenatal treatment for debilitating birth defects. Karen Maher shared
her family’s story of staying at the House while enrolled in a clinical
study conducted by Dr. Adzick.
Special thanks to the Hilton Inn at Penn
for their generosity as host sponsor of
the event, as well as our four participating
schools that donated the food for their
respective course: The Art Institute of Philadelphia, Burlington County
College, JNA Institute of Culinary Arts, and Philadelphia Opportunities
Industrialization Center. Also thank you to Hoffman Design Group
for donating the beautiful herb centerpieces and a fresh focus
photography for donating their services.
Excerpt from Karen Maher’s Speech
Dr. Adzick with the Maher Family; Karen (mom), Brendan (Dad),
Aidan, Caroline and Sarah
Dr. Audrey Evans, Co-Founder of the Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House, presents the Award of Excellence to Dr. N.
Scott Adzick, Surgeon-in-Chief at the Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia and founder and director of the Hospital’s Center
for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment.
Thursday, November 4th, 2004 was a day that changed our lives forever. “They’re seeing something
on the ultrasound,” we were told. Not news any expectant parent wants to hear. During a brief
follow-up meeting with our OB/GYN, we were told that our third child had Myelomeningocele…
After an intensive search for expertise, we landed at CHOP. Within a few days, we’d spoken to
many people on Dr. Adzick’s team at the Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment Center and learned a great
deal about Spina Bifida and the spectrum of potential outcomes…We will all be forever grateful
to Dr. Adzick for his devotion to helping unborn children with special needs…for not accepting
their fate, but instead for seeking novel ways to improve their lives… Along with fetal surgery
came our introduction to the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House. The best case scenario in our
situation, a full-term delivery of our little girl, would mean spending four months in Philadelphia…
We did investigate a variety of living arrangements, and found none that even compared to the
Ronald McDonald House. Short-term apartments and extended stay hotels would have cost tens
of thousands of dollars for lodging alone, not to mention transportation to and from the hospital,
meals, laundry and more. And that’s just the monetary aspect. In the end, we spent a total of 104
days at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House. That’s 104 hot dinners served to us each night
by generous volunteers… That’s also 15 round-trip shuttle van rides to my weekly appointments at
CHOP. Let’s not forget the 1,560 games of Solitaire, countless hours in the computer lab, Christmas
and New Years’ Eve celebrations, and a few air hockey tournaments…these things and many more
were tremendously helpful to my dad and me in dealing with the challenge of being away from our
loved ones while also dealing with the health issues of the baby. To my husband, living 80 miles
away, they provided peace of mind that we were safe and well-cared for…What we needed at the
beginning of this journey was a place to stay…what we found truly was a home.
Volunteer Spotlight
We are so thankful for all of our volunteers here at the House. There are so many generous people lending their time
and talents to help improve the lives of our families. Each and every volunteer is so important to us, including this
issue’s volunteer in the spotlight: Michael Engler.
Michael has been volunteering at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House for over 5 years. Scheduled to come in
Wednesday of every week, Michael primarily assists the maintenance staff with various improvement projects around
the House and plays a very important role during the months leading up to our Share A Night celebration—lending
his hand to assist the maintenance staff string thousands of twinkling lights!
Retired when he started volunteering at the House, Michael shared that the hours he spent volunteering really
reignited his desire to be out and about, and after a short time of volunteering on Wednesdays at the Chestnut
Street House, Michael also began working as a carriage driver for 76 Carriage Company, providing tours of historic Philadelphia on a horse
drawn carriage.
Michael shared his feelings on why volunteering means so much to him: “I enjoy volunteering because the feeling of being needed is
indescribable, and I really just enjoy working with people”. From a young age, his parents instilled the importance of helping others, and this
is something that has stayed with him all his life. Michael would provide this advice to anyone considering a volunteer opportunity with the
House: “Do it. Don’t hesitate. You will find that volunteering is such a satisfying and fulfilling experience. You really will get a lot out of it”.
To learn more about the volunteer opportunities available visit:
For more information, visit
Message from the Executive Director
Supporting Families: Creating a community of comfort and hope in 2011.
We couldn't do it without you. Thank you to all of our readers for their support in 2011.
Your support helps us to create a community— a place where families get doses of
strength, support and hope that can be a powerful medicine to help them through a
very difficult time in their lives. A community that provides an opportunity for families
to be together and closer to their seriously ill child and an opportunity for families to
support other families that are going through similar situations and experiences. We
are grateful for each and every donation received, and hope that the shared words
of some of our families in this newsletter convey your impact on their lives. We are
committed to creating an even stronger community of comfort and hope in 2012
and invite you to join us.
Because of you...
e were able to support 2,787
family stays at our two Houses
located at Chestnut Street and Front
& Erie. This represents 1,600 unique
families traveling from not only the
greater Philadelphia area but from
46 states and 21 countries.
• F amilies stayed on average
7 consecutive days, however over
140 stays were longer than 30
days away from home. The longest
length of stay was 267 consecutive
nights–9 months away from home.
In Their Own Words….
Thank You
Our Guest Families Say
“The prepared meals are amazing
and such a blessing! It was
wonderful to not have to worry
about making dinner every night
or having to eat out all the time!
Your volunteer cooks were so
generous with their talent and time.
• O ur volunteers are the heart of
our Houses. Our over 300 regularly
scheduled volunteers dedicated
over 24,764 hours of service to
make the work we do possible.
• O ur volunteer van drivers made
3,307 trips to the hospital so that
our families do not have to worry
about transportation, parking and
navigating an unfamiliar city.
so helpful.”
in similar situations, share a
home cooked meal and watch
my son play with other children.
The care and concern expressed
by staff and volunteers
warmed my heart.”
“The entire experience has been
Thank you to the Lotman family, who provided both
Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner for the families staying
at the Chestnut Street House in 2011, and for continuing a
tradition that has been going on for many years.
Guest Chef Program
In 2011, 914 home cooked meals were
provided to the families of the Philadelphia
Ronald McDonald House by volunteer
Guest Chef groups. The preparation
of these evening dinners and weekend
breakfasts not only provide our families
with sustenance, but enrich their daily
lives. Thank you to all of the groups who
contributed meals to our Chestnut Street
House, Front and Erie House, and our
Family Rooms.
To view a full list of Guest Chef Groups,
For more information, visit
from the warm greeting at the gate,
to the tour of the house, to all the
services available. Everyone was
so valuable to be able
” “Itot was
connect with other families
• O ur two Ronald McDonald Family
Rooms at The Children’s Hospital
of Philadelphia provided respite
space for up to 48 families with
in-patient children each day on both
the Oncology and Cardiac Units.
“The whole experience was valuable
a blessing. I will cherish the time
spent sharing our stories with other
families. Although there was such
diversity, we all share a common
bond. We look forward to the day
where we will be strong enough
to give back. We will be making
a scrapbook of pictures for our
daughter so she will know what an
impact PRMH had on her life. It’s
wonderful to know that although
times and circumstances move so
quickly now there are still giving,
loving people in the world.
Your Support at Work in 2011
Family Time
Thank you to all of our individual donors and non-profit partners who help brighten a
family’s day by donating tickets to local entertainment, cultural and sporting events.
Pictured here is just one of many wonderful donations from last year. We would like
to thank Little Smiles Philadelphia for helping us surprise Nina Valente for her 11th
birthday on November 15th. Nina and her mom were picked up in a hot pink limo and
whisked away to the Sweet & Sassy Spa in Cherry Hill for Nina's “day as a diva.” It
was an amazing experience that we are sure Nina will never forget!
Garden Clubs
Throughout the year, local garden
clubs donate their time to decorate
our Houses with beautiful, fresh,
seasonal flowers and arrangements.
The flowers provide a warm,
welcoming atmosphere and help
brighten the days of the families
staying at our Houses. We would
like to extend our thanks to all
of the Garden Clubs that donate
their time to help put smiles on the faces of the families we serve.
Pictured here is the Kaslow family during their stay at the Chestnut
Street House, posing next to some beautiful flowers provided by the
Huntingdon Valley Garden Club.
Thank you to
all of our donors for
donating materials and
professional services to
support vital capital improvements, building repairs and replacement
of furniture. These donors help us to maintain our 100,000 square
feet of property at two locations.
The Living Room at our Chestnut Street House was refreshed this
fall with bright, new sofas and chairs donated by La-Z-Boy. Ronald
McDonald Houses nationwide receive generous, annual furniture
donations from La-Z-Boy.
Weekly and Monthly In-Kind Donors
We are grateful for the support of our donors who provide in-kind materials, services and
support on a weekly or monthly basis that enable us to provide the comforts of home all
year round. A Special thank you to:
Accomodation Mollen ADP
Central City Toyota
Coca-Cola Company
Hoffman’s Exterminating Co.
Lehigh Valley Dairy Farms
SCA Tissue North America
S&D Coffee
St. Christopher’s Hospital
for Children
Pictured here are some of the families who have utilized the vans donated by Central City
Toyota. Because of this donation, we are able to provide reliable van transportation to the
hospital several times each and every day of the year.
Wish List Drives
Throughout the year, hundreds of generous donors provided much needed wish list items to support the daily needs of our families. Donations
received in November and December 2011 from numerous companies and organizations not only made the holidays special for our families,
but will provide supplies throughout this year.
“Santa’s workshop was a huge blessing for us as our four older children have
not had mom and dad home for 1 week just before Christmas and “doing
Christmas” is not at the top of our priorities right now. Thank you!”
We would like to thank Denny Parisan and the employees of County Corvette for putting
together the 7th Annual County Corvette Toy Drive on Saturday, December 3rd. This
amazing event featured a car show, great food generously donated by Carrabba's Italian
Grill, face painting, and appearances by Santa Claus and Ronald McDonald. Just days after
the event, the County Corvette Toy Drive brought in a truck load of toys and $14,500 for
the families staying at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House. To the right is a snapshot
from this successful drive!
For more information, visit
Help keep our foundations strong in 2012
In 2011, we opened our doors over 2,700 times to welcome 1,600 families into a community of comfort and hope.
With providing accommodations and services to so many families each year comes natural wear and tear. We are asking
for your help to improve our structure's basic amenities, so we can continue to provide our services to families in 2012
and in the years to come. Your financial gift in support of our capital improvement projects will help us to maximize our
impact in every way possible. No gift is too small to make a difference to the families we serve.
Restoring the Beauty That Once Was
Keep our
Foundation Strong
Board Room
ceiling repair
Exterior Wall Improvements
The beautiful mural on our board room ceiling was
uncovered when the Ronald McDonald House first
began improvements in 1981. With age the magnificent
painting is cracking and we need help restoring it to
its original beauty.
Thousands of big & little feet cross our floors each year
Built as part of our 1995 expansion, the east side
exterior wall is in need of repair. Each year the winter
takes its toll on this important structure at the
Chestnut Street House, becoming more
permeable and posing the risk of leaks
and interior water damage. We need
help repairing the structure.
In 2009, we replaced the carpets
in 24 rooms at the Chestnut
Street House. Help us replace 20
more in 2012 so our families have
a comfortable room welcoming
them when they return from a
long day at the hospital.
............ . . .
We need $16,000
to carpet rooms 1 – 20
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In 2011, we refurbished two of the mansion
community restrooms. Our goal is to
refurbish two additional restrooms so that
when families return from a long day at
the hospital, a hot shower and comfortable
facility is available for their use.
Mansion bathroom refurbishment
....... .....
Let's Make the Bathrooms
More like Home
The Chestnut Street House:
housed in a historic building that was expanded in 1995 to serve a total of 45 families each night.
For more information, visit
for exterior lighting improvements
............. . .
The Chestnut Street House, and the Front &
Erie House, as well as the Family Rooms at The
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia are in need
of in-kind donations such as:
• Disposable plates • 10 oz hot cups
• Sugar packets
• Trash bags
• Individually wrapped plastic ware
In-Kind Donations
Families often come back from the hospital
after dark and sometimes late into the night.
Help provide safety and a feeling of
security to our families by funding
exterior lighting improvements.
Guest Chef groups volunteer
their time to cook dinner for
our families 365 days of the
year. Beginning in June,
through September, our grills
are used between 3 to 4 times
a week to prepare meals for
our families. Help fund a
commercial size BBQ grill
to spread the joy of seasonal
cookout food to our families!
Help keep our
families safe!
Help us keep Grilling—
Donate a Commercial
Size BBQ Grill
We need $5,000
The Front & Erie House:
offering a home-like environment for 18 families a night.
Keep Our Families Fit
Gym equipment
The fitness rooms
at our Houses
allow families
to have access
to exercise
equipment 24-hours a day. Help fund the
replacement and addition of gym equipment
at our House’s fitness rooms.
Lend your expertise
Have experience in interior design or architecture? Or experience with plumbing or as an electrician?
We are in need of all of these services and more. From reupholstering our foyer chairs and updating our
window treatments in the board room, to providing power washing services and installing partitions
in our guest bathrooms—there are many opportunities for you to lend your professional expertise and
help our families live more comfortably while they are facing the most difficult time in their lives.
To Donate or to find out more information,
Please visit us at
or scan this QR Code Today:
For more
more information,
information, visit
In honor of the generosity and support we receive from our friends in the community, both of our Houses were once again decorated
with thousands of twinkling lights, each representing a donor’s gift. Thank you to all of the
individuals, organizations, and businesses who helped to give the gift of home to families in
need this holiday season.
Photo courtesy of a Fresh Focus Photography.
During our Front and Erie Holiday Party and House lighting, we received a very special visit from
Philadelphia Grammy Chapter President David Ivory, Board Governor Skip Denenberg and Grammy
nominated artists Steve Pullara and Amy Otey, who performed many festive holiday songs throughout
the evening celebration. A very special thank you to our in-kind donors for the evening: Southwest
Airlines, Yards Brewing Company, the 76ers dancers, and Steve Kramer.
Photo courtesy of Alicia Smith Photography.
Celebrating another year of Share A Night
House guests, Mr. and Mrs. Redmond with their daughter Sienna, are shown here at our annual
Share A Night lighting celebration at Chestnut Street after sharing their story with the attendees.
Thank you to our in-kind donors and entertainers for making the evening so magical, including:
The Blarney Stone, Capozzoli Catering, Coca-Cola, Di Bruno Bros., Elliott Sacks, Herr’s, The
Holy Child Academy Drexel Hill Handbell Choir and Senior Choir, John Serock Catering, Laura
Wirtshafter, Yards Brewing Company, and of course Ronald McDonald.
2011 Share A Night Sponsor List
$25,000 & Above - Platinum
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Katie's Krusaders
$10,000 to $24,999 - Gold
Lynn Deming Memorial
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gallagher
Reuben and Mollie Gordon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lee
Ronald McDonald House Charities of
the Philadelphia Region
$5,000 to $9,999 - Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas
Ms. Mariah E. Murphy
Mr. Brent Senseny and Ms. Linda D. Cluck
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Tewksbury
Clarence J. Venne Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wendolowski
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wolgin
$2,500 to $4,999 - Bronze
Aon Risk Services
Matt and Joel Damron
Mr. George E. Deming III
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Feldhamer
The Garbose Family Foundation
Mr. Jonathan Hoffman
Ms. Cynthia M. Keaveney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Keith
Mr. John M. Makara and
Ms. Katherine E. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart S. Peltz
Ms. Anne Scardino
SRM Entertainment, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney G. Willson III
$1,000 to $2,499 - Copper
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Backlund
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baim
The Brian Seibert Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carnevale
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Tristram C. Colket, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Curley III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Danziger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Emmi
Mr. Jeff Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Frebowitz
Frezel Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hannum
Mr. Samuel Humes and
Ms. Marianna Knight
Mr. Robert Kachur
Mr. Tom Keyer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Klau
LM Charitable Gift Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Lepp
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McAleer
The Miller Family
Miller Designworks, Inc.
Montco Metals, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Oberkircher
Philadelphia Jaycees Alumni
Mr. Roger Porter
Mr. Mark Rosenberg
The Ryan Andrew Kaiser
Memorial Foundation
For more information, visit
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Savage
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schell Jr.
Laura and Richard Steel
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Sutter
Mr. and Mrs. John Thalheimer
Mrs. Marlene Weinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Wolf
$500 - $999
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Alf
Ms. Amy Ard
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Arsht
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Behm
Ms. Mary B. Boyle
Chatsworth Consulting Group
Ms. Helen Clemens
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Coleman
Country Merchants Inc.
Mr. Patrick Coyne
Mr. and Mrs. Sean T. Crinnion
Mr. Robert E. Croner
Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Dale Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Damron
Mr. Peter J. Degnan and
Ms. Maureen Gardner
Ms. Debbie J. Dickstein
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Diehl Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Finacchio
Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. J. Giuliani
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Gladstone
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Gleklen
Dr. Scott M. Goldman and
Dr. Mary A. Cheney
Ms. Alexis Gonzalez
Ms. Kathleen A. Heitzmann
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Jenkins
Ms. Clare M. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. David Knight
Little Smiles Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Macdonald
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Maguire Jr.
Marnick Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McLelland
Ms. Barbara Miller
Ms. Mariah E. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. James Pedersen
Mr. Hassel Perrel
Ms. Margie Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rosenberg
Ms. Sally Rutter
Ms. Joan L. Sandberg
Mr. Kevin C. Schildt
Selas Fluid Processing Corporation
Settlement Engine, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Shropshire
The Simkiss Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Taddeo
Mr. Michael S. Tornvall
Mr. Philip W. Twietmeyer and
Ms. Joanne Mastriana
Ms. Laura S. Warren
Ms. Tina Zuech
Due to space limitations, we
are unable to list donations
of less than $500. All donations
are sincerely appreciated.
A Board Member’s Perspective
I’m convinced the comfort we provide for families in medical distress is essential to the health of the entire family.
Every one of us tries to fill a need.
My background is in building management, and I believe maintaining our properties is essential. That’s why when
I’m visiting as a volunteer I carry a mini-screwdriver in my pocket. A parent coping with a sick child and often
separation from other family members shouldn’t have to search for a replacement light bulb or fix a loose knob.
I’ve been a board member since 1992, which gives me the longest tenure on the current board. When board
members were discussing fundraising ideas two decades ago and hoping to target potential $25,000 donors,
I said I knew none, but I knew a lot of people who could and would be $10 donors. That year we sold sponsorships,
at $10 a bulb, for our annual rooftop holiday light spectacular, which is now known as our Share A Night celebration.
J. Drew Coyle
The first year, 1992, we collected $8,000. This year, our annual Share A Night campaign raised $398,000 for the families we serve.
Whether providing the comfort of a room, a warm meal, or just an ear to bend, the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House has also
helped fill my own need to give back.
Dining with the Stars
2nd Annual Dining with the Stars Pairs Winning
Bidders with Celebrities for Meal of a Lifetime
In October, we were thrilled to host our 2nd Annual Dining with the Stars
online auction. Our amazing supporters were able to bid on 29 once-in-a-lifetime
packages, provided by some of the area’s most celebrated restaurants and caterers,
with the star of their choice. We are grateful to all of the celebrities and restaurants
who generously gave their time to participate in the auction, as well as the lucky winning
bidders who enabled us to raise over $42,000 for the families we serve. Thank you to our
media partners CBS3 Philadelphia and Greater Media Philadelphia for their support.
We would like to thank Tom Kehoe, the founder of the Yards
Brewing Company, for providing a once in a lifetime Dining With
The Stars experience for Sean Handler and his friends at the Yards
Brewery on December 15, 2012.
And the winners are:
Michael Anton Dinner for Ten with Temple Basketball Coach Fran Dunphy
at Bistrot La Minette
William CallananDinner for Ten with Chris May and Susan Barnett at Davio's
Patricia Insley Michele Lloyd In-Studio Lunch for Six with 94 WIP's Michael
Barkann & Ike Reese Catered by Gia Pronto
Herbert Lotman inner for Ten with David Cohen the Vice President of
Comcast at Table 31
Northern Italian Steakhouse
Dinner for Ten with Ed Stefanski and Doug Collins
at Flemings Steakhouse in Marlton, NJ
Anonymous A Personal Tour for Ten with Ed Herr at the Herr's
Snack Factory Catered by Peppercorns
In-studio Lunch for Six with Anthony Gargano and
Glen Macnow Catered by Bacco
Darren Lowenthal Dinner for Ten with Philadelphia Eagle Jeremy Maclin at
Peter Degnan In-Studio Lunch for Eight With 102.9 WMGK Host John
Debella Catered by Di Bruno Bros.
James Marr John Durante Dinner for Ten with Eagles Sportscaster Merrill Reese
at Fleming's Prime Steakhouse
Peter Maruca Dinner for Ten with Former Flyer John LeClair
Dinner for Ten with Howard Eskin at Devon Seafood Grill
Charles Montufar Dinner for Ten with Phillies General Manager Ruben Amaro
Lunch for Six with Former NFL Player Brian Baldinger
Union Trust Steakhouse
In-Studio Lunch for Eight with Michael Smerconish Catered
by Ferrante Meats
at M Restaurant
at Fish
Catered by Sweet Lucy's Smokehouse
Kimberly Patrizi Dinner for Ten with PRMH Co-Founders
Audrey Evans and Jim Murray at Penne
inner for Ten with Philadelphia Flyer Ian Laperriere at
Cuba Libre
Michael Rupe inner for Ten with Philadelphia Eagles Legend Vince
Papale at 10 Arts Bistro & Lounge
Personality Marilyn Russell at Square 1682
Cathy Snyder
Dinner for Ten with Pierre Robert From 93.3 WMMR at Pod
Dinner for Ten with Miss Pennsylvania USA 2011,
Amber-Joi Watkins at Le Castagne
Stephanie Tomko
Breakfast for Six with Angelo Cataldi and the
Edward Furman inner for Ten with St. Joe's Basketball Coach
Phil Martelli at 333 Belrose
Marlene Weinberg Dinner for Ten with Food Network's Marc Summers
& John Durante at Osteria
Lunch with the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of
Commerce's Rob Wonderling at the Dandelion
reakfast for Six with Ross Brittain & the Breakfast Club at
Sabrina's Cafe
A Personalized Cooking Demonstration for Ten with
MasterChef Jen Behm at Boss Enterprises
Richard Worek
In-Studio Lunch for Ten with Pat Ciarrocchi and Ukee
Washington Catered By Carlino's
Gina Flatley Dinner for Ten with 95.7 Ben FM's Morning
Bjorn Haglid Morning Team Catered by the West Ave Grille
Sean Handler Private Tour & Tasting at Yards Brewery with Founder,
President, & Brew Master Tom Kehoe
For more information, visit
We're So Thankful For...
McDonald's Bike Nights in the Lehigh Valley
Thank you to organizer Mike Fountaine and participating McDonald’s
Restaurants in the Lehigh Valley for their annual summer Bike Nights that
raised over $3,200 for Ronald McDonald Camp. For every bike that came to
participating locations, the McDonald's Restaurant contributed a donation.
If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser to benefit the House, please
contact Chris Callanan at [email protected].
Photo courtesy of Norm Keller
Katie's Krusaders
Thank you to Katie’s Krusaders for a very special and ongoing partnership.
Katie's Krusaders was started by the family and friends of Katie Ann
Duffin to raise the community's awareness of the incidence of cancer in
children. This group of dedicated individuals was instrumental in helping
to raise money to build our Front and Erie House next to St. Christopher’s
Hospital for Children. Since the opening of our House, they continue to
host fundraisers throughout the year to support the families staying at the
Front & Erie House, including a special family emergency fund for families in
financial crisis. We appreciate their tireless efforts to support our mission.
Family Room Parties
Thank you to everyone who helped organize a celebration and bring happiness to
the families who utilize our Family Rooms at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
throughout 2011. This photo was taken during the fourth annual Holiday party in
December. Salon L'Etoile & Spa has been providing dinner and gifts for our Family
Room holiday parties for four years and for that, we cannot thank them enough!
If you are interested in hosting a party or making a contribution to the Ronald
McDonald Family Rooms, please contact our Family Room Coordinator, Suzie
Norvilas at [email protected].
Young Leadership Council Events
On October 29th, the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House hosted its 1st Heroween
Party, organized by the PRMH Young Leadership Council. This Halloween extravaganza
was hosted by the City Tap House and featured dancing, raffles, and a very different kind
of costume contest! Bryan Wellens and Theresa Marie (pictured here) were crowned
the official King and Queen of Heroween for their ghoulish costumes. We would like
to thank everyone for dressing up to support the families staying at the Philadelphia
Ronald McDonald House. If you are interested in getting involved with our Young
Leadership Council, please contact Jen Shipman at [email protected].
For more information, visit
Donations from the Heart, 10/1/2011—12/31/2011
$50,000 and above
Estate of Frances M. Cox
Estate of Barbara C. Blossom
$10,000 to $24,999
County Corvette - 2011County
Corvette Toy Drive Fundraiser
Oscar H. and E. Ida Iucker Memorial
Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation
Louis and Bessie Stein Foundation
United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania
$5,000 to $9,999
Bacco Restaurant Group - 2011
Bocca Golf Outing
B-Strong Foundation
The Eden Charitable Foundation
Engle Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Resnik
The Rorer Foundation
Clarence J. Venne Foundation
$1,000 to $4,999
Aberdeen Asset Management, Inc.
The Abramson Family Foundation
Alliance of Bikers Aimed Towards
Education - 2011 A.B.A.T.E. Fundraiser
Mrs. Regina Avallone
Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Aylward
Bakers Club of Philadelphia
The Barra Foundation, Inc.
BFF Friendship Foundation
Mr. Tom Biron
Brie's Buddies - 2011 Brie's Buddies
Annual Golf Outing
Broughton Foundation
Catalyst 360
Mr. Anthony Cena
Chant Engineering Co., Inc. & Employees
Rachael Colasanto Memorial
Andrea Costain Memorial
Mr. Joseph D. Coyle
Ellen Elaine Crooke Memorial
Margaret DeCarlo Memorial
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delaney
Lynn Deming Memorial
Drexel E-Learning, Inc.
ESC for Tri-State Racquetball
Tournament–2011 Tri-State
Racquetball Tournament
Austin Zachary Feldman Memorial
Flamenco Del Sol Dance Co.
In Honor of the Frebowitz Five
Germantown Academy
Ms. Mary Jo Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hillman
Hockey for the House
Independence Blue Cross
Kaplin, Stewart, Meloff, Reiter & Stein PC
Ann and John Kachur Memorial
In Honor of Cynthia Keaveney
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lloyd
Mr. Robert A. Lopes Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Mara
The Martin Foundation
Dr. Lauren McCann
McDonald's of Allentown
-2011 Bike Nights
McDonald's of the Philadelphia Region
Merck Employee Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mickelberg
Mr. Dave Moretzsohn
National Time Systems
Pincus Family Foundation
Prudential Insurance Company
of America
Riverbend Environmental
Education Center
In Honor of Theresa and Jonathan
Reitnaur's Marriage
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Reitnaur
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Roak
Mary & Emanuel Rosenfeld Foundation
Denise M. Rush Memorial
Ms. Anne Scardino
SJ Bikers–2011 Ride for the Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sutow
Edmund G. Taussig and Frances Kath
Taussig Foundation
Mrs. Marlene Weinberg
Wells Fargo Tess Team
The William Penn Foundation
Young Lawyers Section of the
Delaware County Bar Association
Connie Zuzio Memorial
$500 to $999
Alisha C. Levin Memorial Fund of
The Philadelphia Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Aronson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Beauchane
In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Max Belinsky
Isabella Benitez Memorial
Big Burrito Restaurant Group–2011 Mad
Mex "Agave to Charity" Fundraiser
Mr. and Mrs. Hagy Bock
Mr. David Chandler
Mr. Chris Chong
Mr. Frederick R. Conner
Ms. Denise DeMan
Mr. James P. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Drobnes–In
Honor of their Wedding Guests
Mr. David J. Dukes and
Ms. Marcia Golden
The Emss Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Scot Fisher and Mrs. Shelly
Hugh Flood Memorial
Fox and Roach Charities
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Friedman
Mr. Anthony Gacita–2011 Haunted
House Fundraiser
Gehman Custom Remodeling
Ms. Betty Geikler
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Gladstone
Mr. and Mrs. Morey Goldberg
Mrs. Constance Gottlieb
Amanda Hettinger Memorial
Mrs. Mary Lou Hettinger
Mr. Timothy J. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hoffman
Holmesburg Baptist Christian
Summer Camp
IBM Employee Services Center
Innovative Print & Media Group, Inc.
International Furnishings & Designs Assn.
Jamren, Inc.
Mrs. Esther Kaplin
Ms. Cynthia M. Keaveney
The Keswick Tavern
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Looker
The Marlton Tavern
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Marmar
Dennis Martini Memorial
Joan Mather Memorial
McDonald's of Cedar Crest
McDonald's of Quakertown–2011
Calendar Sales Fundraiser
Missions 4th United Methodist Church
Morrissey Family Foundation
Mr. Carl Nanney
Nassau Broadcasting 1, LLC
Neubauer Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Nisen
Pearce Q Foundation
Permalith Plastics, LLC
Peter's Europa House
Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine
Pottsville Area School District
Prissy Ballerina by Penelope B
–2011 Winter Wish List Fundraiser
Dr. William and Dr. Nancy Reichman
REIT Management & Research LLC
Roth Capital Partners, LLC
Samuel P. Mandell Foundation
Linda A. Sandberg Memorial
Mr. Thomas Schaible
Haley Simon's Bat Mitzvah Project
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simone
Kyan Spearko Memorial
Mrs. Frances F. C. Sue
The Trio Tavern
Tri-State Metals, Inc.
United Way of Chester County
Verizon Cybergrants
In Honor of Marlene Weinberg
Mrs. Susan Wenger
Wills Eye Hospital
George Wohlrab, Sr. Memorial
Susan Wolf McDonald Memorial
Amy Wolgin Wiener Memorial
Ms. Lynde Wolk
Mr. Ken Youngblood
Due to space limitations, we
are unable to list donations of
less than $500. All donations
are sincerely appreciated.
How you can be Part of Our Future and Leave a Lasting Legacy
Consider including a gift to the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House in your will or estate plans. No matter where you see yourself financially, you,
too, can make a lasting difference. Any amount can have a big impact over time. By choosing to include the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
as a beneficiary in your legacy planning, you can help make sure that our House will be here for families for generations to come.
For more information, visit: or contact Susan Campbell, Executive Director at 215-387-8406 or [email protected].
For more information, visit
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
3925 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Philadelphia, PA
Permit #1891
Address Service Requested
12th Annual Hit ‘Em for the House
Monday, June 4, 2012
Philadelphia Country Club, Gladwyne, PA
Golf, Bridge and Card Games, Live Auction and Dinner
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Philadelphia Cricket Club, Chestnut Hill, PA
Tennis and Lunch
New for 2012! We are very excited to announce our new partnership
with Audi Willow Grove, enabling participants to compete in the Audi
quattro® Cup at this year’s event. The winning twosome of the cup
qualifier at Hit ‘Em for the House will compete for the National Title
and be awarded with an all-expense paid trip to Pebble Beach Golf
Resort in California for the US Final. The winner may also have the
chance to participate in the World Final Audi quattro Cup at Arabella
Golf Club in Western Cape, South Africa!
Learn more at Proceeds benefit
the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House.Questions?
Contact Abbie Hoffman at [email protected]
Photo Credit:
Marc David Photography
Join us for four Phillies games benefiting the
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
Tickets are just $30 and include a coupon for a
hot dog, soda and a McDonald’s sandwich
• May 8th vs. NY Mets
• June 5th vs. LA Dodgers
• August 29th vs. NY Mets
• September 12th vs. Miami Marlins
Purchase your tickets today at or call 215.387.8406 Ext: 402
Makes a great night out for you and your friends, or a
much-appreciated gift for employees or clients—
plus proceeds benefit our families!
For more information, visit