إفتتاح العام الدراسي 2014-2013 - Houssam Eddine Hariri High School
إفتتاح العام الدراسي 2014-2013 - Houssam Eddine Hariri High School
إهداء إلى روح الشهيد الرئيس رفيق احلريري الطاهرة... وفا ًء حلقه وعرفانا ً بفضله... تصدر عن ثانوية حسام الدين احلريري التابعة جلمعية املقاصد اخليرية اإلسالمية في صيدا -لبنان العدد -19شباط 2014 الغالف :مجموعة من رسومات الطالب :سامية نقوزي -محاسن بعلبكي -فراس حيدر -قمر القطب - مرمي أبو عرم -الرا جنم -رنا شعيتو -محمد قصير. تصميم :زاهر مهيب البزري. كيف نعلم تالميذنا ،وصرخة جربان ما زالت تدوي؟ عا ٌم يطوي عاما ً ومتر السنون وتزداد مصاعبنا وتكبر همومنا وتكثر تساؤالتنا. ال شك أن التربية والتعليم في بلد عاصف بالنزاعات ومليء بالقضايا الشائكة قضية كبرى وصعبة ،ال يتوقف العامل األصيل في مجالها عن التفكير والتساؤل « :كيف أجني ثمارا ً حلوة»؟ نعلمها جليل بعد جيل في املدرسة ،وهمنا أن ننتج فكرا ً إنسانيا ً عامليا ً راقياً ،وإنسانا ً ناجحاً .ولكننا عندما نستذكر قول دروس و دروس و دروس ّ آينشتاين وهو أحد أهم علماء البشرية قاطبة إذ قال« :ال حتاول أن تكون رجل جناح بل حاول أن تكون رجل قيم» ،ندرك أن العلم مهما عال شأنه عندما يتخلى عن القيم يتحول إلى مادة جترد اإلنسان من إنسانيته. ما أعوزنا إلى القيم في هذا الوطن ،القيم التي أورثنا إياها النبيون بوحي ٍ منزل من رب العاملني .وهنا يأتي السؤال الصعب :كيف نع ّلم تالميذنا هذه القيم؟ كيف نع ّلم تالميذنا اإلعتدال والوسطية وترك الغل ّو والتط ّرف؟ فنحن نعلم يقينا بأن اهلل عز وجل قد خاطبنا قائالً« :وكذلك جعلناكم أمة ّ ويحقر اإلنسانية. وسطاً» ليذكرنا بأن التط ّرف يش ّوه الهوية عالم كيف نع ّلم نالميذنا التسامح وتقبل الرأي اآلخر ونبذ التعصب األعمى الذي يغشى القلب حقدا ً وكراهية؟ فنحن نعلم أنه ما تواضع إال ٌ يدرك قدر نفسه ،وما تكبر إال جاهل ال مرآة عنده. كيف نع ّلم تالميذنا التح ّرر وترك التبعية واإلنقياد؟ فالتحرر املبني على العلم واملعرفة ينشئ قادة أحراراً ،بينما التبعية احلمقاء جترد املرء من عقالنيته وكرامته اإلنسانية. كيف نع ّلم تالميذنا الشجاعة واإلقدام وترك اجلنب والتخاذل؟ فالشجاعة احلكيمة تنصر احلق ،أما اجلنب فيفتح األبواب للظلم واالستبداد. كيف نع ّلم تالميذنا القانون والعدل؟ فنحن لألسف في بلد الال قانون والال عدل بينما جند على جدران كلية القانون في جامعة هارفرد العريقة كتابات باللغة اإلنكليزية عن القانون والعدل .األولى هي قول ألوغسطني ،وهو أحد الالهوتيني املسيحيني في القرن الرابع امليالدي ،وتقول: «القانون غير العادل ليس بقانون أبداً» .والثالثة هي بند من معاهدة «ماغنا كارتا» اإلنكليزية الشهيرة التي أبرمت في العام 1215واملوصوفة بأنها امليثاق العظيم للحريات في انكلترا وتقول« :لن نبيع العدالة ألحد ،ولن ننكرها على أحد ،ولن نؤخرها عن أحد». أما الثانية التي نقشت في الوسط ووصفتها الكلية بأنها أعظم عبارات العدالة على مر األزمان ،فهي الترجمة لآلية رقم 135من سورة هَّ ط ُ ني ،إ ِ ْن ي َ ُك ْن َغ ِنيًّا أ َ ْو َف ِقيرًا س ُك ْم أَوِ الْ َوالِ َدي ْ ِن وَالأْ َ ْقرَب ِ َ النساء في القرآن الكرمي « :يَا أَي ُّ َها الَّ ِذي َن آ َمنُوا ُكون ُوا َق َّوا ِم َ ني بِالْ ِق ْ ش َه َدا َء للِ ِ وَلَ ْو َعلَى أَن ْ ُف ِ س ِ َ هَّ َف هَّ ُ ضوا َفإ ِ َّن الل َكا َن مِبَا ت َ ْع َملُو َن خَ ِبيرًا» .صدق اهلل العظيم الل أَوْلَى ب ِ ِه َما فَلاَ تَت َِّب ُعوا الْ َه َوى أ َ ْن ت َ ْع ِدلُوا وَإ ِ ْن تَلْ ُووا أَوْ تُ ْعرِ ُ في هذه اآلية الكرمية ،يخاطب اهلل تعالى املؤمنني طالباً منهم أن يحكموا بالعدل في كل األمور ولو كان ذلك العدل على أنفسهم أو أقربائهم ،وأال يكتموا الشهادة ،وآال يفرقوا بني غني وفقير في تطبيق العدل على اجلميع. كيف ّ نعلم تالميذنا اإلقتداء مبن ومبا ينفع؟ فنحن نشهد اليوم في وطننا والعالم العربي أبشع مظاهر التشرذم واإلنحطاط. ما أبلغك يا جبران خليل جبران حني صرخت قبل ثمانني عاما صرختك الشهيرة «ويل ألمة»ّ ، وحذرت فيها من ويالت تسع تنطبق كلها أربع منها لندرك أن صرختك مازالت تدوي: ولألسف على واقعنا احلالي .يكفي أن نتفكر في ٍ ٌألمة تكثر فيها املذاهب والطوائف وتخلو من الدين. ويل ٍ ٌألمة حتسب املستب َّد بطالً ،وترى الفاحت املذل رحيماً. ويل ٍ ٌألمة تستقبل حاكمها بالتطبيل وتودعه بالصفير ،لتستقبل آخر بالتطبيل والتزمير. ويل ٍ ٌّ مة إلى أجزاء ،وكل جزء يحسب نفسه فيها أمة. ألمة مقس ٍ ويل ٍ ً صارخا ومنذرًا ،فهل من يسمع! لكأنك يا جبران تقف بيننا اليوم يا تالميذنا األحباء، إسمعوا صرخة جبران ،افتحوا قلوبكم وعقولكم ،كونوا أقوياء بقيمكم ،أقوياء بعلمكم ،أقوياء بتحرركم من كل تبعية عمياء ،كونوا مع احلق كيفما اجته ،قفوا ضد الظلم من أي جهة أتى ،عانقوا احلياة الواسعة التي تفتح لكم ذراعيها ،واعتنقوا النجاح في ميادينها. مدرستكم ومعلموكم سيبقون ساهرين عليكم ،مثابرين على حل املشاكل وتذليل الصعوبات وإيجاد اإلجابات لكل تساؤالتكم، وسيسقون بساتني علمكم بعرق جهودهم حتى ال يبقى حاجز يعيق درب جناحكم ولتكونوا ثمارا حلوة يقطفها وطن جائع ملواطنني أوفياء. كل عام وأنتم شمس مشرقة في سماء احلياة. هنادي اجلردلي 1 HHHS إفتتاح العام الدراسي 2014-2013 جريا ً على العادة استقبل أفراد الهئية التعليمية واإلدارية العام الدراسي اجلديد 2013-2014بلقاء جامع ألسرة الثانوية ،جددوا فيه العهد للمضي قدما ً في مسيرتهم املهنية ملتزمني مببادئ املقاصد ،معربني عن والئهم للمؤسسة األم ،ثم قاموا بالتوقيع على تعهد باإللتزام باملواقف املهنية التي يتوجب على كل معلم أو موظف أن يسعى إلى تطبيقها في آدائه املهني والشخصي ،آملني أن يكون عاما ً دراسيا ً ناجحا ً حامالً معه بشائر اخلير والسالم. مواقف املعلم /املوظف في ثانوية حسام الدين احلريري املوقف الوصف التقدير أقدر جمعية املقاصد وثانوية حسام الدين احلريري واجملتمع التعليمي التابع لها. اإللتزام ألتزم بعملي وأحافظ على اإلنضباط الذاتي وأحتلى مبسؤولية مهنية. الثقة بالنفس أشعر بالثقة بقدرتي كمعلم ومربي وموظف وأحتلى بالشجاعة الكافية للمجازفة ولتطبيق ما تعلمته ،وآلخذ قرارات مالئمة. التعاون أتعاون وأتضافر وأتبنى دور القيادة أوالتبعية وفق ما ميليه املوقف. الفضول أكون فضولياً حول طبيعة مستجدات املهنة على الصعيدين احمللي والعاملي. اإلبداع أكون مبدعاً في آدائي وواسع اخليال في تفكيري وفي معاجلتي للمشاكل واملعضالت. التعاطف أتخيل نفسي مكان شخص آخر كي أفهم منطقه ومشاعره ألكون منفتحاً على وجهات نظر اآلخرين ومتأمالً لها. احلماس ّ بالتعلم والتعليم والعمل وأرغب في بذل مجهود لتطوير أدائي. أستمتع اإلستقاللية أفكر وأتصرف باستقاللية وأصدر أحكامي اخلاصة بنا ًء على حجج منطقية وأستطيع الدفاع عن أحكامي. النزاهة أحتلى باإلستقامة وأظهر حساً واعياً باإلنصاف وأبتعد عن كل ما يسيء إلى سمعتي املهنية والشخصية. اإلحترام أحترم نفسي واآلخرين والعالم من حولي. التسامح أكون مراعياً لإلختالفات والتنوع املوجود في اجملتمع الذي أعمل فيه وأستجيب إلحتياجات تالميذي وزمالئي. 2 HHHS - Professional Development Professional Development Matters Great educators help create great students. In fact, research shows that an inspiring and informed teacher is the most important schoolrelated factor influencing student achievement, so it is critical to pay close attention to how we train and support both new and experienced educators. (to how training is supporting both new and experienced educators.) In an attempt to turn ideas into practice and enhance teachers’ learning experiences, elementary department teachers have been involved in professional development sessions for various purposes. “So what and what for” were the main inquiries of the first professional development: “Creating a Culture of Action Within and Beyond the School Community”. As an IB PYP school, we aim to develop a culture and provide the environment where all learners have the opportunity to choose, act, and reflect on their actions. The workshop focused on the importance of engaging the learners in successful inquiry that will lead to responsible actions, as a result of the learning process. Maintaining harmony between the written, taught, and assessed curriculum was the department’s next focus. Teachers needed motivation, justification, and support to take on the burdens of change. Throughout November and December, they looked at their practices more deeply and were fully engaged in revising and reflecting on the progress report card’s descriptors and subject-specific learning expectations. Our overall aims were to improve the development of formative and summative assessment, further distinguish between assessment and evaluation, and deepen understanding of reliability and validly while setting criteria. Assessing conceptual understandings through authentic tasks and performances have become a major area of development in the department. In the third professional development, strategies and routines to promote inquiry and develop conceptual understandings were introduced. The different levels of inquiry were revisited and addressed after reflecting on the teachers’ current practices. Guiding sessions were allocated for modeling and demonstrating conceptual inquiries with teachers. They were also provided with visible thinking routines to use while designing and planning units of inquiry. To address and support the needs of students who have reached different stages in their development and those with different learning styles, the fourth professional development plan focused on deepening teachers’ knowledge of learning difficulties and disabilities. Strategies to accommodate and modify materials for students with learning difficulties’ were shared and discussed. During collaborative planning sessions, teachers efficiently considered accommodation for a range of learning needs and styles, as well as varying level of competencies. It is critical for educators to have ongoing and regular opportunities to learn from each other. Ongoing professional development keeps teachers up-to-date with new research on how children learn. Moreover, professional development enables educators to develop the knowledge and skills they need to address students’ learning challenges. For professional development to be effective it requires thoughtful planning followed by careful implementation and feedback to ensure it responds to educators’ learning needs. 3 Dina Jradi - Elementary School Director “The First Professional Day” HHHS - Professional Development Friday, October 4th, 2013 witnessed a new learning journey for Houssam Eddine Hariri High School teachers, who attended the First Professional Day for the academic year 2013-2014 held in both the Middle and Secondary Divisions. Theories and research findings embedded in practical contexts were all employed as professional tools to trigger teachers’ inquiry, elevate their thinking levels, foster new understandings and unlock hidden assumptions and beliefs. An overall of six teachers and administrators took the lead and guided their colleagues into a thorough discovery of knowledge, thus opening new horizon for professional learning and evidence based practices. Topics included school values and vision, critical thinking in the classroom, dealing with students’ misbehaviors and teaching creativity. Activities, questionnaires, videos, handouts and other learning materials were all utilized in interactive learning settings that allowed group members to reflect on, probe, inquire and undergo diverse, rich and new experiences. Such an event is one of the continuous reflective professional exposures that Houssam Eddine Hariri High School is committed to as a “fundamental mission” that would eventually render to teachers’ professional and personal growth. Nadia Al Saheb - Professional Development Coordinator The Second Professional Day Friday, December 6th, 2013 witnessed the “Second Professional Day” for both the middle and high school teachers at HHHS with a theme entitled “Reinforcing Kids Safety in Schools” organized by Kidproof organization . Founded in Canada in 2000, Kidproof is an international educational organization that has created exclusive safety curriculum and provided prevention solutions to reduce harm and protect kids around the world. In partnership with the Lebanese Education Ministry, the “Protect ED Safety” Curriculum was incorporated into our Lebanese public schools through which teachers receive ongoing training to teach the program. Mrs. Rana Saloum, Kidproof representative, trained HHHS teachers on major safety aspects that include “Personal, Internet, Emotional, Anti- Bullying as well as Physical Safety”. To illustrate the safety themes, teachers were exposed to a variety of activities that include role playing, a video and multiple real life examples that address kids’ safety and overall wellbeing in their schools and the surrounding environment. With the focus on prevention, “Protect ED” builds confidence, reduces risks and protects the future of our children from all kinds of external threats. The program will be integrated into school classrooms and taught in French and English by their respective teachers who have received proper training on how to deliver key messages to their students. The program will be divided into 15 teaching sessions that include instructional guides, discussion points, scenarios, activities and a reflection part. Nadia Al Saheb and Mona Majzoub 4 HHHS - Professional Development التقييم ومهارات التفكير لذوي الصعوبات التعلمية إستضافت، لصعوبات التعلمSKILD بالتعاون مع مركز الثانوية إختصاصيني في التربية اخملتصة من الواليات أستاذ، الدكتورة برندا ريتشارد:املتحدة األميركية هم والدكتور دايفيد،مشارك في جامعة كولومبيا الدولية ، مدير قسم التربية اخملتصة في جامعة سمفورد،فني مديرة قسم تطوير املناهج،والدكتورة ميشال هارلسون .وتكنولوجيا التعليم في جامعة سمفورد قدم احملاضرون ورشتي عمل شارك في حضورها ّ حيث معلمو ومنسقو برامج قسم التربية اخملتصة والدعم التربوي في جميع أقسام الثانوية تناولتا موضوعني :هامني دور وأهمية التقييم للتالمذة ذوي اإلحتياجات: األول.اخلاصة استخدام تكنولوجيا التعليم في تنمية مهارات: الثاني.التفكير املتقدم لذوي الصعوبات التعليمية ولقد متّ على هامش هذه املناسبة التباحث في سبل التعاون واإلستشارات التربوية بني ثانوية حسام الدين احلريري وقسم التربية اخملتصة في جامعة سمفورد وذلك تعزيزا ً جلودة اخلدمات التعليمية التي،األميركية تقدمها الثانوية في هذا اجملال والتي أثنى عليها فريق .احملاضرين The Third Professional Day “The power of ‘professional learning community’ lies in being a catalyst for ongoing change, improvement and innovation in education. It is incumbent on all of us to be professionals, to be learners and to work as members of one community”. Shelly Burgess On Friday, January 24th, 2014, Miss Hiba Chamandi and Miss Nagham Abu Ali, under the supervision of the English Coordinator Nihmat Dandashly, took the lead of the Third Professional Day held commonly between the Middle and Secondary Divisions. After thorough preparation and readings on the concept based approach, the two presenters led the participants in a journey towards the mastery of the new concepts of the “Performance Task”. Characterized by knowledge and distinguished presentation skills, the presenters trained teachers on the use of the “Rubric” as a scientific tool used to assess students’ performances. Afterwards, using the RAFT technique, each Subject Department designed its own performance task and presented it in front of the audience. At HHHS, such learning experiences pave the way toward nurturing a “Professional Learning Community” characterized with shared vision, collective learning and ongoing reflection. Nadia Al Saheb - Professional Development Coordinator 5 HHHS - Professional Development IB Regional Conference 2013 “Innovate Educate Create” was the title of the IB Africa, Europe, and Middle East IB Regional Conference 2013 that was held on October 24 to October 27 at The Hague, the Netherlands. The Head of School; Mrs. Hanadi Jardaly, Grade five PYP teacher; Mrs. Tharwat Baassiri, and I attended the conference that aimed not only at encouraging leaders in education to quest for educational excellence and change, but also inspiring them to achieve their dreams to better shape the future of the twenty first century learners. “To dream is to connect what we want to be with the best of what we have been before”. Andy Hargreaves’s presentation has drawn on his belief that achieving an educational change is not only the outcome of having a dream. It is rather to explore the interrelated importance of inspiration, innovation, and inquiry, seeking improvement and believing in inclusion. Innovation, which is creating new teaching and learning practices within the community of teachers, has to be supported by continuous inquiry into the successes and failures of the innovative practices after ensuring that improvement in the essential learning outcomes has taken place. Educational change also becomes visible when the school leaders start believing that learners are the leaders, and that the teachers have to adapt the classroom climate by stimulating the environment to cater for the needs of students. What is essential for some students is good for All! Howard Gardner in his plenary session has drawn attention into the importance of nurturing ethical and respectful minds in addition to the synthesizing and disciplined minds. Considering educational change, what educators also need to focus on is preparing human beings whom we should admire for their morals and ethics. What can IB schools expect from neuroscience? Bruno Chella Chiesa elaborated this inquiry in the conference. He has shed the light on how learning is an extremely pleasurable experience to the brain, and how fear might result in making learning impossible to the brain. Therefore, emotions play a crucial role in enhancing the learning process. It has been proven that the brain’s remarkable plasticity makes it a lifelong learning device capable of reconfiguring itself. For this reason, functional brain maturation proceeds up into the third decade of the human’s life equipping us with the ability to acquire languages at various stages of life without limits and across cultures. Being participants within the IB community for several days have updated our knowledge of the IB programmes development processes in general and enhanced our PYP experience in particular. This learning opportunity has also encouraged us to genuinely reflect on our school practices to best serve our school PYP community. Dina Jradi - Elementary School Director اللغة العرب ّية لغير الناطقني بها دورة تدريبية للتناظر في اللغة العربية بعد أن مت إختيار ثانوية حسام الدين احلريري لتمثيل لبنان في البطولة التي تستضيفها،الدولية الثانية ملناظرات املدارس باللغة العربية شارك أستاذ اللغة العربية في املرحلة،2014 الدوحة خالل شهر آذار الثانوية راجي سعيد بدورة تدريبية إلعداد مدربي املناظرات باللغة عضو مؤسسة قطر، التي قام بتنظيمها مركز مناظرات قطر،العربية 17 والتي انعقدت في مدينة الدوحة من،للتربية والعلوم وتنمية اجملتمع .2013 تشرين الثاني19 إلى تهدف الدورة إلى متكني املد ّربني من أجل نقل ثقافة املناظرات إلى والعمل على تأهيل فريق الطالب الذي سيشارك في،مدارسهم .البطولة ممثالً للجمهورية اللبنانية وفي إطار السعي الدائم نحو تطوير،في جو من التفاعل واملشاركة ورشة عمل في2013-11-9 أقيمت نهار السبت، املمارسات املهن ّية ."قسم اللغة العرب ّية حتت عنوان "اللغة العرب ّية لغير الناطقني بها أدارت الورشة الباحثة التربو ّية الس ّيدة فرحة البيطار حيث تناولت الفروقات األساس ّية بني أساليب تعليم اللغة العرب ّية كلغة كيفية تقسيم املستويات اللغو ّية ومعايير،والعرب ّية كلغة ثانية،أولى ّ الكفاءة في التحديات التي تواجه كما تط ّرقت إلى.كل مستوى ّ مع ّلمي اللغة العرب ّية لغير الناطقني بها في إدارة العمل التعاوني .وكيفية إيجاد حلول لها ّ واختتمت الورشة بنماذج أنشطة وامتحانات تناسب كل مستوى .تعليمي 6 HHHS - Professional Development There is Always Something Better at the Corner Being members of HHHS, and working hard towards success and fruitful results on different levels, hard-working and active beehiving are always in the air. Buzzing everywhere in different school departments lead us toward success. Success is always reached after taking a closer, valid, and reliable look whose aim is evaluating the learning and teaching process. An evaluation is done precisely even if we ourselves do own the knowledge and understanding. Yet, as long as we are teaching our learners, we will be learning from them. As a result, “continuous commonsense efforts to conform to effective practice and essential standards will make a life-changing difference for all students.” – Mike Schmoker, Results Now. Preschool’s 2013 – 2014 is opening plenty of windows for improvement. Hard working is taking place on the ground as it has been always before. However, this year started by building a bridge that rigidly overarch the transitional challenges occurring in the 1st elementary. Consequently, a backward and a forward study took place in our scope and sequence, and guides. Serious efforts were done to dig deeper into our learners’ abilities, believing that each learner is a unique child who has the right to be dealt with as a whole. All developmental characteristics were taken into consideration: emotional, social, behavioral, academic, and physical progress. Focusing on the fact that learners learn best through play and fun, professional days were thought of and built on this belief. Fun and play are paving the process of teachers’ learning to proficiency. Digging deeper into basic linguistic and language components (listening, speaking, reading & writing), the 1st professional day focused on adults’ listening skills, specifically, in order to reach a successful and active listening process among us as a team, and in their class as a learning environment. As long as teachers are exposed to the teaching procedure, they will be more aware of what learners experience and pass through in classroom. Pedagogy innovations offer us multiple proven ways to deliver instructions to children. Such innovations are not reached unless teachers’ strengths are identified, teachers’ potentials are maximized, and teachers’ capacity is built gradually, smoothly and fluently through PDs. Starting from listening and speaking skills, heading upward to phonological awareness which is the early predictor of successful and fluent future readers, then moving deeply to phonics and comprehension in order to add a value to preschoolers’ writing skills which can simply start from an illustration created by a 3 year old child. Preschool teachers are deepening, widening, and adding to their teaching knowledge by living the journey of learning through fun and play keeping in mind best skills, strategies, and tools that reach every type of learner. Nada Hajj - Preschool Director 7 HHHS - Alumni Activities العشاء السنوي للخريجني للعام الثاني على التوالي تنظم جمعية خريجي ثانوية حسام الدين احلريري حفل العشاء السنوي للخريجني في حرم املدرسة ،حيث يتالقى اخلريجون لينشدوا معا ً نشيد املقاصد وليستعيدوا ذكرياتهم في املدرسة مع أساتذتهم وزمالئهم في جو مفعم بالصداقة واألخ ّوة واحملبة ،مليء بفقرات املرح والفكاهة. 8 HHHS - Alumni Activities 9 HHHS - Alumni Activities 10 HHHS - Alumni Activities Alumni College Fair Well-Received In collaboration with the HHHS Alumni Association, the Guidance Department at the High School organized and hosted its first alumni college fair on Saturday, February 1. More than 65 alumni volunteers from 7 different universities across Lebanon and various majors participated in the college fair. HHHS Alumni shared their own studying and living experiences with interested students and school seniors who were enthusiastic to have a chance to meet so many university representatives in one location and obtain first-hand information about universities, academic programs, campus life and campus safety. What an admission office representative might not be able to convey or state explicitly is what alumni students did cohesively and brilliantly. Here are reflections opinions and insights of High School and alumni students regarding college in general and the event in particular: “This event turned out to be a major hit. It shows students the big responsibility they’ll be facing in a year or two from now and it reflects the reality of college life and makes them invest every momentat high school.” Kareem Hakawati, HHHS Alumni and AUB student. “Being introduced to college is such an important step towards creating and designing your future.” Zeina Maatouk, HHHS Alumni and USJ student. “In college, one becomes a totally different person. No one is there to take care of you and remind you of your tasks. You’re now considered a grown up, responsible of your actions and decisions, mature enough to drive your own life.” Leen Naffaa, HHHS Alumni and LAU student. “When you decide onthe major that you’ll be studying, you need to ask yourself one thing: “Will I be able to wake up every day and do the same thing for the rest of my life?””Afif Charif, HHHS Alumni and AUB student. “Admission officers tell so little about university life, but we enlighten high school students of 100% true experiences that we wish someone has told us about.” Tala Baasiri, HHHS Alumni and BAU student. “If this were to happen when I was back in school, I would’ve spent a lot of time choosing my major.” Ahmad Fawaz, HHHS Alumni and RHU student. “It was an eye-opening experience, so beneficial that I started thinking seriously about university.” Daoud Zoya, Grade 10 student. “They were all so helpful and I felt like I’ve known them for so long. It was an event that bought together older promotions of the school with the upcoming junior ones, making us one HHHS family.” Marwa Bawji, Grade 10 student. “The alumni fair offered us, students, the chance to explore all options in order to choose the best career, majors and colleges that suit us and our personality. It was a great opportunity to learn these things from people who graduated from our school and encountered the same expeiences and feelings we are passing.”- Jana Abdul Jawad, Grade 11 student. HHHS Press Team 11 HHHS - High School 2013 حفل تخرج دفعة 12 HHHS - High School 13 HHHS - High School 14 HHHS - High School HHHS Model United Nations Continues to Experience the World Over the years, Houssam Eddine Hariri High School has established a legacy of professionalism and a reputation for student leadership empowerment. With consistently hard-working presidents/chairs, committed delegates and vibrant admins and ushers, the Third Annual HHHS MUN Conference was held on January 17th at the High School Campus. 220 delegates from different schools in Saida and Beirut debated in 6 committees and stimulated international diplomacy and global conflict resolution. Throughout the conference, delegates were encouraged to get involved in international affairs and make a difference in the world. The sessions were crowned by an official closing ceremony in the presence of our esteemed guest speaker, Mr. Robert Watkins, UN Deputy Special Coordinator, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Lebanon. Mr. Watkins shared his broad expertise in the field of international affairs and United Nations’ work. His prestigious presence and inspiring speech enriched the knowledge of all participants and made HHHS MUN experience more rewarding. Congratulations to all HHHS MUN family for such a successful conference! 15 HHHS - High School حوار مع اإلعالمية بوال يعقوبيان ألنها إعالمية حرة ...جريئة ...واضحة وصريحة وألننا نحن الشباب نتوق إلى حوار واقعي يحاكي عقولنا ويجيب على تساؤالتنا ،كان من دواعي سرورنا أن نستقبل في حرم مدرستنا إعالمية من الطراز األول ،إعالمية محترفة ،يعترف مبهنيتها من يتفقون معها ومن يخالفونها الرأي على حد سواء... على مدى أكثر من ساعة ونصف حتاورنا نحن تالميذ املرحلة الثانوية مع اإلعالمية املتألقة بوال يعقوبيان حول دور اإلعالم اللبناني والعربي وتأثير شبكات التواصل اإلجتماعي على مواقف الشباب جلهة القيم ،املبادئ ،املعتقدات الدينية ،العالقات اإلجتماعية ،احلروب ،النزاعات ،الشكل اخلارجي ،صورة الذات ،العالقات األسرية ،التخصص اجلامعي وغيرها من هموم الشباب. كان حوارا ً راقيا ً وعفوياً ،أضاء على جوانب عديدة في أمور حياتنا ،فترك أثرا ً إيجابيا ً في نفوسنا. شكرا ً بوال يعقوبيان على حضورك. تالميذ الصف الثاني الثانوي -الفرع اإلنكليزي 16 HHHS - High School HHHS Delegation to the Modern Arab League 2012-2013 In an attempt to prepare the global leaders of tomorrow and ensure a better and stronger future for the Arab world, Houssam Hariri High School participated in the LAU Model Arab League Program, which is based on the Arab League, a body like the United Nations representing 22 Arab countries around the world. Under the motto “Empowering Arab Youth”, our students learnt about the politics and history of the Arab world, and the arts of diplomacy and the public speech. In the two day conference, HHHS delegates helped to shape final resolutions that were asserted in the final closing summit meeting. They wrote resolutions to a variety of topics that included dealing with the current political turmoil in Syria, eradication of oil resources, examining non-governmental organizational presence in the region, expanding health care services to refugees and asylum seekers, and ensuring maintenance of culture and heritage. LAU-MAL helped our students become more knowledgeable, well-trained, and proficient citizens as well as civic and public affairs leaders. Here are some of the delegates’ reflections and insights: “The worst memories stick with us, while the nice ones always seem to slip throughout our fingers.” Thanks to the school administration and our advisors who made this experience one of the best. A couple of days ago, I was a delegate at Model Arab League’s conference at LAU. Throughout this conference, I felt really encouraged, addressing people I didn’t know. This experience enriched my personal skills, gave me the courage to speak in public , and last but not least, made me meet new friends from different backgrounds. Last but not least, this made me feel that we, as youth, can make a difference and change the world into a much better place”. Sarah Chaaban- Grade 10 ،“برعاية اجمللس الوطني للعالقات العربية األمريكية و مؤسسة احلريري للتنمية املستدامة وضمن أنشطة اجلامعة اللبنانية األمريكية ّمت انضمامي في منوذج جامعة الدول العربية مع بدأ مشوارنا نهار السبت في الثالث والعشرين من آذار.ثمانية مندوبني آخرين من مدرستنا حيث تع ّلمنا كيفية تعامل اجلامعة مع القضايا احمل ّلية،بحضور خمس جلسات تدريبية، وقد طغى على هذه. طريقة طلب النقاط وطرح االقتراحات ملناقشة املواضيع كافة،املطروحة فم ّثلت، فكان على اجلميع التمسك مبوقف البلد الذي ميثلونه،التجربة الطابع الدبلوماسي .مدرستنا دولة قطر في اإلحتفال الثقافي وكذلك تونس والسودان واليمن في املؤمتر اخلتامي فهذه.لن أتردد في املشاركة م ّرة ثانية في منوذج جامعة الدول العربية إن سنحت لي الفرصة ً -” عمر البابا.خاصة فرصة لكي يثبت الشباب وجوده ويتع ّرف إلى اجملتمع الدولي عامة والعربي .الصف العاشر Congratulations to Leen Najm for the “Best Country Statement Award” and to Farah Wehbi and Omar El Baba for the “Honorable Mention Awards”. 17 HHHS - High School مواجهة التحديات باملثابرة وصوالً إلى التفوق فاتن جوني وحسان األسمر ،شابة وشاب في عمر املراهقة قست عليهما احلياة في صحتهما لكنهما رغم الصعوبات شقا طريقيهما بخطوات ثابتة من دون أي تردد ،وأثبتا أن الطموح ال حتده عوائق والعزم واإلرادة لن توقفهما احلواجز. فاتن جوني الطالبة الضريرة ( 18عاماً) التي حازت على املرتبة اخلامسة في لبنان واملرتبة األولى في محافظة اجلنوب (فرع االجتماع واالقتصاد) في االمتحانات الرسمية ،ونالت 449عالمة من ،530بتقدير جيد جداً ،استحقت وزميلها حسان األسمر الذي يعاني من صعوبات في القراءة والكتابة (مصاب مبرض التالسيميا) وحاز على املرتبة الثالثة عشرة في لبنان واملرتبة الثانية في محافظة اجلنوب ونال 428عالمة من ( 530فرع االجتماع واالقتصاد) ،تكرمي وزير التربية والتعليم العالي حسان دياب خالل اللقاء الذي عقده في مكتبه في الوزارة ،بحضور مدير عام الوزارة فادي يرق ،مستشار الوزير غسان شكرون ،رئيس منطقة اجلنوب التربوية باسم عباس ،رئيسة دائرة االمتحانات جمال بغدادي وأهالي الطالبني وممثلني عن إدارة ثانوية حسام الدين احلريري التابعة جلمعية املقاصد اخليرية اإلسالمية في صيدا التي يتعلم فيها التلميذان املكرمان. وهنأ دياب الطالبني "املميزين بهذا التفوق إذ متكنا من التغلب على املرض وضعف البصر بقوة البصيرة" ،داعيا ً إياهما الى "االستمرار في هذا اجلهد بالدراسة اجلامعية وتأمني مستقبل الئق بهما كطاقات منتجة في مجتمعهما". وأكد أن "االستثمار في املوارد البشرية هو االستثمار األجدى في الوطن" ،مشددا ً على أن "األولوية لدى اجملتمعات الراقية تكون بتأمني التعليم لذوي احلاجات اخلاصة وأصحاب الصعوبات التعلمية واكتشاف طاقاتهم وتأهيلهم ليكونوا مواطنني منتجني في اجملتمع والوطن". وسلم دياب كال من جوني واألسمر شهادة تقدير ودرعا ً تكرميية باسم الوزارة وإفادات تثبت الترتيب الذي حصل عليه كل منهما. وأعربت جوني لـ"املستقبل" عن فرحتها بهذه النتيجة " لكنني كنت أتوقع أن أكون في املرتبة األولى ألنني تعبت ودرست كثيرا ً وال ينقصني شيء كي أكون متفوقة" ،الفتة الى "انني أحب أن أتخصص في اجلامعة في الترجمة والتعريب لكن في اجلامعة اللبنانية ال تتوافر التسهيالت الكافية لذوي احلاجات اخلاصة ،لذلك أمتنى ان أحصل على منحة كي أدرس في جامعة خاصة". وأكد األسمر أنه لم يواجه صعوبات في الصف خالل العام الدراسي أو في االمتحانات الرسمية "رغم أن مرضي أجبرني على التغيب أليام لكن املربني واخملتصني كانوا يواكبونني في املدرسة حتى أنني كنت أتلقى دروسا ً خاصة مما سهل علي األمر كثيراً". نقالً عن هيام طوق -جريدة املستقبل !Community Service: The World is in Good Hands Dalia Sous - English Language Teacher During these tough conditions, sometimes we need a hand to hold ours and tell us that everything is STILL okay! Believing so, HHHS administration initiated a “Community Service" class, providing students with life experiences, enhancing their community awareness spirit, and promoting them to take actions in different situations. This Adha Eid, "community service" brought joy into the hearts of impoverished families. Then, students celebrated this success in an after-school picnic at the school campus. Rami Shaaban, Grade 12 student, reflected: “With the support of our supervisors, alongside an extra hand from Mira Yamani (grade 8), we were capable of holding bake sales that gave students the opportunity to use art in food. Students made cakes, cupcakes, marshmallows on sticks, and popcorn to raise enough money for a special cause. The plan was to slaughter a sheep and give its meat to the poor to give them the chance to celebrate the Eid with a smile on their faces and a speck of hope. I found it an overwhelming experience and hope that people would appreciate the ”fortunate lifestyle they currently live in. 18 Our Culture on our Library Shelves HHHS - High School We could have scavenged through literature books about fiction that we thought represented our Lebanese culture. We could have heard how life was back in the old days from the elderly. We could have read in history books about Lebanon since the Ottoman Empire, but that wouldn’t have let us enjoy the glory of integration of true culture in literature. It was Miss Zeina’s originality that made us claim our lost Lebanese roots, without recognizing it. We were asked to write stories that we thought mirrored our culture. To our surprise, we wrote moral stories that were influenced by the west as it has been repetitive since our childhood. What we were eager to write about turned out to be void of any Lebanese touch. Therefore, we planned a whole unit based on how fiction can reflect cultural heritage. To back up our studies, we watched a play under the title “Reasons to be pretty”. It was a vivid description of a sheer Lebanese society, with its flaws and beauty. It was then time, after the Lebanese image was crystallized in our minds, to write a piece of fiction that truly reflected the Lebanese citizen; known for his hospitality, humor, and love of life. Every group wrote something from its own perspective, and we collaborated to edit our work many times before we could reach one final story per group. We then communicated our perspectives, which was the second pillar of our unit, and reflected on each other’s work in a very professional way (Gibbs Method) through a Whatsapp group. Our friends’ reflections made us change some aspects of our narrations before we finally published them in class. The unit was almost over, and an action plan was needed. We embarked on a quest to find Lebanese writers that wrote fictions about the Lebanese culture and later broadened our horizons to Arab writers as well. We collected the names and publications of those writers and ordered the books for the school Library. We divided the books upon us so that everyone would get a grip of the beauty of the Arab culture in literature. I have never seen my friends so agitated to read a book before! We finally organized a section in the library under the title “Arab Cultural Novels”, which included more than a hundred English and French novels written by Arab writers in English originally. Those writers’ books were translated into many languages. We went to the library, learnt how to archive them and finished the stand which was signed by us. Thank you, Mrs. Zeina, for all your hard work and dedication to nurture that sense of patriotism and belonging inside us. We appreciate it! Written by: Rana shayto - Supervised by: Mrs. Zeina Dbouk 19 HHHS - High School Laboratory Activities (Hands on- Minds on) laboratory activities have become a critical component in the science curricula. These laboratory sessions provide high school students with the opportunity to enhance their profound understanding of biology concepts, improve their practical skills, and develop their reinforcing attitude towards science. Thus, a lab manual including (Hands on- Minds on) experiments has been integrated to our Grade Eleven Biology curriculum, and every Thursday, we have an interesting experiential laboratory session. As an introduction to this program, a demonstration session was designed to remind us of the lab equipment: their function and usage, along with lab safety rules, and the laboratory symbols. Afterwards, in order to acquire deep understanding of mitosis in plant cells and animal cells, labs (one, two and three) were settled. The cells of a leaf were hard to extract in lab one, but after several attempts, the mission was accomplished. In lab two, onion cells were somehow easier to take out, and the view was clearer in lab three. Later, we were asked to take animal cells from our cheeks, put them on the big toothpick and turn them to a slide. We had to try several times until the operation was completed, and finally a satisfying view was observed through the microscope lens. During these sessions, we’ve learned to endeavor, investigate, and acquire results independently. We are now able to analyze, predict, draw, and explain anything related to animal cells and plant cells. Besides, our interaction with tools and lab equipment changed as we learned to appreciate the tools we are handling. All in all, a laboratory session is considered an essential component of any Biology curriculum since it makes science more interesting for students, and encourages them to make significant links to real life in the field of Biology! Ezzeddine Danash - Grade 11 A Eid Al Adha Dinner The Road Safety Committee would like to wish all staff and students at our school a Happy Eid and a prosperous year ahead. To celebrate Eid Al Adha in style, the Road Safety students put together Eid dinner on Saturday, October 12th, 2013. Staff and students who attended the dinner enjoyed delicious food, fun company, vigorous dancing, entertaining games and exquisite prizes. After selling tickets for one week, our committee was able to successfully raise the money that funded the dinner as well as future events to be held. We would like to thank all the staff and students who took part in this event, and we hope to see you in other future events. Road Safety Committee 20 HHHS - High School Independence Day Talent Show Community service is not always about raising money. Actually, “the best things in life are free”. While giving money to the needy could be self-rewarding, putting a smile on the faces of those around is priceless. To celebrate Lebanon’s 70th Independence Day, Houssam Eddine El Hariri’s Community Service Committee launched its first annual Independence Day themed talent show. “Houssam’s Got Talent I”. It featured guest singer Wael Mamlouk and guest poet and fellow teacher Noura Merhi, along with 13 performances by Middle School and High School students and was a true spectacle. Most importantly, it managed to lift the spirit of the participants and the audience, both teachers and students. We sincerely hope that this event could have stirred a note of optimism in the students’ and teachers’ hearts during these dark circumstances. Dalia Souss- Community Service Teacher 21 HHHS - High School A Virtual Visit to Palestine To talk about such a visit a decade ago, would probably have been beyond feasible! However, with the advance of technology, everything becomes possible even visiting the occupied Palestinian territories. Challenging the barriers set by the Israeli occupation, Houssam Eddine Hariri High School students partnering with Palestinian peer from Al Farouq High School at Al Khalil area held a Skype conference on December 5. The Skype chat was almost like visiting Palestine where students from ESFL levels A and B got to meet students from the above mentioned school. The purpose of this "virtual visit" was to share experiences about a situation that both countries share: war and its effects on individuals. Students on both sides listened to each others’ stories with this regard, inducing questions and inquiries about how conflicts influence people's perspectives about their future, individuality, and above all their sense of belonging. Eventually, the students reached a conclusion that the best way to resist such devastating conditions is by achieving an inner peace that will definitely emanate from our actions towards our surrounding. Hiba Chamandi and Zeina Dbouk - English Language Teachers – Levels A and B My Hat to a Brighter Future High School students are likely to achieve academic or career success if they can visualize the road to their future. Believing they are on a pathway to college is a fundamental shift in consciousness, so it is essential for them to gain motivation and take the steps necessary to achieve their highest potential. Through this lesson, students were able to picture themselves as members of larger communities and identify specific goals, dreams, and individuals on whom they can count for support. Through identifying their individual identities and their roles in their communities, they will pave the road to their futures and gain a sense of responsibility towards themselves and those supporting them. Students of Grade Twelve were exposed in their second language classroom to the famous speech given by Steve Jobs in a university graduation. After exploring that speech, students had to put on their reflection hats that allowed them to comment on the speech, make connection, and analyze it, each from a different perspective. Students who chose the red hats shared what they felt. The ones with the white hats shared a summary, while those with the yellow hats commented on the positive messages of the speech. The students with black hats posed further questions, where as those wearing the green hats came out with additional ideas related to the speech. Finally, the students with the blue hats put all the activity together explaining how beneficial and inspiring it is to their current life and how it will help them build a better future. Later, each student was asked to write an essay about “Who he is” and what his role in the future is. Zeina Dbouk 22 HHHS - High School Nos dernières émotions… Adieu 2013 Chère 2014, Chers amis, chères enseignantes, en ce 24 décembre, ce dernier jour scolaire de l’année 2013, je voudrais vous exprimer mes sentiments. Nous avons rigolé, pleuré… Nous nous sommes amusés, ennuyés… Nous avons passé des examens scolaires, officiels mais médicaux aussi… L’enthousiasme, la peur, la panique, la coopération nous ont accompagnés cette année… (Mohamad Najjar) L’année 2013 était l’une des plus malheureuses années de ma vie, j’ai vécu des évènements inattendus, le stress et l’insécurité. J’ai perdu des personnes que j’aimais tant. Mais j’ai aussi appris des leçons inoubliables. J’ai gardé la foi en Dieu et j’ai aussi appris qu’il ne faut pas chercher à rajouter des années à sa vie mais plutôt essayer de rajouter de la vie à ses années… (Dalia Aoun) Comme le philosophe Krishnamurti a dit : « L’ambitieux vous dira qu’un nouvel an est un combat pour la réussite, l’accomplissement. » Donc je souhaite que l’année 2014, au niveau personnel soit pleine d’accomplissement dans différents domaines. Au niveau social, je souhaite voir disparaitre la corruption et que la paix soit répandue entre tous les libanais, les arabes et les peuples du monde. Finalement, je vous présente tous mes meilleurs vœux de bonheur et de santé et je souhaite que cette nouvelle année vous apporte joie familiale, succès scolaires et plein de fous rires entre amis… (Walid Kotob) Je souhaite me réveiller un jour de cette nouvelle année, aller ouvrir les fenêtres de ma maison et contempler les oiseaux tous réunis, voler dans l’air, annoncer la naissance de la paix et de l’amour dans les quatre coins de la planète Terre. (Yasmina Aoun) Une année s’est écoulée et une autre frappe à la porte. Cette année s’en va avec la souffrance de nombreuses familles à cause de la guerre. Je souhaite la prospérité, la paix, la santé à tout le monde. Je souhaite beaucoup d’amour à mon pays le Liban. (Lara Majzoub) Classe de seconde (A et B) 23 HHHS - High School Biology Lab Every Tuesday, we the Tenth Graders, undergo a new microscopic experience in The Biology World. We use different materials to apply an experimented procedure that targets the preperation of a fresh specimen. On October 29, we had an assesement organized by Mrs.Jana Abou Orm, Mrs. Amira El-Khodari, and Mrs.Inaam Mockachar. We were divided into 5 groups, and each was given a task. Some were asked to prepare a wet amount form of an onion tissue and otters to prepare a fresh slide from their expritheial cells. The teacher provided us with the materials, but we ourselves have to use them , design the experimental procedure, and apply it. Using a rubric and a checklist, the teachers assess our work and product. To illustrate, they check the size of the specimen and the amount of added solutions. They also check the amount of air bubbles if any exists. Moreover, they observe the way we use the microscope knobsto reach a clear focused image. Nonetheless, the time was precious to us and the teachers, so we used stopwatches to accomplish our task on time. Assessing out labraroty work was incredible because it makes us responsible for our work, improves our attitude toward biology, and develops our skills. Dana Al Mamlouk - Grade 10 Kart Racing Observation On January 18th, 2014, the Road Safety Committee along with the 10B class enjoyed an afternoon filled with pleasure as they sat behind the wheel of the go-Karts. The Road Safety Committee decided to coordinate this particular expedition in order to view the appropriate driving habits of students. In total, the students were allotted 10 laps around the racing course. During the first six laps, students were allowed to drive at their own free will with no limitations or rules. During the last 4, however, various safety signs were put in place at different points throughout the course. We saw a large number of students that did not fully stop at the stop sign and failed to yield when pedestrians were crossing the road. The purpose of this exercise was to monitor the drivers’ behaviors, driving habits, and reaction of students when they are expected to follow specific driving regulations. With all the photos and videos gathered by the members of the Road Safety Committee, they will be reviewing and analyzing their archives in order to create a documentary regarding driving habits amongst youth in Lebanon. Arej Sayah - English Language Teacher 24 HHHS - High School Hyde Park Saida For Peace On Friday, November 29th, ESFL Levels A and B high school students had the chance to be actively involved in a local debate in “Hyde Park Saida” for peace. The Development for People and Nature Association (DPNA), in partnership with the British Council ,initiated this activity sponsored by the Governor of Southern Lebanon Nicolas Abu Daher and held in collaboration with the Municipality of Saida, the surrounding municipalities and the Civil Society organizations.“Hyde Park Saida for Peace” opened channels for positive dialogue among citizens around the issue of civil peace and the role of the youth in promoting dialogue and building peace through debates or drama activities. This activity came under the British Council “Active citizenship Program”, which aims at building trust and understanding among civilians. We, having been the only participating school in the region, had the chance to debate the issue with people of various age groups where we exchanged ideas and debated people from various academic backgrounds, thus reflecting our communication, critical thinking, innovative and reflective skills. It was a very exciting experience that enabled us to restore and enhance the common spaces among the Lebanese people and reopen channels of dialogue among them in an attempt of confirming civil peace and building bridges of communication among all citizens of this one nation. We gathered under the name of peace, we discussed issues that really matter the youth, and tried to suggest solutions to problems happening in our dear city, Saida. More than 100 participants, mostly doctors and lawyers, from all around the country shared their opinions about what happens and should happen in this country. Some even shared their negative experiences wars. These were previous soldiers in militias who learned their lessons the hard ways. They were present to tell everyone that they regretted fighting their brothers for no cause, and that, they still have to live with the guilt every single day. They sent a call for all the youth asking them to unite under the idea of peace, for wars are never worth! They said, “We were the ashes that others used to ignite the war. We burnt ourselves willingly, so please, learn from us and never accept to be ashes yourselves no matter how glorious the cause seems now. When time passes and you see things clearly, you will find that no cause is worth harming your own brother in this world. All we are left with is the guilt and the pain that will never delete the ugliness of what we participated in.” It was a fruitful experience meeting, and debating the father Nicolas Al Saghbini, governor Nicolas Abu Daher, the parliament member Michael Moussa and many other decision makers in our city for two continuous hours. After all, our collaboration made a difference to the audience and us as well. Omar El Baba and Leya Jawad- Level A& B (ESFL) 25 Our Real Research HHHS - High School A visit to the AUB Library As we level up from one grade to another, it seems clearer to us that we are getting one-step closer to a new stage in our lives: university. To be a university student is not an easy thing, and the responsibilities you have to hold are no easy ABCs. One of the main skills a college student should have is the ability to conduct a research. In an attempt to build our first ever research paper, our English teachers took the initiative to teach us the basics of researching. In our research, the main topic was Media, and each group narrowed down this topic into specific ones that included: college and media, effects of media on the Arab uprisings, youth generated media, media and society, media and divorce, media and war, media and ethics and a bunch of others. We thought it would be a usual research where Google would be our destination, but instead, we were heading to another place: The AUB Library, database and a long process afterwards. There we were greeted by our guides and taken on a tour throughout the mass sections of the library. After entering through the main, public and deposit hall, we headed to the history department. All the historical valuables are kept in the history department, in addition to everything of great importance, rarity, and historical significance according to AUB. There we were able to observe ancient maps, scripts, books, photos, posters, artworks, and a hundred and fifty-year-old AUB magazine depicting the methods used by students to sneak out of the campus. After exploring all these marvelous pieces of history, which are also primary resources, we headed down to the archives and skim through all the books that are not stored in the public sections. After wards, we had the opportunity to view some old newspapers using a machine that ran microfilms. We also got a quick idea on how CD’s, and other non-written resources are archived. The last part was the best as things practical! We went upstairs to the AUB database, the most important step of our tour, the e-research center. We accessed all the primary sources online from articles to newspaper scripts and manuscripts. We saved all what we’ve found on a USB stick so that we could refer to them later, and now we are in the process of synthesizing our own research. This field trip was beneficial and a wake-up call at the same time. We did exit the campus with a polished skill of researching, and all we had to do was head back to school with a soft copy of all the useful articles we explored to use in our “review of literature” section. Although tiring, it was a very useful educational trip. It was now very clear to us that we’re only one year away from college. Things now are getting real. Samer Fakhri & Kareem Bader Grade 11 (A/B) 26 HHHS - High School The General’s visit Upon tackling the subject of war on the theoretical, historical and ethical levels for almost a month, a couple of weeks ago, our school had the pleasure to welcome the general Naïm Ziade, the head of the International humanitarian law in the Lebanese army, who discussed war ethics in details with us. “Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime,” Ernest Hemingway once said. Human beings have been fighting each other since prehistoric times, and people have been discussing the rights and wrongs of it for almost as long. The lecture delivered by the general, lasting for about two hours, focused on many main ideas under one big title: the rules and ethics of war. The welcomed guest informed us, at first, about the situations where war is considered acceptable, then shifted to the rights and duties of the soldier, during the war. Moreover, he showed, using solid examples, the difference between some war components and terms that are commonly, wrongly used interchangeably .Finally, he discussed the creations of formal codes of war (e.g. the Hague and Geneva conventions), the drafting and implementation of rules of engagement for soldiers, and the punishment of soldiers and others for war crimes. As a conclusion, all of these main ideas reflected the effects of the war justifying that war is never really worth its losses. This visit was a rare chance for all students to get to know better about the war, in general, defining its usual purposes, causes, laws, rules and effects. Besides, it helped raise awareness in students about the cruel and bad effects of the war, and made them realize the importance of our army and their hard work, leaving in their hearts even more appreciation and gratitude. At the end, no matter what the causes are wars bring nothing but devastation, damage, and more violence. As the coming generation, we wish that people our age would learn how to avoid wars whether on a international, national, social or personal levels, for maintaining peace is our mission. Al Walid Kotob - ESFL students (Level A) ...الوقت هو أندر املوارد كيف يتدخل مصرف لبنان في حال حدوث أزمة اقتصادية؟ كم تبلغ قيمة احتياطي الذهب املوجود في خزائن مصرف لبنان؟ كيف تكون هذا اخملزون وأين يوجد؟ كيف تكون احتياطي العمالت الصعبة املوجودة لدى مصرف لبنان وكيف يستخدمها للتدخل عند الضرورة لتثبيت سعر الليرة اللبنانية بالنسبة للدوالر؟ كيف تطبع النقود وأين؟ ملاذا يتم سحب األوراق النقدية من التداول؟ كيف تستدين الدولة اللبنانية من السوق الداخلية؟ من أين تأتي أرباح مصرف لبنان؟ ما هي عالقة مصرف لبنان باملصارف التجارية؟ كيف جتري املقاصة؟ ما هي السرية املصرفية؟ ما هو تبييض األموال وكيف يكافحه مصرف لبنان؟ وغيرها وهي على كل حال،من األسئلة التي أثارتها لديهم دراسة هذا احملور إشكال ّيات مطروحة باستمرار كون االقتصاد ماد ًة وثيقة الصلة بواقعنا .املعيشي 27 فرع االقتصاد-هو الدرس األول الذي تعلمه طالب الصف احلادي عشر سياق اقتصادي حني ع ّرفنا االقتصاد على أنه العلم واالجتماع في ٍ وهدفه األساس هو الوصول،الذي يدرس نشاطات السكان في اجملتمع إلى املستوى األمثل من إنتاج السلع واخلدمات ساع ًيا إلى التوفيق بني وال متضي دقيقة من وقتنا.حاجات ورغبات الناس املتزايدة وبني ندرة املوارد . إنسانيًّا واقتصاديًّا واجتماعيًّا،إال ووجب علينا أن نتأمل في جدواها وقد شكلت الساعة والنصف التي أمضاها الطالب يوم األربعاء املاضي في زيارة ميدانية إلى فرع مصرف لبنان في صيدا فسح ًة تعلمي ًة خارج جدران الصف تعرفوا خاللها عن كثب على دور املصرف املركزي وآليات ."عمله وذلك في إطار دراستهم حملور "النقود واملصارف تضمن اللقاء محاضر ًة تفاعلية قدمها املدير التنفيذي للفرع األستاذ وعرض فيها لدور املصرف املركزي منذ تأسيسه في العام،فتحي اجملذوب مم ّيزًا بني السلطة النقدية املناطة، في عهد الرئيس فؤاد شهاب1963 كما.مبصرف لبنان والسلطة املالية املناطة بوزارة املالية ممثل ًة احلكومة وتطور أشكال النقد على م ّر التاريخ،تطرق إلى موضوع الكتلة النقدية .وصوال ً إلى يومنا احلاضر وقد تسنى لطالبنا تعميق معلوماتهم عبر طرح العديد من األسئلة :التي تركزت حول اإلشكاليات التالية La littérature, la société et moi… HHHS - High School « Qu’est- ce que la littérature ? Qu’est-ce que la société ? Qui suis-je ? Quels liens existent-ils entre la littérature, la société et moi ? La littérature peint-elle la société ? Quelles sont les influences de la littérature sur la société ? Au premier abord, ces questions semblent difficiles et complexes ; il faut plonger dans l’océan de la littérature pour y répondre. Mais comment faire avec cette jeune génération qui ne croit plus au pouvoir des mots et encore moins au fait qu’en nous se cache un écrivain quelconque, voire même un poète de génie ? La littérature semble être, dans son rôle formateur, le guide de la société. Elle éveille la conscience, fait revivre le passé par les expériences marquées entre les lignes d’une œuvre et dénonce les phénomènes qui corrompent la société. La mission de l’écrivain est donc de guider le peuple en le poussant à développer un esprit critique. Ainsi toute nouvelle connaissance apprise ne peut être que le produit d’une expérience vécue soit par les autres soit par soi-même. Notre expérience a été très enrichissante aussi bien au niveau de l’analyse de texte littéraires classiques qu’au niveau de l’analyse d’articles de presse rédigés par une journaliste libanaise, Médéa Azouri. Cette journaliste libanaise écrit des articles qui paraissent chaque samedi dans « L’Orient Le Jour ». Elle a vécu une grande partie de son existence en France, a découvert le Liban et y est actuellement très attachée. Elle a même refusé de le quitter pendant la guerre de 2006. « J’essaie de décortiquer dans cette rubrique hebdomadaire, la société à laquelle j’appartiens : ses travers, ses manies, ses mécanismes… Chaque semaine, j’en parle un peu plus et je reprends également les questions quasi-existentielles que chacun se pose. » (Médéa Azouri) Pourquoi parlons-nous d’articles inspirés de la vie quotidienne dans le cadre de notre analyse littéraire ? Quels sont les points communs entre un écrivain et un journaliste ? Cette liste de questionnements nous a aidés à comprendre l’idée directrice de notre unité : « La littérature marque l’identité de la société. » Nous nous sommes donc lancés dans l’analyse des divers écrits de cette journaliste qui critique notre société, dans le but de l’améliorer. N’était-ce pas l’objectif des écrivains du XIXème siècle ? Que pouvons-nous reprocher aux libanais ? D’après ses articles, la cuisine libanaise est la seule tradition qui nous unit désormais, la majorité des libanais se prend pour des médecins, les réseaux sociaux envahissent nos maisons, nous perdons notre identité arabe parce que nous ne parlons plus la langue convenablement… Lors de la rencontre, la journaliste émue a témoigné de son expérience personnelle dans le monde des mots, a répondu aux questions des lycéens, a fait des commentaires suite aux présentations des élèves et a apprécié leurs critiques. Selon eux, les lycéens sont sortis de la salle où a eu lieu la rencontre avec un esprit littéraire basé sur un échange riche après avoir décerné à la journaliste un certificat de reconnaissance la qualifiant de «Femme de littérature ayant marqué l’identité de la société libanaise du XXIème siècle». Classes de seconde (A-B) - Yasmina Aoun, Cendy Akoum, Mohamad Najjar, Sara Saad, Lara Najem, Al Walid Kotob, Jana Taan et Lina Jibai. 28 HHHS - High School Cupcake Frosting Charity Performance for Preschool What a sweet day it was in the preschool on Saturday 18th of January, 2014, where KG1, KG2, and KG3 enjoyed frosting their cupcakes with Nutella and vermicelli and shared a laugh here and a bite there amongst their peers! This day, hosted by community service students at HHHS with the help of preschool director and teachers, was doubled in benefit. Preschoolers, who paid a small price for the cupcake, were delighted not only for eating their cupcakes but also for being able to help a family with small kids get delighted with a similar laughter and even larger bites! Dalia Souss - English Language Teacher The Value of Donation and Collaboration As once said, “We have two hands: one for helping ourselves, and the other for helping others”. To enhance the concept of cooperation and to conclude our 2013, parents, students, and teachers lent "a hand" to disadvantaged families by donating, collecting and distributing used clothes Most remarkable about this initiative was the interest of many passers-by of the school community to volunteer in the stacking and distribution process during their recesses. This collaborative work was crowned by the actual distribution of clothes, through Ahlouna, which is a renowned non-profit organization in Saida. On Dec. 31st, the day of the clothes distribution, community service students were available at the association and witnessed the people’s gratitude and satisfaction. Dalia Souss- English Language Teacher High School 29 HHHS - Middle School How Responsible are They? A wise man once said, “What we call our destiny is truly our character. All the people are responsible for their actions and attitudes. We all believe that opportunity and responsibility go hand in hand, so we all must act to that principle so that we can promote our character and destiny.” Responsibility, challenge and relationships, were the three concepts that were tackled in the first English unit, inquiring how people face their challenges and responsibilities in their relationships Students were asked to take the role of journalists who will research and report the challenges of responsible figures in the society and interpret their level of responsibility in overcoming the obstacles that their jobs entitle. Students said,” We were supposed to interview parents, teachers, principals, students, engineers, etc. who are well known as responsible figures in the society. We did the task and asked them what things they are responsible for, how they view responsibility, what the challenges they face are, and what consequences would result if they were irresponsible. After that, we had to compile findings and analyze them using Excel bar graphs. We were divided into several groups of two. Each group chose a figure in the society to test their responsibilities, challenges and relationships in the local community in order to rate their level of responsibility in overcoming their own challenges in life, and also, to examine the way they communicate with the people in society. Each group prepared a questionnaire with the help of our English teachers. Each group members collaborated with his/her partner to ask the figure they chose. After all the questionnaires were filled, bar charts were made and a survey report with analysis and recommendations were written. At last, each group presented their results that were so shocking and devastating. For example, the doctors we interviewed weren’t found responsible at the workplace. They don’t confess errors, and they refused to communicate of to fill the questionnaires. We also discovered that hair dressers, for instance, need to increase their standards of hygiene. As for students, we found out, to our surprise, that the older students are, less responsible than we are. Upon filling the same questionnaires in secondary and middle classes, we found that middle school students are more responsible in their studies than high school students. Moreover, municipality members are so responsible for things that are directly relevant to their personal or family benefits. Their responsibilities and priorities are chosen according to personal privileges that show how reckless they are when it comes to people’s general well being. The most responsible figures we interviewed are teachers since they were dedicated to their students despite all challenges. Besides, waiters, most of which were educated, are also responsible and can face the challenges they encounter upon dividing their time between work and university. This was a very amazing experience that benefited everyone and will always be remembered. It made us more responsible and more willing to improve their profiles to become responsible figures in the society now and later.” Written by: Grade Eight students - Supervised by: Mrs. Zeina Dbouk and Mrs. Huda KAeen 30 HHHS - Middle School Empowering Women: A visit from An NGO Since early 60% of the Lebanese generation is women, it would be so unreasonable that 60 percent of the society are passive citizens whose voice can’t be heard in leadership positions. In the twenty first century, it is no more acceptable that women wear the dresses and use their beauty to succeed. Houssam Eddine Hariri High School future women see their roles in a more challenging manner. Our female students, the mothers and the leaders of tomorrow need to appreciate their gender. Also, our male students, the fathers of tomorrow, have to allow and encourage female participation in important social positions, for together they can create the change we are looking forward to seeing. Due to belief that our students are those future leaders, we hosted on Women’s Day a feminine non-governmental organization that is concerned about empowering women and encouraging them to be involved in the political and social life in Lebanon. The Democratic Women’s Association presented by Mrs. Bana Al Samra visited Grade Eight classes in the middle school division and had a very interactive discussion with the students about their notion of female leaders where she focused on the eccentric role women can play in the social life to make a difference. She also tackled the achievements this organization has made concerning helping women who need jobs and working on initiating laws that allow females to pass citizenship to their children. She said that a lot has been achieved, yet a lot still needs to be done. It is this generation that is capable of continuing the path and the struggle. Through high education, morals, and ambition, our female students can and will be the new blood that pumps life in our almost dead societies. Our young male students are also the openminded generation that accepts collaboration and believes that one hand can never clap on its own. Zeina Dbouk - English Language Teacher The Subtle Nuances of Meaning “Vocabulary words are crossing circles and loops. We are defined by the lines we choose to cross or to be confined,” proclaimed A.S. Byatt, a contemporary prominent British novelist. Accordingly, the abundance of the robust vocabulary opens the borders to the students for better self expression. Hence, as a reinforcement of the first three units in the Vocabulary Workshop in Grade 9 D, and in an attempt to enhance their usage of the unfamiliar vocabulary items, the students created a diversity of humorous authentic context and performed some creative role playing. They experienced the belief that acquired knowledge is obsolete unless you can express it with precise wording. Diana Estaytieh - Grade 9 American System 31 Celebrities in Our Classrooms HHHS - Middle School In the second language classroom, Grade seven and eight students who are studying English as a second foreign language role played celebrities of their choice. After reading about the achievements of Vincent Van Gogh and after being exposed to the different types of sentences that writers use to share information about different topics, each student role played a celebrity and had to write at least seven sentences that tell about him/her. Students revealed extraordinary presentation skills, for they prepared the writing well and transformed their class into an art podium where each celebrity had a performance to make. Students presented themselves in various creative methods: some through outfits, others through live performances while others through self-prepared audio interviews live on TV. It was a learning experience worth highlighting, for it turned the class into a celebrity festival where Napoleon, Charlie Chaplin, Claude Monet, William Shakespeare, Beethoven, lady Gaga, Rihanna, Justin Beiber, Michael Angelo, Pablo Picasso, Carina Kapor, Victor Hegoh, and Leonardo Da Vinci were all present at the same time! Zeina Dbouk - English Language Teacher Freeing the Onion Cell DNA Today’s mission for Grade 8 students was to free the DNA from the onion cell. Characterized with ambition and passion, junior scientists used their prior knowledge concerning the plant cell and the DNA in addition to the given procedures to perform the experiment and get rid of the borders around the DNA. “It was a session full of contrasting emotions; we encounter students crying from the onions and others smiling after seeing the DNA by their naked eye,” said the student Tatiana Fakih from Grade 8. Widad Al Barraj - Middle School Biology Teacher I Interact; Therefore, I exist!!! Human beings perform a group of internal interactions among different body systems as they demonstrate external interactions with the surrounding. Under the concept of systems’ interactions, the students were asked to design a simple sketch from their daily life to identify how a simple action might involve the interaction of many body systems. After presenting the sketch, each student has to explain what body systems worked together during the presentation of his task. Below is what one of the students commented on the importance of this experience to her: “It was the first time I realized how my body systems internally interact in order to allow me interact with my surrounding”, uttered by the student Rawan Habli. Widad Al Barraj - Middle School Biology Teacher 32 HHHS - Middle School Investigating Micro-life Plato once spoke out: “Human behavior flows through 3 main sources: desire, emotion and knowledge”. In an attempt to introduce the discipline of life science to the 7th graders, the teacher asked the students to investigate the micro-life (including insects, pollen and cells …) around them using microscopes that would take them to places they couldn’t ever reach or even know they existed. Moreover, pictures or videos of the microscope are so clear that they can bring places to life. Through this experience, students felt the joy of connecting science to real life. They have become eager to know more about life science and the concepts it tackles. Here is what one of the students commented on the importance of this experience to him: “I felt as if I were a junior professional scientist,” said Afif Al Baba from Grade 7C . Grade 7 – Biology Teacher: Widad Al Barraj مملكة شاهني وبعد أن متّت،القصة القصيرة استكماال للعمل على ّ ثم ومن ،ة ي يف الص العطلة في "شاهني قصة "مملكة ّ ّ مطالعة ّ ّ ّ الص ف الثامن ّ نحن طالب، استضفنا،استثمارها في ما بعد الكاتب املعروف بأسلوبه، األستاذ عصام احل ّر،األساسي ، املستمدة من عالم الواقع واجملتمع وقصصه،السلس ّ والتّع ّرف على،وذلك بهدف اإلستفادة من جتربته في الكتابة . وكذلك على أبرز مؤلفاته،اجلانب اإلنساني من شخصيته ّ استهل هذا ال ّلقاء بكلمة مؤثرة ألقتها ابنته الطالبة تال ذلك طرح مجموعة من األسئلة ع ّبرنا فيها،حوراء احل ّر إجابات عن تساؤالت كانت تراودنا وتدور في أذهاننا بحثا ً عن ٍ ختاما ً أعلن الكاتب. وتروي ظمأ معرفتنا،تشبع فضولنا واختتم.أنّه بصدد تأليف كتاب جديد سيهديه إلى ابنته هذا ال ّلقاء بتوجيهات ونصائح متحورت حول أهم ّية املطالعة ّ .تشكل غذا ًء للروح والعقل ا ّلتي ّ الص ف الثامن األساسي ّ طالب 33 HHHS - Middle School FIRST STORY TELLING FAIR Tales of old transcend time and place. Based on these great concepts, we built up for a performance task that gathered in its folds uniqueness, diversity, and human relations. Under the unit entitled “Imagination & Creativity”, ESFL Level A (4eme, 5eme) proficient students reflected their profound knowledge through writing original fairy tales that tackled the conflict between good and evil. To make the task possible, they passed through a long process that started with one picture of which the students based their tales upon; and from a magical spring, ideas flowed leading to a waterfall of fairy tales. Their deep understanding of the elements of the fairy tales inspired them to run their imagination wild and compose a bundle of the most amazing stories a French educated student might ever come up with. Saturday, June 15th witnessed the Story Telling Fair that culminated itself in an array of fairy tales gathered into the one of its kind fairy tale book (CD). The event also included signing of the CD, videos and audios of the students reading their tales, and live story telling that amazed the audience and enchanted every single parent on that day of wonder. Ghinwa Jardali - English Language Teacher- Middle School An Insight into the Nature of the Human Beings We are currently living in a world where the humans’ moral values have declined and been replaced by a diversity of negative aspects of human life. Greed, violence, selfishness and vanity, which have led to many serious consequences on humanity, have originated from various causes worth of thinking about. Do such characteristics derive from a trauma one might have experienced as young child? Or are they innate in us? Does evil come as a natural part of being a human being or it is an aspect that can be developed throughout our life and upbringing? Based on these concepts & significant questions, students were asked to conduct a small study to gain more understanding of the causes and effects of such negative emotions. They took the role of a therapist working at a social association that tackles the psychological disorders of such citizens. Researches were done gearing eminent figures who were notorious for their psycho pathetic ways in murdering, slaughtering, raping, and terrorizing the innocent; investigating the factors that might have led to such grotesque practices. Furthermore, during their presentations, students spread awareness among their peers about the perils of such psychological disorders, and tried to recommend solutions in order to enhance a better world. Some role play was performed as well which added a zest of excitement to their work! Diana Estaytieh- English Language Teacher 34 HHHS - Middle School An International Salad Festival As a performance task of the ESFL reading unit “Food and Cultural Identity”, 6eme learners were eager to work cooperatively on planning and accomplishing a fabulous salad festival on Saturday May 18th, 2013. By so doing, they asserted the central idea of the unit that tackles how celebrating festivals stimulates and promotes unity and preservation of old traditions and strengthens relations among people of the same community. Such task, moreover, allowed students to practice speaking English in authentic situations. Students were divided into eight groups, and each group had to present one of the selected countries: Lebanon, Morocco, Egypt, Italy, Mexico, China, Russia, and Greece. They played the roles of chefs, interviewers, presenters, material handlers, photographers, reporters and organizers. On the day of the festival and in front of the guests, each group had to prepare a salad that reflected the traditions of the countries they represented, in addition to videos and PowerPoint presentations about them. An exotic and amazing interaction occurred among students and parents while the students were introducing the countries and preparing the salads. The festival ended with the parents tasting the delicious salad recipes prepared by their young sons and daughters. Those delicious salad recipes along with many others are found in the cook book that our 6eme Iron Chefs and Barefoot Countesses inscribed as a performance task of their reading unit. Below are some of the students’ feedbacks about the festival: Karen Hasoun said, “It was an amazing experience, where we really enjoyed working cooperatively in this festival. I liked how we interacted in the festival.” Imad Chams and Khalil Seif Eddine said, “We liked the recipes; they were really delicious. Parents enjoyed tasting them as well.” Nour Nassar and Malak Issa said, “Working as a team creates a successful work.” 35 Amani Soussi- English Language Teacher Sur les pas des auteurs réalistes HHHS - Middle School Le réalisme n’est-il pas un reflet de la vie quotidienne ? N’estil pas une nécessité pour pouvoir s’exprimer en tout lieu, tout temps sur notre réalité vécue ? Comment faire comprendre cela à mes élèves de 4ème ? Peuvent-ils sentir le profit de la littérature dans notre vie quotidienne ? Peuvent-ils mener la même expérience que celle des fameux auteurs réalistes du XIXème siècle comme Guy de Maupassant, Emile Zola, Gustave Flaubert et autres …. ? J’avais toutes ces questions en tête en préparant la première unité pour cette année. Ces dernières m’ont orientée vers la question directrice suivante « dans quelle mesure les nouvelles réalistes peuvent-elles refléter les problèmes de la société d’une part et les attitudes des personnages de la réalité d’autre part ? » De là m’est parvenue l’idée de transformer les apprenants de 4ème en « auteurs réalistes » et l’itinéraire de cette unité s’est alors dessiné. Il s’agit de suivre les pas des auteurs réalistes du XIXème siècle, et voici la clé. D’abord, nous avons commencé nos études par la nouvelle Le Petit fût de Guy de Maupassant suite à laquelle j’ai demandé aux apprenants de chercher une image (photo ou dessin) reflétant leur vie quotidienne. A partir de l’image choisie, ils ont imaginé l’incipit d’une nouvelle réaliste. Ainsi, nos apprenants-auteurs ont débuté leur itinéraire vers l’écriture. Ensuite, en analysant d’autres nouvelles intégrales “Un mariage d’amour” d’Emile Zola et “La Parure” de Maupassant tout en passant par les caractéristiques de la nouvelle réaliste et en étudiant les composantes langagières d’une nouvelle (les temps verbaux, les connecteurs temporels, les propositions…), chaque apprenant a choisi un fait divers. Puis, en petits groupes, les membres de chaque groupe ont choisi le fait divers qui va leur servir de point de départ pour leur nouvelle réaliste et en suivant les éléments du schéma narratif, chaque apprenant a rédigé sa partie et a contribué à l’écriture, la correction et la réécriture de sa nouvelle. Une fois que les nouvelles étaient prêtes à être publiées, nos apprenants-auteurs ont préparé des présentations orales pour encourager le public à les lire et à tirer les messages discrets de chaque nouvelle. Les présentations étaient variées entre des scènes, des bandes dessinées, des lectures accompagnées de musique … tout cela était exposé devant les élèves de seconde qui, eux aussi ont étudié la nouvelle réaliste. Une ambiance d’échange et de convivialité avait eu lieu. C’est ainsi qu’un parcours ludique attrayant artistique et éducatif a mené les élèves de 15 ans à suivre les pas des auteurs réalistes. Rafah Korjieh Enseignante de Français 36 HHHS - Middle School Culture and Identity Under the unit entitled “Culture and Identity”, 8th graders were set in an authentic situation where they become diplomats in the UNDP committee of the United Nations and present the perspectives of their countries on “Women Empowerment” on Saturday, May 11th, 2013. Dressed in formal outfit and confidently sitting around the conference tables, our students represented different Arab and foreign countries around the world, each demonstrating the current situations of women in their countries. Students’ opening speeches, debates and resolutions reflected profound knowledge of the topic and excellent presentation skills that stunned not only the parents but also the honorable guest speaker, Mrs. Linda Matar, one of the Lebanese pioneers in the domain of women empowerment and the representative of the committee on women’s rights. After the conference, the students guided the guests in a tour in their Global Village, where they displayed art crafts, pictures, information and food of their represented countries. Later, a song praising distinguished women in the Arab world and a Dabkeh dance succeeded the tour and created an atmosphere of pride and excitement. Certificates were finally distributed among the students who were appreciated for various skills and distinction. For further reflections, videos and pictures, browse the following link of grade 8: http://hhhsesl.edublogs.org/2013/05/20/mun-first-annual-conference-2013/ Mrs. Huda Kaeen and Mrs. Zeina Dbouk 37 HHHS - Middle School ّ وشرف تُعيد إحياءها في نفوس ط ّالبنا - فلعل ذكرى مج ٍد النّسيان، ٍ رجال ونساء املستقبل -فكم يحتاج لبنان جليل يتح ّلى مببادئ وطن ّية تعيد للوطن ُعاله. من التّاريخ تنطلق احلضارة ،من املاضي نتع ّلم دروس احلاضر واملستقبل ،ومن حكاية اإلستقالل ،استنتج ط ّالبنا صفات رجال اإلستقالل َ السبيل إلى احل ّر ّية والكرامة. ومن حكاية االستقالل في الوحدة التعليم ّية "قيم وعبر" ،قمنا ومبادئهم وكيف ّ السامية :التّضحيةّ ، الشجاعة ،الوحدة باستنباط القيم األخالق ّية ّ األجنبي) األساسي (املنهاج األساسي وال ّثامن السادس ّ ّ ّ ّ ّ الوطن ّية ،اإلخالص ،واحل ّر ّية ،وهي مفاهيم غطتها رمال اإلهمال وطواها ذكرى اإلستقالل وسيبقى لبنان...... نعد ذلك اليوم يو ًما عاديًا ،وال مجرد احتفال ..إنّه اليوم ا ّلذي ال ميكن أن ّ ّ ّ وشكلوا بتعاونهم واصرارهم أرزة حقق فيه ال ّلبنانيون استقاللهم، وطنهم اخلالدة ،وتخ ّلصوا من براثن االنتداب الفرنسي وسلطته. هذا اليوم ،ال ميكنه أن مي ّر بطريقة عادية من دون أن نقف نحن كطالب لبنانيني وقفة عز وشموخ ،وقفة سمو واحترام لكل شهيد ،ولكل من ضحى بنفسه من أجل أن يكون لبنان بل ًدا حرًّا أب ًيا .وتقديرًا لهذه السابع األساسي ،أن نقوم باحتفال نع ّبر املناسبة ،ارتأينا ،نحن طالب ّ ّ وظل حتدى املصاعب ك ّلها، من خالله عن مدى انتمائنا لوطننا ا ّلذي ّ كأرزته شامخً ا ،ولكي نقول للجميع أ ّن مهما م ّر وطننا بأزمات سيكون احتادنا هو ا ّلذي يجمع كلمتنا ،ورقي تفكيرنا ،وح ّبنا الالمتناهي واخلالد، 38 ففرحتنا بهذه املناسبة ستوازي دائ ًمـا فرحة أي مواطن يعيش في بلد مستقر... ثم عرضنا فل ًما من إعدادنا ، اللبناني الوطني بالنشيد االحتفال بدأنا ّ ّ ّ جسد ّ الذكرى بعنوان "لبنان في عيون أبنائه"ّ ، وقدمنا مشه ًدا مسرحيًّا ّ السامية ،داعني فيه إلى اإلميان بالوطن ،ونبذ العصب ّية، مبعانيها الوطن ّية ّ واالبتعاد عن ّ السياس ّية من أجل العيش بأمان ة ي ّبع ت وال ة ي ائف ّ ّ الط ّ جسدنا العلم ال ّلبناني على أنغام ومح ّبة وسالم ،باإلضافة إلى ذلك ّ املوسيقى الوطن ّية ،كما تخ ّللت احلفل مسابقة "حكاية االستقالل" وأغنية "الوطن "التي ع ّبرنا من خاللها عن ح ّبنا لوطننا الغالي ... فك ّلنا للوطن للعلى للعلم ،وال صوت فوق صوت الوطن ،وال علم فوق العلم ال ّلبناني. طالب الصف السابع أجماد وأساطري HHHS - Middle School ملّا كان الزّمن املاضي زمنًا قائ ًما على معتقدات خرافية وأسطورية ّ شكلت معالم غريبة في فكر اإلنسانية ،وك ّونت صورة ح ّية السابقة ،وملّا كانت معظم األساطير قد ولدت في لبنان للمجتمعات ّ بد من التعرف إلى هذا العالم وانتقلت إلى العالم الغربي ،كان ال ّ األسطوري القائم على أعمال خارقة للمعتاد ،وأبطال يقومون مبا ال يتوقعه العقل ،ليدرك ّ الطالب ماهية األساطير ،ومميزاتها ،ومعرفة والسر في احتفاظ هذا العالم مبكانته عل ًما أ ّن احلياة أسباب نشوئها ّ املعاصرة قد طغى عليها ّ كل ما هو عقالني ومعرفي للتّمييز بني ّ عالم اخليال وعالم الواقع .فكان أن بحث الطالب خالل وحدة " أمجاد وأساطير" عن أساطير عديدة يونانية ورومانية وفينيقية ،وتبادلوا املعرفة بينهم ،وعرفوا أ ّن األساطير تعكس سيطرة القوي على يقدم لنا عبرة بضرورة ّ الضعيف في عالم ال وجود له حقيقة ،إال أنّه ّ التّمييز بني اخلير ّ والشر ،حتى يبقى اخلير س ّيد املوقف في حياتنا .وبعد أن وصل ّ الطالب الى فهم أسرار هذا العالم،كانت املهمة األدائية فقدم كتابة قصة خيالية تشتمل على عبرة ومغزى تفيد الغير، ّ ّ الطالب مجموعة آراء ،وتناقشوا بها ،وصوال ً إلى تأليف قصة حاكت أفكارهم اخليالية ،وح ّركت مواطن اإلبداع واحلماس عندهم ،واتّخذوا أدوارًا عديدة سمحت لهم بتمثيل القصص املؤلفة من قبلهم ،وقد مت ّيزت العروض بتجسيدها بطرق مختلفة بني أفالم قصيرة ،ومشاهد مسرحية ،وكتيبات صغيرة ،فيها من اإلبداع واخليال الكثير ،ولم السابع بتقدمي يبتعد عنصر التّشويق عنها .وقد قام طالب ّ الصف ّ السادس األساسي حيث نالت إعجاب التّالميذ القصص لصفوف ّ عما ُق ّدم. ا ّلذين ق ّيموا عمل أقرانهم ،وأبدوا رضاهم ّ معلمة ال ّلغة العربية نورا مرعي لقاء الكاتب املبدع د .سلطان ناصر ال ّدين الدين ،في 26/10/2013هو يوم لقائنا الكاتب املبدع د .سلطان ناصر ّ يوم مم ّيز ،حيث ّ حل هذا الكاتب ضي ًفا في ثانو ّيتنا ،وذلك ملناقشة كتابه "دبابيس" ،وقد طرحنا عليه مجموعة تساؤالت ،فوجدنا في دروسا لنا في هذه احلياة.. إجاباته ً لقد دخل هذا الكاتب عالم احلرف العجيب ،وحملَنا معه ،لنذوب في ونعطر مشاعرنا بعطر ال ّروحانية ّ ّ الش ّفافة.. عالم اإلبداع وقد أنعشتنا هذه النّدوة ّ ونشطت أرواحنا ،وتركتنا في شوق ولهفة للقراءة ،ا ّلتي وصفها على أنّها غذاء للعقل وال ّروح م ًعا.. وكم أسعدنا انطباعه عنّا ،حيث وصف أسئلتنا بأنّها "تعكس عمقًا السؤال ي ُ ْت ِقن ال َع ْي َ ش في فكريًّا وبع ًدا وجدانيًّا ،فمن يُ ْت ِقن َف َّن طرح ّ احلياة". الص ّ األساسي ف التّاسع طلاّ ب ّ ّ 39 HHHS - Middle School نشاط عيد األضحى املبارك ّ عظيم ٌ ٌ احلج وسلف تاريخ مجي ٌد ألمتنا ّ يذكرنا به ّ ٌ فاحلجاج يجتمعون على اختالف ،احلرام اهلل بيت إلى ّ لغتهم وجنسهم وعرقهم ولونهم ووطنهم في ّ ممّا،وزمان واح ٍد يسألون ربًّا واح ًدا مكان واح ٍد يحقق ٍ ٍ .األخ ّوة اإلميان ّية في نفوسهم ومرجع،الدين جتسيد ملفاهيم إنسان ّية سامية ّ وأل ّن ّ فتوجهه املرء ّاها ن يتب ة حميد ة ي أخالق ة قيم كل ّ ٍ ٍ ّ ٍ ّ الطريق املستقيم في مسيرة حياته ّ إلى الشا ّقة ّ ً بأهم ّية ترسيخ وانطالقا من إمياننا،والطويلة ّ اإلسالمي عند متع ّلمينا بهدف الدين ّ مفاهيم ّ .مساعدتهم على فهم ال ّثقافات األخرى وتقديرها املتوسط في مدرستنا إلاّ أن أبى متع ّلمو القسم ّ يشاركوا زمالءهم ومع ّلماتهم فرحة العيد املبارك فرفعوا الزّينات واليافطات ووزّعوا،"" عيد األضحى ففاح،احللويات بج ٍّو من احمل ّبة والتّعاطف والعطاء ّ عطر األمنيات أرجاء املبنى حتّى المس قلوب الطلاّ ب فارتس َم ْت بسم ٌة.واإلدار ّيني واملع ّلمات واملع ّلمني ّ مشترك ٌة على الوجوه اخملتلفة رحم وطدت صلة ٍ ."واحد ٍة تعود لعائلة " ثانوية حسام الدين احلريري واهلل أكبر كبيرا واحلمد هلل كثيرا وسبحان اهلل .وبحمده بكرة وأصيال عادلة نحولي: إعداد مع ّلمة اللغة العربية A la découverte de notre patrimoine sidonien Dans le cadre du thème du patrimoine et celui du métier, les élèves de 3ème sont allés à la découverte du patrimoine et des traditions libanaises et plus particulièrement sidoniennes. C’est pourquoi nous sommes allés à la savonnerie Audi pour découvrir sur place la fabrication traditionnelle du savon dans le but d’écrire un texte info-explicatif sur cette tradition. Nos élèves sont alors devenus des journalistes-chercheurs qui ont pris notes et photos et ont posé des questions au guide. Puisque le thème du patrimoine est très large à étudier dans la ville de Saïda, nous avons continué notre chemin vers l’exposition des objets trouvés dans les vestiges qui se trouvent juste à côté de la savonnerie. Là-bas, un guide-archéologue nous a expliqué l’historique des objets et les élèves ont regardé une vidéo montrant le travail d’exploration archéologique. Rafah Korjieh - Enseignante de français au cycle complémentaire 40 HHHS - Middle School ذكرى مولد الرسول الكرمي املتوسط في احتفل القسم،باحلب واملشاعر الصادقة في ج ّو مفعم ّ ّ ُظمت ن حيث، الكرمي الرسول مولد بذكرى احلريري الدين ثانو ّية حسام ّ الفقرات الدين ّية املتن ّوعة وذلك في حضور طالب القسم والهيئة .التعليم ّية ومتحدثة بكلمة رحبة باحلضور م احلر حوراء الطالبة االحتفال افتتحت ّ ّ ُ مؤ ّثرة عن أهم ّية الذكرى ثم تُليت مقتطفات من السيرة النبو ّية للحبيب عج احلفل باألناشيد واملدائح وسط تفاعل الطالب مع ّ املصطفى بينما .املناسبة العزيزة Finding Our Blood Types After covering almost everything about blood and blood types, we wanted to view a clear demonstration on whatever we have learned. As a result, we decided to do a Sero-Test, a blood test performed on a blood sample. We followed the precise steps that such a test requires, and we came up in alphabetical order, excited to see what such an experiment will reveal. At this point, the lab teachers have a slide ready for our blood droplets. Moreover, there are practically three droppers with different antibodies. First, the lab teachers would clean each one's thumb with alcohol. Second, they insert a sterile lancet into the lancet holder and push it into our thumb. This phase was very interesting because we watched patiently as some of our friends overcame their fears. Here, we felt a small pinch, but it was nothing near painful. Then, we were given a cotton wool to put pressure on the site of injection. In addition, our blood droplets were put on the slide and added to several antibodies. This was considered the most exciting part of the whole test because we watched eagerly to find out whether agglutination will occur or not. After we saw the results, we concluded what blood type we have. However, all this wouldn't have occurred without the contribution of teachers in the lab. All in all, it was a very fun experience that made all the tangled questions in our minds vanish, for it was a simple activity proving months of learning. Lea Bou Salman Grade 8 “B” Middle School 41 HHHS - Elementary School It’s Just a Matter of Inquiry “Students cannot possibly learn everything of value by time they leave school, but we can instill in them the desire to keep questioning throughout their lives.” Inquiry-based learning have become an essential requirement that constitutes the primary school culture at Houssam Eddine Hariri High School. This process helps learners become more creative, positive, and independent. Throughout the six units of inquiry that were experienced under the transdisciplinary themes: “Who we are”, “Where we are in place and time”, “How we express ourselves”, “ How the world works”, “How we organize ourselves”, and “Sharing the planet”, our learners inquired by making connections and using their background knowledge and experiences to approach new situations. During the learning journey, they enthusiastically brought in objects and artifacts, described experiences, read literature, created and reflected on works of art, role played situations, wrote and sketched responses, conducted surveys and many more…. To move our learners from their current level of understanding to a deeper one, learners’ in all grade levels, have had the opportunity to explore issues of local as well as global significance. Human rights, global warming, conflict resolution, resource conservation, pollution, and environmental issues played an influential part in their research studies. They took decisions, acted responsibly towards these issues, and left an impact on the school community. Inside the classrooms, learners interpreted the concepts in a broad sense. Inquiry expressions, such as help me understand, tell me more, I wonder if, what surprises you, as well as what you think, represented how inquiry sounded like in the class. In addition to conversations and discussions, inquiry was evident in various learning engagements, field trips, and cooperative work. Young learners explored, wondered, questioned, experimented and played with possibilities. Finally, they were exposed to problem solving contexts where they collected data, reported findings, and gained new perspectives. ّ الص ف الثالث األساسي ّ مع ّلمات Dina Jradi - Elementary School Director جتربة تعلم ّية إنسان ّية ،"خالل العمل على محور "نتشارك الكوكب" حيث كانت الوحدة "حقوق االنسان أهم ّية وجودها في ّ وأدركوا،تع ّرف متع ّلمو الصف الثالث على شرعة حقوق اإلنسان فاظهروا اهتما ًما كبيرًا باألطفال الذين حرموا من حقوقهم وتعاطفوا.اجملتمعات وقدموا لهم الهدايا وتشاركوا ّ "SOS لذلك قاموا بزيارة إلى "قرى األطفال،معهم ّ الص "ف ال ّثالث األساسي الفرنسي "أ ّ كما قام متع ّلمو.معهم احللوى وال ّلعب يتم دفع املبلغ أن على يتيم كفالة إلى وقد هدفوا من خالله،بالتبرع مببلغ من املال ّ ّ الص .ف ّ شهر ّيا ملؤسسة أهلنا بالتعاون مع مع ّلمتي 42 HHHS - Elementary School املعرض :إنّه احلدث األهم في منهج ّ السنوات اإلبتدائيّة ّ يشك ُل حدثا ً كبيرًا في حيا ِة أفراد مدرسة برنامج أل ّن املعرض ()PYP Exhibition تتيح ّ للطلاّ ب الفرصة كي السنوات اإلبتدائ ّية ،وأل ّن ُه عبارة عن جترب ٍة تتويج ّي ٍة ُ ّ يعرضوا مم ّيزات مالمح املتع ّلم ا ّلتي متّ تطويرهاُ ،قمنا بدعوة األهالي الكرام إلى املدرسي ّ كل لقاء و ّدي يتع ّرفون ِمن خاللِه على هذا احلدث ا ّلذي ينتظره اجملتمع ّ ٍ وحماس أكبر .خالل ال ّلقاء ،تع ّرف األهل على أهم ّية "وحدة كبير بشغف عام ٍ ٍ ٍ ٍ الدور ا ّلذي بإمكانهم املعرض" التّي تندرج حتت محور" نتشارك الكوكب" ،وعلى ّ لدعم أبنائهم ،توجيههم ،وتعميق آرائهم ومواقفهم جتاه القضايا القيام به ِ العامل ّية ا ّلتي سيختارون البحث عنها ،فكان النّقاش ق ّي ًما ،فعاالً ،وشامالً خملتلف اجلوانب اإليجاب ّية ا ّلتي يضيفها هذا احلدث على عمل ّية التّعلم .في نهاية ا ّللقاء، بأبناء لم يتجاوزوا العاشرة من عمرهم، َع َّبرَ األهالي عن إعجابِهم وفخرهم ٍ ّ يخططون الدراس ّية ،فباتوا لكنّهم بعقل ّيتهم وأفكارهم قد جتاوزوا احملاور واملواد ّ لعالم أفضل. ٍ الصف اخلامس أسما جنم -روال حلاّ ق -مع ّلمتا ّ 43 HHHS - Elementary School ّ الصعوبات! بال ّتكنولوجيا نتخطى ّ املدعمة بوسائل التّكنولوجيا املتط ّورة يلعب دورًا إ ّن استخدام أساليب التّدريس ّ خاصة. كبيرًا في رفع مستوى التّع ّلم لدى املتع ّلمني ّ عامة وذوي صعوبات التّع ّلم ّ فالتّكنولوجيا تسهم في مساعدة أعداد كبيرة من طلاّ ب ذوي صعوبات التّع ّلم الضعف املوجودة لديهم في القراءة ،الكتابة ،التّواصل على التّعويض عن مواطن ّ ّ السمع ّية، والتّع ّلم ،كما تساعدهم في تطوير مهاراتهم املعرف ّية ،اللغويةّ ، البصر ّية واحلرك ّية. من هنا ونظرًا ألهم ّية التّكنولوجيا في العمل ّية التّعلم ّية ،حرصنا في قسم الدراس ّية .فمنذ بداية العام الدعم التّربوي على تعزيزها واستثمارها في صفوفنا ّ ّ الدعم التّربوي بألواح مفاتيح الدراسي ،قامت املدرسة بتزويد صفوف قسم ّ ّ ّ خاصة باللغة العرب ّية ،تتم ّيز بالوضوح نظرًا إلحتوائها على مفاتيح كبيرة ّ ّ كبير .فضلاً عن ألوانها املبهجة بخط ة ي الهجائ احلروف عليها كتبت احلجم، ّ ٍ وا ّلتي تساعد املتع ّلمني على متييز املفاتيح تب ًعا أللوانهاّ . كل ذلك بهدف جعل ّ مؤهلاً ومد ّربًا ومز ّودًا مبهارات البحث الطالب مبتكرًا ،قادرًا على اإلنتاج واإلبداعّ ، ّ الذاتي ،يتمتع بشخص ّية قو ّية منسجمة جسميًّا وعقليًّا واجتماعيًّا ،وقادرًا على وحتديات العصر. مواجهة أعباء احلياة ّ الدعم التّربوي نصار -معلمة ال ّلغة العرب ّية – قسم ّ عبير ّ بوي الشريف في القسم اإلبتدائي اإلحتفال بذكرى املولد ال ّن ّ تبسم وثنا ُء ولد الهدى فالكائنات ضيا ُء وفم الزمان ٌ في مثل هذه األ ّيام أشرق على البشر ّية نور الرسول األكرم الذي حمل رسالة اإلسالم السمحاء، الرسالة التي حملت العدالة واملساواة إلى بني البشر أجمعني. وبهذه املناسبة ،أقام القسم اإلبتدائي في ثانو ّية احلريري احتفاال ً تضمن عدة فقرات، حسام الدين ّ ّ ع ّبر املتع ّلمون من خاللها عن ح ّبهم للرسول املصطفى محمد صلى اهلل عليه وسلم والتّمسك بسنّته واتخاذهم له عليه السالم قدو ًة في أخالق، والتفكير والتعامل مع اآلخرين. ّ استهل احلفل بقراءة آيات من الذكر احلكيم ،تاله الص ّ ف ثم قام طالب ّ كلمة من وحي املناسبةّ . الثالث بأداء نشيد في مدح الرسول صلى اهلل الصف الرابع قدم متع ّلمو عليه وسلم كما ّ ّ تضمن أحاديث من السنّة عرضا تقدمي ّيا األساسي ً ّ ّ ّ ثم أجريت النّبو ّية الشريفة تتعلق مبواقف املتعلمّ . الص ّ ف اخلامس تناولت بعض مسابقة لطالب ّ ّ السيرة النّبو ّية الشريفة .وفي نهاية احلفل أحداث ّ وزعت شهادات الشكر والتقدير على املتسابقني في ج ّو مفعم بالسرور والفرح. ّ كل عام ونحن بألف خير......... ّ كل عام ونحن واألمة اإلسالم ّية على خطى احلبيب محمد صلى اهلل عليه وسلم. أعاده اهلل على اجلميع باليمن واخلير والبركة. الدين ّية قسم التربية ّ 44 بني الواقع واخليال HHHS - Elementary School « سوف أغ ّير العالم بطفل في وقت ما ،سوف أعطي هذا الطفل هدية ال تنتهي لذتها أبداً، هدية جتعل العالم بني يديه وجتعله أثرى وأغنى .هديتي هي القراءة التي سوف تفتح العينني وتوقظ األحالم بالقصص التي جتعل األطفال يشعرون وينمون ويفكرون .ال شيء يوقفني ولن وأي قوة هي». أنسى ذلك ألن قلبي يعرف معنى القراءة ّ « سكوت فورسمان « مبناسبة أسبوع املطالعة في شهر نيسان نظمت املكتبة في القسم االبتدائي أنشطة الضوء على العديد من القصص العامل ّية والشعب ّية كقصص متنوعة في القراءة وس ّلطت ّ جعيدان وسندريال وحذاء الطنبوري ...حيث ُعرضت بطريقة فنية ومبتكرة عبر استخدام والتحدث الدمى واالستماع اليها والتفاعل معها ومن ثم مناقشتها مع مرشدتي املكتبة ّ عن العبر واملواقف التي يتم التع ّلم من خاللها. هذا باإلضافة إلى املشاركة في مسابقة املطالعة السنوية التي تنظمها الهيئة اللبنانية لكتب االوالد لصفوف الرابع اإلبتدائي وقد فازت التلميذات: «غيد البزري» في املرتبة االولـى« ،سابني البابا» في املرتبـة الـ ّثانية و «مرمي نصار» في املرتبة الثالثة حيث تس ّلمت ّ كل منهن شهادة تقدير خالل حفل أقيم نهار اخلميس في 9أ ّيار 2013 في مبنى األونيسكو وذلك بحضور الكاتبة سمر براج محفوظ ،والكاتبة فاطمة شرف الدين والرسامة منى يقظان. مكتبة القسم االبتدائي Celebrating Independence Day Throughout the week preceding Independence Day, learners in the primary school prepared artworks to be displayed in the auditorium on the event day. Later, celebrating Independence Day, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students designed the parking lot walls with nine flag mural. Each class was responsible for preparing the materials and creating a unique flag. With the help of their teachers, all students were able to enjoy this activity and create an artistic wall that reveals the meaning of the event. Hiba Bizri - Art Teacher 45 HHHS - Elementary School ّ ف ّنانون مثقفون قام نادي الفنون التشكيل ّية في القسم اإلبتدائي بتنظيم رحلة إلى يضم املعرض .املعرض الفني الدائم اخلاص باجلامعة األميرك ّية في بيروت ّ ، عمر األنسي،أكثر من ستني لوحة للفنّانني ال ّلبنانيني خليل الصليبي وهم من أبرز مؤسسي الفن احلديث في.صليبا الدويهي وسيزار اجلم ّيل .)1946 – 1870( لبنان أظهر املتع ّلمون الكثير من التقدير واالحترام للفنانني،خالل الزيارة ّ حيث متّ مناقشة،وإبداعاتهم كل لوحة بد ّق ٍة وحتليلها بعمق وذلك بقيادة ً غداء ولعب فأمضى اجلميع يوما ً ثقاف ّيا، تخ ّلل الرحلة فطور.أفراد النادي .وترفيه ّيا ً بامتياز مع ّلمة الفنون في القسم اإلبتدائي- صفاء بديع Open Classroom Doors On the last week of October, the Elementary Department has invited parents to visit the PYP classrooms and explore the learning environment and the learning process by spending quality time with their sons or daughters. With great enthusiasm and motivation, students welcomed their parents and had the opportunity to share their inquiries and knowledge with them. We highly appreciate the collaboration of parents in the open classroom doors activity; in addition, we admire their willingness to gain new perspective on how our PYP classrooms work. 46 HHHS - Elementary School An insight into the PYP Exhibition There’s a buzz in the room where Grade 5 students sit in groups with large sheets of paper, talking animatedly. Teaching this classroom is a joy For me because all the children are engaged in the learning process. Today, they are brainstorming the ‘big ideas’ in ‘Sharing the Planet’, one of the transdisciplinary themes. It is theme under which the PYP Exhibition falls and around which its issues are selected. In the build-up to this, students have watched David Attenborough’s Wonderful World and made connections with the transdisciplinary theme. ‘Inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and other living things; communities and the relationship within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.’ (IB Primary Years Program) Their discussion ideas include concepts such as the environment, pollution, responsibility, nature, society, economics, lifestyle, consequences, all of which are derived from previous learning that occurred in years just before Grade 5. I’m impressed by the depth of their thinking, their ability to extract the conceptual ideas, and the way they make connections with prior learning. Students made connections between a related concept and a key concept. They concluded that all the eight key concepts (form, function, causation, change, reflection, responsibility, perspective, connection) can be used to deepen our understanding of any related concept. They were also able to highlight the concepts in the theme description. I have already brought newspapers to help students make further connection between the theme and their daily lives. Independently, students do their own exploration, in any way they like. They are encouraged to read, look at images, analyze graphs - the choice is theirs. Later in the day, I went back to ask how the learning unfolded, and their reflection was recorded in the journal. In the stage of deciding, students will definitely choose their issues with great passion to explore and take action for the sake of a better sharing of the planet we are all living in. Rola Hallak - Grade 5C Homeroom Teacher 47 HHHS - Elementary School أضحى مبارك اهلل أكبر اهلل أكبر اهلل أكب ر اهلل أكبر اهلل أكبر اهلل أكبر ال إله إال اهلل وهلل احلمد هكذا بدت األجواء في ثانو ّية حسام الدين احلريري حيث كانت تكبيرات العيد تصدح في ّ كل األرجاء، ترافقها أجواء من الفرح ،البهجة والسرور. ولقد ّ ً أعد نظم القسم االبتدائي يو ًما ترفيه ّيا ّ امتدت خصيصا لالحتفال بهذه املناسبة ،كما ّ ً نشاطات العيد على مدى أسبوع ع ّبر من خاللها املتع ّلمون عن مفاهيم ،معاني وقيم العيد. األمة اإلسالم ّية باخلير واليمن أعاده اهلل على ّ والبركات 48 HHHS - Elementary School The PYP Exhibition A Culminating Experience The PYP exhibition represents a significant event in the life of a PYP school and student synthesizing the five essential elements of the programme and sharing them with the whole school community. In their final year of the PYP, Grade Five students collaborated in an in-depth inquiry demonstrating responsibility and passion for their own learning. 2012-2013 PYP exhibits raised authentic issues under the transdisciplinary theme, “Sharing the Planet”. Issues such as violence, addiction, divorce, obesity, child labor, conflicts etc…were considered very significant by the learners as they were derived from their local community and globally connected to humanity. Using the PYP concepts, the exhibits planned their inquiries and asked questions related to their issues. They wanted to know more about the issues and how they are connected to other things in order to reach conclusions or resolutions. Applying a range of transdisciplinary skills, the students started their investigations collaboratively. They identified and used a wide range of primary and secondary resources to collect data. Being investigators, they collected evidence from all people involved; for example, they went on field trips to have a closer look at their issues, and they interviewed specialists in the field such as lawyers, nutritionists, and other human resources from the society. In addition, the students implemented their communication and ICT skills throughout their research. All along this journey, the students demonstrated a high level of responsibility and independence towards their own learning. The ongoing reflections the students made allowed this experience to be a success story for every fifth grader. Each and every student strived to make the utmost contribution to this project. At the end of the process, the students shared this experience with their parents and other members of the school community on the exhibition day. They celebrated this achievement using artistic and dramatic performances. These young learners took actions towards their big issues aiming to change this world into a better place. In addition to being a synthesis of the students’ learning through the PYP, the PYP exhibition is an opportunity for the school to assess its implementation of the programme. The process and outcome of this inquiry were evidence of the life-long learning skills and attitudes the students, of their different abilities and potentials, have developed. The performances of the students reflected the transdisicplinary nature of the programme as the students used languages, sciences, social studies, and arts as tools for inquiry and communicating findings. As part of its mission, Houssam Eddine Harriri High School will strive to equip its students with education and life-long learning skills enhancing their ability to connect between learning at school and its application in life and fostering the students’ positive attitudes and values to influence their local and wider global communities. Rasha Hammoud - IB PYP Coordinator 49 HHHS - Elementary School عرض ف ّني متن ّوع قام ناديا الرقص والفنون التشكيل ّية في احللقة الثانية في القسم اإلبتدائي ،بحفلة مشتركة نهاية العام الدراسي .عرضت طالبات النادي األول خمسة أنواع من الرقصات الكالسيكية ،وذلك على أنغام مختلفة من املوسيقى مستخدمن مهاراتهن وقدراتهن اجلسد ّية بطريقة فن ّية من ّوعة. اخلاصة .أما ثالثي األبعاد للبعض من لوحاتهم ،وذلك بأسلوب فنّي راقص مبتكر على طريقتهم مواعرضا فنيًّا متح ّر ًكا فقد ً أما ط ّالب نادي الفنون ّ ّ ّ ّ أعمالهم الفن ّية األخرى فقد متّ عرضها أمام األهل في نهاية احلفل. مع ّلمة التربية الفنية صفاء بديع ومع ّلمة التربية البدنية نسرين املصري دورة الربيع األولى في كرة القدم للعام الدراسي 2013 – 2012 ّ نظم قسم األنشطة الرياض ّية في القسم اإلبتدائي في ثانوية حسام الدين احلريري دورة الربيع األولى في كرة القدم لصفوف اخلامس األساسي بفرعيها اإلنكليزي والفرنسي ،وذلك بإشراف األستاذ «عزمي البوظ» .وقد فاز في املباراة النهائ ّية الصف اخلامس «إنك أ» على اخلامس «إنك ب»، بنتيجة (.)1 - 2 ّ الس ّيدة «دينا جرادي باشو» الكؤوس وامليدال ّيات على الفريق الفائز مثنية على اجلهود التي بذلها الالعبون وفي نهاية الدورة وزّعت مديرة القسم ّ خالل هذه الدورة. أستاذ التربية الرياض ّية «عزمي البوظ» 50 HHHS - Elementary School ذكرى االستقالل الصباحي مع احتفل طالب القسم اإلبتدائي في ثانو ّية حسام الدين احلريري بذكرى االستقالل وذلك من خالل أنشطة متن ّوعة،انطلقت في االجتماع ّ القصائد واألغاني والرقصات الوطن ّية .وامتدت خالل النّهار مع مع ّلمي الفنون حيث أقيمت خالل الفرصة ورشة عمل تهدف إلى التعبير عن االستقالل الص ّ الداخل ّية .كذلك متّ توزيع جوائز دورة االستقالل ف االول وال ّثاني بأعمال فن ّية من وحي املناسبة على جدران املدرسة ّ من خالل الفن ،كما قام متع ّلمو ّ في كرة القدم من قبل مع ّلمي ال ّرياضة .وعزّزت أمينتا املكتبة مفهوم االستقالل من خالل قراءة القصص وتقدمي العروض الوثائق ّية التي تتناسب مع الصفوف. مختلف ّ حب الوطن ،اإلنتماء إليه وتعزيز الروح الوطن ّية لدى املتعلمني بغية الوقوف في وجه احملن التي يعاني منها الوطن ولقد هدفت هذه األنشطة إلى تنمية ّ حاليًّا. 51 HHHS - Elementary School نادي املوسيقى مت ّيزت مشاركة تالميذ نادي املوسيقى هذا العام وصدحت أصواتهم في عدة .أ ّولها ،كان املشاركة في حفل أقيم في ثانو ّية رفيق احلريري مناسبات ّ من تنظيم الشبكة املدرس ّية لصيدا واجلوار مبناسبة عيد اإلستقالل وكتحية وفاء ّ للشهيد ال ّلواء وسام احلسن ،وذلك مبرافقة فرقة قوى األمن الداخلي بقيادة زياد مراد. كما شارك تالميذنا في مسابقة زكي ناصيف التي أجريت على مسرح نحولي اجلامعة األميرك ّية في بيروت وذلك بقيادة مع ّلمة املوسيقى غادة ّ عزفا ً على آلة البيانو. واختتمت املناسبات بحفل تكرمي املع ّلمني املتقاعدين على مسرح ثانو ّية رفيق احلريري ،شاركت فيه مجموعة من مختلف مدارس صيدا حيث زينوا تقدمهم التلميذ «مصطفى جودة» من احلفل باصواتهم الشجية وقد ّ رحب تالمذة الصف اخلامس األساسي في ثانو ّية حسام الدين احلريري الذي ّ باحلضور من خالل أغنية «ط ّلوا احبابنا ط ّلوا». نوادي الفرص يسعى القسم االبتدائي في ثانو ّية حسام الدين احلريري إلى إعداد متع ّلمني ملدى احلياة، الصفوف إلى خارجها. ينقلون ما تع ّلموه داخل ّ ّ ولعل وقت الراحة أو الفرصة من أقرب األماكن التي ميكنهم أن يثبتوا ذلك من خاللها .وهذا ما قام به بعض التالميذ من الصف ال ّثالث بفرعيه والصف ال ّرابع إنك من خالل إنشاء تتضمن نشاطات متن ّوعة مثل :كرة نواد ّ القدم ،الرسم واأللعاب اجلماع ّية وغيرها ّ (كل حسب رغبته) ،مظهرين خاللها قدرتهم على التواصل مع صفوف األول والثاني بشكل فاعل وعن طيب خاطر وااللتزام مبشروعهم وحتمل مسوؤل ّياتهّ . كل هذا دفع الصغير ّ ّ مجموعة من تالميذ الصف ال ّثاني الفرنسي واإلنكليزي إلى تأليف نادٍ لألشغال اليدو ّية والرسم ،مما ساهم في خلق املزيد من األجواء االيجاب ّية في امللعب ،مع مراقبة سير العمل ّية والتشديد على االحترام بني التالميذ وال ّلجوء الى املشرفة اإلدار ّية (املتواجدة في امللعب) عند احلاجة. منيرة شهاب ( -املشرفة اإلدار ّية لصفوف األول والثاني األساسي بفرعيه) 52 مع ّلمة التربية املوسيقية -غادة نحولي أسس ومعايير التقييم الشمولي HHHS - Elementary School في إطار تفعيل دور وشراكة األهل في العملية التربوية ،نظمت إدارة القسم اإلبتدائي لقا ًء تربويا ً ألولياء األمور مت خالله عرض النموذج اجلديد لبطاقة التقييم املعتمدة في قدمت كل من مديرة القسم ومنسقة البرنامج األكادميي القسم اإلبتدائي ،حيث ّ شرحا ً مفصالً عن نظريات وأسس ومعايير التقييم الشمولي ،باإلضافة إلى آليات وتقنيات رصد تطور آداء التالميذ في جوانب التعلم كافة ،آخذين بعني االعتبار مراعاة الفروقات الفردية وأمناط التعلم لدى كل تلميذ ،وذلك ضمن األطر التعليمية والتربوية ملنهاج برنامج السنوات اإلبتدائية التابع ملنظمة البكالوريا الدولية (.)PYP استراتيج ّية استمر! تو ّقف! القراءة من أهم الوظائف املعرف ّية ا ّلتي يؤ ّديها اإلنسان ،وهي مهارة ّ مركبة ،مبن ّية على إتقان عمل ّيتني رئيس ّيتني األولى ّ فك التّرميز أي التّع ّرف على احلروف الهجائ ّية وال ّثانية اإلستيعاب أو الفهم ا ّلذي يتط ّلب استخالص النّتائج من خالل النّص واعادة تنظيمها واإلفادة منها. ويعد الفهم القرائي أساس عمل ّية القراءة ،وهو الغاية ال ّرئيسة منها ،وهذا ّ الفهم يتط ّلب تفاعل القارئ مع املا ّدة املقروءة تفاعلاً تكون مصلحته بناء املعنى. الصعوبات ا ّلتي يعاني منها ذوو صعوبات التّع ّلم ،ممّا يترتّب عليه وهذا من أبرز ّ ّ لاً الدراس ّية التي تعتمد أص على القراءة. مشاكل أخرى في باقي املواد ّ الدعم التّربوي في وعليه وإنطال ًقا من حرصي على مساعدة تالميذي في قسم ّ ّ حرصت على تزويدهم بالعديد من استراتيج ّيات القراءة الصعوبات، ُ تخطي هذه ّ ّ ولعل من أبرزها إستراتيج ّية إستمر! تو ّقف! عدة ،فهي بسيطة وتساعد املتع ّلمني على إ ّن لهذه اإلستراتيج ّية م ّيزات ّ فهم ما يقرأونه من عبارات أو جمل ال يعرفون معناها .فخالل العمل على وحدة " الفن واملعتقد" حتت محور "كيف نع ّبر عن أنفسنا"ّ ، حقق املتع ّلمون بفضل هذه االستراتيج ّية تط ّورًا في فهم محتوى النّصوص املقروءة ،حيث قاموا باستخدام ثم تدوينها في دفتر قاموس ال ّلغة العرب ّية للبحث عن مرادف املفردات ّ الصعبة ومن ّ ّ بكل متع ّلم ،بهدف جتميعها والعودة إليها في حال الصغير" اخلاص "قاموسي ّ ً تقدما في مهاراتهم البحث ّية والتّفكير ّية. نسي املتع ّلم معناها الحقًا .فأظهروا ّ الدعم التّربوي نصار -معلمة ال ّلغة العرب ّية – قسم ّ عبير ّ Elementary School 53 HHHS - Preschool Rencontres sciences et technologie 2013 Pour la 2ème année, notre établissement participe aux rencontres sciences et technologie organisées par l’AEFE au Palais de l’Unesco à Beyrouth. Ces rencontres s’articulent autour de 4 défis scientifiques et/ou technologiques : livre animé sensoriel, instrument sonore, objet en mouvement et instrument de mesure. Nos classes en maternelle ont choisi de participer à travers les défis suivants : - PS : Instrument sonore « le parapluie sonore » - MS : Livre animé « le livre rigolo » - GS : Objet en mouvement « les objets roulant : Nos belles voitures » Ces projets ne sont pas décrochés des enseignements prévus par les programmes mais ils donnent sens aux apprentissages en sciences et technologie et permettent de mettre en place efficacement la démarche expérimentale et d’investigation prônée par les instructions officielles. Tous les apprenants ont participé en classe, avec enthousiasme, appréciation, émerveillement et joie à la réalisation de leurs projets et ils y étaient tout de même fiers et ravis lors de la présentation de leurs productions devant tous les visiteurs de l’exposition qui s’est déroulée la semaine du 13 mai ; et surtout devant leurs amis en classes primaires qui sont venus partager avec eux leur succès. Lina Majzoub Parapluie sonore Participer avec une classe de la petite section aux rencontres science et technologie , est un défi en soi !! Mais nous croyons toujours en nos apprenants, en leurs capacités et leurs créativités, pour cela on a choisi le défi suivant « les objets sonore ». Ils étaient enthousiastes à découvrir ce nouvel aspect dans la démarche scientifique. On a commencé à réaliser le parapluie sonore. Nos petits scientifiques se sont trouvés devant plusieurs étapes , afin de pouvoir terminer leur tâche , et ils ont travaillé en coopération durant les différents temps de réalisation :découvrir et écouter ,organiser, collecter ,fabriquer ,créer et improviser. Ils étaient émerveillés en voyant leur parapluie sonore tout prêt, ils ont fait plusieurs rythmes en frappant, secouant, tapant et frottant les différents outils mis dans ce parapluie. A l’exposition, leur objet a eu beaucoup de succès , ce qui a rendu nos apprenants fiers et confiants en leurs capacités. Jana osta - Enseignante (PS) 54 HHHS - Preschool A Celebration to Forgive and Forget any Differences Celebrating Eid al Adha at Houssam Eddine Preschool is a means to raise our learners' awareness towards Islamic holidays and religious practices Muslims annually undertake. Hajj Mabrour to all Muslims who are at Mecca now... and Happy Eid to all Muslims around the world, Lebanon generally, and in Saida Specifically :) 55 Experiencing a Fearful Situation HHHS - Preschool Our KG1B class experienced many different emotions and feelings throughout the unit “How We Express Ourselves”. One of the emotions that truly left a huge impact on our learners is the feeling of fear experienced on a fearful situation. Upon living an actual unexpected scary incident, some learners started to tremble and shout, while others began to laugh because they were too embarrassed to show any signs of fear. Karim, one of our students, mentioned the exact thoughts that were going through his mind while some of his friends were screaming and weeping. He kept trying to think of a way of how he could protect his friends and aid them in escaping from that dreadful experience. Surprisingly the next day, Karim brought a blanket to school that he suggested he would use to sit on with all his friends or wear it as a cape and soar away from the scary incident if he were ever to go through a teeth gritting experience like the one he experienced the day before. Such a student initiated action lead to the question on whether a man could fly if he wore a blanket as a cape. As Karim and his friends were trying to find the answer and fly away wearing the blanket, Karim realized that the wind was making his cape flutter backward which may help him rise to the sky. However, he still couldn’t find a satisfying answer since he still kept wondering why he couldn’t rise up even though it was windy. On the third day, our learners viewed a Power Point presentation that included various means of flying such as planes, jets, helicopters, and hot air balloons and reflected on the presentation by drawing their favorite means of soaring. Teachers' Relationship Play It was really a wonderful experience for kG1 teachers to cooperatively role play different relationships a person could encounter such as family members, relatives, neighbors, and friends. Throughout the play, learners interacted effectively and excitedly by sharing their ideas in different situations which revealed their understanding of the ways one should act positively with others. Such a play was a starting point to motivate learners to try to build and keep good relationships and understand the impact of them on their lives. 56 HHHS - Preschool Lifelong Learning As a provocation for our transdiciplinary theme “Sharing the planet” under the title “World of animals”, Nurserylearners had a chance to visit a supermarket in order to be familiar with the products we are in need of and relate them to their possible animal sources. Thus, it created a tension phase that drove learners to ask questions like: “How can we make icecream?”, “Which animals can we get meat from?” “Do tigers eat cats?”, “Can we get a giraffe to our classroom?” and many others… Throughout the inquiry, we aimed to develop students’ thinking, learning, and reflections by letting them demonstrate an understanding of the unit transdiciplinary components. Being engaged in their own learning process, learners worked in groups and presented their findings to their peers. This implemented the strategy of cooperative learning, improved their research and communicating skills, and built up their inquirer profile. To take our inquiry more in depth and build up a knowledgeable profile, they had the chance to visit the “Al Akhdar” dairy product factory where learners were filled with enthusiasm and curiosity while asking the farmers different questions. The unit was open-ended where students extended their thinking and challenged themselves in taking actions in different situations. For instance, when our pet, the rabbit, got sick, learners used their problem-solving and group decision-making skills and decided taking the rabbit to the Veterinarian or the pet store as an action. Moreover, other than taking action in school in keeping our pet animals clean, learners were motivated to taking action outside the school by bringing food from their home to our pets which built up their caring profile and responsibility skill. It is remarkable to see how these inquiries lead our learners to take the final action in creating a figure of an “Eco-friendly” market and coming up with a united agreement under the title, “We want to protect our environment”. In taking these actions, kids develop essential skills, attitudes, and profile, establishing process that will support lifelong learning. Miss Rawan Khalifeh - Nursery “B” Classroom Teacher 57 HHHS - Preschool العيش بسالم أثناء العمل على وحدة "العيش بسالم" شاهد متع ّلمو ال ّروضة الثالثة عروضا ً بصر ّي ًة احتوت مواقف مليئة ًبالنزاعات ،فتساءلوا عن تلك النزاعات،االختالفات والفروقات فيما بينهم. أهم ّية التواصل في حياة وللمزيد من االكتشاف والتّع ّلم عن ّ قصة "نحن ك ّلنا مختلفون املتع ّلمني ،قرأت لهم مع ّلمة ال ّلغة العرب ّية ّ أهم ّية التواصل اجليد. على نحن ك ّلنا متشابهون" تع ّرفوا من خاللها ّ فات تعكس مدى استيعابهم ملفهوم التّواصل، فبدأوا بالقيام بتص ّر ٍ وذلك من خالل املشاركة في الكالم عن شكلهم اخلارجي ومشاعرهم أيضا حيث اكتشفوا بأنّهم متشابهون ،ميلكون قلوبا ً وعقوال ً غير أنّهم ً مختلفون ،فهم ال ّ يفكرون وال يشعرون بالطريقة نفسها .وبالرغم من ذلك ميكنهم العيش مع بعضهم بأمان وسالم. فاتن بوجي ورمي الزين -مع ّلمتا ال ّلغة العرب ّية في صف ال ّروضة ال ّثالثة Les petits magiciens de la maternelle “Comme un magicien Je lancerai au loin Ma poudre de si ”Pour changer la vie Ce refrain a motivé les apprenants de la Grande Section et a sollicité leur imagination; ils sont tous devenus des magiciens pour pouvoir réaliser leurs rêves. “Si j’étais magicienne je serais une princesse ”disait une apprenante, » « Si j’étais magicien, je serais le champion du monde disait l’autre apprenant. Chacun avait son rêve, mais tous ont mémorisé la chanson, ensemble, comme une vraie petite chorale pour la présenter avec enthousiasme à leurs amis de la maternelle. Rola Yamani - Titulaire de la classe de la Grande Section 58 HHHS - Preschool Little authors In the spirit of providing little learners with multiple opportunities of creativity out of belief in their ability to go over and beyond the immediate learning experience, our KGII learners were engaged in an extending reading comprehension activity. After 6 weeks of listening to different stories under the theme “How We Express Ourselves”, we read to the learners the story “A Cat In The Tree” and withheld the ending. Later, we asked them to play the role of the authors and the illustrators to come up with an ending for that story, write it, and draw it. The outcome of the activity was very rewarding and revealed the attributes of the Risk Taker profile in many of the students who produced innovative conclusions and used new words to express them in their own way. For example: “dad fol don, the abulan kam to hr and tik hm to the hsptl”. Monifa Baba Petit artiste en moyenne section Les émotions et les sentiments ne peuvent pas être reflétés qu’à partir des situations authentiques et réelles, pour cela durant ce thème« Comment nous nous exprimons » nos apprenants ont vécu plusieurs expériences qui leur ont permis de s’exprimer et de refléter ce qu’ils ressentent. Parmi ces expériences, on cite : la visite de madame Luda ; la mère de notre apprenant Cirag Sayed et qui est une enseignante d’art dans notre établissement. Les apprenants ont été ravis en observant madame Luda en train de dessiner plusieurs scènes « Une maison entourée d’un jardin plein de fleurs, là où se trouve un gros chien ». Cirag a essayé de mettre en place ces dessins grâce à des jeux de rôle tout en exprimant ses émotions et ses sentiments. L’interaction entre nos apprenants et madame Luda était extraordinaire ils étaient enthousiastes et créatifs et ont pu transmettre leurs idées à partir de l’art créatif. Les apprenants ont passé un temps agréable et ont développé leur savoir-faire au niveau de la recherche. Les enseignantes de la classe: Sobhiya Matbouli - Moyenne Section 59 HHHS - Preschool الوحدة البحثية األولى َ احتفل املتعلمون في صفوف الروضة الثانية بانتهاء الوحدة البحثية األولى حتت توصلوا إلى مفهوم العالقات وتأثيرها على عنوان "العالقات اإلنسانية " التي منها ّ حياتهم وكيفية تطويرها. أبدى املتعلمون حماسا ً كبيرا ً ملقابلة أصدقائهم في الصفوف األخرى الذين كانوا يتراسلون ويتبادلون أشيا ًء تذكاري ًة فيما بينهم من دون الكشف عن هوياتهم. تضمن هذا اإلحتفال تبادل الهدايا وتناول احللوى ورقصا ً على أنغام املوسيقى التي ّ خلقت ج ًّوا من االنسجام والفرح وانطالقة لبناء عالقات جديدة بني املتع ّلمني. معلمات صفوف الروضة الثانية (اإلنكليزي-الفرنسي-العربي) «جراثيم جراثيم جراثيم» "الص ّحة والعافية” شاهد أثناء العمل على وحدة ّ ً عرضا بصريًّا احتوى يدا مليئ ًة باجلراثيم املتع ّلمون ً ا ّلتي ال ميكن رؤيتها بالعني اجمل ّردة بل باجملهر .فتساءلوا والدقيقة الصغيرة ّ عن تلك اجلراثيم وامليكروبات ّ ّ ا ّلتي تغزو أجسادهم .لذا قرأت مع ّلمة اللغة العرب ّية قصة "جراثيم جراثيم جراثيم" فاكتشفوا أمامهم ّ ّ من خاللها الكائنات الصغيرة ج ًدا التي تعيش على األرض ،في الهواء وفي ّ الداء حني كل مكان ،وحتمل ّ تدخل الفم عن طريق ي ٍد متّسخ ٍة ،فتزعج اجلسم، الص ّحة ،تس ّبب أملا ً في البطن و حرارة مرتفعة... تقهر ّ أهم ّية النّظافة بالنسبة إلى اجلسم ،املالبس، وأدركوا ّ والصابون مر ّددين: األسنان وضرورة غسل اليدين باملاء ّ ديننا دين النّظافة واحمل ّبة وال ّلطاف قد دعانا للوضوء للعبادة والنّظافة فات تعكس ونتيجة ذلك ،بدأ املتع ّلمون القيام بتص ّر ٍ مدى استيعابهم ملفهوم النّظافة ،فق ّرروا احملافظة على نظافة اليدين ،األسنان ،املالبس واألغراض. قسم ال ّروضات – ال ّروضة ال ّثالثة فاتن بوجي ورمي الزّين 60 HHHS - Preschool رجال اإلطفاء في حرم مدرستنا ّ البحثي «كيف ّ »ننظم أنفسنا متكن املتع ّلمون في خالل احملور ّ صفوف ال ّروضة ال ّثانية من التّع ّرف على بعض املهن في القرى بالتعاون مع رئيس بلدية.»و املدن و منها مهنة «رجل اإلطفاء أخذت املوافقة إلرسال،صيدا السيد محمد السعودي احملترم من اجلدير ذكره أ ّن.رجال إطفاء مع السيارة إلى حرم مدرستنا طريقة عرض املعلومات عمقت وضوح دور رجل اإلطفاء ملتعلمينا )و أضافت جوا ً من اجلذب لإلستماع إلى املتحدثني (رجال اإلطفاء ومشاهدة العرض املرئي بحماس الذي ناسب عمرهم وساعدهم تط ّبق في حياتهم عند حدوث،عدة مفيدة ّ على اكتساب طرق ً ً ً مما ترك أثرا واضحا عند متعلمينا خصوصا بعد.أي حالة طارئة ّ بدا ذلك من خالل،تفقد سيارة اإلطفاء التي زارت مبنى ال ّروضات .الرسومات التي ع ّبروا عنها في تأمالتهم .شكرا ً لرجال اإلطفاء و كل من ساهم في هذا العرض الناجح Au feu les pompiers Après une période d’un mois de travail acharné pour découvrir le métier de pompier, les enfants des classes de « MS et KG2 A B C » ont enfin pu découvrir l’univers des pompiers « en vrai » ! Les différents véhicules, le matériel d’assistance aux blessés ainsi que l’équipement complet du pompier leur ont été présentés. Ils ont aussi assisté à une intervention et vu ce que font les pompiers : éteindre un incendie, secourir des personnes accidentées … ils ont écouté attentivement toutes les explications et regardé les pompiers en action Filles et garçons ont été émerveillés par le gros camion rouge, les tenues et impressionnés par la sirène, ils ont regardé avec curiosité les tuyaux et les lances. Bref, de quoi s’en mettre plein les yeux et plein les oreilles! « Maman, Papa, je serai pompier quand je serai grand… », Telle fut sans doute la phrase la plus fréquemment entendue ce soir-là dans les foyers des enfants des classes. Enfin un grand merci aux pompiers de la caserne de Saida pour cette superbe matinée et pour leur implication. 61 HHHS - Preschool حفل نهاية العام في قسم الروضات 2013 62 63 Qu’est ce que la médecine? HHHS - Preschool Le médecin Mohammad Bitar, a eu la gentillesse de venir expliquer aux enfants de la moyenne section (MS A), KG2 (A, B, C) son métier et leur montrer ses outils. Il leur a aussi prodigué de précieux conseils : •Il ne faut pas manger de chocolat et boire de boisson gazeuse. • Mais il faut manger des aliments nutritifs et appliquer les règles d’hygiène. Preschool 64