May 2015 (pdf download)
May 2015 (pdf download)
Kingstonian Volume 23 u May 2015 Official Publication of the Kingstowne Residential Owners Corp. Requested Home Delivery by April 29, 2015 u Pool Fun This Summer ........pages 18-19 u Recycling in Kingstowne .......pages 16-17 u Proposed Guideline Amendments for Yard Signs–Hearing Is May 20 11 KINGSTOWNE RESIDENTIAL OWNERS CORPORATION 6090 KINGSTOWNE VILLAGE PARKWAY KINGSTOWNE, VA 22315 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 2282 MERRIFIELD, VA Contents May 2015 Monthly Departments Features 2 KROC News 2 2 3 April BOT Meeting Highlights 2015 BOT Meeting Dates Contacts for Who’s Who in Kingstowne; Community Center Locations and Hours 4 KROC Is on Facebook! 5 KROC Announcements 7 Community Yard Sale Set for May 2 8 Summer-Ready Decks and Patios 10 Annual Architectural Inspections Continue in May and June 10 2015 ARC Schedule 11 Proposed Guideline Amendments for Yard Signs–Hearing Is May 20 12 Activity & Fitness Programs 12 13 13 14 Special Events & New Activities Ongoing Free Clubs Ongoing Paid Events & Clubs Kingstowne Tennis with Coach Borgiasz 16 This Month’s Features See List of Features at right 23 Around the Towne 23 Kingstowne Library News 25 Local Government Reports 28 Classified Ads 16 Recycling in Kingstowne– It’s Kind of a Big Deal 16 18 Fun in the Sun at the Kingstowne Pools This Summer • Kickoff Pool Party– Sunday, May 24 • Aqua Aerobics–June 3 • Dive-In Movies– June 19, July 24, August 14 • Family Pool Party–July 10 • End of Summer Pool Party and Ice Cream Social– August 29 • First Raft Night–June 24 • Swim Lesson Registration– May 29 • Purchasing Guest Pool Passes Online • Pool Season Reminders 18 20 Bike Fairfax Wikimapping 20 Windermere NAB’s Diversity Potluck Dinner 32 Community Calendar 20 Photo by Mayra Ruiz, KROC Communications Specialist BOT Meeting Highlights Left to right: Recyclable, or not? Board of Trustees Secretary/Treasurer Jeanne McCarroll and Vice President Cynthia Jacobs Carter, check labeling to determine if the cup and candy bag are recyclable. See pages 16-17 for updates on “Recycling in Kingstowne.” BOT Meeting Highlights Below is a summary of actions taken at the April 1, 2015, meeting of the Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation (KROC) Board of Trustees (BOT). Board highlights are written from draft minutes prior to board approval and are subject to change. BOT Meeting Agendas The monthly board agenda and draft meeting highlights are available at The agenda contains a preview of subjects that the KROC Board of Trustees will discuss during the upcoming board meetings. The draft agendas are available to view two weeks prior to the monthly meetings; the draft highlights are available to view three business days following each board meeting. n n n 2015 KROC BOT Meetings Meetings are held at 7 P.M., usually in the Thompson Center September 2 May 6 October 7 June 3 November 4 July 8 December 2 August 5 The 2015 Annual Meeting is scheduled for November 12. Page 2 Kingstonian May 2015 n The board was provided an overview of the Recylca“Bowl” recycling initiative, launched on Earth Day, April 22, including leadership provided through the Neighborhood Advisory Boards (NABs) and a village-to-village challenge. n A report was provided by the 30th Anniversary Celebration Committee establishing the date for Kingstowne’s 30th anniversary event as Saturday, September 26. n Amendments to the architectural standard for signs were considered and approved to move forward for public comment. The current standard addresses only real estate signage. The amended language can be found at www.kingstowne. org under the Home Improvement tab. Public hearing is May 20. See page 11 of this Kingstonian. n Amendments to the architectural standard for window replacements were considered but no action was taken. The issue was referred back to the Architectural Review Committee for further review. n The trustees unanimously voted to terminate the discussion with Washington Gas regarding an easement located on Section 52 within the Newcastle neighborhood. Who’s Who Contacts Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation (KROC) The Thompson Center, 6090 Kingstowne Village Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315 703-922-9477 • 703-922-2713 fax Email: [email protected] • Website: Who’s Who and How to Contact Them KROC Board of Trustees [email protected] President................................................................. Kathleen Snyder Vice President ..................................................Cynthia Jacobs Carter Secretary/Treasurer ................................................ Jeanne McCarroll Trustee ............................................................................. Gary Ezard Trustee ................................................................. Michael Lamarche Trustee ...............................................................................Tim Nank Trustee ........................................................................David Robbins KROC Staff Directory (Alphabetical Order by Last Name) WTS Director of Recreation Services Meg Cochran ...................................... [email protected] Grounds and Facilities Coordinator Roberta Cain Conklin .............................. [email protected] Operations Manager Vicky Crews ................................................ [email protected] General Manager Ronda DeSplinter [email protected] Facilities Manager Jim Henderson .............................................. [email protected] Covenants Coordinator Ashley Johnson ........................................ [email protected] Kingstonian Editor Blanche Covenants Manager Dana Mayfield ............................................ [email protected] Administrative Assistant Angela Pollard [email protected] Communications Specialist Mayra Ruiz ............................... [email protected] Office/Finance Administrator Nancy Vasser KROC Community Centers & Fitness Facilities KROC Business Office • 703-922-9477 Thompson Center, Top Floor 6090 Kingstowne Village Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315 Mon.-Fri. 9 A.M.-5:30 P.M.; Wed. 9 A.M.-8 P.M. Closed Monday, May 25, for Memorial Day Thompson Center Fitness Facility • 703-922-4216 6090 Kingstowne Village Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315 Mon.-Fri. 5 A.M.-9:30 P.M.; Sat.-Sun. & Holiday 8 A.M.-7 P.M. Snyder Center Fitness Facility • 703-719-7909 6450 South Van Dorn Street, Kingstowne, VA 22315 Mon.-Fri. 6 A.M.-10 P.M.; Sat.-Sun. & Holiday 8 A.M.-7 P.M. • Snyder Center Pool Hours • May 23-June 19*: Mon.-Fri. 12-9 P.M.; Sat.-Sun. & Holidays 10 A.M.-9 P.M. Starting June 20*: Every Day 10 A.M.-9 P.M South Center• 703-922-4099 (Pool–Summer Only) 6080 Kingstowne Village Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315 • South Center Pool Hours • May 23-June 19*: Mon.-Fri. 12-9 P.M.; Sat.-Sun. & Holidays 10 A.M.-9 P.M. Starting June 20*: Every Day 10 A.M.-9 P.M *June pool dates are tentative, pending decision regarding last day of public school. KROC Community Services Republic Services Recycling and Trash Removal...................703-818-8222 FirstService Residential (formerly Armstrong)–Assessment Payments.. 703-385-7256 REMINDER: Mail Payments: FirstService Residential, PO Box 11983, Newark, NJ 07101-4983 Emergency and Government Services Emergency Police/Fire and Rescue ..................................................... 911 Police (Non-Emergency)...................................................... 703-691-2131 Jeff C. McKay, Lee District Supervisor ....................703-971-6262, TTY 711 Alice Eggers, Neighborhood Watch Police Officer............... 703-922-8263 Kingstowne Fire Station ..................................................... 703-719-9294 Franconia Fire Station .........................................................703-971-5858 Poison Control Center/Information .................................. 1-800-222-1222 Fairfax County Animal Shelter .............................................703-830-1100 Kingstowne Post Office ....................................................... 703-971-3093 Kingstowne Library .............................................................703-339-4610 Wildlife Rescue League (injured/orphaned animals) ........... 703-440-0800 INOVA Healthplex (9 A.M. to 5 P.M.) ....................................703-797-6801 INOVA Healthplex (24 Hours/Emergency) ...........................703-797-6809 Hazardous Waste Removal ................................................. 703-324-5068 Utilities and Roadways Miss Utility (call before you dig) .......................................................... 811 Virginia Power (also to report outages)............................ 1-888-667-3000 Washington Gas ..................................................................703-750-1000 Verizon ............................................................................1-800-837-4966 Cox Communications ..........................................................703-378-8400 Fairfax Water...................................................................... 703-698-5800 Virginia VDOT (Customer Service) ....... 1-800-FOR-ROAD; 1-800-367-7623 School Numbers Edison High ........................................................................ 703-924-8000 Hayfield Secondary/High .................................................... 703-924-7400 Francis Scott Key Middle School .......................................... 703-313-3900 Mark Twain Middle School ................................................... 703-313-3700 Franconia Elementary .........................................................703-822-2200 Hayfield Elementary........................................................... 703-924-4500 Lane Elementary .................................................................703-924-7700 Apartment Management Companies The Edgemoore (Stellar Management Co.)......................... 703-971-4949 The Elms at Kingstowne (Legend Mgmt. Group) .................703-922-6336 Sussex at Kingstowne (Milestone Management) ................ 703-922-1808 Condominium Management Companies Chancery (Cardinal Mgmt.)....................................... 703-569-5797, x5022 Eton Square (Condominium Services, Inc., “CSI”) ................703-370-1600 Stratford Place (Legum & Norman) .................................... 703-600-6000 Kingstonian Publisher Marlborough Publishing P.O. Box 448, Prince Frederick, MD 20678-0448 Email: [email protected] • Website: Fran Poling and Brian Poling, Publishers ............................. 301-646-5087 Victoria Poling, Display Advertising Sales [email protected] Copyright Marlborough Publishing 2015. All rights reserved. The Kingstonian is the official publication of the Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation. It is distributed monthly to KROC residents and owners, under contract with KROC. The deadline is the 7th of each month or the prior business day when the 7th falls on a weekend. (Disclaimer: Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation and Marlborough Publishing reserve all rights to exercise their sole discretion concerning the inclusion of all material herein. The inclusion herein of advertisements, articles or references to the websites of third parties does not indicate an endorsement by Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation or Marlborough Publishing of the goods, services, materials or information of the third party. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation and Marlborough Publishing are not affiliated with these third parties.) May 2015 Kingstonian Page 3 KROC News SERVING YOU SINCE ‘82 Friendly, Personalized Service ★ Quality & Satisfaction FRAMING SPECIAL ★ 25% OFF Custom Picture Framing ★ Complete orders only. Not valid with any other offer. Must present coupon at time of order. Discounts do not apply to Ready-Made Frames, Rushes, Completed Orders or Orders in Progress. (Offer Expires 10th of Next Month) 5876 Kingstowne Center, #170 (703) 922-5501 Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation Has Launched a Facebook Presence! Visit for news, alerts, event photos, and more! KingstowneResidentialOwnersCorporation isonFacebook. ToconnectwithKingstowneResidentialOwnersCorporation,signupforFacebooktoday. To connect with Kingstowne Residential Sign Up Log In SignUpLogIn Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation Law Office Arquilla & Associates, PLC Serving Our Community Since 1997 •FamilyLaw/Divorce •EmploymentLaw •EstatePlanning–Wills,Trusts,etc. •MilitaryLaw •PersonalInjury Free Initial Consultation (703) 719-9292 Officesconvenientlylocatedattheintersectionof BeulahandFranconiaRoadsinAlexandria(Fairfax County) Website: • Email: [email protected] OurNew FacebookPage https://www. KingstowneROC?ref=hl DON J. PISCIOTTA, D.D.S., LTD. FAMILY AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY 25 YEARS DEDICATED TO PROVIDING QUALITY CARE AND LASTING SMILES ➣ Dentistry with a Light Touch ➣ Single Visit Crown Technology ➣ Non-Surgical Gum Therapy ➣ Certified invisalign® Provider ➣ 1 Hour In-Office Whitening System ➣ State of the Art Sterilization Center ➣ Digital X-Ray–90% Less Radiation Exposure ➣ Accept Most Major Insurance Plans ➣ Visa and MasterCard Accepted ➣ Flexible Payment Options NEW PATIENTS WELCOME • FRIENDLY AND KNOWLEDGEABLE STAFF Conveniently located at 6408 Grovedale Drive, Suite 100, Franconia, Virginia 22315 703-313-0404 Page 4 Kingstonian May 2015 KROC News KROC Announcements Yard Debris Refinancing Your Home? Yard debris collections take place on Wednesdays throughout Kingstowne. If your lender or financial institution requests a “Lender PUD Questionnaire” or “Insurance Declaration page,” please visit www.condocerts. com. If you require specific wording on the KROC Insurance Declaration page, please contact as CondoCerts will not be able to provide that Why Do I Need a Facilities Pass? 1985-2015 Kingstowne’s 30th Anniversary Celebration This year marks Kingstowne’s 30th anniversary! Plan to celebrate with the community, with food, fun, and family activities. Save the Date Saturday, September 26 Look for more details to come! Public Hearing–May 20 Signs Standard Guideline A public hearing will be held May 20, 6:30 P.M., in the Thompson Center, regarding proposed changes to the Signs Standard Guideline. (See page 11.) HOA Dues Address Reminder Payments, due the 1st of each month, can be mailed to FirstService Residential, PO Box 11983, Newark, NJ 07101-4983. Rate is $59.57/ month for condominium owners and $97.32/ month for townhouse, single-family, and duplex owners. Memorial Day, May 25 The KROC Business Office will be closed Memorial Day, May 25. The fitness centers will be open for holiday hours, 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. A valid facilities pass is needed to access the pools, fitness centers, and some resident-only events. If you are renting a home in Kingstowne, or if your personal information has changed, please stop by the KROC Business Office to update your facilities pass. The office is open 9-5:30 weekdays and until 8 P.M. every Wednesday. All residents age one and over must have a facilities pass, and those who are age 12 and over must have their photo taken. The first facilities pass and first replacement pass are free. After that, there may be a $5 charge. KROC Announcements, cont. on page 7 “What’s Happening in Kingstowne?” Pools Open May 23 SIGNUPFOR... “What’s Happening in Kingstowne?” TORECEIVEEMAILS What to Bring: Tenants: Photo ID and current lease. Facilities passes will only be issued to residents named on the lease. Passes will automatically be cancelled at the end of the lease term. A new lease must be presented at the business office to update the passes. New Homeowners: Photo ID and the HUD1 settlement paper. Homeowners will need to authorize other residents of the household to receive passes. This can be done in person or in writing. (Homeowners do not need to renew their passes.) Homeowners with a Facilities Pass: No need to update your facilities pass unless you lose it or the information you provided has changed. Weekly Short Email Reminder for Upcoming Events Important All-Community Alerts u u TOENROLL... u Email [email protected] u Text KINGSTOWNE to 22828 to get started. Reply with your email address when prompted and you’re done! u Scan here to sign up via the website! ...OR ...OR Photo by Marco Vallejo, Amherst Village May 2015 Kingstonian Page 5 KROC News Ashton Physical Therapy Center Lisa R. Goodfriend Associate Broker Goodfriend Is More Than A Name...It’s A Commitment! Restoring the Human Masterpiece™ Over 25 Years Successful Local Real Estate Experience & NVAR Lifetime Top Producer Kingstowne Resident for Over 22 Years Full-Time Real Estate Consultant Hands-On Treatment Tricia Ashton, PT Trust all your real estate representation to someone who has the experience and dedication to give you the value & successful transaction you deserve! Clinical Director & Owner 38 Years of Experience Evening Hours Available All Insurances Accepted, Except Medicaid RE/MAX Gateway Cell: 703-966-7977 Email: [email protected] I-395 / Edsall Road West, 5510 Cherokee Avenue, Alexandria 703-916-0202 Visit My Website: Blog: Website: NO INSURANCE? Affordable Payment Plans Available • Smile Makeovers • Invisalign-Invisible Braces • Teeth Whitening • Periodontal Treatment • Preventive Care • Root Canals & Oral Surgery • Bonding & Porcelain Veneers • Dental Implants Teeth Whitening $149 Includes Upper & Lower Trays (placed by a periodontist at our facility) • Dentures & Partials • Crowns & Bridges • New Patients Welcome • Open Most Federal & School Holidays • We See Children • Free Implant or Cosmetic Consultation • Most Insurances Accepted, Including Military & Kaiser With this coupon. New patients only. Not valid with other offers. (Regular fee $420.) Offer Expires 6/15/15. Implant Placement $1,495 Placed by a Periodontist at Our Facility Includes placement of implant only. Does not include crown. With this coupon. New patients only. Not valid with other offers. (Regular fee $2,100.) Offer Expires 6/15/15. • Phuong Phan, D.M.D., P.C. • Thien Dao, D.M.D. • Ruben Miranda, 5960 Kingstowne Towne Center, Suite 140, Alexandria, VA 22315 Dental Care for the Whole Family Page 6 Kingstonian May 2015 Office Hours Mon: Tue: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: 9:30-6 7-3:30 8-4:30 7:30-3:30 8-4:30 9-3 BEULAH ST. Kingstowne Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Welcome Offer $69 Includes oral exam, cancer exam, cleaning, & 4 bitewing x-rays (Not valid in the presence of gum disease.) With this coupon. New patients only. Not valid with other offers. (Regular fee $320.) Offer Expires 6/15/15. KINGSTOWNE TOWNE CENTER (between Safeway and World Market) D.D.S. Periodontist 703-719-9210 Ortho/Sports Rehab KROC News KROC Announcements, cont. from page 5 service. Currently, these are the only available ways to obtain these documents. A fee is charged by both companies. • Witnessing not available. • Virginia notaries are not authorized to certify true copies of birth, death, or marriage certificates. Local Land Use Projects, Road Construction, and Comments Please Send Us Your Photos! For updates on road construction projects in northern Virginia, visit www.VAmegaprojects. com. Comments on proposed developments, and on other topics, can be emailed to kingstowne@ basins (“dry ponds”) throughout the community are maintained by Fairfax County. Although there are regular inspections of each of these facilities, local residents are often more aware when something is wrong. If you become aware of a maintenance issue regarding a storm water management facility, please notify the KROC Business Office. Also, problems can be reported to Fairfax County Stormwater Management by calling 703-877-2800 or through online form submission at dpwes/utilities/sdrpt_form.htm. Ki ng st on ia Kingstonian Online EARLY! n Especially needed: • Your family and neighbors recycling! • Farmers’ market— photos of produce, vendors, and you shopping! • Community Yard Sale on May 2! • And all of the clubs listed on page 13. High-resolution digital photos, .pdf or .jpg, work best. Please email to [email protected] or bring them on a CD to the KROC Business Office. Have a ton of photos? Feel free to send the editor a link to a folder of photos on your Dropbox or other sharing account. official publicati www.kingstowne. on of the Kingstow Volume 23 u may 2015 ne Resident org ial owners Corp. The Kingstonian is available online—10 days before the mailed copies arrive. Visit www.kingstowne. org and click on the “Kingstonian Available Online!” link from the home page. If you are looking for the advertising rates or back issues, go to Requeste d Home delivery by april 29, 2015 u pool fun Photo by Marco Vallejo, Amherst Village For updates on local land use projects, visit, click on the “Resident Resources” drop-down menu, and select the “Community Information” section. Then click on “Land Use & New Dev” along the left margin. The page explains the land development process in Kingstowne. Summaries and links are available for local land use projects. this summe u Recycling r ........pages 16-17 in Kingstowne .......pages 18-19 u proposed guidel for yard signs–Hine amendments earing is may 20 11 Farmers’ Market Opens May 1 • When? Fridays, May 1-October 30, 4-7 P.M. • Where? Giant parking lot, 5935 Kingstowne Towne Center Notary Service Storm Water Management Ponds Storm water management facilities, including dry ponds, are never safe places to play, swim, or fish. Please heed posted warning signs. See a Problem? Report It, Please! The large storm water management Notary Service is available at the KROC Business Office, 6090 Kingstowne Village Parkway. • Photo ID required. • Services are $2 per document. • Do not sign document in advance. • Please call before arriving to ensure the notary is available. Community Yard Sale May 2 KROC’s spring community yard sale is Saturday, May 2, 8 A.M.-5 P.M., with a rain date of Sunday, May 3. Signs are encouraged; please remove them by 5 P.M. Please remember, community centers and the surrounding areas are not authorized sale areas— there may be paid events occurring during this time. Residents may use their own yards as well as common grounds along Summer Ridge Road, Kingstowne Commons Drive, Park Village Drive, Lake Village Drive, Greendale Village Drive, Horgan Court, and Castlewellan Drive. May 2015 Kingstonian Page 7 KROC News Commercial • Residential Israel Clavijo, President 571.331.2976 • Additions • Bathrooms • Basements • Roofing • Kitchens • Flooring • Framing • Patios • Interior/Exterior Paint & Much More... We are a local family-owned construction company, offering our extensive line of Commercial and Residential services for over a decade. $1,000 Off Any Addition $500 Off Any Complete Kitchen, Bathroom or Basement Take advantage of our promotion and be part of our satisfied clients! References available upon request. Call Now for a FREE ESTIMATE! See our reviews on 571.331.2976 [email protected] • [email protected] VA Lic# 2705082530 • DC Lic # 410514000517 • Licensed, Bonded & Insured OB-Gyn Associates of Northern Virginia, Ltd. Jennifer Santiago, M.D. • Marion Bissell, M.D. Aditi Agarwal, M.D. • Tina T. Pham, M.D. Women’s Care for All Generations Inova Franconia-Springfield Healthplex 6355 Walker Lane, Suite 408 • Alexandria, VA 22310 703-719-5901 • Essure • • Minimally Invasive Surgery • “Top-Rated Doctors List” for Northern Virginia Magazine Page 8 Kingstonian May 2015 Summer-Ready Decks and Patios It is that wonderful time of year again, the time for backyard picnics and barbecues. Decks and patios have become a vital part of homes. Whether it is a place to catch a breeze or to host the “10th Annual Smith Family Backyard Bash,” decks and patios get a lot of traffic during the warmer months. Before you get the planning team together, make sure to perform routine maintenance and check for structural soundness, especially if you have an elevated deck. n Check for signs of rot and replace any floorboards or posts that appear affected. TIP: Areas of rot that are no bigger than a silver dollar can be removed with a chisel, and the hole can be treated with wood preservative. Larger areas may require the structural member to be replaced. n Check for wobbling posts and railings. Look for cracks that, over time, may have developed around fasteners, such as nails or screws. TIP: Loose connections can be fixed by drilling pilot holes and adding galvanized lag screws. n Make sure to inspect all the hardware underneath, especially joist hangers, and replace any that are severely rusted. Check for signs of rot on the posts and joists. TIP: If the framing can’t be easily removed and replaced, reinforce it. For example, if a joist shows areas of rot, add a splint of comparable pressure-treated lumber alongside it attached with two or three 3-inch deck screws every 12 inches. Then chisel away the rotten area and paint the raw wood with preservative. n Patio structures are easier to maintain thaºn decks, but they still require routine maintenance such as checking for loose pavers and cleaning the structure. TIP: Hose off the patio and scrub stains using a detergent such as dishwashing liquid. To remove dark brown or black spots on patios in shady or damp areas, scrub with a solution of bleach and water. This method will help remove moss, mold, and mildew. Never use a wire brush on concrete patio as it can leave rust stains and scratch the surface. Deck and patio maintenance will protect your investment, help predict future maintenance and repairs, and make those summer backyard activities more enjoyable. Photos Photosby byAshley AshleyJohnson, Johnson,Covenants CovenantsCoordinator Coordinator KROC News May 2015 Kingstonian Page 9 KROC News Don’t forget to apply for all exterior home and landscaping modifications or improvements! Applications are available at *ARC 2015 Schedule Annual Architectural Inspections Continue KROC performs annual inspections of the exterior of homes and lots. The following neighborhoods will be inspected in May and June. Cantwell • Carlisle Chatsworth • Devonshire Dunwich Square • Edinburgh Spine Care of Alexandria Chiropractic Clinic • Dr. Philip Connolly D.C. • Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Academy of Neurology • Focus on Neuro-MusculoSkeletal Pain • u Licensed Massage Therapists on Staff u Participating in All Major Health Plans u Offer Military Discounts Open Morning & Evening Hours • Private Orthopedic and Neurologic Consultation • Chiropractic Examination • New Patients Only • With Coupon • Limited Time Offer $10 OFF 1-Hour Massage 703-719-7302 May 2015 ARC’s Meeting May 12 May 20 June 9 June 17 July 7 July 15 August 11 August 19 September 8 September 16 October 13 October 21 November 10 November 18 December 8 December 16 *ARC = KROC’s Architectural Review Committee home equity line of credit RATE LOCKED UNTIL 2016* rates as low as * % 2.74APR Rate adjusts to the Prime Rate as published in the Wall Street Journal, currently 3.25% APR*. Apply Online! Kingstowne Branch 6831 Sir Viceroy Drive, Alexandria Gift Certificates Available Alexandria, VA 22310 Kingstonian Chiropractic Evaluation Regular Price is $85 (New clients only) 6285 Franconia Road Page 10 $75 Application Deadline *APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Offer ONLY available for NEW HELOCs applied for online and approved 01/01/2015 – 12/31/2015. You may not pay off or make payment to other Apple FCU loans, credit cards or accounts with these proceeds. Advances made between 01/01/2015 and 12/31/2015: will be locked at your current APR until 12/31/2015. If rates go down before 12/31/2015 your APR will not be adjusted downward and will not increase past your current APR until 01/01/2016. On 01/01/2016, (floor rate of 3.99% for 85% LTV and less) the APR will be adjusted to the prime rate as published in the Wall Street Journal on 12/21/2015 plus or minus your current margin on the remaining balance and will be subject to change each quarter thereafter as stipulated by your original terms and conditions. Maximum interest rate 18.00% APR. Minimum advance of $250 required. Advance amounts must be within your existing credit limit. Advances in excess of your current credit limit will not be honored and may be subject to additional fees. If your account becomes delinquent at any time during the promotional period, you will forfeit these promotional terms and the APR on the unpaid balance will be increased to the appropriate quarterly rate offered at that time as disclosed in your original note. Membership eligibility required. Equal Opportunity Lender. KROC News Proposed Guideline Amendments – Signs Photos by Ashley Jo ord hnson, Covenants Co inator Public Hearing Set for May 20 at 6:45 P.M. Signs, Signs, Everywhere Currently, the community signage guideline addresses real estate signs. Residents have shown a need to place signs for security, solicitation, yard maintenance, etc. As a result, the Architectural Review Committee has made the following recommendation to the Board of Trustees to amend the sign guideline. Proposed Amendments to Sign Standard Guidelines • Residents may only install signs on their own lot. • Signs advertising businesses, either home-based or off-site, are prohibited. This includes contractor signs. • Signs must be self-supporting. No sign shall be attached to any structures, fences, traffic posts, Kingstowne owned sign posts in common grounds, trees, or mailboxes. • All signage must be maintained in an orderly manner and in good condition at all times. • Any temporary sign, other than real estate, shall be removed upon termination of the purpose (e.g., after the yard sale, etc.) and shall be limited to fourteen (14) days, unless the sign is for a political campaign. Political signs may be displayed (a) 30 days before the primary election, general election or vote on the proposition and up to (b) seven days after the primary election, general election, or vote on the proposition per state law. • Real Estate Signs: Only signs advertising a property for sale or rent may be displayed. Such signs must meet applicable county regulations with respect to size, content, and removal. Signs may only be placed in the front yard of available properties and removed once the property is sold. • Security Signs: Each property is allowed to post up to 2 security signs, each not exceeding 64 square inches. Only one such sign may be posted forward of the front plane of the home. The approved location shall be at or near the front entrance. A second sign may be posted at the rear of the home. Signs shall be located within 10 ft. to the immediate left or right of the front or rear entrance and no more than 2 feet forward on the front plane of the dwelling. Public Hearing Is May 20 Comments regarding the proposed revisions to the signage guidelines can be submitted to kingstowne@ or residents can present comments in person at the public hearing on May 20, at 6:45 P.M., in the Thompson Center Board Room, 2nd floor. May 2015 Kingstonian Page 11 Activity and Fitness Activity and Fitness Programs ThompsonFitnessCenter,703-922-4216 6090KingstowneVillageParkway SnyderFitnessCenter,703-719-7909 SouthCenter 6450SouthVanDornStreet 6080KingstowneVillageParkway MegCochran,DirectorofRecreationServices•[email protected] To Sign Up or Get Info Unless otherwise noted, sign up for all activities listed in this Kingstonian by calling a fitness center or emailing Director of Recreation Services Meg Cochran at phone numbers and email address above. For all other up-to-date changes, please visit and click the link to sign up for the email distribution list. Fitness Center Orientations Fitness center orientations are being offered now. Please make an appointment with the director of recreation services. You don’t have to be a new resident of Kingstowne to receive an orientation. Fitness Center Orientation with Meg Complete Listings A full listing of activities, including prices and information, is available online at and at the fitness centers. Email Meg! Email Meg at [email protected] to: u Be added to our email distribution list for activity and program news! u Receive a new club application and start a new club! Please note the Kingstowne Fitness and Activities Staff reserves the right to cancel any program or class due to lack of registration. To help ensure that all classes and activities will take place, please register at least two weeks in advance. Activities posted in the Kingstonian are subject to change. Special Events and New Activities Kids’ Soccer Kids’ Soccer – Ages 3 to 10 Session 2: June 6-July 18 (dates and times subject to change) • Ages 3-6: 9:30-10:15 A.M. • Ages 7-10: 10:30-11:30 A.M. • Cost: Resident: $89 • Non-resident: $99 • Daily Drop-In: $20 • Registration forms available at both fitness centers Kids’ Pizza Party and Craft: Friday, May 8, 6-8 P.M. Kids’ Pizza Party and Crafts • Fee: $8 per child, Max 20 kids • Sign up at the Thompson Fitness Center by May 5 You can drop your kids ages 5-12 at the South Center Ballroom for pizza and a Mother’s Day craft while you enjoy a nice evening out. (Photo by Roberta Cain Conklin, Grounds and Facilities Coordinator) MELT Method Hand and Foot Treatment Workshop with Pat Backe, May 17 May 17, 2-3 P.M., at South Center Aerobics Studio • Fee: $35 per person • Sign up at the Thompson Center Fitness Center by May 13. • Email Pat Backe at [email protected] with further questions. MELT Method Workshop with Pat Backe Page 12 Kingstonian May 2015 Continued on page 13 Taste of Italy Spring Fling, May 14 Savor the flavors of Italy right here in Kingstowne at our premiere Taste of Italy Spring Fling! Join Chef Carmine Marzano of Osteria Marzano restaurant for a live cooking demonstration and tasting of his authentic Italian recipes. Sample Italian wines and enter to win a gift certificate from Osteria Marzano. Learn the art of making homemade pasta, sauce, and other Italian delicacies from Chef Carmine’s family recipes. Kingstowne invites you to taste the best that Italy has to offer! Join us at our Taste of Italy Spring Fling on Thursday, May 14, 6:30-8:30 P.M., at the South Center! Sign-up at the Thompson Fitness Center by May 8. Cost: $10 per resident; $15 per non-resident. Taste of Italy with Chef Marzano Ballroom and Latin Dance Classes Begin May 6 Want to learn how to dance, or love watching Dancing with the Stars? Kingstowne is thrilled to offer a 6-week session of introductory ballroom and Latin dancing. Session begins May 6. Cost: Residents: Single -$100; Couples-$175. Registration forms available at both Thompson and Snyder Fitness Centers. Summer Camp for Kids: August 3-21 3 sessions available: August 3-7, 10-14, and 17-21. More details to come next month. Ballroom and Latin Dance Classses Coming Up Soon and Featured in This Kingstonian! Tennis with Coach Borgiasz, p. 14 u Summer Kickoff Pool Party–May 24, p. 18 Swim Lesson Registration–May 29, p. 19 u Aqua Aerobics Begin–June 3, p. 18 First Dive-In Movie–June 19, p. 18 u First Raft Night–June 24, p. 18 u Family Pool Party–July 10, p. 18 u End of Summer Pool Party and Ice Cream Social–August 29, p. 18 u u Mini Golf at Summer Camp u Ongoing Free Clubs Bridge Club–Shail Butani 6:30-10 P.M., 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month South Center Great Room 703-869-9401 or [email protected] Chess Club–Hraya Sayadian 6:30-9 P.M., Tuesdays South Center Great Room [email protected] Cooking Divas–JoAnn Meets one Wed. each month South Center Great Room [email protected] Line Dancing Club–Paula 10 A.M.–12 P.M., Wednesdays Thompson Center Ballroom [email protected] MOMS® Club of AlexandriaKingstowne East Serves East & North of Hayfield Rd. Second Monday of every month, 10-11:30 A.M. Snyder Center Ballroom kingstownemomsclubeast@ Ongoing Paid Events and Clubs MOMS® Club of AlexandriaKingstowne West Serves West & South of Hayfield Rd. Second Tuesday of every month, 10:30-11:30 A.M. Snyder Center Ballroom kingstownemomsclubwest@ Music Playgroup–Desrae Gibby 10:30 A.M. to noon, Wednesdays Snyder Center Ballroom [email protected] NOVA 40+ Single Volunteers Meetup–Jan Hix [email protected] Tai Chi Club–Paula 9-10 A.M., Saturdays South Center Aerobics Room [email protected] Weekday Tennis Group–Brenda MWF, spring-fall Singles and doubles matches [email protected] Weekend Tennis Club–Ulrike [email protected] Martial Arts–All Ages Kingstowne Family Martial Arts Snyder Center on Tu. & Thur. South Center on Saturdays Brian Oviatt at 703-862-4396 Kingstowne Ladies Social Group One-on-One Pilates–Pat Backe South Center Aerobics Room $75 per 60-min. session. Packs available. [email protected] Personal Trainer and Client Personal Training Contact one of our certified trainers today to kick-start your workout! Contact [email protected] for more information or pricing. May 2015 Kingstonian Page 13 Activity and Fitness Kingstowne Tennis with Coach Borgiasz Session I 6 weeks, beginning May 11 Registration forms available at both Snyder and Thompson Fitness Centers. Cost: $72: residents $90: non-residents Tuesdays • Quickstart I: 4:30-5:15 P.M. • Quickstart II: 5:30-6:30 P.M. • Adults I: 6:30-7:30 P.M. 5 weeks, beginning July 6 Cost: $60: residents $75: non-residents Mondays • Quickstart I: 4:30-5:15 P.M. • Performance II: 5:30-7 P.M. • Beginner Adult I: 7-8 P.M. Wednesdays • Performance II: 5-6:30 P.M. • Adult Cardio Tennis: 6:30-7:30 P.M. Tuesdays • Quickstart II: 4:30-5:30 P.M. • Performance I: 5:30-6:30 P.M. • Adult II Stroke Clinics: 6:30-8 P.M. Thursdays • Performance I: 4:30-5:30 P.M. • Adult II Match Play: 5:30-7 P.M. The Royal Treatment Who wouldn’t like to spend less time working in their yard and more time enjoying it? From season to season, Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape’s Earthfriendly programs and knowledgeable staff have you covered. Our prompt and reliable grounds maintenance services include: • Mowing • Aeration & Overseeding • Turf Fertilization • Power Seeding • Weed Control • Sodding • Mulching • Leaf Removal • Pruning & Weeding • Plant Health Care • Soil Testing & Analysis • Annual Flower Rotations • Limestone Your Northern VA Real Estate & Home Management Specialists! Visit us online for your FAST and FREE maintenance estimate. 703.339.8706 Proudly Serving Our Community Since 1997 LAWN & LANDSCAPE H O N E S TY • I N T E G R I TY • D E D I C AT I O N Page 14 Kingstonian May 2015 Session II Email Mark Borgiasz at [email protected] or Meg Cochran at [email protected] with questions. Visit us online at Thursdays • Performance Tennis II: 4:30-6 P.M. • Adult II Match Play Tennis: 6-7:30 P.M. Contact Us Today (703) 913-1300 [email protected] RE/MAX Executives, Springfield VA Cheryl Shier It’s the Perfect Time to Move Up… I don’t just sell homes…I sell the Kingstowne Community! That’s why my houses sell FASTER and FOR MORE! 703-980-2054 [email protected] Kingstowne Community Realtor 4.5% FULL SERVICE LISTINGS Just Listed 6956 Cromarty Drive Call for Pricing SOLD 5333 Buxton Court Sold for $459,500 PERSONAL SERVICE GUARANTEED! � I Personally Return All Phone Calls within 1-2 � � Under Contract 6128 Summer Park Lane Listed for $455,000 SOLD 7322 Mallory Circle � � � Sold for $489,500 � � FOR SALE 7509-A Ashby Lane Listed for $284,900 SOLD 6221 Windham Hill Run Sold for $550,000 � hours GUARANTEED! Comprehensive Market Analysis Multiple Listing Service Maximum Internet Exposure Full-Color, Multi-Page Brochures – inside the home Color Brochures – curbside with interior multiple photos Open Houses & Virtual Tours Detailed Suggestions for Preparing Your Home to Sell Quickly 3% of the 4½% Commission Goes to the Buyer’s Agent Features RecyclinginKingstowne It’sKindofaBigDeal Which weighs more, your trash or the contents of your recycling bin? Take the pledge this summer to help Kingstowne recycle more, reduce solid waste, and help keep the environment healthy. The Recycla“Bowl” Competition will run through July 31, as the north, middle, and south villages compete for prizes to see who can increase their recycling the most. The residents of the winning village will all win: • A funtastic pool party • Free pool guest passes • A free “shred it” day in the winning village’s community center Join the Competition and take the Challenge To participate in the Recycla“Bowl” Competition, ensure all your recyclable items are in recycling containers and placed curbside on pickup day. If you want to be a MVP, take the household challenge. The household challenge, incorporated within the Recycla“Bowl” Competition, is straightforward. We challenge individuals to keep track of their recycling for 1 week, weigh it, take a picture, and report findings to the KROC Business Office. Recycle more and win the village competition! If you accept the challenge to be a MVP, email [email protected] or call the Business Office at 703-922-9477. You will receive a Recycling 101 Program packet and periodic tips and techniques throughout the competition. Take the pledge and increase your recycling. It’s a big deal! Take the Pledge – Reduce, Recycle, Reuse NE W RE CLIN CY IN KIN RE RE RE Page 16 Kingstonian May 2015 NE W CLIN CY IN KIN TO GS G NE W CLIN CY IN KIN TO GS G TO GS G NE W RE CLIN CY IN KIN TO GS G NE W CLIN CY IN KIN TO GS G Features Breaking down and folding cardboard boxes for recycling Anika Nims crushing plastic bottles for recycling Major cleanup in progress! Sharon Neher separating recycling from waste May 2015 Kingstonian Page 17 Fun in the Sun at th Summer Kickoff Pool Party Will Be May 24 May 24, 1-3 P.M., Snyder Center Pool Summer Kickoff Pool Party with Mike the Magician at 1:30 P.M and the Chef on Wheels food truck. 3 Dive-in Movies Coming Up • June 19, Snyder Center, 8:30 P.M. • July 24, South Center, 8:30 P.M. • August 14, Snyder Center, 8:30 P.M. Photo by Anna Morgan End of Summer Pool Party and Ice Cream Social–August 29 Page 18 Kingstonian May 2015 Aqua Aerobics Begin June 3 June 3-August 26, Wednesdays, 6:30 P.M., Snyder Center Pool A fun, safe, and effective class for all ages and abilities. This class is designed to improve strength, balance, flexibility, and coordination. Exercise at your own speed and intensity, utilizing the water’s natural resistance. Registration forms available at Snyder and Thompson Fitness Centers. Photo by Kerry Pilz Family Pool Party–July 10 Kingstowne’s annual Family Pool Party is July 10! Enjoy pizza, games, music, and hanging out at the pool with family, friends, and neighbors. Tickets are $5 per person or $18 for four tickets. Ticket sales start June 8 at both fitness centers. Season’s First Raft Night–June 24 e Pools this summer Swim Lesson Registration–May 29 Swim lesson will be provided by NV Pools. Morning and evening lessons are available and fill quickly. Ensure your child is ready this pool season by planning early. Session 1: June 22-July 2 • Session 2: July 6-July 16 Session 3: July 20-July 30 • Session 4: August 3-August 6 All students must be screened by the lesson coordinator for class placement. Payment is due at the time of registration. The price is $60 per student for a two-week session and $30 per student for a one-week mini session. Information sheets with times and locations will be available at the pools when they open on Saturday, May 23. To register, call the check-in desk at the South Center Pool, 703922-4099, or visit the South Center Pool on or after May 29. OrderGuestPasses at Purchasing Guest Passes Online Pool guest passes are available for purchase by credit card at www. Passes may also be purchased at the Business Office in the Thompson Center during regular business hours. Passes purchased online or at the Business Office will be credited to the property account and will be linked to your facilities pass; it’s paperless and another way to go green. Passes will be deducted from your balance as they are used. To access your pool guest pass balance, contact the Business Office at 703-922-9477 or email [email protected]. Please note guest passes will not be sold at the pools. However, paper passes from previous years are still accepted. Pool Season Reminders Pools open Saturday, May 23, at 10 A.M. Have a fun and safe pool season with our friendly reminders about pool hours, guests, and access to pools. Who Can Use the Pools? • To access the pools, ensure your assessments are up-to-date and no architectural inspection issues exist. • All residents over the age of 1 year old require a facility pass to access the pools. Passes are not transferable. • To receive a facilities pass, which provides access to the pools, residents who lease must provide a valid lease (showing the transfer of amenity privileges from the homeowner) to the KROC Business Office during business hours. Note: the Business Office is closed on weekends. • Children under 12 years of age will not be admitted unless accompanied by a responsible person (16-year-old or older) who will continuously supervise the child/children. • Groups of four or more children under 10 years of age must be actively supervised by one adult (16-year-old or older) for every four children. • A resident (16-year-old or older) may be accompanied by a maximum of four guests per visit. • All guests must be accompanied by a Kingstowne resident (16 years old or older) and remain with the resident throughout their visit to the pool. • Any person desiring to swim in chest-deep water may be required to demonstrate swimming proficiency. • Balls, rafts, and tubes will only be allowed at special events or through the discretion of the lifeguards. 2015 Pool Season Hours Monday-Friday, 12-9 P.M., through June 19 Monday-Friday, 10 A.M. - 9 P.M., beginning June 22 Weekends & Holiday – 10 A.M.-9 P.M. Full Listing of Pool Rules A full listing of the Pool Rules can be found on the community’s website, May 2015 Kingstonian Page 19 Features TheBikeFairfaxWikimappingProject: TellUsHowYouBikeToMetroandVRE The Bike Fairfax Wikimapping Project provides commuters and leisure bicyclists the opportunity to help prioritize future bicycle improvement projects in Fairfax County. Specifically, we are reaching out to bicyclists to show us what routes are being used to get to Metrorail and Virginia Railway Express (VRE) stations in Fairfax County today. This information will help guide the decision making process on future bicycle infrastructure improvements including wayfinding signage and bike lanes. The interactive map is open to the public to post their routes and provide feedback until June 30, 2015. For instructions on how to map your route and provide feedback, visit www. wikimapping. To access the interactive map directly, visit FairfaxCounty. For more information on the project, contact Fairfax County Department of Transportation at 703-877-5600, TTY 711, or email DOTBicyclePrograms@ Windermere Diversity Potluck Dinner On March 7, the Windermere neighborhood held its first “diversity” potluck dinner at the South Center. Attendance was very high with 45 guests. Many families contributed their favorite dishes from their US home states or countries of origin. It was quite a treat to try a gourmet feast featuring American fare stretching all the way from Louisiana to Pennsylvania; delicious Italian specialties prepared by our military neighbors formerly stationed overseas; and Asian dishes with exotic spices. We even had an amazing and exquisite coffee ceremony from Eritrea. Special thanks to our skilled chefs for their creativity! Windermere also extends well deserved appreciation to our energetic event organizers and also to the many friends who cooperated with so many aspects of the potluck. After the event, many compliments were received by the NAB representatives from guests who especially enjoyed the celebration of the diversity of our culinary and cultural backgrounds. Special mention was made by many on how they enjoyed the opportunity to rekindle old friendships and make new ones. Windermere looks forward to the next event later on this year. Maid Brigade_Kingstonian_Eighth Page Ad May 2015 REVISED.pdf 1 4/7/2015 4:27:07 PM Alexandria Center of Dentistry C ... A+ Better Business Bureau Rating Uniformed, Bonded & Insured Flexible Scheduling Green Eco-Friendly .... Sav� 50 ! ... CY .. .. MY Your Spring Cleaning Headquarters! ............ . .... . . ............ . . . . . .$ ............ . . . .... ...... . . . . . . . . ........................ . . . . .... CM ..... Y ........ M CMY 703-822-4316 Page 20 Kingstonian May 2015 YOUR 1st VISIT YOUR 3rd VISIT New clients only. Some restrictions apply ... K .... $30 OFF $20 OFF + Expires 7-30-15 PROMO CODE: KINGS0515 Dr. Attia . Mohamed Attia, DDS, FAGD, FICOI (Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry; Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists) Family, Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry SPECIAL OFFERS FOR NEW PATIENTS! u FREE Consultation ($183 value) u Receive Bonus with Cleaning & Exam Appointment – FREE Tooth-Whitening Kit and FREE Oral Cancer Screening ($80 value) New patient offer; please mention this ad. Implant Placement $400 OFF Regular cost $2195. Restoration not included New patient offer; please mention this ad. Conveniently Located in 6420 Grovedale Dr, Suite 100A, Alexandria, VA 22310 703.719.9305 Our prompt, friendly service is something not often found with other painting companies. At Kingstowne Painting & Home Services, our number one goal is your satisfaction. We offer a variety of services to help show off your home in the best light possible. What’s on Your List? INTEGRITY • DEDICATION The Kingstowne Painting & Home Services Difference– Our People! • Before HONESTY Before Interior & Exterior Painting Drywall and Carpentry Tile Kitchen & Bath Remodels Handyman Pressure Washing Sealing & Staining Gutter Cleaning q q q q q After q q Our People Make The Difference q After Our prompt, friendly service Give us a call or visit our website is something not often found with other painting companies. today to request a quote on your At Kingstowne Painting & next home improvement project. Home Services, our number one goal is your satisfaction. We offer a variety of services to help show off your home in the best light possible, including: Interior & Exterior Painting | Drywall | Carpentry Tile | Kitchen & Bath Remodels | Handyman | Pressure Washing | Sealing & Staining | Gutter Cleaning Give us a call or visit our website today to request a quote on your next home improvement project. 703.339.8706 703.339.8706 Fully Licensed and Insured Fully Licensed and Insured Charles H. Brown III, D.D.S. Kenneth Lee, D.D.S., F.A.G.D. Frank Romano, D.D.S. Gary Moller, D.M.D. Tara Zier, D.D.S. Richard Grundy, D.D.S. Timothy Spitzer, D.D.S. Frances Hamman, D.D.S. M.S.D.– Orthodontist 703-971-2220 703-971-2220 703-719-0033 Around the Towne Kingstowne Library News 6500 Landsdowne Centre, Kingstowne, 703-339-4610 Open Mon.-Tue. 10-9, Wed. 10-6, Thu. 1-9, Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-5 Closed May 24 and 25 Children’s programs require registration–Call or go online to: Kids Activities (with Adult): • Storytime. Tue., May 5, 7 P.M., all ages • Storytime. Mon., May 11, 10:30 A.M., 2-3 years • Yoga. Fri., May 15, 10:30 A.M., 1-3 years • Practice Reading with Therapy Dogs. Saturdays, 10:30, 10:45, 11:00, and 11:15 A.M., 5-12 years Teen and Adult Activities: • Book Sale. Ongoing, all hours. • English Conversation. Wednesdays at 10:15 A.M. and Thursdays at 7 P.M. • Fit After 50! Sat., May 2, 10:30 A.M. Learn how to stay active and fit, with focus on exercise considerations for older adults. • Book Group. Wed., May 6, 12:15 P.M. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. • Special Book Sale. Sat., May 9, 10 A.M.3 P.M. • Writing Workshop with Kristin Bailey. Sat., May 9, 1 P.M. Join Young Adult author Kristin Bailey as she makes mistakes so you don’t have to. Learn how to edit your writing and avoid common pitfalls by reading messed up fairy tales. Then as a group, we will make them right. This workshop will focus on the common writing issues of passive voice, point of view, and dialog open to both teen and adult writers. Kristin Bailey is the author of The Secret Order trilogy for Simon Pulse. www. and on Twitter @ KBaileyBooks. • Book Group. Tue., May 12, 7 P.M., Rin Tin Tin: The Life and the Legend by Susan Orlean. • Book Group. Wed., May 13, 2 P.M. The Map That Changed the World by Simon Winchester. (Meet at KNCAA, next door.) • Keep Moving and Living Well Post Heart Attack/Stroke. Sat., May 16, 10:3011:30 A.M. How to begin a safe exercise routine after stroke or heart attack. • Teen Advisory Board. Sat., May 23, 12 P.M. Follow the Kingstowne Teen Advisory Board on Twitter (@ KingstowneTAB) or WordPress (https:// for info on teen programs, reading suggestions, and community events. Age 13-18. • Genealogy One-on-One Tutorial. Call to schedule. • One-on-One Internet/Computer Training. Call to schedule. You Must Mention This Ad at Time of Estimate to Receive Discount May 2015 Kingstonian Page 23 A New Way to Dress Up Your Home Vinyl Windows by Pella® Brought to your home by Windows Plus • • • • Wrapped in Traditions Designed with Efficiency Offered with Options Provided with Excellence For an exceptional look in your home, please contact the office at [email protected] or call 703-956-6172. An Equal Housing Lender Financing Options Available Contact us for details VA# 2705083994A WINDOWS • DOORS • SIDING • ROOFS 703.956.6172 Around the Towne Local Gov’t Reports Monthly Report from Chairman Bulova Sharon Bulova, Chairman, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors 703-324-2321; [email protected] Budget Fairfax County staff is preparing for a comprehensive Lines of Business Review beginning January 2016. This examines programs and services Fairfax County provides with an eye toward rightsizing services with a revenue stream that has never recovered from pre-recession years. The challenge is to maintain the quality making Fairfax County a desirable place to live, work, and play. It will be important to have the community at the table with us as recommendations are being considered by the Board of Supervisors. John Geer A critical incident that I believe presents us with an opportunity was Fairfax County’s response to the police involved shooting death of John Geer. The release of information in this situation took entirely too long. Additionally, the process for determining if charges will be filed encountered conflict instead of cooperation among the agencies responsible for this decision. These issues are being addressed, but I believe we have an opportunity here to make improvements to our policies and practices involving critical police involved incidents. On March 3, the Board of Supervisors endorsed my motion for the creation of an Ad Hoc Police Practices Review Kim McClary ✥ L&F Top 20 Producers ✥ L&F Master’s Club ($20 million+ in annual sales) ✥ Life Member, NVAR Top Producers Dedicated to meeting the needs of Kingstowne residents, whether buying or selling, since 1988! Kingstowne client references are always available. Phone today for a complimentary market analysis 703-929-8425 Direct Line (Immediate Response Line) 703-866-1097 Home Office E-Mail [email protected] Commission. This 38-member body met for the first time on March 23, and mapped out their expectations for the work and results for the commission. Commission members were selected based on specific backgrounds and skills in the areas of law, media, law enforcement, and academia. Additional opportunities for broader community engagement will be included in the commission’s work plan. The commission is chaired by Michael Hershman, one of our two citizen members of our Board’s Audit Committee. Mr. Hershman is an internationally recognized expert on matters relating to transparency, accountability, governance, litigation, and security. Alternatives to Incarceration Lastly, I am working with Sheriff Stacey Kincaid, Police Chief Roessler, Fire & Rescue Chief Bowers, Community Services Board Director Tisha Deeghan and the Reverend Jennifer McKenzie to consider alternatives to incarceration for individuals with mental illness who have committed a non-violent crime. Other jurisdictions in Virginia and the region have established jail diversion programs and facilities for the mentally ill. Fairfax County should as well. May 2015 Kingstonian Page 25 Around the Towne Report from Senator Barker’s Office Update from Delegate Sickles George Barker, Senator, 39th District Local 703-303-1426; Richmond 804-698-1734 [email protected] Mark Sickles, Delegate, 43rd District 703-922-6440 [email protected] Commitment to Veterans Watch Out for the “Pothole Killer” Virginia has a strong commitment to veterans. We have one of the highest percentages of veterans and are one of the few states where the veteran population is still growing. Governor McAuliffe is one of a few governors who have committed to end veteran homelessness by Veterans Day this year. I am one of a half-dozen legislators who signed on to help the administration in this effort and to support funding necessary to make this happen. Already, veteran homelessness has been dramatically reduced, and I am confident we will achieve our goal. Building on that initiative, I helped Senator Toddy Puller on bills to create two veteran care centers, one in northern Virginia. Virginia has only two veteran care centers, which provide nursing home level care to veterans, located in Richmond and Salem on VA hospital campuses. The two places with the most veterans, northern Virginia and Hampton Roads, currently do not have centers. Senator Puller’s bills provided one-third of the funding to construct centers there, with the remainder requested from the Veterans Administration. When Senator Puller broke her elbow and had to miss much of the 2015 session, I took responsibility for her bills and led the Senate team in the conference committee, ensuring that development was not slowed or jeopardized. The governor, working with Virginia Veterans and Defense Affairs Secretary Admiral John Harvey, amended the bills to expedite the process and to ensure that the centers are built using state money if we cannot get federal funding. The northern Virginia center probably will be built in Prince William. The county is moving to donate the land, which should get the project moving forward. We will build a 120-bed facility, with the potential to double to 240 beds. Although the facilities will be built by the state, the federal Veterans Administration will operate them. This is just one step of many that Virginia is taking to thank our veterans for their service to our country. Winter is finally over and I am excited about the warm weather and am anxious to get back on my bicycle. Unfortunately, the winter storms have left us with some severely damaged roads. I personally have been the victim of a manhole-sized pothole, and we have heard from many of you about the condition of the roads you travel as well. Now that the weather has cleared up, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is working on the problem. Road crews filled more than 10,000 potholes across northern Virginia in March alone. Fortunately, this year our area will be seeing considerable work as the 2013 state transportation package is generating new revenues. These new revenues were desperately needed in order to meet our rapidly expanding infrastructure needs, and to restore VDOT’s purchasing power by diversifying funding sources that were last adjusted in 1986. VDOT now has a budget of $168 million for repaving existing roads across our region. This includes 31 lane miles of interstates, almost 50 lane miles of primary routes, as well as extensive paving on secondary roads and neighborhood streets, totaling almost 1,000 lane miles. Crews are also extending the life of more than 110 lane miles with preventative maintenance such as latex and sealing. As mentioned, my office has received several complaints about the condition of the roads and we have been working with VDOT to ensure that the worst roads in the 43rd District are getting the attention they deserve. VDOT is now committed to adding South Van Dorn Street, Kingstowne Village Parkway, and sections of Franconia Road as top priorities in our area for this year. Please help us identify other areas that need attention by reporting potholes directly to my office through my website (www.marksickles. com) or by email ([email protected]). Potholes can also be reported to VDOT online ( asp) or to operators 24/7 at VDOT’s Customer Service Center at 800– FOR-ROAD (367-7623). TTY users, call 711. KINGSTOWNE INTERNAL MEDICINE PRIMARY CARE Residential & Commercial Cleaning Services WeLovetoClean Fully Bonded & Insured Page 26 703-339-6260 Kingstonian May 2015 Nikki Waddell, MD Accepting New Patients and Most Insurance Plans! Call 571-384-6304 to schedule an appointment today! LAURA and LEE JACOBS 6504 Osprey Point Lane Alexandria, VA 22315 5901 Kingstowne Village Pkwy, Suite 300, Kingstowne (Behind Regal Theaters) u “ Make your appointment with our Nutritionist & Personal Trainer today!” Around the Towne Message from Lee District Supervisor McKay PROPERTY MANAGEMENT & REAL ESTATE SALES Jeff C. McKay, Lee District Supervisor 703-971-6262; [email protected] 2015 World Police and Fire Games Pull out your summer calendars and mark June 26 through July 5. Fairfax County is hosting the second largest international sporting event—the 2015 World Police and Fire Games. These biennial games were established in 1985. Montreal, Canada, will host the 2017 games, and Chengdu, China, is the 2019 venue. You can find out more at The World Police and Fire Games showcase the athletic talent of first responders from around the world. We’re expecting 12,000 public safety athletes from 70 countries to compete in 61 sports and 1,600 sporting events. The games will take place in 53 locations throughout Fairfax County and the National Capital Region, and I’m really excited that our own Springfield Town Center will be the venue for the Ultimate Firefighter TAIL WAGS Getting tired of that BIG BOX service? We’ve been a Family Business since 1989! Visit us on he web for a list of services: www.HomeFirst We Provide Complete Real Estate Services The Proper Way CALL us TODAY and Speak to One of the Brokers About any of Your Real Estate Needs! 703-971-1800 [email protected] Patrick Fogarty, Michael Fogarty Sandra Wilkinson, Lee Wilkinson 6271 Franconia Road Alexandria, VA 22310 P E T C A R E Kingstowne Owned/Operated Let Your Dog’s Tail Wag On Or Hear Your Cat Sound The Purrfect Purr! DAILY DOG WALKS AS LOW AS $10! Tel. 703.348.7472 Email: [email protected] Or Visit Our Website: JOIN US AND FEEL GREAT! YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY TAE KWON DO • HAP KI DO • SELF DEFENSE 6700 Fleet Drive, Alexandria 703-313-8804 Our reward system improves children’s self-esteem, discipline and confidence! Master Instructor Kwang Weon Woo Competition, a multi-day competition testing participants’ capabilities in four areas: hose task, weight and strength, obstacle course, and high rise. Not only can you watch these games—most of which are free—but you can even be part of this historic event. The 2015 World Police and Fire Games Committee is recruiting Lic./Bonded/Ins. 4,000 volunteers to serve as games ambassadors; work special events, venues, and competitions; assist with public relations and marketing; and more. Orientation and training will be provided and SUMMER CAMP you must be 18 years of age by July 6, in order Summer Camp includes 4 field trips per week and a pizza party. We have one day of introduction and fun at Chuck E. Cheeses, to apply. Check out for one day of learning cooperation through sports at a park, one day information about volunteering and an online at the pool, one day of excitement through a new world at Museums (Washington, DC), and finally the last day includes a PIZZA PARTY volunteer application. provided by us with drinks. Full day camp students will attend Tae Kwon Do class from 4-4:50 P.M. They will learn basic kicking, punching, stepping, and sparring techniques. Schedule–CALL NOW! Space is Limited 6:30-9 AM Drop Off and Check In 9-Noon Adventure of the Day / Field Trip** (**Half Day Camp Students will be going home at this time.) Noon-1 PM Lunch Time 1-1:30 PM Free Time 1:30-3:30 PM Movie Time / Structured Game Time 3:30-4 PM Change into uniform and prepare for class. 4-4:50 PM Tae Kwon Do Class 5-6 PM Clean Up and Go Home NEW STUDENT SPECIAL MASTERS OF YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY/TAE KWON DO YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY/HAP KI DO Call for Details With this coupon. Expires 6-30-15. Contact Yong In Academy for full details of this offer. 2 Private Classes 1 Group Class Free Uniform And by the way, the World Police and Fire Games are more than just games. With more than 30,000 games participants and visitors expected to come to Fairfax County, stay in our hotels, dine, and shop, there’s some good economic news for the county. Hosting these games is a real win for our bottom line. The positive economic impact is estimated to be in the range of $60-$80 million in revenue while the cost is estimated at $20 million. Many corporate sponsors, such as INOVA Health Systems, SAIC, and Northrop Grumman, will help to offset some of that cost. May 2015 Kingstonian Page 27 Classified Ads Dr. Christina S. Michael Internal Medicine GARAGE DOOR PROBLEMS? Repairing All Makes of Garage Doors & Electric Openers 703-266-0067 GARAGE DOORS & ELECTRIC OPERATORS • SALES & SERVICE Inova HealthPlex 6355 Walker Lane, Suite 505 Alexandria, Virginia 22310 703-971-4444 • Over 15 Years Experience • • Accepting New Patients • • Participating with All Major Health Plans • Medical Treatment of Adults and Adolescents • Complete Physical • Hypertension • Diabetes • • Preventive Health Care • Classified Ads Placing Your Classified Ad Is Easy! Classified Ads are $11 for 25 words or fewer and $0.25 for each additional word thereafter. Ads must be printed or typed, accompanied by a check (no cash, please) payable to Marlborough Publishing (not Kingstowne)\. Mail or bring to the Kingstowne Business Office, 6090 Kingstowne Village Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315, by the 7th of the month prior to the month you want your ad to run. Another Option–Mail to the Publisher: • Mail your Classified Ad and check directly to Marlborough Publishing, PO Box 448, Prince Frederick, MD 20678, before the 7th of the month for the next month’s issue. • Order Forms for Classified Ads are available on the Web at: Scroll down to the bottom of this screen and click on “Classified Advertising.” This will open the form as a pdf file which you may print out and mail. It is helpful if you ALSO email the text of your ad to [email protected] and include a copy of your email in the envelope with your Order Form and check. • If you want your Ad to run for more than one month, you may pay in advance for several months. Be sure to specify the months you want. • For questions, email [email protected]. Disclaimer: The inclusion herein of advertisements, articles or references to the websites of third parties does not indicate an endorsement by Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation or Marlborough Publishing of the goods, services, materials or information of the third party. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation and Marlborough Publishing are not affiliated with these third parties. Copyright Marlborough Publishing 2015. All rights reserved. • CHILD CARE CHILD CARE: In Kingstowne, opening for infants/toddlers, licensed, certified CPR/ First Aid. 19 years of experience. Full-time/Part-time, weekends and overnights. Excellent references are available. Call Nafeesa: 703-922-7026. 5/15 Page 28 Kingstonian May 2015 CHILD CARE NETWORK OF KINGSTOWNE/FRANCONIA: Is a non-profit association of licensed providers within the CCNKF. Go to or call Libby Keenan at 703-971-1889. 12/15 • EMPLOYMENT & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DOG WALKER / PET SITTER: Alexandria, Springfield, Lorton, Fairfax Station Areas. Hours 11 A.M.-3 P.M.; Monday-Friday. Morning, evening & weekend work also available for an autonomous person who LOVES ANIMALS and outdoors. Contact: [email protected]. 9/15 • FOR SALE–PRODUCTS AVON: Call Gail Parkinson, Independent Avon Sales Representative 703-8666129. Email: [email protected]. Includes: Skincare, Bug Guard, Cosmetics, Fragrance, Jewelry, Clothing and more. 6/15 CHERRY WOOD/BLACK GLASS AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM STAND (BELL’O): 3 shelves, 62” wide, holds 350 pounds. Beautiful, excellent condition. Can provide photos. $275.00. Contact 703-971-8501 or susan. [email protected]. 5/15 MINOLTA MAXXUM 330SI RZ CAMERA: Includes 28-80mm, 70-300mm lenses, filters (58% mc-uv, skylight 1B, 55mm diff). Leather bag. Perfect for beginners. $100.00. 703-971-8501 or [email protected]. 5/15 ROYAL DOULTON CHINA, FLAWLESS. Plates: 18 Dinner, 10 ½”; 17 Salad, 8”; 17 Bread, 6 ½”; 19 Teacups, 17 Saucers. Was $1,100. Will sell for $500. 703-971-8501 or [email protected]. 5/15 SOLID WOOD DINING TABLE, EXTENDS TO 96”: Upholstered chairs, 6 side, 2 arm chairs. Matching china cabinet, 4 shelves; 4 lower doors/ shelving, anti-tarnish drawer. 81” H x 57” W x 13” D. Custom protective tabletop mat included. Beautiful set with bamboo details. Photos available. $1,500.00. Contact 703-971-8501 or [email protected]. 5/15 • HEALTH AND FITNESS CHRISTIAN COUNSELING FOR WOMEN: Marriage, food addiction, sadness/anger/self-esteem, etc. Doctor of Clinical Christian Counseling & PhD in Research Psychology. Free consultation. 703-593-6639. 5/15 JAZZERCISE CLASSES! One week free! Mornings (w/childcare), evenings and weekends. Call or email Mary. 703-550-9867 or [email protected]. 6/15 • HOME IMPROVEMENT & MAINTENANCE A+ RATINGS AND SUPERIOR REFERRALS: We provide aluminum, vinyl and wood Windows, Doors, & Siding for your home, townhome, condominium and apartment. WINDOWS PLUS owners have 21 years experience in this industry. We have an in-house install crew and can do one job or multiple projects. We provide free estimates. Licensed and insured in VA, MD and DC with offices in Springfield and Chantilly. Call Reg or Tom at 703-916-8372. See our ad in this issue. 12/15 A HANDYMAN THAT LOVES HIS JOB & CARES: ONE CALL IS ALL IT TAKES: 30+ years servicing NOVA. Interior/exterior home repairs, renovations & improvements. Cell 703-338-1908; Office 703-499-9094; thomasamalcolm@ 12/15 AAAWESOME HOME REPAIR AND REMODEL SERVICE–JOEL RIGGS HOME REPAIR: Kitchen and Bath Remodeling, Interior/Exterior Painting, Carpentry, Ceramic, Drywall, Tile, Exterior Wood Rot, and more. Class A License, Continued on page 29 Classified Ads Peaceful Rural Setting – Easy Commute to Andrews AFB & Suitland Federal Complex LE S A5 0 0 R , F O3 4 9 $ Historic character with 21st century upgrades USDA APPROVED 100% FINANCING Newly renovated farm house in historic Croom, MD, surrounded by large mature oak trees. Private new rear deck backs to your woods. Formal living and dining rooms, family room, 3 bedrooms, and 2 new bathrooms. Front porch perfect for rocking chairs and swing which convey. Charming central staircase. Upgrades include kitchen with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances, new bathrooms, new HVAC/heat pump, water filtration system and tank, fresh paint, ceiling fans, carpet and more. Low maintenance, all new windows. Close to Patuxent River Park for nature preserves, boating, hiking, and biking trails. ReMax 100 10425 S Maryland Blvd Dunkirk, MD 20754 Dennis Crecelius Realtor 301-717-1864 mobile 301-855-8600 office [email protected] Insured, Reliable, Honest, 30 Plus Years Northern VA Experience. Call Joel at 703-929-4676. 11/15 AMERICAN CONTRACTOR SERVICES: Quality work at reasonable prices. Hardwood installation, patios, decks, fences, drywall, painting, kitchen and bathroom remodeling. Basement, electric, plumbing, etc.. References available. For free estimate, call 703-859-4328. 7/15 AMERICAN DECKS AND FENCES: We build custom wood fences and decks. We repair fences and decks. Cleaning and sealing services are available. 703-859-4328. 7/15 AMERICAN GUTTER CLEANING: We clean gutters, downspouts. We also provide house-washing and gutter screen installation. Reasonable prices. 703-859-4328. 7/15 BRICK , STONE, CONCRETE AND REPAIRS: • Also Roofing, Siding, and Windows • Carpentry Work and Painting – inside and outside, and Much, Much More • 25 Years Experience • Licensed and Insured. Hundreds of Kingstowne References. Call Mark Meredith at 703-715-6122-VM; 703-8624450-Cell; [email protected]; 12/15 CARPENTRY: Rotted Trim Replacement • Crown Molding & Custom Trim • Water Damage and Drywall Repair • Interior/Exterior Painting & Repairs and Much, Much More • 25 Years Experience • Hundreds of Kingstowne References. Call Mark Meredith at 703-715-6122-VM; 703-862-4450-Cell; [email protected]; 12/15 CLIMATROL HEATING & COOLING CORP.: 703-981-6664, www.climatrolhvac. com. Only $79.95 for heating and cooling system inspections or diagnostic service fee. Get 10% off discount on repairs with this ad. Free second opinion on heat exchangers and compressors. Family owned, operated, licensed and insured small business. Our prices are extremely competitive and our service is thorough. Read real reviews from satisfied Climatrol customers at Angie’s List. 3/16 DECKS AND FENCES: Make your deck like new. We provide quality repairs, cleaning and staining of decks and fences. Beautiful work. Licensed and insured. 703-859-4328. 7/15 ELECTRICIAN–YOUR NEIGHBOR, YOUR ELECTRICIAN: No job too small. Over 30 years of experience. Call Ed Trask at 304-728-6653. 1/16 FENCES & DECKS: Quality craftsmanship for 30+ yrs. Wood fences and decks built, repaired, cleaning, sealing & deck renovation. Cell 703-338-1908 & 703-499-9094 (O) msg. E-mail [email protected]. 12/15 FENCING BUILT AND REPAIRED; DECKS REPAIRED: All phases of wood fences–new fences built and old ones repaired. Gates and posts fixed or replaced, too! Decks also repaired. REASONABLE RATES. TreeTech351@ Call Dave, 703-346-7034. 12/15 FRANCONIA PAINTING SERVICES: Interior/exterior, residential and commercial, caulking, drywall instal and repairs, rotten wood replacement, power washing, and more. From one wall to whole house. Check our website Call Doug 703-850-9907. 6/15 PLUMBING: Overstreet Plumbing, LLC. 30 years of experience. For all your plumbing needs. Class A contractor. Licensed and insured. All work performed by owner. Member of Better Business Bureau. Call Brian 703906-7606. Visit 2/16 GENERAL CONTRACTING: L.R. Bennett Inc. Licensed and Insured Class-A Contractor • Plumbing. Heating • Cooling • Kitchens • Baths • Additions. Randy Bennett, President and CEO. For service call 703-765-3543. Fax 703-765-7352. 2/16 HANDYMAN–DOUG’S REPAIR SERVICE: NO JOB TOO SMALL. Caulking, painting, drywall repair, plumbing, electrical, pressure washing, rotten wood replacement, roof repairs, junk removal, dryer vent cleaning, property management, and MUCH MORE. Check our website www. Call for free estimates 703-850-9907. 6/15 HOME IMPROVEMENT: • Kitchen and Bath Remodeling • Flooring • Interior/ Exterior Painting & Repairs • Rotted Trim Replacement • Crown Molding & Custom Trim • Water Damage and Drywall Repair and Much, Much More • 25 Years Experience • Licensed and Insured. Hundreds of Kingstowne References. Call Mark Meredith at 703-715-6122-VM; 703-862-4450-Cell; [email protected]; 12/15 HOME IMPROVEMENTS PROFESSIONAL QUALITY SERVICES: Bathroom, basements, kitchen renovations. Additions. Electrical and plumbing services. Drywall and painting. No job too small. 20 years of experience. Family owned. LICENSED AND INSURED. FREE ESTIMATES. Office: 703-296-4512. Cell: 703-928-7732. Email: [email protected]. Visit us @ 12/15 HOME REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS: Painting, Carpentry, and Handyman. Interior/exterior painting, custom trim work, wood rot repairs, tile work, bath remodels, power washing, and everything in between. Licensed & Insured. 25+ Years. Free Estimate. 703-971-2669. 3/16 MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR: Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Microwave Ovens, Refrigerators, Ranges, and Disposers. Honest Work, FactoryTrained, Friendly Service. 40 Years of Experience. Call Phil at 703-6221378. 8/15 NOVA HOUSEWASHERS & PAINTING COMPANY: Painting, Int/Ext; Carpentry; Drywall Repair; Pressure Washing. Licensed, Insured, 20 Years Experience. Local References. 703-971-3644, 703-728-3644 (cell). 4/16 PAINTING AND PAPERING: Interior and exterior. Free estimates. Licensed, bonded, insured. Call Steve Chute, Chelsea Paper and Paint, 703-9121450. 2/16 PAINTING: Interior/Exterior, carpentry, drywall repair, power washing, staining, sealing, gutter cleaning. Licensed and insured. Call Kingstowne Painting, 703-339-8706, for FREE in-home consultation. Visit www. 2/16 PAINTING–AND MORE: Bradwell Painting Service–Int./Ext. Highest quality paints and workmanship. Drywall repairs. Wallpaper removal. Powerwashing and deck staining. Free Estimates. Licensed, excellent references. BradwellPaintingService/, [email protected], 703-866-6225. 6/15 PAINTING/CARPENTRY: Interior/Exterior Painting & Repairs • Rotted Trim Replacement • Crown Molding & Custom Trim • Water Damage and Drywall Repair and Much, Much More • 25 Years Experience • Licensed and Insured. Hundreds of Kingstowne References. Call Mark Meredith at 703-715-6122-VM; 703-862-4450-Cell; [email protected]; www. 12/15 PAINTING: FG Painting Interior/Exterior, deck cleaning, sealing, drywall and minor carpentry work. Licensed & Insured. Kingstowne references. [email protected] Call for free estimates 571-722-3840 or 703-4553349. 11/15 Continued on page 30 May 2015 Kingstonian Page 29 Classified Ads Continued from page 29 PAINTING–PROFESSIONAL PAINTING: Interior, exterior, quality workmanship. Reasonable. Licensed, insured. Free estimates. You can’t afford not to call! Please call Gary’s Painting at 703-971-4016. 5/15 PLUMBING: Dawson’s Plumbing. All types of repairs. Repair or replace all types of faucets and toilets, water heaters, garbage disposals; electric drain cleaning. Licensed gas contractor-run gas lines for appliances and gas logs. First service call, $10 OFF. Call Warren Dawson at 703-354-9358. Licensed, bonded, insured. Master Plumber. 10/15 PLUMBING: L.R. Bennett Inc. Licensed and Insured Class-A Contractor • Plumbing • Heating • Cooling • Kitchens • Baths • Additions. Randy Bennett, President and CEO. For service call 703-765-3543. Fax 703-765-7352. 2/16 PROHOME REPAIR: Interior/Exterior replace wood rotten recaulk and painting. Drywall. Roof. Gutters. Concrete. Fence Deck. Electrical. Plumbing repair+. Finishing basement. 25 Years Local Experience. Licensed. Insured. Free Estimate. Call 703-922-6254. 11/15 ROOFING, SIDING, WINDOWS: Also Brick, Stone, and Concrete and Repairs • Carpentry Work and Painting–inside and outside, and Much, Much More • 25 Years Experience • Licensed and Insured. Hundreds of Kingstowne References. Call Mark Meredith at 703-715-6122-VM; 703-862-4450-Cell; mmeredith02@; 12/15 ROOFING, SIDING, WINDOWS: Also Brick, Stone, and Concrete and Repairs • Carpentry Work and Painting–inside and outside, and Much, Much More • 25 Years Experience • Licensed and Insured. Hundreds of Kingstowne References. Call Mark Meredith at 703-715-6122-VM; 703-862-4450-Cell; mmeredith02@; 12/15 ANGEL’S TREE SERVICE: Tree and Stump Removal, Gutter Cleaning, Storm Damage, Aeration & Overseeding. Reasonable Prices. Professional, Friendly Resid & Experienced. Free Estimates. 703-740-6282. 5/15 L BUSH AND SHRUBBERY CARE: Trimming, Pruning, Shaping, Dead-wooding, and complete removals. Mulching, weeding, and edging of beds. Leaf Cleanups & * Resident yard spruce-ups. All phases of Expert Tree Work and stump grinding. “SPRING DISCOUNT.” FREE ESTIMATES. [email protected]. Winsor Tree Service. 703-346-7034. 12/15 * Weekly LANDSCAPING: SEASONAL CLEAN UPS AND MORE! Limited slots available. Master Gardener 30+ year’s tree work, planting, pruning, mulching, walkways & patios. Cell 703-338-1908, Office 703-499-9094 & E-mail thomasamalcolm@ 12/15 Phone:weeding, 571.332.0 LAWN CARE SERVICE: Mowing, fertilization, weed control, pruning, mulch. Call Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, 703-339-8706, for FREE maintenance estimate. Visit for more information. 2/16 TREE SERVICE 30+ YEARS: Help protect your trees from severe storms damage with preventative elevation, thinning & shaping. Storm damage/removal. 703-338-1908(C) 703-499-9094 (O) [email protected]. 12/15 TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL: All Phases of Expert Tree Work. Including Pruning, Trimming, Thinning, Dead-Wooding, and Complete Removals. Also do Stump Grinding and Storm Damage Work. FREE ESTIMATES, Reasonable Rates. “SPRING DISCOUNT.” [email protected]. Winsor Tree Service. 703-346-7034. 12/15 • HOUSE, CARPET, & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING PIANO LESSONS: I come to you. Children and adults. All genres of music. Call Connie at 703-455-1250. “In THEORY there IS no dead beat!” 6/15 AAAAAAAH! MAID BRIGADE: Trusted by NOVA residents since 1989. A+ Rated by BBB. Proud sponsors of your neighborhood events! We bring all supplies and are Green Clean Certified. Mon-Sat Service. Call 703-822-4316 or email sales@ Mention Kingstonian for a $25 discount of your 1st clean. New customers only. 1/16 A+ MAID SOLUTION HOUSE CLEANING SINCE 1993: *Family Owned and Operated *Licensed and Insured *Smaller Townhomes starting at $95 *Excellent References *$20 off deep cleaning *Specialized in Move-ins/ Move-outs *Military Discounts *Supplies & Equipment provided *Excellent References *Rated A+ on Angie’s list *Mon-Sat Service *FREE On-site Estimates. 703-971-5753 [email protected]. www.maidsolution. com. 12/15 ACCLAIMED CARPET CLEANING AND STRETCHING: Five rooms $138. Power Carpet Stretching–lifetime guarantee.. 24/7 Emergency water damage. 35 years experience, including the Pentagon. 703-978-2270. AcclaimedRestorations. com. 12/16 ANDREA’S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE: Licensed, bonded, insured, free estimates, good references, reasonable prices, excellent work. The best cleaning service in the area. Call Nelly 571-264-3208. 8/15 B&L CLEANING SERVICE: Experienced House Cleaning. Owner Operated. References Available. FREE Estimates. Special for New Customers-$25 OFF first cleaning. Bonded/Insured. Call 703-216-7329. www.BL-cleaning-service. com. (1/15-3/15) HOUSE CLEANING: Reliable and experienced, good references. Flexible scheduling. Reasonable rates. We bring our own equipment. Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Occasionally, One-Time, Move In/Out, Offices. For Free in-home estimate, Call Maryen/Raul at 703-321- 5335. 6/15 HOUSE CLEANING BY HUSBAND & WIFE TEAM: Experienced and OwnerOperated. References Available. FREE Estimates. $25 OFF first cleaning for new customers. Bonded & Insured. Call Billy for free consultation, 703-2329036. (1/15-3/15) SANDRA’S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICES: Experienced house cleaning, owner operator, honest and responsible, good references, reasonable prices, free estimate, please call Sandra 703-300-4362. 5/15 • LAWN & LANDSCAPING, TREE CARE AFFORDABLE LANDSCAPING: Mowing, Lawn Care Treatments, Cleanup, Mulching, Edging, Pruning, Sod, Patios, Walkways and more. Contact Independence Landscape for a free estimate 703-887-1834 or visit www. 2/16 Page 30 Kingstonian May 2015 • MUSIC LESSONS • PET SERVICES ASK OUR CLIENTS! “The Content Pet” has been providing personalized, quality, loving care for pets and homes in Northern VA since 1998. Bonded, Insured and Certified. “Your pet deserves the best!” [email protected], http:// 703-244-1410. 7/15 CAT CARE. CATS, CATS: Just cats (and small mammals). Available 24/7/365. Purrs & Meows Pet Care 703-859-6001. 5/15 DOG WALKING: Daily Dog Walks As Low As $10, Pet Sitting & More! Visit our Website at, Email Tail Wags at [email protected] or call 703-348-7472. See our display ad on page 27. 5/15 DOG WALKING/PET SITTING: BONDED & INSURED w/ FREE CONSULTATION! Walking Paws Exceptional Pet Care @ 703-434-0910 or Be more productive at work and relaxed on vacations. Our pet sitting software supports a busy and changing schedule. 9/15 DOG WALKING/PET SITTING. Our 25th Year–, 571237-5813 , [email protected]. Puppies, Senior, Special Needs, and All Family Pets. Personalized, Professional, Fun! 5/15 DOG WALKING/PET SITTING: Decade plus of Midday Walks, Vacations/Holidays, Emergency, Medical. Bonded Insured, Licensed, References. Available 24/7 Personal Service Husband/Wife only. Animal Lovers Free. Consultation 703915-0006, [email protected]. 12/15 DOG WALKING/PET SITTING: Wag 4 Walks. BONDED & INSURED! FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION! Providing loving, reliable pet care services! @ www. or 571-338-9241. 5/15 DOGGY WALKS/PET CARE: Professional Care since 1998. Bonded/Insured. Becky’s Pet Care: Quality service from a trusted friend. $20 off first service. Code: KINGSTONIAN20., 703-822-0933. 12/15 MOBILE DOG GROOMING: Give your dog the royal treatment in my fully equipped mobile grooming salon. We come to your house. Call Zooming N Grooming today to schedule an appointment. www.ZoomingNGrooming. com. 703-919-7075. 1/19 PET CARE: Safe, dependable service while you’re away! Visit us on the Web: www. Tel. 703-348-7472. Let Your Dog’s Tail Wag On With Tail Wags PetCare! See our display ad on page 27. 5/15 PET SITTING / DOG WALKING: BONDED & INSURED w/FREE CONSULTATION! Walking Paws Exceptional Pet Care @ 703-434-0910 or We offer a wide range of affordable and reliable services that cater to your busy and changing schedule. 9/15 Mini Business Advertising PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICES Mini Business Ads – $45 & $90 WENDYX.COM Residential & Commercial Licensed, Bonded, Insured Order Form and Info: Contact Fran Poling, [email protected] • Residential Cleaning • dential & Commercial • Move Licensed, Bonded, Insured in - Move out • • Weekly • Bi-Weekly • • Monthly • One Time • tial Cleaning * Construction Cleaning * Move in-‐Move out Call Now for a FREE ESTIMATE! * Bi-‐Weekly * M571.332.0131 onthly * One Time NEW IMAGE HAIR SALON 378 S PICKETT ST, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22304 15%OFF ON MON - TUE - WED NAILS AND WAXING SERVICES NOT INCLUDED 703-751-7904 Call [email protected] s Now! 0131 email: [email protected] Could be Here for Only $45/month ProPLocate reaLty Licensed in VA and MD FuLL Service LiSting – 4.5% Kevin Ma, M.P.A., Realtor 703-919-7075 [email protected] WWW.ZOOMINGNGROOMING.COM Fluent in Vietnamese and Chinese Cell: 703-568-8581 Email: [email protected] PROFESSIONAL COURTEOUS CURBSIDE CARE B Y A P P O I N T M E N T O N LY MARK MEREDITH, Your Business Ad Home Repair and Projects LLC General Contracting Since 1979 We do everything! Mark E. Brown See our 5 Classified Ads under “Home Improvement” category on pages 32-34 Craftsman • Master Mason 703-715-6122 Masonry • Carpentry Drainage • Roofing 703-862-4450-Cell [email protected] MARKMEREDITH.COM 571-332-1080 [email protected] CHELSEA PAINT & PAPER Painting–Interior & Exterior Wallpapering • Decks Wash/Stain 25 Years Experience n Licensed & Insured References n Free Estimates Call Steve–571-216-9338 Email: [email protected] Licensed & Insured in VA L.R. BENNETT INC. Established 1984 • Class A Contractor Kitchens • Baths • Additions Plumbing • Heating • Cooling Randy Bennett, President and CEO 703-765-3543 Reasonable Rates • Free Estimates 703-765-7352 (fax) 703-924-3100 Winsor Tree Service • Family Owned & Operated • Licensed & Insured $25 Discount with this ad • Expert Trimming and Removals • Fences Built & Decks Repaired • Landscaping & Yard Spruce-Ups “All Phases of Tree Work” 703-346-7034 email: [email protected] Acclaimed Carpet Cleaning & Stretching 5 Rooms $138 • Power Carpet Stretching–Lifetime Guarantee 24/7 Emergency Water Damage Service 35 Years of Experience Including the Pentagon! Call 703-978-2270 E.J. Abrah am Electrical Ser vices, Ltd. I can light up your life! • No job too small! 3Having electrical problems? o 3Want o to do some home improvements? Call EJ at 703-402-4132 for a FREE Estimate 50+ Years Exp. • Reasonable Rates • Licensed & Insured angel’s landscaping SERVICE **Specializing in weekly mowing and lawn maintenance** • • • • Mowing, Edging & Blowing Mulching Bush and Tree Planting Spring Cleanups • • • • Aeration & Overseeding Year Round Fertilizing Tree & Stump Removal Gutter Cleaning 703-740-6282 Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Service Old & Young Pets / Exotics / Special Needs 571.237.5813 [email protected] May 2015 Community Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday THOMPSON CENTER SNYDER CENTER LOCATION CODES: LOCATION CODES: THB=Thompson Ballroom THO=Thompson Office THF=Thompson Center Fitness THP=Thompson Center Parking Lot SNB=Snyder Center Ballroom SFC=Snyder Fitness SNP=Snyder Pool STC=Snyder Tennis Courts 3 4 Wednesday Thursday 4-7 PM Farmers’ Market, p. 7 5 10 AM-12 PM Line Dancing Club (THB) 10:30 AM-noon Music Playgroup (SNB) 6 12 10:30-11:30 AM Moms Club West (SNB) 5:30 PM ARC Deadline (THO) 6:30-9 PM Chess Club (SOG) 17 18 24/31 Memorial Day Business Office Closed Kickoff Pool Party, May 24, p. 18 25 19 6:30-9 PM Chess Club (SOG) 26 6:30-9 PM Chess Club (SOG) 8 4-7 PM Farmers’ Market, p. 7 2 9 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) Kingstonian Deadline for June 2015 Issue 7 PM KROC Board Meeting (THO) 11 7 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) Yard Sale, see p. 7 SOG=South Center Great Room SOA=South Center Aerobics Studio SOP=South Center Pool SOL=South Center Lawn 7 PM Eton Sq. Mtg. (THB) 10-11:30 AM Moms Club East (SNB) Saturday 1 SOUTH CENTER LOCATION CODES: 6:30-9 PM Chess Club (SOG) 10 Friday 13 14 10 AM-12 PM Line Dancing Club (THB) 10:30 AM-noon Music Playgroup (SNB) 6:30-10 PM Bridge Club (SOG) 20 10 AM-12 PM Line Dancing 10:30 AM-noon Music Playgroup 7 PM Chancery BOD Mtg. (SNB 21 7 PM Stratford Place BOD Mtg. (THB) 6:45 PM Signs Public Hearing (THO), p. 11 7 PM ARC Meeting (THO) 27 15 4-7 PM Farmers’ Market, p. 7 28 10 AM-12 PM Line Dancing Club (THB) 10:30 AM-noon Music Playgroup (SNB) 6:30-10 PM Bridge Club (SOG) 7 PM FAC Mtg. (THO)” 22 4-7 PM Farmers’ Market, p. 7 16 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) 23 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) Pools Open! see p. 19 29 4-7 PM Farmers’ Market, p. 7 30 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) June 2015 Community Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 6:30-9 PM Chess Club (SOG) 2 7 PM Eton Sq. Mtg. (THB) 10 AM-12 PM Line Dancing Club (THB) 10:30 AM-noon Music Playgroup (SNB) Thursday 3 Friday 10-11:30 AM Moms Club East (SNB) 8 10:30-11:30 AM Moms Club West (SNB) 9 5:30 PM ARC Deadline (THO) 5 4-7 PM Farmers’ Market, p. 7 6 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) Kingstonian Deadline for July 2015 Issue since 7th falls on the weekend 7 PM KROC Board Meeting (THO) 7 Saturday 4 10 11 10 AM-12 PM Line Dancing Club (THB) 10:30 AM-noon Music Playgroup (SNB) 6:30-10 PM Bridge Club (SOG) 12 4-7 PM Farmers’ Market, p. 7 13 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) 6:30-9 PM Chess Club (SOG) 14 Page 32 Kingstonian 15 May 2015 16 6:30-9 PM Chess Club (SOG) 10 AM-12 PM Line Dancing Club (THB) 10:30 AM-noon Music Playgroup (SNB) 7 PM Chancery BOD Mtg. (SNB) 7 PM ARC Meeting (THO) 17 7 PM Stratford Place BOD Mtg. (THB) 18 19 4-7 PM Farmers’ Market, p. 7 Dive-In Movie-TBD (SNP) p. 18, with more details in June 20 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) King Centre Dental Expand Your Outdoor Living Space EXCELLENCE Since 1997, Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape has been designing, building and caring for landscapes to fit your lifestyle. With over a century of professional experience, our team takes pride in keeping promises. From our initial meeting to the completed project, we will treat you like royalty. “Emphasizing Excellence Every Day” A healthy mouth leads to whole Landscape Design | Patios | Walkways | Retaining Walls Planting | Masonry | Decks | Fences | Lighting | Drainage body health. Call or go online to schedule a consultation and quote. We would like to extend this invitation for ONE FREE CLEANING (PROPHY) 703.339.8706 With Your Dental EXAM ($125 VALUE). LAWN & LANDSCAPE Offer does not include any periodontal disease treatments. Visit our website for examples. 5695 King Centre Dr., Suite B-100, Alexandria VA 22315 H O N E S TY • I N T E G R I TY • D E D I C AT I O N Kingstowne Landscape AD 25135.indd 1 703-719-9824 Hablamos Español Visit us at 2/17/15 2:57 PM We Treat Your Home Like It’s Our Own! We treat every customer like they are part of our family. Other companies may offer similar services but our services come with a personal touch. additions • finished basements • flooring custom kitchens • custom bathrooms We Will Match Or Beat Any Qualified Contractor Price 703-599-0715 family owned and operated VA License #: 2705153626 SPRING SPRING SPECIAL SPECIAL $500 off any project over $5,000 J & T Home Design, LLC • 703-599-0715 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Expires June 2015. Multi-tasking by a single agent is overrated. With our team of specialists, marketing is done, photos are taken, signs are straightened, brochures are delivered, negotiations are handled, settlements are attended, paperwork is scrutinized, and, all the while, phones are answered by a live person and someone can show your home 7 days a week. Call Tom & Cindy and let our team of experts give you the exceptional service and attention to detail you deserve. [email protected] • 703-822-0207
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