May 22, 2011 HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEDICATION OF OUR CHURCH 1986 - 2011 7100 West Ridge Rd., P.O. Box 10 Fairview, PA 16415 Phone: 814-474-2605 www.holycrossfairview.org Photography by John Misterovich HOLY CROSS MAY 22, 2011 FAIRVIEW, PA And, a special thanks to Fr. Scott for providing the additional meetings for theological clarification of questions and answers. Here is what some of the participants had to say about their Awakening Faith experience ... “I enjoyed the group discussions and found them very informative. It opened my eyes to why we do what we do as a “church”.” Thank you to all the Awakening Faith participants for making this program a true success. Kudos and many thanks to the following Group Leaders for their special insight and guidance which made the program so meaningful: Peg Mallin and Donna Scarpelli Paul DeSante Bruce Kobal and Dan Dewey Bob and Peg McCrarey Skip Simmons and Sr. Linda Fusco Al Hannibal John and Maureen Donnelly Chuck and Sylvia Smith Nancy Sarnowski Rosanne Tupek and Melanie Lion “Sharing experiences, meeting new people, breaking down the different aspects of church/faith and giving me something to think about.” “Helping me develop a deeper understanding of my faith. An understanding that was much more meaningful.” With gratitude, Chris DeSantis Coordinator of Awakening Faith Program at Holy Cross Church LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM PRESIDER: Fr. Scott Detisch Fr. Scott Detisch Fr. Scott Detisch LECTOR: Jeanine Timon͕Carl Waterhouse Dan & Marianne Levstek John Folga͕Dave Waples CO-ORD: Steve Wilson, Peg Mallin Chuck Smith, Chris DeSantis Bruce Buchman, Virginia Buchman EUCH. MINISTERS: Jan Agnello, Mary Agnello, Jennie Agnello, John Agnello, Judy Gido, Shirley Loeslein, John Timon, Pat Timon Linda Graziani, Rick Graziani, Pat McGowan, Michelann McGowan Sylvia Smith, Raymond Smith, Dan Wuenschel, Opie Wuenschel Bruce/Virginia Buchman, Martha Wetick, Rose Maas, Joe Maas, Melanie Lion, Paul DiFuccia, Janice DiFuccia, Ken MacIsaac, LuAnn MacIsaac, Betty Healy, Maureen Schlegel SERVERS: Ryan Facchine, Claire Timon, Rebecca Laser Carly Garrow, Grant Stolz, Shannon Hulings Shelby Folga, Thomas Connell Michael Connell MUSIC: Cantor Cantor Crossroads MINISTERS OF CARE: NURSERY: Levstek Nursery is available at the 10:00 a.m. Mass only Liz Luther FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Congratulations to the following young people who celebrated their First Eucharist on MAY 8, 2011. Aston Bacik Jordyn Basile Angelina Douglas Andrew Dworek Lillian Fanazini Brendan Humphrey Meghan Imler Alec Kliem Caroline Kraus Nathan Kraus Gabriella Kuzmin Alanna Malinlowski MaryBeth Malone Leah McNerney Lauren Merski Leigh Merski Johathan Millward Teddy Murphey Brittany Noble. Abby Palmer Madison Reisenauer Kari Schack Eric Schulz Peter Schweitzer Devin Signorino Payton Sornberger George Woods Jordan Ziesenheim Kayla Ziesenheim A big round of applause for the following young people who had PERFECT ATTENDANCE at Religious Education: GRADE 1 Morgan McNerney GRADE 2 Audrianna Bacik GRADE 4 Lauren Stroupe GRADE 5 Claire Chevalier Jordan Folga Scott Nerthling GRADE 6 Calvin De Priest GRADE 7 Tyler Nerthling GRADE 8 Madelyn Chevalier Mary Rose Kerner Devon Welcheck GRADE 9 Kaitlin Hullings GRADE 10 Megan Hullings GRADE 11 Kristopher MacIsaac Carl Nerthling Michael Sitzler Anthony Bacik Nikko Harris Michalla Martin Katie Slezak Marissa Dewey Sarah Rea MAY 22, 2011 ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY MASS will be held May 30th at 9 a.m. at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 5711 West Lake Road celebrated by Bishop Donald Trautman. An information meeting on DIVORCE, ANNULMENTS, and REMARRIAGE will be held on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, 7:00 p.m. at St. Mark Catholic Center on East Grandview Blvd. Staff members from the diocesan Tribunal Office will offer practical advice about the annulment process and answer individual questions in a confidential setting at the end of the meeting. All are welcome to attend. Please feel free to call the Erie Tribunal Office at 814.824.1140 with any questions. NOVA - Saturday June 4th A one-day MARRIAGE PREPARATION program designed specifically for couples free to remarry in the Catholic Church. Topics covered include expectations of remarriage, blending families, legal issues and others. Call the Family Life Office at 814.824.1261 for information. The next NOVA is scheduled for Sat., June 4th in Erie. Pre-registration is required. MAY 15th COLLECTION 207/591 Adult Env. Received.. ............................ Average $31.58 19/279 Children Env. Received ............................ Average $ .89 Budgeted Average Weekly Expense ............................. $7,300.00 Actual Offertory Collection ($239.25 Loose) .................. $6,555.35 Difference ..................................................................... -$ 744.65 Year-To-Date Budget (46 weeks). . ........................... $335,800.00 Actual Year-To-Date Collection ................................. $318,322.29 Year-To-Date Difference .......................................... -$ 17,477.71 CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL # Responses............................................................................ 232 Total Amount Pledged. .............................................. $ 75,425.00 Payments on Pledges. ............................................... $ 37,933.00 Balance due on 2011 Pledges by 1/31/12. ................ $ 37,492.00 Monday 8:00 AM Tuesday 8:00 AM Wednesday 8:00 AM Thursday 8:00 AM Friday 8:00 AM Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM May 23, 2011 Tom George Req. by Holy Cross Resurrection Choir May 24, 2011 Helen Sarnowski Req. by Chuck & Sylvia Smith May 25, 2011 Stasia Cassese Req. by Joan & Lawrence Smith May 26, 2011 Communion Service May 27, 2011 Mike Buseck Req. by Tim & Betty Healy May 28, 2011 Holy Cross Parish Family May 29, 2011 Frances Gress Req. by Matt Gress Family Ray & Kathy Lacey Req. by Joe & Rosemary Murphey Readings for the Week of May 22, 2011 Sunday: ..........Acts 6:1-7/1 Pt 2:4-9/Jn 14:1-12 Monday: ..........Acts 14:5-18/Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: .........Acts 14:19-28/Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: ...Acts 15:1-6/Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: .......Acts 15:7-21/Jn 15:9-11 Friday: .................... Acts 15:22-31/Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: ............... Acts 16:1-10/Jn 15:18-21 Next Sunday: ......... Acts 8:5-8, 14-17/1 Pt 3:15-18/Jn 14:15-21 If you wish to request that the sanctuary candle burn in memory of a loved one or for some other special intention, please call the office. Donation $10.00 QUESTION OF THE WEEK THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER ADULT: In what ways are you aware that Christ is preparing a place for you? CHILD: How do you know the way to God? MEETINGS AND EVENTS THIS WEEK Mon Thu Sat Mon 5/23 7:00 PM 5/26 7:00 PM 5/28 5:00 PM 5/30 10:00 AM Pastoral Governance - P Choir Rehearsal - WS Baptism OFFICE CLOSED Memorial day service at Gate of Heaven with Bishop Trautman 30 HOUR FAMINE CANDLE CEREMONY Participating teens learned at the candle ceremony on May 6th that each candle represented a child. There were a total of 340 candles and every 3.5 seconds a candle was blown out representing a child that dies from preventable causes. In 20 minutes, with a child dying every 17 seconds, a total of 340 children had died. The one candle lit at the end represented the child they saved through the efforts of the donations they collected. With additional donations filtering in, the Holy Cross Teens group collected a total of $1,669.39, which means they helped feed a child for 4 years and 209 days! LOVING GOD ~ FIGHTING HUNGER Mark’s Tire Service 7441 W. Lake Road • Fairview, PA 16415 Since 1952 474-2881 (814) 474-3506 • (814) 474-3783 www.nerthlings.com Auto • Truck • Farm • Commercial Bridgestone PA#8279 Welding HAGAN Let us “detail” your home! business machines Welding Repairs • Light Fabrication Equipment Painting 814-456-7521 474-3809 Pick-up & Delivery copy • fax • print • scan • postage • mailing document management solutions “The service leader” (814) 602-0888 814-833-2032 Bob Ruscitti 774-4478 M-F 9:30am-6pm Sat 9:30-5pm Sun 11am-5pm Pain Isn’t Natural! Cure your pain! 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For Admissions, call (814) 878-1288 Locally Owned & Operated • Fully Licensed & Insured Paragon Packaging Products, Inc. The Joint Commission Center of Excellence. 25 years of success. Tour today and see for yourself. Heating and Drain Cleaning Ray Chojnacki stroke or brain injury... Choose the only Hospital In the region specializing in Rehabilitation. We accept Medicaid, Medicare and most insurance. We treat patients from NY, OH, PA and all across the nation. Braces for Children & Adults 6023 W. Ridge Rd., Fairview • 814-836-8000 6066 Peach St., Erie • 814-868-8679 • Free Consultations • 6-8 Months Braces Available • Interest-Free Payment Plans • No Referral Necessary 4 Schauer Physical Therapy and Neuromuscular Massage 4 Body by Wade Fitness Center - 24/7 4 Massage 4 Silver Sneakers® Exercise Classes 4 memberships only $25/Month (9233) Walk-Ins Welcome 474-WADE Come In For Your Free Evaluation! 3041 West 12th St (814) 835-4200 2 Footlongs $9.00 7402 E. 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