Summit Inspections - Alain Pinel Realtors
Summit Inspections - Alain Pinel Realtors
Sep 17 09 05:07p Debbie Barry 4089791399 p.2 Summit Inspections Professional, Detailed Property Inspections 24991 Skyland Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95033 Tel: 408-353-5350 Fax: 408-353-2312 [email protected] CONFIDENTIAL INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: Mike & Sarah Carlotta INSPECTION ADDRESS 14- Report #71030, San Jose, CA 4970 Cherry Ave #1 95118 INSPECTION DATE 10/30/2007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm REPRESENTED BY: Deborah Barry Alain Pinel Realtors This report is the exclusive property of Summit Inspections and the client whose name appears herewith, and its use by any unauthorLzed persons is prohibited. This report has been produced in accordance with our signed contract and is subject to the terms and ccndilions agreed upon therein. AJI printed conimerts and the opinions expressed herein are those of the Inspection Inspeclion Narratves - Page 1 Sep 17 09 05:08p Debbie Barry 4089791399 p.3 Summit Inspections Professional, Detailed Property Inspections 24991 Skyland Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95033 Ter: 408-353-5350 Fax: 405-353-2312 SUMMARY REPORT Client: Realtor: Mike & Sarah Carlolta Deborah Barry, Alain Pine! Realtors Inspection Address: Inspection Date: 4970 Cherry Ave #114 - Report #71030, San Jose! CA 95115 1013012007 Start: 12:45 pm end: 3:00 pm Inspected by: Jim Dal Porto This Summary Report is intended to provide a convenient and cursory preview of the conditions and components that we have identified within our report as needing service. It is obviously not comprehensive, and should not be used as a substitute for reading the entire report, nor is it a tacit endorsement of the condition of components or features that may not appear in this summary. The service recommendations that we make in this summary and throughout the report should be completed well before the close of escrow by licensed speciaflsts, who may well identify additional defects or recommend some upgrades that could affect your evaluation of the property. This report is the exclusive property of Summit Inspections and the client whose name appears herewith, and its use by any unauthorized persons is prohibited. Narrative Color Legend: *Norrnal Text •Red Text OGreen Text UBlue Text Components Needing SeMce Structural Raised Foundation Access & Method of Evaluation • UThe access opening is substandard size Crawlspace • LiCellulose debris is present places Living -" General Interior Glass Doors • LiThe screen door does not latch at the living room sliding door Floor UTile grout is missing as noted This report has been produced in accordance with our signed contract and is subject to the terms and conditions agreed upcn therein. All prlrtted conments and [he opinions expressed nerein are those or the Inspeclion Company. Inspection Summary - Page I Sep 17 09 05:08p Debbie Barry 4089791399 GENERAL INFORMATION Inspection Address: Inspection Date: Weather: 4970 Cherry Ave #114 - Report #71030, San Jose, CA 95118 10/3012007 Time: 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm Recent Rainfall - Temperature at time of inspection: 70 Degrees Inspected by: Jim Dal Porto Client Information: Mike & Sarah Carlotta Alairi Pinel Realtors Deborah Barry 750 University Ave Ste 150, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: 408-357-8707 Mobile: 408-898-0205 Email: dbarry© Buyer's Agent: SoHer's Agent: Monte Vista Rich Ruckman Phone: 408-266-4970 Email: clierry© Inspection Fee: $295.00 Structure Type: Foundation Type: Furnished: Number of Stories: Wood Frame Crawlspace Structure Style: Condominium Structure Orientation: South Estimated Year Built: Unofficial Sq.Ft.: 864 No One 1979, Newly Renovated People on Site At Time of Inspection: Buyer(s) Developer Representalive Buyer's Agent General Property Conditions The apartment building has been recently converted to condominiums and renovated with new systems. It appears to be in very acceptable condition and no significant concerns were found. PLEASE NOTE: The service recommendations that we make in this report should be completed well before the close of escrow by licensed specialists, who may well identify additional defects or recommend some upgrades that could affect your evaluation of the property. ReportFfle: Rpt#71030 -497OCherryAve#114 Th:s report has been produced in accordance with our signed coniract and is subject lathe terms and conditions agreed upon therein. All printed comments and the expressed herein are those of the Inspection conpany. Inspection Narratives - Page 2 p.4 Sep 17 09 OS:08p Debbie Barry 4089791399 p.5 SCOPE OF WORK 'You have contracted with Summit Inspections to perform a general property inspection in accordance with the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics establlshed by CREIA, (California Real Estate Inspection Association), a copy of which has been supplied to the client, and which can be read or downloaded by visiting the CREIA website at Please refer to these standards and to our agreement form for the scope and limitations of this inspection. Our purpose is to identify property systems and components, and evaluate their condition. Conditions will be reported as being either functional, informational, safety upgrade, or needing service. Functional does not necessarily mean ideal, as our evaluation takes into account the age of the structure, system, or component and allows for normal wear and tear. We do attempt to inform you of the approximate age of components and if they are near or at the end of their expected lifespan. We inform you of safety hazards, though certain construction issues considered hazardous and needing service for a newer home may be a safety upgrade for an older home. As deemed prudent or necessary, we recommend further evaluation by appropriate licensed specialists. We use the terms left, right, front, rear, and center to describe locations within or around the dwelling, relative from facing the entry side of the residence. We may also use compass directions, such as north, south, etc. As a courtesy for more easily reading the report, we use colored print as follows: green is for functional components, blue is for conditions needing service taking into account the age of the home, and red is for various safety upgrades that were probably not required at the time of construction. All other print is standard black. There will be overlap and differences of opinion regarding the interpretation of some conditions and their color coding, so please do not rely strictly on the color or labeling of a condition. You must also not rely solely on our summary report, which is provided as a courtesy for a quick overview only of conditions we consider in need of service. The report must be read in its entirety. Digital photos are included primarily for clarification of items not readily visible from walking around the property. As our generalist inspection is essentially visual, and distinct from those of specialists, it does not include the use of specialized instruments, the dismantling of equipment, destructive testing or laboratory analysis. Consequently, a generalist inspection and its report will not be as comprehensive as that performed by specialists, and it is not intended to be. We strongly encourage that any recommended repairs or further evaluations by specialists be completed before the close of escrow, as additional detects may be revealed and upgrades suggested. There are many environmental contaminants that we do not have the expertise or the authority to test for, such as lead, asbestos, radon, methane, formaldehyde, termites and other wood-destroying organisms, pests and rodents, molds, microbes, bacterial organisms, and electromagnetic radiation, to name some of the better known ones. Nevertheless, we will attempt to alert you to any suspicious substances that would warrant evaluation by a specialist. However, you should also be aware that our use of terminology like "mold," and "asbestos," is intentionally generic, and should not be construed as a statement of fact. Regardless, health and safety, and environmental hygiene is a deeply personal responsibility, and you should make sure that you are familiar with any contaminant that could affect your home environment, and schedule any specialist inspections deemed prudent. As a courtesy, we are including some commonplace information about several of the environmental contaminants that could be of concern to you and your family. Mold is one known contaminant. It is a microorganism that has been in existence throughout human history, and actually contributes to the life process. It takes many different forms. Some characterized as aflergens are relatively benign but can provoke allergic reactions among highly sensitive individuals, and others characterized as pathogens can have adverse health effects on large segments of the population, such as the very young, the elderly, and people with suppressed immune systems. However, there are less common molds that are called toxigens that do represent a health threat. All molds flourish in the presence of moisture, and we make a concerted effort to look for any evidence of it wherever there could be a water This report has been produced in accordance with our signed contract and is subject to the terms and agreed upon therein. All printed connents and the opinions expressed herein are those of the InspecUon company. Inspection Narratives. Page 3 Sep 17 09 05:08p Debbie Barry 4089791399 p.6 source, including that from condensation. Interestingly, the molds that commonly appear on ceramic tiles in bathrooms do not usually constitute a health threat, but they should be removed. However, some visibly similar molds that form on cellulose materials, such as on drywail, plaster, and wood, are potentially toxigenic. If mold is to be found anywhere within a home, it will likely be in the area of tubs, showers, toilets, sinks, water heaters, evaporator coils, inside attics with unvented bathroom exhaust fans, and return-air compartments that draw outside air, all of which are areas that we look at very closely. Nevertheless, mold can appear as though spontaneously at anytime, so you should be prepared to monitor your home, and particularly the areas that we have alluded to. Naturally, it is equally important to maintain clean air-supply ducts and to change fitters as soon as they become soiled, because contaminated ducts are a common breeding ground for dust mites, rust, and other contaminants. The specific identification of molds can only be determined by specialists and laboratory analysis, and is absolutely beyond the scope of our inspection. As an investment in environmental hygiene, you may decide it prudent to have your home tested for the presence of any such contaminants, and particularly if you or any member of your family suffers from allergies or asthma. Asbestos is another contaminant that could be present in any home built before 1978. It is a naturally occurring mineral fiber that was first used by Greek and Romans in the first century, and it has been widely used throughout the modern world in a variety of thermal insulators, including those in the form of paper wraps, batts, blocks, and blankets. However, it can also be found in a wide variety of other products too numerous to mention, including dud insulation and acoustical materials, plasters, siding, floor tiles, heat vents, and roofing products. Although perhaps recognized as being present in some documented forms, asbestos can only be specifically identified by laboratory analysis. A single asbestos fiber is said to be able to cause cancer, and is therefore a potential health threat and a litigious issue. Significantly, asbestos fibers are only dangerous when they are released into the air and inhaled, and for this reason authorities such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) distinguish between asbestos that is in good condition, or non-friable, and that which is in poor condition, or friable, which means that its fibers could be crumbled and become airborne. However, we are not specialists and, regardless of the condition of any real or suspect asbestos-containing material (ACM), we would not endorse it and you may wish to have suspect material evaluated by a specialist. Radon is a gas that results from the natural decay of radioactive materials within the soil, and is purported to be the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. The gas is able to enter homes through the voids around pipes in concrete floors or through the floorboards of poorly ventilated crawispaces, and particularly when the ground is wet and the gas cannot easily escape through the soil and into the atmosphere. However, it cannot be detected by the senses, and its existence can only be determined by sophisticated instruments and laboratory analysis. You can learn more about radon and other environmental contaminants and their affects on health, by contacting the EPA or a similar state agency, and it would be prudent for you to inquire about any high radon readings that might be prevalent in the region surrounding your home. Lead poses an equally serious health threat. In the 1920's it was commonly found in many plumbing In fact, the word "plumbing" is derived from the Latin word which means lead. When in use as a component of a waste system, it does not constitute a viable health threat, but as a component of potable water supply pipes it would certainly be a health-hazard. Although rarely found in use today, lead could be present in any home build as recently as the nineteen forties, For instance, lead was an active ingredient in many household paints, which can be released in the process of sanding, and even be ingested by small children and animals chewing on painted surfaces. There are other environmental contaminants, some of which we have already mentioned, and others that may be relatively benign. However, we are not environmental hygienists, and as we stated earlier we disclaim any responsibIlity for testing or establishing the presence of any environmental contaminant, and recommend that you schedule whatever specialist inspections might be deemed prudent before the close of escrow, systems. Narrative Color Legend: *Nomial Text 4Red Text OGreen Text JBiue Text This report has been produced in accordance with our signed contract and is subject to the terms and cend;Iions agreed upon therein. Au punted comments and the opinions expressed herein are those of the company. Inspection Narratives - Page 4 Sep 17 09 05:09p Debbie Barry Inspection Address: Inspection Date/Time: 4089791399 p.7 4970 Cherry Ave #114 - Report #71030, San Jose, CA 95118 10(30/2007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm Structural Structures are not uniform, and conform to the standards of the year in which they were built or renovated, We identify and describe the various foundation types, and the floor, wail, ceiling and roof structure, and look for any evidence of structural deficiencies. We look closely for foundation cracks and related issues and will alert you to their presence when they are visible, However, cracks or deteriorated surfaces in foundations are quite common. In fact, it would be rare to find an older raised foundation wall that was not cracked or deteriorated in sortie way, or a slab foundation that did not include some cracks concealed beneath the finished floor coverings. Fortunately, most small cracks are related to the curing process, common settling, or cold-joint separations caused by non-continuous concrete pouring. Larger cracks due to poor quality concrete, severe settling, earth movement, or expansive type scil subject to variations in moisture content can be more structurally significant. Though there is no absolute standard for evaluating cracks, our guideline for referral to a foundation specialist are individual cracks 1/4" or wider, or a series of cracks in a single linear section totaling 1/4 or wider, cracks that penetrate the entire wall and/or footing, long horizontal and other unusual cracks. However, we are not specialists, and in the absence of any major defects, we may not recommend that you consult with a foundation contractor, a structural engineer, ora geologist, but this should not deter you from seeking the opinion of any such expert should you desire. Addition or Major Remodel A Probable Renovation or Addition * Informational Components The residence appears to have been fully renovation (converted from an apartment building to condominiums). There appears to be all new plumbing, electrical, heating and air conditioning, appliances, etc. We recommend that you verify the permit and certificate of occupancy to help insure that the work was done to accepted construction practices by a licensed contractor. In the absence of such a permit, there is a greater chance that latent defects (ones not readily visible or currently apparent) could exist. Multiple Living Units Condominium Location * * Informational Components Our inspection of a condominium or townhouse is limited to the areas directly a part of that residence, and does not include common areas (carport, driveway, walkways, etc.) which are the responsibility of the homeowners! association (HOA). Often we are not able, or allowed, to access or report on the roof, an attic if is not directly above and accessible, or the foundation if it is not directly below and accessible from the residence inspected. The condominium is on the first floor of a two-story complex. The exterior and roofs of condominiums and townhouses are typically the responsibility of the homeowners' association. Per request. this inspection excludes the exterior and roof, and is limited to the interior only. Consult the pest control inspector's report for any issues with the wood siding and trim. Reporting Format * Informational Components Multiple unit structures are reported on as a whole, as many systems such as the foundation, exterior, roof and attic are shared systems. Component information and concerns specific to each unit are reported on within the general system sections of the report, as opposed to individual reports for each unit. Individual units will be identified by their apartment number, #1 through #4. Units with identical or similar components needing service will be listed by number within the relative component comment. This report has been produced in accordance wfth or signed contact and is subject to the terms and conditions agreed upon therein. All pented conrents and the opinions expressed lerein are those of the Inspection Company. Inspection Nanatives - page 5 Sep 17 09 05:lOp Debbie Barry Inspection Address: Inspection Date/Time: 4089791399 p.8 4970 Cherry Ave #1 14- Report #71 030, San Jose, CA 95115 10!30/2007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm Raised Foundation * General Comments Informational Components Raised foundations permit access, and provide a convenient area for the distribution of plumbing pipes, conduits, and heating ducts. Raised foundations are far from uniform, but most include concrete perimeter footings and walls that extend above the ground with anchor bolts that hold the house onto the foundation, but the size and spacing of the bolts vaiy. Steel rods are embedded within the walls for strength. Interior floors are typically supported by individual piers and posts, or by concrete interior stem walls, which in turn support the floor girders and/or joists. In the absence of major cracks or defects, most structural engineers agree that the one critical issue is that the structure should be bolted to the fcundtion. Our inspection of these foundations conforms to industry standards, which is that of a generalist and not a specialist, and we do not use any speciahzed instruments to establish that the structure is level. Significantly, many foundations are built or move out of level, but the average person may not become aware of this until there is a difference of more than one inch in twenty feet, which most authorities regard as being tolerable. We typically enter all accessible areas to confirm that foundations are bolted and to look for any evidence of structural deformation or damage, but we may not comment on minor deficiencies, such as on commonplace settling cracks in the stem walls and slight deviations from plumb and level in the intermediate floor framing, which are difficult to observe and would have little structural significance. We also inspect and report on ventilation. underfloor insulation, and inadequate separation of wood framing members from soil. Description of Foundation Type Informational Components The foundation is a poured concrete raised perimeter with visible anchor bolts. Access & Method of Evaluation Informational Components * The foundation can be accessed at the rear bedroom closet. There is above average and ample height in the crawlspace. Components Needing Se,vice U The access opening is somewhat substandard size by current standards. Current minimal opening size is to be 18" X 24", and without additional obstructions. An opening larger than the current one appears present within the same closet, but is covered over by the carpet. * * Foundation Walls Fvnctionai Components o The visible foundation walls appear to be in overall acceptable condition. Sample photo to follow. * Informational Components Minor amounts of white mineral deposits (efflorescence) are present at the interior of the front and left side foundation walls and soil. Efflorescence occurs when moisture passes through material and transfers mineral salts to the surface, and is a common occurrence. Sample photo to follow. This report been produced in acccrdance with our sinned contract and is sUbject to the terms and condidcns agreed upon therein. All punted connents and the opinions expressed herein are those of the Inspection company Inspection Narratives - Page 6 Sep 17 09 05:11 p Debbie Barry inspection Address: Inspection Date/Time: * 4089791399 4970 CherryAve#114 - Report#71030, Sari Jose. CA 10/3012007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm p.9 goiie Typical small vertical cracks (approximately 1/32' to 1(16' wide) at the center front perimeter foundation wah are present which should not affects its structural integrity. Photo to follow of widest crack. Crawlspace Functional Components o The foundation crawlspace and its components are in acceptable condition. o The crawlspace soils are dry throughout with little or no signs of moisture intrusion. Informational Components * The soils appear to be a clay-based expansive type. When wet, they absorb moisture and expand; when dry they contract. The expansion and contraction can be sufficient enough to move interior concrete pier blocks as well as move and even crack perimeter foundation walls, resulting in a variety of interior issues as well. Floors can become uneven, wall coverings can crack, door and windows can stick or not operate properly, etc. Consistent moisture content of the soils is advisable, and dry soils are always preferable to wet soils. Photo to follow of dried and cracked soil. * Cable wires are laying on soils in the crawlspace (a extremely typical finding), rather than being properly secured to the floor framing. We are very careful when crawling under the house and make every effort not to disturb connections, but we cannot be responsible for improperly installed wiring. Sample photo to follow. This report has been produced in accordance with our signed contract and is subject to the teims and condhcns agreed upon therein. Air printed comments anc the opinions expressed herein arethose of the InspectS Inspection Narralives - Page 7 05:llp Sep 17 09 Debbie Barry Inspection Address: Inspection Date/Time: * U 4089791399 4970 Cherry Ave #114 -Report #71030, San Jose, CA 95118 10/30/2007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm Consvuction debris remains under the house in places (some plastic plumbing pipe under the laundry and beer bottles near the access hatch). Sample photo to follow. Components Needing SeMce Small amounts of cellulose debris (wood scraps) is present in places. Refer to the pest operator's report for recommendation for removal. Intermediate Floor Supports 0 o * p.10 Fun otional Components The interior concrete pier and wood post supports appear to be in overall acceptable condition. Sample photo to follow. Intermediate Floor Framing Functional Components The visible intermediate floor framing appears to be in acceptable condition. Informational Components White stains are present on the subfloor under the bathroom that should be evaluated by the pest control operator. Sample photos to follow. This repcrt has been produced in accordance with our signed contract and is subject to the terms and conditions agreed upon therein. AJI printed comments and the opiiions expressed herejn are those of the Inspection Company Inspection Narratives - Page 8 Sep 17 09 05:l2p Debbie Barry Inspection Address: Inspection Date/Time: * 4089791399 p.11 4970 Cherry Ave #114 - Report #71030, San Jose, CA 95118 10/30/2007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm Cripple Walls Informational Components No cripple walls are present. Cripple waDs refer to framed sections between the top of the concrete foundation and the floor, and are generally present with most step-down" foundations on slopes and where the foundation does not extend fully to the floor joists. Ventilation o Functional Components The sub area ventilation is adequate and plenziful. Floor Insulation * • Informational Components There is no floor insulation, which is what would be expected for the age of this residence. Newer construction would typically require approx[mately 6" of insulation under the floors. Firewall Safety Upgrade Components The openings to adjacent unit crawispaces are considered a breach in the firewall for individual unit construction (but not for apartment buildings). Adjacent individual units should be protected by a fire rated assembly, such as fire-rated sheetrock of proper thickness. Per building construction manager on site, the Firewall installations were not required for the conversions (though were for the interiors and attics). Consult the local juiisdiction having authority if further information or verification is desired. A positive result is that there is increased crawispace ventilation. Photo to follow. Structural Elements Lower Floor Structure Informational Components * The floor structure consists of concrete piers supporting wood posts, girders and joists sheathed with plywood. Upper Floor Structure Informational Components The upper floor structure most likely includes conventional and/or engineered lumber sheathed with plywood, though upper floor framing is typically not visible. This report has been produced in accordance with our signed contract and is subject to the terms and conditions agreed upon therein. Alt printed comments and the opinions expressed herein are those of the Inspection conrpany. Inspection Narratives - Page 9 Sep 17 09 05:l2p Debbie Barry Inspection Address: Inspection Daterllme: * * 4089791399 p.12 4970 Cherry Ave #114 - Report #71030, San Jose, CA 95118 1013012007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm Wall Structure Informational Components The walls appear to be conventionally framed with wooden studs. Ceiling & Roof Structure Informational Components We have no means of inspecting the ceiling or roof structure (for the upper unit). Consult the HOA for this information if desired. Plumbing Plumbing systems have common components, but they are not uniform. In addition to fixtures, these components include gas pipes, potable water pipes, drain and vent pipes, shut-off valves (which we do not test if they are not in daily use), pressure regulators, pressure relief valves, and water-heating devices. The best and most dependable water supply pipes over the last 30-40 years are copper (60-80 year life expectancy), because they are not subject to the build-up of minerals that bond within galvanized pipes (30-60 year life expectancy), and gradually restrict their inner diameter and reduce water volume. Water softerters can remove most of these minerals, but once they are bonded within the pipes there would be no remedy other than a re-pipe, though new techniques are being developed. The water pressure within pipes is commonly confused with water volume, but whereas high water volume is good, high water pressure is not. in fact, wtienever the street pressure exceeds eighty pounds per square inch a pressure reducing regulator is recommended, which typically comes factory preset around sixty-five pounds per square inch. However, regardless of the pressure, leaks will occur in any system, and particularly in one with older galvanized pipes, or one in which the regulator fails and high pressure begins to stress the washers and diaphragms within the various components. A variety of plastic supply pipes have also been used, some currently and some no longer in use. One should always consult with the local building department for approval of the use of any type of piping or other materials falling under their jurisdiction. Waste and drainpipes pipes are equally varied, and range from modern acrylonitrfle butadiene styrene (ABS) ones to older ones made of cast-iron, galvanized steel, clay, or a cardboard-like material that is coated with tar. The condition of these pipes is usually directly related to their age. Older ones are subject to damage through decay arid root movement, whereas the more modern ABS ones are virtually impervious to damage, although isolated batches of them have been alleged to be defective. However, inasmuch as significant portions of drainpipes are concealed, we can often only infer their condition by observing the draw at drains. Nonetheless, blockages will occur in the life of any system, and we recommend that you consult with the seller for any such history, particularly in main drain lines, which you may wish to have video-scanned. This could also confirm that the house is connected to the public sewer system, which is important because all private systems must be evaluated by specialists before the close of escrow. Failing this, you may wish to obtain an insurance policy that covers blockages and damage to the main drain line. We evaluate fixtures and water pipes by operating every accessible hose bib and active fixtures at sinks, showers, and bathtubs. We test for proper configuration of hot and cold water valves and functional water flow. We evaluate drains by running water through every active fixture drain while observing their draw and watching for slow drainage or blockages. We also look for leaks at all visible portions of the drainage system, and attempt to verify proper venting, drain pipe slope, etc. As with many building components, significant portions of the plumbing pipes are often not visible. This report has been produced in accordance with our signed conlract and is subject to the temis and conditions agreed upon therein. All printed comments and the opinions expressed herein are those of the Inspection company. Inspection Narratives- Page 10 Sep 17 09 05:l3p Debbie Barry Inspection Address: Inspection Date/Time: 4089791399 p.13 4970 Cherry Ave #114- Report #71030, San Jose, CA 95116 1013012007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm Potable Water Pipes Water Main Location * * * * Informational Components The main water shut-off valve is located at the front of the residence. Main Supply & Pressure informational Components The main supply pipe entering the residence is approximately 1' diameter. We were unable to identify the type of material of the main water supply pipe Water pressure measured 55 to 65 psi at the time of the inspection. Copper Water Pipes o * Functional Components The visible copper water supply pipes appear to be all new and are in acceptable have a typical life expectancy of sixty to eighty years. Sample photo to follow. condition. Copper pipes Pipe Insulation Informational Components There are water pipes running through the unheated crawispace, which you may wish to have insulated to guard against energy loss. Uninsulated pipes are typical for the age of construction of this residence. Generally, only hot pipes are insulated in this climate. Waste and Drainage System * Type of Material Informational Components The residence is served by what appears to be new ABS drain, waste and vent pipes, which are constructed with durable modern plastic that has been in use since the early to mid-sixties. Sample photo to follow. Drain Pipes Waste Pipes and Vent Pipes Functional Components 0 Based on our method of evaluation, the condition of the drairipipes appear functional at this time, but only video-scan of the main drainpipe would confirm its actual condition, No drain pipe leaks were found. This report has been prodeced in accordance wjth our signed corliract and is subject to the terms and agreed upon therein. All piinred comments and the opinions expressed herein are those of the Inspection company. Inspection Narradves - Page 11 a Sep 17 09 05:l3p Debbie Barry Inspection Address: Inspection Date/Time: * 4089791399 p.14 4970 CherryAve#114- Report#71030, San Jose, CA 95i18 10/30(2007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm informational Components A main building sewer cleanout is present at the front exterior of the residence. This will allow easy access to service the main drain to the city sewer line. Gas Gas Supply & Shut-Otis lnfomia f/anal Components * No gas is supplied to the residences, so all appliances will be electric. Water Heater General Water Heater Comments Informational Components * There are a wide variety of residential water heaters that range in capacity from ten to one hundred gallons, though There are also tankless models which are becoming more popular. Water heaters can be expected to last eight to thirteen years. However, few of them last longer than tifteen or twenty years and many eventually leak. Accordingly, it is always wise to have them installed over a drain pan with a discharge pipe plumbed to the exterior. The water temperature should be set at a minimum of 110 degrees Fahrenheit to kill microbes and a maximum of 140 degrees to prevent scalding (a maximum of 120 degrees is recommended for small children). Water heaters with storage tanks can be dangerous if they are not seismically secured and equipped with either a pressure/temperature relief valve and discharge pipe plumbed to the exterior, or a Watts 210 gas shut-off valve for gas water heaters. These features are mandatory. Age & Capacity Informational Components * Hot water is provided by a new, 40 gallon electric water heater that is located in the halt closet which also serves the laundry. Electrical Connections Functional Components o The electrical to the water heater appears to be in acceptable condilion. Water Shut-Off Valve and Connectors Functional Components o The shut-off valve and water connectors on the water heater are present and appear to be functional, though we do not operate shut-off valves. Pressure Release Valve and Discharge Pipe Functional Components o The water heater is equipped with a mandated temperature-pressure (TPR) relief valve and discharge pipe. Seismic Straps Functional Components o The water heater is seismically secured according to the inspector's interpretation of the California State Architect's requirements. Local jurisdictions may have different regulations and/or less stringent enforcement standards. Water heaters up to 50 gallon capacity must be strapped in the upper and lower third with proper materials and methods. An additional strap may be required for each additional 26 gallons. Strap fasteners into solid framing are to be lag screws a minimum of 114" diameter by 3" long, and blocking at the wall may be necessary to hold the healer rigid in place. Manufacturer's specifications must be met. Drip Pan and Overflow Pipe Functional Components o The water heater is equipped with damage from a leak. a drip pan and an overflow pipe, which is designed to prevent water This report has been produced in accordance with cur signed contract and is subiect to the terms and conditions agreed upon therein. All printed conmients and the cpinions expressed herein are those of the Inspection company. rnspecticn Narratives -Page 12 Sep 17 09 OS:l4p Debbie Barry Inspection Address: Inspection Date/Time: 4089791399 p.15 4970 CherryAve #114 - Report#71030, San Jose, CA 95118 10/30/2007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm Electrical There are a wide variety of electrical systems with an even greater variety of components, and any one particular system may not conform to current standards or provide the same degree of service and safety. As with many building components, most electrical wiring is enclosed within walls or flooring and no longer visible. Regardless, we are not speciatists, and in compliance with industry standards we inspect the service equipment and the interior of accessible electrical panels, but we do not perform cad-calculations to determine if the supply meets the demand. We test a representative sample of accessible lights, switches and outlets, but do not remove cover plates. We will also not inspect accessory or auxiliary electrical or wiring systems, such as security systems. intercoms, low-voltage wiring, photovoltaics, generators or other backup power supply, fixtures or components not immediately at or adjacent to the residence or primary parking structure. However, we regard every electrical deficiency and recommended upgrade as a potential safety-hazard that should be serviced and certified as safe by a specialist. Therefore, it is essential that any recommendations that we may make for service or upgrades should be completed within the inspection period, or before the close of escrow, because a specia!ist codd reveal additional deficiencies or recommend further upgrades. Main Panel * * * Genera] Comments Informational Components National safety standards require exterior electrical supply panels to be weatherproof, readily accessible, and have a minimum of thirty-six inches of clear space in front of them for service. Also, they should have a main disconnect if there are more than six fuses or breakers, and each circuit within the panel should be clearly labeled. Size and Location Infotmational Components The residence is served by a 125 amp, 240 voit main electrical supply panel tocated at the left side of the building. The main panel only houses the electric meter and main disconnect breaker to the interior subpanef. The numbering system for the main panel breakers to the individual condominiums correspond to prior apartment numbers, not the new numbering system. Per manager, this unit is labeled #25, but new numbering is to be applied. Type of Wiring * informational Components The residence is wired with a three-wire non-metallic copper cable commonly known as grounded Romex. Grounding * informational Components Consult the for the main electrical grounding information. Bonding Connection Informational Components * Some jurisdictions require that both the hot and cold water pipes as well as the gas pipe be connected with a wire (via proper wire cramps) to equalize voltage differential from potential errant electrical current that may come into contact with the metal pipe systems (which easily conduct electricity). This is referred to as "bonding" together of the metal pipe conductors, and is typically accomplished at the water heater or the utility systems entrance to the residence. Other jurisdictions do not require or even recommend that the gas pipe be included. Consult your local jurisdiction for their requirements. Safety Upgrade Components + No electrical bonding wire was verified connecting the hot and cold water pipes and the gas pipe. We recommend that this safety requirement be verified or installed by a licensed electrician. This report has been produced in accordance with our signed contract and is subject tc the temis and agreed upcn therein. fiJi printed comments and the expressed herein are those of the Inspection company. inspection - Page 13 Sep 17 09 05:l4p Debbie Barry Inspection Address: Inspection Date/Time: 4089791399 p.16 4970 CherryAve #114 - Report#71030, San Jose, CA 95118 10/30/2007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm Sub Panel #1 Size and Location Informational Components * The residence is served by a 125 amp! 240 volt sub panel, located in the living room to hallway walJ. Sub Panel Functional Components o We removed the sub panel cover, inspected its components, and found no visible deficiencies. Probable Addition Informational Components * The electrical subpanel panel is not an original installation, as it is a new panel. Circuit Breakers Informational Components * An arc-fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) is required for new construction for all bedroom outlets. An AFCI breaker is present at the subpanel, though it was not manually tested to verify that power was interrupted to the bedroom outlets (it is recommended that this be done periodically by the occupant to insure proper function). A sensor in the breaker trips off the power when an electrical arc, usually caused by a loose wiring connection, is detected. Arcing can create heat build-up and potential fire, so is currently required in those rooms designated for sleeping. Heat-NC The components of most heating and air-conditioning systems have a design-life ranging from ten to twenty years, dependent on the climate zone, but can fail prematurely with poor maintenance. Heating and air conditioning systems should be inspected periodically and maintained on a regular basis, such as cleaning of filters, compartments, coils, etc. The air conditioning system in particular is one of the most poorly maintained household systems, resulting in inefficiency and excessive wear and tear on its components. Systems within five years of their expected lifespan will be noted as near the end of their lifespan. We test and evaluate heating and air-conditioning systems in accordance with industry standards, which means that we do not attempt to dismantle any portion of them, or evaluate the following concealed components: the heat exchanger, or firebox, electronic air-cleaners, humidifiers, and in-line duct motors or dampers. We will attempt to view fully accessible heat exchangers, but a thorough, tear-down inspection can only be performed by an HVAC specialist. We inspect the heating and cooling equipment, energy source connections, combustion air, exhaust vents, condensation drains and distribution systems. You should also be aware that we do not operate any unvented heating devices lhat utilize fossil fuels, as well as wood or solid fuel burning devices, the presence of which sometimes confirms the inadequacy of the primary heating system. However, these and every other fuel burning appliances that are not vented are potentially hazardous. They can include open flames or heated elements, which are capable of igniting any of the myriad flammable materials found in the average home. Also, even the most modern of these appliances can produce carbon monoxide, which in a sealed or poorly ventilated room can result in sickness, debilitating injury, and even death. We perform a conscientious evaluation of heating and air-conditioning systems, but we are not specialists. Therefore, it is imperative that any recommendation that we may make for service or a second opinion be scheduled within the inspection period, or before the close of escrow, because a specialist could reveal additional defects or recommend further upgrades that could affect your evaluation of the property, and our service does not include any form of warranty or guarantee. This report has been produced ir. accordance with our signed contract and is subject to the terms and conditions agreed upon therein. All printed comments and the opinions expressed herein are those or the Inspection Narratives - Page 14 company. Sep 17 09 O5:l5p Debbie Barry Inspection Address: Inspection Date/Time: 4089791399 p.17 4970 Cherry Ave #114- Report #71030, San Jose, CA 95118 10/30/2007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm Heat and AC * Type of Fuel Informational Components The residence is served by electrically fueled heating and air conditioning systems. Package System Age and Location Functional Components O Heat and air-conditioning to the living room and surrounding open areas is provided by a package system located in the front living room waD. It is new and has an approximate heating capacity of 11,000 BTL) and an approximate cooling capacity of 1 ton. Both modes of the unit were operated and appear to be functioning. The unit may or may not be sufficient to provide heated or cooled air to the bedrooms and bath room. Heat only fan assisted wall units are present and functional in each of the bedrooms only. Living Our inspection of the general living space includes the living, dining, family rooms, etc. We visually inspect (without the use of a ladder) the accessible areas of walls, ceilings, floors, closets, permanently installed cabinets, presence or absence of smoke detectors, and we operate all ceiling fans and a representative number of windows, doors, lights, switches and cutlets. We identify window types and materials, but we do not evaluate window treatments, or move furniture, lift carpets or rugs, empty closets or cabinets, or comment on cosmetic deficiencies. We may comment on the cracks that appear around windows and doors, or which follow the lines of framing members and the seams of drywall and plasterboard. These cracks are a consequence of movement, such as wood shrinkage, common settling, and seismic activity, and will often reappear if they are not correctly repaired. Significant cracks car become the subject of disputes, and are best evaluated by a specialist. Similarly, there are a number of environmental pollutants, such as asbestos, radon, lead-based paints, mold, etc., the identification of which is beyond the scope of our service. However, there are a host of lesser contaminants, such as odors that are typically caused by moisture penetration, smoke, or household pets. Inasmuch as the sense of smell adjusts rapidly, and sensitivity to such odors is not uniform, we recommend that you make this determination for yourself, and particularly if any occupant suffers from asthma or allergies, and then schedule whatever remedial service you deem necessary before the close of escrow. General lnteriQr o Doors Functional Components The doers throughout are in functional condition. Sliding Glass Doors o Functional Components The sliding glass doors are tempered and in acceptable condition, Components Needing SeMce , . The living room sliding glass door screen dces not latch. it I 11 Floor Functional Components No significant visible defects were observed in the finished floor coverings. Informational Components * Floor coverings include carpet and tile. Components Needing Service U Tile grout is missing against the sliding glass door at the dining area, and should be installed. Walls and Ceiling Functional Components O The walls and ceiling are in overall acceptable condition. o . , This report has been produced in accordance our signed contract and is subject to (be terms and conditions agreed upon (herein, All panted comments and the opinions expressed herein are those of the Inspeclion company. Inspection Nautadves - Page Sep 17 09 05:l6p Debbie Barry Inspection Address: Inspection Date/Time: * * 4089791399 p.18 4970 Cherry Ave #114 - Report #7i 030, San Jose, CA 95118 10/30/2007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm Informational Components Wall and ceilhng coverings consist of standard drywall. Window Materials informational Components The windows are primarily dual pane with vinyl frames. Window Types * informational Components The windows are the fixed and sliding type variety. Windows Functional Components We tested all of the operable windows and found them to be functional throughout Closets Functional Components o The visible areas of the closets are in overall acceptable condition. o Lights Functional Components The interior lights and/or switched outlets are functional throughout Outlets Fun ctional Components O The accessible outlets that were tested are functional. o The front and rear exterior outlets are functional and ground-fault protected. The front cutlet is receptacle, and controls the rear outlet as well. o a GFCI Smoke Detectors Functional Components Smoke detectors are present and functioning throughout the house, meaning they responded to their test buttons. We have no means of verifying that they will respond as intended to smoke or heat. The residence meets current standards which require a smoke detector on each floor, in each bedroom and bedroom hallway. Detectors should be tested regulary, and batteries replaced yearly or as necessary. Ceiling Fans Functional Components o A ceiling Ian is present and in the dining area. o Entry Front Door o Functional Components The front door is in acceptable condition, including functional hardware and weatherstripping. Attic * No Attic Informational Components There is no attic in the lower unit condominium. Bedrooms Our inspectFcn of bedrooms is similar to that of the living space We also evaluate windows and doors to ensure that they meet light and ventilation requirements, and facilitate an emergency entry or exit . This report been produced in accordance with air signed contract and is subject to the terms and condhcns agreed upon therein. All punted comments and the opinions expressed herein are those of the inspection company. Inspection Narratives - Page 16 Sep 17 09 05:l6p Debbie Barry Inspection Address: Inspection Date/Time: 4089791399 4970 Cherry Ave #114 - p.19 Report #71030, San Jose, CA 95118 10130/2007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm Bedrooms There is no recommended service Functional Components 0 We have evaluated the bedrooms in compliance with industry standards, and found theni to be in acceptable condition, unless specific items are noted within the report. Bathrooms Our evaluation of bathrooms is similar to that of the living space, and also includes inspecting and operating every plumbing fixture, heater, ventilation fan, arid whirlpool tub if feasible. It drain stoppers are functional, we typically test sink overflow drains. We do not operate or evaluate steam showers and saunas, nor do we leak-test shower pans, which is the responsibility of the pest control inspector. However, because of the possibility of water damage, most pest control inspectors will not leak-test second floor shower pans. Hallway Bathroom Size and Location Informational Components The hallway bathroom isa full bath. * Cabinets o o Functional Components The bathroom cabinet is functional. Sink & Countertop Functional Components The bathroom sink and its components are functional. Toilet o * Functional Components The toilet is functional. Informational Components The toilet is a low flow, 1.6 gallon per flush, model. Tub-Shower O Functional Components The tub/shower and components are in functional condition. Ventilation o Functional Components Ventilation is provided by an openable window. No Heat informational Components * No heat source is provided to this bathroom. Lights o Functional Components The bathroom lights are functional, Outlets o Functional Components The bathroom outlet is functional and includes ground-fault protection. Common Our evaluation of the common space, which includes the kitchen, hallway, stairs, laundry, garage and carport is similar to that of the living space. We pay particular attention to safety standards, sudi as those involving electricity and the integrity of fire doors, firewalls, vehicle door openers, stair handrails and guardrails. We test all built-in appliances but not portable ones, including the supply and waste components This report has been produced in accordance with rxr signed contact and is subiect to [tie terms and conditions agreed upon therein. printed cornnents and the cpinions expressed herein are those of the lnspectcn Company. Inspecton - Page 7 Sep 17 09 05:l6p Debbie Barry IrispectionAddress: Inspection Date/Time: 4089791399 p.20 4970 CherryAve#114- Report#71030, San Jose, CA 95118 10130/2007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm of washing machines. Kitchen * General Kitchen Comments informational Components We test built-in kitchen appliances, including dishwashers, for their functionaflty, but cannot evaluate them for their performance nor for the variety of their settings or cycles. However, if they are older than ten years, they may well exhibit decreased efficiency. Regardless, we do not inspect the following items: portable appliances such as refrigerators, microwaves, coffee makers, blenders, etc., built-in toasters, instant hot-water dispensers, water-purifiers, barbecues, grills, or rotisseries, timers, clocks, thermostats, the self-clearing capacity of ovens, and concealed or countertop lighting, which is convenient but often installed after the initial construction and powered by extension cords or ungrounded conduits. The kitchen appliances are all new as expected. * Cabinets Functional Components The kitchen cabinets are functional. Counter Top Functional Components o The kitchen counter top is functional. o Sink Functional Components The kitchen sink and its components are in functional condition. Faucet Functional Components O The kitchen sink faucet is functional. Garbage Disposal Functional Components o The garbage disposal is functional. Electric Range Functional Components o The electric range is functional, but was neither calibrated nor tested for Is performance. o An anti-tip device is installed. This is considered to be an upgrade for older ranges. but expected to be present on newer ranges to prevent accidental tip-over if a child stands on an open oven door. o Dishwasher Functional Components o The dishwasher is functionat and equipped with a required air gap device to prevent back-siphoning. It was operated and no leaks were detected. Exhaust or Downdraft Fan Functional Components o The kitchen exhaust fan (integrated into the microwave) is functional and a recirculating type that vents internally. Informational Components * The kitchen recirculating type fan is epuipped with both the grease screen and charcoal activated type filter pad(s). Charcoal pads serve to minimize cooking odors, and should be replaced periodically. Built-in Microwave o Functional Components The built-in microwave is functional but we did not test it for leakage, which would require instrument. a specialized Lights Functional Components o The lights in the kitchen are functional.. This report has been produced in accrdance with signed contact and is subject to the terms and conditions agreed upon therein. All prnted comnents and the opinions expressed herein are those onus lnspecton Company. Inspection Narratives - Page 18 Sep 17 09 05:l7p Debbie Barry Inspection Address: Inspection DatelTime: 4089791399 p.21 4970 CherryAve#114-Report#71030, San Jose, CA §5118 10/30/2007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm Outlets o Functional Components All countertop outlets are functional and include ground-fault protection as currently required. Laundry Location Informational Components Stackable laundry provisions are located off the hallway. General Laundry Room Comments Informational Components * In accordance with industry standards, we do not test clothes diyers or washing machines. We will verify that a gas supply or 240 volt outlet is present (and functioning if possible) for the dryer, and visually inspect washer water connections for leaks and the presence of a drainpipe and vent whenever possible. You should be aware that modem washing machines discharge a greater volume of water than many of the older drainpipes (less The diameter) can handle, which may cause the water to back up and overflow. The only remedy for this is to enlarge the drainpipe or install a washing machine with lower water usage. Exhaust Fan Functional Components o The exhaust Ian in the laundry area is functional. Dryer Vent Functional Components o A proper dryer lint utilizing a rigid metal vent pipe is provided. Dryer vents need to be cleaned pericdica(ly to prevent Nnt build-up which reduces thedrying efficiency. Photo of vent under house to follow. * Lights o Functional Components The tights in the laundry area are functional. Outlets Functional Components The 220/240 volt outlet for the electric dryer is functional. Informational Components * The 110 volt outlet was not accessible to test without moving the laundry machine. o This report has beer produced in accordance with signed confracL and is subject to the terms and conditions agreed upon therein. All printed comments arid the opinions expressed herein are those of the Inspectca company. Inspection Narratives - Page 9 Sep 17 09 05:l7p Debbie Barry 4089791399 AFFILIATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS FREA Jim Dal Porte General Property Inspector since 1995 Specializing in thorough, detailed inspections California State Genera! Contractor's License #600603 Certified CREIA Inspector (California Real Estate inspection Association) - Professional Association President of CREIA for the Silicon Valley ASHI/CREIA Chapter ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors) Certified Energy-Checkup Inspector Member of FREA (The Foundation of Real Estate Appraisers) This report has been produced in accordance with our signed ccntract and is subject to the terms and condtdons agreed upon thereir.. pdnted comments and the opinions expressed herein are those of the Inspection Company. Inspection Narratives - Page 20 p.22 Sep 17 09 05:l7p Debbie Barry 4089791399 p.23 REPORT CONCLUSION 4973 Cherry Ave#114 - Report #71030, San Jose, CA 95118 Thank you for having us inspect this property. We are proud of our service, and trust that you will be happy with the quality of our report. We have made every effort to provide you with an accurate assessment of the condition of the property and its components and to alert you to any significant defects or adverse conditions. However, we may not have tested every ouUel, and opened every window and door, or identified every minor defect. Also, because we are not specialists and our inspection is essentially visual, latent defects could exist. Therefore, you should not regard our inspection as conferring a guarantee or warranty. It does not. It is simply a report on the general condition of the property at a given point in time. Furthermore, as a homeowner, you should expect problems to occur. Roofs may leak, drain lines will become blocked, and components and systems will fail without warning. For these reasons, you should take into consideration the age of the house and its components and keep a comprehensive insurance policy current. If you have been provided with a home protection policy, read it carefully. Some policies may only cover insignificant costs, such as that of rooter service, and the representatives of some insurance companies may deny coverage on the grounds that a given condition was preexisting or not covered because of a code violation or manufacturer defect. Therefore, you should read such policies very carefully, and depend upon our company and your real estate representative for any consultation that you may need. Inasmuch as we never knowwho will be occupying or visiting a property. whether it be children or the elderly, we ask you to consider following these general safety recommendations: install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors; identify all escape and rescue ports; rehearse an emergency evacuation of the home; upgrade older electrical systems by at least adding ground-fault outlets in recommended locations; never service any electrical eçuipment without first disconnecUng its power source; safety-film all non-tempered glass in recommended locations; ensure that every elevated window and the railings of stairs, landings, balconies, and decks are child-safe; regulate the temperature of water heaters to prevent scalding; make sure that goods that contain caustic or poisonous compounds, such as bleach, drain cleaners, and nail polish removers be stored where small children cannot reach them; ensure that all garage doors are well balanced and have a safety device, particularly if they are the heavy wooden type; remove any double-cylinder deadbo!ts from exterior doors; and consider installing child-safe locks or alarms on the exterior doors of all pool or spa properties. Thank you for taking the time to read this report, and please call us if you have any questions or observations whatsoever. We are always attempting to improve the quality of our service and our report, and we will continue to adhere to the highest standards of the industry and to treat everyone with kindness, courtesy, and respect. Sincerely, Jim Dal Porte 24991 Skyland Rd. Los Gatos, CA 95033 438-353-5350 [email protected] ½ This report has been produced in accordanco with our sigred contract and is subject to the tents and conditions agreed upon therein. All prtnted comments and the opinions expressed herein are those of the Inspection company. Inspection Narratives - Page 21 Sep 17 09 05:l8p Debbie Barry Inspection Address: Inspection DateiTime: 4089791399 p.24 4970 Cherry Ave #114 - Report #71030, San Jose, CA 95118 10/30/2007 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm TABLE OF CONTENTS CONFIDENTIAL INSPECTION REPORT GENERAL INFORMATION SCOPE OF WORK Structural or Major Remodel Multiple Living Units Raised Foundation Structural Elements Plumbing Potable Water Pipes Waste and Drainage System Gas Water Heater Electrical 1 2 3 5 5 5 6 9 10 11 II 12 12 13 13 Main Pane! Sub Panel #1 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 Heat-NC HeatandAC Living General Interior Entry Attic Bedrooms Bedrooms Bathrooms Hallway Bathroom Common Kitchen Laundry Certifications and Affiliations Report Conclusion 17 17 iS 19 20 21 This report has been produced in accordance with our contract and is subject to the terms and conditions agreed upon therein. 4JJ printed comments and the opinions expressed herein are-those of the Inspection Conpany, TatleotContents-Page I Sep 17 09 OS:l8p Debbie Barry 4089791399 p.25 Copy WOOD DESTROYING PESTS AND ORGANISMS INSPECTION REPORT Building No. Street, City, Zip 4970 Cherry Avenue #11 Sari Jose, CA, 95118 Data of Inspection P4c. 10/30107 7 of Pages Tint ASTIER TERMITE & PEST CONTROL, INC. 17427 Farley Road West Los Gatos, CA 95030-3308 Ph: (403) 354-9944 Fax: (408) 395-1934 Firm Registration No. PR 5009 Report No. Alairt Pinel 33936 Escrow No. Report Sent To: Property OwnerIParty of Interest: Ordered By: Rick Rockman do Alain Pinel - Deborah 8arry Deborah Barry 750 University Avenue Los Gatos CA 95030 Mike & Sarah Carlotta 5126 El Roble Court San Jose CA $5118 FIEINSPECTION REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT LI Ipspection Tag Posted: Subarea a multi-u nit complex. Cur ii,spectlon was limited to 4970 Cherry Avenue #114. San Jose only. Other Tags Posted: Hydrex: 5107 COMPLETE REPORT D Genersl Description: A ample family condnniinhllm in Inspection has Detached porches bean Subterranean Termites Il made detached 0 LIMITED REPORT struaturals) shown ol the detached 40ck. and stepa. Drywoorf Termites on the any diagram SCflLE accordance with the Structural Pest Control Act. inspected. ware not not or) the diagram structures other - any of above boxes are checked, it irdicetes that thorn were visible problems TO In 0 in Other Firdmnos Further Inspection accessible areas. Read the report for details on checked items. NOT alp' i18 SA 1 SA 0?, 'A 15 19 61 1 c is ID 'C 118 "C liD OFFI 9412 Scott Martin Inspected By Lloonso No. preoaadlng two yaare. You era entitled to obtain copies of all mapone end completion notIces on this property repoctS to the Structural rig Control 1418 Avenue. Suite le. Sacramento. California 95 -3 4 To obtain copies contact: Structural Poet Board. toblemns with aervicos NOTE: Questions or problems concamning the above report should be directed to the manager of the company Unresolved que ions c 43M.41 (Etey. 10101) perfornied maybe directed to the Structural Pest Control Board at (916) 551-0700 16001 737.elBB or wvdw.poethoardceoov. Sep 17 09 05:l9p 2nd Debbie Barry 4089791399 p.26 PAGE 0? STANDARD INSPECTION REPORT ON PROPERTY AT: 4970 Cherry Avenue #114, San Jose, CA, 95118 RUILDIWO HO. STREET, CITY, STATE, 7(P 10/30107 33936 IIISPECTION DATE REPORT NO. Structural Pest Cbntrol Board encourages ccinçetitivs business practices ancng registered companies. on. prepared by the sans findings various registered companies should in±cstations, termite damage, fungus daiisge, etc.). Ibwsvar, reccmuendaticms to correct these findings may vary fran ccurpany to company. Therefore, yim WflCE: The list have a structurs (i.e. terdte right to seek a second This is a limited inspection report. This inspection is limited to Cheny Avenue #fl4, San Close only. The inspection was perfonEd at the requst of Deborah Barry. A further inspection of the entire structure is reconuendad, but was not performed at this t ittie. NCYEE: 4970 This property was not inspected for the presence or absence of health related trolds or fungi. By California law we are neither qualified, authorized nor licensed to inspect for health related wlds or fungi. If you desire information about the presence or absence of health related rolds, you should contact an industrial hygienist. The following areas were not inspected, as indicated in Section #1990 and Rifles and Regulations: paragraph (J) of the Structural Pest Control Furnished interiors, inaccessible attics, insulated attics, and portions thereof; the interior of hollow walls; spaces between a floor or porch deck and the ceiling or sof fit below; stall ehcsers over finished ceilings; such structural seguents as porte cocheres, enclosed bay wJnicMs, buttresses and similar areas to which there is no access without defacing or tearing out luither, masonry and finished wirk, built -in cabinet work; floor beneath coverings, areas where storage coa±it ions or locks make inspection impractical. Any eaves, trim, siding or other materials above 10 feet from the ground level will be visually inspected only. Any materials above 10 feet front the axotmd level are considered inaccessible for physical inspection. A further inspection is at any/all inaccessible areas and/or areas that were not inspected. If a further inspection is desired, please call our office for a price quote and an appointaent. NDTE: Thrasher Termite & Pest Control, Inc. is not a licensed roof inj ccrpany. We do not perform roof inspections. If an inspection of the roof covering is desired, please consult the appropriate, licensed tndesperson. JsDPE: THRASHER TERMITE & PEST CONTROL, INC. -- License No. PR 5009 Sep 17 09 05:l9p 3rd Debbie Barry 4089791399 p.27 PAGE OF STANDARD INSPECTION REPORT ON PROPERTY AT: 4970 Cherry Avenue #114, Sari Jose, CA, 95118 CITY, STATE, ZIP IJO. 10130107 33936 UISPEtTIOM DATE REPORT ThIS REPORT, A REmSPECnaI OF TEE REQUESTED BY TEE &'IRtJCIURE WilL HE MADE. IBIS REZ!UFST MUST BE WITh Thi POUR )GCNTES OF THE BE A PSE. OF TiltS REPORT TT€RE IDlE: IF is a separated report tdiich is defined as Section 1/Section 2 conditions that are evident on the date of the inspection. SECT ZUT a - Items where there is visible evidence of active infestation, infection or conditions that have resulted in or from infestation or conditions. 2 - Conditions deemed likely to lead to infestation or infection but where no visible evidence of such was found on the date of the inspection. This - Recormendat ions to inspect area (a) which during the original inspection did not allow the inspector access to coaplete the inspect ion and cannot be defined as Section 3. or Section 2. tmless otherwise specified in the body of this report, the fences were not inspected, nor incinded in this report. SECTIOLT 3 SUBSTRUCTURE AREA: Item 31½.: FUUThIG: hall and Surface bathrnom. infections were noted at the subflooring below the Scrape and/or wire brush off treat with a registered funqicicle.****** ****** This is a Section 1 Item all surface In the performance of the above we chemical Tint Bor (Diso3ium Octaborate Tetrahydrate). Item 1E: 1C: fungus infections propose to use the Cellulose debris was noted on the subarea soil. of it properly. Rencve the debris and This Is a Section 2 Item termite activity was noted at the subflooring. FIND]fl3: Evidence of These infestations may extend into inaccessible areas. Fumigate the entire structure with a lethal. gas for REQ guaranteed eradication of aD. ckytccd termite infestations - Upon ccttçletion of the structural fumigation, we will return to the property aiñ cover/rainve aU accessible drywocd termite pellets fotmd at these areas. ****** This is a Section 2. Item ****** In the performance of the alxwe recca'tttEndation, we propose to use the chemical. Vikane or Zythor (Sulfuryl Elcuride), along with the chemical chlorcpiain. THRASHER TERMITE & PEST CONTROL, INC. License No. PR 5009 NO. Sep 17 09 05:20p 4th Debbie Barry 4089791399 p.28 PAGE OF STANDARD INSPECTION REPORT ON PROPERTY AT: Cherry Avenue #114, San Jose, CA, 95118 4970 STREET, ND. C: and CITY, STATE, ZEP 10130/07 33936 INSPECTION DATE REPORT NO. SUBSTRUCTURE AREA: We can provide the Nylofuxte bags that are riecessaxy for storing food ins during the ftuaigat ion process. These bags are available at rio additional charge to our custarers. Please call our office and. we will make them available for pic]c-tip. flEE: There WIlL be preparat ion tnrk that trust be crnpleted prior to the is the performance of the structural fumigat ion. The preparation responsibility of the owner. If interested, we can provide the nane of a coirpany that special 12es in this service. The cost to catçlete the prep vanes for each particular structure depending on the airnt of work that is a subcontracts to another charge for service that this person or entity may include the catpany' s charges for arranging and administering such services that are in addition to the direct costs associated with paying the subcontractors. NOTICE: The Item 1D: infested lecally treat these areas by drilling the the adjacent wood nembers. We will thject the wood using a registered terroiticide. This will include an application of Tixtt—Bor to aid termite activity. 2U1 accessible drywood termite 1n the control of and/or masked. NOTE: We will plug and/or fill the will be rerrcved pellets holes that are drilled Mi interested parties ShOUld be aware that there may need to be texturing and/or patting after we are done. NOTE; Cur guarantee is linited only to the areas treated by our finn. NOtE: In order to caiply with Section 1992 of the Structural Pest Control act, the following statement is given: Seccrdaxy treatment recairrendat ions are measures. This reccnendation is being provided considered below for the purpose of avoiding fumigation. NOtE: Local treatment is not intended to be an entire structure treatment method. If infestation of bcod-destroying pests extend or exist beyond the area(s) of local treatment, they may not be exterminated. This is a Section 1 Itun wood menters and - In we propose to use the In the performance of the above reconnendat ion, we chemical Tim Bor (Discdium Octaborate Tetrahydrate). propose to use the the performance of the above chemical Cy-Xick (Cyf].uthrin). FO4JNDATJONS: Item 3A: recarnendati.on r vertical cracks were noted at the foundation. This condit inn to Inisture intrts ion at the subarea, and/or infestation by subtetranean termites the services of the appropriate, licensed trade sperson to check this condition and nake all needed corrections. ****** P]ICflG: Minor tray lead This is a Section 2 Item TURASRER TERMITE & PES7 CONTROL, iNC. — License No. PR 5009 Sep 17 09 05:2lp 5th Debbie Barry Item 4A; 4970 Cherry Avenue #114, San Jose, CA, 95118 10130/07 33936 BUILDING NO. STREET. CITY, STATE, ZIP INSPECTION DATE REPCRI NO. F'JIIDThIG: siding extends behind the front porch/steps. This could condition at the siding. The a BEG ABUTMENTS: Item 6A: This aeate Seal this area to help prevent nDisture intrusion. is a Section 2 Item ****** Ptingus damage was noted to portions of siding, trim, caps and posts at the front porch abutntnt/privacy wall. FIND wall as necessary and replace the danaged painting the new materials only. materials. Cur bid includes If any further damage is found, a Supplerirrtal Report will be issued with our additional findings and cost. pr't RET1#)ME2CJCICN: Reunve tM with new ****** This Item p.29 PAGE OF STANDARD INSPECTION REPORT ON PROPERTY AT: PORCHES—STEPS: U.101 4089791399 GE: FINDING: the is a Section 1 There are onna walls of cons trtiction. Item ****** that are inacces8iJDle for inspection due to msgEdncN recamended. after access tee been FORTE IER INSPECtIW at any specified area. Cur provided we will perform a findings will be issued on a Supplenrntal Report. ** ** * * * * ** * * ]rspecl. ion (YIRER--INTERJOR: Item iDA: FINDING: cracks were noted at the ball bathroom floor grout joints, adjacent to the tub. Rsgrout and seal as needed. this area in the future. ****** This is a Section 2 Itetu The is advised to nairsain (YrBER-EXTERTOR: Item iLk: FINDING: 4 \5 V \ Item 11B: damage was noted to portions of the Ti-il (311 between grooves) siding e,thencling behind the resakn trim boards when indicated on the dagram. RECCMSE21DATION Rencve the dairaged t'xcd nenters as necessary and replace with new materials. Cur bid includes pritrer painting the new materials only. Report will be issued with If any further daniage is found, a cur additional firidixigs and cost This is a section i Item trim boards at the Others have installed new windows and new exterior. AU interested parties sl'nild be aware that Thrasher Termite and will assure no responsibility for any inaccessible area Pest Control1 and/or work coripleted by others. NCYIB: Inforiratica Item ********** TIXRASEER TERMITE & PEST CONTROL, INC. -- Licease No. PR 5009 Sep 17 09 05:2lp 6th Debbie Barry 4089791399 p.30 PAGE OF STANDARD INSPECTION REPORT ON PROPERTY AT: 4970 Cherry Avenue #114, San Jose, CA, RU1LDING NO. STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP 95113 10130/07 33936 INSPECTIO& DATE REPORT NO. OIlIER--EXTERIOR: Sprinkler averspray has contributed to fungus damage at the trim boards. ace the visibly damaged trim boards. Cur bid incJ.tides painting the new materials only. If any further damage is found, funds will be required for repairs. 4 additional *****t This is a Section 1 Then ****** Item llC: FThIDING: window 110: RSCfltIEtJOPCICSt This Divert sprinkler overapray away fran the structure. is a Section 1 Item NEEDS PLEASE FOR ?2tL OF 3100R JOB 354-9944, Nafli CIIROLTN avnr AT 10 SaEDVLE ONE 20 2W) TAKES OF JOB). $Q&E EWCEPTtONS O1N BE WADE, BUT WIThN RULE OP THUMB. PLEASE TAKE 'l'PTR niB) NEEDS It) BE IT Off A C?JLL (408) 500. WE XS THE If others are going to couple La any of the repairs, as outlined in this report, they MUST have our fun pailam a reinapection during the course of their repairs. This reinspection must be nade after ML damage is rerroved hit prior to the installation of any new materials. We cannot he responsible for certifying the property if these guidelines are not when scheduling a reinspectiori. There followed. Allow 2 to 3 days lead is a $17S .00 fee for this reinspection service. Please don' t hesitate to call our office if there are any further questions. Icola: THRASHER TERMITE & PEST CONTROL, INC. License No. PR 5009 Sep 17 09 05:2lp 7th Debbie Barry 4089791399 p.31 PAGE OF STANDARD INSPECTION REPORT ON PROPERTY AT: 4970 Cherry Avenue #174, San Jose, CA, 95118 BUILDING NO. STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP 10/30107 33336 iNSPECTION DATE %EPORT NO. OCCUPANTS CHEMICAL NOTICE INC. witL use pesticide chenicaL(s) specified below for the controL of AND PEST cONTROL, wood destroying pests or organisms in Locations identified in the Structural Pest ControL report as indicated above. THRASFIER TERMITE (1) The pest(s) to be controLLed: SUBTERRANEAN TERMITES ..S. FUNGUS OTHER TERMITES BEETLES <2) The pesticides) proposed to or DRY ROT be used and the active ingredient(s). A. TERMIDOR: Active ingredients: Fipronit B. DRAGNET: Active ingredients; Pencthrin )( C VIKANE: Active ingredients; Sulfuryl Flouri-de & Chtoroplcrin )C D- CY-KICK: Active ingredients; Cyftutbrir E. TIM BOR: Active ingredients: Discditn Octaborate Tetrahydrate F OTHER: Active ingredients: ARE TOXIC CHEMICALS, Structural Pest that you be given the following information: (3) •1state Law requires are registered ControL Conpanies are registered and regulated by the StructuroL Pest Control Board, and appLy pesticides which of Pesticide RegLüation and the United States Environmental Protection use by the California Department and approved evidence there are no appreciable risks Agency. Registration is granted when the State finds that based on existing depends upon the proper use conditions are foLlowed or that the risks are outweighed by the benefits. The degree of degree of exposure, so exposure should be minimized. "Ii within 24 hours fotlcwing appLication you experience symptoms similar to conmon seasonal illness comparable to the fLu, contact your physician or poison control center and your pest operator immediately. (This stateisent shalt be urodified to include any other symptoms of over exposure which are not fl.pical of influenza. )0 for scientific if For further information, contact any c-f risk the following: (403) 354-9944 Thrasher TerMite and Pest Control wed-Net Customer Not Line (400) 7334330 (406) 423-0701 County Public Health Department County Agriculture Comissiener Poison Control Center Structural Pest Control Boerd Sacramento, CA 95825 1418 Howe Avenue C408) 918-4600 1(800) 876-4766 1(300) 737-8180 or aLlergic conditions, or others who may be concerned about their health relative to this chemical their concerning occupancy during arid after chemical treatment prior to signing this treatment, should contact INSTRUCTIONS, IOTICE ND CHEMICAL APPLICATION WILL BE PERFOflHED UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THIS NOTICE IS RETURNED. HAVING READ THE I, THE UNDERSIGNED, SJII.L ACCEPT RESPONSI8ILITY FOR ALL THE AFOREMEWTICNED. Parsons with respiratory CWKER/ocCupANT DATE DATE THRASHER TERMITE & PEST CONHtOL, INC. --- No. PR 5009 Debbie Barry Sep 17 09 O5:22p 4089791399 p.32 Page TLITRASIIER TERMITE & PEST CONTROL, INC. 1 17427 Parley Road iVest Los Gatos, CA 95030-33418 Ph: (408) 354-9944 Fax: (408) 395-7934 WORK AUTHORIZATION CONTRACT 4970 Cherry Avenue #114, San Jose, CA, 95118 10130/2007 33936 Address of Property: tnspeotion Date: Roport#: Title Co. & Escrow #: SECTION $ 1C: ID: BA: hA: I1C: liD: Will S $ $ S FURTI1ER INSPECTION SECTLON 2 1 18: 3A: 4A: lOA: 210.00 625.00 2650.00 S Trades 175.00 SB: Will Bid Trades Trades 321100 290.00 Trades *NOrE: ThIS TREAThENI?. CXa4TRACT PROVIDES CDST OP ITEZ1 #1 C, RIO, THE STRUCIURM4 'THE LCCAL DRYWCOD TERMITE HAS BEEN We Authorize the Following Wo Authorize the Poltowing Section 2 items to be Pcr(onnod. We Aathorizo the to]Iowiag S:ction 1 items to be Performed. Proposed Cost Section 1: WST OF S 4155.00 Items for Further Inspection. Proposed Cost Section 2: Saa Above inspection Fee: Inspection Fee Paid: Total: 5 $ $ Proposed Cost Fur.lnsp.: Sea Above 150. l50. 00 4155.00 of the California Contractors Licease Law, Business & professional Code Civ. 3, Chap. Loin law any Structural Pest Control Operator hho contracts to do work for you, any for his work contractor, subcontractor, laborer, suppLier, or other person who helps to irçrove your property, but is not paidproperty could or supplies has a right to enforce a cLaim against your property. This means that, after a court hearing, your be soLd by a contractor, In fuLl, if the subcontractor. Laborers, or suppliers rerecn unpaid. NOTICE TO PROPERTY WNERS: 9J ProvWes under (Section TOhB the Mechanic's 8i CONTRACT, CUSTOMER ACKMOULEDGES THAT EXECUTING THIS WORK AUT1rnRIZATJON HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO CONSULT WITH A QrJALIFEED PROFESSIONAL. I HE OR SItE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF TIlE FOREDOING AND have read this work authorization contract end WDO inpection report It refers to. SrGr'JED WORK AUTHORIZATION CONTRACT MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE WORK WILL BE SCHEDULED. I have road and understand the terms of this work authorization contract and hereby agreó to all terms thereof. APPROVED AND READ EY: DATE DATE ACCEPTED P0Th TRRASHER TERMiTE & PEST CONTROL, INC. HAS Debbie Barry Sep 17 09 O5:22p 4089791399 p.33 Page 2 THRASHER TERMITE & PEST CONTROL, INC. 17427 Finley Road West Los Gatos, CA. 95030-3308 P11: (408) 354-9944 Fax: (408) 395-7934 WORK AUTHORIZATION CONTRACT 4970 Cherry Avenue #114, San Jose, CA, 95118 10/30/2007 33936 Address of Property: Inspection Date: Report #: Title Co. & Escrow A LIEN WILL DE FILED ON THE PROPERTY 60 DAYS AFTER TERMS AND CONDITIONS NOTICE OF COMPLETION £5 ISWED THE LIEN WILL SE RELEASED ONCE THE DILL IS PAID. surface examination. In the course of It is understood that these corrections are reoonmiended on the basis of visibLy deterained inspection. work being performed on the basis of this contract, conditions nay be revealed which were not evident at the tHree of specified This contract is Limited to that which was visible at the time of inspection and of that, onLy these paragraph(s) not observed by us We assn no responsibiLity for concealed or inaccessible dasege or infestaticn that was and contracted for, floors, ceilings, moving furnishings, storage, etc. We shalt not be liable for any without excavation or opening opening, rerroval or otherwise, of timbers, waLls, fLoors, ceilings or other perts of the damage resulting frorw probing, cutting, inspected. Our liability for damages by reason of errors or omissions in the inspection Report shall be Limited to b.sflding or County Building Inspector, such work If additional work should be req.Iired by the City the cost of the inspection and report. wilt rot be performed under this contract. THRASHER TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL AGREES TO FURNISH ALL LABOR, MATERrP.LS, SUBCONTRACTORS THRASHER TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL AGREES TO <if required), and compensation insurance to complete the repairs as accepted above. damage to property, plants, or USE ALL DUE CAUTION IN THE PERFORMANCE OF OUR tEaK, but in no way wilt we be held responsible for animaL life caused by the use of chemicals, gas or equipment in conjunction with these repairs. tqon notice of corrpLetion. It Is understood It is agreed that the contract price shall be paid to THRASHER TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL is per uionth on the unpaid balance, or 18% per arilun, wiLl be charged on overdue accounts and that service charges of filed for collection of' delinquent acocirits the custaser agrees to pay all litigation costs. if least ore signed copy of this contract must be signed by THRASHER At contract mist be returned to THRASHER TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL'S representative to be valid. before work suit is started. This THRASHER TERMITE AND PEST COMTROL GUARANTEES CHEMICAL TAEAIrHaTS All) STRUCTURAl. REPAIRS FOR ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF CaIPLETIQL THIRTY (3D) liE GUARANTEE FUMIGATIOMS FOR THREE YEARS FROM THE DATE CF COMPLETION. WE GUARANTEE GLASS AND FLOOR COVERING REPAIRS FOR SHOULD DAYS FROM THE PATE OF CCIMPLETION. IdE DO NOT GUARANTEE WORK cOMPLETED BY THE OWNER AND/OR THEIR AGENTS. ANY TYPE OF WARAIJTEE BE CSTAINED FROM THE PERSON(S) MAZfllG THE REPAIRS. ALL CARE WILL BE TAKEN 10 AVOID DAIIAGE TO HIDDEN PIPES IN THE CONCRETE SLAB OR WAILS. HOWEWR, IF SUCH DAMAGE DOES OCCUR WE DAMAGED PIPE(S). WILL ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAME. WE WILL ASSIST THE HOMEOWNER BY CONTACTING THE PROPER TRADES TO REPAIR THE THE HOMECWNER UNDERSTANDS THIS CONDITION THE HOMEOWNER IS RESPcNSIBLE FOR ALL EXPENSES THAT ARISES AS A RESULT OF DAMAGED PIPES. PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE IF YOU HAVE ANY FURTHER OUESTIOIIS.. AND AGREES TO ALL LIADILITY ST SIGNING THE WORK AUTHORIZATIC}I CONTRACT. repairs reflected in the inspection report MOLD DISCLAIMER: There nay be health related issues associated with the structuraL referenced by this Work Authorization contract. These heaLth issues IncLude but are rot limited to the possible release of mold spores during the course of repairs. We are not qualified to art do not render any Opinion concerning such health issues or amy special precautions. Any questions concerning health Issues or any specIal precautions to be taken prior to or during the course of such repairs should be directed to a Certified IncA2striat Hygienist before any such repairs are undertaken. THRASHER TERMITE & PEST CONTROL, INC. .-- License No. PR 5009 Sep 17 09 O5:23p _________________________ Debbie Barry moNte vista Phone: (408) 826-4953 (408) 826-4954 /5/ b7 Date: t From: ut14v%4c4n 3t.wt9 To: Company Fax#:_______________ Fhone#: Re: Codo+L Number of pages (including cover sheet): 4970 Cherry Ave., San Jose, CA 95118 4089791399 p.34 Debbie Barry Sep 17 09 OS:23p •. - - 4089791399 OMPILflJnW/knIalvIa VVUIJU 9(JISOI& trIorrylttin ncrcint CIbr 49W Page Jose CherrvAvi#23-32 Hydrex - Haywatci Z1370 Foothil Bivd. Hayward, CA 94541 S-..- Phprie (800) 310-1361 Reglstrat$On#PR 0979 Iiutt Prupetty Qwnsr and/or Parts' f Goui Coast Rerovalbr,s 7637 \ldcer, Skeet Go1d Coast Rina.a!ioq,s COMPLZIE REPORT Iflxest -. 7867 Vidiers Street CA 82111 san Diegn. CA 921t1 D - lotS - - Ordered General p.35 Report sent W; eaki Coast Rennvalbns Vidrars Streel San OieQo. CA SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT REPORT 0 REINSPECTION REPORT E lrspecton Tu9 ?osted: Limns Report SUBAREA Other Tags Posteth $ubaiu Structural Pest CcnlrcJ A& Deified oOtches, detachel Hydrex M Inspection has been maie ol IheSJcbre(s) shown on the in detached deck, and ether strjctu,e, or diegrr were twt inspected. Subterranean Termites U I? snyoP IS above bwe, Dtywocd Termites n ctwckad. I = Subterranean Tarmltsa 2 c 0 Jndkraa th.t Dryweodlanultn 3 with Fungus I Diyrot 12w 0 Other Findings C Further Inspection wan risible proalarns hi sctesslbIe ala. Read the ruportior dethi on checkS Urns. a Fungus! Dryrot 4 Other Flrrdlnçs 5 = Unknown FurtbSr Inspection C Drawing is not to scaFe ii are enbtte.i flnl State License ccpiea a! al rapwr md 'okas on ffiia Pest Co,tol 141$ SuIte I&Sac,arr,nlc. )rE: Que,ztre or [lie atxno report be aStustLaral Pest COfllicl Sctd at(StOJ se1-szoe, (W0) 73?4sorw, FR 14927 reported [0 [he manager of PestCentre1 Board dvrThs twyears. To oblain copias ccmtaC te ccrnpsrry. Unrnclvedque.rtar's or problems wit. seMon perionhed may be dlreded 43U41 (REV. tC/01 ma Debbie Barry Sep 17 09 O5:23p 4089791399 Repcrt# 05-0005921 Bijfldkig SireeF 4970 Cherry Ave,#23-32 # OS-000$590 Hydrex- Haywari. zip asia San Jose 95118 5121/2007 recogrttsd by the Indvstpy øs hlaccessthle andtortruthsr reasons not inspected. These indude but arena NrnIted to: intcoessibie anwor insulated atlks or thereat ethos wElh less than oloarcIani spar, the interior of iollowwalls; betweer, a floor or porch deck arid the selling belew area where there Es no wNhèut derocing or tearing out loather, msoriry or areas beltS slaves. rebtemtors or beneaths hoer tsmishbngs; area: where anoumberarces eric storage, oondjtioas or locks make Speoflon porflons of lie subarea ooncealed or made iriacceasbe by ducting or insulation wee beneath nuod over and areas cariothled by heavy ve9atatiorn. Areas earns nspaclad from grvwad FevM only Aithou9h we make uSer we do not or wlndcwthos frames trims. Unless otherwise specified bi this we do no! inspeot lances, sheds, Houses, patios. Stashed wood dacka, wood retaining walis walkway,. We assume no reepons)bIUt) torwork dart. by anyone else, for damagote strudura or conIalt dudng our Inspection, or for I intotiurt, adijerse or domege tuideteded due to Inaooessjbfllly or non4isdosure if' pits e. Slab loor construction, has bocane mars prevalent fri recent yean. FIxr covering may ccrcaal cracks hi the slab that will allow Infestation to aMer. Infestations in the walls may be eanceaFed by plaster so that inspection may not dlsdosethe true condition. Thes areas are notpradical to respect bacassa of health itflrds, to the stiuctcjre: or lnoopivenlenca, Thaywsie not inspectad unless described this report. We recommend If these is any about the above potS Ret Structural Pest Ccnfroi Act Ai21)e S. $ecdon BSleçb), paragraph l9SP(fl. Amended effeaive March 1, 1974. InspectIon is I*nlted to disciowre ci wood destroyfrg pests or as set forth in the atructursi Pest Control ArtIcie 6 Sadion C. This company WVJ reinspeot repat's doris by oLhn within four merits of the original InspectIon, A charge, if any, cart to nogreaterthen the original inspection fee each rel.lspactlon. lbs reinspectjcn rTWOt b& dore wkhiri ten (10) woilcing days of ieqsiesL The reinspootlari is a visual Inspection and if nspecUcn of concealed areas !s deajiect Spedior of work in progress wilP be nesassary. Any guatentees must be received parties repairs. NOT& cited: Section Business arid Prufessloin Cede. Reference: Section SS1B, Business arid ProfessIons Code. it Ito! far work completed byothen, recommended or not, as of Contractor bill, should be submiltad to work tompletod by other& E. This report I nctudeo findings rolatad to The ptesenaefne.i.prnenoe of wood dastrayir; Organisms andlor vlsttfe of In the pccenlbIe podlons of the met Ths inspector did not uO onto the roof auto, dim to poW$e ptLyslca!darnage to the roof1 or No Is rendered norguanntq.e Implied concerning the watertntsgrtty of the ruof or the cOtiditloti et the roof end root materials. II lnttrestad parties desire twItter Information on the conditional the roof, we recommend that they engage the services of a Ucensed contractor. !ab wt Second story stall are inspected bitt rio Lasted unless these is aWdeutce of leaks in o&Iln; bePcw, Refr SP.nicftral Pest Control Rules and Regulations, 50. Sminken or below grade showers orbit's ate not waler tastes due to their ODnStructlon, 0. DurIng the course oVer atlar or dny areas, should arty further damage or brtestatbn be fbund, a supplementary report w21 be Issued. Any woffi a'qrense. lo these areas would be at Owner's direction end additional H. Cuing line process & ireafmnt or replacanent It may be necessary to drill lieS through ceramic Vies orother floor covedngs; These holes will then be sealed with concrete, We will exercise due care but assume no rosporslblfloj for cracks, chlpph'g Cr other damage to floor coverings, We do not re-lay carpeting. I. 5) We assume rio rasporsibitty faq darriage to any Plumbing. Gas or Electrical Unes, etc.. the of pressure treatment off concrete slpbc erraplacernent orcancrals or stnjctural Ihinbers, J. When Is recoinniended we will all due care but assurnaro responsiblifty fordomage to Shrubbery, Trees, lvArterinas or ROOTS. A FUMIGATION NOTICE will be with, or malted to the Owner of this properly, or his desigratec i't9ent Occupant ni usl comply with instructions contaIned in Notice. During fumigation and aeration., tine posnibilityof as it does any imp in,,. 1474? h-n,, .-a,",rnn',nnA that veo. Ink. r,nj, .Iaae -J PR 0979 city A. Ceslalo areas ore 0. This company induding by / p.36 Debbie Barry Sep 17 09 O5:24p Repod#O5-OGOSSZI aiMing Mc. Sireet 497C 4089791399 Stouier#D5-0009890 Hydrex-Hayward • Cheny Ave#23-32 San Jose Zp Dots at 95118 5.'21!2007 you leave hone. Therofcn, we recommend that you take any steps tiet you that you feel recassaty to preveni any dnge Ia your property. We alec utIagO to' proteS agsnt and verify thatycu have insurarso. against loss, damage or vandalism Ioyotir property. The ompany does not provide any ordinance and &ee not assume an—sits security except as required by state and any respoisbility for cam and custody at the property In Late of vandalism, breakisl9 or entering, which EXISTING Infastaltri or K. Your errnae report acid etearancewit is outlined in this report. It Owner of piaperty desires cavenge of any new Inrestabon It would be advisa bit to obtain a Corthol Service Parry Which welid cover eny new infestation for the ca'ning year. L If you shatid have please crel ar come by Infornation also p.m. We the oaalrol of Household Pesto suct as MIs arid Fleas. any questions rsgarriirlE this oNce any weekday between 8:DG am, and ADout agree in pay reasonable aro'ney'o fees If suft Is reqisirad by this COMPAN? to action.whath& at enfbrce arty terms of thIs contract, togetherwith the costs of not suft :YCceads to judgemenL M. I N. The total amount of ibIs contract is dije arid payable upon completion of work unless otharMse speoilied. A charge comupuied ala Monthly rate ot 1.5% DI the utipald balance (annual parcentage rota le%J will be added to all accounts pastdue. 0. If this report is frresqcw purposes then is agreed hat this Inspection report and Completion repod, if lycu is part oFtha ESCROW'IRAFISACTIQN. received wmten or verbal kstrvdlcns frern any hiterested parties Involved ii this escrow etc4 to nat pay ow invoise at close of esaow. you are instructed by us not to use these documents to satisfy arty or IOmis of your oscrowfar purposes of cbejpg the ssacw. Further, yet am instructed to return nil of our documents and lii, most otirrenl maflng you have anNe lorthe property Owaeriageatlteriant ad<ncwfedges and agrees stint inspectIon of tIle will not nay type of inspection rortheptasanca or non-presence of and that tIle report will no! Include any fndlngs or opinions regarding the presence or totspresence of asbestos In, upon or about the promises, we thai you contact P. o contrador licensed to en9aga In asbestos related work, Eu rtJler, should we discover the presence of asbestos during our hispection at me premises or should our i'topecileti of the cause a release of asbesto, dust orpar'tlcles, owner/agentftenant she! be solely reapursibie fertile cleanup, removal arid disposal of the asbestos and the oost lbsraof. herthy agrees to w'ahie any rid all againstthis Company which In ary way ralated In the presets of esbestos on the premises and further agrees In indemnify and hold this wmpany tiwtn}oss from any and all SIms of arty nahira asserted by any third party. including Oils Company's employees, which Is Tn arty related to the an the of premises. 'NoTlCr REPORTS ON ThIS S1RtJC1'IJRE PREPARED BY OTHER REGISTERED TERMITE COMPANIES SHOULD LIST ThE SAME El NDIN3S (I.E. TERMITE AND OThER WC)OD DESTROYiNG INFESTATIONS To INCLUDE DAMAGE ETCJ. HdWEVER RECOMMENDA1IOFC TO CORRECT THE INFESTATIONS AND/DR DRrMGE MAY VARY FROM COMPANYTQ COMPANY. YOU HAVE ThE RIGHT 'TO SEEK OFJ4ION. TO OWNER UNOER THE LIEN LAW ANY STRUCTURAL PESTCONTROL OPERATOR, CONmACTOR LABORER, SUPPliER OR ANY PERSON WHO CONTRACTS 'TO DO WORK FOR YOU AND WHO l-fELPS TO IMPROVE YOUR 'RCPERTY BUT IS K'CT PAID FOR ThEIR WORK ORSUPPLIES i-lAS THE RIGHT TO ENFORCE c CLAIM AGPJNST YOUR PROPERTY. THiS MEANS YOUR PROPERlY COULD BE SOW A COURT OFFICER AND ThE PROCEEDS OF ThE SALE UStD TO SATiSFY THE CEStNESS. COUtD HAPPPEN EVEN IP YOU PAID YOUR PRIMARY CONTRACTOR 4W ULL IF THE SUBCONTRACTOR LABORERS OR. SUPPLIERS REMAIN UNPAID. To PRESERiJE ThEIR RIGHTTO FILE A CLAIM OR UEN AGAINST YOUB PROPERTY, CL,AlMfiflrs SJCI.IAS AND SUPPLIERS ME REQUI RED (0 PROVIOZ You WITH A DOCUMENT ENTI1tED "PRELIMINARY NO11CE PRIME ;ON'rRAcloss AND IA2QRERS FOR WAGS DO NOT HAVE TO FRCVIDEThIIS IOTICE. A PRELWINARY NOTICE IS NOT A UEN AGAINST YOUR 'C' 're. Linr,r'p ,J.r,, no 'nJIo o,r-U',' Tn t, risc c-ricO TURT a In I p.37 0979 Sep 17 09 O5:25p Debbie Barry 4089791399 Report #05-0)06921 Hydrex -. Hayward City 84411d1fl9 4970 San Jose Cherry Ave#23-3Z • PURPOSES TO NOTIFY YOU OF THEE N CT .jstomer # 05-0009890 p.38 PR zip baLe o( lapeCion 9511B 5121/2007 TO FILE IN THE CASE THAT T)-tErARE tO. BEEt-i REOUESTED, rhO DEJ9NED AS SECTJON 1, IF A SEPARATED REPORT SECTION lAND SECTION 3 CONVmONS THAT WERE EVIDENT OPI ThE DATE OF 'SECnOtd 1" CONTAINS TEMS ThT NAVE AN ACWE INFE$TA11ON, INFECTION OR RELATED STRUCTURAL DAMAGEThAT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED hIMED;ATELr CONTMhJS hEMS THAT COULD LEAD TOA WOOD DESTROYiNG INFESTAnON OR INFECT ON IF LEFT UNATItNDED. uSUALLY, FURThER INSPECTION 15 RECOMMEPCED. "SECtON 2" SECON 3" CONTAJNS ITEMS CF NOTE THAT Ti-€ SHOUW BE AWARE CF. FURThER IrCPECTION ITEMS ARE DEFINED AS REVO&VENCATLCNS TO INSPECT AREAS THAT WERE, DURING THE CRIGI MAt. INSPECTION, INACCESSSLE AND DID NOT AllOW ThE INSPECTOR TO MAKE A COtiIPLEYE AND ThOROUGH EVALUA11ON OF THE STRUCTURE Subterranean Termites FINOINS: lÀ The faftowing recommendation is being rendered to deter potential future irfestation or subterranean termites. RECOraIENDATION: RE: Rod and/or trench the subarea as needed. to the foundation, pipes Drill end pressure inject the concrete porches, patios and garage slabs cold joints and cracks in slab oonstructTon. hol?se foundation. Treat Seal the to the drill holes with mortar. Rod and/ar tienàh sIl exposed soil areas at the perimeter oltie structure. Use an approved terrnitickle in accordance with the manufacturers label See the "OCCUPANTS cii the material being used. CHEMICAL NOTiCE' section at this report for more The treatment is guaranteed for I yenr arid can be ext ended WiTh an annual premium of agreement 11% (Miii. of $119) of The This ISA SECTIONS iTEM. DURING THE COURSE OF OONSThUC11ON DAMAGE FOUND TO EXTEND INTO PREViOUSLY INACCESSIBLE AREAS OR AREAS BY FuRrhntRg PERSO%'1L ITEMS ETC., ThE INILL CALL FOR AN INSPEC11ON AND A S1JPPLEMEN'TAL REPORTW1LL BE iSSUED WITH NEW FINDINGS AND ADDITIONAL COSTS. dE, State law requires that you be given the following informalion: CAUTIONARE TOXIC CHEMICALS. Struotural Pest Control Companies are registered and regulated by the Structural Pest Control Board, and apply pesticides which are registered and approved for use by the CaUfomia Departrnentof Pesticide Regulation and the United States Envfronmerflal Protection Agency. Registration Is granted when the slate linda that, based on exlsflng scientific evidence, there sne no appreciable risPs if proper use conditions are followed or that the risks are outweighed by the benefits. The degree of risk depends upon the degree of exposure, so exposure should be minimized, WITHiN 24 HOURS FOLLOWING APPLICATION, YOU SYMPTOMS SIMILAR TO COIVIMON SEASONAL ILLNESS COMPARABLE TO THE FLU, CONTACT YOUR PHYSICIAN OR POISON CONTROL CENTER AT 800-8164766 AND YOUR PEST CONTROL OPERATOR IMMEDIATELY. hF, FOR FURTH ER INFORMATION CONTACT ANY OF THE FOLLOWINa rn.loA'Jv *fla 4'ZCS Debbie Barry Sep 17 09 O5:25p 4089791399 Atomer#05-00G9390 - Zip 4970 95116 SanJose CherryAve#23-32 1-tYOREX PEST CONTROL COMPANY 5/21/2007 .....SOO-318-1361 COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT (HEALTH QUESTIONS) ALANIEDA COUNTY CONTRA COSTA 9254134710 COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMMISSION (APPLICATION) _..,...._...SI0.-268-7343 ALAMEDA CONTRA COSTA COUNTY .. ..925-646-525D STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL BOARD (REGULATORY INFORMATION) 1418 HOWE AVENUE, BUilt 18 SACRAMENTO, CA 95825-3204 'THIS PROPERTY WAS NOT iNSPECTED FOR THE PRESEP4CE OR ABSENCE OF HEALTH RELATED MOLDS OR FUNGI. WE ARE NEITHER QUAL[FIED, AUTHORIZED NOR LICENSED TO INSPECT FOR THESE TYPES OF MOLDS AND FUNGI. IF YOU DESIRE TO HAVE MORE INFORMAJION ON mrs SUBJECT THEN WE AT 'KYDREX PEST CONTROL' RECOMMEND THAT YOU CONTACT: EN\1RONMENTAL SAMPLING PROFESSIONALS' 'tSP" AT: BSB-4ESP-TEST (388437-7837) ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED *140 LICENSED INDUSTRIAL RYGEN1ST THEY HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE TO msvvn ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS. FE&TCONTROL DOES NOT ftXSPECT THE EXTERiOR SURFACE OF WE ROOF. YOU W.QIT THE INTEGRIfl OP THE P.COP COVERING DETERMINED IT iS RECOMMENDED YOU casrrAcrft. LICENSED DO THE OCCUPANTS CHEMICAL NOTICE PEST WILL USE ThE POLLOWIN5 PESTICIOE BELOW FOR ThE CONTROL DETAILED OW THE THE ORAPU AN) in THIS REPORT. 1. ThE LOCATIONS ThE PEST OR ORGAMISM TO BE CONTROLLED I& — _X_ S Libterranean Var.9u3 2. IM indict Dryrot Tor.nliss — Other... THE PE3TTCIDE TO BE USED (Specify) PSI __Cytoc ( Cylluthrin} 1% Vtkane in%fadsr( Baygen)1% JC IMAn — Dragnet SRi (Fem-cwthrin) .6% 1% _X Clilotpyrllos) 5% .05% PRO Prtrnbe (ftnidaclorprW) .05% Termit$ar .065'. — Cy-Kick (Cyfhithrin) 0.1% — Other' A ...._...Tbnbcr (Disodlurty Ocfabarateletrahydrate3 10% p.39 Sep 17 09 O5:26p Debbie Barry Report #05-0)05921 Sheat CherTyMefl3-32 14970 (C 4089791399 itomor #05-0009090 Hydrex - Hayward GtY San Jose 95118 rsodkan Ocfabor,t* Tabit,ydcats) 10% HYDREX REST C0MTR02 WMMNTS THE ThAT STRUCTURE(S} USTED ON ThE ORIGINAL AGREEMENT rcp ThE AS T*IE TARGET PEST. OUR GUPMPJTEE IS LIMITED WAS SPECIFICALLY ?O ThE GONTROLAtC TREA1NENT OF TI-C INFESTATiON AND DOES NOT INCWDE ThE OMI.AGE CAUSED BY ThE INFESTATION OR PREPARATION FOR S(POSCNG THE TREATMENT AREA TO QIAtER OR A3EP1T IS RESPONSIBtE UtIOL UIDE REMOVING IFE FLOOR COVERINGS AM) HAVING ThEM REPLACfl &21120C7 p.40 LI) Drywood Termites BY MISSION! CITY FUMIGATION FOR THE EXTERMINA'.UON OF 06/01-04/117 WAS FUMIGATE!) ON 'fillS IS TO CERTIFY THAT TILE PROPERTY AT £930 Clwrry4ve.Biaffs MISSiON CiTY FUMiGATION 211 Ryland Street San Jose CA 95110 (408) 275-1046 Confirmation II 16114 Termile Company: flydrex Hayward S -'C PEST CONTROL 05-0009891 ü period of one year from the of $ubterrQnean Termite Treatment at 95118 If within the one year period, evidence of Subterranean termites CA Hydrcx Pest Control guarantees the effectiveness II, 4970 Cherry Avenue #23-32 Son Jose, date of June 4, 2007 to the customer. is found, Hydrex Pest control will, at charge, inspect the area in question. the evidence is found to be active, Hydrex will. Re-treat the infestation locally at NO charge for for a Certification should you period of one year from date of one complete Wood bestroying Organism inspection and This guarantee does not allow for repair of Subterranean Termite domoge and/or include any other expenses including food or lodging. Compensation related to pain, suffering or other such damct9es that may be considered as relative to said ciGim. This Guarantee does allow desire to refinance or sell your home cit NO charge completion.