Eastlake N.. - striatic.net
Eastlake N.. - striatic.net
uly/August 1998 the Easilake ContntunitTr E Neighborhood plan goesto review Two years and thousandsof volunteer hours in the making, the EastlakeTomorrow neighborhoodplan was sentJune 15 for City review and response.The draft plan has recommendationson affordable housing,businessrevitalization,community design,diversity,gateways,open space,and transportation. Samplerecommendations: (l) keep Eastlake'surban village designation,anddefine our southern boundaryat the Fairview Ave. N. viaduct just south of Zymogenetics;(2) explore making Fairview Ave. E. between Fuhrman and Newton a "Type III Green Street,"underwhich City andcommunity planning could improve pedestrianconditions and depart from street standards that currently require curbs, gutters,and sidewalks;(3) on EastlakeAvenue rearrange zoning to create commercial and residentialnodes,and establishoverlays or designguidelinesfor new structuresto moderatebulk. establishconsistentde- signs and improve pedestrianconditions; (4) continue the center turn lane and possible medianson EastlakeAvenueE,.from Boston to Fairview; and (5) develop art for the north gateway triangle (corner of Harvard and Eastlake). Once agency input is received,the Eastlake Tomorrow steering committee will revise the plan and sendit out for final public comment and a neighborhood event(tentativelyscheduledforThursday, August 27, 4 to 8 p.m. at the SeattlePolice OffrcersGuild, 25 17EastlakeAve. E.). After final revisions,the plan will go to a hearingand decisionby the City Council. The plan is on the Eastlakeweb site,http:/ /www.oo.net/et, with public review copies alsoavailableat Lake Union Mail (117 E. Louisa St.), Floating Homes Association (2329 Fairview Ave. E.), and University Heights Public Library (5009 Roosevelt Wuy). Further information: 322-5463. [email protected]. LL7 East Louisa Street; M-F 9-6, Sat 10-3 Floating HomeInsurance BusinessNotes Russian Radio (323 -8828,[email protected]) i s open for businessat27I4 EastlakeAve. The companypicks up Russianlanguagebroadcasts from back home and on a paid basis beams thern to Seattle'sthriving Russiancommunity. ... Margi David Salon (2723 EastlakeAve.,328-2052) FINALLY! helped with the recent "Evening of Hope," an event A BETTE,RFLOATING TIOME INSURANCf,POLICY. which raised$286,000for the NorthwestAIDS FounIt hm taken22 yearsrnd the backilg of the old$t mrrinc dation. ... insurancecompanyin North Americato gcrit rigbt.. anil to getit priced rtgM ho! An addition to our last month's listing of adult and kids' training opportunitiesis Moss Bay Rowing and l. Very competitiverates,far superiorcoverages 2. Agrced valueon totrl loss.No deprrciation. Kayak Center (1001 Fairview Ave. N., 682-2031, 3. Permnal propefty covereda.rhorc,or in ctor|gc units. 4. Automatic coveragefor rdjoining floats, structurcs home.earthlink.net/-mossbay), which offerslessonsand 5. tr'reezedamagecovered.Floodingcovercd. also rents kayaks and canoes. ... 6. Iligh lirbility limits rvaileble. 7. Medicalpaymetrkincludcd. On June4, Fred Hutchinson Cancer ResearchCenE. Salvagecovcrrge included, ter dedicatedthe E. Donnall ThomasClinical Research 9. tr'lerihledeductiblesto lower premium. 10.Ilircd workerscovcredwhile *t floatinghome. Laboratory Building. Many who owe their life to the ....endmorel Center's programs were in attendance,or submitted CONTACTTHE BOAT INSURANCEAGENCY AT scrapbookpagesfor Nobel PrizewinnerThomasand his 2E5-1350 FOR DETAILS ANI' A QUICK COMP. AruSON (convenientlylocatedat 15fi) We.stlakeon L|t" Union) wife. Internet Power Company ( 1530 EastlakeAve., 323This crclusivepnogramis broughtto you by Cignalrsurancernd thc Boal l$urencc Agency,Inc. 7995,www.internetpower.com) offers arange of multimedia and internet developmentservices.... In the electronics-filledstudiosof MusicTech (2727 Eastlake, 860I 230, www.music-tech.com/reality), owner Steve Shenard produced, arThe Cornerfor Fine Printing ranged,engineered,mixed and mastered Lily Savannah'sCD, "Feels Like Rain." Sherrardis a composer who also has some large advertising accounts.... phone 329-9888 Sendyour businessnewsto Chris fax324-37O5 Leman, 85 E. RooanokeSt., Seattle 98102,or [email protected]. G&H PRINTING . Aerobics-lndoor cycling Closses . CYBEX/Free Weights . Certified Penonol Troiners . BqsketbollA/olleybolllSquosh. . Complete Cordio Floors . SeniorsProgrom* . Squno/Steom./Tonning . FreePorking No Controcts or lnitiqtion Fees Fitness for Every-body! Eqslloke I 165EosflqkeAve. E. 629-29g9 Fremoni* 437N. 34th 547-2096 MqdisonPork 3l30 E.ModisonSt. 329-9t33 Land Use Bulletin New and reviseddevelopment applicationswere submittedjust before press time. For both projects, submit comments ASAP. with project MUP# reference, to: Department of ConstructionandLand Use (DCLU), 710 SecondAvenue, Suite 200, Seattle, wA 98104-n03.DCLU staffand contactpersonfor both projectsis John Shaw, 684-5831. limited density;and reduce setbacks from property lines. Requestedparking garage is not consistent with current zo n in g o r neighborhood planning recommendations.Community contact : Ca ro l E ychaner, 32 4 -1 7 I 6 . (MUP #9700106) . Merrill Project, 1938 Fairview revised application for office building at corner of Newto n a n d Fairview. Revisions include:parking spacereduction from 43 to 32, including only 2 AD{spaces accessed from Ne wt o n Street; increased10' setback from adjacentcondo; substantialfacadechanges. Community co n t a c t : EastlakeresidentDennis O'B rien, 328-28 8 4 o r email him at [email protected].(MUp . 2722 Eastlake Rezone and application for a new 2-level parking garage(40 cars) and 792 sf retail. Rezone from L2/RC to NC2/40' would: increase height from 25' to 40!; allow commercial uses, including a parking garage, not currently permitted;in. creasepotentialresidential density from I unit per 1200 sf of lot area to un- #910r529\ Living and Working in Call and Order your Free Report: "The Ten Dumbest Mistakes Smart People Malc When Buyng or Sellingin the Eastlake area" Ynu Haue |\lothin uIuLnse But Yurir Pain Ihirnp rartic offers Proven Helief for '"Autn Accidents 'BarkPain '"HBadaches Pain -.NB[k nrtsInjuries " Sp Acupuncture &Massage ars also available Eastlake Chiropractic Center Suite160,SeaffleWA 98102 Brian Lavery RE/ilA)(rw 206.529.443,3 blarrcry@rcm iltnw- seatt le. com Eosdoke News * g hewildtru Adgf',r'D€g/gnrhSt.&rodGrrrt Mimi lwaml tlo{tlrrdld tdlb.lU..lihCen Sloa e06l 328-0688 ily rpfthlllo3 lrdud. qrrl0mdo3llnr h st0lned!l0rs, renovrttonrol ontl{uoitolmd th$, E ltft3 tor l[ occulom. KarenBoyd,L.Ac. LicensedAcupuncturis Tfeatment of Chronichin / CFS' Add iction/RecoveryTreatment5upport Healingfor the Eody/ Mind / Spiiit EastlakeMeridianAcupunctureClinic (205) 860-1552 2365 EastlakeAvenue East,Suite325 \ryA 98102 Seattle, .Luncfreon Jpecio[ (una Qate,J{am (y Cfreese, turF.q,or Camembeft Sandwicfr 0r oftfreDoy Quicfre Autfientic Grenc fi Qa strv Coflee or ColdDrin{. ^r f' tT ,- ,)b.oo Hours:Tires-Sat7 am-7pm, Sun 7am - 5pclosedMondays Coveredparking available insidebuilding 3230 EastlakeAve E. Seattle,'!7A 98102 (206) 328-6523